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f6bad1 No.51592 [Last50 Posts]

25OCT23 to 28OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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f6bad1 No.102048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799700 (251646ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz: McCarthy Camp Sabotaged Mike Johnson’s Speaker Vote To Protect DC Cartel

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This is great, McCarthy got exposed and vanquished yesterday. All his plots to sabotage everyone got revealed. And now the Conference knows his dirty tricks. Mike Johnson should be speaker according to Gaetz.

This makes me happy!

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f6bad1 No.102049

File: fc819576a581ec4⋯.png (65.19 KB,878x515,878:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799723 (251649ZOCT23) Notable: Schiffy Schiff on Johnson

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Adam Schiff


You might be Googling who Mike Johnson is this morning.

Let me make it simple:

Johnson is a hard-right, pro-Trump, leading election denier in the House.

Sadly, this is what passes for Speaker material in the Republican conference.

11:59 AM · Oct 25, 2023





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f6bad1 No.102050

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799751 (251653ZOCT23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Iran Is Infiltrating The Highest Levels Of Our Government

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Kash Patel: How Iran Is Infiltrating The Highest Levels Of Our Government


43 minutes ago


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f6bad1 No.102051

File: e2a949789abffad⋯.png (169.79 KB,1346x916,673:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799783 (251658ZOCT23) Notable: If you look up Mike Johnson on liberty score - he gets a 'C' rating. Almost every time time he voted anti-conservative - it was about funding.

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If you look up Mike Johnson on liberty score - he gets a 'C' rating.

Almost every time time he voted anti-conservative - it was about funding.

He is a big spender.


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f6bad1 No.102052

File: 9fc8b52fb8e9766⋯.jpeg (678.95 KB,828x1408,207:352,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3c65407c412d892⋯.png (1.08 MB,946x549,946:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799820 (251704ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on those Skyz

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USAFSOC 11-3104 Dornier 328 NW from Barbados depart

PAT682 NW from St Croix

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f6bad1 No.102053

File: 0e74d76740baaca⋯.png (713.06 KB,1150x883,1150:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799824 (251706ZOCT23) Notable: Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

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Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election

Jake Tapper Daniella Diaz

By Jake Tapper, Kristin Wilson and Daniella Diaz, CNN

2 minute read

Updated 2:10 PM EST, Wed December 9, 2020

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana, a close ally of President Donald Trump, sent an email from a personal email account to every House Republican soliciting signatures for an amicus brief in the longshot Texas lawsuit seeking to invalidate electoral college votes from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The email said Trump is “anxiously awaiting the final list” to see who signs on to the amicus brief.

The amicus brief is related to an application from Texas to the Supreme Court to start a lawsuit against the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, the four battleground states President-elect Joe Biden won in the 2020 election.

One House Republican told CNN he was put off by the Johnson email.

“Are we the party of list-making now?” the member asked.

Attorney George Conway, once a candidate for solicitor general for the Trump administration before becoming a prominent critic, said Tuesday there was no merit to the suit and described the effort as “the most insane thing yet.”

“For a member of the Supreme Court Bar to do this in the Supreme Court of the United States is absolutely outrageous,” Conway said on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” in reference to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seeking to block election results. “It’s absurd and an embarrassment. And for a public official, let alone any lawyer, let alone any member of the Supreme Court Bar, to bring this lawsuit is atrocious.”

Johnson confirmed the email to CNN in a statement.

“Most of my Republican colleagues in the House, and countless millions of our constituents across the country, now have serious concerns with the integrity of our election system,” Johnson said. “The purpose of our amicus brief will be to articulate this concern and express our sincere belief that the great importance of this issue merits a full and careful consideration by the Court.”

Johnson also tweeted about the brief.

“Today I made arrangements to file an amicus brief in the Texas case now pending at the Supreme Court on behalf of House Republicans who are all deeply concerned about the integrity of our election system,” he wrote. “Also today, my friend, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, agreed to join our state as a party to the case in support of Texas. Stay tuned for big developments.”

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f6bad1 No.102054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799846 (251710ZOCT23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Iran Is Infiltrating The Highest Levels Of Our Government

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Suspicion surrounds ex-Iran envoy Rob Malley after Israel attack: ‘Worst State Department scandal’

Josh Christenson

The Biden administration’s former special envoy to Iran, who was placed on leave earlier this year for allegedly mishandling classified material, should face “extensive scrutiny” for his “permissive” stance toward the Tehran regime after it aided Hamas and Hezbollah in carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel, critics said Monday.

“Rob Malley deserves extensive scrutiny — yesterday, today and tomorrow,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told The Post after the Wall Street Journal reported that officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps planned and signed off on this weekend’s atrocity that killed at least 900.

“These reports could not be more concerning, and they hint at what could be the worst State Department scandal since Alger Hiss,” Issa added.

“Malley and others created an incredibly permissive environment for Hamas, for Iran, to do all these things,” added Gabriel Noronha, a former special adviser on Iran at the State Department.

Noronha, who served under former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saidMalley and his negotiating team “purposefully funneled billions of dollars to [Iran] through lack of sanctions enforcement and provision of sanctions reliefthat has given them somewhere between $50 [billion] and $80 billion over the last two and a half years.”

A senior House Republican aide told The Post that the cash influx followed an even more generous payout of $1.7 billion that the Obama administration made to Iran in 2016, eventually contributing to Saturday’s attack that triggered the Jewish state’s first declaration of war in 50 years.

“There is a straight line from Obama’s giveaway to Iran, to Biden’s enriching of Iran — to Iran’s war on Israel,” the aide said.

Noronha also noted the Biden administration had allowed for “an enormous deterrence failure” by undertaking just four operations against Iran-backed terror groups after allowing the regime and its proxies to carry out 83 attacks of their own against US forces.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had revealed the muted US response to Iran-backed attacks in Senate testimony earlier this year.

On Saturday, Hamas terrorists launched the largest-scale offensive against Israel since the 1973 Yom Kippur War, firing thousands of rockets into the Jewish state and engaging in a multi-front armed invasion to kill and capture civilians.

At least 900 Israelis have been killed, thousands wounded and approximately 150 taken hostage.

The death toll includes 11 Americans, with President Biden admitting Monday afternoon that US citizens were “likely” among those kidnapped and held in Gaza.

Noronha pointed out that under the Trump administration, the US did not distinguish “between the Iranian regime killing Americans and the regime’s proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, killing Americans.”

“Either way, we would treat that as attacks by the Iranian government itself — and respond accordingly,” he said. “So now, [11] Americans, at least, are dead. Maybe a dozen-plus are being held hostage.

“There is a temptation by this administration — and they’ve been very clear — they’ve been trying to pretend this isn’t their problem,” Noronha concluded. “And the reason they’re doing that is because they don’t want their Iran policy to get screwed.”

Malley was quietly placed on unpaid leave in June for his handling of “protected material,” but the State Department has refrained from sharing the nature of the allegations with Congress.

In August, an Iranian media outlet leaked a memo from Erin Smart, director of the Office of Personnel Security and Suitability in the department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, outlining “serious security concerns” with his actions.

The FBI has an “ongoing” investigation into the matter, according to the State Department.

Last month, another trove of leaked files revealed that three top aides to Malley were tied to a secretive influence operation by Tehran’s Foreign Ministry, according to internal Iranian government correspondence and emails reviewed by Semafor.

Noronha called the allegations against Malley “deeply troubling” but said details were scarce about his alleged breaches of US security protocols.

Defense hawks have also criticized Malley, who served an adviser on Iran policy under former President Barack Obama, for recently surfaced remarks in support of Hamas and Hezbollah.

“It’s a mistake to only think of them in terms of their terrorist violence dimension,” Malley said in a 2008 interview. “It has a charity organization, a social branch; it’s not something you can defeat militarily either and people need to understand that.”…


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f6bad1 No.102055

File: 57f4919a9108735⋯.png (593.29 KB,598x734,299:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 4130f6538d0faa7⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB,3852x2934,214:163,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799854 (251711ZOCT23) Notable: Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

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>Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election

Rep. Mike Johnson


Today I made arrangements to file an amicus brief in the Texas case now pending at the Supreme Court on behalf of House Republicans who are all deeply concerned about the integrity of our election system...


10:41 PM · Dec 8, 2020

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f6bad1 No.102056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799872 (251713ZOCT23) Notable: Hurricane Otis makes landfall in Mexico as Category 5 storm

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MSNBC saying this is going to be a catastrophic humanitarian disaster - so alerting the foundations that lots of money soon available to be stolen as well as children and some ocean front property just became available. Thanks to the weather gods.

How Hurricane Otis went from a tropical storm to a Category 5 in 24 hours - MSNBC

Hurricane Otis hit Mexico as one of the strongest storms in the country’s history, knocking out power and internet service with 165 mph winds. NBC News’ Bill Karins describes how the storm developed in 24 hours and how the hurricane could cause extreme damage.


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f6bad1 No.102057

File: 4b0f8ef1e33a510⋯.jpeg (93.88 KB,705x475,141:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 913125bc7e847ae⋯.webp (42.26 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799896 (251718ZOCT23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Iran Is Infiltrating The Highest Levels Of Our Government

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Kash’s article from yesterday

How Iran Is Infiltrating the Highest Levels of Our Government

Kash Patel October 24, 20231/2

As I wrote in my op-ed a few weeks backabout the intelligence-collection priority decisions of the Biden administration that amounted to a monumental failure in the defense of our nation, those same decisions have led to the installment of Iranian infiltration at the highest levels of the U.S. national security apparatus.

Let’s start with the Iranian influencer installed at the highest ranks of the Pentagon. Ariane Tabatabai, an Iranian-American, is currently serving as the chief of staff to the assistant secretary of Defense for special operations. As reported last month by Semafor, Tabatabai, on multiple occasions, requested guidance from the Iranian Foreign Ministry dating back to at least 2014—the emails themselves are now public—when operating inside of the U.S. supposedly for our best interests.

As the former chief of staff for the Department of Defense (DoD) myself during the Trump administration, anyone caught seeking permission and guidance from the world’s largest state sponsor of terror would’ve been fired and relationships with the government terminated. In the Biden administration, she is rewarded. The Pentagon’s assistant secretary of Defense for legislative affairs (responsible for all of DoD’s engagements with Congress), Rheanne Wirkkala, issued a statement just last week, clearing Tabatabai of any wrongdoing. It’s confounding that Wirkkala, a former top aide to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)—a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and co-author of the now debunked Schiff memo—can justify anything given her own massive failures in putting out the truth. So, how did Tabatabai rise to such a senior rank, holding some of the highest security clearances in government? Who was her benefactor? I’ll get to that. As of today, she still has access to our nation’s most sensitive intel, leading special operations at DoD.

Enter Maher Bitar, senior director for intelligence programs on Joe Biden’s National Security Council (NSC) since 2021. The primary purpose of his post is to head up the intelligence-collection priorities at the White House. Bitar is a Palestinian sympathizer who has previously worked for Samantha Powers at the State Department, was general counsel to Rep. Schiff on HPSCI, and was the other co-author of the falsified Schiff memo (see a pattern?). Before entering senior governmental positions, Bitar served as the executive director of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which, among other pro-Palestinian advocacy, supported convicted terrorist Leila Khaled to raise money for their causes (as reported by Revolver). After Hamas launched its war against Israel, the SJP called it a “historic win”—for Hamas. Don’t believe anything I’ve said? Fine, look at this photo—the writing’s on the wall. That’s Bitar front and center.

Bitar still maintains the highest security clearance at Biden’s White House and continues to be responsible for establishing intelligence-collection priorities. Still wondering how the Biden administration “missed” the attack on Israel? …


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f6bad1 No.102058

File: 747dcb0d4058233⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x567,1024:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799903 (251718ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz: McCarthy Camp Sabotaged Mike Johnson’s Speaker Vote To Protect DC Cartel

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Remarkable Details – Matt Gaetz Gives Details of Backroom Machiavelli Tactics Triggered by Kevin McCarthy During House GOP Conference


October 25, 2023

This is deep weeds inside baseball, but boy howdy does it tell a story. Representative Matt Gaetz (MAGA, FL) goes through the details of yesterday’s House republican conference assembly as they select a Speaker nominee.

What Gaetz reveals in detail is how Kevin McCarthy has been working the conference to undermine any other Speaker candidate so that McCarthy would be renominated as the only possible alternative. The insight and details are fascinating. This is a must-watch.

Rep. Gaetz: McCarthy Camp Sabotaged Mike Johnson’s Speaker Vote To Protect DC Cartel


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f6bad1 No.102059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799910 (251720ZOCT23) Notable: Kash Patel: How Iran Is Infiltrating The Highest Levels Of Our Government

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How Iran Is Infiltrating the Highest Levels of Our Government


Finally (well, as far as this article goes), there’s Robert Malley, known for his tenure in the Obama NSC (along with Bitar) and as one of the primary architects of the Iran Deal, the JCPOA. He and Bitar crossed paths, literally, in the Obama State Department, working on Middle East policy. Biden appointed Malley his special presidential envoy to Iran in 2021. This role commands the massive authority to establish American policy toward Iran—across the board. Malley hired Tabatabai into his Iran shop in Biden’s State Department and later sent her on to her current role. Semafor has recently revealed her decade-long relationship with the “Iran Experts Initiative” (a known Iran foreign ministry arm for covert operations), seeding Iranian nationals worldwide to advance Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s maniacal regime. Recently, the FBI suspended Malley’s top secret security clearance for “mishandling classified documents” (no further details provided). Shortly thereafter, he was put on a “leave of absence” by the State Department.

As I discuss in my new book, “Government Gangsters,” there are no coincidences in government. This sequence of events and personnel decisions led directly to the Hamas invasion, and war on Biden’s watch would have been included in the pages of the book. But the Biden administration blocked its release for nearly a year and froze my manuscript. I had to file a federal lawsuit just to get it to print. No coincidences.

When you couple the de-prioritization of collecting intelligence against Iran with Iranian sympathizers in senior government positions, one can no longer be surprised by the outcome. We now have the following in 2023 America: Iran has established direct communications to the Biden administration. These individuals are responsible for protecting America and our allies against Iran and preventing them from securing weapons-grade nuclear material for a bomb. Do you have confidence in a team whose leader can’t properly handle classified documents (the irony of Biden’s Corvette is not lost on me), where the head of intelligence has publicly demonstrated his proclivity for terror-affiliated groups while lying to the world with Adam Schiff, and someone who seeks permission from Iran’s foreign ministry when deciding how to “best” protect America?

It is incumbent upon our government to demonstrate to the American public and the world that these are mere coincidences. Congress must get the underlying documents and publicize all communications between these individuals and all Iran-affiliated groups. Suspensions without details, internal government hall passes, and bankrupt media are not to be relied upon. In fact, they have shown themselves to conspire together and be quite the opposite. For America’s sake, I hope I’m wrong, but if the truth is any indicator of the future, I am in deep fear for our safety.

(Shorter paragraphs Kash, please)

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f6bad1 No.102060

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799937 (251725ZOCT23) Notable: AG Ken Paxton Sues Federal Government For Destruction Of Texas’ Border Protection

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AG Ken Paxton Sues Federal Government For Destruction Of Texas’ Border Protection. God Bless and Pray for Ken Paxton while he fights the corruption. TX legislators are mostly enemies



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f6bad1 No.102061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799956 (251729ZOCT23) Notable: UK: Graham King's firm makes billions from housing channel migrants

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Britain's 'migrant king': Graham King's firm makes billions from housing channel migrants


25 Oct 2023 #migrantcrisis #capitalism #essex

Political commentator, Alex Armstrong, responds to the migrant crisis being turned into 'a multi-billion pound capitalist venture fund' by a previous disco owner from Essex.

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f6bad1 No.102062

File: 47c53185bbc49be⋯.png (97.95 KB,1136x780,284:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799977 (251732ZOCT23) Notable: Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

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>Johnson was also a big POTUS supporter during both impeachments.

Press Releases

Johnson Statement on Appointment to President Trump’s Impeachment Team

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Washington, DC, January 21, 2020

Tags: Rule of Law

U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) tonight released the following statement regarding the White House’s announcement that he has been named to President Trump’s impeachment team:

“I am honored that President Trump has asked me to serve on his impeachment defense team. As I have said from the beginning, this case is about more than defending one president from a baseless political attack, it is about defending our Constitutional order and the Democratic process itself.

“The Democrat majority in the House ignored the Constitution and the rule of law to obtain their single-party impeachment vote, and this has not been a fair fight—until now. I look forward to working with this exceptional team to ensure that order is restored and justice prevails.”

In a press release announcing Johnson and seven other House members to the impeachment team, the White House stated:

“Throughout this process, these Members of Congress have provided guidance to the White House team, which was prohibited from participating in the proceedings concocted by Democrats in the House of Representatives. The President looks forward to their continued participation and is confident that the Members will help expeditiously end this brazen political vendetta on behalf of the American people.”


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f6bad1 No.102063

File: feeb65a36e74ed0⋯.png (98.3 KB,456x600,19:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799996 (251735ZOCT23) Notable: Lawsuit Against Govt-Related Entities Suppressing Conservative Speech Expands After Top Players Caught Targeting The Gateway Pundit

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Lawsuit Against Govt-Related Entities Suppressing Conservative Speech Expands After Top Players Caught Targeting The Gateway Pundit Prior to 2022 Election, PIVOTAL CASE EXPLAINED

Former Trump White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller is the founder and President of America First Legal.

As part of his effort to build and grow the America First movement, Miller has filed lawsuits to fight back against the U.S. government silencing conservative media outlets and speakers. America First Legal is fighting back against the lawless executive actions and the radical left.

America First Legal’s current efforts involve the litigants in Missouri v. Biden, where Gateway Pundit Publisher Jim Hoft is the lead plaintiff. In the pivotal lawsuit the Attorney Generals of Louisiana and Missouri are suing Joe Biden and his administration to stop censoring conservatives and independent voices who do not echo and support current government policy.


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f6bad1 No.102064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800000 (251735ZOCT23) Notable: He exposes them to the Light. Sunlight disinfects./Trump>DS assets

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He exposes them to the Light.

Sunlight disinfects.

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f6bad1 No.102065

File: fc11c07a6f2afd4⋯.png (454.03 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800008 (251736ZOCT23) Notable: Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

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From dog house to Air Force One: How Congressman Mike Johnson joined Trump's inner circle

Greg Hilburn

The News Star

Louisiana Republican Congressman Mike Johnson has become a trusted member of Donald Trump's inner circle, traveling regularly with the president on Air Force One to football games, rallies and this week to the New Hampshire primary.

"It's surreal; when I call him he calls back within a couple of hours," Johnson said while on the campaign trail with the president in New Hampshire in an interview with USA Today Network. "I believe he sees me now as a trusted ally."

Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson, North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows, National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Emmer, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise depart New Hampshire Tuesday via Air Force One.

It's a far cry from where Johnson stood with Trump in 2017 when the then freshman congressman's first conversation with the president left Johnson shaken and unsure about his political future.

Trump and Republicans like Johnson had run in 2016 on repealing the Affordable Care Act. They hurriedly put together legislation in the House to replace Obamacare when the new Congress convened in 2017.

Republican Representative Mike Johnson speaks to the press after the House Judiciary Committee's vote on House Resolution 755, Articles of Impeachment Against President Donald Trump, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on December 13, 2019. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)

But conservatives like Johnson and members of the ultra right Freedom Caucus balked, despite Trump's support. "It was haphazardly drawn," Johnson said. "The party wasn't prepared to act that soon. I couldn't vote for it."

Trump called Johnson and dressed him down in a fierce one-sided conversation when he heard the freshman planned to buck the president.

"I thought that might be the end of my career," Johnson said. "The conversation was pretty intense."

That legislation died, but the House, with Johnson's vote, later passed a revamped bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act that failed in the Senate on the late Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain's famous late-night thumbs down vote.

"The last thing I ever imagined when I was elected was that I would have to say no to the president on his first major piece of legislation," said Johnson, who represents Louisiana's 4th Congressional District with Shreveport-Bossier as the hub.

Johnson's path from the dog house to first-class seating on Air Force One began after he was re-elected in 2018.

House Republicans elected Johnson chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a position that had been a launching pad to leadership for Vice president Mike Pence and Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise.

"The Republican Study Committee is the largest Republican caucus with 147 members, which is of great interest to the president," Johnson said. "That's when I began to get to know the president."

Johnson said their bond strengthened during Trump's eight visits to Louisiana, among them three last year to campaign against Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, who won despite the president's efforts.

But Johnson's stock with Trump spiked when he was one of the president's staunchest defenders as a member of the House Judiciary Committee during impeachment hearings.

Johnson's performance during the hearings prompted Trump to include the congressman as a member of his defense team during the impeachment trial in the Senate, where the president was acquitted.

"His ultimate gesture of trust was asking me to serve on the impeachment defense team," Johnson said. "It was an extraordinary experience."

Johnson granted nearly 50 TV interviews during the impeachment saga, many on networks the congressman described as "unfriendly territory."

"The president monitors all of that and commented on it frequently to me," Johnson said.

And this week Trump invited Johnson to stump for him in New Hampshire via Air Force One, transportation usually reserved for leadership like House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Minority Whip Scalise.

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f6bad1 No.102066

File: 2dd0429f2b0562e⋯.png (163.1 KB,560x540,28:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800019 (251738ZOCT23) Notable: Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

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>From dog house to Air Force One: How Congressman Mike Johnson joined Trump's inner circle

Trump mentioned Johnson to the crowd during his New Hampshire rally: "Mike Johnson, a great lawyer, thank you Mike," the president said.

"I emailed my old law partners and told them if I was still there my rates would have to go up," Johnson said, laughing.

The president also tweeted birthday wishes to Johnson last month.

All of the attention has elevated Johnson's profile on a national level and social media — his Twitter followers have grown to almost 60,000.

But Johnson said the most important benefit of his growing influence and relationship with the president is the practical advantage it gives to his district and state.

"Influence and access is everything in Washington," Johnson said. "Those things are beneficial to any member's district and allow me to advance priorities back home and in Congress with greater effect."


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f6bad1 No.102067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800040 (251741ZOCT23) Notable: New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay

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New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay

State Supreme Court found that being vaccinated 'does not' stop the spread of COVID-19

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f6bad1 No.102068

File: ab11719fa09a1b4⋯.png (1.47 MB,1283x844,1283:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800089 (251749ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson wins House Speaker

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f6bad1 No.102069

File: 6a4d3a84435abfe⋯.png (4.46 MB,1948x1065,1948:1065,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800125 (251753ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson wins House Speaker

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Noice first round like POTUS asked


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f6bad1 No.102070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800134 (251755ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson wins House Speaker

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Congrats Johnson! Good Luck! Make the American People proud!

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f6bad1 No.102071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800141 (251756ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Outraged After Erdogan Calls Hamas 'Liberators', Cancels Planned Trip To Mend Ties

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Israel Outraged After Erdogan Calls Hamas 'Liberators', Cancels Planned Trip To Mend Ties

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan is reverting back to his hardline stance on Israel and the Palestinian question, on Wednesday in a blistering speech blasting the Jewish state's "inhumane" war.

The most surprising moment came when he said bluntly that "Hamas is not a terror organization" but is a "liberation group" rightfully fighting to protect Palestinian lands. This is raising eyebrows, and alarm no doubt, among Turkey's Western allies. After all, this is the head of state for NATO's second biggest army.

"Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a liberation group, 'mujahideen' waging a battle to protect its lands and people," he told ruling AK Party lawmakers, using an Arabic word often used to signify 'Islamic warriors'.


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f6bad1 No.102072

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800161 (251800ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon: The Fight Is Just Beginning

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Steve Bannon: The Fight Is Just Beginning



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f6bad1 No.102073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800169 (251801ZOCT23) Notable: Biden and Australian leader Albanese hold joint news briefing

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WATCH LIVE: Biden and Australian leader Albanese hold joint news briefing

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f6bad1 No.102074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800171 (251801ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson wins House Speaker

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House Republicans Elect Trump Ally Rep. Mike Johnson as the New Speaker of the House – 220 Votes! – DID NOT LOSE A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE!

A Historic Moment for Louisiana and the GOP as Johnson Emerges Victorious in a Tumultuous Leadership Battle

On Wednesday, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the new House Speaker of the 118th United States Congress after twenty-two days, with fourteen candidates vying, four nominees, and four floor votes.

During the roll call, it was noted that 429 members were present to cast their votes: 220 were Republicans, with one member absent, while 209 were Democrats, with three absentees. Johnson achieved the 220 out of 215 votes needed to claim the sought-after Speaker’s gavel.

Former GOP nominees Jim Jordan, Tom Emmer, Steve Scalise, and former speaker Kevin McCarthy voted for Mike Johnson for House Speaker.

Just hours before the pivotal vote, Johnson took to social media platform X to make a powerful, patriotic statement. Displaying an image of the American flag, with time-honored phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST.”


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f6bad1 No.102075

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800188 (251803ZOCT23) Notable: Gen. Mike Flynn Discusses The Effects Of 4th-Gen Warfare On American Citizens

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Gen. Mike Flynn Discusses The Effects Of 4th-Gen Warfare On American Citizens



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f6bad1 No.102076

File: a44b51d7ffc14b8⋯.png (574.69 KB,760x428,190:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800193 (251804ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson wins House Speaker

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Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson elected House speaker: Live updates


12m ago / 1:51 PM EDT

Republicans heard yelling bulls— on House floor

Kyle Stewart and Annemarie Bonner

Republicans were heard yelling “bulls—" when Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J. said “the only candidate who represents integrity of the House," when referring to Jeffries.

16m ago / 1:47 PM EDT

Johnson clears 217 vote mark, poised to be next House speaker

Kate Santaliz

With the tallying process still continuing, Johnson has cleared 217 votes, meaning barring any unexpected reversals, he is poised to be elected House speaker.

21m ago / 1:42 PM EDT

Well, that was odd

Sarah Mimms

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington voted for "Magic Mike Johnson" just now.

The unexplained comment may be a reference to former NBA player Magic Johnson or an unexpected nod to Steven Soderbergh’s trilogy about male erotic dancers.

37m ago / 1:26 PM EDT

Half of the Republicans have voted and not a single dissent so far

Ginger Gibson

More than half of the Republican House members have voted so far and not a single one has defected to vote for someone other than Johnson.

39m ago / 1:24 PM EDT

This is looking good for Johnson

Sahil Kapur

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f6bad1 No.102077

File: bb1ed12ebb88592⋯.png (904.82 KB,1207x1336,1207:1336,Clipboard.png)

File: 29a2d41e9fcb718⋯.png (581.24 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 372f0102ecda073⋯.png (569.17 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: dd97010dc953a44⋯.png (602.48 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800195 (251804ZOCT23) Notable: Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

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>Johnson was also a big POTUS supporter during both impeachments.

Read Trump’s bananas, post-impeachment victory lap speech

What was that?

By Jen Kirbyjen.kirby@vox.com Feb 6, 2020, 1:40pm EST

He’s been another great warrior, and by the way, I endorsed him. His numbers went through the roof. The man we expected to win easily called me after the race. He said, you endorsed him and it was like a nuclear bomb went off. He never even spent his money, he saved it. Ron DeSantis is another one and now he’s the governor of Florida. He’s a great governor, he’s a very I want to thank you very much. Many.

And Mike Johnson of Louisiana. You can represent me at any time. What a job you’ve done. Thank you, Mike. And another man we’ve not heard of on the other side. This guy is a nightmare. He goes down into dungeons and basements. He’ll find any document. He took tremendous abuse — the media and the other side and the bad ones, the leakers, the liars, the dirty cops, they want to destroy him. They tried. They got close but he wouldn’t let it happen. And, honestly, in a certain way he was the first one, wouldn’t you say, Jim and mark and everybody? This was the first guy. He came out of nowhere. He’s saying, these people are corrupt. He’s still saying it. He was unbelievable.

Devin Nunes. Unbelievable. [Cheers and applause]

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f6bad1 No.102078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800216 (251807ZOCT23) Notable: Biden and Australian leader Albanese hold joint news briefing

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Prime Minister Albanese: Climate change and clean energy becomes a third pillar of our alliance, alongside our security cooperation...and our strong economic ties with the free trade agreement between our nations.

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f6bad1 No.102079

File: 802eee3441ee30c⋯.png (19.13 KB,520x148,130:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 7662e0c9308d79c⋯.png (11.52 KB,397x231,397:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800227 (251809ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Congrats to Johnson

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Congratulations to Rep. Mike Johnson. He will be a GREAT “SPEAKER.” MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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f6bad1 No.102080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800230 (251810ZOCT23) Notable: Biden and Australian leader Albanese hold joint news briefing

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Prime Minister Albanese: The compact lays a foundation for our two nations to advance climate and clean energy action this decade, both at home and globally. Today we agreed new measures under the compact to support our energy transition, including the establishment of a Australia and US Clean Energy Industry Council...to advise government on clean energy industry development and cooperation.

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f6bad1 No.102081

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800236 (251812ZOCT23) Notable: How Big Pharma Exploits The Mentally Ill

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How Big Pharma Exploits The Mentally Ill==

Big pharmaceutical companies continue to make record profits off of prescription medications to which they know are detrimental to mental illness.

Can you imagine giving people who are already suffering from mental illness a drug that you know will make them worse? Sounds like something out of a sadistic horror movie. Long-term mental illness sufferers experience such torturous states of mind that they might try just about anything to escape them – from the extreme of suicide, to taking just about any drug their doctor says holds the hope of helping them. It takes a particular brand of evil to exploit that condition. But that’s exactly what Pfizer did with Neurontin (also prescribed as Gabapentin.)


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f6bad1 No.102082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800252 (251819ZOCT23) Notable: Biden and Australian leader Albanese hold joint news briefing

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Reporter: House Republicans just elected Mike Johnson of Louisiana as the Speaker of the House. Johnson advocated conspiracy theories about voting machines and a rigged election in 2020, he encouraged his colleagues to join a lawsuit to invalidate the results of four states. If you win reelection in 2024, are you worried that a Speaker Johnson would again attempt to overturn the election?

Mr. Biden: No. Just like I was not worried that the last guy would be able to overturn the election. They had about sixty lawsuits, and they went to the Supreme Court, and everytime they lost. I understand the Constitution.

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f6bad1 No.102083

File: 39a0e7cdab028d5⋯.png (169.74 KB,741x647,741:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 71e761ee15a06cd⋯.png (156.18 KB,562x896,281:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d59b0e5eab29c9⋯.png (523.15 KB,547x870,547:870,Clipboard.png)

File: 90823f1f446b329⋯.png (26.52 KB,617x255,617:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800273 (251823ZOCT23) Notable: Newest GOP ‘Savior’ Louisiana’s Mike Johnson Heavily Funded by Pharma

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Newest GOP ‘Savior’ Louisiana’s Mike Johnson Heavily Funded by Pharma

GOP Speaker of the House nominee Mike Johnson is also funded by the military-industrial complex.

GOP Speaker of the House nominee Mike Johnson (LA-4) is heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, including Louisiana’s largest government-linked COVID jab distributor. He’s also been heavily funded by the military-industrial complex, taking campaign cash infusions from the likes of L3Harris, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and more.

The GOP nominated Rep. Mike Johnson to be the next Speaker of the House in a closed-door conference vote after several previous attempts to elect Reps. Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Tom Emmer failed to come to fruition. Johnson, a lesser-known member of Congress who burst onto the national scene literally overnight thanks to his Tuesday evening nomination, is receiving wide-ranging support within the GOP, which many believe to be an indication that he’s answering to the uni-party establishment while sending America First counter-signals to gain additional support.

An examination of Johnson’s political benefactors reveals concerns about uni-party links to be extremely valid, as Johnson’s top campaign donor is Morris & Dickson, a Louisiana-based pharmaceutical corporation. What’s more, is that Morris & Dickson was the State of Louisiana’s “exclusive COVID vaccine distributor”, partnering with the government to dish out the experimental jabs that hold the distinction of being the deadliest “vaccine” in human history.

In addition to his pharmaceutical benefactors at Morris & Dickson, Mike Johnson is backed by the pro-trans, pro-jab, for-profit health insurance corporation of Humana, fellow insurance giant Blue Cross Blue Shield, open borders retailer Wal-Mart, and the notorious Koch Brothers.

He’s also bringing in donations from the Paramount Global PAC, the political arm of CBS, Nickelodeon, and numerous other left-wing entertainment networkers that regularly broadcast sexualized content to children.


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f6bad1 No.102084

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800296 (251827ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon On Speaker Vote: “This Fight Is Your Fight”

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Steve Bannon On Speaker Vote: “This Fight Is Your Fight”Mitt Romney is a pussie America hater! He goals of Free Trade and Democracy exporting—the definition of Globalist. The Media’s continuous excuse of Trump’s power and he’s destroying the Republican Party. They are so sad their bullshit didn’t work, but continue their failing strategy



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f6bad1 No.102085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800311 (251829ZOCT23) Notable: #24311

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#24311 >>102026

>>102044, >>102052 PF Eyez on those Skyz

>>102027, >>102030 Gates oblivious

>>102028 Sheriff Mike Lewis: "We're all scared to death to go to jail". Progressive lawmakers in MD are passing laws to release criminals


>>102031 Refugee Resettlement/[Hearing on Unaccompanied Children]

>>102032, >>102034 Live: House to vote on speaker after Mike Johnson becomes 4th GOP nominee

>>102033 Nehls: "None of this would've happened if he was in the White House right now".

>>102036, >>102056 Hurricane Otis makes landfall in Mexico as Category 5 storm

>>102035, >>102037 Tucker/milindcomplex

>>102038 Agencies issue final rule to strengthen and modernize Community Reinvestment Act regulations/FEDS

>>102039 Hunters International, ransomware gang, leaks pre-op plastic surgery pics in negotiation no-no

>>102040 President Trump makes a statement outside of his NYC courtroom

>>102041, >>102046 Mike Johnson gets an F for supporting Ukraine, A+ for supporting Republican voter interests!/fuck Bill Kristol btw

>>102042 【Piloted Robot】 Archax - Third PV [Dynamic Viewing]|TSUBAME INDUSTRIES Co., Ltd./Transformers Realz

>>102043 Mike Davis: “Mike Johnson Would Be Outstanding As Next Speaker”

>>102045, >>102048, >>102058 Gaetz: McCarthy Camp Sabotaged Mike Johnson’s Speaker Vote To Protect DC Cartel

>>102049 Schiffy Schiff on Johnson

>>102050, >>102054, >>102057, >>102059 Kash Patel: How Iran Is Infiltrating The Highest Levels Of Our Government

>>102051 If you look up Mike Johnson on liberty score - he gets a 'C' rating. Almost every time time he voted anti-conservative - it was about funding.

>>102053, >>102055, >>102062, >>102065, >>102066, >>102077 Trump ally lobbying fellow House Republicans to support Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn the election/Johnson

>>102060 AG Ken Paxton Sues Federal Government For Destruction Of Texas’ Border Protection

>>102061 UK: Graham King's firm makes billions from housing channel migrants

>>102063 Lawsuit Against Govt-Related Entities Suppressing Conservative Speech Expands After Top Players Caught Targeting The Gateway Pundit

>>102064 He exposes them to the Light. Sunlight disinfects./Trump>DS assets

>>102067 New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay

>>102068, >>102069, >>102070, >>102074, >>102076 Johnson wins House Speaker

>>102071 Israel Outraged After Erdogan Calls Hamas 'Liberators', Cancels Planned Trip To Mend Ties

>>102072 Bannon: The Fight Is Just Beginning

>>102073, >>102078, >>102080, >>102082 Biden and Australian leader Albanese hold joint news briefing

>>102075 Gen. Mike Flynn Discusses The Effects Of 4th-Gen Warfare On American Citizens

>>102079 @realDonaldTrump Congrats to Johnson

>>102081 How Big Pharma Exploits The Mentally Ill

>>102083 Newest GOP ‘Savior’ Louisiana’s Mike Johnson Heavily Funded by Pharma

>>102084 Bannon On Speaker Vote: “This Fight Is Your Fight”


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f6bad1 No.102086

File: 4caf59ead63f676⋯.jpg (119.23 KB,527x481,527:481,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d58e5209508b16a⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2ece62cdb0604e5⋯.jpg (45.54 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab11719fa09a1b4⋯.png (1.47 MB,1283x844,1283:844,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a4d3a84435abfe⋯.png (4.46 MB,1948x1065,1948:1065,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800335 (251832ZOCT23) Notable: #24312

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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f6bad1 No.102087

File: 35a6d1d14b4a495⋯.png (256.55 KB,412x845,412:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800359 (251834ZOCT23) Notable: Congratulations Mike Johnson

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Congratulations Mike Johnson

Finally got a speaker. I hope he does US right.

Didn't know what pic was til now:

Mace of the United States House of Representatives

The Mace of the United States House of Representatives,[1] also called the Mace of the Republic, is a ceremonial mace and one of the oldest symbols of the United States government. It symbolizes the governmental authority of the United States, and more specifically, the legislative authority of the House of Representatives.


>>102086 tyb

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f6bad1 No.102088

File: e0feb9ddcb4e7a6⋯.png (936.78 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800377 (251837ZOCT23) Notable: Congratulations Mike Johnson

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Mike Johnson's report card that assesses how hard one shills for Ukraine gave him the lowest grade possible.

On the surface, this seems like a huge upgrade compared to the Ukraine flag wearing McCarthy who satiated Zelensky at every possible turn.

Johnson has been given Trump's approval and he was an integral part in questioning the 2020 election.

Overall, this is a win where we desperately needed something to be encouraged by.

And I, for one, will take it.


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f6bad1 No.102089

File: 91a7157c9ab5ca3⋯.png (43.83 KB,1024x548,256:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800388 (251840ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's Iron Dome Has A Supply Problem

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Israel's Iron Dome Has A Supply Problem

Missiles coming from Gaza are cheap and plentiful in comparison

Compare,the Qassam missiles being launched by Hamas and the Iron Dome air defence system that shoots them down.

The Qassam missiles are extremely simple and cheap to manufacture. The rocket propellant is made by combining sugar and fertiliser. The explosive tip is no more sophisticated than what is found in a grenade or an RPG round. Each missile costs around $300-$800 to make and, given the simplicity, the supply of these missiles is potentially infinite. It is estimated that Hamas has some 14,000 stockpiled — although given that Israeli intelligence failed to see the attack on the country’s territory earlier this month, the group may have many more.

The Iron Dome is, by contrast, an extremely sophisticated and expensive piece of technology, with each battery costing around $50 million. More importantly, each Tamir interceptor fired by the system costs around $50,000, meaning that it costs Israel around 100 times the cost of each Hamas missile to shoot them down. The Tamir interceptors are limited in supply, too. It is not clear how many Israel has stockpiled or how long they take to produce, but given that the United States is reported to have taken delivery of a few hundred and have ordered just over 1,800 more, it is a safe bet that these missiles are to some degree supply-constrained.

But the Iron Dome missiles are cheap when compared to their Patriot and THAAD counterparts. A single Patriot missile costs around $4 million, while a single THAAD battery costs an eye-watering $800 million. Since many Patriot batteries have recently been used in Ukraine, these too could be facing supply pressures.

Sauce: https://unherd.com/thepost/israels-iron-dome-has-a-supply-problem/

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f6bad1 No.102090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800389 (251841ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson: We have a catastrophe at our southern border, the senate and the White House can no longer ignore the problem.

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Johnson: We have a catastrophe at our southern border, the senate and the White House can no longer ignore the problem. From Texas to New York, wave after wave of illegal migrants are stressing our communities to their breaking point. We know that our streets are being flooded with Fentanyl, and all of our communities children, and even adults, are dying from it. The status quo is unacceptable, inaction is unacceptable, and we must come together and address the broken border. We have to do it.

[standing ovation from republicans; silence from democrats]

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f6bad1 No.102091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800394 (251841ZOCT23) Notable: Convicted Child Molester Who Set Up ‘Free Fentanyl’ Sign Across From California School Arrested

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Convicted Child Molester Who Set Up ‘Free Fentanyl’ Sign Across From California School Arrested

A convicted child molester who set up a sign advertising “free fentanyl” across from a San Francisco school was arrested last week.

Joseph Adam Moore was taken into custody just after noon on Friday after police gave him an order to move and he failed to do so.

Moore was arrested on 9th Avenue, just across the street from Stella Maris Academy, a Catholic school that serves children as young as preschool.

He is on California’s sex offender registry for “lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14.” However, it appears he is not considered a “high-risk” offender, so he does not have the obligation to stay 2,000 feet away from any school.

“I was told that he is in compliance with all the components of what his sex registration are,” San Francisco Police Captain Chris Canning said.

Moore had been camping across from the school for more than two years and told ABC7 last week that he has been homeless in San Francisco for “basically 26 years.”

Recently, he put up a sign reading, “Free fentanyl for new users,” which caught the eye of law enforcement.


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f6bad1 No.102092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800397 (251842ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson: this speakership will be to decentralized big government.

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MJ: this speakership will be to decentralized big government.

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f6bad1 No.102093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800401 (251842ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson: I have made a commitment to my colleagues here, that this speaker's office is going to be known for decentralizing the power here.

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Johnson: I have made a commitment to my colleagues here, that this speaker's office is going to be known for decentralizing the power here.

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f6bad1 No.102094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800405 (251843ZOCT23) Notable: Chinese investment in Africa hits $1.8b in 1st half of 2023

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Chinese investment in Africa hits $1.8b in 1st half of 2023


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f6bad1 No.102095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800413 (251844ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson: Let the enemies of freedom around the world hear us loud and clear; the people's house is back in business….I genuinely believe in my heart that the best days of America are still ahead of us.

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Johnson: Let the enemies of freedom around the world hear us loud and clear; the people's house is back in business....I genuinely believe in my heart that the best days of America are still ahead of us.

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f6bad1 No.102096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800432 (251848ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson: Let the enemies of freedom around the world hear us loud and clear; the people's house is back in business….I genuinely believe in my heart that the best days of America are still ahead of us.

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The PEOPLES business

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f6bad1 No.102097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800433 (251848ZOCT23) Notable: White House Says Israel Will Continue to Kill ‘Innocent Civilians’ in Gaza

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White House Says Israel Will Continue to Kill ‘Innocent Civilians’ in Gaza

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby says civilian casualties are inevitable

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday that Israel will continue to hurt “innocent civilians” in its onslaught on Gaza.

“This is war. It is combat. It is bloody, ugly and it’s going to be messy and innocent civilians are going to be hurt going forward,” Kirby said when asked if the US thought Israel’s bombardment was a disproportionate response to the Hamas attack on southern Israel.

“I wish I could tell you something different and wish that there wasn’t going to happen, but it is going to happen. And that doesn’t make it right, doesn’t make it dismissible,” Kirby added.

He also reiterated the US’s opposition to a ceasefire in Gaza, claiming it would only benefit Hamas. Both Kirby and Secretary of State Antony Blinken said they were open to the idea of a “humanitarian pause” to allow more aid to enter Gaza.

Kirby insisted the US would continue to urge Israel to minimize civilian casualties, but Israel has only increased its bombardment of Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that airstrikes launched the day before were the hardest yet.

While Kirby framed civilian casualties as a fact of modern war, Israel’s bombardment has been particularly brutal, as attacks have been leveling entire neighborhoods. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, after 18 days of bombing, at least 5,791 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including 2,360 children.

Kirby cast doubt on the casualty numbers coming out of Gaza since the enclave is ruled by Hamas. But the casualty rate is believable as the Israeli side has boasted about the scope of its bombardment. In just the first six days of its onslaught, Israeli forces dropped 6,000 bombs on Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on earth. In comparison, the US dropped 7,423 bombs on Afghanistan in 2019, the most since the US started keeping a tally in 2006.


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f6bad1 No.102098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800441 (251849ZOCT23) Notable: Congratulations Mike Johnson

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"His father was a firefighter who founded the nonprofit organization the Percy R. Johnson Burn Foundation, named after his partner Percy R. Johnson, the city's first African-American fire instructor and captain, who died in the line of duty.[11] Johnson's father was also critically burned and disabled in the line of duty during the same fire.[12]"

"Johnson's maternal grandfather, Nunzio Messina, was from Italy, and he has some French and Irish ancestry on his father's side of the family.[14]"

the guy's got some interesting stuff in his Wikipedia Bio.

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f6bad1 No.102099

File: 93187809f44454a⋯.png (209.45 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800447 (251850ZOCT23) Notable: Questions persist about Israeli attack on USS Liberty naval ship that killed 34 American crew members

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Questions persist about Israeli attack on USS Liberty naval ship that killed 34 American crew members

As the U.S. continues to offer unwavering support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists, it is important to remember that this support has not always been mutual – with one of the most egregious examples being when Israel tried to sink the USS Liberty, a noncombatant naval technical research vessel, killing 34 American crew members who were on board. However, many Americans are unfamiliar with what went down on that dark day 56 years ago thanks to efforts by the government and the corporate media to cover it up.

The attack on the USS Liberty in international waters off the northern Sinai coast has been shrouded in controversy and secrecy ever since it occurred. Some survivors maintain that it was a deliberate attack by the Israelis, and some former senior intelligence officials agree with their assessment. However, U.S. and Israeli officials have long insisted it was an accident.

An unprovoked attack on a noncombatant naval ship

On June 8, 1967, an Israeli aircraft conducting routine reconnaissance patrols across the Mediterranean spotted the ship.....the ship found itself being slammed by torpedoes in a two-hour attack that also saw bombs and napalm being dropped on it.

As an intelligence gathering ship, it was unprepared to defend itself and was only lightly armed, and its distress signals were blocked by Israeli forces. Survivors have reported that the Israeli aircraft that attacked them were unmarked, and they deliberately strafed their life rafts.A total of 34 Americans died and 174 were injured.

It was flying an American flag and labeled “USS Liberty” on the hull.

Officials don’t believe “outrageous” attack was an accident

The U.S. Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk, said that he “was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation,” adding: “I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous.”

Sauce: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-10-24-questions-israeli-attack-uss-liberty-naval-ship.html

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f6bad1 No.102100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800485 (251856ZOCT23) Notable: Congratulations Mike Johnson

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Congressman Johnson questions U.S. military officials during a House Armed Services hearing

14K views · 2 years ago...more

Johnson questions McKenzie, Austin and Milley on who was to blame of the failure of withdrawal of Afghanistan?. Except for McKenzie the others wouldn’t admit who’s fault it was.

And Milley says re: Joe, I cannot share the plans I discuss with the President. Hmm I guess sharing with China is fine, but not the House Members.


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f6bad1 No.102101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800497 (251858ZOCT23) Notable: Congratulations Mike Johnson

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another claim from Wikipedia:

"Johnson is a young earth creationist and believes that the Earth was created approximately between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.[75]

He is a writer for Answers in Genesis and has represented them in lawsuits.[74][75][76] In 2014, he supported government-provided tax breaks for their Ark Encounter theme park in Kentucky, saying:[75][76]

If his proposition were followed, the commonwealth [of Kentucky] would be legally liable for blatantly unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination. Phelps' preference - that religious groups should be denied equal access to tax incentive programs and also forced to hire people who openly disagree with their main beliefs - is not only unfair, it is clearly unlawful. "

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f6bad1 No.102102

File: 3523aa199596cf7⋯.jpg (112.84 KB,1125x1128,375:376,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b4de9d7563496c⋯.png (2.06 MB,1199x2125,1199:2125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800501 (251858ZOCT23) Notable: CBS: "Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker"

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muh chaos

clearly an upgrade

Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker

By Melissa Quinn

Updated on: October 24, 2023 / 7:56 PM / CBS News

Washington — In the three weeks since Rep. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as speaker of the House in a historic vote, the chamber's Republican conference has been engulfed in chaos as it searches for a replacement.

The process so far has involved four nominees for speaker, with Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana becoming the latest to earn the nod and try to secure the 217 votes needed to win the gavel.

The effort to elect a new speaker began in early October, when GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida followed through on a threat to remove McCarthy after he worked with Democrats to avert a government shutdown. Here's what has transpired since then:

Oct. 2

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz officially announces he will move to oust McCarthy as speaker by filing what's known as a "motion to vacate," a maneuver that forces a vote on the House floor.

Gaetz launches his effort to remove McCarthy just two days after the speaker reached an 11th hour deal to fund the government through Nov. 17. The Florida Republican claims the agreement allegedly involved a "secret side deal" to provide more support for Ukraine. Gaetz and a number of congressional Republicans oppose sending any more aid to Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Oct. 3

Allies of McCarthy unsuccessfully try to table Gaetz's resolution to declare the office of speaker vacant, with 11 Republicans voting against the effort to spare the speaker.

A final vote on the measure is then taken, and it passes 216 to 210. As a result, McCarthy is removed from his position as speaker, the first time in history a speaker has been voted out during a congressional session. Eight Republicans join with all Democrats to approve the resolution removing McCarthy.

Following the vote, Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina is designated the speaker pro tempore. McHenry's name topped a list submitted by McCarthy to the House clerk in January that laid out who would fill in as an interim speaker in case of a vacancy.

McHenry immediately recesses the House to allow for the Republican and Democratic conferences to "meet and discuss the path forward" before proceeding to the election of a new speaker.

Hours later, McCarthy announces that he will not run for speaker again.

Oct. 11

After a week of campaigning, Majority Leader Steve Scalise is selected by the Republican conference as the nominee for speaker by a vote of 113 to 99. He defeats Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a conservative firebrand, in the internal race held behind closed doors.

Oct. 12

Just one day after winning the speaker nomination, Scalise withdraws his candidacy. The majority leader tells reporters that "there are still schisms that have to get resolved," an indication of the deep divisions among the GOP conference that would make it difficult for him to secure the necessary support to become speaker.

Oct. 13

Republicans select Jordan by secret ballot as their second nominee for House speaker in a closed-door Friday meeting. The Ohio Republican co-founded the House Freedom Caucus, a group of far-right GOP lawmakers, and served as its chairman. He is also one of the most ardent defenders of former President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill. As leader of the Judiciary Committee, he is one of the chairs tasked with leading the House GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Rep. Jim Jordan speaks to reporters as House Republicans hold a caucus meeting on Capitol Hill on Oct. 13, 2023.

Jordan fends off a late challenge from Georgia Rep. Austin Scott in order to win the nod with the backing of 124 of his Republican colleagues.

Lawmakers head home for the weekend without holding a vote for a permanent speaker.

Oct. 17

The House convenes to hold its first formal vote for speaker. Republicans nominate Jordan, while Democrats select Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York as their candidate.

But after the first ballot, Jordan falls short of the 217 votes he needs to ascend to the speakership, winning 200 votes to Jeffries' 212. Twenty Republicans vote for someone other than Jordan — seven GOP lawmakers vote for Scalise, six support McCarthy, and three vote for former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin. Receiving one vote apiece are Reps. Mike Garcia of California, Tom Cole of California, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Emmer.

Jordan vows to press ahead, telling reporters, "We're going to keep working, and we're going to get the votes."

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f6bad1 No.102103

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800505 (251859ZOCT23) Notable: New Zealand Is a Crime Scene: 30 Out of 30 People Vaccinated in One Clinic Are Now Dead

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New Zealand Is a Crime Scene: 30 Out of 30 People Vaccinated in One Clinic Are Now Dead

A mathematician whistleblower provided Liz Gunn, a former TV presenter, with documents showing that tens of thousands of people have died after they received COVID vaccines, according to a website that tracks deaths. She said that there are clusters of deaths and in people who were jabbed at the same clinic on the same day. She gave this example: “On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day, at the same location. All are now deceased. And their deaths are in close temporal, time, proximity to each other.” It is highly unlikely that people who were jabbed at the same site on the same day would die within a similar time frame. She is calling for a full criminal investigation because politicians knew about the side effects before the shots were introduced.

She warned against the World Health Organization (WHO) World Preparedness Act, aka the ‘Pandemic Treaty’, that would allow the WHO to declare a pandemic and force vaccines on the public.



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f6bad1 No.102104

File: 0b242f8058fd222⋯.png (1.87 MB,985x2148,985:2148,Clipboard.png)

File: eb7ad12f96d607c⋯.png (1.51 MB,1007x2692,1007:2692,Clipboard.png)

File: 08da3865741063c⋯.png (531.61 KB,1064x666,532:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800516 (251901ZOCT23) Notable: CBS: "Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker"

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>muh chaos

>clearly an upgrade

>Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker

Oct. 18

The House gathers for a second vote for speaker, with Jordan and Jeffries again nominated by their respective parties.

Jordan again fails to secure the necessary votes to become speaker and sees his opposition grow on the second ballot. In all, 22 Republicans withhold their support for the Ohio Republican, but he picks up votes from two GOP lawmakers who opposed him on the first ballot: Reps. Doug LaMalfa of California and Victoria Spartz of Indiana.

Some Republicans indicate they want the House to vote to give McHenry more authority to allow for consideration of a limited legislative agenda, though such an effort would likely require support from Democrats.

Jordan again pledges not to step aside.

"We got 200 votes. You know, we picked up some today, a couple dropped off but they voted for me before, I think they can come back again," he tells reporters. "So we'll keep talking to members, we'll keep working on it."

Oct. 20

The House holds a third vote for speaker, and Jordan continues to bleed support from fellow Republicans. On the third ballot, the Ohio Republican loses 25 GOP lawmakers in total. The final tally is 210 votes for Jeffries and 194 for Jordan.

The GOP conference convenes for a closed-door meeting and votes by secret ballot to drop Jordan as the nominee for speaker — 86 members say Jordan should remain in the race, while 112 say he should not.

The vote leaves Republicans again searching for a speaker candidate who can unite the deeply divided conference.

Oct. 22

Nine Republicans meet a deadline to announce their candidacies for speaker, according to Rep. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House GOP conference. The nine candidates for the speaker nomination are:

Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida

Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota

Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana

Rep. Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania

Rep. Gary Palmer of Alabama

Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia

Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas

Only two of those nine voted to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Oct. 23

Republicans meet for a candidate forum, where the contenders make their pitch to their colleagues on why they should be nominated for speaker.

Meuser drops out of the race, bringing the total number of candidates to eight.

Before the forum, former President Donald Trump weighs in and declines to endorse any of the candidates. Instead, he tells reporters during a campaign stop in New Hampshire that "I'm sort of trying to stay out" of the race. It's unclear how much weight Trump's endorsement holds with the current GOP conference, as he threw his support behind Jordan, and his bid failed.

Oct. 24

Republicans gather behind closed doors for the third time to select their nominee for speaker. Palmer drops out of the race just before the meeting, bringing the field of candidates vying for the nomination to seven.

The party holds five rounds of voting in all, and the nod ultimately goes to Emmer, the majority whip.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Sessions is eliminated after the first round, followed by Bergman after the second and Scott after the third. Donalds withdraws from the race after the fourth round, while Hern drops off the ballot.

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f6bad1 No.102105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800517 (251901ZOCT23) Notable: DHS cybersecurity agency immediately flagged Hunter Biden laptop story

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DHS cybersecurity agency immediately flagged Hunter Biden laptop story: emails

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency shared New York Post report internally same day it was published. "CISA makes the 'Disinformation Governance Board' look tame," House Judiciary GOP says.

The Department of Homeland Security agency that helped launch a public-private partnership to flag and mass-report alleged election misinformation to social media platforms in 2020 took an immediate interest in New York Post reporting on emails from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, newly revealed documents show.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency internally shared one such report, "Obama conference call leaked to Burisma," the same day it was published, Oct. 14, 2020, according to heavily redacted emails turned over in Freedom of Information Act litigation to America First Legal.

The only content not redacted in the Oct. 14 email is the web address, date and timestamp, priority ("normal") and type ("Skype.Teams Message"), making the purpose unclear.

Eight days later, a redacted CISA analyst on the Countering Foreign Influence Task Force sent an email to "Colleagues" on "updated reporting for this week" that copies an Axios report titled "QAnon Conspiracy Theory Explodes Ahead of the Election."

The report ties the Pizzagate child sex-trafficking theory to "[r]ecent reports about what was purported to be Hunter Biden's computer hard drive," which has "sparked renewed activity from Q," which posted 16 times the day of the Post scoops.

These emails show that CISA at best was "in the dark" about the authenticity of Biden's laptop, nearly a year after the FBI confirmed its authenticity and despite CISA's representations that it closely coordinates with the FBI, AFL wrote on X.

AFL noted its litigation had already revealed CISA's participation in "prebunking" purported misinformation. The FOIA request was for records related to CISA’s Mis-, Dis-, and Malinformation (MDM) Team, "specifically records related to the suppression of Hunter Biden news stories ahead of the 2020 Election," its document production page says.

The legal group founded by President Trump's former aide Stephen Miller didn't say from which document production the emails came. It has posted eight rounds thus far, but Just the News couldn't find the cited emails in the two most recent.

Republican lawmakers quickly responded to the revelations.


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f6bad1 No.102106

File: eb126e822cc2e2b⋯.png (377.13 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800521 (251901ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Looks Like We’re Going to War with Iran. Are We Ready for This?

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Tucker Carlson: Looks Like We’re Going to War with Iran. Are We Ready for This?

Tucker Carlson interviewed Colonel Douglas MacGregor and they agreed that the US is headed toward war with Iran, thanks to Secretary of State Blinken who has said that the US will support Israel in destroying Hamas. Blinken is leading us into “Armageddon.” Colonel MacGregor warned that the US is vulnerable to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists that may easily cross the open US border. A new war can cause shortages of oil and the Biden administration has foolishly drained the US strategic oil reserves. A new war will further deplete US funds and increase the $33 trillion US debt.

He said that if the US attacks Iran, we will wind up in a war with Russia. Once Russia enters the war, it will expand into something far more serious than a regional war. Turkey will also likely enter war if US engages with Iran.

Israel plans collective punishment against Palestinians for the Hamas attack, but support for Israel will erode and the world will turn against it. Israel has long planned to sweep Palestinians off the land. Israel’s actions are uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims.

The Colonel said that US special forces suffered heavy losses recently during an excursion into Gaza to rescue hostages and the US military is not ready for combat.



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f6bad1 No.102107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800526 (251903ZOCT23) Notable: US Foster Care: Psych Drugs Are a $23 Billion Per Year Industry and Children Are Raped and Abused

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US Foster Care: Psych Drugs Are a $23 Billion Per Year Industry and Children Are Raped and Abused

The San Jose Mercury News performed an investigation on drugs that are prescribed to children in foster care in California and found that one in four adolescents in California’s foster care system is receiving psychotropic drugs, and 62% of those medicated kids are receiving the most powerful class of the drugs. The anti-psychotic drugs are being used as a chemical restraint to treat ‘disruptive behavior’ and are not treating a psychiatric condition, but are being used as sedatives. Anti-psychotic drugs are approved only for serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and severe autism. Antidepressants are approved to treat major depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Mood stabilizers are approved for bipolar disorder. Stimulants are used to treat ADHD, narcolepsy and obesity. However, drug companies seek out doctors who will prescribe medications off-label. According to an investigation from 2010 to 2013, pharmaceutical manufacturers gave doctors who prescribe drugs to California foster care children $14,200,000 in meals, travel, gifts, speaking fees, and research projects. These doctors received an average of more than $15,000 apiece.



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f6bad1 No.102108

File: f510612da61d3b5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800531 (251904ZOCT23) Notable: CBS: "Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker"

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>muh chaos

>clearly an upgrade

>Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker

On the fifth and final ballot, Emmer goes head-to-head with Johnson and defeats him 117 to 97, lawmakers say. A subsequent roll call vote to gauge Emmer's backing, though, sees at least 20 Republicans withhold their support, according to Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York.

The level of opposition from the GOP conference indicates that Emmer will face an immense challenge in winning 217 votes. Shortly after Emmer clinches the nomination, Trump comes out against his candidacy for speaker despite saying he planned to remain on the sidelines a day earlier.

In a post to his social media site Truth Social, the former president claims Emmer "never respected the power of a Trump endorsement, or the breadth and scope of MAGA — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Trump goes on to say that "voting for a Globalist RINO like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake!"

Later in the afternoon, Emmer told his fellow Republicans that he was dropping his candidacy for speaker, just hours after he won the nomination.

The party heads back to the drawing board yet again, and six candidates submit their names for consideration following Emmer's exit: Donalds, Hern, Johnson, Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee, Mark Green of Tennessee and Roger Williams of Texas. Hern, however, drops his bid shortly after declaring his candidacy and throws his support behind Johnson.

Republicans huddle for another candidates' forum — their second in two days — and proceed to voting for a new nominee.

Johnson is selected as the speaker nominee after three ballots, becoming Republicans' fourth speaker-designate. Like the others before him, though, Johnson faces a tough path to earning 217 votes, as there were 44 "other" votes on the final ballot cast for people not officially running. McCarty himself earns 43 of those 44 votes despite not mounting a bid for the gavel.

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f6bad1 No.102109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800534 (251904ZOCT23) Notable: 19,000 ATMs Have Shut Down Across US as the Govt Prepares to Roll Out CBDC Digital Currency

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19,000 ATMs Have Shut Down Across US as the Govt Prepares to Roll Out CBDC Digital Currency

Thousands of ATM cash machines and local bank branches have been closing down as we move toward a cashless society and the government pursues the roll out of digital surveillance and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). The excuse for shutting down ATMs was to prevent COVID germs from spreading on cash. In the UK, over 8,000 ATMs were shut down, amounting to 13% of all cash machines. In the US, over 19,000 ATMs were shut down and access to cash is becoming more scarce. Catherine Austin Fitts said that unless we have a sovereign state government protecting sovereign individuals who are free to transact, including transacting privately, without invasive technology, we will have no sovereignty. It will be replaced with central control by the bankers. She said that this technology, combined with other systems, will turn your home, your car and community into a digital concentration camp. It will be the end of human freedom through the financial system.



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f6bad1 No.102110

File: 45ab2c5b6953b0a⋯.png (74.89 KB,745x398,745:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800555 (251908ZOCT23) Notable: Moar MIKE J

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>She's really into him.

That look doesn't mean what you think it means. I mean, it sorta does, but not like what you think.

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f6bad1 No.102111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800584 (251913ZOCT23) Notable: Anon addendum to two previous notables (old, not relevant)

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BO BV Baker

Check out the ringer NOTABLES from the past two breads.

Please remove.


Thank you, Gotta clean the kitchen here.

Itchykoo Park


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f6bad1 No.102112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800594 (251915ZOCT23) Notable: Anon addendum to two previous notables (old, not relevant)

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Will add this note to current notables, will not remove notable, very rarely done.

Anons need to CHECK NOTES when current, it's seldom done. Baker cannot both collect and check everything.


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f6bad1 No.102113

File: df869b6fb510a2b⋯.png (118 KB,830x571,830:571,Clipboard.png)

File: a0b47bfb1e90ad8⋯.png (112.95 KB,814x559,814:559,Clipboard.png)

File: a8b2d5b406faf74⋯.png (90.12 KB,822x403,822:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800615 (251917ZOCT23) Notable: New Zealand Is a Crime Scene: 30 Out of 30 People Vaccinated in One Clinic Are Now Dead

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NZ Politician Calls for Full-Blown Criminal Investigation into COVID Vaccine Deaths

“The government knew every side effect before one single jab was given in New Zealand.”

A major political shift has occurred in New Zealand after six years of Jacinda Ardern’s liberal rule. Former Prime Minister Ardern, who unexpectedly announced she no longer had “enough in the tank” to fulfill the position in January 2023, passed the torch to Chris Hipkins, who suffered a crushing defeat in the 2023 New Zealand general election to conservative Christopher Luxon on October 14, 2023.

With the election in the rear-view mirror, NZ Loyal Party leader Liz Gunn issued a post-election update Friday, October 21, with “The Mother of all Revelations.”

Before the election, Gunn was contacted by a clinician/mathematician whistleblower who had information linking tens of thousands of Kiwi (NZ citizens) deaths to the COVID-19 injections. This unnamed whistleblower insisted that his or her words would be published “after the election.”

We have now come to an undisclosed location with a New Zealand clinician/mathematician, who is very experienced in statistical analysis. That person has with us reviewed the data and confirms our position that it is damning. The figures show that there are tens of thousands of deaths linked to the [COVID] jabs, and this is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand. We don't know how many further databases like this are in the country. So it follows that as the deaths are usually less than the numbers of side effects, then the extrapolation of the numbers of injured and dead kiwis starts to become frankly eyewatering.

We saw in the data that there are many clusters of deaths. People who attended the same jab site and were jabbed one after the other at consecutive times on the same day. We saw their jab date. We saw their date of death. Let me give you just one of many examples.

On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day at the same location. All are now deceased, and their deaths are in close temporal time proximity to each other. That's 30. That's all players in a rugby match on the field suddenly dead. You see, statistically, the numbers of deaths we saw cannot be attributed to natural causes, given same site and same date of vaccination. It would be what they say statistically highly unlikely.

We are calling for an inquiry. Not just any inquiry, a full-blown criminal investigation leaving no stone unturned. New Zealand is a crime scene. Computers of anyone associated with this COVID response rollout in any capacity, mobile phones, communications, bank accounts, archives, and a whole host of other targeted information must be seized.


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f6bad1 No.102114

File: 344569f673125c4⋯.png (109.9 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800630 (251920ZOCT23) Notable: Israelis lament ‘PR disaster’ after freed Israeli hostage reveals Hamas ‘treated us very nicely’

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Israelis lament ‘PR disaster’ after freed Israeli hostage reveals Hamas ‘treated us very nicely’

Oct 25, 2023

Israeli state media threw a fit on Tuesday over the "public relations disaster" of freed hostage Yocheved Lifshitz's press conference in which she revealed that Hamas treated her and fellow captives "very nicely" and "were very delicate and gentle with them and took care of all their needs."

Lifshitz said Hamas operatives were "very friendly," "told them they were Muslims and they were not going to hurt them," provided them with medicine and "shared with them the same food that Hamas was eating."

Israel has spent the past week accusing Hamas of being a baby-beheading, baby-raping, ISIS-style killing machine that rapes pregnant woman, cuts their babies out on film and inflicts horrors on their victims "worse than the Holocaust."

"They gave us pitta bread, hard cheese, some low fat cream cheese, and cucumber and that was our food for the entire day."

Freed Hamas hostage Yocheved Lifshitz recounts her experience saying "there were people there who took care of all the needs."

? https://t.co/ViphYGDoVz pic.twitter.com/FNxgBznX0F

— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 24, 2023

Sharone Lifschitz, the daughter of freed hostage Yocheved Lifshitz, recounts her mother's experience of being taken hostage by Hamas.

She says Hamas militants were "friendly" and describes how another hostage was treated by a paramedic. https://t.co/w3Jr8XxEZs

? Sky 501 pic.twitter.com/AjyPjXqgiP

— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 24, 2023

"Each person had a guard watching him or her. They took care of all the needs. They talked about all kinds of things, they were very friendly."

Yocheved Lifshitz details what it was like while being held hostage by Hamas.

? https://t.co/ViphYGDoVz

? Sky 501 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/lSs5io56uH

— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 24, 2023


— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) October 23, 2023

From The Times of Israel, "Lifshitz press conference panned as disastrous for Israel, PR win for Hamas":

The Kan public broadcaster reports that Israeli PR experts are calling the decision to put Lifshitz in front of cameras a "mistake." The station notes that international media is now reporting on Hamas's kindness in taking care of the hostage's needs.

In Israel Hayom, columnist Eddie Rothstein calls the interview a "propaganda win for Hamas."

Contrast the way Lifshitz's describes the treatment of captives under Hamas with the way Palestinians taken captive by Israel described how they were treated in a shocking story released last week by the Israeli media outlet Haaretz:

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com)

Sauce: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-10-25-israelis-lament-pr-disaster-hostage-hamas-treatment.html

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f6bad1 No.102115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800650 (251923ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Army ‘Giving Its Only Two Iron Dome Batteries to Israel’

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U.S. Army ‘Giving Its Only Two Iron Dome Batteries to Israel’

The Pentagon is reportedly planning to send its only two full Iron Dome air defense systems to Israel — which the U.S. Army originally purchased from that country — to bolster Israeli air defense amid the ongoing conflict with Hamas.

Multiple news outlets reported this possibility yesterday, citing anonymous U.S. and Israeli officials, and a U.S. congressional aid. According to Reuters, officials from the Department of Defense informed members of Congress on Wednesday that it planned to lease the two Iron Dome systems back to Israel. Citing an unnamed congressional aid, the outlet further indicates that said transfer could come within a matter of days. At present, Israel has at least 10 Iron Dome batteries in operation.

Israel's Iron Dome air defense system, which the country first declared operational in 2011, has principally been used to counter rockets, mortar rounds, and artillery shells. The system has also demonstrated capabilities against cruise missiles and drones.

A typical complete Iron Done system comprises multiple launch units, each of which is able to hold up to 20 Tamir interceptors at a time — manufactured by the Israeli company Rafael — along with radars to locate and track targets. In addition, Iron Dome systems also consist of a battle management and control unit.


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f6bad1 No.102116

File: 76c362ea3e8f9c6⋯.png (906.73 KB,1081x1148,1081:1148,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cfe33a2e09849c⋯.png (1.23 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800693 (251928ZOCT23) Notable: "Only Election Deniers Need Apply for Speaker"

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I'll take somedeep cleavageright about now

fake news election reeeeeee intensifies

Only Election Deniers Need Apply for Speaker

The House GOP’s new litmus test

By David A. Graham

A black-and-white photo of the U.S. Capitol.

Mark Peterson / The New York Times / Redux

October 25, 2023, 1:59 PM ET

Saved Stories

Updated on October 25 at 1:59 p.m. ET

One paradox of the current House Republican majority, and a sign of the deep cleavages within it, is that having sought to overturn the 2020 presidential election can be both disqualifying and essential to becoming speaker of the House.

After Jim Jordan of Ohio’s campaign to become speaker flamed out, The Washington Post reported that one reason some colleagues refused to vote for him was his vocal role in trying to prevent the inauguration of Joe Biden. Following Jordan’s exit, nine Republicans announced bids for the role, seven of whom had voted not to certify the 2020 election.

The next GOP nominee, however, was Majority Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota, who voted in favor of certifying the election. That vote—on a matter for which there was no evidence of fraud and no evidence of theft—helped doom Emmer, who withdrew without even seeing a floor vote. Former President Donald Trump, along with some allies, mobilized to block Emmer, citing his certification vote, criticism of Trump after the January 6 riot at the Capitol, and perceived weak defense of Trump amid his 91 felony charges.

Read: The threat to democracy is coming from inside the U.S. House

The next man up is Mike Johnson of Louisiana. Some observers speculate that Johnson, the caucus’s fifth choice, might actually manage to obtain the gavel in part because of fatigue: Republicans understand how bad the failure to elect a speaker is, both for governance and for public appearance. Johnson also hasn’t made as many enemies as the prior nominees, in part because he’s only been in Congress since 2016. But Johnson also has cachet in the MAGA fringe of the House and with Trump, because he was, as The New York Times described him last year, “the most important architect of the Electoral College objections” to certifying the election.

A certain logic dictates that the leader of the House GOP would be an election denier, because the median GOP member is. In 2021, 139 House Republicans voted not to certify the election, and 109 of them remain in the House out of 221 current total Republicans. Of the GOP members who have been newly elected since, several are election deniers. (One, Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin, was even present at the Stop the Steal rally before the riot.) But what is striking is how a failed vote nearly three years ago has become a central issue in the weeks-long speaker fight.

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f6bad1 No.102117

File: d6133963d5b11b5⋯.png (229.42 KB,570x534,95:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800700 (251929ZOCT23) Notable: "Only Election Deniers Need Apply for Speaker"

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>and a sign of the deep cleavages

Kevin McCarthy, the recently deposed speaker, fit the bill, having voted not to certify. But McCarthy is widely viewed as an institutionalist, so his vote garnered him neither much credibility with conservatives nor the condemnation it deserved among some Democratic and mainstream observers. For better or worse, McCarthy’s vote was treated as cynical, insincere politicking. (It didn’t help that he was publicly bullied into signing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court challenging the results in four states.)

But Johnson was not just a member going along with the election denial for political expediency. He was the intellectual force—such as it was—behind one major prong of the denial. Although Johnson is mild-mannered and little-known outside Congress, he’s practically just Jim Jordan with a suit jacket, conservative glasses, and a less hectoring voice.

Johnson, a constitutional lawyer by profession, concocted what he called a “third option” to allow Republicans to challenge the election without endorsing the wildest claims of flipped votes and Venezuelan interventions. Instead, as the Times reported in detail, he argued that the way some states had changed voting procedures in response to the coronavirus pandemic was unconstitutional. Delivered in a careful way, this seemed like a lawyerly argument, but the intended effect was radical: It aimed to have the votes of several key states that voted for Biden simply thrown out, disenfranchising millions of Americans and handing Trump reelection. (The premise was also shaky; the number of votes affected by the changes wouldn’t have flipped the states.)

When Texas’s attorney general made a similar argument to the U.S. Supreme Court, Johnson wrote an amicus brief in support of it and rounded up House Republicans to sign it, using an implicit threat: He said that Trump would “be anxiously awaiting the final list” of signers to review. According to the Times, the lawyer for House Republican leaders said that Johnson’s arguments didn’t hold water, but he still managed to get 125 members to sign. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court rejected the argument in December 2020, saying that Texas had no standing to sue.

Having run out of other options, many of the same Republicans decided to vote on January 6 not to certify the election. Johnson put out a phenomenally disingenuous statement explaining that vote, in which he spread claims that undermined faith in elections despite a lack of evidence or legal grounding, all in the name of building faith. “Our extraordinary republic has endured for nearly two and a half centuries based on the consent of the governed,” he and 36 colleagues wrote. “That consent is grounded in the confidence of our people in the legitimacy of our institutions of government. Among our most fundamental institutions is the system of free and fair elections we rely upon, and any erosion in that foundation jeopardizes the stability of our republic.” Johnson also told The New Yorker, apparently with a straight face, that he “genuinely believe[d]” that Trump was challenging the election on principle and not just to stay in power.

Last night, after Johnson was designated the speaker nominee, a reporter asked him about his role in trying to overturn the election. His colleagues jeered at the reporter while Johnson smirked and then said, “Next question.” The dismissiveness is unwarranted, especially when three former lawyers for Trump have pleaded guilty to crimes related to election subversion just in the past week. But Republican members don’t want to talk about the topic, because they know that election denial is not popular with the American people. Within the GOP caucus, however, it’s not just mainstream—it might be a prerequisite for leadership.


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f6bad1 No.102118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800720 (251932ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP Back at NY Counrt - LIVE

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f6bad1 No.102119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800727 (251933ZOCT23) Notable: Moar MIKE J

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Rep. Johnson Grills DHS Sec. Mayorkas· 2 months ago.

You don’t have to watch this butJohnson did not allow Mayorkas to lie with his word salad answers or non answers. Mayorkas just wastes time by his long winded bullshit winding answers. Johnson calls him out for lying under oath!


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f6bad1 No.102120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800810 (251944ZOCT23) Notable: New US House Speaker announces resolution supporting Israel - alarabiya.net

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that was fast

New US House Speaker announces resolution supporting Israel



Make Israel Great Again

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f6bad1 No.102121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800845 (251949ZOCT23) Notable: DIRTY JUDGE ARTHUR ENGORON fines trump 10,000 for execising First Amendment rights

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Call the NY District 1 Court with dirty ethics complaints:


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f6bad1 No.102122

File: 24959ca8345f42a⋯.png (345.69 KB,636x425,636:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800855 (251950ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump storms out of trial after judge denies motion to dismiss case and calls him to the stand to fine him $10,000 for violating gag order for a second time

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Donald Trump storms out of trial after judge denies motion to dismiss case and calls him to the stand to fine him $10,000 for violating gag order for a second time


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f6bad1 No.102123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800865 (251952ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump storms out of trial after judge denies motion to dismiss case and calls him to the stand to fine him $10,000 for violating gag order for a second time

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In the New York case, Cohen returned to the witness stand on Wednesday as the defense team tried to undermine the credibility and question the motives of his onetime personal attorney turned adversary.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba confronted Cohen with comments he had made praising Trump, before turning on him when Cohen’s legal problems started in 2018.

Habba tried to suggest that Cohen had angled unsuccessfully for a job in Trump’s White House — Cohen insisted he never sought one — and asked whether he had “significant animosity” toward Trump.

“Do I have animosity toward him? Yes I do,” Cohen replied.

“You have made a career out of publicly attacking President Trump, haven’t you?” Habba asked.

After a long pause, Cohen said, “Yes.”

Cohen worked as Trump’s lawyer and fixer for many years, before Cohen’s 2018 federal prosecution, guilty pleas and prison sentence for tax evasion, making false statements on a bank loan application, lying to Congress and making illegal contributions to Trump’s campaign. The contributions were in the form of payouts to women who said they had extramarital sexual encounters with Trump, who said the women’s stories were false.

Cohen is now a key witness in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil case against Trump. James alleges that Trump habitually exaggerated the value of his real estate holdings on financial documents that helped him get loans and insurance and make deals.

Trump denies any wrongdoing and says James, a Democrat, is targeting him for partisan reasons.

During his first day of testimony Tuesday, Cohen said he and key executives at Trump’s company worked to inflate the estimated values of their employer’s holdings so documents given to banks and others would match a net worth that Trump had set “arbitrarily.”

In cross-examining Cohen, Habba emphasized his federal criminal convictions and worked to portray him as a liar, especially after he said Tuesday he had lied when he pleaded guilty to tax evasion and loan application lies. Cohen asserted that he did not really commit those crimes and he sought to portray his conduct as a matter of omissions and failure to correct paperwork.

Habba returned to those themes Wednesday, underscoring that Cohen had admitted in open court to lying under oath in a federal courthouse next door.

Outside court, Trump said the trial was “very unfair” and a “pure political witch hunt.” Nonetheless, he said, “We’re happy with the way it’s going.”

“We have the facts on our side,” Trump said. He’s expected to testify later in the trial but meanwhile has voluntarily attended several days of the proceedings.

Cohen is also expected to be an important prosecution witness in a criminal trial scheduled for next spring in which Trump is accused of falsifying business records. That case is one of four criminal prosecutions Trump faces in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington.

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f6bad1 No.102124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800882 (251954ZOCT23) Notable: Leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement: Yemen is ready to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to fight alongside Palestinians

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Leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement: Yemen is ready to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to fight alongside Palestinians



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f6bad1 No.102125

File: b9a8486ba8480af⋯.png (348 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800924 (252002ZOCT23) Notable: Moar MIKE J

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It's not that I know anything about Rep Mike Johnson outside of Trump's non-endorsement endorsement, but I am in a wait and see posture at the moment.

Can he actually steer the GOP conference into getting some stuff done?

Will he stand up to Brandon and Schumer (ignoring the Turtle) and get some concessions on the budget?

Will he unleash Comer and Jordan and get Brandon's articles of impeachment out of committee and to the floor for a vote?

Will he make the House into the real oversight body (budget, and everything else) it is supposed to be?

If so, I will sing his praises. If not, then Republicans are back to playing dummy in the card game that is D.C.

What we have just seen is the partial removal of the RINOs who were the guardians of the status quo in D.C.; they didn't like it one bit. We will see if they try to regain control by manipulating Johnson. Hope he is up to the challenge.

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f6bad1 No.102126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800933 (252005ZOCT23) Notable: Anon: Israel was attacked 3 years and 22 days after Abraham Accords were signed by Trump and Netanyahu

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Israel was attacked3 years and 22 days after Abraham Accordswere signed by Trump and Netanyahu

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f6bad1 No.102127

File: a7905a9e9c880d9⋯.png (579.57 KB,1334x653,1334:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800940 (252006ZOCT23) Notable: Moar MIKE J

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Voting time!


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f6bad1 No.102128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800956 (252008ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson: "The first bill that I'm going to bring to this floor will be in support of our dear friend Israel."

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>>102051, >>102068, >>102069, >>102070, >>102074, >>102076 LB


NOW - New U.S. House Speaker Johnson: "The first bill that I'm going to bring to this floor will be in support of our dear friend Israel."


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f6bad1 No.102129

File: 2331844a70b7a2e⋯.png (238.37 KB,621x414,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800962 (252009ZOCT23) Notable: Army Air Defense Units from 3 Bases Are Deploying to Middle East After 13 Drone Attacks

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Army Air Defense Units from 3 Bases Are Deploying to Middle East After 13 Drone Attacks

24 Oct 2023

Military.com | By Konstantin Toropin

The Army air defense units deploying to the Middle East amid the Israel-Hamas war come from Fort Bliss in Texas, Fort Liberty in North Carolina, and Fort Sill in Oklahoma, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The units are bringing Patriot missile batteries and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, battery to the region after more than a dozen drone and rocket attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria over the past week that the Pentagon has blamed on Iranian proxies. NBC News reported Tuesday evening that two dozen American military personnel were wounded in the attacks, but that could not be immediately confirmed by Military.com.

Although Pentagon officials didn't name the Army units being deployed, Fort Bliss is home to the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Fort Liberty hosts the 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, and Fort Sill is home to the 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade.

The units are among the latest deployments to the Middle East following two aircraft carrier strike groups earlier this month; F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets this week - adding to jets and A-10 Thunderbolt II planes already sent; and military advisers including a Marine Corps general versed in urban warfare to aid Israel as it wages war on Hamas.

Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the top Pentagon spokesman who briefed reporters Tuesday, would not say how many troops are deploying with the air defense units or give their specific destinations. He did say that a THAAD battery was coming from Fort Bliss and the Patriot battalions would come from Fort Liberty and Fort Bliss.

More than 2,000 U.S. troops were also put on ready-to-deploy orders by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as yet another show of support for Israel, which declared war against Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, after its sudden and brazen terrorist attack on Oct. 7 killed about 1,400 Israelis.

The deployment of the air defenses came as Pentagon officials disclosed new details about an uptick in drone and missile strikes on U.S. bases in the region since last week. On Monday, the Pentagon blamed the attacks on Iran and groups it supports in the region, and said it expected the threat to grow as the bloody war in Israel and Gaza drags on.

Ryder said that between Oct. 17 and Oct. 24, "U.S. and coalition forces have been attacked at least 10 separate times in Iraq and three separate times in Syria via a mix of one-way attack drones and rockets."

The Pentagon had revealed some of these attacks last week as they occurred, but Ryder stressed that 13 attacks are "initial numbers."

Defense officials have also stepped up the rhetoric around the attacks, telling reporters Monday that they "see a prospect for much more significant escalation against U.S. forces and personnel in the near term and, let's be clear about it, the road leads back to Iran."

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Eric Smith was even more direct. Defense officials said last week that the Marine Corps' 26th Expeditionary Unit was heading "to the waters off of Israel" as a result of the crisis after it abruptly ended pre-scheduled training in Kuwait.

A Navy spokesperson told Military.com on Monday that the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, which transports the 26th MEU, was in the Gulf of Oman area conducting freedom of navigation operations.

The Marines now deployed to the area "bring with them the weapons of war, if needed," Smith told a crowd Monday while speaking at a memorial for the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.

"For those that are in the area, if that MEU has to go in, if you target them, someone else will raise your children," Smith added.

Meanwhile, at sea, the destroyer USS Carney shot down drones and Houthi-launched cruise missiles on Thursday. The incident has been framed as a self-defense move by the Pentagon since last week, when officials wouldn't say whether the threat they posed was to the ship or Israel.

Ryder told reporters Tuesday that the land attack cruise missiles that the Carney shot down had a range that "was likely in excess of 2,000 kilometers," making them quite capable of striking Israel.

Another addition to the Middle East besides the Army's air defense missiles will be more F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets from the New Jersey Air National Guard's 119th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron. Ryder said that the unit arrived in the Middle East on Tuesday.


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f6bad1 No.102130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800965 (252010ZOCT23) Notable: Paedophile teacher kept Victorian Education Department job for seven years after conviction

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Paedophile teacher kept Victorian Education Department job for seven years after conviction

A former primary school teacher at the centre of the Victorian government's latest historical child sexual abuse inquiry remained an education department employee for seven years after he was convicted of sexually abusing two of his students.

Warning: This story contains references to child abuse

ABC Investigations has found David Ernest Keith MacGregor was convicted of two counts of indecent assault on a person under the age of 16 and sentenced to three years' probation in Melbourne Magistrates' Court in September 1985.

MacGregor is one of four alleged perpetrators currently being examined by the Board of Inquiry into historical child sexual abuse in Beaumaris Primary School and other government schools.

Despite his conviction, MacGregor remained an employee of the Victorian Education Department until at least 1992, working in the department's regional offices in Frankston and Dandenong.

Former education department officials confirmed to ABC Investigations that MacGregor had taught at Kunyung Primary School in Mount Eliza at the time of his conviction, which ended his teaching career.

A former Kunyung Primary student, who was taught by MacGregor in 1985, told ABC Investigations MacGregor's abrupt disappearance from the classroom in May that year was explained away as a holiday.

But within a week, members of the school community read about MacGregor's sexual abuse charges in a local newspaper, The Mornington Leader.


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f6bad1 No.102131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800981 (252013ZOCT23) Notable: Anon: Israel was attacked 3 years and 22 days after Abraham Accords were signed by Trump and Netanyahu

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did anon miss the322aspect of the equation?

it's a Skull & Bones signature on the entire operation

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f6bad1 No.102132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800995 (252015ZOCT23) Notable: DIRTY JUDGE ARTHUR ENGORON fines trump 10,000 for execising First Amendment rights

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Judge Engoron Puts Trump on Witness Stand, Fines Him $10,000 For ‘Violating’ Gag Order – Then Warns, “Don’t Do It Again Or It’ll be Worse”

Far-left Judge Engoron put Trump on the witness stand after he blasted the former president and accused him of potentially violating the gag order with his remarks to the press. He also fined Trump $10,000.

Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York.

President Trump briefly spoke with the press during the mid-morning break. He criticized Michael Cohen as a “discredited witness” and called Arthur Engoron a “partisan judge.”

“He’s a felon, convicted felon for lying, went to jail for lying, and this is their only witness,” Trump said to reporters. “When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing.”

“The financial statements that we use were very conservative,” the former president added. “In addition to that, we have a disclaimer, which is go out and do your own due diligence, don’t necessarily believe what you read. In fact, don’t believe what you read, and here are the financials. You can look at them, and you can do whatever you want with it, but do not do anything in terms of considering them without analysis or due diligence.”

“Our country has become a laughing stock all over the world,” Trump told the press.


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f6bad1 No.102133

File: d1523854f5e14bb⋯.jpg (129.47 KB,720x755,144:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f3fe23fcd4ff685⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 018712f37820fb4⋯.jpg (124.9 KB,720x732,60:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801033 (252022ZOCT23) Notable: Moar MIKE J

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45th speaker? There have actually been 56

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f6bad1 No.102134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801048 (252025ZOCT23) Notable: Moar MIKE J

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f6bad1 No.102135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801056 (252026ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump storms out of trial after judge denies motion to dismiss case and calls him to the stand to fine him $10,000 for violating gag order for a second time

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Forgive the sauce... kek


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f6bad1 No.102136

File: 828b598a857b644⋯.png (1.5 MB,1919x935,1919:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801089 (252032ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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COBRA31 WC-135 Constant Phoenix up out of Offutt AFB

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f6bad1 No.102137

File: c6b60002f1dbacb⋯.png (71.28 KB,500x266,250:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801110 (252035ZOCT23) Notable: World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses

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World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses

Two weeks ago we reminded the world that thanks to soaring interest rates, which will only keep rising until the Fed figures out what "big-enough" crisis it uses to trigger QEx+1, the staggering losses on global fixed income securities which according to the IIF amount to $307 trillion - as calculated by DB's Jim Reid - amount to a little bit over $100 trillion (and rising). And while thanks to such facilities as the BTFP much of the MTM risk has been transferred if only for the time being away from commercial banks and to the Fed, the cumulative losses at central banks are now absolutely staggering, starting with the biggest and baddest one of all, where the Fed operating loss is now $111 billion and rising with every day that the Fed pays out more in interest to banks and money market funds than it collects on its bond portfolio...

... while the cumulative MTM loss on its multi-trillion bond and MBS portfolio is now a staggering, hold on to your hats, $1+ trillion (this despite unwinding more than $1 trillion in assets on its balance sheet since the early 2022 peak).


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f6bad1 No.102138

File: fdc2125af4aadd9⋯.png (665.58 KB,753x2830,753:2830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801139 (252039ZOCT23) Notable: Jailed journalist Owen Shroyer put in solitary confinement

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BREAKING: Jailed journalist Owen Shroyer put in solitary confinement


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f6bad1 No.102139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801146 (252040ZOCT23) Notable: #24312

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#24312 >>102086

>>102087, >>102088, >>102098, >>102100, >>102101 Congratulations Mike Johnson

>>102110, >>102119, >>102125, >>102127, >>102133, >>102134 Moar MIKE J

>>102090 Mike Johnson: We have a catastrophe at our southern border, the senate and the White House can no longer ignore the problem.

>>102092 Mike Johnson: this speakership will be to decentralized big government.

>>102093 Mike Johnson: I have made a commitment to my colleagues here, that this speaker's office is going to be known for decentralizing the power here.

>>102095, >>102096 Mike Johnson: Let the enemies of freedom around the world hear us loud and clear; the people's house is back in business….I genuinely believe in my heart that the best days of America are still ahead of us.

>>102102, >>102104, >>102108 CBS: "Timeline: Republicans' chaotic search for a new House speaker"

>>102120 New US House Speaker announces resolution supporting Israel - alarabiya.net

>>102128 Mike Johnson: "The first bill that I'm going to bring to this floor will be in support of our dear friend Israel."

>>102089 Israel's Iron Dome Has A Supply Problem

>>102091 Convicted Child Molester Who Set Up ‘Free Fentanyl’ Sign Across From California School Arrested

>>102094 Chinese investment in Africa hits $1.8b in 1st half of 2023

>>102097 White House Says Israel Will Continue to Kill ‘Innocent Civilians’ in Gaza

>>102099 Questions persist about Israeli attack on USS Liberty naval ship that killed 34 American crew members

>>102103, >>102113 New Zealand Is a Crime Scene: 30 Out of 30 People Vaccinated in One Clinic Are Now Dead

>>102105 DHS cybersecurity agency immediately flagged Hunter Biden laptop story

>>102106 Tucker Carlson: Looks Like We’re Going to War with Iran. Are We Ready for This?

>>102107 US Foster Care: Psych Drugs Are a $23 Billion Per Year Industry and Children Are Raped and Abused

>>102109 19,000 ATMs Have Shut Down Across US as the Govt Prepares to Roll Out CBDC Digital Currency

>>102112, >>102111 Anon addendum to two previous notables (old, not relevant)

>>102114 Israelis lament ‘PR disaster’ after freed Israeli hostage reveals Hamas ‘treated us very nicely’

>>102115 U.S. Army ‘Giving Its Only Two Iron Dome Batteries to Israel’

>>102116, >>102117 "Only Election Deniers Need Apply for Speaker"

>>102118 TRUMP Back at NY Counrt - LIVE

>>102121, >>102132 DIRTY JUDGE ARTHUR ENGORON fines trump 10,000 for execising First Amendment rights

>>102122, >>102123, >>102135 Donald Trump storms out of trial after judge denies motion to dismiss case and calls him to the stand to fine him $10,000 for violating gag order for a second time

>>102124 Leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement: Yemen is ready to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to fight alongside Palestinians

>>102129 Army Air Defense Units from 3 Bases Are Deploying to Middle East After 13 Drone Attacks

>>102130 Paedophile teacher kept Victorian Education Department job for seven years after conviction

>>102126, >>102131 Anon: Israel was attacked 3 years and 22 days after Abraham Accords were signed by Trump and Netanyahu

>>102136 PF

>>102137 World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses

>>102138 Jailed journalist Owen Shroyer put in solitary confinement



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f6bad1 No.102140

File: e4f0a2dcf1cb3cb⋯.png (227.07 KB,1337x420,191:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801155 (252041ZOCT23) Notable: #24313

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baker seeking handoff ghosting in @20


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f6bad1 No.102141

File: 19a4bdd74b50260⋯.png (463.52 KB,604x499,604:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801169 (252043ZOCT23) Notable: MIGA!

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f6bad1 No.102142

File: 80d47faa05a242f⋯.png (1.13 MB,1907x934,1907:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801205 (252051ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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HOMER42 RC-135 reconnaissance plane is patrolling off the coast of Israel.

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f6bad1 No.102143

File: 0ea733c379db1f9⋯.png (847.24 KB,932x846,466:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801211 (252052ZOCT23) Notable: Jamaal Bowman criminally charged by DC attorney general

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🚨UPDATE: Jamaal Bowman has just been criminally charged by the DC attorney general

He must report to the police station on 10/26 to be booked, fingerprinted, and get his mugshot


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f6bad1 No.102144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801297 (252107ZOCT23) Notable: Australian pro-freedom activist Monica Smit denied entry to US without explanation

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Australian pro-freedom activist Monica Smit denied entry to US without explanation

Smit is concerned that the revocation of her visa could be related to her pro-freedom activism and recently published book, Cell 22: From Party Girl to Political Prisoner.

Monica Smit, an Australian freedom activist who protested against oppressive COVID-19 lockdowns, has had her U.S. visa revoked without explanation after it was approved about two months ago.


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f6bad1 No.102145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801312 (252108ZOCT23) Notable: FBI had over 40 confidential human sources involved in Biden family criminal investigations

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BREAKING: The FBI had over 40 confidential human sources involved in Biden family criminal investigations.

However, the FBI's Washington Field Office shut down subpoenas, search warrants, and investigations into the Bidens, according to documents obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley.

The revelations were laid out in a letter Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray late Tuesday night obtained by Fox News Digital.

"Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family," Grassley wrote in a letter to Attorney General Garland and FBI Director Wray.

"Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors."

He added: "Our Republic cannot survive such a political infection, and you have an obligation to this country to clear the air."

Source: Fox News Digital via @BrookeSingman


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f6bad1 No.102146

File: 5176e8f1fac0291⋯.jpeg (273.91 KB,1170x618,195:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801347 (252113ZOCT23) Notable: Jamaal Bowman criminally charged by DC attorney general

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f6bad1 No.102147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801355 (252115ZOCT23) Notable: Creepy Arrest In Fort Worth Featured A Robot Dog And Drone

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Creepy Arrest In Fort Worth Featured A Robot Dog And Drone


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f6bad1 No.102148

File: cbe13cfa0bf9274⋯.jpg (161.64 KB,720x1175,144:235,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9543c62fb13242f⋯.jpg (184.04 KB,720x1241,720:1241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801418 (252127ZOCT23) Notable: U.S EMBASSY IN KUWAIT ALERT

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The embassy is aware of threats made on social media by Alwiyat al-Waad al-Haq, a militia group in Iraq, against U.S. military bases in Kuwait.

As a result, the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait is limiting its activity on U.S. military bases to essential and official events only. U.S. citizens are advised to remain alert.


Kuwait is a VERY CLOSE U.S ALLY, so such an alert in the country is "very rare."


- Iranian-backed Iraqi militia Alwiya Waad al Haq (the Righteous Promise Brigades) threatened to attack US forces in Kuwait and the UAE on October 24.

- Alwiya Waad al Haq previously claimed drone attacks targeting the Saudi royal palace in January 2021 and ”vital facilities” in Abu Dhabi, UAE in February 2022.

- CTP-ISW previously assessed that this group was likely a front for Kataib Hezbollah.

- Pro-Iran Telegram channels affiliated with Iraqi proxy groups echoed the group’s threat to attack US forces in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

- This threat and its amplification in pro-Iran channels suggest that Iranian-backed Iraqi militias are willing to escalate regionally beyond Iraq and Syria.

Source: Critical Threats

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f6bad1 No.102149

File: 987fd67fd4bd087⋯.png (294.89 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801425 (252129ZOCT23) Notable: NATO Readiness Exercise Dynamic Mariner 23

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NATO Showcases Unprecedented Maritime Cooperation and Readiness during Exercise Dynamic Mariner 23

TARANTO, Italy - In a remarkable display of international maritime cooperation, naval forces from five Allied nations have gathered in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Italy for the start of Exercise Dynamic Mariner 23.

Following a year of meticulous planning, NATO’s Italian-led exercise will put personnel and military assets through a series of challenging scenarios, designed to prepare them for an effective response to potential crises and threats in the future.

The exercise will take place in Italian territorial waters and international waters in the Mediterranean Sea including airspace above, an extremely important area for global maritime security.

Exercise Dynamic Mariner 23 will begin on the 23 October and finish on 6 November. It overlaps with the Italian-led Exercise Mare Aperto 23-2, which continues until 17 November.


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f6bad1 No.102150

File: 51e96e54dd561d9⋯.jpeg (523.81 KB,828x860,207:215,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 11f55a2c9535df3⋯.jpeg (202.11 KB,828x1337,828:1337,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7eb09ed125ab346⋯.jpeg (123.71 KB,1792x629,1792:629,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801451 (252134ZOCT23) Notable: Yields Jump After Gruesome 5Y Auction Prices With Biggest Tail In 15 Months

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Fed’s Financial Stability Report Says $20.3 Trillion Is Subject to a Run

(Which means THIS AMOUNT is roughly what any bailout would need to be passed by congress Protip: crqno chance in hell….completely dwarfing the ‘08-original public amount of $750b-and THAT was used solely to recapitalize the insolvent banking system….they dint fix a damn thing and never planned to…why do that if,for example, JP Moran can add or subtract TRILLIONS in derivatives from Q to Q cap 2 is the latest FDIC losses for hold to maturity (US Debt)…..it’s higher by now)

Last Friday, the Federal Reserve published its Financial Stability Report, which takes a detailed look at U.S. financial stability through the second quarter of this year. Although the Fed does its best to put a rosy glow on the outlook, it’s not a pretty picture. We found the most disturbing sentence in the report to be the following:and complete BULLSHIT….what did you think they were gonna say

“Overall, estimated runnable money-like financial liabilities increased 3.4 percent to $20.3 trillion (75 percent of nominal GDP) over the past year.”

Given that a handful of banks this past spring, with combined liabilities of less than $1 trillion, caused a full blown banking panic and bank runs, the Fed’s figure of $20.3 trillion of “runnable” money is not a comforting thought. The Fed elaborates as follows: follows:

“The banking industry maintained a high level of liquidity overall, but some banks continued to face funding pressures; meanwhile, structural vulnerabilities persisted in other sectors engaged in liquidity transformation.

“The banking industry overall maintained a high level of liquidity since the May report. Funding risks for most banks remained low, and large banks that are subject to the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) continued to maintain ample levels of HQLA [High Quality Liquid Assets] given the risk of their funding structures. That said, banks that came under stress and experienced large deposit outflows in March continued to face funding pressure. Since March, volatility has abated and deposit outflows have largely stabilized—owing, in part, to actions by the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation—but these banks nonetheless continued to face challenges navigating changes in depositor behavior, higher funding costs, and reduced market values for investment securities.

“Prime MMFs [Money Market Funds] and other cash-investment vehicles remained vulnerable to runs and, hence, contributed to the fragility of short-term funding marketssee the run up and now run down of the NY FED Reverse Repo FacilityIn addition, some cash-management vehicles, including retail prime MMFs, government MMFs, and short-term investment funds, maintained stable net asset values (NAVs) that make them susceptible to sharp increases in interest rates.(You can read the rest of this drivel at article link-edit for space)

The mention of life insurers with “nontraditional liabilities” and “illiquid and risky assets on their balance sheets” is a particularly sensitive subject for the Fed, which is supposed to be supervising the global systemically important banks (GSIBs) to make sure they don’t spread their contagion through the U.S. financial system in a replay of 2008. On September 16, 2008, one day after Lehman Brothers made its bankruptcy filing, the U.S. government had to nationalize American International Group (AIG), one of the largest life insurers in the world.

AIG received a taxpayer backstop of $185 billion but the bailout of AIG was in reality a backdoor bailout of the global banks on Wall Street who had used AIG as a counterparty on their casino-like Credit Default Swaps and for securities loans – neither of which AIG could make good on. (Something that the Fed’s bank examiners apparently missed.)

It was eventually revealed that major Wall Street banks, foreign banks and hedge funds received more than half of AIG’s bailout money ($93.2 billion). Public pressure eventually forced AIG to release a chart of these payments.

Since 2008, (and I’d argue it started in 2002 with the coming Iraq war #2) the Fed’s approach to both supervision of the mega banks and financial stability is to have no restraints on the amount of money it can create electronically to bail out the bad boys on Wall Street in an effort to cover up its own incompetence as a bank supervisor.




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f6bad1 No.102151

File: 268aad0e53bdf30⋯.gif (93.57 KB,384x300,32:25,Clipboard.gif)

File: 93615dc87d30ba2⋯.png (172.27 KB,1142x723,1142:723,Clipboard.png)

File: a91bfc71835686b⋯.png (64.52 KB,931x593,931:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ce0a265b999220⋯.png (145.58 KB,374x350,187:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801521 (252148ZOCT23) Notable: Yields Jump After Gruesome 5Y Auction Prices With Biggest Tail In 15 Months

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Yields Jump After Gruesome 5Y Auction Prices With Biggest Tail In 15 Months

(Primary Dealers have to buy here but it’s getting harder to offload this crap after they buy it-see below for dealer take down….QE coming next year in early spring)

Well, the treasury market respite from the "Bills" closing out their shorts was, as expected, quite short lived and moments ago the pricing of an ugly 5Y auction reminded just how much more pain lies in store for the US bond market.

The sale of $52BN in 5Y notes priced at a high yield of 4.899%, more than 20bps above last month's 4.671%, the highest yield since June 2007, and also tailing the 4.880% When Issued by a whopping 1.9bps, which was the biggest tail since last September and the 4th biggest tail in the past decade.

The bid to cover of 2.36 was also rather ugly, and not only was it below last month's 2.52 and the six-auction average of 2.55, it was (also) the worst since last September. The internals were even uglier with Indirects sliding by almost 10bps to 61.5% from 71.2%, the lowest since - you guessed it - last September, and below the recent average of 68.9%. And with Directs awarded 19.1%, or roughly in line with the recent average,Dealers were left holding 19.4%, the most since, drumroll, last September.The auction was so ugly, the bond market was rocked wider with the 10Y rising as high as 4.95%, and fast approaching the key level of 5.00% where yields halted their retreat earlier this week.


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f6bad1 No.102152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801536 (252152ZOCT23) Notable: Israel/Palestine: The History and What’s Real?

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I listened to this at work today, after only having time to hear the end when it came out.

Israel/Palestine: The History and What’s Real? Opposing Views with Norman Finkelstein and David Brog

5 days ago


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f6bad1 No.102153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801555 (252155ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken Told Qatar To 'Tone Down' Al Jazeera's Biased Anti-Israel Coverage

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Blinken Told Qatar To 'Tone Down' Al Jazeera's Biased Anti-Israel Coverage

Blinken said he gave toning down Al Jazeera coverage of the war in Gaza as an example of steps the Qatari government can take to do this. Blinken said he asked the Qataris to "turn down the volume on Al Jazeera's coverage because it is full of anti-Israel incitement,"


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f6bad1 No.102154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801590 (252201ZOCT23) Notable: Israel/Palestine: The History and What’s Real?

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She says maybe 5 words the entire time, but basically the first guy is the typical Israel worshipper justifying how if the Palestinians would just let them take the land there wouldn't be violence, but the second guy actually details the entire history pretty objectively.

My main takeaway, as an anon who believes Hamas = Israel = C_A

is that Israel was created to keep religious war alive, and Gaza is a loosh farm, an open air prison, or as anon put it


>the original 15 minute city.

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f6bad1 No.102155

File: cedc221bf6eca18⋯.png (307.97 KB,710x706,355:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801664 (252213ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson & Johnson blocked from using bankruptcy to resolve talcum powder lawsuits

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f6bad1 No.102156

File: 8e2594773cd91d0⋯.png (226.28 KB,579x1030,579:1030,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801702 (252221ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson & Johnson blocked from using bankruptcy to resolve talcum powder lawsuits

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Johnson & Johnson blocked from using bankruptcy to resolve talcum powder lawsuits

Ruling from US appeals court casts doubt on future of contentious ‘Texas two-step’ manoeuvre

Jamie Smyth in New York January 30 2023

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

A US appeals court has dismissed a bankruptcy petition filed by a unit of Johnson & Johnson, upending the healthcare company’s attempt to resolve billions of dollars of legal claims from customers alleging its talcum powder caused cancer.

The Third US Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday said it had dismissed a bankruptcy filing from J&J’s subsidiary LTL management, preventing it from shifting thousands of legal claims out of trial courts and into the bankruptcy system.



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f6bad1 No.102157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801747 (252230ZOCT23) Notable: Israel/Palestine: The History and What’s Real?

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On point anon

Some Palestinian have biblical last name and been their for thousands of years like Daniel and other names

Jews and Palestinians lived with each other for thousands of years with no problem whatsoever

Heard it from many Jews who had ancestors in the Middle East

The whole thing was manufactured as a loosh farm for war pigs

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f6bad1 No.102158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801810 (252242ZOCT23) Notable: FBI had over 40 confidential human sources involved in Biden family criminal investigations

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Grassley: FBI Received ‘Criminal Information’ From Over 40 Confidential Sources on Biden Family – FBI Washington Field Office Shut Down Reporting!

On Wednesday, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed that the FBI received ‘criminal information’ from over 40 confidential human sources on Joe, Hunter, and James Biden – dating back to Joe Biden’s time as Vice President.

According to Grassley’s letter which was obtained by Fox News, the task force in the Washington Field Office shut down the reporting from the sources which eventually halted investigative activity.

“Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family,” Grassley wrote in a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley wrote: “Our Republic cannot survive such a political infection and you have an obligation to this country to clear the air.”


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f6bad1 No.102159

File: c7fb1e0c057ff2b⋯.png (367.49 KB,444x555,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801811 (252242ZOCT23) Notable: The number of illegal aliens crossing into the United States since Biden took office now tops the individual populations of more than 38 states

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Chief Nerd


The number of illegal aliens crossing into the United States since Biden took office now tops the individual populations of more than 38 states


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f6bad1 No.102160

File: 474fae34835ad02⋯.png (1.37 MB,1057x861,151:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801812 (252243ZOCT23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Reveals the Dirty Details Behind the Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote

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Must See: Matt Gaetz Reveals the Dirty

Details Behind the Republican Old Guard’s

Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote

for House Speaker (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 10/25/2023 2:52:38 PM

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joined the War Room with Steve Bannon on Wednesday morning following the voting last evening for the next Republican Speaker-designate. During their conversation Matt Gaetz revealed the devious actions of the Old Guard Republicans in their attempts to derail Mike Johnson’s vote. According to Matt Gaetz, Kevin McCarthy was hiding in the background actively working to sabotage the candidates who were running to replace him.

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f6bad1 No.102161

File: c69cbb449d1802b⋯.png (1 MB,855x826,855:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801817 (252244ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Delays Ground Invasion Because US Is Unprepared to Defend Itself

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Israel Delays Ground Invasion Because

US Is Unprepared to Defend Itself

Hot Air, by David Strom

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/25/2023 2:00:24 PM

Oh FFS. The story about why Israel has yet to make a ground invasion of Gaza is becoming clear, and it is yet another embarrassment for the United States under Joe Biden. Israel has been prepared to enter Gaza to eliminate Hamas, but the ground invasion keeps getting delayed. The reason why? The US is unprepared to defend US military installations in the area. This is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. However, I am not sure that the Biden Administration isn’t just pressuring Israel to delay for other reasons as well, given their neverending expressions of concern for Gaza. Israel has agreed, for now, to a request from the U.S.

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f6bad1 No.102162

File: c0c27335ac001ef⋯.png (802.11 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801841 (252249ZOCT23) Notable: Australian Federal Police raids target alleged money laundering by Changjiang Currency Exchange

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Australian Federal Police raids target alleged money laundering by Changjiang Currency Exchange

Australian Federal Police have arrested seven people in Melbourne and seized $50 million worth of luxury cars and property during raids on an alleged money-laundering syndicate it says was operating "in plain sight".

Key points:

AFP officers started investigating Changjiang Currency Exchange when they noticed it expanding during COVID lockdowns

Police allege a gang was laundering money through 12 retail outlets around Australia

The gang allegedly coached criminals on how to create fake documents to conceal where their money came from, police allege

More than 300 officers executed search warrants on homes and offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth early on Wednesday following the 14-month investigation into Changjiang Currency Exchange, a retail money-transfer business that police claim has helped criminals launder almost $230 million over the past three years.

The seven people arrested include four men and three women, aged between 33 and 40. Four are Chinese nationals and three are Australian citizens.

One member of the alleged syndicate, a 37-year-old from Balwyn in Melbourne's east, has been charged with two counts of conspiracy to deal with the proceeds of crime. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Police say they plan to charge the remaining six people arrested, and all seven are expected to appear in court on Thursday.


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f6bad1 No.102163

File: bec716bf85109a6⋯.png (1.05 MB,848x1262,424:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801870 (252255ZOCT23) Notable: Bill Gates' ex GF was married to Kevin Kline's brother, Alex Kline

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Check this out, anon.

Bill Gates' ex GF was married to Kevin Kline's brother, Alex Kline


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f6bad1 No.102164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801877 (252256ZOCT23) Notable: West using religious hatred to destabilize world – Putin

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West using religious hatred to destabilize world – Putin

The Russian president has accused the West of using bigotry to maintain dominance

Meeting with leaders of Russia’s religious communities at the Kremlin, Putin addressed the current conflict in the Middle East and warned that “Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and Russophobia” were being used as weapons against a multipolar world.

“The West sees how the process of forming a multipolar world order is gaining momentum. And in order to restrain the development of independent, sovereign countries, to split the world majority, they use the same means,” Putin said. These forces want “the epidemic of violence and hatred” to engulf not just the Middle East but to Eurasia, he warned.

“Muslims are being set against Jews, calling for ‘war with the infidels’. Shiites are pitted against Sunnis, Orthodox Christians against Catholics. In Europe, they turn a blind eye to blasphemy and vandalism against Muslim shrines. In a number of countries, Nazi criminals and anti-Semites, with the blood of Holocaust victims on their hands, are openly glorified at the official level. In Ukraine, they are moving towards banning the canonical Orthodox Church and deepening the church schism,” the Russian president added.

The goal of all those actions is to “increase instability in the world, to divide cultures, peoples, world religions, and to provoke a conflict of civilizations,” Putin noted. “Meanwhile, they talk about some kind of ‘new world order’, whose essence hasn’t changed: hypocrisy, double standards, claims to exclusivity, to global dominance, to the preservation of an essentially neocolonial system.”

Putin expressed condolences to all Israelis who lost family members in the October 7 attacks, but warned that “innocent people should not be held accountable for crimes committed by others,” and that the fight against terrorism “cannot be carried out according to the notorious principle of collective responsibility.”


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f6bad1 No.102165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801897 (252258ZOCT23) Notable: Bipartisan Congressional Lawmakers File Marijuana Legalization Bill

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>Anybody really know what the fuck is going on?

Bipartisan Congressional Lawmakers File Marijuana Legalization Bill

Published 8 hours ago on October 25, 2023

By Kyle Jaeger

Bipartisan House lawmakers have refiled another bill to federally legalize marijuana, while taking steps to preserve existing state cannabis markets.

Sponsored by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), the States Reform Act was first introduced in 2021, serving as an alternative to a Democratic-led legalization proposal that’s cleared the House twice in recent years. At that time, Mace’s bill had only GOP cosponsors.

The text of the new version of the legislation, which has has a handful of both Democrats and Republicans signed on, isn’t available yet, so it’s unclear if there have been meaningful changes. Even more uncertain are its prospects of advancing under the GOP-controlled House, where the speaker position remains vacant after three weeks following the ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the leadership role.

As a condition of her vote on a bill to raise the debt ceiling and cut certain federal programs, Mace said that she secured a commitment from the former speaker to hold a committee markup on her cannabis bill—but that never happened. Mace was among the handful of Republican members to boot the speaker this month, citing unfulfilled promises without explicitly noting the marijuana markup pledge.

In any case, the States Reform Act as introduced last session would have ended federal cannabis prohibition, at the same time that it sought to engender bipartisan support by incorporating certain equity provisions such as expungements for people with non-violent cannabis convictions and imposing an excise tax, revenue from which would have supported community reinvestment, law enforcement and Small Business Administration (SBA) activities.

The bill is primarily aimed at having the federal government treat marijuana in a similar manner to alcohol. Cannabis would be removed from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), with retroactive effects for people previously punished.

The bill’s original cosponsorship list has changed since the last version. Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) stayed on, but Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), co-chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, is not listed as a cosponsor this round, nor is the late Rep. Don Young (R-AK) who the Florida congressman replaced on the caucus. Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI) was on the last bill, but he lost a primary challenge in 2022.

This time, Rep.Matt Gaetz(R-FL) has joined as an original cosponsor, along with two Democrats. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), who is expected to challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, is signed on, as is Rep. David Trone (D-MD).

Marijuana Moment reached out to Mace and Mast’s offices for comment about why he is not on the bill this time around, but representatives were not immediately available.

During the last Congress, Mace emphasized that she wanted to build bipartisan support for the legislation but at no point did it garner additional cosponsors beyond those who were signed on at its introduction.

Under the legislation as filed last session, federal cannabis convictions would have needed to be expunged within one year. People affiliated with cartels or who have been convicted of driving under the influence would not have been eligible for the relief, however. Mace’s office estimated that about 2,600 people would be released from federal incarceration under the provision.

There would have been a 3 percent federal excise tax on cannabis under the bill. Revenue from federal marijuana taxes would have gone to a newly created Law Enforcement Retraining and Successful Second Chances Fund, and distributed to programs under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program, the Community Oriented Policing Services Hiring program, a new Successful Second Chances program under the Small Business Administration (SBA), veterans mental health programs, state programs to combat opioid addiction and efforts to prevent youth cannabis use.

The Treasury Department’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)—which would have been renamed the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Tax and Trade Bureau—would have been the chief regulator for marijuana with respect to interstate commerce and international trade. The agency would have been tasked with creating a track and trace system for cannabis, and federal officials would be authorized to issue packaging and labelling requirements for products.

The legislation would have grandfathered existing state-licensed cannabis operators into the federal scheme to ensure continued patient access and incentivize participation in the legal market.


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f6bad1 No.102166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801913 (252300ZOCT23) Notable: #24313

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#24313 >>102140

>>102141 MIGA!

>>102142 Planefag

>>102143, >>102146 Jamaal Bowman criminally charged by DC attorney general

>>102144 Australian pro-freedom activist Monica Smit denied entry to US without explanation

>>102145, >>102158 FBI had over 40 confidential human sources involved in Biden family criminal investigations

>>102147 Creepy Arrest In Fort Worth Featured A Robot Dog And Drone


>>102149 NATO Readiness Exercise Dynamic Mariner 23

>>102150, >>102151 Yields Jump After Gruesome 5Y Auction Prices With Biggest Tail In 15 Months

>>102152, >>102154, >>102157 Israel/Palestine: The History and What’s Real?

>>102153 Blinken Told Qatar To 'Tone Down' Al Jazeera's Biased Anti-Israel Coverage

>>102155, >>102156 Johnson & Johnson blocked from using bankruptcy to resolve talcum powder lawsuits

>>102159 The number of illegal aliens crossing into the United States since Biden took office now tops the individual populations of more than 38 states

>>102160 Matt Gaetz Reveals the Dirty Details Behind the Attempt to Derail Mike Johnson’s Vote

>>102161 Israel Delays Ground Invasion Because US Is Unprepared to Defend Itself

>>102162 Australian Federal Police raids target alleged money laundering by Changjiang Currency Exchange

>>102163 Bill Gates' ex GF was married to Kevin Kline's brother, Alex Kline

>>102164 West using religious hatred to destabilize world – Putin

>>102165 Bipartisan Congressional Lawmakers File Marijuana Legalization Bill


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f6bad1 No.102167

File: 4eee900a6ca51ba⋯.png (839.91 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801925 (252302ZOCT23) Notable: #24314

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f6bad1 No.102168

File: 9c65e33ed180d6e⋯.png (26.71 KB,548x357,548:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802002 (252318ZOCT23) Notable: @POTATO twats in response to le new speaker, LOOKING SHARP, JOE!

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President Biden


As I said when this process began, whoever the Speaker is, I will seek to work with them in good faith.

This is a time for all of us to act responsibly and put the good of American families above any partisanship.


The Associated Press




BREAKING: Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana has secured enough votes to become speaker of the House as the ballot draws to a close. https://apnews.com/article/house-speaker-republicans-emmer-mccarthy-54352a64be041cd445bda8df28b24f03?taid=6539559641ee0600016acf0c&utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter

Show this thread

6:55 PM · Oct 25, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102169

File: 8c1cff51868376e⋯.mp4 (15.12 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802023 (252320ZOCT23) Notable: military age migrant loiter posse's coming soon to a neighborhood near you

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Africans not welcomed by their American relatives in Georgia.

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f6bad1 No.102170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802048 (252325ZOCT23) Notable: Whale Buffer Zone Could Thwart Gigawatts of US Offshore Wind

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Whale Buffer Zone Could Thwart Gigawatts of US Offshore Wind

By Jennifer A. Dlouhy (Bloomberg) — October 25, 2023

Nearly 3 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity could be imperiled if the US government imposes a 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) buffer zone blocking turbines in endangered whale foraging areas near Martha’s Vineyard, the American Clean Power Association said Wednesday.

The clean energy advocacy group said those potential restrictions — floated by US government scientists and endorsed by some conservationists — aren’t necessary based on limited existing scientific knowledge about the interaction between wind turbines and the marine ecosystems below the surface.

A white paper commissioned by the association concludes that climate change and natural variables — not the wind turbines — are likely to drive greater shifts in water movements and the density of tiny crustaceans that are a prime source of food for the North Atlantic right whale. A separate analysis published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine last week cited significant uncertainty.

“This issue doesn’t warrant dramatically reducing the size of wind energy areas. It warrants further study,” said Josh Kaplowitz, the association’s vice president of offshore wind. “We can’t afford to delay offshore wind projects or threaten their viability each time uncertainty is raised.”

Kaplowitz pointed to a ruling by the Washington, DC-based federal circuit court concluding that government regulators can make decisions about endangered species impacts based on what is “likely” to occur, rather than “indulging in worst-case scenarios and pessimistic assumptions.”

The potential reduction represents about a tenth of President Joe Biden’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by the end of the decade, further challenging ambitions already under pressure from rising costs and supply-chain woes.

The proposed Nantucket Shoals buffer zone could have an impact on several potential offshore wind projects, including Equinor ASA and BP Plc’s Beacon Wind, and SouthCoast, backed by Shell New Energies US LLC and Ocean Winds.


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f6bad1 No.102171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802069 (252329ZOCT23) Notable: MARAD Warns Ships of ‘Multiple Projectiles’ in Red Sea

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MARAD Warns Ships of ‘Multiple Projectiles’ in Red Sea

Mike Schuler October 24, 2023

The U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) has issued an alert to commercial ships warning them of the threat of “multiple projectiles” that have been launched from Yemen into the Red Sea.

The warning comes after the Pentagon confirmed that the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Carney had shot down multiple land attack cruise missiles and several drones launched by Houthi forces in Yemen last week.

“We cannot say for certain what these missiles and drones were targeting, but they were launched heading north along the Red Sea potentially towards targets in Israel,” Pentagon Press Secretary, Air Force Brig. Gen Pat Ryder said in a statement on October 19.

MARAD’s full alert is posted below and can also be found here.

“There are reports that multiple drones and missiles were launched from Yemen into the Red Sea region on October 19, 2023. Exercise caution when transiting this area. U.S. commercial vessels operating in this area should review U.S. Maritime Advisory 2023-011 (Threats to Commercial Vessels – Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, Bab al Mandeb Strait, Red Sea, and Somali Basin) for amplifying information and points of contact. This Alert will automatically expire on October 30, 2023. Any maritime industry questions regarding this alert should be directed to GMCC@uscg.mil.”

The alert is currently the only active U.S. Maritime Alert posted to MARAD’s website, although there are a number of Maritime Advisories that are showing as currently active.


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f6bad1 No.102172

File: a13073050694f47⋯.png (451.44 KB,548x548,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802082 (252331ZOCT23) Notable: @POTATO twats in response to le new speaker, LOOKING SHARP, JOE!

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Chris D. Jackson


📸 LOOKING SHARP President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden arrive to welcome Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese for tonight's state dinner at the White House. 🇺🇸 🇦🇺

7:20 PM · Oct 25, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102173

File: 433575dedd036d0⋯.png (894.78 KB,1080x608,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b90254a42abb35⋯.png (122.28 KB,567x687,189:229,Clipboard.png)

File: db4acdb88f39702⋯.png (124.57 KB,787x477,787:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802083 (252331ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Cybersecurity Defense Agency ‘Immediately’ Worked To Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Legal Group Says

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U.S. Cybersecurity Defense Agency ‘Immediately’ Worked To Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Legal Group Says

America First Legal, a non-profit law group led by former senior members of the Trump administration, said on social media Wednesday that two weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency(CISA) linked Biden’s laptop story to the likes of “QAnon” and the 2016 “Pizzagate” child-sex trafficking theory.

Oct 25, 2023


X Thread:


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f6bad1 No.102174

File: aa4546ed2a4cff0⋯.png (119.1 KB,301x611,301:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802090 (252332ZOCT23) Notable: Hezbollah announcing they joined or are joining the war

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Mario Nawfal


🚨IMPORTANT: This is the FIRST FORM OF COMMUNICATION from the leader of Hezbollah since the war started

This is VERY significant, and some are analyzing his letter to mean:




Mario Nawfal




🚨 JUST IN: Hezbollah's Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Honors 'Their Fallen Fighters' in a Handwritten Note as 'Martyrs on the Way to Jerusalem'

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f6bad1 No.102175

File: 4b3d6b8259fb340⋯.jpeg (361.54 KB,1192x623,1192:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bf6a10ca30ab662⋯.png (1.38 MB,898x657,898:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802103 (252334ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports: Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831, SNOOP27, HUSKR25

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>>>/qresearch/19801772 lb

N757AF 757 on descent for PBI from LaGuardia departure

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f6bad1 No.102176

File: 6f37bbfd2265402⋯.png (422.23 KB,548x569,548:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 7103153fbf038c2⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802111 (252335ZOCT23) Notable: @RepMattGaetz Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Tom Emmer all saw last night that the actual saboteur of their candidacies was Kevin McCarthy.

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13:04 = 17 and some Ascension

Rep. Matt Gaetz


Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Tom Emmer all saw last night that the actual saboteur of their candidacies was Kevin McCarthy.

His swampy efforts were exposed, and they were vanquished.

That's why all Americans should be excited about the ascendance of

@RepMikeJohnson to the Speakership!

1:04 PM · Oct 25, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102177

File: 5515b06d00e1cca⋯.png (34.06 KB,491x493,491:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802132 (252338ZOCT23) Notable: Hezbollah announcing they joined or are joining the war

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Mario Nawfal



Translated Handwritten Letter from Leader, Hassan Nasrallah, which many interpret as Hezbollah announcing they joined or are joining the war:

'In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.

To the brothers in Hezbollah’s media units and institutions, may Allah Almighty protect them.

Peace be upon you.'

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f6bad1 No.102178

File: 0a90f3956ce3518⋯.png (16.35 KB,450x237,150:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802145 (252339ZOCT23) Notable: The US House of Representatives adopts a resolution supporting Israel shortly after electing a Speaker.

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EndGameWW3 🇺🇸


The US House of Representatives adopts a resolution supporting Israel shortly after electing a Speaker.






5:44 PM · Oct 25, 2023

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f6bad1 No.102179

File: e530a03745b45b8⋯.png (13.05 KB,451x178,451:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802158 (252341ZOCT23) Notable: so Israel and the USA know Hamas is hiding in tunnels, but the IDF is destroying surface structures?

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EndGameWW3 🇺🇸


Doesn't sound deadly...

US Delta Force will oversee “large quantities of nerve gas being pumped into Hamas tunnels, capable of paralyzing the bodily movement for a period of time between six and 12 hours."


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f6bad1 No.102180

File: 651f773e4ca3904⋯.jpeg (375.57 KB,1168x621,1168:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802187 (252346ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports: Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831, SNOOP27, HUSKR25

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


SAM328 G5 inbound to JBA from Chievres AB Belgium NATO

NATN61 KC-135 tanker as the mobile filling station while Potato tries to stay awake w/Albanese State dinner

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f6bad1 No.102181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802188 (252346ZOCT23) Notable: so Israel and the USA know Hamas is hiding in tunnels, but the IDF is destroying surface structures?

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so Israel and the USA know Hamas is hiding in tunnels, but the IDF is destroying surface structures?

just wow

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f6bad1 No.102182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802265 (252357ZOCT23) Notable: Trading in some stock options halted for second time in a week as exchanges hit by outage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And in other news

Trading in some stock options halted for second time in a week as exchanges hit by outage

Trading in some U.S. equity options was briefly halted on Wednesday as a critical piece of the options-market plumbing suffered its second outage in a week.

A processing issue at the Options Price Reporting Authority, an entity that collects and aggregates data on options trades from the 16 U.S. options exchanges, forced Cboe Global Markets - which operates four of those exchanges, including the largest by volume, Cboe Options Exchange


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f6bad1 No.102183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802288 (260001ZOCT23) Notable: Boston City Council approves Mass and Cass tent ban, Wu to outline next steps Thursday

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"Boston City Council approves Mass and Cass tent ban, Wu to outline next steps Thursday "

the homeless encampment and drug procurment zone in Boston is about to undergo some major changes.


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f6bad1 No.102184

File: 9a54470ca78b815⋯.png (563.15 KB,544x856,68:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 3759dc97a4cd928⋯.png (628.05 KB,1438x752,719:376,Clipboard.png)

File: c7ff16fd14cec7f⋯.png (1.02 MB,528x734,264:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 445107d925ac305⋯.png (335.66 KB,520x626,260:313,Clipboard.png)

File: bfced10efda8e14⋯.png (555.78 KB,1706x1004,853:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802308 (260004ZOCT23) Notable: "Who controls Soros?" answer: they all control one another through mutual bondage.

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>"Who controls Soros?"

answer: they all control one another through mutual bondage. they take off their clothes and expose everything to each other.

The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816–1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.[1]


unio Valerio Scipione Ghezzo Marcantonio Maria Borghese (6 June 1906 – 26 August 1974), nicknamed The Black Prince,

they keep it in the family.

think about this: these wars have been between families and the keys to the kingdomb

i'd go out on a limb and even venture to bet that abramovic is "the black prince"..

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f6bad1 No.102185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802344 (260010ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - JUNE 20 2016 VIDEO, TOM WHEELER ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF 5G

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


-if you only knew how bad things are .png





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f6bad1 No.102186

File: fbd6d647841cbd5⋯.png (376.05 KB,500x566,250:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802358 (260013ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - JUNE 20 2016 VIDEO, TOM WHEELER ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF 5G

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f6bad1 No.102187

File: f33d4902840db65⋯.png (30 KB,361x336,361:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802371 (260014ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - JUNE 20 2016 VIDEO, TOM WHEELER ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF 5G

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f6bad1 No.102188

File: 173cdf4a9c6b859⋯.png (391.73 KB,669x905,669:905,Clipboard.png)

File: d0964f29bf48560⋯.png (221.79 KB,692x863,692:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802404 (260019ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - JUNE 20 2016 VIDEO, TOM WHEELER ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF 5G

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f6bad1 No.102189

File: a68159673019ac8⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB,892x9714,446:4857,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a68159673019ac8⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB,892x9714,446:4857,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802437 (260024ZOCT23) Notable: The only person to be arrested in relation to Covid, Charles Lieber, happens to also own multiple patents on nanotechnology

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The only person to be arrested in relation to Covid, Charles Lieber, happens to also own multiple patents on nanotechnology, nanosensors, nanotransmitters, nanosemiconductors, nanoantennae, and nanowires, and nanotech/biological material integration...

and he was getting $50,000/month from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in addition to his Harvard salary and patent income.

And after arrest and conviction for lying about ties to China, Lieber was released after A FEW DAYS, time served.


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f6bad1 No.102190

File: 34153761f85d03c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: d51539668175591⋯.png (1.96 MB,1400x952,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 798e0c73e76e0c6⋯.png (3.33 MB,1600x1113,1600:1113,Clipboard.png)

File: ebe0eebdc5569b5⋯.png (843.94 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802438 (260024ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports: Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831, SNOOP27, HUSKR25

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Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831. "Constant Phoenix" out of Offutt AFB and approaching Colorado Springs area. Don't let the ADS-B Network photo fool you. This is not an aerial tanker, although it may have been one in the past, it is a highly specialized aircraft equipped with atmospheric sampling gear to detect radiation related to nuclear weapons.

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f6bad1 No.102191

File: 25c9a22b5e6e690⋯.jpeg (308.4 KB,828x1157,828:1157,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ebe163d34202fd4⋯.jpeg (292.46 KB,828x891,92:99,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802454 (260027ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

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f6bad1 No.102192

File: dca2552f451bf31⋯.png (159.62 KB,437x371,437:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802470 (260031ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

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⚡️🇺🇸LOCK THE DOORS, SEEK SHELTER: Emergency alerts (right pic) issued to people in Lewiston, Maine (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29735?single) where active shooter situation is being reported.

Police (left tweet) say they're investigating "at multiple locations."

Live updates @IntelRepublic

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f6bad1 No.102193

File: b54f7a69728c434⋯.png (141 KB,972x642,162:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802473 (260031ZOCT23) Notable: Leader of La Luz del Mundo Megachurch Charged by Federal Grand Jury with Producing and Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material

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Leader of La Luz del Mundo Megachurch Charged by Federal Grand Jury with Producing and Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material


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f6bad1 No.102194

File: 82f5dacff0cf81d⋯.png (991.09 KB,1919x933,1919:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802481 (260032ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports: Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831, SNOOP27, HUSKR25

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looks like its destination is Peterson Space Force Base

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f6bad1 No.102195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802492 (260034ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

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Large scale mass shooting in Lewiston Maine, in two separate areas / scenes. 20+ injured. 16 dead. Life flights going. Third scene just announced.

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f6bad1 No.102196

File: 1a9e703da73df8f⋯.png (1.23 MB,1908x928,477:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 72d879a8268efbb⋯.png (1.17 MB,1888x913,1888:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802496 (260034ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports: Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831, SNOOP27, HUSKR25

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And SNOOP27 looks like it is going home after making a flyover at the same location.

HUSKR25 is out of Offutt AFB as well and has circled. I am going to watch and see if a refueling operation takes place with Snoop.

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f6bad1 No.102197

File: 3d654255a464a9b⋯.png (769.9 KB,668x703,668:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802556 (260043ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

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mf i can see his nose from here

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f6bad1 No.102198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802604 (260048ZOCT23) Notable: Military technology has become a false idol

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Israel’s illusion of security

Military technology has become a false idol

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f6bad1 No.102199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802606 (260049ZOCT23) Notable: Fixing/Spaying "Youth Gender Medicine" Gender Medicine de transitioning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fixing/Spaying "Youth Gender Medicine"

with Eliza Mondegreen & Jamie Reed

Benjamin A Boyce


Premiered 6 hours ago - Gender, Sexuality and Transition (Interviews)

Jamie Reed is a pivotal medical whistleblower sounding the alarm over what occurs at supposed "youth gender clinics"—Eliza Mondegreen is a researcher into gender related internet phenomena. Together, we critique our systems of medicine and culture of trans-humanism.


Jamie has worked in gender treatment clinics but is now working with de-transitioners to promote evidence-based approach (instead of the fantasyland approach used now) . She and a group of de-transitioners had a booth in the exhibition hall at the Amer. Assoc of Pediatrics conference held just now. They frankly thought they would probably get thrown out. Did not happen but was controversial.

AAP has recently said they would actually INVESTIGATE an evidence-based approach recently, which is better than their previous stance of assuming that it's ALREADY evidence-based (when it's not).

The AAP is one of the 3 influential groups that "validates" gender-affirming care, the other two are WPATH and the Endocrine Society. So if AAP switches to an evidence-based approach, that could have HUGE consequences.

Jamie et al encountered 3 types of visitors to their booth: angry people (practitioners who are part of the trans industry), interested people (want to know the truth) and relieved people (oh finally we can talk about this). There was no violence but this is a HOT topic, VERY INTERESTING DISCUSSION.

Resources for evidence-based approach:

LGBT Courage Coalition https://lgbtcouragecoalition.substack.com/p/what-is-a-coalition

SGEM - Soc for Evidence based Gender Medicine https://segm.org/

GENSPECT https://genspect.org

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f6bad1 No.102200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802631 (260053ZOCT23) Notable: New Series Exposes Covid Conspiracy & Offers a Solution – ‘Covid Unmasked: 2020 and Beyond’

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New Series Exposes Covid Conspiracy & Offers a Solution – ‘Covid Unmasked: 2020 and Beyond’

Anew 4-part series by producer and director, Steve Miller, unmasks the Covid lies to reveal that the fight against “a new and deadly virus” was in fact the launch of a campaign to transform the world, known as the Great Reset. The documentary details the players involved, the planning behind this sinister agenda, and a solution to bring it to an end before we lose everything, including our national sovereignty, our freedoms, and our humanity.

In an interview with Children’s Health Defense, Miller explained that, while there are some excellent videos that may focus on one aspect of the Covid conspiracy, he saw a need to present the bigger picture. “I just wanted to cover it all,” and provide one place for viewers to go, he remarked.

Steve Miller’s ‘Covid Unmasked: 2020 and Beyond’ series delves into the Covid conspirators and their menacing motives to reset the global order in parts 1 through 3, and concludes by offering a powerful solution in part 4. “What we’re talking about couldn’t be more dire in its potential,” Miller expressed, but he hopes this series inspires viewers to believe we can win the fight. “These guys in control, they’re crazy, they’re criminals, they’re corrupt,” he stated, however, “they’re not as powerful as you think.”


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f6bad1 No.102201

File: 793248ad4b642c6⋯.png (7.02 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a0090bfafeae2e⋯.png (5.42 MB,1350x1800,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802674 (260058ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>mf i can see his nose from here

Androscoggin County Sheriff's Office releases suspect photo in Lewiston, Maine 'active shooter' investigation; seeking public help to identify individual in these photos.

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f6bad1 No.102202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802690 (260100ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

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>Lewiston, Maine 'active shooter'


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f6bad1 No.102203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802710 (260102ZOCT23) Notable: SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

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more from Twitter




- Multiple locations in Lewiston

- Restaurant and bowling alley

- Number of victims not yet clear

- Reports of multiple fatalities

- Suspect still at large

- Armed with a long gun

- Citywide shelter in place

- No word on a motive

8:50 PM · Oct 25, 2023





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f6bad1 No.102204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802755 (260108ZOCT23) Notable: #24314

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#24314 >>102167

>>102191, >>102195, >>102192, >>102197, >>102201, >>102203, >>102202 SEND IN THE MASS SHOOTERS

>>102168, >>102172 @POTATO twats in response to le new speaker, LOOKING SHARP, JOE!

>>102169 military age migrant loiter posse's coming soon to a neighborhood near you

>>102170 Whale Buffer Zone Could Thwart Gigawatts of US Offshore Wind

>>102171 MARAD Warns Ships of ‘Multiple Projectiles’ in Red Sea

>>102173 U.S. Cybersecurity Defense Agency ‘Immediately’ Worked To Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Legal Group Says

>>102174, >>102177 Hezbollah announcing they joined or are joining the war

>>102178 The US House of Representatives adopts a resolution supporting Israel shortly after electing a Speaker.

>>102179, >>102181 so Israel and the USA know Hamas is hiding in tunnels, but the IDF is destroying surface structures?

>>102175, >>102180, >>102190, >>102194, >>102196 PF Reports: Call sign COBRA13. USAF WC-135R 64-14831, SNOOP27, HUSKR25

>>102176 @RepMattGaetz Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Tom Emmer all saw last night that the actual saboteur of their candidacies was Kevin McCarthy.

>>102182 Trading in some stock options halted for second time in a week as exchanges hit by outage

>>102183 Boston City Council approves Mass and Cass tent ban, Wu to outline next steps Thursday

>>102184 "Who controls Soros?" answer: they all control one another through mutual bondage.

>>102185, >>102187, >>102186, >>102188 ARCHIVING - JUNE 20 2016 VIDEO, TOM WHEELER ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF 5G

>>102189 The only person to be arrested in relation to Covid, Charles Lieber, happens to also own multiple patents on nanotechnology

>>102193 Leader of La Luz del Mundo Megachurch Charged by Federal Grand Jury with Producing and Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material

>>102200 New Series Exposes Covid Conspiracy & Offers a Solution – ‘Covid Unmasked: 2020 and Beyond’

>>102198 Military technology has become a false idol

>>102199 Fixing/Spaying "Youth Gender Medicine" Gender Medicine de transitioning

Last call, hoez

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f6bad1 No.102205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802801 (260113ZOCT23) Notable: #24315

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>baker accepting handoffs

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f6bad1 No.102206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802824 (260119ZOCT23) Notable: Palestine had an oil pipeline that fed the UK, that was also part of stealing Palestinian land. Eisenhower appeased both Muslims and Jews brokering 'the deal'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19802766 (lb)

Palestine had an oil pipeline that fed the UK, that was also part of stealing Palestinian land. Eisenhower appeased both Muslims and Jews brokering 'the deal'

and if we're going to play the "historical lands" game ... well, once upon a time Washington D.C. was Native American land. Perhaps we should give it back to them?

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f6bad1 No.102207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802902 (260126ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

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22 dead 3 locations

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f6bad1 No.102208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19802943 (260131ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Active shooter in Lewiston, ME? 16 dead? Daughter just called to tell me. Can't copy but is on CNN.

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f6bad1 No.102209

File: e958b2e766e6299⋯.png (913.04 KB,1319x765,1319:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803056 (260142ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports

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f6bad1 No.102210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803083 (260145ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Schemengee's Bar and Grille

Sparetime Recreation bowling center

Either a Walmart store or Walmart distribution center.

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f6bad1 No.102211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803095 (260146ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

bob card

illuminatti playing card er nah

roberto barrajas

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f6bad1 No.102212

File: df2c0e31e9dd294⋯.png (1.38 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d516af6e290ce9⋯.png (1.09 MB,1913x1003,1913:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aab373b8e6a044⋯.png (322.12 KB,1024x553,1024:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803104 (260147ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports

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f6bad1 No.102213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803120 (260148ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102214

File: 4a2e47d0bb30cea⋯.png (254.03 KB,596x947,596:947,Clipboard.png)

File: 75a17bd63c876c1⋯.png (771.34 KB,621x602,621:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803147 (260151ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


also starting to look like sloppy job mossad

lot of hot takes out there

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f6bad1 No.102215

File: 89047f23f839fc1⋯.png (2.87 MB,1918x864,959:432,Clipboard.png)

File: e4eb800ba31768b⋯.png (2.55 MB,1491x776,1491:776,Clipboard.png)

File: e2b18a77cb06247⋯.png (2.86 MB,1497x783,499:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803159 (260152ZOCT23) Notable: CLOWN TEAM, CO-ORDINATED terrorist attack. either antifa or some subsection activated?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



terrorist attack. either antifa or some subsection activated.



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f6bad1 No.102216

File: 0e0c49e66db9a66⋯.jpeg (852.41 KB,1170x2365,234:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803205 (260156ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If reports on his fb are to be believed, shooter is a 20 year army vet set to retire within the last couple of months.


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f6bad1 No.102217

File: a071bd4ceb79555⋯.png (254.49 KB,859x601,859:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803218 (260157ZOCT23) Notable: Israel to block visas for UN officials

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19800060 pb

Israel to block visas for UN officials

The row comes after Antonio Guterres said the Hamas attack did not happen “in a vacuum”

Israel has announced it will refuse visa applications from UN officials in retaliation for comments made by the organization’s secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, who said this week that the attack launched by Hamas on October 7 did not occur “in a vacuum.”

“Due to [Guterres’] remarks we will refuse to issue visas to UN representatives,” Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, told Army Radio on Wednesday. “We have already refused a visa for undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs Martin Griffiths. The time has come to teach them a lesson.”

The Israeli diplomat claimed on X (formerly Twitter) that Guterres had “expressed a justification for terrorism and murder.”

Erdan’s comments come amid fallout from Guterres’ speech to the 15-member Security Council on Tuesday, during which he appeared to express criticism of Israel for ordering the evacuation of civilians from northern Gaza to the south of the enclave.

The UN chief said that the Hamas attack earlier this month, during which around 1,400 people - mostly civilians – were killed, did not happen “in a vacuum” and that the Palestinian people have been “subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.”


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f6bad1 No.102218

File: c50df168d4aa359⋯.png (474.35 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803229 (260158ZOCT23) Notable: First FF attempt in Lewiston failed?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First FF attempt in Lewiston failed?

This morning, just after midnight, LPD Morning Watch officers stopped a vehicle for several traffic violations. The 17 yo unlicensed operator was found to be in possession of a loaded firearm with numerous loaded magazines, including a high capacity drum magazine. The juvenile, who was supposed to be on house arrest stemming from a shooting several months ago, was transported to Long Creek Youth Development Center.

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f6bad1 No.102219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803280 (260204ZOCT23) Notable: Per Androscoggin CO police scanner the white Subaru with the black bumper was found at the Paper Mill Trail Boat launch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Per Androscoggin CO police scanner the white Subaru with the black bumper was found at the Paper Mill Trail Boat launch.

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f6bad1 No.102220

File: d79d5bde7309dc5⋯.png (783.52 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803312 (260209ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




now circling an area between nearby Lisbon and Lisbon Falls.

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f6bad1 No.102221

File: f587b369e24efe8⋯.png (39.59 KB,895x244,895:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 187dbd603a34f7f⋯.png (641.74 KB,831x858,277:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803410 (260219ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump hakeem jeffries tweets about the 2016 election and claiming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


hakeem jeffries tweets about the 2016 election and claiming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

Oct 25, 2023, 9:07 PM


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f6bad1 No.102222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803423 (260220ZOCT23) Notable: First FF attempt in Lewiston failed?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I would call this NOTABLE.

17 year old with gun and numerous loaded magazines...in the same city as the mass shooter, early in the morning of the same day of the shooting?

Assuming it's a FF, this may very well be the original shooter that failed his job so they brought in the experienced military vet.

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f6bad1 No.102223

File: 77d6f09001c13cc⋯.png (74.9 KB,589x411,589:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803440 (260223ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump case against me is DEAD, but the Radical Left Judge REFUSES to end it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The New York State Attorney Generals case against me is DEAD, but the Radical Left Judge REFUSES to end it. He just can’t let it go. Their “star” witness lied like a dog on the stand today, and then admitted that I did NOTHING WRONG! A total SleazeBag. Letitia James should focus on Violent Crime, which is out of control. So unfair. I don’t even get a Jury Trial. A blight on the New York State Judicial System. Businesses are watching all over the world, and never coming in, only moving out. The Governor should get involved. Election Interference by my Political Opponent!

10:20pm ET


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f6bad1 No.102224

File: ac6a3fcccf08b0b⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,340x254,170:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803454 (260225ZOCT23) Notable: First FF attempt in Lewiston failed?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>First FF attempt in Lewiston failed?

Shades of the beltway sniper team. John Lee Malvo and John Allen Muhammad.

Baker notable

Failed mass shooting by a younger actor preceded the current one with 22 dead and manhunt underway.

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f6bad1 No.102225

File: 7ff8de09d986f51⋯.jpeg (2.97 MB,2048x1343,2048:1343,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803536 (260237ZOCT23) Notable: CLOWN TEAM, CO-ORDINATED terrorist attack. either antifa or some subsection activated?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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f6bad1 No.102226

File: a08a77f9c7194c3⋯.png (896.33 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803550 (260240ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Life Flight up from Boston


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f6bad1 No.102227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803571 (260244ZOCT23) Notable: Why doesn't the MSM care about it when it happens in Chicago I wonder?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

you know

This happens every weekend in Chicago

Why doesn't the MSM care about it when it happens in Chicago I wonder?

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f6bad1 No.102228

File: cf25235675e3946⋯.jpg (125.13 KB,720x1026,40:57,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cdf57cac0dd4e86⋯.mp4 (5 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803577 (260244ZOCT23) Notable: Kids hold a pro Palestine rally in #Roblox

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kids hold a pro Palestine rally in #Roblox

Man ,talk about mass formation psychosis

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f6bad1 No.102229

File: 6ead1086a4267d1⋯.png (611.93 KB,601x556,601:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eb7eac69a2f08a⋯.png (1.67 MB,1179x1510,1179:1510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803579 (260244ZOCT23) Notable: bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Need more images, but these facial hairs dont match.

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f6bad1 No.102230

File: 510e671ffee8ae7⋯.png (1.5 MB,1598x759,1598:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803647 (260257ZOCT23) Notable: More digs on the shooter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/19802976, >>102219








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f6bad1 No.102231

File: 031b6f6296c284c⋯.png (110.62 KB,299x505,299:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e4723fd7de66a1⋯.jpeg (142.94 KB,998x1104,499:552,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803649 (260258ZOCT23) Notable: More digs on the shooter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eric Spracklen🇺🇸


BREAKING: Official Active Shooter Brief From Maine State Police on Robert Card

- Trained Firearms Instructor

- Army Reservist

- Reported Mental Health Issues & Committed to Mental Health Facility This Summer

- Threatened to “Shoot Up” National Guard Base in Maine

10:51 PM · Oct 25, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803721 (260308ZOCT23) Notable: #24315

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24315 >>102205

>>102221 @realDonaldTrump hakeem jeffries tweets about the 2016 election and claiming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

>>102223 @realDonaldTrump case against me is DEAD, but the Radical Left Judge REFUSES to end it

>>102207, >>102215, >>102210, >>102208, >>102211, >>102213, >>102214, >>102216, >>102229 bob card illuminatti playing card or nah?

>>102215, >>102225 CLOWN TEAM, CO-ORDINATED terrorist attack. either antifa or some subsection activated?

>>102227 Why doesn't the MSM care about it when it happens in Chicago I wonder?

>>102218, >>102222, >>102224 First FF attempt in Lewiston failed?

>>102219 Per Androscoggin CO police scanner the white Subaru with the black bumper was found at the Paper Mill Trail Boat launch.

>>102206 Palestine had an oil pipeline that fed the UK, that was also part of stealing Palestinian land. Eisenhower appeased both Muslims and Jews brokering 'the deal'

>>102209, >>102212, >>102220, >>102226 PF reports

>>102217 Israel to block visas for UN officials

>>102228 Kids hold a pro Palestine rally in #Roblox

>>102230, >>102231 More digs on the shooter



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f6bad1 No.102233

File: 816055ff0ccce37⋯.png (113.9 KB,416x400,26:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803739 (260310ZOCT23) Notable: #24316

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



stepping out, will confirm if claimed or continue if not

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f6bad1 No.102234

File: fa91fe6b6bc723e⋯.jpeg (708.71 KB,1708x2560,427:640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803770 (260314ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston -JUST IN TIME RECREATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102235

File: 34fb8b3fe1cdeb3⋯.jpg (186.01 KB,800x1000,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803789 (260316ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson is a member of Keep Sigma, DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kappa Sigma is a social fraternity in the United States. It was founded on December 10, 1869, at the University of Virginia and is one of the oldest and largest fraternities in the country. The fraternity's "mission" is to promote the values of fellowship, leadership, scholarship, and service among its members.

While Kappa Sigma has a vast network of alumni across various professions, there have been a few well-known politicians who were members of the fraternity in the past ten years. Some notable politicians who were reportedly members of Kappa Sigma include:

1. Mitch McConnell: He is the senior United States Senator from Kentucky and has been a member of the fraternity since his college days at the University of Louisville.

2. Rand Paul: The junior United States Senator from Kentucky is also a member of Kappa Sigma. He attended Baylor University and joined the fraternity during his time there.

3. Some other notables on Dickipedia:


In terms of membership, Kappa Sigma has initiated over 300,000 lifetime members since its establishment. As for yearly membership, the fraternity does not publish specific numbers but maintains an active presence on over 280 campuses throughout North America.

Kappa Sigma has faced its fair share of conspiracy theories and rumors over the years. Here are a few widely discussed conspiracy theories and rumors often circulated:

1. Influence over politics: Some suggest that Kappa Sigma has a covert hand in shaping political decisions and policies due to their perceived connections with powerful individuals.

2. Secret rituals and ceremonies: As with many secret societies, speculation has arisen regarding the nature and purpose of Kappa Sigma's initiation rituals. These rumors often portray the fraternity as an organization involved in occult practices.

3. Manipulating college administrations: There have been rumors suggesting that Kappa Sigma exercises undue influence over college administrations to gain privileges or suppress dissent.

Mike Johnson = Kappa Sigma, you anons digging?

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f6bad1 No.102236

File: 3ec3408a1857741⋯.jpg (10.04 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803806 (260319ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston - links from LB

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f6bad1 No.102237

File: 1a377b45af4bd07⋯.gif (1.82 MB,310x288,155:144,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803809 (260319ZOCT23) Notable: Anon's puzzle pieces - Middle East & other DS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Got any smokes?

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f6bad1 No.102238

File: 4e86b8246a15830⋯.jpeg (170.78 KB,988x992,247:248,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fa91fe6b6bc723e⋯.jpeg (708.71 KB,1708x2560,427:640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803814 (260320ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston -JUST IN TIME RECREATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102239

File: e0f6fdd33fa9d1d⋯.png (945.02 KB,998x1104,499:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803816 (260320ZOCT23) Notable: Maine Information & Analysis Center info on shooter info

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


was just released from mental vacation

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f6bad1 No.102240

File: 854ea76bdcdb564⋯.png (196.6 KB,1500x900,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a27b41a7f149894⋯.png (119.02 KB,1266x1148,633:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803827 (260322ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston - House of Cards

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[House of Cards]



06-Jun-2020 5:43:52 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch9511197

Archived links:





def visit_twitter_and_log_in

    visit 'https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator'



    click_on('Log in')


  def enter_url_and_click_preview(url)


    click_on('Preview card')

    result = has_content?('Page fetched successfully')

    visit 'https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator'




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f6bad1 No.102241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803836 (260323ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston - LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Trained firearms instructor."

"Recently reported mental health issues."

"Heard voices in his head."

MK Ultra?


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f6bad1 No.102242

File: 2797480c967ef65⋯.png (256.2 KB,1092x537,364:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803841 (260325ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston -JUST IN TIME RECREATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Interesting, wonder if the word "Time" is some kind of comm or trigger word. Member the GOP train crash with the garbage truck? what was the name of the company? pic related.


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f6bad1 No.102243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803852 (260327ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston - "Person of interest" was mil firearms instructor, recently committed to mental health facility - FIND THE SHRINK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Firearms instructor treated at mental health facility is person of interest in Maine shooting, police say

LEWISTON, Maine (AP) — The man identified as a person of interest in a mass killing in Maineis a firearms instructor trained by the military and was recently committed to a mental health facility, according to a state police bulletin.

The police intelligence bulletin, reviewed by The Associated Press, was being circulated to law enforcement officials on Wednesday night.

The bulletin says the man, Robert Card, had been trained as a firearms instructor at a U.S. Army Reserve training facility in Maine. The document says Card had beencommitted to a mental health facility for two weeks in the summer of 2023.It did not provide specific details about his treatment or condition.

The document also said Card hadreported hearing voices and had threatened to carry out a shooting at the military training basein Saco, Maine.

A telephone number listed for Card in public records was not in service.

A suspect remained at large as residents were ordered to shelter in place.


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f6bad1 No.102244

File: 17958e54166b87b⋯.png (578.24 KB,500x530,50:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803853 (260327ZOCT23) Notable: Anon's puzzle pieces - Middle East & other DS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


very much appreciated.

helps to have a timeline of events as they habbened.

A week now seems to have multiple psyops, before it used to be months and each different news cycle seems to follow almost immediately after the next.

sam neil is in every anti-christ movie.

waiting for appearance soon.

Ukraine to Gaza/Israel was immediate

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f6bad1 No.102245

File: 399b53896aaa316⋯.jpg (131.92 KB,1129x682,1129:682,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 082a8a6b6f63172⋯.jpg (30.75 KB,411x317,411:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 17567591680628a⋯.jpg (108.36 KB,1023x650,1023:650,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 52ae2d593ae3772⋯.jpg (90.41 KB,905x632,905:632,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 50ee98359c4bd6d⋯.jpg (208.12 KB,1322x620,661:310,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803869 (260330ZOCT23) Notable: National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: PB

>>100795 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Thank you for unmasking and making me aware of Taher Herzallah.

>>>/qresearch/19775899 PB Notables Bread# 24280


National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

In the above Notable, Marjorie Taylor Greene mentions the phrase "No Justice, No Peace". That phrase is front and center on the current "about" webpage of Al Sharpton's National Action Network. The May 28, 2014 archive of that page presents information to the reader. It says that NAN fights for one standard for all people. The July 1, 2020 and April 15, 2023 archives of that webpage present a more confrontational approach, with "No Justice, No Peace" in large print at the top. The archived page of an offering on Pinterest indicates that Al Sharpton has been focused on justice and peace (or not) for some time. Notice that Pinterest soft peddles "No Justice, No Peace", while the vintage Al Sharpton button says "No Justice or Peace".

National Action Network - About - No Justice, No Peace

Calls itself the "House of Justice"


National Action Network - No Justice, No Peace - 28 May 2014 - As Archived


National Action Network - No Justice, No Peace - 1 Jul 2020 - As Archived


National Action Network - No Justice, No Peace - 15 APR 2023 - As Archived


Pinterest - Al Sharpton - No Justice or Peace


NAN - House of Justice


PBS - Decades later, Al Sharpton still insists: No justice, no peace


According to PBS, the following is a quote from Al Sharpton, "'I do not feel that the people that poured into me would expect me to do anything less,... And that’s who I am. I’m going to do this until I die. Put your ear down to the casket, and I’ll be saying 'no justice, no peace’ as they lower me all the way down.'”

Notice, in the PBS pic, that Rev. Sharpton supports Black Lives Matter (BLM).

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f6bad1 No.102246

File: dca8a8646e4ff2b⋯.jpg (146.67 KB,1287x593,1287:593,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f76b506a59c2ecd⋯.jpg (162.75 KB,1340x591,1340:591,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 24c872ecafa1961⋯.jpg (158.53 KB,1308x589,1308:589,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 97f2b74b1b7ea52⋯.jpg (91.84 KB,730x590,73:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803884 (260332ZOCT23) Notable: National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

Sharptons and clergy are well represented at National Action Network.

National Action Network - Leadership


Rev. Al ==Sharpton

Rev. W. Franklyn Richardson

Michael A. Hardy Esq.

Ebonie C. Riley



Rev. Jonathan E. D. Moseley, Sr.


Derek Perkinson

Jennifer Jones Austin

Trudy B. Grant

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f6bad1 No.102247

File: 44f4d03f8e47f2d⋯.png (266.06 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803885 (260332ZOCT23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge on emergency response to Oct 7th Hamas attack, dozens of states allege META - owner FB & Instagram - knowingly created apps that are harmful to minors , toxic water impact on Hawaii’s military families

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Catherine Herridge



#Overnight It’s never too late for context and insight: New reporting on emergency response to Oct 7th Hamas attack, dozens of states allege META - owner Facebook and Instagram - knowingly created apps that are addictive, harmful to minors + toxic water impact on Hawaii’s military families



>Evenin’ Nightshift

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f6bad1 No.102248

File: 3bdc5e67b11a815⋯.png (1.19 MB,2834x1554,1417:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803891 (260333ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston - "Person of interest" was mil firearms instructor, recently committed to mental health facility - FIND THE SHRINK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Law enforcement should interview the therapists.

Each shooter has one coincidentally." Q post #1629

"The key = therapist." Q post #1636


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f6bad1 No.102249

File: 126a9d46da4238a⋯.jpg (105.62 KB,893x600,893:600,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eaac42c021f1b8c⋯.jpg (100.43 KB,1279x673,1279:673,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 42a9a73fdda66f9⋯.jpg (88.24 KB,748x682,34:31,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 483bf815aa6aee1⋯.jpg (124.64 KB,754x567,754:567,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 73a99d0678b88ac⋯.jpg (184.23 KB,774x592,387:296,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803898 (260335ZOCT23) Notable: National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

Al Sharpton and National Action Network have a significant history with the U.S. Congress and other politicians. Anons will recognize the names involved. Sharpton has testified before congress. See Al Sharpton's 5 page testimony in the PDF sauced below and his 4 page biography in the congressional PDF, also sauced below.

NAN - 2014 pic ofJoe Biden(then VP) and Al Sharpton


NAN - Rev. Al Sharpton Set to ReceiveCongressional Black Caucus FoundationAward as NAN Announces Annual Action & Authority Reception and Honorees




Rep.Hakeem Jeffries, Incoming House Democratic Leader

Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder of National Action Network

Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado

Rep.Charles Rangel

Rep. Adriano Espaillat

New York State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins

New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams

Manhattan District AttorneyAlvin Bragg

Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso

Sen. Jamaal Bailey

Sen. Cordell Cleare

Sen. Kevin Parker

Assemblymember Al Taylor

Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte-Hermelyn

Assemblymember Edward Gibbs

Assemblymember Inez E. Dickens

docs.house.gov - Testimony of Reverend Al Sharpton Oversight Hearing... Thursday, September 19, 2019 -PDF


congress.gov- REVEREND DR. AL SHARPTON - Bio with NANNo Justice, No Peacelogo - ==PDF


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f6bad1 No.102250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803903 (260336ZOCT23) Notable: " Firearms instructor treated at mental health facility is person of interest in Maine shooting, police say " - Boston Herald

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" Firearms instructor treated at mental health facility is person of interest in Maine shooting, police say "


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f6bad1 No.102251

File: b98168719b2fe57⋯.jpg (79.64 KB,656x639,656:639,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 35d082f3ec40968⋯.jpg (130.71 KB,1138x642,569:321,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f8b435a2c556a0⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,515x653,515:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803913 (260337ZOCT23) Notable: National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

It's not surprising that Sharpton has such a relationship with the U.S. Government because it appears that he works for them. He's a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Anon has trouble understanding how Al Sharpton's positions relate to each other. On the one hand, he is founder and president of NAN (which seems to believe that all things U.S. are bad), while on the other hand he's a commissioner for the government. If that's not complicated enough, he is a (fair and balanced ?) MSNBC anchor and also a radio host.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights - Commissioner Al Sharpton

He works for the government? He works for the media.


Anon has included the comissioners' page of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Notice that Al Sharpton is not listed there. Nor is he listed among the civil rights commissioners on the New York commissioners' list.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights - Commissioners


Presidential Appointees:

CHAIR - Rochelle Garza - DEMOCRAT - Term Ends: Dec 2028

VICE CHAIR - Victoria Nourse - DEMOCRAT - Term Ends: Dec 2028

Stephen Gilchrist - REPUBLICAN - Term Ends: Nov 2025

J. Christian Adams - REPUBLICAN - Term Ends: Dec 2025

Congressional Appointees:

Mondaire Jones - DEMOCRAT - Term Ends: Dec 2028

Glenn Magpantay - DEMOCRAT - Term Ends: Dec 2028

Peter Kirsanow - REPUBLICAN - Term Ends: Dec 2025

Gail Heriot - INDEPENDENT - Term Ends: Dec 2025

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights - Advisory Committees - New York

https://b4.caspio.com/dp/adb020000f67800769c748bebcf7 - click the down arrow and select New York to see the NY list.

Iris Y. Chen New York

Jamil Dakwar New York

Donald Derham New York

Tiffany Graham New York

Bryanne A. Hamill New York

Mathew Kladney New York

Robert Klump New York

Alexandra D. Korry (Chair) New York

Vivian S. Louie New York

Glenn Magpanty New York

Rafael Mangual New York

Athena Mutua New York

Steven B. Raga New York

Michal Rosenn New York

Craig Trainor New York

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f6bad1 No.102252

File: 59bdac92f41e94f⋯.jpg (100.43 KB,1125x602,1125:602,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803922 (260339ZOCT23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge on emergency response to Oct 7th Hamas attack, dozens of states allege META - owner FB & Instagram - knowingly created apps that are harmful to minors , toxic water impact on Hawaii’s military families

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102253

File: 3f5bcf6594d2aad⋯.jpg (218.21 KB,1258x671,1258:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d99fefa4425980⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,1085x669,1085:669,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7be202343dc8b6e⋯.jpg (96.74 KB,1088x645,1088:645,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803928 (260339ZOCT23) Notable: National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

Al Sharpton's name does appear on the list of commissioners on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights' 2020 Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys. This list contains other names Anons will recognize.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights - 2020 - Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys


Frederica S. Wilson

Jack Brewer

Laurence Elder

Dr. Joseph E. Marshall Jr.

Kristen Clarke

Thomas M. Colclough

Richard Cesar

Dr. LaShawn McIver

Dr. Calvin Johnson

Reverend Al Sharpton

Dr. O.J. Oleka

Marshall Dillard

Joyce Beatty

Hakeem Jeffries

Lucy McBath

Jamaal Bowman

Steven Horsford

TinaLouise Martin

Christian Rhodes

Because we're looking at the commission, here is the list of former commissioners.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights - Former Commissioners


Norma V. Cantú – Chairperson - Democrat - Term Ended: December 2022

Catherine E. Lhamon – Democrat - Chairperson - 2016-2021

Martin R. Castro – Chairperson 2011-2016 - Democrat

Gerald A. Reynolds – Chairperson 2004-2011 - Republican

Patricia Timmons-Goodson – Vice Chair - Independent

Abigail Thernstrom – Vice Chair - Republican

Debo P. Adegbile - Democrat - Term Ended: December 2022

David Kladney - Democrat - Term Ended: December 2022

Michael Yaki - Democrat - Term Ended: December 2022

Roberta Achtenberg - Democrat

Jennifer C. Braceras - Republican

Todd Gaziano - Independent

Arlan D. Melendez - Democrat

Karen K. Narasaki - Independent

Ashley L. Taylor, Jr. - Republican

Dina Titus - Democrat

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f6bad1 No.102254

File: 441518000d86c1a⋯.jpg (187.2 KB,1307x668,1307:668,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803938 (260340ZOCT23) Notable: National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

Anon finds it curious that Britannica treads lightly in its presentation of Sharpton. It does mention Sharpton's eulogy for George Floyd.

Britannica - Al Sharpton


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f6bad1 No.102255

File: 813759557a08d4d⋯.png (2.51 MB,1203x4825,1203:4825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803940 (260341ZOCT23) Notable: " Firearms instructor treated at mental health facility is person of interest in Maine shooting, police say " - Boston Herald

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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f6bad1 No.102256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803994 (260346ZOCT23) Notable: Maine Information & Analysis Center info on shooter info

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>102239 Maine Information & Analysis Center info on shooter info


this is a generic link, could use direct link

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f6bad1 No.102257

File: 78c2e2d0a74e319⋯.png (909.48 KB,1001x1381,1001:1381,Clipboard.png)

File: 551c58a94f3ac45⋯.mp4 (14.75 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804083 (260359ZOCT23) Notable: Celtic Football Club in Glasgow, Scotland making it clear that they do not stand on Israel’s side in this war

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Celtic Football Club in Glasgow, Scotland making it clear that they do not stand on Israel’s side in this war


1:10 / 1:10

From Chloe Reilly

4:38 PM · Oct 25, 2023·625.9K Views

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f6bad1 No.102258

File: d12bc72e3cf34b4⋯.png (611.26 KB,605x802,605:802,Clipboard.png)

File: 201619eac409266⋯.png (72.82 KB,336x552,14:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804255 (260431ZOCT23) Notable: On Monday, The Duke of Kent and President of RUSI officially reopen RUSI's newly renovated offices - RUSI is the world's oldest and the UK's leading defence and security think tank

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Oct 24

Yesterday, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, President of RUSI, officially reopen RUSI's newly renovated 61 Whitehall offices, following a major £12.2m refurbishment.

You can learn more here:


It´s the RUSians

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f6bad1 No.102259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804277 (260436ZOCT23) Notable: Potato visited Lewiston this summer, signed EO#14104: "Invent it here, make it here"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lewiston fag here... uhh kinda of a coincidence biden was here in like june or july ..

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f6bad1 No.102260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804294 (260440ZOCT23) Notable: Celtic FC looking to settle historical child abuse claims out of court as club says it takes abuse 'extremely seriously' - Scotland #8

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Celtic Football Club eh?

Scotland #8 >>>/qresearch/19579107

Celtic FC looking to settle historical child abuse claims out of court as club says it takes abuse 'extremely seriously'

Celtic Boys Club was created in the 1960s to provide players for the senior team but a number of coaches and staff with links to it have been convicted of child abuse

Douglas Dickie 19 SEP 2023

Celtic FC is looking to settle claims of historical abuse at Celtic Boys Club, according to reports. More than 20 former players are taking the club to court in a 'class-action' style lawsuit after they were abused by coaches at the youth side.

The team was set up as a feeder to Celtic in the 1960s with founder Jim Torbett among those convicted of sexual offences. The club previously said the boys club was a "separate" entity.

BBC News has now reported that Celtic has told lawyers representing the former players that it wants to enter into settlement negotiations. According to the broadcaster, Celtic has not accepted liability.

Lawyers at Thompsons Solicitors were given the go-ahead to proceed with the case by a judge earlier this year.

They argue that Celtic and the boys club were intrinsically linked which made the senior club "vicariously liable" for the abuse that took place. Survivors say they would often train at Celtic's training base in Glasgow and the boys club frequently appeared in the official club publication, The Celtic View.

The litigation relates to abuse carried out by Torbett and former coach Frank Cairney. Torbett's most recent court appearance saw him convicted of four charges of sexually abusing a 13-year-old player in 1967.

Cairney escaped jail in January when he was deemed unfit to stand trial. But a sheriff determined he had indecently assaulted three young players, including in the changing room at Celtic's Parkhead home.

Both had previously been found guilty of a range of offences relating to historical sexual abuse. A hearing for the group litigation had been scheduled for October.

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A spokeswoman for Celtic said: "Celtic Football Club has always taken allegations regarding abuse at Celtic Boys’ Club extremely seriously. Celtic Football Club and their lawyers have made strenuous efforts to investigate these matters and they continue to do so.

"Celtic’s lawyers continue to investigate and discuss these cases with the lawyers acting for those who suffered abuse at Celtic Boys’ Club. Those discussions are ongoing. It would not be appropriate for Celtic Football Club to comment any further while there are ongoing legal proceedings."


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f6bad1 No.102261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804321 (260446ZOCT23) Notable: Potato visited Lewiston this summer, signed EO#14104: "Invent it here, make it here"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Lewiston fag here


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f6bad1 No.102262

File: 46c591e86506380⋯.png (34.48 KB,600x285,40:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804419 (260508ZOCT23) Notable: Who is @ProfAsifNawaz and why was this the first follower of the Lewiston, ME shooter? Someone who studies terrorism…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who is @ProfAsifNawaz and why was this the first follower of the Lewiston, ME shooter? Someone who studies terrorism…

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f6bad1 No.102263

File: 459abcedf1296b6⋯.png (12.56 MB,5400x4629,1800:1543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804421 (260509ZOCT23) Notable: Clockfag report

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f6bad1 No.102264

File: 148c0bdf118ab20⋯.png (56.65 KB,604x437,604:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804425 (260509ZOCT23) Notable: Who is @ProfAsifNawaz and why was this the first follower of the Lewiston, ME shooter? Someone who studies terrorism…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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f6bad1 No.102265

File: 98c4ca638dabe5a⋯.jpeg (98.05 KB,828x445,828:445,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804433 (260511ZOCT23) Notable: Who is @ProfAsifNawaz and why was this the first follower of the Lewiston, ME shooter? Someone who studies terrorism…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Coincidentally the professor retweets a lot of posts about mass shootings and other anti-2A propaganda

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f6bad1 No.102266

File: c6b01be35911f06⋯.png (416.72 KB,1335x978,445:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804441 (260515ZOCT23) Notable: Who is @ProfAsifNawaz and why was this the first follower of the Lewiston, ME shooter? Someone who studies terrorism…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Dr. Asif Nawaz

Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs


Asif Nawaz is an Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs at the University of Maine. Dr. Nawaz received his Ph.D. in Security Studies from Kansas State University and an MPhil and an M.A in Defense and Strategic Studies from Quaid-i-Azam University.

His research focuses on countering violent extremism and the organizational dynamics of terrorism, such as lethality and longevity of terrorist groups. Dr. Nawaz specializes in the Middle Eastern and South Asian politics and his research utilizes interdisciplinary approaches to study the democratic attitudes and the rise of political Islam and terrorism in the Muslim world.

His teaching interests include the history of modern terrorism, political Islam, South Asian, and Middle Eastern military history and politics, and the evolution of modern warfare.

Does not use Twitter much, last post was almost a year ago.

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f6bad1 No.102267

File: 1d1987738fcb12e⋯.png (886.52 KB,1558x1428,779:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804488 (260528ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump retruth: Speaker Johnson was on Trump's legal defense team for both impeachments. This is how he celebrated Trump's victory - winking outside Pelosi's office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump acknowledges is Johnson winking outside Pelosi's office, just after Trump won the impeachment BS, with Johnson on his legal team.


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f6bad1 No.102268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804564 (260547ZOCT23) Notable: #24316

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24316 >>102233

>>102235 Mike Johnson is a member of Keep Sigma, DIG CALL

>>102236 Lewiston - links from LB

>>102240 Lewiston - House of Cards

>>102241 Lewiston - LIVE

>>102234, >>102242, >>102238 Lewiston -JUST IN TIME RECREATION

>>102243, >>102243, >>102248 Lewiston - "Person of interest" was mil firearms instructor, recently committed to mental health facility - FIND THE SHRINK

>>102237, >>102244 Anon's puzzle pieces - Middle East & other DS

>>102250, >>102255 " Firearms instructor treated at mental health facility is person of interest in Maine shooting, police say " - Boston Herald

>>102239, >>102256 Maine Information & Analysis Center info on shooter info

>>102245, >>102246, >>102249, >>102251, >>102253, >>102254 National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

>>102247, >>102252 @CBS_Herridge on emergency response to Oct 7th Hamas attack, dozens of states allege META - owner FB & Instagram - knowingly created apps that are harmful to minors , toxic water impact on Hawaii’s military families

>>102257 Celtic Football Club in Glasgow, Scotland making it clear that they do not stand on Israel’s side in this war

>>102258 On Monday, The Duke of Kent and President of RUSI officially reopen RUSI's newly renovated offices - RUSI is the world's oldest and the UK's leading defence and security think tank

>>102260 Celtic FC looking to settle historical child abuse claims out of court as club says it takes abuse 'extremely seriously' - Scotland #8

>>102259, >>102261 Potato visited Lewiston this summer, signed EO#14104: "Invent it here, make it here"

>>102262, >>102264, >>102265, >>102266 Who is @ProfAsifNawaz and why was this the first follower of the Lewiston, ME shooter? Someone who studies terrorism…

>>102263 Clockfag report

>>>/qresearch/19804437 Donald J. Trump retruth: Speaker Johnson was on Trump's legal defense team for both impeachments. This is how he celebrated Trump's victory - winking outside Pelosi's office



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f6bad1 No.102269

File: c81990f7140601e⋯.png (228.37 KB,704x385,64:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804590 (260551ZOCT23) Notable: #24317

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker seeking handoff, tap @20

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f6bad1 No.102270

File: 4e71eddeaf736b4⋯.png (341.74 KB,596x541,596:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804684 (260612ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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f6bad1 No.102271

File: d3a7a86c72f844f⋯.png (570.73 KB,1440x810,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804689 (260615ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fox is showing this image of him...

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f6bad1 No.102272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804702 (260621ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Johnson opines n articles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Mike Johnson says the federal government used Twitter to censor American's speech:

"Twitter was basically an FBI subsidiary before @elonmusk took it over... The Twitter files should be a matter of bipartisan concern for every member of Congress and every American citizen…

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f6bad1 No.102273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804706 (260622ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Johnson opines n articles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102274

File: f517a75cfbfd081⋯.png (395.35 KB,600x581,600:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804777 (260701ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

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I'm not sure the shootings are having the expected effect.


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f6bad1 No.102275

File: 29f46c7d860800f⋯.png (759.34 KB,726x902,33:41,Clipboard.png)

File: db177bb7901039a⋯.png (1.06 MB,848x976,53:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804790 (260707ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Witnesses and Victims of Shooting

Supplied by Central Casting

https://www.centralcasting.com #CentralCasting

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f6bad1 No.102276

File: 90594d134b82f8e⋯.png (376.42 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804806 (260713ZOCT23) Notable: FBI hindered Hunter probe — and David Weiss skipped briefing on Biden bribery allegations, US attorney testifies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post



FBI hindered Hunter probe — and David Weiss skipped briefing on Biden bribery allegations, US attorney testifies



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f6bad1 No.102277

File: cc5592a4c543e0a⋯.png (61.43 KB,742x386,371:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804838 (260724ZOCT23) Notable: DJT retruth w/CAP: Does anyone notice that the ElectionRigging Biden Administrtation never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PDJT just re-truthed this.

Talking about RIGGING and RIGGERS, and RIGGING DOGS.


Sounds like comms. Interesting timing that he'd re-truth this now.

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f6bad1 No.102278

File: 32d18e0ca7da322⋯.mp4 (9.33 MB,1280x690,128:69,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804839 (260724ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eye Witness #CentralCasting

Short on Cash? Then join us at Central Casting and become a Crisis Actor.

Red Wig supplied by “Joe’s Hair Supplies” CALL 1-800-TRANS-HAIR


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f6bad1 No.102279

File: edfcb9ba91ce116⋯.png (294.59 KB,600x457,600:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804866 (260734ZOCT23) Notable: Hedge fund billionaire and Columbia graduate Leon Cooperman says students protesting against Israel have 'sh*t for brains'...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail US



Hedge fund billionaire and Columbia graduate Leon Cooperman says students protesting against Israel have 'sh*t for brains' - and vowed to stop giving cash to Ivy League college



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f6bad1 No.102280

File: d2a2b1935dd0d9f⋯.png (419.34 KB,818x602,409:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 217193c249289ba⋯.png (386.43 KB,783x602,783:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bc5d64ffa01f50⋯.png (405.47 KB,853x600,853:600,Clipboard.png)

File: fc87e7155332857⋯.png (350.94 KB,808x598,404:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804881 (260741ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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Sniffers Over Poland + MOAR

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f6bad1 No.102281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804899 (260748ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag reporting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PF, be mighty nice if you could keep an eye on the NAVY502. If she sets down in Souda Bay Crete, then that's a meeting of the Carrier Group commanders. If she goes on to Egypt, then somebody already has a plan and they don't want Egypt getting hurt if all of Gaza makes a run for their borders

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f6bad1 No.102282

File: bb5115d2bbede79⋯.png (357.74 KB,833x580,833:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 1000d69d0400371⋯.png (556.15 KB,896x582,448:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 3444658da3c5487⋯.png (508.84 KB,824x584,103:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d7ba198c59201a⋯.png (491.1 KB,829x594,829:594,Clipboard.png)

File: 87bdb083ec7d251⋯.png (412.79 KB,860x601,860:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804934 (260810ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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Sweden Early Warning SAAB 340 Up

Fighter Jets and Chinook up in France and Italy

P-8 Up in MED

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f6bad1 No.102283

File: 8dffcb389487def⋯.png (113.53 KB,600x553,600:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f3ff3137317b7d⋯.png (97.72 KB,393x187,393:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804956 (260818ZOCT23) Notable: Iran Observer w/CAP: Pro Israeli red devil hacker, Israeli anonymous hackers, threatened to destroy Hezbollah systems with artificial intelligence at any moment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iran Observer



Pro Israeli red devil hacker, Israeli anonymous hackers, threatened to destroy Hezbollah systems with artificial intelligence at any moment.

Hezbollah uses old-school analogue devices in their tunnels. It is not clear what these Israeli anonymous group means by hacking Hezbollah and destroying their systems.



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f6bad1 No.102284

File: fc90b49408ccc25⋯.png (384.42 KB,863x595,863:595,Clipboard.png)

File: d69473a2625bdff⋯.png (378.98 KB,986x581,986:581,Clipboard.png)

File: db142c608459771⋯.png (480.77 KB,965x601,965:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c45223a98ac60b⋯.png (484.03 KB,828x579,276:193,Clipboard.png)

File: e302965632f067e⋯.png (363.47 KB,833x599,833:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804967 (260823ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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NAVY 502 heading back N

A lot of MIL over Europe

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f6bad1 No.102285

File: 1e1c77f7ad86ad9⋯.png (353.78 KB,796x601,796:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d7ba198c59201a⋯.png (491.1 KB,829x594,829:594,Clipboard.png)

File: 87bdb083ec7d251⋯.png (412.79 KB,860x601,860:601,Clipboard.png)

File: ae5ea865de53b4d⋯.png (392.87 KB,845x595,169:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804990 (260839ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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Turkey on Maritime Patrol

Morocco up out of the bombed out parts of Egypt

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f6bad1 No.102286

File: 65a9928a2e8aaaa⋯.png (964.58 KB,1524x926,762:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805086 (260940ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

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Maine is surrounded by communist Chinada

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f6bad1 No.102287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805103 (260948ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Johnson opines n articles

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Episode 123 LIVE: Getting To Know Speaker Mike Johnson – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

Congressman Matt Gaetz

108K subscribers

13 hours ago

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f6bad1 No.102288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805155 (261010ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Revealed - Maine massacre gunman was sectioned after 'hearing voices': Firearms instructor spent two weeks in mental health facility this summer before killing at least 22 people


‘Hearing voices’ So he' just another MK Ultra test subject who the CIA decided to fuck with his mind.

They can target you from miles away.

Go ask the letter agencies about 'smart dust'

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f6bad1 No.102289

File: 6906c6c8ef93319⋯.png (126.01 KB,434x371,62:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805172 (261016ZOCT23) Notable: Scientists want WHO to declare the "climate and nature crisis" a global public health emergency.

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JUST IN - Scientists want WHO to declare the "climate and nature crisis" a global public health emergency.



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f6bad1 No.102290

File: f8ac517b076a5bc⋯.jpg (226.33 KB,1080x1382,540:691,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 15705925a1ba40a⋯.jpg (185.19 KB,1080x1962,60:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c59ebb1f0ab7cda⋯.jpg (350.94 KB,1080x1952,135:244,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1e38e50572947d4⋯.jpg (119.49 KB,1080x1236,90:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805273 (261057ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Johnson opines n articles

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Trump Truths how Michael Johnson celebrated Trumps impeachment acquittal. Holding up a WP newspaper in front of Nancy Pelosi's office.


Time (adjusted for zone) points to drop #2344


Oct 04, 2018 9:27:12 PM EDT


Oct 04, 2018 9:25:27 PM EDT



Memes ready?



Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?



Then you have Pelosi's Office which points to drop #1236 and seems to define what Trump was referring to when he said WITCH HUNT (as conformed by Q)


Apr 22, 2018 1:11:34 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Apr 22, 2018 12:50:35 AM EDT


https:// www.salon.com/2012/07/16/bachmann_defends_her_witchunt/

OHHHHH!! This is one of the reasons why POTUS keeps bringing up witch hunt!

Link to 16 page letter by Bachman regarding the infiltration of MB in US GOV

https:// www.scribd.com/doc/100244266/Bachmann-Letter-Responding-to-Ellison




Some of the Q drops were pointing to a Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. Trump was even flirting with announcing them to be a terrorist organization.

In order for a US Citizen to be detained as an 'enemy combatant' under AUMG (Authorized Use of Military Force) a war needed to be declared first. If those US citizens were found to have helped or aided the enemy then they could be detained. Enemy Combatants are subject to military law/justice/tribunals.

Senator Graham actually used this case (Hamdi v. Rumsfeld ) when he was questioning Justice Kavanaugh when he was a nominee for SCOTUS.

Remember when Trump was wanting to officially declare the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists in early 2019?


Huma would open a lot of doors. Anthony Weiner and his laptop for one, which could spiral into Hillary and then many more places.

Who knows where it goes, just wanted to share some thoughts and possoble connections rolling around in my brain.

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f6bad1 No.102291

File: c5daddf36d9b4f3⋯.png (325.1 KB,600x490,60:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805274 (261058ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

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Expanding the lockdown now. They probably know he is dead but seeing how many they can lockdown.


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f6bad1 No.102292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805295 (261107ZOCT23) Notable: A 20-Year-Old Died After Eating Pasta That Sat Out Too Long — Here's Everything You Need To Know About What Doctors Call "Fried Rice Syndrome"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A 20-Year-Old Died After Eating Pasta That Sat Out Too Long — Here's Everything You Need To Know About What Doctors Call "Fried Rice Syndrome"


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f6bad1 No.102293

File: b09f76e8b30a014⋯.png (176.13 KB,601x404,601:404,Clipboard.png)

File: a5efa3425fef3c2⋯.png (1.61 MB,749x2127,749:2127,Clipboard.png)

File: ee4ce1e56cfc507⋯.png (742.2 KB,850x1756,425:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805300 (261109ZOCT23) Notable: FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clown Base confirmed in Bowdoin ME area

False Flag shooter in April also from Bowdoin.


>Suspect supposedly. Doesn’t look like the same facial structure. CIA fuckery afoot.

Bowdoin - April shooting


Bowdoin - Yesterday shooting


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f6bad1 No.102294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805304 (261111ZOCT23) Notable: A 20-Year-Old Died After Eating Pasta That Sat Out Too Long — Here's Everything You Need To Know About What Doctors Call "Fried Rice Syndrome"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Seems moar like Comms

PASTA is a clear Pedo term

Fried Rice is a China dish.

CHAI is Clinton Health Access Initiative

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f6bad1 No.102295

File: 506a5d4ffc28586⋯.png (275.06 KB,1587x547,1587:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805305 (261111ZOCT23) Notable: A 20-Year-Old Died After Eating Pasta That Sat Out Too Long — Here's Everything You Need To Know About What Doctors Call "Fried Rice Syndrome"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



5 day old pasta. The real question is how did this idiot live long enough to be 20.

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f6bad1 No.102296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805329 (261125ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli troops carry out an hourslong ground raid into Gaza before an expected wider incursion

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Israeli troops carry out an hourslong ground raid into Gaza before an expected wider incursion

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli troops and tanks launched an hourslong ground raid into northern Gaza overnight into Thursday, the military said, striking several militant targets in order to "prepare the battlefield" before a widely expected ground invasion after more than two weeks of devastating airstrikes.

The raid came after the U.N. warned that's it's on the verge of running out of fuel in the Gaza Strip, forcing it to sharply curtail relief efforts in the territory, which has also been under a complete siege since Hamas' bloody rampage across southern Israel ignited the war earlier this month.

The rising death toll in Gaza, which soared past 7,000 on Thursday, according to Palestinian officials, is unprecedented in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Even greater loss of life could come if Israel launches an expected ground offensive aimed at crushing Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007 and survived four previous wars with Israel.

The Health Ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza said Wednesday that more than 750 people were killed over the past 24 hours, higher than the 704 killed the previous day. The Associated Press couldn't independently verify the death toll, and the ministry doesn't distinguish between civilians and combatants.

On Wednesday, the wife, son, daughter and grandson of Wael Dahdouh, a veteran Al-Jazeera correspondent in Gaza, were killed in an Israeli strike. The Qatar-based network showed footage of his grief upon entering a hospital and seeing his dead son. Dahdouh and other mourners attended the funerals on Thursday wearing the blue flak jackets used by reporters in the Palestinian territories.

The Israeli military says it only strikes militant targets and accuses Hamas of operating among civilians in densely-populated Gaza. Palestinian militants have fired rocket barrages into Israel since the war began.

Israel has vowed to crush Hamas' capacity to govern Gaza or threaten it again, while also saying it doesn't want to reoccupy the territory from which it withdrew soldiers and settlers in 2005. That could prove a daunting challenge, since Hamas is deeply rooted in Palestinian society, with political and charity organizations as well as a formidable armed wing.

Benny Gantz, a retired general and a member of Israel's war Cabinet, said any possible ground offensive would be only "one stage in a long-term process that includes security, political and social aspects that will take years.”

“The campaign will soon ramp up with greater force," he added.

During the overnight raid, soldiers killed fighters and destroyed militant infrastructure and anti-tank missile launching positions, the military said. It said that no Israelis were wounded. There was no immediate confirmation of any Palestinian casualties.

Israeli Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, a military spokesman, said the limited incursion was “part of our preparations for the next stages of the war.”

Israel also said it had also carried out around 250 airstrikes across Gaza in the last 24 hours, targeting tunnel shafts, rocket launchers and other militant infrastructure.



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f6bad1 No.102297

File: a167e1140183665⋯.png (129.28 KB,885x614,885:614,Clipboard.png)

File: 995667c13190686⋯.png (204.1 KB,797x726,797:726,Clipboard.png)

File: 47be8015f761bab⋯.png (132.14 KB,900x438,150:73,Clipboard.png)

File: b2b851e829b338d⋯.png (106.87 KB,1195x765,239:153,Clipboard.png)

File: a6c656e753be128⋯.png (110.96 KB,1200x754,600:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805363 (261134ZOCT23) Notable: Wow... DC Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan is so obnoxiously partisan that she even managed to lose the ACLU.

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Mike Davis 🇺🇸



DC Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan is so obnoxiously partisan that she even managed to lose the ACLU.


Kyle Cheney on X

ACLU weigh in on the Trump gag order fight in Trump's favor, contending that Judge Chutkan's decree was too vague and unconstitutionally broad. https://t.co/OnDbQ8veie

Oct 25, 2023, 3:37 PM



United States v. Trump — Proposed Brief Amici Curiae of the ACLU & ACLU-DC in Aid of the Court's Re-evaluation of its Gag Order

Document Date: October 25, 2023

Download document



With respect, the October 17 order fails the First Amendment, and Amici urge the Court to re-evaluate any court-imposed restrictions of Defendant’s speech.

9While the Court made a finding that Defendant’s past statements “us[ed] language communicating... that particular individuals involved” in his prosecution “deserve death,” Order at 2, the public record does not appear to reflect such language. The government’s motion does refer to death threats made by other people against the Court and two Georgia elected officials, but not made by Defendant himself. SeeGov’t Mot. at 4, 5, 12.

DATE: October 25, 2023

Respectfully submitted,/s/ Brett Max KaufmanBrett Max Kaufman (D.C. Bar No. NY0224)Ben WiznerBrian HaussAMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION FOUNDATION125 Broad Street, 18th FloorNew York, NY 10004212.549.2500bkaufman@aclu.orgScott Michelman (D.C. Bar No. 1006945)Arthur B. Spitzer (D.C. Bar No. 235960)AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNIONFOUNDATION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA915 15th Street, NW, SecondFloorWashington, D.C. 20005202.457.0800smichelman@acludc.orgDavid ColeAMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION FOUNDATION915 15th Street, NWWashington, D.C. 20005212.549.2611dcole@aclu.orgCounsel for Amici Curiae

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f6bad1 No.102298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805423 (261204ZOCT23) Notable: #24317

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #24317

backup baker in the bullpen?

hold em n czech em

#24317 >>102269

>>102270, >>102271, >>102274, >>102275, >>102278, >>102286, >>102288, >>102291, >>102293 FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

>>102272, >>102273, >>102287, >>102290 Michael Johnson opines n articles

>>102276 FBI hindered Hunter probe — and David Weiss skipped briefing on Biden bribery allegations, US attorney testifies

>>102277 DJT retruth w/CAP: Does anyone notice that the ElectionRigging Biden Administrtation never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch...

>>102279 Hedge fund billionaire and Columbia graduate Leon Cooperman says students protesting against Israel have 'sh*t for brains'...

>>102280, >>102281, >>102282, >>102284, >>102285 Planefag reporting

>>102283 Iran Observer w/CAP: Pro Israeli red devil hacker, Israeli anonymous hackers, threatened to destroy Hezbollah systems with artificial intelligence at any moment.

>>102289 Scientists want WHO to declare the "climate and nature crisis" a global public health emergency.

>>102292, >>102294, >>102295 A 20-Year-Old Died After Eating Pasta That Sat Out Too Long — Here's Everything You Need To Know About What Doctors Call "Fried Rice Syndrome"

>>102296 Israeli troops carry out an hourslong ground raid into Gaza before an expected wider incursion

>>102297 Wow... DC Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan is so obnoxiously partisan that she even managed to lose the ACLU.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102299

File: 1188427fe26382c⋯.png (879.61 KB,1037x771,1037:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 432b41175c55a63⋯.jpg (70.44 KB,709x534,709:534,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805436 (261207ZOCT23) Notable: #24318

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

ghosting @50 if no taker for the baker

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f6bad1 No.102300

File: 2c14c9972b9c28e⋯.png (445.36 KB,560x549,560:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805487 (261238ZOCT23) Notable: @HillaryClinton: promotes @onwardtogether groups - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Beautiful Hillary has a birthday request...

Hillary Clinton


For my birthday this year, I'd love it if you checked out the work @onwardtogether

groups are doing to protect and strengthen our democracy. Thanks for all the well wishes!


8:10 AM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102301

File: 0dd8c450f018eb4⋯.png (464.33 KB,795x822,265:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805501 (261243ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz: McCarthy said the quiet part out loud: what matters for a Speaker is what they will do for the lobbyists & special interests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Matt Gaetz


Kevin McCarthy said the quiet part out loud:

In his mind, the central quality of a candidate for Speaker of the House iswhat they will do for the lobbyists and special interests “across the street”from Congressional office buildings.

What an off-putting and debasing way to evaluate leadership.


video address


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f6bad1 No.102302

File: bab61497f91bdb3⋯.jpg (129.54 KB,720x739,720:739,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 28cab6417f86c3f⋯.jpg (7.45 KB,204x118,102:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 00609d248b717d5⋯.jpg (23.91 KB,399x399,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cc3d1c71a152db5⋯.jpg (14.23 KB,238x358,119:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2a4c0346f8a951c⋯.jpg (215.86 KB,720x1192,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805520 (261250ZOCT23) Notable: Melody Wiseheart (50 year old male) was able to identify as a girl and swim with 13 year old girls

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Melody Wiseheart (50 year old male) was able to identify as a girl and swim with 13 year old girls

I'm not advocating violence ,I'm just saying this guy needs an Angry father to politely ask this man to cease and desist his pedophile activities

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f6bad1 No.102303

File: e4710734931889a⋯.png (1.31 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 872bec56b7fa32c⋯.png (291.52 KB,490x360,49:36,Clipboard.png)

File: df54f5bf1eeea07⋯.png (1.22 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805528 (261255ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mainefag can confirm.

Major accident on 295 southbound yesterday

roughly in the Yarmouth area.

time in the 3pm - 4pm timeframe

Lots of backed up traffic.

Car was almost veritcal in the trees off the highway.

No News at all about it.

normally in Maine this type of thing would be headline news

pic related is approximate location based on description.

All PB


>Clown Base confirmed in Bowdoin ME area

>False Flag shooter in April also from Bowdoin.


>Bowdoin positioned to be glownig central

>Naval Air Station Brunswick

>subsidiary of General Dynamics,

>Military industrial complex

>ff shooting

>hours after new speaker

>>102270, >>102271, >>102274, >>102275, >>102278, >>102286, >>102288, >>102291, >>102293 FF shooter and crisis acting mini-bun

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f6bad1 No.102304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805532 (261256ZOCT23) Notable: WAPO: Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia

...The missions have involved elite teams of Ukrainian operatives drawn from directorates that were formed, trained and equipped in close partnership with the CIA, according to current and former Ukrainian and U.S. officials.


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f6bad1 No.102305

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805544 (261301ZOCT23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/26/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/26/2023



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f6bad1 No.102306

File: 7d9141b13bbd466⋯.png (440.25 KB,534x356,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805545 (261301ZOCT23) Notable: NBC News: Meta says it locked pro-Palestinian accounts after signs of security compromise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NBC News

Meta says it locked pro-Palestinian accounts after signs of security compromise

Story by David Ingram •


Meta, the owner of Instagram and Facebook, said Wednesday that its security staff had detected a possible hacking attempt on pro-Palestinian accounts with millions of followers and locked the accounts while it tries to reach the account owners.

The account @eye.on.palestine had more than 6 million followers on Instagram before it suddenly went dark Wednesday, according to an archived description on Google’s search engine. A backup account, @eye.on.palestine2, was also unavailable Wednesday, as were a related Facebook account and a Threads account.

The accounts focused on posting media from Gaza, including videos and images of injured people. The material was generally unverified by international journalists. It’s not clear who or how many people posted to the pages.

When they were visited Wednesday, the Instagram pages returned the message: “Sorry, this page isn’t available.”

The disruption to the accounts has sparked anger among followers. In posts on X, some followers interpreted the disappearance of the pages as an example of anti-Palestinian censorship.

But Meta said late Wednesday that it had disabled the accounts because of security concerns.

“These accounts were initially locked for security reasons after signs of compromise, and we’re working to make contact with the account owners to ensure they have access,” Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said in a statement.

“We did not disable these accounts because of any content they were sharing,” he said.

Stone didn’t provide any other details about Meta’s investigation into the signs of compromise. He said the investigation was continuing.

The account owners couldn’t be reached by NBC News for comment Wednesday, including by email.

In an update Thursday morning, Stone said the company had been able to reach the accounts' administrators and that the accounts would be able to reactivate.

“These accounts were initially locked for security reasons after signs of compromise,” Stone said in a text message. “We’ve helped the account owners regain access and they can reactivate their accounts.”

In May, the Eye on Palestine Telegram account said that it had received a warning from Instagram about a hacker that had tried to access its account. The Eye on Palestine Telegram account remained online Wednesday evening with more than 441,000 subscribers.

On X, the account @EyeonPalestine was listed as no longer being in existence. It wasn’t clear when the account disappeared. The Internet Archive shows it active as of Oct. 13. X didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

The various accounts were all listed together on one Linktree account.

Obtaining images, video and other information from Gaza has proved difficult for both professional journalists and social media users because of communications and electricity blackouts in the area — fueling interest in any account that claims to have recent media.

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f6bad1 No.102307

File: fb48945e74f1735⋯.png (305.39 KB,663x661,663:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 488acc5a1a4e12d⋯.png (66.04 KB,770x586,385:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b023bd6cd4f2ac⋯.png (107.1 KB,253x314,253:314,Clipboard.png)

File: fa0d3b9cde9c9a8⋯.png (157.58 KB,393x870,131:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805553 (261305ZOCT23) Notable: @HillaryClinton: promotes @onwardtogether groups - DIG CALL

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HRC turned 53 on 10/26/2000

This day in history, what happened on October 26th, 2000?

The New York (the orks) YanKeys wins World Series. Baseball World Series: NY Yankees beat NY Mets, 4-2 in Game 5 at Shea Stadium to win "Subway Series"; Yankees 3rd straight title; MVP: Derek Jeter


12 days later

11/7/2000 - In the United States Senate election held in the State of New York on November 7, 2000, Hillary Rodham Clinton, then First Lady of the United States and the first First Lady to run for political office, defeated U.S. Representative Rick Lazio. The general election coincided with the U.S. presidential election.


>Money creation



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f6bad1 No.102308

File: 729a101ed1df007⋯.png (1.59 MB,1629x2004,543:668,Clipboard.png)

File: 324afa1f51b10fd⋯.png (415.66 KB,987x1960,141:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e12e1ff7341e6c⋯.png (211.92 KB,1286x2449,1286:2449,Clipboard.png)

File: 83f670f105ce049⋯.png (258.98 KB,896x3224,112:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805554 (261305ZOCT23) Notable: @Onward Together Website

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@Onward Together Website


Onward Together is committed to lifting up emerging organizations and leaders who are fighting for our shared progressive values and defending our democracy. We support groups that are mobilizing voters, defending voting rights, and recruiting candidates for office to help safeguard our democracy for generations to come....

By encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office, Onward Together advances progressive values and works to build a brighter future for generations to come.....

Our story

Born from conversations between Secretary Hillary Clinton and Governor Howard Dean in the aftermath of the 2016 election, Onward Together was established to lend support to leaders — particularly young leaders — kicking off projects and founding new organizations to fight for our shared progressive values. In our first five years, Onward Together has contributed over $6 million to our partner organizations and grantees, and directly raised over $63 million for Democratic candidates and progressive organizations.

Our program

Our support isn’t one-size-fits-all. In each case, we ask ourselves and the partner organization “How can Onward Together best support and add value for this partner?”

The answer will vary by organization, and can include the following:

- Financial support: Direct grants, fundraising support, online amplification, in-person surrogate assistance, 1:1 introductions and meetings with donors, sponsorships, convenings

- Strategic and leadership guidance: Mentorship, training, 1:1 introductions with expert advisors, convenings

- Recognition: Online endorsements, surrogate support, offline and event mentions via Onward Together surrogates, convenings

- Membership building: Mobilizing Onward Together’s team to support partner organizations and grantees

In addition to our official partners, we also give direct grants to organizations doing work that we believe in, particularly in urgent moments. These grantees include APIA Vote, Black Voters Matter, Common Defense, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Dream Big Nevada, EMILY’s List, Greater Wisconsin, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, National Redistricting Foundation, New Georgia Project Action Fund, Planned Parenthood, Sandra Bland Center for Racial Justice, Sister District, Victory Institute, Vital Voices, and more.

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f6bad1 No.102309

File: 53ef835b2fce611⋯.png (747.88 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 038bec38bf23642⋯.png (695.97 KB,1316x2455,1316:2455,Clipboard.png)

File: 48294543e328fe1⋯.png (80.66 KB,682x527,22:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 56bb9004c383d74⋯.png (506.28 KB,921x658,921:658,Clipboard.png)

File: a87213af8b2cff3⋯.png (1.48 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805576 (261310ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

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what was the Police response time?


>about the LOSBR drop


Potus event in Derry NH was close to Red Arrow Diner again. Just like Potus visit to NH in APRIL when he stopped at Red Arrow Diner

>>102293 pb

>False Flag shooterin Aprilalso from Bowdoin.

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f6bad1 No.102310

File: 2c8ebd0f4327272⋯.png (653.38 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 7281829114c6823⋯.png (771.91 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805586 (261313ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>what was the Police response time?

Pic related

Lewiston Police Department 1 mi from bar 2 miles from bowling alley


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f6bad1 No.102311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805611 (261318ZOCT23) Notable: US District Court Judge Rules New York City’s Bruen Response Restrictions are Unconstitutional

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US District Court Judge Rules New York City’s Bruen Response Restrictions are Unconstitutional

A U.S. District Court Judge has ruled that New York City’s gun controls enacted after the city lost in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen are also unconstitutional. In a fit of pique following the judicial smackdown, the city deliberately ignored the Bruen ruling and enacted laws designating large swaths of the Big Apple as “sensitive places” and giving city officials the right turn down a carry permit application if they deem the poor taxpaying plebe to be “not of good moral character.”


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f6bad1 No.102312

File: 7e3c0bf17d5e097⋯.png (175.8 KB,335x210,67:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805665 (261327ZOCT23) Notable: Re DOJ influences charges: Trump Cleared of Any Wrongdoing After Four-Year Investigation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Cleared of Any Wrongdoing After Four-Year Investigation

Oct. 26, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has been cleared of at least one of the many nuisance charges Democrats have thrown at him since he left office in 2020.

After a lengthy, four-year review, a Department of Justice watchdog has officially found that Trump did not improperly influence the FBI’s decision to keep its headquarters in Washington, D.C., instead of moving it to Virginia or Maryland, according to a DOJ report.

Talk of moving the FBI out of the famed J. Edgar Hoover Building in downtown D.C. started 20 years ago and in 2014, the bureau began seriously considering moving to new offices.

The initial plan was to turn the building over to a developer, which would then build a new office complex in whatever location the bureau ultimately chose for its new facility. The deal was labeled an “exchange procurement.”


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f6bad1 No.102313

File: 8066172e028f0d8⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,650x360,65:36,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805670 (261328ZOCT23) Notable: "SQUAD" MEMBER REP JAMAAL BOWMAN SURRENDERS mp4 from FOX TV report

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f6bad1 No.102314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805700 (261334ZOCT23) Notable: Neil Oliver: It's time to look up and see the real problem, the real enemy

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Neil Oliver

It's time to look up and see the real problem, the real enemy

Neil Oliver on dictatorships and authoritarianism.

The fight is from the bottom upwards.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102315

File: f3f8238e0c7626c⋯.png (156.91 KB,1210x885,242:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bdbf703cebf620⋯.png (286.78 KB,342x360,19:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805715 (261336ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


still have not seen any images of those shot or injoured.

fag from location last night stated there was but did not provide images, videos or first hand video bystander interview from any news source.

all we have seen is a old red wigged faggot going on about his son and obama phone

(last bit was a joke fyi)



dems know, trump had say in the selection of the speaker.

They and the deep state will/does not like that.

Anon believes there will now be a period of false flags and outrages in the usa and other western nations.

Watch for similarities in news reports.

Can anons confirm that these ff started after the speaker was selected.

news as it was announed.

9 hrs ago speaker selected

shooter starts at 8.24pm.

so before he got up to speak. they must have known this was going to habben and got activated even before he gave his speech.

archived timeline posts and source below.



UPDATE: Breaking: At Least 22 Dead, 50 to 60 Injured in Active Shooter Attack in Lewiston, Maine

By Kristinn Taylor Oct. 25, 2023 8:24 pm1211 Comments




>>>/qresearch/19803574, >>>/qresearch/19803582 UPDATE: Breaking: At Least 22 Dead, 50 to 60 Injured in Active Shooter Attack in Lewiston, Maine - gwp

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f6bad1 No.102316

File: 6259d42a6b179bc⋯.png (369.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: af24dec02af4f01⋯.png (574.42 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 470c6a5c477b010⋯.png (141.85 KB,1227x917,1227:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805726 (261337ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Lewiston Police Department 1 mi from bar 2 miles from bowling alley



>How close is a freemason hall?

pretty close

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f6bad1 No.102317

File: 7560b4c070565ea⋯.png (35.25 KB,598x198,299:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805751 (261344ZOCT23) Notable: Pelosi: "Grief-stricken" after last night's shooting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Grief-stricken by the mass shooting rampage in Lewiston last night. My prayers are with the beautiful souls stolen and their loved ones left forever scarred.

No community should have to suffer like this. We must put an end to gun violence in America.

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f6bad1 No.102318

File: 0384e1b46883077⋯.png (291.81 KB,558x866,279:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805756 (261345ZOCT23) Notable: Gays Against Groomers: We need your support in speaking out against the indoctrination of children in Brooklyn, NY.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gays Against Groomers New York



We need your support in speaking out against the indoctrination of children in Brooklyn, NY. Will we see you there today? We hope so.

#DragIsNotForKids #GaysAgainstGroomers


3:16 AM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102319

File: c5b50d8c4f5658a⋯.png (247.37 KB,558x605,558:605,Clipboard.png)

File: 506c5e55e4e604c⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a40dfcf485ebec0⋯.png (1.05 MB,1324x1664,331:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805766 (261347ZOCT23) Notable: Elon "concerned" re Kanekoa report of Mike Johnson saying "Twitter was basically an FBI subsidiary before @elonmusk took it over… "

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon Musk


Extremely concerning






Rep. Mike Johnson says the federal government used Twitter to censor American's speech:

"Twitter was basically an FBI subsidiary before @elonmusk took it over... The Twitter files should be a matter of bipartisan concern for every member of Congress and every American citizen…

Show more

0:38 / 1:36

10:43 PM · Oct 25, 2023



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f6bad1 No.102320

File: 94d73d098efbbb6⋯.jpeg (462.77 KB,1504x1074,752:537,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805839 (261407ZOCT23) Notable: PDJT: The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Petty” Mason


The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G. (It should be handled by the Commercial Division, but should never have been brought!), fined me $10,000 yesterday under his so-called gag order. He is a judge that found me GUILTY before the trial even started, and long before he had the real facts, like Michael Cohen collapsing and choking yesterday under cross examination, and completely admitting that I did nothing wrong. He committed MASSIVE PERJURY, at a level seldom seen on the stand before. It was like watching the end of the best Petty Mason episode, where the defendant breaks down and cries, “Yes, I did it, I did it, I did it.” This case should be ended, NOW, but this Judge and his “boss,” Letitia Peekaboo James, will never let that happen. He even refuses to accept our big win in the Appeals Court. It is a disgrace to the legal system in the State of New York. This is a RIGGED CASE!

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f6bad1 No.102321

File: 4a642208a95653f⋯.png (292.66 KB,598x508,299:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805851 (261412ZOCT23) Notable: RSBN: HEADED TO HOUSTON: Trump to hold a campaign event in Texas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



HEADED TO HOUSTON: Trump to hold a campaign event in Texas


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f6bad1 No.102322

File: d06e8e90d5f1a12⋯.jpg (511.42 KB,2000x1407,2000:1407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805853 (261413ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000140

American Political Prisoner Speaks Out


Even The ACLU Is Sounding The Alarms On The Attack On Freedom of Speech In America


"But if we allow his free speech rights to be abridged, we know that other unpopular voices — even ones we agree with — will also be silenced."

The US Just Added $600 Billion In Debt In One Month, Be Ready For Economic Crisis & Hyperinflation


MY COMMENT: The plan is to crash the economy and roll out a digital currency (CBDC) to entrap everyone into social credit scores and vaccine passport police states! Freedom loving Americans better be prepared to push back against this tyranny coming! Eventually it will become a State to State issue, so make sure you live in a freedom-friendly State and preferably conservative rural county with lots of opportunity to barter and trade resources!

“We seem to be heading to war with Iran, certainly the Biden administration is pushing us in that direction...What's new and interesting and ominous is that very few Republicans, the opposition party, are pushing back...Instead, those party leaders are encouraging it.”


All-female Israeli ‘Lionesses’ Squad Kill 100 Hamas Terrorists In 14 Hour Gunfight To Save Base and Families


The Israeli government can barely contain its bloodlust for genocide in the Gaza Strip, with the latest disturbing admission coming from Israeli President Isaac Herzog. In a statement to the press, Herzog attempted to justify his regime's planned genocide by claiming that all of the 2.3 million residents of Gaza are responsible for the recent Hamas attack.


US, Russia Veto Each Other’s UN Resolutions On Israel-Gaza War


Putin Calls Israeli Holocaust In Gaza A Humanitarian Catastrophe


Retaliatory Nuclear Strike Drill Held In Russia


MY COMMENT: Russia just recently stated that if the US and/or Europe goes to direct conflict with Russia, not only will all their nukes be used against us, but they now consider Western oligarchs and organizations military targets to annihilate as well: think the IMF, WEF, World Bank, Soros NGOs, CFR, et al! And I do believe it would be well deserved if they push us towards total war!!!!

When SHTF Most Americans Are Going To Have To Survive Without Help Or Aid


MY COMMENT: When SHTF, we all just become another statistic! How do you like Big Brother now!?!?

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f6bad1 No.102323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805871 (261416ZOCT23) Notable: HRC: I remember campaigning with Bill in 1992 with a shared vision of a national service program that gave everyone a chance to lead

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I remember campaigning with Bill in 1992 with a shared vision of a national service program that gave everyone a chance to lead.

Today, we're celebrating #Americorps30 at the @ClintonCenter

and its three decades of service and impact across the U.S. Tune in:


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f6bad1 No.102324

File: 73cd221e10e043f⋯.png (27.58 KB,541x298,541:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805878 (261418ZOCT23) Notable: HRC: I remember campaigning with Bill in 1992 with a shared vision of a national service program that gave everyone a chance to lead

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f6bad1 No.102325

File: bceeba06ab06348⋯.png (431.46 KB,644x407,644:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805884 (261419ZOCT23) Notable: Goldie Hawn: ‘An alien touched me and it felt like the finger of God’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lies and Confusion, oh my!

Goldie Hawn: ‘An alien touched me and it felt like the finger of God’


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f6bad1 No.102326

File: 8b6ccd6607d2af8⋯.png (94.69 KB,578x571,578:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805885 (261420ZOCT23) Notable: PDJT: The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G

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Donald J. Trump


The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G. (It should be handled by the Commercial Division, but should never have been brought!), fined me $10,000 yesterday under his so-called gag order. He is a judge that found me GUILTY before the trial even started, and long before he had the real facts, like Michael Cohen collapsing and choking yesterday under cross examination, and completely admitting that I did nothing wrong. He committed MASSIVE PERJURY, at a level seldom seen on the stand before. It was like watching the end of the best Petty Mason episode, where the defendant breaks down and cries, “Yes, I did it, I did it, I did it.” This case should be ended, NOW, but this Judge and his “boss,” Letitia Peekaboo James, will never let that happen. He even refuses to accept our big win in the Appeals Court. It is a disgrace to the legal system in the State of New York. This is a RIGGED CASE!


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f6bad1 No.102327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805891 (261421ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

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I just realized the MANHUNT is ongoing for the Maine shooter.

They didn't CATCH this dude?

Oooooothis one's off script, anons

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f6bad1 No.102328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805897 (261424ZOCT23) Notable: "SQUAD" MEMBER REP JAMAAL BOWMAN SURRENDERS mp4 from FOX TV report

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Bowman turned himself in on Thursday morning to law enforcement, pleading guilty to the charge. "

He should have hired Perry Mason?


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f6bad1 No.102329

File: 9b85022f13d58c8⋯.png (721.07 KB,654x436,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 97dbb0f9d86ba36⋯.jpeg (759.45 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 95a8561e8112676⋯.jpeg (395.7 KB,828x1283,828:1283,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6aaca13b9e56511⋯.jpeg (370.93 KB,828x1477,828:1477,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: de364b858a999bd⋯.png (489.89 KB,791x477,791:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805900 (261425ZOCT23) Notable: "US economic growth accelerates in third quarter" - ZH

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US economic growth accelerates in third quarter

The U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in nearly two years in the third quarter as higher wages from a tight labor market helped to power consumer spending, again defying dire warnings of a recession that have lingered since 2022.

Gross domestic product increased at a 4.9% annualized rate last quarter, the fastest since the fourth quarter of 2021, the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis said in its advance estimate of third-quarter GDP growth. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast GDP rising at a 4.3% rate. Estimates ranged from as low as a 2.5% rate to as high as a 6.0% pace, a wide margin reflecting that some of the input data, including September durable goods orders, goods trade deficit, wholesale and retail inventory numbers were published at the same time as the GDP report.

The economy grew at a 2.1% pace in the April-June quarter and is expanding at a pace well above what Fed officials regard as the non-inflationary growth rate of around 1.8%.

While the robust growth pace notched last quarter is unlikely sustainable, it was testament to the economy's resilience despite aggressive interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. Growth could slow in the fourth quarter because of the United Auto Workers strikes and the resumption of student loan repayments by millions of Americans.

Most economists have revised their forecasts and now believe that the Fed can engineer a "soft-landing" for the economy, pointing to strength in worker productivity and moderation in unit labor costs growth in the second quarter, which they expected carried through into the July-September period.

Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, was the main driver.


(consumer debt delinquencies keep rising cuz everyone out of munee but keep hanging on that fantasy that it will keep driving these fake numbers…eventually they will lose that argument but will use it until peeps wake up about the fallacy of how this is reported)

The tard at Atlanta Fed (Bostic) is at least consistently “optimistic” so they can always point to that-GDPNOW @5.4%

Latest estimate: 5.4 percent - October 25, 2023

The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the third quarter of 2023 is 5.4 percent on October 25, unchanged from October 18 after rounding. After recent releases from the US Census Bureau, the US Department of the Treasury's Bureau of the Fiscal Service, and the National Association of Realtors, the nowcast of third-quarter real government spending growth decreased from 3.1 percent to 3.0 percent after rounding.

This is the last GDPNow forecast for the third quarter. The first GDPNow forecast for the fourth quarter will be on Friday, October 27. Please see the "Release Dates" tab below for a list of upcoming releases.


European Central Bank Ends Record Run of Rate Hikes


Europe’s LNG Imports Set To Surge By 30% In November


They are setting this up to lower rates as election season kicks into high gear and since that will create a bifurcation since the Fed sets prime only the NY Fed will be doing QE again

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f6bad1 No.102330

File: a5a093cb0889591⋯.png (263.61 KB,519x682,519:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805919 (261429ZOCT23) Notable: After Matt Gaetz ousted Kevin McCarthy, the DC Establishment fought back, but America 1st Patriots stood strong & won

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🚨HE WON! Congrats Speaker Mike Johnson!

Make no mistake, this is a *HUGE* victory

After Matt Gaetz ousted Kevin McCarthy, the DC Establishment fought back, but America 1st Patriots stood strong & won

For the 1st time in decades, We the People have a true voice in Congress🇺🇸


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f6bad1 No.102331

File: 6102349a28e76d2⋯.jpeg (678 KB,828x1402,414:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4754a2807c55163⋯.jpeg (661.17 KB,828x1387,828:1387,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cbde940a7d0d00d⋯.jpeg (115.84 KB,905x577,905:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805972 (261441ZOCT23) Notable: PF: German AF GAF850 G5 departed Delaware Coastal Airport and looks like quick trip to Dulles

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German AF GAF850 G5 departed Delaware Coastal Airport and looks like quick trip to Dulles

C102 US Coast Guard G5 SE from Reagan National

Portuguese AF AFP11 Embraer 390 NE from Dothan,AL

Eastern Med

RG02 Grumman Greyhound giving away a flat top location and just under….

German AF GAF391 A400m WN from Salti AB,Jordan

IAF 252 tanker and those C130s

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f6bad1 No.102332

File: 37fad1e71c0b94b⋯.png (336.62 KB,865x864,865:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805985 (261447ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON Shooting DIG

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>dems know, trump had say in the selection of the speaker.

my Screencaps for Speaker Swearing in have timestamp of ~2:45pm. It was pretty close to live maybe a few minutes off.


Car wreck on 295 some time before 4:15pm.

Backed up traffic definitely reported at 4:15pm.

Said it looked mostly cleared by the time site was passed.

> https://archive.ph/HQQ8A

Report from a neighboring business: around 7pm

Who is Melinda Small? Maine mass shooting witness says she feels 'numb' despite escaping safely

Story by Debapriya Bhattacharya • 10/26/2023, 6:51:13 AM6h

LEWISTON, MAINE: Melinda Small is the owner of Legends Sports Bar and Grill, an establishment that is less than a quarter-mile away from the bowling alley, Sparetime Recreations, which was torn up by a mass shooter on October 25.

When a customer reported hearing about the shooting at the bowling alley around 7 pm, the Legends staff locked their doors immediately.

All 25 customers and employees who were present moved away from the doors, Melinda reportedly told the Independent.

Law enforcement officials soon responded to the calls and everyone was safely escorted out of the building by the police, four persons at a time.

"I am honestly in a state of shock. I am blessed that my team responded quickly and everyone is safe," said Melinda.

"But (at) the same time, my heart is broken for this area and for what everyone is dealing with. I just feel numb," she added.

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f6bad1 No.102333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805992 (261450ZOCT23) Notable: Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

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"Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco"


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f6bad1 No.102334

File: e02fd8f60f95ea7⋯.png (627.61 KB,774x1498,387:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806000 (261452ZOCT23) Notable: Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

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Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco


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f6bad1 No.102335

File: 3e488623a1dd82e⋯.jpeg (195.21 KB,1170x486,65:27,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806005 (261454ZOCT23) Notable: FIVE dead from shooting in CLINTON, NC

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f6bad1 No.102336

File: 14dfc8271246dd6⋯.png (335.66 KB,1035x781,1035:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806008 (261455ZOCT23) Notable: True costs of fueling an electric vehicle, including excess charging costs and subsidies, is equal to $17.33 per gallon of gas

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True costs of fueling an electric vehicle, including excess charging costs and subsidies, is equal to $17.33 per gallon of gasoline, a new analysis found.


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f6bad1 No.102337

File: e476838e6454c58⋯.png (1.63 MB,983x723,983:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806032 (261501ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON: Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

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>just a obvious observation

another obvious observation

Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

By Cynthia Anderson Contributor

October 28, 2019 | Lewiston, Maine

Cynthia Anderson is the author of the new book “Home Now: How 6000 Refugees Transformed an American Town,” on which this essay was based.

When I was growing up, Lisbon Street in Lewiston was the center of the world. A few times a year, my family drove there from our village 45 miles up the Androscoggin River to shop and to see my great-aunt Nell. She’d moved to the city decades earlier; her husband worked in a mill there. Now in her 70s, widowed, she lived in a tidy duplex with an upright bass. During our visits she served lemonade and rolls hot from the oven. The bass grumbled whenever my sister or I plucked it.

In the early 1970s, Lisbon Street formed the spine of the small city. The sidewalks were filled with families and couples. After shopping for school supplies at Kresge’s, we’d head to Ward Brothers department store, where the saleswomen spoke English to us and French to each other. The smell inside Ward’s was a heady mix of everything the cosmetics counter had to offer, the carpet soft underfoot.

My sister and I didn’t know it, but even then Lisbon Street was in decline. The city’s glory years manufacturing textiles and shoes, decades that had brought trains filled with French Canadians in search of jobs, were fading as one by one the mills closed. Maine’s once-richest city – its Bates Mill the state’s largest employer for more than two decades – would struggle for years to come. The couples and young families were vanishing.

Yet whenever I came back to the fine old buildings and the river and the hills beyond, I thought, here is a place. Even at its nadir the city retained grandeur and suspense, like a stage between acts.

By the mid-1990s a tenuous renaissance was taking form with health care, banking, and other services beginning to fill the postindustrial void. Former mill spaces were converted into restaurants and galleries. Unemployment fell, though the population continued to dwindle and downtown remained stagnant. Of the families who stayed, half of those with children under age 5 lived below the poverty level.

Such was the situation in February 2001 when the first Somali refugees came north from Portland, 40 miles away, where housing was short. Maine was cold, and homogeneous (whitest state in the nation, also the oldest), but it offered safety and access to services, and a lower cost of living than large cities where the federal government had first resettled the refugees. Moving to the extreme Northeast was their choice. Jokes about the snow – like the one about the kid who ran inside to tell his mom he’d just eaten sugar from the sky – soon embedded themselves in Lewiston-Somali culture.

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f6bad1 No.102338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806038 (261503ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON: Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

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>Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

By the beginning of 2003, more than 1,400 newcomers had come to the city. They settled into triple- and quadruple-deckers. When I came north that spring to visit friends, women in hijabs were shepherding kids down streets that for years had been all but empty. It was an incongruous, surprising sight. On Lisbon, a few closed stores had reopened under Somali ownership. I went into one, bought cardamom, and wondered at signs offering translation and money-wiring services, and – back out on the sidewalk – at the palpable energy. In a place where businesses rarely stayed open after 5 p.m., these were still lit at 8:30.

Refugees kept coming. People I knew in Lewiston responded to the changes in accordance with their nature: curious or suspicious, or holding off on judgment. In 2006, The New Yorker bluntly called what was happening in Lewiston a “large-scale social experiment.” There were, after all, now several thousand African Muslims in an overwhelmingly white town not known as a liberal outpost.

Melanie Stetson Freeman/Staff

Yet I was seeing a slow, quiet shift – Somalis stocking shelves at the supermarket; white and black kids sitting together at the library; white people buying goat meat on Lisbon. A high school acquaintance who had a daughter in kindergarten with Somali children was happy about the new diversity. “I only knew white kids when I was growing up,” he said. After one member of a Somali kindergartner’s family came home to find “Get Out” scrawled on their apartment building, longtime residents helped paint over it. They worked late into the night, he said, so the message would be gone when kids left for school in the morning.

If there was a hostile undercurrent, and if some complained Somalis consumed the city’s resources, other Lewistonians were reaching out and seeking accord. In 2006, a man rolled a pig’s head through the doorway of a mosque. Residents rallied around the city’s Muslims. The deed was denounced, the offender criminally charged. But the act spoke to a bitterness that remains.

Lewiston today has one of the highest per capita Muslim populations in the United States, most of it Somali along with rising numbers of refugees and asylum-seekers from other African nations including Congo, Djibouti, Sudan, and Chad. What’s happening here is isbeddel, the Somali word for transformation.

In spite of occasional news reports to the contrary, things have mostly gone well. But Lewiston is not Utopia. The city’s challenges mirror those in other places with large refugee communities. It has struggled financially, especially early on as the needs for social services and education intensified. Joblessness remains high among the older generation of refugees; many elders still speak little English. The trauma of wars new immigrants escaped – loss of loved ones, sexual assault, years of privation – means that many bear heartache. For some in Lewiston, the long-term effects of trauma hinder acculturation, both for them and for their children.

Yet Lewiston is more vital than it was two decades ago. Of the city’s 36,000 residents, 6,000 are now African refugees and asylum-seekers. New immigrants work in health care, retail, industry, and food service. The first Somali American kids born in the city are high school juniors, and a new elementary school opened in September with a 900-student capacity – among the largest K-5s in Maine.

I’ve been reporting on Lewiston’s transformation for more than a decade now. Early on, the narrative I embraced about Lewiston’s newcomers was of passive refugee-victims. The life they fled in Africa did leave considerable scars, but over time I came to see that the new immigrants were not passive. Their resilience has moved and inspired me. One early acquaintance, Fatuma Hussein, founded United Somali Women of Maine to promote gender equality. She’d come to the U.S. at age 13 from a Somali refugee camp. The first line in my Lewiston notebook was hers: “We are making new lives here.”

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f6bad1 No.102339

File: bde041c6e87db2e⋯.jpeg (600.85 KB,1170x649,1170:649,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806040 (261504ZOCT23) Notable: Jodi Cohen assigned to head Maine shooting investigation

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FBI SAIC Jodi Cohen.

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f6bad1 No.102340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806041 (261504ZOCT23) Notable: LEWISTON: Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

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Fatuma has made a new life. She and her husband, Muktar, have eight children, from college-aged to preschooler. The organization she founded in 2001, known now as the Immigrant Resource Center of Maine, is one of the city’s largest nonprofits. There are stresses: family responsibilities and a perpetually jammed schedule, plus funding pressures as other Somali nonprofits have cropped up. Then there’s Fatuma’s de facto role as spokeswoman. She’s become a voice of Somali women in Maine, asked to testify when the Legislature considers refugee-related bills and sometimes quoted by the media. That role has intensified in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election. More and more she feels like a mandated emissary of the Lewiston Somali community, demonstrating through action that Muslims are not to be feared.

Fatuma admits her kids are under a lot of pressure. She wants them to earn A’s. Wants them to get into top colleges. To reflect well on the Somali community. And to be happy, of course. In America, you can be whatever you want to be. She tells them this a lot. But to get there, they have to study and do right. Whenever the topic of drugs comes up, Fatuma tells them she will kill them – she uses this word – if they ever get into that kind of trouble. She’s exaggerating but says, “I’d rather go to jail than see them having all this privilege and screw it up.”

Fatuma was 11, visiting relatives, when the Somali civil war erupted in 1991 after the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barre’s government. Her memories of what happened are fragments: being pressed into the back of a crowded flatbed truck, the truck tipping over, people on the ground, gunshots and smoke, bodies motionless. Fear in Utanga, the refugee camp where she wound up. Heartaching separation from her parents and siblings.

For Fatuma that time in Utanga, and the hard years in Atlanta when she arrived there as an adolescent with extended family, background everything. Her kids will have what she did not, and they will play their part in getting there.

The lives of Lewiston’s new immigrants are complex, often delineated by loss. Like Fatuma, Jamilo Maalim was separated from her parents. She was a toddler when militants attacked the family’s village and relatives fled with her to a refugee camp in Kenya. She lived there eight years. I met Jamilo when she was 22, or maybe 23. (Record keeping, especially during escalations in the war, was haphazard, and many refugees don’t know their birthdate.) Her downtown Lewiston apartment was spare but comfortable, decorated with swags of plastic flowers and photos of her daughter and son. The living room held a leatherette sofa and TV, and a soft rug where the family sat to eat their meals.

Jamilo’s physical traits – the set to her chin, upright posture, a warm but searching gaze – suggest both sensitivity and grit. When she arrived in Lewiston as a 9-year-old, she entered third grade. She was quick – learned English easily, made friends, loved gym class. Yet she struggled at home, shuttled among relatives who sometimes harshly punished.

At 17 she left school and moved to Massachusetts to live with a Somali boy she’d met online. She named the baby born that fall Aaliyah – Arabic for ascending. A year later, the relationship dissolved. Jamilo and Aaliyah wound up in a shelter for several months. After Jamilo returned to Lewiston with her daughter, her family pressured her into an arranged marriage. That ended after two years, just after her second child, Hamzah, turned 1.

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f6bad1 No.102341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806044 (261505ZOCT23) Notable: Jodi Cohen assigned to head Maine shooting investigation

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jodi cohen, fbi agent in charge

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f6bad1 No.102342

File: 33e1a93769ee38f⋯.jpeg (388.94 KB,1170x1312,585:656,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806053 (261508ZOCT23) Notable: Jodi Cohen assigned to head Maine shooting investigation

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JUST assigned.


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f6bad1 No.102343

File: 1b1a9e3d087af3b⋯.png (282.76 KB,598x1013,598:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806055 (261508ZOCT23) Notable: Rare rifle found to be in the inventories of several European countries

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f6bad1 No.102344

File: ea27c1cb7107333⋯.png (25.63 KB,453x425,453:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806069 (261512ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston local says shooting perps were reported to be TWO MIDDLE EASTERN MALES

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Source: https://t.me/AltSkull48/11461

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f6bad1 No.102345

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806115 (261521ZOCT23) Notable: Son of WEF co-founder Pascal Najadi cutting off the head of the snake in Geneva

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f6bad1 No.102346

File: af5ce2e1b4e8001⋯.png (762.95 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806122 (261524ZOCT23) Notable: Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

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Hurricane Otis hit Mexico’s Pacific Coast as a ferocious category 5 storm on October 25, 2023, breaking regional records for the strength and speed of its intensification. Storm surge, flooding, and mudslides, as well as damage to infrastructure and an airport, have been reported in the state of Guerrero.

Prior to landfall, the VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) sensor on the NOAA-20 satellite captured this false-color image of the storm at about 08:30 Universal Time (2:30 a.m. in Acapulco) on October 24, 2023.

When the image was acquired, Otis was still a tropical storm with sustained winds of 100 kilometers (65 miles) per hour, and was located about 335 kilometers (210 miles) south-southeast of Acapulco. The image shows infrared brightness temperature data, which is useful for distinguishing cooler cloud structures (white and blue) from warmer surfaces below (yellow). The coolest temperatures are associated with areas of tall clouds. Note, however, that the storm at this time did not yet have an eye.

Otis remained a tropical storm until the afternoon of October 24. Then, in a matter of hours, it rapidly intensified into a major hurricane. By 06:25 Universal Time (12:25 a.m. in Acapulco) on October 25, Otis made landfall near the beach resort town with sustained winds of 270 kilometers (165 miles) per hour. According to news reports, Otis was the strongest hurricane on record to hit Mexico’s Pacific Coast, and the fastest-strengthening storm on record in the northeast Pacific.

Scott Braun, a research meteorologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and project scientist for the TROPICS mission, said that Otis had “all the right ingredients” for rapid intensification. Those include elements such as warm sea surface temperatures, a deep layer of warm ocean water, lots of moisture, and relatively low vertical wind shear. “Conditions were present for rapid intensification, but it is hard to say at this time why the rate and magnitude of intensification were so great,” Braun said.

Forecast discussions from the National Hurricane Center pointed to some of these conditions and noted that statistical models showed a good probability for rapid intensification. “A key challenge for any forecaster is predicting the timing and magnitude of rapid intensification,” Braun said. “It’s extremely difficult to do.”

Data collected by TROPICS—short for Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats—will help weather researchers learn more about the environmental factors contributing the structure and intensity of storms similar to Otis. Such information could prove useful for NOAA, the U.S. Joint Typhoon Warning Center, and international agencies responsible for developing hurricane, typhoon, and cyclone forecasts.


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f6bad1 No.102347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806138 (261528ZOCT23) Notable: Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 18 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski to MASS

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EXCLUSIVE: Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 18 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski, as search moves to Massachusetts where investigators believe he made off in a blue Chevy Suburban

At least 18 people have been shot dead in Lewiston, Maine, and 13 people injured at two different locations Wednesday night

Police are searching the waterways for Robert Card, a 40-year-old Army reservist, after hiscar was found abandoned at a boat dock


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f6bad1 No.102348

File: d8f37b02738f6af⋯.png (946.59 KB,970x651,970:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d8482f66ab441c⋯.png (616.4 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 0853c8210ac07d8⋯.png (102.27 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806143 (261528ZOCT23) Notable: China launches new 3-astronaut crew to Tiangong space station

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China launches new 3-astronaut crew to Tiangong space station

Oct 25, 2023

A Long March 2F rocket lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert today (Oct. 25) at 11:14 p.m. EDT (0314 GMT or 11:14 a.m. Beijing Time on Oct. 26), carrying the Shenzhou 17 spacecraft and its three-person crew into orbit.

The spacecraft separated from the launch vehicle as planned 10 minutes into the flight, the China National Space Administration announced, declaring the launch "a complete success."

Aboard are mission commander Tang Hongbo, 48, a veteran of Shenzhou 12 — the first crewed mission to the then under-construction Tiangong — and crewmates and former fighter pilots Tang Shengjie, 34, and Jiang Xinlin, 35.

Together, the trio are the youngest crew to visit Tiangong. They are expected to rendezvous and dock with Tiangong around 6.5 hours after launch and begin a six-month-long stay in orbit.

"The space station is another home for us on the journey from Earth to the vast universe," Tang said at a pre-launch press conference earlier today. "In order to return to space, in the past two years, I have raced against time to complete physical and mental recovery while carrying out studies and training."

Waiting aboard Tiangong are Shenzhou 16 astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao. The trio will hand over control of the orbital outpost and prepare for their return to Earth, scheduled for Oct. 31. Jing, Zhu and Gui have been aboard since late May.

The Shenzhou 17 astronauts will conduct science experiments, maintain the space station and carry out science outreach and other activities during their mission.

The crew are also slated to perform the first extravehicular experimental maintenance spacewalk outside of Tiangong. China started constructing the modular space station in April 2021 and, according to officials, it has already taken a few hits.

"Currently, space debris is increasing, so the impacts of small space objects on long-duration operational spacecraft are inevitable," Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of the CMSA, said during the pre-launch press conference.

"Previous inspection revealed that the space station's solar panels had also been hit several times by tiny objects in space, suffering minor damage, of course which was taken into account during our design."

China completed its three-module Tiangong in late 2022. The country aims to keep the orbital outpost permanently occupied for at least a decade.

The station is currently about 20% as massive as the International Space Station, according to Chinese space officials. China's human spaceflight agency is developing a multipurpose extension module to add to Tiangong, changing it from a "T" shape to that of an "X." The extension module would then allow further modules to be added to the station.

The Long March 2F that launched the Shenzhou 17 mission had been in a state of near readiness at Jiuquan since the launch of Shenzhou 16, so it could be prepared for liftoff as a lifeboat at short notice in the event of an emergency.

Shenzhou 17 is the sixth crewed mission to Tiangong and China's 12th astronaut flight overall. Supplies for the mission were delivered aboard the Tianzhou 6 cargo mission in May this year. New supplies will be sent aboard Tianzhou 7 in the first half of 2024.

Yang Liwei became China's first astronaut in space in 2003 aboard Shenzhou 5, which made the country only the third to achieve independent human spaceflight capabilities after the former Soviet Union, now Russia, and the United States.


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f6bad1 No.102349

File: 98f9db5f627ed75⋯.png (356.17 KB,563x553,563:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806144 (261528ZOCT23) Notable: "'I believed we saved Lewiston': How Somali refugees paved the way for today's asylum seekers"

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'I believed we saved Lewiston': How Somali refugees paved the way for today's asylum seekers

Updated: 9:11 PM EDT August 22, 2023

Facebook Twitter

LEWISTON, Maine — Fatuma Hussein moved to Lewiston in her 20s in 2001. She said she was the fourth family to move to the city, which is now home to thousands of Somali families.

"I think the two communities blending together has created a sense of community but also shows the rest of Maine what migration is about," Hussein said. "I believe we saved Lewiston."

Hussein said this because she said Lewiston had a low population and needed a workforce. The blending of Maine's largely white population and the influx of refugees from other countries helped build a larger, diverse community.

But previous reporting by NEWS CENTER Maine shows the journey to a more diverse Lewiston didn't come easily, and the harsh lessons learned by the city mirror the reputation Lewiston has today when it comes to welcoming a new age of families seeking asylum.

General assistance funds were clogged in Maine, as applications slowed due to language barriers. The school districts had to redistribute funds to pay for more English language emersion programs.

Hussein said all these things created tension in the city, despite local government efforts to host cultural fairs and events.

"That friction poured into schools, into stores, and into the streets," Hussein said. "If you were here ins 2001 and saw what the Somalis were going through... it was absurd."

Hussein said posters were put on Somali businesses and homes that inferred Somali families take money from the government and don't contribute to society.

"To say Somalis paved the way so immigrants can be here is an understatement," Hussein said.

But it was ultimately a letter written by the former Lewiston Mayor, that Hussein called the "icing on the cake."

Laurier T. Raymond Jr.'s letter was addressed to the Somali community and asked them to stop coming and to stop bringing their families. Previous NEWS CENTER Maine reporting shows people in the Somali community said they were unfairly targeted and called it racist.

National media flooded Lewiston surrounding the accusations of racism. In 2003 a white supremacist group hosted a rally in support of Raymond Jr.'s request.

More at: https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/maine-immigration/i-believed-we-saved-lewiston-how-somali-refugees-paved-the-way-for-todays-asylum-seekers-maine-community-immigration/97-47cda293-5a7c-4474-bdde-712f661774e4

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f6bad1 No.102350

File: ad682351beaef32⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1170x1685,234:337,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806148 (261529ZOCT23) Notable: Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 18 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski to MASS

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EXCLUSIVE: Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 18 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski, as search moves to Massachusetts where investigators believe he made off in a blue Chevy Suburban


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f6bad1 No.102351

File: 212632ef3a74dbb⋯.png (623.63 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 7151afa262a66f8⋯.png (235.99 KB,730x681,730:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806154 (261530ZOCT23) Notable: 19806179 PF in Maine

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dont know if this planefag is on search?

Looks did some stops at Brunswick and Wiscassett airports

Flagging the Cessna 172 because of the name.

Ouelette listed as an alleged X follower of Card

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f6bad1 No.102352

File: 67d51e07d81b1fd⋯.png (804.45 KB,1355x931,1355:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806167 (261533ZOCT23) Notable: Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

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f6bad1 No.102353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806243 (261551ZOCT23) Notable: #24318

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#24318 >>102299

>>102303, >>102309, >>102310, >>102315, >>102316, >>102327, >>102332 LEWISTON Shooting DIG

>>102337, >>102338, >>102340 LEWISTON: Refugees poured into my state. Here’s how it changed me.

>>102344 Lewiston local says shooting perps were reported to be TWO MIDDLE EASTERN MALES

>>102347, >>102350 Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 18 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski to MASS

>>102349 "'I believed we saved Lewiston': How Somali refugees paved the way for today's asylum seekers"

>>102351, 19806179 PF in Maine

>>102300, >>102307 @HillaryClinton: promotes @onwardtogether groups - DIG CALL

>>102308 @Onward Together Website

>>102301 Gaetz: McCarthy said the quiet part out loud: what matters for a Speaker is what they will do for the lobbyists & special interests

>>102302 Melody Wiseheart (50 year old male) was able to identify as a girl and swim with 13 year old girls

>>102304 WAPO: Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia

>>102305 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/26/2023

>>102306 NBC News: Meta says it locked pro-Palestinian accounts after signs of security compromise

>>102311 US District Court Judge Rules New York City’s Bruen Response Restrictions are Unconstitutional

>>102312 Re DOJ influences charges: Trump Cleared of Any Wrongdoing After Four-Year Investigation

>>102313, >>102328 "SQUAD" MEMBER REP JAMAAL BOWMAN SURRENDERS mp4 from FOX TV report

>>102314 Neil Oliver: It's time to look up and see the real problem, the real enemy

>>102317 Pelosi: "Grief-stricken" after last night's shooting

>>102318 Gays Against Groomers: We need your support in speaking out against the indoctrination of children in Brooklyn, NY.

>>102319 Elon "concerned" re Kanekoa report of Mike Johnson saying "Twitter was basically an FBI subsidiary before @elonmusk took it over… "

>>102320, >>102326 PDJT: The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G

>>102321 RSBN: HEADED TO HOUSTON: Trump to hold a campaign event in Texas

>>102322 End Times News

>>102323, >>102324 HRC: I remember campaigning with Bill in 1992 with a shared vision of a national service program that gave everyone a chance to lead

>>102325 Goldie Hawn: ‘An alien touched me and it felt like the finger of God’

>>102329 "US economic growth accelerates in third quarter" - ZH

>>102330 After Matt Gaetz ousted Kevin McCarthy, the DC Establishment fought back, but America 1st Patriots stood strong & won

>>102331 PF: German AF GAF850 G5 departed Delaware Coastal Airport and looks like quick trip to Dulles

>>102333, >>102334,>>102346, >>102352 Hurricane Otis leaves dozens dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

>>102335 FIVE dead from shooting in CLINTON, NC

>>102336 True costs of fueling an electric vehicle, including excess charging costs and subsidies, is equal to $17.33 per gallon of gasoline, a new analysis found.

>>102336, >>102336 True costs of fueling an electric vehicle, including excess charging costs and subsidies, is equal to $17.33 per gallon of gas

>>102339, >>102341, >>102342 Jodi Cohen assigned to head Maine shooting investigation

>>102343 Rare rifle found to be in the inventories of several European countries

>>102345 Son of WEF co-founder Pascal Najadi cutting off the head of the snake in Geneva

>>102348 China launches new 3-astronaut crew to Tiangong space station




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f6bad1 No.102354

File: 3de24405fa96763⋯.png (288.96 KB,1049x462,1049:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806250 (261553ZOCT23) Notable: #24319

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baker seeks handoff ghosting @20 or in 10 minutes, which comes first!

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f6bad1 No.102355

File: ed6d7da9799feff⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806274 (261557ZOCT23) Notable: El Salvador’s President Bukele to Tucker: The death of America is an “inside job”…

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El Salvador’s President Bukele to Tucker: The death of America is an “inside job”…

October 26, 2023 (11 hours ago).

Almost two years ago, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele made an appearance on Tucker’s Fox Nation show. During that interview, he candidly exposed the regime, highlighting the real challenges facing America: the death of this country is an “inside job.”

That interview clip is resurfacing, especially as the United States continues its downward spiral into chaos and distress. Bukele’s insights seem even more meaningful now than they did in 2022.

Fox News:

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele, who managed to transform his country from the murder capital of the world into one of most innovative in all of Latin America, said that he would no longer feel safe living in most modern American cities as violent crime and misguided policies have turned them unrecognizable.

Bukele made the comment in a wide-ranging interview on Fox Nation’s “Tucker Carlson Today,” where he joined the Fox News primetime host to discuss law and order and how his government’s efforts to combat the stranglehold MS-13 had on the country effectively drove the murder rate down by 75% since he took office.

Bukele told Carlson that he believes the erosion of major U.S. cities, now riddled with crime and chaos, is “by design” and a product of “enemies” within the U.S. political system.

“The demise of the U.S. has to come from within. No external enemy can cause this much damage,” Bukele said. “When you’re watching internal operations here you can see cities that were pristinely beautiful 30 years ago [and] are a wasteland right now.”

“I mean, I’m from El Salvador, a third-world country in Central America, and I myself see cities here and say I wouldn’t live here. That would be unthinkable three decades ago, that a Salvadoran wouldn’t want to live in a U.S. main city,” he told Carlson, pointing to cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Chicago, where he said he would fear for his safety.

He’s spot on. The only genuine approach to topple a nation of this magnitude possessing such firepower is to take it down from within.

Sadly, everything he said is true. We’re essentially sitting in the front row, witnessing the death of America. What’s even more astonishing is that there are individuals out there applauding and commending the efforts of the Democrats. It’s insane to see. Currently, both facets of our government—the “uni-party”—seem to be in unison, working against “we the people.” Without a significant “reset” in the near future, we’re done.


Bongino says what is occurring in the cities of America, “It’s not BAD ENOUGH YET”.The same happened in NY before Giuliani was elected, it took 3-4 runs to get in,they had to be over 200 murders a year, thoroughly crime infested, and they finally elected him. There’s a secondary cause though: Education dumbed down the populace for 40+ years that made them unpatriotic, and not care. It makes me wonder if it will ever be bad enough, considering 100s of 1,000s WW are backing terrorists. The precipice might have come and gone, and no one paid attention.


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f6bad1 No.102356

File: dca0d00044f60fc⋯.jpeg (1001.89 KB,1170x1410,39:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ec0dca51e640899⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1170x1447,1170:1447,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806283 (261559ZOCT23) Notable: Moar on Card

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October 25, 2023:

Our Marine Unit, @USCGNortheast and other law enforcement and port partners today conducted Maritime Active Shooter Exercise in Boston Harbor. The training scenario was a shooter on a ferry. We regularly train with partner agencies in responding to criminal/terrorist threats.


October 26, 2023:

EXCLUSIVE: Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 22 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski, as search moves to Massachusetts where investigators believe he made off in a blue Chevy Suburban


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f6bad1 No.102357

File: 91b1177ea985470⋯.png (42.08 KB,780x223,780:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806316 (261606ZOCT23) Notable: DeSantis Administration sends cargo planes with drones, weapons, ammo, body armor, and helmets to Israel

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BREAKING: DeSantis Administration sends cargo planes with drones, weapons, ammo, body armor, and helmets to Israel

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f6bad1 No.102358

File: 314bf934a865aa3⋯.png (200.27 KB,553x511,79:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806320 (261607ZOCT23) Notable: Moar on Card

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I got a ?.....how the hell does this person get this info? They track each page you go too?

Dan Whitfield


The Maine mass shooter had a Twitter account. Elon Musk scrubbed it. Why?

Here is a list of accounts that the mass shooter visited on Twitter:

9:09 AM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806327 (261609ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken and Vice President Harris host a State luncheon in honor of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

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12:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Vice President Harris host a State luncheon in honor of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

Department of State



12:40 PM EDT

Vice President Harris and Secretary Blinken Host a Luncheon in Honor of Prime Minister Albanese, Washington, D.C.

Vice President Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken hosts a luncheon in honor of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Ms. Jodie Haydon of Australia.





Vice President and Secretary of State Host Luncheon for Australian Prime Minister

Vice President Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken host a luncheon at the State Department for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.


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f6bad1 No.102360

File: aa960eeee47b693⋯.png (131.18 KB,255x242,255:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806333 (261610ZOCT23) Notable: Moar on Card

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So, they catch the "shooter" Richard Card, but 4 cops can't contain the guy and he pulls a Jason Bourne and escapes on a jetski (ROFL) after jumping out a window or something.

Probably used a paper clip and a bic pen.

And then he races off in a blue suburban (how do they know?) after landing his jetski. Except the report is he made off on a jetski, not that they followed him.

Blue suburban = MAGA type vehicle. Better than a progressive Subaru, oy?


Who writes the CIA narrative?

Fire that guy. Sheeeeit.

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f6bad1 No.102361

File: 5932b0109227579⋯.jpg (520.87 KB,1106x2048,553:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 07de369481f3d7a⋯.jpg (507.05 KB,1242x2039,1242:2039,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 92c45488f70be83⋯.jpg (509.29 KB,1124x2048,281:512,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e6853dd40df0355⋯.jpg (509.27 KB,1094x2048,547:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806342 (261611ZOCT23) Notable: Moar on Card

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f6bad1 No.102362

File: 26ec251d4a5c0ee⋯.png (161.23 KB,486x544,243:272,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d5a87fcb8f3af6⋯.mp4 (727.56 KB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806353 (261614ZOCT23) Notable: Footage has been released showing the Armored Assault last night by the Israeli Defense Force into the Northern Gaza Strip

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Footage has been released showing the Armored Assault last night by the Israeli Defense Force into the Northern Gaza Strip involving a number of Merkava Mark lV Main Battle Tanks, Caterpillar D9 Armored-Bulldozers, and Puma Armored-Engineering Vehicles; during the Assault the Bulldozers can be seen Clearing Dirt Piles near the Border Fence as well as Constructing several Paths which will likely be used during the upcoming Invasion.

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f6bad1 No.102363

File: b315a8532642902⋯.png (857.79 KB,1112x966,556:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806355 (261615ZOCT23) Notable: Moar on Card

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following mainly musk and tucker

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f6bad1 No.102364

File: 11fea0951dcc557⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806384 (261620ZOCT23) Notable: Footage has been released showing the Armored Assault last night by the Israeli Defense Force into the Northern Gaza Strip

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That is old technology Israel is using.

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f6bad1 No.102365

File: 18668602db19e9b⋯.png (128.04 KB,299x600,299:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806390 (261623ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian Foreign Minister at the United Nations

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DD Geopolitics


🇮🇷🇺🇳 Iranian Foreign Minister at the United Nations:

– The full and inalienable right of the Palestinians is the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the entire land of occupied Palestine. The entire land of Palestine from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan river belongs to the Palestinian people.

– The Palestinian nation has the legitimate right to armed resistance against the usurping occupation.

– America has prevented the Security Council from fulfilling its duty dozens of times, by using their veto power to unconditionally support Israel and to hinder the rights of Palestinians.

– The only way forward is to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

– The Islamic Republic of Iran has proposed holding a referendum among all the residents of occupied Palestine.

– The Israeli regime is comitting war crimes and genocide against Palestinian civilians.

– The United States, since it is a direct supporter of the murderous Zionist entity, is in no position to ask other parties or countries to exercise restraint.

– We fully support Hamas, which is standing up for the Palestinian people, and resistance to occupation is their inherent right.

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f6bad1 No.102366

File: aeb193a9d68c497⋯.png (234.71 KB,699x417,233:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806391 (261623ZOCT23) Notable: Japan's Kishida Negative about Change to Gasoline Tax

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Japan's Kishida Negative about Change to Gasoline Tax

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday rejected the idea of scrapping the provisional additional levy on gasoline proposed by some opposition parties. “We're not considering changing the treatment" of gasoline tax, Kishida told a plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, responding to questions on his policy speech delivered Monday. He also said that the government and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party should discuss a proposed revision of the law that governs Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. while paying attention to how to ensure economic security. Kishida ruled out the possibility of reviving tax breaks for families with children under 16 to support child-rearing families.
He refused a demand for deeper probes into the relationship between the LDP and the controversial religious group known as the Unification Church, including their past ties.


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f6bad1 No.102367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806393 (261623ZOCT23) Notable: Moar on Card

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>Sounds more like the original operative blew his wad early, so the handler had to come in to finish the job.

This and the medication and therapist are huge red flags, hearing voices.

below statement made by maine police 1 hour ago..


Maine state police hold news conference after 16 people killed in mass shooting – watch live


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f6bad1 No.102368

File: 1b4ed12a76db2ab⋯.png (10.56 KB,491x158,491:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806396 (261624ZOCT23) Notable: Erdogan says Israeli strikes on Gaza crossed beyond self-defence

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The Spectator Index


BREAKING: 🇹🇷 Erdogan says Israeli strikes on Gaza crossed beyond self-defence and turned into 'oppression, brutality, a massacre and barbarism'


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f6bad1 No.102369

File: e4bb29b25484de9⋯.png (17.94 KB,491x223,491:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806398 (261625ZOCT23) Notable: The Iranian Army (Artesh): Large-Scale Maneuvers of all Formations of the Ground Forces will begin tomorrow.

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The Iranian Army (Artesh): Large-Scale Maneuvers of all Formations of the Ground Forces will begin tomorrow.


Asharq Breaking




#_ :


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f6bad1 No.102370

File: 026589abc36cfa8⋯.png (175.68 KB,482x401,482:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806406 (261627ZOCT23) Notable: The Iranian Army (Artesh): Large-Scale Maneuvers of all Formations of the Ground Forces will begin tomorrow.

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🚨#BREAKING: The #Iranian Army: The start of large-scale maneuvers for all ground forces formations tomorrow.


(full moon, Hunter's moon Saturday)

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f6bad1 No.102371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806411 (261628ZOCT23) Notable: Bun for kid in Lewiston ME stopped/arrested

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>medication and therapist are huge red flags, hearing voices

Yeah, that's a total Q drops hit right there.

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f6bad1 No.102372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806415 (261629ZOCT23) Notable: The Iranian Army (Artesh): Large-Scale Maneuvers of all Formations of the Ground Forces will begin tomorrow.

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At UN, Iran warns US will 'not be spared' if war in Gaza continues


Thu, October 26, 2023 at 10:53 AM CDT·1 min read

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Iran's Foreign Minster Hossein Amirabdollahian warned on Thursday that if Israel's retaliation against Palestinian militants Hamas in the Gaza Strip doesn't end then the United States will "not be spared from this fire."

"I say frankly to the American statesmen, who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome (an)expansion of the war in the region. But if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire," he told the United Nations General Assembly. (Reporting by Michelle Nichols; editing by Susan Heavey)

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f6bad1 No.102373

File: ea8049b03c0ad23⋯.jpeg (656.91 KB,1182x623,1182:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6667c340cee2844⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB,828x768,69:64,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806421 (261630ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on those Skyz

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Czech AF CEF03 A319 on ground at Rzsesow Airport Poland from Prague depart

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f6bad1 No.102374

File: babbf96e9a9f4cc⋯.png (118.45 KB,299x557,299:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806428 (261632ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian Foreign Minister at the United Nations

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Iran Observer


⚡️Iran FM at UNGA:

For 3 weeks, we have been witnessing war crimes committed by Israel

The genocide in Gaza and forced displacement there must be stopped immediately

The United States and some European countries supported the Israeli occupation regime

The United States and some European countries support the killing of about 7,000 civilians in less than 3 weeks in Gaza and the West Bank.

The United States must put an end to genocide and crimes in Palestine

With the continuation of the war in Gaza, we will not be able to cease fire, and West Asia is our region, and we will not be complacent or conservative when it comes to our security.

Efforts being made to consider Palestinian actions as terrorist will not deceive free nations and the global conscience.

We tell the United States that if the genocide operations continue, we will not stand by and watch.

If the genocide continues in Gaza, the United States will not be spared from this fire


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f6bad1 No.102375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806449 (261636ZOCT23) Notable: Bun for kid in Lewiston ME stopped/arrested

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trip quads chek'ed

wonder if they have named the kid and if he too was on medication and using the same therapist or a associate of therapist.

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f6bad1 No.102376

File: bfb56a94628cd3e⋯.jpg (1000.42 KB,2520x2241,280:249,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806476 (261641ZOCT23) Notable: Maine First Victim

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Bernie Gores

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f6bad1 No.102377

File: c37899ad5f99632⋯.png (556.79 KB,728x1024,91:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806496 (261644ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson supports Zelensky

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Any twitter fags able to find this post?

I can't scroll back past July 23' and not sure how to search for it.

Halpis it f&g ???

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f6bad1 No.102378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806511 (261649ZOCT23) Notable: Bun for kid in Lewiston ME stopped/arrested

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f6bad1 No.102379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806524 (261652ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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1:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard, and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard, and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby speak with reporters and respond to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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f6bad1 No.102380

File: 235d5524a27568c⋯.png (1.79 MB,1366x860,683:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806556 (261659ZOCT23) Notable: Maine First Victim

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Police release picture of first victim Bernie Gores.


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f6bad1 No.102381

File: 147d01d53b02446⋯.png (94.23 KB,604x522,302:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806565 (261701ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump "Hagerman" instead of "Haberman", "Chocking" instead of "choking"

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12:59 = 17

"Hagerman" instead of "Haberman"

"Chocking" instead of "choking"

Donald J. Trump


Writer Maggot Hagerman of the Failing New York Times wrote almost her entire FAKE story today about the Trump Hating Judge’s Gag Order (They love to silence me!), rather than the Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness chocking like a dog on the Witness Stand (Perry Mason?), and admitting that I NEVER asked him to do anything wrong. He also admitted that he lied to Congress Under Oath, AGAIN, brand new charges. THAT MEANS THEY NO LONGER HAVE A WITNESS, OR A CASE. She also failed to report that the Trump Hating Judge refuses to respect or accept the Appeals Court decision reversing him, a first! Maggot should focus her energies on Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges, whose hatred and bias is so great that they are unable to make a fair and reasonable decision. New York is crime ridden and dying, but I will save it in 2024… It can’t come too fast!

Oct 26, 2023, 12:59 PM


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f6bad1 No.102382

File: 47d4998f0190a3b⋯.png (273.91 KB,479x562,479:562,Clipboard.png)

File: 551e2564b69bdd4⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806576 (261704ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson is already salivating at sending our tax dollars to fund foreign conflicts.

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Welp, there goes that.

Johnson is already salivating at sending our tax dollars to fund foreign conflicts.

Public and political support for Ukraine diminished and Israel took its place.

The laundry mat stays open and the war machine keeps churning.


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f6bad1 No.102383

File: 68eab8f509b31f0⋯.png (770.7 KB,708x680,177:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806582 (261705ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson supports Zelensky

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f6bad1 No.102384

File: 9c11e069d55fde7⋯.png (746.71 KB,998x1098,499:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806601 (261709ZOCT23) Notable: Maine First Victim

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looks like the dude to me

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f6bad1 No.102385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806605 (261709ZOCT23) Notable: A brave new world is needed - Laurence Fox/Banking

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Note: If you have been public with your views and not remained anonymous, they will track you and chek your social media and use the media to smear you to have you debanked, fired and unable to operate in this new Chinese style social credit system.

Anons strongest fears are now a reality. predicted in the four red pills post.


A brave new world is needed - Laurence Fox

Premiered 28 minutes ago - 26th oct 2023


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f6bad1 No.102386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806610 (261710ZOCT23) Notable: Bun for kid in Lewiston ME stopped/arrested

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Do you know any troubled children?

The CIA is actively recruiting child candidates for its MK ultra program.

We need children that have broken families.

We need children that will not be missed.

We need children that are not loved so that they can be easily broken with our top notch therapists.

If you know any children like this, please contact us at the CIA reference MK Uktra.

We make mass shooters to keep you in fear and a tool to ban your guns.

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f6bad1 No.102387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806627 (261714ZOCT23) Notable: Maine First Victim

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f6bad1 No.102388

File: 34234439726a755⋯.png (1.14 MB,1585x1851,1585:1851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806631 (261715ZOCT23) Notable: USA leave NATO and Europe start the PESCO Army in 2024

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@ least one does know how the game is plaxed.

USA leave NATO and Europe start the PESCO Army

Holly Cow

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f6bad1 No.102389

File: 3210a7fad7c94ac⋯.png (624.82 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806657 (261723ZOCT23) Notable: CLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) — A homicide investigation is underway in Sampson County after five people were found dead in a home

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clinton nc

garland hwy

CLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) — A homicide investigation is underway in Sampson County after five people were found dead in a home, according to Sampson County Sheriff Jimmy Thornton.

The Sampson County Sheriff’s Office says they were called to a home 10300 block of Garland Highway around 12:41 a.m. Thursday regarding a homicide.

A 911 caller told dispatchers they had last communicated with one of the occupants of the residence around 11 p.m. on Wednesday. The caller told dispatchers they stopped by the home after leaving work and discovered the bodies.

“This morning has definitely been an unusual morning in Sampson County,” said Eric Pope, Sampson County Sheriff’s Office PIO. “This is not normal for our community, it’s not normal for any community, and it should shock the conscience.”

Deputies found four men and one woman with gunshot wounds inside the residence upon arrival. Their ages ranged from the 30’s to the 80’s. They were of different races and ethnicities.

Identities of the known victims are not being released, pending family notification.

It’s also unclear how the five are connected.

Investigators from the sheriff’s office and the NC State Bureau of Investigation left the scene by noon on Thursday, but are still following up on potential leads.

No suspects have been identified.

Anyone with information related to the case is asked to contact the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office at (910) 592-4141.

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f6bad1 No.102390

File: 5a0986c78149e83⋯.jpg (1.63 MB,3227x2370,3227:2370,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806663 (261724ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston Maine is currently on LOCK DOWN

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Lock Down

Lewiston Maine is currently onLOCK DOWNas local police, commanded by the FBI are conducting aMANHUNTfor Robert Card, a LICENCED FIREARM INSTRUCTOR and MILITARY VETERAN known to frequent TUCKER CARLSON and ELON MUSK on the social platform X, formerly known as TWITTER. Licenced firearm instructors are knowned to be able to lawfully possess fully automatic assault weapons and military veterans are known to be MAGA type conspiracy theorists and ELECTION DENIERS. Citizens are encouraged to obey their PUBLIC SERVANTS and allow the police to DO THEIR JOB. Citizens are being allowed to lick the boots of the FBI and local police only with the permission of the government and by appointment only.



Fuckn faggots.

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f6bad1 No.102391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806672 (261726ZOCT23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




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f6bad1 No.102392

File: 7b6de2dd830200f⋯.png (34.49 KB,512x634,256:317,Clipboard.png)

File: dee2434f50c1e25⋯.png (17.25 KB,482x296,241:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806684 (261728ZOCT23) Notable: Bun for kid in Lewiston ME stopped/arrested

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"Fisher Road is a mental health clinic in Bowdoinham, ME. It is located at 336 Fisher Road, Bowdoinham, ME 4008."









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f6bad1 No.102393

File: 38a4a62d25b8234⋯.jpg (374.05 KB,1080x1720,27:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806695 (261731ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson supports Zelensky

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Fuck it's real anon fren on truth found it.



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f6bad1 No.102394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806699 (261732ZOCT23) Notable: Families of Israeli Hostages Hold News Conference on Capitol Hill

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1:45 PM EDT

Families of Israeli Hostages Hold News Conference on Capitol Hill

Family members of Israeli hostages held by Hamas speak with reporters on Capitol Hill.


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f6bad1 No.102395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806721 (261736ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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Jean-Pierre: This morning, [Biden] received another briefing on the shooting [Maine] from senior advisors, and he ordered that the US Flag be flown half-staff at the White House, and upon all public buildings and grounds, out of respect for all the victims as well.

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f6bad1 No.102396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806732 (261738ZOCT23) Notable: FBI And Its Foreign Influence Task Force Purged Sources Who Were Onto Biden Corruption

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FBI And Its Foreign Influence Task Force Purged Sources Who Were Onto Biden Corruption

The FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force used a sham assessment opened by FBI headquarters to cull reporting from confidential human sources (CHS) throughout the country related to the Biden family and then falsely brand the intelligence as “foreign disinformation,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, revealed Wednesday.

Wednesday’s explosive news suggests the DOJ and FBI’s Biden-family protection program encompassed many more players than previously known. But it is the involvement of the Foreign Influence Task Force that demands an immediate response by the House, namely the launching of an impeachment inquiry of FBI Director Christopher Wray, under whose watch this task force abused its power — and interfered in a presidential election.

Late Wednesday afternoon, Grassley released a seven-page letter that, while addressed to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, spoke to the American public, telling them of evidence of “significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley’s letter summarized the evidence he has gathered over the last two years, with the assistance of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and multiple whistleblowers. There are several significant strands to pull from the Iowa senator’s latest missive, but none more important than the details he revealed about the assessment opened by FBI headquarters’ Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten.

In July of last year, Grassley went public with a whistleblower’s “allegations that the FBI developed information in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s criminal financial and related activity but ultimately shut it down based on false assertions that it was subject to foreign disinformation.” According to Grassley’s source, “the basis for shutting the investigative activity down was an August 2020 assessment created by FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten,” which an FBI HQ team used “to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease.”

In his Wednesday letter to Garland and Wray, Grassley expanded on the whistleblower’s claims, writing: “In August 2020, and possibly earlier, Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten opened the aforementioned assessment, which was used by the Foreign Influence Task Force to seek out CHS holdings at FBI Field Offices across the country relating to the Biden family and falsely discredit them as foreign disinformation.”

The timing of Auten’s opening of this assessment is hugely significant because it followed a month — or maybe less — after the FBI’s June 30, 2020, interview of the “highly credible” CHS who reported that the owner of Ukrainian energy company Burisma had claimed he paid Hunter and Joe Biden each $5 million in bribes. The June 30, 2020 interview, which was memorialized in the infamous FD-1023 Grassley released earlier this year, only came about because the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania had asked the FBI to search its records for documents potentially relevant to the vesting of information related to Ukraine.


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f6bad1 No.102397

File: c6eefdfb710cf5c⋯.png (187.24 KB,1280x763,1280:763,Clipboard.png)

File: ffe64e65bf038b9⋯.png (71.92 KB,931x591,931:591,Clipboard.png)

File: fd44cfc5f075d7d⋯.png (144.93 KB,578x431,578:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806734 (261738ZOCT23) Notable: Yields Slide After Stellar 7Y Auction With Highest Bid-To-Cover Since March 2020

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Yields Slide After Stellar 7Y Auction With Highest Bid-To-Cover Since March 2020

(Unlike the 5y yesterday the Primary Dealers had to take 11% instead of the 19% of the 5y so the message was sent “we need to get yields down so you fuggers want this shit show to continue?…step up)

After two ugly auctions, at 1pm ET the Treasury concluded the week's coupon issuance with the sale of $38BN in 7 year paper in what was actually a rather recent auction.

The high yield of 4.908% was above last month's 4.673% and was the highest on record, but more importantly it stopped through the When Issued 4.910% by 0.2bps, a reversal of last month's modest 0.3bps tail.

The bid to cover of 2.704 was a solid improvement to last month's 2.465 and was the highest going back to the March 2020 bond market rollercoaster. The internals were also solid with Indirects awarded 70.6%, just above the recent average of 70.4%, and with Directs taking down 18.4%, Dealers were left holding just 11.0% below the 6-auction average of 12.0%. The strong auction took the market, which has gotten used to expecting fire and brimstone on every auction day, by surprise and pushed 10Y yields down to session lows around 4.86%, down more than 10bps from the session highs hit earlier in the session.


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f6bad1 No.102398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806760 (261746ZOCT23) Notable: #020 Kurt Metzger | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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#020 Kurt Metzger | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

During her stand-up stint at Skankfest, Roseanne ran into comedian Kurt Metzger backstage and was blown away by his wit, general insanity and knowledge of conspiracy theories that she thought only she knew about. The two are a match made in heaven, and it's time the Roseanne Barr Podcast got back to doing what it does best- shit-talking the hidden agenda and blowing open your mind.


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f6bad1 No.102399

File: 1907b21e058bbec⋯.png (457.44 KB,858x1114,429:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806803 (261755ZOCT23) Notable: Kari Lake Files Bar Complaint Against Liberal Perkins Coie Attorney Representing Katie Hobbs

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Kari Lake Files Bar Complaint Against Liberal Perkins Coie Attorney Representing Katie Hobbs in Election Lawsuit for “Unlawful and Unethical Attempt to Intimidate” – COMPLAINT INCLUDED

Kari Lake on Tuesday filed a formal complaint to the Arizona State Bar Association, charging the attorney representing Katie Hobbs in her stolen election coverup for DNC law firm Perkins Coie firm with violations of knowingly misrepresenting facts and making false statements on behalf of her client.

Lake alleges that Hobbs attorney Alexis Danneman violated Ethical Rule 4.1, which states, “In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly…make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person….” Lake also warned the Arizona Bar Association that they must stop treating Democrat attorneys with kid gloves and hold Danneman accountable. This would make sense in a fair justice system.

This comes after Danneman sent a letter to Lake, claiming that her candidacy for the US Senate may violate the resign-to-run law and prohibition against running for multiple offices while asking Lake to withdraw her lawsuit against the stolen 2022 election.

Kari Lake labeled the dishonest letter as “nothing more than a legal shakedown tactic” in a statement released Tuesday announcing her complaint. This is how conservatives need to fight back against the leftwing justice system and the Bar Association. Lake will never back down to these thugs.

This comes as conservative attorneys nationwide face scrutiny and disbarment for exercising their First Amendment right and speaking out against rigged elections in America. As The Gateway Pundit reported, leftwing prosecutors and Bar Associations across the nation are targeting prominent conservative lawyers, including Rudy Guliani, John Eastman, and other attorneys, for their efforts to challenge the stolen 2020 Election.

Attorneys fighting challenging the stolen 2022 Election in Arizona–WHERE 60% OF VOTING MACHINES FAILED REPUBLICAN VOTERS–on behalf of Kari Lake, Mark Finchem, and Abe Hamadeh have also faced the weaponization of court sanctions by Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County’s attorneys to discourage election-related lawsuits.

The Arizona Swamp has even attempted to scare Lake out of fighting her election earlier this year by threatening felony charges against Lake for exposing the fraudulent signatures on mail-in ballots that Maricopa County counted without verifying.

Lake’s complaint notes that Perkins Coie “also represents the Democrat National Committee, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee.”

Lake released the following statement on Tuesday after filing her complaint:



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f6bad1 No.102400

File: c7844a13a010888⋯.png (1 MB,1250x650,25:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 08a48cf274c9c00⋯.png (244.08 KB,526x746,263:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806806 (261756ZOCT23) Notable: NYPD Says Pro-Hamas Protesters' Siege of Jewish Students 'No Threat'

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NYPD Says Pro-Hamas Protesters' Siege of Jewish Students 'No Threat'

Jewish students at Cooper Union, a private New York City college, were locked inside a library Wednesday as pro-Palestine and pro-Hamas protesters beat their fists on the doors, screamed, and tried to gain entry.

New York police, however, told The Daily Signal that officers didn’t intervene because “no threats of physical violence were made.”



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f6bad1 No.102401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806816 (261758ZOCT23) Notable: ACLU Declares Trump Gag Order To Be Unconstitutional

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ACLU Declares Trump Gag Order To Be Unconstitutional

On Wednesday, the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) made a surprising statement condemning a federal judge’s attempted gag order on former President Donald Trump...

As Politico reports, the ACLU’s statement came as a shock to many who support the group, as it had been one of Trump’s primary enemies during his presidency, frequently suing his administration to block many of his policies.

But in a new friend-of-the-court brief, the ACLU agreed with Trump’s assertion that a gag order by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan is a violation of his First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, as well as a violation of the public’s right to hear him speak.

“The obvious and unprecedented public interest in this prosecution, as well as the widespread political speech that it has generated and will continue to generate, only underscores the need to apply the most stringent First Amendment standard to a restraint on Defendant’s speech rights,” the ACLU’s statement read.

The ACLU told Chutkan that she should re-evaluate her order, parts of which the group described as so vague that it was “unknown and perhaps unknowable.”

The group focused on one particular portion which forbade President Trump from making any statements that could be perceived as making a “target” out of Special Counsel Jack Smith, the prosecutors, court personnel, or attorneys or witnesses in the case.

“Reading the order, Defendant cannot possibly know what he is permitted to say, and what he is not,” the ACLU noted.

Chutkan had tried to justify her decision by claiming that Trump’s status as a leading presidential candidate does not make him any different from any other defendant in a criminal case, but the ACLU disagreed, citing the heightened public interest in his case and other legal cases.

“Defendant’s ability to speak publicly about the substance of the prosecution, even including potential witnesses and testimony, is in many ways inextricable from the 2024 presidential campaign in which he is a declared candidate,” the ACLU observed.


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f6bad1 No.102402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806819 (261759ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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John Kirby [White House press conference]: We've warned that President Putin still aims to conquer Ukraine, and we've been working to ensure Ukraine has the equipment it need to defend it's territory. Just today, we announced another package of security assistance, which includes air defense capabilities, Javelin anti-tank missiles, more artillery ammunition, and more ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, otherwise known as HIMARS.

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f6bad1 No.102403

File: 78b33d406020637⋯.png (316.12 KB,486x638,243:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806822 (261759ZOCT23) Notable: Japanese institute: Nuclear fusion facility succeeds in forming 'plasma'

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Japanese institute: Nuclear fusion facility succeeds in forming 'plasma'

An institute in Japan says it has succeeded in forming a state of matter called "plasma," which plays a key role in nuclear fusion reactions. This could be a breakthrough toward achieving a next-generation energy source.

The National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology made the announcement on Tuesday.

Nuclear fusion occurs inside the Sun's core. Making it happen artificially could lead to the production of massive amounts of energy.

It would be a next-generation energy source that emits no carbon dioxide and generates no high-level radioactive waste. The institute says it succeeded in forming the "plasma" at a large-scale nuclear fusion experiment facility called JT-60SA, in Ibaraki Prefecture, north of Tokyo. The facility was jointly built by Japan and the European Union at a cost of more than 65 billion yen, or about 435 million dollars. The facility is aimed at verifying technology that generates high-temperature and high-pressure "plasma," which is crucial in creating a nuclear fusion reaction and maintaining it for a certain period. The institute says the facility started full-fledged operation in May. On Monday afternoon, it succeeded in forming "plasma" for the first time.

To achieve nuclear fusion, "plasma" needs to reach a temperature of more than 100 million degrees Celsius, and have nuclei collide at speeds of 1,000 kilometers per second. The institute says that, at this point, scientists can only create a "plasma" temperature of 10 million degrees.

The institute aims to gain the technology necessary to maintain "plasma" at 100 million degrees Celsius for 100 seconds within about five years. It says it wants to use the insights gained from the experiments for an international joint mega science project whose participants include Japan and the EU. It also wants to realize nuclear fusion power generation, which the Japanese government aims to realize by around 2050.


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f6bad1 No.102404

File: 22d649d91c5fa6a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1916x929,1916:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806831 (261800ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on those Skyz

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PENCE27 (Kek) E6 up and out of Offutt, AFB circling the panhandle of Oklahoma

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f6bad1 No.102405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806838 (261802ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken delivers remarks at a signing ceremony for the U.S.-Australia Technology Safeguards Agreement

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2:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at a signing ceremony for the U.S.-Australia Technology Safeguards Agreement

Department of State





Secretary Blinken Remarks at a Signing Ceremony for U.S.-Australia Technology Safeguards Agreement

Secretary of State Blinken gives remarks at a signing ceremony for U.S.-Australia Technology Safeguards Agreement.


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f6bad1 No.102406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806839 (261802ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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Kirby: We have information that the Russian military has been actually executing soldiers who refuse to follow orders. We also have information that Russian commanders are threatening to execute entire units if they seek to retreat from Ukrainian artillery fire. Russia's mobilized forces remain undertrained, underequipped, and unprepared for combat.

[who is the source for that 'information'? Zelenskyy?]

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f6bad1 No.102407

File: e90c5647fda0923⋯.png (441.38 KB,515x492,515:492,Clipboard.png)

File: 530577f0a2c2320⋯.png (81.21 KB,746x553,746:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806843 (261802ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation

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Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation

In a somewhat unexpected development, a delegation of Hamas leaders have arrived in Moscow for talks, the Russian Foreign Ministry has confirmed Thursday evening (local time). "I can confirm that representatives of the [Hamas] Palestinian movement are visiting Moscow,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a press briefing, vowing to provide relevant details as the talks unfold.

The visit had not been previously announced by either side, and the Hamas delegation is being led by a senior member of the group, Moussa Abu Marzouk. Hamas is a designated terror organization in the US, European Union, and some other countries; but it has official relations with countries like Iran, Turkey, Syria, and now apparently Russia.


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f6bad1 No.102408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806901 (261813ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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Reporter: There is a Pentagon official, Ariane Tabatabai, she was alleged to be involved in an Iranian government influence operation...she is now the chief of staff for the office that is overseeing hostage negotiations. Is it appropriate for someone with these connections to the Iranian regime to be overseeing rescue operations for Americans that are being held by Iran-backed proxies?

Kirby: I'd have to refer you to the Defense Department to speak to that.

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f6bad1 No.102409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806920 (261816ZOCT23) Notable: House Approves Resolution Backing Israel In New Speaker's First Move

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House Approves Resolution Backing Israel In New Speaker's First Move

The House on Wednesday approved a resolution that expressed strong support for Israel, the first bill brought to the floor after Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the chamber’s new speaker.

The resolution passed in a vote of 412-10 and says that the US "stands" with Israel in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack and as Israel is relentlessly bombing Gaza. The resolution reaffirmed the US commitment to providing military aid to Israel and said Congress will work to pass more.


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f6bad1 No.102410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806934 (261819ZOCT23) Notable: Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia - Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine

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Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia – Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine, Says Russia and the US Must Agree on Peace Terms

The international military support for Ukraine just suffered a tremendous blow in neighboring Slovakia.

Leftist Robert Fico has been appointed Slovakia’s prime minister for the fourth time by President Zuzana Čaputová.

Fico is set to attend an EU summit in Brussels this week, where his Slovakia-first populist’s policies will give the other European leaders an early indication of how obstructive the relationship is poised to be.

As soon as President Čaputová formally approved the new three-party coalition government led by Fico, Fico acted on his pledges to end military aid to Ukraine, slash immigration and defend Slovakian sovereignty.


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f6bad1 No.102411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806981 (261826ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] was asked yesterday about 2020, and [Biden] answered it pretty straightforward. You heard him say that when it came to the 2020 election, we had more than sixty judges who basically threw those cases out of the court, or proved it to not be true, when it came to, uh, uh, the, the, the accusations that the elections, uh, were not, uh, were not, were not, uh, I guess real, whatever, however they said it in 2020. But, also, a Trump administration said the 2020 election was the safest, was the most, the safest election that we've ever had, right? And you heard that from the Trump administration.

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f6bad1 No.102412

File: e8f63d0a29f02ed⋯.png (558.19 KB,1628x1240,407:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807013 (261833ZOCT23) Notable: Lewiston Maine is currently on LOCK DOWN

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Bakerthis needs to be scrubbed from notable, it's old pic.. tiny is our friend kek


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f6bad1 No.102413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807035 (261837ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

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Reporter: The Biden campaign put out a statement yesterday calling Johnson, 'MAGA Mike Johnson', 'Mike Johnson extreme, and a loyal foot-soldier of President Trump'. Does that break with your message here?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not going to speak to what the campaign does. That's the campaign.

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f6bad1 No.102414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807059 (261840ZOCT23) Notable: #24319

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#24319 >>102354

>>102373, >>102404 PF Eyez on those Skyz

>>102355 El Salvador’s President Bukele to Tucker: The death of America is an “inside job”…

>>102356, >>102358, >>102361, >>102363, >>102360, >>102367 Moar on Card

>>102357 DeSantis Administration sends cargo planes with drones, weapons, ammo, body armor, and helmets to Israel

>>102359 Blinken and Vice President Harris host a State luncheon in honor of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

>>102362, >>102364, >>102364 Footage has been released showing the Armored Assault last night by the Israeli Defense Force into the Northern Gaza Strip

>>102365, >>102374 Iranian Foreign Minister at the United Nations

>>102366 Japan's Kishida Negative about Change to Gasoline Tax

>>102368 Erdogan says Israeli strikes on Gaza crossed beyond self-defence

>>102369, >>102370, >>102372 The Iranian Army (Artesh): Large-Scale Maneuvers of all Formations of the Ground Forces will begin tomorrow.

>>102377, >>102383, >>102393 Johnson supports Zelensky

>>102379, >>102395, >>102402, >>102406, >>102408, >>102411, >>102413 Buckwheat, Brainard n Kirby up

>>102380, >>102384, >>102387, >>102380, >>102376 Maine First Victim

>>102381 @realDonaldTrump "Hagerman" instead of "Haberman", "Chocking" instead of "choking"

>>102382 Johnson is already salivating at sending our tax dollars to fund foreign conflicts.

>>102385 A brave new world is needed - Laurence Fox/Banking

>>102388 USA leave NATO and Europe start the PESCO Army in 2024

>>102389 CLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) — A homicide investigation is underway in Sampson County after five people were found dead in a home

>>102390, >>102412 Lewiston Maine is currently on LOCK DOWN

>>102391 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>102392 Bun for kid in Lewiston ME stopped/arrested

>>102394 Families of Israeli Hostages Hold News Conference on Capitol Hill

>>102396 FBI And Its Foreign Influence Task Force Purged Sources Who Were Onto Biden Corruption

>>102397 Yields Slide After Stellar 7Y Auction With Highest Bid-To-Cover Since March 2020

>>102398 #020 Kurt Metzger | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>102399 Kari Lake Files Bar Complaint Against Liberal Perkins Coie Attorney Representing Katie Hobbs

>>102400 NYPD Says Pro-Hamas Protesters' Siege of Jewish Students 'No Threat'

>>102401 ACLU Declares Trump Gag Order To Be Unconstitutional

>>102403 Japanese institute: Nuclear fusion facility succeeds in forming 'plasma'

>>102405 Blinken delivers remarks at a signing ceremony for the U.S.-Australia Technology Safeguards Agreement

>>102407 Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation

>>102409 House Approves Resolution Backing Israel In New Speaker's First Move

>>102410 Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia - Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine


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f6bad1 No.102415

File: 9c11e069d55fde7⋯.png (746.71 KB,998x1098,499:549,Clipboard.png)

File: bfb56a94628cd3e⋯.jpg (1000.42 KB,2520x2241,280:249,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8141e9af0118765⋯.png (399.34 KB,596x693,596:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807078 (261843ZOCT23) Notable: US Coast Guard hunting for Maine mass shooter on the Kennebec River?

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Baker Taps

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f6bad1 No.102416

File: 6dd39f56658d365⋯.png (250.81 KB,563x587,563:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807117 (261849ZOCT23) Notable: #24320-A

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This is not a believable scenario. If this guy was in a psychotic break as they say, he is not clear of mind to escape in a river mitigatable to the ocean. The details of the boat are specific. If this turns out to be a "false lead" then it was a planned false lead. Done to condition us that a branch of the US military can hunt a citizen.

Both things cannot be true at the same time. He can't be psychotic enough to do this yet sane enough to no longer act out but instead get away peacefully.


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f6bad1 No.102417

File: ccc6a85af7cbddb⋯.png (1.16 MB,634x793,634:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 27e12f0c373e0d2⋯.png (936.57 KB,634x795,634:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 1afa0d736dc20ea⋯.png (652.73 KB,634x622,317:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 6616106cad17d1a⋯.png (1.03 MB,634x636,317:318,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c74e618999c1f4⋯.png (1.09 MB,634x788,317:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807137 (261854ZOCT23) Notable: Missouri teacher Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, faces 20 years in prison for sending nudes to 16-year-old student having sex w/him while husband away

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Missouri teacher Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, faces 20 years in prison for sending nudes to 16-year-old student and inviting him over for sex while her husband was away

A female teacher allegedly solicited nudes from a 16-year-old student

Rikki Lynn Laughlin sent explicit videos to the teen and invited him over for sex, according to sheriff's reports

The married mom-of-one now faces charges that could land her 20 years in jail

A female teacher allegedly sent nudes to a 16-year-old student and then invited him over for sex while her husband was out of town.

Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, sent the explicit photos to the boy at St. James High School in Missouri - where Laughlin worked as a special education teacher, according to Maries County Sheriff Department.

The married mother-of-one faces six felony charges for allegedly pursuing the 16-year-old, sending him pornographic images and soliciting photos from him.

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f6bad1 No.102418

File: abe1afcdd789647⋯.png (670.02 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a1e9bb3a105b82⋯.png (696.37 KB,659x451,659:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807144 (261856ZOCT23) Notable: Meet the Billionaire Mega-Donors Behind the Biden Presidency

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American Oligarchy: Meet the Billionaire Mega-Donors Behind the Biden Presidency

Dustin Moskovitz

Eric Schmidt

Jeffrey Katzenberg

Laurene Powell Jobs

Reid Hoffman

Tom Steyer


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f6bad1 No.102419

File: 663f69b7fe59779⋯.png (1.41 MB,961x501,961:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 78a1964d6ca0e77⋯.png (1.41 MB,966x550,483:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807164 (261901ZOCT23) Notable: Before-and-after satellite images show how Israeli airstrikes have laid waste to entire Gaza neighbourhoods after two weeks of bombardments

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Wiped off the map: Before-and-after satellite images show how Israeli airstrikes have laid waste to entire Gaza neighbourhoods after two weeks of bombardments

Northern Gaza neighbourhoods in Beit Hanoun and Atatra turned to wastelands after weeks of airstrikes


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f6bad1 No.102420

File: 6f752bdf073e25a⋯.pdf (1.81 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: aa8227bcb619e1e⋯.pdf (848.88 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807177 (261903ZOCT23) Notable: Prosecutor says Biden bribery claim was credible enough for further investigation, but FBI resisted

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Prosecutor says Biden bribery claim was credible enough for further investigation, but FBI resisted

Former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady told the House Judiciary Committee the FBI kept even the mere existence of the Hunter Biden laptop from his probe.

Updated: October 26, 2023 11:25am1/2

In bombshell testimony, the federal prosecutor who initially probed the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine told Congress his team had corroborated enough of an FBI informant’s claim of an alleged bribery scheme involving Joe Biden to merit further investigation but he encountered unprecedented foot-dragging and “reluctance” inside both the FBI and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office that took over the case, Just the News has learned.

Former Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady revealed to the House Judiciary Committee that his team found enough credible evidence in its initial review of Hunter Biden’s dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and possible corruption by Joe Biden to refer criminal matters to three separate U.S. Attorney's offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Delaware for further investigation.

But almost immediately after he was assigned by the Justice Department in 2020 to review Biden family matters in Ukraine, Brady said he encountered resistance at both the FBI and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office that at times required him to escalate to his bosses in the deputy attorney general’s office.

“It was a challenging working relationship,” Brady said of the FBI in testimony earlier this week that was reviewed by Just the News. “I think there was reluctance on the part of the FBI to really do any tasking related to our assignment from DAG Rosen and looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption broadly and then specifically anything that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma. It was very challenging.”

Brady's testimony emerged the same day that Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed that the FBI hadmore than 40 informants providing evidenceof possible criminality by the Biden family dating back years but that most leaders were shut down, particularly by the FBI’s Washington field office or its New York counter-intelligence office.



Brady was critical of the FBI, noting the bureau never told his office it had Hunter Biden's laptop and had corroborated its contents even as DOJ prosecutors investigated the Ukraine allegations. "I would have thought that would be something, especially as has been publicly reported, there's information relating to Hunter Biden's activities on the board of Burisma in Ukraine, that might have been helpful in our assessment of the information that we were receiving about him. I would have expected that be shared," he said.

Brady said he encountered similar resistance and skepticism as he tried to hand off evidence and investigative leads to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss and his deputy Lesley Wolf in fall 2020, corroborating similar testimony provided to the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this summer by IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.

“Speaking generally, from a process perspective, I think there was both a skepticism of the information that we were developing, that we had received, and skepticism and then weariness of that information,” Brady said of Weiss’ office. “I think they were very concerned about any information sharing with our office. “It became problematic at different points, which required Mr. Weiss and me to get involved and level set, as it were, but it was regularly a challenge to interact with the investigative team from Delaware,” he added.

Brady said the resistance required him at multiple times to appeal to deputy attorney general’s office to get the FBI or Weiss’ office to take basic investigative steps he believed were necessary. “Most of our interactions with the DAG's office was to facilitate communication with the FBI. We did, on occasion, have to involve the DAG's office to facilitate communication with Delaware as well,” he testified, adding that he had never before in his career required to take such action.


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f6bad1 No.102421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807179 (261904ZOCT23) Notable: Prosecutor says Biden bribery claim was credible enough for further investigation, but FBI resisted

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Brady confirmed one of the pieces of information he referred for further investigation to his colleagues in Delaware was an FD-1023 report from a FBI informant alleging Joe and Hunter Biden were the beneficiaries of a $10 million bribery scheme involving efforts to thwart Ukrainian prosecutors from prosecuting the Burisma energy firm for whom Hunter Biden worked. Grassley made the contents of that report public earlier this year and congressional Republicans have raised concerns Weiss’ office did not adequately investigate the allegations.

You can read the informant report here.

When asked whether the FBI considered the informant to be “highly credible” because he had provided earlier useful information dating to the Obama administration, Brady answered: “That’s consistent with my understanding.” The prosecutor said his team reviewed open-source intelligence to corroborate certain aspects of the FBI informant’s claims, including that he traveled to locations as he had reported to his FBI handler.

“What we were able to identify, we found that it was consistent. And so we felt that there were sufficient indicia of credibility in this 1023 to pass it on to an office that had a predicated grand jury investigation,” he explained. “We gave a substantive briefing with the information (to Weiss’ office), including the 1023 that we thought would be of interest to them or that they should investigate further, and made other recommendations about possible investigative avenues that we would recommend that they take,” he added.

Brady said he was struck throughout his work by the FBI’s reluctance to engage in the Hunter Biden probe and the unprecedented layers of approval that FBI headquarters imposed on the agents working for him in Pittsburgh. Brady said that "even 'simple' requests to the FBI and DOJ, like 'extending the assessment,' required a renewal every 30 days [...] it required 17 different people, including mostly at the headquarters level to sign off on it before the assessment could be extended."

He opined that Biden’s role as the Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election likely played a role in the FBI’s behavior. “Certainly anything related to Ukraine and Ukrainian nationals that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role serving on the Burisma board was sensitive and certainly in 2020, months before an election cycle when different policies kick in for the Department and for the FBI,” he testified.

“And was it sensitive because Hunter Biden's father, Joe Biden, was running in the 2020 election?”a House investigator asked.

“Yes,”he answered.

Brady also directly contradicted claims by Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, alleging that his office had not found the FD-1023 informant report credible and shut down that line of inquiry. “My understanding of Mr. Raskin's public statements is that, based on the determination that I and my team found the allegations in the 1023 not credible or other information not credible, we did not escalate the assessment to a limited or full investigation,” Brady said.“That's not true.”


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f6bad1 No.102422

File: 60d5bce0df27f44⋯.png (1.7 MB,1908x929,1908:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807181 (261904ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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CANE11 E4B making rounds out of Offutt AFB

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f6bad1 No.102423

File: 2d843b613195255⋯.png (1.52 MB,1919x924,1919:924,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807194 (261907ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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SNOOP46 on the ground at Offutt AFB preparing for takeoff.

This makes 3 surveillance planes I have seen this morning perusing CONUS

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f6bad1 No.102424

File: 8b2e8c16316038b⋯.png (578.65 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9883f10d4f7d2c1⋯.png (197.6 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b2e57108088654⋯.png (353.89 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807210 (261910ZOCT23) Notable: DOJ sued for records on FBI pmts to Twitter

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Some more shit .


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f6bad1 No.102425

File: b2fc4044879daac⋯.png (160.09 KB,925x588,925:588,Clipboard.png)

File: 9809040aea5b539⋯.png (331.59 KB,500x413,500:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807214 (261911ZOCT23) Notable: PDJT: Maggot Hagerman of the Failing New York Times wrote almost her entire FAKE story today about the Trump Hating Judge’s Gag Order - Oct 26

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Donald J. Trump


Writer Maggot Hagerman of the Failing New York Times wrote almost her entire FAKE story today about the Trump Hating Judge’s Gag Order (They love to silence me!), rather than the Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness chocking like a dog on the Witness Stand (Perry Mason?), and admitting that I NEVER asked him to do anything wrong. He also admitted that he lied to Congress Under Oath, AGAIN, brand new charges. THAT MEANS THEY NO LONGER HAVE A WITNESS, OR A CASE. She also failed to report that the Trump Hating Judge refuses to respect or accept the Appeals Court decision reversing him, a first! Maggot should focus her energies on Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges, whose hatred and bias is so great that they are unable to make a fair and reasonable decision. New York is crime ridden and dying, but I will save it in 2024… It can’t come too fast!

Oct 26, 2023, 12:59 PM


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f6bad1 No.102426

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807217 (261911ZOCT23) Notable: Cop stops mom from exposing what's in book available to kids, school district panics

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Cop stops mom from exposing what's in book available to kids, school district panics





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f6bad1 No.102427

File: 6fb61deb3f5b912⋯.png (35.15 KB,893x219,893:219,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Jack Poso 



Oct 25, 2023, 3:22 PM


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f6bad1 No.102428

File: a04dbb8b1ca8d06⋯.png (506.67 KB,677x854,677:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e03c8d6dda1ea4⋯.png (224.06 KB,909x438,303:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807232 (261915ZOCT23) Notable: PDJT rt's article: Kingmaker Trump Congratulates New Speaker Mike Johnson

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Donald J. Trump



Oct 25, 2023, 6:49 PM


Kingmaker Trump Congratulates New Speaker Mike Johnson

Donald Trump congratulated new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for winning the Speaker’s gavel Wednesday, one day after the president put the final nail in the coffin of Rep. Tom Emmer’s (R-MN) bid.

“Congratulations to Rep. Mike Johnson,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “He will be a GREAT ‘SPEAKER.’ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”


Trump had taken to the platform earlier in the day to congratulate House Republicans on a “big and very important day” and encourage them with a “strong SUGGESTION” to support Johnson.


Trump’s post also included his congratulations to the other candidates in the final rounds Tuesday night, Reps. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Mark Green (R-TN), Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN), and Roger Williams (R-TX).

The former president expressed his displeasure Tuesday morning with leading Speaker candidate Emmer, calling him a “globalist RINO” and saying that voting for Emmer would be a “tragic mistake.”

Emmer won the nomination after five rounds, but many holdouts, unquestionably influenced by Trump’s objections, prevented Emmer from attaining a path to victory.

He dropped out later that day, and Republicans scrambled to start the process over, with Johnson ultimately emerging victorious.

Johnson, with Trump’s support, won the gavel on the House floor with unanimous Republican support.


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f6bad1 No.102429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807235 (261915ZOCT23) Notable: In dramatic day in court, Trump delivers surprise testimony — then gets slapped with $10K fine - Oct 25

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In dramatic day in court, Trump delivers surprise testimony — then gets slapped with $10K fine

The judge in Trump’s civil fraud trial called him to the stand after Trump seemed to disparage the judge’s law clerk in violation of a gag order. Trump attacks New York judge's law clerk

By Erica Orden

Updated: 10/25/2023 05:12 PM EDT

NEW YORK — Donald Trump unexpectedly took the witness stand Wednesday in his civil fraud trial to face questioning from the judge about out-of-court comments in which Trump appeared to disparage the judge’s law clerk.

Finding Trump “not credible,” the judge then fined him $10,000 for defying a gag order that bars Trump from attacking court staff, marking the second time in the past week that the judge has fined Trump for violating the gag order.

“As the trier of fact, I find the witness is not credible,” Justice Arthur Engoron said after Trump testified.

The surprise testimony was perhaps the most dramatic moment thus far in the trial, in which the New York attorney general has sued Trump and his businesses for fraudulently inflating Trump’s net worth. Gasps could be heard in the courtroom as the former president walked from the defense table to the witness stand.

The episode that sparked the judge’s ire was a statement that Trump made earlier in the day to reporters in the hallway outside the courtroom.“This judge is a very partisan judge with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is,”Trump said.

With Trump on the witness stand, the judge asked: “To whom were you referring?”“You and Cohen,”Trump replied, referring to Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer and fixer who testified about Trump’s business practices on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Engoron, however, indicated he believed Trump was referring to his law clerk, Allison Greenfield, who sits directly to the judge’s right on the bench and whom Trump had already disparaged once before.

The judge initially imposed the gag order on Oct. 3 barring Trump from making comments about court staff after the former president posted a picture of Greenfield on his Truth Social platform. The post claimed that Greenfield was “running this case” and was “Schumer’s girlfriend.” The post was also sent to Trump’s campaign email list. The office of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has said Schumer does not know Greenfield and has called Trump’s claim “ridiculous, absurd, and false.”

“I am very protective of my staff, as I should be,” Engoron said Wednesday, appearing agitated. “I don’t want anybody killed.” “I stated the last time that any future violations would be severely punished,” Engoron said. “Why should there not be severe sanctions for this blatant, dangerous disobeyal of a court order?”

In remarks to reporters after court broke for lunch, Trump denied his comments had concerned Greenfield, but repeatedly refused to answer questions about who they were about. About half an hour after the judge issued the fine Wednesday afternoon, Trump abruptly stood up from the defense table, walked out of the courtroom and didn’t return.

In an email, a spokesman for the former president said Engoron “continues to harass President Trump, doing everything possible to infringe on President Trump’s First Amendment right to free speech and interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election.”

Last week, Engoron fined Trump $5,000 after finding that the former president’s campaign website continued to display the Oct. 3 Truth Social post despite the judge’s order that the post be taken down. (Trump’s lawyers said the violation was inadvertent.) Engoron also indicated last week that he would consider jailing Trump for future violations of the gag order.

In his two-page order imposing the earlier fine, Engoron wrote: “Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him.”

Trump is also fighting a separate gag order in the federal criminal case, brought by special counsel Jack Smith, stemming from Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The judge in that case, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, ordered Trump not to make statements that “target” Smith, his prosecutors, court personnel, defense attorneys or witnesses.


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f6bad1 No.102430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807238 (261916ZOCT23) Notable: Britain Will Remove Foreigners Who Incite Antisemitism

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Britain Will Remove Foreigners Who Incite Antisemitism, Says Govt

British newspaper The Guardian reports Jenrick said on radio Wednesday morning that the bar wouldn’t be so low as to include waving a Palestinian flag at a demonstration because “we believe in freedom of speech”, nevertheless in his view visitors to the United Kingdom do not have a right to antisemitism.

He is reported to have said: “I think there is conduct which is below the criminal standard but which is wrong, would be accepted as wrong by most reasonable people. If those people are not British citizens, they are just visitors to our country enjoying the privileges of living here, being among fellow British people, then I’m afraid their visas will be revoked and they should leave the country.”

Those who visit the United Kingdom must abide by British values while they stay, the immigration minister said. Jenrick has previously said the process to remove arrivals into the UK who fail this test is already underway but has declined to name any specific cases. The Daily Telegraph suggests the numbers involved are very low, with just six people presently facing having their visas revoked for such behaviour so far.


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f6bad1 No.102431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807241 (261917ZOCT23) Notable: Germany to Begin ‘Large Scale’ Deportations, Says Scholz as Country Faces Record Number of Illegals

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Germany to Begin ‘Large Scale’ Deportations, Says Scholz as Country Faces Record Number of Illegals

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has admitted that “too many people are coming” into the country illegally and vowed to begin deportations on a “large scale” as Germany is on pace to see more illegal migrants enter the country than during the European Migrant Crisis of 2016.

Amid growing calls throughout Europe to crack down on illegal immigration in the wake of Islamist terror attacks and rising incidents of antisemitic crimes, leftist German leader Olaf Scholz has joined the chorus of leaders finally acknowledging that unfettered waves of illegals breaking into Europe must stop.

“Too many people are coming,” the chancellor told Der Spiegel magazine. “We must finally deport on a large scale those who have no right to stay in Germany.”


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f6bad1 No.102432

File: b424e55a440af9e⋯.png (47.39 KB,597x382,597:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807252 (261920ZOCT23) Notable: Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey on lockdown due to reported active shooter

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Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey on lockdown due to reported active shooter


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f6bad1 No.102433

File: fd4eadc093f32b1⋯.png (138.29 KB,702x867,234:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807253 (261920ZOCT23) Notable: Bice officially announces run for Congress

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Olivia Beavers


Bice officially announces

2:27 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807264 (261922ZOCT23) Notable: Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey on lockdown due to reported active shooter

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3:21 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102435

File: de851348e4bd361⋯.png (60.1 KB,933x510,311:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807276 (261926ZOCT23) Notable: Deleted tweet from PM of Israel: This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness

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This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Excerpt from PM Netanyahu's remarks at the opening of the Winter Assembly of the 25th Knesset's Second Session

This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle. We saw this in the horrors that the reprehensible murderers perpetrated in the communities of the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and in the killing field at a festival in Re'im.


Deleted tweet


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f6bad1 No.102436

File: 48a72c6b542f0aa⋯.png (53 KB,474x451,474:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807277 (261926ZOCT23) Notable: ZH: Former Breitbart Colleague - ‘I Saw Ben Shapiro Receive Tasking From Israeli Intelligence’

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Former Breitbart Colleague: ‘I Saw Ben Shapiro Receive Tasking From Israeli Intelligence’

Charles Johnson, formerly of Breitbart News, where he worked in the early-2010s era alongside Ben Shapiro, released an incendiary post into the Twitter/X ether a few days ago.

“I want to be fully on record that I saw Ben Shapiro receive tasking from Israeli intelligence connects to Netanyahu when I worked next to him at Breitbart.com. When I asked him about it he said he always kept close ties. It’s time for Ben to register under FARA,” wrote Johnson on Twitter August 19th.

I am privy to no intelligence not in the public domain that Ben Shapiro is or ever was a Mossad tool, and I cannot speak to the credibility of Charles Johnson. (I am compelled to offer this caveat both because it’s the ethical thing to do journalistically and because Ben Shapiro is a notoriously thin-skinned, lawsuit-happy lawyer.)

But this is what I do know vis a vis the accusation:

· a.) Johnson would be in a position to know, having worked intimately with Shapiro, and;

· b.) Shapiro does and says everything that one would expect from a Mossad lackey implanted into conservative American media to gin up unconditional moral and material support for Israel’s wars.

If it walks like a duck, etc.

Shapiro’s never seen a war he didn’t want to start in the service of furthering Israel’s geopolitical interests in the Middle East, and has consistently been the loudest voice in mainstream media cynically conflating criticism of the Israeli state with antisemitism.

It’s war, war, war all the time with Shapiro.



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f6bad1 No.102437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807284 (261930ZOCT23) Notable: Ohio defense contractor to add 200 jobs in Colorado Springs as part of new space facility

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Ohio defense contractor to add 200 jobs in Colorado Springs as part of new space facility

An Ohio-based defense contractor said Tuesday it will develop a $15 million, state-of-the-art facility in Colorado Springs that will support space operations for the military and the space community, while it also will add 200 jobs at six-figure salaries to complement its existing 60-person workforce in the city.

The expansion announcement by Frontier Technology Inc., headquartered in the Dayton area and which provides engineering, information technology services and software products for the Department of Defense, federal agencies and commercial customers, is the latest in a series of economic development victories for Colorado Springs.


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f6bad1 No.102438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807293 (261932ZOCT23) Notable: President Biden Accuses Palestinians of Lying About Civilian Casualties

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President Biden Accuses Palestinians of Lying About Civilian Casualties

A Human Rights Watch official said numbers from Gaza's Health Ministry are considered reliable

President Biden on Wednesday accused Palestinians in Gaza of lying about the civilian casualty rate when confronted about the massive number of child casualties in Israel’s bombardment.

According to the latest numbers from Gaza’s Health Ministry, over 6,500 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s onslaught, including more than 2,700 children. A reporter asked Biden if the figures demonstrate that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ignoring US calls to minimize civilian casualties.

“What they say to me is I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s the price of waging a war,” Biden said. The president added that Israel should be “incredibly careful” to go after Hamas and said he has “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using.”

The US and Israel have begun to cast doubt on the casualty rates coming from Gaza’s Health Ministry because the enclave is ruled by Hamas. But, according to a report from The Washington Post, many experts consider the numbers to be reliable.

“Everyone uses the figures from the Gaza Health Ministry because those are generally proven to be reliable,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “In the times in which we have done our own verification of numbers for particular strikes, I’m not aware of any time which there’s been some major discrepancy.”

Shakir made similar comments to Al Jazeera and said the current numbers are believable based on the massive number of airstrikes Israel is unleashing on Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on earth. “We’ve been looking at satellite imagery. We’ve been looking at what’s taking place. The numbers coming out of the ministry are not beyond reason,” he said. “They’re within the range of what one would expect from air strikes of this intensity.”

While US officials are casting doubt on the numbers coming out of Gaza, they have also shrugged off the civilian casualties, framing them as a cost of modern war. “This is war. It is combat. It is bloody, ugly and it’s going to be messy and innocent civilians are going to be hurt going forward,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.


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f6bad1 No.102439

File: 683fa41601f26f0⋯.png (296.25 KB,584x635,584:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807295 (261932ZOCT23) Notable: US Naval Institute twat on McCain years as POW Greenwald: We’re now living in a ‘parallel universe’ where Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House

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U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1967, John McCain was shot down and taken prisoner. He would spend 5 and half years as a PoW during which time he was routinely tortured. He refused an offer for early release. Whether you agreed with him politically or not, there is no denying that the man was tough.

11:40 AM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102440

File: 46013ac23134a4e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1917x933,639:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807305 (261935ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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PENCE27 E6 coming in for landing or flyby at Tinker AFB

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f6bad1 No.102441

File: ce537d1649f0baf⋯.png (1.38 MB,1894x925,1894:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807311 (261936ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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NORSE10 E-3 Sentry up and out of Tinker AFB

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f6bad1 No.102442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807323 (261938ZOCT23) Notable: Electronic Intifada: “The world has come together to eliminate us,” says Gaza doctor

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“The world has come together to eliminate us,” says Gaza doctor



You are here

“The world has come together to eliminate us,” says Gaza doctor

Nora Barrows-Friedman Rights and Accountability 25 October 2023

“The situation is more than catastrophic. We are running out of services, we are running out of electricity. We are running out of medicines. We are running out of everything, we cannot deal with our patients.”

Those are the words of Dr. Nour al-Haydi, a physician at al-Shifa hospital, speaking to Al Jazeera in a short documentary the network published on Wednesday, “Gaza’s Al Shifa: A hospital on the brink.”

Al-Shifa is Gaza’s largest hospital and emergency medical center.

The 23-minute film documents the situation at al-Shifa as fuel, electricity, medication and basic supplies are running out while Israel continues to carpet bomb the Gaza Strip with the full backing and support of the West.

Heroic physicians, nurses and hospital staff are overwhelmed trying to treat the thousands of patients and their families – many who are chronically ill already – with scarce resources due to Israel’s relentless bombing and refusal to allow food, water and basic necessities into the coastal enclave.

At the same time, every hallway, room, stairway and corner of the hospital’s grounds is packed with families displaced from their homes by the incessant bombing, seeking shelter in a place they hope will be safe. They all need water, food, sanitation and access to medical care as well.

In al-Shifa’s neonatal department, dozens of premature infants are dependent on incubators and artificial respirators – powered by electricity – to survive.

Along with medicine, fuel for the hospital’s generators are running low. If there is a power outage, the head of the neonatal department says “a disaster will occur within five minutes.”

“[We have] 40 incubators, but today we have 65 babies,” says Dr. Nasser Bulbul, who explains that his staff are treating the tiny, fragile babies with extremely limited resources.

“We have exceeded our capacity. We’re suffering a shortage of basic medicines. We’ll run out of all medicines in this department in a day or two.”

Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, a plastic surgeon at al-Shifa, tells Al Jazeera that unless the international community intervenes, Palestinians in Gaza are heading toward “an absolute disaster.”

The Israelis “are trying to force a collapse of the health system,” he says.

“If the electricity runs out, then al-Shifa will become a mass grave.”


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f6bad1 No.102443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807334 (261940ZOCT23) Notable: MTG introduces resolution to censure Rep Tlaib over anti-Israel comments

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Marjorie Taylor Greene formally introduces resolution to censure Rep Tlaib over anti-Israel comments

The resolution will appear in the record and be considerate for a vote on at a later date

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., introduced a resolution to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., on the House floor Thursday.

The privileged resolution focuses on Tlaib's anti-Israel statements and actions.

The resolution also alleges that Tlaib helped organize the pro-Palestinian pro-ceasefire protest and sit-in that took place on Capitol Hill last week, which resulted in arrests.

The resolution will "appear in the record" for two legislative days and be put to a vote at a later date, according to the presiding officer on the House floor.


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f6bad1 No.102444

File: 2c81a1c80bbfe93⋯.png (92.64 KB,850x895,170:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807338 (261942ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell makes wifi monitoring devices that Ky official says is illegal - Colbeck says FALSE

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OCT 26, 2023

Why's Kentucky Worried About Mike Lindell?

Suddenly it's illegal to monitor Wi-Fi connections in Kentucky according to one county official!

The American corporate media is very worried about the Wi-Fi monitoring devices that MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has introduced to make sure that the 2024 election is not stolen again.

In fact, they’re so concerned that every corporate news site was running the same story with the same headline around the world last week!

Here’s what an organized disinformation campaign looks like. ...


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f6bad1 No.102445

File: 81d89753c34cf59⋯.png (916.23 KB,1914x934,957:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807340 (261942ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Even Nigeria has their plane up flying today

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f6bad1 No.102446

File: c4a2cf5320278da⋯.png (84.89 KB,791x384,791:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807344 (261943ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell makes wifi monitoring devices that Ky official says is illegal - Colbeck says FALSE

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Patrick Colbeck✝️

Despite media assertions to the contrary, @realMikeLindell Wireless Monitoring Devices are NOT illegal in KY. WMD's provide ability to detect violations of KY's law (Chapter 87) against electronic voting systems being connected to the internet. Why would ANY government official oppose such assistance?

No internet connection = no detection = no issue.

Internet connection = detection = issue.



3:37 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102447

File: 61b9cdf9e263b0b⋯.png (347.78 KB,483x543,161:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807346 (261944ZOCT23) Notable: Delegation of Hamas, chaired by Abu Marzook, a Palestinian senior member of Hamas, has arrived to Moscow

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Anton Gerashchenko


⚡️Delegation of Hamas, chaired by Abu Marzook, a Palestinian senior member of Hamas, has arrived to Moscow - confirmed by spokesperson for Russian foreign affairs ministry Zakharova.

Upd. A delegation from Iran has also arrived in Moscow.

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f6bad1 No.102448

File: 6b9a5b271bc3b94⋯.png (19.01 KB,479x257,479:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807355 (261946ZOCT23) Notable: @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

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Ryan Fournier


BREAKING: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all conversations with President Trump, while he was the Chief of Staff to him.

This is not only unconstitutional, but it’s criminal. This is the government we live with. It’s up to us to change that.

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f6bad1 No.102449

File: e08ea87dea70522⋯.png (572.36 KB,799x1286,799:1286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807384 (261952ZOCT23) Notable: @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

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Juanita Broaddrick


Is it Possible? I’m speechless !!


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f6bad1 No.102450

File: 801d536b01ce6d2⋯.png (227.56 KB,925x871,925:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807397 (261955ZOCT23) Notable: @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

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Ryan Fournier reposted



SHOCK: @RyanAFournier's bombshell report that Mark Meadows served as a FBI Confidential Human Source for the FBI while serving as Trump's Chief of Staff, if true, it the biggest scoop of the century.

In a recent tweet, Ryan Fournier, the Founder of Students for Trump and Executive Director of Radical Alert, brought forth allegations against Mark Meadows, asserting that he acted as a confidential human source during his tenure as President Trump’s Chief of Staff. These claims, if validated, could unveil a murky narrative of espionage and political intrigue resonating through the heart of the Trump administration.

According to Fournier’s reporting, Meadows allegedly donned a wire provided by the FBI to record his interactions with President Trump. This act, as portrayed by Fournier, transcends constitutional boundaries and ventures into a realm of criminality. Fournier emphasizes the magnitude of these allegations by drawing parallels with the Watergate scandal, hinting at a potential crisis of comparable or even greater scale.

Fournier’s narrative unfolds amidst confirmations from several Congress members and confidential informants, bolstering the credibility of his allegations. The reverberations of this disclosure have already echoed through the halls of Congress and media houses, underscoring the grave implications that lie ahead.

Meadows assumed the role of Chief of Staff from March 31, 2020, to January 20, 2021, a period during which the FBI was helmed by Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Director David Bowdich. The alleged espionage activities, if true, insinuate a concerted effort by high-ranking FBI officials to spy on the President, casting a long shadow of doubt over the integrity of these institutions. Furthermore, the timeline suggests that the Attorney General, William Barr, might have been cognizant of these undercover operations.

The discourse unfolds into a broader narrative, implicating mainstream media outlets in a potential cover-up, given the leaks from the FBI and DOJ that found their way to the public domain through these channels. The veil of secrecy that shrouded these alleged activities has, according to Fournier, been partially lifted, revealing a glimpse into the deep state that President Trump vehemently opposed.

These allegations, if substantiated, corroborate Trump's assertions regarding the existence of deep state operatives within the government framework. The alleged recruitment of Meadows as a confidential human source mirrors a sinister blueprint where unelected bureaucrats wield the power to spy on elected officials, raising serious questions about the democracy we inhabit.

The narrative ventures further into the murky waters of government surveillance, highlighting the alleged spying on congressional staff members investigating the FBI during the Russiagate saga. This scenario, as painted by Fournier, evokes a disconcerting image of a police state, where the powers vested in the President are subverted by clandestine operations orchestrated by those within his closest circles.

The essence of democracy is threatened when the sanctity of elected offices is breached by covert espionage activities. The allegations against Meadows, as reported by Fournier, beckon a thorough investigation to restore faith in the democratic pillars that uphold our nation. The unmasking of truth is imperative to ensure that the corridors of power remain unadulterated, fostering a political environment where the elected and the electorate can engage in a dialogue devoid of deceit and subterfuge.

3:10 PM · Oct 26, 2023






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f6bad1 No.102451

File: 672938b06fa7671⋯.png (1.12 MB,818x586,409:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807400 (261955ZOCT23) Notable: Why Is Israel Attacking South Gaza After Telling People to Go There? - USNEWS

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Why Is Israel Attacking South Gaza After Telling People to Go There?

Israel has told civilians in the northern Gaza Strip, including residents of Gaza City, to move to the south of the enclave, saying it will be safer there as the military attacks Hamas following its Oct. 7 cross-border assault.

However, Israeli warplanes have continued to hit sites in southern Gaza, spreading fear among the evacuees that they are just as vulnerable there as they were in their homes in the north. Here is an overview of the situation.

The IDF has said that even if Hamas's main power centre is in Gaza City, it is nonetheless entrenched among the civilian population across the enclave.

"Wherever a Hamas target arises, the IDF will strike at it in order to thwart the terrorist capabilities of the group, while taking feasible precautions to mitigate the harm to uninvolved civilians," the military said on Wednesday, reiterating previous statements.

The military has said the homes where militants live are "legitimate targets" even if civilians live alongside them.

"The so-called private home is not a private home," a senior Israeli air force officer told reporters in a recent briefing.


The Israeli military said on Oct. 12 that nearly half of Gaza's 2.3 million population should move to the southern half of Gaza within 24 hours. The military said the order was aimed at moving civilians away from "Hamas terror targets", which it believes are concentrated in the north.


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f6bad1 No.102452

File: 801d536b01ce6d2⋯.png (227.56 KB,925x871,925:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807403 (261956ZOCT23) Notable: @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

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Robert Gouveia Esq.


Unlock the truth behind Mark Meadows' alleged immunity & potential flip on Trump! Has he betrayed Trump or is it all a media play? Dive into the contradictions, media claims & real story!

3:32 PM · Oct 26, 2023





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f6bad1 No.102453

File: 80810c892e5b658⋯.png (52.85 KB,1155x66,35:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 653820f2b5fed4e⋯.png (55.11 KB,1218x66,203:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807406 (261957ZOCT23) Notable: Shooter followed Dr. Eli David

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>>102361 PB notable

shooter followed this guy on twatX

Dr Eli David


Dr. Eli David is a leading AI expert specializing in deep learning and evolutionary computation. He has published over fifty papers in leading artificial intelligence journals and conferences, mostly focusing on applications of deep learning and genetic algorithms in various real-world domains.

For the past fifteen years, he has been teaching courses on deep learning and evolutionary computation, in addition to supervising the research of graduate students in these fields.

He has also served in numerous capacities successfully designing, implementing, and leading deep learning-based projects in real-world environments.

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f6bad1 No.102454

File: 801d536b01ce6d2⋯.png (227.56 KB,925x871,925:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807409 (261957ZOCT23) Notable: @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

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Shadows in The Corridor of Power: Unveiling the Alleged Espionage Within Trump's Inner Circle

Ryan Fournier's Earth Shattering Reporting onAllegations Mark Meadows was a Confidential Human Source for the FBI while serving as Trump's Chief of Staff.


OCT 26, 2023

In a recent tweet, Ryan Fournier, the Founder of Students for Trump and Executive Director of Radical Alert, brought forth allegations against Mark Meadows, asserting that he acted as a confidential human source during his tenure as President Trump’s Chief of Staff. These claims, if validated, could unveil a murky narrative of espionage and political intrigue resonating through the heart of the Trump administration.


According to Fournier’s reporting, Meadows allegedly donned a wire provided by the FBI to record his interactions with President Trump. This act, as portrayed by Fournier, transcends constitutional boundaries and ventures into a realm of criminality. Fournier emphasizes the magnitude of these allegations by drawing parallels with the Watergate scandal, hinting at a potential crisis of comparable or even greater scale.

Fournier’s narrative unfolds amidst confirmations from several Congress members and confidential informants, bolstering the credibility of his allegations. The reverberations of this disclosure have already echoed through the halls of Congress and media houses, underscoring the grave implications that lie ahead.

Meadows assumed the role of Chief of Staff from March 31, 2020, to January 20, 2021, a period during which the FBI was helmed by Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Director David Bowdich. The alleged espionage activities, if true, insinuate a concerted effort by high-ranking FBI officials to spy on the President, casting a long shadow of doubt over the integrity of these institutions. Furthermore, the timeline suggests that the Attorney General, William Barr, might have been cognizant of these undercover operations.

The discourse unfolds into a broader narrative, implicating mainstream media outlets in a potential cover-up, given the leaks from the FBI and DOJ that found their way to the public domain through these channels. The veil of secrecy that shrouded these alleged activities has, according to Fournier, been partially lifted, revealing a glimpse into the deep state that President Trump vehemently opposed.

These allegations, if substantiated, corroborate Trump's assertions regarding the existence of deep state operatives within the government framework. The alleged recruitment of Meadows as a confidential human source mirrors a sinister blueprint where unelected bureaucrats wield the power to spy on elected officials, raising serious questions about the democracy we inhabit.

The narrative ventures further into the murky waters of government surveillance, highlighting the alleged spying on congressional staff members investigating the FBI during the Russiagate saga. This scenario, as painted by Fournier, evokes a disconcerting image of a police state, where the powers vested in the President are subverted by clandestine operations orchestrated by those within his closest circles.

The essence of democracy is threatened when the sanctity of elected offices is breached by covert espionage activities. The allegations against Meadows, as reported by Fournier, beckon a thorough investigation to restore faith in the democratic pillars that uphold our nation. The unmasking of truth is imperative to ensure that the corridors of power remain unadulterated, fostering a political environment where the elected and the electorate can engage in a dialogue devoid of deceit and subterfuge.


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f6bad1 No.102455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807415 (261958ZOCT23) Notable: Maori Gov sentenced four to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the COVID pandemic

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The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield, and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the COVID pandemic.

The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions.

After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale, and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand.

The Wakaminenga Māori Government (“WMG”) operates under the “Native Māori Jurisdiction.”

It is the first-nation jurisdiction of New Zealand.

It is recognized in pre and post-treaty British imperial law.

The first collective form of Māori Government was Te Wakaminenga at Te Ngaere in 1805, Muriwhenua (transl. Northland).

Since 28 October 1835, the WMG has been recognized under international law as the lawful government of Aotearoa Nu Tireni (transl. New Zealand).

He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (transl. the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand) was signed by a large group of northern chiefs on 28 October 1835.

With this Declaration the British recognised New Zealand as a sovereign state.

The declaration set up a congress “for the purpose of framing laws for the dispensation of justice, the preservation of peace and good order, and the regulation of trade.”

As an article in the Otago Daily Times explained, the main parts of the document declare that New Zealand is an independent nation, that all sovereign power resides collectively with the chiefs, that no government can exist unless appointed by them, and that they request that the then British King, William IV, would be a protector from “all attempts upon its independence.”


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f6bad1 No.102456

File: 38a194a50da58e5⋯.jpg (98.44 KB,680x504,85:63,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807422 (262000ZOCT23) Notable: Active Shooter Reported at Joint Base McGuire Base Is on Full Lockdown

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5 miles away from me...holy shit!!!....lock and loaded time!!!

🚨#BREAKING: Active Shooter Reported at Joint Base McGuire Base Is on Full Lockdown

📌#Lakehurst | #NewJersey

Currently, multiple authorities are responding to reports of an active shooter at Joint Base McGuire in Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey. The base is currently on full lockdown, as confirmed by an official Facebook alert issued by Joint Base McGuire, stating: "Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown. Active shooter reported on JBMDL building 5231. All personnel are to lockdown until further notice. All personnel outdoors should take cover." This situation is still developing.


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f6bad1 No.102457

File: 801d536b01ce6d2⋯.png (227.56 KB,925x871,925:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 081cade39baad32⋯.png (737.03 KB,876x928,219:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807430 (262001ZOCT23) Notable: Gateway Pundit: Mark Meadows Spox Refutes Latest Rumors About Former Trump Chief of Staff Wearing a Wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE”

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Gateway Pundit


EXCLUSIVE TO GATEWAY PUNDIT: Mark Meadows Spox Refutes Latest Rumors About Former Trump Chief of Staff Wearing a Wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE”


EXCLUSIVE TO GATEWAY PUNDIT: Mark Meadows Spox Refutes Latest Rumors About Former Trump Chief of Staff Wearing a Wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE”

Mark Meadows has been a frequent target of the tyrannical left since he accepted the job as President Trump’s Chief of Staff from 2020 to 2021.

Meadows is a popular member of Congress who fought back against the Uniparty and co-founded the House Freedom Caucus along with Jim Jordan and others.

In 2015, Mark Meadows filed a resolution to remove worthless John Boehner as Speaker.

In 2018, Mark Meadows famously confronted RINO Speaker Paul Ryan on the House Floor.

Since leaving the White House, the American left has been working day and night to destroy him and his colleagues who were loyal to President Donald Trump.

At an event in 2021, Mark Meadows told this website how difficult life was for him and others since leaving the White House.

Recently, the fake news media has been on a nonstop assault against this good man and Trump loyalist. Mark was one of 19 charged in August by lawless Georgia AG Fani Willis in her lawfare case against President Trump.

Mark Meadows was reportedly charged in the Fani Willis case for asking for a phone number over a text message.

This is just the latest assault on Mark Meadows.

This week, the fake news came out with several vicious attacks on Mark Meadows.

And then today, there was a report that Mark Meadows was wearing a wire when he worked with Trump as Chief of Staff:

Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all conversations with President Trump, while he was the Chief of Staff to him. This is not only unconstitutional, but it’s criminal. This is the government we live with. It’s up to us to change that.

I’ve received confirmation from multiple members of Congress and Confidential Informants that this is true.

Not only have I received calls from current members of Congress, I received calls from media, who know that I know about this information. I’ve received calls from former members of Congress, who have also explained the same thing to me. This is worse than Watergate. This is going to be the destruction of the FBI.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Mark and his spokesman on Thursday for a response to the latest accusations.

Ben Williamson, Mark’s longtime spokesman, who served with Meadows in the White House, sent us this response.

“This is completely false and straight out of the Twilight Zone.”


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f6bad1 No.102458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807440 (262003ZOCT23) Notable: Gateway Pundit: Mark Meadows Spox Refutes Latest Rumors About Former Trump Chief of Staff Wearing a Wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE”

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“This is completely false and straight out of the Twilight Zone.”

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f6bad1 No.102459

File: a8fa237adf9e341⋯.png (135.55 KB,688x616,86:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807442 (262004ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza

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Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza

>An Israeli think tank with ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a report on October 17 promoting the "unique and rare opportunity" for the “relocation and final settlement of the entire Gaza population.”



Update, October 24, 2023

After this article was originally published, the Israeli outlet Calcalist reported on a separate plan for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza that is being circulated by the Israeli Intelligence Ministry headed by Gila Gamliel.


The leaked document was reportedly created for an organization called “The Unit for Settlement – Gaza Strip” and was not meant for the public.

In the plan being proposed by the Intelligence Ministry, Palestinians in Gaza would be displaced from Gaza to the northern Egyptian Sinai peninsula. In the report, the ministry described different options for what comes after an invasion of Gaza and the option deemed as “liable to provide positive and long-lasting strategic results” was the transfer of Gaza residents to Sinai. The move entails three steps: the creation of tent cities southwest of the Gaza Strip; the construction of a humanitarian corridor to “assist the residents”; and finally, the building of cities in northern Sinai. In parallel, a “sterile zone”, several kilometers wide, would be established within Egypt, south of the Israeli border, “so that the evacuated residents would not be able to return”.

In addition, similar to the plan described in the original story below, the document calls for cooperation with other countries, in fact “as many as possible” so that they may “absorb” the Palestinians who have been uprooted from Gaza. Among the countries mentioned as possible sites for Palestinians from Gaza are Canada, European countries such as Greece and Spain, and North African countries.

Original article

The Hamas attack on Israeli towns surrounding Gaza on October 7 has provided a pretext for an unprecedented, genocidal revenge campaign by Israel involving the massacre of now nearly 5,000 Palestinians, including over 2,000 children – and that may only be the beginning. Now, an Israeli think tank with ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is promoting plans for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

On October 17, the Misgav Institute for National Security & Zionist Strategy published a position paper advocating for the “relocation and final settlement of the entire Gaza population.” The report advocates exploiting the current moment to accomplish a long-held Zionist goal of moving Palestinians off the land of historic Palestine. The report’s subtitle makes it clear: “There is at the moment a unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the whole Gaza Strip in coordination with the Egyptian government.”

The Misgav Institute is headed by former Netanyahu National Security Advisor Meir Ben Shabbat, who remains influential in Israeli security circles. The Institute’s former chairpersons and founding associates include Yoaz Hendel (chair 2012-19), a right-centrist who was Minister of Communications intermittently in the years 2020-22; Moshe Yaalon, former Defense Minister (note that both Hendel and Yaalon have become opposed to Netanyahu in the recent years); Moshe Arens, also former Defense Minister — and other top political personas.

The main arguments of the report, which the Institute highlighted on social media upon the report’s release, are translated as follows:

>There is a need for an immediate, viable plan for the resettlement and economic rehabilitation of the entire Arab population in the Gaza Strip, which sits well with the geopolitical interests of Israel, Egypt, U.S.A. and Saudi Arabia.

>In 2017 it was reported that in Egypt there were 10 million available apartment units, of which half were built and half under construction. For example, in two of the biggest Cairo satellite cities, “October 6” and “Ramadan 10” there is an immense number of built and empty apartments under governmental and private ownership as well as empty lots for building that would in total suffice the housing of about 6 million residents.

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f6bad1 No.102460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807445 (262004ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza

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>The average cost of a three-room apartment of 95 square meters for an average Gaza family of 5.14 people in one of the two mentioned cities stands at $19,000. In calculating the total population that resides in the Gaza Strip, which stands between 1.4-2.2 million people, it is possible to assess that the amount that would need to be transferred to Egypt in order to finance would be around $5 to 8 billion.

>An encouraging injection to the Egyptian economy at this magnitude would provide an enormous and immediate advantage to [Egyptian President] El-Sisi’s regime. Such money sums, compared to the Israeli economy, are miniscule. The investment of a mere few billions of dollars (even if it is $20 or 30 billion) in order to solve this difficult issue is an innovative, cheap and viable solution.

>There is no doubt that in order for this plan to be enacted, many conditions need to exist in parallel. At the moment, these conditions exist, and it is unclear when such an opportunity will arise again, if at all.

It appears that this ethnic-cleansing plan is based on a similar logic to that of the “Abraham Accords,” involving the infusion of massive sums towards despotic regimes to write off the Palestinian issue. But this time, it is not just about slow annexation and bantustanization through “economic peace” — but advocating for the complete population transfer of Palestinians from Gaza.

Previous calls for ethnic cleansing

It is not the first time that suggestions for a full ethnic cleansing have appeared from Israeli analysts or even politicians. In the midst of the 2014 Gaza onslaught, Moshe Feiglin, who was then part of Likud and deputy chair of the Knesset, sent Netanyahu a public, 7-point proposal for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. He repeated the genocidal advocacy in 2018. Feiglin is now a libertarian politician. In a recent interview on Channel 14, Feiglin called for a “Dresden” on Gaza (referring to the WW2 firebombing of Dresden in February 1945, killing some 25,000 people) — “a storm of fire on all of Gaza!” he proclaimed, demanding to “not leave stone on stone” and emphasizing “total fire!” and “the end of ends!”

The Misgav Institute’s thinking has also been reflected in the Israeli intelligentsia. In 2004, respected Israeli historian Benny Morris, who is a self-proclaimed leftist, shocked many by bemoaning the fact that Ben Gurion did not “finish the job” and carry out the full ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, saying it would have led to less conflict in the ensuing decades. But he also said that a “transfer and expulsion” policy is only a question of time, and timing. Morris argued that in “normal” times, such policies may be immoral — but in “apocalyptic circumstances,” they may be both moral, “reasonable,” and “even essential.” From his interview in Haaretz:

>“If you are asking me whether I support the transfer and expulsion of the Arabs from the West Bank, Gaza and perhaps even from Galilee and the Triangle, I say not at this moment. I am not willing to be a partner to that act. In the present circumstances it is neither moral nor realistic. The world would not allow it, the Arab world would not allow it, it would destroy the Jewish society from within. But I am ready to tell you that in other circumstances, apocalyptic ones, which are liable to be realized in five or ten years, I can see expulsions.”

Thus, the Misgav report would seem not only to be arguing that to forcibly displace the Palestinian population from Gaza but that, similar to the conditions that Morris laid out, this is a historic opportunity to do it.

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f6bad1 No.102461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807451 (262005ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza

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Israeli support

Since October 7, calls for flattening Gaza have been rampant among the Israeli leadership and widely espoused across the population. On October 12, Israeli Channel 12 published a report about how the desire to ethnically cleanse Gaza has taken hold in Israeli popular culture:

>“People from the political left and center have called for the flattening of Gaza this week. A very short post fantasizing about a nature party that would take place on what was Gaza land received 100 thousand likes and 60 thousand shares”. The young Tel-Aviv woman who posted on Instagram had only 700 followers, but then the post “exploded”. She claims to be a centrist who “has always sanctified human rights, compassion is the first emotion that is activated in me”, she says. “I do not want to kill Gazan babies, I never hated Arabs and it’s not like I started hating them this week. But after what happened, I say to the Gaza residents – your babies are your problem”.

This sentiment seems to match quite well with broad calls from Israeli politicians for collective punishment, which have been coming from across the political spectrum, including those considered centrist or liberal.

Meanwhile, while the world’s eyes are on Gaza, ethnic cleansing is also being realized in the West Bank by Israeli settlers and soldiers. The terrorizing of mostly rural Palestinian communities in the West Bank had resulted in the uprooting of several communities before October 7 but has accelerated greatly since, with some 545 Palestinians forcibly displaced from at least 13 communities since October 7, according to information from the West Bank Protection Consortium (WBPC) and Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din (cited by Al Jazeera). The murderous settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank have gotten relatively little attention, like the murder of four Palestinians in Qusra on October 11 and then the murder of a Palestinian father and his son at the funeral. The number of killed Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7 is nearing 100 — in two weeks — an unfathomable pace.

Thus, these times are exceptionally dangerous for Palestinians. The Hamas attack seems to have reignited long-standing Zionist wishes, and now some want to exploit this public mood in support of a massive ethnic cleansing campaign. It doesn’t mean that it will happen all at once, but as mentioned, in some places, it has already begun.

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f6bad1 No.102462

File: 2652ce4c2c84c95⋯.png (470.13 KB,656x504,82:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 93fbd48eee29915⋯.jpg (78.51 KB,806x378,403:189,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807457 (262006ZOCT23) Notable: Family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief killed in airstrike

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Family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief killed in airstrike

Wael al-Dahdouh learned that the strikes he had covered from the ground all day had claimed the lives of his wife, teenage son, daughter and grandson, and eight other members of his extended family.

Al Jazeera, the Qatari-owned news channel for which Dahdouh works, said the journalist’s family was killed in an Israeli strike on the Nuseirat refugee camp.

When asked to comment, the Israeli military said it “targeted Hamas terrorist infrastructure in the area” without providing further details or evidence.



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f6bad1 No.102463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807470 (262008ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports & asks for help for Christian relatives in Gaza

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Palestinian anon

Been in the USA for decades

Have relatives in Gaza


And they can’t leave

If any of you here have any connection

I seriously beg you to let at least the woman and children out

They have nothing to do with any of the bullshit

Mostly doctors and engineers

Yes they have money but they can’t even bribe their way out

They have lots of family all over the globe but so far nothing

We even tried doing it through the Vatican and the priests and nothing

Fuck the war and fuck the war pigs

The kids are traumatized

The hospitals are a shit show and the situation is very dire

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f6bad1 No.102464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807477 (262010ZOCT23) Notable: MTG introduces resolution to censure Rep Tlaib over anti-Israel comments

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U.S. House of Representatives: Rep. Taylor Greene Resolution Censuring Rep. Tlaib (D-MI)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) offers a resolution to censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).



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f6bad1 No.102465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807489 (262013ZOCT23) Notable: Rebel Architecture - The architecture of violence

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Rebel Architecture - The architecture of violence

Eyal Weizman explains architecture's key role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the evolution of urban warfare.

25 min


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f6bad1 No.102466

File: 7b867042713a9c9⋯.png (293.25 KB,1210x1322,605:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807557 (262023ZOCT23) Notable: @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

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Looking like Meadows was an FBI undercover and violated 45's constitutional rights at every turn...


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f6bad1 No.102467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807610 (262031ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports & asks for help for Christian relatives in Gaza

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Thank you

Palestinians feel they are targeting specific DNA

At the beginning I didn’t believe it but now with everything it seems more plausible

In Syria they targeted the most ancient city (they spoke Aramaic for God’s sake)

In Iraq they targeted the Yezeede

In Palestine they are targeting people with biblical names they bombed 1700 years old church with 90% Christians native families that have been in Gaza for thousands of years not refugees

It’s crazy

Anon was offered money to give blood like 50k in 2004 (we did a genetic study and they told us strange things)

We freaked out and the doctor was skitchy and it was done at Cornell

We hired a lawyer to get all of our details and info erased

Fuck the DNA we are all Gods children

My prayers got crazier during the beginning of 2019

Anon was asked by the Holy Spirit to pray for Trump and surround him with the light

I got scared, stopped praying all together for months

Now I’m back praying and stuff

It took a while to understand everything I see

It’s Biblical and it is a spiritual war above anything else

God is good

And God has won already

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f6bad1 No.102468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807618 (262032ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in New York calling for an 'Intifada Revolution'

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LIVE: Protest in New York calling for an 'Intifada Revolution'

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f6bad1 No.102469

File: d1f9c3485bb814b⋯.png (607.97 KB,768x346,384:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807620 (262032ZOCT23) Notable: MALAWI: High School Students Chase Planned Parenthood From Their Campus, Burn Boxes of Condoms

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High School Students Chase Planned Parenthood From Their Campus, Burn Boxes of Condoms

A visit to a high school in Central Malawi did not go well for the local Planned Parenthood affiliate, as students rejected the group, refused to allow the presenters to speak, and chased them away from the property. Human Life International shared news of the incident that occurred September 29, 2023, at Natola Secondary School in the Dowa District of Central Malawi.

Father A. Zikomankhani, Executive Director of Human Life International Malawi, explained how Natola Secondary School has regularly welcomed visitors from life-advocating organizations such as Pro-Life Malawi.

“Human Life International has visited Natola and was invited to do so again a few weeks before the students kicked the abortion promoters out of the classroom,” Zikomankhani recounted. “We’ve been teaching them about chastity, along with the dangers of using contraception and the dangers of abortion.”

Members of Family Planning Association of Malawi, a local affiliate of International Planned Parenthood Federation, showed up at the school with an agenda that included instruction on how to use condoms and other forms of contraception to avoid pregnancies.

Zikomankhani related what the school’s head teacher witnessed.

“To the surprise of everybody, the students at Natola refused the abortion promoters sent to teach them and chased them away,” Zikomankhani said. “The teacher was sure that it was due to what he called the ‘good pro-life message’ that Human Life International has been sharing with the students.”

In a dramatic underscoring of the students’ opinion of the unwelcome visitors, the youth burned the boxes of condoms and other contraceptives that Family Planning Association of Malawi had brought for distribution at the school.

“It is encouraging to hear that these students are embracing the culture of life,” Zikomankhani remarked. “The Natola teacher told me that since Human Life International first began visiting the school, none of the girls there have gotten pregnant, and that’s a fact he attributes to the pro-life education that Human Life International has been supplying.”

More at: https://www.lifenews.com/2023/10/26/high-school-students-chase-planned-parenthood-from-their-campus-burn-boxes-of-condoms/

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f6bad1 No.102470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807625 (262033ZOCT23) Notable: When US House Speaker Mike Johnson Grilled Secretary Mayorkas

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johnson has mayorkas in his sites, now live

Mike Johnson LIVE | When US House Speaker Mike Johnson Grilled Secretary Mayorkas | N18L | News18


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f6bad1 No.102471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807648 (262037ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Reacts To Mark Meadows Getting Immunity: 'He Strongly Believed The Election Was Rigged'

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Trump Reacts To Mark Meadows Getting Immunity: 'He Strongly Believed The Election Was Rigged'


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f6bad1 No.102472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807653 (262038ZOCT23) Notable: Hedge fund billionaire and Columbia graduate Leon Cooperman says students protesting against Israel have 'sh*t for brains'

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Well you funded the leftist bullshit taught there - reap what you sow

Hedge fund billionaire and Columbia graduate Leon Cooperman says students protesting against Israel have 'sh*t for brains' - and vowed to stop giving cash to Ivy League college

The pointed comment came from Columbia Business School Grad Leon Cooperman - who vowed to stop giving to Columbia unless he sees a 'change'

Citing how he's given some $50million to the school over the years, the 80-year-old proceeded to tear into the protest, as well as a professor that led the charge

During the interview with Fox Business's Liz Claman, Cooperman, 80, said he's demanded school brass fire the tenured instructor but has been ignored


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f6bad1 No.102473

File: 1d68812a6cc9f22⋯.png (77.28 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807671 (262040ZOCT23) Notable: NBC Philadelphia: MAINE SHOOTER BEGAN HEARING VOICES AFTER RECEIVING NEW HEARING AIDS

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f6bad1 No.102474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807680 (262042ZOCT23) Notable: NBC Philadelphia: MAINE SHOOTER BEGAN HEARING VOICES AFTER RECEIVING NEW HEARING AIDS

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Voice of God technology?

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f6bad1 No.102475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807695 (262043ZOCT23) Notable: NBC Philadelphia: MAINE SHOOTER BEGAN HEARING VOICES AFTER RECEIVING NEW HEARING AIDS

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Newer hearing aids have bluetooth as an option.


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f6bad1 No.102476

File: 4b0fdfad34870a1⋯.png (213.83 KB,904x550,452:275,Clipboard.png)

File: d69b1b12cc31a79⋯.png (340.8 KB,871x777,871:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807711 (262046ZOCT23) Notable: GP: Trump Walks Out of Courtroom Early As Judge Engoron Refuses to Dismiss Trial After Michael Cohen Admits in Court Trump Never…

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Donald J. Trump



Trump Walks Out of Courtroom Early As Judge Engoron Refuses to Dismiss Trial After Michael Cohen Admits in Court Trump Never…

President Trump abruptly walked out of the Manhattan courtroom early on Wednesday afternoon after Michael Cohen admitted in court Trump never ordered him or Trump Org.

Oct 26, 2023, 4:09 PM

Trump Walks Out of Courtroom Early As Judge Engoron Refuses to Dismiss Trial After Michael Cohen Admits in Court Trump Never Ordered Him to Inflate Assets (VIDEO)

President Trump abruptly walked out of the Manhattan courtroom early on Wednesday afternoon after Michael Cohen admitted in court Trump never ordered him or Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg to inflate his assets.

Trump was in court again on Wednesday in Letitia James Soviet-style fraud trial.

Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York. She accused Trump of inflating his assets and defrauding lenders and insurance companies.

Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, a convicted felon, testified for the second day in a row on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Cohen, a known liar, told the court that Trump inflated his assets. He continued his testimony on Wednesday where he admitted in court that Trump never ordered him to inflate his financials.

“So Mr. Trump never asked you to inflate the numbers on his financial statement,” Trump attorney Cliff Robert asked Michael Cohen, according to CNN.

“Correct,” Michael Cohen said.

Trump’s lawyer Cliff Robert immediately asked the judge to dismiss the trial because Cohen, the key witness, just told the court that Trump never instructed him to inflate his assets.

Judge Engoron denied the motion to dismiss and it was at this point that Trump got up and abruptly walked out of the courtroom.

“The witness just admitted that we won the trial and the judge should end this trial immediately,” Trump said after he stormed out of the courtroom.


Trump defiantly storms out of courtroom after judge denies motion to dismiss in New York civil fraud trial.

Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/NOjbtpffCA

— AF Post (@AFpost) October 25, 2023

Michael Cohen trashed Trump after court was adjourned for the day. According to CNN, Cohen ‘clarified’ his response to questions from Letitia James’ office that Trump didn’t direct him to inflate his assets, but it was implied.

“He speaks like a mob boss,” Michael Cohen insisted.

“They wanted to make a motion to dismiss the case, to which the judge responded: ‘Yeah, absolutely not,'” Cohen said. “You know why? Because he will ultimately be held accountable.”

“And as I said the other day, that’s what this is all about. It’s accountability.”

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f6bad1 No.102477

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807717 (262046ZOCT23) Notable: RFK interview re Israel

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Rfk Jr. serves the people who murdered his father and uncle. But does he have a choice?

RFK Jr. is the latest Zionist hod carrier


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f6bad1 No.102478

File: 11dd0654f107bf7⋯.png (1.26 MB,984x1419,328:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807734 (262049ZOCT23) Notable: Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey on lockdown due to reported active shooter

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🚨#BREAKING: Active Shooter Reported at Joint Base McGuire Base Is on Full Lockdown

📌#Lakehurst | #NewJersey

Currently, multiple authorities are responding to reports of an active shooter at Joint Base McGuire in Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey. The base is currently on full lockdown, as confirmed by an official Facebook alert issued by Joint Base McGuire, stating: "Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown. Active shooter reported on JBMDL building 5231. All personnel are to lockdown until further notice. All personnel outdoors should take cover." This situation is still developing.

3:34 PM · Oct 26, 2023

from Lakehurst, NJ·


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f6bad1 No.102479

File: 04f82371b463b48⋯.jpg (149.48 KB,720x1178,360:589,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 713015c126c84b8⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807778 (262054ZOCT23) Notable: Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace.

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Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace.

The divisive Confederate monument, the focus of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017, was secretly melted down and will become a new piece of public art.

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f6bad1 No.102480

File: 1b64fd77cbf7c04⋯.png (648.54 KB,1068x712,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807817 (262100ZOCT23) Notable: Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall called Janet Yellen an “urchin,” among other colorful nouns

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Monday, October 16: GITMO

Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall called Janet Yellen an “urchin,” among other colorful nouns, at a military tribunal that saw the fiendish woman repeatedly debase herself while raising a flurry of self-incriminating objections that helped the prosecution secure a guilty verdict and death sentence.

The fireworks started two hours into last Monday’s proceedings when Yellen, appearing pro se, vociferously objected to the appearance of a witness for the prosecution: Shannon Corless, who indirectly worked under Janet Yellen at the Treasury Department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis from January to October 2022 and surrendered to JAG that month believing that “Trump’s people” had her in a dragnet. She had agreed to cooperate with JAG’s investigations and was placed in protective custody.

Upon taking the stand, Corless was greeted with unremitting hostility. A shackled Yellen arose from her seat and called Corless “an insufferable worker bee” and a “malingerer” who spent her formative governmental years riding other people’s coattails and complaining about being overworked. Yellen shouted at the top of her lungs that Corless had obviously manufactured evidence to frame her for illicitly sending Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelenskyy hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars beyond the $113bn officially reported.

Corless, in the witness box, seemed unphased by Yellen’s accusations.

“Detainee Yellen, you refused your privilege to testify today. You will remain silent, or we will enforce your silence,” Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall said.

“I don’t have to take this from you or your private Banana Republic government,” Yellen blurted, her body trembling. “I have served President Biden loyally and legally, and I don’t recognize this court and I never will.”

Military policemen on either side of Yellen forced her onto the chair and gagged her mouth.

“A little civility goes a long way here,” the admiral noted. “Now, Ms. Corless, it’s no secret you’ve been granted immunity for your testimony. Is there any reason you’d have to lie before this tribunal today?”

“No, sir,” Corless said.

“You were never apprehended. You surrendered voluntarily. Is that correct?”

“It is, sir.”

“Would you please tell the panel what compelled you to turn yourself in?”

Corless stared intently at the three officers JAG had picked to hear evidence against Yellen. “I believed I was being watched—stalked by, well, the people doing what they’re doing to Janet Yellen now. I got extremely paranoid and figured it’d be better to turn myself in than have someone break down my door and murder me.”

“That’s what you believed would happen?” the admiral asked.

“It’s what we were told—that Trump’s forces would come for us and our families,” Corless said.

“It might surprise you to know, Ms. Corless, that we’re working on behalf of the Constitution, not an individual, any individual. Just so we’re clear, you surrendered out of fear and not out of remorse, is that correct?”

“At the time, yes, sir. I deeply regret what I’ve done.”

“And what was that exactly?” the admiral asked.

“Putting my signature to illegal wire transfers.”

“That’s a bit vague. Would you be more specific?”

“In January 2022, she—we approved a treasury department transfer. It was $57bn to Ukreximbank in Ukraine. An account owned by the Ministry of Defense,” Corless said.

“And how do you know this as fact?” the admiral queried.


“We retrieved these from the SD card Ms. Corless provided when she surrendered. This was money taxpayers paid the federal government and was sent clandestinely sent to Ukraine, for whatever reason, without congressional knowledge or a matter of public record. To date, we have traced more than $1 trillion given to Ukraine. We don’t have to link her to all of it. This proves the defendant, detainee Janet Yellen, committed treason and defrauded the United States of America,” the admiral said.

Yellen had somehow slipped her gag. “President Biden will have your heads,” she huffed, fighting against her restraints as if imbued with superhuman strength—for a 77-year-old woman. “You’ve F*** yourself, Shannon.”

“Secure that urchin,” the admiral ordered the MPs.

The panelists’ mouths hung agape as Yellen remonstrated, her foul tongue spitting every obscenity under the sun. The MPs escorted Yellen out of GITMO’s south courtroom, and Adm. Crandall implored the panel to find the witch guilty, which they did.

Admiral Crandall apologized for the disruption and excused Corless, after which he said Yellen would hang on October 18.

RRN has been told that hanging has transpired, and I will post about it shortly. Given what’s happening today, writing about even justified deaths has become…exhausting.



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f6bad1 No.102481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807835 (262102ZOCT23) Notable: #24320-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24320-A >>102416

>>102448, >>102449, >>102450, >>102452, >>102454, >>102466 @RyanAFournier: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all convos w/President Trump, while Chief of Staff

>>102457, >>102458 Gateway Pundit: Mark Meadows Spox Refutes Latest Rumors About Former Trump Chief of Staff Wearing a Wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE”

>>102471 Trump Reacts To Mark Meadows Getting Immunity: 'He Strongly Believed The Election Was Rigged'

>>102415 US Coast Guard hunting for Maine mass shooter on the Kennebec River?

>>102417 Missouri teacher Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, faces 20 years in prison for sending nudes to 16-year-old student having sex w/him while husband away

>>102418 Meet the Billionaire Mega-Donors Behind the Biden Presidency

>>102419 Before-and-after satellite images show how Israeli airstrikes have laid waste to entire Gaza neighbourhoods after two weeks of bombardments

>>102420, >>102421 Prosecutor says Biden bribery claim was credible enough for further investigation, but FBI resisted

>>102422, >>102423, >>102440, >>102441, >>102445 PF

>>102424 DOJ sued for records on FBI pmts to Twitter

>>102425 PDJT: Maggot Hagerman of the Failing New York Times wrote almost her entire FAKE story today about the Trump Hating Judge’s Gag Order - Oct 26

>>102426 Cop stops mom from exposing what's in book available to kids, school district panics


>>102428 PDJT rt's article: Kingmaker Trump Congratulates New Speaker Mike Johnson

>>102429 In dramatic day in court, Trump delivers surprise testimony — then gets slapped with $10K fine - Oct 25

>>102430 Britain Will Remove Foreigners Who Incite Antisemitism

>>102431 Germany to Begin ‘Large Scale’ Deportations, Says Scholz as Country Faces Record Number of Illegals

>>102432, >>102434, >>102478 Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey on lockdown due to reported active shooter

>>102433 Bice officially announces run for Congress

>>102435 Deleted tweet from PM of Israel: This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness

>>102436 ZH: Former Breitbart Colleague - ‘I Saw Ben Shapiro Receive Tasking From Israeli Intelligence’

>>102437 Ohio defense contractor to add 200 jobs in Colorado Springs as part of new space facility

>>102438 President Biden Accuses Palestinians of Lying About Civilian Casualties

>>102439 US Naval Institute twat on McCain years as POW Greenwald: We’re now living in a ‘parallel universe’ where Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House



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f6bad1 No.102482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807862 (262104ZOCT23) Notable: #24320-B

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>>102442 Electronic Intifada: “The world has come together to eliminate us,” says Gaza doctor

>>102443, >>102464 MTG introduces resolution to censure Rep Tlaib over anti-Israel comments

>>102444, >>102446 Mike Lindell makes wifi monitoring devices that Ky official says is illegal - Colbeck says FALSE

>>102447 Delegation of Hamas, chaired by Abu Marzook, a Palestinian senior member of Hamas, has arrived to Moscow

>>102451 Why Is Israel Attacking South Gaza After Telling People to Go There? - USNEWS

>>102453 Shooter followed Dr. Eli David

>>102456 Active Shooter Reported at Joint Base McGuire Base Is on Full Lockdown

>>102455 Maori Gov sentenced four to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the COVID pandemic

>>102462 Family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief killed in airstrike

>>102459, >>102460, >>102461 Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza

>>102465 Rebel Architecture - The architecture of violence

>>102463, >>102467 Palestinian anon reports & asks for help for Christian relatives in Gaza

>>102468 LIVE: Protest in New York calling for an 'Intifada Revolution'

>>102472 Hedge fund billionaire and Columbia graduate Leon Cooperman says students protesting against Israel have 'sh*t for brains'

>>102469 MALAWI: High School Students Chase Planned Parenthood From Their Campus, Burn Boxes of Condoms

>>102470 When US House Speaker Mike Johnson Grilled Secretary Mayorkas


>>102476 GP: Trump Walks Out of Courtroom Early As Judge Engoron Refuses to Dismiss Trial After Michael Cohen Admits in Court Trump Never…

>>102477 RFK interview re Israel

>>102479 Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace.

>>102480 Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall called Janet Yellen an “urchin,” among other colorful nouns



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f6bad1 No.102483

File: 41a89cad035b28d⋯.png (82.16 KB,280x218,140:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807881 (262106ZOCT23) Notable: #24321

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

ty anons for your contributions,


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f6bad1 No.102484

File: 9a7737cd2c75386⋯.mp4 (544.47 KB,704x528,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3a36e1d3f04b7be⋯.png (329.45 KB,854x858,427:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807926 (262113ZOCT23) Notable: NEW FOOTAGE: Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman removes warning signs before pulling the fire alarm in a House office building last month

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RNC Research

🚨NEW FOOTAGE: Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman removes warning signs before pulling the fire alarm in a House office building last month

3:35 PM · Oct 26, 2023·1M Views


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f6bad1 No.102485

File: 9e7480d4ea41a21⋯.png (926.91 KB,1179x1555,1179:1555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807942 (262115ZOCT23) Notable: The first person to follow the alleged shooter’s Twitter account (before it was removed) was a professor who studies terrorism.

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Chris Paul

Must be one’a them coincidences I hear so much about.


Anons on the boards noticed that the first person to follow the alleged shooter’s Twitter account (before it was removed) was a professor who studies terrorism.

The account (@ProfAsifNawaz) constantly retweets about mass shootings and anti-2A content.

Oct 26, 2023, 1:16 AM


1:21 AM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102486

File: 7b5554c5dc8ed02⋯.png (246.9 KB,491x516,491:516,Clipboard.png)

File: 513a82c1d048beb⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807949 (262117ZOCT23) Notable: fedbois moving in on their patsy

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fedbois moving in on their patsy


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f6bad1 No.102487

File: 6846c2113439bee⋯.png (66.63 KB,355x472,355:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807968 (262120ZOCT23) Notable: "We are saving Israelfor last." twitter thread need sauce

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For anyone still wondering WTF is going on, you need to read these two twatter posts. They are long form posts.



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f6bad1 No.102488

File: 6043d9bd5f806a1⋯.pdf (129.57 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807969 (262120ZOCT23) Notable: pigs_blood_interrogation.pdf

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was in wikileaks too

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f6bad1 No.102489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807991 (262124ZOCT23) Notable: "We are saving Israelfor last." twitter thread need sauce

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"ISRAEL WILL BE LAST" What Did That Q-Drop Mean?

It's All About A Contract! "Israel was created by The Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Banksyers in

1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires the end of October 2023. (day after eclipse no coincidence) They are registered as a corporation address is

next to Kensington palace.

That means that the timing of the

war is completely planned strategically to coincide with the

time that they could be dissolved with the rest of the central

bankers and all the other bankrupt corporations.

So that finally clears up the Q meaning of "Israel will be last." They had to wait until this contract was dissolved, transferring

Israel from a 'Sovereign State' back to a corporation before 'White Hat Special Forces' could invade and have full capitulation of the lsraeli Leaders that were not implicated in

Human Trafficking and or Crimes Against Humanity.. Same as what happened in Washington D.C. When the U.S. Army fenced off the entire Government District with metal fencing & constantine wire.

By Earnest J. Pfeifer.

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f6bad1 No.102490

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808017 (262131ZOCT23) Notable: Reiner Fuellmich Found Guilty and Fined in 3 Cases of "Sedition", "Insults" and "Hatred": MAY 2023

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Reiner Fuellmich Found Guilty and Fined in 3 Cases of "Sedition", "Insults" and "Hatred"

Reiner Fuellmich jailed Friday, 13 Oktober 2023 in Gottingen / Germany.

Attorney Dagmar Schoen, will relate the story of Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's arrest on Friday, October 13 at Frankfurt airport. Together with Katja Woermer they will defend him.

He was denied a new passport and a visa in Mexico, where he stayed with his wife. His wife got the documents.

He then was accompanied by officers to the airport to be deported to Germany on the date of 12 Oktober 2023.

The 30 pages long indictment of disloyalty concerning the use of donor money for the Corona Ausschuss have been executed by the former corona Ausschuss members, already in March this year.

Viviane Fischer, the former equal partner of Fuellmich, is in since the break in charge.

Fuellmich has been convicted by a judge 5-5-2023 he ordered him to pay 2.100 euro.





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f6bad1 No.102491

File: 63118e3d60d1ca9⋯.png (306.29 KB,633x882,211:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808027 (262133ZOCT23) Notable: Cuomo Admits ABC Had BANNED Them Wearing American Flag Pins After 9/11

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October 26th, 2023 1:27 PM

Cuomo Admits ABC Had BANNED Them Wearing American Flag Pins After 9/11

Since being hired by NewsNation, anchor Chris Cuomo has had a noticeable change in how he talks about the media on his eponymous show. And during a conversation with Ian Bremmer of the Eurasia Group Wednesday night, Cuomo recalled his time at ABC News post-September 11th (before going to CNN) and admitted that the network had banned its reporters from wearing and displaying American flag pins on the lapels of their jackets when they appeared on-air.

Cuomo’s memory of the ban seemed to be jogged by current criticism of how he uses the word “we” when talking about America. “It's interesting. You know, I've had people for the first time since 9/11 in the War on Terror. People have been commenting on social media that I shouldn't say ‘we’ when we talk about America,” he said.

Flaunting an apparently new-found defiance of corporate media rules, he then recalled how ABC had ordered a ban on American flag pins:

I wasn't allowed to say this then, but I just don't care now. I am an American and I report as an American and I think about America's interests when I support. You know, back on 9/11, they wouldn't let us – at ABC News – where a flag pin. I always thought that was wrong. I'm an American.



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f6bad1 No.102492

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808038 (262136ZOCT23) Notable: Mole inside ActBlue discloses secret conference held in Boston. Inside hotel, O’Keefe questions ActBlue on FEC money laundering allegations.

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O’Keefe Media Group

ACTBLUE INSIDER:Mole inside ActBlue discloses secret conference held in Boston. Inside hotel, O’Keefe questions ActBlue on FEC money laundering allegations. The Boston Police were called and bodycam footage forthcoming…

Months ago we found a handful of donors who donated small amounts to ActBlue, but when ActBlue reported the donations to the Federal Elections Commission, something didn't add up. Unaware retirees, among many others, were reported having given tens of thousands more than their actual donation.

We went to get some answers from ActBlue staffers on the inside at their secret meeting in Boston. When confronting ActBlue employees outside of the hotel, no responses were given.

James O'Keefe was questioned by conference security and when they saw his OMG press pass, he was immediately asked to leave the hotel premises. Once outside of the hotel, things got even more heated and the police were called on our team.

4:53 PM · Oct 26, 2023·19.9K Views 10:08


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f6bad1 No.102493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808047 (262138ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson Prioritizes Israel

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Mike Johnson @11:24:

"The first bill that I'm going to bring to this floor, in just a little while, will be in support of our dear friend Israel"

PS: The southern border crisis is second priority


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f6bad1 No.102494

File: 369dcef752f61ff⋯.png (429.71 KB,1124x321,1124:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808067 (262141ZOCT23) Notable: Ukraine about to take out all of Russia with 4 40 year old 'fighter' jets, on 2 weeks training

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Watch out!


Ukraine about to take out all of Russia with 4 40 year old 'fighter' jets, on 2 weeks training.


>The Arizona Air National Guard has started training pilots from Ukraine to fly F-16 fighter jets, US ambassador to Kiev Bridget Brink said.

Send moar cocaine.

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f6bad1 No.102495

File: cd12143da1f4f15⋯.png (17.97 KB,545x199,545:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b853f74f610b69⋯.png (18.93 KB,542x195,542:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aaef0f5b643386⋯.png (22.56 KB,540x220,27:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808076 (262143ZOCT23) Notable: "We are saving Israelfor last." twitter thread need sauce

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NCSWIC means, the deadline.

Time's Up.

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f6bad1 No.102496

File: bfa62ee4474f60b⋯.png (238.28 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 65849b52eb49950⋯.png (447.76 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808078 (262143ZOCT23) Notable: Satellite data reveals ancient landscape preserved beneath East Antarctic ice sheet

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Satellite data reveals ancient landscape preserved beneath East Antarctic ice sheet

Oct 26, 2023

Beneath East Antarctica's undulating ice sheet lies an ancient, river-carved landscape that provides a perfect snapshot of the region before glaciers covered the continent, a new study finds.

Although most of the land buried under the ice sheet was eroded over the eons by moving masses of ice, satellite data show that a patch adjacent to the Aurora and Schmidt subglacial basins has remained largely unscathed for up to 34 million years.

"We could see that there was something like the ghost of the landscape under the ice," study co-lead author Stewart Jamieson, a professor of geography at the University of Durham in the U.K., told Live Science. "At some point in the past, there's been rivers flowing over it, which automatically must mean that it's from before the ice sheet grew."

Jamieson and his colleagues used preexisting data to map bumps and troughs on the ice surface mirroring changes in elevation in the underlying landscape. These slight gradients revealed a "little island of topography" buried 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) below the surface and three "blocks" of land separated by U-shaped valleys, Jamieson said.

The blocks likely formed a continuous landmass, he said. But when the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, which included Antarctica, broke up during the Cretaceous period (145 million to 66 million years ago), tectonic forces may have ripped them apart. "As part of that pulling away of continents, it's probably stretched our landscape and broken it up into those three blocks," Jamieson said.

When the climate cooled following the Cretaceous, ice caps may have formed on top of each block and carved out valleys as the ice melted and water trickled down from the peaks. "Those rivers were probably flowing towards the coast, which is a few hundred kilometers away, at a time when that coast was opening up," Jamieson said.

The big ice sheet that still covers Antarctica today grew around 34 million years ago and smothered the entire continent, according to the study, published Tuesday (Oct. 24) in the journal Nature Communications.

"Suddenly, that landscape is frozen in time," Jamieson said.

But not all of East Antarctica was preserved beneath a frigid blanket. In places where the ice grew thickest, the weight that piled onto the land caused melting at the base of the ice sheet, giving rise to a thin layer of water. This allowed the ice to grind over the land and erode it over millions of years.

In the newly discovered location, the ice didn't grow thick enough to create a layer of water, Jamieson said. "When you look at the pattern of ice flow in the region, it's sort of going faster on either side of our landscape. But then on top of our landscape it's going really slowly, and that's because it's basically frozen to its bed," he said.

Whether this landscape has stayed completely the same for 34 million years is somewhat opaque. Periods of warming that deglaciated parts of East Antarctica until about 14 million years ago may have caused some of the ice above it to melt, Jamieson said.

"What would be really intriguing is actually going to that location and drilling through the ice to get a sample of the rock and sediment underneath," he said. "That would be the only way we could confirm the age."

Ultimately, understanding what lies beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet will help researchers predict its fluctuations in a warming world. "We need to understand the shape of the landscape so that we can understand why the ice is flowing the way it does now and how it might react in the future," Jamieson said.


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f6bad1 No.102497

File: 2c18e52a262530f⋯.png (930.54 KB,859x9511,859:9511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808084 (262144ZOCT23) Notable: "We are saving Israelfor last." twitter thread need sauce

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I cut the edge off the last one

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f6bad1 No.102498

File: 856c3998b310fe3⋯.png (723 KB,855x888,285:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808133 (262156ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson Prioritizes Israel

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Mike Johnson may have won the speaker struggle

- but his BIGGEST challenges lie ahead: Republican facing fights on preventing a shutdown, foreign aid, kicking out George Santos - and survival

Mike Johnson may have won the speaker struggle - but his BIGGEST challenges lie ahead:

After securing the gavel and ending three weeks of House impasse, the newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson faces a long list of hurdles. The 51-year-old will have to hold together a free-wheeling Republican conference that has been hostile to leadership figures. He was the fourth nominee in three weeks - chosen after three others won a majority in conference but could not win the 217 GOP votes needed to clinch the gavel on the floor. DailyMail.com breaks down the top challenges new Speaker Johnson faces.


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f6bad1 No.102499

File: 85320118fbeeffd⋯.png (795.52 KB,960x918,160:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808175 (262203ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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His shirt has LL [LL] Stollen.

The photos they're using of him look moar and moar AI as time goes by.

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f6bad1 No.102500

File: 163932cdd4d3c96⋯.mp4 (12.05 MB,166x76,83:38,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808192 (262206ZOCT23) Notable: Mole inside ActBlue discloses secret conference held in Boston. Inside hotel, O’Keefe questions ActBlue on FEC money laundering allegations.

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Twitter video not playing for me, made MP4.


O’Keefe outside ActBlue Secret Meeting in Boston

ACTBLUE INSIDER:Mole inside ActBlue discloses secret conference held in Boston. Inside hotel, O’Keefe questions ActBlue on FEC money laundering allegations. The Boston Police were called and bodycam footage forthcoming…

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f6bad1 No.102501

File: 80ad467443c8522⋯.png (9.69 KB,226x95,226:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808201 (262208ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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f6bad1 No.102502

File: 45f97ddb0403c4a⋯.jpg (15.45 KB,640x208,40:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808229 (262212ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League?


Can't find any other references.


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f6bad1 No.102503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808232 (262213ZOCT23) Notable: 75% of Israelis demand Netanyahu resign

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75% of Israelis demand Netanyahu resign

The internal political crisis in Israel is growing: many citizens of the country believe that the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resign. According to polls, 75% of Israelis believe he is responsible for the failure to effectively protect the cities that border the Gaza Strip.

This issue became especially relevant after the events of October 7, when the Hamas group attacked Israeli territory. But the criticism leveled at Netanyahu is not limited to public opinion. Three key Israeli government ministers are already threatening to resign due to Netanyahu's unwillingness to admit his guilt in the events of that date.


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f6bad1 No.102504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808248 (262215ZOCT23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump The Judge in the New York State A.G. case refuses to accept the overturning of his decisions by the Appeals Court. This is a first in the history of the State! HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF “TRUMP.”

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Donald J Trump




The Judge in the New York State A.G. case refuses to accept the overturning of his decisions by the Appeals Court. This is a first in the history of the State! HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF “TRUMP.” Also, their “STAR” witness just admitted his statements were all a big lie. He broke down in court. The Radical Left Judge said he doesn’t care. He is trying to protect RACIST A.G. Letitia James, who has no case, lost the appeal, but has a tyrannical and unhinged Trump Hating Judge. She campaigned for A.G. on, “I Will Get Trump,” long before she knew anything about me. This is Judicial Misconduct, coupled with Prosecutorial Misconduct, and somebody from the State of New York must step in and stop this Complete & Total Miscarriage of Justice!

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f6bad1 No.102505

File: b2e0cb9e0635d49⋯.jpeg (614.14 KB,1393x691,1393:691,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 17ea1cbf0afa53a⋯.jpeg (75.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2b9f2314f5d7038⋯.png (586.37 KB,713x473,713:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808255 (262215ZOCT23) Notable: planeFag CONUS activity-Aussie PM Albanese in ASY370 A330 west from JBA

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planeFag CONUS activity-Aussie PM Albanese in ASY370 A330 west from JBA

Supposed to visit Beijing on Nov 4th

SAM215 G5 SW from JBA and heading to Miami Intl

C102 US Coast Guard G5 to Norfolk Intl after a stop at Ft. Lauderdale Intl

HYMN52 E6B Mercury returned to Pax River

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f6bad1 No.102506

File: 0f8757e561977a2⋯.jpg (35.71 KB,270x712,135:356,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808259 (262216ZOCT23) Notable: "We are saving Israelfor last." twitter thread need sauce

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> "Israel was created by The Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Bankers in

>1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires

>the end of October 2023. (day after eclipse no coincidence)

>They are registered as a corporation address is

>next to Kensington palace.

Needs sauce

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f6bad1 No.102507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808275 (262218ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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Just read these weird rules on the site;

Left hand club horseshoe league with 19 rules and $17 to join.


Each team must pay $17 each week of play and put it in the envelope for that match. Envelopes shall have money for both teams for the night with a total of $34. The envelopes will be marked home and away. The Home Team is responsible for turning in the money, paperwork, and score sheets at the end of the night of play.Money generated from the league dues is to cover the costs of prize money payouts, trophies, and other awards, as well as t-shirts, paper/printing, and other scoring materials (pencils, calculators, clipboards), banquet costs (food, DJ, door prizes, and drink tickets).

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f6bad1 No.102508

File: 3f20fc24d2ef010⋯.jpeg (192.43 KB,750x1284,125:214,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808285 (262219ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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f6bad1 No.102509

File: 5ba5c718a6db7e1⋯.png (159.21 KB,598x711,598:711,Clipboard.png)

File: b0aa08fa26c6a7c⋯.png (332.09 KB,828x714,138:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808297 (262221ZOCT23) Notable: The State Dept is focused on celebrating another day devoted to LGBTQ people as Americans are held hostage by Hamas terrorists and our country is being invaded by millions of illegals

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The State Dept is focused on celebrating another day devoted to LGBTQ people as Americans are held hostage by Hamas terrorists and our country is being invaded by millions of illegals

Oct 26, 2023, 4:08 PM


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f6bad1 No.102510

File: 199a51af6c31b1d⋯.jpg (85.11 KB,475x416,475:416,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808338 (262227ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Big club-house for a horseshoe-throwing-club that plays once a week from March untill September. In the middle of the woods.

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f6bad1 No.102511

File: 07ef0cfa92ebd9f⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,685x960,137:192,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808348 (262228ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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f6bad1 No.102512

File: 614f508623ee775⋯.jpeg (588.75 KB,1285x681,1285:681,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808366 (262231ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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f6bad1 No.102513

File: 041f3a8b2887d3f⋯.png (802.89 KB,568x896,71:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808371 (262231ZOCT23) Notable: Crisis actors everywhere

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6:44 AM · Oct 26, 2023 · 2.6M Views


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f6bad1 No.102514

File: d403712b286aa00⋯.jpeg (33.24 KB,612x607,612:607,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e7c2acf3c9ceaa3⋯.jpeg (127.44 KB,1024x618,512:309,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808392 (262235ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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Gloria Vanderbilt

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f6bad1 No.102515

File: 77dda2ae9df475f⋯.png (710.36 KB,1312x882,656:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808399 (262235ZOCT23) Notable: Jack Smith wants stricter gag order on Trump, Jail Time

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Jack Smith Asks Judge Chutkan to Impose Stricter Gag Order on Trump, Send Him to Jail If He Talks About Witnesses


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f6bad1 No.102516

File: f80ab38b2477144⋯.png (554.12 KB,841x868,841:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808406 (262236ZOCT23) Notable: Jack Smith wants stricter gag order on Trump, Jail Time

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Trump risks violating gag order and JAIL

by saying 'tyrannical' NY judge 'found him guilty' before his fraud trial began and has 'gone crazy in his hatred of Trump'

Trump risks violating gag order AGAIN by calling New York judge 'tyrannical' and 'crazy in

Donald Trump risked violating the gag order in his New York fraud trial again with an attack on the judge and the New York Attorney General Letitia James in a series of Truth Social posts on Thursday morning. Just hours after he took the stand and was fined $10,000 , the former president unleashed fresh attacks claiming 'radical left' Judge Arthur Engoron found him 'guilty before the trial even started, and long before he had the real facts'. 'The Radical Left Judge said he doesn't care,' Trump said. 'He is trying to protect RACIST A.G. Letitia James, who has no case, lost the appeal, but has a tyrannical and unhinged Trump Hating Judge.' He also described his former lawyer Michael Cohen 'collapsing and choking yesterday under cross examination, and completely admitting that I did nothing wrong'.


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f6bad1 No.102517

File: 8e90075bb937744⋯.png (18.06 KB,548x602,274:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b96d99371f8d18⋯.png (277.47 KB,1195x941,1195:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808425 (262239ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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Webllhchl rules *this league open to all players 21 years of age and older* *this league open to all players 21 years of age and older* this is the property of the lisbon left hand ...

Could not access this site:


Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League

The Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League (LLHCHL) runs from mid-April to the end of September. The league plays weekly on Wednesday nights, rain or shine. Games start promptly at 6:30pm.

Weekly stats and updates will be published on the website: www.llhchl.com.


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f6bad1 No.102518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808449 (262243ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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Strange. 5 minutes ago it worked and now its out of air.

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f6bad1 No.102519

File: 6c2d860eb4254e1⋯.png (529.9 KB,966x543,322:181,Clipboard.png)

File: fb208e488f342b0⋯.png (100.44 KB,315x291,105:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808454 (262243ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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f6bad1 No.102520

File: d5a45ee7873e959⋯.jpg (177.43 KB,720x1059,240:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f2d945d54d5c4ae⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808457 (262243ZOCT23) Notable: College terrorists , they should all be on watchlists MP4

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College terrorists , they should all be on watchlists

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f6bad1 No.102521

File: 58f7d847b7bb00e⋯.png (337.88 KB,632x947,632:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808469 (262244ZOCT23) Notable: AP: Biden’s a no-show on the New Hampshire primary ballot. What happens next?

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So Biden’s a no-show on the New Hampshire primary ballot. What happens next?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden wasn’t successful in unseating New Hampshire from the first-in-the-nation primary slot it has held for more than a century, but his campaign’s announcement this week that he won’t appear on the state’s 2024 primary ballot has nonetheless added a new wrinkle to the contest and created complications for his campaign, state election officials, and voters.

Although several key details about next year’s New Hampshire primary have yet to be determined, the event has begun to take shape.

When is the 2024 New Hampshire primary?

State law gives New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan exclusive authority to set the date for the 2024 primary, but he has yet to do so. For 40 years, it has been held the Tuesday following the Iowa caucuses, which are scheduled for Jan. 15. State law also says the primary must be held at least seven days before any similar contest. The South Carolina Democratic primary on Feb. 3 is the earliest contest on the Democratic National Committee’s official calendar. The only Tuesday that fits within these parameters is Jan. 23.

Why won’t Biden’s name appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot?

The move is the latest development in a long-simmering dispute within the Democratic Party over which states and regions should have the first say in determining the party’s presidential nominees every four years. Iowa and New Hampshire have traditionally kicked off the nomination process for both parties, but other states have challenged their prime placement in the calendar over the years. This has resulted in states leapfrogging one another and a steadily earlier start to the primary campaign season.

Biden, who placed fifth in New Hampshire in 2020, urged Democratic Party officials last year to rejigger the primary calendar with South Carolina in the lead-off position. His 29-point win in the 2020 South Carolina primary ended his string of embarrassing early-state losses that year and put his campaign on positive footing to win the nomination. The DNC adopted the president’s proposal and scheduled the South Carolina primary to lead the party’s nomination process on Feb. 3, with New Hampshire and Nevada to follow on Feb. 6.

However, New Hampshire indicated its intent to maintain its first-in-the-nation primary status in violation of party rules and risk possible penalties from the DNC down the road. Rather than flout the rules he urged the national party to adopt, Biden chose to stay off the ballot in New Hampshire. ...


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f6bad1 No.102522

File: acadb44422353f0⋯.png (41.86 KB,662x519,662:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808495 (262249ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

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>Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League


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f6bad1 No.102523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808510 (262251ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz: Speaker Johnson is an honorable and virtuous man

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good explanation here:

Rep. Matt Gaetz

I am excited for the transition from Kevin McCarthy to @SpeakerJohnson.

McCarthy was the fountainhead of mistrust in the House.Speaker Johnson is an honorable and virtuous man.

We finally have a speaker who is not totally bought and paid for by the lobbyists and special interests on K Street!

4:55 PM · Oct 26, 2023·85.9K Views 7:58


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f6bad1 No.102524

File: 7492322f7c444eb⋯.png (54.76 KB,601x504,601:504,Clipboard.png)

File: b1df5245db95707⋯.png (41.48 KB,597x524,597:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808533 (262255ZOCT23) Notable: .@TheLastRefuge2: SD, you always kept saying Meadows was being Sketchy! Is it true, if so, why leaked & who did it?

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SD, you always kept saying Meadows was being Sketchy!

First question if this is even true. Why is it being leaked? Second question was Meadows the real leaker and not Short & Pence? Or were all three leaking like a sieve to control and harm Trump?

2:58 PM · Oct 26, 2023


These are the nine founding members of the Koch-backed House Freedom Caucus.

How many have betrayed President Trump?

Justin Amash (MI)

Ron DeSantis (FL)

Mark Meadows (NC)

Mick Mulvaney (SC)

Jim Jordan (OH)

Matt Salmon (AZ)

Raúl Labrador (ID)

John Fleming (LA)

Scott Garrett (NJ)

4:41 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102525

File: 1b44b97ea1ce110⋯.jpeg (545.01 KB,1124x619,1124:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808553 (262258ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Nigerian VP departed Des Moines ES in NGR02 G5

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f6bad1 No.102526

File: cec18ae6887323d⋯.png (784.69 KB,1050x600,7:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808558 (262300ZOCT23) Notable: ‘The Biggest Jan 6 Patriot Panel Ever’ LIVE Tonight at 7PM Est on Twitter Space

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‘The Biggest Jan 6 Patriot Panel Ever’ LIVE Tonight at 7PM Est on Twitter Space

J6 advocates from across the nation will join J6 political prisoners, including Green Beret Jeremy Brown, and Jake Lang, live on Twitter space broadcast on Thursday at 7 pm.

Oct. 26, 2023 5:00 pm


Link: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaJbgEzQMaxX?s=20

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f6bad1 No.102527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808587 (262305ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Kids Terrorist Training Camps VID

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Hamas Kids Terrorist Training Camps

Israel Defense Forces


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f6bad1 No.102528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808621 (262311ZOCT23) Notable: #24321

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#24321 >>102483

>>102504 @realdonaldtrump The Judge in the New York State A.G. case refuses to accept the overturning of his decisions by the Appeals Court. This is a first in the history of the State! HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF “TRUMP.”

>>102487, >>102489, >>102497, >>102495, >>102506 "We are saving Israelfor last." twitter thread need sauce

>>102484 NEW FOOTAGE: Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman removes warning signs before pulling the fire alarm in a House office building last month

>>102485 The first person to follow the alleged shooter’s Twitter account (before it was removed) was a professor who studies terrorism.

>>102486 fedbois moving in on their patsy

>>102488 pigs_blood_interrogation.pdf

>>102490 Reiner Fuellmich Found Guilty and Fined in 3 Cases of "Sedition", "Insults" and "Hatred": MAY 2023

>>102491 Cuomo Admits ABC Had BANNED Them Wearing American Flag Pins After 9/11

>>102492, >>102500 Mole inside ActBlue discloses secret conference held in Boston. Inside hotel, O’Keefe questions ActBlue on FEC money laundering allegations.

>>102494 Ukraine about to take out all of Russia with 4 40 year old 'fighter' jets, on 2 weeks training

>>102496 Satellite data reveals ancient landscape preserved beneath East Antarctic ice sheet

>>102498, >>102493 Mike Johnson Prioritizes Israel

>>102503 75% of Israelis demand Netanyahu resign

>>102505 planeFag CONUS activity-Aussie PM Albanese in ASY370 A330 west from JBA

>>102509 The State Dept is focused on celebrating another day devoted to LGBTQ people as Americans are held hostage by Hamas terrorists and our country is being invaded by millions of illegals

>>102513 Crisis actors everywhere

baker change

>>102515, >>102516 Jack Smith wants stricter gag order on Trump, Jail Time

>>102521 AP: Biden’s a no-show on the New Hampshire primary ballot. What happens next?

>>102523 Gaetz: Speaker Johnson is an honorable and virtuous man

>>102520 College terrorists , they should all be on watchlists MP4

>>102524 .@TheLastRefuge2: SD, you always kept saying Meadows was being Sketchy! Is it true, if so, why leaked & who did it?

>>102499, >>102501, >>102502, >>102508, >>102510, >>102511, >>102519, >>102514, >>102507, >>102512, >>102517, >>102518, >>102522 Richard Card Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League DIG

>>102525 PF

>>102526 ‘The Biggest Jan 6 Patriot Panel Ever’ LIVE Tonight at 7PM Est on Twitter Space

>>102527 Hamas Kids Terrorist Training Camps VID



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f6bad1 No.102529

File: b7c5716c09b4fab⋯.png (909.55 KB,827x742,827:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808632 (262312ZOCT23) Notable: #24322

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

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f6bad1 No.102530

File: 4ff732a83af6ee0⋯.png (249.27 KB,577x763,577:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808714 (262324ZOCT23) Notable: Card still on run?

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I thought Card was traveling in a 15 ft Bayliner on the Kennebec River an hour plus away from the shootings. I mean they called u a branch of the military to hunt this guy for all of us to see. This guy who is said to be in a psychotic break but sane enough to traverse the waterways without the slightest incident noticed by anyone


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f6bad1 No.102531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808725 (262326ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker on X Ep. 34 Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government...

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>>>/qresearch/19808226 lb

Tucker on X Ep. 34

Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing.

5:59 PM · Oct 26, 2023·555.1K Views 10:14


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f6bad1 No.102532

File: 476c67710353687⋯.png (800.46 KB,607x792,607:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808730 (262327ZOCT23) Notable: Card still on run?

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We'll have Cards Manifesto before we see the Trans shooters Manifesto

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f6bad1 No.102533

File: 962590536cba7e0⋯.png (297.64 KB,1169x798,167:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808736 (262328ZOCT23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Statement from George Terwilliger, lawyer for former Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows, “Stories claiming to have knowledge of a “deal,”...

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Catherine Herridge

NEW: Statement from George Terwilliger, lawyer for former Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows, “Stories claiming to have knowledge of a “deal,” or that he has some form of animus toward President Trump, have zero idea what they’re talking about, and he will not be intimidated by anyone.”

7:05 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102534

File: a98a4403e815edb⋯.jpg (121.39 KB,797x685,797:685,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808744 (262330ZOCT23) Notable: Card still on run?

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Is this part of the MKUltra program?

Katie Card told NBC “He was picking up voices that he had never heard.

She continued “His mind was twisting them around. He was humiliated by the things that he thought were being said.”


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f6bad1 No.102535

File: d5fe603702ebd33⋯.png (3.01 MB,1801x1125,1801:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808749 (262331ZOCT23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge @GOPoversight letter to White House for records/IRS filings confirming $200,000 check was repaid, “no records in the Committee’s possession state that Joe Biden made a large loan payment to his brother…

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Catherine Herridge

NEW: @GOPoversight letter to White House for records/IRS filings confirming $200,000 check was repaid, “no records in the Committee’s possession state that Joe Biden made a large loan payment to his brother…Indeed, there appears to have been no interest paid on the “loan” based upon the White House’s own representations. The current lack of documentation leaves reason to doubt claims that this transaction was repayment for a legal loan. We request…applicable documentation and IRS filings were properly made.”

6:54 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102536

File: f2c0603ea3fff1c⋯.png (268.11 KB,363x353,363:353,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d2a4226b3638a9⋯.png (61.77 KB,931x571,931:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f058f18f6e024a⋯.png (58.23 KB,931x588,19:12,Clipboard.png)

File: aac7c574a9feeb4⋯.png (63.01 KB,931x594,931:594,Clipboard.png)

File: 4db5243d7e443be⋯.png (49 KB,931x590,931:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808776 (262334ZOCT23) Notable: Money-Market Fund Inflows Resume As Bank Bailout Fund Hits New Record High

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Money-Market Fund Inflows Resume As Bank Bailout Fund Hits New Record High

After last week's massive (biggest since Lehman) outflows, Money Market funds saw a return to inflows last week (+24.9BN)... After last week's massive (biggest since Lehman) outflows, Money Market funds saw a return to inflows last week (+24.9BN)... But bank deposits remain completely decoupled from money market fund assets still... The Fed's balance sheet continued to contract, down $25BN last week to its lowest since May 2021... QT continues with $18BN in securities sales last week, down to its lowest level since June 2021... Usage of The Fed's emergency bank funding facility rose $250MM lasty week to a new record high over $109BN... And the regional banks are also continuing to catch down to the reality of the $109BN hole in their balance sheets...(and this amount needs to be starting to return on March 11th 2024-exactly 1 year and one day after Silicon Valley Bank taken over) but with all things regarding any acronym bailouts they will probably extend it or just forget about it altogether)

Banks reserves at The Fed and US Equity Market Cap have recoupled from the AI Boom decoupling...


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f6bad1 No.102537

File: 6e92745adbbed9b⋯.png (183.72 KB,776x559,776:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808802 (262338ZOCT23) Notable: Former Israeli Spies Working For Big Tech

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Former Israeli Spies Working For Big Tech

Hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


According to employment website LinkedIn, there are currently at least 99 former Unit 8200 veterans currently working for Google. This number almost certainly underestimates the scale of the collaboration between the two organizations, however. For one, this does not count former Google employees. Nor does it include those without a public LinkedIn account, or those who do have an account, but have not disclosed their previous affiliations with the high-tech Israeli surveillance unit. This is likely to be a considerable number, as agents are expressly prohibited from ever revealing their affiliation to Unit 8200. Thus, the figure of 99 only represents the number of current (or extremely recent) Google employees who are brazenly flouting Israeli military law by including the organization in their profiles.



Some might contend that all Israelis are compelled to complete military service, and so, therefore, what is the problem with young people using the tech skills they learned in the IDF in civilian life. In short, why is this Unit 8200-to-Silicon-Valley-pipeline a problem?

To begin with, Unit 8200 is not a run-of-the-mill regiment. Described as “Israel’s NSA” and located on a gigantic base near Beer Sheva in the Negev desert, Unit 8200 is the IDF’s largest unit – and one of its most exclusive. The brightest young minds in the country compete to be sent to serve at this Israeli Harvard. Although military service is compulsory for Jewish Israelis, Arab citizens are strongly discouraged from joining the military and are effectively blocked from Unit 8200. Indeed, they are the prime targets of the apartheid state’s surveillance operations.

The Financial Times called Unit 8200 “Israel at its best and worst” – the centerpiece of both its burgeoning high-tech industry and of its repressive state apparatus. Unit 8200 veterans have gone on to produce many of the world’s most downloaded apps, including maps service Waze, and communications app Viber. But in 2014, 43 reservists, including several officers, sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, informing him they would no longer serve in its ranks due to its involvement in the political persecution of Palestinians.

This consisted of using big data to compile dossiers on huge numbers of the indigenous domestic population, including their medical history, sex lives, and search histories, in order that it could be used for extortion later. If a certain individual needed to travel across checkpoints for crucial medical treatment, permission could be suspended until they complied. Information, such as if a person was cheating on their spouse or was homosexual, is also used as bait for blackmail. One former Unit 8200 man said that as part of his training, he was assigned to memorize different Arabic words for “gay” so that he could listen out fr them in conversations.



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f6bad1 No.102538

File: 58c7572a6340a55⋯.jpeg (398.35 KB,1125x1433,1125:1433,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c928334457cb374⋯.jpeg (903.19 KB,1125x1006,1125:1006,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808809 (262339ZOCT23) Notable: gun control fear pron push, all common sense eyesroll.png

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f6bad1 No.102539

File: ccf5d7eea0e76f4⋯.jpg (112.64 KB,448x442,224:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8af5d0f8d4fa7ac⋯.jpg (774.51 KB,1643x1015,1643:1015,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5deafedbc78accf⋯.jpg (704.04 KB,1609x1072,1609:1072,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808832 (262342ZOCT23) Notable: gun control fear pron push, all common sense eyesroll.png

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to even suggest that America be disarmed is a threat and surely a form of treason

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f6bad1 No.102540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808840 (262344ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon and Navarro on Hamas' Gaza Terror Tunnels

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Bannon and Navarro on Hamas' Gaza Terror Tunnels

Navarro draws a stunning historical parallel between Vietnam's tunnels of Cu Chi which led to America's first defeat in war and the terror tunnels of the Gaza Strip which Israel MUST destroy if it is to have security and peace. Don't miss it!


Oct 26, 2023 21:38


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f6bad1 No.102541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808861 (262347ZOCT23) Notable: Special counsel urges judge to crack down further on Trump’s comments

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They are ramping up their efforts to gag POTUS by saying he is putting people's lives at risk with his comments about his persecution.

This tells me a FF is incoming in which they will directly blame POTUS and try to jail him.

Special counsel urges judge to crack down further on Trump’s comments

Special counsel Jack Smith argued in new court filings Wednesday that recent comments by Donald Trump show not only that a federal gag order should be reimposed, but also that the court should weigh stricter sanctions, including sending him to jail, if he keeps talking about witnesses in his case.


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f6bad1 No.102542

File: c7aa37ee15c20b8⋯.gif (992.42 KB,335x168,335:168,Clipboard.gif)

File: e8fb88c8e7946e9⋯.jpeg (193.52 KB,828x879,276:293,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8b56185fb072b7a⋯.jpeg (193.94 KB,828x1132,207:283,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808908 (262353ZOCT23) Notable: New York Federal Reserve/weekly Currency Swap Operation:$246.2m Oct 26th, 2024

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New York Federal Reserve/weekly Currency Swap Operation:$246.2m Oct 26th, 2024

$241.2m to ECB, $5m to BoE. This pretty standard. You’ll see some ones in the billions to Swiss National Bank soon if YE trends hold.

Cap 3 is how you set it up to see what they’ve done and with who YTD-too big to fit in here and reflects the 11 counterparties it has agreements. You can set the specific central bank in the link provided and select all of them-if you like. EU has been in $200m range all this year and around $100m each week last year. They save the big ones for the Swiss National Bank-effectively bailing out Credit Suisse via Franc/US Dollar swaps and facilitated the UBS “buyout”

That $20b q3/4 last year vaporized into black hole of UBS. Because any “sale” needs to stay in the same country ftmp


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f6bad1 No.102543

File: 94311150a9c87d3⋯.png (711.01 KB,634x426,317:213,Clipboard.png)

File: bd36d2b3d09efe6⋯.png (430.65 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: e88e89d3905a24a⋯.png (499.25 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808910 (262353ZOCT23) Notable: Bronze Robert E Lee statue that sparked Charlottesville's Unite The Right rally is SECRETLY melted down by city's black history museum

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bronze Robert E Lee statue that sparked Charlottesville's Unite The Right rally is SECRETLY melted down by city's black history museum: Owner says: 'They can't put Humpty Dumpty back together again'

The statue of Confederate General Robert E Lee which sparked the Unite the Right rally has been melted down after being removed two years ago

Charlottesville city council called an emergency meeting on twenty minutes notice and voted to have the statue removed in 2021

Following its removal, the statue has since been secretly melted down at a foundry, with its owner saying it was 'an honor'

PUBLISHED: 18:52 EDT, 26 October 2023


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f6bad1 No.102544

File: 1a7424ef75360c1⋯.png (1.46 MB,1440x810,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808934 (262356ZOCT23) Notable: Larry Elder suspends campaign and endorses Donald Trump

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Larry Elder suspends campaign and endorses Donald Trump

Simon Ateba

BREAKING: GOP Presidential candidate Larry Elder (@larryelder) has just suspended his campaign and immediately endorsed former President Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump).

"Throughout my campaign, I have been steadfast in my belief that the biggest issues facing our nation are the crisis of fatherlessness, the dangerous lie that America is systemically racist, the need for an amendment to the constitution to set federal spending to a fixed percentage of the GDP — otherwise government gets bigger whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge, and the need to remove the Soros-backed DAs across the country who refuse to enforce the law," he said in a statement.

7:52 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102545

File: 37551dd31e4367b⋯.png (2.22 MB,1552x1552,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19808982 (270001ZOCT23) Notable: Join me for a Tele-Townhall this evening at 6 PM MT to hear why I put the D.C. Cartel on notice!

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Call in now

Matt Rosendale

Join me for a Tele-Townhall this evening at 6 PM MT tohear why I put the D.C. Cartel on notice!

📞 (833) 946-1528

11:08 AM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102546

File: 8b6b3f45f7bc1d1⋯.jpg (330.51 KB,1278x1158,213:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809033 (270009ZOCT23) Notable: @LesterHoltNBC & @kwelkernbc will moderate the Republican presidential primary debate in Miami on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. ET

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@LesterHoltNBC & @kwelkernbc

will moderate the Republican presidential primary debate in Miami on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. ET. They will be joined by Salem Radio Network’s @hughhewitt.


the RNC will never learn...

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f6bad1 No.102547

File: eba567a646cc263⋯.png (29.46 KB,903x140,129:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809053 (270013ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher: Nuremberg Principals Address's the "I was just following orders" Line of Defense

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Nuremberg Principals Address's the "I was just following orders" Line of Defense

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f6bad1 No.102548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809061 (270015ZOCT23) Notable: Bronze Robert E Lee statue that sparked Charlottesville's Unite The Right rally is SECRETLY melted down by city's black history museum

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The Washington Post

Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace.

The divisive Confederate monument, the focus of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017, was secretly melted down and will become a new piece of public art.

More on the process: https://wapo.st/3s6HsFm

4:01 PM · Oct 26, 2023·3.9M Views 0:13


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f6bad1 No.102549

File: c1e75c11633651a⋯.png (408.42 KB,803x892,803:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809084 (270017ZOCT23) Notable: Bronze Robert E Lee statue that sparked Charlottesville's Unite The Right rally is SECRETLY melted down by city's black history museum

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>The Washington Post

>Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end,

The statue’s defenders more recently sought to block the city from handing over Lee to the Charlottesville’s Black history museum, which had proposed a plan to repurpose the metal. In a lawsuit, those plaintiffs suggested the monument should remain intact or be turned into Civil War cannons.

But on Saturday the museum went ahead with its plan in secret at this small Southern foundry, in a town and state The Washington Post agreed not to name because of participants’ fears of violence.

4:07 PM · Oct 26, 2023·465.1K Views 0:07


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f6bad1 No.102550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809112 (270022ZOCT23) Notable: RFKjr drinkin the koolaide

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Hanging out with my old friend Louis Gossett Jr.

Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102551

File: a13e83c5674e07c⋯.png (169.81 KB,577x795,577:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809130 (270025ZOCT23) Notable: Card still on run?

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So if this guy is not a patsy and really did do the shootings, anyone complaining about FBI would be seen as supporting him if they question this bullshit. Nice way to train people to accept Filthy Bureau of Investigation raids ....Made for TV drama unfolding in front of our eyes. Heinous acts making people look the other way at heavy handed force. What about that Coast Guard search an hour away? RAID RAID RAID until people get used to it for their own good


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f6bad1 No.102552

File: ef822e44d75e44f⋯.png (2.59 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809145 (270027ZOCT23) Notable: ICYMI: Google: 12,000 cubicle stuffers fired in one year.

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Google lays off dozens in its news division in latest round of cuts: report

>"Dozens of workers in Google’s news division received word this week that they were losing their jobs as the company continues to downsize in a time of economic uncertainty, according to a report.

Between 40 and 45 employees at Google News were laid off, a spokesperson for the Alphabet Workers Union told CNBC.

The Alphabet-owned search engine has also slashed headcount at Verily, the health care analytics subsidiary, as well as Waymo, the robotaxi unit, according to the Information.

It is unclear how many people were fired from Verily and Waymo."


They must learn to roll coal. 12,000 cubicle stuffers fired in one year.


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f6bad1 No.102553

File: 901b2a3eee5654d⋯.png (1.21 MB,1004x1099,1004:1099,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809174 (270030ZOCT23) Notable: Texas Tech University is calling for the immediate evacuation of Holden Hall and surrounding area in Lubbock, Texas.

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🚨BREAKING: Texas Tech University is calling for the immediate evacuation of Holden Hall and surrounding area in Lubbock, Texas.

Reason is unknown at the moment.



8:21 PM · Oct 26, 2023 ·28.4K Views


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f6bad1 No.102554

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809288 (270050ZOCT23) Notable: Stern: “The Spirit Of the Tea Party” Made Johnson Speaker, Putting True Conservative Into Leadership

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I don’t like the beginning of this video, Mike Johnson is a savior in the vein of Jesus’s second comingi think its too early to see what will happen. Tell me your response anons, “fool me once” is happening again.

Stern: “The Spirit Of the Tea Party” Made Johnson Speaker, Putting True Conservative Into Leadership



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f6bad1 No.102555

File: 94db3efb4c8c95c⋯.png (140.78 KB,943x366,943:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809306 (270052ZOCT23) Notable: This is all you need to celebrate@SpeakerJohnson

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James Woods·8h

This is all you need to celebrate@SpeakerJohnson


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f6bad1 No.102556

File: 49c50311016277e⋯.png (268.93 KB,551x461,551:461,Clipboard.png)

File: bad29666d0e4246⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809402 (270106ZOCT23) Notable: Chair of House Ways and Means says Matt Gaetz “is a foolish liar.” Gaetz then responds by outing Jason Smith as a closeted gay man.

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Ron Filipkowski


Chair of House Ways and Means says Matt Gaetz “is a foolish liar.” Gaetz then responds by outing Jason Smith as a closeted gay man.

7:22 PM · Oct 26, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809427 (270108ZOCT23) Notable: #24322

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#24322 >>102529

>>102530, >>102532, >>102534, >>102551 Card still on run?

>>102531 Tucker on X Ep. 34 Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government...

>>102533 @CBS_Herridge Statement from George Terwilliger, lawyer for former Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows, “Stories claiming to have knowledge of a “deal,”...

>>102535 @CBS_Herridge @GOPoversight letter to White House for records/IRS filings confirming $200,000 check was repaid, “no records in the Committee’s possession state that Joe Biden made a large loan payment to his brother…

>>102536 Money-Market Fund Inflows Resume As Bank Bailout Fund Hits New Record High

>>102537 Former Israeli Spies Working For Big Tech

>>102538, >>102539 gun control fear pron push, all common sense eyesroll.png

>>102540 Bannon and Navarro on Hamas' Gaza Terror Tunnels

>>102541 Special counsel urges judge to crack down further on Trump’s comments

>>102542 New York Federal Reserve/weekly Currency Swap Operation:$246.2m Oct 26th, 2024

>>102543, >>102548, >>102549 Bronze Robert E Lee statue that sparked Charlottesville's Unite The Right rally is SECRETLY melted down by city's black history museum

>>102544 Larry Elder suspends campaign and endorses Donald Trump

>>102545 Join me for a Tele-Townhall this evening at 6 PM MT to hear why I put the D.C. Cartel on notice!

>>102546 @LesterHoltNBC & @kwelkernbc will moderate the Republican presidential primary debate in Miami on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. ET

>>102547 Refresher: Nuremberg Principals Address's the "I was just following orders" Line of Defense

>>102550 RFKjr drinkin the koolaide

>>102552 ICYMI: Google: 12,000 cubicle stuffers fired in one year.

>>102553 Texas Tech University is calling for the immediate evacuation of Holden Hall and surrounding area in Lubbock, Texas.

>>102554 Stern: “The Spirit Of the Tea Party” Made Johnson Speaker, Putting True Conservative Into Leadership

>>102555 This is all you need to celebrate@SpeakerJohnson

>>102556 Chair of House Ways and Means says Matt Gaetz “is a foolish liar.” Gaetz then responds by outing Jason Smith as a closeted gay man.


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f6bad1 No.102558

File: 75e2334048664c3⋯.jpg (216.6 KB,928x956,232:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 901b2a3eee5654d⋯.png (1.21 MB,1004x1099,1004:1099,Clipboard.png)

File: 312cdd0b82bc7e3⋯.jpg (332.87 KB,930x817,930:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809448 (270111ZOCT23) Notable: #24323

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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f6bad1 No.102559

File: f8643e81c03691a⋯.jpeg (113.44 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 77ee23e2f1747d5⋯.jpeg (48.63 KB,900x477,100:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809548 (270122ZOCT23) Notable: China's former Premier Li Keqiang dies at 68

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China's former Premier Li Keqiang dies at 68

China's former Premier Li Keqiang died of a heart attack in the early hours of Friday, according to state media. He was 68.

Li suffered heart failure in Shanghai on Thursday evening and passed away just after midnight, CCTV reported.

He had served as premier for a decade, from 2013 until his retirement this year. As a trained economist and the No. 2 official in the Chinese Communist Party, Li helped steer the world's second-largest economy over that span, alongside President Xi Jinping. Li was born in July 1955 in the eastern province of Anhui. He was the son of a local official.

A year ago, in October 2022, he stepped down from the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee. He took his final bow as premier in March.


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f6bad1 No.102560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809583 (270126ZOCT23) Notable: c-span happenings from this evening

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6:3 PM

Rep. Taylor Greene Resolution Censuring Rep. Tlaib (D-MI)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) offered a resolution to censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).


6:45 PM

Rep. Balint Offers Resolution Censuring Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT) offered a resolution to censure Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).


6:57 PM

Rep. Anthony D'Esposito On Expulsion of Rep. George Santos

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) called for the expulsion of Representative George Santos (R-NY).


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f6bad1 No.102561

File: ebaf17b359fd8fc⋯.png (882.03 KB,1913x940,1913:940,Clipboard.png)

File: acfc29f3ab18229⋯.png (25.35 KB,542x321,542:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 78c0a258ccaa685⋯.png (21.43 KB,546x333,182:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809585 (270126ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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SAM246 & 215 are up

Full moon Coming

Hunter Moon.

Q215 Focus on his wife

Q246 Underground massive data center

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f6bad1 No.102562

File: ede9224154caf33⋯.png (1.24 MB,1898x927,1898:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809642 (270135ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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LUND62 E6 up and out of Tinker AFB heading west.

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f6bad1 No.102563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809773 (270157ZOCT23) Notable: Anthony Fauci To Receive 'Ethics Prize' For 'Saving Millions Of Lives'

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Now they mock us as they lead us into oblivion

Anthony Fauci To Receive Prestigious 'Ethics Prize' For 'Saving Millions Of Lives'

The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University will award Dr. Anthony Fauci with its Inamori Ethics Prize, an annual honor given to international leaders "whose actions and influence have greatly improved the condition of humankind."

No, this is not a Babylon Bee article. This is really happening. Anthony Fauci, who is unparalleled as the most destructive government bureaucrat in American history, is being awarded with an ethics prize.


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f6bad1 No.102564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809814 (270205ZOCT23) Notable: US will ‘not be spared’ if Israel-Hamas war escalates – Iran

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US will ‘not be spared’ if Israel-Hamas war escalates – Iran

Iran’s foreign minister has accused the US of “managing the genocide in Palestine”

The US will “not be spared from this fire” if Israel’s “genocide” against the Palestinian people continues, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told the UN General Assembly in New York on Thursday.

“I say frankly to the American statesmen and military forces who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome the expansion of the war in this region,” Amir-Abdollahian said in his address.

“But I warn [that] if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire,” he continued. “This is our home and West Asia is our region. We do not compromise with any party and any side and have no reservations when it comes to our home’s security.”

US President Joe Biden has pledged that Washington will “stand forever” with Israel, and is currently pushing Congress to authorize a $14 billion package of military aid for the Jewish state. Meanwhile, the US has positioned two aircraft carrier groups and other naval assets, a squadron of F-16 fighter jets, air defense systems, and 900 troops to the Middle East since Hamas militants launched their surprise attack on Israel on October 7.

Biden and his officials have declared that these deployments are intended to dissuade Iran from getting involved in the conflict, either directly or by instructing Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. Tehran, however, has argued that Washington’s full-throated backing of West Jerusalem makes escalation more likely.

“It’s a great shame that the American president announced that the US would dispatch hundreds of planes, ships and trucks filled with military equipment to the occupied territories to support the mass murder that Israel is committing in Gaza but has managed to coordinate plans for only 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid to enter the besieged enclave,” Amir-Abdollahian said on Sunday.

“If the US and the Israeli regime do not stop their crimes against humanity immediately, there will be a possibility of anything at any moment and the region may spin out of control,” he added.

Speaking to Al Jazeera last week, Amir-Abdollahian cautioned that an Israeli ground operation in Gaza – which the Israeli military has been preparing to launch for weeks – would result in “many other fronts being opened.”


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f6bad1 No.102565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809819 (270206ZOCT23) Notable: Soon as we got a Speaker, we all started bombing again!

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US conducts airstrikes in Syria per fox!

What are we doing? I said PEACE, PEACE, PEACE!

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f6bad1 No.102566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809832 (270207ZOCT23) Notable: Soon as we got a Speaker, we all started bombing again!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pakis shelling Indians

Russians taking Ukraine

Israel bombing Palestine

American airstikes in Syria

looks like a happy world to me

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f6bad1 No.102567

File: daad8a4d7c2e4d2⋯.png (360.01 KB,558x431,558:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809842 (270209ZOCT23) Notable: Homeland Security and IRS Raid and Shutdown Supermarket Owned by Sacramento City Council Member

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Homeland Security and IRS Raid and Shutdown Supermarket Owned by Sacramento City Council Member

Federal agencies on Thursday closed down Viva Supermarkets, a chain of grocery stores owned by Sacramento City Councilman Sean Loloee.

Loloee has been under scrutiny by federal prosecutors since 2009 for alleged violations of federal labor laws.

Homeland Security Investigations and the IRS Criminal Investigation unit raided four Viva supermarkets across Sacramento County. Agents were seen removing electronic devices and boxes from the premises, the Sacramento Bee reported.

John A. Pearl, a spokesman for the IRS, confirmed that Homeland Security Investigations and the IRS criminal investigations conducted an “authorized criminal enforcement activity” at Viva Supermarket locations. Pearl was tight-lipped about the details, citing the need to “protect all parties involved, including the agents and subjects of the investigation.”

The Sacramento Bee reported that Loloee had been scrutinized three times by federal prosecutors since 2009. The investigators have alleged that he violated federal minimum wage, overtime compensation, record-keeping, and child labor laws. Even a follow-up investigation in 2020 found that he allegedly violated these laws again. The third investigation went further to allege that Loloee coerced his employees into compliance.

Loloee was noticeably unavailable for comment following the raid. His office clarified that the issue at hand is related to the councilman’s personal businesses and is not connected to his work at City Hall.


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f6bad1 No.102568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809847 (270210ZOCT23) Notable: The United States is now home to 88 privately held, Israeli-founded companies that have reached or surpassed a $1 billion valuation

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The United States is now home to 88 privately held, Israeli-founded companies that have reached or surpassed a $1 billion valuation, according to the United States – Israel Business Alliance. The number has gone up from 80 a year ago.


How many unicorn companies fail?

99.9% of unicorn startups fail

Companies become a “unicorn” once they reach a valuation of over $1 billion, without going public on the stock market. Only 0.00006 of startups reach unicorn status.


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f6bad1 No.102569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809855 (270211ZOCT23) Notable: Soon as we got a Speaker, we all started bombing again!

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Soon as we get a Speaker, we start bombing.

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f6bad1 No.102570

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809861 (270212ZOCT23) Notable: Harnwell: First EU Country To Break Ranks On Ukraine — Seeks “Immediate Halt To Military Operations”

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Harnwell: First EU Country To Break Ranks On Ukraine — Seeks “Immediate Halt To Military Operations”

Slovakia may be a smaller EU country, but its new prime minister Robert Fico looks determined it should hit well above its weight. (The new leadership promised this before the election, they weren’t popular with government but the people loved it, and they won.)

Fico campaigned on the slogan “Not a single round” for Ukraine — and if the success of that election-winning message wasn’t a punch in the face to EU Politburo chief Ursula von der Leyen — Fico’s clear intention to push that campaign promise into action certainly is.

Slovakia is the first country to brake ranks — and it won’t be the last. Zelensky has now lost his moment to negotiate with Putin.He should instead urgently plan where he will flee to.



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f6bad1 No.102571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809878 (270214ZOCT23) Notable: Soon as we got a Speaker, we all started bombing again!

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BREAKING: The U.S. has carried out multiple air strikes against Iranian proxies in Syria.

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f6bad1 No.102572

File: b86e0bb65b9797b⋯.png (457.21 KB,783x530,783:530,Clipboard.png)

File: c054ae83bd5a7f0⋯.png (597.34 KB,789x530,789:530,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b52a81ce6dc9f9⋯.png (37.78 KB,651x102,217:34,Clipboard.png)

File: cddc555736b50d5⋯.png (99.41 KB,185x619,185:619,Clipboard.png)

File: b5e075666170d3b⋯.png (28.98 KB,671x104,671:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809952 (270223ZOCT23) Notable: Call to DIG Aaron Mishler (D) Elkhart, Indiana

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Call to DIG

Aaron Mishler (D) Elkhart, Indiana

National Guard Nurse

DOD/BIO Ebola and Ukraine

connected to known pantifa member Tonna Robinson of Elkhart/South Bend, IN

says he has been receiving threats and antisemitic comments - taking steps to protect his [crimes] family and pantifa




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f6bad1 No.102573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19809964 (270224ZOCT23) Notable: #24323

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#24323 >>102558

>>102559 China's former Premier Li Keqiang dies at 68

>>102560 c-span happenings from this evening

>>102561, >>102562 PF Reports

>>102563 Anthony Fauci To Receive 'Ethics Prize' For 'Saving Millions Of Lives'

>>102564 US will ‘not be spared’ if Israel-Hamas war escalates – Iran

>>102565, >>102569, >>102571, >>102566 Soon as we got a Speaker, we all started bombing again!

>>102567 Homeland Security and IRS Raid and Shutdown Supermarket Owned by Sacramento City Council Member

>>102568 The United States is now home to 88 privately held, Israeli-founded companies that have reached or surpassed a $1 billion valuation

>>102570 Harnwell: First EU Country To Break Ranks On Ukraine — Seeks “Immediate Halt To Military Operations”

>>102572 Call to DIG Aaron Mishler (D) Elkhart, Indiana


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f6bad1 No.102574

File: 80fdd85f752ed5d⋯.png (520.27 KB,779x518,779:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cb373349211dcb⋯.png (134.8 KB,342x248,171:124,Clipboard.png)

File: a4971b8438c4da0⋯.png (36.02 KB,675x216,25:8,Clipboard.png)

File: ccc18b24919ffc7⋯.png (176.79 KB,987x566,987:566,Clipboard.png)

File: 22fbe591b98b186⋯.png (59.42 KB,749x305,749:305,Clipboard.png)

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f6bad1 No.102575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810086 (270245ZOCT23) Notable: US strikes Iran-linked sites in Syria in retaliation for attacks on US troops

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US strikes Iran-linked sites in Syria in retaliation for attacks on US troops

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military launched airstrikes early Friday on two locations in eastern Syria linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Pentagon said, in retaliation for a slew of drone and missile attacks against U.S. bases and personnel in the region that began early last week.

The U.S. strikes reflect the Biden administration’s determination to maintain a delicate balance. The U.S. wants to hit Iranian-backed groups suspected of targeting the U.S. as strongly as possible to deter future aggression, possibly fueled by Israel’s war against Hamas, while also working to avoid inflaming the region and provoking a wider conflict.

Information about the specific targets and other details were not yet provided.

According to the Pentagon, there have been at least 12 attacks on U.S. bases and personnel in Iraq and four in Syria since Oct. 17. Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said 21 U.S. personnel were injured in two of those assaults that used drones to target al-Asad Airbase in Iraq and al-Tanf Garrison in Syria.

In a statement, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the “precision self-defense strikes are a response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17.”

He said President Joe Biden directed the narrowly tailored strikes “to make clear that the United States will not tolerate such attacks and will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests.” And he added that the operation was separate and distinct from Israel’s war against Hamasa.

Austin said the U.S. does not seek a broader conflict, but if Iranian proxy groups continue, the U.S. won’t hesitate to take additional action to protect its forces.

According to the Pentagon, all the U.S. personnel hurt in the militant attacks received minor injuries and all returned to duty. In addition, a contractor suffered a cardiac arrest and died while seeking shelter from a possible drone attack.


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f6bad1 No.102576

File: 59c7d3c91c417ab⋯.png (539.16 KB,756x1359,84:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 79e7b7f239c48e4⋯.png (31.7 KB,593x243,593:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810166 (270257ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Uranium one / lb

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>Patriots are in control.

WWIII? Eeek.

United States just dropped air strikes on Iranian forces in Syria. We are officially now in WWIII.

Oct 26, 2023, 8:59 PM


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f6bad1 No.102577

File: f4568a583e4f8fd⋯.png (126.83 KB,404x532,101:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 7006dbeaba3eabf⋯.mp4 (985.11 KB,320x584,40:73,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810187 (270300ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas' missiles overloaded the Iron Dome air defense system in Tel Aviv, hitting ground targets.

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Hamas' missiles overloaded the Iron Dome air defense system in Tel Aviv, hitting ground targets.

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f6bad1 No.102578

File: 3d8d9c10bb763fd⋯.jpg (511.59 KB,1862x1864,931:932,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9dae7e5e66b953f⋯.jpg (556.24 KB,1862x2032,931:1016,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45aa358dd487852⋯.jpg (920 KB,1856x2930,928:1465,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 180c8bac94c84cd⋯.jpg (584.83 KB,1824x2984,228:373,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 04feb7de46732e2⋯.jpg (453.8 KB,1838x1817,1838:1817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810223 (270304ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Uranium one / pb

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They did it cause of Mike Johnson

Now they got the money

Money released.

And Hillary,Biden,Mueller,Comey sold 'em the Uranium.

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f6bad1 No.102579

File: 3667ee5588d5be8⋯.jpg (549.12 KB,1862x1934,931:967,Clipboard.jpg)

File: afa7502cbdf8fcb⋯.jpg (664.66 KB,1862x1936,931:968,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c2a175d6e4a521⋯.jpg (490.75 KB,1862x1976,49:52,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 112f9637ff57589⋯.jpg (155.33 KB,800x603,800:603,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e44049930d517f5⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,800x1236,200:309,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810246 (270307ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Uranium one / pb

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f6bad1 No.102580

File: 88551e88afa371d⋯.jpg (79.16 KB,1080x1919,1080:1919,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810285 (270318ZOCT23) Notable: #24324

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f6bad1 No.102581

File: a9ef642b3d300e6⋯.jpg (170.75 KB,750x755,150:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c8a90ba82825dd⋯.png (480.24 KB,1217x779,1217:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c233c4e1a824e8⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1862x5866,133:419,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6261a740f5fce6f⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1838x4809,1838:4809,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f447c39b833fce1⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1862x5842,931:2921,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810303 (270323ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Uranium one

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>>102576 lb


bun on Uranium one

>>102579 pb

>>102578 pb

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f6bad1 No.102582

File: 21aaecb1775bf44⋯.png (90.79 KB,2012x558,1006:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 83ed99e2089cc54⋯.png (1.24 MB,742x1096,371:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810304 (270324ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder from 2018: Michael Cohen with his arm in a sling on a day President Trump and his team once again branded him a liar.

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Longtime Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen returned to his Manhattan apartment Friday after getting medical treatment – with his arm appearing to be in a sling on a day President Trump and his team once again branded him a liar.

Cohen advisor Lanny Davis said Cohen had gone into the hospital for pre-scheduled shoulder surgery.

Cohen could be seen with his left arm covered, hanging in a sling. He was holding a full-size white pillow against his body. His right hand had a small bandage of the kind used to cover a small wound by an IV.

Consequences CD Series + Kingdom Values Book

He also wore a red identification bracelet of the kind distributed by hospitals.

Cohen got medical attention on a day when the longtime former fixer was once again a top topic on the news – this time following a bombshell report claiming the president directed him to lie in his testimony to Congress about a Trump Organization tower deal in Moscow that continued through the summer of 2016.

The report, if true, would constitute subornation of perjury – a felony crime. Obstruction of justice was the first order of impeachment against President Richard Nixon.

But Trump blasted his former lawyer and fixer Cohen on Friday as a liar who was ‘trying to reduce his jail time’ when he reportedly told Special Counsel Robert Mueller that a scheme to build a Trump Tower project in Moscow extended through the 2016 Republican National Convention and into the months before Trump became president-elect.


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f6bad1 No.102583

File: 97937366dae5e1c⋯.png (29.2 KB,610x356,305:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 810f892f7168544⋯.png (65.4 KB,599x393,599:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810339 (270333ZOCT23) Notable: Papadopolous: Iran’s goal right now, as it has been over the past decade, is not to provoke outright war with the US but to sow uncertainty and instability.

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George Papadopoulos @GeorgePapadopoulos

🚨 Iran’s goal right now, as it has been over the past decade, is not to provoke outright war with the US but to sow uncertainty and instability. The proxy attacks fit into that strategy.

Regional turmoil also means more cash for Iran. Oil is up over $5 a barrel since the Hamas attacks began. They are back up to producing over 3 million barrels a day!

Biden willfully fell into the trap. He has now put our troops in danger while filling Iran’s coffers.

Oct 26, 2023, 10:03 PM


10:15 PM · Oct 26, 2023 · 24.8K Views


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f6bad1 No.102584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810343 (270334ZOCT23) Notable: Is the Iron Dome a fraud?

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The Iron Dome is a fraud, it is a fireworks show and the "rockets" Are preprogramed to blow up. It never goes off during the daytime, the ones that "miss and fall harmlessly" are out of range supposedly. Come On Anons Pray for the safety of the innocents. I like an Underdog fight GO PALESTINEThere are rumblings that the Contracts of all these countries are up atthe end of the month, Israel specifically that is why it is saved for last. NO CONTRACT They need to move now. They kicked the shit out of Gaza for two weeks , no food or water, blowing up entire buildings, and there was NO WAY they couldn't tell it was happening. Nasty Nasty people. WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP, VIDEO RELATED




Hamas' missiles overloaded the Iron Dome air defense system in Tel Aviv, hitting ground targets.

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f6bad1 No.102585

File: 5284b9b2acc0529⋯.png (1.07 MB,1350x902,675:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810384 (270341ZOCT23) Notable: PF Lockheed boi working overtime over Israel

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f6bad1 No.102586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810419 (270350ZOCT23) Notable: Anons opine: WW1 & WW2 created Israel, what's the death count?

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>So you want israel wiped off the map cause they are wiping arabs off the map.

They shouldn't be there in the first place. Israel has an Army supposedly one of the best. Palestine has not so much. Israel is just being their typical Greedy selves trying to get the oceanfront property and supposed gas reserves, They should get the gas alright.

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f6bad1 No.102587

File: 58cabb3498fdc4f⋯.jpg (88.65 KB,549x558,61:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810427 (270352ZOCT23) Notable: Anons opine: WW1 & WW2 created Israel, what's the death count?

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>shouldn't be there in the first place

it's the history of WW1 & WW2 that are key

both those wars were set up at least partially to create israel

how many millions of good people were slaughtered

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f6bad1 No.102588


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The latest news about a lawsuit seeking to remove a Republican Presidential candidate from the ballot. The lawsuit was filed by several Minnesota voters led by former Secretary of State Joan Growe.

They are represented by Free Speech for People, a group that claims to be a "nonpartisan legal advocacy organization.” Specifically, the group is petitioning the Minnesota Supreme Court to prohibit Steve Simon from "including Donald J. Trump as a candidate on the ballot for the 2024 presidential nomination primary election or the general election for the office of the President of the United States.”

According to Minnesota statute, only the chairs of Major Political Parties (the GOP and the DFL) can decide which candidates are on the presidential primary ballot, and the deadline to submit that list is 63 days before the primary (January 2, 2024). Minnesota law clearly states that “[t]he chair of each participating party must submit to the secretary of state the names of the candidates to appear on the ballot for that party.”

The law also states that after a nominee is chosen by voters in the primary, “The secretary of state shall certify the names of all duly nominated presidential and vice presidential candidates to the county auditors of the counties and the state.” Furthermore, in a previous case, the Court held that “[t]he road for any candidates’ access to the ballot for Minnesota’s presidential nomination primary runs only through the participating political parties, who alone determine which candidates will be on the party’s ballot.”

It could not be more clear: there is nothing in Minnesota law that gives the secretary of state the right to remove a candidate from the ballot, and it is unacceptable to take that right from the major parties and give it to the secretary of state. It is also unacceptable for the secretary of state to intervene to this degree in Republican Party business.

A few weeks ago, the Minnesota Supreme Court disallowed the Trump Campaign from formally intervening in this case because they wanted Donald Trump to personally answer. Instead, the Court is allowing the MN GOP to formally intervene, and at this point in time, we are the only party formally involved in defending our right to determine who is on the ballot. Right now, our team is busy preparing for oral arguments which start on November 2nd.





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f6bad1 No.102589

File: 79f05826db96ecc⋯.jpg (91.41 KB,605x604,605:604,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810641 (270429ZOCT23) Notable: Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

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GARY, please you're my last hope



>anon taught you that word!

Let me teach you about this pipe wrench.


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f6bad1 No.102590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810708 (270438ZOCT23) Notable: Why Israel Must Invade Gaza, Lessons From Vietnam

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>>102540 lb

Why Israel Must Invade Gaza, Lessons From Vietnam


300 miles of tunnels under Gaza.

They should pump them full of explosive gas and kaboom. Propane comes to mind, it's heavier than air and won't rise out.

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f6bad1 No.102591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810748 (270442ZOCT23) Notable: The latest news about a lawsuit seeking to remove Donald Trump from the ballot

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The latest news about a lawsuit seeking to remove a Republican Presidential candidate from the ballot. The lawsuit was filed by several Minnesota voters led by former Secretary of State Joan Growe.

They are represented by Free Speech for People, a group that claims to be a "nonpartisan legal advocacy organization.” Specifically, the group is petitioning the Minnesota Supreme Court to prohibit Steve Simon from "including Donald J. Trump as a candidate on the ballot for the 2024 presidential nomination primary election or the general election for the office of the President of the United States.”

According to Minnesota statute, only the chairs of Major Political Parties (the GOP and the DFL) can decide which candidates are on the presidential primary ballot, and the deadline to submit that list is 63 days before the primary (January 2, 2024). Minnesota law clearly states that “[t]he chair of each participating party must submit to the secretary of state the names of the candidates to appear on the ballot for that party.”

The law also states that after a nominee is chosen by voters in the primary, “The secretary of state shall certify the names of all duly nominated presidential and vice presidential candidates to the county auditors of the counties and the state.” Furthermore, in a previous case, the Court held that “[t]he road for any candidates’ access to the ballot for Minnesota’s presidential nomination primary runs only through the participating political parties, who alone determine which candidates will be on the party’s ballot.”

It could not be more clear: there is nothing in Minnesota law that gives the secretary of state the right to remove a candidate from the ballot, and it is unacceptable to take that right from the major parties and give it to the secretary of state. It is also unacceptable for the secretary of state to intervene to this degree in Republican Party business.

A few weeks ago, the Minnesota Supreme Court disallowed the Trump Campaign from formally intervening in this case because they wanted Donald Trump to personally answer. Instead, the Court is allowing the MN GOP to formally intervene, and at this point in time, we are the only party formally involved in defending our right to determine who is on the ballot. Right now, our team is busy preparing for oral arguments which start on November 2nd.




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f6bad1 No.102592

File: c144346b0fc39e9⋯.png (64.23 KB,805x779,805:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810750 (270442ZOCT23) Notable: Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Statement on U.S. Military Strikes in Eastern Syria

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Statement on U.S. Military Strikes in Eastern Syria


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f6bad1 No.102593

File: e35ed410096e540⋯.png (219.48 KB,600x552,25:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810849 (270509ZOCT23) Notable: NASA is preparing for its next mission: flying through the atmosphere of one of Saturn's moons

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ABC News



NASA is preparing for its next mission: flying through the atmosphere of one of Saturn's moons.



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f6bad1 No.102594

File: 88b0a2cb3f28896⋯.png (123.63 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

File: b59c4544f272229⋯.png (310.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810909 (270528ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump's redesigned Air Force One livery makes its public debut at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.

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Anons seen this? It's basically the reverse paint job of Trump Force One.

Donald Trump's redesigned Air Force One livery makes its public debut at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.


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f6bad1 No.102595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810917 (270530ZOCT23) Notable: US Warplanes Conduct Major Strikes On 'Iranian Proxies' In Syria

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US Warplanes Conduct Major Strikes On 'Iranian Proxies' In Syria

Update(22:25ET): In the overnight and early morning hours in Syria (local time), US forces carried out airstrikes on what it said are Iran-linked militants and installations in eastern Syria. Multiple targets have been hit.

According to a statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, "Today, at President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups." The attacks were reportedly done by US warplanes, likely operating out of either the Gulf or Mediterranean areas where new US naval assets have recently been positioned, keeping a watch on fast moving events in Gaza. Fox issued the following breaking detail:

F-16s and F-15s were used to strike targets in Syria earlier tonight in retaliation for the attacks on US troops in the region.


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f6bad1 No.102596

File: d1209c21955387f⋯.png (72.44 KB,600x606,100:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19810947 (270539ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Maidan massacre trial finds that former Ukrainian President Yanukovych didn’t order snipers to shoot protesters

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Kim Dotcom



BREAKING: Maidan massacre trial finds that former Ukrainian President Yanukovych didn’t order snipers to shoot protesters. The US coup d'état in Ukraine was made possible by CIA funded Ukrainian Nazis who killed their own people and blamed Yanukovych. The US Govt wrecked Ukraine.


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f6bad1 No.102597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811066 (270612ZOCT23) Notable: #24324

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#24324 >>102580

>>102585 PF Lockheed boi working overtime over Israel

>>102581 Bun on Uranium one

>>102582 Reminder from 2018: Michael Cohen with his arm in a sling on a day President Trump and his team once again branded him a liar.

>>102586, >>102587 Anons opine: WW1 & WW2 created Israel, what's the death count?


>>102592 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Statement on U.S. Military Strikes in Eastern Syria

baker change - tx noter

>>102583 Papadopolous: Iran’s goal right now, as it has been over the past decade, is not to provoke outright war with the US but to sow uncertainty and instability.

>>102584 Is the Iron Dome a fraud?

>>102590 Why Israel Must Invade Gaza, Lessons From Vietnam

>>102591 The latest news about a lawsuit seeking to remove Donald Trump from the ballot

>>102592 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Statement on U.S. Military Strikes in Eastern Syria

>>102593 NASA is preparing for its next mission: flying through the atmosphere of one of Saturn's moons

>>102594 Donald Trump's redesigned Air Force One livery makes its public debut at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.

>>102595 US Warplanes Conduct Major Strikes On 'Iranian Proxies' In Syria

>>102596 BREAKING: Maidan massacre trial finds that former Ukrainian President Yanukovych didn’t order snipers to shoot protesters. The US coup d'état in Ukraine was made possible by CIA funded Ukrainian Nazis who killed their own people and blamed Yanukovych. The US Govt wrecked Ukraine.



>>102589 Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

last call

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f6bad1 No.102598

File: 74497a7bf30a704⋯.png (955.06 KB,678x590,339:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ad66889a7337cf⋯.png (581.86 KB,448x990,224:495,Clipboard.png)

File: e394125535e773a⋯.jpg (9.37 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 816dace760d31e9⋯.png (104.05 KB,314x171,314:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811083 (270635ZOCT23) Notable: #24325

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baker seeking handoff, will ghost very soon

baked because something is wrong, cannot access 8kun or qresearch board from FF, at least we finished the bread. Will test further to try to pin the problem down.

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f6bad1 No.102599

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811097 (271637ZOCT23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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in case you missed it...

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/27/2023



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f6bad1 No.102600

File: ccc416066ce87ee⋯.png (517.33 KB,959x654,959:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811100 (271638ZOCT23) Notable: digits and 6 yr delta on the horizon

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Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."

God bless.

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f6bad1 No.102601

File: 6a12cc02dd336fc⋯.png (1.44 MB,1864x998,932:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811114 (271640ZOCT23) Notable: 2021 Trump is winning election lawsuits

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The oligarchy is so confident that they can manipulate our very thoughts – after all, they control the search engines, the Twitter feeds, and the trending news – that they no longer even bother to hide what they do. Deleting President Trump’s account made it clear to the world what devious little Jack Dorsey spends his days doing: maniacally deleting accounts that deviate from his “truths.” And who doesn’t know by now that Mark Zuckerberg specializes in devising algorithms that are the hi-tech version of the mushroom treatment – keeping us in the dark and feeding us horse manure.



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f6bad1 No.102602

File: e9e918e11ce5db7⋯.jpeg (721.68 KB,1600x623,1600:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0c74fa090a79c55⋯.jpeg (438.26 KB,1338x627,446:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc36f21b253a3bd⋯.png (1.34 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811143 (271647ZOCT23) Notable: planeFag Yerp and eastern Med. activity

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planeFag Yerp and eastern Med. activity

Hungarians, Italians, Germans, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Greek,Spanish AFs departed Brussels after EU meeting

EU countries tell Brussels to tighten its own belt

Some EU leaders have scoffed at requests for billions of euros on top of the bloc’s regular budget. The two-day leaders’ summit in Brussels this week brought those divisions to the fore, underscoring how an agreement on the budgetary update is still a long way off, as all 27 EU countries need to back it.


(Not a normal source used but timely nonetheless)

Eastern Med

IAF IRON G550 ISR out from Nevatim AN-plus those 2 C130s up

German AF GAF952 departed Ankara WN

Argentina AF FAG081 737 departed Tel Aviv WN

Canadian AF CFC4024 C17 on ground @ Beirut

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f6bad1 No.102603

File: f135516a7384335⋯.webp (30.46 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: b7ed690782551f5⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811155 (271649ZOCT23) Notable: Trump to Present Classified Information of Foreign Interference in 2016 and 2020 Elections at January 6th Indictment Trial

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BREAKING: Trump to Present Classified Information of Foreign Interference in 2016 and 2020 Elections at January 6th Indictment Trial

Former President Donald Trump’s defense team filed a new motion on Thursday indicating that the former president will present classified information exposing foreign interference in both the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential elections.

This move comes amidst a contentious legal battle by Judge Tanya Chutkan and led by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

In August, Trump was hit with four counts in Jack Smith’s sham January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

“From on or about November 14, 2020, through on or about January 20, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the Defendant, DONALD J. TRUMP, did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with co-conspirators, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate one or more persons in the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States —that is, the right to vote, and to have one’s vote counted,” according to the indictment.

According to the motion submitted on Thursday by Trump’s counsel, led by attorneys John F. Lauro and Todd Blanche, Trum plans to introduce classified evidence during the trial. This evidence is said to disclose activities of foreign influence that affected both the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential elections, thereby substantiating his efforts to overturn the election results.


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f6bad1 No.102604

File: d728d42877293d1⋯.webp (25.24 KB,600x394,300:197,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811179 (271653ZOCT23) Notable: Larry Elder Suspends Presidential Campaign and Endorses Trump

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Larry Elder Suspends Presidential Campaign and Endorses Trump

Republican talk radio host Larry Elder suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed former President Donald Trump on Thursday evening.

In a post to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Elder wrote that he had met with Trump before deciding to withdraw.

“He has my full support to Make America Great Again, end the epidemic of fatherless homes, reign in spending, and restore law & order,” Elder wrote.


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f6bad1 No.102605

File: 24aeb8ab154e572⋯.webp (11.01 KB,600x402,100:67,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811212 (271657ZOCT23) Notable: Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips Announces Biden Primary Challenge, Says Party Will be Facing ‘Emergency’ Against Trump

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Democrat Congressman Announces Biden Primary Challenge, Says Party Will be Facing ‘Emergency’ Against Trump

Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips has announced that he is running for president, challenging Joe Biden in the party’s primary.

Phillips, 54, told CBS Mornings that he cannot “be quiet” as polling numbers “are so clearly saying that we’re going to be facing an emergency next November.”

The Minnesota congressman will formally launch his campaign in New Hampshire on Friday — and has registered to appear on the state’s primary ballot.

During a preview of an interview for Friday’s episode of CBS Mornings, posted to social media on Thursday evening, Philips is asked if he is entering the primary race. “I am. I have to,” Phillips said.


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f6bad1 No.102606

File: d7e21e8158eb81c⋯.png (61.09 KB,778x469,778:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811218 (271658ZOCT23) Notable: Interesting thing about the HAMAS tunnels...

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Interesting thing about the HAMAS tunnels. Some people have been talking about them for quite some time already. So if we were watching an event unfold that actually already happened a while back, would we even know it?


>>>/qresearch/19810333 (lb)

>>>/qresearch/19810383 (lb)


Israel's Third Act is now.

Israel can't level Gaza, and also can't NOT level Gaza.

Two ways to lose, no way to win.

The "reality mimics movies" solution is a third path we don't yet see.

A third path would include a clever military/technical solution to the Hamas tunnels, or the siege more generally.

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f6bad1 No.102607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811225 (271700ZOCT23) Notable: "Mike Johnson on Hannity: 12 key lines from the new House speaker’s interview"

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"Mike Johnson on Hannity: 12 key lines from the new House speaker’s interview"



"Well... what do we do?"

"Why don't we just... wait here for a little while... See what happens..."

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f6bad1 No.102608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811251 (271704ZOCT23) Notable: Several sources have retracted their statements regarding Mark Meadows

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UPDATE: Nasty False Accusations Against Mark Meadows Retracted by Sources After The Gateway Pundit Report

Several sources have retracted their statements regarding Mark Meadows, Former Chief of Staff to President Trump, being an FBI informant and wearing a wire to record conversations with the former President. The discredited claims were said to be worse than Watergate and aimed to sow discord within the conservative community, tainting the reputation of a man who has long served as an upstanding member of the Republican Party.


lies, more lies, and damn lies. Fake news!

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f6bad1 No.102609

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811273 (271707ZOCT23) Notable: COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21

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Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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f6bad1 No.102610

File: 76a310a9cdef9e8⋯.jpg (151.59 KB,552x441,184:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51f877f86d60a74⋯.jpg (123.55 KB,545x342,545:342,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76520d1be131a0c⋯.jpg (203.49 KB,549x459,61:51,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13206fc37f4b273⋯.jpg (186.05 KB,542x464,271:232,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6f89e7ac011d437⋯.jpg (155.04 KB,547x364,547:364,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811285 (271708ZOCT23) Notable: Several sources have retracted their statements regarding Mark Meadows

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f6bad1 No.102611

File: 3d41f0e737e4de0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1786x1850,893:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811321 (271715ZOCT23) Notable: Bombshell Whistleblower report on USG involvement in child trafficking."

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Flynn: 🚨"Breaking News: Bombshell Whistleblower report on USG involvement in child trafficking."🚨


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f6bad1 No.102612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811322 (271715ZOCT23) Notable: Survivors of deadly Hurricane Otis grow desperate

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Survivors of deadly Hurricane Otis grow desperate for food and aid amid slow government response


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f6bad1 No.102613

File: d6029d90a72f6cc⋯.mp4 (14.42 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811330 (271716ZOCT23) Notable: African migrants dropped off in rural Georgia neighborhoods…people are starting to notice…

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African migrants dropped off in rural Georgia neighborhoods...people are starting to notice...

They do not speak English

What could go wrong ?

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f6bad1 No.102614

File: ce94ee57de0fd3d⋯.png (396.67 KB,474x755,474:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811348 (271719ZOCT23) Notable: JPMorgan chief Dimon to sell some of his own company stock for first time

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JPMorgan chief Dimon to sell some of his own company stock for first time

JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N) Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon will sell part of his stake in the largest U.S. bank next year for the first time in almost 18 years at the helm, the bank said on Friday.

Billionaire Dimon and his family intend to sell 1 million of the 8.6 million shares they own, subject to the terms of a stock trading plan, the bank said in a regulatory filing.

The sale would fetch nearly $141 million, with a remaining stake of about $1.07 billion, based on Thursday's closing price. It will account for less than 10% of Dimon's holdings, which also include performance shares that have not vested and stock options. Dimon has an estimated net worth of $1.7 billion, according to Forbes. JPMorgan has a market capitalization of over $409 billion, according to LSEG data.

Dimon will sell the stock for "financial diversification and tax-planning purposes," and he "continues to believe the company's prospects are very strong," the bank said in the filing.

The sale is not related to leadership succession, a company spokesman said. Dimon is not planning to sell more stock, but could consider doing so in the future, the spokesman added.


I remember that on the day that Notre Dame Cathedral was intentionally burned down in 2019(also ‘tax day’ and Olympic sinking day-April 15th)…a few members of the BoD of JP Moran reported share sales….:I

Also he knows they will cut rates before everyone expects it….all that bank bailout munee that was distributed at the start of Silicon Valley Bank crap on March 10th but started a few days before-currently about $109b-needs to start to be returned on March 11th (I’ll let you figure out what anniversary that is…cough Fukushima)

They always set shit up this way…..

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f6bad1 No.102615

File: cc20f26d1b52020⋯.png (37.23 KB,793x292,793:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811372 (271724ZOCT23) Notable: all internet and telecommunications seems to be completely cut off in Gaza.

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BREAKING: all internet and telecommunications seems to be completely cut off in Gaza.

This is terrifying.

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f6bad1 No.102616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811380 (271726ZOCT23) Notable: all internet and telecommunications seems to be completely cut off in Gaza.

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The Spectator Index


BREAKING: Al Jazeera reports significant disruption to communications in Gaza

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f6bad1 No.102617

File: 910e8658a7149bb⋯.png (296.51 KB,600x434,300:217,Clipboard.png)

File: f8c13de1ae933b7⋯.png (820.91 KB,750x1934,375:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811394 (271728ZOCT23) Notable: Ivanka Trump must TESTIFY at her father's $250 million New York fraud trial, judge says in shock ruling

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Daily Mail US



Ivanka Trump must TESTIFY at her father's $250 million New York fraud trial, judge says in shock ruling



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f6bad1 No.102618

File: 39a57ea3fd30144⋯.png (508.24 KB,1362x762,227:127,Clipboard.png)

File: d7fea2fe5540e9f⋯.png (385.56 KB,1358x746,679:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a6be64b16c20f7⋯.png (426.22 KB,598x337,598:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811396 (271728ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on our Skyz

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Search choppers been circling


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f6bad1 No.102619

File: 558dff6102f9d97⋯.mp4 (352.17 KB,480x864,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811398 (271729ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Swords of Steel


⚠️Non stop strikes continue all over the strip

#Israel #Gaza

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f6bad1 No.102620

File: d758dfcf1467457⋯.jpeg (724.63 KB,828x1285,828:1285,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811405 (271730ZOCT23) Notable: planeFag Yerp and eastern Med. activity

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IAF tanker up nao

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f6bad1 No.102621

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811412 (271731ZOCT23) Notable: The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Way of Vaccines

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The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Way of Vaccines

For many years doctors have received bonuses for subjecting their patients to drugs that are known to be dangerous. Insurance companies are paying doctors to fully vaccinate young children; the Blue Cross Blue Shield doctor incentives booklet reveals its incentive payment program for doctors: every patient under the age of two that receives the currently prescribed 24 inoculations is worth a $400 payout to that doctor. Blue Cross Blue Shield rules say that a doctor needs to vaccinate 63% of their patients in order to qualify.

The average American pediatrician has about 1,500 patients and would need 945 of them fully vaccinated in order to get paid. At $40,000 for every hundred, this works out to $360,000 dollars. This is why most pediatricians won’t provide care for families who don’t completely submit to the latest childhood vaccine schedule protocol.



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f6bad1 No.102622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811415 (271733ZOCT23) Notable: Former Congressman Justin Amash Says His Palestinian Christian Relatives Were Killed in Israeli Airstrike on Orthodox Church

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Former Congressman Justin Amash Says His Palestinian Christian Relatives Were Killed in Israeli Airstrike on Orthodox Church

Former US Representative Justin Amash revealed that several members of his family were killed at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza, where they had been sheltering, along with hundreds of other Palestinians, when part of the complex was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike. He wrote: “The Palestinian Christian community has endured so much. Our family is hurting badly. May God watch over all Christians in Gaza—and all Israelis and Palestinians who are suffering, whatever their religion or creed.”

The IDF admitted to Reuters that they damaged “part” of the church. At least 18 people, including multiple children and at least one baby, were reportedly killed and an unknown amount of people were buried under the rubble. The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem accused Israel of targeting churches and accused it of a war crime.

The church is less than 300 meters from the Al-Ahli hospital compound, where an explosion on October 14, 2023 killed and injured hundreds of people who had fled there to try to escape Israeli airstrikes on their neighborhood. Israel and Palestine blamed each other for the attack.



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f6bad1 No.102623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811419 (271734ZOCT23) Notable: Teens Accused of Killing Retired Police Chief Laugh and Flip Off Victim’s Family in Court

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Teens Accused of Killing Retired Police Chief Laugh and Flip Off Victim’s Family in Court

Las Vegas, Nevada: Jesus Ayala, who was a minor at the time of the incident, but is now 18 years old, and Jzamir Keys, 16, have been charged as adults in the murder of retired police chief Andreas Probst, who was killed in August. In addition, the pair are accused of running over a 72-year-old man, ramming into another vehicle and stealing four cars on the same day. Keys is believed to have been the driver for the first hit-and-run of the 72-year old man who survived the impact. Although Keys was reported to be the passenger during the killing of Mr. Probst, he allegedly filmed and encouraged the murder.

During his initial arrest on August 14, Ayala was recorded telling cops he would be released from jail in a month because he was a juvenile at that time and that he would only get a “slap on the wrist” for the hit and run murder of Probst.

The teens attended a court hearing and covered their faces and mouths to hide from cameras as they appeared to be laughing. Probst’s family slammed the teen’s appalling actions of reportedly flipping them off, saying they “really had no remorse.” Ayala’s public defender, David Westbrook, also appeared to be laughing alongside the teen in the courtroom.



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f6bad1 No.102624

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811426 (271736ZOCT23) Notable: Learn Why Anti-Trump Judges Are Planning To Default Trump to Find Him Guilty Ahead Of Trial

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Learn Why Anti-Trump Judges Are Planning To Default Trump to Find Him Guilty Ahead Of Trial=

Viva Frei, a commentator and former Canadian trial attorney, said that the US prosecutorial system, judicial system and political system has been weaponized. He explained that Alex Jones was declared ‘guilty’ by default in the Sandy Hook case without any trial, and said that the same thing is happening to Donald Trump right now. Viva said that sanctions will be used to default Trump out of a defense and he will be found defacto ‘guilty’, similar to Alex Jones’ default verdict, and people will believe the trial was based on the merit of the case, not understanding it is a default.

Viva said that the pattern is for court to render a default judgement, then gag, and then sanction certain defendants. The judicial process has been weaponized and public critique of the weaponization has been criminalized. Because the courts are getting away with corruption and fraud, he said that prosecutors and the judiciary will come after anyone who opposes them or who they don’t like.



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f6bad1 No.102625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811431 (271736ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Iran insurgent faction "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" has claimed responsibility for a new drone attack today targeting U.S. military personnel

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Evan Kohlmann


Pro-Iran insurgent faction "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" has claimed responsibility for a new drone attack today targeting U.S. military personnel stationed at Ain al-Assad Air Base in Iraq's western Anbar Province.

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f6bad1 No.102626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811442 (271738ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Royal Intel 👑


#BREAKING: Complete blackout of communication and Internet access in areas of the Gaza Strip, following the largest strikes on Gaza since the beginning of the aggression.


Royal Intel LIVE


🚨The Russian RT channel loses contact with its correspondents inside Gaza.


Royal Intel LIVE


⚡️Cutting off communications and the Internet in the Gaza Strip, and occupation aircraft launch intense and unprecedented attacks on all parts of the Gaza Strip.

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f6bad1 No.102627

File: 39c5adac7f2a356⋯.jpeg (386.35 KB,828x1474,414:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b0180998c3f4dca⋯.jpeg (492.4 KB,828x854,414:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811446 (271738ZOCT23) Notable: BOJ to discuss raising fiscal 2024 inflation outlook over 2%

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BOJ to discuss raising fiscal 2024 inflation outlook over 2%

()=additional comments

(Ya think??!!….Never raising rates and been saying that since Jerry/Janet and the inkjets were still on the “it’s transitory” bullshit…they, BoJ stuck buying own debt and also equities since they are the largest holder of that supplanting the public pension fund several years ago)

The Bank of Japan is likely to raise its consumer price index outlook for fiscal 2024 to the 2% growth range when its policy-setting board meets next week, moving closer to its goal of stable and sustainable price increases.

The upgrade would mean the rate of inflation will stay above the central bank's target of 2% for a third consecutive year.

The BOJ will discuss the fiscal 2024 CPI rate, currently projected at 1.9%, at its monetary policy meeting Monday and Tuesday, with the results included in the Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices report to be released Tuesday. Policy board members in July gave median forecasts of a 2.5% increase in CPI excluding fresh food in fiscal 2023, which ends in March 2024, as well as the 1.9% rise for fiscal 2024 and 1.6% growth in fiscal 2025.

Rising prices have been caused by raw materials costs, with the CPI up 3% in fiscal 2022 after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Though import prices have stabilized, high crude oil prices and a weak yen are putting upward pressure on raw materials once again.

The CPI minus fresh food in the 23 wards of Tokyo rose 2.7% for October, data announced Friday shows, the first uptick in the growth rate in four months. Coupled with efforts by companies to pass on costs, prices have remained higher than the BOJ expected.

The October outlook report is expected to partly reflect the government's economic measures. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to extend current subsidies for electricity, residential gas and gasoline until spring are expected to weaken momentum for price increases for the current fiscal year. But this could heighten price increases in fiscal 2024. The board meeting next week also is expected to address whether to revise the bank's yield curve control (YCC) policy again in light of a higher CPI projection. The BOJ essentially raised the cap on long-term government bond yields in July from 0.5% to 1%. Rates are trending in the high 0.8% range, near the upper limit.

The BOJ has stressed that tweaking its yield curve control was a measure to maintain monetary easing, not a path toward normalizing monetary policy.

If the current policy is maintained until the next policy meeting in mid-December, the yen could continue to depreciate, spurring higher prices(which will spur moar US Debt sales to cap Muh yen and then the Chinese, UK,Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Cayman Islands etc. will follow suit….look for the next round of what started at the end of September will habben towards mid to end of Nov.)



Muh yen turned away and below 150 down just over .5%

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f6bad1 No.102628

File: dcef21ec220935b⋯.jpeg (267.04 KB,892x1893,892:1893,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811483 (271744ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Pushes Lawsuits Against Gun Makers Following Maine Attacks

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Biden Pushes Lawsuits Against Gun Makers Following Maine Attacks

On Thursday, in response to the Maine shootings, President Joe Biden pushed for a repeal of protections that protect gun makers from frivolous lawsuits, universal background checks, and other gun controls.

WhiteHouse.gov published Biden’s statement, which opened with him saying, “Today, Jill and I are praying for the Americans who’ve lost their lives, for those still in critical care, and for the families, survivors, and community members enduring shock and grief.”

He then urged residents in Maine’s Lewiston area to heed all law enforcement’s warnings, including alerts to shelter-in-place.

Biden eventually transitioned to the summer 2022 passage of the gun control he passed with Sen. John Cornyn’s (R-TX) help, noting, as always, that gun control is not enough.

He then said:

I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people. Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers.

Breitbart News has fact-checked Biden’s claim that gun makers have “immunity from liability” and found the claim to be false.

For example, on March 1, 2022, Breitbart News noted Biden was claiming gun manufacturers are shielded from “liability” and cannot be sued.

In reality, gun manufacturers are not shielded from liability. Rather, they are protected from frivolous lawsuits over the criminal use of guns that are legally made and legally sold.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010, a speaker at the 2023 Western Conservative Summit, and he holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.

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f6bad1 No.102629

File: c6f39ea72fb8c5c⋯.png (1.66 MB,1024x679,1024:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811489 (271745ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Encke and the Tadpoles

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 27, 2023

Encke and the Tadpoles

History's second known periodic comet is Comet Encke (2P/Encke). As it swings through the inner Solar System, Encke's orbit takes it from an aphelion, its greatest distance from the Sun, inside the orbit of Jupiter to a perihelion just inside the orbit of Mercury. Returning to its perihelion every 3.3 years, Encke has the shortest period of the Solar System's major comets. Comet Encke is also associated with (at least) two annual meteor showers on planet Earth, the North and South Taurids. Both showers are active in late October and early November. Their two separate radiants lie near bright star Aldebaran in the head-strong constellation Taurus. A faint comet, Encke was captured in this telescopic field of view imaged on the morning of August 24. Then, Encke's pretty greenish coma was close on the sky to the young, embedded star cluster and light-years long, tadpole-shaped star-forming clouds in emission nebula IC 410. Now near bright star Spica in Virgo Comet Encke passed its 2023 perihelion only five days ago, on October 22.


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f6bad1 No.102630

File: f075e45b2b4252c⋯.jpeg (480.98 KB,892x3498,446:1749,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811502 (271747ZOCT23) Notable: all internet and telecommunications seems to be completely cut off in Gaza.

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Internet access in Gaza is collapsing as ISPs fall offline

As the conflict between Israel and Hamas reaches its third week, internet connectivity in Gaza is getting worse.

On Thursday, internet monitoring firm NetBlocks wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that the Palestinian internet service provider NetStream “has collapsed days after the operator notified subscribers that service would end due to a severe shortage of fuel supplies.”

According to Doug Madory, an expert who for years has worked at various companies that monitor networks across the world, internet connectivity in Gaza is dramatically worsening.

“The evidence of the crippled internet in Gaza is not hard to find. By every metric of internet connectivity, things are in bad shape,” Madory, who is now the director of internet analysis at Kentik, told TechCrunch.

Madory said that he monitored internet connectivity in Gaza during the 2014 war. At the time, despite some outages, “the ISPs were able to keep their connections to the outside world up using backup power, etc, even if many people were unable to access service due to power outages and infrastructure failures.”

NetStream did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent to its email, Facebook, and WhatsApp accounts. NetStream’s website appeared offline as of Friday.

Isik Mater, director of research at NetBlocks, told TechCrunch that Paltel and Mada Al-Arab, the two largest internet providers in Palestine, as well as their downstreams and subsidiaries, “still have a degree of connectivity although it’s not clear how much of this is reaching end users.”

Internet security firm Cloudflare also showed issues with NetStream as of the time of writing. Cloudflare head of data insight David Belson pointed to several other ISPs that the company is monitoring, including SpeedClick, AjyalFI, DCC, Fusion, NewStarMAX, JETNET, Digital Communications Palestine, and TechHub-HiNet, which are all either largely or completely offline since the first few days of the conflict.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists launched a surprise attack against Israelis in their homes, at a music festival, and on the streets, killing more than 1,400 people. Since then, the Israeli military has responded with a series of airstrikes that have killed more than 7,000 people, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, though U.S. officials have called into question the accuracy of these numbers. As part of its response to the terrorist attack, Israel cut off electricity in Gaza, reportedly reducing the region’s power supply by 90%.

IODA, which is a system that “monitors the Internet infrastructure connectivity in near-real time, with the goal of identifying macroscopic Internet outages,” is monitoring several internet providers in Palestine, including NetStream, and shows widespread outages or at least significant degradation.

IODA has recorded 9 ASN/ISPs related to Gaza with outages:

AS44213 (NewStarMAX-ASN)

AS15975 (Hadara-AS)


AS199046 (JETNET)

AS42314 (fusion)


AS210974 (AjyalFI)

AS213207 (TechHub-HiNet)

AS56995 (netstream)

— IODA (@IODA_live) October 27, 2023

The organization wrote on X that connectivity in Gaza further dropped on Friday, “due to a complete outage” of NetStream.

Amanda Meng, a research scientist at Georgia Tech, told TechCrunch that they are seeing “a continued decline” of connectivity in Gaza. Meng described the first decline beginning on October 7 with connectivity dropping to 20%, followed by a second decline early on October 21, dropping to about 15% and below.

IODA was originally developed by the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) at the University of California San Diego, and is now maintained by the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Digital rights organization AccessNow has warned that internet outages in Palestine can have serious repercussions on the ground.

“With thousands of people already killed, and currently in a near-complete blackout, access to information has become scarce, directly impacting the capacity to document atrocities perpetrated on the ground,” the organization wrote in a press release updated last week. “People find it nearly impossible to learn the whereabouts of their families and loved ones, and if they’re dead or alive.”

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f6bad1 No.102631

File: 0211316a36debb7⋯.jpeg (772.49 KB,828x1279,828:1279,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811507 (271749ZOCT23) Notable: planeFag Yerp and eastern Med. activity

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Colombian AF 737 leaving to NE nao

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f6bad1 No.102632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811516 (271751ZOCT23) Notable: Dershowitz: The Indictments Against Trump Help Him In The Republican Primary

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Alan Dershowitz: The Indictments Against Trump Help Him In The Republican Primary


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f6bad1 No.102633

File: 56f3ca8b6f5022d⋯.png (151.72 KB,408x400,51:50,Clipboard.png)

File: f9bdd0ad589505a⋯.mp4 (484.6 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811517 (271751ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Oli London


The IDF 🇮🇱 has released a video detailing the underground bunkers used by Hamas for their operations center.

Hamas are using the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza as their main HQ, with a complex system of tunnels and bunkers underneath the hospital.


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f6bad1 No.102634

File: bf69ea3004f4043⋯.png (205.95 KB,600x457,600:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811527 (271753ZOCT23) Notable: Declassified images from American Cold War spy satellites reveal HUNDREDS of lost Roman forts across Syria and Iraq

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Daily Mail US



Declassified images from American Cold War spy satellites reveal HUNDREDS of lost Roman forts across Syria and Iraq



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f6bad1 No.102635

File: db8100789eca424⋯.png (22.12 KB,411x250,411:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b25ab8a7221d34⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,892x7452,223:1863,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811528 (271753ZOCT23) Notable: Cretans, Libyans, and Elamites

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Cretans, Libyans, and Elamites


"Nations of great consequence are turning their back on Israel, and by extension, the US and its European proxy states. For the first time in many decades, we can now begin to imagine a world where Israel no longer exists. What would it look like?"


Four Ways The Destruction of Israel Can Benefit The West

https://nationaljusticeparty.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/bidenbibi-1024x735.jpg On October 7th, a group of “savages” from Gaza launched a


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f6bad1 No.102636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811549 (271758ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Al Arabiya English


The Israeli military’s spokesman says #Israel’s ground forces are expanding their operations tonight and calls on the residents of #Gaza City to move to the south.


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f6bad1 No.102637

File: d0a79c6a11309ae⋯.jpeg (20.96 KB,225x255,15:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811569 (271800ZOCT23) Notable: Far-Left CNN Officially Closes Its World News Headquarters in Atlanta After More Than 35 Years

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Trump Knocks Out Fake News

BREAKING: Far-Left CNN Officially Closes Its World News Headquarters in Atlanta After More Than 35 Years.

Fake News [CNN] Kate Bolduan announced on Friday, that Fake News [CNN] would be closing its Center headquarters in Atlanta.

“Before we go today, we are marking an important moment today in CNN’s history. Today’s show will be the final broadcast from the CNN Center in Atlanta,” said Bolduan.

While the broadcaster had already moved its weekday anchors to New York or Washington, D.C., the CNN Center in Atlanta still housed significant operations, including digital and CNN International.

“We anchor the show out of New York, but the control rooms of this show and much of our editorial staff has always been in Atlanta at that iconic building at the CNN Center, also known as CNN’s World News Headquarters,” said Bolduan.


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f6bad1 No.102638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811607 (271808ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Aleph א


Apparently there won't be a prisoner exchange deal and the ground operation will take place

#Israel 🇮🇱 #Gaza


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f6bad1 No.102639

File: 3626090bac33036⋯.png (261.46 KB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a8b44feae06cd6⋯.png (111.12 KB,280x233,280:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811615 (271809ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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BREAKING: The Israeli military on Friday said its ground forces were “expanding their activity” in the Gaza Strip, as the army moved closer to a full-on ground invasion of the besieged territory.



MORE: Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the army’s spokesman, said aerial attacks had been targeting Hamas tunnels and other targets.



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f6bad1 No.102640

File: 3e66132f908c2d4⋯.jpeg (577.05 KB,828x1364,207:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811620 (271810ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on our Skyz

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RCH157 KC-46a departed Asunción Paraguay north

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f6bad1 No.102641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811624 (271811ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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EndGameWW3 🇺🇸


Pentagon spokesman to Al-Sharq: We have military advisors in Israel.


Asharq Breaking




#_ "": # http://asharq.com

12:46 PM · Oct 27, 2023

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f6bad1 No.102642

File: 868be18fdadb761⋯.png (376.2 KB,600x564,50:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811641 (271813ZOCT23) Notable: Malaysia's royalty on Friday chose an influential sultan from the southern state of Johor to be the next king

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AFP News Agency



Malaysia's royalty on Friday chose an influential sultan from the southern state of Johor to be the next king, a position which changes hands every five years. ➡️u.afp.com/5oun

📷 Ibrahim Iskandar of Johor and his sister, Queen Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah


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f6bad1 No.102643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811651 (271816ZOCT23) Notable: ESPN is set to showcase an all-female broadcast team on Friday night when the Miami Heat take on the Boston Celtics.

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Iger closing in on a "Win", with this one.



ESPN is set to showcase an all-female broadcast team on Friday night when the Miami Heat take on the Boston Celtics.

Beth Mowins will lead with play-by-play, Doris Burke will provide color commentary, and Cassidy Hubarth will serve as the sideline reporter.





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f6bad1 No.102644

File: 600427501523bef⋯.png (208.08 KB,391x388,391:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811663 (271818ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdulaikhan: "They pushed the button"

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Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdulaikhan:

"They pushed the button

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f6bad1 No.102645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811706 (271825ZOCT23) Notable: Jamaal Bowman Says He Struck a Deal with Democrat DC Attorney General to Have Fire Alarm Charges Expunged From His Record

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Jamaal Bowman Says He Struck a Deal with Democrat DC Attorney General to Have Fire Alarm Charges Expunged From His Record

He reported to the police station on Thursday to be booked, fingerprinted, and have his mugshot taken.

Later Thursday Jamaal Bowman said he struck a deal with Democrat DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb to have the fire alarm charges expunged from his record once he pays a measly fine. He will not be held in the DC Gulag like dozens of Trump supporters for their actions at the January 6, 2021 protests, many who did much less than this.


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f6bad1 No.102646

File: 67f796f75d67a97⋯.png (168.83 KB,397x446,397:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811714 (271827ZOCT23) Notable: HAMAS CALL TO ARMS IN WEST BANK

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Mario Nawfal



"This is the Time for Weapons"

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Hossam Badran, sends an urgent appeal to our people in the West Bank: This is the time for weapons.

Source: Al Manar

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f6bad1 No.102647

File: 670e5688f94fba5⋯.png (287.18 KB,403x518,403:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811727 (271829ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Moshe Schwartz


#BREAKING: IDF confirms ground offensive is expanding:

IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari:

In the last few hours we have increased the attacks in Gaza. The Air Force is widely attacking underground targets and terrorist infrastructures, very significantly. Following the offensive activity we carried out in the last few days, the ground forces are expanding the ground activity this evening.

The IDF works powerfully in all dimensions in order to bring about the realization of the goals of the war."


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f6bad1 No.102648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811736 (271831ZOCT23) Notable: Houthis have launched UAVs at Israel

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Brian’s Breaking News and Intel



Houthis have launched UAVs at Israel

12:36 PM · Oct 27, 2023



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f6bad1 No.102649

File: 92bd4895aa8d2e1⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: aacedf6b20a849a⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 57d5fc7720ca91e⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811739 (271831ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA’S GOT TALENT

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Hamas actor was dying yesterday, and today he’s out filming. So far we’ve seen him in Hamas songs as a singer, a video blogger cheering Hamas rockets as they land on civilians, then crying claiming to be the victim, then in hospital… what next?

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f6bad1 No.102650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811740 (271831ZOCT23) Notable: Comer Plays Hardball, Demands Joe Biden Provide Evidence to Back Up Claim $200,000 Check From Jim Biden Was ‘Loan Repayment’

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Oversight Chair Comer Plays Hardball, Demands Joe Biden Provide Evidence to Back Up Claim $200,000 Check From Jim Biden Was ‘Loan Repayment’

The House Oversight Committee has no IRS records or loan documents confirming the $200,000 check Jim Biden wrote to his brother Joe Biden in 2018 was a ‘loan repayment.’

House Oversight Chairman James Comer is now demanding IRS records and applicable loan documents proving Joe Biden loaned his brother James money.

The Bidens often structure their income as ‘loans’ to avoid paying taxes. We saw this with a $5 million wire described as an ‘interest-free loan’ (a way for Hunter to avoid paying taxes) from a Chinese firm. The Bidens then shuffle the dirty money around to each other as ‘loan repayments.’ This is classic tax evasion, money laundering, and influence-peddling.

Last Friday, Comer uncovered a $200,000 direct payment to Joe Biden.

“Whether it was a loan or not, James Biden’s March 1, 2018, check to Joe Biden demonstrates one way he personally benefited from his family’s shady influence peddling of his name and their access to him. Even if the transaction in question was part of a loan agreement, we are troubled that Joe Biden’s ability to recoup funds depended on his brother’s cashing-in on the Biden brand,” Comer said.


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f6bad1 No.102651

File: 86d812e0ff76fa1⋯.jpeg (323.68 KB,892x1622,446:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811762 (271835ZOCT23) Notable: 2019 Oil under Gaza

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Oil under Gaza


The unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves

28 August 2019

Oil and natural gas resources in the occupied Palestinian territory could generate hundreds of billions of dollars for development.


Geologists and resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to a recent UNCTAD study.

New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin are in the range of 122 trillion cubic foot while recoverable oil is estimated at 1.7 billion barrels, according to the study entitled “The Economic Cost of Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential.”

This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region and promote peace and cooperation among old belligerents, the study notes.

Palestinian oil and gas

These funds could finance socioeconomic development in the oPt as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

However, so far the Palestinian people have been prohibited from exploiting the oil and gas reserves in their own land and water to meet their energy needs and generate fiscal and export revenues.

This increases both the opportunity costs and the total costs borne by the Palestinian people as a result of occupation, the study states.

Assessing economic cost of occupation

In a number of UN General Assembly resolutions, UNCTAD has been asked to assess and report on the economic cost of occupation borne by the Palestinian people.

The study focuses on oil and natural gas due to their high value and critical importance in potentially meeting basic Palestinian needs for energy, and fiscal and export revenues.

It identifies and assesses existing and potential Palestinian oil and natural gas reserves that could be exploited.

Also critical are the new oil and natural gas finds in the Eastern Mediterranean that Israel has begun to exploit for its own benefit, while these resources may be considered shared resources, as the oil and natural gas exist in common pools.

“What could be a source of wealth and opportunities could prove disastrous if these common resources are exploited individually and exclusively, without due regard for international law and norms,” the study warns.

Costs enormous and escalating

Israel’s exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, including oil and natural gas, imposes on the Palestinian people enormous costs that escalate as the occupation remains in effect, the study cautions.

It highlights the peculiarities of oil and natural gas as non-renewable resources, arguing that current generations are not necessarily the only owners of these resources that straddle national borders and can thus be jointly owned by multiple states and generations.

It also recommends further detailed studies to clearly establish the Palestinian people’s right to their separate natural resources, as well as their rightful share in the common resources collectively owned by several neighbouring states in the region, including Israel.

The study comes ahead of the release of UNCTAD’s report on its assistance to the Palestinian people, slated for 10 September.

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f6bad1 No.102652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811777 (271838ZOCT23) Notable: Kamala Harris Calls for Mass Gun Confiscation

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Kamala Harris Calls for Mass Gun Confiscation

Kamala Harris is calling for the United States to undergo the same type of mass disarming that Australia did in the 1990s, leaving that nation defenseless against an ever-growing federal government linked to Communist China.

“Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country,” Harris said. “And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way. As our friends in Australia have demonstrated,” she went on, endorsing the banning and confiscation of American firearms.

“In Australia, you had one mass shooting fifty years ago and they said ‘Nope, we’re not doing that anymore,’” Obama said, grossly overestimating how long ago the events in Australia actually took place.


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f6bad1 No.102653

File: 592afb61d4270a4⋯.png (70.88 KB,408x463,408:463,Clipboard.png)

File: dfa0baca79dc750⋯.mp4 (478.47 KB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811784 (271840ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Footage has been released by the Israeli Defense Force showing the Interception of several “Aerial-Contacts” earlier today over the Red Sea by Combat Aircraft of the Israeli Air Force who were Scrambled following the Detection of these Targets which were deemed be Hostile; however at least 1 possibly 2 of these Aerial-Contacts, which appear to be Attack Drones of some kind, reportedly Impacted the Egyptian Coastal Town of Nuweibaa and possibly the City of Taba.


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f6bad1 No.102654

File: f6ed679b6e84c04⋯.png (73.52 KB,410x507,410:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 030a9c7f1369b6b⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811809 (271844ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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Michael A. Horowitz


NEW - IDF release footage of an incident this morning in which it "thwarted an aerial threat" above the Red Sea - likely the same incident that led to impacts in #Egypt, and most likely (in my opinion) a Houthi/Iranian attack.


צבא ההגנה לישראל




חיל האוויר סיכל איום אווירי במרחב הים האדום

כוחות חיל האוויר הוזנקו בשעות הבוקר בעקבות איום אווירי שזוהה במרחב הים האדום ויירטו מטרות עוינות שהיו במרחב.

לא נשקפה סכנה לאזרחים ולא זוהתה חדירה לשטח ישראל

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f6bad1 No.102655

File: 8f2386177b609dd⋯.png (198.7 KB,398x419,398:419,Clipboard.png)

File: c6fc4077ceca6d2⋯.jpg (56.87 KB,1080x904,135:113,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea856d49b377687⋯.jpg (138.66 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7629f70be3c598⋯.jpg (72.25 KB,1080x902,540:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811816 (271846ZOCT23) Notable: Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

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A Missile has reportedly Struck the Costal Egyptian Town of Taba tonight resulting in Significant Damage to a Building and Car as well as at least 5 Injuries; the Town is over 100 Miles from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank so where the Missile came from or who launched it is currently Unknown.

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f6bad1 No.102656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811829 (271849ZOCT23) Notable: #24325

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#24325 >>102598

>>102599 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>102600 digits and 6 yr delta on the horizon

>>102601 2021 Trump is winning election lawsuits

>>102602, >>102620, >>102631 planeFag Yerp and eastern Med. activity

>>102618, >>102640 PF Eyez on our Skyz

>>102603 Trump to Present Classified Information of Foreign Interference in 2016 and 2020 Elections at January 6th Indictment Trial

>>102604 Larry Elder Suspends Presidential Campaign and Endorses Trump

>>102605 Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips Announces Biden Primary Challenge, Says Party Will be Facing ‘Emergency’ Against Trump

>>102606 Interesting thing about the HAMAS tunnels...

>>102607 "Mike Johnson on Hannity: 12 key lines from the new House speaker’s interview"

>>102608, >>102610 Several sources have retracted their statements regarding Mark Meadows


>>102611 Bombshell Whistleblower report on USG involvement in child trafficking."

>>102612 Survivors of deadly Hurricane Otis grow desperate

>>102613 African migrants dropped off in rural Georgia neighborhoods…people are starting to notice…

>>102614 JPMorgan chief Dimon to sell some of his own company stock for first time

>>102615, >>102616, >>102630 all internet and telecommunications seems to be completely cut off in Gaza.

>>102617 Ivanka Trump must TESTIFY at her father's $250 million New York fraud trial, judge says in shock ruling

>>102619, >>102626, >>102633, >>102636, >>102638, >>102639, >>102641, >>102647, >>102653, >>102654, >>102655 Non stop strikes continue all over the Gaza strip

>>102621 The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Way of Vaccines

>>102622 Former Congressman Justin Amash Says His Palestinian Christian Relatives Were Killed in Israeli Airstrike on Orthodox Church

>>102623 Teens Accused of Killing Retired Police Chief Laugh and Flip Off Victim’s Family in Court

>>102624 Learn Why Anti-Trump Judges Are Planning To Default Trump to Find Him Guilty Ahead Of Trial

>>102625 Pro-Iran insurgent faction "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" has claimed responsibility for a new drone attack today targeting U.S. military personnel

>>102627 BOJ to discuss raising fiscal 2024 inflation outlook over 2%

>>102628 Biden Pushes Lawsuits Against Gun Makers Following Maine Attacks

>>102629 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Encke and the Tadpoles

>>102632 Dershowitz: The Indictments Against Trump Help Him In The Republican Primary

>>102634 Declassified images from American Cold War spy satellites reveal HUNDREDS of lost Roman forts across Syria and Iraq

>>102635 Cretans, Libyans, and Elamites

>>102637 Far-Left CNN Officially Closes Its World News Headquarters in Atlanta After More Than 35 Years

>>102642 Malaysia's royalty on Friday chose an influential sultan from the southern state of Johor to be the next king

>>102643 ESPN is set to showcase an all-female broadcast team on Friday night when the Miami Heat take on the Boston Celtics.

>>102644 Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdulaikhan: "They pushed the button"

>>102645 Jamaal Bowman Says He Struck a Deal with Democrat DC Attorney General to Have Fire Alarm Charges Expunged From His Record


>>102648 Houthis have launched UAVs at Israel


>>102650 Comer Plays Hardball, Demands Joe Biden Provide Evidence to Back Up Claim $200,000 Check From Jim Biden Was ‘Loan Repayment’

>>102651 2019 Oil under Gaza

>>102652 Kamala Harris Calls for Mass Gun Confiscation


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f6bad1 No.102657

File: 011c6746a803dc2⋯.mp4 (142.11 KB,636x496,159:124,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b7ed690782551f5⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c479151098f2f4⋯.jpg (35.6 KB,750x485,150:97,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 083cdda7a82b816⋯.jpg (97.23 KB,1148x1052,287:263,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e4b2757b574bf71⋯.png (108.56 KB,700x635,140:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811842 (271852ZOCT23) Notable: #24326

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Baker taps @20

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f6bad1 No.102658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811974 (271915ZOCT23) Notable: Hunter Biden associate Patrick Ho schemed to evade Iran sanctions, secure arms deal, court files say

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Hunter Biden associate Patrick Ho schemed to evade Iran sanctions, secure arms deal, court files say

Court documents filed in the New York criminal trial show Patrick Ho’s scheme to evade U.S. oil sanctions on Iran and secure illicit arms deals in the years before Hunter Biden legally represented him for $1 million. The threat of FARA charges still hang over his head.

Hunter Biden was paid $1 million by Chinese energy tycoon Ye Jianming to represent his deputy Patrick Ho, who was later convicted of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act and money laundering, was also accused in the trial of conspiring to evade U.S. sanctions on Iran and of helping to broker illicit arms deals with Arab countries while he was funded by Ye’s energy company.

Patrick Ho was arrested in November 2017 at New York’s JFK Airport two days after charges were filed against him in a sealed complaint. Ho was eventually convicted of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit the same in late 2018. In a press release after the conviction, the Department of Justice detailed two wide-ranging schemes by Ho to bribe African officials in Chad and Uganda to secure business advantages for the CEFC China Energy—Ye Jianming’s energy conglomerate.

One of the first phone calls that Ho placed after his arrest was to James Biden—Joe Biden's brother—who believed that Ho was trying to get in contact with his nephew, Hunter.

As the New York Post reported, before Ho’s arrest and trial, Hunter Biden signed on as “Counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer” in September 2017, according to an attorney engagement letter obtained by the Post. Hunter Biden was wired $1 million for “Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation” according to once-confidential documents obtained by the U.S. Senate Committees on Homeland Security and Finance and described in a report published in 2020.


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f6bad1 No.102659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812041 (271928ZOCT23) Notable: Ground war starting?

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Ground war starting?

Aaron Poris


Updates from the Israel campaign in Gaza against Hamas:

- Israeli defense officials say the ground war is broadening.

- Palestinian sources report heavy tank fire. (In the video)

- The first firefights between Israeli and Hamas forces have erupted in the northern Gaza Strip.


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f6bad1 No.102660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812046 (271929ZOCT23) Notable: Georgia election case goes to trial over mass voter challenge as cases mount

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Georgia election case goes to trial over mass voter challenge as cases mount

Fair Fight asks the court to find that True the Vote violated the 1965 Voting Rights Act and to bar the organization from future operations in Georgia.

The trial over a 2020 Georgia election case has begun, including mass challenges of voter eligibility and allegations of voter intimidation. Similar legal challenges continue in the state.

On Thursday, the trial of Fair Fight v. True the Vote began, with the plaintiff arguing that the defendants' challenging the eligibility of more than 364,000 voters in the 2020 presidential election amounts to "voter intimidation."

Fair Fight is a voting rights PAC founded by twice-defeated Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, and funded by left-wing fundraiser "ActBlue." Fair Fight first filed the lawsuit in December 2020, in the weeks leading up to the Senate runoff election in the state.

Abrams herself is considered by many to be the left-wing's version of an "election denier." The Washington Post reported that at various times Abrams said gubernatorial election was “stolen” from her, and in a New York Times interview, that “I won.” She suggested that election laws were “rigged” and that it was “not a free or fair election.” She also claimed that voter suppression was to blame for her loss, even though she admitted she could not “empirically” prove that. According to The Post, while she eventually acknowledged Kemp was the governor, she refused to say he was the “legitimate” governor.


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f6bad1 No.102661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812050 (271930ZOCT23) Notable: Soros-Funded PAC Labels Black Republican An Uncle Tom In Campaign Ad: ‘Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk’

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Soros-Funded PAC Labels Black Republican An Uncle Tom In Campaign Ad: ‘Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk’

The ad from Black Voters Matter Action PAC, an electioneering group that spends millions in support of Democrat candidates, is up with an ad that refers to Cameron as “Uncle Daniel Cameron,” and uses the saying, “Skinfolk ain’t kinfolk” — a refrain used by black liberals to suggest that anyone who disagrees with them politically is a race traitor.


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f6bad1 No.102662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812120 (271943ZOCT23) Notable: ROCKETS FIRED FROM SYRIA TOWARDS ISRAEL

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Brian’s Breaking News and Intel




2:30 PM · Oct 27, 2023

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f6bad1 No.102663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812127 (271944ZOCT23) Notable: Turkish President Erdogan calls on all Turkish citizens to join the solidarity demonstration with Palestine in Istanbul tomorrow

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Royal Intel 👑


Turkish President Erdogan calls on all Turkish citizens to join the solidarity demonstration with Palestine in Istanbul tomorrow 🇹🇷🇵🇸

2:30 PM · Oct 27, 2023

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f6bad1 No.102664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812137 (271945ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli naval forces heavily open fire near As-Siafa, north west Gaza

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Younis Tirawi |


Israeli naval forces heavily open fire near As-Siafa, north west Gaza

2:30 PM · Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812139 (271946ZOCT23) Notable: IRS stops 'unannounced' visits to Americans following Weaponization of Government probe: report

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IRS stops 'unannounced' visits to Americans following Weaponization of Government probe: report

"History has shown how the IRS, with its vast power to reach into the lives of Americans, has the tremendous potential to violate the civil liberties of American citizens."

In an interim staff report published on Friday, the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government outlined civil liberties abuses performed by the Internal Revenue Service and showed that the IRS ceased its unannounced visit policy after Congressional oversight.

"History has shown how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with its vast power to reach into the lives of Americans, has the tremendous potential to violate the civil liberties of American citizens. As Justice John Marshall noted over two-hundred years ago, the 'power to tax involves the power to destroy.’ The Committee’s and Select Subcommittee’s oversight demonstrates that Justice Marshall’s warning is as potent now as it was then," the report states.

The report sheds light on several civil liberties abuses that have occurred within the first nine months of the 118th Congress, including the IRS conducting an unannounced field visit to the home of journalist Matt Taibbi the same day he was testifying before Congress on government abuses, an IRS giving a fake name and used "deception to gain entry into the house of an Ohio taxpayer and then threatened her when asked to leave," and the IRS repealing it’s policy on unannounced field visits after the committee and subcommittee’s oversight uncovered abuses by the IRS.


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f6bad1 No.102666


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First Squawk



2:36 PM · Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102667

File: 058ef9cd045cd26⋯.png (175.3 KB,404x423,404:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c3cfabc692cf6a⋯.mp4 (6.51 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812177 (271953ZOCT23) Notable: Wide Demonstrations in the West Bank as Israeli military widens its ground operations in Gaza

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Younis Tirawi |


Wide Demonstrations in the West Bank as Israeli military widens its ground operations in Gaza.

Nablus, Ramallah, Jenin, Bethlehem and Hebron. Numerous villages as well.

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f6bad1 No.102668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812243 (272003ZOCT23) Notable: Egypt deployed air defense systems to the Sinai Peninsula — Israeli Sources

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War Intel


#BREAKING Egypt deployed air defense systems to the Sinai Peninsula — Israeli Sources

2:35 PM · Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812248 (272004ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli and Egyptian Combat Aircraft are both reported Airborne over the Gulf of Aqaba in the Northern Red Sea

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Israeli and Egyptian Combat Aircraft are both reported Airborne over the Gulf of Aqaba in the Northern Red Sea.

2:36 PM · Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812286 (272011ZOCT23) Notable: Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a U.S. Operations Base

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Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a U.S. Operations Base.

2:24 PM · Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812295 (272012ZOCT23) Notable: Reports of anti-tank fire targeting IDF tanks in northern Gaza

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The Spectator Index


BREAKING: Reports of anti-tank fire targeting IDF tanks in northern Gaza

2:17 PM · Oct 27, 2023



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f6bad1 No.102672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812312 (272015ZOCT23) Notable: Ted Cruz, GOP Senators Rip Biden-Harris Administration At U.S.-Mexico Border

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Ted Cruz, GOP Senators Rip Biden-Harris Administration At U.S.-Mexico Border


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f6bad1 No.102673

File: 9cafad7f9e2b3c6⋯.jpg (201.62 KB,720x774,40:43,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbd24fb37e5fff7⋯.jpg (170.46 KB,999x535,999:535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812328 (272017ZOCT23) Notable: A non-binding resolution calling for a ‘humanitarian truce’ in Gaza is adopted at the UN General Assembly

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JUST IN - A non-binding resolution calling for a ‘humanitarian truce’ in Gaza is adopted at the UN General Assembly.


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f6bad1 No.102674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812482 (272046ZOCT23) Notable: 'Authorities' Provide Manhunt Update After Maine Mass Shooting

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Authorities Provide Manhunt Update After Maine Mass Shooting

Going live in approx. 15 minutes


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f6bad1 No.102675

File: 4b261e2dcfbe0c8⋯.png (1.2 MB,1019x1808,1019:1808,Clipboard.png)

File: 6aa1f0bd25a0719⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812613 (272104ZOCT23) Notable: This follows Hamas' call to arms less than an hour ago: "This is the time for weapons"

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This follows Hamas' call to arms less than an hour ago:

"This is the time for weapons"

Source: Ramallah mix

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f6bad1 No.102676

File: 2834d69419f7a37⋯.jpg (26.51 KB,495x495,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812679 (272112ZOCT23) Notable: #24326

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#24326 >>102657

>>102658 Hunter Biden associate Patrick Ho schemed to evade Iran sanctions, secure arms deal, court files say

>>102659 Ground war starting?

>>102660 Georgia election case goes to trial over mass voter challenge as cases mount

>>102661 Soros-Funded PAC Labels Black Republican An Uncle Tom In Campaign Ad: ‘Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk’


>>102663 Turkish President Erdogan calls on all Turkish citizens to join the solidarity demonstration with Palestine in Istanbul tomorrow

>>102664 Israeli naval forces heavily open fire near As-Siafa, north west Gaza

>>102665 IRS stops 'unannounced' visits to Americans following Weaponization of Government probe: report


>>102667 Wide Demonstrations in the West Bank as Israeli military widens its ground operations in Gaza

>>102668 Egypt deployed air defense systems to the Sinai Peninsula — Israeli Sources

>>102669 Israeli and Egyptian Combat Aircraft are both reported Airborne over the Gulf of Aqaba in the Northern Red Sea

>>102670 Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a U.S. Operations Base

>>102671 Reports of anti-tank fire targeting IDF tanks in northern Gaza

>>102672 Ted Cruz, GOP Senators Rip Biden-Harris Administration At U.S.-Mexico Border

>>102673 A non-binding resolution calling for a ‘humanitarian truce’ in Gaza is adopted at the UN General Assembly

>>102674 'Authorities' Provide Manhunt Update After Maine Mass Shooting

>>102675 This follows Hamas' call to arms less than an hour ago: "This is the time for weapons"


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f6bad1 No.102677

File: 2a147f920a1dc98⋯.jpg (740.13 KB,500x707,500:707,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812721 (272124ZOCT23) Notable: #24327

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...Updated doughfor you, sir/madam. https://fullchan.net/?743c17703ecbe604#G8894X1zQXp49Lfub8ZkdmrnVgf5f8xLER1vaqRLj9uy

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f6bad1 No.102678

File: c88baf2134b9785⋯.png (317.51 KB,906x777,302:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812726 (272125ZOCT23) Notable: Court records show Trump plans to present classified J6 info at indictment trial

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f6bad1 No.102679

File: fc4bfb74a6b7ced⋯.png (134.85 KB,622x477,622:477,Clipboard.png)

File: c8d36cfc3d07804⋯.png (131.75 KB,622x451,622:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812737 (272127ZOCT23) Notable: Court records show Trump plans to present classified J6 info at indictment trial

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f6bad1 No.102680

File: d3d854406e1ef5e⋯.png (388.42 KB,1248x659,1248:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812754 (272131ZOCT23) Notable: “Hey Hillary! Why Did Your Husband Visit Epstein Island 26 Times!”

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“Hey Hillary! Why Did Your Husband Visit Epstein Island 26 Times!” – Chaos Erupts as Hillary’s Security DRAGS Brave Man Out of Campaign Event for Demanding Answers Regarding Her Husband’s Relationship with Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (VIDEO)


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f6bad1 No.102681

File: be627b1edce7636⋯.jpg (250.09 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 69a701990533f3f⋯.png (168.17 KB,626x584,313:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b9a288422b3ba1⋯.jpg (744.42 KB,2500x2498,1250:1249,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95f3eebdeb83128⋯.jpg (597.2 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d674e89011a7a07⋯.jpg (34 KB,500x354,250:177,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812763 (272132ZOCT23) Notable: What an odd thing to say

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f6bad1 No.102682

File: b16b91b36ecb279⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812798 (272138ZOCT23) Notable: “Hey Hillary! Why Did Your Husband Visit Epstein Island 26 Times!”

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f6bad1 No.102683

File: bc393dc0f61703d⋯.png (562.58 KB,887x725,887:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812821 (272142ZOCT23) Notable: ‘I Make No Apologies’: New House Speaker

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‘I Make No Apologies’: New House Speaker

Says The Bible Is His Worldview

Daily Wire, by Virginia Kruta

Posted By: Imright, 10/27/2023 1:37:50 AM

Newly-minted House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday that the entirety of his worldview could be found if one would simply “go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it.” Johnson, who received unanimous Republican support after three weeks of chaos — and three other nominees for the position — was elected on Wednesday to replace ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and spoke with Hannity about getting back to business in the House of Representatives.

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f6bad1 No.102684

File: a6599849ca8b527⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1170x1540,117:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812827 (272142ZOCT23) Notable: CIA's Project Artichoke

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ThePRIMARYgoal of Project Artichoke was to determine whether a person could beINVOLUNTARILYmade to perform an act of attemptedASSASSINATION.

A CIA report states that if hypnosis succeeded,ASSASSINS COULD BE CREATEDto assassinate "a prominent [redacted] politician or if necessary, [an] American official."


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f6bad1 No.102685

File: 384318b979d0329⋯.pdf (2.87 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812871 (272150ZOCT23) Notable: The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America And The World

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do u member the one that haspel was supposed to locate? Was that dragonfly or something? I've heard of artichoke before, forgot where or why. Maybe some CIA book by Douglas Valentine. (Valentimes)

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f6bad1 No.102686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812873 (272151ZOCT23) Notable: CIA's Project Artichoke

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f6bad1 No.102687

File: 7528da6c6979e4f⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,872x476,218:119,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812874 (272151ZOCT23) Notable: In 2000, RFK Jr. campaigns for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in her bid for the US Senate

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f6bad1 No.102688

File: 00fee59e6cde8e5⋯.png (188.42 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812882 (272153ZOCT23) Notable: What an odd thing to say

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f6bad1 No.102689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812893 (272157ZOCT23) Notable: Robert E. Lee statue melted in secret ceremony, to be remade into 'inclusive' public artwork

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Robert E. Lee statue melted in secret ceremony, to be remade into 'inclusive' public artwork

The statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in downtown Charlottesville has not only been torn down but also melted down in a secret ceremony. The Confederate statue was removed following the 2017 Charlottesville riot and will now be replaced with public artwork that is more "inclusive."

The Washington Post reported that the Robert E. Lee statue was "being cut into fragments and dropped into a furnace, dissolving into a sludge of glowing bronze."

The outlet reported that the destruction of the Confederate monument was done in secrecy – the name and location of the foundry were not revealed to the public for fear of retribution. The group transforming the Confederate statue said they have already been the victims of "past threats."

The owner of the foundry said, "The risk is being targeted by people of hate, having my business damaged, having threats to family and friends. Yet when you are approached with such an honor, especially to destroy hate, you have to do it."


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f6bad1 No.102690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812903 (272158ZOCT23) Notable: Boston Dynamics robot dog Spot now has an independent mind using ChatGPT

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anon humbled by your use of his banner.



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f6bad1 No.102691

File: f928db6fd9f9bfb⋯.png (1.45 MB,1121x881,1121:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812919 (272201ZOCT23) Notable: ACLU, George Soros and Planned Parenthood Pour Millions Into Ohio for Issue 1

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ACLU, George Soros and Planned Parenthood

Pour Millions Into Ohio for Issue 1

Life Site News, by Hayden Ludwig

Posted By: Harlowe, 10/27/2023 12:49:35 AM

Shadowy out-of-state groups are pouring money into the campaign to enshrine a radical new abortion law in Ohio’s constitution, but will voters fall for it? In the wake of Roe v. Wade’s defeat in the Supreme Court last year, leftist groups are clamoring to dramatically expand abortion up to the day of birth in red states. In Ohio, that means pushing Issue 1-which would establish a right to abort babies long past the point of “fetal viability,” the limit established under Roe.[Snip]This is just the start of the Left’s war on children and mothers. Ohioans, if you don’t protect your children from the cult of death, who will?

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f6bad1 No.102692

File: 516ad000fe58540⋯.jpeg (512.91 KB,1195x683,1195:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812945 (272204ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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HOMER42 Rivet Joint trackin’ EN/SW from Souda Bay, Crete

IAF252 tanker up for aerial refueling

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f6bad1 No.102693

File: 50366d7798cc000⋯.jpeg (647.72 KB,1170x1888,585:944,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813000 (272214ZOCT23) Notable: CIA's Project Artichoke

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The assassination of Bobby Kennedy: Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotized to be the fall guy?


Bros…every word of the above article needs to be examined. Idk wtf took me so long to look into this, but my mind is fucking BLOWN right now (no pun).

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f6bad1 No.102694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813054 (272224ZOCT23) Notable: Man behind Ivy League ‘doxxing trucks’ has home searched by gun-toting SWAT team

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muh contexts

Man behind Ivy League ‘doxxing trucks’ has home searched by gun-toting SWAT team


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f6bad1 No.102695

File: 5c8e2f9ee021878⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d040440471c173⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813064 (272226ZOCT23) Notable: NYC developers rip judge in Trump case

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NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal


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f6bad1 No.102696

File: 42eeca9b2aca3b4⋯.png (246.51 KB,1248x646,624:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c7d3b04da3d0a4⋯.png (254.74 KB,1104x230,24:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 98f06cc23357784⋯.png (349.48 KB,809x895,809:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813066 (272226ZOCT23) Notable: Ok J6 was a big deal but J7 was a much bigger deal - 2020 electoral votes were illegally certified on J7

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Ok J6 was a big deal but J7 was a much bigger deal!

2020 electoral votes were illegally certified on J7.

3 USC 15 mandates J6 unless a law is passed to change the date. Even Obama signed a law changing the date for the 2012 electoral vote count to the 4th

Here are two gov links for proof



This one shows the time and date of the count and certification.


2020 Electoral College Results

President Joseph R. Biden Jr. [D] Main Opponent Donald J. Trump [R] Electoral Vote Winner: 306 Main Opponent: 232 Total/Majority: 538/270 Vice President Kamala D. Harris [D] V.P. Opponent:

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f6bad1 No.102697

File: 2cb78bb68dd3dc7⋯.jpeg (119.92 KB,976x494,488:247,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 41144911db872ba⋯.webp (40.4 KB,480x299,480:299,Clipboard.webp)

File: fbd0efe1987cb4e⋯.jpg (95.88 KB,1224x962,612:481,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed752de4592f0db⋯.jpg (94.18 KB,636x518,318:259,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4885d0e7ee35642⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,533x491,533:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813068 (272226ZOCT23) Notable: The behemoth machine that makes those underground tunnels

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Hughes Tool Company

>dots everywhere

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f6bad1 No.102698

File: fec41f8023b784b⋯.png (423.89 KB,788x439,788:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813074 (272227ZOCT23) Notable: Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week + Marketfag chimes

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War Room GETTR- Navarro: "This was the beginning officially of the market crash of the Biden economy"

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f6bad1 No.102699

File: 0dd91694490c822⋯.jpeg (923.88 KB,1170x1309,1170:1309,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813083 (272229ZOCT23) Notable: Richard / Robert Card bun | Is this the bowling alley? Evergreen / LLHCHL

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I kid you guys not.

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f6bad1 No.102700

File: 92ebb495a231c6a⋯.png (591.37 KB,634x517,634:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c95ae2f0f0beab⋯.png (503.24 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1c304a4e0ed4c⋯.png (548.33 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c7bd5283f9bfce⋯.png (529.04 KB,634x360,317:180,Clipboard.png)

File: 2767b588a496de4⋯.png (624.72 KB,634x479,634:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813101 (272231ZOCT23) Notable: FBI agents visit scientists building flying saucer at Falcon Space lab in New Jersey

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EXCLUSIVE: FBI agents visit scientists building flying saucer at Falcon Space lab in New Jersey - and reveal they are part of 'X-Files like' government UFO investigation

UPDATED: 15:47 EDT, 26 October 2023

FBI agents visited a New Jersey lab where scientists are trying to build a flying saucer – after they received a report of dangerous uranium being used on site.

Mark Sokol, founder of the Falcon Space laboratory in Hawthorne, New Jersey, told DailyMail.com he was shocked when two federal agents showed up at his shop last Friday.

Sokol said the more senior of the two agents told him they had been tasked by Bureau bosses with looking into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the government term for UFOs – making him a kind of real-life Fox Mulder from the classic show The X-Files.

They didn't find any dangerous uranium, Sokol said, but were intrigued by the experiments going on at Falcon Space.

Sokol, 35, and his colleagues are attempting to use nuclear physics to make objects weightless, the first step towards building a functioning flying saucer.

They are inspired by verified reports of strange unidentified objects flying in extraordinary ways in our skies, seas and space, which are now being openly investigated by the government.

Sokol told DailyMail.com his goal is to figure out the technology behind these objects, which some believe to be extraterrestrial craft.

CCTV shared with DailyMail.com shows the two FBI agents flashing their badges and interviewing the inventor as well as pacing outside with a Geiger counter – a device used to detect radiation – which showed no harmful radiation at the lab, he said.

'They showed up on Friday right around noon,' Sokol said. 'They flashed their badges, said FBI, and asked if we had any enriched uranium.

'I laughed and told them no. One said that we're not in trouble and he wanted to come back at some point and pick my brain about UAPs because he's been tasked by the FBI, in investigating UAPs or UFOs.'

But if the senior agent is a real-life version of David Duchovny's Mulder, his partner didn't quite measure up to Gillian Anderson's Dana Scully.

Sokol said the more junior of the pair was fresh-faced and ‘probably in his early 20s’.

'They said they got a tipoff that I have enriched uranium. The only uranium we have here is a little piece that I got off Amazon to check our Geiger counter to make sure it's working.'

A spokeswoman for the FBI field office in Newark, New Jersey, told DailyMail.com: 'We receive information from the public each day through various reporting mechanisms.

'In general, when we get information about a situation involving illegal and dangerous radiological or hazardous materials, our agents investigate it.'

The spokeswoman did not comment on whether their FBI office had a designated agent for UFO-related cases.

Sokol described his lab as a bootstrapped community of scientists, engineers, and inventors hoping to crack anti-gravity, warp drives, and other futuristic technologies.

They are funded by donations and a few private investors passionate about the topic.

'We're researching UFO propulsion, trying to figure out propellant-less propulsion concepts that have been theorized to work throughout the years,' he said.

'There's lots of papers and patents that have been put out. But we're a lab where we actually put those theories to the test.'

Some of their experiments test the theory that objects' mass comes from the jumbled directions in which the subatomic particles of their atoms spin.

If you can get those tiny parts to spin in the same direction, it will make them weightless, so the theory goes.

'We've seen up to 17.8% weight loss in one experiment,' Sokol said.

He believes once they can get above 90%, they'll be able to make a floating saucer.


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f6bad1 No.102701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813104 (272231ZOCT23) Notable: FBI agents visit scientists building flying saucer at Falcon Space lab in New Jersey

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Lab cofounder Jeremy Rys runs their YouTube channel Alien Scientist, where they post videos of their experiments and scientific discussions at their regular online 'Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference'.

Rys was skeptical of the FBI visitors, noting that the senior agent had a background in financial crime investigations unrelated to X-Files-type probes.

'They said they were interested in UAP and the kind of stuff he was doing at the lab. It could be a shoe in the door,' he said.

'Maybe they're trying to trick Mark into opening up more because they know it's his passion.

'If you lie to federal investigators in any way, even just telling them the time on a broken clock, they can later put charges against you.'

Though the government has not officially confirmed it is using FBI agents to conduct UFO-related investigations on the ground X-Files-style, there are several hints that this is the case.

A 2021 law which created the latest incarnation of the Pentagon's UFO investigation office 'AARO' also ordered it to 'rapidly respond to, and conduct field investigations of, incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena under the direction of the head of the Office'.

At a conference on January 11 this year, AARO director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick presented a slide deck which listed the Department of Justice, ultimately responsible for the FBI, as one of its 'key partners and stakeholders'.

Kirkpatrick, a decorated physicist and intelligence official, also included one intriguing bullet point on his slides suggesting that AARO aimed to 'recover' downed UAP.

The slide said his office is involved in 'UAP detection, tracking, mitigation, and recovery'.

The US government has itself tried to build craft resembling classic flying saucers, though official records show it achieved little success.

In the 1950s the US Air Force hired a Canadian contractor to help it try to build a supersonic flying saucer.

Documents from the venture, codenamed Project 1794, were declassified in 2012, and include schematics that look like they come right out of a science fiction movie.

According to papers published by the National Archives, the saucer was designed to fly 'between Mach 3 and Mach 4, a ceiling of over 100,000 ft. and a maximum range with allowances of about 1,000 nautical miles'.

Despite indications of initial success at a relatively low cost, the project fizzled out after engineers apparently failed to get the craft flying higher than a few feet.

From 2015 to 2017 the US Navy filed for a series of patents for futuristic inventions including a triangular-shaped 'hybrid aerospace underwater craft' and a 'craft using an inertial mass reduction device' – or anti-gravity.

The supposed inventor, Dr. Salvatore Pais, boasted in the patent of possible 'extreme speeds' by his vehicle and the potential to 'engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level'.

But other physicists criticized the filings for their lack of specific technical details and allegedly nonsensical pseudoscience terms – fueling theories that the patents could just be propaganda to confuse America's adversaries.

The Navy told US engineering news site The Drive that they spent three years and $508,000 on the project, but ended it in September 2019 after failing to prove Dr. Pais' proposed science.

'No further research has been conducted, and the project has not transitioned to any other government or civilian organization,' a spokesperson for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division told the site in 2021.



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f6bad1 No.102702

File: b2c7af765c50d09⋯.png (681.63 KB,675x746,675:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813106 (272231ZOCT23) Notable: Dinesh D’Souza Ahead of ‘Police State’ Premiere: FBI, DOJ Support the Party ‘Helping to Build the Police State’

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Exclusive—Dinesh D’Souza Ahead of

‘Police State’ Premiere: FBI, DOJ

Support the Party ‘Helping to Build

the Police State’

Breitbart Politics, by Hanna Bleau

Posted By: Imright, 10/27/2023 5:06:26 PM

Police agencies of government — from the FBI to the Department of Justice (DOJ) — support the people and party that are “helping to build the police state,” author and documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza told Breitbart News Daily hours ahead of the virtual premiere of his latest film Police State. “Now here we are on the on the eve of Halloween, and Halloween is the time when you know we have fear, but the fear is sort of make believe… Something very frightening is going on in the country. And in some ways, it’s really appropriate that this film is airing tonight,” D’Souza said ahead of the premiere of Police State,

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f6bad1 No.102703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813110 (272233ZOCT23) Notable: CIA's Project Artichoke

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> Artichoke

Q Research General #23711: #45… ya feel - Kash Edition


1. Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA:

* Electronic implants in brain and teeth

* Targeting: Long range

* Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously during abduction

* Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver implants

* Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations

* Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.

2. Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:

* Drugs, electronics and electroshock

* Targeting: Short range

* Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF

* Transmission and Reception: Local production

* Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities

* Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion

* Subprojects: Many.

* Pseudonym:Project Artichoke

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f6bad1 No.102704

File: 63850dfce1f044f⋯.png (598.12 KB,766x552,383:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813114 (272233ZOCT23) Notable: Richard / Robert Card bun | Is this the bowling alley? Evergreen / LLHCHL

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Nice dance floor at the Carbonite Christmas party.

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f6bad1 No.102705

File: 2da7f425d834b7f⋯.png (224.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813124 (272235ZOCT23) Notable: CIA's Project Artichoke

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Also artichoke mention 4 times in Podesta email.

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f6bad1 No.102706

File: 7fe4bdf2e214f08⋯.png (1.16 MB,770x635,154:127,Clipboard.png)

File: b0eebcdc71c8355⋯.png (72.65 KB,940x578,470:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 01a8ff6b2ec2a83⋯.png (65.18 KB,940x599,940:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 678a54290bd81c9⋯.png (62.74 KB,940x593,940:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e7dfed2eacd3a8⋯.png (395.84 KB,1257x690,419:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813133 (272236ZOCT23) Notable: Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week + Marketfag chimes

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Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week

With usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility rising once again to a new record high last week - and banks stocks clubbed like a baby seal - all eyes are once again on just what The Fed can do to 'seasonally-adjust' the data to avoid the admission of any deposit run fears in domestic banks.

Total bank deposits - on a seasonally-adjusted basis - crashed by a massive $83.7BN last week(the biggest outflows since SVB)to the lowest since June...Non-seasonally-adjusted, the deposit outflows were even yuuger -$129BN... Is reality starting to set in for the decoupling between massive money market fund inflows and a relatively flat deposit base for the last few months... Adjusting for foreign bank deposit flows, domestic bank deposit outflows were still massive, -$72BN SA, -$117BN NSA.

Total deposit delta since the SVB crisis are $280BN SA and $262BN NSA... On the other side of the ledger, Large banks saw loan volumes shrink by $3.4BN while Small banks “allegedly” (moar fun with numbers!!) saw loan volumes rise by $3.3BN. The key warning sign continues to trend lower (Small Banks' reserve constraint), supported above the critical level by The Fed's emergency funds (for now and dhats the $109b that has to start flowing back on March 11th 2024) As the green line shows, without The Fed's help, the crisis is back (and large bank cash needs a home - like picking up a small bank from the FDIC)... QT really is about to blow up another small bank...What's Jamie worried about?-(and he will sell those shares before March 11th guaranteedhe just needs some ‘space’ between the announcement- odds he does it on the 110th anniversary of the Federal Reserves creation?…..wouldn’t surprise me at all….reported on at end of that week since Dec 23-24 is a weekend.)


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f6bad1 No.102707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813144 (272239ZOCT23) Notable: Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week + Marketfag chimes

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MY COMMENT: This is it! Those in the know are abandoning the system before it IMPLODES!

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f6bad1 No.102708

File: 1e031d2f33cc2dd⋯.png (652.04 KB,1154x871,1154:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813146 (272238ZOCT23) Notable: New CBP data reveals Border Patrol released over 900,000 migrants into the U.S. in fiscal year 2023

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Stephen Miller reposted

Bill Melugin

BREAKING:New CBP data reveals Border Patrol released over 900,000 migrants into the U.S. in fiscal year 2023after they were apprehended crossing illegally, including a staggering 155,821 releases in September alone.

These numbers do not include ICE or ports of entry releases. For context, 900,000+ is a population size larger than several US states, including Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, & North & South Dakota. The releases include both Notice to Appears & paroles.

Link to data: https://cbp.gov/node/380450/printable/print

5:03 PM · Oct 27, 2023·92.2K Views


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f6bad1 No.102709

File: 302ae22d84e44e2⋯.png (183 KB,419x460,419:460,Clipboard.png)

File: d607713f5358dbb⋯.mp4 (243.66 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813165 (272243ZOCT23) Notable: The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson says that the U.S. won’t abandon Ukraine and that Putin cannot be allowed to win the war

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Visegrád 24



The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson says that the U.S. won’t abandon Ukraine and that Putin cannot be allowed to win the war.


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f6bad1 No.102710

File: 6a811f79292f7a3⋯.jpeg (596.88 KB,971x828,971:828,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813176 (272245ZOCT23) Notable: Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week + Marketfag chimes

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-10% and the talking heads can now say well we’ve had a correction

All still very orderly and no signs of panic at all

When every trade is managed to the millisecond there will be no organic crash-bots will make sure of that.

Complete nonsense it remains as high as it does still with all the “indicators” in worse shape than height of 2008-all except home prices/rent and REIT values.

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f6bad1 No.102711

File: 4b7c860670a8e6c⋯.jpg (32.86 KB,542x368,271:184,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813191 (272247ZOCT23) Notable: Does “We the People” Include Corporations?

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Does “We the People” Include Corporations?

"2010 when the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have

First Amendment political rights to buy ads in all American elections."


"What we are likely to have at the conclusion of the Supreme Court term is corporations

that are empowered to spend in American elections because of Bellotti and Citizens United;

corporations that can make religious objections thanks to Hobby Lobby;

and if Jesner turns out as badly as I predict, corporations will be able to aid and abet human

rights violations abroad with impunity."


a good read

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f6bad1 No.102712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813202 (272249ZOCT23) Notable: Richard / Robert Card bun | Is this the bowling alley? Evergreen / LLHCHL

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At 16:51 He goes on to say there were four off duty cops a minute away. Training at range.

1 min response time.



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f6bad1 No.102713

File: 9fdf337edca501e⋯.png (1.87 MB,1200x672,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813224 (272252ZOCT23) Notable: AFRL, Space Force to collaborate with Indian startups on space technologies

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AFRL, Space Force to collaborate with Indian startups on space technologies

October 26, 2023

The Air Force Research Laboratory on Oct. 26 announced new Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, or CRADAs, between the U.S. Space Force and two Indian startups.

The agreements are with artificial intelligence startup 114AI, which builds dual-use software for space domain awareness, and 3rd Itech, an imaging sensor supplier and developer of computer chips, integrated circuits and other semiconductor technologies.

These are the Space Force’s first CRADA with non-U.S. companies.

The companies will work with AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate to advance “innovation in Earth observation sensors and space domain awareness,” AFRL said.

The CRADAs are part of a Biden administration initiative to promote joint technology development with India. The U.S. Department of Defense and the Indian Ministry of Defense in June announced the India-U.S. Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X), an effort to bring together universities, startups and think tanks to work on emerging technologies.

U.S. defense contractor General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, which manufacturers advanced unmanned aircraft for the Pentagon, last year announced strategic partnerships with both 114AI and 3rd Itech.

Space domain awareness, Earth observation

“I have had the pleasure of meeting with many companies and universities while in India and am consistently impressed by the talent of the country’s engineers and scientists, and eagerness to collaborate with our Space Force,” said Merrick Garb, head of the Global Partnerships Directorate at the U.S. Space Force.

He said the agreements with 114AI and 3rd Itech seek to “advance the state-of-the-art in space domain awareness and Earth observation sensor technologies.”

“This CRADA represents a significant step forward in our quest to push the collaborative boundaries of space technology,” said Wellesley Pereira, mission area lead for space information mobility at AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate.


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f6bad1 No.102714

File: b941a4393f21d1d⋯.png (98.57 KB,1019x726,1019:726,Clipboard.png)

File: 57f59122b1f2fa3⋯.png (422.36 KB,851x875,851:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813237 (272255ZOCT23) Notable: Nano Domestic Quell

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f6bad1 No.102715

File: c4798af0c65ca25⋯.jpeg (197.22 KB,1125x831,375:277,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813245 (272256ZOCT23) Notable: Elon: the bird is freed

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10:52 =17


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f6bad1 No.102716

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813249 (272257ZOCT23) Notable: Posobiec Explains Why We Must Stop Ukraine Funding Now

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Posobiec Explains Why We Must Stop Ukraine Funding Now.. Jack is right on this, “all the happy talk” until your decision and actions will be judged!

Explain what exactly your plan is first



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f6bad1 No.102717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813282 (272302ZOCT23) Notable: Emerald Robinson: Don't get confused by the Jenna Ellis show trial - Election Fraud Happened

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Liz Harrington reposted

The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson

Don't get confused by the Jenna Ellis show trial.


Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) joins @EmeraldRobinson to discuss.

6:27 PM · Oct 27, 2023 11:55


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f6bad1 No.102718

File: 5d88c776acd0f3f⋯.png (466.29 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813295 (272304ZOCT23) Notable: Richard / Robert Card bun | Is this the bowling alley? Evergreen / LLHCHL

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Robert Card Allegedly Attacked Bar During Deaf Cornhole Event Night,


Is this some sort of sexual kink event?

Just aksin' fo a fren.

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f6bad1 No.102719

File: 30e19727e7a3762⋯.jpeg (289.36 KB,1170x632,585:316,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813320 (272309ZOCT23) Notable: Richard / Robert Card bun | Is this the bowling alley? Evergreen / LLHCHL

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First 911 call: 6:56pm. First Lewiston officer arrived at Sparetime 4mins later at 7pm.Were 4 plainclothes police were shooting at the range & heard gunfire, and responded within 90 seconds.


Where is the range.

Pull up a map and tell me where the firing range is.

Someone, anyone.


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f6bad1 No.102720

File: 1bf4bc98daff345⋯.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dc8f758172a344⋯.png (1.73 MB,960x768,5:4,Clipboard.png)

File: cb5daccc106709a⋯.png (1.33 MB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813337 (272311ZOCT23) Notable: Gearing up for EarthCARE

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Gearing up for EarthCARE

Oct 27, 2023

ESA and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency are gearing up for a momentous milestone in Earth observation as launch of the EarthCARE satellite approaches.

Following years of rigorous development and extensive testing, the satellite is now undergoing its final round of tests in Europe before being shipped to the launch site early next year – bringing us one step closer to gaining unprecedented insights into the role that clouds and aerosols play in the climate system.

With global climate change increasingly affecting our planet, EarthCARE's advanced instruments and technology are poised to provide invaluable data for climate research, improve the accuracy of climate models and support numerical weather prediction.

Specifically, EarthCARE, which is short for the Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer, will answer some critical scientific questions related to the role that clouds and aerosols play in both reflecting incident solar radiation back out to space and trapping infrared radiation emitted from Earth’s surface. This delicate balance is an important factor in regulating Earth’s climate.

Although it is known that clouds play an extremely important role in atmospheric heating and cooling, they remain one of the biggest uncertainties in our understanding of how the atmosphere drives the climate system.

EarthCARE's unique set of four instruments will provide a holistic view of the interplay between clouds, aerosols and radiation.

Its cloud profiling radar will provide information on the vertical structure and internal dynamics of clouds, its atmospheric lidar will provide cloud-top information and profiles of thin clouds and aerosols, its multispectral imager will provide a wide-scene overview in multiple wavelengths, and its broad-band radiometer will measure reflected solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation.

The fact that these different measurements are all taken at the same time allows scientists to better understand Earth’s radiation balance.

EarthCARE is the largest of ESA’s Earth Explorer satellites to date and, carrying such a comprehensive instrument package, development and testing has, unsurprisingly, been complex over the years.

More recently the satellite spent around 12 months at ESA’s ESTEC Test Centre in the Netherlands – the largest satellite test facility in Europe.

This 3000 sq m, environmentally-controlled facility hosts test equipment to simulate every aspect of the space environment, from the vacuum and temperature extremes of Earth orbit to the violent noise and vibration of a rocket launch.

With these tests completed in the Netherlands, the satellite has now been shipped to Airbus in Germany for the last round of checks, which included testing for the transmitted shock when separating from the rocket’s adapter ring.

ESA’s EarthCARE Project Manager, Dirk Bernaerts, said, “We are extremely happy to see EarthCARE in great shape, with the tests demonstrating that the satellite will withstand the rigours of liftoff and the harsh environment of space.

“We will soon be gearing up for the launch and then very much look forward to seeing our satellite deliver the data that is so needed by the scientific community.

“In fact, next month we are holding a science and validation workshop to help familiarise the science community with EarthCARE products, tools and databases, and more.”

The satellite is scheduled to be packed up and shipped to the Vandenberg launch site in California in early March, where it will be prepared for liftoff on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in May.


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f6bad1 No.102721

File: 115537b8dbd45f2⋯.png (816 KB,1006x539,1006:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813376 (272318ZOCT23) Notable: AI has the potential to stop the spread of disinformation

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AI will stop the spread of disinformation

RISE’s Fact Checking AI project will build systems able to verify the veracity of various statements in digital channels. The software will detect disinformation, verify the accuracy of information, and quantify the quality of references in order to stop fake news from spreading.

–´“There is virtually an infinity of information,” says Ather Gattami, Head of Intelligent Dynamical Systems at RISE. “A computer with AI can correlate facts from millions of sources and appraise the veracity of a statement. If we, for instance, read online that Stalin murdered more people than Hitler and are not sure whether this is true or false, AI can search through references, reliable sources, numbers, and so on to quickly determine whether the statement is true or false.”

Archive - https://web.archive.org/web/20210120224922/https://www.ri.se/en/our-stories/ai-will-stop-the-spread-of-disinformation

Original - https://www.ri.se/en/our-stories/ai-will-stop-the-spread-of-disinformation

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f6bad1 No.102722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813379 (272318ZOCT23) Notable: Posobiec Explains Why We Must Stop Ukraine Funding Now

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(Jack says Putin has died five times during this war! And many times in the 2000s, 2018 and 2020. Kek!Article is too long to post)

27 Oct, 2023 20:30

'Putin has died of a heart attack': Inside the Western media's 'intelligence sources' and their fake news about Russia

Where does the Anglo-American propaganda machine get its nonsense stories about the president’s health?

Western media is again spreading rumors about a sudden deterioration in the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and even his possible death. The source of these rumors is an anonymous Telegram channelallegedly linked to Valery Solovey, a notorious conspiracy theorist.

The Kremlin regularly dismisses such statements as false and the president appears to be in good shape. Moreover, no one can find any proof that Putin's health is in danger. Meanwhile, as the scandalous “insider information” continues to spread, its sources fail to become any more credible.

So how did a Russian hoaxer and conspiracy theorist become a source of “sensational world news?”

Journalistic standards

On Friday, The Daily Mail published an article with the scandalous title: “Vladimir Putin is NOT dead: Kremlin issues extraordinary denial to 'lies' that Russian tyrant, 71, 'died at his luxury Valdai forest palace' – amid claims a 'coup' was underway in Moscow.”

The Daily Mail referred to an anonymous Telegram channel that had spread information about the death of the Russian president the day before, and said that Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov,“told state media RIA Novosti that the report was an 'absurd information canard [yarn]'.”

In fact, Peskov did not comment on these rumorsand there is no such story on the RIA Novosti website. Just like the “news” of Vladimir Putin's death, Peskov's “comment” was distributed through anonymous Telegram channels. However, for the Western media, this piece of fake news provided a reason to publish unconfirmed nonsense.

All of the above is hardly surprising, since that same week, British media spread rumors that Vladimir Putin's health had significantly deteriorated. The Mirror was the first publication to claim last weekend that the Russian president had suffered cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated. This story also appeared in other publications such as the Daily Express, Sky News Australia, and others.

Similar stories appeared in the Western press one after another. This eventually forced the Russian president’s press secretary to indeed comment. On Tuesday, Peskov said that the rumors about Putin's health problems were groundless.

“He is fine, this is absolutely another false yarn,” he said.

The official refutation, however, has not altered the Western media’s editorial policy. Making the same mistake, journalists continue to quote a channel which has repeatedly demonstrated that its “insider information” is completely unfounded.

Rumors from “General SVR”

The source regularly cited by Western media is the General SVR Telegram account (SVR is Russian acronym for Foreign Intelligence Service — RT). It was created in the fall of 2020 and immediately started posting about Putin's alleged poor health.

On Thursday evening, it posted the following message: “Russian President Vladimir Putin died tonight at his Valdai residence. At 20:42 Moscow time, doctors stopped resuscitation attempts and pronounced him dead. Now doctors are locked in the room with Putin's corpse, they are being held by the President’s security serviceSecurity measures [to protect] the President's body double have been strengthened. Active negotiations are underway. Any attempt to pass off the double as the President after Putin's death will [lead to] a coup.”

On Monday, General SVR wrote that on the evening of October 22, Putin's security service officers who were on duty at his residence heard a noise and the sound of a fall coming from his bedroom. When they arrived, they allegedly saw Putin lying on the floor near the bed, and next to him there was an overturned table with food and drinks.

“Doctors performed resuscitation, having preliminarily diagnosed cardiac arrest. Help was provided on time, the [doctors] restarted his heart and Putin regained consciousness. This case of cardiac arrest seriously alarmed the president's inner circle, despite the fact that the attending doctors have warned that Putin is doing very badly and is unlikely to survive until the end of the fall,” the post says.

General SVR regularly claims that the Kremlin has hired body doubles to represent him in public. The channel’s administrator claims that he has “connections” in law enforcement agencies….


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f6bad1 No.102723

File: d83e87a39b1bc35⋯.png (131.68 KB,401x418,401:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f35008cb46e802⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813382 (272318ZOCT23) Notable: Moses Staff hacker group warning Israel

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anons remember the Cyber Pandemic tabletop, Cyber Polygon? Here we go...


Iran Observer


Moses Staff hacker group warning Israel:

"You will undergo irreparable damage in the field of cyber and infrastructure. From now on you should pay for each spilled blood. Wait for huge combined attacks. Our target is clear, specified and accurate"

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f6bad1 No.102724

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813393 (272320ZOCT23) Notable: Posobiec: Anti-American Sleeper Cells Will Activate Once Israel Invades

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Posobiec: Anti-American Sleeper Cells Will Activate Once Israel Invades.



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f6bad1 No.102725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813436 (272325ZOCT23) Notable: Israel / Palestine

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Israel / Palestine

>>>/qresearch/19812735 Israeli Tanks Exchange Fire With Hamas Inside Gaza, Small Arms Clashes Heard, As Offensive Expands

>>>/qresearch/19812864 Footage: Israeli Forces Advancing Into Nablus, West Bank

>>>/qresearch/19812912, >>>/qresearch/19813049, >>>/qresearch/19813085 Hamas’s main operations base is under Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, says IDF

>>>/qresearch/19812914 Biden’s White House Will Not Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreign Students

>>>/qresearch/19812925 GOP Presidential Candidates to Talk Israel-Gaza at Republicans’ Jewish Confab in Las Vegas

>>>/qresearch/19812949, >>>/qresearch/19813013 The 'SPONGE bomb' Israel are hoping to use to disable Hamas tunnels

>>>/qresearch/19812961 What irony! The deranged defense of Hamas on campuses across the West is fueling a counter-revolution that could finally

>>>/qresearch/19813009 Gaza Livestream

>>>/qresearch/19813044 Protesters demanding a ceasefire in Gaza have taken over Grand Central Station in NYC

>>>/qresearch/19813161 The current situation in the capital of Jordan, Amman, outside the Israeli embassy

>>>/qresearch/19813254, >>>/qresearch/19813267 'Hamas will feel our wrath tonight' warns Israel

>>>/qresearch/19813294 Israel’s incursion into Gaza — Live Updates

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f6bad1 No.102726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813447 (272326ZOCT23) Notable: #24327

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#24327 >>102677

>>102678, >>102679 Court records show Trump plans to present classified J6 info at indictment trial

>>102680, >>102682 “Hey Hillary! Why Did Your Husband Visit Epstein Island 26 Times!”

>>102681, >>102688 What an odd thing to say

>>102683 ‘I Make No Apologies’: New House Speaker

>>102684, >>102686, >>102693, >>102703, >>102705 CIA's Project Artichoke

>>102685 The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America And The World

>>102687 In 2000, RFK Jr. campaigns for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in her bid for the US Senate

>>102689 Robert E. Lee statue melted in secret ceremony, to be remade into 'inclusive' public artwork

>>102690 Boston Dynamics robot dog Spot now has an independent mind using ChatGPT

>>102691 ACLU, George Soros and Planned Parenthood Pour Millions Into Ohio for Issue 1

>>102692 Planefag

>>102694 Man behind Ivy League ‘doxxing trucks’ has home searched by gun-toting SWAT team

>>102695 NYC developers rip judge in Trump case

>>102696 Ok J6 was a big deal but J7 was a much bigger deal - 2020 electoral votes were illegally certified on J7

>>102697 The behemoth machine that makes those underground tunnels

>>102699, >>102704, >>102718, >>102719 Richard / Robert Card bun | Is this the bowling alley? Evergreen / LLHCHL

>>102700, >>102701 FBI agents visit scientists building flying saucer at Falcon Space lab in New Jersey

>>102702 Dinesh D’Souza Ahead of ‘Police State’ Premiere: FBI, DOJ Support the Party ‘Helping to Build the Police State’

>>102706, >>102698, >>102710, >>102707 Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week + Marketfag chimes

>>102708 New CBP data reveals Border Patrol released over 900,000 migrants into the U.S. in fiscal year 2023

>>102709 The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson says that the U.S. won’t abandon Ukraine and that Putin cannot be allowed to win the war

>>102711 Does “We the People” Include Corporations?

>>102712 City of Lewiston Press Conference 10/27/2023 ie Richard Card

>>102713 AFRL, Space Force to collaborate with Indian startups on space technologies

>>102714 Nano Domestic Quell

>>102715 Elon: the bird is freed

>>102716, >>102722 Posobiec Explains Why We Must Stop Ukraine Funding Now

>>102717 Emerald Robinson: Don't get confused by the Jenna Ellis show trial - Election Fraud Happened

>>102720 Gearing up for EarthCARE

>>102721 AI has the potential to stop the spread of disinformation

>>102723 Moses Staff hacker group warning Israel

>>102724 Posobiec: Anti-American Sleeper Cells Will Activate Once Israel Invades

>>102725 Israel / Palestine


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f6bad1 No.102727

File: 349f2056c97ae22⋯.png (94.79 KB,460x455,92:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813481 (272329ZOCT23) Notable: #24328

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102728

File: 19f18c3731a5544⋯.jpg (156.1 KB,1016x644,254:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a94295031fdaeca⋯.jpg (151.56 KB,839x641,839:641,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d786b57436d9c80⋯.jpg (97.9 KB,839x643,839:643,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 280241cf8d9e91d⋯.jpg (164.92 KB,1334x671,1334:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab2a4a23da5ae08⋯.jpg (171.6 KB,1360x678,680:339,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813537 (272341ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Does Margaret Sanger's 12-10-1939 letter to C. J. Gamble relate to Planned Parenthood and/or National Action Network?

While Planned Parenthood has tried to distance itself from Margaret Sanger's obvious racism and eugenicist belief system, it also explains, on its history page, that it traces its roots back to Margaret Sanger, her sister Ethel Byrne and Fania Mindell in 1916. The Sanger letter, to Dr. Gamble, clearly demonstrates her racist and eugenicist beliefs. It discusses the need to get black doctors and clergy involved in peddling abortion to what she calls the "negro population". Anon wonders if the abortion industry ever found clergy members to push their agenda.

Planned Parenthood announced in 2020 that they would remove Sanger's name from their NY clinic. PP came clean about Sanger's racism, KKK (1926) and forced sterilization (1927) connections. See the PP History webpage, the NYTimes article and the Washington Post article below. While it's nice to see racism and forced sterilization denounced, we should recognize that it took the people at PP almost 9 decades to distance themselves. Can beliefs held for so long be abandoned so quickly?

Don't forget Margaret Sanger's connection to Mary Lasker. Mary Lasker, who was so important in the development of the National Institute of Health. Should we question whether today's eugenicists are involving doctors and clergy in their agenda? To expand the thinking, should we look very closely at the "trust the science" crowd? If future proves past, what does past do to the future?

See the Sauces in 1/6 through 6/6.

Margaret Sanger - letter to Dr. C. J. Gamble


NYT - Planned Parenthood in N.Y. Disavows Margaret Sanger Over Eugenics

July 21, 2020


Washington Post - Planned Parenthood to remove Margaret Sanger’s name from N.Y. clinic over views on eugenics

July 21, 2020


Related AllPB

>>>/qresearch/11705549, >>>/qresearch/11705558 Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates

>>102245, >>102246, >>102249, >>102251, >>102253, >>102254 National Action Network, Al Sharpton and "No Justice, No Peace"

>>91429, >>91435, >>91436, >>91438, >>91439, >>91440, >>91442 Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

>>91486 "The 2021 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors two scientists—Katalin Karikó (BioNTech) and Drew Weissman (University of Pennsylvania)—who discovered a new therapeutic technology based on the modification of messenger RNA."

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f6bad1 No.102729

File: 91a2e5532beaf47⋯.png (547.51 KB,773x536,773:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813550 (272342ZOCT23) Notable: NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

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>>102695 lb


10 to 1 the guy is, at the very least, kinky.

"opposition research"? like they did against Trump, for nothing; just like this Court case?

Can't imagine what DJT goes through with this ...

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f6bad1 No.102730

File: 779f04adb75acf1⋯.jpg (178.87 KB,1327x667,1327:667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 67f6798ddbb2718⋯.jpg (135.55 KB,1331x560,1331:560,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813553 (272343ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Does Margaret Sanger's 12-10-1939 letter to C. J. Gamble relate to Planned Parenthood and/or National Action Network?

Here are some quotes directly from the PP History page.

Planned Parenthood - Our History


"In 1916, the idea of Planned Parenthood began at the first birth control clinic, in Brownsville, Brooklyn."

"Planned Parenthood traces its roots back to a nurse named Margaret Sanger."

"On October 16, 1916, Sanger — together with her sister Ethel Byrne and activist Fania Mindell — opened the country’s first birth control clinic in Brownsville, Brooklyn."

"In 1939, Sanger began what was called the “Negro Project” — alongside Black leaders like W.E.B. DuBois, Mary McLeod Bethune, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell. The mission of the Negro Project was to put Black doctors and nurses in charge of birth control clinics to reduce mistrust of a racist health care system."

"Margaret Sanger’s racism and belief in eugenics are in direct opposition to Planned Parenthood’s mission. Planned Parenthood denounces Margaret Sanger’s belief in eugenics. Further, Planned Parenthood denounces the history and legacy of anti-Blackness in gynecology and the reproductive rights movement, and the mistreatment that continues against Black, Indigenous, and other people of color in this country."

"In 1923, Sanger opened the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan to provide birth control devices to women and to collect statistics about the safety and long-term effectiveness of birth control. That same year, Sanger incorporated the American Birth Control League, an ambitious new organization that examined the global impact of population growth, disarmament, and famine. The two organizations eventually merged to become Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc. (PPFA®)."

"That same year, Planned Parenthood Federation of America president Faye Wattleton founded the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization to engage in public education campaigns, grassroots organizing, and legislative and electoral activity."

Britannica - Planned Parenthood


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f6bad1 No.102731

File: ab3b6ff60b2e221⋯.jpg (198.33 KB,1351x614,1351:614,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b9c453bb652db0f⋯.jpg (96.32 KB,768x594,128:99,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 321f41b0ac26022⋯.jpg (89.76 KB,591x653,591:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813562 (272345ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Does Margaret Sanger's 12-10-1939 letter to C. J. Gamble relate to Planned Parenthood and/or National Action Network?

National Action Network's connection to planned parenthood is made very clear on this NAN 2023 Convention webpage. The "Fireside Chat'" does the same.

NAN Convention 2023 - Planned Parenthood



Apr 05, 2023


"The Thursday, April 13th discussion will come on the second day of the Convention, the theme of which this year is 'Dealing with theDream Under Threat. Indeed, there is a growing effort to blur Dr. King’s vision for a fair and equal United States –especially for Black and Brown women. After the 2022 NAN Convention, news broke that theconservative Supreme Courtplanned to overturn Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed access to reproductive healthcare. Thirteen states have since banned abortions since the controversialDobbs v. Jackson decision.

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f6bad1 No.102732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813570 (272346ZOCT23) Notable: No search results for keyword 'marines' on DuckDuckGo

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A reason not mentioned once?

Search on Google news for Marines turns up 0 results.


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f6bad1 No.102733

File: b94b71797905e18⋯.jpg (226.31 KB,1349x674,1349:674,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 562b368ce6da5bf⋯.jpg (218.17 KB,1352x665,1352:665,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1e65cfdd82007ae⋯.jpg (128.11 KB,817x673,817:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813571 (272346ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Does Margaret Sanger's 12-10-1939 letter to C. J. Gamble relate to Planned Parenthood and/or National Action Network?

NIH- Mary Lasker - Biographical Overview


NIH - Mary Lasker and the Growth of the National Institutes of Health


NIH - The Mary Lasker Papers


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f6bad1 No.102734

File: f45bc6a75fa3d20⋯.jpeg (748.58 KB,1170x1284,195:214,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813572 (272346ZOCT23) Notable: Another nearby training event during a mass shooting - pattern recognition intensifies

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102735

File: ebf6e582385afb5⋯.jpg (174.87 KB,912x582,152:97,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6ce976262a36e5⋯.jpg (168.8 KB,893x578,893:578,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e3829a746872e59⋯.jpg (123.64 KB,911x588,911:588,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cece211db4a7095⋯.jpg (152.2 KB,916x593,916:593,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813581 (272348ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Does Margaret Sanger's 12-10-1939 letter to C. J. Gamble relate to Planned Parenthood and/or National Action Network?

National Library of Medicine - NIH - Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker


National Library of Medicine - NIH - 2nd Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker


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f6bad1 No.102736

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813586 (272350ZOCT23) Notable: E.J. Antoni: The Only Way Out Is To Cut Spending

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E.J. Antoni: The Only Way Out Is To Cut Spending.The worst is yet to come, Treasury is borrowing daily! Bidan Admin is hellbent on borrowing us into hell.



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f6bad1 No.102737

File: 491acdffdcffc77⋯.jpg (110.06 KB,859x541,859:541,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bfe4d139eaacac3⋯.jpg (144.1 KB,849x580,849:580,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ecf41d642ef616⋯.jpg (125.47 KB,853x578,853:578,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4bfea467649a210⋯.jpg (117.83 KB,850x581,850:581,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 12e90958f6e1e16⋯.jpg (230.55 KB,730x623,730:623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813587 (272350ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Does Margaret Sanger's 12-10-1939 letter to C. J. Gamble relate to Planned Parenthood and/or National Action Network?

National Library of Medicine - NIH - 2nd Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - cont.


National Library of Medicine - NIH - Hillary Clinton and Mary Lasker: A Photo in Proper Focus


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f6bad1 No.102738

File: ce2b44594e24378⋯.png (164.08 KB,600x477,200:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813602 (272354ZOCT23) Notable: Just Released: FY 2024 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Including U.S. Government Activities Related to Ukraine

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DoD Office of Inspector General


Oct 26

JUST RELEASED: FY 2024 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Including U.S. Government Activities Related to Ukraine available here:



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f6bad1 No.102739

File: 905cc49a1982c6c⋯.png (917.62 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 696f6cd9763e59f⋯.png (2.54 MB,1800x1228,450:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813605 (272354ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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>>102692 last bread

>HOMER42 Rivet Joint trackin’ EN/SW from Souda Bay, Crete


Homer is a fitting call sign for the area of operation. A hat tip to ancient history.


Reputed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey

Homer was a Greek poet who is credited as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two epic poems that are foundational works of ancient Greek literature. Homer is considered one of the most revered and influential authors in history. Homer's Iliad centers on a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles during the last year of the Trojan War. The Odyssey chronicles the ten-year journey of Odysseus, king of Ithaca, back to his home after the fall of Troy.


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f6bad1 No.102740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813608 (272355ZOCT23) Notable: Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck identified all 18 victims of the mass shooting

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On Friday at a 5 p.m. press conference, Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck identified all 18 victims of the mass shooting:

Ron G. Morin, 55

Peyton Brewer-Ross, 40

Joshua A. Seal, 36

Bryan M. MacFarlane, 41

Joseph Lawrence Walker, 57

Arthur Fred Strout, 42

Maxx A. Hathaway, 35

Stephen M. Vozzella, 45

Thomas Ryan Conrad, 34

Michael R. Deslauriers II, 51

Jason Adam Walker, 51

Tricia C. Asselin, 53

William A. Young, 44

Aaron Young, 14

Robert E. Violette, 76

Lucille M. Violette, 73

William Frank Brackett, 48

Keith D. Macneir, 64


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f6bad1 No.102741

File: 5f8035ad5b8ca24⋯.png (927.32 KB,1352x396,338:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813636 (272359ZOCT23) Notable: Schumann poppin' off

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Schumann been poppin' off.

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f6bad1 No.102742

File: c761fdb77745275⋯.png (243.68 KB,600x662,300:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 70332722713bf15⋯.jpg (148.15 KB,700x536,175:134,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813643 (272359ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Naval Institute: Learn about the Navy's most famous costumed tradition, the Neptune Party

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U.S. Naval Institute



Halloween costume ready yet? Learn about the Navy's most famous costumed tradition, the Neptune Party, at our newest digital exhibit, Shellbacks & Pollywogs! Hope to see you there! #NeptuneParty

Caption: King Neptune's Royal Court [U.S. Navy Photo]


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f6bad1 No.102743

File: f68f8862909ee70⋯.jpg (208.69 KB,1207x661,1207:661,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813679 (280005ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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Washington Examiner - Nancy Pelosi receives award named after Planned Parenthood founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger


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f6bad1 No.102744

File: f27999de7f6384e⋯.png (92.5 KB,885x307,885:307,Clipboard.png)

File: e8655c89a5b9629⋯.png (27.6 KB,1200x775,48:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813697 (280008ZOCT23) Notable: Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

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Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth roughly $140 million, the bank announced Friday.

This will be Dimon’s first stock sale since becoming the bank’s CEO in 2005, JPMorgan said in a statement.

“Mr. Dimon continues to believe the company’s prospects are very strong and his stake in the company will remain very significant” following the sale, the bank said.

Dimon and his family currently own approximately 8.6 million shares, according to the document.

The sale of shares by Dimon and his family, set to start in 2024, was justified by a desire for financial diversification and for tax reasons, the statement said.

JPMorgan shares ended Friday’s session on the New York Stock Exchange down 3.6 percent.

Shares of other banks slumped as well, with Citi down 2.8 percent and Goldman Sachs falling 2.4 percent.


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f6bad1 No.102745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813702 (280009ZOCT23) Notable: Oct 24, 2023 Houston Plane Collision Analysis

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Houston Collision! 24 Oct 2023

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f6bad1 No.102746

File: c9bed02746bea7c⋯.png (135.91 KB,592x469,592:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813707 (280010ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Good News Friday: 10/27/23

Dear Patriots,

Seemingly from nowhere a man emerged to become the U.S. Speaker of the House. He was elected unanimously by Republicans.

Call us crazy, but we are giving credit for this to divine intervention.

The first act of then Speaker Designate Johnson was to gather the Republican caucus and pray.

We beseech you to add this man to your prayers. He will be besieged by evil and negativity from The Swamp. Pray that he be protected, made strong and wise.

With a backdrop of heartbreaking situations in the USA and the world, we offer a little respite of better news.

1- Learn more about Speaker Johnson here. Of course, it was more than just luck that won this day.

John Fund At NYPost

Mike Johnson lucked into speaker job — but he has talent to pull it off

2- This is such good news. No more worry over the global warming and climate change, right? Take that item OFF your worry list!!

Issues & Insights

The Latest On Global Warming Is ... There Is No Global Warming

3- Every baby saved is good news for the world.

The Epoch Times

Georgia Supreme Court Upholds State's 'Heartbeat' Abortion Law

4- Accountability for hurting youth is always a goal to move toward.


Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Sued by 42 States for Harming Young People with Addictive Facebook, Instagram Features

5- It's a drop in a big bucket but, it is still fun to see the rich make very bad investments in social fads.

Daily Caller

Not Even Our Overlord Can Save Bud Light! Bill Gates Losing MILLIONS After Huge Investment Into Anheuser-Busch

6- Here is your good read for the weekend. A little history of a man you may not know about and his gift of optimism.

His optimism has been proven to be worthwhile and correct time after time.

Jane Shaw Stroup at Jane Takes On History at Substack

Julian Simon, Vindicated Again

7- Take a deep breath and go for a walk. To make it extra worthwhile, take a child you love along.

Inside Hook

Why Neighborhood Walks Are Better (and Easier) With Kids



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f6bad1 No.102747

File: 92180078a5259af⋯.png (292.92 KB,600x536,75:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813710 (280010ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: Red-eye arrivals

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸



Red-eye arrivals.

Three @usairforce KC-135 Stratotankers arrive on an airfield in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.


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f6bad1 No.102748

File: c5181d9e1a0e7d6⋯.png (319.89 KB,600x558,100:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813732 (280013ZOCT23) Notable: (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

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f6bad1 No.102749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813756 (280017ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: Red-eye arrivals

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Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 126021 No.2284570📁

Jul 25 2018 15:37:56 (EST)
















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f6bad1 No.102750

File: 1e52d98fc991b70⋯.png (380.37 KB,600x603,200:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 896402b3ea752e9⋯.png (375.26 KB,785x767,785:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813778 (280019ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: @ArmyResearchLab researchers officially welcomed five new supercomputers

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸



.@ArmyResearchLab researchers officially welcomed five new supercomputers, with a sixth one coming online next year, named after the original six women programmers of the world's first general purpose scientific computer.




>>Red-eye arrivals.

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f6bad1 No.102751

File: dc591ed9255f960⋯.jpeg (518.07 KB,1122x617,1122:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813782 (280020ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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SAM010 G5 heading to Teterboro from JBA depart

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f6bad1 No.102752

File: f9423248b94342e⋯.mp4 (537.88 KB,480x362,240:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813818 (280026ZOCT23) Notable: Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

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j.p morgan is one of the oldest banks.

dimon has sold moar than his soul for power.

The secrets they keep.

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f6bad1 No.102753

File: 40c0ce3e1415dd6⋯.png (491.14 KB,860x484,215:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813846 (280029ZOCT23) Notable: (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

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that plane look familiar

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f6bad1 No.102754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813856 (280030ZOCT23) Notable: (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

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Amazing how no one got sucked into those inflatable engines....

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f6bad1 No.102755

File: 47c7581b1b925a8⋯.png (533.75 KB,1174x1014,587:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813861 (280030ZOCT23) Notable: Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The secrets they keep.

And the stuff that happens right out in the open

like selling the largest bank vault in the United States to the Chinese ten years ago.


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f6bad1 No.102756

File: afea091583b0566⋯.png (102.13 KB,723x723,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca748392323fbf⋯.png (103.71 KB,718x728,359:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 35283b8f9f4fb0b⋯.png (83.55 KB,791x739,791:739,Clipboard.png)

File: dc7977183e80fad⋯.png (49.12 KB,742x714,53:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 135a1851c18f0af⋯.png (63.23 KB,809x723,809:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813960 (280041ZOCT23) Notable: FOI litigation against @UNC for documents of Ralph Baric possibly related to the origins of Covid-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gary Ruskin


In our FOI litigation against


for documents of Ralph Baric possibly related to the origins of Covid-19, there will be a hearing on Monday November 6th at 11am ET on UNC’s motion to dismiss our case.

Here is UNC’s motion:



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f6bad1 No.102757

File: 2c457322bbd00d1⋯.png (70.55 KB,721x423,721:423,Clipboard.png)

File: a9e792b1e3d24e7⋯.png (604 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 3642e8d3d4c3b48⋯.png (639.67 KB,634x454,317:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 0daced1f6cce33d⋯.png (211.27 KB,634x643,634:643,Clipboard.png)

File: c1c729928d02e0e⋯.png (581.81 KB,634x453,634:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813979 (280043ZOCT23) Notable: San Francisco drug dealers could now face murder charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

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San Francisco drug dealers could now face MURDER charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

UPDATED: 15:51 EDT, 27 October 2023

Drug dealers in San Francisco could now face murder charges over deaths from opioid overdoses as the city attempts to crackdown on its growing drug crisis.

Law enforcement agents in San Francisco and California have teamed up to set up a task force which will finally address the city's open-air drug market and hold drug dealers accountable.

Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor London Breed, San Francisco’s district attorney Brooke Jenkins and police chief Bill Scott announced plans on Friday to begin investigating opioid-related deaths as homicides and could bring charges starting next year.

'The opioid crisis has claimed too many, and fentanyl traffickers must be held accountable including, as appropriate, for murder,' Newsom said.

It comes as San Francisco is on track to record it's highest-ever number of drug overdose deaths this year.

The new task force will include the San Francisco Police Department, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, the California Highway Patrol and the California National Guard.

It was investigate fatal overdoses using the same evidence-gathering procedure and techniques as homicide cases.

But murder charges won't be brought to all of them and authorities will focus on opioid cases which provide them with enough evidence to trace back the drugs to the dealer where homicide or other charges are brought against them.

The task force is expected to begin operations early next year but it is not clear how much it will cost.

Governor Newsom previously announced in April that the California Highway Patrol and National Guard would help law enforcement officers in San Francisco take action against the rampant open-air drug dealing.

But critics see the focus on arresting street drug dealers as a return to 'war-on-drugs- policies which have failed in the past and won't help those struggling with addiction.

They have argued that the city's drug crisis should be treated like a public heath emergency as it is hard for those suffering from addiction to find the right treatment.

Newsom believes he has been forced to bring harsher consequences as the number of drug-related deaths continues to spiral.

'This task force is fighting for those affected by this crisis — for victims and loved ones who deserve peace,' he said.

'Working together, we will continue providing treatment and resources to help those struggling with substance use — and secure justice for families who have lost loved ones.'

Police and prosecutors have been calling for harsher consequences to drug dealing which has plagued cities across California.

A dealer in Placer County was convicted of second-degree murder this year after a 15-year-old girl died from fentanyl.


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f6bad1 No.102758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813981 (280044ZOCT23) Notable: San Francisco drug dealers could now face murder charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

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Local prosecutors described this as the state's first conviction of its kind.

While Santa Clara County prosecutors charged a 16-year-old with murder in another death caused by fentanyl last year.

San Francisco District Attorney Jenkins said last year that she would consider charging fentanyl dealers with murder in overdose cases.

She said the new task force would give the city a 'deeply necessary investigative ability' by allowing it to look at overdose death investigations in the same way as homicides.

'Now, working together we will be able to investigate fatal fentanyl overdoses where evidence may be collected to establish a connection to the person who provided the drugs that killed someone so that they can possibly be charged with murder,' she said.

'Drug dealers and traffickers have caused the death of far too many individuals in our community and this new tool will give us a better chance to hold them accountable for the true dangerousness of their conduct.'

Mayor Breed said: 'Fentanyl is deadlier than any drug we've ever seen on our streets.

'We must treat the trafficking and sale of fentanyl more severely and people must be put on notice that pushing this drug could lead to homicide charges.'

Authorities have made 364 arrests related to drug dealing since May and 82 of them have involved fentanyl and around 18.5 kilograms of fentanyl has been seized.

San Francisco's overdose deaths continue to rise with an additional 54 deaths in September, with 48 of them involving fentanyl.

August was the deadliest month since 2021 with 84 deaths, 66 involving fentanyl.

More than 849 people are expected to die of drug overdoses in 2023, on pace to exceed the current record of 720 deaths in 2020 when substance abuse treatment programs were forced to reduce capacity or shut down during the pandemic.

The city has struggled with an overdose epidemic partially driven by the spread of the synthetic opioid fentanyl, which is up to 50 times more potent than heroin and lethal even in very small doses.

Open-air drug markets, overdose deaths, prolific shoplifting and violence have characterized the coastal city's 'doom loop' as companies shut down stores and tech employees opt to work from home.

San Francisco Police have attempted to shut down drug markets in the hard-hit Tenderloin and SoMa areas of the city where Mayor Breed declared an official state of emergency in December 2021.

Fentanyl was involved in 73 percent of accidental overdose deaths in 2020, most often in combination with other drugs.

The synthetic opioid, which is manufactured in labs, is 'often added to other drugs because of its extreme potency, which makes drugs cheaper, more powerful, more addictive and more dangerous,' according to the CDC.



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f6bad1 No.102759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814029 (280051ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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a "free-thinking" stonemason father, Michael Hennessey Higgins

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f6bad1 No.102760

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814067 (280055ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon Puts Murdochs, Fox News On Notice: Speaker Johnson’s Ascent Shows We’ve Only Begun To Fight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannon Puts Murdochs, Fox News On Notice: Speaker Johnson’s Ascent Shows We’ve Only Begun To Fight.Johnson better to get his act Together, he put Crenshaw in charge of Ukraine strategy.

Johnson is not Jesus Christ, stop falling for it



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f6bad1 No.102761

File: 85e3da702d82c3b⋯.jpg (115.67 KB,720x781,720:781,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 80ea90848347606⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814112 (280104ZOCT23) Notable: George W. Bush throws the throw for first pitch of the World Series

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George W. Bush throws the first pitch of the World Series

'Murderer throws out first pitch'

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f6bad1 No.102762

File: 9df11ef527059f8⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814115 (280105ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814220 (280121ZOCT23) Notable: Israel / Palestine

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Israel / Palestine

>>>/qresearch/19813683 On the Way to World War III

>>>/qresearch/19813751 Thousands of Israeli Troops Storm into Gaza as “Rolling Start” to Ground Invasion Reportedly Begins to Wipe Out Hamas

>>>/qresearch/19813892, >>>/qresearch/19814025 UN General Assembly adopts resolution calling for ‘humanitarian truce’, civilian protection

>>>/qresearch/19813932 Jewish Americans have blocked New York's main subway station in a sit-in demanding a cease-fire in Gaza

>>>/qresearch/19813956 Pentagon says U.S. hit two Syrian facilities in 'self-defense strikes'

>>>/qresearch/19814161 Theory as to why Steve Scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house

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f6bad1 No.102764

File: 9f9be4daab0b3cf⋯.jpeg (1020.88 KB,1170x1487,1170:1487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814230 (280122ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect found dead, sources say (CNN)

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f6bad1 No.102765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814239 (280123ZOCT23) Notable: #24328

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final final

#24328 >>102727

>>102728, >>102730, >>102731, >>102733, >>102735, >>102737, >>102743, >>102759 Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

>>102729 NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

>>102732 No search results for keyword 'marines' on DuckDuckGo

>>102734 Another nearby training event during a mass shooting - pattern recognition intensifies

>>102736 E.J. Antoni: The Only Way Out Is To Cut Spending

>>102738 Just Released: FY 2024 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Including U.S. Government Activities Related to Ukraine

>>102739, >>102751, >>102762 Planefag

>>102740 Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck identified all 18 victims of the mass shooting

>>102741 Schumann poppin' off

>>102742 U.S. Naval Institute: Learn about the Navy's most famous costumed tradition, the Neptune Party

>>102744, >>102752, >>102755 Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

>>102745 Oct 24, 2023 Houston Plane Collision Analysis

>>102746 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>102747, >>102749 @DeptofDefense: Red-eye arrivals

>>102748, >>102753, >>102754 (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

>>102750 @DeptofDefense: @ArmyResearchLab researchers officially welcomed five new supercomputers

>>102756 FOI litigation against @UNC for documents of Ralph Baric possibly related to the origins of Covid-19

>>102757, >>102758 San Francisco drug dealers could now face murder charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

>>102760 Bannon Puts Murdochs, Fox News On Notice: Speaker Johnson’s Ascent Shows We’ve Only Begun To Fight

>>102761 George W. Bush throws the throw for first pitch of the World Series

>>102764 Maine shooting suspect found dead, sources say (CNN)

>>102763 Israel / Palestine


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f6bad1 No.102766

File: 7b10113649532ee⋯.png (19.9 KB,575x383,575:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814265 (280125ZOCT23) Notable: #24329

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f6bad1 No.102767

File: ce7dd491819db09⋯.png (348 KB,553x466,553:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814280 (280128ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

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ABC News


BREAKING: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, multiple law enforcement sources tell



9:14 PM · Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102768

File: 3f73f7acbf1b000⋯.jpg (311.81 KB,1079x1455,1079:1455,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814289 (280129ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

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There is a reason that steve scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker of the house.


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f6bad1 No.102769

File: 390476445b99ee2⋯.png (619.39 KB,634x846,317:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814305 (280132ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

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Maine mass shooter is FOUND DEAD in the woods with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, sources say

- Robert Card, 40, has been found dead, police sources said on Friday night

- Card was found in woods near Lisbon with a self-inflicted gunshot wound

- Maine state police will hold a press conference at 10pm to provide more details

Maine mass shooter Robert Card has been found dead in the woods with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head, multiple sources told CNN.

Card, 40, was found near Lisbon, where his car was abandoned shortly after Wednesday's massacre.

Eighteen people died when Card, an army reservist who had suffered a recent mental breakdown, opened fire at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston.

Card went on the run, sparking a 48-hour manhunt.


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f6bad1 No.102770

File: 16ce43008dc6644⋯.png (19.75 KB,539x413,77:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814357 (280141ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

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uh oh, the story facade is slipping


Are we going to be laughing about this crap like those nail gun "suicides" from 2016?


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f6bad1 No.102771

File: 45e3a17a24e3b84⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,720x970,72:97,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814372 (280143ZOCT23) Notable: New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKINF: New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.


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f6bad1 No.102772

File: 46061c78bbd0dec⋯.jpg (245.95 KB,1079x909,1079:909,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814407 (280148ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6bad1 No.102773

File: 3bbcac8695ac633⋯.webp (374.5 KB,1200x899,1200:899,Clipboard.webp)

File: 9f247b02f5337e5⋯.webp (166.08 KB,1200x761,1200:761,Clipboard.webp)

File: 2789056eea6b20c⋯.webp (96.69 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 30173673198a2d4⋯.webp (209.43 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.webp)

File: 90089762c7a46da⋯.webp (80.93 KB,1200x674,600:337,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814467 (280154ZOCT23) Notable: My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

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My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

Confederate monument melted down to create new, more inclusive public art

October 26, 20233:00 PM ET Debbie Elliott

Foundry workers at an undisclosed location begin the long process of disassembling and melting down the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The statue was a focal point of deadly riots in Charlottesville, Va. in 2017.

Communities across the American South have removed Confederate monumentsfrom public spaces in recent years. Some have gone to museums, others are locked away in storage.

But one particularly controversial statue from Charlottesville, Va. is on a different journey — to be transformed into something new.

The massive bronze sculpture of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, in uniform, astride his horse Traveller, stood in a downtown Charlottesville park for nearly a century. It was at the center of a deadly white nationalist rally in 2017, when Neo-Nazis and white supremacists tried to stop the city's plans to remove the statue.

It came down to cheers in July of 2021.

"Today the statue comes down and we are one small step closer to a more perfect union," said then-mayor Nikuyah Walker.

A homemade sign that says Heather Heyer Park rests at the base of the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in a downtown Charlottesville, Va. park on August 18, 2017. Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi during a white nationalist rally.

A flatbed truck carries a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from the Market Street Park July 10, 2021 in Charlottesville, Va. Initial plans to remove the statue sparked the infamous "Unite the Right" rally where Heather Heyer was killed, two state troopers died, and dozens of people were injured.

Charlottesville prevailed in a protracted legal battle with the Sons of Confederate Veterans and other groups, and donated the Lee statue to a coalition that proposed to melt it down and create a more inclusive public art installation.

"We want to transform something that has been toxic in the Charlottesville community," says Jalane Schmidt, a religious studies professor at the University of Virginia and one the project's organizers. "We want to transform it into a piece of art that the community can be can be proud of, and gather around and not feel excluded or intimidated."

"People are willing to die for symbols," Schmidt says. "And as we saw in Charlottesville, they're willing to kill for them too."

Lawsuits to stop the project failed, and last weekend organizers moved forward, with great secrecy, to disassemble and melt down the Lee monument.

The work is being done at an out-of-state foundry. NPR agreed not to reveal its location or the identity of the workers because they fear repercussions.

Workers at a foundry heat pieces of the Robert E. Lee statue. It is being melted down and poured into ingots which will later be used to create a new art exhibition in Charlottesville, Va.

Workers hammer and slice off parts of the Robert E. Lee statue that stood in Charlottesville, Va. for decades. The city took it down in 2021 and donated the monument to a group working to transform it into a new piece of public art.

They use a torch to score the head of the statue, in the pattern of a death mask. Lee's face falls to floor with a loud clank.

The symbolism is poignant for Andrea Douglas, executive director of the Jefferson School African American Cultural Center in Charlottesville, which is leading the project.

"The act of myth-making that has occurred around Robert E. Lee, removing his face is emblematic of the kind of removal of that kind of myth," Douglas says.

The project is called Swords into Plowshares, taken from a Bible verse in the book of Isaiah.

The saber from Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's statue is plunged into a crucible to be melted down.

A furnace is ignited and heats to more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit in a side yard of the foundry. Workers feed pieces of the verdigris statue, including General Lee's saber, into a large vessel inside called a crucible.

"We are turning swords into something else," says Douglas. "That saber is the object of violence and it was the object of power, the object of conquest. I think that is an important symbol to really sort of dig into"

Just after nightfall, foundry workers remove the crucible which glows a bright red-orange, and pour the steaming molten bronze into molds.

Jalane Schmidt says the most exciting part for her is seeing the new ingots created.

"Because that's about going forward," she says watching the workers flip out the blocks of metal as if turning out a loaf of bread.


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f6bad1 No.102774

File: d07b6c00383ac23⋯.png (396.08 KB,600x536,75:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814487 (280156ZOCT23) Notable: Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters.

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U.S. Marshals Service


Oct 26

Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters. Congratulations to the newly sworn-in Assistant Directors!




>3 days from now and 2028

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f6bad1 No.102775

File: 0ecadeefe95a63c⋯.webp (74.06 KB,320x128,5:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814523 (280200ZOCT23) Notable: IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends

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IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends

(China pumps out way moar of this shit from at least 5-6 locations but let’s ban muh Japanese imports….chinee boats fish in same waters)

The International Atomic Energy Agency finished inspecting the discharge into the sea of treated nuclear plant wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture on Friday. It was the first IAEA inspection conducted since the release of the diluted tritium-containing water started at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant in August. The first and second rounds of the water discharge have been completed. The U.N. nuclear energy watchdog will report the inspection results by the end of the year. Experts from China, South Korea and Russia joined the survey team, which conducted hearings with TEPCO and the Japanese government on how the wastewater has so far been released and what Japanese experts have found through monitoring of the ocean near the nuclear plant.


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f6bad1 No.102776

File: 2be9070d8097ab6⋯.jpeg (223.45 KB,1072x794,536:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e975412f58ed8b4⋯.jpeg (487.8 KB,1174x1983,1174:1983,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814536 (280202ZOCT23) Notable: “SEVEN COUNTRIES IN FIVE YEARS”: THE 2001 REGIME’S WAR PLAN RESURFACES IN 2023?

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October 27, 2023 (a day ago)

We’re beginning to really uncover the past dirty deeds of our corrupt government, and the revelations are truly alarming. Let’s rewind to 2001, when the United States was attacked by Osama bin Laden. Now, we know our government lied to us about “weapons of mass destruction,” but it seems they had an even grander and more deadly scheme in mind, which prominently featured Iran—a nation, alongside Russia, they’ve been itching to attack. Interestingly, the echoes of the past resonate a tad too closely with our present in 2023, as talk of a potential war with Russia and Iran resurfaces once again. Round and round our war machine goes, right?

This recent deep dive into 2001, spotlighted by Joe Rogan, reveals chilling revelations from General Wesley Clark. Clark claims that the U.S. had ambitions to topple seven countries in just five years. Rogan also examines the potent wartime propaganda used to convince citizens that airstrikes and warfare are the only viable solutions.

Here’s what popular X user KanekoaTheGreat said in his post:

.@JoeRogan and @ComicDaveSmith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark, who asserted that the U.S. government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran, days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

The conversation delves into the propaganda used to justify these wars, the staggering profits amassed by weapons manufacturers—amounting to trillions of dollars—and the tragic toll of millions of innocent lives lost.

“They decide they want to fight these wars. Then, they make up an excuse that they tell the American people. Then, these weapons companies rake in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, and babies get slaughtered. That’s what really happens. Innocent men, women, and children die.”

Today, Secretary of State Blinken warned Iran that the U.S. will respond ‘decisively’ to any attacks targeting U.S. personnel.

This statement follows his warning, issued two days ago, that the U.S. expects increased hostilities from Iran directed at U.S. forces.

The question remains: Will the Biden administration and the U.S. government finally get its war against Iran?

It’s important to recognize that citizens of the United States and people around the world are currently being pounded with wartime propaganda that’s coming from places like Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine, but predominantly from the United States. As you navigate this intricate minefield of emotions, it’s important to remember that these are narratives carefully crafted by the regime for reasons that support war—their biggest money-maker.

(These two goons in the picture are not in charge of anything, but they deserve the judgement of God, because neither have a soul, and thats why they chose them.)


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f6bad1 No.102777

File: bef544f156f7d98⋯.png (284.75 KB,600x496,75:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814677 (280222ZOCT23) Notable: Qatar Sentences Eight Indians To Death Over Israel Spy Charges

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Qatar Sentences Eight Indians To Death Over Israel Spy Charges


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f6bad1 No.102778

File: d00295170dfa784⋯.webp (193.76 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: e900aa5b0db7bd9⋯.webp (109.97 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: e30efd7d30e95e5⋯.webp (147.53 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: a3e613619b6b82e⋯.webp (69.39 KB,1536x1053,512:351,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814681 (280223ZOCT23) Notable: NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

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PN. New York Developers..,

The rest of the article for anon that are curious and not lazy.

NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

Jennifer Gould

New York real estate developers slammed the judge who stripped Donald Trump of his business empire for allegedly inflating the prices of his properties — with some predicting the decision will be overturned on appeal.

Justice Arthur Engoron issued a summary judgment last month calling for a receiver and the canceling of the Trump Organization’s business certificates after state Attorney General Letitia James filed a $250 million civil fraud lawsuit against the former president.

His ruling was temporarily paused by an appeals court at the start of trial, which continued this week.

“I don’t think Trump will lose his properties or his business licenses because of one eccentric judge making a decision on his own. I think [the decision] will be reversed on appeal, but I could be wrong,” one major real estate player said.

Top developers interviewed by The Post — including those who love Trump and those who loathe him — admit there has always been a bit of embellishment when dealing with banks about their properties.

“The Real Estate Board of New York’s annual party — the equivalent of Vanity Fair’s Oscar party — is even dubbed ‘The Liar’s Ball,'” one developer noted.

However, the ramifications of possibly losing their properties is no joking matter, and Engoron’s decision — whether it is an overreach or not — has sent a chill through the industry.

“Canceling business certificates is carte blanche to go after anyone for anything,” one concerned developer said. “I’m not defending Trump. But now they have another tool in their toolbox. Where does it end? It’s a little scary.”

Trump’s former lawyer and longtime fixer Michael Cohen spent two days on the standthis week testifying that he “reverse engineered” Trump Organization asset values based on whatever number Trump chose.

The former president’s defense has been, essentially, that every developer lies and that there was no victim because the bank loans were paid back and that everyone made money.

The onus falls on banks to do their due diligence before issuing any loans, one legal expert told The Post.

“No one lost money. No one got hurt. Everyone got paid in full — even overpaid since the assets were inflated,” real estate lawyer Adam Leitman Bailey said.

The argument carried weight with many developers, including one who has clashed with Trump in the past.

“So Trump is a fraud. We all know it. He always has been. He’s the world’s best con man. The question is, if everybody knows you are a fraud, who are you defrauding?” the developer said.

But another legal expert dismissed the notion that Trump committed a victimless crime.

Business litigation attorney David Slarskey said the Trump Organization’s extreme lies and falsifications go way beyond developers’ standard “fudge factor” — what developers themselves call “puffery” and “aggressive interpretation” of truth.

“The victims of the fraud are not the banks but the integrity of the system itself,” Slarskey said.


“It is not a question of whether a bank makes a profit but what role does this organization play in the ecosystem and does that need to be addressed.”

He added that the Trump Organization’s outright lies and falsifications of square footage at Trump’s Fifth Avenue penthouse, for example, are so “grossly out of line with anything anyone could imagine that it becomes a regulatory issue, that this is the kind of organization that shouldn’t be allowed to operate in New York.”

Trump is known to have embellished almost everything about Trump Tower.

He said it was 68 stories tall when it was really 58 stories.

He said his penthouse triplex was 30,000 square feet instead of 10,000.

He hired undocumented Polish works, promised to pay them and then didn’t — until they sued.

He promised to save Art Deco pillars that were on site, part of the former Bonwit Teller building, but he didn’t.

“I remember being in his penthouse decades ago,” one developer said. “Donald was looking for an appraisal and told someone in the room it was 30,000 square feet.Then he looked at me and winked.”


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f6bad1 No.102779

File: fae28cae62130db⋯.png (883.04 KB,655x821,655:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814720 (280227ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

How Biden's "Green" Agenda Is Making Homes More Expensive


The Biden regime has set its sights on a number of appliances to regulate as a part of its green agenda, including gas furnaces, water heaters, air conditioners and more, in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions.

Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week


MY COMMENT: This is it! Those in the know are abandoning the system before it IMPLODES!

“The United States has overplayed its hand in weaponizing the dollar with sanctions. You're now seeing a lot of countries de-dollar their transactions because we’ve forced it. And this goes beyond even Russia, China, and Iran. Countries like Brazil or India still want to transact with Russia. They can’t do it with dollars, so we've forced them to de-dollarize their transactions, thus weakening the strength of the dollar in the world. The West is sleepwalking our way into world war three and putting civilization itself at stake.”


This wouldn't have happened if Americans prepared for the worst 10+ years ago.


Future Of The USSA? Israeli Military Killed Israeli Civilians While Targeting Hamas Enemies


Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?

Israeli Think Tank Lays Out A Blueprint For The Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza


Gaza Is Being Pummeled By Israeli Bombs (Tens Of Thousands Of Citizens Likely Dead Now)



As Gazan Citizens Scrounge For Food and Water, Hamas Sits On Rich Trove Of Essential Supplies


Hamas was well prepared in advance to overcome SHTF scenarios!

Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a US Operations Base.


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f6bad1 No.102780

File: 256d474e9edd35b⋯.png (82.89 KB,481x632,481:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814784 (280235ZOCT23) Notable: if the US and UN didnt want to fund hamas they wouldnt have funded hamas

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if the US and UN didnt want to fund hamas they wouldnt have funded hamas.

>Since April 2021, the United States has provided over half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians


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f6bad1 No.102781

File: 80469b1a358e6da⋯.png (18.56 KB,769x223,769:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 70089332ffec309⋯.png (7.22 KB,768x51,256:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814797 (280237ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

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I didn't actually hear if that's what Scalise said about Johnson, but according to the official list on the House website, Michael Kerr wasn't the 44th Speaker, he just served during the 44th Congress. Some Speakers serve multiple sessions if you read through the names. But the date is correct and it says he died while Speaker, which is 'dasting.


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f6bad1 No.102782

File: da2eb40eefbd8f5⋯.png (564.19 KB,843x792,281:264,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c1633b7bdb37cd⋯.png (479.22 KB,660x755,132:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814910 (280250ZOCT23) Notable: I directed this military action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests

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here we go


I directed this military action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations. The United States took this necessary and proportionate action consistent with international law and in the exercise of the United States’ inherent right of self-defense as reflected in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The United States stands ready to take further action, as necessary and appropriate, to address further threats or attacks.

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in this action.

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f6bad1 No.102783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814958 (280257ZOCT23) Notable: #24329

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#24329 >>102766

>>102767, >>102769, >>102770 Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

>>102768, >>102772 Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

>>102771 New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.

>>102773 My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

>>102774 Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters.

>>102775 IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends

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f6bad1 No.102784

File: c9a4c7364c59913⋯.png (523.33 KB,1140x593,1140:593,Clipboard.png)

File: b76c950caf195cb⋯.jpg (38.71 KB,500x398,250:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d9185c9755a7ee⋯.png (138.77 KB,465x262,465:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814979 (280300ZOCT23) Notable: #24330

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Baker will finish lb collect

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f6bad1 No.102785

File: db176963ca9f446⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815130 (280323ZOCT23) Notable: US Pentagon Advisor Douglas MacGregor: "I think we have an obligation to save Israel from itself."/LAST

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US Pentagon Advisor Douglas MacGregor:

"I think we have an obligation to save Israel from itself."

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f6bad1 No.102786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815142 (280325ZOCT23) Notable: The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…???

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The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…October 27, 2023

George Floyd is making headlines once more, and the real narrative doesn’t align with what the fake news and left-wingers want you to believe. New court documents reveal that George Floyd’s death wasn’t the result of murder. These documents prove he succumbed to a fentanyl overdose, and there were no injuries found on his neck. In light of this, questions arise about Derek Chauvin’s current imprisonment on murder charges.

Among those politicians was our new House Speaker, Mike Johnson.

Here’s what Mike said in a Twitter thread from 2020:

George Floyd appears to have been the victim of murder. A close review of the video can lead one to no other conclusion, and the tragedy has focused a spotlight once again on the plight of millions of black men in America. It is real, heartbreaking, and it must be addressed.

The crisis necessitates real reconciliation and transformative solutions for systematic change. They are long, long overdue.

We are all God’s children, and we are all Americans. Here is a simple truth: Racism violates the most fundamental principles of our great nation–and the rules of our Creator. Period.

The central idea of America is that we boldly declare the self-evident truth that ALL men are created equal, and are thus endowed by God with the same inalienable rights.

Because each of us is made in His image, every single person has an estimable dignity and value which is wholly unrelated to the color of our skin, what neighborhood we live in, or what we can contribute to society. Our value is inherent, because it comes from above.

Any fool who contends he has a natural right of supremacy over his neighbors violates not only the foundational creed of America, but the greatest commandments of our Heavenly Father.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to the Declaration of Independence as a “promissory note” to future generations. We have not yet fulfilled it, be we MUST. May the Lord heal our nation and help us to see one another as He does. 7/7 #GeorgeFloyd

Like many, Mike quickly drew concrete conclusions about the Floyd case without considering the possibility that a different sequence of events might have unfolded. Many can forgive Mike’s comments because they were made years ago, at a time when so many jumped on the same “banshee” bandwagon. However, unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there for Mike. Looking at some of his other comments on whites, we have to wonder if there’s more to this story than just some misguided support for a crackhead criminal.

Regrettably, it seems that Mike has an anti-white bias. His self-loathing white messaging aligns with the narrative pushed by the left and the fake news media that labels Trump supporters and other whites who challenge mainstream views as “enemies” and “threats to democracy.” Mike is promoting the idea that white individuals inherently have an advantage over black individuals due to their skin color. However, such a broad generalization isn’t accurate, and that’s not a message that any white Republican male should be pushing.

Why would Mike decide to show his support for the black community by targeting and attacking whites? Well, it may have to do with Johnson’s family unit. He married his wife, Kelly, back in 1999. The Johnsons have four children. Mike stated that early in his married life, he and his wife took in a 14-year-old black boy and considered him a part of their family.

Mike might believe that to support his “black son,” he needs to diminish the value of white people. However, that approach sends a concerning message and endorses the narratives that are fueling all the division in our country. We hope Mike recognizes his previous remarks as major missteps and, in his new powerful leadership role, he focuses on the core of the Republican Party, which comprises many white folks who deserve the same respect they’ve extended to him. We need a House Speaker who serves the country, not one who furthers divisive left-wing narratives. It’s time for the House Speaker to truly represent America, not radical, wild-eyed CRT fanatics.

More to come


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f6bad1 No.102787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815155 (280327ZOCT23) Notable: The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…???

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Anons commentMike has been virtue signaling for a long time, he’s not anti-white, you fill in the blank:_____

(==I had a brief thought the other day that Mike Johnson was the anti-Christ because all were praising him like Christ and praising the Lord he believes in God and Jesus Christ.

Theadorationwas disgusting. The Christians (which I am one) were lording his faith and “biblical view” because he proclaimed in his leading, that was the factor to trust him. The Devil knew the scriptures as much as Jesus.==)

Sorry but he’s too shiny now!Way too shiny. (Look at Hannity video if you don’t believe me, they made it look like he was 25 years old. I watched it and I wondered how he looked so rosy and invigorated, and freakin young. Much ypunger than the house hearings. As a reminder: Adam and Eve were deceived over and over by Satan in the lost books of the bible because they never could differentiate the vibration or frequency from the angels to satan; because of their innocence)

PS: Mike nor Hannity mentioned Trump’s name once or praises him, during their last night interview, you tell me where his loyalties lie

(This is the only time I will say this, be forewarned!. BTW Eddie Munster of the House said Mike Johnson was a Godly, Honorable man. I’m not saying Eddie knows who he is, but everyone looks for one ally)

watch and learn


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f6bad1 No.102788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815190 (280334ZOCT23) Notable: #24329 posted in 30

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#24329 >>102766

>>102767, >>102769, >>102770 Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

>>102768, >>102772, >>102781 Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

>>102771 New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.

>>102773 My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

>>102774 Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters.

>>102775 IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends


>>102777 Qatar Sentences Eight Indians To Death Over Israel Spy Charges

>>102778 NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

>>102779 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

>>102780 if the US and UN didnt want to fund hamas they wouldnt have funded hamas

>>102782 I directed this military action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests



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f6bad1 No.102789

File: 5225c1217911e6f⋯.png (178.8 KB,807x603,269:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 105fd30b83125a9⋯.png (164.63 KB,795x602,795:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 9519ef70b1c8fa2⋯.png (162.23 KB,794x598,397:299,Clipboard.png)

File: c0109310c335714⋯.png (177.04 KB,799x605,799:605,Clipboard.png)

File: f8a9597dd7443cb⋯.png (105.68 KB,617x518,617:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815224 (280337ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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Search? in Pacific MexiCali

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f6bad1 No.102790

File: 9325e4933f76a23⋯.png (78.21 KB,600x629,600:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815263 (280345ZOCT23) Notable: Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. That’s mostly due to the US pressure and apprehensions of the Global South’s outcry.

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Dmitry Medvedev



Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. That’s mostly due to the US pressure and apprehensions of the Global South’s outcry.

One shouldn’t get deluded, however. The ground operation will take place, and the consequences will be hard and bloody.Moloch keeps demanding more and more sacrifices, and the mechanism of reciprocal violence is going to grind on for years.

Besides, the West’s got really tired of Ukraine, and now is eagerly supporting Israel. Even the new Speaker of the House of Representatives Michael Jackson (pardon, Mike Johnson, but that doesn’t make much of a difference) made aiding Tel-Aviv a priority.

Shouldn’t it be better to revive the Middle East peace process, and try to abide by the UN Security Council Resolution 242 (1976)? Or even follow the initial Partition Plan for Palestine, approved by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947)?

These are all rhetorical questions, of course. It’s much more fun to split the dough for the others’ war far away from the US.

The war must go on…

Oct 27, 2023 · 9:31 AM UTC


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f6bad1 No.102791

File: 7d5fc7e53d8e5bc⋯.png (240.76 KB,624x337,624:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815272 (280347ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds of “Jewish-American Protesters” SHUT DOWN Grand Central Station in Manhattan - Demand Israel Halt Operations Against Hamas

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Hundreds of “Jewish-American Protesters” SHUT DOWN Grand Central Station in Manhattan – Demand Israel Halt Operations Against Hamas

Cue the jokes about “chickens voting for Colonel Sanders” and “cows voting for “Ronald McDonald.”

On Friday evening, hundreds to thousands of Jewish-American protesters shut down Grand Central Station in Manhattan to demand Israel halt their operations against Hamas. This, of course, is exactly what Hamas wants to see.

Of course, ground operations against the Islamist terror organization have already reportedly begun so these buffoons are already a bit late.

In this video, you can see the protesters have unfurled pro-Palestinian signs and are chanting “let them live” (in reference to Gaza residents) and “ceasefire now” at the top of their lungs.


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f6bad1 No.102792

File: 803339edee42334⋯.png (816.27 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815859 (280540ZOCT23) Notable: The chief of Hamas in Gaza was once a prisoner of Israel. Now it says Yahya Sinwar is a 'dead man walking'

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Soft reveal? Is this another terrorsit training operation? Like Guantanamo

Israeli Jail, cabal train them then use them to attack the thing they've been taught to hate from birth?

Read below

The chief of Hamas in Gaza was once a prisoner of Israel. Now it says Yahya Sinwar is a 'dead man walking'

Twelve years ago, Yahya Sinwar was inside an Israeli jail cell with no means of escape.

The Hamas militant had been in and out of prison twice before he was sentenced to multiple life terms for several offences, including his role in the abduction and murder of two Israelis in 1988.

But in 2011, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to a deal to free him and 1,027 Palestinian and Israeli-Arab prisoners in exchange for an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, who had been captured and held hostage by Hamas.

Sinwar was the highest-profile prisoner to be let out as part of the agreement.

"Whoever made the decision to put him on the list of people getting out, they knew that he was valuable," says Joe Truzman, from the Foundation for Defense of Democracy's Long War Journal.

At some point during his 22-year sentence in prison, Israel also reportedly saved Sinwar's life, permitting life-saving surgery after he developed a brain illness.

But Israel let him go, only for him to return to Hamas and terrorise the country once more.

Once he was home, Sinwar climbed the ranks of the terrorist group to become the Hamas chief in Gaza in 2017.



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f6bad1 No.102793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815871 (280543ZOCT23) Notable: #24330

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Finally Done

No Trippers Lost In This Bread

#24330 >>102784

>>102789 PF updates

>>102785 US Pentagon Advisor Douglas MacGregor: "I think we have an obligation to save Israel from itself."/LAST

>>102786, >>102787 The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…???

>>102790 Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. That’s mostly due to the US pressure and apprehensions of the Global South’s outcry.

>>102791 Hundreds of “Jewish-American Protesters” SHUT DOWN Grand Central Station in Manhattan - Demand Israel Halt Operations Against Hamas

>>102792 The chief of Hamas in Gaza was once a prisoner of Israel. Now it says Yahya Sinwar is a 'dead man walking'


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f6bad1 No.102794

File: b950e84d2d4b105⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ea460d817fa208⋯.png (178.55 KB,1144x1009,1144:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d669fc42b8f3a7⋯.jpg (761.87 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 083cdda7a82b816⋯.jpg (97.23 KB,1148x1052,287:263,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b7ed690782551f5⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815891 (280546ZOCT23) Notable: #24331

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Baker Taps

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f6bad1 No.102795

File: 4751e8268df52fa⋯.png (366.29 KB,600x604,150:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 42a5231df6a1285⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,5192x3461,5192:3461,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815938 (280600ZOCT23) Notable: @TrumpScotland: This holiday season, we are transforming into a WINTER WONDERLAND that will enchant the whole family

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Trump International, Scotland


Oct 21

This holiday season, we are transforming into a winter wonderland that will enchant the whole family. From festive golf experiences to exquisite dining and delightful surprises,we have it all.

Book your holiday festivities now and make this Christmas truly special! 🎉🎄


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f6bad1 No.102796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815944 (280604ZOCT23) Notable: US Army Learning to Fight Underground - $572 million budgeted (from 2017)

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Was researching tunnel warfare last night after questioning if existence of tunnel mapping tech (LiDar, GPR, other Tesla tech kek), and came across an interesting tidbit.

In 2017, the US Army, under urgent request, compiled an updated manual on underground/tunnel warfare, effort led by the Army’s Assymetric Warfare Group. Spec Ops alone wasn’t ready to handle tunnel warfare by itself. Researching again tonight.

Interesting bit from an article (https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-subterranean-warfare-training/)

Learning to fight underground

To prepare combat units, the Army has activated mobile teams to train the leadership of 26 brigade combat teams on how prepare units for underground warfare and plan and execute large-scale combat operations in the subterranean environment.

So far, the effort has trained five BCTs based at Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Camp Casey, Korea; and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. Army trainers have a January deadline to finish training 21 more BCTs located at bases including Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort Drum, New York; Fort Bliss and Fort Hood, Texas, and Fort Richardson, Alaska, the source said.

The 3rd BCT, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colorado is next in line for the training.

Army officials confirmed to Military.com that there is an approved plan to dedicate $572 million to the effort. That works out to $22 million for each BCT, according to an Army spokeswoman who did not want to be named for this article. The Army did not say where the money is coming from or when it will be given to units.

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f6bad1 No.102797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815946 (280605ZOCT23) Notable: Clip re Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house (Scalise)

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/lb >>102768, >>102772, >>102781 Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

scalise sauce @2:55

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f6bad1 No.102798

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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