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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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| QNotables | QNotables 2023 | QNotables 2022 | QNotables 2021 | QNotables 2020 | QNotables 2019 | QNotables 2018 |

File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

d69290 No.51590 [Last50 Posts]

20OCT23 to 23OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

d69290 No.100546

File: 49487ea7849e55d⋯.png (204.1 KB,565x517,565:517,Clipboard.png)

File: e54926b856ee9f4⋯.png (173.65 KB,628x182,314:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 6462c81a4b27718⋯.png (106.87 KB,918x440,459:220,Clipboard.png)

File: 47fb968882609ee⋯.png (326.8 KB,903x622,903:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766460 (200028ZOCT23) Notable: 13 of 22 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations

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13 of 22 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations


According to Breitbart, Steve Scalise (R-LA) is the driving force behind the twenty-two RINOs who have prevented Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) from clenching the House Speakership after two rounds of votes. Trump-endorsed Jordan is the clear choice of grassroots conservatives. A top House GOP aide reported, “[Constituents] are literally melting the phone lines. Some offices’ numbers are permanently busy. Thousands and thousands of people are calling their members of Congress demanding Jordan for Speaker.”

But several sources are claiming Steve Scalise is orchestrating the holdout that is preventing Jordan from clenching the speakership, including Debbie Dooley, a grassroots activist and Louisiana native:

Why would Scalise want to undermine the clear choice of the people and President Trump? Evidence unearthed by grassroots researchers in Scalise’s home state of Louisiana indicates that Scalise is has taken money from the FTX money laundering scandal.

The Former co-CEO of FTX, Ryan Salame, pled guilty early last month to “Conspiracy to Make Unlawful Political Contributions and Defraud the Federal Election Commission and Conspiracy to Operate an Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business.” Salame admitted that his job at FTX was to illegally funnel money to Republican politicians and political causes, while his co-conspirator, Sam Bankman-Fried, funneled money to Democrats. According to Salame, the donations were to support initiatives supported by Bankman-Fried. Bankman-Fried’s dearest initiative appears to be Joe Biden himself, as he made the second-largest single donation to his 2020 presidential campaign.

Another initiative of Bankman-Fried was Steve Scalise, the man currently preventing Jim Jordan from becoming speaker. Bankman-Fried’s straw donor and co-CEO, Salame, donated $2,900 to Scalise a month before the 2022 Midterms ($2,900 is the maximum donation allowed by an individual):


In fact, thirteen of the twenty-two holdout RINOs also accepted donations from Ryan Salame – almost all of them maximum donations.

The RINOs who accepted these funds include Kay Granger (TX-12th), Mike Simpson (ID-2nd), Carols Gimenez (FL-28th), Jen Higgins (VA-2nd) , Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd), Mike Lawler (NY-17th), Steve Womack (AR-3rd), Mike Kelly (PA-16th), Mike Simpson (ID-2nd), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th), Linda Chavez-Deremer (OR-5th), Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd), Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd), and John Rutherford (FL-5th).


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d69290 No.100547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766493 (200035ZOCT23) Notable: Catherine Herridge - Fed officials warning of heightened potential for violence across U.S.

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Catherine Herridge

Fed officials warning of heightened potential for violence across U.S.

as intel bulletin reports upsurge in threats directed toward Jewish, Muslim + Arab communities, “reports of physical assaults, bomb threats and online calls for mass casualty attacks.”

8:27 PM · Oct 19, 2023


CBS Evening News

Federal officials are warning of a heightened potential for violence across the U.S. amid the Israel-Hamas war. They say there's been an upsurge in threats directed toward Jewish, Muslim and Arab communities.

8:03 PM · Oct 19, 2023 1:33


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d69290 No.100548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766511 (200037ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scainvo Jr. "BRAINWASHED" - New Trump Ad

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


8:34 PM · Oct 19, 2023 1:17


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d69290 No.100549

File: c2b42b79d0af8db⋯.png (138.74 KB,594x512,297:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 2528171c8e8471d⋯.png (126.92 KB,513x288,57:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766515 (200038ZOCT23) Notable: They turned the White House red minutes before Biden's speech tonight.

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They turned the White House red minutes before Biden's speech tonight.

Oct 19, 2023, 7:36 PM


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d69290 No.100550

File: d5dd2cbd1d70f7f⋯.mp4 (8.64 MB,696x388,174:97,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766516 (200038ZOCT23) Notable: Israel/Gaza - Jan-Halper Hayes

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Israel/Gaza - Jan-Halper Hayes

Oct 16 2023

- Was Mossad involved?

- Is it true that Egypt gave them warnings 10 days and a year before?

- These messages come out to confuse us on purpose

- Because the cabal, Davos and the WEF did not succeed in creating

WW3 with Ukraine and Russia, this had to be the latest instigation

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d69290 No.100551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766625 (200049ZOCT23) Notable: "Blacks Commit Treason Against Each Other” Malcolm X's Warning About White Liberals

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Blacks Commit Treason Against Each Other” Malcolm X's Warning About White Liberals


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d69290 No.100552

File: b993216e4c81ffb⋯.png (166.14 KB,611x453,611:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766709 (200056ZOCT23) Notable: They turned the White House red minutes before Biden's speech tonight.

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NOW - White House is red minutes before Biden's speech.

1:02 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766812 (200107ZOCT23) Notable: #24271

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Notables - FINAL

#24271 >>100511

>>100512 More than Two Dozen Arrested in Roundup of Members and Associates of the Black Mafia Family

>>100513 Donald J. Trump JR - The Left Wants to Kill Comedy but They'll Never Stop Roseanne

>>100514 Thirty-Seven Gang Members Plead Guilty to Racketeering Conspiracy

>>100515, >>100517, >>100520, >>100525 The American RQ-4B Global Hawk sent a distress signal over the Black Sea and disappeared from radar

>>100516 Biden State Dept official resigns over US support for Israel against Hamas terrorists

>>100518 Rep. Matt Gaetz Eviscerates Leftist Media — Compares New Acting Speaker to Bud Light

>>100519, >>100527, >>100528, >>100529, >>100530, >>100531, >>100532, >>100533, >>100535, >>100540 Biden Live

>>100521 Amid Upcoming Gaza Ground War, Israeli Official Says Hostages Are A ‘Secondary Concern’

>>100522 General Mike Flynn - Here’s my take on Q…

>>100523 U.S. Military Presence in Southwest Asia Continues To Grow

>>100524 Anon Asks, "Has anyone ever gotten the following message from Facebook?" - enable advanced security

>>100526 More movements of long-range ballistic missile launchers have been reported in different places of Iran

>>100534, >>100537, >>100539, >>100541, >>100542, >>100543, >>100544 Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

>>100536 Threads Ban On Search Terms Related To COVID-19 Is 'Temporary': Instagram Chief

>>100538 Sarah Huckabee Sanders to sign executive order eliminating 'woke, anti-women words' from state government use

>>100546 13 of 22 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations

>>100547 Catherine Herridge - Fed officials warning of heightened potential for violence across U.S.

>>100548 Dan Scainvo Jr. "BRAINWASHED" - New Trump Ad

>>100549, >>100552 They turned the White House red minutes before Biden's speech tonight.

>>100550 Israel/Gaza - Jan-Halper Hayes

>>100551 "Blacks Commit Treason Against Each Other” Malcolm X's Warning About White Liberals


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d69290 No.100554

File: 1156659eb67fadd⋯.png (487.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766821 (200108ZOCT23) Notable: #24272

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Welcome to the Global War

Digital Soldiers


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d69290 No.100555

File: 2f76864a6f42011⋯.png (173.69 KB,592x516,148:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766866 (200113ZOCT23) Notable: White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

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White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel.


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d69290 No.100556

File: f2ffd755dafcddf⋯.png (71.32 KB,387x359,387:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766870 (200114ZOCT23) Notable: White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

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White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel.

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d69290 No.100557

File: fe59d5767725007⋯.jpg (71.36 KB,437x423,437:423,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c0f105bd4778bfa⋯.jpg (52.55 KB,536x184,67:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767007 (200128ZOCT23) Notable: White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

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Excellent Q, VIP Patriot!


NAT SEC had to be included for reasons I'm sure you can understand.

Think Green/RED CASTLE.

Think MIL.

Happy Holidays!


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d69290 No.100558

File: 9e989ab4851fb16⋯.jpg (172.35 KB,416x910,16:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767021 (200130ZOCT23) Notable: White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

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Where have you seen that before?


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d69290 No.100559

File: 6251e717cfe86c2⋯.png (610.8 KB,413x1531,413:1531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767031 (200131ZOCT23) Notable: White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

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At what point is it mathematically impossible?

The very next day.


Green Castle.

Public access to intel?


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d69290 No.100560

File: 90394075e82b9dd⋯.png (311.71 KB,588x865,588:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767041 (200133ZOCT23) Notable: 14 Republican HOLDOUTS including Steve Scalise attempting to stop JIM JORDAN purportedly implicated in FTX AND VOTER MULE donations

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: 14 Republican HOLDOUTS including Steve Scalise attempting to stop JIM JORDAN purportedly implicated in FTX AND VOTER MULE donations..

Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is opposing Jim Jordan's bid for House Speaker, received financial contributions from Sam Bankman-Fried's illegal FTX campaign finance operation.

Thirteen of the 22 RINO holdouts also received donations from the same source.

Scalise is a key figure among the 22 Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) who have thwarted Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) from securing the House Speakership, despite having been endorsed by former President Trump.

Jordan has strong support from grassroots conservatives, with many constituents inundating congressional offices with phone calls in favor of his candidacy.

Source: https://joehoft.com/breaking-exclusive-steve-scalise-and-13-rino-holdouts-derailing-jim-jordan-are-connected-to-ftx-and-voter-mule-donations/


2:21 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100561

File: 4fb06e950e71ec7⋯.png (505.58 KB,597x463,597:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767050 (200134ZOCT23) Notable: 14 Republican HOLDOUTS including Steve Scalise attempting to stop JIM JORDAN purportedly implicated in FTX AND VOTER MULE donations

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The Gateway Pundit


EXCLUSIVE: 13 of 22 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations via @gatewaypundit

1:15 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100562

File: 392c997376e7e65⋯.png (39.27 KB,404x425,404:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767091 (200139ZOCT23) Notable: General Mike Flynn - Here’s my take on Q…

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General Mike Flynn @GenFlynn

Here’s my take on Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice. What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION). The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense. I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not). Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water. And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process…note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred). Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22). I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me. Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly. But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible. God bless


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d69290 No.100563

File: e5fb13153bc1e1d⋯.png (571.36 KB,660x723,220:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767098 (200140ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Ties Israel to Ukraine in Oval Office Address from White House Bathed in Red Light

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Biden Ties Israel to Ukraine in Oval Office

Address from White House Bathed in Red Light

Breitbart Middle East, by Nick Gilbertson

Posted By: Imright, 10/19/2023 9:17:10 PM

President Joe Biden attempted to tie the terrorist attacks in Israel to the Russia-Ukraine War during his pitch from the Oval Office to send aid to both countries as the White House was bathed in red light. Two minutes into his remarks, Biden pivoted from speaking about Hamas’s terrorist attacks that murdered more than 1,300 in Israel several weeks ago to “the brutality inflicted on the people of Ukraine.” “You know, the assault on Israel echoes nearly 20 months of war, tragedy, and brutality inflicted on the people of Ukraine, people that were very badly hurt since Putin launched his all-out invasion,” he said. “We have not forgotten the mass graves,

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d69290 No.100564

File: f05eb85c41c379c⋯.png (129.29 KB,555x569,555:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767114 (200141ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW

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9:35 = 17

Olivia Beavers




House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸





9:35 PM · Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100565

File: 567bb9ff23be70f⋯.png (2 MB,973x2130,973:2130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767116 (200141ZOCT23) Notable: General Mike Flynn - Here’s my take on Q…

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Flynn: "Q has done a major disservice"

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d69290 No.100566

File: 03d7ef415c28f5a⋯.png (390.23 KB,678x570,113:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767129 (200143ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli military has 'green light' to move into Gaza, official says

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Israeli military has 'green light' to

move into Gaza, official says

ABC News, by Matt Gutman

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/19/2023 8:40:18 PM

The Israeli military has a "green light" to move into Gaza whenever it's ready, a member of the country’s security cabinet told ABC News. Hostages and civilian casualties will be secondary to destroying Hamas, Economy Minister Nir Barakat told ABC News, "even if it takes a year." Asked about the miles of tunnels Hamas has built under Gaza, he said they’d become the "world’s biggest cemetery." Hamas has claimed to be holding some or all of the 203 Israeli hostages it’s taken within that vast network. "We shall do all efforts to bring our hostages, to bring our hostages [back] alive…" he said, but the "first and last priority"

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d69290 No.100567

File: cdfa47d6f6071e9⋯.png (339.51 KB,1170x779,1170:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767144 (200144ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW

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House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸


9:33 PM · Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100568

File: a9349faba63d498⋯.png (195.14 KB,555x671,555:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767165 (200147ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW

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More info

Jordain Carney


Spox says he’s not dropping out


Jordain Carney


Jordan holding a press conference at 8 am tomorrow:

9:39 PM · Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100569

File: eb12eefbbab649d⋯.png (307.47 KB,720x772,180:193,Clipboard.png)

File: db111b1549d20c6⋯.jpg (329.09 KB,800x905,160:181,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b06522bc1af6dca⋯.jpg (146.79 KB,909x544,909:544,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767182 (200149ZOCT23) Notable: The cult replicates itself through each generation through deliberate, systematic child abuse.

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The cult replicates itself through each generation through deliberate, systematic child abuse.

The abusers create multiple personalities that can be programmed to obey cult handlers. This is currently known as Dissociative Identity Disorder.


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d69290 No.100570

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767211 (200154ZOCT23) Notable: Darren Beattie: Top Biden Intel Official Outed As Palestinian Activist Has Some Very Dark Associates

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Darren Beattie: Top Biden Intel Official Outed As Palestinian Activist Has Some Very Dark Associates. I really like Darren, he’s clear and intelligent



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d69290 No.100571

File: 2dd67dc45b69ab8⋯.jpg (118.41 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a0aa2c81717e256⋯.png (431.67 KB,1740x995,348:199,Clipboard.png)

File: ce9c9eb56cf840a⋯.png (170.85 KB,1738x419,1738:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767248 (200157ZOCT23) Notable: 14 Republican HOLDOUTS including Steve Scalise attempting to stop JIM JORDAN purportedly implicated in FTX AND VOTER MULE donations

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FTX shells & cheeeez


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d69290 No.100572

File: 8cba6ed34073464⋯.png (264.55 KB,800x849,800:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767255 (200158ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW

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Thomas Massie

This is a speech you won’t want to miss from the next Speaker of the House! Floor vote to follow at 10:00 a.m.

House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸·22m



9:49 PM · Oct 19, 2023·12K Views


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d69290 No.100573

File: d4884d2c40cdf7d⋯.png (238.4 KB,765x604,765:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767289 (200203ZOCT23) Notable: Confidence in Mass Media Matches 2016 Record Low

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Gallup: Confidence in Mass Media Matches

2016 Record Low

Newsbusters, by Tim Graham

Posted By: Imright, 10/19/2023 7:59:06 PM

Since 1972, the pollsters at Gallup have been asking about confidence in the mass media. On Thursday, they announced their latest poll found only 32 percent of the public have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in the media’s news reporting. Megan Brenan reported the latest poll, conducted September 1 to 23, "marks just the second time, along with last year, that the share of Americans who have no confidence at all in the media has surpassed the percentage with a great deal or fair amount of trust." This is the Gallup question: In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media -

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d69290 No.100574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767317 (200207ZOCT23) Notable: Ukraine advances Orthodox ban

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Satanist hate God, so this not surprising but what us the Ukraine Orthodox Church Teaching?

19 Oct, 2023 21:36

Ukraine advances Orthodox ban

The parliament in Kiev is pushing a bill that would let it ban the 1,000-year-old institution

The Ukrainian legislature on Thursday approved in the first reading a bill aimed at banning organizations associated with Russia. Bill 8371 is widely understood to be targeting the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church without saying so directly, so as to avoid criticism from the West.

Of the 404 active members of the Verkhovna Rada, 267 voted in favor of the bill, 15 were against and two abstained.

Authors of the bill have declared that it will “allow citizens of Ukraine to realize the right to freedom of worldview and religion guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine.”

Officially, the bill bans the activities of “religious organizations associated with Russia.” President Vladimir Zelensky’s government considers the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) to fit this definition, as it maintains communion with the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The UOC is the largest denomination in Ukraine. Though it denounced Russia in February 2022, when the Ukraine conflict escalated, the UOC has not declared itself autocephalous – independent – of the ROC. Meanwhile, the government in Kiev has set up a rival organization, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which the US-backed Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul recognized as autocephalous in 2019.

According to the BBC, the bill took almost ten months to get on the parliamentary agenda due to opposition from within Zelensky’s ruling party, ‘Servant of the People’. Among those pressuring the Rada to pass it was Vassily Malyuk, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), who argued it was needed to crack down on “collaborators” allegedly operating in its parishes.

Meanwhile, several UOC bishops have pleaded with the lawmakers to “think of their souls” ahead of the vote. The church has vowed to challenge the bill if it goes into effect, though all of its legal challenges so far have been rejected.

“Politicians are once again letting the religious beliefs of millions of Ukrainians be destroyed for their corporate intrigues,” Metropolitan Kliment, a spokesman for the UOC, told the BBC.

Kliment argued that the bill was part of the “de-Christianization” of Ukraine, adding that the very people championing it and the OCU “will vote tomorrow for the introduction of same-sex marriage in Ukraine, and after tomorrow I can’t even imagine what else.”

Bill 8371 would require the government’s bureau of “Ethnic Politics and Freedom of Conscience” to establish that a certain religious organization is based in Russia, after which it can order it to “correct” the matter. If that doesn’t happen, the government can ask a court to ban the denomination. However, the UOC is not a single legal entity. Ukraine would have to go after the Kiev Archdiocese, some 50 dioceses, and about 9,000 individual parishes.

While the legal proceedings could in theory take years, in practice the law can be held like the Sword of Damocles over the heads of the UOC leadership to compel their “cooperation,”or used as a pretext by local and regional authorities to seize church property, according to the BBC’s sources.

Seizures have already been underway for months. Seven of Ukraine’s regions have banned the UOC so far. In March, Zelensky’s government moved against the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, one of the country’s oldest monasteries – and stormed the premises in August, after UOC monks refused to leave. Authorities in Kiev ordered the confiscation of 74 church properties in the Ukrainian capital last month. Many of the seized temples – including several churches inside the Pechersk Lavra – have been turned over to the government-backed OCU.

Moscow has accused Kiev of persecuting the canonical Orthodox church and Washington for tacitly approving Ukraine’s actions.


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d69290 No.100575

File: 7d2201218dad87e⋯.png (1.98 MB,1670x2402,835:1201,Clipboard.png)

File: 4651b7e5b16d4dd⋯.png (151.97 KB,1219x252,1219:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767336 (200210ZOCT23) Notable: White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

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d69290 No.100576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767475 (200230ZOCT23) Notable: Sperry: Leaker Of Trump Taxes Worked For Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won Big New IRS Contract

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Sperry: Leaker Of Trump Taxes Worked For Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won Big New IRS Contract

1/3by Paul Sperry via RealClear

The Internal Revenue Service recently awarded a lucrative contract to help modernize its computer databases to the same Washington firm, Booz Allen Hamilton, that employed the man who pleaded guilty last week to stealing and leaking thousands of private tax returns of wealthy Americans, including former President Trump, according to records reviewed by RealClearInvestigations.

The massive IRS theft is the third major breach of confidential and classified government information by Booz Allen contractors over the last decade – including Edward Snowden's 2013 leak exposing the National Security Agency’s worldwide anti-terror surveillance program.

Cyber-thief Charles “Chaz” Littlejohn was working on an IRS contract for Booz Allen in 2018 when he stole more than two decades of Trump’s personal tax records from IRS computers. He later leaked them to the New York Times, which published negative stories on Trump’s long-sought returns several weeks before the 2020 election, which Trump narrowly lost in a handful of battleground states.

After the election, Littlejohn leaked a trove of sensitive IRS data on Elon Musk, Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires – including major conservative donors – to ProPublica. The left-leaning news site used them to write a series, “The Secret IRS Files,” about how the rich use loopholes and tricks to avoid paying taxes. Congressional Democrats cited the series in their push for higher taxes on the wealthy.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba said she suspects Littlejohn was an operative in a broader political conspiracy to sabotage the former president before the 2020 election.

“What Mr. Littlejohn did, I do not believe he did alone,” she said last week at the Washington courthouse where he pleaded guilty. Habba added that the leak probably “cost my client thousands of votes and was all by design.”

A Democrat donor, Littlejohn struck a deal with federal prosecutors in which he copped to a single count of disclosing tax information without authorization. Though facing a maximum of five years, his plea deal calls for an estimated range of eight to 14 months when he is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 29.

“That looked more like a Hunter Biden plea deal,” Habba said. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.) agreed, saying Littlejohn is getting a “slap on the wrist.”

Booz Allen's Name Kept Out of Court Papers, Press

The most profitable government contractor in the world, Booz Allen has been connected to a number of high-profile Democrats over the years, including former employee James Clapper, who served as President Obama’s intelligence czar. Clapper was involved in an intelligence community operation just weeks before the 2020 election to suppress information about Biden foreign influence-peddling found on his son’s laptop.

At least two Obama administration alumni sit on Booz Allen’s board. President Clinton’s IRS commissioner also holds a seat. In the 2020 election cycle, federal records show Booz Allen contributed a total of $238,776 to Joe Biden versus $85,657 to Trump. The company also gave almost four times more money to the Democratic National Committee than to the Repubican National Committee.

Federal investigators were closing in on the 38-year-old Littlejohn this summer when the Biden administration decided to rehire his former employer, Booz Allen, through a contract with a ceiling value of $2.6 billion to help overhaul the IRS' IT operations.

The massive new IRS contract may explain why the Biden administration won’t identify Littlejohn’s employer by name in court papers and press releases about the case.

The Justice Department would only say that Littlejohn "served as a contractor to Company A, a consulting firm that serviced public and private clients.” The Treasury Department, which oversees the IRS and also investigated Littlejohn, has not identified Booz Allen as the firm, either. Nor have Littlejohn’s lawyers, who declined comment.

The Washington media have gone along with the blackout describing Littlejohn as an “IRS Contractor." Even as they have reported in some detail on the mechanics of Littlejohn’s thievery – he uploaded data to a private server instead of downloading it to a flash drive which might set off IRS alarms – news outlets never explained the key question of how he had access to the tax returns in the first place: because he was working for Booz Allen. The New York Times reported that Littlejohn "was working for a company contracted by the IRS. The company that employed the contractor was not named.” The Washington Post described Littlejohn as a “financial consultant” and left it at that.


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d69290 No.100577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767484 (200231ZOCT23) Notable: Sperry: Leaker Of Trump Taxes Worked For Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won Big New IRS Contract

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Meanwhile, Politico has published at least three stories on Littlejohn without naming Booz Allen as his employer.

The identity of his former employer is not difficult to find on the internet. A Pew Charitable Trust bulletin dated Feb. 26, 2018 describes Littlejohn as “an associate with Booz Allen Hamilton’s finance and economic development practice.”

In a 2008 blurb Littlejohn wrote for the University of North Carolina alumni newsletter, he stated: “Upon graduating from Carolina in 2007, I went to work for the strategy and technology consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton in their civil finance division. The civil finance team works with the IRS … In my time at Booz Allen, I have had the opportunity to work on a workload transition project at the IRS."

The dates track with the employment record prosecutors laid out in their charging document: “From 2008 to 2010, from 2012 to 2013, and from 2017 to 2021, Littlejohn served as a contractor to Company A.”

Asked if Booz Allen terminated Littlejohn in 2021, or if he left on his own, company spokeswoman Jessica Klenk said, "We're not in a position to speak to that at this point.”

The massive IRS breach raises new questions about Booz Allen’s ability to protect sensitive government information.

In 2013, Booz Allen put Edward Snowden to work at the National Security Agency. That May, Snowden left the country with thousands of top-secret documents that he soon leaked to journalists, exposing the agency’s worldwide anti-terror surveillance program. Snowden fled to Russia and in 2022 was granted Russian citizenship by President Vladimir Putin. At the time of the breach, Booz Allen condemned it as “a grave violation of the code of conduct and core values of our firm” and vowed to investigate the matter.

But another rogue employee soon put the top Beltway contractor back in the spotlight. In 2016, Booz Allen computer analyst Harold Martin III was arrested for stealing other data from the NSA. To address the fallout, the company hired former FBI Director Robert Mueller to conduct an external review of its security procedures, including how it screens employees. “We are committed to doing our part to detect potential insider threats,” the company stated. Mueller presented his findings and recommendations around June 2017 – the year before Littlejohn stole thousands of private tax returns. In an interview with RealClearInvestigations, Booz Allen spokeswoman Klenk declined to say what reforms it implemented, if any, to safeguard such information. The McLean, Va.-based company employs more than 20,000 consultants with government security clearances handling some of the nation’s most confidential data.

Despite this track record of breaches, the IRS has trusted Booz Allen to help modernize its computer system. In late June, the IRS awarded the company part of a multibillion-dollar contract to update its databases, which involves consolidating roughly 400 different systems into a new, cloud-based architecture. “Booz Allen is committed to supporting IRS’ modernization and tax administration efforts for years to come,” the company said in a statementtouting the awarding of the seven-year contract under the headline, “Applying IT modernization to enhance taxpayer experience."

The IRS did not respond to requests for comment about Booz Allen. In a press statement following Littlejohn’s arrest, Commissioner Danny Werfel said the agency has “tightened security” in the wake of the leaks. In a separate public statement, a Treasury official added that “the American people have every right to expect the utmost integrity from those who are granted access to sensitive taxpayer information through their employment with the IRS.” Treasury’s inspector general is "still investigating" the case, according to a Department of Justice press release. Prosecutors have not offered a motive for Littlejohn’s crime. If they know why he leaked Trump’s tax information to the media, they're not saying.

A search of Federal Election Commission records turns up small-dollar donations Littlejohn made to Democrats through ActBlue, a liberal fundraising platform. When he first started working for Booz Allen in 2008, he said he shared the firm's “social mission” and that it gave him the “flexibility” to pursue “research I started as an undergraduate on agricultural markets in Uganda."

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d69290 No.100578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767488 (200231ZOCT23) Notable: Sperry: Leaker Of Trump Taxes Worked For Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won Big New IRS Contract

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A Pro-Democrat Family

Littlejohn was raised in an affluent Democrat household in St. Louis. He is the son of retired PR executive Steve Littlejohn and attorney Stefanie London, both of whom are Biden donors, according to the Federal Election Commission database.

His father, who also gave $900 to Barack Obama, has posted a number of anti-Trump tweets. Steve Littlejohn, who began his career in Wilmington, Del., is a fan of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. In 2017, he retweeted the liberal host's false conspiracy theories about Trump's “coordination" with the Russians to rig the 2016 election in his favor. The next year, his son stole Trump’s tax filings.

Littlejohn’s mother, who specialized in document retention and intellectual property protection during her law practice, previously clerked for the late federal judge Theodore McMillian, a Jimmy Carter appointee. She is the daughter of famed St. Louis public defense attorney and self-described “social liberal” Norm London. Records show Stefanie London, who started her education at the University of Pennsylvania, also supported the Senate campaign of liberal Democrat Beto O’Rourke.

Court filings reveal Littlejohn didn’t just steal Trump’s tax filings but also those of “entities and individuals” related to him. It’s not clear if the tax returns of Trump’s family members were also leaked. But investigators have the evidence. As part of his plea deal, Littlejohn agreed to forfeit to investigators his interest in about a dozen electronic devices and private web accounts. Investigators found one of the flash drives he used to store the purloined data hidden inside the lining of a wood and leather box that contained “an ornamental camel."

Biden-appointed U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes invited Trump to deliver a statement at Littlejohn’s sentencing, which she set for Jan. 29. It is not immediately known if Trump will take her up on the offer. But after the New York Times published his tax records just five weeks before the 2020 election – in a story headlined, “Long-concealed records show Trump’s chronic losses and years of tax avoidance” – he railed against what he called the “fake news” media. Now the GOP’s 2024 frontrunner, Trump explained that he was "entitled, like everyone else" to take write-offs against income, such as "depreciation [deductions] and tax credits."

DOJ has notified only 152 victims of Littlejohn’s crime. Thousands more high-net-worth taxpayers remain in the dark about whether the rogue Booz Allen contractor shared their most private financial data with the media, which still possess the confidential information. DOJ said it is working to identify additional victims, but rather than notifying them, it plans to set up a website where taxpayers can check to see if their tax filings were breached.

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d69290 No.100579

File: 9c8ec9534a06b72⋯.png (302.27 KB,561x755,561:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 89ea3aa54199faf⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767504 (200233ZOCT23) Notable: Anons try to decode Biden Statement

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President Biden


When fear and suspicion, anger and rage run hard, we have to work harder than ever to hold on to the values that make us who we are.

We must renounce violence and vitriol, and see each other not as enemies, but as fellow Americans.

10:28 PM · Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100580

File: ad672afd0396e68⋯.png (11.68 KB,589x158,589:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767522 (200237ZOCT23) Notable: A US judge has ruled that California's assault rifles and weapons ban is unconstitutional

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A US judge has ruled that California's assault rifles and weapons ban is unconstitutional, per Reuters


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d69290 No.100581

File: 76f38861c1cd8db⋯.png (55.58 KB,620x393,620:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767535 (200239ZOCT23) Notable: Anons try to decode Biden Statement

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>violence and vitriol




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d69290 No.100582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767563 (200243ZOCT23) Notable: Anons try to decode Biden Statement

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That last sentence equals 17 words.

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d69290 No.100583

File: c6eff76052e6f45⋯.png (1.28 MB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 00a92b31d383a05⋯.png (1.36 MB,892x892,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767574 (200245ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. Army has charged Private Travis King with crimes ranging from desertion for running into North Korea in July to assault against fellow soldiers and solicitation of child pornography, according to documents obtained by Reuters

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U.S. Army Private Travis King, who was recently Deported from North Korea and turned over to American Authorities after fleeing over the Border from South Korea to North Korea earlier this Year in order to avoid Disciplinary Action, has been Arrested and Charged by a Military Court with Desertion, Assault on a fellow Soldier, and Solicitation of Child Pornography as well as 6 additional Charges.

9:36 PM · Oct 19, 2023 · 32.5K Views


Threaded: King’s Mother has insisted that he be given a “Presumption of Innocence” suggesting that something happened to him while he was Deployed to South Korea.

October 19, 20239:08 PM CDT

Sauce: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-army-charges-private-travis-king-with-desertion-over-dash-into-north-korea-2023-10-20/

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d69290 No.100584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767669 (200301ZOCT23) Notable: #24272

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Notables - FINAL

#24272 >>100554

>>100555, >>100556, >>100557, >>100558, >>100559, >>100575 White House turns red moments before Joe Biden speech about Ukraine and Israel. / RED CASTLE (Q Drop 2593, 2670, 2835)

>>100560, >>100561, >>100571 14 Republican HOLDOUTS including Steve Scalise attempting to stop JIM JORDAN purportedly implicated in FTX AND VOTER MULE donations

>>100562, >>100565 General Mike Flynn - Here’s my take on Q…

>>100563 Biden Ties Israel to Ukraine in Oval Office Address from White House Bathed in Red Light

>>100564, >>100567, >>100568, >>100572 JIM JORDAN PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW

>>100566 Israeli military has 'green light' to move into Gaza, official says

>>100569 The cult replicates itself through each generation through deliberate, systematic child abuse.

>>100570 Darren Beattie: Top Biden Intel Official Outed As Palestinian Activist Has Some Very Dark Associates

>>100573 Confidence in Mass Media Matches 2016 Record Low

>>100574 Ukraine advances Orthodox ban

>>100576, >>100577, >>100578 Sperry: Leaker Of Trump Taxes Worked For Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won Big New IRS Contract

>>100579, >>100581, >>100582 Anons try to decode Biden Statement

>>100580 A US judge has ruled that California's assault rifles and weapons ban is unconstitutional

>>100583 The U.S. Army has charged Private Travis King with crimes ranging from desertion for running into North Korea in July to assault against fellow soldiers and solicitation of child pornography, according to documents obtained by Reuters


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d69290 No.100585

File: a3e04266742a208⋯.png (626.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767674 (200302ZOCT23) Notable: #24273

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Information Warfare

Godspeed Patriots


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d69290 No.100586

File: 41f83f0224a343e⋯.png (440.07 KB,988x814,494:407,Clipboard.png)

File: a31a7048fbdcd24⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767716 (200310ZOCT23) Notable: "BRAINWASHED" New Trump Ad

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d69290 No.100587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767724 (200311ZOCT23) Notable: Venezuela Pursuing Former Oil Clients After U.S. Lifts Sanctions

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Venezuela Pursuing Former Oil Clients After U.S. Lifts Sanctions

By Marianna Parraga October 19, 2023

HOUSTON, Oct 19 (Reuters) – Venezuelan state-run oil company PDVSA has begun contacting customers with crude supply contracts amid the temporary lifting of U.S. sanctions, two people familiar to the matter said on Thursday, moving to resume cash sales to global refiners.

The U.S. on Wednesday lifted most restrictions on Venezuela for six months for producing, selling and exporting oil to its chosen markets. The broad relaxation of sanctions imposed since 2019 following an election that Washington considered a sham will allow some Venezuelan crude to flow to customers previously barred from transactions.

The license, issued by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), aims to encourage a fair presidential election in Venezuela next year. But it is not expected to significantly boost Venezuela’s deteriorated oil production or immediately lead to stronger exports.

PDVSA’s trading division has lost many of its skilled staff with oil traders departing due to low salaries. That loss of experience means new negotiations could take time, or produce few new export deals in the six months of the license, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Oil output in Venezuela, which boasts of the largest crude reserves worldwide, now averages 780,000 barrels per day (bpd) and the license changes could help increase PDVSA’s cash flow by at least reducing the pool of middlemen selling its oil at a discount to customers, mostly in Asia.

“The OFAC has issued an unprecedented general license that suspends the broad siege imposed to PDVSA,” the company’s CEO and Oil Minister Pedro Tellechea said on social media.

Venezuela can now receive direct payments for goods or services under the license issued by OFAC, which oversees American sanctions.

The payment restrictions had reduced sale proceeds to PDVSA and its joint ventures, which were authorized only to deliver cargoes to repay debt, while cash moving to Venezuela was barred. Not all U.S. sanctions on PDVSA were lifted.

PDVSA’s earnings have been heavily curtailed by sanctions in the past four years. As its traditional customers were banned from doing business with it, the company had to sell its oil to an ever-changing group of middlemen willing to trade cargoes for large price discounts.

Since November, when Washington authorized Chevron to expand its joint ventures with PDVSA and export Venezuelan crude to the U.S., that agreement and a few others provided PDVSA’s only access to Western markets.

Those agreements, however, are limited to debt repayment deals, so little cash is reaching PDVSA’s coffers, constraining its ability to expand oil production and exports.

“The biggest short-term benefit, in an election year, is to sell oil at a full price to its most profitable market, the United States,” Francisco Monaldi, a Latin American energy market expert at Rice University’s Baker Institute, wrote on social media.

“Even in case sanctions are reinstated, the money brought in and the limited additional production will be a ‘bird in hand,'” for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s administration, Monaldi added.


A delegation led by Maduro traveled to China in September to renew trade and investments. Among proposals discussed by both government and state companies was the reactivation of Venezuela’s debt payments with oil to China, which largely remain under a grace period, and the expansion of joint oil ventures in the country, according to separate sources close to the talks.

China is Venezuela’s main oil export market, receiving some 430,000 bpd of crude and fuel this year, according to tanker tracking data. Before the sanctions, India and the U.S. were other top destinations.

PDVSA’s largest customers, state-run CNPC and PetroChina 601857.SS through wide oil-for-debt deals, have not imported Venezuelan oil since the U.S. imposed secondary sanctions in 2020, so small refiners in China have been taking theVenezuelan cargoes instead.

Before sanctions, PDVSA also had oil supply contracts with U.S. oil refiners including its Houston-based subsidiary Citgo Petroleum, Valero Energy and PBF Energy; India’s Reliance Industries and Nayara Energy; and European firms such as Italy’s Eni and Spain’s Repsol.

It was not immediately clear which of those oil supply contracts remain unexpired and could be quickly renewed.

PDVSA and Venezuela’s oil ministry did not immediately reply to requests for comment.

President Joe Biden’s administration this week highlighted that both the election terms and a series of side agreements between Maduro, the country’s political opposition and Washington must be fulfilled to keep the licenses active.

The U.S. gave Venezuela until the end of November to withdraw bans on opposition candidates who would run for president, and a group of political prisoners must be released. The first release of detainees took place overnight.


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d69290 No.100588

File: d79c16470a15d3f⋯.png (265.69 KB,537x635,537:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767734 (200313ZOCT23) Notable: FBI - On our new Inside the #FBI podcast episode

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On our new Inside the #FBI podcast episode, learn about this week’s Five Eyes summit and the economic espionage threats worrying the world’s top intelligence agencies.


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d69290 No.100589

File: 79506c1fae091af⋯.png (107.45 KB,227x175,227:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767751 (200316ZOCT23) Notable: Maryland Circuit Court Judge Wilkinson Fatally Shot at Home

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Maryland Circuit Court Judge Wilkinson Fatally Shot at Home


Date: October 19, 2023

Modified: 18 mins ago

At approximately 2100 EST, initial reports indicated that a man had been fatally shot at his residence in Hagerstown, Maryland.

Local media has just reported that the victim appears to be Maryland Circuit Court Judge Andrew Wilkinson. WJLA has reported that Maryland State Troopers have been dispatched to protect the homes of other judges.

The assailant reportedly lost custody of his children earlier today as Judge Wilkinson presided over the case.

This is developing.


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d69290 No.100590

File: 20afcd1aa78924b⋯.png (322.97 KB,473x747,473:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 4be2f9a49532c53⋯.png (402.53 KB,472x795,472:795,Clipboard.png)

File: d916e24977dd4c5⋯.png (310.67 KB,488x794,244:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 32c814b088550db⋯.png (109.39 KB,485x799,485:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ed69f50bf5ef4a⋯.mp4 (9.84 MB,500x882,250:441,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767765 (200319ZOCT23) Notable: Molly McCann Sanders on Sydney Powell: Overcharged, Coercive Power of State, Testify Freely, Epidemic of Stupid and Conviction Machine

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Molly McCann Sanders on Sydney Powell: Overcharged, Coercive Power of State, Testify Freely, Epidemic of Stupid and Conviction Machine

Molly McCann Sanders

Federal Litigation & Appeals Attorney ⚖️ Of Counsel at Binnall Law Group🇺🇸Formerly Of Counsel with Sidney Powell, P.C. defending Gen. Michael Flynn.



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d69290 No.100591

File: c56eed61f0f0536⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x929,1920:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767781 (200326ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - E4B out of Offutt heading east

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E4B out of Offutt heading east

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d69290 No.100592

File: ceb4ae15eb5a9af⋯.png (59.94 KB,790x300,79:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767830 (200333ZOCT23) Notable: Ronny Jackson - "Rashida Tlaib has shown her true colors by knowingly spreading Hamas propaganda"

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Ronny Jackson

Rashida Tlaib has shown her true colors by knowingly spreading Hamas propaganda. She’s 100% ON THEIR SIDE. She SHOULD NOT be receiving classified briefings on Israel just so she can share them with her terror buddies in Gaza. It’s time to REVOKE her access IMMEDIATELY!!

10:15 PM · Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100593

File: 8eae423eba97e8f⋯.png (236.63 KB,549x530,549:530,Clipboard.png)

File: 580159a3a5f6109⋯.png (453.67 KB,465x844,465:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767856 (200337ZOCT23) Notable: Ronny Jackson - "Rashida Tlaib has shown her true colors by knowingly spreading Hamas propaganda"

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>Rashida Tlaib


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d69290 No.100594

File: bcb82dd1e44f965⋯.png (1.28 MB,1918x931,274:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767872 (200339ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - E4 looks like it is on approach to Wright-Patterson AFB

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E4 looks like it is on approach to Wright-Patterson AFB

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d69290 No.100595

File: 4aa2f1b25e0f077⋯.png (1.32 MB,1634x958,817:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19767903 (200343ZOCT23) Notable: Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

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Exclusive: Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

Mattathias Schwartz Business Insider

Oct 19, 2023, 4:30 AM PDT

Peter Thiel has worn many hats over the years: Silicon Valley founder, Trump megadonor, cryptocurrency booster, democracy skeptic.

But there is yet another facet to Thiel, one that has remained secret until now: FBI informant.

In the summer of 2021, Insider has learned, Thiel began providing information as a "confidential human source," or CHS, to Johnathan Buma, a Los Angeles-based FBI agent who specializes in investigating political corruption and foreign-influence campaigns.

Charles Johnson, a longtime associate of Thiel's and a notorious figure in the far-right movement that Thiel has subsidized for a decade, told Insider in a statement that he helped recruit the billionaire as an informant by introducing him to Buma.

A source with knowledge of Thiel's relationship to the FBI, whose identity is known to Insider but who insisted on anonymity, corroborated Johnson's account, telling Insider that Johnson brokered a relationship between Thiel and Buma. Insider was able to confirm through an additional source that the FBI added Thiel to its formal roster of registered informants.

Another source close to Thiel told Insider that while they could not confirm that Thiel was a CHS, Thiel did speak to Buma occasionally. The source said that any assistance Thiel might have provided to the FBI should be understood as part of Thiel's gradual distancing of himself from Trump and the broader MAGA movement, which has vigorously criticized the FBI and other federal law-enforcement agencies.

Valuable information on a recurring basis

The FBI maintains a vast network of informants to keep tabs on organized crime, terrorist threats, extremist groups, and other criminal and intelligence targets. These sources, according to the bureau's Confidential Human Source Policy Guide, are more than casual tipsters.

Confidential human sources enter "into a relationship with the FBI, and that relationship will forever affect the life of that individual," the guide says. "[They] will be either an 'FBI source' or a 'former FBI source' and, in turn, his or her conduct or misconduct will reflect upon the FBI." As such, the process for recruiting and maintaining such sources is highly regulated, requiring multiple layers of...


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d69290 No.100596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768111 (200419ZOCT23) Notable: Ex-Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Sentenced to 8 Years for Corruption

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Ex-Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Sentenced to 8 Years for Corruption

The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) revealed that Lukas made payments totaling 55 million Singapore dollars (US$39 million) to overseas casinos since 2017.

Oct. 19, 2023


It is alleged Mr Enembe has spent millions at Crown Perth's casino since 2017.

Enembe, 55, is suspected of misappropriating at least 560 billion rupiah (AUD$56 million) since 2017, and spending much of it in casinos in at least two countries, including Singapore and Australia.

But authorities have told the ABC the total amount under investigation was in the "trillions of rupiah," or hundreds of millions of dollars.


Hundreds of millions believed laundered at Crown Casino Perth through $2 shell company

"There can be no doubt that the processes adopted by Crown outlined above enabled or facilitated money laundering through the Southbank and Riverbank accounts," the report said.

ASIC records show Riverbank Investments Pty Ltd is a $2 company owned by Crown Resorts Limited, with Crown Resorts chief executive Ken Barton its sole director and company secretary Mary Manos its secretary.

Crown patrons would deposit money into the account, which would be transferred to Crown Perth to be credited to the patron's deposit account at the casino.


Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World.

Find peace.

God is with us.

God bless and be safe.


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d69290 No.100597

File: 815a1e5d5e9aae9⋯.png (5.97 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768206 (200445ZOCT23) Notable: Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

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Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

At this point, would anyone be surprised if our government were willing to assassinate a US president, bomb its own citizens, or unleash a virus to influence a US election? Probably not. And this isn’t “tinfoil hat” conjecture; many level-headed people are raising serious questions about our government’s actions. Recently, public figures like Senator Rand Paul and RFK Jr. have been very outspoken about the government’s role in events such as the Kennedy assassinations and the COVID-19 “pandemic.” Rightly so, as the government has time and again proven itself utterly untrustworthy.

Adding to the mystery is another bombshell that relates to the events of 9/11. A well-known Twitter account, ‘WallStreetApes,’ recently shared a revealing post and video from Glenn Beck. The post highlights the media’s glaring silence on a document endorsed by 11 former FBI agents and two former CIA agents. This document alleges that the CIA was not only aware of the 9/11 hijackers but actively recruited them and hid their plans from the FBI.

Wow, this news might come as a shock, but believe it or not, some folks have been saying this for decades.

Video of Glenn Beck looking like Col. Sanders….


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d69290 No.100598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768264 (200500ZOCT23) Notable: Tom MacDonald & Adam Calhoun - "Your America"

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Tom MacDonald & Adam Calhoun - "Your America"

Adam Calhoun

1.67M subscribers

6.6M views 2 months ago #AdamCalhoun #YourAmerica #TomMacDonald

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d69290 No.100599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768509 (200637ZOCT23) Notable: #24273

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Notables - FINAL

#24274 >>100585

>>100586 "BRAINWASHED" New Trump Ad

>>100587 Venezuela Pursuing Former Oil Clients After U.S. Lifts Sanctions

>>100588 FBI - On our new Inside the #FBI podcast episode

>>100589 Maryland Circuit Court Judge Wilkinson Fatally Shot at Home

>>100590 Molly McCann Sanders on Sydney Powell: Overcharged, Coercive Power of State, Testify Freely, Epidemic of Stupid and Conviction Machine

>>100591 PlaneFag Report - E4B out of Offutt heading east

>>100592, >>100593 Ronny Jackson - "Rashida Tlaib has shown her true colors by knowingly spreading Hamas propaganda"

>>100594 PlaneFag Report - E4 looks like it is on approach to Wright-Patterson AFB

>>100595 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

>>100596 Ex-Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Sentenced to 8 Years for Corruption

>>100597 Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

>>100598 Tom MacDonald & Adam Calhoun - "Your America"


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d69290 No.100600

File: 5f75b8cafe7a518⋯.png (116.4 KB,461x288,461:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768515 (200638ZOCT23) Notable: #24274

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Godspeed Patriots


**Remaining to shitpost for little bit

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d69290 No.100601

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768587 (200659ZOCT23) Notable: US Navy Destroyer Intercepts Missiles and Drones Off Yemen

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US Navy Destroyer Intercepts Missiles and Drones Off Yemen

By Idrees Ali and Costas Pitas October 19, 2023

Oct 19 (Reuters) – A U.S. Navy warship on Thursday intercepted three cruise missiles and several drones launched by the Iran-aligned Houthi movement from Yemen potentially toward Israel, the Pentagon said.

Washington is on heightened alert for activity by Iran-backed groups as regional tensions soar during the Israel-Hamas war.

The Pentagon said the destroyer USS Carney was operating in the northern Red Sea on Thursday when it brought down the projectiles and there were no injuries.

“We cannot say for certain what these missiles and drones were targeting, but they were launched from Yemen heading north along the Red Sea, potentially towards targets in Israel,” Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told reporters.

A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said it did not appear that the warship was the target.

The U.S. has sent a significant amount of naval power to the Middle East in the past week, including two aircraft carriers, their support ships and about 2,000 Marines.

While the White House says there are “no plans or intentions” for their use, it means U.S. military assets would be in place to protect U.S. national security interests if needed. The U.S. also has an array of bases in the Middle East with troops, fighter aircraft and warships.


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d69290 No.100602

File: 8ee7b61c83a0801⋯.png (215.88 KB,488x393,488:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768726 (200811ZOCT23) Notable: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

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Look son its another UFO

Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

At this point, would anyone be surprised if our government were willing to assassinate a US president, bomb its own citizens, or unleash a virus to influence a US election? Probably not. And this isn’t “tinfoil hat” conjecture; many level-headed people are raising serious questions about our government’s actions. Recently, public figures like Senator Rand Paul and RFK Jr. have been very outspoken about the government’s role in events such as the Kennedy assassinations and the COVID-19 “pandemic.” Rightly so, as the government has time and again proven itself utterly untrustworthy.

Adding to the mystery is another bombshell that relates to the events of 9/11. A well-known Twitter account, ‘WallStreetApes,’ recently shared a revealing post and video from Glenn Beck. The post highlights the media’s glaring silence on a document endorsed by 11 former FBI agents and two former CIA agents. This document alleges that the CIA was not only aware of the 9/11 hijackers but actively recruited them and hid their plans from the FBI.

Wow, this news might come as a shock, but believe it or not, some folks have been saying this for decades.

Here’s what Glenn said:

''“Let me show you this. This is a document from the sworn declaration of a 9-11 investigator with the Office of Military Commissions, part of the Department of Defense’s Military Commissions Defense Organization. This document is dated July 20, 2021. It first appeared on a former Washington Post journalist substack, Jeff Stein’s Spy Talk.

Have you heard anything new at all regarding the 9-11 investigation in the last 10 years? Anything.

Have you heard anything about the newly discovered sworn declaration anywhere in the mainstream media? I saw it once. Maybe there’s nothing to it. Well, I mean nothing is probably a little too harsh. Just the allegation from multiple FBI agents that the CIA was running an illegal domestic spy agency inside the United States.

The declaration says that the saudis were being used as intermediaries to recruit al-qaeda operatives for the CIA quote al-bawami was an intelligent it could be salami i don’t know how to print anyway uh… he was running uh… he was an intelligence officer in the the employee of the saudi government he was quote two of the nine eleven hijackers at the saudi consulate in los angeles this declaration alleges the CIA new the hijackers we’re inside the united states and they wanted to work with them to recruit them through an illegal domestic espionage operation and hid everything from the FBIA

This information just came out. Just came out.

Does anybody find that interesting does anybody find it interesting that it’s not everywhere in the mainstream media i mean the c i a was running illegal operations accidentally led to the worst tragedy on american soil i mean that seems kind of newsworthy where’s the curiosity from the press is a problem of sourcing

Well, let’s see. This account comes after the interviews of 11 ex-FBI agents, two ex-CIA agents, a CNN investigative journalist, former deputy of national security advisor Richard Clark, and former Senator Bob Graham from Florida, a Democrat. He was a co-chair of Congress’s joint inquiry into 9-11.

I don’t know it’s an amazing claim it seems to have all lot of sources but the media doesn’t care”''


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d69290 No.100603

File: 3f8ae3c6ac7e675⋯.jpg (55.34 KB,720x329,720:329,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768742 (200822ZOCT23) Notable: US conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours after Russian move to revoke global test ban, Fox News reports

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NEW: US conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours after Russian move to revoke global test ban, Fox News reports


Oh Shit!

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d69290 No.100604

File: 92bf67c51c26e68⋯.png (74.08 KB,594x905,594:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768902 (201013ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: In case you do not fully comprehend what this means, here is just one example: by putting an Iranian in a top position inside the DOD/Special Operations...

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Lara Logan


In case you do not fully comprehend what this means, here is just one example: by putting an Iranian in a top position inside the DOD/Special Operations with high level access to secret programs & intelligence, you gave the Iranian regime access to classified information on every member of the US military who has - on the orders of their commander-in-chief - carried out operations against Iran & it’s proxies anywhere in the world, to include the Iraqi & Afghan battlefields. This outs every one of those soldiers/marines etc at risk right here in America. You trained these people - your own citizens - you asked them to serve their country at great personal cost & then you sold them out to your most powerful enemies.

It should come as no surprise since that is almost exactly what this administration did to US allies in Afghanistan.

But if you thought these people would stop short of doing this to their own citizens, you were wrong.

And do not forget - this Iranian spy has not been removed from her position so for now she still has placement & access.

There is no greater betrayal of this nation.

And those in power who are doing nothing about this should be held accountable but as we have seen time and time again, there is no longer any accountability for the real traitors & criminals in America today.


Lara Logan




This is the most outrageous national security breach imaginable & yet we hear nothing from the Republican controlled House? Nothing except whining about who will be speaker. I saw U.S. soldiers shredded on the Iraqi battlefield by Iranian bombs & interviewed Iranian diplomats who… twitter.com/zenoc_oshits/s…

Show more

9:24 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100605

File: dfac59303a08c3b⋯.png (27.63 KB,779x292,779:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768912 (201017ZOCT23) Notable: Judge rules California assault weapons ban is unconstitutional, violates Second Amendment

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Judge rules California assault weapons

ban is unconstitutional, violates Second Amendment

New York Post, by Victor Nava

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 10/20/2023 12:29:45 AM

California’s 33-year-old law banning assault weapons is unconstitutional, violating the right to bear arms, a federal judge declared Thursday. US District Judge Roger Benitez pointed to the Second Amendment’s right to “keep and bear arms” and the Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, which established that gun restriction measures must be “consistent with this nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation” in ruling against California’s assault weapons ban. “Like the Bowie Knife which was commonly carried by citizens and soldiers in the 1800s, ‘assault weapons’ are dangerous, but useful,” Benitez wrote in his 79-page decision

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d69290 No.100606

File: 6a984e77184e9ca⋯.png (661.1 KB,594x731,594:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768919 (201022ZOCT23) Notable: tardation update: Greta Thunberg calls to "stand with Gaza" on Instagram Image

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NEW - Greta Thunberg calls to "stand with Gaza" on Instagram.


9:48 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100607

File: f5fd4a65e346224⋯.png (31.12 KB,585x598,45:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768927 (201028ZOCT23) Notable: DCDraino w/CAP: This post by Gaetz defines the entirety of this Speaker battle Draining the Swamp was never going to be easy It’s a brutal fight

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This post by Gaetz defines the entirety of this Speaker battle

Draining the Swamp was never going to be easy

It’s a brutal fight

We won the 1st major battle vacating McCarthy

Once we elect Jordan Speaker we will have won the war

No quitting in the 4th quarter!

Fight on🫡🇺🇸


Matt Gaetz




Ever seen a SWAMP actually drained?

This Florida Man has.

It’s not orderly.

Turns out, the alligators & snakes get unruly when the comfort of their habitat is disrupted.

Chaos doesn’t scare me.

American decline does.

Our fight continues.

Thank you for having my back!

Show more

11:15 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100608

File: 71a5c80402fa8de⋯.png (19.51 KB,596x261,596:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768934 (201032ZOCT23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell's childhood friend is Antony Blinken. It's a family affair...

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Ghislaine Maxwell's childhood friend is Antony Blinken.

He is the current US Secretary of State.

Antony Blinken's father was Robert Maxwell's lawyer, Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father, was outed as a Mossad super spy in 1991.

5:52 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100609

File: e921bb3343bbab8⋯.mp4 (683.33 KB,536x714,268:357,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768945 (201041ZOCT23) Notable: Biden's America where you can sell drugs openly in the streets and the police will do nothing. Footage from San Francisco...

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>The only way I see to get involved is

>- Quit your job, stop paying taxes!

>- Stop buying and selling

>The fucking money gives this system air to breath!

◾️Biden's America where you can sell drugs openly in the streets and the police will do nothing. Footage from San Francisco, probably one of the best well known American cities, I remember as a kid the Golden gate bridge was such an icon it would feature in many films.

There is a new type of roadside service in San Francisco. Exchange stolen items for methamphetamine. They are ready to give fentanyl to newcomers for free.




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d69290 No.100610

File: 02e1c67e546142d⋯.png (255.1 KB,593x901,593:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768958 (201047ZOCT23) Notable: tardation update: Greta Thunberg calls to "stand with Gaza" on Instagram Image

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NEW - Greta Thunberg has posted on Instagram a call for a global general strike and civil disobedience against "the genocide in Gaza" in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

"We call on governments, politicians, and political parties, state agencies and the police around the world to immediately stop this repressive actions and stand up for the rights of Palestinians."



4:32 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100611

File: 69583dfd61c247f⋯.png (628.16 KB,872x907,872:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768983 (201109ZOCT23) Notable: Techno Fog Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump Why Powell's plea deal doesn't help the RICO case against Trump

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From Techno Fog: Conservative investigative reporting and commentary - down to the source documents.

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Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump

Why Powell's plea deal doesn't help the RICO case against Trump

Techno Fog

Oct 19, 2023

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d69290 No.100612

File: 396141bf7439dec⋯.png (481.98 KB,721x868,103:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c68e192ead820d⋯.png (487.97 KB,711x1018,711:1018,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768985 (201110ZOCT23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell's childhood friend is Antony Blinken. It's a family affair...

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>Ghislaine Maxwell's childhood friend is Antony Blinken.

>He is the current US Secretary of State.

Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress

Secretary of State Antony Blinken's stepfather was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert Maxwell.

by Archive

September 4, 2021

in Deep State, Nationalism vs. Globalism, News, Politics, The Swamp

Last Updated on September 5, 2021

Samuel Pisar, the stepfather of Biden regime Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell. Blinken’s stepfather was reportedly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he mysteriously fell to his death off the Lady Ghislaine while cruising near Spain’s Canary Islands in 1991.

Most Americans may know Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his major role in the devastating Biden administration Afghanistan Disaster, or perhaps for his warmongering while working for the Bush and Obama administrations. However, many may not know that he has connections to the convicted pedophile, ritualistic sex predator, and international elite human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was identified as a Mossad agent who blackmailed world leaders with underage sex traps by former high-ranking Israeli intelligence officials.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell was well-known in intelligence circles as a top confidant of Mossad leadership, National File Senior Reporter Patrick Howley revealed. Samuel Pisar, Secretary Blinken’s stepfather, was a close confidant and lawyer for Robert Maxwell.

Secretary Blinken attended the Dalton School until 1971. National File reported in June that the prestigious New York prep school employed Epstein in a teaching position only a few years later, in 1974. The school has a long and prestigious history of educating the children of wealthy families, and has employed several noteworthy figures including William Barr, erotic novel author and father of disgraced former Attorney General Bill Barr, who previously served as the school’s headmaster and hired Epstein.

Epstein purchased a $56 million mansion located just a mile south of Dalton School, where prosecutors at his sex trafficking trial alleged he paid “numerous” underage girls for sexual services. During his time at Dalton, Epstein’s strange behavior around young girls attracted attention. “It was weird,” one student said. “Everyone talked about it.”

Secretary Blinken’s stepfather was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, who mysteriously fell to his death off the Lady Ghislaine in 1991. Pisar is reportedly one of the last people to have spoken to Maxwell before his death, according to the New York Times.

Among those arguing against any signs of despair are Mr. Maxwell’s son Ian and his lawyer and confidant, Samuel Pisar. They are among the last people, aside from the crew members, to talk to Mr. Maxwell. Both men spoke to him by phone aboard his yacht, around 11 P.M., about an hour after he returned from a solitary dinner in a restaurant in the port city of Santa Cruz.

Mr. Pisar said Mr. Maxwell seemed his normal, confident self and discussed plans and appointments. Ian Maxwell told reporters that his father had planned to travel to London the following day and that their conversation ended with Ian saying, “See you tomorrow, then,” and his father replying, “You bet.”

From 1994 to 2001, Secretary Blinken served on the National Security Council staff. Leah Pisar, his stepsister, also served on the National Security Council staff during the Clinton administration. She also worked for the State Department, the U.S. Embassy in Paris, France, and was a communications director for President Clinton.

Readers may find it interesting that Secretary Blinken had once served as the director of a nonprofit organization now known as Action Against Abduction from 2001-2002, according to opencorporates, a global database of the corporate world. The organization was originally called The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children and then, Parents and Abducted Children Together, before changing their name to Action Against Abduction in 2015.

Action Against Abduction works to protect children from the threat of abduction. This includes abduction by a family member, by people who are known but not related to children, and by strangers. We aim to give parents the best information, and to ensure professionals have the right policies, so that we keep all of our children safe.


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d69290 No.100613

File: ea06170618fcd0a⋯.png (32.57 KB,555x282,185:94,Clipboard.png)

File: e32c222633f8d77⋯.png (245.49 KB,549x321,183:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 29e6c9a79ef8b48⋯.jpeg (47.98 KB,680x475,136:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19768993 (201114ZOCT23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell's childhood friend is Antony Blinken. It's a family affair...

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>Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress

Twitter hiding the pic


Tom Pappert


Crazy how Anthony Blinken's step dad was the last person to talk to Robert Maxwell before he mysteriously died on a boat

Blinken also went to Dalton, where Jeffrey Epstein was a teacher.

The following media includes potentially sensitive content. Change settings

3:48 PM · Sep 4, 2021

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d69290 No.100614

File: 4a7cbebc7486371⋯.png (117.28 KB,382x622,191:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769013 (201125ZOCT23) Notable: You ever watch a horror movie and think Nobody's that dumb in real life Our leaders really are This should be the top story

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You ever watch a horror movie and think

Nobody's that dumb in real life

Our leaders really are

This should be the top story

People should be putting two and two together on this one guys

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d69290 No.100615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769033 (201139ZOCT23) Notable: Texas Secretary of State has released bombshell findings from the 2022 midterm election audit of Harris County that reveal...

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BREAKING: Texas Secretary of State has released bombshell findings from the 2022 midterm election audit of Harris County that reveal:

• Harris County had 9,000 more voters in the registration system than what was reported to the state.

• Almost 3,600 mail-in ballots were sent to voters but not reported to the state.

• 27% of polling locations failed to return or properly complete the necessary paperwork.

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d69290 No.100616

File: aedf12960330e76⋯.png (145.24 KB,389x313,389:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769045 (201142ZOCT23) Notable: Maryland judge Andrew Wilkinson, 52, is fatally shot in his own driveway: Police still searching for a suspect

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Maryland judge Andrew Wilkinson, 52, is fatally shot in his own driveway: Police still searching for a suspect

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d69290 No.100617

File: ef1d527c4e0aca0⋯.png (359.3 KB,593x505,593:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769130 (201209ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. media hype Hamas disinformation, spark global uprising

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Tom Elliott



U.S. media hype Hamas disinformation, spark global uprising

9:37 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100618

File: 961d7eafc0ef45e⋯.png (449.85 KB,592x549,592:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769185 (201228ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Jordan holds a press conference ahead of a third floor vote for Speaker of the House. “The quickest way to get all this working is to get a Speaker elected...

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Benny Johnson


🚨 BREAKING: Jim Jordan holds a press conference ahead of a third floor vote for Speaker of the House.

“The quickest way to get all this working is to get a Speaker elected. That’s what I hope we can do today”

0:32 / 4:55

1:17 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100619

File: ff18de4a70a6466⋯.jpg (642.6 KB,1080x1689,360:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769197 (201234ZOCT23) Notable: USMC w/CAP: Capturing the boom!

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Capturing the boom!

@USMC Staff Sgt. Dana Beesley photographs a Marine with I Marine Expeditionary Force, and a Singapore Guardsman from 7th Singapore Infantry Brigade, taking cover from a controlled explosion during Exercise Valiant Mark 2023 at Camp Pendleton, Calif.


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d69290 No.100620

File: 500e71c3db72627⋯.png (128.15 KB,1228x662,614:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769227 (201244ZOCT23) Notable: New York Attorney General Letitia Jamesnon disclosure of $770,000 loan that doesn't appear on campaign finance disclosures."

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Loomer scoop'ed it but others now reporting on AG James and her corruption...

"⚠️DEVELOPING! New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is conducting a political persecution of former President Trump for "financial misdeeds," apparently has some of her own, including a $770,000 loan that doesn't appear on campaign finance disclosures."


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d69290 No.100621

File: 085d5a11a096750⋯.png (176.86 KB,792x843,264:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769241 (201247ZOCT23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: As I successfaully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs...

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Latest DJT Truth


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d69290 No.100622

File: 097868d3d79b52d⋯.png (143.88 KB,623x557,623:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769272 (201253ZOCT23) Notable: Catturd w/CAP: NYT loses it's verification badge for fake news

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NYT loses it's verification badge for fake news


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d69290 No.100623

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769298 (201300ZOCT23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023



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d69290 No.100624

File: c50c3abba9e7fb6⋯.png (52.44 KB,651x379,651:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769301 (201300ZOCT23) Notable: A breakdown of how much of Joe Biden's $100billion aid package is heading to back Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan amid worldwide strife

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A breakdown of how much of Joe Biden's $100billion aid package is heading to back Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan amid worldwide strife

Plans for President Joe Biden's funding request will see $60billion given to Ukraine and $14billion for Israel, according to a source familiar with the plan

Another $10billion has been earmarked for humanitarian aid and $7billion for the Indo-Pacific region, including to bolster Taiwan

Biden, 80, addressed the American people on Thursday night from the Oval Office and urged lawmakers to pass the spending package

By Kamal Sultan For Dailymail.Com

Published: 01:07 EDT, 20 October 2023 | Updated: 08:27 EDT, 20 October 2023

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d69290 No.100625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769332 (201309ZOCT23) Notable: #24274

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final bun for #24274

hold yer laties till the top

c u there

czech em

#24274 >>100600

>>100601 US Navy Destroyer Intercepts Missiles and Drones Off Yemen

>>100602 Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

>>100603 US conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours after Russian move to revoke global test ban, Fox News reports

>>100604 Lara Logan w/CAP: In case you do not fully comprehend what this means, here is just one example: by putting an Iranian in a top position inside the DOD/Special Operations...

>>100605 Judge rules California assault weapons ban is unconstitutional, violates Second Amendment

>>100606, >>100610 tardation update: Greta Thunberg calls to "stand with Gaza" on Instagram Image

>>100607 DCDraino w/CAP: This post by Gaetz defines the entirety of this Speaker battle Draining the Swamp was never going to be easy It’s a brutal fight

>>100608, >>100612, >>100613 Ghislaine Maxwell's childhood friend is Antony Blinken. It's a family affair...

>>100609 Biden's America where you can sell drugs openly in the streets and the police will do nothing. Footage from San Francisco...

>>100611 Techno Fog Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump Why Powell's plea deal doesn't help the RICO case against Trump

>>100614 You ever watch a horror movie and think Nobody's that dumb in real life Our leaders really are This should be the top story

>>100615 Texas Secretary of State has released bombshell findings from the 2022 midterm election audit of Harris County that reveal...

>>100616 Maryland judge Andrew Wilkinson, 52, is fatally shot in his own driveway: Police still searching for a suspect

>>100617 U.S. media hype Hamas disinformation, spark global uprising

>>100618 Jim Jordan holds a press conference ahead of a third floor vote for Speaker of the House. “The quickest way to get all this working is to get a Speaker elected...

>>100619 USMC w/CAP: Capturing the boom!

>>100620 New York Attorney General Letitia Jamesnon disclosure of $770,000 loan that doesn't appear on campaign finance disclosures."

>>100621 DJT TS w/CAP: As I successfaully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs...

>>100622 Catturd w/CAP: NYT loses it's verification badge for fake news

>>100623 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023

>>100624 A breakdown of how much of Joe Biden's $100billion aid package is heading to back Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan amid worldwide strife

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d69290 No.100626

File: ff0dbf719d009a0⋯.png (293.1 KB,594x331,594:331,Clipboard.png)

File: e208e0e2f612810⋯.png (776.45 KB,972x650,486:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769358 (201315ZOCT23) Notable: #24275

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

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d69290 No.100627

File: 0ba878b9e985933⋯.png (3.69 MB,3483x1833,1161:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769389 (201324ZOCT23) Notable: QClock October 19, 2023 - Nat Sec - Operators in harms way

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QClock October 19, 2023 - Nat Sec - Operators in harms way

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d69290 No.100628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769391 (201325ZOCT23) Notable: Flynn used the same word “disservice” to describe the actions of 🤡s in the main stream media.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/19768873 (pb)

>The word "disservice" pissed me a little bit off!

Recall the original clip of Gen Flynn discussing an army of digital soldiers that anons discovered and bought to this board after Q called Flynn a Patriot?

Flynn used the same word “disservice” to describe the actions of 🤡s in the main stream media.


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d69290 No.100629

File: aff4495eafe3be7⋯.jpg (568.11 KB,1080x1260,6:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769393 (201325ZOCT23) Notable: @USArmy That #FridayFeeling when you've navigated through the week and the weekend is here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That #FridayFeeling when you've navigated through the week and the weekend is here.


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d69290 No.100630

File: 44a9b79f2934a20⋯.png (711.61 KB,995x855,199:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769428 (201335ZOCT23) Notable: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during the meeting with Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un, Pyongyang, October 19, 2023

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19 October 2023 12:00

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during the meeting with Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un, Pyongyang, October 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100631

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769431 (201335ZOCT23) Notable: ANDREW BRIDGEN GIVING STATEMENT LIVE NOW ON EXCESS DEATHS,

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p.s heads up for anons.

there is the first ever access deaths hearing in the u.k parliament in the world with Andrew Bridgen setting out the case.

Will see if anon can find a source for this live hearing.



>>>/qresearch/19769205 lb

Flynn is not talking about anons aka digital soldiers or citizen journalist.

he is talking about those watching content from the gate keepers like x22 who keep spouting trust the plan.

he stated as much.


being mouthy will help no one.

standing your ground on your rights and principles is right.

many many people have lost everything including anons here who have given up everything for this battle.

We know, anon thinks flynn is talking to those who just watch content and buy the grifters merch.

wear the Q shirt and show some balls.

maybe the media has scared them from doing so, plus you will be labelled as extremist.

even wearing maga is being weaponized.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769442 (201337ZOCT23) Notable: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during the meeting with Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un, Pyongyang, October 19, 2023

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19 October 2023 11:27

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a news conference following his visit to North Korea, Pyongyang, October 19, 2023

Good afternoon,

We are visiting the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in accordance with the agreement reached by President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un, at the Vostochny Cosmodrome on September 13, 2023. Our visit is timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations, marked on October 12 this year. During the visit, we have had constructive discussions on the progress made in implementing the agreements reached at the Vostochny Cosmodrome.

North Korea is Russia’s close neighbour and long-standing partner. We are unanimous in our belief that progressive enhancement of bilateral relations meets the interests of both states and contributes to the strengthening of peace and security in Northeast Asia. The advancement of our relations with China serves the same purpose.


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d69290 No.100633

File: d69140084abcc90⋯.png (281.33 KB,517x877,517:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769471 (201343ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. has conducted a nuclear test in Nevada, hours after Russia revoked their ban on atomic weapons testing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: The U.S. has conducted a nuclear test in Nevada, hours after Russia revoked their ban on atomic weapons testing.

Bloomberg reports that the test used radioisotopes and chemicals to “validate new predictive explosion models”

The test comes after Putin was seen in Beijing next to his officers who were allegedly carrying his “nuclear briefcase,” something that is very rarely filmed (Reuters).

Nevada has been used for nuclear testing for decades, specifically the Nevada National Security Site which was established in 1951.


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d69290 No.100634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769480 (201346ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. has conducted a nuclear test in Nevada, hours after Russia revoked their ban on atomic weapons testing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The State Duma adopted the bill de-ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

Issue of de-ratification of the Treaty was raised by President of the Russian Federation.

Almost all members of the State Duma are the co-authors of the bill

October 18, 2023, 12:27

Members of the State Duma unanimously voted to adopt the bill on the withdrawal of ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in the second and third readings. The Chairman of the State Duma, leaders of the State Duma factions and almost all members of the State Duma are the co-authors of the bill.

The issue of de-ratification was raised by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the Valdai Discussion Club meeting.


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d69290 No.100635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769489 (201348ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. has conducted a nuclear test in Nevada, hours after Russia revoked their ban on atomic weapons testing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>100603 (pb)

US May Have Given Russia Green Light to Test Nuclear Weapons

The United States conducted a high-explosive subsurface chemical explosion at a nuclear test site in southern Nevada this week, a move that could prompt Russia to test its own nuclear weapons.

Washington conducted the underground test on Wednesday to improve its ability to "detect low-yield nuclear explosions around the world," the U.S. Department of Energy, which maintains the country's inventory of more than 5,000 nuclear weapons, said in a press release.


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d69290 No.100636

File: 8c97b18c91e32b4⋯.jpg (699.05 KB,1080x1700,54:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769496 (201349ZOCT23) Notable: Marine Corps Base Hawaii hosted Special Olympics athletes competing in the 2023 Special Olympics Holiday Classic State Games Qualifier

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Rollin' and Bowlin' 🎳

📍MCBH (Oct. 8, 2023)

Marine Corps Base Hawaii hosted Special Olympics athletes competing in the 2023 Special Olympics Holiday Classic State Games Qualifier at K-Bay Lanes earlier this month.

#MCBH #Oahu #Bowling #SpecialOlympics


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d69290 No.100637

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,544x342,272:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 93de0b51fbb352b⋯.jpeg (173.3 KB,828x1022,414:511,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c2b8d1c444138ae⋯.jpeg (266.11 KB,828x1252,207:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2a4048dbc459e1e⋯.jpeg (355.91 KB,828x1397,828:1397,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8d1da1a44ee5e65⋯.jpeg (394.26 KB,828x1276,207:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769498 (201350ZOCT23) Notable: marketFag: Futures Slide (muh cash open flat) As Oil And Gold Jump, Treasuries Find Tentative Buyers With Yields At 2007 Highs 10-year Treasury yield crosses 5%

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>>100316 pb

Muh bond markets blowing up still our 10y up and over 5% but has come off that

marketFag: Futures Slide (muh cash open flat) As Oil And Gold Jump, Treasuries Find Tentative Buyers With Yields At 2007 Highs 10-year Treasury yield crosses 5%

Global stock dipped and US equity futures traded lower as crude oil extended the weekly advance for a 4th day, rising above $90 on concerns Israel and Hamas war could widen into a regional conflict and as the DOE announced plans to refill the largely drained SPR with another $6 million barrels (good luck doing that with the proposed purchase price of "$79 or below"). As of 8:00am, S&P and Nasdaq 100 futures were down 0.3%; Europe's Stoxx 600 was down 0.7% to a seven month low and on course for a fourth day of declines. Meanwhile, Treasuries rose, led by gains in 10-year debt which briefly topped 5% yesterday for the first time since 2007, after Fed chair Jerome Powell suggested the US central bank is likely to hold interest rates steady at its next meeting. Asian equities also fell, on course for their worst week since August; China Evergrande Group is revising the terms of its proposed restructuring plan and Country Garden’s default on dollar bond interest payment still looms. A burst of buying among cryptocurrencies sent bitcoin above $30K, the highest since August.

European equities extended their drop to a seven-month low and on course for a fourth day of declines. The Stoxx Europe 600 fell 0.7% to the lowest since March 20. Miners lagged, along with travel and leisure stocks.  L’Oreal SA pared losses as traders weighed disappointing North Asia sales against better than expected performance in North America and Europe. Here are the biggest movers on Friday.

Earlier in the session, Asian equities fell, on course for their worst week since August, as investors fretted over escalation in the Middle East crisis in addition to Federal Reserve policy and China’s uneven recovery.  The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell as much as 0.9% before paring its decline, with Samsung, Tencent and BHP Group among the biggest drags.

A record injection of extra cash by China may offer support after the nation’s stocks erased all gains seen during their massive reopening rally that took off late last year. The economy has been challenged this year by a lack of demand and a downturn in the property market. Still, Morgan Stanley advises against buying the dip in Chinese equities as market sentiment is likely to stay fragile while foreign fund outflow could persist near-term. Meanwhile, concerns around property sector lingered on with Country Garden Holdings missing a dollar bond interest payment, effectively triggering the largest property sector default since Evergrande. (Country Garden is busy offshoring what cash they have left and may do exactly what Evergrande did…file in US so all the munee they flowed to family via Cayman Island accts is protected or a similar variation.

In rates, treasuries rose across the curve as yields at multi-year highs drew buyer interest and as rising tensions in the Middle East push investors towards perceived safe haven assets. The curve bull-flattened, unwinding a portion of Thursday’s aggressive steepening that pushed 2s10s spread to least inverted level in more than a year. 10-year Treasury yields are around 4.94% after re-opening in Asia session at 4.992%, new multiyear high; bunds and gilts underperform by 4.5bp and 6bp in the sector. The US 2s10s spread sits around -21bp after topping at -16.9bp Thursday, least inverted level since September 2022. US yields richer by 1bp to 5bp across the curve with long-end-led gains flattening 2s10s, 5s30s spreads by 4..2bp and 0.3bp on the day;

In commodities, spot gold added 0.5% to around $1,984. Oil prices also gain, with Brent futures rising 1.2% to trade near $93.50.

US Event Calendar

* 04:00: Bloomberg Oct. United States Economic Survey

* Oct. 20-Oct. 23: Sept. Monthly Budget Statement, est. -$166b, prior -$429.8b

Fed speakers

* 09:00: Fed’s Harker Speaks on Economic Outlook

* 12:15: Fed’s Mester Speaks at Manhattan Institute for Policy Research





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d69290 No.100638

File: 566f487ed8da0d4⋯.jpg (602.67 KB,1080x1646,540:823,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769518 (201354ZOCT23) Notable: @18airbornecorps The clock is ticking.

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⏰ The clock is ticking.

It's almost time to announce the finalists for Dragon's Lair 9! 👀


@INDOPACOM @USMC @USCG @USArmy @usairforce @USNavy @SpaceForceDoD


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d69290 No.100639

File: 80ad1af74d2d220⋯.png (854.65 KB,948x896,237:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769524 (201356ZOCT23) Notable: ANDREW BRIDGEN GIVING STATEMENT LIVE NOW ON EXCESS DEATHS,

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d69290 No.100640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769526 (201357ZOCT23) Notable: Biden's call for more war cash includes $14 billion to faciliate the entry of illegals

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Biden's call for more war cash includes $14 billion to faciliate the entry of illegals

After actively scheming to imprison his political opponents, Biden says it's time to let bygones be bygones and embrace the national unity, calling his new request for $105 billion in war cash a "smart investment that's going to pay dividends for American security for generations."

A smart investment? Everything he seeks spending money for is a "smart investment." In this context, though, the 'ick factor' was strong, because he sounded as though he was trying to sell us a timeshare.

Buried within his request was what appeared to be a nod to American national security rather than Israel's or Ukraine's: a claim that $14 billion of that money would go to "border security."

After all, when 8 million people are being allowed into the country under catch-and-release, flooding our cities and filling the streets with crime, and election time is beckoning, maybe a little border security could be slipped in as a sweetener to Republicans.

But according to congressional observers, that's what Biden would like you to think, not what Biden has in mind.

According to the New York Post:

One lawmaker, however, expressed concern that the money wouldn’t actually be used to tighten up the border.

“It’s got to be designed to secure the border, not to facilitate travel through the border,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) told the Associated Press.

Biden's idea of "border security" is faster processing times for illegal migrants to be allowed into the country, not a wall to keep illegal crossers out.

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d69290 No.100641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769531 (201357ZOCT23) Notable: NATO steps up Baltic Sea patrols after subsea infrastructure damage

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NATO steps up Baltic Sea patrols after subsea infrastructure damage

19 Oct. 2023

NATO and Allies are stepping up patrols in the Baltic Sea following recent damage to undersea infrastructure in the region. The increased measures include additional surveillance and reconnaissance flights, including with maritime patrol aircraft, NATO AWACS planes, and drones. A fleet of four NATO minehunters is also being dispatched to the area.


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d69290 No.100642

File: 9532120b3e480c9⋯.png (47.88 KB,799x412,799:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769534 (201358ZOCT23) Notable: Trans Cyclists Win Gold And Silver In Chicago Women’s Race

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Trans Cyclists Win Gold And Silver In Chicago Women’s Race

By Jason RobertsonOctober 20, 2023




Two trans athletes ruled the day at a Chicago women’s cycling event, placing first and second and dominating the competition. The Chicago Cyclocross Cup series saw its leaderboard topped by the two trans cyclists and now is facing scrutiny over the fairness and equitably of allowing those riders to compete in the women’s race.

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d69290 No.100643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769536 (201359ZOCT23) Notable: NATO steps up Baltic Sea patrols after subsea infrastructure damage

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Secretary General welcomes newly appointed experts to address NATO’s southern neighbourhood

19 Oct. 2023

On Thursday (19 October 2023), Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with a group of independent Allied experts to discuss NATO’s approach to its southern neighbourhood – particularly the Middle East, North Africa and Sahel regions.


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d69290 No.100644

File: 4ca8eff81d82252⋯.jpeg (49.98 KB,590x714,295:357,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9abb6732afbb722⋯.jpeg (324.23 KB,828x1301,828:1301,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f9b0fd68cd3e221⋯.jpeg (360.82 KB,828x1462,414:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769538 (201359ZOCT23) Notable: Japan's core inflation slows below 3% for first time in over a year

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Japan's core inflation slows below 3% for first time in over a year

Sept core consumer prices up 2.8% yr/yr vs f'cast +2.7%Core-core index up 4.2% yr/yr in Sept - govtData among factors to come under scrutiny at BOJ's Oct meeting

TOKYO, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Japan's core inflation in September slowed below the 3% threshold for the first time in over a year but stayed above the central bank target, keeping alive expectations that policymakers will phase out ultra-easy monetary policy.

The data will be among indicators the Bank of Japan (BOJ) will scrutinise at its two-day policy meeting ending on Oct. 31, when it will produce fresh quarterly growth and price forecasts.

"While inflation weakened in September, we think inflation will only fall below the BoJ's 2% target by the end of next year," said Marcel Thieliant, head of Asia-Pacific at Capital Economics.

The nationwide core consumer price index (CPI), which excludes volatile fresh food costs, rose 2.8% in September from a year earlier - the first time it has slowed below 3% since August 2022, government data showed on Friday. It eased from 3.1% in August.

All the same, the rate has tracked above the BOJ's 2% target for 18 straight months.

The core-core index, which strips away fresh food and fuel costs, rose 4.2% in September from a year earlier, the data showed, slowing from a 4.3% gain in August.

Markets are rife with speculation the BOJ will soon end negative short-term interest rates and yield curve control, which sets a 0% cap for the 10-year bond yield, in response to broadening inflationary pressure. The BOJ has played down the near-term chance of phasing out its massive stimulus, arguing the recent cost-driven price rises need to change into demand-driven increases in inflation for the bank to consider hiking interest rates.



NEVER raising rates and said that before the Fed started. They own about 70% of it’s own JGBs (by now) and prolly north of 80% of all equities in the Japanese Indicies. As recently as Oct 2 they vaporized muh yen (while they were selling US Treasuries along with China and EU countries) to the tune of around $60b in the latest of its (instead of raising rates) “Yield Control” policy they will never abandon. You wanna know why the yield curve is inverted? THIS is where it began as they are the top holder of our debt and surpassed China during 45s assault on Chinese trade policies.

Muh Yen still pegged at recent highs and creeping up all week and make NO mistake our current financial ends when the BoJ blows up…..that could take a while because (((they))) totally fuggen know this


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d69290 No.100645

File: b133ce539137c28⋯.png (57.09 KB,665x781,665:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e851d274e475cc⋯.png (1019.42 KB,917x712,917:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769551 (201402ZOCT23) Notable: ANDREW BRIDGEN GIVING STATEMENT LIVE NOW ON EXCESS DEATHS,

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the u.k mp's are cowards and traitors.

the chamber is empty apart from around 8 people approx

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d69290 No.100646

File: 1280e0ded511f3e⋯.gif (923.54 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

File: fd6afb22339c499⋯.jpeg (403.65 KB,828x1604,207:401,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 629ad32ae12926c⋯.jpeg (521.66 KB,828x1568,207:392,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769590 (201408ZOCT23) Notable: New York Federal Reserve Currency Swap operation(s)-$251.5m Oct 18,2024

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New York Federal Reserve Currency Swap operation(s)-$251.5m Oct 18,2024

$243.5m to ECB, $8m to BoE and $3m to BoJ. This pretty standard. You’ll see some ones in the billions to Swiss National Bank soon if YE trends hold. See below

As you can see the below release of “ dindu nuffin” is complete bullshit. New York Fed has intervened using currency swap lines on a weekly basis for several years.

Attached is just what they have done with the EU Central Bank for the last few months. You can set the specific central bank in the link provided and select all of them. EU has been in $200m range all this year and around $100m each week last year. They save the big ones for the Swiss National Bank-effectively bailing out Credit Suisse via Franc/US Dollar swaps and facilitated the UBS “buyout”

That $20b q3/4 last year vaporized into black hole of UBS. Because any “sale” needs to stay in the same country…..Good Luck with Santander!


So ask yourself this question…..why did they feel the need to announce this below over 2 months ago?

Since this is completely debunked using its own information why release this obvious lie -no matter how they interpret intervention they still swap currency and lend securities on weekly basis for later and daily for former-on that day or do it at all ?

>(mktFag was not available from July until Oct for various reasons) don’t ask we all have issues

August 10th, 2023

The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Did Not Intervene in FX Markets During the Second Quarter

NEW YORK—The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury did not intervene in foreign exchange markets during the April – June 2023 quarter, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said today in its quarterly report to the U.S. Congress.

The U.S. dollar, as measured by the Federal Reserve Board’s broad trade-weighted dollar index, appreciated 0.3 percent in the second quarter of 2023. On a trade-weighted basis, the dollar was little changed against advanced market currencies and appreciated 0.8 percent against emerging market currencies, as markets weighed central bank policy developments over the quarter.

In terms of currency-specific developments, the dollar appreciated 5.5 percent against the Chinese renminbi and 8.6 percent against the Japanese yen, reflecting more accommodative monetary policy conditions in these jurisdictions relative to the U.S., as well as weaker-than-expected economic activity in China. In contrast, the dollar depreciated 2.9 percent against the British pound and 0.6 percent against the euro amid expectations for further tightening by the respective central banks. Elsewhere, the dollar depreciated 5.5 percent against the Brazilian real and 5.1 percent against Mexican peso amid positive economic momentum, falling inflation, and high real rates in those two economies.


To compound the bullshit they “don’t “ provide $30-50b in securities lending Every…..Single…..Day

But they dint intervene on THAT day. Utter RUBBISH especially since it’s available on the same site they do this all the timr


For those that don’t know the NY Fed is the real arm of the central bank system. The Washington branch is just a storefront as all operations originate from here under “direction” of the Fed Chair Jerry “inflation is transitory and loaded up Bankers Trust in the early to mid 90s with a shitload of derivatives that was “sold” to Douche Bank in 99” Powell. He bailed to Carlyle in about 95 or so to get distance from that time bomb.

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d69290 No.100647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769601 (201411ZOCT23) Notable: ANDREW BRIDGEN GIVING STATEMENT LIVE NOW ON EXCESS DEATHS,

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This should read : -


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d69290 No.100648

File: 0aaffcf09a0e3ea⋯.png (53.62 KB,637x403,49:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769606 (201412ZOCT23) Notable: Maine 'pedophile' Jonathan Michaud accused of getting girl, 7, to touch his genitals by concealing them in a TOY BOX could walk free after jurors declared mistrial

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Maine 'pedophile' Jonathan Michaud accused of getting girl, 7, to touch his genitals by concealing them in a TOY BOX could walk free after jurors declared mistrial

A 'pedophile' went to court to face charges of unlawful sexual contact after allegedly playing sickening games with a 7-year-old

Jonathan M. Michaud, 30, coerced the little girl into touching his penis by putting it in her Build-A-Bear box and telling her to guess the item, allegedly

A mistrial was declared after jurors failed to reach a unanimous decision

By Martha Williams For Dailymail.Com

Published: 11:19 EDT, 19 October 2023 | Updated: 11:19 EDT, 19 October 2023

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d69290 No.100649

File: bddcc61f836e343⋯.png (498.16 KB,584x482,292:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769638 (201418ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


WATCH LIVE: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM – Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan? via @gatewaypundit

3:09 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100650

File: 2a5ffa7d6146965⋯.png (16.31 KB,523x181,523:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769681 (201425ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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A source describes the Jordan meeting with the holdouts like this: A direct, precise meeting in which JORDAN was told he will never be speaker. This group doesn't want anything. They want Jordan to understand he will not be speaker.


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d69290 No.100651

File: c4508ce5ba70c29⋯.png (944.87 KB,1916x935,1916:935,Clipboard.png)

File: 03bb3b65e9c83d6⋯.png (770.23 KB,1917x926,1917:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769714 (201433ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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SNTRY60 E3TF out of Tinker AFB doing loops around Hobbs, NM

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d69290 No.100652

File: 66e0bf3d55c3dae⋯.png (372.88 KB,594x510,99:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769751 (201439ZOCT23) Notable: Biden has three Intelligence officers closely connected to Hamas

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Juanita Broaddrick


Biden has three Intelligence officers closely connected to Hamas. 🔥🔥🔥


Zeno Calhoun

3:15 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100653

File: 3a1fd6ec71b2a96⋯.png (506.17 KB,890x638,445:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769768 (201443ZOCT23) Notable: University of Michigan Law School EXPOSED

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University of Michigan Law School EXPOSED

— Rotten to the Core

PJ Media, by Hans Von Spakovsky

Posted By: Judy W., 10/20/2023 10:02:06 AM

This is the last article of a 10-part series that J. Christian Adams and I started over six months ago to expose the radical curricula of the top 10 law schools as rated by U.S. News & World Report last year. UMich is just as bad as the other schools, if not worse. If you want to spend almost $100,000 a year to turn your son or daughter into a radical, America-hating extremist whose goal is to bring down our republic, particularly our supposedly white supremacist legal system, then Ann Arbor is the place to go. None of this is surprising given the recent news about student organizations

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d69290 No.100654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769773 (201446ZOCT23) Notable: Dog fear pron

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Tropical disease now endemic in U.S., CDC says. In deadlier form, it's coming via dogs.

A tropical disease once seen almost exclusively among Americans returning from travel abroad now has a unique U.S. strain.

Health officials warn that a related, deadlier parasite seen in other countries could thrive in the U.S. due to these improved climatological conditions for the disease.

The parasite known as leishmania spreads when sandflies, historically found in tropical climes, bite people. Sandflies carrying the parasite also infect other mammals such as woodrats which further allow its movement. Climate change, some researchers say, may be expanding the geographical reach of sandflies and, consequently, the reach of the disease.

A related parasite also comes in undetected by way of one million dogs entering the country annually. The U.S. doesn't have adequate screening in place for the parasite, which is something researchers hope to address.

Previous infections came to the U.S. when people traveling from warmer areas brought the disease back. The U.S. doesn’t have federal reporting on the disease, making it difficult to understand its sudden prevalence in recent years. But new findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate cases of the milder form of the disease, cutaneous leishmaniasis, derived from a slightly different American parasitic strain.

“This is a disease that we in the United States don’t really think about,” said Dr. Mary Kamb, a medical epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria. “It’s really a disease that belongs to other countries.”

The World Health Organization estimates as many as one million people get cutaneous leishmaniasis annually. The populations infected are mostly in areas with warmer climates such as the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Latin America. However, health officials suspect warmer southern American states, including Texas, have more suitable conditions for sandflies to thrive and pass on the disease.

The disease can disfigure people’s skin with ulcers that sometimes take weeks or months to show after a person has been bitten. It can leave scarring that researchers say is recognizable and brings a social stigma in low-income countries. Cutaneous leishmaniasis doesn’t cause death or severe disability, they said.

On Thursday, Kamb and other CDC researchers presented an analysis at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene’s annual conference in Chicago looking at cases sent to CDC laboratories for testing from 2005 to 2019. The CDC findings are based on more than 2,000 cases across the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Eighty-six of the people involved in the research had not traveled abroad prior to developing leishmaniasis.

While cases found in the U.S. typically have genetic strains from abroad, the CDC researchers’ analysis indicates that a parasitic strain circulating in the U.S. for years is slightly different from the parasitic strain of leishmania mexicana that’s typically found in Mexico and Central America.

The findings suggest the local strain has circulated for some time, and study authors recommend the U.S. develop better screening of the disease, Kamb said.



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d69290 No.100655

File: 217e407324e3710⋯.jpeg (367.83 KB,828x1400,207:350,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7fdce74adb24d71⋯.jpeg (458.68 KB,828x1406,414:703,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b98d319492f8ae⋯.png (155.06 KB,288x542,144:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769854 (201500ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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planeFag IndoPac activity

Aussie AF XA1 Global Explorer Aussie FM Departed Tokyo Haneda Airport

JASDF JF441 767 departed Singapore and over PI

Japan and Australia agree to further step up defense cooperation under 2-month-old security pact


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d69290 No.100656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769870 (201503ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs, I realize how insignificant they are...

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Donald J. Trump


As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs, I realize how insignificant they are compared to the horror of what is going on with Israel and the Middle East, where thousands of people have so needlessly died, in a war that should have NEVER STARTED, and millions could very easily follow, all due to the highly incompetent Biden Administration and their policies of Weakness and Appeasement (and of being just plain STUPID!). This is true also with Ukraine/Russia, which would NEVER HAVE STARTED under the Trump Administration, and many other “hot spots” around the globe that could easily lead to big problems and death. Even INFLATION, a killer in its own right, would not have happened. So let them keep suing me over BULLSHIT, in their hope of Election Interference, as our Country becomes disabled and dies. We will successfully fight it all, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!

Oct 20, 2023, 8:39 AM


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d69290 No.100657

File: d033bc37b612a39⋯.png (362.74 KB,590x612,295:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769874 (201503ZOCT23) Notable: Biden is allowing a power vacuum to occur in the Middle East.

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Abe Hamadeh War Room


“I remember when Qasem Soleimani was killed by President Trump, who was the former head of the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps. Everybody said it would cause World War III. It didn't happen.

But Joe Biden is allowing a power vacuum to occur in the Middle East.”


0:16 / 1:14

5:59 PM · Oct 19, 2023




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d69290 No.100658

File: 47ddfcbbba525e0⋯.png (401.05 KB,595x489,595:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769908 (201507ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs, I realize how insignificant they are...

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Square profile picture

NBC News


NEW: A New York judge says former President Trump faces "serious sanctions" after failing to comply with a partial gag order requiring him to remove a post criticizing the judge's law clerk on social media.

3:57 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100659

File: 0f21f4bfe143d2c⋯.jpeg (514.79 KB,828x1405,828:1405,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 44a7763aa2e1fc5⋯.png (256 KB,1711x1080,1711:1080,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769939 (201512ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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Hungarian AF HUAF666Falcon 7xVictor Orbanreturning from southern China and Beijing after meeting w/ Putin and Xi


U.S. concerned about Orban's meeting with Putin


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d69290 No.100660

File: 5e540fc8f7f50eb⋯.png (29.01 KB,701x273,701:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769954 (201515ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs, I realize how insignificant they are...

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Trump fraud trial live blog: Judge mulls holding Trump in contempt over gag order

The former president is facing allegations of defrauding lenders.

ByPeter Charalambous andAaron Katersky

Last Updated: October 20, 2023, 10:38 AM ET

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d69290 No.100661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769984 (201519ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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8 no votes he dont have the votes

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d69290 No.100662

File: 53aebe580cf7083⋯.png (705.72 KB,591x869,591:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769994 (201520ZOCT23) Notable: Meathead

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See new posts


Rob Reiner




I’ve seen politicians be evasive, use double talk, and tell lies. But I’ve never seen the sheer volume of bullshit being shoveled on the House floor as blatantly as Kevin McCarthy.



Keep running Rob! You were on Epstein Island


4:09 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100663

File: 38d41bc10313a21⋯.png (160.31 KB,593x626,593:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770008 (201521ZOCT23) Notable: MSM Dying………….

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes reposted







Dr. Eli David




🚨 Breaking: @elonmusk removed New York Times' verification badge, following a flood of false information it published on the Israel-Gaza war 👇



2:13 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100664

File: 6216ae09ae3ae90⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x708,256:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770011 (201522ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies and a Comet

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 20, 2023

Galaxies and a Comet

Galaxies abound in this sharp telescopic image recorded on October 12 in dark skies over June Lake, California. The celestial scene spans nearly 2 degrees within the boundaries of the well-trained northern constellation Canes Venatici. Prominent at the upper left 23.5 million light-years distant is big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 4258, known to some as Messier 106. Eye-catching edge-on spiral NGC 4217 is above and right of center about 60 million light-years away. Just passing through the pretty field of view is comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon, discovered last April in image data from the Mount Lemmon Survey. Here the comet sports more of a lime green coma though, along with a faint, narrow ion tail stretching toward the top of the frame. This visitor to the inner Solar System is presently less than 7 light-minutes away and still difficult to spot with binoculars, but it's growing brighter. Comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon will reach perihelion, its closest point to the Sun, on October 29 and perigee, its closest to our fair planet, on November 10 as it transitions from morning to evening northern skies.


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d69290 No.100665

File: 287e4ffff9f0c01⋯.png (219.81 KB,381x327,127:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770019 (201522ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Hamas network

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​ (https://mr.cdn.ignitecdn.com/client_assets/thepostmillennial_com/media/picture/6531/927e/a3c2/a53c/2539/76ca/original_photo_2023-10-19_16.34.13.jpeg?1697747582)Pro-Hamas demonstrations organized using progressive not-for-profit Action Network

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/TNP

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d69290 No.100666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770024 (201524ZOCT23) Notable: "Jim Jordan is a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

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Citizen Free Press

Hakeem Jeffries is out of his mind.

"Jim Jordan is a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

From Benny Johnson

11:01 AM · Oct 20, 2023 0:44


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d69290 No.100667

File: d72a806f709f4a9⋯.png (477.19 KB,587x508,587:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770035 (201525ZOCT23) Notable: Parts of a controversial Southern California school district policy that require school staff to tell parents if their child asks to change their gender identification will remain halted

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NBC News


Parts of a controversial Southern California school district policy that require school staff to tell parents if their child asks to change their gender identification will remain halted, after a judge granted a preliminary injunction.

4:15 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100668

File: 995fafa7f553041⋯.png (446.63 KB,799x794,799:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770043 (201525ZOCT23) Notable: "Jim Jordan is a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

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Stephen Miller

Powerful endorsement.


>Citizen Free Press

>Hakeem Jeffries is out of his mind.

>"Jim Jordan is a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

11:11 AM · Oct 20, 2023·8,150 Views


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d69290 No.100669

File: 6432823b319f380⋯.png (331.89 KB,586x901,586:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770052 (201527ZOCT23) Notable: Professor at @cambriancollege blasts the Parental Rights movement.

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Libs of TikTok


Professor at @cambriancollege

blasts the Parental Rights movement. Says parental rights oppose the “autonomy and human rights” of children.

Why would anyone be against parents having a say in their kids’ education and staying informed on their child’s progress and mental health?

Leave the kids alone!

4:15 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770054 (201527ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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Jordan lost 3rd vote

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d69290 No.100671

File: db46ccc8bf81b5e⋯.png (520.3 KB,1170x791,1170:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770058 (201527ZOCT23) Notable: @realLizUSA PDJT “Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch and expose the Rigging dogs. Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials…”

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Liz Harrington

“Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch and expose the Rigging dogs. Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials…”

11:10 AM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100672

File: 2c399c7d18e6e7b⋯.png (369.15 KB,592x455,592:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770060 (201528ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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The Gateway Pundit


BREAKING: Jim Jordan Loses Again! – 13 RINOS Opposed so Far via @gatewaypundit

4:25 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100673

File: c591670b6c29d7b⋯.png (38.23 KB,418x294,209:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770094 (201533ZOCT23) Notable: Remember when Republicans started an impeachment inquiry into credible allegations that Biden used his office to enrich his family?

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Paul Sperry

Remember when Republicans started an impeachment inquiry into credible allegations that Biden used his office to enrich his family?

11:28 AM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100674

File: 328593de3d89991⋯.png (478.47 KB,593x624,593:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770124 (201536ZOCT23) Notable: Thomas Jefferson Speech. Ring any bells for you?

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Thomas Jefferson Speech. Ring any bells for you?


17th Special Civilians Operations Group




My Esteemed Compatriots of the Future,

As I pen this missive from the year of our Lord 1776, I am acutely aware that the words I inscribe may traverse the chasms of time to reach your ears in an era far removed from my own. I am told that your epoch is one rife with division,…

Show more

4:32 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770125 (201537ZOCT23) Notable: Sweden to limit social benefits for non-European immigrants

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NEW: Sweden to limit social benefits for non-European immigrants


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d69290 No.100676

File: 626b625aafda18b⋯.png (252.63 KB,523x395,523:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770138 (201538ZOCT23) Notable: Sweden to limit social benefits for non-European immigrants

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forgot pic

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d69290 No.100677

File: 14028994baa5350⋯.png (314.24 KB,600x519,200:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770169 (201544ZOCT23) Notable: The Rolling Stones have released a new studio album, Hackney Diamonds

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The Rolling Stones have released a new studio album, Hackney Diamonds, the band’s first collection of original songs in 18 years:



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d69290 No.100678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770205 (201549ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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wow if those 4 dems were there hakeem would have gotten it

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d69290 No.100679

File: bbb73cfaa1876f7⋯.png (179.73 KB,341x302,341:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770230 (201553ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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as of right now

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d69290 No.100680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770238 (201554ZOCT23) Notable: House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

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Olivia Beavers


25 House GOP JORDAN No Votes:






6.Diaz Balart

















11:48 AM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770264 (201558ZOCT23) Notable: #24275

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#24275 >>100626

>>100651, >>100655, >>100659 PF updates

>>100627 QClock October 19, 2023 - Nat Sec - Operators in harms way

>>100628 Flynn used the same word “disservice” to describe the actions of 🤡s in the main stream media.

>>100629 @USArmy That #FridayFeeling when you've navigated through the week and the weekend is here.

>>100630, >>100632 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during the meeting with Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un, Pyongyang, October 19, 2023

>>100633, >>100634, >>100635 The U.S. has conducted a nuclear test in Nevada, hours after Russia revoked their ban on atomic weapons testing.

>>100636 Marine Corps Base Hawaii hosted Special Olympics athletes competing in the 2023 Special Olympics Holiday Classic State Games Qualifier

>>100637 marketFag: Futures Slide (muh cash open flat) As Oil And Gold Jump, Treasuries Find Tentative Buyers With Yields At 2007 Highs 10-year Treasury yield crosses 5%

>>100638 @18airbornecorps The clock is ticking.

>>100640 Biden's call for more war cash includes $14 billion to faciliate the entry of illegals

>>100641, >>100643 NATO steps up Baltic Sea patrols after subsea infrastructure damage

>>100642 Trans Cyclists Win Gold And Silver In Chicago Women’s Race

>>100644 Japan's core inflation slows below 3% for first time in over a year

>>100646 New York Federal Reserve Currency Swap operation(s)-$251.5m Oct 18,2024


>>100648 Maine 'pedophile' Jonathan Michaud accused of getting girl, 7, to touch his genitals by concealing them in a TOY BOX could walk free after jurors declared mistrial

>>100649, >>100650, >>100661, >>100670, >>100672, >>100678, >>100679, >>100680 House Reconvenes to Vote for Speaker at 10 AM - Three Times a Charm for Jim Jordan?/lost 13 RINOS

>>100652 Biden has three Intelligence officers closely connected to Hamas

>>100653 University of Michigan Law School EXPOSED

>>100654 Dog fear pron

>>100656, >>100658, >>100660 @realDonaldTrump As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs, I realize how insignificant they are...

>>100657 Biden is allowing a power vacuum to occur in the Middle East.

>>100662 Meathead

>>100663 MSM Dying………….

>>100664 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies and a Comet

>>100665 Pro-Hamas network

>>100667 Parts of a controversial Southern California school district policy that require school staff to tell parents if their child asks to change their gender identification will remain halted

>>100668, >>100666 "Jim Jordan is a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

>>100669 Professor at @cambriancollege blasts the Parental Rights movement.

>>100671 @realLizUSA PDJT “Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch and expose the Rigging dogs. Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials…”

>>100673 Remember when Republicans started an impeachment inquiry into credible allegations that Biden used his office to enrich his family?

>>100674, >>100674 Thomas Jefferson Speech. Ring any bells for you?

>>100675, >>100676 Sweden to limit social benefits for non-European immigrants

>>100677 The Rolling Stones have released a new studio album, Hackney Diamonds


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d69290 No.100682

File: 4e26c310ad658ca⋯.png (1.13 MB,704x770,32:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f98bcd66bf6c9b⋯.gif (1.54 MB,697x764,697:764,Clipboard.gif)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770294 (201601ZOCT23) Notable: #24276

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d69290 No.100683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770337 (201608ZOCT23) Notable: A New Report Throws Cold Water on Man-Made Global Warming Pseudoscience

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A New Report Throws Cold Water on Man-Made Global Warming Pseudoscience

Statistics Norway just published a bomb-shell of a paper that offers a real analysis of global temperatures. The English translation of the paper is available HERE [link below], and is well worth looking at for anyone interested in the facts behind global temperature trends.

Climate Discussion Nexus offers an introduction to why this paper is so important:

Well, this is awkward. Statistics Norway, aka Statistisk sentralbyrå or “the national statistical institute of Norway and the main producer of official statistics”, has just published a paper “To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?”

The awkward part isn’t trying to grasp the subtleties of Norwegian since it’s also available in English. It’s that the Abstract bluntly declares that “standard climate models are rejected by time series data on global temperatures” while the conclusions state “the results imply that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be sufficiently strong to cause systematic changes in the pattern of the temperature fluctuations.”

But the really awkward part is that a paper from a government agency dares to address openly so many questions the alarmist establishment has spent decades declaring taboo, from the historical record on climate to the existence of massive uncertainty among scientists on it.



There is no climate crisis. It's just another Big Lie.

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d69290 No.100684

File: 4b782bc99bad83d⋯.png (100.15 KB,1028x450,514:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bcb5c2cf82659a⋯.png (37.04 KB,644x537,644:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770349 (201609ZOCT23) Notable: Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day

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Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day

The search relied on the indicators of compromise (IoCs) that Cisco provided to determine the successful exploitation of CVE-2023-20198 on an exposed device and revealed thousands of infected hosts in the United States, the Philippines, and Chile.

In the U.S., many of the devices are from communications providers such as Comcast, Verizon, Cox Communications, Frontier, AT&T, Spirit, CenturyLink, Charter, Cobridge, Windstream, and Google Fiber.

Brace for impact Anons


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d69290 No.100685

File: 8288366d153edf3⋯.jpg (76.04 KB,920x509,920:509,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a49c267b1babcd4⋯.jpg (66.34 KB,905x501,905:501,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770376 (201615ZOCT23) Notable: Poll: More Americans Than Ever Have Zero Trust In Media

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Poll: More Americans Than Ever Have Zero Trust In Media

The number of Americans who have lost all confidence in U.S. news media has reached a record high, according to a new poll out Thursday.

A poll from Gallup examining American trust in mass media found 39 percent have “none at all,” marking an all-time high since 1972 when the pollster first asked the question. Another 29 percent said they have “not very much trust” in media, which matches 2016 levels. Only about 3 in 10 respondents reported any real confidence, with 32 percent saying they still have “a great deal” or even just a “fair amount” of trust in American media. Trust in the news media peaked in the mid-1970s.

From being lied to about Brett Kavanaugh’s fabricated history as a serial gang rapist to Donald Trump’s apparent secret status as a Russian agent, Americans have even more reasons to be skeptical of the corporate press after 2016. This week’s coverage of an explosion in Gaza only did more to erode confidence in American news outlets.


FakeNews is the enemy of the people.

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d69290 No.100686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770377 (201615ZOCT23) Notable: Bob Good [R-VA]: We believe if we keep voting, Jim Jordan will be elected speaker.

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Bob Good [R-VA]: We believe if we keep voting, Jim Jordan will be elected speaker.

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d69290 No.100687

File: 87793c3e2f66a91⋯.png (324.24 KB,774x605,774:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770383 (201616ZOCT23) Notable: 'Don't Say Gay' Author Joe Harding Sentenced To Prison On Fraud Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Don't Say Gay' Author Joe Harding Sentenced To Prison On Fraud Charges

Today, we’re saying GAY louder than ever!

The disgraced legislator who wrote Florida’s “don’t say gay” law will now serve four months in federal prison.

U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor sentenced former Florida Rep. Joe Harding Thursday, nearly seven months after the Republican politician pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud, money laundering, and making false statements to investigators.

The judge ordered Harding to serve four months in federal prison followed by two years of probation. Harding resigned from the Florida legislature after he was indicted for defrauding federal loan programs intended to help business owners impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prosecutors say he obtained $150,000 in loans from the Small Business Administration for companies that no longer operated and applied some of the money directly toward credit card debt or transferred it into personal accounts.


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d69290 No.100688

File: 8229ba0ec5d4248⋯.png (13.28 KB,334x221,334:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770400 (201619ZOCT23) Notable: 1 PM House GOP conference, I'm told

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Olivia Beavers


New →


Olivia Beavers


1 PM House GOP conference, I'm told

12:01 PM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100689

File: 2a046e88adc00b0⋯.png (227.82 KB,569x370,569:370,Clipboard.png)

File: 14336d11726ab19⋯.jpeg (187.12 KB,828x986,414:493,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770413 (201622ZOCT23) Notable: Powell Signals December Rate Hike Unlikely

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Powell Signals December Rate Hike Unlikely

(Thanks for the confirmation Jerry! You fuggen hack!-seen through yer bullshit since before you asshats started raising)

Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s speech Thursday suggests the central bank has a “bias” to “look through any hawkish data and delay any potential further rate hikes until 2024,” said Tim Duy, chief US economist at SGH Macro Advisors.

The risk is that a dovish Fed pushes up inflation expectations, “forcing its hand on another hike,” Duy, a long-term Fed watcher, wrote in a note. Powell pointed out that the Fed is making progress toward its dual mandate on inflation and employment, even though the central bank hasn’t raised rates since July. It suggests that Powell doesn’t want to hike again unless that progress is stalled, the economist said.

With market expectations on November hike already low, “Powell’s discussion was overkill in terms of setting expectations for the November meeting.” said Duy. “The open question is about the December meeting, and the message is that the Fed doesn’t anticipate raising rates in December, although of course Powell is not going to say that directly.”

Duy notes that rising inflation expectations in early March prompted Powell to put a 50bp rate hike on the table at the time. So if breakeven rates head toward the March level, “the Fed will rethink the policy path."

Five-year breakeven rate, a gauge of investors’ inflation expectations derived from the difference between the nominal Treasury and TIPS yields, rose to a seven-month high of 2.46% Friday. In March, the gauge jumped to about 2.8%. OIS rates tied to the December Fed meeting suggests traders see slightly higher than 1/4 of a chance for a rate increase by year-end.



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d69290 No.100690

File: 8cfdcbf56e9eebc⋯.png (245.91 KB,887x950,887:950,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770417 (201623ZOCT23) Notable: Moar No Jordan

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Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to win the speakership on his third ballot on Friday, after failing to get the required 214 votes on the floor of the House of Representatives, with 25 Republicans voting against him.

The Ohio Republican saw more defections from the House Republican conference than the second vote and was prevented from being elected speaker. All Democrats voted for House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), who did not reach a majority of the total vote.


Jordan, who received 194 votes, only needed to get to 214 GOP votes on the floor to be elected House speaker, because of six absences on Friday. Here are the 25 Republicans who voted against Jordan blocking him from becoming House speaker:

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) — voted for Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-NC)

Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) — voted for Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL)

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) — voted for Tom Emmer (R-MN)

Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR) — voted for McHenry

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) — voted for former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) — voted for House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA)

Rep. Jake Ellzey (R-TX) — voted for Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA)

Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-GA) — voted for Scalise

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for McHenry

Rep. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY) — voted for Zeldin

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) — voted for Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) — voted for Scalise

Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) — voted for Scalise

Rep. John James (R-MI) — voted for Donalds

Rep. Tom Kean Jr. (R-NJ) — voted McCarthy

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) — voted for Scalise

Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA) — voted for McHenry

Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY) — voted for Zeldin

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) — voted for McHenry

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) — voted for McHenry

Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY) — voted for Zeldin

Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL) — voted for Scalise

Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) — voted for Scalise

Rep. Peter Stauber (R-MN) — voted for Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR)

Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR) — voted for Scalise

Jordan couldn't flip any Republican defectors from the second ballot after he turned two members who opposed him on the first ballot into supporters on Wednesday.


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d69290 No.100691

File: 4bed8ba31d3a953⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1170x1673,1170:1673,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770447 (201627ZOCT23) Notable: Trump co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro strikes plea deal with Georgia prosecutors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro strikes plea deal with Georgia prosecutors

As jury selection was beginning, Judge McAfee said a deal had been negotiated.


Having fun bros?

Enjoying all this winning?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770449 (201628ZOCT23) Notable: Moar No Jordan

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List from last bread

Where’s Womack?

Was he gone?

Olivia Beavers


25 House GOP JORDAN No Votes:






6.Diaz Balart

















11:48 AM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100693

File: 70e851f67023861⋯.png (452.37 KB,792x703,792:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770455 (201628ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz says just now that the Heroic 8 has made an offer: the heroic 8 is willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal in order to see Jordan as Speaker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Gaetz says just now that the Heroic 8 has made an offer: the heroic 8 is willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal in order to see Jordan as Speaker.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770480 (201631ZOCT23) Notable: Moar No Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17 days now without a Speaker

Here's the list of 25 so called Republicans, who voted against Jim Jordan last round:

1- Bacon

2- Buchanan

3- Buck

4- Chavez

5- D’Esposito

6- Diaz-Balter

7- Ellzy

8- Ferguson

9- Fitzpatrick

10- Garbarino

11- Gimenez

12- Gonzalez

13- Granger

14- James

15- Kane

16- Kelly

17- Kiggans

18- LaLota

19- Lawler

20- Miller-Meeks

21- Molinaro

22- Rutherford

23- Simpson

24- Stauber

25- Womack


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d69290 No.100695

File: 6d1c43e039f0da3⋯.jpeg (444.61 KB,1380x621,20:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770486 (201632ZOCT23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz

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Brazilian AF BRS51 Embraer 390 WN out of Tel Aviv

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100696

File: 3f5d9b6c17eb5bf⋯.png (919.12 KB,1308x1460,327:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770498 (201634ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan's House Judiciary's grilling of embattled Hunter Biden prosecutor David Weiss has been postponed again.

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Paul Sperry

BREAKING: Jim Jordan's House Judiciary's grilling of embattled Hunter Biden prosecutor David Weiss has been postponed again. Date moved from previously scheduled Oct 18 to Nov 7. Weiss won't appear in public, but behind closed doors for a transcribed interview, Hill sources say

12:31 PM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100697

File: a829d118be084ce⋯.png (566.34 KB,1206x1340,9:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770513 (201636ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz says just now that the Heroic 8 has made an offer: the heroic 8 is willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal in order to see Jordan as Speaker.

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Greg Price

🚨BREAKING:The eight Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy just sent out this letter saying they will "accept censure, suspension, or removal from the conference" in exchange for electing Jim Jordan Speaker of the House.

12:30 PM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100698

File: a26f53c17b74452⋯.png (283.05 KB,640x380,32:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770598 (201650ZOCT23) Notable: Poilievre says Freeland should block RBC-HSBC Canada takeover

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Poilievre says Freeland should block RBC-HSBC Canada takeover

Canada’s Opposition leader is calling on the Liberal government to block RBC’s proposed takeover of HSBC Bank Canada, arguing the sale will reduce competition and negatively affect Canadians.

“We need competition in banking. It’s common sense,” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre told BNN Bloomberg in a Friday television interview. Competition does not happen when the biggest player simply swallows the seventh-biggest player and Canadians are left paying the price.”

The Competition Bureau approved the proposed $13.5-billion acquisition last month, though it noted that financial services are concentrated in Canada.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland must now give final approval of the deal.



Poilievre said Friday that he was “confused” by the Competition Bureau’s decision. In a public statement issued earlier in the day, he urged Freeland to reject the deal in order to protect banking competitiveness at a time when Canadians face high costs of living.

Speaking with BNN Bloomberg, Poilievre pointed out that some mortgage rates are currently lower at HSBC Canada than they are at RBC for the same product. He said he fears that those cheaper rates would disappear if HSBC were acquired by its larger competitor.

Poilievre also raised concerns about what he views as a lack of competitiveness in the Canadian business landscape at large.

“We have a problem where very old, very large, government-protected oligopolies have little competition and therefore little entrepreneurial incentive to become more productive and more enterprising,” he said. “One of the only ways to change that is to engender more competition in the marketplace.”

His comments came a day after the Competition Bureau published a report documenting waning business competitiveness over the last two decades, flagging trends such as more concentrated industries and more dominant players with fewer competitors.


A spokesperson for Freeland said her decision on the sale “will be informed by all required regulatory review processes, including those administered by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the Competition Bureau.”

RBC said in a written statement that the departure of HSBC Canada’s parent company from Canada has led to “uncertainty” for Canadian customers, and that RBC’s takeover plan offers those people stability.

“We strongly believe that RBC’s proposed acquisition offers HSBC’s Canadian clients the best possibility for continuity and stability, while providing them with innovative made-in-Canada international banking solutions and advanced digital capabilities,” the emailed statement read.

“This proposed acquisition will also keep more well-paying financial sector jobs in Canada and will repatriate overseas roles that currently support HSBC’s Canadian operations.”


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d69290 No.100699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770607 (201652ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Shaheen on ‘very real concern’ Israel-Gaza war expands

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Sen. Shaheen on ‘very real concern’ Israel-Gaza war expands

Washington Post Live

Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770611 (201653ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Collins on supplemental aid for Ukraine, Israel, more

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Sen. Collins on supplemental aid for Ukraine, Israel, more

Washington Post Live

Oct 19, 2023


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d69290 No.100701

File: f6e1bad66e95d56⋯.png (524.2 KB,760x400,19:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770613 (201653ZOCT23) Notable: Kennedy Space Center digital signage takes off

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Kennedy Space Center digital signage takes off

Oct. 20, 2023

The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex has unveiled a 3,000 square-foot SNA Displays LED spectacular installation in the Kennedy Entry Experience, according to a press release.

The 6.6-millimeter LED display, measuring 30 feet tall and 98 feet long, offers more than six million pixels and is constructed with SNA Displays Empire Exterior LED panels. It includes a curve with a five foot radius, along with supporting 3D anamorphic content. The display features steel structure, storm-proofing design, a lightning protection system, and integration with the Space Center's emergency system.

Additional partners included Eastern Sign Tech, which offered installation, and Ivey's Construction, which contributed general contracting services.

"The astronomical new Kennedy Entry Experience is one of the largest LED displays set at ground level," Jason Helton, EVP at SNA Displays, said in the release. "I've long been a huge fan of space exploration and am really passionate about this particular project. This location is such an important piece of American history representing drive, perseverance, and a desire to push the boundaries of technology and human excellence. We're incredibly proud to work with the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex."



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d69290 No.100702

File: 37de508d6f5953b⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,592x340,148:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770632 (201656ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz says just now that the Heroic 8 has made an offer: the heroic 8 is willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal in order to see Jordan as Speaker.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100703

File: f4c5cea5f2f8c57⋯.png (231.65 KB,615x2360,123:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770671 (201701ZOCT23) Notable: 𝕏 is open source news. Excellent analysis by Sinofsky.

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Elon Musk



𝕏 is open source news.

That is the right way to think about it.

Excellent analysis by Sinofsky.


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d69290 No.100704

File: 024c6cadada9d6c⋯.png (451.18 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 5491991aa0f720f⋯.png (367.32 KB,589x670,589:670,Clipboard.png)

File: 3136433ebd15616⋯.png (663.38 KB,1152x609,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770694 (201704ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., holding a resolution on the House floor to remove Rep. Patrick McHenry as temporary speaker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Farnoush Amiri


👀Here's Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., holding a resolution on the House floor to remove Rep. Patrick McHenry as temporary speaker. (AP Photo/



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d69290 No.100705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770725 (201709ZOCT23) Notable: State Department Daily Briefing

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State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on several issues.



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d69290 No.100706

File: 743936d28f6ec10⋯.png (470.99 KB,693x643,693:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 7da51c4141149c5⋯.png (338.13 KB,2880x1920,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770735 (201710ZOCT23) Notable: In a world where people are getting increasingly sensitive about anything/everything someone posts, we might be reaching a pinnacle. #OctopusOctober

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In a world where people are getting increasingly sensitive about anything/everything someone posts, we might be reaching a pinnacle.



Climate change activist celebrity Greta Thunberg has deleted a pro-Gaza photo after people pointed out the use of a blue octopus toy prop in the background. Historical Nazi propaganda depicted a Jewish octopus with tentacles all over the world.

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d69290 No.100707

File: 20a4f9925fca8d5⋯.png (703.22 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770794 (201721ZOCT23) Notable: 8Kun MP4 Archive Updated

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>>100682 TYB!

8Kun MP4 Archive Updated

100 New Videos added.

3700 Total Political and Random Videos atm

Please Review and let anon know if missed something, or you would like something added.



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d69290 No.100708

File: 99cdfb9b557a506⋯.png (693.32 KB,1173x945,391:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770809 (201723ZOCT23) Notable: Engoron Threatens ‘Imprisoning’ Trump for ‘Blatantly’ Violating Gag Order

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Arthur Engoron Threatens ‘Imprisoning’ Trump for ‘Blatantly’ Violating Gag Order

The judge presiding over the bank fraud trial of former President Donald Trump threatened to jail him and impose heavy fines on him for “blatantly” violating a gag order by refusing to remove a website post that attacked court staff.

The trial got underway on a serious note on Friday, with Justice Arthur F. Engoron laying out the high stakes and demanding explanations from Trump’s attorneys.

“In the current overheated climate, incendiary comments can, and in some cases already have, led to serious physical harm and worse. I will now allow the defendants to explain why this blatant violation of the gag order would not result in serious sanctions, including financial sanctions and/or possibly imprisoning him,” Engoron said.

The New York bank fraud trial that Engoron is presiding over is a civil matter, meaning that Trump will not face imprisonment but rather fines and the possible destruction of his real estate empire.

The judge then threatened Trump by saying he could spend time behind bars if he did not comply, the Daily Beast reported.

Christopher Kise, Trump’s defense attorney, quickly issued an apology, attributing the incident to a simple oversight on the part of Trump’s massive “campaign machinery” in failing to delete a webpage that replicated the Truth Social post that Trump had already deleted.

“There was no intention to evade or circumvent or ignore the order. I assure you that. I just know that this is a very large machine and this is one of the reasons, frankly, I don’t have social media,” Kise said, trying to deflect with some light humor.

“But that’s been taken down. And we don’t have any other… there were no subsequent postings,” Kise added.

“I will take that under advisement, but… Donald Trump is still responsible for the large machine,” Engoron reminded him.

This formal reprimand follows the judge’s repeated warnings to the unhinged real estate mogul not to repeat his tactics of intimidating witnesses and defaming judges and prosecutors in New York state court.

To remind Trump’s lawyers of the trouble they’re in, Engoron took the time on Friday morning to go over what had happened so far, bringing up the “untrue disparaging and personally-identifying post about my principal law clerk.” In addition, he told the press about what went down in his courtroom when the press was not present.

“I spoke to defendants on and off the record. Off the record, I ordered Donald Trump to remove the post immediately. Approximately 10 minutes later, Donald Trump represented to me that he had taken down the offending post,” he began.

“I then, on the record, imposed on all parties to his action a very limited gag order forbidding ‘all parties from posting, emailing or speaking publicly about any members of my staff,’ emphasizing quite clearly that ‘personal attacks on members of my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate and I will not tolerate them under any circumstances,’” he recalled.

“Despite this clear order, last night I learned that the subject of the offending post was never removed from the website donaldjtrump.com, and in fact had been on that website for the past 17 days. I understand that it was removed late last night, but only in response to email from this court,” he went on.

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against Trump and his company for allegedly providing false and misleading statements to banks and insurers regarding Trump’s net worth and asset values. Although Engoron has already found fraud on the part of Trump and his company, the trial will still have to deal with claims of conspiracy, insurance fraud, and tampering with business records.

James claims that Trump’s financial statements were pivotal in his ability to secure deals and loans, and testimony and exhibits presented at trial corroborate this.

Trump has refuted each and every accusation made by James. He claims that the true value of his assets is much higher than what was disclosed in the disclaimers that accompanied his financial statements.

Since state law does not permit a jury in this kind of lawsuit, Engoron will decide the case.


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d69290 No.100709

File: 5d3ed536aef2ce4⋯.png (65.44 KB,870x420,29:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770822 (201725ZOCT23) Notable: GOP is in shambles & I’m starting to think they’re intentionally holding out on selecting a Speaker so that they can stall the promised Biden impeachment inquiry./war funding

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Laura Loomer


House GOP will conduct another vote for Speaker of the House at 10 am EST today.

Prepare for another clown show.

GOP is in shambles & I’m starting to think they’re intentionally holding out on selecting a Speaker so that they can stall the promised Biden impeachment inquiry.

Oct 20, 2023, 12:57 PM


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d69290 No.100710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770870 (201734ZOCT23) Notable: Moar No Jordan

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Olivia Beavers


The 25 House GOP No votes and who they voted for:






6.Diaz Balart-Scalise

7.Ellzey-Mike Garcia


9.Fitzpatrick-McHenry (new)






15.Kean-McCarthy (new)



18.LaLota –Zeldin







25.Womack – Scalise

11:57 AM · Oct 20, 2023



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d69290 No.100711

File: 61358037b7577af⋯.png (77.88 KB,912x511,912:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 64d705712846a1a⋯.png (348.96 KB,564x752,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770936 (201748ZOCT23) Notable: Federal Judge Benitez overturns California’s ban on AR-15 style weapons that had been in place for 30+ years

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BIG: Federal Judge Benitez overturns California’s ban on AR-15 style weapons that had been in place for 30+ years

Also overturned ban on ammo magazines over 10 rounds & background check on ammo purchases

HUGE wins for the 2A!

Newsom is furious!

Oct 20, 2023, 1:35 PM



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d69290 No.100712

File: e917c667edd85da⋯.jpg (93.04 KB,720x896,45:56,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771006 (201759ZOCT23) Notable: Texas Secretary of State Releases Election Audit Findings, And They Are Deeply Troubling

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Texas Secretary of State has released bombshell findings from the 2022 midterm election audit of Harris County The report reveals Harris County had 9,000 more voters in the registration system than what was reported to the state. Almost 3,600 mail-in ballots were sent to voters but not reported to the state. 27% of polling locations failed to return or properly complete necessary paperwork.


Texas Secretary of State Releases Election Audit Findings, And They Are Deeply Troubling

According to a post by Texas state Senator Paul Bettencourt on X, “County Government’s [election audit] left 3 million sheets of ballot paper in the warehouse and didn’t get enough ballot paper to the polls for voters to vote.”

At least 38 polling sites also experienced an absence of voter check-ins for an hour or more, according to Nelson’s report.

The report reveals Harris County had 9,000 more voters in the registration system than what was reported to the state. Almost 3,600 mail-in ballots were sent to voters but not reported to the state.


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d69290 No.100713

File: 95bc2aaa44637d8⋯.png (12.05 KB,590x181,590:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771016 (201800ZOCT23) Notable: Last year, only 17% of Americans got a fall Covid booster. So far this year, it's under 3%, per Bloomberg.

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Last year, only 17% of Americans got a fall Covid booster.

So far this year, it's under 3%, per Bloomberg.

6:32 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100714

File: de5396ad8e241fe⋯.jpg (617.69 KB,1073x1399,1073:1399,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b56cb5a49773da4⋯.png (849.26 KB,879x902,879:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771034 (201803ZOCT23) Notable: In a world where people are getting increasingly sensitive about anything/everything someone posts, we might be reaching a pinnacle. #OctopusOctober

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Greta Thunberg deletes 'I stand with Gaza' social media post after critics claimed stuffed octopus in photo could be viewed as an 'anti-Semitic' symbol - as she says the toy helps with her autism

By Rory Tingle

13:57, 20 Oct 2023 , updated 16:25, 20 Oct 2023


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d69290 No.100715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771053 (201807ZOCT23) Notable: Reps. Pressley, Bush, and Others Call for Ceasefire in Israel and Gaza

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2:15 PM EDT

Reps. Pressley, Bush, and Others Call for Ceasefire in Israel and Gaza

Reps. Pressley (D-MA), Bush (D-MO), and others hold a news conference to call for a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.


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d69290 No.100716

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771057 (201807ZOCT23) Notable: @DevinNunes Outside @truthsocial HQ

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Devin Nunes


Outside @truthsocial HQ 😳




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d69290 No.100717

File: f7dd9b564e89207⋯.png (175.5 KB,384x594,64:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771060 (201807ZOCT23) Notable: GOP is in shambles & I’m starting to think they’re intentionally holding out on selecting a Speaker so that they can stall the promised Biden impeachment inquiry./war funding

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned about the Speaker of the House being filled, as the third Jim Jordan vote failed, when all signs seem to indicate that Gaetz' actions caused them to have issues funding never ending war and the military industrial complex.

As far as I'm concerned, I want zero dollars to go overseas and anything that's agitating the uniparty in congress, I have no qualms with.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771097 (201813ZOCT23) Notable: #24276

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#24276 >>100682

>>100695 Eyez on the Skyz

>>100690, >>100692, >>100694, >>100710 Moar No Jordan

>>100683 A New Report Throws Cold Water on Man-Made Global Warming Pseudoscience

>>100684 Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day

>>100685 Poll: More Americans Than Ever Have Zero Trust In Media

>>100686 Bob Good [R-VA]: We believe if we keep voting, Jim Jordan will be elected speaker.

>>100687 'Don't Say Gay' Author Joe Harding Sentenced To Prison On Fraud Charges

>>100688 1 PM House GOP conference, I'm told

>>100689 Powell Signals December Rate Hike Unlikely

>>100691 Trump co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro strikes plea deal with Georgia prosecutors

>>100693, >>100697, >>100702 Gaetz says just now that the Heroic 8 has made an offer: the heroic 8 is willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal in order to see Jordan as Speaker.

>>100696 Jordan's House Judiciary's grilling of embattled Hunter Biden prosecutor David Weiss has been postponed again.

>>100698 Poilievre says Freeland should block RBC-HSBC Canada takeover

>>100699 Sen. Shaheen on ‘very real concern’ Israel-Gaza war expands

>>100700 Sen. Collins on supplemental aid for Ukraine, Israel, more

>>100701 Kennedy Space Center digital signage takes off

>>100703 𝕏 is open source news. Excellent analysis by Sinofsky.

>>100704 Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., holding a resolution on the House floor to remove Rep. Patrick McHenry as temporary speaker.

>>100705 State Department Daily Briefing

>>100706, >>100714 In a world where people are getting increasingly sensitive about anything/everything someone posts, we might be reaching a pinnacle. #OctopusOctober

>>100707 8Kun MP4 Archive Updated

>>100708 Engoron Threatens ‘Imprisoning’ Trump for ‘Blatantly’ Violating Gag Order

>>100709, >>100717 GOP is in shambles & I’m starting to think they’re intentionally holding out on selecting a Speaker so that they can stall the promised Biden impeachment inquiry./war funding

>>100711 Federal Judge Benitez overturns California’s ban on AR-15 style weapons that had been in place for 30+ years

>>100712 Texas Secretary of State Releases Election Audit Findings, And They Are Deeply Troubling

>>100713 Last year, only 17% of Americans got a fall Covid booster. So far this year, it's under 3%, per Bloomberg.

>>100715 Reps. Pressley, Bush, and Others Call for Ceasefire in Israel and Gaza

>>100716 @DevinNunes Outside @truthsocial HQ


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d69290 No.100719

File: 8cba16c21fb750e⋯.png (931.41 KB,683x763,683:763,Clipboard.png)

File: eb201a619060f88⋯.png (299.85 KB,442x564,221:282,Clipboard.png)

File: fa56cd457d26f7d⋯.png (61.5 KB,368x401,368:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771120 (201815ZOCT23) Notable: #24277

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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d69290 No.100720

File: c9a8ccb3e4f9b00⋯.png (336.95 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771212 (201829ZOCT23) Notable: NATO envoys hold ‘emergency meeting’ over Putin-Orban talks - media (RT)

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NATO envoys hold ‘emergency meeting’ over Putin-Orban talks – media

The “deepening relationship” between Russia and Hungary is causing “security concerns,” the US ambassador to Budapest told RFE/RL

The ambassadors to Hungary of NATO countries have held an unscheduled meeting amid concerns about a recent encounter between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Beijing, the US state-run media outlet Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) reported Thursday.

The gathering of the bloc’s ambassadors and the representative of Sweden, whose NATO membership has yet to be ratified by Türkiye and Hungary, took place in Budapest on Thursday. At the meeting, the diplomats discussed “security concerns” about the “deepening relations” between Moscow and the NATO and EU member, David Pressman, the US ambassador to Hungary, told the outlet.

Pressman also noted that Washington expects the Hungarian government to take these “legitimate security concerns” seriously, calling the Putin-Orban meeting “worrying.”

On Tuesday, the day of the meeting, Pressman posted a picture on X (formerly Twitter) of Orban and Putin shaking hands, with the caption that Hungary’s prime minister was choosing to stand with Russia “alone among our allies.”

Orban’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, told ATV channel on Wednesday that “the US ambassador is not competent to determine Hungarian foreign policy because that is the job of the Hungarian government.”

Putin and Orban met on October 17 in the Chinese capital, where the international Belt and Road Forum was held. It was the first meeting between the Russian president and the Hungarian prime minister since the conflict in Ukraine erupted.

Over the past decades, relations between Moscow and Budapest “have been built solely on the basis of taking into account each other’s interests,” Putin said during the meeting, noting that Russia’s relations with many European countries are “maintained and developed,” which can only cause satisfaction.

Last September, Orban criticized EU sanctions on Moscow, claiming that “European people have become poorer, while Russia has not fallen on its knees.” He called for a ceasefire to end the Ukraine conflict, noting that the restrictions on Russia were hurting Europe’s economy.


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d69290 No.100721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771269 (201838ZOCT23) Notable: resident Biden Meets with European Council and European Commission Presidents

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OCTOBER 20, 2023

1:01 PM

Pres. Biden Meets with European Council and European Commission Presidents

President Biden welcomes European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to the White House for the second U.S.-EU Summit since the president took office.


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d69290 No.100722

File: 2c970663e5f61e7⋯.png (853.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771288 (201841ZOCT23) Notable: Second Amendment Win: California’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Has Been Thrown Out

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Second Amendment Win: California’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Has Been Thrown Out

1 hr ago

Second Amendment supporters may want to remember the saying, "As California Goes, so Goes the Nation," after a federal judge overturned the Golden State's three-decade-old ban on so-called "assault weapons" on Thursday. U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez, of San Diego, found no equivalent in early American history and ruled that the ban was therefore unconstitutional.

The judge further ruled that the semiautomatic rifle – known in the industry as "modern sporting rifles" – such as the AR-15 are common household items used for self-defense by millions of law-abiding citizens, who should not have their Second Amendment rights abridged by a state – even as the firearms have been misused by others in crimes including mass shootings.


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d69290 No.100723

File: 603504f9a30cddd⋯.png (33.21 KB,600x297,200:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 40961b845c3837a⋯.png (513.41 KB,866x472,433:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771330 (201848ZOCT23) Notable: RepMarkGreen - We need our State Department officials to be in lockstep with Israel. This is unacceptable.

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Rep. Mark Green



We need our State Department officials to be in lockstep with Israel. This is unacceptable.

Akbar Shahid Ahmed



EXCLU: State Dept officials are preparing a dissent cable over Biden's Israel-Palestine policy

"A mutiny [is] brewing within State at all levels,” one official said, as staff describe anger, depression, tears in meetings + rumors more colleagues will quit




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d69290 No.100724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771348 (201851ZOCT23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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rescheduled for 3pm

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




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d69290 No.100725

File: 622ca5a6f91fec4⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: ef6e38e2d8393aa⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x692,256:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a2567a410896ee⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771415 (201910ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli fighter jets hit over 100 Hamas targets in Gaza

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Israeli fighter jets hit over 100 Hamas targets in Gaza

Israeli fighter jets attacked “over a hundred operational targets” in the Gaza Strip overnight Thursday in the war against Hamas — killing a senior naval operative who took part in the massacre of civilians, officials said.

Destroyed in the mission were “tunnel shafts, munitions warehouses, and dozens of operational warehouses,” the Israel Defense Forces said on X.

The IDF posted a dramatic video of bombs destroying several buildings during the night.

​“During the attacks, the IDF and the Shin Bet eliminated a terrorist who was in the naval force of Hamas. The terrorist took part in the murderous operations in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said, referring to the country’s internal security agency.

The terrorist was identified as Amjad Majed Muhammad Abu ‘Odeh.

The aircraft also “neutralized” what the IDF and Shin Bet described as “a terror squad belonging to the Hamas aerial array … after they attempted to fire rockets at a jet.”


Genocide and spin to cover it up continues

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d69290 No.100726

File: cb2a25a1ebd2021⋯.png (525.41 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771423 (201912ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Bribery Money Trail

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🚨🚨 Biden Bribery Money Trail 🚨🚨

On March 1, 2018, distressed company Americore wires $200,000 to James Biden, because his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ to Middle East investment.

The same day, Joe Biden received a $200K check from James Biden.

Here’s the evidence ⬇️


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d69290 No.100727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771429 (201913ZOCT23) Notable: Biden To Beg Congress For $14B In Israel Aid, $60B For Ukraine As Part Of $105B Package

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Biden To Beg Congress For $14B In Israel Aid, $60B For Ukraine As Part Of $105B Package

Earlier Friday we noted that President Biden is planning to divert ammunition from Ukraine to Israel, with Pentagon spox Patrick Ryder insisting "we can support both Ukraine and Israel in terms of their defensive needs."

Now, as announced in a Thursday night primetime address from the Oval Office (Biden's second), the administration is about to approach Congress with a $105 billion package request that will include $60 billion for Ukraine, which the MSM immediately notes is "in line with an annual appropriation to continue US aid."

The administration is also seeking to send $14 billion in Israel aid, which officials say reflects requests Biden received while traveling to the region on Wednesday, as well as $14 billion for border security - a provision meant to appease fractured House Republicans, who are currently working out a new speaker.

The full breakdown of Biden's request is as follows:

$60 billion in funding to Ukraine

$14 billion to Israel

$10 billion in humanitarian aid to Ukraine and around the world

$14 billion for border funding to address drug trafficking and fentanyl

$7 billion for the Indo-Pacific and Taiwan

Biden justified the Israel aid by saying that the terrorist group Hamas, which attacked Israel this month, as well as Russia, "both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy."

"History has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictatorships don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction," said Biden. "We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win — I refuse to let that happen."


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d69290 No.100728

File: c5226b81f146425⋯.png (486.13 KB,1202x778,601:389,Clipboard.png)

File: ba55e9b6816b9f7⋯.png (1009.76 KB,1202x1456,601:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771436 (201914ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Bribery Money Trail

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direct payment to Biden and verifies committee findings...Go Jim Go...


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d69290 No.100729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771439 (201916ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s brother paid him $200K while seeking Mideast investor for hospital firm

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Biden’s brother paid him $200K while seeking Mideast investor for hospital firm

President Biden received a $200,000 check in 2018 from his younger brother James on the same day that he received the same amount from a US hospital chain by promising to secure a Mideast investor, bank records obtained by Congress show.

“This summer, Joe Biden said: ‘Where’s the money?‘ Well, we found some,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a video posted Friday afternoon to X.

Comer said James Biden wrote his check to his powerful brother as a “loan repayment,” without providing further context.

“Even if this was a personal loan repayment, it’s still troubling that Joe Biden’s ability to be paid back by his brother depended on the success of his family’s shady financial dealings,” the chairman said.

James Biden received a total of $600,000 in loans from since-defunct rural hospital operator Americore Health in 2018.

Bankruptcy trustees for the firm said in a July 2022 court filing that James Biden “procured the $600,000.00 in loans from Americore … based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based

on his political connections.”

The records do not specify which Middle Eastern country James Biden was courting, though he was involved in a different business relationship pertaining to Saudi Arabia at around the same time.

It’s unclear what progress James Biden made toward securing the foreign funds before Americore filed for bankruptcy in 2019.

James Biden received an initial $400,000 tranche from Americore in January 2018 and the latter $200,000, which was sent to Joe Biden, on March 1 of that year, according to Comer and court records.

The transfer to Joe Biden, who was not in elected office at the time, could be the strongest evidence to date that the 80-year-old president benefited financially from his involvement in his relatives’ business dealings, including in foreign countries.

Biden claimed in 2019 while a presidential candidate that he had “never discussed with my son, or my brother … anything having to do with their businesses,” but significant evidence has since emerged that he regularly interacted with his relatives’ partners from countries such as China and Ukraine.


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d69290 No.100730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771493 (201926ZOCT23) Notable: Mitt Romney Caught in a Lie - His CIA-Linked Advisor Was Placed on Burisma Board While He Was Impeaching President Trump

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Mitt Romney Caught in a Lie – His CIA-Linked Advisor Was Placed on Burisma Board While He Was Impeaching President Trump

Mitt Romney claims he didn’t know about Burisma when he voted to impeach President Trump, clearly lying because his former associate was on the Burisma Board too.

It’s pretty clear that lying goes along with being a slimy politician. Mitt Romney provides the proof.

Romney voted for the Trump impeachment when President Trump was impeached for doing his duty and looking into the activities of US politicians in Ukraine. Mitt Romney voted for the impeachment.

This week, Mollie Hemmingway from the Federalist reported on Romney’s new book where he claims that he had no idea about Hunter Biden’s actions as Board member of Ukrainian oil and gas giant Burisma.

Romney spent the fall of 2019 giving public interviews to left-wing media, in which he complained about Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and telegraphing his eventual vote in favor of impeachment. Yet Romney claims to have been shocked that conservatives weren’t elated with his grandstanding.

Prime-time hosts on Fox News, where I’m a contributor, were apparently “treating him with mounting hostility,” according to the book, which adds, “Sean Hannity accused Romney of ‘morphing’ into a ‘weak, sanctimonious Washington, swamp politician,’ and suggested the senator was simply ‘jealous’ of Trump’s myriad successes.”

Romney was hurt by Hannity’s remarks, according to the book, since the host had been a staunch supporter of Romney’s presidential campaign. Romney called up the man described as his “old buddy,” but the call did not go well. Hannity accused Romney of just trying to be liked by left-wing media. Then he asked why Romney wasn’t more outraged by the Burisma scandal, the entire issue that was at the heart of the Ukraine impeachment scandal.

When Joe Biden was vice president and in charge of looking into Ukrainian corruption, his son and his son’s business partner took extremely lucrative board positions with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy concern that was fighting off corruption investigations. The whole arrangement reeked to high heaven, and Trump was impeached for asking about Burisma in a phone call with Zelensky.

What happens next in the book is a shocking admission of profound ignorance from the senator, particularly considering his disdain for his Republican colleagues who did not fall for the impeachment. Romney admits to Hannity that even though he’s been signaling his support of the Democrat impeachment efforts, he actually has no idea what Burisma is. “How do you not know what Burisma is?” Hannity reportedly asks.

The next paragraph is Romney insulting Hannity, calling him jealous and stupid. Let’s observe here that Romney’s stated reason for not liking Trump is personal. He tells Coppins he is quite supportive of the conservative agenda advanced by Trump, but that he doesn’t like Trump because the former president is boorish and insults other people. It is absolutely true that Trump insults people he feels have betrayed him or who otherwise don’t support him. It is unclear why Romney, who has just used a friendly reporter to overload a book with similar insults, is so bothered by Trump doing it in a less passive-aggressive fashion than Romney does.


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d69290 No.100731

File: 571e91a958f4e9a⋯.png (127.48 KB,600x529,600:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771564 (201940ZOCT23) Notable: NavalInstitute - In exchange for funds to expand the Naval Academy, the Navy agreed to allow graduates of the Class of 1949 to become officers in the @usairforce. The number was capped at 55

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U.S. Naval Institute



In exchange for funds to expand the Naval Academy, the Navy agreed to allow graduates of the Class of 1949 to become officers in the @usairforce. The number was capped at 55 for fear that Midshipmen would stampede to the USAF for "faster promotion and shore duty."




Hi USNI. How about posting something about frogs or seals? thanks in advance.

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d69290 No.100732

File: 72190643f41d5f4⋯.png (36.36 KB,644x537,644:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771580 (201946ZOCT23) Notable: Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day

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Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day

More than 40,000 Cisco devices running the IOS XE operating system have been compromised after hackers exploited a recently disclosed maximum severity vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-20198.

There is no patch or a workaround available and the only recommendation for customers to secure the devices is to “disable the HTTP Server feature on all internet-facing systems.”

Tens of thousands of Cisco devices exposed

Initial estimates of breached Cisco IOS XE devices were around 10,000 and the number started growing as security researchers scanned the internet for a more accurate figure.

On Tuesday, the LeakIX engine for indexing services and web applications exposed on the public web said they found about 30,000 infected devices, without counting the rebooted systems.

The search relied on the indicators of compromise (IoCs) that Cisco provided to determine the successful exploitation of CVE-2023-20198 on an exposed device and revealed thousands of infected hosts in the United States, the Philippines, and Chile.


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d69290 No.100733

File: 51a52f144306bba⋯.jpeg (744.25 KB,1170x1455,78:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771603 (201951ZOCT23) Notable: Some immediate questions President Biden MUST answer for the American people

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🚨 Some immediate questions President Biden MUST answer for the American people:

1) Does he have documents proving he lent such a large sum of money to his brother and what were the terms of such financial arrangement?

2) Did he have similar financial arrangements with other family members that led them to make similar large payments to him?

3) Did he know that the same day James Biden wrote him a check for $200,000, James Biden had just received a loan for the exact same amount from business dealings with a company that was in financial distress and failing?


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d69290 No.100734

File: e2762c914d166fd⋯.png (324.83 KB,600x629,600:629,Clipboard.png)

File: f2b423b9f95544b⋯.jpg (951.53 KB,3008x2005,3008:2005,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771607 (201953ZOCT23) Notable: INDOPACOM - #USSAbrahamLincoln conducts routine flight operations in @US3rdFleet

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U.S. Indo-Pacific Command



#USSAbrahamLincoln conducts routine flight operations in @US3rdFleet, training to elevate #Readiness and maritime capability to preserve peace and prosperity throughout the #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.

📍: #PacificOcean

📸: MC2 Clayton A. Wren


>>How about posting something about frogs or seals? thanks in advance.


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d69290 No.100735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771613 (201954ZOCT23) Notable: Gov. Gavin Newsom to travel to Israel

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Gov. Gavin Newsom to travel to Israel

The governor will meet with victims of the Israel-Hamas war.

“The Governor adjusted his planned international trip and will briefly visit Israel ahead of going to China,” spokesperson Erin Mellon said in a statement. “While in Israel, the Governor will meet with those impacted by the violence.”

Newsom’s office said that California will also be sending medical aid and supplies to the region, including Gaza, where Israel has launched a “complete siege” and cut off supplies of food, power and water in response to deadly attacks by the militant group Hamas on Oct 7.

The Hamas attacks killed over 1,400, and the Gaza Health Ministry says over 3,785 people have been killed in Gaza since the war began. U.N. negotiations for getting aid into Gaza through Egypt are ongoing.

California is home to the largest population of Arab Americans and the second largest population of Jews in the U.S.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) is in Israel today meeting with victims of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had been in China but left quickly amid the unfolding attacks on Israel. Schumer then led a delegation to Tel Aviv, which was rushed to a shelter in a tight bunker during heavy rocket fire.


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d69290 No.100736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771689 (202008ZOCT23) Notable: US to Send Israel Artillery Shells Initially Bound for Ukraine

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US to Send Israel Artillery Shells Initially Bound for Ukraine

Israel wants the US to replenish stockpiles it keeps in Israel

The US is sending Israel tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells that were designated for Ukraine, Axios reported on Thursday.

Israeli officials requested the artillery shells as they’re preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza and worried about an escalation with Hezbollah and the possibility of a northern front.

Earlier this year, the US began dipping into a weapons stockpile it has in Israel to ship more artillery shells to Ukraine. According to Axios, Israel has requested that the US replenish its stockpile of ammunition in Israel in case the Israeli military needs them on short notice. The US agreed to the request and is expected to send the 155mm shells in the coming weeks.

The US stockpile in Israel is controlled by the US military. But under the arrangement, Israel can use the ammunition in a war scenario with US approval and was granted access during the 2006 Lebanon war and 2014 Gaza war.

Israel has been using more 155mm shells since the October 7 attack as it has fired artillery into Gaza and into Lebanon during skirmishes with Hezbollah. The demand will increase significantly if Israel launches its expected ground invasion of Gaza.

The transfer of shells initially bound for Ukraine to Israel raises questions about the US military’s ability to provide weapons and ammunition for the two wars. According to the Pentagon, the US has so far provided Ukraine with over 2 million 155mm artillery shells.


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d69290 No.100737

File: 95f1df5fbbeb354⋯.jpeg (434.31 KB,1170x1171,1170:1171,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771709 (202011ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Bribery Money Trail

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d69290 No.100738

File: e1457f5622859f7⋯.jpeg (395.09 KB,1170x950,117:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771733 (202014ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Bribery Money Trail

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d69290 No.100739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771761 (202021ZOCT23) Notable: Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop

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Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop

This week, law enforcement and judicial authorities from eleven countries delivered a major blow to one of the most dangerous ransomware operations of recent years.

This action, coordinated at international level by Europol and Eurojust, targeted the Ragnar Locker ransomware group. The group were responsible for numerous high-profile attacks against critical infrastructure across the world.

In an action carried out between 16 and 20 October, searches were conducted in Czechia, Spain and Latvia. The “key target” of this malicious ransomware strain was arrested in Paris, France, on 16 October, and his home in Czechia was searched. Five suspects were interviewed in Spain and Latvia in the following days. At the end of the action week, the main perpetrator, suspected of being a developer of the Ragnar group, has been brought in front of the examining magistrates of the Paris Judicial Court.

The ransomware’s infrastructure was also seized in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden and the associated data leak website on Tor was taken down in Sweden.

This international sweep follows a complex investigation led by the French National Gendarmerie, together with law enforcement authorities from the Czechia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States of America.

In the framework on this investigation, a first round of arrests were carried out in Ukraine in October 2021 with Europol’s support.

What kind of malware is Ragnar Locker?

Active since December 2019, Ragnar Locker is the name of a ransomware strain and of the criminal group which developed and operated it.

This malicious actor made a name for itself by attacking critical infrastructure across the world, having most recently claimed the attacks against the Portuguese national carrier and a hospital in Israel.

This strain of ransomware targeted devices running Microsoft Windows operating systems and would typically exploit exposed services like Remote Desktop Protocol to gain access to the system.

The Ragnar Locker group was known to employ a double extortion tactic, demanding extortionate payments for decryption tools as well as for the non-release of the sensitive data stolen.

The threat level of Ragnar Locker was considered as high, given the group’s inclination to attack critical infrastructure.

Don’t call the cops

Ragnar Locker explicitly warned their victims against contacting law enforcement, threatening to publish all the stolen data of victimised organisations seeking help on its dark web ‘Wall of Shame’ leak site.

“All that the FBI/ransomware negotiators/investigators do is muck things up, so we’re going to publish your stuff if you call for help”, the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang announced on its hidden website.

Little did they know that law enforcement was closing in on them.

Back in October 2021, investigators from the French Gendarmerie and the US FBI, together with specialists from Europol and INTERPOL were deployed to Ukraine to conduct investigative measures with the Ukrainian National Police, leading to the arrest of two prominent Ragnar Locker operators.

The investigation continued ever since, leading to the arrests and disruption actions this week. Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre Europol supported the investigation from the onset, bringing together all the involved countries to establish a joint strategy.



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d69290 No.100740

File: 5d3f7fe0083374a⋯.png (345.75 KB,618x781,618:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771764 (202021ZOCT23) Notable: USNavy - Up, up, and away

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U.S. Navy



Up, up, and away 🛫 ✈️

An F/A-18E Super Hornet, attached to the Eagles of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 115, takes off from the flight deck of the U.S. Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), in the East China Sea.




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d69290 No.100741

File: acb2313c41e66f4⋯.png (276.15 KB,702x532,351:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771834 (202033ZOCT23) Notable: Byron Donalds to run for House Speaker

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Would be interesting if a gang of gators drained a swamp. Since Ohio was a swamp a long time ago, perhaps a buckeye isn't right for the job. Enter the next contestant:



BREAKING: Byron Donalds to run for House Speaker

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d69290 No.100742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771848 (202037ZOCT23) Notable: DOJ Says Trump Has No 'Absolute Immunity' In Jan. 6 Case

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DOJ Says Trump Has No 'Absolute Immunity' In Jan. 6 Case

The Department of Justice (DOJ) responded that President Trump has no such "absolute immunity."

"The defendant is not above the law," the government argues throughout its response, describing the motion to dismiss as "novel" and "expansive" in its reading of the law.

"In staking his claim, he purports (Mot. 29) to draw a parallel between his fraudulent efforts to overturn the results of an election that he lost and the likes of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and George Washington’s Farewell Address. These things are not alike," the filing continues.

The government has repeatedly argued that the former president knowingly tried to overturn "legitimate results" in the 2020 elections, and such criminal conspiracy negate the defenses he has raised, while President Trump, who has pleaded not guilty, maintains that he did nothing wrong, and sought to investigate what he believed was fraud in the 2020 elections.


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d69290 No.100743

File: b432d6bf68e4808⋯.png (259.4 KB,398x480,199:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771883 (202042ZOCT23) Notable: #24277

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24277 >>100719

>>100720 NATO envoys hold ‘emergency meeting’ over Putin-Orban talks - media (RT)

>>100721 resident Biden Meets with European Council and European Commission Presidents

>>100722 Second Amendment Win: California’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Has Been Thrown Out

>>100723 RepMarkGreen - We need our State Department officials to be in lockstep with Israel. This is unacceptable.

>>100724 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>100725 Israeli fighter jets hit over 100 Hamas targets in Gaza

>>100726, >>100728, >>100737, >>100738 Biden Bribery Money Trail

>>100727 Biden To Beg Congress For $14B In Israel Aid, $60B For Ukraine As Part Of $105B Package

>>100729 Biden’s brother paid him $200K while seeking Mideast investor for hospital firm

>>100730 Mitt Romney Caught in a Lie – His CIA-Linked Advisor Was Placed on Burisma Board While He Was Impeaching President Trump

>>100731 NavalInstitute - In exchange for funds to expand the Naval Academy, the Navy agreed to allow graduates of the Class of 1949 to become officers in the @usairforce. The number was capped at 55

>>100732 Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day

>>100733 Some immediate questions President Biden MUST answer for the American people

>>100734 INDOPACOM - #USSAbrahamLincoln conducts routine flight operations in @US3rdFleet

>>100735 Gov. Gavin Newsom to travel to Israel

>>100736 US to Send Israel Artillery Shells Initially Bound for Ukraine

>>100739 Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop

>>100740 USNavy - Up, up, and away

>>100741 Byron Donalds to run for House Speaker

>>100742 DOJ Says Trump Has No 'Absolute Immunity' In Jan. 6 Case


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d69290 No.100744

File: 92c92d5f4bf5771⋯.png (1.22 MB,700x783,700:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771902 (202047ZOCT23) Notable: #24278

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Emergency Bread Activated

Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Open

Same Dough

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d69290 No.100745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771911 (202051ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Moves To Shut Down Al Jazeera Over Gaza Coverage

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Israel Moves To Shut Down Al Jazeera Over Gaza Coverage

The major Qatari-based news channel Al Jazeera is about to be shut down in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank by Israeli authorities. It has been accused of "helping Hamas" and encouraging violence against Israel. The ban is likely to include a raid on its offices in Israel.

The Israeli government on Friday approved "emergency regulations" giving it the power to shut down foreign news agencies which are deemed to be acting against the "security of the state".

The first target for shutdown is believed to be Al Jazeera, given its staunchly pro-Palestinian news coverage, which has also rejected Israel's denial of the Al Ahli Arab Hospital bombing and mass casualties. Media outlets ranging from i24 News to Times of Israel are reporting that Al Jazeera is the prime target.

The channel is the largest Arabic language news outlet in the world, and also is a prime global source for English-language updates from within Gaza.

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has emphasized that Israel was at war on "land, in the air, at sea, and on the public diplomacy front".

According to The Times of Israel, "The regulations are retroactive, meaning broadcasts by the Qatari network since the war started can now be used as the basis for a decision to shut down the staunchly pro-Palestinian news outlet’s local branch."

Karhi called out the major Middle East news outlet by name in his fresh comments. "We will not allow in any way broadcasts that harm the security of the state… The broadcasts and reports of Al Jazeera constitute incitement against Israel, help Hamas-ISIS and the terror organizations with their propaganda, and encourage violence against Israel."

Israel's communications and defense ministers have reportedly agreed to the following sweeping emergency powers:

Israel will be able to order TV providers to stop broadcasting the news outlet in question;

close its offices in Israel, seize its equipment, and

shut down its website or restrict access to its website, depending on the location of its server.

Al Jazeera has frequently alleged that Israel's military targets its correspondents in the field, as was the case with slain Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who had been shot in the head by Israeli forces while covering a raid on Jenin in the West Bank in May 2022.


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d69290 No.100746

File: 2e76387ee0b4947⋯.png (1.12 MB,1081x801,1081:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771931 (202059ZOCT23) Notable: Trump And J6 Defendants Push For Change Of Venue Motion

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Trump And J6 Defendants Push For Change

Of Venue Motion: ‘No Such Thing As A

Fair Trial In Washington, DC’

Gateway Pundit, by Alicia Powe

Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 4:28:06 PM

J6 Legal Fund, an organization spearheaded by a January 6 defendant that raises funds to secure conservative attorneys for political prisoners, has retained the prestigious polling and market research firm to craft bulletproof data for a Change of Venue motion. While the Department of Justice United States Attorney’s Office has approximately a 60 percent overall conviction rate in non-J6 jury trials, the United States Attorney’s Office has secured convictions in 100 percent of January 6 jury trials. Donald Trump and his legal team have touted arguments for moving the former president’s criminal case out of Washington, D.C. Trump’s team contends the District of Columbia’s far leftwing

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d69290 No.100747

File: 9df56c7a6876019⋯.png (19.51 KB,903x242,903:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771933 (202100ZOCT23) Notable: Federal deficit rose to $1.7 trillion in fiscal 2023

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Federal deficit rose to $1.7 trillion

in fiscal 2023

The Hill [DC], by Sylvan Lane

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/20/2023 4:17:48 PM

The federal budget deficit rose to $1.7 trillion in fiscal 2023, according to data released Friday by the Treasury Department. The gulf between how much money the federal government spent and made in revenue rose by $320 billion between fiscal 2023 — which ended September 30 — and the previous fiscal year. The fiscal 2023 budget deficit was equal to 6.3 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), up from 5.4 percent in fiscal 2022. Biden administration officials attributed to spike in the deficit to a steep drop in federal revenue, which rose sharply during rapid economic rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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d69290 No.100748

File: 1f9d454122e2ca0⋯.png (340.22 KB,600x607,600:607,Clipboard.png)

File: f27b061855824fd⋯.jpg (2.07 MB,7596x5066,3798:2533,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771936 (202100ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense Capturing the boom!

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸



Capturing the boom!

@USMC Staff Sgt. Dana Beesley photographs a Marine with I Marine Expeditionary Force, and a Singapore Guardsman from 7th Singapore Infantry Brigade, taking cover from a controlled explosion during Exercise Valiant Mark 2023 at Camp Pendleton, Calif.


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d69290 No.100749

File: 876560c606b015a⋯.png (92.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771939 (202101ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Humans can’t live without war’, Christian patriarch laments

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20 Oct, 2023 19:16

‘Humans can’t live without war’, Christian patriarch laments

The world should still strive to minimize the effects of hostilities, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said

Armed conflicts appear to be an integral part of humanity’s existence, the chief bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said on Thursday. That does not mean the international community cannot or should not seek to minimize the human costs and suffering associated with them, he said at the religious festival ‘Faith & Word’ being held in Moscow Region.

“Unfortunately, one has to admit that humanity appears to beunable to live without war,”the patriarch said, addingthat it is a part of “the corrupt human nature.”People around the world should still strive to overcome those destructive tendencies, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church believes.

”We can and [we] must minimize… harm resulting from hostilities, if they do break out,” the patriarch stated. His words came amid the continuing conflict between Moscow and Kiev and a fresh escalation between Israel and the Gaza-based Palestinian Hamas militant group.

Kirill then said that peoples that share the same faith and beliefs have an even stronger obligation to do so. The church leader was particularly referring to Russians and Ukrainians, who have been locked in a protracted struggle lasting for more than a year and a half. Those two peoples “come from a single baptismal font,” he added.

His speech came just a day after the Ukrainian parliament approved in the first reading a bill aimed at essentially banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) over its links to Moscow.

Bill 8371 officially envisages prohibiting any religious organization “linked to Russia.” Its authors maintain that it would still “allow citizens of Ukraine to realize the right to freedom of worldview and religion guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine.”

President Vladimir Zelensky’s government considers theUOC – which traces its roots to the conversion of Kievan Rus to Christianity over 1,000 years ago– to fit the definition outlined in the bill since it maintains communion with the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church led by Patriarch Kirill.

The UOC has faced persecution in Ukraine since the start of the conflict. The church has seen its property, including the iconic Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, one of the country’s oldest monasteries, seized by government agents. Its activities have also been outlawed in several western regions of Ukraine.

Despite the persecution, the UOC remains the largest denomination in the country. It includes the Kiev archdiocese, some 50 other dioceses, and about 9,000 individual parishes.

The Ukrainian government set up a rival organization, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which was declared autocephalous – i.e., fully independent – by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul in 2019.

The UOC denounced Russia over its decision to launch a military operation in Ukraine back in February 2022. Yet, it did not declare itself autocephalous from the Moscow Patriarchate. Russia has repeatedly condemned what it calls persecution of the UOC, while the US has turned a blind eye to the issue.

(The Nazi Regime are basically Satanists so they will try to remake the church in their image.)


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d69290 No.100750

File: 066aae261c505cd⋯.png (42.45 KB,1402x336,701:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771940 (202101ZOCT23) Notable: US conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours after Russian move to revoke global test ban

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US conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours

after Russian move to revoke global test ban

Fox News, by Louis Casiano

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/20/2023 3:24:34 PM

The U.S. conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada hours after Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing, which Moscow said would put it on par with the United States. Wednesday's test used chemicals and radioisotopes to "validate new predictive explosion models" that can help detect atomic blasts in other countries, Bloomberg reported, citing the Department of Energy. "These experiments advance our efforts to develop new technology in support of U.S. nuclear nonproliferation goals," Corey Hinderstein, Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation at the National Nuclear Security Administration, said in a statement.

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d69290 No.100751

File: 74b358b64cad53b⋯.png (175.09 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b335b0ddacc0fc⋯.png (170.16 KB,1092x432,91:36,Clipboard.png)

File: d94cdfa6053b97d⋯.png (10.89 KB,685x148,685:148,Clipboard.png)

File: cffb7a94c21b86d⋯.png (28.21 KB,680x615,136:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 70de3389f2ad9af⋯.jpg (28.23 KB,347x400,347:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771965 (202107ZOCT23) Notable: RE: Ariane Tabatabai, top Iranian Pentagon Aide

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>>>/qresearch/19771695 (lb)

Ariane Tabatabai



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d69290 No.100752

File: dc33293c3fd28a6⋯.jpeg (375.35 KB,1120x1854,560:927,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771970 (202108ZOCT23) Notable: Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

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Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

October 19, 2023 (2 days ago)

At this point, would anyone be surprised if our government was willing to assassinate a U.S. president, bomb its own citizens, or unleash a virus to influence an election? Probably not. And this isn’t “tinfoil hat” conjecture; many level-headed people are raising serious questions about our government’s actions. Recently, public figures like Senator Rand Paul and RFK Jr. have been very outspoken about the government’s role in events such as the Kennedy assassinations and the COVID-19 “pandemic.” Rightly so, as the government has time and again proven itself utterly untrustworthy.

Adding to the mystery is another bombshell that relates to the events of 9/11. A well-known Twitter account, ‘WallStreetApes,’ recently shared a revealing post and video from Glenn Beck. The post highlights the media’s glaring silence on a document endorsed by 11 former FBI agents and two former CIA agents. This document alleges that the CIA was not only aware of the 9/11 hijackers but actively recruited them and hid their plans from the FBI.

Wow, this news might come as a shock, but believe it or not, some folks have been saying this for decades.

Here’s what Glenn said:

“Let me show you this. This is a document from the sworn declaration of a 9-11 investigator with the Office of Military Commissions, part of the Department of Defense’s Military Commissions Defense Organization. This document is dated July 20, 2021. It first appeared on a former Washington Post journalist substack, Jeff Stein’s Spy Talk.

Have you heard anything new at all regarding the 9-11 investigation in the last 10 years? Anything.

Have you heard anything about the newly discovered sworn declaration anywhere in the mainstream media? I saw it once. Maybe there’s nothing to it. Well, I mean nothing is probably a little too harsh. Just the allegation from multiple FBI agents that the CIA was running an illegal domestic spy agency inside the United States.

The declaration says that the saudis were being used as intermediaries to recruit al-qaeda operatives for the CIA quote al-bawami was an intelligent it could be salami i don’t know how to print anyway uh… he was running uh… he was an intelligence officer in the the employee of the saudi government he was quote two of the nine eleven hijackers at the saudi consulate in los angeles this declaration alleges the CIA new the hijackers we’re inside the united states and they wanted to work with them to recruit them through an illegal domestic espionage operation and hid everything from the FBIA

This information just came out. Just came out.

Does anybody find that interesting does anybody find it interesting that it’s not everywhere in the mainstream media i mean the c i a was running illegal operations accidentally led to the worst tragedy on american soil i mean that seems kind of newsworthy where’s the curiosity from the press is a problem of sourcing

Well, let’s see. This account comes after the interviews of 11 ex-FBI agents, two ex-CIA agents, a CNN investigative journalist, former deputy of national security advisor Richard Clark, and former Senator Bob Graham from Florida, a Democrat. He was a co-chair of Congress’s joint inquiry into 9-11.

I don’t know it’s an amazing claim it seems to have all lot of sources but the media doesn’t care”

If this turns out to be true, and there’s a good chance it might, our government would make North Korea’s evil communist regime seem as harmless as a litter of kittens.

(Is the Bush connection may come out soon?)


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d69290 No.100753

File: fe881df43436186⋯.png (809.18 KB,1037x928,1037:928,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772146 (202137ZOCT23) Notable: The Supreme Court allows the White House to continue work to combat controversial social media posts

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The Supreme Court allows the White House to continue work to combat controversial social media posts

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d69290 No.100754

File: 5b6de89ddb1162f⋯.png (144.9 KB,600x574,300:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772205 (202150ZOCT23) Notable: @18airbornecorps ⏰The clock is ticking.

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XVIII Airborne Corps & Fort Liberty



⏰The clock is ticking.

It's almost time to announce the finalists for Dragon's Lair 9! 👀


@INDOPACOM @USMC @USCG @USArmy @usairforce @USNavy @SpaceForceDoD



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d69290 No.100755

File: 4cc260921e02495⋯.png (222.26 KB,1197x953,1197:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772242 (202157ZOCT23) Notable: 'Galactic 05' Research Mission To Become Virgin Galactic's Sixth Flight In Six Month

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'Galactic 05' Research Mission To Become Virgin Galactic's Sixth Flight In Six Months

OCTOBER, 18, 2023

Flight Window Opens November 2, 2023

Scientist Dr. Alan Stern and Researcher Kellie Gerardi Plan To Conduct Five Scientific Research Experiments

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif.(BUSINESS WIRE) Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPCE) today announced the ‘Galactic 05’ flight window will open November 2, 2023. This would be the Company’s sixth spaceflight this year and tenth to date. The ‘Galactic 05’ mission would once again see Virgin Galactic’s Spaceship converted into a suborbital space lab for space-based research. This research mission reaffirms Virgin Galactic’s commitment to providing unprecedented access to space by reducing the historical barriers of time and cost associated with innovative microgravity and space-based research.

“The pursuit of scientific discovery has driven Virgin Galactic from the beginning, and we’re thrilled to offer a wide breadth of high-quality and reliable access to space-based research,” said Michael Colglazier, CEO of Virgin Galactic. “With six flights in six months, our teams have delivered on our turn time objectives for our initial spaceship, VSS Unity. ‘Galactic 05’ will be our second commercial human-tended research mission, and insights from this flight will be used to enhance and refine the research capabilities of our future Delta fleet.”

The dynamic crew of the ‘Galactic 05’ mission will include:

Astronaut 020 - Dr. Alan Stern, U.S. Planetary Scientist and Associate Vice President in Southwest Research Institute’s (SwRI) Space Sector

Astronaut 021 - Kellie Gerardi, U.S. Payload Specialist and Bioastronautics Researcher for the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences (IIAS)

Astronaut 022 - Private Astronaut – Franco-Italian nationality

‘Galactic 05’ is set to become Galactic’s sixth space research mission and its second this year. Alan and Kellie are experienced researchers who plan to conduct human-tended research during the suborbital spaceflight. As a former NASA Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, Alan is a long-time advocate for commercial suborbital research platforms. Sponsored by SwRI, Alan’s mission is planned to be a training flight for a future suborbital spaceflight as part of NASA’s Flight Opportunities program. During ‘Galactic 05’, Alan will fly a biomedical harness to collect physiological data related to human spaceflight and conduct practice activities for an astronomical experiment on the NASA flight.

Kellie, sponsored by IIAS, plans to fly three payloads, two of which will evaluate novel healthcare technologies in microgravity conditions through the collection of biometric data with the Astroskin biomonitoring device, and examine how confined fluid behaves to inform future healthcare technologies in space. Her research has been developed through extensive reduced gravity flight campaigns with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and would now be advanced through a suborbital flight.

Learn more about the ‘Galactic 05’ research experiments HERE.

“After years of sending machines to conduct research on my behalf, I'm thrilled to be making this maiden spaceflight,” said Dr. Alan Stern, on behalf of SwRI. “What sets this flight apart from others, and which likely represents a new kind of space activity, is that more than anything else I will be training – in space – for future space experiments I will be performing with NASA funding. Virgin’s suborbital costs are low enough to open up space training actually in space as a viable opportunity, and that is a game changer."

“This mission represents the beginning of a new era of access to space for the research community, and the culmination of a personal lifelong dream. I’m grateful for the support and confidence that IIAS continues to place in me, and I’m looking forward to paving the way for our many talented researchers who will follow, using space as a laboratory to benefit humanity,” said Kellie Gerardi, on behalf of IIAS.

The Virgin Galactic crew includes VSS Unity Commander Mike Masucci and Pilot Kelly Latimer, VMS Eve Commander Jameel Janjua and Pilot Andy Edgell, and Astronaut Instructor Colin Bennett. Colin’s work on ‘Galactic 05’ will complete the in-flight Astronaut Instructor training assessments, and the fourth cabin seat on VSS Unity will be used for additional revenue generation on future flights.

The ‘Galactic 06’ mission is expected to take place in January 2024 to allow time for routine, planned annual vehicle inspections before re-commencing with standard pre-flight readiness procedures. The ‘Galactic 06’ mission will be planned to carry four private astronauts to space.


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d69290 No.100756

File: a04e9aabb46f14f⋯.png (96.41 KB,1068x600,89:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772350 (202219ZOCT23) Notable: Anxiety in Turkey: "We are surrounded by American bases" - "We know the danger"

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Anxiety in Turkey: "We are surrounded by American bases" - "We know the danger"

Oct. 20, 2023

With a map showing the US military presence inside and outside Turkey, including the bases in Greece, the Turkish newspaper Sozcu addresses its readers saying "They know the danger".

"Around us are the bases of the two superpowers, the USA and Russia. While we are surrounded by their planes, weapons and ships" comments the front page publication, presenting the military presence of Washington and Moscow in the region.

Sauce: https://warnews247-gr.translate.goog/agchos-stin-tourkia-echoume-perikyklothei-apo-amerikanikes-vaseis-gnorizoume-ton-kindyno/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

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d69290 No.100757

File: ab3761bd74154bf⋯.png (613.18 KB,1080x807,360:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772355 (202219ZOCT23) Notable: ANOTHER 80 YEAR OLD DEEP STATER THAT THINKS WASHINGTON DC IS A CARE HOME…. PATHETIC GARBAGE

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House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) is currently silent on whether or not the intransigent House Appropriations Committee chairwoman Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) should be allowed to continue as a committee chair on a prized House panel despite continually voting against the wishes of the House GOP conference.

Arrington spokespersons Danny Jativa and Elle Ciapciak have not responded to repeated inquiries from Breitbart News about whether or not Arrington agrees with Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) that Granger should be stripped of the committee chair position on the Appropriations Committee.


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d69290 No.100758

File: 22e0813cf54b598⋯.jpg (769.53 KB,1536x1536,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b009823fb4c7291⋯.jpg (426.51 KB,1536x1536,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772464 (202242ZOCT23) Notable: Gender Bender Agenda Origins

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Anon has seen this image in post.



has its roots in classical mythology and literature.




Gender Bender Agenda

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d69290 No.100759

File: c9ec8437dbca941⋯.png (413.38 KB,673x486,673:486,Clipboard.png)

File: b27d7d975d0fcc2⋯.png (211.98 KB,938x351,938:351,Clipboard.png)

File: bdf1a937818395a⋯.png (206.57 KB,526x557,526:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772521 (202252ZOCT23) Notable: Why is Taiwan so vital to the Deep state?

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Why is Taiwan so vital to the Deep state?

Taiwan - Israel R&D Cooperation Program


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d69290 No.100760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772533 (202254ZOCT23) Notable: CDC is manipulating all their data. They most likely don't have rules for completeness.

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CDC is manipulating all their data.

They most likely don't have rules for completeness.

They should.

This gives them a range of options to manipulate data and makes detection of manipulation more difficult.

After a certain point, you would not expect any data to change.

100% completeness when?.... or otherwise manipulate as much as you want

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d69290 No.100761

File: 457a14d27705a8f⋯.png (218.95 KB,1170x545,234:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772588 (202304ZOCT23) Notable: Liz Harrington: [the court] cited no evidence

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Liz Harrington·1m

President Trump’s Motion to Stay the Un-Constitutional Gag Order in D.C. District Court

“No Court in American history has imposed a gag order on a criminal defendant who is campaigning for public office—least of all, on the leading candidate for President of the United States.”


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d69290 No.100762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772590 (202304ZOCT23) Notable: The Supreme Court allows the White House to continue work to combat controversial social media posts

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Hold on..... this might be deep state panic after all...... incoming!


TEMPORARILY. Looks like they plan to review the whole case!

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d69290 No.100763

File: 7605ce80e811fee⋯.png (405.43 KB,1170x746,585:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772600 (202306ZOCT23) Notable: Liz Harrington: [the court] cited no evidence

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Liz Harrington

“…the prosecution concedes, President Trump has not unlawfully threatened or harassed anyone…[the court] cited no evidence…made no specific findings, and declined to give any meaningful consideration to the prosecution’s lack of proof. These are fatal omissions.”

7:04 PM · Oct 20, 2023


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d69290 No.100764

File: cb70537f00590d7⋯.jpg (43.68 KB,828x828,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772660 (202322ZOCT23) Notable: #24279

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d69290 No.100765

File: 78e96ce3aec2179⋯.png (85.22 KB,739x632,739:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772713 (202331ZOCT23) Notable: "Children Are Not Social Experiments": Oklahoma Ban On Sex Changes For Minors Upheld By Federal District Court

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"Children Are Not Social Experiments": Oklahoma Ban On Sex Changes For Minors Upheld By Federal District Court

The ruling on Oct. 5, 2023, came as a result of a motion for injunctive relief to restrain the state from implementing the law.

Five young people identifying as transgender and in some degree of transition, their parents or legal guardians, and a health care provider are the plaintiffs in the case.

The defendant is Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, a Republican.

In an email to The Epoch Times, Mr. Gentner's press secretary, Leslie Berger, stated: "The Attorney General's Office continues to fulfill its duty to defend Senate Bill 613, and has won a ruling that results in full enforcement of that law."

The lawsuit was filed on May 2, 2023, the day after the Republican-controlled Oklahoma State Legislature resoundingly passed Senate Bill 613 enacting the ban.

Governor Kevin Stitt, a Republican, signed the bill into law just hours after it passed. Then, the state agreed to hold off on implementation until the court ruled on the motion.

The court decided that a child’s parents do not have the right to obtain medical services to change the sex of their minor son or daughter, as the plaintiffs contended.

However, in the ruling, there is a recognition of the longstanding legal acknowledgment that Americans have the right to refuse medical treatment.

The statute does not keep Oklahomans who are 18 years old and over from obtaining such procedures.

Judge Heil, a Trump appointee, wrote that there is a distinction between adults who are ready to make life-altering decisions and “minors, who, at least in the eyes of the legislature, are not.

“Indeed, courts have upheld restrictions designed to protect and prevent minors from engaging in behaviors that are far less risky than the procedures banned in SB 613,” he wrote.

Judge Heil cited precedent that recognized a balance between “the truth that parents generally know what is best for their children,” and the reality that state governments have an abiding interest in protecting public health, preserving and promoting the welfare of children, and keeping the medical profession ethical and honest.


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d69290 No.100766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772715 (202331ZOCT23) Notable: About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes, Israel says

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Been hearing word of "Guest Housing" for the displaced (used to be called "concentration camp")

Tens of thousands have been put into CAMPS

where are these guest housing CAMPS?

Israel to evacuate residents of town near Lebanon border after flare up

JERUSALEM/BEIRUT, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Israel said on Friday it wouldevacuate more than 20,000 residentsfrom Kiryat Shmona, one of the biggest towns on its northern border with Lebanon following a heavy cross-border exchange of fire in the area the day before.

The Lebanese army reported ajournalist killed by Israeli gunfireon Thursday in an area across the border from Kiryat Shmona where Israeli forces and Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group had a heavy exchange of fire.

Evacuees from Kiryat Shmona will be put up in state-subsidised guesthouses, Israel's Defense Ministry said, joining tens of thousands of Israelis who have already left their homes near the southern Gaza border.

The Committee to Protect Journalists has said it has documentedmore than 20 journalists killedsince the start of the Israel-Gaza conflict and said it was investigating reports of other journalists killed, injured and reported missing.

The latest incident on the Israel-Lebanon border came nearly a week after Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah was killed in southern Lebanon. Lebanon's army blamed Israel and Israel's military says it is reviewing the case. Reuters has called on Israel to conduct a "thorough, swift and transparent investigation".


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d69290 No.100767

File: 2d93d5a36d2e30a⋯.png (125.93 KB,899x522,31:18,Clipboard.png)

File: deae606202128be⋯.png (1.2 MB,741x863,741:863,Clipboard.png)

File: a5a4b57c299c61b⋯.png (857.76 KB,687x816,229:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772772 (202339ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Republicans should not debate, they should UNITE in defeating the WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump


Wow! Looks like Ron DeSanctimonious has fallen to 3rd place, and heading down, in his ridiculous run to be President. Destroying Social Security and Medicare hasn’t exactly helped him! In the important Emerson Poll, he’s dropped to 8%, 51 Points behind his favorite President, ME. Birdbrain, who may be even worse, is fighting it out with others for a very distant 2nd place. The last debate was the lowest rated debate in history. The next and probably last one, in Miami, will do even worse. Republicans should not debate, they should UNITE in defeating the WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Oct 20, 2023, 7:20 PM


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d69290 No.100768

File: ef1da255a2f55e1⋯.png (617.26 KB,1169x700,167:100,Clipboard.png)

File: f5fe23709703c3e⋯.png (415.19 KB,678x922,339:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 74148e8f41c9979⋯.png (48.83 KB,924x260,231:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772792 (202343ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro Pleads Guilty in Georgia RICO Case in Exchange For Reduced Charges

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Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro Pleads Guilty in Georgia RICO Case in Exchange For Reduced Charges


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d69290 No.100769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772834 (202350ZOCT23) Notable: About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes, Israel says

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About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes, Israel says

About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes so far in northern and southern Israel, according to the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

These evacuations include short-term leave, the ministry said, but it did not specify a time frame.

The evacuation of the city of Kiryat Shmona — which is not mandatory — is not included in that number, but would bump up the total number of evacuations to around 123,000 civilians, the ministry said.


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d69290 No.100770

File: 20ef048f0a87268⋯.png (221.59 KB,896x580,224:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d27ff9abf18771⋯.png (156.77 KB,864x691,864:691,Clipboard.png)

File: eaffe9dbd11ecbd⋯.png (207.05 KB,1162x955,1162:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772841 (202350ZOCT23) Notable: Supreme Court Lets Biden Regime Turn Back On the Digital Censorship: Here Is the Latest in Vital Free Speech Case, Missouri v. Biden, where Gateway Pundit is a Litigant

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Supreme Court Lets Biden Regime Turn Back On the Digital Censorship: Here Is the Latest in Vital Free Speech Case, Missouri v. Biden, where Gateway Pundit is a Litigant

Today the Supreme Court announced that it is granting “certiorari”, meaning that it will hear the case, to the litigants in Missouri v. Biden.

However, it also stopped the injunction against the government continuing to censor American citizens. Meaning that, the government will be able to turn the censorship regime back on while the court hears the case.

The Missouri v. Biden case involves the question of whether the Biden regime can use federal government resources to overtly censor American citizens, a practice aggressively begun under the COVID lockdowns. The case has revealed a wide array of government agencies and officials engaged in telling social media companies exactly what to censor, whom to ban, and what speech is permissible.

Legal experts describe the Missouri v. Biden as the most important case for free speech in at least a decade.

The Gateway Pundit Founder and Publisher Jim Hoft is the lead Plaintiff in the case.

The Freeze Dried Beef Industry Is Exploding — Here’s Why

In several notable instances turned over in discovery, the government was even caught referring a case of censorship originating from the Ukrainian government where an American citizen was too critical of the Ukraine war. The American government was commanding social media companies to censor American citizens on behalf of Ukraine.

The case was filed by the Attorney Generals of Missouri and Louisiana, filing in the federal Western District of Louisiana. The trial court judge granted an injunction limiting the ability of the federal government to continue engaging in acts of censorship. The 5th Circuit originally stopped that injunction, but upon a three-judge panel’s review ultimately modified that injunction to stop a wider group of agencies from engaging in censorship.

The government has aggressively appealed the case demanding that its right to censor American speech online not be challenged, stopped, or slowed.

Notably most media outlets have chronically misreported this story, obliquely referring to the case involving “communications” between the government and social media companies. They don’t disclose that those ‘communications’ were specific demands for censorship and deplatforming against specific speakers for the content of what they were saying.

“We’re extremely pleased and grateful that the Supreme Court has granted certiorari to decide the issue of the Preliminary Injunction stopping censorship, on the merits. That said, we completely agree with Judges Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch, that staying the Preliminary Injunction during the pendency of the SCOTUS appeal is simply wrong. As Justice Alito observed, Judge Doughty’s Preliminary Injunction merely forces the United States Government to do the same thing the First Amendment does: don’t censor speech. As Justice Alito observed, the government stands to lose nothing by being forced to follow the Constitution,” said Gateway Pundit Attorney John Burns.

“On the other hand, now that the Preliminary Injunction is stayed, the despicable Biden Administration will continue its ruthless, fascist censorship campaign against millions of American citizens. There is zero legitimate interest in censoring the public, ever. However, we’re confident that the Supreme Court will continue nearly 250 years of legal precedent defending the First Amendment and ultimately re-impose the Preliminary Injunction. The Supreme Court cannot countenance the largest campaign of illegal censorship in American history.”

#BREAKING: Supreme Court *freezes* Louisiana district court ruling that would’ve barred a wide range of contacts between executive branch officials and social media companies.

Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch publicly dissent in separate opinion. pic.twitter.com/YL40IfzwSg

— Steve Vladeck (@steve_vladeck) October 20, 2023

The Supreme Court requires four justices to vote to hear a case. The decision to terminate the injunction was likely a majority vote of the Justices on the court, where Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch publicly dissented in separate opinion.

In a dissent from this decision to stay the injunction, the trio of conservative Justices said,

“At this time in the history of our country, what the Court has done, I fear, will be seen by some as giving the Government a green light to use heavy-handed tactics to skew the presentation of views on the medium that increasingly dominates the dissemination of news.”

You can read the decision here.



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d69290 No.100771

File: 0a98858300e3e60⋯.jpg (534.49 KB,1036x776,259:194,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772845 (202351ZOCT23) Notable: White House proposes to cut Ukraine financial support

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White House proposes to cut Ukraine financial support

Kiev would get $275 million a month less under the US president’s request to Congress

The $105 billion funding request US President Joe Biden sent to Congress would see the monthly subsidy to the Ukrainian government slashed to $825 million, according to documents made public on Friday.

As Biden outlined in his Thursday evening speech, the aid to Ukraine is getting bundled with funding for Israel, Taiwan, and the US border. The bundling is intended to secure bipartisan support in Congress, according to the US media.

Ukraine aid would account for $61.4 billion and Israel would get $10.6 billion, under the 69-page proposal the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent to the acting Speaker of the House, Patrick McHenry.


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d69290 No.100772

File: 180a7e8a3c9bbfe⋯.jpg (153.59 KB,1000x1254,500:627,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772867 (202355ZOCT23) Notable: About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes, Israel says

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Israel has given evacuation orders to another Gaza hospital saying they will be bombing it. but they did not bomb the other one. really


WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean


Worrying reports of evacuation orders sent to Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza. Sick & injured patients, and health workers, are inside. Hundreds more — mostly women and children — are seeking shelter on the hospital’s grounds. The sanctity of health care must be respected at all times.


Gaza hospital says it faces imminent threat of airstrike from Israeli army

The administration of Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza says the Israeli army has contacted them demanding the immediate evacuation of the hospital in preparation for a nighttime airstrike.

The Palestinian Red Crescent also issued an urgent appeal saying it has “received a threat from the occupying authorities to bombard Al-Quds Hospital and has demanded the hospital's immediate evacuation.”

Al-Quds Hospital currently houses over 400 patients and approximately 12,000 displaced civilians who have sought refuge there as a safe haven, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

The Israel Defense Forces said it requested residents in the northern area of the Gaza Strip to evacuate "in order to mitigate civilian harm."


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d69290 No.100773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772869 (202355ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Files Motion To Stay Federal Gag Order, Judge Chutkan Relents Temporarily

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Trump Files Motion To Stay Federal Gag Order, Judge Chutkan Relents Temporarily

President Donald Trump’s legal team filed a motion to stay the gag order imposed by a federal judge in Washington, DC this week.

“No Court in American history has imposed a gag order on a criminal defendant who is campaigning for public office—least of all, on the leading candidate for President of the United States,” wrote Trump attorney John Lauro.

District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case, agreed to stay the order temporarily. Chutkan ordered the prosecution to file any opposition by Wednesday, October 25th and a subsequent reply by the Trump team by Saturday, October 28th.

“At bottom, the Gag Order violates virtually every fundamental principle of our First Amendment jurisprudence,” Lauro wrote. “It imposes an overbroad, content-based prior restraint on the leading Presidential candidate’s core political speech—notwithstanding the Supreme Court’s instruction that First Amendment rights have their fullest and most urgent application precisely in the conduct of campaigns for political office. Likewise, by restricting President Trump’s speech, the Gag Order eviscerates the rights of his audiences, including hundreds of millions of American citizens who the Court now forbids from listening to President Trump’s thoughts on important issues.”

Chutkan had previously imposed a gag order on “any interested parties” from attacking Special Counsel Jack Smith, his staff, any staff of the court, or any possible witness in the case.

“The prosecution did not present any evidence that President Trump harassed or intimidated anyone,” Lauro wrote. “Rather, the prosecution relied exclusively on the allegation that third parties, with no relationship to President Trump, engaged improperly with political actors—most of whom had already been criticized by millions of people across the country before President Trump commented on them.”

“The prosecution also did not submit any evidence that: (1) any member of its team has been threatened or harassed; (2) that any potential witness has actually felt threatened or harassed by President Trump’s core political speech; (3) that President Trump made any public statement about any “court staff,” other than the district judge herself; or (4) that any alleged threat, harassment, or intimidation by third parties could not be addressed by means less restrictive than an expansive prior restraint on President Trump’s speech,” Lauro continued.

Lauro explained in the filing that the court relied on the theory that when Trump attacked people, such as Smith, they subsequently faced harassment and threats. He argued that logic was heavily flawed.

“But the Court cited no evidence that President Trump’s statements—as distinct from the statements of millions of others—caused such alleged threats or harassment, let alone that the statements were directed to inciting imminent lawless action,” he wrote.


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d69290 No.100774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772881 (202357ZOCT23) Notable: About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes, Israel says

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Israeli military told director of Al-Quds hospital to evacuate or bear consequences

report from Al Jazera reporters who have not yet been murdered

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d69290 No.100775

File: a769f5e513d53f8⋯.png (735.25 KB,891x929,891:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772882 (202357ZOCT23) Notable: Alex Jones "MUST" still pay $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families

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Alex Jones MUST still pay $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families

- and can't hide behind his bankruptcy protection, judge rules

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones must still pay more than $1 billion to families he defamed in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre and cannot use his bankruptcy as an excuse, a judge has ruled. The decision by Texas Judge Christopher Lopez on Thursday is the latest setback for the Infowars host after juries in Texas and Connecticut punished him for pushing conspiracies theories about the 2012 tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in which 26 people were killed. Jones was ordered to pay $1.5 billion in damages after victims' families sued him for promoting false theories that the shooting never happened and that the children involved were 'crisis actors'. The families have yet to see any money despite Jones splashing out on cars and boats to the tune of $2.2 million in just eight months.


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d69290 No.100776

File: 9c5325cdab94a96⋯.jpg (439.24 KB,1081x675,1081:675,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b8e385049d96fca⋯.jpg (537.59 KB,1326x767,102:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772894 (202359ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands of Jordanians protest in solidarity with Palestinians and Palestine

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Thousands of Jordanians protest in solidarity with Palestinians and Palestine


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d69290 No.100777

File: eaa582cf68a353d⋯.png (38.21 KB,444x475,444:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772903 (210002ZOCT23) Notable: Red Crescent Makes Urgent Appeal: We Fear Repeat of Ahli Hospital Massacre

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Red Crescent Makes Urgent Appeal: We Fear Repeat of Ahli Hospital Massacre – BREAKING

The Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) appealed to the international community to take urgent and immediate action to prevent a new massacre at Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza.

‘No Longer Safe’

On the other hand, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) announced today thatfive schools supervised by Palestinians in Gaza City are “no longer safe” after receiving an Israeli warning.

The schools require “immediate” evacuation, it said.


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d69290 No.100778

File: 7e8f2b2dfc9bd42⋯.png (1.74 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772904 (210002ZOCT23) Notable: 17 suspected child sex predators arrested, police say

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17 suspected child sex predators arrested, police say

A multi-agency operation targeting online child sex predators led to 17 arrests recently, including a Clark County prosecutor.

Those arrested between Oct. 13-14 were: Randy Thomsen, 38; Jazoni Hickman, 20; Siaju Brown, 20; Angel Rivera, 40; Eskipper Monasterio, 36; Daniel Frentzel, 39; Robert Kafaka II, 35; Scott Rotolo 34; Tanner Castro, 26; Pablo Martinez, 44; Jhon Adajar, 35; Peter Forseth, 64; Andrew Logsdon, 42; Johnathan Adame, 31; Santiago Guzman, 40; Everado Escobedo, 22; and Cristian Valera-Rodriguez, 38, according to a Metropolitan Police Department release.

They all face charges for luring a minor with a computer to engage in sex.

Undercover agents with the Internet Crimes Against Children joint operation posed as 13- and 14-year-old children, the release said. After being solicited for sex by the adult suspects, a meeting was set up and the suspects were taken into custody.

Metro would like to remind parents to discuss with their children the dangers of online chats with strangers. Parents are encouraged to routinely monitor their children’s activity on social media and other online applications to prevent them from becoming victims of a child sex predator.


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d69290 No.100779

File: d2db0c7777f450a⋯.png (457.2 KB,798x686,57:49,Clipboard.png)

File: a837424d2bbd09b⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,1280x686,640:343,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772907 (210002ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Troy Nehls on the House Speaker situation: "I'm moving to Donald J Trump."

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The Post Millennial

Rep. Troy Nehls on the House Speaker situation:

"I'm moving to Donald J Trump."

7:48 PM · Oct 20, 2023 0:15


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d69290 No.100780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772912 (210003ZOCT23) Notable: UK and US raid “dark web” of child pornography: 337 arrests in 38 countries

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UK and US raid “dark web” of child pornography: 337 arrests in 38 countries

UK and US authorities investigating a “dark web” child pornography site run from South Korea on Wednesday announced the arrest of 337 suspects in 38 countries. Britain's National Crime Agency (NCA) said the “Welcome to Video” site contained 250,000 videos that were downloaded a million times by users across the world.

“The website monetized the sexual abuse of children and was one of the first to offer sickening videos for sale using the cryptocurrency bitcoin,” the NCA said in a statement.

“The arrests were made in 38 countries including the UK, Ireland, America, South Korea, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Czech Republic and Canada.”


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d69290 No.100781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772937 (210007ZOCT23) Notable: On a Single Day, NJ Arrests 4 Teachers, Politician on Child Sex Crime Charges

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On a Single Day, NJ Arrests 4 Teachers, Politician on Child Sex Crime Charges

It was a week of shocking headlines involving teachers and community leaders.

In Bergen, Burlington and Hudson counties on Thursday, police arrested four men — who all work with children in schools — on charges of either sexually abusing children or downloading photos or videos of that kind of abuse.

In the most shocking arrest, officials in Bergen busted the City Council president in Tenafly along with his son on child porn charges.

Here is a look at the charges.

Students molested in Jersey City, officials say

A substitute teacher in Jersey City was charged with sex crimes involving two students.

Fayez Yassa, 64, was arrested on Oct. 12 at his Jersey City home.

Yassa is charged with two counts of second-degree sexual assault by contact and two counts of second-degree child endangerment.

Prosecutors say Yassa was terminated from his job.


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d69290 No.100782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772959 (210010ZOCT23) Notable: Decatur, Town Creek men among 8 arrested in child exploitation sting

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Decatur, Town Creek men among 8 arrested in child exploitation sting

A child exploitation sting by Cullman police last week resulted in the arrest of a Decatur man and Town Creek man, as well as six others.

Through cooperation with the Covenant Rescue Group, the Cullman Police Department's Investigative Division and Tactical Unit made the arrests last Friday. Police said the investigation into the arrested individuals and others is ongoing, with more charges likely to follow.

Juan Carlos Gutierrez, 41, of Decatur, was among those arrested and is charged with first-degree human trafficking, traveling to meet a child for an unlawful sex act, and electronic solicitation of a child, according to police.

Investigator affidavits filed in Cullman County District Court elaborate on the charges.

"Gutierrez engaged in a text-based message by cellphone with a female he believed to be fifteen years old," the affidavit reads. "Gutierrez traveled to meet with the female at a hotel after he agreed to pay $100 to engage in sexual contact with the female he believed to be a child."

Sgt. Adam Clark, Cullman Police Department's public information officer, said Thursday that although his department hasn't received many child exploitation complaints, they decided to run the sting operation with the understanding that child exploitation is a problem across the nation.

Clark urged parents to pay attention to their children's use of social media.

"There are apps that you can get to monitor your child's phone," he said. "Just make sure you're monitoring your kids' electronic devices and know what they're doing and who they're talking to."

Ryan Philip Nobriga, 31, of Town Creek, apparently didn't know who he was talking to online on Oct. 13. According to an investigator's affidavit, Nobriga responded to an internet advertisement for a sexual service and began chatting with an undercover officer posing as a 15-year-old girl.

"Nobriga acknowledged that he knew he was speaking with a 15-year-old," the affidavit reads. "He asked how much it would be for sexual intercourse and oral sex with no condom ... . The price was agreed at $150."

Nobriga was arrested after arriving at a hotel with $150 in cash, according to the affidavit. Like Gutierrez, he is also charged with first-degree human trafficking, traveling to meet a child for an unlawful sex act, and electronic solicitation of a child.

Court documents show Nobriga is also charged with transmitting obscene material to a child.

"Nobriga transmitted a picture of his penis to an undercover police officer, which he believed to be a 15-year-old female," the affidavit reads. "Nobriga later confirmed that the image he sent was his penis which, in whole or in part, depicts actual or simulated nudity, sexual conduct, or sadomasochistic abuse to a child."


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d69290 No.100783

File: 268aad0e53bdf30⋯.gif (93.57 KB,384x300,32:25,Clipboard.gif)

File: 0921faf55c2635e⋯.png (74.97 KB,1042x586,521:293,Clipboard.png)

File: e93b2a0c929f5b5⋯.png (64.24 KB,1042x614,521:307,Clipboard.png)

File: f20bbfd1f56fdcd⋯.png (75.82 KB,1042x587,1042:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 093ef68c777cf4a⋯.png (70.29 KB,1042x616,521:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772964 (210011ZOCT23) Notable: Money-Market Fund Assets Crash 'Most Since Lehman' As Bank Deposits Rose Last Week

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Money-Market Fund Assets Crash 'Most Since Lehman' As Bank Deposits Rose Last Week

(Additional comments)

(This is munee being taken out of MMF you can see it in the drop of the usage of the NY Fed Reverse Repo Facilty)

Money-market funds saw the largest weekly outflow since Lehman (Q3 2008), plunging $99BN... The outflows were all from institutional funds (retail funds saw another inflow)... Presumably this was driven by tax-extension deadline payments - or else something serious is happening. (Ahhh no and they used THAT excuse-tax extension last year as well)

Total bank deposits - on a seasonally-adjusted basis - dropped for the second week in a row (-$$8.7BN)... Non-seasonally-adjusted, total deposits saw inflows for the 3rd week in a row (+$20.6BN)... Is this the start of a major reversal... or just the one-off tax flows? (Come on ZH it ain’t that hard……see above on Reverse Repo). Domestically, excluding foreign banks, there were deposit inflows on both an SA and NSA basis...Which has narrowed the delta between SA and NSA deposit outflows since SVB to just $38BN (the outflows are still over $200BN total).

On the other side of the ledger, bans increased their lending volumes modestly last week - after 2 weeks of shrinkage - op around $9BN... The Fed's balance sheet shrank by around $19BN last week,but usage of its emergency funding facility for banks remained at record highs around $109BN

Bank reserves at The Fed and US equity market appear to be converging back together... The key warning sign continues to trend lower (Small Banks' reserve constraint), supported above the critical level by The Fed's emergency funds (for now). Notably above, Large bank cash is surging (as those money-market fund outflows move?) - is it time to sacrifice another small bank for the greater good? (Ummm yes…yes it is but pick ‘em as they all did the same shit-some had hedges but many did not and the big clue that it IS time is this) Finally, if you're wondering why regional banks were clubbed like a baby seal this week... wonder no more...They have a $109BN (at least) hole in their balance sheets that needs to be filled by March-ishand with rates going higher, good luck!


Currently down for “maintenance” and not untypical but really niggas!…couldn’t do this in the middle of night or early morning hours?

New York Reverse Repo Facility


Click on ‘Markets and Policy Implementations’ and select Reverse Repos under Desk Operations.

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d69290 No.100784

File: 14fad58e6aa827f⋯.png (46.41 KB,223x226,223:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772972 (210011ZOCT23) Notable: Trump to Hold Competing Rally Near 3rd GOP Debate

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d69290 No.100785

File: ae4a7d06fce513c⋯.png (430.5 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772979 (210012ZOCT23) Notable: Sheriff: 10 men charged in connection with Clay County undercover child sex sting

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Sheriff: 10 men charged in connection with Clay County undercover child sex sting

‘Operation Shining Light’ involved local, state, federal agencies

At a news conference Wednesday, Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook announced the arrest of 10 men in connection with “Operation Shining Light,” an undercover sting aimed at catching those using the internet to sexually exploit children.

Those arrested ranged in age from 19 to 53 years old, and all believed they were chatting online with a child who was either 13 or 14 years old, Cook said.

One of the men, 30-year-old Luke Parrish, engaged two different undercover chatters during the four-day operation, Cook said.

The operation ran from Aug. 2-6.

Cook said the delay in announcing the arrests after the sting operation was because investigators were working to ensure “that the charges would stick.”

“We wanted to make sure that we had done everything to the fullest extent possible and that we had done it right,” Cook said. “The investigation continued through interviews, subpoenas, search warrants - so that all the cases could be wrapped up and solid before we came forward with the names and the information.”

Three of the men now face federal charges, including one arrested in California and one arrested in Gainesville, Georgia.

Here’s the list of the men arrested, with their age, city and charges:


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d69290 No.100786

File: c5b73571e6b2e7b⋯.jpg (391.7 KB,1329x764,1329:764,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 77b70a166ddc2fe⋯.jpg (345.34 KB,1320x760,33:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772985 (210014ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds of sick and displaced civilians told to evacuate Gaza hospital as Israel appears to prepare for attack??

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Gaza - Warning that El Kuds hospital is about to be bombed by Israel


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d69290 No.100787

File: 72ea2e50ef9c273⋯.png (633.71 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19772995 (210015ZOCT23) Notable: Haiti arrests key suspect in President Jovenel Moise's murder

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Haiti arrests key suspect in President Jovenel Moise's murder

Haitian police have arrested a former justice ministry official suspected of ordering the assassination of President Jovenel Moise.

Joseph Felix Badio was caught as he was driving out of a supermarket car park in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Mr Moise was murdered in his bedroom by Colombian mercenaries in 2021. Most have since been arrested or killed.

His death threw Haiti into a prolonged political crisis and led to unprecedented levels of lawlessness.

Within months, criminal gangs extended their control over the capital, including its infrastructure and main fuel port.

Mr Badio is accused of ordering hitmen to carry out the attack. He is charged with murder, attempted murder and armed robbery.

Local media said Mr Badio had been fired from his post as an anti-corruption official in the justice ministry a few months before the assassination, after he was allegedly bribed to release a prisoner.

Some of the hitmen arrested hours after the killing alleged that Mr Badio, 60, had given them their orders.

Haiti's president killed in attack at home

Inside capital taken hostage by gangs

Thousands flee violence in Port-au-Prince

Others implicated in the case have been convicted in the US. They include John Joel Joseph, a former Haitian senator, and Haitian-Chilean businessman Rodolphe Jaar.

The US has also accused Venezuelan-American Antonio Intriago, the owner of Florida-based CTU Security, of hiring the hitmen. He faces a number of charges including conspiracy to kill or kidnap.

Haiti's unelected government has struggled to provide even basic services since Mr Moise's death.

According to a UN report this week, gangs have taken control of much of the capital, running schools and clinics but also terrorising the population and fighting turf wars.

Thousands of Haitians have fled their homes in Port-au-Prince amid the soaring violence, and thousands have already died this year.

The UN recently ratified deploying an international force to support Haiti's police, but few countries have committed personnel and it has yet to materialise.

It approved earlier this month Kenya's offer to lead a multinational force to help restore order.


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d69290 No.100788

File: d5dd2cbd1d70f7f⋯.mp4 (8.64 MB,696x388,174:97,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773058 (210022ZOCT23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes on Israel/Gaza Oct 16 mp4

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Jan Halper Hayes on Israel/Gaza

Oct 16 2023

- Was Mossad involved?

- Is it true that Egypt gave them warnings 10 days and a year before?

- These message come out to confuse us on purpose

- Because the cabal, Davos and the WEF did not succeed in creating

WW3 with Ukraine and Russia, that this had to be the latest instigation


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d69290 No.100789

File: 47c45577ab43c82⋯.png (499.19 KB,705x397,705:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773061 (210023ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds of sick and displaced civilians told to evacuate Gaza hospital as Israel appears to prepare for attack??

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removal of Israel’s responsibility for life

Hundreds of sick and displaced civilians told to evacuate Gaza hospital as Israel appears to prepare for attack

Palestinians taking refuge and receiving treatment at Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza have reportedly been told they need to flee, with Israel appearing to prepare for an attack.

Health workers, more than 400 injured patients and 12,00 displaced civilians - mostly women and children - are reportedly inside the hospital.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said it is “impossible for these overcrowded hospitals to safely evacuate patients” in time.

The evacuation order comes off the back of Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announcing

a three-step plan in response to Hamas’ unprecedented attack on October 7.

“We are in the first phase, in which a military campaign is taking place with strikes, and will later include a manoeuvre with the purpose of destroying operatives and damaging infrastructure in order to defeat and destroy Hamas”

“The second phase, an intermediate one, will require operations at lower intensity with the objective of eliminating pockets of resistance.

“The third phase will require the removal of Israel’s responsibility for life in the Gaza strip and the establishment of a new security reality for the citizens of Israel.”


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d69290 No.100790

File: 2036a332820ef92⋯.png (910.46 KB,942x1090,471:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773116 (210030ZOCT23) Notable: Byron Donalds just announced his candidacy for Speaker of the House.

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Byron Donalds just announced his candidacy for Speaker of the House.

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d69290 No.100791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773231 (210044ZOCT23) Notable: The cabal triggered Hamas and those stupid fucks have enabled Israel's final solution to the palestinian issue. Jordan and Egypt have shut the exit doors.

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The cabal triggered Hamas and those stupid fucks have enabled Israel's final solution to the palestinian issue. Jordan and Egypt have shut the exit doors. Hammer and anvil. The boomerang is coming and it won't be pretty. Meanwhile all cities and state capitols have been settled with able bodied foreign national guerillas. They are armed and waiting for the call to generate a color revolution across the country.

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d69290 No.100792

File: 93dc4a260bbdfad⋯.png (381.26 KB,800x534,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773268 (210049ZOCT23) Notable: New Information Points To Obama Being Present At Time Of Former Chef’s Death Investigation

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did anon say BOOM

New Information Points To Obama Being Present At Time Of Former Chef’s Death Investigation

On Friday, Judicial Watch announced their retrieval of 40 heavily redacted pages from the Massachusetts state police recounting Tafari Campbell’s death.

The documents allege that Obama and a direct witness to the drowning arrived at the scene via motorcade.

Additionally, the 40-pages included secret service surveillance of Campbell entering the water with his paddleboard companion, as well as details into the secret service’s emergency response.


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d69290 No.100793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773351 (210103ZOCT23) Notable: #24279

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#24279 >>100764

>>100773 Trump Files Motion To Stay Federal Gag Order, Judge Chutkan Relents Temporarily

>>100765 "Children Are Not Social Experiments": Oklahoma Ban On Sex Changes For Minors Upheld By Federal District Court

>>100766, >>100769, >>100772, >>100774 About 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from their homes, Israel says

>>100768 Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro Pleads Guilty in Georgia RICO Case in Exchange For Reduced Charges

>>100767 Donald J. Trump: Republicans should not debate, they should UNITE in defeating the WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>100770 Supreme Court Lets Biden Regime Turn Back On the Digital Censorship: Here Is the Latest in Vital Free Speech Case, Missouri v. Biden, where Gateway Pundit is a Litigant

>>100771 White House proposes to cut Ukraine financial support

>>100784 Trump to Hold Competing Rally Near 3rd GOP Debate

>>100775 Alex Jones "MUST" still pay $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families

>>100776 Thousands of Jordanians protest in solidarity with Palestinians and Palestine

>>100777 Red Crescent Makes Urgent Appeal: We Fear Repeat of Ahli Hospital Massacre

>>100778 17 suspected child sex predators arrested, police say

>>100779 Rep. Troy Nehls on the House Speaker situation: "I'm moving to Donald J Trump."

>>100780 UK and US raid “dark web” of child pornography: 337 arrests in 38 countries

>>100781 On a Single Day, NJ Arrests 4 Teachers, Politician on Child Sex Crime Charges

>>100782 Decatur, Town Creek men among 8 arrested in child exploitation sting

>>100783 Money-Market Fund Assets Crash 'Most Since Lehman' As Bank Deposits Rose Last Week

>>100785 Sheriff: 10 men charged in connection with Clay County undercover child sex sting

>>100786, >>100789 Hundreds of sick and displaced civilians told to evacuate Gaza hospital as Israel appears to prepare for attack??

>>100787 Haiti arrests key suspect in President Jovenel Moise's murder

>>100788 Jan Halper Hayes on Israel/Gaza Oct 16 mp4

>>100790 Byron Donalds just announced his candidacy for Speaker of the House.

>>100791 The cabal triggered Hamas and those stupid fucks have enabled Israel's final solution to the palestinian issue. Jordan and Egypt have shut the exit doors.

>>100792 New Information Points To Obama Being Present At Time Of Former Chef’s Death Investigation

plz halp wit nomz

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d69290 No.100794

File: 9999ba7adb804a1⋯.png (638.52 KB,980x653,980:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773450 (210122ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands of remote IT workers sent wages to North Korea to help fund weapons program, FBI says

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Thousands of remote IT workers sent wages to North Korea to help fund weapons program, FBI says

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Thousands of information technology workers contracting with U.S. companies have for years secretly sent millions of dollars of their wages to North Korea for use in its ballistic missile program, FBI and Department of Justice officials said.

Court documents allege that North Korea’s government dispatched thousands of skilled IT workers to live primarily in China and Russia with the goal of deceiving businesses from the U.S. and elsewhere into hiring them as freelance remote employees. The workers used various techniques to make it look like they were working in the U.S., including paying Americans to use their home Wi-Fi connections, said Jay Greenberg, special agent in charge of the St. Louis FBI office. /moar

October 19, 2023


pic: FBI Special Agent In Charge Jay Greenberg

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d69290 No.100795

File: b8ca79f93487fee⋯.mp4 (12.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773473 (210125ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Thank you for unmasking and making me aware of Taher Herzallah.

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saw that, competing dough

Remember that mussy dude screaming at MTG?

Full vid is [11:23] but if you jump to time stamp 2:50 she tells about this dude & what he's started.

Damn so many orgs are involved

Soros/Rothschilds anyone?

BLM/Antifa are in there too, WOW so many.

The Color Revolution has reached the USA frens...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


Thank you for unmasking and making me aware of Taher Herzallah.

I will definitely be following up. Very dangerous man.

I’m familiar with Linda Sarsour as well. I remember seeing her when I attended the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

She was one of the Women’s March organizers too.

And she’s an Islamic terrorist involved in the Muslim Brotherhood.

They were chanting “Allah Akbar” today on the National Mall along with their other favorite chants like “no justice no peace.”

The left’s movements are all organized and funded by the same people. Like one big steaming pile of shit.

I’m more familiar with the radical left’s movements, organizers, and donors than anyone realizes.

But then again the left probably knows and that’s why they hate me, actually why they are afraid of me.

Good, they should be.

Because I’m not afraid of them.


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d69290 No.100796

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773500 (210130ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon: "All they care about is the same games that have always been played by the D.C. elite"

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Bannon: "All they care about is the same games that have always been played by the D.C. elite". Condemnation of Trump oozing out of the media. KEK. The media are seriously in panic. He wants to indict the mediaThe hags said Trump has zero foreign policy experience and is an isolationist, are these women crazy? Yikes they should be indicted. The funny thing is they take everything Trump says seriously, so maybe they know he’s right, they should be indicted.

-I’m so proud of Trumpbecause he made the threat and they are taking it seriously, they should, because they have no idea how many Americans believe the same thing.



KEK, Banmon says softly to Rachel Maddow,“Rachel its not all of MSNBC, not all of them! Just some of the more important personages FOR TREASON!

I would have a party if this happens, but I don’t know any anons in real life. I do have a nice house that could easily accommodate 30-40 anons. Butyou have to bring your most notable post or memeand you have to prove you made it. It will not be easy getting here or in. KEK

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d69290 No.100797

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773554 (210141ZOCT23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Mr. O, Ox, Bizzynizzy, Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

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Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Mr. O, Ox, Bizzynizzy, Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 10/20/2023



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d69290 No.100798

File: e1ad7e83e32913b⋯.jpg (195.36 KB,1000x1284,250:321,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773566 (210143ZOCT23) Notable: Paul Pelosi's Football Team

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Paul Pelosi's Football Team

Normally under the radar, Nancy Pelosi's investor husband, Paul Pelosi, is drawing attention for his latest purchase: a football franchise. Pelosi, a real-estate developer, paid $12 million for the California Redwoods, one of the teams in the United Football League, a new professional football league created to challenge the NFL.

Pelosi, 69, whose fortune is estimated somewhere between $28 million and $104 million, has always been careful to make uncontroversial investments and stay out of the limelight to avoid undercutting his wife and her very public political career. Investing in friend Bill Hambrecht’s new league will undoubtedly put the spotlight on Pelosi in a new way. "This is a business. I look at it as a business," Pelosi told The Washington Post. "I'm in this because I think it is a very solid financial investment that is going to be very successful." As far as Nancy goes: "She thinks it's great," he said.

Published Oct. 17, 2009


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d69290 No.100799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773577 (210144ZOCT23) Notable: Whole George Floyd story was a lie - Tucker

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"According to Carlson, we need to revisit certain popular narratives, including the circumstances surrounding Floyd's death - and in particular, inconsistencies between public perception - that Floyd died under the knee of former officer Derek Chauvin, who's currently serving more than 40 years in state and federal sentences.

"Did, for example, a racist white cop actually murder a man called George Floyd, a civil rights leader in Minneapolis on Memorial Day of 2020? Now we've been told that that happened, told it relentlessly for more than three years," Carlson says, adding "But the question is, did he [Derek Chauvin] actually murder George Floyd? And the answer is, well, no, he didn't murder George Floyd, and we're not guessing about that; we know it conclusively thanks to a new court case now underway in Hennepin County, Minnesota."

The lawsuit, incidental to Floyd and Chauvin, unveiled sworn deposition excerpts from a conversation with County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, indicating that Floyd's passing was not due to asphyxiation or strangulation. Instead, factors including drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl were significant contributors, reframing his demise from the widely publicized 'murder' to an inadvertent overdose."

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d69290 No.100800

File: 0aac1ca7c40d684⋯.png (21.09 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773619 (210152ZOCT23) Notable: Israel CUTS OFF internet access to all of Northern Gaza..

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Chuck Callesto



BREAKING NOW: Israel CUTS OFF internet access to all of Northern Gaza..


Oct 21, 2023 · 1:50 AM UTC


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d69290 No.100801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773700 (210206ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Tells Whopper of a Lie, Claims He Once Awarded His Uncle Frank Purple Heart For Actions During Battle of the Bulge (VIDEO) - no sauce

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Biden Tells Whopper of a Lie, Claims He Once Awarded His Uncle Frank Purple Heart For Actions During Battle of the Bulge(VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Friday welcomed President Charles Michel of the European Council and President Ursula von der Leyen of the European Commission to the White House for the US-EU Summit in the Cabinet Room.

Biden just couldn’t help himself. He just had to tell one of his favorite lies about the time he awarded his uncle Frank a Purple Heart for his actions during the Battle of the Bulge.

This time Biden claimed he was a US Senator when he awarded his uncle with a Purple Heart.

This never happened. There is no record of this ever happening. Biden is a pathological liar. /moar

Oct. 20, 2023 8:30 pm


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d69290 No.100802

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773722 (210210ZOCT23) Notable: "YOU ARE WATCHING DONALD TRUMP SECURITY TEAM IN THE SKY" mp4

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d69290 No.100803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773728 (210211ZOCT23) Notable: Watch Live: “Israel-Hamas War: The World on Edge”

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cue the propo


snazzy suit Norah

Watch Live: “Israel-Hamas War: The World on Edge” | CBS News Primetime Special

Get the latest on-the-ground reporting and comprehensive analysis of the military, diplomatic and humanitarian efforts underway amid the deadly war between Israel and Hamas. Watch the full CBS News primetime special, “Israel-Hamas War: The World on Edge," anchored by "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell at 10 p.m. ET.

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d69290 No.100804

File: aa496af91d59088⋯.png (212.14 KB,384x541,384:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773741 (210213ZOCT23) Notable: New info re drowning death of Obama's chef

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“According to the report, Obama was on the scene shortly after Campbell went missing... We also now know that Secret Service has surveillance footage of Campbell from Obama’s compound moments before he entered the water."

Shocking new information emerges in drowning death of Obama's personal chef


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d69290 No.100805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773771 (210219ZOCT23) Notable: Areas of Seneca lake have been used as testing sites for submarines

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In WWII, the Navy, and Air Force used Seneca Lake to train soldiers at the Sampson Training Station, which has since been converted into Sampson State Park.Some areas of the lake have been used as testing sites for submarines.


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d69290 No.100806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773804 (210227ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon: poll taken Kek, 65% of Americans including democrats hate the term Bidenomics

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Bannon: poll taken Kek, 65% of Americans including democrats hate the term Bidenomics and they blame Biden for the Economy

Only an asshole like Biden, would think it was a compliment. BTW Biden was born in Israel now. I can’t even imagine what his staff goes through with all his lies. No wonder they lost Psaki and all the other “liars for a living”, his lies are a bridge too far.

But Britt Hume liked his televised speech at the WH. This guy must be so humiliated he was ordered to do that to keep his job. Hume needs to go to newsMax or something

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d69290 No.100807

File: c79ff09113bf676⋯.png (486.11 KB,583x646,583:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773805 (210227ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: @LaraTrump: “It’s terrifying, there has been a 180 degree change in everything you see not just here in America, but now around the world……people are dying, children are being beheaded—it is horrific to see what has happened

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Donald J. Trump


@LaraTrump: “It’s terrifying, there has been a 180 degree change in everything you see not just here in America, but now around the world…and it is dangerous…people are dying, children are being beheaded—it is horrific to see what has happened…You have to look at what it was that Donald Trump did, it was PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH when he was President of the United States…”

Oct 20, 2023, 1:30 PM

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d69290 No.100808

File: a0ce448b097b690⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 3638a424e725e2e⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773825 (210230ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Oman Military Gulfstream leaving Beijing.


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d69290 No.100809

File: 0db5a0d1f8c9773⋯.png (729.09 KB,884x1139,52:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773833 (210233ZOCT23) Notable: Was Gaza's oldest church actually bombed? AlJazeera say yes.

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‘We were baptised here and we will die here’: Gaza’s oldest church bombed

At least 18 dead after Israeli air strike hit Greek Orthodox church in Gaza City which served as shelter for displaced.

Gaza City – Ibrahim Jahsan’s young family has been sheltering at the Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City since the war began.

One of Gaza’s 1,000 Christians, Jahsan never doubted the church was a safe space for him, his pregnant wife and two children aged five and six. The Greek Orthodox church – the oldest in the city, located in the Zaytoun neighbourhood – has traditionally served as a sanctuary for both Christians and Muslims during Israel’s periodic wars against Gaza.


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d69290 No.100810

File: 771f9f8330a26a9⋯.png (1008.11 KB,890x772,445:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773837 (210234ZOCT23) Notable: J.K. Rowling Says She’ll Do Hard Time Before She Calls A Trans-Identifying Man A ‘Woman’

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J.K. Rowling Says She’ll Do Hard Time

Before She Calls A Trans-Identifying Man

A ‘Woman’

Daily Wire, by Virginia Kruta

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 6:07:05 PM

“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling has often spoken up for the sex-based rights of women, arguing for — and even helping to fund — single-sex spaces for women, particularly those who have been abused. She has often faced backlash for that from transgender ideology activists — and she faced a whole new wave of criticism when she doubled down on Tuesday, admitting that she’d “happily” do prison time if forced compliance with preferred gender pronouns and identities were the alternative.

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d69290 No.100811

File: 84dcf3af145bd8a⋯.png (487.52 KB,695x781,695:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773850 (210237ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

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Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1

Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

Washington Free Beacon, by Alana Goodman

Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 5:41:18 PM

Pro-Israel Democratic representative Daniel Goldman’s (N.Y.) charitable foundation gave over $1 million to a group that bankrolled a progressive organization linked to Palestinian terrorism. The Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation, a family foundation where Goldman served on the board until at least last year, has donated $1.2 million to the New Venture Fund (NVF), a major left-leaning, dark-money group, according to Fox News. The NVF donated $38,000 to the Alliance for Global Justice for "environmental programs" in 2021 and $210,000 in 2020,

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d69290 No.100812

File: 34416ef5f380f1e⋯.jpg (322.45 KB,1252x518,626:259,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773853 (210237ZOCT23) Notable: Israel-Gaza war live: Hamas releases two American captives from Gaza

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Israel-Gaza war live: Hamas releases two American captives from Gaza

Humanitarian groups raise concern over Israel’s order to evacuate al-Quds Hospital, which is sheltering hundreds of civilians.

US President Joe Biden speaks to two American captives released by Hamas from Gaza.


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d69290 No.100813

File: f24f4fb05513e83⋯.png (509.17 KB,801x781,801:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773864 (210238ZOCT23) Notable: Left-Wing Jewish Leaders Shocked To Discover Their Liberal Friends Support Hamas

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Left-Wing Jewish Leaders Shocked To Discover

Their Liberal Friends Support Hamas

Daily Caller, by Lillian Tweten

Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 5:09:00 PM

Jewish liberals said they feel betrayed by many of their friends on the left who have come out in support of antisemitic ideas since the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, The New York Times reported. Rabbis, Jewish political leaders and Jewish voters said they felt abandoned by the political party they once aligned with, and called the sudden turn a “betrayal” and “beyond shocking,” according to the NYT. While some Jewish members of groups like Jewish Voices For Peace and IfNotNow said that they wanted Israel to announce a ceasefire, they were horrified by the number of political “allies” who called for Israel’s complete destruction or who claimed

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d69290 No.100814

File: a125d2705954739⋯.png (367.17 KB,600x630,20:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773922 (210252ZOCT23) Notable: Elite Israeli soldier rescue tree owl from Kfar Aza wreckage

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The Jerusalem Post



The Israel Nature and Parks Authority took to Facebook to tell the story of a soldier of the elite Nahal Reconnaissance Brigade who, whilst taking part in the cleanup efforts in the Kibbutz, who took care of an owl.



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d69290 No.100815

File: a72c8661dfd3c1a⋯.png (1.52 MB,1199x1007,1199:1007,Clipboard.png)

File: c5eba5933059901⋯.png (1.2 MB,1047x770,1047:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773923 (210252ZOCT23) Notable: Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

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Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

Thousands of people in Muslim-majority countries and beyond held demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians.


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d69290 No.100816

File: f694732eec8509f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1075x777,1075:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 640e54586fe3c8b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1049x787,1049:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 6078c332fe45008⋯.png (1001.8 KB,1012x727,1012:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 2af009ad2fc14bb⋯.png (1.16 MB,1017x729,113:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773928 (210254ZOCT23) Notable: Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

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Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

Thousands of people in Muslim-majority countries and beyond held demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians.


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d69290 No.100817

File: a74c8a3fe568476⋯.png (1.41 MB,1054x751,1054:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 04cf9561c6b5d59⋯.png (1.21 MB,1025x750,41:30,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e36f01b41e26fb⋯.png (1.28 MB,1021x788,1021:788,Clipboard.png)

File: a81095e7cfe4218⋯.png (948.41 KB,1014x750,169:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773932 (210255ZOCT23) Notable: Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

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Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

Thousands of people in Muslim-majority countries and beyond held demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians.


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d69290 No.100818

File: 5e36f01b41e26fb⋯.png (1.28 MB,1021x788,1021:788,Clipboard.png)

File: a81095e7cfe4218⋯.png (948.41 KB,1014x750,169:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c08449ccc771f0⋯.png (975.81 KB,1034x749,1034:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 547bdad1581db54⋯.png (1.06 MB,1014x739,1014:739,Clipboard.png)

File: b8e385049d96fca⋯.jpg (537.59 KB,1326x767,102:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19773938 (210257ZOCT23) Notable: Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

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Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

Thousands of people in Muslim-majority countries and beyond held demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians.


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d69290 No.100819

File: 34bda8daa04e6d5⋯.jpg (6.2 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774016 (210310ZOCT23) Notable: WASHINGTON: "The District of Columbia Board of Education said hackers possibly accessed its voter roll during the breach in early October.

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WASHINGTON: "The District of Columbia Board of Education said hackers possibly accessed its voter roll during the breach in early October. The DCBOE said it became aware of the hack on Oct. 5. The hacking group RansomVC claimed to have breached its records and got access to 600,000 lines of U.S. voter data, including D.C. voter records. On Friday, DCBOE learned that the hackers may have gotten access to the full voter roll. This includes personal identifiable information, such as partial social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, birthdays and contact information.

DCBOE said it was not aware if or when the files were accessed, or how many, if any, voter records were accessed, according to a news release. It said it would reach out to all registered voters out of caution. The situation was still being investigated as of Friday."


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d69290 No.100820

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: Anon posted a video regarding the plight of the Armenians early this year from the whistle-blower channel predicting this very thing that is happening now. !!!



First published at 02:52 UTC on October 21st, 2023.


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d69290 No.100821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774038 (210314ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

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Sorry anons, I like Jan, she confirms all my beliefs, hopes and wishes; but there is something that is bugging me.It’s that a contractor for the DOD is held to a confidentiality agreement. Heck I even had them for hourly employees.

I doubt at 95% that she can disclose what the gov or Qteam is saying or planning.

I just don’t think she would be allowed to say these things under the DOD as a contractor and under the Bidan Admin without getting thrown in jail.

She can confirm all our wishes and hopes, but the DOD cannot protect a loud mouth contractor?

Either she is a controlled op to calm down the Q believers, or something more nefarious.

She doesn’t make sense in the timeline.

I’ve come to the conclusion she is convincing but it’s all bullshit, we are being played again!

But she has a nice personality and mentions the agencies that she works with to make ir believable.

I miss the autists that used to be here

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d69290 No.100822

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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First published at 11:46 UTC on February 28th, 2023.



Filmmaker Peter Bahlawanian, who has been documenting the desperate plight of indigenous Armenians living in an enclave they call Artsakh (also known as Nagorno Karabakh) that is located in Azerbaijan, talks about previous ethnic cleansing attacks on these Christian Armenians by Muslim Azerbaijanis and signs that a spring massacre is in the offing. Bahlawanian, who since 2020 has been recording the devastating aftermath of attacks on the Artsakh Armenians in a YouTube series and a documentary, both titled “The Desire to Live,” says April 2023 would be the most likely time for the massacre as April corresponds with the month that the 1915 Armenian Genocide claiming 1.5 million lives was launched. He discusses the geopolitical and commercial interests-including the personal commercial interests of political leaders, that have kept this situation and the 1915 Armenian Genocide largely under wraps. Bahlawanian sounds the alarm in an attempt to focus the world’s attention on the Artsakh Armenians before it is too late. Film director Miryam Avetisyan continues to document the lives of the Artsakh Armenians for the “The Desire to Live” on YouTube. The series can be found here:

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d69290 No.100823

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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First published at 17:35 UTC on April 17th, 2023.



A deep dive with investigative journalist Charlotte Dennett into the mass-murderous history of oil/gas pipeline politics leading up to current efforts by the Azerbaijanis who, with the help of Turkey (the nation behind the 1915 Armenian genocide) are engaging in brutal efforts to ethnically cleanse indigenous Armenians from the Nagorno Karabakh or Artsakh region of Azerbaijan. Dennett is an expert in resource-based politics and the author of FOLLOW THE PIPELINES: THE MYSTERY OF A LOST SPY AND THE DEADLY POLITICS OF THE GREAT GAME FOR OIL.

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d69290 No.100824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774060 (210319ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

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You're not alone.

Something off about her.

Anyone seen an actual resume? What are her credentials exactly?

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d69290 No.100825

File: d24198bc31e1c32⋯.png (56.61 KB,855x543,285:181,Clipboard.png)

File: b94d1f3380f3da5⋯.png (91.41 KB,872x492,218:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774102 (210326ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

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Some bits of her profile on LinkedIn


Looks like all the 'spook' locations

Stanford, Columbia

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d69290 No.100826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774111 (210328ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

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she looks like an ayy a little

I like her

it's been my assumption she's not doing these appearances on her own, but that it's a mission

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d69290 No.100827

File: 699331028515e8b⋯.png (551.46 KB,770x513,770:513,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cadaca03f30689⋯.png (347.77 KB,660x867,220:289,Clipboard.png)

File: afb0b100aa638f4⋯.png (1001.58 KB,1029x686,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774113 (210328ZOCT23) Notable: Investigations reveal discrepancies in Israel’s Gaza hospital attack claims - DIG CALL

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fuck you fuckers

Investigations reveal discrepancies in Israel’s Gaza hospital attack claims

Posts on X sent by Hananya Naftali, a digital aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, also aroused suspicion. “Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza,” he wrote, but the post was almost immediately deleted.

By 10:58pm, Naftali apologised on X for sharing “a Reuters report” that “falsely stated Israel struck the hospital”. He said he had since deleted the tweet. “As the [Israeli army] does not bomb hospitals, I assumed Israel was targeting one of the Hamas bases in Gaza,” he added.

The Israeli army also released a video with a recording of a conversation between purported Hamas officials, where they appear to talk about the misfired rocket that had caused the hospital blast.

Earshot said that a forensic sound analysis revealed that the audio was recorded on two separate channels, and then edited together, disqualifying it from being a credible source of evidence.

In its analysis of the audio, Channel 4 said it had found the call’s credibility questionable due to the syntax used, accent and tone of voice.

One journalist later asked Hagari at the press conference: “I’d like you to address the question of credibility, because … the [Israeli army] has a less than perfect track record with the issue of credibility”.

In his response, Hagari admitted previous shortcomings, but said that now was different.


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d69290 No.100828

File: 52d905c9da7f728⋯.jpg (348.77 KB,1417x621,1417:621,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f04a97ec27eaa4a⋯.png (993.13 KB,1057x1713,1057:1713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774121 (210330ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

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Found this sauce on a dig, Jan supposedly being on Trump transition team

Member Of Trump's Team Answers Your Questions

13 Nov, 2016


Halper Hayes - Member of Trump Transition Team

15 Jan, 2017


"Dr Jan Halper-Hayes, a former vice-president of Republicans Overseas and currently advising the new administration in Washington"

Jan 30, 2017


"Dr Jan Halper-Hayes, a former Vice President of Republicans Overseas, and a member of Mr Trump’s transition team, believes people weren’t “connecting the dots” around his presidency."


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d69290 No.100829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774140 (210332ZOCT23) Notable: Investigations reveal discrepancies in Israel’s Gaza hospital attack claims - DIG CALL

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Debunking Israel’s lies about the bombing of Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza

Let’s be clear: Israel lies. The Israeli government — backed by the United States — murders Palestinians with genocidal impunity, while at the same time running a sophisticated disinformation apparatus, the sole purpose of which is to cover up its unspeakable atrocities. While the Israeli military rains bombs indiscriminately over Gaza, it simultaneously wages an information war, spewing falsehood after falsehood that defies all logic, all facts on the ground, and demands of us to disbelieve what we see with our very eyes and what we know to be true. This propaganda campaign would not be possible without the U.S. corporate media, which acts as Israel’s mouthpiece, amplifying its lies.

Even before Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Palestinian healthcare personnel in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem were being supplied with bulletproof vests and helmets due to an increase in attacks by the Israeli military. According to the Palestine Red Crescent Society, even before the Oct. 7 resistance counter-offensive, 2023 saw 193 incidents of Israel targeting ambulances and medical staff — a 310% increase from the same period of time last year.

During Al-Aqsa Flood alone, Israel has shelled Al-Durrah Children’s Hospital in eastern Gaza with white phosphorus munitions and bombed Jordan Field Hospital in the north, forcing the latter to close down completely. Other hospitals in Gaza such as Al Shifa Hospital, Al-Wafa Medical Centre, Abu Youself al-Najjar Hospital, and Al-Awda Hospital have been forced to evacuate by the Israeli military since Oct. 7.


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d69290 No.100830

File: 7383bafeca1c02e⋯.jpg (61.78 KB,810x540,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 15dd4eb87e74808⋯.jpg (68.58 KB,810x540,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 453db75a6e2ae52⋯.png (227.54 KB,600x453,200:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774163 (210336ZOCT23) Notable: Today rabbis and Jewish community leaders from across Queens met with @SenSchumer about the crisis in Israel and its impact here at home.

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Nily Rozic 李羅莎



Today rabbis and Jewish community leaders from across Queens met with @SenSchumer about the crisis in Israel and its impact here at home.

Let’s be clear: we are so lucky and proud that the highest ranking Jew in government is our Senator and has our back.



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d69290 No.100831

File: 3b7ba85a71dd532⋯.jpg (45.6 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774215 (210348ZOCT23) Notable: #24281

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Recycled Dough


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d69290 No.100832

File: a987cf1993092cb⋯.png (2.92 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774265 (210400ZOCT23) Notable: Revenge of the RINOs’: Ex-GOP Congressman Celebrates Jim Jordan Losing Yet Another Speaker Vote

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You guys have to listen to this Charlie Dent RINO on cnn today…video in link if anyone can embed would be appreciated

We all know what is happening


Revenge of the RINOs’: Ex-GOP Congressman Celebrates Jim Jordan Losing Yet Another Speaker Vote

Alex GriffingOct 20th, 2023, 12:08 pm

Former GOP Congressman Charlie Dent (R-PA) joined CNN on Friday to discuss Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) third attempt to become House speaker, which failed soon after voting began.

“We have been talking for seven years about the fact that this is Donald Trump’s Republican Party and what we’re watching right now is your flavor of Republican, former Congressman Dent, the moderates, those who have been shoved aside and ridiculed as not real Republicans during the Trump era, flexing their muscle,” noted Dana Bash.

“Yeah, they’ve been threatened. They’ve been insulted. They’ve been mocked. They’ve been told they have no spines. They’re invertebrate. Well, it seems like their spines are pretty damn stiff to me,” Dent replied, adding:

They’ve had enough. This is a revenge of the RINOs. This is the squishes striking back.

And I am a proud card-carrying member of the RINO squish and bedwetter caucus. So I’m not saying that pejoratively. I’m saying these guys are standing up strong, but this is the fight that needs to happen. The institutionalists, the pragmatists versus the Trump populists who don’t have any kind of a philosophy, a governing philosophy.

They’re just about making noise and causing disruption versus the people who are serious about doing the business of governing and want a policy agenda. This is a real fight. And I’m glad it’s happening. You know, obviously, this is not politically very good for the Republican Party to do this in public, but the fight needed to occur years ago. It is happening now. And I think that the fact that you saw Brian Fitzpatrick flip and a Molinaro and Tom Kean Junior, these are all good, solid people who, you know, are part of that governing wing, you’re going to see more of this. And so the party really does need to figure out what it wants to become, because this is a total embarrassment and Jordan needs to


You know, if they can’t get Patrick McHenry in there as the interim speaker, then they’re going to have to put together this bipartisan coalition I’ve been talking about. I don’t see a way out because the pro-Trump guys, you know, they’re not going to vote for somebody like a Scalise or an establishment type. And now it looks like these establishment types aren’t going to support the Jim Jordan type of bomb throwers and noisemakers.

“So they’re really at an impasse and they’re going to need Hakeem Jeffries help to get them out of this, just as they did on the debt ceiling, just as they did on the continuing resolution,” Dent concluded.

Watch the full clip above via CNN.

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d69290 No.100833

File: 72474320efb488b⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1425x2000,57:80,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774276 (210403ZOCT23) Notable: US Repr. Brian Mast interviewed on OAN tonight, had sharpened pencil stuck behind right ear (no good link yet). Comms?

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US Repr. Brian Mast interviewed on OAN tonight, had sharpened pencil stuck behind right ear (have not found good link yet).



(Pencil artist)

Picrel name - "Quiet Time"

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d69290 No.100834

File: a8ec4599ef67794⋯.png (152.82 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774282 (210404ZOCT23) Notable: Anon on ZH's Money-Market Fund Assets Crash 'Most Since Lehman' As Bank Deposits Rose Last Week

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>>100783 pb

> Money-Market Fund Assets Crash 'Most Since Lehman' As Bank Deposits Rose Last Week

Zerohedge writes bad headlines

is not crash

mm fund going up means crash.

Look March 2020

Spikes down can mean a few things.

One of them is buying securities

But also as rates going up, like 2022

It's a "need cash" signal

Is finance fag still here

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d69290 No.100835

File: 1e255b309ce3f34⋯.jpg (105.63 KB,720x1171,720:1171,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79674733c3511fe⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774285 (210405ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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Beginning to look a lot like those DEFCON 1 rumors were true

Protect the CIC



When WAS this ? ...Oh Shit!

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d69290 No.100836

File: 4e31ea57a373711⋯.jpg (46.57 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5129f2b80df8fef⋯.jpg (70.9 KB,840x534,140:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774293 (210407ZOCT23) Notable: Where did ISIS get an entire fleet of matching Toyota pick-up trucks?

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Where did ISIS get an entire fleet of matching Toyota pick-up trucks?

Why do so many of its photo shots feature a fleet of matching Toyotas – matching in both model and color? As this Information Clearing House article humorously states:

“The official story is ISIS stole them from the “Good Terrorists” (Al Nusra), who were originally given their cool wheels by the US government. Which would seem to beg a couple of enquiries. Not least of which is – why are the US giving any terrorists matching fleets of luxury SUVs? And for that matter, how many fleets are we talking about?

So, exactly how many trucks did the US supply? Where are ISIS currently garaging this impressive collection? And why do they all have to be Toyotas? Is it a terrorist thing, or simply a US Govt preference? Do Toyota mind the brand-association? Or the fact that so many of the ISIS drive-by photo-ops look like perverted car ads?”

Some of these trucks were actually used vehicles that got sent from the US and Canada over to Syria. This Texan plumber discovered to his horror that his old truck was being used in the war, replete with his business name still on the door!

ISIS Never Attacks Israel

No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism.

It’s amazing how many people still struggle to get that point. We have been inundated with propaganda surrounding the fraudulent war on terror, notably terms such as Islamic terrorism and radical Islam, but more accurate phrases would be Zio-Islamic terrorism and radical Zio-Islam. Secret military agencies such as the CIA and the Mossad pull the strings. Here is a list of the top 10 ‘indications’ that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation.


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d69290 No.100837

File: 8ff37391c15239f⋯.mp4 (972.83 KB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774299 (210409ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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>When WAS this

also can they prove the plane was Trump's 757

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d69290 No.100838

File: 746fc0af3fcc6d7⋯.png (421.64 KB,602x422,301:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774303 (210410ZOCT23) Notable: Massive ceasefire protest in midtown NYC.

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Citizen Free Press


Massive ceasefire protest in midtown NYC.


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d69290 No.100839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774307 (210411ZOCT23) Notable: Moar discussion on Dr Jan Halper-Hayes

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Anons are asking if Trump said to listen to her BBC interview on the 2020 election why don’t we 100% believe everything Jan says?

Trump never recommended to listen to Nino, Elijah Stream or others that she was interviewed by. Trump liked one interview, he didn't endorse everything she says


Sorry anons, I like Jan, she confirms all my beliefs, hopes and wishes; but there is something that is bugging me.It’s that a contractor for the DOD is held to a confidentiality agreement. Heck I even had them for hourly employees.

I doubt at 95% that she can disclose what the gov or Qteam is saying or planning.

I just don’t think she would be allowed to say these things under the DOD as a contractor and under the Bidan Admin without getting thrown in jail.

She can confirm all our wishes and hopes, but the DOD cannot protect a loud mouth contractor?

Either she is a controlled op to calm down the Q believers, or something more nefarious.

She doesn’t make sense in the timeline.

I’ve come to the conclusion she is convincing but it’s all bullshit, we are being played again!

But she has a nice personality and mentions the agencies that she works with to make ir believable.

I really miss the autists that used to be here

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d69290 No.100840

File: 65384e850ea71f6⋯.jpg (70.55 KB,720x469,720:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774308 (210411ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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Calling all Planefags!

Is this Bidan or Trump?

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d69290 No.100841

File: 2fb3023e8f670fd⋯.jpg (97.72 KB,708x459,236:153,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774317 (210413ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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d69290 No.100842

File: 58b97ef46b242de⋯.png (4.09 MB,3391x1816,3391:1816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774328 (210415ZOCT23) Notable: QClock October 20, 2023 - Go With God _ The Clock Is Activated.

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QClock October 20, 2023 - Go With God _ The Clock Is Activated.

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d69290 No.100843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774339 (210418ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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The photography was shit. But the later shots show a 4 engined jet in silhouette, probably 747-400. Trump uses a 2 engine 757-200.

Who was on it is not indicated at all and you cant see the livery for the bad light..

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d69290 No.100844

File: aa2bcfc36195f4f⋯.jpg (21.5 KB,720x331,720:331,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774342 (210419ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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>Trump's plane has curved Wing tips

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d69290 No.100845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774361 (210423ZOCT23) Notable: #24280

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>>100794 Thousands of remote IT workers sent wages to North Korea to help fund weapons program, FBI says

>>100795 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Thank you for unmasking and making me aware of Taher Herzallah.

>>100796 Bannon: "All they care about is the same games that have always been played by the D.C. elite"

>>100797 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Mr. O, Ox, Bizzynizzy, Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

>>100798 Paul Pelosi's Football Team

>>100799 Whole George Floyd story was a lie - Tucker

>>100800 srael CUTS OFF internet access to all of Northern Gaza..

>>100801 Biden Tells Whopper of a Lie, Claims He Once Awarded His Uncle Frank Purple Heart For Actions During Battle of the Bulge (VIDEO) - no sauce

>>100803 Watch Live: “Israel-Hamas War: The World on Edge”


>>100804 New info re drowning death of Obama's chef

>>100806 Bannon: poll taken Kek, 65% of Americans including democrats hate the term Bidenomics

>>100807 @realDonaldTrump: @LaraTrump: “It’s terrifying, there has been a 180 degree change in everything you see not just here in America, but now around the world……people are dying, children are being beheaded—it is horrific to see what has happened

>>100805 Areas of Seneca lake have been used as testing sites for submarines

>>100808 PF

>>100809 Was Gaza's oldest church actually bombed? AlJazeera say yes.

>>100810 J.K. Rowling Says She’ll Do Hard Time Before She Calls A Trans-Identifying Man A ‘Woman’

>>100811 Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

>>100812 Israel-Gaza war live: Hamas releases two American captives from Gaza

>>100813 Left-Wing Jewish Leaders Shocked To Discover Their Liberal Friends Support Hamas

>>100814 Elite Israeli soldier rescue tree owl from Kfar Aza wreckage

>>100815, >>100816, >>100817, >>100818 Photos: Palestine solidarity rallies around the world

>>100819 WASHINGTON: "The District of Columbia Board of Education said hackers possibly accessed its voter roll during the breach in early October.


>>100821, >>100825, >>100824, >>100826, >>100828 Anons discuss Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

>>100827, >>100829 Investigations reveal discrepancies in Israel’s Gaza hospital attack claims - DIG CALL

>>100830 Today rabbis and Jewish community leaders from across Queens met with @SenSchumer about the crisis in Israel and its impact here at home.

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d69290 No.100846

File: 34f2fab05aa27f5⋯.png (6.62 KB,104x59,104:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774372 (210425ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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2 engines under left wing visible. Not "AF1" because winglets and not B757AF (Trump Force 1) because 4 engines.

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d69290 No.100847

File: 429ded7b86dc5ba⋯.jpg (296.17 KB,720x1243,720:1243,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc3ab551e4a3464⋯.jpg (337.81 KB,1107x1074,369:358,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dc02b861746d425⋯.jpg (286.37 KB,1019x1280,1019:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774378 (210427ZOCT23) Notable: More on Economist cover showing paragliding Hamas from 2012

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This is a cartoon from The Economist back in 2012.

Notice Bibi and Hamas on gliders?

Notice Obama in his ped0 boat?

Notice the devil in charge of the climate change machine?

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d69290 No.100848

File: 75f46b5de06b7bf⋯.png (466.97 KB,634x418,317:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 6134c87672e6195⋯.png (213.16 KB,612x405,68:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774380 (210427ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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>Trump's plane has curved Wing tips

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d69290 No.100849

File: d0d6820f6b38837⋯.png (408.74 KB,1275x946,1275:946,Clipboard.png)

File: 69978ea5db9ee92⋯.png (3.91 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bb75c216f0c68e⋯.png (232.01 KB,474x309,158:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 6563fd45c78b822⋯.png (1.35 MB,1296x730,648:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be3acad75ee806⋯.png (362.83 KB,534x400,267:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774455 (210443ZOCT23) Notable: Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

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>pain in the ass

Here's the Brenda that put her name on the vid.

Comments were no help.

First time I've needed to go to tiktok.


Trump's beloved Boeing 757 private jet is finally flying again after a year of maintenance work and a new paint job.


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d69290 No.100850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774460 (210444ZOCT23) Notable: Djibouti Rejects Ethiopia’s Red Sea Port Plan

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Djibouti Rejects Ethiopia’s Red Sea Port Plan

Bloomberg October 20, 2023

By Simon Marks (Bloomberg) — Djibouti joined Eritrea and Somalia in rejecting an appeal from Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to grant his country direct access to a port on the Red Sea, one of the world’s busiest shipping routes.

“Our two countries have always maintained strong, friendly relations,” said Alexis Mohamed, a senior adviser to Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh. “But you should also know that Djibouti is a sovereign country, and therefore, our territorial integrity is not questionable, neither today nor tomorrow.”

Abiy has identified sea access as a strategic objective for landlocked Ethiopia and warned that failure to secure it could lead to conflict down the road. In a televised lecture, he called for talks with neighboring countries and suggested that they could be given shares in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in return for similar stakes in their ports. He also referenced the nineteenth century Abyssinian warrior, Ras Alula Abanega, who said the Red Sea was Ethiopia’s “natural boundary.”

Earlier this week, Eritrea described Abiy’s comments as “excessive” and said “the affair has perplexed all concerned observers,” while Somalia’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Omar said his country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity were “sacrosanct and not open for discussion.”

Abiy’s push comes as he struggles to quell widespread domestic dissent, particularly in the northern Amhara region where militia members are resisting efforts to incorporate them in the national army. His administration is also in talks to restructure its debt after its finances were hammered by the global pandemic and a two-year civil war with rebels from the Tigray region.

On Thursday, the prime minister’s office said he had visited China’s deep sea Yangshan Port, south of Shanghai, during an official state visit. He also held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Li Qiang and Dilma Rousseff, the president of the New Development Bank. The multilateral lender was founded by the Brics group of developing countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — and Ethiopia has been invited to join its ranks next year.

Abiy and Xi earlier this week announced that their relations would be elevated to a so-called “all-weather strategic partnership” to strengthen their friendship, mutual trust and bilateral engagement.


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d69290 No.100851

File: 9f6fff0b28c9c8a⋯.jpg (654.79 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774476 (210447ZOCT23) Notable: NTPS board approves 10-yr lease with Bezos Academy

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d69290 No.100852

File: 79e6d7832bc98cf⋯.png (1.58 MB,900x770,90:77,Clipboard.png)

File: dfc39acecbe07b2⋯.png (298.07 KB,809x662,809:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774498 (210453ZOCT23) Notable: @justinamash confirms that several relatives were killed at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza - fake or real?

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Justin Amash


I was really worried about this. 😔 With great sadness, I have now confirmed that several of my relatives (including Viola and Yara pictured here) were killed at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza, where they had been sheltering, when part of the complex was destroyed as the result of an Israeli airstrike.


I don't follow the news much for obvious reasons. The last I heard, the church story turned into a parking lot story? Did this guy just make this up?

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d69290 No.100853

File: 63eff32c5ec9854⋯.png (483.13 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d807a6701707f8⋯.jpg (826.21 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774670 (210526ZOCT23) Notable: Just like his father, President Trump, Eric Trump LOVES golf, America, and the heroes who keep it safe!

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LIV Golf Nation



Just like his father, President Trump, Eric Trump LOVES golf, America, and the heroes who keep it safe!


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d69290 No.100854

File: cf3d474c643dcf7⋯.png (355.4 KB,904x908,226:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774700 (210531ZOCT23) Notable: Buck says he’s being evicted from Windsor office after voting against Jordan

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Buck says he’s being evicted from Windsor office after voting against Jordan

by: Evan Kruegel

Posted: Oct 19, 2023 / 10:08 PM MDT

Updated: Oct 20, 2023 / 03:27 PM MDT

On NBC News Thursday, the congressman said, “I’ve been evicted from my office in Colorado. I have notice of an eviction because the landlord is mad with my voting record on the speaker issue.”

The property is owned by Pelican Point Business Park, LLC, according to the Weld County Assessor’s Office. Martin Lind is listed as the registered agent for that business, according to the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office.

Buck said he’s also received multiple death threats and20,000 voicemails regarding his vote against Jordan.

A spokesperson for Buck said those threats have been reported “to the proper authorities for investigation.”


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d69290 No.100855

File: cab2008f2069f24⋯.png (310 KB,609x600,203:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774701 (210532ZOCT23) Notable: Latvia Asks If NATO Halt Russian Baltic Shipping

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Latvia Asks If NATO Halt Russian Baltic Shipping

By Aaron Eglitis (Bloomberg) October 20, 2023

By Aaron Eglitis (Bloomberg) NATO should consider a halt to Russian shipping in the Baltic Sea if evidence emerges that the Kremlin is behind the damage to a pipeline connecting Finland and Estonia, Latvia’s president said.

“The discussion should be about how we can close the Baltic Sea in order to protect our critical infrastructure” if Russia is found to be responsible, President Edgars Rinkevics told Latvia’s public broadcaster late Thursday. His office later clarified that the comments pertained to Russian shipping.

President Vladimir Putin has denied that the Kremlin was involved in the pipeline rupture to the Balticconnector gas pipeline, which was discovered earlier this month. North Atlantic Treaty Organization this week dispatched mine hunters, patrol aircraft and early warning planes to the Baltic Sea to safeguard underwater infrastructure.

NATO has the ability to stop shipping in the Baltic, Rinkevics said. While it was unclear how such an embargo would be imposed, disrupting Baltic trade would potentially impact Russian trade to St. Petersburg, the country’s second-largest city and a major conduit for a raft of key industries.

Finnish investigators said last week the link in the Gulf of Finland was most likely ruptured by a deliberate act of force rather than an explosion. Finnish President Sauli Niinisto has said an “external party” was involved in the breach of the gas pipeline and two data cables, which were all damaged in different locations.

Finnish authorities completed a crime scene investigation at the damaged subsea gas pipeline, which began leaking Oct. 8. Samples collected from the seabed around the broken segment will undergo forensic analysis, the National Bureau of Investigation said in a statement.

The process “required several dives to the damaged object at a depth of dozens of meters,” according to the police. The plan is also to examine a wide swathe of the surrounding area.


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d69290 No.100856

File: 755ed8c7377619f⋯.jpg (685.26 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774710 (210534ZOCT23) Notable: "Press must be held accountable for fake Gaza story that Instigated violence worldwide" - hospital bombing

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d69290 No.100857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774721 (210536ZOCT23) Notable: Items prohibited in Gaza 2010 - Real?? needs a DIG

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no, pedos do that

partial list of PROHIBITED ITEMS barred from Palestine


Prohibited Items*











fruit preserves

seeds and nuts

biscuits and sweets

potato chips

gas for soft drinks

dried fruit

fresh meat



wood for construction




industrial salt

plastic/glass/metal containers

industrial margarine

tarpaulin sheets for huts

fabric (for clothing)

flavor and smell enhancers

fishing rods

various fishing nets


ropes for fishing

nylon nets for greenhouses

hatcheries and spare parts for hatcheries

spare parts for tractors

dairies for cowsheds

irrigation pipe systems

ropes to tie greenhouses

planters for saplings

heaters for chicken farms

musical instruments

size A4 paper

writing implements





sewing machines and spare parts







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d69290 No.100858

File: ef852843ef68e30⋯.png (339.12 KB,568x334,284:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774738 (210540ZOCT23) Notable: Third Of Aid For Ukraine Military 'Disappeared'

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@RT 2h

❗️Third Of Aid For Ukraine Military 'Disappeared'- Kiev customs office

A third of the humanitarian aid that was sent to Ukrainian military personnel did not reach their intended units, according to a report by Ukrainian customs.

“More than 9,000 units of humanitarian aid goods to 200 military units have been verified, and more than 3,000 cases of non-confirmation of its receipt in military units have been identified,” according to the website of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.


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d69290 No.100859

File: d6089fff7247676⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774776 (210549ZOCT23) Notable: Boatfag report on USNS Leroy Grumman

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USNS LEROY GRUMMAN westbound in the Med south of Sardinia

It appears the Eisenhower Group is now in the Med and the small boys need to fuel up after the Atlantic crossing.

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d69290 No.100860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774801 (210554ZOCT23) Notable: Is Biden Funding Terror? The Sara Carter Show

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Is Biden Funding Terror?

The Sara Carter Show


Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at saracarter.locals.com!

1 day ago

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d69290 No.100861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774814 (210557ZOCT23) Notable: @justinamash confirms that several relatives were killed at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza - fake or real?

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It's true. Of course, the IDF claims it was an "accident." Just like the "missile" Hamas (allegedly) used to hit the hospital (which is still standing, apparently) had loudspeakers to make it sound like a JDAM.

Here's the sauce:


So far, I've only found a single news site in the West that will talk about the rabbis and Jewish settlers who occupied that mosque in Northern Gaza, with the support of the IDF and started this whole mess.

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d69290 No.100862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774852 (210610ZOCT23) Notable: #24278

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#24278 >>100744

>>100753, >>100762 The Supreme Court allows the White House to continue work to combat controversial social media posts

>>100745 Israel Moves To Shut Down Al Jazeera Over Gaza Coverage

>>100746 Trump And J6 Defendants Push For Change Of Venue Motion

>>100747 Federal deficit rose to $1.7 trillion in fiscal 2023

>>100748 @DeptofDefense Capturing the boom!

>>100749 ‘Humans can’t live without war’, Christian patriarch laments

>>100750 US conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours after Russian move to revoke global test ban

>>100751 RE: Ariane Tabatabai, top Iranian Pentagon Aide

>>100752 Media silent: Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI…

>>100754 @18airbornecorps ⏰The clock is ticking.

>>100755 'Galactic 05' Research Mission To Become Virgin Galactic's Sixth Flight In Six Month

>>100756 Anxiety in Turkey: "We are surrounded by American bases" - "We know the danger"


>>100758 Gender Bender Agenda Origins

>>100759 Why is Taiwan so vital to the Deep state?

>>100760 CDC is manipulating all their data. They most likely don't have rules for completeness.

>>100761, >>100763 Liz Harrington: [the court] cited no evidence


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d69290 No.100863

File: 593dccf225c651f⋯.png (3.02 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774953 (210640ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774970 (210644ZOCT23) Notable: #24281

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#24281 >>100831

>>100832 Revenge of the RINOs’: Ex-GOP Congressman Celebrates Jim Jordan Losing Yet Another Speaker Vote

>>100833 US Repr. Brian Mast interviewed on OAN tonight, had sharpened pencil stuck behind right ear (no good link yet). Comms?

>>100834 Anon on ZH's Money-Market Fund Assets Crash 'Most Since Lehman' As Bank Deposits Rose Last Week

>>100835, >>100837, >>100840, >>100843, >>100844, >>100846, >>100848, >>100849 Trump's air security, an old pic or Biden's entourage?

>>100836 Where did ISIS get an entire fleet of matching Toyota pick-up trucks?

>>100838 Massive ceasefire protest in midtown NYC.

>>100839 Moar discussion on Dr Jan Halper-Hayes

>>100841, >>100863 PF

>>100842 QClock October 20, 2023 - Go With God _ The Clock Is Activated.

>>100847 More on Economist cover showing paragliding Hamas from 2012

>>100850 Djibouti Rejects Ethiopia’s Red Sea Port Plan

>>100851 NTPS board approves 10-yr lease with Bezos Academy

>>100852, >>100861 @justinamash confirms that several relatives were killed at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza - fake or real?

>>100853 Just like his father, President Trump, Eric Trump LOVES golf, America, and the heroes who keep it safe!

>>100854 Buck says he’s being evicted from Windsor office after voting against Jordan

>>100855 Latvia Asks If NATO Halt Russian Baltic Shipping

>>100856 "Press must be held accountable for fake Gaza story that Instigated violence worldwide" - hospital bombing

>>100858 Third Of Aid For Ukraine Military 'Disappeared'

>>100859 Boatfag report on USNS Leroy Grumman

>>100860 Is Biden Funding Terror? The Sara Carter Show

>>100857 Items prohibited in Gaza 2010 - Real?? needs a DIG


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d69290 No.100865

File: 3c52540bd3bfed3⋯.png (264.08 KB,256x1025,256:1025,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cf8db776a6d6e0⋯.png (14.49 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19774980 (210647ZOCT23) Notable: #24282-A

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baker OUT, bread is ghosted

Happy graveyard shit, anons.

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d69290 No.100866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775009 (210658ZOCT23) Notable: Kanye West says he can't be controlled because he hasn't killed anyone..

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Kanye West says he can't be controlled because he hasn't killed anyone..


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d69290 No.100867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775013 (210659ZOCT23) Notable: ems say FROG x Trump n Eric saying henlo

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>>100853 pb

ems say FROG x

Trump n Eric saying henlo

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d69290 No.100868

File: 5d73e006cface23⋯.jpg (882.08 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb245ea075ea740⋯.jpg (904.53 KB,1080x1585,216:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775018 (210700ZOCT23) Notable: ems say FROG x Trump n Eric saying henlo

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d69290 No.100869

File: 2f195a960eb5160⋯.png (3.11 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775029 (210704ZOCT23) Notable: FL Congressman Byron Donalds announces will run to become 1st African American House Speaker in history

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What will uniparty swamp do now?

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d69290 No.100870

File: 9a568dad3d48446⋯.png (710.17 KB,1080x1545,72:103,Clipboard.png)

File: d89bd9fa9056ccf⋯.png (184.78 KB,577x433,577:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775081 (210728ZOCT23) Notable: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians

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Mentally challenged and idiotic Mexican bartender suggested Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities so you can support them along with the millions of the south of the border illegal aliens.


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d69290 No.100871

File: 963616ee7487343⋯.jpg (74.04 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775093 (210738ZOCT23) Notable: Palantir Stock Price Falls 3.59% October 19, 2023

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Palantir Stock Price Falls 3.59%

Pratik Chadhokar

October 19, 2023

9:46 am

The Palantir stock price currently trades at $17.20 with a decline of 3.59% in the last session. The stock price has recently witnessed a breakout and is currently trying to sustain above the last breakout zone.


Poor Palantir... a shame too, after the boom it recently enjoyed.

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d69290 No.100872

File: 99439cc7d964e3b⋯.png (295.06 KB,726x942,121:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775121 (210801ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

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Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

New Venture Foundation gave to group dropped by Paypal and Stripe for terror ties

Alana Goodman

October 20, 2023

Pro-Israel Democratic representative Daniel Goldman’s (N.Y.) charitable foundation gave over $1 million to a group that bankrolled a progressive organization linked to Palestinian terrorism.

The Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation, a family foundation where Goldman served on the board until at least last year, has donated $1.2 million to the New Venture Fund (NVF), a major left-leaning, dark-money group, according to Fox News.

The NVF donated $38,000 to the Alliance for Global Justice for "environmental programs" in 2021 and $210,000 in 2020, according to the Washington Examiner. The alliance was recently dropped from Paypal, Stripe, and other fundraising platforms due to its sponsorship of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an Israel-designated terrorist group.

Goldman, who was visiting family in Tel Aviv during the terrorist attacks, has a pro-Israel record and decried the "death and destruction and savagery and massacre that the terrorists exacted on Israel." But the funding link between his family foundation, the New Venture Fund, and the Alliance for Global Justice is the latest example of how anti-Israel activism has become deeply intertwined with many progressive organizations.

BLM Chicago recently threw its support behind Hamas, posting an image on Twitter celebrating the terrorist group’s use of paragliders to breach the Israeli border and commit mass terror attacks. Left-wing groups at Harvard University, including the school’s Amnesty International chapter, released a statement blaming Israel for the atrocities committed by Hamas.

The Alliance for Global Justice, which manages and sponsors numerous progressive organizations, came under scrutiny for its "fiscal sponsorship" of Samidoun last year, prompting Paypal, Stripe, and Salsa Labs to block the alliance from using their funding platforms.

Samidoun was designated as a terrorist organization by Israel in 2021, and the Israeli government accused the group of having a "wide network of ties with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization."

Samidoun "conducts intensive activities to promote the release of PFLP terrorists … in coordination and cooperation with the PFLP terrorist organization," according to an Israeli government report. The report also found that a Samidoun activist received training from Hezbollah and acted as a conduit for funds between Syria, Lebanon, and the PFLP.

The Alliance for Global Justice defended its sponsorship of Samidoun, saying that it "refuses to exceptionalize the Palestinian human rights movement."

"If they come for Samidoun, [the alliance], they have come for all of us. [The alliance] is an international organization that supports the thousands of Palestinians unlawfully imprisoned by the far-right Israeli government," said the Alliance for Global Justice in a statement on its website.


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d69290 No.100873

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775129 (210807ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: Frogmam in Vegas

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Kash Patel


Frogmam in Vegas

Oct 21, 2023, 2:11 AM




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d69290 No.100874

File: 827cde1a7011528⋯.png (560.65 KB,931x874,49:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775133 (210812ZOCT23) Notable: Collaboration between US drug regulator/Gates Foundation has raised concerns

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FDA ties with Gates Foundation

A collaboration between US drug regulator and the Gates Foundation has raised concerns about undue influence over the regulation of pandemic countermeasures.


OCT 4, 2023

In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Under the MOU, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures,” such as diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic.

The FDA has MOUs with many academic and non-profit organisations, but few have as much to gain as Bill Gates, who has invested billions into pandemic countermeasures.

Experts are concerned the Gates Foundation could have undue influence over the FDA’s regulatory decisions of these countermeasures.

David Gortler, an ex-senior adviser to the FDA commissioner between 2019 and 2021, says he is “suspicious” of the MOU.

“If the Gates Foundation establishes an MOU with a regulator on a product they want to develop, it seems like it would be a conflict of interest. What if every other drug company did the exact same thing as the Gates Foundation?” he says.

David Gortler, former senior advisor to FDA commissioner 2019-2021

Gortler, now a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington DC, explained that normally, meetings between developers and regulators are supposed to be an official part of the public record and subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.

“However, an MOU such as this can circumvent the usual requirements for the transparency of official communications,” says Gortler. “This way their communications can be kept secret.”

David Bell, a former medical officer for the World Health Organisation (WHO) who now works as a public health physician and biotech consultant, agrees that the MOU has potential to corrupt the regulatory process.

“The narrative is that philanthropic foundations can only be good, because they’re making vaccines and saving thousands of lives, so we need to cut the red-tape and help the FDA get stuff done quickly otherwise children will die,” says Bell. “But in reality, it has potential to corrupt the whole system.”

David Bell, physician and biotech consultant

Bell adds, “Speaking generally, close relationships between regulators and developers raise inevitable risks that shortcuts and favours will breakdown the rigorousness of the product review, putting the public at risk.”

Revolving door

The FDA has been roundly criticised for its “revolving door.” Ten of the past 11 FDA commissioners left the agency and secured roles with pharmaceutical companies they once regulated.

Similarly, the Gates Foundation hired high-ranking members of the FDA, who bring with them intimate knowledge of the regulatory process.

For example, Murray Lumpkin had a 24-year career at the FDA, serving as senior advisor to the FDA commissioner and representative for global issues. Now, he is deputy director of regulatory affairs at the Gates Foundation, and signatory on the MOU.

And Margaret Hamburg, who served as FDA commissioner between 2009 and 2015, is now on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Gates Foundation.

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d69290 No.100875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775134 (210813ZOCT23) Notable: Collaboration between US drug regulator/Gates Foundation has raised concerns

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Murray Lumpkin, deputy director regulatory affairs, Gates Foundation; Margaret Hamburg, scientific advisory board, Gates Foundation

Bell has no doubt that these appointments were strategic to “game the system” saying, “If I worked at the Gates Foundation, I would certainly hire somebody like Murray Lumpkin.”

The only way to fix the revolving door problem Bell says, is to have a ‘non-compete clause’ in their contracts.

“It might be that FDA employees cannot work for the people they’ve regulated for at least 10 years. There are places that have those rules - private companies have agreements that you can't work for a rival,” said Bell.

The FDA dismissed questions about the potential for conflicts of interest, or the lack of transparency over its communications with the Gates Foundation. In a statement, the FDA said:

FDA regulatory decision making is science-based. Former FDA officials do not impact regulatory decisions. FDA only collaborates with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under the MOU as described.

Gates has billions at stake

Gates boasted about receiving a 20-to-1 return on his $10 billion investment into the “financing and delivery” of medicines and vaccines.

“It’s the best investment I’ve ever made,” he wrote in The Wall Street Journal. “Decades ago, these investments weren’t sure bets, but today, they almost always pay off in a big way.”

In Sept 2019, just prior to the pandemic, SEC filings showed the foundation purchased over 1 million shares in BioNTech (Pfizer’s partner) for $18.10/share. By Nov 2021, the foundation dumped most of the stock for an average of $300/share.

Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel reported the foundation pocketed approximately $260 million in profit - more than 15 times its original investment – most of it untaxed because it was invested through the foundation.

In his recent book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” Gates warns that future pandemics are the biggest threat to humankind and that survival depends on global pandemic preparedness strategies, firmly positioning himself at the centre of shaping the agenda.

In October 2019, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201, which gathered government agencies, social media companies and national security organisations to war game a “fictional” global pandemic.

Oct 2019, Gates and WEF fund Event 201 to simulate a global pandemic response

The key recommendations from the event were that such a crisis would require the deployment of new vaccines, surveillance and control of information and human behaviours, by orchestrating the co-operation and co-ordination of key industries, national governments, and international institutions.

Several weeks later when the covid-19 pandemic emerged, many aspects of this ‘hypothetical scenario’ became a chilling reality.

The Gates Foundation, which holds shares in a range of drug companies including Merck, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, is now credited with wielding significant influence over the direction of the global response to the pandemic, saying its goal is to “vaccinate the entire world” with a covid-19 vaccine.

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d69290 No.100876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775135 (210813ZOCT23) Notable: Collaboration between US drug regulator/Gates Foundation has raised concerns

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Global dominance

The Gates Foundation has poured millions into funding NGOs, media, and international agencies, earning Gates significant political clout.

Financial contributions to the media have garnered Gates favourable news coverage, boasting on the foundation’s website it committed almost $3.5 million to The Guardian in 2020 – 2023.

The UK medicines regulator - the MHRA – disclosed it took approximately $3 million in funding from the Gates Foundation in 2022, which would span across several financial years.

Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr labelled Gates "the most powerful man in public health” because he managed to steer the WHO’s pandemic strategy to focus primarily on vaccination.

Kennedy said in an interview that the WHO "begs and rolls over" for Gates' funding, which now makes up over 88% of the total amount of the WHO’s donations by philanthropic foundations.

Robert F Kennedy Jr, Presidential Candidate

“I think [Gates] believes that he is somehow ordained divinely to bring salvation to the world through technology," said Kenney. “He believes the only path to good health is inside a syringe.”

The Gates Foundation’s CEO Mark Suzman responded to concerns that the foundation has “disproportionate sway in setting national and global agendas, without any formal accountability to voters or international bodies.”

“It’s true that between our dollars, voice, and convening power, we have access and influence that many others do not,” admitted Suzman in his 2023 annual letter .

“But make no mistake - where there’s a solution that can improve livelihoods and save lives, we’ll advocate persistently for it. We won’t stop using our influence, along with our monetary commitments, to find solutions,” he wrote.

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d69290 No.100877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775145 (210823ZOCT23) Notable: Palantir Stock Price Falls 3.59% October 19, 2023

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Palantir is fucked up.

Palantir was contracted in March 2020 to help develop the NHS Covid-19 Data Store for a fee of £1. The contract was due to expire in June but was extended for four months at a cost of £1million. NHS England later revealed it was seeking a supplier to continue work on the store, with Palantir awarded a £23m two-year contract to continue its work on the Data Store in December 2020.


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d69290 No.100878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775149 (210824ZOCT23) Notable: Palantir Stock Price Falls 3.59% October 19, 2023

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Palantir may also be a lil bit fucked.

The government has committed not to extend Palantir’s £23m contract beyond Covid-19 uses without consulting the public, a law firm campaigning for transparency on government contracts has said.


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d69290 No.100879

File: 0569d0d616e91d4⋯.png (546.24 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: d5a017092372485⋯.png (99 KB,253x254,253:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775150 (210825ZOCT23) Notable: Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’

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Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’

The panic is glorious


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d69290 No.100880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775166 (210838ZOCT23) Notable: Palantir Stock Price Falls 3.59% October 19, 2023

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Palantir believes variety is the spice of stock market life.

Palantir's stock rises as company discloses new Army AI contract worth up to $250 million

Provided by Dow Jones

Oct 10, 2023 7:25 AM EDT

Palantir Technologies Inc. (PLTR) won a new Army contract involving artificial intelligence, the company said Tuesday. The contract supports the Combatant Commands (COCOMs), Armed Services, Intelligence Community and Special Forces as those groups "continue to test" AI capabilities, Palantir said in a release. The new contract was posted to the Department of Defense's website last week and is worth up to $250 million through 2026. Palantir shares were up about 2% in Tuesday's premarket trading.


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d69290 No.100881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775170 (210843ZOCT23) Notable: France evacuates airports over hoax bomb threats - RT

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this is interesting (if you look at all the numbers)

France evacuates airports over hoax bomb threats – media

Fourteen airports reportedly received threats in the second mass evacuation incident in two days, sources told AFP


-A total of 17 “threats of attack”were called in to airports on Wednesday

-Wednesday’s evacuations led to 130 canceled flights, as well as numerous delays.

-Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti warned false bomb threats could incur even steeper penalties – up to three years in prison and a€45,000 fine.


Paris’ Louvre Museum and its attached underground shopping center were both evacuated and closed for the day on Saturday after staff received a written message warning of a “risk to the museum and its visitors.”

The palace at Versailles was also evacuated on Saturday after receiving a bomb threat via anonymous online message. It has since been evacuated three more times due to security threats, with the most recent incident taking place on Thursday.



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d69290 No.100882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775174 (210848ZOCT23) Notable: France evacuates airports over hoax bomb threats - RT

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#OverTheTarget ?

A total of 17 “threats of attack” ..."triggering" evacuations from at least "eight", an inside source told AFP. It was the second such incident in two days.


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d69290 No.100883

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775177 (210852ZOCT23) Notable: The Left Wants to Kill Comedy but They'll Never Stop Roseanne | TRIGGERED w/Don JR. Ep.78

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The Left Wants to Kill Comedy but They'll Never Stop Roseanne | TRIGGERED Ep.78




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d69290 No.100884

File: 54bead204639546⋯.png (375.32 KB,885x841,885:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775210 (210922ZOCT23) Notable: Will Scharf, Repub candidate Missouri AG joins Trump’s legal J6 team

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Will Scharf, Republican candidate for Missouri attorney general joins Trump’s legal team in Jan. 6 case

Kansas City Star


October 19, 2023 at 9:40 AM

A Republican candidate for Missouri attorney general will help former President Donald Trump appeal a recent gag order imposed on him in his upcoming trial over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Will Scharf, a former assistant U.S. Attorney from St. Louis, has joined Trump’s appellate team, a Trump campaign spokesperson confirmed to The Star.

The decision to join Trump’s team comes as Scharf, a Republican, is mounting a primary challenge to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey in 2024. Scharf also served as policy director in former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens’ brief administration.

Scharf, who left the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of Missouri last year, is the first person to challenge Bailey, who was appointed to the position this year by Republican Gov. Mike Parson. His campaign has centered around his past work as a prosecutor against violent crimes.

Scharf is seeking to appeal to the right wing of the Missouri Republican Party. His association with the former president is likely to help his campaign in a state that Trump won by more than 15 percentage points in 2020.

He declined to comment to The Star, directing questions to Trump’s campaign. The campaign confirmed that Scharf was joining the former president’s team.

Trump is appealing a narrow gag order imposed on him this week by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan that bars the former president from attacking witnesses, prosecutors and court staff. Chutkan is overseeing the criminal case in the District of Columbia that accuses Trump of conspiring to overturn his 2020 election loss to Democratic President Joe Biden.

Scharf’s involvement in the D.C. case comes as Trump faces a slew of criminal charges in three other cases in New York, Florida and Georgia.

Trump’s legal team filed a notice of appeal on Tuesday. A campaign spokesperson in a statement to The Star painted the gag order as a violation of Trump’s First Amendment rights and said his team planned to file an emergency motion to stay the order.

“No court has ever imposed any such gag order on a political candidate conducting a political campaign – least of all the leading opposition candidate for President of the United States,” the statement said in part.

The case centers around Trump’s efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election, which he lost, and includes accusations that he urged Republican officials to undermine the results in states that Biden won. A mob of his supporters to stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 in an effort to prevent the transfer of power from Trump to Biden after the former president held a rally in Washington after months of spreading misinformation about the election results.

Two other Missouri attorneys, Dean John Sauer and Michael Talent, have also joined Trump’s appellate team.

Sauer, a former solicitor general in Missouri, entered an appearance in the case on Wednesday. He left the attorney general’s office earlier this year.

Talent, a former deputy solicitor general in Missouri who served from 2021 to 2022 and the son of former U.S. Sen. Jim Talent, has also joined the team, a Trump spokesperson confirmed.


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d69290 No.100885

File: 9966962e2507b18⋯.png (227.09 KB,1218x936,203:156,Clipboard.png)

File: d82634831c869b5⋯.png (68.24 KB,247x193,247:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 7557b8dd96d8fdc⋯.jpg (127.87 KB,828x718,414:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775221 (210928ZOCT23) Notable: China strikes back with restrictions on mineral critical to Biden EV push

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China strikes back with restrictions on mineral critical to Biden EV push

by Nancy Vu, Energy and Environment Reporter

October 21, 2023 05:00 AM

China announced plans on Friday to restrict exports of graphite, an essential ingredient in building batteries for electric vehicles, on national security grounds, according to the Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs.

The move is a threat to President Joe Biden's goals for electrifying the U.S. car fleet.

The new rules, which are expected to be implemented in December, would require export permits for artificial graphite, including high-purity, high-strength, and high-density materials, and natural graphite. The announcement comes just days after the United States imposed additional limits on the types of semiconductors that American companies can sell to Chinese companies.

China stands as the world’s most prominent producer and processor of graphite, accounting for an estimated 65% of total production, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The mineral is used virtually in all EV battery anodes, which are the negatively charged portion of the battery.

“This move is also very much a reminder [to] the world, ‘Hey, you are reliant on us for graphite and for anodes, and we’re not going anywhere,’” said Tom Moerenhout, a research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “It’s really just flexing a muscle — that’s basically what’s happening.”

This could escalate an already tense trade war between Washington and Beijing, which have gone toe to toe over the last year on access to computer chips and the equipment to make the chips. However, how significant the new rule will be depends on how strict China is on the licensing requirements in the coming months.

“In terms of the severity of how bad things could get, we haven't even scratched the surface, given the degree to which we have made ourselves beholden to China for these minerals that we need,” said Tristan Abbey, a director of energy and environment at the National Security Council during the Trump administration.

In July, Beijing imposed export restrictions on gallium and germanium, two minerals that are needed to make semiconductors. A month later, following the regulation, China’s export of the minerals fell to zero.

And just earlier this week, the Biden administration announced additional limits on the sales of advanced semiconductors by American firms, with rules that appear to halt most shipments from the U.S. to Chinese data centers.

The timing of these latest moves will also prove to be consequential with other decisions, according to Moerenhout. The Treasury Department still has to announce finalized rules clarifying the provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act meant to move supply chains out of China and into the U.S. or close allies. The proposed guidelines state that starting in 2024, vehicles seeking to qualify for the law’s EV tax credits cannot have battery components assembled in nonallied countries, such as North Korea, Russia, Iran, and China. The bill also said that beginning in 2025, an eligible vehicle cannot contain any critical minerals “extracted, processed, or recycled by a foreign entity of concern.”

However, these provisions have raised concerns for automakers that have historically relied on China for its critical mineral supply.

“The big difficulty is that they’re always going to harm one industry,” Moerenhout said. “There is no ‘foreign entity of concern’ implementation guidelines that’s going to satisfy everyone. It just doesn’t exist.”

The finalized guidelines are expected to drop before the end of the year.


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d69290 No.100886

File: 5815cfa74d475cf⋯.png (381.29 KB,870x904,435:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775235 (210941ZOCT23) Notable: Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump - TECHNO FOG

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Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump

Why Powell's plea deal doesn't help the RICO case against Trump


OCT 19, 2023

Today, Sidney Powell accepted a plea agreement from the Fulton County District Attorney, pleading to six counts of “Conspiracy to Commit Intentional Interference with Performance of Election Duties.”

Those are all misdemeanors. She faces six years of probation, a $6,000 fine, and has to pay $2,700 in restitution.

Call that a win for the defense. Here’s why.

Powell was indicted with seven felony counts: conspiracy to violate Georgia’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) statute; two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud; conspiracy to commit computer theft, trespass, and invasion of privacy; and conspiracy to defraud the state.

These charges are felonies that carry heavy penalties. A conviction under Georgia’s RICO conspiracy statute, for example, requires a punishment of between five and 20 years of imprisonment. See Ga. Code Ann. § 16-14-5.

That gets us to our second point – the risk of conviction.

Let me start by saying that I believe Powell is innocent, that there was no RICO conspiracy by her or anyone else, that the indictment, along with all overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy, is a joke. (More on the charged conduct and RICO below.) That this case never should have been brought, that it criminalizes political conduct. But I’m not a Fulton County juror. And you probably aren’t either.

When these cases go to trial (at this moment, nobody knows if Kenneth Chesebro will be offered, or accept, a plea deal or go to trial on October 23), the defendants will face a jury pool that is approximately 75% Democrat and only 25% Republican. The jurors will salivate at the chance to convict anyone associated with Donald Trump. We’ve seen it in DC with the January 6 defendants. We’ve seen it with the anti-Trump activist who lied to get on the Roger Stone jury. They’re not concerned about justice. It’s political.

Adding to the pressure is the cost and expense of trial. Back in September, the Fulton County District Attorneys estimated this case would take four months. There would be hundreds of witnesses, even before the defense got to their case in chief. That’s the type of trial that could bankrupt a defendant.

The Fulton County District Attorney knows that, and probably threatened the excessively-long trial to increase the pressure on Powell and Chesebro (the only two defendants who demanded a speedy trial) to accept a plea deal. It’s just another example of the unethical conduct of the zealous Fulton County prosecutors, who have engaged in very public evils from withholding exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating a prosecutor’s duty to do justice) to lying about Georgia law to the trial judge. (We’ll add that the plea deal further demonstrates unethical behavior, as it shows the prosecutors overcharged Powell.)

The deal also shows that Fulton County prosecutors don’t want to go to trial right now. Spending four months in the courtroom and presenting hundreds of witnesses would only help the defense of Donald Trump. There would be no surprises at Trump’s trial - all the witnesses would be on record, the weaknesses of the prosecution would be exposed.

Anyways, with all these factors at play, it’s no surprise that a misdemeanor plea deal might be the best option. This is true even when you’re innocent. Principle is great, but the system doesn’t work for the innocent. Trial is a terrible place to get to the truth. It’s an even worse place for justice. Better to accept a misdemeanor and go home instead of facing the near-certainty of 5+ years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

This gets us to another important matter – accusations that Powell is now “cooperating” against Donald Trump.

Tim Pool, for example, said Powell would “blame Trump for everything.” Lawyer Elie Honig, perhaps the most obtuse legal commentator on cable news, on CNN called this a “big breakthrough for prosecutors” in their case against Trump. He further alleged:

“She’s going to have to admit that, ‘yes, we were trying to steal the election, yes, I knew it was illegal, and yes, it was in fact a crime,’” Honig said. “All of that is in play for her testimony against all of the 17 other co-defendants, including Donald Trump.”

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d69290 No.100887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775236 (210942ZOCT23) Notable: Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump - TECHNO FOG

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We’re not buying it. Let’s break down why.

First, Honig (and many others) are claiming – wrongfully – that Powell has no choice but to implicate Trump in the RICO conspiracy.

These predictions defy the fact that Powell did not plead guilty to the principal charge against Trump: the RICO conspiracy. She did not admit that she was part of a criminal enterprise with Trump, et al. to “unlawfully” change the results of the 2020 election. She did not admit that she conspired to violate Georgia’s RICO statute with Trump or anyone else.

Instead, her plea deal is narrow and only relates to conduct that occurred in Coffee County, Georgia, where contractors accessed voting machines with the permission of local officials. Let us add a few words about those charges: Coffee County officials gave a written invitation for contractors from technical group SullivanStrickler to access their voting machines. Powell didn’t authorize those actions; she approved payment to SullivanStrickler after the fact. Of course, Fulton County maintains that local officials had no authority to grant access to voting machines, therefore making all of their actions illegal. (Authority would have been an issue at Powell’s trial.) In any event, Fulton County has no evidence that Powell or anyone from SullivanStrickler knew that Coffee County officials didn’t have this authority.

But Fulton County isn’t accusing Trump of directing, being involved with, or even knowing about what occurred in Coffee County. Thus, Powell’s plea to the Coffee County charges does not, and will not, directly implicate Trump.

Second, there are claims that Powell might have other information that will hurt Trump. Nobody has offered specifics; even The New York Times admitted “it remains unclear what Ms. Powell might say about Mr. Trump if called upon to testify against him.”

One topic might be the December 18, 2020 meeting at the White House with President Trump, General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Emily Newman, and Patrick Byrne. Yet it’s unlikely that Powell will offer anything new about that meeting. It was the subject of numerous depositions in the House Select Committee to Investigate January 6. Powell was deposed on that issue. So too was Byrne. Ideas were floated during that perfectly legal meeting – none of them being criminal – including Powell’s proposal that Trump secure voting machines and

“have them inspected by a professional, nonpartisan, bipartisan group of experts in a transparent fashion to obtain whatever evidence was on those machines to resolve the issue hopefully, you know, finally put the whole thing to bed, whichever way it came out.”

Relating to the point of what Powell might know, or what she might testify about, recall that she was actually disavowed by Trump’s legal team (Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani) in late November 2020. Powell filed cases in Michigan and elsewhere, while Team Trump pursued their own legal strategies. There was no meeting of the minds between the two camps. As far as litigation strategy goes, Powell was excluded from what Trump’s legal team was doing. The indictment doesn’t suggest that Powell had such extensive contact with Trump that she could testify to his election certification efforts on January 6 or his state of mind concerning the 2020 election. Thus, we’re doubtful she has anything of value to offer Fulton County prosecutors against Trump.

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d69290 No.100888

File: 842d5cff342ab1b⋯.jpg (131.53 KB,720x801,80:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775237 (210942ZOCT23) Notable: Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t stop laughing at a dead body

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Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t stop laughing at a dead body

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d69290 No.100889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775238 (210942ZOCT23) Notable: Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump - TECHNO FOG

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Finally, the nature of the RICO conspiracy charge against Trump doesn’t require Powell’s cooperation.

To explain, the RICO conspiracy charge requires: (1) a conspiracy to violate Georgia’s RICO statute; and (2) any member of the enterprise to commit “any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy.” Ga. Code Ann. § 16-14-4.

The State’s theory of the case is that Trump, et al. conspired to unlawfully change the results of the 2020 election. Thus, to prove the RICO conspiracy, they just need one overt act from any member of the enterprise (this could be from any of the 19 defendants or the numerous unindicted co-conspirators).

Now take a look at the indictment. It alleges 161 overt acts that were done to further the object of the conspiracy (the purported “unlawful” effort to change the results of the 2020 election), from Trump’s tweets to various legal memos from Trump’s lawyers (and other lawyers) interpreting the Electoral College Act or how Vice President Pence should proceed with the certification on January 6, 2021 to Trump’s calls with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Even if Powell were out of the case, even if she were deleted from the indictment and wiped clean prosecutors’ memory, they would still have 150+ overt acts which they say effected the alleged conspiracy. And under Georgia law, they only need to show one overt act to support the RICO conspiracy charge.

Our point is that Powell isn’t an essential witness to prove the State’s case against Trump. What she pleaded to – the Coffee County charges – has nothing to do with Trump. Speculation that she will cooperate against Trump, or somehow implicate Trump in the RICO conspiracy, isn’t supported by the facts. After all, she didn’t plead guilty to being part of a RICO conspiracy.


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d69290 No.100890

File: f68772393f3d218⋯.jpg (8.25 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775243 (210945ZOCT23) Notable: Will Scharf, Repub candidate Missouri AG joins Trump’s legal J6 team

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>Trump’s legal team filed a notice of appeal on Tuesday. A campaign spokesperson in a statement to The Star painted the gag order as a violation of Trump’s First Amendment rights and said his team planned to file an emergency motion to stay the order.

Looks like I was right again anons:

>>99716 pb my post from the 17th

President Trump hope this message finds you:

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution all but forbids state or federal courts from imposing gag orders on the press. E.g., United States v. Quattrone, 402 F. 3d 304, 309–10 (2d Cir.

unconstitutional, unenforceable

It is up to a defendant to waive his rights to the 1st, 5th, and 6th amendment not the courts rights to take them away or abridge them.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech

>>100773 pb on the 20th

Trump Files Motion To Stay Federal Gag Order, Judge Chutkan Relents Temporarily

Godspeed Patriots!

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d69290 No.100891

File: a31fcc73e38e2f8⋯.jpeg (463.62 KB,2048x1087,2048:1087,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775253 (210951ZOCT23) Notable: ems say FROG x Trump n Eric saying henlo

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(picrel), could also be Flame Resistant Organizational Gear.

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d69290 No.100892

File: 6ed1bebf76d8620⋯.png (54.96 KB,851x360,851:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 714abd244ea6ba9⋯.png (253.09 KB,640x327,640:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775261 (210959ZOCT23) Notable: ems say FROG x Trump n Eric saying henlo

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d69290 No.100893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775272 (211006ZOCT23) Notable: Google quietly corrects previously submitted disclosure for critical webp 0-day

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This is why you ban posters for posting images with payloads.

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d69290 No.100894

File: 90485dbf1634829⋯.png (230.52 KB,867x948,289:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775278 (211011ZOCT23) Notable: RFK Jr. vows to reform NIH 'overnight' if elected

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RFK Jr. vows to reform NIH 'overnight' if elected

by Gabrielle M. Etzel, Healthcare Reporter

October 21, 2023 06:00 AM

EXCLUSIVE — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he aims to overhaul the National Institutes of Health unilaterally to address the high prevalence of chronic disease, criticizing his opponents in the 2024 presidential campaign as maintaining a status quo that benefits pharmaceutical companies.

Kennedy, who has long clashed with the public health establishment over vaccines and other matters, told the Washington Examiner in an exclusive interview that he will redirect the $42 billion in research funds for the NIH away from what he calls the “mercantile interests of the pharmaceutical industry."

“In my first week in office, I’m going to assemble the upper echelon of the NIH, and we’re going to redirect [our] research funding,” Kennedy said. “We’re going to find out what is making our kids the sickest generation in history.”

Kennedy said he primarily wants to target neurological disorders diagnosed during childhood, including autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and learning disabilities. He also said he is concerned by autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.

Kennedy cited data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that one in every 36 children could be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder as of 2020, while it was only one in 150 in 2000. Kennedy also pointed to data from the Environmental Protection Agency finding increases in neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism, learning disabilities, attention disorders, and intellectual disabilities, since the 1990s.

Most health experts say the apparent rise in such conditions is attributable primarily to changes in diagnostic criteria for neurodevelopmental disorders as well as improved access to screening beginning in the late 1980s.

There is also wide agreement that there is no connection between autism and vaccination. But Kennedy has come under significant criticism for his assertion that childhood vaccines are causally related to the increasing prevalence of autism, most famously in his 2005 article “Deadly Immunity.” In 2007, Kennedy founded Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit organization highly critical of vaccinations as well as environmental exposure to toxic chemicals for their supposed common link to neurological and autoimmune chronic conditions.

The son of the late Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy gained notoriety as well as a stronger political following during the coronavirus pandemic for criticizing mRNA vaccines, vaccine mandates, and the speed with which COVID-19 vaccines entered the market. His comments about vaccines led to bans from several social media platforms and condemnation from family members.

“Genes don’t cause epidemics,” Kennedy told the Washington Examiner. “They can provide vulnerabilities, but you need environmental toxins.”

Kennedy told the Washington Examiner that there are “probably under 20 [environmental] culprits” that he would instruct the NIH to prioritize in its investigation — ranging from pesticides and fertilizers to flame retardant chemicals in toys and children’s clothes.

"Unfortunately, we have public health agencies that are unwilling to look at the etiology of these chronic diseases," Kennedy said. "We need better science ... to identify the culprit, and we need to eliminate the exposure."

Kennedy said Republicans and Democrats alike have allowed the public health bureaucracy to profit from the development of research emphasizing treatments and vaccines for infectious diseases rather than finding the root causes of chronic disorders. He said the NIH has perpetuated a cycle of “developing new drugs, incubating new drugs, and then splitting the royalties with pharma."

Kennedy said he would expeditiously override health officials who might be opposed to changes in research priorities.

"I'll do it overnight," he said. "I know I can order the NIH what to fund and what not to. It's not statutory. These are policy decisions that are made by individual bureaucrats who work for the president. They're all in the executive branch."

Kennedy also said that on day one in the Oval Office, he would prohibit television advertising for pharmaceutical products to curb the influence of the industry. The United States and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs.

"The key priority right now for American healthcare is eliminating chronic disease, and that's what it will be under my administration," Kennedy said.


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d69290 No.100895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775279 (211011ZOCT23) Notable: RFK Jr. vows to reform NIH 'overnight' if elected

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“Genes don’t cause epidemics,” Kennedy told the Washington Examiner. “They can provide vulnerabilities, but you need environmental toxins.”

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d69290 No.100896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775284 (211016ZOCT23) Notable: Will Scharf, Repub candidate Missouri AG joins Trump’s legal J6 team

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>ad your post on the 17th, kept it in mind

Thank you, you see Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech as it is unconstitutional and unenforceable. The US Constitution is the Supreme law of the land. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.

Gag orders were invented for one purpose only, and that is to control the narrative, under the guise of protecting a case from being tainted. This allows the courts, Da's and prosecutors to play their game of "Undue Stress" and answer my boolean questioning that steers you into a dead end designed for your demise; this is what they practice whether they know it or not. This is also highly illegal in contract law. It is illegal to not allow people to think before entering a contract by pressuring them. A gag is the control of speech and information for put undue stress on defendants and jurors alike.

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d69290 No.100897

File: f08700d5bf3e45c⋯.jpeg (38.25 KB,896x353,896:353,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775291 (211025ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder - 3 yr delta - Booms En_Route tomorrow

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Booms En_Route tomorrow.

This is not a drill.


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d69290 No.100898

File: 069c1822c0cbbea⋯.png (52.35 KB,764x571,764:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775299 (211029ZOCT23) Notable: After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

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After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC

Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

Newsbusters, by Nicholas Fondacaro

Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 10:36:17 PM

“No evidence” was the liberal media’s communal cry when House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and the other Republicans on the committee exposed the Biden family’s web of shell companies that were allegedly used to take in money for corrupt means. The media proclaimed it didn’t mean anything because it supposedly wasn’t linked to President Biden directly. But on Friday, after Comer revealed direct payments to Biden, the liberal broadcast networks ignored it. Instead of reporting on Comer’s latest revelation, ABC’s World News Tonight spent over a minute (1:08) gushing about Lady Gaga singing with The Rolling Stones. CBS Evening News found rain in the northeast to be more important.

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d69290 No.100899

File: 1672a714d6296a0⋯.png (56.37 KB,657x419,657:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775305 (211033ZOCT23) Notable: Supreme Court lifts restrictions Joe Biden's admin pushing removal of controversial Facebook and X posts

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Supreme Court lifts restrictions on Joe

Biden's administration pushing for the

removal of controversial Facebook and

X posts about COVID and election security

Associated Press, by Staff

Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 10:29:36 PM

The Supreme Court on Friday said it would indefinitely block a lower court order curbing Biden administration efforts to combat controversial social media posts on topics including COVID-19 and election security. The justices said they would hear arguments in a lawsuit filed by Louisiana, Missouri and other parties accusing administration officials of unconstitutionally squelching conservative points of view. The new case adds to a term already heavy with social media issues.Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas would have rejected the emergency appeal from the Biden administration.

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d69290 No.100900

File: d2170c803614605⋯.png (592.81 KB,895x824,895:824,Clipboard.png)

File: 915751cc50e3455⋯.png (817.52 KB,1228x948,307:237,Clipboard.png)

File: d0a785c56d3d7d3⋯.png (1.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775310 (211037ZOCT23) Notable: Halt All Future mRNA Vaccine Development

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Peter McCullough, MD, MPH™️


Vaccine mRNA does not exclude the heart. This means all future mRNA vaccines are like to have cardiac toxicity. Until there are design features that can dramatically improve the pre-clinical profile of mRNA. All development must stop.

Oct 21, 2023, 6:23 AM


Halt All Future mRNA Vaccine Development Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough Raises Concern over Direct Cardiac Toxicity

By Peter A. McCullough

On October 18, 2023, I appeared on Grant Stinchfield on Real America's Voice, Stinchfield Tonight and reviewed a recent publication by Schreckenberg et al who demonstrated direct cardiotoxicity of both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines on heart muscle cells within 48 hours. This type of preclinical safety information should halt all…


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d69290 No.100901

File: 91ecaedf1d4e66c⋯.png (39.46 KB,908x399,908:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775311 (211037ZOCT23) Notable: Judge temporarily lifts narrow gag order on Trump in 2020 election interference case

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Judge temporarily lifts narrow gag order

on Trump in 2020 election interference case

Associated Press, by Alanna Durkin Richer

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/21/2023 1:11:11 AM

The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s 2020 election interference case in Washington agreed Friday to temporarily lift her narrow gag order. The ruling gives Trump’s lawyers time to prove why the former president’s comments should not be restricted as the case heads toward trial. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said the gag order would remain on hold — for now — while she considers Trump’s bid to speak freely about the case as he challenges the restrictions in higher courts. The gag order Chutkan issued Monday barred him from making public statements targeting prosecutors, court staff and potential witnesses. It’s the most serious restriction a court has placed on Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric,

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d69290 No.100902

File: 742232363ffac4b⋯.png (234.03 KB,587x461,587:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775316 (211040ZOCT23) Notable: California judge temporarily blocks part of parental notification policy for gender changes

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John Solomon


California judge temporarily blocks part of parental notification policy for gender changes | Just The News justthenews.com/nation/states/

CA judge temporarily blocks part of parental notification policy for gender changes

Gender notification policies have become a critical issue in California politics, including the recent introduction of three statewide ballot measures for circulation by parent activist group Protect Kids…


Oct 20, 2023, 10:33 PM

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d69290 No.100903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775330 (211047ZOCT23) Notable: Will Scharf, Repub candidate Missouri AG joins Trump’s legal J6 team

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>>100890, >>100896 It is illegal to not allow people to think before entering a contract by pressuring them. A gag is the control of speech and information for put undue stress on defendants and jurors alike.


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d69290 No.100904

File: fb0f33142ae896a⋯.png (35.89 KB,665x301,95:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775333 (211048ZOCT23) Notable: Greta Thunberg deletes 'I stand with Gaza' SM post, critics claimed stuffed octopus anti-Semitic' symbol

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Greta Thunberg deletes 'I stand with Gaza' social media post after critics claimed stuffed octopus in photo could be viewed as an 'anti-Semitic' symbol - as she says the toy helps with her autism

By Rory Tingle

Published: 08:57 EDT, 20 October 2023 | Updated: 16:03 EDT, 20 October 2023

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d69290 No.100905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775337 (211050ZOCT23) Notable: The Army PsyOps folks at Bragg are using TikTok just like IDF

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The TikTok E-Girl Warfare Conspiracy... (theory)


The Army PsyOps folks at Bragg are using TikTok just like IDF.

"If we locate a 15 year old stand out, we're gonna message their IP and tell them that they are very special, and that were going to give the $100K and a full ride scholarship to Harvard"

- Military PsyOp Recruiter

Pretty fucking creepy.

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d69290 No.100906

File: de3fc561b9d4ebc⋯.png (993.66 KB,1080x1430,108:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775347 (211055ZOCT23) Notable: The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military

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You want to smell fat black women farts all day then join the military...lol

Lloyd Austin supplied ISIS for Barack Obama in Iraq now Lloyd Austin and Garrison Bishop's job since 2021 is to get all MAGA patriots out of the US Military.

Read about Garrison Bishop's role at the defense department this guy is a very sick racist piece of shit.








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d69290 No.100907

File: 6eaa6913d2e5db7⋯.png (65.01 KB,816x353,816:353,Clipboard.png)

File: d34ddb0fc10a326⋯.png (172.09 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d862efa9622711⋯.png (52.65 KB,250x167,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: f08294eee419c19⋯.png (473.56 KB,821x862,821:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775384 (211115ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Iran envoy, suspected Tehran collaborator ROBERT MALLEY unpaid leave pending FBI probe

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Paul Sperry


NEW:Biden Iran envoysuspected Tehran collaborator ROBERT MALLEY on unpaid leave pending FBI security probeis Red-diaper baby whose communist parents fought for Algerian Liberation Front vs Western "colonialists" & shared hatred of Israel. Like Obama, big fans of Frantz Fanon

9:33 PM · Oct 20, 2023





How does someone like that get any level of security clearance? I wouldn't expect him to even be able to work as a janitor in a government building.

All roads lead to Barry.

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d69290 No.100908

File: b51a7db2097936f⋯.png (94.14 KB,679x356,679:356,Clipboard.png)

File: f71095577a1a755⋯.png (818.74 KB,860x484,215:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 926408628e943cc⋯.png (549.12 KB,736x514,368:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775392 (211118ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Iran envoy, suspected Tehran collaborator ROBERT MALLEY unpaid leave pending FBI probe

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@Rob_Malley’s Iranian Hojatieh Psycho spy Ariane Tabatabai still has her $153,434-a-year job at the Pentagon, along with her top secret security clearance.


Ariane Tabatabai is an Iranian-American scholar of political science, writer, and senior policy advisor to the United States Department of Defense. She is a graduate of King's College London and the daughter of Javad Tabatabai, an Iranian philosopher and professor at the University of Tehran.2 Ariane M. Tabatabai is an associate political scientist at the RAND Corporation and has previously served as the director of curriculum and a visiting assistant professor of security studies at the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and an international civilian consultant for NATO.1 She was the Middle East Fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and an adjunct senior research scholar at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. She is also a Truman national security fellow and a Council on Foreign Relations term member.0

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d69290 No.100909

File: 1f21ef9d8384db9⋯.png (68.1 KB,839x349,839:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775401 (211122ZOCT23) Notable: Atlanta DA Fani Willis' assistant tried tell Texan Sidney Powell couldnt possess firearms during probation

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Paul Sperry


BREAKING:Atlanta DA Fani Willis' assistant tried to tell Texan Sidney Powell she couldnt possess any firearms during her 6 yrs on probation,before the judge corrected her, asking if she's sure that were true for a misdemeanor. "I'm not certain," the prosecutor replied #ClownShow

2:25 PM · Oct 19, 2023





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d69290 No.100910

File: 70f96d353a110f0⋯.png (811.23 KB,587x804,587:804,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775410 (211126ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: Frogmam in Vegas

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Kash Patel


Frogmam in Vegas

Oct 20, 2023, 7:11 PM

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d69290 No.100911

File: 41d33e5bea19d83⋯.png (194.45 KB,854x625,854:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fdf58204f0b758⋯.png (277.86 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775411 (211126ZOCT23) Notable: After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

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Paul Sperry reposted

Oversight Committee


2:30 PM · Oct 20, 2023





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d69290 No.100912

File: 4e9ac01ed89cdfc⋯.png (398.74 KB,687x900,229:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775424 (211129ZOCT23) Notable: After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

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d69290 No.100913

File: 3ca46781352b313⋯.png (1.97 MB,1489x889,1489:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775442 (211136ZOCT23) Notable: Derek Johnson: What is Happening in Israel from a Military Perspective

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Derek Johnson: What is Happening in Israel from a Military Perspective

Elijah Streams

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d69290 No.100914

File: bae5e00cef2f63e⋯.png (158.46 KB,769x810,769:810,Clipboard.png)

File: a619cc7a51712a6⋯.png (317.91 KB,900x578,450:289,Clipboard.png)

File: b7db473d4e15c2d⋯.png (142.16 KB,900x383,900:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775446 (211137ZOCT23) Notable: Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent-54 pages of straw grasping to justify unprecedented criminal prosecution of a former president on dubious charges with comical evidence.

And Trump can't publicly respond...


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




Smith is actually comparing the post-Enron obstruction felony, misused by DOJ and at risk of being reversed by SCOTUS, to murder. Not just a thug, a moron.

And DO TELL ABOUT A PRESIDENT TAKING BRIBES...would this apply to a vice president?

Just wondering.

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




Let's remember this.

Election interference is criminal, Jack Smith says so!

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d69290 No.100915

File: 5369691d03c8478⋯.png (77.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775450 (211139ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: Frogmam in Vegas

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it fucking sings. At some hotel called the Wynn.

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d69290 No.100916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775455 (211140ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: Frogmam in Vegas

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Who's "playing for" the Wynn (win)?

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d69290 No.100917

File: 2ae407eb0befc97⋯.png (11.66 KB,585x155,117:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775461 (211143ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Deutsche Bank to pay $75 million settlement with Epstein accusers, per Reuters

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BREAKING: Deutsche Bank to pay $75 million settlement with Epstein accusers, per Reuters.

9:46 AM · Oct 20, 2023




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d69290 No.100918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775465 (211144ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: Frogmam in Vegas

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d69290 No.100919

File: 7d2bad9f39541a1⋯.png (62.1 KB,900x327,300:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775491 (211153ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: We are heading to World War III because of grossly incompetent leadership

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Donald J. Trump


We are heading to World War III because of grossly incompetent leadership, headed by a President that doesn’t have a clue, although he did have the sense to just join TRUTH, the real VOICE OF AMERICA. Congratulations Joe, at least, on that!

Oct 21, 2023, 7:18 AM


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d69290 No.100920

File: 9e024b0424d44b2⋯.png (40.07 KB,918x248,459:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775493 (211153ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: HAS ANYONE NOTICED HOW “HOT” TRUTH (SOCIAL) HAS BECOME?

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 21, 2023, 7:24 AM


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d69290 No.100921

File: 9e024b0424d44b2⋯.png (40.07 KB,918x248,459:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 45d822a2c3fab70⋯.png (264.52 KB,424x426,212:213,Clipboard.png)

File: fa343223f96c540⋯.png (935.29 KB,860x860,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 66be25bf83d4769⋯.png (687.69 KB,860x484,215:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775497 (211155ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Great job by Congressman Michael Waltz on Fox & Friends Saturday

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Donald J. Trump


Great job by Congressman Michael Waltz on Fox & Friends Saturday: “The entire world needs to see strength, needs to see clarity, people need to understand what ‘decision’ is, we need a Commander In Chief whose number one job is to keep us safe. This is why we can’t get to November, 2024, fast enough. We need to get President Trump back in. This wouldn’t be happening in the first place if he were there. With certainty we would would know where he stands, and where America stands.”

Oct 21, 2023, 7:43 AM


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d69290 No.100922

File: 2e2d37c94d151af⋯.jpg (51.44 KB,960x360,8:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 61b5314ab076625⋯.png (36.62 KB,668x445,668:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 54d989e6509cc7f⋯.png (177.47 KB,2454x1474,1227:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775518 (211201ZOCT23) Notable: Day of Days Event, Saturday, October 21, L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles

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Day of Days Event, Saturday, October 21, L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles

The stars of Days of our Lives will once again be coming together for the annual “Day of Days” fan event, returning to L.A. LIVE for the second year in a row, on Saturday, October 21 at Peacock Place (formerly known as Xbox Plaza) in Los Angeles.

The celebration of one of television’s most iconic daytime series begins at 10am PT and includes the opportunity to meet their favorite cast members in person as well as participate in autograph signings, a Q&A session with the cast, and much more throughout the day.



Mentioned in a very old bread #23898, more info in notable:

>>85132 Days of Day 2023, a Fan Event Celebrating Days of Our Lives - Q Drop on same

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d69290 No.100923

File: 539ae88e3e04c98⋯.png (1.28 MB,2887x769,2887:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775548 (211210ZOCT23) Notable: Day of Days Event, Saturday, October 21, L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles

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>Day of Days

On the clock.

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d69290 No.100924

File: eb0b6854db418fa⋯.png (218.66 KB,868x897,868:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775553 (211212ZOCT23) Notable: K Patel: connections w/3 SR Biden intel officials; Robert Malley, Ariane Tabatabai, Maher Bitar, Hamas & Iran

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🚨NEW -Kash Patel highlights the unbelievable connections between three senior Biden intelligence officials—Robert Malley, Ariane Tabatabai, and Maher Bitar—and their associations with Hamas and Iran.

On June 29, 2023,Robert Malleywas placed on unpaid leave from his role as Joe Biden's special envoy to Iran, and his security clearance was suspended due to an ongoing investigation into the potential mishandling of classified materials.

On September 29, 2023, Semafor reported that Malley was involved in funding, supporting, and directing an Iranian intelligence operation to influence the United States and allied governments, as revealed by a collection of Iranian government emails.

These emails suggested that Malley facilitated the placement of an Iranian agent of influence named Ariane Tabatabai in sensitive positions within the U.S. government, initially at the State Department and later at the Pentagon, where she has been serving as Chief of Staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations.

On October 16, 2023, Revolver News reported that Maher Bitar, who is Senior Director for Intelligence Programs on Joe Biden’s National Security Council, was also an executive director of the “Students for Justice in Palestine” group that reportedly responded to the recent Hamas terror attack on Israel by organizing a “Day of Resistance” in support of Hamas’ “historic win” against Israel.

Bitar was photographed wearing a black and white “keffiyeh,” a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, and standing in front of a sign that reads, “Divest from Israel Apartheid.”

Kash Patel has pointed out that Maher Bitar plays a significant role in determining intelligence prioritization for President Biden, even though there is a photo of him wearing Palestinian attire, calling for the economic and political boycott of Israel.

Robert Malley, who recently had his security clearance suspended by the FBI, installed Ariane Tabatabai at the Department of Defense as the Assistant Chief of Staff for the Special Operations Office.

Do you know what she did in 2014?

"She emailed Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and asked for permission as a U.S. citizen to take a trip on behalf of the US government. This individual is still employed at the DOD."



Baker, you should control F the name 'Robert Malley' , in this bread

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d69290 No.100925

File: 959c1f694f5b073⋯.jpeg (794.49 KB,1374x1236,229:206,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775554 (211213ZOCT23) Notable: Halt All Future mRNA Vaccine Development

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Big PHARMA has created a new heart issue called

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Whew, one less thing for pure bloods to worry about


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d69290 No.100926

File: 35c8a573c64619e⋯.png (766.52 KB,878x712,439:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775607 (211232ZOCT23) Notable: Lockdown sceptics are rapidly being vindicated

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Lockdown sceptics are rapidly being vindicated

The Covid inquiry has shown how the scientific process was perverted by advisers steeped in groupthink

Karol Sikora

21 October 2023 • 6:00am

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d69290 No.100927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775626 (211240ZOCT23) Notable: Lockdown sceptics are rapidly being vindicated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The Covid inquiry has shown how the scientific process was perverted by advisers steeped in groupthink

And Cash.

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d69290 No.100928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775634 (211245ZOCT23) Notable: SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA LUJAN TEST

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ArtIII.S2.C1.6.4.1 Overview of Lujan Test

Justice Antonin Scalia synthesized several of the Court’s standing cases from 1970s and 1980s to produce a three-part test.2 Writing for the Court, he stated that a litigant seeking to invoke the jurisdiction of a federal court must demonstrate that:

He has suffered an injury in fact that is concrete, particularized, and actual or imminent, not conjectural or hypothetical;

That a causal connection exists between the injury and the challenged conduct of the defendant, such that the injury is fairly traceable to the defendant’s conduct and not the result of action by third parties not before the court; and

That it is likely, as opposed to merely speculative, that the injury will be redressed by a favorable decision.3

This section explores the modern doctrine of Article III standing by examining cases in which the Supreme Court has interpreted and applied the three elements of the Lujan test in specific factual situations.

The first prong of the Lujan test requires a litigant to allege (and ultimately prove) that he has suffered an injury-in-fact. According to the Supreme Court, this key requirement has three components, obligating the litigant to demonstrate that he has suffered an injury that is (1) concrete, (2) particularized, and (3) actual or imminent.5 The meaning of each of these three components is best illustrated by a discussion of specific factual situations in which the Court has interpreted and applied it. The Lujan test also requires that a plaintiff be able to show causation and redressability.


Stop censoring hypothetical thought "crimes".

No actual, concrete, particularized injury to a Specific Plaintiff?

No crime.

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d69290 No.100929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775645 (211252ZOCT23) Notable: SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA LUJAN TEST

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>>100928 NOTABLE



The first prong of the Lujan test requires a litigant to allege (and ultimately prove) that he has suffered an injury-in-fact.


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d69290 No.100930

File: 71a340f80603360⋯.png (543.06 KB,1034x756,517:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775650 (211254ZOCT23) Notable: GOP House Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House

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You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House

Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros

Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House

– Who Wanted to End Electoral College

– AND There’s Video!

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: DW626, 10/21/2023 8:47:00 AM

As reported earlier House Republicans voted down their most popular and respected member, Jim Jordan for House Speaker today. The Republican lawmakers held a secret ballot away from their voters and overwhelmingly decided to oust Jordan from the Speaker’s race. The Republicans voted 112-86 in a secret ballot to oust the Ohio Republican from the race. The House of Representatives has been without a Speaker for more than 2 weeks after Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate the chair. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker earlier this month in a 216-210 vote. 8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy: Biggs, Buck, Burchett, Crane, Gaetz, Good, Mace, and Rosendale.

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d69290 No.100931

File: c9f669c2fabcb62⋯.png (28.58 KB,592x419,592:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775662 (211300ZOCT23) Notable: @DEFCONWSALERTS: Russia warns that there are no communication channels between Russia and the United States to reduce escalation

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Russia warns that there are no communication channels between Russia and the United States to reduce escalation.

Readers added context they thought people might want to know

The US and Russian governments have routine and well-established lines of communication, and frequent high-level exchanges and dialogues.

reuters.com/world/new-us-r… defense.gov/News/Releases/…

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Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

9:43 AM · Oct 20, 2022


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d69290 No.100932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775666 (211302ZOCT23) Notable: The Biden administration punishes speech and thought crime

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The Biden administration punishes speech

and thought crime

American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg

Posted By: DW626, 10/21/2023 8:39:27 AM

If our government does not respect the Constitution, we have no constitution. If the government refuses to stand behind the principles of free speech, the right to free assembly, the right to petition the government, the right to a speedy trial, etc., those rights don’t exist. Instead, we simply have rule down the barrel of a gun…a gun held only in government hands. I thought of that when I read about Doug Mackey, sent to federal prison for seven months because he insulted Hillary voters, and Ryan Kelley, given an extra-long prison sentence on a misdemeanor because he didn’t grovel sufficiently before his J6 hanging judge.

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d69290 No.100933

File: 8dd2a40c90e6e46⋯.png (745.91 KB,589x709,589:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775675 (211305ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino: 10/20-Sullivan County, NY

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d69290 No.100934

File: 449495658cb1985⋯.png (1012.88 KB,991x823,991:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775678 (211306ZOCT23) Notable: Biden: wrong states ban mutilation minor children while being interviewed by man pretending be woman

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Trans Activist Dylan Mulvaney Teases White House Meeting With Joe Biden, Claims President ‘Has Watched’ The Series ‘Days Of Girlhood’

By Amanda Harding

Oct 21, 2022 DailyWire.com


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d69290 No.100935

File: 3a94c3e90f0623b⋯.png (358.08 KB,591x515,591:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775685 (211308ZOCT23) Notable: Biden: wrong states ban mutilation minor children while being interviewed by man pretending be woman

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Greg Price


Biden says that it’s wrong for states to ban the mutilation of minor children while being interviewed by a man pretending to be a woman.


RNC Research

1:07 PM · Oct 23, 2022

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d69290 No.100936

File: 537dbd7e5bf0053⋯.jpg (72.42 KB,1080x552,45:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775802 (211353ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000128

Muslims Protest Around The World As Israeli Government Vows Jihad



Muslims Protest Around The World As Israeli Government Vows Jihad



As an unrelenting Israeli bombardment intensified on Saturday, bakeries in Gaza were running out of bread, drinking water was in short supply and power outages left families without charged phones to find out if fleeing relatives were safe.


Israeli Debt Faces Downgrade By Moody's


Judicial Watch Announces Premiere Of ‘Censored and Controlled’ Documentary, Files Lawsuits Against US Government


Governments Are Desperate For Censorship During This Manufactured War Time Crisis


China Completes First Digital Yuan Purchase For Cross-Border Oil Transaction


India Rejects Russian Demand To Pay For Oil In Chinese Yuan


How To Survive A Nuclear War For Dummies


MY COMMENT: Surviving a nuclear war really depends on being far enough away from major cities and nuclear targets! It also depends if you and your family have enough essential supplies stocked up in a basement or in a bunker to survive off-grid, as well as Potassium Iodide to protect yourself from fallout radiation! REMEMBER: (for example) if a nuke goes off in a major city and you are living in some mid-sized suburban town 40 miles away you'll need to bunker underground with everything you need to survive for at least two weeks until the radioactive fallout clears up! If you were go outside for more than five minutes during the fallout? You'll get cancer, your cells will start to mutate and you die a horrible death.

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d69290 No.100937

File: 575ccf78ba894cb⋯.jpeg (886.25 KB,1303x1298,1303:1298,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a63670f747728f4⋯.jpeg (816.83 KB,1361x1295,1361:1295,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775854 (211407ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden Chin Video & Photos Spark Social Media Trend

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MSN writes Story without Pic?


Do they think u are Stupid?

Joe Biden Chin Video & Photos Spark Social Media Trend


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d69290 No.100938

File: 5f767de8386a233⋯.png (346.07 KB,608x523,608:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775870 (211411ZOCT23) Notable: “The pro-Hamas narrative being taught in our schools and blared on the front pages of our newspapers and tv shows is little more than vicious antisemitism masquerading as virtue.”

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Jason Miller


MUST-READ from ⁦@KariLake


“The pro-Hamas narrative being taught in our schools and blared on the front pages of our newspapers and tv shows is little more than vicious antisemitism masquerading as virtue.”

2:49 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.100939

File: 3ba409aae175221⋯.png (356.42 KB,596x472,149:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775877 (211415ZOCT23) Notable: NATO Sends Drones, Planes And Ships To Baltic Sea Following Suspected Undersea Sabotage

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NATO Sends Drones, Planes And Ships To Baltic Sea Following Suspected Undersea Sabotage

2:20 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.100940

File: 176007216a814d7⋯.png (1.02 MB,874x779,46:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775884 (211418ZOCT23) Notable: Globalists Are Pushing the ‘United States of Europe’ Again, and Want Brexit Britain to Join.

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

1 min ago

Jack Montgomery



Globalists Are Pushing the ‘United States of Europe’ Again, and Want Brexit Britain to Join.

Despite the United Kingdom having voted to leave in 2016, as well as increasing difficulties with eurosceptic governments in Central Europe, globalists have not given up their dream of smashing Europe’s ancient nation-states together into a U.S.-style federation, with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) renewing the case on Tuesday.

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d69290 No.100941

File: 1262cf0af884a7a⋯.png (1.19 MB,1072x818,536:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775903 (211421ZOCT23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Obama ‘Arrived at the Emergency Response Scene’

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Judicial Watch: Obama ‘Arrived at the

Emergency Response Scene’ Following

Tragic Drowning of his Chef Near His Home

– Secret Service Video Shows Chef Entering Water

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 10/21/2023 9:23:29 AM

Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, has released new records that reveal Barack Obama’s presence at the emergency scene following the tragic drowning of his family’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell. The records, obtained from the Massachusetts State Police, indicate that Obama arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade. Tafari Campbell, 45, met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha’s Vineyard, on July 23 with an unnamed female staffer of the Obama family.

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d69290 No.100942

File: 5f6d0ef04e99e05⋯.png (837.41 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775985 (211451ZOCT23) Notable: NATO Sends Drones, Planes And Ships To Baltic Sea Following Suspected Undersea Sabotage

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>Undersea Sabotage of what? Where?

An undersea telecoms cable connecting Estonia and Sweden has been damaged, the Swedish government has announced.


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d69290 No.100943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775996 (211458ZOCT23) Notable: #24282-B

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some extras as needed

#24282 >>100865

>>100872 Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

>>100881, >>100882

France evacuates airports over hoax bomb threats - media

>>100884, >>100890 Republican candidate for Missouri attorney general joins Trump’s legal team in Jan. 6 case

>>100885 China strikes back with restrictions on mineral critical to Biden EV push

>>100886, >>100887, >>100889 Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump

>>100893 Google quietly corrects previously submitted disclosure for critical webp 0-day

>>100894 RFK Jr. vows to reform NIH 'overnight' if elected

>>100897 Reminder - 3 yr delta - Booms En_Route tomorrow

>>100898 After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

>>100899 Supreme Court lifts restrictions on Joe Biden's administration pushing for the removal of controversial Facebook and X posts about COVID and election security

>>100900, >>100925 Halt All Future mRNA Vaccine Development

>>100901 Judge temporarily lifts narrow gag order on Trump in 2020 election interference case

>>100904 Greta Thunberg deletes 'I stand with Gaza' social media post after critics claimed stuffed octopus in photo could be viewed as an 'anti-Semitic' symbol - as she says the toy helps with her autism

>>100906 Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military

>>100907, >>100908 Biden Iran envoy-suspected Tehran collaborator ROBERT MALLEY on unpaid leave pending FBI security probe

>>100914 Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent

>>100919 DJT - TruthSocial - We are heading to World War III because of grossly incompetent leadership

>>100921 Great job by Congressman Michael Waltz on Fox & Friends Saturday

>>100924 Kash Patel highlights the unbelievable connections between three senior Biden intelligence officials—Robert Malley, Ariane Tabatabai, and Maher Bitar—and their associations with Hamas and Iran.

>>100926 Lockdown sceptics are rapidly being vindicated

>>100930 You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House – Who Wanted to End Electoral College – AND There’s Video!

>>100932 The Biden administration punishes speech and thought crimes

>>100937 Joe Biden Chin Video & Photos Spark Social Media Trend

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100944

File: f03d2ef817cdbf0⋯.png (184.19 KB,530x582,265:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776046 (211514ZOCT23) Notable: Navy / Mil Twats: EAST CHINA SEA

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Flame on! 🔥 🛫 ⚓

📍 EAST CHINA SEA (Oct. 17, 2023) An F/A-18E Super Hornet attached to the Royal Maces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27 takes off from the flight deck of the U.S. Navy's only forward-deployed aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76).


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d69290 No.100945

File: 9f7a85896a757f6⋯.png (25.78 KB,587x293,587:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776075 (211524ZOCT23) Notable: Ezra Cohen: What about an apology for the mass violence your organization incited? It’s the least you can do.

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Ezra A. Cohen


What about an apology for the mass violence your organization incited? It’s the least you can do.


Square profile picture

The Associated Press




An Associated Press visual analysis finds that the deadly blast that rocked a Gaza hospital was likely caused by a rocket fired from inside Palestinian territory that veered off course, broke up in the air and crashed to the ground. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hospital-rocket-gaza-e0fa550faa4678f024797b72132452e3?taid=653359761b640e00010945be&utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter

4:16 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.100946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776079 (211525ZOCT23) Notable: #24282-A

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TY fren, added ones I missed. o7






#24282 >>100865

>>100866 Kanye West says he can't be controlled because he hasn't killed anyone..

>>100869 FL Congressman Byron Donalds announces will run to become 1st African American House Speaker in history

>>100870 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians

>>100871, >>100877, >>100878, >>100880 Palantir Stock Price Falls 3.59% October 19, 2023

>>100872 Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

>>100873, >>100910, >>100915, >>100918, >>100916 @Kash: Frogmam in Vegas

>>100874, >>100875, >>100876 Collaboration between US drug regulator/Gates Foundation has raised concerns

>>100879 Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’

>>100881, >>100882 France evacuates airports over hoax bomb threats - RT

>>100883 The Left Wants to Kill Comedy but They'll Never Stop Roseanne | TRIGGERED w/Don JR. Ep.78

>>100884, >>100890, >>100903, >>100896 Will Scharf, Repub candidate Missouri AG joins Trump’s legal J6 team

>>100885 China strikes back with restrictions on mineral critical to Biden EV push

>>100886, >>100887, >>100889 Prediction: Sidney Powell won't be cooperating against Trump - TECHNO FOG

>>100888 Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t stop laughing at a dead body

>>100867, >>100868, >>100891, >>100892 ems say FROG x Trump n Eric saying henlo

>>100893 Google quietly corrects previously submitted disclosure for critical webp 0-day

>>100894, >>100895 RFK Jr. vows to reform NIH 'overnight' if elected

>>100897 Reminder - 3 yr delta - Booms En_Route tomorrow

>>100898, >>100911, >>100912 After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

>>100899 Supreme Court lifts restrictions Joe Biden's admin pushing removal of controversial Facebook and X posts

>>100900, >>100925 Halt All Future mRNA Vaccine Development

>>100901 Judge temporarily lifts narrow gag order on Trump in 2020 election interference case

>>100902 California judge temporarily blocks part of parental notification policy for gender changes

>>100904 Greta Thunberg deletes 'I stand with Gaza' SM post, critics claimed stuffed octopus anti-Semitic' symbol

>>100905 The Army PsyOps folks at Bragg are using TikTok just like IDF

>>100906 The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military

>>100907, >>100908 Biden Iran envoy, suspected Tehran collaborator ROBERT MALLEY unpaid leave pending FBI probe

>>100909 Atlanta DA Fani Willis' assistant tried tell Texan Sidney Powell couldnt possess firearms during probation

>>100913 Derek Johnson: What is Happening in Israel from a Military Perspective

>>100914 Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent

>>100917 BREAKING: Deutsche Bank to pay $75 million settlement with Epstein accusers, per Reuters

>>100919 @realDonaldTrump: We are heading to World War III because of grossly incompetent leadership


>>100921 @realDonaldTrump: Great job by Congressman Michael Waltz on Fox & Friends Saturday

>>100922, >>100923 Day of Days Event, Saturday, October 21, L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles

>>100924 K Patel: connections w/3 SR Biden intel officials; Robert Malley, Ariane Tabatabai, Maher Bitar, Hamas & Iran

>>100926, >>100927 Lockdown sceptics are rapidly being vindicated


>>100930 GOP House Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House

>>100931 @DEFCONWSALERTS: Russia warns that there are no communication channels between Russia and the United States to reduce escalation

>>100932 The Biden administration punishes speech and thought crime

>>100933 @DanScavino: 10/20–Sullivan County, NY

>>100935, >>100934 Biden: wrong states ban mutilation minor children while being interviewed by man pretending be woman

>>100936 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1

>>100937 Joe Biden Chin Video & Photos Spark Social Media Trend

#24282 Posted in #24283

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.100947

File: 35dd4db7f35d31e⋯.png (716.08 KB,1200x671,1200:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 480114f2521e418⋯.png (39.76 KB,837x639,93:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776235 (211604ZOCT23) Notable: Pakistan becomes latest country to join China’s ILRS moon project

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Pakistan becomes latest country to join China’s ILRS moon project

Oct 20, 2023

Pakistan officially joined China’s International Lunar Research Station, the China National Space Administration announced Friday.

Zhang Kejian, CNSA administrator, and Moin ul Haque, the ambassador of Pakistan to China, signed an understanding between China National Space Administration and the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) Oct. 18 on cooperation on the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), according to the CNSA statement Oct. 20.

The signing was witnessed by Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Pakistans’s interim prime minister, Anwaar ul Haq Kakar. The agreement will see CNSA and SUPARCO carry out extensive cooperation in the demonstration, implementation, operation and application of the ILRS, as well as training and other areas, according to the statement.

The China-led ILRS project aims to construct a permanent lunar base in the 2030s, with precursor missions in the 2020s. The initiative is seen as a China-led, parallel project and potential competitor to the NASA-led Artemis Program.

The announcement marks Pakistan’s formal participation in the International Lunar Research Station program. It follows the announcement Oct. 8 that Azerbaijan had joined the project.

CNSA and SUPARCO also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on space debris and space traffic management.

Pakistan is already involved in the Chang’e-6 lunar sample return mission, due to launch in mid-2024. It is working on the ICUBE-Q cubesat for the mission in cooperation with Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Pakistan has a handful of satellites in orbit, including the Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite-1 (PRSS-1) built and launched by China in 2018. The experimental, SUPARCO-made PakTES-1A was also aboard the Long March 2C flight. CNSA and SUPARCO have previously been reported to be working towards signing a framework agreement on human spaceflight cooperation.

Russia, Venezuela and South Africa are the other known national or space agency-level signatories. The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), Swiss firm nanoSPACE AG, the Hawaii-based International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA), and the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) have also signed joint statements.

China and Russia presented a joint road map for the ILRS in St. Petersburg in June 2021. Beijing has however since apparently taken the role of lead of the project since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A Chinese official at the 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Baku, Azerbaijan, earlier this month presented ILRS mission slides showing only Chinese Long March 9 rockets involved in launching infrastructure. The new slide omits the Russian super heavy-launch vehicles displayed in the 2021 roadmap.

China is setting up an organization, named ILRSCO, in the city of Hefei in Anhui province to coordinate the initiative.

The Deep Space Exploration Laboratory (DSEL), under CNSA, stated earlier this year that China aims to complete the signing of agreements with space agencies and organizations for founding members of ILRSCO by October.

The U.S. and China are separately and competitively working on respective robotic and crewed lunar plans as part of a renewed interest in the moon and separate efforts to assert leadership in space exploration. The rivalry is also illustrative of a possible development of discrete international space industry ecosystems and plans.

The U.S. is growing the number of signatories to its Artemis Accords, the political underpinning of the Artemis lunar program. Last month Germany became the 29th country to sign up.

NASA plans to launch its Artemis 2 crewed circumlunar mission in November 2024. It will be followed by Artemis 3, a crewed lunar landing at the lunar south pole, no earlier than late 2025.

China has announced a plan to put a pair of astronauts on the moon before 2030. It will launch the Chang’e-7 and Chang’e-8 ILRS precursor missions in 2026 and 2028 to verify necessary technologies for the ILRS.


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d69290 No.100948

File: cd13cf145388bde⋯.png (70.84 KB,1315x587,1315:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776271 (211615ZOCT23) Notable: Georgia agrees to pay for gender-affirming care for public employees, settling a lawsuit

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Georgia agrees to pay for gender-affirming care for public employees, settling a lawsuit

The December lawsuit argued the insurance plan illegally discriminated by refusing to pay for transition-related care.

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Oct. 20, 2023, 5:30 AM SST / Source: The Associated Press

By Associated Press

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d69290 No.100949

File: 02df2f1c6946b12⋯.png (120.68 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 467e777977ab8c6⋯.png (925.45 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776303 (211621ZOCT23) Notable: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a new home at Oxford

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The search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a new home at Oxford

Oct 19, 2023

The University of Oxford in the United Kingdom has been selected as the new international headquarters for the world's largest SETI project, the Breakthrough Listen initiative.

SETI, which stands for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, received a huge boost in 2015 with the launch of Breakthrough Listen. This $100-million-dollar private venture by the Breakthrough Initiatives foundation focuses on searching for technosignatures, signals from or indications of technologically-advanced extraterrestrial species.

Breakthrough Listen has previously been headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley, but the new international headquarters at the Department of Physics at Oxford will take better advantage of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), which is a huge array of radio dishes and antennas in South Africa and Australia.

The SKA should be operational by around 2030. It will transform radio astronomy, observing the radio sky with 50 times the sensitivity of other radio-telescope arrays, and will be capable of surveying the sky 10,000 times faster. Physicists at Oxford have played a leading role in building hardware and writing software for the SKA, and will be able to tailor specific instrumentation for SETI.

Joining the team at Oxford will Andrew Siemion of the University of California, Berkeley, who has been Breakthrough Listen's Principal Investigator since its inception. "We are delighted to launch a new era of Listen here at Oxford," concluded Breakthrough's Executive Director, Peter Worden. "This collaboration will be a tremendous fusion of knowledge, resources, and passion to understand our place in the cosmos."

"This is an extraordinarily exciting partnership, bringing a large-scale SETI program to the UK," said Rob Fender, who is Oxford's Head of Astrophysics, in a statement. "This move recognizes how the University of Oxford's existing astrophysics programs in radio astronomy instrumentation, astrophysical transients and exoplanetary studies make it the perfect base for Breakthrough Listen."

The timing coincides with Breakthrough Listen's other new partnership with South Africa's MeerKAT array of 64 radio antennas, which has been a technological precursor for the SKA. MeerKAT began listening to a million stars for extraterrestrial radio signals in December 2022.

Breakthrough Listen, like most SETI projects, focuses on searching for radio signals, but it also encompasses technosignatures in general. These are defined as evidence for the activity of technological extraterrestrial species, but SETI astronomers deliberately keep the definition open-ended so as not to allow human biases to rule anything out. For example, one area in which astronomers search for technosignatures is in anomalous astrophysical transients — bursts of energy or light with no obvious explanation, which could potentially originate from extraterrestrial engineering on scales vastly greater than we can conceive.

Breakthrough Listen scientists will search for anomalous astrophysical transients in data collected as part of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) that will be conducted by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile when it becomes operational in 2024.

Breakthrough Listen also searches for possible "megastructures," giant non-natural objects, in transits detected by the likes of NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), with the best example being Tabby's Star, which was revealed in 2015 to be experiencing irregular and very deep dimming events caused by unknown objects passing in front of it and dimming its light. It was later revealed that the objects were huge clouds of dust, but any real megastructures orbiting a star would result in similar transit events.

In particular, the Oxford group will place emphasis on the search for life on the nearest exoplanets. And all of the above will be done by developing new cutting-edge machine-learning algorithms that can analyze large amounts of data faster and in greater detail than more traditional methods.

Already, astronomers have used machine learning to detect eight possible SETI signals in data from the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia.

Looking a little further ahead, proposals for a lunar far side radio telescope to be used for SETI will also be developed by scientists at Oxford. The far side of the moon is a radio-quiet area, shielded from all the radio frequency interference put out by human activity on Earth, meaning it can obtain an unprecedented sensitivity for listening for faint radio signals.


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d69290 No.100950

File: 0b3bd9728773a24⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 607b5298c4a14e4⋯.jpeg (382.09 KB,2160x718,1080:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6519ae80f50b00c⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1574x1417,1574:1417,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ca9f347c5a2c6f⋯.jpeg (958.4 KB,1606x1409,1606:1409,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4d796a92f496576⋯.jpeg (895.79 KB,1591x1160,1591:1160,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776425 (211650ZOCT23) Notable: Floodgates open: Here’s who’s running for Speaker as GOP seeks third nominee

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Floodgates open: Here’s who’s running for Speaker as GOP seeks third nominee



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d69290 No.100951

File: d5edc621f4a9359⋯.png (23.33 KB,604x325,604:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776448 (211659ZOCT23) Notable: House Members to meet with Inspectors General in SCIF to discuss UAPs

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House Members to meet with Inspectors General in SCIF to discuss UAPs

October 19, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Oct. 19, 2023) - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives will meet separately with the Department of Defense Inspector General (DOD IG) and the Intelligence Community Inspector General (IC IG) in classified settings to discuss Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs).

On October 26, 2023, members will meet with the DOD IG to discuss the office’s recent evaluation on how the administration analyzes and tracks UAPs.

On November 16, 2023, members will meet with IC IG to discuss the office’s ongoing work on evaluating UAPs and its role in investigating UAP and retaliatory claims by personnel in the intelligence community.

Each meeting will be held in a sensitive compartmented information facility known as a SCIF.



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d69290 No.100952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776468 (211705ZOCT23) Notable: International lawyer and freedom advocate Reiner Fuellmich seized by German government in Mexico

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International lawyer and freedom advocate Reiner Fuellmich seized by German government in Mexico

German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremburg” to hold the originators of the Covid bioweapon plot accountable, was seized over the weekend by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. He was promptly flown to Germany and arrested.

Fuellmich had reportedly lost his passport and scheduled a visit to the German embassy in Tiajuana, Mexico. When he arrived, German authorities were waiting for him and whisked him onto a plane bound for Munich, Germany, where they then arrested him. He is reportedly now sitting in a jail in Frankfurt. The exact charges remain unclear as of this post. But please be in prayer for Reiner and his family.

When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were six men waiting to detain him. The charges, as his attorney Dagmar Shoen found out when she received the official papers, were 30 pages long, so this was something carefully planned and executed. The charges are related to allegations of Viviane Fischer, a former team member of Fuellmich’s on the Corona Committee, who accused him of financial wrongdoing.

Technocracy.News Editor in Chief Patrick Wood, who has worked in the past with Fuellmich in getting out the truth about Covid, stated “They lured him into the German embassy in Mexico, where they kidnapped him. He was not arrested in Mexico because there is no extradition treaty (between Mexico and Germany).”



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d69290 No.100953

File: e519688825dae9f⋯.png (625.63 KB,857x605,857:605,Clipboard.png)

File: 87b34c4ce980006⋯.png (34.38 KB,562x250,281:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776503 (211716ZOCT23) Notable: Former Speaker McCarthy came forward Friday evening and endorsed Rep. Tom Emmer for speaker.

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You Just Can’t Make This Up: GOP House Members Are Likely to Elect Former Soros Group Spokesman as Speaker of the House – Who Wanted to End Electoral College – AND There’s Video!

As reported earlier House Republicans voted down their most popular and respected member, Jim Jordan for House Speaker today.

The Republican lawmakers held a secret ballot away from their voters and overwhelmingly decided to oust Jordan from the Speaker’s race.

The Republicans voted 112-86 in a secret ballot to oust the Ohio Republican from the race.

The House of Representatives has been without a Speaker for more than 2 weeks after Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate the chair. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker earlier this month in a 216-210 vote. 8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy: Biggs, Buck, Burchett, Crane, Gaetz, Good, Mace, and Rosendale.

Following today’s secret ballot, Kevin McCarthy, who was no doubt working behind the scenes endorsed Tom Emmer (MN) for House Speaker Friday afternoon.

Tom Emmer told members of the House Republican Conference that he will seek nomination for speaker.

Former Speaker McCarthy came forward Friday evening and endorsed Rep. Tom Emmer for speaker.

“He is the right person for the job. He can unite the conference. He understands the dynamics of the conference. He also understands what it takes to win and keep a majority,” McCarthy said.

Emmer will likely gain several Democrat votes.

The Minnesota RINO was formerly a paid spokesman for the George Soros funded organization The National Popular Vote initiative.

The New York Post reported:

The National Popular Vote campaign launched in 2006 to support efforts to overhaul the Electoral College by passing laws that commit state electors to the candidate who wins the national popular vote.

About five years after the initiative’s launch, Emmer took a job as one of the group’s paid spokespeople.


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d69290 No.100954

File: ef7e218078d5a9b⋯.png (285.83 KB,525x670,105:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776519 (211720ZOCT23) Notable: Barrett Firearms: The calm before the storm.

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The calm before the storm.

#barrettfirearms #TheLeaderInLongRange #M107A1 #50BMG #longrangeshooting


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d69290 No.100955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776653 (211752ZOCT23)

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d69290 No.100956

File: f48072e8294a52f⋯.png (416.38 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776664 (211755ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Hawley’s Call to Condemn Campus Antisemitism Blocked by Dem Opposition - ‘A Revealing Moment’

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Sen. Hawley’s Call to Condemn Campus Antisemitism Blocked by Dem Opposition – ‘A Revealing Moment’

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) expressed outrage over the support for “genocide against the people of Israel” on college campuses, as his resolution against campus antisemitism was blocked by Democratic pushback in what he termed a “revealing moment.”

Hawley addressed the Senate on Thursday, advocating for his resolution condemning Hamas and student groups on college campuses that expressed support for the unprecedented October 7 attack on Israel.

Despite urging fellow senators to back his resolution, it was met with opposition from Democratic members who ultimately succeeded in blocking it.

Hawley expressed deep concern about endorsements of the attack, particularly on college campuses, arguing that supporting violence against Jewish people and applauding attacks on them should be unequivocally condemned by the Senate.

“Almost as disturbing as the facts of these terrible attacks themselves is the response of some people in this country,” he stated. “On our college campuses in this country who promptly took to the streets, to the courtyards of these campuses, the airwaves, to broadcast their support for this genocide against the people of Israel.”


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d69290 No.100957

File: 3b8939a7d085257⋯.png (1.71 MB,1203x1986,401:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776672 (211757ZOCT23) Notable: #24284

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#24284 https://fullchan.net/?fb321394e5d36a93#hBFpebJuiGLhpiuCxFvR51ohLuWvvu55ve7S6GQ6xEC

In Your Opinion Who Did 911

0. Aliens

1. Man in a Cave

2. Bush

3. Jews

4. Americans

5. Palestines

6. Crackheads

7. Demons

8. Hamas

9. Not my concern

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d69290 No.100958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776675 (211757ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: 'Stop The War On Children' rally outside the home of Governor Newsom

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LIVE: 'Stop The War On Children' rally outside the home of Governor Newsom

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d69290 No.100959

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776688 (211801ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Smith - The [DS] Dark World Is Being Brought Out Of The Shadows & “Into The Light”

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Really good interview:

X22 report with Mike Smith who produced and released, “Out of the Shadows”, that revealed the perversions on Hollywood.

Mike Smith - The [DS] Dark World Is Being Brought Out Of The Shadows & “Into The Light”

46 minutes


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d69290 No.100960

File: 6f5f7e7e0d2a0d6⋯.png (61.98 KB,779x262,779:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776703 (211804ZOCT23) Notable: Opinion: Palestinians have no rockets capable to taking out hospitals

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This Is Another Iraqi WMD Moment. We Are Being Gaslit

Let’s say it again: The BIGGEST fake news comes from the establishment media. When the stakes are high, it barely bothers to hide its role as mouthpiece for Western propaganda.

This is another Iraqi WMD moment. We are being gaslit. Believe your eyes and ears, and the laws of physics, not the lies being peddled by our leaders and media about last night’s missile strike on the Baptist hospital in Gaza:


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d69290 No.100961

File: 21d319ac2e91b61⋯.png (1.29 MB,1331x799,1331:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776716 (211807ZOCT23) Notable: 45th US cargo plan arrives with arms for Israel

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11 million a month and the First day of war, they need 105 billion more. Not including all the other shit

45th Plane arrives


Israel Offensive in Gaza Could End in DISASTER


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d69290 No.100962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776727 (211809ZOCT23) Notable: French Intelligence Finds Gaza Hospital Was Likely Struck by Palestinian Rocket, No Evidence For Israeli Strike

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French Intelligence Finds Gaza Hospital Was Likely Struck by Palestinian Rocket, No Evidence For Israeli Strike

None of their intelligence pointed to an Israeli strike, the official said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity, but was cleared to discuss the assessment by President Emmanuel Macron in what was described as an attempt to be transparent about the French intelligence findings. The assessment was based on classified information, satellite imagery, intelligence shared by other countries and open-source information, the official said.


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d69290 No.100963

File: 678c7c7448bc5ad⋯.png (869.48 KB,770x513,770:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776741 (211813ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands join pro-Palestinian rallies in Australia amid Israel-Hamas war

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Thousands join pro-Palestinian rallies in Australia amid Israel-Hamas war

Organisers say 15,000 people attended Sydney rally amid warnings of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.


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d69290 No.100964

File: 547430c071d4aee⋯.png (21.73 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776751 (211814ZOCT23) Notable: Erdogan holds phone conversation with the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh; saying he will exert efforts for a ceasefire/aid re Gaza.

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The Spectator Index



BREAKING: 🇹🇷 Erdogan holds phone conversation with the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, with Turkey's president saying he will exert efforts for a ceasefire and to facilitate the arrival of aid to Gaza.


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d69290 No.100965

File: ac8625621106fd4⋯.png (63.2 KB,664x462,332:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776799 (211821ZOCT23) Notable: Seattle lawmaker Kshama Sawant furiously denies her support for defunding the police is to blame for soaring crime in city

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Seattle lawmaker furiously denies her

support for defunding the police is to

blame for soaring crime in city, after

children were forced to CRAWL inside a

daycare facility following drive-by shooting

Daily Mail (UK), by Joe Hutchison

Posted By: Imright, 10/21/2023 2:16:49 PM

A Seattle lawmaker has furiously denied her support for defunding the police is to blame for soaring crime in the city. Council member Kshama Sawant said the city should not add police resources to the Central District neighborhood after 24 children had to crawl to the bathroom of a daycare facility following a shooting. The incident happened on Monday outside of the A-4 Apple Learning Center, with a 47-year-old man being shot on the street. A bullet pierced through the window of the center, with co-owner Appollonia Washington telling staff and children inside to 'army crawl' to the bathroom and hide.

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d69290 No.100966

File: b6b36172b03ce6d⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6cdee8779de5d5c⋯.png (693.61 KB,893x709,893:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776823 (211826ZOCT23) Notable: Extraordinary data out of NZ - 30 people jabbed on the same day/location are now dead

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Extraordinary data out of New Zealand

30 people jabbed on the same day/location are now dead




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d69290 No.100967

File: 7a09ced4fe47903⋯.png (1.1 MB,950x3417,950:3417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776833 (211829ZOCT23) Notable: Opinion: Palestinians have no rockets capable to taking out hospitals

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read for yourself, see what you think....

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d69290 No.100968

File: 708d70cabfc0762⋯.png (204.01 KB,537x646,537:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776836 (211830ZOCT23) Notable: Central London saw over 300,000 gather in a massive protest against Israel's actions in Gaza (London is major Muslim hub)

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Middle East Eye



Central London saw over 300,000 gather in a massive protest against Israel's actions in Gaza. Amidst debates, the chant "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" was dominant. The Met Police assured no arrests for chanting the slogan.



>Mordor is under attack.

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d69290 No.100969

File: 0e64a38e95846d9⋯.png (45.46 KB,532x539,76:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776846 (211832ZOCT23) Notable: President Biden Calls for a New World Order

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🚨 **News: President Biden Calls for a New World Order 🌐🇺🇸

President Joe Biden has made a significant statement, suggesting that the world needs a "new world order," and that the United States can play a pivotal role in building it.

📣 **President's Bold Vision: During a campaign fundraiser, President Biden expressed his belief in the opportunity to unite the world in an unprecedented way, stating, "I think we [the US] have the opportunity to do this if we are bold and confident enough to unite the world in a way that has never been done before."

💬 **A Paradigm Shift: Biden's remarks highlight the idea of a fresh, global order as the world faces evolving challenges. He noted the past 50 years of a post-war period that worked well but emphasized the need for a "new, new world order."

This statement raises significant questions and discussions about the future of international relations. #Biden #NewWorldOrder #GlobalRelations 🌍🤝🌐🇺🇸


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d69290 No.100970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776881 (211839ZOCT23) Notable: Canada eschews God. Embraces Satanism

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Canada eschews God. Embraces Satanism

Canadian military members speak out after being told chaplains shouldn't use 'God' in public prayers

'Freedom of religion, I'm afraid, is slowly being replaced by freedom from religion,' one CAF member told LifeSiteNews.


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d69290 No.100971

File: 17d170353266e18⋯.png (1.57 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776885 (211839ZOCT23) Notable: Michigan AG Dana Nessel drops 'fake elector' case against one of 16 defendants

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Michigan AG Dana Nessel drops 'fake elector' case against one of 16 defendants

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) dropped all charges against one of the state's so-called "fake electors" accused of conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 election in favor of reelecting President Donald Trump.

Jim Renner, 76, faced eight felony charges, including forgery and conspiracy to publish a false statement, for meeting in secret on Dec. 14, 2020, and signing multiple Electoral College certificates saying he and his 15 colleagues were duly elected to represent Michigan in the official proceedings for the presidential election.

Prosecutors agreed to drop the case against Renner for his "complete and truthful testimony whenever called upon." Officials said they hope this will require Renner to describe the events of Dec. 14 in greater detail, as the deal will be void if Renner does not cooperate.



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d69290 No.100972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776912 (211844ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: 'Flood Brooklyn for Palestine' protest

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LIVE: 'Flood Brooklyn for Palestine' protest

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d69290 No.100973

File: 885c6e9c6c94eaa⋯.png (1.01 MB,1140x570,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fbdcbd1ade9199⋯.png (38.95 KB,776x226,388:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776915 (211844ZOCT23) Notable: "Smell" Yom Kippur- Joint ultimatum of Jordan-Egypt: "Israel to stop the attack on Gaza- We are facing a generalized war"

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"Smell" Yom Kippur- Joint ultimatum of Jordan-Egypt: "Israel to stop the attack on Gaza- We are facing a generalized war"

Extremely hostile announcement for Israel - Jordan and Egypt talk about "red lines"

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Jordan's King Abdullah II, in a joint statement, call on Israel to immediately stop all military action

The announcement is highly hostile to Israel as it speaks of the siege, displacement and collective punishment of Gaza.

The announcement seems to have the form of an ultimatum. Perhaps the two countries have been informed of the involvement of Hezbollah and, by extension, Iran.

The two countries are warning Israel that the threat of a general conflict, a major regional war, is imminent and if this happens, it will plunge the region into a major catastrophe.

The joint announcement not only shows that Egypt and Jordan have a common position but also that Israel is losing two key allied countries. Especially Jordan.


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d69290 No.100974

File: 743281b478ae342⋯.png (240.2 KB,537x535,537:535,Clipboard.png)

File: b5856a244872a5c⋯.jpg (168.49 KB,640x1104,40:69,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777007 (211902ZOCT23) Notable: Today in History: October 21, Thomas Edison perfects a workable electric light

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ABC News 4



Today in History: October 21, Thomas Edison perfects a workable electric light



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d69290 No.100975

File: 39bf6a122d94aea⋯.png (85.49 KB,537x517,537:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f8e2f45795ede7⋯.png (62.92 KB,738x806,369:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777030 (211907ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. government spent $659 billion this year paying off the interest on its debt, according to a Treasury

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Stars and Stripes



The U.S. government spent $659 billion this year paying off the interest on its debt, according to a Treasury report released Friday:


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d69290 No.100976

File: fc07f8fc3a73f28⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a9735ece8b3f803⋯.png (664.66 KB,998x859,998:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777069 (211915ZOCT23) Notable: 🚨FOOTAGE JUST IN: Palestinian Islamic Jihad releases a promotional video, telling Israel: "Welcome to the Depth of Hell"

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🚨FOOTAGE JUST IN: Palestinian Islamic Jihad releases a promotional video, telling Israel: "Welcome to the Depth of Hell"

12:42 PM · Oct 21, 2023·704.5K Views

*Anon guesses probably where the hostages are

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d69290 No.100977

File: 25395def37ef182⋯.png (2.48 MB,1600x1000,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777194 (211950ZOCT23) Notable: #24283 Posted in #24284

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>>100938 “The pro-Hamas narrative being taught in our schools and blared on the front pages of our newspapers and tv shows is little more than vicious antisemitism masquerading as virtue.”

>>100942, >>100939 NATO Sends Drones, Planes And Ships To Baltic Sea Following Suspected Undersea Sabotage

>>100940 Globalists Are Pushing the ‘United States of Europe’ Again, and Want Brexit Britain to Join.

>>100941 Judicial Watch: Obama ‘Arrived at the Emergency Response Scene’

>>100944 Navy / Mil Twats: EAST CHINA SEA

>>100945 Ezra Cohen: What about an apology for the mass violence your organization incited? It’s the least you can do.

>>100947 Pakistan becomes latest country to join China’s ILRS moon project

>>100948 Georgia agrees to pay for gender-affirming care for public employees, settling a lawsuit

>>100949 The search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a new home at Oxford

>>100950 Floodgates open: Here’s who’s running for Speaker as GOP seeks third nominee

>>100951 House Members to meet with Inspectors General in SCIF to discuss UAPs

>>100952 International lawyer and freedom advocate Reiner Fuellmich seized by German government in Mexico

>>100953 Former Speaker McCarthy came forward Friday evening and endorsed Rep. Tom Emmer for speaker.

>>100954 Barrett Firearms: The calm before the storm.

#24283 Posted in #24284

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d69290 No.100978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777211 (211956ZOCT23) Notable: International Community Faces Acid Test on Gaza

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International Community Faces Acid Test on Gaza

I never thought I’d live to see a British prime minister warmly embracing a war criminal and genocidal thug like Netanyahu, go swanning around a hotel (the King David) which was used as the Jerusalem headquarters of the British Mandate authority and blown up by Jewish terrorists in 1946 killing 91 and wounding 45, then tell Netanyahu: “We want you to win.”

Win what, exactly? And who’s “we”? Certainly not the man-in-the-street in Britain. No, it’ll be that band of brainwashed Ziofreaks in Westminster who have shamed us for over a century.

And they (the Ziofreaks, not “we”) want Israel to win its dirty 75-year campaign of terror, illegal military occupation, dispossession, annexation, ethnic cleansing and extreme cruelty against the harshly oppressed Palestinians who are trying to defend their homeland.

I was even more infuriated to see queues of lorries carrying desperately needed aid held up for days at Gaza’s Rafah crossing into Egypt by the Israelis’ refusal to let them enter the mangled hell-hole they’ve created in the packed enclave. I hear they even bombed the crossing to make sure nothing could move.


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d69290 No.100979

File: c61d636bd6fe756⋯.png (74.67 KB,601x523,601:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777234 (212000ZOCT23) Notable: DJT Jr. on disastrous border numbers

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Of course Customs and Border Patrol waits until Saturday morning to release the new disastrous border numbers so that no one is paying attention.

So we understand what the invasion looks like

• 267 terrorists (these were caught imagine how many got through?)

• 8M+ illegal aliens since Biden took office

• 72,823 illegal special interest aliens (from countries that harbor terrorism) over the last 2 years

This is not an accident or a coincidence, this is deliberate by Democrats and it will destroy our country.

Oct 21, 2023, 11:29 AM


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d69290 No.100980

File: 5048b7692f242b0⋯.jpeg (222.86 KB,1289x721,1289:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777270 (212009ZOCT23) Notable: Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

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Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

October 21, 2023 | Sundance |

Team Ron DeSantis made a desperate effort to accuse Donald Trump of supporting Hezbollah and trying to out-Israel Nikki Haley, they failed miserably. At this point the pathetic campaign of the Florida Governor has been reduced to a small supportive segment of rich, affluent, white men over 50; in essence, the professional republican donor class; and that’s it.

President Trump leads the field with almost 60% support and no other candidates reaching double digits.

[Source DATA]

[…] In the 2024 Republican primary, Trump holds his base of support since last month at 59%. No other candidate reaches double digits at the national level: 8% support Haley, 8% DeSantis, 4% Chris Christie, 3% Mike Pence, and 3% Ramaswamy. Ten percent are undecided. Since last month, DeSantis’ and Ramaswamy’s support decreased four points from 12% and 7%, respectively, while Haley’s support increased five points nationally from 3% to 8%. (link)

(Kek DeSadist can’t win, they just won’t admit he’s a total failure)


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d69290 No.100981

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777277 (212010ZOCT23) Notable: Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons, 4117

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Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons, 4117

Bill Binney and his wife, Dr. Katherine Horton were very insistent to come on for another interview on the topic of the use of directed energy weapons against disobedient civilians.

I was hesitant about this interview because I feared it would discredit their work on NSA illegal surveillance. However, if you stick with this interview, you will gradually discover that once again, these two brave Americans are standing up for truth and are way, way ahead of anyone else.

Towards the end, I was floored when Katherine showed that the amount of current R&D money being spent on these weapons systems is now in the tens of billions of dollars.

Bill Binney and Katherine Horton directed energy weapons

Starts at 4:44


4 months ago



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d69290 No.100982

File: 74dd0aa029b161f⋯.png (229.16 KB,670x596,335:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777286 (212013ZOCT23) Notable: Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found fatally stabbed outside her home

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Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found fatally stabbed outside her home

DETROIT (FOX 2)- - Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll was found fatally stabbed Saturday morning.

Woll was found outside her residence in the 1300 block of Joliet Pl in Detroit around 6:30 a.m.

Police tell FOX 2 she was found stabbed multiple times, and at the time, the motive for the killing is unknown. No one is in custody as of this afternoon.

"I was devastated today to learn of the loss of one of Detroit’s great young leaders - Samantha Woll. Just weeks ago, I shared a day of joy with Sam at the dedication of the newly renovated Downtown Synagogue," Mayor Duggan said in a statement. "It was a project she successfully led with great pride and enthusiasm. Sam’s loss has left a huge hole in the Detroit community. This entire city joins with her family and friends in mourning her tragic death."

Samantha was the board president at Isaac Agree Downtown and also worked as the Deputy District Director for Rep. Elissa Slotkin.

"She did for our team as Deputy District Director what came so naturally to her: helping others & serving constituents. Separately, in politics & in the Jewish community, she dedicated her short life to building understanding across faiths, bringing light in the face of darkness," wrote Slotikin in a Facebook post.

In 2017, The Detroit Jewish News recognized her in their 36 Under 36.

"She was instrumental in the founding of the Muslim-Jewish Forum of Detroit — a grassroots collective of young adults of both faiths who gather in partnership to learn, celebrate, and build community together,' the paper wrote.

Detroit police are asking anyone with information to contact their Homicide Section at 313-596-2260.


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d69290 No.100983

File: 9250c05dc0e105b⋯.jpeg (291.08 KB,1125x1898,1125:1898,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777311 (212020ZOCT23) Notable: Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

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d69290 No.100984

File: f1d1fe8c6c3f5b0⋯.jpeg (741.89 KB,1125x1564,1125:1564,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777317 (212023ZOCT23) Notable: The Hill Nearly half of Republicans want someone other than Trump in 2024:

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d69290 No.100985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777321 (212024ZOCT23) Notable: Extraordinary data out of NZ - 30 people jabbed on the same day/location are now dead

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Extraordinary data out of New Zealand


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d69290 No.100986

File: 0715992a74e9889⋯.jpeg (497.81 KB,899x1441,899:1441,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777324 (212025ZOCT23) Notable: Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

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d69290 No.100987

File: 7264c7e5b5947f3⋯.png (784.71 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777325 (212025ZOCT23) Notable: AXIOS: Israel says it found Hamas files with instructions for making cyanide-based weapon

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Scoop: Israel says it found Hamas files with instructions for making cyanide-based weapon

The Israeli military found a USB key with instructions for the production of a "cyanide dispersion device" on the body of a Hamas operative who participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, according to two Israeli officials and a copy of a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable obtained by Axios.

The big picture: It is not clear from the file whether Hamas had any serious or operational plan for using makeshift chemical weapons or whether the group had attempted to produce them.

Behind the scenes: The Israeli Foreign Ministry's weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation department sent a classified cable to Israeli embassies in dozens of capitals worldwide, including Washington, on Thursday under the headline: "Hamas intention of using chemical weapons."

moar: https://www.axios.com/2023/10/21/israel-hamas-cyanide-weapon-instructions

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d69290 No.100988

File: 8b1ff7c6058f50d⋯.png (411.82 KB,1080x1746,60:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777327 (212026ZOCT23) Notable: SpaceX to launch 23 Starlink satellites tonight on 2nd leg of spaceflight doubleheader (Liftoff scheduled for 10:17 pm)

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SpaceX to launch 23 Starlink satellites tonight on 2nd leg of spaceflight doubleheader

Liftoff is scheduled for10:17 p.m. ET.

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch 23 Starlink internet satellites to orbit from Florida tonight (Oct. 21) on the company's second mission of the day.

The Falcon 9 is scheduled to lift off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station tonight at 10:17 p.m. EDT (0217 GMT on Oct. 22). If SpaceX cannot hit that target, there are five backup opportunities available, from 11:07 p.m. EDT to 2:15 a.m. EDT (0307 to 0515 GMT), according to a company mission description.

SpaceX will webcast the launch via its account on X (formerly known as Twitter). Coverage will start about five minutes before liftoff.



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d69290 No.100989

File: 3c19a411e0efd20⋯.png (102.59 KB,952x536,119:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777360 (212034ZOCT23) Notable: China deploys six warships to Middle East over fears Israel crisis could spark WW3

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China deploys six warships to Middle East over fears Israel crisis could spark WW3

The Chinese military has deployed its 44th naval escort task force to the Middle East amid rising tensions in Israel.


09:24 ET, Sat, Oct 21, 2023 | UPDATED: 15:28 ET, Sat, Oct 21, 2023

China has deployed six warships to the Middle East as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalates, according to reports.

The 44th naval escort task force - from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theatre - has been involved in routine operations in the region and spent several days in Oman last week.

The Chinese warships left Muscat for an unspecified location on Saturday after participating in an exercise with the Omani navy.

The task force includes the Zibo, a guided missile destroyer, the frigate Jingzhou, and the supply ship Qiandaohu - all of which will be stationed in the Middle East as Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza.

During the visit to Oman, Chinese commanders met with Omani military officials and visited military institutions, while sailors from both countries toured shops and even organized a basketball game, according to a state news agency.

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d69290 No.100990

File: 30228fd94c75592⋯.png (2.38 MB,1367x1200,1367:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777384 (212038ZOCT23) Notable: #24284

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Final @700ish


#24284 >>100957

#24285 >>100957

>>100956 Sen. Hawley’s Call to Condemn Campus Antisemitism Blocked by Dem Opposition - ‘A Revealing Moment’

>>100958 LIVE: 'Stop The War On Children' rally outside the home of Governor Newsom

>>100959 Mike Smith - The [DS] Dark World Is Being Brought Out Of The Shadows & “Into The Light”

>>100960, >>100967 Opinion: Palestinians have no rockets capable to taking out hospitals

>>100962 French Intelligence Finds Gaza Hospital Was Likely Struck by Palestinian Rocket, No Evidence For Israeli Strike

>>100961 45th US cargo plan arrives with arms for Israel

>>100963 Thousands join pro-Palestinian rallies in Australia amid Israel-Hamas war

>>100964 Erdogan holds phone conversation with the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh; saying he will exert efforts for a ceasefire/aid re Gaza.

>>100965 Seattle lawmaker Kshama Sawant furiously denies her support for defunding the police is to blame for soaring crime in city

>>100966, >>100985 Extraordinary data out of NZ - 30 people jabbed on the same day/location are now dead

>>100968 Central London saw over 300,000 gather in a massive protest against Israel's actions in Gaza (London is major Muslim hub)

>>100969 President Biden Calls for a New World Order

>>100970 Canada eschews God. Embraces Satanism

>>100971 Michigan AG Dana Nessel drops 'fake elector' case against one of 16 defendants

>>100972 LIVE: 'Flood Brooklyn for Palestine' protest

>>100973 "Smell" Yom Kippur- Joint ultimatum of Jordan-Egypt: "Israel to stop the attack on Gaza- We are facing a generalized war"

>>100974 Today in History: October 21, Thomas Edison perfects a workable electric light

>>100975 The U.S. government spent $659 billion this year paying off the interest on its debt, according to a Treasury

>>100976 🚨FOOTAGE JUST IN: Palestinian Islamic Jihad releases a promotional video, telling Israel: "Welcome to the Depth of Hell"

>>100978 International Community Faces Acid Test on Gaza

>>100979 DJT Jr. on disastrous border numbers

>>100980, >>100986, >>100983 Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

>>100981 Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons, 4117

>>100982 Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found fatally stabbed outside her home

>>100984 The Hill Nearly half of Republicans want someone other than Trump in 2024:

>>100987 AXIOS: Israel says it found Hamas files with instructions for making cyanide-based weapon

>>100988 SpaceX to launch 23 Starlink satellites tonight on 2nd leg of spaceflight doubleheader (Liftoff scheduled for 10:17 pm)

>>100989 China deploys six warships to Middle East over fears Israel crisis could spark WW3


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d69290 No.100991

File: b66247976530e4c⋯.png (1.13 MB,728x988,14:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777410 (212042ZOCT23) Notable: #24285

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d69290 No.100992

File: 85689a82cacf118⋯.png (2.09 MB,1091x942,1091:942,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777414 (212043ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Check Please”

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Donald J. Trump


“Check Please”

Oct 21, 2023, 3:56 PM


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d69290 No.100993

File: 8cb923f112312b7⋯.png (234.02 KB,637x827,637:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777446 (212048ZOCT23) Notable: Contamination in Covid 19 Vaxxes

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Contamination in Covid 19 Vaxxes


80 minute video

In case you missed yesterday's # FLCCC Weekly Webinar, '# DNA Contamination in # COVID19 Vaccines?' - with @DrPaulMarik, Dr. @ pierrekory, and special guests and experts Dr. Jessica Rose @ JesslovesMJK and Dr. Janci Lindsay @ JanciToxDoc



100% of the samples checked were contaminated.

Was it really a case of economics or something else?

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d69290 No.100994

File: 882850b5e36a2df⋯.png (28.29 KB,590x326,295:163,Clipboard.png)

File: bcc1c1f465795e4⋯.png (1022.51 KB,753x848,753:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777452 (212049ZOCT23) Notable: @EzraACohen - Reports emerging that Captagon was indeed found in the pockets of Hamas fighters - Mark Esper blocks my efforts to interdict, why?

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Ezra A. Cohen


Reports emerging that Captagon was indeed found in the pockets of Hamas fighters.


, under my authority as ASD/SOLIC, use to interdict Captagon in CENTCOM and other drugs coming into the United States. Unfortunately, Mr. @MarkTEsper

defunded these efforts. Why?


Ezra A. Cohen



Oct 16

Looks like captagon. Favorite of ISIS and Hamas. twitter.com/charles_lister…

9:32 AM · Oct 21, 2023





What is Captagon, the addictive drug mass-produced in Syria?

The drug, often smuggled to Gulf states, has been a key topic in discussions over Syria’s re-entry to the Arab League.

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d69290 No.100995

File: ef90b3735fc4d5f⋯.png (13.35 KB,592x162,296:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 302f45b934c39dd⋯.png (157.38 KB,588x495,196:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777467 (212051ZOCT23) Notable: Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found stabbed to death

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BNO News


BREAKING: Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found stabbed to death

8:58 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.100996

File: 9c20a4f9fdeda76⋯.jpeg (45.77 KB,546x737,546:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f2096ede7b8869⋯.jpeg (26.25 KB,281x183,281:183,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777473 (212052ZOCT23) Notable: San Francisco: Convicted pedophile sets up homeless camp outside SCHOOL with sign saying 'Free fentanyl 4 new users' - and says it's not a joke

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A new low for San Francisco: Convicted pedophile sets up homeless camp outside SCHOOL with sign saying 'Free fentanyl 4 new users' - and says it's not a joke

By Joe Hutchison For Dailymail.Com 09:14 EDT 21 Oct 2023 , updated 11:17 EDT 21 Oct 2023

Adam Moore, 46, had set up an encampment across from Stella Maris Academy in San Francisco

The convicted pedophile had stationed signs outside the school that said 'Free fentanyl 4 new users' and 'Meth for stolen items'

On Friday, authorities arrested Moore for probation violation after he refused to comply with an order to move for creating a public nuisance

A convicted pedophile has been arrested after setting up a homeless camp outside of a San Francisco school with a sign offering 'free fentanyl 4 new users'.

Adam Moore, 46, set up an encampment across from Stella Maris Academy in the embattled California city over two years ago.

Moore had been stationed outside the school with signs offering free drugs, with one reading: 'Free fentanyl 4 new users' and another saying 'Meth for stolen items'.

Speaking to ABC7, Moore insisted that the sign was not a ruse - and he was actively handing out the killer drug.

Moore told the outlet, 'It's not a joke' and said he would pass on the drugs that other people gave him in exchange for supplies he provides.

According to California's Megan's Law website, Moore was convicted of lewd of lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14 in 1997 and released in 2002.

The San Francisco Standard reported that according to court documents he has been arrested five times in the city since 2007 for allegedly failing to re-register his address as a sex offender every 30 days.

According to a Santa Cruz Sentinel article from 1997, Moore was convicted of molesting a 12-year-old girl in Santa Clara County before being released from custody and then having sex with a 15-year-old in Santa Cruz.

Moore also told ABC7: 'So they bring me trash that they've scavenged, things that they think are valuable, or they give me some of the drugs that they have, which I don't do.

'I only live by two rules: be kind to others and make it look easy for children.'

Moore is not considered a 'high-risk' offender so he does not have to stay 2,000 feet away from a school.

Neighbor Jon Chintanaroad told the outlet: 'My wife walks our baby around by herself. I always kind of want to be there because you never know.

'And it just sucks to always kind of have that sense of like, extra vigilance. In a neighborhood that's supposed to be quiet and residential.'

On Friday afternoon, Moore was taken into custody after officers gave him an order to move.

According to California's Megan's Law website, Moore was convicted of lewd of lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14 in 1997 and released in 2002

Officers with the San Francisco Police Department arrived at the site in the morning and told Moore to clear by 12:15pm, which he failed to do, according to NBC.

Following his arrest, his belongings were bagged up and removed by workers.

Peter Marlow, a spokesperson for the Archdiocese of San Francisco said: 'Our goal was to get the signs down and to maintain the safety of the children and the neighborhood, and that seems to have been accomplished.

'We’re working with the police to see that any laws affecting that are carried out.'


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d69290 No.100997

File: d697cf843d9a81b⋯.png (379.51 KB,1186x682,593:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777474 (212052ZOCT23) Notable: Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lisa Page-Peter Strzok Texts about secret society meeting,

20:00 mark, very interesting

Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons, 4117



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d69290 No.100998

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777476 (212053ZOCT23) Notable: Revealing Venture Capitalist Funds and their ties to the CCP. Philip Lenczycki Discusses The United Front War Department

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Revealing Venture Capitalist Funds and their ties to the CCP. Philip Lenczycki Discusses The United Front War Department (CCP)

This is scary, US based firms building the CCP military weapons against America (think Maui) and the World. These American Venture Capitalists are all in with these plans. The “money beast” can never be quenched! Apparently patriotism to one’s country is not a consideration.



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d69290 No.100999

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777480 (212055ZOCT23) Notable: Yitz Friedman Joins WarRoom To Discuss The NIH Director Nominee’s Troubling Track Record. Hand picked by Fauci

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yitz Friedman Joins WarRoom To Discuss The NIH Director Nominee’s Troubling Track Record. Hand picked by Fauci



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d69290 No.101000

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777492 (212058ZOCT23) Notable: Eric Prince: The Biden Administration Caused A “Systemic Collapse Of Deterrence” For The U.S. Globally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eric Prince: The Biden Administration Caused A “Systemic Collapse Of Deterrence” For The U.S. Globally

Kind of unbelievable what Prince says, but extremely interesting.

Bannons War Room



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d69290 No.101001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777495 (212059ZOCT23) Notable: Foreign IT Company Gobbles Up Top US Ammunition Manufacturers - Remington, Federal, CCI and Others Sold Off

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Foreign IT Company Gobbles Up Top US Ammunition Manufacturers - Remington, Federal, CCI and Others Sold Off

By Michael Schwarz

October 20, 2023 at 9:44am

Even in peaceful times, Americans take a healthy interest in the companies that manufacture their weapons and ammunition. In the present state of the world, that interest should only intensify.

On Monday, Vista Outdoor of Anoka, Minnesota, announced in a news release that it had sold its Sporting Products business to the Czechoslovak Group. Based in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, CSG operates as “a leading industrial technology holding company.”

Yahoo Finance reported that CSG’s newly acquired business includes major U.S. ammunition manufacturers Remington, Federal, CCI, Hevi-Shot and Speer. It described CSG’s move as “the largest acquisition in the history of the Czech defense industry.”

Michal Strnad, CSG’s 30-year-old billionaire owner and CEO, expressed a determination to grow the Sporting Products business.

“We look forward to building on the company’s success in delivering innovative, quality products and are confident in the long-term value we can create together,” Strnad said in a statement in the Vista Outdoor release. He added a commitment “to expanding their legacy of U.S. manufacturing and providing resources to accelerate their growth.”

Meanwhile, Sporting Products CEO Jason Vanderbrink embraced the CSG acquisition and echoed the commitment to U.S. manufacturing.

“The company is fully committed to our iconic American brands and expanding our legacy of U.S. manufacturing, support for military and law enforcement customers, and investments in conservation and our hunting and shooting heritage,” Vanderbrink said. “We are excited to work closely with the CSG team as we enter this next phase and position our brands for long-term success.”

Thus, as one might expect, the Czech billionaire seemed most interested in making money by creating “long-term value.” No doubt Vanderbrink and other Sporting Products officials appreciated additional “resources” in the form of capital infusion.


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d69290 No.101002

File: 2625a8370dd4fad⋯.png (291.7 KB,540x730,54:73,Clipboard.png)

File: b9da696e433e7d0⋯.png (404.2 KB,853x617,853:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777502 (212102ZOCT23) Notable: Salwan Momika, the Iraqi migrant who burnt the Quran in Sweden showed today who he is working for: Mossad

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World Observer



🇮🇱 Salwan Momika, the Iraqi migrant who burnt the Quran in Sweden showed today who he is working for.

Months ago Iran Ministry of Intelligence announced in an official statement that Iraqi migrant, Salwan Momika, is recruited by Mossad since 2019.



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d69290 No.101003

File: 0d846611b0ebc98⋯.png (341.24 KB,591x507,197:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777516 (212105ZOCT23) Notable: Poso: "The White House is doing all they can to prevent the true narrative from spilling out. All of these attacks are linked" / Hezbollah is not Hamas

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


POSOBIEC: "The White House is doing all they can to prevent the true narrative from spilling out. All of these attacks are linked"


Human Events

9:42 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777519 (212107ZOCT23) Notable: Eric Prince: The Biden Administration Caused A “Systemic Collapse Of Deterrence” For The U.S. Globally

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Anons this is very interesting,Prince is trying to restrain himself but still explain the issues for Israel and Allies, I’ve never heard him speak about war strategy, so his take is based on his on the ground experience

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d69290 No.101005

File: 9745ee8fdad1132⋯.png (634.3 KB,615x861,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777529 (212109ZOCT23) Notable: DELTAS

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d69290 No.101006

File: f9c7361f12b87c6⋯.png (386.06 KB,589x531,589:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777534 (212111ZOCT23) Notable: Poso: "The White House is doing all they can to prevent the true narrative from spilling out. All of these attacks are linked" / Hezbollah is not Hamas

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


POSOBIEC: “Hezbollah is not Hamas. That is a military, a non-state military force that can hit ships at sea with their anti-ship cruise missiles”


Human Events

9:43 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101007

File: 50e896a917f10bd⋯.png (337.02 KB,537x464,537:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777537 (212111ZOCT23) Notable: Sailors searved serf-n-turf (T-bone & Lobster-tail) dinners. Biden sending our sailors to be sacrificed?

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d69290 No.101008

File: 65141d0baa26e95⋯.png (178.1 KB,640x657,640:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777543 (212113ZOCT23) Notable: China deploys six warships to Middle East

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ON PATROL China deploys six warships to Middle East as tensions in region boil amid fears Israel crisis could become all-out war

Juliana Cruz Lima

Published: 12:22, 21 Oct 2023Updated: 12:22, 21 Oct 2023

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d69290 No.101009

File: 96e535ac29260e5⋯.png (20.98 KB,597x261,199:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777549 (212116ZOCT23) Notable: Jewish leader in @RashidaTlaib ’s district murdered following the congresswoman’s false and inciting rhetoric.

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Ezra A. Cohen


Jewish leader in @RashidaTlaib

’s district murdered following the congresswoman’s false and inciting rhetoric.


Detroit Free Press




Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found dead outside her home https://freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2023/10/21/samantha-woll-dead-isaac-agree-downtown-detroit-synagogue-president/71271616007/?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot

9:40 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101010

File: 768196fa10aa7d2⋯.jpeg (359.82 KB,1242x2324,621:1162,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e11c28342130fd⋯.jpeg (348.63 KB,1242x2324,621:1162,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777574 (212121ZOCT23) Notable: Eric Prince: The Biden Administration Caused A “Systemic Collapse Of Deterrence” For The U.S. Globally

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So cool Prince made a totally secure phone, no ads, no tracking etc, promo code for discount “war room”

Listen to the end of bannon video to hear about it


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d69290 No.101011

File: 4c26352e9c4610a⋯.png (438.14 KB,594x542,297:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777593 (212124ZOCT23) Notable: @MrAndyNgo: Police in London stopped an angry crowd of pro-Palestine protesters from getting any closer to the Israeli Embassy

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Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈


Police in London stopped an angry crowd of pro-Palestine protesters from getting any closer to the Israeli Embassy in Kensington. Video by @IncMonocle




9:57 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101012

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777599 (212125ZOCT23) Notable: AG Ken Paxton Discusses Being The Adversary Of Bush Apparatus For Nine Years In Texas

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AG Ken Paxton Discusses Being The Adversary Of Bush Apparatus For Nine Years In Texas

I really like Ken Paxton, God Bless Him




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d69290 No.101013

File: 49d8b17d8ccab27⋯.png (469.77 KB,1036x802,518:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777610 (212127ZOCT23) Notable: The First U.S. Military Engagement in Expanded Israeli War Has Begun

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The First U.S. Military Engagement in

an Expanded Israeli War Has Begun

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 10/21/2023 4:21:14 PM

Today, the sketchy Pentagon statements about the USS Carney are starting to make sense. The initial suspicions within the originating statements {GO DEEP} are well founded. Today, the Pentagon is admitting the events in the Red Sea were “much more significant” than originally outlined. Here’s the big picture, and we will go a little deeper. The USS Carney is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer assigned to USS Ford Carrier Strike Group 12. As part of the October 8th deployment into the eastern Mediterranean, the USS Carney took up a defensive position for the strike group by going through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea.

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d69290 No.101014

File: ef5a98140667748⋯.png (886.81 KB,676x678,338:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777615 (212129ZOCT23) Notable: 100,000 Protest Against Israel in London as Antifa and Islamist Flags Fly

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100,000 Protest Against Israel in London

as Antifa and Islamist Flags Fly

Breitbart Europe, by Kurt Zindulka

Posted By: Imright, 10/21/2023 3:04:10 PM

An estimated 100,000 people joined a pro-Palestinian rally in London on Saturday, including supporters of radical Islam and far-left groups such as Antifa and various socialist organisations. The Metropolitan Police said that up to 100,000 people joined a rally to support Palestine in the wake of the deadly Hamas terror strikes on Israel that left over 1,400 people dead and the subsequent retaliation on Palestine. Protests were also held in multicultural Birmingham, as well (X Photo) According to The Telegraph, protesters carried signs including some depicting both British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Hitler moustaches, with the caption “Crime Minister”.

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d69290 No.101015

File: d59f047f7ce1453⋯.png (152.28 KB,600x529,600:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a8fdc9b18ba010⋯.png (159.32 KB,738x936,41:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777617 (212129ZOCT23) Notable: IDF Drone over Northern Israel was Fired-Upon earlier by a Rocket launched from a Compound in Southern Lebanon

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The Israeli Defense Force has announced that an IDF Drone over Northern Israel was Fired-Upon earlier by a Rocket launched from a Compound in Southern Lebanon, the Rocket reportedly Missed and was then Intercepted by the Aerial-Defense Array while the Drone then Destroying the Compound the Rocket was launched from.



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d69290 No.101016

File: 4b75c44c9738404⋯.png (897.43 KB,1104x723,368:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777623 (212130ZOCT23) Notable: Ukraine war: Zelensky thanks Biden ford multi-billion dollar aid package

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Ukraine war: Zelensky thanks Biden for

proposed multi-billion dollar aid package

News Agency of Nigeria/dpa, by Staff

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/21/2023 2:31:15 PM

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for the prospect of a new multi-billion dollar aid package from Washington. Biden, in a rare address from the Oval Office on Thursday night, said he would be asking Congress for a new round of funding for Ukraine as part of a larger request that also includes aid to Israel. U.S. media reported that Biden would ask for 100 billion U.S. dollars in total, about 60 billion U.S. dollars of which was designated for Ukraine. The White House said details on the proposal would be made public on Friday – but whether it can get through the deeply dysfunctional U.S. Congress

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d69290 No.101017

File: f3c1a76129a0e71⋯.png (128.2 KB,594x445,594:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777632 (212131ZOCT23) Notable: @RevolverNewsUSA - How Ron DeSantis Lost the Internet…

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Revolver News


How Ron DeSantis Lost the Internet…

9:21 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101018

File: d6855e39ff80bc6⋯.png (15.04 KB,594x172,297:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777655 (212139ZOCT23) Notable: Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson has requested “insurrectionist” Rep. Rashida Tlaib be barred from intelligence briefings for the safety of the U.S.

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson has requested “insurrectionist” Rep. Rashida Tlaib be barred from intelligence briefings for the safety of the U.S.

10:29 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101019

File: 4a4789b957d016c⋯.png (384.69 KB,970x446,485:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777720 (212154ZOCT23) Notable: The Truth about Covid is Breaking Around the World UK Anon - EXCESS DEATHS FROM THE VACCINES IN THE WORLD [vid]

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The Truth about Covid is Breaking Around the World

The Court cases are coming out

The People are Awakening

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d69290 No.101020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777728 (212156ZOCT23) Notable: The Truth about Covid is Breaking Around the World UK Anon - EXCESS DEATHS FROM THE VACCINES IN THE WORLD [vid]

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Repost as this should have been notable many time. archived post.



Note: Link below to contact your local m.p to let them know they did not turn up for the debate and you will be voting them out for being cowards and traitors for the anons in the u.k!!

full video: 32.48 minutes long. share everywhere with whoever you can.


Parliamentary speech on excess deaths



12,882 views 20 Oct 2023

If you live in the UK, you can contact your MP using this link,



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d69290 No.101021

File: f3d07e7da49c41c⋯.gif (1.12 MB,333x334,333:334,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777777 (212205ZOCT23) Notable: DUMPSTER FIRE DIGITS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101022

File: b5a3c66c0f44a11⋯.jpg (47.84 KB,593x246,593:246,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c645347975ca547⋯.jpg (24.43 KB,584x182,292:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b47af7aa1356163⋯.jpg (84.19 KB,602x360,301:180,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777849 (212217ZOCT23) Notable: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market

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@stkirsch: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market



Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this.



Michigan remdesivir case is very important precedent here proving liability shield falls when there is undisclosed contamination of active ingredients.



The FDA is now at a crossroads. Either they admit that they knew about the plasma contamination, and failed to disclose that to the public and to the outside committees, or they can claim that they didn’t know about it in which case Pfizer is liable. But we have the Pfizer documents that were given to the FDA so we know what the FDA got. And I seriously doubt there’s any disclosure of SV40 contamination. That means we have an adulterated vaccine and the FDA has to remove it from the market until the adulteration is fixed. If the FDA doesn’t do that, they should face criminal prosecution for endangering the public, and not following the law.

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d69290 No.101023

File: b4030e2803e009b⋯.png (672.42 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: d3e78fb5cdd7fa2⋯.png (221.18 KB,551x637,551:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777893 (212224ZOCT23) Notable: Apple, Jon Stewart Part Ways Thanks To Coverage Of China: REPORT

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Apple, Jon Stewart Part Ways Thanks To Coverage Of China: REPORT

October 20, 2023

Apple is no longer moving forward with comedian Jon Stewart’s show due to concerns over his potential coverage of topics related to China and artificial intelligence (AI), The New York Times reported.

Stewart and Apple executives agreed to go their separate ways because of their editorial disputes, two sources told the NYT. Stewart informed his team for the show titled, “The Problem with Jon Stewart,” on Thursday that possible subjects pertaining to China and AI resulted in Apple executives raising creative concerns, an individual familiar with the discussion told the NYT.

Apple executives told Stewart they must be “aligned” on the topics covered on the show, sources told The Hollywood reporter.

Apple CEO Tim Cook recently visited China following the iPhone 15’s lackluster sales in the country, according to CNBC. The tech giant’s stock recently tumbled hundreds of millions of dollars in the two days following reports of a broad Chinese government iPhone ban, according to CNN Business.

Cook previously traveled to China in March and spoke at the China Development Forum in Beijing, according to The Financial Times.

“We could not be more excited,” Cook stated. “Apple and China . . . grew together and so this has been a symbiotic kind of relationship.”

Apple restricted its AirDrop tool for iPhones sold in China last year in a software update. Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong had used it to share messages that escaped China’s internet restrictions during protests in 2019, Quartz, a business outlet, reported.

Apple did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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d69290 No.101024

File: d36d3b97a6f3ff2⋯.png (51.07 KB,442x576,221:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777957 (212239ZOCT23) Notable: DELTAS

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Coming up on a 5 year delta.

We are at war.

Enemy at the front door.


Do we have control of the Senate? It doesn't seem like it. This drop like all the others seemingly is meant for the future further out than this year which is depressing.

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d69290 No.101025

File: 682f822c46ba34f⋯.png (354.72 KB,600x576,25:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777994 (212248ZOCT23) Notable: Dutch king and queen are confronted by angry protesters on visit to a slavery museum in South Africa

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The Associated Press


Oct 20

Dutch king and queen are confronted by angry protesters on visit to a slavery museum in South Africa


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d69290 No.101026

File: 1faebd5dc73620f⋯.png (1.54 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778108 (212316ZOCT23) Notable: Biden is dangling border security money to try to get billions more for Israel and Ukraine

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Biden is dangling border security money to try to get billions more for Israel and Ukraine

by: COLLEEN LONG, Associated Press

Posted: Oct 21, 2023 / 02:56 PM EDT

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d69290 No.101027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778140 (212324ZOCT23) Notable: #24285

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#24285 >>100991

>>100993 Contamination in Covid 19 Vaxxes

>>100992 @realDonaldTrump “Check Please”

>>100994 @EzraACohen - Reports emerging that Captagon was indeed found in the pockets of Hamas fighters - Mark Esper blocks my efforts to interdict, why?

>>100995 Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found stabbed to death

>>100996 San Francisco: Convicted pedophile sets up homeless camp outside SCHOOL with sign saying 'Free fentanyl 4 new users' - and says it's not a joke

>>100997 Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons

>>100998 Revealing Venture Capitalist Funds and their ties to the CCP. Philip Lenczycki Discusses The United Front War Department

>>100999 Yitz Friedman Joins WarRoom To Discuss The NIH Director Nominee’s Troubling Track Record. Hand picked by Fauci

>>101000, >>101004, >>101010 Eric Prince: The Biden Administration Caused A “Systemic Collapse Of Deterrence” For The U.S. Globally

>>101001 Foreign IT Company Gobbles Up Top US Ammunition Manufacturers - Remington, Federal, CCI and Others Sold Off

>>101002 Salwan Momika, the Iraqi migrant who burnt the Quran in Sweden showed today who he is working for: Mossad

>>101003, >>101006 Twats - Poso: "The White House is doing all they can to prevent the true narrative from spilling out. All of these attacks are linked" / Hezbollah is not Hamas

>>101005 3 year [delta] - BOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW.

>>101007 Sailors searved serf-n-turf (T-bone & Lobster-tail) dinners. Biden sending our sailors to be sacrificed?

>>101008 China deploys six warships to Middle East

>>101009 Jewish leader in @RashidaTlaib ’s district murdered following the congresswoman’s false and inciting rhetoric.

>>101011 @MrAndyNgo: Police in London stopped an angry crowd of pro-Palestine protesters from getting any closer to the Israeli Embassy

>>101012 AG Ken Paxton Discusses Being The Adversary Of Bush Apparatus For Nine Years In Texas

>>101013 The First U.S. Military Engagement in Expanded Israeli War Has Begun

>>101014 100,000 Protest Against Israel in London as Antifa and Islamist Flags Fly

>>101015 The Israeli Defense Force has announced that an IDF Drone over Northern Israel was Fired-Upon earlier by a Rocket launched from a Compound in Southern Lebanon

>>101016 Ukraine war: Zelensky thanks Biden ford multi-billion dollar aid package

>>101017 @RevolverNewsUSA - How Ron DeSantis Lost the Internet…

>>100800 Israel CUTS OFF internet access to all of Northern Gaza..

>>101018 Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson has requested “insurrectionist” Rep. Rashida Tlaib be barred from intelligence briefings for the safety of the U.S.

>>101019 The Truth about Covid is Breaking Around the World >>101020 UK Anon - EXCESS DEATHS FROM THE VACCINES IN THE WORLD [vid]


>>101022 @stkirsch: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market

>>101022 You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market

>>101023 Apple, Jon Stewart Part Ways Thanks To Coverage Of China: REPORT

>>101025 Dutch king and queen are confronted by angry protesters on visit to a slavery museum in South Africa

>>101026 Biden is dangling border security money to try to get billions more for Israel and Ukraine


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d69290 No.101028

File: 9c9535f13fe7939⋯.png (804.26 KB,758x588,379:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778240 (212344ZOCT23) Notable: #24286

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>baker seeks handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101029

File: 2fbc60fe56d4790⋯.jpeg (158.84 KB,873x897,291:299,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778261 (212349ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s communication team looks positively petrified when press asks him about Hezbollah…

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This is the “Oh Shit” moment that happens 4-5 times a day, 3 of those are real shit in the pants

_Biden’s communication team looks positively petrified when press asks him about Hezbollah…_

October 20, 2023 (2 days ago)

Joe Biden is an unmitigated disaster. His cognitive abilities have declined to the point where he often can’t string sentences together, making it nearly impossible to follow his train of thought. Listening to him address the world, the American people, or the press is akin to watching a soggy bag of oatmeal attempt to communicate.

Just the other day, Biden looked like a deer caught in the headlights while attempting to converse with reporters on Air Force One. He froze up Mitch McConnell-style and, even when he regained his composure, remained disoriented and all over the place. Of course, it made world-wide news, making the US look like a clown show, but Biden doesn’t care; he probably doesn’t even know what day of the week it is.

The Daily Express:

Joe Biden talks gibberish and completely freezes in latest ‘confused’ moment

Joe Biden appeared to lose his train of thought while struggling to speak during a chat with reporters on Air Force One. The 80-year-old President has been slammed for his regular gaffes.

Joe Biden has been mocked after he once again spaced out and struggled to finish a thought while speaking to reporters following a visit to Israel.

In a widely shared video, the 80-year-old president stops speaking, grabs his face and looks at the floor for an uncomfortably long pause before answering a reporter’s question in broken sentences.

President Biden says: “Virtually every…mass shooting…every…circumstance where a large number of people have been victimized and lost, I spoke to them…I learned a long time ago, but you all learned in your life as well.”

He then stares blankly at the reporter without speaking for several moments.

Starting again, Biden said: “When someone’s going through something that is beyond their comprehension that they never thought they’d have to go through…if they see someone who they think understands who went through something not the same but similar…it gives them some sense of hope.….


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d69290 No.101030

File: 5b5142d053cbfbd⋯.png (23.8 KB,600x266,300:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778290 (212357ZOCT23) Notable: @elonmusk Our civilization is being slowly strangled to death one regulation at a time

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Elon Musk


Our civilization is being slowly strangled to death one regulation at a time






The SEC has proposed a new “predictive data analytics” (PDA) rule that would severely curb financial services firms from using technology to serve customers. @RobinhoodApp has voiced opposition, and I strongly stand behind it. This would have a major impact on investors. (1/7)

11:58 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778311 (220001ZOCT23) Notable: Larry Johnson argued that Hamas was not responsible for the hospital bombing:

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Larry Johnson argued that Hamas was not responsible for the hospital bombing:


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d69290 No.101032

File: 12e578a59c45d41⋯.webp (27.52 KB,750x410,75:41,Clipboard.webp)

File: 9f0224b93488be5⋯.webp (59.39 KB,806x1200,403:600,Clipboard.webp)

File: fadda9bd95a945f⋯.webp (15.49 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: 936eb3045755d08⋯.webp (154.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778319 (220002ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden Bought His Luxury $2.75 Million Rehoboth Beach Home with ALL CASH within Weeks of Hunter’s ‘Shakedown’

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Joe Biden Bought His Luxury $2.75 Million Rehoboth Beach Home with ALL CASH within Weeks of Hunter’s ‘Shakedown’ WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Partner – Comer Responds

by Cristina Laila Oct. 21, 2023 1:00 pm

Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.

In June, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapely revealed Hunter Biden demanded payment from his Chinese business associate over WhatsApp messenger.

On July 30th, 2017, Hunter Biden demanded payment and threatened Henry Zhao, a Chinese Communist Party official and director of Harvest Fund Management.

Harvest Fund Management had previously invested in Hunter Biden’s firm, BHR Partners – a private investment fund founded in 2013 that is co-owned by the Bank of China.

Hunter and Joe Biden threatened Henry Zhao – make a payment or else!

The July 2017 WhatsApp message Hunter Biden sent to Henry Zhao is as follows according to the IRS whistleblower:

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my directions. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

A week later Hunter Biden received a $5 million wire described as an ‘interest-free loan’ (a way for Hunter to avoid paying taxes) from a Chinese firm.

On August 8, 2017, $5 million was wired from a CEFC-affiliated investment vehicle (Northern International) to the bank account for Hudson West III, which spent the next year transferring $4,790,375 million directly to Hunter Biden’s firm, Owasco, according to a Senate reportreviewed by this reporter.

A few weeks before this desperate shakedown, Joe Biden plopped down nearly $2.75 million in cash for his Rehoboth Beach home. No wonder why he was so desperate to get this cash from Hunter’s business partner. He was counting on it to cover his new real estate transaction.

“Property records show Joe’s six-bedroom second property was purchased on June 8, 2017 for $2,744,001 – just seven weeks before his son’s shakedown messages.” The Daily Mail reported.

There was no record of a mortgage lien against the Rehoboth property until Joe and Jill Biden opened a $250,000 HELOC (home equity line of credit) against the property last December.

Biden document obtained by Fox News

The White House refuses to say why Joe Biden quietly secured the $250,000 home equity line of credit.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer responded to the latest evidence of Biden family corruption in a statement to The Daily Mail:

“The fact that Joe Biden purchased a luxurious beach house around the same time his family was receiving millions from a CCP-linked company raises many questions that need to be answered,” Comer told DailyMail.com.

“The House Oversight Committee will continue to follow the money trail to determine the extent of President Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence-peddling schemes and its impact on our national security,” Comer added.

The Biden White House has repeatedly avoided questions about whether Joe Biden was actually with his son Hunter when he sent the threatening message to Henry Zhao.

White House reporters over the summer repeatedly grilled NatSec spox John Kirby and Press Sec Karine Jean-Pierre about this WhatsApp message.

“Have you spoken to the president about this? Have you asked him whether he was there with his son on July 30, 2017?” a reporter asked KJP over the summer.

“This is not a conversation that I’ve had with the president,” KJP said.

However, pictures from the “Laptop From Hell”place Hunter at Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware house on the same day he invoked his dad’s name to threaten a Chinese business associate.

According to the metadata on the Corvette photo,Hunter Biden was at Joe Biden’s Delaware house on the same day he threatened Henry Zhao.


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d69290 No.101033

File: 182334ba6307c46⋯.jpeg (629.48 KB,1686x631,1686:631,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f0079c7ceff61aa⋯.png (58.38 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: ccb2a64760419a9⋯.png (512.37 KB,734x525,734:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778324 (220003ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eastern Med Activity C102 US Coast Guard G5 returning to Reagan National after an overnight at El Paso Intl

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C102 US Coast Guard G5 returning to Reagan National after an overnight at El Paso Intl

There are 3 of these ACs and this on is the newest

Speculation has been that some of these flights (by the 3) are US Navy Ops using Coast Guard Alas cover

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d69290 No.101034

File: c0fb5a495057912⋯.png (34.99 KB,866x369,866:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778336 (220005ZOCT23) Notable: Census Data Shows 871,000 Californians Left The Imploding State In 2022

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Census Data Shows 871,000 Californians Left The Imploding State In 2022

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Oct 21, 2023 - 08:45 AM

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d69290 No.101035

File: 630984935c1f47f⋯.png (18.9 KB,596x295,596:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778365 (220011ZOCT23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ Twitter/X accounts operated by agents of alphabet agencies are trying to earn your trust.

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There are currently a handful of Twitter/X accounts that are operated by agents of alphabet agencies.

They are trying to earn your trust.

I don't know for sure what their end goal is, but I have a hunch.

Stay vigilant.

1:09 PM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101036

File: 28546cbaced585f⋯.jpeg (752.43 KB,1586x697,1586:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 905ded357b8fa13⋯.jpeg (230.95 KB,828x512,207:128,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 23aae1668b9c0e5⋯.jpeg (130.08 KB,1028x1172,257:293,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778441 (220022ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eastern Med Activity C102 US Coast Guard G5 returning to Reagan National after an overnight at El Paso Intl

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planefag Eastern Med Activity

HOMER42 Rivet Joint off shore on the track from Souda Bay Crete

IAF252 Tanker up from Ben Gurion Intl and a C130 also up

German AF GAF758 A321neo departed Cyprus

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d69290 No.101037

File: fdf225a2af67969⋯.webp (62.29 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: a4600fc7267d16b⋯.webp (37.44 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: dd346efb85d83b9⋯.webp (88.87 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: e88354e0ab512e0⋯.webp (79.97 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: fd6b20d9b4bbcad⋯.jpeg (130.59 KB,1131x780,29:20,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778495 (220031ZOCT23) Notable: Why are whales throwing seaweed on their heads?

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Why are whales throwing seaweed on their heads?

20 hours ago

Drone footage captured the whale playing in a patch of seaweed

The Happy Pod

Whales enjoy throwing seaweed on their heads and holding it in their mouths as makeshift toothbrushes, new research from Australia suggests.

Scientists examined the behaviour - called kelping - by analysing aerial footage and social media posts of more than 160 whale interactions.

They found kelping may also be used as a welcomed body scrub and as a way of strengthening social bonds.

The study has labelled the findings a "global phenomenon".

Whales have a cluster of nerve endings on their heads, and seaweed can provide sensory stimulation

Dr Olaf Meynecke, research fellow at Griffith University in Queensland, co-authored the study and used aerial observations, drone shots and social media footage to analyse the newly found behaviour.

Speaking to the BBC's The Happy Pod, Dr Meynecke said: "We've seen it in the northern and the southern hemispheres, while before there has only ever been one study that looked at a case study in Australia."

Dr Meynecke examined kelping in whales off the coasts of Alaska, mainland USA, Canada, Australia and French Polynesia.

Some individuals kept kelp and seaweed on their heads for more than 30 minutes at a time

While the marine mammals enjoyed rolling around in the seaweed, there was one spot in particular that the whales targeted.

"We have evidence of four different species and it seems all have a preference to place it on their heads," explains Dr Meynecke.

The observed species are classified as baleen whales, which have a large bristly whalebone at the front of their mouth to filter feed, instead of teeth.

Whales were seen using their pectoral fins to launch marine plants over their heads and bodies

Dr Meynecke says the whales enjoy throwing patches of seaweed up in the air and "using their heads to swim through it".

Baleen whales have a sensory system on their head and it is thought that touching the seaweed gives a nice sensation.

Because baleens do not bite, Dr Meynecke was surprised to see the whales plunging downwards with seaweed clasped in their mouths.

"One good reason for this could be that it's actually like a toothbrush, because that part of their mouths is extremely difficult to clean."

Whale friends

Image caption,Seaweed can also help remove parasites and dead skin

However, Dr Meynecke says it could be a lot simpler: "Kelping can actually happen as a social activity."

The team observed three whales sharing kelp with each other before "another two whales came by to check out the scene".

"It was clear that this kind of interaction with the seaweed was a positive one that was shared with others."

The team noted the issue of large areas of seaweed and kelp dying in the areas where the whales roam, and how highlighting the positive impact of seaweed on the whales' wellbeing can help with conservation efforts.


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d69290 No.101038

File: 7bddf9102157ddb⋯.png (226.51 KB,534x301,534:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778580 (220043ZOCT23) Notable: Valley of Death Comes Alive with flora

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Valley of Death Comes Alive

'I've never seen anything like this': Death Valley gleams with water, wildflowers and color


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d69290 No.101039

File: a15cefd37db6194⋯.mp4 (9.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778635 (220052ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eastern Med Activity C102 US Coast Guard G5 returning to Reagan National after an overnight at El Paso Intl

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Notice USN E-6B Mercury 164404 call sign DAFFY22 slipped off ADS-B coverage at midnight zulu time.

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d69290 No.101040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778656 (220055ZOCT23) Notable: Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸. @julie_kelly2

Oct 20 • 3 tweets •

Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent-54 pages of straw grasping to justify unprecedented criminal prosecution of a former president on dubious charges with comical evidence.

And Trump can't publicly respond...

“Count One, which charges a conspiracy to defraud the United States, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371, alleges that the defendant, then a candidate seeking re-election to the presidency, conspired with, among others, several individuals outside the Executive Branch to "overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election by using knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct the federal government function by which those results are collected, counted. and certified." ECF No. 1 at * 1, 7, 8. The indictment further alleges that the defendant aimed at accomplishing the conspiracy's objectives in five ways: using deceit toward state officials to subvert the legitimate election results in those states, id. at 9 13-52; using deceit to organize fraudulent slates of electors in seven targeted states, and cause them to send false certificates to Congress, id. at IT 53-69; leveraging the Department of Justice to use deceit to get state officials to replace the legitimate electoral slate with electors who would cast their votes for the defendant, id. at IT 70-85; attempting to enlist the Vice President to fraudulently alter the election results during the certification proceeding on January 6, 2021, and directing supporters to the Capitol to obstruct the proceeding, id. at " 86-105; and exploiting the violence and chaos that transpired at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, id. at ' 106-124. Counts Two and Three, which incorporate allegations from Count One, charge conspiracy and substantive violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2) for corruptly obstructing the certification of the presidential election results onJanuary 6, 2021. Id. at 1 125-28. Count Four, which likewise incorporates the allegations from Count One, alleges that the defendant conspired to violate one or more person's constitutional right

to vote and have one's vote counted. Id. at ° 129-30.”

Smith is actually comparing the post-Enron obstruction felony, misused by DOJ and at risk of being reversed by SCOTUS, to murder. Not just a thug, a moron.

And DO TELL ABOUT A PRESIDENT TAKING BRIBES...would this apply to a vice president?

Just wondering.

“The implications of the defendant's unbounded immunity theory are startling. It would grant absolute immunity from criminal prosecution to a president who accepts a bribe in exchange for a lucrative government contract for a family member; a president who instructs his FBI Director to plant incriminating evidence on a political enemy; a president who orders the National Guard to murder his most prominent critics; or a president who sells nuclear secrets to a foreign adversary. After all, in each of these scenarios, the president could assert that he was simply executing the laws; or communicating with the Department of Justice; or discharging his powers as commander-in-chief; or engaging in foreign diplomacy and his felonious purposes and motives, as the defendant repeatedly insists, would be completely irrelevant and could never even be aired at trial. In addition to the profoundly troubling implications for the rule of law and the inconsistency with the fundamental principle that no man is above the law, that novel approach to immunity in the criminal context, as explained above, has no basis in law or history.“

Let's remember this.

Election interference is criminal, Jack Smith says so!

“That parallel is instructive because the Supreme Court has reasoned that, notwithstanding their absolute immunity from civil liability, prosecutors and judges are "subject to criminal prosecutions as are other citizens." Dennis v. Sparks, 449 U.S. 24, 31 (1980) (discussing judges);

see Imbler v. Pachtman, 424 U.S. 409, 429 (1976) (observing, in a case holding that prosecutors are absolutely immune from civil damages liability, that the Supreme Court had "never suggested

that the policy considerations which compel civil immunity for certain governmental officials also place them beyond the reach of the criminal law"); see also Mireles v. Waco, 502 U.S. 9, 9, 10 n.”


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d69290 No.101041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778678 (220058ZOCT23) Notable: John Kerry's Daughter - Dr. Vanessa, WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health:

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John Kerry's Daughter - Dr. Vanessa, WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health:

"We are facing truly one of the most existential moments we've seen in human history and while it is being driven in part by lack of information or lots of disinformation being fed in, it's being driven by what is happening in the world today, huge amount of conflict, but climate change is without question making many of these processes worse... climate change is our next pandemic..."

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d69290 No.101042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778686 (220059ZOCT23) Notable: Half of the young men who got myocarditis after the jab now have permanent heart damage… Why isn’t this front-page news?

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Why isn’t this front-page news? Half of the young men who got myocarditis after the jab now have permanent heart damage…

October 20, 2023 (2 days ago)

Dr. Drew, who initially raised concerns about fear-mongering during the COVID pandemic before facing pressure to change his stance, is back in the spotlight. He’s discussing a groundbreaking study that he finds so shocking, he can’t believe it isn’t headline news nationwide. The study reveals that an astonishing 50 percent of young men who developed myocarditis after receiving the COVID vaccine now have permanent heart damage. Dr. Drew appeared on Megyn Kelly’s popular podcast and called the findings “breathtaking.” Here’s what a stunned Dr. Drew said about this alarming new study.

We all know why this isn’t breaking news everywhere. We’re no longer a serious country. Our media has become a propaganda arm of the progressive establishment, prioritizing spin over facts and truth. Apparently, the plight of Americans with permanent heart damage from a hastily rolled-out vaccine doesn’t align with the regime’s political ideology. So, they sweep it under the rug to save face, while Americans continue suffer in silence, and are labeled “anti-vax” or“Q-kooks”for questioning the government and Big Pharma.


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d69290 No.101043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778852 (220124ZOCT23) Notable: Walter Scheib dig

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Walter Scheib - Wikipedia


Born Walter Stanley Scheib III May 3, 1954 Oakland, California, U.S.

Died c. June 13, 2015 (aged 61)

Near the Yerba Canyon trailhead in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Taos, New Mexico, U.S.

Education The Culinary Institute of America

Spouse(s) Jean Prince (divorced)

Yvonne Swartz (divorced)

Children 2

Culinary career

Cooking style American cuisine

Walter Stanley Scheib III[1] (May 3, 1954 – c. June 13, 2015) was an American chef who was White House Executive Chef from 1994 until 2005.

Scheib was born on May 3, 1954, in Oakland, California,[1] to Walter S. Scheib Jr. and his wife, Jean Scheib.[2][3] His father worked for the Atomic Energy Commission, and his mother was an accountant.[4] The Scheibs moved to Bethesda, Maryland, when Walter was a young boy.[2]

Scheib's mother was a devotee of French cooking long before it became popular in the United States, often making paella and bouillabaisse. She also cooked Spanish cuisine, and taught Walter to appreciate unusual flavor combinations.[5] Scheib's favorite television programs were The Galloping Gourmet with Graham Kerr and The French Chef with Julia Child. He asked his mother to allow him to chop vegetables or prepare food so often, that in time he became extremely proficient at cooking and was allowed to prepare all the family's meals.[1] In his teens, he worked in local restaurants as a pot washer, busboy, and prep cook.[4]

Scheib graduated from Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda in 1972.[1] He enrolled at the University of Maryland, College Park, but quit and enrolled at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, where he graduated in 1979.[2]

After a period where he worked in France,[5] Scheib moved to Washington, D.C., where he found work as a line chef in the kitchen at the Capital Hilton. Within three years, he had risen to the position of chef de cuisine (executive chef).[2]

He moved to the Boca Raton Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Florida, in 1986, where he served four years as the executive chef.[2] Scheib then returned to D.C., where he served briefly as executive chef at the Mayflower Hotel.[6]

In 1990, he took a position as the executive chef at The Greenbrier, a luxury resort near White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.[2] At The Greenbrier, Scheib directed a staff of 200, and often prepared as many as 1,000 meals a night.[4]

White House


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d69290 No.101044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778859 (220125ZOCT23) Notable: Walter Scheib dig

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White House


The White House kitchen had been dominated from 1966 to 1987 by Henry Haller, a Swiss-trained chef who emphasized French cooking. His successor, Jon Hill, lasted just five months before being replaced by long-time sous-chef Hans Raffert, but Raffert retired in October 1992,[7] and French-born and trained chef Pierre Chambrin, who succeeded Raffert, was asked to resign in March 1994 after refusing to cook the low-fat American cuisine favored by President Bill and First Lady Hillary Clinton.[8] Most of Chambrin's staff were also asked to leave.[4]

Scheib's mother had just died, and Scheib did not want to take on a new job.[3] Scheib's wife submitted his résumé without his knowledge.[2] He was among 4,000 applicants for the position, and one of just five asked to audition for the First Lady.[9] Mrs. Clinton was impressed with Scheib's managerial skills and ability to prepare hundreds of first-class meals in a short period of time.[5] She also wanted the White House to feature more distinctively American cooking techniques, dishes, and presentation, something she believed Scheib could bring to the White House.[1][9] She also wanted to get away from the cream- and fat-heavy dishes of French cooking.[6][9] Scheib was competing against some of the best chefs in the United States, including Nora Pouillon and Patrick Clark (then at the Hay–Adams Hotel).[4][10] Scheib auditioned before the First Lady and several other women[4] by presenting pecan-encrusted lamb, red-curried sweet potatoes, and morel sauce.[1] While other chefs primarily brought in dishes they normally serve in their restaurants, Scheib's lunch featured a wide variety of American cuisines: Cal-Italian, Mid-Atlantic, Southwestern, Floridian, and even a vegetarian serving.[4] Hillary Clinton hired Scheib[4] after Clark, her first choice, turned her down.[10]

Clinton years

Among Scheib's immediate innovations as White House Executive Chef was the establishment of a vegetable garden on the roof of the White House[1] and the modernization of the kitchen in 1993.[11] He also taught Chelsea Clinton how to cook.[2] Meeting the dining needs of the Clintons was demanding. Hillary Clinton enjoyed hot sauces,[12] and Bill Clinton loved to gorge on cheeseburgers[13] and a 24-ounce porterhouse steak with béarnaise sauce and onion rings whenever the First Lady was absent.[1] Chelsea Clinton's decision to become a vegetarian in 1999[14] created major problems for the kitchen staff, who could no longer use the same utensils and pans for cooking meat and vegetables.[12]


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d69290 No.101045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778872 (220126ZOCT23) Notable: Walter Scheib dig

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Bush years and dismissal

White House Executive Chefs do not normally change when a new administration arrives, and, as usual, President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush retained Scheib when they entered the White House in 2000. However, the Bushes had different tastes and styles than the Clintons. Laura Bush wanted a more formal presentation at meals, and President Bush disliked soup, salad, and poached fish—staples of Scheib's cuisine.[2] Instead, the president favored peanut butter and honey sandwiches, BLTs, and cheeseburgers.[12] The twin Bush girls both required that the calories in each meal be given to them.[12] After the September 11 attacks in 2001, Scheib's cooking duties were largely restricted to the First Family, as all social engagements at the White House were curtailed for nearly a year.[12] President Bush affectionately called Scheib "Cookie".[9]

Tension between the Bushes and Scheib was soon apparent. An anonymous White House staffer later claimed that Scheib kept serving the Bushes scallops, even though they disliked them. Scheib angrily denied the assertion.[1] The differences became too great, and Scheib was fired by the Bushes in February 2005.[15] He was succeeded in August 2005 by Cristeta Comerford, a White House sous-chef whom Scheib had hired in 1995.[16]

During both the Clinton and Bush administrations, Scheib usually served three meals a day to the First Family.[12] He often worked long hours each day, and as many as six days a week.[4] The number of expected guests at both informal and formal dining occasions fluctuated greatly, and pleasing both First Families took a great deal of attention and care.[4] Both the Bushes and Clintons loved enchiladas, fresh fruit, salads, and sorbets, and both presidents asked for junk food when their wives were not present.[12] During his tenure at the White House, Scheib cooked for a large number of heads of state and VIPs, including Akihito, Emperor of Japan; Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Diana, Princess of Wales; Jacques Chirac, President of France; Nelson Mandela, the President of South Africa; and Boris Yeltsin, the first President of Russia.[1]

Post-White House

In 2007, Scheib authored (with Andrew Friedman) a memoir, The White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen.[5] He subsequently formed a corporation, The American Chef, which provided his services as a consultant and lecturer, and assisted in planning, preparing, and presenting Scheib-cooked meals for large groups. Between 2007 and 2015, he traveled to nearly every U.S. state and to 154 countries.[2][5]

Scheib appeared on the television series Iron Chef America, which aired on the Food Network, in 2006.[17]


Scheib went hiking in Taos, New Mexico, and went missing on June 13, 2015.[18] He was found dead on June 21, 2015.[19]

An autopsy revealed that Scheib died from drowning on or about June 13.[20] A precise date of death was not determined, as the cold water temperature of the ravine preserved his body in a manner that made it impossible to determine when exactly he had died. The area where he was hiking is prone to flash floods, and thunderstorms had struck the area the day he went missing.[20][21][a]

Personal life

Scheib met his first wife, Jean Prince, at the Capital Hilton, where she was working as a chef.[4] The couple had two sons, Walter S. Scheib IV (born in 1988) and James Prince (born in 1991).[4] Their marriage ended in divorce.[1]

Scheib then married Yvonne Swartz; their marriage also ended in divorce.[1]



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d69290 No.101046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778955 (220140ZOCT23) Notable: #24286

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#24286 >>101028

>>101029 Biden’s communication team looks positively petrified when press asks him about Hezbollah…

>>101040 Latest filing by Jack Smith again shows this is a farcical, experimental expedition with no precedent

>>101030 @elonmusk Our civilization is being slowly strangled to death one regulation at a time

>>101031 Larry Johnson argued that Hamas was not responsible for the hospital bombing:

>>101032 Joe Biden Bought His Luxury $2.75 Million Rehoboth Beach Home with ALL CASH within Weeks of Hunter’s ‘Shakedown’

>>101033, >>101033, >>101039 PF Eastern Med Activity C102 US Coast Guard G5 returning to Reagan National after an overnight at El Paso Intl

>>101034 Census Data Shows 871,000 Californians Left The Imploding State In 2022

>>101035 @CodeMonkeyZ Twitter/X accounts operated by agents of alphabet agencies are trying to earn your trust.

>>101037 Why are whales throwing seaweed on their heads?

>>101038 Valley of Death Comes Alive with flora

>>101041 John Kerry's Daughter - Dr. Vanessa, WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health:

>>101042 Half of the young men who got myocarditis after the jab now have permanent heart damage… Why isn’t this front-page news?

>>101043, >>101044, >>101045 Walter Scheib dig


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d69290 No.101047

File: 2ded0e46d61f636⋯.jpg (85.27 KB,700x939,700:939,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779017 (220146ZOCT23) Notable: #24287

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d69290 No.101048

File: b9ee82fd31d19e6⋯.png (436.18 KB,693x556,693:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779084 (220156ZOCT23) Notable: Carr: Forty Years of Sex Abuse Catalogued at Elite NH Prep School of Kerry, Mueller

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One of the nation’s most exclusive prep schools – whose graduates include both former Secretary of State John F. Kerry and the new Russia probe special counsel Robert Mueller – has just issued a scandalous, astonishingly-detailed 73-page report outlining four decades of X-rated sexual abuse of students by faculty and administrators.


25 May 2017…


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d69290 No.101049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779097 (220158ZOCT23) Notable: Carr: Forty Years of Sex Abuse Catalogued at Elite NH Prep School of Kerry, Mueller

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Carr: Forty Years of Sex Abuse Catalogued at Elite NH Prep School of Kerry, Mueller


May 25, 2017

Howie Carr

25 May 2017246

One of the nation’s most exclusive prep schools – whose graduates include both former Secretary of State John F. Kerry and the new Russia probe special counsel Robert Mueller – has just issued a scandalous, astonishingly detailed 73-page report outlining four decades of X-rated sexual abuse of students by faculty and administrators.

St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH, this week named 13 former faculty and staffers and also listed, without naming them, more than a dozen other former teachers and staffers who allegedly assaulted and raped various male and female students between 1948 and 1988.

The report was signed by Luther Scott Harshbarger, a former attorney general of Massachusetts, and was commissioned by the school’s board of trustees, whose chairman is Archibald Cox. Cox’s father was the late Watergate special counsel who was fired by then-President Richard Nixon in the so-called Saturday Night Massacre of 1973. Both Coxs are graduates of the school.

Other famous Democrats who have graduated from the posh school with Episcopal roots include Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and the late Michael Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. Kennedy was accused of having an affair with his family’s 14-year-old babysitter before dying by skiing into a tree in Aspen in 1997. Other famous St. Paul’s alumni include former NYC Mayor John V. Lindsay and the late TV actor Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

The late U.S. Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA), the first openly homosexual member of Congress, taught at the school for years before abruptly resigning from the faculty in the early 1970s. A decade later Studds was censured by Congress for having an affair with a 17-year-old male page after plying him with vodka and cranberry juice while on a foreign trip.

Two years ago, a 2014 graduate of the elite prep school was convicted of sexually assaulting a then 15-year-old female student. Owen Labrie’s appeal for a new trial was recently denied.

Other exclusive New England prep schools have in recent years admitted to decades of hushed-up sex scandals, including the Choate School in Wallingford, CT, from which President John F. Kennedy graduated. Last year, Philips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH, was roiled by a sex scandal involving a former English teacher that came to light after the resignation of the headmaster, who was married to then-Gov., now Sen. Maggie Hasson.

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d69290 No.101050

File: 50fd93584a3c567⋯.png (697.79 KB,1920x1007,1920:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779129 (220204ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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Cross country 767 air tanker flight. Call sign BOOK. Looks to be headed for Travis AFB. Gateway to the Pacific.

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d69290 No.101051

File: 627cb05701e47c3⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x957,1280:957,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779250 (220219ZOCT23) Notable: Nayirah testimony

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Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ during her testimony. It was later revealed that she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States and that her testimony was false.

Nayirah testimony


The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990, by a 15-year-old girl who was publicly identified by her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized and was cited numerous times by U.S. senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale for supporting Kuwait in the Gulf War.

In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was Al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: ) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti Government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.[1][2]

In her testimony, Nayirah claimed that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, remove the incubators and leave the babies to die.

Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a British-based global NGO, which published a report about the supposed killings[3] and testimony from evacuees. Following the liberation of Kuwait, reporters were given access to the country. An ABC report found that "patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait's nurses and doctors ... fled" but Iraqi troops "almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die."[4] Amnesty International USA reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of "opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement".[5]


Incubator allegations

Iraqis are beating people, bombing and shooting. They are taking all hospital equipment, babies out of incubators. Life-support systems are turned off. ... They are even removing traffic lights. The Iraqis are beating Kuwaitis, torturing them, knifing them, beating them, cutting their ears off if they are caught resisting or are with the Kuwaiti army or police.

— Evacuee's description as reported in St. Louis Post-Dispatch[6]

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d69290 No.101052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779260 (220220ZOCT23) Notable: Nayirah testimony

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Following the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait, there were reports of widespread looting. On September 2, 1990, in a letter to the UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, Kuwait's UN representative, Mohammad A. Abulhasan, wrote:

Further to those of our communications which are intended to inform you of the actions perpetrated by the Iraqi occupation authorities in Kuwait in contravention of all international laws, and on the basis of confirmed information provided to us by the Government of Kuwait, we wish to draw attention to a phenomenon which has no precedent in history, namely, the Iraqi occupation authorities' organized operation for the purpose of looting and plundering Kuwait. It is impossible to compare this operation to any similar incidents or to provide an exact account thereof because it is in effect an operation designed to achieve nothing less than the complete removal of Kuwait's assets, including property belonging to the State, to public and private institutions and to individuals, as well as the contents of houses, factories, stores, hospitals, academic institutes, schools, and universities ... What has occurred in Kuwait is the perpetration of an act of armed robbery by a State which has used its military, security and technical organs for that purpose.[7]

In the letter, Abulhasan also noted that "theft of all equipment from private and public hospitals, including X-ray machines, scanners and pieces of laboratory equipment."[7] The allegations of looting were also retold by evacuees who described "soldiers looting office buildings, schools and hospitals for air conditioners, computers, blackboards, desks, and even infant incubators and radiation equipment."[8] Douglas Hurd, the British Secretary for foreign affairs surmised that "they are looting and destroying in a way which suggests that they may not expect to be there for very long."[9]

The looting of incubators attracted media attention because of allegations that premature babies were being discarded or dying as a result.[10] On September 5, Abdul Wahab Al-Fowzan, the Kuwaiti health minister-in-exile, stated at a press conference in Taif, Saudi Arabia "that Iraqi soldiers had seized virtually all of the country's hospitals and medical institutions after their invasion" and that "soldiers evicted patients and systematically looted the hospitals of high-tech equipment, ambulances, drugs and plasma" which resulted in the death of 22 premature babies.[9][11] The Washington Post described the origin of the Kuwaiti baby story as follows:

The Kuwaiti baby story originated with a letter from a senior Kuwaiti public health official that was smuggled out of the country by a European diplomat late last month, according to Hudah Bahar, an architect who received the letter here in London. It was supplemented by information gathered from fleeing Kuwaitis and other sources by Fawzia Sayegh, a Kuwaiti pediatrician living here.

The letter claimed that Iraqi soldiers ordered patients evicted from several hospitals and closed down critical units for treating cancer patients, dialysis patients and those suffering from diabetes. Bahar and Sayegh said the Iraqis hauled sophisticated equipment such as dialysis machines back to Baghdad, part of the haul of cash, gold, cars and jewelry that is said by Arab banking sources to exceed $2 billion. Among the equipment taken were the 22 infant incubator units, they said.[11]

The Washington Post also noted that it was unable to verify the accusations as Iraq did not permit access to the area and had quarantined diplomats.[11]

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d69290 No.101053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779269 (220222ZOCT23) Notable: Nayirah testimony

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On September 5, in another letter to the UN Secretary General, Abulhasan reiterated Fowzan's claims writing:

We are informed by impeccable sources in Kuwait's health institutions that the Iraqi occupation authorities have carried out the following brutal crimes, which may be described as crimes against humanity: ... 2. The incubators in maternity hospitals used for children suffering from retarded growth (premature children) have been removed, causing the death of all the children who were under treatment.[12]

The letter did not state how many babies had died.[11][13] The allegations in the letter received widespread media coverage in the following days.[14][15][16][17][18][19] That day, in an interview with released hostages on NPR's All Things Considered, a hostage stated that Iraqi troops were "hitting children with the butts of the guns, taking infants out of incubators and taking the incubators."[20] Reuters also reported they had been told "that Iraqi troops took premature babies out of incubators in Kuwait in order to steal the equipment."[21][22]

On September 9, NPR reported that "in a ward for premature infants, soldiers had turned off the oxygen on incubators and packed the equipment for shipment to Iraq."[23]

On September 17, Edward Gnehm Jr., the U.S. ambassador-designate to Kuwait, told reporters that Kuwaiti health officials told him 22 babies had died when Iraqi troops had stolen their incubators.[24] The Los Angeles Times reported that "refugees reported that incubators for premature babies were confiscated by Iraqi troops and the babies inside were piled on the floor and left to die."[10][25] The San Jose Mercury News also reported the same allegation that day, adding that Western diplomats thought "this is the kind of thing that some people call genocide, and if people wanted to construe it as such, it could be cause for some kind of military intervention."[26]

On September 25, The Washington Post reported that "Kuwait City's hospitals are being stripped of incubators."[10][27] The president of Citizens for a Free Kuwait wrote to Representative Gus Yatron stating of how he "recently learned that the Iraqi leader has ordered that maternity hospital incubators [in Kuwait], used for treating premature babies, be turned off, allowing these infants to die of exposure."[28]

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d69290 No.101054

File: 989c4acdde91bec⋯.png (763.79 KB,634x477,634:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779294 (220225ZOCT23) Notable: New York Times Confirms Details of Pushaw Created DeSantis Online Influencer Effort, With Daily Emails to Create Astroturf Campaign

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New York Times Confirms Details of Pushaw Created DeSantis Online Influencer Effort, With Daily Emails to Create Astroturf Campaign


October 22, 2023

CTH readers don’t need to spend too much time digging into the granules of this recent New York Times article about how Christina Pushaw organized an online “influencer campaign” for Ron DeSantis that has failed miserably [SEE HERE]. However, it’s still funny to see the confirmation, and the people from inside the operation telling the NYT the group gets daily email instructions.

I wrote about the obvious transparency of the effort well over a year ago and then continued to track it as the operation unfolded and grew just before the “official launch” of the DeSantis campaign. “In late 2021, early 2022, Ms. Pushaw invited a group of “influencers” to spend time with Governor DeSantis. It’s not a debatable event. Factually, the collective group took gleeful pictures of their first visit on January 6, 2022, and continued to post frequent pictures on their social media of events throughout last year.”{link}


As the DeSantis operation collapses into a parody of itself, some of the recruited influencers are now speaking about how the astroturf operation was organized. Everyone who watched it unfold, knows it was the stupidity of Pushaw who tried to fake the support system, built the operation on fraud and then sold it to a bunch of billionaires who now -according to the Times reporting- have major regrets.

(New York Times) – In early May, as Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida prepared to run for president, about a dozen right-wing social media influencers gathered at his pollster’s home for cocktails and a poolside buffet.

The guests all had large followings or successful podcasts and were already fans of the governor. But Mr. DeSantis’s team wanted to turn them into a battalion of on-message surrogates who could tangle with Donald J. Trump and his supporters online.

[…] Four months later, those worries seem more than justified. Mr. DeSantis’s hyper-online strategy, once viewed as a potential strength, quickly became a glaring weakness on the presidential trail, with a series of gaffes, unforced errors and blown opportunities, according to former staff members, influencers with ties to the campaign and right-wing commentators.


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d69290 No.101055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779302 (220227ZOCT23) Notable: New York Times Confirms Details of Pushaw Created DeSantis Online Influencer Effort, With Daily Emails to Create Astroturf Campaign

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Even after a recent concerted effort to reboot, the campaign has had trouble shaking off a reputation for being thin-skinned and meanspirited online, repeatedly insulting Trump supporters and alienating potential allies.

[…] Ms. Peck exercised little oversight of the campaign’s online operations, which were anchored by a team known internally as the “war room,” according to the three former aides. The team consisted of high-energy, young staffers — many just out of college — who spent their days scanning the internet for noteworthy story lines, composing posts and dreaming up memes and videos they hoped would go viral. At the helm was Christina Pushaw, Mr. DeSantis’s rapid response director.

[…] In early August, the aerospace tycoon Robert Bigelow, who had been by far the largest contributor to Never Back Down, the pro-DeSantis super PAC, said he would halt donations, saying “extremism isn’t going to get you elected.” Money from many other key supporters of Mr. DeSantis has also dried up, including from the billionaire hedge fund manager Kenneth Griffin.

Terry Sullivan, a Republican political consultant who was Senator Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign manager in 2016, said the bizarre videos amounted to a warning sign for donors that Mr. DeSantis’s campaign was chaotic, undisciplined and chasing fringe voters.

[…] The existing network of DeSantis influencers has presented challenges for the campaign. Online surrogates for Mr. DeSantis have repeatedly parroted, word for word, the talking points emailed to them each day by the campaign, undermining the effort to project an image of widespread — and organic — support.

Last month, for example, three different accounts almost simultaneously posted about Mr. Trump getting booed at a college football game in Iowa. Bill Mitchell, a DeSantis supporter with a large following on X, said the identical posts were coincidental.

“I talk with all of the team members when necessary but other than the daily emails get no specific direction,” he said. (read more)

The pathetic nature of the failure is ironically apropos for Ron DeSantis.

Everything about the DeSantis operation was/is fabricated, fake, constructed to give appearances, inauthentic and astroturf. Voters are not stupid; they can see it and feel it in the construct as delivered. The effort of the DeSantis operation, from Sea Island to Christina Pushaw, highlights how little they think of the American electorate. They actually believed this con would work.

Pushaw thought she could mold DeSantis into the next Zelenskyy by using the same operation in the USA that was used in Ukraine. It didn’t work.

[BACKSTORY Previously Outlining the Nonsense]



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d69290 No.101056

File: 2003391c66f07b8⋯.png (1016.69 KB,1363x1398,1363:1398,Clipboard.png)

File: d408c718b776737⋯.png (668.91 KB,954x618,159:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779326 (220229ZOCT23) Notable: Britney Spears is releasing her memoir. >Project Rose

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Britney Spears is releasing her memoir.

Britney Spears is free ... to tell us everything she wants about her life in her new book. The pop princess’ memoir, “The Woman in Me,” hits bookshelvesOct. 24but the headlines have been coming fast and furious since the announcement of her $15-million book deal in February 2022.


>Project Rose

Project Rose - Britney Spears - extensive conservatorship music industry notable bun


Britney Spears - Project Rose (type writer comms - 2 year delta [-1])


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d69290 No.101057

File: caa6d1fa36c9c0c⋯.png (94.98 KB,985x797,985:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eb77db1aa38577⋯.png (22.35 KB,879x227,879:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779353 (220234ZOCT23) Notable: ICYMI Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin places several armed forces under PREPARE TO DEPLOY order last week

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d69290 No.101058

File: 3510418f21ff650⋯.png (23.57 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779452 (220250ZOCT23) Notable: ICYMI Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin places several armed forces under PREPARE TO DEPLOY order last week

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Chuck Callesto



BREAKING REPORT: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin places several armed forces under PREPARE TO DEPLOY order..

00Is Joe leading America to WW 3?==

Oct 22, 2023 · 2:31 AM UTC


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d69290 No.101059

File: 8f846f4adf052aa⋯.png (507.42 KB,728x469,104:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779507 (220302ZOCT23) Notable: EU's von der Leyen can't find texts with Pfizer chief on vaccine deal

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>Von der Leyen-Pfizer texts


EU's von der Leyen can't find texts with Pfizer chief on vaccine deal

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen is no longer in possession of text messages that she exchanged with Pfizer chief Albert Bourla to seal a COVID-19 vaccine deal, the Commission said in a letter published on Wednesday.

In an interview in April 2021, von der Leyen revealed she had exchanged texts with Bourla for a month when they were negotiating a massive vaccine contract.

But in response to a public access request by a journalist because of the importance of the deal, the Commission did not share the texts, triggering accusations of maladministration by the EU's ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly.

"The Commission can confirm that the search undertaken by the President's cabinet for relevant text messages corresponding to the request for access to documents has not yielded any results," the EU justice commissioner Vera Jourova said in the letter to the ombudsman, an EU watchdog.

In the letter, the Commission argues that text messages do not need to be registered and stored because they are treated as "short-lived, ephemeral documents". The same exception to the general registration requirement applies to documents with no important information, the letter said.

A spokesperson for the ombudsman said that it planned to publish a detailed analysis on the matter in the next couple of weeks.

The deal, negotiated via text messages and calls, according to what von der Leyen herself said in her interview with the New York Times, was the biggest contract ever sealed for COVID-19 vaccines, with the EU committing to buy 900 million Pfizer-BioNTech shots, with an option to buy another 900 million.

When the deal was formally announced in May 2021, the EU had already secured hundreds of millions of vaccines from several drugmakers, including another 600 million doses from Pfizer and BioNTech under two previous contracts with the two companies.

The deal was backed by all EU governments but was later called into question by some of them who are now trying to renegotiate or cut supplies from Pfizer and other vaccine makers amid a slump in vaccination and growing risks of wastage.

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d69290 No.101060

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779517 (220304ZOCT23) Notable: ICYMI Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin places several armed forces under PREPARE TO DEPLOY order last week

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guess still notable even though it's almost a week old

US picks roughly 2,000 troops to prepare for potential deployment to Israel: Report



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d69290 No.101061

File: d9d2676c2ea93a9⋯.png (693.25 KB,988x1586,38:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 8010494deaa8ff1⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779573 (220315ZOCT23) Notable: The NYPD are making Multiple Arrests on Pro-Palestine Protesters as they Occupy Streets

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==🚨#BREAKING: The NYPD are making Multiple Arrests on Pro-Palestine Protesters as they Occupy Streets

📌#Brooklyn | #NewYork

Currently, the New York City Police Department is making multiple arrests in Brooklyn, New York, following a large Pro-Palestinian march as thousands of protesters March for Free Palestine protest. Thus far, at least 17 protesters have been arrested for obstructing and Occupying the streets, and additional arrests are anticipated as the crowds continues to grow

0:33 / 0:53

8:07 PM · Oct 21, 2023

from Brooklyn, NY· 640.4K Views

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d69290 No.101062

File: 386d4b74527ba3e⋯.png (500.83 KB,668x927,668:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779608 (220322ZOCT23) Notable: Nashville police chief John Drake’s son named suspect in shooting of two La Vergne cops as residents told to lock doors

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SHOOTING'S TWIST Nashville police chief John Drake’s son named suspect in shooting of two La Vergne cops as residents told to lock doors

Jacob Willeford Published: 20:08 ET, Oct 21 2023Updated: 21:03 ET, Oct 21 2023

THE estranged son of a Tennessee police chief has been confirmed as the prime suspect in the shooting of two officers on Saturday.

In the city of La Vergne, located about 20 miles southeast of Nashville, residents were ordered to lock their doors and stay inside after two officers from the department were shot.

The La Vergne Police Department has since issued a statement naming the suspect to be John C. Drake, 38, per The Tennessean.

Drake was confirmed to be Nashville Police Chief John Drake's estranged son.

The chief issued an official statement on the investigation Saturday evening.

"I am shocked and deeply saddened to learn that my estranged son, with whom I have had very minimal contact over many years, is the suspect in this afternoon's shooting of the two La Vergne police officers," Drake senior noted, per a post from local CBS affiliate WTVF on X, formerly Twitter.

"My thoughts and prayers are with the two officers, who I understand are now in stable condition at Vanderbilt."

Drake continued: "Despite my efforts and guidance in the early and teenage years, my son, John Drake Jr., now 38-years-old, resorted to years of criminal activity and is a convicted felon."

"He has not been a part of my life for quite some time."

"He now needs to be found and held accountable for his actions today," the chief added.

"I hope that anyone who sees him or has information about him will contact law enforcement immediately."

La Vergne Police Chief Christopher Moews explained that around 2:23pm, the officers pursued what they believed to be a stolen motor vehicle in front of a Dollar General store in the city.

"Our officers were investigating a stolen vehicle. They made contact with a subject," he said in an announcement.

"They struggled with that subject."

"During that struggle, the suspect produced a handgun and fired shots," Moews continued.

La Vergne PD confirmed the comments made by Drake — the two officers who have yet to be named are in stable condition at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

One officer has reportedly been with the department for over a year and suffered a gunshot wound to the shoulder.

The second officer was said to have been part of the force for one year and a half and was shot in the right groin and forearm.

Moews stressed that the public be on the lookout for Drake Jr., who was seen wearing a "black T-shirt with a hockey mask emblem on the front with red lettering."

Cops noted Drake Jr. fled the scene north and has yet to be apprehended and charged with the shooting despite being named a suspect.

"Lock your doors and call the police if you see subjects matching this description," the La Vergne chief urged.

Residents are asked to call the police at 911 or the La Vergne Police Department at 615-793-7744 with any information.


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d69290 No.101063

File: 9ee6fdde594b0f2⋯.png (609.72 KB,796x871,796:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779645 (220329ZOCT23) Notable: How $17.2 Million in Gold and Cash Disappeared From Toronto’s Airport

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How $17.2 Million in Gold and Cash Disappeared From Toronto’s Airport

October 21, 2023

For six months, the disappearance of $17.2 million in gold bars and cash from a warehouse at Toronto Pearson International Airport has remained a mystery. Now a lawsuit has given the public a glimpse into the victim’s view of the heist.

In April, the Peel Regional Police, who are responsible for the airport, announced that a special container holding the valuable goods was unloaded from an airplane, placed in a warehouse and then disappeared. The police force seemed baffled at the time and offered no other information, such as whom the container belonged to or even the name of the airline that flew it into the country.

While the case remains unsolved, a lawsuit has now filled in several of the blanks surrounding the robbery with still unproven allegations. The lawsuit was brought by Brink’s, the armored car company hired to move the cash and gold bars from Switzerland to Canada, against Air Canada, which flew and stored the high-value cargo container.

According to a statement of claim that Brink’s and two of its subsidiaries filed with the Federal Court of Canada, the cash and the gold were two separate shipments traveling together. The 53 kilograms of cash worth $1.9 million were sent by a Swiss bank to a Vancouver-based currency exchange. The 400 kilos of gold bars worth 13.6 million Swiss francs, or $15.3 million, were going to Toronto-Dominion Bank from a precious metal refinery in Switzerland. (The value of the cargo is slightly higher than the initial police estimate.) Brink’s said that it was responsible to the shippers for covering any losses if the gold and cash went missing.

Brink’s paid a premium, as a flat-rate handling fee and a percentage of the cargo’s value, to send the shipment through a special Air Canada service called AC Secure that, according to the airline, provides greater security and gives the shipment priority for loading and unloading.

Air Canada Flight 881 from Zurich landed in Toronto a few minutes early, at 3:56 p.m. About 24 minutes later the gold and cash were off the plane, and by 5:50 p.m. they were in an Air Canada warehouse for goods awaiting customs inspection.

About 40 minutes later, according to the court filing, an “unidentified individual” entered the warehouse.

“No security protocols or features were in place to monitor, restrict or otherwise regulate the unidentified individual’s access to the facilities,” Brink’s contends.

But the mystery person didn’t pull out a gun or otherwise use force to enter the area where the gold and cash were waiting. Instead, the person’s only weapon was a piece of paper. According to Brink’s, the person showed the Air Canada employees in the warehouse a waybill for “an unrelated shipment.”

Brink’s argues that the Air Canada employees made no attempt to check that waybill’s validity and released the gold and cash to the person, who “absconded with the cargo.”

None of this has been proved in court. Air Canada did not respond to a series of questions I sent. A lawyer for Brink’s referred me to his client, which also did not respond.

The court filing suggests that Air Canada employees or people impersonating Air Canada employees were involved. Without offering any details, Brink’s accuses the airline of “failing to ensure that employee credentials are not susceptible to fraud and/or misuse.” The company also contends that Air Canada did not “verify the trustworthiness and proper training of all personnel and third parties who maintain access to high-value shipments on its behalf.”

The lawsuit is not ultimately about how the robbery was pulled off. Under international agreements on lost and stolen luggage and cargo, Brink’s could expect to recover less than 1 percent of the missing $17.2 million (a situation familiar to anyone who has ever lost baggage on an overseas flight). But Brink’s contends that the extra fees it paid for the secure service mean that Air Canada must now reimburse it for the full amount of the missing cash and gold. The court will have to rule on that argument as well as Brink’s request for damages and legal costs.

I spoke briefly with a spokesman for the Peel Regional Police, who declined to comment on the security company’s description of events. As for the six-month-old investigation, he said that the force had nothing new to add.


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d69290 No.101064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779719 (220349ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump Compares Himself to Al Capone After Gag Order

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Donald Trump Compares Himself to Al Capone After Gag Order


From article:

I got indicted more than Alphonse Capone," said Trump. "Did anybody ever hear of Al Capone? Al Capone, if you looked at him the wrong way, he was seriously tough, right?"

"Scarface, you know they called him Scarface," he added. "Had a little scar on there, I'm sure it was a minor accident ... If you looked at him the wrong way ... he blew your brains out. He was only indicted one time, I was indicted four times."

Elsewhere during the speech, Trump lamented that he was not able to talk "about things that bad people do" as a result of the gag order, while vowing that his lawyers would be "appealing very quickly."

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d69290 No.101065

File: d6b9801134f1310⋯.png (568.86 KB,993x770,993:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779766 (220400ZOCT23) Notable: Secretary of Defense Austin orders additional forces to USCENTCOM

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Secretary of Defense Austin orders additional forces to USCENTCOM

11:09 PM · Oct 21, 2023


Statement From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Steps to Increase Force Posture

Oct. 21, 2023 |

Following detailed discussions with President Biden on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region, today I directed a series of additional steps to further strengthen the Department of Defense posture in the region. These steps will bolster regional deterrence efforts, increase force protection for U.S. forces in the region, and assist in the defense of Israel.

First, I redirected the movement of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Central Command area of responsibility. This carrier strike group is in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which is currently operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It will further increase our force posture and strengthen our capabilities and ability to respond to a range of contingencies.

I have also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase force protection for U.S. forces.

Finally, I have placed an additional number of forces on prepare to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning, to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required.

I will continue to assess our force posture requirements in the region and consider deploying additional capabilities as necessary.

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d69290 No.101066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779773 (220402ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Global Intifada Revolution protest in Melbourne, Australia

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LIVE: Global Intifada Revolution protest in Melbourne, Australia

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d69290 No.101067

File: fe8762048573044⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 7718242344244b6⋯.png (899.76 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779783 (220405ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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d69290 No.101068

File: 17bccbbf4333fa5⋯.jpg (169.13 KB,720x836,180:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: afccc470be08bde⋯.jpg (181.95 KB,1079x828,1079:828,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e63d1dd0b444e7⋯.jpg (68.68 KB,720x597,240:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779802 (220410ZOCT23) Notable: Pence photographed with an Octopus, like Greta

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Mike Pence is killing it...


Pence photographed with an Octopus, just like Greta

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d69290 No.101069

File: a7298465e71411f⋯.png (374.23 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 18e39d3d2eba256⋯.png (818.76 KB,1280x739,1280:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779884 (220430ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet 169737.



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d69290 No.101070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779913 (220439ZOCT23) Notable: #24287

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Can you bake the next one?


#24287 >>101047

>>101048, >>101049 Carr: Forty Years of Sex Abuse Catalogued at Elite NH Prep School of Kerry, Mueller

>>101050, >>101067, >>101069 PF Reports

>>101051, >>101052, >>101053 Nayirah testimony

>>101054, >>101055 New York Times Confirms Details of Pushaw Created DeSantis Online Influencer Effort, With Daily Emails to Create Astroturf Campaign

>>101056 Britney Spears is releasing her memoir. >Project Rose

>>101058, >>101057, >>101060 ICYMI Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin places several armed forces under PREPARE TO DEPLOY order last week

>>101059 EU's von der Leyen can't find texts with Pfizer chief on vaccine deal

>>101061 The NYPD are making Multiple Arrests on Pro-Palestine Protesters as they Occupy Streets

>>101062 Nashville police chief John Drake’s son named suspect in shooting of two La Vergne cops as residents told to lock doors

>>101063 How $17.2 Million in Gold and Cash Disappeared From Toronto’s Airport

>>101064 Donald Trump Compares Himself to Al Capone After Gag Order

>>101065 Secretary of Defense Austin orders additional forces to USCENTCOM

>>101066 LIVE: Global Intifada Revolution protest in Melbourne, Australia

>>101068 Pence photographed with an Octopus, like Greta


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d69290 No.101071

File: 36fb5c8e5d5f11d⋯.png (1.9 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19779974 (220457ZOCT23) Notable: #24288

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** G H O S T

** B R E A D

** G H O S T

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d69290 No.101072

File: 37b71f36a092b17⋯.png (226.97 KB,1122x850,33:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780009 (220510ZOCT23) Notable: Massachusetts Bill Would Impose ‘Widespread Bans on Commonly Owned Firearms,’ ‘Unprecedented Gun Control’

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WTF Massachusetts, how do you defend your home if you are "banned from firing guns near homes"??!?


'Massachusetts Bill Would Impose ‘Widespread Bans on Commonly Owned Firearms,’ ‘Unprecedented Gun Control’

ban firing them near homes. Additionally, it will prohibit guns from polling places, schools, and all government buildings.

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d69290 No.101073

File: bf472f75ee98330⋯.jpg (57.72 KB,570x568,285:284,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780099 (220539ZOCT23) Notable: Chuck Callesto: Iran issues Stark Warning to Israel and the United States

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Iran issues Stark Warning to Israel and the United States..

"Any foolish ISRAELI ACTION against Iran will be met with a DEVASTATING response."

Iran TV: 'American official have been threatening Iran as well.

"I think the American's know quite well they have already bitten off more than they can chew.."

"In Ukra-ne, in East Asia with China."

"They are not the powers they were 30-40 years ago."

"If the United States does something foolish, they will be expelled from the region."

"The United States is VERY VULNERABLE.."


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d69290 No.101074

File: 457cbe599521787⋯.png (406.67 KB,976x932,244:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780180 (220612ZOCT23) Notable: TGP: Mike Pence's 2024 window is rapidly closing

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Mike Beelzebub Penceand the promises he got to be president for certifying a stolen election was only a made up pipe dream but at least Pence gets to keep the golden coin.

Pence blew-up on impact.


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d69290 No.101075

File: 4353c5808eaa6a9⋯.png (334.39 KB,600x481,600:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780217 (220628ZOCT23) Notable: DailyMail: Hamas fugitive who 'ran terror group's operations in the West Bank' lives in council property in North London borough home to roughly fifth of UK's Jewish community

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Daily Mail US



Hamas fugitive who 'ran terror group's operations in the West Bank' lives in council property in North London borough home to roughly fifth of UK's Jewish community, report reveals



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d69290 No.101076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780269 (220653ZOCT23) Notable: Lahaina: Things that didn't burn during the fire (Geoff Cygnus) - reload from Aug 25 2023

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>the locals said kiss my ass.


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d69290 No.101077

File: c86504bbfa559b1⋯.jpg (63.4 KB,581x573,581:573,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780274 (220657ZOCT23) Notable: @officer_Lew: Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.

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Officer Lew


BREAKING🚨: Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.


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d69290 No.101078

File: db4a353e4b2c6ea⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780277 (220701ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza Hospital Dig - what really happened?

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Gaza Hospital Dig

It's true that Israel didn't "bomb the al-Ahli hospital" in Gaza on the night of Oct. 17th 2023. The evidence suggests it did something much worse.


**Dear Conservative Talk Show Pundits: EAT SHIT you fucking morons


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d69290 No.101079

File: d89d90975b1ae80⋯.png (3.27 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780329 (220723ZOCT23) Notable: More on Tyson Foods new "protein" source

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Tyson Foods is opening up a bug-protein plant and I think I'm gonna barf

Oh man, they're actually getting serious about the bug stuff now; I thought it was all just rhetoric.

Check this out:


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d69290 No.101080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780455 (220831ZOCT23) Notable: 40 year Delta of Beirut barracks bombing that killed 307

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Be aware today anons , with all the shit going on.

40 year delta today.


Early on a Sunday morning, October 23, 1983, two truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers.



just be aware American frenz from across the pond.

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d69290 No.101081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780460 (220834ZOCT23) Notable: Notes notes @400

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picked up some more notes, @400

#24288 >>101071

>>101072 Massachusetts Bill Would Impose ‘Widespread Bans on Commonly Owned Firearms,’ ‘Unprecedented Gun Control’

>>101073 Chuck Callesto: Iran issues Stark Warning to Israel and the United States

>>101074 TGP: Mike Pence's 2024 window is rapidly closing

>>101075 DailyMail: Hamas fugitive who 'ran terror group's operations in the West Bank' lives in council property in North London borough home to roughly fifth of UK's Jewish community

>>101078 Gaza Hospital Dig - what really happened?

>>101076 Lahaina: Things that didn't burn during the fire (Geoff Cygnus) - reload from Aug 25 2023

>>101077 @officer_Lew: Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.

>>101079 More on Tyson Foods new "protein" source

>>101080 40 year Delta of Beirut barracks bombing that killed 307

notetaker OUT

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d69290 No.101082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780469 (220840ZOCT23) Notable: Anthony Weiner SHOWTIME Documentary

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Weiner (2016) | Official Trailer | Anthony Weiner SHOWTIME Documentary


1.08M subscribers

145K views 7 years ago

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d69290 No.101083

File: 31450427b427af6⋯.png (1005.08 KB,1080x1275,72:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780505 (220858ZOCT23) Notable: He Was Once a Favorite of the Right. Now, Mike Pence Can’t Get a Crowd of 15 to a Pizza Ranch.

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Nearly six months into his presidential campaign, and fewer than 90 days until the Iowa caucuses, Pence is not seeing massive crowds like his former running mate Donald Trump, or his fellow Midwesterner Vivek Ramaswamy, or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, or even his longtime frenemy, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Thirty folks at Penn Drug store in Sidney on a recent Friday morning; another 30 at the Olive Branch Restaurant in Greenfield that afternoon; 60 at a senior center in Glenwood the next day. Nor is he seeing anything but single-digit backing in polls. In Iowa, he’s currently averaging just 2.6 percent among Republican voters.

It’s difficult to find a political prognosticator who is not on his payroll who gives Pence any plausible shot at winning the nomination, a reality he acknowledged on the trail earlier this month. “The media has already decided how all this is going to end,” he told just 13 people at a Pizza Ranch in Red Oak.


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d69290 No.101084

File: c3001e7865df6ea⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,720x402,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780583 (220944ZOCT23) Notable: The Sun: NEW: China deploys six warships to Middle East as tensions in region boil amid fears Israel crisis could become all-out war

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NEW: China deploys six warships to Middle East as tensions in region boil amid fears Israel crisis could become all-out war, The Sun reports


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d69290 No.101085

File: f7457aa408c5df3⋯.png (1004.44 KB,883x756,883:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780585 (220946ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden Has Killed the American Dream

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Joe Biden Has Killed the American Dream

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Imright, 10/22/2023 2:58:13 AM

If you only paid attention to the mainstream press, you'd be inundated with a constant stream of articles ensuring you how great the economy is. "Look at the jobs market," the headlines have blared while promoting the supposed historic resiliency of our present moment. The full-court press has been so strong that the Biden administration has even taken to labeling it "Bidenomics," a marketing ploy that has proven less than ideal. What looks good on paper, though, is often not representative of the real-world impact. Thus, Joe Biden's current economic malaise, for which Americans are assured they should be incredibly thankful,

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d69290 No.101086

File: 8161fff486feb50⋯.png (53.87 KB,842x478,421:239,Clipboard.png)

File: d822b7429aa1fec⋯.png (418.52 KB,587x792,587:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780592 (220951ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Makes Sneaky Move With His Line of Succession, but GOP Quickly Catches Onto It

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Biden Makes Sneaky Move With His Line of Succession, but GOP Quickly Catches Onto It

By Samantha Chang, Western Journal October 19, 2023 at 1:47pm

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d69290 No.101087

File: d71407dc801bbf0⋯.png (987.12 KB,836x767,836:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780613 (221003ZOCT23) Notable: Massive US Church Votes to Leave Woke Denomination

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Massive US Church Votes to Leave Woke Denomination

By Rachel M. Emmanuel October 21, 2023 at 4:05am

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d69290 No.101088

File: 43c832fadea4d43⋯.png (210.51 KB,581x431,581:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780622 (221006ZOCT23) Notable: California technical worker allegedly fired for refusing to join union

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John Solomon


California technical worker allegedly fired for refusing to join union | Just The News justthenews.com/nation/states/

California technical worker allegedly fired for refusing to join union

In California, it is legal for private sector workers to be forced to pay some union dues as a condition of maintaining employment, even if they decline formal union membership.


Oct 21, 2023, 10:31 PM

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d69290 No.101089

File: 97797e15b57663d⋯.png (1.31 MB,1482x899,1482:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780649 (221014ZOCT23) Notable: The Intelligence Briefing / War Of The Worlds - John B Wells

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The Intelligence Briefing / War Of The Worlds - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells Live

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d69290 No.101090

File: 261588af4bb2933⋯.png (237.75 KB,595x547,595:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780656 (221017ZOCT23) Notable: Dave Chappelle fans walk out after he blasts Israel’s ‘war crimes’ in Gaza, pro-Palestinians losing job offers

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New York Post


Dave Chappelle fans walk out after he blasts Israel’s ‘war crimes’ in Gaza, pro-Palestinians losing job offers: report https://trib.al/ihkUH4s


8:24 PM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101091

File: eb4f80aa3cbcca0⋯.png (213.47 KB,585x600,39:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780663 (221019ZOCT23) Notable: @KariLake: Ruben Gallego made a convicted, felon Senior Advisor for his Senate exploratory committee.

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Kari Lake


Ruben Gallego made a convicted, felon who embezzled money from the United Steelworkers International Union, a Senior Advisor for his Senate exploratory committee.

So-called pro-labor Democrats like Gallego pretend to care about working-class Americans.

But instead, they spend most of their time ripping them off.


House Dem Taps Convicted Felon to Advise Senate Campaign

Rep. Ruben Gallego (D., Ariz.), known for riding topless on a camel during a lobbyist-funded junket to Qatar, tapped a convicted felon as senior advisor to his Senate exploratory committee.


Oct 21, 2023, 3:06 PM

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d69290 No.101092

File: deeb68736ab144c⋯.png (816.61 KB,834x750,139:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780686 (221034ZOCT23) Notable: Liberal Welfare Programs Are Major Cause of the West’s Immigration Crisis

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Liberal Welfare Programs Are Major Cause of the West’s Immigration Crisis

Posted on Saturday, October 21, 2023


by AMAC Newsline

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d69290 No.101093

File: bdf78c84fdb9286⋯.png (929.63 KB,1486x896,743:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780691 (221035ZOCT23) Notable: And We Know: 10.20.23: Speaker, Powell, A Plan? Israel, Flynn, Division, WE have learned so much. Pray!

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10.20.23: Speaker, Powell, A Plan? Israel, Flynn, Division, WE have learned so much. Pray!

And We Know

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d69290 No.101094

File: 6474ad2dbf9434a⋯.png (106.56 KB,626x818,313:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780702 (221039ZOCT23) Notable: After the Jim Jordan fiasco in Congress, the GOP's traitors out themselves

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After the Jim Jordan fiasco in Congress,

the GOP's traitors out themselves

American Thinker, by Patricia McCarthy

Posted By: DW626, 10/22/2023 6:33:53 AM

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” -Marcus Tullius Cicero The uniparty, that deep state bureaucracy that rules over us all, determined that the people should not have the Speaker of their choice. A clear majority of Republicans wanted Rep. Jim Jordan to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy for good and obvious reasons.

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d69290 No.101095

File: 60acc2b468fb964⋯.png (51.21 KB,623x403,623:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780705 (221041ZOCT23) Notable: Open Sources Demolish the Legacy Media

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Open Sources Demolish the Legacy Media

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: DW626, 10/22/2023 6:31:22 AM

Islamist butchers, and their media and academic buddies, failed in their latest rerun of the war against Israel. In the days before online media, particularly Elon Musk’s X, the storyline was a familiar one. Israel would be attacked and the mainstream media would be flooded with accounts from local reporters and photographers and embedded compromised national reporters of civilian injuries and deaths during any response. The emotional response would follow: a call would come for Israel to pull back before taking effective charge of the enemy, and the United States would force its hand. Not this time. This time, we could see accounts from both sides

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d69290 No.101096

File: 2993c6c29d5bbf0⋯.png (817.89 KB,1031x743,1031:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780708 (221042ZOCT23) Notable: HUGE: Italy to BAN Fake Lab Grown Meat

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HUGE: Italy to BAN Fake Lab Grown Meat

by Guest Contributor Oct. 21, 2023 7:00 am

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d69290 No.101097

File: 1d702afffc2dd82⋯.png (553 KB,1325x765,265:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780714 (221044ZOCT23) Notable: The Temperature Plummets in the New Cold War: Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

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The Temperature Plummets in the New Cold War: Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

The resolve of the Free World to defend Israel and all free peoples must not bend or break

By Thaddeus G. McCotter

October 21, 2023

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d69290 No.101098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780724 (221048ZOCT23) Notable: Can You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages? DIG CALL

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say goodbye phizer and moderna. Youve been had. Thanks for playing..

Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this

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d69290 No.101099

File: d9a9329e11d08f2⋯.png (739.54 KB,759x592,759:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780742 (221053ZOCT23) Notable: Scholastic criticized for optional diverse book section

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Scholastic criticized for optional diverse book section

Scholastic argues not all authors of color, LGBTQ stories will be separated.

ByKiara Alfonseca

October 20, 2023, 11:07 PM

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d69290 No.101100

File: d51e8def41627fa⋯.png (10.44 KB,444x175,444:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780750 (221057ZOCT23) Notable: Can You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages? DIG CALL

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d69290 No.101101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780758 (221100ZOCT23) Notable: Can You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages? DIG CALL

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>You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers

Need sauce other than reddit/freepress

Pfizer Stock Down 1.7 % - Oct 22nd, 2023


Moderna Shaves Off $7 Billion in Value - October 20, 2023


Pfizer's $9 Billion Cut - October 19, 2023


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d69290 No.101102

File: a218c99fe1d70e9⋯.png (232.18 KB,885x469,885:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780762 (221103ZOCT23) Notable: The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda

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The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Oct 22, 2023 - 12:00 AM

Authored by Kit Knightly via OffGuardian.org,

A few days ago we published an article discussing how the Great Reset agenda is still moving forward behind the scenes, while the headlines are full of Israel-Palestine.

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d69290 No.101103

File: c146fef512002e8⋯.jpeg (32.86 KB,239x255,239:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780774 (221107ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000131

War Criminal Profiteers Pfizer and Moderna Can Now Be Sued For Clot Shot Damage, Deaths


Louis Farrakhan Files $5 Billion Defamation Suit Against ADL Over False Anti-semitism Claims


Despotic Nutcases In WEF Admit They Desire Human Genocide


Biden Regime Wants Multiple Wars As Middle East Defects Towards Russia & China


Massive War Protests Hit London


We Got A Loser! China Sending War Ships To Middle East


We Got A Loser! US Sends More Troops To Middle East


We Got A Winner! Russia Remains Neutral On Israel-Palestine Conflict


Foreign IT Company Gobbles Up Top US Ammunition Manufacturers - Remington, Federal, CCI and Others Sold Off


MY COMMENT: Can anyone say CONFLICT OF INTEREST for national security!?

Good! Gun Sales Exploding In America, Large Spike In Gun Purchases


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d69290 No.101104

File: 1d6b423c9e0c269⋯.png (192.59 KB,598x895,598:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780787 (221112ZOCT23) Notable: The Patriot Voice: was his interview on Stew Peters intentionally messed up?

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes reposted

The Patriot Voice


I went on @realstewpeters

last night to discuss my lawsuit against the ADL, and there was a litany of “technical issues” that kept the show from airing the way it was intended. (no sound, pauses, delays) etc.

I do believe that the “powers that be” were potentially jamming us up…

Could it be because we discussed how the ADL is training the FBI, and how DANGEROUS it is for ordinary MAGA Patriots that the FBI is now designating us ALL as “domestic extremists”???

Could it be that they DON’T WANT that information to get out to a wide audience?

I can’t say for sure, but what I can tell you is that we have faced a substantial amount of SPIRITUAL WARFARE since we started on this journey.

This is a FIGHT that potentially impacts ALL OF US.

This is a battle that I CANNOT take on alone. I NEED your support, and your prayers. If you feel so inclined, please assist with our efforts by contributing to our Legal Fund: https://givesendgo.com/TPVLegal




The Patriot Voice



Oct 4


“The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of… twitter.com/TPV_John/statu…

Show more



9:37 AM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101105

File: b67003883a9f2c7⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780795 (221116ZOCT23) Notable: The Patriot Voice: was his interview on Stew Peters intentionally messed up?

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>If you feel so inclined, please assist with our efforts by contributing to our Legal Fund


The Patriot Voice organizes “For God and Country” Patriot events with the goal of creating an experience for Patriots from around the country (and world!). TPV events focus on honoring God and celebrating this country by showcasing on stage the most timely and relevant speakers, the most incredible entertainment, and a Holy Spirit-filled Sunday church service.

Grifter's gonna grift.

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d69290 No.101106

File: c595734ec86cdf8⋯.png (24.26 KB,597x340,597:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780818 (221128ZOCT23) Notable: @JosephJFlynn1 You wanna see true racism and facism look no further than the “progressives”

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Joseph J Flynn


You wanna see true racism and facism look no further than the “progressives”


Marina Medvin 🇺🇸




It’s amazing —really.

The left has spent the past two decades lecturing America and other western cultures about our modern culture. A culture that is free, open minded, and embraces all kinds of differences.

These *same people* are now marching around the streets in support…

Show more

11:57 PM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101107

File: 1dc8601a8b6af84⋯.png (349.2 KB,639x551,639:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780824 (221135ZOCT23) Notable: #24289

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Baker is ghost

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d69290 No.101108

File: 1f1bcbd705d2224⋯.png (88.93 KB,628x684,157:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780875 (221152ZOCT23) Notable: Nearly half of Biden voters want government to regulate speech

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Nearly half of Biden voters want government

to regulate speech

American Thinker, by Eric Utter

Posted By: Hazymac, 10/22/2023 6:43:06 AM

According to recent polling by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, nearly half of President Joe Biden’s supporters believe the government should clamp down on objectionable speech. That’s right, among individuals intending to vote for Biden in 2024, 47% think “the government should regulate or restrict the expression of views considered discriminatory or offensive.” Considered “discriminatory or offensive” by whom, exactly? Sadly, the results weren’t a whole lot different for supporters of Donald Trump, 35% of whom purport to believe the government should exercise this control. Fools, all. Come to think of it, I find the poll and this report offensive, so I want government to regulate them.

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d69290 No.101109

File: 77cad238924aa07⋯.jpg (92.07 KB,850x596,425:298,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19780881 (221153ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000132

Governments Better Be Careful! We Are On The Verge Of A Global Crisis Unlike Anything Since WWII


Former US President Donald Trump Warns American Voters Biden Regime Is Leading US Into WWIII


The United States White House is throwing this country into a war time crisis. The stakes have never been so high, and yet this country is deeply politically polarized and many citizens do not agree with the wars our government is getting the country into. Meanwhile war protests are already breaking out in certain areas of America. The support between Israel and Gaza is deeply divided and crosses party lines. If these wars continue, this is a recipe for disaster. Will the US government be forced to address American grievances and perhaps pull out of these wars, or will the whole house of cards fall in the middle of a massive world war that ends in America's defeat? This is what is at stake, and this is too big a gamble.


The US military conducted a high-explosive nuclear test in Nevada on Wednesday for the first time in over 30 years, hours after Russia revoked its ban on atomic-weapons testing.


Turkey May Get Involved In War, Defecting From NATO Allies


Israel Bombs Historic Greek Orthodox Church Of Saint Porphyrius In Gaza


Detroit Synagogue President Found Stabbed to Death


New York City Fumes With Anger Over War, Protesters Clash


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d69290 No.101110

File: 0cc93add7639fd9⋯.png (261.61 KB,1039x669,1039:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781061 (221239ZOCT23) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

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Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

by Cassandra MacDonald Oct. 22, 2023 7:15 am

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d69290 No.101111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781083 (221243ZOCT23) Notable: Discussion…Boundary fuckery determines future conflicts

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Boundary fuckery determines future conflicts...

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d69290 No.101112

File: 7d1886c0b0945c9⋯.png (32.24 KB,681x95,681:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781088 (221244ZOCT23) Notable: Discussion…Boundary fuckery determines future conflicts

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What is Loosey for?

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d69290 No.101113

File: b0b2124d0901ead⋯.png (312.71 KB,599x825,599:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781121 (221251ZOCT23) Notable: Rasmussen Poll: How concerned are you that America is becoming a police state?"

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Rasmussen Reports


"A police state is a tyrannical government that engages in mass surveillance, censorship, ideological indoctrination, and targeting of political opponents. How concerned are you that America is becoming a police state?"

All Concerned-

Very: 46%

Somewhat: 26%

Not Very: 14%

Not At All: 9%

Not Sure: 5%


Dinesh D'Souza



Oct 2

Here’s the official trailer for “Police State.” Please watch and share! Movie is in theaters Monday, October 23 and 25. Virtual premiere is Friday, October 27. All tickets only at http://policestatefilm.net

Last edited

1:48 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101114

File: e6d7b332f56ffbc⋯.png (317.51 KB,586x528,293:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781133 (221255ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon: ‘Prepare to Deploy’ Orders, Additional Missile Defenses, Another Carrier Strike Group for ME

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Pentagon Announces ‘Prepare to Deploy’ Orders, Additional Missile Defenses, and Another Carrier Strike Group for Middle East Amid Recent Escalations by Iran and Its Proxy Forces via @gatewaypundit

1:51 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781149 (221258ZOCT23) Notable: THE STATE OF ISRAEL Company number OE027515

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THE STATE OF ISRAEL Company number OE027515

Correspondence address

2 Palace Green, London, United Kingdom, W8 4QB

Company status - Registered

Company type - Overseas entity

Registered on - 23 February 2023

Annual statement

First statement date 22 February 2024 
due by 7 March 2024

Company details in the country of incorporation

Overseas entity address

2 Palace Green, London, United Kingdom, W8 4QB

Incorporated in - ISRAEL

Legal form - State

Governing law - Israel

Beneficial Owners

1 active beneficial owner / 1 active statement

Statement ACTIVE

All beneficial owners have been identified and all required information can be provided

Notified on 23 February 2023

The Knesset ACTIVE

Correspondence address

The Knesset, Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem, Israel, 9195016

Principal office address

The Knesset, Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem, Israel, 9195016

Notified on

14 April 1948

Governing law - Israel

Legal form - Government

Nature of control - Has significant influence or control

Below From PDF - https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/OE027515/filing-history/MzM3MDI4NzE3NWFkaXF6a2N4/document?format=pdf&download=0

Anti Money Laundering Number: [NA]

Name Of Person With Overall Responsibility: ALEXANDER TRAGER-LEWIS

Supervisory Body: Agent's Name: Agent's Address: SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY CH HAUSMANN & CO


England W1W 6XD

Beneficial Owner Statement:

The entity has identified one or more registrable beneficial owners and that it has no reasonable cause to believe there are others, and that the entity is able to provide the required information about each registrable beneficial owner it has identified.



Why Was The THE STATE OF I5R43L Registered On UK Companies House On Feb 23, 2023?


SGAnon also breaks this down with Speculation

"State of Israel" Dissolution | Trump 2024 Trials 'Historic' | Nuclear Scare "Last Ditch" | WWG1WGA


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d69290 No.101116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781152 (221259ZOCT23) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

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It's in Murfreesboro, a small ghetto college town, in the middle of nowhere... I.e. a perfect breeding ground for marxists in the backyard, yet still under the radar.

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d69290 No.101117

File: 26fdd9dc6e6b4fd⋯.jpg (57.66 KB,632x606,316:303,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781176 (221304ZOCT23) Notable: Unmasking the man who accosted Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Asra Nomani


🚨 EXCLUSIVE. Unmasking the man who accosted Marjorie Taylor Greene.

On Wednesday, as militants called for an "unprecedented day of rage," days into Hamas' war on Israel, a bespectacled man in a white shirt accosted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene inside the U.S. Congress, screaming at her: "Let Gaza live! Murderers go home!...End the genocide!""

You do not have to agree with @RepMTG

to defend the right of all lawmakers and all people to stand safely in Congress - regardless of party politics. That's what the Jan. 6, 2020, investigation was supposed to protect, right, @RepRaskin


Nobody has yet figured out publicly who the bespectacled man is. I know.

He is Taher Herzallah, a leader of American Muslims for Palestine, an organization started by University of California at Berkley ideologue Hatem Bazian, who also started Students for Justice in Palestine - the virulent anti-Jew, anti-Israel groups on campuses from Harvard to the University of Virginia. Bazian is known as "Hate 'em Bazian."

Here is an important fact: Herzallah was convicted as part of the "Irvine 11" for conspiracy to deny the free speech rights of the Israeli Ambassador @DrMichaelOren

, accosting Ambassador Oren one after the next as he tried to deliver a speech in 2010 at the University of California at Irvine.

The chosen tactic of Herzallah's network is intimidation.

In early 2019, Herzallah was part of a group of Muslim establishment leaders, led by @WomensMarch

fake feminist Linda Sarsour and Hamas supporter Nihad Awad, founder of the

For 21 years, since my friend Danny Pearl's murder, I've been reporting on the extremists within our American Muslim community and, because of Danny's murder as a Jew and son of Israel, I have kept a very close eye on those hell-bent on destroying the state of Israel with a hate for not only Israel but Jews themselves.

I put that reporting in my book. WOKE ARMY. With everything I see every day, I feel as if I wrote this book for this moment, as a primer for the war we're seeing today against Jews and Israel by far left activists and radicalized Muslims taking over campuses and now the U.S. Congress. I can't believe the people who are coming off those pages to now seize this moment to destroy Israel. I want you to read the book so you will know what I know. Get it here: http://amzn.to/3I7XV08

And guess what? Herzallah is in those pages.

In knowing his identity, you will also know that the protest at the U.S. Capitol was not led by "Jewish protestors in D.C.," as the Washington Post reported.

It was led by that man Taher Herzallah and the organization he leads - American Muslims for Palestine, using Jewish organizations like "Jewish Voice for Peace" and "If Not Now" as cover for their hateful plot against the state of Israel.

I spent the evening making this video because I want you to know what we know as Muslim reformers and ex-Muslims know. It's a long video for Twitter. But I want you to know what I know. And follow @CanaryMission

. I thank them for keep detailed documentation on these folks.

This is what Herzallah said in a clip Canary Mission archived that I've got in the video: "What if, as Muslims, we wanted to establish an Islamic state? Is that wrong? What if, as Muslims, we wanted to use violent means to resist occupation? Is that wrong?"

To his rhetorical questions, there is one answer: "Heck yes, it's wrong!"


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d69290 No.101118

File: ba167ca97050d45⋯.png (387.13 KB,857x694,857:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781193 (221308ZOCT23) Notable: Judges Aren't Allowing Defense Attorneys To Even Broach The Issue Of Entrapment In January 6 Cases

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Lara Logan: Judges Aren't Allowing Defense Attorneys To Even Broach The Issue Of Entrapment In January 6 Cases

Posted By Tim Hains

On Date October 20, 2023

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d69290 No.101119

File: 9097ebfee5a30ff⋯.png (390.42 KB,592x519,592:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781234 (221320ZOCT23) Notable: DJT releases bizarre new ad showing Hillary Clinton trying to BRAINWASH voters into believing Biden is good

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Daily Mail US


Donald Trump releases bizarre new ad showing Hillary Clinton trying to BRAINWASH voters into believing Biden is good president in dystopian 1984-esque scene https://trib.al/OdzPss5


2:19 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781235 (221321ZOCT23) Notable: THE STATE OF ISRAEL Company number OE027515

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Balfour reversal and dissolution. Here's the company..


Company number OE027515

2 Palace Green, London, United Kingdom, W8 4QB

Date registered 2/23/23

Annual statement

First statement date 22 February 2024

due by 7 March 2024




Wtf is this supposed to be?


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d69290 No.101121

File: 3431503e9005c9e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1091,1080:1091,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781258 (221327ZOCT23) Notable: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why?

Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration.

The FDA is now at a crossroads. Either they admit that they knew about the plasma contamination, and failed to disclose that to the public and to the outside committees, or they can claim that they didn’t know about it in which case Pfizer is liable. But we have the Pfizer documents that were given to the FDA so we know what the FDA got. And I seriously doubt there’s any disclosure of SV40 contamination. That means we have an adulterated vaccine and the FDA has to remove it from the market until the adulteration is fixed. If the FDA doesn’t do that, they should face criminal prosecution for endangering the public, and not following the law.


Related Story

An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines


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d69290 No.101122

File: 894194f4a6237e0⋯.png (79.75 KB,586x506,293:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781265 (221329ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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Donald J. Trump


Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! Despite the Fake News reports to the contrary, and without even reaching out to ask the Trump Campaign, MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted. Ms. Powell did a valiant job of representing a very unfairly treated and governmentally abused General Mike Flynn, but to no avail. His prosecution, despite the facts, was ruthless. He was an innocent man, much like many other innocent people who are being persecuted by this now Fascist government of ours, and I was honored to give him a Full Pardon!

Oct 22, 2023, 2:25 AM

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d69290 No.101123

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB,344x350,172:175,Clipboard.png)

File: bea2a9fd2dbdad8⋯.png (30.15 KB,865x189,865:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781269 (221330ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'typo' or no?

the courses

the course is

Donald J. Trump


Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS.The courses FANTASTIC, the play is GREAT.ENJOY!

Oct 22, 2023, 8:26 AM


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d69290 No.101124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781279 (221333ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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d69290 No.101125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781288 (221336ZOCT23) Notable: #24288-A Posted in #24289

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24288 >>101071

>>101072 Massachusetts Bill Would Impose ‘Widespread Bans on Commonly Owned Firearms,’ ‘Unprecedented Gun Control’

>>101073 Chuck Callesto: Iran issues Stark Warning to Israel and the United States

>>101074 TGP: Mike Pence's 2024 window is rapidly closing

>>101075 DailyMail: Hamas fugitive who 'ran terror group's operations in the West Bank' lives in council property in North London borough home to roughly fifth of UK's Jewish community

>>101076 Lahaina: Things that didn't burn during the fire (Geoff Cygnus) - reload from Aug 25 2023

>>101077 @officer_Lew: Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.

>>101078 Gaza Hospital Dig - what really happened?

>>101079 More on Tyson Foods new "protein" source

>>101080 40 year Delta of Beirut barracks bombing that killed 307

>>101081 Notes notes @400

>>101083 He Was Once a Favorite of the Right. Now, Mike Pence Can’t Get a Crowd of 15 to a Pizza Ranch.

>>101085 Joe Biden Has Killed the American Dream

>>101086 Biden Makes Sneaky Move With His Line of Succession, but GOP Quickly Catches Onto It

>>101088 California technical worker allegedly fired for refusing to join union

>>101094 After the Jim Jordan fiasco in Congress, the GOP's traitors out themselves

>>101095 Open Sources Demolish the Legacy Media

>>101102 The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda

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d69290 No.101126

File: 4d5de395ef9ec53⋯.png (288.28 KB,1704x915,568:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781292 (221336ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Wonder why he stated sidney was conflicted?

anon believes maybe she was given fake info and went with it, The Kraken theory.

Anon believes this was AWS amazon web servers that did the algorithm as Bezos got the contracts from the C.I.A.

There is a wikileaks email which shows the locations of the ground data mines around the globe that amazon built.




11 October, 2018

Today, 11 October 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. The document from late 2015 lists the addresses and some operational details of over one hundred data centers spread across fifteen cities in nine countries. To accompany this document, WikiLeaks also created a map showing where Amazon’s data centers are located.

Amazon, which is the largest cloud provider, is notoriously secretive about the precise locations of its data centers. While a few are publicly tied to Amazon, this is the exception rather than the norm. More often, Amazon operates out of data centers owned by other companies with little indication that Amazon itself is based there too or runs its own data centers under less-identifiable subsidiaries such as VaData, Inc. In some cases, Amazon uses pseudonyms to obscure its presence. For example, at its IAD77 data center, the document states that “Amazon is known as ‘Vandalay Industries’ on badges and all correspondence with building manager”.

Amazon is the leading cloud provider for the United States intelligence community. In 2013, Amazon entered into a $600 million contract with the CIA to build a cloud for use by intelligence agencies working with information classified as Top Secret. Then, in 2017, Amazon announced the AWS Secret Region, which allows storage of data classified up to the Secret level by a broader range of agencies and companies. Amazon also operates a special GovCloud region for US Government agencies hosting unclassified information.

Currently, Amazon is one of the leading contenders for an up to $10 billion contract to build a private cloud for the Department of Defense. Amazon is one of the only companies with the certifications required to host classified data in the cloud. The Defense Department is looking for a single provider and other companies, including Oracle and IBM, have complained that the requirements unfairly favor Amazon. Bids on this contract are due tomorrow.

While one of the benefits of the cloud is the potential to increase reliability through geographic distribution of computing resources, cloud infrastructure is remarkably centralised in terms of legal control. Just a few companies and their subsidiaries run the majority of cloud computing infrastructure around the world. Of these, Amazon is the largest by far, with recent market research showing that Amazon accounts for 34% of the cloud infrastructure services market.

Until now, this cloud infrastructure controlled by Amazon was largely hidden, with only the general geographic regions of the data centers publicised. While Amazon’s cloud is comprised of physical locations, indications of the existence of these places are primarily buried in government records or made visible only when cloud infrastructure fails due to natural disasters or other problems in the physical world.

In the process of dispelling the mystery around the locations of Amazon’s data centers, WikiLeaks also turned this document into a puzzle game, the Quest of Random Clues. The goal of this game was to encourage people to research these data centers in a fun and intriguing way, while highlighting related issues such as contracts with the intelligence community, Amazon’s complex corporate structures, and the physicality of the cloud.

Joseph A. Farrell contributed to this article.

Leaked Documents


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d69290 No.101127

File: 1a11c562f358539⋯.png (664.66 KB,1436x4120,359:1030,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781302 (221338ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


8 qposts with [i]

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d69290 No.101128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781315 (221342ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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d69290 No.101129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781316 (221343ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump National Doral Miami features four championship golf courses:

• Blue Monster

• Golden Palm

• Red Tiger

• Silver Fox

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d69290 No.101130

File: 74a8243397b7afb⋯.png (30.92 KB,587x353,587:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781336 (221350ZOCT23) Notable: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joseph J Flynn


For anyone interested Steve put a list of the lawyers in this thread. Here below would be wonderful to see lawsuits, fly and hold people accountable both at the FDA and Pfizer. Thank you. @stkirsch


Steve Kirsch




Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered…

Show more

2:40 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781355 (221355ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Case Number: 3:95-mc-00470

Case Name: USA v. Stollenwerk

Case Number: 1:91-cr-01030

Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerck

Case Number: 1:16-po-05009

Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerk

Case Number: 3:92-cr-00306

Case Name: United States v. STOLLENWERCK

Case Number: 2:05-cr-00460

Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerck

Case Number: 2:17-cr-00244

Case Name: United States v. Stollenwerck

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d69290 No.101132

File: a6a46ba337371f1⋯.jpeg (438.51 KB,1186x1764,593:882,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781380 (221404ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Trump National Doral Miami features four championship golf courses:

that's why I asked but is the tournament being played on moar than 1 course?

I think with the previous [i] 'typo', and prior Doral comms, I'm leaning towards it's 'courses' > 'course is' comms




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d69290 No.101133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781390 (221407ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The [l[ always seems to point to declas.

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d69290 No.101134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781430 (221415ZOCT23) Notable: #24288-B Posted in #24289

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






#24288 >>101071

>>101072 Massachusetts Bill Would Impose ‘Widespread Bans on Commonly Owned Firearms,’ ‘Unprecedented Gun Control’

>>101073 Chuck Callesto: Iran issues Stark Warning to Israel and the United States

>>101074 TGP: Mike Pence's 2024 window is rapidly closing

>>101075 Hamas fugitive who 'ran terror group's operations in the West Bank' lives in council property in North London jewish community

>>101077 @officer_Lew: Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden shakedown

>>101079 More on Tyson Foods new "protein" source

>>101080 40 year Delta of Beirut barracks bombing that killed 307

>>101082 Anthony Weiner SHOWTIME Documentary

>>101083 Pence Can't Even Get a Crowd of 15 to a Pizza Ranch

>>101084 The Sun: NEW: China deploys six warships to Middle East as tensions in region boil amid fears Israel crisis could become all-out war

>>101085 Redstate: Joe Biden has killed the American Dream

>>101088 Solomon: California technical worker allegedly fired for refusing to join union

>>101087 Massive US Church Votes to Leave Woke Denomination

>>101089 The Intelligence Briefing / War Of The Worlds - John B Wells

>>101091 @KariLake: Ruben Gallego made a convicted, felon Senior Advisor for his Senate exploratory committee.

>>101092 Liberal Welfare Programs Are Major Cause of the West’s Immigration Crisis

>>101093 And We Know: 10.20.23: Speaker, Powell, A Plan? Israel, Flynn, Division, WE have learned so much. Pray!

>>101094 After the Jim Jordan fiasco in Congress, the GOP's traitors out themselves

>>101095 Open Sources Demolish the Legacy Media

>>101096 HUGE: Italy to BAN Fake Lab Grown Meat

>>101097 The Temperature Plummets in the New Cold War: Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

>>101090 Dave Chappelle fans walk out after he blasts Israel’s ‘war crimes’ in Gaza, pro-Palestinians losing job offers

>>101098, >>101100, >>101101 Can You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages? DIG CALL

>>101099 Scholastic criticized for optional diverse book section

>>101102 The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda

>>101103 End Times News

>>101104, >>101105 The Patriot Voice: was his interview on Stew Peters intentionally messed up?

>>101106 @JosephJFlynn1 You wanna see true racism and facism look no further than the “progressives”

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d69290 No.101135

File: 96c725a5ada82d9⋯.png (22.82 KB,729x244,729:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 65a816485398597⋯.png (288.18 KB,357x855,119:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781439 (221417ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The [l[ always seems to point to declas.

[e] makes me think Gitmo

courses > course_is

e > i

handidly > handedly

i > e





Feb 11, 2018 6:53:03 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 86

United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay?

What airline check-in counter @ PVG [T2] is located @ [E]?

What was the location of [E][pic posted other board]?

Why is this relevant?


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d69290 No.101136

File: d114de8e0185df2⋯.png (24.75 KB,354x373,354:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781441 (221417ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Feb 11,

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d69290 No.101137

File: b2a441359027770⋯.png (45.71 KB,740x314,370:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781470 (221425ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>101123, >>101124, >>101127, >>101129, >>101132 DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

moar typo


>, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

extra L

i > e

e >i


>The [l[ always seems to point todeclas.


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d69290 No.101138

File: 94dc2b9e072c50d⋯.png (1.77 MB,960x1169,960:1169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781473 (221428ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Ghost Aurora over Canada

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 22, 2023

Ghost Aurora over Canada

What does this aurora look like to you? While braving the cold to watch the skies above northern Canada early one morning in 2013, a most unusual aurora appeared. The aurora definitely appeared to be shaped like something, but what? Two ghostly possibilities recorded by the astrophotographer were "witch" and "goddess of dawn", but please feel free to suggest your own Halloween-enhanced impressions. Regardless of fantastical pareidolic interpretations, the pictured aurora had a typical green color and was surely caused by the scientifically commonplace action of high-energy particles from space interacting with oxygen in Earth's upper atmosphere. In the image foreground, at the bottom, is a frozen Alexandra Falls, while evergreen trees cross the middle.


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d69290 No.101139

File: 070183ef5c56524⋯.png (30.61 KB,628x234,314:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b595070eb9e8a2⋯.png (22.69 KB,883x180,883:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781482 (221431ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


translated with DeepL

An adit - in the Saxon region (Erzgebirge) Stolln - is a mine excavation driven into a mountain from the earth's surface, generally at a slight incline. In mining, adits are used for access to underground workings, for mining deposits or for prospecting purposes. When a mine transitions to deep mining, adits gradually become less important.


In tunnel construction, tunnels are accessible underground passages that are either horizontal or slightly inclined. The term gallery is derived from the Old High German word stollo, which means support or pillar.


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d69290 No.101140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781507 (221437ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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(our) - 05-05-19

(me) - 06-19-22

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d69290 No.101141

File: 0e2c9940c4b6c79⋯.png (773.66 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 4078123343a6d22⋯.png (400.59 KB,594x413,594:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781517 (221440ZOCT23) Notable: The truth about aliens could be exposed 'with one phone call' - msn

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The truth about aliens could be exposed 'with one phone call'

Oct 18, 2023

King Charles has a ‘hotline’ to those who can reveal the truth about aliens – and should use it – the UK’s leading UFO expert says.

Nick Pope, who previously ran the UK government’s UFO project, has said the King should use his power to compel the US to divulge everything it knows about unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

His statements come three months after the US Congress held a hearing into the issue, after whistleblower David Charles Grusch alleged the government is hiding evidence of ‘intact and partially intact’ alien vehicles.

‘The King has a direct access ‘hotline’ to the top people when he needs it,’ said Mr Pope, now a broadcaster and journalist.

‘Here is someone who can lift up the phone and say “What’s going on in the US, I’ve followed the story with interest about the Nasa reports, reports from the Office of National Intelligence, the congressional hearing, the multiple UFO provisions in the defence bill, and I want a full, classified briefing”.’

Mr Pope said support from the King could kick start similar proceedings in the UK as have been seen in US Congress – during which Mr Grusch also alleged that people have been ‘harmed or injured’ in an effort to cover up the alien technology held by the government.

Two other witnesses, former Navy pilot Lt Ryan Graves and former Navy commander David Fravor both shared their experiences with UAP, including a ‘mysterious dark cube floating in the sky’.

Lt Graves added that UAP are an ‘open secret’ among fighter pilots.

If the King did not want to be seen publicly pressing for more details on a potential alien presence, Mr Pope suggested he persuades MPs or peers to pick up the baton in parliament – despite the potential stigma.

‘Someone has to go first and yes, it’s a big, brave step,’ said Mr Pope, speaking in an upcoming documentary, The King Of UFOs, out in November.

‘You don’t want to be the politician associated with flying saucers if that’s the way it’s spun, but politicians can be very astute – at times – and it’s very easy, particularly if you have overt or covert royal support, to frame your interest as a commitment to open government, or concerns over defence and flight safety.

‘That’s how politicians in the US handle it, and it’s a perfectly legitimate interest to have – in fact, it’s bizarre if you weren’t concerned about flight safety, especially when we have pilots and radar operators speaking about it.’

The King is likely already well-versed on all things UAP given his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, was fascinated by UFOs, compiling a library of books on the subject and regularly asking to be briefed on the latest news. He also subscribed to the journal Flying Saucer Review.

A recent documentary by the same producers as The King Of UFOs also alleged the King flew a craft modelled on a crashed UFO in the 1970s.

The ‘UFO-type vehicle’ was saucer-shaped with three pilots in three individual glass domes – designed to protect them from the electromagnetic force given off by the ‘mothership’ controlling the craft.


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d69290 No.101142

File: 6ca8e003b2825be⋯.png (507.18 KB,1304x774,652:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781519 (221441ZOCT23) Notable: Microchip Breakthrough Could Reshape Future of AI

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Microchip Breakthrough Could Reshape Future of AI

A prototype microchip design that was revealed today by IBM could pave the way for a world of much smarter devices that don't rely on the cloud or even the Internet for their intelligence.

October 20, 2023 •

Patrick Tucker, Defense One

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d69290 No.101143

File: a280fa8e6afb7d1⋯.png (249.17 KB,1076x601,1076:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 580d8e375b2a96e⋯.jpg (732.69 KB,4788x2937,1596:979,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781523 (221442ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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>(our) - 05-05-19

>(me) - 06-19-22

Doral and Stollen

15 min delta











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d69290 No.101144

File: b3704ec7eef0502⋯.png (146.59 KB,607x714,607:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781533 (221445ZOCT23) Notable: China reportedly deployed multiple warships to ME region after US deployed two carrier strike groups

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To every self righteous RINO who wanted “things to get back to normal” so they supported Biden over Trump and turned a blind eye to the obvious and systemic election fraud, I hope your children are put on the front lines of this impending WW3 you helped create


Collin Rugg




JUST IN: China has reportedly deployed multiple warships to the Middle East region after the United States deployed two carrier strike groups.

Up to 6 Chinese warships were reportedly deployed including two advanced 052D destroyers.

The news comes as the United States has…

Show more

3:40 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101145

File: 09217b840a1809e⋯.png (168 KB,499x470,499:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781542 (221448ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: "BRAINWASHED"

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anybody got an mp4 of it

can't get it off TS for some reason

is it in his Media tab?


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d69290 No.101146

File: b3befbf6f799d18⋯.png (21.12 KB,594x334,297:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781545 (221448ZOCT23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ: War is here, and for many it will not just be by proxy.

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War is here, and for many it will not just be by proxy.

Citizen journalists and keen eyes will be required to sift through the propaganda.

Strong men and strong women will need to defend their families and countries.

If you aren't armed yet, now is the time.

3:45 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101147

File: 1b1f8c474b64985⋯.png (232.38 KB,883x530,883:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781547 (221449ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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>(our) - 05-05-19

>(me) - 06-19-22

OUR OUR - 03-18-23

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d69290 No.101148

File: 9e2732b3e1258ea⋯.png (355.84 KB,595x666,595:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781567 (221454ZOCT23) Notable: GenFlynn: dropped you off palestine w/in 30 minutes you would be captured and tortured for days.. beheaded

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General Mike Flynn


Don’t know @CrusherWinston

or the man speaking in the video, but if you want a brutal perspective of reality, take a few minutes to listen to his message. It’s very real.


The Garbage Man™



Oct 12

If i dropped you off in palestine within 30 minutes you would be captured and tortured for days and then and beheaded and the terrorist would make a video and put in on tv" and you support the Palestinians? the only Americans in Syria, Gaza, Iran, Palestine are working with…

Show more

3:49 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781568 (221454ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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Does that make it one (me), three OURS and three extra Ls?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101150

File: 4a0a38071dbe9d1⋯.png (342.39 KB,595x464,595:464,Clipboard.png)

File: 68156a8072f5404⋯.png (607.66 KB,642x351,214:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781584 (221500ZOCT23) Notable: @gatewaypundit: Michigan State Issues Apology After Image of Hitler Appears on Scoreboard Before Game

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The Gateway Pundit


Michigan State Issues Apology After Image of Hitler Appears on Scoreboard Before Game via @gatewaypundit

3:51 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101151

File: e2494c151021996⋯.jpg (161.56 KB,1149x586,1149:586,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781611 (221506ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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>Does that make it one (me), three OURS and three extra Ls?


come to think of it, it would be four if you include the corrected (our) on 5-5-19

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101152

File: 15d0562e280a871⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,848x432,53:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781621 (221508ZOCT23) Notable: #24289

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FINAL @720


#24289 >>101107

>>101108 Nearly half of Biden voters want government to regulate speech

>>101109 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

>>101111, >>101112 Discussion…Boundary fuckery determines future conflicts

>>101110, >>101116 Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

>>101113 Rasmussen Poll: How concerned are you that America is becoming a police state?"

>>101114 Pentagon: ‘Prepare to Deploy’ Orders, Additional Missile Defenses, Another Carrier Strike Group for ME

>>101115, >>101120 THE STATE OF ISRAEL Company number OE027515

>>101117 Unmasking the man who accosted Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>101118 Judges Aren't Allowing Defense Attorneys To Even Broach The Issue Of Entrapment In January 6 Cases

>>101119 DJT releases bizarre new ad showing Hillary Clinton trying to BRAINWASH voters into believing Biden is good

>>101121, >>101130 You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages

>>101122, >>101126, >>101128, >>101131, >>101137, >>101139, >>101140, >>101143, >>101147, >>101149, >>101151 DJT: Sidney Powell was one of M's of people.. who think, 2020 POTUS Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

>>101123, >>101124, >>101127, >>101129, >>101132, >>101133, >>101135, >>101136 DJT: Some of the greatest players in the World will be at Doral today playing in the LIV FINALS

>>101138 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Ghost Aurora over Canada

>>101141 The truth about aliens could be exposed 'with one phone call' - msn

>>101142 Microchip Breakthrough Could Reshape Future of AI

>>101144 China reportedly deployed multiple warships to ME region after US deployed two carrier strike groups

>>101145 @realDonaldTrump: "BRAINWASHED"

>>101148 GenFlynn: dropped you off palestine w/in 30 minutes you would be captured and tortured for days.. beheaded

>>101146 @CodeMonkeyZ: War is here, and for many it will not just be by proxy.

>>101150 @gatewaypundit: Michigan State Issues Apology After Image of Hitler Appears on Scoreboard Before Game


Baker must wkfag/depart/ghost @n/b dough

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d69290 No.101153

File: b919ea0eaf982f5⋯.gif (13.39 MB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781638 (221511ZOCT23) Notable: #24290

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Thank you anons

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

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d69290 No.101154

File: b7d71db2c8465f2⋯.png (198.13 KB,353x363,353:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781642 (221511ZOCT23) Notable: Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes

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Image: Derek Chauvin, an innocent man. YouTube screen grab.

Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes


October 21, 2023

By Andrea Widburg

A former Hennepin County, Minnesota, prosecutor is suing her employer, alleging that she was a victim of sex discrimination and retaliation. That’s par for the course. Hennepin County is entirely Democrat, and Democrats don’t always feel obligated to follow their loudly stated rules. The reason Amy Sweasy’s lawsuit matters to us is because George Floyd died in Hennepin County…and depositions in Sweasy’s case make it very clear that the prosecutors always knew that Derek Chauvin and the other three police did not kill George Floyd:

During her deposition, Sweasy also discussed a revealing conversation she said she had the day after Floyd’s death when she asked Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker about the autopsy.

“I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”

Of course, American Thinker readers have long known the truth about George Floyd’s death. Practically from the beginning, John Dale Dunn, M.D. wrote here that

(a) none of the coroner’s information showed death from asphyxia or any other type of strangulation injury and

(b) that what killed Floyd was his heart: He had severe heart disease. The disease, combined with stress, killed him. And the Hennepin County prosecutors knew this all along.


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d69290 No.101155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781645 (221512ZOCT23) Notable: Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes

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The other depositions from attorneys in the office show that the decision to prosecute Chauvin was purely political. The prosecutors feared the mob and were happy to go after the police.

The politics behind the prosecution ratcheted up even further when Minnesota’s governor, Tim Waltz, asked his Attorney General, Keith Ellison, to take over the case as special prosecutor. Once in place, while Hennepin County had only charged Chauvin with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter (despite knowing he was innocent), Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

That’s what Tucker Carlson’s video was ostensibly about. But what made his video more than just a news report of something the mainstream media also knew at all times and covered up is his interview with Vince Everett Ellison. Ellison was born into a family of sharecroppers in Tennessee but, because he had an intact family with both mother and father, and because his father worked hard and made something of himself in the insurance business, Ellison had a stable middle-class upbringing. He is proof that the system can work for blacks who work with the system.

Tucker invited Ellison on to ask him where we go from here, having confirmed that Floyd died from natural causes and the prosecution was fraudulent. After all, as Tucker points out, Floyd’s death was a flashpoint for the Democrats’ racist conflagration, which was used to destroy American cities, game an election, and fundamentally break apart the racial comity that had arisen in America since the Civil Rights Movement.

Ellison didn’t answer that question directly. Instead, he went on the most awesome rant imaginable about how Democrats have demoralized and used blacks in America. Honestly, I fell a little bit in love—a purely intellectual, platonic love—listening to Ellison speak. It was pure truth, spoken with raw passion and fire.

One of the things that Ellison did was to push back against Martin Luther King. He didn’t disrespect King. He simply said that King created the victim dynamic that still controls how the black community sees itself. This victim identity means that too many blacks cannot function independently of the allegedly “beneficent” Democrat party. Along the way, Ellison attacked hip-hop, public education, leftist churches, reparations, and a host of other things.

I’ve drained the life out of what Ellison said. You really must listen for yourself. It’s wonderful:

Ep. 32 You’ll be shocked to learn this, but it turns out the whole George Floyd story was a lie. pic.twitter.com/4vDXBStHf5

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 20, 2023


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d69290 No.101156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781659 (221514ZOCT23) Notable: Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes

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Court docs reveal ‘extreme’ public pressure on prosecutors in George Floyd case

According to the deposition of a former Hennepin County prosecutor, the county’s medical examiner told her in a phone call that there "were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation."

By Liz Collin -October 17, 2023

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d69290 No.101157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781675 (221518ZOCT23) Notable: Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes

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Derek Chauvin Did Not Murder George Floyd


June 25, 2021-

By John Dale Dunn, M.D.

See also: In defense of the police hold used on George Floyd

George Floyd’s death one year ago caused a national level of rioting and vandalism and even deaths. It also put something called “excited delirium” in the spotlight. George Parry at The American Spectator, Andrea Widburg at American Thinker, and Jack Cashill (at both venues) all have written insightfully about the political, scientific, and legal issues related to the death of Mr. Floyd and the prosecution of Officer Chauvin. The bottom line, if one seriously considers the medical evidence, is that Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd.

I have done a video demonstration with two male subjects that shows that there is no way that Officer Chauvin killed Mr. Floyd with the same prone restraint seen in the video of Mr. Floyd’s restraint and death. My analysis of the events is that the combination of drugs, excitement, exertion, and a bad heart caused Mr. Floyd to die from cardiac arrest - just like a man who dies shoveling snow.

Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) house of delegates and the American Psychiatric Association publicly condemned using the diagnosis Excited Delirium in cases like that of George Floyd, and also condemned using sedation and psych drugs on agitated and delirious individuals in emergency situations. These pronouncements were cheap shots that played to a woke racialist mob and ignored both medical science and the truth. That’s no surprise, though, because the AMA Board of Trustees, in June 2020, declared their support for critical race theory, equity, and anti-police campaigns.

Delirium has been around a long time as a phenomenon with many names. Delirium is a severe loss of normal ordered thinking and emotions, i.e., psychotic break. The excited or agitated form is more noticeable and harmful because sufferers are violent, dangerous, and self-injuring to the point of suicide. They’re also more likely to have medical complications, including death, from muscle and kidney injury, dehydration, hyperthermia, blood pressure, and heart problems.

I saw my first delirious patients early in my junior year in medical school, 52 years ago, as a student assigned to the locked psych ward at Douglas County Hospital in Omaha. Since then, I have seen and treated hundreds of cases of delirium caused by alcohol, PCP, LSD, and cocaine, of course, as well as medical or mental health disorders that affected brain function. Delirium is real and often violent. The proper response is to treat to remove the cause and to control the agitation and wild behavior of agitated (excited) delirium using sedation to calm and antipsychotic medications to restore mental functions. It’s routine and effective.

In 2008 the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) commissioned a panel of experts to research and write a monograph on Excited Delirium - yes the same thing that the AMA and APA say doesn’t exist. The experts on the panel were accomplished and experienced. Their research was outstanding, tracing the history and medical management of excited delirium over the many decades it has been reported.


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d69290 No.101158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781678 (221518ZOCT23) Notable: Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes

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25 June 2021

In his article at The American Spectator, Jack Cashill focused on Dr. Martin Tobin, a lung specialist with no apparent expertise about cause of death, particularly traumatic causes of death. Nevertheless, Dr. Tobin, when shown the infamous video of Mr. Floyd’s last minutes, declared, “You’re seeing here fatal injury to the brain from a lack of oxygen.”

In fact, what the video shows is that Mr. Floyd was active, noisy, and calling out while essentially being held down on his stomach. Tobin testified that Chauvin and the other officers “restricted Mr. Floyd’s breathing by flattening his rib cage against the pavement and pushing his cuffed hands into his torso, and by the placement of Mr. Chauvin’s knees on his neck and back.”

Mr. Cashill points out that Dr. Andrew Baker’s detailed autopsy showed no neck or chest injury damage.

Layer by layer dissection of the anterior strap muscles of the neck discloses no areas of contusion or hemorrhage within the musculature…. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined by intact mucosa.

Dr. Baker further mentioned prominently that Mr. Floyd’s face and eyes had no petechial hemorrhages (small bleeding spots), which are an important sign of asphyxiation or strangulation.

The autopsy showed that Mr. Floyd’s brain had no injuries from lack of oxygen. Moreover, Dr. Tobin, who is a lung specialist, presumably knows that the main muscle for breathing is the diaphragm, which is inside the chest wall and abdominal cavities. Chest expansion is an accessory to breathing, not a necessity, which is why paralyzed people who cannot move their chests can nevertheless continue to breathe using their diaphragm.

The autopsy did not show excess fluid in the chest cavity or microscopic abnormality in the lung tissue. Mr. Floyd’s lungs weighed in at normal for a man his size. Microscopy of lungs, adrenals, kidneys, and liver showed only normal post mortem congestion. The autopsy did not suggest opiate-associated pulmonary edema (wet lungs) in the autopsy.

Finally, nothing in the autopsy showed that Mr. Floyd died from an overdose. His levels of marijuana, fentanyl, and methamphetamine were intoxicating but not lethal, as described in Dr. Baker’s excellent explanatory materials included in the autopsy. Thus, Mr. Floyd’s levels were 11 and 19 nanograms respectively for fentanyl and methamphetamine. Lethal fentanyl levels range from 3 to more than 100 nanograms per milliliter and vary because of the extreme potency of fentanyl and the fentanyl tolerance of frequent users. Lethal levels of methamphetamine are in the hundreds of nanograms per milliliter.

What killed Mr. Floyd? Look to his heart.

Most importantly, the autopsy showed that Mr. Floyd had severe multi-vessel arteriosclerotic/atherosclerotic coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease (thick muscled big heart). These create the risk of a rapidly fatal heart arrhythmia, especially under stress, exertion, or excitement.

Dr. Baker, of course, has seen what is a perfect storm of bad heart disease, exertion, excitement, cardiac arrest. Why, then, didn’t he speak the truth and give his medically reasonable opinion about the cause of death?

After all, the proper conclusion on the cause of death was right there in the autopsy’s findings. Still, Dr. Baker caved under pressure from the mob, the political situation, and prosecutors. George Parry also reported, on pleadings from Officer Thao (another defendant) that politically motivated physicians threatened Baker’s reputation.

Experts in trials should be guided by the evidence and the science. As Albert Einstein said. “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” Likewise, Richard Feynman, the brilliant physicist and Nobel Laureate said “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”

Prosecutors are supposed to be officers of the court and representatives of the government with justice as their highest obligation. The last thing they should be is scalp hunters or enablers of a lynch mob.


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d69290 No.101159

File: f2558b8ef2f23a4⋯.png (567.88 KB,1154x1212,577:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781693 (221525ZOCT23) Notable: Tyson Foods will acquire a minority stake in Protix, At this point, Tyson has no plans to use the insect protein in human food.

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...Tyson Foods will acquire a minority stake in Protix and will build a factory in the United States that will “upcycle food manufacturing byproducts into high-quality insect proteins and lipids which will primarily be used in the pet food, aquaculture, and livestock industries.”

Tyson doesn’t make pet food but it does sell its animal byproducts for use in the pet food and aquaculture industry, CNN reported.

Tyson said the facility will breed, incubate and hatch insect larvae. CNN reported that the facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies.

“When insects eat animal waste, they are essentially serving as ‘mini bioreactors,’ Reza Ovissipour, assistant professor in sustainable food systems at Texas A&M University’s Department of Food Science and Technology, told CNN. “And these mini bioreactors, they are very inexpensive,” he said. “You don’t need to apply that much energy. It’s very sustainable.”

At this point, Tyson has no plans to use the insect protein in human food.

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d69290 No.101160

File: 80efb8fb1cffb18⋯.png (1.05 MB,949x638,949:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781696 (221526ZOCT23) Notable: Michigan State displays Hitler during pre-football game trivia, day synagogue president murdered

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>>101150 @gatewaypundit: Michigan State Issues Apology After Image of Hitler Appears on Scoreboard Before Game

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d69290 No.101161

File: 1301ceb8000d94e⋯.png (1.91 MB,1290x860,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781699 (221527ZOCT23) Notable: Inside Mike Pence’s Sad, Dwindling Presidential Campaign

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Inside Mike Pence’s Sad, Dwindling Presidential Campaign


He Was Once a Favorite of the Right. Now, Mike Pence Can’t Get a Crowd of 15 to a Pizza Ranch.

The former vice president has gone all out to win Iowa. But is anyone listening?

ATLANTIC, Iowa — On a crisp evening in a small town not far from Iowa’s southwestern border, Mike Pence’s decades-long quest for the White House has come down to a coin toss.

Here he is, the most recent former GOP vice president, standing at the 50-yard-line of a high school football field in a town just shy of 7,000. The team captains stand alongside him and his wife Karen, the smell of brats grilling and corn popping in the air. Tails. The hometown Trojans win the toss against the Perry Bluejays. “There’s nothing like Friday night lights,” he will soon tell a reporter from the student newspaper. “We wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

Next, he makes his way to the press box to provide color commentary for the game on the local AM radio station KJAN (“Contemporary Adult Hits!”). Earlier this afternoon he confessed to me that he was nervous about the ordeal

— it’s been decades since, after losing congressional bids in 1988 and 1990, he hosted a Saturday morning call-in show on WNDE-AM in Indianapolis before jumping to FM syndication of The Mike Pence Show. “They told me I could go up to the booth and do play-by-play,” I overheard him tell a voter. “Not good. It’s been a long time.”

Pence had capably debated Kamala Harris in front of an audience of 57.9 million back in 2020 and led the White House’s coronavirus task force press briefings as the world watched. But this was Iowa, and he was fretting about an AM radio hit. Pence, determined to get any Iowa voter to listen to him, so help him God, needed this.

“That’s a big pickup on the 21-yard line,” a headset-wearing Pence says of the hometown team as they advance deep into opposing territory. Chris Parks, the station’s sports director, asks Pence whether he wants to call the next play. Pence laughs uncomfortably and looks back at the field. To avoid dead air, Parks announces the play instead.

Was the appearance here at the Trojan Bowl a savvy play to win over Iowans or the desperate act of a campaign running out of options? “Desperate for sure,” David Kochel, the veteran Iowa GOP strategist who worked on both of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns and Jeb Bush’s political action committee, told me later that night.

Iowa inflicts its own quadrennial and peculiar political indignities and hazing rituals on candidates. But few have submitted to them so fully as Pence, who even his own aides admit must deliver a surprise finish here next January to keep his decades-long presidential ambitions alive. He was the only candidate to actually ride a motorcycle at Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst’s July Roast and Ride. He spent more time at the Iowa State Fair than any other candidate.


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d69290 No.101162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781700 (221528ZOCT23) Notable: Inside Mike Pence’s Sad, Dwindling Presidential Campaign

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To watch Pence on the trail these days is to see a man navigating the awkward, abrupt transition from being next in the line of presidential succession just four years ago to backbencher status among the Republican field. You can see him grapple with his own political mortality, working it out in public.

In Greenfield earlier that day, he became as wistful and as self-reflective as I have ever seen him when a woman asked whether he felt called by God to run for president. He did, he told her. “We didn’t run because we felt like we saw some clear eight-lane superhighway straight to the Oval Office,” Pence admitted to a crowd of 30 people, as he began talking about his campaign in the past tense.

Since disclosing that he has just $1.2 million cash left, alongside more than $620,000 in debt, Pence’s presidential campaign has not said whether he has qualified for the third debate in Miami next month; he’s reached the polling minimum but not the donor threshold. “That debt number is going to be impossible to pay back,” a longtime Pence ally told me. “When he drops out he’s going to have to do debt-retirement fundraisers.” In the immediate hours after the report came out, few around him expected him to quit before Iowa; far less clear is where he could compete after.

If faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen, as the Bible teaches, Pence might have more of it than anyone these days based on what he’s not seeing.

Nearly six months into his presidential campaign, and fewer than 90 days until the Iowa caucuses, Pence is not seeing massive crowds like his former running mate Donald Trump, or his fellow Midwesterner Vivek Ramaswamy, or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, or even his longtime frenemy, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Thirty folks at Penn Drug store in Sidney on a recent Friday morning; another 30 at the Olive Branch Restaurant in Greenfield that afternoon; 60 at a senior center in Glenwood the next day. Nor is he seeing anything but single-digit backing in polls. In Iowa, he’s currently averaging just 2.6 percent among Republican voters.

It’s difficult to find a political prognosticator who is not on his payroll who gives Pence any plausible shot at winning the nomination, a reality he acknowledged on the trail earlier this month. “The media has already decided how all this is going to end,” he told just 13 people at a Pizza Ranch in Red Oak. “But as you all know, I think Iowa has a unique opportunity to give our party, give our country a fresh start.” He encouraged them to “keep an open mind.”


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d69290 No.101163

File: 496308bc93fef90⋯.png (858.79 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 7291f975b7a7d97⋯.png (16.66 KB,454x204,227:102,Clipboard.png)

File: d758430c220f0e1⋯.png (245.18 KB,817x965,817:965,Clipboard.png)

File: 75178866223b891⋯.png (115.4 KB,807x954,269:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781701 (221527ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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Now this looks like comms. Of course it's comms. It's an E-6 for crying out loud. That's what they do. Maybe unpin Q drop 2321? With a salute?

Call sign UNPIN07. USN E-6B Mercury 162782. Squawk 2321.


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d69290 No.101164

File: bf73c3bd6ca29ec⋯.png (83.26 KB,926x718,463:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 833c8b42b42fead⋯.png (161.92 KB,926x1158,463:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 3aaa9ff51d36aab⋯.png (34.82 KB,926x410,463:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781711 (221532ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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E 6B

Could it be 562?

or [E] 62 E terminal (GITMO)

Or 5 as well as 62

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d69290 No.101165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781714 (221532ZOCT23) Notable: Bloomberg Terrified America Is Exporting Its Gun Culture

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Bloomberg Terrified America Is Exporting Its Gun Culture


October 22, 2023

Tyler Durden from ZeroHedge 10:55 AM on October 22, 2023

Bloomberg, the news media company named after and owned by prominent anti-gun billionaire Michael Jooberg, is terrified of a worldwide gun culture.

In a recent series of articles, Bloomberg journalists detail how firearms companies are “fueling violence across the world” through sales to other countries. While the articles certainly attempt to frame gun ownership in other countries as the cause of violence, two key points are left out.

First, many firearms exports worldwide are specifically for law enforcement and military contracts, not civilian sales. So, while Sig Sauer (the target of a Bloomberg hit piece on firearms exports) does export firearms overseas, many of these are for arming police officers and soldiers in foreign militaries.

Second is that violence isn’t caused by firearms. Violence is a human problem. An article in the series asserts that Sig Sauer is somehow responsible for the black-market firearms trade in Thailand and violent acts committed by those who used Sig products. It’s very likely that if Sig Sauer was not able to sell their firearms in Thailand, the purported acts of violence would still have occurred with a different brand that Bloomberg journalists may not have been as interested in.


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d69290 No.101166

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781726 (221537ZOCT23) Notable: B.I.S - THE FINANCIAL CAPTURE OF PLANET EARTH !!!

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>>>/qresearch/19781633 lb

same thing anon has realised.

will have to work for self and circumnavigate the deep state deletion traps.

still working on the solution and finding alternatives.

bit difficult if this has been out of your skillset or life experience before.

What you have to do is first bring your finances under control.

basics, housing, energy food and communication at the most affordable as possible level, this may mean moving if you have to.

Second work to live and work below the tax threshold for your nation, state etc.

Any extra time you can use to barter amongst people who can use your skill or time for things they have like food, skills like electricians, fix it jobs plus advice.

tough times are coming but only if you remain in their system and keeping pushing your line in the sand back and giving ground.

Stand firm and state no from this point forward on a specific thing.

how to stop the juggernaut that is coming anon does not know,

the only thing that could have done it, would have been the collepse of the banks but this is now not going to happen, They will just consolidate and control with the too big to fail banks. crypto will be throttled and killed making it criminal to use and they will phase out physical cash.

we are trapped on a prison planet and the only freedoms you have are the ones you can afford to pay for with your acceptance or labour.





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d69290 No.101167

File: 2164e61c78043da⋯.png (718.4 KB,770x673,770:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781746 (221544ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD

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Thousands of protesters demanding eradication

of Israel clash with NYPD

New York Post, by Katherine Donlevy , Matthew Sedacca & Valentina Jaramillo

Posted By: Ida Lou Pino, 10/22/2023 10:19:21 AM

Thousands of anti-Israel protesters clashed with police Saturday night after they refused to vacate the Bay Ridge street they had flooded for hours. The “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” demonstration devolved into chaos as night fell, with protesters completely shutting down traffic, screaming at police and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways. The aggressive protesters dug their heels into the ground when the NYPD tried to push them out of 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue

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d69290 No.101168

File: 47d4cc9b9561c8f⋯.png (377.21 KB,598x742,299:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781764 (221549ZOCT23) Notable: China deploying 6 warships to the Persian Gulf

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


China deploying 6 warships to the Persian Gulf


Muhammad Zaid 🇵🇸

4:46 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781771 (221551ZOCT23) Notable: Biden, Trolling Trump, Joins Truth Social: ‘Converts Welcome’

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Biden, Trolling Trump, Joins Truth Social: ‘Converts Welcome’

The Biden campaign is in search of any edge with voters who could be persuaded to his side.

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d69290 No.101170

File: 786c61fcdfb44ed⋯.png (3.13 MB,1212x1209,404:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781788 (221554ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD

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The globalist human traffickers who fund large migrations of certain ethnic groups from certain locations worldwide to certain other locations worldwide is a long term plan to create the 'body' conditions for subsequent exploitation through 'new' orchestrated conflicts that are then accompanied by fake news narrative blast compelling each 'group' to align themselves on either 'side' of manufactured conflicts and wars, so that those groups see their neighbors as enemies thereby fomenting social conditions for social unrest and division/control.

Flood Europe and the West with middle eastern migrants, then encourage the resulting demographics to 'pArTiCiPaTe' in preplanned ideological, political and ethnic 'affiliation' praxis.

They flooded NY with migrants to create as large a context as possible for subsequent 'protests' and 'activist' group praxis when manufactured wars happen overseas using those same ethnic groups as pawns.

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d69290 No.101171

File: 436f19bf4bf987e⋯.png (875.18 KB,754x742,377:371,Clipboard.png)

File: bc0f8cd024f1c06⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x573,1024:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781801 (221558ZOCT23) Notable: Latest Emerson Polling - Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

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Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues


October 21, 2023

Team Ron DeSantis made a desperate effort to accuse Donald Trump of supporting Hezbollah and trying to out-Israel Nikki Haley, they failed miserably. At this point the pathetic campaign of the Florida Governor has been reduced to a small supportive segment of rich, affluent, white men over 50; in essence, the professional republican donor class; and that’s it.

President Trump leads the field with almost 60% support and no other candidates reached double digits.

[…] In the 2024 Republican primary, Trump held his base of support since last month at 59%. No other candidate reaches double digits at the national level: 8% support Haley, 8% DeSantis, 4% Chris Christie, 3% Mike Pence, and 3% Ramaswamy. Ten percent are undecided. Since last month, DeSantis’ and Ramaswamy’s support decreased four points from 12% and 7%, respectively, while Haley’s support increased five points nationally from 3% to 8%. (link)


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d69290 No.101172

File: 72629b2b32a2790⋯.png (51.17 KB,597x710,597:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781850 (221609ZOCT23) Notable: They are in the process of dismantling this country & the world and they don’t want leaders like him who can and will expose them, regardless of the personal cost.

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Lara Logan


They never wanted you to her from this man because he has the integrity, experience and character to always tell you the truth about the things that matter most.

They are in the process of dismantling this country & the world and they don’t want leaders like him who can and will expose them, regardless of the personal cost.

Obama feared him so much, he went personally to a man he hated (Trump) and tried to poison the well.

It did not work so they used Pence instead - one of their “inside men”.

Don’t fall for the attacks, the detailed take downs, the false accusations. They are all just more evidence that Michael Flynn is and has always been right & he is one of the few - too few - military leaders still fighting for you, for America and for God.


General Mike Flynn




War clouds on the horizon are never a good thing. They grow darker by the day the closer we get to the beachheads, airfields, deserts & jungles of our enemies.

Deterrence is a mission & holds great promise when you are a winner. But when you award grades for participation in… twitter.com/marionawfal/st…

Show more

5:06 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101173

File: 3dca73789207c62⋯.png (149.85 KB,1720x793,1720:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781851 (221609ZOCT23) Notable: Today's Deltas

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Today's Deltas

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d69290 No.101174

File: ff325b0ed889647⋯.png (20.67 KB,595x265,119:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781858 (221611ZOCT23) Notable: The CIA lets you see what it wants you to see.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Nearly 500,000 people have died in Ukraine but the corporate media in America won't let you see 5 minutes of war footage.

Compare that total blackout to the 24/7 coverage that Americans see of the latest war in Israel.

The CIA lets you see what it wants you to see.

4:54 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101175

File: 7d4a407565c1ec6⋯.png (16.24 KB,594x154,27:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781868 (221613ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. orders evacuation of non-emergency personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq due to increased security threats

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Benny Johnson


🚨 BREAKING: U.S. orders evacuation of non-emergency personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq due to increased security threats

4:59 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101176

File: c4cb8c5cc04c270⋯.jpeg (492.11 KB,1361x585,1361:585,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 86d64bef7791288⋯.png (507.34 KB,531x519,177:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781885 (221615ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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planeFag CONUS Activity- high level diplomatic or politician AC arriving from Nuremberg depart

BOXER42 C-40 departed Shannon, Ireland after arriving from Nuremberg departure

Arrived Helsinki 1011 from JBA.

Helsinki to Stockholm 1015

Left Stockholm to Lulea Sweden on 1016. 1017 to Bern/Belp Intl Switzerland then 1020 depart to a ground stop at Ramstein then on to Nuremberg.

Dunno who but busy since 1011

This AC used by Nancy a lot

SAM298 G5 departed JBA and doing roundies at Tyson-McGhee Airport,Ky

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d69290 No.101177

File: 3c55effb5baa460⋯.png (266.34 KB,883x595,883:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781890 (221617ZOCT23) Notable: China deploying 6 warships to the Persian Gulf

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China Moves Six Warships into the Middle

East Amid Rising Tensions

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 10/22/2023 12:03:08 PM

Please remember the global economics of the thing always aligns with the motives and outcomes of the thing. Remember, Saudi Arabia just joined the BRICS coalition, BRICS+. A new report shows China is moving six additional warships into the Middle East amid concerns the Israeli War could expand into a larger regional conflict. China is aligned with multiple interests; and cunning Panda also supports the Biden administration end goal of a two-state solution in Israel. (UK EXPRESS) – China has deployed six warships to the Middle East as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalates, according to reports. The 44th naval escort task force – from the People’s Liberation Army

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d69290 No.101178

File: 6e0d11ae6e565f0⋯.png (466.22 KB,605x466,605:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781903 (221620ZOCT23) Notable: Michigan State displays Hitler during pre-football game trivia, day synagogue president murdered

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See new posts


John Solomon


Michigan State displays Hitler during pre-football game trivia, day synagogue president murdered | Just The News

Michigan State mascot, insert: Adolf Hitler, JTN edit | Adam Ruff/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images, Insert: Sashi Suseshi/Wikimedia Commons

5:09 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101179

File: e23abab614bc3c8⋯.png (8.55 KB,584x143,584:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781917 (221622ZOCT23) Notable: pb, Ides of March post

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Elon Musk


Wake up and choose violins 🎻🎻

4:38 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101180

File: ae733c0cd6ffb5c⋯.jpg (45.63 KB,354x476,177:238,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4df91612b930d9c⋯.jpg (95.44 KB,353x730,353:730,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781920 (221623ZOCT23) Notable: Project 404

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Project 404

"When I cross trained I got assigned to the 1st Special Operations Wing Combat Control Team at Hurlburt Field, where I heard the guys talk about Project 404 – Laos," said Lampe.

Project 404 was a U.S. Air Force advisory mission operating in Laos out of "Lima Sites" during the Vietnam War. The purpose of the mission was to train the Royal Laotian Air Force, while American forward air controllers were brought in to supply piloting expertise and guidance for running a tactical air force. Along with the forward air controllers the advisory teams normally consisted of five to seven people from different career fields to include pilots, aircraft maintenance, intelligence, medical and a combat controller.


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d69290 No.101181

File: 7075cdbbc0320bc⋯.png (42.65 KB,985x276,985:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781922 (221623ZOCT23) Notable: @CENTCOM The reports of alleged U.S. service member deaths earlier today in Iraq are not true.

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The reports of alleged U.S. service member deaths earlier today in Iraq are not true.

12:06 PM · Oct 22, 2023·22.5K Views

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d69290 No.101182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781946 (221628ZOCT23) Notable: Project 404

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Brand X

Lampe's career would next take him to a seminal moment for U.S. Special Operations Command – Operation Eagle Claw.

Americans hostages were captured in Iran on Nov. 4, 1979 and they would be held for 444 days. A rescue attempt was made on April 24, 1980. Lampe was an important part of the Air Force team known as Brand X that was part of the rescue attempt. His job with his teammates was to control the two airfields created deep inside Iran.

Col. John Carney, known as "Coach," was charged with laying out the airfield deep inside Iran. In fact, he flew into Iran with a CIA pilot and used a motorcycle to determine the landing site ahead of the mission. He was responsible for picking Brand X.

"Col. John Carney handpicked 16 combat controllers from around the world to form the nucleus, the cream of the crop, to form Brand X," Jeffery Buckmelter, USSOCOM deputy director of operations, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and a member of Brand X.

"The reason it was called Brand X was because the guys were from all different units, they didn't have a unit designation," said Norrad. "All these different cats and dogs brought together by Col. Carney for the classified mission."

On April 24, 1980, Brand X and the rest of the rescue team were on the ground in Iran where they encountered many obstacles. Only five of the eight helicopters reached the staging area. During planning it was decided the mission would be aborted if fewer than six helicopters remained. As the rescue team prepared to leave, one of the helicopters crashed into a C-130 aircraft killing eight servicemen.

USSOCOM would eventually be formed because of the problems of that day. Lampe, Carney and a host of others would be part of taking Brand X and evolving it into Air Force Special Tactics.

A career involved with nearly every American crisis

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d69290 No.101183

File: 05b573c528babc7⋯.png (38.34 KB,959x347,959:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781954 (221629ZOCT23) Notable: Tyson Foods will acquire a minority stake in Protix, At this point, Tyson has no plans to use the insect protein in human food.

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Tyson Foods, one of the biggest meat producers, is investing in insect protein

Danielle Wiener-Bronner

By Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN

4 minute read

Updated 10:20 AM EDT, Fri October 20, 2023

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d69290 No.101184

File: a3789cad51296ce⋯.mp4 (4.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781955 (221630ZOCT23) Notable: New Ad from Team Trump: “Brainwashed”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here’s the video

Trump War Room

🚨MUST SEE — New Ad from Team Trump: “Brainwashed”


BTW the opposition media, all of them are using the wordBizarreexcept the ad is not at all bizarre, some are even sayingshe didn’t use the word “deprogramming”

No wonder 56% yo 76% of Americans don’t trust the media, keep it up assholes!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781956 (221631ZOCT23) Notable: Project 404

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Lampe would retire from the Air Force in 1997. The fact he retired from the Air Force while almost exclusively working for the Army during his career is not a fact that escapes him.

"In 1968 I was not patient enough stand in the long line for the Army and made my way to the Air Force line. If the Army line was shorter I probably would have had an Army career," Lampe said. "The funny thing is I ended up working with and for the Army anyway because of the special operations missions."

#SOCOM30; Air Force Special Operations Command; Bull Simons; Bull Simons Award; Chief Master Sgt. Michael Lampe; Commander; Desert Storm; Eagle Claw; General Raymond Thomas; Grenada; MacDill; MacDill Air Force Base; Operation Eagle Claw; Patriotism; Project 404; SOF; Special Forces; Special Operations; Special Operations Forces; Tampa; Thomas; U.S. Army Gen. Raymond A. Thomas III; U.S. Army; U.S. Special Operations Commands 30th Anniversary; United States Special Operations Command; USSOCOM; Mike Bottoms; TSgt Angelita Lawrence

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101186

File: 2258c71589324f8⋯.png (829.71 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 07555ce2305eac2⋯.png (716.98 KB,1072x963,1072:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781964 (221632ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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AE138C returns as C-130J 04-3144.

But it crashed and looks to be a total loss back in 2013?




Some anon in DFW go outside and have a look as it goes over?

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d69290 No.101187

File: 39780ced03e213b⋯.png (64.41 KB,602x284,301:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781987 (221636ZOCT23) Notable: How 4 companies control the beef industry

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Lara Logan


How 4 companies control the beef industry - YouTube


How 4 companies control the beef industry

Corporate consolidation is making it impossible for cattle ranchers to stay afloat.Subscribe and turn on notifications 🔔 so you don't miss any videos: http...

5:33 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101188

File: c2e342b528f7783⋯.jpg (37.88 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782001 (221639ZOCT23) Notable: Future Computers & Surveillance Could Break ALL Forms Of Encryption Warns Experts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Future Computers & Surveillance Could Break ALL Forms Of Encryption Warns Experts


MY COMMENT: The day that happens, let me know! I'll take an axe to the modem and throw my computers in the firepit!!!

Governments Are Likely Deploying AI Propaganda Bots!


You Can Now SUE Clot Shot Makers For Any Health Related Damage!


The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration.

Top Toxicologist Warns mRNA Clot Shots Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40


Covid Clot Shots Found To Have Simian SV40 Virus (It Causes Long-term Cancer!)


CLAIM: USA Seeks Delay Of Israeli Ground Invasion Into Gaza


Netanyahu Says Israel Ready For War With Lebanon If Hezbollah Attacks Israel


Americans and other foreigners have been heeding warnings to get out of Lebanon while they still can.

Israel Bombs Innocent Lebanon Town, Using White Phosphorus - Another War Crime


Ukraine Increasing Raids And Sabotage Against Crimea


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101189

File: 8c4f52cffd34e53⋯.jpg (237.59 KB,1080x1560,9:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782012 (221641ZOCT23) Notable: In fact in this corner of the earth there was everything but a Palestinian state!

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I'm sure you all have friends who are asking questions, you can send them this :

1)Before the modern state of Israel there was the British mandate, Not a Palestinian state .

2) Before the British mandate there was the ottoman empire, Not a Palestinian state .

3) Before the ottoman empire there was the Islamic mamluk sultanate of Egypt, Not a Palestinian state .

4)Before the Islamic mamluk sultanate of Egypt there was the ayyubid dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .Godfrey of bouillon conquered it in 1099.

5) Before the ayyubid dynasty there was the christian kingdom of Jerusalem, Not a Palestinian state .

6) Before the christian kingdom of Jerusalem there was the Fatimid caliphate, Not a Palestinian state .

7) Before the Fatimid caliphate there was the byzantine empire, Not a Palestinian state .

😎 Before the byzantine empire there was the Roman empire, Not a Palestinian state .

9) Before the Roman empire there was the hasmonean dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .

10)Before the hasmonean dynasty there was the Seleucid empire,Not a Palestinian state .

11) Before the Seleucid empire there was the empire of Alexander the 3rd of Macedon, Not a Palestinian state .

12) Before the empire of Alexander the 3rd of Macedon there was the Persian empire, Not a Palestinian state .

13) Before the Persian empire there was the Babylonian empire, Not a Palestinian state .

14) Before the Babylonian empire there was the kingdoms of Israel and Judea, Not a Palestinian state .

15) Before the kingdoms of Israel and Judea there was the kingdom of Israel, Not a Palestinian state .

16) Before the kingdom of Israel there was the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel, Not a Palestinian state .

17) Before the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel there was the individual state of Canaan, Not a Palestinian state .

In fact in this corner of the earth there was everything but a Palestinian state!

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d69290 No.101190

File: d8f50a27c5e3f5b⋯.png (1.5 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782014 (221641ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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CAll sign XXXX. 385 knots? Doubt. PF thinks this might be a B-1 headed east.

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d69290 No.101191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782060 (221650ZOCT23) Notable: New Ad from Team Trump: “Brainwashed”

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This is funny almost every MSM article starts out with “took a swipe”, I’ve about 4-5, its also funny is all they do is repeat what the video says, and then in the last paragraph they write a lie or nothing. So their go to insults are “bizarre new ad” Or “took a swipe”! Kek

Former President Trump, in a new campaign ad, took a swipe at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton— alluding that his 2016 presidential rival wanted to brainwash voters into supporting President Biden.

Look at this big fat whopper the Hill says at the end:

“The new ad comes as a 2024 rematch between Trump and Biden looks more likely —as both are clear frontrunners for their respective parties.”

The Democrat Party specifically does not allow a competitor, so Bidan is not a clear frontrunner, he’s a loser and Dems have to cheat to have any advantage.


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d69290 No.101192

File: 4c62946f4b578be⋯.png (639.47 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e232d059efdbf3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1918x1014,959:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782068 (221652ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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>AE138C out of cannon

B-1 out of Dyess as a C-130

391 knots is just not plausible. There is a cloud deck in place over DFW so not likely to be seen from the ground. These are military jets deploying and trying to keep it on the DL.AE138C

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d69290 No.101193

File: ea3270778d467dc⋯.png (161.4 KB,382x494,191:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782086 (221656ZOCT23) Notable: 9 Candidates Now Listed as Running to Take Jordan’s Place as Potential Speaker of the House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



9 Candidates Now Listed as Running to Take Jordan’s Place as Potential Speaker of the House


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101194

File: 61e915ec3293d60⋯.png (1.38 MB,1921x1012,1921:1012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782095 (221658ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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Call sign SPICE25. USAF E-4B Nightwatch 75-0125. Squawk 7225. Up from Lackland AFB now flying NE along Texas gulf coast.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101195

File: d25cecb4ef41f32⋯.png (147.96 KB,906x593,906:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 37e9a79bc4fc9b9⋯.png (612.53 KB,750x733,750:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 952f3e0e9bac46d⋯.jpeg (602.17 KB,1250x1562,625:781,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782097 (221658ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

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Donald J. Trump


Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! Despite the Fake News reports to the contrary, and without even reaching out to ask the Trump Campaign, MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted. Ms. Powell did a valiant job of representing a very unfairly treated and governmentally abused General Mike Flynn, but to no avail. His prosecution, despite the facts, was ruthless. He was an innocent man, much like many other innocent people who are being persecuted by this now Fascist government of ours, and I was honored to give him a Full Pardon!

Oct 22, 2023, 9:25 AM


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d69290 No.101196

File: 4f33cd69b58bf3b⋯.png (46.19 KB,1255x329,1255:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782100 (221658ZOCT23) Notable: Disgraced BLM activist Shaun King says he helped free American hostages released from Gaza and knows them personally

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News Analysis Oct 22, 2023

Disgraced BLM activist Shaun King says he helped free American hostages released from Gaza and knows them personally, hostages say they never heard of him

The family reports they didn't know who King was until after the release.

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d69290 No.101197

File: 937efc4e3723c91⋯.png (344.84 KB,597x514,597:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782110 (221701ZOCT23) Notable: EU, US, Canada Voice Strong Condemnation Against Communist China Following Maritime Collision

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The Gateway Pundit


EU, US, Canada Voice Strong Condemnation Against Communist China Following Maritime Collision Involving Chinese and Philippine Vessels in West Philippine Sea, Escalating Tensions in the Disputed Sea via @gatewaypundit

5:44 AM · Oct 22, 2023




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d69290 No.101198

File: 263993ca38686a0⋯.png (16.72 KB,594x214,297:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782122 (221702ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky..

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky..


11:58 PM · Oct 21, 2023




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d69290 No.101199

File: fb9999c38064293⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782141 (221706ZOCT23) Notable: PF stuffs

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UNPIN07 added

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101200

File: 197fad0a6943c6b⋯.png (616.43 KB,847x769,847:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782232 (221721ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Foils ‘Significant And Imminent Terror Attack’ By Striking Terror Tunnels Under Mosque

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Israel Foils ‘Significant And Imminent

Terror Attack’ By Striking Terror Tunnels

Under Mosque

Daily Wire, by Ryan Saavedra

Posted By: Beardo, 10/22/2023 12:18:37 PM

Israeli officials say that they executed an aerial strike on a mosque inside Gaza that was being used as a command center for terrorists who were preparing to carry out “a significant and imminent terror attack.” The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it launched the attack on the command center located under the Al-Ansar Mosque early Sunday local time in conjunction with Shin Bet, an Israeli intelligence agency. “In a joint IDF and ISA activity, the IAF conducted an aerial strike on an underground terror compound in the Al-Ansar mosque in Jenin,” the IDF said in a statement.

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d69290 No.101201

File: 2b8dfd69f47768f⋯.png (343.97 KB,1199x784,1199:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782256 (221726ZOCT23) Notable: Trump to Deliver Remarks in Derry, New Hampshire DERRY, NH Mon, October 23, 2023 03:00 pm (US/Eastern), Trump to Deliver Remarks in Sioux City, Iowa Sun, October 29, 2023 03:00 pm (US/Central), Trump to Hold a Rally in Hialeah, Florida HIALEAH, FL Wed, November 08, 2023 07:00 pm (US/Eastern)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Derry, New Hampshire


Mon, October 23, 2023

03:00 pm (US/Eastern)

GET TICKETS45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Sioux City, Iowa


Sun, October 29, 2023

03:00 pm (US/Central)

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Hialeah, Florida


Wed, November 08, 2023

07:00 pm (US/Eastern)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101202

File: 9c8130e0af5cdff⋯.png (302.77 KB,595x617,595:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782260 (221726ZOCT23) Notable: Why is Joe Biggs Really Being Held Captive in the DC gulag?

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The Garbage Man™


Why is Joe Biggs Really Being Held Captive in the DC gulag? We explore the secret Jihadi sleeper training camps around the US (must see) sneak peak inside in NY immigrant camp.

2:53 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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d69290 No.101203

File: 4daced0f801c552⋯.png (14.52 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782316 (221735ZOCT23) Notable: Wyoming Democrats Worry Liz Cheney Crossover Voters Won’t Switch Back

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Wyoming Democrats Worry Liz Cheney Crossover Voters Won’t Switch Back


Leo WolfsonSeptember 9, 2023

At the Democratic Party's central committee meeting on Saturday in Newcastle, party members expressed worry that its super-minority status could become even more pronounced if they don’t address party apathy, including convincing party members who crossed over in 2022 to vote for Liz Cheney to cross back.

Leo Wolfson

September 09, 20237 min read

NEWCASTLE — Although concerns about crossover voting are most typically brought up in Republican circles in Wyoming, turns out it’s also a concern of the Wyoming Democratic Party, but for vastly different reasons.

During the party’s central committee meeting Saturday at the Newcastle Lodge and Convention Center, some leading Democrats expressed worry that former Democrats who switched party affiliation to vote for former congresswoman Liz Cheney during the 2022 Republican primary won’t switch their registration or party loyalty back to Democrat.

“A lot of Democrats switched to vote for Liz Cheney, and then failed to vote in the general election,” Crook County Democratic Party Chair Randy Leinen said. “We need to reach out to those people to bring them into the fold.”

Wyoming Democratic Party Treasurer Mary Harper said she’s heard from many former Democrats who registered as Republicans in Fremont County to vote for Cheney and are now apathetic about switching back.

“I think that we need to do some education on exactly why they should change back or not,” she said.

The practice of Democrats switching party affiliation to Republican has been an ongoing trend in Wyoming, although debate remains about the reasons for the switch and how extensively it’s happening.

Election data shows that around 10,000 to 20,000 former Democrats changed party affiliation to vote for Cheney in 2022.

During that election season, Democrats only ran in three of the six statewide races and the majority of state legislative races didn’t feature a Democratic candidate. In the races that did, only a few featured a contested Democratic primary.

Johnson County Democratic Party Chair Greg Haas said even in situations where there is a contested Democratic primary race, many say they would support all of the candidates running so they don’t see a need to participate.


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d69290 No.101204

File: 8a5769ac89bfd9d⋯.png (14.37 MB,3840x2162,1920:1081,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782334 (221737ZOCT23) Notable: Wyoming Democrats Worry Liz Cheney Crossover Voters Won’t Switch Back

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Party registration is less critical in general elections, where voters can vote for any candidate they want.

To be considered a major political party in Wyoming, a party must receive 10% of the vote in governor, secretary of state, or House of Representatives general election races that it participates in. Although the Democrats exceeded the 10% barrier by a fairly safe margin in 2022, any further loss of party membership could put the party in a precarious position.

Some expressed concern that former Democrats are apathetic about the state of their party in Wyoming and the chances of their candidates getting elected.

Wyoming Democratic State Party Chair Joe Barbuto said the party needs to be bold with its actions and messaging to combat these feelings.

“Making sure that we’re present in communities so that people know that Democrats are not just existing there in their respective communities, but active and working to show we can accomplish goals,” he said.

Some former Democratic voters view voting for certain Republicans as a pragmatic choice to have at least some of their views represented in office, said Jordan Evans, chairman of the Laramie County Democratic Party.

Rock Springs resident Meghan Jensen, who ran for Congress in 2022, said she knows people who end up voting for candidates they consider to be moderate Republicans and “the lesser of two evils.”

In Wyoming, many of the Republican primary races represent the most contested race of an election with a matchup of two or more candidates sparring to be viewed as most conservative.

“They are not moderates, folks,” Jensen said. “Maybe they’re nice to your face and they will fix your tire for you, and that’s the Wyoming way and that’s lovely. But when they’re voting to take your rights away, that’s why I’m voting for a lot of the people that are here today.”

Leinen touched on this point as well, saying that Democrats have the potential to pick up votes from “disaffected” Republicans.

Laramie County Democratic Party Vice Chair Kelsey Johnson brought up the story of a former supporter of President Donald Trump wanting to get more involved with their party because of efforts to remove certain books from school libraries.


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d69290 No.101205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782537 (221804ZOCT23) Notable: #24290

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#24290 >>101153

>>101163, >>101164, >>101176, >>101186, >>101190, >>101192, >>101194, >>101199 PF stuffs

>>101154, >>101155, >>101156, >>101158, >>101157 Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes

>>101159, >>101183 Tyson Foods will acquire a minority stake in Protix, At this point, Tyson has no plans to use the insect protein in human food.

>>101161, >>101162 Inside Mike Pence’s Sad, Dwindling Presidential Campaign

>>101165 Bloomberg Terrified America Is Exporting Its Gun Culture


>>101167, >>101170 Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD

>>101168, >>101177 China deploying 6 warships to the Persian Gulf

>>101169 Biden, Trolling Trump, Joins Truth Social: ‘Converts Welcome’

>>101171 Latest Emerson Polling - Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary, DeSantis Collapse Continues

>>101172 They are in the process of dismantling this country & the world and they don’t want leaders like him who can and will expose them, regardless of the personal cost.

>>101173 Today's Deltas

>>101174 The CIA lets you see what it wants you to see.

>>101175 U.S. orders evacuation of non-emergency personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq due to increased security threats

>>101178, >>101160 Michigan State displays Hitler during pre-football game trivia, day synagogue president murdered

>>101179 @elonmusk Wake up and choose violins 🎻🎻

>>101180, >>101182, >>101185 Project 404

>>101181 @CENTCOM The reports of alleged U.S. service member deaths earlier today in Iraq are not true.

>>101184, >>101191 New Ad from Team Trump: “Brainwashed”

>>101187 How 4 companies control the beef industry

>>101188 Future Computers & Surveillance Could Break ALL Forms Of Encryption Warns Experts

>>101189 In fact in this corner of the earth there was everything but a Palestinian state!

>>101193 9 Candidates Now Listed as Running to Take Jordan’s Place as Potential Speaker of the House

>>101195 @realDonaldTrump Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN

>>101196 Disgraced BLM activist Shaun King says he helped free American hostages released from Gaza and knows them personally

>>101197 EU, US, Canada Voice Strong Condemnation Against Communist China Following Maritime Collision

>>101198 Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky..

>>101200 Israel Foils ‘Significant And Imminent Terror Attack’ By Striking Terror Tunnels Under Mosque

>>101201 Trump to Deliver Remarks in Derry, New Hampshire DERRY, NH Mon, October 23, 2023 03:00 pm (US/Eastern), Trump to Deliver Remarks in Sioux City, Iowa Sun, October 29, 2023 03:00 pm (US/Central), Trump to Hold a Rally in Hialeah, Florida HIALEAH, FL Wed, November 08, 2023 07:00 pm (US/Eastern)

>>101202 Why is Joe Biggs Really Being Held Captive in the DC gulag?

>>101203, >>101204 Wyoming Democrats Worry Liz Cheney Crossover Voters Won’t Switch Back


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101206

File: 73c777045165baf⋯.jpeg (258.3 KB,753x742,753:742,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 31b2eaeb0a0ef71⋯.png (381.91 KB,680x470,68:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB,758x644,379:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782560 (221807ZOCT23) Notable: #24291

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Baker Taps

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d69290 No.101207

File: e7d4afe7fd4e44f⋯.png (243.87 KB,873x731,873:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782598 (221813ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Waverly Crenshaw Jr. appointed by Barack Obama, clears the way for drag shows in Murfreesboro

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge Waverly Crenshaw Jr. appointed by Barack Obama, clears the way for drag shows in Murfreesboro

Chief U.S. District Court Judge Waverly Crenshaw Jr., appointed by Barack Obama, has halted a Murfreesboro, Tennessee ordinance barring drag shows from taking place in public spaces.

The judge’s decision clears the way for drag shows at the Pride Festival in Murfreesboro next weekend.

The decision comes after the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP), founder and host of the annual BoroPride Festival.

In 2022, conservatives pointed to the festival’s drag show sexualizing children, but the organizers argued that the performer was “fully clothed.”

“We are relieved that the court has taken action to ensure that Murfreesboro’s discriminatory ordinance will not be enforced during the BoroPride festival,” Chis Sanders, the executive director of the Tennessee Equality Project, said in a statement. “We look forward to a safe, joyful celebration of Murfreesboro’s LGBTQ+ community.”

New Deals Now Live At The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow – Up to 80% Off!

American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee, ACLU, Ballard Spahr, and Burr Forman issued the following joint statement:

“We are grateful that the court has temporarily blocked the anti-LGBTQ+ ordinance and protected the free speech and expression of Murfreesboro residents and drag performers during the BoroPride Festival. This festival creates a safe space to celebrate the freedom of self-expression and cultivates community, solidarity, and joy among LGBTQ+ community members. LGBTQ+ people should not have to live in fear of being targeted by their local elected officials and we will continue to protect this space and the free speech rights of Murfreesboro residents until this ordinance is struck down for good.”

The state banned “male or female impersonators” and exotic dancers from performing in the presence of minors in March. The law was struck down in June when a judge decided that it violated the First Amendment.


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d69290 No.101208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782610 (221815ZOCT23) Notable: What exactly is Captagon and why was it banned

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What exactly is Captagon and why was it banned?

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.

Captagon was first manufactured in 1961 as an alternative to amphetamine and methamphetamine used at the time to treat narcolepsy, fatigue, and the behavioral disorder "minimal brain dysfunction". Dexamphetamine was already being used by the military to enable soldiers to stay awake for long periods of time and to "enhance courage and bravado". Captagon was supposed to be a milder version of these medicines. But by the 1980's the U.S. government declared it a controlled substance with no currently accepted medical use. Manufacturing of the drug ceased in the 1980's.

However, illegal manufacture has continued, and has recently escalated in the past few years in Europe and the Middle East. Some sources suggest Captagon is one of the more popular recreational drugs among affluent youth in the Middle East.

No doubt the "Captagon" used by ISIS or ISI, and other extremist groups, to enhance their soldiers abilities today is far removed from the Captagon of the eighties. Instead of just two main ingredients, illegal manufacturing likely combines several highly addictive stimulants with compounding actions into one destructive little pill. This "new age" Captagon, as with any highly addictive substance, is likely to cause irreversible changes in brain circuitry that govern impulse control and judgement, taking away a person's ability to reason or think rationally.

Captagon has been touted by media as "The Amphetamine Fueling Syria's War" or "The Jihadists' Drug".


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d69290 No.101209

File: 3229e632dff4e8d⋯.png (1.1 MB,888x742,444:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782641 (221821ZOCT23) Notable: UT withdraws scholarships from athlete anthem posters

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d69290 No.101210

File: 6a7a10fa53eb543⋯.png (417.12 KB,876x753,292:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782643 (221821ZOCT23) Notable: 25 Conservative MPs Are Reportedly About to Try to Oust Rishi Sunak as British Prime Minister

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25 Conservative MPs Are Reportedly About to Try to Oust Rishi Sunak as British Prime Minister

The story begins with a party – ‘PartyGate’, a meeting of Conservative staffers for drinking and socializing – during the height of the British nonsense lockdowns.

The scandal drove Boris Johnson from power. Liz Truss, his replacement, managed to last only 44 days as PM. With Rishi Sunak the helm, the ‘Tories’ are trailing badly the Labour opposition in all the polls.

Now, one year into his speakership, Sunak could be facing yet another leadership crisis, as ‘up to 25 MPs could be set to hand in letters of no-confidence against the Prime Minister’.

Reportedly, two separate groups of party members are after Sunak’s dismissal: some are Boris Johnson’s allies, and the remainder are ‘moderate politicians.’


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d69290 No.101211

File: 28e2dbb066588a5⋯.png (293 KB,875x759,875:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782645 (221822ZOCT23) Notable: Rishi Sunak Reportedly Planning to Scrap Inheritance Tax - British PM Tries to Regain Voter Base and Mark Difference From Labor

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Rishi Sunak Reportedly Planning to Scrap Inheritance Tax – British PM Tries to Regain Voter Base and Mark Difference From Labor

“The plans would make way for the eventual scrapping of the levy, the Sunday Times has reported. However, Downing Street has sought to play down speculation that the prime minister was drawing up plans to cut the tax.

At present, inheritance tax is charged at 40% for estates worth more than £325,000, with an extra £175,000 allowance towards a main residence if it is passed to children or grandchildren. A married couple can share their allowance, which means parents can pass on £1m to their children without any tax to pay.”


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d69290 No.101212

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782659 (221825ZOCT23) Notable: @RepMTG How many Christian pastors are warning their church congregations about this?

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


How many Christian pastors are warning their church congregations about this?

Where is the church?




Who is that bald headed terrorist, chanting 'let Gaza live'?

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d69290 No.101213

File: e1ed71862861573⋯.png (99.33 KB,919x573,919:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 74bd7ee9c97e904⋯.png (1.13 MB,842x907,842:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 98ca75c05228025⋯.jpeg (556.81 KB,1542x2048,771:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 36ebf4d66a59709⋯.jpg (68.46 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8440e7255127452⋯.png (2.51 MB,1894x1095,1894:1095,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782685 (221831ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy put tens of millions of dollars into GOP primaries attacking MAGA candidates

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People forget that Kevin McCarthy put tens of millions of dollars into GOP primaries attacking MAGA candidates

When they survived his onslaught, he left them high and dry during the general and many lost close races

We could’v easily had a 20-30 seat cushion if popular MAGA candidates were supported

Some blame Trump for our tiny House majority

But it was Kevin using GOP funds to damage MAGA and boost unlikable establishment candidates

Oct 22, 2023, 2:03 PM


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d69290 No.101214

File: 2ddc194f5c52600⋯.png (215.98 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: a93542ca5d09c58⋯.png (437.96 KB,750x461,750:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782700 (221834ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Civilian Killed After Israel Again Bombs Damascus & Aleppo International Airports

Early Sunday morning Israeli fighter jets have again targeted Syria's two international airports of Aleppo and Damascus in their third such attack from Israel in ten days.

Both the airports have once again been knocked out of commission, with one civilian worker killed and another wounded during the strikes on Damascus International Airport.

Syrian state-run SANA confirmed that "At about 05:25 am on Sunday, the Israeli enemy simultaneously carried out an aerial act of aggression with waves of missiles from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea west of Lattakia and from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan targeting Damascus and Aleppo international airports," according to a military source.

The statement added: "The aggression led to the martyrdom of a civilian worker at Damascus Airport, the injury of another worker, in addition to causing material damage to the runways of the two airports, putting them out of service."

The damage to runways at both airports was significant enough to halt all inbound and outbound flights. Some were diverted to the regional commercial airport in Latakia.

The runways are expected to remain unusable for at least two days; however, the pattern of late has been that as soon as they are repaired, they are attacked again.

Earlier this month, following the Oct.7 Hamas attack on southern Israeli settlements and the music festival, Israel had first attacked Syria's airports the day before Iran's foreign minister was expected to arrive in Damascus. This was seen as a message ultimately aimed at Hezbollah and Iran.

But Western press has been silent while Israel's military without warning or provocation mounts brazen acts of military aggression against Syrian civilian infrastructure.


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d69290 No.101215

File: ab0eb28a0abface⋯.png (260.24 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782704 (221836ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Israel threatens Hezbollah with ‘unprecedented destruction’

The Lebanese paramilitary group will be hit “with unimaginable strength,” the prime minister warns

Hezbollah “will be making the mistake of its life” if it enters the Israel-Hamas war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told troops stationed near the Lebanese border on Sunday. Netanyahu warned that Lebanon would be “devastated” in response.

“If Hezbollah decides to enter the war, it will long for the Second Lebanon War,” Netanyahu said, referring to the 2006 conflict in which Israel invaded southern Lebanon and pounded Beirut with airstrikes in response to Hezbollah raids into Israel. Some 165 Israelis and more than 1,000 Lebanese were killed in the month-long conflict.

“It will be making the mistake of its life,” Netanyahu continued, according to a transcript seen by Israeli media. “We will strike it with unimaginable strength and the significance to it and to the country of Lebanon will be devastating.”

Israeli and Hezbollah forces have engaged in tit-for-tat exchanges of rocket and artillery fire since the conflict with Hamas broke out two weeks ago. While the Lebanese paramilitary group has sent drones and a number of infiltrators across the border, no large-scale incursion has taken place, and Israel has thus far avoided opening a second front in the north.


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d69290 No.101216

File: a70f28dec1bd8ff⋯.png (129.06 KB,500x649,500:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782714 (221839ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Fan Tells Dave Chappelle To "Shut Up", Comedian Blasts Israel, Sparking Walkout, Report Says

Dave Chappelle sparked a walkout during a show in Boston after criticizing Israel's bombardment of Gaza and accused the US of aiding in the slaughter of civilians, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing people in attendance.

Chappelle's "cell phone-free" performance was at the TD Garden arena in downtown Boston on Thursday evening, according to Ticketmaster's website.

The people said Chappelle criticized Hamas for the Oct. 7 attack, but also denounced the Israeli government's bombing of Gaza, as well as the US' support of the war effort.

Here's the moment the brouhaha started between Chappelle and audience members:

The comments came up when Chappelle said he didn't think students should lose job offers for supporting Palestinians. An audience member's command for the comedian to shut up drew an emotional response from Chappelle, who criticized the Israeli government for cutting off water and other essentials to Gaza and accused it of killing innocent people, according to the attendees.

Some audience members cheered Chappelle on and shouted, "Free Palestine," while others yelled, "What about Hamas," the attendees said. Some in the crowd got up and left. Toward the conclusion of his show, he said of Israeli policies and the Hamas attacks that two wrongs don't make a right, the people said.


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d69290 No.101217

File: dcd557fa1902b24⋯.png (85.99 KB,676x522,338:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 49b1d1d30dbe915⋯.png (95.84 KB,672x537,224:179,Clipboard.png)

File: a05e96cf30eeaa8⋯.png (300.18 KB,506x574,253:287,Clipboard.png)

File: c23ceaed81db06e⋯.png (79.66 KB,670x538,335:269,Clipboard.png)

File: e4fc107aa0a1178⋯.png (98.14 KB,682x579,682:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782722 (221843ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda

Afew days ago we published an article discussing how the Great Reset agenda is still moving forward behind the scenes, while the headlines are full of Israel-Palestine.

But it’s also true that, in its thirteen days of existence, the war itself has already pushed that agenda forward as well.


Normalising the suppression of dissent and creating a culture of fear around free expression are a major part of the Great Reset, after all the other steps are so much easier if you outlaw inconvenient protests.

And, naturally, calls for the suppression of freedom of expression have sprouted up everywhere since the war started. We covered this in our article “Israel-Hamas “war” – another excuse to shut down free speech”

Since that article was published this campaign has gained momentum.

European Union Commissioner Thierry Breton sent warning letters out to every major social media platform, claiming they needed to “combat disinformation” regarding Israel and threatening them with fines.

In yet another blow to the “China is on our side” narrative, Chinese video-sharing service TikTok has eagerly agreed to “combat disinformation”.

Students from Harvard and Berkeley have been threatened with “blacklisting” for voicing support for Palestine.

German and French police are breaking up pro-Palestine demonstrations, while – in both the UK and US – there are calls to arrest people for waving Palestinian flags, or deport those who “support Hamas”.

Creating a culture of fear, making people afraid to express themselves or their political opinions, is just one of the many things that Covid, Ukraine, Climate Change and now Israel have in common.


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d69290 No.101218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782724 (221845ZOCT23) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

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Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

Chief U.S. District Court Judge Waverly Crenshaw Jr., appointed by Barack Obama, has halted a Murfreesboro, Tennessee ordinance barring drag shows from taking place in public spaces.

The judge’s decision clears the way for drag shows at the Pride Festival in Murfreesboro next weekend.

The decision comes after the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP), founder and host of the annual BoroPride Festival.

In 2022, conservatives pointed to the festival’s drag show sexualizing children, but the organizers argued that the performer was “fully clothed.”

“We are relieved that the court has taken action to ensure that Murfreesboro’s discriminatory ordinance will not be enforced during the BoroPride festival,” Chis Sanders, the executive director of the Tennessee Equality Project, said in a statement. “We look forward to a safe, joyful celebration of Murfreesboro’s LGBTQ+ community.”

American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee, ACLU, Ballard Spahr, and Burr Forman issued the following joint statement:

“We are grateful that the court has temporarily blocked the anti-LGBTQ+ ordinance and protected the free speech and expression of Murfreesboro residents and drag performers during the BoroPride Festival. This festival creates a safe space to celebrate the freedom of self-expression and cultivates community, solidarity, and joy among LGBTQ+ community members. LGBTQ+ people should not have to live in fear of being targeted by their local elected officials and we will continue to protect this space and the free speech rights of Murfreesboro residents until this ordinance is struck down for good.”

The state banned “male or female impersonators” and exotic dancers from performing in the presence of minors in March. The law was struck down in June when a judge decided that it violated the First Amendment.


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d69290 No.101219

File: 5a89212af320fd9⋯.png (101.63 KB,919x460,919:460,Clipboard.png)

File: d3ca8c6c8edf1a9⋯.png (383.3 KB,557x605,557:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782734 (221847ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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After Israel continues to attack everyone that's not escalating?

Antony Blinken Expects Escalation by Iran and its Proxies

The realm of diplomacy seems to be shrinking with every passing day, and the incompetency of Joe Biden and his regime in the global stage is only fanning the flames of conflict.

On Saturday, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III announced a series of actions aimed at bolstering the United States’ military presence in the Middle East.

Following ‘in-depth’ discussions with Joe Biden, these steps are in response to the recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the region.

Secretary Austin outlined three major steps to strengthen the U.S. military’s position in the Middle East.



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d69290 No.101220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782752 (221852ZOCT23) Notable: Texas man charged after allegedly biting 10-year-old 'like a vampire': Report

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Texas man charged after allegedly biting 10-year-old 'like a vampire': Report

A man in Texas is facing multiple charges after allegedly biting a 10-year-old child on the neck "like a vampire," before demanding to repeat the act.

Colton Tyler Ryan, 27, has been accused of enticing a child for the purpose of committing sexual assault and injury to a child under the age of 15 years old, according to a report by Law & Crime. Ryan and the victim are reportedly not related.


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d69290 No.101221

File: 45df2d18e6d83c5⋯.png (1.16 MB,1919x1012,1919:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: b6354ddf62548d9⋯.png (639.79 KB,1024x702,512:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782753 (221852ZOCT23) Notable: PF Report: Call sign SPAR15

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Call sign SPAR15. Last minute US VIP movements among Arab nations?


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d69290 No.101222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782763 (221854ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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'Blood wasn't even dry': Ron DeSantis vows to cancel visas, deport foreign students celebrating Hamas terrorism

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent a resounding message to foreign students celebrating terrorism – not on his watch.

Within hours of the deadly and unprecedented surprise attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists, U.S. students marched in solidarity with Palestine on campuses around the country. The pro-Palestine demonstrations arrived before Israel retaliated.


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d69290 No.101223

File: 073ccbbf1107223⋯.jpeg (83.26 KB,900x674,450:337,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 352512d3907873e⋯.pdf (1001.82 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782764 (221854ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Shock poll: Majority of American 18-24 year olds think Hamas slaughter of 1,200 Israeli civilians justified…

October 22, 2023 (15 hours ago)


The discrepancy between the 18–24 demographic and the 65+ demographic is truly remarkable.While 51% of the 18–24 demo say the attack could be justified, only 9% of the 65+ demographic believe this.

We encourage readers to consult the full pollHERE (the Israel-Hamas conflict section of the poll begins at page 38)


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d69290 No.101224

File: 65c3a9cff5f3494⋯.jpeg (306.54 KB,1155x1631,165:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ccf1ed10d84d7e3⋯.jpeg (30.55 KB,500x289,500:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782783 (221900ZOCT23) Notable: "The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson

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"The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson just challenged one of the left's most sacred of cows - George Floyd, an ex-con who died with an elephant-dose of fentanyl in his system and a history of health issues, while in custody of Minneapolis police on May 25, 2020.

According to Carlson, we need to revisit certain popular narratives, including the circumstances surrounding Floyd's death - and in particular, inconsistencies between public perception - that Floyd died under the knee of former officer Derek Chauvin, who's currently serving more than 40 years in state and federal sentences.

"Did, for example, a racist white cop actually murder a man called George Floyd, a civil rights leader in Minneapolis on Memorial Day of 2020? Now we've been told that that happened, told it relentlessly for more than three years," Carlson says, adding "But the question is, did he [Derek Chauvin] actually murder George Floyd? And the answer is, well, no, he didn't murder George Floyd, and we're not guessing about that;we know it conclusively thanks to a new court case now underway in Hennepin County, Minnesota."

The lawsuit, incidental to Floyd and Chauvin, unveiled sworn deposition excerpts from a conversation with County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, indicating that Floyd's passing was not due to asphyxiation or strangulation. Instead, factors including drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl were significant contributors, reframing his demise from the widely publicized 'murder' to an inadvertent overdose.

"In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered. He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which, in his case, would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day," Carlson continued - laying out how the initial George Floyd storyline was endorsed and amplified by mainstream media, and ignited nationwide protests, intensive racial discourse, and movements like Black Lives Matter.

These changes encompassed police defunding efforts, corporate hiring practices, and the institutionalization of new cultural observances like Juneteenth.

Carlson interviewed Vince Everett Ellison, author of "Crime Inc." - who discussed the possibility oforchestrated degradation and victimization within the Black community by political entities, particularly the Democratic party.

Ellison suggests that the glorification of figures like George Floyd represents an insidious strategy to perpetuate a certain stereotype of blacks who are reliant on the system, thereby solidifying a voting base and maintaining a form of socio-political control.

Drawing parallels between movements like BLM and historical or international groups used for political leverage,Ellison's commentary insinuates that these organizations could be modern iterations of 'domestic militias' utilized by the Democrats for social manipulation and power consolidation. The unsettling comparison of BLM to groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, or the historical utilization of the Ku Klux Klan, paints a grim picture of political machinations where civil unrest is a tool rather than a byproduct.

"The Democratic party uses BLM and Antifa as theirs, throwing the rock and hiding the hand. Of course, they're going to do it; they've always done it, even at the beginning, they used the Ku Klux Klan," he said.


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d69290 No.101225

File: 7ee7889381a7b7a⋯.png (257.47 KB,684x581,684:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782784 (221900ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joe’s Bagman

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Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joe’s Bagman

Seemingly his entire life, Joe Biden’s brother James “Jim” Biden has benefitted from his brother’s political status. At various moments, he has been a campaign finance maven, a nightclub owner, and a hedge fund mastermind. Jim appears to be a man who wears many hats; but in actuality, he only wears one: Joe Biden’s brother.

I detail many of the ways he has lived large thanks to his big bro in my new New York Times bestselling book Breaking Biden.

One place where James clearly leveraged his proximity to power for money was with Americore Health. Near the end of the Obama administration, James Biden joined Americore, which operated hospitals in several states.

James Biden’s experience in healthcare seems to be nonexistent (are you surprised?), but his value was still clear. Promoting himself as his brother Joe’s chief fundraiser, James Biden promised he could open doors and raise money from companies across the world, a including major Turkish conglomerate.


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d69290 No.101226

File: bd3fb42edcceae9⋯.png (74.15 KB,661x488,661:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782806 (221906ZOCT23) Notable: Comer: ‘We Found a Lot of Suspicious Checks’ Written to Joe Biden from Brother Jim Biden

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Comer: ‘We Found a Lot of Suspicious Checks’ Written to Joe Biden from Brother Jim Biden

Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) offered an update on an earlier report of a $200,000 payment to President Joe Biden from his brother Jim Biden.

Comer said the timing coincided with a payment from China to Jim Biden.


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d69290 No.101227

File: c5358a91a392219⋯.jpeg (44.89 KB,840x480,7:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782810 (221907ZOCT23) Notable: Trump’s Attorney John Eastman Discusses Alarming Findings of Wrongdoing from Official Reports About the 2020 Election

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In His Disbarment Trial, Trump’s Attorney John Eastman Discusses Alarming Findings of Wrongdoing from Official Reports About the 2020 Election

Rachel AlexanderOctober 21, 2023


The eighth week of the disbarment trial of Donald Trump’s former attorney and constitutional legal scholar, John Eastman, wrapped up on Friday, featuring more testimony by Eastman and three of his character witnesses. Eastman discussed the evidence he relied upon when he gave Trump advice regarding what to do about the possibility there was cheating in the 2020 election, including official reports from the Georgia General Assembly, the Georgia State Election Board, and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s Office.

Eastman’s attorney, Randy Miller, asked him about a November 13, 2020, report that the Georgia State Election Board had Seven Hills Strategies prepare about problems in the 2020 election, which Eastman said he’d relied on. It discussed the chain of custody issues surrounding ballotsand the integrity of their transportation, lack of transparency, access for Republican Party monitors, and incompetency by election officials. California DisciplinaryJudge Yvette Roland, who contributed to Democrats while serving on the bench, refused to let him discuss it.

She also refused to let him discuss a report from Kemp about election problems, which he also relied on. It examined ballot images and found that many were incorrectly added, such as votes for Trump going to other candidates and duplicate votes.

Eastman was permitted to discuss a reportfrom an expert that investigated the voting machines and software in Michigan’s Antrim County and found that votes cast for Trump were switched to Joe Biden, but the logs were deleted, so it couldn’t be investigated. This report was submitted in litigation.

Next, Eastman discussed a report prepared by members of the Georgia General Assembly regarding the election problems, which included a portion of his testimony. It began,“The November 3, 2020 General Election was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy.”The report listednine overall findings, including lawbreaking, lack of chain of custody and security for ballots, and “coordinated illegal activities by election workers themselves who purposely placed fraudulent ballots into the final election totals.” It concluded that the election “was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”

Eastman talked about the various laws broken by Georgia election officials, stating that the lawbreaking resulted in felons, minors, and those with no verifiable addresses voting. He said the Georgia legislators asked Governor Brian Kemp to call the General Assembly into the session so they could fix the issues before certification on January 6, 2021, but he refused.

The report contained testimony from Russell J. Ramsland, Jr., a cybersecurity expert from Texas, who said that Biden picked up “78% of Dominion counties but only 46% of counties using machines from other manufacturers.”

Ramsland said there were “over 96,000 phantom votes, meaning that they had been counted, but there was no record of the counties recording those ballots as ‘received.’” Roland cut Eastman off from discussing Ramsland’s part in the report.

When Miller attempted to ask Eastman about the book Debunked? by auditor Joseph Fried that investigated election fraud in the 2020 election, Roland refused to let him proceed, since Eastman said he had not read the book until last January.

Miller asked Eastman what other sources he relied upon to determine there were election problems. He said Ramsland’s expert report in King v. Whitmer, which went over vulnerabilities with the voting machines in Antrim County, the documentary Kill Chain: Cyber War on Elections, and an article called “Cracking Dominion’s Source Code — A National Security Threat Since 2003”by investigative journalist George Eliason.…


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d69290 No.101228

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782831 (221911ZOCT23) Notable: Pfizer Triples Price of Paxlovid to $1,400 a shot to Combat Profit Loss

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Pfizer, to Combat Profit Loss

Triples Price of Paxlovid to $1,400 a shot


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d69290 No.101229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782837 (221912ZOCT23) Notable: Trump’s Attorney John Eastman Discusses Alarming Findings of Wrongdoing from Official Reports About the 2020 Election

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2/2(this case is going to be appealed because of judicial bias, imo)

Miller also attempted to discuss a declarationabout the2020 election problems in Georgia by voting system cybersecurity expert Harri Hursti which was submitted in the Curling v. Raffensperger litigation, but Roland cut him off before he got very far. It stated that “the scanner and tabulation software settings being employed to determine which votes to count onhand marked paper ballots are likely causing clearly intentioned votes not to be counted.”

Eastman said he reviewed the court’s 147-page opinion in that case, which was issued on October 11, 2020, and acknowledged problems with the voting equipment but didn’t order any significant changes before the election.

Miller spent a significant amount of time questioning Eastman about a mistake that was made in one of the 2020 election lawsuits that the California bar’s attorney, Duncan Carling, heavily covered. In the Trump v. Raffenspergerelection lawsuit in Georgia, expert Bryan Geels mistakenly wrote in his report — which was later corrected — that 66,247 voters registered to vote in Georgia before they were old enough when he meant to put around 2,000 voters. Eastman explained that it was an Excel spreadsheet error. However, many other problems alleged with votes in Georgia affected tens of thousands of votes.

After Miller felt he had restored credibility to Geels, he went over his other findings with Eastman. Geels found that therejection rate of mail-in ballots in Georgia decreased significantly in 2020 due to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger entering into a settlement agreeing with Democratic Partiesthat relaxed signature verification requirements. Previously, in the 2016 general election, 6,059 signatures were rejected with 202,492 accepted. In the 2018 general election, 7,889 were rejected with 219,731 accepted. In the 2020 primary election, 11,772 were rejected with 1,150,478 accepted. In the 2020 general election, 4,471 were rejected with 1,308,407 accepted.

Also, Eastman discussed video from Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on the night of the 2020 election, after election officials announced they were shutting down for the evening, telling the poll watchers and media to leave. The counting continued to go on after they left. When it was discovered that they were counting, people returned in, and the additional counting stopped. Eastman said this occurred between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. Carling objected to the testimony since Eastman wasn’t there but was testifying about watching the video, and Roland sustained it.

The first character witness to testify was Professor William B. Allen, who supervised John Eastman while he was getting his PhD and hired him to work as a special assistant at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He said the charges against Eastman were “unsubstantiated.” Roland responded and told him he wasn’t allowed to discuss that. Allen said Eastman once convinced him to change his mind on birthright citizenship. He also said if Eastman is disbarred, he would be “stunned” and it “would not change” his opinion of him.

Character witness Wendy Long, who got to know Eastman due to being a fellow law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, relayed how the “Thomas clerk family,” which is all the lawyers who have clerked for Thomas, regularly keep in touch. She said it is probably the strongest network of former SCOTUS clerks that exists, about 130 total, who support each other through personal situations, hold reunions, and meet for annual Christmas gatherings.Roland cut her off and said it wasn’t relevant.

When Miller asked her if Eastman would have engaged in dishonesty or moral turpitude, the charges brought against him, she responded, “It goes against everything I know about this person.”

Former Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Justice Janice Rogers Brown, who currently teaches at the Universityof California’s Berkeley School of Law, saidEastman has a “phenomenal work ethic; I think of myself as a workaholic but he puts me to shame.” She said it was “incredible the breadth of his knowledge; very, very well-versed … his knowledge is broad as well as deep, he simply does so many different things.” She cited the many shows and podcasts he does in addition to teaching, representing clients, and writing, along with “an incredible amount of published work,” referencing his 113-page resume.

The trial resumes on Monday at 9 a.m. PST, although Roland is consistently about 20 minutes late starting. It continues sporadically through likely November 3 due to conflicts with the parties’ scheduling. It is live-streamed here


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d69290 No.101230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782840 (221913ZOCT23) Notable: How Biden is continuing to cancel student loan debt despite Supreme Court ruling

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How Biden is continuing to cancel student loan debt despite Supreme Court ruling

Although the Supreme Court struck down President Joe Biden’s signature student loan forgiveness program in late June, his administration has found ways to cancel more than $48 billion in debt since then.

The cancellations have come through existing federal student loan forgiveness programs, which are limited to specific categories of borrowers, such as public-sector workers, people defrauded by for-profit colleges, and borrowers who have paid for at least 20 years.

These programs are separate from the rejected forgiveness plan, which would have canceled about $430 billion of the $1.6 trillion of outstanding federal student loan debt all at one time.

The Biden administration has been granting student loan forgiveness through these existing programs on a rolling basis since coming into office and has discharged a total of $127 billion for nearly 3.6 million people to date.

That’s more student loan forgiveness than was granted under any other administration – in part due to the Biden administration’s efforts to temporarily expand some debt relief programs and to correct past administrative errors made to borrowers’ student loan accounts. The actions draw a stark contrast with the Trump administration, which tried to limit some of these forgiveness programs and slowed the processing of some applications.

But Biden’s Republican critics say that at least some of his debt relief actions are illegal and are an attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling.


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d69290 No.101231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782845 (221915ZOCT23) Notable: Russia terminates agreement on cross-border cooperation with Finland — decree

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Russia terminates agreement on cross-border cooperation with Finland — decree


Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree terminating the agreement between Russia and Finland on promoting cross-border cooperation. The document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

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d69290 No.101232

File: 0f79b51b177c9e0⋯.jpeg (181.97 KB,892x3148,223:787,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c3bb88913e913f1⋯.jpeg (151.75 KB,892x2021,892:2021,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f456593ca56ffe1⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB,892x6595,892:6595,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782853 (221915ZOCT23) Notable: Here is something called the European Jewish Parliament. elected, or nah?

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>>101115 (pb)

>>101120 (pb)

>THE STATE OF ISRAEL Company number OE027515

This guy:

Name Of Person With Overall Responsibility:


Here is his firm:


Here is something called theEuropean Jewish Parliament. elected, or nah? Page one of 8 members attached.


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d69290 No.101233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782857 (221916ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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US Warmongers Keep Pushing The Narrative That Hamas Is To Blame For All Deaths In Gaza

One thing I’ve been meaning to highlight for the last few days is the way US warmongers have been forcefully pushing the propaganda narrative that Hamas bears 100 percent responsibility for all deaths in Gaza, and Israel bears zero percent, as Israel ramps up its mass slaughter of Palestinians.

In a New York Times article titled “Hamas Bears the Blame for Every Death in This War,” notorious neoconservative war propagandist Bret Stephens argues that no blame whatsoever should be placed on Israel for the thousands of civilians it has killed in its latest Gaza operation and the thousands more it will continue to kill.

“The central cause of Gaza’s misery is Hamas,” Stephens writes. “It alone bears the blame for the suffering it has inflicted on Israel and knowingly invited against Palestinians. The best way to end the misery is to remove the cause, not stay the hand of the remover.”

Lindsey Graham (who is such a bloodthirsty psychopath that he recently called on Israel to “level” Gaza because “we’re in a religious war here” and said the US should bomb Iran any time Hamas executes any prisoners) echoed Bret Stephens’ sentiments during an interview on Monday.

“Every death going forward I blame on Hamas, not Israel,” Graham said.

Graham’s senatorial colleague Mitt Romney was even more direct.

“You are going to see pictures of Palestinian civilians that are going to be injured, killed by virtue of the conflict, which is ongoing,” Romney said during an appearance in Tel Aviv. “I hope you recognize that those individuals are being killed because of Hamas, not because of Israel.”

“They are using Palestinians to protect Hamas lives,” Romney added. “Therefore, when Israel takes action to try and go after Hamas and take out its leadership, there will be civilians and innocents that will be killed. They will parade that as if this is some horror perpetrated by Israel.”

“Do not forget the lives that you will see lost on TV… Israeli lives and Palestinian lives [lost] are all the result of Hamas,” Romney continued.

Fox News war slut Sean Hannity shares the same opinion, surprise surprise.

“Every single death in this conflict can be blamed on Hamas and their supporters in Iran,” Hannity told his audience. “Because of last week’s brutal terror attack, Israel has no choice. They must defend their country.”


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d69290 No.101234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782889 (221923ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Graham: I’ll blame Iran if Hamas hostages are slaughtered

“We are here today to tell Iran, that we are watching you,” said Graham who headed a bi-partisan delegation of 10 senators.

The United States will hold Tehran responsible if Hamas kills the hostages in Gaza, US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said Sunday in Tel Aviv during a visit by a bipartisan delegation of 10 US senators.

“We are here today to tell Iran that we are watching you,” he told reporters.

“If this war grows, it’s coming to your backyard,” Graham warned Iran.

The international community has scrambled to prevent the war in Gaza from spreading to the wider region. The war began on October 7, when Hamas infiltrated southern Israel, killing more than 1,400 civilians and soldiers and taking 212 people hostage, including Americans. Two US hostages have been released.

The US has worked to prevent a second front with Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy group, from escalating in the North, where skirmishes near the border are already occurring and from which communities have been evacuated.


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d69290 No.101235

File: 971f1d3f9b9762a⋯.png (349.05 KB,558x526,279:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782913 (221927ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Blinken: Israel needs to think about who will rule Gaza if Hamas is toppled

US secretary of state says that despite Jerusalem’s insistence it doesn’t want to remain in enclave, it must think about ‘day-after’ strategy, even as it plans ground operation

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that Israel should already be devising a strategy for who will rule Gaza if the IDF completes its stated mission of toppling Hamas.

“There are different ideas out there about what could follow, but all of that needs to be worked out and it’s something that needs to be worked out even as Israel is dealing with the current threat,” Blinken told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

This appeared to be the first time that Washington has publicly urged Israel to think about its broader strategy, after officials speaking anonymously earlier said US President Joe Biden and other administration officials have privately been pressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides to come up with one, in order to avoid making the same mistakes that the US made after the attacks of September 11, 2001, which led to it being bogged down in Mideast wars for years.

Israeli officials have said publicly that they are currently focused on eradicating Hamas and are not thinking about what might come afterwards. Netanyahu said the same thing to Biden during the US president’s visit to Israel last week, according to a US and an Israeli official, who said that the government’s newest ministers from the National Unity party — which joined from the opposition to form a wartime cabinet — have demanded the crafting of a more holistic strategy upon entering the government.

Netanyahu’s office issued a statement on Friday declaring that the premier’s defined goal for the Gaza war is “the elimination of Hamas. All talk of decisions to hand over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority or any other party is a lie.”


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d69290 No.101236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782922 (221929ZOCT23) Notable: Convicted pedophile lives in tent across from San Francisco Catholic grade school with sign reading 'Free fentanyl 4 new users'

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Convicted pedophile lives in tent across from San Francisco Catholic grade school with sign reading 'Free fentanyl 4 new users'

San Francisco residents were outraged when a convicted child molester set up a tent across the street from a Catholic elementary school and put up a sign offering free fentanyl for new users.

46-year-old Adam Moore says he has been homeless in San Francisco for 26 years, but he has been living on the street near the Stella Maris Academy for over two years.

He got the attention of authorities after he set up a sign reading, "Free fentanyl 4 new users," and another reading, "Meth for stolen items."

KGO-TV went to interview Moore and ask him if he was serious about his offer.

"Were you giving away fentanyl? Was that just a joke?" asked reporter Dan Noyes.

"No, it's not a joke," Moore responded.

He went on to say that he was merely passing on what others had dropped off in exchange for blankets and other supplies.

"So they bring me trash that they've scavenged, things that they think are valuable, or they give me some of the drugs that they have, which I don't do," Moore explained.

Moore had previously been convicted of "lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14," but he maintained that he was innocent.

"I was innocent of all of the charges that I've been accused of convicted of," he said.

Despite his previous conviction, Moore is not required to stay 2000 feet away from schools because he is not considered a "high risk" offender.

"I was told that he is in compliance with all the components of what his sex registration are," said SFPD Captain Chris Canning to KGO.

The homeless man was cited for misdemeanor battery because of a physical altercation he had with the father of a student at the school. He also filed a complaint of assault against the man.

Moore had a different answer when asked by KION-TV if he actually had drugs in his tent.

“Yeah, this is actually happening but only because I'm tired," he responded. "If you guys want to flush the whole world down the toilet, if you guys want to ignore people like me, it’s at your own peril.”


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d69290 No.101237

File: 9e0a15bd5a200a3⋯.jpeg (37.48 KB,469x409,469:409,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782978 (221939ZOCT23) Notable: WH backtracking after Biden admits he was pushing Israel to delay Gaza invasion for the sake of hostages

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Biden appears to call for Israel to DELAY Gaza invasion to allow more Americans to be freed - before White House is forced to backtrack: IDF says hostage release is a tactic 'right out of the Hamas playbook' and NOTHING will stop ground war

By Harriet Alexander 21 Oct 2023

The White House was scrambling to backtrack on Friday night after President Joe Biden, asked whether he was now pushing Israel to delay its invasion of Gaza for the sake of the hostages, replied: 'Yes'.

Two Americans were released by Hamas on Friday, after being kidnapped on October 7 and held in Gaza for 13 days. A further 200 hostages are believed to remain in Hamas captivity. Israel's military has been given the green light to invade, and on Thursday night an invasion appeared imminent.

But Friday's release of the two Americans - Judith Raanan, 59, and her 17-year-old daughter Natalie - led to calls from some to delay the assault until more hostages could be release.

As the president left the White House on Friday night and boarded Air Force One, to spend the weekend at his beach house in Delaware, areporter shouted at Biden, asking if he wanted Israel to delay the ground invasion. 'Yes,' he said.

But Ben LaBolt, the White House communications director, immediately walked it back.'The president was far away. He didn't hear the full question,' said LaBolt.

'The question sounded like 'Would you like to see more hostages released?' He wasn't commenting on anything else.'=An IDF spokesman on Friday insisted there could be no delay, accusing Hamas of releasing the hostages as a tactic to halt the invasion - a tactic he said would not work.

Major Doron Spielman told CNN there was 'going to be no break' in his country's effort to destroy Hamas.

Earlier John Kirby, the spokesman for the National Security Council, said they were not 'interfering' in Israel's military operations.But he did say that the issue of hostages was 'front and center on the president's mind when he met with the Prime Minister (Netanyahu) and he had the chance to meet with some of the families.'

The release was negotiated by Qatari mediators, with the involvement of the Red Cross. After the release of the Raanans, Bloomberg reported that the U.S. and some European governments were pressuring Israel to delay the invasion, and give the Qataris more time for negotiations to free the hostages.

Qatar's Foreign Ministry said it would 'continue our dialogue with both the Israelis and Hamas, and we hope these efforts will lead to the release of all civilian hostages from every nationality.' The IDF said the majority of hostages are still alive. Among them are 20 children and between 10 and 20 people aged over 60, it said.

'As of today (Friday), there are 100-200 Israelis who are considered missing persons,' it added in a statement. 'In comparison, on the first day of the war, there were 3,000 people considered missing persons. This number has dramatically decreased as the IDF has confirmed their locations.'

The IDF also stressed the complexity of locating information about missing persons and said that it is in constant communication with the families of the hostages.

Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday celebrated the release of the Americans and said they would work to free the rest - but added that the fight against Hamas would continue 'simultaneously' with the negotiations.

'Two of our hostages are home. We will not ease the effort to bring back all abductees and those missing,' he said in a statement posted to social media.'Simultaneously, we keep fighting until a victory is reached.'


(They gotta lock this guy in an office or closet, or give a xanax when he gets on the plane)

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d69290 No.101238

File: de5dc775b3702cb⋯.png (129.63 KB,917x644,131:92,Clipboard.png)

File: c84ef7068a8dccf⋯.png (111.15 KB,898x587,898:587,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782984 (221941ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza

As Israeli forces continue to intensify their cataclysmic assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, Amnesty International has documented unlawful Israeli attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, which caused mass civilian casualties and must be investigated as war crimes.

The organization spoke to survivors and eyewitnesses, analysed satellite imagery, and verified photos and videos to investigate air bombardments carried out by Israeli forces between 7 and 12 October, which caused horrific destruction, and in some cases wiped out entire families. Here the organization presents an in-depth analysis of its findings in five of these unlawful attacks. In each of these cases, Israeli attacks violated international humanitarian law, including by failing to take feasible precautions to spare civilians, or by carrying out indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between civilians and military objectives, or by carrying out attacks that may have been directed against civilian objects.

“In their stated intent to use all means to destroy Hamas, Israeli forces have shown a shocking disregard for civilian lives. They have pulverized street after street of residential buildings killing civilians on a mass scale and destroying essential infrastructure, while new restrictions mean Gaza is fast running out of water, medicine, fuel and electricity. Testimonies from eyewitness and survivors highlighted, again and again, how Israeli attacks decimated Palestinian families, causing such destruction that surviving relatives have little but rubble to remember their loved ones by,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

For 16 years, Israel’s illegal blockade has made Gaza the world’s biggest open-air prison – the international community must act now to prevent it becoming a giant graveyard.

Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General

“The five cases presented barely scratch the surface of the horror that Amnesty has documented and illustrate the devastating impact that Israel’s aerial bombardments are having on people in Gaza. For 16 years, Israel’s illegal blockade has made Gaza the world’s biggest open-air prison – the international community must act now to prevent it becoming a giant graveyard. We are calling on Israeli forces to immediately end unlawful attacks in Gaza and ensure that they take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians and damage to civilian objects. Israel’s allies must immediately impose a comprehensive arms embargo given that serious violations under international law are being committed.”

Since 7 October Israeli forces have launched thousands of air bombardments in the Gaza Strip, killing at least 3,793 people, mostly civilians, including more than 1,500 children, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. Approximately 12,500 have been injured and more than 1,000 bodies are still trapped beneath the rubble.

In Israel, more than 1,400 people, most of them civilians, have been killed and some 3,300 others were injured, according to the Israeli Ministry of Health after armed groups from the Gaza Strip launched an unprecedented attack against Israel on 7 October. They fired indiscriminate rockets and sent fighters into southern Israel who committed war crimes including deliberately killing civilians and hostage-taking. The Israeli military says that fighters also took more than 200 civilian hostages and military captives back to the Gaza Strip.

“Amnesty International is calling on Hamas and other armed groups to urgently release all civilian hostages, and to immediately stop firing indiscriminate rockets. There can be no justification for the deliberate killing of civilians under any circumstances,” said Agnès Callamard.


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d69290 No.101239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783004 (221944ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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They're creating the polarization to make it seem organic. Hamas is IDF in a different uniform. Same as how Blackwater were attacking American soldiers to keep the 'Theatre of War' seeming real because of the dead soldiers. The intelligence agencies are the puppet-masters. I'm seeing shit way moar clearly now tbh.

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d69290 No.101240

File: 7892c540b454038⋯.png (528.29 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783074 (221959ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices are BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky

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Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices are BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky after My Pillow CEO and election conspiracy theorist claimed signals were tampering with votes

The MyPillow CEO created the devices to be able to detect and identify Wi-Fi networks at polling stations

But Kentucky officials say they could violate state law and have banned their use

Lindell has been banned from X for spreading false claims about 2020 election fraud

He said he has linked the devices to send information about online routers to a centralized 'command center' which notes the location and relays the information back to the user.

But officials in the state warned the devices could lead to unlawful voter identification and that using them at polling stations is likely illegal.

They have now unanimously voted to ban the devices amid fears they could be small enough to sneak into voting booths.

'These devices appear to be nothing more sophisticated, or dangerous, than a simple cell phone, which also can detect a Wi-Fi signal,' Michon Lindstrom, director of communications for Secretary of State Michael Adams, said in a statement to the Cincinnati Enquirer.

'The presence of Wi-Fi in a building does not mean that ballot scanners are connected to the internet; state law prohibits that and we do not certify ballot scanners for use if they have any capacity for connectivity.'

Kentucky law means that voting machines are not built with a modem meaning they cannot connect to the internet. However, since many polling stations are located in churches, schools and other public spaces there is Wi-Fi available.

At a meeting of his Election Bureau Crime Summit, Lindell debuted one of his devices strapped to a drone and explained it would catch 'them' in 'every single lie they've ever told'.

He told the crowd: 'This device as it flew into this building, it just grabbed all of your cellphones, everybody that's in this room, every device that is on the internet right now.'

Kentucky officials have since said that using the Wi-Fi monitoring devices in polling booths is likely a felony punishable by one to five years in jail.

Lindell, a prominent supporter of Donald Trump, has been banned from social media platform X for spreading false claims about voter fraud during the 2020 election.


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d69290 No.101241

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783081 (222001ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

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Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents


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d69290 No.101242

File: 34502ee141a43a4⋯.png (8.58 MB,2500x1406,1250:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783117 (222010ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL

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Israel-Palestine war: Strike on ancient Gaza church devastates Christian community

At least 18 killed by raid on annex of 1,600-year-old church sheltering Palestinians from Israeli bombing


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d69290 No.101243

File: 9f5341167a3a7df⋯.mp4 (10.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783139 (222014ZOCT23) Notable: hundreds of illegal migrants packed in the waiting rooms Last night at The Roosevelt Hotel

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NEW YORK CITY — Last night at The Roosevelt Hotel; hundreds of illegal migrants are in the waiting rooms packed. A security guard who reportedly hated @realDonaldTrump now says he would vote for him due to the migrant crisis. (Viral News NYC / Leeroy Press)


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d69290 No.101244

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783224 (222037ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

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Note: The full video is 2 hrs and 28 minutes. just forward to her speech. will watch later and write notes.




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d69290 No.101245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783238 (222040ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Global Intifada Revolution protest in Dallas

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LIVE: Global Intifada Revolution protest in Dallas

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d69290 No.101246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783310 (222100ZOCT23) Notable: Sure is peaceful these days with the adults in charge and no mean tweets.

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Tammy Bruce




Sure is peaceful these days with the adults in charge and no mean tweets.

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d69290 No.101247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783335 (222104ZOCT23) Notable: #24291

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#24291 >>101206

>>101227, >>101229 Trump’s Attorney John Eastman Discusses Alarming Findings of Wrongdoing from Official Reports About the 2020 Election

>>101240 Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices are BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky

>>101237 WH backtracking after Biden admits he was pushing Israel to delay Gaza invasion for the sake of hostages

>>101207 Judge Waverly Crenshaw Jr. appointed by Barack Obama, clears the way for drag shows in Murfreesboro

>>101208 What exactly is Captagon and why was it banned

>>101209 UT withdraws scholarships from athlete anthem posters

>>101210 25 Conservative MPs Are Reportedly About to Try to Oust Rishi Sunak as British Prime Minister

>>101211 Rishi Sunak Reportedly Planning to Scrap Inheritance Tax - British PM Tries to Regain Voter Base and Mark Difference From Labor

>>101212 @RepMTG How many Christian pastors are warning their church congregations about this?

>>101213 McCarthy put tens of millions of dollars into GOP primaries attacking MAGA candidates

>>101218 Obama-Appointed Judge Halts Tennessee City Ordinance Banning Drag Shows From Public Spaces

>>101220 Texas man charged after allegedly biting 10-year-old 'like a vampire': Report

>>101221 PF Report: Call sign SPAR15

>>101224 "The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson

>>101225 Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joe’s Bagman

>>101226 Comer: ‘We Found a Lot of Suspicious Checks’ Written to Joe Biden from Brother Jim Biden

>>101228 Pfizer Triples Price of Paxlovid to $1,400 a shot to Combat Profit Loss

>>101230 How Biden is continuing to cancel student loan debt despite Supreme Court ruling

>>101231 Russia terminates agreement on cross-border cooperation with Finland — decree

>>101232 Here is something called the European Jewish Parliament. elected, or nah?

>>101236 Convicted pedophile lives in tent across from San Francisco Catholic grade school with sign reading 'Free fentanyl 4 new users'

>>101241, >>101244 Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

>>101238, >>101214, >>101215, >>101216, >>101217, >>101219, >>101222, >>101223, >>101233, >>101234, >>101235, >>101239, >>101242 ISRAEL

>>101243 hundreds of illegal migrants packed in the waiting rooms Last night at The Roosevelt Hotel

>>101245 LIVE: Global Intifada Revolution protest in Dallas

>>101246 Sure is peaceful these days with the adults in charge and no mean tweets.


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d69290 No.101248

File: 6f1ac10f1eb04f4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x946,540:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783370 (222109ZOCT23) Notable: #24292

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d69290 No.101249

File: 51f41ec1cb4596d⋯.jpg (54.86 KB,750x422,375:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783393 (222116ZOCT23) Notable: CEAPI honors Mexican businessman Carlos Slim with the Enrique V. Iglesias Award

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CEAPI honors Mexican businessman Carlos Slim with the Enrique V. Iglesias Award

The distinction highlights his contribution "to the economic and social development of the Ibero-American Community"


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d69290 No.101250

File: 0b9cb2435f8dc7c⋯.jpeg (611.57 KB,828x1304,207:326,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9407181b7f0c918⋯.jpeg (101.29 KB,1135x768,1135:768,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783432 (222126ZOCT23) Notable: PF CONUS and SPAR15 arrived Cyprus from Cairo + A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB

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Italian AF IAM1496 G5 SE over CONUS @ 45k ft from a Fairbanks, AK depart arrived yesterday from Rome depart

SAM298 G5 left Louisville after ground stop…previous roundies at Tyson McGhee Airport earlier today

BLOND28 E6B Mercury heading off shore from Pax River

SAM099 G5 returning from Santiago Chile-Pan Am Games started

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d69290 No.101251

File: 5266f80ae41d791⋯.jpeg (643.96 KB,1590x693,530:231,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783459 (222134ZOCT23) Notable: PF CONUS and SPAR15 arrived Cyprus from Cairo + A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB

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SPAR15 just arrived at Cyprus from Cairo stop and Tel Aviv depart earlier today


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d69290 No.101252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783554 (222158ZOCT23) Notable: 'The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians'

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The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians

Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Bronze Age Collapse

In this video Seth from the "World History by a Jew" YouTube Channel, takes us into the Bronze Age Collapse, the origin of Philistinians and Palestinians.

From archaeology, written history, DNA studies and etymologies he gives a broad and in-depth overview of the origin of Palestinians and the Philistines while dispelling many myths and misconceptions about these two subjects.

Oct 10, 2020 1:00:19 754,150 views


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d69290 No.101253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783567 (222202ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas & IDF Ground Forces Clash For 1st Time Inside Gaza: Israeli Soldier Killed, Others Wounded

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Hamas & IDF Ground Forces Clash For 1st Time Inside Gaza: Israeli Soldier Killed, Others Wounded

Update(1515ET): Hamas has claimed to have repelled a brief Israeli ground incursion, in what marks the first such reported direct ground fight between two sides in Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades announced its fighters destroyed two Israeli military bulldozers and a tank as part of an ambush amid the IDF's conducting 'limited' incursions into the strip.

"The soldiers of the Zionist force that fell into the Khan Younis ambush left their vehicles and fled east of the fence on foot," the Hamas wing said on social media. The IDF as expected did not confirm the claims, saying only that "shots were fired at IDF soldiers operating west of the Gaza Strip security fence, in the area of Kissufim." Instead, the IDF said only that "An IDF tank struck the terrorist cell who fired at the soldiers" - but did confirm its forces were operating inside Gaza at the time of the incident.

The IDF appears to have begun taking casualties, and the major ground offensive has yet to even begin. Importantly, an IDF statement cited in a fresh Times of Israel update appears to back Hamas' account of repelling the IDF tank and bulldozers:

A soldier was killed and three others were hurt on Sunday after Hamas attacked troops carrying out an operation on the western side of the Gaza border fence, near the southern community of Kissufim.

The operation was part of the military’s searches for bodies of missing Israelis, and to clear the area for Israel’s upcoming ground offensive.

The Israel Defense Forces said =•an anti-tank guided missile was fired at an Israeli tank and engineering vehicle, and troops responded by shelling the terror cell==. Terror group Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Elsewhere the IDF announced it conducted a very rare airstrike in the West Bank. It said its jets hit a mosque allegedly used as a "Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist compound" in Jenin.

Meanwhile, Israel has issued a formal apology to Egypt for inadvertently hitting an Egyptian border outpost, which injured a number of Egyptian military border guards. Al Jazeera describes:

Shell fragments from an Israeli tank have hit the Egyptian border, injuring at least seven people including several Egyptian border guards, according to the militaries of both countries.

The incident occurred late Sunday, with the Israeli military confirming that it “accidentally” hit the Egyptian position near the border with the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have struck the Rafah crossing area multiple times at this point, with Palestinian officials alleging that it is an intention al act.

In Washington, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the US is "concerned about potential escalation" in the Middle East, and confirmed that US assets were deployed to the region to ensure troop safety:

“We're concerned about potential escalation. In fact, what we're seeing is a — is a prospect of a significant escalation of attacks on our troops and our people throughout the region, and because of that, we're going to do what's necessary to make sure that our troops are in the right — in a good position, and they're protected, and that we have the ability to respond,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”

All eyes continue to be on Israel's northern border, where the tit-for-tat strikes with Hezbollah continue ramping up.

A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has announced over the weekend that Hezbollah has escalated its attacks against northern Israel which risks "dragging Lebanon into a war."…


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d69290 No.101254

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783574 (222205ZOCT23) Notable: BIDEN IN JERUSALEM: More than Meets the Eye

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3 days ago

BIDEN IN JERUSALEM: More than Meets the Eye


Gadi Taub and Mike Doran unpack President Biden's trip to Jerusalem. There was much lofty rhetoric but then there is also hard political currency. The real story behind the media narrative.

We also spoke to Caroline Glick on the show. Check out her show for further insights on Biden's visit to Israel: https://youtu.be/Niq4WPSxSOU




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d69290 No.101255

File: b00f4970c744a3d⋯.png (401.25 KB,850x633,850:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783581 (222206ZOCT23) Notable: BIDEN IN JERUSALEM: More than Meets the Eye

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5:10 PM · Oct 22, 2023


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d69290 No.101256

File: b9cd21f9a939fa7⋯.png (171.2 KB,704x1431,704:1431,Clipboard.png)

File: e982c358f0157ce⋯.png (366.04 KB,1011x2511,337:837,Clipboard.png)

File: 334ea6b6d37c0bf⋯.png (240.86 KB,1020x2264,255:566,Clipboard.png)

File: b912d93d712216b⋯.jpg (893.08 KB,1016x5151,1016:5151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783587 (222207ZOCT23) Notable: UNICEF delivers over 44,000 bottles of drinking water to Gaza through Rafah crossing

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UNICEF delivers over 44,000 bottles of drinking water to Gaza through Rafah crossing

This is enough for 22 thousand people for one day

UNITED NATIONS, October 21. /TASS/. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has delivered more than 44,000 bottles of drinking water through the Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt, according to the UNICEF statement published on its website.

"Over 44,000 bottles of drinking water supplied by UNICEF - just enough for 22,000 people for 1 day - were driven through the Rafah Crossing today," the statement said, pointing out that "the nearly 2.3 million residents in Gaza are now surviving on 3 liters of water per person per day."

"With one million children in Gaza now facing a critical protection and humanitarian crisis, the delivery of water is a matter of life or death. Every minute counts," the statement reads citing UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. "Unless we can provide humanitarian supplies consistently, we face the real threat of life-threatening disease outbreaks."

Earlier, UNICEF informed that hundreds of children have been killed and more than 300,000 children have been forced to flee their homes since the Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalated again on October 7.



moar sauce


Updated 22 October 2023

Hundreds of thousands of children and families are caught in a catastrophic situation.

Two weeks into the war, more than a thousand children have reportedly been killed and thousands more injured. Children and families in Gaza have been cut off from water, food, medicine, and other essentials, including safe access to hospitals, following escalating hostilities. UNICEF is calling for an immediate ceasefire and for unrestricted humanitarian access to allow aid to reach children and families in need, save lives and prevent further suffering.

Time is running out. Children are dying at an alarming rate and being denied their basic rights.



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d69290 No.101257

File: 279c69e8650cafc⋯.png (294.46 KB,400x300,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783631 (222219ZOCT23) Notable: 'The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians'

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Goliath's city found in GAZA

The Bible (1 Samuel 17:4) tells us that Goliath lived in Gath (in Hebrew pronounced ḡaṯ). This city is mentioned 33 times in Scripture.1 It was one of five Canaanite city-states of the Philistines (Joshua 13:2–3) and is first mentioned in Joshua 11:22. Along with Gaza and Ashdod, Gath was the refuge for giants (Anakim2) and presumably ‘regular’ Canaanites, who had not been killed off during Joshua and Israel’s conquest of Canaan.3

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d69290 No.101258

File: c84dfe7937a2559⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783667 (222230ZOCT23) Notable: Rock climber plotted to kill people at popular mountaineering event in Oregon, police say

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Rock climber plotted to kill people at popular mountaineering event in Oregon, police say

Oct 22, 2023, 7:38 AM PDT

A rock climber plotted to kill several people at a popular mountaineering event in Oregon this weekend, Deschutes County Sheriff's deputies alleged.

Samson Zebturiah Garner, 39, was arrested on attempted murder and other charges on Thursday, police said, according to local media.

He was planning on shooting attendees of the annual Craggin' Classic event in Smith Rock, located in central Oregon's High Desert.

The Deschutes County Sheriff's Office said they were tipped off by two people who had heard Garner speaking about his plan to attack the climbers during another climbing event earlier in the week.

They said they found several weapons in his vehicle, including a Beretta and Sig Sauer 9mm handguns and an AR-15 rifle.

Police recovered journal entries that indicate Garner was "planning a violent attack," Sergeant Jason Wall told reporters on Friday. Garner was not planning to target specific people, but had a "generalized anger," Wall added.

Garber's exact motives are not known, Wall said.

The Deschutes County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

Garner was charged with attempted murder of multiple victims, attempted first-degree assault, attempted second-degree assault, and unlawful use of a weapon and is scheduled to appear in court on October 27.

The 39-year-old is a Portland resident who has worked in IT and is an avid climber.

He has a membership with the Mazamas, a mountaineering education nonprofit, according to its executive director, Rebekah Phillips. She said while Garner's membership was current, his involvement with the group had been "limited since 2018," according to Gripped Magazine.

The Craggin' Classic event in Smith Rock is organized by The American Alpine Club and held annually. It includes films, presentations, and vendor villages and people climb in the area, according to its website.

Smith Rock is considered the birthplace of American sport climbing.


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d69290 No.101259

File: 7df056cde7465ee⋯.png (1.26 MB,2571x1080,857:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783668 (222230ZOCT23) Notable: "Check Please!" Q posts for the day on the 20th - seems to tie into Biden's check.

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Was looking at the Q posts for the day on the 20th - seems to tie into Biden's check.

Please Check.

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d69290 No.101260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783677 (222233ZOCT23) Notable: Sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages? NO, not enough!

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>>101130 You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages

NO, not enough!




-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca

-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson

-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation

-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO

-Anthony Fauci

-Peter Daszak

-Francis Collins

-Bill Gates

-George Soros

-Barack Obama

-Hillary Clinton

-Bill Clinton

-Joe Biden

-John Podesta

-John Brennan

-James Comey

-Adam Schiff

-Peter Strzok

-Mark Zuckerberg

-Melinda Gates

-Nancy Pelosi

-Lindsey Graham

-Gen. Mark Milley

-Volodymyr Zelensky

-Henry Kissinger

-Ralph Baric

-Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet

And about100 other treasonous bastards in politics,7 Dem. Governors Grandma & Grandpa Killers, Judges, Federal Agencies, Darpa, DOD, FDA, CDC, WHO, WEF, WEF Health Governors, United Nationals, *Liberal Main Stream Media*, *Big Tech*, Pedowood/Pedoland/Pedoworld, Banks & Corporations, Medical field, etc....

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d69290 No.101261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783722 (222245ZOCT23) Notable: Mitch McConnell says "I'm completely recovered" after health episodes, backs Biden’s Ukraine aid plan

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Mitch McConnell says "I'm completely recovered" after health episodes

Face the Nation

347K subscribers

25K views 6 hours ago

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d69290 No.101262

File: ca7cc1bfb7e80cd⋯.png (162.13 KB,594x369,66:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 112206198736060⋯.png (193.63 KB,1057x901,1057:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783735 (222247ZOCT23) Notable: The Truth About Industrial Agriculture - farmaction.us/truthreport

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The Truth About Industrial Agriculture:

A Fragile System Propped up by Myths and Hidden Costs

Large, concentrated supply chains once yielded short-term production benefits, but now that industrial corporations have a stranglehold on our food system, we are seeing vulnerable supply chains, unfairly compensated farmers and unprecedented farm debt, poorly-paid and badly-treated workers, environmental degradation, poor public health outcomes, and unequal access to affordable, healthy food.

The truth is, industrial agriculture is an economically flawed system that only survives due to two factors:



Industrial agriculture interests intentionally evade the true costs of production, foisting the bill onto other entities. If they accounted for these costs and liabilities, their businesses would no longer be economically viable and they would not be competitive with independent farmers and ranchers.



Industrial agriculture interests would rather spend billions of dollars on lobbyists and myth-based marketing campaigns than alter their wealth-extracting supply chains. The falsehoods they perpetuate persuade consumers and policymakers alike that there is no other option.



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d69290 No.101263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783765 (222256ZOCT23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS

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Donald J Trump




Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! Despite the Fake News reports to the contrary, and without even reaching out to ask the Trump Campaign, MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted. Ms. Powell did a valiant job of representing a very unfairly treated and governmentally abused General Mike Flynn, but to no avail. His prosecution, despite the facts, was ruthless. He was an innocent man, much like many other innocent people who are being persecuted by this now Fascist government of ours, and I was honored to give him a Full Pardon!

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d69290 No.101264

File: db8ec4626c24e76⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB,480x756,40:63,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783778 (222300ZOCT23) Notable: Ken O'Keefe Explains The Cause Of America’s Financial Crisis & Who’s Responsible “Our World Us Run By Corrupt Prostitutes”

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Ken O'Keefe Explains The Cause Of America’s Financial Crisis & Who’s Responsible “Our World Us Run By Corrupt Prostitutes”


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d69290 No.101265

File: c4bfda425753ebc⋯.png (207.26 KB,592x531,592:531,Clipboard.png)

File: cf3a2a0109ffae1⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783801 (222307ZOCT23) Notable: The PRESIDENT Has Absolute Authority Over His Presidential Papers, Undermining An Essential Element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution

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America First Legal Whitepaper: The President of the United States Has Absolute Authority Over His Presidential Papers, Undermining An Essential Element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution

October 10, 2023

Today, America First Legal (AFL) released a whitepaper detailing why–as a matter of constitutional law, the Presidential Records Act (PRA), and historical practice–the President of the United States has absolute authority over presidential papers. Neither Congress nor the federal courts may lawfully abrogate or limit this authority.

This constitutional fact has significant implications for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution against Donald J. Trump in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. The Department of Justice has charged Donald Trump with violating 18 U.S.C. § 793(e), which provides:

(e) Whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it; or

(emphasis added). In obtaining the search warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago in 2022, the Biden DOJ relied upon the definition of a “Presidential Record” in 42 U.S.C. § 2201 to support its position that Donald Trump retained documents he did not have the authority to retain at the conclusion of his presidency, and that somehow, the National Archives and Records Administration possessed the authority to require them to be returned.

The fatal flaw in Jack Smith’s political prosecution under section 793(e) is the fact that Donald Trump—as a matter of law—had authorized possession of, access to, and control over his presidential records. AFL’s whitepaper articulates precisely how and why.


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d69290 No.101266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783802 (222308ZOCT23) Notable: The PRESIDENT Has Absolute Authority Over His Presidential Papers, Undermining An Essential Element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution

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As the whitepaper concludes:

Text, precedent, and executive practice reinforce the historical tradition. The records a President creates or receives while performing the duties of his office are his presidential records. That test does not depend on the content of the records, or whether the records are classified. The test does not change when a President leaves office. If, for example, a former President acquires new records after leaving office, those new records would not enjoy the same constitutional status as his presidential records acquired while in office. But the Presidential records a President takes with him upon vacating the presidency are his, to do with as he pleases. The President can keep them, sell them, destroy them, or donate them, as all Presidents have done.

Other commentators and analysts have asserted that the president has the absolute right under the PRA to determine which records are his, but they have not acknowledged the broader constitutional issues at the heart of the matter. Congress does not have the authority under the Constitution to tell the president which records are his and which are not.

Since the founding of our republic, presidents leaving office have taken custody of their presidential records—the president’s records are his personal property because they were prepared by him, or for him, in furtherance of his official duties. The records also belong to him because the Constitution requires it.

The documents that a president prepares or receives during his term in office belong to him. A reading of the Presidential Records Act that fails to account for a former president’s right to possess and control his records is inconsistent with the text, history, and precedent of presidential records. Thus, the politically-motivated Florida prosecution of President Trump is impossible under the law.

Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice President and General Counsel:

“The weaponized Department of Justice has taken a position that flips the Executive Branch on its head. The records a President creates or receives while performing the duties of his office are his presidential records. Neither Congress nor the President’s subordinate cabinet members nor the federal courts can change that. The principal charge in the Biden DOJ’s prosecution in the Southern District of Florida is unconstitutional, and it should be dismissed as such,” said Gene Hamilton.





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d69290 No.101267

File: e4a1192226f6c79⋯.png (425.29 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783850 (222322ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas terrorists found carrying instructions for cyanide-based chemical weapons

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He´s already dead, right?

New York Post



Hamas terrorists found carrying instructions for cyanide-based chemical weapons



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d69290 No.101268

File: 1d87423a07c2a10⋯.jpeg (288.26 KB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 147a67b61cf16b3⋯.jpeg (635.26 KB,1713x1425,571:475,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783860 (222325ZOCT23) Notable: London Muslims call for Islamic War. ‘Jihad is the only way'

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London Muslims call for Islamic War. ‘Jihad is the only way

“Muslim Armies!”

Breaking: A pro-Palestine rally outside the Egyptian Embassy in London calls for Muslims to support a holy Islamic war to liberate Palestinian Territories.

“The only solution is jihad by the armies of the Muslim countries.”

Police response about the Palestine Islamist rally calling for “jihad”:

The word jihad has a number of meanings…


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d69290 No.101269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783879 (222328ZOCT23) Notable: Inside the Underground World of Black Market AI Chatbots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Inside the Underground World of Black Market AI Chatbots

Once you have access to it, though, you’ll be able to use it for all the things that ChatGPT or Google’s Bard prohibits you from doing: have conversations about any illicit or ethically dubious topic under the sun, learn how to cook meth or create pipe bombs, or even use it to fuel a cybercriminal enterprise by way of phishing schemes.

“We’ve got folks who are building LLMs that are designed to write more convincing phishing email scams or allowing them to code new types of malware because they’re trained off of the code from previously available malware,” Dominic Sellitto, a cybersecurity and digital privacy researcher at the University of Buffalo, told The Daily Beast. “Both of these things make the attacks more potent, because they’re trained off of the knowledge of the attacks that came before them.”


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d69290 No.101270

File: eb7fed568508a01⋯.png (49.74 KB,500x304,125:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783962 (222346ZOCT23) Notable: Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump

The founder of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is voicing his support of Jan. 6 prisoners and not shying away from endorsing former President Donald Trump as “the best candidate we have.”


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d69290 No.101271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783977 (222350ZOCT23) Notable: Twitter/X spaces Matt Gaetz

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Twitter/X spaces....Matt Gaetz...


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d69290 No.101272

File: 91746c992166a9b⋯.png (925.46 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 5494a112f7fef99⋯.png (649.21 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783982 (222351ZOCT23) Notable: PF CONUS and SPAR15 arrived Cyprus from Cairo + A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB

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A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB. Sorry But 453 knots is just doable for a C-130. It is however very doable for a B-1 bomber, which are also based there. A whole string of them. Judge for yourself. But PF thinks maybe B-1s headed east incognito.


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d69290 No.101273

File: b0ff35ded5776c4⋯.png (989.52 KB,1916x930,958:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784001 (222355ZOCT23) Notable: PF CONUS and SPAR15 arrived Cyprus from Cairo + A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB

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d69290 No.101274

File: 6c19141ad24d19a⋯.jpeg (76.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784045 (230005ZOCT23) Notable: Mitch McConnell says "I'm completely recovered" after health episodes, backs Biden’s Ukraine aid plan

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22 Oct, 2023 21:25

Top Republican lawmaker backs Biden’s Ukraine aid plan

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has argued that US support for Kiev and Israel is “interconnected”

The top-ranking Republican in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, has voiced support for President Joe Biden’s plan to bundle military aid for Ukraine and Israel in a $106 billion emergency funding bill rather than allowing lawmakers to vote on the two issues separately.

“We have big power competition from China and Russia, and we still have terrorism problems, as the Israelis have certainly experienced in a brutal way in the last week,”McConnell said on Sunday in a CBS Newsinterview. “So, I think it requires a worldwide approach, rather than trying to take parts of it out. It’s all connected.”

The Biden administration unveiled its bundled aid proposal on Friday, seeking legislative approval to provide an additional $61.4 billion for Ukraine’s conflict with Russia and $14.3 billion to support Israel in its war with Hamas. Biden also wants $9.2 billion for humanitarian aid in Israel, Gaza and Ukraine, as well as $7.4 billion to fund special geopolitical initiatives against China. To sweeten the package for Republicans troubled by the country’s illegal immigration crisis, the administration also included $13.6 billion in extra funding for border security.

McConnell argued that with China and Russia strengthening their ties and Iran allegedly supplying drones for use against Ukraine and Israel, it makes sense to combine the various security measures into one bill. He said it’s a “mistake” for Republican lawmakers to support aid to Israel while opposing more funding for Ukraine. “I view it as all interconnected,” the Kentucky Republican added.

There’s an axis of evil in the world: China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.”

Congress previously approved $113 billion in Ukraine aid in four rounds of legislation. Republicans in the House of Representatives have increasingly opposed Biden’s Ukraine policy. With funding for Kiev running out, Biden tried unsuccessfully to get additional aid included in a stopgap spending bill that was passed late last month to avert a government shutdown.

US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of his leadership post earlier this month, the first such congressional ouster in US history, reportedly after some of his fellow Republicans heard that he had promised Biden a separate Ukraine aid bill following passage of the stopgap funding resolution.

McConnell said funding the Ukraine conflict is a good investment for Washington, partly because much of the money is being spent domestically to replace weaponry sent to Kiev with more modern munitions. “No Americans are getting killed in Ukraine,” he said. “We’re rebuilding our industrial base. The Ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. I have a hard time finding anything wrong with that.”

Asked whether US aid to Israel should come with strings attached to prevent human rights violations in Gaza, McConnell said, “Israel is our strongest ally in the world. We trust them, and we have a very tight relationship with them, both on the intelligence side and the military side. So, I don't think the kind of oversight we’re talking about for Ukraine, for example, would be necessary for Israel.”

McConnell argued that Biden needs to be “tougher” with Iran and should halt efforts to revive the 2015 deal to restrict development of Tehran’s nuclear program. “They’re funding Hezbollah, Hamas, creating problems all over the Middle East, and we shouldn’t be doing any business with them,” he said.

(Now I understand why his nickname was Cocaine Mitch)


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d69290 No.101275

File: e19229290db5e86⋯.png (390.04 KB,600x567,200:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784092 (230014ZOCT23) Notable: Nashville police chief orders manhunt for his SON John C Drake Jr. after two cops were shot outside a Dollar General

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Chuck Kennedy



Replying to @chuck85258 @factcheckdotorg

Nashville police chief orders manhunt for his SON John C Drake Jr. after two cops were shot outside a Dollar General

John C. Drake Jr., 38, is on the run after he pulled a handgun on the officers outside the store in La Vergne, Tennessee, mol.im/a/12659611 via @MailOnline


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d69290 No.101276

File: 5cea06525417d2f⋯.png (825.35 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 7892bb841ab62cd⋯.png (3.67 MB,1917x1015,1917:1015,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784113 (230018ZOCT23) Notable: PF CONUS and SPAR15 arrived Cyprus from Cairo + A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB

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Lead plane now descending. Maybe Dover AFB? Maybe do a flyby for Biden at his beach house? Oh look! TFR in place. How plausibly wonderful that is.

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d69290 No.101277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784130 (230023ZOCT23) Notable: #24292

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#24292 >>101248

>>101263 @realdonaldtrump MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS

>>101249 CEAPI honors Mexican businessman Carlos Slim with the Enrique V. Iglesias Award

>>101250, >>101251, >>101272, >>101273, >>101276 PF CONUS and SPAR15 arrived Cyprus from Cairo + A string of C-130s out of Dyess AFB

>>101252, >>101257 'The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians'

>>101253 Hamas & IDF Ground Forces Clash For 1st Time Inside Gaza: Israeli Soldier Killed, Others Wounded

>>101254, >>101255 BIDEN IN JERUSALEM: More than Meets the Eye

>>101256 UNICEF delivers over 44,000 bottles of drinking water to Gaza through Rafah crossing

>>101258 Rock climber plotted to kill people at popular mountaineering event in Oregon, police say

>>101259 "Check Please!" Q posts for the day on the 20th - seems to tie into Biden's check.

>>101260 Sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages? NO, not enough!

>>101261, >>101274 Mitch McConnell says "I'm completely recovered" after health episodes, backs Biden’s Ukraine aid plan

>>101262 The Truth About Industrial Agriculture - farmaction.us/truthreport

>>101264 Ken O'Keefe Explains The Cause Of America’s Financial Crisis & Who’s Responsible “Our World Us Run By Corrupt Prostitutes”

>>101266, >>101265 The PRESIDENT Has Absolute Authority Over His Presidential Papers, Undermining An Essential Element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution

>>101267 Hamas terrorists found carrying instructions for cyanide-based chemical weapons

>>101268 London Muslims call for Islamic War. ‘Jihad is the only way'

>>101269 Inside the Underground World of Black Market AI Chatbots

>>101270 Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump

>>101275 Nashville police chief orders manhunt for his SON John C Drake Jr. after two cops were shot outside a Dollar General

>>101271 Twitter/X spaces Matt Gaetz

Final (2)

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d69290 No.101278

File: 2defc2ceec40e7e⋯.png (666.97 KB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784135 (230024ZOCT23) Notable: #24293

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>baker seeking handoff

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d69290 No.101279

File: 31a105a1f8fe850⋯.png (645.85 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784144 (230027ZOCT23) Notable: Is This Bombshell Arrest a Key To Why So Many US Trains Have Derailed?

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Is This Bombshell Arrest a Key To Why So Many US Trains Have Derailed?

Cassie Cole

Just a few months ago, the news was inundated with story after story of trains derailing here in the U.S.

It got to the point where many started coming up with some pretty out-there conspiracy theories to explain this constant string of train crashes, and a new arrest of a man in Ohio is only going to fan the flames of discussion.

Earlier this month, the FBI arrested Joseph Findley, 43, on federal terrorist charges for allegedly jamming metal into tracks and rail lines in order to derail these trains.

From Fox News:

CSX train employees found metal materials jammed into the tracks and rail switches of an Ohio train line for months after a near-catastrophic derailment in August, according to court documents.

During a test run for a CSX employee appreciation day, a train hit an obstruction on the track and temporarily derailed before the wheels dropped back into place.

The seemingly mysterious accident quickly became a concerning issue when employees continued to find more "purposefully placed" materials along the tracks, which matched methods taught by international terrorist groups to make homemade derail devices, court documents say.

The investigation led to Cleveland man Joseph Findley, 43, who was arrested and charged with terrorist attacks against railroad carriers.

Findley lives with his parents, who could not be reached by Fox News Digital. His mother told Fox 8, though, that her son is not a terrorist.

"He's never been a bad kid, never, he was always good. He’s no terrorist, somebody’s making that up," his mom told the local news outlet, which asked what would explain his alleged actions.

"Being depressed, because he lost his job, he lost his girlfriend, but he never did anything like that," she said. "They’re nuts, he’s not a terrorist. I think they all exaggerated it because he never did anything bad."

The Amtrak train along that line typically carries between 180 and 200 passengers twice per day, according to court documents.

This is certainly an interesting development and one that will definitely have a lot of folks talking, especially those who are already suspicious of our government and intelligence community.


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d69290 No.101280

File: ed7425636f1958a⋯.png (1.44 MB,1913x920,1913:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784296 (230056ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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First appears to have dropped out of ADSB approaching McGuire. May be heading for Lakehurst but pattern heading looks to be lining up on runway 24 at McGuire.

Wonder why he offed his ADSB. Do they see us watching?

Other C30Js are not following same path first XXXX took. This one's a puzzler.

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d69290 No.101281

File: 388c94407bf1b5e⋯.png (557.01 KB,642x364,321:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 719282f27b79894⋯.jpeg (197.52 KB,828x1133,828:1133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cc546f6ad084bf6⋯.jpeg (393.17 KB,828x1105,828:1105,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 44a244213b99bad⋯.jpeg (212.58 KB,828x1133,828:1133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2752fbf963de21⋯.gif (3.06 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784297 (230056ZOCT23) Notable: Awaiting the bond-bashing abating

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Awaiting the bond-bashing abating

Oct 23 (Reuters) - A look at the day ahead in Asian markets from Jamie McGeever, financial markets columnist.

The big question this week hanging over global financial markets - and Asian markets in particular, given the lack of big-hitting regional economic indicators or policy decisions - is whether the U.S. Treasuries selloff abates or not.

Third-quarter gross domestic product data from South Korea, and consumer price inflation reports from Australia, Singapore and Tokyo are the main indicators this week, and flash purchasing managers indices from Japan and Australia will be published on Monday.

These figures may have a brief impact on their respective currencies, but are unlikely to move the dial in terms of broader market sentiment. That will come from the U.S. bond market, and Monday's price action could be instructive.

The ICE BofA Treasuries index fell 1.4% last week, its biggest fall since May, and is at an eight-year low. The TLT Treasuries ETF has lost a fifth of its value since mid-July. Short-covering on Friday ahead of the weekend and Middle East event risk stopped the rot, at least momentarily. Perhaps ominously, however, Friday's bond market relief didn't ease the pressure elsewhere - Wall Street's three main indices still closed 0.9%-1.5% lower.

The S&P 500 lost 2.4% last week, one of the biggest falls this year, and the VIX 'fear index' of U.S. stock market volatility on Friday hit its highest since March.

(BTW Hedge Funds are VERY short at this point so any flinch to the upside will send those into covering mode which will send our indicies higher)

That's not a positive backdrop for Asia's open(they don’t have an official Plunge Protection Team but they are trading against our results on Friday)on Monday, although braver investors might be looking for some bargains - the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index on Friday fell to its lowest in almost a year and is down 12% since the start of August.

Meanwhile, the stock and bond market selling has tightened financial conditions significantly. According to Goldman Sachs, financial conditions in emerging markets and globally are the tightest in almost a year.

(Muh Yen touched 150 in their early session and again not long ago so look for the BoJ to try and keep it below but once it breaks it’s 155 then 158/9 quickly)

(Now you can look at China’s Index all ya want but I’ve only ever paid attention to HK Hang Seng…this is how you see where money flow occurs but again imo

It's even worse in China - financial conditions in the world's second largest economy are the tightest since Goldman's China index was launched in 2006.

Chinese central bank governor Pan Gongsheng on Saturday said that the central bank will make policy more "precise and forceful", guide financial institutions to cut real lending rates, and reduce financing costs for firms and individuals.

His comments are significant because they are his first on policy since stronger-than-expected third-quarter economic data were released earlier this month. In currencies, the yen and yuan open the week under heavy selling pressure and at critically important levels. Traders will again be on Bank of Japan intervention watch.

Meanwhile, Japanese and Australian PMI data for October are out on Monday. September's reports showed that manufacturing activity in both countries shrank and services sector activity grew, although growth in Japan was the slowest this year.

Here are key developments that could provide more direction to markets on Monday:

- Japan flash manufacturing PMI (October)

- Australia flash PMI (October)

- Singapore inflation (September)






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d69290 No.101282

File: d07e7eaf3310fdb⋯.png (51.86 KB,673x396,673:396,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784327 (230104ZOCT23) Notable: Woke judges in Spokane are releasing dozens of suspected pedophiles and rapists without bail

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Woke judges in America's fastest-growing

city Spokane are slammed for releasing

dozens of suspected pedophiles and rapists

without bail - including notorious cop

who raped two women

Daily Mail (UK), by Alex Hammer

Posted By: Imright, 10/22/2023 8:11:31 PM

Judges in America's fastest-growing city are facing scrutiny for releasing dozens of suspected pedophiles and rapists without bail - including a cop who raped two women after using his badge to gain their trust. A report from The Spokesman-Review unveiled the releases - showing how from 2021 to September 2023, judges in Spokane, Washington, have released 665 people accused of violent crimes. Offenses ranged from rape, molesting children, making death threats, assaults, and vehicular homicide, the report revealed - but like ex-Spokane officer Nathan Nash, 39, all thought to be responsible were released as they awaited trial.

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d69290 No.101283

File: 671fe0055148b37⋯.png (1.45 MB,1920x938,960:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784385 (230115ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Looks like all 4 are headed into McGuire.

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d69290 No.101284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784405 (230117ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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anon supposes the question here is what are the landing approach speeds of the C-130 and the B-1B? And how does that information stack up against what we are observing?

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d69290 No.101285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784415 (230120ZOCT23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Observing appx 200kts on approach (or at least closest to dropping off ADSB).

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d69290 No.101286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784418 (230120ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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That's high for a Herc.

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d69290 No.101287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784427 (230123ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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One thing is for sure. They are not flying out away from the field for a nice easy to line up final. Nope they are turning tight for short final. Almost as though they don't want anyone off base to see them.

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d69290 No.101288

File: 179139ae30de56a⋯.png (36.8 KB,877x149,877:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784442 (230129ZOCT23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ADSB just dropped entirely for me.

However speed readings in the 420 range were noted earlier .... max cruise below shows max cruise at 350.... Looks like they may not be C30J's

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d69290 No.101289

File: eec063182d9aa1c⋯.png (2.25 MB,1442x1013,1442:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784475 (230136ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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It's all just too damn convenient. They take off from Dyess and quickly get above the cloud deck so no one on the ground can actually see them. Then display airspeeds above 450 knots that no C-130 can manage to pull off. Then after dark lose the cloud deck below. No problem because it is dark. Fly into new temporary flight restriction to 18K feet because Biden is now at his beach house. Out of the rain, over a forect and tight turn into McGuire. Really feel like these could be B-1Bs and not C-130s.

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d69290 No.101290

File: d9dd339de578605⋯.png (92.23 KB,295x435,59:87,Clipboard.png)

File: f69c439aff401d2⋯.png (593.56 KB,645x512,645:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784483 (230139ZOCT23) Notable: Scavino Truth Sullivan Co NY

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


10/22/23 | Sullivan County, NY

Oct 22, 2023, 9:19 PM


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d69290 No.101291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784487 (230140ZOCT23) Notable: Obama Was ‘On the Scene’ When Chef Drowned, New Police Records Show

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Obama Was ‘On the Scene’ When Chef Drowned, New Police Records Show

Frank BergmanOctober 21, 2023 - 11:01 am

New records from the Massachusetts State Police have revealed that former President Barack Obama was “on the scene” when his personal chef drowned on his Martha’s Vineyard estate.

The documents were obtained by Washington D.C. watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch announced receiving 40 pagesof records from the State Police.

According to the nonprofit, the records, which are heavily redacted, indicate the presence of Barack Obama for a witness interview.

Police reportedly spoke with the ex-POTUS in the death investigation of the Obamas’ personal chef Tafari Campbell.

The records indicate Barack Obama arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade.

A short time later, a cold, wet woman, who was a witness, arrived.

The next morning, the eyewitness was interviewed in the Obama residence, again with Barack Obama present.

The records also detail the existence of a Secret Service video of Campbell and his paddleboarding companion entering the water, and the Secret Service emergency response in the immediate aftermath of the drowning.

The State Police records show they concluded “no foul play” in Campbell’s “accidental” death.

On Friday night, Fox News host Jesse Watters reported on the new information.

“The Massachusetts State Police responded to our FOIA request and released their report, with some redactions,” Watters said.

“According to the report, Obama was on the scene shortly after Campbell went missing.

“The report also states an unmanned female staffer jumped into the water when Tafari fell off his board.

“It was already too late. He disappeared.

“We also now know that Secret Service has surveillance footage of Campbell from Obama’s compound moments before he entered the water,” he continued.

“It is concerning that Judicial Watch had to push for several months to find out that Barack Obama was personally involved in the death investigation of his personal chef Tafari Campbell,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

In August 2023, Judicial Watch released records it received from the Edgarton, MA, Police Department that show the Secret Service reported Obama’s Personal Chef Tafari Campbell missing and that the body was found using sonar.

The records also detail that clothing was found separate from the body and that he was not wearing a life vest.

(The Fake Messiah O turns out to be liar, who knew??)


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d69290 No.101292

File: 5c1a5cda537d0d8⋯.jpeg (639.51 KB,1696x608,53:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784491 (230140ZOCT23) Notable: planeFag CONUS Activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

planeFag CONUS Activity

Italians IAM1496 G5 stopped at Savannah after an overnight at Fairbanks departed back to Rome Mario do Bernardi AB

SAM099 almost back from Santiago after Miami stop

XXX C130 to McGuire or Lakehurst and behind that is XXXX both from Dyess

BLOND28 E6B Mercury stayed onshore short flight and back to Pax Charleston roundies

JONES35 Mercury ES from Pax as well-heading offshore and prolly drop VLF antenna for some sub comms

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d69290 No.101293

File: d1a8e8ef0e8af47⋯.png (474.31 KB,1219x810,1219:810,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784516 (230146ZOCT23) Notable: SAVE THIS SCREENSHOT

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Note: just watching this video, anon has done all the work for anons to share here on 8kun.


First published at 01:12 UTC on October 23rd, 2023.


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d69290 No.101294

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784520 (230147ZOCT23) Notable: SAVE THIS SCREENSHOT

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First published at 01:12 UTC on October 23rd, 2023.


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d69290 No.101295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19784640 (230213ZOCT23) Notable: Scavino Truth Sullivan Co NY

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Right next to Hwy 55 which was on Dan's video of the drive there. You would have to pass the Toronto Reservoir on the way if you were headed north.


Also Clinton Corner is on the way north to the reservoir.

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d69290 No.101296

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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