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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

8a2318 No.51589 [Last50 Posts]

17OCT23 to 20OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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8a2318 No.99795

File: 07312ab3849c581⋯.png (716.34 KB,533x799,533:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751123 (171829ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds dead in Gaza BAPTIST hospital bombing

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đŸ‡źđŸ‡±đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž “What we just witnessed in the Baptist Hospital was horrific, horrifying pictures of body parts and dismembered bodies of children, young people, old men and women.” - Al Jazeera correspondent

Why is the American mainstream media SILENT?


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8a2318 No.99796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751127 (171831ZOCT23) Notable: Senate Republican Leaders Hold News Conference LIVE

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2:12 PM EDT

Senate Republican Leaders Hold News Conference LIVE


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8a2318 No.99797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751135 (171833ZOCT23) Notable: Housing Finance Leaders Testify on Community Development Financial Institutions LIVE

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2:30 PM EDT

Housing Finance Leaders Testify on Community Development Financial Institutions LIVE

A Senate Banking subcommittee holds a hearing to examine the impact of Community Development Financial Institutions on economic opportunity.


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8a2318 No.99798

File: ea34b38e7ace7f1⋯.mp4 (7.58 MB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751137 (171833ZOCT23) Notable: The Jihad appears to be going strong in Dearborn Michigan

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Dearborn Michigan

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8a2318 No.99799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751168 (171838ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds dead in Gaza BAPTIST hospital bombing

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Hundreds dead in Gaza hospital bombing, local authorities say

An Israeli air strike killed hundreds of people at a Gaza City hospital on Tuesday, health authorities in the Hamas-run enclave said, and the United Nation said an Israeli strike also hit one of its schools being used as a shelter.

A Gaza civil defence chief said on Al-Jazeera television that more than 300 people were killed at Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital. A Gaza Health Ministry official said at least 500 people were killed and injured. Both departments are under the Hamas-run government.

Israel's military said it did not have any details on the reported bombing.

Earlier on Tuesday, the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA said an Israeli air strike had killed at least six people after striking one of its schools that has been functioning as a shelter for displaced people.

Health authorities in Gaza say at least 3,000 people have been killed in Israel's intense 11-day bombardment since Hamas militants rampaged into Israeli towns on Oct 6, killing more than 1,300 soldiers and civilians.

Hamas said the blast at the hospital mostly killed displaced people. A senior official for the internationally recognised Palestinian Authority, which operates in the West Bank but not in Gaza, described it as a massacre.

SAUCE: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/least-500-victims-israeli-air-strike-hospital-gaza-health-ministry-2023-10-17/

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8a2318 No.99800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751241 (171849ZOCT23) Notable: Leftist Spanish Gov’t Minister Demands Israeli PM Netanyahu Face War Crimes Charges for Retaliation Against Hamas

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Leftist Spanish Gov’t Minister Demands Israeli PM Netanyahu Face War Crimes Charges for Retaliation Against Hamas

A leading member of the leftist coalition government in Spain has called for Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the Israeli government to be brought before the International Criminal Court for “war crimes.”

The general secretary of the far-left Trotskyite Podemos party and the acting Minister of Social Rights Ione Belarra called on the caretaker socialist Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez to petition the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court to investigate alleged war crimes committed in Palestine by the Netanyahu government in Jerusalem.

In a video published on social media, Belarra claimed, according to El Mundo, that “the State of Israel is carrying out a planned genocide in the Gaza Strip” and that the “bombings on the civilian population are a collective punishment that seriously violates international law and can be considered war crimes.”

The Spanish politician went on to claim that the “deep cause” of the ongoing conflict is “Israel’s occupation and apartheid of Palestine.” Belarra also accused the Israeli government — apparently citing disputed quotes from Netanyahu — of propping up Hamas in order to “weaken secular sectors of the Palestinian resistance” and therefore it is “unspeakable hypocrisy
 to use Hamas as an excuse to murder thousands of Palestinian civilians, including boys and girls.”

“Using the terrible murders of Israeli civilians by Palestinian armed factions as an excuse to justify Israel’s crimes and the masquerade in Gaza is absolutely unacceptable,” the Podemos leader said.

Balerra went on to accuse the European Union and the United States of being complicit in the alleged war crimes, saying that they “are not only looking the other way, they are encouraging the State of Israel in its policy of apartheid and occupation that seriously violates human rights.”


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8a2318 No.99801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751261 (171854ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Leader Mystified: Says No Orders Given for Terrorists to Kidnap, Murder, or Rape Israelis

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Hamas Leader Mystified: Says No Orders Given for Terrorists to Kidnap, Murder, or Rape Israelis

Hamas international relations chief said the terrorist group’s plan was never to target civilians when its forces invaded Israel on October 7.

Instead he expressed surprise at the human toll exacted by the invading forces as they embarked on mass rape, torture, kidnapping, and slaughter of Israeli innocents.

“The chief commander of the Al Qassem Brigade, who initiated the operation, he gave clear instructions not to target civilians or not to harm civilians,” Dr Basem Naim told Australia’s ABC 7.30 report during an interview.

“In the middle of the confrontation, there was some civilians. The clear instruction was not to kill civilians.”


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8a2318 No.99802

File: a1f9304939d4050⋯.png (603.35 KB,960x411,320:137,Clipboard.png)

File: fc7a9cf5d644f05⋯.png (88.96 KB,811x447,811:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 6be5e591cd33270⋯.png (61.99 KB,782x395,782:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 70e55d787d723a0⋯.png (1.4 MB,1536x661,1536:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 7357311c782a488⋯.png (77.3 KB,641x362,641:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751349 (171905ZOCT23) Notable: US Venture Capital Firms Participated In Chinese Gov’t ‘Technology Transfer’ Contests

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US Venture Capital Firms Participated In Chinese Gov’t ‘Technology Transfer’ Contests

Five U.S.-based venture capital firms have participated in Chinese government-backed entrepreneurial contests that effectively aid Beijing’s “technology transfer” strategy, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of Chinese-language contest records.

U.S.-based venture capital (VC) firms GGV Capital, GSR Ventures, IDG Capital, Sequoia Capital and Walden International are variously identified as “participating institutions” and/or “angel investors” in Chinese government-backed “start-up” contests supporting the Thousand Talents Plan, according to the contest’s brochures and promotional videos. Executives from these five VC firms have served as Thousand Talents Plan start-up contest judges, steering committee members and mentors for contestants going back to the first 2012 contest, according to a DCNF review of contest records.

For example, the first contest’s website identifies GSR Ventures’ co-founder, Sonny Wu, and IDG Capital’s global chairman, Hugo Shong, as steering committee members. The website also lists GGV Capital’s managing partner, Jixun Foo, and Sequoia Capital’s global executive partner, Neil Shen, as judges. and mentors for contestants as including Walden International’s managing director, Bill Li.

“Launched in 2008, the Thousand Talents Plan incentivizes individuals engaged in research and development in the United States to transmit the knowledge and research they gain here to China in exchange for salaries, research funding, lab space and other incentives,” a staff report by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs said in 2019.

In January 2022, Jeff Stoff, a former U.S. government analyst and linguist, warned the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission about how China is using “start-up contests” to obtain U.S. technology.

“A key element of China’s technology transfer apparatus are the tethers it has built to tap into the R&D and innovation occurring inside the U.S.,” Stoff testified in 2022. “In addition to benefitting from informal research collaboration and partnerships with U.S. academic institutions described in the previous section, China’s party-state deploys official and unofficial proxies; investment structures such as venture capital funds, incubators and innovation centers; start-up contests; talent programs and supporting recruitment networks; and partnerships with diaspora organizations, at least some of which are part of China’s United Front apparatus commonly and myopically viewed in terms of political influence operations.”


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8a2318 No.99803

File: 434d49cc58b1a4d⋯.png (419.7 KB,1020x462,170:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751369 (171910ZOCT23) Notable: Israel eliminates top Hamas commander; 14 said killed as Haniyeh’s family home bombed

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Israel eliminates top Hamas commander; 14 said killed as Haniyeh’s family home bombed

Ayman Nofal led Central Gaza Brigade, was one of terror group’s ‘most dominant senior officials’; Gallant says Hamas members have two options: surrender or die


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8a2318 No.99804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751407 (171917ZOCT23) Notable: US Secretly Provided Ukraine With Cluster Bomb ATACMS

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US Secretly Provided Ukraine With Cluster Bomb ATACMS

US officials told NYT that Ukraine has already used the long-range missiles

CNN reported Tuesday that the US has secretly provided Ukraine with Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), munitions that typically have a range of about 190 miles and can be fired from the HIMARS rocket systems.

US officials told The New York Times that the ATACMS the US has provided are armed with cluster bombs, a widely banned munition that’s notorious for killing civilians due to its indiscriminate nature. Cluster bombs spread small submunitions over large areas and can leave duds behind that civilians can come across years after the conflict.

While most ATACMS have a range of 190 miles, the Times report said that the version the US secretly provided Ukraine has less of a range than the Storm Shadow missiles that the British have given Kyiv, which can hit targets up to 155 miles away.

The US officials said Ukraine has already used the ATACMS in strikes on two airfields in Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine on Tuesday. Oleksiy Goncharenko, a Ukrainian member of parliament, also said the ATACMS were already in use.

“ATACMS is already with us. The airfield in Berdyansk with enemy equipment was hit by them. Thanks to our partners!” Goncharenko wrote on X. Berdyansk is a southern city in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia oblast. Ukrainian officials also said they struck an airfield in Luhansk and claimed they destroyed nine helicopters in the two attacks, which has not been confirmed by the Russian side.

It’s not clear when the US delivered ATACMS to Ukraine. After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Washington in September, media reports said President Biden decided to arm Ukraine with a cluster bomb version of ATACMS, but the Pentagon did not list the missiles in any recent weapons packages.

Ukraine had been requesting ATACMS from the US throughout the conflict. The administration was initially hesitant over concerns of escalation. The Times report said US officials long believed “the use of ATACMS could cross one of the ‘red lines’ that would lead Russia to consider using a tactical nuclear weapon.” But escalation concerns have waned despite Russia’s many warnings against providing the missiles.


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8a2318 No.99805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751441 (171923ZOCT23) Notable: Julian Assange's been in Britain's Guantanomo Bay for 3 years now, 23 hrs / day in solitary confinement.

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Julian Assange is Dying | Yanis Varoufaklis

He's been in Britain's Guantanomo Bay for 3 years now, 23 hrs / day in solitary confinement.


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8a2318 No.99806

File: 49dd73e9737cd82⋯.jpg (355.64 KB,1464x827,1464:827,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e8ba3a343a74a24⋯.jpg (438.53 KB,1461x823,1461:823,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 106a3e1e70b559d⋯.jpg (136.15 KB,794x558,397:279,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c3bdbc7493766bd⋯.jpg (251.76 KB,1198x743,1198:743,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751446 (171923ZOCT23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes dig cont

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Ghosts in The Machine & Jan Hapler Hayes

Jan Halper-Hayes dig cont

>>99591, >>99590, >>99592, >>99599, >>99602 Halper Hayes: Space Force Have The Goods - pb

Here, Halper Hayes talks about the rigged election and the US Military apparently calculating their rollout timing.

Mentions again she's involved in a DoD psyop.

At this point, the 8th PSYOPS Group website flashes on screen for 1 second only.

If you blinked you'd miss miss it.

8th PSYOPS Group = The Ghosts in The Machine

Check it out -

Timestamp 22:18 -


Graphic flashed is from the 8th PSYOP Group Website -


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8a2318 No.99807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751482 (171930ZOCT23) Notable: McConnell Asked Point Blank About House's Failure To Elect Jim Jordan Speaker

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McConnell Asked Point Blank About House's Failure To Elect Jim Jordan Speaker

Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell (R-KY) is asked about Rep. Jim Jordan's (R-OH) failure to be elected Speaker and former President Trump's comments about Hezbollah.


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8a2318 No.99808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751501 (171934ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Rioting in Ramallah

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LIVE: Rioting in Ramallah

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8a2318 No.99809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751542 (171940ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds dead in Gaza BAPTIST hospital bombing

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Hundreds killed in Israeli airstrike on hospital, Hamas-run health ministry says

If confirmed, the attack would be by far the deadliest Israeli airstrike in five wars fought since 2008.


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8a2318 No.99810

File: d9cb97b614c7402⋯.png (390.82 KB,521x762,521:762,Clipboard.png)

File: db90f03e9394230⋯.jpg (34.7 KB,398x454,199:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751575 (171943ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds dead in Gaza BAPTIST hospital bombing

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đŸ”„đŸššDEVELOPING: Hananya Naftali a spokesperson for Israel allegedly made this post claiming that Israel’s Air Force was responsible for the bombing at the hospital in Gaza. He allegedly deleted this post shortly after.


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8a2318 No.99811

File: fd70338d83de68f⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751589 (171945ZOCT23) Notable: @DJT The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but OWNED and controlled by China

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The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but OWNED and controlled by China. When the China Virus reached our shores three years ago, the World Health Organization disgracefully covered the tracks of the Chinese Communist Party every step of the way

12:57pm ET


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8a2318 No.99812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751658 (171954ZOCT23) Notable: #24253

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#24253 >>99784

>>99789 Trump Goes Off On 'Witch Hunt With No Jury' Outside Courtroom For NYC Trial

>>99785 Florida lawmakers seek new election security measure for ballot boxes

>>99786 Gifted first son? Business partner hints monies, loans to Hunter Biden were essentially gifts

>>99787, >>99792 National Guard Chief Gen. Daniel Hokanson Dismisses Leaked Email Claiming Enlisted Troops are Anti-Semitic and Don’t Want to Risk Lives for Israel

>>99788 UN detains peacekeepers in DR Congo over sexual exploitation claims

>>99790, >>99795, >>99799, >>99809, >>99810 Hundreds dead in Gaza BAPTIST hospital bombing

>>99791 China & Russia Criticize Israel As Putin Arrives In Beijing To Deepen Ties With Xi

>>99793 Defense Department Briefing LIVE

>>99796 Senate Republican Leaders Hold News Conference LIVE

>>99797 Housing Finance Leaders Testify on Community Development Financial Institutions LIVE

>>99798 The Jihad appears to be going strong in Dearborn Michigan

>>99800 Leftist Spanish Gov’t Minister Demands Israeli PM Netanyahu Face War Crimes Charges for Retaliation Against Hamas

>>99801 Hamas Leader Mystified: Says No Orders Given for Terrorists to Kidnap, Murder, or Rape Israelis

>>99802 US Venture Capital Firms Participated In Chinese Gov’t ‘Technology Transfer’ Contests

>>99803 Israel eliminates top Hamas commander; 14 said killed as Haniyeh’s family home bombed

>>99804 US Secretly Provided Ukraine With Cluster Bomb ATACMS

>>99805 Julian Assange's been in Britain's Guantanomo Bay for 3 years now, 23 hrs / day in solitary confinement.

>>99806 Jan Halper-Hayes dig cont

>>99807 McConnell Asked Point Blank About House's Failure To Elect Jim Jordan Speaker

>>99808 LIVE: Rioting in Ramallah

>>99811 @DJT The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but OWNED and controlled by China



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8a2318 No.99813

File: 78809ba069f3d10⋯.png (1.93 MB,1535x1465,307:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751698 (171958ZOCT23) Notable: #24254

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8a2318 No.99814

File: b26e66f42749698⋯.png (520.97 KB,595x581,85:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751725 (172002ZOCT23) Notable: SH: We've tolerated dangerous govs infiltrating country. AR will not tolerate them any longer

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders


For far too long, we've tolerated dangerous governments infiltrating our country. Arkansas will not tolerate them any longer.

Today, I announced that Arkansas is becoming the first state in the nation to force a Chinese state-owned company to sell its American farmland.


6:59 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99815

File: 07e4404114b6e56⋯.png (25.22 KB,587x323,587:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751793 (172011ZOCT23) Notable: IDF Spokesperson: an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel

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Breaking: IDF Spokesperson

From the analysis of the operational systems of the IDF, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed through the vicinity of the hospital when it was hit.

According to intelligence information, from several sources we have, the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization is responsible for the failed shooting that hit the hospital.


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8a2318 No.99816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751807 (172013ZOCT23) Notable: Shelling of Gaza hospital result of failed launch by Islamic Jihad, IDF says

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Shelling of Gaza hospital result of failed launch by Islamic Jihad, IDF says

The IDF spokesperson addressed reports that Israel struck a hospital in Gaza, killing over 500 people, and said that the hospital was hit by a failed missile launched by the Islamic Jihad.

According to the IDF spokesperson, the army's assessment is based on "Intelligence information from several sources." The statement goes on to say that "from the analysis of the IDF's operational systems, an enemy rocket barrage was launched towards Israel and passed in the vicinity of the hospital when it was hit."

"Categorically do not strike any sensitive facilities - definitely not hospitals. very much aware of the presence of civilians," IDF International Spokesperson Jonathan Conricus

told CNN

Breaking: IDF Spokesperson

From the analysis of the operational systems of the IDF, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed through the vicinity of the hospital when it was hit.

According to intelligence information, from several sources we have,

— Israel Ś™Ś©ŚšŚŚœ đŸ‡źđŸ‡± (@Israel) October 17, 2023


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8a2318 No.99817

File: c129de559cd4384⋯.jpeg (649.38 KB,1170x1557,130:173,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751817 (172014ZOCT23) Notable: IDF Spokesperson: an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel

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Following an analysis by the IDF's operational systems, a barrage of rockets was launched toward Israel, which passed in the vicinity of the hospital, when it was hit.

According to intelligence information from a number of sources we have, Islamic Jihad terrorist organization is responsible for the failed rocket launch that hit the hospital.


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8a2318 No.99818

File: b71ef01e2dea453⋯.png (204.67 KB,409x684,409:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751836 (172017ZOCT23) Notable: This is Hamas literally admitting to bombing their own hospital in Gaza

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This is Hamas literally admitting to bombing their own hospital in Gaza...



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8a2318 No.99819

File: 711f9a96f02a501⋯.jpeg (435.43 KB,1170x1102,585:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751848 (172020ZOCT23) Notable: PM: The barbarian terrorists in Gaza are the ones who attacked the hospital in Gaza, not the IDF

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NEW!! From Benjamin Netanyahu:

The whole world knew:

The barbarian terrorists in Gaza are the ones who attacked the hospital in Gaza, not the IDF. He who brutally murdered our children, also murders his children.


whew, bros

shit is NOT looking good.

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8a2318 No.99820

File: 327d6bda316763b⋯.png (155.45 KB,527x531,527:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751850 (172020ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Chutkan has released the official gag order on Donald Trump

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Judge Chutkan has released the official gag order on Donald Trump -

He is prohibited from criticizing the Special Counsel.

The Special Counsel could engage in the most egregious behavior - threatening witnesses, etc. - and Trump couldn't say a thing.


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8a2318 No.99821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751888 (172028ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon places 2,000 troops on heightened alert as war rages in Middle East

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Pentagon places 2,000 troops on heightened alert as war rages in Middle East


FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WTVD) - The Pentagon placed 2,000 American troops on a heightened state of readiness, informing them they could be deployed to the Middle East in the near future.

The Prepare To Deploy Order (PTDO) is for two identified units to be ready on 24-hour notice, instead of the typical 96-hour notice.

SEE ALSO | Israel-Gaza live updates from ABC News

Local troops at Fort Liberty are often among those first deployed, but at this time the 18th Airborne Corps and 82nd Airborne Division have not been given orders to fly out anywhere.

The PTDO advances the Department of Defense's ability to quickly react to developments in the fighting happening in Israel and Gaza. It's part of a signal to Iran and Hezbollah that the U.S. is ready to provide reinforcement to Israel if needed.

"Our priorities, our objectives in supporting Israel is making sure that Israel has what it needs through our security assistance, sending a continued strong message of deterrence that should any other actor think of entering the conflict, that they think again and that we are being mindful and vigilant of any threats to our US forces," Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said.

Still, the DOD emphasized that no decision has been made about deploying forces at this time.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said he is continuing to assess the situation.

A spokesman for the 18th Airborne Corps released the following statement:

"We will not speculate on future force posture or discuss troop movements due to operational security. However, the XVIII Airborne Corps, stands ready to deploy in support of any contingency around the world when the nation calls."

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8a2318 No.99822

File: e7f29c1d0a8ecea⋯.png (10.01 KB,592x127,592:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751896 (172028ZOCT23) Notable: Israel has asked the US for $10 billion in emergency aid, per CBS

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Israel has asked the US for $10 billion in emergency aid, per CBS.

8:02 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99823

File: 162efc93f0a37eb⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751903 (172030ZOCT23) Notable: Children wounded in the occupation massacre at Baptist Hospital in Gaza.

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>>>/qresearch/19751669 (pb)

âšĄïžChildren wounded in the occupation massacre at Baptist Hospital in Gaza.


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8a2318 No.99824

File: 89d9c3a051c4a3d⋯.png (433.72 KB,586x472,293:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ca49f9df2a9695⋯.png (660.13 KB,552x596,138:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751910 (172031ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz: Hakeem Jeffries Not Really in Charge of Democrats, He’s Just the ‘Frontman’

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The Gateway Pundit


Gaetz: Hakeem Jeffries Not Really in Charge of Democrats, He’s Just the ‘Frontman’ via @gatewaypundit

8:36 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99825

File: 55762424d1e5469⋯.jpg (131.08 KB,1100x618,550:309,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751959 (172039ZOCT23) Notable: The Mystery of the Serpent

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Why does he keep repeating the snake poem?

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8a2318 No.99826

File: 2ab871e4a255cdf⋯.png (1.33 MB,1062x773,1062:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751962 (172039ZOCT23) Notable: Democrat Rep. Makes ‘Suicide Joke’ on Floor of House of Representatives (VIDEO)

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Democrat Rep. Makes ‘Suicide Joke’ on Floor of House of Representatives (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila Oct. 17, 2023 3:00 pm

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8a2318 No.99827

File: 7551de2fc873c44⋯.png (227.73 KB,826x940,413:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bdd2cf77a4aa68⋯.png (231.88 KB,658x854,47:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 8943ef9342e21a5⋯.png (238.37 KB,655x849,655:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a2f2d64dea90fd⋯.png (232.66 KB,640x860,32:43,Clipboard.png)

File: c525d57dc89501f⋯.pdf (11.77 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751996 (172044ZOCT23) Notable: The Mystery of the Serpent

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99828

File: cf3d437664ac7a2⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB,1548x1920,129:160,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751997 (172044ZOCT23) Notable: Children wounded in the occupation massacre at Baptist Hospital in Gaza.

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âšĄïžđŸ‡”đŸ‡žPEOPLE UTTERLY TORN APART (00:05), bodies and blood everywhere as Palestinians with missing limbs lie helplessly on ground while paramedics work at speed of light to load up wounded onto ambulances after Israeli strike on HOSPITAL in Gaza City (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29332).

Man with no hand and hole in abdomen lies in agony (00:10) as screams echo and people desperately hammer on ambulance door in traumatic scenes.

Hamas vows strikes on Tel Aviv in response to massacre of civilians, with Israeli strike killing at least 600 people and wounding over 900.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


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8a2318 No.99829

File: e2fa53141c5591a⋯.png (257.56 KB,656x853,656:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e0558907c69273⋯.png (243.48 KB,650x841,650:841,Clipboard.png)

File: e0e73f175c0248a⋯.png (257.27 KB,650x862,325:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 69fb0d3bccbbfed⋯.png (262.38 KB,654x862,327:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b16ff54a400aba⋯.png (266.84 KB,671x861,671:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752007 (172045ZOCT23) Notable: The Mystery of the Serpent

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99830

File: 5e88f16d2348216⋯.png (172.99 KB,416x586,208:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752010 (172045ZOCT23) Notable: German Health Minister Lauterbach: have "info-pandemic" now, everything “experts” say is questioned

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German Health Minister Lauterbach believes we have an "info-pandemic" now, where everything the “experts” say is questioned.

The other clown after him suggests the only voices that should be allowed to be heard are the “scientists,” and no discussions around the “heart of the issue” should be had.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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8a2318 No.99831

File: c2a109e8e71f3b5⋯.png (728.57 KB,998x836,499:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 244fd7ca9b54c39⋯.mp4 (13.06 MB,1510x686,755:343,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752013 (172046ZOCT23) Notable: SH: We've tolerated dangerous govs infiltrating country. AR will not tolerate them any longer

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BREAKING: Arkansas becomes the first state in the nation to force a Chinese state-owned company to give up its American land.

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8a2318 No.99832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752024 (172047ZOCT23) Notable: Jill Biden Hosts a UNESCO Reception - First Lady Jill Biden hosts a reception at the WH

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5:00 PM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a UNESCO Reception - First Lady Jill Biden hosts a reception at the White House to celebrate the United States’ return to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The White House



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8a2318 No.99833

File: 7aaa9a612c5c72c⋯.png (260.31 KB,648x872,81:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 982f08c1097dfcc⋯.png (254.53 KB,654x860,327:430,Clipboard.png)

File: 97ea30383cc0963⋯.png (258.13 KB,648x846,36:47,Clipboard.png)

File: e409f325a0fbc99⋯.png (272.25 KB,640x859,640:859,Clipboard.png)

File: db82d0e41a8b4f9⋯.png (259.58 KB,660x854,330:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752029 (172047ZOCT23) Notable: The Mystery of the Serpent

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752033 (172048ZOCT23) Notable: SH: We've tolerated dangerous govs infiltrating country. AR will not tolerate them any longer

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>>>/qresearch/19751136 (lb)

Gov. Sarah Sanders Announces Chinese State-Owned Company Must Give Up Arkansas Land

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) announced Chinese state-owned company Syngenta must divest Arkansas land holdings.


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8a2318 No.99835

File: 038664c8581d4a2⋯.png (239.74 KB,777x628,777:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752037 (172047ZOCT23) Notable: Scarborough: Jail Trump If He Violates Gag Order!

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Scarborough: Jail Trump If He Violates

Gag Order!

Newsbusters, by Mark Finkelstein

Posted By: Imright, 10/17/2023 4:29:14 PM

On Tuesday's Morning Joe, Scarborough demanded that Donald Trump be jailed if he violates the gag order issued yesterday by Judge Tanya Chutkan in the federal election interference case. Indeed, the panel's working assumption was that it was a question of when, not if, Trump would violate the order. They always want the "walls closing in" on Trump. Scarborough had a long back-and-forth with former US Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, who was the comparative voice of reason. Rosenberg said the situation was complicated, and that Chutkan would have to weigh her options. Where is the rhetorical line Trump shouldn't cross?

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8a2318 No.99836

File: 0df9531c868ebdf⋯.png (262.47 KB,668x876,167:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 504edf3fc2fcabe⋯.png (228.7 KB,658x739,658:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bb713af769de02⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1254x1254,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752047 (172049ZOCT23) Notable: The Mystery of the Serpent

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8a2318 No.99837

File: 1657ca2ad4c24e8⋯.png (889.47 KB,1056x793,1056:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752049 (172050ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Chutkan has released the official gag order on Donald Trump

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Judge Chutkan Releases Official Gag Order

on Trump and It’s Worse Than We Thought

Gateway Pundit, by Cristina Laila

Posted By: DW626, 10/17/2023 4:13:59 PM

Judge Tanya Chutkan released the gag order on Trump and it is worse than we thought. Judge Tanya Chutkan on Monday imposed a gag order on Trump in the middle of a presidential election. Last month Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a motion to gag Trump. “The need for the proposed order is further evidenced by a review of the defendant’s prejudicial statements in the weeks since the Government initially filed its motion on September 15,” Jack Smith’s prosecutors wrote in the court filing reviewed by this reporter.

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8a2318 No.99838

File: 0a5be4e90f72466⋯.png (318.01 KB,1150x585,230:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752076 (172052ZOCT23) Notable: The Mystery of the Serpent

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8a2318 No.99839

File: 7dca66092c8bcba⋯.png (753.71 KB,674x713,674:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752092 (172054ZOCT23) Notable: FTX Witness: Sam Bankman-Fried Conducted Political 'Straw Donor' Scheme Despite $13 Billion Hole

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FTX Witness: Sam Bankman-Fried Conducted

Political 'Straw Donor' Scheme Despite

$13 Billion Hole

Breitbart, by Sean Moran

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/17/2023 3:52:18 PM

Nishad Singh, a Sam Bankman-Fried underling, testified on Monday that the disgraced former FTX CEO had his employees make political donations in his name despite the company’s massive shortfall. Singh, the third FTX insider to testify against Bankman-Fried, said in court that despite the digital currency platform’s financial problems in September 2022, he continued to receive funds from Alameda Research, the hedge fund associated with FTX, and allow FTX associates to use the money to donate to Democrat candidates in what he referred to as a “straw donor” scheme.

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8a2318 No.99840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752101 (172056ZOCT23) Notable: Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

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Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

The White House



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8a2318 No.99841

File: 6a9d7c0e959c056⋯.png (530.46 KB,592x858,296:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752211 (172112ZOCT23) Notable: Happy bday to an agency that should NEVER have been created. U.S. Dept of Education

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Betsy DeVos


Happy birthday to an agency that should NEVER have been created.


The American Spectator


Square profile picture

U.S. Department of Education




Happy 44th birthday ED!

On October 17, 1979, President Carter signed the Department of Education Organization Act into law, officially creating the U.S. Department of Education. Today, we're still working for our nation's students, teachers, parents, & school communities.

Show more

Photo from the National Archives of President Carter signing the Department of Education Organization Act of 1979, creating the Department of Education.

9:47 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99842

File: 3e3dd6eaa51c5e8⋯.jpeg (97.53 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752215 (172113ZOCT23) Notable: UPGRADED EARLY WARNING RADARS (as of 10/20)

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The U.S. Space Force maintains Upgraded Early Warning Radars (UEWR). These radars are capable of detecting ballistic missile attacks and conducting general space surveillance and satellite tracking. They are located across both the United States and United States European Command.

The UEWRs have 240 - 360 degree coverage. These sites are designed primarily to detect and track intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM), while conducting general space surveillance and satellite tracking. Missile Warning and attack characterization data is sent to the United States’ Missile Warning and Space Control Centers, the U.S. National Military Command Center and U.S. Strategic Command. Satellite tracking data is sent to the Combined Space Operations Center (CSpOC) for processing.

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8a2318 No.99843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752221 (172114ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Chutkan has released the official gag order on Donald Trump

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Trump Lawyers File Notice of Appeal of Judge Chutkan’s Unconstitutional Gag Order

President Trump’s lawyers on Tuesday filed a notice of appeal of Judge Tanya Chutkan’s unconstitutional gag order, Reuters reported.

Judge Tanya Chutkan on Tuesday released the gag order on Trump and it is worse than we thought.

According to Chutkan’s gag order, Trump cannot criticize Special Counsel Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors – even if Trump is telling the truth!

Trump cannot criticize Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors or staffers, any of the Court’s staff or supporting personnel or any ‘witnesses.’

Gorsuch law clerk Mike Davis called Chutkan’s gag order “shameful” and said the DC Court was “vacate” the order.

“The DC Circuit must vacate Biden special counsel Jack Smith’s and DC Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan’s egregiously unconstitutional gag order on a criminal defendant,” Mike Davis said.

“A criminal defendant—more than anyone—must have the right to criticize the prosecutor, judge, and process,” he said.


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8a2318 No.99844

File: 36a36cfca596e0f⋯.png (350.05 KB,724x513,724:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752233 (172115ZOCT23) Notable: Jill Biden Hosts a UNESCO Reception - First Lady Jill Biden hosts a reception at the WH

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Potato surprise appearance

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8a2318 No.99845

File: fa457feeb71ab40⋯.png (282.77 KB,599x845,599:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752238 (172116ZOCT23) Notable: Student at @nyuniversity ripped down posters of hostages taken by Hamas terrorists has @ADL in her Linkedin bio

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Libs of TikTok


You can’t make this up! One of the students at @nyuniversity

who ripped down posters of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists has the @ADL

in her Linkedin bio. She worked for them. @JGreenblattADL



Libs of TikTok




WATCH: Students at @nyuniversity ripped down posters of the missing women and children that Hamas terrorists took hostage:

9:27 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99846

File: 5d68dd7cbf80de4⋯.jpeg (588.9 KB,1169x2405,1169:2405,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752240 (172115ZOCT23) Notable: DJT posting clowns during the vote to 217

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Did y’all catch this?

DJT posting clowns during the vote to 217

Q217 -> Clowns In America

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8a2318 No.99847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752241 (172116ZOCT23) Notable: House Minority Leader Holds News Conference on Speaker Election

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6:0 2 PM EDT

House Minority Leader Holds News Conference on Speaker Election

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) holds a news conference amid ongoing efforts to elect a speaker of the U.S. House. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is the latest member to be nominated to the position by the Republicans.


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8a2318 No.99848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752263 (172120ZOCT23) Notable: DJT posting clowns during the vote to 217

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traitor whore not demanding sauce!



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8a2318 No.99849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752273 (172121ZOCT23) Notable: 'This Is A Scary Precedent': Alina Habba, Trump's Lawyer, Rips Into New York AG Letitia James

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'This Is A Scary Precedent': Alina Habba, Trump's Lawyer, Rips Into New York AG Letitia James

Alina Habba, former President Trump's lawyer, decries the charges in the NYC civil fraud case.


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8a2318 No.99850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752290 (172123ZOCT23) Notable: Putin responds to Biden threat to 'put him down'

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Putin responds to Biden threat to 'put him down'

The US leader seems to lack the wisdom that comes from experience, the Russian president said

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday addressed a suggestion that he be “put down” made by US President Joe Biden, suggesting that the octogenarian American politician still has a lot to learn.

“You live, you learn. One must learn, and then there won’t be a desire to ‘put down’ anyone, since that leads to problems. One needs to learn to respect others and seek compromise,” Putin said in Beijing, where he is attending the international Belt and Road Forum.

The Russian leader was responding to a reporter who had asked for a comment on Biden’s statements, voiced in a ‘60 Minutes’ interview broadcast on Sunday by the US network CBS.

“Imagine what happens if we, in fact, unite all of Europe and Putin is finally put down where he cannot cause the kind of trouble he’s been causing,” Biden told interviewer Scott Pelley at one point, arguing that the US has “enormous opportunities to make it a better world.”

Putin’s response was more diplomatic than the reaction of his predecessor Dmitry Medvedev, who currently chairs the Russian security council. Commenting on Biden’s words on Monday, Medvedev thanked the US president for clarifying his mission, but noted that “none of this is going to happen,” because Biden has “already forgotten what he said.”

“Dementia is a useful thing,” Medvedev added.

Biden, 81, is the oldest US president to be sworn in. He has been dogged by persistent rumors about his deteriorating physical and mental health, driven by a history of mis-speaking in public.

In a CBS poll last month, only 26% of respondents said he was physically and cognitively fit for the job, and only 34% believed he would make it to the end of his second term, if re-elected in 2024.

At a campaign event in Pennsylvania in early September, Biden argued that his advanced years were actually an asset, because “the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom.”


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8a2318 No.99851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752298 (172124ZOCT23) Notable: 'Law of war is being upheld' : Pentagon defends Israel after deadly airstrike on Gaza hospital

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'Law of war is being upheld' : Pentagon defends Israel after deadly airstrike on Gaza hospital

Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh asked about airstrike on Gaza hospital.


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8a2318 No.99852

File: aa40b696d1eeb14⋯.png (597.13 KB,599x733,599:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752312 (172125ZOCT23) Notable: Bill Gates owns Four Seasons which has hosted Hamas - a declared terrorist organization- at its Doha resort

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See new posts


Ezra A. Cohen reposted

Rep. Mike Waltz


Bill Gates owns the Four Seasons which has hosted Hamas - a declared terrorist organization- at its Doha resort.

Allowing these terrorists to use his hotels is a violation of the law. You’re on notice.


Square profile picture

New York Post




Rep. Mike Waltz demands Bill Gates ban Hamas from Qatar Four Seasons https://trib.al/ONBpUTD


10:21 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99853

File: 85a1acce8615454⋯.png (11.74 KB,585x137,585:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752354 (172131ZOCT23) Notable: Israel v Palestine news various sources

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BREAKING: African Union chief says Gaza hospital strike a 'war crime'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99854

File: 4ad68b373cf29eb⋯.png (448.16 KB,1624x1096,203:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752368 (172133ZOCT23) Notable: DJT posting clowns during the vote to 217

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anon was surrounded by non saucin' traitor clown whores though!!!

The Primary is OverOctober 1, 2023

By Matt Kane

The Republican primary race is over. While the first official vote cast for the Republican nominee is still roughly three months away, the smears, mugshots, indictments, and other inevitable political tricks to come against Trump will not prevent him from winning the Republican nomination for president for a third time, and easily.

Trump’s increasing strength signals that voters won’t settle for “just any Republican.”

If Republican candidates truly want to ensure Biden (or another Democrat) is denied a chance to continue his carnage, they should drop out immediately and rally behind Trump.

While you shouldn’t count on that happening, that doesn’t invalidate the many reasons why this race ended long before it even started.

A healthy amount of both national and state-level polling shows historic support for a non-incumbent.

Polls can’t be fully trusted, but if all are showing similar figures it gives them at least some level of legitimacy.

Even in a field with a double-digit number of candidates, Trump has already secured the majority or close to it.

For reference, he entered the 2016 race with around 10-12% support and won the nomination with just 44% of the vote.

If anyone else had his current polls during any past primary in such a crowded field, there would be calls for all candidates to drop out to build as much party momentum as possible to defeat the Democrat nominee.

This makes Republicans challenging Trump pure hypocrites when they speak about “coming together,” “party unity,” and “winning the general,” since they are attempting to beat the candidate who is already in the best position to achieve these things.

There are many obstacles for the non-Trump candidates.

Most have worked in government for at least a decade (much longer for many of them) and never did anything significant enough to bring themselves even remotely close to the rockstar-level status Trump has attained.

Any challengers expecting to purge voters from the man who rose because of their own failures ignore common sense.

And for those citing the indictments as a reason for a non-Trump candidate prevailing: Even a conviction would not bar Trump from being eligible to run, and the indictments have only galvanized his supporters.

A key reason why Trump's challengers faced an uphill battle from the outset is that Trump has also already done the job and did it well.

No other challenger can say that. Additionally, many of those now attacking his record gushed over the job he did just a few short years ago, which voters are keenly aware of.

Nikki Haley stated unequivocally that she would not challenge another Trump run after previously writing about how she “enthusiastically supports most of Trump’s decisions and the direction he is taking the country.”

His former VP Mike Pence spoke about the many successes of the “Trump-Pence” administration after leaving office.

Ron DeSantis touted the Trump administration for several successes including their border policies, the economy, and the COVID response.

Now, Haley describes Trump as “easily distracted” and “weak in the knees.” Pence meanwhile has attacked Trump on his stance on pro-life causes, despite Trump being the president to end Roe v. Wade after most Republican presidents pledged to since it was enacted 50 years ago.

DeSantis's about-face has been the most blatant of all. He now downplays Trump’s border wall, blames him for Biden-induced inflation, and attacks his record on COVID and Fauci.

Further cementing himself as a say-anything politician, DeSantis previously made Trump-centric campaign ads and credited the Trump endorsement for his 2018 gubernatorial victory.

Now he postures as an expert on winning while pinning blame on Trump for Republican losses in 2020 and 2022, conveniently ignoring the all-important election fraud.

Thankfully, digital media is a treasure trove for easily accessible “receipts” that expose many candidates as self-serving politicians, which is why none of them gain in the polls and instead only see the non-Trump vote reallocate amongst them.

The way this primary has unfolded should not come as a surprise to them since they were singing the exact praises voters still are just a short time ago.

And if shooting themselves in the foot wasn't hurting their chances enough, there are countless Trump-specific factors that set him apart regardless of the competition.

In particular: The mugshot, which officially ended this primary if there ever even was one.


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8a2318 No.99855

File: 5b0deb49745cc1d⋯.png (349.91 KB,960x704,15:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752372 (172134ZOCT23) Notable: DJT posting clowns during the vote to 217

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The Primary is OverOctober 1, 2023 part II

By Matt Kane

Trump’s movement already transcended traditional politics, and now it has a powerful visual to represent it.

Post-mugshot polls brought Trump to even greater polling heights than previous indictments, meaning it has resonated with those beyond the usual Trump base, likely old-school Republicans and Independents who were becoming disillusioned by both parties.

Those truly in the middle see the mugshot as a literal poster for the resistance to a corrupt system.

And across the aisle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling at an average of about 15% in Real Clear Politics polling, demonstrating there is a notable portion of Democrat voters looking at alternatives to this radical version of their party.

It’s not out of the question to wonder whether the mugshot was the extra nudge needed for them to consider voting for Trump.

Even if it only leads to some Democrats staying home, that is a net positive for Trump.

But the party can only reap the full rewards of this resistance to tyranny if Trump is leading the charge, since he, not the Republican party, is the target.

Furthermore, Trump is now associated with virtually every topic in culture. That is not an opinion, but a fact.

Paul Ryan refers to himself as a “never-again Trumper.” If there is a categorization created to describe one's belief about Trump, that speaks to his influence.

Nobody has ever heard of a “never-Busher.” There are now even “KENNEDY 2024” flags with the moniker “Save America AGAIN.” Any slogan that ends with “Again” automatically puts Trump top of the mind, even if the flag bears another name.

Trump was already a generational political figure etched into history by being a true outsider; the first president to take office never previously serving in the military or holding political office.

He is also, aside from Jesus Christ as he says, the most famous person on Earth today.

While other candidates struggle to maintain funds to keep themselves relevant across America, Trump has the financial capital and fifty years' worth of multi-national recognition at his disposal.

The arrests only add to the legend, and no other candidate has the chance to unseat a historic American figure and martyr.

It’s time for the remaining GOP field to get behind Trump. The people clearly don’t want something “new,” as some claim. They want common sense approaches that lead to peace and prosperity.

Maybe others would be able to achieve this, but Trump is the only one who already has, and voters don’t want to take any chances during such a crucial time.

Trump’s mugshot and subsequent nomination have created an opportunity no other candidate can offer. It would present Americans with a united cause to rally behind, the likes of which have not been seen in a long time.

And that is because to defeat such a sinister movement, you need a united resistance against it, led by an unwavering, fearless leader. America does not need a soft-spoken voice right now.

It needs someone strong and unapologetic to lead us through a time of good versus evil. Success and victory will be what unite us, and Trump has a better chance of achieving these two things than anybody.


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8a2318 No.99856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752375 (172135ZOCT23) Notable: Berkeley Lab to Partner with Jefferson Lab to Build $300+ Million High Performance Data Facility Hub

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Berkeley Lab to Partner with Jefferson Lab to Build $300+ Million High Performance Data Facility Hub

October 16, 2023

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced the selection of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) as the lead for its new High Performance Data Facility Hub. Jefferson Lab will partner with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) to form a joint project team led by Jefferson Lab. The HPDF will be a $300-$500M computing and data infrastructure resource that will provide transformational capabilities for data analysis, networking, and storage for the nation’s research enterprise. It will provide researchers with tools, methods and technologies to maximize the scientific value of data.


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8a2318 No.99857

File: 4412b29de42abca⋯.png (11.35 KB,589x133,31:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752377 (172135ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Jordan cancels summit with Biden - Reuters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Jordan cancels summit with Biden - Reuters


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8a2318 No.99858

File: 33322deb0b2cee9⋯.png (23.87 KB,599x270,599:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752394 (172138ZOCT23) Notable: Chutkan conducting Stalinist trial against former POTUS T & interfering election on behalf Biden's campaign

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Mark R. Levin


Under the radar, Chutkan is conducting a Stalinist trial against former President Trump and interfering in the election on behalf of Biden's campaign. This matter, this case, must be removed from this person by getting it to the appellate court and, ultimately, the Supreme Court. Chutkan's animus, rulings, and conduct are repulsive and unconscionable.


10:29 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99859

File: 72cfb1183add092⋯.jpeg (206.75 KB,1170x656,585:328,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752398 (172138ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza hospital refuses to evacuate patients despite deadline extensions

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10/14/2023 - ARCHIVE OFFLINE!

The Israeli military extended the evacuation deadline for Gaza City’s main hospital by an additional 10 hours Saturday as a ground invasion targeting Hamas terrorists loomed — but medics there refused to budge.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society “cannot evacuate the hospital,” the group said in a defiant statement publicizing its intent to ignore the new deadline of 9 a.m. ET.

“Al Quds Hospitalis offering life-saving services to a large number of Palestinian patients and wounded 
 in addition to hundreds of civilians who took refuge” there, the PRCS added.


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8a2318 No.99860

File: a32079e134b2107⋯.png (1.21 MB,987x1430,987:1430,Clipboard.png)

File: e96f1c06d615c43⋯.mp4 (5.93 MB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752414 (172139ZOCT23) Notable: Israel v Palestine news various sources

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[Thread] Massive pro-Palestine demonstrations across the United States.

The media isn't giving them enough attention, so here is a roundup:

1) Chicago: 15,000 protestors shut down the streets.

This is a really good thread for understanding the situation just by shear numbers.

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8a2318 No.99861

File: ae0441b349fac7b⋯.png (10.63 KB,587x161,587:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752431 (172143ZOCT23) Notable: Biden plans to ask U.S. Congress for $100 billion in additional Ukraine, Israel aid

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JUST IN - Biden plans to ask U.S. Congress for $100 billion in additional Ukraine, Israel aid — Bloomberg


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8a2318 No.99862

File: 1f82a802ead66f3⋯.jpg (22.65 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752448 (172145ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000113

All Wars Are Bankers Wars Documentary by Michael Rivero


A senior Hamas leader tells NBC the group is willing to release all civilian hostages, foreigners and Israelis, if the strikes on Gaza stop.


A prominent Israeli Telegram channel is celebrating the bombing of the Ali-Ahli Baptist Hospital by comparing the dead Palestinian victims to hot dogs.


You can’t make this up! One of the students at @nyuniversity who ripped down posters of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists has the @ADL in her Linkedin bio. She worked for them. @JGreenblattADL


The border area between Lebanon and Israel is now an actual war zone. 30 second video below gives you a sense of how fierce it is. The Israeli Armed Forces are now attacking many areas in the Lebanon border area, some areas being hit with White Phosphorus.


Dozens of Protesters Storm Into Israeli Embassy In Amman


NYC Struggles With Spike In Tuberculosis Cases As Illegal Immigrants Spread Liberalism


War Criminal Trudeau Punishes Canadian Detective For Investigating Link Between mRNA COVID 'Vaccines' and Infant Deaths


Are You Prepared?


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8a2318 No.99863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752450 (172146ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza hospital refuses to evacuate patients despite deadline extensions

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>>99859 Gaza hospital refuses to evacuate patients despite deadline extensions


unfortunately, Hamas has a long history to parking weapons in hospitals, schools and mosques.

Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools



July 31, 2014 at 3:38 a.m. EDT

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8a2318 No.99864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752451 (172146ZOCT23) Notable: Live aljazeera of UN arab ambassadors speaking out against the attack

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live aljazeera of UN arab ambassadors speaking out against the attack.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99865

File: bbc5171fab0176d⋯.png (585.2 KB,1280x846,640:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752471 (172149ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Today we had a Total and Complete Victory against Far Left Lawyer, Roberta Kaplan

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99866

File: 96a7c79521933e9⋯.png (88.4 KB,630x625,126:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752478 (172150ZOCT23) Notable: The media run with Hamas propaganda about a bombed hospital

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The media run with Hamas propaganda about

a bombed hospital

American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg

Posted By: Mercedes44, 10/17/2023 5:31:06 PM

Thanks to support from Iran, Hamas is fairly well-armed and, of course, it makes up in viciousness what it lacks in technical sophistication. However, Hamas’s greatest weapon is propaganda. In the latest conflagration, it engaged in a single orgy of killing. Now, though, it’s looking forward to weeks of anti-Israel propaganda that the world’s media will unhesitatingly accept and relay. The latest example is Hamas’s claim that Israel killed 900 innocent people in a Gaza hospital. The story was almost instantly debunked but don’t expect that to change the narrative.

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8a2318 No.99867

File: 758dcbfab024d4c⋯.png (1.19 MB,563x4652,563:4652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752509 (172155ZOCT23) Notable: The media run with Hamas propaganda about a bombed hospital

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The media run with Hamas propaganda about a bombed hospital



entire article - VERY interesting

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8a2318 No.99868

File: a00ade9280bc7a2⋯.png (2.94 MB,1199x1366,1199:1366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752517 (172154ZOCT23) Notable: Israel v Palestine news various sources

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>>99815, >>99817, >>99816, >>99818, >>99819, >>99822, >>99823, >>99828, >>99851, >>99853, >>99860 Israel v Palestine news various sources.

just a suggestion, to reduce the wall of text and bloatables

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99869

File: fa77aca1a3592fd⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752575 (172200ZOCT23) Notable: #24254

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#24254 >>99813

>>99814, >>99831, >>99834 SH: We've tolerated dangerous govs infiltrating country. AR will not tolerate them any longer

>>99820, >>99837, >>99843 Judge Chutkan has released the official gag order on Donald Trump

>>99821 Pentagon places 2,000 troops on heightened alert as war rages in Middle East

>>99815, >>99817, >>99816, >>99818, >>99819, >>99822, >>99823, >>99828, >>99851, >>99853, >>99860, >>99868 Israel v Palestine news various sources

>>99824 Gaetz: Hakeem Jeffries Not Really in Charge of Democrats, He’s Just the ‘Frontman’

>>99825, >>99827, >>99829, >>99833, >>99836, >>99838 The Mystery of the Serpent

>>99826 Democrat Rep. Makes ‘Suicide Joke’ on Floor of House of Representatives (VIDEO)

>>99830 German Health Minister Lauterbach: have "info-pandemic" now, everything “experts” say is questioned

>>99832, >>99844 Jill Biden Hosts a UNESCO Reception - First Lady Jill Biden hosts a reception at the WH

>>99835 Scarborough: Jail Trump If He Violates Gag Order!

>>99839 FTX Witness: Sam Bankman-Fried Conducted Political 'Straw Donor' Scheme Despite $13 Billion Hole

>>99840 Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

>>99841 Happy bday to an agency that should NEVER have been created. U.S. Dept of Education


>>99845 Student at @nyuniversity ripped down posters of hostages taken by Hamas terrorists has @ADL in her Linkedin bio

>>99847 House Minority Leader Holds News Conference on Speaker Election

>>99846, >>99848, >>99854, >>99855 DJT posting clowns during the vote to 217

>>99849 'This Is A Scary Precedent': Alina Habba, Trump's Lawyer, Rips Into New York AG Letitia James

>>99850 Putin responds to Biden threat to 'put him down'

>>99852 Bill Gates owns Four Seasons which has hosted Hamas - a declared terrorist organization- at its Doha resort

>>99856 Berkeley Lab to Partner with Jefferson Lab to Build $300+ Million High Performance Data Facility Hub

>>99857 BREAKING: Jordan cancels summit with Biden - Reuters

>>99858 Chutkan conducting Stalinist trial against former POTUS T & interfering election on behalf Biden's campaign

>>99861 Biden plans to ask U.S. Congress for $100 billion in additional Ukraine, Israel aid

>>99862 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

>>99859, >>99863 Gaza hospital refuses to evacuate patients despite deadline extensions

>>99864 Live aljazeera of UN arab ambassadors speaking out against the attack

>>99865 @realDonaldTrump: Today we had a Total and Complete Victory against Far Left Lawyer, Roberta Kaplan

>>99866, >>99867 The media run with Hamas propaganda about a bombed hospital


Baker must depart @ n/b dough

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8a2318 No.99870

File: d9b6114ee2c0027⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752589 (172203ZOCT23) Notable: #24255

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Thank you anons

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

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8a2318 No.99871

File: 08ea8ef5779ca1d⋯.png (164.04 KB,588x675,196:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c6904d80ee62cb⋯.jpg (70.2 KB,680x563,680:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752600 (172206ZOCT23) Notable: WH says Biden sends 'deepest condolences' to victims of Gaza 'hospital explosion,' confirms Biden is not traveling to Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING - White House says Biden sends 'deepest condolences' to victims of Gaza 'hospital explosion,' confirms Biden is not traveling to Jordan


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99872

File: e9790e0bdabb3f8⋯.jpeg (549.6 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3126c850839615c⋯.jpeg (941.13 KB,1102x1531,1102:1531,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 72ac001dfa54761⋯.jpeg (354.42 KB,1824x1026,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c0ec4bb99a9226d⋯.jpeg (75.31 KB,780x520,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: abe233aab53ef04⋯.jpeg (91.2 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752601 (172207ZOCT23) Notable: Joe's departure: what's different?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Top picture was taken today, as Biden leaves for Israel.

Bottom pictures are what it usually looks like when a President boards/deplanes AF1.


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8a2318 No.99873

File: 2672a7318d6c16b⋯.png (633.64 KB,984x1313,984:1313,Clipboard.png)

File: f9559af338e7532⋯.png (494.43 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752603 (172208ZOCT23) Notable: WATCH: Footage reportedly shows protesters heading toward American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

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WATCH: Footage reportedly shows protesters heading toward American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

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8a2318 No.99874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752606 (172209ZOCT23) Notable: Rocket Alarm in Tel Aviv: Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Plane Evacuated at Ben Gurion Airport

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

21:36 GMT

Earlier today, air raid sirens were activated at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv while German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was preparing to board a flight to leave Israel. In accordance with established safety protocols, the entire delegation,Scholz included, had to get off the aircraft and lay down on the tarmac, covering their heads.


PsyOp me moar please.

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8a2318 No.99875

File: 47318f15d1dbef9⋯.png (325.74 KB,587x530,587:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752613 (172210ZOCT23) Notable: The black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran.This is a call for war or vengeance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

đŸ‡źđŸ‡· The black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran.

This is a call for war or vengeance.


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8a2318 No.99876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752619 (172212ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss how to look behind the MSM narrative in Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19752588 pb

>who controls hamas?

THAT's the hard question, getting beyond impressions, conjecture and propaganda.

to find out, have to start with the facts and work backwards as far as is possible

probable israeli collusion with hamas getting into the country, with help from other countries, interests

even the propaganda gives clues about what's really going on.

Collect what is said, sift truth from fact, look for eyewitness and insider accounts, pick up bits and pieces from insiders and videos from bystanders

to get beyond conjecture.

That's journalism.


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8a2318 No.99877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752676 (172224ZOCT23) Notable: WH says Biden sends 'deepest condolences' to victims of Gaza 'hospital explosion,' confirms Biden is not traveling to Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Another WH lie. Biden didn't cancel. He was cancelled by the Jordanian Foreign Minister.

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8a2318 No.99878

File: 36b91709995acca⋯.png (299.37 KB,393x408,131:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f7f8fdf8d92cfe⋯.png (344.94 KB,456x324,38:27,Clipboard.png)

File: cb4523a3567e038⋯.png (264.13 KB,517x490,517:490,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f1816edbddeb2⋯.mp4 (959.68 KB,352x288,11:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752679 (172225ZOCT23) Notable: Anons discuss how to look behind the MSM narrative in Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anons need to remind others lurking here that news is not sticking a mick in front of anyone from any side who has just had their family killed and asking them how the feel about it.

news is also not statements from obvious liars who are pushing their own propaganda.

Anons are here to shift through the fog of war in the information online battlefield.

The outrage that is being pushed by the news media, social media platforms and those who control the strings to the reach of news to the masses around the world

Do not forget that every person now has a mobile phone on them.

Here as a job of a baker, anons and note collectors is to use their discernment skills to groups and shift things into buns for others to take info from this site and find the truth.

mostly lead by anons who have deep knowledge of the narrative, rhetoric and emotive language used to trigger what they want most, outrage and violence which the media and deep state to continue to fuel this narrative way beyond the conflict to bring in laws to shut down the internet or close of countries individually to the net like china has already done and russia.

fragmentating the voices and cutting of those who will only have a voice inside their borders which is acceptable and diluted.

remember nothing is new, it is just repackaged.

the other book that needs to be included in the list in the meme is


the path of the child, adolescent, teenager to adult to shape their direction in life.

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8a2318 No.99879

File: 0d3d9eefb78a932⋯.png (366.44 KB,537x501,179:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752680 (172224ZOCT23) Notable: @rupasubramanya went to a pro-Palestine rally - report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bari Weiss


In Ottawa, our


went to a pro-Palestine rally. Everyone she spoke to believed Israel had to be wiped off the map. They were unclear about what should happen to the Jews living there.

Read and watch:


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8a2318 No.99880

File: 9084279e66d219d⋯.jpeg (605.76 KB,828x1402,414:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b98d319492f8ae⋯.png (155.06 KB,288x542,144:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752683 (172225ZOCT23) Notable: Rocket Alarm in Tel Aviv: Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Plane Evacuated at Ben Gurion Airport

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

German AF GAF936 A350 PM Olaf Scholzs’ AC was evacuated from Tel Aviv Intl and switched off
originally scheduled to go to Cairo

Rocket Alarm in Tel Aviv: Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Plane Evacuated at Ben Gurion Airport

A rocket alarm echoed ominously across the tarmac of Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport. A German delegation, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, was preparing to depart for Cairo. The sudden, piercing scream of the siren served as an uninvited reminder of the volatility they were leaving behind, and the precarious peace they sought to broker.


German AF GAF779 A321neo departed Tel Aviv intl earlier as support AC

Swedish AF SVF828 C130 one ground at Ronnerby Intl also from Tel Aviv depart

Turkish AF TUAF779 A400n sw from Istanbul

Dutch AF NAF11 Falcon 7x heading to Africa

Couple Qatari AF Eurofighters on ground at Doha

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8a2318 No.99881

File: 0bc37d557ec6466⋯.jpeg (618.15 KB,1151x1351,1151:1351,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752687 (172227ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Increased security and police presence at the US Capitol Grounds due to the "potential for civil disturbance" on Wednesday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Increased security and police presence at the US Capitol Grounds due to the "potential for civil disturbance" on Wednesday


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8a2318 No.99882

File: e6edd48b8fcc459⋯.png (153.89 KB,591x579,197:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 7331556efc5b798⋯.jpg (69.12 KB,680x501,680:501,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752690 (172226ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Increased security and police presence at the US Capitol Grounds due to the "potential for civil disturbance" on Wednesday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Increased security and police presence at the US Capitol Grounds due to the "potential for civil disturbance" on Wednesday


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8a2318 No.99883

File: 552fc411a86db4e⋯.mp4 (572.02 KB,320x576,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3d26d35a0578c37⋯.png (208.54 KB,503x597,503:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752712 (172230ZOCT23) Notable: @MalcolmX1950: Turkish people entered the Israeli embassy.

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Turkish people entered the Israeli embassy.


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8a2318 No.99884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752713 (172230ZOCT23) Notable: WH says Biden sends 'deepest condolences' to victims of Gaza 'hospital explosion,' confirms Biden is not traveling to Jordan

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Egypt too.

UPDATE – Egyptian Foreign Ministry: "The cancellation of the Quartet Summit in Amman (with Biden) was due to Israel’s bombing of the Baptist Hospital in Gaza."


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8a2318 No.99885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752715 (172230ZOCT23) Notable: King Abdullah II of Jordan Lays Down the Hammer, No Palestinian Refugees in Jordan or Egypt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PERFECT – Absolutely Perfect, King Abdullah II of Jordan Lays Down the Hammer, No Palestinian Refugees in Jordan or Egypt

October 17, 2023 | Sundance |

Oh man, this is going to make the leftist/globalists go nuts. Keep in mind, King Abdullah of Jordan is speaking directly, forcefully and without pretending on the eve of Barack Obama and Joe Biden launching an effort to use the Gaza crisis to stir up regional trouble.

This video snippet is absolutely perfect, from the position of those pragmatic nationalists who want a long-term solution that applies pressure on the Palestinian people to solve their own problems. They want Hamas; they have Hamas.King Abdullah, along with Egyptian President al-Sisi, are not going to be pawns in the refugee games Obama and Biden intend on playing.

Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz had requested Jordan take in Palestinian refugees; Abdullah shut that down immediately and without equivocation. King Abdullah, speaking on behalf of President al-Sisi, just crushed Scholz in front of the international media and draws a red line. WATCH:

[Also, eff the AFP who have blocked CTH from their video segments.]

You will not see these remarks by King Abdullah II shared widely on Western media, because it just doesn’t fit the Palestinian refugee narrative.

Ed Morrisy nails this one.

] “Egypt’s Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has already rejected this idea, and with even more reason. As I wrote last week, Hamas sprang out of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood wants al-Sisi dead. Why in the world would anyone think that al-Sisi would allow tens of thousands of potential Muslim Brotherhood foot soldiers into his country now? If Germany or any of the other leaders in the West took even a moment to consider the precarious nature of both regimes, they’d be embarrassed to even have floated this idea.

The only country that should give refuge to the Gazans at the moment is Iran. They authored the present misery of the Gazans through their proxy Hamas. Iran won’t take them in either, though, even apart from the logistics of that kind of relocation. For one thing, the Persian Shi’ite mullahs could care less about the mainly Sunni Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank, but also they can’t afford their destabilizing presence either. They already have a restive population that the IRGC can barely contain, and that population hates the Palestinians and the way that the mullahs exploit their cause to justify their oppression.

Abdullah is right about the solution to the Palestinian issue, too. “This is a situation that has to be handled within Gaza and the West Bank,” he declared. The answer lies with the Palestinians, and it always has. Had they accepted the 1948 partition, they would never have had to live for eight decades in camps. Had they chosen to pursue peace and engagement with Israel as a final outcome, they would have had their own state decades ago, along with tons of Western investment. Instead, the Palestinians have insisted on annihilating Israel and seizing the land “from the river to the sea,” and keep adding to their misery.” (more)

(The King also cancelled a meeting with Bidan today)



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8a2318 No.99886

File: b8cb20939370329⋯.jpeg (712.51 KB,828x1420,207:355,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c1003868c33bb28⋯.jpeg (110.27 KB,998x1012,499:506,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752744 (172234ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

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Potato in 92-9000 747 NE from JBA with 09-0015 as escort heading for you know where

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8a2318 No.99887

File: 3f652af89a5edd2⋯.jpeg (673.1 KB,1170x1792,585:896,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752745 (172234ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Video of what Palestinian authorities say was an Israeli strike on al-Ahli Hospital - WAPO fact checks (KEK)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Video of what Palestinian authorities say was an Israeli strike on al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza shows the moment an explosion hits the hospital grounds, Washington Post reports that it has verified the footage.


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8a2318 No.99888

File: 4ca7cff8bd30150⋯.jpeg (254.35 KB,731x901,43:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752762 (172237ZOCT23) Notable: Obtuse, Thy Name is Chutkan - Sundance

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Obtuse, Thy Name is Chutkan

October 17, 2023 | Sundance |

In one of the most disingenuously undefined judicial rulings in recent memory, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan says President Trump may not “target” a member of the court or prosecution in his rebuke of their official offices against him. [3-page pdf HERE]


Obviously, Judge Chutkan intends to give herself the most latitude possible when defining what terms of speech may end up being considered “targeting.” However, criticism is not a possible definition in ordinary parlance. So, we’ll see.

Additionally, Chutkan did not outline what -if any- punishment would be levied in the event she considers any statement to be considered “targeting.” The lawfare games continue


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8a2318 No.99889

File: cf34d0ca639dd94⋯.png (20.49 KB,584x258,292:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752774 (172240ZOCT23) Notable: France condemns the attack on the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza

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==Nothing can justify striking a hospital.

Nothing can justify targeting civilians.==

France condemns the attack on the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza, which made so many Palestinian victims. Our thoughts are with them. All the light must be shed on the circumstances.


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8a2318 No.99890

File: 0baa4459987a208⋯.png (205.52 KB,481x329,481:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752776 (172240ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Gov't to Reward Hamas Terrorists with Nearly $3 Million

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Adam Kredo




JUST IN: Palestinian Gov't to Reward Hamas Terrorists with Nearly $3 Million - Terrorists who murdered Israelis will get monthly salaries



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8a2318 No.99891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752783 (172241ZOCT23) Notable: 20 House Republicans Blocked Jim Jordan on First Ballot - Here’s Who They Are - Sundance

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20 House Republicans Blocked Jim Jordan on First Ballot – Here’s Who They Are

October 17, 2023 | Sundance

Keep this list handy. These are the twenty Republicans who are stealth Democrats and voted against Jim Jordan. Yes, there are some surprises, including John James of Michigan.

The 20 who voted against Jordan are: Tony Gonzales (TX), Kay Granger (TX), Mario Diaz Balart (FL), Mike Kelly (PA), John Rutherford (FL), Mike Simpson (Idaho) Steve Womack (Arkansas), Lori Chavez DeRemer (OR), Don Bacon (NE), Carlos Gimenez (FL), Jennifer Kiggans (VA), Mike Lawler (NY), Doug LaMalfa (CA), Anthony D’Espositio (NY), Andrew Garbarino (NY), Nick LaLota (NY), Jake Ellzey (TX), Ken Buck (CO), John James (MI),Victoria Spartz (IN).

Accept things as they are, not as we would pretend them to be.

(Via Politico) – The Ohio Republican failed to get the 217 votes he needed to clinch the gavel during Tuesday’s first ballot, with 20 GOP votes against him. The House recessed immediately after the vote concluded, and it’s unclear when a second ballot will occur.

Some lawmakers aren’t optimistic it will happen anytime soon, with Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) saying confidently to reporters as he exited the floor: “Have a good evening everyone.”

The pause will allow Jordan to meet with some of the 20 Republican holdouts to try and bring them into his camp before voting again. Recessing before continuing on to a second ballot will allow sorely divided Republicans to regroup in private away from the House floor and potentially consider their strategy.

Many Jordan allies had predicted it could take multiple ballots, but it’s unclear if they’ll be able to flip enough holdouts in subsequent votes. (read more)

It is absolutely critical that we know who will align against President Trump in 2024. This list of 20 House “Republicans” should serve as a generally good outline to remember.

(These are the swamp!)


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8a2318 No.99892

File: 68c84ec71976d81⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 10bf76f969dc0bb⋯.mp4 (7.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752787 (172241ZOCT23) Notable: Jeffries: Jordan is a danger to our democracy

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8a2318 No.99893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752807 (172245ZOCT23) Notable: J6 Rachel Howell was sentenced to 5 years in jail, a mother of 8 children, she broke a window, that was it!

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J6 Rachel Howell was sentenced to 5 years in jail, a mother of 8 children, she broke a window, that was it!. All because they hate Donald Trump. I posted earlier from Bannon War Room early today, they tried to give her 8 years.

Patriot Freedom Project

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8a2318 No.99894

File: 9753cb781065ab7⋯.jpeg (624.28 KB,1170x1243,1170:1243,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752816 (172246ZOCT23) Notable: LARGE FIRE BURNS AT AMERICAN EMBASSY COMPOUND IN BEIRUT, LEBANON

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It’s over.

Nuclear armageddon is imminent now.

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8a2318 No.99895

File: e923880498dd133⋯.jpg (467.27 KB,675x2200,27:88,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95be6c9a19b2dc9⋯.png (498.81 KB,1003x4202,1003:4202,Clipboard.png)

File: b0d8fa970241d71⋯.jpg (198.13 KB,1023x772,1023:772,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dfa0fd7989396da⋯.jpg (333.25 KB,1528x777,1528:777,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1550ed8f1bd4c5c⋯.pdf (4.35 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752824 (172248ZOCT23) Notable: Washington moving ‘illegal’ bioresearch to Africa - Moscow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09.10.2023 (11:35)

Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on the U.S. military-biological activity



Washington moving ‘illegal’ bioresearch to Africa – Moscow

Documents confirm the activities of key Pentagon contractors in several countries on the continent, the Russian Defense Ministry has alleged

The US is transferring dual-purpose biological research activities to Africa, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Monday, citing Pentagon documents.

According to Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, who leads the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, the move is in response to Moscow’s efforts to expose Washington's illegal military-biological operations. He also cited the worsening “epidemic situation near biosites in the European region.”

“The documents at our disposal confirm the activities of key Pentagon contractors on the African continent – in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa. Customers on the part of the US government are the DTRA [Defense Threat Reduction Agency], the National Security Agency, and the US Department of State,” Kirillov added.

Moscow has repeatedly accused the US of plotting biological warfare against it and other countries.

Last year, Russian UN representative Vassily Nebenzia told the Security Council that Moscow had discovered at least 30 Ukrainian laboratories engaged in disease research, including anthrax and cholera, funded and supervised by the US. In May, State Duma Deputy Speaker Irina Yarovaya expressed concern over Washington’s interest in biological weapons, describing it as a highly concealed and unpredictable form of mass destruction that could become a global issue.

The US has denied the claims.

On Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry reiterated its previous concerns about “unauthorized” sample collection by Metabiota, which it referred to as a “key Pentagon contractor” during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

According to Kirillov, the company’s lack of transparency, which prompted concerns from the World Health Organization, resulted in the illegal export of live Ebola virus samples to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infections.

“Predictable deterioration of the disease situation near American biosites is forcing the governments of many African states to take another look at the necessity and expediency of co-operation with the United States. For example, in 2022, Metabiota operations in Africa were terminated because the company’s illegal practices raised too many questions at the level of national governments,” Kirillov claimed.

The San Francisco-based Metabiota was a partner in the $200 million USAID-funded ‘Predict’ epidemiological research project, which concluded in 2019.

Several reports, including one by the Associated Press in 2016, claimed that during the 2014 Ebola outbreak the company made a series of “costly” mistakes in its efforts to combat the disease in Sierra Leone.

Metabiota employees contributed to flawed laboratory results, disrupted collaboration, and put people at risk of the deadly virus, according to the agency, which cited leaked documents and interviews with international health responders.



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8a2318 No.99896

File: b6da0b83afceb9a⋯.png (189.98 KB,589x735,589:735,Clipboard.png)

File: e9cbba0c0f218d9⋯.png (179.6 KB,590x707,590:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 9da289948056f7e⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4666a674629844c⋯.mp4 (13.06 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752829 (172249ZOCT23) Notable: Turkish people try to storm the American military radar station in KĂŒrecik

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

âšĄïžđŸ‡čđŸ‡·đŸ‡ș🇾 Turkish people try to storm the American military radar station in KĂŒrecik


=More Turkish people heading to the American radar station in KĂŒrecik==


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8a2318 No.99897

File: bc3506a3163a83d⋯.png (1.26 MB,781x781,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752868 (172253ZOCT23) Notable: PANIC IN DC. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. - 3yr Delta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


notable year delta

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8a2318 No.99898

File: 9be3340769d34b7⋯.png (958.09 KB,1915x934,1915:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752881 (172255ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Still no AF1 callsign


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8a2318 No.99899

File: cc591593e8e699d⋯.jpg (81.66 KB,727x676,727:676,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0ee871c93e5e9c8⋯.png (253.29 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752901 (172259ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s chilling “60 Minutes” response is a carbon copy of Ancient Rome’s demise—we’re in big trouble

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99900

File: 82bd7cfe4e490ca⋯.png (747.67 KB,1438x921,1438:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752908 (172301ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


POTATUS plane has logged off the transponder

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8a2318 No.99901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752924 (172303ZOCT23) Notable: Jeffries: Jordan is a danger to our democracy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Our Democracy"

Is the world catching on to their code yet?

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8a2318 No.99902

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752963 (172308ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Tom Tiffany: "We should not be offering them Visas to come in here"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Tom Tiffany: "We should not be offering them Visas to come in here"



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8a2318 No.99903

File: 28e8e652f659618⋯.jpeg (444.25 KB,828x1394,414:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752975 (172308ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mode S about 5m ago

SSR protocol is used to manage transmissions on SSR frequencies (1030 and 1090 MHz). Mode S is a part of this protocol to manage data exchange between interrogator and transponder. 1090ES is a part of mode S describing how a transponder can transmit long unsolicited messages (extended squitters) which are used to carry ADS-B message (DF17/DF18).

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8a2318 No.99904

File: 9a53f20a77f4e79⋯.png (1.09 MB,1437x937,1437:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752979 (172308ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ABS must be having glitches. Both planes are back

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8a2318 No.99905

File: af5d8d7edafd580⋯.png (609.47 KB,1238x670,619:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752987 (172309ZOCT23) Notable: Israel could lose hundreds of troops in bloodbath battle through booby-trapped maze of tunnels when they storm Gaza - the Sun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TUNNELS Of TERRORIsrael could lose hundreds of troops in bloodbath battle through booby-trapped maze of tunnels when they storm Gaza

ISRAELI troops face a bloodbath battle through a maze of booby-trapped tunnels when they storm Gaza, intelligence documents reveal.

Soldiers will be ordered into 300 miles of hellish rat-runs dubbed “The Gaza Metro”.


Hamas has a tunnel system hidden under the ground.

Military experts warned that the daunting underground mission against heavily armed Hamas terrorists will cost hundreds of Israeli lives.

But it must be completed to stop Hamas springing deadly surprise attacks during the planned occupation of their Gaza City stronghold.

Troops will also be hunting Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, believed to be cowering in the nightmarish labyrinth.


They will send in small drones and robots to map out enemy positions and beam live pictures back to intelligence teams.

The dossier, collated by the Intelligence Directorate’s Document Collection and Technological Gathering Division, predicts tunnels will be scattered with false turns and explosive traps.

Whole sections are believed to have been mined and designed to collapse on intruders.

Hamas killers have also been trained in “shoot and scoot” raids — opening fire before fleeing in the hope of drawing enemy forces to their doom.

Hamas has built 40 tunnels under the Gaza border as well as a fearsome defensive network under Gaza City.

These allow them to lie in wait in underground command posts and living quarters, encased in reinforced concrete up to 40ft below the blitzed streets.

Plans detailed in an intelligence dossier seen by The Sun reveals the Israeli assault on the warren will start with the dropping of bunker-buster Massive Ordnance Penetrator bombs.

Sauce: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/24423614/israel-troops-hamas-trapped-tunnels-maze-gaza/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752992 (172311ZOCT23) Notable: HAMAS has a history of hiding weapons etc in hospitals

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HAMAS has a history of hiding weapons etc in hospitals


Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools

July 31, 2014 at 3:38 a.m. EDT



Inside a Gaza Strip mosque in January 2009, nothing at first seemed unusual with the wooden pulpit pushed against the cement wall. Barely taller than a man, it stood beside a microphone stand near an electric fan and some plastic chairs, according to photographs captured by the Israel Defense Forces.

But hidden inside the pulpit, Israel alleged, were a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a bulletproof vest and binoculars. Soldiers soon spread the mosque’s cache on the floor, a haul that included a rifle, grenades and ammunition. Hamas operatives, Israel charged, were to blame.

“The many mosques in the Gaza Strip serve not only religious functions, but are also put to military use by Hamas and other terrorist organizations,” the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center said at the time. “They are used to hide terrorist operatives, store weapons, as sites from which rockets and mortar shells are launched.”

To many observers, one of the most troublesome facts of the Gaza Strip conflict — which has killed around 1,340 Palestinians, many of them civilians, and 56 Israeli soldiers — has been Israel’s apparent willingness to strike civilian institutions such as mosques, schools and hospitals. On Wednesday, following a strike on a school while its inhabitants slept, killing 20 people and wounding dozens more, a United Nations official said Israel had violated international law. “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the serious violation of international law by Israel forces, said U.N. official Pierre KrĂ€henbĂŒhl. “This is an affront to all of us, a source of universal shame. Today the world stands disgraced.”


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8a2318 No.99907

File: af5d8d7edafd580⋯.png (609.47 KB,1238x670,619:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19752995 (172311ZOCT23) Notable: Israel could lose hundreds of troops in bloodbath battle through booby-trapped maze of tunnels when they storm Gaza - the Sun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TUNNELS Of TERRORIsrael could lose hundreds of troops in bloodbath battle through booby-trapped maze of tunnels when they storm Gaza

ISRAELI troops face a bloodbath battle through a maze of booby-trapped tunnels when they storm Gaza, intelligence documents reveal.

Soldiers will be ordered into 300 miles of hellish rat-runs dubbed “The Gaza Metro”.


Hamas has a tunnel system hidden under the ground.

Military experts warned that the daunting underground mission against heavily armed Hamas terrorists will cost hundreds of Israeli lives.

But it must be completed to stop Hamas springing deadly surprise attacks during the planned occupation of their Gaza City stronghold.

Troops will also be hunting Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, believed to be cowering in the nightmarish labyrinth.


They will send in small drones and robots to map out enemy positions and beam live pictures back to intelligence teams.

The dossier, collated by the Intelligence Directorate’s Document Collection and Technological Gathering Division, predicts tunnels will be scattered with false turns and explosive traps.

Whole sections are believed to have been mined and designed to collapse on intruders.

Hamas killers have also been trained in “shoot and scoot” raids — opening fire before fleeing in the hope of drawing enemy forces to their doom.

Hamas has built 40 tunnels under the Gaza border as well as a fearsome defensive network under Gaza City.

These allow them to lie in wait in underground command posts and living quarters, encased in reinforced concrete up to 40ft below the blitzed streets.

Plans detailed in an intelligence dossier seen by The Sun reveals the Israeli assault on the warren will start with the dropping of bunker-buster Massive Ordnance Penetrator bombs.

Sauce: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/24423614/israel-troops-hamas-trapped-tunnels-maze-gaza/

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8a2318 No.99908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753033 (172317ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Makes sense for AF1 to fly dark going into a warzone.

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8a2318 No.99909

File: b9b4aaea8e37392⋯.png (924.02 KB,1916x927,1916:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753038 (172317ZOCT23) Notable: PF, re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What's with the zig-zag pattern tonight?

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8a2318 No.99910

File: 70dcdd247451d19⋯.png (13.13 KB,594x156,99:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753077 (172329ZOCT23) Notable: Biden has instructed his national security team to gather more information regarding what happened at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: đŸ‡ș🇾 Biden has instructed his national security team to gather more information regarding what happened at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital


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8a2318 No.99911

File: 16a97bd4a9da123⋯.png (818.14 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753126 (172339ZOCT23) Notable: PF (USA)

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Two USN E-6B Mercury airborne command posts. Call signs DOWEL04 and MANIX99.


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8a2318 No.99912

File: 11d7aa41c6310d2⋯.png (601.04 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 58acc3f4a325f46⋯.png (539.8 KB,1200x882,200:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753132 (172339ZOCT23) Notable: Anon on the 20 dems voting against Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you look at the 20 Republicans that just voted against @Jim_Jordan for Speaker, they all fall into one of three categories:


There's an old saying in Congress that there are three parties:


Republicans, and


These people make up the bureaucratic industrial complexes and want to be able to continue deficit spending like there's no tomorrow. Of the 20 Jordan No's, seven were members of the House Appropriations Committee: Kay Granger, Mike Simpson, Mario Diaz-Balart, Steve Womack, John Rutherford, Tony Gonzales, and Jake Ellzey.

Defense Hawks: It's a pretty simple category here. These are the people who are scared Speaker Jordan would stop them from being able to give an endless amount of money to Ukraine and other pointless wars in random parts of the globe. Jim Jordan hinted as much that the gravy train to Ukraine would be slowed so now they're denying him the Speakership. Four of the 20 Jordan No's are members of the Armed Services Committee: Don Bacon, Carlos Gimenez, Jen Kiggans, and Nick LaLota.

Members in Biden-won Districts: This category probably seems to make more sense to you. They represent blue districts therefore they don't want to vote for a conservative like Jim Jordan. But here's the thing: Several members like Brian Fitzpatrick, David Valadao, and others who also represent blue districts but just voted for him. Do you also really think the average voter in their district even cares who the Speaker is?

What the holdouts have in common is that they're all freshmen members of Congress who desperately need K-Street money in order to be re-elected next year: Anthony D'Esposito, Andrew Garbarino, Nick LaLota, and Mike Lawler.

On top of that, all but two of the 20 Jordan No's submitted earmarks requests for the latest budget.

Basically, Jim Jordan is being opposed by members who are a part of the military and bureaucratic industrial complexes, as well as members who need lobbyist dollars to be re-elected.

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8a2318 No.99913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753139 (172340ZOCT23) Notable: Anon on the 20 dems voting against Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Greg Price


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8a2318 No.99914

File: 4a426db446c29ff⋯.png (202.4 KB,618x646,309:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753167 (172344ZOCT23) Notable: The black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran.This is a call for war or vengeance.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99915

File: 71e07ce84e9322f⋯.png (73.7 KB,460x662,230:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 5000e1236320ef7⋯.png (59.16 KB,469x545,469:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753172 (172344ZOCT23) Notable: Anon on the 20 dems voting against Jordan

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99916

File: 1bdc5d317e23887⋯.mp4 (462.16 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753184 (172346ZOCT23) Notable: The black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran.This is a call for war or vengeance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99917

File: 2e0e51f5bd8175b⋯.png (240.67 KB,590x476,295:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d7a7bafcd558b9⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753191 (172347ZOCT23) Notable: After Israel initially denied claims that it bombed the hospital in Gaza, a Pentagon official comes out to justify the bombing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After Israel initially denied claims that it bombed the hospital in Gaza, a Pentagon official comes out to justify the bombing. #israel #palestine


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8a2318 No.99918

File: 0a52bbb90fd0dca⋯.png (30.19 KB,594x343,594:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753218 (172351ZOCT23) Notable: WH says Biden sends 'deepest condolences' to victims of Gaza 'hospital explosion,' confirms Biden is not traveling to Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am outraged and deeply saddened by the explosion at the Al Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza, and the terrible loss of life that resulted. Immediately upon hearing this news, I spoke with King Abdullah II of Jordan, and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and have directed my national security team to continue gathering information about what exactly happened.

The United States stands unequivocally for the protection of civilian life during conflict and we mourn the patients, medical staff and other innocents killed or wounded in this tragedy.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99919

File: a888ea0a1e500bf⋯.jpg (123.12 KB,720x787,720:787,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753228 (172352ZOCT23) Notable: Twit-X to begin charging new users $1 a year to access key features including the ability to tweet and retweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN - X, formerly known as Twitter, will begin charging new users $1 a year to access key features including the ability to tweet and retweet - Fortune

Fuck Elon ,they just want your id to enroll you in the social credit system

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8a2318 No.99920

File: 6cfce52210ffb14⋯.png (474.8 KB,608x443,608:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753235 (172354ZOCT23) Notable: Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist while munching on an apple. WATCH THIS - IT IS HILARIOUS.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist while munching on an apple.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753259 (172359ZOCT23) Notable: Arab Leaders Refuse To Meet Biden, Jordan Trip Canceled, Protesters Surround US Embassy In Beirut

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Arab Leaders Refuse To Meet Biden, Jordan Trip Canceled, Protesters Surround US Embassy In Beirut

Update(1820ET): As expected, the fallout from the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital bombing has been swift, with a domino effect of negative consequences both for diplomacy and on the 'Arab street'. The situation outside the US Embassy in Beirut is deteriorating tonight, with reports of riot police and tear gas being deployed against large crowds waving Hezbollah flags.

But more importantly, and just as Air Force One is departing Washington for Israel, the White House has canceled the entire leg of Biden's trip to Jordan. The confirmation was issued within the same hour that Arab leaders announced they were unwilling to meet with Biden, given the US is Israel's biggest funder and supporter.

Biden issued a statement "deepest condolences" to victims of Gaza "hospital explosion," according to the White House official statement:

After consulting with Jordan King Abdullah II & in light of the days of mourning announced by Palestinian Authority President Abbas, President Biden will postpone his travel to Jordan and the planned meeting with these two leaders and Egypt President Sisi.

The President sent his deepest condolences for the innocent lives lost in the hospital explosion in Gaza, and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.

So even before arriving in Israel, the Tuesday massacre - which Israel is actually blaming on Palestinian militants (specifically PIJ) - has effectively served to box-in Biden. France's Macron has just issued a condemnation to boot, saying "nothing can justify targeting civilians" in a statement which appears to place blame squarely on the Israelis. Biden will now also face the pressure to join the chorus of international condemnation. "International humanitarian law is binding on all and must enable the protection of civilian populations. Humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip must be opened up without delay," the French foreign ministry said in the statement.

Here's what Jordan had to say:

"There is no point in doing anything at this time other than stopping this war,” Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said on Al Jazeera Arabic early Wednesday morning. “There is no benefit to anyone in holding a summit at this time."


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8a2318 No.99922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753336 (180010ZOCT23) Notable: #24255

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19753328#24255 >>99870


>>99871, >>99877, >>99884, >>99918 WH says Biden sends 'deepest condolences' to victims of Gaza 'hospital explosion,' confirms Biden is not traveling to Jordan

>>99921 Arab Leaders Refuse To Meet Biden, Jordan Trip Canceled, Protesters Surround US Embassy In Beirut

>>99872 Joe's departure: what's different?

>>99873 WATCH: Footage reportedly shows protesters heading toward American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

>>99874, >>99880 Rocket Alarm in Tel Aviv: Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Plane Evacuated at Ben Gurion Airport

>>99875, >>99914, >>99916 The black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran.This is a call for war or vengeance.

>>99876, >>99878 Anons discuss how to look behind the MSM narrative in Gaza

>>99879 @rupasubramanya went to a pro-Palestine rally - report

>>99883 @MalcolmX1950: Turkish people entered the Israeli embassy.

>>99885 King Abdullah II of Jordan Lays Down the Hammer, No Palestinian Refugees in Jordan or Egypt

>>99887 BREAKING: Video of what Palestinian authorities say was an Israeli strike on al-Ahli Hospital - WAPO fact checks (KEK)

>>99889 France condemns the attack on the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza

>>99890 Palestinian Gov't to Reward Hamas Terrorists with Nearly $3 Million


>>99896 Turkish people try to storm the American military radar station in KĂŒrecik

>>99902 Rep. Tom Tiffany: "We should not be offering them Visas to come in here"

>>99906 HAMAS has a history of hiding weapons etc in hospitals

>>99905, >>99907 Israel could lose hundreds of troops in bloodbath battle through booby-trapped maze of tunnels when they storm Gaza - the Sun

>>99886, >>99898, >>99900, >>99903, >>99904 PF, >>99908, >>99909 re AF1: stil no callsign, off transponder, makes sense to fly dark into a warzone

>>99910 Biden has instructed his national security team to gather more information regarding what happened at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital

>>99917 After Israel initially denied claims that it bombed the hospital in Gaza, a Pentagon official comes out to justify the bombing.


>>99881, >>99882 BREAKING: Increased security and police presence at the US Capitol Grounds due to the "potential for civil disturbance" on Wednesday

>>99888 Obtuse, Thy Name is Chutkan - Sundance

>>99891 20 House Republicans Blocked Jim Jordan on First Ballot - Here’s Who They Are - Sundance

>>99893 J6 Rachel Howell was sentenced to 5 years in jail, a mother of 8 children, she broke a window, that was it!

>>99892, >>99901 Jeffries: Jordan is a danger to our democracy

>>99895 Washington moving ‘illegal’ bioresearch to Africa - Moscow

>>99897 PANIC IN DC. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. - 3yr Delta

>>99899 Biden’s chilling “60 Minutes” response is a carbon copy of Ancient Rome’s demise—we’re in big trouble

>>99911 PF (USA)

>>99919 Twit-X to begin charging new users $1 a year to access key features including the ability to tweet and retweet

>>99912, >>99913, >>99915 Anon on the 20 dems voting against Jordan

>>99920 Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist while munching on an apple. WATCH THIS - IT IS HILARIOUS.



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8a2318 No.99923

File: 6feef4318df537e⋯.png (294.21 KB,859x483,859:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753351 (180011ZOCT23) Notable: #24256

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker seeking handoff ghosting @20

TY anons,


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8a2318 No.99924

File: a4ad37b017f4189⋯.png (88.1 KB,591x860,591:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753376 (180014ZOCT23) Notable: @AbrahamHamadeh Our country is in desperate need of courageous fighters, and that’s why I’m proud to announce I’m running for Congress in Arizona’s 8th District.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Abe Hamadeh


Our country is in desperate need of courageous fighters, and that’s why I’m proud to announce I’m running for Congress in Arizona’s 8th District.

President Trump is under attack.

He needs back up — and I’m ready to help him Make America Great Again.


1:06 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99925

File: 7b7e07f92d6d11f⋯.png (237.43 KB,589x835,589:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753388 (180016ZOCT23) Notable: Attended 2 J6 sentencing hearings today. Reagan appointee Judge Royce Lamberth, who needs help out of his chair and uses a walker, sentenced Powell to 57 months in prison

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Julie Kelly đŸ‡ș🇾


Attended 2 J6 sentencing hearings today. Reagan appointee Judge Royce Lamberth, who needs help out of his chair and uses a walker, sentenced Powell to 57 months in prison despite noting her clean record and living an “outstanding life” before Jan 6.

He also took the time to defend himself against “commentators” who suggest he’s given out harsh sentences for J6ers. That includes criticism from “Forest Tucker” (I assume he meant Tucker Carlson) related to Jacob Chansley’s sentence of 41 months in jail.

Clown show.


Julie Kelly đŸ‡ș🇾




Headed back to DC Courthouse to cover sentencing hearing for Rachel Powell, a mother of 8 convicted of numerous crimes related to Jan 6. No question she behaved badly that day-she's been on home detention for over 2 years.

But 8 years in prison? That's what DOJ wants:


12:28 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99926

File: 89791cb9fb412b1⋯.png (516.3 KB,595x498,595:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753396 (180018ZOCT23) Notable: Former GOP Candidate for MI Gov. and Father of 5 Is Sentenced to Prison Because Obama-Appointed Judge Didn’t Believe He Was “Truly Remorseful” Over His Non-Violent Jan 6

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


BREAKING: Former GOP Candidate for MI Gov. and Father of 5 Is Sentenced to Prison Because Obama-Appointed Judge Didn’t Believe He Was “Truly Remorseful” Over His Non-Violent Jan 6 Misdemeanor Charge via @gatewaypundit

11:22 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99927

File: ab590a24defc634⋯.png (17.22 KB,595x223,595:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753399 (180018ZOCT23) Notable: Bibi: The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza, and not the IDF.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza, and not the IDF.

Those who brutally murdered our children also murder their own children.


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8a2318 No.99928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753404 (180019ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

John Kirby [White House press conference]: [Israel] have categorically denied that they were involved in that [hospital in Gaza]...I wouldn't characterize this as an investigation...[Biden] has directed the national security team to gather as much information and context as possible.

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8a2318 No.99929

File: 75986820a2a5efe⋯.png (363.92 KB,596x607,596:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753410 (180020ZOCT23) Notable: GEORGIA!🚹Our trial against Stacey Abrams' "Fair Fight" organization is NEXT WEEK!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


True the Vote


GEORGIA!🚹Our trial against Stacey Abrams' "Fair Fight" organization is NEXT WEEK! Election integrity has never been more important so please follow us (@TrueTheVote

) to stay informed! We ask for your support and prayers as we prepare for this major legal battle on behalf of all Americans. God bless, Patriots!

All eyes on Georgia!

8:18 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99930

File: c8cd0971c28592e⋯.png (342.69 KB,589x604,589:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753415 (180021ZOCT23) Notable: Remember when the Biden regime weaponized the FBI & DOJ to go after soccer Moms at school board meetings? gonna be exposed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Remember when the Biden regime weaponized the FBI & DOJ to go after soccer Moms at school board meetings?

Yeah that’s about to get exposed to millions of Americans who never knew about it in “Police State”

Just in time for the 2024 election!

9:00 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99931

File: d04afc045c53731⋯.png (23.79 KB,594x304,297:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753424 (180026ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: Praying for the safety of our Embassy team.

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Ezra A. Cohen


Unfortunate and foreseeable consequence of media outlets like @nytimes

and even Members of Congress spreading unverified and ultimately false information.

Praying for the safety of our Embassy team.


Jennifer Griffin




Large fire burns at US Embassy compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

Last edited

12:01 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753427 (180027ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Kirby: We certainly recognize that they [Israel] feel very strongly that this [hospital explosion in Gaza] was not caused by them.

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8a2318 No.99933

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753430 (180028ZOCT23) Notable: Media & Govt Start Pushing 2024 “Russian Disinfo” Lies | SYSTEM UPDATE

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BEWARE: Media & Govt Start Pushing 2024 “Russian Disinfo” Lies | SYSTEM UPDATE

Hillary Clinton pushing Russia disinfo again. It’s amazing how many times blames Russia for everything, for all of time. Just watch Trump is going to be called a Russia agent again, probably some kind of pee pee tape.



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8a2318 No.99934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753443 (180031ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Kirby: [Biden] certainly is coming tomorrow desiring to ask questions, as a friend, about their [Israel's] intentions and their plans

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8a2318 No.99935

File: f25d17338140b4f⋯.png (389.54 KB,587x463,587:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753448 (180031ZOCT23) Notable: DOD U.S. Accuses China of Conducting 'Centralized, Concerted' Campaign of Harassment of Aircraft

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NEWS: U.S. Accuses China of Conducting 'Centralized, Concerted' Campaign of Harassment of Aircraft


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8a2318 No.99936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753453 (180033ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Reporter: Is there any contingency planning for the US forces that are in the area to go in and get the American hostages?

Kirby: The less said, the better, when it comes to how we're trying to get hostages home.

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8a2318 No.99937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753456 (180033ZOCT23) Notable: DOD U.S. Accuses China of Conducting 'Centralized, Concerted' Campaign of Harassment of Aircraft

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U.S. Accuses China of Conducting 'Centralized, Concerted' Campaign of Harassment of Aircraft

DOD officials believe the unsafe interceptions of U.S. and allied aircraft in international airspace is "a centralized and concerted campaign" by Chinese officials to "coerce a change in lawful U.S. operational activity," said Ely Ratner, the assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs today.

Ratner and Navy Adm. John Aquilino, the commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, spoke at the Pentagon about the dangers these Chinese intercepts pose for peace in the region.

The Chinese intercepts are not limited to the skies in international airspace. Ratner said this is but part of a broader pattern of China's People's Liberation Army behavior "throughout the region, throughout domains and throughout geographies."

Chinese vessels are harassing U.S. and allied warships in the waters of the East China Sea in the South China Sea. "We're seeing it on land against our Indian partners," he said. "This is part of a much broader picture."

Ratner previewed some information from the soon-to-be-released Chinese Military Power Report saying that Chinese fighter jets are increasingly engaging in coercive and risky operational behavior.

"Since the fall of 2021, we have seen more than 180 such incidents: More in the past two years than in the decade before that," Ratner said. "That's nearly 200 cases where PLA operators have performed reckless maneuvers, or discharged chaff, or shot off flares, or approached too rapidly or too close to U.S. aircraft."

hese maneuvers are part of an effort to interfere with the ability of American forces to operate safely "in places where we and every country in the world have every right to be under international law," he said. "And when you take into account cases of coercive and risky PLA intercepts against other states, the number increases to nearly 300 cases against U.S., allied and partner aircraft over the last two years."

DOD released footage of some of these intercepts. These include a PLA fighter jet crossing in front of a lawfully operating U.S. aircraft at just 100 yards. "In May of this year, 
 Indo-Pacom released a video of a PLA aircraft speeding alongside a U.S. aircraft before cutting in front of it," Ratner said. "You can even see the physical effects of the resulting turbulence on the aircraft in the crew."

As this is happening, Chinese military officials refuse repeated U.S. requests to open lines of communication between the two countries. "These images and videos speak for themselves," Ratner said. "U.S. planes are operating safely, responsibly and in accordance with international law. Indeed, the skill and professionalism of American service members should not be the only thing standing between PLA fighter pilots and a dangerous, even fatal, accident."

Aquilino said these accidents caused by this risky behavior could lead to miscalculation. "Let me be clear, intercepts happen every day around the world, and the vast majority are conducted safely and without incident," the admiral said. "There is no reason for the intercepts with the PRC in the Indo-Pacific region to be any different."

Aquilino has asked to speak with Chinese counterparts for two-and-a-half years. "I have yet to have one of those requests accepted," he said. "I look forward to speaking to my counterparts. I think developing that relationship would be critical to maintaining the peace and stability in the region."

SAUCE: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3560463/us-accuses-china-of-conducting-centralized-concerted-campaign-of-harassment-of/

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8a2318 No.99938

File: 591462dc2120335⋯.png (378.38 KB,400x502,200:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753461 (180034ZOCT23) Notable: Stefanik

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“I speak to President Trump a lot. I spoke to him today,” Stefanik told reporters, adding that she believes the Biden family’s business dealings are “the biggest political corruption scandal of our lifetime.”

Stefanik is a senior member of the Republican leadership in the House, and her meeting with Trump demonstrates the former president’s continued sway over conservative Republicans, The Hill reported.


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8a2318 No.99939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753467 (180035ZOCT23) Notable: Prosecutors will recharge Alec Baldwin over lethal movie shooting after results from independent forensic test

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Prosecutors will recharge Alec Baldwin over lethal movie shooting after results from independent forensic test

Prosecutors in New Mexico said that they would file charges against actor Alec Baldwin again over the shooting incident that claimed the life of a cinematographer on the set of his "Rust" movie.

Special prosecutor Kari Morrissey said that the charges against Baldwin would be brought before a Santa Fe grand jury in November.

The accidental shooting injured director Joel Souza and killed 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Baldwin was holding the gun when it went off, but he has claimed numerous times that he did not pull the trigger on the weapon.

Prosecutors say that an independent forensic test has found that Baldwin must have pulled the trigger on the revolver in order for it to go off.

“After extensive investigation over the past several months, additional facts have come to light that we believe show Mr. Baldwin has criminal culpability in the death of Halyna Hutchins and the shooting of Joel Souza,” said prosecutors.


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8a2318 No.99940

File: 635f8c3f1677f0f⋯.png (81.8 KB,383x469,383:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753476 (180036ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan comes up 17 votes short for Speaker in first round

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Washington Today (10-17-23): GOP Rep. Jordan comes up 17 votes short for Speaker in first round (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_LdyanjMzc)

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8a2318 No.99941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753479 (180037ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Kirby: Clearly, we believe that support to Ukraine and support to Israel remain important to our own national security interests, and we're going to continue to have an active conversation with congress about securing supplemental funding because both of it is needed. We have appropriations to help Ukraine for a little while longer, we have existing authorities and appropriations to help Israel for a little while longer...we are absolutely going to need supplemental funding and support from congress.

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8a2318 No.99942

File: 971268f8e687a3e⋯.png (2.98 MB,1532x864,383:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753480 (180037ZOCT23) Notable: DOD U.S. Accuses China of Conducting 'Centralized, Concerted' Campaign of Harassment of Aircraft

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Hainan Island incident

The Hainan Island incident occurred on April 1, 2001, when a United States Navy EP-3E ARIES II signals intelligence aircraft and a Chinese J-8II interceptor jet collided in mid-air, resulting in an international dispute between the United States and China (PRC).

The EP-3 was operating about 70 miles (110 km) away from the PRC island province of Hainan, as well as about 100 miles (160 km) away from the China military installation in the Paracel Islands, when it was intercepted by two J-8 fighters. A collision between the EP-3 and one of the J-8s caused a PRC pilot to go missing (later presumed dead); the EP-3 was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan without approved permission from the Chinese authorities. The 24 crew members were detained and interrogated by Chinese authorities until a statement was delivered by the United States government regarding the incident. The exact phrasing of this document was intentionally ambiguous and allowed both countries to save face while defusing a potentially volatile situation between the United States and the People's Republic of China.

more at:


163 days later was September 1tth, 2001.

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8a2318 No.99943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753497 (180040ZOCT23) Notable: Tom Cotton calls for deporting pro-Hamas foreign nationals from the US

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Tom Cotton calls for deporting pro-Hamas foreign nationals from the US

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas is calling for the deportation of foreign nationals who have expressed support for Hamas and the terror group's brutal attacks against Israel.

"I write to urge you to immediately deport any foreign national—including and especially any alien on a student visa—that has expressed support for Hamas and its murderous attacks on Israel," Cotton wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.


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8a2318 No.99944

File: afd67ca6baa3aa3⋯.png (39.17 KB,597x287,597:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 76e6b1579286719⋯.png (117.42 KB,384x228,32:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753506 (180041ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s nominee to be Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, oversaw the infamous “pallets of cash” transfer of funds to Iran

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Biden’s nominee to be Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, oversaw the infamous “pallets of cash” transfer of funds to Iranwhile serving as former President Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary in 2016.

Oct 17, 2023, 7:36 PM


Jacob Joseph Lew is an American attorney and politician who served as the seventy-sixth United States secretary of the treasury from 2013 to 2017.

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8a2318 No.99945

File: 8af1a1703f69b43⋯.jpeg (464.72 KB,828x1307,828:1307,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753508 (180041ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on those Skyz

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AF2 departed flagstaff after “muh guns and abortion while SAM202 left LAX both heading to JBA

Harris emphasizes gun safety, reproductive freedom and voting rights during Flagstaff event


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8a2318 No.99946

File: bcf67d892c98ae2⋯.png (1.57 MB,1329x830,1329:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753510 (180042ZOCT23) Notable: Commonwealth Bank opens cashless branches as expert says shift to cashless society is 'well underway' in Australia

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Commonwealth Bank opens cashless branches as expert says shift to cashless society is 'well underway' in Australia

By Angel Zhong For The Conversation 04:08 17 Oct 2023, updated 09:44 17 Oct 2023

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8a2318 No.99947

File: eae5d1a4187fcae⋯.png (203.61 KB,384x597,128:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753523 (180043ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video

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Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video

“The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but owned and controlled by China.”


Follow @Vigilant_News

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8a2318 No.99948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753549 (180049ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher: Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

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TUNNELS OF TERROR Israel could lose hundreds of troops in bloodbath battle through booby-trapped maze of tunnels when they storm Gaza

Nick Parker

Published: 21:30, 16 Oct 2023Updated: 23:28, 16 Oct 2023

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8a2318 No.99949

File: 52af959b7a3de58⋯.png (516.21 KB,668x613,668:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753564 (180051ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher: Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

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24 Jun 2018

Military.com | By Matthew Cox

Military News

Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

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8a2318 No.99950

File: fd8c70148cbd60a⋯.png (11.35 KB,585x136,585:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753569 (180052ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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8a2318 No.99951

File: f2d48a031fe03ff⋯.png (878.74 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753572 (180053ZOCT23) Notable: ASIO and FBI heads at Five Eyes intelligence summit accuse China of being world's worst intellectual property thief

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ASIO and FBI heads at Five Eyes intelligence summit accuse China of being world's worst intellectual property thief

The domestic intelligence chiefs of Australia and the United States have issued a scathing criticism of China, accusing it of intellectual property theft on an unprecedented scale.

Key points:

The Five Eyes intelligence partners are holding an unusually public summit in California

ASIO and the FBI say China is behind the most sustained and sophisticated theft of IP ever

They've cited examples of malware being installed on company computers, and corporate insiders recruited to pass on trade secrets

ASIO director-general Mike Burgess and FBI director Christopher Wray are in California for the first-ever public gathering of the Five Eyes intelligence partners, which also include the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand.

Mr Burgess said the decision to step outside their normally secretive meetings reflected the nature of the threat they were facing.

"We recognise nations will spy, we recognise nations will seek strategic advantage," he said ahead of the summit.

"But what we're talking about here, this is behaviour that goes beyond traditional espionage.

"The Chinese government are engaged in the most sustained, sophisticated and scaled theft of intellectual property and expertise in human history.

"And this summit is about how we work with our partners together, and in the tech sector and innovation sector, so they can better be placed to identify and manage those risks effectively."

Mr Wray labelled the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) the "number one threat to innovation", arguing it had made economic espionage "a central component of its national strategy".

"The FBI have, over the last several years, had about a 1,300 per cent increase in investigations that are, in one way or another, related to attempts to steal intellectual property or other secrets by some form of the Chinese government, or some arm of the Chinese government," he said.

"It wasn't that long ago, when I checked, we were opening a new investigation, again, specifically focused on China and its efforts to steal intellectual property and other secrets, about every 12 hours."

The UK, Canadian and New Zealand intelligence chiefs expressed similar concerns at the summit, which comes at a time when the Australian government is still trying to stabilise its relationship with Beijing.

The Chinese government has defended its conduct, arguing it has "always attached great importance and been actively committed to intellectual property protection".

A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, said his country firmly opposed the "groundless accusations and smears" towards China and hoped "the relevant parties can view China's development objectively and fairly".

Duped with a malicious USB

Mr Burgess referenced an unnamed Australian company that found global success making a product "similar to a motion detector" before their sales suddenly dropped.

"A little while later, their product started being returned to the factory because they were broken," he said.


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8a2318 No.99952

File: 3afa20544a0c0d2⋯.png (139.27 KB,604x908,151:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753587 (180055ZOCT23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII A school district in New Jersey has been socially transitioning students behind parent's backs, according to email and video obtained exclusively by OMG.

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James O'Keefe


BREAKING: A school district in New Jersey has been socially transitioning students behind parent's backs, according to email and video obtained exclusively by OMG.

Kingsway Regional School District in Kingsway, New Jersey, has adopted a "tiered" policy for classifying students who want to transition without their parent's knowledge.

"I had one of my students reach out to me about their preferred name for next year. Do we know

how we can input their name into Genesis without it being visible by families?" states an email from School counselor Fallon Corcoran to counselor Michael Schiff, referencing Genesis, a student database.

A source within the school recorded Fallon stating, "I am not calling home... everything we talk about stays between us."

According to emails obtained to OMG, Kingsway Regional has developed a tiered ranking system to classify students. Students in the second tier are allowed to use the gender and name of their choice, and that information is kept from parents.

In one email we obtained, a teacher or school counselor writes that they "heard from [redacted] student over the summer with questions about sharing her preferred name and pronouns with teachers but does not want her family to be aware."

We reached out to Kingsway Regional Superintendent James Lavender, who said the policy was handed down to the district by the New Jersey department of education.

1:50 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99953

File: 9d2041b232178fd⋯.png (26.56 KB,585x343,585:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753594 (180057ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: I pray for the safety of our US diplomatic communities and military members in the region./Q

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Ezra A. Cohen


In an attempt to deride Israel, the victim of a heinous terror attack, many in the news media raced to publish false claims about a terrible Hamas strike on its own civilian population.

Whatever their motivation, the media threw fuel on an already tense situation inciting further violence in the region. This has endangered lives of Americans, Israelis, and other allies.

I pray for the safety of our US diplomatic communities and military members in the region.

1:35 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99954

File: 080efd801eb7f5a⋯.png (81.59 KB,455x464,455:464,Clipboard.png)

File: 2acc6e6dea14789⋯.png (142.42 KB,680x552,85:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753619 (180102ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian Embassy just tweeted this: time is up

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End Wokeness


Iranian Embassy just tweeted this

time is up


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8a2318 No.99955

File: 17e0f614984cf00⋯.png (1.17 MB,1918x1012,959:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 4537afd77056845⋯.png (1.14 MB,1280x872,160:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753626 (180102ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on those Skyz

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Call sign MTCHL01. Royal Australian Air Force E-7A Wedgetail A30-004. Up from Nellis AFB. Las Vegas, Nevada.

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8a2318 No.99956

File: 4085f2091c71cbe⋯.png (13.01 KB,463x239,463:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753645 (180104ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian Embassy just tweeted this: time is up

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here's the original link

they pinned it, too


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8a2318 No.99957

File: 91809ac829906bd⋯.png (19.95 KB,590x228,295:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753661 (180107ZOCT23) Notable: Biden will meet in Israel tomorrow with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with the Israeli war cabinet and “ask them tough questions as a friend of Israel”

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BREAKING: Biden will meet in Israel tomorrow with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with the Israeli war cabinet and “ask them tough questions as a friend of Israel” about their war plan and their strategy in Gaza going forward, White House John Kirby told reporters aboard Air Force 1


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8a2318 No.99958

File: 2a2cd816091eff1⋯.png (23.69 KB,597x277,597:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753665 (180108ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: Cut off Abdullah’s slush fund. Only the most recent disrespect to the US —the country that keeps his family personally afloat.

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Ezra A. Cohen


Cut off Abdullah’s slush fund. Only the most recent disrespect to the US —the country that keeps his family personally afloat.


Barak Ravid




BREAKING: Jordan cancels summit between Biden, King Abdulla, President Sisi and president Abbas planned for tomorrow in Amman, Jordanian foreign minister says

12:16 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99959

File: ede2e97dee7baa3⋯.png (77.61 KB,493x1007,493:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753666 (180108ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: I pray for the safety of our US diplomatic communities and military members in the region./Q

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>Ezra A. Cohen

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8a2318 No.99960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753712 (180117ZOCT23) Notable: “Washington DC is Broken” – Arizona GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko Announces Plans to Retire Amid Speaker Vote

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“Washington DC is Broken” – Arizona GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko Announces Plans to Retire Amid Speaker Vote


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99961

File: 47edd7ada54dca7⋯.png (79.3 KB,599x258,599:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753730 (180118ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: I pray for the safety of our US diplomatic communities and military members in the region./Q

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99962

File: fc72e7e807119a4⋯.png (306.46 KB,588x686,6:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753752 (180121ZOCT23) Notable: 'Man On A Mission'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Scavino Jr.đŸ‡ș🇾🩅


2:11 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99963

File: 58eb18db128a58f⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753788 (180126ZOCT23) Notable: 'Man On A Mission'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99964

File: deca0113cc6dadc⋯.png (14.75 KB,595x232,595:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753803 (180128ZOCT23) Notable: @elonmusk Correct, read for free, but $1/year to write. It’s the only way to fight bots without blocking real users.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk


Correct, read for free, but $1/year to write. It’s the only way to fight bots without blocking real users.

This won’t stop bots completely, but it will be 1000X harder to manipulate the platform.

1:24 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99965

File: b39a5b6633425a6⋯.png (527.35 KB,588x491,588:491,Clipboard.png)

File: e9fbb302ae7c8ae⋯.jpg (258.62 KB,1656x1352,207:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753840 (180132ZOCT23) Notable: BLM Co-Founder Patrice Cullors Covered in Gold

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BLM Co-Founder Patrice Cullors Covered in Gold


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99966

File: 776bfe40e5f18e8⋯.png (107.04 KB,593x635,593:635,Clipboard.png)

File: a95ad89b8377dd6⋯.png (521.45 KB,1678x895,1678:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753871 (180138ZOCT23) Notable: SBF meant to donate $100,000 in stolen money to Beto O'Rourke's failed campaign. Ended up donating $1 million by mistake and asked for $900K back.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Come to think of it, a brilliant way to launder stolen money. Straight out of Catch Me If You Can.







SBF meant to donate $100,000 in stolen money to Beto O'Rourke's failed campaign. Ended up donating $1 million by mistake and asked for $900K back.


2:09 PM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.99967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753922 (180150ZOCT23) Notable: The Zapruder Film. Guess where the film was sent that same day. Kodak Hawk Eye works. CIA Lab. Then sent to CIA. 4 versions of the film

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Zapruder Film. Guess where the film was sent that same day. Kodak Hawk Eye works. CIA Lab. Then sent to CIA. 4 versions of the film

From the horses mouth.

Dino Brugioni - former senior official at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) Brugioni was considered to be the world's foremost imagery intelligence analyses

Jump head to Dino if you have no patience 25:00

DJT didn't release what he said he would release. Keep the lies going.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99968

File: 2808a6d357da495⋯.png (190.24 KB,1508x422,754:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753955 (180159ZOCT23) Notable: BLM Co-Founder Patrice Cullors Covered in Gold

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is a "NOTABLE"

"News Unlocks the Map"

"What does it mean to be covered in GOLD"

geld, money, gilt , guilted.

"Geld" castrate.

14 posts of "Q" include "Gold"

4 were done on the same day, anniversary of murder of JFK

Nov. 22

Seems JFK wanted to set aside Fiat currency and that's one of the things which got him murdered?

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8a2318 No.99969

File: 0269d62e8b5f2c7⋯.png (430.5 KB,596x666,298:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754036 (180223ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino What is written on the sign in the window?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What is written on the sign in the window?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99970

File: b7c0d5af221223e⋯.png (742.12 KB,1919x925,1919:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754064 (180228ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez on those Skyz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GRIM99 up and out of Offutt AFB heading into the middle east.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754127 (180257ZOCT23) Notable: @AbrahamHamadeh Our country is in desperate need of courageous fighters, and that’s why I’m proud to announce I’m running for Congress in Arizona’s 8th District.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is Debbie Lesko's district. She announced, during the speaker vote, she is retiring. Lesko is a Trump supporter so, hopefully Abe wins so we have another Trump supporter to take her place.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99972

File: 05600634762283b⋯.png (557.71 KB,789x668,789:668,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fc36f79477e986⋯.png (592.79 KB,795x692,795:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754128 (180257ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino What is written on the sign in the window?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scavino just now


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754140 (180301ZOCT23) Notable: #24256

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24256 >>99923

>>99945, >>99955, >>99970 PF Eyez on those Skyz

>>99924, >>99971 @AbrahamHamadeh Our country is in desperate need of courageous fighters, and that’s why I’m proud to announce I’m running for Congress in Arizona’s 8th District.

>>99925 Attended 2 J6 sentencing hearings today. Reagan appointee Judge Royce Lamberth, who needs help out of his chair and uses a walker, sentenced Powell to 57 months in prison

>>99926 Former GOP Candidate for MI Gov. and Father of 5 Is Sentenced to Prison Because Obama-Appointed Judge Didn’t Believe He Was “Truly Remorseful” Over His Non-Violent Jan 6

>>99927 Bibi: The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza, and not the IDF.

>>99928, >>99932, >>99934, >>99936, >>99941, >>99950 Buckwheat n Kirby up

>>99929 GEORGIA!🚹Our trial against Stacey Abrams' "Fair Fight" organization is NEXT WEEK!

>>99930 Remember when the Biden regime weaponized the FBI & DOJ to go after soccer Moms at school board meetings? gonna be exposed

>>99931 ECW: Praying for the safety of our Embassy team.

>>99933 Media & Govt Start Pushing 2024 “Russian Disinfo” Lies | SYSTEM UPDATE

>>99935, >>99937, >>99942 DOD U.S. Accuses China of Conducting 'Centralized, Concerted' Campaign of Harassment of Aircraft

>>99938 Stefanik

>>99939 Prosecutors will recharge Alec Baldwin over lethal movie shooting after results from independent forensic test

>>99940 Jordan comes up 17 votes short for Speaker in first round

>>99943 Tom Cotton calls for deporting pro-Hamas foreign nationals from the US

>>99944 Biden’s nominee to be Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, oversaw the infamous “pallets of cash” transfer of funds to Iran

>>99946 Commonwealth Bank opens cashless branches as expert says shift to cashless society is 'well underway' in Australia

>>99947 Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video

>>99949, >>99948 Refresher: Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

>>99951 ASIO and FBI heads at Five Eyes intelligence summit accuse China of being world's worst intellectual property thief

>>99952 @JamesOKeefeIII A school district in New Jersey has been socially transitioning students behind parent's backs, according to email and video obtained exclusively by OMG.

>>99953, >>99959, >>99961 ECW: I pray for the safety of our US diplomatic communities and military members in the region./Q

>>99954, >>99956 Iranian Embassy just tweeted this: time is up

>>99957 Biden will meet in Israel tomorrow with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with the Israeli war cabinet and “ask them tough questions as a friend of Israel”

>>99958 ECW: Cut off Abdullah’s slush fund. Only the most recent disrespect to the US —the country that keeps his family personally afloat.

>>99960 “Washington DC is Broken” – Arizona GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko Announces Plans to Retire Amid Speaker Vote

>>99963, >>99962 'Man On A Mission'

>>99964 @elonmusk Correct, read for free, but $1/year to write. It’s the only way to fight bots without blocking real users.

>>99966 SBF meant to donate $100,000 in stolen money to Beto O'Rourke's failed campaign. Ended up donating $1 million by mistake and asked for $900K back.

>>99967 The Zapruder Film. Guess where the film was sent that same day. Kodak Hawk Eye works. CIA Lab. Then sent to CIA. 4 versions of the film

>>99968, >>99965 BLM Co-Founder Patrice Cullors Covered in Gold

>>99969, >>99972 @DanScavino What is written on the sign in the window?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99974

File: eb5a8a1d79c751f⋯.png (544.41 KB,866x1511,866:1511,Clipboard.png)

File: 689e6f58c29f487⋯.png (1.25 MB,994x1242,497:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c88b02d53590ae⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x748,180:187,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754167 (180307ZOCT23) Notable: The Raccoon River Preschool welcomes @realDonaldTrump to Adel, Iowa—as his motorcade passes through town

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Raccoon River Preschool welcomes @realDonaldTrump to Adel, Iowa—as his motorcade passes through townđŸ‡ș🇾🩅

10:55 PM · Oct 17, 2023

from Iowa, USA·1,338 Views

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8a2318 No.99975

File: 5c62f60f6495fe7⋯.png (218.24 KB,458x359,458:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754196 (180315ZOCT23) Notable: CAIR official condemns Israelis as 'colonizers' and 'oppressors'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CAIR is out with a statement.

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: CAIR official condemns Israelis as 'colonizers' and 'oppressors'


Not shocking as the are another arm of the Muslim Brotherhood

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8a2318 No.99976

File: 0f99fade4cdad70⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754200 (180316ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli air force bombed emergency rescue teams who were looking for civilians under the rubble near Jebaliya, Gaza.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Israeli air force bombed emergency rescue teams who were looking for civilians under the rubble near Jebaliya, Gaza.

This might be the first confirmed instance of a double-tap attack, which is a war crime under the 1949 Geneva Conventions

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8a2318 No.99977

File: fa1417c74295d15⋯.png (350.48 KB,544x900,136:225,Clipboard.png)

File: f9485bdc2845934⋯.png (172.31 KB,401x635,401:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754212 (180320ZOCT23) Notable: A “Level 4: Do Not Travel” Advisory has been issued by the U.S. State Department for Lebanon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A “Level 4: Do Not Travel” Advisory has been issued by the U.S. State Department for Lebanon stating that they have now ordered the Evacuation of Family Members and Non-Essential Staff from the U.S. Embassy in Beirut and that they call on American Nationals not to Travel to the Country due to the “Unpredictable Security Situation.”


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8a2318 No.99978

File: 1afa1c19fad9087⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,352x624,22:39,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754214 (180320ZOCT23) Notable: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his entourage had to flee their government jet at an Israeli airport when rockets approached

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99979

File: 8d352fcdac212da⋯.png (203.3 KB,403x558,13:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754236 (180324ZOCT23) Notable: UN Sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile and drone program have just now expired

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>99954 lb

Uh oh

Gabriel Noronha


#BREAKING: UN Sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile and drone program have just now expired (7pm ET, 12am GMT).

Iran can now legally buy an ICBM from China or sell missiles/drones to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Russia.


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8a2318 No.99980

File: a0b775820308f16⋯.png (961.33 KB,1125x1134,125:126,Clipboard.png)

File: e682d10348dbe37⋯.png (1.24 MB,1000x650,20:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 847817ba5499544⋯.png (1.47 MB,1000x751,1000:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 358194a1244d14b⋯.png (284.48 KB,619x858,619:858,Clipboard.png)

File: 3814d39eddf28da⋯.png (203.67 KB,614x462,307:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754241 (180326ZOCT23) Notable: A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history. - Symbolism in Islamic historic tradition

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A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history.

Symbolism in Islamic historic tradition:

"When the black flags come from Khorasan (Persia/Central Asia) go to them, even if you have to crawl on snow, among them is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi"


Location Mashhad, Iran

Branch/tradition Shia/Sunni

Capacity 700,000


Imām Reza shrinein Mashhad, Iran is a complex which contains the mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eighth Imām of Twelver Shi'ites. It is the largest mosque in the world by dimension and the second largest in capacity. Also contained within the complex include: the Goharshad Mosque, a museum, a library, four seminaries, a cemetery, the Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, a dining hall for pilgrims, vast prayer halls, and other buildings. This complex is the center of tourism in Iran. The shrine itself covers an area of 267,079m2 while the seven courtyards which surround it cover an area of 331,578m2 - totaling 598,657 m2 (6,443,890 sq ft).


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8a2318 No.99981

File: 884a14905dfe2ed⋯.png (419.04 KB,901x1062,901:1062,Clipboard.png)

File: 71fba7b54cf883b⋯.png (839.48 KB,904x964,226:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754264 (180331ZOCT23) Notable: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his entourage had to flee their government jet at an Israeli airport when rockets approached

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99982

File: dc2508d4c763849⋯.png (77.67 KB,688x508,172:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754298 (180341ZOCT23) Notable: Last of 17 Defendants Pleads Guilty in Southeast Washington Drug Trafficking Conspiracy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last of 17 Defendants Pleads Guilty in Southeast Washington Drug Trafficking Conspiracy


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99983

File: 1ad897d086856cb⋯.png (877.58 KB,1920x931,1920:931,Clipboard.png)

File: fdf3f195572e684⋯.png (901.33 KB,1906x937,1906:937,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fe012cd7ca6f38⋯.png (878.45 KB,1908x925,1908:925,Clipboard.png)

File: 92f74435ff61d19⋯.png (897.44 KB,1919x943,1919:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754304 (180342ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - So POTAUS shows back up coming in behind GRIM99.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So POTAUS shows back up coming in behind GRIM99.

09-0015 is way north above Ireland

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99984

File: eb5a8a1d79c751f⋯.png (544.41 KB,866x1511,866:1511,Clipboard.png)

File: 689e6f58c29f487⋯.png (1.25 MB,994x1242,497:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c88b02d53590ae⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x748,180:187,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754332 (180350ZOCT23) Notable: The Raccoon River Preschool welcomes @realDonaldTrump to Adel, Iowa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Raccoon River Preschool welcomes @realDonaldTrump to Adel, Iowa—as his motorcade passes through townđŸ‡ș🇾🩅

10:55 PM · Oct 17, 2023

from Iowa, USA·1,338 Views

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99985

File: 17a23334c2a4c59⋯.png (1.32 MB,1911x925,1911:925,Clipboard.png)

File: efeba2d91d339fd⋯.png (1.39 MB,1911x932,1911:932,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754337 (180352ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754353 (180355ZOCT23) Notable: UK Confirms Royal Navy and Air Force are Being Deployed to the Eastern Med

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK Confirms Royal Navy and Air Force are Being Deployed to the Eastern Med


The UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed in a statement on Friday that he has given the command to deploy Royal Air Force and Royal Navy assets into the Eastern Mediterranean, with the first patrols beginning today as Israel appears ready to enter the Gaza Strip. Sunak said the efforts would be alongside allies already in the region while the U.S. Navy released additional pictures of the USS Gerald R. Ford reported to now be in position in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Surveillance aircraft from the Royal Air Force were the first asset to become active with the Ministry of Defense saying they had been assigned to begin patrols “to help partners track emerging threats to regional security.” Among the specific roles they said they would be monitoring for is the transfer of weapons to terrorist groups. The Prime Minister said the efforts were specifically to promote regional stability and prevent further escalation.

Following the surveillance aircraft, two Royal Navy ships are also being directed into the region. They are the RFA Lyme and RFA Argus, of the auxiliary fleet. The RFA Lyme is a 16,600 dwt Bay-class landing ship dock designed to deliver troops, vehicles, stores, and ammunition and support the ongoing waves of an amphibious assault. The RFA Argus (28,000 dwt) is a Primary Casualty Receiving Ship of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. With a 100-bed medical complex on board, she acts as a floating medical facility.

“Our military and diplomatic teams across the region will also support international partners to re-establish security and ensure humanitarian aid reaches the thousands of innocent victims of this barbaric attack from Hamas terrorists,” said Prime Minister Sunak. “We must be unequivocal in making sure the types of horrific scenes we have seen this week will not be repeated.”

The UK’s full military package will also include P8 aircraft, surveillance assets, and three merlin helicopters. A company of Royal Marines will be on standby to deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region and offer deterrence and assurance. The two auxiliary vessels will be moved to the eastern Mediterranean next week. Further, the Prime Minister has also asked for all military teams in Israel, Cyprus, and across the region, to be bolstered to support contingency planning and the efforts of neighboring countries to deal with any spillover from instability in Israel.

This came after the U.S. Navy confirmed earlier in the week that the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group had arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. They said the mission was to deter any actor seeking to escalate the situation or widen the war.

"The arrival of these highly capable forces to the region is a strong signal of deterrence should any actor hostile to Israel consider trying to take advantage of this situation," said General Michael "Erik" Kurilla, commander, U.S. Central Command.

The U.S. forces in the area now include the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, with its eight squadrons of attack and support aircraft, and the Ticonderoga class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy, as well as the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney, and USS Roosevelt.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99987

File: f6baf6c58c613b1⋯.png (301.19 KB,699x595,699:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 70547579edbb93f⋯.png (379.62 KB,774x598,387:299,Clipboard.png)

File: c6c6d9b7f476596⋯.png (352.85 KB,803x579,803:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 31af390ad3ebabc⋯.png (366.19 KB,915x592,915:592,Clipboard.png)

File: f1b71fc3ec87171⋯.png (335.69 KB,785x573,785:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754359 (180355ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99988

File: f6baf6c58c613b1⋯.png (301.19 KB,699x595,699:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 70547579edbb93f⋯.png (379.62 KB,774x598,387:299,Clipboard.png)

File: c6c6d9b7f476596⋯.png (352.85 KB,803x579,803:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 31af390ad3ebabc⋯.png (366.19 KB,915x592,915:592,Clipboard.png)

File: f1b71fc3ec87171⋯.png (335.69 KB,785x573,785:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754365 (180357ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.99989

File: 91deebe897e031f⋯.png (691.52 KB,1920x899,1920:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754376 (180400ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

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Tater Salads over Spain right now

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8a2318 No.99990

File: f6baf6c58c613b1⋯.png (301.19 KB,699x595,699:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 70547579edbb93f⋯.png (379.62 KB,774x598,387:299,Clipboard.png)

File: c6c6d9b7f476596⋯.png (352.85 KB,803x579,803:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 31af390ad3ebabc⋯.png (366.19 KB,915x592,915:592,Clipboard.png)

File: b7642c49732dc5f⋯.png (351.82 KB,831x600,277:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754388 (180403ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

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MOAR Drones Up

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8a2318 No.99991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754392 (180405ZOCT23) Notable: Al Jazeera LIVE

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watch the more real news


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8a2318 No.99992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754395 (180407ZOCT23) Notable: Two Amphibs Head Towards Israel, and a Third Puts to Sea in the Med

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Two Amphibs Head Towards Israel, and a Third Puts to Sea in the Med


Two U.S. Navy amphibs carrying hundreds of Marines are heading in the general direction of Israel, defense officials told CNN and Politico last night. A third American amphib from the same command has departed a port in Spain.

The USS Carter Hall and USS Bataan, two of the three amphibs of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, are departing their station in the Arabian Sea and transiting towards the Mediterranean, the Navy confirmed. While they do not have orders yet to hold station off Israel, they are expected to receive that command soon. The force will stand by in case it is needed to assist with the evacuation of American citizens.

Carter Hall and Bataan were deployed to the Middle East in June as part of a larger effort to discourage Iran from interfering with commercial shipping in the Strait of Hormuz. Together, they carry a force of Marines and related aviation assets selected from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit.

In August, USS Mesa Verde separated from Carter Hall and Bataan in order to stay in Europe and support other objectives. When the flotilla split up, elements of the embarked 26th MEU were also divided and cross-decked at sea - a substantial undertaking - in order to maintain expeditionary capabilities on all three of the ships. If Mesa Verde, Carter Hall and Bataan were to reunite at a given location, the Marine components of a full ARG would be brought back together.

If the three amphibs all transit to the Eastern Mediterranean, they would add to a growing accumulation of firepower off the coast of Israel. One carrier strike group is already present, and a second is under way. The ARG and its 2,400 Marines would add a different set of capabilities: the 26th MEU is designated Special Operations Capable (SOC), and is trained and equipped for "amphibious operations, crisis response, and limited contingency operations, to include enabling the introduction of follow-on forces."


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8a2318 No.99993

File: fb2193fb83e2e51⋯.png (192.53 KB,767x582,767:582,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f205d5a3e7567d⋯.png (298.82 KB,679x577,679:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754405 (180410ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

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8a2318 No.99994

File: bebdbdf2b9fda30⋯.png (201.26 KB,542x553,542:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fb13bab89064e1⋯.png (185.23 KB,545x578,545:578,Clipboard.png)

File: b5b082b1a570f28⋯.png (63.74 KB,780x365,156:73,Clipboard.png)

File: c4a6cc424654190⋯.png (353.04 KB,547x545,547:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 758051aa78f958d⋯.png (96.62 KB,777x542,777:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754419 (180414ZOCT23) Notable: Media whitewashes own role in killing of Palestinian-American child

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Media whitewashes own role in killing of Palestinian-American child

The New York Times surreptitiously edited its article on the politically motivated murder of a Muslim American child to remove a lawmaker’s condemnation of the media’s role in the lethal hate crime. And after inciting a wave of anti-Palestinian hysteria, Biden and corporate media pundits feigned sorrow.

The New York Times has quietly abridged a quote by a Palestinian-American legislator and removed his condemnation of mainstream US politicians and media organizations like the New York Times, which he blamed for the gruesome stabbing death of a young Muslim child outside Chicago.

On Saturday, a six-year old Palestinian-American boy was murdered by a Chicago-area landlord in a stabbing attack. According to local police, 71-year-old Joseph M. Czuba brutally killed young Wadea Al-Fayoume by stabbing the boy 26 times, police say, in an attack that also left his Palestinian-American mother hospitalized and in serious condition.

A statement from the Will County Sheriff’s Office revealed that “detectives were able to determine that both victims in this brutal attack were targeted by the suspect due to them being Muslim and the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict involving Hamas and the Israelis.”

“[Czuba] was angry at her for what was going on in Jerusalem,” Assistant State’s Attorney Michael Fitzgerald told media. “She responded to him, ‘Let’s pray for peace.’ 
 Czuba then attacked her with a knife.”

While corporate media and establishment politicians deliver performative displays of sadness over the lethal hate crime, Illinois State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid, has pointed a finger directly at legacy media and US politicians for inciting the killing.

“Let’s be clear: This was directly connected to dehumanizing of Palestinians that has been allowed over the last week by our media and by elected officials who lacked a moral compass and courage to call for something as simple as de-escalation, as peace,” the Palestinian-American legislator told the New York Times.

But just a few hours later, the quote had been heavily redacted. “This was directly connected to dehumanizing of Palestinians,” the new statement read — a rewriting which effectively erased Rashid’s condemnation of establishment lawmakers and media figures.

That very same day, the editorial board of America’s so-called ‘paper of record’ published a piece originally titled “Israel Is Fighting to Defend a Society That Values Human Life” — a headline which was subsequently massaged to the less-hallucinatory “Israel Can Defend Itself and Uphold its Values.”

While the Times attempted to avoid accountability, the corporate media hacks and lawmakers who spread inflammatory misinformation about Hamas beheading and even raping Israeli babies seemed entirely incapable of self-reflection.

Days after falsely claiming to have seen photographs showing Hamas beheading 40 Jewish Israeli babies – a claim the White House had to disown hours later – President Joe Biden claimed he was “shocked and sickened” by the young Palestinian-American child’s “horrific” killing. He avoided naming the child, however, and did not bother to meet his family.

Meanwhile, CNN anchor Abby Phillip took to social media to call the racially-motivated killing of the 6-year-old “awful and sickening.” Five days days prior, Phillip was seen on camera nodding along unquestioningly as Israeli army soldier Betzalel Taljah declared that Israel’s “war is not just with Hamas, the war is with all the civilians that cannot see us as human beings.”


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8a2318 No.99995

File: b026a66d041ac36⋯.jpeg (849.21 KB,828x1520,207:380,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754426 (180418ZOCT23) Notable: Hochul heads to Israel on ‘solidarity mission’

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Every corrupt politician is going to LaLa land



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8a2318 No.99996

File: 12f0670a1279aab⋯.png (26.97 KB,762x410,381:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 855797fd787b7af⋯.png (229.04 KB,558x562,279:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754438 (180422ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS & Company on approach to the Mediterranean Sea and their final destinations

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POTUS & Company on approach to the Mediterranean Sea and their final destinations:

USAF VC-25A #ADFDF9 as 92-9000/AIR FORCE 1 to Tel Aviv, Israel

USAF E-4B #ADFEB4 as GRIM99 to NSA Souda Bay, Crete

USAF C-32A #AE4AE6 as SAM95 to Ramstein AB, Germany

SAM46 has yet to take off.



410 gone

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8a2318 No.99997

File: 73c124bd483c96f⋯.png (18.26 KB,537x143,537:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ec8415ba98bee9⋯.png (468.53 KB,528x634,264:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754465 (180438ZOCT23) Notable: Disclosure coming. Two moar weeks

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Anna Paulina Luna



Just got word that we will be allowed to do the SCIF Classified UAP briefing ref Grusch with the IG!

@timburchett @JaredEMoskowitz @mattgaetz


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8a2318 No.99998

File: 6f205d5a3e7567d⋯.png (298.82 KB,679x577,679:577,Clipboard.png)

File: d97d9de5f0eb709⋯.png (244.68 KB,702x578,351:289,Clipboard.png)

File: f1ed3b0823d766b⋯.png (306.62 KB,786x585,262:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754479 (180442ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - D817Q - ISRAEL

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8a2318 No.99999

File: 182b7076e8912e5⋯.png (13.17 KB,537x122,537:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754501 (180453ZOCT23) Notable: Arkansas becomes the first US state to force China to divest its holdings and sell American farmland

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The Spectator Index



JUST IN: đŸ‡ș🇾 Arkansas becomes the first US state to force China to divest its holdings and sell American farmland.



Trust Arkansas

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8a2318 No.100000

File: f1ed3b0823d766b⋯.png (306.62 KB,786x585,262:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 257e5610354fea5⋯.png (366.02 KB,855x581,855:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754510 (180458ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - P-8 Sniffing / POTATO Off Rada

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P-8 Sniffing

POTATO Off Radar

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8a2318 No.100001

File: 058dc82cf9b9b3c⋯.png (291.39 KB,1358x1127,194:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 662a113958ee4b6⋯.png (226.53 KB,1086x1083,362:361,Clipboard.png)

File: d2a0ef0e045795d⋯.png (338.57 KB,924x1080,77:90,Clipboard.png)

File: 497c08dd6cf45fa⋯.png (241.99 KB,944x1047,944:1047,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754511 (180459ZOCT23) Notable: UN Sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile and drone program have just now expired

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2017 Deagle.com projections had major population loss in NATO countries that would become the most heavily vax'd by mRNA & viral vector vaccines (USA, Germany, France, UK) & Israel population more than cut in half, all while China, Russia, Iran, India were projected to have slight decreases in population or gains in population....this paper points to mRNA/viral vector vax as a mechanism that increases susceptibility to a neutron bomb/nuclear emp


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8a2318 No.100002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754533 (180513ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What can AI do today?

Can AI make images?

Can AI produce videos?

Can AI formulate narratives?

Can AI write talking points?

Can AI converse and pretend to be people?

Used to deceive?

Used to censor?

Psychological warfare.

How advanced was public AI in 2016? 2020?

How advanced is non-public AI?

Bathroom server


Who has the algorithm?

How many bought the algorithm?


Can AI pretend to be people?

How do you sway public opinion?

How large was TWTR R&D budget?

Was TWTR a hotbed for bot activity?

How do you kill an algorithm?

Power removed.

The call is [was] coming from inside the house.

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8a2318 No.100003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754537 (180517ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Who was on the board of OpenAI?


What can public AI do in 2023?

What can AI really do?

How far ahead?

What can be trusted?

raw vid


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8a2318 No.100004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754542 (180521ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why is there a rush for AI adoption into everything?

Why are further advancements being withheld from the public?

The next great equalizer. (intellectual)

The ability to fabricate any reality via AI (images/video/narrative) also grants the ability to dismiss bad news (against them) as being fabricated by AI.

Disclosure coming.

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8a2318 No.100005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754552 (180528ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is AI the future?

Is AI being propped up as an oracle?

Can AI predict the future?

Is AI being propped up as a false idol?

Could AI be used to control people?

Could AI be used to govern (enslave) the world?

What is Digital ID?

Who wants it in place?

How could they manage that many people? (Global)

What happens when they get lazy? (stupid)

Can AI be used to plan future moves?

Would AI influenced by EVIL produce bad fruit?

Are LLMs trained using the internet?

Why is censorship so important?


Why isolate everyone for 2 years?

Why force online video communication, classes, entertainment?



Can AI hallucinate?

Can AI be confidently wrong?

What happens when an AI makes bad recommendations?

Jump the shark

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100006

File: b99f17aea2b39ac⋯.png (20.99 KB,548x170,274:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754555 (180530ZOCT23) Notable: Disclosure coming. Two moar weeks

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>Disclosure coming.


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8a2318 No.100007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754561 (180536ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is DNA?

Can DNA be reprogrammed?

What is mRNA?

Do you build upon a foundation?

What is an API?

What can deliver a payload to the cell?

What are cell-penetrating peptides?

Predictive programming.

What is biodigital convergence?

Protect your DNA.

Is transhumanism being propped up as sexy?

Who talks about surveillance under the skin?

Are humans programmable?

What is mRNA?

Can AI control minds?

What is the real payload?

Ghost in the machine.

Change that number on your dial.

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8a2318 No.100008

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754574 (180543ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

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Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 384dbe No.139507

Jan 23 2018 17:36:34 (EST)

The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

This is not a game.

They want us divided.

Last posts [self destruction] will immediately show the world the TRUTH.

Instructions will be sent on how to preserve offline.

You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?

We have it all.

Coming soon to a theater near you.


Will it self destruct? Why?

Was it at the mercy of the DS?

Where is it?

Maybe the most holy and protected place on Earth?

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8a2318 No.100009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754581 (180547ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Would AI influenced by EVIL produce bad fruit?

Would AI influenced by GOOD produce fine fruit?

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

Programs exist that are outside of ABC domain.

Programs exist that don't exist.


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8a2318 No.100010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754657 (180632ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

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>Is that why all the armies are massing around Israel?

Did the AI guide them to its location or have we known all along?

Is the AI going to self destruct for the greater good?

Maybe that is why they are clearing out Gaza.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100011

File: eb4e9e676510804⋯.png (246.41 KB,1600x1800,8:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754731 (180704ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

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Interesting posts.







>>100009 *


*RE-ADDED, it fell out somewhere

Don't really care if notable, was saving for myself and wanted to share with frens.

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8a2318 No.100012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754798 (180726ZOCT23) Notable: *, Interesting posts, Q-like?

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What is DNA?

It’s inside every cell and stores our specific biological information

Biological material that carries our soul history like a program and it’s inside every nucleus of every cell in our bodies

Can DNA be reprogrammed?


What is mRNA?

Messenger RNA, it’s the only molecule that can go inside the nucleus and give a message to the DNA

Do you build upon a foundation?


What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface

set of programming instructions and functions used to access a website or web-based software application

What can deliver a payload to the cell?

Nanotechnology can overcome the obstacles of the cell and can penetrate the cell

What are cell-penetrating peptides?

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are short peptides that facilitate cellular intake and uptake of molecules ranging from nanosize particles to small chemical compounds to large fragments of DNA. The "cargo" is associated with the peptides either through chemical linkage via covalent bonds or through non-covalent interactions.[1]

CPPs deliver the cargo into cells, commonly through endocytosis, for use in research and medicine. Current use is limited by a lack of cell specificity in CPP-mediated cargo delivery and insufficient understanding of the modes of their uptake.

Predictive programming.

What is biodigital convergence?

When we change our DNA using nanotechnology

Protect your DNA.

Spoopy and you know why!!!!!

Is transhumanism being propped up as sexy?

Elon musk

Anon hates the whole idea and rejects it

Who talks about surveillance under the skin?

Globalist, WEF,

Are humans programmable?

Yes through nano bullshit and through frequency

What is mRNA?

Answered above

In the vax

Can AI control minds?

Yes subliminal messaging, lights, frequency, music

What is the real payload?

In the cell no payload unless I’m mistaken

The cell is designed perfect

Ghost in the machine.

Anon praying not to be in the machine

Thought we broke the whole frequency thing

Change that number on your dial.

Raise your frequency and tone out of this evil system

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8a2318 No.100013

File: 356cd6d43bdbd10⋯.png (641.54 KB,550x1855,110:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754927 (180827ZOCT23) Notable: Lynn Corey: Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

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Oct 18 just now.

Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs


1/2) Pay Attention: All military SATCOM now under Space Force and...June 2022, Navy transferred its satellite operations center & 13 satellites

Aug 2022, Army transferred satellite comms

Oct 1, 2023, JTAGS transferred missile warning system from Army

2/2) In addition to what is transpiring right now, Space Force (and other countries) are building a central control grid in space, digital currency infrastructure is set for green light (no CBDC needed)

Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

3) They say the US and Israel didn't see it coming. Like many, I call BS.

"We can see the world, we can sense the world and we can hear everything that's happening in the world at any given time."

They will use this war to increase surveillance.

4) Coincidentally, my report dropped on October 6th. I highly recommend reading this, as it is critical information that everyone needs to be aware of.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100014

File: 30546702899938b⋯.png (1.46 MB,847x5800,847:5800,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a092df1d2f2082⋯.png (2.95 MB,821x6951,821:6951,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ce0a4746822f0b⋯.png (5.25 MB,906x11424,151:1904,Clipboard.png)

File: 83c7bc6e54ad496⋯.png (3.6 MB,840x6580,6:47,Clipboard.png)

File: b5cf773d9dd56f6⋯.png (2.28 MB,840x8720,21:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754947 (180840ZOCT23) Notable: Lynn Corey: Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

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Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

October 6, 2023

Corey's Digs

What if you had the ability to construct the central operation center for the entire control grid from a location with no real jurisdiction and no accessibility or oversight? What if the massive power source you need to run this operation could be harnessed under the guise of “climate change” in an expedited manner? And, what if you could have full surveillance and weaponry at your disposal with an entire financial infrastructure in place whose data sits in the palm of your hand while you control the levers?

This report will show how the central infrastructure for the all-seeing, all-assets control grid is being built, a giant leap with the digital currency agenda, and cites over 160 pieces of evidence......


This report will help show what is transpiring in space, the digital currency trajectory, the central control grid, and how it all connects. It will reveal key statistics and dates that show elements of how it came to be, the pace at which this is moving, and some stunning “coincidences.” It will become very apparent that this is a global goal that all countries are engaged in, and whereas each country wants to maintain a middle management position over their own population, it is clear that each uses the UN and their agendas as “cover,” each is moving toward a digital currency, and each move on this battlefield will have a ripple effect for all across the entire world.

James Fitzgerald recently published an article titled Sky’s the Limit for Globalists’ Boiling Earth Narrative on Corey’s Digs, which gives an excellent overall bird’s eye view of how satellites are playing a much larger role in the development of agriculture, environmental, and the technological control grid. It is recommended reading as a foundation for this report.

Before diving into this, it’s important to pause, observe, and recognize the incredible lengths they are going to try to have full control over the population and all assets.

In the process of trying to demoralize everyone, they have become overtly transparent which has created a rift in some of their plans. Whereas they have every intention of moving forward despite this rift, there are some agendas that cannot be achieved without mass compliance. Feeding too much energy, andespecially belief, into them reaching their goals actually fuels that reality forward, while speaking out against their agendas and defining them as a false future reality can actually limit their forward movement. It’s a balancing act and they know the game well, hence why they use fear to draw people’s energy in.

For these reasons it’s important not to validate the power they believe they have over every individual, but rather acknowledge the absurdity and danger of their desired outcome and affirm that you refuse to be a part of it or comply with it, while focusing energy into a positive future reality that we would all like to manifest together.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100015

File: b5a2ec4174a7511⋯.jpeg (641.37 KB,828x1297,828:1297,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e87c59e62d9930f⋯.jpeg (790.78 KB,828x1292,207:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754964 (180846ZOCT23) Notable: PF: Potato in 92-9000 747 landed at Tel Aviv about 40 min ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Potato in 92-9000 747 landed at Tel Aviv about 40 min ago

As Israel battles Hamas, Biden begins diplomatic visit with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv


09-0015 arrived at Ramstein as escort

Certainly a Nighwatch (E4B) but missed it as this is SOP for one to accompany any POTUS on Intl travel

2 Aussie AF ACs also arriving and crossing over Qatar. These are Oz citizen evac ACs announced a few days ago


Canada AF CFC4269 FM Melanie Joly heading SE from Athens depart and on descent for Tel Aviv

RAF RRR9958 A330 out of Cyprus on aerial refueling dooty

Swedish AF SVF645 G5 south from Linkoping

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100016

File: 31adf4259c4e2cd⋯.jpg (122.01 KB,720x821,720:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 16e13638912c8ae⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754965 (180846ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Israel PM Netanyahu greet Biden with a hug as US President arrives in Tel Aviv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Israel PM Netanyahu greet Biden with a hug as US President arrives in Tel Aviv


Potato on the ground in Israel with a bunch of suits

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754981 (180853ZOCT23) Notable: As Israel battles Hamas, Biden begins diplomatic visit with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As Israel battles Hamas, Biden begins diplomatic visit with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100018

File: 35bc56db85b395b⋯.png (299.77 KB,580x501,580:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754985 (180855ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Biden on Gaza hospital strike: "Based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team not you. But there's a lot of people out there not sure."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Biden on Gaza hospital strike: "Based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team not you. But there's a lot of people out there not sure."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100019

File: e545dc98c01e6de⋯.png (70.74 KB,1075x753,1075:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 73a5b969a2c9269⋯.png (47.66 KB,1071x852,357:284,Clipboard.png)

File: cb2c0bed2d19341⋯.png (275.41 KB,439x643,439:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 735f86e9ce9399f⋯.png (153.42 KB,438x425,438:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754989 (180858ZOCT23) Notable: US Embassies are on the verge of being OVERRUN in the Middle East: Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Turkey.....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The farse is falling apart!

Fake war for legal money laundering & lining their own pockets & Israel's pockets too of course.

OUR EMBASSIES IN THE MIDDLE EAST, OUR US MILITARY AND TAXPAYER FUNDS ARE BEING PUT IN DANGER FOR "Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state"

Per...In 2010, Wikileaks published a 2007 communication between the IDF intel chief and the U.S. ambassador

Now it all makes sense...WHY NO WARNINGS!

This is why we need Jim Jordan as Speaker & President Trump NOW!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100020

File: e545dc98c01e6de⋯.png (70.74 KB,1075x753,1075:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 73a5b969a2c9269⋯.png (47.66 KB,1071x852,357:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754995 (180902ZOCT23) Notable: US Embassies are on the verge of being OVERRUN in the Middle East: Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Turkey.....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100021

File: 0c2ec3a1d78d2bd⋯.png (496.47 KB,1080x1372,270:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c79e6d53b7ac40⋯.jpg (112.23 KB,500x857,500:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5fd688c91fc559a⋯.jpg (103.23 KB,500x870,50:87,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755002 (180908ZOCT23) Notable: Democrats are worried about being held accountable.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Law and Order.... Democrats are worried about being held accountable.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755011 (180912ZOCT23) Notable: #24257

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

baker must go


>>99975 CAIR official condemns Israelis as 'colonizers' and 'oppressors'

>>99976 Israeli air force bombed emergency rescue teams who were looking for civilians under the rubble near Jebaliya, Gaza.

>>99977 A “Level 4: Do Not Travel” Advisory has been issued by the U.S. State Department for Lebanon

>>99978, >>99981 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his entourage had to flee their government jet at an Israeli airport when rockets approached

>>99979, >>100001 UN Sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile and drone program have just now expired

>>99980 A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history. - Symbolism in Islamic historic tradition

>>99982 Last of 17 Defendants Pleads Guilty in Southeast Washington Drug Trafficking Conspiracy

>>99983 PlaneFag Report - So POTAUS shows back up coming in behind GRIM99.

>>99984 The Raccoon River Preschool welcomes @realDonaldTrump to Adel, Iowa

>>99985, >>99987, >>99988, >>99988, >>99989, >>99990, >>99993 PlaneFag Report - MAGMA10 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone up and away as POTATUS comes in for a landing.

>>99986 UK Confirms Royal Navy and Air Force are Being Deployed to the Eastern Med

>>99991 Al Jazeera LIVE

>>99992 Two Amphibs Head Towards Israel, and a Third Puts to Sea in the Med

>>99994 Media whitewashes own role in killing of Palestinian-American child

>>99995 Hochul heads to Israel on ‘solidarity mission’

>>99996 POTUS & Company on approach to the Mediterranean Sea and their final destinations

>>99998 PlaneFag Report - D817Q - ISRAEL

>>99999 Arkansas becomes the first US state to force China to divest its holdings and sell American farmland

>>100000 PlaneFag Report - P-8 Sniffing / POTATO Off Rada

Baker Change

>>100006, >>99997, >>100004 Disclosure coming. Two moar weeks

>>100011, >>100002, >>100003, >>100004, >>100005, >>100007, >>100008, >>100009 *, >>100010, >>100012 Interesting posts, Q-like?

Baker Change

>>99974 The Raccoon River Preschool welcomes @realDonaldTrump to Adel, Iowa—as his motorcade passes through town

>>100013, >>100014 Lynn Corey: Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

>>100015 PF: Potato in 92-9000 747 landed at Tel Aviv about 40 min ago

>>100016 BREAKING: Israel PM Netanyahu greet Biden with a hug as US President arrives in Tel Aviv

>>100017 As Israel battles Hamas, Biden begins diplomatic visit with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv

>>100018 BREAKING: Biden on Gaza hospital strike: "Based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team not you. But there's a lot of people out there not sure."

>>100019, >>100020 US Embassies are on the verge of being OVERRUN in the Middle East: Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Turkey.....

>>100021 Democrats are worried about being held accountable.


please FILL

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8a2318 No.100023

File: d0bdee5bd2a044b⋯.png (264.77 KB,641x4168,641:4168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755030 (180919ZOCT23) Notable: #24258

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Baker is OUT, Bread is ghosted

DIG on status of embassies in the Middle East


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100024

File: 795c719e6cdf864⋯.png (386.9 KB,587x517,587:517,Clipboard.png)

File: aa91466f170057f⋯.mp4 (537.48 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755041 (180924ZOCT23) Notable: Biden backs Israel account of Gaza hospital strike, denounces Hamas: "Based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reposting like asked

BREAKING: Biden backs Israel account of Gaza hospital strike, denounces Hamas: "Based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100025

File: 836b783a7003682⋯.png (1.14 MB,1876x1396,469:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 637e9ccc09b7ff8⋯.png (1.07 MB,1906x1386,953:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755065 (180931ZOCT23) Notable: 12 Oct, 2023 Germany vows to prosecute burning of Israeli flag. 17 Oct, 2023 Israeli flags burned across Germany

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

isn't it odd?

12 Oct, 2023

Germany vows to prosecute burning of Israeli flag


17 Oct, 2023

Israeli flags burned across Germany


odd it is

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8a2318 No.100026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755211 (181024ZOCT23) Notable: Advanced Arms Embargo to Iran expired last night, per Morgan Ortegus -Former State Dept Spokesperson. THAT may be why Iran tweeted "Time Is Up"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Advanced Arms Embargo to Iran expired last night, per Morgan Ortegus -Former State Dept Spokesperson. THAT may be why Iran tweeted "Time Is Up"


A decade-long United Nations arms embargo on Iran that barred it from purchasing foreign weapons, such as tanks and fighter jets, expired Sunday as planned under its nuclear deal with world powers — despite objections from the United States, which insists the ban remains in place.

While Iran says it plans no "buying spree," it can now in theory purchase weapons to upgrade military armaments dating back to before its 1979 Islamic Revolution and sell its own locally produced gear abroad.

In practice, however, Iran's economy remains crippled by broad-reaching U.S. sanctions, and other nations may avoid arms deals with Tehran for fear of American financial retaliation. The Trump administration has warned that any sales of weapons to Iran or exports from Iran will be penalized.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100027

File: 0ad88ee8525767d⋯.png (677.84 KB,800x771,800:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755222 (181026ZOCT23) Notable: New Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams Soros-Backed DA Carjacked At Gunpoint In Blue City

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Soros-Backed DA Carjacked At Gunpoint

In Blue City

Daily Caller, by Lillian Tweten

Posted By: Beardo, 10/18/2023 3:05:41 AM

New Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams was carjacked at gunpoint on Monday in his own city, the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation. Williams was walking his 78-year-old mother to his car when two suspects approached the pair, pointed a gun at them and demanded the DA’s car, according to WVUE. The suspects then jumped into the car and drove off before abandoning the vehicle in an undisclosed location and carjacking a young woman in the area 30 minutes later, the NOPD confirmed.

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8a2318 No.100028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755228 (181028ZOCT23) Notable: Building the narrative: U.S. says it thwarted drone attack on its troops in Iraq

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. says it thwarted drone attack on its troops in Iraq

The U.S. military thwarted an attack targeting its forces in Iraq, intercepting two drones before they could strike, two U.S. officials said.

Last week, Iraqi armed groups aligned with Iran threatened to target U.S. interests with missiles and drones if Washington intervened to support Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

The one-way attack drones were intercepted as they attempted to strike Iraq's al Asad air base, which hosts American troops, the officials said.

The attack came hours after a strike on a Gaza hospital killed hundreds of Palestinians, raising the stakes for U.S. President Joe Biden as he flies to Israel on Wednesday to signal support for its war against Hamas.


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8a2318 No.100029

File: 00a69a34e36b80b⋯.jpg (114.32 KB,720x820,36:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755255 (181035ZOCT23) Notable: Six French airports evacuated after ‘threats of attack’: police source

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Six French airports evacuated after ‘threats of attack’: police source

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8a2318 No.100030

File: a5f75254752f54d⋯.png (1.17 MB,1088x852,272:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755268 (181038ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Jordan - follow the pen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Update: Jim Jordan Loses Vote for House

Speaker on the First Vote – Here are

the 20 GOP Turncoats Who Voted Against

Jordan in Leadership Role

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 10/17/2023 11:02:04 PM

Jim Jordan failed to secure the Speakership on the first vote. Twenty GOP representatives voted against Jim Jordan, a stalwart conservative and founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, in the leadership election on Tuesday. The twenty representatives, who were expected to support Jordan, instead cast their votes for other candidates, sparking outrage among conservatives and raising questions about party unity. The Turncoats Revealed The twenty GOP representatives who broke ranks are: Don Bacon – Nebraska’s 2nd District Ken Buck – Colorado’s 4th District Lori Chavez-DeRemer – Oregon’s 5th District Anthony D’Esposito – New York’s 4th District Mario Diaz-Balart – Florida’s 26th District Jake Ellzey – Texas’s 6th District

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100031

File: edf6ff3d4f55415⋯.png (269.91 KB,581x533,581:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755280 (181042ZOCT23) Notable: Antifa uses MC's right? - Molotov cocktails thrown at Jewish synagogue in Berlin, Germany

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Molotov cocktails thrown at Jewish synagogue in Berlin, Germany


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755289 (181044ZOCT23) Notable: Rand Paul: Biden May Use “Internet Kill Switch” for Emergency Powers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rand Paul: Biden May Use “Internet Kill Switch” for Emergency Powers

By: Jason Walsh

October 16, 2023

Kentucky Republican Rand Paul warned of a little-known federal law that allows the president of the United States to shut down the internet with a “kill switch.”

Paul warned that the government’s ” emergency powers ” can remove freedoms in the name of safety and security, including an internet “kill switch” to turn off the Internet.



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8a2318 No.100033

File: ac5dd785fc4d18b⋯.png (3.17 MB,3297x2289,157:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755405 (181155ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Jordan - follow the pen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jim Jordan.

Follow the pen.

Already written?

Letters left visible to match.

Pain coming.

On the clock.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100034

File: 18214628d3fb75a⋯.png (12.28 KB,592x158,296:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755523 (181211ZOCT23) Notable: Americans now need to make $114,627 a year to afford a median-priced US home, an all time high, per Redfin.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




BREAKING: Americans now need to make $114,627 a year to afford a median-priced US home, an all time high, per Redfin.

1:01 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755673 (181229ZOCT23) Notable: Audio comparison of JDAM usage. Who knows where the weapon sourced second hand but it hit a chord earlier and should be notable

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Methinks they want to cover this up.

Audio comparison of JDAM usage. Who knows where the weapon sourced second hand but it hit a chord earlier and should be notable

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100036

File: 5297026699a7d90⋯.jpeg (259.25 KB,732x776,183:194,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755786 (181245ZOCT23) Notable: European Commission Announces Triple Funding for Palestinian/Hamas Effort!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

European Commission Announces Triple Funding for Palestinian/Hamas Effort!

October 17, 2023 | Sundance |

EU President Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to provide the Palestinian/Hamas effort with $50 million in supplemental assistance to support the resistance effort against Israeli retaliation.

EU Announcement – “President Ursula von der Leyen spoke to the Secretary General of the UN António Guterres this afternoon, in the context of her on-going contacts with regional leaders.

Following this call, she said: “The Commission will immediately increase the current humanitarian aid envelope foreseen for Gaza by 50 million euros. This will bring the total to over 75 million euros. We will continue our close cooperation with the UN and its agencies to ensure that this aid reaches those in need in the Gaza strip. The Commission supports Israel’s right to defend itself against the Hamas terrorists, in full respect of international humanitarian law. We are working hard to ensure that innocent civilians in Gaza are provided support in this context.”

Commissioner Lenarčič said: “The Commission is doing everything in its power to provide humanitarian support to civilians in the Gaza strip. This tripling of EU humanitarian assistance will help ensure that civilians in Gaza can be provided with the basic necessities required. It is essential that safe and unrestricted access for humanitarian aid is ensured.” (Read more)


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8a2318 No.100037

File: 99ca788ea1ab93e⋯.png (21.53 KB,593x237,593:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755809 (181250ZOCT23) Notable: DJT Jr w/CAP: The leaders of the countries surrounding Israel are all backing out of a planned meeting with Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald Trump Jr.


The leaders of the countries surrounding Israel are all backing out of a planned meeting with Joe Biden. Under democrat leadership the President of The United States doesn’t command the authority to get a meeting. It’s hard to believe how far we’ve fallen
 till you watch Biden in action and then it all makes perfect sense.

1:45 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100038

File: c7bb1fc5a85cd5c⋯.png (236.04 KB,586x637,586:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755829 (181252ZOCT23) Notable: unusual_whales w/CAP: 17 states saw average income in the last year drop, per CBS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




17 states saw average income in the last year drop, per CBS:


1:21 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100039

File: 4007e59b6bf8343⋯.png (11.98 KB,600x161,600:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19755924 (181304ZOCT23) Notable: unusual_whales w/CAP: 17 states saw average income in the last year drop, per CBS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Americans' average rent payments jumped to $2,047 in September, per Zillow, a 3.2% year-over-year increase.

1:51 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100040

File: 4fe96cf6964b822⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1064x720,133:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756022 (181315ZOCT23) Notable: Audio comparison of JDAM usage. Who knows where the weapon sourced second hand but it hit a chord earlier and should be notable

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Audio comparison of JDAM usage. Who knows where the weapon sourced second hand but it hit a chord earlier and should be notable




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8a2318 No.100041

File: 367973f5c2aba9e⋯.jpeg (45.69 KB,445x653,445:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9f1229a28a5fdb4⋯.png (69.78 KB,1280x751,1280:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 35cf057ab9c87f6⋯.jpeg (331.67 KB,828x1312,207:328,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756068 (181320ZOCT23) Notable: Morgan Stanley Slides After I-Banking/Wealth Mgmnt Disappoints, Credit Loss Provisions Rise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morgan Stanley Slides After I-Banking/Wealth Mgmnt Disappoints, Credit Loss Provisions Rise

(marketFag comments)

Morgan Stanley reported Q3 earnings of $1.38 per share on net revenue of $13.3 bn (better than the $1.22 and $13.2 bn that were expected).

However, while the numbers beat on the top and bottom lines, wealth management revenue disappointed at $6.40 bn versus $6.58 bn expected, investment banking was hurting, but trading beat on all fronts.

* Wealth management net revenue $6.40 billion, estimate $6.58 billion

* Equities sales & trading revenue $2.51 billion, estimate $2.41 billion

* FICC sales & trading revenue $1.95 billion, estimate $1.83 billion

* Institutional Investment Banking revenue $938 million, estimate $1.04 billion

* Advisory revenue $449 million, estimate $424.9 million

* Equity underwriting rev. $237 million, estimate $239.1 million

* Fixed Income Underwriting revenue $252 million, estimate $373.4 million

For context on the trading side, Morgan Stanley's $2.51 billion of revenue compares with $2.96 billion at Goldman and $2.07 billion at JPMorgan.

CEO James Gorman says in the release:

“While the market environment remained mixed this quarter, the Firm delivered solid results with an ROTCE of 13.5%. Our Equity and Fixed Income businesses navigated markets well, and both Wealth and Investment Management produced higher revenues and profits year-over-year.”

Despite the disappointment, there was plenty of spin:

“This is solid performance in a mixed environment,” Morgan Stanley Chief Financial Officer Sharon Yeshaya said in an interview.

“Our announcements in terms of M&A this quarter were up 50% on year-over-year basis. We see backlog continuing to grow.”

But investors were not buying it as MS shares are down around 3% in the pre-market.

(Another tub o shit delivered from Moran Stanley as loan loss provisions grow
net income missed as well-see below)

And sure enough, despite the soaring rates and curves, Morgan Stanley's net interest income was $1.98 bn, notably below the $2.06 bn expected.

Finally, Morgan Stanley upped its credit loss provisions to $134 million (higher than the $126 million expected) pointing to “deteriorating conditions in the commercial real estate sector” as one reason for the increase.


(No shit sherlock on that last sentence but the system has kept REIT values propped because everyone know where CRE vacancy rates are yet the values of REITS still in fantasy land. That is a direct result of mark to model and not mark to mark. They get a pass on just about every asset they own so not limited to CRE and they did the same thing starting in 2006. Incidentally Moran Stanley was probably the worst one back in the 08 bailouts and they got Arab munee early on and screwed them. The ‘deal’ was “you can invest in us and have your share price mark before or after we announce an almost $2b loss”. Naturally they chose after and the complicit markets makers and institutions-who were in on it as well-pumped the equity higher after announcing that loss by an additional 10%. This is why the US banking system isn’t out asking for additional capital cuz they aren’t gonna get it pulling shit like that).

Equity buybacks since 2013 equates to $53b cap 3 while overall Moran Stanley has a market cap or net worth of $133.10 billion as of October 18, 2023. Its market cap has decreased by -1.12% in one year. (Bought 39% of its market cap in equity over last 10 years so yet another reason why extend and pretend or moral hazard in SOP)


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8a2318 No.100042

File: e291cb096ac7877⋯.png (7.5 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756088 (181323ZOCT23) Notable: QClock October 17, 2023 - v2 Man On A Mission POTUS Insulated

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QClock October 17, 2023 - v2 Man On A Mission POTUS Insulated Nation On Alert - PANIC - Enjoy The Show

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8a2318 No.100043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756100 (181325ZOCT23) Notable: Adolf Hausinger served as the Operations Chief and then as Chairman of the NATO

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Adolf Hausinger served as the Operations Chief within the general staff of the High Command of the German Army in the Wehrmacht from 1938 to 1944, and then as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.


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8a2318 No.100044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756204 (181338ZOCT23) Notable: #24258

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#24258 >>100023

>>100024 Biden backs Israel account of Gaza hospital strike, denounces Hamas: "Based on what I've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you."

>>100025 12 Oct, 2023 Germany vows to prosecute burning of Israeli flag. 17 Oct, 2023 Israeli flags burned across Germany

>>100026 Advanced Arms Embargo to Iran expired last night, per Morgan Ortegus -Former State Dept Spokesperson. THAT may be why Iran tweeted "Time Is Up"

>>100027 New Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams Soros-Backed DA Carjacked At Gunpoint In Blue City

>>100028 Building the narrative: U.S. says it thwarted drone attack on its troops in Iraq

>>100029 Six French airports evacuated after ‘threats of attack’: police source

>>100031 Antifa uses MC's right? - Molotov cocktails thrown at Jewish synagogue in Berlin, Germany

>>100032 Rand Paul: Biden May Use “Internet Kill Switch” for Emergency Powers

>>100034 Americans now need to make $114,627 a year to afford a median-priced US home, an all time high, per Redfin.

>>100030, >>100033 Jim Jordan - follow the pen

>>100035, >>100040 Audio comparison of JDAM usage. Who knows where the weapon sourced second hand but it hit a chord earlier and should be notable

>>100036 European Commission Announces Triple Funding for Palestinian/Hamas Effort!

>>100037 DJT Jr w/CAP: The leaders of the countries surrounding Israel are all backing out of a planned meeting with Joe Biden

>>100038, >>100039 unusual_whales w/CAP: 17 states saw average income in the last year drop, per CBS

>>100042 QClock October 17, 2023 - v2 Man On A Mission POTUS Insulated

>>100043 Adolf Hausinger served as the Operations Chief and then as Chairman of the NATO

>>100041 Morgan Stanley Slides After I-Banking/Wealth Mgmnt Disappoints, Credit Loss Provisions Rise


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8a2318 No.100045

File: 875558caebb2d64⋯.png (637.98 KB,640x641,640:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756224 (181340ZOCT23) Notable: #24259

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#24259 https://fullchan.net/?13103f6ba9e58cb0#2t9GCSCrBCrbYxZMaiRCvWsriguoi4knGxU1WozyXm8S

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8a2318 No.100046

File: 0750eb9b967d3b9⋯.png (635.15 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756244 (181343ZOCT23) Notable: Caps of GOP members that need to Vote for Jordan

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8a2318 No.100047

File: 438ecd6ce67c3e4⋯.png (122.39 KB,902x743,902:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 97005cf92db42a1⋯.png (403.18 KB,787x1049,787:1049,Clipboard.png)

File: fece9b510428afa⋯.png (44.78 KB,440x366,220:183,Clipboard.png)

File: c6fa45b64886223⋯.png (45.76 KB,412x575,412:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 97462bed883e915⋯.png (37.99 KB,482x453,482:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756249 (181344ZOCT23) Notable: Caps of GOP members that need to Vote for Jordan

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8a2318 No.100048

File: c26f8d34e463db1⋯.png (763.17 KB,988x1142,494:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756262 (181346ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Doug LaMalfa My vote today was out of a strong conviction that what has been happening in Washington, D.C

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Rep. Doug LaMalfa

17h ·

My vote today was out of a strong conviction that what has been happening in Washington, D.C., the last two weeks is very wrong. Kevin McCarthy was taken down for frivolous, unproductive reasons. We had a good thing going this year in doing House business, yet a handful of folks were able to take it all down because they didn’t get 100% of what they wanted. Speaker McCarthy put forward a good Continuing Resolution on the Friday before the potential shutdown that had many items that any conservative would want: major spending cuts, border security and no extra foreign funding. Yet, they refused to support it so they could manufacture a reason to get Kevin McCarthy out as Speaker. I think it was practically criminal in the outcome.

A twenty-one year friendship and partnership with him working together in the trenches should not just be thrown out the window.

That said, today’s vote for Kevin McCarthy was no aspersion on Jim Jordan. I spoke with Jim after the first vote to confirm my support going forward, and he was happy and understood. The vote of conviction I cast today was done with careful consideration that I would not prevent Jim Jordan from winning on the first ballot. The House needs to get back on track promptly, and I do and will continue to support Jim Jordan in further balloting. I will look forward to casting a vote for him on the second ballot this afternoon. Then, let’s get back to work on responsible spending, controlling our borders and readying ourselves to stand with and support Israel.

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8a2318 No.100049

File: 3dc21724c913d2a⋯.jpg (110.86 KB,500x861,500:861,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 977ad20b70664c7⋯.png (765.61 KB,1080x1800,3:5,Clipboard.png)

File: c5e8b7262efc142⋯.jpg (88.96 KB,815x464,815:464,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5fd688c91fc559a⋯.jpg (103.23 KB,500x870,50:87,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0c2ec3a1d78d2bd⋯.png (496.47 KB,1080x1372,270:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756264 (181347ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan for Speaker Memes

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Nancy Pelosi is terrified of Jim Jordan becoming the speaker of the house because he knows the truth about her and her family and their illegal activities.

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8a2318 No.100050

File: 5383fd1da928aaa⋯.png (239.42 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756272 (181348ZOCT23) Notable: Approval For Building Border Wall With Mexico Reaches Record High.

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Quinnipiac: Approval For Building Border Wall With Mexico Reaches Record High.

Do you support or oppose building a wall along the border with Mexico?

May 2017

Support 33%

Oppose 64%

Oct. 2023

Support 52%

Oppose 44%

6:57 PM · Oct 17, 2023



October 17, 2023

85% Of Voters Concerned Israel - Hamas War Will Escalate Into A Wider War In The Middle East, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Approval For Building Border Wall With Mexico Reaches Record High


A majority of voters (52 percent) support building a wall along the border with Mexico, while 44 percent oppose it. This marks the first time that a majority support building a wall along the border with Mexico since November 2016, when the question was first asked of registered voters by the Quinnipiac University Poll.

There are big differences along political party lines.

Republicans (91 - 6 percent) support building a wall along the border with Mexico, while Democrats (78 - 17 percent) oppose it. Independents are divided, as 51 percent support building a wall along the border with Mexico and 46 percent oppose it.

A majority of voters (55 percent) think that the number of migrants seeking sanctuary in the United States is a crisis, while 31 percent think it's a problem but not a crisis, and 11 percent think it's not a problem at all.

Thirty-one percent of voters say they would welcome migrants seeking sanctuary in their town or city, 37 percent say they would like to welcome migrants seeking sanctuary in their town or city, but don't think their town or city has the ability to accommodate them, and 27 percent say they would not welcome migrants in their town or city.

"Build the Wall, the rallying cry that was vilified and shot down during the Trump administration makes a comeback, buoyed by Republican voters and no doubt resuscitated by an unresolved border crisis,"

added Malloy.

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8a2318 No.100051

File: a79097628790c1d⋯.png (380.42 KB,593x874,593:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ec75f2709cc361⋯.png (561.08 KB,431x519,431:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756292 (181352ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn There are times in our lives when an emotional wave can overcome even the best of us.

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General Mike Flynn


This is a man who devoutly loves America.




There are times in our lives when an emotional wave can overcome even the best of us.

However, never take a tear from one of us as a sign of weakness. Instead, it is a sign of our determination.

Stay strong America!

Freedom will prevail over fear.





Sep 14

Replying to @DonaldJTrumpJr

We Love You!!!! đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ«Ą


2:32 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100052

File: c05dc5939480f82⋯.png (62.93 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 2489fe6b2028fc1⋯.png (19.3 KB,598x98,299:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 6093dbeb40eef7a⋯.png (38.71 KB,598x218,299:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 14728c8bc0baba8⋯.png (404.93 KB,598x668,299:334,Clipboard.png)

File: c2a1e8ab846c7e8⋯.png (345.88 KB,522x486,29:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756320 (181357ZOCT23) Notable: JORDAN TRENDING

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8a2318 No.100053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756329 (181358ZOCT23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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10:00 AM EDT

Nomination of Monica Bertagnolli to be Director of the National Institutes of Health

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee



Monica Bertagnolli

Bethesda, MD





NIH Director Nominee Testifies at Confirmation Hearing

Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, nominee to be director of the National Institutes of Health, testifies at confirmation hearing before Senate Health Committee.


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8a2318 No.100054

File: 33b33d121e7f11b⋯.png (117.81 KB,387x373,387:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756347 (181400ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon’s WarRoom Live Now!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bannon’s WarRoom Live Now!



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8a2318 No.100055

File: 8b8a01c306bdb6c⋯.png (85.81 KB,790x790,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 16e5a0317de4bb3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1154x734,577:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 01a27ca13f6ff31⋯.png (310.78 KB,599x394,599:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756349 (181401ZOCT23) Notable: Hillary and Huma Caps

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756352 (181401ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder The late Jacqueline Renae Walorski and the late Anne Celeste Heche partnered to fight against pedophilia,

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The late Jacqueline Renae Walorski and the late Anne Celeste Heche partnered to fight against pedophilia, it was shockingly revealed yesterday.

“Congresswoman Jackie Walorski was working with Anne Heche on child sex trafficking,” Dave reported on yesterday’s X22 Report.

“Jackie was killed in a car accident the week before, coincidence,” Dave asked his audience rhetorically.

Walorski (1963-2022), who served as the U.S. representative for Indiana's 2nd congressional district from 2013 until her death, was killed in a head-on collision.

Rep. Walorski communications director Emma Thomson and district director Zachery Potts were also killed in the accident, as was the driver of the vehicle that collided with theirs, Politico reported on August 3, 2022.

CBS News reported two days later that the driver who also died in the Walorski crash was 56-year-old Edith Schmucker.

Elkhart County Sheriff's Office said eyewitness and video evidence confirmed the Toyota RAV 4 —which transported Walorski, Thomson, and Potts— crossed into oncoming traffic “for reasons that are unknown at this time.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters, this sounds awfully suspicious. When I first learned of Walorski’s death on August 4 I immediately felt in my spirit this was foul play. Deep sigh.

Just two days after the Walorski accident in Indiana there were two vehicle accidents in California.

Heche (1969-2022), who starred in the disaster film “Volcano” and political satire movie “Wag the Dog,” was involved in a sequence of two car crashes in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles on August 5. She reportedly died of her injuries on August 11.

Reading a tweet from a person with a Twitter handle identified as Qtab, Dave with X22 Report said: “Anne Heche was set to release a new movie, ‘Girl in Room 13,’ that went into sex slavery and trafficking, and was a mouthpiece against it and p-word [pedophilia].”

Here’s the synopsis of “Girl in Room 13,” according to Internet Movie Database (IMDb): “Grace becomes addicted to opioids after suffering a sports injury. She's ready to leave her addiction behind under her mother's watch, but her past won't let her go: Richie kidnaps her in a motel room to sell her into human trafficking.”

In researching “Girl in Room 13” I spotted a couple of mainstream media headlines denouncing this TV movie’s connection with Jeffrey Epstein.

The storyline of ‘Girl in Room 13,’ a Lifetime movie starring late actor Anne Heche, is not connected to late financier Jeffrey Epstein, a spokesperson for the cable channel told Reuters two days ago.

Any legitimate news agency —like the vaunted Reuters— which reported that Epstein was a “late financier” and “late disgraced financier” yet buries in its story the glaring fact that Epstein was a convicted pedophile can’t be taken seriously. I mean —c’mon!

Continuing, despite her death Heche’s “Girl in Room 13” is still set for a September debut on the Lifetime network, according to The Wrap, an American online news website covering entertainment and media business.

Dave with X22 Report asked: “What do Jackie [Walorski] have in common with Chester Bennington, Hutchins [as in Halna Hutchins], Anthony Bourdain?

“This all goes deeper than we'd like to imagine —Intel agencies, elite politicians, absolutely!”

Bennington (1976-2017), the lead vocalist of the rock band Linkin Park, reportedly hung himself.

Hutchins (1979-2021), a Ukrainian cinematographer who worked on more than 30 films, short films, and TV miniseries, was killed when actor Alec Baldwin discharged a Pietta .45 Colt revolver used as a prop, fatally wounding her.

Bourdain, (1956-2018), celebrity chef, author, and travel documentarian, was found dead of an apparent suicide by hanging.


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8a2318 No.100057

File: d3cc1d38e03c520⋯.jpg (63.45 KB,800x445,160:89,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a3d196234d7d75b⋯.png (271.71 KB,755x822,755:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756371 (181403ZOCT23) Notable: When the grass root pressure is on, Politicians vote accordingly

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100058

File: 6c7d68eea3f757f⋯.png (303.46 KB,1006x659,1006:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 003d743bba2ead3⋯.png (141.66 KB,649x669,649:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756379 (181404ZOCT23) Notable: Google Caps on No Name and creation of ISIS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100059

File: ec77f90da78afd1⋯.png (237.69 KB,528x732,44:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 457a26285735066⋯.png (130.34 KB,514x512,257:256,Clipboard.png)

File: dc1b9714c58b41b⋯.png (144.46 KB,673x652,673:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756384 (181405ZOCT23) Notable: MTG was right "Jewish Space Lazers" CAPS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100060

File: 7fc956d84144652⋯.png (277.53 KB,400x266,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 32cd0871b1e5c39⋯.png (328.36 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756385 (181405ZOCT23) Notable: [Joint Direct Attack Munition GBU- 31/32/38] JDAM specs

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Hamas rocket size



[Joint Direct Attack Munition GBU- 31/32/38]

JDAM specs


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8a2318 No.100061

File: f6adf56ded78c38⋯.jpeg (399.25 KB,1099x1928,1099:1928,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7f177407e21fb21⋯.jpeg (79.52 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 86801f471be40b9⋯.jpeg (494.12 KB,1153x2293,1153:2293,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756391 (181406ZOCT23) Notable: Adam Schiff, a Sitting Congressman, Gets Community Noted for Not Knowing How Congress Works

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Adam Schiff, a Sitting Congressman, Gets Community Noted for Not Knowing How Congress Works

Grateful Calvin

Poor Rep. Adam Schiff. He just can't get away with lying to the world anymore. On Tuesday, Adam tried to scaremonger everyone again about Rep. Jim Jordan possibly becoming Speaker of the House. Unfortunately, Adam forgot to read his Constitution (if he owns a copy), specifically the 12th Amendment.

Fortunately, Community Notes arrived to tell Schiff how Congress actually works.

We've said it before and we'll say it again: Community Notes is the best thing Elon Musk has brought to Twitter, and it's not even close. There was not a single traditional 'fact-checker' who called Schiff out on his tweet, but the people did.

So, you know what? We're not going to even take him seriously. He is lying and he knows it. And as great as Community Notes is, Schiff also knows that leftist voters will believe him anyway (there were several replies proving this).

Adam Schiff


Today, Republicans may make Jim Jordan the Speaker.

Jordan would preside over the counting of electoral votes in the next election.

After he was deeply involved in trying to overturn the last one.

Just when you think they can’t be more irresponsible, they prove you wrong.

Readers added context

The vice president, not the speaker, presides over counting of electoral college votes; and whomever is chosen as speaker in Oct. 2023 will only be speaker during the 1/6/25 electoral count if House Rs retain majority in Nov. 2024




Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.


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8a2318 No.100062

File: d603d0552cba2b1⋯.png (16.26 KB,584x217,584:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756424 (181411ZOCT23) Notable: @SenFettermanPA Would it be awkward to attend a classified briefing on Israel when you’ve been accused of being a foreign agent

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Senator John Fetterman


Would it be awkward to attend a classified briefing on Israel when you’ve been accused of being a foreign agent for, let’s say, a country like Egypt.

Asking for a friend.

6:20 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.100063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756469 (181418ZOCT23) Notable: https://www.c-span.org/video/?531202-1/house-speaker-election-coverage

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10:45 AM EDT

House Speaker Election Coverage

C-SPAN Looks at the House Speaker Election.


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8a2318 No.100064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756479 (181419ZOCT23) Notable: The House will hold a SECOND ROUND OF VOTING IN THE HOUSE SPEAKER ELECTION

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11:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: U.S. House of Representatives

The House will hold a SECOND ROUND OF VOTING IN THE HOUSE SPEAKER ELECTION to replace former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was removed from the position on October 3rd


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8a2318 No.100065

File: 8f4cd9b3ecb4415⋯.png (2.9 MB,960x1437,320:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756486 (181419ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 18, 2023

Dust and the Western Veil Nebula

It's so big it is easy to miss. The entire Veil Nebula spans six times the diameter of the full moon, but is so dim you need binoculars to see it. The nebula was created about 15,000 years ago when a star in the constellation of the Swan (Cygnus) exploded. The spectacular explosion would have appeared brighter than even Venus for a week - but there is no known record of it. Pictured is the western edge of the still-expanding gas cloud. Notable gas filaments include the Witch's Broom Nebula on the upper left near the bright foreground star 52 Cygni, and Fleming's Triangular Wisp (formerly known as Pickering's Triangle) running diagonally up the image middle. What is rarely imaged but seen in the featured long exposure across many color bands is the reflecting brown dust that runs vertically up the image left, dust likely created in the cool atmospheres of massive stars.


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8a2318 No.100066

File: 9198f16aee1c5d4⋯.png (122.47 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756508 (181424ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan for Speaker Memes

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8a2318 No.100067

File: 1122327e96858d2⋯.png (42.5 KB,474x277,474:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756511 (181424ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The United Autoworkers have no choice. They are not being told the truth by their union “heads.” The Auto Industry is DEAD if they don’t VOTE FOR TRUMP.

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Donald J. Trump


The United Autoworkers have no choice. They are not being told the truth by their union “heads.” The Auto Industry is DEAD if they don’t VOTE FOR TRUMP. I will triple their jobs within two years, immediately authorizing CHOICE OF PROPULSION IN ALL CARS (and Trucks!). Car Choice, School Choice! Under the Biden Administration, there will be no such thing as a U.S. Autoworker within 3 years. All cars and trucks will be made in China, and other foreign lands!

Oct 18, 2023, 9:49 AM


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8a2318 No.100068

File: b11ee13496711e2⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x1865,216:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756546 (181431ZOCT23) Notable: Tens of Thousands of Cisco Devices Hacked via Zero-Day Vulnerability

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Tens of Thousands of Cisco Devices Hacked via Zero-Day Vulnerability

Tens of thousands of Cisco devices have reportedly been hacked through the exploitation of the newly disclosed IOS XE zero-day vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-20198.

Cisco warned customers on Monday that a critical IOS XE zero-day has been exploited by threat actors to gain elevated privileges on devices. The company is working on a patch and in the meantime it has urged customers to implement mitigations.

The vulnerability impacts the IOS XE web user interface, which is delivered with the default image, and it allows a remote, unauthenticated attacker to add level 15 access accounts that provide complete control over the targeted system.


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8a2318 No.100069

File: a61a0ef50135b5f⋯.jpeg (139.66 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756555 (181433ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas lies about Gaza hospital blast are being exposed?

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Haters won’t be swayed, but Hamas lies about Gaza hospital blast are being exposed

The Arab street won’t believe anything the IDF Spokesman has revealed about what happened, and our Arab allies are too fearful. But Biden now has the evidence to sustain his support

As the fog of war begins to lift, or rather the heavy layer of Hamas disinformation, it appears increasingly clear that it was not a hospital that was hit in Gaza but a hospital parking lot, that the death toll was likely in the dozens not the hundreds, and that the culprit was not the IDF but a faulty rocket fired by Islamic Jihad.

And that Hamas knew this very quickly, and nevertheless worked very quickly to disseminate the “Israel to blame” narrative.

It was right and necessary for the IDF to thoroughly investigate before Spokesman Daniel Hagari stated definitively — albeit more than three hours after the blast at Gaza’s al-Ahli hospital — that Israel was not responsible for the horrifying death and destruction there on Tuesday night, and vital, many hours later, that he held an English-briefing and released materials to underpin the Israeli account.


All evidence points to this! Islamist rocket exploded in Gaza

Hamas hospital lie exposed

This photo shows the impact site in front of the hospital in Gaza City. Everything speaks against an Israeli air strike and in favor of a terrorist missile from the Palestinians. Because: In an air raid there would have been a crater and buildings would have been damaged. On the other hand, burned-out vehicles can be seen - like after Palestinian attacks on Israel


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8a2318 No.100070

File: 04a514e404e13a0⋯.png (1.86 MB,1073x788,1073:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756566 (181436ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan for Speaker Memes

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8a2318 No.100071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756581 (181439ZOCT23) Notable: Greta Thunberg arrested after joining hundreds of climate protesters in London

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Greta Thunberg arrested after joining hundreds of climate protesters in London


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8a2318 No.100072

File: 493be081fe42094⋯.jpeg (691.67 KB,828x1313,828:1313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 283a6d0d7cde1ad⋯.png (631.3 KB,422x615,422:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756592 (181441ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Eastern med activity

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planeFag Eastern med activity

HOMER42 Rivet Joint w of Gaza on the track

German AF GAF701 A350heading to Tel Aviv while Thai AF on at same

IAF AKHED1 C130 Hercules tracking to the NE

Dutch AF MMF65 tanker out and heading NW

Brazilian AF BRS03 Embraer departed Cairo SW

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8a2318 No.100073

File: 8d862085a1e849e⋯.png (219.03 KB,1080x1894,540:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756601 (181442ZOCT23) Notable: Spyware Caught Masquerading as Israeli Rocket Alert Applications

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Spyware Caught Masquerading as Israeli Rocket Alert Applications

A threat actor targets Israelis with spyware masquerading as an Android application for receiving rocket alerts.

In the the wake of the Israel-Gaza conflict, threat actors have been observed targeting Israeli rocket alerting applications to spread fear and mobile spyware, Cloudflare reports.

With thousands of rockets launched since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, individuals in Israel rely on several mobile applications to receive timely alerts about incoming airstrikes and seek safety.

Days after the latest escalations in the region, pro-Palestinian hacktivist groupAnonGhostclaimed to have targeted various such applications, succeeding in compromising at least one.

After exploiting a vulnerability in the ‘Red Alert: Israel’ application by Kobi Snir, the group was able to intercept requests and expose APIs and servers, and was seen sending fake alerts to users, including nuclear bomb messages.

On October 12, a threat actor created a website hosting a malicious version of the ‘RedAlert – Rocket Alerts’ open source mobile application developed by Elad Nava, in an attempt to infect users with spyware.


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8a2318 No.100074

File: ecb2533de3c33f8⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1474,540:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756630 (181448ZOCT23) Notable: DDoS attacks trending upwards: multiple EU websites under siege

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DDoS attacks trending upwards: multiple EU websites under siege

Since their emergence in the late 1990s, Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continue to be a mainstay for threat actors. As 2024 looms, these invisible onslaughts continue to threaten system stability across a wide range of government institutions, industries, and organizations, casting a shadow of uncertainty on the ability to maintain highly secure and connected environments.

Denial of service attacks, including their distributed counterparts, are some of the oldest cyberweapons around. They've been used as a primary attack of choice for cybercriminals since approximately 1996, with the first impact hitting internet service provider Panix1. Cisco predicts that nearly 15 million DDoS attacks will occur before 2023 concludes, making it one of the most widely experienced and utilized attacks seen year over year.

Questions arise, such as, “How are these attacks still successful in the days of sophisticated web applications and network traffic filtering services like Cloudflare or Imperva WAF?” Additional research conducted in Q2 2023 by Black Lotus – the threat intelligence arm of Lumen Technologies, provides a concerning perspective into why this antiquated attack remains highly successful nearly three decades after its emergence – the continued evolution of multi-vector DDoS Attacks. Showcasing several government and educational institution examples from Europe that occurred across September 2023, this article will delve into approaches used within Multi-Vector DDoS attacks, defensive considerations, and some of the threat actors behind these attacks.


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8a2318 No.100075

File: ac89b72a793ce8c⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756656 (181453ZOCT23) Notable: TAKING CALLS NOW

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call in faggots

taking calls now

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8a2318 No.100076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756659 (181454ZOCT23) Notable: What happens when earths vibration increases to 50 hertz?

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>50 hertz

The world most commonly uses two frequencies for power: 50 Hz and 60 Hz. While aircraft, military equipment, and submarines use 400 Hz, all 40 countries use either 60 Hz or 50 Hz frequencies for standard power and everyday use. Let’s learn a little more about the difference between 60 Hz and 50 Hz frequency:


The different power frequencies that you use affect overall efficiency. When you need to switch between different frequencies, it can be difficult to achieve the most efficiency possible—not to mention that it can involve costly help. This is why frequency converters are a reliable, commonly used piece of machinery. Their ability to convert frequency powers provides versatility and overall power efficiency. But between 50 Hz and 60 Hz themselves, it depends on the application and energy capacity of the application use.

Geographical Location

One of the fundamental differences between 60 Hz and 50 Hz frequencies is which countries utilize which systems. Typically, North America uses 60 Hz motors, and much of Europe uses 50 Hz. Many countries once used one over the other but converted over time. For example, Mexico used 50 Hz up until the 1970s, when the country converted to the 60 Hz system.

One of the most interesting countries regarding these differences is Japan, which frequently uses both. The western part of the country, starting with Kyoto, uses 60 Hz, and Tokyo eastward uses a 50 Hz frequency.

Operating Speed

60 Hz is 20 percent higher in frequency than 50 Hz, which is the biggest difference between the two. Different sizes of frequency converters may affect overall performance. When machinery, such as generators or induction motor pumps, uses lower frequency, it prevents iron loss. Iron loss refers to useless energy used, or unnecessary energy. The goal is to avoid creating iron loss, as it wastes energy, machinery life, and money. It’s no secret that the higher the frequency, the more output and speed there is for generators and induction motors. Centrifugal forces are, overall, 20 percent higher for 60 Hz.

Is 60Hz Better Than 50Hz?

The answer to this question is that it depends. One frequency power is not innately better than the other. The main concern is that there are two different power frequency standards in the first place, which is a foundation for frequency converter basics. This means that systems and applications can run on either frequency. However, that means you will need a frequency converter. So although there are differences between 60 Hz and 50 Hz frequencies, you can use both, and both yield strong results thanks to frequency


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8a2318 No.100077

File: 7a28049a6a8f2eb⋯.png (20.96 KB,601x179,601:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756696 (181459ZOCT23) Notable: @realannapaulina Just got word that we will be allowed to do the SCIF Classified UAP briefing ref Grusch with the IG!

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Anna Paulina Luna


Just got word that we will be allowed to do the SCIF Classified UAP briefing ref Grusch with the IG!

@timburchett @JaredEMoskowitz @mattgaetz

9:06 AM · Oct 17, 2023


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8a2318 No.100078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756720 (181505ZOCT23) Notable: @townhallcom BIDEN: "I'm also announcing $100,000,000 of new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank."

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BIDEN: "I'm also announcing $100,000,000 of new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank."


This money will be used to continue to fund terrorism and not for humanitarian assistance.

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8a2318 No.100079

File: 08db51bf79b0da0⋯.jpeg (808.49 KB,1170x2338,585:1169,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756735 (181508ZOCT23) Notable: Twitter hijackable? “A minor glitch was found by a hacker on the CIA's official account on X

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Twitter hijackable

“A minor glitch was found by a hacker on the CIA's official account on X, formerly named Twitter, that foreign nations could hijacked.”

Should be “hijack” [ed] May 22nd drops

DJT “heads”

Future events Re: Intel trip to NK will make heads roll

Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statements: “Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to ‘force’ the US into a WAR/conflict against X?”

Air ‘force’ One

X = Twitter

Three letter embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS’ twitter

Russia receiving munitions from NK? Sergey Lavrov there now. What’s going on here


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8a2318 No.100080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756753 (181511ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - The Facts About What Happened In Gaza Yesterday (Ep. 2112) - 10/18/2023 The Dan Bongino Show

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LIVE - The Facts About What Happened In Gaza Yesterday (Ep. 2112) - 10/18/2023

The Dan Bongino Show


Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at bongino.locals.com!

Streaming now

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8a2318 No.100081

File: 9fc02b27245b88b⋯.jpeg (30.62 KB,270x218,135:109,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 20c87006be592f7⋯.jpeg (213.17 KB,828x1126,414:563,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756757 (181512ZOCT23) Notable: WTI Extends Gains As Cushing 'Tank Bottoms' Loom After Across-The-Board Inventory Draws

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WTI Extends Gains As Cushing 'Tank Bottoms' Loom After Across-The-Board Inventory Draws

Oil prices are higher from yesterday's close but well off their overnight highs this morning after the hospital attack and strong Chinese data sent crude soaring and then prices started to sink back as it appeared Israel's version of events was being supported by the US (though we would suggest not many arab states).

Last night's API report also provided support for crude prices with across-the-board inventory draws.

* Crude -4.38mm (+400k exp)

* Cushing -1.00mm

* Gasoline -1.58mm (-600k exp)

* Distillates -612k (-1.2mm exp)


* Crude -4.49mm (+400k exp)

* Cushing -758k

* Gasoline -2.37mm (-600k exp)

* Distillates -3.19mm (-1.2mm exp)

The official data confirmed API's with inventory draws across all cohorts, most notably Gasoline stocks plunged... Refilling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) has ground to a halt (from what was a de minimus effort anyway). SPR has basically gone nowhere now for 6 weeks... Cushing is getting ominously close to 'tank bottoms' with its lowest stockpile since Oct 2014... US Crude production remained at record highs of 13.2mm b/d (as rig counts trend lower)

WTI was hovering just above $86.50 ahead of the official data and extended gains after...



Moran Stanley and United Airlines equity shitting the bed too.

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8a2318 No.100082

File: d6fa6d361d7e1c0⋯.png (2.2 MB,2281x1803,2281:1803,Clipboard.png)

File: 13130170eaf09f7⋯.png (1.04 MB,982x1477,982:1477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756775 (181515ZOCT23) Notable: @HillaryClinton I endorse and proudly support my friend, @SJacksonLee, to be the next mayor of Houston. QMapped

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I endorse and proudly support my friend, @SJacksonLee, to be the next mayor of Houston.

Her relentless efforts in Congress prove she has the experience and vision to lead Houston into the future.

She's always been a fierce champion for her constituents, and I have no doubt that she'll bring that same fire and dedication to her role as mayor.

10:34 AM · Oct 18, 2023·128.2K Views

4th Quarter, Patriots!

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8a2318 No.100083

File: b5b7d10efccac24⋯.png (348.53 KB,666x375,222:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756821 (181523ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan for Speaker Memes

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8a2318 No.100084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756834 (181527ZOCT23) Notable: Game theory: Who doesn't support Jordan after Trump endorsements - RINOS

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game theory:

it doesn't really matter who Trump endorses

it SHOWs the RINOs if Trump say A and RINOs want B

if jordan is a rino, he will prove it

if jordan is GOOD he will play it so

who doesn't support Jordan after Trump endorsements, those are prolly rinos

Trump can endorse _ and the game would still be the same

the dif is Anons can SEE it these days and relay it on to Socials via memes/debates

when Normies start to realize it polls drop and dems lose power making them moar desperate/obvious

imo fyi

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8a2318 No.100085

File: 2c78135ff8337da⋯.png (168.79 KB,381x509,381:509,Clipboard.png)

File: d7de168345627cc⋯.png (145 KB,458x848,229:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756851 (181530ZOCT23) Notable: @HillaryClinton I endorse and proudly support my friend, @SJacksonLee, to be the next mayor of Houston. QMapped

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> endorse and proudly support my friend, @SJacksonLee, to be the next mayor of Houston.





Oct 18, 2020 1:05:39 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: eccd49 No. 11137635


Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

Do you see a pattern?



Jun 20, 2018 10:21:46 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e96bad No. 1828656

Jun 20, 2018 10:17:59 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 20c603 No. 1828594

Jun 20, 2018 10:11:40 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e96bad No. 1828504


Spelling error due to mobile.




Have a peek at her ring. Just sick




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8a2318 No.100086

File: 42d80bc3a8364a8⋯.png (248.73 KB,1600x1800,8:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756861 (181532ZOCT23) Notable: CAP Q flavored Postings #NightShift

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Probably redundant but in case you missed this in Notables last night in the middle of Night Shift we had some intedasting posts which some of us felt seemed to be Q-flavored. Others called us faggots, naturally. One anon grabbed screenshots. In red in picrel are the ones that felt Q-Like to me. You decide.

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8a2318 No.100087

File: b297a3c8f538d61⋯.png (80.97 KB,255x231,85:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756864 (181533ZOCT23) Notable: Prophetic anon chimes in: So it is written, so it shall be done.

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When the Moon is in the 7th House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Lulz will rule the planets

And Kek will steer the stars

A new chan will arise from the ashes of the old

And the Wheel of Fucktardary will turn as it has since the creation of the BBS

BTFO'ing the brians of the morans

And the lamentations of their blue-haired life partner and her son.

So it is written, so it shall be done.

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8a2318 No.100088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756876 (181536ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene @repmtg - Biden just announced he’s going to be giving $100 million to the “Gaza Strip” aka Hamas.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Biden just announced he’s going to be giving $100 million to the “Gaza Strip” aka Hamas.

The same amount of money Iran gives Hamas every single year.

There is now no difference between Joe Biden and the Ayatollah of Iran.


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8a2318 No.100089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756896 (181540ZOCT23) Notable: IRS contractor pleads guilty to leaking Trump’s tax info

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IRS contractor pleads guilty to leaking Trump’s tax info

Charles Littlejohn leaked the tax returns of Trump, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos and improperly accessed thousands of returns of wealthy Americans. He may face as little as eight months in prison.


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8a2318 No.100090

File: 22c669049a8963c⋯.png (805.58 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 116b687f4fb4624⋯.png (1.12 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756900 (181541ZOCT23) Notable: City-size comet regrows 'horns' after massive volcanic eruption

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City-size comet regrows 'horns' after massive volcanic eruption

Oct 17, 2023

The cryovolcanic comet 12P/Pons–Brooks, which will make its closest approach to Earth next year, has re-sprouted its distinctive "horns" after its second major eruption in four months.

An enormous volcanic comet the size of a small city has violently exploded for the second time in four months as it hurtles toward the sun. And just like the previous eruption, the cloud of ice and gas emitted what looked like a gigantic pair of horns.

The comet, named 12P/Pons-Brooks, is a cryovolcanic — or cold volcano — comet. It has a solid nucleus, with an estimated diameter of 18.6 miles (30 kilometers), and is filled with a mix of ice, dust and gas known as cryomagma. The nucleus is surrounded by a fuzzy cloud of gas called a coma, which leaks out of the comet's interior.

When solar radiation heats the comet's insides, the pressure builds up and the comet violently explodes, shooting its frosty guts out into space through large cracks in the nucleus's shell.

On Oct. 5, astronomers detected a large outburst from 12P, after the comet became dozens of times brighter due to the extra light reflecting from its expanded coma, according to the British Astronomical Association (BAA), which has been closely monitoring the comet

Over the next few days, the comet's coma expanded further and developed its "peculiar horns," Spaceweather.com reported. Some experts joked that the irregular shape of the coma also makes the comet look like a science fiction spaceship, such as the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars.

The unusual shape of the comet's coma is likely due to an irregularity in the shape of 12P's nucleus, Richard Miles, a BAA astronomer, told Live Science after the comet's previous eruption. The outflowing gas is likely being partially obstructed by a notch sticking out on the nucleus, Miles said. As the gas continues to expand away from the comet, the irregularity in the coma's shape becomes more defined and noticeable, he added.

12P is currently hurtling toward the inner solar system, where it will be slingshotted around the sun on its highly elliptical 71-year orbit around our home star — similar to the green comet Nishimura, which pulled off a near-identical maneuver on Sept. 17.

12P will reach its closest point to Earth on April 21, 2024, when it may become visible to the naked eye before being catapulted back toward the outer solar system. It will not return until 2095.

This is the second time 12P has sprouted its horns this year. On July 20, astronomers witnessed the comet blow its top for the first time in 69 years (mainly due to its outbursts being less frequent and harder to spot during the rest of its orbit). On that occasion, 12P's coma grew to around 143,000 miles (230,000 km), which is around 7,000 times wider than the comet's nucleus.

It is unclear how large the coma grew during the most recent eruption, but there are signs the outburst was "twice as intense" as the previous one, the BAA noted. By now, the coma has likely shrunk back to near its normal size.

As 12P continues to race toward the sun, there is a high probability that we will witness several more major eruptions. It is possible that those eruptions will be even bigger than the most recent one as the comet soaks up more solar radiation, according to Spaceweather.com.

But 12P is not the only volcanic comet that astronomers are currently monitoring: 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann (29P) — the most volatile volcanic comet in the solar system — has also had several noticeable eruptions in the last year.

In December 2022, 29P experienced its largest eruption in around 12 years, which sprayed around 1 million tons of cryomagma into space. And in April this year, for the first time ever, scientists accurately predicted one of 29P's eruptions before it actually happened, thanks to a slight increase in the comet's brightness in the lead-up to the icy explosion.


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8a2318 No.100091

File: 5e6021ce86fd6c0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1289x1359,1289:1359,Clipboard.png)

File: 23a1c9a329e94bf⋯.png (40.82 KB,1025x324,1025:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756922 (181546ZOCT23) Notable: PF JUST IN - Biden boards air force one and departs Israel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN - Biden boards air force one and departs Israel.

11:25 AM · Oct 18, 2023


Homer42 Leads The Way, empty call (left Margin) sign I think was POTATO

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8a2318 No.100092

File: b0e7fe6764bdb3f⋯.png (1.72 MB,1947x1299,649:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756926 (181546ZOCT23) Notable: @HillaryClinton I endorse and proudly support my friend, @SJacksonLee, to be the next mayor of Houston. QMapped

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8a2318 No.100093

File: 46c33730368636d⋯.png (235.05 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756940 (181548ZOCT23) Notable: Caps of GOP members that need to Vote for Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I do not live in Arkansas but have connections to it and go there often

So I called Womack’s Rogers Arkansas and a live person answered. I expressed my disappointment in his vote against Jordan and told him i wanted the Womack to vote for Jordan.

Here’s a number

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8a2318 No.100094

File: 27999f957ceb5c0⋯.png (20.26 KB,584x309,584:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756942 (181548ZOCT23) Notable: @POTUS I just announced $100 million for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I just announced $100 million for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank.

This money will support over 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians..

And we will have mechanisms in place so this aid reaches those in need – not Hamas or terrorist groups.


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8a2318 No.100095

File: 4ab5ceb974a0541⋯.jpeg (702.42 KB,828x1312,207:328,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756951 (181550ZOCT23) Notable: PF JUST IN - Biden boards air force one and departs Israel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Potao bailed Tel Aviv and still not AF1

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8a2318 No.100096

File: 2b03e0dcb3a65fd⋯.png (55.22 KB,474x774,79:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756959 (181550ZOCT23) Notable: CAP Current Public disclosure of Ukraine "Donations"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19756992 (181555ZOCT23) Notable: COLE is nominating Jordan for speaker!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

COLE is nominating Jordan for speaker!

Wow, he is an old bull establishment guy

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8a2318 No.100098

File: aa9c25f6fd10fee⋯.jpg (75.29 KB,592x673,592:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757009 (181559ZOCT23) Notable: IDF PR team exposes IDF bombing of hospital

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8a2318 No.100099

File: b22a2ff410fe3e7⋯.jpeg (71.34 KB,473x398,473:398,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757024 (181601ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan for Speaker Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100100

File: 062c356f26f0d51⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757025 (181601ZOCT23) Notable: IDF PR team exposes IDF bombing of hospital

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757114 (181616ZOCT23) Notable: CURRENT TRAITORS

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Bacon - McCarthy

Buchanan - voted for Jordan yesterday
.Donalds today

Buck - Emmer


Only to give more power to McHenry

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8a2318 No.100102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757122 (181617ZOCT23) Notable: #24259

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24259 >>100045

>>100063 https://www.c-span.org/video/?531202-1/house-speaker-election-coverage

>>100046, >>100047, >>100093 Caps of GOP members that need to Vote for Jordan

>>100048 Rep. Doug LaMalfa My vote today was out of a strong conviction that what has been happening in Washington, D.C

>>100049 , >>100066, >>100070, >>100083, >>100099 Jordan for Speaker Memes

>>100050 Approval For Building Border Wall With Mexico Reaches Record High.

>>100051 @GenFlynn There are times in our lives when an emotional wave can overcome even the best of us.


>>100053 Swamp Schedule

>>100054 Bannon’s WarRoom Live Now!

>>100055 Hillary and Huma Caps

>>100056 Reminder The late Jacqueline Renae Walorski and the late Anne Celeste Heche partnered to fight against pedophilia,

>>100057 When the grass root pressure is on, Politicians vote accordingly

>>100058 Google Caps on No Name and creation of ISIS

>>100059 MTG was right "Jewish Space Lazers" CAPS

>>100060 [Joint Direct Attack Munition GBU- 31/32/38] JDAM specs

>>100061 Adam Schiff, a Sitting Congressman, Gets Community Noted for Not Knowing How Congress Works

>>100062 @SenFettermanPA Would it be awkward to attend a classified briefing on Israel when you’ve been accused of being a foreign agent


>>100065 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>100067 @realDonaldTrump The United Autoworkers have no choice. They are not being told the truth by their union “heads.” The Auto Industry is DEAD if they don’t VOTE FOR TRUMP.

>>100068 Tens of Thousands of Cisco Devices Hacked via Zero-Day Vulnerability

>>100069 Hamas lies about Gaza hospital blast are being exposed?

>>100071 Greta Thunberg arrested after joining hundreds of climate protesters in London

>>100072 PlaneFag Eastern med activity

>>100073 Spyware Caught Masquerading as Israeli Rocket Alert Applications

>>100074 DDoS attacks trending upwards: multiple EU websites under siege


>>100076 What happens when earths vibration increases to 50 hertz?

>>100077 @realannapaulina Just got word that we will be allowed to do the SCIF Classified UAP briefing ref Grusch with the IG!

>>100078 @townhallcom BIDEN: "I'm also announcing $100,000,000 of new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank."

>>100079 Twitter hijackable? “A minor glitch was found by a hacker on the CIA's official account on X

>>100080 LIVE - The Facts About What Happened In Gaza Yesterday (Ep. 2112) - 10/18/2023 The Dan Bongino Show

>>100082, >>100092, >>100085 @HillaryClinton I endorse and proudly support my friend, @SJacksonLee, to be the next mayor of Houston. QMapped

>>100081 WTI Extends Gains As Cushing 'Tank Bottoms' Loom After Across-The-Board Inventory Draws

>>100084 Game theory: Who doesn't support Jordan after Trump endorsements - RINOS

>>100086 CAP Q flavored Postings #NightShift

>>100087 Prophetic anon chimes in: So it is written, so it shall be done.

>>100088 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene @repmtg - Biden just announced he’s going to be giving $100 million to the “Gaza Strip” aka Hamas.

>>100089 IRS contractor pleads guilty to leaking Trump’s tax info

>>100090 City-size comet regrows 'horns' after massive volcanic eruption

>>100095, >>100091 PF JUST IN - Biden boards air force one and departs Israel.

>>100094 @POTUS I just announced $100 million for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank.

>>100096 CAP Current Public disclosure of Ukraine "Donations"

>>100097 COLE is nominating Jordan for speaker!

>>100098, >>100100 IDF PR team exposes IDF bombing of hospital



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8a2318 No.100103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757136 (181618ZOCT23) Notable: #24260

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24260 https://fullchan.net/?faba0b439243b16e#2hJfziJF3XaivPwoobXM3dV3vhxekMV1x5gLm39qiCrE

LIVE: The U.S. House of Representatives Votes on New Speaker of the House - 10/18/23


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8a2318 No.100104

File: b22a2ff410fe3e7⋯.jpeg (71.34 KB,473x398,473:398,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2b03e0dcb3a65fd⋯.png (55.22 KB,474x774,79:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 04a514e404e13a0⋯.png (1.86 MB,1073x788,1073:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 0750eb9b967d3b9⋯.png (635.15 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757148 (181620ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100105

File: 875558caebb2d64⋯.png (637.98 KB,640x641,640:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 438ecd6ce67c3e4⋯.png (122.39 KB,902x743,902:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 97005cf92db42a1⋯.png (403.18 KB,787x1049,787:1049,Clipboard.png)

File: d7346bb61331a30⋯.png (5.68 MB,1925x1925,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757152 (181621ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100106

File: b6542b9030867b0⋯.jpg (31.01 KB,1169x536,1169:536,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1a71c701023cfb0⋯.jpg (110.34 KB,828x1063,828:1063,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757157 (181622ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli embassy in US posts meme of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix in response to Iran saying 'time is up'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>99979 (pb)

"time is up"

- Iranian Embassy Damascus


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8a2318 No.100107

File: fece9b510428afa⋯.png (44.78 KB,440x366,220:183,Clipboard.png)

File: c6fa45b64886223⋯.png (45.76 KB,412x575,412:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 97462bed883e915⋯.png (37.99 KB,482x453,482:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b1119aa6edf1ec⋯.gif (1.38 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757158 (181622ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100108

File: b7c4e4baeb3fa43⋯.png (208.96 KB,589x452,589:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757185 (181628ZOCT23) Notable: @gatewaypundit Sperry: Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Sperry: Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won a Big New IRS Contract via @gatewaypundit

5:05 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100109

File: d1b9a09c39fddd1⋯.png (269.4 KB,593x528,593:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757192 (181630ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Russia says shot down two Ukrainian missiles headed for Crimea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insider Paper


BREAKING: Russia says shot down two Ukrainian missiles headed for Crimea

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/russia-says-shot-down-two-ukrainian-missiles-headed-for-crimea/


5:06 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100110

File: 3b866a112dacaff⋯.png (414.8 KB,588x436,147:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757215 (181634ZOCT23) Notable: @gatewaypundit Biden’s Border ‘Security’ Takes Aim at Christians

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Biden’s Border ‘Security’ Takes Aim at Christians via @gatewaypundit

3:23 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100111

File: 1b051d4ed6f747b⋯.png (476.31 KB,592x469,592:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757224 (181636ZOCT23) Notable: US vetoes UN Security Council resolution on Gaza, Israel.

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NOW - US vetoes UN Security Council resolution on Gaza, Israel.

3:35 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100112

File: 1e7acdaeacf75dc⋯.png (18.73 KB,591x207,197:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757234 (181637ZOCT23) Notable: @laralogan When you see pro-Hamas demonstrations in the US & beyond, y9u should also see the hidden hand financing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


When you see pro-Hamas demonstrations in the US & beyond, y9u should also see the hidden hand financing, organizing & fueling them. These demonstrations show a level of organization and imply a level of funding that most in America cannot comprehend.

3:31 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100113

File: 6ec901236f652d8⋯.png (12.12 KB,593x152,593:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757241 (181638ZOCT23) Notable: Saudi Arabia: 'Saudis must leave Lebanon immediately and now'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insider Paper


BREAKING: Saudi Arabia: 'Saudis must leave Lebanon immediately and now'

3:37 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100114

File: 6dfa4848bfd3dfe⋯.png (425.96 KB,586x877,586:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757249 (181640ZOCT23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr I’m sure this is no big deal - >A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald Trump Jr.


I’m sure this is no big deal





A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history.

Symbolism in Islamic historic tradition:

"When the black flags come from Khorasan (Persia/Central Asia) go to them, even if you have to crawl on snow, among them is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi"

Show more


3:13 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757255 (181642ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

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18 Oct, 2023 15:45

Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

(It was Hamas's freakin bomb that malfunctioned and fell on the hospital, they all sound like Bidan)

Washington has given “unlimited cover” to Israel since its air campaign against Gaza began, militant leader Ismail Haniyeh said

By enabling Israel’s “brutality,” the US is ultimately responsible for the bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has declared.

Haniyeh said that the bombing would “constitute a turning point” in his group’s struggle against the Jewish state.

“The Americans who gave unlimited cover bear responsibility for the Baptist [Hospital] massacre. Whoever supports Israel is responsible for its violations in Gaza,” he said in a televised statement on Tuesday night.

“The hospital massacre confirms the enemy’s brutality and the extent of his feeling of defeat,” Haniyeh continued, adding that “this massacre will constitute a turning point and a flood added to the flood of Al-Aqsa,” referring to the name of Hamas’ ongoing operation against Israel.

The Christian-run Al-Ahli Hospital, also known as the Baptist Hospital, was destroyed in an apparent missile strike on Tuesday. Palestinian officials accused Israel of targeting the facility, while Israel blamed the blast on a wayward rocket fired by the Islamic Jihad militant group, despite a government spokesman seemingly taking responsibility immediately after the strike.

Some 471 Palestinians were killed and more than 314 wounded in the strike, the Palestinian Health Ministry stated on Wednesday, calling the attack “an Israeli massacre.”

At the time of the strike, Israeli warplanes had been conducting continuous airstrikes on Gaza for over a week. Throughout this time, American officials have expressed solidarity with Israel and pledged increased military aid to the Jewish state. Speaking to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, US President Joe Biden claimed that the attack “was done by the other team, and not by you.”

Biden explained that he visited Israel “for a simple reason – I want the people of Israel and the people of the world to know where the US stands.”

The hospital's destruction sparked protests and riots across the Muslim world and led Jordan to cancel a planned summit between Biden and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Amid condemnation from Arab governments, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev declared on Wednesday that the “final responsibility” for the “war crime” at the hospital “lies with those who cynically make money from wars

With those who thoughtlessly distribute colossal amounts of money for weapons to load its military-industrial complex with work and falsely proclaim their global mission to protect democratic values. The United States of America.”

(It's ramping up, Russia, China and Muslim countries blame America for all problems with Israel and other countries. Putin and Xi are pushing this hard, and they are all saying there should be a 2 state solution, when Palestine is not a state and never has been. Palestine is not even recognized as a state by the UN, so making a two state solution is not reasonable. It’s all a scam.)

Statehood for the purposes of the UN Charter

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had been recognized as "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people," competent on all matters concerning the question of Palestine by the UN General Assembly in addition to the right of the Palestinian people in Palestine to national independence and sovereignty, and was granted observer status at the UN General Assembly as a "non-state entity", from 1974.[7] In mid-November 2011, the PLO submitted an official application to become a full member of the UN.[8] A successful application would require approval from the UN Security Council and a two-thirds majority in the UN General Assembly. However, the Security Council's membership committee deadlocked on the issue and had been "unable to make a unanimous recommendation to the Security Council"



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8a2318 No.100116

File: 19256d33050fdaf⋯.png (1.14 MB,838x1224,419:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757267 (181643ZOCT23) Notable: What if the whole hospital story was faked?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What if the whole hospital story was faked?


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8a2318 No.100117

File: d32a7967b987ff8⋯.png (3.24 MB,3277x2335,3277:2335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757277 (181645ZOCT23) Notable: Q Clock October 17, 2023 Jim Jordan. Follow the pen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q Clock October 17, 2023

Jim Jordan.

Follow the pen.

Already written?

Letters left visible to match.

Pain coming.

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8a2318 No.100118

File: da18c8316c14f93⋯.png (407.73 KB,693x595,99:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757278 (181645ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. Gov’t Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The U.S. Gov’t Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims


In America, we call this skeet.

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8a2318 No.100119

File: c0e5fcf0fc955fe⋯.png (479.27 KB,594x462,9:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757290 (181648ZOCT23) Notable: 4.6-magnitude earthquake hits northeast of San Francisco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insider Paper


BREAKING - 4.6-magnitude earthquake hits northeast of San Francisco


5:35 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100120

File: c9e1dde84f3ffb1⋯.png (14.49 KB,588x230,294:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757293 (181648ZOCT23) Notable: @POTUS The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Let me make myself clear:

The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas.

And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.


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8a2318 No.100121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757303 (181649ZOCT23) Notable: 1:00 PM An Examination of the Iranian Regime's Threats to Homeland Security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1:00 PM

An Examination of the Iranian Regime's Threats to Homeland Security

House Homeland Security Committee



The Honorable Nathan A. Sales

Former Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism

Department of State


Ms. Masih Alinejad

Author and Activist


Mr. Robert Greenway

Director of the Center for National Defense

The Heritage Foundation


Mr. Thomas S. Warrick

Senior Fellow and Director, Future of DHS Project at the Atlantic Council

Former Department of Homeland Security Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism Policy






Hearing on Iranian Threats to Homeland Security

Activists and former State Department employees testify before the House Homeland Security Committee on the threat Iran poses to homeland security.


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8a2318 No.100122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757314 (181650ZOCT23) Notable: 21 House GOP JORDAN No Votes:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Olivia Beavers


19 House GOP JORDAN No Votes:


2.Buchanan (new)




6.Diaz Balart


8.Ferguson (new)










18.Miller-Meeks (new)


5:44 AM · Oct 18, 2023





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8a2318 No.100123

File: 4f975734b847984⋯.png (450.69 KB,591x490,591:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757326 (181652ZOCT23) Notable: Lobbyists Were Walking Around Cutting Deals with GOP Reps at Capital Grille to Vote Against Jim Jordan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Steve Bannon: I Have Spies – Lobbyists Were Walking Around Cutting Deals with GOP Reps at Capital Grille to Vote Against Jim Jordan (Video) via @gatewaypundit

4:49 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757345 (181654ZOCT23) Notable: 21 House GOP JORDAN No Votes:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bacon - McCarthy

Buchanan - voted for Jordan yesterday
.Donalds today

Buck - Emmer

Chavez- Voted for McCarthy

Diaz B, NY - Zeldon

Diaz B Fl - Scalice

Ferguson Scalise

Gabarino Zeldon

himmenez Mccarthy

Gonzalez Scalise

Granger Scalise

James meeks

Kelly-PA bainer

Higgins-PA Mccarthy

Lahelta Zelden

Lawler McCarthy

Millermeeks Granger

Rutherberg Scalise

Simpson scalise

Stalberg westerman

womack scalise


Anons Confirm

also need name checks

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8a2318 No.100125

File: 49c4cc14d6953f1⋯.png (107.25 KB,534x522,89:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757430 (181704ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Defense Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin in 2007: “Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because IDF could then deal with Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Israeli Defense Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin in 2007: “Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state”, going on to downplay significance of Iran in Gaza “as long as they don't have a port"

Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20140904145748/https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/07TELAVIV1733_a.html


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8a2318 No.100126

File: f2b06a736740c20⋯.png (58.42 KB,595x886,595:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757445 (181707ZOCT23) Notable: @imshin "AlJazeera saves Israel from the lie that it is responsible for the attack on the hospital.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes reposted





"AlJazeera saves Israel from the lie that it is responsible for the attack on the hospital.

Attached here is a recording of Aljazeera's live broadcast today against the background of Gaza.

Pay attention to the broadcast time on the right. 18:59 - In the background we can see a failed launch that crashes inside the Gaza strip - exactly at the time when the red alert warning was activated across Israel.

The line of reports running at the bottom of the page talks about the elimination of Hamas commander Iman Nofal so that the broadcast is certainly from today.

Do you remember that I wrote to you that the incident was first reported around 19:10?

That is, a reasonable period of time of about ten minutes from the moment of the impact to the Gaza news channels.

Here is live proof courtesy of Aljazeera - a launch from Gaza is responsible for the impact inside the Gaza Strip"

"Attached also on a Hamas-identified channel: a preliminary report on the attack on the hospital at 19:10 this evening. The schedule is perfect!!!"

Thanks to the “Hot News” Telegram channel for the video!

(To summarize:) "A rocket intended to kill Israeli civilians hit a hospital in Gaza and now "the Jews are to blame". Upside-down world."



9:28 AM · Oct 17, 2023




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8a2318 No.100127

File: 03cc63ba1b23513⋯.png (254.66 KB,383x551,383:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757470 (181711ZOCT23) Notable: Former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer has appealed his criminal fraud case to the Supreme Court,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer has appealed his criminal fraud case to the Supreme Court, arguing he should receive a new trial, Archer’s lawyers said.

Archer was sentenced to a year and a day in prison after being convicted in 2018 of defrauding a Native American tribe. Biden is not implicated in the case.

If successful, Archer would be able to avoid serving out his prison term and other parts of his sentence.

READ (https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4262743-devon-archer-appeals-criminal-case-to-supreme-court/)

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8a2318 No.100128

File: 9a9163eb84fc5b7⋯.png (31.25 KB,600x299,600:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757494 (181716ZOCT23) Notable: @RepLuna The world is watching us now. We just had drones intercepted which were headed to a base housing our troops in Iraq.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna



The world is watching us now.

We just had drones intercepted which were headed to a base housing our troops in Iraq.

We need to come together. What is happening in DC is undermining our position on the world stage.

Make no mistake, those drones are an act of war.



Who attacked US troops in Iraq last night?

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8a2318 No.100129

File: 1a52dfa1b51149f⋯.png (514.62 KB,597x739,597:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dfac547eaf384f⋯.png (190.73 KB,600x485,120:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757497 (181717ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli embassy in US posts meme of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix in response to Iran saying 'time is up'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Embassy of Israel to the USA | #IsraelUSA75









1:01 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100130

File: 4ffaf4ef483c924⋯.png (227.37 KB,905x839,905:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757515 (181719ZOCT23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr I’m sure this is no big deal - >A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history.

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8a2318 No.100131

File: 05101b48b923720⋯.png (368.97 KB,600x552,25:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757549 (181725ZOCT23) Notable: US Military Intercepts Drones Targeting Al-Asad Air Base in Iraq

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Mario Nawfal



🚹 JUST IN: US Military Intercepts Drones Targeting Al-Asad Air Base in Iraq

The US military in Iraq intercepted several drones that were targeting Iraq's Al-Asad air base, which houses US forces.

Source: Reuters


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8a2318 No.100132

File: 7bc2da2396e8bf4⋯.png (68.17 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757607 (181735ZOCT23) Notable: Biden government funnels more than $4.1B into Grants for Transgender initiatives despite backlash in polls

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Biden government funnels more than $4.1B into Grants for Transgender initiatives despite backlash in polls

An independent website investigation recently revealed that a hefty amount of $4.1 billion from taxpayers' pockets has been directed by President Joe Biden's administration into LGBT initiatives, including child mutilations and grooming measures in the education system, over the past three fiscal years.

The Epoch Times (ET) conducted an in-depth probe of Federal spending between Oct. 1, 2020 and Sept. 30 2021 and found that the U.S. government has already issued more than 1,100 grants to fund LGBT-promoting projects around the world.

Here are some of the most expensive government-sponsored "woke projects" that the news outlet found:

* In 2022, Biden gave the LGBT Life Center in Norfolk, Virginia $1.8 million to create a "safe space for LGBT youth and adults to seek support and resources."

* The U.S. government awarded Serbian activist group Grupa Izadji a grant of $500,000 to implement a proposal for encouraging "diversity, equity and inclusion in the country's workplaces and business communities by promoting the economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ people."

* Armenian activist group Pink Human Rights Defender received $1 million from the United States "to empower the LGBT community" in Armenia, a tiny country next to Turkey.

There is also an ongoing grant paid to Emory University for a study that started in 2019 on "the rectal mucosal effects of cross-sex hormone therapy among U.S. and Thai transgender women, ET also found. The project, which has an end date of July 2024, is worth almost $3.5 million and is categorized under "allergy and infectious diseases research." Its claimed purpose was to "assist public and private nonprofit institutions and individuals to establish, expand and improve biomedical research and research training in infectious diseases and related areas."

Another one was a grant that would examine the impact of alcohol on intimate partner violence in transgender and non-gender-conforming adults.

Moreover, a 2023 $350,000 project by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) translated the Homosaurus, a thesaurus of LGBT terms, into Spanish. Its website included definitions for sexual terms "anonymous sex," "aromantic porn films," "pederasts," "children's sexuality," and "gay children." It also reclassified the words "gerontophilia," "ephebophilia" and "hebephilia," Greek words that mean sexual attraction to the elderly, people 15-19, and children 11-14, respectively, as "fetishes."

LGBT national cultural projects also received funding including more than $333,000 for an LGBT radio and television "digitization and access project" and $324,000 to map historical LGBT spaces through gay travel guides.

As per the website that listed Federal expenditures, a list of payouts filtered by using the keyword "LGBT" included 1,181 grants, 31 loans and nine direct payments during the past three fiscal years. Overall, during the past fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the government issued 454,821 grants.

ET further reported that the individual payouts for the "LBGT" grants of at least $1 million totaled more than $3.7 billion combined. Many additional smaller grants were also awarded to "gay mafia" initiatives but were not reviewed. Meanwhile, when the list was filtered for grants including the word "transgender," 574 were listed, where grants that paid out at least $1 million totaled nearly $478 million. Seven direct payments and nine loans with the keyword "transgender" also were issued by the Biden regime.

"If you search for grants from the Department of Education [DOE] with the word 'equity' in them, it'll blow your mind how much money is being spent just on equity-aligned initiatives,"He figures he's uncovered about $240 million in "grants going toward equity initiatives."

Woke government grooms children via public education system

The Biden administration, has also been infusing schools with gender ideology and sexual orientation topics via grants.

The left cult is prevailing as the government continues to funnel whopping amounts of money into these projects. In fact, DOE gave $1.2 million to "LGBTQIA+ pride centers" in the San Diego Community College District. Another DOE grant of almost $1.6 million was awarded for North Dakota's "indigenous, LGBTQIA+, rural and underserved school-based mental health needs." Boston College also won a grant amounting to $1.4 million for a study that would look into "mechanisms of health promotion in diverse youth through gay-straight alliances."

Sources for this article include:





Sauce: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-10-17-biden-funnels-billion-grants-for-transgender-initiatives.html

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8a2318 No.100133

File: 220c35ae9399a76⋯.png (283.17 KB,600x536,75:67,Clipboard.png)

File: b52c921e5e5ba61⋯.png (331.51 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757624 (181740ZOCT23) Notable: UK Prime Minister on Gaza Hospital Bombing:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mario Nawfal



🚹JUST IN - UK Prime Minister on Gaza Hospital Bombing:

"Information from Hamas should be treated the same as information coming from the Kremlin."




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8a2318 No.100134

File: 097f05aeb5b5862⋯.png (502 KB,584x483,584:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 95e921e791788f5⋯.png (340.63 KB,527x270,527:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757635 (181742ZOCT23) Notable: Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of election interference for making memes #DontPlea

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The Post Millennial


BREAKING: Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of election interference for making memes disparaging Hillary Clinton

6:03 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100135

File: e26221f3070d870⋯.mp4 (12.7 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757648 (181745ZOCT23) Notable: Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of election interference for making memes #DontPlea

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We are reaching the finish line.

Be ready anons, they will come & try.

The Communist Gulags are here in America.

Douglass Mackey was just sentenced to 7 months in federal prison for the crime of posting memes.

Biden’s Department of Justice is fully weaponized against any political opposition.

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8a2318 No.100136

File: 2f98bcd66bf6c9b⋯.gif (1.54 MB,697x764,697:764,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757649 (181745ZOCT23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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8a2318 No.100137

File: 71a04083f448af0⋯.png (365.18 KB,1036x750,518:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757683 (181751ZOCT23) Notable: Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of election interference for making memes #DontPlea

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Pro-Trump Meme Maker Douglass Mackey, AKA, ‘Ricky Vaughn,’ Sentenced to 7 Months in Prison for Trolling Hillary Clinton During 2016 Election

by Cristina Laila Oct. 18, 2023 12:38 pm

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8a2318 No.100138

File: 6a428204631b7e6⋯.jpg (81.28 KB,664x618,332:309,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757787 (181808ZOCT23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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8a2318 No.100139

File: a851df106718cfb⋯.png (189.03 KB,541x537,541:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757829 (181813ZOCT23) Notable: Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of election interference for making memes #DontPlea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pro-Trump Meme Maker Douglass Mackey, AKA, ‘Ricky Vaughn,’ Sentenced to 7 Months in Prison for Trolling Hillary Clinton During 2016 Election

Pro-Trump meme maker Douglass Mackey, AKA, Ricky Vaughn, was sentenced to 7 months in prison for trolling Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

Mackey was facing a maximum of 10 years in prison for speech crimes.

Douglass Mackey was indicted in January 2021 by the feds for using the social media platform to ‘spread election disinformation’ to Hillary Clinton voters in 2016

34-year-old Mackey was arrested in West Palm Beach in 2021 on one charge of conspiracy against rights.

According to the unsealed indictment, Mackey conspired with others on Twitter to encourage black people to cast their votes via text message.

The Eastern District of New York said in its indictment that one week before the 2016 election, Mackey tweeted an image of a black woman in front of an “African Americans for President Hillary” sign.


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8a2318 No.100140

File: 796be843063ae46⋯.png (15.05 KB,584x166,292:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757863 (181818ZOCT23) Notable: Senator Elizabeth Warren sends letter to White House claiming crypto is a national security threat

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JUST IN: đŸ‡ș🇾 US Senator Elizabeth Warren sends letter to White House claiming crypto is a national security threat being used to fund terrorism.


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8a2318 No.100141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757908 (181822ZOCT23) Notable: #24260

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24260 >>100103

>>100104, >>100105, >>100107 Jordan Memes

>>100106, >>100129 Israeli embassy in US posts meme of Keanu Reeves in The Matrix in response to Iran saying 'time is up'

>>100108 @gatewaypundit Sperry: Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won

>>100109 BREAKING: Russia says shot down two Ukrainian missiles headed for Crimea

>>100110 @gatewaypundit Biden’s Border ‘Security’ Takes Aim at Christians

>>100111 US vetoes UN Security Council resolution on Gaza, Israel.

>>100112 @laralogan When you see pro-Hamas demonstrations in the US & beyond, y9u should also see the hidden hand financing

>>100113 Saudi Arabia: 'Saudis must leave Lebanon immediately and now'

>>100114, >>100130 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’m sure this is no big deal - >A black flag is raised over Imam Reza shrine in Iran for first time in history.

>>100115 Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

>>100116 What if the whole hospital story was faked?

>>100117 Q Clock October 17, 2023 Jim Jordan. Follow the pen.

>>100118 The U.S. Gov’t Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims

>>100119 4.6-magnitude earthquake hits northeast of San Francisco

>>100120 @POTUS The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas.

>>100121 1:00 PM An Examination of the Iranian Regime's Threats to Homeland Security

>>100122, >>100124 21 House GOP JORDAN No Votes:

>>100123 Lobbyists Were Walking Around Cutting Deals with GOP Reps at Capital Grille to Vote Against Jim Jordan

>>100125 Israeli Defense Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin in 2007: “Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because IDF could then deal with Gaza

>>100126 @imshin "AlJazeera saves Israel from the lie that it is responsible for the attack on the hospital.

>>100127 Former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer has appealed his criminal fraud case to the Supreme Court,

>>100128 @RepLuna The world is watching us now. We just had drones intercepted which were headed to a base housing our troops in Iraq.

>>100131 US Military Intercepts Drones Targeting Al-Asad Air Base in Iraq

>>100132 Biden government funnels more than $4.1B into Grants for Transgender initiatives despite backlash in polls

>>100133 UK Prime Minister on Gaza Hospital Bombing:

>>100134, >>100135, >>100137, >>100139 Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of election interference for making memes #DontPlea

>>100136, >>100138 Memes of the Thread

>>100140 Senator Elizabeth Warren sends letter to White House claiming crypto is a national security threat


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8a2318 No.100142

File: 246494d0bd4db8f⋯.jpg (72.5 KB,718x460,359:230,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757921 (181824ZOCT23) Notable: #24261

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#24261 https://fullchan.net/?a7312938faff829a#B9JnNBr7ETGykQxuUrKATXZaVrGmFVRGMW5eKoxjtEtx

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100143

File: 8ab8fde009ce078⋯.png (364.51 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a334ad0b2ab5c8⋯.png (317.08 KB,547x395,547:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757952 (181829ZOCT23) Notable: Unrest in Mozambique over alleged election fraud

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Unrest in Mozambique over alleged election fraud

Violence reported across the Southern African nation between police and opposition protesters following local elections

Clashes between riot police and opposition protesters in Mozambique’s capital, Maputo, have reportedly left dozens injured. The main opposition party, Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), called for the demonstrations on Tuesday in response to alleged fraud in municipal elections held last week.

Several of the protesters sustained minor injuries while attempting to flee from police, who fired tear gas into the crowd, according to the BBC.

“We once again call on all Mozambicans to take part in a general demonstration to repudiate electoral fraud... This is the beginning of the revolution in Mozambique,” Ossufo Momade, Renamo president, told a crowd in Maputo on Tuesday. Protests were reported in Chiure and Montepuez in the country’s northeast, and in Nampula in the north.

The ruling Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo) was announced on Saturday as the winner of the local elections in most municipalities, including the capital, where the candidate of Renamo Venancio Mondlane had already claimed victory.

According to the Maputo Provincial Electoral Commission, Frelimo’s Rasaque Manhique obtained 58.78% of the total votes, while Renamo’s Mondlane had 33.59%, while the Democratic Movement of Mozambique received 6.8%.

However, Mondlane declared himself winner on Thursday, a day after the elections, with 53% of votes cast, bringing thousands of supporters to the streets in the capital, the Club of Mozambique news agency reported.

A 16-year-old boy was shot and killed by police on Thursday in the district of Chiure in Cabo Delgado province and a girl was injured during opposition supporters’ celebrations following the local elections. The police said in a statement that the boy was “accidentally fatally shot” while they were dispersing protesters.

Human Rights Watch has also accused the Mozambican police of using “excessive force” against opposition supporters in Nampula province. Violent clashes between police and opposition supporters have also been reported in the municipalities of Cuamba, Moatize, and Vilankulos, the organization reported on Thursday.

Frelimo and Renamo fought a brutal civil war from 1977 to 1992, devastating the southern African nation’s economy and leaving almost one million people dead. Since the conclusion of the war, Frelimo has consistently won all national elections and maintained control over the majority of municipalities in the former Portuguese colony, which gained independence in 1975.


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8a2318 No.100144

File: 6b10819669c9dd7⋯.png (516.12 KB,1007x906,1007:906,Clipboard.png)

File: 6216248517a4b88⋯.mp4 (13.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758066 (181845ZOCT23) Notable: The Israeli army is preparing to move into Gaza.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚹BREAKING: The Israeli army is preparing to move into Gaza.

Source: Israeli Broadcasting Authority

2:33 PM · Oct 18, 2023


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8a2318 No.100145

File: 02af208b5ef6ab6⋯.png (64.32 KB,714x604,357:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 2326c7d5c0e8b41⋯.png (182.73 KB,735x647,735:647,Clipboard.png)

File: e826b9130411173⋯.png (177.46 KB,720x636,60:53,Clipboard.png)

File: f0ad8da215773f1⋯.png (198.56 KB,745x642,745:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758153 (181857ZOCT23) Notable: Ukrainian Firm Tied To Hunter Planned Meetings With DC Lawmakers After Joe Biden Got Prosecutor Fired, Memo Shows

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Ukrainian Firm Tied To Hunter Planned Meetings With DC Lawmakers After Joe Biden Got Prosecutor Fired, Memo Shows

Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings planned on holding meetings with congressional lawmakers in Washington, D.C., shortly after then-Vice President Joe Biden successfully pressured Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor, according to a memo released in September.

Burisma was paying Hunter Biden more than $80,000 per month in spring 2016 when then-VP Biden successfully pressured Ukraine into firing Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin. The Ukrainian firm hoped to have meetings in D.C. with two senators and a house lawmaker right after the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Shokin, according to an itinerary released by the House Ways and Means Committee in September.

Lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies planned on briefing Burisma on March 30, 2016, ahead of a meeting with the staff of then-Republican Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, a former member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and co-chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, the document shows.

Burisma representatives met with a staffer in Portman’s office but did not make any specific demands, according to a source familiar with the meeting. Portman did not know about the meeting and never spoke with Burisma, the source said. The Caller granted anonymity to speak on a sensitive issue.

Portman is now a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and his senate seat was filled by Republican Sen. J.D. Vance in the 2022 midterm elections.

In the afternoon, Burisma planned to meet with the staff Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a current member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Ukraine Caucus, according to the memo. Her office did not respond to a request for comment. It’s unclear if the meeting with Shaheen took place.


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8a2318 No.100146

File: 1c54fbb613d8bc3⋯.png (79.52 KB,532x392,19:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758173 (181900ZOCT23) Notable: Brazil army says it is keeping around 160 soldiers on lockdown at a military base as it investigates the theft of 21 heavy machine guns

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ALERT - Brazil army says it is keeping around 160 soldiers on lockdown at a military base as it investigates the theft of 21 heavy machine guns, including some capable of taking down airplanes

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/brazil-probes-theft-of-heavy-machine-guns-from-army-base/


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8a2318 No.100147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758390 (181937ZOCT23) Notable: Not for nothing, but I've been feeling "something" the last few weeks. I wouldn't say good or bad. Just, change? Like an ending of an era maybe

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Not for nothing, but I've been feeling "something" the last few weeks. I wouldn't say good or bad. Just, change? Like an ending of an era maybe if any sort of ending. Something in me telling me take this all in because it will be different soon. I've had weird feelings before but they last a day or two and go away. This seems to just keep going. Even before this fake 2nd war. Just an odd feeling. Anyway, love to all Anons (no homo). You guys and gals are fucking amazing. Far smarter than I could ever hope to be.

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8a2318 No.100148

File: 76a6d787d948830⋯.png (529.19 KB,964x542,482:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758427 (181941ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli TV station reveals new footage claiming to be proof a rocket fired from INSIDE Gaza malfunctioned mid-air moments before devastating explosion

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Israeli TV station reveals new footage claiming to be proof a rocket fired from INSIDE Gaza malfunctioned mid-air moments before devastating explosion at hospital that killed hundreds


For those who said this was Israel, you should apologise now!

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8a2318 No.100149

File: f77d0547d1a52d3⋯.png (499.73 KB,591x715,591:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758529 (181955ZOCT23) Notable: Just received this video. How did these protesters enter? Did they all go through metal detectors?

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Julie Kelly đŸ‡ș🇾


Just received this video. How did these protesters enter? Did they all go through metal detectors?

8:26 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100150

File: e86dcaf44940cff⋯.png (528.61 KB,590x774,295:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758542 (181956ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor GreeneđŸ‡ș🇾


There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill

Rep. Marjorie Taylor GreeneđŸ‡ș🇾


There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill

7:59 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100151

File: c3b2b80cb932820⋯.png (369.68 KB,589x529,589:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758549 (181957ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill

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Libs of TikTok


WATCH: A group of pro Palestinian insurrectionists stormed the Capitol today. Have any of them been arrested, hunted down, or thrown in gulags yet? Will any of them get 17-22-year prison sentences? Shaking.


Matthew Foldi

8:01 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100152

File: 499e810a32818cf⋯.png (556.37 KB,591x861,197:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758565 (181959ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill

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BREAKING: Hundreds of Democrat Insurrectionists storm US Capitol calling for Gaza ceasefire

Did the Hamas Caucus coordinate to allow them access?

This is the darkest day in our democracy

We must create the October 18th Committee and hold these domestic extremists accountable!

8:41 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100153

File: a6c1498d31ddf3e⋯.png (654.12 KB,1158x954,193:159,Clipboard.png)

File: ad81587debf2fde⋯.png (184.94 KB,886x434,443:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758609 (182006ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon Rakes Jack Smith and His Prosecutors Over the Coals For MAJOR Mistake In Trump Documents Case - She Rips

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Sebastian Gorka


Can Smith do anything correctly?

Judge Aileen Cannon Rakes Jack Smith and His Prosecutors Over the Coals For MAJOR Mistake In Trump Documents Case - She Rips

She is clearly frustrated.


Oct 18, 2023, 3:55 PM


Judge Rips Smith Over Failing To Let Trump Legal Team View Docs In Florida

October 18, 2023

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case, chastised special counsel Jack Smith and his team for failing to give Trump’s legal team “timely” access to evidence materials.

Smith had requested to keep the documents in a secure area in Washington, D.C., nearly 1,000 miles away from the southern Florida district where the case was filed, something Cannon found unacceptable.

“The parties are advised that production of classified discovery to defense counsel is deemed timely upon placement in an accredited facility in the Southern District of Florida, not in another federal district,” Cannon wrote in her order on Tuesday.

“It is the responsibility of the Office of the Special Counsel to make and carry out arrangements to deposit such discovery to defense counsel in this District, in consultation with the Litigation Security Group for security purposes,” she added. “The Office of the Special Counsel shall update and/or clarify any prior responses to the Standard Discovery Order in accordance with this Order.”

In an order earlier this year, Cannon detailed the rules for viewing the documents Trump is accused of mishandling.

Trump hasn’t gotten many court wins in recent months, but his team managed a small victory last week in the case, and it could lead to a big victory.

Cannon said she was “temporarily delaying a previously set schedule of deadlines stretching from October through May for the Justice Department to make classified documents available to Trump’s lawyers and for the defense team to have time to review them,” Yahoo News reported, citing The Messenger.

In addition, Trump’s legal team asked Cannon to push back the start date of the trial from May 2024 until after the November election, but she has yet to rule on that request, the outlets noted. That said, some observers noted that her decision to move back the deadlines made it less likely that the trial would begin on May 20, as she previously ruled.

The reason that matters is because should Trump succeed “in pushing back the trial and also manages to win reelection in 2024, critics fear that he will simply attempt to pardon himself if found guilty of the felony charges Smith has brought against him,” Yahoo News noted.

Also last week, Cannon “postponed a hearing on whether one of Trump’s co-defendants understood that his lawyer might have conflicts of interest,” The New York Times reported, going on to say that she also admonished the prosecutorial team for “wasting” time.

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8a2318 No.100154

File: 3c3ca72c7bea6b1⋯.png (893.37 KB,855x531,95:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758700 (182020ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Jordan Loses Second Ballot for Speaker, Next Vote Expected on Thursday

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Jim Jordan Loses Second Ballot for Speaker, Next Vote Expected on Thursday

Jim Jordan Loses 22 Republicans on Second Ballot for Speaker

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan loses 22 Republicans on the second ballot for speaker, receiving 199 votes to Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries 212 votes.


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8a2318 No.100155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758726 (182024ZOCT23) Notable: #24261

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final bun for #24261

current bred count is 715

hold em n czech em

#24261 >>100142

>>100143 Unrest in Mozambique over alleged election fraud

>>100144 The Israeli army is preparing to move into Gaza.

>>100145 Ukrainian Firm Tied To Hunter Planned Meetings With DC Lawmakers After Joe Biden Got Prosecutor Fired, Memo Shows

>>100146 Brazil army says it is keeping around 160 soldiers on lockdown at a military base as it investigates the theft of 21 heavy machine guns

>>100147 Not for nothing, but I've been feeling "something" the last few weeks. I wouldn't say good or bad. Just, change? Like an ending of an era maybe

>>100148 Israeli TV station reveals new footage claiming to be proof a rocket fired from INSIDE Gaza malfunctioned mid-air moments before devastating explosion

>>100149 Just received this video. How did these protesters enter? Did they all go through metal detectors?

>>100150, >>100151, >>100152 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill

>>100153 Judge Aileen Cannon Rakes Jack Smith and His Prosecutors Over the Coals For MAJOR Mistake In Trump Documents Case - She Rips

>>100154 Jim Jordan Loses Second Ballot for Speaker, Next Vote Expected on Thursday

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8a2318 No.100156

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758748 (182027ZOCT23) Notable: #24262

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8a2318 No.100157

File: 2154d11234763c6⋯.jpeg (806.12 KB,1513x737,1513:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758770 (182032ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag with eyez on the skyz - Yerp and Med update

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planeFag Yerp and Med update

Potato went to Ramstein or was refueled over it
cannot confirm but something was by QID37 that is over SE England nao but doesn’t show on this cap so dark again
.showed briefly but vanished
mode S

I know of no known or reported aerial refuels of the VC-25 or 747 but I doubt they’d tell us

SAM908Blinkenleft Tel Aviv heading NW

RCHXXX Trail of Globemasters -Potato’s equipment-departed same plus a C130 Herc

GRIMM99 Nighwatch left Sousa Bay Crete WH-there will be a few tankers that arrive to fill up GRIMM99 as it passes just south and west of southern English coast and likely call sign QIDXXX
seen this many times

German AF GAF701 A350 also departed small hat land and Thai AF RTF220 just leaving

Egyptian AF SUBTW Falcon8X to Cairo from Farnborough Airport UK and same one that left New Castle Delaware on monday

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8a2318 No.100158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758771 (182032ZOCT23) Notable: 17 Journalists Confirmed Dead in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon

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17 Journalists Confirmed Dead in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon

The Committee to Protect Journalists said on Wednesday that three Israeli, one Lebanese and 13 Palestinian journalists have died since Hamas' deadly attack in southern Israel on October 7. Reports of other journalists being killed, missing, detained, hurt or threatened being investigated


Narrative control

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8a2318 No.100159

File: 3b9abd575dbc878⋯.png (490.71 KB,824x694,412:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758774 (182033ZOCT23) Notable: @GOPoversight’s investigation found that Hunter Biden, his family members, and his business associates benefitted at least $6.5 million from Ukrainian sources.

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America First Legal·Oct 18


@GOPoversight’s investigation found that Hunter Biden, his family members, and his business associates benefitted at least $6.5 million from Ukrainian sources.


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8a2318 No.100160

File: ea2d7611151a8cd⋯.png (895.53 KB,1262x992,631:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758786 (182035ZOCT23) Notable: Lavrov Arrives in North Korea for 2-Day Visit

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thank you, bakerer

i'll leave this here again:

Lavrov Arrives in North Korea for 2-Day Visit

Being updated

PYONGYANG (Sputnik) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has arrived in North Korea for a two-day visit, a Sputnik correspondent reported on Wednesday.

During the visit, Lavrov is set to hold talks with his North Korean counterpart.

Earlier North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited Russia’s Far East where he held talks with Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny spaceport and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. This was Kim's first visit to Russia since 2019.


ty, anons, love ya from the other side of the world

God bless you

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8a2318 No.100161

File: 3a6bfdb45e52035⋯.png (385 KB,579x578,579:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 629b5d8eec96b93⋯.mp4 (422.65 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758831 (182041ZOCT23) Notable: "The answer is we're gonna get people out, but I'm not going into any detail with you now—" KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "Alright we gotta wrap up"

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REPORTER: "What about getting people out?"

BIDEN: "The answer is we're gonna get people out, but I'm not going into any detail with you now—"

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "Alright we gotta wrap up"


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8a2318 No.100162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758848 (182043ZOCT23) Notable: "The answer is we're gonna get people out, but I'm not going into any detail with you now—" KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "Alright we gotta wrap up"

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Look at Kirby and Karine's faces in the clip, pure panic!

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8a2318 No.100163

File: 7f3b72daf20b3df⋯.png (10.86 KB,589x128,589:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758851 (182044ZOCT23) Notable: DEFCONWarningSystem - UN sanctions on ballistic missile program expire 9:40 AM · Oct 18, 2023

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UN sanctions on ballistic missile program expire

9:40 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100164

File: 05371a0c615c424⋯.png (178.91 KB,387x445,387:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758923 (182055ZOCT23) Notable: Here Are The 4 Republicans Who Changed Their Votes Against Jordan For Speaker After Previously Voting For Him

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🔮 Here Are The 4 Republicans Who Changed Their Votes Against Jordan For Speaker After Previously Voting For Him


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8a2318 No.100165

File: e1f9ddd825c3f08⋯.jpeg (889.19 KB,1600x828,400:207,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a956901dbf6f065⋯.jpeg (609.37 KB,828x1132,207:283,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758925 (182056ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag with eyez on the skyz - Yerp and Med update

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There are the tankers as predicted heading to refuel GRIMM99 which will be switched off and reappear on the ‘sidewalk’ over St. John’s/Halifax

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8a2318 No.100166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758945 (182059ZOCT23) Notable: Here Are The 4 Republicans Who Changed Their Votes Against Jordan For Speaker After Previously Voting For Him

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Charlie Kirk

One Republican just voted for John Boehner for Speaker. Some Republicans are considering working with Democrats to elect someone that isn’t Jim Jordan.

The swamp is in overdrive. Fight back.

Bacon - (202) 225-4155, (402) 938-0300

Buchanan - (202) 225-5015, (813) 657-1013

Buck - (202) 225-4676, (720) 639-9165

Chavez - (202) 225-5711, (503) 387-8651

D'espito - (202) 225-5516, (516) 739-3008

Diaz-Balter - (202) 225-8576, (305) 470-8555

Ellzy - (202) 225-2002, (903) 602-7860

Ferguson - (202) 225-5901, (770) 863-2033

Garbarino - (202) 225-7896, (631) 541-4225

Gimenez - (202) 225-2778, (305) 222-0160

Gonzalez - (202) 225-2531, (956) 682-5545

Granger - (202) 225-5071, (817) 338-0909

James - (202) 225-4961, (586) 498-7122

Kelly - (202) 225-5406, (724) 342-7170

Kiggans - (202) 225-4215, (757) 364-7650

LaLota - (202) 225-3826, (631) 289-1097

Lawler - (202) 225-6506, (845) 743-7130

Miller-Meeks - (202) 225-6576, (563) 232-0930

Rutherford - (202) 225-2501, (904) 831-5205

Simpson - (202) 225-5531, (208) 334-1953

Stauber - (202) 225-6211, (218) 481-6396

Womack - (202) 225-4301, (479) 464-0446

1:06 PM · Oct 18, 2023·186.7K Views


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8a2318 No.100167

File: 217c7b6e72a3e3c⋯.png (467.99 KB,729x410,729:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758968 (182102ZOCT23) Notable: TDS Update: Woman arrested after trying to get close to Trump during civil fraud trial

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Woman arrested after trying to get close to Trump during civil fraud trial

The woman, later identified as a court employee,retreated after a court officer told her to return to her seat. A short time later, officers escorted the woman out of the Manhattan courtroom and arrested her. She was charged with contempt of court for disrupting a court proceeding, state court spokesperson Lucian Chalfen said.

None of the parties were ever in any danger,” Chalfen said.

Chalfen said the woman had been yelling out to Trump that she wanted to help him, though reporters in the courtroom did not hear her raise her voice. She was later heard screaming in the courthouse lobby as officers removed her from the building.

The woman, whom Chalfen did not name, works in a different state courthouse. She has been placed on administrative leave and barred from entering state court facilities pending an investigation, Chalfen said.


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8a2318 No.100168

File: eac10429f476574⋯.png (309.63 KB,474x334,237:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759042 (182114ZOCT23) Notable: Did Israel Wait 6 Hours to Respond to the Surprise Hamas Attack on October 7?

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Did Israel Wait 6 Hours to Respond to the Surprise Hamas Attack on October 7?

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation leader Cecily Routman claimed Netanyahu ordered the stand down to allow Hamas to launch its attack in order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza meant to ultimately wipe the Palestinian enclave off the map. The IDF and Israeli Air Force both reportedly stood down for 7 hours. Rabbi Chananya Weissman informed her of the the stand down order from a confidential source. The delay in response allowed the terrorists to come in and slaughter and torture the citizens. ABC reported that the Israeli government activated its military reserves two hours after the attack began.

Charlie Kirk, the head of Turning Point USA, who has historically been pro-Israel, has been accused of being anti-Semitic because he questioned the delayed reaction by the Israeli military. He explained that has been on the brink of civil war because Netanyahu has been trying to alter the nation’s laws and decrease the power of the judiciary and courts. Netanyahu’s approval rating was only 27% before the attack by Hamas.



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8a2318 No.100169

File: 5ea2897863ea4c2⋯.png (195.27 KB,346x238,173:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759051 (182116ZOCT23) Notable: How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease

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How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease

Internal medicine physician Dr. Keith Berkowitz, who has treated 200 COVID-vaccine-injured patients, said that he found gut problems widespread among long-COVID and post-vaccine patients. Fatigue and brain fog may also be caused by gut issues. Reports have shown that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is linked to reduced biodiversity in the microbiome. Dr. Sabine Hazan has found that test results of many vaccine-injured patients a month after vaccination show a lack of the probiotic Bifidobacteria that can lead to gut dysbiosis and associated gut diseases.



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8a2318 No.100170

File: fb08b8208f843c9⋯.png (302.19 KB,586x515,586:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759079 (182120ZOCT23) Notable: Biden to address nation tomorrow: White House

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JUST IN - Biden to address nation tomorrow: White House


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8a2318 No.100171

File: d6f0ef9dbc2e858⋯.png (430.49 KB,1009x614,1009:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759083 (182120ZOCT23) Notable: Turkish President Erdogan: ‘Gaza Hospital Bombing Was an Inside Job To Ignite WW3’

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Turkish President Erdogan: ‘Gaza Hospital Bombing Was an Inside Job To Ignite WW3’

Fact checked

October 18, 2023 Sean Adl-Tabatabai

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8a2318 No.100172

File: dba1f97539b5a89⋯.png (564.53 KB,810x762,135:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759148 (182130ZOCT23) Notable: Biden government funnels more than $4.1B into grants for transgender initiatives despite backlash in polls

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Biden government funnels more than $4.1B into grants for transgender initiatives despite backlash in polls

10/17/2023 // Belle Carter

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8a2318 No.100173

File: b030680e8964871⋯.png (279.54 KB,482x425,482:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759181 (182137ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING SCOOP: Member of Secret Iranian-Gov't Influence Operation Will Keep Top Secret Security Access - Official's alleged ties to vast Iranian propaganda network not disqualifying

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Kredo


BREAKING SCOOP: Member of Secret Iranian-Gov't Influence Operation Will Keep Top Secret Security Access - Official's alleged ties to vast Iranian propaganda network not disqualifying, DoD informs




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8a2318 No.100174

File: f4ff3a71284d852⋯.png (1.36 MB,1077x795,359:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759207 (182142ZOCT23) Notable: Leftists Can’t Acknowledge Real Terrorists Without Exposing ‘Terrorist’ Smears

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Leftists Can’t Acknowledge Real Terrorists

Without Exposing ‘Terrorist’ Smears

Of Republicans As Ridiculous

The Federalist, by Elle Purnell

Posted By: Imright, 10/18/2023 5:27:08 PM

After Hamas’ violent attacks on Israel last week, Rep. Ilhan Omar finally found someone she can condemn as a “terrorist”: Ohio Republican Jim Jordan. Omar chose this moment in world events to resurrect and post a quote from former House Speaker John Boehner describing Jordan as a “legislative terrorist” (a description Boehner apparently used to complain about Jordan’s ability to make “Boehner’s life miserable”).Thankfully, others have stepped up to disavow the heinous behavior of Hamas. A San Francisco Board of Supervisors declaration condemned the “domestic terrorist organization” and blamed its sponsor states

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8a2318 No.100175

File: 34b5a716090eae7⋯.png (1.13 MB,887x703,887:703,Clipboard.png)

File: c18a69e911ef286⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759215 (182143ZOCT23) Notable: FUCK JOE BIDEN

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8a2318 No.100176

File: 0f0f07e0c131da0⋯.png (64.19 KB,652x463,652:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759217 (182144ZOCT23) Notable: Biden administration admits 'challenges' with federal telework policies wasting BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on unused office space

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Biden administration admits 'challenges'

with federal telework policies wasting

BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on unused

office space: GSA is opening audit after

pressure by Republican Sen. Joni Ernst

Daily Mail (UK), by Kelly Laco

Posted By: Imright, 10/18/2023 5:21:21 PM

The Biden administration is admitting several 'challenges' remain due to its sweeping federal work-from-home wasting billions of taxpayer dollars due to unused office space. Congress has been stepping up oversight of government agencies and their telework policies, now that it has been months since President Biden formally ended the COVID-19 emergency. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, and other lawmakers say billions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted based on unused federal office space. More than 75 percent of the available office space at 17 different federal agencies is still empty, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

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8a2318 No.100177

File: bb87389ef1a6ba1⋯.png (683.87 KB,815x700,163:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 0675c5a731de432⋯.png (1.79 MB,899x900,899:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759224 (182145ZOCT23) Notable: Fox News Guest Suggests Using ‘Hillary’s Deprogramming Camps’ For Pro-Hamas Protesters

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Fox News Guest Suggests Using ‘Hillary’s

Deprogramming Camps’ For Pro-Hamas Protesters

Daily Caller, by Harold Hutchison

Posted By: Imright, 10/18/2023 4:48:53 PM

A guest on Fox News said Wednesday that college students at anti-Israel protests should be sent to “Hillary’s deprogramming camps,” referencing a comment the former Secretary of State made regarding supporters of former President Donald Trump. Multiple demonstrations took place across U.S. college campuses supporting Palestinians after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack terrorist attack on locations in southern Israel that killed over 1,400 people. Steve Hilton discussed the protests with “America Reports” co-host Sandra Smith and referenced remarks made by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Oct. 5, in which she said that supporters of Trump needed “formal deprogramming” to “break” what she called a “cult.”

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8a2318 No.100178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759249 (182148ZOCT23) Notable: Vigilant Fox :Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video

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>turn it up, anons'

DJT drops a truth bomb that NSA and others have ignored.

Vigilant Fox :Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video


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8a2318 No.100179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759252 (182149ZOCT23) Notable: Did Israel Wait 6 Hours to Respond to the Surprise Hamas Attack on October 7?

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So Charlie Kirk asking about Israel waiting to respond = anti-Semitism?

What a world we live in....

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8a2318 No.100180

File: a1e8deb4b89b253⋯.png (25.38 KB,816x310,408:155,Clipboard.png)

File: c647a2077a8bc30⋯.png (837.49 KB,728x460,182:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759255 (182149ZOCT23) Notable: Chicago prof at School of the Art Institute slammed for posts saying ‘Israelis are pigs’

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Chicago prof at School of the Art Institute

slammed for posts saying ‘Israelis are pigs’

New York Post, by Ronny Reyes

Posted By: AltaD, 10/18/2023 3:26:49 PM

An associate professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago is under fire for antisemitic comments she posted on social media calling Israeli’s “pigs” and “savages.” Dr. Mika Tosca, a climate scientist and activist, slammed the Jewish State in an Instagram story amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. “Israelis are pigs. Savages,” she wrote. “Very bad people. Irredeemable excrement.” (Snip) “It’s disgusting and grotesque. May they all rot in hell.”

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8a2318 No.100181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759278 (182153ZOCT23) Notable: Did Israel Wait 6 Hours to Respond to the Surprise Hamas Attack on October 7?

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all day on the radio I heard the same stuff

shut down all discussion on the topic

they kept yelling "you're disgusting" and "anti-semite"

they're very emotional and sound desperate


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8a2318 No.100182

File: e535e3b03c30f18⋯.png (419.05 KB,950x667,950:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759284 (182154ZOCT23) Notable: Trump was Right- and Now You Know It.

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Trump was Right- and Now You Know It.

Gateway Pundit, by Wayne Root

Posted By: Imright, 10/18/2023 2:47:20 PM

I am host of the weekend TV show, “America’s Top Ten Countdown with Wayne Allyn Root” on Real America’s Voice TV Network. Each Saturday I identify the top ten stories that every conservative, patriot and person of faith needs to know. These are the stories you’ll never hear on any mainstream media, or even on Fox News. Because the people on those networks (who choose the news stories) do not understand the way that true patriots think. They simply regurgitate whatever the DC Swamp, Deep State, Democrats, RINOS and government wants them to say. My “America’s Top Ten Countdown” show this week was a special edition-

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8a2318 No.100183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759286 (182155ZOCT23) Notable: President Biden makes brief trip to Israel as tensions escalate

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President Biden makes brief trip to Israel as tensions escalate

Israel now says it will allow limited amounts of humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip following a request from President Joe Biden.


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8a2318 No.100184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759291 (182156ZOCT23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi says "today and yesterday" — duly elected representatives publicly voting on a speaker of the House — "was an assault on our democracy"

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Nancy Pelosi is outraged

RNC Research

Nancy Pelosi says "today and yesterday" — duly elected representatives publicly voting on a speaker of the House — "was an assault on our democracy"


5:35 PM · Oct 18, 2023·6,527 Views


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8a2318 No.100185

File: b95349b34b19420⋯.png (786.66 KB,877x511,877:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759303 (182157ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens arrested in Jewish anti-war protest at Capitol

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Dozens arrested in Jewish anti-war protest at Capitol

The protest was organized by leftwing activist groups Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow.

The Anti-Defamation League described Jewish Voice for Peace as a “radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist” group.

The mass gathering — where people chanted “free Palestine,” “not in our name” and “ceasefire now” — came as President Biden reaffirmed his support of the Jewish state during a visit to Israel.


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8a2318 No.100186

File: 019cc941970207a⋯.png (278.4 KB,691x505,691:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759317 (182200ZOCT23) Notable: Global Intifada and Jewish Voice for Peace are the organizing groups that antisemite and Pro-Hamas Rashida Tlaib brought in today.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene





Global Intifada and Jewish Voice for Peace are the organizing groups that antisemite and Pro-Hamas Rashida Tlaib brought in today.

Here is what the ADL says about JVP:

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8a2318 No.100187

File: 0aaab38461878e0⋯.png (405.13 KB,538x602,269:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759342 (182203ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000116

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000116

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-115



Jews for Peace Take Over US Capitol Building Protesting Endless War


The Israel's army has completed all preparations for the invasion of Gaza, Israeli Broadcasting Authority says, Al Arabiya reports.


US Vetoes UN Security Resolution Calling For Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza


Putin Gives The US A Tap On The Shoulder Over Middle East Aircraft Carriers


Putin reminded the world that Russian Aerospace Forces, specifically their MiG-31 aircraft, on routine patrol in the neutral air space of the Black Sea, are armed with Kinzal hypersonic missiles. Those missiles, he said, have a "known" range of 1,000km and travel at Mach 9 (6,750 MPH). Thus, they can reach those US Aircraft Carriers.

The Israel-Hamas conflict could spark a "nuclear war" if Iran races to build the bomb, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer has warned.


Other Communists Follow The Same Lawfare Playbook As Democrats Do In The USSA


They know people hate them so they can't win fair elections, they must lock their opponents up and rig elections to win!

Not a week goes by without Democrats weaponizing the federal government to silence their political opponents — and Monday’s court-mandated gag order on former President Donald Trump is no different.


Elon Musk Correctly Predicted Leftist Governments Would Try To Censor George Orwell


The British government recently considered his book predicting a future totalitarian dystopia subversive.

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8a2318 No.100188

File: b50249df4838d10⋯.jpeg (57.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759345 (182204ZOCT23) Notable: UK accuses China of widespread industrial espionage

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18 Oct, 2023 15:09

UK accuses China of widespread industrial espionage

Beijing is seeking a foothold in industries such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing, the head of MI5 has claimed

More than 20,000 people in the UK have been approached covertly online by Chinese spies seeking to steal industrial or technological secrets, the head of domestic counter-intelligence service MI5 has claimed.

Speaking at a California summit of the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence chiefs on Tuesday, Ken McCallum said that industrial espionage is progressing at a “real scale,” and that about 10,000 UK businesses are at risk of having trade secrets stolen.

The MI5 director general argued that the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and synthetic biology were particularly at risk, given that these are areas in which Beijing is supposedly seeking to gain innovative knowledge.

“Week by week, our teams detect massive amounts of covert activity by the likes of China in particular,” McCallum said, also explaining that the alleged espionage is not necessarily aimed at government or military secrets “but increasingly at promising start-ups.”

“If you’re working today at the cutting edge of technology then geopolitics is interested in you, even if you’re not interested in geopolitics,” he stated.

McCallum alleged that a key strategy used by Beijing has been to pose as recruitment experts on social networks such as LinkedIn. “We think we’re above 20,000 cases where that initial approach has been made online through sites of that sort,” added the spy chief, without indicating a time period for the figures.

China has strenuously denied claims of espionage and other forms of spying.(oh they said “Strenuously Denied”, that must mean they don’t spy. They deny everything even though Chinese spies are working in our gov and Bidan reversed the order to find Chinese spies in our country)

However, also speaking at the ‘Five Eyes’ conference – which includes the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand – FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed that Beijing “has made economic espionage and stealing others’ work and ideas a central component of its national strategy.”

“That threat has only gotten more dangerous and more insidious in recent years,” Wray alleged, also stating that there are more than 2,000 active FBI investigations into alleged Chinese espionage in the US.

Mike Burgess, Australia’s intelligence chief, acknowledged that “all nations spy – but thebehavior we are talking about here goes well beyond traditional espionage.”

Speaking last month following the publication of similar claims of espionage, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in London dismissed reports of widespread spying by Beijing in the UK.

The spokesperson stated that “the claim that China is suspected of ‘stealing British intelligence’ is completely fabricated and nothing butmalicious slander. We firmly oppose it and urge relevant parties in the UK to stop their anti-China political manipulation and stop putting on such self-staged political farce.”

(Using hyperbole is a sure sign they are spying and lying)


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8a2318 No.100189

File: 791c0825a0c9d37⋯.png (223.85 KB,597x895,597:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759383 (182209ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she is requesting that the 'United States Capitol Police preserve all video surveillance footage, photographic evidence, police reports, and arrest records from all House Office Buildings on October 18, 2023.'

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she is requesting that the 'United States Capitol Police preserve all video surveillance footage, photographic evidence, police reports, and arrest records from all House Office Buildings on October 18, 2023.'


11:03 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100190

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759453 (182219ZOCT23) Notable: “The Enemy Within The Gate”: Pro-Hamas Movements Within The U.S. - Alex Jones

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I really don’t care for Alex Jones but he has good points and we can confirm them

“The Enemy Within The Gate”: Alex Jones Warns Of The Pro-Hamas Movements Within The U.S.



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8a2318 No.100191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759500 (182225ZOCT23) Notable: #24262

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#24262 >>100156

>>100157, >>100165 PlaneFag with eyez on the skyz - Yerp and Med update

>>100158 17 Journalists Confirmed Dead in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon

>>100159 @GOPoversight’s investigation found that Hunter Biden, his family members, and his business associates benefitted at least $6.5 million from Ukrainian sources.

>>100160 Lavrov Arrives in North Korea for 2-Day Visit

>>100161, >>100162 "The answer is we're gonna get people out, but I'm not going into any detail with you now—" KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "Alright we gotta wrap up"

>>100163 DEFCONWarningSystem - UN sanctions on ballistic missile program expire 9:40 AM · Oct 18, 2023

>>100164, >>100166 Here Are The 4 Republicans Who Changed Their Votes Against Jordan For Speaker After Previously Voting For Him

>>100167 TDS Update: Woman arrested after trying to get close to Trump during civil fraud trial

>>100170 Biden to address nation tomorrow: White House

>>100171 Turkish President Erdogan: ‘Gaza Hospital Bombing Was an Inside Job To Ignite WW3’

>>100172 Biden government funnels more than $4.1B into grants for transgender initiatives despite backlash in polls

>>100174 Leftists Can’t Acknowledge Real Terrorists Without Exposing ‘Terrorist’ Smears

Of Republicans As Ridiculous

>>100168, >>100179, >>100181 Did Israel Wait 6 Hours to Respond to the Surprise Hamas Attack on October 7?


>>100176 Biden administration admits 'challenges' with federal telework policies wasting BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on unused office space

>>100173 BREAKING SCOOP: Member of Secret Iranian-Gov't Influence Operation Will Keep Top Secret Security Access - Official's alleged ties to vast Iranian propaganda network not disqualifying

>>100177 Fox News Guest Suggests Using ‘Hillary’s Deprogramming Camps’ For Pro-Hamas Protesters

>>100178 Vigilant Fox :Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video

>>100180 Chicago prof at School of the Art Institute slammed for posts saying ‘Israelis are pigs’

>>100169 How COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading To Brain Fog And Autoimmune Disease

>>100182 Trump was Right- and Now You Know It.

>>100183 President Biden makes brief trip to Israel as tensions escalate

>>100184 Nancy Pelosi says "today and yesterday" — duly elected representatives publicly voting on a speaker of the House — "was an assault on our democracy"

>>100185 Dozens arrested in Jewish anti-war protest at Capitol

>>100186 Global Intifada and Jewish Voice for Peace are the organizing groups that antisemite and Pro-Hamas Rashida Tlaib brought in today.

>>100187 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000116

>>100188 UK accuses China of widespread industrial espionage

>>100189 BREAKING: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she is requesting that the 'United States Capitol Police preserve all video surveillance footage, photographic evidence, police reports, and arrest records from all House Office Buildings on October 18, 2023.'

>>100190 “The Enemy Within The Gate”: Pro-Hamas Movements Within The U.S. - Alex Jones



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8a2318 No.100192

File: be163d6c10da3a6⋯.png (352.87 KB,551x406,19:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759519 (182227ZOCT23) Notable: #24263

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baker stepping down, BREAD IS GHOSTED

Anons, please step up!


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8a2318 No.100193

File: 4c9dbb0982dbf22⋯.png (198.73 KB,864x1050,144:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759575 (182238ZOCT23) Notable: Thank you for joining me in the push for a #CeasefireNOW.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congresswoman Cori Bush


Rep. Tlaib

Rep. Carson

Rep. Summer Lee

Rep. Ramirez

Rep. Bowman

Rep. Watson Coleman

Rep. JesĂșs Garcia

Rep. Jonathan Jackson

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Omar

Rep. Pressley

Rep. VelĂĄzquez

Thank you for joining me in the push for a #CeasefireNOW.


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8a2318 No.100194

File: 44f004fb35c7a4f⋯.png (24.99 KB,455x226,455:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759647 (182254ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Green Lights Gaza Invasion. Will Address Nation Tomorrow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: Biden Green Lights Gaza Invasion. Will Address Nation Tomorrow

According to multiple Israeli Officials, during a Closed Door Meeting earlier today between U.S. President, Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu it is claimed that President Biden gave Netanyahu his Personal Blessing and a “Direct Green Light” for the Invasion of the Gaza Strip.


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8a2318 No.100195

File: 89e99415a20f0a7⋯.png (271.9 KB,642x744,107:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 93b753ad5c5be2a⋯.png (97.65 KB,682x714,341:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759730 (182310ZOCT23) Notable: choose liberty

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100196

File: 647b7b7d11d02b8⋯.png (177.45 KB,402x347,402:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759816 (182325ZOCT23) Notable: Arab world rages against America: Beirut embassy under siege, troops in Iraq intercept drone strikes and protesters in Istanbul burn US flags as tensions flare amid support of Israel

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Arab world rages against America: Beirut embassy under siege, troops in Iraq intercept drone strikes and protesters in Istanbul burn US flags as tensions flare amid support of Israel https://mol.im/a/12646541 via @MailOnline

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100197

File: 90f1c332b753fe4⋯.png (193.04 KB,494x786,247:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759819 (182326ZOCT23) Notable: Whoa people were threatening reps

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Whoa people were threatening reps...



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8a2318 No.100198

File: 15f78a33e43c35b⋯.png (465.97 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759833 (182328ZOCT23) Notable: Arkansas becomes the first state to take back farmland from Chinese-owned company

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Arkansas becomes the first state to take back farmland from Chinese-owned company

'Chinese state-owned corporations filter that technology back to their homeland, stealing American research and telling our enemies how to target American farms,' Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.


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8a2318 No.100199

File: 86155b14b967619⋯.png (17.68 KB,584x491,584:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759840 (182329ZOCT23) Notable: US will ease oil and gas sanctions against Venezuela

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BREAKING: US will ease oil and gas sanctions against Venezuela after the country’s government and opposition agreed to hold elections there next year


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8a2318 No.100200

File: 76daa399bc9be44⋯.png (471.04 KB,591x758,591:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759868 (182334ZOCT23) Notable: Thank you for joining me in the push for a #CeasefireNOW.

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I am deeply inspired by the mass movement of peace loving people—led by Jewish and Muslim Americans—joining in nonviolent protest to demand peace and a #ceasefire.


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8a2318 No.100201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759880 (182336ZOCT23) Notable: CPAC America UnCanceled: Tracking the War in Israel w/ @realKTMcFarland

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America UnCanceled:

Tracking the War in Israel w/ @realKTMcFarland




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8a2318 No.100202

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759956 (182346ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Andy Ogles And Ben Bergquam Discuss The Possibility Of Palestinian Refugees Entering America

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Rep. Andy Ogles And Ben Bergquam Discuss The Possibility Of Palestinian Refugees Entering America, and Jordan’s run for speakerHaley wants to bring in 1 millions. Ogles bill Gazans can’t come to the, US bill. Ogles talks about Haley wanted to bring in Palestinians, his response, “are you kidding, are you out of your mind”?



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8a2318 No.100203

File: e4654977054fbac⋯.png (516.83 KB,906x866,453:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759960 (182347ZOCT23) Notable: REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR.

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John Thaler

A littleupdate on REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR.

The book is so large that it had to be divided into two volumes and will be sold as a set. However, for all of you who pre-ordered, our publisher has created a SINGLE volume special edition. It will come autographed and with a few other amenities. I expect to have the Special Edition out shortly.


7:25 PM · Oct 18, 2023


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8a2318 No.100204

File: 3b387d23a580b53⋯.png (310.33 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759984 (182352ZOCT23) Notable: Chad sex tape scandal leads to government resignations

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Chad sex tape scandal leads to government resignations

The African nation’s defense minister and the government’s general secretary had to leave their posts over the incident

Chadian Prime Minister Saleh Kebzabo has accepted the resignations of Defense Minister Daoud Yaya Brahim and the government’s general secretary, Haliki Choua Mahamat. Both men decided to stand down amid a major scandal that broke out when separate videos purportedly showing each of them engaging in intimate acts with other people surfaced online.

Both resignations were confirmed by the prime minister’s office spokesperson, who did not provide any further details on the issue. The defense minister has not commented on the incident.

Mahamat told local media outlet Tchadinfos that he had decided to step down to “preserve the integrity” of his position and show respect to the government and the Chadian people. He also pointed to the importance of respecting people’s privacy in the “digital age.” The official then called for “respect for all parties involved.” According to Tchadinfos, the leaked video featured the general secretary and his wife.

According to some local news outlets, Brahim initially sought to cover up the scandal. Some outlets claimed that the general might have had a hand in the recent disappearance of two young women that were linked to the incident, while others suggest both women were detained by Chad’s National Security Agency (ANS). So far, there has been no official confirmation of these reports.

The clips in question were published on social media on Sunday and Monday and have been widely circulated since then, according to the media reports. Chad is a predominantly Muslim nation with conservative social norms. Similar scandals have been rare in the African country, Reuters said.


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8a2318 No.100205

File: 4ff176be1bfd8df⋯.png (358.22 KB,580x471,580:471,Clipboard.png)

File: e4e9fec8816471e⋯.mp4 (498.77 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759986 (182352ZOCT23) Notable: Biden: “Hamas
 gotta learn how to shoot straight”

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Biden: “Hamas
 gotta learn how to shoot straight”


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8a2318 No.100206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759996 (182354ZOCT23) Notable: Area 51, whistleblower retaliation: Inside the files of UFO reporter George Knapp

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nothing really new but still an interesting piece on George Knapp and his reporting on aliens and ufo technology. uploaded today.

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8a2318 No.100207

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759999 (182354ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Andy Ogles And Ben Bergquam Discuss The Possibility Of Palestinian Refugees Entering America

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Rep. Andy Ogles: "This is K Street versus Main Street"



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8a2318 No.100208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760029 (190000ZOCT23) Notable: Area 51, whistleblower retaliation: Inside the files of UFO reporter George Knapp

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Area 51, whistleblower retaliation: Inside the files of UFO reporter George Knapp

Knapp said his journey into UFO discovery began with a coin-flip

His coverage resulted in dozens of awards, including Murrow and AP prizes

“For every 200 UFO sightings, the Air Force can explain away 201 of them”


video in article

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8a2318 No.100209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760104 (190012ZOCT23) Notable: RudyG: Is Joe Biden Trying To Start WWIII?

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Rudy W. Giuliani

America's Mayor Live (258):

Is Joe Biden Trying To Start WWIII?

8:00 PM · Oct 18, 2023


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8a2318 No.100210

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760109 (190013ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Bergquam went and asked the intifada group (jewish voices fake name) if they condemn the murder of innocent women and children in Israel,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ben Bergquam went and asked the intifada group (jewish voices fake name) if they condemn the murder of innocent women and children in Israel,The entire group refused to answer him

Joe: "There's no reason American tax dollars should be funding this war or the war in Ukraine"

9:00. Ben and Oscar are in very dangerous situations, pray for their safety!



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8a2318 No.100211

File: 84ba2f9cba96c71⋯.png (290.6 KB,633x628,633:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 2047ede4d0b7ba6⋯.png (469.73 KB,703x891,703:891,Clipboard.png)

File: db1adc981400641⋯.png (437.91 KB,714x896,51:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760120 (190014ZOCT23) Notable: Josh Paul resigns over “rushing more arms to one side of the conflict

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@TommyRobinsonOfficial 19m

State Department Director of Congressional and Public Affairs, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Josh Paul resigns over “rushing more arms to one side of the conflict, that I believe to be shortsighted, destructive, unjust and contradictory to the very values that we publicly espouse.” 👀


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8a2318 No.100212

File: cf85bd640761754⋯.png (723.63 KB,900x584,225:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760127 (190016ZOCT23) Notable: âšĄïžđŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇩$100 BILLION WAR CHEST: Biden wants HUNDRED billion in taxpayer cash

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âšĄïžđŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇩$100 BILLION WAR CHEST: Biden wants HUNDRED billion in taxpayer cash (pictured) with over 50% or $60 billion for Ukraine (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/28464) and remaining 40 for war in Israel (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29389?single), Taiwan and tackling illegal migration (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/28738?single).

Money for Israel comes as Joe gives greenlight to Tel Aviv (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29410) for Gaza INVASION to "eradicate Hamas" despite outrage (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29359?single) over Israel committing massacres in Palestinian exclave (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29335).

Don't mind homeless Americans pictured in background

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8a2318 No.100213

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760174 (190025ZOCT23) Notable: Natalie Winters: John Zadrozny Joins WarRoom To Discuss National Security Threat Of Illegal Alien Sleeper Cells

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Natalie Winters: John Zadrozny Joins WarRoom To Discuss National Security Threat Of Illegal Alien Sleeper Cells



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8a2318 No.100214

File: bf1c7f28142139e⋯.png (54.68 KB,829x374,829:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760261 (190039ZOCT23) Notable: âšĄïžđŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇩$100 BILLION WAR CHEST: Biden wants HUNDRED billion in taxpayer cash

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Stonewall Jackson




The $100M aid package to Palestine announced by Biden comes just days after the United Nations organization reported that its fuel and medical supplies meant for Palestinian refugees were stolen by Hamas. And the millions in cement we gave Palestine that was to be used to build hospitals, was also taken by Hamas, to build tunnels. . So, do we just keep making the same stupid mistake, or is it intentional, we want it to go to Hamas. Just like the $6B to Iran, just like the $83B in military equipment to Al-Qaeda. We are the #1 sponsor of terrorism. We literally just gave each side $100M to wage war against each other with


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8a2318 No.100215

File: f6a0b423cd2ef65⋯.jpg (111.26 KB,757x501,757:501,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760291 (190042ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000117

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000117

Remember that 1980s movie series "Back To The Future" which depicted a high-tech utopia? The year depicted was 2023! Look around you! No flying cars. Today they want cars banned! No high-tech robust buildings. Today we have crumbling infrastructure!


The longest period of low growth in our history is also characterized by the expansion of the regulatory state. Corporate consolidation skyrocketed in the same period. In 1970, the top four companies in any given industry made up on average 20 percent of the market share. Today, the top four companies in any given industry control roughly 80 percent. Regulatory monopolies create single points from which special interests can control whole markets and enrich the wealthiest people.

Soros-Funded DA Gets Carjacked As Blue States IMPLODE!


Trudeau Liberals votes down bill seeking to stop euthanasia of mentally ill Canadians.


These are the same people who say they hate fascists?

“Second Nuremberg” Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Who Sought To Hold COVID Bioweapon Culprits Accountable Arrested By Germany


Fuellmich is leading the "Second Nuremberg" project to hold the purveyors behind the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" and its associated "vaccines" responsible for their crimes against humanity, making him an enemy of the state.

Massive US Ammunition Plant In Nebraska Bombed, Industrial Sabotage!


The Hornady Manufacturing plant located near Grand Island blew up on October 13, killing one woman and injuring two men.

Russian Troops Captured US M2 Bradley Tank, They Will Reverse Engineer It


MY COMMENT: Those fucking Russians LOL! This is one STRANGE STORY. National Bolshevik party member and previous draft dodger who is an admitted fan of US President Joe Biden registers with the Russian military to fight in Ukraine and his battalion ends up capturing a US armored tank. He ends up getting a medal for being the only one in his battalion not to have been shot. He is retiring from service soon and plans to write an anti-war book exposing the dangers and misery of war.

Rescue Operation Underway After Residential Building Attack In Gaza


22 Years In Prison Is Not Long Enough For Thought Crimes: DOJ Appeals To Give The Proud Boys EVEN LONGER SENTENCES


Total tyranny and weaponization of government!

Who keeps punching all these satan worshiping celebrities and politicians in the eye!?


What if they are not being punched in the eye and it is something much more sinister?

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8a2318 No.100216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760311 (190045ZOCT23) Notable: #24264

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E-bake and ghost

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8a2318 No.100217

File: 51d42ed4fbec7df⋯.png (341.4 KB,600x536,75:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760332 (190051ZOCT23) Notable: BIDEN ON US v.s HEZBOLLAH INTERVENTION: "We did not inform Israel that we would enter the war if Hezbollah joined the conflict."

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Mario Nawfal




"We did not inform Israel that we would enter the war if Hezbollah joined the conflict."


Godspeed patriots.


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8a2318 No.100218

File: 50efc3d607253a2⋯.png (21.09 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760346 (190054ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Pompeo - If Biden is in Israel to support Israel, that is good.

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Mike Pompeo



If Biden is in Israel to support Israel, that is good.

If he is there to pressure Israel to not wipe out Hamas, that is a very bad thing.


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8a2318 No.100219

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760370 (190059ZOCT23) Notable: West bank has no Hamas 7k dead there anyway

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33m embedded this time..

West bank has no Hamas 7k dead there anyway

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8a2318 No.100220

File: 240f2c3d3272b06⋯.png (316.57 KB,892x746,446:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760496 (190111ZOCT23) Notable: Intending to Fracture Growing Black Support for Trump - Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces Support for Reparations

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Intending to Fracture Growing Black Support

for Trump – Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces

Support for Reparations

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 10/18/2023 9:02:47 PM

The intent of the RFK Jr. independent campaign, as an operation to support Biden and hurt Donald Trump, becomes even more obvious when you look at the recent Marist Polling [SEE HERE]. In a three-way contest with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running as an independent, Biden opens up a 7-point lead over Trump. 44% of registered voters support Biden. 37% back Trump, and 16% are for Kennedy. With Kennedy in the race, Biden’s support dips 5 percentage points among Democrats while Trump loses 10 points among Republicans.

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8a2318 No.100221

File: e76f11389d522cd⋯.png (529.65 KB,888x762,148:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760515 (190112ZOCT23) Notable: “Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”

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“Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 10/18/2023 6:04:25 PM

In discussion of the Middle East, the current dynamic of Hamas attacking Israel, and the necessary, albeit perhaps painful response that will now be delivered by Israel, some have noted Obama’s fingerprints are all over this. It’s true, and it is worth remembering the history of this as it pertains to the U.S. triggering the Arab Spring as the first deployment of Obama’s foreign policy.(snip) The layers and layers of ideologues he and Hillary embedded in the institutions of the State Dept are as deep as the layers of ideologues Obama embedded in Main Justice and the intelligence community.

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8a2318 No.100222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760568 (190117ZOCT23) Notable: MAN THROWN IN JAIL BY US GOVT FOR POSTING HILLARY MEMES

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Anons see this yet?

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8a2318 No.100223

File: 24c3044b9939683⋯.png (52.45 KB,654x404,327:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760582 (190118ZOCT23) Notable: Democrat mayor of El Paso sends 178 busloads of migrants north to NYC, Chicago and Denver

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Democrat mayor of El Paso sends 178 busloads of migrants north to NYC, Chicago and Denver - despite the woke outrage mob claiming the 'inhumane' policy is Republican

City of El Paso busing migrants to New York, Chicago and Denver

El Paso's bus program is separate from controversial migrant busing by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

El Paso's mayor is 'hosting' and 'working' with leaders in Chicago who are critical of Abbott

By Maryann Martinez, Texas Bureau Chief For Dailymail.Com

Published: 17:30 EDT, 18 October 2023 | Updated: 17:52 EDT, 18 October 2023

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8a2318 No.100224

File: 5daeee21654e2f6⋯.png (48.16 KB,681x361,681:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760638 (190123ZOCT23) Notable: 23andMe hacker leaks 4 million stolen DNA profiles from customers with British ancestry in fury at UK's support for Israel - and claims the data includes 'Royal Family' members

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23andMe hacker leaks 4 million stolen DNA profiles from customers with British ancestry in fury at UK's support for Israel - and claims the data includes 'Royal Family' members

Hacker released the data on Tuesday citing anger at Israel and its supporters

Claimed stolen DNA profiles include 'wealthy families' and even 'the royal family'

Experts call the breach puzzling as to means, motive and responsibility

By Keith Griffith For Dailymail.com

Published: 17:26 EDT, 18 October 2023 | Updated: 17:50 EDT, 18 October 2023

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8a2318 No.100225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760687 (190129ZOCT23) Notable: #24263

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#24263 >>100192

>>100193, >>100200 Thank you for joining me in the push for a #CeasefireNOW.

>>100194 Biden Green Lights Gaza Invasion. Will Address Nation Tomorrow

>>100195 choose liberty

>>100196 Arab world rages against America: Beirut embassy under siege, troops in Iraq intercept drone strikes and protesters in Istanbul burn US flags as tensions flare amid support of Israel

>>100197 Whoa people were threatening reps

>>100198 Arkansas becomes the first state to take back farmland from Chinese-owned company

>>100199 US will ease oil and gas sanctions against Venezuela...

>>100201 CPAC America UnCanceled: Tracking the War in Israel w/ @realKTMcFarland

>>100202, >>100207 Rep. Andy Ogles And Ben Bergquam Discuss The Possibility Of Palestinian Refugees Entering America...


>>100204 Chad sex tape scandal leads to government resignations

>>100205 Biden: “Hamas
 gotta learn how to shoot straight”

>>100208, >>100206 Area 51, whistleblower retaliation: Inside the files of UFO reporter George Knapp

>>100209 RudyG: Is Joe Biden Trying To Start WWIII?

>>100210 Ben Bergquam went and asked the intifada group (jewish voices fake name) if they condemn the murder of innocent women and children in Israel,

>>100211 Josh Paul resigns over “rushing more arms to one side of the conflict

>>100212, >>100214 âšĄïžđŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇩$100 BILLION WAR CHEST: Biden wants HUNDRED billion in taxpayer cash

>>100213 Natalie Winters: John Zadrozny Joins WarRoom To Discuss National Security Threat Of Illegal Alien Sleeper Cells

>>100215 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000117


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8a2318 No.100226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760746 (190136ZOCT23) Notable: Join Us for an Important IDF Operational Recap: October 18, 2023.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Join Us for an Important IDF Operational Recap: October 18, 2023.

Israel Defense Forces


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8a2318 No.100227

File: c3c2c5453d630b3⋯.png (601.44 KB,598x550,299:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760799 (190145ZOCT23) Notable: Biden says Palestinians ‘gotta learn how to shoot straight’ after hospital blast that killed about 500 people

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New York Post


Biden says Palestinians ‘gotta learn how to shoot straight’ after hospital blast that killed about 500 people https://trib.al/IvdnkUm


11:46 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100228

File: e3371e964e9a09d⋯.png (772.36 KB,608x817,32:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760839 (190154ZOCT23) Notable: Governor Kathy Hochul - New York and Israel share a special bond

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Governor Kathy Hochul


I’ve just touched down in Tel Aviv.

New York and Israel share a special bond, and I’m proud to be here to show our solidarity with the Israeli people following Hamas’s abhorrent acts of terror.


5:07 AM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100229

File: 99b045ecf598211⋯.png (562.1 KB,1076x886,538:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c23d16d270164c⋯.png (241.63 KB,1048x945,1048:945,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cc9c09660e8ba1⋯.png (1.19 MB,1159x1000,1159:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: a5d2c4f46e5058a⋯.png (531.02 KB,1039x974,1039:974,Clipboard.png)

File: 15312b67e14b33a⋯.png (215.72 KB,918x1004,459:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760860 (190158ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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BREAKING UPDATE: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Oct. 18, 2023


dasting, not sure what to make of this

jewish trick?

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8a2318 No.100230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760878 (190201ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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>Robbie Starbuck: So after all the drama yesterday it turns out the Gaza hospital wasn’t bombed, the parking lot was, and 500 people didn’t die. Oh and the rocket wasn’t from Israel, it was from a failed rocket that Palestinian terrorists shot at Israel. Absolutely insane.

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8a2318 No.100231

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760881 (190201ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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>Alex Jones went on The War Room on Wednesday morning and was exactly correct in his reporting – It was a Palestinian missile that hit the parking lot, not the hospital!

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8a2318 No.100232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760892 (190202ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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>This ability of the Palestinians to invade 30 Jewish communities, slaughter 1400+ Israelis, kidnap more than 200, shoot 7000+ rockets at Israeli civilians and still play the victim is amazing.

>The ‘eagerness’ of some in the world to accept these lies by #HamasISIS is disappointing but not necessarily surprising.

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8a2318 No.100233

File: 77af9360ce9c98c⋯.png (397.83 KB,624x802,312:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760893 (190202ZOCT23) Notable: The Israeli embassy in the US posted a meme on X of Keanu Reeves in “The Matrix” movie in response to Iran saying “time is up”!

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The Israeli embassy in the US posted a meme on X of Keanu Reeves in “The Matrix” movie in response to Iran saying “time is up”!

7:01 AM · Oct 18, 2023 ·1.9M Views


Enjoying the show

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8a2318 No.100234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760902 (190204ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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>IDF twitter:

>RAW FOOTAGE: A rocket aimed at Israel misfired and exploded at 18:59—the same moment a hospital was hit in Gaza.

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8a2318 No.100235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760914 (190206ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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>Jews: for those of you still wondering what happened, we have the receipts

>purports to show missiles going from gaza to hospital parking lot

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8a2318 No.100236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760924 (190208ZOCT23) Notable: TGP: Israel released audio of Hamas operatives discussing the failed rocket launch aimed at Israel

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>TGP: Israel released audio of Hamas operatives discussing the failed rocket launch aimed at Israel

>Hamas terrorists in their own voices: Listen to the conversation between Hamas operatives as they discuss the failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital on October 17, 2023.

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8a2318 No.100237

File: 1f351c141dd7d57⋯.png (353.47 KB,588x634,294:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760927 (190208ZOCT23) Notable: During today’s Capitol protests, @mtgreenee allegedly took a picture of a protestor’s phone

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Jack Poso đŸ‡ș🇾




John Hasson




During today’s Capitol protests, @mtgreenee allegedly took a picture of a protestor’s phone

The group chat, named “Global Intifada” features the name Katrina Bleckley

Maybe a coincidence, but a Pro-Palestine lead attorney at the SPLC shares the same name

Show more




3:02 PM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760930 (190209ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

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>Israel continues to released footage of the incident on Wednesday morning.

>IDF: A failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization hit the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City. IAF footage from the area around the hospital before and after the failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization:

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8a2318 No.100239

File: 4e326fadf92dc38⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760990 (190218ZOCT23) Notable: TGP: Israel released audio of Hamas operatives discussing the failed rocket launch aimed at Israel

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8a2318 No.100240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761162 (190250ZOCT23) Notable: #24264

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Notables - FINAL

#24264 >>100216

>>100217 BIDEN ON US v.s HEZBOLLAH INTERVENTION: "We did not inform Israel that we would enter the war if Hezbollah joined the conflict."

>>100218 Mike Pompeo - If Biden is in Israel to support Israel, that is good.

>>100219 West bank has no Hamas 7k dead there anyway

>>100220 Intending to Fracture Growing Black Support for Trump - Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces Support for Reparations

>>100221 “Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”


>>100223 Democrat mayor of El Paso sends 178 busloads of migrants north to NYC, Chicago and Denver

>>100224 23andMe hacker leaks 4 million stolen DNA profiles from customers with British ancestry in fury at UK's support for Israel - and claims the data includes 'Royal Family' members

>>100226 Join Us for an Important IDF Operational Recap: October 18, 2023.

>>100227 Biden says Palestinians ‘gotta learn how to shoot straight’ after hospital blast that killed about 500 people

>>100228 Governor Kathy Hochul - New York and Israel share a special bond

>>100229, >>100230, >>100231, >>100232, >>100234, >>100235, >>100236, >>100238, >>100238 Palestinian Hospital Was Not Bombed – Parking Lot was Hit by Rocket – AND 500 DID NOT DIE – It Was All a Lie! – ALEX JONES WEIGHS IN (VIDEO)

>>100233 The Israeli embassy in the US posted a meme on X of Keanu Reeves in “The Matrix” movie in response to Iran saying “time is up”!

>>100236, >>100239 TGP: Israel released audio of Hamas operatives discussing the failed rocket launch aimed at Israel

>>100237 During today’s Capitol protests, @mtgreenee allegedly took a picture of a protestor’s phone


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8a2318 No.100241

File: 535215f30221156⋯.gif (3.87 MB,640x474,320:237,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761179 (190252ZOCT23) Notable: #24265

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Godspeed Patriots


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8a2318 No.100242

File: ae2405637dde7c8⋯.mp4 (10.86 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761211 (190257ZOCT23) Notable: notable new video 9/11 WTC kingpin lays it all out

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>>>/qresearch/19761099 pb

>lucky_larry_very_very_lucky silverstein - LONG AND IN DEPTH israeli oprime ministers, governor, dermatologist.mp4

notable new video 9/11 WTC kingpin lays it all out

copied forward

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8a2318 No.100243

File: e4ffd9e9152e964⋯.png (863.58 KB,1429x918,1429:918,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761215 (190258ZOCT23) Notable: PF: Puddin' chin is back in CONUS airspace

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Puddin' chin is back in CONUS airspace

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8a2318 No.100244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761255 (190307ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Ep. 31 How to avoid World War III

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Tucker Carlson

Ep. 31 How to avoid World War III


10:14 PM · Oct 18, 2023·584.8K Views


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8a2318 No.100245

File: 64636174f053804⋯.png (394.47 KB,805x869,805:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761266 (190309ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Ep. 31 How to avoid World War III

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Tucker Carlson·52m

Ep. 31 How to avoid World War III


Tucker Carlson


(0:00) Vivek attacked for opposing World War III

(3:00) The potential for disaster in America

(5:00) What does an Israeli ground invasion mean?

(9:30) The appropriate response to Hamas

(14:25) The real threat of nuclear war

10:42 PM · Oct 18, 2023·124.4K Views


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8a2318 No.100246

File: d1e78d62f5f83c1⋯.jpeg (386.97 KB,828x1198,414:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761285 (190313ZOCT23) Notable: PF: Puddin' chin is back in CONUS airspace

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Potato in 92-9000 747 inbound to JBA

Stopped at Ramstein AFB earlier and that tanker QID73 was the mobile filling station

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8a2318 No.100247

File: 9fb634bc6ffecf1⋯.png (633.84 KB,997x1198,997:1198,Clipboard.png)

File: 3102710e29cac17⋯.png (1.41 MB,1560x857,1560:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ef9252101ea59e⋯.png (39.81 KB,713x611,713:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761336 (190322ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL BOMBS MONUMENT OF IRAN'S ICONIC FORMER COMMANDER SOLEIMANI

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An Israeli airstrike struck the monument of the late Commander of the IRGC Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, located near Lebanon's border with Israel.

Considered a hero by Hezbollah and Iran, and a terrorist by the U.S, the destruction of his monument is an iconic strike by Israel as they retaliate to Hezbollah's latest attacks.

6:58 PM · Oct 18, 2023·889.4K Views

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8a2318 No.100248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761364 (190329ZOCT23) Notable: Terrorism DOES Pay

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Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” and their family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life. In the current "pay-for-slay" system called the "Martyrs Fund" by the Palestinian Authority, terrorists receive monetary payments as a reward for acts of terror. The more damage an attack causes, the higher the terrorist or the terrorist’s family is paid. Each family of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel will receive $1864 per month going forward. This is a low estimate as there will be additional Hamas terrorist "Martyrs" and prisoners. This figure is added to the more than $25,214,286/month the PA already pays in salaries to imprisoned terrorists and families of terrorist “Martyrs.” The Palestinian Authority should be sending a big thank you to the EU countries and Norway, currently the largest funders of the PA.

WAR ON TERROR? NO, IT'S ISLAM'S WAR AGAINST THE WORLD. It's an Islamic Jihadist Caliphate of selfish Martyrs who will die defending Political Ideology, not a Belief-Faith.

Palestinian Prisoner and Martyr Payments Explained LINK HERE

(https://israelpolicyforum.org/2021/04/02/palestinian-prisoner-and-martyr-payments-explained/)PA to immediately reward families of Oct. 7 terrorists with nearly $3 million. The "pay-for-slay" stipends will continue for the rest of their relatives' lives. LINK HERE

(https://www.jns.org/pa-to-immediately-reward-families-of-oct-7-terrorists-with-nearly-3m/)Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund - Wikipedia | The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is a fund operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) that pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out politically motivated violence against Israel LINK HERE

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund)DUCKDUCKGO SEARCH QUERY ALREADY DONE FOR YOU FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — LINK HERE


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8a2318 No.100249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761368 (190329ZOCT23) Notable: Lawsiit alleging that Biden Admin Implicated in Pay to Slay Islamic Program

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While everyone want to always point the FINGER at Israel and the Jewish People for being funded with our Tax Dollars so they can properly defend themselves; the vast majority of Anti-Israel & Anti-Jewish People Crowd refuses to acknowledge in ignorance and selfish prejudices in condoning sending Tax Dollars to fund PAY-TO-SLAY ISLAMIC MARTYR TERRORIST THUGS (Hamas, PLO, & Hezbollah).


Just The News (https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/lawsuit-proceeds-alleging-biden-admin-violated-law-funding-palestine-amid-pay)


Lawsuit proceeds alleging Biden admin violated law by funding Palestine amid 'Pay to Slay' terror

The Palestinian Authority operates a "Martyrs Fund," dubbed by critics as the "Pay to Slay" program.

By Madeleine Hubbard | October 11, 2023 1:58pm - Updated: October 11, 2023 1:58pm

A federal lawsuit is proceeding in Texas claiming that the Biden administration knowingly violated U.S. law by providing funding to the Palestinian Authority even as the government body still operated its "Pay to Slay" program. Federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk on Tuesday evening ordered for the lawsuit, filed by America First (https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/biden-state-department-faces-lawsuit-over-records-about-funding-palestinian)Legal in 2022, to enter the discovery (https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/discovery) phase, a pre-trial process that parties use to gather information, Fox News reported (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judge-lets-lawsuit-claiming-biden-admin-knew-us-funds-aiding-palestinian-terrorists-move-forward). The lawsuit stated that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken continued paying the Palestinian Authority after former President Donald Trump ended the practice with the Taylor Force Act, a law named after West Point graduate Taylor Force who was murdered by a terrorist in Tel Aviv. The law prohibits the federal government from giving U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority until it stops supporting terrorism, but in 2021, the State Department (https://justthenews.com/government/diplomacy/blinken-travels-israel-after-hamas-invasion) approved plans to give $250 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian people.

READ MORE: https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/lawsuit-proceeds-alleging-biden-admin-violated-law-funding-palestine-amid-pay

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8a2318 No.100250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761387 (190333ZOCT23) Notable: Marco Rubio: I just tried to pass my resolution calling on the President to enforce the law,revoke visas & initiate deportation proceedings for any FOREIGN NATIONAL here in America who supports the terrorist activities of Hamas

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Marco Rubio

I just tried to pass my resolution calling on the President to enforce the law,revoke visas & initiate deportation proceedings for any FOREIGN NATIONAL here in America who supports the terrorist activities of Hamas

But a Senate Democrat came to floor to object & blocked it


7:20 PM · Oct 18, 2023·366.2K


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8a2318 No.100251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761400 (190336ZOCT23) Notable: G. Edward Griffin Bezmanov interview

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Yuri Bezmenov (Full Interview) with G. Edward Griffin

In 1984, G. Edward Griffin interviewed former KGB Yuri Bezmenov. Titled 'Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press'. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the Soviet Union KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States.

Eduardo Corrochio

13,389 views Sep 5, 2020 1:21:12


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8a2318 No.100252

File: d09b69517f8712a⋯.png (1.59 MB,851x1470,851:1470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761416 (190340ZOCT23) Notable: G. Edward Griffin reposted (just now): Your country has been under attack from communist ideological subversion for decades and this is the result

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G. Edward Griffin reposted (just now)

Stishor Mac

Your country has been under attack from communist ideological subversion for decades and this is the result. Watch @GEdward_Griffin interview one of it's soldiers âŹ‡ïž


10:58 AM · Oct 18, 2023


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8a2318 No.100253

File: ec6a3fa92b0c4e6⋯.png (555.99 KB,1149x872,1149:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761429 (190344ZOCT23) Notable: G. Edward Griffin Bezmanov interview

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bezmenov hated the soviet union because he wanted to fuck indian bitches

I'm so turned around on that nigger.

But he's like any defector. He's a propagandized moron who fell for the other side's propaganda. Use him for what he knows, pump him for information and then feed him to the fucking fishes.

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8a2318 No.100254

File: 5de361e932d65d6⋯.jpg (49.53 KB,599x325,599:325,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ed478e3656bab0⋯.jpg (43.97 KB,697x414,697:414,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d6155859ee22264⋯.png (378.91 KB,676x325,52:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761432 (190346ZOCT23) Notable: Sundance on the image people running the US govt want to project

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The people using the disposable one-term Biden want a “broader regional conflict,” and the people in the region like Abdullah, Sisi and MbS are very clear-eyed on who is actually in control.

There is an alignment of interests within the goals of the ideologues and the goals of the WEF multinationals.

The Muslim Brotherhood ideology and the WEF financial interests are in alignment, and the Zookeepers are well aware.

Israel has never been more at risk.


Good read.

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8a2318 No.100255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761457 (190352ZOCT23) Notable: Biden is free to lie continuously and nothing happens

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In this episode I break down a piece of audio and show that the system is set up to have the politicians lie. There is no reason at all to "stay informed".


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8a2318 No.100256

File: 07b3b21930001b1⋯.png (408.05 KB,538x868,269:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a844299b5f6812⋯.png (301.87 KB,886x489,886:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761487 (190359ZOCT23) Notable: State Dept official resigns, claiming israel policy will cause deeper suffering

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8a2318 No.100257

File: 1211bc8db8ef4fe⋯.png (284.38 KB,726x651,242:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761568 (190417ZOCT23) Notable: Co-founder of Guess steps down from board

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Co-founder of Guess steps down from board


Harriet Whitaker -

October 17, 2023 0


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8a2318 No.100258

File: 775a27751025998⋯.png (203.21 KB,633x542,633:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b7ed7c7fcd38e7⋯.png (84.9 KB,406x228,203:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761606 (190424ZOCT23) Notable: Katrina Bleckley SPLC lawyer also involved in pro-Palestine group?

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@MJ2022 2h

John: "During today’s Capitol protests, MTG allegedly took a picture of a protestor’s phone

The group chat, named “Global Intifada” features the name Katrina Bleckley

Maybe a coincidence, but a Pro-Palestine and hamas lead attorney at the SPLC shares the same name"


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8a2318 No.100259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761748 (190515ZOCT23) Notable: 5,000 local (in CT) child predator responses in 1 month to a single ad for a 12 yr old child

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Craig “Sawman” Sawyer @Real_Sawman

5,000 local (in CT) child predator responses in 1 month to a single ad for a 12 yr old child‌

Yes, we have a serious problem. 🚹Thanks for supporting #V4CR




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8a2318 No.100260

File: 67165cb475a80b0⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761788 (190535ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Don Bacon on Jordan: "He's done, he needs to withdraw"

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Rep. Don Bacon on Jordan: "He's done, he needs to withdraw"

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8a2318 No.100261

File: 275f02e9fdda1d6⋯.png (448.89 KB,624x802,312:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 74e043cb05068ae⋯.png (28.4 KB,652x444,163:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 43969e98101b4f5⋯.png (18.87 KB,881x236,881:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 7997fdf9f87aa22⋯.png (401.95 KB,717x720,239:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761791 (190537ZOCT23) Notable: Reverse Understanding: Tunnel Crawlers - Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground 24 Jun 2018

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>100233 (lb)


Reverse Understanding

Tunnel Crawlers


(GPT4 translated)

The image contains text in two different languages.

The text in Hebrew reads: "Ś”Ś€Ś•Śš Ś”Ś‘Ś Ś”" which translates to "Understanding Reversal" or "Reverse Understanding."

The text below, which seems to be in Arabic, reads: "#_" which translates to "#Tunnel_Crawler" or "#Tunnel_Wanderer."

Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

24 Jun 2018


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8a2318 No.100262

File: 5885027f31548d8⋯.jpg (165.04 KB,1122x709,1122:709,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d74d45fd1b54ff6⋯.png (212.86 KB,1022x947,1022:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761794 (190539ZOCT23) Notable: Strengthening Clinical Research Response to Outbreaks and Pandemics Oct 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Strengthening Clinical Research Response to Outbreaks and Pandemics

IQVIA and CEPI partner to implement global clinical research strategies in response to future health emergencies.

I remind you CEPI (with what ever fucking authority lunatic Biden has given them) has DEI that intends to genocide whites.

Like in EXTERMINATION of whites. although they don't get to the POINT like anon does.


assessment of baker's towing lines.


YOU are the one talking about Q and NOTHING.. you are the one wasting bread on Q. Go fuck off you self-righteous "jew as a group" hating troll. filtered for your nastiness.

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8a2318 No.100263

File: d06110f8a83b70f⋯.png (748.63 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f8dc1ad8e945fe⋯.png (71.35 KB,779x893,41:47,Clipboard.png)

File: ff322b4953c48f7⋯.png (36.33 KB,720x660,12:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 97a565c37f8a16f⋯.png (30.81 KB,562x311,562:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761847 (190622ZOCT23) Notable: Katrina Bleckley SPLC lawyer also involved in pro-Palestine group?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>100258 (me)

>Katrina Bleckley

LinkedIn Experience and Education


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8a2318 No.100264

File: dc02b861746d425⋯.jpg (286.37 KB,1019x1280,1019:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761862 (190637ZOCT23) Notable: The Economist 2013 Predictive Programming re Paraglider Invasion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Economist from Dec 2012/Jan 2013. 🧐

Hamas Paragliders.

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8a2318 No.100265

File: c45b94a5957a35d⋯.png (32.86 KB,748x363,68:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761896 (190703ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas fighters likely fired North Korean weapons during their Oct. 7 assault on Israel, a militant video and weapons seized by Israel show - AP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Horee Sheeit, if true, does this mean the CIA was involved? Ain't nothing from NK that's not clown-backed, right?

Insider Paper


BREAKING: Hamas fighters likely fired North Korean weapons during their Oct. 7 assault on Israel, a militant video and weapons seized by Israel show - AP

1:08 AM · Oct 19, 2023

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8a2318 No.100266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761923 (190735ZOCT23) Notable: Biden is free to lie continuously and nothing happens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden Promises (fake support)

Biden Gives (stolen money)

Biden says (lies)

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8a2318 No.100267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761958 (190758ZOCT23) Notable: #24265

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24265 >>100241

>>100243, >>100246 PF: Puddin' chin is back in CONUS airspace

>>100242 notable new video 9/11 WTC kingpin lays it all out

>>100244, >>100245 Tucker Carlson: Ep. 31 How to avoid World War III


>>100248 Terrorism DOES Pay

>>100249 Lawsiit alleging that Biden Admin Implicated in Pay to Slay Islamic Program

>>100250 Marco Rubio: I just tried to pass my resolution calling on the President to enforce the law,revoke visas & initiate deportation proceedings for any FOREIGN NATIONAL here in America who supports the terrorist activities of Hamas

>>100251, >>100253 G. Edward Griffin Bezmanov interview

>>100252 G. Edward Griffin reposted (just now): Your country has been under attack from communist ideological subversion for decades and this is the result

>>100254 Sundance on the image people running the US govt want to project

>>100255, >>100266 Biden is free to lie continuously and nothing happens

>>100256 State Dept official resigns, claiming israel policy will cause deeper suffering

>>100257 Co-founder of Guess steps down from board

>>100258, >>100263 Katrina Bleckley SPLC lawyer also involved in pro-Palestine group?

>>100259 5,000 local (in CT) child predator responses in 1 month to a single ad for a 12 yr old child

>>100260 Rep. Don Bacon on Jordan: "He's done, he needs to withdraw"

>>100261 Reverse Understanding: Tunnel Crawlers - Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground 24 Jun 2018

>>100262 Strengthening Clinical Research Response to Outbreaks and Pandemics Oct 2023

>>100264 The Economist 2013 Predictive Programming re Paraglider Invasion

>>100265 Hamas fighters likely fired North Korean weapons during their Oct. 7 assault on Israel, a militant video and weapons seized by Israel show - AP



keep fillin frens, BAKERING

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8a2318 No.100268

File: ab0ccc79459ffde⋯.png (55.75 KB,345x371,345:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19761964 (190801ZOCT23) Notable: #24266

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baker OUT, bread is ghosted

keep it movin', we'll make it thru the night


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8a2318 No.100269

File: 3652ddc09bf43a0⋯.png (396.83 KB,592x517,592:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762136 (190943ZOCT23) Notable: General Mike FlynnThis is the world we live in and we need @realDonaldTrump to be firmly back in control of it!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn


This is the world we live in and we need @realDonaldTrump

to be firmly back in control of it!!!


Last edited

5:08 PM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100270

File: a67b9bcffe54c39⋯.png (154.34 KB,598x699,598:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762146 (190946ZOCT23) Notable: Emerald Robinson w/CAP: How many foreign spies are working at the Pentagon?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Emerald Robinson ✝


How many foreign spies are working at the Pentagon?


J Michael Waller



Oct 16

Senior Pentagon official worked for Qatar regime. Pentagon dragging its feet to avoid answering.

"Yousra Fazili, the Chief of Staff for the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Pentagon ... served as a ‘strategic’ advisor" to Qatar ambassador. https://subscriber.politicopro.com/f/?id=0000018b-3a35-d9bd-a1bf-fabd666e0000

Show more


4:59 PM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100271

File: 7a6979ac9ce4cae⋯.png (207.06 KB,598x754,23:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762168 (190957ZOCT23) Notable: It’s now 10 pm and the website still has the same livestream shot of the Capitol from hours ago with daylight. They really think we are stupid.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


It’s now 10 pm and the website still has the same livestream shot of the Capitol from hours ago with daylight.

They really think we are stupid.

Does it stay light all day in DC? 😅😅


Laura Loomer






The official US SENATE website is trying to cover up the fact that a pro-#Hamas insurrection is taking place at the US Capitol right now. Their livestream link for the Livestream of the US Capitol has been replaced with a 3

Show more


3:05 PM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100272

File: 573a4d88fc56a67⋯.png (803.23 KB,751x818,751:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762206 (191026ZOCT23) Notable: State Department official resigns over Biden’s support of Israel’s war against Hamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


State Department official resigns over Biden’s support of Israel’s war against Hamas

By Victor Nava

Published Oct. 19, 2023, 12:45 a.m. ET

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8a2318 No.100273

File: cf0c9258177e82c⋯.png (23.95 KB,519x332,519:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762223 (191038ZOCT23) Notable: Today's only delta. Buckle up!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today's only delta.

Buckle up!

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8a2318 No.100274

File: 1d174f344842364⋯.png (282.85 KB,619x795,619:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762273 (191104ZOCT23) Notable: A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22

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See new posts





Oct 17

A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22 and asked for my opinion.

I don’t see anyone else talking about this, so I will.

First, General Flynn is 100% correct:

‱ Our military abides by the US Constitution

‱ Our military acts on the

Show more

1:20 / 4:08

General Mike Flynn


Here’s my take on Q
I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice. What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION). The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that
nonsense. I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not). Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water. And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process
note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred). Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22). I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me. Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly. But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible. God bless @MJTruthUltra


6:13 PM · Oct 18, 2023




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8a2318 No.100275

File: 838d11f44e2c114⋯.png (79.19 KB,1752x550,876:275,Clipboard.png)

File: 181e02e1e9bae8b⋯.png (567.53 KB,1076x674,538:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762278 (191106ZOCT23) Notable: "Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor from the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor from the US state-run media outlet Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), over failing to register as a foreign agent and gathering sensitive military data, two sources reported on Thursday.

According to both RFE/RL and the local news agency Tatar Inform, Kurmasheva was apprehended in the city of Kazan, central Russia. She normally lives in Prague.

Tatar Inform claims in its report, citing a source familiar with the matter, that investigators believe that in September 2022, Kurmasheva, who holds both Russian and US passports, was “deliberately gathering military data on Russia’s activities to further transfer it to foreign sources,” which could potentially undermine national security.

According to the source, the editor is believed to have obtained data about several local university professors who had been allegedly mobilized amid the Ukraine conflict. She then proceeded to use this information to compile “alternative analytical materials” for foreign institutions to discredit Russia, the news agency claims.

The authorities also reportedly believe that Kurmasheva violated Russian law, as she failed to provide the necessary documents to be listed as a foreign agent. The charge can carry a prison sentence of up to five years or a fine of up to 300,000 rubles ($3,000).

Enacted in late 2012, Russia's foreign agent law permits the identification of individuals and nonprofit organizations involved in political activities and receiving foreign funding. Although the label itself doesn't impose civil or criminal sanctions, unlike the US law it was patterned after, those designated must contend with burdensome reporting obligations. Failure to comply with the law may result in substantial fines and potential legal consequences for both individuals and organizations.

According to RFE/RL, Kurmasheva, who is a long-term resident of the Czech Republic, traveled to Russia in May due to a family emergency. She was briefly detained while waiting for her return flight in early June and fined for failure to register her US passport with the authorities, after which both her Russian and US passports were confiscated, the report said.

Meanwhile, Tatar Info also claimed that the journalist may also face charges for publishing a book that allegedly smeared Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

Originally founded as a CIA cut-out after World War 2, RFE/RL – which is funded by the US Congress – spearheaded Washington’s Cold War-era anti-communism propaganda efforts both in the Soviet Union and its Eastern bloc allies.

It continued its operations after the collapse of the Soviet Union, evntually being labeled as a “foreign agent” by Russian authorities in 2020. In 2022, it was blocked in the country over spreading “fake news” about the hostilities in Ukraine."

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8a2318 No.100276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762295 (191114ZOCT23) Notable: Today's only delta. Buckle up!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Belt .... Buckle...

-China ramps up yuan internationalisation under Belt and Road Initiative

sauce.. https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/china-ramps-up-yuan-internationalisation-under-belt-road-initiative-2023-10-19/

- Vladimir Putin feted at Xi Jinping's global Belt and Road summit

sauce... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-67143322

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8a2318 No.100277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762325 (191133ZOCT23) Notable: A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Here’s my take on Q
I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice.

Just a spelling error.

*Q is a Major PsyOp...and...whoever is "running this op" has done a Major 'Diss" Service.

diss: An insult or put-down; an expression of disrespect

Anon thinks maybe it's a veiled compliment to the most deplorable trolls among anons.


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8a2318 No.100278

File: 0bf9bb9e270efe6⋯.jpeg (54.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762330 (191135ZOCT23) Notable: "Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor from the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19 Oct, 2023 09:35

US state media editor detained in Russia

RFE/RL’s Alsu Kurmasheva – a dual US/Russian national – was arrested in Kazan

Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, aneditor from the US state-run media outlet Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), over failing to register as a foreign agentand gathering sensitive military data, two sources reported on Thursday.

According to both RFE/RL and the local news agency Tatar Inform, Kurmasheva wasapprehended in the city of Kazan, central Russia. She normally lives in Prague.

Tatar Inform claims in its report, citing a source familiar with the matter, that investigators believe that in September 2022, Kurmasheva, who holds both Russian and US passports,was “deliberately gathering military data on Russia’s activities to further transfer it to foreign sources,”which could potentially undermine national security.

According to the source, the editor is believed to have obtained data about several local university professors who had been allegedly mobilized amid the Ukraine conflict. She then proceeded to use this information to compile “alternative analytical materials” for foreign institutions to discredit Russia, the news agency claims.

The authorities also reportedly believe that Kurmasheva violated Russian law, as she failed to provide the necessary documents to be listed as a foreign agent. The charge can carry a prison sentence of up to five years or a fine of up to 300,000 rubles ($3,000).

Enacted in late 2012, Russia's foreign agent law permits the identification of individuals and nonprofit organizations involved in political activities and receiving foreign funding. Although the label itself doesn't impose civil or criminal sanctions, unlike the US law it was patterned after, those designated must contend with burdensome reporting obligations. Failure to comply with the law may result in substantial fines and potential legal consequences for both individuals and organizations.

According to RFE/RL, Kurmasheva, who is a long-term resident of the Czech Republic, traveled to Russia in May due to a family emergency. She was briefly detained while waiting for her return flight in early June and fined for failure to register her US passport with the authorities, after whichboth her Russian and US passports were confiscated, the report said.

Meanwhile, Tatar Info also claimed that the journalist may also face charges for publishing a book that allegedly smeared Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

Originally founded as a CIA cut-out after World War 2, RFE/RL-– which is funded by the US Congress – spearheaded Washington’s Cold War-era anti-communism propaganda efforts both in the Soviet Union and its Eastern bloc allies.

It continued its operations after the collapse of the Soviet Union, eventually being labeled as a “foreign agent” by Russian authorities in 2020. In 2022, it was blocked in the country over spreading “fake news” about the hostilities in Ukraine.


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8a2318 No.100279

File: 7affff100464a69⋯.png (571.68 KB,1080x1385,216:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 977ad20b70664c7⋯.png (765.61 KB,1080x1800,3:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c2ec3a1d78d2bd⋯.png (496.47 KB,1080x1372,270:343,Clipboard.png)

File: c5e8b7262efc142⋯.jpg (88.96 KB,815x464,815:464,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bfccfd1cba35484⋯.jpg (105.39 KB,500x732,125:183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762335 (191138ZOCT23) Notable: Everytime the DEEP STATER'S feel threatened they pick up the phone and call the Rino's

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Everytime the DEEP STATER'S feel threatened they pick up the phone and call the Rino's and say for example like in a situation like this "keep Jordan from becoming the speaker or there will be consequences" so now we can see the results of how the DEEP STATE operates.


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8a2318 No.100280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762348 (191141ZOCT23) Notable: Biden wants $60 billion for Kiev - media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(The title should be “Bidan cares more about Kiev than America”, “Bidan launders more money to Ukraine, with 20% to the “Big Guy”)

19 Oct, 2023 10:24

Biden wants $60 billion for Kiev – media

The US president will reportedly request $100 billion from Congress on Friday for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and the border

The White House is expected to send an appropriation request for security spending worth $100 billion to the US Congress on Friday morning, multiple news outlets report. The bulk of the package, $60 billion, would go to Ukraine.

The administration of US President Joe Biden reportedly seeks to overcome Republican resistance against continued funding for Kiev by bundling the assistance with support for Israel and Taiwan and the policing of the southern US border, issues which enjoy overwhelming support among GOP lawmakers.

According to reports on Wednesday, Israel will receive $10 billion of the proposed package, matching the amount that it reportedly requested to support its war effort against Palestinian militant group Hamas. The remaining $30 billion would go to Taiwan and security in the wider Indo-Pacific, and for the southern border. The spending is meant for a period throughout the 2024 financial year, which ends next September.

Republican lawmakers have been increasingly skeptical about long-term support for Kiev as the conflict with Moscow drags on. Ukraine’s foreign donors placed a great deal of hope in Kiev’s ‘summer counteroffensive’, for which they provided advanced Western-made tanks and other weaponry. Ukrainian forces have failed to make much progress against Russia’s defensive lines.

Ukraine aid became a point of contention for the US House of Representatives last month, as it debated a stopgap spending bill to prevent a government shutdown. The final version did not allocate any money for Kiev.

Kevin McCarthy lost the speaker’s position after ‘Ukraine skeptics’ accused him of striking a secret deal with the Biden administration to keep the money flowing, and voted with the Democrats to oust him. Legislative activity in the chamber has been at a standstill for more than two weeks, as the Republicans struggle to elect a new speaker.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has expressed concern that the escalation of violence in the Middle East could distract global attention from his nation. He has accused Russia of being behind Hamas’ attack on Israel, without offering any evidence.


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8a2318 No.100281

File: 7cba58e4e79a171⋯.png (873.26 KB,1067x809,1067:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762367 (191151ZOCT23) Notable: "Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor from the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>FE/RL’s Alsu Kurmasheva

She's been spreading racial division in Russia for at least 10 years. Similar to the same shit the fake news does here

'A Gypsy Woman Cannot Be the Face of Russia'

Alsu Kurmasheva

Mar 6 2013, 11:29 AM ET

Officially Russia prides itself on being a diverse, multicultural country.

So it seemed appropriate when 18-year-old Elmira Abdrazakova the daughter of a Russian mother and a Tatar father from frigid Kemerovo Oblast was crowned Miss Russia 2013 on March 2.

But the online reaction was enough to wipe the smile off Abdrazakova's face. Within hours of her victory, an avalanche of thousands of hate messages filled with ethnic slurs came in from people espousing Russian nationalist views, forcing Abdrazakova to shut down her social-media pages.

One person wrote that there should be a law barring "Tatar women and also highland and lowland ethnic Shors" from participating in beauty contests.

Another wrote that "a gypsy woman cannot be the face of Russia."

The reaction prompted Abdrazakova to shut down her page on the popular social-networking site Vkontakte.ru "in order to avoid further provocations," as she told the Russian News Service. She said that the comments were motivated by "racism or some kind of nationalism" but added that people in the public spotlight have to expect negative reactions.

She said she expects to put her page back up in the near future.

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The reaction against Abdrazakova's victory comes at a time of rising nationalist sentiment in Russia. Nationalist Cossacks recently began patrolling Moscow streets. They have also pledged to guard Orthodox churches after the performance-art group Pussy Riot offended many believers by performing part of an anti-Putin punk song in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral.

For winning Miss Russia, Abdrazakova received $100,000 and a scholarship. She will represent Russia in the Miss World and Miss Universe competitions.

Kemerovo Oblast Governor Aman Tuleyev on March 5 presented Abdrazakova with a local medal and the keys to a one-room apartment. He also gave Abdrazakova's mother a medal for "Maternal Valor" and a 50,000 ruble ($1,630) prize.

The second runner-up in the Miss Russia 2013 pageant, Irina Tumanova from the Republic of Kalmykia, has not reported any similar experience.

In 2004, a Tatar named Diana Zaripova won the Miss Russia contest and there did not appear to be any particularly negative reaction.

However, last month a Tatar woman, 21-year-old Dina Garipova, was selected to represent Russia at the Eurovision-2013 competition in Sweden. Although she was not the victim of any outpouring of the kind that Abdrazakova has received, Internet commentators wrote that she doesn't have "the nerve, the mentality, or the appearance" to be a star.


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8a2318 No.100282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762414 (191224ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Lifts Sanctions On Venezuela Dictator Maduro In Exchange For Oil

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Biden Lifts Sanctions On Venezuela Dictator Maduro In Exchange For Oil


THURSDAY, OCT 19, 2023 - 07:39 AM

A panicking Joe Biden has realized that his best friends, now that oil prices are soaring again and the SPR remains largely drained, are tinpot banana-republic "dictators" (in the White House's own words) like Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro, and on Wednesday the White House suspended sanctions on Venezuelan oil, gas and gold production. But since it would be too corrupt even for Biden to drop sanctions on Maduro in exchange for just a few barrels oil and nothing else, theWhite House pretended that the deal was in exchange for "promoting democracy", and In return the Nicolas Maduro government promised a deal with the opposition that could see elections held next year. Which likely means 100% mail-in ballots and Dominion machines to "count" them.

“The United States welcomes the signing of an electoral roadmap agreement between the Unitary Platform and Maduro representatives,” Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson said in a news release.

“Consistent with U.S. sanctions policy, in response to these democratic developments, the U.S. Department of the Treasury has issued General Licenses authorizing transactions involving Venezuela’s oil and gas sector and gold sector, as well as removing the ban on secondary trading,” he added.

The statement cautioned that the Treasury reserves the right to revoke any or all of thenewly issued licenses in case the “Maduro representatives” fail to stick to their word regarding a new electoral map for Venezuela. Of course, the Biden admin won't revoke the deal as long as it gets some oil; then once Biden loses the 2024 elections all bets are off. (Anon told you last night fake elections to get oil prices down)

Reports about the deal emerged earlier this month, following a string of signals from Washington it was ready to ease the sanction regime in return for commitments from the Venezuelan government to hold new elections.

The U.S. made the biggest move in that direction last year, when it granted Chevron a license to return to Venezuela, and that was without asking for commitments from the Maduro regime because imports of Russian heavy crude had to be replaced urgently with Venezuelan heavy.

Now, the new license regime would allow financial transactions involving PDVSA, which could boost Venezuelan oil exports significantly.

Crude oil exports from Venezuela last month topped 800,000 barrels daily, which was the second-highest monthly export rate since the start of the year. Most of the exports went to China, Reuters reported in early October.

So how much oil is Biden's deal unlocking? According to Bloomberg,Venezuela could be able to raise its crude oil production by 25% from current levels if the temporary U.S. easing of the oil sanctions becomes permanent.

Venezuela’s oil production currently stands at a paltry 800,000 barrels per day (bpd), according to various estimates. The eased sanctions would allow the South American country holding the world’s largest crude oil reserves to boost production by 200,000 bpd, analysts say, although the timing of achieving this increase remains uncertain.


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8a2318 No.100283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762420 (191225ZOCT23) Notable: Portugal moves to end Sephardic Jewish citizenship law

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Portugal moves to end Sephardic Jewish citizenship law

Bill terminating country’s citizenship law passes first reading amid heated debate, may take effect January 1, 2024

Speaking to parliament on Monday, Justice Minister Catarina Sarmento e Castro said the citizenship law has been a “fair recognition” and a “duty of historical reparation.” But she argued that it has served its purpose, saying it was a “symbolic gesture intended to mark a recognition that has been fulfilled through a generous time window.”

Discussions in parliament over the next several weeks could push the end date for applications to Dec. 31, 2024.

According to the latest figures, approximately 262,000 individuals had applied for naturalization under the law by the end of 2022, and around 75,000 were granted citizenship. Even since the introduction of stricter regulations in September 2022, over 74,000 applied in the past year. Notably, nearly 21,000 applicants were Israeli citizens, as highlighted by statistics from the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service.

Some members of parliament expressed reservations about the move to close the citizenship pathway. Representative PatrĂ­cia Gilvaz of the Liberal Initiative party argued against shutting down the law so soon, suggesting a postponement until 2025. Pedro Delgado Alves from the Socialist Party acknowledged the need for a review, suggesting a three-year residence requirement in Portugal for applicants rather than the standard five years.


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8a2318 No.100284

File: e9ae005bd34d599⋯.png (31.22 KB,583x229,583:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762472 (191245ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: Its astonishing that everyone that opposed the invasions into Iraq and Afghanistan are now calling for the US war machine in the middle east

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Kash Patel


Its astonishing that everyone that opposed the invasions into Iraq and Afghanistan are now calling for the US war machine in the middle east
 do you people understand the consequences of your calls for war with a nuclear Iran???

Oct 18, 2023, 6:52 PM

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8a2318 No.100285

File: c309eea0d6cdc23⋯.jpg (543.78 KB,1079x1490,1079:1490,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762478 (191248ZOCT23) Notable: The 36-page report shows that in 2022, 39 children under state supervision died from abuse or neglect

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The 36-page report shows that in 2022, 39 children under state supervision died from abuse or neglect.


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8a2318 No.100286

File: 7c33aa2279b8a2d⋯.png (1.1 MB,1102x819,1102:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762479 (191248ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Is Going Even Further Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole

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The New Abnormalfranchise orientation badge

Trump Is Going Even Further Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole


On this week’s episode of The New Abnormal, co-hosts Danielle Moodie and Andy Levy call out the former president for his latest rallying cry to white supremacists.

The Daily Beast

Updated Oct. 15, 2023 6:16PM EDT / Published Oct. 14, 2023 10:11PM EDT

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8a2318 No.100287

File: 80ce93d49ba01aa⋯.jpg (791.08 KB,1077x1925,1077:1925,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762489 (191251ZOCT23) Notable: Costco CEO to step down from popular wholesaler after 11 years at the helm

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Costco CEO to step down from popular wholesaler after 11 years at the helm


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8a2318 No.100288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762491 (191251ZOCT23) Notable: Some Call It Conspiracy Theory (refutes most DS accusations)

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Some Call It Conspiracy Theory, Part 1(Very long article but accurate and refutes most psychological, state and DS accusations)==1/5

Authored by Iain Davis via IainDavis.com,

There are certain assumptions that are applied to anyone labelled a “conspiracy theorist”—and all of them are fallacies. Indeed, the term “conspiracy theory” is nothing more than a propaganda construct designed to silence debate and censor opinion on a range of subjects. Most particularly, it is used as a pejorative to marginalise and discredit whoever challenges the pronouncements and edicts of the State and of the Establishment—that is, the public and private entities that control the State and that profit from the State.

Those of us who have legitimate criticisms of government and its institutions and representatives, who are therefore labelled “conspiracy theorists,” face a dilemma. We can embrace the term and attempt to redefine it or we can reject it outright. Either way, it is evident that the people who weaponise the “conspiracy theory” label will continue to use it as long as it serves their propaganda purposes.

One of the most insidious aspects of the “conspiracy theory” fabrication is that the falsehoods associated with the term have been successfully seeded into the public’s consciousness. Often, propagandists need do no more than slap this label on the targeted opinion and the audience will immediately dismiss that viewpoint as a “lunatic conspiracy theory.” Sadly, this knee-jerk reaction is usually made absent any consideration or even familiarity with the evidence presented by that so-called “lunatic conspiracy theorist.”

This was the reason why “conspiracy theorist” label was created. The State and its propagandists do not want the public to even be aware of inconvenient evidence, let alone to examine it. The challenging evidence is buried under the “wild conspiracy theory” label, thereby signalling to the unsuspecting public that they should automatically reject all of the offered facts and evidence.

There are a number of components that collectivelyform the conspiracy theory canard._

Let’s break them down.

First, we have a group of people who supposedly can be identified as conspiracy theorists.

Second, we have the allegation that all conspiracy theorists share an underlying psychological weakness.

Third, conspiracy theory is said to threaten democracy by undermining “trust” in democratic institutions.

Fourth, conspiracy theorists are purportedly prone to extremism and potential radicalisation.

Fifth, conspiracy theory is accused of not being evidence-based.

According to the legacy media, there’s a link between so-called “conspiracy theory” and the “far right” and “white supremacists.” Guardian columnist George Monbiot, for example, wrote that:

[. . .] conspiracism is fascism’s fuel. Almost all successful conspiracy theories originate with or land with the far right.

Apparently, this is a common belief held by people who imagine that “conspiracy theory” exists in the form they have been told it exists. It is also a bold claim from an alleged journalist. There is no evidence to support Monbiot’s assertion.

Numerous studies have tried to identify the common traits of conspiracy theorists. These studies tend to initially identify their subject cohort simply through opinion surveys. If, for example, someone doesn’t accept the official accounts of 9/11 or the JFK assassination, the researchers label them “conspiracy theorists.”

Probably the largest demographic study of these alleged “conspiracy theorists” was undertaken by political scientists Joseph Uscinski and Joseph Parent for their 2014 book American Conspiracy Theories. Theyfound that “conspiracy theorists” could not be categorised demographically.

Ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, employment and economic status and even political beliefs were not indicative. The only firm trait they could isolate was that conspiracy theorists, so-called, tended to be slightly older than the population average—suggesting, perhaps, that scepticism of State narratives increases with life experiences.

Professor Chris French made this observation, as reported by the BBC in 2019:

When you actually look at the demographic data, belief in conspiracies cuts across social class, it cuts across gender and it cuts across age. Equally, whether you’re on the left or the right, you’re just as likely to see plots against you.

(Anons posting 5 parts, but you can go to this link to read of this “TL/TR)


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8a2318 No.100289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762498 (191253ZOCT23) Notable: Some Call It Conspiracy Theory (refutes most DS accusations)

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This is not to deny that a minority of conspiracy theories are promoted by people on the far right of the political spectrum. Nor that some on the far left don’t advocate other similar theories. A few “conspiracy theories” can be considered “racist” and/or “antisemitic.” Butthere is no evidence to supportthe allegation that “conspiracy theorists,” when compared to the general population,are any more or less likely to hold extreme political beliefs or promote extremist narratives.

George Monbiot is certainly not alone in his views, but his published opinion—namely, that conspiracy theories “originate with or land with the far right”—is complete nonsense. So let’s discard his claim right now asignorant claptrap

Monbiot’s allusion to “conspiracism” relates to the alleged psychological problems that supposedly lead people to become “conspiracy theorists.” The “conspiracism” theory is a product of the worst kind of junk science==. It is primarily based upon the notoriously flaky discipline of experimental psychology.

One of the seminal papers informing the theory of “conspiracism” is Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories (Wood, Douglas & Sutton, 2012). The researchers asked their “conspiracy theorist” subjects to rate the plausibility of various alleged conspiracy theories. They used a Likert-scale, where 1 is strongly disagree, 4 is neutral, and 7 is strongly agree. Some of the “theories” the subjects were asked to consider were contradictory.

For example, they asked the subjects to rate the plausibility of the notions that Princess Diana was murdered and that she faked her own death. Using this methodology, the researchers concluded:

While it has been known for some time that belief in one conspiracy theory appears to be associated with belief in others, only now do we know that this can even apply to conspiracy theories that are mutually contradictory.

But the researchers did not ask their subjects to exclude mutually contradictory theories—only to rate the plausibility of each individually. Thus, there was nothing in their reported findings to support the conclusion they unscientifically reached.

Subsequent research has highlighted how ludicrous their falsely named “scientific conclusion” was. Yet, despite being roundly disproved, the erroneous assertion that conspiracy theorists believe contradictory theories simultaneously is repeated ad nauseam by the legacy media, politicians and academics alike. It forms just one of the groundless truisms spouted by those who spread the “conspiracism” myth.

One of the most influential scholars—if not the most influential—in the field of conspiracy research is political scientist Joseph Uscinski. Like many other of his peers, he has tried to differentiate between evidence-based knowledge of real or “concrete” conspiracies, such as Iran-Contra or Watergate, and what scientific researchers allege to be the psychologically flawed and evidence-free views held by so-called “conspiracists.”

Uscinski cites the work of Professor Neil Levy as definitive. In Radically Socialized Knowledge and Conspiracy Theories, Levy stated:

The typical explanation of an event or process which attracts the label “conspiracy theory” is an explanation that conflicts with the account advanced by the relevant epistemic authorities. [. . .] A conspiracy theory that conflicts with the official story, where the official story is the explanation offered by the (relevant) epistemic authorities, is prima facie unwarranted. [. . .] It is because the relevant epistemic authorities — the distributed network of knowledge claim gatherers and testers that includes engineers and politics professors, security experts and journalists — have no doubts over the validity of the explanation that we accept it.

Simply put, the scientific definition of “conspiracy theory” is an opinion that conflicts with the official narrative as reported by the “epistemic authorities.” If you question what you are told by the State or by its “official” representatives or by the legacy media, you are a “conspiracy theorist” and, therefore, according to “the Scienceℱ,” mentally deranged.

All related “scientific research” on conspiracism and claimed conspiracy theory starts from the assumption that to question the State, the Establishment or the designated “epistemic authorities” is delusional. As hard as this fact may be for many to accept, the effective working definition of “conspiracy theory” in the scientific literature is “an opinion that questions power.”


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8a2318 No.100290

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762509 (191256ZOCT23) Notable: Some Call It Conspiracy Theory (refutes most DS accusations)

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3/4 or 5

Clearly, this definition is political, not scientific. The supposed underlying psychology of “conspiracism,” which allegedly induces people to engage in “conspiratorial thinking,” is an assumption stemming from the academic’s political bias in favour of the State and its institutions. It has absolutely no scientific validity.

In his 1949 essay Citizenship and Social Class, sociologist T. H. Marshall examined and defined democratic ideals. He described them as a functioning system of rights. These rights include the right to freedom of thought and expression, including speech, peaceful protest, freedom of religion and belief, equality of justice, equal opportunity under the law, and so on.

Most of us who live in what we call representative democracies are familiar with these concepts. “Rights” and “freedoms” are often touted by our political leaders, academia and the legacy media as the cornerstones of our polity and culture. The entire purpose of representative democracy, it is alleged, is to empower “we the people” to hold decision-makers to account. “Questioning power” is a foundational democratic ideal.

If we accept the working scientific definition of “conspiracy theory,” then its inherent questioning of power and overt challenge to authority embodies perhaps the most important democratic principle of all and forms the bedrock of representative democracy. It is not unreasonable to aver that representative democracy cannot possibly exist without “conspiracy theory”—again, as it is defined in the scientific literature. As we can see, the claim that “conspiracy theory” threatens democratic institutions is without merit.

Representative democracy is not founded on public trust in the State, in its agents or in its representatives. On the contrary, representative democracy is built upon the right of the people to question the State, its agents and its representatives.

Autocracies and dictatorships demand public “trust.” Democracies do not. In a representative democracy, “trust” must first be earned and, through their actions, State institutions must constantly maintain whatever trust the public originally chose to invest in them. Wherever and whenever that “trust” is no longer warranted, the people who live in a democracy are free to question, and ultimately dissolve, State institutions they don’t trust.

Trust is not a democratic principle. Questioning power is.

Consider that, according toState institutions like the United Nations (UN),

Conspiracy theories cause real harm to people, to their health, and also to their physical safety. They amplify and legitimize misconceptions [. . .] and reinforce stereotypes which can fuel violence and violent extremist ideologies.

This is a wholly misleading statement. It is disinformation.

The most violent act imaginable, and the most extreme ideology of all, is war and the all-out commitment to it. Full-scale war is possible only when a State declares it. International war is solely within the purview of one entity: the State. Wars are frequently justified by the State using lies and deception. Furthermore, the ideology of war is unwaveringly promoted by the legacy media on behalf of the State.

To be clear: the UN alleges that when ordinary men and women from across all sectors of society—representing all races, economic classes and political views—exercise their democratic right to question power, they are expressing opinions that “fuel violence and violent extremist ideologies.”

For such an extraordinary, apparently anti-democratic allegation to be considered even remotely plausible, it must be based upon irreproachable evidence. Yet, as we shall see, the UN’s claim is not based on any evidence at all.

In 2016, UN Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson issued a report to the UN advising its member states on potential policies to counter extremism and terrorism. In his report, Emmerson noted the lack of a clear, agreed-upon definition of “extremism.” He reported that different UN member states defined “extremism” based upon their own political objectives and national interests. There was no single, cogent explanation of the “radicalisation” process. As he put it:

[M]any programmes directed at radicalisation [are] based on a simplistic understanding of the process as a fixed trajectory to violent extremism with identifiable markers along the way. [. . .] There is no authoritative statistical data on the pathways towards individual radicalisation.

A year later, in 2017, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) delivered its report, “Countering Domestic Extremism.” The NAS suggested that domestic “violence and violent extremist ideologies” were the result of a complex interplay between a wide gamut of sociopolitical and economic factors, individual characteristics and life experiences.


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8a2318 No.100291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762517 (191257ZOCT23) Notable: Some Call It Conspiracy Theory (refutes most DS accusations)

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The following year, in July 2018, the NAS view was reinforced by a team of researchers from Deakin University in a peer-reviewed article, “The 3 P’s of Radicalisation.” The Deakin scholars collated and reviewed all the available literature they could find on the process of radicalisation that potentially leads to violent extremism. They identified three main drivers: push, pull, and personal factors.

Push factors are the structural factors that propel people towards resentment, such as State repression, relative deprivation, poverty, and injustice. Pull factors are factors that make extremism seem attractive, like ideology, group identity and belonging, group incentives, and so on. Personal factors are individual character traits that make a person more or less susceptible to push or pull. These include psychological disorders, personality traits, traumatic life experiences, and so on.

Presently, the UN maintains that its report, Journey To Extremism in Africa, is “the most extensive study yet on what drives people to violent extremism.” In keeping with all previous research, the Africa report concluded that radicalisation occurs through an intricate combination of influences and life experiences.

The myriad of contributory factors to the radicalisation process according to the UN’s “most extensive study.”

Specifically, the report noted:

We know the drivers and enablers of violent extremism are multiple, complex and context specific, while having religious, ideological, political, economic and historical dimensions. They defy easy analysis, and understanding of the phenomenon remains incomplete.

In its report called “Prevention of Violent Extremism“—published in June 2023—the UN noted that “deaths from terrorist activity have fallen considerably worldwide in recent years.” Yet, in its promotional literature for the same report, the UN claimed that the “rise of violent extremism profoundly threatens human security.”

How can the UN have it both ways? How can it be that a “rise of violent extremism” correlates with a considerable reduction in terrorist activity and associated deaths? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

And remember that in the Africa report, which the UN currently calls its “most extensive study yet,” the UN acknowledged that the causes of radicalisation “are multiple, complex and context specific” and “defy easy analysis.”

This thoroughly refutes the manifest ease with which the UN proclaims, without cause, that so-called conspiracy theories “fuel violence and violent extremist ideologies.” This begs the question: what on Earth does the UN think “violent extremism” is, if not terrorism?

The bottom line is that, by its own admission, the UN has absolutely no evidence to support any of its “conspiracy theory” assertions. Rather, the UN is simply making up its entire “conspiracism” thesis from whole cloth.

In reality, so-called “conspiracy theorists” are overwhelmingly ordinary people with legitimate opinions that span a wide range of issues. Their opinions do not lead them to adopt extremist ideologies or to commit violent acts. There is no evidence at all to support this widely promulgated contention.

Nor are alleged “conspiracy theorists” a unique group of malcontents with psychological problems. The only defining characteristic these people possess is that they exercise their right to question power.

They do not seek to undermine democracy but, rather, exercise the rights and freedoms that democracy is supposedly based upon. It is this behaviour that the State deems unacceptable and that leads the State and its “epistemic authorities,” including the legacy media, to label them “conspiracy theorists.”

This observation in no way implies that the conspiracy theorists are always right. Conspiracy theories can be bigoted. They can be ridiculous. They may lack supporting evidence. They may cause offence. And they are sometimes just plain wrong. In other words they are just like any other opinion. But, equally, there is nothing inherently inaccurate or dangerous about every opinion labelled “conspiracy theory.”

There is only one way to ascertain if an alleged conspiracy theory is valid or not: examine the evidence. Unfortunately, the conspiracy theory label was created specifically to discourage people from looking at the evidence.

There are countless examples of the conspiracy theory or theorist label being used to hide evidence, obscure facts and deny legitimate concerns.

In Part 2, we will look at a few of these examples and explore the wider geopolitical context in which the conspiracy theory label is deployed.

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8a2318 No.100292

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762530 (191303ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023



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8a2318 No.100293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762564 (191317ZOCT23) Notable: @RepRosendale says U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) is17 votesshy of a job as speaker of the House

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Jim Jordan Can Make an Effective House Speaker, Says Matt Rosendale

@RepRosendale says U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) is17 votesshy of a job as speaker of the House. Rosendale said Jordan is well-suited to the task. "He has a very special knack for being able to come out and put it in layman's terms so every American can understand what's going on," Rosendale said. "He can provide hope to the American people that there are good folks up here looking after them and trying to get the job done."

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8a2318 No.100294

File: 9a7e5954317c8ac⋯.png (615.39 KB,1063x598,1063:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762581 (191323ZOCT23) Notable: This microbe-filled pill could track inflammation in the gut

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I Found My Thrill...

This microbe-filled pill could track inflammation in the gut

A blueberry-size pill that you swallow could let doctors measure signs of inflammatory bowel disease in the gut, helping spot it earlier and measure its progression in real time.

“The gut is like a black box—very hard to access,” says Maria Inda, a synthetic biologist at MIT and co-leader on the team that created the pill. “The only way we have now is colonoscopy. That’s invasive, can’t be repeated at short intervals, and disrupts the gut microbiome.”


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8a2318 No.100295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762584 (191324ZOCT23) Notable: Head of the IDF International Press Desk Speaks

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Head of the IDF International Press Desk Speaks About Truth

Israel Defense Forces


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8a2318 No.100296

File: 5d7a82037cff834⋯.png (664.83 KB,602x911,602:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762596 (191327ZOCT23) Notable: @EzraACohen: The @ABAesq..puts out antisemitic statement places blame on Israeli victims of horrific attack

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Ezra A. Cohen


The @ABAesq

which among other things sets ethics standards for the legal profession and accredits law schools puts out an antisemitic statement that places blame on the Israeli victims of a horrific attack. No mention of Hamas the perpetrator of the attack.


American Bar Association



Oct 17

The ABA has watched with concern as violence in Israel and Palestine escalated over the past week. Read @ABAPresident Mary Smith's statement urging the legal community to recognize the humanity of both Palestinians and Israelis during this crisis.

The American Bar Association has watched with deep concern as the violence in Israel and Palestine has continued to escalate over the past week, leading to the deaths of over 1,000 Israelis and over 3,000 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them reportedly civilians. The ABA reiterates our condemnation of targeting of any civilians in any way. We again call on all parties to uphold international law, which forbids killing civilians, hostage-taking, collective punishment, forced displacement, ethnic cleansing and cutting off water, food and other necessities to captive populations.

2:00 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100297

File: 3ba93962aef2d4b⋯.png (19.28 KB,940x149,940:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762615 (191331ZOCT23) Notable: US preps for possible attack on DC with simulated incoming missiles

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US preps for possible attack on DC with

simulated incoming missiles

Daily Mail (UK), by Matthew Phelan

Posted By: Imright, 10/19/2023 9:15:42 AM

America has begun preparing for a major attack on the nation's capital - by simulating incoming missiles and hijacked airplanes. US defense contractor Northrop Grumman announced the successful test of its Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) this month. (Photo) The Beltway-area around Washington DC, known by defense personnel as the 'National Capital Region,' was successfully defended against 'simulated cruise missiles and 'compromised aircraft,' the company said. The tests come amid rising tensions worldwide, with the US amassing a war machine in the MidEast in a clear message to Iran to stay on the sidelines as Israel prepares to launch a ground invasion into Gaza.

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8a2318 No.100298

File: 86afadeea365ebb⋯.png (880.41 KB,1080x674,540:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762623 (191334ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Anxiety and fear are high:’ US Palestinians, Muslims fear a return to post-9/11 Islamophobia

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‘Anxiety and fear are high:’ US Palestinians,

Muslims fear a return to post-9/11 Islamophobia

CNN, by Nicquel Terry Ellis & Chandelis Duster

Original Article

Posted By: NorthernDog, 10/19/2023 9:07:29 AM

People Are Just Finding Out About This Cause of Plaque Psoriasis

As the Israel-Hamas War rages and the crisis in Gaza deepens, Taher Herzallah said he has exchanged frantic messages on social media with his family members who are trapped in Gaza. Their description of the situation is grim. He said they’ve told him they have no food, electricity, water or fuel. (Snip) Herzallah said his concerns for his family thousands of miles away have also been compounded by a growing fear for the safety of his wife and children here in the US, as reports of attacks against people perceived to be Muslim or Palestinian surface across the country.

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8a2318 No.100299

File: 0d97c492829ac86⋯.jpg (186.38 KB,720x1209,240:403,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762646 (191337ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau forbids prayers by military chaplains during memorial

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Trudeau forbids prayers by military chaplains during memorial

EXCLUSIVE: Military Tells Chaplains No Prayers at Official Events as Remembrance Day Approaches


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8a2318 No.100300

File: 12c709a8c7cf323⋯.png (213.18 KB,593x577,593:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762661 (191341ZOCT23) Notable: Harvard Hamas supporters taking a much needed break from their celebrations

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Catturd ℱ


While you’re supporting terrorist make sure you wear your mask outdoors - 😂






Harvard Hamas supporters taking a much needed break from their celebrations.

2:39 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100301

File: e147de534c94b7f⋯.png (495.42 KB,594x470,297:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762685 (191345ZOCT23) Notable: @TomFitton: Substitute-teacher couple busted for prostitution

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Tom Fitton


Substitute-teacher couple busted for prostitution https://nypost.com/2023/10/19/tennessee-substitute-teachers-ezra-fry-and-david-acevedo-busted-for-prostitution-they-do-for-money/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost_sitebuttons

via @nypost

12:31 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100302

File: 369ab868dc980bb⋯.png (2.03 MB,1075x1058,1075:1058,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762765 (191405ZOCT23) Notable: #24266

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FINAL @720


#24266 >>100268

>>100269 General Mike FlynnThis is the world we live in and we need @realDonaldTrump to be firmly back in control of it!!!

>>100270 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: How many foreign spies are working at the Pentagon?

>>100271 It’s now 10 pm and the website still has the same livestream shot of the Capitol from hours ago with daylight. They really think we are stupid.

>>100272 State Department official resigns over Biden’s support of Israel’s war against Hamas

baker change

>>100273, >>100276 Today's only delta. Buckle up!

>>100274, >>100277 A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22

>>100275, >>100278, >>100281 "Russian law enforcement has detained Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor from the US

>>100279 Everytime the DEEP STATER'S feel threatened they pick up the phone and call the Rino's

>>100280 Biden wants $60 billion for Kiev - media

>>100282 Biden Lifts Sanctions On Venezuela Dictator Maduro In Exchange For Oil

>>100283 Portugal moves to end Sephardic Jewish citizenship law

>>100284 @Kash: Its astonishing that everyone that opposed the invasions into Iraq and Afghanistan are now calling for the US war machine in the middle east

>>100285 The 36-page report shows that in 2022, 39 children under state supervision died from abuse or neglect

>>100286 Trump Is Going Even Further Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole

>>100287 Costco CEO to step down from popular wholesaler after 11 years at the helm

>>100288, >>100289, >>100290, >>100291 Some Call It Conspiracy Theory (refutes most DS accusations)

>>100292 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/19/2023

>>100293 @RepRosendale says U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) is17 votesshy of a job as speaker of the House

>>100294 This microbe-filled pill could track inflammation in the gut

>>100295 Head of the IDF International Press Desk Speaks

>>100296 @EzraACohen: The @ABAesq..puts out antisemitic statement places blame on Israeli victims of horrific attack

>>100297 US preps for possible attack on DC with simulated incoming missiles

>>100298 ‘Anxiety and fear are high:’ US Palestinians, Muslims fear a return to post-9/11 Islamophobia

>>100299 Trudeau forbids prayers by military chaplains during memorial

>>100300 Harvard Hamas supporters taking a much needed break from their celebrations

>>100301 @TomFitton: Substitute-teacher couple busted for prostitution


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8a2318 No.100303

File: 471efdc2049efa3⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762774 (191407ZOCT23) Notable: #24267

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Thank you anons

Kitchen open for handoffs

Kitchen open for handoffs

Kitchen open for handoffs

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8a2318 No.100304

File: e6cc60dacce320a⋯.png (173.75 KB,596x501,596:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762786 (191413ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Sidney Powell pleads guilty as part of a deal with prosecutors


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8a2318 No.100305

File: 85629c9b6dac686⋯.png (314.45 KB,1125x914,1125:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a764aa37774a3c⋯.png (325.35 KB,1125x927,125:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762790 (191414ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Sidney Powell accepts plea deal in Fulton Cty GA


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8a2318 No.100306

File: 6f6462a85df529a⋯.png (66.95 KB,1112x297,1112:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762793 (191416ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Fani cut her a deal she couldn't refuse. This reads like pure desperation on the part of Fani. She didn't want this case going to trial ahead of Trump


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8a2318 No.100307

File: 9152c6a550bd8a8⋯.png (884.17 KB,987x1597,987:1597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762814 (191420ZOCT23) Notable: @VCorps: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Are you secure online?

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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Are you secure online?

10:00 AM · Oct 19, 2023·61 Views

OCAM & His Razor

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8a2318 No.100308

File: 5104b8141594b0e⋯.mp4 (13.99 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762819 (191422ZOCT23) Notable: Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's ruling Likud Party threatens Russia on RT

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Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's ruling Likud Party threatens Russia on RT

"After we win this war...we will make sure that Ukraine wins...Russia will pay the price..."

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8a2318 No.100309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762827 (191424ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Trending on X

Can’t cap the video

BREAKING: Sidney Powell has just plead guilty in the Fulton County Election interference case!

As part of the plea agreement, she will:

- Get 6 years probations

- A fine

- Have to testify against anyone else related to the case (This apparently includes Former President Trump)

- Can NOT speak with any other witnesses or those involved in the case.

WOW! Thoughts? How dangerous is this to Trump?

And for those who will now claim that Sidney Powell isn't really guilty despite her pleading guilty to 6 counts and that it's all the prosecutor's fault and judge's fault, please at least listen to what she has to say to the judge during the proceedings that took place minutes ago.

She is fully aware that she committed crime:

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8a2318 No.100310

File: a04148a60e381ec⋯.png (321.86 KB,1163x918,1163:918,Clipboard.png)

File: 33b1fbae9112589⋯.png (1.35 MB,1213x968,1213:968,Clipboard.png)

File: bc40c45d13029fd⋯.png (868.47 KB,949x965,949:965,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762832 (191425ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: A GREAT BOOK!!! @marklevinshow: THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, NOW 45% OFF ON AMAZON!

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8a2318 No.100311

File: a994ea6a31c163c⋯.jpeg (810.16 KB,1170x1925,234:385,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762878 (191432ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Trump Co-Defendant Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty on Eve of Trial in Georgia

Sidney Powell’s trial was set to begin Oct. 20 when 450 Fulton County residents are due to report to the court as prospective jurors

ATLANTA — Pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty on Thursday to misdemeanor charges in the Georgia election racketeering indictment and is expected to cooperate with prosecutors as they prepare for trials against Donald Trump and 16 others.

Powell entered her plea in Fulton County Superior Court during a surprise hearing just one day before she was set to stand trial herself along with another former Trump legal advisor, Kenneth Chesebro.

Both Chesebro and Powell had previously pleaded not guilty to seven state felony charges for their alleged role in the conspiracy to subvert the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

Powell spoke briefly during her guilty plea hearing, where she was sentenced to six years of probation and must pay a fine of restitution to the state. She must also write an apology letter to the citizens and state of Georgia.

Under the terms of the plea deal, Powell is barred from speaking to the media or making public statements about the facts of the case. Most important for the other co-defendants in the case, Powell is expected to provide cooperative testimony for prosecutors in the trials of the remaining defendants.

A prominent conspiracy theorist and attorney, Powell monikered “the Kraken” during her failed lawsuits on Trump's behalf to challenge the 2020 election results.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis ultimately charged Powell for her alleged role in the overall racketeering conspiracy, including in connection to the breach of Dominion election systems in Coffee County, a rural and conservative south Georgia county.

Powell’s plea bargain with Georgia prosecutors follows that of Scott Graham Hall, the first co-defendant in Willis' case to enter a guilty plea.


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8a2318 No.100312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762888 (191434ZOCT23) Notable: Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's ruling Likud Party threatens Russia on RT

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8a2318 No.100313

File: f0de0a8b39cd80e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762906 (191437ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 19, 2023

A Sunrise at Sunset Point

This timelapse series captured on October 14 is set against the sunrise view from Sunset Point, Bryce Canyon, planet Earth. Of course on that date the New Moon caught up with the Sun in the canyon's morning skies. Local temperatures fell as the Moon's shadow swept across the high altitude scene and the brilliant morning sunlight became a more subdued yellow hue cast over the reddish rocky landscape. In the timelapse series, images were taken at 2 minute intervals. The camera and solar filter were fixed to a tripod to follow the phases of the annular solar eclipse.


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8a2318 No.100314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762924 (191439ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case

Marshall Cohen

By Marshall Cohen

1 minute read

Updated 10:11 AM EDT, Thu October 19, 2023

As part of her guilty plea, Powell is admitting her role in the January 2021 breach of election systems in rural Coffee County, Georgia.With the help of local GOP officials, a group of Trump supporters accessed and copied information from the county’s election systems in hopes of somehow proving that the election was rigged against Trump.


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8a2318 No.100315

File: 83bf7b3819dbe93⋯.png (298.3 KB,611x650,47:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762929 (191440ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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She had to take the deal. This is a railroading and she can't win. This was her smartest move. No felony and no jail time


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8a2318 No.100316

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,544x342,272:171,Clipboard.png)

File: fc296949422c196⋯.jpeg (340.68 KB,828x1441,828:1441,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f40dcabe40a4685⋯.jpeg (462.31 KB,828x1406,414:703,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 96e04db77bf8b3d⋯.jpeg (450.86 KB,828x1393,828:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e249efef6bfe918⋯.png (59.5 KB,947x551,947:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762930 (191440ZOCT23) Notable: MarketFag Reports

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MarketFag: Futures Slide (cash open
meh) As 10Y Yields On Verge Of Tagging 5% Ahead Of Powell Speech-existing home sales drop
blackstone whinging about rates..Commodity prices

Futures dropped and global markets slumped again after treasury yields continued their relentless march higher (until something breaks), draining appetite for stocks as traders tracked earnings news and an intensifying diplomatic push to contain the Israel-Hamas war. Yields on 10-year US government bonds gained for a fourth day, pushing them just shy of 5% for the first time since 2007, while 30Y yields are well above 5% now. Many potential drivers for price action Thursday include weekly jobless claims data and a packed Fed speaker slate headed by Chair Powell at 12pm New York time... while the ridiculous explosion in US debt whichhas increased by over $600 billion in one month, or about $20 billion per day, is not helping.

Markets are in wait and see mode until 12:00pm when Powell delivers remarks at the Economic Club of NY which will be very interesting given the recent run up in yields, the stronger data of late and the geopolitical events since we last heard from him.

(Done as they don’t set anything other then Prime)

Earlier in the session, Asian stocks sank for a second day, driven by losses in Hong Kong, as concerns about China’s broader economy added to geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index declined as much as 1.6%, the most in about two weeks, led lower by Tencent and Samsung. Equities went south across the region. Nikkei, Kospi and Hang Seng indexes are all down about 2%. Singapore’s Straits Times Index fell to its lowest since March, while the benchmark in South Korea lost more than 1.5% as the central bank held interest rates steady and flagged upside risks to inflation. All other benchmarks in Asia were lower with those in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia down more than 1%.  

In rates, treasuries were cheaper across the curve with losses led by long-end, extending disinversion of 2s10s beyond Wednesday’s high. Continued trend higher in Treasury yields sees 10-year approach 5%, peaking just below 4.98% in early London session. Many potential drivers for price action Thursday include weekly jobless claims data and a packed Fed speaker slate headed by Chair Powell at 12pm New York time. An auction 5-year TIPS closes an hour later. US yields cheaper by more than 6bp at long-end, widening 2s10s, 5s30s spreads by 3bp and 2bp; 10-year yields have eased from cheapest levels of the day to around 4.97% with bunds and gilts outperforming by 4.5bp and 1.5bp in the sector. Dollar IG issuance slate includes CAF 3Y; Goldman Sachs, MUFG, and Bank of New York raised almost $7b Wednesday, taking weekly total to $24b; this week’s seven offerings are all from the banking sector. $22b 5-year TIPS auction at 1pm is indicated around 2.53%, exceeding comparable results since 2008.




(And this is a major reason why FFR rates won’t be rising. Can’t have the golden property goose lose that much
QE coming in a MASSIVE WAY to counteract sovereign debt sales
Fed has no other choice) and That will spike all property values AND Rents

Blackstone Inc. (BX) Q3 Earnings and Revenues Lag Estimates


(On Netflix
.they stopped reporting SAC (subscriber acquisition costs)years ago so absolutely NO context with all those additions)

NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 3.96 million SAAR in September


See cap 5

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8a2318 No.100317

File: b552b0569e63e73⋯.png (609.24 KB,695x686,695:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762937 (191441ZOCT23) Notable: MarketFag Reports

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Government Bubble Burst

Treasury bond investors have been taking a historic beating.

By James Freeman

Oct. 18, 2023 4:46 pm ET

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8a2318 No.100318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762942 (191442ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Can’t embed vid

State v. Powell


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8a2318 No.100319

File: 396f00a566a3a1d⋯.png (1.76 MB,1492x901,1492:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762969 (191445ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewing Kash Patel

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LIVE - WarRoom Live

Bannons War Room

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8a2318 No.100320

File: 3af73d0a44b8e0c⋯.png (518.08 KB,587x541,587:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762979 (191447ZOCT23) Notable: @nypost: Homeland Security officer on leave after revealed she worked for PLO and wrote ‘F–k Israel’ post

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Square profile picture

New York Post


Homeland Security officer on leave after it was revealed she worked for PLO and wrote ‘F–k Israel’ post https://trib.al/5cUNOgw


2:43 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100321

File: 72a4ccd8a834092⋯.png (27.9 KB,500x309,500:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762993 (191450ZOCT23) Notable: Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country's Largest Orthodox Church Body

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Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country's Largest Orthodox Church Body

An ultra-controversial ban on Ukraine's main religious body, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), has just passed a first-round vote of lawmakers, due to the church maintaining links with the Russian Orthodox Church centered in Moscow.

It comes after Ukrainian security services have conducted several raids against Orthodox monasteries and churches, including the famous Kiev Pechersk Lavra monastery.

"Draft law number 8371 on the prohibition of religious organizations associated with the Russian Federation was adopted in the first reading," lawmaker Yaroslav Zhelezniak announced, after it passed 267 to 15.

The UOC blasted the move the get it legally banned as a severe violation of human rights and religious freedoms which violates the European Convention on Human Rights.

But another lawmaker, Inna Sovsun, was cited in AFP as calling it a "historic decision" - explaining the rationale of the majority of parliament as follows: "In order to defeat the aggressor, we need to think asymmetrically and leave no room for Russia to harm us."

Throughout the war, Zelensky officials have alleged - without evidence - that UOC priests and bishops sometimes are facilitators for Russian intelligence and harbor pro-Putin views.

The UOC responded, "Undoubtedly, the adoption of this draft law will indicate that human rights and freedoms, for which our state is also fighting, are losing their meaning." The UOC has confirmed it is taking steps to defend itself in courts.

n some recent instances, Orthodox clergy members have seen jail time or have been placed under house arrest, or else harassment by mobs of far-right Ukrainian nationalists, for merely calling for peace between the two countries.

If this new move to impose an outright ban on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church goes through, this means church seizures and the arrests of clergymen by the state will only increase, as Zelensky is now waging war not just on the invading Russians, but on Orthodox Christians within Ukraine itself.

Sauce: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukrainian-lawmakers-vote-ban-countrys-largest-orthodox-body

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8a2318 No.100322

File: b7f7275cd303525⋯.png (906.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fb4fda3a71391f⋯.png (34.96 KB,397x436,397:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763015 (191453ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewing Kash Patel

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>Bannon’s WarRoom Live Now!



Bannon interviewingKash Patel


Remember That Name

referring to Persian infiltrator Maher Batar


Jun 12, 2018 10:08:43 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 793722 No. 1722473




KASHyap Patel - name to remember.


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8a2318 No.100323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763053 (191459ZOCT23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein survivor who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell dies in Florida

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Jeffrey Epstein survivor who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell dies in Florida

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8a2318 No.100324

File: b3c399558ce535f⋯.png (579.86 KB,771x715,771:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763068 (191500ZOCT23) Notable: New York sues crypto firms for alleged $1.1B fraud

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New York sues crypto firms for alleged $1.1B fraud

Gemini Trust Co. and Barry Silbert’s Digital Currency Group were sued by New York’s top law-enforcement officer for allegedly defrauding customers of $1.1 billion, escalating legal woes for two companies hit hard by last year’s plunge in cryptocurrency markets.


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8a2318 No.100325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763086 (191503ZOCT23) Notable: @repmtg: I will vote NO on a resolution to empower a short-term Speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




I will vote NO on a resolution to empower a short-term Speaker.

I’m not sharing our power with Democrats, after our voters gave us the majority.

Republicans working with Democrats is how we got here.

Our conference must unite and elect a full-term Republican Speaker.

I’m voting for Jim Jordan.

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8a2318 No.100326

File: d8c0d51bf6463f4⋯.png (381.44 KB,962x491,962:491,Clipboard.png)

File: d97ef7525c431d2⋯.png (359.95 KB,933x419,933:419,Clipboard.png)

File: eb7565de0dbedc5⋯.png (379.75 KB,940x421,940:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 76fe49f0fffb62c⋯.png (390.49 KB,966x484,483:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bf0b4279f92354⋯.png (376.11 KB,955x435,191:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763088 (191503ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewing Kash Patel

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>Remember That Name

>referring to Persian infiltrator Maher Batar

Maher Batar worked for Samantha Power in the UN and is a Palestinian Plant and in charge of US Intelligance, in the region (I think).

Then Kash drops a couple of othernames to remember

Robert Malley

Arian Tabatabai (sp?)

Malley is the Iranian spy in that article Potus keeps dropping about the spy ring.

Malley installe Arian to run the Special Operations in the defense department.

Kash is apparently writing a forthcoming Op ed. Anons getting a preview


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8a2318 No.100327

File: 793694119fb5d8f⋯.png (110.17 KB,418x468,209:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763098 (191505ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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Read the pleadings.

The Fulton County DA lied to the court repeatedly about the law.

They hid exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating the prosecutor's oath to do justice).

And now the felonies vanish on the eve of trial. Totally unjust prosecution.

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8a2318 No.100328

File: 43005fc66c5c9c3⋯.png (424.45 KB,589x533,589:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763106 (191506ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Corporate media will crow about Sidney Powell's plea deal. But the fact she's being fined $6,000 and being made to write an apology letter suggests their case was not as strong as they originally believed...


3:27 AM · Oct 19, 2023





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8a2318 No.100329

File: 918d6d7319348b2⋯.png (179.54 KB,938x430,469:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763114 (191508ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewing Kash Patel

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>Kash Patel


>Remember That Name

oh and worked Liddle Adam Schitt

Correct Spelling:

Maher Bitarserves as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs on the White House’s a National Security Council staff.[1] He served during Barack Obama's administration and Joe Biden's. He is Palestinian.[citation needed]

Bihar has a Master's degree from Oxford University, where he was a Marshall Scholar.[2] He studied at Georgetown Law School.[3][4]He was a legal representative for U.S. Representative Adam Schiff.[5]

He succeeds Michael Ellis.[6]

He has written about political organizing among Palestinian refugees.[3] He has worked for the U.S. government since 2011 when he was a student trainee.[7]

Normam Eisen's book about the first impeachment of U.S. president Donald Trump describes him.[8]

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8a2318 No.100330

File: 6e107638378abea⋯.png (46.78 KB,926x410,463:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 233ce837a0bad3f⋯.png (65.85 KB,926x586,463:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 20ece1a20dd7131⋯.png (105.06 KB,926x894,463:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763117 (191508ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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>exculpatory evidence

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8a2318 No.100331

File: 04175b377a29f64⋯.jpeg (894.57 KB,828x1408,207:352,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3ea2b7dbdf66e47⋯.png (137.16 KB,231x261,77:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763122 (191508ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports Eastern Med and Yerp update

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planeFag eastern Med and Yerp update

French and Aussie AF departed Tel Aviv and Potato equipment still being taken out of same

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8a2318 No.100332

File: 744f12186d02db8⋯.png (1011.57 KB,846x699,282:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763123 (191509ZOCT23) Notable: MarketFag Reports

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London Stock Exchange System Issue Halts Trading in Many Stocks

London Stock Exchange Group Plc is investigating a system incident, according to a statement on the company’s website.

Bloomberg|03:42 AM

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8a2318 No.100333

File: cf1c216aaa85824⋯.png (114.31 KB,1196x480,299:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763127 (191509ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN will not hold 3rd ballot for speaker, back PATRICK MCHENRY as interim speaker until JAN?

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>NEWS — JIM JORDAN will not hold a third ballot for speaker. He will back PATRICK MCHENRY as an interim speaker until JANUARY.


We reported this this AM in @PunchbowlNews



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8a2318 No.100334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763137 (191511ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Looking to Link Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security Funding in $100 Billion Package

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Biden Looking to Link Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security Funding in $100 Billion Package

Biden will tackle all three crises at once, proposing as much as $100 billion to aid Ukraine in its war against Russia, Israel in its war against Hamas, and a more serious attempt to lock down the border.

The most problematic aid package will be military and economic assistance to Ukraine, which has already received $85 billion. Biden figures that if he can sweeten the package to include the strongly bipartisan effort to assist Israel with the substantial spending on border security, more Republicans will support the entire funding package.

Earlier this month, some Democrats and Republicans floated a trial balloon that would have combined border security with Ukraine aid. House conservatives shot that idea down, but throwing in the immensely popular aid to Israel could tip the scales in Biden’s favor.


These three issues need to handled separately. Fund the border. It's only a matter of time before the terrorists that Obama and Biden have already welcomed into the country kill innocent Americans. If Congress is serious about doing anything good for America (they aren't), they'll fund border security as it's own issue.

Not one more dollar or weapon or bullet to Ukraine. It's time to force peace negotiations and a cease fire.

Full and complete audits of all money Congress gives to foreign nations and complete transparency. They keep funding terrorism around the world and American soldiers and innocent civilians are killed by the American government as a result. Enough.

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8a2318 No.100335

File: 915b0f6910d01a2⋯.mp4 (14.04 MB,848x468,212:117,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763138 (191511ZOCT23) Notable: Son of Hamas leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef, denounced Hamas converted to Christianity after witnessing savagery

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Son of Hamas leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef, denounced Hamas and converted to Christianity after witnessing their savagery:

"They don't care for the Palestinian people. They don't regard human life. I saw their brutality firsthand....If they succeed in destroying Israel and building their state, what will they do? They will kill our people."

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8a2318 No.100336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763152 (191514ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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The information she copied were 15,000 emails. hampton gave her permission to copy them.

October 17, 2023

New trove of emails and documents turned over to prosecutors in Georgia election subversion case


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8a2318 No.100337

File: b6fab335d2d77ad⋯.png (470.2 KB,667x666,667:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763161 (191515ZOCT23) Notable: MarketFag Reports

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London Stock Exchange System Issue Halts Trading in Many Stocks

Oct 19, 2023

London Stock Exchange Group Plc is investigating a system incident, according to a statement on the company’s website.

Only stocks on the FTSE 100 Index, FTSE 250 and international orderbook are available for trading, the LSE said.

Bloomberg data shows hundreds of affected stocks, including Asos Plc and Deliveroo Plc.


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8a2318 No.100338

File: af1890b1aa5bed9⋯.png (731.48 KB,581x812,83:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763165 (191516ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: ck part 2 of my op ed coming soon exposing Iranian infiltration into Biden admin

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Kash Patel


Put INTEL in its Place- Biden intentionally failed, check out the fix in #GG and part 2 of my op ed coming soon exposing Iranian infiltration into the Biden admin (yes you read that right), part 1 below:



Oct 19, 2023, 3:53 AM

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8a2318 No.100339

File: 6389da437f67adb⋯.jpg (286.8 KB,717x1001,717:1001,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763169 (191517ZOCT23) Notable: International Paper's containerboard mill in Orange County to close at end of year

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Mills closing right and left

International Paper's containerboard mill in Orange County to close at end of year

The plant will be permanently closed along with two other facilities in North Carolina and Florida.


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8a2318 No.100340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763171 (191517ZOCT23) Notable: Video: Trump Slates Biden For Handing $100 Million To Palestinians

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Video: Trump Slates Biden For Handing $100 Million To Palestinians

“He’s over in Israel, and he’s giving money to the Palestinians.”

After Joe Biden announced a $100 million handout will go to Gaza, Judea and Samaria, critics, and even Biden himself, pointed out that there’s a high likelihood that the aid will just end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists.

An exasperated Donald Trump summed up how most conservatives feel about the announcement, noting “I think right now it’s totally inappropriate. It’s so inappropriate — to be doing that right now? He’s over in Israel, and he’s giving money to the Palestinians.”

Trump had ended all aid for Gaza while he was President, but Biden restarted it again in 2021, promising an initial $235 million to the Palestinians.


https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1714727835233886667 (video here)

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8a2318 No.100341

File: ce3521e81f3c6af⋯.webp (23.06 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: add930e38c1b3d8⋯.webp (29.92 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763172 (191517ZOCT23) Notable: Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem

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Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem

By Aleks Phillips On 10/19/23 at 5:00 AM1/3

While Joe Biden has so far been steadfast in his support for Israel in the ongoing conflict with Hamas, a recent poll appears to show his voter base shifting its sympathies in the opposite direction—posing a potential problem for the likely Democratic nominee as he campaigns for a second term.

As of March, and prior to the current outbreak of violence in the region, a survey by Gallup showed that for the first time since 2001 the overall sympathies of Democrat voters had predominantly shifted from Israelis and toward Palestinians, seemingly caused by a large swing in sentiments by millennial voters.

Though the sympathies of Democrats of all ages had tended to shift toward Palestinians over time,those aged 23-43 had the largest swing in the most recent poll and are the only group where sympathies for Palestinians now outweigh those for Israelis.

This change has come as Biden has apparently sought to court younger voters with student loan forgiveness and policies to address climate change.

The survey lays bare a burgeoning divide between younger, progressive Democrats and the party's traditionally more pro-Israel base that could cause Biden and the wider party electoral headaches—infighting that Republicans could look to capitalize on. However, experts say that Biden's apparent disconnect from younger voters on the issue was unlikely at present to place his electoral hopes into jeopardy—though that could change, given the unpredictable nature of the conflict.

Michigan Microcosm

"The state where he will most likely face criticism from fellow Democrats over his stance on Israel will be Michigan, a key swing state with a large population of Palestinian-Americans, including Rep. Rashida Tlaib who has been critical of Biden's position," Julie Norman, professor of politics and international relations at University College London, told Newsweek. "His stance on Israel could lose Biden some votes in Michigan, though potentially secure others."

In 2020, Biden carried Michigan with little over 150,000 votes, granting him 16 electoral college votes. Michigan was one of the swing states that propelled him to the presidency. Ultimately Biden was only 44,000 votes in three other swing states—Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin—from a tie in the electoral college.

Since the violence began, Tlaib, along with other progressive Democrat representatives such as Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called on Biden to de-escalate the crisis and call for a ceasefire.

Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent and has often criticized Israel's actions, told Biden on Tuesday: "Your war and destruction only approach has opened my eyes and many Palestinian Americans and Muslim Americans like me. We will remember where you stood."

In her home state, the Detroit suburb of Dearborn—which has the largest Muslim population in America—was host to a pro-Palestinian rally which accused Israel of "racist ethnic cleansing" and an "inhumane blockade" of Gaza. Abdullah Hammoud, the city's Democratic mayor, has said Israel's "illegal military occupation" of Gaza made "tragic violence inevitable," the same day militants attacked Israel, killing civilians including children.

Activists at the demonstration criticized leading Democratic politicians for their stance. "We made it possible for Biden to win Michigan, and now we are being spit on because we are standing with the Palestinians," Osama Siblani, one of the event's speakers, previously told Newsweek. "So, we are not going to forget."

"Debates over this issue in Michigan could become a microcosm for larger debates in the Democratic party over Israel-Palestine as the more progressive part of the party moves away from the Dems' traditional pro-Israel stance," Norman said.

"We can also expect Trump and other Republicans to attempt to exploit Democrat divisions over Israel, though it will likely be harder to paint Biden personally as weak on Israel after his stance in the past days," she added.

Newsweek approached the state Democratic Party and Republican Party for Michigan via email for comment on Wednesday.

Millennial Trouble

The Gallup survey is a sign that what is being played out in Michigan will soon be something the entire party has to reconcile. Between 2019 and2023, 46 percent of millennial Democrat voters sympathized with Palestinians to just 35 percent for Israel, a net sympathy score towards Palestine of 11 percent, it found.

By contrast, between 2011 and 2014,51 percent of respondents in the age group sided with Israelis to 26 percent for Palestinians—a net sympathy towards Israel of 25 percent...


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8a2318 No.100342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763175 (191518ZOCT23) Notable: Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem

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As such, the successive polls suggest a 36-point shift in sentiments, meaning the overall view among Democrat voters between the two periods has shifted from a majority of 53-58 percent support for Israel to just 38 percent.

Despite this shift in sentiments among Biden's voter base, his rhetoric since Hamas launched a surprise assault on Israel on October 7 has been strongly supportive of Israel, even in the face of outcry from some over Israel's subsequent airstrikes.

Over the past week-or-so, Biden has said "Israel has a right to defend itself—full stop," that his administration's support for Israel "is rock solid and unwavering," and that Israel "has a right and a duty to respond to these vicious attacks."

He was also quick to agree with the assessment of the Israel Defense Forces, subsequently backed by U.S. intelligence, that Israel was not to blame for a still-disputed blast at a hospital in Gaza.

"It's true that Democrats no longer have a unified position on Israel/Palestine, with many young voters increasingly sympathetic to Palestinians," Norman said. "Biden has been a long-time defender of Israel, and that was clear in his forceful response to last week's attacks—though the administration is also taking steps to distinguish Hamas from Palestinians and to address humanitarian concerns."

The Biden administration has said it is helping coordinate humanitarian aid shipments to Gaza—though aid organizations have said they have been stopped at the border—writing on Sunday: "We must not lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas's appalling attacks, and are suffering as a result of them."

It appears no accident that the results of the poll align with pro-Palestinian Democrats tending to be younger; Tlaib's progressive caucus, known as "The Squad," has an average age roughly 20 years younger than the rest of the House. Tlaib is also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose New York chapter backed a pro-Palestinian rally a day after the Hamas attack, which provoked a backlash from some within the Democratic Party.

Christopher Phelps, a professor of American political history and elections at the University of Nottingham, suggested the growing internal divide arose from a shift from the Cold War being a primary geopolitical concern to social justice.

"You've got younger people coming up for whom the right-wing politics of Benjamin Netanyahu, the building of walls, is reminiscent of the apartheid state of South Africa, and who think the only way to justice and peace is a policy that includes more opportunity and freedom for Palestinian people," he said.

"They separate out the organizations [such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad] from the mass of Palestinians who are being victimized by the entire conflict," he added. "I doubt there's any sympathy whatsoever—except for possibly a lunatic fringe element—for Hamas's massacre of civilians, but it would be interpreted as a desperate, twisted response to conditions of other hopelessness in Gaza."

Both Norman and Phelps noted, though, that for young Democrat voters, the alternatives to Biden in the 2024 election are unlikely to be palatable, while the current conflict, unless there is an escalation, was unlikely to be at the forefront of voters' minds in 12 months' time.

"I doubt Biden loses votes over being so ardent in support of Israel," Phelps said. "The younger millennials are going to be more worried about Donald Trump taking office than they are about Biden's Israel policy."

Norman said that "while not all Democrats agree with Biden's position, this issue alone is unlikely to cost him many votes, mainly because it is not a defining priority issue for most voters. Furthermore, most Democrats who are more sympathetic to Palestinians know that Trump—or [the] GOP candidate—will likely take an even harder pro-Israel stance."

"For the typical American voter, this is not what people vote on," Phelps said. "People vote on the direction of the economy, on the culture wars—pertaining to gender, and sexuality, and race; they vote on the question of democracy versus stronger authority, or authoritarianism depending on your perspective. These are the sorts of things that are going to animate the voters when they go to the polls, not the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."

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8a2318 No.100343

File: 7e9aaa91d8ac4bb⋯.png (468.21 KB,887x1274,887:1274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763178 (191519ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewing Kash Patel

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quote: "Bitar wrote the schiff memo. the nunes memo"

Bitar's wife in State Department

Astrid Nmn Dorelien

Title: Foreign Affairs Personnel

Agency: Department of State

In 2022, Astrid Nmn Dorelien was a Foreign Affairs Personnel at the Department of State in Washington, District Of Columbia.

Astrid Nmn Dorelien is a GS-14 under the general schedule payscale.

Year Occupation Paygrade Base Salary Bonus Location

2022 Foreign Affairs GS-14 $143,064 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2021 Foreign Affairs GS-14 $138,866 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2020 Foreign Affairs GS-14 $133,447 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2019 Foreign Affairs GS-14 $125,005 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2018 Foreign Affairs GS-14 $118,410 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2017 Foreign Affairs GS-14 $112,021 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2016 Foreign Affairs GS-13 $101,361 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2014 Foreign Affairs GS-13 $92,922 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2013 Foreign Affairs GS-13 $89,033 $0 Washington, District of Columbia

2012 Foreign Affairs GS-12 $79,864 $0 Washington, District of Columbia


Don't think Kash was doing this for comms but who knows.

Started calling him

RobertO Malley

in the second of his interview segments

Robert Malley (born 1963) is an American lawyer, political scientist and specialist in conflict resolution, who was the lead negotiator on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).[1] On June 29, 2023, Malley was placed on unpaid leave as special envoy to Iran, his security clearance was suspended amid an investigation into possible mishandling of classified material.[2]

Malley was Director for Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs at the National Security Council from 1994 to 1996[3] and Program Director for Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group and Assistant to National Security Advisor Sandy Berger from 1996 to 1998. He served in the National Security Council under President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017. In 2015, the Obama administration appointed Malley as its "point man" on the Middle East, leading the Middle East desk of the National Security Council.[4] In November 2015, Malley was named as President Obama's new special ISIS advisor.[5] After leaving the Obama administration, Malley was President and CEO of the International Crisis Group, a Brussels[6] non-profit committed to preventing wars.[7]

Malley is an expert on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and has written extensively on this subject advocating rapprochement with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood.[3] As Special Assistant to President Clinton, he was a member of the U.S. peace team and helped organize the 2000 Camp David Summit.[8]

In January 2021, President Joe Biden named Malley as special U.S. envoy for Iran.[9] Until his security clearance was revoked and he was placed on a paid, then an unpaid leave of absence pending an investigation which had been referred to the FBI, suggesting suspicion of criminal misconduct, he was tasked with bringing the United States and Iran into compliance with the Iran nuclear deal abandoned by President Donald Trump.[10]

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8a2318 No.100344

File: b16b09aaafb2ea0⋯.png (44.43 KB,660x558,110:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763181 (191519ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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#FLYSIDFLY# = Sidney Powell?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100345

File: 7cfd7e8ad226444⋯.png (541.43 KB,1537x426,1537:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763182 (191519ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN will not hold 3rd ballot for speaker, back PATRICK MCHENRY as interim speaker until JAN?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Live updates Jordan won’t seek third speaker vote, allowing House to empower interim speaker

clock iconUpdated 10 min ago

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8a2318 No.100346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763189 (191521ZOCT23) Notable: Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem

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The authors conclusion is just stupidthis article should be considered an illegal campaign contribution to Dems and Bidan


SHe suggested Biden could even attract some Jewish voters who had previously voted Republican, while Norman proposed he might win over some independents and moderates "looking for stronger U.S. leadership in the Middle East."

Independent Challengers

Biden does face independent challengers on his left flank whom younger voters could be attracted to, though. While Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—who recently announced he was dropping out of the Democratic primary to run as an independent—has sided with the president on the issue, Cornel West, who dropped out as a Green Party candidate to run as an independent, has been more even-handed in his criticism.

On Saturday, he criticized Biden's "baleful, one-sided comments" in an email seen by Newsweek. Norman suggested that while the issue might shift a few younger voters to support West, it was "unlikely enough to make a meaningful difference, especially in most of the crucial swing states."

"If it's Biden versus Trump, then I think those independent campaigns fade to insignificance," Phelps said. "The nature of howRepublican Party politics has become so extremist will just lead any doubters back into the Democratic fold just to stop Trump if that's what it comes down to."


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8a2318 No.100347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763191 (191521ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763200 (191524ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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The emails are from Coffee county.


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8a2318 No.100349

File: 5ff16e12b901ffb⋯.png (402 KB,604x516,151:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763204 (191524ZOCT23) Notable: President Biden says he's "losing track of days," asks, "What's today?"

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Simon Ateba


President Biden says he's "losing track of days," asks, "What's today?" WATCH


RNC Research

3:37 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763208 (191525ZOCT23) Notable: International Paper's containerboard mill in Orange County to close at end of year

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no mention of an actual reason by the company.

The Texas mill represents about 2% of North American containerboard capacity, according to an analysis Wednesday from Michael Roxland, senior paper and packaging analyst at Truist Securities. He said the decision to shut it down is “consistent with our thesis that leading domestic producers such as IP would continue to actively manage supply and demand through capacity rationalization to maintain pricing stability.” Even after this closure IP will remain the North American containerboard leader, he said, “leaving the company best positioned to capitalize on an improving containerboard market, which we believe could be forthcoming.”

The shutdowns follow Georgia-Pacific’s recent announcement that it would close its Foley Cellulose mill in Perry, Florida, which Roxland said produced about 185,000 metric tons of fluff, or close to 3% of global supply. “Ultimately, we think these closures should improve the global fluff pulp supply-demand balance resulting in increasing price stability, positive for IP,” Roxland said.


- - -

so, basically, the paper co's are colluding to drive prices higher.

another day, another dollar.

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8a2318 No.100351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763210 (191526ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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More than 15,000 emails and documents connected to Misty Hampton, the former election supervisor for Coffee County, were discovered this month by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation – after attorneys for the rural county’s board of elections claimed the information had been lost.

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8a2318 No.100352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763215 (191528ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and Hamas

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Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and HamasOpinion


ON 10/17/23 AT 4:57 PM EDT==

1/2 or 3

The barbaric and evil terrorist attacks on Israel are a horrific reminder that the world is safe when America is strong—but when we have a weak president in the White House, the costs can be greater than our worst nightmares.

If we hope to prevent further shedding of innocent blood, the United States must learn the painful lessons of these savage atrocities. As we pray for the Israeli people in this hour of anguish and give them our complete and total support, we must also confront the absolute failure of the Biden administration, whose incompetence and ignorance invited this heinous and deadly assault on civilization itself. The only thing Biden is good at is the weaponization of the justice system against his political opponents.

Every step of the way, Joe Biden has empowered and emboldened America's enemies the world over—and clearly none more so than the terrorist group Hamas, and their bloodthirsty sponsor, the villainous regime in Iran.

When I left office, Iran was weak, broke, and desperate to make a deal. I told other nations, including China, that if you buy oil from Iran, you can't do business in the United States. Virtually all complied. Iran's terrorist regime was careening toward bankruptcy, hemorrhaging money, and could barely pay the salaries of their radical Islamic thugs. I hammered Iranian oil exports down to a record low. But then Biden came in, loosened my sanctions, and today Iran is producing more than three million barrels a day. Iran went from making little money under me to raking in at least $80 billion a year under Biden.

Iran knew that Biden was soft, foolish, and able to be pushed around the very moment he assumed office. In May 2021, shortly after Biden eased sanctions, Iran's proxy Hamas launched over 4,000 missiles at Israeli population centers. Iran paid no price—and then Biden sat back for nearly three years while the Iranian regime accumulated $70 billion in oil wealth to help fund its terror network around the world.

On top of all this, just last month, Biden unfroze $6 billion of Iranian money in exchange for hostages—a ransom payment that set a terrible precedent and put a bounty on the heads of innocent people all over the globe.

Meanwhile, Iran and China strengthened ties with oil deals worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Days ago, we saw the deadly consequences of these three years of breathtaking weakness and appeasement: the worst terror attack in Israel's history. Depraved savages rampaged through civilian communities house by house, torturing, raping, and maiming innocent men, women, and children. They kidnapped infants and the elderly and took them hostage to torture them some more. They had children tied up and shot. Babies murdered and burned.

The tens of billions of dollars that Biden allowed Iran to accumulate are now being used by Iran to finance this mayhem and murder.

Under my leadership, our approach was the exact opposite. The world was safe, peaceful, and calm—because the United States of America was respected and strong.

In four short years, I obliterated the ISISterritorial caliphate. I terminated its founder and leader, Al Baghdadi. I devastated the senior ranks of Al Qaeda. I stood up to the corrupt Iranian regime like no president in history. I withdrew from the horrendous Iran Nuclear Deal, and I imposed the toughest ever sanctions on the regime. I eliminated Iran's terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani, who was killing our soldiers and everyone else. We crushed the Iranian regime's finances and decimated their ability to fund terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah.

I also took a firm stand against Palestinian terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, cutting off hundreds of billions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority. When Biden took office, one of the first things he did was reverse this policy and ship $235 million American taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians—despite warnings from within his own government that this money would be used to fund Hamas's terror campaigns. He reportedly even gave $100,000 to a Palestinian university that describes Hamas terrorists as "righteous martyrs."

I was proud to be the best friend Israel ever had in the White House. I kept my promise, recognized Israel's capital, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

In addition, we negotiated the historic Abraham Accords, through which multiple Arab countries normalized relations with Israel, leaving Iran increasingly isolated.


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8a2318 No.100353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763230 (191530ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and Hamas

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ON 10/17/23 AT 4:57 PM EDT


What a difference a president makes.

When I return to the White House, I will once again stand with Israel 100 percent. The United States will fully support Israel in defeating, dismantling, and permanently destroying the terror group Hamas. And we will once again cut off money for UNRWA, the corrupt U.N. agency that has been helping fuel this conflict for decades...

I will once again turn on American oil—unleashing American Energy Independence as we were just three years ago.

In addition, I will immediately begin the process of building a state-of-the-art Missile Defense shield in America. Americans deserve an Iron Dome as well.

We will restore the Trump Travel Ban on entry by people from terror-plagued countries, territories, and places

As President, I also suspended refugee resettlement when we entered office in 2017, and we will do it again. I banned refugees from Syria, I banned refugees from Somalia, and from all the most dangerous places in the world—and in my second term, we are going to expand each and every ban to keep America safe. We aren't bringing in anyone from Gaza or Syria or Somalia or Yemen, or Libya, or anywhere else that threatens our security.

I also issued a historic rule proclaiming that no refugees would be resettled in local communities without their consent, and we will reinstate that rule on Day One.

Next, we will implement strong ideological screening for all immigrants to the United States. No longer will we allow dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs to get residency in our country. If you empathize with Radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, you're disqualified. If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you're disqualified. If you support Hamas or the ideology behind Hamas, you're disqualified. And if you're a Communist, Marxist, or Fascist, you are disqualified.

In addition, we will aggressively deport resident aliens with jihadist sympathies. In the wake of the attacks on Israel, Americans have been disgusted to see open support for terrorists among the legions of foreign nationals on college campuses. Under the Trump administration, we will revoke the student visas of radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners at our colleges and universities—and we will send them straight back home.

Likewise, the mobs of pro-Hamas barbarians we saw in the streets of New York and other cities last week have no place in America. Jewish mothers and fathers should never have to send their children to school fearing they will be shot or stabbed on a so-called "Day of Jihad". Under my administration, we will proactively send ICE to pro-jihadist demonstrations to enforce our immigration laws and remove the violators from our country. And we will continue the process we started in my first four years of stripping citizenship from criminals, terrorists, and immigration cheaters and frauds.

Finally, we will fully secure our border and begin the largest deportation operation in American history, including removing all the illegal aliens from countries that hate us and hate our values. Under Biden, terrorists and criminals are pouring in. We will stop them and remove them.

With Biden, Iranian agents have also been running our Iran policy under disgraced Iran envoy Robert Malley, a Hamas sympathizer who has pronounced the terror group misunderstood. Allegedly due to Malley's influence, Biden's State Department and Defense Department were reportedly infiltrated by people with close ties to Iran in highly sensitive positions. This should be regarded as one of the greatest national security scandals in American history—but the Fake News ignores it.

Under my administration, we will hunt down and remove all Iranian spies, agents, or suspected agents from the United States government.

This is how I will begin to undo the terrible damage Joe Biden has done and end the Biden betrayal of Israel. In the meantime, the entire world must stand with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's war-time government as they seek to defeat these murderous enemies.

Under a Trump administration, Iran will once again be weak, Israel will once again be safe, and the United States of America will be stronger and more powerful than ever before.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of the United States.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.

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8a2318 No.100354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763243 (191532ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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>accessed and copied information from the county’s election systems in hopes of somehow proving that the election was rigged against Trump.

Ok, so now lets see what they discovered from said election system!! No??

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8a2318 No.100355

File: 80716cb33b7706f⋯.png (476.54 KB,812x862,406:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763259 (191535ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Simon Ateba·1h

BREAKING: Sidney K. Powell has just pleaded guilty in Georgia election case.

Her plea deal says she will be a witness against Trump in a major case that many believe seeks to end his presidential ambition.

10:15 AM · Oct 19, 2023


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8a2318 No.100356

File: 477fa055443d340⋯.png (193.26 KB,931x1225,19:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763272 (191536ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder on the Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)

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Statement by Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder on the Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)

Oct. 18, 2023

Yesterday the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence delivered to Congress the Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) as required by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022, as amended by the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2023.

Analyzing and understanding the potential threats posed by UAP is an ongoing collaborative effort involving many departments and agencies, and the Department thanks the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and other contributing departments and agencies for their collaborative efforts to produce this report.

The safety of our service personnel, our bases and installations, and the protection of U.S. operations security on land, in the skies, seas, and space are paramount. We take reports of incursions into our designated space, land, sea, or airspaces seriously and examine each one.

The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) is leading DOD's efforts, in coordination with ODNI and other government agencies, to document, analyze, and when possible, resolve UAP reports using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach. This year's UAP report covers UAP reports from Aug. 31, 2022, to April 30, 2023, as well as any UAP report from previous time periods that were not included in an earlier report. AARO received a total of 291 UAP reports in this time period, consisting of 274 that occurred during this period and another 17 that occurred from 2019-2022 but had not been included in previous annual reports. This brought the total cases that AARO has been reviewing to over 800 as of April 30, 2023.



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8a2318 No.100357

File: 71432a9c944c5a3⋯.png (505.05 KB,850x400,17:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763277 (191537ZOCT23) Notable: US vetoes SC resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid in Gaza

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Israel-Hamas war tests Western unity as Global South slams 'double standards'

The resolution, sponsored by Brazil, condemned violence against all civilians, including “the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas”. Twelve countries in the 15-member Security Council voted in favour.

Russia and the UK abstained.

The US, a permanent Security Council member, cast the decisive veto.

US vetoes Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza

Favor: 12 (Albania, Brazil, China, Ecuador, France, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland,UAE)

Against: 1 (US)

Abstain: 2 Russia, UK


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8a2318 No.100358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763331 (191545ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

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Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election interference caseWTF


Trump-aligned attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts in the Georgia 2020 election interference case Thursday after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors, the second defendant in the sweeping case to do so.

Powell appeared before Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee to enter her plea, just days before her trial was scheduled to begin next week.

“How do you plead to the six counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties?” asked Daysha Young, a Fulton County prosecutor.

“Guilty,” Powell said.

McAfee accepted Powell’s plea and said that she cannot withdraw it. She was sentenced to six years of probation, a $6,000 fine and $2,700 restitution. She will also be required to “testify truthfully” in future proceedings and must turn over any documents requested by the district attorney’s office.

Powell was also required to submit a “letter of apology” to Georgia residents, which her lawyer indicated she had already done.

Powell is the second of 19 co-defendants in the case to plead guilty. The other 17, including Trump, have denied any wrongdoing.

Scott Hall, a bail bondsman who was also charged, pleaded guilty late last month to five counts of the same charge Powell did.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) indicted Powell on seven charges in August, accusing her and the others of violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act statute by entering a months-long conspiracy to try to keep Trump in power following the 2020 election.

Powell’s other charges in the case relate to her alleged participation in an election machine breach at an elections office in Coffee County. Powell’s attorneys previously insisted she had no role in the Coffee County breach.

Young said Thursday that if the case had gone to trial, the state would have proven Powell entered a conspiracy to “intervene with the performance of election duties” of Misty Hampton, a co-defendant and the elections director for Coffee County.

“The purpose of the conspiracy was to use Misty Hampton’s position to unlawfully access secure elections machines in Coffee County, Ga.,” Young said.

Powell was set to go to trial beginning next week alongside fellow Trump-aligned attorney Kenneth Chesebro. Both invoked their speedy trial rights, enabling their cases to move along a faster timeline than the other 17, who will be tried at a later date.

Her decision to plead guilty means Chesebro will proceed to trial alone, meeting his previously sought goal of severing his trial from Powell and all other defendants.

The guilty plea came in the wake of McAfee denying Powell’s various attempts to toss the indictment ahead of trial. The first potential trial jurors are set to be summoned to the courthouse Friday.

Once a lawyer for Trump’s campaign, Powell became a powerful surrogate for the former president’s false claims of election fraud. She earned the nickname “Kraken” after issuing fiery speeches comparing the mythological creature to the alleged fraud.


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8a2318 No.100359

File: 4f64d40d69285f2⋯.png (226.75 KB,590x705,118:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763341 (191546ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert

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JUST IN - U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert.


4:38 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763351 (191548ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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Need lawfags to weigh in.

(IANAL) IMO, this is actual evidence that was technically acquired illegally and therefore inadmissible in a court of law.

There seemed to be no way to acquire said evidence "legally", due to questionable legal practices.

For example, if someone stole something from you and you knew it and failed in all legal attempts to recover your property and have the thief prosecuted; then broke into the thiefs property and recovered YOUR stolen property, and attempted to use THAT to prosecute the thief, you would likely be arrested and prosecuted yourself.

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8a2318 No.100361

File: 175b43da17f56bc⋯.webp (22.75 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 2171a7b75334374⋯.webp (32.74 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763402 (191558ZOCT23) Notable: Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser

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Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser==1/2

By David Brennan On 10/19/23 at 8:08 AM

Israeli troops are massing around the Gaza Strip as warplanes pummel the impoverished and besieged coastal region ahead of the fourth major Israel Defense Forces ground offensive into the area in less than 20 years.

This time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that the IDF will wipe Hamas "off the face of the Earth." But Israeli officials have been less forthcoming on who or what will replace the Islamist militant group.

"There are four options,"Yaakov Amidror, who served as Netanyahu's national security adviser from 2011 to 2013, told Newsweek in an interview, as the Israeli ground offensive looms. All paths, Amidror said, include a punishing Gaza campaign.

"I would even dare to say thatno one would forgive the government if it will not be ended with a huge ground forces attack on Gaza," he explained.

Previous incursions into the Strip—sporadic since occupying Israeli forces withdrew from the area in 2005 amid the Oslo Accords peace talks—have produced significant casualties among Israeli troops, Palestinian militants and Gaza's 2.3 million civilians.

The unprecedented nature of Israel's airstrike campaign, underway since October 7, suggests this ground attack will be even more punishing for all those involved.

Gaza After Hamas

Netanyahu and his wartime coalition partners consider the brutal unfolding response to the killing of more than 1,400 Israelis—and the kidnapping of around 200 people—a political necessity in a country shocked by the worst terror attack in its short and violent history.

"Operation Swords of Iron," as the IDF has named its campaign, has already killed 3,478 people in Gaza, the Associated Press reported, citing figures from the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza. More than 12,000 have been wounded, 1,300 people are feared buried under rubble, and more than 1 million have been displaced.

The outcome of the imminent IDF invasion appears a foregone conclusion. The gulfbetween Israeli and Palestinian—meaning Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and a collection of smaller groups also expected to take up arms in the Strip—forces is stark.

Hamas, if it survives, will likely do so as a badly degraded force.Gaza—already a failing statelet after 15 years of Hamas rule and blockade by Israel and Egypt—will be left ravaged. With little apparent Israeli desire to re-establish a permanent military presence, the prospect of a dangerous power vacuum looms.

Newsweek has contacted a Hamas spokesperson by WhatsApp to request comment. An IDF spokesperson told Newsweek the force doesn't comment on its operational plans.

Renewed direct Israeli occupation, Amidror said, "will be a huge mistake, and I think that we should not do it.But it's an option." The next two alternatives, he added, involve bringing in outside powers, either Palestinian or as part of an international coalition.

The Palestinian Authority (PA)—led by President Mahmoud Abbas and dominated by his Fatah party—still holds nominal sway in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Hamas' downfall could be an opportunity for the PA, Amidror said, to reverse the 2007 coup in which Hamas wrestled control of the Gaza Strip from Fatah.

"They expelled members of Fatah, they killed some of them, they pushed them from roofs, they shot them in the knees,"Amidror said of the violent takeover, which came shortly after the 2006 Palestinian legislative electionsin which Hamas emerged as the largest party. "Maybe there could be a chance for the Palestinian Authority to come in," he said


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8a2318 No.100362

File: 5ae2854dca0ae6f⋯.webp (27.24 KB,450x300,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763408 (191558ZOCT23) Notable: Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser

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But any effort by the Fatah-led PA to retake control will be complicated by continued support for Hamas among Gazan civilians, as well as the group's significant influence in the West Bank. A Washington Institute poll from July 2023 foundthat 57 percent of Gazans held a "somewhat positive" opinion of Hamas.

Foreign assistance, Amidror added, might also be a workable solution, though any international partners will face a high-risk environment.

"The third option is there will be any kind of international committee: money from the Gulf, experts from the West, and someone will take responsibility for going in and rebuilding, because it will be a devastating situation in Gaza," Amidror said.

'Not Israel's Business'

Perhaps the most likely outcome, the former national security adviser said,is that Israel will plan little of Gaza's future. But as the past two decades of intermittent violence have shown, Israel is unable or unwilling to leave the Strip to its own devices.

Though Israel left Gaza in 2005, it has retained tight control over Gaza's borders and coastline. This tightened further after the Israeli-Egyptian embargo came into force in 2007. Gaza relies on fuel and electricity supply from Israel, as do its three water desalinization plants.

Most food and agricultural imports also have to pass through Israel firstand are subject to border crossing checks. Gaza's fishermen are only allowed to fish between 6 and 15 nautical miles from the shoreline, limiting what they can catch.

IDF boots no longer tread on Gazan ground, but Israel still very much controls the Strip and its 2.3 million residents.

"The fourth option is that it's not Israel's business," Amidror said. "Israel will finish the job, kill as many Hamas members as possible, destroy the facilities of Hamas and leave the Gaza Strip. And the people in Gaza will have to take care of themselves."

"We treat them as babies. No, it's 2 million people, it's their responsibility, and they have to materialize their responsibility.Israel will have only one commitment to the Gaza Strip; to destroy any attempt to rebuild any kind of military facility in Gaza, by anyone."

"It might be the result in the end that Israel will go out and no one will come," he added. "But it is not our business.We have been out of Gaza for more than 15 years. So, it is the responsibility of Egypt, of the world, of I don't know who. It's not ours."

"It will be a huge mistake for Israel to take responsibility for 2 million Palestiniansin an area that we pulled all our forces and people out of 15 years ago," Amidror said. "It's an enemy and we should treat them as an enemy."

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8a2318 No.100363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763413 (191600ZOCT23) Notable: Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

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>this is actual evidence that was technically acquired illegally and therefore inadmissible in a court of law.

If that is actual evidence should it not have been available legally.

Elections and their processes should be free and open this should also include documentation.

If someone withheld or prevented access to that information that would be a crime, no?

It would seem to me that this whole saga is an attempt to deflect away from the real crime of election fraud.

DS msm reeing plead guilty to a misdemeanor ignore the fact that other charges dropped.

ps not a lawfag

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8a2318 No.100364

File: 4e0298a3dff04b3⋯.png (26.18 KB,1014x266,507:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763436 (191604ZOCT23) Notable: The Trump gag order should be struck down The Hill, by Jonathan Turley

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The Trump gag order should be struck down

The Hill, by Jonathan Turley

Posted By: Moritz55, 10/19/2023 11:39:32 AM

The imposition of a gag order on former President Donald Trump was overwhelmingly applauded by pundits and press alike. Journalists described the order from U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan as “narrow” and “limited.” Most of them lionized Chutkan as an “unflinching” and “no-nonsense” judge who would not tolerate Trump’s penchant for personal attacks and reckless rhetoric. However, this order should concern everyone who values freedom of speech. While the odds may favor Chutkan on appeal, this order should be overturned as overbroad and dangerous.

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8a2318 No.100365

File: 20ef7f20539f50a⋯.png (375.45 KB,594x531,66:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763439 (191605ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Drew: new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after vaccine now have permanent heart damage

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“It took my breath away.” —Dr. Drew on the new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after the vaccine now have permanent heart damage and he doesn’t understand why this isn’t front page news. And he recommends injured students sue any school that mandated it.

4:54 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100366

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763477 (191613ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash: ck part 2 of my op ed coming soon exposing Iranian infiltration into Biden admin

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Kash Patel Explains How Iranian Agents Have Infiltrated Biden Regime, Accessed Classified Secrets.

In Mahir Bitar in WH security council. He was wearing Palenstinean garb vowing to claim apartheid on Israel.

Why were these people allowed to work under the DOS anc DOD allowed in Trump’s agencies, why did Pompeo allow this Malley worked at DoS since Obama including Trump’s NSC and worked under Bidan. Revealing all the spies, but there are much morr



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8a2318 No.100367

File: 0a81b617ec2f4e4⋯.png (115.05 KB,1072x758,536:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763485 (191614ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert

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U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert

October 19, 2023

Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. U.S. citizens should:

Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.

Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive information and alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency overseas.

Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.


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8a2318 No.100368

File: 02d0ee5b2acb847⋯.jpg (744.5 KB,1080x1685,216:337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763522 (191621ZOCT23) Notable: Both the #USNSMercy and #USNSComfort were oil tankers before being converted into hospital ships

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🔎 To answer Tuesday's question, both the #USNSMercy and #USNSComfort were oil tankers before being converted into hospital ships.

📾 This image from the First Gulf War is the only time that both ships steamed together.


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8a2318 No.100369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: Friday 20th Oct 2023 at 2pm gmt, a reminder to tune in a watch and share!!


Excess death debate


10,087 views 19 Oct 2023

If you live in the UK, you can contact your MP using this link



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8a2318 No.100370

File: e7e84360775afd5⋯.png (424.75 KB,640x342,320:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763595 (191633ZOCT23) Notable: #24267

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FINAL @720


#24267 >>100303

>>100304, >>100306, >>100305, >>100309, >>100311, >>100358, >>100315, >>100327, >>100328, >>100344, >>100318, >>100347, >>100355, >>100358 Sidney Powell pleads guilty in deal

>>100307 @VCorps: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Are you secure online?

>>100308, >>100312, >>100308 Amir Weitmann, member of Israel's ruling Likud Party threatens Russia on RT

>>100310 @realDonaldTrump: A GREAT BOOK!!! @marklevinshow: THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, NOW 45% OFF ON AMAZON!

>>100313 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>100316, >>100317, >>100332, >>100337 MarketFag Reports

>>100320 @nypost: Homeland Security officer on leave after revealed she worked for PLO and wrote ‘F–k Israel’ post

>>100321 Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country's Largest Orthodox Church Body

>>100319, >>100322, >>100326, >>100329, >>100343 LIVE - WarRoom Live Bannons War Room interviewing Kash Patel

>>100323 Jeffrey Epstein survivor who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell dies in Florida

>>100324 New York sues crypto firms for alleged $1.1B fraud

>>100325 @repmtg: I will vote NO on a resolution to empower a short-term Speaker

>>100327, >>100330, >>100314, >>100336, >>100348, >>100351, >>100354, >>100360, >>100363 Read the pleadings Fulton County DA lied to court repeatedly about law, hid exculpatory evidence

>>100331 PlaneFag Reports Eastern Med and Yerp update

>>100333, >>100345 JIM JORDAN will not hold 3rd ballot for speaker, back PATRICK MCHENRY as interim speaker until JAN?

>>100334 Biden Looking to Link Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security Funding in $100 Billion Package

>>100335 Son of Hamas leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef, denounced Hamas converted to Christianity after witnessing savagery

>>100338, >>100366 @Kash: ck part 2 of my op ed coming soon exposing Iranian infiltration into Biden admin

>>100339, >>100350 International Paper's containerboard mill in Orange County to close at end of year

>>100340 Video: Trump Slates Biden For Handing $100 Million To Palestinians

>>100341, >>100342, >>100346 Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem

>>100349 President Biden says he's "losing track of days," asks, "What's today?"

>>100352, >>100353, Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and Hamas

>>100356 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder on the Annual Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)

>>100357 US vetoes SC resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid in Gaza

>>100361, >>100362 Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser

>>100364 The Trump gag order should be struck down The Hill, by Jonathan Turley

>>100365 Dr. Drew: new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after vaccine now have permanent heart damage

>>100359, >>100367 JUST IN - U.S. State Dept issues "worldwide caution" travel alert

>>100368 Both the #USNSMercy and #USNSComfort were oil tankers before being converted into hospital ships



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8a2318 No.100371

File: 24026b386b074d8⋯.mp4 (7.03 MB,1278x1600,639:800,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763609 (191636ZOCT23) Notable: #24268-B

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Thank you anons

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

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8a2318 No.100372

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763635 (191640ZOCT23) Notable: Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza

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The media accuses Right Wing Ideology as Anti-Semitic while the Media, Universities, NGOs, Corporations and the current Bidan Admin are the real Anti-Semites. They have been condemning Israel from day 1 going through fake news. Interesting that the media has used this board through their trolls to announce these charges against anons years ago, who detest any discrimination against races or religions! That was their plan all along accuse us and religious Americans of what they planned long ago!

First of three videos on Bannon

Caroline Glick: Israeli People Want To ‘Annihilate’ Hamas.



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8a2318 No.100373

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763637 (191641ZOCT23) Notable: Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza

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Second video

Caroline Glick Explains The Rise Of Antisemitism In American Schools



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8a2318 No.100374

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763638 (191642ZOCT23) Notable: Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza

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Third video

Glick Explains Next Steps In Israel-Gaza War, Warns of Strikes Against US Embassy In Lebanon



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8a2318 No.100375

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763640 (191642ZOCT23) Notable: White Squall, full movie

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If you have not seenWhite Squall

here tis

White Squall - Q said we were to watch it, when you do, you will better understand what is happening to Donald Trump.


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8a2318 No.100376

File: 04a568fa3e59177⋯.png (245.78 KB,712x762,356:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763658 (191648ZOCT23) Notable: This is why Elon's considering blocking EU

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This is why Elon's considering blocking EU:


This is crazy!

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8a2318 No.100377

File: 899856a8f5f8a5e⋯.jpg (208.85 KB,720x1176,30:49,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 576d27aaa02b3c6⋯.jpg (182.73 KB,668x455,668:455,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763661 (191649ZOCT23) Notable: Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible

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Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible

Attorney General Ken Paxton says Republican lawmakers Ernest Bailes and Robert Nichols are responsible for the creation of the illegal alien housing development.


>Ernest Bailes and Robert Nichols


Nichols also the one who tried to privatize the public beach with Double-Dealin' Dade. Ol' Dade has a beach house. Bet it's front row, huh, Dade? You don't get a pass for that. You fill in Rollover, too? You have your hand in Ike Dike, too?

You are a traitor.

You are that ol' house past the curve, Dade. You know the one.

Empty; alone; ramshackle; with no access, and slated for destruction. That's you.

BTW, for those looking into Colony Ridge: have a look at Smith Point.

[They've] built a colonia there, too.

What was once a beautiful place is now a 3rd world slum.

And I don't say it enough: thank you, Beautiful Warriors, who are fighting these battles behind the scenes.

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8a2318 No.100378

File: c87707eaf81b877⋯.png (112.5 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763674 (191653ZOCT23) Notable: 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????

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86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign

The Jerusalem Post

An overwhelming majority of 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country's leadership.

Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.

An overwhelming majority – 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country’s leadership, while a staggering 92% said the war is causing anxiety.

Furthermore, almost all the respondents (94%) believe the government must bear some responsibility for the lack of security preparedness that led to the assault, with over 75% saying the government holds most of the responsibility.

Netanyahu must resign after war's conclusion, Israelis say

The survey, which polled 620 Israeli Jews from across the country, also found that a majority of respondents believed Netanyahu should resign following the conclusion of Operation Swords of Iron.

A slim majority of 56% said Netanyahu must resign at the end of the war, with 28% of coalition voters agreeing with this view, and 52% of respondents also expect Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to resign.

Sauce: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-767880

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8a2318 No.100379

File: fa5e3bba876f259⋯.png (442.7 KB,530x579,530:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 32d4806c8332c5e⋯.png (65.46 KB,412x522,206:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763679 (191654ZOCT23) Notable: US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air Refueling Wing

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KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air Refueling Wing. The KC-46A has greater refueling, cargo, and aeromedical evacuation capabilities than the KC-135.

#TogetherWeDeliver |







Just a quick look

Pegasus>>> BOOM>>> 916

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8a2318 No.100380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763691 (191657ZOCT23) Notable: Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference

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1:00 PM EDT

Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference

Young America's Foundation


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8a2318 No.100381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763702 (191659ZOCT23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




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8a2318 No.100382

File: 65822c637edbaa8⋯.png (278.38 KB,596x629,596:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763706 (191700ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry

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The Columbia Bugle đŸ‡ș🇾



Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry

“I'm against Speaker-Light. I'm against Bud Light. I believe it is a constitutional desecration to not elect a Speaker of the House. We need to stay here until we elect a Speaker."

"I will do everything possible to stop it."

5:49 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100383

File: f9210b6a229a2ef⋯.png (261.72 KB,588x736,147:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763714 (191702ZOCT23) Notable: Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meeting

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Beard Vet


Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meeting

5:17 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100384

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763720 (191703ZOCT23) Notable: Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On Funding Weapons For The CCP

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This is just the start of revealing the vipers in Silicon Valley. Brian Costello: Mike Gallagher Questions Sequoia Capital On Funding Weapons For The CCP. His questions about funding weapons to China.. A scandal in this City for Democrats and Republicans (McCarthy) of taking campaign donations from CCP from American Funds of America’s Pensions. Sequoia funds Tik Tok for propaganda



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8a2318 No.100385

File: 98ac79f4b19da71⋯.png (418.69 KB,752x872,94:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763725 (191703ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash

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Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash

creator avatar


45 minutes ago

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8a2318 No.100386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763728 (191704ZOCT23) Notable: Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Steve Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations


October 19, 2023


According to Breitbart, Steve Scalise (R-LA) is the driving force behind the twenty-two RINOs who have prevented Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) from clenching the House Speakership after two rounds of votes. Trump-endorsed Jordan is the clear choice of grassroots conservatives. A top House GOP aide reported, “[Constituents] are literally melting the phone lines. Some offices’ numbers are permanently busy. Thousands and thousands of people are calling their members of Congress demanding Jordan for Speaker.”

But several sources are claiming Steve Scalise is orchestrating the holdout that is preventing Jordan from clenching the speakership, including Debbie Dooley, a grassroots activist and Louisiana native:


***TIME TO REMOVE* @SteveScalise from being Majority Leader. He is untrustworthy

I am hearing from very reliable sources that @SteveScaliseGOP @SteveScalise is doing his favorite thing to do – back stabbing. Not the first time either. I know what

— Debbie Dooley (@Crimsontider) October 17, 2023

Why would Scalise want to undermine the clear choice of the people and President Trump? Evidence unearthed by grassroots researchers in Scalise’s home state of Louisiana indicates that Scalise is has taken money from the FTX money laundering scandal.

The Former co-CEO of FTX, Ryan Salame, pled guilty early last month to “Conspiracy to Make Unlawful Political Contributions and Defraud the Federal Election Commission and Conspiracy to Operate an Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business.” Salame admitted that his job at FTX was to illegally funnel money to Republican politicians and political causes, while his co-conspirator, Sam Bankman-Fried, funneled money to Democrats. According to Salame, the donations were to support initiatives supported by Bankman-Fried. Bankman-Fried’s dearest initiative appears to be Joe Biden himself, as he made the second-largest single donation to his 2020 presidential campaign.

Another initiative of Bankman-Fried was Steve Scalise, the man currently preventing Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker. Bankman-Fried’s straw donor and co-CEO, Salame, donated $2,900 to Scalise a month before the 2022 Midterms ($2,900 is the maximum donation allowed by an individual):


In fact, thirteen of the twenty-two holdout RINOs also accepted donations from Ryan Salame – almost all of them maximum donations.

The RINOs who accepted these funds include Kay Granger (TX-12th), Mike Simpson (ID-2nd), Carols Gimenez (FL-28th), Jen Higgins (VA-2nd) , Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd), Mike Lawler (NY-17th), Steve Womack (AR-3rd), Mike Kelly (PA-16th), Mike Simpson (ID-2nd), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th), Linda Chavez-Deremer (OR-5th), Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd), Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd), and John Rutherford (FL-5th).


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8a2318 No.100387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763729 (191705ZOCT23) Notable: Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations

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Direct, illegal donations from criminals like Ryan Salame and his co-conspirators are just the tip of the iceberg. It is suspected that FTX, and entities like it, are laundering possibly billions of dollars to politicians and causes all over the country through fraudulent campaign donor mules.

As previously uncovered by The Gateway Pundit and the O’Keefe Media Group, donor mules are people whose identities are being used without their knowledge to launder large amounts of cash into campaign coffers of politicians. These fraudulent donations make it appear that these politicians have significant support from real people, when they are really being funded illegally by special interests. The donations are typically small, but frequent. The small amounts don’t arouse as much suspicion as large donations, but the total amount of cash from single individuals can add up to tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. Follow-up investigations with the people whose identities are being stolen often reveal that they are average Americans who are really donating only small amounts to one or two candidates, but they are being credited with massive numbers of donations in the Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Steve Scalise’s FEC records indicate significant donor mule activity. For example, a retired woman from Marietta, Georgia is credited with donating to Scalise 98 times in a single day with amounts varying from $3 to $22.50:


There are many similar incidents in Scalise’s FEC records. Research continues on how much mule activity appears in the campaign accounts of the twenty-two holdouts preventing Jim Jordan from becoming speaker.


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8a2318 No.100388

File: dc546f408183b78⋯.png (297.65 KB,589x908,589:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763738 (191707ZOCT23) Notable: Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoing bombing in Gaza,

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Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoing bombing in Gaza, citing Palestinian civilian casualties enraging the Arab world and jeopardizing Western support. Moreover, eradicating Hamas would likely create a more radicalized replacement group.

"I think the Israelis have come to realize that this is not a smart idea, going into Gaza and trying to eliminate Hamas will cause more trouble than it's worth. And then, in the end, even if you were to eradicate Hamas, you'd get a new radicalized group in its place, you're not going to solve the problem with military force. This is a political problem...

They're in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation because if they don't go in Hamas lives to fight another day. And they're well armed, and they're going to continue to cause problems.

Then, if they don't go in, they bomb Gaza. But this is a total disaster, not only because, from a human point of view, from a human rights point of view, just seeing civilians killed is an absolutely horrible thing. But also, it does no good strategically. It doesn't solve the problem.

It just enrages people inside the Palestinian world inside the Arab world. And it even loses support over time for Israel in the West. So bombing is no solution either. So, the Israelis are really between a rock and a hard place. I don't know what they do to fix the problem. And this gets back to my earlier point that the solution to this was a two-state solution."

5:56 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100389

File: 139c8d6bc6ab0f0⋯.png (266.25 KB,587x479,587:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763762 (191712ZOCT23) Notable: Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel

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Libs of TikTok


Holy sh*t. The Biden admin previously doxxed CIA agents and now doxxed a special forces team in Israel



6:02 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100390

File: 6d5becd70d89df3⋯.png (457.24 KB,604x554,302:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763771 (191713ZOCT23) Notable: Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists storming US Capitol

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Benny Johnson


Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists storming US Capitol:

"That's INSIDE the Capitol!... That looks to me like obstructing an official Congressional proceeding!"

6:06 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100391

File: b973a4080bb2126⋯.png (450.19 KB,596x438,298:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763776 (191714ZOCT23) Notable: MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war

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Insider Paper


JUST IN - MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war

5:43 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100392

File: d830664a4b7a54e⋯.png (513.01 KB,517x600,517:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763796 (191719ZOCT23) Notable: Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel

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National Security Breach? White House Posts, Then Deletes Photo of Biden Meeting US Troops in Israel

The White House posted a photo to its social media pages on Wednesday of Joe Biden meeting in Israel with what the White House called “first responders”, but were actually U.S. troops. The photo was later deleted from postings on White House accounts Instagram, Facebook and X Twitter.

The photo showed Biden greeting several U.S. troops in a room with U.S. and Israeli flags set in front of blue drapes. The photo was captioned, “In Israel, President Biden met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they’re doing in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks.”

A screen caption of the post on Instagram was edited to protect the identities of the U.S. troops in the photo. This writer saw the original photo on the White House X Twitter feed on Wednesday that showed the faces of the soldiers.


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8a2318 No.100393

File: d4484604f3d147b⋯.jpeg (471.36 KB,2000x1854,1000:927,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763807 (191721ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000118

Xi and Putin Lead The World To Sanity and Trade As The West Collapses Into Debt Insolvency, Endless Turmoil


When The US Government Is The Only Borrower It's No Wonder Yields Rising


The US government is the only sector to have notably borrowed on a net basis over the last five years. The market sees that as inflationary, driving yields higher.

Biden Lifts Sanctions On Venezuela Dictator Maduro In Exchange For Oil


MY COMMENT: While canceling oil and gas leases in America, which could provide more jobs for Americans! Notice everything this government does puts Americans LAST!

Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country's Largest Orthodox Church Body


Communist Government Using Vicious Lies In Civil Trial To Prosecute Conservatives


Innocent American Sentenced To Jail For A Meme! Is Free Speech DEAD In America?




Tyler posted a snapshot of unrequested ballots that arrived at his home for the upcoming election. What makes this even more troubling is that the ballots are for people who don’t even reside at his address.

MY COMMENT: Maybe it's time for conservatives to grow a backbone and CHEAT BACK!!!!

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8a2318 No.100394

File: 56b32cb01dcd82d⋯.jpeg (29.23 KB,474x242,237:121,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763810 (191722ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000119

Rains of Biblical Proportions! Tel Aviv Under Water!


The Big Bond Bubble is bursting rapidly now, and it's taking everything down with it, thanks to Fed inflation forcing the demolition of all Fed recoveries at the same time.


When The US Government Is The Only Borrower It's No Wonder Yields Rising


The US government is the only sector to have notably borrowed on a net basis over the last five years. The market sees that as inflationary, driving yields higher.

US Lawmakers Demand Biden Declassify Intelligence On Gaza Hospital Disaster


Klaus Schwab Wants Americans To Fight For His Dystopia But He Will Be Told To Take A Hike Off The Nearest Cliff!



European Union's Despots Want To Kill The Free Internet So Very Very Desperately!


MY COMMENT: Have all the media you need and desire backed up and have multiple offline backups, some of those backups should be Faraday caged underground for protection in the event of a nuclear EMP!

Albert Pike's 1871 Letter Advocating Three Word Wars To Create Totalitarian New World Order


All Wars Are Bankers Wars Documentary by Michael Rivero


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8a2318 No.100395

File: e3cbc9dcf63d3d0⋯.jpg (151.08 KB,682x813,682:813,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763816 (191723ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000120

Liberals Once Laughed About The Breakup Of America... They're Not Laughing Anymore!


In fact, about a third of Democrats believe a political break from conservative-leaning states is needed.

Bye Bye Commiefornia! No One Wants To Live There Anymore!


State-run Corporate Media Lost All Integrity And Public Trust


Biden & Blinken Face Global Trust Collapse, Except For Israel


Pakistan Calls For Nuclear Attack On Israel


US Military Struggles With Recruitment, No One Wants To Fight Endless 'Woke' Wars For Profit, Plus All The VA Corruption!


New political, military and governmental leadership is needed to avoid the collapse of superpower status! The American people are fed up.

Despots Are Trying To Bring Us To War To Cull And Replace Us! Do Not Allow Them To! Be Prepared & Survive!


MY COMMENT: Anyone telling you not to be prepared and to ignore reality is your enemy!

By Allowing Our Borders To Be Wide Open, The US Government Is Aiding And Abetting Terrorists


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8a2318 No.100396

File: 5530094a68fce1e⋯.png (419.32 KB,535x523,535:523,Clipboard.png)

File: ab8546e9a3ef105⋯.png (382.89 KB,475x662,475:662,Clipboard.png)

File: b47b2ec99aefb5d⋯.png (8.42 KB,406x176,203:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763817 (191723ZOCT23) Notable: @USArmyCMH THROWBACK THURSDAY - C-RATIONS

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Meal Combat Individual, aka C-Rats, lasted from 1958 through 1981 when the MRE was first issued.

A food staple for two generations of American Soldiers and in Vietnam.


Operators in harms way because Biden just doxxed them?

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8a2318 No.100397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763823 (191725ZOCT23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victim Can’t Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit

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Virginia Giuffre Wins BIG in NY Supreme Court: Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victim Can’t Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit

In the future, when the full story of the Jeffrey Epstein trafficking ring is finally told in all its sordid magnitude, I believe one name will shine brighter than all others: Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

In my book she is a heroine, from victim to avenger, and now – having to battle to prove her innocence.

the ‘trifecta’ of settlements, against Epstein, against Ghislaine Maxwell and against Prince Andrew.

Without her relentless fight, it is highly unlikely that names like the three above (and others such as the late model agent – and alleged serial rapist – Jean Luc Brunel), would ever have faced any kind of scrutiny or retribution.

While she had to drop her Dershowitz suit, and as I understand her health is (or was) fragile, she still looms high in this planetary fight against pedophiles and sex traffickers.

But nothing is simple in this life. And certainly not for sex trafficking victims.

I’ve written about the ‘the dark satanic mills, that manufacture hell on earth’, to use a verse from a song.

Consider this: victims of sex trafficking are usually sent by their abusers on the road to become abusers themselves, feeding the self-replicating hellish cycle.

It’s known from legal filings that Virginia Roberts met her husband in Bangkok, and fled to Australia to build a life and a family with him.

What is also known is that Virginia was in Thailand with a double mission – she was to take courses in massage, and also – that’s a crucial point – to ‘find nice girls to send to Jeffrey’.


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8a2318 No.100398

File: a7103d364d0b1dd⋯.jpg (75.47 KB,1024x632,128:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763826 (191726ZOCT23) Notable: FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!

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It's the only board that is still alive on this rotten site, plus to post news and watch the collapse in real time :)

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8a2318 No.100399

File: d0a40d133626568⋯.png (476.63 KB,469x679,67:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763830 (191726ZOCT23) Notable: @1st_Marine_Div Don’t look downđŸ‘€â›°ïž

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Don’t look downđŸ‘€â›°ïž

A U.S. Marine with 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, climbs a cliff face at Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, California.

Let us know your Bridgeport stories!đŸ‘‡đŸŒ


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8a2318 No.100400

File: 67c9d5ea05917e8⋯.jpeg (401.22 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763835 (191727ZOCT23) Notable: This is why Elon's considering blocking EU

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He absolutely should ban the EU they are the cause of all anti free speech against citizens following the China model. Lets see what kind of EU citizens outrage makes them back down. He should block the UK also, they started this in the country under Theresa May, saying its to prevent terrorists, its was an excuse to make citizens subject to “The Brave New World and 1984” at the same time.

UK and Wales has the highest prison population in the EU

These Are The Western European Nations Imprisoning The Most People

England and Wales have the highest imprisonment rates of western Europe.

As Statista's Anna Fleck reports, according to data from the World Prison Brief, as many as 146 prisoners per 100,000 of the population were counted in the two countries in 2023.

Infographic: The Western European Nations Imprisoning the Most People | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Scotland and Northern Ireland also have imprisonment rates well above the western European average of 83 prisoners per 100,000 population, at 144 and 98, respectively.

This means that out of the eight countries with the highest rates in Europe, countries in the UK take three spots.

To put this into context, the figure for England and Wales is more than double that of either the Netherlands (65 prisoners per 100,000) or Germany (67 prisoners per 100,000).

Countries with far lower imprisonment rates in western Europe include Iceland (36 per 100,000), Finland (51 per 100,000) and Norway (57 per 100,000).


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8a2318 No.100401

File: 8268bfbb02dadff⋯.png (181.16 KB,530x510,53:51,Clipboard.png)

File: a547c1d8d3526cc⋯.png (615.15 KB,980x653,980:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763837 (191727ZOCT23) Notable: Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries

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Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries, US officials say

WASHINGTON (AP) — A military base in southern Syria where U.S. troops have maintained a presence to train forces as part of a broad campaign against the Islamic State group was attacked by drones on Thursday, two U.S. officials told The Associated Press.

One drone was shot down, but another caused in minor injuries, said one of the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the matter before an official announcement about the incident.

The attacks follow similar drone strikes over the past few days against U.S. and coalition bases in Iraq amid simmering anger in the region after an explosion at a Gaza hospital killed hundreds of people.

The al-Tanf garrison in southeastern Syria is located at a sensitive juncture often used by Iranian-backed militants to ferry weapons to Hezbollah.

Syrian opposition activists also said Thursday a drone attack was conducted on an oil facility in eastern Syria that houses American troops.

Omar Abu Layla, a Europe-based activist who heads the Deir Ezzor 24 media outlet, said three drones with explosives struck the Conoco gas field in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour that borders Iraq.

Rami Abdurrahman of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, confirmed that five explosions were heard at the Conoco gas field.


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8a2318 No.100402

File: 19fca730d36ebf4⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763846 (191729ZOCT23) Notable: SpOC launches Space Force’s first two IMD betas

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SpOC launches Space Force’s first two IMD betas

Oct 16, 2023


Space Operations Command launched the first two provisional Integrated Mission Deltas on Oct. 13 here.

The provisional Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Integrated Misson Delta was activated in a ceremony presided over by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander.

The Electromagnetic Warfare IMD stood up the same day.

Establishing these provisional IMDs is an important step in the Space Force’s effort to forge a purpose-built service under the Unified Mission Readiness concept.

The PNT and EW missions are well-established and good proving grounds for this concept. “Performance should be optimized around our missions rather than the functions that support them; we cannot afford to split a mission area’s critical activities across organizational seams,” said Chief of Space Operations General Chance Saltzman, in a memo released Sep. 12, 2023. “It is essential that all elements of readiness - people, training, equipment and sustainment - fall into the same organizational structure, and that we create unity of command around those elements at the lowest possible level.”

IMDs are part of a new provisional Space Force construct that will integrate acquisitions around space mission areas. This command structure orients all aspects of mission area readiness, from personnel to sustainment, within a single organization under the leadership of a command team with the requisite experience to oversee all facets of the IMD’s mission.

The PNT Delta (Provisional) activation ceremony included the assumption of command by Col. Andrew Menschner and featured opening remarks from Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander.

“Today marks a significant milestone, not only for Space Operations Command and the Space Force, but for our entire nation as we embark on a journey to optimize and enhance our readiness during an era marked by great power competition,” said Whiting. “One of two pioneering IMD units, the PNT IMD will function as a vital bridge connecting our operations, engineering, and capability development experts. Its noble purpose is to eliminate stovepipes, expedite maintenance, and usher in critical systems enhancements at an unprecedented pace.”

The goal of the IMD concept is to foster unity of command for readiness while simultaneously streamlining unity of effort for capability development.

This new command structure will be thoroughly tested prior to being considered for implementation across the force and will not affect SpOC’s core mission.

Space Operations Command is the fight-tonight force and first Field Command of the U.S. Space Force. SpOC’s mission is to protect America and our allies in, from and to space...now and into the future.


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8a2318 No.100403

File: 8ded84ef058895a⋯.png (298.45 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 271071af29b2e0f⋯.png (74.3 KB,743x508,743:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763849 (191729ZOCT23) Notable: Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits

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Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits

The creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) presents "significant risks" for the financial system and consumer privacy, says Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman.

Appearing at a Harvard Law School Program on International Financial Systems roundtable on Oct. 17, Ms. Bowman conceded that the benefits of a digital dollar are uncertain and that there could be "unintended consequences" for the banking sector.

"The potential benefits of a U.S. CBDC remain unclear, and the introduction of a U.S. CBDC could pose significant risks and tradeoffs for the financial system," she said in prepared remarks.

"These risks and tradeoffs include potential unintended consequences for the U.S. banking system and considerable consumer privacy concerns."

Ms. Bowman, who is one of seven Federal Reserve Board members overseeing domestic payments systems and banking, averred that she has not come across a "compelling argument" that a CBDC could solve issues surrounding frictions within payment systems, advance financial inclusion, or offer the public access to safe central bank money.

She did agree that the Fed needs to continue researching the subject and obtain greater insights into a digital dollar's technical capabilities and risks associated with CBDCs.

"As the money and payments landscape evolves, I continue to stress the importance of looking ahead and analyzing potential changes that may emerge well into the future," the Fed official noted. "Given the breadth of activity in this space, I believe that policymakers must specify the problems they are trying to solve, understand the range of alternatives that could address any problems, including policy and technology options, and thoroughly analyze the associated risks and tradeoffs."

In July, the central bank launched the FedNow Service, an interbank system for instant payments. Ms. Bowman asserts that this real-time payment service, which allows banks and credit unions to transfer funds instantly for customers, addresses many of the same issues that CBDCs ostensibly need to resolve.

"It is quite possible that other proposed solutions may address many or all of the problems that a CBDC would address, but in a more effective and efficient way," she said.


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8a2318 No.100404

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763861 (191732ZOCT23) Notable: Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy

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Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy.

Pretty fucked up story. CPS stole Bundy associates grandson and placed him in state custody. When Grandfather and Bundy accused them of child trafficking they were hit with a defamation lawsuit. Similar to other corrupt lawfare cases only this time they are stealing children vs elections.

19 October 2023 12PM EST -Joe Oltmann Live with Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict

>>>/qresearch/19653629 pb

>Weird youtube fuckery.

>Showing RSBN, but embed shows Ammon Bundy

>>>/qresearch/19653616 pb

>Coverage of House of Representatives proceedings

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8a2318 No.100405

File: 48771b5c8aabecd⋯.png (550.8 KB,767x575,767:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763862 (191732ZOCT23) Notable: Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder’s contributions

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Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder’s contributions


FATIMA HUSSEIN, Seung Min KimDecember 16, 2022

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This photo provided by ABC News/Good Morning America shows George Stephanopoulos interviews Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder and former CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, on Dec. 1, 2022 on ABC’s Good Morning America in New York. The U.S. government charged Samuel Bankman-Fried, the founder and former CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, with a host of financial crimes on Tuesday, alleging he intentionally deceived customers and investors to enrich himself and others, while playing a central role in the company’s multibillion-dollar collapse. (ABC News/Good Morning America via AP)

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FILE - The FTX Arena logo is seen where the Miami Heat basketball team plays on Nov. 12, 2022, in Miami. The former CEO of failed crypto firm FTX Sam Bankman-Fried has been arrested in the Bahamas at the request of the U.S. government, the U.S. attorney’s office in New York said Monday, Dec. 12. (AP Photo/Marta Lavandier, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — A writer’s workshop in Alaska. Food banks in California. A charity that fights diabetes.

Lawmakers who accepted piles of cash from onetime wunderkind Samuel Bankman-Fried now can’t move fast enough to offload their contributions from the disgraced crypto mogul to anywhere else but their own campaign coffers.

Before his arrest in the Bahamas this week, Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was a prolific political donor to individual candidates — from local campaigns all the way up to President Joe Biden — as well as super PACs that can wield outsized influence in campaigns. But in a matter of days, Bankman-Fried — a proponent of “effective altruism” — became a pariah facing allegations of massive financial fraud and potentially decades in prison.

The Associated Press contacted more than four dozen current and incoming lawmakers who received campaign contributions from Bankman-Fried this election cycle — a group that included members of both political parties and chambers of Congress, but predominantly House Democrats. Many of the recipients of Bankman-Fried’s cash were quick to respond, stressing that they had already donated or plan to send the money to charity. Several also stressed that the lawmakers did not solicit the contributions from Bankman-Fried.

Recipients of Bankman-Fried’s campaign largesse included lawmakers at the most senior levels of House and Senate Democratic leadership. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the incoming leader of House Democrats, donated the contribution to the American Diabetes Association. Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., who will be the third-ranking House Democrat next year, donated his contributions from Bankman-Fried to local charities last month.


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8a2318 No.100406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763863 (191733ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry

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Anons pray for Jordan and his team, they cannot give up, lots of prayers and calls to your reps are needed

One hour ago

House speaker vote live updates: Some GOP slam proposal to empower temporary speaker

Jordan is expected to soon tell his GOP colleagues that he won't hold a third vote for the role of speaker and instead will throw his weight behind expanding powers for the Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry, sources tell ABC News.

Jordan, a conservative firebrand, staunch Donald Trump loyalist and founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, received his party's nomination last week after House Majority Leader Steve Scalise bowed out of the race.

The Ohio congressman now faces an uphill battle to secure the 217 votes he needs to win the gavel.

Latest Developments

Oct 19, 12:21 PM

Some House conservatives slam proposal to empower temporary speaker and delay vote on Jordan

As Republicans continue to debate how best to move forward given Jordan’s impasse, some of his top allies are bashing the idea of elevating Patrick McHenry with Democratic support until January to get the House through funding Israel/Ukraine aid and avoiding a shutdown.

"This is the wrong thing to do. Our voters worked very hard to give us the majority,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., said.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., shared his opposition.

“I’m against speaker lite,” Gaetz said. “It’s constitutional desecration.”

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., told ABC Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott he doesn't back the plan and predicted that more than half the GOP would oppose it.

Even if the pragmatic Republicans supporting Jordan support the plan, it will need Democratic votes. The exact number could be fluid.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., has said Republicans must take up government funding and Israel/Ukraine aid. His third demand allowing “bipartisan bills” to the floor could be a nonstarter for many Republicans depending on how it’s construed.

McHenry kept his cards close entering the meeting about whether he supports the plan.

“I never asked for additional powers,” he said.

He is expected to gavel the House into session shortly and then recess as both parties continue their private meetings.

Oct 19, 11:56 AM

What Jordan not holding 3rd vote could mean for speakership quest

If Jordan doesn't hold a third vote in his speakership bid, and instead backs additional powers for temporary speaker McHenry, it may not mean Jordan is out of the race.

The move will allow Jordan to hold on to the "designee" title and potentially keep pursuing votes from his fellow members, but in the meantime give the House a chance to move forward with important duties such as avoiding an impending government shutdown and aid to countries at war.

On his way to the Thursday morning meeting with his colleagues, Jordan wouldn't directly say what he planned to do but pledged to offer an update after he heard from fellow members.

"I'm not gonna get into any details. I think it's important to speak to our colleagues first. And then once conference is over, I'll be happy to come out and stand there and not make you walk backwards and talk to you then," he said. "But right now, I'm gonna go talk to my colleagues."

Jordan had also previously said he was hoping to "bring the conference together" and acknowledged they were looking at "all kinds of options," including expanding the powers of McHenry and allowing the House to get back to business without an elected GOP speaker.

-ABC's Katherine Faulders and Rachel Scott


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8a2318 No.100407

File: a994ea6a31c163c⋯.jpeg (810.16 KB,1170x1925,234:385,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f134ea84b1c5bef⋯.jpeg (673.27 KB,1170x1968,195:328,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763864 (191733ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL

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6 misdemeanors

6 years

$6,000 dollars

Anyone else catch this in Sidney Powell Guilty Plea Deal Today?


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8a2318 No.100408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763867 (191733ZOCT23) Notable: Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder’s contributions

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In the Senate, Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the chamber, will donate his contribution to an “appropriate charity,” a spokeswoman said. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., who will be third in line to the presidency next year, will donate her cash to a local Washington state charity.

Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., donated Bankman-Fried’s contributions to Planned Parenthood North Central States. Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., sent his cash to food banks across California. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, donated her contribution to Storyknife Writers Retreat in Homer, Alaska.

Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona, who is strongly hinting he’ll challenge Democrat-turned-independent Kyrsten Sinema for the Senate, gave the $5,800 he received from Bankman-Fried to incoming Democratic Rep. Andrea Salinas of Oregon. In her Democratic primary, Salinas defeated a rival backed by millions of spending from Bankman-Fried.

“Congress must take immediate action to regulate the crypto industry, implement strict oversight standards and shield consumers from schemes like this in the future,” said Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., who added she will donate her Bankman-Fried contribution to a bankruptcy fund to compensate FTX customers.

Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., John Boozman, R-Ark., Bill Cassidy, R-La., Susan Collins, R-Maine, John Hoeven, R-N.D., Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., Sen.-elect Peter Welch, D-Vt., and Reps. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., Salud Carbajal, D-Calif., Joe Neguse, D-Colo., Josh Harder, D-Calif., Kim Schrier, D-Wash., Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., all donated their Bankman-Fried donations to various charities or plan to, according to their aides.

The main campaign committees dedicated to electing congressional Democrats also received tens of thousands from Bankman-Fried, while House Majority PAC, a deep-pocketed outside group backing House Democrats, got a $6 million contribution, according to FEC records. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee did not return requests for comment on what the groups planned to do with Bankman-Fried’s contributions. The House Majority PAC declined to comment.

The White House has also been mum on the multimillion-dollar boost his presidential bid received. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre referred inquiries to the Democratic National Committee, which declined to comment.

Then there were the millions given to more obscure political action committees: The Protect Our Future PAC, financed by Bankman-Fried, spent up to $2 million in ads in support of Lucy McBath, who ran a successful campaign in Georgia’s 7th Congressional District against incumbent Rep. Carolyn Bordeaux. Bankman-Fried wired at least $27 million to the PAC in 2022, according to the FEC website.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Bordeaux said the dilemma surrounding Bankman-Fried’s campaign spending isn’t as simple as returning individual donations. In some cases, the money already has been used to affect elections.


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8a2318 No.100409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763869 (191734ZOCT23) Notable: Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder’s contributions

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“The larger issue at play is the super PACs,” Bordeaux said. “That’s not something they can refund. Here is an example of a billionaire using money he stole and diverted into political contributions — it’s an egregious example of the corruption in our political system.”

“This is a good opportunity to reopen the conversation about campaign finance reform,” she said.

Brett Kappel, a longtime campaign finance attorney who has worked for both Republicans and Democrats, said it would be “prudent” for members of Congress who received donations from Bankman Fried or other FTX officials to set the money aside “given the high likelihood the bankruptcy receiver will be seeking their return.”

That’s because, in bankruptcy cases, courts have often sided with those looking to recoup money that they unfairly lost. Lawmakers who gave donations from company officials to charity could still find themselves on the hook to return the money they received - or face the perilous optics of stiffing constituents who lost investments when the company melted down.

Still, the lawmakers face no liability themselves “unless they knew the contributions were illegal at the time they received them,” Kappel said.

The U.S. government charged 30-year-old Bankman-Fried with a host of financial crimes this week, alleging he intentionally deceived customers and investors to enrich himself and others, while playing a central role in the company’s multibillion-dollar collapse.

Among the counts listed in his indictment is conspiracy to defraud the United States and violating campaign finance laws enforced by the Federal Election Commission. At a press conference on Tuesday, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said Bankman-Fried made “tens of millions of dollars” in illegal campaign donations.

The Securities and Exchange Commission complaint alleges that Bankman-Fried raised more than $1.8 billion from investors since May 2019 by promoting FTX as a safe, responsible platform for trading crypto assets but instead diverted customers’ funds to a privately held crypto hedge fund called Alameda Research LLC without telling them.

The SEC says Bankman-Fried then used those customer funds to make undisclosed venture investments, lavish real estate purchases and large political donations. He contributed funds to both political parties, Bankman-Fried said in an interview last month, adding that “all my Republican donations were dark,” meaning undisclosed.

On the Republican side, Ryan Salame, the co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets, one of FTX’s affiliates, contributed millions to Republicans on behalf of Bankman-Fried, including to Rep. Steve Scalise in Louisiana, Rep. Greg Pence in Indiana and others.

Bankman-Fried also sent campaign cash to a slew of incoming House Democrats, including Reps.-elect Becca Balint, D-Vt., Nikki Budzinski, D-Ill., Robert Garcia, D-Calif., Sydney Kamlager, D-Calif., Morgan McGarvey, D-Ky., and Brittany Pettersen, D-Colo., who all donated their contributions to local charities. Tweeting that he rejects not just corporate PAC cash but also “stolen money,” Rep.-elect Maxwell Frost, D-Fla., said he donated his contribution to the Zebra Coalition, a group that aids LGBT youth.

“The situation with FTX is both distressing and unsettling,” said Rep.-elect Valerie Foushee, D-N.C. She said she donated her contribution to a non-profit in Chapel Hill.



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8a2318 No.100410

File: 2653b1e64173b57⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ee459a486f69f3⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.png)

File: e7fbd72ba766193⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 39e353e0a7e558d⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763873 (191735ZOCT23) Notable: Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony

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5 SWS activation ceremony

Published Oct. 16, 2023


The 5th Space Warning Squadron activation and assumption of command ceremony was held on Oct. 13, 2023, at the Leadership Development Center at Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado.

5 SWS was established and activated in 1992 and inactivated in 1999. Though this squadron has been inactive for many years, its essential contributions to space domain awareness have caused it to be reactivated by Space Delta 4.

Not only did 5 SWS provide the only ground support station in the southern hemisphere for the Defense Support Program for nearly 53 years, but it also provided global and theater early warning reporting on ballistic missiles launched in the eastern hemisphere from 1992-1999. This squadron’s excellence earned the Air Force Outstanding Unit award on numerous occasions for providing unparalleled global missile warning detection.

“To the owls of the 5th Space Warning Squadron, today you are making history,” said Col. Ernest Schmitt, Space Delta 4 commander. “I feel lucky that I get to be here to celebrate the activation of 5 SWS, and it's an honor for Space Delta 4 to reactivate it and usher in a new era for the United States Space Force.”

The mission of this squadron is to uphold what was once the Army’s Joint Tactical Ground Station missile warning system. JTAGs has been a part of the missile warning framework and an essential component for the United States European Command, United States Central Command and the United States Indo-Pacific Command since its first activation in 1999 with the Army’s 1st Space Brigade.

Over the course of its lifespan, JTAGs has been conducting critical theater missile warning operations for decades by providing real-time, 24/7 missile warning information, ensuring effective execution of military functions across the joint force.

“This mission coupled with the capabilities all the combat squadrons of Delta 4 bring to the fight and the capabilities that are planned for delivery for the next few years ensures that Delta 4 can provide the necessary warfighting capabilities that will be needed to meet adversary threats now and to the future,” said Schmitt.

Following Schmitt’s remarks, he introduced Lt. Col. Michael A. Provencher, 5th Space Warning Squadron commander. Provencher has had an extensive career, first serving in the Air Force, then transferring to the Army, before beginning his journey in the Space Force. His experience with missile operations, serving as a Company Commander, Security Force Advisor and Assistance Team Leader, and more make him uniquely qualified to serve in this capacity.

“Space Delta 4 combines into one architecture for missile warning and we want to thank the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd theater missile warning companies of the 1st Space Battalion for everything they’ve been doing to help support us,” said Provencher. “We’ve had Guardians alongside those companies for the past year who’ll be serving beside them through next spring and we couldn’t do it without their support.”


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8a2318 No.100411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763911 (191743ZOCT23) Notable: Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees

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Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees, says America should as well

The first minister of Scotland announced that the country is willing to be the first nation to accept refugees from Gaza and would be a "sanctuary" in what he hopes would be a "worldwide refugee scheme."

First Minister Humza Yousaf, the head of the Scottish government, wrote on his X account that "the people of Gaza are a proud people" whom his country would be willing to take in.

"Many don't want to leave, and shouldn't have to. But for those displaced, who want to leave, there should be a worldwide refugee scheme. Scotland is willing to be a place of sanctuary and be the first country to take those refugees," Yousaf wrote.

"The people of Gaza and the people of Palestine ... my wife is Scottish Palestinian, and I can tell you they're very proud people and right to be proud," Yousaf said in an attached video. "They're proud of their culture, they're proud of their county, they're proud of their land."

"So many of them don't want to leave, and neither they should have to leave," the minister went on. "The world should be involved," he continued, while mentioning Europe and America, among others.

The first minister also noted how "generous" Scotland is, as the country has given refuge to Ukrainians and Syrians.


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8a2318 No.100412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763922 (191745ZOCT23) Notable: 'You f***ing sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blistering attack on the Squad

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'You f***ing sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blistering attack on the Squad in profanity-laden tirade

Comedian Michael Rapaport launched a profanity-laden tirade against Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The actor declared the Squad to be "the biggest f***ing squad of Jew haters in the United States."

Rapaport tagged Ocasio-Cortex, Omar, and Tlaib on his Instagram post that was captioned: "The Big 3 of Antisemitism!!!"

The opinionated actor added, "These 3 have hypnotized the World into thinking they’re not All About The Benjamin’s & will soon be out of Politics with a Production Company making Propaganda Content against #jewish people MARK MY WORDS!!!!"

Rapaport is referencing two anti-Semitic incidents involving Omar.

In a tweet from 2012, Omar wrote, "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."

In 2019, Omar sparked outrage when she suggested the Republican Party's overwhelming support for Israel is "all about the Benjamins."

Top Democrats – including Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), James Clyburn (D-S.C.), and Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) – released a statement condemning Omar's "deeply offensive" comments as "anti-Semitic tropes" and "prejudicial accusations."


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8a2318 No.100413

File: 7f6632506597fd1⋯.png (760.74 KB,700x525,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763929 (191746ZOCT23) Notable: Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

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Exclusive: Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

Peter Thiel has worn many hats over the years: Silicon Valley founder, Trump megadonor, cryptocurrency booster, democracy skeptic.

But there is yet another facet to Thiel, one that has remained secret until now: FBI informant.

In the summer of 2021, Insider has learned, Thiel began providing information as a "confidential human source," or CHS, to Johnathan Buma, a Los Angeles-based FBI agent who specializes in investigating political corruption and foreign-influence campaigns.


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8a2318 No.100414

File: 506594499bfe27f⋯.png (107.25 KB,950x1098,475:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763948 (191750ZOCT23) Notable: New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds

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New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds

Video on TwatX: https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1714514494117093398

Also on Mike Adams podcast today: https://www.brighteon.com/e47af725-b43b-4904-a273-d6c0561e5755

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8a2318 No.100415

File: 52c72922aaf886d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763949 (191750ZOCT23) Notable: Hochul’s father dies suddenly while she’s in Israel

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Gov. Hochul’s father dies suddenly while she’s in Israel, leading to emotional moment at Western Wall

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s 87-year-old father died overnight while she was touring Israel — with the emotional politician leaving a note paying tribute to him in the Western Wall early Thursday.

“I pray for my father, who cherished his visit to this Holy Land, and who passed during the night,” Hochul’s handwritten message read in part.

Hochul was dressed in all black to mourn dad John Courtney, who died from a brain hemorrhage in Florida Wednesday night.

Courtney was an Irish Catholic who had previously visited Israel and encouraged his daughter to do the same.

Hochul arrived in Israel Wednesday in a show of support for the country and its people in the wake of the deadly Oct. 7 atrocity by Hamas terrorists.

“I pray for the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel, their families and all the innocent civilians lost as a result,” the note continued. “I pray for my father, who cherished his visit to this Holy Land, and who passed during the night.”

Following her visit to the Western Wall, Hochul, who is Catholic, made an unscheduled stop at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher — one of the holiest sites in Christianity — against the objections of her security team.

The governor walked over to the site, where it is believed Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.


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8a2318 No.100416

File: 50dad3d17ce16bd⋯.png (11.02 KB,529x137,529:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763968 (191753ZOCT23) Notable: Protesters Removed After Interrupting FED Chair Powell's Speech

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BREAKING: Fed Chair Powell was escorted out of the room as protesters interrupted his speech at ECNY.


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8a2318 No.100417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763977 (191755ZOCT23) Notable: Protesters Removed After Interrupting FED Chair Powell's Speech

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Protesters Removed After Interrupting Powell Speech

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8a2318 No.100418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763983 (191757ZOCT23) Notable: Protesters Removed After Interrupting FED Chair Powell's Speech

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Climate protesters disrupt start of Federal Reserve Chair Powell’s economic speech

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8a2318 No.100419

File: 38d8e9bacdcb798⋯.png (318.26 KB,530x529,530:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764004 (191800ZOCT23) Notable: ⚓USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal⚓

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⚓USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal⚓

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Carney (DDG 64) transits the Suez Canal, Oct. 18. Carney is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations to help ensure maritime security and stability in the Middle East region.


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8a2318 No.100420

File: 9e39c8e08ac32a4⋯.png (66.67 KB,525x388,525:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764009 (191800ZOCT23) Notable: Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.

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Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.

NATO exists to defend Israel.

This is a major happening.


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8a2318 No.100421

File: 61a5ed4483b429d⋯.png (32.14 KB,535x294,535:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764036 (191805ZOCT23) Notable: @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now

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Lara Logan


The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now - they had the chance to do something and did nothing. Terrorists, cartels & state adversaries have had free reign to infiltrate this country & if you think they have not done so, you are insane, stupid or lying.

The only option now is to let every one of these bad actors know the consequences - if this Administration even has the will to defend the American people. Remains to be seen.

2:58 PM · Oct 18, 2023





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8a2318 No.100422

File: 7cb0b43f130b66a⋯.png (412.7 KB,529x493,529:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 159ca69a2ee16b8⋯.png (6.63 KB,406x104,203:52,Clipboard.png)

File: df73152277ff58c⋯.png (430.9 KB,537x560,537:560,Clipboard.png)

File: cfaa90df08b1205⋯.pdf (2.7 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764069 (191810ZOCT23) Notable: Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023

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Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023, Fagan Says - USNI News



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8a2318 No.100423

File: 40368533df5d3b5⋯.png (423.52 KB,531x488,531:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764099 (191815ZOCT23) Notable: The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant Reporting On Gaza Bombing, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, Hunter’s Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid .........

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CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant Reporting On Gaza Bombing, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, Hunter’s Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid (Continued)


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8a2318 No.100424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764106 (191817ZOCT23) Notable: Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL

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Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S. But do they help or hurt public safety?


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8a2318 No.100425

File: 90d9f1d28294fbc⋯.png (529.1 KB,553x628,553:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764109 (191817ZOCT23) Notable: Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: ‘I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism’

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It's exactly the same script as Ukraine - go visit denounce the opposition then right a big check

Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: ‘I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism’

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak landed in Tel Aviv late Wednesday night to begin a 48-hour diplomatic foray to the Middle East.

The previously unannounced mission will caution leaders against any “dangerous escalation” in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorist forces and their backers while telling the Jewish state he is with them.


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8a2318 No.100426

File: c6abadc2563c238⋯.png (1.3 MB,1053x5053,1053:5053,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764124 (191819ZOCT23) Notable: Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL

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Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S


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8a2318 No.100427

File: 9327bb5770d12be⋯.png (32.42 KB,411x269,411:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764133 (191822ZOCT23) Notable: House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]

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Let's just be honest and call it what it is. The House is a bloody mess right now. No sugarcoating what's going on. The fact that RINOs would hold the entire party hostage just to get revenge on Gaetz is pretty ruthless, especially when Jim Jordan is a team player universally respected by both moderates and conservatives.

Too bad!

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8a2318 No.100428

File: 21091504dadf239⋯.png (103.17 KB,693x433,693:433,Clipboard.png)

File: e95873cc767f3ab⋯.png (112.96 KB,707x424,707:424,Clipboard.png)

File: c13065f0dadcfe4⋯.png (78.15 KB,742x350,53:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 54126400a82fd1a⋯.png (72.46 KB,702x437,702:437,Clipboard.png)

File: a62938d32c2eebc⋯.png (72.12 KB,671x400,671:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764153 (191826ZOCT23) Notable: FOIA’d Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up Findings.

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FOIA’d Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at White House, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, Yet Publicly Covered Up Findings.

DailyClout received the third, 131-page release of documents from Attorney Edward Berkovich’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The FOIA request stated: “I request emails sent by and received by Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all of whom are CDC personnel) on dates beginning February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021, containing the word myocarditis.” Astonishingly, the emails reveal that the most senior of leaders, all the way up to the White House, knew about heart damage linked to mRNA vaccines yet colluded behind the scenes to conceal this side effect from the American people.

Approximately 60% of the production is redacted. In a letter that accompanied the documents, the HHS FOIA office gave its reasoning:

“The Office of the Secretary [of HHS] conducted review 94 pages of responsive records. After a careful review of these pages, I am releasing 52 pages, we have found that it is reasonably foreseeable that disclosure would harm an interest protected by one or more of the exemptions to the FOIA’s general rule of disclosure and/or that disclosure is prohibited by law; therefore I have determined to withhold portions of three pages, pursuant to Exemption (b (6) of FOIA (5 U.S.C. §552).

Additionally, CDC is withholding portion of 37 pages, to include 37 pages in their entirety pursuant to Exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6) of FOIA (5 U.S.C. §552). Exemption (b)(5) protects inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. This exemption protects documents that would be covered by any privilege an agency could assert in a civil proceeding. These privileges include, among others, the deliberative process privilege, the attorney-client privilege, and the attorney work-product privilege. In this instance, the process privilege applies.

FOIA exemption (b)(6) permits a federal agency to withhold information and records about individuals in ‘personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.’ The definition of ‘similar files’ has historically been broadly interpreted to include a wide variety of files, and the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress intended the term ‘similar files’ to be interpreted broadly, rather than narrowly. I have analyzed these records and find they meet the threshold requirement of this exemption. Additionally, I have reviewed and weighed the public interest in disclosure of this information against the privacy interest in nondisclosure and found that the privacy interest outweighs the public’s interest in disclosure.”



The all knew

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8a2318 No.100429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764163 (191829ZOCT23) Notable: Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED

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>In regards to the House of Representatives

>There is a Q drop for that.

>There are also the drops that talk about "bringing down the house"

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8a2318 No.100430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764165 (191829ZOCT23) Notable: European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok

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European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok

The European Union on Thursday demanded Meta and TikTok detail their efforts to curb illegal content and disinformation during the Israel-Hamas war, flexing the power of a new law that threatens billions in fines if tech giants fail to do enough to protect users.

The European Commission, the 27-nation bloc’s executive branch, formally requested that the social media companies provide information on how they’re complying with pioneering digital rules aimed at cleaning up online platforms.

The commission asked Meta and TikTok to explain the measures they have taken to reduce the risk of spreading and amplifying terrorist and violent content, hate speech and disinformation.

It’s the prelude to a possible crackdown under the new digital rules, which took effect in August and have made the EU a global leader in reining in Big Tech. The biggest platforms face extra obligations to stop a wide range of illegal content from flourishing or face the threat of fines of up to 6% of annual global revenue.

The new rules, known as the Digital Services Act, are being put to the test by the Israel-Hamas war. Photos and videos have flooded social media of the carnage alongside posts from users pushing false claims and misrepresenting videos from other events.

Brussels issued its first formal request under the DSA last week to Elon Musk’s social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

European Commissioner Thierry Breton, the bloc’s digital enforcer, had previously sent warning letters to the three platforms, as well as YouTube, highlighting the risks that the war poses.

“In our exchanges with the platforms, we have specifically asked them to prepare for the risk of live broadcasts of executions by Hamas – an imminent risk from which we must protect our citizens – and we are seeking assurances that the platforms are well prepared for such possibilities,” Breton said in a speech Wednesday.

Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, said it has a “well-established process for identifying and mitigating risks during a crisis while also protecting expression.”

After Hamas militants attacked Israeli communities, “we quickly established a special operations center staffed with experts, including fluent Hebrew and Arabic speakers, to closely monitor and respond to this rapidly evolving situation,” the company said.


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8a2318 No.100431

File: 3f78c4a7e0d1549⋯.png (333.8 KB,600x616,75:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bb6caf3b6a0e37⋯.jpg (191.27 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764170 (191829ZOCT23) Notable: IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem

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IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem


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8a2318 No.100432

File: e9855c11e2b7548⋯.png (66.27 KB,657x468,73:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764176 (191830ZOCT23) Notable: Backstabbing in the Speaker race

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Backstabbing in the Speaker race: Steve Scalise's team is working behind the scenes to get colleagues to go AGAINST Jim Jordan - even though he voted for him on the floor - in another twist in House chaos

DailyMail.com heard from three members who have been contacted by Scalise allies urging them not to vote for the Judiciary chairman

'Scalise is a nice guy who surrounds himself with killers so he doesn't have to leave fingerprints on the murder weapon,' a source told DailyMail.com

READ MORE: Jim Jordan CALLS OFF third speaker vote: More House chaos as top Republican says he will back Patrick McHenry to take gavel - for now

By Morgan Phillips, Congress Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 11:55 EDT, 19 October 2023 | Updated: 13:28 EDT, 19 October 2023

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8a2318 No.100433

File: dd9a40008ef54cd⋯.png (450.88 KB,524x529,524:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764189 (191832ZOCT23) Notable: US Army: Nothing quite like a field training exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.

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Nothing quite like a field training exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air. 🍂🍁










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8a2318 No.100434

File: cec7d8462e8ba83⋯.png (262.69 KB,475x629,475:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764194 (191833ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Highly Concerning Behavior’: Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes

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‘Highly Concerning Behavior’: Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes

The Pentagon officials warned inadvertent conflict with China could erupt after releasing declassified pictures and videos on Tuesday showing Chinese aircraft displaying “highly concerning behavior” toward U.S. military planes in international airspace.

Dr. Ely Ratner, assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, told reporters on Tuesday that more than 180 incidents have occurred over the East and South China Sea region since 2021, signifying a sharp increase in coercive and risky operational behavior in the last decade.

“That’s nearly 200 cases where [People’s Liberation Army] operators have performed reckless maneuvers or discharged chaff or shot off flares or approached too rapidly or too close to U.S. aircraft,” Ratner said. “All as part of trying to interfere with the ability of U.S. forces to operate safely in places where we and every country in the world have every right to be under international law.”

The U.S. has operated in the region for decades, Ratner said. However, reports indicate that Chinese forces have previously used such tactics to harass and irritate U.S. aircraft and its allies in international airspace. The declassified documents reportedly captured tense moments between U.S. and Chinese aircraft.

Earlier this year, Ratner said a Chinese fighter jet “clearly armed” approached an American aircraft flying over the South China Sea traveling “hundreds of miles per hour” from approximately 30 feet away and lingered at narrow proximity for roughly 15 minutes.

The Pentagon reportedly said that other occurrences included one Chinese fighter jet flying 10 feet below a U.S. aircraft in the East China Sea and another fighter jet intimidating an American plane by displaying weapons from approximately 40 feet away in the South China Sea. A Chinese pilot then responded with an expletive toward the U.S. pilot, who attempted to make contact with the person.

Ratner said the example of behavior points to what the Pentagon’s next annual China Military Power Report (CMPR) will describe as “a centralized and concerted campaign to perform these risky behaviors in order to coerce a change in lawful U.S. operational activity and that of U.S. allies and partners.”

Admiral John C. Aquilino, commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, told reporters that such types of intercepts happen daily around the world but noted that the vast majority are conducted safely and without incident.

“I’m most concerned about the potential for accidents the way Dr. Ratner explained them, and those accidents could lead to miscalculation,” Aquilino said. “We must prevent these from happening in the theater.”

Pentagon officials said the interceptions from China fit into a wider effort to undermine international order by using naval and land maneuvers around foreign military equipment throughout the region.

“We’re seeing it against allies and partners,” Ratner said. “Not just the United States. We’re seeing it on land against our Indian partners. So this is part of a much broader picture.”

The news conference comes after months of the White House warning about Chinese military aggressiveness.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters in June that it “won’t be long before somebody gets hurt.”


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8a2318 No.100435

File: 3de2c3741580204⋯.png (616.78 KB,950x833,950:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764204 (191835ZOCT23) Notable: FOIA’d Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up Findings.

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Pfizer’s newly issued press release states definitively that mRNA COVID vaccines “show increased risks” of myocarditis.


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8a2318 No.100436

File: 61508c0060dd9d2⋯.png (254.65 KB,529x391,23:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764206 (191835ZOCT23) Notable: SpOC launches Space Force’s first two IMD betas

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NEWS: 'Guardian Spirit' Key to




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8a2318 No.100437

File: 1e366b8a4f3a2d5⋯.png (341.87 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764214 (191837ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL

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Sidney Powell pleads GUILTY in Georgia election interference case: Trump's 'Kraken' lawyer reaches plea deal and must testify in future trials. So, will she flip on her old boss?


More winning!

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8a2318 No.100438

File: 4d55dffddb18565⋯.png (155.57 KB,532x492,133:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764219 (191838ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: School in United Kingdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.

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BREAKING: School in United Kingdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.


At least it won't molest the kids.

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8a2318 No.100439

File: 4b8f4adb901e466⋯.png (376.7 KB,594x585,66:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764226 (191839ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: SCOTT HORTON DROPPING TRUTH BOMBS ON HOW MANY OF THE 9/11 ATTACKERS HAD WORKED FOR THE CIA PRIOR TO 2001

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Jack Poso đŸ‡ș🇾



Real America's Voice (RAV)



7:31 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764235 (191840ZOCT23) Notable: Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

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GOP mega-donor, tech icon exposed as FBI informant: Report

Tech magnate Peter Thiel, best known for co-founding PayPal and his role as a Republican mega-donor, secretly served as a “confidential human source” (CHS) for the FBI, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The revelation of Thiel’s role as an FBI informant was unveiled by a recent Business Insider report based on sources close to the tech billionaire.

Peter Thiel, the man behind major Silicon Valley investments and a key player in the cryptocurrency realm, reportedly began working with the FBI in the summer of 2021. Sources told Business Insider that Thiel funneled information to Los Angeles-based FBI agent Johnathan Buma, an expert in probing political corruption and foreign influence campaigns.

The path to Thiel’s role as an FBI informant was reportedly paved by Charles Johnson, an internet troll and long-standing associate of Thiel’s. Johnson shared with Business Insider that he was instrumental in linking Thiel with Agent Buma, a claim backed by another anonymous source familiar with Thiel’s FBI association.

One source indicated to Business Insider that Thiel’s assistance to the FBI emerged in an attempt to distance himself from former President Donald Trump and the broader MAGA movement, as the former president has been vocally critical of federal law-enforcement agencies such as the FBI under the Biden administration.

According to the FBI’s Confidential Human Source Policy Guide, once someone becomes an FBI source, “[They] will be either an ‘FBI source’ or a ‘former FBI source’ and, in turn, his or her conduct or misconduct will reflect upon the FBI.”

The policy guide also stipulates that only people who can provide “valuable information
 on a recurring basis” can be given CHS status.


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8a2318 No.100441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764244 (191842ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: School in United Kingdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.

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UK school has appointed an AI Robot as principal



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8a2318 No.100442

File: 68144a1e18a3dab⋯.png (58.79 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764292 (191848ZOCT23) Notable: Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel

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Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel

Just when you think the Biden administration can't be any more incompetent, they somehow find a way to lower the bar. That's the story after the White House published a photo on Facebook of Delta Force operators that are on the ground in Israel.


The picture was put up by the official White House account and captioned as the president meeting "with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they're doing in response to Hamas terrorist attacks."


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8a2318 No.100443

File: 30ba9789a703ff1⋯.png (739.94 KB,1196x922,598:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764333 (191856ZOCT23) Notable: JIM JORDAN: "I'm still running for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."

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>Jim Jordan isn't going down without a fight:

"I'm still running for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."

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8a2318 No.100444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764344 (191858ZOCT23) Notable: #24268-B

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#24268-B >>100371

>>100372, >>100373 , >>100372 , >>100374 Caroline Glick on Warroom re Israel-Gaza

>>100378 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign?????

>>100388 Professor John Mearsheimer advises against Israeli ground invasions or ongoing bombing in Gaza,

>>100389, >>100392, >>100442 Massive Security Breach: White House Shares Uncensored Picture of Delta Force Operators in Israel

>>100390 Newsmax host SNAPS after media and Democrats IGNORE pro-Hamas insurrectionists storming US Capitol

>>100391 MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war

>>100404 Ammon Bundy: Evil Targets the Best of Men- Biden Admin Embarrasses US With Treatment of Israel Conflict

>>100411 Scotland's first minister volunteers country to be 'sanctuary' for Gaza refugees

>>100412 'You f***ing sick Jew haters': Michael Rapaport launches blistering attack on the Squad

>>100414 New Video Evidence Points To Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds

>>100415 Hochul’s father dies suddenly while she’s in Israel

>>100419 ⚓USS Carney Transits the Suez Canal⚓

>>100420 Turkey will leave NATO and will become Constantinople once again.

>>100425 Rishi Sunak Lands in Israel with Message: ‘I Stand with You Against the Evil that Is Terrorism’

>>100429 Bodies found after Hamas attacks from last week: 80% WERE TORTURED

>>100431 IDF military vehicles spotted in Bethlehem



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8a2318 No.100445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764348 (191859ZOCT23) Notable: #24268-A

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>>100375 White Squall, full movie

>>100376, >>100400 This is why Elon's considering blocking EU

>>100377 Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible

>>100379 US_TRANSCOM KC-135 refuels a KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the 916th Air Refueling Wing

>>100380 Trans Fixed | Former Trans-Identified Teen Chloe Cole LIVE at the October High School Conference

>>100381 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>100382, >>100406 Gaetz Blasts Plan To Empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry

>>100427 House is a mess [pray for RINOS to get their heads outta their collective asses]

>>100432 Backstabbing in the Speaker race

>>100443 JIM JORDAN: "I'm still running for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."

>>100383 Why did AG Merrick Garland meet with Rep Don Bacon? Bacons Chief of Staff has confirmed the meeting

>>100384 Warroom: Questions Sequoia Capital On Funding Weapons For The CCP

>>100385 Pentagon Reverses Gender Pronoun Policy Amid Public Backlash

>>100386, >>100387 Scalise and 13 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations

>>100404 Conservative Daily interview with Ammon Bundy

>>100393, >>100394, >>100395 End Times News


>>100397 Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victim Can’t Be Sued for Crimes That He Made Her Commit

>>100398 FIB uncovers White Supremcist Plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the US For The Keks!

>>100399 @1st_Marine_Div Don’t look downđŸ‘€â›°ïž

>>100401 Drones attack a US military base in southern Syria and there are minor injuries

>>100402, >>100436 SpOC launches Space Force’s first two IMD betas

>>100410 Space Force: 5 SWS activation ceremony

>>100403 Digital Dollar Poses "Significant Risks" To Consumer Privacy, Financial System: Fed Governor Admits

>>100405, >>100408, >>100409 Lawmakers quick to unload FTX founder’s contributions

>>100407, >>100437 Sidney Powell guilty plea - DIG CALL

>>100413, >>100440 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant

>>100416, >>100417, >>100418 Protesters Removed After Interrupting FED Chair Powell's Speech

>>100421 @laralogan: The southern border has been open for three years straight. It is too late for Republicans to whine about it now

>>100422 Coast Guard Short 3,500 Personnel in FY 2023

>>100423 The BEE: CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant Reporting On Gaza Bombing, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, Hunter’s Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid .........

>>100424, >>100426 Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S.- DIG CALL

>>100428, >>100435 FOIA’d Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at WH, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Vaccines Linked to Myocarditis, But Covered Up Findings.

>>100430 European Union Opens Disinformation Case Against Meta and TikTok

>>100434 ‘Highly Concerning Behavior’: Pentagon Declassifies Nearly 200 Intercepts Between US And Chinese Warplanes

>>100433 US Army: Nothing quite like a field training exercise (FTX) weekend in the crisp fall air.

>>100438, >>100441 BREAKING: School in United Kingdom has appointed an AI robot as principal.




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8a2318 No.100446

File: 3ac59ac0844a4cc⋯.png (33.03 KB,221x222,221:222,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f84b279de92d61⋯.jpg (5.57 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a28da6283c5e90⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,300x317,300:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 08e8fa29edb0011⋯.png (217.35 KB,568x313,568:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764361 (191902ZOCT23) Notable: #24269

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baker seeking handoff, OUT @20

ty anons for your contributions!

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8a2318 No.100447

File: 8b271e699ac0f39⋯.png (556.87 KB,640x358,320:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 351debd4cbd1388⋯.png (383.74 KB,547x471,547:471,Clipboard.png)

File: b73f69929cd8511⋯.png (393.14 KB,563x617,563:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 28ffa4be6318af5⋯.png (502.43 KB,565x630,113:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764382 (191906ZOCT23) Notable: Days After Saying 'Every Jewish Person is a Zionist,' ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Says Anti-Zionist Jews are a 'Hate Group'

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Days After Saying 'Every Jewish Person is a Zionist,' ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Says Anti-Zionist Jews are a 'Hate Group'


Just three days after Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt went on MSNBC to declare that "anti-Zionism is genocide" because "every Jewish person is a Zionist," Greenblatt put out a new statement labeling the anti-Zionist Jews who protested at the Capitol a "hate group."

"These radical far-left groups don't represent the Jewish community," Greenblatt raged Wednesday night on X after anti-Zionist Jews and pro-Palestine protesters occupied the Capitol in DC. "Far from it. They represent the ugly core of anti-Zionism —> antisemitism."

Though Greenblatt limits who can respond to his posts to only his followers, "anti-racist activist" Tim Wise of all people who now describes himself "an anti-Zionist Jew" pushed back against Greenblatt's smears.

"Jonathan, you do realize there's a long history of anti-Zionist Jews going back 120 years, right?" Wise said. "That many of us simply reject all forms of religious/ethnic nationalism on principle? It is intellectually lazy to call that hate unless you have specific info about specific people."

Sorry Wise, Greenblatt gets to decide who is and who is not Jewish and if you don't support Israel ethnically cleansing their blood enemies from Gaza in a bitter ethno-religious feud then you're not Jewish and you are part of a "hate group" in league with white supremacists!

In related news, Greenblatt on Thursday posted a video of himself having a meltdown over the media not reporting positively enough on Israel's ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza.


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8a2318 No.100448

File: 785214124e153e4⋯.png (348.32 KB,588x639,196:213,Clipboard.png)

File: e76920e751c12e9⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,1310x720,131:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764389 (191907ZOCT23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy ragging on Gaetz

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Kevin McCarthy confirms that be he and the other RINOs screamed at Matt Gaetz like spoiled children during today's House conference meeting:

"I think the entire conference screamed at him. The whole country I think would scream at Matt Gaetz right now.”


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8a2318 No.100449

File: 630499433e89968⋯.png (140.35 KB,733x620,733:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764398 (191910ZOCT23) Notable: Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme Involving Nuclear Weapons Components

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Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme Involving Nuclear Weapons Components


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8a2318 No.100450

File: 7d684ae73b8efe7⋯.png (167.81 KB,975x645,65:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764403 (191911ZOCT23) Notable: Friend Of Pfizer Employee Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading Based On Non-Public Drug Trial Results For COVID-19 Treatment

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Friend Of Pfizer Employee Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading Based On Non-Public Drug Trial Results For COVID-19 Treatment


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8a2318 No.100451

File: 69c46c19257a650⋯.png (1.54 MB,1252x647,1252:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764414 (191914ZOCT23) Notable: Media Research Center Exposes Pro-Hamas Donations From George Soros

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Media Research Center Exposes Pro-Hamas Donations From George Soros


5 min vidya from One America News

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8a2318 No.100452

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764448 (191922ZOCT23) Notable: Alex Jones on Warroom: The Deep State Is Preparing More False Flags.

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Alex Jones: The Deep State Is Preparing More False Flags.. This is interesting, we are all in war. The Uniparty fighting all of us via war.



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8a2318 No.100453

File: 0356307c68b821d⋯.webp (37.04 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764480 (191928ZOCT23) Notable: TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!

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Leading US Meat Producer To Focus on Insects and Bugs Instead After Partnering With WEF

America’s largest meat producer has announced it is transforming its operations to focus on producing insects for the masses after forming a new partnership with the World Economic Forum.

Tyson Foods Inc., the largest producer in the U.S. for all kinds of meats, is opening a major insect processing plant in the United States to fulfill what it says is “enormous future demand” for insects in North America.



Eat ze bugs! An mRNA burger a day keeps the doctor away!

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8a2318 No.100454

File: 56329c8338b68ab⋯.png (90.88 KB,779x503,779:503,Clipboard.png)

File: f3fcdc3512116dd⋯.png (567.82 KB,781x654,781:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a3bd34d96bf800⋯.png (78.36 KB,879x400,879:400,Clipboard.png)

File: a45c51c82fb5ce0⋯.png (75.54 KB,783x393,261:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764486 (191929ZOCT23) Notable: "Children For Sale": Retail, Wholesale, Sale In Parts And Even Rent!

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"Children For Sale": Retail, Wholesale, Sale In Parts And Even Rent!

Not so long ago, the head of the human rights organization "Foundation to Battle Injustice", Mira Terada, went public on the monstrous child trafficking carried out by the Ukrainian authorities. She claimed that children from Donbas are being stolen by Ukraine, and then rented or sold in Europe and the USA.

Children are taken to Spain through Poland, at the invitation of a Spanish organization. Poland itself is a "hub" of child trafficking. 85 children were taken out of the Artemovsky district alone. Some were sent to Argentina, and others to Spain and the USA. Terada noted that an Argentinian organization known as "Milagros del Corazon" even launched a program, according to which a child can be rented for 3-4 weeks, for 3.5 thousand dollars.

According to the results of the investigation conducted by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, it turned out that the Spanish organization assured that all the children would return home within a year. However, when the children were brought to Spain, their custodianship was fraudulently transferred to Spanish organizations, and subsequently these children were sent to various orphanages, which were in fact prisons for minors.

“Social outcasts lived nearby, so the children had easy access to drugs, there were acts of sexual violence and forced abortions, some of the children were sold to Argentina and the United States, 8 children disappeared during the re―registration of their custodianship, their fate is unknown,” Terada said.

At the same time, Spanish social services provided information that the children allegedly reached the age of majority, but there are documents confirming that all those taken abroad still remain minors. It was claimed that the children had been adopted, and yet the social services did not want to disclose any information. However, judging by the information available on the DarkNet, they could have been sold for organs or into sexual slavery.

She also noted that, despite the attempts of the collective West to implicate Russia in the kidnapping of children, the sale of children from Ukraine began long before the start of the Special Military Operation. According to law enforcement agencies, even before the outbreak of hostilities, about 4-5 thousand children had disappeared, and after that, this number increased, because the trafficking of children and people is always aggravated during military conflicts, pandemics and emergency disasters.


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8a2318 No.100455

File: aed5485f7a1e251⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,474x634,237:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764491 (191929ZOCT23) Notable: END TIMES News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000121

Rumor Spreading That Turkey May Leave NATO Soon


This is a major happening if true.

Crucial Undersea Cables Sabotaged As Military and Coast Guard On Standby


Two US Military Bases Attacked In Syria



US Troops Injured In Drone Attacks


Biden Claims He Was Born In Israel As Historic American Oil Bomb Nears Explosion


Director Josh Paul of the State Department Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Resigns


Steve Scalise And 13 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations


Republicans In NAME ONLY!

FOIA’d Emails Reveal Highest-Level Leaders at White House, HHS, CDC, NIAID, AAP All Knew COVID Clot Shots Linked To Myocarditis


Absolutely criminal. These people should be charged for WAR CRIMES!



Texas Installs Razor Wire Along New Mexico Border To Prevent Side-invasion Into Texas


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8a2318 No.100456

File: 8d99291b3027026⋯.png (478.58 KB,511x511,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d923f8b0caaf79⋯.png (190.05 KB,350x286,175:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 383cbb3142007e3⋯.png (557.69 KB,682x819,682:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764513 (191933ZOCT23) Notable: Harvest Season for Memes

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8a2318 No.100457

File: 99d3ceb05e92a5d⋯.png (23.71 KB,600x159,200:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764519 (191935ZOCT23) Notable: VICTORY. No McHenry resolution, which means no unconstitutional temporary Speaker

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Rep. Anna Paulina Luna



VICTORY. No McHenry resolution, which means no unconstitutional temporary Speaker. We are going back to the mat. The GOP must unify! Jim Jordan for Speaker! đŸ™đŸŒ


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8a2318 No.100458

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764522 (191936ZOCT23) Notable: The RINOs are worse than the DS in Trump’s first term

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The RINOs are worse than the DS in Trump’s first term. The RINOs will never work to build the war or work on Illegal Aliens, is Trump and his experience. James Bacon Joins WarRoom To Discuss RINO’s In DC

Really interesting the experience of Trump’s first Administration and his staff. He says even when the current thing happens the RINOS never oppose it early on. They are so afraid to take a position. We’ve seen it with Ukraine!



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8a2318 No.100459

File: 35123ec3b3f2626⋯.png (1.18 MB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7ab7afc55a242⋯.png (362.02 KB,424x853,424:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 185fd55dec1877d⋯.jpg (46.77 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f0913f54d2f4b22⋯.jpg (76.7 KB,659x1024,659:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 894bf9ea7ce2c29⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764541 (191938ZOCT23) Notable: MTG Captures Pic of 'Global Intifada' Group Chat on Hamas Supporter's Phone; SPLC Lawyer Involved

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Notable PB

>>100258 (You), >>100263 (You) Katrina Bleckley SPLC lawyer also involved in pro-Palestine group?

On the phone screen was a group chat labeled "Global Intifada." From the messages displayed it seemed that members of the group were trying to locate each other. One name in the chat stood out - Katrina Bleckley. Bleckley is the lead attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, but she also describes herself as a "migrant liberator" in her X/Twitter bio, which includes the hashtag #FreePalestine.

MTG Captures Pic of 'Global Intifada' Group Chat on Hamas Supporter's Phone; SPLC Lawyer Involved

10:26 AM on October 19, 2023


This article doesn't actually have any sauce, but hopefully somebody will get some with this kind of attention.

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8a2318 No.100460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764543 (191939ZOCT23) Notable: Iraqi Resistance targets US forces in al-Tanaf base and Conoco gas field

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Iraqi Resistance targets US forces in al-Tanaf base and Conoco gas field

Iraqi Resistance said that it targeted the US occupation forces in the al-Tanf base on the Syrian-Iraqi border and Conoco gas field northeast of Deir Ezzor.

“We targeted al-Tanaf base with three drones on Thursday morning”, the Iraqi Resistance said in a statement

Later, the Iraqi Resistance said it also targeted of the U.S. occupation forces in Conoco gas field northeast of Deir Ezzor.

An Iraqi security source announced yesterday that a missile attack using drones targeted Ayn al-Assad and Harir bases in Anbar and Erbil governorates, west and north of Iraq.


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8a2318 No.100461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764579 (191943ZOCT23) Notable: Harvest Season for Memes

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MY COMMENT: Support local farmers markets, make contacts and get to know your local food producers already! Have a good stockup of real food and rotate it frequently too! I mark all my food products by date so I know which ones are older to eat. I once heard Goya is a pretty reputable Mexican brand, no bullshit fake food plus they supported Trump when he was president.

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8a2318 No.100462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764586 (191944ZOCT23) Notable: Failed VOICE voting - govt workers offered paid leave for psych distress

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Public servants offered five days of paid leave if they are psychologically distressed by Australia voting against the Voice

Public servants in Queensland have been offered five days of paid leave if they are suffering from psychological distress following the failed Voice referendum.

Leaders in the public sector this week received an email telling them they could grant workers special leave as well as sick leave.

The message, from Public Sector Commissioner David Mackie, called on department bosses to consider the emotional impact the referendum's result would have on indigenous workers.

He added that the initiative was to ensure staff members remained mentally well.


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8a2318 No.100463

File: b8beb56841b2115⋯.png (397.3 KB,1059x970,1059:970,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764591 (191944ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan: will back McHenry or still fighting?

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'''McHenry was hand picked by McCarthy, authored the criminal debt ceiling victory for the dems, and hes now in charge.

Heres comes the massive, bloated govt CR to fund corruption cover up ops and a two tier system of justice, n defense industrial complex dance party by funding two world wars.

Remember everyone who blew up 9 republicans for bouncing McCarthy, wheres the outrage for the 12 that permitted the above???'''


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8a2318 No.100464

File: 74ff2bae5aff8cd⋯.png (329.46 KB,600x558,100:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764593 (191944ZOCT23) Notable: EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 ‘golden passports’

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The Guardian



EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 ‘golden passports’


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8a2318 No.100465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764615 (191948ZOCT23) Notable: Councillor is banned from speaking to other staff after questioning council's 'woke' decision to fly the Pride flag

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Councillor is banned from speaking to other staff after questioning council's 'woke' decision to fly the Pride flag

Councillor objected to 'woke' Pride flag move

Ordered to do personal development course

A councillor in Victoria has been banned from speaking to council staff after she objected to a 'woke' move to fly a gay Pride flag permanently at the council's offices.

Susan Bissinger, a councillor in Mornington Peninsula, has also been ordered to complete a personal development course by mayor Steve Holland.

Ms Bissinger, who was elected to the council in 2021, said she felt 'under siege' and that the speaking ban could mean she can't properly represent the community.


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8a2318 No.100466

File: f11caaa017c9776⋯.png (440.39 KB,1012x909,1012:909,Clipboard.png)

File: f77718621cf9670⋯.jpg (252.76 KB,1063x1024,1063:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764618 (191948ZOCT23) Notable: Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme Involving Nuclear Weapons Components

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harvest season for memes

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8a2318 No.100467

File: bf36b7ba9f6873a⋯.jpeg (904.01 KB,1170x2418,15:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764621 (191948ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Six Criminal Charges in Fulton County Election Subversion Case

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Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Six Criminal Charges in Fulton County Election Subversion Case

By Devon Hesano

October 19, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday, Oct. 19, Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor charges as part of a plea deal reached with prosecutors in the Fulton County, Georgia election subversion case.

Powell, who served as an attorney for former President Donald Trump during his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, will serve six years probation, pay a $6,000 fine, owe $2,700 in restitution, write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia and testify against co-defendants in the case in future proceedings.

Powell pleaded guilty to six counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties. She previously faced seven felony charges.


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8a2318 No.100468

File: 2f96a4150ff6566⋯.png (149.57 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764623 (191949ZOCT23) Notable: @WarMonitors is one of the best resources on Israel & Gaza and their account was just LOCKED for 12 hours by X for no reason

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Jackson Hinkle đŸ‡ș🇾



đŸ‡źđŸ‡± WOW! @WarMonitors is one of the best resources on Israel & Gaza and their account was just LOCKED for 12 hours by X for no reason.

Zionists are getting nervous


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8a2318 No.100469

File: bfa1ab9a6eeec3c⋯.png (462.17 KB,1388x2182,694:1091,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764650 (191952ZOCT23) Notable: TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!

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October 17, 2023

Tyson Foods Announces Partnership with Protix for More Sustainable Protein Production

The partnership represents Tyson Foods’ commitment to continuous innovation, business growth and working towards sustainable solutions, opening a new revenue stream while accelerating Protix’s international expansion.

SPRINGDALE, Ark. – Oct. 17, 2023 – Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN), one of the world’s largest food companies, has reached an agreement for a two-fold investment with Protix, the leading global insect ingredients company.

The strategic investment will support the growth of the emerging insect ingredient industry and expand the use of insect ingredient solutions to create more efficient sustainable proteins and lipids for use in the global food system.

The agreement combines Tyson Foods’ global scale, experience and network with Protix’s technology and market leadership to meet current market demand and scale production of insect ingredients.

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8a2318 No.100470

File: 8c86e79754305f0⋯.jpeg (65.25 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764665 (191954ZOCT23) Notable: AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen

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BREAKING: AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen

According to Open Source Intelligence Monitor – Pentagon Press Secretary Brigadier General Pat Ryder has Confirmed that the USS Carney did Shoot Down 3 Land-Attack Cruise Missiles as well as several Drones launched by Houthi Forces in Yemen last night over the Red Sea.


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8a2318 No.100471

File: 5d2cfb060173b86⋯.png (526.82 KB,1264x1769,1264:1769,Clipboard.png)

File: 509503b444cd0db⋯.png (68.7 KB,1209x553,1209:553,Clipboard.png)

File: b0993dd1e9851ea⋯.png (2.42 MB,1299x2912,1299:2912,Clipboard.png)

File: ff53a734f35cd6f⋯.png (74.84 KB,1451x754,1451:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764684 (191956ZOCT23) Notable: TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!

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CEO Donnie King:

Every day, we are working to provide better,more nutritious protein optionsto the people we serve. Now, as we look to the future, we’re setting a new course for '''sustainability, reimagining our social

impact and designing responsibility into products from the get-go.'''



The global landscape of food production is evolving rapidly. At Tyson Foods, we aim to meet protein needs while continuously raising the bar on our sustainability strategy by considering

the changing landscape in our Formula to Feed the Future and 2030 goals.A structure of governance and accountability is key to achieving thi.s


SEE CAP for Tyson companies.

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8a2318 No.100472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764699 (191959ZOCT23) Notable: TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!

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8a2318 No.100473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764701 (191959ZOCT23) Notable: “Devil Comet” 3x The Size of Mount Everest Makes Way to Earth

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“Devil Comet” 3x The Size of Mount Everest Makes Way to Earth

A comet three times the size of Mount Everest is heading toward the earth according to astronomers.

Pons-Brooks which has been deemed as the “devil comet” due to its horns exploded on October 5th and is now on trajectory towards the Earth.

There’s no need to worry, however, because the comet is not expected to hit the Earth but will be visible to some parts of Earth between April and June of next year.

Pons-Brooks is a dry-volcanic comet which means its basically a cold volcano that constantly releases icy debris all throughout the solar system.


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8a2318 No.100474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764725 (192003ZOCT23) Notable: What does Sidney Powell's guilty plea mean for Trump?

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What does Sidney Powell's guilty plea mean for Trump?

Sidney Powell, an attorney who was a key figure in former President Donald Trump's alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges after reaching an agreement with prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia. Powell is also required to testify "truthfully against any and all co-defendants in this matter," the judge in the case said. CBS News reporter Graham Kates has more.

CBS News

Oct 19, 2023 2:33


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8a2318 No.100475

File: d0cb08b39d03d41⋯.png (96.93 KB,483x478,483:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764732 (192004ZOCT23) Notable: "I Resigned": Senior State Dept. Official Quits Over "Unjust" Military Aid To Israel

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"I Resigned": Senior State Dept. Official Quits Over "Unjust" Military Aid To Israel

A longtime State Department official in the bureau that oversees arms transfers resigned this week in protest of the Biden administration's decision to continue sending weapons and ammunition to Israel in support of its war with Hamas.

Josh Paul, who served as the director of congressional and public affairs for the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs for 11 years, said the Biden administration's "blind support for one side" had led to policy decisions that were "shortsighted, destructive, unjust and contradictory to the very values we publicly espouse."

"Let me be clear: Hamas' attack on Israel was not just a monstrosity; it was a monstrosity of monstrosities," the letter reads. "But I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response... will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people - and is not in the long term American interest."

"I fear we are repeating the same mistakes we have made these past decades, and I decline to be a part of it for longer," the letter continues.

Paul told the NY Times that Israel cutting off water, food, medical care and electricity to the two million or so residents of Gaza should trigger a slew of federal laws that should normally prevent US weapons ending up in the hands of human rights violators.

"The problem with all of those provisions is that it rests on the executive branch making a determination that human rights violations have occurred," Paul said. "The decision to make a determination doesn’t rest with some nonpartisan academic entity, and there’s no incentive for the president to actually determine anything."


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8a2318 No.100476

File: 77c7b121ceb5b55⋯.png (1.72 MB,1409x4843,1409:4843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764759 (192007ZOCT23) Notable: TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!

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Eat Ze Bugs! Meat Giant Tyson Invests in Insect 'Food' for People

Oct 17 2023

Score another point for those of us in the “tinfoil hat” crowd who predicted that the New World Order would try to have us dining on cricket burgers.

Tyson Foods, one of the largest food companies in the world, is dropping mad stacks into a woke company that wants to turn grasshoppers into breakfast bars.


Let’s see how many times “woke” words “sustainable” and “planet” show up in this article. I will highlight them. The more they appear, the more “woke” these companies are. I’m sure there are others I haven’t thought of.

Tyson has agreed to invest in Protix, a company that turns insects into “protein” for human and animal consumption. I’ll let Protix introduce itself. From the Protix website (remember, I’m on “woke patrol and will highlight all the woke-iness I see):

Protix is the world leader in insect ingredients. We believe that feeding the growing world population should go hand in hand with protecting our beautiful planet. A huge challenge! Fortunately, the solution lies in nature itself: insects provide low-footprint proteins and other nutrients that can be processed into more sustainable feed and food.

Whoa, all that wokeness in just one paragraph! Let’s see what the bug-eating globalists say next:

Since 2009, we have been perfecting the insect ingredients that help feed and food manufacturers bring healthy and sustainable nutrition to the world. This is our call to all caring heroes, game-changers and innovators: join our mission to bring the food system back into balance with nature.

Dang! Protix must love its fĂŒhrer Klaus Schwab!

What does Tyson Foods have to say? This:

Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN), one of the world’s largest food companies, has reached an agreement for a two-fold investment with Protix, the leading global insect ingredients company. The strategic investment will support the growth of the emerging insect ingredient industry and expand the use of insect ingredient solutions to create more efficient sustainable proteins and lipids for use in the global food system. The agreement combines Tyson Foods’ global scale, experience and network with Protix’s technology and market leadership to meet current market demand and scale production of insect ingredients.

Now you may be thinking, “KDJ, I eat Tyson chickens all the time. They are a meat company first and foremost. Why would they buy into a bug food company?”

I’m glad you asked.

I just looked up Tyson’s Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) score, and I’m guessing Klaus Scwaub and his World Economic Forum (WEF) myrmidons are not pleased.

Tyson Foods is a bit naughty by the WEF’s standards.They scored a -30.4% in “negative impact.” Due mostly to its contributing to greenhouse gas cow flatulence, which the prairie fairies have told us will make the weather bad.

JOKE-O-RAMA! “Waiter, there’s a fly in my soup. I ordered the coastal peacock spider.” “Please be quiet sir,” the waiter responded, “or everyone will want one.”

Perhaps, and this is just a hunch,Tyson is buying into a bug slop food company to improve its ESG score so that it can receive investment cheddar from firms like Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard, which are driving the “woke” ESG bull feculence (which ironically seems to be a leading cause of inclement weather, or so the cloud huggers believe).....



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8a2318 No.100477

File: bb88565f976e45e⋯.png (417 KB,572x474,286:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764767 (192009ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen

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The Gateway Pundit


BREAKING: AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen via @gatewaypundit

8:42 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100478

File: 4767bc7a0e9e94e⋯.png (259.7 KB,591x890,591:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764813 (192016ZOCT23) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat: One month ago, Mohammed bin Salman announced that Saudi Arabia was moving "closer" to a historic normalization agreement with Israel

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One month ago, Mohammed bin Salman announced that Saudi Arabia was moving "closer" to a historic normalization agreement with Israel, with this progress linked to Palestinian negotiations and an arms deal with the United States.

At the same time, Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled the India-Middle East-Europe-Economic Corridor (IMEC), a trade route connecting India and the European Union through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

Fast forward one month, Hamas carried out a terrorist attack on Israel.

In response, Israel declared war on Hamas, initiating airstrikes on Gaza and cutting off food, water, and electricity to 2 million Palestinians.

The United States deployed two carrier strike groups to the Mediterranean, the State Department issued a "worldwide caution" for American citizens, and the Middle East stands at the precipice of war.

What is the goal behind the terrorist attack on Israel?

Is it possible for Israel to eradicate Hamas without killing tens of thousands of Palestinians?

Does China, Russia, and Iran want India, Saudi Arabia, and Israel to build an alternative trade route to the Belt & Road initiative?

8:18 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100479

File: 344f2fa155df247⋯.png (206.56 KB,407x461,407:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764832 (192019ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan: will back McHenry or still fighting?

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🚹Jim Jordan isn't going down without a fight:

"I'm still running for speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes."

🔗 (https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1715078257077334307?s=20)

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8a2318 No.100480

File: ece34d7e5ea5162⋯.jpeg (824.24 KB,1792x697,1792:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764862 (192024ZOCT23) Notable: planeFag yerp Middle East update

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planeFag yerp Middle East update

German AF GAF848 departed Tel Aviv after arriving yesterday Defense Minister Boris Pistorus back to Berlin

Defence minister pledges Germany's full support to Israel

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's defence minister on Thursday pledged Berlin's unwavering support to Israel in its battle against Hamas after the deadly attack by the Palestinian militant group.

"There is no doubt, dear Yoav, whatever we can do to support you, with material support, we will do this," Boris Pistorius said during a visit to Tel Aviv, standing alongside Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.


More Potato equipment 2 RCH C17s NW from Ramstein and one inbound to Ramstein from Cyprus/what an unmitigated WASTE for such a short trip and the fugger couldn’t even stay awake FTMP. Media called “speech” and the preeser prior passionate. Will NOT watch crap fest tonight

Saudi AF MEDVC71 SE fro western SA on Jordan border-Medivac flight

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8a2318 No.100481

File: 84457a6b172a899⋯.png (694.53 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: e9777e0774b553f⋯.png (1.09 MB,892x1024,223:256,Clipboard.png)

File: dec0056f6cc324d⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e04fe6b492fbc8⋯.png (816.23 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764930 (192034ZOCT23) Notable: Judge caught on phone during toddler’s murder trial sent 500 texts, called dead boy’s mom ‘liar, liar’

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Judge caught on phone during toddler’s murder trial sent 500 texts, called dead boy’s mom ‘liar, liar’

An Oklahoma judge caught playing with her phone as a mother sobbed about the murder of her child faces a formal push to remove her from the bench after it emerged she sent 500 texts to her bailiff — including some ridiculing the prosecutors and calling the dead toddler’s mom “liar, liar.”

The chief justice of theOklahomaSupreme Court recommended the removal ofLincoln County District Judge Traci Soderstromin a court filing Tuesday following an investigation by the state’s Council on Judicial Complaints.

Soderstrom also texted a laughing emoji to the bailiff, who “made a crass and demeaning reference to the prosecuting attorney’s genitals,” the filing states.

Other texts described the defense attorney as “awesome” and asked, “Can I clap for her?” /moar

By Melissa Koenig

Published Oct. 12, 2023, 1:49 p.m. ET

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8a2318 No.100482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765003 (192045ZOCT23) Notable: Senate Democrats introduce bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices

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Senate Democrats introduce bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices



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8a2318 No.100483

File: 4191be0abd0979c⋯.jpeg (116.66 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765005 (192045ZOCT23) Notable: END TIMES News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000122

Boycott Tyson Foods! US Meat Producer To Focus on Insects and Bugs Instead After Partnering With WEF



MY COMMENT: Support local farmers markets, make contacts and get to know your local food producers already! Have a good stockup of real food and rotate it frequently too! I mark all my food products by date so I know which ones are older to eat. I once heard Goya is a pretty reputable Mexican brand, no bullshit fake food plus they supported Trump when he was president.

Dirty Protest: Freedom Farmer Showers Crown Court With FIVE TONS Of Dirt


Control freak tyrants hate local food producers.

Alex Jones: The Deep State Is Preparing More False Flags To Enslave Us


Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles At US Navy Destroyer Off Coast Of Yemen


US Military Base In Iraq Hit With Rockets, Drones


President of Malaysia Blames Israel For False Flag Attacks, Hospital Bombing


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited Israeli Troops outside Gaza today, and told them directly "The order (to invade) will soon be given." This comes as Hezbollah reveals they have destroyed ten Merkava Tanks in the north, so far.


Knowing full well what's coming, the US, UK, Canada, France, Australia, Sweden and Germany have told their citizens to leave Lebanon. So this situation is getting worse by the hour.

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8a2318 No.100484

File: 13ef459d6c068f5⋯.png (34.2 KB,482x79,482:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ee1c97bf544967⋯.png (830.15 KB,528x960,11:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765021 (192048ZOCT23) Notable: "The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to
 'Vet' Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies"

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"The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to... 'Vet' Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies"

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace

"Obama specifically sought out Muslim Brotherhood agents as special advisors on the United States policies in fighting... well, the Muslim Brotherhood, among others.

He would tell me funny stories like someone in the briefing saying 'This next part is top secret classified, so do not discuss this with anyone outside this room,' and he'd say, 'The Muslim Brotherhood is literally in the room right now. There are four of them in the second row. Who... do you think you're keeping this secret from?'

So that was Obama. And now that's Biden."

[link issue]

ace dot mu dot nu /archives/406652.php


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8a2318 No.100485

File: b4ff676ab073987⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB,2268x1512,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765087 (192058ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Six Criminal Charges in Fulton County Election Subversion Case

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CBS tells you what to think about Sidney Powell's guilty plea. Will you comply?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100486

File: f90a7d218ee19c8⋯.webp (147.33 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: 1a5be9addad4535⋯.png (553.14 KB,1354x765,1354:765,Clipboard.png)

File: dac5835f43263e4⋯.png (351.47 KB,1536x403,1536:403,Clipboard.png)

File: ea3e62b426477e1⋯.png (998.59 KB,1162x741,1162:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ed1a601e43f2f1⋯.jpeg (87.59 KB,528x960,11:20,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765096 (192059ZOCT23) Notable: "The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to
 'Vet' Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies"

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The U.S. Gov’t Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims

Luke RosiakOct 18, 2023

Nejwa Ali LinkedIn / Facebook

The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or “asylum seeker.” Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, “F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel,” a Daily Wire investigation found.

Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the “PLO office in D.C.” That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile,securing a job at DHS as an “Asylum Officer,” where she was tasked with “applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications.”

This January, she moved over to being an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS). People with that job, according to the agency, “analyze new or amended legislation and policy, prepare written reports of findings, and review and make determinations on cases for immigration benefits.”

Though Ali’s job at DHS included vetting people to make sure they were not a threat to the country before letting them in,it’s not clear that anyone from the agency vetted her.That her primary allegiance was to the Palestinians, not the United States, was evident from her social media profiles, where she posts as “Falastine Mi Amor.”

She has posted extremist rhetoric continuously to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for years — rhetoric that intensified this month as Palestinian terrorists murdered over 1,000 Jews on October 7 and Ali cheered. “F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?” she wrote on Instagram after the attacks.

According to her social media profiles — which say she is “American born, Palestinian @ heart” — Ali is from Dearborn, Michigan, a hotbed of unassimilated immigrants where thousands reportedly took to the streets in support of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.

Ali has made several posts glorifying the terrorist attacks on Israel, including one depicting armed terrorists paragliding into the Jewish state with the caption, “Free PALESTINE.”

Several of Ali’s posts glorifying the terrorist attacks include the statement, “Respect our existence, or expect resistance. Simple. No Apologies,” a suggestion that as long as Israel exists on what she considers occupied land, attacks on civilians are acceptable.

Jews seeking to come to America might have a hard time if Ali were their immigration officer. “Israeli, American privilege is disgusting. When Israelis acknowledge the government and military are solely responsible for the attack. Period,” she wrote. “I hold every Israeli accountable for their governments [sic] actions, IF they do not speak against Israel.”

On October 9, she posted to Facebook: “How Nejwa wakes up,” accompanied by a video captioned “F*** Israel and any Jew that supports Israel” and a photo that says “A nation that has nothing but Allah has everything it will ever need.” She also added an anti-Semitic cartoon of a Jewish nose.

She has also claimed that the media is pushing Israeli propaganda, mimicking a common anti-Semitic refrain that Jewish people control the press.

“Palestine will be free one day. F* APARTHEID Israel and any Israeli that supports that bulls*. F* you, may Allah forgive you. and spare us the crocodile tears, I sure as hell give zero f*s,” she wrote on Instagram.

USCIS spokesman Matthew Bourke told The Daily Wire that “USCIS strongly condemns antisemitism and the use of violent rhetoric in any form.”

“USCIS employees are held to high ethical standards both on and off duty, including their presence on social media,” Bourke said. “Any violation of these standards is taken seriously by the agency.”

But a day after The Daily Wire asked the agency about Ali, she told The Daily Wire in a phone call thatshe still works for DHS, and was decidedly unchastened.

Asked if she disclosed her employment with the PLO to DHS, she said “That’s none of your f***ing business. Mind your business before I call the police. If I were you I’d respectfully hang up the phone right now.”

Asked if her views on Israel impacted her ability to work as an American government official, she said, “That does not affect the ability to do my job at all. You can mind your own business.”

Continued very long article


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8a2318 No.100487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765134 (192103ZOCT23) Notable: #24269

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#24269 >>100446

>>100459 MTG Captures Pic of 'Global Intifada' Group Chat on Hamas Supporter's Phone; SPLC Lawyer Involved

>>100456 Memes

>>100454 Rent-to-own Children Possible Pedo Ops Exposed

>>100464 EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 ‘golden passports’

>>100470 AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen

>>100449 Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme Involving Nuclear Weapons Components

>>100481 Judge caught on phone during toddler’s murder trial sent 500 texts, called dead boy’s mom ‘liar, liar’

>>100482 Senate Democrats introduce bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices

>>100480 planeFag yerp Middle East update


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100488

File: 1d8e3f113f386f0⋯.png (67.32 KB,720x359,720:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765151 (192105ZOCT23) Notable: #24270

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>last bread notes were noms only

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8a2318 No.100489

File: cd4c6d951630acd⋯.png (56.01 KB,662x421,662:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765171 (192110ZOCT23) Notable: Cancelled for not supporting Israel

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'No wonder Hitler wanted rid of them':

Citibank FIRES glamorous banker Nozima

Husainova after she posted vile anti-Semitic

post about Jewish people following Hamas

terror attacks

Daily Mail (UK), by Dominic Yeatman

Posted By: Imright, 10/19/2023 3:18:06 PM

Citi has fired one of its personal bankers after she defended Hitler and the holocaust in a vile anti-Semitic post following the Hamas terror attacks. CUNY Brooklyn College graduate Nozima Husainova, 25, sparked outrage with the remark which she posted on her now-deleted Instagram page and she's since lost her job, the bank confirmed Thursday. Responding to a post about the Gaza hospital bombing that Israel has denied, she wrote: 'No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of them all,' complete with a smiley face emoji.

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8a2318 No.100490

File: e7d3ca100d8ad9b⋯.png (22.4 KB,773x243,773:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765183 (192112ZOCT23) Notable: Cancelled for not supporting Israel

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Atlanta cancer doctor put on leave after

post celebrating Hamas’ ‘glory’

New York Post, by Alyssa Guzman

Posted By: Beardo, 10/19/2023 2:55:27 PM

An Atlanta cancer doctor has been put on leave after sharing a pro-Hamas Facebook post, where she celebrated the “glory” of the terrorist group and wished for “no peace on stolen land.” Dr. Abeer N. AbouYabis, who works for Emory Winship Cancer Institute, took to Facebook this week to wish “glory to all resistance fighters” on her account, which has now been made private. “I needed to say it LOUD,” she wrote in the poetic-style post. “They got walls, we got gliders / Glory to all resistance fighters / Palestine is our demand / No peace for stolen land / ”

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8a2318 No.100491

File: 894d73031fbfd2a⋯.jpg (142.34 KB,720x712,90:89,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c78aa82dee56337⋯.jpg (123.17 KB,720x575,144:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765201 (192114ZOCT23) Notable: Texas lawmakers to consider legislation allowing state and local police to deport migrants

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Eye on Tx...happening now.

Texas lawmakers to consider legislation allowing state and local police to deport migrants

Trey the Traitor testifying.


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8a2318 No.100492

File: 8596cefde71c38a⋯.jpeg (473.82 KB,828x1402,414:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765359 (192139ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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SAM099 and fairly high level 99th Airlift Squad G5 heading to Santiago for

Pan American Games set to open in Chile with many athletes eyeing spots at the Paris Olympics


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8a2318 No.100493

File: 2abf0f692448583⋯.png (405.07 KB,598x498,299:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765469 (192154ZOCT23) Notable: Josh Hawley Exposes Biden Pay-to-Play Scheme During Senate Hearing via @gatewaypundit

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The Gateway Pundit


WATCH: Josh Hawley Leaves Joe Biden’s “$400 Billion Man” Speechless and Looking Like a Deer in Headlights After Exposing Potential Pay-to-Play Scheme During Senate Hearing via @gatewaypundit

10:46 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100494

File: a952875821cb6f8⋯.png (605.99 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765490 (192157ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Administration Announces $3.5B In Funding To ‘Strengthen Power Grids’

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Biden Administration Announces $3.5B In Funding To ‘Strengthen Power Grids’

12:57 PM – Thursday, October 19, 2023

In an effort to “increase dependability and prevent capacity shortages or blackouts during extreme weather events,” the Biden administration announced an investment of around $3.5 billion on Wednesday to upgrade U.S. electricity systems.

According to White House officials, the allotted funds made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is the most expensive direct investment in essential grid infrastructure in the United States to date.

It will ultimately bring 35 gigawatts of renewable energy online by funding 58 different projects spread across 44 states in the United States.

Additionally, by developing interregional transmission, which enables the area to export available capacities to other regions of the nation in the event of a shortfall, the funds will help strengthen grid dependability.

The administration claims that the funding will also assist in bringing more renewable energy projects online and will support Western states becoming more resilient to wildfires.

The investment comes at a time when millions of people are said to be at risk of rolling blackouts or prolonged outages due to winter storms and high temperatures.

White House Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator Mitch Landrieu emphasized the value of making investments in the U.S. power grid to reporters during a preview event on Wednesday.

“Our outdated grid is especially vulnerable to the increasing impacts of the climate crisis,” Landrieu said. “Older equipment can overload during extreme heat and cold when power is needed most. And it’s more likely to fail when communities are washed out by historic floods and decimated by stronger storms.”

According to White House officials, the funds are handled by the DOE’s system Resilience and Innovation Partnerships, or “GRIP” program, which aims to upgrade the American electricity system and lessen the consequences of extreme weather events and natural disasters.

In keeping up with the administration’s clean energy and carbon reduction ambitions, its objectives include expanding the amount of renewable energy sources added to the grids and boosting dependability through the use of “innovative” methods for the transmission, storage, and distribution of power.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm stated on Wednesday that this involves incorporating additional renewable projects that the administration is in favor of.

“The grid, as it currently sits, is not is not equipped to handle all the new demand,” she told reporters.


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8a2318 No.100495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765491 (192157ZOCT23) Notable: #24269 (updated in #24270)

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>>100447 Days After Saying 'Every Jewish Person is a Zionist,' ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Says Anti-Zionist Jews are a 'Hate Group'

>>100448 Kevin McCarthy ragging on Gaetz

>>100449, >>100466 Two Businessmen Charged for $1M Kickback Scheme Involving Nuclear Weapons Components

>>100450 Friend Of Pfizer Employee Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading Based On Non-Public Drug Trial Results For COVID-19 Treatment

>>100451 Media Research Center Exposes Pro-Hamas Donations From George Soros

>>100452 Alex Jones on Warroom: The Deep State Is Preparing More False Flags.

>>100453, >>100469, >>100471, >>100476, >>100472, >>100461 TYSON FOODS partner with insects-for-food company to boost DEI score - BOYCOTT TYSON!

>>100454, >>100454 "Children For Sale": Retail, Wholesale, Sale In Parts And Even Rent!

>>100455, >>100483 END TIMES News

>>100456, >>100461 Harvest Season for Memes

>>100457 VICTORY. No McHenry resolution, which means no unconstitutional temporary Speaker

>>100458 The RINOs are worse than the DS in Trump’s first term

>>100459 MTG Captures Pic of 'Global Intifada' Group Chat on Hamas Supporter's Phone; SPLC Lawyer Involved

>>100460 Iraqi Resistance targets US forces in al-Tanaf base and Conoco gas field

>>100462 Failed VOICE voting - govt workers offered paid leave for psych distress

>>100463, >>100479 Jordan: will back McHenry or still fighting?

>>100464 EU raises security concerns as it reveals five Caribbean states have sold 88,000 ‘golden passports’

>>100465 Councillor is banned from speaking to other staff after questioning council's 'woke' decision to fly the Pride flag

>>100467, >>100485 Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Six Criminal Charges in Fulton County Election Subversion Case

>>100474 What does Sidney Powell's guilty plea mean for Trump?

>>100468 @WarMonitors is one of the best resources on Israel & Gaza and their account was just LOCKED for 12 hours by X for no reason

>>100470 AMERICA ATTACKED! Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen

>>100473 “Devil Comet” 3x The Size of Mount Everest Makes Way to Earth

>>100477 BREAKING: Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles at US Navy Destroyer off Coast of Yemen

>>100478 @KanekoaTheGreat: One month ago, Mohammed bin Salman announced that Saudi Arabia was moving "closer" to a historic normalization agreement with Israel

>>100480 planeFag yerp Middle East update

>>100475 "I Resigned": Senior State Dept. Official Quits Over "Unjust" Military Aid To Israel

>>100481 Judge caught on phone during toddler’s murder trial sent 500 texts, called dead boy’s mom ‘liar, liar’

>>100482 Senate Democrats introduce bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices

>>100484, >>100486 "The US Government Hired a Pro-Hamas-Terrorism Ideologue to
 'Vet' Arab Refugees for Terrorist Sympathies"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100496

File: 939d7d071527f16⋯.png (397.34 KB,611x809,611:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765533 (192203ZOCT23) Notable: The Yonkers Library receives public funding to hold drag event workshops for minors

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Libs of TikTok


The @yonkerslibrary

held a drag event workshop for minors to learn how to crossdress and dress up as a drag queen.

The Yonkers Library receives public funding. Our tax dollars are funding the grooming of children.

0:00 / 0:15

7:47 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100497

File: 89f700810aea14d⋯.png (402.09 KB,596x868,149:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765563 (192207ZOCT23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr we’ve got US companies having to beg the Biden Admin to stop Mexico from stealing their property (for a second time!) WTH are you people doing, @JoeBiden

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Donald Trump Jr.


As if the wide open border, fentanyl and human trafficking weren’t enough, now we’ve got US companies having to beg the Biden Admin to stop Mexico from stealing their property (for a second time!) WTH are you people doing, @JoeBiden






8:16 AM · Oct 19, 2023




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8a2318 No.100498

File: 007f26b06f994f2⋯.png (185.82 KB,383x619,383:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765567 (192208ZOCT23) Notable: McHenry could resign as speaker pro tempore if Republicans push him to try to move legislation on the floor without an explicit vote to expand his powers

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In a closed-door meeting Thursday, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., told GOP colleagues he might resign as speaker pro tempore if Republicans push him to try to move legislation on the floor without an explicit vote to expand his powers, according to multiple lawmakers in the room.

“If you guys try to do that, you’ll figure out who the next person on Kevin’s list is,” McHenry told the room, three sources said, referring to former Speaker Kevin McCarthy's secret list of GOP lawmakers who would serve as temporary speaker in the event of a vacancy.

NBC News (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna121314)

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8a2318 No.100499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765615 (192217ZOCT23) Notable: Senator Hawley Confronts Department of Energy Director of Loan Programs

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VIDEO: Senator Hawley Confronts Department of Energy Director of Loan Programs

"People who want to get loans from the government are paying to see you, and you think that's fine?"

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8a2318 No.100500

File: 559abf5a3da240a⋯.png (3.51 MB,2990x1590,299:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765674 (192225ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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SABRE77 is up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100501

File: 9f593aa90972151⋯.png (716.95 KB,1435x936,1435:936,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765743 (192237ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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GTMO842 on approach for landing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8a2318 No.100502

File: 6f7c4063518bf68⋯.png (934.03 KB,1428x927,476:309,Clipboard.png)

File: a7a0dd05af963c5⋯.png (1000.1 KB,1914x934,957:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765789 (192244ZOCT23) Notable: PF Reports

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BANDOG5 E3TF looping out of Tinker AFB

EMBER44 on the ground at Nellis AFB after looping in from Tinker AFB.

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8a2318 No.100503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765800 (192246ZOCT23) Notable: New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing

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New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing

Update(1735ET): Israeli media is reporting that the United States is currently in talks to establish 'safe zones' in Gaza after it was widely reported that the IDF has been given the green light by the Netanyahu government to go into the Gaza Strip. There are also emerging reports that an Orthodox Church in Gaza has suffered attack by an Israeli strike, via Times of Israel:

The Hamas-controlled interior ministry says several displaced people who had taken shelter at a church compound in the Gaza Strip have been killed and injured in an Israeli strike.

There was no immediate comment from the IDF, which tells AFP it is looking into the potential strike.

The strike left a “large number of martyrs and injured” at the compound of a Greek Orthodox church, the ministry says.

Witnesses tell AFP the strike appears to have been aimed at a target close to the place of worship where many Gaza residents have taken refuge.

Additionally, Russia has said it is moving more military assets to its bases in Syria:


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8a2318 No.100504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765817 (192249ZOCT23) Notable: Cancelled for not supporting Israel

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The entire MSM right now sounds like Israel is more important Than American

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8a2318 No.100505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765843 (192253ZOCT23) Notable: Australia's honours and awards system has allowed senior commanders to be wrongly awarded "distinguished service" medals for decades.

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Stolen Valor

Distinguished service medals awarded to army's top brass might be 'illegal'

Veterans claim they have uncovered evidence of the "systematic abuse" of Australia's honours and awards system that has allowed senior commanders, including current Defence Force Chief General Angus Campbell, to be wrongly awarded "distinguished service" medals for decades.

Gaining access to previously unseen documents and correspondence, the group says it has discovered that the Defence Department knew as far back as 1996 that Distinguished Service Crosses (DSCs) were being awarded unlawfully to high-ranking officers who were not serving "in action".


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8a2318 No.100506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765855 (192256ZOCT23) Notable: Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israel targets by bombing church institutions that provide humanitarian services in Gaza

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The work of Palestinian emergency services to remove the debris of the building of the Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza following an Israeli bombing against the Church of Saint Porphyrius, a Greek Orthodox Church in Northern Gaza Strip. It is feared that dozens of faithful Orthodox Christians and Palestinian civilians who seeked shelter there are under the rubble.

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8a2318 No.100507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765875 (192259ZOCT23) Notable: Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israel targets by bombing church institutions that provide humanitarian services in Gaza

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Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israel targets by bombing church institutions that provide humanitarian services in Gaza

Jerusalem 10-19-2023

This evening, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem issued a statement denouncing, in the strongest terms, the Israeli bombing that targeted one of its church buildings in Gaza City.

The Patriarchate stressed in its statement that targeting churches and its affiliated institutions, in addition to the shelters they provide to protect innocent citizens, especially children and women who lost their homes as a result of the Israeli bombing of residential areas during the past thirteen days, constitutes a war crime that cannot be ignored.

The Patriarchate indicated that despite the clear exposure to the facilities and shelters of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and other churches, the Baptist Hospital, schools and other social institutions, it, along with the rest of the churches, is determined to continue performing its religious and moral duty by providing assistance, support and shelter to people who need it, even amid the demands. The Israeli side continues to evacuate civilians from these institutions, and the pressures exerted on the churches in this regard.

The Patriarchate stressed that it will not abandon its religious and humanitarian duty derived from its Christian values to provide everything necessary in times of war and peace alike.

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8a2318 No.100508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765903 (192305ZOCT23) Notable: Lead plaintiff against Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony

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Lead plaintiff against Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony

She caught flack for repeatedly calling the Freedom Convoy protest an “occupation.”

Zexi Li contradicted previous testimony on several occasions Monday as she became the latest Ottawa resident witness for the prosecution to appear at the trial of Freedom Convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber.

She arrived at the Ottawa courthouse on Elgin St. with police protection.

Lich and Barber are charged with mischief, counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation, and obstructing police as leaders of the Freedom Convoy that polarized residents of Ottawa in 2022 and arguably began to roll back Covid mandates.

“There were quite a number of areas where she has been saying things all along and has never really been challenged,” Greenspon told reporters outside the Ottawa courthouse.

“I think we can all look at the kind of cross-examination that took place in front of the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC), and it paled in comparison with what she was confronted with today.”

The POEC was the official name for the Emergencies Act Inquiry that assessed whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was justified in invoking martial law to quell the Freedom Convoy protests.

At the POEC, Li said she remembered police arriving at her apartment building to investigate whether residents were throwing eggs at protesters. But at the trial, Li maintained she had only read about the police visit on a Facebook page for her residence.

Greenspon challenged Li about whether she remembered cursing at protesters when she claimed she was targeted by a truck carrying jerry cans full of fuel for the truckers.

Li said she had cursed but Greenspon reminded her with a transcript from the POEC that she had only allowed, “I may have said that.”

Greenspon asked why she had been talking to her lawyer, Emilie Taman, over the lunch break.

Li testified that she was only discussing lunch plans and had only talked to Taman for "not more than five to 10 minutes.” Greenspon asked whether she had discussed her testimony with Taman – which would have been a violation of court orders.

Shortly thereafter, Li left the courtroom in tears.

During her testimony, Li continually described the Freedom Convoy protest as an “occupation.”

Defense counsel Diane Magas suggested Li find another descriptive, saying, “I object for the continuous use of the word ‘occupation. It’s very irritating to my ears.”

Magas said the word was provocative, especially since Li is seeking damages from the Freedom Convoyi and is “quite invested.”

Li focused her testimony on complaining about the amount of honking she said the truckers were responsible for, something she said went on “for most of the day, if not all day.”

“It was difficult to live as a human being,” she claimed.

Li has also inferred that a truck that she believed was driven by a Convoy protester, backed into her during an altercation.

But on Monday she acknowledged there was no contact “only because I moved out of the way.”


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8a2318 No.100509

File: f3e874a3563608f⋯.jpg (107.03 KB,572x872,143:218,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 954a441cac7291b⋯.jpg (65.19 KB,718x590,359:295,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765910 (192306ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli T-Shirts Joke About Killing Arabs

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Israeli T-Shirts Joke About Killing Arabs

Assraeli soldiers wore T-shirts with a pregnant woman in cross-hairs and the slogan "1 Shot 2 Kills," adding to a growing furor in the country over allegations of misconduct by troops during the Gaza war.

"The smaller they are, the harder it is," says another shirt showing a child in a rifle sight. Soldiers wore the shirts to mark the end of basic training and other military courses and they were first reported by the Haaretz daily.

The military condemned the soldiers involved, but it was not immediately clear how many wore the shirts. They were not manufactured or sanctioned by the military and appear not to have been widely distributed.

The shirts "are not in accordance with IDF values and are simply tasteless," the military said in a statement. "This type of humor is unbecoming and should be condemned." The army said it would not tolerate such behavior and would take disciplinary action against the soldiers involved.

Haaretz showed pictures of five shirts and said they were made at the unit level - indicating that they were made for small numbers of troops, perhaps several dozen, at a time. It said they were worn by an unknown number of enlisted men in different units. The Tel Aviv factory that made many of the shirts, Adiv, refused to comment.


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8a2318 No.100510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765928 (192309ZOCT23) Notable: #24270

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#24270 >>100488

>>100489, >>100490, >>100504 Cancelled for not supporting Israel

>>100491 Texas lawmakers to consider legislation allowing state and local police to deport migrants

>>100492, >>100500, >>100501, >>100502 PF Reports

>>100493 Josh Hawley Exposes Biden Pay-to-Play Scheme During Senate Hearing via @gatewaypundit

>>100494 Biden Administration Announces $3.5B In Funding To ‘Strengthen Power Grids’

>>100496 The Yonkers Library receives public funding to hold drag event workshops for minors

>>100497 @DonaldJTrumpJr we’ve got US companies having to beg the Biden Admin to stop Mexico from stealing their property (for a second time!) WTH are you people doing, @JoeBiden

>>100498 McHenry could resign as speaker pro tempore if Republicans push him to try to move legislation on the floor without an explicit vote to expand his powers

>>100499 Senator Hawley Confronts Department of Energy Director of Loan Programs

>>100503 New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing

>>100505 Australia's honours and awards system has allowed senior commanders to be wrongly awarded "distinguished service" medals for decades.

>>100507, >>100506 Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israel targets by bombing church institutions that provide humanitarian services in Gaza

>>100508 Lead plaintiff against Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony

>>100509 Israeli T-Shirts Joke About Killing Arabs


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8a2318 No.100511

File: 411193ec5b43c9d⋯.png (621.02 KB,610x609,610:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765964 (192314ZOCT23) Notable: #24271

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>Baker seeks handoff

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8a2318 No.100512

File: 9b7306c42cd4595⋯.png (138.27 KB,985x628,985:628,Clipboard.png)

File: ca457717b831255⋯.png (143.71 KB,992x540,248:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765977 (192317ZOCT23) Notable: More than Two Dozen Arrested in Roundup of Members and Associates of the Black Mafia Family

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More than Two Dozen Arrested in Roundup of Members and Associates of the Black Mafia Family


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8a2318 No.100513

File: c38de57c40db181⋯.jpg (330.35 KB,1080x1439,1080:1439,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765983 (192319ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump JR - The Left Wants to Kill Comedy but They'll Never Stop Roseanne

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Kek, yeah/neigh?



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8a2318 No.100514

File: 5ed14ede01c743a⋯.png (126.88 KB,740x587,740:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765989 (192321ZOCT23) Notable: Thirty-Seven Gang Members Plead Guilty to Racketeering Conspiracy

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Thirty-Seven Gang Members Plead Guilty to Racketeering Conspiracy


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8a2318 No.100515

File: 1bc20a44870ba84⋯.png (479.35 KB,901x849,901:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766021 (192327ZOCT23) Notable: The American RQ-4B Global Hawk sent a distress signal over the Black Sea and disappeared from radar

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In accordance with data provided by the monitoring resource FlightRadar24, the American reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) RQ-4B Global Hawk, which was regularly on duty near the borders of Crimea, transmitted an alarm about the loss of communication.

After activating this signal, the UAV began to leave the Black Sea, moving towards its base located in Italy.

At the moment, there have been no official statements regarding the reasons for this event. Possible versions of what happened include a technical malfunction of the device or potential impact from electronic countermeasures, but for now these versions remain only speculation.

No official statements have been made in this regard yet.

ĐŸĐŸĐŽŃ€ĐŸĐ±ĐœĐ”Đ” ĐœĐ°: https://avia-pro.net/news/amerikanskiy-rq-4b-global-hawk-signal-bedstviya-nad-chyornym-morem-i-propal-s-radarov


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8a2318 No.100516

File: 7c3784436a1ec9d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1110x549,370:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766027 (192329ZOCT23) Notable: Biden State Dept official resigns over US support for Israel against Hamas terrorists

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Biden State Dept official resigns over US support for Israel against Hamas terrorists

A Biden administration State Department official has resigned over the United States' decision to aid Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists.

Josh Paul, who worked for the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, issued a statement in which he cited his reason for leaving as a "policy disagreement." Paul was responsible for transferring arms to key American allies, such as Israel, according to Fox News.

"Today I informed my colleagues that I have resigned from the State Department, due to a policy disagreement concerning our continued lethal assistance to Israel," Paul wrote on LinkedIn.

"I cannot work in support of a set of major policy decisions, including rushing more arms to one side of the conflict, that I believe to be shortsighted, destructive, unjust, and contradictory to the very values that we publicly espouse," Paul said.


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8a2318 No.100517

File: 44c74f6ad64082f⋯.png (621.46 KB,979x825,89:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766032 (192330ZOCT23) Notable: The American RQ-4B Global Hawk sent a distress signal over the Black Sea and disappeared from radar

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An American UAV flying over the Black Sea signaled that it had lost contact and began to move away towards the US base in Italy


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8a2318 No.100518

File: 3eb63111b3c607c⋯.png (294.73 KB,553x550,553:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766036 (192331ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz Eviscerates Leftist Media — Compares New Acting Speaker to Bud Light

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Eviscerates Leftist Media —Compares New Acting Speaker to Bud Light—“We’re breaking the fever—The lobbyists and special interests aren’t in control anymore!”

Rep. Matt Gaetz has been taking a lot of heat after RINOs in Congress have been unable to come to a consensus and elect Rep. Jim Jordan as their next Speaker of the House.

Many in Congress and the media have blamed the firebrand lawmaker for not having a plan to replace the former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy after he succeeded in his plot to overthrow the RINO leader earlier this month.

Gaetz’s response to CSPAN when asked what he thinks about the resolution to empower a temporary Speaker of the House was fire

“I am against speaker-light, I am against Bud Light, I believe it is a constitutional desecration not to elect a Speaker of the House, Gaetz said, adding, “We need to stay here until we elect a Speaker, and if someone can’t get the votes, we need to go on to the next person.”

“We’re shakin’ up Washington, DC!”

“We’re breaking the fever!”

“And you know what? It’s messy, but the only reason people think there’s chaos in this town right now is because the special interests aren’t in control anymore.”


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8a2318 No.100519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766049 (192335ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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8:00 PM EDT

The President addresses the nation to discuss our response to Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel and Russia’s ongoing brutal war against Ukraine

Oval Office





Pres. Biden Delivers Address on Israel-Hamas & Russia-Ukraine Wars

President Biden addresses the nation on the United States' response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars from the White House’s Oval Office.



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8a2318 No.100520

File: 87dffaed4b7699e⋯.png (296.02 KB,566x498,283:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766057 (192336ZOCT23) Notable: The American RQ-4B Global Hawk sent a distress signal over the Black Sea and disappeared from radar

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NATO has been VERY active over the Black Sea of late.

Just yesterday, the U.S. sent 4 aircraft over waters of the Black Sea.

An RQ-4 Global Hawk drone apparently sent back a “distress signal.” Possible tampering? TBD

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8a2318 No.100521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766065 (192338ZOCT23) Notable: Amid Upcoming Gaza Ground War, Israeli Official Says Hostages Are A ‘Secondary Concern’

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Amid Upcoming Gaza Ground War, Israeli Official Says Hostages Are A ‘Secondary Concern’

Following the October 7th terror attack on southern Israel, a security cabinet member told ABC News that the Israeli military has the authorization to enter Gaza at its discretion. Economy Minister Nir Barakat said that, in the pursuit of dismantling Hamas, the well-being of hostages and civilian casualties would be of secondary concern. He said the tunnel network constructed by Hamas will become the “world’s largest cemetery.”

“We shall do all efforts to bring our hostages, to bring our hostages alive,” he told the network. Adding, the “first and last priority” is to take out Hamas.



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8a2318 No.100522

File: 939fa2ee2f9b690⋯.png (38.72 KB,404x425,404:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766068 (192339ZOCT23) Notable: General Mike Flynn - Here’s my take on Q

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General Mike Flynn


Here’s my take on Q
I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice. What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION). The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that
nonsense. I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not). Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water. And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process
note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred). Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22). I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me. Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly. But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible. God bless



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8a2318 No.100523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766070 (192340ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Military Presence in Southwest Asia Continues To Grow

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The U.S. military buildup around Israel continues to grow. Yesterday, the Pentagon announced that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has placed approximately 2,000 personnel and a range of units on a heightened state of readiness through a prepare-to-deploy order, “which increases DOD’s ability to respond quickly to the evolving security environment in the Middle East,” according to a statement issued by Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh. “No decisions have been made to deploy any forces at this time,” she added.


October 18, 2023 . 2:54 PM

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8a2318 No.100524

File: 2fa34278c0b733b⋯.png (129.31 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766076 (192340ZOCT23) Notable: Anon Asks, "Has anyone ever gotten the following message from Facebook?" - enable advanced security

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>Has anyone ever gotten the following message from Facebook?

Saw this poasted in a previous bred. Nobody answered. It happened to my spouse after she testified before a school committee and helped reign the bastards in. Just wanted to chime in on that. Anyone else ever been targeted by this?

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8a2318 No.100525

File: 130a06ef591cb72⋯.png (817.79 KB,1250x882,625:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766083 (192341ZOCT23) Notable: The American RQ-4B Global Hawk sent a distress signal over the Black Sea and disappeared from radar

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In addition, a US RQ-4B Global Hawk reconnaissance drone sounded the alarm over the Black Sea, according to data from FlightRadar24.

It is noted that after the 7,600 signal was given, the drone began to move away from Crimea and head towards Sicily. Code 7600 means connection lost. Radio Sputnik previously reported that a Su-30 fighter jet "kicked out" an American reconnaissance drone from the border of the Russian Federation.


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8a2318 No.100526

File: fa6ea44c391c108⋯.png (126.67 KB,548x681,548:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766127 (192349ZOCT23) Notable: More movements of long-range ballistic missile launchers have been reported in different places of Iran

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Iran Observer



More movements of long-range ballistic missile launchers have been reported in different places of Iran

No missiles are attached to the launchers.

● Either Iran is preparing for a military exercise or it is stationing ballistic missiles somewhere just in case.



More pop corn?

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8a2318 No.100527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766207 (200002ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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biden live.

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8a2318 No.100528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766222 (200003ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: There is no higher priority for me than the safety of Americans held hostage.

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8a2318 No.100529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766240 (200005ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: Thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children forceably taken into Russia, stolen from their parents. It's sick.

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8a2318 No.100530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766255 (200006ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden:History has taught us that when terrorists don't pay a price for their terror, when dictators don't pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death, and more destruction.

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8a2318 No.100531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766266 (200007ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: If we don't stop Putin's appetite for power and control in Ukraine, he won't limit himself just to Ukraine.

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8a2318 No.100532

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766289 (200008ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: If we walk away and let Putin erase Ukraine's independence, would-be aggressors around the world will be emboldened to try the same.

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8a2318 No.100533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766327 (200013ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: I know many of you in the muslem-American community, arab-American community, Palestinian-American community, and so many others, are outraged...saying to yourselves, 'Here we go again', with Islamophobia, and the stress we saw after 9/11.

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8a2318 No.100534

File: f90501d79f83612⋯.jpg (129.86 KB,1338x610,669:305,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 29171ed7928732c⋯.jpg (73.29 KB,1283x615,1283:615,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766356 (200016ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

The Humpty Dumpty Institute is very interesting. A look at HDI's Oct. 14, 2021 Congressional Advisory Board Member list reveals that Don Bacon has many congressional peers at the think tank. Jim Clyburn, Sheila Jackson Lee, Guam Johnson, Maxine Waters and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are among HDI's advisors. It gets more interesting, when you learn that Adam Schiff and Mark Epstein are on previous HDI Advisory Board lists.

HDI has organized congressional delegations to the UN, Haiti and Worldwide.

Humpty Dumpty Institute - HDI Is Honored to Announce New Congressional Advisory Board Members - 10/14/2021


Rep.Don Bacon(NE)

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL)

Rep. André Carson (IN)

Rep. Buddy Carter (GA)

Rep. Judy Chu (CA)

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY)

Rep.Jim Clyburn(SC)

Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ)

Rep. Garett Graves (LA)

Rep. Al Green (TX)

Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ)

Rep. Andy Harris (MD)

Rep. Jim Himes (CT)

Rep.Sheila Jackson Lee(TX)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)

Rep.Hank Johnson(GA)

Rep. Robin Kelly (IL)

Rep. Daniel T. Kildee (MI)

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)

Rep. Alan Lowenthal (CA)

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)

Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY)

Rep.Barry Moore(AL)

Rep. GraceNapolitano(CA)

Rep. Donals M. Payne Jr. (NJ)

Rep. August Pfluger (TX)

Rep. Mark Pocan (WI)

Del. Gregorio Sablan (MP)

Rep. Albio Sires (NJ)

Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS)

Rep.Maxine Waters(CA)

Rep.Debbie Wasserman Schultz(FL)

Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL)

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8a2318 No.100535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766372 (200017ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: When Putin invaded Ukraine, he thought he would take Kiev, and all of Ukraine in a matter of days. Over a year later, and Putin has failed. Kiev still stands because of the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine has regained more than fifty percent of the territory Russian troops once occupied. Backed by a US-led coalition of more than fifty countries around the world, all doing it's part to support Kiev. What would happen if we walked away? We are the essential nation.

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8a2318 No.100536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766381 (200018ZOCT23) Notable: Threads Ban On Search Terms Related To COVID-19 Is 'Temporary': Instagram Chief

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Threads Ban On Search Terms Related To COVID-19 Is 'Temporary': Instagram Chief

Authored by Stephen Katte via The Epoch Times,

Social media platform Threads's ban on search terms related to COVID-19 is only temporary, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has revealed.

In an Oct. 17 post on Threads, Mr. Mosseri said he didn't have a firm date on when the ban would be lifted, but he didn't think it would be a permanent situation.

"I don't have an ETA to give you, unfortunately, but it is temporary, and we are working on it. We're just getting pulled in a lot of directions at once right now," Mr. Mosseri said.

"The broader team is working on deeper integrations into Instagram and Facebook, graph building, EU compliance, Fediverse support, trending, and generally making sure Threads continues to grow," he added.

Following Threads's July release, parent company Meta rolled out several updates, including a new search function similar to that on X, formerly known as Twitter.

However, users soon discovered the new search function blocked access to certain posts related to COVID-19, such as those concerning vaccines and long COVID.

Users searching for some COVID-related terms were reportedly met with a blank screen and redirected to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Threads logo is displayed on a cell phone in San Anselmo, Calif., on July 5, 2023. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

"Censorship doesn't work. Misinfo still gets circulated by code names & other platforms, tech companies should invest in real solutions like moderation/education," Lucky Tran, director of science communication at Columbia University, said at the time in an X post.

Another Tech CEO, Michael Robertson, was far more scathing, saying in an X post that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg "treats users like children." He called for a boycott of Threads and for people to "embrace" rival platform X.

According to a later post by Ms. Tran, words such as sex, nude, gore, porn, coronavirus, vaccines, and vaccination are among other blocked words.

Meta confirmed in a previous statement to The Epoch Times that Threads is blocking users from searching for words that could bring up “sensitive” posts for now, but people would be able to search for keywords such as "COVID" in the future once the company is "confident in the quality of the results.”

In a follow-up post, Mr. Mosseri promised to look into the timeline for unblocking the banned COVID-19 terms on Threads.

"Weeks or months, let me look into it and circle back. The reality is that we have lots of important work to do," he said.

"The team is moving fast, but we're not yet where we want to be," Mr. Mosseri added.

Meta owns and operates several social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and WhatsApp.

Focus on Israel–Hamas War Misinformation

According to Mr. Mosseri, the primary concern for his team is managing content centered around the Israel–Hamas War.

"The biggest safety focus right now is managing content responsibly given the war in Israel in Gaza," he said.

Terrorist organization Hamas launched an Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel, killing over 1,400 Israelis, wounding around 3,000, and kidnapping at least 130 others.

People inspect the remains of a destroyed building in Gaza on Oct. 18, 2023. (Mahmud Hams/AFP via Getty Images)

The retaliation air strikes on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip by Israel have killed at least 2,200, and wounded another 8,714.

Misinformation has been rife as both sides in the conflict, and their supporters, attempt to gain the upper hand in the ongoing propaganda war.

The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry claimed recently that at least 500 people were killed in an Oct. 17 blast at a hospital, blaming the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The IDF denied it was responsible, and on Oct. 18, President Joe Biden revealed data collected by the United States Defense Department supports Israel's claim that it wasn't responsible.

Hamas also released a video recently showing a female hostage receiving medical treatment, but a White House spokesperson has since questioned its authenticity.

(Why oh whyare they doing this? Avoiding liability for their collusion with FDA, CDC, the WHO, our Government and all leaders of all countries forcing their people to get the jab or die, go to jail or die. All of Social Media, Media must know too many are catching on to the lies told (we were told to archive offline) or something worse. BTW archive everything, I mean everything from FDA, CDC, NIH or any government agency now,because the “Big Eraser” of evidence is initiated!)


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8a2318 No.100537

File: e20b527ce290d99⋯.jpg (75.86 KB,855x643,855:643,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8f3e7919dab7300⋯.jpg (102.36 KB,1357x671,1357:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d56623589222b6c⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,953x671,953:671,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766383 (200018ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

Below, find the HDI search results for "Adam Schiff".

HDI - search results for Adam Schiff


HDI - HDI Congratulates The Members of Our Congressional Advisory Board on Their Reelections


Nov. 4, 2020

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL)

Rep. André Carson (IN)

Rep. Buddy Carter (GA)

Rep. Judy Chu (CA)

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY)

Rep.Jim Clyburn(SC)

Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (OH)

Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ)

Rep. Garett Graves (LA)

Rep. Al Green (TX)

Rep. RaĂșl M. Grijalva (AZ)

Rep. Andy Harris (MD)

Rep. Jim Himes (CT)

Rep.Sheila Jackson Lee(TX)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)

Rep.Henry “Hank” Johnson(GA)

Rep. Robin Kelly (IL)

Rep. Daniel T. Kildee (MI)

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)

Rep. Alan Lowenthal (CA)

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)

Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY)

Rep. Grace Napolitano (CA)

Del. Gregorio Sablan (MP)

Rep.Adam Schiff(CA)

Rep. Albio Sires (NJ)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (MS)

Rep.Debbie Wasserman Schultz(FL)

Rep.Maxine Waters(CA)

Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL)

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8a2318 No.100538

File: c129b293be10f75⋯.png (593.46 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766390 (200019ZOCT23) Notable: Sarah Huckabee Sanders to sign executive order eliminating 'woke, anti-women words' from state government use

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders to sign executive order eliminating 'woke, anti-women words' from state government use

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, R-Ark., is setting the record straight on femininity in Arkansas, introducing an executive order to mandate the use of gender-specific terms when describing women and "prohibit the use of woke, anti-women words for official state government business."

"The science is clear and real; There are things only women can do, like perform the miracle of birth," Sanders wrote in the executive order shared first with Fox News Digital. "Government should reject language that ignores, undermines, and erases women; Government should celebrate gender distinctions between men and women – not erase them."


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8a2318 No.100539

File: c85dd51d0898d09⋯.jpg (117 KB,1197x645,399:215,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766393 (200019ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

Additional "Adam Schiff" search results at HDI prove, in Anon's opinion, that the relationship between Schiff and HDI is noteworthy.

Humpty Dumpty Institute Announces Several New Congressional Advisory Board Members


May 16, 2019

Rep. Karen Bass (CA)

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL)

Rep. André Carson (IN)

Rep. Buddy Carter (GA)

Rep. Judy Chu (CA)

Rep. Yvette D. Clark (NY)

Rep.Jim Clyburn(SC)

Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (OH)

Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ)

Rep. Garett Graves (LA)

Rep. Al Green (TX)

Rep. RaĂșl M. Grijalva (AZ)

Rep. Jim Himes (CT)

Rep.Sheila Jackson Lee(TX)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)

Rep.Henry “Hank” Johnson(GA)

Rep. Daniel T. Kildee (MI)

Rep. Robin Kelly (IL)

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)

Rep. Alan Lowenthal (CA)

Rep. Nita Lowey (NY)

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)

Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY)

Rep. Grace Napolitano (CA)

Rep. Pete Olson (TX)

Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ)

Del. Gregorio Sablan (MP)

Rep.Adam Schiff(CA)

Rep. Albio Sires (NJ)

Rep.Debbie Wasserman Schultz(FL)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (MS)

Rep.Maxine Waters(CA)

Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL)

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8a2318 No.100540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766400 (200020ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Live

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Mr. Biden: When I exited that train and met President Zelenskyy, I didn't feel alone. I was bringing with me the idea of America. The promise of America. To the people who are today fighting for the same things we fought for two hundred and fifty years ago. Freedom, independence, self-determination.

[it is an insult to compare Ukraine with America in any way]

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8a2318 No.100541

File: 3ad9014027c80e3⋯.jpg (90.16 KB,1002x641,1002:641,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ffc55d76e51bb57⋯.jpg (52.45 KB,560x626,280:313,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 007b5ff1c8ab3f5⋯.jpg (83.74 KB,1355x624,1355:624,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766407 (200021ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

Congratulations to Members of HDI’s Congressional Advisory Board - January 8, 2019


Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) – House Committee on Natural Resources

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) – Committee of Science, Space, and Technology

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) – House Appropriations Committee

CongressmanAdam Schiff(D-CA) – House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) – House Committee on Homeland Security

Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) – Congressional Black Caucus

Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) – Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

Congressman Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) – Congressional Ports Caucus

CongressmanMark Meadows(R-NC) – Congressional Freedom Caucus

Schiff even got his staffers involved at HDI.


22nd Congressional Staff Delegation to United Nations Headquarters


Jeff Lowenstein – Legislative Assistant, Rep.Adam Schiff(D-CA29)

15th Congressional Staff Delegation to United Nations Headquarters


Rebecca Kutler, Office of RepresentativeAdam Schiff(D-CA)

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8a2318 No.100542

File: 2ea9f2e40c4710e⋯.jpg (135.48 KB,1224x655,1224:655,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0ca230528a13b85⋯.jpg (128.51 KB,1226x640,613:320,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 999b2d96138f976⋯.jpg (156.33 KB,1094x635,1094:635,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 996341262dff70c⋯.jpg (207.93 KB,1303x574,1303:574,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766425 (200023ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

The HDI Board of Directors webpages, as archived on 20 Oct 2020 and 15 Apr 2021, show that Mark Epstein was a member of the HDI Board. According to National File, Constance Milstein is a co-founder of HDI.

Humpty Dumpty Institute - Board of Directors


Humpty Dumpty Institute - Board of Directors - 20 Oct 2020 - As Archived


Humpty Dumpty Institute - Board of Directors - 15 Apr 2021 - As Archived


National File -Biden AmbassadorCo-Founded Epstein-Led, CCP-Tied Humpty Dumpty Institute - Sept. 6, 2022


National File reports that, "Biden's Ambassador to Malta, Constance 'Connie' Milstein, co-founded the Humpty Dumpty Institute in 1998, along with Ralph Cwerman, William Rouhana, and Michael Sonnenfeldt..." who "...is the nephew of former US State Department official Helmut Sonnenfeldt, who was investigated in the 1960s for sharing American secrets with Israel." National File goes on to say, "From its birth, Mark Epstein, the brother of convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, had taken on a leading role in HDI, serving in high-level positions, including as HDI’s director and main financial backer, until at least 2019."

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8a2318 No.100543

File: 1e89551fd31fc9c⋯.jpg (91.79 KB,925x642,925:642,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7fd432463510c31⋯.jpg (224.64 KB,1347x667,1347:667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c9d9ec464641484⋯.jpg (223.68 KB,1343x666,1343:666,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 86d74ea82f7ea9f⋯.jpg (188.13 KB,1218x669,406:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766441 (200025ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

World Wide influence with the help of the U.S. Congress.

HDI - U.S. Congressional Programs


HDI - Congress and the United Nations


HDI - Congress and the United Nations - 15 Apr 2021 - As Archived


HDI - Congressional Delegations Worldwide


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8a2318 No.100544

File: 31a2eaa299ff13d⋯.jpg (198.63 KB,1259x667,1259:667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ed9262d80b0a92⋯.jpg (83.14 KB,1354x668,677:334,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766452 (200027ZOCT23) Notable: Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

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Humpty Dumpty Institute, Don Bacon, Adam Schiff, Mark Epstein (yes, Jeffrey's brother), Constance Milstein, Maxine Watters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Worldwide Influence (think Haiti)

HDI - U.S. Congressional Staff Delegation to Haiti – Earthquake Response Mission


'''According to this HDI webpage, the entities below were involved with their 4/16/2010 "Earthquake Response Mission".

United Nations Foundation

United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)

Civil Affairs units of MINUSTAH

Chief of the Joint Mission Analysis Center (JMAC)


Justice and Corrections Unit

Community Violence Reduction program

U.S. Embassy

Counselors for Political Affairs and Public Diplomacy

Acting Political Counselor

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Tabarre Issa Camp

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

engineer from Concern Worldwide


Ms. LaVerne Alexander Office of Rep. Payne (D-NJ)

Ms. Stephanie Gidigbi Office of Rep. Payne (D-NJ)

Ms. Anna Gonzalez Office of Rep. Hastings (D-FL)

Ms. La’Tanta D. McCrimmon Office of Rep. Etheridge (D-NC)

Mr. Jason Steinbaum Office of Rep. Engel (D-NY)

Ms. Jennifer Van der Heide Office of Rep. Honda (D-CA)

Ms. Ann Vaughan Office of Rep. Lowey (D-NY)

Ms. Minh-Thu Pham UN Foundation

Mr. William Davis UN Information Center

Mr. Joseph Merante Executive Director, HDI

Ms. Capera Clement Program Manager, HDI

Ven. Miaohong Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA)

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8a2318 No.100545

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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