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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

87ce79 No.51582 [Last50 Posts]

30SEP23 to 03OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

70eeae No.94538

File: 536814933fc7b4d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1082x854,541:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19640877 (302108ZSEP23) Notable: US aid to Egypt under new scrutiny after Menendez indictment

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US aid to Egypt under new scrutiny after Menendez indictment

Democrat accused of bribery, providing Egyptian officials sensitive information

By Rachel Oswald

Posted September 28, 2023 at 3:39pm

Menendez put no holds on aid

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70eeae No.94539

File: b5bab264a19f509⋯.png (163.27 KB,617x727,617:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19640904 (302111ZSEP23) Notable: In an incredible turn of events, @SpeakerMcCarthy relied on the Democratic minority (and less than half of Republicans) in the House to fully fund Biden corruption, abuse, and his border invasion for the next 45 days

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Tom Fitton


In an incredible turn of events,

@SpeakerMcCarthy relied on the Democratic minority (and less than half of Republicans) in the House to fully fund Biden corruption, abuse, and his border invasion for the next 45 days. It would not be surprising if Republicans seek new House leadership after this move which effectively turned control of the House to @RepJeffries.

HUGE: Congress can DEFUND NOW the corrupt Biden DOJ's effort to jail Trump and interfere in our elections! Share your views now with your congressmen and senators by calling 202-225-3121!


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70eeae No.94540

File: 0a95b1e24b87b03⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19640912 (302112ZSEP23) Notable: Africa Speaks Out & REJECTS Barack Obama & Joe Biden. MUST WATCH, THEY ARE OUTRAGED!!

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Wall Street Apes


Africa Speaks Out & REJECTS Barack Obama & Joe Biden. MUST WATCH, THEY ARE OUTRAGED!! 🚨

“When Barack became president he tried to force Africa to accept same sex marriages and African government said, we don’t allow that stuff here and Barack sanctioned Africa.”

“Well Biden duplicated the same thing. Biden said the same thing trying to force Africa and different counties of Africa to accept same sex marriages and if those countries don’t he will sanction them. Starve them.”

“How in the world men knocking up men mean so much to America? You will use your power to starve a baby? Starve women. Because a country wants to uphold gods law?!”


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70eeae No.94541

File: ce5c981f1d855c9⋯.png (139.27 KB,594x574,297:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19640915 (302113ZSEP23) Notable: Office of Rep. Bowman Claims He “Did Not Realize He Would Trigger Building Alarm” -- LAUGHABLE!

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Catturd ™


Who’s laughing now? 😂


Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives




🔥🚨Breaking: Congressman Jamaal Bowman was reportedly caught pilling the fire alarm to stop the CR vote. This was him tap dancing about Trump’s mugshot. We laughing at you now clown.

10:02 AM · Sep 30, 2023




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70eeae No.94542

File: ef283c15e36ec35⋯.png (359.03 KB,593x904,593:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19640935 (302115ZSEP23) Notable: Our Food Is About To Be Poisoned With NEW “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” - is this TRUE? ANONS DIG

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Wall Street Apes



Our Food Is About To Be Poisoned With NEW “Transgenic Edible Vaccines”

They’re Being Funded Right Now BY TAXPAYERS, mRNA Food Vaccine FACTORIES

“The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Kentucky.

Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of my amendment, which states that none of the funds made available by this act may be used to fund any grant related to any transgenic edible vaccine. Does the term transgenic edible vaccine sound far-fetched? Well, it's not. We're funding it.

In fact, scientists from the University of California, Riverside, funded with your taxpayer dollars, have been studying whether they can turn edible plants such as lettuce and spinach into mRNA vaccine factories, thereby creating a transgenic edible vaccine. One associate professor at UCR explained that, ideally a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person. We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens. Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it. I don't think this is a good idea.

I don't think the American people should be funding this. And I think, and I would hope, that we've learned something from the COVID experience with SARS-CoV-2, that some of our science projects aren't the best ideas. And with that, I reserve. Gentlemen from Kentucky is recognized. My colleague on the other side of the aisle talks about keeping prices low. I think there's more to it than that for the American people.

He also speaks as if these vaccines, these transgenic edible plant vaccines, are only used for livestock. Well, in fact, they have been used for livestock. I'll get to that in a second. But they're also being used for people. That is the intended outcome of many of these programs that we are funding, funding with money from the USDA. What could possibly go wrong with this research? Well, we found out a few years ago when a biotech company was experimenting growing in corn a vaccine to keep pigs from getting diarrhea. What happened? Well, the next year where the corn was grown, the prior year the corn came up, and it got co-mingled with soybeans that were being grown there. It contaminated 500 bushels of soybeans, which were then co-mingled with 500,000 bushels of soybeans. And those all had to be recalled and destroyed. Luckily, they caught it.

Do we want humans eating vaccines that were grown in corn meant to stop pigs from getting diarrhea? I don't think we want that to happen. Yet that almost happened, and it could happen. There's another case where the pollen cross-contaminated another crop of corn, and 155 acres of corn had to be burned. What are the cases where we're not discovering this? I think it's dangerous to play God with our food.

I think we need a safe food supply. And this is about food safety. Ultimately, the people in this country need to know what's in their food. And if we start contaminating the DNA of our food with DNA from other animals or viruses, the pollen could spread, and we don't know what could happen. And I would hope we've learned a lesson from the Wuhan lab that sometimes things escape sometimes things don't go as you plan and so that's why i think it's a bad idea to fund transgenic edible plant vaccine research from the u.s. day i urge adoption of my amendment and i yield back the balance of my time the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from kentucky those in favor say aye those opposed say no in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it the amendment is agreed to”


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70eeae No.94543

File: 85c1b89f71341ff⋯.png (33.83 KB,606x499,606:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19640964 (302119ZSEP23) Notable: Loomer: Move to vacate Matt or STFU

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Laura Loomer


Again, crying on Twitter like a little bitch doesn’t do anything.

Motion to vacate, Matt. Or STFU.

You’re pathetic. You are playing games.

Motion to vacate or you’re full of crap.


Rep. Matt Gaetz




.@SpeakerMcCarthy passed today’s Continuing Resolution on suspension.

He violated our conference rules by doing so 👇

“Rule 29—Guidelines on Suspension of House Rules

(a) The Republican Leader shall not schedule, or request to have scheduled, any bill or resolution for… Show more

10:15 AM · Sep 30, 2023

from Huntington Beach, CA




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70eeae No.94544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641030 (302127ZSEP23) Notable: Bannon has said many times 45 days would free up Youngkin so he can file to run for President against Trump

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>>94524 Government shutdown: House passes short-term spending deal PN

Bannon has said many times 45 days would free up Youngkin so he can file to run for President against Trump. Something to do with his Governorship. So McCarthy made it happen!

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70eeae No.94545

File: 16ba3ac48d7f6d2⋯.png (163.58 KB,1003x628,1003:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641082 (302132ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith Demands Trump Gag Order Citing Attacks On Judge And Witnesses In Cases Against Him

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Jack Smith Demands Trump Gag Order Citing Attacks On Judge And Witnesses In Cases Against Him

Tommy ChristopherSep 30th, 2023, 9:01 am

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70eeae No.94546

File: d23600c80bd6e5b⋯.png (290.6 KB,418x451,38:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641124 (302137ZSEP23) Notable: The Week According To . . .

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The Week According To . . . @RealKarliBonne #HeartsofOakWEEKLY #Republicans #Trump #NewtGingrich #Debates #SleepyJoe #BidenImpeachment #DefundPride #MattGaetz #Ukraine #ElonMusk #CitizenJournalists #RoseanneBarr

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70eeae No.94547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641141 (302138ZSEP23) Notable: The WEBP 0-day (security bug in webp processing, webp Google's new image format)

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> >>94534, >>94536 The WEBP 0-day (security bug in webp processing, webp Google's new image format)

WEBP=Web Poison?

spiders poison their prey

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70eeae No.94548

File: 136929d205fe767⋯.png (316.06 KB,592x677,592:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641150 (302139ZSEP23) Notable: Nearly 80 universities are STILL requiring students to get the jab, according to this list

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See new posts


Square profile picture

Not the Bee



Sep 28

Nearly 80 universities are STILL requiring students to get the jab, according to this list


Nearly 80 universities are STILL requiring students to get the jab, according to this list

Some of America's top educational institutes are proving themselves to be nothing more than brainwashed cultists.

Rachel Alexander reposted

Elon Musk



4:53 PM · Sep 28, 2023




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70eeae No.94549

File: 86f2a36ebe44b9a⋯.png (396.16 KB,600x655,120:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641171 (302142ZSEP23) Notable: @TheLastRefuge2 These people are not mentally stable.

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These people are not mentally stable.


Collin Rugg




Every American needs to understand how much propaganda is pushed through the mainstream media.

When kids were being sent to migrant facilities under Trump, Rachel Maddow started “crying” on live air and could barely finish her talking points.

When the same thing happens under… Show more

8:57 AM · Sep 30, 2023




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70eeae No.94550

File: c2a7d3a08c70d00⋯.png (47.02 KB,630x341,630:341,Clipboard.png)

File: c2db3a506eeead5⋯.png (162.6 KB,627x509,627:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 40eb2d4dd3125ad⋯.png (123.36 KB,680x249,680:249,Clipboard.png)

File: e8fb46ef1ef0ec5⋯.png (4 MB,2114x1499,2114:1499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641249 (302157ZSEP23) Notable: @RichardGrenell on Jamaal Bowman attack on President Trump

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Richard Grenell




Congressman Jamaal Bowman



Mar 30

No one in this country is above the law – including former President Trump.

Being indicted for falsifying business records with hush money is only the beginning of being held accountable for his crimes. 🧵

4:16 PM · Sep 30, 2023





Purple string: Symbolism will be there downfall?

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70eeae No.94551

File: 2d587ba93cae73a⋯.png (2.27 MB,1862x1928,931:964,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641253 (302209ZSEP23) Notable: A 23-year-old was arrested for gun possession. It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult

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1 of 2 (maybe 3)

A 23-year-old was arrested for gun possession. It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult

Angel Almeida’s alarming social media posts led authorities to 764, a group that abuses minors and circulates violent videos

Ali Winston

Thu 28 Sep 2023 06.00 EDT

An arrest on gun possession charges in Queens, New York, in November 2021 has led the Federal Bureau of Investigation to a pedophilic, Satanist extortion cult that has victimized dozens if not hundreds of minors, according to law enforcement documents, court records and sources with knowledge of the investigation.

Law enforcement discovered the organization, known as 764 and a range of aliases, while investigating alarming social media posts made by Angel Almeida, a 23-year-old resident of Astoria, Queens.

On 12 September 2023, the FBI issued a public warning about 764, noting the group is “deliberately targeting minor victims on publicly available messaging platforms to extort them into recording or livestreaming acts of self-harm and producing child sexual abuse material”. The advisory is the first formal mention of 764 by any American law enforcement agency.

The group appears to target children between the ages of eight and 17, the advisory notes, and particularly focuses on young people of color, youth identifying as LGBTQ+ or youth who struggle with mental health issues. Researchers familiar with 764 indicate the group’s members cultivate ties with minors through a wide range of platforms: either in wildly popular games like Roblox or gaming communications platforms like Discord and Twitch, as well as curated playlists on the streaming service SoundCloud. The group’s main form of communication is on Telegram, which has long been the platform of choice for many far-right extremists.

Members “use threats, blackmail and manipulation” to get youth to record videos showing acts of self-harm, animal cruelty, sexual acts and even suicide, the authorities warn. The footage is then circulated among members to extort victims further and exert control over them. In the group’s channels, members share violent “gore” videos depicting torture, lethal violence and other such acts, in an effort to desensitize viewers to acts of ultra violence.

The key motivators for the group, according to authorities, is “to gain notoriety and rise in status within their group”.

Documents and sources familiar with 764 indicate the group is an offshoot of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), a violent, subversive amalgam of esoteric Hitler worship, Satanism and Wiccan tenets that American authorities recognize as a terrorist ideology and that has been connected with murders and attempted terrorist attacks in countries including the US, Britain, Germany, Canada and Russia.

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70eeae No.94552

File: 5a6e89cf55671c5⋯.png (628.38 KB,889x738,889:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641254 (302210ZSEP23) Notable: A 23-year-old was arrested for gun possession. It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult

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>>94551 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

2 of 2

Sources with knowledge of investigations into 764 indicate the group has a network of a couple thousand participants and hundreds of highly active members who generate and disseminate the bulk of the child pornography and gore videos found in the group’s channels on Telegram, Discord and more obscure platforms like Matrix.

Like many online-based extremist organizations, 764 involves people around the world, including people in the UK and Germany. A German teenager who is accused of murdering his foster family in Romania is suspected of participating in 764, according to reporting from Der Spiegel and Romanian outlet Libertatea.

The FBI was directed to Almeida by an anonymous tipster flagging his social media accounts, which contained images of violence against children and violence against animals. In one of the posts, Almeida expressed support for Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who massacred African American churchgoers in Charleston in 2015. Another showed him toting a shotgun while shirtless, and wearing a skull mask and crossed bandoliers of rifle ammunition across his chest with a flag in the background featuring an Order of Nine Angles symbol.

While searching Almeida’s apartment in New York, investigators recovered a 9mm handgun, bandoliers of rifle ammunition, books pertaining to the Order of Nine Angles, and a flag bearing the insignia of an American O9A offshoot, the Tempel ov Blood, according to a November 2021 detention memorandum filed by federal prosecutors.

The most telling item was an O9A “blood covenant” featuring a blood-smeared drawing of a hooded figure with glowing red eyes surrounded with sigils for four O9A deities and the caption Vindex, Nythra, Satan and Abatu. At the bottom of the page is an oath: “A covenant signed in blood. May the DEVIL walk with you always – SATANAE MANIBUS” (“by Satan’s Hand” in Latin). Similar indicia have been found in possession of O9A-influenced killers in Britain and Canada.

Almeida, who had served an 18-month sentence in Florida for third degree burglary in 2018, was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm and detained in Brooklyn’s metropolitan detention center. In February 2023, federal prosecutors in the eastern district of New York filed a superseding indictment tacking on child pornography and child exploitation charges related to his activities in 764 and the hundreds of thousands of digital files recovered from four separate devices in his apartment. In the new charges, prosecutors allege Almeida coerced a teenage girl into having sexual relations with an older man and convinced another girl to cut herself, record the act on camera and send it to him.

Almeida was deemed fit for trial earlier this month, despite repeated violent behavior in the court room, including attempts to attack a justice department staffer in the audience and his own court-appointed counsel on separate occasions in June and September. His court-appointed counsel – the fourth attorney who has represented Almeida since his arrest in 2021 – did not respond to requests for comment about the allegations against his client.

The trial is currently scheduled for 4 December. If convicted, Almeida faces a potential maximum of life in federal prison.

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70eeae No.94553

File: 79821aaac053ed9⋯.png (2.95 MB,3830x1942,1915:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641259 (302218ZSEP23) Notable: PF

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Musk the highest paid defense contractor....

Military call-signXin the air out of Austin.

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70eeae No.94554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641298 (302236ZSEP23) Notable: The Definition of Gaslighting: Old Joe Biden Lays Out Democrat Plan for America – Then Blames It on Republicans

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The Definition of Gaslighting: Old Joe Biden Lays Out Democrat Plan for America – Then Blames It on Republicans and Calls MAGA the Greatest Threat to Our Nation

Joe Biden’s handlers posted a video of Joe Biden viciously attacking Trump supporters. Biden describes every tactic of the left’s power grab on every single institution in America today – then twists reality to say these are traits of MAGA.

Biden blames MAGA Republicans as the greatest threat to America today.

Thank goodness Democrats have perfected election fraud. No clear-thinking American suffering through this dismal presidency would ever vote for more of this BS, failure and deceit. And Democrats know this.

Here is Old Joe Biden describing Democrats but blaming MAGA in a tweet posted earlier today.

Old Joe Biden: Seizing power, concentrating power, tempting to abuse power, purging and packing key institutions, spewing conspiracy theories, spreading lies for profit and power to divide America in every way inciting violence against those who risk their lives to keep America safe, weaponizing against the very soul of who we are as Americans.

This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. But it’s also a threat to the character of our nation.

This is the same guy who indicted his chief political opponent 91 times!

Joe Biden just described the Democrat Party from their movement to defund and demonize the police, to packing all of the institutions of power, to pushing the most outlandish conspiracy theories in human history, all for power!

And they blame this on MAGA – the middle class Americans who want to keep America strong and prosperous.

You really have to appreciate their blatant deceit!



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70eeae No.94555

File: 4ad3672f50fdccb⋯.png (432.48 KB,546x684,91:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641308 (302238ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. George Santos Releases “Fire Alarm Tutorial Video” and PROVES that Democrat Jamaal Bowman Is Lying About ‘Accidentally’ Setting Off Alarm!

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Rep. George Santos Releases “Fire Alarm Tutorial Video” and PROVES that Democrat Jamaal Bowman Is Lying About ‘Accidentally’ Setting Off Alarm!


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70eeae No.94556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641330 (302240ZSEP23) Notable: #24118

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#24118 >>94522

>>94523, >>94526, >>94527, >>94524, >>94541 Office of Rep. Bowman Claims He “Did Not Realize He Would Trigger Building Alarm” - LAUGHABLE!

>>94524 Government shutdown: House passes short-term spending deal

>>94525, >>94528, >>94530, >>94531, >>94532 Rock band KISS stuns MCG crowd ahead of AFL grand final in Australia

>>94529, >>94533 Professional Liar: @SpeakerMcCarthy The House just passed a short-term stop-gap measure (Cap 0:30)

>>94535 @RobertKennedyJr Responds to Label ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ talks about Endocrine disrupters (Cap 5:23)

>>94534, >>94536, >>94547 The WEBP 0-day (security bug in webp processing, webp Google's new image format)


>>94538 US aid to Egypt under new scrutiny after Menendez indictment

>>94539 In an incredible turn of events, @SpeakerMcCarthy relied on the Democratic minority (and less than half of Republicans) in the House to fully fund Biden corruption, abuse, and his border invasion for the next 45 days

>>94540 Africa Speaks Out & REJECTS Barack Obama & Joe Biden. MUST WATCH, THEY ARE OUTRAGED!!

>>94542 Our Food Is About To Be Poisoned With NEW “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” - is this TRUE? ANONS DIG

>>94543 Loomer: Move to vacate Matt or STFU

>>94544 Bannon has said many times 45 days would free up Youngkin so he can file to run for President against Trump

>>94545 Jack Smith Demands Trump Gag Order Citing Attacks On Judge And Witnesses In Cases Against Him

>>94546 The Week According To . . .

Midnight Rider

>>94548 Nearly 80 universities are STILL requiring students to get the jab, according to this list

>>94549 @TheLastRefuge2 These people are not mentally stable.

>>94550 @RichardGrenell on Jamaal Bowman attack on President Trump

>>94551, >>94552 A 23-year-old was arrested for gun possession. It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult

>>94553 Musk the highest paid defense contractor….

>>94553 PF

>>94554 The Definition of Gaslighting: Old Joe Biden Lays Out Democrat Plan for America – Then Blames It on Republicans

>>94555 Rep. George Santos Releases “Fire Alarm Tutorial Video” and PROVES that Democrat Jamaal Bowman Is Lying About ‘Accidentally’ Setting Off Alarm!



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70eeae No.94557

File: dbfe392968f8bbd⋯.png (75.79 KB,245x248,245:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641353 (302248ZSEP23) Notable: #24119

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baker is stepping down, this bread is GHOSTED

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70eeae No.94558

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641385 (302255ZSEP23) Notable: DeSandpaper gets rekt by Maher

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il Donaldo Trumpo



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70eeae No.94559

File: 2a4a5ccffbeed67⋯.png (74.05 KB,922x360,461:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641389 (302256ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down warning signs before pulling fire alarm in Cannon House Office Building

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Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down two signs warning a second floor door in the Cannon House Office Building was for emergency use only before pulling the fire alarm and running out through a different door on a different floor


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70eeae No.94560

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641394 (302257ZSEP23) Notable: Biderp gets rekt by Trump

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il Donaldo Trumpo

I need to laugh today, thats why I’m posting these


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70eeae No.94561

File: 07aa5c4c57a9747⋯.png (98.7 KB,737x768,737:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641398 (302258ZSEP23) Notable: Gaetz: @SpeakerMcCarthy passed today’s Continuing Resolution on suspension

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@SpeakerMcCarthy passed today’s Continuing Resolution onsuspension.

He violated our conference rules by doing so 👇

“Rule 29—Guidelines on Suspension of House Rules

(a) The Republican Leader shall not schedule, or request to have scheduled, any bill or resolution for consideration under suspension of the Rules which—

(1) fails to include a cost estimate, or for which the cost estimate exceeds $100,000,000, unless fully offset by at least an equal reduction in current spending”


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70eeae No.94562

File: a78262ad5710b55⋯.png (488.82 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641423 (302303ZSEP23) Notable: Steve Bannon: MSNBC Reporting that McCarthy has Cut a Separate Deal on Ukraine Funding with Biden

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Isn't see this shit yet


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70eeae No.94563

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641432 (302305ZSEP23) Notable: Whole Damn World For Trump

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EXCUSE ME!!!☝️🤣🤣🤣

il Donaldo Trumpo

Latinos for Trump! This is great.


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70eeae No.94564

File: 114c3216d25cc93⋯.png (148.37 KB,773x815,773:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641453 (302310ZSEP23) Notable: Steve Bannon: MSNBC Reporting that McCarthy has Cut a Separate Deal on Ukraine Funding with Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not so fast!!!!


MSNBC Reporting that McCarthy has Cut a Separate Deal on Ukraine Funding with Biden

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70eeae No.94565

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641466 (302312ZSEP23) Notable: Steve Bannon on 45-Day CR: “If This Happens Today, Speaker McCarthy Has To Go”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>94524 Government shutdown: House passes short-term spending deal PN

Bannon has said many times 45 days would free up Youngkin so he can file to run for President against Trump. Something to do with his Governorship. So McCarthy made it happen!


Steve BannonOn 45-Day CR: “If This Happens Today, Speaker McCarthy Has To Go”He did this to kick the can down the road and surrender. You are going to see who you are governed by, the Globalists, the WEF, the Oligarchs, that want more funding for Ukraine and they need the war there to continue. That is who we are governed by, not the Congress or the Senate, the Globalists.

The 45 days was for Northern VA, so Youngkin can win and immediately challenge Trump for President. In a couple of weeks they are going to have a meeting at Cavalier Hotel in South Beach, FL. It’s all over, they have been talking about it for weeks.

The Biggest fights we had in the Trump admin was with McConnell and Ryan and now it’s Schumer and McCarthy. All their focus is on this now, is to finance the Leviathan. I told you on the 30th, it will give you a “moment of clarity”, when the clock strikes midnight.

You know why Trump is having to go to court in NY on Monday; they want to liquidate his company.

Do You know what Donald Trump’s “great sin“ was?It was to run against Hillary Clinton and the Globalists and win! And his greater sin, was to return and run again. He had no incentive to return, ==“except, except” to save his country.

This is a 30 front war, they go after Trump, Lindell etc. and what are going to do to Paxton, impanel a Grand Jury and put him in jail.

Now is the time to stand and deliver!


Do you all understand that right now there are only 90 Republican patriots that voted Nay and 1 democrat that abstained to not allow the CR, that’s out of 433 members (normally 435).

I wonder if Congress can get more work done with 90 + 1, than with all the obstructionists included? Only 90 out of the 221 Republicans and 1 out of 212 Democrats, voted against the CR. How many didn’t show up?

Seemingly We are fucked! Call in the WHs in the Military, what is taking so long?


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70eeae No.94566

File: 25b98e57c96352f⋯.png (699.08 KB,1100x830,110:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641496 (302317ZSEP23) Notable: Steve Bannon: MSNBC Reporting that McCarthy has Cut a Separate Deal on Ukraine Funding with Biden

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Yep. They approved a stand alone bill for $300 million Thursday.


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70eeae No.94567

File: 5e083e4c56b83b2⋯.png (303.01 KB,600x627,200:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641511 (302319ZSEP23) Notable: The Jerusalem Post: Endangered spotted-tail quoll captured after 130 years of disappearance

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The Jerusalem Post



Endangered spotted-tail quoll captured after 130 years of disappearance 🔎🇦🇺


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70eeae No.94568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641632 (302334ZSEP23) Notable: NYC flood footage

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Notable God Destroys NYC due to less than 10 good people in the city. DC Next

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70eeae No.94569

File: aa4b1f9334a0090⋯.mp4 (821.82 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641708 (302345ZSEP23) Notable: Model Gabriela Rico Jiminez saw some horrible things and no one heard from her again

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Model Gabriela Rico Jiminez saw some horrible things and no one heard from her again

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70eeae No.94570

File: d9fd26f947fdb75⋯.png (223.84 KB,462x601,462:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7cd842c06dbc8⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641715 (302345ZSEP23) Notable: Update on Elon Musk's visit to Eagle Pass

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Elon Musk goes to the border before Biden or Harris, kek

Went to the Eagle Pass border crossing to see what’s really going on


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70eeae No.94571

File: 0772a92bc467007⋯.jpg (338.55 KB,1096x1470,548:735,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641866 (010004ZOCT23) Notable: Last night, Trudeau announced he now requires YouTubers, livestreamers & podcasters to “register” with the government

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Ezra Levant 🍁🚛


Governments hide things by announcing them on Friday afternoons.

Last night, Trudeau announced he now requires YouTubers, livestreamers & podcasters (including those streaming on X/Twitter) to “register” with the government. It’s part of his Internet censorship strategy.


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70eeae No.94572

File: 5b0bf7f07beeaeb⋯.png (300.75 KB,851x868,851:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641880 (010006ZOCT23) Notable: Arab Gulf State Demands Israel's Shadowy Nuclear Weapons Program Be Subject To IAEA Safeguards

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Arab Gulf State Demands Israel's Shadowy Nuclear Weapons Program Be Subject To IAEA Safeguards

Qatar has called for intensifying international efforts to subject all Israeli nuclear facilities to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and for Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The demand was put forward on Friday by the Chairman of Qatar's National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons, Abdulaziz Salmeen al-Jabri, at the annual general conference of the IAEA currently underway in Vienna.


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70eeae No.94573

File: 03330ce7a97a9db⋯.png (105.04 KB,1017x685,1017:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641928 (010013ZOCT23) Notable: Dems are holding up unanimous consent to allow voting on the House Bill just like Tuberville is doing with military promotions

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LOL Dem is holding up unanimous consent to allow voting on the House Bill just like Tuberville is doing with miliary promotions. Wants Ukraine spending in it or promise on a vote to fund Ukraine.


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70eeae No.94574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19641933 (010014ZOCT23) Notable: British defense chief wants to send UK troops to Ukraine

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30 Sep, 2023 23:13

British defense chief wants to send UK troops to Ukraine

Grant Shapps sees an “opportunity” for London to “bring more things” into Ukraine

The newly-appointed Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, has unveiled ongoing discussions about expanding the UK-led training program for Ukrainian troops andpotentially relocating British instructors into the country itself, as well as offering Kiev unspecified naval support in the Black Sea.

“I was talking today about eventually getting the training brought closer and actually into Ukraine as well,” Shapps told The Telegraph after a visit to a Salisbury Plain training ground, on Friday.

During his trip to Kiev earlier this week, the new defense chief, who got his post in a government reshuffle a month ago, apparently saw an “opportunity” to “bring more things in country.” Shapps explained he meant “not just training,” but also weapons manufacturing, as he praised the British arms giant BAE Systems for its plans to localize in Ukraine.

“I’m keen to see other British companies do their bit as well by doing the same thing. So I think there will be a move to get more training and production in the country,” he added.

In his discussions with the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Shapps also reportedly said that Britain’s Navy could play a role in “defending commercial vessels” the Black Sea, according to The Telegraph.

“Britain is a naval nation so we can help and we can advise, particularly since the water is international water,” he said without elaborating what kind of help he offered Zelensky.

The UK military conducted an official operation totrain and arm Ukrainian troops since 2015, which has since shifted out of the country.British Royal Marines also conducted several high-risk “discreet operations” in Ukrainelast year, according to one general, but officially London never admitted to having any significant presence in the country after the conflict with Russia escalated in 2022. However, several classified US military documents that leaked online earlier this year suggested that some 50 British special operatives were still active in Ukraine.

The open deployment of British military personnel would be yet another escalation, after the UK became the first NATO country to supply Kiev with depleted uranium shells as well as long-range cruise missiles which Ukraine has since repeatedly used in attacks against Russian infrastructure.

Moscow has repeatedly described the conflict in Ukraine as one between Russia and the “entire Western military machine,” while Russian President Vladimir Putin said last year that there are entire military units in Ukraine “under the de-facto command of Western advisers.”

British intelligence experts were also involved in studying ways to blow up Russia’s Crimea Bridge using divers or maritime drones, according to independent news website The Grayzone. Last year’s attack on the bridge was carried out using a truck bomb, rather than the options discussed in the UK analysis, but in July Kiev used two suicide sea drones in a deadly strike that damaged a span of the road and killed two civilians.

Earlier this week, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused UK and US intelligence agencies of helping to coordinate the latest Ukrainian strike on Sevastopol, Crimea, which targeted the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

(Now the West are basically admitting they will send troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians. This is insane!)


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70eeae No.94575

File: afa1706b7719de9⋯.png (135.04 KB,1322x501,1322:501,Clipboard.png)

File: f041ac0601fd443⋯.png (620.02 KB,1196x808,299:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642070 (010031ZOCT23) Notable: Moar [9]s

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Notice Dan says it's 9/9/2023

should be 9/29/2023

missing 20


>9/9/2023 — 45 stops by a Carvel in Westwood, California…


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70eeae No.94576

File: a84f171b8e83837⋯.png (178.66 KB,587x720,587:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642078 (010033ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz: @SpeakerMcCarthy passed today’s Continuing Resolution on suspension

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McCarthy made a secret side deal with Dems to get their votes on CR.


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70eeae No.94577

File: 07809f3e929eb96⋯.png (262.39 KB,595x808,595:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642110 (010038ZOCT23) Notable: Numerous firefighters are battling a large Landfill fire in Scottsdale, Arizona

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See new posts




🚨#BREAKING: Numerous firefighters are battling a large Landfill fire

📌#Scottsdale | #Arizona

Currently Numerous firefighters are battling a large landfill fire near salt river in Scottsdale, Arizona. Large flames, accompanied by heavy smoke, can be seen. Strong winds are currently making it more difficult to control the fire. Officials are warning the public that they may smell a strong odor from the landfill fire. It’s not clear at this time what started the fire as it is currently under investigation

1:25 PM · Sep 30, 2023

from Scottsdale, AZ




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70eeae No.94578

File: 3c32dfc6d4c0040⋯.png (24.96 KB,613x241,613:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642120 (010038ZOCT23) Notable: US Senate approves 45-day funding bill to keep federal agencies open

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#BREAKING: The U.S. Senate approves government funding for 45 days, averting shutdown as Speaker McCarthy has made a separate deal with Democrats to continue funding Ukraine


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70eeae No.94579

File: 2df7bc43fc4542a⋯.png (553.63 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e9cc5bc3127755⋯.png (2.58 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 55b526200c8cf47⋯.png (3.03 MB,1152x2048,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: f73a2e685b277e1⋯.png (4.24 MB,1920x1440,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 13cb380d4b8a136⋯.png (1.38 MB,1152x2048,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642142 (010040ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down warning signs before pulling fire alarm in Cannon House Office Building

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Exclusive — Capitol Sources:Jamaal Bowman Threw Signs Warning Door Was Emergency Only on Floor Before Pulling Fire Alarm

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down two signs warning a second floor door in the Cannon House Office Building was for emergency use only before pulling the fire alarm and running out through a different door on a different floor, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Multiple sources familiar with the investigation into Bowman pulling the fire alarm in the House, which triggered a full scale law enforcement and emergency services response leading to the evacuation of the building, told Breitbart News exclusively that Bowman ripped two signs down and threw then on the ground first.


moar pics

30 Sep 2023


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70eeae No.94580

File: 85e7dddcd6b27eb⋯.png (213.86 KB,414x514,207:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642149 (010041ZOCT23) Notable: British defense chief wants to send UK troops to Ukraine

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JUST IN: The U.K.'s minister of defense proposes sending British troops to Ukraine in a significant military escalation


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70eeae No.94581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642172 (010043ZOCT23) Notable: How James O'Keefe Became the Enemy of the State | S2 E3 | The Truth Podcast w/ Vivek Ramaswamy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How James O'Keefe Became the Enemy of the State | S2 E3 | The Truth Podcast

Vivek Ramaswamy

238K subscribers

61K views 3 days ago

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70eeae No.94582

File: f22bb35ee625e83⋯.png (631.81 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 78a4fb6a99f8245⋯.png (326.08 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642202 (010046ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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A pair of V-22s flying on the down low broadcasting no ID.




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70eeae No.94583

File: 394ef33455e6852⋯.png (311.99 KB,479x426,479:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642217 (010047ZOCT23) Notable: Yanis Varoufakis, Roger Waters, and Stella Assange speak to camera following visit with Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange

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Look who went to visit Julian Assange

Yanis Varoufakis, Roger Waters and Stella Assange


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70eeae No.94584

File: f458f08c0d44720⋯.png (608.93 KB,1386x930,231:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642221 (010047ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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Did they get fuel?

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70eeae No.94585

File: e4de310e447366a⋯.png (975 KB,891x619,891:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642224 (010048ZOCT23) Notable: US Senate approves 45-day funding bill to keep federal agencies open

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94586

File: 6e18b0281146300⋯.png (111.33 KB,788x405,788:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642236 (010049ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy lied again - side deal on Ukraine with McConnel and Biden

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94587

File: bbfacfb2736547b⋯.png (635.26 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642248 (010051ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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>Did they get fuel?

It certainly looks that way. Doesn't it?

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70eeae No.94588

File: 4c284a94558472d⋯.png (322.32 KB,1080x998,540:499,Clipboard.png)

File: b34c812ad844f9a⋯.jpg (88.83 KB,500x793,500:793,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642261 (010052ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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MAGA PATRIOT the other morning posted a picture a B-21 RAIDER nobody has seen the RAIDER in flight that I know of...... Nice!

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70eeae No.94589

File: 779fbd59e3c3a79⋯.png (6.51 MB,1920x2560,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a2825be0962e08⋯.png (407.03 KB,611x557,611:557,Clipboard.png)

File: d5052ce50524284⋯.png (29.1 KB,622x294,311:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e16aaf7704eb18⋯.png (46.88 KB,621x399,207:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642269 (010052ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down warning signs before pulling fire alarm in Cannon House Office Building

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>>94579 (me)

Also in the article ...

"Obviously, the sign says otherwise.

However, what really seems to be going on here is that Democrats in the House were desperately trying any tactics they could—the motion to adjourn vote which failed, the House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries delaying using as much time as he could through his“magic minute”which allows the opposition leader to speak for as long as they like, and through disinformation their committee staffers were disseminating about the House GOP’s funding bill—in order to buy their counterparts in the Senate time to pass a Democrat funding measure. The main difference between House and Senate funding packages is that the Senate plan led by Senate Democrats provides billions of taxpayer dollars for Ukraine, whereas the House-passed plan provides zero dollars for Ukraine.

In other words, it appearsBowman—who has been in Congress for nearly three yearsnow and would understand all this about emergency doors and rushing to votes—pulled the fire alarm as part of a delay tactic to help buy the Democrats time.

When their delay tactics failed and the House passed the GOP funding plan, the Democrats changed their tune and began singing its praises—even though it provides zero money for Ukraine—and they all,once they recognized defeat, voted for it and claimed they won."


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70eeae No.94590

File: 0132041225563cd⋯.png (497.95 KB,598x482,299:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642291 (010055ZOCT23) Notable: Moar [9]s

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Happening Now—45 in Costa Mesa, California, where some supporters came out to show their support🇺🇸🦅

1:04 PM · Sep 30, 2023

from Costa Mesa, CA




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70eeae No.94591

File: c2af704243bcf0c⋯.png (385.99 KB,887x499,887:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642330 (010059ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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RQ-170 or even the mysterious RQ-180.




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70eeae No.94592

File: 4c9c3133a070957⋯.png (262.47 KB,441x564,147:188,Clipboard.png)

File: f86c9d0377d7f33⋯.png (167.19 KB,955x1076,955:1076,Clipboard.png)

File: c2479667ce6ac3e⋯.png (132.83 KB,747x940,747:940,Clipboard.png)

File: ce6042ed64a3748⋯.jpg (151.05 KB,1030x712,515:356,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cdd9349d2063459⋯.jpg (217.95 KB,955x1076,955:1076,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642455 (010108ZOCT23) Notable: Moar [9]s

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


9/29/23 — @realDonaldTrump stops by a Carvel in Westwood, California…

Sep 30, 2023, 7:06 PM


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70eeae No.94593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642463 (010109ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Trump Joins TGP Recap on Blessed News Network to Discuss Censorship of Her NEW SONG, Attacks on President Trump, moar

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WATCH: Lara Trump Joins TGP Recap on Blessed News Network to Discuss Censorship of Her NEW SONG, Attacks on President Trump, and Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Jordan Conradson Sep. 30, 2023

Quote from GWP article, interview with Lara Trump,I didn’t know they took no profit from foreigners in their hotels. Pretty astounding!

Conradson: Would he do anything that is relatable to what Joe Biden did for and with Hunter Biden? Of course, Joe Biden was involved in all these criminal acts around the world.

Trump: No. I mean, we’ve got the receipts, we’ve got the emails, we’ve got the phone calls, we’ve got the photographs, we have the schedule, we know exactly what happened with Joe and Hunter Biden. And yeah, my father-in-law loves all of us very much in our family. But no, we did not ever have a situation like this. In fact, we went so far in the opposite direction on our end. Don’t forget for so long, the Trump Organization existed as an actual company.

This was a business before my father-in-law became President of the United States. So, we were in international business before he became a politician. And isn’t it interesting that it’s the reciprocal of that whenever you look at most of these politicians, especially the Biden family. Somehow, they got into international “business”—and I’ll put that in air quotes—right after Joe Biden became part of the government system here in the United States; really interesting to see.

But we went out of our way to stop any new international business deals while my father-in-law was President. As soon as he got elected,when he became President-elect, he said no new overseas business deals will be happening while he’s in office.

And then we did something that never gets any credit, and let me tell you, it took a lot of work to do it.Anytime there was a foreign entity who stayed at a Trump property, who dined at a Trump property, who even bought a glass of wine at a Trump property, we gave that money back to the United States Treasury because we didn’t even want the faintest hint of impropriety.

We didn’t want there to be any question about what was going on with us. He was there, my father-in-law, as President for every person in this country, to do the best job possible, not to line the pockets of our family.

Don’t forget he never took a salary. He donated his salary as President every single quarter. He’s probably the only president to leave the White House with less money than he went into the White House. Not anyone else, I don’t believe, can say that, and it’s really amazing. It didn’t have anything to do, by the way, with how much he loves us because he loves us all a great deal, I can assure you…


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70eeae No.94594

File: 72aa38fcfa3fe52⋯.png (244.29 KB,385x523,385:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642490 (010113ZOCT23) Notable: RFK Jr. Responds to a C-Span Caller Who Labels Him a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’

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RFK Jr. Responds to a C-Span Caller Who Labels Him a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’

CALLER: “Your conspiracy theories – they literally scare us ... 5G is mass surveillance ... I’m so confused.”

KENNEDY: “You say that 5G is not used for surveillance. Is there really any American left who believes that the government is not spying on the American people? Edward Snowden demonstrated this. I don’t think you’ll find a single member of Congress who, if you ask them, ‘Does the government spy on Americans?’ [who] will tell you no. So, I don’t understand how that’s a conspiracy theory.”

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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70eeae No.94595

File: 327d6af56b7b0bd⋯.png (92.72 KB,1056x543,352:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642557 (010119ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy lied again - side deal on Ukraine with McConnel and Biden

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Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again

– Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding

with McConnell and Biden

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: DW626, 9/30/2023 8:49:44 PM

Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill, spearheaded by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass. With a 335-91 vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine. The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor.

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70eeae No.94596

File: c20ecd60937011e⋯.png (138.67 KB,965x639,965:639,Clipboard.png)

File: b08d7dbf23401f6⋯.png (126.06 KB,612x453,204:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 2177d56869a1a72⋯.png (330.83 KB,936x364,18:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 953ef289f6a4ad1⋯.png (280.04 KB,596x799,596:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cf1ded6f6be302⋯.png (383.06 KB,728x920,91:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642564 (010119ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy lied again - side deal on Ukraine with McConnel and Biden

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Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again – Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and Biden

Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill, spearheaded by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass.

With a 335-91 vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine.

The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor.

Shortly after today’s vote news broke that Kevin McCarthy pulled a fast one and made a side deal with GOP Minority leader Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden to fund Ukraine.

Via Steve Bannon on GETTR.

Sure enough. Kevin McCarthy apparently made a side deal and will hold an up-or-down vote to continue to send billions in US taxpayer money to Ukraine for their war with Russia.

McCarthy did not tell House Republicans about the deal until after the continuing resolution passed.

Via Matt Gaetz.


Matt Gaetz



@SpeakerMcCarthy made a side Ukraine deal with Democrats and didn’t tell House Republicans until after his Continuing Resolution passed.

More deceit.


Jake Sherman





"When the House returns, we expect Speaker McCarthy to advance a bill to the House Floor for an up-or-down vote that supports Ukraine, consistent with his commitment to making sure that Vladimir Putin, Russia and authoritarianism are defeated. We… Show more


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70eeae No.94597

File: cc87a9c165a186c⋯.png (903.01 KB,899x636,899:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642586 (010121ZOCT23) Notable: Update on Elon Musk's visit to Eagle Pass

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‘Explosively High’ Numbers: Musk,

Others Call Out Biden Border Crisis

PJ Media, by Catherine Salgado

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/30/2023 8:14:30 PM

With Border Patrol encountering 10,000 or more illegal migrants every single day, Elon Musk and others took to X (formerly Twitter) to highlight some data and facts illustrating the scope of the Biden border crisis. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) tweeted a picture of himself and Musk at the border with the comment, “RECORD 260,000+ illegal entries in the US during September. This border crisis is unsustainable, we need sensible solutions NOW.” In response, Musk quote-tweeted the message with his own important context. “US Border Patrol just reported the highest number of recorded illegal immigrants in history at over 260,000 this month,” Musk reaffirmed. “The full number, including unrecorded,

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70eeae No.94598

File: 74fd8b53d232b47⋯.png (542.98 KB,1063x615,1063:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642610 (010123ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden’s Granddaughter Lived in White House While Representing Govt Interests of Peru

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All in The Family – Joe Biden’s Granddaughter

Lived in White House While Representing

Govt Interests of Peru

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 9/30/2023 7:59:38 PM

Sheesh, this family. According to reporting from the New York Post, Hunter Biden’s oldest daughter, Naomi Biden, Joe Biden’s granddaughter, went to work for DC-based law firm Arnold & Porter immediately after Biden was inaugurated. While working for the firm as an “international arbitration associate”, Naomi Biden represents the interests of Peruvians in an energy dispute and lawsuit. Naomi Biden lived in the White House from August 2022 to March 2023. No word on whether she registered under the laws of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). The IRS investigators of Hunter Biden were blocked by the DOJ from interviewing Naomi. This is multiple layers of sketchy.

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70eeae No.94599

File: b11889dcbf53258⋯.png (211.09 KB,664x659,664:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642625 (010124ZOCT23) Notable: Republicans Draft Resolution to Expel Jamaal Bowman from Congress

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Republicans Draft Resolution to Expel

Jamaal Bowman from Congress

Breitbart Politics, by Bradley Jaye

Posted By: Imright, 9/30/2023 6:33:42 PM

Republicans have drafted a resolution to expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) after he allegedly pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote on a bill to avert a government shutdown. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) authored the resolution, which is expected to be formally filed Monday when the House is next in session. Expulsion is the most serious form of disciplinary action available to the House for its own members. Only five members have been expelled from the House in history. (X) Bowman’s alleged actions are being investigated by the House Administration Committee and the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and elicited widespread condemnation from his Republican colleagues.

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70eeae No.94600

File: 3e511367b6dddf6⋯.png (3.36 MB,1923x1078,1923:1078,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642642 (010125ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy lied again - side deal on Ukraine with McConnel and Biden

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94601

File: 0341a5e591f3eba⋯.gif (5.26 MB,520x338,20:13,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642745 (010134ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy lied again - side deal on Ukraine with McConnel and Biden

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The Office of Speaker may be declared vacant by resolution, which

may be offered as a matter of privilege. Manual § 315; 6 Cannon § 35.

Under rule I clause 8(b)(3), adopted in the 108th Congress, the Speaker is

required to deliver to the Clerk a list of Members in the order in which each

shall act as Speaker pro tempore in the case of a vacancy in the Office of

Speaker. The Member acting as Speaker pro tempore under this provision

may exercise such authorities of the Office of Speaker as may be necessary

and appropriate pending the election of a Speaker or Speaker pro tempore.

A vacancy in the Office may exist by reason of the physical inability of

the Speaker to discharge the duties of the Office.

Does that member have to be a part of the current house?

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70eeae No.94602

File: 7ddb7a13b45536b⋯.png (584.2 KB,586x874,293:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642753 (010134ZOCT23) Notable: Biden after govt funding bill passes: “We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted."

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BIDEN AFTER GOVERNMENT FUNDING BILL PASSES: “We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted. I fully expect the Speaker will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine...”


2:30 PM · Sep 30, 2023




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70eeae No.94603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642824 (010139ZOCT23) Notable: #24119

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#24119 >>94557

>>94558 DeSandpaper gets rekt by Maher

>>94559, >>94579, >>94589 Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down warning signs before pulling fire alarm in Cannon House Office Building

>>94560 Biderp gets rekt by Trump

>>94561, >>94576 Gaetz: @SpeakerMcCarthy passed today’s Continuing Resolution on suspension

>>94562, >>94564, >>94566 Steve Bannon: MSNBC Reporting that McCarthy has Cut a Separate Deal on Ukraine Funding with Biden

>>94563 Whole Damn World For Trump

>>94565 Steve Bannon on 45-Day CR: “If This Happens Today, Speaker McCarthy Has To Go”

>>94567 The Jerusalem Post: Endangered spotted-tail quoll captured after 130 years of disappearance

>>94568 NYC flood footage

>>94569 Model Gabriela Rico Jiminez saw some horrible things and no one heard from her again

>>94570, >>94597 Update on Elon Musk's visit to Eagle Pass

>>94571 Last night, Trudeau announced he now requires YouTubers, livestreamers & podcasters to “register” with the government

>>94572 Arab Gulf State Demands Israel's Shadowy Nuclear Weapons Program Be Subject To IAEA Safeguards

>>94573 Dems are holding up unanimous consent to allow voting on the House Bill just like Tuberville is doing with military promotions

>>94574, >>94580 British defense chief wants to send UK troops to Ukraine

>>94575, >>94590, >>94592 Moar [9]s

>>94577 Numerous firefighters are battling a large Landfill fire in Scottsdale, Arizona

>>94578, >>94585 US Senate approves 45-day funding bill to keep federal agencies open

>>94581 How James O'Keefe Became the Enemy of the State | S2 E3 | The Truth Podcast w/ Vivek Ramaswamy

>>94582, >>94584, >>94587, >>94591, >>94588, >>94591 Planefags

>>94583 Yanis Varoufakis, Roger Waters, and Stella Assange speak to camera following visit with Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange

>>94593 Lara Trump Joins TGP Recap on Blessed News Network to Discuss Censorship of Her NEW SONG, Attacks on President Trump, moar

>>94594 RFK Jr. Responds to a C-Span Caller Who Labels Him a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’

>>94595, >>94596, >>94586, >>94600, >>94601 McCarthy lied again - side deal on Ukraine with McConnel and Biden

>>94598 Joe Biden’s Granddaughter Lived in White House While Representing Govt Interests of Peru

>>94599 Republicans Draft Resolution to Expel Jamaal Bowman from Congress

>>94602 Biden after govt funding bill passes: “We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted."


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70eeae No.94604

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642850 (010142ZOCT23) Notable: #24120

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Bakers gotta go, dough is up for seizing

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70eeae No.94605

File: cf1e7d768e69754⋯.jpeg (93.5 KB,1095x683,1095:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6190c137e62cf85⋯.png (431.09 KB,955x669,955:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642910 (010148ZOCT23) Notable: Elections are stolen with Dell computers

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Elections are stolen with Dell computers


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70eeae No.94606

File: b5ba80cd37e486d⋯.png (582.85 KB,587x641,587:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19642994 (010156ZOCT23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy - I just signed and sent this short-term stop-gap bill to the White House

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Kevin McCarthy


✓ Passed by the House

✓ Passed by the Senate

I just signed and sent this short-term stop-gap bill to the White House in order to fund our troops, deliver emergency relief, and keep government open while Congress gets back to work through regular order.


2:55 PM · Sep 30, 2023




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70eeae No.94607

File: e78f2745fba14e9⋯.png (576.63 KB,603x546,201:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643011 (010157ZOCT23) Notable: Migrant allegedly molested girl, 7, at NYC hotel housing asylum-seekers

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New York Post


Migrant allegedly molested girl, 7, at NYC hotel housing asylum-seekers: sources https://trib.al/ym4KQIG


7:51 AM · Sep 28, 2023




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70eeae No.94608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643025 (010158ZOCT23) Notable: The Intelligence Briefing / Biden: King of Corruption - John B Wells LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Going live at the top of the hour.

The Intelligence Briefing / Biden: King of Corruption - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

652 watching now Started streaming 58 minutes ago UNITED STATES

#ArkMidnight Tonight

Topic: The Intelligence Briefing / Biden: King of Corruption

9pm-12am CDT


• Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF Ret.)

• Sam Faddis

Website: https://andmagazine.substack.com

X: @RealSamFaddis

• Ann Vandersteel

Website: https://annvandersteel.substack.com/

X: @annvandersteel

• Michael Yon

Website: https://michaelyon.com

Twitter: @Michael_Yon

Listen Links:

AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)



Speak Free Radio













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70eeae No.94609

File: 3ca40027a819624⋯.png (331.92 KB,600x556,150:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643063 (010201ZOCT23) Notable: Today, #FBI New York arrested a Long Island pastor for the production of child pornography

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FBI New York


Sep 28

Today, #FBI New York arrested a Long Island pastor for the production of child pornography. Read more


bots on full bitch mode.

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70eeae No.94610

File: 199668df102e615⋯.png (62.69 KB,600x365,120:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643136 (010206ZOCT23) Notable: Today, #FBI New York arrested a Long Island pastor for the production of child pornography

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Deltona Man Pleads Guilty To Distributing And Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Images And Videos Over The Internet



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70eeae No.94611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643234 (010216ZOCT23) Notable: Elections are stolen with Dell computers

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>Elections are stolen with Dell computers

"Coffee County, Georgia, combines Dell hardware with Dominion software.

Dell logos are on the bottom left and right.

The red logo for the Dominion Voting Systems software is on the top right.

The photo is dated Dec. 9th, 2020.

Please fast-forward this video to 43 seconds:

Election Boards rely on Dell computers to steal elections.

Without them, they can’t.

Dominion Voting Systems name 38 of the Dell models that political hacks should use on Election Day.

If they don’t, they lose their jobs.

Dominion’s 19-page report about Dell is dated March 16th." moar



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70eeae No.94612

File: c9505791015c6fa⋯.png (120.71 KB,600x614,300:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 180421efbc47433⋯.jpg (51.03 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643339 (010224ZOCT23) Notable: Did the 🇺🇸 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) encounter the storm from The Final Countdown? / Boat stuff

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Evergreen Intel



Did the 🇺🇸 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) encounter the storm from The Final Countdown?

September 29, 2023 Sentinel-2 L2A imagery of @Warship_78 in the Adriatic Sea with what appears to be a giant ripple expanding close to the carrier. No idea what the cause was.


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70eeae No.94613

File: 8c33342d8a9422c⋯.png (295.31 KB,600x581,600:581,Clipboard.png)

File: e0f81de1481dc32⋯.png (275.04 KB,600x575,24:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643396 (010230ZOCT23) Notable: Did the 🇺🇸 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) encounter the storm from The Final Countdown? / Boat stuff

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70eeae No.94614

File: f538818286dde80⋯.png (383.68 KB,600x559,600:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643438 (010233ZOCT23) Notable: Did the 🇺🇸 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) encounter the storm from The Final Countdown? / Boat stuff

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70eeae No.94615

File: 085e038d1dd9d6a⋯.png (229.83 KB,600x568,75:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643521 (010240ZOCT23) Notable: #OTD in 1954, USS Nautilus (SSN-571) was commissioned, marking a new era in naval warfare.

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U.S. Naval Institute



#OTD in 1954, USS Nautilus (SSN-571) was commissioned, marking a new era in naval warfare. The world's first nuclear submarine could stay submerged longer while traveling further, faster and deeper than conventional subs. Nautilus would be the first to pass under the North Pole.


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70eeae No.94616

File: 94727b1729c4c21⋯.png (282.3 KB,600x476,150:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643648 (010257ZOCT23) Notable: Did the 🇺🇸 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) encounter the storm from The Final Countdown? / Boat stuff

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U.S. Naval Institute


Sep 29

Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Underway from Japan After 11-Day Delay - USNI News


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70eeae No.94617

File: 45ce056c71773e7⋯.png (338.66 KB,730x783,730:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643661 (010259ZOCT23) Notable: COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report

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COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report


17 Million

17 Countries

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70eeae No.94618

File: db3f53db10bf6a9⋯.pdf (2.85 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 42e0ae9d2ad11b7⋯.png (35.38 KB,303x407,303:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643688 (010306ZOCT23) Notable: A Top Secret Program Hidden in Plain Sight - PDF

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A Top Secret Program Hidden in Plain Sight


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70eeae No.94619

File: c0a4e39aedf9c9a⋯.png (761.64 KB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e56ff4830a725b⋯.png (74.13 KB,1372x427,196:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 476aed3a641ece2⋯.png (837.71 KB,1280x872,160:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643770 (010319ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports - LANDMARK GRAPHICS CORP

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Uh oh! Halliburton headed overseas.



Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) and Landmark Graphics Corporation, a wholly owned business unit of Halliburton, today announced that they have completed the acquisition of PGS Data Management (PGSDM), a division of Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (NYSE: PGO; Oslo: PGS) for approximately $175 million cash consideration.


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70eeae No.94620

File: db30ac2aae6817f⋯.png (821.15 KB,719x1008,719:1008,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643813 (010328ZOCT23) Notable: UN to vote on resolution to authorize one-year deployment of armed force to help Haiti fight gangs

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Guise for UN to invade Haiti?

UN to vote on resolution to authorize one-year deployment of armed force to help Haiti fight gangs

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — The U.N. Security Council is scheduling a vote Monday on a resolution that would authorize a one-year deployment of an international force to help Haiti quell a surge in gang violence and restore security so the troubled Caribbean nation can hold long-delayed elections.

The U.S.-drafted resolution obtained by The Associated Press on Saturday welcomes Kenya’s offer to lead the multinational security force. It makes clear this would be a non-U.N. force funded by voluntary contributions.

The resolution would authorize the force for one year, with a review after nine months.

The force would be allowed to provide operational support to Haiti’s National Police, which is underfunded and under resourced, with only some 10,000 active officers for a country of more than 11 million people.

The resolution says the force would help built capacity of local police “through the planning and conduct of joint security support operations as it works to counter gangs and improve security conditions in Haiti.”

The force would also help secure “critical infrastructure sites and transit locations such as the airport, ports, and key intersections.” Powerful gangs have seized control of key roads leading from Haiti’s capital to the country’s northern and southern regions, disrupting the transportation of food and other goods.

Passage by the Security Council would authorize the force to “adopt urgent temporary measures on an exceptional basis” to prevent the loss of life and help police maintain public safety.

Leaders of the mission would be required to inform the council on the mission’s goals, rules of engagement, financial needs and other matters before a full deployment.

A spokesman for Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry said he wasn’t aware of the resolution or the upcoming vote and said the government did not immediately have comment.

The resolution condemns “the increasing violence, criminal activities, and human rights abuses and violations which undermine the peace, stability, and security of Haiti and the region, including kidnappings, sexual and gender-based violence, trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants, homicides, extrajudicial killings, as well as arms smuggling.”

If adopted, it would mark the first time a force has been deployed to Haiti since the U.N. approved a stabilization mission in June 2004 that was marred by a sexual abuse scandal and the introduction of cholera. That mission ended in October 2017.

Concerns also have surrounded the proposed Kenyan-led mission, with critics noting that police in the East Africa country have long been accused of using torture, deadly force and other abuses.

The resolution stresses that all those participating in the proposed mission must take necessary action to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse as well as vet all personnel. It also demands swift investigations of any allegations of misconduct.

In addition, the resolution warns that those involved in the mission must adopt wastewater management and other environmental control to prevent the introduction and spread of water-borne diseases, such as cholera.

It wasn’t immediately clear how big the force would be if approved, although Kenya’s government has previously proposed sending 1,000 police officers. In addition, Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Antigua and Barbuda have pledged to send personnel.

Last month, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden promised to provide logistics and $100 million to support a Kenyan-led force.

The resolution notes that the Security Council intends to impose additional sanctions on Jimmy Chérizier, known as “Barbecue,” who heads Haiti’s biggest gang alliance. Chérizier, a former police officer, recently warned that he would fight any armed force suspected of abuses.

The proposed resolution comes nearly a year after Haiti’s prime minister and other top government officials requested the immediate deployment of a foreign armed force as the government struggles to fight violent gangs estimated to control up to 80% of the capital of Port-au-Prince.

From Jan. 1 to Aug. 15, more than 2,400 people in Haiti were reported killed, more than 950 kidnapped and 902 injured, according to the most recent U.N. statistics. More than 200,000 others have been displaced by violence, with many crammed in makeshift shelters after gangs pillaged their communities.


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70eeae No.94621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643819 (010329ZOCT23) Notable: 2 arrested after Pontiac man who goes after sex predators is fatally shot

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2 arrested after Pontiac man who goes after sex predators is fatally shot


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70eeae No.94622

File: 2958f7be3258e56⋯.png (1.62 MB,1580x1666,790:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19643900 (010354ZOCT23) Notable: How Much Longer Will The Systemic Racism Narrative Last? Had Enough Yet?

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How Much Longer Will The Systemic Racism Narrative Last? Had Enough Yet?


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70eeae No.94623

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644043 (010435ZOCT23) Notable: Stolen History - Lifting The Veil Of Deception

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Stolen History - Lifting the Veil of Deception (Part 1 - Introduction)




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70eeae No.94624

File: d4b8a103b0a9055⋯.png (167.45 KB,1818x1002,303:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644080 (010444ZOCT23) Notable: October 1st is China Day. Biden admin has stood down all US EAM and Force Direction Messages in observance of same.

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October 1st is China Day. Biden admin has stood down all US EAM and Force Direction Messages in observance of same.



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70eeae No.94625

File: 2823da9e7ae6db7⋯.jpg (137 KB,720x1048,90:131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: afbd1869a1dac07⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f588518fea4075a⋯.jpg (71.16 KB,720x828,20:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644106 (010450ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino - Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA… / Finish Line

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Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA…

Finish Line

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70eeae No.94626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644148 (010502ZOCT23) Notable: British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine

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British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine

U.S. troops are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova. The CIA and State Department are the operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine government. American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at U.S. military hospitals in Germany. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace. Additionally, the U.S. is sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range missile launching systems into Ukraine.

For all intents and purposes, the U.S driven NATO military forces are already actively engaged in Ukraine.

Simultaneously, the Dept of Defense and CIA have announced the deployment of advanced artificial intelligence operations for U.S. internet systems. That creation aligns with the Dept of Homeland Security organizing “homeland intelligence experts” {link} to control and monitor public information and shape U.S. public opinion. All of this is happening under the guise of national security. We have the COVID-19 backdrop to identify the public-private partnership approach to controlling information. This same process can easily be deployed to cover Ukraine sensitive content.

They are determined to take us to war.

Last point, as you contemplate the severity by which everything is being organized, regardless of public opinion, don’t forget to overlay this context with their opposition to President Donald Trump; the one guy who could stop all of this.

Now do you see the context for the U.S. intelligence apparatus to manipulate everything about the 2024 election, including the use of RFK Jr?

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70eeae No.94627

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644165 (010505ZOCT23) Notable: Stolen History - Lifting The Veil Of Deception

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>These dates are what we've been told/taught… but what doesn't make sense is the evidence of the Mud-Floods and the past architecture that has been hidden from us. This 15min Introduction-Video may shed some light for those who are questioning the narrative we've been sold our entire lives.


>Stolen History - Lifting the Veil of Deception (Part 1 - Introduction)



15:00 mins



1:19:10 mins

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70eeae No.94628

File: f2563fe00bf41c3⋯.png (738.14 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644214 (010516ZOCT23) Notable: #24121

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70eeae No.94629

File: cfa96b0792ccdb3⋯.png (522.21 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644279 (010537ZOCT23) Notable: Disgraced General Mark Milley Ends Career with Awkward Pleading for Applause: 'That Was Weak'

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Disgraced General Mark Milley Ends Career with Awkward Pleading for Applause: 'That Was Weak'


Call it poetic justice - sooner or later you have to answer for your actions. What happens in this life may be a clue for what's coming next.

When General Mark Milley, who served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump and Biden, retired on Friday, he went out "not with a bang but a whimper," a testament to the poetic genius of T.S. Eliot.

Mark Milley is one of Eliot's hollow men who have spent their professional lives in Washington, D.C., ruining America. He is one of the men who "whisper together/Are quiet and meaningless/As wind in dry grass/Or rats' feet over broken glass".

Citizen Free Press posted a telling clip that captured the essence of Milley's hollow career on X, formerly Twitter, with the comment, "Fitting end to his career."

Milley had a Jeb! moment today and then he stepped down as the top US general.

?Why wouldn't Milley be sporting the 101st Patch on his right shoulder? Just curious about that one as anon is willing to bet he's sporting the CIB

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70eeae No.94630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644284 (010539ZOCT23) Notable: What is a Continuing Resolution and How Does It Impact Government Operations?

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What is a Continuing Resolution and How Does It Impact Government Operations?

No matter what comes of the election next week, the current Congress will have a lot on its plate, including a continuing resolution that expires December 16.

But what exactly is a continuing resolution? CR Continuing resolutions are temporary spending bills that allow federal government operations to continue when final appropriations have not been approved by Congress and the President. Without final appropriations or a continuing resolution (CR), there could be a lapse in funding that results in a government shutdown.

How is a CR different from a budget?

The federal budget is a proposal by the President outlining spending goals and priorities during a given year. Congress debates this funding, and then votes to appropriate funding. However, Congress has only completed this process before the beginning of the fiscal year 3 times in the last 47 years, most recently for FY1997.


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70eeae No.94631

File: 71a61c64666ed98⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,184x248,23:31,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9f807a9a6c6d77b⋯.jpg (35.82 KB,418x468,209:234,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644349 (010555ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino - Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA…

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Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA…

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70eeae No.94632

File: b299ec26e41a1d9⋯.png (324.73 KB,843x489,281:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644358 (010558ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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>>94625 LB

>Dan Scavino - Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA… / Finish Line

N757AF is nearing Lincoln, NE

Trump's call sign makes anon wonder if the AF stands for Air Force.

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70eeae No.94633

File: 9f5fa745e603d46⋯.png (899.89 KB,1871x936,1871:936,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644363 (010559ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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Silent map...

Operators ACTIVE

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70eeae No.94634

File: 66304623a811fd5⋯.jpg (93.68 KB,631x636,631:636,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644379 (010605ZOCT23) Notable: Former Los Angeles Dodgers MVP Steve Garvey is considering running in the 2024 California Senate Race as a Republican

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🚨Report: Former Los Angeles Dodgers MVP Steve Garvey is considering running in the 2024 California Senate Race as a Republican.…


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70eeae No.94635

File: 637ba5fab890ae5⋯.png (458.24 KB,937x902,937:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644382 (010606ZOCT23) Notable: “Our Voters Deserve to Know Who is Selling Them Out” – Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out and Exposes “Senate RINOs” for Pushing Billions More in Ukraine Funding

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“Our Voters Deserve to Know Who is Selling Them Out” – Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out and Exposes “Senate RINOs” for Pushing Billions More in Ukraine Funding

In a fiery series of messages on X, Donald Trump Jr. has unleashed a scathing critique of establishment Senate Republicans.

His target? The Senate’s proposed stop-gap bill that, among other things, aims to send $6.1 billion in aid to Ukraine. Trump Jr. is not holding back, naming names and calling out what he sees as betrayal by Republican leaders.

“If only these RINOs fought this hard for things that actually helped American citizens!!!” Trump Jr. wrote.

Trump Jr. began his tirade by focusing on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), writing, “RINOs in the Senate are trying to jam billions more in Ukraine funding down our throats. Our voters deserve to know who is selling them out. First up: Mitch McConnell. He says funding Ukraine is the GOP’s #1 priority. Call his office & let him know if you agree! 202-224-2541.”

RINOs in the Senate are trying to jam billions more in Ukraine funding down our throats. Our voters deserve to know who is selling them out.

First up: Mitch McConnell.

He says funding Ukraine is the GOP’s #1 priority.

Call his office & let him know if you agree! 202-224-2541

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 29, 2023

He didn’t stop there. Trump Jr. continued to call out other high-ranking Republicans, including Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), and Sen. Todd Young (R-IN).

“Next on our list of RINOs putting Ukraine First is John Cornyn. He sold us out when he supported Biden’s gun control bill & now he’s selling GOP voters out AGAIN to send billions more to Ukraine. He really deserves a PRIMARY – Texas can do better! Call his office: 202-224-2934,” Trump Jr. tweeted.

Next on our list of RINOs putting Ukraine First is @JohnCornyn.

He sold us out when he supported Biden’s gun control bill & now he’s selling GOP voters out AGAIN to send billions more to Ukraine.

He really deserves a PRIMARY – Texas can do better!

Call his office: 202-224-2934

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 29, 2023

He also took aim at Sen. John Thune, stating, “America Last Sen. John Thune is leading the charge in the Senate to sell out GOP voters & send billions more to Ukraine. He also wants to replace Mitch McConnell as GOP Senate Leader one day. MAGA must NEVER allow him to be elevated. He’s Mitch 2.0!! Call his office: 202-224-2321.”

America Last @SenJohnThune is leading the charge in the Senate to sell out GOP voters & send billions more to Ukraine.

He also wants to replace Mitch McConnell as GOP Senate Leader one day. MAGA must NEVER allow him to be elevated. He’s Mitch 2.0!!

Call his office: 202-224-2321 https://t.co/RSI7a5L0kO

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 29, 2023

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70eeae No.94636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644385 (010607ZOCT23) Notable: “Our Voters Deserve to Know Who is Selling Them Out” – Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out and Exposes “Senate RINOs” for Pushing Billions More in Ukraine Funding

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Senator Katie Boyd Britt also found herself in the crosshairs. Don Jr. accused her of reneging on her campaign promises. “When Sen. Katie Britt ran for Senate she told Breitbart she was against Ukraine funding. Now she is working w/ McConnell to sell out conservatives & give Ukraine BILLIONS more. No wonder Mitch praised her as having a ‘similar view’ on Ukraine as him! Call her office: 202-224-5744.”

When @SenKatieBritt ran for Senate she told Breitbart she was against Ukraine funding.

Now she is working w/ McConnell to sell out conservatives & give Ukraine BILLIONS more. No wonder Mitch praised her as having a “similar view” on Ukraine as him!

Call her office: 202-224-5744 pic.twitter.com/TPNTPobzVQ

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 29, 2023

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito was not spared either. Trump Jr. questioned how West Virginia, one of the most pro-Trump states, could be represented by Capito, whom he labeled as one of the worst anti-Trump RINOs. “Call her office: 202-224-6472,” he urged.

Next up on the list of Senate RINOs selling out GOP voters to bailout Ukraine is @SenCapito.

Capito SUPPORTS sending billions more to Ukraine!

How is one of the most pro-Trump states in the country represented by one of the worst anti-Trump RINOs?

Call her office: 202-224-6472 pic.twitter.com/Cc3YFXhaTg

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 29, 2023

Trump Jr. also called out Sen. Todd Young, stating, “Todd is one of the worst neocon RINOs in the entire US Senate. He is working with Mitch McConnell and the Democrats to sell out GOP voters and pass a CR that sends BILLIONS more to Ukraine. Call his office and let him know what you think: 202-224-5623.”

Meet @SenToddYoung – Todd is one of the worst neocon RINOs in the entire US Senate.

He is working with Mitch McConnell and the Democrats to sell out GOP voters and pass a CR that sends BILLIONS more to Ukraine.

Call his office and let him know what you think: 202-224-5623

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 30, 2023

He went on to expose what he sees as a deceptive tactic by Senate Republicans, tweeting, “Just so everyone understands what’s happening – Senate GOP RINOs are trying to add a weak border security amendment to the CR to trick people into accepting a bad bill with billions more to Ukraine – Even though they know it undercuts House conservatives against Biden & the Dems.”

Just so everyone understands what’s happening – Senate GOP RINOs are trying to add a weak border security amendment to the CR to trick people into accepting a bad bill with billions more to Ukraine – Even though they know it undercuts House conservatives against Biden & the Dems! https://t.co/yQVcH8Drup

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 30, 2023

In a follow-up tweet, Trump Jr. took the time to thank the senators he views as standing against this move. “Thank you to these America First patriots in the US Senate for leading the fight against unlimited Ukraine funding: Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), JD Vance (R-OH), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Mike Braun (R-IN), RogerMarshall (R-KS), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), and Josh Hawley (R-MO).”

The Gateway Pundit reported that in a 88-9 vote, the Senate passed a stopgap measure that will temporarily prevent a government shutdown for 45 days.

The vote concluded with three hours to spare before the fiscal year ended.

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70eeae No.94637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644387 (010608ZOCT23) Notable: “Our Voters Deserve to Know Who is Selling Them Out” – Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out and Exposes “Senate RINOs” for Pushing Billions More in Ukraine Funding

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The short-term spending bill, also known as continue resolution, was passed by the House earlier in the evening in a 335-91 vote.

Here are the nine Republican Senators who voted against the measure:

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn)

Sen. Mike Braun (Ind)

Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas)

Sen. Bill Hagerty (Tenn)

Sen. Mike Lee (Utah)

Sen. Roger Marshall (Kan)

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky)

Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio)

Sen. Eric Schmitt (Mo)

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) did not vote.

Here are the Republican senators who voted to pass the stop-gap resolution, which does not include any additional aid to Ukraine.

Barrasso (R-WY)

Boozman (R-AR)

Britt (R-AL)

Budd (R-NC)

Capito (R-WV)

Cassidy (R-LA)

Collins (R-ME)

Cornyn (R-TX)

Cotton (R-AR)

Cramer (R-ND)

Crapo (R-ID)

Daines (R-MT)

Ernst (R-IA)

Fischer (R-NE)

Graham (R-SC)

Grassley (R-IA)

Hawley (R-MO)

Hoeven (R-ND)

Hyde-Smith (R-MS)

Johnson (R-WI)

Kennedy (R-LA)

Lankford (R-OK)

Lummis (R-WY)

McConnell (R-KY)

Moran (R-KS)

Mullin (R-OK)

Murkowski (R-AK)

Ricketts (R-NE)

Risch (R-ID)

Romney (R-UT)

Rounds (R-SD)

Rubio (R-FL)

Scott (R-FL)

Sullivan (R-AK)

Thune (R-SD)

Tillis (R-NC)

Tuberville (R-AL)

Wicker (R-MS)

Young (R-IN)

Donald Trump Jr.’s aggressive stance against Senate Republicans advocating for more Ukraine funding is more than just a series of tweets; it’s a rallying cry for conservatives who feel betrayed by their own party.

As the political landscape continues to shift, one thing is clear: the battle for the soul of the Republican Party is far from over, and Donald Trump Jr. is making sure his voice—and the voice of the America First movement—is heard loud and clear.


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70eeae No.94638

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644400 (010610ZOCT23) Notable: Eric Trump - Murder in isle 4… / Desantis slaughtered by talkshow host looks like hugh hefner

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Eric Trump


Murder in isle 4… 🫣


Desantis slaughtered by talkshow host looks like hugh hefner



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70eeae No.94639

File: 3cbf1fe08197654⋯.png (457.71 KB,928x787,928:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644424 (010618ZOCT23) Notable: Senate Votes 88-9 to Avert Shutdown, Only 9 Republican Senators Vote Against Stop-Gap Spending Bill that Funds All of Democrat Policies to Destroy America

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Senate Votes 88-9 to Avert Shutdown, Only 9 Republican Senators Vote Against Stop-Gap Spending Bill that Funds All of Democrat Policies to Destroy America

In a 88-9 vote the Senate passed a stopgap measure that will temporarily prevent a government shut down for 45 days.

The vote concluded with just three hours to spare before the fiscal year ends.

The short term spending bill also known as continue resolution was passed by the House earlier in the evening in a 335-91 vote.

Here are the nine Republican Senators who voted against the measure:

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn)

Sen. Mike Braun (Ind)

Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas)

Sen. Bill Hagerty (Tenn)

Sen. Mike Lee (Utah)

Sen. Roger Marshall (Kan)

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky)

Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio)

Sen. Eric Schmitt (Mo)

Per The New York Times:

Congress narrowly averted a government shutdown on Saturday with just hours to spare as the House, in a stunning turnabout, approved a stopgap plan to keep the federal government open into mid-November and the Senate then cleared it and sent it to the White House.

The Senate voted 88-9 to approve the measure, which President Biden was expected to sign.


Only 9 Republican Senators Voted Against Stopgap Spending Measure pic.twitter.com/DMxqR22qot

— The Triune Times (@TriuneTimes) October 1, 2023

The continue resolution will now head towards Biden’s desk where he has already declared he will sign in favor of it.


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70eeae No.94640

File: 47cb84e97f750ee⋯.png (612.12 KB,568x533,568:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 56111cafeeac119⋯.png (394.31 KB,658x370,329:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644448 (010626ZOCT23) Notable: Director of Independent ENERGY THINK TANK arrested in Vietnam

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Director of Independent ENERGY THINK TANK arrested in Vietnam

Government spokesperson To An Xo announced the arrest warrant, which could lead to a sentence of up to five years in prison under the country's criminal code

Vietnam has officially confirmed the arrest of the director of an independent energy policy think tank, making her thesixth environmental expert to be taken into custody in the past two years.

Ngo Thi To Nhien, the executive director of the Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition (VIET) in Hanoi, was reported to have been detained by a rights group last month, although there was no official confirmation at the time.

Nhien is a researcher who has collaborated with various international organizations, including the World Bank, the European Union, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank.

Video poster

According to state media, an arrest warrant was issued on September 20, charging her with "appropriating documents." Government spokesperson To An Xo announced the arrest warrant, which could lead to a sentence of up to five years in prison under the country's criminal code.

In addition to Nhien, two other individuals, Le Duc Anh and Duong Quoc Viet, were also arrested. Nhien had been working on the implementation plan forVietnam's Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), a $15-billion project funded by the G7aimed at transitioning Vietnam away from fossil fuels, as reported byThe 88 Project,an organization focused on freedom of expression.


so which congress persons son is shilling energy scams in Vietnam?

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70eeae No.94641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644452 (010629ZOCT23) Notable: The Lincoln Project Founder - Steve Schmidt | PBD Podcast

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The Lincoln Project Founder - Steve Schmidt | PBD Podcast | Ep. 308

PBD Podcast

1.38M subscribers

218K views Streamed 1 day ago PBD Podcast

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70eeae No.94642

File: 35f7f526b28d870⋯.png (449.5 KB,526x517,526:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 157ef2377bb60e4⋯.png (92.46 KB,904x537,904:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644474 (010634ZOCT23) Notable: Wall Street Apes - The money American tax payers have been forced to send to Ukraine thanks to the paid off Uniparty equals $223,000,000 per day since Feb 22

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Wall Street Apes




The money American tax payers have been forced to send to Ukraine thanks to the paid off Uniparty equals $223,000,000 per day since Feb 22.

$223 million per day… while you can’t afford food rent, gas and groceries.





Wall Street Apes




Finally POLL Results Posted

98% of people believe that if the dead lifeless corpse of Dianne Feinstein continued voting on legislation the GOP STILL wouldn’t do anything about it…

I think it’s safe to say faith in the Republican (Uni)Party is at an all time low. This is pathetic.


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70eeae No.94643

File: 40aa92d6c51d6f5⋯.png (112.94 KB,600x296,75:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644481 (010638ZOCT23) Notable: NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

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70eeae No.94644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644482 (010639ZOCT23) Notable: #24120

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#24120 >>94604

>>94605, >>94611 Elections are stolen with Dell computers

>>94606 Kevin McCarthy - I just signed and sent this short-term stop-gap bill to the White House

>>94607 Migrant allegedly molested girl, 7, at NYC hotel housing asylum-seekers

>>94608 The Intelligence Briefing / Biden: King of Corruption - John B Wells LIVE

>>94609, >>94610 Today, #FBI New York arrested a Long Island pastor for the production of child pornography

>>94612, >>94613, >>94614, >>94616 Did the 🇺🇸 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) encounter the storm from The Final Countdown? / Boat stuff

>>94615 #OTD in 1954, USS Nautilus (SSN-571) was commissioned, marking a new era in naval warfare.

>>94617 COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report

>>94618 A Top Secret Program Hidden in Plain Sight - PDF

>>94619 PlaneFag Reports - LANDMARK GRAPHICS CORP

>>94620 UN to vote on resolution to authorize one-year deployment of armed force to help Haiti fight gangs

>>94621 2 arrested after Pontiac man who goes after sex predators is fatally shot

>>94622 How Much Longer Will The Systemic Racism Narrative Last? Had Enough Yet?

>>94623, >>94627 Stolen History - Lifting The Veil Of Deception

>>94624 October 1st is China Day. Biden admin has stood down all US EAM and Force Direction Messages in observance of same.

>>94625 Dan Scavino - Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA… / Finish Line

>>94626 British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine


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70eeae No.94645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644491 (010642ZOCT23) Notable: WEF Caught Orchestrating U.S. Border Crisis From Military Bases in Panama

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Sauce. Legit? Dunno about that... but the invasion is real.

WEF Caught Orchestrating U.S. Border Crisis From Military Bases in Panama

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken control of several American military bases in Panama and is orchestrating the flood of migrants that are heading toward the U.S. southern border in their millions.

The globalist organization is reportedly running an operation to round up migrants and transport them to the border so they can illegally enter the United States through President Joe Biden’s open border.

The WEF’s operation was revealed by political commentator Ann Vandersteel during her show “Right Now with Ann Vandersteel.”

The host recently visited the former site of Fort Clayton near the former Panama Canal Zone, once a heavy base of operations for the United States.

During her visit, Vandersteel found out that the WEF had moved into the area.

She took a picture of the WEF flag flying side-by-side with the Panamanian flag.

“I want you to take a good hard look right now, America,” she said.

“These flags you see?

“That’s right, the World Economic Forum flag flying overhead of the old SOUTHCOM (U.S. Southern Command) base, which was Fort Clayton in Panama.

“That’s right, next to the Panamanian flag.

“The U.S. government has abandoned Panama, which is the American crown jewel of Latin America.

“The United States military compounds are either totally rundown, or worse occupied by, as I said, globalist psychopaths.”

“We the Americans built the canal and we – our government, I should say – gave it away,” she added.

“Panamanians love Americans, and they’re asking: ‘Where are the Americans?’

“So just remember that the old SOUTHCOM base known as Fort Clayton today flies the World Economic Forum flag on top of it.”

The revelation that the WEF is taking over parts of Panama comes as reports indicate that the number of South American migrants arriving in Panama through the near-inhospitable environments of the Darien Gap on their journey to the U.S. will surpass the 400,000 mark before October.

These figures come from Panama’s National Migration Service, which reported that as of 6 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 399,606 South American migrants had entered the country through the Darien Gap.

The crisis for Panama has especially worsened in September, with the daily number of migrants pouring in through the jungles of the Darien Gap exceeding 2,000 people.

The unprecedented number of migrants crossing through Panama beat the record of 248,000 migrants set last year and 2021’s similarly record-breaking number of 133,000.

Of the 400,000 migrants that have already crossed Panama’s southern border this year, over 324,000 were from South America, including 252,000 Venezuelans, nearly 48,000 Ecuadorians and more than 13,000 Colombians.

Nearly 40,000 migrants are from the Caribbean, around 28,000 are Asians and a little under 8,000 are Africans.

Panamanian officials warn that, despite the slew of new measures the government has implemented in an attempt to curb record migration, the number of migrants and so-called asylum seekers that could enter the country through the Darien Gap could reach more than half a million before the year ends.


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70eeae No.94646

File: 169a9ff4699f010⋯.png (130.37 KB,1164x636,97:53,Clipboard.png)

File: f173371489e83f7⋯.png (40.38 KB,929x247,929:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644495 (010642ZOCT23) Notable: NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

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Donald J. Trump


Crooked Joe Biden has three major problems, and they all begin with I - INFLATION, IMMIGRATION, & INCOMPETENCE!

Oct 01, 2023, 1:22 AM


6 post(s) found containing "1:22 AM".

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70eeae No.94647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644507 (010647ZOCT23) Notable: WEF Caught Orchestrating U.S. Border Crisis From Military Bases in Panama

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> taken from: "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel"


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70eeae No.94648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644562 (010717ZOCT23) Notable: The Mysterious Disappearance of Mexican Supermodel Gabriela Rico Jiménez

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>>94569 pb

>Model Gabriela Rico Jiminez saw some horrible things and no one heard from her again

The Mysterious Disappearance of Mexican Supermodel Gabriela Rico Jiménez

,,,What happened to her? We know for sure that she was taken away by the police. A few weeks after Gabriela’s disappearance, a statement appeared on the internet from someone claiming to have seen the supermodel at the local police station. The man, who was a lawyer visiting a client at the time, had this to say, translated from Spanish:

“At that time, I was in the same place where the girl was taken after being arrested, I was doing my practice in that place – I have a law degree – I still remember her face full of despair, fear, anguish. Being in front of her, I felt from her a very heavy and strange feeling. I approached her and asked her some questions, if she knew where she lived, etc. She told me that we were all already dead, that we all were, that we belonged to them, among other very strange things… that simply left me paralyzed. After 20 minutes of being with her, some tall, well-dressed guys arrived. They practically forced me out of there. I asked why they were doing all this if she was just a poor girl with a mental disorder. I asked where they were taking her. They told me that it was none of my business that it was for my own good to leave her. When I walked away, they stopped me and asked me what she had told me. I only replied, “crazy things” and ran away. The next day I went to the high officials of the ministry and told them about the subject and that I wanted information because the girl’s family requested it. They just laughed and said: ‘Really? She doesn’t exist, she never existed, and you don’t work here.” I got a chill and left. I left everything and I left Monterrey. I had a feeling that what happened those days and what that girl said were true. As I was able, I left everything and got out of there. She told me that in Monterrey there is a kind of underground base where they live and regularly steal children for food and other things. Due to my profession, I do not dare to reveal my encounter. I have family and children who depend on me and for logical and reputational reasons I can’t. I’d like to go out and spread it to the 4 winds, but society would label me crazy, even though I have the marks of the attack, my back is still a bit sore, there are nights when I just can’t sleep. I have that same feeling, that same feeling when I saw them the first time, it’s like a premonition. I appreciate that you don’t judge me crazy for telling you that. Only I and those who were with me at that time know what happened. Those are monsters, at least the one who attacked me was a monster. If he found me alone he would have killed me.” ...


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70eeae No.94649

File: 76d5d2c0bd69a68⋯.png (45.91 KB,551x835,551:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fbb2d5364a99c3⋯.png (24.55 KB,545x448,545:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644573 (010722ZOCT23) Notable: NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

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>Oct 01, 2023, 1:22 AM

I hope you know that he also had a post at 6:07, but when I went to the TS website the timestamp was 1:07.

1:07 mentions the Go orders.

Here was my post from a pb >>>/qresearch/19641542


>>>/qresearch/19641280 pb Trump post

When you go to the page the timestamp is

Sep 29, 2023, 1:07 PM 1:55 long

Sep 29, 2023, 6:07 AM

Note the [22] minute marker delta marker

Go Orders.

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70eeae No.94650

File: cdffacfe68da55e⋯.png (46.18 KB,592x257,592:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644585 (010729ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - Just landed in the Great State of Iowa. Big day tomorrow.

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POTUS landed in [I]owa, and for 'eye's on. he's up late/early:



Oct 01, 2023, 2:46 AM EST

Just landed in the Great State of Iowa. Big day tomorrow. Polls show us leading here by almost 50 Points. Remember, I got the farmers 28 Billion Dollars from China. Nobody else would have even thought of doing that, and if they did, wouldn’t have been able to get it done!

>cap in ct

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70eeae No.94651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644597 (010736ZOCT23) Notable: Eric Trump - Murder in isle 4… / Desantis slaughtered by talkshow host looks like hugh hefner

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Eric Trump re: Desantis


>Murder in isle 4…

"isle 4"

Isle is a noun that means island or a small island, especially an islet.


Learn the meaning and usage of the word aisle, which can refer to a passage between sections of seats, a passage for inside traffic, or the side of a church nave.


“Murder in isle...”

In the middle of a June night [17] years ago in the Guantánamo prison camp, guards and medical orderlies were urgently summoned to one of the inmate clinics, where an emergency was unfolding.

Two inmates, Ali Abdullah Ahmed and Mani Shaman al-Utaybi, had been brought in dead. A third, Yasser Talal al-Zahrani, had been rushed to the hospital on the US naval base but was declared dead there soon afterwards. The three men were found hanging from their necks, with their hands and feet bound and rags in their throats.

At some point, witnesses say, a more junior officer turned up, a 27-year-old navy lawyer with the Judge Advocate General’s Corps (known as JAGs), Lt Ron DeSantis.

What DeSantis saw and heard in the hours and days after the three deaths could be key to an enduring mystery that has hung over Guantánamo ever since: how did Ahmed, Utaybi and Zahrani die?

Hickman wrote a book in 2015 called Murder at Camp Delta.


Furthermore, new evidence now emerging may entangle Obama’s young administration with crimes that occurred during the George W. Bush presidency, evidence that suggests the current administration failed to investigate seriously—and may even have continued—a cover-up of the possible homicides of three prisoners at Guantánamo in 2006.

The Pentagon declined to make the NCIS report public, and only when pressed with Freedom of Information Act demands did it disclose parts of the report, some [1,7]00 pages of documents so heavily redacted as to be nearly incomprehensible.

Camp Delta was at the time the largest of these compounds, and within its walls were four smaller camps, numbered 1 through 4, which in turn were divided into cell blocks.


Camp Delta is a permanent detainment camp at Guantanamo Bay that replaced the temporary facilities of Camp X-Ray.

It is composed of detention camps 1 through 6, Camp Platinum, Camp Iguana, the Guantanamo psychiatric ward, Camp Echo and Camp No.


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70eeae No.94652

File: b78ca7edcce6b4f⋯.jpg (144.78 KB,845x1213,845:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f705d8a7388dfc4⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644715 (010832ZOCT23) Notable: Local news anchor has solution for those thinking about suicide…

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Local news anchor has solution for those thinking about suicide...


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70eeae No.94653

File: 6dc0e3ea7df9152⋯.png (59.75 KB,657x423,73:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644757 (010859ZOCT23) Notable: Oklohoma / Oregon middle school groomers detected

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Oregon middle school refuses to say if

hulking bully filmed pulverizing much

smaller girl to floor on hallway is transgender,

after sickening clip triggered bomb threat

Daily Mail (UK), by Kamal Sultan

Posted By: Imright, 9/30/2023 11:50:20 PM

An Oregon school has refused to comment on whether a school bully who was seen pulverizing a smaller girl to the floor of a middle school hallway is transgender. The incident happened at Hazelbrook Middle School in Tualatin last week, with school spokesperson Traci Rose telling The Oregonian that federal law barred them from discussing a student's gender identity. Horrific video footage seen millions of times online showed the aggressor - a well-built student in girl's clothes - dragging another smaller female pupil by her backpack in the hallway before pulling her hair and hitting her several times.

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70eeae No.94654

File: 9dfaca9a60e336c⋯.png (93.63 KB,806x632,403:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644760 (010901ZOCT23) Notable: Oklohoma / Oregon middle school groomers detected

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Red state opens investigation into drag

queen principal previously arrested on

child porn charges

Biz Pac Review, by Kate Anderson

Posted By: Beardo, 9/30/2023 11:35:16 PM

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters announced Tuesday that he is opening an investigation into Western Heights Public Schools after it hired a drag queen, who had previously been charged with possession of child pornography, as a principal for one of its elementary schools. Dr. Shane Brent Murnan was hired by John Glenn Elementary School ahead of the fall 2023 semester to be its principal but the decision was quickly met with backlash after parents discovered that he openly performs as a drag queen and had been arrested on child pornography charges in 2001, which were later dismissed in 2002.

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70eeae No.94655

File: b5ecf1a1c12b8d2⋯.jpg (139.45 KB,1200x790,120:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a8c42a6f47e6dfd⋯.jpg (45.72 KB,1200x441,400:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2e7e2f5bc6c38d2⋯.jpg (127.4 KB,1257x1440,419:480,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5aa0e0ca547c7b⋯.png (92.54 KB,868x533,868:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b8e6c188f2b2bb⋯.jpg (189.74 KB,1697x965,1697:965,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644785 (010917ZOCT23) Notable: NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

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70eeae No.94656

File: 30a9d294c2d2976⋯.png (34.02 KB,1310x249,1310:249,Clipboard.png)

File: e650d7a9327f84c⋯.png (428.65 KB,706x392,353:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644786 (010917ZOCT23) Notable: Las Vegas massacre shooting victims, family members to get up to $800M to settle lawsuits, lawyers say

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Las Vegas massacre shooting victims, family members to get up to $800M to settle lawsuits, lawyers say

By Greg Norman Fox News

Published October 3, 2019 11:18am EDT | Updated October 3, 2019 12:15pm EDT

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70eeae No.94657

File: c70335d0d17c339⋯.png (235.68 KB,591x541,591:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644787 (010919ZOCT23) Notable: NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

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This Thursday’s NSALive webinar will provide an understanding of how Ghidra can help cyber professionals come to a better understanding of potential vulnerabilities in their networks and systems. Reserve your spot: https://adobe.ly/2mj53Rh

3:10 AM · Oct 1, 2019


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70eeae No.94658

File: 5a28e9a5bf1cf60⋯.jpg (13.63 KB,175x255,35:51,Clipboard.jpg)

File: afbd1869a1dac07⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644802 (010933ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS45 Departing CA for the Great State of IOWA

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In the beginning of video did the guy that walked behind photographer retrieve or deposit something in her bag?

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70eeae No.94659

File: 7df10a75e1ba255⋯.png (31.23 KB,1192x273,1192:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644844 (010954ZOCT23) Notable: Washington state moves to remove community notification, restrictions for sex offenders

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Washington state moves to remove community

notification, restrictions for sex offenders

Post Millennial (Ottawa, Canada), by Ari Hoffman

Posted By: Beardo, 9/30/2023 11:09:10 PM

The Post Millennial has learned that Washington’s Sex Offender Policy Board is working with the state’s Sentencing Guideline Commission in an attempt to roll back restrictions and sentence guidelines for sex offenders, claiming “these laws actually undermine public safety, the exact opposite of what lawmakers and the public so confidently assume they accomplish.” This is on the heels of community blowback from Washington Democrats including Governor Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson, releasing level 3 sex offenders, those deemed the “worst of the worst” and most likely to re-offend from high-security facilities to halfway houses in unsuspecting neighborhoods.

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70eeae No.94660

File: 01e0ab5fc163e0f⋯.jpeg (52.44 KB,694x599,694:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644847 (010956ZOCT23) Notable: This is what they give people in hospitals across the world when they can't eat and have to take IV "nutrition".

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This is what they give people in hospitals across the world when they can't eat and have to take IV "nutrition".

Soybean oil, rancid oxidized fish oil, purified egg phospholipids, glycerol, and even 25mcg of aluminum per liter, right into your veins. The combination of the aluminum with all these substances is most definitely going to facilitate some autoimmune disease, especially with the purified egg.

You know what's even more horrifying? This is allowed on all ages, including infants from birth to 2 months old. During the clinical trials from the original US approval in 2016, some pre-term infants died, with autopsy findings showing an accumulation of intravascular fat in the lungs.

When you investigate the studies looking into the adverse reaction profile and safety, they did the EXACT same thing they do in vaccine studies.

1 group gets the SMOFlipid injection, and then the comparator group gets just a soybean oil lipid emulsion with no other ingredients. If they compared the lipid emulsion IV to a simple bag of saline, it would be abundantly clear that it's causing inflammation, heart problems, anemia, vomiting, liver problems, diarrhea, and sepsis that they saw in the trials.

This is what people call modern medicine. It's the further thing from medicine and is just barbaric and homicidal, with it being predicated on fraudulent garbage science that is basically just advertising at this point to sell the product to the FDA for approval and then widespread use in hospitals.

Medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US, and that is a very conservative estimate. When you fully factor in treatment protocols like this, in conjunction with how we treat heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc, it's incredibly easy to understand that the US medical system is BY FAR the leading cause of death.

Welcome to Rockefeller medicine.


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70eeae No.94661

File: fe72d7a84e2190e⋯.png (990.96 KB,983x857,983:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644850 (011001ZOCT23) Notable: Putin accused with defying western Satanic Globalist Order

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Putin Charges West with “Satanism”, Offers Cease-Fire in Ukraine – Zelensky Refuses, Vows to Keep Fighting

by Richard Abelson Oct. 1, 2022 8:40 am

Putin accused the “dictatorship of the Western elites” as being “directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves.” Modern Western wokeism seeks “a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquiring the features of a ‘reverse religion’” which Putin called “outright Satanism.”


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70eeae No.94662

File: 7b8cf4f9af395fd⋯.png (23.95 KB,525x303,175:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 38c4c75a1ebf170⋯.jpg (165.42 KB,460x2231,20:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644852 (011001ZOCT23) Notable: NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

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NSA reference in Q129 and Q144


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70eeae No.94663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644877 (011017ZOCT23) Notable: "One Ping Only"

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"One Ping Only"

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70eeae No.94664

File: b9909a8a58b89b1⋯.png (457.15 KB,591x507,197:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644882 (011019ZOCT23) Notable: "One Ping Only"

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See new posts


U.S. Naval Institute


#RIP Sean Connery who has asked for his last ping. Connery passed away this morning at the age of 90. He will always be Captain Marko Ramius to us.


7:42 AM · Oct 31, 2020

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70eeae No.94665

File: 3150ea0b1263b91⋯.png (91.01 KB,611x380,611:380,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c6c689153bffc4⋯.png (10.69 KB,333x250,333:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 01ea641fd5d7237⋯.png (118.25 KB,315x447,105:149,Clipboard.png)

File: f3ae17a12bab05d⋯.png (5.52 KB,303x181,303:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 81cafb937b65512⋯.png (8.49 KB,299x240,299:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644886 (011022ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS truth ref 102

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timestamp 01:28


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70eeae No.94666

File: ca0cd306c0dc1bc⋯.png (36.97 KB,395x815,79:163,Clipboard.png)

File: acc2e115fb4755b⋯.png (9.93 KB,287x310,287:310,Clipboard.png)

File: dc224465a317aaf⋯.png (44.07 KB,591x265,591:265,Clipboard.png)

File: d70bb9625d47914⋯.png (98.94 KB,480x646,240:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644901 (011029ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS truth ref 102

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102 minute delta between tweets at 11:46 & 1:28

POTUS truth ref 102


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70eeae No.94667

File: deb656e88c9228f⋯.jpeg (41.62 KB,240x135,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644942 (011042ZOCT23) Notable: Libs To Illegals: You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here

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Libs To Illegals: You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here


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70eeae No.94668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644951 (011044ZOCT23) Notable: #24121

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#24121 >>94628

>>94629 Disgraced General Mark Milley Ends Career with Awkward Pleading for Applause: 'That Was Weak'

>>94630 What is a Continuing Resolution and How Does It Impact Government Operations?

>>94631 Dan Scavino - Happening Now—45 departing California for the Great State of IOWA…

>>94632, >>94633 PlaneFag Reports

>>94634 Former Los Angeles Dodgers MVP Steve Garvey is considering running in the 2024 California Senate Race as a Republican

>>94635, >>94636, >>94637 “Our Voters Deserve to Know Who is Selling Them Out” – Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out and Exposes “Senate RINOs” for Pushing Billions More in Ukraine Funding

>>94638, >>94651 Eric Trump - Murder in isle 4… / Desantis slaughtered by talkshow host looks like hugh hefner

>>94639 Senate Votes 88-9 to Avert Shutdown, Only 9 Republican Senators Vote Against Stop-Gap Spending Bill that Funds All of Democrat Policies to Destroy America

>>94640 Director of Independent ENERGY THINK TANK arrested in Vietnam

>>94641 The Lincoln Project Founder - Steve Schmidt | PBD Podcast

>>94642 Wall Street Apes - The money American tax payers have been forced to send to Ukraine thanks to the paid off Uniparty equals $223,000,000 per day since Feb 22

>>94645, >>94647 WEF Caught Orchestrating U.S. Border Crisis From Military Bases in Panama

>>94646 Donald J. Trump - Crooked Joe Biden has three major problems, and they all begin with I - INFLATION, IMMIGRATION, & INCOMPETENCE!

>>94648 The Mysterious Disappearance of Mexican Supermodel Gabriela Rico Jiménez

>>94650 Donald J. Trump - Just landed in the Great State of Iowa. Big day tomorrow.

>>94652 Local news anchor has solution for those thinking about suicide…

>>94653, >>94654 Oklohoma / Oregon middle school groomers detected

>>94656 Las Vegas massacre shooting victims, family members to get up to $800M to settle lawsuits, lawyers say

>>94658 POTUS45 Departing CA for the Great State of IOWA

>>94659 Washington state moves to remove community notification, restrictions for sex offenders

>>94660 This is what they give people in hospitals across the world when they can't eat and have to take IV "nutrition".

>>94661 Putin accused with defying western Satanic Globalist Order

>>94662, >>94646, >>94643, >>94655, >>94657, >>94649 NSA reference in Q129 and Q144 + Ghidra delta

>>94663, >>94664 "One Ping Only"

>>94665, >>94666 POTUS truth ref 102

>>94667 Libs To Illegals: You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here


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70eeae No.94669

File: 1518f61f97af132⋯.jpg (173.88 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19644985 (011056ZOCT23) Notable: #24122

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>baker haz ghosted


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70eeae No.94670

File: 4f5573cb44d6cd8⋯.png (97.03 KB,628x660,157:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645012 (011103ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Selling out the U.S.

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Biden Selling out the U.S.

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: Judy W., 10/1/2023 5:00:30 AM

The Biden impeachment investigation began this week. If your source of news is CNN,MSNBC, and the Big Four TV networks, you didn’t know about this, the fourth such inquiry in U.S. history, because they blacked it out. Here’s a handy source to the workings of the House Oversight Committee which you might want to keep for reference. It apparently wasn’t very significant to the press. Not like the round-the-clock coverage of the lie that Trump was colluding with Russia, a lie generated by Hillary Clinton and megaphoned by them. Have they noted that the FBI agent who helped launch the probe into this alleged collusion was ironically on the payroll

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70eeae No.94671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645052 (011120ZOCT23) Notable: Which Party Will Be Hurt the Most by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Running as an Independent?

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Which Party Will Be Hurt the Most by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Running as an Independent?

Jeff Charles September 30, 2023

In case you haven’t already heard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is going to run for president as an Independent after being sidelined by the Democratic establishment in favor of backing President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. This turn of events was not surprising given that Kennedy has positioned himself as a Democratic maverick of sorts.

As with most third-party runs, Kennedy likely will not win the presidency. However, he is now in a place where he can have a significant influence on the outcome of the election, acting as a spoiler. The question is, which side will his candidacy harm the most?

Kennedy could likely gain substantial support from disaffected Democrats, many of whom do not wish to see Biden serve a second term. These folks are likely to have become disenchanted with the party, which hasn’t seen fit to allow Kennedy to debate Biden on the national stage.

On the other hand, Kennedy has found favor with a wide swath of Republican, and even Libertarian, voters who appreciate his stance on vaccines. This adds yet another layer of complexity to this question.

Let’s start with the Democrats. Kennedy’s departure from the traditional Democratic playbook has been anything but subtle, with his “attack ads” against the DNC. He is clearly trying to appeal to voters who have become disillusioned with the party – and for good reason.

Even though Kennedy has been a polarizing figure on the left, he still wields the Kennedy name, which goes with the Democratic Party like peanut butter goes with jelly. Despite the favorable impression he has made on right-leaning Americans, Kennedy remains an ardent leftist in his positions on climate change, the economy, and other important issues. It is mostly his opposition to vaccines and his perceived penchant for unpopular conspiracy theories that could repel some Democratic voters.

Still, polling suggests that an enormous chunk of the Democratic electorate is unhappy with Biden and would have rather seen someone else take up the mantle. Yet, the DNC was loath to even consider such a thing, which means there might be a lot of left-leaning voters who might see a Kennedy candidacy as a middle finger against the establishment - just as Republicans did with former President Donald Trump.

On the other hand, we cannot overlook the potential threat Kennedy could pose to the eventual Republican nominee. RedState’s Bonchie laid out a compelling case arguing that the GOP would suffer the most from a Kennedy candidacy.

This is not good news for Republicans, and there's empirical evidence to back that up. According to the latest polling, RFK Jr. enjoys a very high approval rating among Republicans while he's extremely disliked by Democrats.

This data is impossible to ignore.

Kennedy could cause tremendous damage to the Republican nominee, especially if his name happens to be Donald J. Trump. The former president’s staunch support of COVID-19 vaccines has eroded some of his anti-establishment bona fides with members of the conservative base. It is possible that many of those who supported Trump in 2016 and 2020 would not have a problem with voting for a Democratic or anti-establishment leftist candidate. Indeed, much of Trump’s support came from people who previously supported Bernie Sanders’ bid for the White House – and he’s a full-on socialist.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Kennedy could cause an equal amount of problems for both sides. Polls have indicated that in a match-up between Biden and Trump, a significant percentage would consider voting for a third-party candidate.

A recent poll conducted by NewsNation and Decision Desk HQ revealed that nearly half of voters are opposed to a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. The survey foundthat 23.38% of voters said they are very likely to consider voting for a third-party candidate if the two were to face off again, while 25.67% said they are somewhat likely to do the same.

Still, this shows that Kennedy might not make as big of a splash as it might seem for either party.

If I had to put money on it, I would say Kennedy will do slightly more damage to the Republican candidate given his popularity on the right for his stance on vaccines. Indeed, many Libertarians, who might normally vote for the GOP, have been so enamored with his rhetoric on vaccines thatthey have been willing to overlook his authoritarian stanceson guns, the economy, climate change, and other policies.

The question is: Will the numbers be close enough for Kennedy to influence the outcome?

See next post for theory and digg request


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70eeae No.94672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645059 (011124ZOCT23) Notable: Which Party Will Be Hurt the Most by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Running as an Independent?

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Theory: Call to digg, Elite plan to sabotage Trump:

What if Obama recruited Kennedy a long time ago, what if Obama is telling the SS to say no, what if this was the plan for quite a while, if not Obama other foreign and domestic Oligarchs; or all of them. Kennedy said himselfhe is a lifelong Democrat and he will never leave the Democrat party?So he’s going to run as an Independent?

And lets not forget Bannon’s understanding, that Youngkin has been hanging out on the sidelines till he wins the Governorship again, just like DeSadist did, but when McCarthy gave 45 days to the CR, his election will be over, he would win and immediately challenge Trump, fully backed by the Bush/Obama/Clinton/Globalist and Carlisle Cartel. If Youngkin makes no headway, they have Kemp waiting in the wings.

RememberKennedy told Tuckerhe was at a very unusual meeting in LA with people that were very unlikely for him to meet with andMike Pompeo was there and told him something very unexpected.

PS: This has been bothering me, Tucker continues to talk about the threats to Trump’s life, in his speeches, what if he is the “sympathetic friend of Trump” (as a psyop) that in addition to all that oppose and hate him, want to influence his voters not to jeopardize Trump’s life and some vote for Kennedy?

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70eeae No.94673

File: 2157a98af67b0d5⋯.png (649.63 KB,845x776,845:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645064 (011124ZOCT23) Notable: Student loan payments resume after 3-year pause

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1 hour ago - Economy & Business

Student loan payments resume after 3-year pause

Kelly Tyko

Kelly Tyko

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70eeae No.94674

File: f1cf1867d3cf804⋯.png (398.84 KB,663x596,663:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645070 (011128ZOCT23) Notable: Hochul to NYers Objecting to Migrants: We Believe in Statue of Liberty and NYC Is Full, So ‘Other Areas’ Must ‘Embrace’

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Hochul to NYers Objecting to Migrants: We Believe in Statue of Liberty and NYC Is Full, So ‘Other Areas’ Must ‘Embrace’


Ian Hanchett29 Sep 2023

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70eeae No.94675

File: f7af83402c70b10⋯.png (1.75 MB,1308x944,327:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645079 (011133ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden has a decision to make about Julian Assange

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Why Joe Biden is facing a Julian Assange problem

Mattathias Schwartz

Oct 1, 2023, 12:00 AM GMT-11

The DOJ is already intimating to us that they don't consider him a journalist. It will be interesting to see how they spin that.

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70eeae No.94676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645101 (011144ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy Says He Doesn't Want to Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

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McCarthy Says He Doesn't Want to Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

By Jack Davis September 30, 2023 at 3:42pm

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vented publicly against members of his Republican conference Saturday after a stopgap spending bill rode Democratic support to House passage.

The bill passed 335-91, with 209 Democrats and 126 Republicans in support. One Democrat and 90 Republicans voted against it.

After the vote, McCarthy expressed his frustration. “You can always count on Americans to do what’s right after they’ve exhausted every other option,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy noted that he tried to listen to all of the divergent opinions form his conference in the days leading up to Saturday’s vote. “I tried every possible way listening to every single person in the caucus,” McCarthy said.

“It was tough, but we got it through,” he said.

Do you agree with Kevin McCarthy?

McCarthy said the stopgap bill that went down in flames Friday night would “secure our border [and] cut wasteful spending, but I had some members in our own conference that wouldn’t vote for that.”

The bill that passed eliminated aid for Ukraine conservative Republicans opposed as well as spending cuts conservative Republicans had wanted.

“So if you have members in your conference that won’t let you vote for appropriation bills, doesn’t want an omnibus, and won’t vote for a stopgap measure — so the only answer is to shut down and not pay our troops,I don’t want to be a part of that team,” he said. “I want to be a part of a conservative group that wants to get things done,” he said.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida had repeatedly said that if McCarthy should do what in fact he did – frame a bill that would bypass conservatives and gain support for Democrats – Gaetz would instigate a process to have McCarthy removed as Speaker.

“If somebody wants to make a motion against me, bring it,” McCarthy said, according to NBC. “There has to be an adult in the room.” “There’s no bill that can pass with one party or the other,” McCarthy said. (Sissy complainer)

“When are you guys gonna get over that it’s alright that you put America first. That it’s alright if Republicans and Democrats joined together to do what is right,” he added.

After the vote on the stopgap bill, Gaetz tried to get the attention of the chair for the day, Republican Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas, but Womack did not recognize him as the House adjourned until Monday. Gaetz later said McCarthy’s speakership was “on some tenuous ground.”

Not everyone was abandoning McCarthy.

“I think Kevin McCarthy has done a phenomenal job as speaker. I think he’s been continually underestimated. And here again today, you saw him lead,” Republican Rep. Mike Lawler of New York said. “So at the end of the day, if somebody wants to bring a motion to vacate, that’s their business. But it will be defeated,”

Due to the expectations the stopgap bill would pass the Senate, the House no longer has two weeks off in October. The House will have votes scheduled on Oct. 2-5 and again Oct. 10-13 according to The Washington Post.

McCarthy is whining pussy Globalist that is willingly destroying America


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70eeae No.94677

File: 48b0100cb5bd1d3⋯.jpeg (72.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645154 (011201ZOCT23) Notable: Western ‘idiots’ want World War III – ex-Russian president

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1 Oct, 2023 11:03

Western ‘idiots’ want World War III — ex-Russian president

The number of high-ranking “morons” in NATO states is on the rise, Dmitry Medvedev says

The conflict in Ukraine may lead to World War III because of the “idiots” occupying leading roles in the West, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned.

“The number of high-ranking morons is rising in NATO member states,” he wrote on Telegram on Sunday. Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, was responding to statements from London and Berlin the previous day.

The former president labeled the UK’s newly appointed Defense Secretary Grant Shapps a“freshly minted cretin” over his idea of sending British military instructors to Ukraine to train local troops for the conflict with Russia.

If this happens, the UK servicemen would become a “legitimate target” for Russian forces, Medvedev warned.

Shapps has proposed deploying instructors to Ukraine, “knowing fully well that they’ll be mercilessly destroyed, and no longer as mercenaries,but precisely as British NATO specialists,” the Russian official wrote.

Medvedev also described the head of the German parliament’s defense committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, as “another fool” after she urged Berlin to supply long-range Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev. She also claimed that Ukrainian attacks on targets inside Russia using those German-made munitions would be in full compliance with international law.

“In this case, the [Russian] strikes on German factories where those missiles are being made would also be in full compliance with international law,” he said.

“Still, those idiots are actively pushing us towards World War III,” the former president concluded.

In a previous post on Saturday, Medvedev insisted that Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine would continue until the current regime in Kiev is “destroyed and the historic Russian territories are liberated from the enemy.”

Moscow has repeatedly warned that deliveries of weapons to Ukraine by Western countries only prolong the fighting and increase the risk of a direct military confrontation between Russia and NATO. Russian officials have also argued that the provision of arms, intelligence-sharing and the training of Kiev’s troops already means that Western nations have de facto become parties to the conflict.


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70eeae No.94678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645168 (011206ZOCT23) Notable: Western ‘idiots’ want World War III – ex-Russian president

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1 Oct, 2023 11:33

British PM clarifies stance on troops in Ukraine

Training of Ukrainian soldiers will continue on British soil, Rishi Sunak says

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said the UK has no plans to send military instructors to Ukraine to train local troops, claiming there was “some misreporting” of comments by Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, who floated the idea.

During a visit to Burnley on Sunday, Sunak said he wanted to make the situation “absolutely clear,” explaining=that Shapps did not mean British soldiers would be deployed in Ukraineduring the conflict with Russia.

The UK has been training Ukrainian soldiers on British soil for “for a long time,” he noted.

According to the PM, the defense secretary actually meant that “it might well be possible one day in the future for us to do some of that training in Ukraine.”(liar!)

“But that’s something for the long term, not the here and now, there are no British soldiers that will be sent to fight in the current conflict. That’s not what’s happening,” he insisted.

London continues to provide military training to the Ukrainians, but it’s “doing that here in the UK,” Sunak assured.

Grant Shapps told The Telegraph on Friday that he was discussing with British military chiefs the possibility of “eventually getting the training brought closer and actually into Ukraine as well.”

“I think the opportunity now is to bring more things ‘in country’,” especially to western Ukraine, he said, mentioning training as well as British defense firms launching production there.

(UK Anons: Whatever happened to the Elder Statesman of the UK, they all seem like idiots and liars now?)


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70eeae No.94679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645200 (011215ZOCT23) Notable: Biden demands uninterrupted cash flow to Ukraine

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1 Oct, 2023 02:02

Biden demands uninterrupted cash flow to Ukraine

The US leader blasted “extreme House Republicans” for a “manufactured crisis”

President Joe Biden has welcomed a bipartisan short-term budget deal that will keep the US government open for the next 45 days, but was disappointed that none of the billions of dollars in aid to Kiev that he had requested made it to the final bill.

“We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted,” Biden said in a brief statement on Saturday night, shortly after Congress passed the measure.

Biden had requested an additional $24 billion for Ukraine, but critics argued that Washington has more important priorities and should have stronger safeguards against the misappropriation of the funds and supplies it sends to Kiev.

The US leader, however, blamed “extreme House Republicans” for causing a “manufactured crisis” and “demanding drastic cuts that would have been devastating for millions of Americans.”

I fully expect the Speaker will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraineand secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment,” the US president added.(Bidan knew that McCarthy had already betrayed Americans)

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had to rely on Democrats in order to pass the bill and avert a government shutdown, as 90 Republicans opposed any short-term funding measures, denying him the much-needed votes. As a part of the deal, McCarthy increased federal disaster assistance by $16 billion, but had to forgo the border security provisions sought by the GOP.

After no new aid to Ukraine made it to the final bill, the House Democratic leadership said in a statement on Saturday thatthey expect McCarthy to bring a separate Ukraine aid package to vote when the House returns.

The Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also welcomed the bill passing, but called on the Congress to “live up to America’s commitment to provide urgently-needed assistance” to Kiev. “America must live up to its word and continue to lead,” he added in a statement published on Saturday. (Fuck off Austin, America didn’t want or make that commitment you and MIC did with Globalists)


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70eeae No.94680

File: 444d74d364ee528⋯.jpeg (49.02 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645218 (011221ZOCT23) Notable: Federal Court Upholds Tennessee, Kentucky Ban on Transgender Medical Procedures for Children

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Federal Court Upholds Tennessee, Kentucky Ban on Transgender Medical Procedures for Children

A federal appeals court has upheld a Tennessee and Kentucky ban on transgender-related medical procedures for minors.

The Ohio-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld bans in Tennessee and Kentucky by a 2-1 vote, which allows the states to enforce laws prohibiting children from undergoing transgender-related medical procedures, such as puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery, according to a report by Reuters.

“HUGE WINS in Tennessee and Kentucky as a federal appeals courts upholds ban on child sterilization and mutilation!” Gays Against Groomers reacted on social media. “The 6th Circuit panel sided with proponents of ‘gender-affirming care’ bans who say the treatments are unproven and risk permanently harming children.”

More at link

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70eeae No.94681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645219 (011221ZOCT23) Notable: Bomb explodes near Turkey parliament in ‘terrorist attack’ BBC

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Bomb explodes near Turkey parliament in ‘terrorist attack’

An explosion near Turkey's parliament in Ankara was a "terrorist attack" that left two police officers injured, the interior minister has said.

Two attackers arrived in a commercial vehicle around 09:30 (06:30 GMT) and carried out the attack, Ali Yerlikaya said.

Mr Yerlikaya said an attacker blew himself up in front of a ministry building and another was "neutralised".

The explosion happened just hours before parliament was due to reconvene.


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70eeae No.94682

File: bc3a9135f57bc51⋯.png (519.18 KB,779x738,19:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645229 (011223ZOCT23) Notable: MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez Speaks Out on Father’s Indictment: Colleagues Will Continue to ‘Aggressively’ Cover Case

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MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez Speaks Out on Father’s Indictment: Colleagues Will Continue to ‘Aggressively’ Cover Case

Sarah RumpfSep 30th, 2023, 7:03 pm

MSNBC host Alicia Menendez addressed the indictment of her father, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) Saturday evening, telling her audience she was not going to comment on the case, but expected her colleagues to continue to “aggressively” cover the story.

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70eeae No.94683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645275 (011238ZOCT23) Notable: When 18 Republicans Help Kill Defunding Pentagon-Sponsored Pride Events, Who Needs Democrats?

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When 18 Republicans Help Kill Defunding Pentagon-Sponsored Pride Events, Who Needs Democrats?

By Becky Noble | 3:25 PM on September 29, 2023

It has been pointed out many times, that the great Rush Limbaugh used to say that, "The purpose of any military is to kill people and break things." But try telling that to Democrats. From Bill Clinton's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," to the rainbow-drenched fighting force of today, Democrats view the military, not as the last line of defense for America and her citizens, but as some sort of social experiment with captive subjects.

When Republicans took control of the House of Representatives, and the nation's purse strings, many people thought the days of a woke military under the Biden administration might come to an end. But thanks to a handful of Republicans, Pride Month celebrations will continue in the U.S. military.

Here's the list of House Republicans who voted against the amendment:

Ken Buck of Colorado

Ken Calvert of California

Lori Chavez-DeRemer of Oregon

John Curtis of Utah

Anthony D'Esposito of New York

John Duarte of California

Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania

Andrew Garbarino of New York

Tony Gonzales of Texas

David Joyce of Ohio

Thomas Kean, Jr. of New Jersey

Kevin Kiley of California

Nick LaLota of New York

Michael Lawler of New York

Nancy Mace of South Carolina

Marcus Molinaro of New York

Jay Obernolte of California

Michelle Steel of California

On Wednesday, 18 House Republicans sided with Democrats and voted to kill an amendment to the 2024 Department of Defense budget 231-202, that would have ended taxpayers footing the bill for any Pentagon-sponsored Pride Month celebrations. The amendment was introduced by Texas Congressman Chip Roy (R), and even with a slim GOP majority in the House, the amendment failed with 18 Republicans siding with Democrats. Four House members declined to vote.


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70eeae No.94684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645306 (011245ZOCT23) Notable: British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine

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British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine

September 30, 2023 | Sundance |

First the backdrop. Let us not pretend a confluence of events do not all go in one direction.

U.S. troops are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova {link}. The CIA and State Department are the operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine government {link}. American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at U.S. military hospitals in Germany {link}. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace. Additionally, the U.S. is sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range missile launching systems into Ukraine. {link}

For all intents and purposes, the U.S driven NATO military forces are already actively engaged in Ukraine.

Simultaneously, the Dept of Defense {link} and CIA {link} have announced the deployment of advanced artificial intelligence operations for U.S. internet systems. That creation aligns with the Dept of Homeland Security organizing “homeland intelligence experts” {link} to control and monitor public information and shape U.S. public opinion. All of this is happening under the guise of national security. We have the COVID-19 backdrop to identify the public-private partnership approach to controlling information. This same process can easily be deployed to cover Ukraine sensitive content.

There’s your backdrop with citations. Now, given all of that, doesn’t the alignment of the demonstrable datapoints all flow in one unilateral direction?

The British are now saying the quiet part publicly and out loud:

The Telegraph – In an interview with The Telegraph, [Defense Secretary] Grant Shapps said that he had held talks with Army leaders about moving “more training and production” of military equipment into Ukraine. He also called on more British defence firms to set up factories in Ukraine.

Following a trip to Kyiv last week, Mr Shapps also reveals that he has talked to Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, about how Britain’s Navy could play a role in defending commercial vessels from Russian attacks in the Black Sea.

Both moves would mark a significant escalation in the UK’s involvement in defending Ukraine against Vladimir Putin’s onslaught. Speaking in his first newspaper interview as Defence Secretary. (read more)

They are determined to take us to war.

Last point, as you contemplate the severity by which everything is being organized, regardless of public opinion, don’t forget to overlay this context with their opposition to President Donald Trump; the one guy who could stop all of this.

Now do you see the context for the U.S. intelligence apparatus to manipulate everything about the 2024 election, including the use of RFK Jr?(JFKjr’s son went and fought for Ukraine at the beginning of this Operation.)


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70eeae No.94685

File: 15a073eef0f49d2⋯.jpeg (379.34 KB,2034x1170,113:65,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645334 (011253ZOCT23) Notable: Bomb explodes near Turkey parliament in ‘terrorist attack’ BBC

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70eeae No.94686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645342 (011254ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy Says He Doesn't Want to Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

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Senate Passes Interim CR Extending Budget 45 Days – DC Going Bananas That Ukraine Funding Not Included

September 30, 2023

The U.S. Senate passed the stop gap spending CR (Continuing Resolution) extending government funding for 45 days. The Senate vote was 88-9. Mike Lee, Bill Hagerty, Ted Cruz, JD Vance, Eric Schmitt, Rand Paul, Roger Marshall, Mike Braun, and Marcia Blackburn voted against the CR. The CR ends November 17th.

There was no additional funding for Ukraine in the House or Senate bill.DC is going bananas, claiming that everyone supports additional multi-billion expenditures for Ukraine, but during a Senate Republican meeting earlier today, even ==John Thune told Mitch McConnell the ask for more Ukraine funding was a bridge too far.

The bill will now go to Joe Biden for signature, and the temporary “govt shutdown” crisis is delayed. There is a complete disconnect between the will of the American people, and the priorities of the DC Uniparty.

Joe Biden responded to the bill, noting the importance of an additional funding mechanism for Ukraine.

“While the Speaker and the overwhelming majority of Congress have been steadfast in their support for Ukraine, there is no new funding in this agreement to continue that support. We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted. I fully expect the Speaker will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment.” (link)

Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, speaking on behalf of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, echoed a similar statement:

[WASHINGTON DC] …”It’s been a day full of twists and turns, but the American people can breathe a sigh of relief. There will be no government shutdown,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said shortly after passage.

The package is a departure from Senate leaders’ original ambitions to include Ukraine aid in the short-term funding bill. The final version of the bill — which overwhelmingly passed the House with bipartisan support Saturday afternoon — only includes disaster relief alongside regular government funding.Senate Democrats now say they’ll be seeking a supplemental bill to continue assisting Ukraine in its war against Russia.

“Most Senate Republicans remain committed to helping our friends on the front lines,” said Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. (link)

The intensity of the DC system, both Republicans and Democrats alike, to pour money into Ukraine, despite the majority of the American people not in agreement with the priority, is unlike anything in modern times.


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70eeae No.94687

File: 89ebdf66dd5b9e5⋯.png (168.06 KB,602x602,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645352 (011300ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines

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The Gateway Pundit


Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines via @gatewaypundit


Biden's America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern...

Three girls were kidnapped, tortured and raped by an illegal immigrant gang in northern Minnesota recently.

1:51 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645389 (011317ZOCT23) Notable: 'That's Why Rich People From Beverly Hills—Generally Speaking—Don't Smell So Good': Trump In Anaheim

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'That's Why Rich People From Beverly Hills—Generally Speaking—Don't Smell So Good': Trump In Anaheim


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70eeae No.94689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645402 (011321ZOCT23) Notable: Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

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>>Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices


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70eeae No.94690

File: ddc6f6327931dc7⋯.png (161.12 KB,596x722,298:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645423 (011325ZOCT23) Notable: Tom Fitton on defund the DOJ efforts against Trump

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Tom Fitton


In an incredible turn of events,@SpeakerMcCarthy

relied on the Democratic minority in the House to fully fund Biden corruption, abuse, and his border invasion for the next 45 days. It would not be surprising if Republicans seek new House leadership after this move which effectively turned control of the House to




Tom Fitton



Sep 22

HUGE: Congress can DEFUND NOW the corrupt Biden DOJ's effort to jail Trump and interfere in our elections! Share your views now with your congressmen and senators by calling 202-225-3121!

10:14 AM · Sep 30, 2023




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70eeae No.94691

File: 3c5d2d123317e1d⋯.png (1.64 MB,990x573,330:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645467 (011339ZOCT23) Notable: Warsaw ‘biggest’ rally draws ‘a million’ anti-govt protesters

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Around a ‘million’ protesters at anti-govt rally in Warsaw: city official

October 1,2023

Around a million people gathered at a rally in Warsaw to protest against the conservative Polish government, the city spokeswoman said on Sunday, two weeks ahead of general elections on October 15.

“This is absolutely the biggest demonstration in Warsaw’s history,” Monika Beuth told AFP.


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70eeae No.94692

File: 3e75978fa70a918⋯.webp (4.46 KB,592x340,148:85,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645507 (011352ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines

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Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines

Three girls were kidnapped, tortured and raped by an illegal immigrant gang in northern Minnesota recently. One of the girls was an 11-year-old.

Bemidji is located in a rural area in northern Minnesota near the source of the Mississippi River.

22-year-old Oscar Luna was arrested at the scene. Several men were identified at the scene and transported by US Border Patrol to be processed as illegal aliens.

Bemidji Police have arrested a man after an 11-year-old girl told authorities that she and two other girls were tied up and raped by several men at a Bemidji home.

On Sept. 23rd, the Bemidji Sanford Hospital’s emergency department called police on an assault complaint.

According to court documents, the 11-year-old said she was with a woman who forced her to drink alcohol.

She said a bag was placed over her head, and she was taken to a home, where she was stripped… tied up between two other girls…and raped.

The girl said another girl was in a closet, while the third girl was bloody and unconscious.

Authorities arrested 22-year-old Oscar Luna. He’s charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Beltrami County. Luna was also arrested on a warrant from Hennepin County.

Police say several other people were identified at the scene, eleven of whom were transported by U.S. Border Patrol to be processed as illegal immigrants.


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70eeae No.94693

File: 0b8222aed3ca35c⋯.webp (47.14 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645554 (011403ZOCT23) Notable: Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again – Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and Biden

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Public Betrayals is a Yuge problem with Republicans

Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again – Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and Biden

Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill, spearheaded by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass.

With a 335-91 vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine.

The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor.

Shortly after today’s vote news broke that Kevin McCarthy pulled a fast one and made a side deal with GOP Minority leader Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden to fund Ukraine.


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70eeae No.94694

File: f6472ca80171627⋯.jpg (39.67 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645782 (011506ZOCT23) Notable: #24123

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Old Dough

Slightly Cachered


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70eeae No.94695

File: 769d3c00cc0f059⋯.jpg (164.41 KB,834x537,278:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645804 (011512ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News #493

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000072

Now Biden Regime Decides To Ban Gas Furnaces In Latest War On Consumer Choice, Free Market



Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime


BRICS Nations Liquidating US Treasury Bond Holdings To Buy Up Gold & Silver For Global Financial Reset


Jim Willie: Are You Ready For Big Economic Shocks? (4 Part Series Of Dire Intel)





ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Faces Life In Prison For Child Rape


MY COMMENT: There is a reason the corrupt will always lie!

Russia To Hold First Nationwide Nuclear Attack Exercise In All 11 Time Zones


New York City Turns From Shithole To Flooded Sewer


The United States No Longer Exists As A Nation


Counting all US in-migration annually, half a million migrants are admitted via the CBP app, a new parole program will admit another half a million Venezuelans, another new program will allow 200k immigrants to fly directly to American cities to claim asylum, existing legal immigration is about 1 million, and there are about 2 million illegal border crossings. That adds up to over 4 million migrants annually, breaking all past records for border crossings and immigration. It would not be farfetched for 8 million migrants to arrive in 2024.

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70eeae No.94696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645807 (011513ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News #493

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000073

New York Faces Geo-engineering Warfare Apocalypse


MY COMMENT: If you are not a commie who lives in NYC and recently lost your home I do feel bad for you, it's probably best to move elsewhere at this point, move to greener pastures where there is far less corruption, less taxes and less crime. If you can't afford a new home consider an RV, which might be better because you can live mobile and bug-out anytime you need to. Lack of storage space would be the only downside.

One of the closest and most trusted Advisors to Russian President Vladimir Putin has formally told his boss that a "massive" use of nuclear weapons is necessary to actually "prevent" World War 3 and save humanity. He urges the complete destruction of the United Kingdom as a warning to others to stop.


Russia-China Partnership Defangs US Empire


Gaetz Announces Motion To Oust McCarthy After 'Deceitful' Ukraine Side-Deal


Slovakia May Stop Backing Ukraine War After Populist Election Win


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70eeae No.94697

File: 1c50669420a3d15⋯.png (126.91 KB,378x425,378:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 72fb7736bbb69c9⋯.png (274.26 KB,623x434,89:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 6430d4b987f80e1⋯.png (566.03 KB,897x680,897:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 132540fd5fce74c⋯.png (58.99 KB,559x413,559:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 8098b8569454457⋯.png (9.53 KB,882x143,882:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645822 (011517ZOCT23) Notable: Done in 30 deltas and digs

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Don Jr

6 min delta on Hussein Devil done in 30 1 poster yesterday




>Done in 30.

>Devil's Night.

>Final stage.


>Obama-Satan Resemblance on ‘The Bible’ Fuels Social Media Firestorm




From Saturday, September 30, 2023

Added 30 days

Result: Monday, October 30, 2023

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70eeae No.94698

File: 44e06b535830b5e⋯.png (340.2 KB,402x527,402:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645828 (011518ZOCT23) Notable: This day in history: Tom Clancy dies at 66, The Hunt for Red October published in 1984

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>>>/qresearch/19645111 lb


A few Oct 1 happenings

Book published 1984

Tom Clancy dies 1993

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70eeae No.94699

File: 89c2d051a4be93a⋯.png (313.59 KB,1426x881,1426:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 350a79ef5be4062⋯.jpeg (389.46 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b29e5b0c49197e⋯.jpeg (397.34 KB,1216x1815,1216:1815,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB,310x163,310:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645839 (011521ZOCT23) Notable: RED OCTOBER

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America FIRST

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70eeae No.94700

File: d341b53a3af1d5d⋯.mp4 (10.6 MB,576x1246,288:623,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645840 (011521ZOCT23) Notable: For the keks: tax dollar parasites

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Wild Kingdom mash on Congress...


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70eeae No.94701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645861 (011525ZOCT23) Notable: Two police officers have been injured in a suicide bombing in front of the Interior Ministry in the Turkish capital, Ankara

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>>>/qresearch/19645705 LB

Turkey suicide bombing live: ‘Terrorists will never succeed’, says Erdogan

Turkey bombing scene

The bombing happens on the day when parliament witnesses the start of a new legislature [Halil Sagirkaya/Anadolu]

1 Oct 2023

Two police officers have been injured in a suicide bombing in front of the Interior Ministry in the Turkish capital, Ankara, according to the country’s interior minister. Their wounds are not life-threatening.

The minister, Ali Yerlikaya, says in a post on social media that two attackers were responsible for the explosion.

Both the attackers are dead – one detonated himself and the other was killed – according to Turkish authorities.

Hours after the bombing, Turkey’s parliament, located close to the site of the blast, starts a new legislative session.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan describes the bombing as the “last flutters of terrorism”, adding those behind such attacks would “never succeed”.


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70eeae No.94702

File: ada220d1965203d⋯.png (189.84 KB,406x483,58:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645873 (011528ZOCT23) Notable: Today Is Jeremy Brown’s Birthday - Jeremy Was Sentenced to Over 7 Years in Prison After He Refused to Work as an Undercover FBI Operative on January 6

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Today Is Jeremy Brown’s Birthday – Jeremy Was Sentenced to Over 7 Years in Prison After He Refused to Work as an Undercover FBI Operative on January 6 and Then Later Released Audio of His Meeting with FBI-DHS Agents – Please Help Jeremy If You Can


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70eeae No.94703

File: 5b83a0905ea9763⋯.jpg (30.37 KB,781x371,781:371,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 55c348d01762bf7⋯.png (37.9 KB,945x443,945:443,Clipboard.png)

File: f243f17fb1ae882⋯.png (74.94 KB,677x454,677:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 180dd659547d3cf⋯.png (2.08 MB,2357x1755,2357:1755,Clipboard.png)

File: 22d970861663e1b⋯.jpg (201.4 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645879 (011529ZOCT23) Notable: Done in 30 deltas and digs

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>>Done in 30.

What a coincidence

From Saturday, September 30, 2023

Subtracted 30 months

Normalized to 2 years, 6 months

Result: Tuesday,March 30, 2021

Don Jr

Zero Delta

Mar 30 2021

30 months ago

>Final stage.

>>>/qresearch/13333950 Archive link

Anonymous 03/30/21 (Tue) 22:29:59 b1ad4e (3) No.13333950

Nothing is what it seems.


Define proxy war.



Everything has meaning.

We have the source.

Exactly .

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70eeae No.94704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645888 (011531ZOCT23) Notable: #24122 posted #24123

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Schrödinger's eBaker went back in the box and collected lb

dough to follow and then for sure

ghosty ghosty

#24122 >>94669

>>94670 Biden Selling out the U.S.

>>94671, >>94672 Which Party Will Be Hurt the Most by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Running as an Independent?

>>94673 Student loan payments resume after 3-year pause

>>94674 Hochul to NYers Objecting to Migrants: We Believe in Statue of Liberty and NYC Is Full, So ‘Other Areas’ Must ‘Embrace’

>>94675 Joe Biden has a decision to make about Julian Assange

>>94676, >>94686 McCarthy Says He Doesn't Want to Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

>>94677, >>94678 Western ‘idiots’ want World War III – ex-Russian president

>>94679 Biden demands uninterrupted cash flow to Ukraine

>>94680 Federal Court Upholds Tennessee, Kentucky Ban on Transgender Medical Procedures for Children

>>94681, >>94685 Bomb explodes near Turkey parliament in ‘terrorist attack’ BBC

>>94682 MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez Speaks Out on Father’s Indictment: Colleagues Will Continue to ‘Aggressively’ Cover Case

>>94683 When 18 Republicans Help Kill Defunding Pentagon-Sponsored Pride Events, Who Needs Democrats?

>>94684 British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine

>>94687, >>94692 Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines

>>94688 'That's Why Rich People From Beverly Hills—Generally Speaking—Don't Smell So Good': Trump In Anaheim

>>94689 Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

>>94690 Tom Fitton on defund the DOJ efforts against Trump

>>94691 Warsaw ‘biggest’ rally draws ‘a million’ anti-govt protesters

>>94693 Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again – Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and Biden

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70eeae No.94705

File: ad8342aa8ea07eb⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645927 (011539ZOCT23) Notable: For the keks: tax dollar parasites

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Wild Kingdom mash on Congress...part 2...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94706

File: 626f0ee5cbd24e2⋯.mp4 (8.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645941 (011542ZOCT23) Notable: For the keks: tax dollar parasites

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19645963 (011546ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J Trump

Will Congressman Jamal Bowman be prosecuted and imprisoned for very dangerously pulling and setting off the main fire alarm system in order to stop a Congressional vote that was going on in D.C. His egregious act is covered on tape, a horrible display of nerve and criminality. It was a very dangerous “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding,” the same as used against our J-6 prisoners. Actually, his act may have been worse. HE MUST SUFFER THEIR SAME FATE. WHEN WILL HIS TRIAL BEGIN???


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70eeae No.94708

File: c21ccabac1aae07⋯.png (917.01 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646035 (011601ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: 98-0002 about to depart San Fran Intl, Now call sign SAM090

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

98-0002 about to depart San Fran Intl.


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70eeae No.94709

File: 97169e5ed7960e3⋯.png (84.15 KB,662x474,331:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646097 (011615ZOCT23) Notable: Meghan Markle 'considers run for office': Duchess of Sussex's name is in the frame to fill Californian Senator Dianne Feinstein's seat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meghan Markle 'considers run for office': Duchess of Sussex's name is in the frame to fill Californian Senator Dianne Feinstein's seat after senator died aged 90


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94710

File: 456ab02067548ac⋯.png (1.57 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 55aac459a341ef0⋯.png (254.88 KB,400x289,400:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646133 (011623ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: 98-0002 about to depart San Fran Intl, Now call sign SAM090

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Now call sign SAM090.

Incidentally they took off from the exact same spot that Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crashed in 2013.


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70eeae No.94711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646166 (011633ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Gaetz says he will move to oust speaker McCarthy

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Speaker McCarthy Is Going To Get His Wish for a Motion To Vacate

Congressman Matt Gaetz

102K subscribers

3.1K views 41 minutes ago

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70eeae No.94712

File: cfc2f1a4124a934⋯.jpg (112.63 KB,659x419,659:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646200 (011640ZOCT23) Notable: Finance experts warn of BLOODY SUNDAY for Americans

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Finance experts warn of BLOODY SUNDAY for Americans: Decades-high mortgage rates, student loans kicking in and Christmas spending will all pressure families this week


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70eeae No.94713

File: 5e84751741d1808⋯.png (576.13 KB,957x577,957:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646237 (011650ZOCT23) Notable: Done in 30 deltas and digs

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>Don Jr

>6 min delta on Hussein Devil done in 30 1 poster yesterday


>>>Done in 30.

>What a coincidence

>From Saturday, September 30, 2023

>Subtracted 30 months

6 minutes delta

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70eeae No.94714

File: 57ef2cc3236842d⋯.png (171.45 KB,448x542,224:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 343719455da272d⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646347 (011717ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump and @DanScavino: Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

0:06 / 0:23

12:41 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94715

File: 5aae5120856d234⋯.png (21.46 KB,584x250,292:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646361 (011722ZOCT23) Notable: Wells Fargo executive Greg Beckett jumped to his death from bank's Delaware offices

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Something big happenin






Wells Fargo executive Greg Beckett jumped to his death from bank's Delaware offices - as family say he'd been stressed about work and taking meetings as late as 11pm | Daily Mail Online https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12577517/Wells-Fargo-executive-46-jumped-death-banks-Delaware-offices-leaving-shocked-family-searching-answers.html

4:46 AM · Oct 1, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94716

File: 740945911a7bc3f⋯.png (61.93 KB,545x404,545:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dc83a6f768b735⋯.png (331.36 KB,1158x509,1158:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dc83a6f768b735⋯.png (331.36 KB,1158x509,1158:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 2455a793f8bfd3f⋯.png (22.78 KB,699x192,233:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646377 (011725ZOCT23) Notable: Done in 30 deltas and digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Don Jr

>6 min delta on Hussein Devil done in 30 1 poster yesterday


>>>Done in 30.

>What a coincidence

>From Saturday, September 30, 2023

>Subtracted 30 months


>6 minutes delta

Donald Trump Jr.


Mitch McConnell, John Thune, John Cornyn and their gang ofUkraine First RINOs are selling out GOP voters and demanding Ukrainefunding as part of any CR. They Don't want House conservatives to pass a bill that doesn't send billions more to Ukraine.

What a disgrace!!!


Mike Lee





Senate Republicans should oppose cloture on the Schumer-McConnell bill, which is likely to come up for a vote in a few minutes. We need to give the House the chance to make the next move.

House and Senate Dems are working together. Meanwhile, Senate Republican leadership is… Show more

1:43 PM · Sep 30, 2023




Anonymous 03/30/21 (Tue) 20:58:42 b7cb4f (5) No.13333067 >>>/qresearch/13333082 >>>/qresearch/13333091 >>>/qresearch/13333099 >>>/qresearch/13333183

[FF] Averted.

{46.93661, 32.04605}----

Possible acts were taken in effort to 'change the narrative'?





The silent ones.



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70eeae No.94717

File: 497a485b4c998a6⋯.png (487.91 KB,595x489,595:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646381 (011725ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Graham: If we pull the plug on Ukraine, that's 10 times worse than Afghanistan, To stop funding Ukraine is a death sentence for Taiwan

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SEN GRAHAM: "If we pull the plug on Ukraine, that's 10 times worse than Afghanistan. [...] To stop funding Ukraine is a death sentence for Taiwan."

5:58 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646515 (011759ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump and @DanScavino: Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump


Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

Oct 01, 2023, 12:42 PM


Trump also posted this at 1242

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70eeae No.94719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646576 (011819ZOCT23) Notable: #24123

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#24123 >>94694

>>94695, >>94696 End Times News #493

>>94697, >>94703, >>94713, >>94716 Done in 30 deltas and digs

>>94698 This day in history: Tom Clancy dies at 66, The Hunt for Red October published in 1984


>>94700, >>94705, >>94706 For the keks: tax dollar parasites

>>94701 Two police officers have been injured in a suicide bombing in front of the Interior Ministry in the Turkish capital, Ankara

>>94702 Today Is Jeremy Brown’s Birthday - Jeremy Was Sentenced to Over 7 Years in Prison After He Refused to Work as an Undercover FBI Operative on January 6

>>94707 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

>>94708, >>94710 PF reports: 98-0002 about to depart San Fran Intl, Now call sign SAM090

>>94709 Meghan Markle 'considers run for office': Duchess of Sussex's name is in the frame to fill Californian Senator Dianne Feinstein's seat

>>94711 Rep. Gaetz says he will move to oust speaker McCarthy

>>94712 Finance experts warn of BLOODY SUNDAY for Americans

>>94714, >>94718 @realDonaldTrump and @DanScavino: Thank you Pacific Air Show and Huntington Beach, California!

>>94715 Wells Fargo executive Greg Beckett jumped to his death from bank's Delaware offices

>>94717 Sen. Graham: If we pull the plug on Ukraine, that's 10 times worse than Afghanistan, To stop funding Ukraine is a death sentence for Taiwan



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70eeae No.94720

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646585 (011821ZOCT23) Notable: #24124-B

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baker can continue or defer

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70eeae No.94721

File: f9d46498fda3105⋯.png (805.94 KB,882x778,441:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646626 (011833ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Senate passed the stop gap spending CR (Continuing Resolution) extending government funding for 45 days - ends November 17th

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Senate Passes Interim CR Extending Budget

45 Days – DC Going Bananas That Ukraine

Funding Not Included

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 10/1/2023 1:25:31 PM

The U.S. Senate passed the stop gap spending CR (Continuing Resolution) extending government funding for 45 days. The Senate vote was 88-9. Mike Lee, Bill Hagerty, Ted Cruz, JD Vance, Eric Schmitt, Rand Paul, Roger Marshall, Mike Braun, and Marcia Blackburn voted against the CR. The CR ends November 17th. There was no additional funding for Ukraine in the House or Senate bill. DC is going bananas, claiming that everyone supports additional multi-billion expenditures for Ukraine, but during a Senate Republican meeting earlier today, even John Thune told Mitch McConnell the ask for more Ukraine funding was a bridge too far.

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70eeae No.94722

File: 72ab53a7af42f36⋯.png (34.18 KB,591x437,591:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646661 (011839ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Ron Johnson: I appreciate @elonmusk’s honesty about his vaccine injury — hope it isn’t too serious.

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Senator Ron Johnson


I appreciate @elonmusk

’s honesty about his vaccine injury — hope it isn’t too serious.

So that the vaccine injured can be acknowledged and treated, we need more public figures who suffered injury to come forward and tell their stories.


Elon Musk



Sep 26

Replying to @EdKrassen

My concern was more the outrageous demand that people *must* take the vaccine and multiple boosters to do anything at all. That was messed up.

Until the Supreme Court invalidated Biden’s exec order, SpaceX and many other companies would have been forced to fire anyone who… Show more

6:21 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94723

File: eb557049b7fc685⋯.png (167.27 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 10c20b28869034e⋯.png (442.78 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646681 (011844ZOCT23) Notable: CDC awards $260 million contract for disease surveillance. Aims at creating 13 forecasting and analytics centers for infectious diseases across the U.S.

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Had another source with this



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70eeae No.94724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646694 (011847ZOCT23) Notable: The Clinton Foundation Is Involved In Corruption That Would ‘Make Even Hunter Biden Blush’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Clinton Foundation Is Involved In Corruption That Would ‘Make Even Hunter Biden Blush’: Foxx

Forbes Breaking News

2.24M subscribers

666K views 1 day ago

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70eeae No.94725

File: 3385b2f84889eb8⋯.png (166.26 KB,599x707,599:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646700 (011848ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino on truthsocial

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




6:01 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94726

File: 1d832c70e14288b⋯.png (351.25 KB,1019x1217,1019:1217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646721 (011854ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino on truthsocial

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1:01 PM · Oct 1, 2023·111K Views

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70eeae No.94727

File: 57b017c00c5045c⋯.png (171.2 KB,284x542,142:271,Clipboard.png)

File: db1c57fa4057dc3⋯.mp4 (885.38 KB,274x422,137:211,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646725 (011855ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino on truthsocial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


10/1/23 — @realDonaldTrump in Iowa, heading to Ottumwa to deliver remarks at a “Team Trump Iowa—Commit to Caucus” event. Join the Team Trump Caucus Team at: ia.donaldjtrump.com

Oct 01, 2023, 2:28 PM


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70eeae No.94728

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646742 (011859ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump live in Iowa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE - Donald Trump to Deliver Remarks at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Ottumwa, IA - 10/1/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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70eeae No.94729

File: 8d79c13106fad5a⋯.png (258.67 KB,600x532,150:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646764 (011904ZOCT23) Notable: Royal Family website crashes after Russian hackers target Firm with 'cyber attack'

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GB News



BREAKING: Royal Family website crashes after Russian hackers target Firm with 'cyber attack'


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70eeae No.94730

File: dd2b7911da5a087⋯.png (215.07 KB,600x575,24:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646797 (011913ZOCT23) Notable: Sept 27: DOJ has launched an investigation against Swiss Credit Suisse and UBS over suspicions that the banks helped Russian clients evade sanctions

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Sep 27

The U.S. Justice Department has launched an investigation against Swiss Credit Suisse and UBS over suspicions that the banks helped Russian clients evade sanctions, Bloomberg reports citing sources. Earlier this year, the agency sent subpoenas to a number of banks, but later launched a full-scale investigation against Credit Suisse.


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70eeae No.94731

File: 5c34cc3b03fe4c0⋯.png (390.61 KB,589x551,31:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646830 (011918ZOCT23) Notable: Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show

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Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show


Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show

...a pandemic of unvaccinated?!

8:10 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646845 (011921ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy Says He Doesn’t Want to Be Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCarthy Says He Doesn’t Want to Be Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vented publicly against members of his Republican conference Saturday after a stopgap spending bill rode Democratic support to House passage.

The bill passed 335-91, with 209 Democrats and 126 Republicans in support. One Democrat and 90 Republicans voted against it.

After the vote, McCarthy expressed his frustration.

“You can always count on Americans to do what’s right after they’ve exhausted every other option,” McCarthy said.


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70eeae No.94733

File: 25388453753351e⋯.png (274.19 KB,554x468,277:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646851 (011923ZOCT23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Says He Will File Motion to Vacate This Week – a Call to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Gaetz Says He Will File Motion to Vacate This Week – a Call to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joined ABC’s This Week and CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday following the vote last night by the US House of Representatives to avert a shutdown with a 45-Day Stop-Gap Resolution that did not fund Ukraine.

The vote on Saturday was delayed after unhinged Marxist Democrat Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm to shut down Congress and evacuate the Cannon Building – Something that should land him in prison for several years going by the J6 defendants’ standards.

Gaetz told Jon Karl on ABC’s This Week that his plan to bring forward a House vote on Kevin McCarthy’s speakership.


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70eeae No.94734

File: 0ae6fb9e0dbef99⋯.png (270.21 KB,549x567,61:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646860 (011925ZOCT23) Notable: Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers

Canadian tyrant Justin Trudeau’s government recently moved to its next phase of controlling the population. The Trudeau government will now regulate podcasts and track content and subscribers. This tyrannical order comes after Trudeau restricted access to news in Canada last August.

This should come as no surprise, Trudeau previously froze the bank accounts of protesting truckers in Canada. The Trudeau government announced that being “pro-Trump” was a factor they would use to freeze accounts.

Infamous international podcaster Jordan Paterson responded to the the recent move.

In the US the government tracks, censors and blocks content they don’t like without passing any laws. They just do it.

Via The Counter Signal.

“The CRTC now wants to regulate podcasts,” said the Toronto Sun’s Brian Lilley. “Here is my simple message to them. Go to hell.”

“Not a f**king chance You censorial Scumrat,” said Dr. Jordan Peterson on X.

CRTC’s announcement states that podcasters meeting certain criteria “need to provide information about their activities in Canada.”

Online streaming services operating in Canada that offer audio or video content that generate $10 million or more in annual revenues must complete a registration form by November 28.

It’s pitched as a one-time requirement collecting basic information.

“Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership.”

Furthermore, CRTC stated that another ongoing consultation will address how podcasters and those offering video streaming services contribute to Canadian and Indigenous content.

There is now no freedom of speech for ordinary Canadians and access to news. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has initiated the process of ending news availability in Canada, after the Canadian government passed the Online News Act (Bill C-18).

Canadian news outlets and publishers will no longer be able to share their news links and content with the Canadian audience. The same applies to international news outlets; while they will continue to post their news links and content, the content will not be visible to people in Canada.

The changes mean that people in Canada will no longer be able to view or share news content on Facebook and Instagram. The availability of Meta’s services will remain unchanged for users outside of Canada.


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70eeae No.94735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646868 (011926ZOCT23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Says He Will File Motion to Vacate This Week – a Call to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

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"This Is Personal": McCarthy Hits Back After Gaetz Removal Threat

"That’s nothing new, he’s tried to do that from the moment I ran for office," said McCarthy, adding "I’ll survive, you know this is personal with Matt."

"Matt voted against the most conservative bill to protect our border…secure border," McCarthy continued.


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70eeae No.94736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646877 (011930ZOCT23) Notable: Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show

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Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show

More than 277,000 COVID-19 cases among people who received COVID-19 vaccines were reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021 but not disclosed to the public, newly obtained files show.

Some 144,349 cases among partially vaccinated people were reported by 32 jurisdictions to the CDC across three months in 2021, according to some of the files, which were acquired by The Epoch Times through the Freedom of Information Act.



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70eeae No.94737

File: 0453b77c238b127⋯.png (880.23 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d9aeb40ab38e4b⋯.png (5.14 MB,1920x1299,640:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646886 (011932ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: Marines up

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Call sign CNV4595. Where are these Marines going? Gitmo?

Squawk: 5615

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70eeae No.94738

File: e836fc738c2fd1f⋯.png (105.7 KB,881x909,881:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646893 (011933ZOCT23) Notable: Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

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Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

Two California residents, one of whom is a relative of a person who died after receiving remdesivir, lodged the suit against Gilead Sciences in Shasta County on Sept. 26.

Deborah Fust, the surviving spouse of Michael Fust, and Edward Pimentel, who says he was injured after receiving remdesivir, are accusing California-based Gilead of failing to mention documented side effects in its promotion of remdesivir.

"It's a terrible drug. The nonprofit has thousands of members who have the hospital records, and you can see there's a big difference in the creatinine levels and the blood levels, kidney readings after they get the remdesivir," Bradford Geyer, an attorney with Former Feds Group who is representing the plaintiffs, told The Epoch Times.

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit, has compiled some of the cases on its website.

The suit says that Gilead's press releases and statements to consumers and investigators from Gilead show "a pattern of downplaying or omitting altogether the clinical dangers experienced by patients from remdesivir use, instead emphasizing its supposed benefits, safety, and efficacy."

For example, a website for the drug, also known as veklury, makes no mention of kidney problems. A handout (pdf) given to patients also does not mention the issues.

"Defendant's advertising that remdesivir is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19 is false and misleading to a reasonable consumer, including plaintiffs, because defendant in fact knew or should have known, based upon prior studies and data on remdesivir, that it was unsafe and posed a high risk of severe adverse effects and death to plaintiffs and the class," the suit states.

The advertising "misrepresented and/or omitted the true content and nature of the drug," it also says.

Gilead did not respond to a request for comment.

Plaintiffs are seeking class status, which would enable two groups of people to join the suit. They are people who received remdesivir while hospitalized with COVID-19 and suffered serious injuries as a result, and people whose loved ones died after receiving remdesivir after being hospitalized with COVID-19.


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70eeae No.94739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646902 (011937ZOCT23) Notable: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …

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In case you were wondering the real reason why they're terrified of the world finding out what Ivermectin is truly capable of…

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …


› pmc › articles › PMC7505114

Ivermectin has New Application in Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer …


› 34483925

Anti-parasite drug ivermectin can suppress ovarian cancer by …


› 32549918

Panacea “Wonder Drug” Ivermectin Has Anti-Cancer, Anti-Covid, …


› home › health › panacea “wonder drug” ivermectin has anti-cancer, anti-covid, anti-ms, anti-hiv and many more…

Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations …


› 32474842

Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem-like cells - PubMed


› 29257278


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70eeae No.94740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646912 (011939ZOCT23) Notable: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …

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Parasitic infestation also culprit in Diabetes 1 and 2

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70eeae No.94741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646917 (011941ZOCT23) Notable: Archdiocese of Baltimore files for bankruptcy, braces for expected wave of sex abuse lawsuits

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Archdiocese of Baltimore files for bankruptcy, braces for expected wave of sex abuse lawsuits

The Archdiocese of Baltimore made an announcement on Friday that it has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. This comes after the institution expects to face dozens of sex abuse lawsuits.

Archbishop William Lori said that the religious organization's decision would allow "the Archdiocese both to equitably compensate victim-survivors of child sexual abuse and ensure the local Church can continue its mission and ministries."

"I acknowledge that no apology, compensation, or knowledge of our present-day accountability measures will necessarily lead to healing for victim survivors, nor repair the harm they suffered," Lori wrote. "To be sure, conversations with victim-survivors have taught me that neither I nor the Archdiocese can undo what was taken from them. At the same time, the Church cannot and will not abandon its moral responsibility to assist victims and accompany them on their journeys."

There was a 456-page investigation that goes into detail about 158 teachers, clergy, seminarians, and deacons within the Archdiocese of Baltimore who had allegedly assaulted more than 600 children going back to the 1940s. The document was compiled by the Maryland Attorney General.


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70eeae No.94742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646926 (011944ZOCT23) Notable: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …

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“Video Proof: Cancer Is Caused By Parasites”


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70eeae No.94743

File: b7240e42660075f⋯.png (287.86 KB,554x603,554:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646930 (011944ZOCT23) Notable: 2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate Despite Wire Transfers

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2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate Despite Wire Transfers

Hunter Biden denied receiving “one cent” from his family’s deal with BHR Partners associate Jonathan Li, a video from October 2019 shows.

In the summer of 2019, Hunter Biden received two wires totaling $260,000 originating from BHR Partners associates, including Li, that listed President Joe Biden’s Delaware home as the beneficiary address for the funds, the House Oversight Committee revealed this week. The fund is bankrolled by the Bank of China.

Months after receiving the bank wires in 2019, Hunter Biden told ABC News he did not receive one penny from Li.

“Have you received any money from that business dealing?” an ABC News reporter asked Hunter Biden.

“No, no,” he replied.

“Not one cent?” she quested.

“Not one cent,” Hunter Biden claimed.

The time frame detailed in Hunter Biden’s collapsed plea deal in July with now-special counsel David Weiss says Hunter Biden’s residence was in California when the Chinese partners sent money to an account linked to Joe Biden’s address.

Hunter Biden “remained in California and spent much of the Summer 2019 painting and developing plans for his memoir,” the plea deal states on page 9. In Hunter Biden’s memoir, Beautiful Things, the president’s son also noted that he lived in California at the time his Chinese partners wired the money to Delaware.

The money wired from Beijing, China, contradicts President Joe Biden’s false claim that Hunter Biden never made money from China.

BHR Partners, the fund Hunter Biden cofounded via a joint venture with Devon Archer and Li, maintains investments worth billions of dollars. As Breitbart News exclusively reported in April, Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s lawyer and confidant, controls Hunter Biden’s stake in the entity. Archer’s wife also controls his stake in BHR Partners.


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70eeae No.94744

File: b41bac37c0e14cd⋯.png (1.09 MB,570x733,570:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646933 (011946ZOCT23) Notable: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …

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Add schizophrenia to your list.


>>62989 Can Ivermectin cure schizophrenia?


>>63055 (You) Ivermectin has been found to have significant inhibitory activity against tachyzoites after 48 h of incubation

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If cat parasite toxoplasmosis gondii causes schizophrenia

and Ivermectin kills parasites

Then, Ivermectin potentially cures schizophrenia.

Toxoplasmosis & Schizophrenia:




Data show a significant association between toxoplasmosis (IgM+/IgG+ serological profile) and schizophrenia. Significant effects of raw meat consumption and contact with cats have been associated with the occurrence of schizophrenia. PCR-RFLP shows the presence of muted allele of MMP-9 gene in selected cases whose present T. gondii serological profile IgM+/IgG+ and IgM-/IgG+ respectively.


Toxoplasmosis may be one of the etiological causes of schizophrenia, and MMP-9 gene polymorphism could be involved in the occurrence mechanism of this pathology following Toxoplasma infection.

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70eeae No.94745

File: 1d8756d1dea9208⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 43abce53b8682d8⋯.png (14.19 KB,457x191,457:191,Clipboard.png)

File: d1d30c8c49d4ec4⋯.png (16.41 KB,502x207,502:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646934 (011946ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: ROTE03/3621 just left Offutt AFB, That makes four E6s flying now.

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>Now that the Chinese national holiday is over the E-6s return.

>Call sign/Squawk




ROTE03/3621 just left Offutt AFB

That makes four E6s flying now.

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70eeae No.94746

File: 2b5c2e630fd3334⋯.png (65.81 KB,586x449,586:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19646959 (011952ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Has anybody, especially the 28,000 HARD WORKING GOLF PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA, looked at what Seth Waugh, who was essentially “fired” from his last job, and is now the head of the PGA of AMERICA, is being paid?

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Has anybody, especially the 28,000 HARD WORKING GOLF PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA, looked at what Seth Waugh, who was essentially “fired” from his last job, and is now the head of the PGA of AMERICA, is being paid? The answer seems to be more than $3,000,000 per year? You could have had him for “peanuts!” Anyway, as GREAT PROFESSIONALS, I love and respect you all, have lots of you working at my many wonderful golf clubs, and know how hard a job you have - A job done more from LOVE than for MONEY. If I were you I’d start a DRIVE to get Seth Waugh out of there. You can get a MUCH BETTER “LEADER” FOR FAR LESS MONEY!!! Best Wishes, Your Favorite President, Donald J. Trump


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70eeae No.94747

File: d38c619e3743a66⋯.png (235.72 KB,631x733,631:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647026 (012008ZOCT23) Notable: Potato: “They, they, they, they, they go online, they go, and you have no notion whether it's true or not,” he said after he was asked about X under Musk’s ownership

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Biden appears to not be happy with Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter because now people have “no notion” of what information is true.

What he meant to say is how upset he is that the government can no longer control what you see on X.

“They, they, they, they, they go online, they go, and you have no notion whether it's true or not,” he said after he was asked about X under Musk’s ownership.

This is exactly why “investigations” into Elon keep popping up.

They no longer have control…


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70eeae No.94748

File: 5d7d9aa450fb783⋯.mp4 (1013.53 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647033 (012010ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino on truthsocial

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70eeae No.94749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647096 (012027ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: With your support, on Monday, January 15, we're going to win the Iowa Caucuses in a historic landslide, we're going to crush Crooked Joe Biden, and he is crooked; most crooked, most corrupt president in history and we're going to do things for our country, and very quickly, that nobody thought was even possible. We are going to do things that are incredible; gonna bring it back

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President Trump: With your support, on Monday, January 15, we're going to win the Iowa Caucuses in a historic landslide, we're going to crush Crooked Joe Biden, and he is crooked; most crooked, most corrupt president in history and we're going to do things for our country, and very quickly, that nobody thought was even possible. We are going to do things that are incredible; gonna bring it back

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70eeae No.94750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647106 (012030ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I want a future that protects American labor, not foreign labor, we're going to protect our labor. A future that puts American dreams over foreign profits. A future that raises American wages, that strengthens American industry, that builds national pride, and that defends this country's dignity, and today, I add, a future that protects, defends, and delivers, for the American farmer

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President Trump: I want a future that protects American labor, not foreign labor, we're going to protect our labor. A future that puts American dreams over foreign profits. A future that raises American wages, that strengthens American industry, that builds national pride, and that defends this country's dignity, and today, I add, a future that protects, defends, and delivers, for the American farmer

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70eeae No.94751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647108 (012030ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump live in Iowa

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Donald J. Trump

LIVE - President Trump in Ottumwa, IA




LIVE - Donald Trump to Deliver Remarks at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Ottumwa, IA - 10/1/23



Real Americas Voice




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70eeae No.94752

File: 14429b377d9a39f⋯.mp4 (14.17 MB,1280x708,320:177,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647110 (012030ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Graham warmongering mp4

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Damn it man, uploads are taking forever.

Lindsey says we haven't paid our fair share as Americans to the Ukraine war effort.

Vows 60-70 BILLION to Ukraine in next year!



"Matt Whitaker, my freind" - Don POTUS




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70eeae No.94753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647120 (012032ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: American agriculture used to feed the world, the entire world, but with Crooked Joe in the White House, we're now importing more farm products that we are exporting.

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President Trump: American agriculture used to feed the world, the entire world, but with Crooked Joe in the White House, we're now importing more farm products that we are exporting.

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70eeae No.94754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647128 (012034ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Remember the Japan deal? How bad it was? Now it's a good deal for you, with Abe, a great man, Prime Minister of Japan, great gentleman. As you know, they took his life, they assassinated Abe.

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President Trump: Remember the Japan deal? How bad it was? Now it's a good deal for you, with Abe, a great man, Prime Minister of Japan, great gentleman. As you know, they took his life, they assassinated Abe.

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70eeae No.94755

File: e8f7ef6b74f6ec7⋯.png (146.35 KB,596x631,596:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647152 (012039ZOCT23) Notable: @ElonMusk: Trudeau is trying to crush free speech suppression in Canada. Shameful.

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Elon Musk


Trudeau is trying to crush free speech suppression in Canada. Shameful.


Glenn Greenwald




The Canadian government, armed with one of the world's most repressive online censorship schemes, announces that all "online streaming services that offer podcasts" must formally register with the government to permit regulatory controls:



9:26 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647155 (012040ZOCT23) Notable: COVID vaccine poll finds more than half of adults are likely to say 'no thanks' to the vax

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"Conversely, 23% of adults "definitely" plan to get the vaccine — while another 23% will "probably" get it."

23% huh? Just another coincidence. Nothing to see here

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70eeae No.94757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647187 (012045ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: If Joe Biden's extremist mandate is allowed to stand, gas-powered cars will be gone, Iowa ethanol will be totally destroyed, and the economy of this state will be decimated. When I'm back in the White House, I will save Iowa ethanol, by repealing Joe Biden's absolutely insane, job-killing, electrical vehicle mandate on Day One.

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President Trump: If Joe Biden's extremist mandate is allowed to stand, gas-powered cars will be gone, Iowa ethanol will be totally destroyed, and the economy of this state will be decimated. When I'm back in the White House, I will save Iowa ethanol, by repealing Joe Biden's absolutely insane, job-killing, electrical vehicle mandate on Day One.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647198 (012048ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The next time I'm here we'll talk about it: tractors…we're going to have to do a little study on tractors. They probably have something where they want a tractor to be all-electric too…you won't be using them for very long because you'll be looking for a charge.

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President Trump: The next time I'm here we'll talk about it: tractors...we're going to have to do a little study on tractors. They probably have something where they want a tractor to be all-electric too...you won't be using them for very long because you'll be looking for a charge.

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70eeae No.94759

File: 0f97171dee7a2ad⋯.png (2.66 MB,1196x893,1196:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647204 (012050ZOCT23) Notable: 2500 in attendance here in Ottumwa, Iowa loves President Trump

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Jason Miller


2500 in attendance here in Ottumwa! 🇺🇸


Jason Miller




Iowa loves President Trump, and President Trump loves Iowa! 💪


9:36 AM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94760

File: 7f8137d43f83d8c⋯.png (198.59 KB,664x931,664:931,Clipboard.png)

File: c7c7c41f9b4d49c⋯.png (168.74 KB,677x839,677:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e6602126d92aac⋯.png (136.26 KB,677x709,677:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647209 (012051ZOCT23) Notable: Security experts fume over report linking Pentagon official to covert Iranian influence unit

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Security experts fume over report linking Pentagon official to covert Iranian influence unit

Ariane Tabatabai currently serves as the chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict. Critics say that Iran's insertion of influencers into the State Department undercut American interests by, in effect, negotiating with itself by influencing key decision makers.

Former national security officials and Iranian policy experts are raising alarm about a report linking a Pentagon official to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ariane Tabatabai currently serves as the chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict. She was previously a senior policy advisor to the Department of Defense and a senior advisor to the Department of State, according to her LindkedIn.

She has also written for Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), an independent private foundation specializing in foreign affairs and security issues. ASD is funded by billionaire Pierre Omidyar's "Democracy Fund" and the Sandler Foundation, among others.

An article published in Semafor this week linked Tabatabai to the Iranian Experts Initiative (IEI), a Tehran-backed project to advance its positions and improve its public image across the world. The outlet obtained a litany of communications between IEI participants and the Iranian government. Among those communications was an email from March 2014 in which Iranian diplomat Saeed Khatibzadeh confirmed meetings with Tabatabai and another academic, saying that "]w]e three agreed to be the core group of the IEI."

Critics of the IEI describe it as "a covert operation initiated by Iran’s foreign ministry in 2014", and that the IEI was "meticulously planned to strategically position Iranian analysts within Western think tanks, subtly advancing Iran's diplomatic objectives."

In 2021, Tabatabai served on Special Envoy to Iran Robert Malley's team for Iranian nuclear negotiations. Malley is himself currently under investigation for mishandling classified information and is on leave from the State Department, the House Foreign Affairs Committee noted this week.

Tabatabai has not responded to requests for comment from Just the News.


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70eeae No.94761

File: 7feb7856e52df13⋯.png (512.45 KB,1113x654,371:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647223 (012054ZOCT23) Notable: 2500 in attendance here in Ottumwa, Iowa loves President Trump

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46,100+ on rsbn

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70eeae No.94762

File: 631993a7100bb18⋯.png (857.25 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647225 (012054ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: Marines up

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Gitmo it is.

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70eeae No.94763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647236 (012058ZOCT23) Notable: Part II – Something Necessary to Understand About Washington DC

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Part II – Something Necessary to Understand About Washington DC

October 1, 2023

The first element of the discussion was here {GO DEEP}. A short follow up is prudent.

The word “normal” is no longer politically correct to say. The cultural Marxists have manipulated language to fit their needs; however, there is a need to stop pretending, therefore it becomes necessary to stop playing by their stupid rules and talk to each other in ordinary terms.

You are likely a person of normal disposition. You go about your affairs with an outlook of decency and general respect toward the goals and aspirations of others. You have the ability to remain emotionally stable, ignore the swirling nonsense of idiots, boil down the issues to their most common attributes and go about finding the best optimal solution for the events in your life.

The people in Washington DC are not normal. Not like that. If they perceive an event to have negative impact upon them, they cannot independently remain stable and deal with the issue on a level of solution they can independently create. When they encounter a negative situation, they need to pull other people into the quicksand of their gibberish and stupidity in order to avoid accepting that they are less capable. At a cognitive or psychological level, this is a defense mechanism.

DC operates like a school of fish stupid fish, a tribe that swarms together looking for consensus which allows them to not hold responsibility for their own shortcomings. They view systems as solutions in order to avoid responsibility.They are not emotionally stable, cogent, capable or independent thinkers. They require tribalism to avoid what they lack. These are not stable people.

This is not a blanket statement that would be considered hyperbolic. Every entity, every individual person within the bubble of DC, cannot fathom self-reliance. It is a concept as foreign to them as the distinction between a ‘constitutional republic’ and a ‘democracy.’ This is not a mistake or flaw in their perception and mindset, this is the reality of how their brain synapses fire. This is who they are.

Within this dependency, those who assemble the silos of information find great reception. Each sheeple tribe paying attention only to their immediate surroundings without the capacity to stand back and see the entire world around them.They do not have this skillset. They do not possess this ability. This applies to all of them; every single one.

Within this system of dependency, they are like the crowd in the story of the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes.’ The political representatives and the staff that support them, literally are manifestations of weird minds, brought together by a career that rewards and attracts esoteric thinking devoid of pragmatic common sense. They care about the opinion of others. They only care about the opinion of others; however, the “others” only apply to their tribe.Again, tribalism is how they define themselves. These are not emotionally stable people.

The outcome of their decision-making only flows through the prism of self-interest, where the ‘interest’ is about the preservation of the bubble that provides them a walled-off life of affluence inside the petri dish of toxic identity. In a general world, the population of advanced anddiagnosed narcissists is around 10%. Inside the DC bubble, far more than half of the residents carry thisnarcissistic trait. This is the origin of the abusive relationship that exists between “them” and “us.”

This applies to all of them. All of them.

If you say the emperor is naked, from their perspective you are the stupid one. Worse still, if you keep saying it, they view you as dangerous.

They are assembling systems to keep track of the dangerous people. This is the disconnect that must be understood.These are not normal people.


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70eeae No.94764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647245 (012100ZOCT23) Notable: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …

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Whose going to make Ivermectin OVER THE COUNTER, like a vitamin?

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70eeae No.94765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647262 (012107ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I'll cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers. I'll appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer, and get the price way down….I'll tell other countries, where we spend billions of dollars, we spend billions and billions on military protection and other things, that if you do not give preferential treatment to our farmers, our growers our producers, the troops that we have there, protecting them, where they pay us; like nothing; it's probably not even a good thing to do, many of them hate us, and we're protecting them. But all those troops are going to be coming home immediately, and we're not going to be spending any money in those countries. They gotta buy from our farmers and our manufacturers.

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President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I'll cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers. I'll appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer, and get the price way down....I'll tell other countries, where we spend billions of dollars, we spend billions and billions on military protection and other things, that if you do not give preferential treatment to our farmers, our growers our producers, the troops that we have there, protecting them, where they pay us; like nothing; it's probably not even a good thing to do, many of them hate us, and we're protecting them. But all those troops are going to be coming home immediately, and we're not going to be spending any money in those countries. They gotta buy from our farmers and our manufacturers.

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70eeae No.94766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647285 (012113ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: When we win, in '24, I believe it will go down as the greatest political victory in history.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: When we win, in '24, I believe it will go down as the greatest political victory in history.

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70eeae No.94767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647294 (012115ZOCT23) Notable: My Uncle that had three degrees - PDJT mentions Nicola Tesla document holder

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My Uncle that had three degrees - PDJT

mentions Nicola Tesla document holder

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70eeae No.94768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647303 (012116ZOCT23) Notable: #24124-B

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#24124-B >>94720

>>94721 U.S. Senate passed the stop gap spending CR (Continuing Resolution) extending government funding for 45 days - ends November 17th

>>94722 Sen. Ron Johnson: I appreciate @elonmusk’s honesty about his vaccine injury — hope it isn’t too serious.

>>94723 CDC awards $260 million contract for disease surveillance. Aims at creating 13 forecasting and analytics centers for infectious diseases across the U.S.

>>94725, >>94726, >>94727, >>94748 Dan Scavino on truthsocial

>>94729 Royal Family website crashes after Russian hackers target Firm with 'cyber attack'

>>94730 Sept 27: DOJ has launched an investigation against Swiss Credit Suisse and UBS over suspicions that the banks helped Russian clients evade sanctions

>>94731, >>94736 Over 277,000 'Vaccinated' COVID-19 Cases Hidden By CDC In 2021: Newly Obtained Files Show

>>94732 McCarthy Says He Doesn’t Want to Be Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution

>>94733, >>94735 Matt Gaetz Says He Will File Motion to Vacate This Week – a Call to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

>>94734 Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers

>>94737, >>94762 PF reports: Marines up

>>94738 Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

>>94741 Archdiocese of Baltimore files for bankruptcy, braces for expected wave of sex abuse lawsuits

>>94743 2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate Despite Wire Transfers

>>94745 PF reports: ROTE03/3621 just left Offutt AFB, That makes four E6s flying now.

>>94747 Potato: “They, they, they, they, they go online, they go, and you have no notion whether it's true or not,” he said after he was asked about X under Musk’s ownership

>>94752 Sen. Graham warmongering mp4

>>94755 @ElonMusk: Trudeau is trying to crush free speech suppression in Canada. Shameful.

>>94756 COVID vaccine poll finds more than half of adults are likely to say 'no thanks' to the vax

>>94759, >>94761 2500 in attendance here in Ottumwa, Iowa loves President Trump

>>94760 Security experts fume over report linking Pentagon official to covert Iranian influence unit

>>94763 Part II – Something Necessary to Understand About Washington DC

>>94739, >>94740, >>94742, >>94744, >>94764 Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …

>>94724 The Clinton Foundation Is Involved In Corruption That Would ‘Make Even Hunter Biden Blush’

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70eeae No.94769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647317 (012119ZOCT23) Notable: Stage set? He keeps talking about the Stage?

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Stage set?

He keeps talking about the Stage?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647328 (012121ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world…I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world...I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647334 (012123ZOCT23) Notable: 24124-A

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#24124-A >>94720

>>94746 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Has anybody, especially the 28,000 HARD WORKING GOLF PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA, looked at what Seth Waugh, who was essentially “fired” from his last job, and is now the head of the PGA of AMERICA, is being paid?

>>94728, >>94751 Donald J. Trump live in Iowa

>>94749 President Trump: With your support, on Monday, January 15, we're going to win the Iowa Caucuses in a historic landslide, we're going to crush Crooked Joe Biden, and he is crooked; most crooked, most corrupt president in history and we're going to do things for our country, and very quickly, that nobody thought was even possible. We are going to do things that are incredible; gonna bring it back

>>94750 President Trump: I want a future that protects American labor, not foreign labor, we're going to protect our labor. A future that puts American dreams over foreign profits. A future that raises American wages, that strengthens American industry, that builds national pride, and that defends this country's dignity, and today, I add, a future that protects, defends, and delivers, for the American farmer

>>94753 President Trump: American agriculture used to feed the world, the entire world, but with Crooked Joe in the White House, we're now importing more farm products that we are exporting.

>>94754 President Trump: Remember the Japan deal? How bad it was? Now it's a good deal for you, with Abe, a great man, Prime Minister of Japan, great gentleman. As you know, they took his life, they assassinated Abe.

>>94757 President Trump: If Joe Biden's extremist mandate is allowed to stand, gas-powered cars will be gone, Iowa ethanol will be totally destroyed, and the economy of this state will be decimated. When I'm back in the White House, I will save Iowa ethanol, by repealing Joe Biden's absolutely insane, job-killing, electrical vehicle mandate on Day One.

>>94758 President Trump: The next time I'm here we'll talk about it: tractors…we're going to have to do a little study on tractors. They probably have something where they want a tractor to be all-electric too…you won't be using them for very long because you'll be looking for a charge.

>>94765 President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I'll cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers. I'll appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer, and get the price way down….I'll tell other countries, where we spend billions of dollars, we spend billions and billions on military protection and other things, that if you do not give preferential treatment to our farmers, our growers our producers, the troops that we have there, protecting them, where they pay us; like nothing; it's probably not even a good thing to do, many of them hate us, and we're protecting them. But all those troops are going to be coming home immediately, and we're not going to be spending any money in those countries. They gotta buy from our farmers and our manufacturers.

>>94766 President Trump: When we win, in '24, I believe it will go down as the greatest political victory in history.

>>94767 My Uncle that had three degrees - PDJT mentions Nicola Tesla document holder

>>94769 Stage set? He keeps talking about the Stage?

President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world…I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

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70eeae No.94772

File: 1af5f04b385e793⋯.png (265.06 KB,427x320,427:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fec23fa81c8654⋯.png (99.44 KB,480x317,480:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 154e32566c21729⋯.png (433.18 KB,881x880,881:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647351 (012125ZOCT23) Notable: #24125-A

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Q Research General #24125: Deeer Farmers: President Trump in Ottumwa, IA Edition

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70eeae No.94773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647359 (012127ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

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Donald J. Trump

LIVE - President Trump in Ottumwa, IA




LIVE - Donald Trump to Deliver Remarks at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Ottumwa, IA - 10/1/23



Real Americas Voice




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70eeae No.94774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647367 (012128ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We will overhaul and rebuild the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ from the ground up

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President Trump: Just so you know, I'm going to terminate the Department of Education, move education back to the states.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647375 (012129ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world…I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

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President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world…I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94776

File: 86e85513d8d2811⋯.png (990.73 KB,1152x432,8:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647399 (012132ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94777

File: b45f47cf7f67100⋯.png (886.1 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: a8c496d66312198⋯.png (756.74 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 418b163059a2b7e⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x719,1024:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647413 (012134ZOCT23) Notable: PF Call sign HALO2 Call sign HALO4 = 24 = 2024?

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>Deeer Farmers: President Trump in Ottumwa, IA Edition



Call sign HALO2



Call sign HALO4




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70eeae No.94778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647416 (012134ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: They're radical-left marxists, and fascists, and communists, and they're bad people. And that includes people in the Justice Department and the FBI.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They're radical-left marxists, and fascists, and communists, and they're bad people. And that includes people in the Justice Department and the FBI.

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70eeae No.94779

File: 0fe0e9d081220c1⋯.png (410.81 KB,634x507,634:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647437 (012139ZOCT23) Notable: Ultra Right rakes in $500,000 in just 12 hours after releasing a special edition can featuring Trump's mugshot

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Woke-free' Bud Light beer alternative Ultra Right rakes in $500,000 in just 12 hours after releasing a special edition can featuring Trump's mugshot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12581899/Woke-free-Bud-Light-beer-alternative-Ultra-Right-rakes-500-000-just-12-hours-releasing-special-edition-featuring-Trumps-mugshot.html

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70eeae No.94780

File: eb4f14db2b8b2f6⋯.png (1.5 MB,1463x822,1463:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647440 (012139ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: signed his New York Military Academy photo

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647444 (012140ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trumps Nuclear Uncle John G Trump MIT Archived Interview 56:05

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>the uncle with three degrees

Donald Trumps Nuclear Uncle John G Trump MIT Archived Interview


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70eeae No.94782

File: 6b89497e7bae411⋯.jpg (256.77 KB,1568x882,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647446 (012140ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94783

File: 9ee6cb17fad9415⋯.png (916.23 KB,1204x817,28:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647456 (012142ZOCT23) Notable: ON THE MOVE: Stay watching for the motorcade with President Trump…. up coming on RSBN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stay watching for the motorcade with President Trump.... up coming on RSBN

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70eeae No.94784

File: 8cd701ede17b88c⋯.png (1.52 MB,1358x914,679:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647465 (012145ZOCT23) Notable: "He's like a very injured, falling bird." - President Donald J. Trump on Ron Densanctimonious, 10-1-23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"He's like a very injured, falling bird." - President Donald J. Trump on Ron Densanctimonious, 10-1-23

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70eeae No.94785

File: 959ecf2607d2d6a⋯.png (830.29 KB,880x878,440:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647480 (012148ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94786

File: 4113d278a6b0b68⋯.png (245.89 KB,283x374,283:374,Clipboard.png)

File: e4cadaa98aea04a⋯.png (492.91 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647481 (012149ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94787

File: 30b72c388307e2e⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647487 (012150ZOCT23) Notable: Farmers 100th Convention, Donald Trump and John Kennedy Took back the Waters of the USA (Cap 0:55)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump on Farmers and John Kennedy

Farmers 100th Convention Trump John Kennedy Took back the Waters of the USA

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70eeae No.94788

File: cc203e5e4a8015b⋯.png (256.98 KB,597x429,199:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e1b1fb25dfe45f⋯.png (391.45 KB,578x675,578:675,Clipboard.png)

File: ded92d65c610736⋯.png (304.43 KB,794x524,397:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647498 (012151ZOCT23) Notable: Farmers 100th Convention, Donald Trump and John Kennedy Took back the Waters of the USA (Cap 0:55)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Once in 10,000 years event...

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70eeae No.94789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647501 (012152ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

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70eeae No.94790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647511 (012154ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This one?

The empirical rule calculator (also a 68 95 99 rule calculator) is a tool for finding the ranges that are 1 standard deviation, 2 standard deviations, and 3 standard deviations from the mean, in which you'll find 68, 95, and 99.7% of the normally distributed data respectively.

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70eeae No.94791

File: 21c8a48112c588f⋯.png (458.6 KB,652x960,163:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647515 (012155ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>mathematical statistical theory

you a biologist forced to take statistics courses?

.... or you dumb, or what?

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70eeae No.94792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647518 (012156ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Game Theory?

Generally though, the study of statistics is called: Data Management. Or at least that's the course I took in High School involving the study of statistics. Choosing all the hardest courses really paid off tbh.

Abstract Math is the most schizo shit you'll ever study in your life (matrices / unreal numbers). Only course I ever failed absolutely. The smartest kid in my class was a Jew and he understood that shit even though all we did was talk about video games during class the whole time; wtf?

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70eeae No.94793

File: adc8d2834f5e54f⋯.png (90.59 KB,539x316,539:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647524 (012158ZOCT23) Notable: Current Use of Ivermectin in Dermatology, Tropical Medicine, and COVID-19: An Update on Pharmacology, Uses, Proven and Varied Proposed Mechanistic Action

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Current Use of Ivermectin in Dermatology, Tropical Medicine, and COVID-19: An Update on Pharmacology, Uses, Proven and Varied Proposed Mechanistic Action

Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor effects. In this review, we discuss the history, pharmacology, multimodal actions, indications in dermatology and tropical medicine, therapeutic and prophylactic use of ivermectin in COVID-19, safety, adverse effects, special considerations, and drug interactions of ivermectin.


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70eeae No.94794

File: cd3f5f0c0bd221f⋯.png (930.9 KB,1275x742,1275:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647533 (012200ZOCT23) Notable: ON THE MOVE: Stay watching for the motorcade with President Trump…. up coming on RSBN

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70eeae No.94795

File: d5cda31fce44a18⋯.png (113.13 KB,880x776,110:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647543 (012202ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

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> statistical theory

is fucked.

Most papers are written based on p

The correct answer is dividing the 3 forms of logic

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70eeae No.94796

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647549 (012203ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY 1ST OCTOBER 2023 IOWA

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LIVE - President Trump in Ottumwa, IA



President Trump: With your support, on Monday, January 15, we're going to win the Iowa Caucuses in a historic landslide, we're going to crush Crooked Joe Biden, and he is crooked; most crooked, most corrupt president in history and we're going to do things for our country, and very quickly, that nobody thought was even possible. We are going to do things that are incredible; gonna bring it back

President Trump: I want a future that protects American labor, not foreign labor, we're going to protect our labor. A future that puts American dreams over foreign profits. A future that raises American wages, that strengthens American industry, that builds national pride, and that defends this country's dignity, and today, I add, a future that protects, defends, and delivers, for the American farmer

President Trump: American agriculture used to feed the world, the entire world, but with Crooked Joe in the White House, we're now importing more farm products that we are exporting.

President Trump: Remember the Japan deal? How bad it was? Now it's a good deal for you, with Abe, a great man, Prime Minister of Japan, great gentleman. As you know, they took his life, they assassinated Abe.

President Trump: Under the Trump Presidency, Patriotic Protectionism, protect; we want to protect our country from people that are destroying our country, or they want to destroy our country, and they see it being destroyed, and they do nothing about it. But it will be a New American Way: Protectionism. We have to protect our country from outside evil, and also from inside evil, because I thin the inside evil is actually more dangerous than than the outside. Inside evil like some of these radical-left lunatics that we have to deal with all the time.

President Trump: If Joe Biden's extremist mandate is allowed to stand, gas-powered cars will be gone, Iowa ethanol will be totally destroyed, and the economy of this state will be decimated. When I'm back in the White House, I will save Iowa ethanol, by repealing Joe Biden's absolutely insane, job-killing, electrical vehicle mandate on Day One.

President Trump: The next time I'm here we'll talk about it: tractors…we're going to have to do a little study on tractors. They probably have something where they want a tractor to be all-electric too…you won't be using them for very long because you'll be looking for a charge.

President Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I'll cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers. I'll appoint a special team to attack the high price of fertilizer, and get the price way down….I'll tell other countries, where we spend billions of dollars, we spend billions and billions on military protection and other things, that if you do not give preferential treatment to our farmers, our growers our producers, the troops that we have there, protecting them, where they pay us; like nothing; it's probably not even a good thing to do, many of them hate us, and we're protecting them. But all those troops are going to be coming home immediately, and we're not going to be spending any money in those countries. They gotta buy from our farmers and our manufacturers.

President Trump: When we win, in '24, I believe it will go down as the greatest political victory in history.

President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world…I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

President Trump: We will overhaul and rebuild the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ from the ground up.

President Trump: Just so you know, I'm going to terminate the Department of Education, move education back to the states.

President Trump: They're radical-left marxists, and fascists, and communists, and they're bad people. And that includes people in the Justice Department and the FBI.

>>94787 Trump on Farmers and John Kennedy mp4

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70eeae No.94797

File: a27e457794cd6a6⋯.jpg (298.95 KB,1440x2423,1440:2423,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647573 (012210ZOCT23) Notable: Ultra Right rakes in $500,000 in just 12 hours after releasing a special edition can featuring Trump's mugshot

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45 days shipping after order

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70eeae No.94798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647577 (012211ZOCT23) Notable: ON THE MOVE: Stay watching for the motorcade with President Trump…. up coming on RSBN

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on the move

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70eeae No.94799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647581 (012212ZOCT23) Notable: Ukraine and Taiwan does the MONEY LAUNDERING for the US Cabal: Sen Graham: "If We Pull The Plug On Ukraine, That'S 10 Times Worse Than Afghanistan […] To Stop Funding Ukraine Is A Death Sentence For Taiwan."

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SEN GRAHAM: "IF WE PULL THE PLUG ON UKRAINE, THAT'S 10 TIMES WORSE THAN AFGHANISTAN […] To stop funding Ukraine is a death sentence for Taiwan."

Inline image


Besides being a faggot, Lindsay is telling us more than he was asked.

>Does that sound like Lindsay is making a threat to start www 3 ??

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70eeae No.94800

File: d65b47a2bcc503c⋯.png (903.66 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647596 (012214ZOCT23) Notable: PF Call sign HALO2 Call sign HALO4 = 24 = 2024?

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>Call sign HALO2



>Call sign HALO4




Now landed Santa Maria Airport. Adjacent to Vandenburg Space Force Base. Must be a DOD launch/test soon that is not publicized. (Already checked and next published launch event is SpaceX on the 7th)

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70eeae No.94801

File: 481346e5295c3ce⋯.jpg (15.64 KB,255x211,255:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647598 (012215ZOCT23) Notable: Ultra Right rakes in $500,000 in just 12 hours after releasing a special edition can featuring Trump's mugshot

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45 Day CR.


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70eeae No.94802

File: 07668b06b5942ec⋯.png (886.13 KB,1207x696,1207:696,Clipboard.png)

File: 8092c2665c043ff⋯.png (979.96 KB,1228x857,1228:857,Clipboard.png)

File: bf6c0c7cb40a0fc⋯.png (1.07 MB,1277x871,1277:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 9550888f42ec040⋯.png (927.9 KB,1243x890,1243:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647642 (012223ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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70eeae No.94803

File: d7b37380528da97⋯.png (842.24 KB,1236x857,1236:857,Clipboard.png)

File: a7e3873dbf27ca7⋯.png (877.5 KB,1238x764,619:382,Clipboard.png)

File: 135dbb93ae24ec7⋯.png (1.02 MB,1229x778,1229:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 824640b90f9209c⋯.png (996.34 KB,1232x840,22:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647648 (012225ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94804

File: 843e453daba1bd4⋯.png (902.34 KB,1246x834,623:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 5058e68e86e74ac⋯.png (958.94 KB,1213x770,1213:770,Clipboard.png)

File: c646975f7b2ee6e⋯.png (704.9 KB,1244x771,1244:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c32d9c2d531ff0⋯.png (728.69 KB,1247x861,1247:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647654 (012226ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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70eeae No.94805

File: 3d372d3f22de470⋯.png (1.53 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 7344d292952079e⋯.png (1.75 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 246eb04c36291e3⋯.png (1.85 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 88d2aa32fed1d75⋯.png (1.9 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647657 (012226ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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so many Trump signs

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70eeae No.94806

File: dd599bc40a11854⋯.png (612.94 KB,1208x768,151:96,Clipboard.png)

File: dd599bc40a11854⋯.png (612.94 KB,1208x768,151:96,Clipboard.png)

File: f5fe297a31cb268⋯.png (596.3 KB,1251x845,1251:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647660 (012227ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94807

File: 54ca031c61621e0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647664 (012228ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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what is this contraption?

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70eeae No.94808

File: 9ed76883946bdd3⋯.png (2.33 MB,1500x847,1500:847,Clipboard.png)

File: 1752c1071abf5c5⋯.png (3.29 MB,1600x796,400:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cd7467c727baf6⋯.png (578.11 KB,760x500,38:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 3610bf715ae04a8⋯.png (944.18 KB,1600x895,320:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d3350d681ab43b⋯.png (1.51 MB,1426x1258,713:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647683 (012231ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Department Of Energy UAP Documents Reveal Puzzling Aerial Incursions Near American Nuclear Sites

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U.S. Department Of Energy UAP Documents Reveal Puzzling Aerial Incursions Near American Nuclear Sites

September 29, 2023

Documents released by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) have revealed new details about incidents involving the unauthorized operation of unmanned aerial systems near American nuclear sites and sightings of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

The documents, comprised mainly of Operations Reports filed by the Protective Force Division of the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), involve suspected unauthorized drone incidents near Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and other DOE facilities that occurred between May 2018 and April 2021, along with a series of correspondences that include historical references to UAP observations and related subjects.

A semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy (DOE), the NNSA is responsible for maintaining the security of the U.S.’s nuclear weapons and responding to nuclear emergencies, along with providing the U.S. Navy with nuclear propulsion and maintaining the safety of its reactors.

According to the DOE documents, Site 300, an experimental site 15 miles east of LLNL’s main site used in the testing of high-explosives and materials to aid research into the development of nuclear weapons, was the location of several of the recent UAS incidents.

The documents were included on a page that also included links to other U.S. government resources related to UAP that appeared on the DOE’s website in late September 2023.


One Operations Report filed in September 2021 describes an incident that occurred on the morning of April 1 of that year, where an LLNL employee reported seeing a suspected drone operating over the facility.

“At approximately 0635 hours I was driving on West Perimeter Drive and noticed a possible drone hovering 50-75 feet off the ground in the buffer zone,” a portion of a witness statement included in the report reads. “Due to the darkness I only saw the red and white lights.” The employee notified the Central Alarm Station following the observation, but no security camera footage or other corroborating evidence for the sighting could be found.

A similar incident that occurred at LLNL on July 22, 2020, described a “white fixed wing drone flying over at approximately 100 feet above building 271 heading west bound.” The aircraft was monitored until it left the area, after which Oakland Flight Standards District Office, the FAA, and other regional authorities were notified.

Another Operations Report describing events that occurred in the early morning hours of October 18, 2019, describes a sighting of a UAS with “two red lights and one white light” believed to be equipped with a camera that was observed by an LLNL Site 300 Maintenance Mechanic. The object passed between 20 and 30 feet above the employee’s vehicle, and despite the close distance, no identifying marks could be seen on the UAS.

Another incident involving a possible drone observed near Site 300 was also reported on July 3 of that year, which followed a June 24, 2019 incident involving a “four rotor propeller drone” with blue and red lights observed 40 feet above building 583 that “appeared to be recording.”


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70eeae No.94809

File: 36751fb2e4e25d0⋯.png (723.88 KB,1234x825,1234:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 36751fb2e4e25d0⋯.png (723.88 KB,1234x825,1234:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d249fbbd006968⋯.png (738.77 KB,1230x785,246:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d249fbbd006968⋯.png (738.77 KB,1230x785,246:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bb6b30e981b1bf⋯.png (870.17 KB,1229x835,1229:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647684 (012231ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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70eeae No.94810

File: 87b21b2f227ab92⋯.png (578.37 KB,1163x657,1163:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f3f700af9540a6⋯.png (1.12 MB,1463x822,1463:822,Clipboard.png)

File: d864483db7d0f31⋯.png (1.04 MB,1162x655,1162:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647685 (012231ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94811

File: 9c79f6571e57b66⋯.png (1.65 MB,1463x822,1463:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647688 (012232ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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70eeae No.94812

File: 21c85872d81ef1f⋯.png (413.74 KB,865x430,173:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647691 (012232ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94813

File: e3fd732187fbed7⋯.png (837.62 KB,1229x766,1229:766,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cd5887142b45be⋯.png (986.8 KB,1234x774,617:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 5126819ad9bd52e⋯.png (913.71 KB,1223x847,1223:847,Clipboard.png)

File: ecad20a886e60f2⋯.png (907.46 KB,1226x791,1226:791,Clipboard.png)

File: c9de82b1a88f77f⋯.png (878.63 KB,1229x776,1229:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647694 (012232ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94814

File: 37f85f68faa32c8⋯.png (322.89 KB,1238x869,1238:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647696 (012232ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Department Of Energy UAP Documents Reveal Puzzling Aerial Incursions Near American Nuclear Sites

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In the U.S., drone flights over designated national security sensitive facilities is prohibited.

On December 18, 2017, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) first announced that it would begin restricting drone flights up to 400 feet within the lateral boundaries of several U.S. Department of Energy facilities.

Although Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was not among the sites listed by the FAA at that time, a joint announcement by the FAA and the DOE later that month restricted drone flights above all DOE facilities, which includes the agency’s nuclear assembly facilities, laboratories, and research centers.

Despite the FAA restrictions, FOIA documents later obtained by researcher Douglas D. Johnson revealed sightings of swarms of large drones that were observed on September 29, 2019, at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Maricopa County, Arizona. Subsequent FOIA documents Johnson obtained revealed additional incidents that occurred at a total of 24 nuclear sites, involving 57 drone incursions reported between 2015 and 2019.

Although the FAA had already issued a Notice to Airmen as early as 2004 advising pilots to avoid airspace over nuclear power plants (with later updated versions also extended to include drone operations), in late 2019 ongoing drone incidents over nuclear facilities prompted the nuclear industry to begin working with the FAA and the DOE to try to impose formal flight restrictions over nuclear power plants.

A classified technical analysis produced jointly by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Sandia National Laboratory in October 2019 found that nuclear power plants in the U.S. did not appear to possess any significant vulnerabilities that were believed to be exploitable by foreign adversaries employing drones near such facilities (an unclassified summary of that analysis can be found here). The assessment also concluded that the NRC’s design-basis threat, which the agency employs “as a basis for designing safeguards systems to protect against acts of radiological sabotage and to prevent the theft of special nuclear material,” already accounts for the potential of information that may be obtained through aerial surveillance using drones.

In July 2020, an incident involving a modified unmanned aircraft that crashed near a Pennsylvania power substation was determined to have been intended as an attempt to disable or disrupt the facility’s electrical equipment, according to a federal law enforcement memorandum.

Similar incidents involving sightings of drones near nuclear facilities have been reported in other countries around the world as well. In January 2022, sightings of unidentified drones were reported near several nuclear power facilities in Sweden, giving rise to speculations that Russia may have been behind the incidents.


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70eeae No.94815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647700 (012234ZOCT23) Notable: Reporter: What's your reaction to the short-term funding bill? President Trump: We have to keep our government going, but I thought the republicans got very little….I think they could have done a much better deal. It was a life-saver for Biden, it was a life-saver for the democrats. I think the republicans could have gotten more, but they'll have a second shot at it in a pretty short period of time.

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Reporter: What's your reaction to the short-term funding bill?

President Trump: We have to keep our government going, but I thought the republicans got very little....I think they could have done a much better deal. It was a life-saver for Biden, it was a life-saver for the democrats. I think the republicans could have gotten more, but they'll have a second shot at it in a pretty short period of time.

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70eeae No.94816

File: 98646cc4cb76cea⋯.png (1.46 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647701 (012234ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino sighting

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>…You've never seen a combine, before?

follow the pen


"You think Biden can do that?"

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70eeae No.94817

File: 16c415e04d50e2e⋯.png (894.02 KB,1224x777,408:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e09bbc9a3e757f⋯.png (851.41 KB,1227x828,409:276,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b57826c0d9ce4a⋯.png (945.46 KB,1225x830,245:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 967b20576b56edd⋯.png (884.54 KB,1234x836,617:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647703 (012234ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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CA is a totally rigged state - pdjt

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70eeae No.94818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647705 (012235ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump [at farm]: If they didn't send out millions, and millions, and millions of mail-in ballots, where they're sent to everybody under the sun…I believe that, this republican…would win California.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump [at farm]: If they didn't send out millions, and millions, and millions of mail-in ballots, where they're sent to everybody under the sun...I believe that, this republican...would win California.

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70eeae No.94819

File: e92cad5f908748e⋯.png (937.62 KB,1242x843,414:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 8737cdf5f6c70e3⋯.png (902.72 KB,1231x770,1231:770,Clipboard.png)

File: df7f549baa07476⋯.png (873.98 KB,1227x784,1227:784,Clipboard.png)

File: 4afa06519f9e30e⋯.png (894.99 KB,1222x775,1222:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647714 (012238ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647723 (012240ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I don't know Bowen at all, but Jhamal Bowen, a congressman from New York, did something that was as bad, or worse; you look at what's happening to the J6rs, they're putting them in jail for years and years, and this guy pulled an alarm system…he's a radical-left lunatic, and he should be prosecuted the same exact way as the J6 people were prosecuted.

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President Trump: I don't know Bowen at all, but Jhamal Bowen, a congressman from New York, did something that was as bad, or worse; you look at what's happening to the J6rs, they're putting them in jail for years and years, and this guy pulled an alarm system...he's a radical-left lunatic, and he should be prosecuted the same exact way as the J6 people were prosecuted.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94821

File: d78cf9a09c187ff⋯.png (887.36 KB,1213x775,1213:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 75dd4fa73ad95c4⋯.png (1010.44 KB,1218x779,1218:779,Clipboard.png)

File: dfcaa6c1bd98968⋯.png (766.38 KB,1227x774,409:258,Clipboard.png)

File: c08d620b6648cdc⋯.png (899.2 KB,1219x759,53:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 70ffffc21b24e8f⋯.png (813.62 KB,1226x764,613:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647724 (012241ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94822

File: 852640da53894eb⋯.png (807.64 KB,1430x940,143:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647731 (012243ZOCT23) Notable: PF Call sign HALO2 Call sign HALO4 = 24 = 2024?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNV4595 has completed it's mission and appears to be heading out.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94823

File: 9320fa468a8e25c⋯.png (857.4 KB,1234x828,617:414,Clipboard.png)

File: 602a98e4765017d⋯.png (945.59 KB,1237x800,1237:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b0095eb20a3f62⋯.png (953.74 KB,1238x823,1238:823,Clipboard.png)

File: ef418db0c63f775⋯.png (1.01 MB,1231x805,1231:805,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ec02e281149bfd⋯.png (975.27 KB,1252x797,1252:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647734 (012243ZOCT23) Notable: Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Barn, White Q?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647736 (012244ZOCT23) Notable: Reporter: Are you still planning on going to New York tomorrow, President Trump? President Trump: I'll tell you about that tomorrow. Today is about the farms. We have such great cases. It's a political witch hunt, the likes of which nobody has ever seen…See you tomorrow! (Cap 0:58)

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Reporter: Are you still planning on going to New York tomorrow, President Trump?

President Trump: I'll tell you about that tomorrow. Today is about the farms. We have such great cases. It's a political witch hunt, the likes of which nobody has ever seen...See you tomorrow!

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70eeae No.94825

File: 2ab3b6d56bef3e5⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,2048x1137,2048:1137,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647740 (012244ZOCT23) Notable: Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94826

File: 2ca96e72f27daf9⋯.png (182.26 KB,315x387,35:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647741 (012244ZOCT23) Notable: Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94827

File: 7c0aca2f5108e74⋯.png (1.62 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647743 (012244ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino sighting

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3 second Dan sighting

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94828

File: b5412fc31ba2532⋯.png (1.08 MB,1231x805,1231:805,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647751 (012247ZOCT23) Notable: Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place...

That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94829

File: b48445e8012faef⋯.png (1.83 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647753 (012247ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino sighting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>3 second Dan sighting

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94830

File: b5412fc31ba2532⋯.png (1.08 MB,1231x805,1231:805,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647769 (012249ZOCT23) Notable: Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647770 (012249ZOCT23) Notable: John Deere Popcorn 🍿, Football 🏈, Baseball ⚾️ , Big orange Cat for President, National Guard, Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere, The Hunt for Red October, Reagan, JFK, MLK, Armor of God, Prayer Said daily, Jeremiah 29:11, Picture of Iwo Jima, Bat phone, Challenge Coins, Movie posters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Popcorn 🍿

Football 🏈

Baseball ⚾️

Big orange Cat for President

National Guard

Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere

The Hunt for Red October




Armor of God

Prayer Said daily

Jeremiah 29:11

Picture of Iwo Jima

Bat phone

Challenge Coins

Movie posters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94832

File: 7d5a5064f40b41f⋯.png (424.26 KB,372x684,31:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647771 (012249ZOCT23) Notable: Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94833

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647778 (012251ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers. 0:34

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Donald J. Trump




Oct 01, 2023, 6:01 PM


Donald J. Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers.



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70eeae No.94834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647782 (012252ZOCT23) Notable: Since farms grow plants, and plants need C02 to thrive, and higher concentrations of C02 help those plants thrive, doesn't it make sense that they outgas C02?

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since farms grow plants, and plants need C02 to thrive, and higher concentrations of C02 help those plants thrive, doesn't it make sense that they outgas C02?

It's beneficial to the growth of the plants and it's far more powerful and efficient than doing it the other way.

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70eeae No.94835

File: 7f36ce8032570e5⋯.png (4.25 MB,1822x1138,911:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647784 (012253ZOCT23) Notable: Since farms grow plants, and plants need C02 to thrive, and higher concentrations of C02 help those plants thrive, doesn't it make sense that they outgas C02?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94836

File: 27b1a3cba702ef4⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647791 (012255ZOCT23) Notable: The ones that trade their pole for a hole: I could have just been fucking gay: For KEKs (Cap 3:14)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94837

File: 5b5ce4370b548da⋯.png (498.51 KB,503x837,503:837,Clipboard.png)

File: a5bf82524b00497⋯.png (3.44 MB,1200x1600,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647801 (012258ZOCT23) Notable: @NikkiHaley CANARY comms keks

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After a day of campaigning, this is the message waiting for me outside my hotel room…



Last edited 7:22 AM · Oct 1, 2023 · 2.7M Views


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70eeae No.94838

File: 79451223506be9a⋯.png (762.28 KB,1435x931,205:133,Clipboard.png)

File: b89c845e6159b52⋯.png (728.24 KB,1442x938,103:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 119d3c3e5b63a4b⋯.png (105.55 KB,557x596,557:596,Clipboard.png)

File: e43ca222d5cd83e⋯.png (38.11 KB,562x375,562:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647807 (012259ZOCT23) Notable: PF CNV4623 inbound and CNV4595 outbound from GTMO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNV4623 inbound and CNV4595 outbound from GTMO

4623: Epstein island.

Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]?

Unique skill sets of Maxwell?


Submarine pilot [unusual]?

Helicopter pilot?

What benefit might that serve?





v2_change we can believe in


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70eeae No.94839

File: 24a9970c13eefd6⋯.jpg (174.08 KB,720x829,720:829,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647816 (012301ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Unthinkable’: GOP’s Entire Texas Delegation In Congress Asks State Officials To Investigate Colony Ridge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Colony Ridge update

‘Unthinkable’: GOP’s Entire Texas Delegation In Congress Asks State Officials To Investigate Colony Ridge

All 25 Republican U.S. congressmen representing Texas are raising the alarm to state officials about Colony Ridge, calling on Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton to take immediate action on the housing development just outside of Houston that many believe has become a settlement for thousands of illegal aliens.

The letter, which was led by Representative Brian Babin and co-signed by the state’s entire Republican delegation, tells the officials that, based on the concerns raised by constituents about the development, it is “unthinkable that such an enormous settlement would be allowed to persist in Texas.”


(Thank you)

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70eeae No.94840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647818 (012302ZOCT23) Notable: Sosna-N scans

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29 SEP, 04:55

Russian commandos use newest anti-sniper robot in special operation in Ukraine — source

The remote-controlled Sosna-N scans an area for optical devices such as sniper rifle scopes, binoculars, or anti-tank missile targeting systems

MOSCOW, September 29. /TASS/. Russian commando units involved in the special operation in Ukraine have used the newest robotic sniper detector Sosna-N, a source in the defense-industrial complex has told TASS.

"A batch of anti-sniper systems Sosna-N was purchased for special units and it has been successfully tested in the area of the special miliary operation," the source said.

The remote-controlledSosna-N scans an area for optical devicessuch as sniper rifle scopes, binoculars, or anti-tank missile targeting systems. Upon detecting such a device, it generates anacoustic signal and releases a special laser beam to impair it.This sophisticated detection system can identify a sniper within a range of 3 kilometers while its laser countermeasure has an effective range of up to 2 kilometers. The device comes with a portable control pad, weighing around 1.1 kilograms, offering easy maneuverability for soldiers in the field. The product was first demonstrated during the Army-2021 forum.


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70eeae No.94841

File: b184cbff46bedc7⋯.png (1.27 MB,1248x935,1248:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647827 (012304ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

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70eeae No.94842

File: d61e1f375ce4201⋯.png (56.64 KB,742x354,371:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647828 (012305ZOCT23) Notable: Arson? Australia NSW battered by 85 bushfires while Victorian CFA issues multiple evacuation orders in Gippsland

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NSW battered by 85 bushfires while Victorian CFA issues multiple evacuation orders in Gippsland

As the east coast of Australia sweltered over Grand Final weekend, one state was battered by 85 fires in a day while multiple evacuation orders were issued for another.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service worked tirelessly on Sunday to battle 85 fires.

By late on Sunday night the RFS confirmed only 46 had been contained, with 39 blazes still resisting efforts of emergency crews.

Residents in Bawley Point were given a Watch and Act warning over a blaze on Bundle Hill Road, but it was later downgraded to an “Advice” level as cooler conditions prevailed into the evening.

The same was the case with a fire burning east of Bredbo with the RFS changing its warning down to “Advice” despite the fire still burning as of Sunday night.

The Snowy Monaro region was particularly at risk with a “number of fires” near Shannon’s Flat and Bredbo continuing to burn as of 7:15pm on Sunday.

While conditions have eased from the blistering heat and dangerous winds on Sunday, there are still concerns fires could break out across the state.

A total fire ban has been issued for the South Western region with the RFS warning there was a “high fire danger forecast” in multiple areas around the state.

A perfect combination of weather systems hit the state on Sunday with sweltering heat coupled with high winds in Sydney, the greater Hunter and the far south coast.

But while temperatures have eased in on Monday, they will spike again on Tuesday with the mercury expected to hit 34C in Sydney.

Penrith has a forecast of 39C on Tuesday, with that heat handing on into Wednesday with a high of 35C. Penrith is expecting the first four days of October to all be above 30C.


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70eeae No.94843

File: 52dcd0253bf4921⋯.png (513.56 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647842 (012310ZOCT23) Notable: PF CNV4623 inbound and CNV4595 outbound from GTMO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yo. PF you been watching this

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70eeae No.94844

File: cc01e3e6ee0ff5d⋯.png (649.75 KB,1429x919,1429:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647857 (012314ZOCT23) Notable: PF CNV4623 inbound and CNV4595 outbound from GTMO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Got's one leaving and another coming in.

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70eeae No.94845

File: abfb21be0930345⋯.png (22.97 KB,138x72,23:12,Clipboard.png)

File: eb10f4b1d6309bb⋯.png (41.26 KB,440x892,110:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ea5cbf790f0722⋯.png (410.04 KB,411x989,411:989,Clipboard.png)

File: 86fb89b933d72ee⋯.png (131.69 KB,266x253,266:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c39df05b6e6ced⋯.png (574.15 KB,1201x326,1201:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647859 (012315ZOCT23) Notable: @NikkiHaley CANARY comms keks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Def a message of some sort

CANARY comms

pics rel

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70eeae No.94846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647862 (012316ZOCT23) Notable: Barack Hussein Obama: 146-page Document containing evidence by Dr. Orly that Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya Additional documents reflecting college years, where he actually lived, social security numbers, alias’s, tax returns and more

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Barack Hussein Obama

146-page Document containing evidence by Dr. Orly that Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya. Additional documents reflecting college years, where he actually lived, social security numbers, alias’s, tax returns and more!


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70eeae No.94847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647865 (012316ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Unthinkable’: GOP’s Entire Texas Delegation In Congress Asks State Officials To Investigate Colony Ridge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rumor has it Abbott got money from the developer. Campaign donations anyone? Abbott is a compd pos

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70eeae No.94848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647867 (012318ZOCT23) Notable: The Clinton Charity Frauds with Charles Ortel This is a fantastic spreadsheet in chronological order, dating back to 1997

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Clinton Charity Frauds with Charles Ortel

This is a fantastic spreadsheet in chronological order, dating back to 1997, which contains all information pertaining to the Clintons’ financials with their foundations. Each date has a direct link to source. It also includes links to all of Charles Ortel’s video interviews and articles.


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70eeae No.94849

File: 605b7693d92d7dd⋯.png (671.87 KB,1439x935,1439:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647889 (012324ZOCT23) Notable: PF CNV4623 inbound and CNV4595 outbound from GTMO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My bad, the second one didn't go where I thought it was going.

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70eeae No.94850

File: 83191d89d026ffd⋯.png (129.17 KB,591x852,197:284,Clipboard.png)

File: 20286d1488e83eb⋯.png (513.68 KB,1421x729,1421:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647896 (012328ZOCT23) Notable: John Deere Popcorn 🍿, Football 🏈, Baseball ⚾️ , Big orange Cat for President, National Guard, Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere, The Hunt for Red October, Reagan, JFK, MLK, Armor of God, Prayer Said daily, Jeremiah 29:11, Picture of Iwo Jima, Bat phone, Challenge Coins, Movie posters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>John Deere


>Nothing is random.

>Everything has meaning.

'"The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank."

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70eeae No.94851

File: 4a77e04d5028d72⋯.png (367.66 KB,555x582,185:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647897 (012330ZOCT23) Notable: UK to Announce Cellphone Bans in Schools

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK to Announce Cellphone Bans in Schools

Gillian Keegan, the UK Secretary of Education, will announce on Monday that smart phones will be banned in schools.

The ban will be in classrooms, but also when the children are on their breaks. The goal behind this is to reduce disruptions and help children focus on their studies.

Keegan went on to explain that the phones are a distraction and contribute to disruptive behavior and bullying.

Daily Mail reported:

Mobiles are to be banned from classrooms, the Education Secretary will announce on Monday.

Gillian Keegan will order schools to outlaw smartphones during lessons, and also in breaks, in a bid to end disruption and make it easier for pupils to focus.

A government source said new guidance would be issued to schools across England requiring them to take action.

‘Gillian believes that mobile phones pose a serious challenge in terms of distraction, disruptive behaviour, and bullying,’ the insider said. ‘It is one of the biggest issues that children and teachers have to grapple with so she will set out a way forward to empower teachers to ban mobiles from classrooms.’

Some schools already ban the use of mobiles, with pupils required to hand in their phones each morning – or face the punishment of a detention if they are caught using them.

In many ways, this might be a positive step toward a more focused education and maybe even less bullying. On the reverse side however, some parents are concerned about other issues that may arise. One of the biggest issues is emergency contact. Parents have more peace of mind if their child has a phone to call them while they are either at school or traveling there and back.

The UK isn’t the only country to ban cell phones at school. In June, Finland made the decision to ban phones from the classroom with the intent to raise test scores.

Shortly after that, the United Nations had a report recommending the banning of smart phones from classrooms. The simple fact that the UN said that should be alarming since they never get anything right.

About 2 years ago the previous Secretary of Education of the UK had tried to get phones out of schools and won initial support. His successor at the time decided against a ban.


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70eeae No.94852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647898 (012330ZOCT23) Notable: John Deere Popcorn 🍿, Football 🏈, Baseball ⚾️ , Big orange Cat for President, National Guard, Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere, The Hunt for Red October, Reagan, JFK, MLK, Armor of God, Prayer Said daily, Jeremiah 29:11, Picture of Iwo Jima, Bat phone, Challenge Coins, Movie posters

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Barnstorming Q

0:05 / 4:25

close encounters of the third kind


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70eeae No.94853

File: 68101239b0e564e⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB,848x458,424:229,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647902 (012331ZOCT23) Notable: Reporter: Are you still planning on going to New York tomorrow, President Trump? President Trump: I'll tell you about that tomorrow. Today is about the farms. We have such great cases. It's a political witch hunt, the likes of which nobody has ever seen…See you tomorrow! (Cap 0:58)

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"Are you going to New York tomorrow?"

Did Trump have a court date tomorrow?

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70eeae No.94854

File: d2b5f40d16aefeb⋯.png (454.36 KB,670x670,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647903 (012332ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trumps Nuclear Uncle John G Trump MIT Archived Interview 56:05

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94855

File: 1bdb948c8ed493d⋯.png (14.95 KB,418x233,418:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647904 (012334ZOCT23) Notable: @NikkiHaley CANARY comms keks

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Is Nikki Hailey singing?

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70eeae No.94856

File: 61d3b57a2494227⋯.png (570.23 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 784b04c45ebbceb⋯.png (587.35 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647908 (012337ZOCT23) Notable: PF Call sign HALO2 Call sign HALO4 = 24 = 2024?

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2 E 6

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70eeae No.94857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647920 (012340ZOCT23) Notable: UK to Announce Cellphone Bans in Schools

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Good for them!

Now, put cameras in every classroom and on every bus, with parents having option to view their child's classroom at any time.

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70eeae No.94858

File: 039f76f17976daf⋯.png (147.2 KB,360x204,30:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647960 (012354ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau Attempts To Distract From Nazi Controversy By Growing Cool New Mustache

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Babylon Bee




Trudeau Attempts To Distract From Nazi Controversy By Growing Cool New Mustache



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70eeae No.94859

File: e75f2382c93a861⋯.png (140.99 KB,812x766,406:383,Clipboard.png)

File: a795a11fc123bd4⋯.png (751.42 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19647964 (012355ZOCT23) Notable: OCTOBER Supreme Court calendar 2023

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Supreme Court firing up tomorrow.

As Americans look ahead to the 2024 presidential election, the Supreme Court is reaching back to past constitutional conflicts, just in time to have major political implications for voters to consider.

This judicial déjà vu will include not only the court's hot-button caseload, but the nine members' own conduct and accountability.

"The Supreme Court is going to be tackling so many of the issues that have divided America on political grounds. They're not shying away from the controversial cases," said Thomas Dupree, a former top Justice Department official who frequently litigates before the high court. "And any time the Supreme Court starts wading into these political issues, people react strongly. It's already shaping up to be a blockbuster term."



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70eeae No.94860

File: 995e75204f7e048⋯.png (231.55 KB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648015 (020005ZOCT23) Notable: Barack Obama's late chef Tafari Campbell's had a years-long sexual relationship with Barack Obama, TELL-All

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Trumpertarian


BREAKING: A whistleblower from Barack Obama's late chef Tafari Campbell's family has reportedly come forward revealing that at the time of his mysterious drowning at the Obamas' Martha's Vineyard estate, Campbell had been working on a TELL-ALL book to expose the misdeeds of the Obamas. He is also said to have had a years-long sexual relationship with the former President. This comes at a time shortly after Larry Sinclair, a homosexual man alleges that he smoked crack and had an affair with Obama in 1999. It also fits a similar pattern to a little known case of a man named Donald Young, a member of Obama's church who allegedly had a years-long intimate relationship with him. In the heat of his 2008 campaign, the night before Young was set to come forward to the American public to expose Obama, he was mysteriously shot and murdered in cold blood in what was later deemed to be "a home invasion" in Chicago. No suspect was ever charged with his murder. This is a MAJOR revelation and it appears that the truth about Barack Obama is finally coming to the mainstream of the American public. This begs the question: What really happened to Tafari Campbell, Obama's chef and Donald Young? They deserve justice.


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70eeae No.94861

File: 46f7835dda03fb5⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648088 (020018ZOCT23) Notable: Trump penning John Deere tractor: Signed Sealed Delivered, MIRRORED (Cap 0:25)

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Harvest soon?

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70eeae No.94862

File: 40f02608966528f⋯.png (637.77 KB,1913x952,1913:952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648100 (020020ZOCT23) Notable: PF Call sign HALO2 Call sign HALO4 = 24 = 2024?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Milly's paddy wagon returning to base.

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70eeae No.94863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648102 (020021ZOCT23) Notable: Trump penning John Deere tractor: Signed Sealed Delivered, MIRRORED (Cap 0:25)

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There’s a farm delta for tomorrow.

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70eeae No.94864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648142 (020027ZOCT23) Notable: #24125-A

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Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere

#24125-A >>94772

>>94861, >>94863 Trump penning John Deere tractor: Signed Sealed Delivered, MIRRORED (Cap 0:25)

>>94823, >>94826, >>94828, >>94832, >>94830, >>94832, >>94825 Barn, White Q? WOW, the rod and the ring will strike, one more piece to fall into place… That is a beautiful barn yard god nod.

>>94802, >>94803, >>94804, >>94805, >>94806, >>94807, >>94809, >>94810, >>94812, >>94813, >>94817, >>94819, >>94821, >>94811 Trump Iowa Farm visit Anon screen captures

>>94831, >>94850, >>94852 John Deere Popcorn 🍿, Football 🏈, Baseball ⚾️ , Big orange Cat for President, National Guard, Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere, The Hunt for Red October, Reagan, JFK, MLK, Armor of God, Prayer Said daily, Jeremiah 29:11, Picture of Iwo Jima, Bat phone, Challenge Coins, Movie posters

>>94816, >>94827, >>94829 Dan Scavino sighting

>>94774 President Trump: Just so you know, I'm going to terminate the Department of Education, move education back to the states

>>94774 President Trump: We will overhaul and rebuild the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ from the ground up

>>94775 President Trump: We are closer to World War III, and World War III is potential obliteration of the world…I will keep you out of that war, and I will do it through strength, not through weakness. Not like they did with Afghanistan; weak, weak, weak.

>>94778 President Trump: They're radical-left marxists, and fascists, and communists, and they're bad people. And that includes people in the Justice Department and the FBI.

>>94784 "He's like a very injured, falling bird." - President Donald J. Trump on Ron Densanctimonious, 10-1-23


>>94783, >>94794, >>94798 ON THE MOVE: Stay watching for the motorcade with President Trump…. up coming on RSBN

>>94773, >>94776, >>94782, >>94786, >>94785, >>94841 LIVE LINKS and memes- President Trump in Ottumwa, IA

>>94777, >>94800, >>94822, >>94856, >>94862 PF Call sign HALO2 Call sign HALO4 = 24 = 2024?

>>94838, >>94843, >>94844, >>94849 PF CNV4623 inbound and CNV4595 outbound from GTMO

>>94779, >>94797, >>94801 Ultra Right rakes in $500,000 in just 12 hours after releasing a special edition can featuring Trump's mugshot

>>94781, >>94854 Donald Trumps Nuclear Uncle John G Trump MIT Archived Interview 56:05

>>94787, >>94788 Farmers 100th Convention, Donald Trump and John Kennedy Took back the Waters of the USA (Cap 0:55)

>>94789, >>94790, >>94791, >>94792, >>94795 Anons, what was the mathematical statistical theory that Q posted that had to deal with "coincidences"?

>>94780 President Trump: signed his New York Military Academy photo

BAKES requires handoff at the top

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70eeae No.94865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648143 (020028ZOCT23) Notable: #24125-B

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Big green tractor 🚜 John Deere

#24125-B >>94772

>>94793 Current Use of Ivermectin in Dermatology, Tropical Medicine, and COVID-19: An Update on Pharmacology, Uses, Proven and Varied Proposed Mechanistic Action

>>94799 Ukraine and Taiwan does the MONEY LAUNDERING for the US Cabal: Sen Graham: "If We Pull The Plug On Ukraine, That'S 10 Times Worse Than Afghanistan […] To Stop Funding Ukraine Is A Death Sentence For Taiwan."

>>94808, >>94814 U.S. Department Of Energy UAP Documents Reveal Puzzling Aerial Incursions Near American Nuclear Sites

>>94834, >>94835 Since farms grow plants, and plants need C02 to thrive, and higher concentrations of C02 help those plants thrive, doesn't it make sense that they outgas C02?

>>94815 Reporter: What's your reaction to the short-term funding bill? President Trump: We have to keep our government going, but I thought the republicans got very little….I think they could have done a much better deal. It was a life-saver for Biden, it was a life-saver for the democrats. I think the republicans could have gotten more, but they'll have a second shot at it in a pretty short period of time.

>>94818 President Trump [at farm]: If they didn't send out millions, and millions, and millions of mail-in ballots, where they're sent to everybody under the sun…I believe that, this republican…would win California.

>>94820 President Trump: I don't know Bowen at all, but Jhamal Bowen, a congressman from New York, did something that was as bad, or worse; you look at what's happening to the J6rs, they're putting them in jail for years and years, and this guy pulled an alarm system…he's a radical-left lunatic, and he should be prosecuted the same exact way as the J6 people were prosecuted.

>>94824, >>94853 Reporter: Are you still planning on going to New York tomorrow, President Trump? President Trump: I'll tell you about that tomorrow. Today is about the farms. We have such great cases. It's a political witch hunt, the likes of which nobody has ever seen…See you tomorrow! (Cap 0:58)

>>94833 Donald J. Trump: Within hours of my inauguration, I will cancel every Biden policy that is brutalizing our farmers. 0:34

>>94836 The ones that trade their pole for a hole: I could have just been fucking gay: For KEKs (Cap 3:14)

>>94837, >>94845, >>94855 @NikkiHaley CANARY comms keks

>>94839, >>94847 ‘Unthinkable’: GOP’s Entire Texas Delegation In Congress Asks State Officials To Investigate Colony Ridge

>>94840 Sosna-N scans

>>94842 Arson? Australia NSW battered by 85 bushfires while Victorian CFA issues multiple evacuation orders in Gippsland

>>94846 Barack Hussein Obama: 146-page Document containing evidence by Dr. Orly that Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya Additional documents reflecting college years, where he actually lived, social security numbers, alias’s, tax returns and more

>>94848 The Clinton Charity Frauds with Charles Ortel This is a fantastic spreadsheet in chronological order, dating back to 1997

>>94857, >>94851 UK to Announce Cellphone Bans in Schools

>>94858 Trudeau Attempts To Distract From Nazi Controversy By Growing Cool New Mustache

>>94859 OCTOBER Supreme Court calendar 2023

>>94860 Barack Obama's late chef Tafari Campbell's had a years-long sexual relationship with Barack Obama, TELL-All

BAKES requires handoff at the top

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70eeae No.94866

File: c382d3948ab9601⋯.png (851.74 KB,1230x785,246:157,Clipboard.png)

File: c382d3948ab9601⋯.png (851.74 KB,1230x785,246:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 46f7835dda03fb5⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648172 (020032ZOCT23) Notable: #24126

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Q Research General #24126: Deere John, Signed Sealed Delivered, I'm Your's 2024? Edition

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70eeae No.94867

File: 35dedecde24ed46⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB,720x824,90:103,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648217 (020040ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino mp4

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Thank you baker!

>>>/qresearch/19648127 lb


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70eeae No.94868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648231 (020043ZOCT23) Notable: Fourteenth Amendment Section 4: Neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fourteenth Amendment

Section 4

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

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70eeae No.94869

File: ba20f20c5c009b7⋯.mp4 (7.22 MB,652x368,163:92,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648234 (020043ZOCT23) Notable: Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testimony contradicts Nancy Pelosi claiming to have not spoken with Capitol Police prior to Jan 6 event

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19648075 pb

>dem 'debbie' threatened capitol police 'there will be consequences' for 'member equipment' that is 'part of investigation' but 'that member is not the subject of the investogation'

Presumably this is related to Awan

Plenty of good people on Capitol police

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70eeae No.94870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648241 (020045ZOCT23) Notable: Pence calls Trump's accusations against Milley 'inexcusable'

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Pence calls Trump's accusations against Milley 'inexcusable'


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70eeae No.94871

File: 855ceec75c5f03b⋯.png (499.67 KB,589x482,589:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648269 (020053ZOCT23) Notable: @JackPosobiec: Trump promotes children's book "I'm Unvaccinated and that's OK" at California event

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Trump promotes children's book "I'm Unvaccinated and that's OK" at California event



1:28 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94872

File: 8a0a593a5a7f948⋯.png (9.56 KB,585x125,117:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648280 (020055ZOCT23) Notable: @MattGaetz: I am trying to change Washington

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Matt Gaetz


I am trying to change Washington.

12:53 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94873

File: bbcc5dd431851af⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB,1060x604,265:151,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648323 (020103ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump mp4 promising to go after big pharma and find out where all the childhood diseases are coming from

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>Trump promotes children's book "I'm Unvaccinated and that's OK" at California event

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70eeae No.94874

File: 057a70cb330eaa6⋯.png (860.81 KB,832x990,416:495,Clipboard.png)

File: c074c7d3d5a3933⋯.png (123.07 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c67871647b34f54⋯.png (128.96 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648340 (020107ZOCT23) Notable: Anon finds an interesting older article: You can find military radars on publicly-available satellite data

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Older article. But interesting just the same.


by: Lewin Day

March 2, 2022 1/2

When it comes to hunting down military radar installations and associated hardware, we typically think of equipment that is firmly in the price bracket of nation states and their military forces. Whether it’s early warning radar, those used for air defence, or for naval purposes, you’d think it was relatively difficult to intercept or track these emissions.

However, a new tool built by geocomputation lecturer Ollie Ballinger shows this isn’t the case. In fact, openly-available data captured via satellite can be used to find all manner of military radar emitters. Let’s explore how!

Open Data Reveals Surprising Things

The discovery that openly-available satellite data could reveal the locations of military radars came from the work of Harel Dan, a geospatial engineer from Israel. Dan was looking at data captured by the synthetic aperture radar of the European Space Agency’s Sentinel satellites. After accidentally maximising the display of noise and interference on the synthetic images, he noticed strange bands appearing in various spots in the Middle East, and investigation into the cause began.

The Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B satellites, operated by the European Space Agency (ESA), carry synthetic aperture radar (SAR) instruments operating in the C-band, the spectrum taking in frequencies from 4.0 to 8.0 GHz. The SAR essentially uses the motion of the spacecraft to create a large “synthetic” antenna aperture for capturing radar images of the ground. The technique allows the SAR to image the ground as if it had a much larger antenna than it actually does, thanks to the spacecraft’s motion. It gives the SAR a far higher spatial resolution than is possible using a traditional scanning beam radar. 1/2


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70eeae No.94875

File: c43bd1b0e572f58⋯.png (69.83 KB,600x535,120:107,Clipboard.png)

File: a4567b07d0f5ec6⋯.jpg (47.75 KB,640x425,128:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648348 (020109ZOCT23) Notable: Dmitry Medvedev: The number of idiots in power in NATO countries is growing - Really, these halfwits are actively pushing us to WWIII…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dmitry Medvedev



The number of idiots in power in NATO countries is growing.

One newly minted moron, the British Secretary of State for Defence, decided to move the UK military training of Ukrainian soldiers into Ukraine. That is, to turn the British military instructors into our Armed Forces’ legal targets; while being fully aware that they will be ruthlessly eliminated, and this time not as mercenaries but as British NATO specialists.

Another fool from Bundestag, the chairwoman of German Defence Committee with an unpronounceable surname, is clamouring to immediately provide the ukrobanderovtsy with Taurus missiles to enable the Kiev regime to hit deep into Russia’s territory to weaken the supply of our army. That is, it is in accordance with international law. Well, in that case the strikes against the German plants which produce these missiles, will also fully correspond to international law.

Really, these halfwits are actively pushing us to WWIII…


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70eeae No.94876

File: bc3387720f92f16⋯.png (436.08 KB,589x908,589:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648381 (020115ZOCT23) Notable: @LauraLoomer: Taylor Swift is clearly working with the Democrats in a highly organized political opp ahead of 2024. Wait till her new boy toy starts hating on @realDonaldTrump in public

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new posts


Laura Loomer


Just like I exposed last week…

Taylor Swift is clearly working with the Democrats in a highly organized political opp ahead of 2024.

Wait till her new boy toy starts hating on @realDonaldTrump

in public.


Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸




Are we not supposed to notice how contrived and artificial this whole Taylor Swift arrangement is?

So an artist whose entire music catalog is owned by George Soros…just so happens hook up with a football player doing commercials for Bud Light and Pfizer while pushing Biden?🧐


2:09 PM · Oct 1, 2023

from Pico Rivera, CA




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70eeae No.94877

File: 8d9ea3f5a9c8daf⋯.png (90.73 KB,595x644,85:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648391 (020116ZOCT23) Notable: DEFCONWarningSystem - Update 10/1/23 #Russia #Ukraine #Iran #NorthKorea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




DEFCON Warning System - Update 10/1/23 - https://defconwarningsystem.com/2023/10/02/defcon-warning-system-update-10-1-23/

#Russia #Ukraine #Iran #NorthKorea


2:04 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94878

File: 3d39cfdf1b714a3⋯.png (310.82 KB,600x561,200:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648453 (020130ZOCT23) Notable: An Israeli citizen was arrested near #Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday morning after attempting to bring a sheep to the Temple Mount as a sacrifice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Jerusalem Post



An Israeli citizen was arrested near #Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday morning after attempting to bring a sheep to the Temple Mount as a sacrifice.


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70eeae No.94879

File: 09c148089382efe⋯.jpg (8.65 KB,255x187,15:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf730f8fb6aa001⋯.png (1.64 MB,1528x889,1528:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648463 (020132ZOCT23) Notable: USdebtclock.org - "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Debt Clock...WTF!!!!

GOD works in mysterious ways!!!


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70eeae No.94880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648477 (020135ZOCT23) Notable: The Supreme Court Could Weigh In On Whether Colleges’ Speech Police Are Legal

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The Supreme Court Could Weigh In On Whether Colleges’ Speech Police Are Legal

Brandon PoulterOctober 01, 2023 2:49 PM ET)

The Supreme Court could weigh in on the constitutionality of so-called bias response teams at colleges in the U.S., which free speech organizations say are used to discriminate against political viewpoints and to chill free speech.

Bias response teams are systems created to monitor alleged biased speech on college campuses, which often end up with students reporting other students for politically disfavored speech, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE). Students are then brought before administrators in what can be a long-drawn-out process that discourages students from speaking their minds and expressing disfavored viewpoints, which free speech advocates argue violates the First Amendment.

The Alumni Free Speech Alliance, a group of over a dozen free speech alumni organizations, alleges that bias response teams are used to target individuals and often cause students to self-censor, resulting in less intellectual freedom on campuses. The groups filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of advocate group Speech First, which is suing Virginia Tech over its bias-response team.

“In history, it’s always repressive regimes that pick a scapegoat and sometimes not even with aforethought. It just happens they rile up the crowds against them. And that’s what these bias systems are used for,” Chuck Davis, president of the Alumni Free Speech Alliance, told the DCNF.

The number of bias response teams at public and private American colleges and universities was 232, according to FIRE. That number nearly doubled to 456 by 2022, according to Free Speech Alliance.

“The goal of these teams is censorship,” FIRE Program Officer Zach Greenberg, told the DCNF.

“These bias response teams have been used to report on group chats and even by third parties walking by on campus,” Greenberg continued.

By policing the expression of bias, these bias response teams are violating the First Amendment, Greenberg explained. Speech which might be perceived as discriminatory or as an expression of bias, such as political speech or offensive jokes, is protected by the First Amendment.

For example, Gonzaga University, which has a bias response team, defines a bias incident as “non-criminal conduct, speech, or expression” that is motivated by “prejudice” because of “real or perceived characteristics,” accordingto their website. This then triggers a review of the incident, which may or may not result in an “educational conversation” or referral to another office.

“Being investigated is the punishment,” Eric Rasmusen, former economics professor at UCLA and member of the MIT Free Speech Alliance, told the DCNF.

At one incident at the University of Northern Colorado, a professor challenged his students to read a controversial book with the intent of discussing difficult topics and discussing why they were difficult to talk about, only to be reported to the bias response team for alleged offensive behavior, according to National Review.

“It’s well within the professor’s right to recommend controversial classroom materials,” Greenberg told the DCNF.

In the case of Virginia Tech, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals said the bias response team was not unconstitutional since it does not directly punish students. Virginia Tech’s bias response team accepts anonymous tips about other students, and once had a website up which said students could report on things from “jokes that are demeaning to a particular group of people” to “hosting a culturally themed party.”

In a separate case regarding Michigan University’s bias response team, Speech First challenged the team’s definitions as being overly broad, according to court documents. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the university’s bias response team was likely to chill speech.

Universities sometimes acknowledge that their bias response system may conflict with the freedom of speech.

“The expression of an idea or point of view some may find offensive or inflammatory is not necessarily a bias-related incident. While this value of openness protects controversial ideas, it does not protect harassment or expressions of bias,” reads Wake Forest University’s bias response system’s website.

“Free speech absolutely protects the expression of bias,” Greenberg told the DCNF.

“In the real world, they’ll encounter hateful speech, and students need to be able to handle that,” Greenberg continued.


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70eeae No.94881

File: 5e94436b7de5992⋯.png (1.86 MB,1868x863,1868:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648492 (020138ZOCT23) Notable: USdebtclock.org - "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"

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finally loaded and there is no numbers.

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70eeae No.94882

File: a98361e5f618db4⋯.png (360.57 KB,591x540,197:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648535 (020146ZOCT23) Notable: Kash Patel Endorses ‘America First Champion’ Utah Mayor Trent Staggs for Senate

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Mayor Trent Staggs


Honored to be endorsed by my friend Kash Patel!


Exclusive: Kash Patel Endorses ‘America First Champion’ Utah Mayor Trent Staggs for Senate

Kash Patel, former chief of staff at the Pentagon, announced his backing of senatorial candidate and Riverton, Utah, Mayor Trent Staggs (R).

12:24 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648562 (020152ZOCT23) Notable: Anybody happen to have the 60 minutes interview with Soros when he admits to going door to door to confiscate the valuables from jews during WW2?

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Anybody happen to have the 60 minutes interview with Soros when he admits to going door to door to confiscate the valuables from jews during WW2? I know it's been scrubbed but maybe you have a clip handy?

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70eeae No.94884

File: 0b4da1bc5523504⋯.png (183.66 KB,600x498,100:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648576 (020155ZOCT23) Notable: @ElonMusk: Imagination Land!

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70eeae No.94885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648578 (020155ZOCT23) Notable: Anybody happen to have the 60 minutes interview with Soros when he admits to going door to door to confiscate the valuables from jews during WW2?

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70eeae No.94886

File: ba5c245e34bb7c2⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8b48cbf1df645e5⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: db2082295dd7f2d⋯.mp4 (537.25 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648581 (020155ZOCT23) Notable: Anybody happen to have the 60 minutes interview with Soros when he admits to going door to door to confiscate the valuables from jews during WW2?

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70eeae No.94887

File: ed2351cb2c8eb05⋯.jpeg (594 KB,1159x2566,1159:2566,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9979f70d245fa37⋯.jpeg (372.73 KB,1053x1365,27:35,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648592 (020158ZOCT23) Notable: Former President Donald Trump’s campaign sent Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley an empty bird cage over the weekend

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Trump Campaign Trolls Haley With ‘Birdbrain’ Prank Gift

Nicole SilverioOctober 01, 2023

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign sent Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley an empty bird cage over the weekend, apparently as a prank gift in reference to a nickname Trump posted about her on social media.

The Trump campaign confirmed they had sent the cage to Haley by sending a photograph of the cage sitting outside Haley’s hotel room at 1:30 a.m. to The Messenger’s national political reporter, Marc Caputo.

Haley posted a photograph of the bird cage with a tag reading, “From: Trump Campaign,” along with a bag of bird food sitting on top of it. Her tweet came two days after Trump called her “Birdbrain.”

“After a day of campaigning, this is the message waiting for me outside my hotel room… #PrettyPatheticTryAgain#YouJustMadeMyCaseForMe,” Haley wrote in a Sunday tweet.

Trump gave Haley her nickname while taking a swipe at her in a post uploaded Friday to Truth Social. He criticized Haley for previously saying she would not run if Trump entered the 2024 presidential race and said she does not have the “talent or temperament” to be president.

“MAGA, or I, will never go for Birdbrain Nikki Haley,” Trump wrote. “No loyalty, plenty of lies! “I will never run against our great President,” she said,”he has done an outstanding job.” To which I responded,”How nice of you to say, Nikki,” knowing full well that her words mean nothing. She even came to Mar-a-Lago with her family, “bearing gifts.” Anyway, Birdbrain doesn’t have the TALENT or TEMPERAMENT to do the job. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” [sic]

Caputo said in a tweet that many have accused The Messenger of falling “for a hoax.”

“At 1:30 am, the Trump camp texted me the birdcage-and-feed photo in front of Haley’s Des Moines hotel door After I woke up, we posted a story about it @TheMessenger. Now some people are suggesting we fell for a hoax lol Check some of the replies THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!” Caputo wrote.

Social media users cast doubt about Haley’s claim that Trump’s campaign ever sent the cage.

“Out of all the things that never happened this never happened the most,” one wrote.

“This absolutely did not happen. This is an establishment goober’s idea of what the Trump campaign would do. Probably some overpaid consultant being like ‘this is a great idea!'” Eudaimonia said.

“Once again, @NikkiHaley is lying. This time, she had someone buy a bird cage and birdseed and tried to be a fake victim by having it placed outside her hotel room after Donald Trump called her a Bird Brain. But that’s not how any of this works. The Trump campaign would have no idea what room was actually hers at any given hotel. Nobody would,” wrote another Twitter user.

“Presidential campaigns never book hotel rooms under the name of the candidate, they book the rooms under the name of someone else for privacy and security. Even the hotel staff wouldn’t actually know what room in the block of rooms was hers,” he continued. “This is all a scam—she thinks you’re stupid. The only part of it that is true is what President Trump originally said: she’s a bird brain.”

Haley’s campaign criticized the “weird, creepy, and desperate” incident in a statement to the New York Post.

“This behavior is weird, creepy, and desperate from a former president feeling the pressure,” Betsy Ankney, Haley’s campaign manager, said. “It’s more proof that it’s time to leave the drama behind. America is better than this. Let’s go.”

Haley currently stands in fourth place with 6.5% support among potential Republican primary voters as of Friday, according to FiveThirtyEight. Trump continues to be the frontrunner of the Republican presidential race with 55% favorability, followed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy with 13.5% and 6.6%, respectively.


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70eeae No.94888

File: f34c79d0477a56d⋯.png (3.46 MB,1920x945,128:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 62d2f13d4a3ed33⋯.png (3 MB,1920x945,128:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 816d0c554232b18⋯.png (3.28 MB,1920x949,1920:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 704db5c9ec38fca⋯.png (3.49 MB,1920x945,128:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648747 (020225ZOCT23) Notable: Anon finds an interesting older article: You can find military radars on publicly-available satellite data

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70eeae No.94889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19648798 (020231ZOCT23) Notable: SoCal Doctor Charged With Stealing $150 Million From Federal Covid Program

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SoCal Doctor Charged With Stealing $150 Million From Federal Covid Program

An Orange County doctor was charged with stealing around $150 million from a federal program providing COVID-19 health services to uninsured patients.

Anthony Hao Dinh, 64, from Newport Coast operated clinics in Westminster and Garden Grove. He is a licensed doctor of osteopathy who was an ear, nose and throat specialist, as well as a facial plastic surgeon, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Dinh allegedly stole millions of dollars by submitting claims for reimbursement under the Health Resources and Services Administration’s COVID-19 Uninsured Program.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides claims reimbursement to healthcare providers for testing, treating or administering vaccines to uninsured patients for COVID.

From July 2020 to March 2021, Dinh allegedly submitted false claims for treating patients who were already insured, services not actually rendered, and services that were not medically necessary, officials said.

“As a result of these false and fraudulent claims, HRSA made payments to defendant Dinh, through [his medical] practices, in the approximate amount of $150 million,” according to court documents.

Officials said this is the “largest fraud scheme in the nation targeting the HRSA COVID-19 Uninsured Program uncovered at this time.”

Dinh is also accused of submitting around 65 fraudulent loan applications seeking nearly $8 million. The programs disbursed around $2.8 million in funds to Dinh.

Dinh was charged with 12 counts of wire fraud, five counts of money laundering (with two of those charges alleging the transfer of more than $11 million to personal stock trading accounts) and one count of obstructing justice.

Dinh was released on a $7 million bond. An arraignment hearing is scheduled for Oct. 30 in the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana.


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70eeae No.94890

File: af20f133e20007b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1180x1236,295:309,Clipboard.png)

File: acbfc87844b7656⋯.png (941.76 KB,1176x1320,49:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649031 (020310ZOCT23) Notable: @WhiteHouse: Spending bill keeps government open for 45 days. @Potato: Spending bill keeps government open for 47 days.

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45 days

47 days



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70eeae No.94891

File: 11e2eabaeec48d6⋯.png (278.3 KB,1036x846,518:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649057 (020317ZOCT23) Notable: Merrick Garland: “We Do Not Have One Rule For Republicans and Another Rule For Democrats” one-on-one with 60 minutes

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Merrick Garland: “We Do Not Have One Rule For Republicans and Another Rule For Democrats”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland sat down for a rare, one-on-one interview with “60 Minutes” host Scott Pelley of CBS News.

They discussed the ongoing persecution of Trump in the middle of a presidential election, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

Merrick Garland is the most radical, corrupt and dangerous attorney general in US history.

Garland’s DOJ indicted President Trump TWICE on junk charges while shielding Hunter Biden from serious tax, FARA and money laundering charges (Hunter has since been indicted on a gun after major backlash).

He has prosecuted and thrown the book at more than 1,000 J6ers. Many J6ers have been held in inhumane conditions in the DC gulag without a trial date. Peaceful, non-violent J6ers are facing years in prison for the ‘crime’ of wandering around the Capitol building for a few minutes while ignoring Antifa and BLM terrorists.

Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years even though he wasn’t even at the Capitol on January 6!

Garland has locked up elderly pro-life activists for protesting at abortion clinics while ignoring left-wing terrorists bombing pro-life facilities.

Merrick Garland had the gall to claim his DOJ doesn’t have two sets of rules for Republicans and Democrats.

“We do not have one rule for Republicans and another rule for Democrats. We don’t have one rule for foes and another for friends. We don’t have one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless, for the rich or for the poor, based on ethnicity. We have only one rule; and that one rule is that we follow the facts and the law, and we reach the decisions required by the Constitution, and we protect civil liberties,” Merrick Garland said.

“Are you essentially saying as attorney general to the American people, “Trust me”?” Scott Pelley asked Merrick Garland.

“Well, in the end, I suppose it does in the end come down to trust. But it’s not just me. It’s decades of the– of the norms of this department that are part of the DNA of the career prosecutors who are running the investigation and supervising the investigations that you’re talking about,” Garland said.

Scott Pelley actually called out Merrick Garland for indicting Trump during a presidential election.


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70eeae No.94892

File: c930ae7d28d8ec6⋯.png (571.44 KB,1169x702,1169:702,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649064 (020319ZOCT23) Notable: California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat

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Newsom to Appoint Laphonza Butler, President of EMILY’s List, to Fill Feinstein’s Senate Seat

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat.

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.” Politico reported.

Dianne Feinstein died Thursday night at the age of 90. She was the longest-serving woman in the US Senate.

Feinstein was also one of the most corrupt Senators, and that is saying a lot. She served on the Senate Intelligence Panel yet she was caught with a Chinese spy on her payroll — a man she had employed and paid for over 20 years.

Last month on “Meet the Press,” Newsom said he would make an “interim appointment” and suggested he would choose a black woman to replace Feinstein.

California will now have two Senators who were not elected by the people.

Newsom previously chose Alex Padilla to fill Kamala Harris’s senate seat.

Alex Padilla is a crooked Democrat politician who has been swimming in the California swamp for decades.

Republicans on the House Oversight and House Administration Committees previously demanded an investigation into Alex Padilla over a “highly questionable” taxpayer-funded $35 million no-bid contract his office gave to a firm linked to the Biden campaign.

Padilla’s office took grant money from a Coronavirus stimulus package and funneled it to the Biden-linked firm to influence the federal election.

“As you know, the use of HAVA funds for voter contact is a violation of the law,” Republican lawmakers wrote. “According to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, HAVA grants cannot be used to get out the vote or encourage voting.”

“Secretary Padilla’s decision to fast-track a no-bid contract to a pro-Biden firm raises serious ethical and legal questions and we must have answers immediately,” GOP Rep. Comer said in a statement to Fox News. “It appears taxpayer funds were illegally allocated by Padilla’s office to enable Democrat operatives to contact voters and potentially have access to sensitive voter information.”


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70eeae No.94893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649096 (020328ZOCT23) Notable: Pakistan Imports Its First Private-Sector Russian Crude Oil

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Pakistan Imports Its First Private-Sector Russian Crude Oil

By Ariba Shahid Reuters October 1, 2023

KARACHI, Oct 2 (Reuters) – Pakistan refiner Cnergyico CNER.PSX has imported the country’s first private-sector shipment of Russian crude oil, it said on Monday, as the cash-strapped nation takes advantage of Moscow’s discounts on its oil exports.

Related Article: Oil Tankers Stop Calling On Pakistan And Sri Lanka

The South Asian nation has started snapping up crude oil that Russia has discounted after its exports were banned from European markets over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Pakistan’s first cargo, imported by the government, arrived in June and a second government-to-governmentshipment is under negotiation.

It had been assumed that private imports would not be commercially viable because, among other things, cargoes have to be split and transferred to smaller ships as Pakistan’s ports cannot handle large tankers.

But Cnergyico used its single point mooring, which can accommodate deep-draft tankers, a company spokesman said in response to questions from Reuters. The crude is to be refined at the company’s refinery in the southwestern city of Hub.

Processing the 100,000-metric-ton shipment of Urals crude “marks an important milestone for the company and for the country as well,” said the spokesman. “It demonstrates the company’s capabilities and readiness to refine different types and complexities of crude oil.”

Cnergyico operates the largest refinery in Pakistan, with a capacity of 156,000 barrels per day (bpd), accounting for one-third of a national capacity of 450,000 bpd. It is the only refinery with its own single point mooring.

Cnergyico plans to sell gasoline and diesel refined from the Urals crude locally, and export furnace oil, or fuel oil, typically used in industrial boilers, power plants and ship engines.

“There is ample demand for furnace oil in the global market, which can help Pakistan generate foreign exchange,” the spokesman said.

Cnergyico conducted due diligence and consulted with external sanctions counsel to ensure the import of Russian oil did not violate sanctions, he said.

Pakistan aims to import 100,000 bpd from Russia this year, which would account for the bulk of its total imports, help address a foreign-exchange crisis and keep a lid on record inflation. Last year, Pakistan’s total crude imports registered at 154,000 bpd.

The government paid in Chinese yuan for its first import of discounted Russian crude, which went to state-owned Pakistan Refinery Ltd PKRF.PSX.

Cnergyico declined to comment on what currency it used to pay for its Russian cargo. A source with knowledge of the deal told Reuters that Cnergyico will also pay in yuan through a letter of credit from a Chinese Bank.

The benefits of the Russian discounts, however, are being offset by increased shipping costs and the lower-quality fuels produced from the heavy sour Urals crude grade compared with products refined from crude from Pakistan’s main suppliers, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, analysts say.

Cnergyico said it expects to make the Russian imports viable through the export of furnace oil to generate foreign exchange.


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70eeae No.94894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649130 (020340ZOCT23) Notable: #24126

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#24126 >>94866

>>94867 @DanScavino mp4

>>94868 Fourteenth Amendment Section 4: Neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States

>>94869 Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testimony contradicts Nancy Pelosi claiming to have not spoken with Capitol Police prior to Jan 6 event

>>94870 Pence calls Trump's accusations against Milley 'inexcusable'

>>94871 @JackPosobiec: Trump promotes children's book "I'm Unvaccinated and that's OK" at California event

>>94872 @MattGaetz: I am trying to change Washington

>>94873 Donald J. Trump mp4 promising to go after big pharma and find out where all the childhood diseases are coming from

>>94874, >>94888 Anon finds an interesting older article: You can find military radars on publicly-available satellite data

>>94875 Dmitry Medvedev: The number of idiots in power in NATO countries is growing - Really, these halfwits are actively pushing us to WWIII…

>>94876 @LauraLoomer: Taylor Swift is clearly working with the Democrats in a highly organized political opp ahead of 2024. Wait till her new boy toy starts hating on @realDonaldTrump in public

>>94877 DEFCONWarningSystem - Update 10/1/23 #Russia #Ukraine #Iran #NorthKorea

>>94878 An Israeli citizen was arrested near #Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday morning after attempting to bring a sheep to the Temple Mount as a sacrifice

>>94879, >>94881 USdebtclock.org - "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and Overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers"

>>94880 The Supreme Court Could Weigh In On Whether Colleges’ Speech Police Are Legal

>>94882 Kash Patel Endorses ‘America First Champion’ Utah Mayor Trent Staggs for Senate

>>94883, >>94885, >>94886 Anybody happen to have the 60 minutes interview with Soros when he admits to going door to door to confiscate the valuables from jews during WW2?

>>94884 @ElonMusk: Imagination Land!

>>94887 Former President Donald Trump’s campaign sent Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley an empty bird cage over the weekend

>>94889 SoCal Doctor Charged With Stealing $150 Million From Federal Covid Program

>>94890 @WhiteHouse: Spending bill keeps government open for 45 days. @Potato: Spending bill keeps government open for 47 days.

>>94891 Merrick Garland: “We Do Not Have One Rule For Republicans and Another Rule For Democrats” one-on-one with 60 minutes

>>94892 California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat

>>94893 Pakistan Imports Its First Private-Sector Russian Crude Oil



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70eeae No.94895

File: cf515336185f054⋯.gif (1.94 MB,566x520,283:260,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649144 (020344ZOCT23) Notable: #24127

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baker can continue or defer

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94896

File: 894e10c397f5a17⋯.png (995.14 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 26904a49c862de9⋯.png (704.79 KB,1247x701,1247:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ed12e25feafb49⋯.png (686.66 KB,950x1018,475:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649203 (020359ZOCT23) Notable: PF reporting digs on the Missile Defense Agency Gulfstream

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>Night Shift Coming In Hot Edition


>>94777 past bread



>Call sign HALO2




>Call sign HALO4





>Now landed Santa Maria Airport. Adjacent to Vandenburg Space Force Base. Must be a DOD launch/test soon that is not publicized. (Already checked and next published launch event is SpaceX on the 7th)

Did a little more digging on these Missile Defense Agency Gulfstreams. They are Highly modified and equipped with sensor packages to observe missile tests. PF suspects that soon a NOTAM will be issued for Vandenburg Space Force Base and these two aircraft will be in the air to document whatever they test. Hypersonic missile?





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70eeae No.94897

File: dd827f41d356ae1⋯.jpg (149.31 KB,720x994,360:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649364 (020448ZOCT23) Notable: Cannibal released from psych ward 50 years early for good behavior, told psychiatrist he wanted to eat her flesh

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Cannibal Released From Connecticut Psych Ward Early For ‘Good Behavior’ Even Though He Told Psychiatrist He Wanted to Eat Her Flesh via



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70eeae No.94898

File: 5d81e23e6cace8c⋯.png (213.87 KB,1717x753,1717:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 98df2911cb86be6⋯.png (925.79 KB,1762x945,1762:945,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a245e86673d496⋯.png (193.46 KB,1756x948,439:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649400 (020503ZOCT23) Notable: Anon bun: Palm Beach County sales history and valuations of Trump property

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649406 (020505ZOCT23) Notable: On the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, Zelenskyy presented state awards and took part in the oath taking by military lyceum students

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Today Zelensky gave a battalion of Ukrainian Armed Forces the honorary title in honor of OUN founder Yevhen Konovalets.

Konovalets, former official in Petliura government, founded OUN which was later headed by Bandera, collaborated with Nazi Germany & was involved in mass murder of Jews, Poles & Ukrainians.

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70eeae No.94900

File: 7647b93bde5910b⋯.png (778.83 KB,1777x939,1777:939,Clipboard.png)

File: 131e2cda88a8af0⋯.png (155.74 KB,1792x937,1792:937,Clipboard.png)

File: 125448569e42b36⋯.png (184.05 KB,1771x946,161:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649414 (020508ZOCT23) Notable: Palm Beach County Tax Assessors' Website

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Palm Beach County Tax Assessors' Website


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70eeae No.94901

File: e6326ce41209864⋯.png (369.49 KB,1600x891,1600:891,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e6e5d90c306334⋯.png (1.98 MB,1765x936,1765:936,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649428 (020514ZOCT23) Notable: Palm Beach County Tax Assessors' Website

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


notice property value goes up, not down like MSM would have you believe

I understand it is confusing, but this is the value the county has assessed PDJT's property at yearly

If anyone has question call the office and ask

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70eeae No.94902

File: c6cad0557a13cb0⋯.png (131.94 KB,1665x940,333:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649436 (020519ZOCT23) Notable: Anon bun: Palm Beach County sales history and valuations of Trump property

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Was bought in 1985


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70eeae No.94903

File: b0cf3df4ad8408f⋯.jpg (125.82 KB,600x800,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649442 (020521ZOCT23) Notable: Anon bun: Palm Beach County sales history and valuations of Trump property

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Maybe should've saved this for dayshift when the pots aren't so big

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70eeae No.94904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649477 (020544ZOCT23) Notable: "George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



> >>94883 (pb), >>94885 (pb), >>94886 (pb) Anybody happen to have the 60 minutes interview with Soros when he admits to going door to door to confiscate the valuables from jews during WW2?


The ending compares him to President Trump!

"George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility."

Definitely without the humility; just before that, Soros says, in talking about having an off-shore fund that he didn't register with the SEC because it's easier to do business that way, avoiding regulation, but he's wanting to impose more regulations on the US: "Yes, and then whatever regulationsI impose, we will (laughing for several broken words) we will, we already confirmed to everything, conformed to everything." The band that starts playing immediately after is like punctuation, or laughter.

Download from here, I think:


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70eeae No.94905

File: 17501ee058d4167⋯.png (27.65 KB,605x183,605:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 602731cb9d52f82⋯.png (10.9 KB,413x228,413:228,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f3bc10694e8598⋯.png (36.06 KB,772x281,772:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649507 (020556ZOCT23) Notable: Inauguration Day January 20, 2025 timeline

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Just spitballing here...

I don't see any part of this movie fast-tracking until Monday, January 20, 2025.

Everything until then is just circus show. The fireworks haven't even started yet.

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70eeae No.94906

File: ad12897e6bff70e⋯.jpg (184.85 KB,1169x1160,1169:1160,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 081324c10ef06d4⋯.jpg (42.54 KB,1024x523,1024:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649542 (020612ZOCT23) Notable: Anon digs on Feinstein's replacement

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>what's to stop her from running?

Not registered in CA. Par for the course with these faggots.



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70eeae No.94907

File: fc1b23013b922de⋯.png (11.37 KB,580x121,580:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 145a3ba02f20357⋯.jpg (86.77 KB,1179x724,1179:724,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649567 (020618ZOCT23) Notable: Anon digs on Feinstein's replacement

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Black Activist Privilege...has a second house in CA.



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70eeae No.94908

File: 62e864c32726d60⋯.mp4 (11.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649636 (020650ZOCT23) Notable: For the keks mp4

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70eeae No.94909

File: bf400194416dc3c⋯.png (326.28 KB,600x466,300:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649675 (020704ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump arrives in NYC ahead of civil fraud trial

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94910

File: 685508b1cc21e83⋯.png (242.73 KB,600x504,25:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649679 (020705ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump arrives in NYC ahead of civil fraud trial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kyle Mazza



Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump arrives at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York at 10:59 PM, Sunday evening, October 1, 2023. Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump did not wave, carried something in his hand and walked straight inside the RON.



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70eeae No.94911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649692 (020711ZOCT23) Notable: 150,000 Empty Containers Piled Up in Russia

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150,000 Empty Containers Piled Up in Russia

By Gavin van Marle (The Loadstar) September 29, 2023

The huge trade imbalance between China and Russia since the invasion of Ukraine has led to some 150,000 teu of empty boxes becoming stranded in Russia.

According to new analysis from online box platform Container xChange, the surge of Chinese exports into Russia since it launched its war on Ukraine, has left Chinese exporters scrambling to find available equipment, while the price of second-hand of containers in Russia has crashed.

“There is significant cargo movement from China into Russia, but very scarce movement back,” said Christian Roeloffs, co-founder and CEO of Container xChange.

“Containers are piling up in Russia, which means that second-hand prices are very low there – you see a 40ft high-cube container on sale in Moscow for less than $1,000, while in other parts of the world it is almost double, or more.”

The latest data shows the difference in second-hand box prices to be even starker: immediately prior to the Ukraine invasion, the average price of a 40ft high-cube container in Moscow was $4,175, whereas at the beginning of this week it was $580, and Mr Roeloffs said this was reflected by the growing stacks of empty containers, apparently marooned in Russia.

“Currently there are around 150,000, and everybody is looking for an opportunity to return containers back to China. All containers from Russia to China go with a pickup charge,” he said.

“Many Chinese companies are selling containers below market price to get rid of them, since it doesn’t make sense to send them back to China. From Moscow to Shanghai, the offline market offer is around $1,500 for new containers. If cargo-worthy containers are in good condition and cost less, they prefer to sell the boxes in the local market,” he explained.

Container xChange added that this had led to severe congestion at Russian rail terminals, and that some local transport managers had described the situation around Moscow as “critical”.

The Loadstar is known at the highest levels of logistics and supply chain management as one of the best sources of influential analysis and commentary.


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70eeae No.94912

File: 61ebc4e0dd54da7⋯.png (298.6 KB,600x602,300:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649700 (020715ZOCT23) Notable: The Jerusalem Post - "Donald Trump might indeed have his price: $5 billion. Or so Sam was told by his team."

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The Jerusalem Post



"Donald Trump might indeed have his price: $5 billion. Or so Sam was told by his team."

Bankman-Fried explored paying Trump not to run for president

"His team had somehow created a back channel into the Trump operation and returned with the not terribly Earth-shattering news that Donald Trump might indeed have his price"



No Deals.

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70eeae No.94913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649707 (020718ZOCT23) Notable: Britain’s Ministry of Defence has awarded almost £4 billion ($4.9 billion) in funding to BAE Systems Plc for the next phase of the UK’s nuclear-powered attack submarine program

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BAE Systems Wins £4 Billion UK Contract For Nuclear Submarines

By Dasha Afanasieva (Bloomberg) Oct 1, 2023

Britain’s Ministry of Defence has awarded almost £4 billion ($4.9 billion) in funding to BAE Systems Plc for the next phase of the UK’s nuclear-powered attack submarine program.

The award follows the leaders of Australia, the UK and the US in March committing to collaborate on the submarine fleet — an effort to stifle China’s growing assertiveness in the South China Sea and around Taiwan.

The program, known as SSN-AUKUS, will be the largest, most powerful and advanced attack submarines the Royal Navy has ever operated, BAE Systems said in a statement Sunday.

Secretary of Defence Grant Shapps announced the investment as he talked up Britain’s military credentials on the first day of the Conservative Party conference.

Having started design work in 2021, the sum will cover development work to 2028. Manufacturing will start toward the end of the decade with the first SSN-AUKUS boat due to be delivered in the late 2030s.

The award will also fund significant infrastructure investment at BAE Systems’ site in Barrow-in-Furness, investment in its supply chain and recruitment of more than 5,000 people.

“This funding reinforces the government’s support to our UK submarine enterprise and allows us to mature the design, and invest in critical skills and infrastructure to support our long-term national security,” BAE Systems Chief Executive Charles Woodburn said.

The UK’s submarine programs will employ 12,500 people, including around 900 apprentices and graduates, by the end of this year.

The business plans to recruit an additional 2,700 people next year, which will include a further 900 apprentices and graduates, providing a significant employment boost for the region.


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70eeae No.94914

File: ca151c7edae9d60⋯.png (115.38 KB,1311x479,1311:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae8f72cc2d38d6⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649852 (020805ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: See you in Court - Monday morning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


I’m going to Court tomorrow morning to fight for my name and reputation against a corrupt and racist Attorney General, Letitia James, who campaigned on “getting Trump,” and a Trump Hating Judge who is unfair, unhinged, and vicious in his PURSUIT of me. He values Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, at 18 Million Dollars, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. His valuations are FRAUDULENT in pursuit of Election Interference, and worse. THIS WHOLE CASE IS A SHAM!!! See you in Court - Monday morning.

Oct 01, 2023, 11:49 PM


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70eeae No.94915

File: d53fad88b522380⋯.png (71.96 KB,1341x316,1341:316,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a2632a3a57e50a⋯.png (71.06 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 45560b5ffade3ce⋯.png (75.7 KB,251x201,251:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649860 (020807ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The judge, Arthur Engoron, refuses to accept our big win in the Court of Appeals, nullifying much of the case that the racist Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, has charged us with. Nobody can believe it!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


The judge, Arthur Engoron, refuses to accept our big win in the Court of Appeals, nullifying much of the case that the racist Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, has charged us with. Nobody can believe it!

Oct 02, 2023, 12:12 AM


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70eeae No.94916

File: 5b5494184c544fc⋯.png (197.51 KB,1301x639,1301:639,Clipboard.png)

File: fc9ce90497c529d⋯.png (1.82 MB,734x1200,367:600,Clipboard.png)

File: b72d9811ebb13aa⋯.jpg (546.15 KB,1576x1316,394:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 52e30b199ce6577⋯.png (111.17 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eca92fd0c58504⋯.jpg (126.47 KB,877x1200,877:1200,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649864 (020809ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Judge Engoron’s Valuation of Mar-a-Lago, the most spectacular property in Palm Beach, Florida, IS FRAUDULENT! He states a value of 18 Million Dollars, knowing full well that it is worth, perhaps, 50 to 100 times that amount.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Judge Engoron’s Valuation of Mar-a-Lago, the most spectacular property in Palm Beach, Florida, IS FRAUDULENT! He states a value of 18 Million Dollars, knowing full well that it is worth, perhaps, 50 to 100 times that amount. Engoron is working diligently to misrepresent me, and my net worth, which is substantially MORE than is shown on my fully “disclaimed” Financial Statements. I have not even included my most valuable asset - BRAND! He should resign from the “Bench” and be sanctioned by the Courts for his abuse of power, and his intentional and criminal interference with the Presidential Election of 2024, of which I am leading all candidates, both Republican & Democrat, by significant margins. Likewise, Letitia James should resign for purposeful and criminal Election Interference. She is fully aware that Mar-a-Lago, and other assets, are worth much more than what she is claiming. Both of these Democrat Operatives are a disgrace to New York, and to the United States of America!

Oct 02, 2023, 12:50 AM


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70eeae No.94917

File: c0e2ff324048451⋯.png (509.32 KB,1169x702,1169:702,Clipboard.png)

File: e6791098516908d⋯.png (163.25 KB,679x347,679:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d553ce619d6dd9⋯.png (157.75 KB,680x407,680:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 25c4eafab9dcd80⋯.png (180.13 KB,1170x423,130:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649951 (020833ZOCT23) Notable: Anon digs on Feinstein's replacement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Newsom picks Laphonza Butler to replace Feinstein in Senate




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70eeae No.94918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650025 (020905ZOCT23) Notable: #24127

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24127 >>94895

>>94896 PF reporting digs on the Missile Defense Agency Gulfstream

>>94897 Cannibal released from psych ward 50 years early for good behavior, told psychiatrist he wanted to eat her flesh

>>94899 On the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, Zelenskyy presented state awards and took part in the oath taking by military lyceum students

>>94900, >>94901 Palm Beach County Tax Assessors' Website

>>94903 Anon bun: Palm Beach County sales history and valuations of Trump property

>>94904 "George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility."

>>94905 Inauguration Day January 20, 2025 timeline

>>94906, >>94907, >>94917 Anon digs on Feinstein's replacement

>>94908 For the keks mp4

>>94909, >>94910 Donald J. Trump arrives in NYC ahead of civil fraud trial

>>94911 150,000 Empty Containers Piled Up in Russia

>>94912 The Jerusalem Post - "Donald Trump might indeed have his price: $5 billion. Or so Sam was told by his team."

>>94913 Britain’s Ministry of Defence has awarded almost £4 billion ($4.9 billion) in funding to BAE Systems Plc for the next phase of the UK’s nuclear-powered attack submarine program

>>94914 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: See you in Court - Monday morning.

>>94915 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The judge, Arthur Engoron, refuses to accept our big win in the Court of Appeals, nullifying much of the case that the racist Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, has charged us with. Nobody can believe it!

>>94916 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Judge Engoron’s Valuation of Mar-a-Lago, the most spectacular property in Palm Beach, Florida, IS FRAUDULENT! He states a value of 18 Million Dollars, knowing full well that it is worth, perhaps, 50 to 100 times that amount.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94919

File: 19501aec13c731a⋯.png (97.91 KB,693x365,693:365,Clipboard.png)

File: dc183630b550763⋯.png (18.31 KB,248x255,248:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650033 (020908ZOCT23) Notable: #24128

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baker requesting handoff

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70eeae No.94920

File: d4315c767c98490⋯.jpeg (399.75 KB,828x1051,828:1051,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650063 (020933ZOCT23) Notable: Tom Hanks warns of "Ai Version" of him selling dental plans

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94921

File: b0dc806f122bf8f⋯.png (608.19 KB,849x493,849:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650083 (020952ZOCT23) Notable: Woke DA Alvin Bragg Sued After Questionable Murder Charges Dropped

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Woke DA Alvin Bragg Sued After Questionable

Murder Charges Dropped

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Beardo, 10/2/2023 4:20:34 AM

Far-Left Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is getting a taste of his own medicine (snip) Jose Alba was attacked behind the counter of his store by 35-year-old Austin Simon and his girlfriend, Tina Lee, last July. According to the lawsuit, Alba is suing Bragg for racial discrimination after being sent to Rikers Island and charged with second-degree murder despite it being self-defense. The complaint states: “New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg and/or his subordinates, following Bragg’s policy to achieve ‘racial equity’ in the Manhattan criminal justice system, charged Plaintiff with murder in the second degree and asked for high bail at Plaintiff’s arraignment."

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70eeae No.94922

File: d636a4a8b3eb65d⋯.png (394.95 KB,668x549,668:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650084 (020953ZOCT23) Notable: Pelosi Dismisses Gaetz’s Vow to Oust Kevin McCarthy: ‘He Has No Sway’

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Pelosi Dismisses Gaetz’s Vow to Oust

Kevin McCarthy: ‘He Has No Sway’

Breitbart, by Pam Key

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/2/2023 12:59:18 AM

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) had “no sway” to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as he promised to do this week. Anchor Jake Tapper said, “I do have to ask you: House Democrats are going to seek your advice regarding this news made moments ago on the show about this pending motion to vacate Kevin McCarthy’s speakership.” He continued, “How will you vote, and what advice would you give your fellow Democrats on whether they can trust Kevin McCarthy if he makes Democrats an offer so he can stay in power?” Pelosi said, “My advice to my fellow Democrats is simple:

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70eeae No.94923

File: e423af0b95ba8b5⋯.png (203.43 KB,595x553,85:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650099 (021000ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Laphonza Butler. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Robby Starbuck


Her FEC filing 31 days ago lists Maryland as her residence and yet Gavin Newsom is naming Laphonza Butler to be a United States Senator representing a state she doesn’t even live in. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000.


7:12 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94924

File: b0abe30b14098e1⋯.png (198.32 KB,598x555,598:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650104 (021004ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Logan: Some advice out of England on the Surveillance State (Vid - 1:44)

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Lara Logan


I love this clever lady!!!!!!


Vero P. - Down🐇🕳 with ❤️



Sep 22

Some advice out of England. Surveillance State/15 min City Remedies 😆 #DoNotComply #15mincities #ULEZ

5:24 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650114 (021011ZOCT23) Notable: Former UK defense secretary Ben Wallace to Zelensky: conscript more young soldiers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More Sacrifice for Moloch Called Upon by the seed of Satan. These People are Sick!

2 Oct, 2023 02:36

Conscript more young blood, ex-UK defense secretary tells Ukraine

Ben Wallace, who once called the country a “battle lab,” has urged Kiev to “reassess the scale” of its mobilization

Former UK defense secretary Ben Wallace has claimed that Kiev is succeeding in its counteroffensive, but to “finish the job”PresidentVladimir Zelensky must throw more and younger Ukrainians into battle, while the West provides them with weapons to defeat Russia.

Throughout the summer, Kiev’s forces have failed to make notable territorial gains and have suffered heavy casualties while trying break through Russia’s defenses, consisting of vast minefields, as well as heavy artillery and swarms of drones. According to Russia’s Defense Ministry, the number of Ukrainian servicemen killed since the start of the counteroffensive has surpassed 83,000.

Wallace, however, believes that “slowly but surely” Ukrainian forces have been “adapting tactics, absorbing lessons, and making the best of the equipment we have all gifted them,”and that Kiev’s victory is imminent as long as the government “plays its part.”

“The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40.I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve the young for the future, but… just as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukraine’s mobilization,” Wallace wrote in an opinion piece published by The Telegraph on Sunday.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that suchheavy casualties were the result of Kiev throwing untrained soldiers into “senseless assaults and slaughter.” He added that these “cynical actions by the West and their henchmen in Kiev are only pushing Ukraine towards self-destruction.”

Back in July, Wallace called Ukraine a “battle lab” for the British military during a report to parliament.

“Let us not pause for one day,” he stated on Sunday. “The world is watching to see if the West has the resolve to stand up for our values and therules-based system. What we do now for Ukraine will set the direction for all of our security for years to come.”

Mobilization in Ukraine has been ongoing since the start of the conflict and has run into difficulties recently. Scandals involving conscription chiefs prompted Zelensky to announce in August that he was firing all regional draft chiefs.

The Ukrainian government has relaxed eligibility standards for recruits, declaring people with certain mental and physical impairments fit for duty. Kiev barred men aged between 18 and 60 from leaving the country immediately after the launch of Russia’s military operation, and more recently ordered female medics and pharmacists to register for possible enlistment.

The Russian military leadership in the meantime has no plans to conduct mobilization as its current needs are fulfilled by career military service members, including those who volunteered to fight in Ukraine, according to a senior official. President Vladimir Putin reported earlier this month that some 300,000 people had enrolled in the Russian army this year alone.


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70eeae No.94926

File: f8b60c149a1a960⋯.mp4 (15.38 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650116 (021012ZOCT23) Notable: Already in your country: 15 minute cities

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- 15 minute cities

- Applies in your country too

Sauce... https://www.tiktok.com/@hansonbarry/video/7281609637823139073

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70eeae No.94927

File: ed620133c339d26⋯.webp (29.98 KB,1169x702,1169:702,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650133 (021032ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Laphonza Butler. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000

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Newsom to Appoint Laphonza Butler to Fill Feinstein’s Senate Seat – She Lives In Maryland and Registered to Vote There Last Year

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat.

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.” Politico reported.

Laphonza Butler lives in Maryland and registered to vote there LAST YEAR!


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70eeae No.94928

File: 6f142da25b0485c⋯.png (101.54 KB,436x491,436:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650148 (021040ZOCT23) Notable: Scientists whose work enabled mRNA injections against COVID win Nobel prize for medicine.

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JUST IN - Scientists whose work enabled mRNA injections against COVID win Nobel prize for medicine.



Disclose.tv (https://www.disclose.tv/id/pvcipno9ga/)

Scientists whose work enabled mRNA Covid vaccine win Nobel prize for medicine

Breaking news from around the world.

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70eeae No.94929

File: 4c4c80344c90f8d⋯.png (295.13 KB,599x621,599:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650152 (021041ZOCT23) Notable: Brad Michelson book claim: SBF was trying to pay Trump $5 billion not to run again. One of the most shocking passages in Lewis’ new book

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Brad Michelson


lol what??

SBF was trying to pay Trump $5 billion not to run again.

One of the most shocking passages in Lewis’ new book

Watch 60 Minutes Sundays on @CBS, or anytime on @paramountplus and https://cbsn.ws/34D1mLY


60 Minutes

1:34 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94930

File: 835a5d6a30e6f65⋯.png (665.16 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f943afdb39226c⋯.png (714.49 KB,634x493,634:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c73189f6df79ce⋯.png (872.35 KB,634x712,317:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c00bf42336eb6d⋯.png (621.04 KB,634x428,317:214,Clipboard.png)

File: b3ab538c60ac257⋯.png (363.34 KB,634x516,317:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650174 (021055ZOCT23) Notable: The nine-acre system of tunnels underneath Disney built in 1971 that connects every single area of Florida's Walt Disney World - and is so large staff need golf carts to get around

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REVEALED: The nine-acre system of tunnels underneath Disney built in 1971 that connects every single area of Florida's Walt Disney World - and is so large staff need golf carts to get around

Disney 'Utilidor tunnels', a hidden world mainly beneath Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Florida , were created over 50 years ago to 'keep the magic alive'

The nine-acre system of tunnels under Disney was built in 1971 and connects every area in the park

These tunnels were designed by Walt Disney himself, to allow cast members to navigate the park quickly, avoiding crowds and maintaining the magic of Disney

Hidden deep beneath Florida's Walt Disney World lies a long, winding secret everyday parkgoers would never know existed.

Built over 50 years ago in 1971 - and designed by Walt Disney himself - a nine-acre network of tunnels connects every single area in the park and is so large staff need golf carts to get around.

Named Disney 'Utilidor' tunnels, public access is strictly prohibited and exist to allow cast members to navigate the park quickly, avoid crowds and help keep the magic of Disney alive for guests.

As legend has it, Mr. Disney was disgruntled when he spotted a cast member dressed in cowboy regalia strolling around Tomorrowland, according to ATI.

So he created this special system to hide the everyday lives of workers and let them move discreetly between different themed lands without disrupting the immersive experience.

Cast member are employees who work in the park in various roles, such as playing Disney characters and tending to rides and attractions.

Unfortunately, accidents happen and there have been numerous instances where Disney cast members have accidentally 'decapitated' themselves in the park - which is when the head of their costume falls off.

The tunnels were created as places employees can seek refuge in such cases in order not to 'ruin the magic' for parkgoers.

The utilidors, short for utility corridors, are some of the world's largest utility tunnels and part of Disney's 'backstage' (behind-the-scenes) area that separate employees from park visitors.

The 'tunnels' could not actually be built underground due to water levels in Florida. So Disney erected the utilidor at ground level and simply covered it with the park itself on a second floor above - which is what the public sees.

It means a Tomorrowland cast member can traverse to Frontierland without being seen, preserving the illusion.

The Utilidor tunnels not only facilitate movement but also provide spaces for cast members to take breaks and unwind.

Within these passages are locker rooms, break areas, a cafeteria known as the 'Mouseketeria' and even a hair salon.

The Mouseketeria offers dining options, including a popular Subway chain.

Additionally, the tunnels house facilities like costuming, dressing rooms, and makeup areas.

Entertainment cast members use costuming to check out their required athletic wear, which differs from other cast member costumes.

These outfits cannot leave Disney property and are turned in at the end of each day to maintain character integrity.

Entertainment cast members, often portraying multiple characters, use rolling black suitcases to transport their costumes discreetly, according to AllThatInteresting.

They scan their cast member IDs to track costume items, and failure to return them within a specified period can result in charges.

Before starting their roles, 'face characters' or those without masks, use dressing rooms and makeup areas to prepare.

Cast members also have a warm-up room led by a coach to prevent on-the-job injuries.

What makes the tunnels truly unique is the unexpected interactions you might witness: Belle chatting with Piglet or a Frontierland quick service cast member conversing with a Tomorrowland merchandise cast member creates a magical atmosphere

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70eeae No.94931

File: 27118eddb95b1ad⋯.png (459.92 KB,598x571,598:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650184 (021100ZOCT23) Notable: Scientists whose work enabled mRNA injections against COVID win Nobel prize for medicine.

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Katalin Kariko (Hungary) and Drew Weissman (US) win Nobel Medicine Prize for mRNA vaccine research


Katalin Kariko, Drew Weissman win Nobel for mRNA vaccine research - Insider Paper

Katalin Kariko of Hungary and Drew Weissman of the United States won the Nobel Medicine Prize on Monday for work on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that paved the way for the Pfizer/BioNTech and...

10:54 PM · Oct 1, 2023




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70eeae No.94932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650205 (021111ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Laphonza Butler. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000

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70eeae No.94933

File: c639b2449e34af0⋯.png (29.87 KB,694x244,347:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650251 (021125ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Laphonza Butler. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000

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looked up emiliy's list on wiki

The group's name is an acronym for "Early Money Is Like Yeast"

what the fuck. Gross. Especially since its linked to abortion.

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70eeae No.94934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650342 (021201ZOCT23) Notable: Congrats CPT Willard. You've found the Do Lung Bridge.

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QR used to be the first thing I’d check in the morning:

>rise and shine!

>let’s see what anons were able to dig up on night shift!

Now it’s the last website I check before getting out of bed. By the time I make my way to 8kun, I’ve already checked all the major news outlets and a couple dozen social media accounts.

Why do you think this is happening?

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70eeae No.94935

File: efe53a823033244⋯.png (101.46 KB,450x225,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650369 (021208ZOCT23) Notable: Congrats CPT Willard. You've found the Do Lung Bridge.

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Because everyone did what they were supposed to. They dispersed across the interwebz. What's left on 8kun are a handful of oldfags dedicated to shitposting in order to keep the lights on for the autists in case something happens, or in the very unlikely case Q returns before Biden leaves office. The remaining users are mostly shills, bots, fedbois, bored /pol/acks, and smooth-brained normies who were just smart enough to figure out a direct board address.

Congrats CPT Willard. You've found the Do Lung Bridge.

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70eeae No.94936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650380 (021214ZOCT23) Notable: Upstate NY county blocks NYC’s bid to move homeless north to ease migrant shelter crisis

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Upstate NY county blocks NYC’s bid to move homeless north to ease migrant shelter crisis

Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

An upstate county is blocking New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ bid to shunt Big Apple homeless residents north, calling the move yet another flagrant attempt to shift the migrant crisis elsewhere.

The Democratic mayor announced last week that city housing vouchers for the homeless could now be used outside of the five boroughs — to open shelter space for the wave of migrants flooding into the city from the country’s southern border.

But Republican Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente fired back with an emergency order sayingno voucher would be accepted on his turf without his say-so —and then only after needy locals get first dibs at any open slots, according to a report by the Oneida Daily Dispatch.

“This is just a veiled attempt by Mayor Adams to pass New York City’s migrant crisis on to upstate counties,” Picente said. “This action is due to the complete failure of federal government policy and lack of leadership in Albany.”

Upstate counties have already been pushing back hard against Adams’ earlier attempts to relocate asylum seekers by busing them to other areas of New York.

Adams has appealed to Gov. Kathy Hochul to intervene and force counties outside the city to take in a share of the more than 110,000 border migrants who have arrived in New York City needing help since spring 2022, to no avail.

So last week, Adams hatched the plan to instead move some of the city’s homeless to other jurisdictions to open up space in the Big Apple’s overburdened shelter system, which currently has more than 60,000 migrants still in its care.

“We hope our partners across the state will greet these longtime New Yorkers with open arms and good job opportunities,” Adams said in a statement Sept. 26.

“These reforms will give longtime New Yorkers the ability to move out of our city’s shelter system to other parts of the state with more affordable housing options, while simultaneously opening up space in our city’s shelter system for the approximately 10,000 migrants who continue to arrive in the city seeking shelter month after month,” the statement said.

But not so fast, Picente said.

“Oneida County has the same capacity issues as New York City, and this maneuver to push their homeless into our community would not only ravage our ability to serve our people in need but would devastate the affordable housing market and incentivize landlords to displace good local tenants,” the county executive said.

Under Picente’s executive order, Oneida has the right to refuse New York City housing vouchers and can be given 30 days to offer any available rental space to clients from its own Department of Family & Community Services.

Any violation of the order is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 per day.

In May, Oneida officials issued an emergency order prohibiting migrants and asylum seekers from being shipped to the county and barring shelter, motel and campground owners from providing accomodations.


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70eeae No.94937

File: bdff8eb4bbe84c9⋯.png (22.32 KB,945x297,35:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650439 (021245ZOCT23) Notable: Connecticut’s Governor Signs in Sweeping Gun Control Law

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Governor Signs in Sweeping Gun Control Law

October 1, 2023 at 6:54am

Connecticut’s most wide-ranging gun control measure since the 2013 law enacted after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting takes effect Sunday, with proponents vowing to pursue more gun legislation.

The new law, signed by Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont in June, bans the open carrying of firearms and prohibits the sale of more than three handguns within 30 days to any one person, with some exceptions for instructors and others.

“We will not take a break and we cannot stop now, and we will continue to pass life-saving laws until we end gun violence in Connecticut. Our lives depend on it,” said Jeremy Stein, executive director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence.

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70eeae No.94938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650463 (021255ZOCT23) Notable: Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call with Ukrainian Minister of Defence Rustem Umerov

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Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call with Ukrainian Minister of Defence Rustem Umerov

Oct. 2, 2023 |

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke by phone yesterday with Ukrainian Minister of Defence Rustem Umerov to reiterate U.S. support for Ukraine in the face of continued Russian aggression and discuss security assistance priorities.

The two leaders pledged to remain in close contact.


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70eeae No.94939

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650588 (021332ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/02/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/02/2023



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70eeae No.94940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650667 (021348ZOCT23) Notable: The Supreme Court Term Begins This Week. Here Are The Cases You Need To Watch

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The Supreme Court Term Begins This Week. Here Are The Cases You Need To Watch.

October 01, 2023

The Supreme Court begins its term this week with oral arguments for cases challenging the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) funding mechanism and considering whether an Americans with Disabilities Act “tester” can sue hotels she never visited for failing to offer accommodations.

The coming term will include major cases on the First Amendment, gun rights and the administrative state.

The justices have agreed to hear 34 cases so far this term, with more to be granted in the coming weeks and months.

A new Supreme Court term that will include major cases on the First Amendment, gun rights and the administrative state is set to begin this week.

The justices have agreed to hear 34 cases so far this term, with more grants to come. Oral arguments kick off on Monday, with arguments scheduled on Tuesday for a case challenging the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) funding mechanism and Wednesday for another case considering whether an Americans with Disabilities Act “tester” can sue hotels she never visited for failing to offer accommodations.

Here are some of the biggest cases to watch as the term begins.

_First Amendment_ The term includes multiple major First Amendment cases with significant implications for free speech online.

The Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a pair of challenges to Florida and Texas laws against viewpoint censorship online. NetChoice, a trade association of tech companies, argues the laws violate social media platforms’ First Amendment rights by restricting their ability to moderate content. The Biden administration urged the Supreme Court in an August brief to overturn the laws.

The justices will hear another pair of cases on Oct. 31 regardinggovernment officials who blocked constituents online, Lindke v. Freed and Garnier v. O’Connor-Ratcliff. Garnier deals with two California school board members who blocked parents for critical comments on Facebook and Twitter, and the other with a Port Huron, Michigan, city manager who blocked a constituent that posted critical comments about his COVID-19 pandemic response.

At the heart of the cases is the question of whether the officials’ decisions should be considered state action, and therefore First Amendment violations, even when done through their personal social media accounts.

Administrative State On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear the first of its big cases on the administrative state: CFPB v. Community Financial Services Association of America.

The plaintiffs in this case, who initially brought their lawsuit over the CFPB’sPayday Lending Rule, are challenging the constitutionality of the regulator’s funding mechanism. Rather than receiving funding through Congress’ annual appropriations process, the CFPB received its funding from the Federal Reserve.

“We agree that, for the most part, the Plaintiffs’ claims miss their mark,” Judge Cory T. Wilson wrote in the 5th Circuit opinion. “But one arrow has found its target: Congress’s decision to abdicate its appropriations power under the Constitution, i.e., to cede its power of the purse to the Bureau, violates the Constitution’s structural separation of powers.”

Another case that could have significant implications for theadministrative stateis Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. It gives the Supreme Court a clear shot to overturn “Chevron deference,” a legal doctrine rooted in 1984 precedent, which holds that courts should defer to executive agency interpretations of statutes where the language is ambiguous.

Another case,Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy, could upend the SEC’s internal adjudication processes, which the plaintiffs challenged as unconstitutional.

The Fifth Circuit previously agreed with the plaintiffs that the SEC’s in-house adjudication process using administrative law judges (AJLs) was unconstitutional, finding that it deprived them of a constitutional right to a jury trial, was based on Congress’ unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the SEC and that removal restrictions on AJLs violated the Constitution by leaving them insufficiently accountable to the President….


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70eeae No.94941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650724 (021400ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

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Dasting too.

Mickey Mouse Case? 10.2

Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump showed up on Monday for a trial in a lawsuit that could cost him control of Trump Tower and other prized properties, after vowing to defend his reputation in a case he calls “a sham.”

Trump, who built his political career on his fame as a billionaire real estate ace and master of “The Art of the Deal,” appeared voluntarily for a trial that has high stakes for him.

New York Attorney General Letitia James’ suit accuses Trump and his company of deceiving banks, insurers and others by habitually lying about his wealth in financial statements.

Judge Arthur Engoron already has ruled that Trump committed fraud in his business dealings. It is a non-jury trial, so Engoron will decide on six other claims in the lawsuit.

James, a Democrat, is seeking $250 million in penalties and a ban on Trump doing business in New York. The judge’s ruling last week, if upheld on appeal, could force Trump to give up New York properties including Trump Tower, a Wall Street office building, golf courses and a suburban estate.

Trump, the Republican front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, has denied wrongdoing. He says that James and the judge are undervaluing such assets as Mar-a-Lago, and that it didn’t matter what he put on his financial statements because they have a disclaimer that says they shouldn’t be trusted.

In posts overnight on his Truth Social site, he said he was going to court “to fight for my name and reputation,” denounced the case as “A SHAM,” and called on the attorney general and judge to resign.

Before the trial Monday, James reiterated her position that Trump for years engaged in “persistent and repeated fraud.”

“No matter how powerful you are, and no matter how much money you think you have, no one is above the law," she said on her way into the courthouse.

The Republican former president and a who’s who of people in his orbit — his two eldest sons, Trump Organization executives and former lawyer-turned-foe Michael Cohen are all listed among dozens of potential witnesses.

Trump isn’t expected to testify for several weeks. His trip to court Monday will mark a remarkable departure from his past practice.

Trump didn't go to court as either a witness or a spectator when his company and one of its top executives was convicted of tax fraud last year. He didn't show, either, for a trial earlier this year in which a jury found him liable for sexually assaulting the writer E. Jean Carroll in a department store dressing room.

In some ways, though, this new trial comes with higher stakes.

James, a Democrat, is seeking $250 million in penalties and a ban on doing business in New York.

Engoron’s ruling of last week, if upheld on appeal, would also shift control of some of his companies to a court-appointed receiver and could force him to give up prized New York properties such as Trump Tower, a Wall Street office building, golf courses and a suburban estate.

Trump called it a “a corporate death penalty.”

“I have a Deranged, Trump Hating Judge, who RAILROADED this FAKE CASE through a NYS Court at a speed never before seen,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform.

In his post Sunday night, Trump wrote that Engoron is “unfair, unhinged, and vicious in his PURSUIT of me.”

Engoron will decide on six remaining claims in James’ lawsuit, including allegations of conspiracy, falsifying business records and insurance fraud.



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70eeae No.94942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650742 (021403ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650777 (021410ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

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President Trump [courthouse]: This is a continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time. We have a rogue judge, who ruled the properties are worth a tiny fraction, one one hundredth; a tiny fraction of what they are. We have a racist attorney general who is a horror show, who ran on the basis that she was going to get Trump before she even knew anything about me. She used this to run for governor, she failed in her attempt to run for governor, she had virtually no polling...Just so you know, my financial statements are phenomenal. They are actually less, in terms of the numbers used, than the actual net worth. The actual net worth is substantially more. No bank was affected, no bank was hurt, they don't even know why they have to be involved. They can't believe that they are involved. They were paid back on time, there were on defaults, there were no problems; it was like a perfect client. In the meantime, people are being murdered all over the sidewalks of New York. There was no victim here. The banks were represented by the best, biggest, most prestigious law firms, in the state of New York...The banks got back their money; there was never a default. There was no fault. The crime is against me. Because we have a corrupt district attorney, a corrupt attorney general, and it all comes down from the DOJ. They totally coordinated from Washington...It's all run by DOJ, which is corrupt, in Washington. Everything goes through them. They're all corrupt people. Frankly, our country is corrupt. And that's one of the reasons I'm running; to straighten it out.

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70eeae No.94944

File: e49363d1e2b897a⋯.png (505.44 KB,598x677,598:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650783 (021411ZOCT23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi repped Peru, lived in White House: public records

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70eeae No.94945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650792 (021413ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

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Alt Feed

LIVE NOW: Trump Due in NY Court Over Civil Fraud Trial


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70eeae No.94946

File: 2409626aa500562⋯.png (51.21 KB,584x312,73:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650801 (021414ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 02, 2023, 9:55 AM


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70eeae No.94947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650835 (021421ZOCT23) Notable: #24128

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final bun for #24128

hold yer laties tight

its clos'n time

czech em

#24128 >>94919


>>94920 Tom Hanks warns of "Ai Version" of him selling dental plans

>>94921 Woke DA Alvin Bragg Sued After Questionable Murder Charges Dropped

>>94922 Pelosi Dismisses Gaetz’s Vow to Oust Kevin McCarthy: ‘He Has No Sway’

>>94923, >>94927, >>94932, >>94933 Moar Laphonza Butler. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000

>>94924 Lara Logan: Some advice out of England on the Surveillance State (Vid - 1:44)

>>94925 Former UK defense secretary Ben Wallace to Zelensky: conscript more young soldiers

>>94926 Already in your country: 15 minute cities

Ghost Grab

>>94928, >>94931 Scientists whose work enabled mRNA injections against COVID win Nobel prize for medicine.

>>94929 Brad Michelson book claim: SBF was trying to pay Trump $5 billion not to run again. One of the most shocking passages in Lewis’ new book

>>94930 The nine-acre system of tunnels underneath Disney built in 1971 that connects every single area of Florida's Walt Disney World - and is so large staff need golf carts to get around

>>94934, >>94935 Congrats CPT Willard. You've found the Do Lung Bridge.

>>94936 Upstate NY county blocks NYC’s bid to move homeless north to ease migrant shelter crisis

>>94937 Connecticut’s Governor Signs in Sweeping Gun Control Law

>>94938 Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call with Ukrainian Minister of Defence Rustem Umerov

>>94939 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/02/2023

>>94940 The Supreme Court Term Begins This Week. Here Are The Cases You Need To Watch

>>94941, >>94942, >>94943, >>94945, >>94946 Donald Trump arrives in court for a New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

>>94944 Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi repped Peru, lived in White House: public records

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70eeae No.94948

File: 0f3e5431b25b408⋯.jpg (38.88 KB,720x535,144:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3dfa70479718bc8⋯.png (2.32 MB,1121x1776,1121:1776,Clipboard.png)

File: 05eba221a74fc9b⋯.jpeg (51.66 KB,600x483,200:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650854 (021423ZOCT23) Notable: #24129

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

have to wurkfag so ghost'n @50 if no naker taker

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70eeae No.94949

File: 1f7fd9c0a92fa91⋯.webp (19.04 KB,510x680,3:4,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650872 (021428ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94950

File: b07baedaac9a963⋯.png (433.03 KB,665x657,665:657,Clipboard.png)

File: c9abf4b4d508445⋯.png (3.01 MB,1990x1100,199:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650873 (021428ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94951

File: 654ffcdfcbf640e⋯.png (407.07 KB,601x604,601:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650884 (021430ZOCT23) Notable: The ALA is suggesting to schools to do an activity called “blind date with a banned book.” They cover p0*nographic books with paper and encourage students to check them out of the school library.

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Libs of TikTok


The ALA is suggesting to schools to do an activity called “blind date with a banned book.” They cover p0*nographic books with paper and encourage students to check them out of the school library. These are photos from @JeffcoSchoolsCo


They want students to check out books containing sexually explicit material, adult themes, rape, and drugs.



1:52 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94952

File: 600c3fe5166b8ae⋯.jpg (53.74 KB,750x488,375:244,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650886 (021430ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94953

File: c60582086962e5e⋯.jpg (504.16 KB,4000x4000,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650891 (021431ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650892 (021432ZOCT23) Notable: Trump set to arrive at court in New York

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Watch live: Donald Trump set to arrive at court in New York

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70eeae No.94955

File: 6c9a42c793f230c⋯.png (310.23 KB,597x485,597:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650896 (021432ZOCT23) Notable: Trump set to arrive at court in New York

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NOW - Trump in NYC: Witch hunt, rogue judge, horror show.


Aaron Rupar

3:18 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94956

File: bb229ad9e3fbe69⋯.png (520.07 KB,616x543,616:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650902 (021433ZOCT23) Notable: Supremes reject bid to disqualify Trump from 2024

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94957

File: 619577c69d0a0bf⋯.png (28.32 KB,603x352,603:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650904 (021433ZOCT23) Notable: Beautiful, must-read piece from @lecternleader about his prosecution for J6 and what he's learned about our failed justice system

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The Lectern Guy🇺🇸


If you had told me 2 and a half years ago I would be published in The Federalist, I would've laughed. Thank you for the opportunity to write about something so close to me.

I hope you all find time to read my first column.






Beautiful, must-read piece from @lecternleader about his prosecution for J6 and what he's learned about our failed justice system. https://thefederalist.com/2023/10/02/j6-prosecutors-stabbing-rampage-exposes-our-failed-justice-system/

3:11 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94958

File: 317b445c390f3d4⋯.png (329.18 KB,591x737,591:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650917 (021435ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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Brian's Memes 🇺🇸🇮🇹


Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him. I'm done.

3:22 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94959

File: 4be50270760d67d⋯.png (115.15 KB,1180x485,236:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650924 (021436ZOCT23) Notable: missing C in >KNOKS

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>>>/qresearch/19650822 (lb)

>>>/qresearch/19650829 (lb)

missing C in


also though, remember the drop about what percentage would remain classified. I feel like anons asked and they took it from 80/20 to 60/40

anybody else remember that?

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70eeae No.94960

File: d9e02c0033c1091⋯.png (361.34 KB,598x473,598:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650940 (021438ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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Liz Harrington


The judge is laughing? Absolutely disgusting! This commie will be overturned!

3:32 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94961

File: 6b4e74e5753f374⋯.png (35.27 KB,379x673,379:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650944 (021439ZOCT23) Notable: missing C in >KNOKS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94962

File: adbc78f50e31700⋯.mp4 (252.54 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650947 (021440ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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>Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him. I'm done.

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70eeae No.94963

File: 25ecaf436c8e304⋯.png (49.97 KB,926x542,463:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650953 (021442ZOCT23) Notable: missing C in >KNOKS

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^ Wrong one

Arg, this one

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70eeae No.94964

File: 1ac138d109b4206⋯.png (290.83 KB,595x420,17:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650961 (021443ZOCT23) Notable: Laphonza Butler just removed here Maryland residency from twit bio

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94965

File: 02512a732f93614⋯.png (387.35 KB,604x482,302:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19650991 (021449ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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Citizen Free Press


The judge in Trump's case smiles for his closeup. What an absolute clown show.

3:37 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651033 (021455ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Trump trial to determine if his family business should pay for committing fraud

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A question for the anons in new york.

am watching the live footage outside of court waiting for trump. it is a bright sunny day without any water anywhere, no floods or people struggling.

yet when you go on youtube all you see is videos of new york under water.

What are the new yorker anons seeing.

yes youtube is full of fake news and fear porn.


LIVE: Trump trial to determine if his family business should pay for committing fraud expected to…


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70eeae No.94967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651051 (021458ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Trump trial to determine if his family business should pay for committing fraud

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gracias panadero




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70eeae No.94968

File: 4e6479d0465cbfb⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651063 (021459ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sprite Lightning in High Definition

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 2, 2023

Sprite Lightning in High Definition

Sometimes lightning occurs out near space. One such lightning type is red sprite lightning, which has only been photographed and studied on Earth over the past 25 years. The origins of all types of lightning remain topics for research, and scientists are still trying to figure out why red sprite lightning occurs at all. Research has shown that following a powerful positive cloud-to-ground lightning strike, red sprites may start as 100-meter balls of ionized air that shoot down from about 80-km high at 10 percent the speed of light. They are quickly followed by a group of upward streaking ionized balls. Featured here is an extraordinarily high-resolution image of a group of red sprites. This image is a single frame lasting only 1/25th of a second from a video taken above Castelnaud Castle in Dordogne, France, about three weeks ago. The sprites quickly vanished - no sprites were visible even on the very next video frame.


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70eeae No.94969

File: 6eee04bed308898⋯.png (506.84 KB,720x686,360:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651069 (021500ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94970

File: 06c8004baed6776⋯.png (316.51 KB,886x555,886:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651071 (021500ZOCT23) Notable: Ray Dalio says the U.S. is going to have a debt crisis

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Ray Dalio says the U.S. is going to have a debt crisis

Published Thu, Sep 28 202311:31 AM EDTUpdated Thu, Sep 28 20234:01 PM EDT


Sarah Min


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70eeae No.94971

File: 4da371f5b4292aa⋯.png (142.42 KB,592x472,74:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651077 (021501ZOCT23) Notable: Laphonza Butler just removed here Maryland residency from twit bio

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94972

File: de9eae4f54d87e5⋯.png (207.69 KB,389x346,389:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651080 (021502ZOCT23) Notable: War Room is covering Trump and the feed got cut off as well

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War Room is covering Trump and the feed got cut off as well

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70eeae No.94973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651081 (021502ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Trump trial to determine if his family business should pay for committing fraud

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94974

File: 6ee27aa234675ac⋯.png (63.24 KB,657x429,219:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651098 (021503ZOCT23) Notable: Border Patrol agents processed 200,000 migrants in September - the third highest number on record

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Border Patrol agents processed 200,000 migrants in September - the third highest number on record - with TWO MILLION crossing border for 2023 fiscal year, new data shows

U.S. immigration agents processed more then 200,000 migrants who crossed the southern border illegally in September, the highest level recorded in 2023

The Biden administration is struggling to contain the mass influx with border towns such as Eagle Pass and Brownsville feeling the full gravity of the crisis

For only the second time in U.S. history, the unpublished DHS data - for the 2023 fiscal year - shows migrant apprehensions along the border surpassed 2 million

By Aneeta Bhole For Dailymail.Com

Published: 01:51 EDT, 2 October 2023 | Updated: 03:26 EDT, 2 October 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94975

File: d35ffdaccaae6de⋯.png (292.68 KB,617x567,617:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 486da7835ca05c9⋯.png (185.25 KB,592x527,592:527,Clipboard.png)

File: da3cf8c57642299⋯.png (638.23 KB,607x1108,607:1108,Clipboard.png)

File: d18b6c700642ee0⋯.png (49.79 KB,615x308,615:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651109 (021505ZOCT23) Notable: missing C in >KNOKS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>missing C in


missing C

C = 3

10/2 minus 3 = 9/29

9/29 Potus inCalifornia

Speaking to CA GOP at3:00pm



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70eeae No.94976

File: 5846d2581ba8828⋯.png (47.45 KB,597x329,597:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 7896d75aa2bc5de⋯.png (13.28 KB,360x177,120:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 5846d2581ba8828⋯.png (47.45 KB,597x329,597:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651125 (021508ZOCT23) Notable: missing C in >KNOKS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


9:55am timestamp

>missing C



Y = 25 = 5x5

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70eeae No.94977

File: 8f936df4d2a2fcd⋯.png (1.85 MB,1105x903,1105:903,Clipboard.png)

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB,720x844,180:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651127 (021509ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94978

File: 91bde5c6d0f7a14⋯.png (247.13 KB,535x515,107:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651177 (021516ZOCT23) Notable: Linda Yaccarino: @ParisHilton welcome to the @X family, we're excited to launch an official partnership with you and your next-gen media company 11:11 WTF!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Linda Yaccarino


The queen of pop culture, music, business, and TV is #Sliving on X.


welcome to the


family, we're excited to launch an official partnership with you and your next-gen media company 11:11. Together we're going to create a launchpad for new initiatives in video and live video, live commerce, Spaces, and so much more. Let's do this!!


Ya'll, check this out. 11:11

Are they trolling?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94979

File: dc5cbd1abb003cb⋯.png (735.84 KB,1390x1200,139:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651182 (021517ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94980

File: 843d51c0c42ecf5⋯.png (124.69 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651195 (021519ZOCT23) Notable: Laphonza Butler just removed here Maryland residency from twit bio

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>>94923 n, >>94927 n, >>94932 n, >>94933 n Moar Laphonza Butler. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000

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70eeae No.94981

File: 3ffd0ba11231b71⋯.png (677.72 KB,1872x870,312:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 321232207ee8adf⋯.png (253.96 KB,1857x862,1857:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 81c7dee3371c759⋯.png (135.69 KB,1845x857,1845:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651198 (021519ZOCT23) Notable: The ALA is suggesting to schools to do an activity called “blind date with a banned book.” They cover p0*nographic books with paper and encourage students to check them out of the school library.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>94951 ALA - American Library Association. Their four core directions don't mention books. Go figgur.

"The four strategic directions are:


Information Policy

Professional & Leadership Development.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion"


Funny/Not funny how their cash and prizes seemed to ramp up along w/the tranny/gay/deviant behaviorists.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.94982

File: 9be9e1c4ef81f65⋯.png (633.42 KB,662x754,331:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651214 (021522ZOCT23) Notable: 2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate Despite Wire Transfers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t

Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate

Despite Wire Transfers

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 10/2/2023 8:15:00 AM

Hunter Biden denied receiving “one cent” from his family’s deal with BHR Partners associate Jonathan Li, a video from October 2019 shows. In the summer of 2019, Hunter Biden received two wires totaling $260,000 originating from BHR Partners associates, including Li, that listed President Joe Biden’s Delaware home as the beneficiary address for the funds, the House Oversight Committee revealed this week. The fund is bankrolled by the Bank of China.Months after receiving the bank wires in 2019, Hunter Biden told ABC News he did not receive one penny from Li. Watch the interview here: (X Video)

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70eeae No.94983

File: 737870d5ece4fe8⋯.png (1.25 MB,1140x1904,285:476,Clipboard.png)

File: d831a5e815b8f5a⋯.png (209.3 KB,1140x1930,114:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651220 (021523ZOCT23) Notable: Linda Yaccarino: @ParisHilton welcome to the @X family, we're excited to launch an official partnership with you and your next-gen media company 11:11 WTF!

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70eeae No.94984

File: 7d6e839b84eeece⋯.jpg (310.98 KB,1750x842,875:421,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651221 (021523ZOCT23) Notable: More USDebtClock entertainment.

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More USDebtClock entertainment. Seems the FRN counter's been replaced by US Treasury Dollars (with fun pop-up bubble picrel)

Archived Half thread


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70eeae No.94985

File: b05ba4b56c60275⋯.png (945.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651227 (021524ZOCT23) Notable: The Economist to launch Space Economy Summit on Oct. 11-12

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The Economist to launch Space Economy Summit on Oct. 11-12

Oct 2, 2023

"Space is everyone's business."

As access to space continues to expand and humanity prepares to return to the moon to establish a sustainable off-world presence, private companies are laying the groundwork for a new economy in space.

To help highlight the new opportunities that a space-based economy will provide, The Economist is launching its first-ever Space Economy Summit. The event will be held Oct. 11-12 in Los Angeles, California and can be attended both in person or virtually.

Some of the topics that will be discussed at the summit include spaceflight sustainability and space debris mitigation, on-orbit manufacturing, Earth observation and long-term space commercialization and exploration. "While space has always captured imagination, its commercial, social, and environmental potential is now more tangible than ever," a press statement points out. "As the space industry continues to advance, the Space Economy Summit will highlight the vast opportunities it is enabling across sectors."

Over 100 speakers from the space sector and beyond will share their ideas for a new off-world economy in over 60 sessions at the summit. Speakers include: Peter Beck, President and CEO of Rocket Lab; Dr Laurie Leshin, Director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Sir Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal of the United Kingdom; Lt. Gen. John E. Shaw of United States Space Command; and Dylan Taylor, Chairman and CEO of Voyager Space.

The summit is meant to help leaders in the commercial and governmental space sectors alike share ideas that can move the burgeoning new off-world economy forward.

"Today, space is everyone's business. The rapid expansion of the industry presents immense opportunities to collaborate across all sectors" said Helen Ponsford, Head of Trade, Technology, Industry Events Programming at The Economist, in a press statement. "We are excited that the Space Economy Summit will facilitate pivotal conversations about realizing the full potential of new space. Speakers and attendees alike will leave with actionable ideas to help accelerate innovation in the space economy."


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70eeae No.94986

File: 0e7dbb22543ad3c⋯.jpg (103.99 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651232 (021525ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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What a night.

What a morning.

And we only just begun.

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70eeae No.94987

File: c734d211bdd8564⋯.png (281.12 KB,492x342,82:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651273 (021533ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Van Morrison - Duper's Delight

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70eeae No.94988

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651277 (021534ZOCT23) Notable: Trump set to arrive at court in New York

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 02, 2023, 10:42 AM


This is a a continuation of the 'Single Greatest Witch Hunt of All Time' We have a rouge Judge... A corrupt DOJ, this judge has overplayed his hand Caveat Emptor Corrupt AG



Viggo Mortensen -

The Return of the King Lyrics

Aragorn's Coronation

Et Earello Endorenna utulien

Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta

Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.

In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world

Song to Tinuviel

Tinuviel elvanui

Elleth alfirin edhelhael

O hon ring finnil fuinui

A renc gelebrin thiliol...

Tinuviel [the] elven-fair,

Immortal maiden elven-wise,

About him cast [her] night-dark hair,

And arms [like] silver glimmering...

source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/soundtracks/l/thelordoftheringsthereturnofthekinglyrics/thereturnofthekinglyrics.html


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70eeae No.94989

File: c684854541408d6⋯.png (373.01 KB,896x516,224:129,Clipboard.png)

File: bcb26d80d9f6f3d⋯.png (170.13 KB,542x481,542:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651291 (021536ZOCT23) Notable: Laphonza Butler just removed here Maryland residency from twit bio

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Laphonza Butler FEC filing from 31 days ago shows MD address

Robby Starbuck


Her FEC filing 31 days ago lists Maryland as her residence and yet Gavin Newsom is naming Laphonza Butler to be a United States Senator representing a state she doesn’t even live in. However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000.


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70eeae No.94990

File: 2707385a7e854c1⋯.png (831.72 KB,737x500,737:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651303 (021537ZOCT23) Notable: Discovery of ‘Jumbos’ may herald new astronomical category

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Discovery of ‘Jumbos’ may herald new astronomical category

Oct 2, 2023

Dozens of planet-sized objects have been discovered in the Orion Nebula via observations that could herald the existence of a new astronomical category.

The free-floating entities, which have been named Jupiter-mass binary objects, or Jumbos, appear in spectacular images taken by the James Webb space telescope. The objects are too small to be stars, but also defy the conventional definition of a planet because they are not in orbit around a parent star.

The discovery also appears to confound existing theories of star and planetary formation, which suggest it should not be possible to form Jupiter-sized objects through the process that gives rise to stars inside the clouds of dust and gas found in a nebula.

Prof Mark McCaughrean, a senior adviser for science and exploration at the European Space Agency (ESA), said the observations were inspired after data from ground-based telescopes hinted at the existence of the mysterious class of object.

“We were looking for these very small objects and we find them. We find them down as small as one Jupiter mass, even half a Jupiter mass, floating freely, not attached to a star,” he said. “Physics says you can’t even make objects that small. We wanted to see, can we break physics? And I think we have, which is good.”

The large, hot, gassy objects appear to be planet-like in their composition, with analysis revealing steam and methane in their atmospheres, but they are not technically planets. The team settled on the name Jupiter-mass binary objects because, out of the hundreds of planet-like objects identified, dozens came in pairs.

“Most of us don’t have time to get wrapped up in this debate about what is a planet and what isn’t a planet,” McCaughrean said. “It’s like my cat is a chihuahua-mass pet. But it’s not a chihuahua, it’s a cat.”

The Jumbos are about 1m years old – babies in astronomical terms – and have infernal surface temperatures of roughly 1,000C. Without a host star, though, they will rapidly cool and will briefly feature temperatures in the range of habitability before becoming incredibly cold. However, as gas giants, their surfaces would not harbour liquid water, even during their brief temperate window, meaning they are not likely to be strong contenders for hosting alien life.

The observations focus on the Orion Nebula, which can be seen with the naked eye as the fuzzy middle “star” in the “sword” of the Orion constellation. At 1,344 light years away, it is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth and in the latest images it appears as a celestial masterpiece, with roiling clouds of dust and gas, explosions and star beams.

Stars form when the dust and gas clouds in a nebula cool, progressively fragment and eventually collapse under their own gravity. The smallest stars are about 80 Jupiter masses, below which the core is not dense enough to fuse hydrogen, but smaller objects can coalesce through the same process, including dimly glowing brown dwarfs – sometimes called failed stars – and, below about 13 Jupiter masses, planetary-mass objects. But theoretical predications suggest that the lower boundary for an object forming through a star-like gravitational collapse is about three to seven Jupiter masses.

Smaller free-ranging objects have occasionally been sighted, but it was unclear whether they had formed in situ or had been ejected from a planetary disc around another star. The latest observations are more challenging to explain because, out of the hundreds of roughly Jupiter-sized objects found, dozens are in binary pairs. “How can you throw two things out [of a star’s orbit] in a chaotic interaction and get them to stick back together again?” asked McCaughrean.

The findings are published as a preprint, but are yet to be peer reviewed.

Prof Matthew Bate, the head of astrophysics at the University of Exeter, who was not involved in the research, said: “I don’t know how to explain the large numbers of objects they’ve seen. It seems we’re missing something in all of the theories we’ve got so far. It seems that there’s a mechanism that’s forming these [objects] that we haven’t thought of yet.”

“It’s pretty rare that this kind of discovery is made,” Bates added. “In the last decade, a lot of us thought we understood star formation pretty well. So this is really a very, very surprising result and we’re going to learn a lot from it.”

Prof Anthony Whitworth, an astrophysicist at Cardiff University, described the observations as “an amazing result”. The binary objects could have formed within a disc and then been kicked out as a pair, he speculated. “This would require interactions with other stars in the dense Orion star field,” said Whitworth. “All possible, in principle. Lots to ponder!”


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70eeae No.94991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651311 (021539ZOCT23) Notable: heads up trump just came out

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heads up trump just came out

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70eeae No.94992

File: 39d38861e7ac963⋯.png (416.69 KB,570x380,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651326 (021543ZOCT23) Notable: Statement from Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the passage of a continuing resolution

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Statement from Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the passage of a continuing resolution

Oct 2, 2023

I welcome congressional action tonight to avert an unnecessary and destructive government shutdown that would have had a profound impact on the lives our troops and civilians who work and sacrifice to defend this country every day. But I also urge Congress to live up to America's commitment to provide urgently-needed assistance to the people of Ukraine as they fight to defend their own country against the forces of tyranny. America must live up to its word and continue to lead.

Finally, I urge Congress to get back to regular order on appropriations. We need on-time appropriations in order to advance our National Defense strategy and position our military to meet the complex challenges of this century. I will continue to work with members of Congress to do what is necessary to defend this nation, our values and our interests.


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70eeae No.94993

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651330 (021543ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Letita James soul is 'fueled' by Trump

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Donald J. Trump


Letita James soul is 'fueled' by Trump

Oct 02, 2023, 11:33 AM




Set that bitch on fire.

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70eeae No.94994

File: b95513b35ca05d5⋯.png (768.6 KB,797x715,797:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651334 (021544ZOCT23) Notable: 86% Of Americans Want Gov’t Spending Cuts, Including Most Democrats

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86% Of Americans Want Gov’t Spending

Cuts, Including Most Democrats: I&I/TIPP Poll

Issues & Insights, by Terry Jones

Posted By: RockyTCB, 10/2/2023 5:53:16 AM

The government narrowly avoided closing after Congress came to a last-minute, short-term political deal to keep it open for another 45 days. With soaring spending and exploding federal debt, the latest partisan dispute was inevitable. But Americans have a clear retort, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll: Regardless of party, they want cuts in federal spending, and blame our dangerously soaring debt on Congress’s failure to do so. The national online poll of 1,378 Americans, taken from Sept. 27-29, asked respondents two questions related to the current budget impasse. The first: “The national debt has exceeded

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70eeae No.94995

File: d7620b407f2822c⋯.png (212.76 KB,466x261,466:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651343 (021545ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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> Smirk of Justice

> Rogue Judge

Gonna be famous, get rich writing a book...

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70eeae No.94996

File: 04616bc73f0d518⋯.png (635.42 KB,1174x1140,587:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651351 (021546ZOCT23) Notable: Now they refuse to say what other countries she’s lobbying for, even while she was living down the hall from Joe in the White House. Is their ANY country they haven’t taken money from?/Naomi Biden

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🚨 Yet another Biden is busted repping a foreign govt — it never ends! Now they refuse to say what other countries she’s lobbying for, even while she was living down the hall from Joe in the White House. Is their ANY country they haven’t taken money from?



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70eeae No.94997

File: 4d458bf4ae84686⋯.png (253.83 KB,600x845,120:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651360 (021548ZOCT23) Notable: Now Germany, France and other EU nations are trying to overthrow the Polish government

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Wall Street Silver


Germany and France tried to interfere in the election of Hungary to get rid of Viktor Orbán, but they failed.

Now Germany, France and other EU nations are trying to overthrow the Polish government, which is also against the German population replacement policies.

For some reason, Poland and Hungary like their current cultures and don't see the need to change them by importing millions of migrants. Go figure.


Ian Miles Cheong




“We don’t need your ‘doctors’, we don’t need your ‘engineers’. Take them, take them all, and pay for them. We don’t need them.

“You know why? Because there are zero t*rrorist attacks in Poland. Why? Because there is no illegal migration in Poland.” — Dominik Tarczyński

4:33 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.94998

File: cd6b1d94d827a82⋯.png (20.94 KB,841x189,841:189,Clipboard.png)

File: ec233b5e78c6a5a⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x5524,320:1381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651362 (021548ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Engoron/James

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Part 37 General IAS Part

60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007

Chambers: Room 566 Phone: (646) 386-3181

Courtroom: Room 418 Phone: (646) 386-3222

Law Clerks: Allison R. Greenfield, Esq.; Garth A. Johnston, Esq.

SCROLL: Trump, Donald


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70eeae No.94999

File: fc0f67c17e2620a⋯.png (41.6 KB,926x173,926:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651384 (021551ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Engoron/James

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70eeae No.95000

File: be517c330813080⋯.png (28.23 KB,600x254,300:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651389 (021552ZOCT23) Notable: @AdamSchiff When I say we’re building the largest grassroots campaign in California history — I mean it.

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Adam Schiff



When I say we’re building the largest grassroots campaign in California history — I mean it.

Last quarter we brought in $6.4 million from over 102,000 donors. Our average contribution was just $32.

And we’re just getting started!


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70eeae No.95001

File: f3b571ba46778b0⋯.png (382.1 KB,603x531,67:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651393 (021553ZOCT23) Notable: @kylenabecker Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from Eastern European human trafficking ring

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Kyle Becker


JUST IN: Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from Eastern European human trafficking ring during drug binges and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal #NoEvidence #BidenCrimeFamily





4:33 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95002

File: 9ca90f5cf959658⋯.png (160.42 KB,1184x742,592:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651400 (021554ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Engoron/James

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JUSTICE : Engoron, Hon. Arthur F.



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70eeae No.95003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651406 (021555ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Engoron/James

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INDEX NO.: 451685-2020



CASE STATUS: Active-Restored


LAST UPDATE: 10-02-2023 10:00AM

JUSTICE: Engoron, Hon. Arthur F.

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70eeae No.95004

File: 6c4f1b4f09ce7bc⋯.png (568.74 KB,1051x665,1051:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651439 (021601ZOCT23) Notable: Supremes reject bid to disqualify Trump from 2024

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Supreme Court declines to consider longshot

bid to disqualify Trump from running for president

CNN, by Devan Cole

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/2/2023 12:00:03 PM

Washington —The Supreme Court said Monday that it will not take up a longshot challenge to Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president because of his alleged role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. The case was brought by John Anthony Castro, a little-known candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, who sued Trump earlier this year in an effort to disqualify him from running for president and holding the office “given his alleged provision of aid or comfort to the convicted criminals and insurrectionist that violently attacked our United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.” The case was denied without any comment or recorded vote.

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70eeae No.95005

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651444 (021603ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump What we have here is an attempt to hurt me in an election

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 02, 2023, 11:40 AM


What we have here is an attempt to hurt me in an election



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70eeae No.95006

File: 573fc2696a10a9d⋯.png (221.93 KB,1239x717,413:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651447 (021604ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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70eeae No.95007

File: 54d23c4555e1e3f⋯.png (168.66 KB,600x665,120:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651460 (021607ZOCT23) Notable: Senate Democrats are delighted to welcome Laphonza Butler.

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Chuck Schumer



Senate Democrats are delighted to welcome Laphonza Butler.

She joins the Senate at a key time in our nation’s history. I’m confident that her breadth of work, acumen, and public service will meet this moment.

I look forward to Senator-designate Butler’s swearing-in this week.


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70eeae No.95008

File: 32fae2b69effefe⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x5629,1280:5629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651462 (021607ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Engoron/James

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451685/2020 - New York County Supreme Court

Short Caption: The People of the State of New York, by Letitia James, Attorney General of the State of New York v. The Trump Organization, Inc. et al Case Type: Special Proceedings - Other (OSC to compel disclosure)

Case Status: Active-Restored

eFiling Status: Partial Participation Recorded

Assigned Judge: Arthur F. Engoron

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70eeae No.95009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651464 (021608ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Engoron/James

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70eeae No.95010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651482 (021610ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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12:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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70eeae No.95011

File: 6419371b277df62⋯.png (117.32 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 1adae5d9f562822⋯.png (327.37 KB,1024x831,1024:831,Clipboard.png)

File: ca17885fc1623eb⋯.png (97.47 KB,936x426,156:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651491 (021612ZOCT23) Notable: NASA publishes never-before-seen photos of ‘ravioli’ moon orbiting Saturn

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NASA publishes never-before-seen photos of ‘ravioli’ moon orbiting Saturn

Published Oct. 1, 2023, 6:15 a.m. ET

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) dropped never-before-seen photos of one of Saturn’s moons while comparing them to well-known food dishes.

“Ravioli, pierogi, empanada… What do you see? No wrong answers,” NASA posted on its Instagram account Monday, accompanied by pictures of Pan, the innermost of Saturn’s moons.

The photos, which were taken from the Cassini spacecraft, show the unique moon in a new level of detail.

According to the space agency, the ridge around the equator of Pan has similar characteristics to Atlas, another moon that orbits Saturn. That ridge gives Pan its unique “dumpling” shape, according to NASA.

Pan orbits Saturn from inside a gap in one of the planet’s rings, the post explained, making an orbit around the planet every 13.8 hours at an altitude of 83,000 miles.

The two images show how the Cassini spacecraft’s perspective of Pan changed as it passed within 15,300 miles of the moon, the craft’s closest ever encounter with Pan.

Pan was originally discovered by M.R. Showalter “using images taken by the Voyager 2 spacecraft nine years earlier,” according to a page about the moon on NASA’s website.

According to Space.com, Saturn has 145 moons that are currently recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

That number rose significantly in May this year as 62 new moons were discovered by a team of scientists led by Edward Ashton.

While most of Saturn’s moons were originally named for Greco-Roman Titans, the discovery of many new moons forced scientists to start using names from other mythologies such as Gallic, Inuit and Norse stories, according to NASA.

“Pan, a satyr (a creature resembling a man with the hind legs and hooves of a goat), is a Greek god of nature and the forest,” NASA explains on its website.



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70eeae No.95012

File: eb70c961191ff50⋯.png (194.88 KB,466x261,466:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 19693ff87eed14a⋯.png (200.31 KB,466x261,466:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651497 (021614ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread / Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95013

File: 3472e16935be0b4⋯.png (468.8 KB,1013x922,1013:922,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d0e6055221fa41⋯.png (275.36 KB,923x524,923:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 25ae65641d58528⋯.png (232.28 KB,565x524,565:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 73c7b083fbbd80b⋯.png (288.11 KB,501x617,501:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651499 (021614ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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Disgraceful: Arthur Engoron Starts Laughing During Trump Hearing in New York City as Crazy Letitia James Glares at Trump (VIDEO)

President Trump spent the weekend campaigning in front of massive crowds in California and Iowa.

On Monday he flew to New York City where he was called to court in another junk lawsuit hurled at him by Democrats.

During the hearing this morning in the Democrats’ continued lawfare assault against the leading candidate in the 2024 election, Judge Arthur Engoron started laughing.

This tells you everything you need to know about this kangaroo court.

This was reprehensible. These people are lawless and wicked.

Watch the major media outlets ignore this and refuse to report on this today.

Crazy Letitia James sat staring at Trump.

And don’t forget- this is the same judge that allowed cameras in the courtroom!

What a farce!

For the record – President Trump released a list of facts surrounding this garbage lawsuit earlier today.

Letitia James is a Soros-funded Democrat attorney general.

George Soros provided funding for Letitia James’ campaign.

James also received funding from George Soros’ daughter-in-law Jennifer Soros.

Letitia James made clear that “getting Trump” was the motivating force behind her campaign for attorney general.

In a 2018 video, James stated, “I’m running for attorney general, because I will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. He [Trump] should be charged with obstructing justice. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses and we would join with law enforcement and other attorneys general across this nation in removing this president from office…It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.”

Letitia James announced that as Attorney General, she “look[ed] forward to going into the office of Attorney General every day, suing [President Trump] . . . and then going home!”

During her 2018 campaign, Letitia James vowed, “As the next Attorney General of New York I will be a voice for the powerless and take on President Trump.”

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70eeae No.95014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651501 (021615ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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James said, “The president of the United States has to worry about three things; Mueller, Cohen, and Tish James. We’re all closing in on him.”

James admitted that her desire to take down Trump, more than helping the people of New York, motivated her run for attorney general.

LETITIA JAMES IN 2018: “This campaign was never really about me or any of the candidates who ran. It was about the people, but mostly it was about that man in the White House who can’t go a day without threatening our fundamental rights.”

When she won in 2018, Letitia James reiterated her intention to use the power of her office to target Trump, saying “I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing, demanding truthfulness at every turn.”

Letitia James tweeted, “Here’s what @realDonaldTrump needs to know: I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.”

Letitia James called President Trump “an embarrassment to all that we stand for.”

Letitia James promised to be a “force pushing back against President Donald Trump through legal challenges.”

Letitia James highlighted several members of Congress who were supporting her campaign specifically because “they know I’m the toughest and best suited to take on Donald Trump.”

Former U.S. attorney, senior FBI official and chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration Chuck Rosenberg wrote that Letitia James’ comments during her campaign “demonstrate a prejudgment of the facts and a political predisposition to the issues she now must manage apolitically and dispassionately…she ought to fully and deeply appreciate that injudicious comments undermine her office and her cases – legally and factually[.]”

Letitia James is a Democratic activist.

During each of the last two years, Letitia James contributed to ActBlue, a left-wing online fundraising platform that Joe Biden and many other Democratic candidates used in 2020.

Letitia James has donated to multiple Democratic candidates.

Letitia James has been soft on crime and has tried to prevent New York’s police officers from doing their jobs.

Last year, Letitia James refused to commit to tightening New York’s no cash bail system, saying we need make sure we are “resisting the urge to overreact to spikes in crime.”

Letitia James recommended that police officers stop arresting people with certain open warrants during traffic stops because “the involvement of police in such situations can result in violent interactions.”

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70eeae No.95015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651505 (021615ZOCT23) Notable: Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

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In 2021, Letitia James introduced a bill to limit police officers’ use of force and make it easier to prosecute officers.

The head of the Police Benevolent Association of NYC criticized the bill, saying “The bottom line: more cops and more regular New Yorkers are going to get hurt.” In 2022, the 50,000 member Police Conference of New York endorsed Letitia James’ opponent Michael Henry in the attorney general race.

NYC Detectives Endowment president Paul DiGiacomo said that James “has been no help whatsoever to the women and men who daily put themselves in harm’s way. Keeping New Yorkers safe from criminals is not her priority. She sued the NYPD on pattern and practices after the George Floyd riots, but said nothing about the rioters total disregard for public safety and for public and private property.”

Letitia James covered for her former chief of staff who was accused of sexual harassment.

Letitia James’ former aide alleged that James had protected her former longtime chief of staff who was accused of sexual harassment rather than aggressively investigating his conduct.

James reportedly knew about her aide’s sexual harassment allegations for over a month before Election Day 2022 but did not publicize the matter until after the election.

Letitia James has used taxpayer dollars to fund her radical woke agenda.

In March 2023, Letitia James hosted a Drag Story Hour. James tweeted, “It’s time for Drag Story Hour! We’re at @LGBTCenterNYC with some amazing Drag Story Hour NYC storytellers, New York families, elected officials, and community leaders to kick off our Drag Story Hour read-a-thon!”

Letitia James has pursued an anti-Second Amendment agenda.

In 2018, Letitia James called the NRA a “terrorist organization” and “a criminal enterprise.”

Letitia James defended New York State’s draconian gun control law after a judge blocked portions of the law as unconstitutional. James said, “I will not back down from the fight to protect New Yorkers from repeated and baseless attacks on our state’s gun safety measures.

The judge said that New York has “further reduced a first-class constitutional right” to “a mere request.”

Crime in New York has skyrocketed on Letitia James’ watch.

From 2018, the year Letitia James was elected, to 2021 murder in New York state rose 55%.

Aggravated assault rose by 18%, and motor vehicle theft rose by 67% during this period.

Overall major crimes in New York City rose 22% in 2022.

In New York City, shootings increased by 71% from 2018 to 2022.

Murders increased by 48% from 2018 to 2022 in New York City.

Carjackings increased 286% from 2019 to 2021 in New York City.


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70eeae No.95016

File: 0da42ff53895bc0⋯.png (417.22 KB,533x541,533:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 2869cb296c260b8⋯.png (515.27 KB,1334x635,1334:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651513 (021616ZOCT23) Notable: Remember when Obama gave this same regime millions of taxpayer dollars in cash?

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Lara Logan


Remember when Obama gave this same regime millions of taxpayer dollars in cash?

After Decades, Official Admits Iran Aided Beirut Attack Murdering Hundreds Of Marines | The Daily Wire



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70eeae No.95017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651586 (021632ZOCT23) Notable: BUN Memes of the Thread

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>>94948, >>94949, >>94950, >>94952, >>94953, >>94969, >>94977, >>94979, >>94986, >>94987, >>94995, >>95006, >>95012 Memes of the Thread

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70eeae No.95018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651604 (021635ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE NOW: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Faces Ousting Threat

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LIVE NOW: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Faces Ousting Threat

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70eeae No.95019

File: 1a4521d60d695eb⋯.png (196.14 KB,528x466,264:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651615 (021637ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon is warning Congress that it is running low on money to replace weapons the U.S. has sent to Ukraine and has already been forced to slow down resupplying some troops

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BREAKING: Pentagon is warning Congress that it is running low on money to replace weapons the U.S. has sent to Ukraine and has already been forced to slow down resupplying some troops - AP


Illegal funds are starting to dry up.

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70eeae No.95020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651616 (021638ZOCT23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international topics at the State Department.


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70eeae No.95021

File: ec1cd80d75d29f7⋯.png (21.04 KB,1276x196,319:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 323bf22ad95fdfc⋯.png (18.76 KB,544x196,136:49,Clipboard.png)

File: df6d08d7816ce94⋯.png (13.74 KB,433x196,433:196,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dd53b7a001aeb9⋯.png (9.52 KB,404x156,101:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651631 (021639ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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X Trends

"Letitia James" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Letitia%20James%22

"ELECTION INTERFERENCE" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22ELECTION%20INTERFERENCE%22

"AG James" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22AG%20James%22

#Trumptrial https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523Trumptrial

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70eeae No.95022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651635 (021640ZOCT23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried Tried To Pay Trump $5 Billion Not To Run For President

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REPORT: Sam Bankman-Fried Tried To Pay Trump $5 Billion Not To Run For President

Sam Bankman-Fried purportedly considered paying former President Donald Trump upwards of $5 billion not to run for a second term, according to a new book exploring the rise and fall of the disgraced FTX founder.

Author Michael Lewis sat with 60 Minutes to unveil revelations from “Going Infinite,” his deep dive into the world of cryptocurrency and Bankman-Fried’s role in swindling investors out of billions of dollars as he rubbed shoulders with some of the world’s richest individuals and most powerful politicians. Lewis’s book is set to be released Tuesday, the same day that SBF’s trial begins in which he faces up to 100 years in prison.

At the height of his wealth, SBF reached out to President Trump’s advisors and asked for a monetary amount that he could pay the GOP leader to refrain from challenging President Joe Biden to a rematch. The amount SBF said he offered, Lewis reported, was $5 billion.

“Sam’s thinking we could pay Donald Trump not to run for president, like how much would it take?… He did get an answer. There was a number that was kicking around, and the number that was kicking around when I was talking to Sam was $5 billion,” said Lewis.


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70eeae No.95023

File: 332d77a8c808986⋯.jpg (201.24 KB,562x525,562:525,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651672 (021647ZOCT23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I Take More Votes From President Trump”

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I Take More Votes From President Trump”

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on “This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von” and said he would take more votes from Donald Trump than Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election.

“I take more votes from President Trump than I do from President Biden,” RFK Jr. said.


those who champion this guy don't understand why he is there. he is not our friend.

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70eeae No.95024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651696 (021652ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] has delivered record funding to make sure that we have additional Border Patrol, federal employees, at the border.

[to usher any and all illegals into the country]

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70eeae No.95025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651703 (021652ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: If Putin thinks he can outlast us, he is wrong.

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70eeae No.95026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651726 (021657ZOCT23) Notable: #24129

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#24129 >>94948

>>94951, >>94981 The ALA is suggesting to schools to do an activity called “blind date with a banned book.” They cover p0*nographic books with paper and encourage students to check them out of the school library.

>>94954, >>94955, >>94988 Trump set to arrive at court in New York

>>94956, >>95004 Supremes reject bid to disqualify Trump from 2024

>>94957 Beautiful, must-read piece from @lecternleader about his prosecution for J6 and what he's learned about our failed justice system

>>94958, >>94960, >>94962, >>94965, >>95013, >>95014, >>95015 Did you just see what the judge did when the camera went on him.

>>94959, >>94961, >>94963, >>94975, >>94976 missing C in >KNOKS

>>94964, >>94971, >>94980, >>94989 Laphonza Butler just removed here Maryland residency from twit bio

>>94966, >>94967, >>94973 LIVE: Trump trial to determine if his family business should pay for committing fraud

>>94968 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sprite Lightning in High Definition

>>94970 Ray Dalio says the U.S. is going to have a debt crisis

>>94972 War Room is covering Trump and the feed got cut off as well

>>94974 Border Patrol agents processed 200,000 migrants in September - the third highest number on record

>>94978, >>94983 Linda Yaccarino: @ParisHilton welcome to the @X family, we're excited to launch an official partnership with you and your next-gen media company 11:11 WTF!

>>94982 2019: Hunter Biden Claimed He Didn’t Receive ‘One Cent’ from Chinese Associate Despite Wire Transfers

>>94984 More USDebtClock entertainment.

>>94985 The Economist to launch Space Economy Summit on Oct. 11-12

>>94990 Discovery of ‘Jumbos’ may herald new astronomical category

>>94991 heads up trump just came out

>>94992 Statement from Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the passage of a continuing resolution

>>94993 @realDonaldTrump Letita James soul is 'fueled' by Trump

>>94994 86% Of Americans Want Gov’t Spending Cuts, Including Most Democrats

>>94996 Now they refuse to say what other countries she’s lobbying for, even while she was living down the hall from Joe in the White House. Is their ANY country they haven’t taken money from?/Naomi Biden

>>94997 Now Germany, France and other EU nations are trying to overthrow the Polish government

>>94998, >>94999, >>95002, >>95003, >>95008, >>95009 Moar Engoron/James

>>95000 @AdamSchiff When I say we’re building the largest grassroots campaign in California history — I mean it.

>>95001 @kylenabecker Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from Eastern European human trafficking ring

>>95005 @realDonaldTrump What we have here is an attempt to hurt me in an election

>>95007 Senate Democrats are delighted to welcome Laphonza Butler.

>>95010, >>95024, >>95025 Buckwheat up

>>95011 NASA publishes never-before-seen photos of ‘ravioli’ moon orbiting Saturn

>>95016 Remember when Obama gave this same regime millions of taxpayer dollars in cash?

>>95017 BUN Memes of the Thread

>>95018 LIVE NOW: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Faces Ousting Threat

>>95019 Pentagon is warning Congress that it is running low on money to replace weapons the U.S. has sent to Ukraine and has already been forced to slow down resupplying some troops

>>95020 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>95021 X Trends

>>95022 Sam Bankman-Fried Tried To Pay Trump $5 Billion Not To Run For President

>>95023 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I Take More Votes From President Trump”


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70eeae No.95027

File: 19693ff87eed14a⋯.png (200.31 KB,466x261,466:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e59a437438e326⋯.png (188.06 KB,1567x1253,1567:1253,Clipboard.png)

File: b2bcc59a2a9f965⋯.png (100.61 KB,339x472,339:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 740dd5c1794b285⋯.png (273.38 KB,923x524,923:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d529783475f3a9⋯.png (160.91 KB,523x305,523:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651747 (021659ZOCT23) Notable: #24130

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70eeae No.95028

File: adbc78f50e31700⋯.mp4 (252.54 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651772 (021704ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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>>95027 TYB!


X Trends

"Letitia James" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Letitia%20James%22

"ELECTION INTERFERENCE" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22ELECTION%20INTERFERENCE%22

"AG James" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22AG%20James%22

#Trumptrial https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523Trumptrial

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70eeae No.95029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651785 (021708ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Reporter: I'm just trying to understand what [Biden] meant when he said, 'we just made a deal'.

Jean-Pierre: We have seen bipartisan support in congress to continue the funding in Ukraine. That's what we expect, and that's what we want to continue to see.

Reporter: Is it possible [Biden] made a deal that you don't know about?

Jean-Pierre: I'm just saying that I'm not going to go beyond what [Biden] said.

Reporter: Was what he said true?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not going to go beyond what [Biden] said.

Reporter: So you won't say that what he said was true?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not going to go beyond what [Biden] said.

Reporter: You're declining to say that what he said was true?

Jean-Pierre: I just answered.

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70eeae No.95030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651794 (021710ZOCT23) Notable: Trump right outta court, corrupt corrupt, corrupt

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70eeae No.95031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Trump lawyer: Civil fraud trial 'isn't real'; judge has made up his mind | National Report


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70eeae No.95032

File: 8e0f20940d589ba⋯.png (3.89 KB,298x57,298:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e456a10c38519e⋯.png (76.02 KB,540x640,27:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651812 (021716ZOCT23) Notable: 16 Q posts with [c] knock

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>>94988 lb

Gotta pay attention to the rest of Trump's Truths for the day. A daily map can be built by multiple Truths, not just one usually. So looking for emphasis on NSWI. Otherwise there are clues that lead to other Qposts. The Qposts in general, is the Map.

Constant confirmations / proofs if you take the time to do some Qmaps. Also check out the qalerts link below, ends in 5D. Can find hints everywhere if you're paying attention; it's simple mental math, nothing too complicated. A solid memory is the most important component. Unless you can see Matrix Code or some shit.


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70eeae No.95033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651814 (021717ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Reporter: Would [Biden] ever try to get out of a meeting by pulling a fire alarm?

Jean-Pierre: Are you talking about something specifically?

Reporter: Democratic member of congress pulled a fire alarm, around a series of votes, no fire. Is that appropriate?

Jean-Pierre: I have not spoken to [Biden] about this [laughs], and so I'm just not going to comment. I know there is a House process moving forward right now, I'll leave it to the House.

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70eeae No.95034

File: 79656852e13aeab⋯.png (5.97 KB,212x109,212:109,Clipboard.png)

File: eb64d6144f1e58e⋯.png (505.84 KB,798x642,133:107,Clipboard.png)

File: dedb81324c90401⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651816 (021716ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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New X Trend

NY AG https://twitter.com/search?q=%22NY%20AG%22

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70eeae No.95035

File: f65c28fe2b08bf9⋯.jpg (496.03 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651826 (021720ZOCT23) Notable: Michelle Obama is said to be preparing to announce a 2024 run for the Democratic nomination for the presidency?????

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BREAKING: Michelle Obama is said to be preparing to announce a 2024 run for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Barack Obama REFUSED to answer the question after being asked point blank if she is running for President today in Beverly Hills. She has been vacationing with Hollywood director and big-time Democratic donor Steven Spielberg on his yacht along with actor and well-known Democrat backer Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson. This would be a BOMBSHELL that would undoubtedly shake up the 2024 presidential race. What are your thoughts on this - Would you rather President Trump face Joe Biden or Michelle Obama in the general election? 👇🏻👇🏻


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70eeae No.95036

File: 308fe908e3ed951⋯.png (62.8 KB,968x274,484:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 823b39c445dac11⋯.png (33.94 KB,699x367,699:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c26118335a9429⋯.png (37.36 KB,1342x199,1342:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651829 (021720ZOCT23) Notable: 16 Q posts with [c] knock

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Trump misspelled Knock today

Door of all doors?

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70eeae No.95037

File: 454e33c8efb625f⋯.png (15.88 KB,482x196,241:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651830 (021720ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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New X Trend

"Arthur Engoron" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Arthur%20Engoron%22

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70eeae No.95038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651840 (021722ZOCT23) Notable: Trump right outta court, corrupt corrupt, corrupt

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another speech now...

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70eeae No.95039

File: 170a1285d764e68⋯.mp4 (6.21 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651844 (021723ZOCT23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I Take More Votes From President Trump” vid

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>>95023 (Lb)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I Take More Votes From President Trump”

Went notable - grabbed the vid cap [2:08]

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70eeae No.95040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651845 (021723ZOCT23) Notable: Trump right outta court, corrupt corrupt, corrupt

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this time for real

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70eeae No.95041

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651862 (021727ZOCT23) Notable: STOLEN HISTORY - LIFTING THE VEIL OF DECEPTION PART 2 - THE DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD WORLD

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>>>/qresearch/19651045 lb

>>>/qresearch/19651065 lb WATCH

>>>/qresearch/19651073 lb



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70eeae No.95042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651872 (021728ZOCT23) Notable: 16 Q posts with [c] knock

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>Trump misspelled Knock today

Trump misspelledKnock

Missing [c]

Multiple drops with [c]

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70eeae No.95043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651888 (021731ZOCT23) Notable: resident delivers remarks to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act ; The Vice President and The Second Gentleman attend

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2:00 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act ; The Vice President and The Second Gentleman attend​ by 9:00 am]

South Lawn




President Biden on Americans With Disabilities Act

President Biden delivers remarks on the Americans with Disabilities Act at the White House.


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70eeae No.95044

File: 1d004d5b940ea76⋯.jpg (307.04 KB,1071x1343,63:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651954 (021744ZOCT23) Notable: STOLEN HISTORY - LIFTING THE VEIL OF DECEPTION PART 2 - THE DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD WORLD

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>>>/qresearch/19651065 lb WATCH

Vids recently scrubbed from YouTube.

Find on BitChute... Archive if you can.


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70eeae No.95045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651974 (021748ZOCT23) Notable: Former Patriots, 49ers TE Russ Francis killed in Lake Placid plane crash

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Former Patriots, 49ers TE Russ Francis killed in Lake Placid plane crash

Russ Francis, the former New England Patriots and San Francisco 49ers tight end, was killed in a plane crash in Lake Placid, New York. He was 70.

According to the Lake Placid News, Francis and a companion, vice president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Richard McSpadden, took off from Lake Placid Airport in a Cessna 177 Cardinal on Sunday afternoon. The craft then "experienced an emergency after takeoff" and crashed at the end of the runway at 4:09 p.m.

“The airplane attempted to return to the airport but failed to make the runway,” the AOPA said in a statement. “Both occupants lost their lives.”

The Lake Placid News also reported that Francis had recently purchased the Lake Placid Airways scenic tour business. Francis loved flying, and grew up wanting to be a pilot. It is not clear if he was flying the plane when it crashed, or if McSpadden was.

Francis spent 13 seasons in the NFL starting in 1975 when the Patriots drafted him with the 16th overall pick. He made an immediate impact, and by 1976 had made the first of three career Pro Bowls. He was traded to the 49ers in 1980, but decided to retire instead and took a job in broadcasting.

But he couldn't stay away. Just a year later, Francis was back in football with the 49ers, which turned out to be very important to the future of the franchise. In 1984, Francis was a key part of the Niners team that won Super Bowl XIX.

Francis stayed in San Francisco until the 49ers waived him midway through the 1987 season. He then returned to the Patriots, where he played until he retired in 1989.


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70eeae No.95046

File: 080a9b6b621d36c⋯.png (323.2 KB,600x542,300:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651983 (021750ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau looks miserable in his attempts to present excuses for honoring a Nazi in the national parliament, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the media

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks miserable in his attempts to present excuses for honoring a Nazi in the national parliament, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the media at the 20th annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club:



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70eeae No.95047

File: 23fd1124130843f⋯.png (474.23 KB,847x1446,847:1446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651985 (021751ZOCT23) Notable: @TrueGenFlynn "OCTOBER SURPRISE"

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70eeae No.95048

File: 6846919c59f1018⋯.png (1.02 MB,618x4092,103:682,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cdf21369c6b66f⋯.png (125.97 KB,618x980,309:490,Clipboard.png)

File: 7129d6e78f9cf57⋯.png (92.27 KB,618x804,103:134,Clipboard.png)

File: bfdd997423e4af3⋯.png (84.42 KB,618x940,309:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19651989 (021751ZOCT23) Notable: 16 Q posts with [c] knock

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Three posts with[c]

I lied these four plus a dozen more.

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70eeae No.95049

File: 35a1c6255623320⋯.png (200.97 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e8e99828a54e6b⋯.png (196.82 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652004 (021754ZOCT23) Notable: feds considered sex trafficking charge for Hunter

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70eeae No.95050

File: 0304def60e5f566⋯.png (287.25 KB,720x477,80:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 7142eac0f5c625c⋯.png (345.36 KB,720x403,720:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652007 (021755ZOCT23) Notable: Comer subpoenas personal, business bank records of President Biden's son and brother

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Comer subpoenas personal, business bank records of President Biden's son and brother

The long-awaited action occurs hours after House GOP holds first impeachment inquiry

By John Solomon

Updated: September 28, 2023 8:15pm

In a major escalation of his investigation of the first family, House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer formally subpoenaed the personal and business banking records of President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, and his brother James.

Comer recently hit a logjam in cooperation from banks and had been promising subpoenas for days. He issued three of them hours after House Republicans completed their first hearing in the impeachment inquiry against the 46th president, saying his goal was to determine whether Joe Biden benefited from his family's foreign business deals.

"From day one of our investigation of Joe Biden’s abuse of public office, we’ve followed the money and that continues with today’s subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s bank records," Comer said. "Bank records don’t lie, and coupled with witness testimony, they reveal that Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain."

"The financial records obtained to date reveal a pattern where the Bidens sold access to Joe Biden around the world to enrich the Biden family. As the Bidens were sealing deals around the world, Joe Biden showed up, met with, talked with, shook hands with, and had meetings with the foreign nationals sending money to his family. This culture of corruption demands further investigation," he said.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith joined in the subpoenas, saying they were a crucial next step in the probe after his panel released on Wednesday 700 pages of evidence gathered by federal agents who investigated the Biden family.

"After the Ways and Means Committeereleased 700 pagesof new documents showing President Biden was not just aware of his son’s business dealings, but in fact he was connected to them, it has become clear that whether it was lunches, phone calls, White House meetings, or official foreign trips, Hunter Biden cashed in by arranging access to his father," Smith said.

"While top Biden officials, Hunter’s lawyers, and congressional Democrats have offered little more than disinformation and lies, these bank records will bring us closer to the truth. Issuing these subpoenas is an appropriate – and necessary – step to following the facts wherever they lead, and may shed light on the $24 million the Biden family has received in exchange for selling their family ‘brand’ as part of a global influence peddling scheme," he said.


Link to 700 pages released by Ways and Means Committee


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70eeae No.95051

File: 56e85322118a8ed⋯.png (362.49 KB,867x537,289:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652020 (021758ZOCT23) Notable: EU Pledges Lasting Support At 'Historic' Kiev Meeting As America Steps Back

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EU Pledges Lasting Support At 'Historic' Kiev Meeting As America Steps Back

After President Joe Biden over the weekend signed a stopgap funding bill that did not include aid for Ukraine, given Congressional Republicans are blocking it, European leaders have vowed Monday to commit to lasting support for Kiev.

EU foreign ministers are taking part in a "historic" meeting in the Ukrainian capital, even as the war grinds on into its 20th month. "We are convening in a historic meeting of the EU foreign ministers here in Ukraine, candidate country and future member of the EU," the bloc's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced. He said it is to "express our solidarity and support to the Ukrainian people," but also cautioned that the meeting "does not have the aim of reaching concrete conclusions and decisions."

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba praised the EU at a moment of simultaneous disappointment with Washington as billions in US aid hangs in the balance. "For the first time ever the foreign affairs council is going to sit down outside of its current borders — outside the borders of the European Union — but within future borders of the European Union," Kuleba said in a press briefing alongside Borrell.


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70eeae No.95052

File: 8917a82c0ce6eb0⋯.png (318.63 KB,557x415,557:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652031 (021800ZOCT23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans/Brady

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Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans

Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short joined “60 Minutes” last night to discuss his upcoming book Going Infinite about disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

Michael Lewis told the far left news program that the former finance CEO met with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the 2022 election. McConnell persuaded SBF to donate millions to his list of anti-Trump candidates.

Lewis told 60 Minutes that Sam Bankman-Fried donated millions to support Mitch McConnell’s anti-Trump GOP senate candidates.

Via Real Clear Politics:

60 MINUTES: To that end, Lewis writes that in 2022, Bankman-Fried met with the most unlikely of allies, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump.

JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: You’re flying with Sam and he tells you about a meeting he’s gonna have with Mitch McConnell.

MICHAEL LEWIS: Well, the interesting thing starts before we even get on the plane. I meet him at the airport, and he comes tumbling out of a car. And he’s in his cargo shorts and his T-shirt. And he’s got, balled up in his hand– it takes me a while to see what it is, but it’s a blue suit. It’s got more wrinkles than any blue suit ever had. It’s been just jammed into this little ball. (laughs) And a shoe, like, falls out of the pile that he’s got in his arms. And I said, like, “What– why you have the suit?” And he says– (laughs) he says, “Mi– Mitch McConnell really cares what you wear when you– (laughs) when you meet with him.” And he’s having dinner in six hours with Mitch McConnell. And I– I said, “Well, you got the suit. Is there– you got a belt?” He goes, “No. I don’t have a belt.” I said, “You got– you have a shirt?” He goes, “No. No shirt,” “and the suit, you really can’t really wear that suit.” And he goes, “Yeah. But they told me to bring a suit.”

60 MINUTES: According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump…

MICHAEL LEWIS: What is the subtext of this dinner, is Sam is gonna write tens of millions of dollars of checks to a super PAC that Mitch McConnell is then gonna use to get elected people who are not “hostile to democracy.”

JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: Wait. So, Mitch McConnell has a list of Republican candidates who are, sort of, on the playing field for democracy versus what he deemed outside?

MICHAEL LEWIS: He and his team had done the work to distinguish between actual deep Trumpers and people who were just seeming to approve of Donald Trump but we actually willing to govern.

It should be noted that McConnell refused to fund popular conservative candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.

Blake Masters lost on election day after the Maricopa County officials made sure the voting machines were not working that day in over 60 percent of the voting centers.


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70eeae No.95053

File: 5d512b357461cb6⋯.png (478.23 KB,530x582,265:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652046 (021803ZOCT23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill STING, doesn't it? 😜 💥

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STING, doesn't it? 😜 💥

#FiresStrong #TeamSill #CallToService




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70eeae No.95054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652047 (021804ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell’s MyPillow Under IRS Audit for Alleged Unlawful Employment Practices

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=It Never Stops: Mike Lindell’s MyPillow Under IRS Audit for Alleged Unlawful Employment Practices

In recent news, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a staunch supporter of President Trump and conservative politics, revealed that his company is under IRS audit for allegedly employing workers illegally.

This comes on the heels of his recent challenges, including his bank accounts closure, his factory equipment being auctioned off, networks refusing to air his commercials, multiple defamation lawsuits filed against him, and credit reductions from American Express, all because of his political beliefs rather than any genuine issues related to his business practices.

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that American Express has slashed the credit line of Mike Lindell’s MyPillow by a staggering 90%. This comes after a 15-year partnership between the two companies.

According to Lindell, American Express reduced MyPillow’s credit line from a million dollars to a mere $100,000 without any prior notice or explanation. This abrupt decision has severely impacted the company’s operations, particularly its online marketing and shipping activities.

“American Express -I wasn’t going to say this- we’ve been with them for 15 years, and we do all of our online marketing and all our shipping with them. Out of the blue, they took our credit line from a million dollars down to $100,000. Just crippled my pillow. No reason, no explanation. Just dropped it down last Tuesday,” said Lindell.

Lindell emphasized that this attack on MyPillow is part of a larger scheme to undermine efforts to secure American elections.

“This is all about everybody. We’re right over target with the plan to secure our elections,” said Lindell, who has been on the frontline to secure our elections. He believes that the only way Trump could lose is if elections are manipulated again, and that’s why they are coming after him.

“We are securing them and they have to try and stop it right now. And they know that. That’s why this attack Steve, they turned the attack up on MyPillow this last month and a half, probably as high as it’s ever been since all the retailers canceled us. And everybody, we’re all praying that we get through this because we have to. We have to secure our elections to get our great real president back in,” said Lindell.

Now, the Internal Revenue Service is reportedly investigating Lindell’s employment practices.

Mike Lindell recently appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast to discuss the latest incident that is causing alarm bells to ring for conservatives across the country.

“It’s been a new attack, Steve,” Lindell told Bannon. “You know, we had American Express go after us and reduce our credit to virtually nothing. Now we have audits.”

The IRS audit purportedly targets employment at MyPillow’s call centers, specifically those that employ remote workers, including stay-at-home mothers and other individuals. According to Lindell, the issue began in California and has now extended to three other states.

“They’re going after my employees during the China virus, you had all these at-home moms and stuff. Everybody out there taking calls at our call center under contract labor across the country. Now they’re doing employee audits.”


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70eeae No.95055

File: 938700f61124d22⋯.png (136.83 KB,1334x635,1334:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652057 (021806ZOCT23) Notable: Leftist Twitter celebrating SCOTUS appeal from Eastman denied.

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Leftist Twitter celebrating SCOTUS appeal from Eastman denied.

Thomas recused on the decision. Eastman is a former law clerk of Thomas.


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70eeae No.95056

File: bf42955ada8ab48⋯.png (451.86 KB,1080x1278,60:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 67ef26b5cc6ff4f⋯.png (222.24 KB,470x531,470:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652061 (021807ZOCT23) Notable: moar laphonz butler

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What kind of baggage did she bring with her to rise up so quickly and get into the US Senate... Very odd.


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70eeae No.95057

File: 5f07a3c63e3feae⋯.png (524.14 KB,680x733,680:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652069 (021808ZOCT23) Notable: Trump fraud trial in NYC live updates

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Trump fraud trial in NYC live updates: Ex-president accuses trial judge of ‘interfering with an election,’ says he should be disbarred

Former President Donald Trump is facing a judge inside a lower Manhattan courthouse Monday, for the opening of a $250 million civil trial over charges he overinflated the values of his many properties.

The fraud lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James accuses Trump, sons Eric and Don Jr., and the Trump Organization of a decades-long scheme.

The non-jury trial is scheduled to run until the end of December.

Speaking outside the courtroom while on lunch break, Donald Trump insisted New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron, the judge overseeing his fraud case, was wrong and should be disbarred.

“Let's go to trial because this is a judge that should be disbarred," Trump said.

"This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he's doing,” he said after flipping through a stack of articles challenging the findings that overinflating property values is illegal.

“He's interfering with an election and it's a disgrace," Trump said before thanking reporters.

While turning to leave, Trump was asked why he chose to attend the first day of the trial, which he was not required to do, and responded that he wanted to "watch this witch hunt myself."

"This is a pure witch hunt for purposes of interfering with the elections of the United States of America," Trump added as he went to leave. "This judge should be disbarred, he shouldn't be allowed to be a judge. Thank you."


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70eeae No.95058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652079 (021811ZOCT23) Notable: Trump calls for judge overseeing civil fraud case to be disbarred, says he should change ruling

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Trump calls for judge overseeing civil fraud case to be disbarred, says he should change ruling

Trump is not expected to testify in the case for several more weeks.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: October 2, 2023 1:59pm

Former President Donald Trump fumed against Judge Arthur Engoron on Monday as he left a Manhattan courtroom after appearing for the start of a civil trial on charges brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, after Engoron already ruled that the former president committed fraud while building his business empire.

In a major blow to the former president, Judge Arthur Engoron ruled last week that Trump, his associates and his businesses inflated their net worth for years to secure benefits such as advantageous loans and lower insurance premiums. Trump has specifically taken issue with how Engoron, citing the Palm Beach County Assessor, appraised the value of Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida was between $18 million and $27.6 million.

Speaking to reporters after leaving the courtroom, Trump read the headline of "The New York Sun" article, "Error in New York’s Civil Fraud Case Against Trump Is Flagged by Industry Insiders, Who Say Valuation of Mar-a-Lago Cited by Judge Is Based on a Misunderstanding of Basic Real Estate Practice."

The article cites several south Florida real estate experts who said that the Palm Beach County assessor performs "drive-by appraisals" that are rarely used when pricing properties. Several experts told the Sun that Mar-a-Lago could be worth between $300 million to $600,000 million, which is much closer to Trump's estimates. Trump said he does not know the people quoted in the article, but said, "They saw this egregious trial, this horrible, horrible trial going on, while at the same time, people are being murdered right here outside on the streets and nothing happens to the people doing the murdering." Pointing to the article again, Trump said, "So this was just released by Palm Beach County, that the judge in this case was wrong."

In addition to local real estate experts, the article also cites Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office public information officer Becky Robinson, who said that her unit has a "specific scope of responsibility when it comes to valuation of property for the purposes of taxation," but does not focus on the market value.

James posted on X, formerly Twitter, Monday morning before the trial: "We have proven that Donald Trump lied about his net worth to enrich himself and cheat the system. No matter how rich or powerful you are, in America, there are consequences for breaking the law."

Trump spoke to reporters earlier in the day before heading into the courtroom. "This is the single greatest witch hunt of all time," he said. "We have a racist attorney general who ran on the basis of 'She's going to get Trump' before she even knew about me. ... What we have is an attempt to hurt me in an election."

Addressing reporters before entering the courtroom Monday, Trump railed against the judge's evaluation of his properties. "We have a rogue judge who ruled that properties were worth a tiny fraction, one one-hundredth, a tiny fraction of what they actually are," Trump said. "Just so you know, my financial statements are phenomenal. They are actually less in terms of the numbers used than the actual net worth. The actual net worth is substantially more. No bank was affected. No bank was hurt. They don't even know why they have to be involved."

"What we have here is an attempt to hurt me in an election," Trump also said. "This trial could have been brought years ago, but they waited until I was right in the middle of my campaign."

James said she will now be using the non-jury trial to seek "to ban the Trumps from doing business in New York and pay hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains."

In the latest civil trial, James is seeking $250 million in penalties and a ban on business in the state. Additionally, if Engoron's ruling from last week is upheld on appeal, Trump would be forced to give up some of his iconic New York properties such as Trump Tower, and some of his companies would be controlled by a court-appointed receiver.


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70eeae No.95059

File: bc126fb163c6d46⋯.png (135.27 KB,286x396,13:18,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cb6e0bc9d983e2⋯.png (146.23 KB,514x442,257:221,Clipboard.png)

File: c6ed9016e83e3aa⋯.png (293.26 KB,682x913,62:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652081 (021811ZOCT23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans/Brady

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Sam Bankman-Fried paid Tom Brady $55M for a week of work, author says: ‘Tom adored him’

Tom Brady was paid $55 million for doing about a week’s worth of work total over a three-year period by disgraced cryptocurrency mogul Sam Bankman-Fried, according to a bestselling author.

Michael Lewis, who wrote “Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon,” told CBS’ “60 Minutes” that the former FTX head Bankman-Fried, whose federal trial on fraud and money laundering charges is set to begin in Manhattan on Tuesday, splurged on endorsements from Brady, Stephen Curry, and Larry David.

Bankman-Fried, who has pleaded not guilty, oversaw a $32 billion empire that collapsed after his firm allegedly used customer deposits to cover risky bets by his hedge fund, Alameda Research.

“He paid Tom Brady $55 million for 20 hours a year for three years,” Lewis, who shadowed Bankman-Fried for those fateful months during which his company went bankrupt and he was arrested and indicted, told CBS.

Lewis said that Brady reacted initially with “sadness” after learning of Bankman-Fried’s fall from grace.

“[Brady] really liked him and he really liked the hope that he brought,” Lewis said, adding that the Super Bowl winner was “crushed.”

“As time has gone by and he’s ceased to get a really good explanation about what’s happened, I think [Brady] is just like, ‘He tricked me. I’m angry. I don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore’,” according to Lewis.


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70eeae No.95060

File: 0c2028a9eb63644⋯.png (28.64 KB,715x327,715:327,Clipboard.png)

File: fe8278c9d7811ae⋯.png (250.04 KB,598x420,299:210,Clipboard.png)

File: cccc3d819d4141d⋯.mp4 (14.93 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652083 (021812ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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New X Trend

"Witch Hunt" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Witch%20Hunt%22

*Vid Compressed for upload

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70eeae No.95061

File: 7169c8dc8e8d6f3⋯.png (92.4 KB,675x873,75:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652097 (021815ZOCT23) Notable: Nobel prize goes to mRNA Covid vaccine researchers AWAKE YET?

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Nobel prize goes to mRNA Covid vaccine researchers

Researchers Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman won the Nobel Medicine Prize on Monday for work on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that paved the way for groundbreaking Covid-19 vaccines.

The pair, who had been tipped as favourites, “contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times”, the jury said. 

The World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic in March 2020 and the first mRNA vaccines were approved for use against the illness in December that year.

Billions of Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna doses have been injected around the world since then.

Together with other Covid vaccines, they “have saved millions of lives and prevented severe disease in many more”, the jury said.

Kariko, 68, and Weissman, 64, longstanding colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, have already won a slew of awards for their research.

In recognising the duo this year, the Nobel committee broke with its usual practice of honouring decades-old research, aimed at ensuring it has stood the test of time.

While the prizewinning research dates back to 2005, the first vaccines to use the mRNA technology came out just three years ago.

Unlike traditional vaccines which use weakened virus or a key piece of the virus’ protein, mRNA vaccines provide the genetic molecules that tell cells what proteins to make, which simulates an infection and trains the immune system for when it encounters the real virus.

Sweet comeback

The idea was first demonstrated in 1990 but it wasn’t until the mid-2000s that Weissman, of the US, and Hungarian-born Kariko developed a technique to control a dangerous inflammatory response seen in animals exposed to these molecules, opening the way to develop safe human vaccines.

The honour is particularly sweet for Kariko, the 13th woman to win the Medicine Prize, who toiled in obscurity for years and struggled to convince her superiors of the need for research on messenger ribonucleic acid.

Speaking to Swedish Radio (SR), she said her late mother always had faith in her, listening to the Nobel prize announcements “year after year” hoping to hear her daughter’s name called out.

“Unfortunately, five years ago she passed at the age of 89. She might be listening from above,” Kariko said.

Thomas Perlmann, the secretary general of the Nobel Assembly, called Kariko “an extraordinary and unusual scientist” who “resisted any temptation” to do “something easier”.


Genocide award

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70eeae No.95062

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652111 (021818ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon: Glenn Youngkin’s The “Restoration” Of Bush. There are a lot of demonic people in DC.

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Steve Bannon: Glenn Youngkin’s The “Restoration” Of Bush. There are a lot of demonic people in DC. They are not even trying to impeach Bidan



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70eeae No.95063

File: 310336ddaab9bc2⋯.png (24.27 KB,522x185,522:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652125 (021820ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The highly political, Trump Hating Judge just stated that expert testimony is not evidence.....

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The highly political, Trump Hating Judge just stated that expert testimony is not evidence. Well, that means that every trial in American history has to be thrown out and started all over again!


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70eeae No.95064

File: c6b003b4cd2de10⋯.png (586.37 KB,634x797,634:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 005424511267cec⋯.png (460.41 KB,634x533,634:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652131 (021823ZOCT23) Notable: feds considered sex trafficking charge for Hunter

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Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from 'Eastern European sex trafficking ring' during drug binges and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal

Investigators found payments from Hunter and his companies to a suspected 'Eastern European prostitution ring,' DailyMail.com can reveal

Those associated with the ring included women with Russian passports and a China-based company to which money was funneled

DailyMail.com has previously reported documents, texts and video showing Hunter spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in just five months

Bank investigators suspected Hunter Biden was associated with a 'sex trafficking ring' and falsified checks to pay prostitutes, Treasury documents reveal.

Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) reviewed by DailyMail.com show the First Son's accounts were being monitored as late as December 2019, after investigators found payments from Hunter and his companies to a suspected 'Eastern European prostitution ring'.

A previously unreported document, filed to the Department of the Treasury on December 17, 2019 by financial crime investigators at Wells Fargo, picked out 25 individuals linked to the suspected ring and almost $7million of suspicious transactions, some of which included checks from Hunter that they believed may have been falsified to hide his payments to hookers from his business account.

The report, shown to DailyMail.com by a confidential source, said 'Biden has sent money to individuals who may be part of an Eastern European prostitution ring', and that investigators were monitoring 'several [Wells Fargo] customers suspected of participating in a sex trafficking ring associated with Biden'.

Others associated with the ring included women with Russian passports and a China-based company to which money was funneled.


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70eeae No.95065

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652133 (021823ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon: Any Republican That Voted For The Debt Ceiling Deal Is A Democrat.

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Steve Bannon: Any Republican That Voted For The Debt Ceiling Deal Is A Democrat. McCarthy just gave us the answer, “if he will refuse to cut with democrat to save his speakership?”: “I think this is about the Institution, it’s too important”. He’s not answering the question!



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70eeae No.95066

File: b5d3071fb69a014⋯.png (11.79 KB,529x170,529:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652138 (021825ZOCT23) Notable: Japan is upgrading its fleet in order to defend Taiwan.

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Japan is upgrading its fleet in order to defend Taiwan. Instead of a purely defensive doctrine, Japan's military is gearing up to “counterattack” China.


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70eeae No.95067

File: bfa7f2f47b90ede⋯.png (188.34 KB,612x792,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652143 (021826ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. government abandoned Panama.. the American crown jewel of Latin America....

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Take a good hard look America.

The U.S. government abandoned Panama.. the American crown jewel of Latin America.

The UNITED STATES MILITARY compounds are either totally run down or worse, occupied by globalist psychopaths.

We built the canal and gave it away. The first ship to transit the canal after we gave it to Panamá was from China.

Today China has a massive presence all over Central and South America. Your government let that happen. Panamanians love Americans and they are asking, “Where are the Americans?”

This is the old SouthComm base known as Ft Clayton and today the WEF flies their flag.

Are we going to let the CCP and WEF take it all?



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70eeae No.95068

File: a3b1db4ea8e86d6⋯.png (23.62 KB,698x264,349:132,Clipboard.png)

File: f7176212547e80f⋯.png (241.99 KB,598x561,598:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e3180a5aa578e6⋯.mp4 (832.96 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652154 (021828ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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New X Trend

"Judge Engoron" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Judge%20Engoron%22

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70eeae No.95069

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70eeae No.95070

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652163 (021831ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon: Any Republican That Voted For The Debt Ceiling Deal Is A Democrat.

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Steve Bannon: McCarthy, Graves, And McHenry “BETRAYED YOU”



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70eeae No.95071

File: a0003550d304b42⋯.png (301.61 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652186 (021834ZOCT23) Notable: Israel arrests former Mexican diplomat ahead of extradition to face rape charges

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Israel arrests former Mexican diplomat ahead of extradition to face rape charges

Andres Roemer was hailed in Israel after his dismissal as Mexico’s UNESCO ambassador for refusing to vote in favor of a 2016 resolution against the Jewish state

Police on Monday arrested former Mexican diplomat Andres Roemer in Tel Aviv ahead of his extradition to his home country to face rape charges.

Mexico filed an extraction request last year and the international department in the State’s Attorney’s Office ruled recently that he could be sent back to Mexico.

In 2021, a Financial Times report cited accusations made by 11 women that Roemer had sexually assaulted them at his home after inviting them there for work meetings.

Roemer had been widely lauded in Israel after was fired as Mexico’s UNESCO ambassador for refusing to vote in favor of a 2016 resolution that effectively denied Jewish ties to Jerusalem.

In October 2016 — two months after Roemer arrived at UNESCO — the envoy walked out during a vote on a resolution about the Old City of Jerusalem because he did not want to follow the instructions from his capital to vote in favor. He was later dismissed from his position.

Since then, the Mexican-Jewish diplomat met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and has been recognized by the American Sephardic Federation, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other Jewish groups for challenging the UN resolution.

He even had a street in Ramat Gan named for him. The city has so far refused calls to remove his name over the sexual assault allegations, saying that nothing had been proven.

Roemer, who is also a lawyer, economist and playwright, is the grandson of Viennese orchestra conductor Ernesto Roemer, who fled Europe before World War II. A self-described “atheist Jew,” he grew up in Mexico City, and had previously served as Mexico’s consul-general in San Francisco.


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70eeae No.95072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652191 (021836ZOCT23) Notable: Nobel prize goes to mRNA Covid vaccine researchers AWAKE YET?

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(pb) >>94928, >>94931 Scientists whose work enabled mRNA injections against COVID win Nobel prize for medicine.

Let's play spot the problem.

Late 1940s | Recommended Vaccines





* Given in combination as DTP

Late 1950s | Recommended Vaccines





Polio (IPV)

* Given in combination as DTP

Late 1960s | Recommended Vaccines





Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

Late 1970s | Recommended Vaccines




Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

1985 - 1994 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (OPV)


1994 - 1995 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (OPV)


Hepatitis B

* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

2000 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A

2005 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A



2010 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A




* Given in combination as DTaP

** Given in combination as MMR

2020 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A




* Given in combination as DTaP

** Given in combination as MMR


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70eeae No.95073

File: a9a97abd04817be⋯.png (193.48 KB,530x438,265:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652198 (021837ZOCT23) Notable: North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash

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BREAKING: North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash - AP


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70eeae No.95074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652266 (021850ZOCT23) Notable: MSM Receives Billions To Fabricate “Climate Crisis” For The Ruling Class

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MSM Receives Billions To Fabricate “Climate Crisis” For The Ruling Class

A state energy reporter for Cowboy State Daily has revealed why Big Media is conspiring to panic the masses about “climate change.” Billions of dollars are given to the media every year to fabricate a case for total control over human cattle by panicking them about the state of the planet.

According to a recent article by Kevin Killough, the “monoculture of perspectives” on climate change and energy is due to the regular funding received by major media outlets directly or indirectly from billionaire foundations and global elites who are steering the world away from fossil fuels. They aren’t doing this for the good of the planet or for the health of humanity. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s hard to control and enslave humans mentally who are not living in a constant state of fear.

Killough cited the Washington Post as just one obvious example of a news outlet “colluding” with “climate alarmists” and green tyrants. It announced back in 2020 that it was partnering with the Rockefeller Foundation to advance “a major paradigm shift” in its coverage of food systems, public health, capitalism, and climate change.

Rockefeller Foundation Funds Behavioral Scientists to Brainwash People Into Taking COVID Injections

Rockefeller Foundation’s Food and Energy Crisis Is Here

The Rockefeller Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that aggressively advocates for the elimination of fossil fuels and for them to be replaced with wind and solar energy. As per the non-profit information service Guidestar, the foundation has nearly $4.5 billion in gross receipts and $7.5 billion in assets. It is also one of the most vocal proponents of the fossil fuel divestment and environment, social, and governance (ESG) movements. Furthermore, it also pledged $8 million over three years to the Associated Press to cover “climate issues,” which funded about 20 climate reporter positions at the outlet. There were also reports that the Guardian has received grants from Rockefeller. -Natural News

The elimination of fossil fuels and their use won’t be for the rulers, it’ll only be for the slave class. The ruling class seeks to own everything and wants to force the slaves to literally rent whatever they need from their masters. This version of slavery can only be successful if the slaves are in fear.

The Rockefeller Foundation also funds Covering Climate Now (CCN), a global group co-founded by the Columbia Journalism Review and the tyrannical publication The Nation, in association with the Guardian. “More than 500 news and media outlets partner with the organization, which represents an audience of two billion people in 57 countries. [CCN’s] partners include big media names like ABC News, CBS News, Reuters, the Boston Globe, the Miami Herald, and the San Francisco Chronicle,” Killough reported.

This was supported by an article on the CCN website that said the organization “collaborates with journalists and newsrooms to produce more informed and urgent climate stories, to make climate a part of every beat in the newsroom.”

They invent the crisis, offer us the solution, and expect we’ll accept the chains of enslavement. Up to this point, most have. Are we going to continue? Or will humanity actually be free? It’s up to us.

The Biggest Lie Most People STILL Believe

Far too many are still stuck on the left vs. right paradigm lie that the ruling class themselves gave us. There is no left vs. right. There’s only free vs. slave. Authority is an illusion and once enough see it, humanity stands a chance. Once you know the game, you will no longer play.


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70eeae No.95075

File: c9f9120522d8a3d⋯.png (16.3 KB,453x204,151:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 52fe0137a1a65c1⋯.png (288.13 KB,598x412,299:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652269 (021850ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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NEW X Trend

"The Judge" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20Judge%22

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70eeae No.95076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652270 (021850ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. government abandoned Panama.. the American crown jewel of Latin America....

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totally ''TOLDYASO'

anon posted a report done by pbd podcast on the panama and suez canals being two massive upcoming supply chains in the hands of the globalist.

with them ensuring that all critical resources like fuel, food and energy producing being of shored and sourced this will hold nations to hostage unless they follow the green agenda.

it is a massive issue and totally unavoidable.


Panama Canal Crisis - How it Impacts the World Economy


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70eeae No.95077

File: 4b13ffc8891cbd9⋯.png (86.66 KB,801x471,267:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652277 (021852ZOCT23) Notable: NATO says it has authorised bolstering of forces for Kosovo

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NATO says it has authorised bolstering of forces for Kosovo

Kosovo’s prime minister welcomed the decision, saying Serbia’s attempting to destabilise its former province with the help of ally Russia.

NATO has authorised additional forces for Kosovo, the military alliance said, following the worst violence in northern Kosovo in years.

Kosovo’s prime minister on Friday welcomed a NATO decision to bolster its troops in the volatile Balkan region, saying last weekend’s shootout that left four people dead illustrates Serbia’s attempts to destabilise its former province with the help of ally Russia.

“These people want to turn back time,” Prime Minister Albin Kurti told The Associated Press. “They are in search of a time machine. They want to turn the clock back by 30 years. But that is not going to happen.”

NATO said in a statement that it had “authorised additional forces to address the current situation” but did not immediately specify how many or from which countries.

A later statement from the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence said it had transferred command of a battalion of troops to the alliance.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday and stressed the importance of de-escalating tensions with Kosovo after recent violence and the death of a Kosovo police officer, the Department of State said.

“The secretary underscored that those responsible for the attacks who are now in Serbia must be held accountable,” it said in a statement.

Kosovo police on Friday raided several locations in a Serb-dominated area of the country’s north, where weekend violence left one Kosovo police officer and three Serb fighters dead and further strained relations between Serbia and its former province.

Kosovo police said in a statement that they were conducting searches at five locations in three municipalities. The operation was connected to a Sunday shootout between Serb fighters and police officers in the village of Banjska in northern Kosovo.

The confrontation was one of the worst since Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, with Belgrade refusing to recognise the split. NATO, which leads the KFOR peacekeeping force in Kosovo, announced Friday that it would strengthen its presence.

“We need NATO because the border with Serbia is very long and the Serbian army has been recently strengthening its capacities and they have a lot of military equipment from both the Russian Federation and China,” Kurti said.


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70eeae No.95078

File: 9cbfc6aff54f108⋯.png (16.24 KB,551x196,551:196,Clipboard.png)

File: feffdf4df39c468⋯.png (483.13 KB,598x724,299:362,Clipboard.png)

File: ce4007d01cc9cd6⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652296 (021856ZOCT23) Notable: X Trends

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New X trend

"Get Trump" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Get%20Trump%22

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70eeae No.95079

File: 682fcaac8eb2037⋯.png (309.64 KB,1349x768,1349:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bf7fbd7f488976⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB,6016x4016,376:251,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 18a8954aa6ff864⋯.jpeg (2.24 MB,6016x4016,376:251,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 266e8021fa66c60⋯.jpeg (133.4 KB,1280x854,640:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652341 (021905ZOCT23) Notable: moar Engoron

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> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sydxg6gjwv3wk9g/AADjj8MrR0E4tEBmkLlQE5ZVa?dl=0

Wheatley Alumni Monthly Newsletter

Number 12 bis May 25, 2017

Dear Faithful Readers,


The Wheatley School Class of 1967 held a 50th-Year Reunion over the weekend of May 19-21, 1967.

The festivities kicked off Friday night at a party at classmate Art Engoron’s house in Great Neck.

Photos were taken Friday and Saturday evening. They are accessible to all on Dropbox by clicking on the following link:


The following 29 classmates and their guests attended:

Last Name


First Name


Wheatley Address






10 Red Ground Rd





40 Hemlock Ln






76 Robbins Dr

Chantal Brouillette





211 Brown St

Lois M Buerkle






187 Brown St





122 Ludwig Ln





26 Bengeyfield Dr






40 Percheron Ln

Andrew M Wineman






47 Shepherd Ln





201 Dickson Ci

Cynthia Friedman




42 Pebble Ln




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70eeae No.95080

File: f97f5a6206fcf8b⋯.png (233.79 KB,749x890,749:890,Clipboard.png)

File: eb0b888bbeca6d4⋯.png (239.23 KB,757x886,757:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652348 (021906ZOCT23) Notable: United States Settles Kickback Allegations with BioTek reMEDys Inc., Chaitanya Gadde and Dr. David Tabby

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United States Settles Kickback Allegations with BioTek reMEDys Inc., Chaitanya Gadde and Dr. David Tabby


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652352 (021907ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, lets get Dr. Seuss back in the library

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"Report Censorship" Toolkit




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The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) encourages library workers and educators to amplify the "Report Censorship" message. Article III of the Library Bill of Rights states, “Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.” The information gathered from these reports helps OIF:

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Anons, lets get Dr. Seuss back in the library

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70eeae No.95082

File: c847a391ac25aaf⋯.png (256.66 KB,600x575,24:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652356 (021907ZOCT23) Notable: Giant asteroid, equivalent to 100 capybaras in size...

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The Jerusalem Post



Giant asteroid, equivalent to 100 capybaras in size, set to pass Earth this Tuesday, says NASA. 🌍💫


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70eeae No.95083

File: e2138661ba075a4⋯.png (673.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 810e1f5b67428df⋯.png (858.85 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: b8ef89f4b3e505c⋯.png (854.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652361 (021908ZOCT23) Notable: moar Engoron

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652374 (021910ZOCT23) Notable: German mayor calls concerns over child safety 'unfounded' amid plans to accommodate 80 asylum seekers at a primary school

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German mayor calls concerns over child safety 'unfounded' amid plans to accommodate 80 asylum seekers at a primary school

Mayor of Monheim am Rhein Daniel Zimmerman told parents outraged over the controversial move that the migrants "are people like you and me" and are not dangerous

In response to the protests of locals, the council cited economic factors as a primary reason for the move, insisting that the estimated €150,000 it would cost to convert the containers into housing was substantially lower than the cost of renting private accommodations, where around 80 percent of the migrants recently received by the municipality currently reside.

"We simply can't keep up with renting anymore," a city press spokesperson told parents at the meeting.


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70eeae No.95085

File: 410264af77240bd⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652380 (021913ZOCT23) Notable: North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash

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Almost like a sacifice.


North Dakota state senator, wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash

By Associated Press

Published Oct. 2, 2023, 2:48 p.m. ET


BISMARCK, N.D. — A state senator from North Dakota, his wife and their two young children died when the small plane they were traveling in crashed in Utah, a Senate leader said Monday.

Doug Larsen’s death was confirmed Monday in an email that Republican Senate Majority Leader David Hogue sent to his fellow senators and was obtained by the Associated Press.

The plane crashed Sunday evening shortly after taking off from Canyonlands Airfield about 15 miles north of Moab, according to a Grand County Sheriff’s Department statement posted on Facebook.

The sheriff’s office said all four people on board the plane were killed.

“Senator Doug Larsen, his wife Amy, and their two young children died in a plane crash last evening in Utah,” Hogue wrote in his email. “They were visiting family in Scottsdale and returning home. They stopped to refuel in Utah.”

“I’m not sure where the bereavement starts with such a tragedy, but I think it starts with prayers for the grandparents, surviving stepchild of Senator Larsen, and extended family of Doug and Amy,” Hogue wrote. “Hold your family close today.”

The crash of the single-engine Piper plane was being investigated, the National Transportation Safety Board said in a post on X, the social media website formerly called Twitter.

A phone message left with sheriff’s officials seeking additional information wasn’t immediately returned Monday.

Larsen was a Republican first elected to the North Dakota Senate in 2020. His district comprises Mandan, the city neighboring Bismarck to the west across the Missouri River. Larsen chaired a Senate panel that handled industry and business legislation.

He was also a lieutenant colonel in the North Dakota National Guard. He and his wife, Amy, were business owners.

Moab is a tourism-centered community of about 5,300 people near Arches and Canyonlands national parks.


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70eeae No.95086

File: 096956d428a54d6⋯.png (617.01 KB,608x694,304:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ca2b06b20df34f⋯.png (129.63 KB,1024x890,512:445,Clipboard.png)

File: fa8656b787c07a5⋯.png (40.65 KB,1016x296,127:37,Clipboard.png)

File: c7587e9f6a8afcf⋯.png (19.33 KB,1026x158,513:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652384 (021913ZOCT23) Notable: Ukraine’s Assassination Program Has Gotten So Out of Control that Some of Its Members Are Starting to Speak Out

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Ukraine’s Assassination Program Has Gotten So Out of Control that Some of Its Members Are Starting to Speak Out

The Assassination Program Bears Parallels With the Vietnam Phoenix Program and Israeli Mossad Operations Targeting Palestinians

On September 9th, The Economist ran a remarkable story entitled “Ukraine’s Assassination Programme: Its Agents Have Become Expert in Dark Revenge.”

It spotlighted how the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU)’s Fifth Directorate and Special Operations Forces (SSO) are running an assassination program across regions of Ukraine occupied or reintegrated into Russia and in Russia itself, and that some SBU agents are starting to believe that these programs have gotten out of control.

An unnamed SBU counter-intelligence officer is quoted as saying that it made him uncomfortable that “marginal figures” were being targeted in operations that were designed “to impress the president rather than bring victory any closer…clowns, prostitutes and jokers are a constant around the Russian government. Kill one of them, and another will appear in their place.”

The same officer noted that Ukraine’s assassination campaign was being “driven by impulse rather than logic,” and “risked exposing sources and the extent of Ukrainian infiltration into Russia,” adding that “our security services shouldn’t do things just because they can.”[1]

These comments provide an incredible admission of an out-of-control assassination program, subsidized in effect by U.S. taxpayers, that is engaging in wanton violence and killing.

A historical parallel can be found with the CIA’s Vietnam Phoenix Program, an assassination operation designed to liquidate civilian officials supportive of the National Liberation Front (NLF), which also got out of control and was used to resolve private disputes.

The Economist, predictably, did not mention the CIA, though we know from Vasily Prozorov, a former SBU officer who defected to Russia, that the SBU was advised by the CIA since 2014, and that CIA employees have come to the SBU’s central office to plot secret operations.

A Ukrainian hit list on the Myrotvorets website is also now advertising itself as a CIA project based in Langley, Virginia, the location of the CIA’s headquarters.

The Myrotvorets site was launched just after the February 2014 Maidan coup backed by the U.S.

Former SBU Director Valentyn Nalyvaichenko said that Ukraine’s leaders decided that their policy at that time of imprisoning supposed Russian collaborators was “not achieving enough. Prisons were overflowing, but few were deterred. We reluctantly came to the conclusion that we needed to eliminate terrorists.”[2]

Many of these “terrorists” were actually patriots who supported the legitimately elected government of Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014), who was deposed in an illegal coup backed by far-right nationalists that worshiped pro-Nazi figures like Stepan Bandera.

They also favored close political-economic and cultural relations with Russia, which had been firmly established over generations. Many were involved in peaceful protests against the post-coup order that were violently suppressed or supported legal political parties that were banned.[3]


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70eeae No.95087

File: b1bfc36e3b193cc⋯.png (556.81 KB,1356x786,226:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652395 (021915ZOCT23) Notable: North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash

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"was also a lieutenant colonel in the North Dakota National Guard"

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70eeae No.95088

File: d7d6c4eaa8e8c1e⋯.png (1.1 MB,830x1598,415:799,Clipboard.png)

File: cdfae91f5a34e4c⋯.png (170.56 KB,668x1419,668:1419,Clipboard.png)

File: 04585ae1af54549⋯.png (143.6 KB,903x491,903:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652409 (021917ZOCT23) Notable: moar Engoron

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Sep 4



Dear Wheatley Wildcats and Other Interested Persons,

Welcome to The Wheatley School Alumni Association Newsletter # 77.


A letter from the Editor (Art Engoron, 1967)

Dear Readers, The inclusion of three essays with strong political/social opinions (one recognizably liberal, and two, in response, recognizably conservative) in the last two issues of this Newsletter generated a relative firestorm of criticism. I don’t doubt the sincerity of the writers thereof, and I have agonized over what to do.

I have decided to continue the practice of all prior 76 issues, which is not to censor opinions or avoid controversy, for the following reasons (given in random order). First, graduates' opinions are just as much a part of who they are as where their summer home is located or how many grandchildren they have. Second, skipping the diatribes is easy; you’ll recognize them immediately. Third, we are all sentient adults, we know the nation is fractured, and we are all surrounded by media blaring opinions of all sorts 24/7 (which I understand militates in both directions). Finally, I am a proud, card-carrying member of the American Civil Liberties Union and a First Amendment absolutist; censoring opinions would violate my own strongly held personal belief in favor of Freedom of Expression. The recent horrific stabbing of Salman Rushdie for a novel (The Satanic Verses) he wrote decades ago is the ultimate expression and logical extension of censorship.

I don’t publish these newsletters to upset people or make enemies, and I’m sorry if they do. But as long as I continue, I’m going to be true to myself..

I am not Tipper Gore, who infamously wanted to put warning labels on record albums (remember them?!) that contained profane lyrics, so the big print above is a one-off. But I will indicate, in the Title Line, any item that contains material that reasonably could offend anybody.

Finally, I have a saying that I apply to my professional life, and I have tried to apply to my editing of these newsletters: “factor yourself out of the equation.” These Newsletters are about you, or us, not me, and I scrupulously avoid publishing anything about myself that I wouldn’t about anybody else. To a certain extent I am channeling the words of the leader of a youth hosteling trip I went on when I was 16: “I just want to be the last rider in line and the one who holds the group’s spending money.” He wanted to make sure nobody was in trouble, but he did not want to play in loco parentis. You may have noticed that I, myself, have not joined the recent fray, and I won’t, as that would be unfair. But so would be refusing to publish heartfelt opinions because someone else may disagree or even find them distasteful or be offended. To paraphrase Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis over a century ago, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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70eeae No.95089

File: 9bbe4201eee17a1⋯.png (891.22 KB,734x2148,367:1074,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652430 (021920ZOCT23) Notable: moar Engoron

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muh ping pong


1967 - Richard Friedman (1967) - Ping Pong Chronicles

Writes Richard - My classmate Jack Wolf asked if anyone could remember the nicknames we used in our Ping Pong League. That league lasted for years. If I had our names in one column and our nicknames in another column, I'd be able to match them. I even brought the iconic "score sheet" that was on my basement wall for years to a class reunion (at the Roslyn Country Club in 1992). Here’s what’s popping into my head.

Jack Wolf was “Jasper.”

Art Engoron was “Grono.”

Mark Friedberg was “Fribbles” (which was carried over into daily life as well.)

Danny Quaranto was “Squanto”

Larry Baum, uh, maybe "Pounds," which was what his initials, LB, stood for.

David Krauss? Maybe "Sour Krauss" from "Sauerkraut," (memories do fade and change .)

Ken Markham? If he was in it, maybe "Pojo." Don't ask me why!

I don’t recall anything for Freddy and Larry Hanft.

Myself? I might have been "Reach," which was a camp nickname.

I can't imagine ever having discarded this memorabilia, so maybe someday I'll find it.”

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70eeae No.95090

File: 56dbd2c0bcd7734⋯.png (296.05 KB,1049x914,1049:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ba48e981d1d286⋯.png (268.57 KB,1026x656,513:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652452 (021924ZOCT23) Notable: feds considered sex trafficking charge for Hunter

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Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Confirms Gateway Pundit Reporting: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Alleged Members of an International Sex Trafficking Ring

The disturbing liaisons between Hunter Biden and a multitude of individuals allegedly linked to sex-trafficking rings have been known for quite a while.

Jim Hoft wrote about that 3 years ago almost to the day, in a groundbreaking article based on material from Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell’.

But now, the British Daily Mail is reporting on a new, previously unreported upon document that further demonstrate how shady money from overseas ended up in the hands and bank accounts of people involved in (or victims of) sex trafficking.

Wells Fargo Financial Crime Investigators (FCI) suspected Joe Biden’s son was associated with a ‘sex trafficking ring’ and ‘falsified’ checks to pay prostitutes.

In the never publicly released ‘Suspicious Activity Reports’ (SARs) reviewed by the Daily Mail, we learn Hunter’s accounts were being monitored as late as December 2019.

The SAR was filed to the Department of the Treasury on December 17, 2019, and pointed out to 25 individuals linked to the suspected ring.

It tracked $1,162,732 sent to Hunter’s company Owasco from partner and family friend, Rob Walker.

Daily Mail reported:

“The Wells Fargo investigators said Hunter withdrew $105,492 in cash from Owasco and $263,978 from his personal accounts between February and November 2017 across nine states – and even made some withdrawals in Monaco.”

The cash withdrawals coincide with period of heavy drug use and lots of prostitutes, as per the document.

“The Treasury documents also said Hunter made nine ‘peer-to-peer transfers’ – such as Zelle – totaling $30,900, including to a female friend of Hunter’s in her 30s previously linked to a ‘sex trafficking ring’ in other Treasury reports.”

This female friend’s identity, a woman once arrested for methamphetamine possession, was not released by the paper. But people familiar with the ‘laptop from hell’ know her image very well.


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70eeae No.95091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652498 (021935ZOCT23) Notable: Mimsy says Ukraine money then border security

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Lindsay Graham Suggests If Conservatives Want Border Security They Will Have To Support Funding For Ukraine

The root narrative around the next government funding bill is slowly taking shape and it is uglier than many people suspected - Neo-cons within the GOP are determined to oppose the majority of Americans and will continue funding the war in Ukraine, and they are planning on using the border security issue as leverage.

In a recent interview with CBS Face The Nation, Lindsay Graham suggested that any new government funding bill would require many billions more in Ukraine military aid well beyond the $24 billion already slated, and that if conservatives want funding for border security, they will have to submit to an ongoing proxy war in Ukraine. In other words, the plan is to hold conservatives and America hostage using the immigration crisis.


Let's not forget that Graham has had a longstanding interest in using Ukraine as a powerkeg to start a war with Russia. Listen to his rhetoric in a speech given to Ukrainian soldiers in 2016, and it's easy to understand why Russia would attack to secure the Donbas:


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70eeae No.95092

File: 7bd4d5d64e89e15⋯.png (204.09 KB,527x528,527:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652506 (021936ZOCT23) Notable: Leader in Richmond Democrat Party group ARRESTED after posting bomb threat against Andy Ngo Virginia talk

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BREAKING: Leader in Richmond Democrat Party group ARRESTED after posting bomb threat against Andy Ngo Virginia talk | The Post Millennial | http://thepostmillennial.com


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70eeae No.95093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652560 (021945ZOCT23) Notable: #24130

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#24130 >>95027

>>95028, >>95034, >>95037, >>95060, >>95068, >>95069, >>95075, >>95078 X Trends

>>95029, >>95033 Buckwheat up

>>95030, >>95038, >>95040 Trump right outta court, corrupt corrupt, corrupt


>>95032, >>95036, >>95042, >>95048 16 Q posts with [c] knock

>>95035 Michelle Obama is said to be preparing to announce a 2024 run for the Democratic nomination for the presidency?????

>>95039 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I Take More Votes From President Trump” vid


>>95043 resident delivers remarks to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act ; The Vice President and The Second Gentleman attend

>>95045 Former Patriots, 49ers TE Russ Francis killed in Lake Placid plane crash

>>95046 Trudeau looks miserable in his attempts to present excuses for honoring a Nazi in the national parliament, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the media

>>95047 @TrueGenFlynn "OCTOBER SURPRISE"

>>95049, >>95064, >>95090 feds considered sex trafficking charge for Hunter

>>95050 Comer subpoenas personal, business bank records of President Biden's son and brother

>>95051 EU Pledges Lasting Support At 'Historic' Kiev Meeting As America Steps Back

>>95052, >>95059 Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans/Brady

>>95053 @OfficialFtSill STING, doesn't it? 😜 💥

>>95054 Mike Lindell’s MyPillow Under IRS Audit for Alleged Unlawful Employment Practices

>>95055 Leftist Twitter celebrating SCOTUS appeal from Eastman denied.

>>95056 moar laphonz butler

>>95057 Trump fraud trial in NYC live updates

>>95058 Trump calls for judge overseeing civil fraud case to be disbarred, says he should change ruling

>>95061, >>95072 Nobel prize goes to mRNA Covid vaccine researchers AWAKE YET?

>>95062 Bannon: Glenn Youngkin’s The “Restoration” Of Bush. There are a lot of demonic people in DC.

>>95063 @realDonaldTrump The highly political, Trump Hating Judge just stated that expert testimony is not evidence.....

>>95065, >>95070 Bannon: Any Republican That Voted For The Debt Ceiling Deal Is A Democrat.

>>95066 Japan is upgrading its fleet in order to defend Taiwan.

>>95067, >>95076 The U.S. government abandoned Panama.. the American crown jewel of Latin America....

>>95071 Israel arrests former Mexican diplomat ahead of extradition to face rape charges

>>95073, >>95085, >>95087 North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash

>>95074 MSM Receives Billions To Fabricate “Climate Crisis” For The Ruling Class

>>95077 NATO says it has authorised bolstering of forces for Kosovo

>>95080 United States Settles Kickback Allegations with BioTek reMEDys Inc., Chaitanya Gadde and Dr. David Tabby

>>95079, >>95083, >>95088, >>95089 moar Engoron

>>95081 Anons, lets get Dr. Seuss back in the library

>>95082 Giant asteroid, equivalent to 100 capybaras in size...

>>95084 German mayor calls concerns over child safety 'unfounded' amid plans to accommodate 80 asylum seekers at a primary school

>>95086 Ukraine’s Assassination Program Has Gotten So Out of Control that Some of Its Members Are Starting to Speak Out

>>95091 Mimsy says Ukraine money then border security

>>95092 Leader in Richmond Democrat Party group ARRESTED after posting bomb threat against Andy Ngo Virginia talk


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70eeae No.95094

File: 6e0cac4270086fb⋯.png (770.51 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d965d201798fbe⋯.png (633.12 KB,720x515,144:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e73c48f8a793a7⋯.png (517.56 KB,777x437,777:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e7dbb22543ad3c⋯.jpg (103.99 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e4cc29b588abb05⋯.png (117.64 KB,226x255,226:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652575 (021948ZOCT23) Notable: #24131

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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70eeae No.95095

File: 15eb5bdf4fc24b1⋯.png (306.75 KB,1001x916,1001:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652586 (021950ZOCT23) Notable: Former First NBC Bank Officers and Former Borrower Sentenced for Bank Fraud Conspiracy

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Former First NBC Bank Officers and Former Borrower Sentenced for Bank Fraud Conspiracy


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70eeae No.95096

File: 6fec46bd10bdd36⋯.png (82.27 KB,690x515,138:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652592 (021950ZOCT23) Notable: Current #TrumpTrial Word/Hash Usage

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Current #TrumpTrial Word/Hash Usage

Judge https://twitter.com/search?q=Judge

"Get Trump" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Get%20Trump%22

"The Judge" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20Judge%22

"Judge Engoron" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Judge%20Engoron%22

"Witch Hunt" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Witch%20Hunt%22

"Arthur Engoron" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Arthur%20Engoron%22

"Letitia James" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Letitia%20James%22

"ELECTION INTERFERENCE" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22ELECTION%20INTERFERENCE%22

"AG James" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22AG%20James%22

#Trumptrial https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523Trumptrial

"NY AG" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22NY%20AG%22

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95097

File: 30772f7c2698dfe⋯.png (160.79 KB,1004x558,502:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e63971de951fa7⋯.png (61.32 KB,817x486,817:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652668 (022001ZOCT23) Notable: Engoron digg

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all pb

>>95079, >>95083, >>95088, >>95089 moar Engoron

Sad News ............

Malcolm Engoron, Wheatley '64

Malcolm Engoron, Class of 1964, died on Sunday, 8/5/12, after a long illness. He's missed by brothers Arthur, 1967, Frank, 1970, and Danny and Gerry 1973; niece Stacey, 2007, and nephews Eric, 2010, and Jack, 2016; and nieces and nephews Ian, Victoria, Aaron, and Ashley; and mother Edna.

This notice appeared in The New York Times, 8/7/12:

ENGORON-Malcolm W., Jr. 65 years old, died August 5, 2012, after an illness. Beloved wife of Elan Golomb. Dearest brother of Arthur and Dawn, Frank and Ida, Daniel and Sara, and Gerald and Diane. Loving son of Edna and the late Malcolm W. Engoron, Sr. Graveside services Wednesday (August 8, 20120) 1 pm at Maimonides Cemetery, Elmont, NY.

Posted August 8, 2012

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70eeae No.95098

File: 434367ee485c36a⋯.png (16.13 KB,486x196,243:98,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f445e45ec1e957⋯.png (342.99 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cffbdb232903b3⋯.png (510.23 KB,598x724,299:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 545d0fe67facdf0⋯.png (254.78 KB,598x664,299:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652679 (022002ZOCT23) Notable: Current #TrumpTrial Word/Hash Usage

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NEW X Trend

Manhattan https://twitter.com/search?q=Manhattan

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70eeae No.95099

File: a20086d4bb19b7a⋯.png (743.76 KB,1126x9540,563:4770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652695 (022004ZOCT23) Notable: Engoron digg

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70eeae No.95100

File: 86abd938c117bd4⋯.png (177.49 KB,375x1431,125:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652729 (022009ZOCT23) Notable: KNOK yourselves out: missing C

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>This for all of you who think all misspellings matter…


>"KNOK" yourselves out!

missing C


Crimes againstChildren

[3]Weiner [sic]


Oct 07, 2018 4:44:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 359



[Pg 294]

[Meeting between Comey and Coleman on October 4] ----

>Coleman told us that he could not recall this briefing with Comey.

>Coleman’s notes from October 4 contained the following entry:

(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]

(2) [Unrelated]

(3)Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit

-9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop

-Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails

-HillaryClinton & Foundation

-Crime AgainstChildren+++

>We asked Coleman about these notes and he told us that, given their placement in his notebook, the notes would most likely represent information he was briefed on first thing in the morning by his subordinates in the +++Criminal Investigative Division+++.

>Comey told us that he did not recall the briefing by Coleman reflected in his calendar.

>We asked Comey if this briefing could have been the time in early October that he recalled being told about the connection between Midyear and the Weiner investigation. Comey stated:

"It’s possible, possible this is what is KNOCKing around in the back of my head, but I really, see I know the frailty of memory from having done a lot of this work, at least in my memory it’s much more of an informal than a meeting about it, but it’s possible."

>We showed Coleman’s notes from October 4 to Comey. Comey did not recall being briefed on the information contained in the notes.










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70eeae No.95101

File: 30c24400c8a0424⋯.jpeg (861.16 KB,1482x1640,741:820,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7108d52887f776d⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652741 (022011ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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MYSTERY FIREBALL Oxford ‘explosion’ updates — Footage shows huge ‘fireball’ erupting in Oxfordshire as locals question what is going on

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70eeae No.95102

File: f36c433d43cc5d1⋯.png (193.48 KB,598x637,46:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652754 (022012ZOCT23) Notable: Democrats conspiring to cover up Rep. Bowman’s attempt to obstruct an official proceeding

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Democrats are now conspiring to cover up Rep. Bowman’s attempt to obstruct an official proceeding.


Max Cohen




Bowman's office sent out this guidance to House Dem offices, looking for social media backup on fire alarm situation.

One proposed rebuttal: "Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else"



7:28 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95103

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652758 (022013ZOCT23) Notable: Steve Bannon: Merrick Garland Will Go To Prison For Life “If We Do Our Job”

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Steve Bannon: Merrick Garland Will Go To Prison For Life “If We Do Our Job”. Garland you are the violent one, you and your FBI



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70eeae No.95104

File: 16ee19dd6d141ac⋯.png (154.35 KB,299x586,299:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652761 (022014ZOCT23) Notable: Engoron digg

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While Arthur Engoron was the law secretary of Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Martin Schoenfeld, he compromised the outcome of a case by secretly dating the secretary of the plaintiff’s lawyer who had a case pending before the judge.

His unethical conduct compelled his boss, Justice Schoenfeld, to recuse himself from the case on July 1, 2002 after he became aware of Engoron’s affair with the law secretary of a plaintiff’s counsel while the trial was taking place.

Judge Engoron has a history of engaging in unethical behavior, and his actions of illegally communicating with parties involved in a case without public disclosure has damaged the credibility of the New York Supreme Court.

In 2002, counsel for the opposing party in the case recommended the NY Supreme Court conduct a criminal investigation into Arthur Engoron’s behavior.

Arthur Engoron can’t be trusted to oversee a trial ethically. His previous behavior proves this.


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70eeae No.95105

File: 5e9d54b00f17052⋯.png (295.34 KB,585x477,65:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652765 (022015ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Massive explosion near UK's Oxford sees fireball lights up night sky

8:33 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95106

File: 74c4aa384dd18c1⋯.png (355.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652768 (022015ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

By Lolita C. Baldor and Tara Copp | AP

October 2, 2023 at 12:16 p.m. EDT



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70eeae No.95107

File: 6cbc17f13d4d6e3⋯.png (31.22 KB,551x461,551:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652772 (022016ZOCT23) Notable: KNOK yourselves out: missing C

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70eeae No.95108

File: 5e0ccfd485a606d⋯.png (41.96 KB,790x571,790:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652774 (022016ZOCT23) Notable: High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

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High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

Tablet Magazine, by Lee Smith

Posted By: Garnet, 10/2/2023 3:21:57 PM

The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails. The emails, which were reported on by veteran Wall Street Journal correspondent Jay Solomon, writing in Semafor, and by Iran International, the London-based émigré opposition outlet which is the most widely read independent news source inside Iran, were published last week

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70eeae No.95109

File: d1063a91f6efaad⋯.png (24.18 KB,594x301,594:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652781 (022017ZOCT23) Notable: This communist journo mocked conservatives on SM who warned about violence, today, he’s dead

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


This communist journo mocked conservatives on social media who warned about violence —yesterday.

Today, he’s dead. Shot 7 times by an intruder in his home.


Josh Kruger



Sep 30

The Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at this prediction from 2020. Wow. Eerie. twitter.com/scottadamssays…

6:37 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95110

File: c88076baa76ec55⋯.png (531.54 KB,672x659,672:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652794 (022019ZOCT23) Notable: Special Edition Beer with Trump’s Mugshot Sees ‘Record-Breaking’ Sales

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Special Edition Beer with Trump’s Mugshot

Sees ‘Record-Breaking’ Sales

Breitbart Politics, by Paul Bois

Posted By: Imright, 10/2/2023 12:58:20 PM

A special edition beer can with former President Donald Trump’s famous mugshot reportedly had “record-breaking” sales within hours of its release. Businessman Seth Weathers, CEO of the Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer, told Fox Business that that the beer featuring Trump’s mugshot pulled in half a million dollars in just 12 hours. Since mugshots are public domain and former President Donald Trump is the first president in history to have his mugshot taken, businesses and merch retailers (including Breitbart News) launched product lines featuring the former president’s defiant stare in the face of a criminal indictment.

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70eeae No.95111

File: 4bc14c5a16fc750⋯.png (86.17 KB,1045x483,1045:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652811 (022020ZOCT23) Notable: Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes

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MI Sheriff Warns Residents in Wealthy,

Majority Democrat-Voting County: “Organized

Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into

Exclusive Homes… Here’s What He Says

They’re Stealing…

Gateway Pundit, by Patty McMurray

Posted By: Imright, 10/2/2023 12:53:12 PM

For decades, a majority of Oakland County, MI. residents have been voting for Democrats. Up and down the streets of affluent neighborhoods, signs reading, “No person is illegal” and “In this house, we believe…”NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL,” can be found in front of several million-dollar homes. Nothing says “I’m a better person than my neighbor” than a virtue-signaling sign that celebrates illegal aliens in America—until, of course, the local sheriff warns that YOU are about to become their next victim—and no amount of virtue-signaling will stop them.

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70eeae No.95112

File: d3e6702b7dadb09⋯.png (331.59 KB,1605x835,321:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652816 (022021ZOCT23) Notable: Current #TrumpTrial Word/Hash Usage

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Trump Trends

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70eeae No.95113

File: b553b245e27ee32⋯.png (307.07 KB,611x547,611:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652818 (022021ZOCT23) Notable: DOOCY: "Would President Biden ever get out of a meeting by pulling a fire alarm?"

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DOOCY: "Would President Biden ever get out of a meeting by pulling a fire alarm?"

KJP: "I have not spoken to the president about this and so not gonna comment."


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70eeae No.95114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652878 (022032ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS T LIVE

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70eeae No.95115

File: eb885926a74d901⋯.png (495.96 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652896 (022035ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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Oxford 'explosion' after lightning strike seen from A34

This took place at the Cassington AD Facility near Yarnton.

The statement said: "We can confirm that at around 7.20pm this evening, a digester tank at its Cassington AD facility near Yarnton, Oxfordshire, was struck by lightning resulting in the biogas within that tank igniting.

"We are working with the emergency services to secure the site and will provide further comments in due course."

It comes as rain has been falling throughout the evening accompanied by lightning strikes.

The Cassington AD (Waste AD) plant is a Biomass power plant located in the United Kingdom. Cassington AD (Waste AD) has a peak capacity of 2.1 MW which is generated by Biomass. The current owner and operator of the Cassington AD (Waste AD) facility is Agrivert


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70eeae No.95116

File: 6d20ceb53b62760⋯.png (254.33 KB,570x538,285:269,Clipboard.png)

File: f6df20392ea697c⋯.png (372.23 KB,575x509,575:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652904 (022036ZOCT23) Notable: German Leftists Freak Out, Call 4 Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German NGO Ships Dumping Illegals

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German Leftists Freak Out and Call for Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German NGO Ships Are Dumping Illegal Aliens into Italy and Germany’s Conservative AfD Party Wants It to Stop

The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.

The international left has been doing this for years. They are actually paying for the invasion and funding NGO ships to make it possible.

The warped do-gooders from Germany believe they are “rescuing” poor Africans and giving them a better life – in Italy! There should be an immediate transfer of these thousands of illegal aliens directly to Germany after they make land in Italy.

The radical leftists in Germany are also furious with Elon Musk because he apparently supports the populist AfD party that is anti-illegal immigration in his tweet.

Germany’s Jungefreiheit covered the fireworks.

Musk follows up and talks about “invasion”

In addition: According to Italian police documents, which Focus is currently reporting on, there were already close contacts between German NGOs and smugglers between 2017 and 2020. In some organizations this is said to have gone so far that the smugglers were greeted in a friendly manner.

Musk therefore did not leave the Baerbock Ministry’s claim unanswered. He replied to the office: “ So you are really proud of it. Interesting. To be honest, I doubt that the majority of the German public supports this. Have you conducted a survey? Surely it is a violation of Italy’s sovereignty for Germany to transport large quantities of illegal immigrants onto Italian soil? Has invasion vibes.”

There is outrage in Italy

Musk publicly wrote to another user who posted a graphic showing the difference between smuggling and sea rescue: “Sounds more like human trafficking than saving lives. “


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70eeae No.95117

File: 50e8190771835f9⋯.png (172.41 KB,389x471,389:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652910 (022037ZOCT23) Notable: What was the secret side deal that @SpeakerMcCarthy made with Joe Biden on Ukraine?

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What was the secret side deal that @SpeakerMcCarthy made with Joe Biden on Ukraine?

Members of the Republican Party might vote differently on a motion to vacate if they heard the answer to that question.

Stay tuned.

🔗 Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) (https://twitter.com/i/status/1708888689034596407)

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70eeae No.95118

File: 7108d52887f776d⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652971 (022046ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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NOW - Explosion near Oxford, United Kingdom.

2:42 PM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95119

File: 34815c5c7de5eea⋯.png (309.22 KB,1155x629,1155:629,Clipboard.png)

File: eb1be8415cde5f7⋯.mp4 (15.02 MB,516x288,43:24,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652980 (022048ZOCT23) Notable: Trump after court today, he would have been campaigning if not for being in court

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Trump after court today.

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70eeae No.95120

File: 3a05b1fee35f5e3⋯.png (648.55 KB,721x897,721:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652982 (022048ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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70eeae No.95121

File: 02f83a73c1da8b9⋯.png (347.38 KB,846x601,846:601,Clipboard.png)

File: c1373f779dd0847⋯.png (391.28 KB,870x583,870:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 71d7bc169627cd9⋯.png (245.88 KB,838x592,419:296,Clipboard.png)

File: 05b05d6381e8b42⋯.png (192.58 KB,825x587,825:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d8cf6ff22b5d1c⋯.png (248.38 KB,745x587,745:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19652999 (022052ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag Reports: E-3 Sentry and 3 P-8's Southeast US over Carolina's Georgia and Florida

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E-3 Sentry and 3 P-8's Southeast US over Carolina's Georgia and Florida

1 P-8 up over New York Northern US

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70eeae No.95122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653009 (022055ZOCT23) Notable: Trump after court today, he would have been campaigning if not for being in court

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Trump making clear the point that he would have been campaigning if not for being in court and lays out this is election interference in the 2024 election.

Setting up future legal arguments.

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70eeae No.95123

File: 06aa7899d0a2f52⋯.png (37.29 KB,992x399,992:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653019 (022056ZOCT23) Notable: Kari Lake Announcement Rally: Tue, October 10, 2023 06:30 pm

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70eeae No.95124

File: 8d4cf99799abbe6⋯.png (566.32 KB,1095x885,73:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653020 (022057ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder: The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy (5/16/23)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy

What the report reveals above all is that the deep state is real, it’s corrupt, and it’s at war with the American people.

Imagine someone told you that in the run-up to a U.S. presidential election, the FBI tried to undermine a candidate at the behest of the opposing campaign by cooking up a false narrative of collusion with Moscow.

And let’s say this conspiracy implicated not just the FBI but also the White House, Justice Department, and CIA — and that nearly the entire corporate press went along with it, gleefully spreading the false narrative that this candidate was a Russian agent, running story after story of fabricated nonsense in a coordinated effort to ensure the opposing candidate won.

In normal times, you’d scoff at such an outlandish story, dismiss it as the plot of some half-baked Tom Clancy novel. That could never happen in America, you’d say, where we have free and fair elections, the rule of law, and so on. And anyway, the media would never allow it to happen. They’d be too invested in exposing the conspiracy and claiming, rightly, a Watergate-type story of their very own.

But you’d be wrong. All of that really happened in 2016, recounted in all its jaw-dropping detail in Special Counsel John Durham’s 306-page report, released Monday after nearly four years in the making. The big takeaway from the report is that the Obama-era FBI launched a full investigation of the Trump campaign, codenamed Crossfire Hurricane, in the summer of 2016 despite having zero evidence of any collusion between Trump and Russia.

Not only that, but officials at the highest levels of the U.S. government, including President Obama, knew that the entire false narrative that Trump was colluding with Moscow was completely made up by the Clinton campaign in an effort to weaponize the federal government against Trump and distract from Hillary Clinton’s own email server scandal.

The Durham report recounts how in August 2016, CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and other senior administration officials on what the report calls the “Clinton Plan intelligence,” a scheme Clinton approved in July 2016 “to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.”

In other words, all of these senior officials, some of the most powerful people in the federal government, knew as early as the summer of 2016 that the Clinton campaign had a plan to whip up a scandal by falsely alleging collusion between Trump and Moscow. But all of them ignored this important fact when the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane around the same time on the basis of far-fetched claims that Trump was a Russian agent — claims that were made in the Steele dossier, a slapdash piece of oppo-research the Clinton campaign itself had paid for.

The FBI knew all of this, as did Brennan, yet they ignored it to keep Crossfire Hurricane alive, along with the narrative that Trump was in bed with Russia. That fall, the FBI used the baseless dossier to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. All of this was eventually leaked to a compliant and incurious new media, and voila! Clinton’s Trump-Russia scandal was born — without a shred of evidence, and indeed despite significant evidence to the contrary.

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70eeae No.95125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653023 (022057ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder: The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy (5/16/23)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My colleagues at The Federalist have detailed the shocking contents of the Durham report (here, here, here, and here), but taking a step back from the dizzying array of details, every American needs to understand that what made all of this possible was the stupefying level of corruption and partisan malevolence deep inside our federal government.

The Russia-collusion hoax was concocted and brought to life only because the most powerful people in the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement community wanted an excuse to weaponize the federal government against Donald Trump. They didn’t want him to be president, simple as that. It didn’t matter to them what voters wanted; they thought they knew better. So they felt any abuse of power was justified in preventing Trump from winning the White House.

That they failed is cold comfort because we know that failure didn’t deter these people. When the next election cycle came around, the same people, including Brennan, were back at it, using their power and influence to shape public perceptions of the campaign and push outright falsehoods on the American people. It was Brennan, after all, who worked with CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell to produce a letter signed by dozens of former intelligence officials in October 2020 denouncing the Hunter Biden laptop story as having, in Brennan’s words, “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” — another outlandish claim for which there was zero evidence.

We know, too, that corporate media are undeterred by these embarrassing episodes. Some of the outlets that did the most to push the Russia-collusion hoax were rewarded for their efforts with Pulitzer prizes and other accolades. None of them have recanted their fake stories, and nearly all of them reacted Monday to the Durham report by dismissing it as a “big fat nothing” or, in the words of CNN’s Nicolle Wallace, a “rabbit hole conspiracy” — without a hint of self-awareness that her own network was a chief purveyor of the very real Trump-Russia conspiracy.

Beyond the shamelessness of the media and the corruption of government officials, the Durham report is a sobering reminder that we can’t sustain a self-governing republic under these conditions. When the law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the federal government can be used as a weapon to undermine an outsider candidate for high office, it means our republic is in grave danger.

It means, too, that it would be better if we had no FBI at all than the corrupt agency we have now, which sees fit to traffic in actual disinformation, spread conspiracy theories, and throttle the democratic process whenever a candidate comes along who threatens the status quo. That’s the real lesson of the Durham report, and we ignore it at our peril.


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70eeae No.95126

File: c94a529e415323f⋯.png (28.94 KB,804x306,134:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653028 (022058ZOCT23) Notable: Pirates wreak havoc on San Francisco Bay with vessels ‘stolen and ransacked’: ex-harbormaster

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Pirates wreak havoc on San Francisco Bay with vessels ‘stolen and ransacked’: ex-harbormaster

By Jesse O’Neill

Published Oct. 2, 2023, 11:54 a.m. ET

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70eeae No.95127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653031 (022058ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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>Lightning strikes biogas tank sending huge fireball into sky

That's bullshit

A complete protection concept for a biogas plant includes:

external lightning protection for the fermenter

protection of the gas preparation systems

surge protection for power supply systems

surge protection for data technology

The isolated lightning protection system with the high-voltage-resistant HVI Conductor is particularly suited for external lightning protection.

It is the optimum way of maintaining separation distances and preventing dangerous sparking and flashover to conductive parts of the plant.

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70eeae No.95128

File: cae6cbfe570e23f⋯.png (939.15 KB,1038x709,1038:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653039 (022059ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump Furious at Judicial Conduct, Activist Judge Arthur Engoron in NY City Civil Trial

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VIDEO – President Trump Is Furious at

Judicial Conduct and Activist Judge Arthur

Engoron in New York City Civil Trial

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: Beardo, 10/2/2023 4:34:06 PM

There are no elements to this farce of a judicial proceeding which will survive appellate court review. The entire motive and process is easily identified by any intellectually honest person as a complete sham and legal clown show, intended to advance extreme ideological Lawfare. President Trump delivered remarks and held an impromptu press conference during the recess of the court. President Trump is furious at the ridiculous nature of the proceedings and the judicial activism that is on display.

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70eeae No.95129

File: 02de79b5319e504⋯.png (349.79 KB,854x757,854:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653047 (022101ZOCT23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: We need more of this. People who fight the corruption

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Discovery is powerful, pay attention

Richard Grenell



Oct 2

We need more of this. People who fight the corruption.

Good for you, Trevor.


Trevor Bauer (トレバー・バウアー)




2 years later and I can finally talk about this ⬇️



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70eeae No.95130

File: 3af111647e06399⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x984,80:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653054 (022103ZOCT23) Notable: Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

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>That's big

Big biogas generator tanks.


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70eeae No.95131

File: e440898b8b0eb21⋯.png (276.82 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cb77856b3df730⋯.png (261.78 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653059 (022103ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Free Speech Legal Group Supports Babylon Bee In Court

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The bee has friends


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70eeae No.95132

File: e63df6fb90fbda8⋯.png (209.87 KB,388x493,388:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653063 (022104ZOCT23) Notable: Is in-store shopping dead? 3,200 retail stores across the US are set to shut by the end of the year

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Is in-store shopping dead? 3,200 retail stores across the US are set to shut by the end of the year - with low inventory and crime being blamed for scaring off customers


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70eeae No.95133

File: 8a717fd4777508e⋯.png (504.47 KB,959x606,959:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653075 (022106ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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MIL is busy in the air today

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70eeae No.95134

File: b408f2b9ac48c73⋯.png (469.03 KB,829x733,829:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653076 (022106ZOCT23) Notable: DJT says Judge has conceded statute of limitations in effect on transactions closed prior to 2014

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Benny Johnson


🚨 BREAKING:Donald Trump says that the Judge has conceded that the statute of limitations are in effect on transactions that have closed prior to 2014, which he says makes up 80%, are now out of the case.


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70eeae No.95135

File: c53a5b5f6b894e9⋯.png (331.1 KB,958x584,479:292,Clipboard.png)

File: ed81e9489272947⋯.png (346.6 KB,957x594,29:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653102 (022110ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Left Coast (Pacific) is covered as well


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70eeae No.95136

File: 4b03893f3036fe0⋯.png (657.99 KB,511x819,73:117,Clipboard.png)

File: a4260ee890bc136⋯.png (28.63 KB,658x241,658:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653122 (022113ZOCT23) Notable: Controversial Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in prison

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Controversial Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in prison, it has emerged.

Assange, 52, has been confined in Belmarsh prison in London since April 2019 after being found guilty of breaching the Bail Act.

He is currently facing extradition to the United States to face charges of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.

Mr Waters, 80, visited Assange in jail on Saturday. He was accompanied by the convict's wife Stella Assange, 39, and former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who is best known for his role in the Greek debt crisis in 2015.

This was the first time that the Pink Floyd co-founder, who has faced criticism for his controversially pro-Russian and allegedly anti-Semitic views, had visited Assange in prison.


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70eeae No.95137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653126 (022114ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS T Presser: Every time 1 of lawyers asked ?, made motion, "clerk" was speaking into judge's ear

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Timestamp 6:10

Q+ mentioned a REALLY JUICY tidbit during this presser.

He said that every time one of Trump's lawyers asked a question or made a motion,a "clerk" was speaking into the judge's ear

Well well well! Now the world knows this judge is crooked, he's just 'following orders' from one of the cult's 'handlers'.

They do the same shit in the House!

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70eeae No.95138

File: d0063aa276dc299⋯.png (343.5 KB,915x607,915:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653129 (022114ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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70eeae No.95139

File: b520328b250546f⋯.png (125.03 KB,835x632,835:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653131 (022114ZOCT23) Notable: DJT facing civil trial in NY for "fraud." So, which victims is suing him? That's a trick ?: There aren't any

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Charlie Kirk


Donald Trump is facing a civil trial in New York for "fraud." So, which of his victims is suing him? That's a trick question: There aren't any.

None of New York's banks or insurance companies, Trump's supposed "victims," are suing him. Trump's loans are repaid and his accounts are current. Because one judge says Trump "overvalued" his properties, that same judge is empowered to fine him hundreds of millions of dollars, break up the Trump Organization, and seize control of his properties, including Trump Tower, all to remedy a phantom crime with no victims.

When this happens in China or Russia, we call it what it is: Lawfare against an enemy of the regime.

Normal people do not yet realize how patently insane this is.

12:33 PM · Oct 2, 2023





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70eeae No.95140

File: efea7f1a9d0e488⋯.png (552.69 KB,939x763,939:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653145 (022116ZOCT23) Notable: Judge’s Ruling Mar-a-Lago Value “Based on Misunderstanding Basic Real Estate Practice”

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Trump Presents Palm Beach County Reporting to Press That Shows Judge’s Ruling on Mar-a-Lago Value is “Based on a Misunderstanding of Basic Real Estate Practice”

President Trump on Monday briefly spoke to the press outside of a New York City courthouse before heading back in on the opening day of the non-jury trial in a civil fraud case brought by Stalinist Letitia James.

New York judge Arthur Engoron last Tuesday refused to dismiss NY Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit against President Trump.

Judge Arthur Engoron ruled last Tuesday that Trump and Trump Org. are liable for fraud.

The judge also ruled that Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million – of course, no one in the real estate business is buying this.

Trump said Mar-a-Lago is worth over $1 billion.

President Trump blasted the radical judge as he held up a new report from Palm Beach County.

“Why are we trying a case that the appellate division of New York state has just ruled recently that we won 80% of our case and this judge refuses to acknowledge the ruling, which is plain for all to see,” Trump said.

Trump continued, “This rogue judge, a Trump hater… refuses to acknowledge the fact that we won 80% of this case, including the statute of limitations.”

“It just came out a few minutes ago from Palm Beach County…the judge valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million and it’s worth a billion dollars, maybe $1.5 billion.”

Trump held up new reporting from Palm Beach County and said, “Industry insiders that say that say valuation of Mar-a-Lago cited by judge is based on a misunderstanding of basic real estate practice.”

Trump said the judge didn’t ‘misunderstand’ anything – “this is a rigged court.”


BREAKING: Donald Trump presents reporting to press that shows the Judge’s ruling about the value of Mar-a-Lago is “based on a misunderstanding of basic real estate practice” and another report stating the appraisal is “detached from the true value of the property” pic.twitter.com/Ga4Hv4o8Zk

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 2, 2023

Last month New York Attorney General Letitia James alleged Trump overstated his net worth by billions of dollars to obtain loans, get insurance benefits and manipulate taxes.

Letitia James in the court filing said that Trump overstated his net worth between 2011 and 2021.

Not only did a previous report find that Trump actually undervalued his assets, there is no victim in this case.

No insurance company is suing Trump.

No bank or lending institution is suing Trump

Trump’s loans and payments are all current. Lending institutions made money on Trump. Not one insurer lost money.

Letitia James vowed to search for any crime so she can prosecute Trump.

And a rogue Trump-hating judge unilaterally stripped Trump’s business licenses and ordered the dissolution of Trump Org. basted on James’s Stalinist witch hunt.

REMINDER: New York Attorney General Letitia James ran for the position promising to prosecute President Trump.

She spent over 5 years searching for a crime.

When she couldn't find one, she turned to filing a civil lawsuit and making up crap about how Mar-a-Lago is apparently… pic.twitter.com/KHrIRPj06y

— Christian Collins (@CollinsforTX) October 2, 2023


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70eeae No.95141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653148 (022118ZOCT23) Notable: North Dakota state senator, family killed in plane crash

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North Dakota state senator, family killed in plane crash

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A state senator from North Dakota, his wife and their two young children died when the small plane they were riding crashed in Utah, a Senate leader said Monday.

Doug Larsen’s death was confirmed Monday in an email that Republican Senate Majority Leader David Hogue sent to his fellow senators and was obtained by The Associated Press.


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70eeae No.95142

File: 1c0f46bf84817e2⋯.png (244.83 KB,597x871,597:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653170 (022122ZOCT23) Notable: Gov. Pritzker : "The fed gov's lack of intervention, coordination at border created untenable sitch for IL"

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Insider Paper


JUST IN 🚨 After New York, Illinois is now under pressure due to migrant crisis. "The federal government's lack of intervention and coordination at the border has created an untenable situation for Illinois," Gov. J. B. Pritzker wrote in a letter to Biden.


10:05 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653180 (022123ZOCT23) Notable: Dig on Federal Tort Claims Act requested. DS FUNDING BEHIND HS PROGRAM PUSHING ANTI-DEPRESSANTS

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This is a big deal. I found out how "they" are trying to implement health care in schools behind the parents' backs.



It isn't just some pills. "They" expect that parents won't pay attention signing forms at the beginning of the school year and that the children can be treated and given medicines without further consultation with parents.

In Missouri there is a school based clinic in Hannibal and also there is soon to be another in Columbia.

Quotes: "In today’s deep state agenda-driven reality,parents must pay close attention to the forms they sign at the start of each school year, especially public schools linked to federal funding. Make no mistake, as the Biden administration relentlessly pushes the damaging COVID-19 boosters, it is also vigorously conspiring to ensure parents are unaware of what is happening to their children at school—a place once considered a safe refuge."

'One such example of the nightmare ensuing in public school occurred last week when Maine father Eric Sack discovered his 17-year-old daughter was sent home from Lawrence High School with an unlabeled bag of Pfizer’s black box warning anti-depressant drug Zoloft."

"Bulldog Health Center—deemed a Public Health Service employee for “purposes of certain liability protection, including Federal Tort Claims Act coverage”—receives federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center grant funding and is immune from acts or omissions in the performance of medical, surgical, dental, or related functions resulting in personal injury, including death."

Dig on Federal Tort Claims Act requested

My own research suggests this is similar to how vaccine makers got "exempted" from civil liability for vaccine harms.

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70eeae No.95144

File: 95b3deca7b8d9d2⋯.png (185.02 KB,725x490,145:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653238 (022132ZOCT23) Notable: US Rep. Matt Gaetz's father Don seeks return to Florida Senate chamber he once led as its president

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US Rep. Matt Gaetz's father Don seeks return to Florida Senate chamber he once led as its president

PENSACOLA, Fla. — Don Gaetz, the father of Republican U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, said Monday he intends to run again for the Florida Senate, a chamber he led as president from 2012 to 2014.

Don Gaetz, 75, said he would seek the Florida Panhandle seat being vacated by state Sen. Doug Broxson, also a Republican. The elder Gaetz previously served in the state Senate from 2006 to 2016, including his years as president.

Another Republican candidate for the District 1 seat, former state Rep. Frank White, told the Pensacola News Journal he will drop out with Don Gaetz deciding to run.

Matt Gaetz, lately the chief antagonist against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over spending legislation, has represented a Panhandle district in the U.S. House since 2017. Matt Gaetz said he intends to file a motion this week to vacate the speakership over this dispute, possibly triggering a vote on whether McCarthy keeps his position.

The younger Gaetz also served in the state House from 2010-2016 and has been mentioned as a potential candidate for Florida governor in 2026. That’s when Gov. Ron DeSantis — a Republican presidential hopeful — must step down because of term limits.

Don Gaetz said his decision to seek a return to Tallahassee has no bearing on what his son might do.

“Matt’s not pursuing any run for governor. He’s pushing forward tackling budget and spending problems in Washington and fighting for term limits,” the elder Gaetz said.

Don Gaetz said he has no higher political aspirations than a return to the Senate to tackle economic issues facing the state.

“It’s apparent that while we are a low tax state, we are also a high electricity cost, high insurance if you can find it state and a high housing cost state,” he said. “High costs, these kitchen table issues, make it hard for people to live here. The state of Florida has to become an affordable state to live in.”



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70eeae No.95145

File: 3e6e4fd783fa821⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653242 (022133ZOCT23) Notable: DOOCY: "Would President Biden ever get out of a meeting by pulling a fire alarm?"

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Buckwheat giggles during this Doocy Kayfabe


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70eeae No.95146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653248 (022134ZOCT23) Notable: Democrats conspiring to cover up Rep. Bowman’s attempt to obstruct an official proceeding

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the "messaging guidance"


i presume by "nazis" he means rinos who support ukraine? or am i wrong agin?

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70eeae No.95147

File: 2a3c503c2ca661b⋯.png (247.28 KB,574x565,574:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653284 (022139ZOCT23) Notable: Judge’s Ruling Mar-a-Lago Value “Based on Misunderstanding Basic Real Estate Practice”

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


I love that Trump is breaking his own news on his own case


Benny Johnson




🚨 BREAKING: Donald Trump says that the Judge has conceded that the statute of limitations are in effect on transactions that have closed prior to 2014, which he says makes up 80%, are now out of the case.

10:30 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653295 (022143ZOCT23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts Jamaal Bowman With Video Revealing Fire Alarm Door

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BREAKING NEWS: Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts Jamaal Bowman With Video Revealing Fire Alarm Door


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95149

File: 1489c293e5cc000⋯.png (577.88 KB,595x870,119:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653300 (022143ZOCT23) Notable: First grade teacher at @DeWitt_Panthers encourages teachers to read “banned books.”

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Libs of TikTok


First grade teacher at @DeWitt_Panthers

encourages teachers to read “banned books.” Some of the books she promotes include teaching kids that they can be born in the wrong body, that they can be trans, pronoun books, and books that encourage discussions on gender identity.

This is what they’re teaching your young kids in schools. If you oppose teaching 6-year-olds that they can be trans, they will call you a far right Nazi extremist book banner.

7:38 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95150

File: cfde8066889d255⋯.mp4 (9.93 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653308 (022145ZOCT23) Notable: Judge’s Ruling Mar-a-Lago Value “Based on Misunderstanding Basic Real Estate Practice”

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95151

File: 0b85e8cc15bb3fa⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653328 (022147ZOCT23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: We need more of this. People who fight the corruption

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653349 (022151ZOCT23) Notable: #24131

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#24131 >>95094

>>95095 Former First NBC Bank Officers and Former Borrower Sentenced for Bank Fraud Conspiracy

>>95096, >>95098, >>95112 Current #TrumpTrial Word/Hash Usage

>>95097, >>95099, >>95104 Engoron digg

>>95102, >>95146 Democrats conspiring to cover up Rep. Bowman’s attempt to obstruct an official proceeding

>>95103 Steve Bannon: Merrick Garland Will Go To Prison For Life “If We Do Our Job”

>>95105, >>95101, >>95115, >>95118, >>95120, >>95127, >>95130 Explosion lights up sky, UK's Oxford >>95106 The Pentagon warns Congress it is running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine

>>95100, >>95107 KNOK yourselves out: missing C

>>95108 High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

>>95109 This communist journo mocked conservatives on SM who warned about violence, today, he’s dead

>>95110 Special Edition Beer with Trump’s Mugshot Sees ‘Record-Breaking’ Sales

>>95111 Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes

>>95113, >>95145 DOOCY: "Would President Biden ever get out of a meeting by pulling a fire alarm?"

>>95114 POTUS T LIVE

>>95116 German Leftists Freak Out, Call 4 Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German NGO Ships Dumping Illegals

>>95117 What was the secret side deal that @SpeakerMcCarthy made with Joe Biden on Ukraine?

>>95121 Planefag Reports: E-3 Sentry and 3 P-8's Southeast US over Carolina's Georgia and Florida

>>95119, >>95122 Trump after court today, he would have been campaigning if not for being in court

>>95123 Kari Lake Announcement Rally: Tue, October 10, 2023 06:30 pm

>>95124, >>95125 Reminder: The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy (5/16/23)

>>95126 Pirates wreak havoc on San Francisco Bay with vessels ‘stolen and ransacked’: ex-harbormaster

>>95128 President Trump Furious at Judicial Conduct, Activist Judge Arthur Engoron in NY City Civil Trial

>>95129, >>95151 @RichardGrenell: We need more of this. People who fight the corruption

>>95131 Pro-Free Speech Legal Group Supports Babylon Bee In Court

>>95132 Is in-store shopping dead? 3,200 retail stores across the US are set to shut by the end of the year

>>95133, >>95135, >>95138 Planefag Reports

>>95134 DJT says Judge has conceded statute of limitations in effect on transactions closed prior to 2014

>>95136 Controversial Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in prison

>>95137 POTUS T Presser: Every time 1 of lawyers asked ?, made motion, "clerk" was speaking into judge's ear

>>95139 DJT facing civil trial in NY for "fraud." So, which victims is suing him? That's a trick ?: There aren't any

>>95140, >>95147, >>95150 Judge’s Ruling Mar-a-Lago Value “Based on Misunderstanding Basic Real Estate Practice”

>>95141 North Dakota state senator, family killed in plane crash

>>95142 Gov. Pritzker : "The fed gov's lack of intervention, coordination at border created untenable sitch for IL"

>>95143 Dig on Federal Tort Claims Act requested. DS FUNDING BEHIND HS PROGRAM PUSHING ANTI-DEPRESSANTS

>>95144 US Rep. Matt Gaetz's father Don seeks return to Florida Senate chamber he once led as its president

>>95148 Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts Jamaal Bowman With Video Revealing Fire Alarm Door

>>95149 First grade teacher at @DeWitt_Panthers encourages teachers to read “banned books.”


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70eeae No.95153

File: 88ca5fbc6c648ab⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB,628x350,314:175,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653381 (022156ZOCT23) Notable: #24132

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Thank you anons




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70eeae No.95154

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653384 (022157ZOCT23) Notable: Trump rarely gets this pissed off on camera. But he has EVERY right to be

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Trump rarely gets this pissed off on camera. But he has EVERY right to be




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70eeae No.95155

File: 452afb1ccb62372⋯.png (683.88 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653420 (022202ZOCT23) Notable: Nobel Prize in medicine won by two scientists for ‘groundbreaking findings’ on mRNA Covid-19 vaccines

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Nobel Prize in medicine won by two scientists for ‘groundbreaking findings’ on mRNA Covid-19 vaccines

"Lol, oh lol" Keknews

This year’s Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their work on mRNA vaccines, a crucial tool in curtailing the spread of Covid-19.

The Nobel Prize committee announced the prestigious honor, seen as the pinnacle of scientific achievement, in Sweden on Monday.

It praised the scientists’ “groundbreaking findings,” which the committee said “fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system.”


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70eeae No.95156

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653422 (022203ZOCT23) Notable: “We’re Going Into Phase Two”: Ben Bergquam Warns Of What's To Come At The Border

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“We’re Going Into Phase Two”: Ben Bergquam Warns Of What's To Come At The Border



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70eeae No.95157

File: 3df3a4dda3d4ecb⋯.jpg (26.8 KB,513x447,171:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653424 (022203ZOCT23) Notable: Trump rarely gets this pissed off on camera. But he has EVERY right to be

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operative, is the operative word...

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70eeae No.95158

File: c5d519ddff416bf⋯.png (368.55 KB,601x730,601:730,Clipboard.png)

File: d475bb2da2df4fe⋯.png (239.58 KB,980x751,980:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653429 (022204ZOCT23) Notable: Post-infectious and Post-vaccination Complications and Common Cause of Hyper-immune/Autoimmune Diseases

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Xenosialylation: Role in SARS/CoV-2 Post-infectious and Post-vaccination Complications and Common Cause of Hyper-immune/Autoimmune Diseases



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70eeae No.95159

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653434 (022205ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Civil Trial DISASTER; Jack Smith BEGS for GAG Order; Bowman's ATTACK on the Capitol

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Thank you baker!

LIVE - Trump Civil Trial DISASTER; Jack Smith BEGS for GAG Order; Bowman's ATTACK on the Capitol

Robert Gouveia


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70eeae No.95160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653459 (022208ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian official admitted theocratic Iranian regime aided murderous attacks, 100's of Americans were killed

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After four decades, an Iranian official has admitted that the theocratic Iranian regime aided murderous attacks in which hundreds of Americans were killed.

In April 1983, the terrorist group Hezbollah bombed the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, murdering 63 people, including 17 Americans. Months later, two suicide truck bombers blew up a barracks in Lebanon, murdering 220 U.S. Marines, 18 U.S. Navy sailors, and 3 U.S. Army soldiers. That attack was the deadliest single-day death toll for the U.S. Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II.

In 2001, families of the Americans who were killed or wounded in the attacks filed suit against Iran; Iran always denied it had taken part in the attacks.

But now, Iran’s representative to Lebanon admitted he aided the effort to target American military members


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70eeae No.95161

File: 31c86abd57360aa⋯.png (278.18 KB,546x601,546:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f1302e231e204f⋯.mp4 (613.75 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653518 (022218ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News - Happening now in El Paso, Texas. They just keep coming - the floodgates are open!

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Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News


Happening now in El Paso, Texas. They just keep coming - the floodgates are open! Joe Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and every Republican that voted to fund this corrupt cartel government is spitting in your face America! They’re not doing anything to stop this invasion. In fact, they’re spending your tax dollars to invite more. They are traitors to our country!


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70eeae No.95162

File: fa849d88c2e5ebf⋯.png (1.52 MB,844x1217,844:1217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653563 (022226ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruth - Funny "Court Sketch"

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DJT retruth


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70eeae No.95163

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653605 (022232ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell: "They know the only way they can win is not have Trump become the next President". They are trying crush MyPillow

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Mike Lindell: "They know the only way they can win is not have Trump become the next President". They are trying crush MyPillow



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70eeae No.95164

File: 291dc2c377f7206⋯.png (382.34 KB,806x878,403:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653674 (022243ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell Says IRS has Now Launched 5 Audits into MyPillow

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Mike Lindell Says IRS has Now Launched 5 Audits into MyPillow

"We do not have a call center overseas where you can't understand the language - these are hardworking moms and who these audits are targeting"

Save MyPillow! http://MyPillow.com/Poso


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70eeae No.95165

File: 06d80568e1f45c5⋯.png (321.68 KB,598x639,598:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653701 (022247ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Lindell Says IRS has Now Launched 5 Audits into MyPillow

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See new posts


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



BREAKING: Lindell Says IRS has Now Launched 5 Audits into MyPillow

"We do not have a call center overseas where you can't understand the language - these are hardworking moms and who these audits are targeting"

Save MyPillow! http://MyPillow.com/Poso

11:40 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95166

File: 3c2fb2c26dd85b6⋯.png (321.86 KB,495x655,99:131,Clipboard.png)

File: e4ad655c5779ca8⋯.png (268.18 KB,845x768,845:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653702 (022248ZOCT23) Notable: Sisi Tells Egyptians 'Hunger A Price Worth Paying For Progress' In Bizarre Speech

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Sisi Tells Egyptians 'Hunger A Price Worth Paying For Progress' In Bizarre Speech

n a widely condemned televised speech, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has said his people should accept the prospect of going hungry as the price of the country's success.

In the remarks on Saturday, Sisi also called his opponents “liars, saboteurs and wicked”, as critics questioned the billions spent on infrastructure projects that he has undertaken as many Egyptians struggle to make ends meet.


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70eeae No.95167

File: 68385b6888c0988⋯.png (324.88 KB,596x504,149:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653715 (022249ZOCT23) Notable: US to announce another package of aid for Ukraine soon, White House Press Sec says

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: US to announce another package of aid for Ukraine soon, White House Press Sec says



Last edited

6:07 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95168

File: d4d52aa6c7cf020⋯.png (77.48 KB,797x864,797:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653716 (022249ZOCT23) Notable: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments around the globe to criminalize so-called “climate inaction” with severe penalties for offenders.

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WEF Demands Criminalization of ‘Climate Inaction,’ Punishable Up to Death

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments around the globe to criminalize so-called “climate inaction” with severe penalties for offenders.

In a recent article from Klaus Schwab’s unelected organization, the WEF demands that failing to comply with the globalist green agenda should be classed as a “human rights violation.”

In most civilized nations around the world, human rights violations are serious crimes that carry harsh punishments.

In the United States, punishments for human rights violations vary from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, according to the FBI.

If bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, offenders are fined or imprisoned for up to ten years or both.

If a human rights violation results in death, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, a person can be sentenced to imprisonment for any term of years or for life or may be sentenced to death, the FBI states.

Notably, green agenda advocates, Democrats, and their allies in the corporate media are repeatedly pushing the narrative that the so-called “climate crisis” is “killing people.”

By making “climate inaction” a human rights violation, those found guilty of “denying” so-called “global warming” could be sentenced to the death penalty.

According to the WEF, this would be the appropriate way to advance the green agenda.

“Is climate inaction a human rights violation?” the WEF asks in an article posted on its website.

In the article, the WEF suggests that there will be an increasing number of climate-related lawsuits in the coming years.

“Climate-related litigation generally seems poised for expansion,” the article states.

The WEF goes on to argue that “climate deniers” are responsible for the “record-breaking number of heat-related deaths.”


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70eeae No.95169

File: 48a3807473fa11b⋯.png (281.37 KB,566x607,566:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653720 (022251ZOCT23) Notable: New Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Kansas is Demanding So Much Energy that State Needs to Keep Coal Plant Open Just to Power It

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New Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Kansas is Demanding So Much Energy that State Needs to Keep Coal Plant Open Just to Power It

This is hilarious.

A new electric vehicle battery factory in Kansas is demanding so much energy that the state needs to keep a coal plant open just to power it!

Japanese company Panasonic is set to receive $6.8 billion from Biden’s so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ to help put more electric vehicles on the road that nobody wants.

The Cowboy State Daily reported:

A $4 billion Panasonic electric vehicle battery factory in De Soto, Kansas, will help satisfy the Biden administration’s efforts to get everyone into an EV.

It also will help extend the life of a coal-fired power plant.

Panasonic broke ground on the facility last year. The Japanese company was slated to receive $6.8 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act, which has been pouring billions into electric vehicles and battery factories as part of its effort to transition America away from fossil fuels.

The Kansas City Star reports that the factory will require between 200 and 250 megawatts of electricity to operate. That’s roughly the amount of power needed for a small city.

In testimony to the Kansas City Corporation Commission, which is the state’s equivalent of the Wyoming Public Service Commission, a representative of Evergy, the utility serving the factory, said that the 4 million-square-foot Panasonic facility creates “near term challenges from a resource adequacy perspective,” according to the newspaper.

As a result, the utility will continue to burn coal at a power plant near Lawrence, Kansas, and it will delay plants to transition units at the plant to natural gas.

This is beyond parody.


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70eeae No.95170

File: 0b5aeed3c6ac6c0⋯.png (272.66 KB,755x622,755:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 891f193c89a5dc0⋯.png (252.81 KB,748x582,374:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 1147414e433a96c⋯.png (77.75 KB,654x234,109:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653735 (022254ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports - E-2 Hawkeye and P-8 East Coast Also a P-8 (went off radar) over Gulf of Mexico

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E-2 Hawkeye and P-8 East Coast Also a P-8 (went off radar) over Gulf of Mexico


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70eeae No.95171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653755 (022256ZOCT23) Notable: Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed | THE REAL SOUND OF FREEDOM | Muckraker Report

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Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed | THE REAL SOUND OF FREEDOM | Muckraker Report


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70eeae No.95172

File: a695daa8aa41ac2⋯.png (315 KB,900x710,90:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b2d03ec0cdf402⋯.png (493.66 KB,892x1151,892:1151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653794 (022302ZOCT23) Notable: Liberal journalist Josh Kruger was shot and killed early this morning in Philadelphia

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN:Liberal journalist Josh Kruger was shot and killed early this morning in Philadelphia after an intruder entered his home and started shooting.

Just two days ago, Kruger responded to a tweet from Scott Adams, mocking him for his prediction that "there's a good chance you will be dead" if Biden is elected.

"The Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at this prediction from 2020. Wow. Eerie."

At the moment, no arrests have been made.

Two weeks before his death, Kruger posted on Facebook that someone had showed up to his house, searching for their boyfriend.

“A man I’ve never met once in my entire life.” The person referred to themselves as “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets.”

Kruger says they even threatened him.


Last edited

3:21 PM · Oct 2, 2023





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70eeae No.95173

File: b1968bbee1e2eb2⋯.png (936.25 KB,1172x1046,586:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653814 (022306ZOCT23) Notable: Girl Abducted At New York State Park FOUND ALIVE & Suspect In Custody, Police Say

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Girl Abducted At New York State Park FOUND ALIVE & Suspect In Custody, Police Say


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70eeae No.95174

File: 3cf784a36b24096⋯.png (319.39 KB,722x530,361:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 8773006eccc9fcf⋯.png (536.85 KB,871x911,871:911,Clipboard.png)

File: bdce6171789001a⋯.png (668.51 KB,812x904,203:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653847 (022311ZOCT23) Notable: Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

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Children’s Health Defense


“HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent a single case of cancer. The clinical trials did not prove that these shots prevent cancer, although that’s how they’re promoted + how they’re sold.”



Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave, and CHD President Mary Holland joined CHD Europe and parents of injured children to discuss the risks and false promises of the human papillomavirus vaccine.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Europe on Sept. 22 held a live event on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and their effect on real people.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Europe on Sept. 22 held a live event on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and their effect on real people.

The event included stories from parents whose children experienced adverse events, data on the vaccines’ harms and flawed clinical trials, and strategies for overcoming pressure for children to receive them.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave, spoke via video. CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Acting General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg, several medical experts and researchers, and parents of children injured by the HPV vaccine also participated.

HPV vaccine a ‘precursor for the COVID vaccines’

Holland, who along with Rosenberg co-authored “The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed,” told viewers, “In many ways, the rollout of the HPV vaccine, starting in the early 2000s, was the precursor for the COVID vaccines. And it has many of the same issues in common that we see with COVID.”

Holland said 90% of cervical infections “clear completely on their own,” adding:

“The woman or girl has no knowledge that she has it. They clear within two years … It’s only 0.6% of American women who are truly at risk of getting cervical cancer in their lifetimes. And the typical age of onset of cervical cancer is a woman in her 50s.

“If you have regular pap screening, if you have screening of the cervix for women, there’s no rationale for these shots or a very, very limited one. If you go for screening, if there’s some kind of precancerous or abnormal growth, it will be detected.”

But that’s not what Merck, manufacturer of the Gardasil vaccine, told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Holland said. “They presented that the risks were much higher.”

When Merck first developed the Gardasil vaccine, it had just suffered a very serious economic catastrophe involving its then-blockbuster drug, Vioxx, which the drugmaker voluntarily pulled from the market “because there were so many injuries” and potential “fraud in the marketing” of the drug, Holland said.

“Word on the street … was that HPV vaccines helped pay for Vioxx,” Holland said.

Holland described Merck’s push to get quick FDA approval for Gardasil, and the company’s aggressive 2008 marketing campaign to get the drug quickly marketed and sold around the world.

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70eeae No.95175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653852 (022313ZOCT23) Notable: Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

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“This is literally a golden goose,” Holland said.

“You have to remember that for vaccines — uniquely [among] almost all other consumer products — they have the benefit of so-called ‘no liability’ in the United States,” Holland said. Those laws have been “modeled around the world and copied.”

Pharmaceutical companies are making in the range now of $5 billion to $6 billion from HPV vaccines, Holland said, noting that “their target is $10 billion per year by 2030.”

She pointed out that because U.S. government scientists participated in the discovery of the technology in the HPV vaccines, “the government itself makes revenue on these shots.” “There’s an overt conflict of interest that the National Institutes of Health make royalties on this.”

Effectiveness of HPV vaccines ‘absolutely a fiction’

But do the vaccines work?

“HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent a single case of cancer,” Holland said. “The clinical trials did not prove that these shots prevent cancer, although that’s how they’re promoted and how they’re sold.”

Holland described Merck’s use of “surrogate endpoints” — alleged precursors for cancer — to predict how well the shots would work against cancer. “That in and of itself is absolutely a fiction,” she said.

Dr. Gerald Delépine, a French orthopedic surgeon and oncologist, presented data from several countries demonstrating that cervical cancer rates, which were on the decline prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines, have stopped declining or, in certain instances, have begun increasing again.

“Australia was the first country who recommended the HPV vaccine at school, and they’d start very early,” Delépine said. In the period before 2006, before HPV vaccines were administered, cervical cancer incidences had declined by “almost 50%.

However, in the post-2006 period, with regular vaccination, “no more reduction was observed,” he said. “So, when they say a vaccine can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, that is completely false.”

According to Holland, trouble was evident early in the development of the HPV vaccines, noting that “the clinical trials were fatally flawed.”

“We believe that there was explicit, overt fraud in the clinical trials, and we believe there’s been much coverup of that fraud on an ongoing basis,” she said.

Rosenberg said that during these trials, very few people in the control group “got anything even resembling” an inert placebo. Instead, she said the vast majority of the thousands of young women (and some boys) participating in the clinical trials received the same aluminum compound used in the vaccines.”

“When they saw similar rates, for example, of autoimmune conditions between the vaccinated population and those who got a control … They used that to say that the vaccine was safe because … it was identical when compared to the control,” she said.

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70eeae No.95176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653853 (022313ZOCT23) Notable: Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

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Holland said:

“Over 50% of the girls … developed what were euphemistically called by Merck ‘medical conditions.’ There were very clear signals from the get-go that these vaccines were going to cause severe problems.

“It was also clear … that these shots were causing reproductive harm. They were causing miscarriages and other reproductive problems, including infertility.”

Yet, many of these conditions were not recorded because clinical trial administrators were looking for adverse events only within the first 14 days, according to Rosenberg.

“Autoimmune conditions … can take years to develop, years to diagnose” and are often composed of a “constellation of symptoms” that is typically “difficult to diagnose,” she said.

Yet, according to Delépine, many doctors are reluctant to openly draw a connection between a patient’s condition and the HPV vaccine. “Doctors are afraid to send this observation to the authorities because then they are said to be ‘anti-vaxxers,’” he said.

Kennedy said the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) “simply does not work,” as research has found that “fewer than 1% of adverse events from vaccines are ever recorded.”

According to Kennedy, “India suspended its Gardasil trials after numerous deaths and serious injuries” and “Japan de-recommended it three months after adding it to the immunization schedule.”

Kennedy said that Japanese authorities discovered adverse events reported after Gardasil’s approval were many times higher than other vaccines [and] included seizures, severe headaches, partial paralysis, complex regional pain syndrome and a miscarriage rate of up to 30%.

“Although the prevention of cancer is … fanciful, the injuries that have been caused are real,” Holland said, adding that the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has issued decisions “proving that Gardasil caused death in at least a few cases.”

Parents of HPV vaccine victims describe gaslighting, censorship

Parents who spoke during the webinar shared harrowing details about their children’s reactions to HPV vaccines

Mandeep Badial, a former Johnson & Johnson employee, described how her daughter was injured by the Gardasil vaccine.

“My daughter was very young. She was in a girls’ school. She was not sexually active … she really shouldn’t have even had the jab,” Badial said. “But it was very much forced by the district nurses who came to the school and said, ‘You need to get this done. You’ll get cancer unless you have this injection.’”

Other parents described similar pressures and gaslighting.

Amanda Dew, whose daughter was injured by Gardasil, said she refused the HPV vaccine for her daughter at age 12.

“I said, ‘No, I didn’t think it was a good idea. A 12-year-old, it wasn’t necessary for her.’ She said to me, ‘Oh, right, so you don’t care about cervical cancer then,’” Dew said.

After her daughter’s second dose, “everything changed,” Dew said. “She had a seizure, and I thought, this can’t be right. She’s never even fainted in her life. She was so healthy.” Despite this, doctors said, “it was just a one-off” and that she was likely “a bit stressed.”

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70eeae No.95177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653856 (022313ZOCT23) Notable: Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

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Dew said:

“She’s had, probably, nearly a hundred seizures in the last eight years.

“She’s got so many other symptoms as well. Balance issues, blurred vision. She sweats incredibly, fatigue, headaches, menstrual issues, but perhaps for her, the worst thing about it has been her [decline in] cognitive function and her imagination.”

Caron Ryalls’ daughter was injured by the Cervarix HPV vaccine, after getting a series of doses of the vaccine at ages 12 and 13.

She said that before her daughter’s vaccination, “She was a high achiever … and she was very sporty. She danced competitively and she played sports competitively. She was very healthy.”

“It was a big shock when she became ill after the first vaccine,” Ryalls said. “She was ill for two weeks after the jab [and] she was in bed for about three weeks.”

A few weeks later, after she returned to school, Ryalls’ daughter suffered a seizure.

“She didn’t move. She didn’t wake for the toilet. She didn’t have anything to eat or drink. She just slept.” Ryalls said this soon became a recurring cycle.

“And then, after the second vaccine, she got more ill. It was more frequent,” she said.

After the third dose, severe neurological issues followed. “She would lose feeling. She couldn’t stand to have light in her bedroom. Everything had to be dimmed. She had horrific headaches. She had to crawl to the bathroom on her hands and knees because she couldn’t stand up without passing out,” Ryalls said.

“It took us two years of solid research and visiting numerous doctors to work out she had POTS [postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome], which has been linked to the HPV vaccine in various studies,” she added.

Steve Hinks also described being gaslighted by doctors. He said when he was informed by his daughter’s school that she was eligible for the HPV vaccine, “we chose not to consent,” as she “had quite a severe adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine as a baby.”

“The nurse at the school … explained to my wife that we were denying [my daughter] a vaccine that could save her life,” he said. “My wife reluctantly signed the consent form.”

After the second dose, his daughter “struggled and had to go to the doctor for aches and pains.” And after the third dose, “she had an immediate reaction. She was in pain, [had] violent headaches and couldn’t stay awake.”

Some parents said that when they tried to share their stories, they were censored.

“At one point I was asked to go and give an interview with [British national broadcaster] ITV,” Dew said. “When I got there, I wasn’t allowed in the building. The person I was meant to be interviewed by had disappeared.”

Similarly, Ryalls talked about working with a Sunday Times journalist for nearly 12 months and being assured there would publish a half-page article. “And at the 11th hour,” he said, “we received an email saying, ‘Unfortunately it won’t be going ahead.’ Same thing happened with [British broadcaster] Sky News.”

When the Sunday edition of The Independent published her daughter’s story, Ryalls said her daughter “received death threats on social media, saying … she’d lied” and messages wishing that she “get cervical cancer and die.”

Badial, who lives in the U.K., said that the member of parliament for her district is former British Prime Minister Theresa May, with whom she met to discuss her daughter’s condition. However, May told her, “We have a big pharmaceutical industry” in the district, implying that “politically they can’t rock the boat,” Badial said.

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70eeae No.95178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653858 (022313ZOCT23) Notable: Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

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“That’s what we’re up against,” Ryalls said. “The censorship is horrific and we’re up against a concerted effort not to get the information out there.”

Hinks, who helped found SaneVax (Safe, Affordable, Necessary Vaccines) and the Facebook group, “Parents of sons and daughters suffering illness after HPV vaccine,” said he developed a questionnaire and that of the 94 responses, most girls said they sustained adverse reactions within a month of vaccination.

Yet, British medical authorities “ignored us, and they just carried on,” he said.

“There’s a total lack of compassion, and it shocked me to the core that the doctors, nurses, schools, people could be so completely callous,” Dew said.

Some outreach successes were highlighted, however.

French teacher and activist Elin Ekeberg, who works with CHD Europe, said that a vaccine injury court case involving Gardasil garnered significant publicity in France in 2013, raising awareness among parents in the country.

“I think it put a lot of French people off the HPV vaccine because we have quite low numbers [of vaccination] in France,” she said.

Ekeberg is now part of a campaign pressuring school administrators and parent-teacher associations to refuse the establishment of school-based vaccination clinics.

This “amazing effort” targeting lower-level school administrators instead of politicians or the government, has been a successful strategy, Ekeberg said.

Dew advised parents that if “your child does have a reaction, never give up trying to get them better,” sharing that her daughter completed her degree and became a biochemist.

Holland commented on the progress she’s seen:

“The good news is that we’re having this gathering and that the uptake has been low. We have foiled Big Pharma’s plans … there is a lot of skepticism worldwide about this shot, and I hope that initiatives like this forum and others will continue to keep that skepticism alive.”

Watch the webinar here:


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70eeae No.95179

File: e08bf77d971c917⋯.png (67.87 KB,865x579,865:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653891 (022317ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell Paid For Georgia Election Machine Examination Upon 'Threat', Her Lawyer Says

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Sidney Powell Paid For Georgia Election Machine Examination Upon 'Threat', Her Lawyer Says

Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor charged with breaching election machines in Georgia, had nothing to do with the breach, save for paying for it after the fact, and only because the forensic firm that did it threatened to dump the data online, her lawyer said in a recent court filing.

Ms. Powell was charged as part of the election interference case against former President Donald Trump that was brought on Aug. 14 by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. It alleges that the efforts of President Trump and 18 others, including Ms. Powell, to challenge the 2020 election results amounted to a racketeering conspiracy.

Ms. Willis has accused Ms. Powell of participating in the alleged conspiracy and conspiracies to commit computer trespass, computer theft, computer invasion of privacy, election fraud, and defrauding the state.

The charges are tied to a Jan. 7, 2021, incident in which personnel of data forensic company SullivanStrickler copied data from election machines and computers in Coffee County, Georgia.

The lawyer for Ms. Powell, Brian Rafferty, has vehemently denied the allegations and is seeking dismissal of the charges.

Mr. Rafferty has argued that examination of the machines wasn’t a crime because it was authorized by the Coffee County Election Board. Even if the board didn’t ultimately have the authority to allow the examination, the people involved operated under the belief that their action was authorized. For their actions to be criminal, they would have to have been undertaken with a knowing lack of authority.

Further still, however, Ms. Powell didn’t organize or participate in the incident, Mr. Rafferty asserted.

“There are no communications of any kind between Ms. Powell and any of the alleged coconspirators or unindicted coconspirators that evince any agreement by Ms. Powell to have SullivanStrickler personnel to travel to Coffee County or to contract for their services for Coffee County—much less to do so for any illegal purpose,” he said in a Sept. 28 filing.

Ms. Powell challenged the election results in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, but she never represented President Trump, he said.


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70eeae No.95180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653902 (022319ZOCT23) Notable: Gaetz delaying effort to oust McCarthy as speaker until he explains 'secret side deal on Ukraine'

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Gaetz delaying effort to oust McCarthy as speaker until he explains 'secret side deal on Ukraine'

Gaetz said on Sunday he plans to introduce a motion to vacate this week

Conservative Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) announced on the House floor Monday that he's holding off on introducing a motion to vacate until House Speaker McCarthy explains an alleged "secret side deal" he made with President Biden related to Ukraine war funding.

Gaetz said on Sunday he plans to introduce a motion to vacate this week.

On Monday, he said that McCarthy's explanation related to Ukraine might affect members' votes on the motion to vacate.

"I would ask that these questions be answered soon because there may be other votes coming today or later this week," he said. "Members of the Republican Party might vote differently on a motion to vacate if they heard what the Speaker had to share with us about his secret side deal with Joe Biden on Ukraine. I'll be listening. Stay tuned."

Gaetz said that McCarthy had planned to give Biden the funding he is seeking for Ukraine despite opposition from many Republicans to continue funding the war effort under FY2024 appropriations legislation. The war in Ukraine has so far costed the U.S. more than $100 billion.

"What was the secret side deal on Ukraine? House Democrats and President Biden have said that Speaker McCarthy was asking Republicans to vote for a continuing resolution, so as to avoid having to take the Senate's plus up in Ukraine money, that the Speaker of the House was actually cutting a side deal to bring Ukraine legislation to this floor with President Biden and House Democrats," he said.

"So let me get this straight: To extend Joe Biden's spending and Joe Biden's policy priorities, the Speaker of the House gave away to Joe Biden, the money for Ukraine, the Joe Biden wanted. It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden feeble. While he continues to take speaker McCarthy's lunch money in every negotiation," he added.


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70eeae No.95181

File: f4cc8a6a2ad6841⋯.png (548.05 KB,546x708,91:118,Clipboard.png)

File: a2c99650a63dee8⋯.png (487.53 KB,561x856,561:856,Clipboard.png)

File: ab5ed9b4d6de8c5⋯.png (243.91 KB,548x541,548:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653920 (022322ZOCT23) Notable: Trump campaign reportedly leaves birdcage, bird food outside Nikki Haley's hotel room

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Trump campaign reportedly leaves birdcage, bird food outside Nikki Haley's hotel room

The Trump campaign reportedly left a birdcage and bird food outside of Nikki Haley's hotel room.

"After a day of campaigning, this is the message waiting for me outside my hotel room," Nikki Haley wrote when sharing a photo of the spectacle. A note on the cage indicated that it was from the Trump campaign. In her post on X, Haley also included the hashtags "#PrettyPatheticTryAgain" and "#YouJustMadeMyCaseForMe."

Trump has been using the derogatory term "Birdbrain" to refer to Haley. Haley, who previously served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations during a portion of Trump's White House tenure, is currently one of the Republican candidates vying for the GOP presidential nomination.

"Nikki 'Birdbrain' Haley was exposed for her caustic DISLOYALTY & LIES about the Republican Party, and me. Doesn't have what it takes, NEVER DID!" Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social while giving his take on the second GOP presidential primary debate of the 2024 cycle. Trump has skipped the two primary debates held so far.

"MAGA, or I, will never go for Birdbrain Nikki Haley," Trump declared in another post on Truth Social last week. "No loyalty, plenty of lies! 'I will never run against our great President,' she said,'he has done an outstanding job.' To which I responded,'How nice of you to say, Nikki,' knowing full well that her words mean nothing. She even came to Mar-a-Lago with her family, 'bearing gifts.' Anyway, Birdbrain doesn’t have the TALENT or TEMPERAMENT to do the job. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."

Haley shared a screenshot of Trump's post and commented, "Love this. It means we are in 2nd and moving up fast. Bring it!"


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70eeae No.95182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653943 (022326ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker Carlson - Ep. 27 Donald Trump appeared in court today, but it wasn’t a legal proceeding.

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Ep. 27 Donald Trump appeared in court today, but it wasn’t a legal proceeding. It was a grotesque parody of the system our ancestors created. Victor Davis Hanson explains.


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70eeae No.95183

File: 3c1e2240565abd7⋯.png (693.76 KB,1164x655,1164:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19653988 (022336ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz has filed a motion to vacate, seeking to remove House speaker Kevin McCarthy from the speakership

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BREAKING: Rep. Matt Gaetz has filed a motion to vacate, seeking to remove House speaker Kevin McCarthy from the speakership


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70eeae No.95184

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654003 (022338ZOCT23) Notable: Steve Bannon: It’s YOUR Pressure On Congress And The Media That’s Saving The Republic

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Steve Bannon: It’s YOUR Pressure On Congress And The Media That’s Saving The Republic



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70eeae No.95185

File: c9738ab9dc3d0c9⋯.png (384.25 KB,831x646,831:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654029 (022341ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz has filed a motion to vacate, seeking to remove House speaker Kevin McCarthy from the speakership

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Rep. Matt Gaetz


Today I’m filing a motion to vacate against @SpeakerMcCarthy




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70eeae No.95186

File: 12725615d4c2fe4⋯.png (1.61 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: d5a75964dfbe9d0⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654038 (022343ZOCT23) Notable: Fire engulfs police facility in Egypt's Ismailia, 25 hurt

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Fire engulfs police facility in Egypt's Ismailia, 25 hurt

Oct 2, 2023

CAIRO, Oct 2 (Reuters) - A huge fire erupted at a police facility in the Egyptian Suez Canal city of Ismailia early on Monday, injuring at least 25 people before firefighters contained the blaze after several hours, emergency services and media reported.

Videos posted on social media showed the city's security directorate engulfed in flames. The cause of the blaze was not immediately known.

Two witnesses told Reuters that firefighters initially appeared to struggle to tackle the blaze. More than three hours later, state television said it had been contained.

At least 25 people were injured in a preliminary count of casualties, the Egyptian Ambulance Authority said.

Civil defence sources said parts of the building had collapsed in the fire.

Interior Minister Mahmoud Tawfik said a committee of advisers would be formed to look into the causes of the fire and review the construction safety of the building "to restore its efficiency as soon as possible", according to his ministry.

The Ismailia incident was the latest major fire to hit Egypt. A church blaze killed at least 41 people in August 2022.

Reporting by Hatem Maher, Yusri Mohamed and Tala Ramadan; editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman, Christian Schmollinger and Deborah Kyvrikosaios


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70eeae No.95187

File: ffba5c5dbcde613⋯.png (412.35 KB,834x889,834:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 2575bda7d4c196d⋯.png (401.68 KB,1257x940,1257:940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654051 (022344ZOCT23) Notable: Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC.

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC.

She is part of a coalition seeking to remove Clarence Thomas


Meet the Activist Wife Who Networks at the Anti-MAGA White House While Her Prosecutor Husband Works...

By Julie Kelly, RealClearInvestigationsTuesday, October 3, 2023 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is the public face of the government’s unprecedented effort to identify, arrest, and prosecute

7:34 PM · Oct 2, 2023






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70eeae No.95188

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654063 (022346ZOCT23) Notable: Steve Bannon: McCarthy’s Shifted The CR Deal “To Protect Youngkin And Ukraine”

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Steve Bannon: McCarthy’s Shifted The CR Deal “To Protect Youngkin And Ukraine”To protect Youngkin and Ukraine



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70eeae No.95189

File: 343749a6724c75b⋯.png (36.56 KB,810x307,810:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ae21cf3aa28663⋯.jpg (726.21 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654071 (022347ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz has filed a motion to vacate, seeking to remove House speaker Kevin McCarthy from the speakership

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Matt Gaetz


Just did.


Kevin McCarthy




Bring it on.

7:45 PM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654089 (022351ZOCT23) Notable: Girl Abducted At New York State Park FOUND ALIVE & Suspect In Custody, Police Say

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Police say Charlotte Sena found ‘in good health’; suspect arrested

The newspaper, citing anonymous sources, saidthe suspect allegedly left a note at the home of Sena’s parents.The suspect allegedly has a criminal history that include sexual abuse.

(the suspect knew the family)


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70eeae No.95191

File: 9dcfb7dd6e47be4⋯.png (35.34 KB,586x511,586:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654107 (022353ZOCT23) Notable: Johnson & Johnson has seen at least a 28% surge in new lawsuits claiming its talc-based Baby Powder causes cancer

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>It was the baby powder

Yeas dumbass the Baby powder was causing the cancer which made them try and come up with a vaccine for it. but they don't want to say it is the baby powder to stop using it would be too easy.

Johnson & Johnson has seen at least a 28% surge in new lawsuits claiming its talc-based Baby Powder causes cancer a little more than five weeks after the company’s plan to resolve the cases was tossed from bankruptcy court.

A New Jersey judge overseeing all the federal talc litigation said in a Sept. 6 court hearing that more than 11,000 new complaints have been filed, according to a court transcript. J&J had sought to resolve at least 40,000 talc suits for about $9 billion through the bankruptcy of its LTL Management unit, which was created to end health claims tied to talc allegedly tainted with a toxic substance. But a bankruptcy judge threw the case out July 28.


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70eeae No.95192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654131 (022357ZOCT23) Notable: #24132

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Notables - FINAL

#24132 >>95153

>>95154, >>95157 Trump rarely gets this pissed off on camera. But he has EVERY right to be

>>95155 Nobel Prize in medicine won by two scientists for ‘groundbreaking findings’ on mRNA Covid-19 vaccines

>>95156 “We’re Going Into Phase Two”: Ben Bergquam Warns Of What's To Come At The Border

>>95158 Post-infectious and Post-vaccination Complications and Common Cause of Hyper-immune/Autoimmune Diseases

>>95159 Trump Civil Trial DISASTER; Jack Smith BEGS for GAG Order; Bowman's ATTACK on the Capitol

>>95160 Iranian official admitted theocratic Iranian regime aided murderous attacks, 100's of Americans were killed

>>95161 Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News - Happening now in El Paso, Texas. They just keep coming - the floodgates are open!

>>95162 Donald J. Trump ReTruth - Funny "Court Sketch"

>>95163 Mike Lindell: "They know the only way they can win is not have Trump become the next President". They are trying crush MyPillow

>>95164, >>95165 Mike Lindell Says IRS has Now Launched 5 Audits into MyPillow

>>95166 Sisi Tells Egyptians 'Hunger A Price Worth Paying For Progress' In Bizarre Speech

>>95167 US to announce another package of aid for Ukraine soon, White House Press Sec says

>>95168 The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments around the globe to criminalize so-called “climate inaction” with severe penalties for offenders.

>>95169 New Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Kansas is Demanding So Much Energy that State Needs to Keep Coal Plant Open Just to Power It

>>95170 PlaneFag Reports - E-2 Hawkeye and P-8 East Coast Also a P-8 (went off radar) over Gulf of Mexico

>>95171 Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed | THE REAL SOUND OF FREEDOM | Muckraker Report

>>95172 Liberal journalist Josh Kruger was shot and killed early this morning in Philadelphia

>>95173, >>95190 Girl Abducted At New York State Park FOUND ALIVE & Suspect In Custody, Police Say

>>95174, >>95175, >>95176, >>95177, >>95178 Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

>>95179 Sidney Powell Paid For Georgia Election Machine Examination Upon 'Threat', Her Lawyer Says

>>95180 Gaetz delaying effort to oust McCarthy as speaker until he explains 'secret side deal on Ukraine'

>>95181 Trump campaign reportedly leaves birdcage, bird food outside Nikki Haley's hotel room

>>95182 Tucker Carlson - Ep. 27 Donald Trump appeared in court today, but it wasn’t a legal proceeding.

>>95183, >>95185, >>95189 Rep. Matt Gaetz has filed a motion to vacate, seeking to remove House speaker Kevin McCarthy from the speakership

>>95184 Steve Bannon: It’s YOUR Pressure On Congress And The Media That’s Saving The Republic

>>95186 Fire engulfs police facility in Egypt's Ismailia, 25 hurt

>>95187 Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC.

>>95188 Steve Bannon: McCarthy’s Shifted The CR Deal “To Protect Youngkin And Ukraine”

>>95191 Johnson & Johnson has seen at least a 28% surge in new lawsuits claiming its talc-based Baby Powder causes cancer


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70eeae No.95193

File: d12b2d7cfff21da⋯.png (127.71 KB,292x431,292:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654153 (022358ZOCT23) Notable: #24133

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Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy

Welcome to the Global War

Godspeed Patriots


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70eeae No.95194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654196 (030003ZOCT23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts Jamaal Bowman With Video Revealing Fire Alarm Door

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts Jamaal Bowman With Video Revealing Fire Alarm Door


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70eeae No.95195

File: 269210c0aecc228⋯.png (213.12 KB,1008x734,504:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654221 (030007ZOCT23) Notable: Project Safe Neighborhoods Investigation Nets More Than Five Kilos of Fentanyl Pills and Powder, Along With Commercial Pill Presses

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Project Safe Neighborhoods Investigation Nets More Than Five Kilos of Fentanyl Pills and Powder, Along With Commercial Pill Presses


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70eeae No.95196

File: d01c9a62075252f⋯.png (283.85 KB,1005x904,1005:904,Clipboard.png)

File: fbc25b6b65dee0d⋯.png (121 KB,986x444,493:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654231 (030008ZOCT23) Notable: Internal Revenue Service Information Technology Supervisor Facing Federal Charges for Extortion and Attempted Witness Tampering

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Internal Revenue Service Information Technology Supervisor Facing Federal Charges for Extortion and Attempted Witness Tampering


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70eeae No.95197

File: 087f76332310ba9⋯.jpeg (896.5 KB,1170x1750,117:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654265 (030013ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - Some really good conversations took place last night

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When did PDJT change THIS?



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70eeae No.95198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654320 (030021ZOCT23) Notable: FBI ‘surge’ to tribal lands results in arrests and investigations

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FBI ‘surge’ to tribal lands results in arrests and investigations

220 cases were handled by FBI investigators as part of the bureau’s missing and murdered Indigenous persons strategy.

Operation Not Forgotten

resulted in 40 arrest and search operations, and the identification of four children who were victims of crimes, FBI Section Chief Jonathan Tapp told CNN on Sunday.

According to the National Crime Information Center, there were 5,712 reports of missing American Indian and Alaska Native women and girls in 2016.

Only 116 of those cases were logged in the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs


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70eeae No.95199

File: d3ec92ebfab52fb⋯.jpeg (752.48 KB,892x5005,892:5005,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654376 (030029ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden Tells Democrats to Treat Future White Minority 'with Respect'

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Joe Biden Tells Democrats to Treat Future White Minority 'with Respect'


European-origin Americans deserve respect even after they become a minority in the United States, President Joe Biden told a friendly interviewer in an October 1 interview.

“We’re going to be — very shortly — a minority-white European country, and sometimes my [Democrat] colleagues don’t speak enough to make it clear that that is not going to change how we operate,” he told the progressive billionaire-funded ProPublica website.

Democrats must treat white Americans with respect, as they and their children quickly become a racial minority in their own nation, Biden insisted, saying:

It’s not so much the economic benefits; it is treating them with respect, treating them with respect. … The Democratic Party in the past has — on occasion — spoken less to their needs and fears or concerns. And so, I think a lot of the guys that I grew up with in Delaware and in Scranton, Pennsylvania, they feel like they’re not being respected. Not so much by policy — just by the failure to talk about their needs.

Current polls show mainstream, plurality, or majority opposition to the federal policy of mass migration that has helped suppress incomes for most Americans since 1990. That opposition is rising quickly because Biden has deliberately accelerated the wealth-shifting and population-replacing inflow into Americans’ workplaces, schools, housing, and politics.

Biden’s warning was likely planned by his deputies, and it comes before the 2024 election where Democrats expect to lose votes because many Americans oppose Biden’s migration.

Biden is also escalating his 2024 campaign, for example, by claiming that Republicans are a threat to democracy. “Literally our democracy is at stake. … This is bigger than political disagreement; it’s beyond that,” he claimed.

But his call for “respect” also comes as other Democrats are escalating their divisive rhetoric to block the enforcement of existing immigration laws.

“One day without [illegal] immigrants, you don’t eat,” Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-Ill), claimed at a September 20 hearing about the tax cost of migrants. She is the Chicago-born daughter of illegal immigrants.

“We’re not only a nation of immigrants. … [The immigrant population] embodies the spirit of this country,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) said at the same hearing. He is a Peruvian-born immigrant whose parents illegally brought him to the United States.

That Democrats’ sharp rhetoric is risky because it can also motivate GOP voter turnout — despite the GOP’s donor-driven refusal to showcase the pocketbook and civic costs of Biden’s migration.

Under the federal government’s pro-migration policy, the immigrant population has grown from one in fourteen in 1955, up to one in seven, or roughly 50 million, in 2023. As a result, the children of European-origin parents were a 45 percent minority of the K-12 school population in 2021.

Biden — in close cooperation with Wall Street investors — has accelerated this very unpopular policy. For example, this year, he has imported roughly one migrant for every American born in the same year.

In the ProPublica interview, Biden did not mention — and was not asked — about the impact of his immigration policy.

The interviewer was John Harwood, who is not a conservative. He is an establishment journalist and asked Biden:

The millions of Americans who think the country is changing in ways that are harmful to whites, men, social conservatives, small town, blue collar America…A poll by the Public Religion Research Institute showed that 40 percent of the people who call themselves “Christian nationalists” think that “Patriots may need to use violence to save the country. Is that fear of change where the threat to democracy comes from?

Biden prefaced his call for “respect” by describing the criticism of federal immigration policies as unreasoning “hate.”

He also portrayed the growing share of all groups of Americans who oppose the government-forced changes as creatures who should be forced to live under rocks: “[As a senator,] I thought you can defeat hate, you can bury it, you can kill it. But I learned you can’t. All you can do is you can drive it underground, and when you [allow] oxygen under the rock, it comes roaring back out again.”


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70eeae No.95200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654377 (030029ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden Tells Democrats to Treat Future White Minority 'with Respect'

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Biden did not suggest that he would reduce what he described as the “hate.” For example, he did not say he would begin enforcing the federal laws against immigration into Americans’ jobs and communities. But he described himself as a partial populist:

In the 2020 campaign, I said, “I speak to you, not from Wall Street. I speak to you from Scranton, Pennsylvania.” That was a bit of a populist point, but it was a genuine point — that, in fact, I represent all those people. I will represent all those people.

But the world is changing, John, and the fact is we’re going to be very shortly a minority white European country, and sometimes my [Democrat] colleagues don’t speak enough to make it clear that that is not going to change how we operate.

they should have impeached Mayorkas a long time ago.

here he is with Biden telling us they planned on doing this back in 2015.

an endless stream of immigration… pic.twitter.com/1Ohlqpk6x8

— Carry (@boatgirl3) August 15, 2023

Extraction Migration

The federal government has long operated an unpopular economic policy of Extraction Migration. This colonialism-like policy extracts vast amounts of human resources from needy countries, reduces beneficial trade, and uses the imported workers, renters, and consumers to grow Wall Street and the economy.

The migrant inflow has successfully forced down Americans’ wages and also boosted rents and housing prices. Additionally, the inflow has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of business sectors and contributed to the rising death rate of poor Americans.

The lethal policy also sucks jobs and wealth from Heartland states by subsidizing coastal investors with a flood of low-wage workers, high-occupancy renters, and government-aided consumers.

The population inflow also reduces the political clout of native-born Americans because the population replacement allows elites and the establishment to divorce themselves from the needs and interests of ordinary Americans.

In many speeches, border chief Alejandro Mayorkas says he is building a mass migration system to deliver workers to wealthy employers and investors and “equity” to poor foreigners. The nation’s border laws are subordinate to elite opinion about “the values of our country,” Mayorkas claims.

Migration — and especially labor migration — is unpopular among swing voters. A 54 percent majority of Americans say Biden is allowing a southern border invasion, according to an August 2022 poll commissioned by the left-of-center National Public Radio (NPR). The 54 percent “invasion” majority included 76 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents, and even 40 percent of Democrats.

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70eeae No.95201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654394 (030031ZOCT23) Notable: Four Louisiana officers charged in ‘Brave Cave’ abuse investigation.

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29 Sep 2023Four Louisiana officers charged in ‘Brave Cave’ abuse investigation.Investigation triggered by lawsuits alleging abuse and sexual humiliation of people taken to unmarked torture warehouse

Ramon Antonio Vargas in New Orleans

Fri 29 Sep 2023 14.16 EDT

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Authorities in Louisiana’s capital have charged four of the city’s police officers amid an investigation triggered by lawsuits alleging the abuse and sexual humiliation of people detained and taken to an unmarked torture warehouse dubbed the “Brave Cave”.

The second-in-command of the Baton Rouge police department, deputy chief Troy Lawrence Sr, was among those charged and placed on leave, officials confirmed at a news conference on Friday.

At the center of the case is a man who recently came forward and reported that officers beat him at the local precinct station to which the Brave Cave was attached – before supervisors then took steps to illegally destroy body-worn camera footage of the beating.

Sgt Douglas Chustz as well as officers Jesse Barcelona and Todd Thomas were also charged.

According to the police chief, Murphy Paul, the case dates back to September 2020, when officers with the anti-street crime Baton Rouge Area Violence Elimination – or Brave – unit arrested a man while investigating a complaint. Officers brought the man to a bathroom at their precinct station, tried to make him disrobe to be searched and then shocked him with stun guns, Paul recounted on Friday.


This.. is why we can't have nice things.

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70eeae No.95202

File: 16784dde032db1c⋯.png (212.1 KB,498x513,166:171,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654399 (030031ZOCT23) Notable: World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Mariana Mazzucato: Our attempt to vaccinate the entire planet failed

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Shadow of Ezra


World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Mariana Mazzucato: Our attempt to vaccinate the entire planet failed, "climate change" is "too abstract" for people to understand, but the coming water crisis is something that everyone will get on board with.

Watch the Water

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70eeae No.95203

File: dbec3f7a61acd67⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,892x6749,892:6749,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654409 (030033ZOCT23) Notable: Synthetic Bioweapons Are Coming

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Synthetic Bioweapons Are Coming

Emerging and Disruptive Technology Essay Contest–First Prize

Sponsored by MITRE

Gene-editing advances pose a serious threat.

By Michael Knutzen


The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed critical weaknesses in the human domain of warfare at just the moment technology has emerged that gives bad actors new power to exploit those weaknesses. Developments in synthetic biology will create next-generation bioweapons, “human-domain fires” that will fundamentally change the strategic environment and create a threat naval planners must consider now, before it is encountered at sea.

A Human-Domain Plague

In a March 2020 press release praising the effectiveness of its preventative medicine, the Navy proudly declared: “No cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed aboard any U.S. 7th Fleet Navy vessel.”1 One week later, cases were spreading so rapidly, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) effectively became a “mission-kill.”

COVID-19 has demonstrated that biological threats are almost entirely unaffected by sophisticated kinetic, cyber, and electromagnetic defenses. The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle reported in April 2020 that 60 percent of her crew was infected with COVID-19. French Admiral Christophe Prazuck warned “that the [medical] measures onboard were ‘obviously circumvented’ by a ‘stealthy, insidious virus.’”2 It can be debated whether the U.S. or French carriers would have stayed in the fight if COVID-19 had broken out during wartime. But a more lethal, deliberately devised, weaponized agent could eviscerate a fleet.

This socially transmitted vector is characteristic of a critical military dimension. The human domain, which the Department of Defense says “consists of the people (individuals, groups, and populations) in the environment, including their perceptions, decision-making, and behavior,” is a key component of the operating environment.3 Maritime, air, land, cyber, and information activities all affect this space, seizing psychological and behavioral “terrain” in a form of human-domain maneuver. This terrain comprises individuals, networks, and communities linked by ideology or association, frequently spread across and informed—but not limited—by geography. Traditionally, this has been maneuver terrain, a place to “win hearts and minds.” But new technology means fires in the human domain—biological fires especially—can now affect other domains, circumventing conventional defenses to find, fix, and finish targets with unnatural effect.

Recent developments in synthetic biology—which the National Academy of Sciences defines as “concepts, approaches, and tools which enable the modification or creation of biological organisms”—pose a profound threat.4 Humans first edited organisms through husbandry and botany—imprecise, indirect processes that required years to centuries to achieve much. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed in 1985 and allowed DNA from one organism to be isolated, copied, and inserted into another in the first form of widely used genetic modification. A newer technique, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR-Cas9), was first harnessed for genetic editing in 2013.5 Compared with PCR, CRISPR-Cas9 is cheaper, faster, and more accurate—a development likened to replacing vacuum tubes with transistors in the early days of computing.

It is much easier to use than PCR, too. CRISPR uses RNA (genetic information similar to DNA but which functions as a messenger within a cell) and the Cas9 enzyme to edit the genes. Biologists use the RNA to identify a sequence for removal or insertion and Cas9 to do the actual cutting and splicing.6 One 2019 winner of the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition was a team of high school students who engineered E. coli bacteria to spin spider silk.7 With CRISPR, to do the editing you simply have to know what genes control spider silk production and possible places to put them on the bacterial genome. With constant development, the technical obstacles to designing completely new traits and inserting them in designer organisms will only decrease. The opportunities and dangers are nearly limitless.


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70eeae No.95204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654412 (030034ZOCT23) Notable: Synthetic Bioweapons Are Coming

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Choose Your Weapon

Of those dangers, next-generation bioweapons are the most serious. Unlike traditional bioweapons, which most states have abandoned as unreliable, synthetic bioweapons (SBWs) are weaponized biological threats modified through synthetic biology for novel effects, mechanisms, or processes.8 Unshackled from natural biology, SBWs possess characteristics engineered to target populations or individuals, through socially transmitted rather than kinetic means. Although each of the military services and the entire U.S. population could be at risk from SBWs, the nature of the Sea Services’ operations—far from home but necessarily dependent on local goods and services in forward-deployed locations—places them at particular risk.

George Mason University’s Gregory D. Koblentz says, “Biological warfare favors the attacker.”9 One possible use of synthetic bioweapons would be to neutralize a ship or task force preemptively, before any active conflict, incapacitating a crew instead of killing it. A tailored incubation period or high presymptomatic transmission can be a matter of planning rather than luck. Programmed obsolescence, by which a disease dies after a set number of generations or fails to transmit in nontarget environmental conditions, can protect the attacker. Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Senior Colonel Guo Ji-Wei refers to this effect as “multiple vulneration,” the idea that overlapping biological effects can aid targeting.10

“Binary weapons” are paired infections separated to evade detection that can later combine for desired effect.11 Complementary, harmless viruses released in San Diego and Guam could synthesize, in a host exposed to both, to generate a debilitating illness. Such covert SBW fires could take a whole strike group off the board shortly before China launched an invasion of Taiwan, for example.

One threat that was once the stuff of science fiction may soon become real. Some researchers (including Lieutenant General Zhang Shibo, former president of the PLA National Defense University) foresee the possibility of “specific ethnic genetic attacks” on whole racial or ethnic groups, although there remain political and scientific obstacles at present.12 A unique person with unique genes is easier to target than population-level differences in the nearer term. SBWs with high levels of asymptomatic transmission could pass from host-to-host through the human domain, until reaching a vulnerable target or targets possessing the “right” genes. (Procuring a president or admiral’s DNA is easy. Simply invite the target to dinner at a venue you control.)

And China may already have hacked from medical records or purchased the genetic information of millions of ordinary Americans through genealogical companies such as 23andme.13 Bill Evanina, former director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, warned against Beijing Genomics Institute–linked COVID-19 tests, noting: “Foreign powers can collect, store and exploit biometric information from COVID tests.”14

Potential SBW effects include not only incapacitation and death, but also boutique outcomes. Colonel Guo emphasizes that “learning, memorizing . . . and even the ‘bellicose character’ can be injured precisely without a threat to life.”15 Making an adversary’s leader docile (or erratic, confused, or hyper-aggressive) might be as effective as a kinetic decapitation strike. Further, the ability to reach and nonlethally modify a target creates opportunities for coercion. A compellent threat creates conditions to force change in an adversary’s behavior. The ability to remotely hold a person’s biology hostage—through degenerative, frustrating, or simply embarrassing symptoms—but promising a personal cure (or enhancement) could create enormous strategic leverage.


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70eeae No.95205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654413 (030034ZOCT23) Notable: Synthetic Bioweapons Are Coming

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Warfare Beyond Rules

Doctrinally, China has recognized the critical role the human domain will play, and some Chinese thinkers have already rejected moral limits on SBWs. In 1999, PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xianghui published Warfare Beyond Rules, a treatise on asymmetric conflict that advocates for “warfare beyond all boundaries and limitations.” Qiao and Wang emphasize that China must be prepared to synchronize all government capabilities at all levels of competition, with all tools considered legitimate. These include: conventional, “biochemical,” “ideological war,” and other means of conflict.16

In this framework, chemical and biological weapons “are nothing more than nontraditional weapons whose mechanisms have been altered and whose lethal power and destructive capabilities have been magnified several times over.”17 With nothing inherently immoral in their use, “new concept weapons” such as SBWs are evaluated strictly on military utility.18 The work received high-level praise within China—Qiao was promoted to major general, and he and Wang still shape the next generation as national security lecturers.19

PLA Lieutenant General He Fuchu, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Military Science (AMS), has emphasized that “biotechnology [is] a new ‘strategic commanding heights.’” His agency’s 2017 Science of Military Strategy defined biology “as a domain of military struggle.”20 Such trains of thought culminate in new weapons perfectly suited for “warfare beyond rules.”

Mounting a Response

U.S. reactions to synthetic biology attacks will be fraught with difficulties in attribution, signaling, and response. The traditional U.S. position on chemical or bioweapon use has linked any potential response to the nuclear deterrent, through the 1998 doctrine of calculated ambiguity. But Syria’s unanswered mass use of chemical weapons (and North Korea and Russia’s highly targeted use) has destroyed the credibility of threats of a nuclear response to all use of weapons of mass destruction.21

Indeed, attributing such an attack would be difficult in any case. The 1975 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention outlawed the acquisition and stockpiling of all forms of biological weapons but lacked inspection or enforcement regimes. As the slow initial response to COVID-19 demonstrates, it takes time to recognize a new threat, understand it, identify its origin, and develop medical countermeasures. The characteristics of SBWs that make them so attractive to bad actors also magnify the challenges of reacting. Mustering the evidence to attribute the source of an attack and generate broad public support and political will for a vigorous response would be difficult, to say the least.

Given these barriers, what should the Sea Services do? First, investment in military biodefense is critical. This requires enhancing threat awareness by developing a global biothreat common operating picture (BioCOP) in coordination with national and international defense, public health, homeland security, and intelligence agencies. A BioCOP must be able to recognize and characterize SBWs through active bio-surveillance in vessels, ports, and facilities, with special attention for globally dispersed, binary weapons. Second, research organizations, such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s biotechnology office, need the resources to drive development of advanced biosensors, diagnostics, countermeasures, and other defenses to keep pace with changes in synthetic biology. National biodefense must not be exclusively reactive. A comprehensive counter-SBW plan would look for and respond to clear and present synthetic biologic dangers while advancing the country’s knowledge about potential and emerging threats.

The government as a whole and the individual services in particular must develop flexible and muscular response plans that include well-maintained stockpiles of specialized sensors and protective equipment. Defensively, lessons learned from COVID-19 social distancing should inform reactions to SBW fires and associated doctrine. The federal government must assess, determine, and message what a proportional response to various levels of SBWs would be. These efforts should feature in military wargaming and principal-level exercises, with appropriate effort spent in developing and signaling tactical, operational, and strategic options.


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70eeae No.95206

File: 46a24034d4d137a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654415 (030034ZOCT23) Notable: Army vet at center of burn pits fight wins $2.5 million verdict

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Army vet at center of burn pits fight wins $2.5 million verdict

Oct 2, 2023

An Army Reserve veteran at the center of a Capitol Hill fight over burn pit benefits and a Supreme Court case over veterans employment rights was awarded $2.49 million from a Texas jury last week after a 12-year battle with state police officials.

Le Roy Torres, one of the founders of the advocacy group Burn Pits 360 and a well-known figure in national veterans advocacy efforts, had been arguing in court for the last six years that he was improperly forced out of his job as a Texas state trooper in 2011 after complaining of health problems related to earlier military deployments in Iraq.

Torres served in the Army Reserve and developed severe breathing problems linked to the toxic smoke from burn pits around the bases where he was stationed. Since then, he has been diagnosed with lung disease and toxic brain injuries.

He sued the Texas Department of Public Safety after supervisors there failed to make accommodations for his injuries, as required under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, which protects reservists from job discrimination based on their military service.

But Texas state attorneys argued that Torres did not have standing to sue the state, eventually leading to arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court. In June 2022, the justices ruled 5-4 to allow his lawsuit to proceed.

The jury behind last Friday’s decision unanimously voted to award Torres 11 years of back pay. State officials have not yet said if they will appeal the verdict.

Along with the employment lawsuit, Torres and his wife, Rosie, have been active figures in the Capitol Hill debates surrounding benefits for veterans suffering from burn pit-related conditions.

The pair were frequently highlighted before and after the passage of the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act — better known as the PACT Act — in August 2022. That legislation in part mandated expanded disability benefits for 12 types of cancer and 12 other respiratory illnesses linked to burn pit smoke exposure in Iraq, Afghanistan and other overseas combat zones.

Rosie Torres told Military Times the couple were pleased and overwhelmed by Friday’s decision by the jury, given the lengthy wait for resolution to the legal fight.


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70eeae No.95207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654419 (030035ZOCT23) Notable: Synthetic Bioweapons Are Coming

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At the same time, every effort should be made to limit the perception of an offensive advantage for U.S. SBW capabilities. If adversaries perceive that the United States takes an “SBWs for me, but not for thee” approach, an arms race could ensue. Transparency in bilateral and global messaging can mitigate these dangers. This must be considered a strategic priority.

Finally, international regimes must be strengthened. This should begin with Secretary of State Antony Blinken attending the December 2021 Biological Weapons Convention review conference—the pentennial meeting to make substantive improvements to the treaty. Adversaries and partners likely will mirror the U.S. action, creating political interest unseen in a decade. This is a strategic opportunity to address the convention’s chronic financing and compliance issues and questions about its applicability to synthetic threats. U.S. diplomatic efforts should seek an international clarification that leans on Article VII to streamline access to biological samples so long as prenegotiated standards are met.22 Even agreeing on standard template language or other means to reduce barriers would be critical in time-sensitive SBW response.

The United States should complement this effort with broad reengagement in global health, bioethics, and normative bodies to guide international standards in line with U.S. values and interests. International response plans should be developed within NATO, Indo-Pacific security agreements, and the so-called Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement. Reinforcing alliance and mutual-defense structures increases preparedness while also encouraging anti-SBW policies among powerful multilateral blocs. In turn, this can generate momentum in global efforts to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention and other essential treaties.

COVID-19 revealed key U.S. vulnerabilities, and adversaries have taken note. SBWs provide a brand-new capability—human-domain fires without any conventional equivalent. In just eight years, CRISPR-Cas9 has transformed from an unknown technique with messy, collateral damage to a precise genetic surgery that has successfully cured diseases in human adults.23 And the technology will only improve, creating more powerful options for those who pursue them. China seeks to become a biotechnology superpower, developing scientific capabilities whose military uses the PLA openly considers.24 U.S. planners must recognize this synthetic sea change and prepare, before it is too late.

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70eeae No.95208

File: 13c8a7bc168ea73⋯.png (731.7 KB,768x382,384:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654456 (030040ZOCT23) Notable: Supreme Court rejects case that Trump should be disqualified from the ballot under 14th Amendment

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Eat it, faggots.

Supreme Court rejects 14th Amendment case on Trump.

BREAKING: Supreme Court rejects case that Trump should be disqualified from the ballot under 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, was intended to prevent Confederate leaders from attaining elected office.


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70eeae No.95209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654467 (030042ZOCT23) Notable: NYC Professor Who Threatened New York Post Reporter With Machete Avoids Jail With Sweetheart Plea Deal

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NYC Professor Who Threatened New York Post Reporter With Machete Avoids Jail With Sweetheart Plea Deal

A NYC college professor who held a machete to a New York Post reporter’s neck and threatened to “chop” him, avoided jail with a sweetheart plea deal.

Shellyne Rodrigeuz, 46, will avoid jail and most likely won’t even have a criminal record for holding a machete to NY Post reporter Reuven Fenton’s neck back in May.

The sweetheart plea deal includes a pathetic six months of therapy offered by corrupt prosecutors in the Bronx. This after all is New York, so it isn’t surprising such insanity is taking place in the justice system.

New York Post reported:

The unhinged Manhattan college professor who threatened to “chop” a Post reporter copped a wrist-slap plea deal in Bronx court on Monday.

Shellyne Rodriguez, 46, will dodge jail time and won’t even have a criminal record if she makes it through as little as six months in therapy under the terms of her sweetheart deal with Bronx prosecutors.

Rodriguez – who was axed from her Hunter College gig hours after the caught-on-video May 23 assault on reporter Reuven Fenton – pleaded guilty to a count of menacing, a misdemeanor, and to a harassment violation.

Her record will be wiped clean if she completes counseling at the Alternative Wellness Collective of Manhattan and stays out of trouble for up to a year, Judge Dan Quart said in Bronx Criminal Court.

At least she was fired from her professorship at Hunter College, but nothing about the terms the prosecution offered makes sense for such a violent action. Besides therapy, she needs to simply stay out of trouble for a year and not get arrested.

She has demonstrated instability in the recent past. In May, Rodriguez lost her temper on a group of students at Hunter College for a table set up they had with pro-life materials.

In May, the Gateway Pundit reported about Shellyne Rodriguez turned herself into the police after holding a machete to a New York Post reporter.

The NYC professor who cursed at pro-life students and threatened a New York Post reporter with a machete turned herself in to police back in May – and cried victim!

Rodriguez was seen in a video previously published by Students for Life America, accusing the two students of being “triggering” and exhibiting “violent” behavior.

“You’re not educating shi-t, this is f-cking propaganda,” Rodriguez says in the video, “What are you going to do like anti-trans next?”

What does a person have to do to go to jail in New York City?


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70eeae No.95210

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654471 (030042ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them - Not Making Headlines

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Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them - Not Making Headlines

Fairbanks told the girl to get into a car. She said someone put a bag over her head and brought her to a house with four men she described as “Mexican” where she was stripped and tied up between two other girls who said the same things happened to them.

The girl said that while she was at the house, Fairbanks put a rope around her neck and forced her to drink alcohol. She also said one of the other girls who had been raped was in the closet and another was bloody and unconscious.

The girl, who rated her pain as eight out of 10, two days after the assault, said she was able to escape when another girl untied her.She said a man named “Panda” grabbed the girlwho helped the 11-year-old escape and threw her down the stairs.



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70eeae No.95211

File: 0379c1d8696d1a8⋯.png (491.98 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654482 (030043ZOCT23) Notable: The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.

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Elon Musk: Germany Invades Italy. German Leftists Freak Out & Call for Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German Ships Are Dumping Illegal Aliens into Italy & Germany’s Conservative AfD Party Wants It to Stop. “It has invasion vibes. Surely it is a violation of the sovereignty of Italy"

German Leftists Freak Out and Call for Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German NGO Ships Are Dumping Illegal Aliens into ...

The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.


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70eeae No.95212

File: d110bf93790ca0b⋯.png (489.44 KB,750x760,75:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654496 (030045ZOCT23) Notable: It's official, the flu is now deadlier than COVID. How come there's no Zero Flu Community?!

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It's official, the flu is now deadlier than COVID. How come there's no Zero Flu Community?!


It always was -

CDC Faked 99% of Reported ‘Covid Deaths,’ Data Shows


Nurses were too busy doing tiktok videos to take care of the sick or elderly. The CDC assisted in recording almost EVERY death as covid.

Hospital caused pneumonia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525788/

Then que the ventilation and run-death-is-near (Remdesivir) drug.

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70eeae No.95213

File: 58dcb015ee561d4⋯.png (539.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654511 (030047ZOCT23) Notable: Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Confirms Gateway Pundit 2020 Reporting: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Alleged Members …

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Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Confirms Gateway Pundit 2020 Reporting: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Alleged Members ...

The disturbing liaisons between Hunter Biden and a multitude of individuals allegedly linked to sex-trafficking rings have been known for quite a while.


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70eeae No.95214

File: 1868a1d1aa61575⋯.png (692.28 KB,768x415,768:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654547 (030052ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Attorney: Judge Conceded That the Statute of Limitations Are in Effect

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Trump Attorney: Judge Conceded That the Statute of Limitations Are in Effect – All Transactions That Closed Prior to 2014 Are Now Out of the Case

President Trump and his lawyers on Monday spoke to the press outside of a New York City courthouse after the conclusion of the opening day of the non-jury trial in a civil fraud case brought by Stalinist Letitia James.


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70eeae No.95215

File: 7291b8baa3d7844⋯.png (414.42 KB,768x404,192:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654582 (030055ZOCT23) Notable: High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

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High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

The trail that leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group

The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails. The emails, which were reported on by veteran Wall Street Journal correspondent Jay Solomon, writing in Semafor, and by Iran International, the London-based émigré opposition outlet which is the most widely read independent news source inside Iran, were published last week after being extensively verified over a period of several months by the two outlets. They showed that Malley had helped to infiltrate an Iranian agent of influence named Ariane Tabatabai into some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government—first at the State Department and now the Pentagon, where she has been serving as chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations, Christopher Maier.

On Thursday, Maier told a congressional committee that the Defense Department is “actively looking into whether all law and policy was properly followed in granting my chief of staff top secret special compartmented information.”

The emails, which were exchanged over a period of several years between Iranian regime diplomats and analysts, show that Tabatabai was part of a regime propaganda unit set up in 2014 by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. The Iran Experts Initiative (IEI) tasked operatives drawn from Iranian diaspora communities to promote Iranian interests during the clerical regime’s negotiations with the United States over its nuclear weapons program. Though several of the IEI operatives and others named in the emails have sought to portray themselves on social media as having engaged with the regime in their capacity as academic experts, or in order to promote better understanding between the United States and Iran, none has questioned the veracity of the emails.

The contents of the emails are damning, showing a group of Iranian American academics being recruited by the Iranian regime, meeting together in foreign countries to receive instructions from top regime officials, and pledging their personal loyalty to the regime. They also show how these operatives used their Iranian heritage and Western academic positions to influence U.S. policy toward Iran, first as outside “experts” and then from high-level U.S. government posts. Both inside and outside of government, the efforts of members of this circle were repeatedly supported and advanced by Malley, who served as the U.S. government’s chief interlocutor with Iran under both the Obama and the Biden administrations. Malley is also the former head of the International Crisis Group (ICG), which directly paid and credentialed several key members of the regime’s influence operation.

The IEI, according to a 2014 email from one Iranian official to one of Iran’s lead nuclear negotiators, “consisted of a core group of 6-10 distinguished second-generation Iranians who have established affiliation with the leading international think-tanks and academic institutions, mainly in Europe and the US.” The network was funded and supported by an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) official, Mostafa Zahrani, who was the point of contact between IEI operatives, and Iran’s then-Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.

According to the correspondence, the IEI recruited several U.S.-based analysts, including Tabatabai, Ali Vaez, and Dina Esfandiary, all of whom willingly accepted Iranian guidance. These Middle East experts were then subsequently hired, credentialed, supported, and funded by Malley and the ICG where he was president from January 2018 until January 2021, when he joined the Biden administration. Malley was also ICG’s program director for Middle East and North Africa before the Obama administration tapped him in February 2014 to run negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal. Vaez joined the ICG in 2012 and served as Malley’s top deputy.

Emails quoted in the stories show that even once in government, Malley directed Vaez’s actions at ICG, sending him to Vienna where the Iranian and U.S. teams held nuclear negotiations. “Following the order of his previous boss Malley, Ali Vaez will come to Vienna,” Zahrani reportedly wrote Zarif in an April 3, 2014, email. “Who from our group do you instruct to have a meeting with him?”



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70eeae No.95216

File: 9bdcfdf26374d24⋯.png (993.44 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654603 (030058ZOCT23) Notable: Supreme Court rejects case that Trump should be disqualified from the ballot under 14th Amendment

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Deepstate Fails: Supreme Court declines to hear bid to disqualify Trump from 2024 election over alleged Jan. 6 role

Supreme Court declines to hear bid to disqualify Trump from 2024 election over alleged Jan. 6 role

The Supreme Court on Monday turned down a case challenging former President Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on 2024 election ballots because of his alleged role in the January 6, 2021, riot at…


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70eeae No.95217

File: 6c926e78f71e220⋯.png (459.6 KB,656x655,656:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654608 (030059ZOCT23) Notable: NYC Professor Who Threatened New York Post Reporter With Machete Avoids Jail With Sweetheart Plea Deal

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Just another violent low/no IQ DEI-American that thinks they are qualified and justified

Rules for thee: Leftist NYC professor who threatened Post reporter with a machete avoids jail with wrist-slap therapy plea deal


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70eeae No.95218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654615 (030102ZOCT23) Notable: Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family

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Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family

Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

What’s the significance of having a central bank within a country and why should you concern yourself, your family and colleagues?

Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook.

Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives. Except when we get too far out of line.

The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation. Please do not confuse this with the term globalization. Mononation and globalization couldn’t be more different in concept, scope and purpose. Mononation is one state. It has one government. One set of laws for all ordinary citizens, no laws for the elite. Globalization refers to communicating, trading, interacting, etc. among separate, different, independent, sovereign countries.

The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation.

Our own Federal Reserve is an illegally emplaced private bank that is directly responsible for creating all the US’s depressions, recessions, and the inflation and deflation of our dollar.

The Fed controls the printing of our own currency, and then charges the US government interest on those loans. The interest is growing each year, making it difficult if not impossible for our government to pay it. How do we pay this interest? By the US Personal Income Tax. This tax goes to the Rothschild family.


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70eeae No.95219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654624 (030103ZOCT23) Notable: Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family

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BIS Offices

Representative Office for Asia and the Pacific

78th floor, Two International Finance Centre

8 Finance Street, Central

Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China

Telephone: (+852) 2878 7100

Fax: (+852) 2878 7123

Representative Office for the Americas

Torre Chapultepec

Rubén Darío 281 – 17th floor

Col. Bosque de Chapultepec

Del. Miguel Hidalgo

11580 México, D.F.


Telephone: (+52) 55 91380290

Fax: (+52) 55 91380299

The Rothschild-Owned Central Banks of the World

Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan

Albania: Bank of Albania

Algeria: Bank of Algeria

Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina

Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia

Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba

Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia

Austria: Austrian National Bank

Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic

Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas

Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain

Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank

Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados

Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Belgium: National Bank of Belgium

Belize: Central Bank of Belize

Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority

Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan

Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia

Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Botswana: Bank of Botswana

Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil

Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank

Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi

Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia

Cameroon: Bank of Central African States

Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada

Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States

Chad: Bank of Central African States

Chile: Central Bank of Chile

China: The People’s Bank of China

Colombia: Bank of the Republic

Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros

Congo: Bank of Central African States

Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica

Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Croatia: Croatian National Bank

Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba

Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus

Czech Republic: Czech National Bank

Denmark: National Bank of Denmark

Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic

East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank

Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador

Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt

El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States

Estonia: Bank of Estonia

Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia

European Union: European Central Bank

Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji

Finland: Bank of Finland

France: Bank of France

Gabon: Bank of Central African States

The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia

Georgia: National Bank of Georgia

Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank

Ghana: Bank of Ghana

Greece: Bank of Greece

Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala

Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Guyana: Bank of Guyana

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70eeae No.95220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654628 (030103ZOCT23) Notable: Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family

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Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti

Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras

Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank

Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland

India: Reserve Bank of India

Indonesia: Bank Indonesia

Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq

Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland

Israel: Bank of Israel

Italy: Bank of Italy

Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica

Japan: Bank of Japan

Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan

Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan

Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya

Korea: Bank of Korea

Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Latvia: Bank of Latvia

Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon

Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho

Libya: Central Bank of Libya

Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania

Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg

Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao

Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar

Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi

Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia

Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Malta: Central Bank of Malta

Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius

Mexico: Bank of Mexico

Moldova: National Bank of Moldova

Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia

Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro

Morocco: Bank of Morocco

Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique

Namibia: Bank of Namibia

Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal

Netherlands: Netherlands Bank

Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua

Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria

Norway: Central Bank of Norway

Oman: Central Bank of Oman

Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan

Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea

Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay

Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Poland: National Bank of Poland

Portugal: Bank of Portugal

Qatar: Qatar Central Bank

Romania: National Bank of Romania

Russia: Central Bank of Russia

Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda

San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino

Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Serbia: National Bank of Serbia

Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles

Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone

Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore

Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia

Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia

Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands

South Africa: South African Reserve Bank

Spain: Bank of Spain

Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Sudan: Bank of Sudan

Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname

Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland

Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank

Switzerland: Swiss National Bank

Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan

Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania

Thailand: Bank of Thailand

Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia

Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Uganda: Bank of Uganda

Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine

United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom: Bank of England

United States: The Dirty Nasty Stinky Fed, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay

Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu

Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela

Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam

Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen

Zambia: Bank of Zambia

Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

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70eeae No.95221

File: 1ec97d9cb644437⋯.png (721.88 KB,768x473,768:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654634 (030104ZOCT23) Notable: New 'air vax' delivers mRNA right to your lungs, raising serious bioethical concerns

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New 'air vax' delivers mRNA right to your lungs, raising serious bioethical concerns

Researchers say this new 'air vax' method could 'radically change the way people are vaccinated,' but it could also be used to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent.


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70eeae No.95222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654638 (030106ZOCT23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Says He Has 'Enough Republicans' To Oust Kevin McCarthy From Speaker Role

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_FANTASTIC. Way to go Gaetz! So do it.__

Matt Gaetz Says He Has 'Enough Republicans' To Oust Kevin McCarthy From Speaker Role


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70eeae No.95223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654641 (030106ZOCT23) Notable: File a New York State Judicial Ethics complaint on fraudster Judge Engoron:

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File a New York State Judicial Ethics complaint on fraudster Judge Engoron:


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70eeae No.95224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654645 (030106ZOCT23) Notable: Robert Kennedy Jr. talking about Blackrock buying up all the property

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Robert Kennedy Jr. talking about Blackrock buying up all the property, and his plan to make housing affordable for everyone.. Trump NEEDS to begin talking about this, and lay out a plan.

BlackRock is involved in crimes against humanity, they could be sold off under PDJT's EOs

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70eeae No.95225

File: 7a03dd587e019d5⋯.png (1.56 MB,768x758,384:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654654 (030108ZOCT23) Notable: Is China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies and Saboteurs In U.S. Communities For The Coming War?

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Is China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies and Saboteurs In U.S. Communities For The Coming War?

There has been a dramatic spike in the number of Chinese nationals that are coming across our borders. The vast majority of them are men, and the vast majority of those men are of military age. Most of the time, when these men are intercepted by U.S. officials they claim that they have come to apply for asylum in the United States. Of course they know that their court dates will be set far into the future because our system is being absolutely overwhelmed by asylum seekers right now. As they wait for their court dates, most of them are released into the United States and are permitted to go wherever they want. So what this means is that thousands upon thousands of Chinese men of military age have been allowed into this country, and we don’t know where they are or what they are doing.

According to Fox News, the number of Chinese nationals that are being encountered at our borders far exceeds anything that we have ever seen before…

So far in fiscal year 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered nearly 40,000 Chinese nationals on both the southern and northern borders, far surpassing the approximately 23,500 and 27,800 encountered in fiscal years 2021 and 2022, respectively.

In July, more than 6,000 crossed the border, just two months after the COVID-19-era rule that allowed for expelling illegal migrants quickly – known as Title 42 – expired.

Obviously these Chinese nationals do not walk to our borders from China.

So how do they get here?

Well, it is being reported that many of them begin their journeys in the nation of Ecuador…

The Chinese migrants typically start their journey in Ecuador, which is visa-free for Chinese citizens, as per The Diplomat. From there, they head to Necoclí, a town in Colombia’s northern coast, which then leads to the Darién Gap, a 66-mile dense jungle reportedly filled with armed guerillas, drug traffickers and deadly biodiversity. Some who undertake the treacherous journey allegedly pay smugglers up to $35,000 for help.

This is a major national security issue, but the Biden administration isn’t doing anything about it.

Needless to say, this is greatly frustrating many Republicans. In fact, the chair of the Homeland Security Committee in the House of Representatives recently told the Daily Mail that he is concerned that China may be sending these men here for a specific purpose…

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., told DailyMail.com that there has been a ‘massive increase’ of Chinese nationals tied to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that have gained access to the U.S. by crossing over the border.

And there have been over 17,800 Chinese nationals released into the U.S. this year alone, he claimed.

Green called the ‘stupidity’ of the Biden administration’s border policies currently in place ‘mind-blowing’ because now Chinese spies could act as ‘saboteurs’ in the same manner Russian military men established residency in Ukraine before the invasion.

I think that Green’s concerns are quite justified.

Just as rumors of a potential war between the U.S. and China are reaching a crescendo, we are seeing Chinese men cross our borders in much larger numbers than we ever have before.

And they appear to be doing it in groups.


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70eeae No.95226

File: 2df6bb90671a6b5⋯.png (394.33 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654660 (030109ZOCT23) Notable: CoViD “vaccine” mandates begin in Houston @ Baylor College of Medicine

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CoViD “vaccine” mandates begin in Houston @ Baylor College of Medicine

COVID Vaccine Mandates Begin inRed State

The governor has declared Texas 'should be leading the fight against COVID tyranny,' but publicly funded institutions are still allowed to mandate vaccines


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70eeae No.95227

File: ee945e2a3d239ad⋯.png (327.34 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654670 (030110ZOCT23) Notable: In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) vowed to replace any Senate vacancies with a black woman.

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==Newsom Fills Feinstein's Empty Senate Seat With Wealthy Black Lesbian From Maryland

In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) vowed to replace any Senate vacancies with a black woman.

On Sunday, he did just that following the death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D), appointing the first black lesbian to ever openly serve in Congress.

Laphonza Butler, president of of pro-abortion organization EMILY's List who served as a senior adviser to Kamala Harris' very failed 2020 presidential campaign, and currently a resident of Maryland, was announced as Feinstein's replacement in a Sunday night announcement by Newsom.

Butler will finish Feinstein's term, which runs until 2024, after which she may face off with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who had been hoping Feinstein would live till the election so he could slide into the Senate.

"As we mourn the enormous loss of Senator Feinstein, the very freedoms she fought for — reproductive freedom, equal protection, and safety from gun violence — have never been under greater assault," said Newsom, adding "Laphonza will carry the baton left by Senator Feinstein, continue to break glass ceilings, and fight for all Californians in Washington D.C."

Butler was born in Magnolia, Mississippi, where she began her career as a union organizer. In 2009, she moved to California, where she served as president of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers, where she was instrumental in raising minimum wage, and hiking taxes on wealthy Californians. She also served as a University of California regent for three years, until she moved to Maryland in 2001.

After advising Kamala Harris on her 2020 campaign, Butler left SCRB strategies to become Airbnb's director of public policy and campaigns in North America. Wile working for Harris, she was hired by Uber during an organized labor dispute - when Harris's brother-in-law, Tony West, was Uber's chief legal officer.

Many have made light of the fact that Butler doesn't actually live in California.


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70eeae No.95228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654680 (030111ZOCT23) Notable: File a New York State Judicial Ethics complaint on fraudster Judge Engoron:

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Online complaint form to file a complaint against NEW YORK Judge Engoron:


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70eeae No.95229

File: fab555404d23d2d⋯.png (346.53 KB,591x639,197:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654755 (030120ZOCT23) Notable: Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC.

She is part of a coalition seeking to remove Clarence Thomas


Meet the Activist Wife Who Networks at the Anti-MAGA White House While Her Prosecutor Husband Works...

By Julie Kelly, RealClearInvestigationsTuesday, October 3, 2023 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is the public face of the government’s unprecedented effort to identify, arrest, and prosecute

12:34 PM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95230

File: 4688ca49056236a⋯.png (407.01 KB,598x794,299:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654770 (030121ZOCT23) Notable: Massive human trafficking crackdown in Ohio takes 160 predators off the Streets.

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Our Country Our Choice


JUST IN: Massive human trafficking crackdown in Ohio takes 160 predators off the Streets.

[COLUMBUS, Ohio] — Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost today announced the success of a weeklong statewide human trafficking crackdown, ‘Operation Buyer’s Remorse,’ which sought to arrest those trying to buy sex and to identify survivors of human trafficking.

“Law enforcement across Ohio teamed up in a concerted effort to stem the demand that fuels human trafficking.”

“The success of this operation is measured not only by the number of arrests but also by the resources offered to survivors of human trafficking and the intelligence gathered that will propel long-term investigations forward.”


1:35 PM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95231

File: 75f118f4975f22d⋯.png (91.42 KB,593x467,593:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 46f24250ec4cf1b⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,500x284,125:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654808 (030126ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - "This is the final battle.."

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 02, 2023, 9:13 PM


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70eeae No.95232

File: 947663b98209230⋯.png (416.85 KB,593x573,593:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654833 (030128ZOCT23) Notable: North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen was killed in plane crash along with his wife and 2 kids in Utah on Sunday.

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North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen was killed in plane crash along with his wife and 2 kids in Utah on Sunday.

Earlier this year, Sen. Larsen spoke out in support of a bill to study "the long-term health effects" of mRNA vaccines and shared this story on the Senate floor:

11:55 AM · Oct 2, 2023




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70eeae No.95233

File: e3d90bc99f73495⋯.png (292.2 KB,764x900,191:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 6706457275e0df4⋯.png (199.86 KB,540x792,15:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654834 (030129ZOCT23) Notable: CALL TO DIGG - Follow the wives / The new senator from "California" Laphonza Butler just made the list of the most powerful women who live in Washington DC

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'Follow the wives.

These people are stupid.




The new senator from "California" Laphonza Butler just made the list of the most powerful women who live in Washington DC

Comfortably Smug





The new senator from "California" Laphonza Butler just made the list of the most powerful women who live in Washington DC



==Most Powerful Women in Washington

169 of the most influential women shaping government, business, the arts, education, law, media, and nonprofits.==

Power is a concept synonymous with DC—in its symbolism, its offices, its people. Many Washingtonians hold power by virtue of their positions, titles, and affiliations. For others, power is intrinsic and follows them wherever they go. Some are obvious in their authority. Others pull the strings of influence and change discreetly.

One thing is certain: More and more of the most powerful people in the city—in all of those capacities—are women. A decade ago, a list of Washington’s Most Powerful Women was not nearly as long. This time around, we had to make some hard decisions to keep it from overflowing the allotted pages.

To arrive at this roster, we talked to industry leaders, people with their finger on the pulse, and of course names on lists of years past to find out which women in the region wield the most power right now. (Fun fact: Powerful women do not hesitate to share names of other powerful women.) We also scoured the news—seeking out people responsible for it, both in the forefront and behind the scenes. Finally, we looked to the city’s most powerful institutions and those leading them. From arts, nonprofit, and media mavens to corporate, political, and legal powerhouses, here are 169 women making a mark in Washington.

National Politics

Women hold some of the most prestigious—and powerful—positions in the country, from cabinet posts and party leadership to Vice President.

Jill Biden

First Lady of the United States

Anita Dunn

Senior Adviser and Assistant to the President

Jen Easterly

Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Marcia Fudge

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Suzy George

Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State

Jennifer Granholm

Secretary of Energy

Isabel Guzman

Administrator, Small Business Administration

Deb Haaland

Secretary of the Interior

Avril Haines

Director of National Intelligence

Kamala Harris

Vice President of the United States

Carla Hayden

Librarian of Congress

Karine Jean-Pierre

White House Press Secretary

Lina Khan

Chair, Federal Trade Commission

Ronna McDaniel

Chair, Republican National Committee

Samantha Power

Administrator, United States Agency for International Development

Gina Raimondo

Secretary of Commerce

Evan Ryan

White House Cabinet Secretary

Katherine Tai

United States Trade Representative

Lorraine Voles

Chief of Staff to the Vice President

Janet Yellen

Secretary of the Treasury

Shalanda Young

Director, Office of Management and Budget


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70eeae No.95234

File: 6691409094a30b2⋯.png (690.92 KB,847x757,847:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654870 (030134ZOCT23) Notable: Justice Thomas Recuses as Supreme Court Rejects Eastman’s Appeal of Election-Interference Ruling

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Justice Thomas Recuses as Supreme Court

Rejects Eastman’s Appeal of Election-Interference Ruling

National Review, by Ari Blaff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/2/2023 7:32:39 PM

Clarence Thomas recused himself Monday as the Supreme Court rejected an appeal from John Eastman, a former legal adviser to Donald Trump, who had asked the Court to reverse a previous ruling which held that his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election potentially constituted a crime. In March, a California federal judge ruled that Eastman’s advice to then-President Trump advocating overturning the 2020 election results “more likely than not” constituted a crime. Eastman, a Constitutional law professor, controversially advanced the argument that Vice-President Mike Pence could avoid certifying the election results.

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70eeae No.95235

File: 9fedc37d9114d98⋯.png (750.68 KB,895x731,895:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654891 (030136ZOCT23) Notable: In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) vowed to replace any Senate vacancies with a black woman.

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Newsom’s ‘First Black Lesbian’ Senate

Appointee Immediately Hit With Scandal, Cover-Up

Red State, by Bonchie

Original Article

Posted By: Mercedes44, 10/2/2023 6:38:06 PM

The recent death of former Sen. Dianne Feinstein left Gov. Gavin Newsom in a predicament. Would he keep his promise to fill the seat with a black woman even though two white people (Adam Schiff and Katie Porter) are leading the 2024 race for the seat? As RedState reported, the answer is yes. Newsom appointed Laphonza Butler, whose only qualifications appear to be working on Kamala Harris' failed 2020 presidential campaign while being a "black lesbian." Naturally, the California governor is touting the latter.

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70eeae No.95236

File: 7fa88788c5a70f6⋯.png (475.22 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654916 (030139ZOCT23) Notable: Never Forget the Jan. 6 Defendants

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Never Forget the Jan. 6 Defendants

Of all the evil that Biden has perpetrated, none is so vile as the imprisonment of Americans known as the J6 defendants. Daily, they suffer cruel and unusual punishment; they are incarcerated in solitary confinement, their medical needs ar...


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70eeae No.95237

File: 51bedfcf41cb00a⋯.png (128.36 KB,575x439,575:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654937 (030142ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - "This is the final battle.."

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 02, 2023, 2:13 PM

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70eeae No.95238

File: 8b3d13c562a94b5⋯.png (773.97 KB,1034x584,517:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654943 (030143ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Lewis: Sam Bankman-Fried Donated Multi-Millions To McConnell's List Of Anti-Trump Republicans

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Michael Lewis: Sam Bankman-Fried Donated Multi-Millions To McConnell's List Of Anti-Trump Republicans

Michael Lewis, author of the new book "Going Infinite" about disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, told "60 Minutes" that the former finance CEO met with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the 2022 election to help pick "Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump" to fund.

Watch the full interview here via "60 Minutes."

"The subtext of this dinner is Sam is gonna write tens of millions of dollars of checks to a super PAC that Mitch McConnell is then gonna use to get elected people who are not hostile to democracy," Lewis said.

MICHAEL LEWIS: Sam Bankman-Fried ends up with a portfolio heavily concentrated in two things. Pandemic prevention, because there really are things the government should be doing. And the other thing that made his list that was so interesting was Donald Trump. He took the view that all the big existential problems are gonna require the United States government to be involved to solve them.

And if the democracy is undermined, it like, we don't have our democracy anymore, all these problems are less likely to be solved. And he saw Trump trying to undermine the democracy, and he thought, "Trump is belongs on the list of existential risks."

60 MINUTES: To that end, Lewis writes that in 2022, Bankman-Fried met with the most unlikely of allies, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump.

JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: You're flying with Sam and he tells you about a meeting he's gonna have with Mitch McConnell.

MICHAEL LEWIS: Well, the interesting thing starts before we even get on the plane. I meet him at the airport, and he comes tumbling out of a car. And he's in his cargo shorts and his T-shirt. And he's got, balled up in his hand it takes me a while to see what it is, but it's a blue suit. It's got more wrinkles than any blue suit ever had. It's been just jammed into this little ball. (laughs) And a shoe, like, falls out of the pile that he's got in his arms. And I said, like, "What why you have the suit?" And he says (laughs) he says, "Mi Mitch McConnell really cares what you wear when you (laughs) when you meet with him." And he's having dinner in six hours with Mitch McConnell. And I I said, "Well, you got the suit. Is there you got a belt?" He goes, "No. I don't have a belt." I said, "You got you have a shirt?" He goes, "No. No shirt," "and the suit, you really can't really wear that suit." And he goes, "Yeah. But they told me to bring a suit."

60 MINUTES: According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump…

MICHAEL LEWIS: What is the subtext of this dinner, is Sam is gonna write tens of millions of dollars of checks to a super PAC that Mitch McConnell is then gonna use to get elected people who are not "hostile to democracy."

JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: Wait. So, Mitch McConnell has a list of Republican candidates who are, sort of, on the playing field for democracy versus what he deemed outside?

MICHAEL LEWIS: He and his team had done the work to distinguish between actual deep Trumpers and people who were just seeming to approve of Donald Trump but we actually willing to govern.

60 MINUTES: Bankman-Fried ended up giving multi-millions in support of the Republican candidates. Back in 2020, Bankman-Fried had ranked among Joe Biden's biggest donors. As 2024 approached, he planned on spending more, albeit in the most unconventional way.



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70eeae No.95239

File: 502fe5590e2a06b⋯.png (869.19 KB,670x706,335:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654955 (030146ZOCT23) Notable: Exclusive: Biden Admin Moves 2K Migrants from Packed Border Facility to Release Elsewhere in Texas

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Exclusive: Biden Admin Moves 2K Migrants

from Packed Border Facility to Release

Elsewhere in Texas

Breitbart Border, by Randy Clark

Posted By: Imright, 10/2/2023 5:56:28 PM

Eagle Pass, Texas—The Biden administration is in the process of moving 2,000 migrants from an overcrowded Border Patrol processing facility in Eagle Pass, Texas, according to a CBP source. The mass transfer of detainees began early Monday and is aimed to alleviate the strain on Border Patrol facilities and a non-government shelter overwhelmed by the influx of more than 1,000 migrants into Eagle Pass daily. As reported by Breitbart Texas, the sudden surge of migrants began two weeks prior as more than 1,500 migrants crossed the Rio Grande within six hours. The migrants traveled to the border area from southern and central Mexico by freight train. Within days, single groups

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70eeae No.95240

File: 0430cb120a3f35a⋯.png (828.97 KB,768x745,768:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19654963 (030147ZOCT23) Notable: At Least 260,000 Illegals Crossed Border in September

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At Least 260,000 Illegals Crossed Border in September


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70eeae No.95241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655006 (030153ZOCT23) Notable: #24133

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#24133 >>95193

>>95194 Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts Jamaal Bowman With Video Revealing Fire Alarm Door

>>95195 Project Safe Neighborhoods Investigation Nets More Than Five Kilos of Fentanyl Pills and Powder, Along With Commercial Pill Presses

>>95196 Internal Revenue Service Information Technology Supervisor Facing Federal Charges for Extortion and Attempted Witness Tampering

>>95197 Donald J. Trump - Some really good conversations took place last night

>>95198 FBI ‘surge’ to tribal lands results in arrests and investigations

>>95199, >>95200 Joe Biden Tells Democrats to Treat Future White Minority 'with Respect'

>>95201 Four Louisiana officers charged in ‘Brave Cave’ abuse investigation.

>>95202 World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Mariana Mazzucato: Our attempt to vaccinate the entire planet failed

>>95203, >>95204, >>95205, >>95207 Synthetic Bioweapons Are Coming

>>95206 Army vet at center of burn pits fight wins $2.5 million verdict

>>95208, >>95216 Supreme Court rejects case that Trump should be disqualified from the ballot under 14th Amendment

>>95209, >>95217 NYC Professor Who Threatened New York Post Reporter With Machete Avoids Jail With Sweetheart Plea Deal

>>95210 Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them - Not Making Headlines

>>95211 The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.

>>95212 It's official, the flu is now deadlier than COVID. How come there's no Zero Flu Community?!

>>95213 Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Confirms Gateway Pundit 2020 Reporting: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Alleged Members …

>>95214 Trump Attorney: Judge Conceded That the Statute of Limitations Are in Effect

>>95215 High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

>>95218, >>95219, >>95220 Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family

>>95221 New 'air vax' delivers mRNA right to your lungs, raising serious bioethical concerns

>>95222 Matt Gaetz Says He Has 'Enough Republicans' To Oust Kevin McCarthy From Speaker Role

>>95223, >>95228 File a New York State Judicial Ethics complaint on fraudster Judge Engoron:

>>95224 Robert Kennedy Jr. talking about Blackrock buying up all the property

>>95225 Is China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies and Saboteurs In U.S. Communities For The Coming War?

>>95226 CoViD “vaccine” mandates begin in Houston @ Baylor College of Medicine

>>95227, >>95235 In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) vowed to replace any Senate vacancies with a black woman.

>>95229 Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC

>>95230 Massive human trafficking crackdown in Ohio takes 160 predators off the Streets.

>>95231, >>95237 Donald J. Trump - "This is the final battle.."

>>95232 North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen was killed in plane crash along with his wife and 2 kids in Utah on Sunday.

>>95233 CALL TO DIGG - Follow the wives / The new senator from "California" Laphonza Butler just made the list of the most powerful women who live in Washington DC

>>95234 Justice Thomas Recuses as Supreme Court Rejects Eastman’s Appeal of Election-Interference Ruling

>>95236 Never Forget the Jan. 6 Defendants

>>95238 Michael Lewis: Sam Bankman-Fried Donated Multi-Millions To McConnell's List Of Anti-Trump Republicans

>>95239 Exclusive: Biden Admin Moves 2K Migrants from Packed Border Facility to Release Elsewhere in Texas

>>95240 At Least 260,000 Illegals Crossed Border in September

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70eeae No.95242

File: 5242be544343346⋯.gif (1.45 MB,600x572,150:143,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655016 (030155ZOCT23) Notable: #24134

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Godspeed Patriots


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70eeae No.95243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655035 (030157ZOCT23) Notable: Britain’s passport database could be used to catch shoplifters, burglars and other criminals under urgent plans to curb crime

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Britain’s passport database could be used to catch shoplifters, burglars and other criminals under urgent plans to curb crime, the policing minister has said.

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70eeae No.95244

File: a1f032888a51775⋯.png (331.56 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655042 (030157ZOCT23) Notable: Philadelphia police investigators have recovered troubling text messages between murdered journalist Josh Kruger and a former partner. Meth

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BREAKING: Philadelphia police investigators have recovered troubling text messages between murdered journalist Josh Kruger and a former partner. Meth was also found in his bedroom

Oct 02, 2023, 6:15 PM


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70eeae No.95245

File: bf2f82b4ebd1b64⋯.jpg (55.05 KB,512x384,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655050 (030159ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000074

Russian Debt: 16.7% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

European Debt: 84.36% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

American Debt: 122.8% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

Russia: https://www.rt.com/business/583791-russia-state-debt-rising/

Europe: https://www.statista.com/statistics/253616/national-debt-of-the-eu-and-the-euro-area-in-relation-to-the-gdp/

America: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/united-states/government-debt-of-nominal-gdp

“Catastrophic Losses”: Ukrainian Cemeteries Shocked A Kyiv Political Scientist


“To listen to Ukrainian officials that we have minimal losses is not to respect yourself. The authorities could be more honest with their citizens, and not feed them fairy tales. Drive through populated areas, see cemeteries. How many more missing people do we have and what is the ratio of missing to dead?”

The fact that a deliberately-provoked war is being used as a giant field demo to show prospective buyers and investors how effective various weapons systems can be at ripping apart human bodies in order to profit from all this death and destruction is more nightmarish than anything any dystopian novelist has ever come up with. Ukraine is a giant advertisement for weapons of mass slaughter and the cost of that corporate ad is not money but human blood.


A special radio frequency being used so that Ukrainian soldiers can safely surrender to Russian forces is now chattering like never before. Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are opting to surrender to the Russian Army.


Westerners Will “Scream In Horror” When Deliberately-Provoked War Truth Is Known


MY COMMENT: Or maybe many will not care at all until their very own lives are at stake? Have you not noticed that so many Americans still blindly trust state-run propaganda campaigns which condone corruption and endless wars for profit? Do you not see Americans are becoming desensitized to the horrors happening all around them, as cities crumble and their currency slowly devalues into worthlessness? This is not the same country we had 40 years ago. 40 years ago average Americans would be shocked, they would be appalled, beyond just appalled, they would be taking to the streets in droves protesting and demanding the removal of corrupt leadership. Now, so it seems, everyone is staring off into an endless abyss of no return as they wait until their luck runs out like a pack of sitting ducks.

Homeless Pirates Are Marauding Through Crime-ridden San Francisco Bay, Houseboats Being Looted


Israeli Terrorist Corporation Is Getting Paid By Governments To Poison Food Supplies


The UN Is Paying Illegals To Invade The US And Who Pays The UN? The American Taxpayer Does.


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70eeae No.95246

File: 341b12d150942b8⋯.png (251.37 KB,511x518,73:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655063 (030203ZOCT23) Notable: Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Becomes 'Uncancellable'

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Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Becomes 'Uncancellable'

For those living off-the-grid or using Starlink as a network redundancy in case of a grid failure, the SpaceX-owned space internet company announced on X that the service is now available across the Lower 48 after deploying next-generation satellites.

"Deployment of our second generation Starlink satellites, which have 4x more capacity than the first gen, enable us to connect even more people no matter where they live," Starlink wrote in the post.

Before this announcement, large swaths of the US were pending service, with notes on the map that read coverage would expand by late 2023 or early 2024.

Data from the website Starlink Satellite Tracker shows that 5,039 satellites have been launched into low Earth orbit over the last several years.


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70eeae No.95247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655077 (030206ZOCT23) Notable: Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Becomes 'Uncancellable'

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Nice. I have satellite connection but it is slow and sometimes fails due to weather out here. However it was the only service I could get living where I'm at. I'll have to consider switching sometime.

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70eeae No.95248

File: 540aab68192f384⋯.png (621.07 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655083 (030207ZOCT23) Notable: Letitia James Leaves Courtroom without Granting Interview After Judge Tosses Out 80% of Her Case Against Trump

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Letitia James Leaves Courtroom without Granting Interview After Judge Tosses Out 80% of Her Case Against Trump

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday afternoon left the NYC courtroom without granting an interview after Judge Engoron tossed out 80% of her case against Trump.


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70eeae No.95249

File: 081f65160ccf8a5⋯.jpg (58.14 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655090 (030208ZOCT23) Notable: Gutfeld sticking up for Trump just coined "Grab her by the penis" For The Keks!

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Gutfeld sticking up for Trump just coined

"Grab her by the penis"

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70eeae No.95250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655097 (030210ZOCT23) Notable: Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism

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Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism


The World Health Organization's broad definition of health embraces physical, mental and social well-being. Expressed in its 1946 constitution alongside concepts of community participation and national sovereignty, it reflected an understanding of a world emerging from centuries of colonialist oppression and the public health industry's shameful facilitation of fascism. Health policy would be people-centered, closely tied to human rights and self-determination. The COVID-19 response has demonstrated how these ideals have been undone.

Moar here. Link won’t embed.


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70eeae No.95251

File: 9740a1bd366fb9b⋯.png (1.23 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 277723ed560af38⋯.mp4 (8.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e794ed8790949fc⋯.jpg (139.3 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab2023d324fc2a3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1022x682,511:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af81a83ac35eb1⋯.png (996.77 KB,1021x754,1021:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655125 (030214ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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TY note taker

E6s recently flying call signs/squawks:

APRIL11/4627 (is the date significant? or just 411?)

SOSO07/5771 (EAM/FDM mp4 attached sauce: eam.watch)



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70eeae No.95252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655151 (030219ZOCT23) Notable: Trans women patients 'to be banned from female wards' under plans to be announced by Health Secretary Steve Barclay today

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Trans women patients 'to be banned from female wards' under plans to be announced by Health Secretary Steve Barclay today


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70eeae No.95253

File: 89aa9757e6161e0⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 061e6a698871eb3⋯.png (308.99 KB,904x1169,904:1169,Clipboard.png)

File: d1ec245c7ac6986⋯.png (319.88 KB,904x1169,904:1169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655169 (030222ZOCT23) Notable: Burisma Lobbyists Celebrated ‘Victory Lap’ With Hunter Biden’s Business Associate After Founder Was Let Off, Emails Show

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Burisma Lobbyists Celebrated ‘Victory Lap’ With Hunter Biden’s Business Associate After Founder Was Let Off, Emails Show

Lobbyists for Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings celebrated a “victory lap” with Hunter Biden’s business associate in October 2016 when Ukrainian authorities let off the firm’s founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, newly released emails show.

Blue Star Strategies executive Sally Painter emailed Hunter Biden’s business associate Eric Schwerin on Oct. 11, 2016, celebrating Zlochevsky no longer being wanted by Ukrainian authorities, according to emails released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee. Blue Star is a lobbying firm that worked with Burisma.


A lobbyist from Blue Star emailed Painter and Blue Star executive Karen Tramontano an article in the Ukrainian press describing how Zlochevsky was “no longer wanted.” (RELATED: Burisma Received Joe Biden’s Talking Points From Lobbyists Ahead Of His Trip To Ukraine, Memo Shows)

“We won and in less than a year. Yea!!!” Painter said in an email forwarding the article to Schwerin.

“Awesome work! Congrats to you and Karen!” Schwerin replied.

“U brought us in so take a victory lap,” Painter told Schwerin.

Hunter Biden recommended Blue Star to Burisma in November 2015 when he was board member of the energy firm, according to emails from the younger Biden’s laptop archive. Burisma paid Hunter Biden more than $80,000 per month to sit on the company’s board despite his lack of experience in Ukraine and the energy sector, bank records released by the House Oversight Committee show.

Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer testified to House Oversight in July, saying the Biden family “brand” protected Burisma from scrutiny. Archer testified about a spring 2015 dinner Joe Biden attended alongside Burisma executive Vadim Pozharskyi, and he said Hunter Biden “called D.C.” in December 2015 due to pressure from Zlochevsky and Pozharskyi. Archer could not confirm whether Joe Biden was on the other end of the phone call. (RELATED: Joe Biden’s Office Colluded With Hunter’s Business Associate On Burisma Inquiries, House Oversight Says)

Blue Star disclosed its relationship with Burisma in a May 2022 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) form that includes its meetings with State Department officials and how much the firm was paid for its work. The FARA form submitted by Blue Star lists $60,000 worth of payments for its work with Burisma, a significantly lower figure than the $540,000 IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler testified Blue Star brought in for its services.

An internal memo released Wednesday by the Ways and Means Committee shows Blue Star sent Burisma a list of talking points ahead of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s December 2015 Ukraine trip. Burisma learned about Joe Biden’s talking points after Blue Star participated in a conference call with Obama administration officials, according to the December 2015 memo.

Blue Star also sent Burisma a memo in October 2015 with a list of Obama administration officials it could lobby on Burisma’s behalf. The October memo from Blue Star proposed a “Crisis Communications” strategy the firm would deploy if Burisma hired Blue Star to carry out lobbying on the company’s behalf. Blue Star’s first point of action for Burisma was to “work to support the closing of the company file in Ukraine,” the October 2015 memo shows.

Blue Star also did lobbying work for then-Ukrainian prosecutor prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko, internal State Department emails from September 2016 show. The emails were released as part of a Senate investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that culminated in a Senate report released ahead of the 2020 presidential election.


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70eeae No.95254

File: c0e285b1fa300fd⋯.png (671.24 KB,768x328,96:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655173 (030222ZOCT23) Notable: Transgender Athletes Banned From International Fishing Competition After Entire Nation Threatens To Boycott

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Transgender Athletes Banned From International Fishing Competition After Entire Nation Threatens To Boycott

Anglers who were born as males have been banned by the governing body of the international angling sport federation from competing in women's categories.


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70eeae No.95255

File: 65801a1d9ea5985⋯.png (764.33 KB,768x330,128:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655176 (030223ZOCT23) Notable: ECW rt: This is the DoD employee responsible for C2 and communications for nuclear strategic strike. May he face swift justice./dog fighting ring/For 2 Decades

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Pentagon Official Accused Of Partaking In Abusive Dogfighting Ring For 2 Decades

Frederick Douglass Moorefield Jr. was arrested Thursday on charges of promoting and furthering an animal fighting venture, according to the DOJ.


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70eeae No.95256

File: d7b54dd3fd03e62⋯.png (406.86 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655185 (030225ZOCT23) Notable: Laphonza Butler Will Be 'First Black Lesbian' in the Senate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The first -UNELECTED- black lesbian.

Gavin Newsom: Laphonza Butler Will Be 'First Black Lesbian' in the Senate

Laphonza Butler will be the "first black lesbian to openly serve in the U.S. Senate," California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom touted on Monday.


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70eeae No.95257

File: 399a4c7be343fae⋯.png (722.31 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655194 (030226ZOCT23) Notable: Charlotte Sena is found ALIVE two days after nine year-old vanished

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Charlotte Sena abduction suspect is named as Craig Ross Jr, 46, as cops claim he was nabbed after leaving ransom note with his FINGERPRINTS at rescued nine year-old's house==

Charlotte Sena is found ALIVE two days after nine year-old vanished

Charlotte Sena has been found alive two days after the nine-year-old vanished while riding a bike in an upstate New York park.


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70eeae No.95258

File: 8095f02910df7ea⋯.png (125.08 KB,880x926,440:463,Clipboard.png)

File: de94e6973b8eefb⋯.png (100.67 KB,672x879,224:293,Clipboard.png)

File: d53876ec06b7cd2⋯.png (72.05 KB,591x854,591:854,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655199 (030227ZOCT23) Notable: H.R. 79: WHO Withdrawal Act

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H.R. 79: WHO Withdrawal Act


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70eeae No.95259

File: 0468cbedf41e76c⋯.png (21.43 KB,539x220,49:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655200 (030228ZOCT23) Notable: A member of Congress carjacked in the Navy Yard tonight.

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Are we there yet?

A member of Congress carjacked in the Navy Yard tonight.

Need more details.


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70eeae No.95260

File: 2b1e2b6bd65c463⋯.png (480.11 KB,636x454,318:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655202 (030228ZOCT23) Notable: Charlotte Sena is found ALIVE two days after nine year-old vanished

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charlotte Sena abduction suspect is named as Craig Ross Jr, 46, as cops claim he was nabbed after leaving ransom note with his FINGERPRINTS at rescued nine year-old's house

He lives on Barrett Road in Milton, New York - and cops raided his home today.

Charlotte went cycling on Saturday at 6.15pm in Moreau State Park, New York

The nine-year-old has since been found alive two days after going missing

Multiple law enforcement sources say that the suspect has a sexual abuse criminal history - and that they allegedly left a note at Sena's parents' house

After the girl vanished, he allegedly left a ransom note at Sena's parents' home - covered in his DNA and fingerprints - which investigators then used to arrest him.

Earlier reports wrongly claimed that an unnamed 51-year-old pedophile had been arrested. Cops have not shared any detail on whether Ross Jr has a criminal background.

It's understood that schoolgirl Charlotte was found in a trailer at a property owned on Barrett Road. She was taken to Albany Medical Center Hospital after being found.


If she was camping and abducted in a campground


big part of story needs added


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70eeae No.95261

File: e6ace0dd457ace8⋯.png (95.02 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655208 (030229ZOCT23) Notable: Former Loudoun County Superintendent Found Guilty of Retaliation Following Rape Coverup

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Former Loudoun County Superintendent Found Guilty of Retaliation Following Rape Coverup


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70eeae No.95262

File: 09e189ed2a967cb⋯.png (753.02 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655210 (030230ZOCT23) Notable: Finally! NY Republican introduces resolution to expel Bowman for pulling fire alarm

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Finally! NY Republican introduces resolution to expel Bowman for pulling fire alarm

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) introduced a resolution Monday to expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) for pulling a fire alarm before Saturday’s House vote on a measure to fund the government.…


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70eeae No.95263

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655224 (030233ZOCT23) Notable: You Will QUIT Sugar After Watching This

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You Will QUIT Sugar After Watching This


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70eeae No.95264

File: 5b804754376b758⋯.png (616.44 KB,670x720,67:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 6effed65db1d7eb⋯.mp4 (5 MB,1280x718,640:359,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655236 (030234ZOCT23) Notable: Transnational gangs are targeting latte liberal neighborhoods across America. Of course they won't try it in a small town

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Did anyone else notice that Patty didn't say El Salvador?

Transnational gangs are targeting latte liberal neighborhoods across America. Of course they won't try it in a small town in America because a patriot will blow their heads off with a 12 gauge shotgun.




Oak. Co, MI Sheriff warns “TRANSNATIONAL GANGS” from Chile, Columbia,Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua,Guatemala, Honduras & Venezuela who’ve entered US through southern border are breaking into homes in wealthy neighborhoods.

Joe Biden brought them here and they’re NOT going anywhere!


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70eeae No.95265

File: 288dcd19a531a5d⋯.png (165.22 KB,1236x311,1236:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655243 (030235ZOCT23) Notable: banks: 12 USC 531: Exemption from taxation Text contains those laws in effect on October 1, 2023

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12 USC 531: Exemption from taxation

Text contains those laws in effect on October 1, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95266

File: 9ee6ac24c3c2f74⋯.png (210.75 KB,548x488,137:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 4aa3a3c8a2a747d⋯.png (453.53 KB,815x867,815:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655247 (030237ZOCT23) Notable: A member of Congress carjacked in the Navy Yard tonight.

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70eeae No.95267

File: d02db653cf7b7af⋯.png (17.47 KB,549x135,61:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655254 (030238ZOCT23) Notable: A member of Congress carjacked in the Navy Yard tonight.

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Laura Barrón-López


NEWS: Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) was carjacked at gunpoint tonight outside his apartment building in DC, multiple sources confirm to me. And Cuellar is safe they say


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70eeae No.95268

File: 14fa6cdc5d9c583⋯.png (479.93 KB,673x629,673:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655258 (030238ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker interviews Victor Davis Hanson

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Tucker: Will angry voters take up arms?


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70eeae No.95269

File: 99196a2f5dcbef0⋯.png (1.22 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655264 (030240ZOCT23) Notable: Charlotte Sena is found ALIVE two days after nine year-old vanished

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95270

File: f5daaa6591c9613⋯.png (471.65 KB,1170x1237,1170:1237,Clipboard.png)

File: 86db5d4aeaaad37⋯.png (236.89 KB,434x775,14:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655267 (030240ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Statement:Trump campaign senior advisors Susie Wiles and @LaCivitaC calling on the RNC to cancel the upcoming GOP debate...

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Trump Statement:Trump campaign senior advisors Susie Wiles and @LaCivitaC just released a new statement calling on the RNC to cancel the upcoming GOP debate in Miami and end all future debates in order to stop wasting GOP resources so that we can bolster our elections


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70eeae No.95271

File: 7f104a33200e1ae⋯.mp4 (14.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655272 (030241ZOCT23) Notable: Preparing my whole life for this battle vid

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

70eeae No.95272

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655277 (030242ZOCT23) Notable: UN votes to send Kenyan-led security force to Haiti to combat gangs

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UN votes to send Kenyan-led security force to Haiti to combat gangs

Security council approves mission but UN faces concerns over outside force with its own record of abuses

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70eeae No.95273

File: 3dda478dab4f442⋯.png (114.55 KB,679x195,679:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c1ed1644f71d11⋯.png (82.11 KB,560x236,140:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655282 (030243ZOCT23) Notable: A member of Congress carjacked in the Navy Yard tonight.

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70eeae No.95274

File: 1f5974a5362a2f9⋯.png (183.49 KB,529x900,529:900,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f088035553ec06⋯.png (368.33 KB,986x1042,493:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655351 (030255ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Statement:Trump campaign senior advisors Susie Wiles and @LaCivitaC calling on the RNC to cancel the upcoming GOP debate...

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Statement from Trump Campaign Senior Advisors Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita

“The Republican National Committee should immediately cancel the upcoming debate in Miami and end all future debates in order to refocus its manpower and money on preventing Democrats’ efforts to steal the 2024 election.

Anything less, along with other reasons not to cancel, are an admission to the grassroots that their concerns about voter integrity are not taken seriously and national Republicans are more concerned about helping Joe Biden than ensuring a safe and secure election.“


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70eeae No.95275

File: 90868f4ac1aaddf⋯.png (366.3 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655385 (030301ZOCT23) Notable: Democratic Process Questioned After Maryland Resident Chosen for Feinstein’s Seat

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>The first -UNELECTED- black lesbian

Democratic Process Questioned After Maryland Resident Chosen for Feinstein’s Seat

After announcing the first black, lesbian Senator in history, Gov. Gavin Newsom said the decision was groundbreaking.


gay-strike one.

black-strike two.

female?-strike three.


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70eeae No.95276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655419 (030307ZOCT23) Notable: A member of Congress carjacked in the Navy Yard tonight.

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crime crime crime crime

Texas congressman Henry Cuellar carjacked in Washington, DC

The carjacking took place in the district's Navy Yard neighborhood


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70eeae No.95277

File: fa9792791de5c0c⋯.png (39.61 KB,742x368,371:184,Clipboard.png)

File: d5cced43e86a4ec⋯.png (385.18 KB,744x745,744:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655421 (030307ZOCT23) Notable: ECW rt: This is the DoD employee responsible for C2 and communications for nuclear strategic strike. May he face swift justice./dog fighting ring/For 2 Decades

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ezra A. Cohen reposted


These people are sick.

Ezra A. Cohen·22m

This is the DoD employee responsible for C2 and communications for nuclear strategic strike. May he face swift justice.


10:51 PM · Oct 2, 2023



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70eeae No.95278

File: 6bc99d8aa56b859⋯.png (401.18 KB,650x361,650:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655428 (030309ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker interviews Victor Davis Hanson

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Tucker's Right:Trump's Fraud Trial in NY Is a 'Grotesque Parody of the System Our Ancestors Created'


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70eeae No.95279

File: f87dcffb3c15052⋯.png (243.51 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a3ef0d58cd3a16d⋯.png (869.47 KB,671x810,671:810,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655444 (030312ZOCT23) Notable: 17 MILLION DEAD from the mRNA Injections Worldwide

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Study: 17 MILLION DEAD from the mRNA Injections Worldwide

'Unfortunately, this Global Democide is just getting started...'

A new study from Canadian not-for-profit CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest has come to an alarming new conclusion about the so-called Covid-19 vaccine: 17 million dead across the planet, with many more likely to come.

The research focused on 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and near the equator, accounting for over 10% of global injections. And while the various dose and booster roll-outs coincided almost perfectly with increases in all-cause mortality, there was no measurable increase in 9 of the 17 countries in the first year of the supposed pandemic.

In other words, the jabs strongly correlated with more deaths of all types, while Covid-19 did not:

“Likewise, it is unlikely that the transitions to regimes of high ACM, coincident with the roll-out and sustained administration of COVID-19 vaccines, in all 17 Southern Hemisphere and equatorial-latitude countries, could be due to any cause other than the vaccines. Synchronicity between the many peaks in ACM (in 17 countries, on 4 continents, in all elderly age groups, at different times) and associated rapid booster roll-outs allows this 3 firm conclusion regarding causality, and accurate quantification of COVID-19-vaccine toxicity.”

By comparison, the researchers found no excess all-cause mortality in the “period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO).”

Overall, the researchers extrapolated from these 17 countries to conclude that there were “𝟏𝟕.𝟎 ± 𝟎.𝟓 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐃-𝟏𝟗 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023."

Depending upon the numbers you use, this is anywhere from 3 to almost 6 times the number of people who died globally from the virus itself, and that’s including ‘positive’ results from the inflated PCR tests (which even Fauci admits), and of course, gunshot victims who “died from Covid.”

Oh, and coding errors. Oh, and also financial incentives for hospital diagnoses and private practices, while patient rights were waived.

But hey…


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70eeae No.95280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655455 (030314ZOCT23) Notable: Charlotte Sena is found ALIVE two days after nine year-old vanished

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Press conference on the rescue of Charlotte Sena

CBS6 Albany


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70eeae No.95281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655461 (030315ZOCT23) Notable: The US will not let Russia “outlast” Kiev’s Western backers, per Buckwheat

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2 Oct, 2023 22:14

White House sends message to Putin

The US will not let Russia “outlast” Kiev’s Western backers, Karine Jean-Pierre has said

The US and its allies will continue to support Kiev in its conflict with Moscow, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a press briefing on Monday. The official promised more aid to Ukraine “soon,” after American lawmakers did not include military assistance to Kiev in a short-term spending bill passed last week.

Jean-Pierre denied that support for Ukraine among Western nations was waning. “There is [a] strong, very strong international coalition behind Ukraine,” she told journalists. “And if [Russian President Vladimir] Putin thinks he can outlast us, he’s wrong. He’s wrong.”

The White House press secretary also announced “another package of aid for Ukraine soon,” but provided no details about either the timeline or the contents of the upcoming military assistance.

Her words came just two days after Congress passed a funding bill designed to allow the US government to function beyond September and avoid a shutdown, but it did not include any aid for Kiev. Jean-Pierre urged Congress to move quickly. “They don’t have to wait 45 days to get this done,” she said.

Some American lawmakers, however, are concerned about how the money being sent to Ukraine is actually being used, and how the Biden administration envisions an end to the conflict.

“Our members have a lot of questions, especially on the accountability provisions of what we want to see with the money that gets sent,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told journalists on Monday. He also called on the White House to arrange a briefing for lawmakers to outline a possible way out of the conflict.

Also on Monday, the Pentagon warned that budget restrictions might affect both the US ability to provide aid to Kiev and replenish its own weapons stocks. If the funding requests are not met, the US Defense Department would be forced to restrict its supplies to Ukraine, it added.

In September, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that Kiev might “lose the war”if it did not get aid in time.

Last Sunday, Ukrainian MP Aleksey Goncharenko warned that Kiev had no chance of holding out without Washington’s continued support, going so far as to suggest Ukraine commit to joining US wars abroad to secure more military assistance.

(This is a big mistake, the leaders in US do not remember WWII.)


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70eeae No.95282

File: c5251bf00d50763⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 79407e4efa61b8c⋯.png (906.8 KB,1321x800,1321:800,Clipboard.png)

File: a314081d378f6c8⋯.png (641.36 KB,858x508,429:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655473 (030318ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Why didn't PF see this B-52 earlier? Prolly because it is ADS-B spoofing and glitching in and out big time. kek

Up from Barksdale AFB and holding station over southern Louisiana is USAF B-52 Stratofortress 61-0002. Nose art: "Eagles Wrath III".

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70eeae No.95283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655481 (030321ZOCT23) Notable: Ex-Soviet state claims US funding 'violent' color revolution plotters/Georgia

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2 Oct, 2023 18:44

Ex-Soviet state claims US funding 'violent' color revolution plotters

Georgia has raised the alarm over USAID-funded 'violent uprising' activists

The Georgian government said on Monday it had interrogated agitators from a US-funded group planning to unleash a violent color revolution. The group was previously involved in the 2003 civil unrest in the country.

The head of the ruling party explained that he is seeking an explanation from Washington. TheUS embassy in Tbilisi didn't deny bankrolling the outfit, but said its activities were about supporting Georgian democracy.

According to Georgia’s State Security Service (SUS), three Serbian nationals from the organization called CANVAS arrived in Georgia last week and met with local activists at a Tbilisi hotel to train themhow to “overthrow the government by violent means.”

The “destructive and illegal actions” would target the government, security services, and the Orthodox Church, using techniques such as roadblocks and setting up protest encampments in front of government buildings, the SUS said. CANVAS activists also showed examples from Serbia on how to invade the parliament, take broadcasting services offline, and overthrow the government, according to the security agency.

When questioned by the SUS on September 29, Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stoisic, and Slobodan Djinovic allegedly “tried to disguise the real reason for their stay in Georgia” and provided testimonies that contradicted evidence obtained by the investigators. The trio left Georgia the following day.

Commenting on the SUS report, leader of the ruling Georgian Dream party Irakli Kobakhidze told local media on Monday that theUS should explain why it is funding possible unrest in Georgia.

In a statement later in the day, the US embassy in Tbilisi said the accusations against CANVAS are “false and fundamentally mischaracterize the goals of our assistance to Georgia.” US aid to Tbilisi has always been “transparent,” the embassy insisted, adding that CANVAS was contracted by USAID more than two years ago to “deliver training to mothers advocating for better cancer treatments for children, and to people advocating for the rights of elderly citizens in their communities.”

The US will “continue to support Georgian organizations who support people to secure the future they determine and deserve,” the embassy added.

CANVAS stands for Center for Applied Nonviolent Strategies, and its mission is to “advocate for the use of nonviolent resistance in the promotion of human rights and democracy,” according to the group’s website. It was co-founded by Djinovic and Srdja Popovic, two prominent members of Otpor, a US-backed student group that played a key role in the October 2000 coup in Serbia.

A similar “color revolution” overthrew the Georgian government in 2003, with former Otpor activists coaching the Georgian copycat group Kmara. After the 2004 ‘Orange Revolution’ in Ukraine, The Guardian described the process as an American-devised “template for winning other people’s elections.”


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70eeae No.95284

File: 693db3893f91fe2⋯.png (217.79 KB,480x299,480:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655491 (030323ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon warns it can’t replace U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine…

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Pentagon warns it can’t replace U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine…

Pentagon running low on money to replace weapons sent to Ukraine, DOD comptroller says

Of the roughly $26 billion that Congress previously authorized to replace weapons and equipment for the embattled country, only $1.6 billion remains, Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord wrote in a letter to House and Senate lawmakers.


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70eeae No.95285

File: b1444b4d2ba195c⋯.png (178.04 KB,768x463,768:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655503 (030326ZOCT23) Notable: Omar: Starting this week, all Minnesotans, regardless of legal status will be able to obtain a driver's license

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Rep. Ilhan Omar


Great news! Starting this week, all Minnesotans, regardless of legal status will be able to obtain a driver's license. This makes Minnesota roads safer, lets 81K immigrants fully participate in life, and shows that our state welcomes all residents.

3:34 PM · Oct 2, 2023


I'm sure this will give them a vote.

This is why we don't want them to come to our country.

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70eeae No.95286

File: a2d0f8d31a485d8⋯.png (1.45 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 91e63c5933d9a0d⋯.png (923.72 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655505 (030326ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Call sign SHINR40. RC-135V Rivet Joint has also been in the area. Which is interesting and somewhat unusual. Based on previous observations.

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70eeae No.95287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19655518 (030327ZOCT23) Notable: Ukrainians bringing treatment-resistant infections to Western Europe

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2 Oct, 2023 13:49

Ukrainians bringing treatment-resistant infections to Western Europe – health agency

Bacterial infections picked up on the battlefield are showing up in European hospitals, the US CDC reported

Wounded Ukrainian soldiers and fleeing civilians are carrying new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to Western Europe, according to a recent paper by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even before the conflict, scientists warned of Ukraine’s inability to monitor and restrict the spread of these infections.

The paper, published last month, noted that six different antibiotic-resistant infections had been found in the body of one injured Ukrainian soldier at a military hospital in Germany. The soldier suffered severe burns in a vehicle fire and had been moved through hospitals in Dnipropetrovsk and Kiev before his evacuation to Germany.

German researchers found that some of these infections had been found in the wounds of Ukrainians fighting in the Donbass regions since 2014 and had likely developed in Ukrainian hospitals.

“As a result, healthcare networks in Europe now consider prior hospitalization in Ukraine to be a critical risk factor” for so-called multi-drug resistant organisms, the paper warned.

These infections, which have circulated within Ukraine for nearly a decade, are also being carried into Western Europe by civilian refugees, the Financial Times reported on Monday, citing multiple scientific papers.

Tracking and tackling drug-resistant infections poses a challenge for even the best-developed healthcare systems, with the Financial Times noting that one “prestigious hospital in New York” prescribes antibiotics without carrying out sufficient tests and does not dispose of unused pills – both factors in the spread of these organisms.

Not all governments have adequate plans to respond to drug-resistant infection outbreaks either. A recent analysis of 114 countries rated these plans on a scale of 0-100, giving Ukraine a score of 29, compared to 45 and 54 for neighboring Poland and Russia, respectively.

The analysis was conducted in 2021, and the subsequent conflict has likely lowered Ukraine’s score further. The Financial Times noted that widespread combat injuries, indiscriminate prescription of antibiotics, and damage to hospital infrastructure all facilitate the spread of disease.


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70eeae No.95288

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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