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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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| QNotables | QNotables 2023 | QNotables 2022 | QNotables 2021 | QNotables 2020 | QNotables 2019 | QNotables 2018 |

File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

9cab3a No.51609 [View All]

19DEC23 to 23DEC23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 769 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9cab3a No.115516

File: 03a68a579965f7f⋯.png (335.97 KB,592x493,592:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d0306f02117616⋯.png (476.52 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119843 (231703ZDEC23) Notable: Alex Jones reacts to Bill Gates' bizarre answer to being asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

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Benny Johnson



reacts to Bill Gates' bizarre answer to being asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

0:24 / 2:22

6:00 AM ¡ Dec 22, 2023




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9cab3a No.115517

File: 3f00372b623b58f⋯.png (551.7 KB,790x581,790:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119852 (231707ZDEC23) Notable: Alex Jones reacts to Bill Gates' bizarre answer to being asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

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Rep. Tim (https://twitter.com/TimBurchett) Burchett (https://twitter.com/TimBurchett) exposes how government officials are BLACKMAILED:

"This is how it works: You're out of the country, out of town.. and some, whatever you're into—comes up to you, they're very attractive and laughing at your jokes. Next thing you know, you're in the hotel room with them naked. You're getting ready to make a key vote, and some well dressed person comes up and whispers in your ear, 'Hey man, there's tapes out on you, and you really ought not to be voting for this thing.'"

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9cab3a No.115518

File: 2fdda8b4b6c6efb⋯.png (284.72 KB,789x608,789:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119897 (231724ZDEC23) Notable: Michigan Democrat Prays To ‘Sexy Satanic Baphomet Goat Altar’

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9cab3a No.115519

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119924 (231736ZDEC23) Notable: Joe's policies did not age well for Hunter in the end

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9cab3a No.115520

File: d3ea230ed99b0f6⋯.jpeg (298.06 KB,1125x792,125:88,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: baab5dacfc035da⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1125x1653,375:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119960 (231752ZDEC23) Notable: Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

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9cab3a No.115521

File: afd4d4aaec2da58⋯.png (190.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119977 (231801ZDEC23) Notable: Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

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>>115466 (lb) Putin's Russia 'smuggling illegal immigrants into Europe with fake airline'

i was sayin' this whole time that poutine is not our ally, but our enemy. Q never mentioned specifically xi or poutine when mentioning china and russia helping to atomize the deep state.

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9cab3a No.115522

File: c629503e0558260⋯.png (347.11 KB,959x974,959:974,Clipboard.png)

File: a908259193e514b⋯.png (631.82 KB,1080x1033,1080:1033,Clipboard.png)

File: ded983b9d5166a5⋯.png (589 KB,1080x584,135:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119990 (231806ZDEC23) Notable: Busload of abandoned migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway

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Illegal alien knocks on my door I'm going to punch him in the throat and say get off off lawn Shitball.

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9cab3a No.115523

File: dc13cc9fd54704f⋯.png (336.38 KB,818x2224,409:1112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119993 (231806ZDEC23) Notable: Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

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9cab3a No.115524

File: 34a12d7d6c8188b⋯.gif (372.3 KB,250x128,125:64,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119998 (231808ZDEC23) Notable: Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

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yes, no exact mention of xi or poutine. autismo white hats everywhere.

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9cab3a No.115525

File: c019f1f83c557b1⋯.png (1.59 MB,1914x894,319:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120002 (231809ZDEC23) Notable: Planefags

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Jill and Hunter or Heels Up's fam?

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9cab3a No.115526

File: 85df18a8fb1ca3a⋯.png (1.66 MB,1916x895,1916:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120005 (231810ZDEC23) Notable: Planefags

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Must be Heels Up's fam

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9cab3a No.115527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120013 (231812ZDEC23) Notable: Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

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A clean house.

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9cab3a No.115528

File: 9fb7e41dbe4e2fb⋯.png (529.51 KB,624x625,624:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120015 (231813ZDEC23) Notable: The Roman Power Pyramid

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It is okay board MASON

you hated my graphic did you?

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9cab3a No.115529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120016 (231813ZDEC23) Notable: The Roman Power Pyramid

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Propaganda Due (Italian pronunciation: [propaˈɥanda ˈduːe]; P2) was a Masonic lodge, founded in 1877, within the tradition of Continental Freemasonry and under the authority of Grand Orient of Italy. Its Masonic charter was withdrawn in 1976, and it was transformed by Worshipful Master Licio Gelli into an international, illegal, clandestine, anti-communist, anti-Soviet, anti-Marxist, and radical right[1][2][3] criminal organization and secret society operating in contravention of Article 18 of the Constitution of Italy that banned all such secret associations.[4] Licio Gelli continued to operate the unaffiliated lodge from 1976 to 1984.[5] P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the collapse of the Holy See-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the contract killings of journalist Carmine Pecorelli and mobbed up bank president Roberto Calvi, and political corruption cases within the nationwide Tangentopoli bribery scandal. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire.[6]

P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state"[7] or a "shadow government".[8] The lodge had among its members prominent journalists, members of the Italian parliament, industrialists, and senior Italian military officers —including Silvio Berlusconi, who later became Prime Minister of Italy; the House of Savoy pretender to the Italian throne Prince Victor Emmanuel;[9] and the heads of all three Italian foreign intelligence services (at the time SISDE, SISMI, and CESIS). When searching Gelli's villa in 1982, police found a document which he had entitled "Plan for Democratic Rebirth", which called for a coup d'etat, the consolidation of the media, the suppression of Italian labor unions, and the rewriting of the Italian constitution.[10]Propaganda was founded in 1877, in Turin, as Propaganda Massonica. This lodge was frequented by politicians and government officials from across Italy who were unable to attend their own lodges and included prominent members of the Piedmont nobility. During its history, the lodge included important Italian figures, such as the poet Giosuè Carducci, politicians Francesco Crispi and Arturo Labriola and journalist Gabriele Galantara.[12] Propaganda Massonica was banned in 1925, alongside all other Masonic lodges and secret societies, by the Fascist regime.[13]

Following the end of World War II, Freemasonry became legal again and the lodge was reformed. The name was changed to Propaganda Due when the Grand Orient of Italy numbered its lodges. By the 1960s, the lodge was all but inactive, holding few meetings. This original lodge had little to do with the one Licio Gelli established in 1966, two years after becoming a Freemason.[14]

During the Cold War, Italian Freemasonry traditions of free-thinking under the Risorgimento transformed into fervent anti-communism. The increasing influence of the political left at the end of the 1960s had the Masons of Italy deeply worried. In 1971, Grand Master Lino Salvini of the Grand Orient of Italy—one of Italy's largest Masonic lodges—assigned to Gelli the task of reorganizing the lodge.[15]

Gelli took a list of "sleeping members"—members not invited to participate in Masonic rituals anymore, as Italian Freemasonry was under close scrutiny by Christian Democracy (DC) in power through the Pentapartito. From these initial connections, Gelli was able to extend his network throughout the echelons of the Italian establishment.[16]







this P?

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9cab3a No.115530

File: 89da7657fbdb958⋯.jpeg (580.31 KB,1222x611,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1a420f77d8f5819⋯.jpeg (440.22 KB,1204x610,602:305,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4400f7bd7688e52⋯.jpeg (271.71 KB,910x386,455:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120027 (231817ZDEC23) Notable: Planefags

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planeFag:Europe/Gulf/Med activity


Morocco AF FRV0303 737-800 departed Geneva after arriving Rabat depart

Italian AF IAM3195 Falcon 50 heading to Genoa but dunno from where as trace appears only over Adriatic heading NW

Was at Ankara,Turkey in 12/19 and back to Rome

Italian AF C-130 EN from Malbork, Poland

E10E4 USAF Learjet 35 EN from Ramstein AFB


Oman AF ORF05 A320 registered as Oman Royal Flight departed Basel,Switzerland back to Muscat

MOOSE95 C17 arrived at Doha,Qatar from northern Iraq

French AF CTM2094 A400m departed Beirut NW

IAF 272 707 Re’em tanker off shore of Gaza Strip as refueling platform

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9cab3a No.115531

File: eade85305ea6444⋯.png (48.28 KB,842x542,421:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aa9c1effa94935⋯.png (44.12 KB,842x542,421:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120029 (231818ZDEC23) Notable: Qpost Deltas: 5:5 | [GS] | GO | [#2] | NK / Iran | [i] | Eye on the [markers]

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Qpost Deltas: 5:5 | [GS] | GO | [#2] | NK / Iran | [i] | Eye on the [markers]


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9cab3a No.115532

File: cef8c21bed6f786⋯.png (296.49 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: bc1909794b0db45⋯.png (880.36 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120030 (231818ZDEC23) Notable: Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

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The fake airline is called South wind Airlines.

The CEO is Şükrü Can and it is based in Turkey.

The airline aims to prevent the loss of Russian tourists coming to Turkey following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[1] The airline received preclearance from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in June of that year.[2] The first commercial flight was flown to Perm on 12 August.

It looks to me that it is more likely to be a clown op rather than a Russian op.

Odd that this story broke at the same time French authorities discovered unaccompanied children on another airline flight from India to Nicaragua.

Is the Russian airline engaged in the same thing or is the story an attempt to deflect attention from the French story?



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9cab3a No.115533

File: d00a3cc3541a41a⋯.png (103.78 KB,800x883,800:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120044 (231821ZDEC23) Notable: Congressional Partisan Breakdown from New Hampshire

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9cab3a No.115534

File: eb2d8424932f941⋯.png (883.4 KB,1480x899,1480:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120051 (231822ZDEC23) Notable: Marsha Blackburn Grills Witness Over Dems' Soft-On-Crime Policies

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"BACKED BY SOROS" - Marsha Blackburn Grills Witness Over Dems' Soft-On-Crime Policies

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9cab3a No.115535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120058 (231824ZDEC23) Notable: Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

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Why do the White Hats allow all these immigrants into our Country at the border? Why does it always happen each year around the budget?

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9cab3a No.115536

File: 638a34fce1b3dd7⋯.jpeg (499.84 KB,1193x572,1193:572,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: adbbf4dfa685d05⋯.jpeg (509.8 KB,1154x583,1154:583,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc4a5698a82a249⋯.jpeg (557.22 KB,773x726,773:726,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120071 (231828ZDEC23) Notable: Planefags

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PlaneFag CONUS activity

EXEC1F C32A Flauxtus heading to Ft. Campbell,Ky

Jill Biden to visit Fort Campbell, Kentucky on Saturday


SAM655 G5 WS from JBA

Kuwait AF KAF3203 C17 WS

MOCHA34 E6B Mercury also SW from Pax River NAS

Not that hard to figure out who on EXEC1F

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9cab3a No.115537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120072 (231828ZDEC23) Notable: Busload of abandoned migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway

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DHS is the agency organizing and giving the illegals their paperwork telling them where to go. So the head honcho is Mayorkas who obviously lied on Oath about it.

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9cab3a No.115538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120075 (231830ZDEC23) Notable: Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

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Did you skip the part where the limosine liberals are losing their shit? Chicago all upset, New York City all upset, Colorado getting flooded. Almost as funny as watching the libtards in Martha's Vineyard be all about illegals until that busload showed up, then whoooosh, off to the Coast Guard base they went.

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9cab3a No.115539

File: 2cfce88befef32a⋯.png (222.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 18d8b3f3d4cb7a4⋯.png (192.25 KB,766x1822,383:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 20e850692002f31⋯.png (61.57 KB,766x584,383:292,Clipboard.png)

File: c1bb37a42fa47e2⋯.png (33.3 KB,766x408,383:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120080 (231830ZDEC23) Notable: Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

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16 posts containing DQ

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9cab3a No.115540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120109 (231838ZDEC23) Notable: Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

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he also posted that cleaner last year (or at least some long time ago) and gave it a name. if i remember right

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9cab3a No.115541

File: 1901a1b689d63b6⋯.png (555.77 KB,591x894,197:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120127 (231844ZDEC23) Notable: Jim Watkins: Grok is fun. Grok is prolific. It will take some time for Grok to surpass ChatGPT ...

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James Watkins


Grok is fun. Grok is prolific. It will take some time for Grok to surpass ChatGPT. At least Grok is not a fraud like Gemini.

It is at the level of AIProto when compared to Midjourney. It’s worth subscribing to because the alternative is owned by the censorship industrial complex.

Thank you for bringing it on Elon.



7:42 AM ¡ Dec 23, 2023




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9cab3a No.115542

File: f55448a256df028⋯.jpeg (648.88 KB,1184x587,1184:587,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 912d608572a0e1e⋯.jpeg (531.98 KB,1316x608,329:152,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120191 (231904ZDEC23) Notable: Planefags

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EXEC1F on final at Ft. Campbell,KY

>imagine that

CALM37 E6B Mercury departed MacDill AFB CENTCOM NW

Kuwait AF KAF3203 C17 heading to Charleston Intl

MOCHA34 E6B continues SW

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9cab3a No.115543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120205 (231908ZDEC23) Notable: Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

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EU and Russia being enemies was theatrics as Trump showed us already. Russia was selling gas to EU via Nordstream. They're the same entity.

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9cab3a No.115544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120208 (231909ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

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This is the slowest faggoty plan ever. A few people take it upon themselves to do what they want and everyone else is just sitting here confused and anxious waiting for something to happen. Having to listen to the same faggot narratives over and over, year after year. Trying to wake up sheep in the slowest dumbest way possible. FUCK YOUR RETARDED PLAN.

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9cab3a No.115545

File: c6536699dfceaf2⋯.png (728.78 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120218 (231912ZDEC23) Notable: IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

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IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

Just three days after launching the documentary “Let My People Go” on election integrity the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has sent a notice to former law professor David Clements demanding $19,368 from the 2021 tax year.

The attack is very reminiscent of the IRS going after journalist Matt Taibbi after he dropped the “Twitter Files” about the government’s collusion with Twitter. Like Clements, they investigated a tax return filed years prior in 2018.

Second, a fundraiser was set up on behalf of Clements with an outpouring of support from patriots across the country, in which the proceeds should have been treated as charitable donations for tax purposes. After consulting with a CPA, Clements agreed that the IRS would seek to treat the charitable donations as taxable income because of his political advocacy, but regardless he has not only been unemployed since November 2021, he has worked pro bono for over two years for election integrity and the cause of the J6 prisoners. Though unemployed, Clements had to pay the IRS over $86,000, while fending off complaints against his law license for standing up against the false narratives surrounding the rigged November 3, 2020 election.

The IRS shakedown follows a cyber-attack trying to disrupt the release of “Let My People Go.”

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Clements about how people could help.

“This Christmas we got an IRS demand to pay our government persecutors over $19,000. I’ve been paying taxes for nearly 30 years, and never had an audit, until the film was released. I don’t want people to send donations to my family, because the IRS will just take a third and then attack good people. If people want to help, watch the movie that caused the IRS to come after me, and share it far and wide. Until the word gets out and people stand up, the government will continue to make our lives difficult.”


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9cab3a No.115546

File: 6b05304e3c4f3f7⋯.jpg (23.02 KB,720x521,720:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120243 (231918ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

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Anons slowly waking up normies. Feds having strokes every time they get called out. Media Matters and ShareBlue bigger turnover than Walmart. MSM getting smacked down every time they try to spread bullshit.

Memes, boobs, and the occasional orbs. Kinda like an R-rated Six Flags, but with free admission

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9cab3a No.115547

File: b27ee7dbbc415e1⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120246 (231920ZDEC23) Notable: Busload of abandoned migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway

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Busload of migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway wrapped in blankets after being abandoned at gas station and told they were in Chicago - when they were still 60 MILES away


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9cab3a No.115548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120252 (231922ZDEC23) Notable: ‘More Broken Promises’ — Sunak’s Government Waters Down Restrictions on Chain Family Migration

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‘More Broken Promises’ — Sunak’s Government Waters Down Restrictions on Chain Family Migration

The Conservative in-name-only government of Rishi Sunak has been accused of “more broken promises” by Brexit leader Nigel Farage after the Home Office quietly watered down plans to raise the salary threshold requirements for chain migration.

On Thursday, junior Home Office minister Andrew Sharpe revealed in a written answer to Parliament that the government would not immediately raise the minimum salary required for naturalised migrants or other Britons to bring foreign members of their family to the UK on visas to £38,700, as the government had announced earlier this month. Instead, Sharpe said, the government would raise the income requirements “in incremental stages to give predictability”.

The Home Office said that it will seek to increase the threshold for chain migration from ÂŁ18,600 to ÂŁ29,000 by sometime in the spring with supposed plans to raise it again at a later date so far not disclosed to the public.


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9cab3a No.115549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120262 (231924ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

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So fucking slow. I'm about to have 2 children and this plan will still be happening. It would have been way faster to burn down all the shit institutions and banks and rebuilt.





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9cab3a No.115550

File: 660245c5556686c⋯.png (48.11 KB,539x580,539:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120272 (231928ZDEC23) Notable: Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

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9cab3a No.115551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120276 (231930ZDEC23) Notable: Monsanto ordered to pay $857 million to 7 people who got sick from PCB exposure in a Washington school

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Monsanto ordered to pay $857 million to 7 people who got sick from PCB exposure in a Washington school

Monsanto, the agrochemical company that is now owned by German pharmaceutical company Bayer, was ordered by a jury in Washington State to pay $857 million to seven individuals connected to a Seattle area school who became ill due to exposure to chemicals known as PCBs that leaked from light fixtures.

The jury determined that the company should be held liable for selling the chemicals that were used at the school because they were unsafe and did not come with sufficient warnings. The amount of the verdict includes $784 million in punitive damages as well as $73 million of compensatory damages to the victims. Each victim will receive a various amount of compensation and $112 million in punitive damages.

The lawsuit was related to exposure at the Sky Valley Education Center in Monroe, Washington. Two parent volunteers and five former students say that they developed health concerns related to their neurological and endocrine systems as a result of the exposure.

PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, were used in the past for insulating electrical equipment. They were also used in common products such as paint, floor finish, carbon copy paper and caulking. After they were linked to cancer, the U.S. government banned them in 1979.

However, the chemicals remain present in the environment and are known as "forever chemicals" because they break down extremely slowly. They also accumulate in the environment and have been found in meat and fish used for human consumption. They are especially harmful to children, which is why their use in schools is so concerning. Roughly 55,000 schools were constructed in the peak decades of the production of this chemical, and Monsanto was its only commercial manufacturer.


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9cab3a No.115552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120287 (231932ZDEC23) Notable: Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

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you do not have to keep walking in darkness year after year, see darkness ends with every mornings sun, the fact you choose a lifetime of darkness is exactly why you work to keep others in the dark.

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9cab3a No.115553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120296 (231934ZDEC23) Notable: Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

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It's not for the people that are already awake on 8kun, it's for the sheeplike people that took the COVID vax.

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9cab3a No.115554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120311 (231938ZDEC23) Notable: Chinese-linked firm building near US military bases

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Chinese-linked firm building near US military bases: Report

A new report claims a firm owned by a Chinese company that is planning to construct a manufacturing facility near multiple U.S. military bases in the Midwest has well-established ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

According to a report by The Daily Caller, which is based on research by Heritage Action and The Heritage Foundation Oversight Project, Cnano Technology USA Inc. (Cnano USA) is planning to build a 333,000-square-foot facility located in Johnson County, Kansas. The facility will be used to manufacture parts used in electric vehicles batteries and other products.

The Daily Caller reported that the new $95 million manufacturing facility will be located roughly 35 miles from Fort Leavenworth and about 70 miles from Whiteman Air Force Base.

Cnano USA is owned by C-Nano Technology Co., Ltd., which was launched by Cnano Jiangsu Technology Co., Ltd. (Cnano Jiangsu), a China-based organization, according to an annual report published by Cnano Jiangsu in 2022.

The Daily Caller reported that Cnano Jiangsu’s 2022 social responsibility report shows that dozens of CCP members are employed by the company. Additionally, the company’s website shows it has “undertaken a number of national 863” projects, which The Daily Caller said is a reference to a program by the Chinese government that has been accused of being used to steal U.S. technology.

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), the chairman of the House Select Committee on the CCP, told The Daily Caller that the company’s ties to China are concerning.

“Just ask yourself the question: can Americans buy land in China near its military bases? Of course, the answer is no,” Gallagher stated. “It is a bad, bad idea to let the CCP or CCP-affiliated entities buy land near military bases in the U.S. We cannot allow the CCP to collect valuable intelligence here at home that they might leverage in the event of a crisis.”

Mike Howell, The Heritage Foundation Oversight Project’s director, told The Daily Caller that Americans “deserve to know” whether companies owned by foreign entities that are expanding their presence in U.S. communities are “operating in good faith or aiming to advance the interests of communist regimes.”

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) expressed his concerns to The Daily Caller regarding Cnano USA’s plan to build a manufacturing facility in the state of Kansas.

“When this was brought to our attention, we alerted the Kansas Bureau of Investigations (KBI) and asked them to review this company and its origins,” Marshall explained. “I look forward to their findings and want to know what guardrails are in place to ensure our national security is prioritized above all else.”

Former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Cella also provided a statement to The Daily Caller, warning against Chinese companies that are developing a presence in the United States. Cella claimed that while the deals may “appear benign” at first, they are “perilous and need to be engaged transparently.” The former U.S. Ambassador said the deals should be subjected to “strict scrutiny and due diligence,” adding, “We are involved in a second Cold War now with China.”


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9cab3a No.115555

File: 25e1b1adac76683⋯.jpeg (595.58 KB,828x707,828:707,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120313 (231939ZDEC23) Notable: Japan strives to control debt in face of rising rates

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Japan strives to control debt in face of rising rates

[deflation and lower energy costs are saving ass right nao-that is finite and the LDP is on life support and Kishida has sacked 12 ministers trying to continue covering for Unification Church political control-at some point it’s going to break and I’d look for some shakeup in the Imperial Family (Hapsburg descendants from Meiji era 1868-1912 marry in) is coming because that is who is in control-these politicians are just taking orders as it’s a train wreck and usually they arrest it (by resigning or calling elections that produce the selected result) before it gets to this level but nope-it appears Kishida is the designated fall guy for the LDP destruction cuz 26% (and could go lower on the next release) approval rate is worse than Potato]

Japan's finance minister on Friday said he would strive to contain the risk of runaway debt after unveiling an annual budget as speculation mounts the central bank will shift away from more than two decades of ultra-easy monetary policy. The world's third-largest economy is under pressure to restore its fiscal health after prolonged stimulus and spending worsened a national debt that is the heaviest in the industrialized world.

In calculating borrowing costs, the government adopted a higher interest rates estimate - 1.9% from the current 1.1% - in the budget plan for the coming fiscal year, which would mark the first increase in 17 years. “When we return to life with interest rates, and if interest rates continue to rise to push up interest payments, that could affect fiscal management, squeezing policy outlay," Shunichi Suzuki told reporters after the government crafted the fiscal 2024/25 budget.

"The government needs to minimize such risks. To achieve that, we must limit bond issuance and curb interest payments for the future through efforts such as securing stable funding sources and strike a balance in compiling budgets." The budget for the fiscal year that starts in April is estimated at 112.07 trillion yen ($787 billion), down 2% from the current year's initial amount of 114.4 trillion yen. The budget is still above 110 trillion yen for two straight years, inflated by the cost of military outlay to deal with threats from China and North Korea and welfare costs for Japan's ageing population. The plan shows its debt dependence at 31.2%,meaning new bond sales account for one third of the budget.More than two decades of super-low interest rates have loosened fiscal discipline in a country whose public debt is more than double the size of the economy as a result of rounds of fiscal stimulus.

"The bulk of spending cuts comes from reduction of COVID-led emergency reserves. Excluding such factors, spending reform made little headway," Takahide Kiuchi, economist at Nomura Research Institute, said. “Policymakers must have a sense of crisis and guide responsible fiscal policy as the Bank of Japan normalizes monetary policy. Unexpected rate rises would further aggravate public finances." The higher assumed rates would push up debt-servicing costs to 27 trillion yen in fiscal 2024/25, up 7% from this year. Analysts say it is unlikely Japan will meet its aim of getting the primary budget balance, excluding new bond sales and debt servicing costs, into the black by the fiscal year-end in March 2026. “What's important is to present a credible plan to restore public finances even if it causes a delay in achieving the target," Takuya Hoshino, senior economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute, said.

"I think they are going to review the target sooner or later," Hoshino said. "They would likely delay the PB target." [good luck with that as you aren’t ever gonna get in front of this since you own the markets and stopping that would destroy them-so yet another YE window dressing exercise]


Japan Falls to 30th in Labor Productivity among 38 OECD Countries


All pb

>>115290 pb BOJ Holds Record 54% of JGBs at End-Sept.

>>114523, >>114524 pb MktFag Op. Ed. Yen reverses downtrend as policy rates of BOJ and Fed set to move closer

>>113321, >>113322, >>113323 MktFag: The Basis Trade: US Treasuries, Arbitrage, Hedge Funds, and Leverage-how it may affect you

>>112655, >>>/qresearch/20043121 pb Yen reaches crossroads as BOJ explores end to negative rates

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9cab3a No.115556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120324 (231941ZDEC23) Notable: Running for his old seat, Tom Suozzi visits Israel, calls for destroying Hamas

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Running for his old seat, ex-NY Congressman visits Israel, calls for destroying Hamas

To have another pro-Israel Republican doesn’t help much, argues Tom Suozzi, whose opponent is ex-IDF paratrooper and mother of 7. ‘You need strong, outspoken pro-Israel Democrats’

On Thursday, just under two months ahead of a special election to replace disgraced former congressman George Santos as representative of New York’s 3rd congressional district, Democrat Tom Suozzi flew to Israel to express solidarity as part of a campaign increasingly focused on which candidate is more supportive of Jerusalem’s war against Hamas.

Suozzi is hoping to get his old job back after quitting the seat in an unsuccessful bid for governor last year, but first he has to defeat Republican contender Mazi Melesa Pilip, an Ethiopian-born Orthodox Jewish mother of seven who served as a paratrooper in the Israeli army before becoming a Nassau County legislator.

Pilip, 44, has taken a prominent role in campaigning against the spike in antisemitism in New York following the brutal October 7 onslaught in which Hamas-led terrorists killed 1,200 people in southern Israel and Israel’s subsequent war on Hamas in Gaza.

For his part, Suozzi has a history of speaking out on antisemitism and was one of the drivers behind a 2018 bill allowing for sanctions on terror groups that use civilians as human shields, and “both candidates have reflected the overwhelming bipartisan support for Israel’s fight to remove Hamas from Gaza,” an AIPAC spokesperson recently told the Politico website.

“I wanted to demonstrate my solidarity with Israel and with the Jewish people throughout the world through these difficult times,” Suozzi told The Times of Israel on Saturday evening, the final night of his trip.


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9cab3a No.115557

File: 64bcd0fa982cea8⋯.png (2.66 MB,1123x1600,1123:1600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120327 (231942ZDEC23) Notable: (Oct 6, 1940) New World Order Pledged To Jews

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9cab3a No.115558

File: e74ddd31c9ba22c⋯.png (198.32 KB,660x646,330:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120332 (231943ZDEC23) Notable: Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

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To solve the problem you gotta let the issue get fat and make it an elephant in the room.

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9cab3a No.115559

File: b3b879d21c507af⋯.png (384.97 KB,551x502,551:502,Clipboard.png)

File: 3542f996b8bf5b6⋯.png (396.34 KB,548x522,274:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120339 (231944ZDEC23) Notable: Fox News Shills John Fetterman Over His Support for Israel: 'Gives Me Hope for This Country'

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Fox News Shills John Fetterman Over His Support for Israel: 'Gives Me Hope for This Country'

From Mediaite, "Fox & Friends Hosts Hail John Fetterman: 'Gives Me Hope For This Country' ":

In an interview with the New York Times this week, Fetterman condemned "purity tests" he said progressives impose on Democrats, pointing specifically to his support for Israel and push to secure the southern border.

"It's just a place where I'm not. I don't feel like I've left the label; it's just more that it's left me," Fetterman told the Times. "I'm not critical if someone is a progressive. I believe different things."

"Two people have given me hope for this country," Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade said Friday morning, citing Bill Maher pointing to his strong support for Israel and cracking down on immigration and crime in the United States and Fetterman, for similar reasons.

"It's weird to see this transition because I find myself every single week retweeting something that Fetterman has said," Lawrence Jones said. "He has been very supportive of Israel."

The way Sen. Fetterman lied to his voters to get elected and then sold them out to a foreign power is so heckin' based!


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9cab3a No.115560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120369 (231954ZDEC23) Notable: Biden Signs New US Sanctions Targeting Russia's Defense Industry

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Biden Signs New US Sanctions Targeting Russia's Defense Industry

U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday to bolster U.S. sanctions against financial institutions that aid Russia's defense industry in its war against Ukraine. The order allows the U.S. Treasury to target banks in countries like China, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere that may be helping Russia evade sanctions.

The U.S. expects financial institutions to ensure that they "are not witting or unwitting facilitators" of the Russian military, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement Friday about the new executive order.

Most major financial institutions are adhering to U.S. sanctions aimed at preventing Russia from acquiring materials needed for its war effort, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said in a TV interview Friday on CNBC.

The executive order was signed days after the European Union adopted its 12th round of sanctions against Russia, which included dozens of companies and individuals linked to Russian aggression against Ukraine, a ban on Russian diamonds, and tighter controls on the $60-per-barrel oil price cap.

The order comes as the Kremlin is trying to restock the Russian military's depleted arsenal after nearly 22 months of fighting in Ukraine. Russia has lost more than 13,000 pieces of equipment, including tanks, drones and missile systems.

Russia hit back against Washington's sanctions, saying they could lead to a rupture of diplomatic ties between Russia and the U.S.

The United States "must not act under an illusion ... that Russia is clinging with both hands to diplomatic relations with that country," the Interfax news agency quoted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying Friday.

Some Western politicians are urging that frozen Russian assets worth about $300 billion be given to Ukraine to help rebuild its war-shattered economy.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters Friday that any such move would impair the global financial system.

He said Russia would "never leave in peace" any country that seized its assets, and in such a scenario it would take retaliatory measures confiscating any Western assets it could.


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9cab3a No.115561

File: cd98af99d72f652⋯.png (462.04 KB,518x406,37:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120370 (231954ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

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Its easy to poke little holes when youre inside the ship.

The disconnect with consuming information is hard to understand and rationalize at times.

Certain story's might set you off, or things that happen to you IRL causes you to be angry.

You have to get rid of the idea that, things need to be this way because you say or think so, even if your observations might have a little bit of truth from your own point of view.

It took me some time to figure it out too, i would just say to you expand your thinking.

Oh it is fucking happening by the way!

It will be better seeing the way this ship turns around than just putting the blocks back in their proper order, which will eventually happen.

Long live the Republic of the Untied States.

Popcorn up!

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9cab3a No.115562

File: 9b8b6687f9ff09f⋯.jpg (117.41 KB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120374 (231955ZDEC23) Notable: To those whom believing in the wild brainless theory that Putin is a 'White Hat' and on the side of Freedom & Liberty...

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To: Those whom believing in the wild brainless theory that Putin is a 'White Hat' and on the side of Freedom & Liberty; think again after reading this. Moscow is in bed and in league with China to impose the evil Social ID Banking Credit Scoring System. Those that are for this are against us all. Russians have a rude awakening coming. They think that the US imposed sanctions are rough, they ought to wait until their own imprisonment sanction imposed upon them by their own become reality very soon.Russians will be fighting themselves and their own government in Moscow.

Moscow to prioritize Davos-endorsed plan to cattle-tag the planet

Source: Russian President Vladimir Putin


“Digital public infrastructure” is a friendly space lizard euphemism for “you will be cattle-tagged and you will like it.” Probably you’ve read about the joys of DPI while browsing the websites of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other benevolent reservoirs of international altruism dedicated to creating a safe, convenient, equitable, inclusive, and extremely sustainable world.


READ MORE HERE: (FREE READ): https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/moscow-to-prioritize-davos-endorsed?r=15g4bn&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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9cab3a No.115563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120425 (232009ZDEC23) Notable: To those whom believing in the wild brainless theory that Putin is a 'White Hat' and on the side of Freedom & Liberty...

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>Moscow to prioritize Davos-endorsed plan to cattle-tag the planet

Among other things ....
















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9cab3a No.115564

File: 4c2e824f0df872a⋯.png (185.58 KB,1109x897,1109:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 746205c91bdb0c0⋯.png (68.02 KB,898x694,449:347,Clipboard.png)

File: cbb1ad74be6f4d4⋯.png (72.71 KB,871x473,871:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120427 (232009ZDEC23) Notable: The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

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Fraud vitiates everything post fraud..


What date and lawful time would we go back too?

Let's agree with that first, before we settle for less than lawful.

so it needs to be when the laws of the land had Quorum, with a 10,000 per eligible voter representative that appointed state senators, had ratified and cured, and did not contradict the constitution.

Like what maybe as late as 1853?

Trump could have not signed many EO's from known previous corrupt presidents of fraud, but he wanted to use those powers also.

So we wait for another election to vote harder to prove we want more law.

Peace & Security


maybe understand the Pendulum

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9cab3a No.115565

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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