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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

f6bad1 No.51592 [View All]

25OCT23 to 28OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 728 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f6bad1 No.102749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813756 (280017ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: Red-eye arrivals

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Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 126021 No.2284570📁

Jul 25 2018 15:37:56 (EST)
















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f6bad1 No.102750

File: 1e52d98fc991b70⋯.png (380.37 KB,600x603,200:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 896402b3ea752e9⋯.png (375.26 KB,785x767,785:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813778 (280019ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: @ArmyResearchLab researchers officially welcomed five new supercomputers

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸



.@ArmyResearchLab researchers officially welcomed five new supercomputers, with a sixth one coming online next year, named after the original six women programmers of the world's first general purpose scientific computer.




>>Red-eye arrivals.

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f6bad1 No.102751

File: dc591ed9255f960⋯.jpeg (518.07 KB,1122x617,1122:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813782 (280020ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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SAM010 G5 heading to Teterboro from JBA depart

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f6bad1 No.102752

File: f9423248b94342e⋯.mp4 (537.88 KB,480x362,240:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813818 (280026ZOCT23) Notable: Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

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j.p morgan is one of the oldest banks.

dimon has sold moar than his soul for power.

The secrets they keep.

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f6bad1 No.102753

File: 40c0ce3e1415dd6⋯.png (491.14 KB,860x484,215:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813846 (280029ZOCT23) Notable: (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

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that plane look familiar

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f6bad1 No.102754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813856 (280030ZOCT23) Notable: (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

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Amazing how no one got sucked into those inflatable engines....

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f6bad1 No.102755

File: 47c7581b1b925a8⋯.png (533.75 KB,1174x1014,587:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813861 (280030ZOCT23) Notable: Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

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>The secrets they keep.

And the stuff that happens right out in the open

like selling the largest bank vault in the United States to the Chinese ten years ago.


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f6bad1 No.102756

File: afea091583b0566⋯.png (102.13 KB,723x723,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca748392323fbf⋯.png (103.71 KB,718x728,359:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 35283b8f9f4fb0b⋯.png (83.55 KB,791x739,791:739,Clipboard.png)

File: dc7977183e80fad⋯.png (49.12 KB,742x714,53:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 135a1851c18f0af⋯.png (63.23 KB,809x723,809:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813960 (280041ZOCT23) Notable: FOI litigation against @UNC for documents of Ralph Baric possibly related to the origins of Covid-19

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Gary Ruskin


In our FOI litigation against


for documents of Ralph Baric possibly related to the origins of Covid-19, there will be a hearing on Monday November 6th at 11am ET on UNC’s motion to dismiss our case.

Here is UNC’s motion:



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f6bad1 No.102757

File: 2c457322bbd00d1⋯.png (70.55 KB,721x423,721:423,Clipboard.png)

File: a9e792b1e3d24e7⋯.png (604 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 3642e8d3d4c3b48⋯.png (639.67 KB,634x454,317:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 0daced1f6cce33d⋯.png (211.27 KB,634x643,634:643,Clipboard.png)

File: c1c729928d02e0e⋯.png (581.81 KB,634x453,634:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813979 (280043ZOCT23) Notable: San Francisco drug dealers could now face murder charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

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San Francisco drug dealers could now face MURDER charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

UPDATED: 15:51 EDT, 27 October 2023

Drug dealers in San Francisco could now face murder charges over deaths from opioid overdoses as the city attempts to crackdown on its growing drug crisis.

Law enforcement agents in San Francisco and California have teamed up to set up a task force which will finally address the city's open-air drug market and hold drug dealers accountable.

Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor London Breed, San Francisco’s district attorney Brooke Jenkins and police chief Bill Scott announced plans on Friday to begin investigating opioid-related deaths as homicides and could bring charges starting next year.

'The opioid crisis has claimed too many, and fentanyl traffickers must be held accountable including, as appropriate, for murder,' Newsom said.

It comes as San Francisco is on track to record it's highest-ever number of drug overdose deaths this year.

The new task force will include the San Francisco Police Department, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, the California Highway Patrol and the California National Guard.

It was investigate fatal overdoses using the same evidence-gathering procedure and techniques as homicide cases.

But murder charges won't be brought to all of them and authorities will focus on opioid cases which provide them with enough evidence to trace back the drugs to the dealer where homicide or other charges are brought against them.

The task force is expected to begin operations early next year but it is not clear how much it will cost.

Governor Newsom previously announced in April that the California Highway Patrol and National Guard would help law enforcement officers in San Francisco take action against the rampant open-air drug dealing.

But critics see the focus on arresting street drug dealers as a return to 'war-on-drugs- policies which have failed in the past and won't help those struggling with addiction.

They have argued that the city's drug crisis should be treated like a public heath emergency as it is hard for those suffering from addiction to find the right treatment.

Newsom believes he has been forced to bring harsher consequences as the number of drug-related deaths continues to spiral.

'This task force is fighting for those affected by this crisis — for victims and loved ones who deserve peace,' he said.

'Working together, we will continue providing treatment and resources to help those struggling with substance use — and secure justice for families who have lost loved ones.'

Police and prosecutors have been calling for harsher consequences to drug dealing which has plagued cities across California.

A dealer in Placer County was convicted of second-degree murder this year after a 15-year-old girl died from fentanyl.


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f6bad1 No.102758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813981 (280044ZOCT23) Notable: San Francisco drug dealers could now face murder charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

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Local prosecutors described this as the state's first conviction of its kind.

While Santa Clara County prosecutors charged a 16-year-old with murder in another death caused by fentanyl last year.

San Francisco District Attorney Jenkins said last year that she would consider charging fentanyl dealers with murder in overdose cases.

She said the new task force would give the city a 'deeply necessary investigative ability' by allowing it to look at overdose death investigations in the same way as homicides.

'Now, working together we will be able to investigate fatal fentanyl overdoses where evidence may be collected to establish a connection to the person who provided the drugs that killed someone so that they can possibly be charged with murder,' she said.

'Drug dealers and traffickers have caused the death of far too many individuals in our community and this new tool will give us a better chance to hold them accountable for the true dangerousness of their conduct.'

Mayor Breed said: 'Fentanyl is deadlier than any drug we've ever seen on our streets.

'We must treat the trafficking and sale of fentanyl more severely and people must be put on notice that pushing this drug could lead to homicide charges.'

Authorities have made 364 arrests related to drug dealing since May and 82 of them have involved fentanyl and around 18.5 kilograms of fentanyl has been seized.

San Francisco's overdose deaths continue to rise with an additional 54 deaths in September, with 48 of them involving fentanyl.

August was the deadliest month since 2021 with 84 deaths, 66 involving fentanyl.

More than 849 people are expected to die of drug overdoses in 2023, on pace to exceed the current record of 720 deaths in 2020 when substance abuse treatment programs were forced to reduce capacity or shut down during the pandemic.

The city has struggled with an overdose epidemic partially driven by the spread of the synthetic opioid fentanyl, which is up to 50 times more potent than heroin and lethal even in very small doses.

Open-air drug markets, overdose deaths, prolific shoplifting and violence have characterized the coastal city's 'doom loop' as companies shut down stores and tech employees opt to work from home.

San Francisco Police have attempted to shut down drug markets in the hard-hit Tenderloin and SoMa areas of the city where Mayor Breed declared an official state of emergency in December 2021.

Fentanyl was involved in 73 percent of accidental overdose deaths in 2020, most often in combination with other drugs.

The synthetic opioid, which is manufactured in labs, is 'often added to other drugs because of its extreme potency, which makes drugs cheaper, more powerful, more addictive and more dangerous,' according to the CDC.



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f6bad1 No.102759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814029 (280051ZOCT23) Notable: Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

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a "free-thinking" stonemason father, Michael Hennessey Higgins

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f6bad1 No.102760

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814067 (280055ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon Puts Murdochs, Fox News On Notice: Speaker Johnson’s Ascent Shows We’ve Only Begun To Fight

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Bannon Puts Murdochs, Fox News On Notice: Speaker Johnson’s Ascent Shows We’ve Only Begun To Fight.Johnson better to get his act Together, he put Crenshaw in charge of Ukraine strategy.

Johnson is not Jesus Christ, stop falling for it



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f6bad1 No.102761

File: 85e3da702d82c3b⋯.jpg (115.67 KB,720x781,720:781,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 80ea90848347606⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814112 (280104ZOCT23) Notable: George W. Bush throws the throw for first pitch of the World Series

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George W. Bush throws the first pitch of the World Series

'Murderer throws out first pitch'

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f6bad1 No.102762

File: 9df11ef527059f8⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814115 (280105ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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f6bad1 No.102763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814220 (280121ZOCT23) Notable: Israel / Palestine

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Israel / Palestine

>>>/qresearch/19813683 On the Way to World War III

>>>/qresearch/19813751 Thousands of Israeli Troops Storm into Gaza as “Rolling Start” to Ground Invasion Reportedly Begins to Wipe Out Hamas

>>>/qresearch/19813892, >>>/qresearch/19814025 UN General Assembly adopts resolution calling for ‘humanitarian truce’, civilian protection

>>>/qresearch/19813932 Jewish Americans have blocked New York's main subway station in a sit-in demanding a cease-fire in Gaza

>>>/qresearch/19813956 Pentagon says U.S. hit two Syrian facilities in 'self-defense strikes'

>>>/qresearch/19814161 Theory as to why Steve Scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house

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f6bad1 No.102764

File: 9f9be4daab0b3cf⋯.jpeg (1020.88 KB,1170x1487,1170:1487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814230 (280122ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect found dead, sources say (CNN)

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f6bad1 No.102765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814239 (280123ZOCT23) Notable: #24328

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final final

#24328 >>102727

>>102728, >>102730, >>102731, >>102733, >>102735, >>102737, >>102743, >>102759 Margaret Sanger's letter to C. J. Gamble

>>102729 NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

>>102732 No search results for keyword 'marines' on DuckDuckGo

>>102734 Another nearby training event during a mass shooting - pattern recognition intensifies

>>102736 E.J. Antoni: The Only Way Out Is To Cut Spending

>>102738 Just Released: FY 2024 Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Including U.S. Government Activities Related to Ukraine

>>102739, >>102751, >>102762 Planefag

>>102740 Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck identified all 18 victims of the mass shooting

>>102741 Schumann poppin' off

>>102742 U.S. Naval Institute: Learn about the Navy's most famous costumed tradition, the Neptune Party

>>102744, >>102752, >>102755 Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, is to sell one million shares he holds in the US bank, worth $140m

>>102745 Oct 24, 2023 Houston Plane Collision Analysis

>>102746 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>102747, >>102749 @DeptofDefense: Red-eye arrivals

>>102748, >>102753, >>102754 (Oct 24) @USAFReserve

>>102750 @DeptofDefense: @ArmyResearchLab researchers officially welcomed five new supercomputers

>>102756 FOI litigation against @UNC for documents of Ralph Baric possibly related to the origins of Covid-19

>>102757, >>102758 San Francisco drug dealers could now face murder charges for opioid deaths as city cracks down on open-air drug markets

>>102760 Bannon Puts Murdochs, Fox News On Notice: Speaker Johnson’s Ascent Shows We’ve Only Begun To Fight

>>102761 George W. Bush throws the throw for first pitch of the World Series

>>102764 Maine shooting suspect found dead, sources say (CNN)

>>102763 Israel / Palestine


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f6bad1 No.102766

File: 7b10113649532ee⋯.png (19.9 KB,575x383,575:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814265 (280125ZOCT23) Notable: #24329

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f6bad1 No.102767

File: ce7dd491819db09⋯.png (348 KB,553x466,553:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814280 (280128ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

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ABC News


BREAKING: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, multiple law enforcement sources tell



9:14 PM ¡ Oct 27, 2023


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f6bad1 No.102768

File: 3f73f7acbf1b000⋯.jpg (311.81 KB,1079x1455,1079:1455,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814289 (280129ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

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There is a reason that steve scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker of the house.


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f6bad1 No.102769

File: 390476445b99ee2⋯.png (619.39 KB,634x846,317:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814305 (280132ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

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Maine mass shooter is FOUND DEAD in the woods with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, sources say

- Robert Card, 40, has been found dead, police sources said on Friday night

- Card was found in woods near Lisbon with a self-inflicted gunshot wound

- Maine state police will hold a press conference at 10pm to provide more details

Maine mass shooter Robert Card has been found dead in the woods with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head, multiple sources told CNN.

Card, 40, was found near Lisbon, where his car was abandoned shortly after Wednesday's massacre.

Eighteen people died when Card, an army reservist who had suffered a recent mental breakdown, opened fire at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston.

Card went on the run, sparking a 48-hour manhunt.


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f6bad1 No.102770

File: 16ce43008dc6644⋯.png (19.75 KB,539x413,77:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814357 (280141ZOCT23) Notable: Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

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uh oh, the story facade is slipping


Are we going to be laughing about this crap like those nail gun "suicides" from 2016?


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f6bad1 No.102771

File: 45e3a17a24e3b84⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,720x970,72:97,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814372 (280143ZOCT23) Notable: New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.

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BREAKINF: New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.


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f6bad1 No.102772

File: 46061c78bbd0dec⋯.jpg (245.95 KB,1079x909,1079:909,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814407 (280148ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

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f6bad1 No.102773

File: 3bbcac8695ac633⋯.webp (374.5 KB,1200x899,1200:899,Clipboard.webp)

File: 9f247b02f5337e5⋯.webp (166.08 KB,1200x761,1200:761,Clipboard.webp)

File: 2789056eea6b20c⋯.webp (96.69 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 30173673198a2d4⋯.webp (209.43 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.webp)

File: 90089762c7a46da⋯.webp (80.93 KB,1200x674,600:337,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814467 (280154ZOCT23) Notable: My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

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My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

Confederate monument melted down to create new, more inclusive public art

October 26, 20233:00 PM ET Debbie Elliott

Foundry workers at an undisclosed location begin the long process of disassembling and melting down the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The statue was a focal point of deadly riots in Charlottesville, Va. in 2017.

Communities across the American South have removed Confederate monumentsfrom public spaces in recent years. Some have gone to museums, others are locked away in storage.

But one particularly controversial statue from Charlottesville, Va. is on a different journey — to be transformed into something new.

The massive bronze sculpture of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, in uniform, astride his horse Traveller, stood in a downtown Charlottesville park for nearly a century. It was at the center of a deadly white nationalist rally in 2017, when Neo-Nazis and white supremacists tried to stop the city's plans to remove the statue.

It came down to cheers in July of 2021.

"Today the statue comes down and we are one small step closer to a more perfect union," said then-mayor Nikuyah Walker.

A homemade sign that says Heather Heyer Park rests at the base of the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in a downtown Charlottesville, Va. park on August 18, 2017. Heyer was killed by a neo-Nazi during a white nationalist rally.

A flatbed truck carries a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from the Market Street Park July 10, 2021 in Charlottesville, Va. Initial plans to remove the statue sparked the infamous "Unite the Right" rally where Heather Heyer was killed, two state troopers died, and dozens of people were injured.

Charlottesville prevailed in a protracted legal battle with the Sons of Confederate Veterans and other groups, and donated the Lee statue to a coalition that proposed to melt it down and create a more inclusive public art installation.

"We want to transform something that has been toxic in the Charlottesville community," says Jalane Schmidt, a religious studies professor at the University of Virginia and one the project's organizers. "We want to transform it into a piece of art that the community can be can be proud of, and gather around and not feel excluded or intimidated."

"People are willing to die for symbols," Schmidt says. "And as we saw in Charlottesville, they're willing to kill for them too."

Lawsuits to stop the project failed, and last weekend organizers moved forward, with great secrecy, to disassemble and melt down the Lee monument.

The work is being done at an out-of-state foundry. NPR agreed not to reveal its location or the identity of the workers because they fear repercussions.

Workers at a foundry heat pieces of the Robert E. Lee statue. It is being melted down and poured into ingots which will later be used to create a new art exhibition in Charlottesville, Va.

Workers hammer and slice off parts of the Robert E. Lee statue that stood in Charlottesville, Va. for decades. The city took it down in 2021 and donated the monument to a group working to transform it into a new piece of public art.

They use a torch to score the head of the statue, in the pattern of a death mask. Lee's face falls to floor with a loud clank.

The symbolism is poignant for Andrea Douglas, executive director of the Jefferson School African American Cultural Center in Charlottesville, which is leading the project.

"The act of myth-making that has occurred around Robert E. Lee, removing his face is emblematic of the kind of removal of that kind of myth," Douglas says.

The project is called Swords into Plowshares, taken from a Bible verse in the book of Isaiah.

The saber from Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's statue is plunged into a crucible to be melted down.

A furnace is ignited and heats to more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit in a side yard of the foundry. Workers feed pieces of the verdigris statue, including General Lee's saber, into a large vessel inside called a crucible.

"We are turning swords into something else," says Douglas. "That saber is the object of violence and it was the object of power, the object of conquest. I think that is an important symbol to really sort of dig into"

Just after nightfall, foundry workers remove the crucible which glows a bright red-orange, and pour the steaming molten bronze into molds.

Jalane Schmidt says the most exciting part for her is seeing the new ingots created.

"Because that's about going forward," she says watching the workers flip out the blocks of metal as if turning out a loaf of bread.


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f6bad1 No.102774

File: d07b6c00383ac23⋯.png (396.08 KB,600x536,75:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814487 (280156ZOCT23) Notable: Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters.

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U.S. Marshals Service


Oct 26

Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters. Congratulations to the newly sworn-in Assistant Directors!




>3 days from now and 2028

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f6bad1 No.102775

File: 0ecadeefe95a63c⋯.webp (74.06 KB,320x128,5:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814523 (280200ZOCT23) Notable: IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends

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IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends

(China pumps out way moar of this shit from at least 5-6 locations but let’s ban muh Japanese imports….chinee boats fish in same waters)

The International Atomic Energy Agency finished inspecting the discharge into the sea of treated nuclear plant wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture on Friday. It was the first IAEA inspection conducted since the release of the diluted tritium-containing water started at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant in August. The first and second rounds of the water discharge have been completed. The U.N. nuclear energy watchdog will report the inspection results by the end of the year. Experts from China, South Korea and Russia joined the survey team, which conducted hearings with TEPCO and the Japanese government on how the wastewater has so far been released and what Japanese experts have found through monitoring of the ocean near the nuclear plant.


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f6bad1 No.102776

File: 2be9070d8097ab6⋯.jpeg (223.45 KB,1072x794,536:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e975412f58ed8b4⋯.jpeg (487.8 KB,1174x1983,1174:1983,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814536 (280202ZOCT23) Notable: “SEVEN COUNTRIES IN FIVE YEARS”: THE 2001 REGIME’S WAR PLAN RESURFACES IN 2023?

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October 27, 2023 (a day ago)

We’re beginning to really uncover the past dirty deeds of our corrupt government, and the revelations are truly alarming. Let’s rewind to 2001, when the United States was attacked by Osama bin Laden. Now, we know our government lied to us about “weapons of mass destruction,” but it seems they had an even grander and more deadly scheme in mind, which prominently featured Iran—a nation, alongside Russia, they’ve been itching to attack. Interestingly, the echoes of the past resonate a tad too closely with our present in 2023, as talk of a potential war with Russia and Iran resurfaces once again. Round and round our war machine goes, right?

This recent deep dive into 2001, spotlighted by Joe Rogan, reveals chilling revelations from General Wesley Clark. Clark claims that the U.S. had ambitions to topple seven countries in just five years. Rogan also examines the potent wartime propaganda used to convince citizens that airstrikes and warfare are the only viable solutions.

Here’s what popular X user KanekoaTheGreat said in his post:

.@JoeRogan and @ComicDaveSmith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark, who asserted that the U.S. government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran, days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

The conversation delves into the propaganda used to justify these wars, the staggering profits amassed by weapons manufacturers—amounting to trillions of dollars—and the tragic toll of millions of innocent lives lost.

“They decide they want to fight these wars. Then, they make up an excuse that they tell the American people. Then, these weapons companies rake in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, and babies get slaughtered. That’s what really happens. Innocent men, women, and children die.”

Today, Secretary of State Blinken warned Iran that the U.S. will respond ‘decisively’ to any attacks targeting U.S. personnel.

This statement follows his warning, issued two days ago, that the U.S. expects increased hostilities from Iran directed at U.S. forces.

The question remains: Will the Biden administration and the U.S. government finally get its war against Iran?

It’s important to recognize that citizens of the United States and people around the world are currently being pounded with wartime propaganda that’s coming from places like Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine, but predominantly from the United States. As you navigate this intricate minefield of emotions, it’s important to remember that these are narratives carefully crafted by the regime for reasons that support war—their biggest money-maker.

(These two goons in the picture are not in charge of anything, but they deserve the judgement of God, because neither have a soul, and thats why they chose them.)


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f6bad1 No.102777

File: bef544f156f7d98⋯.png (284.75 KB,600x496,75:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814677 (280222ZOCT23) Notable: Qatar Sentences Eight Indians To Death Over Israel Spy Charges

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Qatar Sentences Eight Indians To Death Over Israel Spy Charges


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f6bad1 No.102778

File: d00295170dfa784⋯.webp (193.76 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: e900aa5b0db7bd9⋯.webp (109.97 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: e30efd7d30e95e5⋯.webp (147.53 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: a3e613619b6b82e⋯.webp (69.39 KB,1536x1053,512:351,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814681 (280223ZOCT23) Notable: NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

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PN. New York Developers..,

The rest of the article for anon that are curious and not lazy.

NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

Jennifer Gould

New York real estate developers slammed the judge who stripped Donald Trump of his business empire for allegedly inflating the prices of his properties — with some predicting the decision will be overturned on appeal.

Justice Arthur Engoron issued a summary judgment last month calling for a receiver and the canceling of the Trump Organization’s business certificates after state Attorney General Letitia James filed a $250 million civil fraud lawsuit against the former president.

His ruling was temporarily paused by an appeals court at the start of trial, which continued this week.

“I don’t think Trump will lose his properties or his business licenses because of one eccentric judge making a decision on his own. I think [the decision] will be reversed on appeal, but I could be wrong,” one major real estate player said.

Top developers interviewed by The Post — including those who love Trump and those who loathe him — admit there has always been a bit of embellishment when dealing with banks about their properties.

“The Real Estate Board of New York’s annual party — the equivalent of Vanity Fair’s Oscar party — is even dubbed ‘The Liar’s Ball,'” one developer noted.

However, the ramifications of possibly losing their properties is no joking matter, and Engoron’s decision — whether it is an overreach or not — has sent a chill through the industry.

“Canceling business certificates is carte blanche to go after anyone for anything,” one concerned developer said. “I’m not defending Trump. But now they have another tool in their toolbox. Where does it end? It’s a little scary.”

Trump’s former lawyer and longtime fixer Michael Cohen spent two days on the standthis week testifying that he “reverse engineered” Trump Organization asset values based on whatever number Trump chose.

The former president’s defense has been, essentially, that every developer lies and that there was no victim because the bank loans were paid back and that everyone made money.

The onus falls on banks to do their due diligence before issuing any loans, one legal expert told The Post.

“No one lost money. No one got hurt. Everyone got paid in full — even overpaid since the assets were inflated,” real estate lawyer Adam Leitman Bailey said.

The argument carried weight with many developers, including one who has clashed with Trump in the past.

“So Trump is a fraud. We all know it. He always has been. He’s the world’s best con man. The question is, if everybody knows you are a fraud, who are you defrauding?” the developer said.

But another legal expert dismissed the notion that Trump committed a victimless crime.

Business litigation attorney David Slarskey said the Trump Organization’s extreme lies and falsifications go way beyond developers’ standard “fudge factor” — what developers themselves call “puffery” and “aggressive interpretation” of truth.

“The victims of the fraud are not the banks but the integrity of the system itself,” Slarskey said.


“It is not a question of whether a bank makes a profit but what role does this organization play in the ecosystem and does that need to be addressed.”

He added that the Trump Organization’s outright lies and falsifications of square footage at Trump’s Fifth Avenue penthouse, for example, are so “grossly out of line with anything anyone could imagine that it becomes a regulatory issue, that this is the kind of organization that shouldn’t be allowed to operate in New York.”

Trump is known to have embellished almost everything about Trump Tower.

He said it was 68 stories tall when it was really 58 stories.

He said his penthouse triplex was 30,000 square feet instead of 10,000.

He hired undocumented Polish works, promised to pay them and then didn’t — until they sued.

He promised to save Art Deco pillars that were on site, part of the former Bonwit Teller building, but he didn’t.

“I remember being in his penthouse decades ago,” one developer said. “Donald was looking for an appraisal and told someone in the room it was 30,000 square feet.Then he looked at me and winked.”


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f6bad1 No.102779

File: fae28cae62130db⋯.png (883.04 KB,655x821,655:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814720 (280227ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

How Biden's "Green" Agenda Is Making Homes More Expensive


The Biden regime has set its sights on a number of appliances to regulate as a part of its green agenda, including gas furnaces, water heaters, air conditioners and more, in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions.

Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week


MY COMMENT: This is it! Those in the know are abandoning the system before it IMPLODES!

“The United States has overplayed its hand in weaponizing the dollar with sanctions. You're now seeing a lot of countries de-dollar their transactions because we’ve forced it. And this goes beyond even Russia, China, and Iran. Countries like Brazil or India still want to transact with Russia. They can’t do it with dollars, so we've forced them to de-dollarize their transactions, thus weakening the strength of the dollar in the world. The West is sleepwalking our way into world war three and putting civilization itself at stake.”


This wouldn't have happened if Americans prepared for the worst 10+ years ago.


Future Of The USSA? Israeli Military Killed Israeli Civilians While Targeting Hamas Enemies


Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?

Israeli Think Tank Lays Out A Blueprint For The Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza


Gaza Is Being Pummeled By Israeli Bombs (Tens Of Thousands Of Citizens Likely Dead Now)



As Gazan Citizens Scrounge For Food and Water, Hamas Sits On Rich Trove Of Essential Supplies


Hamas was well prepared in advance to overcome SHTF scenarios!

Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a US Operations Base.


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f6bad1 No.102780

File: 256d474e9edd35b⋯.png (82.89 KB,481x632,481:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814784 (280235ZOCT23) Notable: if the US and UN didnt want to fund hamas they wouldnt have funded hamas

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if the US and UN didnt want to fund hamas they wouldnt have funded hamas.

>Since April 2021, the United States has provided over half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians


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f6bad1 No.102781

File: 80469b1a358e6da⋯.png (18.56 KB,769x223,769:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 70089332ffec309⋯.png (7.22 KB,768x51,256:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814797 (280237ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

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I didn't actually hear if that's what Scalise said about Johnson, but according to the official list on the House website, Michael Kerr wasn't the 44th Speaker, he just served during the 44th Congress. Some Speakers serve multiple sessions if you read through the names. But the date is correct and it says he died while Speaker, which is 'dasting.


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f6bad1 No.102782

File: da2eb40eefbd8f5⋯.png (564.19 KB,843x792,281:264,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c1633b7bdb37cd⋯.png (479.22 KB,660x755,132:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814910 (280250ZOCT23) Notable: I directed this military action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests

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here we go


I directed this military action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations. The United States took this necessary and proportionate action consistent with international law and in the exercise of the United States’ inherent right of self-defense as reflected in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The United States stands ready to take further action, as necessary and appropriate, to address further threats or attacks.

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in this action.

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f6bad1 No.102783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814958 (280257ZOCT23) Notable: #24329

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#24329 >>102766

>>102767, >>102769, >>102770 Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

>>102768, >>102772 Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

>>102771 New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.

>>102773 My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

>>102774 Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters.

>>102775 IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends

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f6bad1 No.102784

File: c9a4c7364c59913⋯.png (523.33 KB,1140x593,1140:593,Clipboard.png)

File: b76c950caf195cb⋯.jpg (38.71 KB,500x398,250:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d9185c9755a7ee⋯.png (138.77 KB,465x262,465:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19814979 (280300ZOCT23) Notable: #24330

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Baker will finish lb collect

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f6bad1 No.102785

File: db176963ca9f446⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815130 (280323ZOCT23) Notable: US Pentagon Advisor Douglas MacGregor: "I think we have an obligation to save Israel from itself."/LAST

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US Pentagon Advisor Douglas MacGregor:

"I think we have an obligation to save Israel from itself."

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f6bad1 No.102786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815142 (280325ZOCT23) Notable: The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…???

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The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…October 27, 2023

George Floyd is making headlines once more, and the real narrative doesn’t align with what the fake news and left-wingers want you to believe. New court documents reveal that George Floyd’s death wasn’t the result of murder. These documents prove he succumbed to a fentanyl overdose, and there were no injuries found on his neck. In light of this, questions arise about Derek Chauvin’s current imprisonment on murder charges.

Among those politicians was our new House Speaker, Mike Johnson.

Here’s what Mike said in a Twitter thread from 2020:

George Floyd appears to have been the victim of murder. A close review of the video can lead one to no other conclusion, and the tragedy has focused a spotlight once again on the plight of millions of black men in America. It is real, heartbreaking, and it must be addressed.

The crisis necessitates real reconciliation and transformative solutions for systematic change. They are long, long overdue.

We are all God’s children, and we are all Americans. Here is a simple truth: Racism violates the most fundamental principles of our great nation–and the rules of our Creator. Period.

The central idea of America is that we boldly declare the self-evident truth that ALL men are created equal, and are thus endowed by God with the same inalienable rights.

Because each of us is made in His image, every single person has an estimable dignity and value which is wholly unrelated to the color of our skin, what neighborhood we live in, or what we can contribute to society. Our value is inherent, because it comes from above.

Any fool who contends he has a natural right of supremacy over his neighbors violates not only the foundational creed of America, but the greatest commandments of our Heavenly Father.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to the Declaration of Independence as a “promissory note” to future generations. We have not yet fulfilled it, be we MUST. May the Lord heal our nation and help us to see one another as He does. 7/7 #GeorgeFloyd

Like many, Mike quickly drew concrete conclusions about the Floyd case without considering the possibility that a different sequence of events might have unfolded. Many can forgive Mike’s comments because they were made years ago, at a time when so many jumped on the same “banshee” bandwagon. However, unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there for Mike. Looking at some of his other comments on whites, we have to wonder if there’s more to this story than just some misguided support for a crackhead criminal.

Regrettably, it seems that Mike has an anti-white bias. His self-loathing white messaging aligns with the narrative pushed by the left and the fake news media that labels Trump supporters and other whites who challenge mainstream views as “enemies” and “threats to democracy.” Mike is promoting the idea that white individuals inherently have an advantage over black individuals due to their skin color. However, such a broad generalization isn’t accurate, and that’s not a message that any white Republican male should be pushing.

Why would Mike decide to show his support for the black community by targeting and attacking whites? Well, it may have to do with Johnson’s family unit. He married his wife, Kelly, back in 1999. The Johnsons have four children. Mike stated that early in his married life, he and his wife took in a 14-year-old black boy and considered him a part of their family.

Mike might believe that to support his “black son,” he needs to diminish the value of white people. However, that approach sends a concerning message and endorses the narratives that are fueling all the division in our country. We hope Mike recognizes his previous remarks as major missteps and, in his new powerful leadership role, he focuses on the core of the Republican Party, which comprises many white folks who deserve the same respect they’ve extended to him. We need a House Speaker who serves the country, not one who furthers divisive left-wing narratives. It’s time for the House Speaker to truly represent America, not radical, wild-eyed CRT fanatics.

More to come


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f6bad1 No.102787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815155 (280327ZOCT23) Notable: The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…???

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Anons commentMike has been virtue signaling for a long time, he’s not anti-white, you fill in the blank:_____

(==I had a brief thought the other day that Mike Johnson was the anti-Christ because all were praising him like Christ and praising the Lord he believes in God and Jesus Christ.

Theadorationwas disgusting. The Christians (which I am one) were lording his faith and “biblical view” because he proclaimed in his leading, that was the factor to trust him. The Devil knew the scriptures as much as Jesus.==)

Sorry but he’s too shiny now!Way too shiny. (Look at Hannity video if you don’t believe me, they made it look like he was 25 years old. I watched it and I wondered how he looked so rosy and invigorated, and freakin young. Much ypunger than the house hearings. As a reminder: Adam and Eve were deceived over and over by Satan in the lost books of the bible because they never could differentiate the vibration or frequency from the angels to satan; because of their innocence)

PS: Mike nor Hannity mentioned Trump’s name once or praises him, during their last night interview, you tell me where his loyalties lie

(This is the only time I will say this, be forewarned!. BTW Eddie Munster of the House said Mike Johnson was a Godly, Honorable man. I’m not saying Eddie knows who he is, but everyone looks for one ally)

watch and learn


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f6bad1 No.102788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815190 (280334ZOCT23) Notable: #24329 posted in 30

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#24329 >>102766

>>102767, >>102769, >>102770 Maine shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

>>102768, >>102772, >>102781 Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

>>102771 New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of Jewish Americans protesting AGAINST Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.

>>102773 My hope is that all the destroy our history to replace it with true evil, get God’s Almighty judgement

>>102774 Last week, Associate Director of Operations Mark Pittella swore in three new members of the Senior Executive Service as Assistant Directors for divisions at USMS headquarters.

>>102775 IAEA's Fukushima Water Discharge Inspection Ends


>>102777 Qatar Sentences Eight Indians To Death Over Israel Spy Charges

>>102778 NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal

>>102779 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

>>102780 if the US and UN didnt want to fund hamas they wouldnt have funded hamas

>>102782 I directed this military action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests



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f6bad1 No.102789

File: 5225c1217911e6f⋯.png (178.8 KB,807x603,269:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 105fd30b83125a9⋯.png (164.63 KB,795x602,795:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 9519ef70b1c8fa2⋯.png (162.23 KB,794x598,397:299,Clipboard.png)

File: c0109310c335714⋯.png (177.04 KB,799x605,799:605,Clipboard.png)

File: f8a9597dd7443cb⋯.png (105.68 KB,617x518,617:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815224 (280337ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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Search? in Pacific MexiCali

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f6bad1 No.102790

File: 9325e4933f76a23⋯.png (78.21 KB,600x629,600:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815263 (280345ZOCT23) Notable: Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. That’s mostly due to the US pressure and apprehensions of the Global South’s outcry.

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Dmitry Medvedev



Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. That’s mostly due to the US pressure and apprehensions of the Global South’s outcry.

One shouldn’t get deluded, however. The ground operation will take place, and the consequences will be hard and bloody.Moloch keeps demanding more and more sacrifices, and the mechanism of reciprocal violence is going to grind on for years.

Besides, the West’s got really tired of Ukraine, and now is eagerly supporting Israel. Even the new Speaker of the House of Representatives Michael Jackson (pardon, Mike Johnson, but that doesn’t make much of a difference) made aiding Tel-Aviv a priority.

Shouldn’t it be better to revive the Middle East peace process, and try to abide by the UN Security Council Resolution 242 (1976)? Or even follow the initial Partition Plan for Palestine, approved by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947)?

These are all rhetorical questions, of course. It’s much more fun to split the dough for the others’ war far away from the US.

The war must go on…

Oct 27, 2023 ¡ 9:31 AM UTC


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f6bad1 No.102791

File: 7d5fc7e53d8e5bc⋯.png (240.76 KB,624x337,624:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815272 (280347ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds of “Jewish-American Protesters” SHUT DOWN Grand Central Station in Manhattan - Demand Israel Halt Operations Against Hamas

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Hundreds of “Jewish-American Protesters” SHUT DOWN Grand Central Station in Manhattan – Demand Israel Halt Operations Against Hamas

Cue the jokes about “chickens voting for Colonel Sanders” and “cows voting for “Ronald McDonald.”

On Friday evening, hundreds to thousands of Jewish-American protesters shut down Grand Central Station in Manhattan to demand Israel halt their operations against Hamas. This, of course, is exactly what Hamas wants to see.

Of course, ground operations against the Islamist terror organization have already reportedly begun so these buffoons are already a bit late.

In this video, you can see the protesters have unfurled pro-Palestinian signs and are chanting “let them live” (in reference to Gaza residents) and “ceasefire now” at the top of their lungs.


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f6bad1 No.102792

File: 803339edee42334⋯.png (816.27 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815859 (280540ZOCT23) Notable: The chief of Hamas in Gaza was once a prisoner of Israel. Now it says Yahya Sinwar is a 'dead man walking'

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Soft reveal? Is this another terrorsit training operation? Like Guantanamo

Israeli Jail, cabal train them then use them to attack the thing they've been taught to hate from birth?

Read below

The chief of Hamas in Gaza was once a prisoner of Israel. Now it says Yahya Sinwar is a 'dead man walking'

Twelve years ago, Yahya Sinwar was inside an Israeli jail cell with no means of escape.

The Hamas militant had been in and out of prison twice before he was sentenced to multiple life terms for several offences, including his role in the abduction and murder of two Israelis in 1988.

But in 2011, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to a deal to free him and 1,027 Palestinian and Israeli-Arab prisoners in exchange for an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, who had been captured and held hostage by Hamas.

Sinwar was the highest-profile prisoner to be let out as part of the agreement.

"Whoever made the decision to put him on the list of people getting out, they knew that he was valuable," says Joe Truzman, from the Foundation for Defense of Democracy's Long War Journal.

At some point during his 22-year sentence in prison, Israel also reportedly saved Sinwar's life, permitting life-saving surgery after he developed a brain illness.

But Israel let him go, only for him to return to Hamas and terrorise the country once more.

Once he was home, Sinwar climbed the ranks of the terrorist group to become the Hamas chief in Gaza in 2017.



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f6bad1 No.102793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815871 (280543ZOCT23) Notable: #24330

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Finally Done

No Trippers Lost In This Bread

#24330 >>102784

>>102789 PF updates

>>102785 US Pentagon Advisor Douglas MacGregor: "I think we have an obligation to save Israel from itself."/LAST

>>102786, >>102787 The new House Speaker has a George Floyd problem…???

>>102790 Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. That’s mostly due to the US pressure and apprehensions of the Global South’s outcry.

>>102791 Hundreds of “Jewish-American Protesters” SHUT DOWN Grand Central Station in Manhattan - Demand Israel Halt Operations Against Hamas

>>102792 The chief of Hamas in Gaza was once a prisoner of Israel. Now it says Yahya Sinwar is a 'dead man walking'


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f6bad1 No.102794

File: b950e84d2d4b105⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ea460d817fa208⋯.png (178.55 KB,1144x1009,1144:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d669fc42b8f3a7⋯.jpg (761.87 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 083cdda7a82b816⋯.jpg (97.23 KB,1148x1052,287:263,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b7ed690782551f5⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815891 (280546ZOCT23) Notable: #24331

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Baker Taps

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f6bad1 No.102795

File: 4751e8268df52fa⋯.png (366.29 KB,600x604,150:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 42a5231df6a1285⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,5192x3461,5192:3461,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815938 (280600ZOCT23) Notable: @TrumpScotland: This holiday season, we are transforming into a WINTER WONDERLAND that will enchant the whole family

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Trump International, Scotland


Oct 21

This holiday season, we are transforming into a winter wonderland that will enchant the whole family. From festive golf experiences to exquisite dining and delightful surprises,we have it all.

Book your holiday festivities now and make this Christmas truly special! 🎉🎄


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f6bad1 No.102796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815944 (280604ZOCT23) Notable: US Army Learning to Fight Underground - $572 million budgeted (from 2017)

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Was researching tunnel warfare last night after questioning if existence of tunnel mapping tech (LiDar, GPR, other Tesla tech kek), and came across an interesting tidbit.

In 2017, the US Army, under urgent request, compiled an updated manual on underground/tunnel warfare, effort led by the Army’s Assymetric Warfare Group. Spec Ops alone wasn’t ready to handle tunnel warfare by itself. Researching again tonight.

Interesting bit from an article (https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-subterranean-warfare-training/)

Learning to fight underground

To prepare combat units, the Army has activated mobile teams to train the leadership of 26 brigade combat teams on how prepare units for underground warfare and plan and execute large-scale combat operations in the subterranean environment.

So far, the effort has trained five BCTs based at Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Camp Casey, Korea; and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. Army trainers have a January deadline to finish training 21 more BCTs located at bases including Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort Drum, New York; Fort Bliss and Fort Hood, Texas, and Fort Richardson, Alaska, the source said.

The 3rd BCT, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colorado is next in line for the training.

Army officials confirmed to Military.com that there is an approved plan to dedicate $572 million to the effort. That works out to $22 million for each BCT, according to an Army spokeswoman who did not want to be named for this article. The Army did not say where the money is coming from or when it will be given to units.

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f6bad1 No.102797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19815946 (280605ZOCT23) Notable: Clip re Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house (Scalise)

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/lb >>102768, >>102772, >>102781 Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the house.. because the US Corporation was fully setup in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was mike kerr in 1876. He was the 44th speaker

scalise sauce @2:55

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f6bad1 No.102798

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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