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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

d9f020 No.51565 [View All]

19AUG23 to 21AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 681 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d9f020 No.82472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19399910 (211734ZAUG23) Notable: Abandoned hospital retrofitted to house migrants in Matamoros, Mexico

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'''Abandoned hospital retrofitted to house migrants in Matamoros, Mexico Aug 15 2023

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (Border Report) — Organizers are preparing to move a camp with over 1,000 asylum-seeking migrants from the banks of the Rio Grande to an area of Matamoros,

Mexico that is farther from the border and downtown to provide them meals and for their safety, Border Report has learned.

The move could come as early as Tuesday, according to Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities Rio Grande Valley.

She has been working with other non-governmental organizations and nonprofits and the city of Matamoros and Mexican state of Tamaulipas to relocate the migrants to an abandoned hospital that is being renovated, she said.


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d9f020 No.82473

File: 0bd8dcad1a86815⋯.png (456.11 KB,751x760,751:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19399911 (211735ZAUG23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge @WaysandMeansGOP subpoenas senior IRS officials at Oct. 7 2022 session that IRS whistleblower Shapley called his “red-line meeting.”

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Catherine Herridge

NEW: @WaysandMeansGOP subpoenas senior IRS officials at Oct. 7 2022 session that IRS whistleblower Shapley called his “red-line meeting.”

Alleges US Attorney Weiss said he was not the ultimate decision maker on charges, turned down by US attorney DC, special counsel status requested + refused. Statute limitations set to expire Burisma income. DOJ, Weiss dispute characterization.

1:33 PM · Aug 21, 2023


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d9f020 No.82474

File: 9c16aacd4e84dbc⋯.png (511.06 KB,2102x1342,1051:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 53838ecf41d75bc⋯.png (408.93 KB,2140x1156,535:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 00e7ff8edbff331⋯.png (402.69 KB,2132x1138,1066:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 638e1bacac8c066⋯.png (520.39 KB,2132x1342,1066:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19399941 (211739ZAUG23) Notable: The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

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Natalie Winters


The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

Some of these contracts are scheduled to begin in September and October.

11:06 AM · Aug 21, 2023


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d9f020 No.82475

File: 9d9fbbddd3818f0⋯.png (69.19 KB,353x646,353:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c724f8176c3509⋯.png (532.61 KB,2102x1342,1051:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f800a5ab4bbfe4⋯.png (416.87 KB,2140x1156,535:289,Clipboard.png)

File: affc4a4b6715bdb⋯.png (413.48 KB,2132x1138,1066:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 271a7c203723163⋯.png (540.42 KB,2132x1342,1066:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19399945 (211740ZAUG23) Notable: The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

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The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

Some of these contracts are scheduled to begin in September and October.

11:06 AM · Aug 21, 2023

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d9f020 No.82476

File: f3e1ff54c78abbe⋯.png (101.62 KB,590x397,590:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e435eadf064cdc⋯.png (265.7 KB,568x702,284:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19399968 (211743ZAUG23) Notable: “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

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EPIC! “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


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d9f020 No.82477

File: 6dd795bc684a4b8⋯.png (171.23 KB,562x460,281:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400015 (211754ZAUG23) Notable: Top Prosecutor On Hunter Biden Case Previously Worked With Beau Biden

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Top Prosecutor On Hunter Biden Case Previously Worked With Beau Biden

Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation, previously worked with Hunter’s late brother, Beau Biden, on a fraud case.

Weiss was serving as acting Delaware U.S. attorney in 2010 when he worked with then-Democratic Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden on a fraud case against the state’s largest health care provider, The Washington Post first reported Aug. 20. Weiss and Biden successfully secured a $3.3 million settlement against the Christiana Care Health System for violating federal and state False Claims Acts by misusing federal and state healthcare funds.

“We will continue aggressively to pursue all types of fraud in order to protect the public,” Weiss said in a statement with Beau Biden, who died of brain cancer in May 2015 at age 46.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss special counsel in the Hunter Biden case Aug. 11, soon after the younger Biden’s guilty plea and diversion agreement fell apart in court. IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have accused DOJ prosecutors of slow-walking and obstructing the Biden investigation under Weiss’ leadership. The whistleblower testimony caused Republicans, led by House Oversight Chairman James Comer, to come out against Weiss’ appointment as special counsel.

Weiss reportedly did not plan on having Hunter Biden plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors until the IRS whistleblowers came forward with allegations of special treatment towards the president’s son.

Hunter Biden was expected to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors and sign a diversion agreement for his felony gun charge until a dispute with the Department of Justice (DOJ) at a late July court appearance resulted in Biden pleading not guilty to the charges.

DOJ prosecutor Leo Wise and Biden’s defense counsel, Christopher J. Clark, disagreed about the scope of an immunity provision tucked away in Biden’s diversion agreement following scrutiny from Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, causing Biden’s plea deal to collapse. The DOJ said in a Tuesday court filing the diversion agreement was never put into place, and blamed Hunter Biden’s legal team for the negotiations falling apart.


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d9f020 No.82478

File: 5cd618b14b4f5c1⋯.png (104.49 KB,668x773,668:773,Clipboard.png)

File: 32bf59d12c72426⋯.png (614.52 KB,684x855,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400022 (211755ZAUG23) Notable: China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

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China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

The Chinese Ministry of State Security claimed in a social media post on Monday that it had identified an “official of a national ministry” who had provided the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with intelligence from a “critical unit” of the ministry in question.

The Ministry of State Security identified the CIA spy as a 39-year-old named “Hao” and claimed that the case “is under investigation” without specifying if Hao was in police custody, what ministry Hao allegedly helped the CIA infiltrate, or whether or not the Chinese Communist Party believed Hao was the only Chinese national involved in the alleged espionage. The Chinese state newspaper Global Times appeared to identify Hao as a man.

“Following the discovery of Hao’s espionage activities by one of China’s national security agencies, a lawful inquiry has been initiated into his actions in accordance with law, and the case is under investigation,” the Global Times reported.

“Hao” is the second person the Chinese Ministry of State Security has publicly identified this month as a Chinese national “flipped” by the CIA to be used as an American asset. On August 11, the ministry claimed to identify another person known as “Zeng” who similarly faced presumably criminal accusations of cooperating with the CIA.

The accusations follow the launch of a campaign by the Chinese Communist Party to pressure the general public to engage in “counter-espionage” activities. The Ministry of State Security debuted a page of the regime-controlled social media site WeChat in early August meant to make the law enforcement and anti-espionage agency a constant presence in the lives of ordinary Chinese people. The WeChat page also allows citizens to levy accusations against others they believe may be foreign spies.

The Chinese government claimed that the CIA successfully turned Hao into a spy when he was a student in Japan. An alleged CIA agent named “Ted” fostered a friendship with Hao in which “Ted” paid Hao to help him write papers, the government said. Ultimately, “Ted” allegedly introduced Hao to another CIA agent with whom Hao signed an agreement to enter a “critical unit of the Chinese national ministry” and regularly provide intelligence. Hao allegedly received “assessment and training from the U.S.”

As told by the Global Times, the alleged spy identified as “Zeng” became a CIA asset in a similar manner. Zeng allegedly worked for a “Chinese military industrial group” and had access to confidential information that he or she was providing to a CIA agent named “Seth,” the state propaganda outlet reported on August 11. Unlike Hao, whom the Ministry of State Security accused of sharing intelligence for money, the Communist Party accused “Zeng” of adopting “Western values” and renouncing communism.

“Zeng gradually became psychologically dependent on Seth, and Seth took advantage of this to instill Western values into Zeng. Under Seth’s solicitation, Zeng’s political stance was shaken,” the Global Times claimed. The newspaper also alleged that, given his newfound stand as a dissident, Seth offered Zeng help getting his entire family out of China, which regularly commits human rights atrocities against suspected anti-communist dissidents and their families.

Other outlets later identified the suspect in that case as 52-year-old Zeng Moumou, who worked for several defense contractors and allegedly had contact with officials in NATO. Zeng was also identified as male; it is unclear at press time whether Zeng is in police custody or facing legal punishment of any kind.


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d9f020 No.82479

File: e623030a7a07ac6⋯.png (691.23 KB,723x1024,723:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400050 (211801ZAUG23) Notable: Leaked Document Shows American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing Covid Jab

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Leaked Document Shows American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing Covid Jab

An Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) Medicaid document that was leaked reveals how the health insurer established a “COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program” to pay physicians for pushing COVID vaccines to their patients.


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d9f020 No.82480

File: 71974142acc16cc⋯.png (2.59 MB,2098x1134,1049:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400111 (211813ZAUG23) Notable: TRUMP FLAG flying high right under Old Glory on this live stream! God bless the Patriots of North Myrtle Beach

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TRUMP FLAG flying high right under Old Glory on this live stream! God bless the Patriots of North Myrtle Beach, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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d9f020 No.82481

File: 5da561f2377566b⋯.png (117.34 KB,839x834,839:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400120 (211816ZAUG23) Notable: Soros-Funded Solidarity Journalism Initiative at Public University Trains Social Justice Reporters

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Soros-Funded Solidarity Journalism Initiative at Public University Trains Social Justice Reporters

As if the mainstream media were not leftist enough, a nationally ranked public university has launched a race-focused journalism center that trains future reporters to abandon objectivity for social justice in news coverage. It is called the Solidarity Journalism Initiative at the University of Texas at Austin and leftwing billionaire George Soros is among those funding it. The new enterprise is part of the school’s Center for Media Engagement and it aims to help journalists, journalism educators, and journalism students improve coverage of marginalized communities. “Solidarity in journalism means that journalists stand for basic human dignity and against suffering, and is practiced through newsworthiness judgments, sourcing, and framing that center the lived experiences of people subjected to unjust conditions,” according to the university’s Center for Media Engagement website.

The professor who founded the Solidarity Journalism Initiative, Anita Varma, does not even pretend that the media should be objective like some well-known news outlets falsely claim to be. She asserts that “solidarity eclipses objectivity as journalism’s dominant ideal” and her goal is to educate the next generation of reporters in this ultra-leftist concept by, among other things, training them to frame articles in solidarity towards those considered to be marginalized. “Solidarity for social justice moves journalism in a better direction,” according to Varma, who claims objectivity as an aspirational ideal encourages journalists to avoid addressing what matters. “In journalism, solidarity takes the form of including the perspectives of communities who have long been shut out of representations of injustices affecting their own lives,” the center’s founder says. “Most importantly, solidarity in journalistic practice connects the dots to reveal the ways that social injustice binds people from being able to simply choose to improve their conditions.”


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d9f020 No.82482

File: 8a4ce8527b79497⋯.png (206.52 KB,531x619,531:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400125 (211816ZAUG23) Notable: @1stMEF For the first time, U.S. Marines delivered fuel to a Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned autonomous helicopter

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Making History!

For the first time, U.S. Marines delivered fuel to a Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned autonomous helicopter from a Marine Corps CH-53E.

"...the MQ-8C can be operated to support Marines in nearly any environment.”


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d9f020 No.82483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400150 (211821ZAUG23) Notable: #23825

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#23825 >>82417

>>82418, >>82419 The Kennesaw State University Election Hacks in Georgia - How the FBI Never Investigated and Turned on the Whistleblowers Instead

>>82420, >>82431, >>82436, >>82442, >>82454, >>82455, >>82456 PF up out of Reno to Maui

>>82421, >>82423, >>82429 Good morning from rainy Lake Tahoe, where the POTUS and FLOTUS are preparing to head to Maui

>>82422, >>82469 Hawaii Announces Plans for Ukraine Independence Day to Raise Money for Ukrainians

>>82424 Hawaii Gov. Josh Green: “There are Going to be Fires Month in and Month Out All Across the Country”

>>82425 Dept. of Defense Pilot Diseases and Injuries Rose Dramatically After COVID Shots

>>82426 Moderna Paid $400 Million to the US National Institute of Health (NIH)

>>82427 Whistleblowers Say Lockdowns and Masks Are Coming Back

>>82428, >>82444 California Bill Could Criminalize Parents’ Protests at School Board Meetings

>>82430 KOHLER and using our connected app OnCue Plus Generator Management System.

>>82432 @USSConstitution Today USS Constitution Sailors participated in gun and pike drills...

>>82433 Bill Mitchell spreads lies

>>82434 NYC: Curtis Sliwa Among Arrests at Migrant Shelter Protest, Guardian Angels founder and former New York City mayoral candidate

>>82435 "No Adults In The Room": Vought Calls Out Republicans Not Using Leverage Points To Cut Spending

>>82437 @SecDef Lloyd Austin has directed multiple actions to enhance prevention of harmful behaviors at the military service academies.

>>82438 Palm Springs is totally cut off and 911 is down as Storm Hilary soaks from coast to desert

>>82439 Dershowitz Warns Of Repercussions If California Removes Trump From Ballot

>>82440 Miller unveils the harsh anti-migrant tactics of a second administration - from land and sea military deployments to more wall, buoys, and even denying entry to Marxists

>>82441 China ministry of foreign affairs: 'Taiwan has never been a country and will never be a country.'

>>82443 Richard Baris On Democrats' Lawfare: "They Wouldn't Do This If They Thought They Could Beat Trump"!

>>82445 LIVE Board of Supervisors Meeting

>>82446 Clapper 2018

>>82447 Driver plows into at least 7 pedestrians at NYC crosswalk in bloody hit-and-run

>>82448 Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to censure and condemn Judge Tanya S. Chutkan

>>82449 The Roseanne Barr Podcast #010 An0maly

>>82450 The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government's bizarre response to the aftermath.

>>82451, >>82457 All those unidentified “sources familiar with the matter” turned out to be liars

>>82452 Air Force One is the official air traffic control designated call sign for a United States Air Force aircraft carrying the president of the United States

>>82453 @AFGlobalStrike National Deterrence is a community effort

>>82458 @realDonaldTrump McCarthy backs effort to expunge Trump impeachments

>>82459, >>82460, >>82461, >>82462 Victor Davis Hanson Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

>>82463, >>82464 Turley: The disqualification of Donald Trump and other legal urban legends

>>82465 House Freedom Caucus took an official position on a continuing resolutionto fund the government if the appropriations process is not complete by September 30th

>>82466 A series of short-term continuing resolutions serves Washington, not the American people.

>>82467 Candace Owens and DC Draino Tell Vivek Ramaswamy to Check Out THE GATEWAY PUNDIT for Trusted Elections Reporting During Heated Debate

>>82468 Child sexual abuse survivors release names, urge Ohio to investigate Catholic dioceses

>>82470 As Maui Struggles to Recover, U.S. Parishes Plan Special Collections to Help Relief Efforts

>>82471 San Antonio gets $24.5M in FEMA funding to continue aiding migrants through 2025

>>82472 Abandoned hospital retrofitted to house migrants in Matamoros, Mexico

>>82473, >>82473 @CBS_Herridge @WaysandMeansGOP subpoenas senior IRS officials at Oct. 7 2022 session that IRS whistleblower Shapley called his “red-line meeting.”

>>82474, >>82475 The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era "safety protocols."

>>82476 “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

>>82477 Top Prosecutor On Hunter Biden Case Previously Worked With Beau Biden

>>82478 China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

>>82479 Leaked Document Shows American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing Covid Jab

>>82480 TRUMP FLAG flying high right under Old Glory on this live stream! God bless the Patriots of North Myrtle Beach

>>82481 Soros-Funded Solidarity Journalism Initiative at Public University Trains Social Justice Reporters

>>82482 @1stMEF For the first time, U.S. Marines delivered fuel to a Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned autonomous helicopter


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d9f020 No.82484

File: 5af4ab1e0bd3118⋯.jpg (292.4 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 28971486544b098⋯.jpg (73.61 KB,960x944,60:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0e18c04813fbd09⋯.jpeg (56.67 KB,720x663,240:221,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4345ac111f8ec8b⋯.png (703.45 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b80765d39beea1b⋯.png (49.01 KB,265x201,265:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400168 (211824ZAUG23) Notable: #23826

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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d9f020 No.82485

File: c4bd7717df33a2c⋯.jpeg (158.92 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400206 (211829ZAUG23) Notable: Biden’s Main Super PAC Has A Massive Unexplained Discrepancy In Its Finances: REPORT

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Biden’s Main Super PAC Has A Massive Unexplained Discrepancy In Its Finances: REPORT

August 21, 2023

President Joe Biden’s primary super PAC stated it received $12 million less from a group than the group reported it gave to the PAC, according to an investigation by The Washington Free Beacon.

Future Forward USA Action, a 501(c)(4), reported giving its affiliated PAC Future Forward $15.3 million in 2021 in an IRS tax form, but Future Forward only reportedreceiving $3.4 million, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data. Future Forward, a leading Biden PAC, has reported additional discrepancies in its financial data in recent years, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

White House senior adviser Anita Dunn described Future Forward as “the pre-eminent super PAC supporting the Biden-Harris agenda and 2024 efforts,” according to The New York Times.

“It seems very odd to tell the IRS that you sent $15 million to a super PAC, but to only have that super PAC report $3 million,” nonprofit Attorney Jason Torchinsky told the Free Beacon. “If the FEC determined that there were $12 million in underreported receipts by a super PAC, that could result in a substantial fine because FEC penalties are often assessed based on the amount at issue.”

Legal experts are pushing for an investigation into Future Forward, according to the Free Beacon.

Future Forward has no staff and therefore has not spent any money on employees, according to FEC filings. It uses Future Forward USA Action’s staff instead, which is not rare nor illegal, but their figures have discrepancies, according to the Free Beacon.

Future Forward reported receiving over $467,000 in in-kind staff contributions from Future Forward USA Action in 2020, but the 501(c)(4) reported that it gave only slightly over $67,000 during that time period.

The White House, the Biden campaign, Future Forward and Future Forward USA Action did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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d9f020 No.82486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400228 (211832ZAUG23) Notable: the Qanon shaman release psyop, either tucker lied, got played or jake is lying, the tucker video and the media spin including mp4 vid

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something for the anons.

heads up numbnuts, Tucker and fox with twitter played everyone again. see video and notes on video. below.

corp o7



Note: Jake Angeli states at around 55 - 59 minutes (that part needs to be clipped out of this interview) that because of trump first step act he got 6 months off for good behaviour, he knew he got his release date on the 28th February 2023 and than a couple weeks later tucker carlsen released that footage of him, than 3 weeks later he got released, and than mgt and the whole of the media was calling tucker a hero for releasing that footage but thats not true, the optics looked like tucker got jake released but that was not the case.


"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice #271: Jake Angeli



103,122 views Premiered on 9 Aug 2023 "YOUR WELCOME" Episodes

Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) welcomes the man known for the most viral photo on January 6th, Jake Angeli, to talk about the events of that day, his arrest and experience in jail, and how certain propaganda is disseminated through the US media.

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d9f020 No.82487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400247 (211837ZAUG23) Notable: the Qanon shaman release psyop, either tucker lied, got played or jake is lying, the tucker video and the media spin including mp4 vid

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anon has provided the time stamp.

only 3 minutes of the video needs to be viewed. from 55 - 58 minutes.

he states it clearly.

need a talented anon to clip that clip and throw it out. maybe trump can ask tucker if he knew or was he played?

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d9f020 No.82488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400266 (211841ZAUG23) Notable: Maui 850 missing after Lahaina fire, mayor says

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Maui 850 missing after Lahaina fire, mayor says

There are 850 names on the list of people still missing following the Lahaina wildfire, Maui Mayor Richard Bissen said.

"There is positive news in this number, because when this process began the missing person list contained over 2,000 names," Bissen said in a recorded video posted on social media on Sunday evening.

He said 114 people had been confirmed dead, of which 27 had been identified. Eleven families have been notified. more..


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d9f020 No.82489

File: 40edc33a0f7b1e4⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b7767e791ab46c8⋯.png (47.13 KB,1022x385,146:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400283 (211844ZAUG23) Notable: Cybercrime: 14 arrests, thousands of illicit cyber networks disrupted in Africa operation

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Cybercrime: 14 arrests, thousands of illicit cyber networks disrupted in Africa operation

Networks identified linked to financial losses of more than USD 40 million

DAR ES SALAM, Tanzania – INTERPOL and AFRIPOL have coordinated an operation across 25 African countries that enabled investigators to arrest 14 suspected cybercriminals and identify 20,674 suspicious cyber networks, highlighting the surge in digital insecurity and cyber threats in the region.

The networks identified were linked to financial losses of more than USD 40 million.

The four-month Africa Cyber Surge II operation was launched in April 2023 and focused on identifying cybercriminals and compromised infrastructure. It was coordinated by INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Directorate, under the auspices of the INTERPOL Africa Cybercrime Operations desk and INTERPOL’s Support Programme for the African Union in relation to AFRIPOL (ISPA).

The operation sought to facilitate communication, provide analysis and share intelligence between countries, streamlining cooperation between African law enforcement agencies to prevent, mitigate, investigate, and disrupt cyber extorsion, phishing, business email compromise and online scams.

By leveraging actionable private sector intelligence, it underlined how cybersecurity is most effective when international law enforcement, national authorities, and private sector partners cooperate to share best practices and pro-actively combat cybercrime.

INTERPOL, AFRIPOL and private sector partners Group-IB and Uppsala Security provided on-the-ground operational support, sharing actionable intelligence leveraged throughout the operation.

Operational highlights

In Cameroon, acting on a tip-off from Côte d’Ivoire, three suspects were arrested in relation to an online scam involving the fraudulent sale of works of art worth USD 850,000.

Authorities in Nigeria arrested a suspect accused of defrauding a Gambian victim.

Police in Mauritius arrested two money mules linked to scams initiated through messaging platforms.

In Gambia, proactive measures and strong partnerships led to the take down of 185 Internet Protocols (IP) connected to malicious activities.

Two Darknet sites have been taken down following actions by Cameroonian authorities.

In Kenya, authorities took down 615 malware hosters.

Some 150 INTERPOL analytical reports providing intelligence and insight on cyber threats targeting specific countries were distributed to participating countries for investigative and disruptive actions during the operation.

Developed by INTERPOL based on information shared by partners Group-IB, Trend Micro, Kaspersky, and Coinbase, the reports contained information on:

3,786 malicious command and control servers

14,134 victim IPs linked to data stealer cases

1,415 phishing links and domains

939 scam IPs

More than 400 other malicious URLs, IPs and botnets.


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d9f020 No.82490

File: 3565ab906ce0ac1⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB,852x394,426:197,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400297 (211847ZAUG23) Notable: the Qanon shaman release psyop, either tucker lied, got played or jake is lying, the tucker video and the media spin including mp4 vid

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>only 3 minutes of the video needs to be viewed. from 55 - 58 minutes.

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d9f020 No.82491

File: fe5a16320d21697⋯.png (503.85 KB,904x901,904:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 55d4a85847cf034⋯.png (736.68 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400366 (211857ZAUG23) Notable: PF with eyez on the skyz

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East bound out of Los Angeles International


Squawking 6757

where's heels up headin'?


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d9f020 No.82492

File: 7bb2a070af7f860⋯.png (377.6 KB,553x510,553:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400386 (211859ZAUG23) Notable: Top US General Meets with Pope to Discuss War After Dropping Cluster Bombs on Russians

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Top US General Meets with Pope to Discuss War After Dropping Cluster Bombs on Russians

Top US General Mark Milley, the man behind the disastrous surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan, met with Red Francis on Monday to discuss war. Because Milley knows war.

General Milley wants to push forward with the War in Ukraine despite the mass death and suffering in the regime. Milley and Joe Biden decided last month to use cluster bombs, banned by over 100 countries in the international community.

This morning Pope Francis and General Milley met in audience according to the Vatican Press.

The Insider reported:

Top US military officer General Mark Milley met Pope Francis at the Vatican on Monday, discussing issues including the war in Ukraine.

The pope is “obviously very concerned about the hundreds of thousands of people who have been killed and wounded and the innocent civilian lives that have been lost”, Milley told journalists aboard a US military aircraft following the audience.

“He’s very interested in hearing my views on the state of the war and the status of the war, and the human tragedy that’s unfolded in Ukraine,” the general said.

Milley — the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff — has played a central role in efforts to provide Ukraine with assistance including military equipment and training to combat Russian troops who invaded in February 2022.

That assistance has helped Kyiv’s forces regain ground from Moscow, and Ukrainian troops are currently engaged in a counteroffensive that has run up against heavy Russian defences.

Pope Francis, who became head of the worldwide Catholic Church in 2013, calls regularly for peace in Ukraine and his peace envoy visited Moscow in June, just weeks after visiting Kyiv.


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d9f020 No.82493

File: c08820ff669d46a⋯.png (36.32 KB,552x531,184:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400513 (211920ZAUG23) Notable: Colorado District Attorney Dan Rubinstein Now Claims Gold Star Mom Tina Peters is a Flight Risk

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Colorado District Attorney Dan Rubinstein Now Claims Gold Star Mom Tina Peters is a Flight Risk

The corrupt DA in Colorado claims gold star mom Tina Peters is a flight risk.

Tina Peters is a gold-star mom and the subject of the film “Selection Code“.

“[S]ELECTION CODE follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election. Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.”

She refused to illegally delete files from her voting machines after the 2020 Election per the request of the corrupt Soror-backed Secretary of State Jena Griswold.

After being arrested and charged with crimes for protecting her county’s election data according to the law, the corrupt local DA now requests that Tina Peters be considered a flight risk.

Indicted former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters is traveling out of state without objection from her prosecutors, but there is something they are objecting to — giving back her passport.

In a motion filed earlier this week by Peters’ new attorney, Douglas Richards, the embattled former clerk wants to have her passport given back to her so she can enroll in the TSA PreCheck program, which allows frequent fliers to get through airport security faster.

“The defendant is in the process of enrolling in TSA PreCheck and during her interview with Homeland Security was advised to present her valid passport for verification and enrollment,” Richards’ motion reads.

But in his objections to that request, 21st Judicial District Attorney Dan Rubinstein says there is no such requirement.

“TSA PreCheck is a convenience for travel, not a necessity,” Rubinstein wrote in his motion to object, filed on Thursday. “Ms. Peters has been given the privilege of travel over the past year and a half, and has done so without TSA PreCheck. Even if TSA PreCheck was a necessity, a passport to obtain that status is not a necessity.”

According to the TSA, a passport can be used to enroll in the program, but so can a valid Colorado drivers license. The required documents are a photo ID and proof of citizenship.

Rubinstein, who is the lead prosecutor in criminal charges against Peters over election tampering and other alleged crimes, said his reasoning behind requesting District Judge Matthew Barrett to reject the request is because recent indictments against former President Donald Trump, his onetime private attorney Rudy Guiliani and 17 others in Georgia have altered the landscape.

Earlier this week, prosecutors in Georgia filed numerous charges against Trump and the 18 others, most of which center on racketeering and attempting to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

That motion says Peters would only need it for less than a day to present to federal Transportation Security Administration officials on Aug. 29, and promises to return it that same day.

The Democrats are now communists.


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d9f020 No.82494

File: 9aa69b7fdf400d9⋯.png (374.33 KB,474x669,158:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400549 (211929ZAUG23) Notable: USArmy w/CAP: Georgia Defense Forces, Türkiye & Multinational Division Southeast, along w. #Allies & #Partners, conduct exercise Agile Spirit 23 from 21 August -- 01 September

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🚨 Press Release -




, Georgia Defense Forces, Türkiye & Multinational Division Southeast, along w. #Allies & #Partners, conduct exercise Agile Spirit 23 from 21 August – 01 September, in the countries of Georgia and Türkiye


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d9f020 No.82495

File: 9925ea61b0318fa⋯.png (175.92 KB,1054x853,1054:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400573 (211933ZAUG23) Notable: Trump co-defendant Attorney John Eastman agrees to $100,000 bond in Georgia election case

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Trump co-defendant Eastman agrees to $100,000 bond in Georgia election case

The Georgia indictment is only Eastman's latest legal battle.

Attorney John Eastman has agreed to post a $100,000 bond in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis's election probe, with a judge signing off on the arrangement Monday morning.

Eastman reached the agreement alongside co-defendant Scott Hall, who negotiated a $10,000 bond, The Hill reported. The pair are two of 18 co-defendants whom Willis indicted alongside former President Donald Trump as part of her investigation into his efforts to challenge the 2020 election results in the Peach State.

The deals require the pair not to communicate with the other defendants except through attorneys.

They are the first two to secure release conditions. Willis has granted the 19 indicted individuals until Aug. 25 to surrender themselves. Trump, for his part, has yet to face arraignment.

The Georgia indictment is only Eastman's latest legal battle. Ahead of his indictment, Eastman requested that a California judge delay his disbarment proceedings, arguing that he expected to face federal charges.

Special counsel Jack Smith has described six co-conspirators in his indictment of Trump, though their identities remain undisclosed. Speculation, however, has abounded that Eastman may rank among them.


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d9f020 No.82496

File: 28d650b9d438899⋯.png (42.61 KB,1024x252,256:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400585 (211936ZAUG23) Notable: House Republicans Issue Subpoenas Compelling Witness Testimony on Political Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation

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House Republicans Issue Subpoenas Compelling Witness Testimony on Political Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation

Republicans on the House Judiciary and House Ways and Means Committees issued subpoenas for IRS investigators and DOJ officials with knowledge of the political interference and preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden investigation.

The subpoenas were sent to the following individuals:

Michael T. Batdorf, IRS Director of Field Operations

Darrell J. Waldon, IRS Special Agent in Charge

Thomas J. Sobocinski, FBI Special Agent in Charge

Ryeshia Holley, FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge

“Today, the House Committee on the Judiciary and House Committee on Ways and Means issued subpoenas to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigators and Biden Administration Department of Justice (DOJ) officials present at or with direct knowledge of a meeting on October 7, 2022, in which now-Special Counsel David Weiss allegedly claimed he was prevented from bringing charges against President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, for tax crimes. The subpoenas come after the DOJ and the IRS refused to comply with multiple requests for voluntary transcribed interviews with these key witnesses.” House Republicans said.

US Attorney from Delaware Dave Weiss was assigned to investigate Hunter Biden’s crimes.

IRS whistleblowers bravely came forward and revealed the DOJ was giving Hunter Biden preferential treatment.

Recall, David Weiss signed a June 7 letter claiming he had been granted “ultimate authority” over the Hunter Biden case.

This contradicts what an IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley heard David Weiss say during one of his in-person meetings with the prosecutor.

Merrick Garland however has insisted David Weiss had full authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden.

In March Garland said under oath that Weiss had full authority to charge Hunter Biden.

“The U.S. Attorney in Delaware has been advised that he has full authority … to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it’s necessary,” Garland said.

“Only after a sweetheart plea deal fell apart during a hearing before a federal judge in Delaware did AG Garland designate Mr. Weiss as Special Counsel, raising concerns that the Attorney General’s and Mr. Weiss’s statements to Congress were not truthful.” House Republicans said.

Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan released a joint statement on holding the DOJ and IRS accountable:


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d9f020 No.82497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400601 (211939ZAUG23) Notable: 3 More Hunter Biden Lawyers Withdraw from His Case.

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3 More Hunter Biden Lawyers Withdraw from His Case.


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d9f020 No.82498

File: 4a36aa5f245190c⋯.png (85.68 KB,531x442,531:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400719 (212002ZAUG23) Notable: BREAKING: Donald Trump’s bond in the Fulton County case has been set at $200,000

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BREAKING: Donald Trump’s bond in the Fulton County case has been set at $200,000


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d9f020 No.82499

File: fb8dcb87d08d638⋯.png (73.06 KB,855x379,855:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400787 (212015ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry w/CAP: LITTLE KNOWN FACT: David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor who let Hunter off the hook, oversaw an FBI probe of VP Biden's fundraising operation in Delaware last decade...

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Paul Sperry



Jul 28

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor who let Hunter off the hook, oversaw an FBI probe of VP Biden's fundraising operation in Delaware last decade. A top Biden bundler pleaded guilty to a straw donor scheme, but whaddayaknow, Joe Biden walked away unscathed

3:29 PM · Jul 28, 2023


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d9f020 No.82500

File: dec2e953adfb128⋯.png (107.85 KB,1242x941,1242:941,Clipboard.png)

File: c54e753d24c8dcd⋯.png (141.88 KB,910x555,182:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400791 (212016ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry w/CAP: LITTLE KNOWN FACT: David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor who let Hunter off the hook, oversaw an FBI probe of VP Biden's fundraising operation in Delaware last decade...

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Paul Sperry reposted

Paul Sperry


Did Hunter Biden's prosecutor David Weiss go easy on Hunter out of sympathies stemming from his IRS agent father's prison term for taking $210,500 in bribes he used to pay for son David's college? (Weiss also cheated IRS some $100,000.)

Read the details:


WEISS v. COMMISSIONER | 69 T.C.M. 1888 (1995) | cm188811888 | Leagle.com

Memorandum of Findings of Fact and Opinion PARR Judge Respondent determined deficiencies in and additions to petitioners Federal...cm188811888

2:42 PM · Jul 28, 2023


Email | Print | Comments (0)

Docket No. 5108-92.

View Case Cited Cases Citing Case

69 T.C.M. 1888 (1995)

T.C. Memo. 1995-70

Meyer and Betty Weiss v. Commissioner.

United States Tax Court.

Filed February 13, 1995.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Thomas W. Ostrander and Joshua Sarner, One Liberty Pl., Philadelphia, Pa., for the petitioners.

Keith L. Gorman, for the respondent.

Memorandum of Findings of Fact and Opinion

PARR, Judge:

Respondent determined deficiencies in and additions to petitioners' Federal income taxes as follows:

Additions to Tax1


Sec. Sec. Sec.

Year Deficiency 6653(b) 6653(b)(1) 6653(b)(2)

1978 ............................. $ 3,934 $ 1,967

1979 ............................. 4,770 2,385

1980 ............................. 18,960 9,480

1981 ............................. 68,338 34,169

1983 ............................. 3,767 - $1,884 1

1 50 percent of the interest due on $3,767.

Petitioners have conceded all adjustments and additions to tax in the notice of deficiency, and that the period of limitations for each of the years in issue has not expired. The sole remaining issue is whether petitioner Betty Weiss is an innocent spouse under section 6013(e).2 All references to petitioner will be to Meyer Weiss; references to petitioner wife will be to Mrs. Weiss or Betty Weiss.

Findings of Fact

Many of the facts have been stipulated by the parties; the stipulation is made a part of the record herein.

Petitioners resided in Coconut Creek, Florida, at the time the petition was filed.

Mr. Weiss was employed as a revenue agent of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from October 1955 through the fall of 1984. He audited individual, partnership, and corporate Federal income tax returns. In the early 1950's, Mr. Weiss began a pattern of receiving bribes in return for compromising portions of tax liabilities under audit. This pattern continued until 1983.

[69 T.C.M. 1889]

Petitioners concede that during the years in issue Mr. Weiss received bribes totaling $210,500 as follows:

1978—$ 10,000

1979— 11,500

1980— 40,000

1981— 139,000

1983— 10,000

During the years in issue, he received total wages (after withheld taxes) of $137,632. During the same years, petitioners' expenditures exceeded available wages by a total of $134,092.

During each of the years in issue, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1983, petitioners filed joint Federal income tax returns. They did not report any of the bribe payments received by Mr. Weiss.


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d9f020 No.82501

File: 4909b489e779f37⋯.png (68.76 KB,865x334,865:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400890 (212036ZAUG23) Notable: Stephen Miller w/CAP: Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election as President under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection and invasion...

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Stephen Miller


Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election as President under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection and invasion on our Southern Border and for giving aid and comfort to our cartel enemies resulting in tens of thousands of dead Americans.

11:26 AM · Aug 21, 2023


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d9f020 No.82502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400985 (212052ZAUG23) Notable: #23826

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final bun for #23826

hold yer laties tight... itz clos'n time

czech em

#23826 >>82484

>>82491 PF with eyez on the skyz

>>82485 Biden’s Main Super PAC Has A Massive Unexplained Discrepancy In Its Finances: REPORT

>>82486, >>82487, >>82490 the Qanon shaman release psyop, either tucker lied, got played or jake is lying, the tucker video and the media spin including mp4 vid

>>82488 Maui 850 missing after Lahaina fire, mayor says

>>82489 Cybercrime: 14 arrests, thousands of illicit cyber networks disrupted in Africa operation

>>82492 Top US General Meets with Pope to Discuss War After Dropping Cluster Bombs on Russians

>>82493 Colorado District Attorney Dan Rubinstein Now Claims Gold Star Mom Tina Peters is a Flight Risk

>>82494 USArmy w/CAP: Georgia Defense Forces, Türkiye & Multinational Division Southeast, along w. #Allies & #Partners, conduct exercise Agile Spirit 23 from 21 August - 01 September

>>82495 Trump co-defendant Attorney John Eastman agrees to $100,000 bond in Georgia election case

>>82496 House Republicans Issue Subpoenas Compelling Witness Testimony on Political Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation

>>82497 3 More Hunter Biden Lawyers Withdraw from His Case.

>>82498 BREAKING: Donald Trump’s bond in the Fulton County case has been set at $200,000

>>82499, >>82500 Paul Sperry w/CAP: LITTLE KNOWN FACT: David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor who let Hunter off the hook, oversaw an FBI probe of VP Biden's fundraising operation in Delaware last decade...

>>82501 Stephen Miller w/CAP: Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election as President under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection and invasion...

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d9f020 No.82503

File: bfadad4f2256b72⋯.png (532.37 KB,811x523,811:523,Clipboard.png)

File: c1588b9bd414f65⋯.png (533.86 KB,797x596,797:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401008 (212056ZAUG23) Notable: #23827

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Requesting handoff - Call the ball back up baker

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d9f020 No.82504

File: c1058e9c07f60a5⋯.png (473.23 KB,1150x931,1150:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401014 (212057ZAUG23) Notable: Alvin Bragg Speaks Out About Rising Crime In New York City

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Sebastian Gorka

Should DA Bragg be disbarred and thrown in jail??

Alvin Bragg Speaks Out About Rising Crime In New York City

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who filed charges earlier this year against former President Donald Trump regarding a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, says the rising level of crime in the Big Apple is fearful.

That is especially true of crime on the city’s subways, where violence has been rising for years amid some efforts to crack down.

“I know the statistics that transit crime is down,” he told Fox5. “But when one of my family members gets on the train, I get a knot in my stomach.”

The DA’s personal admission — he’s been widely criticized for being soft on crime — feeds the public’s perception of rising crime in the city, though NYPD statistics show a drop in some criminal activity.

“I live here, I’m raising my family here, so we have a lot more work to do,” Bragg told the outlet. “We do a number of long-term investigations involving wiretaps. We do targeted enforcement, so we are seeing the returns on that investigative work, and we’re going to do that kind of work.”

That said, according to Fox5, New York City residents, many of them, do not see much of a difference in terms of falling crime rates. One building superintendent, who was in the process of repainting graffiti near the main entrance, expressed his belief that crime has spiraled out of control in a brief interview with the outlet.

“Yesterday, you see the car, he’s crushing it, he took the baseball bat, it’s terrible.”

I asked him, “He smashed the car with a baseball bat?” He replied, “Yes.”

Another resident said, “I think it’s still iffy. It depends on the neighborhood that you’re in and the time of day; you might run into something.”

A longtime resident of the city said, “Personally, I’ve had no incidents on the streets.” Another resident noted, “I see it all the time; I didn’t see nothing change.”

Meanwhile, last month, a federal judge heard arguments from Trump’s legal team to move his “hush money” case out of a Manhattan courtroom and to federal jurisdiction.

As reported by ABC News, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York heard about three hours’ worth of testimony and oral arguments from Trump’s team regarding his 34-count indictment by Bragg regarding a payment the former president to Daniels during the 2016 campaign.

But the judge indicated he wasn’t inclined to agree to make the case federal.

“The act for which the president has been indicted does not relate to anything under the color of his office,” Halverstein said during the hearing, adding: “I intend to write and issue a decision within two weeks.”

ABC News added:

Trump in 2017 wrote monthly reimbursement checks to his then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, from his personal funds having nothing to do with his official duties as president, a prosecutor said during the hearing in arguing to keep Trump’s criminal prosecution in State Supreme Court in Manhattan instead of federal court, where Trump’s defense attorneys say it belongs.

“Writing personal checks, even if he did it in the Oval Office, is not an official act,” the prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, said.

“The president’s duties are not all-encompassing,” Colangelo, added, according to ABC News. “We know the president can, even when he’s president, have personal papers.”

While Trump may not be successful in getting the case moved to a federal courtroom, one legal expert says his team has already made one “good move.”

Famed Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz argued that Team Trump filing a $500 million lawsuit against Cohen, his former personal lawyer, was the perfect strategy because he believes it’ll help his case and hurt Bragg.

Cohen testified before the Manhattan grand jury that indicted Trump on criminal charges of falsifying business records related to Daniels.


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d9f020 No.82505

File: c91d2be0ea9ddd6⋯.png (160.27 KB,1276x712,319:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401070 (212110ZAUG23) Notable: Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic

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Russia has publicly accused Big Pharma and US Deep State actors of manufacturing the Covid-19 pandemic to take over the world, listing Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against humanity.


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d9f020 No.82506

File: 6a8faff2c405ffa⋯.webp (74.04 KB,1440x960,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401074 (212111ZAUG23) Notable: Clinton Global Initiative Will Return To New York With Jose Andres, Orlando Bloom, And Matt Damon

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The Rats will never leave the ship. They drown. And then the ship just attracts new rats. The latecomer rookie rats that heard about the legendary gravy train scurry on board. Look at the new members from NY and MA. Healey-Hochul. Sounds like a disease.

I hope this is a sting operation. 😎 BTW _ Jason Bourne is a faggot. My sister could beat him.

"the conference when it returned last year after a SIX-YEAR HIATUS"

Clinton Global Initiative Will Return To New York With Jose Andres, Orlando Bloom, And Matt Damon

Though CGI maintains an international focus, it will include appearances from governors Maura Healey, from Massachusetts, Kathy Hochul, from New York, Wes Moore, from Maryland, and J.B. Pritzker, from Illinois, as well as Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. Oscar-winning directors The Daniels, artist Ai Weiwei, supermodel Karlie Kloss, and television host and author Padma Lakshmi will also be on hand, along with David Miliband, CEO of the International Rescue Committee, and Catherine Russell, executive director of UNICEF.


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d9f020 No.82507

File: 21fddd02d254e9b⋯.png (265.7 KB,855x793,855:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401111 (212118ZAUG23) Notable: Atlantic Comes Alive: NHC Tracks Not One, Not Two, But Five Tropical Systems

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Atlantic Comes Alive: NHC Tracks Not One, Not Two, But Five Tropical Systems

Now a post-tropical cyclone, Hilary was moving through Nevada early Monday with maximum sustained winds of 39 mph. The storm battered parts of Southern California with heavy winds and torrential rainfall on Sunday. Shifting our attention to the once-quiet Atlantic, the National Hurricane Center tracks five tropical systems.

After a "historic lull" in tropical activity across the Central Atlantic this hurricane season, NHC is tracking Tropical Storm Franklin, located 245 miles south of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Behind Franklin is Tropical Storm Gert, located 455 miles east-southeast of the northern Leeward Islands. Then Tropical Storm Emily is over 1,100 miles west-northwest of the Cape Verde Islands.

Besides TS Franklin, Gert, and Emily, NHC also tracks two more systems. Invest 91L is located in the Gulf of Mexico, with an 80% probability of forming in the next seven days. And Invest 92L is located in the eastern Atlantic and has a 70% chance of formation this week.


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d9f020 No.82508

File: 0728d12907e5a62⋯.png (982.11 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401132 (212122ZAUG23) Notable: Chinese Energy Firm That Paid Hunter Millions Also Funded NGO That Advised UN On Climate Change, Archives Show

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Chinese Energy Firm That Paid Hunter Millions Also Funded NGO That Advised UN On Climate Change, Archives Show

CEFC China Energy Co. (CEFC), the Chinese energy firm that directed millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his associates, also fully funded a non-governmental organization (NGO) that worked with the United Nations UN on issues pertaining to climate change and that its de facto leader used to engage in international corruption.

The CEFC NGO sponsored two UN programs that awarded funds annually to selected recipients whose work focused on climate change and “sustainable development,” according to archives of the CEFC NGO’s website.

Patrick Ho, the nominal leader of CEFC’s NGO, was convicted in 2018 for bribing a high-ranking Ugandan UN official for preferential treatment of CEFC in future Ugandan business dealings, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York.

CEFC China Energy Co. (CEFC), the Chinese energy firm that paid Hunter Biden and his associates millions of dollars, fully funded a non-governmental organization (NGO) under the CEFC brand to engage with the United Nations on climate change, web archives show.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked firm and its affiliates paid Hunter Biden-tied shell companies and associates more than $8 million in a web of complex financial maneuvers, according to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. Much of that money changed hands after CEFC’s NGO arm, called the China Energy Fund Committee, established the “Powering the Future We Want” grant program with the United Nations and an annual scholarship prize alongside the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to an archived CEFC NGO webpage.

CEFC’s business arm fully funded the CEFC NGO as “a high-end global think-tank to expand international cooperation” on energy, according to archived webpages, and the NGO received “special consultative status” with the UN in 2011, according to the State Department. Beyond these relationships with the UN, CEFC’s NGO also utilized some of its UN contacts to perpetuate international bribery schemes, one of which led to the eventual conviction of the NGO’s nominal leader, Patrick Ho, in 2018, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York.

The scheme centered around Ho using the CEFC NGO to pay foreign officials associated with the UN in exchange for unfair advantages in future deals for CEFC’s business arm, disguising the payments as charitable donations or campaign contributions, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York.

The “Powering the Future We Want” initiative offered $1 million starting in 2014 as “an annual grant to recognize exemplary individuals and organizations from around the world for their work in promoting global energy sustainability,” according to the NGO’s archived website and a UN webpage. A separate “strategic partnership” with the UN IPCC supported climate change-related research and the careers of young climate scientists from developing countries with a scholarship program, according to the CEFC NGO’s archived website.


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d9f020 No.82509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401134 (212122ZAUG23) Notable: Ortega reportedly allowing Russian military to establish bases, cruise missile batteries in Nicaragua

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>Nicaragua allows Russia to have military bases


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d9f020 No.82510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401428 (212215ZAUG23) Notable: AI-generated art can’t be copyrighted - US judge

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AI-generated art can’t be copyrighted – US judge

AI entrepreneur Stephen Thaler sued the US Copyright Office after it denied an application from his Creativity Machine

Artwork created by artificial intelligence is not eligible for copyright protection, a US federal judge confirmed on Friday, rejecting a lawsuit by AI entrepreneur Stephen Thaler against the US Copyright Office.

"Human authorship is a bedrock requirement" for protection under the law, "at the core of copyright ability, even as that human creativity is channeled through new tools or into new media," US District Judge Beryl Howell wrote in her ruling rejecting Thaler’s judicial review petition.

While copyright law was "designed to adapt with the times," it had "never stretched so far" to "protect works generated by new forms of technology operating absent any guiding human hand," she continued.

Thaler, who runs the neural network company Imagination Engines, sued in response to the Copyright Office’s rejection of his 2018 application to protect artwork "created" by his AI system, the Creativity Machine. "A Recent Entrance to Paradise" was described in the submission as "autonomously created by a computer algorithm running on a machine."

While he had listed himself as the owner of the copyright on the application as if it had been produced as a work for hire, the office denied his application, arguing "the nexus between the human mind and creative expression" was critical to the idea of copyright protection.

Thaler had pushed back, arguing the AI should be eligible as an author "where it otherwise meets authorship criteria," with the system’s owner being the true owner of the copyright. The office’s refusal was "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion and not in accordance with the law," constituting a violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, he claimed.

The Copyright Office has previously stated AI-generated works are not copyrightable, but in March clarified this policy to note that content created with the assistance of AI could be protected if a human had "selected or arranged" it in a "sufficiently creative way that the resulting work constitutes an original work of authorship."

AI’s role in artwork is at the center of a months-long Hollywood writers’ strike. Over 160,000 film, radio and television workers have walked off their jobs, forcing major productions to pause as union leaders negotiate with producers to guarantee AI cannot be used to undercut their pay or replace them entirely.

In January, a group of artists sued the makers of AI art generators Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and DreamUp, describing art-generating AI as "a parasite that, if allowed to proliferate, will cause irreparable harm to artists." Their class-action suit alleged that the tools violated millions of artists’ rights by slurping up their content for "training" purposes without consent or compensation, then turning a fat profit on the results.


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d9f020 No.82511

File: 758e89edf585d7a⋯.png (1.09 MB,990x557,990:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401442 (212218ZAUG23) Notable: US drills could trigger ‘thermonuclear war’, North Korean media warns

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US drills could trigger ‘thermonuclear war’, North Korean media warns

August 21, 2023

North Korea’s state news agency on Tuesday warned that joint military drills between the South and the United States could trigger a ‘thermonuclear war.”

The KCNA report condemned the Ulchi Freedom Shield military drills, a major joint exercise between Seoul and Washington that started Tuesday, as having “an aggressive character.”


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d9f020 No.82512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401452 (212219ZAUG23) Notable: China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

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China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

The Chinese Ministry of State Security claimed in a social media post on Monday that it had identified an “official of a national ministry” who had provided the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with intelligence from a “critical unit” of the ministry in question.

The Ministry of State Security identified the CIA spy as a 39-year-old named “Hao” and claimed that the case “is under investigation” without specifying if Hao was in police custody, what ministry Hao allegedly helped the CIA infiltrate, or whether or not the Chinese Communist Party believed Hao was the only Chinese national involved in the alleged espionage. The Chinese state newspaper Global Times appeared to identify Hao as a man.

“Following the discovery of Hao’s espionage activities by one of China’s national security agencies, a lawful inquiry has been initiated into his actions in accordance with law, and the case is under investigation,” the Global Times reported.

“Hao” is the second person the Chinese Ministry of State Security has publicly identified this month as a Chinese national “flipped” by the CIA to be used as an American asset. On August 11, the ministry claimed to identify another person known as “Zeng” who similarly faced presumably criminal accusations of cooperating with the CIA.

The accusations follow the launch of a campaign by the Chinese Communist Party to pressure the general public to engage in “counter-espionage” activities. The Ministry of State Security debuted a page of the regime-controlled social media site WeChat in early August meant to make the law enforcement and anti-espionage agency a constant presence in the lives of ordinary Chinese people. The WeChat page also allows citizens to levy accusations against others they believe may be foreign spies.

The Chinese government claimed that the CIA successfully turned Hao into a spy when he was a student in Japan. An alleged CIA agent named “Ted” fostered a friendship with Hao in which “Ted” paid Hao to help him write papers, the government said. Ultimately, “Ted” allegedly introduced Hao to another CIA agent with whom Hao signed an agreement to enter a “critical unit of the Chinese national ministry” and regularly provide intelligence. Hao allegedly received “assessment and training from the U.S.”


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d9f020 No.82513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401471 (212223ZAUG23) Notable: Sanctuary City of Chicago Looks to Send Illegals to Neighboring Communities

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Sanctuary City of Chicago Looks to Send Illegals to Neighboring Communities

The Sanctuary City of Chicago wants to share the pain.

Mayor Brandon Johnson is meeting with the mayors of neighboring communities to shift the chaos and expense, brought on by the influx illegals, to communities that do not embrace the sanctuary moniker.

Chicago has spent over $100M to care for the illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border.

The Gateway Pundit reported in May that, while Chicago burns with rampant crime and violence, the City Council approved $51 million in aid for illegals.

And yet, despite pouring millions of taxpayer dollars into the crisis, Chicago residents remain concerned about the what is happening in the city which is so overwhelmed, migrants have been housed in police stations.

According to The Center Square, Mayor Johnson said last week, “We’ve had conversations with mayors across not just Cook County but the surrounding counties, and we have had tremendous feedback. We see some real support on the horizon.”

But not every community shares Johnson enthusiasm to move Chicago’s problems to their towns.

Keith Pekau, the Mayor of the Chicago suburb Orland Park, told The Center Square he is not on board with the idea of moving illegals to smaller communities saying, “None of us have the resources for this. We do not have health departments. We do not have that kind of stuff. [Gov. J.B. Pritzker] has called us a sanctuary state, right? Here’s the deal, at the state level, the state has been ripping all the municipalities off by the Local Government Distributive Fund since prior to Pritzker.”

“Municipalities have been getting screwed by the state of Illinois. Our residents are helping them [the state] pay for things off their own backs that they don’t even know about,” Pekau said. “Keep in mind how Pritzker attacks all the municipalities for property taxes and everything else but guess what? You are taking away money from them first.”

Pekau also criticized Johnson and President Joe Biden for what he said was a violation of U.S. law.

“I think, at a high level, it is very simple. Joe Biden is putting his nose in the air to our laws and is violating our laws at the border,” Pekau said. “Brandon Johnson and his city have supported this, and he and the Cook County Board want them to be a sanctuary city, and that violates our laws as well.”

Biden, Pritzker and Johnson all ignore our laws.


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d9f020 No.82514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401479 (212224ZAUG23) Notable: Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children

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Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children

United States District Judge Sarah Geraghty, appointed by Joe Biden, has blocked part of a Georgia law that bans sex change hormones for minors.

The law bans most sex change-related surgeries and hormone replacement therapies for those under 18. The surgery prohibition remains in place.

Puberty blockers were not banned, and doctors who prescribed hormone replacements for minors before the law took effect were allowed to continue.

The Georgia General Assembly passed the law earlier this year, and it went into effect in July.

One month before the legislation became law, the parents of four children who claim to be transgender filed a lawsuit attempting to stop it.

The complaint argued that the law “violates the fundamental rights of parents to make medical decisions to ensure the health and well-being of their children” and “violates the guarantees of equal protection by denying transgender youth essential, and often lifesaving, medical treatment based on their sex and on their transgender status.”

The plaintiffs did not seek to have the portion of the law regarding surgeries halted.

In the judge’s temporary block, she wrote that the plaintiff’s lawsuit is likely to succeed.

“Plaintiffs have established that they will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of a preliminary injunction,” Geraghty wrote, including risks of depression, anxiety, disordered eating, self-harm and suicidal thoughts,” Geraghty wrote.

“Without an injunction, the middle-school age plaintiffs will be unable to obtain in Georgia a course of treatment that has been recommended by their health care providers in light of their individual diagnoses and mental health needs,” the ruling continued.

According to a report from WANE, “The state argued any preliminary injunction, if it were issued, should be narrowed only to the children who are currently part of the lawsuit.”

However, Geraghty ruled that a “narrowly focused injunction would be unworkable, both because of the practical difficulty in obtaining care under the law, and also because it might not even be possible to ‘fashion an injunction that would allow them to secure relief without compromising their anonymity.'”


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d9f020 No.82515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401493 (212226ZAUG23) Notable: “Climate Change” Crusher: HumanProgress.org Publishes Video Claiming 14% INCREASE in Green Vegetation. Mostly Due to Excess Carbon in Air

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“Climate Change” Crusher: HumanProgress.org Publishes Video Claiming 14% INCREASE in Green Vegetation. Mostly Due to Excess Carbon in Air

The Climate Cultists won’t like this video released by HumanProgress.org’s Twitter account yesterday: a 2016 paper published in Nature by 32 authors from 24 institutions in 8 countries has revealed that an analysis of satellite data shows that there has been a 14% increase in green vegetation over 30 years.

This analysis aligns with elementary school-level science as well as statements made by Green Peace co-founder and Director at co2coalition.org, Dr. Patrick Moore, during an interview:

“One of my missions is to turn on its head the idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and somehow dangerous, when in fact it is the most important nutrient for all life on Earth. And without it, this would be a dead planet.

I say not only is carbon dioxide good, it is essential. And it’s a good thing that we are putting some more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because it was running low before we came along. If we had definitive proof that CO2 was causing serious problems and we could prove it, don’t you think they would write that down on a piece of paper somewhere so people could read it? They don’t have definitive proof.

HumanProgress.org published a video over the weekend that claims a 14% increase in green vegetation over the last 30 years. The video cites that 70% of this increase is attributed to CO2 in the air and that vegetation has increased every year from 1982 to 2009. The increase amounts to the equivalent of two landmasses the size of the United States in new green vegetation.

The “greening” is most impactful in arid regions where they have high temperatures and higher CO2 concentrations. This helps plants to retain more water during transpiration which will help during dry spells and make the plants less “water-stressed.” The increased CO2 results in higher crop yields, which equates to more food and a thriving wildlife. The video claims upwards of a $3 trillion increase in crop yields over the last 30 years.

In 2016 a paper was published by 32 authors from 24 institutions in 8 countries that analyzed satellite data and concluded that there had been a roughly 14% increase in green vegetation over 30 years.

This won’t stop the Leftist from their doomsday prophecies based on absurd logic. Earlier this month, Joe Biden announced plans to spend $1.2 billion on essentially a vacuum cleaner to suck carbon out of the air and store it deep underground. At the same time, socialist Bernie Sanders was asking the DOJ to prosecute people in the fossil fuel industry who dissent on their climate change narrative.


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d9f020 No.82516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401501 (212227ZAUG23) Notable: India Announces Moon Landing on Wednesday as Russia’s Lander Crashes

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India Announces Moon Landing on Wednesday as Russia’s Lander Crashes

The race between India and Russia to make the first landing near the Moon’s south pole took a dramatic turn on Sunday as Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft tumbled into an uncontrolled orbit and slammed into the lunar surface.

India, meanwhile, announced that its Chandrayaan-3 mission is on schedule for a controlled landing on Wednesday.

Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, was hoping to win the race to the lunar south pole by landing on Monday. The agency said it lost contact with Luna-25 on Saturday, 47 minutes after a thruster misfired during an orbital adjustment burn. The misfire created an “emergency situation” that Roscomos did not elaborate upon.

“The apparatus moved into an unpredictable orbit and ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the moon,” Roscomos said.

The Luna-25 mission, launched from Vostochny Cosmodrome on August 10, was Russia’s first moon shot since 1976. The original mission design had the lander carrying a small moon rover, but the rover was ditched to reduce the weight of the lander.

Roscosmos claimed that even with its disastrous conclusion, the mission proved Russia remains “a state capable of delivering a payload to the moon.”

On the other hand, international analysts said the Luna-25 mission was largely intended as a test of landing technology and the calamity occurred during what should have been a relatively safe phase of the lunar approach, so the disaster does not bode well for the state of the Russian space program.

Design or manufacturing defects in the thruster seemed a likely explanation for the crash, although some foreign analysts suspected human error, possibly because the mission controllers were in a hurry to land before the Indian spacecraft.

Post-Soviet Russia has experienced a string of failed missions, including a disastrous attempt to launch a Mars probe in 2011 that did not make it out of Earth’s orbit. The catastrophic failure of the Phobos-Grunt mission in 2011 was attributed by investigators to shortcuts taken in design and testing to save money.

Russian state media tried to manage the embarrassment of failure by claiming the mission still managed to deliver “invaluable information about the surface of the moon,” as one TV news broadcast put it.

India, meanwhile, announced on Monday that its Chandrayaan-3 lander will touch down around 6:00 p.m. on August 23. Sunday’s successful orbital maneuvers brought the spacecraft down to its lowest orbit before the lander could be deployed.

The lander sent back some images of the lunar south pole region as it scouted for a safe landing spot:


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d9f020 No.82517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401532 (212232ZAUG23) Notable: Ortega reportedly allowing Russian military to establish bases, cruise missile batteries in Nicaragua

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MAJOR THREAT TO AMERICA: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country

Nicaragua’s Communist dictator, Daniel Ortega, has authorized the installation of Russian military bases on his territory. The decree is reported to have been signed on Monday, August 21, according to the Russian state news site “Avia.Pro”.

Avia.Pro reports:

The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, signed a decree according to which the deployment of Russian military bases and deployment of cruise missiles will be allowed in the country. This decision could become an important factor in the geopolitical balance of the region, especially given its close proximity to the United States.

The Russian news site also highlights the distance between Nicaragua and the US capital, Washington: 3000 km.

“With such proximity, missiles stationed in Nicaragua can reach the US capital in no time” – the Russian website warns.

Daniel Ortega’s decree has not yet been made public, which makes it difficult to gather more details for a complete verification of the information regarding Nicaragua’s partnership with Russia.

However, a recent statement by Alba Azucena Torres Mejia, Nicaragua’s ambassador to Russia, provided indications of the military partnership between Daniel Ortega and Vladimir Putin, the president of the Russian Federation.

On August 13, the TASS agency reported Torres Mejia’s remarks about the military partnership between the two countries:

“This year, we are marking the 79th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Over this time, we have proved that we will always be with Russia. We are friends with it, we love and respect this incredible country. I think that Nicaragua will try to develop relations with Russia in all spheres.”

There is currently no information on how the White House intends to respond to Russia in this event, which resembles the crisis over the missiles installed in communist Cuba in 1962.


It's like a movie I've seen somewhere.

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d9f020 No.82518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401563 (212237ZAUG23) Notable: Baghdad Shuts Down Advertising Screens After Hacker Posts Porno

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Baghdad Shuts Down Advertising Screens After Hacker Posts Porno

Officials in Baghdad shut down all of the city’s LED advertising screens on Saturday evening after a hacker posted a pornographic video on one of them.

The hacked screen was highly visible in a major traffic area of the city, so social media was quickly flooded with clips of the “immoral scenes” on display.

The electronic billboard in Baghdad’s Uqba bin Nafia Square “showed a pornographic film for several minutes before we cut the power cable,” according to a security official who spoke with Agence France-Presse (AFP).

AFP’s source said city officials decided to “turn off all advertising screens in Baghdad.” Many of them were still turned off on Sunday morning.

The alleged hacker was arrested about nine hours after the incident and identified as “a technician who had financial issues with the company that runs the advertising screens,” according to the BBC.

Before the suspect was arrested, there was some speculation on social media that the hacker was protesting government crackdowns on services such as YouTube and TikTok for allowing “indecent content.”

Kurdish news service Rudaw on Monday quoted Iraqi civil society activists and Baghdad residents who were horrified by the porn video, especially because it was probably seen by children.

“We call on the Iraqi government to protect Iraqi society, especially teenagers, because this will have a negative impact on teenagers,” Baghdad driver Salam Jabbar told Rudaw.


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d9f020 No.82519

File: 5acc5d518376047⋯.png (1.8 MB,1132x1454,566:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401704 (212301ZAUG23) Notable: BREAKING: Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

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BREAKING: Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

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d9f020 No.82520

File: 84a01b42e1e0257⋯.png (463.22 KB,598x570,299:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401719 (212303ZAUG23) Notable: Democrat Arizona Attorney General Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election via

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The Gateway Pundit


Democrat Arizona Attorney General Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election via @gatewaypundit


Democrat Arizona Attorney General Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election...

Fraudulently elected Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes sent a letter earlier this month, threatening counties if they follow a resolution passed in the legislature which bans the use of foreign-m...

11:20 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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d9f020 No.82521

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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