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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

26d5ae No.51566 [Last50 Posts]

21AUG23 to 24AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

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26d5ae No.82522

File: 5013905597663f1⋯.png (438.14 KB,611x898,611:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401771 (212311ZAUG23) Notable: Jeffery Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico

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Jeffery Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico — where the billionaire pedophile planned to impregnate scores of women and ‘seed’ the human race with his DNA and also discussed with scientists engaging in genetic experiments and told them he was bankrolling efforts to identify a stalker particle that could trigger the feeling someone is watching you — has finally been sold.

The convicted sex offender acquired the 7,588-acre ‘Zorro Ranch’ near Albuquerque in the early 1990s and built a 33,000 sq ft mansion there.

The ranch was first put up for sale for $27.5 million in 2021; but this price was slashed to $21.5 million a year later after local estate agents expressed skepticism over the price. ‘There are many other properties out there that offer more amenities and no dark history,’ an estate agent named Jacob Martinez said.

But according to the Mirror, the ranch was finally sold earlier this week to San Rafael Ranch, LLC, a company formed just weeks ago, for an undisclosed fee.

Papers obtained by the publication show a ‘special warranty deed’ was issued by the Sante Fe County Clerk’s Office the day before and signed off on by Darren Indyke, the executor of Epstein’s estate.

Epstein was also known to invite a number of scientists, engineers and technicians to the lodge, where he would reportedly try to woo by using his financial muscle to fund disturbing scientific ideas and insights. According to computer scientist and virtual reality expert Jaron Lanier, this included plans to convert the ranch into a ‘baby-making factory’ which would ‘seed the human race with his DNA’ by impregnating at least 20 women at the ranch.

According to the Times, other sources said Epstein also brought up ‘the question of how humans could be improved genetically’ and reportedly wanted told one scientist that he was bankrolling efforts to identify a mysterious ‘stalker’ particle that might trigger the feeling that someone is watching you.

What other kinds of twisted Josef Mengele experiments was Epstein involved in? We’re still just at the tip of the iceberg with Epstein disclosure.

Source: @MetroUK



Last edited

10:28 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82523

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401752 (212308ZAUG23) Notable: Tom Renz 'Masks, Vaccines, and Murder' video

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The Michelle Moore Show: Tom Renz 'Masks, Vaccines, and Murder' Aug 21, 2023


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26d5ae No.82524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401798 (212315ZAUG23) Notable: COVID Mandates Return to Hollywood: Lionsgate Requires Employees to Mask Up, Submit to Daily Testing

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COVID Mandates Return to Hollywood: Lionsgate Requires Employees to Mask Up, Submit to Daily Testing

COVID mask mandates are returning to Hollywood, with Lionsgate being the first major studio to reinstate masking and daily testing for its Los Angeles office workers.

Lionsgate is requiring employees who physically work at its headquarters in Santa Monica to wear masks at all times when in the building, effective immediately, except when alone in an enclosed office or large open workspace. In addition, employees are required to submit to daily COVID testing and to report the results to the company, according to an internal memo obtained by Deadline.

Employees must wear “a medical grade face covering (surgical mask, KN95 or N95) when indoors except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation, or if they are the only individual present in a large open workspace,” the memo reportedly states.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has reported a recent uptick in transmissions but “overall metrics remain at a low level of concern.”

A growing number of colleges and medical institutions throughout the country are also reinstating mask mandates, with the mainstream news media running articles pushing for the return of face coverings.

Former Obama official and MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel said earlier this month on MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports” that a rise in COVID cases meant it was time to bring back masks.

The return of mask mandates comes as the Biden administration is ramping up another round of COVID hysteria ahead of 2024, pressuring all Americans to get the latest booster this fall. This had led to growing suspicion that Democrats will not only impose mask mandates but bring back mass lockdowns ahead of the next presidential election, in a repeat of 2020.

As Breitbart News reported, the new push for Americans to line up for booster shots follows the revelation in January that health officials want to make coronavirus booster vaccinations an annual event.


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26d5ae No.82525

File: 7f4e02c9c433534⋯.png (19.26 KB,617x286,617:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401800 (212315ZAUG23) Notable: Charles Schwab to cut jobs and close and downsize some corporate offices, with expected costs of $400m-$500m.

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Praying Medic




Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA




JUST IN: Charles Schwab to cut jobs and close and downsize some corporate offices, with expected costs of $400m-$500m.

More announcements like this to come.

10:17 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82526

File: ee9a33ecab40d89⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,720x347,720:347,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401807 (212316ZAUG23) Notable: Trump to turn himself in Thursday

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Trump to turn Himself in Thursday


JUST IN: Trump plans to turn himself in Thursday at the Fulton County jail - CNN, citing sources

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26d5ae No.82527

File: f5ea59e5ff950d4⋯.png (226.04 KB,594x597,198:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401809 (212316ZAUG23) Notable: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country

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The Gateway Pundit


MAJOR THREAT TO AMERICA: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country via @gatewaypundit


MAJOR THREAT TO AMERICA: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian...

Nicaragua’s Communist dictator, Daniel Ortega, has authorized the installation of Russian military bases on his territory.

10:16 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82528

File: 03e94772671bff3⋯.png (57.73 KB,590x571,590:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401822 (212318ZAUG23) Notable: Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children

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The Gateway Pundit


Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children via @gatewaypundit


Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children | The Gateway...

United States District Judge Sarah Geraghty, appointed by Joe Biden, has blocked part of a Georgia law that bans sex change hormones for minors.

8:57 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82529

File: 782598d73cdd83f⋯.png (93.53 KB,724x887,724:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 2505a9b8462091c⋯.png (88.02 KB,761x918,761:918,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401824 (212318ZAUG23) Notable: Disney fan site says ‘climate change’ is causing lower attendance at parks, ignores price jumps [and tranny heroes]

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Disney fan site says ‘climate change’ is causing less attendance at parks, ignores price jumps

Some fans blame "climate change" for falling attendance, but other factors may have more impact. One man said he spent roughly $10,000 to take his family on a single vacation to Disney.

Inside the Magic (ITM), which claims to be the "world’s largest website for fans of Disney World," recently published a piece blaming climate change for falling attendance at Disney theme parks.

"Overwhelming numbers of floods, fires, and heat waves have shown how seriously climate change impacts Disney theme parks. And sources say it’s only going to get worse," wrote author Corrina Murdoch.

Murdoch cites a colleague's piece declaring Disney World a "ghost town" and suggests "rained out" days and smoke from fires that "are getting more common, and the inability to plan for them is one huge way climate change impacts Disney."

Despite admitting weather and climate change are "inherently different," Murdoch nonetheless links the two together throughout her article and concludes without citing any studies or data that "climate change impacts Disney, without a doubt," and has led to a fall in visitors to the parks.

Although the Walt Disney Company has a section in its website detailing a commitment to environmental issues, the company itself has not blamed "climate change" for any business downturns. Requests for comment from the company via email were not responded to by publication time.

The Magic Kingdom has changes other than "climate" to blame for any downturn in business, others report.

Nowhere in Murdoch’s article does she mention other possible factors, such as the theme parks' problems with infrastructure, increasing costs or its political activism that has led to pushback from conservatives, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

According to the Washington Examiner, Disney’s Magic Kingdom in Orlando had an average wait time of 27 minutes, a more than 42% decrease from 47 minutes in 2019. Many fans have also commented on how "light" in capacity the park seems nowadays.

"Get Woke, Go Broke"


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26d5ae No.82530

File: 8f7219fd96c74b1⋯.png (1.55 MB,1044x1485,116:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401826 (212319ZAUG23) Notable: Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages

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Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

Each defendant has been ordered to pay Ngo $100,000 in damages.

The court ruled in favor of Post Millennial senior editor Andy Ngo on Monday in his civil trial against the remaining three alleged Antifa defendants that had physically attacked him in June 2019.

Defendants Corbyn "Katherine" Belyea, Madison "Denny" Lee Allen, and Sammich Overkill Schott-Deputy were found liable by Judge Sinaplasai for assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. ...

This virtual trial was held at the Multnomah County Courthouse on Monday after the three defendants were found in default for not responding to the court order to appear at the civil jury trial which was held earlier this month.

Defendants Belyea, Allen, and Schott-Deputy were allegedly involved in the June 29, 2019 attack on Ngo, in which he was brutally beaten by a mob of alleged Antifa members while reporting on an event in Portland, Oregon. This attack received nationwide attention and is most commonly referred to as the "milkshake" incident. ...


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26d5ae No.82531

File: cfd7ad7511ec37f⋯.png (16.67 KB,589x209,31:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401829 (212319ZAUG23) Notable: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of SF filed for bankruptcy

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The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco filed for bankruptcy, saying a Chapter 11 filing will facilitate a settlement of about 500 lawsuits accusing the church of enabling childhood sexual abuse by priests, per Reuters.

9:21 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82532

File: 621365a2c9ea7a6⋯.png (536.48 KB,745x769,745:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401835 (212320ZAUG23) Notable: Andy Ngo: My brave colleague, antifa-targeted @KatieDaviscourt, was at the court hearing to report on today's breaking ruling

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Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈

My brave colleague, @KatieDaviscourt of @TPostMillennial, was at the court hearing to report on today's breaking ruling. She has been relentlessly targeted by violent #Antifa militants for her reporting on my lawsuit.



>Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

7:10 PM · Aug 21, 2023


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26d5ae No.82533

File: ae26197e88ad546⋯.png (226.45 KB,441x538,441:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401843 (212321ZAUG23) Notable: Farage: Arrived in NYC and ready for @GBNEWS

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Arrived in NYC and ready for


. Tune in now. 📺 🇺🇸

2:00 PM · Aug 21, 2023





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26d5ae No.82534

File: 8c35575e989c07f⋯.png (1.97 MB,1237x1318,1237:1318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401847 (212321ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Police created the gridlock that killed many people in Lahaina

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Maui Police created the gridlock that killed many people in Lahaina

People were fleeing the fire only to find the Honoapiilani Highway, the only way out of Lahaina, blocked by the Maui Police at a key bottleneck. People were directed towards the beachfront area and the only outlet was where Front Street met the Highway headed north. This was blocked by a police officer for an unknown but significant duration creating the gridlock that killed many with video and eyewitness evidence to back this up.


[26:08] You briefly see where Front Street meets the highway. There is a police officer standing in the road stopping people from entering the highway.


Elderly man who was on foot and saw a police officer blocking the merge point from Front Street onto the main Highway with cars piling up behind. He asked the officer why and he replied he was "under orders."

>"There was nothing obstructing it at all"


>[03:42] Just when they reached blue skies police blocked their way turning them around back into the path of the fire


When he realized the entrance to the highway was blocked, he ignored officers and drove across yards and the sidewalk to get onto the highway.

Drone footge:


Residents had around 1-2 hours to leave the area before the fire overwhelmed everything. Lahaina is a small town only 2-3 miles across and the fire did not spread beyond the city's limits. It's entirely possible the Maui Police caused the majority of deaths by blocking this key point without explanation.

No official is asking any questions about this. Keep this thread going until it either goes viral or someone in the media addresses the issue.

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26d5ae No.82535

File: 7245cc1ca07438a⋯.png (105.62 KB,601x431,601:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401852 (212322ZAUG23) Notable: Special Counsel Jack Smith repeats his demands for Trump to go to trial in DC on Dec 11

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Techno Fog


Special Counsel Jack Smith repeats his demands for Trump to go to trial in DC on December 11 -

He calls it a "faulty assertion" that a fair trial requires time for Trump's lawyers to review millions of pages of documents.


8:22 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82536

File: 5a223a30fd21fd4⋯.png (332.13 KB,539x941,539:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401864 (212323ZAUG23) Notable: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of SF filed for bankruptcy

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>per Reuters

San Francisco Archdiocese, facing sex abuse lawsuits, files for bankruptcy

Aug 21 (Reuters) - The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco filed for bankruptcy on Monday, saying a Chapter 11 reorganization will facilitate a settlement of about 500 lawsuits accusing the church of enabling childhood sexual abuse by priests.

The filing in U.S. bankruptcy court in San Francisco will put the lawsuits on hold and buy time for settlement talks, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said in a statement.

"We believe the bankruptcy process is the best way to provide a compassionate and equitable solution for survivors of abuse while ensuring that we continue the vital ministries to the faithful and to the communities that rely on our services and charity," Cordileone said.

The "overwhelming majority" of the alleged abuse occurred in the 1960s and 1970s, involving priests who are deceased or no longer in ministry, Cordileone said.

The Archdiocese said in its bankruptcy petition that it has between $100 million and $500 million in assets and between $100 million and $500 million in liabilities.

The current wave of lawsuits came after California passed a 2019 law allowing people to bring claims for childhood sexual abuse that otherwise would have been barred due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

The dioceses of Oakland and Santa Barbara this year also filed for bankruptcy, each citing the impact of hundreds of sex abuse lawsuits. ...


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26d5ae No.82537

File: 6407f831cee6f6c⋯.png (53.13 KB,639x315,71:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401872 (212324ZAUG23) Notable: @Kash: Remember that time Chris Wallace would NOT let ealDonaldTrump question joe biden at the presidential debate in 2020 about Hunter

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Remember that time Chris Wallace would NOT let @realDonaldTrump question joe biden at the presidential debate in 2020 about Hunter Bidens laptop, because wallace in his relentless hatred of DJT, called it Russian Disinfo- fake news bomb.

No one trusts the media or debates anymore.

Their combined election rigging machine has been exposed and we will crush it behind @realDonaldTrump leadership


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26d5ae No.82538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401873 (212324ZAUG23) Notable: Special Counsel Jack Smith repeats his demands for Trump to go to trial in DC on Dec 11

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they tried to say that Trump should already be prepared for a case because muh j6 bullshit and how he can not even get the evidence because those faggot traitors destroyed it.

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26d5ae No.82539

File: 32cc6e43019410e⋯.png (231.45 KB,985x869,985:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401887 (212326ZAUG23) Notable: Fourth defendant convicted in conspiracy to steal aircraft design secrets

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Fourth defendant convicted in conspiracy to steal aircraft design secrets


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26d5ae No.82540

File: 01d1b2b76099d7b⋯.png (380.24 KB,595x732,595:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401888 (212326ZAUG23) Notable: Matt Walsh: This video shows that “transgenderism” was always understood as a sexual fetish

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Matt Walsh


This video is important because it shows clearly beyond any shadow of a doubt that “transgenderism” was always understood as a sexual fetish. Men did it because it aroused them. Only in recent years has it taken on the cover of an actual literal identity.


Genevieve Gluck



Jun 23

"You have to grow past the stage of being an erotically aroused male in a dress, which results eventually in an orgasm.

But when the orgasm is over, if you continue to stay in the dress, you begin to discover there's this other part of yourself.

You cease being an erotically… Show more

6:46 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82541

File: 62311212208d5da⋯.png (260.27 KB,1003x908,1003:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401907 (212329ZAUG23) Notable: First Grade Teacher Charged with Solicitation of Child Sexual Abuse Material

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First Grade Teacher Charged with Solicitation of Child Sexual Abuse Material


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26d5ae No.82542

File: 31164c664977db7⋯.png (872 KB,783x549,87:61,Clipboard.png)

File: c52efa19ff4450b⋯.png (590.11 KB,599x385,599:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 25451823cc6b913⋯.png (533.52 KB,632x359,632:359,Clipboard.png)

File: f3d98f166824dcc⋯.png (415.11 KB,625x362,625:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401911 (212329ZAUG23) Notable: Revolver: New Evidence on undercover cop caught cutting fences - raising suspicions about J6 FEDSURRECTION

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Apart from Ray Epps and the Pipe Bomb, however, we have reported on the actions of other key players in January 6th whose behavior warrants extreme suspicion. For instance, there is the bizarre case of an as of yet unindicted, unidentified man known to researchers as #Fencecutterbulwark.

Take a look at this man coolly and methodically cutting down and then rolling up “restricted area” fencing around the Capitol lawn. He had no Trump gear on, and made sure to wear dark sunglasses on a cloudy day. He was not angry. He was dispassionate, calm, and professional, like he was just there to do a job.

The significance of the fact that this individual was removing fencing before Trump’s speech was over, and thus before the crowd listening to Trump headed over to the Capitol, cannot be overstated. Ordinarily, the grounds surrounding the Capitol are not restricted, and it was only due to the fact that police erected barriers and fencing for January 6th that those entering the thereby designated restricted zone could be charged with “trespassing.”

By removing the barrier fencing before the massive crowds arrived at the Capitol, individuals like Fencecutterbulwark were effectively creating one of the nation’s largest legal booby traps in history, inviting thousands of people to unwittingly cross into the restricted zone whereupon they became vulnerable to indictments for “trespassing.” And this is not a theoretical booby trap either. Earlier this year we reported how the Department of Justice maneuvered its way from an initial trespassing charge to a felony conviction to punish Green Beret Jeremy Brown, whom the Justice Department wanted to get even with for exposing the government’s efforts to recruit him as an informant and potential provocateur prior to January 6th.

To reiterate, Fencecutterbulwark remains unindicted. In fact, the FBI does not even appear to even be looking for him. He is wholly absent from the FBI Capitol “Most Wanted List.” There is no reward for information leading to his arrest.

Despite the DOJ and FBI’s interest in this key player methodically cutting fencing demarcating the secured perimeter, online research communities have stayed on the case, compiling documentation of Fencecutterbulwark’s behavior.

One of the most telling things about Fencecutterbulwark is that he is photographed pre-positioned right at the initial decisive “Ray Epps Breach Site” as early as 12:31 p.m., a full 20 minutes before the beach kicked off. He was doing nothing except looking out past the fencing he would later take down.


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26d5ae No.82543

File: 201d7ee0c0d10b2⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401922 (212330ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life; more Maui links

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(pb) >>82450 The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government's bizarre response to the aftermath.

Nice try DS faggot. Do the the DEW.

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26d5ae No.82544

File: 137dcaa8694f720⋯.png (155.79 KB,995x655,199:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401926 (212331ZAUG23) Notable: Former tribal councilmember and police officer sentenced to 34 years in prison for sexual abuse of minors

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Former tribal councilmember and police officer sentenced to 34 years in prison for sexual abuse of minors


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26d5ae No.82545

File: e91aaa79803a0ce⋯.png (492.78 KB,593x574,593:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401928 (212331ZAUG23) Notable: Report: Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers

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Natalie Winters


EXC: Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers.


EXC: Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equpiment, Hiring 'Safety Protocol' Consultants. -...

The federal government has started purchasing COVID-19 tests, equipment, and consulting on

4:09 AM · Aug 21, 2023




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26d5ae No.82546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401953 (212334ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life; more Maui links

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Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life

"It started out as just raw footage of the areas that were burned down with no commentary about how and why it happened, but as efforts to silence him increased, he began reporting more about how he was being attacked and how some were attempting to silence him."

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26d5ae No.82547

File: a154c50177ad177⋯.png (6.97 MB,2228x3291,2228:3291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401959 (212334ZAUG23) Notable: Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages

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>Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈

Below is his earlier Xwat and info on supporting his efforts:

BREAKING: At a hearing today regarding three defaulted Antifa defendants in my Ngo v. Rose City Antifa, et al. lawsuit, the court heard evidence about the brutal June 29, 2019 beating I suffered at a Rose City Antifa event where I was seriously injured. The court found that I was indeed battered and assaulted by Madison "Denny" Lee Allen, Katherine "Corbyn" Belyea and Sammich Overkill Schott-Deputy (formerly Joseph Christian Evans). The court awarded me $300,000—to be split equally among these three attackers.

Today's victory is a small vindication for the disappointing jury verdict earlier this month at trial. Collecting on these judgments will pose serious challenges; however, I’m deeply grateful for the support of the @liberty_ctr and my counsel Dorothy Yamamoto (@MY_llp_law), Gregory Michael, @pnjaban, James Buchal and @mark_trammell for believing in me, and helping me hold these attackers accountable for trying to violently silence my First Amendment rights. While it will continue to be a steep uphill battle to collect today's awarded damages given the default defendants' history of evasion, I remain determined to hold Antifa and its members accountable for their violent attacks.

Support my continued efforts:




>Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

6:51 PM · Aug 21, 2023·58.4K Views


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26d5ae No.82548

File: e698a5b32ceaa32⋯.gif (2.9 MB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401972 (212336ZAUG23) Notable: The BEE: Weak Hurricane Hilary Performance Blamed On Russian Interference

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Weak Hurricane Hilary Performance Blamed On Russian Interference

LOS ANGELES, CA — Once-powerful hurricane Hilary was downgraded to a tropical storm as it made landfall over the weekend. What the sources predicted would be complete devastation has instead turned out to be a slight drizzle in the air, increased humidity, and increased instances of Californians saying "Wow, it's wet out there."


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26d5ae No.82549

File: f2435e280f5a1fb⋯.png (1.39 MB,1559x2024,1559:2024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401982 (212337ZAUG23) Notable: Into The Light: successful screening in Sarasota

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Crux (Mike Smith)

We had an amazing reaction and response to our Screening in Sarasota this past Weekend.

The Summit put on by America’s Future was amazing!! And I just want to say Thank you for hosting such an awesome event!


"ONLY the TRUTH stands up to Questing" ~ Lara Logan

**fixed it

>Into The Light Official Movie

>Watch here…


12:19 PM · Aug 21, 2023


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26d5ae No.82550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401988 (212338ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life; more Maui links

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Link to the ongoing pol thread:


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26d5ae No.82551

File: b414d2d2505e54f⋯.png (213.45 KB,598x488,299:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19401992 (212338ZAUG23) Notable: Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.

4:07 PM · Aug 21, 2023



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26d5ae No.82552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402069 (212350ZAUG23) Notable: Why is GOP dominated Texas unable to deliver of key conservative reforms? What can be done? VIDEO

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Michael Quinn Sullivan 🇺🇸

Watch "The Texas Heist" now!

For some time, Texans have been asking, "Who runs the Texas House?" They point to a #GOP-dominated #TxLege chamber that nonetheless fails to deliver on key conservative reforms. They express frustration that of those that get passed, many are watered down while others take an unnecessarily long time to get across the finish line.

“The Texas Heist" looks at how the Lone Star State reached this place politically, who is responsible, and what can be done about it.

Features interviews with @KenPaxtonTX, @MillerForTexas, @RickGreenTX (of @PatriotAcademy), @MattRinaldiTX (of @TexasGOP), @RepTinderholt, @lukemaciastx, @heyjuliesue (@TrueTXProject), @Bill_Zedler, @RepStickland (of @DefendTXLiberty), @JillGloverSD12, and @HortonHearsTx.

8:10 AM · Aug 17, 2023·160.9K Views


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26d5ae No.82553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402074 (212351ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection/invasion

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(pb) >>82501 Stephen Miller w/CAP: Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election as President under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection and invasion…

The US Military collected all the evidence needed to prove the 2020 election was a Coup. How do I know ? A guy selling pillows and some indian goofball and many others have already proved it. Tell you what. Let's sit around for 10 more years and see what happens.

Your strategy sucks. What you should be doing is Slooooowly clossing the border. Slooooowly removing the gunslingers from the cities. Slooooowly removing the garbage in DC. Slooooowly cuffing and frog walking DC, brennan, comey and 100+.

Instead. Pile on more indictments? You people are beyond stupid.

That's what bothers me. You people look stupid.

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26d5ae No.82554

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402075 (212351ZAUG23) Notable: SGT Video: Tulsi Gabbard clip ("people are abandoned"), Smart City plans, fires engineered?

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The UN Agenda 2030 looting of Maui via contrived "wildfires" and the MURDERS of probably more than 1,000 residents of the island,

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26d5ae No.82555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402085 (212353ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life; more Maui links

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Timestamp 1:45

Look how some of the houses burned. Trees still standing, houses close to shore, many houses surrounding the burned down ones. Literally no other way to describe this besides being sus about it.

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26d5ae No.82556

File: 5d21a65ca5c06be⋯.png (1.59 MB,1260x788,315:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402099 (212355ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life; more Maui links

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26d5ae No.82557

File: 10a9c50dcd79201⋯.png (74.62 KB,894x332,447:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 80a493425fd3197⋯.png (99.04 KB,906x415,906:415,Clipboard.png)

File: e8e58f905a56a21⋯.png (258.46 KB,425x417,425:417,Clipboard.png)

File: eb1bf1496dc5b90⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4aa6e829d69958d⋯.png (554.66 KB,749x500,749:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402119 (212358ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis

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Donald J. Trump


Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History. In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for “Murder,” but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money on, this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

Aug 21, 2023, 7:55 PM


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26d5ae No.82558

File: b1e0e7a1cb9853e⋯.png (336.46 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402122 (212358ZAUG23) Notable: Syrian soldier injured in alleged Israeli airstrikes in Damascus area

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Syrian soldier injured in alleged Israeli airstrikes in Damascus area

Sites in or near the Damascus International Airport were reportedly targeted in the strikes.

A Syrian soldier was injured in alleged Israeli airstrikes targeting sites in the Damascus area on Monday night, according to Syrian state media.

The Syrian Capital Voice news site reported that sites in or near the Damascus International Airport were targeted in the strikes. Additional reports by Syrian news sites indicated that sites near the city of al-Kiswah, south of Damascus, were hit in the strikes.

Netanyahu: We are acting against terrorists, both near and far

The strikes come just hours after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that a wave of recent terrorist attacks was being "encouraged, directed and financed by Iran and its affiliates," shortly after Batsheva Nigri was murdered in a terrorist shooting attack near Hebron on Monday morning.

"It should be understood that a significant part of this wave of terrorism came as a result of external guidance. We are activating measures and will activate additional measures, both offensive and defensive, to deal with the murderers and also with their dispatchers, from near and far," said the prime minister.

Recent strikes in the Damascus area

The strikes in the Damascus area are the first alleged Israeli airstrikes reported in Syria since four Syrian soldiers were killed in airstrikes near Damascus in early August.

The strikes in early August targeted sites near Saidnayah and Mneen, north of Damascus, hitting warehouses belonging to the Syrian military used by Iran-backed militias, according to the Capital Voice.

Those strikes were the first such strikes since late July when the Syrian Foreign Ministry accused Israel of attacking the country's Internal Security Forces in al-Qahtaniah in the Quneitra Governorate along the border with the Golan Heights.

That attack resulted in material damage and no injuries, according to the Syrian Foreign Ministry. The statement did not provide details on when exactly the strike was carried out.


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26d5ae No.82559

File: 9ee456403107d28⋯.png (1.69 MB,1260x788,315:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402124 (212358ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Police created the gridlock that killed many people in Lahaina

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26d5ae No.82560

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402127 (212359ZAUG23) Notable: "TRUMP’S LEAD IS EVEN LARGER…LOOK AT THESE LEADS FOR DONALD TRUMP…”

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 21, 2023, 5:19 PM





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26d5ae No.82561

File: 10ebf3feed4e67c⋯.png (570.5 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

File: cd49d2125df5ce7⋯.png (92.48 KB,734x518,367:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402141 (220001ZAUG23) Notable: NYC mayor to 'Post': New York City, Israel have an unbreakable bond - opinion

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NYC mayor to 'Post': New York City, Israel have an unbreakable bond - opinion

We share the same drive to always be better, and to fight for democracy, prosperity, and peace, and that is why Israel and New York City will always remain great partners.

New York City and Israel share an unbreakable bond. Roughly one in eight New Yorkers is of Jewish heritage, and we are home to the largest number of Holocaust survivors outside of Israel. Like Jerusalem, where Jewish, Armenian, Christian, Muslim, and other communities live side by side, we are also a multi-ethnic, multi-national, and multi-religious city.

I always say, the “dash” in our names is our secret weapon – Jewish-American, Black-American, Muslim-American. Our diversity fuels New York City’s creativity, entrepreneurship, and resilience.

This diversity and the freedom for all communities to live together without fear is a treasure that must be protected at all costs; hatred and intolerance have no place in New York City, and should have no place elsewhere. Sadly, antisemitism is on the rise across the nation and around the globe, as are other hate crimes.

Our Asian-American brothers and sisters became targets during COVID; and our Black, Muslim, and LGBTQ+ neighbors are also under attack. It is vital for everyone on the global stage to work in tandem to combat hatred and violence.

This week, I am visiting Israel to strengthen our partnership and share best practices, both in terms of promoting goodwill among diverse people and keeping all our communities safe.

Just last month, members of our administration, including Police Commissioner Edward Caban and I, met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog and had a productive discussion on how we can collaborate in areas like security, antisemitism, terrorism, and technology. We will continue to build on these discussions and deploy what we learn about security, precision screening, ground protection, and technology for the safety and benefit of all New Yorkers.

DURING OUR trip, we will also learn about and form new connections with Israel’s dynamic social services network, and discuss ways in which the country was able to absorb and integrate thousands of immigrants.

Israel is known as the “start-up nation” for good reason. Its thriving start-up sector, with its innovative technology, agile new companies, and forward-thinking business leaders and investors have the potential to address multiple challenges – everything from climate change to cybersecurity to public health.

We welcome Israeli start-ups to New York City so they can expand their footprint and gain access to our talent and markets, while creating good-paying jobs, and diversifying New York City’s economy. New York City is back and better than ever; we aim to be a global center of innovation, and we invite our Israeli counterparts to join us as we move forward.


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26d5ae No.82562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402149 (220002ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis

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Donald J. Trump


Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History. In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for “Murder,” but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money on, this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!


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26d5ae No.82563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402151 (220002ZAUG23) Notable: House GOP subpoenas FBI and IRS officials over Hunter Biden case

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House GOP subpoenas FBI and IRS officials over Hunter Biden case

The subpoenas for each of the officials follow requests for voluntarily cooperation with which the Department of Justice did not comply.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Sith on Monday issued subpoenas to four FBI and IRs officials, seeking information related to a meeting with now-special counsel David Weiss.

Jordan issued subpoenas for FBI special agents Thomas Sobocinski and Ryeshia Holley, the Washington Examiner reported. Smith, meanwhile, subpoenaed IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf and IRS Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon.

The Oct. 7, 2022, meeting about which the lawmakers seek information allegedly saw Weiss claim he was not the final authority on charging first son Hunter Biden. Prior to his appointment as special counsel, Weiss conducted a years-long investigation into the now-first son, which a pair of whistleblowers who worked on the case contended had been the subject of political interference from Biden administration appointees.

IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley and Special Agent Joseph Ziegler have contended that Weiss, in his capacity as U.S. Attorney for Delaware had been denied the ability to bring charges against Biden outside of his jurisdiction. In particular, they claimed that the D.C. U.S. Attorney had refused to partner with them so as to advance tax charges that have since passed the statute of limitations.

Moreover, they contend that Attorney General Merrick Garland had denied a request from Weiss to be named special counsel so as to bring the charges after that incident.

Garland later appointed Weiss amid intense public scrutiny over a plea agreement for the first son that conservatives excoriated as overly lenient.

The subpoenas for each of the officials follow requests for voluntarily cooperation with which the Department of Justice did not comply.

Smith and Jordan's investigations come as part of a broader Republican effort to investigate the Biden administration, its alleged "weaponization" of government agencies, and the first family's allegedly illicit business dealings.


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26d5ae No.82564

File: acd52f3d67ebbcd⋯.png (303.56 KB,1716x915,572:305,Clipboard.png)

File: c78f9577e4c4743⋯.png (67.7 KB,561x545,561:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402152 (220002ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis

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Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent CrimeDISASTERSin American History. In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for “Murder,” but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money on, this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!


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26d5ae No.82565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402163 (220004ZAUG23) Notable: #23827

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#23827 >>82503

>>82504 Alvin Bragg Speaks Out About Rising Crime In New York City

>>82505 Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic

>>82506 Clinton Global Initiative Will Return To New York With Jose Andres, Orlando Bloom, And Matt Damon

>>82507 Atlantic Comes Alive: NHC Tracks Not One, Not Two, But Five Tropical Systems

>>82508 Chinese Energy Firm That Paid Hunter Millions Also Funded NGO That Advised UN On Climate Change, Archives Show

>>82509, >>82517 Ortega reportedly allowing Russian military to establish bases, cruise missile batteries in Nicaragua

>>82510 AI-generated art can’t be copyrighted – US judge

>>82511 US drills could trigger ‘thermonuclear war’, North Korean media warns

>>82512 China Claims CIA Infiltrated ‘Critical Unit’ of a Communist Government Agency

>>82513 Sanctuary City of Chicago Looks to Send Illegals to Neighboring Communities

>>82514 Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children

>>82515 “Climate Change” Crusher: HumanProgress.org Publishes Video Claiming 14% INCREASE in Green Vegetation. Mostly Due to Excess Carbon in Air

>>82516 India Announces Moon Landing on Wednesday as Russia’s Lander Crashes

>>82518 Baghdad Shuts Down Advertising Screens After Hacker Posts Porno

>>82519 BREAKING: Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

>>82520 Democrat Arizona Attorney General Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election via


>>82522 Jeffery Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico

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26d5ae No.82566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402165 (220005ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis

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>>Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia,


>Believe that you're capitulating, again?



When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d74be4 No.2296993 📁

Jul 26 2018 11:44:26 (EST)


What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?

Known beforehand?


Think logically.

Could Sessions publicly challenge [RR] w/o creating a dilemma?

What events would immediately transpire if Sessions challenged [RR]?

Would it immediately demonstrate that Sessions must be aware of key Mueller facts?

Facts (or failure of duty) that he cannot possibly ‘know’ if recused?

Facts (a case) he is suppose to be recused from?

Think logically.

One challenge to [RR] would immediately trigger attacks to remove Sessions given his clear involvement in receiving information re: a case he is fully recused from.

Who does Huber [directly] report to?

Is it normal [RR] is side-stepped re: Huber CoC?

Why is this important?

Why did Sessions recuse?

Is the LEFT attacking Sessions?

What advantage(s) exist based on this setup?

POTUS publicly expresses his anger re: his recusal?

Do you believe POTUS would allow a complete takeover of his DOJ if nothing was being done behind the scenes to hold people accountable?

When POTUS states “the swamp is being drained” do you believe it?

When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?

Do you believe POTUS would allow Sessions & [RR] to run HIS DOJ if something wasn’t being done to his liking?


Clickbait derails logical thought.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Mueller investigating POTUS’ Tweets for obstruction?

You have a front row seat.

Enjoy the show.


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26d5ae No.82567

File: a8493444d7416d9⋯.png (3.04 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402235 (220015ZAUG23) Notable: FAKE Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Exits Harvard, Joins BU

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‘I Had to Leave’: Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Exits Harvard, Joins Boston University Faculty


Online misinformation expert Joan M. Donovan speaks at an Insitute of Politics forum. Harvard Kennedy School Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf forced Donovan out from her role at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, three HKS staff members with knowledge of the situation said in February. By Julian J. Giordano

‘I Had to Leave’: Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Exits Harvar...


Online misinformation expert Joan M. Donovan will join Boston University on Sept. 1, ending her affiliation with the Harvard Kennedy School after a monthslong dispute over the school’s decision to terminate Donovan’s Technology and Social Change research project.

“Once I felt the Kennedy School didn’t back me as a scholar, I had to leave,” Donovan said in an interview with The Crimson on Wednesday.

“An institution is only as good as its leadership,” she added. “Institutions have bad years and good years, but if you don’t feel protected by your institution to do the work that you’re doing, you’re not safe to do the work there.”

The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy will shutter the Technology and Social Change project at the end of August, one day before Donovan begins her position as a tenure-track assistant professor at Boston University’s College of Communication.

The Kennedy School’s decision to end Donovan’s Technology and Social Change project, first reported by The Crimson in February, shocked many academics in the small but growing field of media manipulation and disinformation. Since joining the Shorenstein Center in 2019, Donovan has served as a leading force in bringing the field of online misinformation and disinformation to prominence in academia.

HKS had previously said Donovan’s project — which seeks to investigate media manipulation as it relates to democracy and public discourse — would continue until June 2024. HKS spokesperson Sofiya C. Cabalquinto confirmed in an emailed statement Wednesday that Donovan’s Technology and Social Change project will end on Aug. 31.

Shorenstein Center Director Nancy R. Gibbs wrote in a February email to the center’s advisory board that HKS Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf “informed Joan last summer that because research has to be led by a full faculty member, her Technology and Social Change Project would need to wind down over the next two years, by June of 2024.”


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26d5ae No.82568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402241 (220016ZAUG23) Notable: FAKE Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Exits Harvard, Joins BU

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“The TASC project is fully funded until then and the research can continue through that period with its current leadership and the team needed to complete the work,” Gibbs wrote in February.

But Cabalquinto wrote in a statement on Wednesday that “completion of grant-funded research on the TaSC project is the reason that the project is ending at this time; this has nothing to do with minimizing the importance of the topics of misinformation and disinformation, or with limiting academic freedom.”

As of Thursday, the Shorenstein Center website showed at least 11 people, including Donovan, are currently affiliated with the Technology and Social Change project as staff members, research fellows, and research assistants.

“When research projects are completed at the Kennedy School (as they are frequently), we work closely with the staff who are affected to help their transitions,” Cabalquinto wrote. “Some members of the TaSC team are headed to other jobs, and some will be working on new projects here.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402247 (220016ZAUG23) Notable: FAKE Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Exits Harvard, Joins BU

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donovan had raised $12 million to support the Technology and Social Change project since she joined the Shorenstein Center, she wrote in a statement Friday following this article’s publication. It is unclear if the project will have spent all of its funding by the time it shuts down at the end of the month.

Cabalquinto wrote in a statement that “all sponsored research by the TaSC team has been completed.”

Donovan, however, was never hired to a tenure-track faculty position at the Kennedy School. She directed the Technology and Social Change project as a research staff member and served as an adjunct lecturer teaching the HKS course Democracy, Politics and Institutions 622: “Media Manipulation and Disinformation Campaigns.”

Donovan said that the offer of a tenure-track position was “an incredibly large factor” in her decision to join Boston University.

Shorenstein Center Executive Director Laura Manley wrote in a statement on Wednesday that “while Joan was hired at HKS as a staff member, she has always been clear that she wanted a tenure track faculty position.”

“She did teach here as an adjunct lecturer, in addition to her staff position, and turned down the opportunity to continue that adjunct position at Harvard for this fall,” Manley added. “We are happy for her that she has now found a tenure track faculty position at BU for the upcoming year.”

Donovan said that while she had other offers for tenure-track positions, she opted to join Boston University because she felt like it was “at a really important point in its own industry.”

“The College of Communication and the School of Journalism have excellent leadership that I can learn a lot from,” she said. “When you’re in academia, you look for positions where not only you can do your work and your research, but you also want to be in a position where people can push you forward.”

Donovan wrote in a statement Wednesday evening that she “loved teaching at HKS and always had great students — both smart and inquisitive.”

“I turned down the opportunity to teach so I could start my new role at BU,” she added.

Many of Donovan’s former students at HKS were dismayed by reports about her looming departure from the school. More than 100 people signed a petition in February calling on Elmendorf to resign after the school announced it would wind down the Technology and Social Change project.

In an interview, Donovan said she is concerned about Harvard’s ability to remain at the forefront of media manipulation and disinformation studies following her departure from the University.

“I do not think Harvard is positioned to be a world leader on media manipulation and disinformation at this point,” Donovan said. “I don’t know of any faculty member that can teach a class similar to my class. I don’t know a faculty member who is as embedded in the research field as I am.”

Cabalquinto, the HKS spokesperson, wrote in a statement that the “Shorenstein Center continues to foster faculty-led projects on the challenges of misinformation, including hosting a public archive of the material released by the Facebook whistleblower and publishing a journal on misinformation with articles by researchers at many institutions.”

Gibbs, the Shorenstein Center director, wrote in a statement on Wednesday that “challenges to our information environment keep evolving, and the Shorenstein Center’s work will continue to evolve with it.”

“In collaboration with the Belfer Center, we just completed the first Democracy and Internet Governance Initiative report on recommendations for improving the regulation of social media, including the issue of mis- and disinformation,” Gibbs added. “We will be continuing this work going forward.”

Donovan, however, was much less optimistic about the future of the field at the Shorenstein Center.

“There is potential in different places at Harvard to study these issues, but I don’t think the Shorenstein Center is equipped,” she added.

The team at the Technology and Social Change research project is uniquely talented, according to Donovan.

“What I did at Harvard is I built the X-Men of internet studies. I got journalists from world-class publications, I got researchers from all over the globe,” Donovan said. “We were doing really important work that was changing how Congress, and how technologists, and how journalists did their jobs.”

“I think that it’s an incredible loss to the institution of Harvard to remove us at this juncture,” she added.

Correction: August 18, 2023

A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Donovan had raised $5 million for the Technology and Social Change project since joining the Shorenstein Center. In fact, Donovan raised $12 million.

—Staff writer Miles J. Herszenhorn can be reached at miles.herszenhorn@thecrimson.com. Follow him on X @mherszenhorn.


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26d5ae No.82570

File: 3dd247cae7070e2⋯.png (467.92 KB,919x698,919:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402276 (220021ZAUG23) Notable: Bragg DIG, con't.

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>>82504 pb

Bragg feelen the heat?

They lie an say crime is not up. Lie with statistics. Cheat.

The judge that was assigned the decision about changing venue of Trump's indictment by Bragg.

total and complete corrupt judge

|As reported by ABC News, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York heard about three hours’ worth of testimony and oral arguments from Trump’s team regarding >>>/qresearch/19401914

his 34-count indictment by Bragg regarding a payment the former president to Daniels during the 2016 campaign.

But the judge indicated he wasn’t inclined to agree to make the case federal.

“The act for which the president has been indicted does not relate to anything under the color of his office,” Hallerstein said during the hearing, adding: “I intend to write and issue a decision within two weeks.”


HELLERSTEIN, best friends with Silverstienwas the cover-up judge for both the "Airline victims" of 9/11 scam and the Poison dust of 9/11 crime, and the Agent Orange of viet name, crime.

he's a total corrupt judge, ringer

Waited until Agent Orange injured were dead before they "got their compensation"

about the dust of 9/11 he said, "Wait, like with the agent orange"

He told the relatives of the alleged Aircraft dead, "Take the money. forget it. Live your life"

wouldn't do any trials

Only time people were told to "forget"

Usually they say "Remember" 9/11

biggest corrupt judge on the entire planet

ruled in favor of Silverstein so Silverstein could get insurance money for TWO incidences of Terrorism. One for each Tower. He rules on all sketchy cases.

Such a bastard.

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26d5ae No.82571

File: 0e25663286ec556⋯.png (386.54 KB,606x450,101:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402287 (220023ZAUG23) Notable: SEN. SCHATZ TO BIDEN IN MAUI: "You wanna grab that water and take a sip?"

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SEN. SCHATZ TO BIDEN IN MAUI: "You wanna grab that water and take a sip?"


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26d5ae No.82572

File: 1064cbffa122eca⋯.png (103.63 KB,901x494,901:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402309 (220026ZAUG23) Notable: Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages

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Dr. Eoin Lenihan

Big win! Congratulations @MrAndyNgo.

This is also a big win for all journalists in blue citieswho have to work with the constant threat of Antifa violence. 👇👇👇

Katie Daviscourt


>Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack

8:14 PM · Aug 21, 2023


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26d5ae No.82573

File: b4e8b98608dad1c⋯.png (104.41 KB,657x647,657:647,Clipboard.png)

File: cc64ed156c50c1e⋯.png (14.53 KB,592x131,592:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e9295ca1aab41e⋯.png (48.16 KB,634x338,317:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402333 (220030ZAUG23) Notable: Huma back in the news - insulting HRC, kek.

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Huma back in the news

Newly released email shows top aide Huma Abedin warned colleagues Hillary was 'often confused' and needed hand-holding about calls with foreign leaders

It was 'very imp[ortant]' to review Clinton's phone-call schedule with her, Abedin cautioned an underling via email, because 'she's often confused'

The email comes from Judicial Watch, which obtained it through a FOIA lawsuit against the State Department

It also shows Clinton was asleep on a Saturday when the aide went to brief her on her schedule

The same aide tried to reach her four days after the Benghazi terror attacks, but Clinton had slept through a White House briefing

Hillary Clinton needed hand-holding with her daily schedule and was 'often confused' while she was secretary of state, her former top aide and 'body woman' Huma Adebin wrote a colleague in a January 2013 email.

The message, to coworker Monica Hanley, followed a back-and-forth about Clinton's schedule of calls with foreign leaders, including an 8:00 a.m. appointment to speak with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

'Have you been going over calls with her for tomorrow? So she knows singh [sic] ls at 8?' Abedin asked Hanley just before 5:00 p.m. on a Saturday.

'She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call,' Hanley replied three minutes later. 'Will go over with her.'

'Very imp[ortant] to do that. She's often confused,' Abedin told her.

It wasn't the first time Hanley had to keep up with Clinton's weekend sleeping schedule. In an email released by the State Department in May, she tried to reach the then-secretary of state four days after the deadly terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton missed a meeting at the White House for President Obama's daily national security briefing because she overslept.

Hanley emailed Clinton at 9:17 that morning to let her know that White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer' had 'some sensitive items that he would like to personally show you when he arrives.'

Clinton didn't reply until 10:43, hearly an hour and a half later.

'[J]ust woke up,' she told Hanley, 'so i [sic] missed Dan. Could he come back after [I] finish my calls?'

Judicial Watch, a right-leaning government transparency group, released the new Abedin email on Monday as a consequence of filing a Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department.

The group had demanded to see all 'emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-“state.gov” email address.'

The 35 pages of emails released Monday include detailed schedules of Clinton's high-level phone calls – and her movements.

The detailed schedules also contain a warning: 'The information contained in this email is not to be shared, forwarded or duplicated.'

One of them was a minute-by-minute schedule for Hillary's day on January 31, 2013.

But Abedins email threads lived on Hillary Clinton's private email server, not on her official 'state.gov' acdress. Abedin had a private account through the 'clintonemails.com' domain.

That raises new questions about how Hillary's government aides – not just Clinton herself – may have exposed her to needless risk through the use of an unsanctioned private email account for official business.

Clinton is the Democratic Party's front-runner for the 2016 presidential nomination. She also faces an FBI investigation over claims that she violated the Espionage Act by 'gross negligence' in allowing classified documents to pass through her email server.


2 Clips in article.

1st Huma Albedin Arriving for Bengazi Hearing in October 2015: 17 seconds long

2nd Hilary Boards Private Jet After Green Group Endorsment: 32 Seconds Long.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402341 (220031ZAUG23) Notable: Bragg DIG, con't.

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Hellerstein Alvin was the cover-up judge for 9/11 attack.

Some claim he's a dual citizen; Not sure if that's true or not.

But I do know he is totally and completely corrupt and cold-hearted; really thought the whole thing was a joke.

had very improper demeanor in Court

Can't believe he's still on the bench.

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26d5ae No.82575

File: 70189306b00eb06⋯.jpg (418.26 KB,1620x1079,1620:1079,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e6a7cd1fe670f3f⋯.gif (292.1 KB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402365 (220034ZAUG23) Notable: Bragg DIG, con't.

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>>82504 pb

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26d5ae No.82576

File: e8a8a87aa6a9f54⋯.png (580.41 KB,915x600,61:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af3a7a2ae90020⋯.png (73.26 KB,657x647,657:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 4245c953048bb89⋯.png (932.98 KB,911x597,911:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402379 (220037ZAUG23) Notable: Huma back in the news - insulting HRC, kek.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Huma back in the news

Newly released email shows top aide Huma Abedin warned colleagues Hillary was 'often confused' and needed hand-holding about calls with foreign leaders

Hillary Clinton needed hand-holding with her daily schedule and was 'often confused' while she was secretary of state, her former top aide and 'body woman' Huma Adebin wrote a colleague in a January 2013 email.

'Have you been going over calls with her for tomorrow? So she knows singh [sic] ls at 8?' Abedin asked Hanley just before 5:00 p.m. on a Saturday.

'She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call,' Hanley replied three minutes later. 'Will go over with her.'

'Very imp[ortant] to do that. She's often confused,' Abedin told her.

It wasn't the first time Hanley had to keep up with Clinton's weekend sleeping schedule. In an email released by the State Department in May, she tried to reach the then-secretary of state four days after the deadly terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton missed a meeting at the White House for President Obama's daily national security briefing because she overslept.

Hanley emailed Clinton at 9:17 that morning to let her know that White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer' had 'some sensitive items that he would like to personally show you when he arrives.'

Clinton didn't reply until 10:43, hearly an hour and a half later.

'[J]ust woke up,' she told Hanley, 'so i [sic] missed Dan. Could he come back after [I] finish my calls?'

Judicial Watch, a right-leaning government transparency group, released the new Abedin email on Monday as a consequence of filing a Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department.

The group had demanded to see all 'emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-“state.gov” email address.'

The 35 pages of emails released Monday include detailed schedules of Clinton's high-level phone calls – and her movements.

The detailed schedules also contain a warning: 'The information contained in this email is not to be shared, forwarded or duplicated.'

One of them was a minute-by-minute schedule for Hillary's day on January 31, 2013.

But Abedins email threads lived on Hillary Clinton's private email server, not on her official 'state.gov' acdress. Abedin had a private account through the 'clintonemails.com' domain.

Moar in link:


2 Clips in article.

1st Huma Albedin Arriving for Bengazi Hearing in October 2015: 17 seconds long

2nd Hilary Boards Private Jet After Green Group Endorsment: 32 Seconds Long.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82577

File: b7607667731f519⋯.png (1.09 MB,1104x1278,184:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402412 (220042ZAUG23) Notable: Demt Arizona AG Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election

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Democrat Arizona Attorney General Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election


Anon just noticed some wordplay...


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26d5ae No.82578

File: bd5c4b8070da7f5⋯.png (589.34 KB,787x603,787:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402458 (220049ZAUG23) Notable: New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city

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New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street

business as firms flee the city: report

New York Post, by Shannon Thaler

Posted By: AltaD, 8/21/2023 7:10:48 PM

A giant, sucking sound is coming out of Wall Street — and it’s siphoning staggering sums of money out of the Big Apple while handing business to Florida and other states farther south. Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion — yes, that’s trillion with a “T” — in assets under management with them, according to data from 17,000 companies compiled by Bloomberg. (Snip) Last year, financial firms paid $5.4 billion in New York taxes and accounted for nearly a quarter of all personal income tax collections

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26d5ae No.82579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402460 (220049ZAUG23) Notable: #23828-A

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>>82534, >>82559 Maui Police created the gridlock that killed many people in Lahaina

>>82546, >>82543, >>82550, >>82555, >>82556, Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life; more Maui links

>>82571 SEN. SCHATZ TO BIDEN IN MAUI: "You wanna grab that water and take a sip?"

>>82523 Tom Renz 'Masks, Vaccines, and Murder' video

>>82524 COVID Mandates Return to Hollywood: Lionsgate Requires Employees to Mask Up, Submit to Daily Testing

>>82525 Charles Schwab to cut jobs and close and downsize some corporate offices, with expected costs of $400m-$500m.

>>82526 Trump to turn himself in Thursday

>>82527 Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country

>>82528 Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children

>>82529 Disney fan site says ‘climate change’ is causing lower attendance at parks, ignores price jumps [and tranny heroes]

>>82530, >>82547, >>82572 Judge rules against Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages

>>82531, >>82536 Roman Catholic Archdiocese of SF filed for bankruptcy

>>82532 Andy Ngo: My brave colleague, antifa-targeted @KatieDaviscourt, was at the court hearing to report on today's breaking ruling

>>82533 Farage: Arrived in NYC and ready for @GBNEWS

>>82554 SGT Video: Tulsi Gabbard clip ("people are abandoned"), Smart City plans, fires engineered?

>>82535, >>82538 Special Counsel Jack Smith repeats his demands for Trump to go to trial in DC on Dec 11

>>82537 @Kash: Remember that time Chris Wallace would NOT let ealDonaldTrump question joe biden at the presidential debate in 2020 about Hunter

>>82539 Fourth defendant convicted in conspiracy to steal aircraft design secrets

>>82540 Matt Walsh: This video shows that “transgenderism” was always understood as a sexual fetish

>>82541 First Grade Teacher Charged with Solicitation of Child Sexual Abuse Material

>>82542 Revolver: New Evidence on undercover cop caught cutting fences - raising suspicions about J6 FEDSURRECTION



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82580

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402505 (220058ZAUG23) Notable: Jeff Clark: EPA Approved A Fuel Ingredient That Could Cause Cancer

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Jeff Clark: EPA Approved A Fuel Ingredient That Could Cause Cancer



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82581

File: 48e4b71fb1b6c60⋯.png (190.15 KB,421x629,421:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402520 (220059ZAUG23) Notable: Douglas Macgregor Tells Tucker, "Ukraine Is Probably One of the Most Corrupt Places in the World"

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Douglas Macgregor Tells Tucker, "Ukraine Is Probably One of the Most Corrupt Places in the World"

"A friend of mine who had spent time in the old Soviet Union and also lived in Mexico. Came back from a visit to Mexico, and he said, 'It's hard to believe this, but Ukraine is more corrupt than Mexico.'"

Tucker's eyes widened. "Wow," he replied.

"And I think that's true," added Macgregor.

Watch the full interview + more clips here: https://vigilantnews.com/post/united-states-on-the-brink-of-a-catastrophic-war-that-could-destroy-us-former-army-colonel-explains-to-tucker-carlson-why-the-war-in-ukraine-must-end

Follow @VigilantFox

Find more content like this: VigilantNews.com

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26d5ae No.82582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402529 (220100ZAUG23) Notable: #23828-B

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>>82544 Former tribal councilmember and police officer sentenced to 34 years in prison for sexual abuse of minors

>>82545 Report: Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers

>>82548 The BEE: Weak Hurricane Hilary Performance Blamed On Russian Interference

>>82549 Into The Light: successful screening in Sarasota

>>82551 Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.

>>82552 Why is GOP dominated Texas unable to deliver of key conservative reforms? What can be done? VIDEO

>>82553 Joe Biden is plainly ineligible to stand for re-election under the 14th Amendment for engineering an insurrection/invasion

>>82558 Syrian soldier injured in alleged Israeli airstrikes in Damascus area


>>82561 NYC mayor to 'Post': New York City, Israel have an unbreakable bond - opinion

>>82557 , >>82562, >>82564, >>82566 PDJT: Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis

>>82563 House GOP subpoenas FBI and IRS officials over Hunter Biden case

>>82567, >>82568, >>82569 FAKE Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Exits Harvard, Joins BU

>>82570, >>82574, >>82575 Bragg DIG, con't.

>>82573, >>82576 Huma back in the news - insulting HRC, kek.

>>82577 Demt Arizona AG Sends Letter Threatening AZ Counties Who Hand Count 2024 Election

>>82578 New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city

>>82580 Jeff Clark: EPA Approved A Fuel Ingredient That Could Cause Cancer

>>82581 Douglas Macgregor Tells Tucker, "Ukraine Is Probably One of the Most Corrupt Places in the World"



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82583

File: bde38440bb715ac⋯.png (275.07 KB,551x461,551:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402548 (220102ZAUG23) Notable: #23829

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baker seeking handoff ghosting @20

TY anons for your contributions,


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26d5ae No.82584

File: 1f76d14a37d7439⋯.png (856.75 KB,1003x690,1003:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402638 (220116ZAUG23) Notable: The[y] need the Normies Participation. Without it, Nothing Happens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Viewers,

Use what Means you Have available to you to inform the Normies

They Must Resist

They must not Comply

The[y] need the Normies Participation

Without it, Nothing Happens

It's Literally in their Hands where this Goes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82585

File: 6fb7383028dc294⋯.png (60.26 KB,600x349,600:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402655 (220119ZAUG23) Notable: Chuck Grassley: I wrote DOJ for answers abt stand down on arrest ops for Sinaloa Cartel bosses bc of interagency rivalry. 2day is National Fentanyl Awareness Day 2 honor Americans lost to drug overdoses. DEA needs 2 fight cartels not other agencies in order to save lives

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Chuck Grassley

I wrote DOJ for answers abt stand down on arrest ops for Sinaloa Cartel bosses bc of interagency rivalry. 2day is National Fentanyl Awareness Day 2 honor Americans lost to drug overdoses. DEA needs 2 fight cartels not other agencies in order to save lives

9:10 PM · Aug 21, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82586

File: a17e5d499ee4624⋯.png (392.78 KB,1457x2021,31:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 124a1f6949502f8⋯.png (297.16 KB,1424x1536,89:96,Clipboard.png)

File: 124a1f6949502f8⋯.png (297.16 KB,1424x1536,89:96,Clipboard.png)

File: 80429f7f382c6bf⋯.png (357.71 KB,1027x880,1027:880,Clipboard.png)

File: 559c125035ae2db⋯.png (361.07 KB,1058x777,1058:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402677 (220122ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Regime to Push for Nationwide Updated COVID Booster Shots This Fall in Response to New Wave of PANIC

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Here We Go: Biden Regime to Push for Nationwide Updated COVID Booster Shots This Fall in Response to New Wave of Infections

The Biden regime is planning to encourage all Americans to receive updated COVID-19 booster shots this fall, aiming to counter a potential new wave of infections, a White House official said on Sunday, quoted by Reuters.

According to FOX News, “The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the White House’s Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy are expected to lead the rollout, which is expected to begin in earnest during the second half of September.”

“Aside from COVID vaccinations, the administration is also encouraging Americans to get an annual influenza vaccination in addition to a shot for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — both of which are common respiratory illnesses that can cause more severe complications in some cases,” the outlet added.

This announcement comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report an uptick in infections and hospital admissions, even though overall levels are low.

Another fear porn from the so-called health experts and media just in time for the next election. The same old playbook.

The argument being put forth by the administration and public health officials is that these boosters, particularly those targeted at new “Eris” and “Fornax” subvariants, would enhance immunity and reduce the spread of the virus.

Pharmaceutical companies like Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and German partner BioNTech SE have already created versions of their shots aimed at the XBB.1.5 subvariant, pending approval.

The so-called “high flying” variants EG.5 (Eris), XBB.1.5, and XBB.1.6 have been elevated to the status of “variants of interest” by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“While EG.5 has shown increased prevalence, growth advantage, and immune escape properties, there have been no reported changes in disease severity to date. The public health risk posed by EG.5 is evaluated as low at the global level,” the WHO said.

According to health authorities per South China Morning Post, variant Eris account for over 70 percent of infections in China, but its public health risk remains low.

“The proportion of the EG.5 variant among circulating strains of the coronavirus grew from 0.6 per cent in April to 71.6 per cent in August. It has become the dominant strain in most provinces in China and is likely to continue this trend,” the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on its WeChat account on Saturday.

“The overall Covid-19 situation in China has remained at a low level, with a wavelike pattern. Little pressure has been posed to the health system across the country, and there is no indication of a large-scale outbreak in the short term.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that according to a high-level TSA official who reached out to Infowars, a meeting held on Tuesday revealed new memorandums and policies set to reimplement mask-wearing mandates for TSA and airport employees, beginning in mid-September.

Furthermore, the official disclosed that by mid-October, mask-wearing will be mandated for pilots, flight staff, passengers, and all airport patrons.


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26d5ae No.82587

File: fd9d56ad924b427⋯.png (618.3 KB,787x414,787:414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402688 (220125ZAUG23) Notable: COVID-2 coming soon!

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The Biden regime has begun procuring COVID-19 equipment and hiring advisors on safety protocols, according to an exclusive report from War Room.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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26d5ae No.82588

File: ccb5b238877f044⋯.png (388.21 KB,540x340,27:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f85f111706ef13⋯.png (92.89 KB,1059x663,353:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402689 (220125ZAUG23) Notable: King Charles’ Scandal-Plagued Charity Escapes Criminal Investigation Again, Despite Proof of ‘Cash-For-Honors’ Scheme

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King Charles’ Scandal-Plagued Charity Escapes Criminal Investigation Again, Despite Proof of ‘Cash-For-Honors’ Scheme

Another day, another UK Royal scandal swept under the rug.

The trouble is brewing at King Charles’s Prince’s Foundation, a charity that purports to ‘provides holistic solutions to challenges facing the world today’.

It also champions ‘a sustainable approach to how we live our lives and build our communities’, and it runs ‘a diverse program of education and training for all ages and backgrounds’.

Despite such lofty aspirations, the scandal-plagued institution is again in the headlines for a ‘Cash-for-Honors’ scandal involving a wealthy Saudi businessman.

And, once again, the Windsors can count on the absolute inaction of law enforcement when it comes to them.

Associated Press reported:

“London police said Monday they would take no action on allegations that people associated with one of King Charles III’s charities offered to help a Saudi billionaire secure a knighthood and British citizenship in return for donations.

The Metropolitan Police Service began an investigation into the matter after the Times of London reported that a longtime aide to Charles had suggested the then-Prince of Wales would support a Saudi citizen’s request for the honors in return for up to 1.5 million pounds ($2 million) in donations to the charity, The Prince’s Foundation.

The police department declared that it reached its decision after reviewing documents provided by the Prince’s Foundation and by the Times, and also consulted with prosecutors before concluding its ‘investigation’.

“’After careful consideration of the information received as a result of the investigation to date, the Met has concluded that no further action will be taken in this matter,’ police said in a statement.”

Charles’ representatives have clarified that ‘he wasn’t aware of any offers to bestow honors or expedite citizenship in return for donations to his charities’.

“’Following the conclusion of its own independent investigation and governance review last year, the charity is moving forward with a continued focus on delivering the education and training programs for which it has been established’, the foundation said.”

The decision, while predictable given the usual behavior of the UK police regarding the Royals, has sparked a wave of criticism, as you would expect.


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26d5ae No.82589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402728 (220133ZAUG23) Notable: it’s interesting- especially in light of all the alias emails we know are used- that they don’t request through FOIA the top senders and domains for their targeted email address

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Looking over notables, it’s interesting- especially in light of all the alias emails we know are used- that they don’t request through FOIA the top senders and domains for their targeted email address. Nearly all agencies use ediscovery which handily breaks out conversations where you can catch questionable email accounts like lol@whatever.gov. Just sayin’ and known from eyes-on.

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26d5ae No.82590

File: 1feefd252cf9158⋯.png (109.99 KB,530x460,53:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402734 (220134ZAUG23) Notable: We appear to be over target

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We hit a nerve.

What are we over the target with?

Huma emails?

Antifa ruling?

Maui Footage?


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26d5ae No.82591

File: a6f94d0fd590b86⋯.png (817.11 KB,1441x1005,1441:1005,Clipboard.png)

File: eea77403fb7bcca⋯.png (1.57 MB,1419x685,1419:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 29a433bb549a8cc⋯.png (144.65 KB,239x300,239:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402782 (220141ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USN E-6B Mercury 164405 outa Tinker, OILER17 KC-135R/T Stratotanker 63-8027 outa Altus Elon Musk Deploys Space Lazers

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USN E-6B Mercury 164405 up from home base at Tinker AFB. Call sign SHADO22. TACAMO

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26d5ae No.82592

File: fc08dbea85f4b94⋯.png (896.68 KB,1920x1017,640:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f4bfd1c835ef2b⋯.png (884.83 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402807 (220144ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USN E-6B Mercury 164405 outa Tinker, OILER17 KC-135R/T Stratotanker 63-8027 outa Altus Elon Musk Deploys Space Lazers

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Call sign OILER17 KC-135R/T Stratotanker 63-8027 up from nearby Altus AFB. You know. Just in case.

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26d5ae No.82593

File: 21cdafd488b08dc⋯.png (67.73 KB,588x342,98:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402827 (220147ZAUG23) Notable: @PDJT Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney

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Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History. In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for “Murder,” but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money on, this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

7:55 Eastern


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26d5ae No.82594

File: d691cfb6bdd96e0⋯.png (219.79 KB,598x407,598:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 4194088eb9ac520⋯.png (157.69 KB,490x333,490:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402903 (220159ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USN E-6B Mercury 164405 outa Tinker, OILER17 KC-135R/T Stratotanker 63-8027 outa Altus Elon Musk Deploys Space Lazers

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Oh no!

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26d5ae No.82595

File: 9e34fabb1fa3bfa⋯.jpeg (576.35 KB,1170x1018,585:509,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402904 (220159ZAUG23) Notable: @PDJT The failed Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia

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The failed District Attorney of Fulton County (Atlanta), Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia, share a gold domed suite with Vladimir, never to be seen or heard from again. Would I be able to take my very “understated” airplane with the gold TRUMP affixed for all to see. Probably not, I’d be much better off flying commercial - I’m sure nobody would recognize me!


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26d5ae No.82596

File: da7cc55e161c9ed⋯.png (43.79 KB,584x256,73:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402963 (220206ZAUG23) Notable: @PDJT David Weiss was a “Blue Slip,” meaning he was recommended and approved by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware. He was originally an Obama guy - A Democrat through and through. Sorry, but that’s the way this dopey system works! @SeanHannity

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He pissed


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26d5ae No.82597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402987 (220210ZAUG23) Notable: Why is Amanda Cohn, MD CAPT, USPHS Director, Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders?

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Recent posts got me thinking about the CDC and vaccines. This woman's bio makes the military connection pretty obvious:


Amanda Cohn, MD CAPT, USPHS Director, Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders

Why is she a captain?

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26d5ae No.82598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402992 (220211ZAUG23) Notable: The[y] need the Normies Participation. Without it, Nothing Happens

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example of soul worthy reach this song has

...hope you speak street slang

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26d5ae No.82599

File: 64efa46d19b71ac⋯.png (230.53 KB,995x809,995:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19402995 (220211ZAUG23) Notable: Houston oil trader charged in international bribery scheme

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Houston oil trader charged in international bribery scheme


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26d5ae No.82600

File: 8bb566629f6456b⋯.png (239.35 KB,991x862,991:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403010 (220213ZAUG23) Notable: Investigators seeking potential victims of Georgia man charged with sexual exploitation of children

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Investigators seeking potential victims of Georgia man charged with sexual exploitation of children


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26d5ae No.82601

File: 6937ae29d5f1324⋯.png (34.29 KB,539x242,49:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403046 (220216ZAUG23) Notable: @PDJT The failed Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia

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Donald J. Trump



August 21, 2023

The failed District Attorney of Fulton County (Atlanta), Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia, share a gold domed suite with Vladimir, never to be seen or heard from again. Would I be able to take my very “understated” airplane with the gold TRUMP affixed for all to see. Probably not, I’d be much better off flying commercial - I’m sure nobody would recognize me!


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26d5ae No.82602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403056 (220217ZAUG23) Notable: Why is Amanda Cohn, MD CAPT, USPHS Director, Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders?

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This doctor has an interesting title:

Director, Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health, CDC

What is "precision" public health?

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26d5ae No.82603

File: 4588590964e24a8⋯.png (3.02 MB,1980x1264,495:316,Clipboard.png)

File: e7d55d5cba9c54f⋯.png (70.35 KB,520x880,13:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403097 (220221ZAUG23) Notable: Kern County District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer: 'Some were arrested for human trafficking, and some were arrested for child exploitation'

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Kern County District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer: 'Some were arrested for human trafficking, and some were arrested for child exploitation'

Kern County scored a major victory in the war against human trafficking and child sex crimes after 23 individuals were arrested as result of a four-day sting called "Operation Bad Barbie."

The Daily Independent spoke with Kern County District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer Tuesday morning about the sting and how it went down.

"There were actually two operations. One, we call it the Child Predator, and that is when a predator is attempting to contact a child online and have them meet for a lewd or sexual intent. Human trafficking is something different. That's when someone is trafficking a person, and it doesn't have to be a child, to sell them for a purpose or for sex,” Zimmer said.

The recent sting involved both types of sex crimes. Of the 23 arrested, 21 were men and two were female sex workers.

Said Zimmer, "Some were arrested for human trafficking, and some were arrested for child exploitation."

The undercover sting was held Aug. 9 through Aug. 12 and involved dozens of officers from local, state, and federal agencies including Homeland Security, the FBI and the Secret Service.

According to Zimmer, the operation involved undercover officers who engaged in chat on social media websites and dating apps with offenders.

One of the offenders arrested listed his employment as the owner of a trucking company and another said he is employed as an engineer at an oil company.

Said Zimmer, "Sexual predators can come from any walk of life."

The sting included charges for human trafficking, pimping, pandering, arranging a meeting with a minor for lewd purpose, contact with a minor with intent to commit a sex offense, abduction and possession of child pornography.

Although the recent was a victory in the battle against child sex crimes, Zimmer said the war itself continues to rage on as human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, and it is most prevalent in California.

One reason human trafficking is on the rise is that predators now have access to their victims via our home computers and cell phones.

Said Zimmer, "We used to be safe in our homes, and now that we have the ability to get outside our homes via the internet, kids aren't as safe. Children are immature and they make poor decisions because of a lack of life experiences. They are gullible and get talked into things. Sometimes predators are looking for children who, unfortunately, have been abused."

Zimmer said that children who are junior high age are most vulnerable and the most often approached by predators.

Zimmer said she is not aware of incidents involving child trafficking operations taking place in Ridgecrest, however she has seen a lot of cases involving sexual assaults against children come across her desk.

Said Zimmer, "But, that doesn't mean it (trafficking) hasn't happened. I know we have seen some of that in Mojave, however."

According to Dustin Contreras, co-director of the Kern Coalition Against Human Trafficking, the recent arrests can be viewed as the tip of the iceberg as he and Carol Beecroft, the coalition's other co-director, see these types of crimes every day.

Part of the battle in fighting these types of crimes is that sometimes victims won't report them for a myriad of reasons such as fear of retaliation, age and not understanding that they are being victimized by someone who they think is their boyfriend.


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26d5ae No.82604

File: d997e7f2163fdfd⋯.png (66.03 KB,468x440,117:110,Clipboard.png)

File: 527e80a3519c412⋯.png (330.59 KB,1200x709,1200:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403208 (220236ZAUG23) Notable: @nataliegwinters Your tax dollars are being used to create a Spanish-language "Homosaurus." Yes, that is a dictionary for LGBTQ thesaurus

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See new Tweets


Natalie Winters


Your tax dollars are being used to create a Spanish-language "Homosaurus."

Yes, that is a dictionary for LGBTQ communication.


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26d5ae No.82605

File: a8a0b1975c08ed7⋯.png (437.63 KB,553x556,553:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403249 (220245ZAUG23) Notable: Potato Administration will continue to ensure Maui has everything the federal government can offer to heal and rebuild as fast as possible and for 'as long as it takes'

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The White House


Today, @POTUS and @FLOTUS surveyed wildfire damage on Maui and received a briefing on response efforts.

This Administration will continue to ensure this community has everything the federal government can offer to heal and rebuild as fast as possible and for as long as it takes.

10:20 PM · Aug 21, 2023


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26d5ae No.82606

File: 03e393bd4028ce4⋯.png (317.81 KB,581x619,581:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403292 (220254ZAUG23) Notable: Adam Kinzinger declares Tucker Carlson a traitor to the US, Wonder what the president of Serbia knows

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Adam Kinzinger declares Tucker Carlson a traitor to the US


Adam is an anxious lad. He's on my bingo card to flip or neck himself first

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26d5ae No.82607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403294 (220254ZAUG23) Notable: @PDJT The failed Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia

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Trump is telling us that he and Vlad have all the gold..

They have all the cabal’s gold.

He just reposted last week about the 650 planes flying gold out of the Vatican.

Now he is telling uswe have the gold

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26d5ae No.82608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403300 (220255ZAUG23) Notable: Adam Kinzinger declares Tucker Carlson a traitor to the US, Wonder what the president of Serbia knows

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Wonder what the president of Serbia knows that Kinzinger is worried about.

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26d5ae No.82609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403318 (220259ZAUG23) Notable: Adam Kinzinger declares Tucker Carlson a traitor to the US, Wonder what the president of Serbia knows

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Of course, there was Serbian involvement in US election fraud....KEK

>>80447, >>80456, >>80457 Reminder re CANVAS 2020: Serbian connection 2020 election

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26d5ae No.82610

File: a4effd44cd00c58⋯.png (489.72 KB,680x517,680:517,Clipboard.png)

File: d02e8023a6920ae⋯.png (290.72 KB,448x544,14:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403338 (220303ZAUG23) Notable: They say they are being asked to STOP posting any images or videos of MAUI effective immediately.

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Anthony Cabassa


EXCLUSIVE 🚨 | A person wishing to stay anonymous has sent me this email by FEMA sent to their nonprofit who is headed to Maui to help with disaster relief.

They say they are being asked to STOP posting any images or videos while on the ground effective immediately.


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26d5ae No.82611

File: 14ae1b73e2588f5⋯.png (378.66 KB,1378x883,1378:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403340 (220303ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USN E-6B Mercury 164405 outa Tinker, OILER17 KC-135R/T Stratotanker 63-8027 outa Altus Elon Musk Deploys Space Lazers

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82612

File: a05389fff5660a3⋯.png (518.75 KB,910x688,455:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403344 (220303ZAUG23) Notable: Scroll through this FBI page, it's a tribute to the FBI's greatest false flags.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scroll through this FBI page, it's a tribute to the FBI's greatest false flags.

Sick fucks.


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26d5ae No.82613

File: 36bc303bde0853a⋯.png (502.58 KB,894x561,298:187,Clipboard.png)

File: b4e6baf14bc52b4⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403358 (220306ZAUG23) Notable: COVID-2 coming soon!

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Democrat Billionaire Warren Buffett "Predicts" a New Pandemic Worse Than Covid


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26d5ae No.82614

File: 0635d3bcea93337⋯.png (516.97 KB,500x671,500:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403398 (220313ZAUG23) Notable: #23829

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#23829 >>82583

>>82584, >>82598 The[y] need the Normies Participation. Without it, Nothing Happens

>>82593 @PDJT Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney

>>82595, >>82601, >>82607 @PDJT The failed Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia

>>82596, >>82596 @PDJT David Weiss was a “Blue Slip,” meaning he was recommended and approved by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware. He was originally an Obama guy - A Democrat through and through. Sorry, but that’s the way this dopey system works! @SeanHannity

>>82585 Chuck Grassley: I wrote DOJ for answers abt stand down on arrest ops for Sinaloa Cartel bosses bc of interagency rivalry. 2day is National Fentanyl Awareness Day 2 honor Americans lost to drug overdoses. DEA needs 2 fight cartels not other agencies in order to save lives

>>82586 Biden Regime to Push for Nationwide Updated COVID Booster Shots This Fall in Response to New Wave of PANIC

>>82587, >>82613 COVID-2 coming soon!

>>82588 King Charles’ Scandal-Plagued Charity Escapes Criminal Investigation Again, Despite Proof of ‘Cash-For-Honors’ Scheme

>>82589 it’s interesting- especially in light of all the alias emails we know are used- that they don’t request through FOIA the top senders and domains for their targeted email address

>>82590 We appear to be over target

>>82591, >>82592, >>82611 PF: USN E-6B Mercury 164405 outa Tinker, OILER17 KC-135R/T Stratotanker 63-8027 outa Altus>>82594 Elon Musk Deploys Space Lazers

>>82597, >>82602 Why is Amanda Cohn, MD CAPT, USPHS Director, Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders?

>>82599 Houston oil trader charged in international bribery scheme

>>82603 Kern County District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer: 'Some were arrested for human trafficking, and some were arrested for child exploitation'

>>82600 Investigators seeking potential victims of Georgia man charged with sexual exploitation of children

>>82604 @nataliegwinters Your tax dollars are being used to create a Spanish-language "Homosaurus." Yes, that is a dictionary for LGBTQ thesaurus

>>82605 Potato Administration will continue to ensure Maui has everything the federal government can offer to heal and rebuild as fast as possible and for 'as long as it takes'

>>82606, >>82608, >>82609 Adam Kinzinger declares Tucker Carlson a traitor to the US, Wonder what the president of Serbia knows

>>82612 Scroll through this FBI page, it's a tribute to the FBI's greatest false flags.

>>82610 They say they are being asked to STOP posting any images or videos of MAUI effective immediately.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82615

File: e53182a640efbe0⋯.jpg (92.45 KB,640x628,160:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403429 (220318ZAUG23) Notable: 23830

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>baker haz ghosted

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82616

File: 919bd123da114d0⋯.png (257.65 KB,475x736,475:736,Clipboard.png)

File: a5d37268ce42248⋯.png (1.19 MB,1125x2228,1125:2228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403459 (220323ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI Trump's team has got the 2020 election goods (Aussie TV Aug. 6)

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Aug 06, 2023, 12:19 PM


Truth Details


Donald J. Trump


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is fantastic. Everyone has got to watch her interview on election fraud with the poor sap who got taken apart by her. Thank you Don Jr. for putting this masterpiece out for the public to see. WITCH HUNT!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82617

File: b9c4c57a930f7b7⋯.png (196.09 KB,475x736,475:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403464 (220323ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI Trump's team has got the 2020 election goods (Aussie TV Aug. 6)

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Posting because late LB


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26d5ae No.82618

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403471 (220324ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI Trump's team has got the 2020 election goods (Aussie TV Aug. 6)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82619

File: 3d81988688120ba⋯.mp4 (10.15 MB,548x480,137:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403495 (220331ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI Trump's team has got the 2020 election goods (Aussie TV Aug. 6)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403498 (220331ZAUG23) Notable: Anon on how to draft a FOIL Request for NY State and a Federal FOIA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request in New York or a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request at the federal level to obtain the top senders for a specific user's email address would need to be carefully crafted to comply with privacy laws and other legal considerations.

Below are examples of how you might draft such a request under both FOIL and FOIA. Please note that these are general examples, and it would be advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

### FOIL Request (New York State):


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Agency Name]

[Agency Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

[Attention: Records Access Officer]

Subject: FOIL Request for Top Email Senders to [Specific User's Email Address]

Dear [Records Access Officer's Name],

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request access to records that identify the top senders of emails to the email address [Specific User's Email Address] within the [Agency Name] for the time period [Specify Time Period].

Please note that I am not requesting the content of the emails, only the metadata that identifies the top senders by volume. I understand that any personal or sensitive information may be redacted in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

[Include any specific details or preferences for receiving the records, such as electronic format.]

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving your response within five business days, as required by FOIL.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Title, if applicable]


### FOIA Request (Federal Government):


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Agency Name]

[Agency Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

[Attention: FOIA Officer]

Subject: FOIA Request for Top Email Senders to [Specific User's Email Address]

Dear [FOIA Officer's Name],

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, I hereby request access to records that identify the top senders of emails to the email address [Specific User's Email Address] within the [Agency Name] for the time period [Specify Time Period].

Please note that I am not requesting the content of the emails, only the metadata that identifies the top senders by volume. I understand that any personal or sensitive information may be redacted in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

[Include any specific details or preferences for receiving the records, such as electronic format.]

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving your response within the statutory time frame.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Title, if applicable]


These templates are designed to request information while respecting privacy considerations. It's essential to ensure that the request aligns with the specific agency's policies and any applicable legal requirements.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82621

File: 66b1e6a17605ac3⋯.png (65.91 KB,889x322,127:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 7178ea5764fa49b⋯.png (272.38 KB,807x489,269:163,Clipboard.png)

File: d8601afeebf8ff5⋯.png (469.07 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 49e7649f0d60daa⋯.png (2.02 MB,1240x1140,62:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403541 (220340ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: David Weiss was a “Blue Slip” - that’s the way this dopey system works!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


David Weiss was a “Blue Slip,” meaning he was recommended and approved by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware. He was originally an Obama guy - A Democrat through and through. Sorry, but that’s the way this dopey system works! @seanhannity

Aug 21, 2023, 10:02 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82622

File: 844be4addd66161⋯.png (126.76 KB,1238x802,619:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403625 (220353ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

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...Quick shitpost., then must take the pots.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82623

File: 2ec14bae695ebed⋯.png (410.28 KB,537x830,537:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403638 (220355ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino: Time Maga: DOES THE RIDE EVER END?

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Aug 21, 2023, 11:47 PM

Time Maga: DOSE THE RIDE EVER END? Inside the GOP race by MOLLY BALL




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82624

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403645 (220356ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino: Time Maga: DOES THE RIDE EVER END?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Time Maga: DOES THE RIDE EVER END? Inside the GOP race by MOLLY BALL



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82625

File: 450f450da86f09a⋯.png (182.61 KB,1263x935,1263:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403647 (220356ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403658 (220359ZAUG23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson


Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.

7:07 PM · Aug 21, 2023


“Everything They Told You About Ukraine Is a Lie” – Episode 18: Tucker Carlson Sits Down with Colonel Douglas MacGregor (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Aug. 21, 2023 9:10 pm

Tucker Carlson sat down with Colonel Douglas MacGregor in his latest Tucker on Twitter series.

Colonel MacGregor was a regular on Tucker’s former program on Tucker Carlson Tonight on FOX News. McGregor has consistently condemned US participation in the Ukrainian War with Russia.

Here is the full interview from Twitter-X:

Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end



Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now. pic.twitter.com/a3bGLvJC4s

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 21, 2023

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

Vigilant FOX reported on Tucker’s introduction where he laid out the truth about the mainstream media reporting on this massacre

MacGregor explains why this bloody war must end now.

“Pretty much everything that NBC News and the New York Times have told you about the war in Ukraine is a lie.”

“‘The Russian army is incompetent,’ they claim. ‘Ukraine is a democracy.’ ‘Vladimir Putin is Hitler, and he’s trying to take over the world.’ Thankfully, the Ukrainians are winning. None of that is true.

“Every claim is false. The last one, especially. The Ukrainian Army is not winning. In fact, it’s losing badly. Ukraine is being destroyed. Its population is being slaughtered in lopsided battles with a technologically superior enemy or scattered by the millions to the rest of the globe as refugees. Ukraine is running out of soldiers.

“As that happens, the question will inevitably arise who’s going to replace them? If the Ukrainians can’t beat Putin, who will? The answer, of course, will be us. American troops will fight the Russian army in Eastern Europe. That’s most likely. And the assumption is we’ll win. But will we win?

Probably not, says former Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who advised the Secretary of Defense in the last administration. The US, says Macgregor, is on the brink of a catastrophic war that could very easily destroy us. Few Americans seem to understand that, but they should.”

Mcgregor warned Tucker Carlson and his audience, “The US is on the brink of a catastrophic war that could easily destroy us.”

"US Is On The Brink of Catastrophic War That Could Easily Destroy Us" – Col. Douglas MacGregor Tells Tucker Carlson Why The Ukraine War Must End Now https://t.co/j9NDL6m9GT

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 21, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82627

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403661 (220359ZAUG23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson


Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.

7:07 PM · Aug 21, 2023


“Everything They Told You About Ukraine Is a Lie” – Episode 18: Tucker Carlson Sits Down with Colonel Douglas MacGregor (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Aug. 21, 2023 9:10 pm

Tucker Carlson sat down with Colonel Douglas MacGregor in his latest Tucker on Twitter series.

Colonel MacGregor was a regular on Tucker’s former program on Tucker Carlson Tonight on FOX News. McGregor has consistently condemned US participation in the Ukrainian War with Russia.

Here is the full interview from Twitter-X:

Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end




Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now. pic.twitter.com/a3bGLvJC4s

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 21, 2023

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

Vigilant FOX reported on Tucker’s introduction where he laid out the truth about the mainstream media reporting on this massacre

MacGregor explains why this bloody war must end now.

“Pretty much everything that NBC News and the New York Times have told you about the war in Ukraine is a lie.”

“‘The Russian army is incompetent,’ they claim. ‘Ukraine is a democracy.’ ‘Vladimir Putin is Hitler, and he’s trying to take over the world.’ Thankfully, the Ukrainians are winning. None of that is true.

“Every claim is false. The last one, especially. The Ukrainian Army is not winning. In fact, it’s losing badly. Ukraine is being destroyed. Its population is being slaughtered in lopsided battles with a technologically superior enemy or scattered by the millions to the rest of the globe as refugees. Ukraine is running out of soldiers.

“As that happens, the question will inevitably arise who’s going to replace them? If the Ukrainians can’t beat Putin, who will? The answer, of course, will be us. American troops will fight the Russian army in Eastern Europe. That’s most likely. And the assumption is we’ll win. But will we win?

Probably not, says former Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who advised the Secretary of Defense in the last administration. The US, says Macgregor, is on the brink of a catastrophic war that could very easily destroy us. Few Americans seem to understand that, but they should.”

Mcgregor warned Tucker Carlson and his audience, “The US is on the brink of a catastrophic war that could easily destroy us.”

"US Is On The Brink of Catastrophic War That Could Easily Destroy Us" – Col. Douglas MacGregor Tells Tucker Carlson Why The Ukraine War Must End Now https://t.co/j9NDL6m9GT

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 21, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82628

File: 8f398bc42f3d5c3⋯.jpg (196.02 KB,878x1170,439:585,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403671 (220401ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino: Time Maga: DOES THE RIDE EVER END?

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Danno, needs embed


Someone already memed it kek

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82629

File: 3dde5737231c272⋯.png (175.38 KB,553x771,553:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a8c9a9fdc55c5f⋯.png (42.19 KB,456x280,57:35,Clipboard.png)

File: aae9c85858b91bc⋯.png (3.72 KB,244x73,244:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403695 (220406ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump on Fulton Co., bonds, flights, Putin, and gold

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82630

File: ec37e1b77cffabb⋯.png (107.39 KB,1816x902,908:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403701 (220408ZAUG23) Notable: The POTATUS administration is making porn difficult to make money.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The POTATUS administration is making porn difficult to make money.

Read the article for the whole history, but IMHO this has DJT all over it.

In a "Art of War" good kind of way.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82631

File: 34595cea4a46177⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403706 (220409ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Urso@richardursomd: Masks work like bathing suits stop pee in a pool. (vid)

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Dr. Urso




Masks work like bathing suits stop pee in a pool.

Great video. Enjoy.

11:56 PM · Aug 21, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82632

File: 4e47b0c6e7bcb82⋯.png (257.74 KB,578x655,578:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403750 (220421ZAUG23) Notable: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing despite NO Covid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

COVID-19 Mandates are Back: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Contact Tracing Effective Immediately Despite No Reported COVID-19 Cases on Campus

Morris Brown College, a private institution in Atlanta, has announced that it will require students and employees to wear face masks on campus once again.

The decision comes just a week after classes began and will be in effect for two weeks.

The announcement was made on Sunday in a letter to faculty, staff, and students, citing “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center” as the reason behind the decision, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Morris Brown President Kevin James informed the news outlet via email on Monday that there have been no reports of COVID-19 cases on Morris Brown’s campus itself. He characterized the measures as “precautionary” in nature.

In his message to the college community, Dr. Kevin James stated:

“Effective immediately, Morris Brown College has reinstated its COVID-19 mask mandate due to reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center. Over the next 14 days, the following protocols will be in place:

Mask Wearing: All students and employees are required to wear face masks (staff may remove in their offices while alone).

Physical Distancing: Students must maintain physical distancing.

Large Gatherings: Institutional guidelines for gathering sizes must be followed. There will be no parties or large student events on campus for the next two weeks.

Isolation and Quarantine: Students must adhere to institutional policies and CDC guidelines for isolation and quarantine.

Contact Tracing: Compliance with college-initiated contact tracing efforts is expected.

Symptom Monitoring: Students and employees are obligated to undergo temperature checks upon campus arrival.

Regular Hand Washing/Sanitization: Frequent hand washing is expected from all students and employees. In case of a positive COVID-19 test, isolate for at least 5 days and inform your instructor for virtual class arrangements.”

“We prioritize your safety and seek your cooperation in preventing another pandemic,” James said in his campus letter.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82633

File: a830d642228a2cb⋯.png (8.52 KB,486x166,243:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 51b9cec5479f44e⋯.png (27.4 KB,445x474,445:474,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f3c258f692a7ad⋯.png (64.93 KB,354x520,177:260,Clipboard.png)

File: 4aaad1fb06d0924⋯.png (6.67 KB,479x134,479:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403753 (220421ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: David Weiss was a “Blue Slip” - that’s the way this dopey system works!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>that’s the way this dopey system works!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403763 (220424ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: David Weiss was a “Blue Slip” - that’s the way this dopey system works!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q 666 Dopey

Q 664 Dopey

Q 711 Dopey

Q 622 Dopey

notable with


>that’s the way this dopey system works!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82635

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403768 (220425ZAUG23) Notable: USAF AFCS sensor operator - they can track us by our aura

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The job of a USAF AFCS sensor operator

they can track us by our aura

start at 17:38 minute mark n listen for a few minutes

Haven't watched moar yet bc was checking out all the links listed under video. chick kinda annoying but God bless her


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82636

File: 51003a8fd789eb5⋯.png (83.72 KB,725x872,725:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 106f0cb95917513⋯.png (97.29 KB,722x924,361:462,Clipboard.png)

File: e18d26372f2c06c⋯.png (91.46 KB,715x889,715:889,Clipboard.png)

File: e54d7ec8bb97dd9⋯.png (99.12 KB,740x924,185:231,Clipboard.png)

File: c263aa7b49f40d2⋯.png (91.47 KB,730x910,73:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403773 (220427ZAUG23) Notable: Newly disclosed State Department memos conflict with the ongoing Democrat impeachment narrative

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New memos undercut Biden-Ukraine narrative Democrats sold during 2019 impeachment scandal

Newly disclosed State Department memos conflict with the narrative Democrats crafted since 2019 impeachment.

Just weeks before then-Vice President Joe Biden took the opposite action in late 2015, a task force of State, Treasury and Justice Department officials declared that Ukraine had made adequate progress on anti-corruption reforms and deserved a new $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee, according to government memos that conflict with the narrative Democrats have sustained since the 2019 impeachment scandal.

“Ukraine has made sufficient progress on its reform agenda to justify a third guarantee,” reads an Oct. 1, 2015, memo summarizing the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee (IPC) – a task force created to advise the Obama White House on whether Ukraine was cleaning up its endemic corruption and deserved more Western foreign aid.



The recommendation is one of several U.S. government memos gathered by Just the News over the last 36 months from Freedom of Information Act litigation, congressional inquiries and government agency sources that directly conflict with the long-held narrative that Biden was conducting official U.S. policy when he threatened to withhold a $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee to force Ukraine to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, the country’s equivalent of the American attorney general.

At the time the threat was made in December 2015, Shokin’s office was conducting an increasingly aggressive corruption investigation into Burisma Holdings, an energy firm the State Department deemed to have been engaged in bribery and that employed Hunter Biden and paid him millions while his father was vice president.

New details on the impact of that probe have emerged in recent days.

Shokin's pursuit was rattling Burisma, and the firm was putting pressure on Hunter Biden to deal with it, according to recent testimony and interviews with Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's former business partner and fellow Burisma board member.

The memos obtained by Just the News show:

Senior State Department officials sent a conflicting message to Shokin before he was fired, inviting his staff to Washington for a January 2016 strategy session and sent him a personal note saying they were “impressed” with his office's work.

U.S. officials faced pressure from Burisma emissaries in the United States to make the corruption allegations go away and feared the energy firm had made two bribery payments in Ukraine as part of an effort to get cases settled.

A top U.S. official in Kyiv blamed Hunter Biden for undercutting U.S. anticorruption policy in Ukraine through his dealings with Burisma.


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26d5ae No.82637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403779 (220430ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: David Weiss was a “Blue Slip” - that’s the way this dopey system works!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


The failed District Attorney of Fulton County (Atlanta), Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk - I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia, share a gold domed suite with Vladimir, never to be seen or heard from again. Would I be able to take my very “understated” airplane with the gold TRUMP affixed for all to see. Probably not, I’d be much better off flying commercial - I’m sure nobody would recognize me!

Aug 21, 2023, 9:55 PM


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26d5ae No.82638

File: 5f37b107efb42bc⋯.png (232.84 KB,623x804,623:804,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403780 (220430ZAUG23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: Maui residents gave Joe Biden warm welcome - "F*ck YOU"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Richard Grenell




But ABC’s @DavidMuir and @jonkarl didn’t even mention this….

Benny Johnson




Maui residents gave Joe Biden a warm welcome to Hawaii today.

“Here he comes after 13 days.”


Richard Grenell




These propagandists in DC think Americans don’t notice if they don’t report it.

But we notice that they don’t report it.


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26d5ae No.82639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403943 (220533ZAUG23) Notable: Are there tunnels under Maui? (Yes)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trying to turn Maui into one big pedo island.

Are there tunnels under Maui?

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26d5ae No.82640

File: d92bba83d878e51⋯.png (116.14 KB,978x550,489:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403952 (220536ZAUG23) Notable: Are there tunnels under Maui? (Yes)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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26d5ae No.82641

File: 3cf256627f3c592⋯.png (269.97 KB,658x690,329:345,Clipboard.png)

File: d8798257983d4ac⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,886x478,443:239,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403956 (220537ZAUG23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: Maui residents gave Joe Biden warm welcome - "F*ck YOU"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Benny gets paid this guy doesn't for putting out the video.


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26d5ae No.82642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403967 (220542ZAUG23) Notable: Are there tunnels under Maui? (Yes)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Does lava flow through lava tubes?

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26d5ae No.82643

File: 880a64465dd0ac3⋯.png (66.7 KB,922x512,461:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403976 (220547ZAUG23) Notable: @mrddmia: Now Democrat politicians in Arizona and Michigan want to indict Trump for non-crimes?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Now Democrat politicians in Arizona and Michigan want to indict Trump for non-crimes?

Like the low-lives in NYC, DC, and Atlanta.

Revenge is best served cold.

Starting on November 5, 2024.

Looking forward to Trump DOJ indictments for their illegal conspiracy against rights.

Aug 22, 2023, 1:12 AM


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26d5ae No.82644

File: 9a192893f803ce1⋯.png (170.01 KB,776x702,388:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19403989 (220554ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MC1 and MC46 nearing California coast.

>MC1 is normal sign used when helo is carrying POTUS.

Anon is pondering if MC1 callsign would be used if carrying a corpse.

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26d5ae No.82645

File: 38af4b9805d18ee⋯.png (35.85 KB,269x308,269:308,Clipboard.png)

File: 370788b54b45520⋯.png (39.31 KB,285x298,285:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404002 (220603ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There's comms here.

No AF1

Using helo call signs

MC46 leading (Biden is 46)

MC1 following (Kamela on board?)

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26d5ae No.82646

File: 2e598e43d7b0c75⋯.png (130.2 KB,882x276,147:46,Clipboard.png)

File: bdf0bbb3dc3bca4⋯.png (316.04 KB,1142x818,571:409,Clipboard.png)

File: c008349840b151c⋯.png (692.5 KB,1628x834,814:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404003 (220605ZAUG23) Notable: Are there tunnels under Maui? (Yes)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yes there are.

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26d5ae No.82647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404007 (220607ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


AF2 left L.A. earlier today.

Maybe MC1 is the communication plane that flies wherever the executive plane flies?

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26d5ae No.82648

File: cbbda31517ec51f⋯.png (300.92 KB,1427x925,1427:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404011 (220609ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


MC46 disappeared.

GRIM99 shows up.


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26d5ae No.82649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404012 (220610ZAUG23) Notable: Are there tunnels under Maui? (Yes)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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26d5ae No.82650

File: 6ef64b2c679c02e⋯.png (47.94 KB,297x333,33:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 632c871e9ae32d9⋯.png (122.81 KB,492x609,164:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404015 (220611ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



GRIM99 (B742) Just appeared on screen with other two.

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26d5ae No.82651

File: 251b1564b097be5⋯.png (552.64 KB,1881x913,171:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404016 (220611ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And now they all B gone

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26d5ae No.82652

File: 85cc385463fdf25⋯.png (197.81 KB,628x621,628:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404019 (220614ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Still showing here.

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26d5ae No.82653

File: 6cee9147f26d606⋯.png (326.35 KB,1347x923,1347:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404025 (220617ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82654

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404026 (220619ZAUG23) Notable: Mark Levin Show: Julie Kelly: Appellate Court Overturns Excessive Sentence for J6 Defendant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mark Levin Show: Julie Kelly: Appellate Court Overturns Excessive Sentence for J6 Defendant




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26d5ae No.82655

File: 72245643b2c3ba1⋯.png (186.73 KB,613x609,613:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 59c7a770197a875⋯.png (58.57 KB,689x193,689:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404031 (220621ZAUG23) Notable: Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


All three showing for anon at the moment.

GRIM99 is doomsday bird.

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26d5ae No.82656

File: 927269d9d77a54b⋯.png (262.87 KB,456x640,57:80,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d097dcaf0bcf88⋯.png (246.02 KB,586x640,293:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404087 (220652ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404105 (220700ZAUG23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Colonel Douglas Macgregor thank you for your service, I wish I had a platform like you or Tucker after 911 because that is when the war against America and white conservative Christians started. I tried my best to warn people about the Wall st Ashkenazi Bolsheviks and Muslim Brotherhood Saudi banksters. Look here, Euro, Euro, Brexit, not here BRICS, China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel and accomplices. Everyone:


Fire Fighters


F2000 CEOs

Religious Figures


Military Brass



Home Land Security



was afraid after 911 to call out the Jews and the Mossad for their involvement regardless of the dancing Israelis being arrested. Wall st pressured and installed CEOs to send our factories overseas, contract our 100k+++ jobs to India and other foreigners while importing a never ending revolving door of H1B visas, then they opened the border for the local mafias to hire all the illegal aliens thus leaving true Patriotic Americans to rot. Our Presidents are controlled by SA, Israel, and now China (Bush, Clintons,Obama, and now Biden) and no one called them out, least prosecuted them. The WS Jews took control over all of IT, Telecomms, Jobsites, and Big Tech and gave us the run around for 20 years even though we built all the tech. Sorry if you only get a app because there are no more US IT Companies left due to the sabotages and lack of resolve from people who fear the loss of shekels. The tech we created, even though we warned authorities, has been weaponized against us to censor, blacklist, spy, and interfere with our jobs and now affect the highest office of the land plus elections too. It wasn't till covid, kneeling to our flag in front of degenerates, and 50 US cities burning from riots before anyone realized what I said 20 years ago was 100% true and happening. I can help you fix this mess faster than you can imagine, if one of your people would reach out and employ my talents, after all most of the important aspects here is not from digs and complaints but by people like me who use Logical thinking, ex. Twitter/AI bots - that would have saved the Presidency, if it was addressed when I revealed it and more. Thank you.

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26d5ae No.82658

File: 57944855bdc4517⋯.jpg (63.72 KB,859x1024,859:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404158 (220726ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Breaching the treaty with an act of war is how potato gives Hawaii to the CCP.

Oprah and elite land grabs are a convenient distraction.

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26d5ae No.82659

File: dd307df42903266⋯.png (331.93 KB,580x680,29:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 176a5d47fd1608f⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2560x2330,256:233,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2dcd23d3aa2b61f⋯.jpg (553.51 KB,2478x1217,2478:1217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404171 (220730ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82660

File: 082afa7c63f3c89⋯.png (1.54 MB,1373x951,1373:951,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404176 (220733ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404188 (220740ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





this is a pretty wicked maui bun

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26d5ae No.82662

File: d15b68dffaee5dd⋯.png (361.09 KB,560x876,140:219,Clipboard.png)

File: cc150d0f4dfba95⋯.png (601.12 KB,643x429,643:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 596ad1c636ea573⋯.png (1.55 MB,707x1454,707:1454,Clipboard.png)

File: 6268369ef42f5d1⋯.png (605.8 KB,1491x688,1491:688,Clipboard.png)

File: d2e9d716bd4dbe7⋯.png (723.21 KB,688x1491,688:1491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404206 (220752ZAUG23) Notable: Biden gets lei'd by the wrong country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸


In the words of Lee Corso from College Football Gameday…

“Not soooo fast, my friend.”

This is not a Hawaiian lei… this is a lei from the Kingdom of Tonga 🇹🇴

It’s the little things 😉

Sucks to suck 💯🇺🇸


INDIGENIUS ][ ][ ][ % ✝️🇺🇸👪🗡️🖋️🥊🎮


Replying to @derekjohnson

For those of you who don't study Indigenous history and why Biden is wearing a Tongan Lei is significant... The Kingdom Of Tonga was the last monarchy in Asia and the Polynesian Islands. Just as the Brits had their monarchy, so too did the Asian dynasties. Hawaiians painted a target on Joe Biden's head with this Tongan lei as the last monarch left to die...

Aug 22, 2023, 3:45 AM


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26d5ae No.82663

File: 9982906ff6f1673⋯.png (88.61 KB,769x449,769:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404223 (220757ZAUG23) Notable: Jim Jordan on Biden attorneys threatening DOJ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jordan reacts to reported threats DOJ received from Hunter Biden’s lawyer

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) said a report of Hunter Biden's lawyer warning the Justice Department that President Joe Biden would be called to the witness stand if charges were brought only brings greater credibility to the whistleblowers who have testified before Congress.

A trove of leaked emails has shown that in October 2022, DOJ prosecutors, led by now-special counsel David Weiss, had enough evidence to charge the president’s son with tax and gun crimes. That’s when Hunter’s attorney Chris Clark lashed out at Weiss, saying the president would become a witness if his client were charged, Politico reported.

“The idea that Joe Biden is going to testify is ridiculous,” Jordan told Hannity. “Can you imagine putting Joe Biden on the stand right now and him facing cross-examination? I mean, there is no way that is going to happen, but this was the pressure campaign they were putting on the DOJ.”

“They see the evidence piling up,” Jordan added. “They see the credibility of these whistleblowers, and they see what was reported this week.”

Jordan also said the report indicated that in 2019, Hunter turned down a meeting with his legal team due to having another meeting with impeachment lawyers already scheduled.

“So, is he talking with Daniel Goldman?” Jordan questioned, referencing the attorney who assisted then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff in questioning witnesses during an impeachment hearing for former President Donald Trump. “Who’s he talking to? Because it was all about Burisma.”

Jordan said he will seek out answers to those questions, but that first, the investigation will address what four FBI and IRS officials can explain about an October 7, 2022, meeting, about which IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler testified that Weiss said he was not the deciding authority on whether to charge Biden, which Weiss later rejected.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) also told Hannity that the reported threats made by Hunter’s legal team toward the DOJ bring greater clout to the testimony of Shapley and Ziegler.

“They definitely changed history,” Smith said of Shapley and Ziegler’s testimony.

On Monday, Jordan and Smith subpoenaed FBI special agents Thomas Sobocinski and Ryeshia Holley, along with IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf and IRS Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon.


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26d5ae No.82664

File: d87dc4dbf686472⋯.png (577.07 KB,842x783,842:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404227 (220759ZAUG23) Notable: @RichardGrenell: Maui residents gave Joe Biden warm welcome - "F*ck YOU"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maui residents let Joe Biden know how they really feel


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26d5ae No.82665

File: fa9f4d483cb994d⋯.png (331.74 KB,496x739,496:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ace6cd0ec79b2f⋯.png (334.4 KB,495x739,495:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404257 (220809ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino: Time Maga: DOES THE RIDE EVER END?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sept 4th 2023



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26d5ae No.82666

File: 1ccb80db9b93ad0⋯.jpg (34.07 KB,518x524,259:262,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404291 (220823ZAUG23) Notable: #23831

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



ebaker stepping down, bread is GHOSTED

can resume fighting now


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26d5ae No.82667

File: 2975bc8f0f8ec40⋯.jpg (142.6 KB,720x1203,240:401,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 467895521ce76ca⋯.mp4 (586.68 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404346 (220859ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden falling asleep in Maui whilst meeting local survivors of one of the worst Human Tragedies in American History.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe having sweet sleepy pudding dreams while the world burns


Joe Biden falling asleep in Maui whilst meeting local survivors of one of the worst Human Tragedies in American History.

Impeach this child sniffing corrupted criminal NOW.

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26d5ae No.82668

File: c68cf797ebe80f8⋯.png (154.97 KB,419x428,419:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404433 (220943ZAUG23) Notable: NYC proposes housing migrants in 'decrepit' jail where Epstein died

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NYC proposes housing migrants in 'decrepit' jail where Epstein died


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82669

File: cd03efa228119f0⋯.png (294.52 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 5224d63b0f59483⋯.png (228.3 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404454 (220951ZAUG23) Notable: #23830 posted in #23831

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






23830 >>82615

>>82616, >>82617, >>82618, >>82619 ICYMI Trump's team has got the 2020 election goods (Aussie TV Aug. 6)

>>82620 Anon on how to draft a FOIL Request for NY State and a Federal FOIA

>>82621, >>82633, >>82634, >>82637 @realDonaldTrump: David Weiss was a “Blue Slip” - that’s the way this dopey system works!

>>82622, >>82625, >>82644 PF stuffs

>>82623, >>82624, >>82628, >>82665 @DanScavino: Time Maga: DOES THE RIDE EVER END?

>>82626, >>82627, >>82657 @TuckerCarlson: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now

>>82629 @realDonaldTrump on Fulton Co., bonds, flights, Putin, and gold

>>82630 The POTATUS administration is making porn difficult to make money.

>>82631 Dr. Urso@richardursomd: Masks work like bathing suits stop pee in a pool. (vid)

>>82632 Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing despite NO Covid

>>82635 USAF AFCS sensor operator - they can track us by our aura

>>82636 Newly disclosed State Department memos conflict with the ongoing Democrat impeachment narrative

>>82638, >>82641, >>82664 @RichardGrenell: Maui residents gave Joe Biden warm welcome - "F*ck YOU"

>>82643 @mrddmia: Now Democrat politicians in Arizona and Michigan want to indict Trump for non-crimes?

>>82645, >>82647, >>82648, >>82650, >>82651, >>82652, >>82653, >>82655 Moar PF - No AF1, Using helo call signs

>>82639, >>82640, >>82642, >>82646, >>82649 Are there tunnels under Maui? (Yes)

>>82654 Mark Levin Show: Julie Kelly: Appellate Court Overturns Excessive Sentence for J6 Defendant

>>82663 Jim Jordan on Biden attorneys threatening DOJ

>>82662 Biden gets lei'd by the wrong country

>>82661 Maui Bun


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26d5ae No.82670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404518 (221030ZAUG23) Notable: COVID-19 Mandates are Back: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing, Quarantine - Despite No Reported Cases

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


COVID-19 Mandates are Back: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Contact Tracing Effective Immediately Despite No Reported COVID-19 Cases on Campus

A few thoughts:

1. Get out now.

2. What else is in Atlanta? CDC Headquarters.

3. They don't make their money from enrollments do they?

4. No one should try to tell others what to do with their bodies.

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26d5ae No.82671

File: ab1fe472cf587b7⋯.png (1.1 MB,883x603,883:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404522 (221030ZAUG23) Notable: The ugly truth behind Hunter’s case just exploded — and it’s worse than you imagined...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

According to two reports, one from The New York Times and the other from Politico, the Biden DOJ was so determined to end this nightmare for Joe and Hunter that they were planning to drop all charges and let him walk away scot-free. What stopped this from happening? The answer lies with the brave IRS whistleblowers who unveiled the extent of Hunter’s evil deeds. These same whistleblowers, who courageously revealed the truth about Hunter, now find themselves targeted by the Biden DOJ. All of a sudden, the concept of “whistleblower protection,” which was paraded around during the Trump era, seems to have vanished. Now, they want to imprison whistleblowers.

Collin Rugg, co-owner of Trending Politics, had this to say about the breaking bombshell:

BREAKING: U.S. attorney for Delaware David Weiss was planning on ending the investigation into Hunter Biden and letting him off with no charges until the IRS whistleblowers spoke out.

Holy s***.

“Earlier this year, The Times found, Mr. Weiss appeared willing to forgo any prosecution of Mr. Biden at all, and his office came close to agreeing to end the investigation without requiring a guilty plea on any charges,” The New York Times reported.

“But the correspondence reveals that his position, relayed through his staff, changed in the spring, around the time a pair of I.R.S. officials on the case accused the Justice Department of hamstringing the investigation. Mr. Weiss suddenly demanded that Mr. Biden plead guilty to committing tax offenses.”

God bless the whistleblowers

Here’s what award-winning independent journalist Glenn Greenwald had to say in his tweet on this unsettling subject:

Two new reports — one from NYT, the other from POLITICO — report the Biden DOJ was eager to drop the Hunter Biden investigation entirely without even misdemeanor charges. Only the 2 IRS whistleblowers prevented this.

Now, Biden’s lawyers want the 2 whistleblowers prosecuted

And speaking of deception, you may remember that during the 2020 presidential debate, Joe Biden lied to the American people regarding the incriminating emails found on Hunter’s laptop from hell. Joe brushed them off as a “smear campaign,” and “garbage,” even though he was fully aware of the corruption that was swirling around him and his crackhead son. Joe Biden is among one of the most corrupt men in our nation’s history.

What’s more, Joe Biden lied through his teeth during the debate when he claimed Hunter Biden didn’t make millions from Russia, Ukraine and China. No less than Jake Tapper of our favorite news network, CNN, declared that “Trump was right” and “Biden was wrong.”


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26d5ae No.82672

File: 301656fe2509c88⋯.pdf (355.3 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 5bd87783a2c6b08⋯.png (107.86 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 982e15a9ec182f0⋯.png (120.7 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 855e8893db21599⋯.png (107.44 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e89400447fd9fe⋯.png (83.79 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404555 (221044ZAUG23) Notable: (11/07) GENERAL PLAN 2030MAUI ISLAND PLAN Directed Growth Strategy- Transfer and Purchase of Development Rights Program Implementation Study

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GENERAL PLAN 2030MAUI ISLAND PLANDirected Growth Strategy- Transfer and Purchase of Development Rights Program Implementation Study

5.1.4 Key Landowners Maui has a limited number of large landowners, presenting both potential benefits and challenges to the establishment of a TDR/PDR program. Major landowners with holdings that may be affected by a TDR program include: •Alexander & Baldwin Inc. (A&B)A&B is the largest landowner on Maui with over 68,000 acres of land holdings on Maui. According to the Company’s website, A&B lands comprise the following: ƒ459 acres of fully entitled urban designated lands; ƒ52,278 acres of agricultural and pastoral lands; and ƒ15,944 acres of conservation lands. The vast majority of A&B’s Maui properties are in sugar production under the management of Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S), a subsidiary of A&B. A&B Properties, Inc., a subsidiary of A&B, is a land development and property management company. Its development activities encompass resort, residential, retail, office, and industrial projects. A&B owns considerable land holdings in Central Maui in and around Kahului. •Maui Land & Pineapple Company Maui Land & Pineapple (ML&P) owns approximately 28,600 acres of land on Maui, including the 1,650-acre Kapalua Resort community and approximately 6,000 acres of pineapple. ML&P also owns and manages the 8,661-acre Pu`u Kukui Watershed Preserve, the largest private nature preserve in the state of Hawai`i. In addition, ML&P has three currently planned major projects: ƒPulelehua: 882-unit, 300-acre mixed-use village in West Maui;

Transfer of Development Rights Program General Plan 2030 Implementation Study Maui Island Plan Chris Hart & Partners, Inc. Page 42 ƒKapalua Mauka: 925 acres and 690 single- and multi-family homes in West Maui; and ƒA proposed master planned community in Haili’imaile. •AMFACAt its peak, AMFAC owned 60,000 acres of land and was a dominant sugar company in Hawaii. AMFAC has steadily been selling off its assets since 1989 and is now known as Kaanapali Land, LLC. Kaanapali Land owns 5,000 acres of land in Kaanapali and has four major projects in West Maui, including: ƒKa`anapali 2020: The Ka`anapali 2020 Master Plan is proposed to be implemented in phases over an approximately 20-30 year build-out period and will cover roughly 4,000 acres; ƒKa`anapali Coffee Farms: 336 acres upslope from Ka‘anapali Resort; ƒPu`ukoli`i Mauka: 200 acre master planned community; and ƒWaine`e: 200-acre development directly mauka of Lahaina Town. •Several smaller individual developers, notably: ƒPeter Martin and Jim Riley (West Maui Land Company)Most of the land along Honoapiilani Highway from the Pali tunnel to Lahaina town is split up among several different investor groups and companies, the common thread of which is Peter Martin and Jim Riley. West Maui Land Company, owned by Peter Martin and Jim Riley, manages the land but does not actually own any of it. ƒSteve Kikuchi Steve Kikuchi has assembled over 2,000 acres in Maui’s central isthmus from Waikapu to Malaea, including the 260 acres designated as the Maalaea Mauka project district, where Kikuchi proposes to develop housing.

https:// www.mauicounty.gov/DocumentCenter/View/10491/Preliminary-Draft-TDR-PDR-Report?bidId=

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26d5ae No.82673

File: 20a8111740a67f1⋯.jpeg (27.28 KB,900x472,225:118,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404629 (221101ZAUG23) Notable: US-made military speedboat destroyed off Ukrainian coast - carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team

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22 Aug, 2023 10:53

US-made military speedboat destroyed off Ukrainian coast – Moscow

The vessel was carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team, the Russian Defense Ministry has said

Russian forces have destroyed a US-made speedboat carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team in the northern part of the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry in Moscow reported on Tuesday.

The boat was struck east of Snake Island, the statement said, referring to a small area of land off the Ukrainian coast and close to Romanian territorial waters.

The Russian military had identified the target as a Willard Sea Force watercraft and destroyed it in an airstrike, the ministry added.



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26d5ae No.82674

File: e909f426a19ff69⋯.jpeg (392.08 KB,1371x990,457:330,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404841 (221143ZAUG23) Notable: Dick’s shares fall 20% as retailer slashes outlook over theft concerns

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Woke retailer Dicks sporting goods has huge theft problem

Usually a sign your biz is dying when employees steal stuff


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26d5ae No.82675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404863 (221149ZAUG23) Notable: (Video) Larry Elder Discusses Systemic Racism, Fatherlessness In Black America, Presidential Bid

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Larry Elder Discusses Systemic Racism, Fatherlessness In Black America, Presidential Bid

Great interview, though the hosts are insufferable.


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26d5ae No.82676

File: a6d0d6845e39c51⋯.png (991.39 KB,1024x572,256:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404885 (221155ZAUG23) Notable: Crazed Raleigh Arsonist Who Lit Up a “Trump Won” Sign at 4 AM Identified - Dummy Leftist Forgot to Hide His Incriminating Tattoo During Criminal Act

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

member this fag? he got caught kek

Crazed Raleigh Arsonist Who Lit Up a “Trump Won” Sign at 4 AM Identified – Dummy Leftist Forgot to Hide His Incriminating Tattoo During Criminal Act


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26d5ae No.82677

File: 247e3b8a9f96f64⋯.png (1.39 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: a068e85d17b9334⋯.pdf (1.76 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404919 (221202ZAUG23) Notable: (11/07) GENERAL PLAN 2030MAUI ISLAND PLAN Directed Growth Strategy- Transfer and Purchase of Development Rights Program Implementation Study

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County of Maui Planning Department Strategic Plan

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26d5ae No.82678

File: 16d264cdea865cf⋯.png (114.11 KB,1093x509,1093:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a987bedba01f37⋯.png (47.08 KB,1124x517,1124:517,Clipboard.png)

File: a2f8073843986c2⋯.pdf (106.81 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19404937 (221209ZAUG23) Notable: (11/07) GENERAL PLAN 2030MAUI ISLAND PLAN Directed Growth Strategy- Transfer and Purchase of Development Rights Program Implementation Study

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DR-Report of Findings

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26d5ae No.82679

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405079 (221248ZAUG23) Notable: (11/07) GENERAL PLAN 2030MAUI ISLAND PLAN Directed Growth Strategy- Transfer and Purchase of Development Rights Program Implementation Study

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MAUI - Blackrock and Vangaurd

sauce ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/zbp9EPz0JQyo/

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26d5ae No.82680

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405108 (221259ZAUG23) Notable: WITNESSES EXPOSE SOMETHING STRANGE DURING THE MAUI FIRES

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sauce ...https://www.bitchute.com/video/A0nW15LxuENL/

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26d5ae No.82681

File: 23dda946e018de7⋯.png (23.65 KB,589x176,589:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405112 (221300ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: “Aida” Hutchinson is too boring. He’s at less than 1% and heading south. Zero chance!

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Donald J. Trump


“Aida” Hutchinson is too boring. He’s at less than 1% and heading south. Zero chance!

Aug 22, 2023, 8:01 AM


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26d5ae No.82682

File: 01f85cd6e38600e⋯.png (878.44 KB,800x556,200:139,Clipboard.png)

File: f86ab3abf2d2b0f⋯.png (503.21 KB,558x572,279:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405119 (221301ZAUG23) Notable: Chuck Grassley w/CAP: Happy anniversary to my bride of 69 yrs BARBARA God blesses us each day

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Happy 69th Anniversary Chuckster and Mrs. G!!!!

8:36 = 17

Chuck Grassley


Happy anniversary to my bride of 69 yrs BARBARA God blesses us each day

8:36 AM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405146 (221311ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/22/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/22/2023





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26d5ae No.82684

File: 3129511124c5a54⋯.jpg (54.72 KB,707x399,101:57,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3869a0cec20a020⋯.jpg (211.04 KB,720x1227,240:409,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405152 (221316ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: “Aida” Hutchinson is too boring. He’s at less than 1% and heading south. Zero chance!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82685

File: 2e5b0d55dd80a38⋯.png (46.18 KB,801x511,801:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 367e860aa7dfc1b⋯.png (226.61 KB,796x1852,199:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 544ba8ffcad11c9⋯.png (193.04 KB,800x1605,160:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f4b17e4b359b7f⋯.png (174.28 KB,799x1546,799:1546,Clipboard.png)

File: a221286f59c342a⋯.png (138.08 KB,795x1294,795:1294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405171 (221322ZAUG23) Notable: Exec Branch end around supreme court unconstitutional student loan repayment app launches tomorrow

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The White House Logo


August 22, 2023




Via Teleconference

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26d5ae No.82686

File: 9bd655c2350a704⋯.png (199.8 KB,797x1715,797:1715,Clipboard.png)

File: 674427a94b272db⋯.png (217.73 KB,800x1582,400:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405175 (221324ZAUG23) Notable: Exec Branch end around supreme court unconstitutional student loan repayment app launches tomorrow

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The White House Logo


August 22, 2023

FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Administration Launches the SAVE Plan, the Most Affordable Student Loan Repayment Plan Ever to Lower Monthly Payments for Millions of Borrowers

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26d5ae No.82687

File: 0270df87eb44ec6⋯.jpeg (126.81 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405210 (221336ZAUG23) Notable: Biden compares deadly Hawaii blaze to minor fire in his house - claimed flames almost deprived him of his wife, his car and his cat

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22 Aug, 2023 13:16

Biden compares deadly Hawaii blaze to minor fire in his house

The US president claimed flames almost deprived him of his wife, his car and his cat in incident 19 years ago

US President Joe Biden has told residents of the fire-ravaged Hawaiian island of Maui that he could understand their suffering because of his experience of a small fire at his own house in 2004.

Biden arrived in Maui on Monday to inspect the aftermath of the deadliest wildfires to occur in the US in more than a century. The official death toll from the disaster currently stands at 115 and is expected to climb, with Maui County mayor Richard T. Bissen Jr. saying that some 850 people are still missing.

Several thousand buildings, mainly private homes, were destroyed by the fierce blaze in early August, with local authorities estimating that more than $5 billion is needed to rebuild.

“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it’s like to lose a home,” the US president told residents of the town of Lahaina, which has been devastated by the wildfires.

“Years ago now, 15 years ago, I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ It was a sunny Sunday and lightning struck at home on a little lake that is outside of our home, not on a lake, a big pond,” the 80-year-old recalled.

“And it hit a wire and came up underneath our home into the heating ducts, air conditioning ducts. And to make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette and my cat,”Biden claimed, adding that it was “not a joke.”

The fire at Biden’s house at Wilmington, Delaware occurred in August 2004 and had been described as “insignificant” by the local fire department. In its report back then, AP said that a “small fire that was contained to the kitchen” had been taken under control by emergency services in the space of 20 minutes.

The US president has mentioned this incident on a few occasions previously, each time providing different accounts of events. Last year, he claimed that “we almost lost a couple firefighters” during that blaze. In 2012, he went as far as saying that he “had a house burn down with my wife in it,” but then corrected himself by pointing out that “she got out safely.”

Biden received a rather cold welcome in Maui as the locals blame Washington for abandoning them amid the crisis. Some took to the streets, chanting “Go home, Joe!” and holding banners reading “No Comment,” in reference to the US leader’s refusal last week to answer questions about the rising death toll in the wildfires.


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26d5ae No.82688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405285 (221351ZAUG23) Notable: #23831

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final notables bun o' shilly fun for #23831

may need sum pots after this bred

hold em n czech em

#23831 >>82666

>>82667 Joe Biden falling asleep in Maui whilst meeting local survivors of one of the worst Human Tragedies in American History.

>>82668 NYC proposes housing migrants in 'decrepit' jail where Epstein died

>>82670 COVID-19 Mandates are Back: Atlanta-Based Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates, Social Distancing, Quarantine - Despite No Reported Cases

>>82671 The ugly truth behind Hunter’s case just exploded — and it’s worse than you imagined...

>>82672, >>82677, >>82678, >>82679, (11/07) GENERAL PLAN 2030MAUI ISLAND PLAN Directed Growth Strategy- Transfer and Purchase of Development Rights Program Implementation Study

>>82673 US-made military speedboat destroyed off Ukrainian coast - carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team

>>82674 Dick’s shares fall 20% as retailer slashes outlook over theft concerns

>>82675 (Video) Larry Elder Discusses Systemic Racism, Fatherlessness In Black America, Presidential Bid

>>82676 Crazed Raleigh Arsonist Who Lit Up a “Trump Won” Sign at 4 AM Identified - Dummy Leftist Forgot to Hide His Incriminating Tattoo During Criminal Act


>>82681, >>82684 DJT TS w/CAP: “Aida” Hutchinson is too boring. He’s at less than 1% and heading south. Zero chance!

>>82682 Chuck Grassley w/CAP: Happy anniversary to my bride of 69 yrs BARBARA God blesses us each day

>>82683 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/22/2023

>>82685, >>82686 Exec Branch end around supreme court unconstitutional student loan repayment app launches tomorrow

>>82687 Biden compares deadly Hawaii blaze to minor fire in his house - claimed flames almost deprived him of his wife, his car and his cat

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26d5ae No.82689

File: be36857342604c8⋯.png (882.75 KB,1203x802,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c51fa42e740e10⋯.jpg (724.44 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405310 (221359ZAUG23) Notable: #23832

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Requesting handoff - Call the ball back up baker

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26d5ae No.82690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405355 (221412ZAUG23) Notable: Hawaiian Electric Co., whose transmission lines run all across Maui, did not shut down the power in Lahaina ahead of this week’s deadly and devastating fires

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>>>/qresearch/19405320 (lb)

>>>/qresearch/19405334 (lb)


Hawaiian Electric Co., whose transmission lines run all across Maui, did not shut down the power in Lahaina ahead of this week’s deadly and devastating fires, a technique has been used in California and other places prone to wildfires.

Nor did the utility have a formal plan to shut down large parts of the grid, according to company officials.

The company said it did take other, more limited steps to deal with the fierce winds and red flag warning of extreme fire weather.

Nonetheless, some 29 fully energized poles fell across roads in West Maui that day. While it’s still not clear what caused the fires that began Tuesday, hitting Lahaina hardest, authorities have said those poles stifled access to the fire zone and prevented many from evacuating.


Though an official cause of the wildfire has not been reached, Lahaina residents filed a class action lawsuit against the utility company, alleging that, in the days before the fires broke out, the company “chose not to deenergize their power lines during the High Wind Watch and Red Flag Warning conditions for Maui before the Lahaina Fire started.” The filing also claims that the company failed to shut off power lines even after the fires began.


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26d5ae No.82691

File: 28e4693a54cdc60⋯.jpeg (80.02 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 888f6b91c54e93d⋯.webp (52.96 KB,904x1169,904:1169,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405376 (221418ZAUG23) Notable: We Now Know What's Included in Trump's Bail Conditions in Georgia

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We Now Know What's Included in Trump's Bail Conditions in Georgia


Fulton County, Ga., Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee signed off on an order on Monday, setting Donald Trump’s bond at $200,000 and ordering the former president to refrain from intimidating witnesses or his co-defendants as he awaits trial on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. (Read the order below).

Trump’s bail conditions are very strict and specific. Trump is forbidden to “intimidate any person known to him or her to be a codefendant or witness in this case or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice.” That includes no direct or indirect threats against codefendants, witnesses, victims, the unindicted coconspirators, or “against the community or to any property in the community.”

“The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media,” the order continued.

Trump is also barred from communicating “in any way, directly or indirectly,” with codefendants or witnesses about the case except through their legal counsel.

The breakdown of the bail is as follows:

Count 1: Violation of GA RICO Act $80,000

Count 5: Criminal Solicitation $10,000

Count 9: Criminal Conspiracy $10,000

Count 11: Criminal Conspiracy $10,000

Count 13: Criminal Conspiracy $10,000

Count 15: Criminal Conspiracy $10,000

Count 17: Criminal Conspiracy $10,000

Count 19: Criminal Conspiracy $10,000

Count 27: Filing False Documents $10,000

Count 28: Criminal Solicitation $10,000

Count 29: False Statements $10,000

Count 38: Criminal Solicitation $10,000

Count 39: False Statements $10,000

TOTAL: $200,000

Trump and his 18 codefendants have until noon on Friday to surrender to Fulton County authorities.

This is a developing story…

Trump Consent Bond Order Georgia 1 by PJ Media on Scribd


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26d5ae No.82692

File: 7fed81f9a49c2ee⋯.jpeg (60.57 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405397 (221424ZAUG23) Notable: tatercompassion

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Tearful Gold Star Mom Wanted Comfort From Biden; Here's What She Got Instead

Michael Cantrell August 21, 2023

A Gold Star mom who met with President Joe Biden on Memorial Day following the death of her son during the troop withdrawal debacle from Afghanistan stated that he responded to her pain and agony by suggesting she take a picture with him while she bawled her eyes out during their meeting. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is supposed to be our example of compassion? Seriously? A leather shoe has more compassion than the president.

Instead of offering this woman words of comfort, apologizing for the mess that led to his death, and embracing her, he sees the weeping woman as a photo opportunity. How much more despicable can you get?

According to the Daily Wire:

Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Christian Knauss was killed when a bomber detonated a bomb at Kabul’s international airport on August 26, 2021, killing 13 American soldiers. His mother, Paula Knauss Selph, the executive director of the Respect and Remember Foundation, met Biden in the Oval Office at an event for Gold Star families in Washington, D.C. on Memorial Day 2022.

“There’s been a lot of grief, a lot of grief,” the mother went on to say during an interview with The Daily Mail. “There’s nothing like watching your child die in front of you, in front of the world.”

She then recalled the meeting with Biden, revealing that he said, “I can understand if you’re angry.”

“I stood face-to-face with him, eyeball-to-eyeball. I began to weep,” she stated, adding that she told him, “It should have never happened this way.”

“He stood there stoically,” she recounted.“Nothing out of his mouth except — well would you like to get a photo with me?”

Selph told Biden that the only picture she would take with him was if he stood with her at her son’s tombstone at Arlington National Cemetery. She said Biden answered, “I can’t do that because Secret Service won’t let me do that.”

“It’s a moral disgrace for a president not to have mercy on the people that he serves. It is a moral disgrace,” Selph continued, stating that the president thought the “sad occasion” was a “photo op’” instead of an opportunity to provide comfort to a heartbroken mother grieving the death of her child.

“He had the chance to make a difference for my child. On not making decisions and indecisions that cost him his life. And I do hold him accountable,” she finished.

Sleph then went on to speak of her son, who served as a member of the JROTC cadet program before he decided to sign up for the military and serve his country, saying, “Ryan, all of his life was quite certain he wanted to go in the armed forces. And it is a pleasing thing to me. But throughout his life, he kept that focus. He was so disciplined. He was so smart… He was protecting and giving us the opportunity for many people to live out the American dream. That’s what will long outlive all of us.”

How tragic that this woman had to look the man who was responsible for the mess that led to her son’s death right in the eye, and instead of getting words of succor for her wounded heart, received an offer for a photo. Is Biden really this clueless? Is it the possible dementia he suffers from that is causing this sort of callousness? Or is it possible he’s a sociopath of sorts?

Either way, there’s no excuse for treating the families of deceased military members with such a massive lack of compassion. Biden should be absolutely ashamed of himself.

(I think they forgot to put a heart along with a in this clone


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26d5ae No.82693

File: 426f78706d857b3⋯.png (617.44 KB,620x349,620:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405428 (221433ZAUG23) Notable: NOT listed in Pundit article or original Federalist article. "C40 cities"

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THE GREAT RESET: Report Reveals Globalist Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030


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26d5ae No.82694

File: 3283b62c499ad5f⋯.png (188.17 KB,964x694,482:347,Clipboard.png)

File: b89c57e40414b25⋯.png (739.86 KB,1010x596,505:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405432 (221435ZAUG23) Notable: Long Jim Cramer ETF Shutters After Luring in Just $1.3 Million

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Long Jim Cramer ETF Shutters After Luring in Just $1.3 Million



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26d5ae No.82695

File: b9fff9f72b4718c⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,2148x1221,716:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405456 (221441ZAUG23) Notable: Pence on Trump/debates“One thing I realized about him is it's not over till it's over. So I'm actually still hoping he shows up.”

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“One thing I realized about him is it's not over till it's over. So I'm actually still hoping he shows up.”

Former VP Mike Pence tells @JonKarl that Donald Trump might still attend the GOP primary debate despite sources indicating he's unlikely to attend. trib.al/UdmM6YG


Former Vice President Mike Pence, eager for the opportunity to debate his boss of four years, suggested former President Donald Trump might still debate in Milwaukee this week - despite sources indicating he's unlikely to attend.

Pressed by co-anchor Jonathan Karl in an interview for ABC's

>>> "This Week" Sunday on what it says about Trump "if he doesn't even bother to show up to the first presidential primary debate," Pence said Trump still could.

"You know, I served alongside the president for a long time, and one thing I realized about him is it's not over till it's over," Pence said. "So I'm actually still hoping he shows up, Jon. I mean, you know, to get on that plane, Trump Force One, and head out on that stage."

"I think every one of us that have qualified for that debate stage ought to be on the stage, be willing to square off, answer the tough questions and also draw a bright line contrast," he continued. "You know, my differences with the former president go far beyond that tragic day in January two and a half years ago."


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26d5ae No.82696

File: 99b0a5ecc256118⋯.jpg (29.35 KB,580x431,580:431,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405478 (221445ZAUG23) Notable: Hawaiian Electric Co., whose transmission lines run all across Maui, did not shut down the power in Lahaina ahead of this week’s deadly and devastating fires

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>The "marker."

Looking for a coverage map for Hawaiian Electric to overlay the fire locations on thier website, but all Anon can find are Reqests for Proposals for Wind Farms all over the state of Hawaii from 2018 and 2019.

All that geothermal and solar energy right their onsite and The Government wants to make Wind Turbines in Kentucky and ship them to the slopes of Haleakala every 5 years?

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26d5ae No.82697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405536 (221500ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. MTG Breakdown the RNC Debate. LIVE from Milwaukee 8/23/23

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RINO debate on Fox

11PM E

LIVE: Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. MTG Breakdown the RNC Debate. LIVE from Milwaukee 8/23/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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26d5ae No.82698

File: d99395274e02d45⋯.png (11.78 KB,330x330,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405549 (221503ZAUG23) Notable: NOT listed in Pundit article or original Federalist article. "C40 cities"

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NOT listed in Pundit article or original Federalist article.

Only says, "C40 cities"

These cities:

United States – Austin

United States – Boston

United States – Chicago

United States – Houston

United States – Phoenix

United States – Los Angeles

United States – Miami

United States – New Orleans

United States – New York City

United States – Philadelphia

United States – Portland

United States – San Francisco

United States – Seattle

United States – Washington, DC

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a group of 96 cities around the world that represents one twelfth of the world's population and one quarter of the global economy.[3] Created and led by cities, C40 is focused on fighting the climate crisis and driving urban action that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks, while increasing the health, wellbeing and economic opportunities of urban residents.



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26d5ae No.82699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405570 (221505ZAUG23) Notable: NOT listed in Pundit article or original Federalist article. "C40 cities"

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full list C40 cities:


Ethiopia – Addis Ababa

Ghana – Accra

Ivory Coast – Abidjan

Kenya – Nairobi

Nigeria – Lagos

Senegal – Dakar

Sierra Leone – Freetown

South Africa – Cape Town

South Africa – Durban

South Africa – Ekurhuleni

South Africa – Johannesburg

South Africa – Tshwane

Tanzania – Dar es Salaam

East Asia:

China – Beijing

China – Chengdu

China – Dalian

China – Fuzhou

China – Guangzhou

China – Hangzhou

Hong Kong – Hong Kong

China – Nanjing

China – Qingdao

China – Shanghai

China – Shenzhen

China – Wuhan

China – Zhenjiang

Japan – Tokyo

Japan – Yokohama

South Korea – Seoul


Denmark – Copenhagen

France – Paris

Germany – Berlin

Germany – Heidelberg

Greece – Athens

Italy – Milan

Italy – Rome

Italy – Venice

Netherlands – Amsterdam

Netherlands – Rotterdam

Norway – Oslo

Poland – Warsaw

Portugal – Lisbon

Russia – Moscow

Spain – Barcelona

Spain – Madrid

Sweden – Stockholm

Turkey – Istanbul

United Kingdom – London

South America:

Argentina – Buenos Aires

Brazil – Curitiba

Brazil – Rio de Janeiro

Brazil – São Paulo

Brazil – Salvador

Chile – Santiago

Colombia – Bogotá

Colombia – Medellín

Ecuador – Quito

Peru – Lima

Venezuela – Caracas

North America:

Canada – Montreal

Canada – Toronto

Canada – Vancouver

Mexico – Guadalajara

Mexico – Mexico City

United States – Austin

United States – Boston

United States – Chicago

United States – Houston

United States – Phoenix

United States – Los Angeles

United States – Miami

United States – New Orleans

United States – New York City

United States – Philadelphia

United States – Portland

United States – San Francisco

United States – Seattle

United States – Washington, DC

South and West Asia:

Bangladesh – Dhaka

India – Bengaluru

India – Chennai

India – Jaipur

India – Kolkata

India – Mumbai

India – New Delhi

India - Ahmedabad

Israel – Tel Aviv

Jordan – Amman

Pakistan – Karachi

United Arab Emirates – Dubai

Southeast Asia & Oceania:

Australia – Melbourne

Australia – Sydney

Indonesia – Jakarta

Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur

New Zealand – Auckland

Philippines – Quezon City

Singapore – Singapore

Thailand – Bangkok

Vietnam – Hanoi

Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City

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26d5ae No.82700

File: 6e1d71eae1c9376⋯.jpg (7.02 KB,325x180,65:36,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405581 (221507ZAUG23) Notable: T. Boone Pickens gave up on Wind in favor of Natural Gas in 2010. They were never gonna get a wind farm built in Hawaii.

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T. Boone Pickens gave up on Wind in favor of Natural Gas in 2010.

They were never gonna get a wind farm built in Hawaii.

But, it seems parts of [Their] Plan were on autopilot...bringing about certain inevitabilities.

T. Boone Pickens, once one of the brightest examples of the shift from conventional fossil fuel energy to renewable energy, has announced his Pickens Plan no longer involves wind energy.

Pickens made his fortune in the oil and gas industry. Yet, in 2008, he offered up the Pickens Plan as a roadmap for creating American energy independence by eliminating the country’s dependency on foreign oil. According to the plan, the two energy sources capable of this task were wind energy and natural gas.

In his plan, Pickens stated that America was home to the best wind corridor of any country in the world. In a promotional video, he explains, “For land size, compared to everybody else, we’re the best. We’re not using it. We have not used it.”

Pickens advocated that the development of this energy source would not only help solve America’s energy issues, but it would also stimulate the economy by creating jobs and revitalizing rural towns. To this end, he laid out plans to build a 4,000 megawatt wind farm — the world’s largest — in Pampa, Texas, and spent US$80 million promoting the Pickens Plan.

However, since the very beginning his wind plans have fizzled. From the outset, construction of the wind farm was hampered by a lack of transmission lines to transfer the energy to city centers. Even though the location of Pampa, Texas was no longer a possibility, Pickens was still on the hook construct a wind farm as he had already placed the order for 687 wind turbines. Last year, he reaffirmed his intention to build 4,000 megawatts of wind power.

Since then, speculation has run rampant that he had lost his fervor for wind power. Now, that speculation can be put to rest, as Pickens Plan is being revamped to focus exclusively on one resource, natural gas.

According to MSNBC.com, last Friday, Pickens said low natural gas prices have made utility companies view wind power as too expensive. “You’re going to get natural gas prices up, or wind — it just isn’t gonna happen.” Pickens is still trying to find a home for his original shipment of 500 megawatts worth of wind turbines. He says Canada will be the likely destination because it has better renewable energy standards.


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26d5ae No.82701

File: 64c27d2e1e4179b⋯.png (299.42 KB,787x894,787:894,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405592 (221508ZAUG23) Notable: Government brief claims that 2026 trial "would deny the public its right to a speedy trial"

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Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

Government brief claims that 2026 trial "would deny the public its right to a speedy trial".I thought that it was the defendant that had a RIGHT to a speedy trial. Do US prosecutors also have a right to speedy lynching?


Kyle Cheney·19h

JUST IN: Special counsel says Trump team is exaggerating the volume of discovery it has to review to prepare for Trump's trial in Washington.

A signicant amount of the 12 million pages/files it has produced were already available to Trump, they say.


10:38 AM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82702

File: 5dda4bf07b5b4a7⋯.png (1.39 MB,960x789,320:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405599 (221510ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Pistachio Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 22, 2023

The Pistachio Nebula

This nebula had never been noted before. Newly discovered nebulas are usually angularly small and found by professionals using large telescopes. In contrast, the Pistachio Nebula was discovered by dedicated amateurs and, although faint, is nearly the size of the full Moon. In modern times, amateurs with even small telescopes can create long exposures over sky areas much larger than most professional telescopes can see. They can therefore discover both previously unknown areas of extended emission around known objects, as well as entirely unknown objects, like nebulas. The pictured Pistachio Nebula is shown in oxygen emission (blue) and hydrogen emission (red). The nature of the hot central star is currently unknown, and the nebula might be labeled a planetary nebula if it turns out to be a white dwarf star. The featured image is a composite of over 70 hours of exposure taken in early June under the dark skies of Namibia.


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26d5ae No.82703

File: 7ed89116124bbc1⋯.png (362.55 KB,617x560,617:560,Clipboard.png)

File: 5aa4c7ab2f39de4⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x1267,960:1267,Clipboard.png)

File: d8d35c6ddc9595a⋯.png (362.53 KB,541x865,541:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405608 (221512ZAUG23) Notable: T. Boone Pickens gave up on Wind in favor of Natural Gas in 2010. They were never gonna get a wind farm built in Hawaii.

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26d5ae No.82704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405649 (221518ZAUG23) Notable: The Afghanistan Withdrawal: What Really Happened

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America First Policy Institute

The Afghanistan Withdrawal: What Really Happened

11:00 AM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82705

File: 36b0e448a81e63c⋯.png (1.14 MB,800x708,200:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 7442a60edce4aba⋯.png (215.37 KB,558x581,558:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405650 (221518ZAUG23) Notable: Mexico Gears Up for Historic UFO Hearing Led by Top Ufologist

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Mexico Gears Up for Historic UFO Hearing Led by Top Ufologist

Aug 21, 2023

The truth is out there. And Mexico is ready.

Jaime Maussan, Mexico’s leading ufologist, has unveiled plans for the inaugural UFO hearing at the Mexican Congress. Slated for September 12, this groundbreaking event marks a monumental chapter in Mexico’s history with the unexplained.

International Presence in the Spotlight

The hearing will feature Ryan Graves, a former US Navy pilot known for his testimony before the US Congress regarding his encounters with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). But the list doesn’t end there. “For the first time in Mexico’s history, we’re hosting such a pivotal event,” proclaimed Maussan in a video shared on his Twitter. He hinted at a diverse panel, including international guests ready to recount their experiences and field questions from Mexican lawmakers and the media.

Unveiling the Unknown

Captain Julio Darwish will lead the charge, representing an association he’s founded, Unknown Vector. This group comprises commercial pilots who’ve crossed paths with mysterious flying entities. Maussan emphasized the significant shift in perceptions, stating, “Times are undeniably changing. This hearing will undoubtedly usher in transformative changes in Mexico.”

This announcement is particularly timely, given the recent cessation of public UAP hearings in the US post the July 26 event in Washington, D.C. US legislator Mike Turner cited concerns over potentially tarnishing the Department of Defense’s reputation as a primary reason for this halt.



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26d5ae No.82706

File: 869997c617a0142⋯.jpeg (41.14 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: faf83b617674c3a⋯.jpeg (33.75 KB,620x314,310:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405676 (221524ZAUG23) Notable: Secret Service Arrests Chicago Woman for Alleged Threats to Shoot Donald and Barron Trump

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Secret Service Arrests Chicago Woman for Alleged Threats to Shoot Donald and Barron Trump

Simon Kent22 Aug 2023

A Chicago-area woman was arrested by Federal agents Monday on a complaint accusing her of sending email threats to shoot former President Donald Trump and his youngest son Barron, according to federal prosecutors and a criminal complaint.

AP reports Tracy Marie Fiorenza, 41, was taken into custody on a charge of transmitting threats to kill or injure, according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago.

The case was filed earlier this month in U.S. District Court in southern Florida.

“I will state that I will shoot Donald Trump Sr. AND Barron Trump straight in the face at any opportunity I get!,” Fiorenza allegedly said in a May 21 email to the head of an educational institution in the Palm Beach, Florida, area, according to an affidavit accompanying the complaint.

Donald Trump’s primary residence is in Palm Beach.

Fiorenza allegedly wrote a similar email on June 5, saying she would “slam a bullet” into Barron Trump “with his father IN SELF DEFENSE!,” according to the affidavit submitted by a U.S. Secret Service agent.

Neither the headmaster nor the school where the emails were allegedly sent was named in the charging documents.

CBS News Chicago reported Fiorenza made an initial appearance Monday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Chicago. A judge said she must go to the district court in Florida to answer the charges.

The judge will decide at a Wednesday hearing how she will be transferred.

Agents interviewed Fiorenza at the agency’s Chicago field on June 14 — during which she was shown copies of the emails with the threats to shoot Donald Trump, according to the affidavit.

The affidavit says Fiorenza lives in Plainfield, Illinois, a southwest Chicago suburb.

The CBS News Chicago report alleges a Facebook page linked to Fiorenza, and still viewable by the public on Monday, includes several anti-Trump posts, including an image of a Trump effigy being hanged from a tree, and references to pedophile rings and the Illuminati.

On her Facebook page, Fiorenza claims to be a former social studies teacher at Chicago Public Schools. CPS confirmed to the outlet she was a district employee from Sept. 22, 2019, until she was fired on Aug. 30, 2020. CPS would not confirm she was a teacher.

This is not the first time the former president has faced public threats against his life.

As Breitbart News reported, according to research from the social media analytics company Dataminr, over 12,000 tweets called for his assassination in the days straight after he took office on January 20th, 2017.


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26d5ae No.82707

File: 3aafb4680f3128c⋯.png (734.99 KB,915x1024,915:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405679 (221524ZAUG23) Notable: Open floodgates at Arizona border allow thousands of migrants to walk into the country

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Stephen Miller reposted

New York Post·4h

Today's cover: Open floodgates at Arizona border allow thousands of migrants to walk into the country


6:53 AM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82708

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405712 (221529ZAUG23) Notable: CNN’s Honig: DOJ Repeatedly Took ‘Very Lenient’ Stance on Hunter, Only Changed After Public Pressure, Whistleblowers

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CNN’s Honig: DOJ Repeatedly Took ‘Very Lenient’ Stance on Hunter, Only Changed After Public Pressure, Whistleblowers

Ian Hanchett22 Aug 2023


On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” CNN Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig stated that we’ve seen a recurring pattern where the Department of Justice moves towards “a very lenient disposition” on Hunter Biden, “they’re just about to lock in that lenient disposition, and then there arises pressure, either through whistleblower testimony or through public scrutiny, and then, DOJ backs off and says, actually, we’re not going to do that now that it’s been called out, we’re going to try to up it a little bit.” And argued that the “only way to restore any credibility” is to charge Hunter with everything they can and go to trial.

Honig said, “[I]t’s really inexplicable to me. First, we had basically five years of behind-the-scenes investigation with no transparency, no action, and some questions being asked, what’s taken so long? But in the last couple of months, we’ve seen a pattern here. … And we’ve now seen it play out two or three separate times. DOJ moves toward a very lenient disposition, they’re just about to lock in that lenient disposition, and then there arises pressure, either through whistleblower testimony or through public scrutiny, and then, DOJ backs off and says, actually, we’re not going to do that now that it’s been called out, we’re going to try to up it a little bit. And then that happened again. And then they go all the way to appointing a special counsel, the same guy who’s been presiding over the case for five-plus years already. So, I genuinely am perplexed by what DOJ’s doing here. I think they’ve made a real mess for themselves and now they’re going to have to deal with the consequences of it.”

He added, “DOJ has sort of been in a darned if they do, darned if they don’t posture on this from the start. But they’ve made it way worse by sort of careening back and forth here. It may well be that any deal is never going to be accepted as fair. So, if I’m in David Weiss’ shoes here — heaven help me — I would just say, look, we’re charging everything we have, we’re not in position to make a deal, it’ll go to trial, and we’ll let the jury decide this. I think that’s the only way to restore any credibility to this matter.”


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26d5ae No.82709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405756 (221536ZAUG23) Notable: Defense Primer: Directed-Energy Weapons

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>if there are real DEW weapons

Defense Primer: Directed-Energy Weapons

As the Department of Defense (DOD) continues to invest in directed-energy (DE) weapons, Congress may consider implications for defense authorizations, appropriations, and oversight.

DE weapons include high-energy lasers (HEL) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons; other DE weapons, such as particle beam weapons, are outside the scope of this In Focus.

This In Focus discusses a selection of unclassified DE weapons programs

Updated May 18, 2023


Directed energy weapons—such as lasers—use energy fired at the speed of light. These weapons can produce force that ranges from deterrent, to damaging, to destructive. Many countries, including the U.S., are researching their use.

High energy lasers produce a very narrow beam of light, usually in the infrared to visible region, and are typically used on one target at a time. The beam can be pulsed or continuous, generating a power output of at least 1 kilowatt. This output is 200,000 times greater than a typical laser pointer and is capable of melting steel.


Directed Energy

Harnessing the Power of Lasers for 21st Century Security


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26d5ae No.82710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405766 (221537ZAUG23) Notable: Behind the Scenes with Real Survivors:President Biden's Personal Tour of Fire- Devastation of Maui

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Behind the Scenes with Real Survivors:President Biden's Personal Tour of Fire- Devastation of Maui

Hawaii Real Estate

Aug 22, 2023 8,736 views 1:00:19


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26d5ae No.82711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405814 (221545ZAUG23) Notable: Social media platforms sell your data to “scrapers” to train,update AI models,largest scrapers are the government-corporate cartels

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"Social media platforms sell your data to “scrapers” which use it to train and updated AI models. The largest scrapers are the government-corporate cartels that use this for nefarious purposes - censorship, fake social media accounts, better hacking tools, fake news generators, “prebunking narratives” and many other informational warfare methods, which are largely all linguistic."


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26d5ae No.82712

File: 96651b65fc7ba97⋯.png (290.45 KB,554x794,277:397,Clipboard.png)

File: f47d49e724a5e7d⋯.png (274.79 KB,554x797,554:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405816 (221545ZAUG23) Notable: Obama Voyagers

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26d5ae No.82713

File: 5452b80056fc4ab⋯.png (2.91 MB,1556x2440,389:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405835 (221550ZAUG23) Notable: This is a.) an impeachable crime border floodgates open

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Stephen Miller

This is a.) an impeachable crime

b.) a sufficient basis to remove Biden from the ballot for supporting a cartel-orchestrated invasion

c.) one more reason Congress must prohibit all fed $ for Biden’s open borders schemes in the CR.


>New York Post

>Today's cover: Open floodgates at Arizona border allow thousands of migrants to walk into the country

11:38 AM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405861 (221556ZAUG23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

On Tuesday, August 22 at 2:37 a.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched 21 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

This was the 15th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3, and now six Starlink missions.



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26d5ae No.82715

File: edc0b812254a053⋯.png (326.55 KB,598x661,598:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405947 (221616ZAUG23) Notable: @MCoEFortMoore #TriviaTuesday: name that contraption! Bonus points if you can say which Soldier uses it the most.

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#TriviaTuesday: name that contraption! Bonus points if you can say which Soldier uses it the most. 👀


9:11 eyes on

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26d5ae No.82716

File: d7bf882d431ac42⋯.png (179.17 KB,500x761,500:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405950 (221617ZAUG23) Notable: @MCoEFortMoore #TriviaTuesday: name that contraption! Bonus points if you can say which Soldier uses it the most.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82717

File: bdde8142ce80107⋯.png (34.39 KB,589x428,589:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d1d3f8eeadef13⋯.png (153.58 KB,603x628,603:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19405994 (221629ZAUG23) Notable: BRICS summit today…

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BRICS summit today...


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26d5ae No.82718

File: 2a5450b9aeb7d26⋯.png (156.21 KB,797x911,797:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406024 (221636ZAUG23) Notable: resident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will travel to New Delhi, India, from September 7-10 to attend the G20 Leaders Summit

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The White House Logo


August 22, 2023

Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Bidens Travel to New Delhi, India, and Vice President Harris Travel to Jakarta, Indonesia

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will travel to New Delhi, India, from September 7-10 to attend the G20 Leaders Summit. President Biden and G20 partners will discuss a range of joint efforts to tackle global issues, including on the clean energy transition and combatting climate change, mitigating the economic and social impacts of Putins war in Ukraine, and increasing the capacity of multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, to better fight poverty, including by addressing global challenges. While in New Delhi, President Biden will also commend Prime Minister Modis leadership of the G20 and reaffirm the U.S. commitment to the G20 as the premier forum of economic cooperation, including by hosting it in 2026.

From September 4-7, Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Jakarta, Indonesia to attend the U.S.-ASEAN Summit and the East Asia Summit and engage with leaders from the Indo-Pacific. The Vice President and ASEAN leaders will review the unprecedented expansion in U.S.-ASEAN relations under the Biden-Harris Administration and the Vice President will reaffirm the United States enduring commitment to Southeast Asia and ASEAN centrality. Throughout these Summits and her additional engagements, the Vice President will advance initiatives to promote our shared prosperity and security, including by advancing our work on the climate crisis, maritime security, infrastructure, economic growth, efforts to uphold and strengthen international rules and norms in the region, and other regional and global challenges.

This visit builds on President Bidens participation in the U.S.-ASEAN Summit and the East Asia Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in November 2022, his virtual participation in the U.S.-ASEAN Summit and East Asia Summit in November 2021, and the Presidents and Vice Presidents engagements with ASEAN leaders at the historic May 2022 U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit in Washington, D.C. This is the Vice Presidents third trip to Southeast Asia in the past two years, and builds on her August 2021 visit to Singapore and Vietnam and her November 2022 visit to Thailand and the Philippines.

Additional information, including about bilateral engagements and other details on the trip, will be forthcoming  and we look forward to having further details to share soon.



White House Press Office . 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW . Washington, DC 20500-0003 . USA XXX-XXX-XXXX

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26d5ae No.82719

File: fc7c7e612d3e62d⋯.png (181.68 KB,531x606,177:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406037 (221639ZAUG23) Notable: @gospaceforce Getting your mental health in check is a GO for launch. 🚀🧠

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Getting your mental health in check is a GO for launch. 🚀🧠


They're just messing with Biden at this point, lol.

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26d5ae No.82720

File: d67493a8e356cc5⋯.png (1.25 MB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406049 (221642ZAUG23) Notable: Coverage Set for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Events, Broadcast, Launch 3:49 a.m. EDT Friday, Aug. 25

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Coverage Set for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Events, Broadcast, Launch

Aug 17, 2023

NASA will provide coverage of the upcoming prelaunch and launch activities for the agency’s SpaceX Crew-7 mission with astronauts to the International Space Station.

The launch is targeted for 3:49 a.m. EDT Friday, Aug. 25, from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Dragon spacecraft, named Endurance, is scheduled to dock to the space station at 2:02 a.m. EDT Saturday, Aug. 26.

Crew arrival, launch, the postlaunch news conference, and mission coverage through docking will air live on NASA Television, the NASA app, and the agency’s website. NASA also will host an audio-only post-Flight Readiness Review news teleconference. Follow all live events at:


The Crew-7 launch will carry NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Andreas Mogensen, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) astronaut Satoshi Furukawa, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov.

As part of the agency’s Commercial Crew Program, Crew-7 marks the eighth human spaceflight mission supported by a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft and the seventh crew rotation mission to the space station since 2020 for NASA.


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26d5ae No.82721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406056 (221645ZAUG23) Notable: Hawaiian Electric Co., whose transmission lines run all across Maui, did not shut down the power in Lahaina ahead of this week’s deadly and devastating fires

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theory: the power co on maui dinna turn off the power cuz they need all those watts at the call towers and/or DEW equipment.

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26d5ae No.82722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406058 (221646ZAUG23) Notable: This is a.) an impeachable crime border floodgates open

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Article 4 Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.


Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Eliminates Pence, Pelosi and the rest of the gang who pulled the hoaxes.

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26d5ae No.82723

File: b11486c5cf8b135⋯.jpg (86.53 KB,810x362,405:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406120 (221709ZAUG23) Notable: Leftists 2 weeks ago: "We never forced anyone to take the vaccine" Leftists now: "We're going to have to mandate vaccines for everyone"

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Leftists 2 weeks ago: "We never forced anyone to take the vaccine"

Leftists now: "We're going to have to mandate vaccines for everyone"

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26d5ae No.82724

File: 93a4063533131ad⋯.jpg (96.37 KB,692x1280,173:320,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406143 (221716ZAUG23) Notable: calling on a special session of the Georgia legislature to investigate and potentially impeach Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

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Georgia State Rep. Charlice Byrd, Chairwoman of the Freedom Caucus GA, has joined with fellow Freedom Caucus member Sen. Colton Moore in calling on a special session of the Georgia legislature to investigate and potentially impeach Fulton County DA Fani Willis.


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26d5ae No.82725

File: 8c87c09a11051c5⋯.jpg (10.4 KB,180x180,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c50961a09a18247⋯.png (19.4 KB,768x576,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: b76c78023275d6f⋯.png (153.86 KB,448x319,448:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e3bdebdcbcfa55⋯.png (155.93 KB,232x300,58:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406192 (221727ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Island Plan

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>Done in 30


Cover/Title Page


Executive Summary

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Population

Chapter 2: Heritage Resources

Chapter 3: Natural Hazards

Chapter 4: Economic Development

Chapter 5: Housing

Chapter 6: Infrastructure and Public Facilities

Chapter 7: Land Use

Chapter 8: Directed Growth Plan

Directed Growth Maps

Protected Area Diagrams

Chapter 9: Monitoring & Evaluation

Chapter 10: Long Range Implementation Program, adopted 05/29/14

Works Cited, Photo Credits & Erratum


Appendix A. Glossary

Appendix B. Maui Island Plan Map Book

Appendix C. Maui Island Plan 2030 Implementation Program Schedule, adopted 05/29/14

Whole Maui Island Plan (63.6 mb)

Chapter 10: Long Range Implementation Program with Schedule, adopted 05/29/14


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26d5ae No.82726

File: d28d979fbdb62c1⋯.png (84.05 KB,1011x381,337:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406203 (221730ZAUG23) Notable: De-dollarization is irreversible - Putin/watch BRICS

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De-dollarization is irreversible – Putin

BRICS will become economically more powerful than the G7, the Russian president said in an address to the Johannesburg summit

The US dollar is losing its global role in an “objective and irreversible” process, the Russian president told participants at the BRICS Summit in South Africa on Tuesday. Vladimir Putin spoke by via videolink, after choosing not to attend the event in person.

De-dollarization is “gaining momentum” he said, adding that members of the group of major emerging economies are seeking to reduce their reliance on the greenback in mutual transactions.

The Russian leader said the five nations – Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa – are becoming the new world economic leaders, and that their cumulative share of global GDP has reached 26%.

He noted that if measured by purchasing power parity, BRICS has already surpassed the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations – accounting for 31% of the global economy, compared to 30% for the G7.

Over the past 10 years, mutual investment between the BRICS member states has increased by six times. Their total investments in the world economy have doubled, while cumulative exports account for 20% of the global total, Putin said

Moscow is focusing on re-orienting its transport and logistics routes towards “reliable foreign partners,” including BRICS members, to ensure an uninterrupted supply of energy and food to the international market.

Russia’s primary goals include developing the Northern Sea Route and the ‘North-South’ transport corridor, Putin stated. The first, passing through the Arctic Ocean, along Russia’s northern coastline, will ensure faster goods deliveries between Europe and the Far East. The second will connect Russia’s northern and Baltic ports to the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, facilitating cargo movement between Eurasian and African nations.

“We are consistently increasing fuel, food and fertilizer supplies to the states of the Global South,” and actively contributing to global food and energy security, the Russian leader said. He blamed the current international food crisis on the West’s unilateral sanctions, describing them as “unlawful.”

“Illegitimate sanctions… seriously weigh on the international economic situation,” and the “unlawful freezing of sovereign states’ assets” constitutes a violation of free trade and economic cooperation rules.


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26d5ae No.82727

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406257 (221741ZAUG23) Notable: Red Cross leaving Maui???

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What really happening in Maui?

sauce ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/XZGyWtO9EpXe/

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26d5ae No.82728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406277 (221744ZAUG23) Notable: #23832

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#23832 >>82689

>>82690, >>82696, >>82721 Hawaiian Electric Co., whose transmission lines run all across Maui, did not shut down the power in Lahaina ahead of this week’s deadly and devastating fires

>>82691 We Now Know What's Included in Trump's Bail Conditions in Georgia

>>82692 tatercompassion

>>82694 Long Jim Cramer ETF Shutters After Luring in Just $1.3 Million

>>82695 Pence on Trump/debates“One thing I realized about him is it's not over till it's over. So I'm actually still hoping he shows up.”

>>82697 LIVE: Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. MTG Breakdown the RNC Debate. LIVE from Milwaukee 8/23/23

>>82698, >>82693, >>82699 NOT listed in Pundit article or original Federalist article. "C40 cities"

>>82700, >>82703 T. Boone Pickens gave up on Wind in favor of Natural Gas in 2010. They were never gonna get a wind farm built in Hawaii.

>>82701 Government brief claims that 2026 trial "would deny the public its right to a speedy trial"

>>82702 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Pistachio Nebula

>>82704 The Afghanistan Withdrawal: What Really Happened

>>82705 Mexico Gears Up for Historic UFO Hearing Led by Top Ufologist

>>82706 Secret Service Arrests Chicago Woman for Alleged Threats to Shoot Donald and Barron Trump

>>82707 Open floodgates at Arizona border allow thousands of migrants to walk into the country

>>82708 CNN’s Honig: DOJ Repeatedly Took ‘Very Lenient’ Stance on Hunter, Only Changed After Public Pressure, Whistleblowers

>>82709 Defense Primer: Directed-Energy Weapons

>>82710 Behind the Scenes with Real Survivors:President Biden's Personal Tour of Fire- Devastation of Maui

>>82711 Social media platforms sell your data to “scrapers” to train,update AI models,largest scrapers are the government-corporate cartels

>>82712 Obama Voyagers

>>82713, >>82722 This is a.) an impeachable crime border floodgates open

>>82714 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>82715, >>82716 @MCoEFortMoore #TriviaTuesday: name that contraption! Bonus points if you can say which Soldier uses it the most.

>>82717 BRICS summit today…

>>82718 resident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will travel to New Delhi, India, from September 7-10 to attend the G20 Leaders Summit

>>82719 @gospaceforce Getting your mental health in check is a GO for launch. 🚀🧠

>>82720 Coverage Set for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Events, Broadcast, Launch 3:49 a.m. EDT Friday, Aug. 25

>>82723 Leftists 2 weeks ago: "We never forced anyone to take the vaccine" Leftists now: "We're going to have to mandate vaccines for everyone"

>>82724 calling on a special session of the Georgia legislature to investigate and potentially impeach Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

>>82725 Maui Island Plan

>>82726 De-dollarization is irreversible - Putin/watch BRICS

>>82727 Red Cross leaving Maui???

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82729

File: 7ed89116124bbc1⋯.png (362.55 KB,617x560,617:560,Clipboard.png)

File: 15e1d7f94cf3589⋯.jpg (96.46 KB,802x840,401:420,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c37b69d0911a683⋯.png (482.75 KB,800x451,800:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 234b2e12376283f⋯.png (429.66 KB,568x455,568:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 2517f2b31453b3e⋯.png (843.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406296 (221747ZAUG23) Notable: #238333

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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26d5ae No.82730

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406299 (221747ZAUG23) Notable: Stew Peters: ADL origin story - it's a branch of the Dem party, stokes religious hatred

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Stew Peters Exposes the ADL’s Pedophile Origins

Jewish pedophile Leo Frank was convicted of raping and murdering a 13-year-old white girl, but to this day, the ADL blames a black maintenance worker for the crime.

Vanguard/blackrock run Rumble is blocking this video


Stew Peters EXPOSED the Anti-Defamation League’s pro-pedophile origins in a recent segment of the Stew Peters Show, harkening back to the birth of the ADL, which was formed to defend convicted Jewish pedophile and child-killer Leo Frank while accusing those who sought justice, including the child victim’s family, of antisemitism. To this day, the ADL blames a black man for the murder, despite overwhelming evidence and a jury of his peers convicting Leo Frank.

“It’s time for a little history lesson about the Anti-Defamation League,” Peters said at the segment’s opening, before exposing the ADL’s ties to Israeli intelligence and anti-American spy rings, then dropping the hammer, reminding the American People that the far-left ADL is rooted in the defense of a murderous pedophile and the actual defamation of an innocent black man.

“The ADL’s origins go back more than 100 years. They go to an infamous murder case in Georgia,” explained Peters.

“Leo Frank was the Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta that relied on child labor,” Peters went on. “One of Frank’s workers, a 13-year-old girl named Mary Phagan was found raped and murdered in that factory.”

“Frank was put on trial, convicted ultimately and unanimously despite hiring the best legal team that money could buy, and [was] sentenced to death,” said Peters.

“But, after heavy political lobbying, Georgia’s Governor commuted Frank’s sentence to life in prison. So an outraged group of Georgia citizens calling themselves the ‘Knights of Mary Phagan’ broke into Frank’s jail, kidnapped him, and hanged him in Marietta, Georgia.”

Years later, thanks to massive political pressure from the ADL, Frank was given a symbolic pardon by Georgia’s state government, even over the objections of young Mary Phagan’s family, who, as Peters explained in the segment, “strongly believed that Frank was guilty.”

The case has received renewed interest in recent weeks, as a musical falsely proclaiming Leo Frank’s innocence once again plays on Broadway, and after the ADL marked the anniversary of Frank’s death by claiming that he was an innocent casualty of antisemitism.

“Last week, ADL leader Jonathan Greenblatt marked the anniversary of Frank’s death with a tweet, calling him the victim of an unjust conviction motivated by, of course, antisemitism,” Peters explained.

“But the ADL got something unexpected. The new Twitter or X community notes system – that’s the new post-Elon Musk system where people can add helpful, factual notes to the bottom of tweets.”

“Before Musk, the ADL practically ran Twitter’s censorship regime. Well now, censorship is at least superficially mostly gone and the fact-checking is in the hands of the people,” said Peters.

“[Leo Frank] raped and murdered a 13-year-old white girl and tried to frame the illiterate black night janitor,” the community notes attached to Greenblatt’s post read, exposing Leo Frank for the racist pedophilic murderer that he was, and exposing the ADL for the racist, pro-pedophile, pro-child killers that they are.

“His pardon, 73 years after his death, does not clear him of the accused crime and was likely politically-motivated,” the community notes went on to say, citing multiple web links.



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26d5ae No.82731

File: 0f2d6bd4414dd4f⋯.png (1.52 MB,1383x5563,1383:5563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406310 (221748ZAUG23) Notable: Scientists first in the world to regenerate diseased kidney cells

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Anons this is true if big. This will cure MANY organ failures.

Scientists first in the world to regenerate diseased kidney cells

In a preclinical study reported in Nature Communications, the team found that blocking a damaging and scar-regulating protein called interleukin-11 (IL-11) enables damaged kidney cells to regenerate, restoring impaired kidney function due to disease and acute injuries.


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26d5ae No.82732

File: b1bd274e7781eca⋯.png (354.77 KB,543x691,543:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406314 (221749ZAUG23) Notable: Liberal City's Police Chief Resigns Amid Crime Spike, Cop Shortages

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Liberal City's Police Chief Resigns Amid Crime Spike, Cop Shortages

Police Chief Joseph Chacon announced his retirement from the Austin Police Department (APD) on Monday due to the city’s surging crime and cop shortage.

“A few months ago, I began seriously considering retirement and after long conversations with my wife and family, and thoughtful prayer, I have now made the decision that the moment is right to hang it up on a 25 year career with APD,” Chacon wrote in a statement Monday shared on Twitter.

Robin Henderson, Chacon’s chief of staff, is set to fill the retiring police chief’s position after being asked by Interim City Manager Jesús Garza. He will serve until a new police chief is named following a national search expected to last several months. Whether Henderson seeks to permanently go for the job is not yet known.

The date of Chacon’s departure has yet to be announced. However, Henderson will be appointed in the first week of September. Chacon “will take on an advisory role for a short time to ensure a smooth transition.”

The 55-year-old retiring police chief expressed dissatisfaction with the APD’s 330 vacancies in an address to the community Monday. Patrol ranks have the most empty positions. The Texas Department of Public Safety partnered with the APD from March to July, per the efforts of Mayor Kirk Watson.

“Where we sit in staffing today, I’m disappointed,” Chacon said. “I want us to get back to a place where we have more Austin police officers out there.”

Chacon became Austin police Chief two years ago, during the aftermath of the BLM protests and disputes over policing in May 2020. He dealt with conflict both inside his department and among the community.

“I thank Chief Chacon for serving as our Chief of Police and doing it with professionalism,” Watson said. “The role of Chief is not an easy one. Chief Chacon approached the job with an obvious desire to support his team and to protect our community.”


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26d5ae No.82733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406328 (221752ZAUG23) Notable: 50K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Based Border Sector in 15 Days

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50K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Based Border Sector in 15 Days

Border Patrol agents in the five Texas-based sectors apprehended nearly 50,000 migrants during the first 15 days of August. This is despite the blistering temperatures endangering the lives of migrants attempting to enter the United States between ports of entry illegally.

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, Del Rio, Big Bend, and El Paso Sectors apprehended approximately 49,500 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry between August 1 and August 15, according to unofficial Border Patrol reports obtained from a law enforcement source.

During the 15-day period, the Rio Grande Valley Sector agents apprehended more migrants than any other Border Patrol sector. Agents took nearly 23,700 migrants into custody so far this month. The Tucson Sector fell to second with the apprehension of nearly 22,250 migrants.

This was followed by more than 13,000 in the Del Rio Sector and nearly 12,000 in the El Paso Sector. The Laredo and Big Bend Sectors rounded out the Texas-based sectors with approximately 1,400 and 280, respectively.

Agents in the nine southwest Border Patrol sectors apprehended more than 83,000 migrants during this period. The official report from U.S. Customs and Border Protections is expected to be released any day. Unofficial numbers indicate a major spike following the sharp drop in June apprehensions.


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26d5ae No.82734

File: 0532efa8b3d25c7⋯.png (174.67 KB,752x907,752:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d0641f379e4e2b⋯.png (90.91 KB,734x774,367:387,Clipboard.png)

File: f0099a4c8c76d80⋯.png (88.98 KB,723x730,723:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406366 (221802ZAUG23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Used Government Post To Grease Wheels At Latvian Bank Where Hunter Sought Board Seat

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Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Used Government Post To Grease Wheels At Latvian Bank Where Hunter Sought Board Seat

Hunter Biden’s business partner used the federal position he was handed during the Obama administration to court an Eastern European company whose board Hunter was eager to join, according to a batch of emails obtained by The Daily Wire through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Eric Schwerin was appointed to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad by President Barack Obama in March 2015. The Commission is a tiny federal agency that — like Hunter and Schwerin’s business — sits at the intersection of U.S. government influence in Eastern Europe and raising money from private interests.

The appointment gave Schwerin, who was managing director of Hunter’s now-dissolved firm, the ability to present himself as a U.S. official, negotiate with Eastern European countries about the preservation of Holocaust-era cemeteries, and bring money to the table to fund the preservation projects — raised from private businesses and individuals.

Schwerin attempted to get a Latvian bank acknowledged on a plaque on a Commission project, during the same month that Hunter was seeking a board seat on the company. Schwerin apparently reneged on his efforts to have the bank to fund the genocide memorial after learning that any generosity would be anonymous rather than a public relations coup for the company.

Schwerin’s appointment to the Commission came less than a year after he brought it to Hunter’s attention, according to emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop reviewed by The Daily Wire. In one September 2014 email, Schwerin sent Hunter an article about the Commission that mentioned its ability “to use its influence to leverage cooperation from foreign governments.”

After the appointment, Schwerin was able travel to Eastern Europe with a special government “Official Passport.” This could be a major perk for Schwerin, given his business with Hunter, Rosemont Seneca Partners, involved making deals in Eastern Europe based almost entirely on the pair’s political connections.

For his first official duty, Schwerin told the Commission he would raise money for the renovation of a memorial in Latvia. In April 2016, then-Commission chair Lesley Weiss wrote to the Latvian contact that Schwerin had a “relationship with Norvik Bank in Riga,” the nation’s capital. “They would contribute the funds,” Weiss stated.

The “relationship” with Norvik Bank, it turned out, was that Hunter’s fraudster business partner, Devon Archer, was a shareholder of Norvik, and Hunter wanted to be extended a lucrative board seat for himself, according to emails on Hunter’s laptop.

But after the Latvian representative explained that the language on a plaque could not be changed because of politics in Latvia, Schwerin said the donation might be contingent on the donor getting publicly credited.

“This makes it a little heavier a lift if they can’t get some recognition. While I believe all charity should be anonymous I think in this case this donor might like to be recognized,” Schwerin wrote on May 5, 2016. He later added, referring to a discussion about changes in the plaque’s language: “I always believe doing something first and not asking for permission is a good strategy in situations like this.”

(The Latvian contact Schwerin and the Commission were working with on the memorial was later revealed to be a former Soviet Union spy, according to Israel Hayom.)


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26d5ae No.82735

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406367 (221802ZAUG23) Notable: Chadwick Moore: Why The Establishment Wants To Silence Tucker Carlson

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Check Out "Tucker" Today | Learned Why The Establishment Wants To Silence This Book And Tucker Carlson



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26d5ae No.82736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406388 (221809ZAUG23) Notable: The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight “Deadly Disinformation”

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The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight What it Calls “Deadly Disinformation”

The UN is tripling down on its role as an important global player in the “fight against online misinformation” and amplification of the narrative of a supposedly serious threat this allegedly new phenomenon brings to humankind.

Thus UN peacekeepers are adding another task to the duties the member-states fund when they approve their missions meant to help people and countries devastated by war and other disasters: they are now also “building a digital army.”

And according to a writeup on the UN website, “misinformation” is viewed by the world organization in exceedingly alarmist terms as, “deadly,” and posing “existential” risk to such core building blocks of modern societies as democratic institutions and fundamental human rights.

They really do make that connection, verbatim. And they now use the term “war” and “battlefield” to describe (mis)information and other goings on in the media, too.

We’ve heard this before, of course, from the Biden administration regarding the Covid vaccines/pandemic – but the identical wording may or may not be a coincidence.

In order to justify as much as it can this considerable shift in policy and focus from UN’s traditional operations and purpose, the UN article doesn’t talk only about things like undermining epidemic(s)-containing efforts, protecting scientific truths and facts (and, as recent experience has shown, “facts” as well ), and the like.

To prop up the argument, it is claimed that the peacekeeping work itself, and the safety and lives of peacekeepers are also falling victim to “large scale misinformation.”

The UN’s solutions: effectively testing “proactive” approaches to the problem they defined, and doing this in a number of war-torn African countries.

Leading the charge seems to be the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, known as MONUSCO (a French-language acronym).

Then there’s something called the UN Verified initiative, which offers a course free of charge that is supposed to “educate” people in these physically dangerous places on how to keep themselves safe from – online “misinformation.”

This effort expands on several basic topics, including how to recognize “disinformation,” and the UN will also tell you why it is being spread.

Another one is to be able to discern emotional, dramatic, and provocative content (some might say the article from the UN site referenced here might easily qualify.)


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26d5ae No.82737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406405 (221812ZAUG23) Notable: Victor Davis Hanson: Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

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Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

Here's a list of what he should actually apologize for

By Victor Davis Hanson

August 21, 2023


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26d5ae No.82738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406408 (221813ZAUG23) Notable: Portland School district’s new ‘equitable grading’ practices won’t penalize late work or issue zeros, even for cheating

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School district’s new ‘equitable grading’ practices won’t penalize late work or issue zeros, even for cheating

A Portland, Oregon, school district recently issued new “equitable grading” practices that will require teachers to accept late work without penalty and refrain from giving students zeros, even if they are caught cheating, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

A new district handout titled “Portland Public Schools Equitable Grading Practices Summary” highlights the district’s “rationale” for implementing a so-called “equitable” approach to grading students’ class performance.

“Historical data shows that there are racial disparities in our pass/fail rate in multiple subjects in both middle grades and high school,” the district’s handout stated. “During the pandemic we adjusted our grading to accommodate for some of the inequities in access to curriculum and instruction. This caused many teachers to begin the journey towards equitable grading but has led to a mosaic of grading practices across schools and across the district that is confusing to students and families. We need to organize and consolidate our efforts towards common policies to more consistently and better support students and families with equitable grading.”

The district explained that its new grading practices would be based on Joe Feldman’s book, “Grading for Equity,” which provides a framework based on three pillars — “accurate, bias-resistant, and motivational.”

The PPS handout described the equitable grading practices as “accurate” because they are “based on calculations that are mathematically sound.” Those practices include never giving students a grade of zero. Instead, teachers are told to “provide a minimum grade greater than or equal to 50% for work that does not meet expectations, is incomplete, or is missing.” This guideline also applies to students caught cheating.

Educators are also asked to abandon a 0-100 grading scale and replace it with a 0-4 scale, which it stated is “more mathematically accurate.” Students’ grades will be weighted against their most recent performance instead of assessed over the entire semester.

To combat educators’ “implicit bias,” homework will not be graded. Teachers cannot penalize late work or provide extra credit. Students will be allowed the opportunity to retake tests and redo assignments. “Non-academic factors,” including attendance, performance, effort, attitude, and behavior, will also not be included in students’ grades.

The new guidelines are expected to be implemented districtwide by 2025.

Parents Defending Education’s outreach director Erika Sanzi told the Washington Free Beacon that the district’s framework would harm students.

“These equitable grading policies, however well intended, are a disaster for the students who struggle most and for the students who need accelerated coursework,” Sanzi said.


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26d5ae No.82739

File: 411412906007f54⋯.png (563.37 KB,676x810,338:405,Clipboard.png)

File: 49903741af7f5e1⋯.png (443.11 KB,662x819,662:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406430 (221818ZAUG23) Notable: International Elites Rush to Embrace Clinton Global Initiative

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International Elites Rush to Embrace Clinton Global Initiative

World Bank President Ajay Banga and the Bahamas’ Prime Minister Philip E. Davis will be there. So too Hollywood stars Jose Andres, Orlando Bloom, and Matt Damon. Those are just some of the people who have put their hands up to attend the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2023 next month in New York City.

All the Clinton family will be on hand to personally meet them, too, along with major corporations including Cisco, JetBlue and Pfizer, who will help with charitable funding.

Former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton announced Monday the conference this year would seek even more commitments to “address climate change, health care issues, gender-based violence, the war in Ukraine and a host of other issues.”

A subset of the Clinton Foundation, the CGI “convenes global and emerging leaders to create and implement solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges,” according to its website.

The annual call for financial contributions follows a long and controversial tradition with the CGI, an organisation which infamously had its genesis on a celebrity-laden private plane flight to Davos and subsequent assertions of charitable efforts around the globe.

The CGI ended in 2016 as Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign.

The year before, donations plummeted by 37 percent amid allegations Clinton used the charity to solicit millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments and corporations in exchange for giving these entities favorable treatment while she served as Secretary of State.

Breitbart News and its senior contributor Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash first revealed the worldwide nexus of shady deal-making between Clinton Foundation donors, their impact and link to the CGI, the six-figure speeches given by Bill Clinton, and the corresponding actions approved by the U.S. State Department while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.


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26d5ae No.82740

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406433 (221818ZAUG23) Notable: Another video showing cars trying to exit Lahaina fire zone; anon comment

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"We're All Trapped In Here, They're Blocking Off All Exits"

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26d5ae No.82741

File: f88c7be554f199e⋯.png (193.06 KB,390x463,390:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406434 (221818ZAUG23) Notable: Why did all the Maui celebs paint their roofs blue?

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could only find these 2 things on the blue celebrity roofs, (rooves? kitty?)


wants me to join some special club to open article so link above

only pic sauce:


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26d5ae No.82742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406448 (221820ZAUG23) Notable: HHS announces $1.5 billion in awards to partners to develop 'next generation COVID-19 vaccines'

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HHS announces $1.5 billion in awards to partners to develop 'next generation COVID-19 vaccines'

HHS officials: COVID cases are spiking, which is expected to continue heading into the fall and emerging variants are being monitored

The Health and Human Services Department and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority on Tuesday announced a $1.5 billion initiative through Project NextGen for its partners to develop the "next generation" of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.

Several new COVID-19 variants have emerged and HHS officials said the department is closely monitoring the situation as the vaccines are developed.

According to HHS, COVID cases are spiking, which is expected to continue heading into the fall.

HHS and BARDA officials expect to announce more grants for COVID vaccine development in the future.


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26d5ae No.82743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406458 (221821ZAUG23) Notable: Former Thai prime minister goes to jail same day parliament elects his ally as leader

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Former Thai prime minister goes to jail same day parliament elects his ally as leader

The former prime minister was brought to prison to serve an eight year sentence for conflicts of interest and abuse of power.

The parliament of Thailand on Tuesday ended months of deadlock by electing Srettha Thavisin as prime minister, which came on the same day that his political ally, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra returned from a self-imposed exile and was sent to jail.

The populist Pheu Thai Party backed Srettha, a 60-year-old real estate tycoon, for the position, and he received 482 votes out of 747 possible in the country's bicameral parliament, according to CNN.

King Maha Vajirilongkorn still needs to endorse Srettha before he can officially assume the position of prime minister.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai founder Thaksin returned to the country Tuesday following more than 15 years of self-imposed exile.

Thaksin, a 74-year-old former telecoms tycoon who owned Manchester City Football Club, was prime minister from 2001 until 2006 when he was ousted in a coup as he attended a United Nations meeting in New York.

The former prime minister was taken into police custody in Bangkok, and he was brought to prison to serve an eight year sentence for conflicts of interest and abuse of power, according to Reuters.


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26d5ae No.82744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406459 (221821ZAUG23) Notable: 2:30 PM EDT Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder presser

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2:30 PM EDT

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon.

Department of Defense




Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


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26d5ae No.82745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406466 (221823ZAUG23) Notable: Poso: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger. [TWEET GONE]

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BREAING: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger.

We are seeing the mass sacrifice children in the name of false god and false idols. The God of the Bible WILL RETURN


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26d5ae No.82746

File: 6ebfd18eb90389b⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406495 (221828ZAUG23) Notable: Poso: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger. [TWEET GONE]

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Fuck it I should have just signed up instead of bitching.

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26d5ae No.82747

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406498 (221829ZAUG23) Notable: New Memos Undercut Biden-Ukraine Narrative Democrats Sold During 2019 Impeachment Scandal - Warroom vid

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New Memos Undercut Biden-Ukraine Narrative Democrats Sold During 2019 Impeachment Scandal



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26d5ae No.82748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406501 (221829ZAUG23) Notable: The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight “Deadly Disinformation”

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UN has been working with other globalist organizations to "combat disinformation" for years. They are talking about Africa how. Pretty sure Africa is NOT the primary target.


The “information warriors” employed by the WEF pose as regular users of the platform, but their real goal is to disrupt proceedings and subtly plant the seeds of support for the ideology espoused by Klaus Schwab’s WEF. The “information warriors” are focusing their attention on conspiracy forums and the comment sections of YouTube videos.

Announcing the news on a WEF podcast,UN communications director Melissa Flemingsaid “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”


“We own the Science and We think the World should know it” -

UN & WEF admit they CENSOR Search Results & pay Big Tech & Influencers to shape Public Opinion on Climate Change & COVID-19


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26d5ae No.82749

File: 181d8bc773bff2c⋯.png (332.01 KB,296x526,148:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406525 (221835ZAUG23) Notable: US Army: You are the only thing in life you can control. Work on yourself!

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You are the only thing in life you can control. Work on yourself! 😤

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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26d5ae No.82750

File: 937dbe32b006bde⋯.png (1.39 MB,1170x1770,39:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406526 (221835ZAUG23) Notable: Poso: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger. [TWEET GONE]

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>Jack’s edit

BREAKING: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger

We are seeing the mass sacrifice children in the name of false god and false idols

The God of the Bible WILL RETURN and He is NOT tolerant

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26d5ae No.82751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406537 (221837ZAUG23) Notable: Poso: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger. [TWEET GONE]

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He spelled breaking wrong and either deleted it or edited


BREAKING: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger

We are seeing the mass sacrifice children in the name of false god and false idols

The God of the Bible WILL RETURN and He is NOT tolerant


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26d5ae No.82752

File: 996a5ca40d7a89f⋯.png (169.77 KB,764x692,191:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406546 (221838ZAUG23) Notable: Former Puerto Rico Mayor Sentenced for Accepting Bribes

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Former Puerto Rico Mayor Sentenced for Accepting Bribes

The former mayor of the municipality of Humacao, Puerto Rico, was sentenced today to three years and one month in prison for his involvement in a bribery scheme in which he received cash payments for awarding municipal contracts to two companies.


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26d5ae No.82753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406555 (221839ZAUG23) Notable: Another video showing cars trying to exit Lahaina fire zone; anon comment

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sauce ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/i5e5uhORJMyC/

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26d5ae No.82754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406577 (221845ZAUG23) Notable: Another video showing cars trying to exit Lahaina fire zone; anon comment

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True, or not, Stories about a fire have been noticed by people all over the world.

Stopping traffic

Alarms switched off

Throttled water

People burned to death in their homes

Lots of missing children

Gov response is blatantly absurd.

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26d5ae No.82755

File: ac122e09ee1b86e⋯.png (3.38 MB,1948x2371,1948:2371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406584 (221846ZAUG23) Notable: Lynn Corey: School program where children are just QR codes wo/self identity who can earn digital currency for modifying behavior & beliefs

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Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs

This is a grooming process to condition children.

At its core it's about becoming the QR code & removing self identity, doing as told without question to fit in and earn $ (obedience training), getting used to digital currency, and modifying behavior and beliefs.

Lisa Logan·6h

The school plans to assign students QR codes and use those to track behavior with a reward/punishment system that gives them digital “currency.”

Sound like a social credit system to you?

Just say NO.

I WILL NOT be allowing my child to participate in this.

2:44 PM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82756

File: 815a072bdf7780d⋯.png (230.82 KB,1024x842,512:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e67c6fc5221f5e⋯.png (220.77 KB,836x916,209:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 67bcfc899362cc6⋯.png (69.17 KB,832x291,832:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406585 (221846ZAUG23) Notable: Look How Google Shoos You Away From The Biden Family Biz And Other Big News

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Look How Google Shoos You Away From The Biden Family Biz And Other Big News

While fact-checking a Federalist article early Monday morning, I did a quick Google search for “hunter biden joe biden ‘an absolute wall.’”

It’s the language now-President Joe Biden used during the 2020 campaign to allege a separation between his vice-presidential duties and his son’s overseas work for the family business. It’s back in the news after the House Oversight Committee on Thursday asked the National Archives and Records Administration for unredacted communications containing three of Joe Biden’s vice presidential pseudonyms: Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware.

Google, however, apparently didn’t want me to find too much information — at least not from certain sources.

“It looks like the results below are changing quickly. If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information,” Google alerted me, prompting me to make sure the source is “trusted on this topic” and maybe just to “come back later.”

Here’s the thing: This isn’t a new topic; it’s four years old. It was all the way back in August 2019 that Biden was making the “absolute wall” pledge, according to contemporaneous articles from regime-approved media such as Politico. More than “a few hours or days” have passed.

So why did Google want me to come back later? Perhaps because in 2023, Biden’s “absolute wall” resembles the one on our southern border or surrounding the biblical Jericho: at best easily penetrable and at worst completely tumbled down.

Now that his campaign promise has been exposed as utter horse pucky — just check the receipts, whistleblower testimony, texts from Hunter Biden, assertions from former Biden family business partners, “highly credible” FBI source evidence, and more — the only journalists covering it, consistently and without burying the lede, are outside of Big Tech-boosted leftist media.

Yet those excellent reporters aren’t the types tech giants consider “reliable” or “trustworthy,” due entirely to their political leanings. Those labels are reserved for the media laundering juicy disinformation straight from the “Big Guy’s” DOJ and Hunter’s lawyers.

If the 2024 election cycle is anything like the last one, this is exactly the kind of foul play we now expect from Big Tech. Recall some of the many ways tech oligarchs interfered in the 2020 election. Remember when Google allegedly disproportionately sent 2020 GOP campaign emails to spam folders?

Perhaps worst of all, social media giants colluded with the FBI to make sure the fewest possible people could see or share the bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s laptop (which the FBI knew was authentic). That true story implicated then-candidate Joe Biden in a pay-to-play scheme.


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26d5ae No.82757

File: c05d9e612e5df10⋯.png (821.18 KB,712x980,178:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406619 (221853ZAUG23) Notable: The Battle to Ban TikTok and the Man at the Center of It

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WSJ Aug. 20, 2023

The Battle to Ban TikTok and the Man at the Center of It

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen helped start a case that he thinks could make its way to the Supreme Court


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26d5ae No.82758

File: 18ec85c024e4623⋯.png (299.56 KB,993x920,993:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406647 (221857ZAUG23) Notable: Utah Fugitive and Alleged Drug Trafficking Ringleader Among 28 Defendants Charged in Major Multi-Agency Operation

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Utah Fugitive and Alleged Drug Trafficking Ringleader Among 28 Defendants Charged in Major Multi-Agency Operation


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26d5ae No.82759

File: 97fc8695d9cb835⋯.png (132.81 KB,673x966,673:966,Clipboard.png)

File: 9db7515556c406f⋯.pdf (355.38 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406671 (221901ZAUG23) Notable: The Battle to Ban TikTok and the Man at the Center of It

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Montana AG's filing in response to TikTok's case


Montana’s law goes into effect on January 1, 2024. The law imposes a $10,000 fine on TikTok, Google and Apple for each day they make TikTok available to Montanans.

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26d5ae No.82760

File: 926db27bfc71ed3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1321x916,1321:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406682 (221903ZAUG23) Notable: The Battle to Ban TikTok and the Man at the Center of It

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Published: August 22, 2023


Here's my prediction: the liberal federal judges here in Montana will rule on behalf of TikTok and the Communist Chinese.

That's right, the same liberal judges that will shoot down Montana coal miners will stand up for the Communist Chinese. You watch. Then watch as this case potentially goes all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

The Wall Street Journal just published a profile on Montana's rock star Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R-MT): The Battle to Ban TikTok and the Man at the Center of It


>Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen helped start a case that he thinks could make its way to the Supreme Court

In the piece, AG Knudsen credits the China Spy Balloon fiasco with forcing state lawmakers to act.

WSJ: “The Chinese Communist Party did us a hell of a favor, that balloon floating all the way across Montana,” said Knudsen, a Republican. “That absolutely galvanized some legislators.”

On Monday the State of Montana, through its Attorney General Austin Knudsen, called on a federal judge today to keep Montana’s law banning TikTok in the state in effect while the case proceeds in federal court. According to the AG's office,"well-documented concerns over the app’s massive data-harvesting practices and access to that data granted to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials" is a major reason for why the state ban needs to be upheld.

AG Knudsen: The federal government, other states, and other countries have recognized the dangers of TikTok because it is under the thumb of Chinese Communist Party officials, but the State of Montana is the first state to take action and protect its citizens’ privacy. Our legislators and Governor Gianforte did the right thing in prohibiting TikTok from operating in Montana as long as it is under the control of a foreign adversary. My office looks forward to vigorously defending the law as this case proceeds.

Click here >>82759 to read the entire brief submitted by the State of Montana.


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26d5ae No.82761

File: 576d7986f85f3b8⋯.png (459.68 KB,790x854,395:427,Clipboard.png)

File: c92970ab3761c10⋯.png (445.65 KB,795x823,795:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 10e2064bd56aa80⋯.png (155.99 KB,797x777,797:777,Clipboard.png)

File: e9c59dff2c4b9b5⋯.png (114.17 KB,774x489,258:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406716 (221910ZAUG23) Notable: Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

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Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front.

Defending Democracy Together, a neoconservative outfit led by career chickenhawk scribe Bill Kristol, has launched a new initiative called “Republicans for Ukraine” to transform the 2024 presidential election into a referendum on US funding for the NATO proxy war.

Urging Republicans in Congress to support more funding for Ukraine in the upcoming appropriations bill is also a key item on the agenda.

Kristol had defined himself as a leader of the Republican Party’s neoconservative faction, bashing isolationist and antiwar GOP figures on the pages of his now-defunct Weekly Standard magazine while laying the intellectual groundwork for the invasion of Iraq through his Project for a New American Century.

By fashioning his Defending Democracy Together as a bastion of Never Trumpism, Kristol was able to ingratiate himself with elite Democrats eager for Republican allies in their messianic battle against the Bad Orange Man. His anti-Trump efforts ultimately earned him a cringeworthy MSNBC tribute celebrating the unrepentant neocon as “Woke Bill Kristol.”

Now, as the Ukrainian counteroffensive fails and a majority of Americans declare opposition for the first time to sending more military aid to Ukraine, Kristol is launching a multimillion dollar ad blitz to keep the tanks slogging through the Donbas mud and the dark money flowing into his bank accounts.

“Ukrainian troops fought alongside Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they are fighting to defend their democracy,” Kristol’s campaign announces on its website. “Most importantly, American military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine has helped them weaken Russia.”

His initiative has therefore invoked the military debacles that turned the GOP base firmly against neoconservatism and into the arms of Trump, presenting Ukraine’s participation in these forever wars as justification for a new one.

And as we will see, Kristol’s supposedly Republican operation has been funded by a top Democratic Party donor with close ties to US intelligence.

Pro-war ads for a GOP base turning firmly against NATO’s proxy war

To generate viral content for its $2 million “Republicans for Ukraine” campaign, Defending Democracy Together gathered testimony from 50 GOP voters, drawing from a base of mostly white collar baby boomers alienated by the non-interventionist direction of the party base.

In each testimonial, the interviewees spouted boilerplate talking points on “defending democracy” and opposing authoritarianism that could have just as easily been produced by senior fellows at any arms industry funded think tank on DC’s K Street.


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26d5ae No.82762

File: bdcc7011c952bdf⋯.png (142.4 KB,577x482,577:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 70ab79e54e58443⋯.png (68.68 KB,616x775,616:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 57d8484a4550ef2⋯.png (26.05 KB,631x268,631:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406732 (221913ZAUG23) Notable: New York Times op-ed pushes claim that 'elections are bad for democracy'

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New York Times op-ed pushes claim that 'elections are bad for democracy'

The New York Times published an essay Monday suggesting that American democracy would be better off if voters were spared from the daunting task of using their free will and God-given rights to select the candidate of their choosing.

Instead, Adam Grant, a so-called organizational psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, suggested that the fundamental choice characterizing the demos' "-cracy" in the American constitutional republic should be thrown out.

While the paper has since changed the title of its essay from "Elections Are Bad for Democracy" to "The Worst People Run for Office. It's Time for a Better Way," Grant's solution to the apparent problem of American kakistocracy remains the same: bar voters from electing personalities that may prove distasteful to progressive elites at the Wharton School and other Times readers.

"If we want public office to have integrity, we might be better off eliminating elections altogether," wrote Grant, undoubtedly cognizant that former President Donald Trump — facing charges for allegedly threatening to disenfranchise voters — and President Joe Biden are now neck-and-neck in the polls.

Integrity for the organizational psychologist apparently means swapping out America's 247-year-old system for Powerball.

Rather than allowing the electorate to winnow the field of candidates down to a handful from which they could then select a leader, Grant suggested that "democracy" would be better served if candidates were selected by way of randomized lottery.

A lottery, according to Grant, might not only help short, meek, and conventionally unsuitable candidates obtain power, but also help with the alleged problem of persons with "what psychologists call the dark triad of personality traits" getting elected.

The dark triad comprises "narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychology."

Grant presumes these traits are necessarily distasteful, claiming that if "the dark triad wins an election, we all lose."

Grant provided some examples of apparent dark triad figures, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, popular among his own people. However, Grant also included the popular Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as an example, indicating that his supposed antipathy for kakistocracy may actually be a revulsion for democratic results unfavorable to the liberal order.

Since publicly demanding that Soviet troops leave Hungary in 1989, Orbán has been a popular pro-Christian politician, despised by liberal elites for having sought to protect his nation from LGBT activists' cultural imperialism, internationalizing efforts by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and unchecked immigration.

"Eliminate voting, and candidates" such as Orbán or perhaps his repeatedly elected American analogues (e.g., Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis) "would be less likely than they are now to rise to the top," suggested Grant.


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26d5ae No.82763

File: da539e4f2c2d288⋯.png (781.19 KB,1171x530,1171:530,Clipboard.png)

File: 461641550212949⋯.png (38.92 KB,984x281,984:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406790 (221923ZAUG23) Notable: Building a digital army: UN peacekeepers fight deadly disinformation

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Building a digital army: UN peacekeepers fight deadly disinformation

With smartphones, editing apps, and innovative approaches, some UN peacekeeping operations across the world are building a “digital army” aimed at combating mis- and disinformation on social media networks and beyond.

Designing ways to fight back against falsehoods that can trigger tensions, violence, or even death, the UN has been monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can attack health, security, stability as well as progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“It has become clear that business as usual is not an option,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a policy brief launched in June on information integrity on digital platforms.

“The ability to disseminate large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts poses an existential risk to humanity and endangers democratic institutions and fundamental human rights,” he wrote in the brief.

Disinformation can be dangerous in other ways. Several UN missions have reported social media campaigns in recent years targeting their peacekeeping work.

In 2019, the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), known by its French acronym MONUSCO, raised grave concerns about social media disinformation campaigns calling for violence against peacekeepers during an Ebola epidemic and following a deadly attack by an armed group in the restive eastern region.

By 2022, the Security Council had adjusted the mandates of its four largest peacekeeping operations – DRC, Central African Republic (CAR), Mali, and South Sudan – and added the task of preventing disinformation campaigns aimed at undermining a mission’s credibility

“This is a war that is going on through social media, the radio, and traditional news outlets,” said Bintou Keita, who heads MONUSCO. Fighting deadly disinformation has been a “painful curve” to learn of this new battlefield, but the mission has now become proactive on social and other media platforms, to help stop its spread, she added.

To fight back against disinformation, UN peacekeepers are putting new tools into the hands of civilians of all ages, including 15-year-old Blessing Kasasi in DRC.

An activist advocating for the rights of women and children, Ms. Kasasi readily joined a workshop in the capital city of Kinshasa, with 30 young people who learned about detecting “fake news” and countering it with the most effective weapon: the truth.

Guillaume Kingh-Farel, one of the workshop trainers, said disinformation is “used as a weapon of war to undermine MONUSCO’s peace efforts in the DRC”.

As such, the MONUSCO-supported workshop to train “a digital army capable of detecting false information” by producing content with the help of a smartphone and editing software and simultaneously spreading objective, credible information through “relay clubs” that disseminate these messages through their networks.

“From a smartphone, I will produce videos to echo good information,” Ms. Kasasi said after the workshop.

For UN peace operations, some communities they engage are welcoming the new approaches this summer.

In Mali, where a transitional Government has been in power since a coup in 2021, the UN mission, MINUSMA, hosted the first of its kind blogger festival, attracting nearly 400 participants in Mopti in early June.

“With the advance of technology, digital media is increasingly being used to spread misinformation,” said a popular local blogger who attended the event. “A festival to combat misinformation is an innovative approach to overcome this challenge, a useful means for deconstructing hate speech and fake news.”

By the end of June, at the Malian Government’s request, the UN Security Council terminated the mission, which is slated for a complete withdrawal from the country by 1 January 2024.

Other efforts are unfolding elsewhere. In early August, in Abyei, a contested zone straddling Sudan and South Sudan, the UN mission there, UNISFA, launched Voice of Peace, an internet radio station aimed at countering hate speech, and fake news.

Meanwhile, in DR Congo, MONUSCO’s initiatives continue to reach communities plagued by disinformation-triggered tensions. This includes recruiting digital experts, building multimedia products, and reaching out to communities, especially social media savvy youth, mission chief Ms. Keita said.

With these tools, she said MONUSCO has been trying to “beef up our capacity to monitor and to be present on digital platforms in such a way that we are not going to always be in a reactive mode, but in an anticipatory mode”.

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26d5ae No.82764

File: 5e498fd5c9d63c2⋯.png (472.47 KB,794x640,397:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406865 (221935ZAUG23) Notable: Carver Federal Savings CEO leaving to run nonprofit

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nothing to see here

Carver Federal Savings CEO leaving to run nonprofit


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26d5ae No.82765

File: f23507a78f38563⋯.png (1.51 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406875 (221937ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Three, count 'em three! USAF Hurricane Hunters up out of Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi. Call sings TEAL84, 85, and 86.

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26d5ae No.82766

File: 11ff83d210ec07a⋯.png (1.28 MB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d738f76f5aa256⋯.png (305.23 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406927 (221949ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Now this is a bit strange. NOAA Hurricane Hunter "Miss Piggy" last seen on ADS-B Exchange 20 hours ago. PF supposes she landed somewhere out there in the Caribbean. Landed somewhere friendly. But where. She did land, right? Why does USAF have three Hurricane Hunters headed that direction? It is unusual. Please tell PF that Miss Piggy is not actually missing, Ok Flight radar has her landed in Aruba. Was starting to worry there for minute.


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26d5ae No.82767

File: 5d855233fa8bde6⋯.png (645.88 KB,748x602,374:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406952 (221954ZAUG23) Notable: Leftist infiltrator John Sullivan, known as “Jayden X,” was part of a coordinated operation which included Ray Epps to create chaos at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2020

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Last Updated on August 22, 2023

Leftist infiltrator John Sullivan, known as “Jayden X,” was part of a coordinated operation which included Ray Epps to create chaos at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2020, Jayden X’s brother James Sullivan told NATIONAL FILE in an exclusive interview.

Jayden X’s brother told NATIONAL FILE that Jayden X helped plan the January 6 chaos on “Antifa Discord servers,” that Jayden X previously worked with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to target his enemies, and that Jayden X was a member of Antifa groups that started riots elsewhere during social justice protests.


The Biden Department of Justice is working to convict Trump-backing protestors who were ensnared by what has been shown to be a federally involved Reichstag-style pretext to grab power in D.C. and nationally.

Jayden X helped plan the January 6 “insurrection” on “Antifa Discord servers,” according to his brother.

Jayden X met up with controversial figure and suspected agent provocateur Ray Epps prior to the action at the Capitol, according to Jayden X’s brother.

Leftists plotted in private messages to distribute Trump hats to fellow leftists to falsely smear Trump supporters as being violent.

Ray Epps ‘Showed [Sullivan] the ropes’ on how to entrap Trump-backing patriots.

James Sullivan claims that his brother John Sullivan pushed Ashli Babbitt through the window, setting the stage for her demise at the hands of officer Byrd.

The Creative Artists Agency, a well-known Deep State cut-out, was involved with both Sullivan brothers by way of ‘photojournalist’ Jade Sacker.

Jayden X is seen on camera passing out long metal rods to different protestors encouraging them to go and break into the Capitol building.


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26d5ae No.82768

File: 1bf4920840a7bf9⋯.png (5.78 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19406999 (222005ZAUG23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch lands buyer after 2 years on market

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Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch lands buyer after 2 years on market

After more than two years on the market and several price cuts, Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime New Mexico ranch — where some of his most ghastly allegations of sexual abuse occurred — has found a buyer, The Post has learned.

“We confirm sale by the Epstein Estate of the New Mexico property known as ‘Zorro Ranch,’ with the proceeds to be used for Estate administration, including payment of creditors,” Daniel Weiner, an attorney representing Epstein’s estate, told The Post. “While details of that sale (including the purchase price and buyer) are confidential, the Estate will disclose the sale in its next quarterly accounting to be filed in the St. Thomas, USVI probate court.”

Although property records have not yet been processed with information of the new owner and price paid, the large property was last listed for sale at $18 million.

The latest asking price is a far cry from its initial ask of $27.5 million back in July of 2021.

Last month, the property entered contract.

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26d5ae No.82769

File: 95bafb0ba8d4dd3⋯.png (1.53 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 29a433bb549a8cc⋯.png (144.65 KB,239x300,239:300,Clipboard.png)

File: bd540748eea2110⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2820x1850,282:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407013 (222006ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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USN E-6B Mercury X 3. Call signs ACANA07, IRON99, and DIZZY30.

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26d5ae No.82770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407045 (222013ZAUG23) Notable: Biden administration on Tuesday announced the first funding awards from its $5 billion project aimed at developing the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments

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The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the first funding awards from its $5 billion project aimed at developing the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

Why it matters: The project is intended to support vaccines that are longer lasting and more protective against a mutating virus, as well as better options like more effective monoclonal antibodies, after some were sidelined by the emergence of new variants.


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26d5ae No.82771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407063 (222016ZAUG23) Notable: Not accident: false thug narratives have long been used to discredit

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cont: 2020 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-accident-false-thug-narratives-have-long-been-used-discredit-n124050 (videos in article)


As the civil rights movement gained momentum in the mid-20th century, there was a reflexive impulse from those opponents of the movement in the West Wing to the FBI to often refer to civil rights activists as “subversives,” a label that often implied violent intent and designs, noted Brett Gadsden, professor of political history at Northwestern University.

He added that the charge of ‘subversive,’ leveled by officials who opposed concerted challenges to racial inequalities and inequities, also served to cast activists’ demands as outside the mainstream current of reputable politics and diminish their claims to rights owed to citizens of the republic.

“Civil rights activists were demanding the recognition of their rights as citizens of the republic and the core of their movement looked toward the 14th and 15th Amendments as milestones.”

One of the most glaring examples was in 1963 during the Birmingham protests against the Jim Crow laws that had long legalized racial segregation, he said. When protesters mounted nonviolent direct action campaigns challenging unjust laws, authorities often cited the violence that resulted in property damage as examples of militant rage as a way to purposefully diminish and distract the nation from the original claims of protesters.

“I think we see variations of that going on in American cities today. The Trump administration cites the kinds of late-night violence and destruction of private property as a way of purposely distracting from the original complaints about rioters, which is abuses of power by police.”

Protesters asking for justice for a man who died as a result of a police officer putting his knee on his neck for almost 8 minutes, have been cast as some kind of threat to the social fabric of society, he added.

The Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s faced similar discrediting. Their demands for equity and equality were portrayed as threatening and dangerous, said Todd Shaw, a professor of political science and African American Studies at the University of South Carolina.

Shaw said that that perceived threat then became the basis of an aggressive “law and order” response by President Richard Nixon.

That tactic intentionally projected aspects of the civil rights movement, the Black power movement and the racial unrest that emerged around questions of police brutality as violent, he said. Nixon seized upon that narrative telling white suburban women, for example, they would have to remain in his camp for protection, otherwise the violence would seep into their neighborhood, Shaw added.

Nixon homed in on violence and crime implicitly and explicitly linking both to race during his campaign and as president. On one occasion in 1972, after reviewing one of his campaign television ads on crime, he remarked that it “hits it right on the nose. It’s all about law and order and the damn Negro-Puerto Rican groups out there.”

Nixon's appeal to law and order and protection has had echoes this summer.

“I am your President of law and order, and an ally of all peaceful protesters,” Trump said in a speech given at the White House in June. “We are ending the riots and lawlessness that has spread throughout our country.".


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26d5ae No.82772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407065 (222017ZAUG23) Notable: Not accident: false thug narratives have long been used to discredit

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cont: 2020 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-accident-false-thug-narratives-have-long-been-used-discredit-n124050 (videos in article)


While civil rights protesters have been characterized as violent in the past, “thug” has become the modern racialized iteration to describe these individuals today.

The term originated in India to describe gangs of thieves who swindled and lied and was eventually co-opted in the West over the last century with the same criminalized connotation through books, music and movies.

“‘Thug’ is a coded and racialized term that people use instead of Black or brown. These labels and monikers have particular layers and certain things already embedded in them, so when people hear that they know who it means,” Melancon of Rhodes College said.

Melancon said these words paint protesters not as peaceful demonstrators, law-abiding people or patriots who are exercising their first amendment rights, but as an enemy of the state.

“None of this is new or novel, you see particular iterations of this over time,” she said. “It's not history repeating itself, but more moving along a similar kind of continuum.”

But the term has not been linked to Trump or the right wing alone, it was also used by President Barack Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in 2015 to describe those participating in riots after the death of Freddie Gray in police custody.

Both faced significant backlash for carelessly using the loaded and racialized term that many feel is akin to the worst racial slurs, John McWhorter, associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, said in an interview with NPR.


During a conference call last week, Attorney General William Barr advised federal prosecutors across the country to consider bringing several aggressive federal charges against people arrested at protests, including the highly unusual charge of sedition, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Sedition charges can carry up to 20 years in prison and are brought against those who plot to overthrow the government.

“This is not innocuous and it's not by accident. It's deliberate and strategic and used to undermine the very movement for racial justice and civil rights by creating a particular narrative of resistance, disturbance and even criminality,” Melancon explained. “No one feels comfortable siding with violence, so when people hear this, even well-intentioned people, this creates a particular type of fear and hysteria.”

And using the term “thug” is part of the tactic, she added

Part of the narrative of violence is written with optics and playing up a threat, Shaw of the University of South Carolina added. If you say there is a threat, then you have to back it up, he said.

Many times, the rhetoric around threats creates a disproportionate force in action.

That means, despite the fact that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement have been overwhelmingly peaceful, “more than 9 percent or nearly 1 in 10 — have been met with government intervention, compared to 3 percent of all other demonstrations,” the report by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project said. “Authorities have used force — such as firing less lethal weapons like tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray or beating demonstrators with batons — in over 54 percent of the demonstrations in which they have engaged. This too is a significant increase relative to one year ago.”

“Of course, there are some law enforcement concerns given some degree of violence, but there are ways by now that American policing and law enforcement are aware of what inflames violence and protests and what ratchets it down.”

“We see the deployment of the military when it's a war zone,” Melancon said. “When you see them with demonstrators, we automatically think they are the ones participating in un-American acts.

The narrative is also employed to detract support and sympathy, she explained.

“Early on, people are sympathetic because they see images of people being shot in the streets with impunity. So, initially, they are empathic, and then what has to happen is that you have to change that narrative. You encounter it by showing that they are not innocent and they are not demonstrators,” she said.

People say, “Well, that’s what the consequence is if they weren't acting peacefully, therefore, they were met with these consequences,” she said.


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26d5ae No.82773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407066 (222017ZAUG23) Notable: Remdesivir Stopped Kidney Function in COVID Patients — So Why Did FDA Approve It for Kidney Patients?

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Remdesivir Stopped Kidney Function in COVID Patients — So Why Did FDA Approve It for Kidney Patients?

This is from 8/9/23.

Quote from a person whose spouse died :

'"“They’re going to use this decision as a way to clean house of renal patients and people on dialysis. It’s saving a ton of money for Medicare over the next twenty years.”'

"Another way to circumvent the PREP Act may be to get malpractice insurance carriers to not insure hospitals and doctors for the use of this protocol and lethal drugs like remdesivir.

Jamie said prosecutors could then hold them accountable for intentionally killing people, knowing that these drugs do not help; they only harm."

Mirror the PREP in PREP Act. You get PERP. Yes, it was really the PERP Act: It got "healthcare providers" to commit murder for profit.

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26d5ae No.82774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407069 (222017ZAUG23) Notable: Not accident: false thug narratives have long been used to discredit

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cont: 2020 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-accident-false-thug-narratives-have-long-been-used-discredit-n124050 (videos in article)


Experts like Gadsden noted that when there is violence, it is important to distinguish those episodes from protests organized as purposefully nonviolent direct action campaigns.

Distinguishing between the acts is both crucial and something that civil rights leaders in the past, like Martin Luther King Jr., tried to maintain, he said. These leaders made special efforts to ensure discipline among the ranks of marchers in places like Birmingham to prevent rioting and destruction of public property that would diminish their claims in the public sphere.

Several Black Lives Matter chapters have condemned violence taken place during protests.

T. Sheri Dickerson, leader of the Oklahoma City chapter of Black Lives Matter, condemned violence that occurred in the aftermath of a protest in June, and stressed that the movement encourages peaceful protests. “I never disparage my community members for choosing however they decide they want to express themselves, however, this was not something that was promoted by us. It certainly was not condoned by the Black Lives Matter-OKC chapter.”

In response to mass looting in Chicago last month, Amika Tendaji, executive director of the groups Chicago chapter said, “organizationally, we certainly don’t have anything to do with — or condone — illegal activity that, you know, really frightens and, quite frankly, pisses off a lot of Black folks.”

This isn’t new. After a lone attacker ambushed Dallas police officers at the end of a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in 2016, organizers said "Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it.”

When people see direct action campaigns like those protesting in the streets, opponents of reform cite any incident of “illegal behavior” as part and parcel of that main movement itself and those expressions of violence get cited at the expense of the very legitimate claims of the original movements themselves, Gadsden said. He noted that when some protesters have resorted to violence, it is essential to never lose sight of the persistent institutional racism that serves as the structural foundations of popular discontent.

There is also a level of “infiltration” within these movements, Melancon said. You have well-intentioned protesters who are not participating in violence and then you have outside agitators whose very specific role is to make it as though those demonstrators are looting and burning.

Since May, Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project has recorded more than 100 events in which nonstate actors actively engaged in demonstrations, including counterdemonstrations. The vast majority of those counters were in response to demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, the report stated.


There is a notable difference between Black Lives Matter as a movement and the civil rights movement that preceded it: leadership. In 2020, there is no central leadership. In the past, notable leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. were characterized as radical at times in order to put their following in a bad light.

Further, this particular movement has also garnered a massive multiracial and multicultural coalition. Many Americans have also demonstrated sympathy to the central organization tenets that Black lives matter and are critical of these extraordinary forms of policing. That doesn’t mean Black Lives Matter is immune from those opposing the movement, including the president, from using violence as a narrative and thug as an adjective. Undoubtedly, the "thug" narrative will continue to be ramped up as the election draws near, experts said.

“A creation of these narratives is really central to our understanding of social protest movements and the government's reaction to them,” Gadsden said. “That is the case whether it is civil rights, suffrage, environmental justice, that there are always forces of opposition trying to create counternarratives that purposefully misrepresent and caricature these movements to delegitimize them.”

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26d5ae No.82775

File: 63d4383dceb560c⋯.jpg (77.67 KB,932x785,932:785,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407097 (222022ZAUG23) Notable: #23834

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Twice Baked Dough


>ebaker will return but cannot bake at the moment

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26d5ae No.82776

File: 91704ef2495c9f6⋯.png (147.34 KB,720x400,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407115 (222027ZAUG23) Notable: DJT: I WILL BE VERY BUSY TOMORROW NIGHT - ENJOY!!!

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26d5ae No.82777

File: 47ce98fc98c5af9⋯.png (658.4 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407119 (222028ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Attorney John Eastman Booked at Fulton County Jail For Challenging 2020 Democrat Election Fraud

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Trump Attorney John Eastman Booked at Fulton County Jail For Challenging 2020 Democrat Election Fraud

Stalin is smiling.


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26d5ae No.82778

File: b6a56b82e6ea778⋯.png (740.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407132 (222030ZAUG23) Notable: FDA approves first RSV vaccine for pregnant people and newborns

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FDA approves first RSV vaccine for pregnant people and newborns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just approved Abrysvo, the first vaccine for pregnant individuals to prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in infants up to 6 months old.


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26d5ae No.82779

File: e80bbfc10ae6b83⋯.png (354.52 KB,667x543,667:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407162 (222035ZAUG23) Notable: Biden accused of staying in illegal vacation rental in Lake Tahoe

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This is a crazy story meant to open our eyes to something. Biden stayed in SC donor home and this never came up. He stayed there shortly after Jill was seen wearing a boot. She was said to have covid and not traveling back to DC on AF1 with him and took a later plane of some kind to DE.

I am pretty sure this has to do with Biden needing to be invited into a State and this crazy story is meant to wake us up to that reality.

If e track R States Biden has gone to, we see TX is the ONLY State he has come to with Governor approval. That happened when Abbott hand delivered a letter stating it is the second notification of invasion. ( Tells me Abbott invited him for the purpose of giving the letter on camera).Biden never visited Ohio for train disaster. He is only going to 13 original colonies who filed papers in DE to separate from UK on a regular basis.

My theory is unfinished but it seems to me, Biden is going to D controlled States with Governor permission to form a compact to add to the 13. Otherwise, he is using donor owned homes to attempt to meet with those in power via invitation of home owner because he doesn't have Governor support.

I see zero proof Biden can freely move around our Country as the President. There is always something "off" about his stay.

He said "God Save The Queen" while being in CT ( original 13 Colony) That phrase also means to stand in agreement to her wishes.


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26d5ae No.82780

File: f0513af564e399a⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,517x458,517:458,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407178 (222038ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Announces He Will Turn Himself in on Thursday in Atlanta; Mocks Fani Willis’ Demand for $200K Bond

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Fani The Fart Willis is an embarrassment to the rule of law.


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26d5ae No.82781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407179 (222038ZAUG23) Notable: Kari Lake and Arizona State University law group file to dismiss Stephen Richer's defamation lawsuit

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Kari Lake and Arizona State University law group file to dismiss Stephen Richer's defamation lawsuit

The motion to dismiss was filed Monday along with an Arizona State University law group called the First Amendment Clinic, which specializes in cases regarding free speech.

Former Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake filed a motion along with ASU First Amendment Clinic to dismiss the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer.

"Stephen Richer is an elected official," Lake wrote in a statement on X, the platform previously called Twitter, Tuesday. "His unlawful attempt to abuse our legal system in order to insulate himself from criticism of his awful job performance established a dangerous precedent in our nation's history. Richer's attack on the First Amendment would have a chilling effect on Americans' ability to speak out and criticize officials, public officials, and politicians. For the good of our Republic, this case should be rejected by our legal system."

In his lawsuit, Richer, whose office is responsible for maintaining state voter files, claims that Lake falsely accused him of sabotaging the 2022 midterm election by injecting 300,000 illegal ballots into the final vote tally in the county, the most populous in the state.

"Not only would I obviously never do the things that she accuses me of, but also as a matter of Arizona law and election administration processes, I don’t even have responsibility for – or jurisdiction over – the printing of ballots on Election Day," Richer said in an interview with the The Arizona Republic.

The motion to dismiss was filed Monday along with an Arizona State University law group called the First Amendment Clinic, which specializes in cases regarding free speech.

One of Lake's primary legal arguments, since losing to current Arizona Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, is that thousands of Republican voters were disenfranchised on Election Day, when voting machine errors occurred in at least 60% of the voting centers in Maricopa County. She also pointed out major problems with the signature verification process for mail-in ballots.

Lake has said previously that she will take her case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

"In 2022, the legislature strengthened laws protecting the rights of citizens to speak freely on matters of public concern," one of Lake's attorneys Jen Wright said in a statement. "Richer's lawsuit is precisely the kind of abuse of the legal system the law was designed to stop. I have every confidence the court will agree, and dismiss the lawsuit.


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26d5ae No.82782

File: bf7505772618bdc⋯.png (301.45 KB,1333x636,1333:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407182 (222038ZAUG23) Notable: Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in Radical Shift

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Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in Radical Shift

Letter to grantees: “radical shift of strategic direction”

Soros handed control of OSF to his son, Alexander, in June


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26d5ae No.82783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407191 (222040ZAUG23) Notable: Ann Arbor elementary school principal placed on leave in wake of WXYZ investigation

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Ann Arbor elementary school principal placed on leave in wake of WXYZ investigation

Aug 22, 2023 and last updated 1:52 PM, Aug 22, 2023

(WXYZ) — In the wake of a 7 Action News investigation, an Ann Arbor elementary school principal has been placed on leave, according to an email sent to parents. The 7 Investigators first showed you how a bus aide was caught on video assaulting a special needs 7-year-old child on a school bus. The child attended Carpenter Elementary, and a lawsuit against the district alleges the school principal and others in the district knew about the assault for 5 weeks before the child’s mother was told.


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26d5ae No.82784

File: 66ccb30c854a617⋯.png (838.93 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407193 (222040ZAUG23) Notable: Chinese Official Sentenced To Life In Prison For Bitcoin Mining, Corruption

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Chinese Official Sentenced To Life In Prison For Bitcoin Mining, Corruption

Xiao Yi was accused of abuse of power and corruption in operating a $329 million Bitcoin mining enterprise.

A Chinese government official has been sentenced to life in prison for illegitimate business operations related to running a 2.4 billion Chinese yuan ($329 million) Bitcoin mining enterprise and for unrelated charges of corruption.

According to local media reports, the Intermediate People’s Court of Hangzhou City sentenced Xiao Yi, a former member of the Jiangxi Provincial Political Consultative Conference Party Group and vice chairman, to life in prison for corruption and abuse of power on Aug. 22.

The corruption charges stem from non-crypto-related activities of bribery from 2008 to 2021. The abuse of power charges, dating from 2017 to 2021, stem from providing financial and electricity subsidies to Jiumu Group Genesis Technology, a firm based in the city of Fuzhou that at one point operated more than 160,000 Bitcoin mining machines.

Prosecutors say that Yi “covered up” the mining operation by instructing relevant departments to fabricate statistical reports and adjust the classification of electricity consumption. From 2017 to 2020, Jiumu’s electricity consumption accounted for 10% of Fuzhou’s total electricity consumption. “Yi pleaded guilty and repented, actively returned the stolen funds, and all the bribes and their profits have been seized,” wrote the ruling magistrate of the Hangzhou People’s Court.

Currently, China bans all forms of cryptocurrency transactions, exchange operations and fiat-to-crypto onboarding but has stopped short of prohibiting outright ownership. In an Aug. 3 decision, a Chinese court ruled that a $10 million Bitcoin lending contract was invalid based on the country’s Bitcoin ban with no possibility of legal debt recovery. On Aug. 14, a Chinese national was sentenced to nine months in prison for helping an acquaintance purchase Tether


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26d5ae No.82785

File: 411452068ebf150⋯.png (271.02 KB,456x614,228:307,Clipboard.png)

File: bd4dc6e01ffb4ab⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407198 (222042ZAUG23) Notable: Patriots take to the street of Los Angeles to protest against the gender insanity being taught to their children

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Citizen Free Press


"Leave our kids alone."

Patriots take to the street of Los Angeles to protest against the gender insanity being taught to their children.


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26d5ae No.82786

File: 2ae129005031b6c⋯.png (242.12 KB,830x922,415:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 3353ea2b6bf0b1b⋯.png (100.38 KB,845x517,845:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407276 (222055ZAUG23) Notable: Thought Indicting Trump Was The Only Way The DOJ Interferes In Elections? Think Again

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Thought Indicting Trump Was The Only Way The DOJ Interferes In Elections? Think Again

After indicting former President Donald Trump earlier this month for claiming the 2020 election was rigged, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is now fighting to schedule the trial right before the 2024 GOP presidential primary.

It’s fairly obvious what the DOJ is doing. By having the trial set in early 2024, the agency can try to kneecap Trump right before the Iowa caucuses and ultimately the 2024 general election, should he be the Republican presidential nominee. Meanwhile, the DOJ also plans to drag Trump into court over a separate set of charges, related to his handling of classified documents, in a trial that’s been scheduled for May of 2024.

As nefarious as it is, the DOJ’s targeting of the former president is hardly the only way the corrupt federal law enforcement apparatus seeks to benefit Democrats ahead of the 2024 contest. Over the past several years, the DOJ has made a habit of filing and joining leftist-backed lawsuits against Republican states’ election integrity laws.

The strategy is reminiscent of the left’s legal bombardment against election integrity laws leading up to the 2020 election, in which Democrat-backed legal groups filed a bevy of lawsuits aimed at altering state election laws in their favor. Whether it was ballot signature verification or voter ID requirements, no commonsense provisions were safe from Democrats’ legal assault.

Now, with Joe Biden in the White House, the DOJ has been able to further Democrats’ election interference by piling on the legal jihad against Republican-backed election laws at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

The Laws and Cases

Following a chaotic and messy 2020 election, Georgia’s Republican-controlled legislature and governor implemented SB 202, a benign law designed to enhance the integrity of Georgia’s electoral process. Included in the measure were voter ID requirements for absentee voting — a provision the majority of Americans support — and safeguards on giving voters gifts or money while in line to vote or within 150 feet of a polling place.

Despite the temperate nature of SB 202, Democrats and their legacy media allies began baselessly smearing the law as a GOP-orchestrated effort to “suppress” nonwhite voters. President Joe Biden grossly referred to SB 202 as “Jim Crow on steroids” and called on Major League Baseball to relocate its 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta in protest. The MLB ultimately acquiesced, condemning the law and relocating the event to Colorado. The move cost the Peach State an estimated $100 million in revenue.

Contrary to Democrats’ claims the law would suppress Georgians’ ability to vote, the state saw record early voter turnout for the 2022 midterms and the state’s subsequent Senate runoff election. A poll conducted after the midterms further revealed that zero percent of black Georgia voters said they had a “poor” experience voting in the 2022 contest.


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26d5ae No.82787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407289 (222056ZAUG23) Notable: #238333

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Previous Bread Notables #23833

#23833 >>82729

>>82730 Stew Peters: ADL origin story - it's a branch of the Dem party, stokes religious hatred

>>82731 Scientists first in the world to regenerate diseased kidney cells

>>82732 Liberal City's Police Chief Resigns Amid Crime Spike, Cop Shortages

>>82733 50K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Based Border Sector in 15 Days

>>82734 Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Used Government Post To Grease Wheels At Latvian Bank Where Hunter Sought Board Seat

>>82735 Chadwick Moore: Why The Establishment Wants To Silence Tucker Carlson

>>82736, >>82748 The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight “Deadly Disinformation”

>>82737 Victor Davis Hanson: Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures

>>82738 Portland School district’s new ‘equitable grading’ practices won’t penalize late work or issue zeros, even for cheating

>>82755 Lynn Corey: School program where children are just QR codes wo/self identity who can earn digital currency for modifying behavior & beliefs

>>82739 International Elites Rush to Embrace Clinton Global Initiative

>>82740, >>82753, >>82754 Another video showing cars trying to exit Lahaina fire zone; anon comment

>>82741 Why did all the Maui celebs paint their roofs blue?

>>82742 HHS announces $1.5 billion in awards to partners to develop 'next generation COVID-19 vaccines'

>>82743 Former Thai prime minister goes to jail same day parliament elects his ally as leader

>>82744 2:30 PM EDT Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder presser

>>82745, >>82750, >>82746, >>82751 Poso: This Country Is about to Explode with Righteous Anger. [TWEET GONE]

>>82747 New Memos Undercut Biden-Ukraine Narrative Democrats Sold During 2019 Impeachment Scandal - Warroom vid

>>82749 US Army: You are the only thing in life you can control. Work on yourself!

>>82752 Former Puerto Rico Mayor Sentenced for Accepting Bribes

>>82756 Look How Google Shoos You Away From The Biden Family Biz And Other Big News

>>82757, >>82759, >>82760 The Battle to Ban TikTok and the Man at the Center of It

>>82758 Utah Fugitive and Alleged Drug Trafficking Ringleader Among 28 Defendants Charged in Major Multi-Agency Operation

>>82761 Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

>>82762 New York Times op-ed pushes claim that 'elections are bad for democracy'

>>82763 Building a digital army: UN peacekeepers fight deadly disinformation

>>82764 Carver Federal Savings CEO leaving to run nonprofit

>>82765, >>82766, >>82769 Planefag

>>82767 Leftist infiltrator John Sullivan, known as “Jayden X,” was part of a coordinated operation which included Ray Epps to create chaos at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2020

>>82768 Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch lands buyer after 2 years on market

>>82770 Biden administration on Tuesday announced the first funding awards from its $5 billion project aimed at developing the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments

>>82771, >>82772, >>82774 Not accident: false thug narratives have long been used to discredit

>>82773 Remdesivir Stopped Kidney Function in COVID Patients — So Why Did FDA Approve It for Kidney Patients?

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26d5ae No.82788

File: 056bfe4fecb348a⋯.png (279.64 KB,692x862,346:431,Clipboard.png)

File: a260410f5a7c91c⋯.png (366.52 KB,692x886,346:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 9616964dc9d1668⋯.png (123.01 KB,676x603,676:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407340 (222102ZAUG23) Notable: Australia's transition to a cashless society raises concerns about financial exclusion, privacy and safety

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State media

Australia's transition to a cashless society raises concerns about financial exclusion, privacy and safety

Aside from those that involve the tooth fairy, cash transactions are at an all-time low.

According to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), cash accounted for just 13 per cent of all payments made in 2022.

The ability to pay by tapping our phones is partly driving the downward trend.

"Even credit cards, or debit cards, are starting to feel a bit antiquated," Chris Berg, director of the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, tells ABC RN's Download This Show.

Cash payments plummeted during the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic, when online shopping spiked, and they show little sign of bouncing back.

According to RBA data, just 7 per cent of Australians are "high cash users" (those who use cash for 80 per cent or more of their in-person transactions). That's a 50 per cent drop since 2019.

While the benefits of phasing out cash include increased convenience, transparency and safety, the transition to a wholly digital economy risks excluding some sections of society.

"A lot of policymakers will talk about the end of cash as if it is something we should be aspiring to," Dr Berg says.

"It's probably the way we are going, but it shouldn't be a public policy decision because there are some people who still need cash."

So if a cashless society doesn't benefit everyone, who pays when a country goes cash-free?

Disadvantaged and at-risk communities

The transition away from cash disproportionately affects disadvantaged groups, such as people with disabilities and those who live in remote and regional Australia who have difficulty accessing digital financial services.

Many people over 65 still rely on cash, with nearly one in five qualifying as high cash users.

RBA data also shows that people from low-income households use cash more often than their more affluent counterparts.


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26d5ae No.82789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407377 (222106ZAUG23) Notable: Third day of Washington DC Face Act proceedings: ‘Catholicism on trial’

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Third day of Washington DC Face Act proceedings: ‘Catholicism on trial’

The judge defended a Catholic abortion staffer against attorneys who pointed out that Catholicism and abortion are incompatible and rebuked a nun for praying a Hail Mary.

-Anons aware of the likely FBI infiltration of a pro-life group and the show-trial that's now going on in DC as a result?


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26d5ae No.82790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407403 (222111ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced it has approved its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026

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Press Release


EEOC Adopts New Strategic Plan

WASHINGTON – Today the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced it has approved its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026


Implementation will begin immediately.


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26d5ae No.82791

File: f3f50b2e1497943⋯.jpeg (900.05 KB,1170x1387,1170:1387,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407462 (222121ZAUG23) Notable: BA.2.86 Covid variant IS spreading through U.S.

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Here it comes, “anons”

Get your mask

Get your booster

And don’t forget to fill out your mail in ballots!


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26d5ae No.82792

File: 4eccf4d56365942⋯.png (75.09 KB,537x339,179:113,Clipboard.png)

File: ccd750d079cd106⋯.png (133.36 KB,837x1517,837:1517,Clipboard.png)

File: 1eb61b7fc87c28e⋯.png (368.45 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 4af2df86a3add63⋯.png (42.95 KB,1348x397,1348:397,Clipboard.png)

File: b8ebb251a598768⋯.png (299.19 KB,3875x2073,3875:2073,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407479 (222123ZAUG23) Notable: Cobalt Blue/ Maui Dig

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>>82741 lb

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26d5ae No.82793

File: b90ce821fc2a960⋯.jpeg (870.21 KB,1170x1317,390:439,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407516 (222129ZAUG23) Notable: LGBT and Police clash in LA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82794

File: 174dd0742eab527⋯.png (87.77 KB,456x406,228:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 27b77fabf085647⋯.png (364.45 KB,750x1082,375:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 436b155dee8474f⋯.png (479.42 KB,750x1111,750:1111,Clipboard.png)

File: a5ee4e30d1cb90d⋯.png (496.64 KB,750x1078,375:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e5ea43ee98f0c4⋯.png (487.03 KB,750x1092,125:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407540 (222132ZAUG23) Notable: New filing in Trump criminal case in Florida. 12 pages

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New filing in Trump case



🚨🚨🚨Incoming. New filing in Trump criminal case in Florida. 12 pages


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26d5ae No.82795

File: af9df2ed233c4f9⋯.png (249.04 KB,672x603,224:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407567 (222134ZAUG23) Notable: Verifying Your Identity on Twitter Will Require Taking a Selfie

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The free speech saviour is at it again.

Verifying Your Identity on Twitter Will Require Taking a Selfie

A new ID verification process is in the works, requiring a selfie as well as government-issued ID.

Twitter is working on a new way to verify a user's identity, and the process involves submitting a selfie alongside government-issued ID.

As Engadget reports, the new system was discovered by app researcher Nima Owji, who shared a screenshot of the ID verification process. It takes about five minutes to complete, according to X, but requires submitting photos of your government-issued ID and taking a selfie.

The personal information submitted is handled by AU10TIX, an identity verification company based in Israel.


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26d5ae No.82796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407579 (222136ZAUG23) Notable: Verifying Your Identity on Twitter Will Require Taking a Selfie

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WARNING! Get Off of Twitter X if You Value Your Privacy! Face Scan Logins and No More Blocking Being Implemented

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26d5ae No.82797

File: 9ffe43b3b1ecbf0⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407587 (222137ZAUG23) Notable: fires in Maui seem to know how to avoid millionaire properties.

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See new Tweets


New World Odor™


Meanwhile, fires in Maui seem to know how to avoid millionaire properties.

That climate change sure is smart.


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26d5ae No.82798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407599 (222138ZAUG23) Notable: fires in Maui seem to know how to avoid millionaire properties.

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Just like CCP built fences to hide flood destruction so too did Lahaina build fences to hide destruction.


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26d5ae No.82799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407621 (222141ZAUG23) Notable: Cobalt Blue/ Maui Dig

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maybe something:

Blue Tile Roof House Working Hours & Phone & Addresses

Blue Tile Roof House in Kapaa, Hawaii Address: 5871 Kololia Pl, Kapaa, HI 96746, United States

Phone: 18086528101

Website: No website

Department's Webpage: No website

Working Hours: Sunday: Open 24 hours

Monday: Open 24 hours

Tuesday: Open 24 hours

Wednesday: Open 24 hours

Thursday: Open 24 hours

Friday: Open 24 hours

Saturday: Open 24 hours

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26d5ae No.82800

File: e31cca2625ee044⋯.jpg (429.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407648 (222144ZAUG23) Notable: Cobalt Blue/ Maui Dig

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>>82741 lb


Re: Check it OUT! blue unbrillas did not burn in the Maui fires...here is why


Re: Why Celebs are painting there houses the same shade of blue in Maui?


[link to twitter.com (secure)]

i posted the maui oddity thread about the blue umbrellas on 8-13-23 on a picture i found . found it odd that everythign but the blue umbrellas melted and then noticed the wires going to trees.

cars and steel melted but not thin copperwire tied to trees and not the umbrellas

[link to cdn.abcotvs.com (secure)]

Thread: MORE ODDITY PG 4 MAUi Oddity everything burned and melted aroun this spot but not Blue umbrellas , Lights tied to trees ,

there is also another thread today

Thread: Check it OUT! blue unbrillas did not burn in the Maui fires...here is why

Last Edited by Coastie Patriot on 08/22/2023 10:29 AM

Coastie Patriot



Dr Thaddeus They

They don't really care whether the truth gets out, because the public no longer knows what's meant by "the truth."

Well, I mean, no one can tell the difference anymore between what's real and what's fake.

Anyway, the point is, I can tell you all of this, right out in the open, because it doesn't matter who knows about it. They won't know whether to believe it or not.-

X Files: Lost art of Forehead Sweat

A gun is a tool, Marion, no better or no worse than any other tool, an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.


Jefferson Smith: You see, boys forget what their country means by just reading The Land of the Free in history books. Then they get to be men they forget even more. Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books, Miss Saunders. Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that . - MR Smith Goes To Washington-

to grow up remembering th

My oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic has no expiration date!!!

Ten Bears : It's sad that governments are chiefed by the double tongues. There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. Outlaw Josey Wales

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26d5ae No.82801

File: 69cba8bf6fff556⋯.png (320.74 KB,923x596,923:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407659 (222145ZAUG23) Notable: US Air Force fires hypersonic ARRW in first test since March failure

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US Air Force fires hypersonic ARRW in first test since March failure

WASHINGTON — The Air Force on Saturday conducted its latest test of a prototype hypersonic AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, collecting data it hopes will help it develop future weapons that can travel at greater than Mach 5.

The Air Force said in a statement that a B-52H Stratofortress released a full operational prototype ARRW, known as an all-up round, off the coast of Southern California. ARRW is made by Lockheed Martin.

This ARRW test marked the first since a failed test of another operational prototype in March. After an announcement about that test was silent on whether it had achieved its objectives, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall soon afterwards told Congress it was “not a success.” Kendall also told lawmakers the service was more committed to the HACM than ARRW, and that the ARRW’s future is in doubt, with a decision on whether to continue with the program likely to come as part of the fiscal 2025 budget process.

Hypersonic weapons travel at speeds greater than Mach 5, or more than 3,836 miler per hour, and are highly maneuverable, which makes them difficult to track and shoot down. Lawmakers have expressed concern that the U.S. military has not done enough to develop and field hypersonic weapons, and that the nation may be falling behind Chinese and Russian hypersonic capabilities.

The service said it would not discuss specific objectives of the Aug. 19 test, and did not say whether it considered the test a success. But the Air Force said it “gained valuable new insights into the capabilities” of ARRW, and that the data would help it advance programs such as ARRW and the service’s other major hypersonic weapon program, the Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile.

The Air Force said the test focused on ARRW’s end-to-end performance, and that it also validated and improved the service’s test and evaluation capabilities to continue to develop advanced hypersonic systems.

In another March hearing, Air Force acquisition chief Andrew Hunter said the Air Force was still planning to conduct the last two ARRW all-up round test flights to collect data for future hypersonic programs.


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26d5ae No.82802

File: a7619a7abb85793⋯.png (906.16 KB,1077x836,1077:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407917 (222224ZAUG23) Notable: #23835

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>ebaker will post complete lb notes then ghosting for a few

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26d5ae No.82803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19407920 (222224ZAUG23) Notable: #23834

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#23834 >>82775


>>82777 Trump Attorney John Eastman Booked at Fulton County Jail For Challenging 2020 Democrat Election Fraud

>>82778 FDA approves first RSV vaccine for pregnant people and newborns

>>82779 Biden accused of staying in illegal vacation rental in Lake Tahoe

>>82780 Trump Announces He Will Turn Himself in on Thursday in Atlanta; Mocks Fani Willis’ Demand for $200K Bond

>>82781 Kari Lake and Arizona State University law group file to dismiss Stephen Richer's defamation lawsuit

>>82782 Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in Radical Shift

>>82783 Ann Arbor elementary school principal placed on leave in wake of WXYZ investigation

>>82784 Chinese Official Sentenced To Life In Prison For Bitcoin Mining, Corruption

>>82785, >>82793 Patriots take to the street of Los Angeles to protest against the gender insanity being taught to their children

>>82786 Thought Indicting Trump Was The Only Way The DOJ Interferes In Elections? Think Again

>>82788 Australia's transition to a cashless society raises concerns about financial exclusion, privacy and safety

>>82789 Third day of Washington DC Face Act proceedings: ‘Catholicism on trial’

>>82790 U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced it has approved its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026

>>82791 BA.2.86 Covid variant IS spreading through U.S.

>>82801 US Air Force fires hypersonic ARRW in first test since March failure

>>82793 LGBT and Police clash in LA

>>82794 New filing in Trump criminal case in Florida. 12 pages

>>82795, >>82796 Verifying Your Identity on Twitter Will Require Taking a Selfie

>>82797, >>82798 fires in Maui seem to know how to avoid millionaire properties.

>>82792, >>82799, >>82800, >>82800 Cobalt Blue/ Maui Dig

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26d5ae No.82804

File: 29fa082a7a29ef1⋯.png (1.27 MB,957x2164,957:2164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408074 (222248ZAUG23) Notable: How Much of Today’s ‘Racism’ Is Manufactured?

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How Much of Today’s ‘Racism’ Is Manufactured?


The real problem with racism in America today is that demand far outstrips supply. Where does the demand come from? Chiefly from our woke elites. It is they who understand that the charge of “racism” is a potent meal ticket and guarantor of institutionalized political power. Accordingly, they have a large stake in perpetuating the reign of racism. In this realm, too, incentives matter.

It is also worth noting that many of these elite race cadets are white. Blacks are invited to participate in this theatrical production, but only so long as they play their assigned roles. They must mouth the pieties about “systemic,” i.e., perpetual, incurable racism.

The main narrative of this drama is racial conflict, enforced and perpetuated partly by a woke media machine, partly by governmental fiat. The real goal is the destruction of America as a meritocratic republic that cherishes individual liberty and the rule of law.

These are points that Thomas D. Klingenstein makes in “Racism in America Today: A Real or Manufactured Problem?,” a powerful speech he delivered at the Women’s National Republican Club earlier this summer and just posted on his website at TomKlingenstein.com. “To a very significant degree,” he argues, racism is a weapon “crafted by woke Leftists in order to overthrow the American way of life.”

Klingenstein, chairman of the Claremont Institute, is refreshingly forthright. “To the woke Left I say, ‘if you want to destroy America, then we will fight you and defeat you. America is not yours to destroy.’” Hear, hear.

This speech is full of hard truths. “Blacks commit more than 50 percent of the violent crime in America,” Klingenstein notes, “yet are only about 13 percent of population. The woke tell us this is due to racism, but Americans know better. We know that racism does not cause more crime, or out-of-wedlock births, or lower academic achievement.”

And here’s the kicker: “It is not racism but culture that causes outcome differences. But the woke make it very difficult for the rest of us to say it, because if it’s culture that explains outcome differences then the blame rests not on whites but on blacks.” That grinding sound you hear is The Narrative coming unglued. ...


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26d5ae No.82805

File: 0d0630c73c5179f⋯.png (641.94 KB,943x818,943:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408143 (222257ZAUG23) Notable: Nation’s Biggest Teachers Union ‘Coached’ Teachers To Inject Gender Identity Into Curricula, Report Says

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Nation’s Biggest Teachers Union ‘Coached’

Teachers To Inject Gender Identity Into

Curricula, Report Says

Daily Wire, by Mairead Elordi

Posted By: Beardo, 8/22/2023 10:20:31 AM

America’s largest teachers union “coached” teachers on how to expose students to gender identity in the curriculum, according to a new report. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) “coached its members on how to inject gender identity politics into classroom teaching,” said the report published Wednesday by the conservative Defense of Freedom Institute. (snip) The AFT along with the nation’s second largest union, the National Education Association (NEA), are both wholly committed to pushing radical gender ideology in schools, the report says. Together, the two largest teachers unions represent nearly five million public school teachers across the country.

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26d5ae No.82806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408162 (222259ZAUG23) Notable: years ago on /pol we dug on UN buildings always having blue roofs, assumption was to help bombers ID buildings to avoid

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years ago on pol we dug on UN buildings always having blue roofs

assumption was to help bombers ID buildings to avoid

not able to find anything on blue UN buildings yet

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26d5ae No.82807

File: a5c385c6e5c5189⋯.png (149.63 KB,753x905,753:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 7126c489996389a⋯.png (156.33 KB,703x909,703:909,Clipboard.png)

File: 958a8b07369b27d⋯.png (163.66 KB,743x912,743:912,Clipboard.png)

File: a383e010f76677d⋯.png (152.02 KB,743x906,743:906,Clipboard.png)

File: 4968347ab0662c7⋯.png (27.17 KB,662x216,331:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408165 (222300ZAUG23) Notable: Private/Unlisted YouTube Videos of U.S. Government Agencies

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Private/Unlisted YouTube Videos of U.S. Government Agencies


Many U.S. government agencies and military branches have public YouTube pages. That is no secret. However, within these channels, lies a hidden treasure trove of PRIVATE/UNLISTED videos NOT accessible by the general public.

Through the Freedom of Information Act, The Black Vault along with another researcher has tackled trying to get access to these videos listings. That researcher has donated the requests they did, along with the documents, to the archive below. However, they asked for their identifying information to be redacted.

The below lists can then be used to request the videos themselves.

There are numerous more open FOIA requests for these pages, which will be added below. Visit often, as there are many more to be added soon.

Document Archive

By clicking on the government agency name below, you will get the FOIA response and in most cases, the list of videos. I have also marked the release date, in order to show the timeframe of when the released list existed.


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26d5ae No.82808

File: 171a9287440b9ab⋯.png (167.94 KB,614x629,614:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408171 (222300ZAUG23) Notable: Larry Elder on being snubbed from the Fox News debate: “It is designed to make sure Ron Desantis is the nominee — anyone other than Trump. This is BS”

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Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸


Larry Elder is speaking the truth


johnny maga




Larry Elder on being snubbed from the Fox News debate stage despite meeting requirements:

“It is designed to make sure Ron Desantis is the nominee — anyone other than Trump. This is BS”

9:30 AM · Aug 22, 2023




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26d5ae No.82809

File: 3daa45f9ca7db07⋯.png (424.62 KB,597x595,597:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408247 (222310ZAUG23) Notable: New Documents Implicate Marie Yovanovich and George Kent – Trump-Bashers Lied During Trump Impeachment Knowing Hunter Undercut US Anticorruption Efforts in Ukraine

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The Gateway Pundit


New Documents Implicate Marie Yovanovich and George Kent – Trump-Bashers Lied During Trump Impeachment Knowing Hunter Undercut US Anticorruption Efforts in Ukraine via @gatewaypundit


New Documents Implicate Marie Yovanovich and George Kent - Trump-Bashers Lied During Trump Impeac...

Just the News obtained classified documents that implicate not only Joe and Hunter Biden in likely criminal conduct but also confirms that Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovich and embassy official...

6:29 AM · Aug 22, 2023




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26d5ae No.82810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408264 (222312ZAUG23) Notable: St. Louis Mayor Announces Plans to Outlaw AR-15s, AK-47s and Military-Style Weapons – Hopes Criminals Will Comply

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St. Louis Mayor Announces Plans to Outlaw AR-15s, AK-47s and Military-Style Weapons – Hopes Criminals Will Comply

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones announced plans to introduce legislation to ban AR-15s, AK-47s and military-style weapons.

The move will make it easier for criminals to blast their way through the city.

Jones also wants to ban celebratory gunfire – something that is prevalent in black neighborhoods in the city on New Year’s Eve and other occasions.

And Tishaura Jones wants to take guns away from those individuals who are convicted of an insurrection or hate crimes. That’s important.

FOX2 Now reported:

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones plans to introduce new legislation that would ban AR-15s, AK-47s and similar “military-grade” weapons on city streets.

In a Tuesday morning press conference, Jones announced her intent to introduce new gun safety legislation with support from the Board of Aldermen.

Jones said the legislation would be designed to…

Prohibit military-grade weapons on city streets

Prevent the transfer or sale of guns to minors

Take action on military-grade guns and similar untraceable firearms

Prepare St. Louis for the passage of Blair’s Law to ban celebratory gunfire

Prohibit anyone convicted of insurrection or hate crimes from having guns in St. Louis

Jones says this push comes in an effort to tackle gun violence in St. Louis City.

“Gun violence is a public health crisis that impacts families and communities in every neighborhood across our city,” said Jones. “We’re coming together around a shared vision: A safer, stronger St. Louis that is ready to stand up for our values.”

Last month Mayor Jones’s leaked text messages revealed the mayor was not a true believer in gun control. In one text message she told her father, “Chicago has strict gun laws as well but that doesn’t deter gun violence.”


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26d5ae No.82811

File: 99eb4df72018ca7⋯.png (79.66 KB,586x487,586:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408266 (222312ZAUG23) Notable: They are now rolling out contracts enforcing COVID-19 pandemic-era "safety protocols" through 2028.

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Natalie Winters


🚨 The government is rolling out contracts enforcing COVID-19 pandemic-era "safety protocols" through 2028.



4:43 AM · Aug 22, 2023




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26d5ae No.82812

File: 6863add51b430c7⋯.png (21.4 KB,597x262,597:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408278 (222314ZAUG23) Notable: They are now rolling out contracts enforcing COVID-19 pandemic-era "safety protocols" through 2028.

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Like clockwork…


Square profile picture




Aug 18

A highly mutated new variant of the virus that causes Covid-19 has countries on alert as scientists scramble to understand how far it has spread and how well our immunity will defend against it. https://cnn.it/3OzdVeM

3:44 AM · Aug 22, 2023




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26d5ae No.82813

File: c7240ef9429460c⋯.png (1.18 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: c630c8cacd018fc⋯.png (1.96 MB,1593x921,531:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 25a9373989b4a60⋯.png (1000.77 KB,1109x736,1109:736,Clipboard.png)

File: c4bff709f8bdbf6⋯.png (114.52 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 26bc530cc4cb300⋯.png (1.09 MB,1250x823,1250:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408279 (222314ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0110 of the 9th Bomb Squadron up from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. Squawk 5146. empty callsign

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Bone Alert! Seldom seen on ADS-B Exchange. USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0110 of the 9th Bomb Squadron up from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. Squawk 5146. empty callsign

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408311 (222318ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0110 of the 9th Bomb Squadron up from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. Squawk 5146. empty callsign

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>Squawk 5146

5146 = EADF Eastern Air Defense Force (US Air Force)


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26d5ae No.82815

File: 5dc2b22f817bf8b⋯.png (1.6 MB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408332 (222321ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0110 of the 9th Bomb Squadron up from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. Squawk 5146. empty callsign

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Increasing airspeed! 680 knots, vertical descent rate almost 10,000 feet per minute! she's going transonic!

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26d5ae No.82816

File: 9664214895111f4⋯.png (714.38 KB,1595x828,1595:828,Clipboard.png)

File: ae90df2d755842c⋯.png (10.77 KB,625x160,125:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408346 (222324ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS: 'I WILL BE VERY BUSY TOMORROW NIGHT - ENJOY!!!' decode

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>>82776 (lb)

POTUS Truth poast @ Aug 22, 2023 1:13 PM EST → 13:13


Q 374 @ Dec 19, 2017 1:11:33 AM EST → Same in US MIL

19 OPs [now].

Operators active.

Operators in harms way.

POTUS awake.

No sleep during OP.



Tomorrow night will be Aug 23. Now comes the PAIN!

1:13 → 11.3 first marker

Q 26

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

Q 307

The anon Q replied to with timestamp 13:13

The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.


Why is this constantly emphasized?

Have we learned to read the map?

Q 4875 @ Oct 15 2020 13:13:13


Do you get it yet?

They are afraid of you [reach][uncontrolled][anti-narrative][free-thought]

Don't forget about the House Intel Committee meeting re: 'Qanon' today.

More 'conspiracy' [fact-less base-less claims] pushed re: violent, extremist, racist, dangerous, anti-gov, nazism, white supremacy, anti-religion, anti-American, ...........

#2 attacked topic _[POTUS #1].



'Qanon' today = https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=Qanon&qft=interval%3d%227%22&form=PTFTNR

23 results I thought was inderesting

Is there moar to find?

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26d5ae No.82817

File: 0a728d58f064a33⋯.png (522.17 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 9da5f389a014b6d⋯.png (13.99 KB,684x248,171:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408357 (222326ZAUG23) Notable: PF: USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0110 of the 9th Bomb Squadron up from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. Squawk 5146. empty callsign

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Make that supersonic! 788 knots equals almost 907 mph!

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26d5ae No.82818

File: 6ec5192fb80be36⋯.png (192.97 KB,560x258,280:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408370 (222328ZAUG23) Notable: CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Last Thursday, the Biden Administration announced an up to $1.2 billion investment in the development of the nation's first Direct Air Capture facilities.

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WTF is this? Air Capture Facility! To remove carbon dioxide. Damn Greenies!

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Last Thursday, the Biden Administration announced an up to

$1.2 billion investment in the development of the nation's first Direct Air Capture facilities.

Sites in Texas and Louisiana have been chosen for these facilities.

The King Ranch will be the site for the Texas location.

Combined, these “direct air capture” hubs will remove more than 2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air each year.

The president of the Kingsville Chamber of Commerce, Manny Salazar, says this project will have a great influence on the city.

“We are very excited about the opportunity this presents to the Kingsville community and we are excited about the job creation

that this is going to bring about.

We are excited about the investments and all the opportunities this is going to provide to the local community,” Salazar said.

Salazar says the project has a positive climate impact.

"This is a green project; direct air capture basically takes ambient air, puts it through a process, and at the end of a process,

the pure carbon will be sequestered about a mile and a half below earth.” Salazar said.

This project will not only protect the public's health, but it will also create nearly 2,500 jobs in Kleberg County.

“Kingsville has a poverty rate that is twice the state average, so when you bring in a project like this that is going to create

jobs that can support a family, you really do break the cycle of generational poverty that we have seen here in Kingsville,” Salazar said.

Even though the project is based in South Texas, it is expected to have a global impact in purifying the air.


(Pic captured from video)

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26d5ae No.82819

File: 761a86b13c5a8c6⋯.png (13.55 KB,84x140,3:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408420 (222336ZAUG23) Notable: O'KEEFE: SPEAKING OF MUGSHOTS: This is a federal mugshot from 2010. The Feds shackled me and destroyed my video recordings, so they could falsely accuse us of things contrary to what the recordings showed.

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O'KEEFE: SPEAKING OF MUGSHOTS: This is a federal mugshot from 2010. The Feds shackled me and destroyed my video recordings, so they could falsely accuse us of things contrary to what the recordings showed. I survived and built anew. The federal prosecutors resigned in disgrace for violating federal


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26d5ae No.82820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408423 (222337ZAUG23) Notable: BREAKING: Sound of Freedom is now going WORLDWIDE

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BREAKING: Sound of Freedom is now going WORLDWIDE

United States - July 4, 2023

United Arab Emirates - August 17, 2023

Bahrain - August 17, 2023

Kuwait - August 17, 2023

Estonia - August 18, 2023

Iceland - August 18, 2023

Lithuania- August 18, 2023

South Africa - August 18, 2023

Australia - August 24, 2023

New Zealand- August 24, 2023

Argentina- August 31, 2023

Aruba - August 31, 2023

Bosnia and Herzegovina - August 31, 2023

Bolivia - August 31, 2023

Belize - August 31, 2023

Chile - August 31, 2023

Colombia - August 31, 2023

Costa Rica - August 31, 2023

Curaçao - August 31, 2023

Ecuador - August 31, 2023

Guatemala - August 31, 2023

Honduras - August 31, 2023

Croatia - August 31, 2023

Saint Kitts and Nevis - August 31, 2023

Saint Lucia - August 31, 2023

Mexico - August 31, 2023

Nicaragua - August 31, 2023

Panama - August 31, 2023

Peru - August 31, 2023

Paraguay - August 31, 2023

Serbia - August 31, 2023

El Salvador - August 31, 2023

Uruguay - August 31, 2023

Venezuela - August 31, 2023

Kosovo - August 31, 2023

United Kingdom - September 1, 2023

Ireland - September 1, 2023

Guyana - September 7, 2023

Russia - September 14, 2023

Brazil - September 21, 2023

Spain - October 11, 2023


>the world is watching

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26d5ae No.82821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408457 (222341ZAUG23) Notable: California spent $17.5 billion to fight homelessness. Now there are more homeless people.

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California spent $17.5 billion to fight homelessness.

Now there are more homeless people.

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26d5ae No.82822

File: 61fb54b69f4259d⋯.png (348.23 KB,432x371,432:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 87214022cbd9d51⋯.png (177.58 KB,513x629,513:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408475 (222343ZAUG23) Notable: Remember the first time The[Y] attacked Hawaii?

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On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service launched a surprise military strike against the US Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.12 The attack resulted in the death of more than 2000 Americans, causing significant changes to the everyday life of the people, the tourism industry, and all industries of the island.2 The attack destroyed or damaged nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight battleships, and over 300 airplanes.0 The United States was a neutral country at the time, and the attack led to its formal entry into World War II on the side of the Allies the next day.1 The attack climaxed a decade of worsening relations between the United States and Japan.3

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26d5ae No.82823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408486 (222345ZAUG23) Notable: @RepMattGaetz on the threat of fresh lockdowns:

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The Post Millennial

.@RepMattGaetz on the threat of fresh lockdowns:

"If they're coming back again, I think we're going to have a lot more Americans a part of our political coalition to stand for freedom."

5:17 PM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408488 (222346ZAUG23) Notable: BUYER BEWARE: Livestock Vaccinated with MRNA Can Still Be Labeled ‘Organic’

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BUYER BEWARE: Livestock Vaccinated with MRNA Can Still Be Labeled ‘Organic’

"There's a loophole in the law, and it allows if a cow or a pig gets an mRNA vaccine, a gene therapy, they can still be called organic. Your organic food can actually be the recipient of this because there's a loophole for vaccines," warned attorney Tom Renz.

"If it changes their DNA, or if it's transmissible to humans, or if it's still in their system because these are much more durable, you could be getting that stuff in your organic food."

The full interview between Emerald Robinson and Attorney Tom Renz is available to watch in the link below:


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26d5ae No.82825

File: edb66bcdbfba85c⋯.jpeg (696.92 KB,960x1450,96:145,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dce7931ed6adfa2⋯.jpeg (242.15 KB,960x1242,160:207,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 22598b965a1cfbf⋯.jpeg (284.04 KB,960x700,48:35,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 695b74d56960ebc⋯.jpeg (84.37 KB,960x723,320:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0547a1e599e7569⋯.jpeg (115.43 KB,954x1608,159:268,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408504 (222349ZAUG23) Notable: Dangerous levels of PFAS detected in water for 27 million. Did the EPA find it near you?

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Watch The Water!

Dangerous levels of PFAS detected in water for 27 million. Did the EPA find it near you?

Toxic “forever chemicals” are far more widespread through the country’s drinking water systems than previously known, according to new EPA data released Thursday. 

A USA TODAY analysis shows hundreds of community water systems, serving more than 27 million Americans, found at least one of 29 types of these chemicals in concentrations that exceed the EPA’s new, lower reporting limits.

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances, or PFAS, are a family of chemicals widely used for years in nonstick coatings, water-repellent fabrics and other household and industrial products, but they’re now known to increase risk for some cancers, among other harmful health effects. Some call PFAS 'forever chemicals' because they're nearly indestructible and can build up over time in human bodies.



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26d5ae No.82826

File: f74a0425c66e0cf⋯.png (204.75 KB,420x479,420:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408516 (222351ZAUG23) Notable: Alleged FEMA order for a full media blackout of new Maui disaster imagery?

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FEMA order for a full media blackout of new Maui disaster imagery surfaces


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26d5ae No.82827

File: a619da5dc4fba4f⋯.png (448.69 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408529 (222353ZAUG23) Notable: Good Samaritan With a Gun Stops Assailant From Beating Elderly Man to Death

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When Seconds Count: Good Samaritan With a Gun Stops Assailant From Beating Elderly Man to Death


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26d5ae No.82828

File: 26ba0a4233ba7cf⋯.png (218.58 KB,421x624,421:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408530 (222353ZAUG23) Notable: Imagine if People sent notice of unlawful & harmful collaborations & partnerships between & amongst government officials…

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Lawmaker resigns for accepting federal money.

Imagine if People sent notice of unlawful & harmful collaborations & partnerships between & amongst government officials…

Again, this is not done by saying, “Of course, we all know it.” That’s the TRAINED response. Scoffing.

Instead, learn the law & know that no public official may hold office & profit from the position, which means accepting monies to do “extra” programs.


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26d5ae No.82829

File: ef9eb2ab479ba5a⋯.png (443.01 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408540 (222354ZAUG23) Notable: New Trump 2024 Ad

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New Trump 2024 Ad


post the VID truthsocialfags

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26d5ae No.82830

File: bbbfa99095a32ee⋯.png (360.7 KB,556x479,556:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 0580f37393ed679⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408541 (222355ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino “They come from different walks of life…but ALL have one thing in common…”

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


“They come from different walks of life…but ALL have one thing in common…” https://donaldjtrump.com/join

6:46 PM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82831

File: 29cbf4d31c0d44b⋯.png (154.85 KB,556x798,278:399,Clipboard.png)

File: b02ea2be37db6d3⋯.png (15.34 KB,454x149,454:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408584 (230000ZAUG23) Notable: The name "Aida" from Joe and Trump today and both posts have a zero/0 in them…what does it mean?

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The name "Aida" from Joe and Trump today and both posts have a zero/0 in them...what does it mean?



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26d5ae No.82832

File: 4fb7f6c222924eb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1920x1010,192:101,Clipboard.png)

File: f35ba25001def7a⋯.jpg (379.43 KB,1240x838,620:419,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0498c310df95d23⋯.png (2.62 MB,1536x1003,1536:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee5e259feccecd⋯.jpg (46.24 KB,919x611,919:611,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51f0c447f40c8b8⋯.jpg (410.66 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408609 (230004ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Callign GORDO15 Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP) "Nightwatch" 73-1676 TACAMO

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Callign GORDO15. A familiar one. Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP) "Nightwatch" 73-1676


The US has been flexing the Nuclear Triad today anons.

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26d5ae No.82833

File: fb53a5c0512ecc0⋯.png (1.56 MB,1392x788,348:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408612 (230004ZAUG23) Notable: They are now rolling out contracts enforcing COVID-19 pandemic-era "safety protocols" through 2028.

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To Defeat New Variant, Experts Recommend Doing All The Things That Didn't Work The First Time

U.S. - To defeat the massive, scary, definitely world-ending wave of COVID being driven by the delta variant of the deadly, frightening disease you should remain afraid of for the rest of your life, experts are recommending we try all the things that didn't work the first time.

From wearing masks and social distancing to locking everyone down and destroying the economy, experts are all suggesting that we just try the same things we did last time that didn't work at all.

"We are going to lock down, wear masks, and social distance, all of which didn't work, but hey. It's worth trying again," said Dr. Anthony Fauci in a television interview this morning. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That's what they taught us in science school. Look at my lab coat. It's white. Do you like it? It has pockets."

The television anchor then assured Dr. Fauci that his pockets were very nice.


"Thanks. I also have the heartbeat thingy. I like to breathe on it to warm it up. Makes me look official and doctory and whatnot."

At publishing time, experts had clarified that while we're going to be doing the same things that didn't work over and over again, we're going to be doing them harder this time.


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26d5ae No.82834

File: 638c88a07a74965⋯.png (218.5 KB,422x595,422:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408638 (230009ZAUG23) Notable: Huge backlog of 200 ships are stuck trying to enter the Panama Canal as they wait WEEKS amid slowed traffic due to 'drought'

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Huge backlog of 200 ships are stuck trying to enter the Panama Canal as they wait WEEKS amid slowed traffic due to drought: Delays set to wipe $200M off profits and cause spike in US grocery and parcel prices


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26d5ae No.82835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408654 (230011ZAUG23) Notable: @TomFitton Your tax dollars are being used to cut up and sell the body parts of aborted unborn babies.

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Judicial Watch ⚖️




: Your tax dollars are being used to cut up and sell the body parts of aborted unborn babies.

READ: https://judicialwatch.org/fetal-body-parts/

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26d5ae No.82836

File: 31779215cd920fe⋯.png (1.41 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 204f75b1c257e35⋯.png (884.81 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fc52304b0c40ad⋯.png (692.32 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408676 (230013ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Callign GORDO15 Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP) "Nightwatch" 73-1676 TACAMO

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Lone Tree, Iowa

Lone Tree was platted by John W. Jayne in 1872.[3] Lone Tree derives its name from a giant elm that grew nearby in the pioneer era and served as a prairie landmark.[4] This elm stood on a slight hill south of town. Local legend has it that the tree was so large, buffalo grazed under its expansive branches. Itescaped prairie firesbecause of the lack of grass around the tree. The tree succumbed to the Dutch Elm disease of the 1960s, although valiant efforts were made to save it. The wood from the tree was used to make a sign denoting the tree's home on the hill southeast of the city limits.

On December 9, 1985, during the 1980s farm crisis, a local farmer, Dale Burr, became distraught over his growing debt. He shot his wife Emily in their home. He then went to Hills Bank & Trust in the neighboring town of Hills and attempted to cash a check and when rebuffed, returned with a shotgun and killed bank president John Hughes. Next on his list was his neighbor Richard Goody, who had recently won a court settlement against Burr's son. When pulled over by Johnson County sheriffs, Burr shot himself fatally.[5] Burr had left a note beside his wife's body. It said he "couldn't manage his problems anymore."[6] The story was captured in Bruce Brown's book Lone Tree.


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26d5ae No.82837

File: fdf56ce0eb37aa0⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408739 (230019ZAUG23) Notable: Why was a Ukrainian military film crew on the scene on January 6, 2021, to document the first breach of our U.S. Capitol?

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A Ukrainian military film crew was on the scene on January 6, 2021, to document the first breach of our U.S. Capitol.

Why didn't the J6 unselect committee focus on this?


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26d5ae No.82838

File: 876962acbe4aa35⋯.png (3.56 MB,1296x2048,81:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408749 (230021ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Callign GORDO15 Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP) "Nightwatch" 73-1676 TACAMO

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The Lone Tree


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26d5ae No.82839

File: 06963979614134e⋯.png (838.54 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408750 (230021ZAUG23) Notable: Another 23 year old basketball player suddenly dies from The 'Unknown Cause'

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23 year old basketball player dies from The Unknown Cause

Former University of Houston Basketball Player Reggie Chaney Dead at 23 - Cause Unknown

Reggie Chaney, a former college basketball player known for his contributions to the Houston Cougars’ Final Four run in 2021 and played with the Arkansas Razorbacks, passed away on Monday at the age of 23.



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26d5ae No.82840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408800 (230026ZAUG23) Notable: #23835

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#23835 >>82802

>>82820 BREAKING: Sound of Freedom is now going WORLDWIDE

>>82804 How Much of Today’s ‘Racism’ Is Manufactured?

>>82805 Nation’s Biggest Teachers Union ‘Coached’ Teachers To Inject Gender Identity Into Curricula, Report Says

>>82806 years ago on /pol we dug on UN buildings always having blue roofs, assumption was to help bombers ID buildings to avoid

>>82807 Private/Unlisted YouTube Videos of U.S. Government Agencies

>>82808 Larry Elder on being snubbed from the Fox News debate: “It is designed to make sure Ron Desantis is the nominee — anyone other than Trump. This is BS”

>>82809 New Documents Implicate Marie Yovanovich and George Kent – Trump-Bashers Lied During Trump Impeachment Knowing Hunter Undercut US Anticorruption Efforts in Ukraine

>>82810 St. Louis Mayor Announces Plans to Outlaw AR-15s, AK-47s and Military-Style Weapons – Hopes Criminals Will Comply

>>82811, >>82812, >>82833, >>82823 They are now rolling out contracts enforcing COVID-19 pandemic-era "safety protocols" through 2028.

>>82813, >>82814, >>82815, >>82817 PF: USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0110 of the 9th Bomb Squadron up from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. Squawk 5146. empty callsign


>>82818 CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Last Thursday, the Biden Administration announced an up to $1.2 billion investment in the development of the nation's first Direct Air Capture facilities.

>>82819 O'KEEFE: SPEAKING OF MUGSHOTS: This is a federal mugshot from 2010. The Feds shackled me and destroyed my video recordings, so they could falsely accuse us of things contrary to what the recordings showed.

>>82821 California spent $17.5 billion to fight homelessness. Now there are more homeless people.

>>82822 Remember the first time The[Y] attacked Hawaii?

>>82823 @RepMattGaetz on the threat of fresh lockdowns:

>>82824 BUYER BEWARE: Livestock Vaccinated with MRNA Can Still Be Labeled ‘Organic’

>>82825 Dangerous levels of PFAS detected in water for 27 million. Did the EPA find it near you?

>>82826 Alleged FEMA order for a full media blackout of new Maui disaster imagery?

>>82827 Good Samaritan With a Gun Stops Assailant From Beating Elderly Man to Death

>>82828 Imagine if People sent notice of unlawful & harmful collaborations & partnerships between & amongst government officials…

>>82829 New Trump 2024 Ad

>>82830 @DanScavino “They come from different walks of life…but ALL have one thing in common…”

>>82831 The name "Aida" from Joe and Trump today and both posts have a zero/0 in them…what does it mean?

>>82832, >>82836, >>82838 PF: Callign GORDO15 Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP) "Nightwatch" 73-1676 TACAMO

>>82834 Huge backlog of 200 ships are stuck trying to enter the Panama Canal as they wait WEEKS amid slowed traffic due to 'drought'

>>82835 @TomFitton Your tax dollars are being used to cut up and sell the body parts of aborted unborn babies.

>>82837 Why was a Ukrainian military film crew on the scene on January 6, 2021, to document the first breach of our U.S. Capitol?

>>82839 Another 23 year old basketball player suddenly dies from The 'Unknown Cause'



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26d5ae No.82841

File: 9dc0877b1e32e65⋯.jpg (16.91 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408824 (230029ZAUG23) Notable: #23836

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>should be all gud

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26d5ae No.82842

File: 02e2cb3c835249d⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,534x288,89:48,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408870 (230038ZAUG23) Notable: FEMA is staying in 1,000 room 5 star resort while helping Maui.

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>They are literally on vacation & they confirmed it


>esse Waters just broke that FEMA is staying in 1,000 room 5 star resort while helping Maui.


>Which gotel, I need to use the phone.

Got it capped.

Jesse Waters


Have a listen to this anons...

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26d5ae No.82843

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408892 (230045ZAUG23) Notable: POLICE RESCUE WOMAN FOUND CHAINED TO FLOOR INSIDE LOUISVILLE HOME

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God Bless the Police

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26d5ae No.82844

File: 17cabe001897d36⋯.png (410.53 KB,847x920,847:920,Clipboard.png)

File: a0df09828fa9a2a⋯.png (482.84 KB,863x800,863:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408899 (230046ZAUG23) Notable: China Retaliates Over Fukushima Water Dump: Blocks Seafood Imports As Nobody "Wants To Eat Radioactive Salmon"

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China Retaliates Over Fukushima Water Dump: Blocks Seafood Imports As Nobody "Wants To Eat Radioactive Salmon"

In July, the UN's nuclear watchdog gave Japan the "greenlight" to dump 'treated' radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean. And now, the world braces for the first release of radioactive water on Thursday. What could possibly go wrong?

Tokyo Electric Power Company (better known as TEPCO) will begin discharging 1.34 million tons of radioactive water that has accumulated since the 2011 tsunami destroyed the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant. It's part of a $150 billion clean-up effort after the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida cleared TEPCO for the Thursday release at a meeting of Cabinet ministers.

Kishida said at the meeting that the release of the water is essential for the progress of the plant decommissioning and Fukushima prefecture's recovery from the March 11, 2011, disaster.

He said the government has done everything for now to ensure the safety, combat the reputational damage for the fisheries and to provide transparent and scientific explanation to gain understanding in and outside the country. He pledged that the government will continue the effort until the end of the release and decommissioning, which will take decades. -Bloomberg

The discharge of radioactive water will be released over three decades and has been filtered and diluted. But that hasn't stopped China and Hong Kong, some of the largest buyers of Japan's seafood exports, from issuing warnings about bans on seafood imports from 10 prefectures if the dump begins.

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee stated this week that he had "immediately instructed" trade officials to impose import control measures to "protect Hong Kong's food safety and public health."

"The Japanese government insists on discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea.

"This unprecedented decision and practice of discharging a large amount of nuclear waste over 30 years — regardless of the inextricable risks to food safety and the irreversible pollution and damage to the marine environment — is an irresponsible imposition on others," Lee wrote in a Facebook post.


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26d5ae No.82845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408915 (230049ZAUG23) Notable: Hundreds of layoffs hit iconic sporting goods giant

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Hundreds of layoffs hit iconic sporting goods giant

Dick’s Sporting Goods recently unveiled a “business optimization plan,” which included a significant number of layoffs, primarily within its customer support center.

The decision, which was announced in a company press release, is set to cost the retailer $20 million in severance payments this quarter as the company steers its focus toward other investment areas.

Simultaneously, their recently released Quarter 2 earnings show a net sales increase of 3.6% year over year, despite grappling with high inventory shrink levels, which CEO Lauren Hobart quoted as affecting profitability.

The company’s net and operating income both dipped in double digits – a 23% decrease in net income to $244 million and a 32% fall in operating income to approximately $312 million. Hobart attributed the declines to “decisive action” on inventory excess and theft.

Hobart referred to theft as an “increasingly serious issue.” Echoing her sentiments, Neil Saunders, Managing Director at GlobalData, commented via email, “While the problem is not one of Dick’s making, management does not seem to have immediate solutions.”

READ MORE: Tech company lays off 15% of workforce

While the exact number of affected employees remains unannounced, insiders cited by Bloomberg estimate 250 corporate job cuts. The reductions reportedly comprise less than 1% of Dick’s total workforce. An individual close to the matter emphasized Dick’s Sporting Goods’ intention to “reinvest in critical growth drivers,” which potentially involves hiring in other divisions.

The retailer remains committed to the House of Sport store concept, with seven new locations launched in the past quarter alone. Executive Chairman Ed Stack stated that the House of Sport initiative, alongside the brand’s novel 50,000-square-foot store format, has been delivering impressive results.

“We are extremely excited about the future of our business,” Stack said. “Our newest DICK’S concepts, DICK’S House of Sport and our next generation 50,000 square foot DICK’S store, are yielding powerful results. We haven’t seen growth opportunities like these since we went public in the early 2000s.”

By 2027, Dick’s plans to operate between 75 to 100 House of Sport locations.

Amidst the internal shake-ups, the sporting goods giant, which boasted robust sales during the pandemic, was expected to discuss further investment strategies and gauge consumer demand in a Tuesday conference call, according to Market Watch.


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26d5ae No.82846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408952 (230055ZAUG23) Notable: Biden DOJ agrees: TikTok perfect spy apparatus for Americans.

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Biden DOJ wants to use TikTok to spy on Americans

The agreement would have granted these federal agencies to search TikTok's US headquarters, files, and servers without notice.

United States government regulators attempted to reach an agreement with TikTok to avoid banning the app in the US, which would have granted the federal government extensive control over the app, according to reports.

Forbes obtained a draft of a contract between TikTok and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that would have granted unprecedented access to multiple US agencies to the app's records and operations.

Many of the concessions that the government demanded of TikTok resemble the surveillance techniques that critics have accused Chinese officials of exploiting. While concerns remain that the CCP uses the app as a surveillance tool, the federal government almost converted it into an American one.

According to Forbes, the draft agreement that was comprised in the Summer of 2022 would have given the Department of Justice and Department of Defense more access to TikTok than any other social media company. The agreement would have granted these federal agencies to search TikTok's US headquarters, files, and servers without notice.

It would also allow US officials to stop changes to the app's terms of service, and require TikTok to pay for all audits. The agreement also allows for government agencies to shut down TikTok in the US in certain situations, the outlet reports.

In a statement issued to Gizmodo, TikTok did not confirm nor deny the draft agreement but instead explained that the company has been working with CFIUS for quite some time.

"As has been widely reported, we’ve been working with CFIUS for well over a year to implement a national security agreement and have invested significant resources in implementing a firewall to isolate US user data," a TikTok spokesperson said. "Today, all new protected US user data is stored in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in the US with tightly controlled and monitored gateways. We are doing more than any peer company to safeguard US national security interests."

The draft document reportedly includes comments from ByteDance, TikTok's Chinese-owned parent business, attorneys, and CFIUS. The agreements would allow third-party auditors and source code inspectors to oversee TikTok's US activities if adopted as written, according to Gizmodo.

US politicians and whistleblowers have accused ByteDance leaders of strong ties to the Chinese Communist Party, with the FBI director asserting that TikTok poses a risk to national security.

Four years ago, during Donald Trump's administration, CFIUS began probing ByteDance because of concerns from politicians and the public that Chinese government officials could use it to spy on Americans. TikiTok announced a data routing deal with Oracle named “Project Texas” to keep new US customer data on Oracle's US cloud infrastructure after then-President Trump threatened a ban.

Over the past year, investigations and whistleblower claims have questioned the effectiveness of TikTok's data security promises. The DOJ investigated ByteDance after multiple workers were discovered snooping on users and journalists investigating the company. In December, the Senate unanimously passed a TikTok ban on all government devices.


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26d5ae No.82847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19408968 (230058ZAUG23) Notable: Oliver Anthony drops new song, 'Brink of War'

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🚨 Oliver Anthony drops new song, 'Brink of War'

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26d5ae No.82848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409019 (230106ZAUG23) Notable: Donate to FEMA So they can spend $100,000 a night to not do their jobs!

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Donate to FEMA

So they can spend $100,000 a night to not do their jobs

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26d5ae No.82849

File: bc05b369daf408e⋯.png (361.56 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: bd0eb72e5220b51⋯.png (176.45 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: ee9326afd1b5fc3⋯.png (498.61 KB,734x793,734:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c8aace444d56ed⋯.png (145.66 KB,744x835,744:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 37dd8b00a3832de⋯.png (131.54 KB,723x665,723:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409020 (230106ZAUG23) Notable: THE FACT CHECK FILES: Inside the secretive and lucrative fact checking industry behind a foreign-funded bid to censor Voice debate

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THE FACT CHECK FILES: Inside the secretive and lucrative fact checking industry behind a foreign-funded bid to censor Voice debate

Two of Australia’s most powerful universities and a multi-billion dollar tech giant are fronting campaigns to silence news coverage of the Voice to influence the referendum, writes Jack Houghton.

Two of Australia’s most powerful universities and a multi-billion dollar tech giant are fronting campaigns to silence news coverage of the Voice to influence the referendum.

A Sky News Australia investigation has uncovered a disturbing foreign-financed attempt to block political debate and news coverage around the Voice, which exposes the global fact checking system used by tech giant Meta as non-compliant with its own rules of impartiality and transparency.

In one case, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology has been allowed by Facebook parent company Meta to block and deplatform Australian journalism, despite the platform knowing it was a breach of the rules Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg established to distance himself from fact checking responsibilities.

Meta maintains its fact-checking operation is at arm’s length and independent, but Sky News can reveal the tech giant signed a secret commercial contract directly with RMIT which allows the fact checking unit to be paid up to $740,000 a year from an Irish Meta subsidiary.

Zuckerberg has given promises globally that Meta does not seek to be the arbiter of truth on the internet and has insisted his platform is policed by an opaque entity known as the International Fact Checking Network.

However, while RMIT was certified by the IFCN at the time the contract was signed, Sky News can reveal the certification expired in December, leaving the operation free to censor Australian journalism with no oversight at all.

It is just one of 55 fact checking operations around the world which remain signatories of the IFCN despite having expired credentials.

The commercial contract between the Melbourne university and Meta has strict clauses which allow Meta to tear up the agreement if RMIT ever loses certification, but the tech giant has not done so despite being aware that the prominent fact checker is deplatforming journalism while expired.

The university used the powers Facebook has given it to throttle Sky News Australia’s Facebook page with false fact checks multiple times this year, breaching the Meta-endorsed IFCN Code of Principles and preventing millions of Australians from reading or watching Sky News Australia’s journalism.

Fact checkers employed by RMIT have led to numerous code breaches, including one fact checker using her social media account to label Opposition Leader Peter Dutton a fear-mongering racist for his views on the Voice.


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26d5ae No.82850

File: 593b73bf6c3d1f7⋯.png (819.88 KB,655x715,131:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409046 (230110ZAUG23) Notable: Rep. Mark Green (R-TN): DHS Chief Mayorkas Ignorant of How Cartels Smuggle Illegal Aliens Across Border

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Rep. Mark Green (R-TN): DHS Chief Mayorkas Ignorant of How Cartels Smuggle Illegal Aliens Across Border



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26d5ae No.82851

File: a918708ff3a87fb⋯.png (739.31 KB,747x612,83:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409051 (230111ZAUG23) Notable: FEMA: ‘We Still Expect Several More Days’ to Finish Maui Search

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>Betcha a ton of normies that just watched that are regretting their donations.

FEMA: ‘We Still Expect Several More Days’ to Finish Maui Search



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26d5ae No.82852

File: acb40e3c0dda89c⋯.png (269.21 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409063 (230112ZAUG23) Notable: Now "The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again"… can you say P.A.N.I.C.?

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P.A.N.I.C.: The Atlantic: The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again


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26d5ae No.82853

File: 3a19a21c7045b5c⋯.png (976.46 KB,768x497,768:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409085 (230116ZAUG23) Notable: Maryland Supreme Court affirms Catholic groups don’t have to give benefits to homosexual partners

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Maryland Supreme Court affirms Catholic groups don’t have to give benefits to homosexual partners

A win for Biblical marriage, though Catholic Relief Services has not always affirmed it.


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26d5ae No.82854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409097 (230117ZAUG23) Notable: Attorney John Eastman Speaks from Atlanta, GA - When Asked if He Still Believes the 2020 Election Was Stolen, “Absolutely, No Question in My Mind” He Replies

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Attorney John Eastman Speaks from Atlanta, GA – When Asked if He Still Believes the 2020 Election Was Stolen, “Absolutely, No Question in My Mind” He Replies

August 22, 2023 | Sundance |

Constitutional lawyer Dr. John Eastman Esq is one of the nineteen co-defendants in the malicious lawsuit brought by Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis. Eastman appeared in Atlanta, Ga, today to turn himself in and assert his innocence.

Dr. Eastman gave direct, deliberate and non-pretending remarks to the assembled press pool at the courthouse, and when asked if he still believes the 2020 election was stolen, Dr. Eastman replied, “absolutely, no question, no question in my mind.” Dr. Eastman is looking forward to presenting evidence that will exonerate all the defendants in the case. WATCH:

(Fani Willis is taking on some of the most brilliant, learned, and light years ahead of her attorneys, in the law and judicial understanding with Eastman, Jeff Clark, who headed two divisions at the DOJ on Barr which has never been done before of directing 100s of attorney, Giuliani who the master of RICO and put the entire NY mafia away. She is a turd on the streets of Atlanta compared to them. This may be the biggest backfire ever!)

Eastman is a world renown constitutional attorney, professor and is accomplished at the highest level of the law! Bar associations in the US have been trying to debar him for 2+ years with lawfare, along with Clark and Giuliani.



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26d5ae No.82855

File: c808ace92d53ce0⋯.png (665.45 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409113 (230119ZAUG23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: CA State Bar Reviewing Allegations AG Bonta Misrepresented the Law to Intimidate School Board

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EXCLUSIVE: CA State Bar Reviewing Allegations AG Bonta Misrepresented the Law to Intimidate School Board


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26d5ae No.82856

File: 9712fcf150cfd14⋯.png (631.11 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409125 (230121ZAUG23) Notable: Scoop: Tom Steyer Under VHR Investigation for Renting Home to First Family Without a Permit

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Scoop: Tom Steyer Under VHR Investigation for Renting Home to First Family Without a Permit

The Globe received a scoop this morning that a complaint was filed by a Douglas County resident with the Vacation Home Rental (VHR) Advisory Board against


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26d5ae No.82857

File: 0f42f9b9ca726a9⋯.png (265.63 KB,1003x828,1003:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409178 (230130ZAUG23) Notable: Nomura Securities International Agrees to Pay $35 Million Penalty Stemming from Its Participation in Securities Fraud Scheme

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Nomura Securities International Agrees to Pay $35 Million Penalty Stemming from Its Participation in Securities Fraud Scheme


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26d5ae No.82858

File: 649ef4bfef2d641⋯.png (556.92 KB,991x816,991:816,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e12af068e910ad⋯.png (160.9 KB,985x707,985:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409210 (230135ZAUG23) Notable: 22 Human Smugglers Using Social Media Charged in Law Enforcement Takedown

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22 Human Smugglers Using Social Media Charged in Law Enforcement Takedown


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26d5ae No.82859

File: bf0345bd90f8b09⋯.png (1.78 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409219 (230136ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Nightwatch running dark somewhere over the American Midwest for going on an hour and half

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Nightwatch has been running dark somewhere over the American Midwest for going on an hour and half now. Ivan and Hop Singh must be absolutely beside themselves.


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26d5ae No.82860

File: 0e1098d4ee75197⋯.mp4 (14.98 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409237 (230139ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI MAYOR BISSEN REFUSES TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT DEAD CHILDREN

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The mainstream media have been REFUSING to press the Mayor on this, so residents and I started pressing him HARD for the past SEVERAL DAYS.

He’s been demonizing and attempting to discredit me ever since.

Regardless, we’ve been able to really BLOW THE LID OFF this story.


I’ve even heard HORRIFIC first-hand accounts from locals that found BABY BONES IN CAR SEATS, and bones of a young boy laying on top of his dog to protect it from the inferno.

The four schools in Lahaina served over 3,000 students.

— ONLY 400 have enrolled in other schools. Another 200 are doing virtual learning


7:37 PM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409270 (230144ZAUG23) Notable: WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN, MR. MAYOR?

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educated guess would be in cages at an adrenochrome harvesting operation

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26d5ae No.82862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409271 (230144ZAUG23) Notable: WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN, MR. MAYOR?

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Most likely trafficked.

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26d5ae No.82863

File: 1dcde62f709ea87⋯.png (47.47 KB,350x208,175:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 73974588310cf5f⋯.png (289.69 KB,634x680,317:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409305 (230149ZAUG23) Notable: WILL AUSTRALIANS BE THE NEXT 'CIMATE CHANGE' FIRE VICTIMS?

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Australia next

Why Australia is set for its worst bushfire season for years - and why you should act NOW to save your property and maybe your life

Official bushfire warning issued for Spring

NSW, Queensland and NT at 'increased risk'

Rain has created 'fuel growth' for fire to spread


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26d5ae No.82864

File: 1cf69cadda9567d⋯.png (371.27 KB,646x737,646:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409312 (230150ZAUG23) Notable: John Solomon has unearthed official government documents that prove Joe & Hunter were working together in Ukraine.

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John Solomon has unearthed official government documents that prove Joe & Hunter were working together in Ukraine.

“The timetable, the overlaying of the two parallel tracks shows that Joe Biden & Hunter Biden were both working towards the same goal.”


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26d5ae No.82865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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did they install 5g in maui

if so, it would explain the reason why they did not turn of the electric.






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26d5ae No.82866

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409366 (230200ZAUG23) Notable: Harnwell: Did The Washington Post Really Mean To Admit We’re Being Deliberately Misled On Ukraine?!

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Harnwell: Did The Washington Post Really Mean To Admit We’re Being Deliberately Misled On Ukraine?!

Harnwell’s reports on Ukraine are great.The nickname for WAPO is the otherwise known as “The Langley Bugle”(CIA mouthpiece to get the message out)



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26d5ae No.82867

File: 83f2153c76a1330⋯.png (52.06 KB,1020x1320,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409400 (230207ZAUG23) Notable: So Anons, what do you think about another "It's okay to be white" style campaign?

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So Anons, what do you think about another "It's okay to be white" style campaign?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82868

File: 47404168b8fe986⋯.png (222.87 KB,544x769,544:769,Clipboard.png)

File: f2a5ce4d3d8aa8a⋯.png (38.11 KB,545x263,545:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409470 (230222ZAUG23) Notable: Bank of America TERMINATES account of Christian charity that supports orphaned Ugandans

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Bank of America TERMINATES account of Christian charity that supports orphaned Ugandans

Trends of canceling Americans from wrongthink seem to be well and alive after Bank of America (BofA) decided to completely shut down a bank account held by a Memphis-based Christian non-profit called Indigenous Advance Ministries.

The organization, which is known for various charitable operations such as its support of impoverished and orphaned Ugandan children, is notably Christian, pro-life, and opposes the concept of marriage being shared by anything other than one man and one woman.

BofA issued a letter that it was canceling Indigenous Advance Ministries' account on April 24; the financial institution gave the group only a 30-day notice. The notification read: "Upon review of your accounts, we have determined you're operating in a business type we have chosen not to service at Bank of America."

Representatives of the group say that have "repeatedly" asked for a justification for the sudden shutdown.

About a month later, BofA sent a follow-up message that stated: "Upon review of your accounts, we have determined you're operating in a business type we have chosen not to service at Bank of America."

In reaction to the debunking, Indigenous Advance Ministries board members Steve Happ and Bob Phillips penned a letter to the Tennessee attorney general's office in order to request assistance on the matter.

"Being forced to transition so quickly caused a great deal of trouble for us," begins the letter. "It also disrupted our mission to Uganda in June and we were temporarily unable to pay salaries in Uganda. And we were left very confused."

"'Our mission and work, supporting Ugandan children and families through indigenous Ugandan Ministeries, has remained the same since we were founded and first opened our accounts with Bank of America."

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a nonprofit legal organization that works to protect the Constitutional rights of Americans, also moved to contact the state's attorney general.

"We filed a complaint asking the TN AG Jonathan Skrmetti to investigate whether this de-banking was due to religious discrimination," ADF wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

BofA has denied that religious values ever played a role in its controversial cancelation.

While BofA claims that religious beliefs "are not a factor in any account-closing decision," the firm curiously could not point to point to the exact part of its policy claiming it does not service debt collections upon being asked to do so by the Daily Mail.


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26d5ae No.82869

File: 5286865bde8dbc4⋯.png (1.16 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409475 (230224ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Fight Russia to the Last Ukrainian’ Is Official Biden White House Policy

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‘Fight Russia to the Last Ukrainian’ Is Official White House Policy

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has dragged on with no end in sight. The fighting has ground to a near standstill, with thousands of lives being traded for miles of territory. The situation has delighted the political establishment in Washington...


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26d5ae No.82870

File: 6dcb700c7d0e035⋯.png (625.92 KB,750x922,375:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409493 (230226ZAUG23) Notable: hypocrisy & psychological warfare that took place around Covid lockdowns & the destruction of our cities.

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Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs

111-pg visual report I documented in 2020 to show the hypocrisy & psychological warfare that took place around Covid lockdowns & the destruction of our cities.

Never let this happen again!


Historical Hypocrisy & Psychological Warfare


10:07 PM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82871

File: 0f943d1df265949⋯.png (880.61 KB,872x703,872:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409494 (230226ZAUG23) Notable: Bidenomics: Near $7 A Gallon In Florida, $5.36 In LA

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Bidenomics: Near $7 A Gallon In Florida, $5.36 In LA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82872

File: 3549dad0908c196⋯.png (1.21 MB,1921x1012,1921:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: b48bee739382740⋯.png (1.21 MB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409504 (230227ZAUG23) Notable: PF: GORDO15 flying dark, potentially broadcasting EAMs for one hour, twenty seven minutes.

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GORDO15 has switched transponders back on and appears to be on descent into Offutt AFB. Data points show that it was flying dark, and probably broadcasting EAMs for one hour, twenty seven minutes.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409531 (230232ZAUG23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr What is known — During the Cold War, the CIA compromised some 400 American journalists under Operation Mockingbird. What is less known —Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

What is known — During the Cold War, the CIA compromised some 400 American journalists under Operation Mockingbird. What is less known —Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today.

10:07 PM · Aug 22, 2023 -2:36


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26d5ae No.82874

File: b651d357c12353c⋯.png (995.72 KB,1125x1219,1125:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409555 (230236ZAUG23) Notable: Friendly reminder that on January 10, 2020, CEPI announced that they would view the outbreak as a potential rehearsal for Disease X.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(L)auren @SomeB1tchIKnow

Friendly reminder that on January 10, 2020, CEPI announced that they would view the outbreak as a potential rehearsal for Disease X.

Everything that has happened since has been according to that blueprint from the WHO.

Sauce: https://cepi.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/100120-SAC-Meeting-Summary-1-1.pdf

12:20 PM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.82875

File: a4dfdeae8d412d3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: b3cfdf505bc579d⋯.png (229.95 KB,710x555,142:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a690a2564dfcb2⋯.png (2 MB,746x1097,746:1097,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409617 (230246ZAUG23) Notable: #23837

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There Is No Baker, need lb notes

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26d5ae No.82876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409687 (230258ZAUG23) Notable: Vladimir Putin: The Ukrainian authorities don’t treat their own soldiers as humans

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22 Aug, 2023 23:44

Russian president comments on Kiev’s battle tactics

The Ukrainian authorities don’t treat their own soldiers as humans, Vladimir Putin has said

Ukraine is senselessly turning its own soldiers into cannon fodder for Russian troops, President Vladimir Putin has said, while reflecting on the methods employed by Kiev during its ongoing offensive.

“As you can see, the situation on the contact line is currently stable,” the Russian leader said, during the meeting with Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) acting head Leonid Pasechnik in the Kremlin on Wednesday.

Putin went on to comment on Kiev’s recent tactics, which have failed to yield any significant territorial gains, but cost heavy losses of Ukrainian troops and armor.

“They are throwing [Ukrainian soldiers] on our minefields, under our artillery fire, acting as if they are not their own citizens at all. It is astonishing,” Putin said.

Despite Kiev’s public optimism regarding its offensive operations, which were launched in early June, international media has reported that Western officials were growing concerned and frustrated over the lackluster results achieved by the Ukrainian military, as well as the loss of NATO-supplied equipment, including heavy tanks.

Ukrainian armored units have been struggling to get past dense Russian minefields and had failed to break through fortified positions. The New York Times cited unnamed US and British officials on Tuesday as saying that the planners in Kiev had made the mistake of dispersing their attacking units across the long front line rather than focusing on a concentrated strike in a single area.


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26d5ae No.82877

File: c0e84e2947dceea⋯.jpeg (61.54 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409701 (230301ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine threatens more attacks on Crimea

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22 Aug, 2023

Ukraine threatens more attacks on Crimea

Something will happen “in the next few days,” military intelligence chief Budanov has said

Kiev is preparing another attack on Crimea in the next several days, Kirill Budanov, head of Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), told reporters on Tuesday.

In an interview with the Ukrainian outlet ITV, Budanov claimed there were “a lot of people on the peninsula who are eagerly anticipating”the return of Ukrainian rule, and that Kiev needs to “instill confidence” among them.

“That is why initiatives like the Crimean Platform are crucial. This involves resistance in the temporarily occupied territories and the removal of occupiers from our Crimea. Our actions are apparent now, with more to come in the next few days,” Budanov said.

The ‘Crimean Platform’ is an initiative of President Vladimir Zelensky’s government, which seeks to portray Russia as the “occupier” and oppressor of Crimean Tatars. Residents of the peninsula had voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia in March 2014, shortly after the US-backed coup installed a government of Ukrainian nationalists in Kiev.

Budanov’s comments about “apparent”Ukrainian actions appeared to be a reference to last week’s admission by the SBU security service chief, Vasily Malyuk, that the July 17 attack on the Crimean Bridge was carried out by Ukrainian sea drones. Malyuk sent footageof the drone attack to CNN and other US outlets, calling the drone ‘SeaBaby’ and promising more strikes to come.

Ukraine has stepped up its attacks on Crimea in recent weeks, targeting the bridge from Taman to Kerch with air and sea drones as well as long-range missiles provided by the West. In the last week alone, Russian air defenses thwarted an attempted missile strike on the bridge and downed 20 drones aimed at the peninsula.

Moscow has shrugged off the attacks as an attempt by Kiev to distract from its failures on the battlefield. The much-heralded offensive, launched in early June, has so far failed to breach the Russian lines in Zaporozhye, and cost Ukraine over 43,000 troops and nearly 5,000 pieces of heavy equipment, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Some US officials, speaking to CNN on condition of anonymity, seconded Moscow’s assessment. The drone attacks may have intended to unnerve Russia, but are “not doing anything decisive,” one senior Pentagon official told the outlet last week. “And it would probably be better for everyone for them to just focus on the counteroffensive.”


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26d5ae No.82878

File: a7fef6c54553e0f⋯.mp4 (13.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7df5e85bc4cdca2⋯.png (295.05 KB,749x685,749:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409703 (230302ZAUG23) Notable: RFKjr: "Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>82873 LB


>Robert F. Kennedy Jr

What is known — During the Cold War, the CIA compromised some 400 American journalists under Operation Mockingbird. What is less known —Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today.

>10:07 PM · Aug 22, 2023 –2:36


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26d5ae No.82879

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409730 (230307ZAUG23) Notable: Bradley Thayer: It was the United States that supported and funded the CCP

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It was the United States that supported and funded the CCP



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26d5ae No.82880

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409743 (230308ZAUG23) Notable: Glenn Greenwald: Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski on Resisting Govt Censorship Pressure

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Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski on

Resisting Government Censorship Pressure


Glenn Greenwald



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26d5ae No.82881

File: 050464a380737d2⋯.png (430.03 KB,990x557,990:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 17e7c4ba2a8f6c3⋯.png (27.55 KB,314x111,314:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409755 (230310ZAUG23) Notable: Enterprise, N.W.T. is '90 per cent gone' after devastating wildfires

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Enterprise, N.W.T. is '90 per cent gone' after devastating wildfires


If an event is real, why the need for fakery?

Is there a mine around "Enterprise"?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82882

File: 444f2c99ae1395e⋯.png (443.22 KB,681x823,681:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409798 (230319ZAUG23) Notable: Al Jareera: Why Netanyahu thinks America is stupid

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Why Netanyahu thinks America is stupid

Israeli sadism meets American cynicism in Palestine.

by Marwan Bishara

Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera.

Published 20 May 2021

1 of 2

The United States has provided Israel with the military means and diplomatic cover it needs to defeat Hamas in Gaza, while devastating the livelihood of more than two million Palestinians, in what qualify as war crimes.

The Biden administration has covered for Israel at the United Nations and lied about it. Its denial of having obstructed a mere statement by the UN Security Council (UNSC) calling for a ceasefire, makes it look foolish, disingenuous and weak.

Washington has stood alone among the members of the council in its opposition to consensus on a ceasefire, not once, not twice, but three times in the past few days.

The White House spokesperson insisted that the US is pursuing an “effective” approach of “quiet, intensive, diplomacy”, but as it turns out, President Joe Biden has been merely buying Israel time to get on with “finishing the job”.

According to a New York Times report, the US president told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he might not be able to deter growing international and domestic pressure for much longer, with the mounting death and destruction caused by days of pounding Gaza.

When Biden finally asked Netanyahu to start winding down the war, the arrogant Israeli premier rebuffed him, insisting instead on taking his time to realise his objectives in the war, come what may.

Israel has concluded from the previous three Gaza offensives that it could no longer accept a “strategic tie” with Hamas; that its military victory must be quick, real and resounding; that Palestinians and other regional nemeses must learn that they cannot achieve by force what they failed to achieve through diplomacy; and that Israel will do what it must to win, regardless of how long or how much the world whines.

On that basis, Israel is making an example of Gaza, sadistically destroying its administrative, municipal and economic infrastructure, including electricity, water and sewerage systems, setting it back years if not decades.

The images from Gaza speak louder than words.

Netanyahu is making Gaza suffer in a cynical ploy to satisfy his vengeful ultra-nationalist base and continue to maintain his grip on power.

If he loses his premiership, he is likely to end up in jail, like his predecessor Ehud Olmert, on any one of the three serious charges he now faces in court – fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes.

Netanyahu was in dire straits only days before his fascist allies began to run amok in occupied East Jerusalem, terrorising its residents. He had failed yet again to form a coalition government and was finally forced to stand trial after repeated postponements.

But, lo and behold, as soon as the escalation got under way, his opponents failed to form a government, and as the escalation worsened, his chances to remain in office improved dramatically, with smaller right-wing parties like Yamina rallying behind him.

One has to wonder if any of this is in the US national interest.

The short answer is no, none of it. Nada. Zilch.

Indeed, the ensuing grave humanitarian crisis and the deepening hatred for Israel and its enablers in the region and beyond is damaging to US credibility and national interest.

This is especially true when the Biden administration claims to put human rights at the centre of its foreign policy, while its spoiled brat of a client takes advantage of its sympathy and support to commit war crimes.

Even the much-touted war on the Islamist movement, Hamas, is not in the US best interest, not when it destabilises the region, and not when the alternative is a negotiated settlement that could achieve peace and security – peace for Israel and security for the Palestinians – based on freedom and justice.

Unlike other pan-Islamic groups that threatened the US and Western security, Hamas is a national liberation movement with religious undertones, and like countless liberation movements, it uses force to achieve its objectives.

Like it or hate it, Hamas has consistently limited the scope of its activities and objectives to freeing Palestine from Israeli colonialism, and it has long entrusted the negotiations to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

For its part, Washington has negotiated an agreement with the Islamist Taliban, which it has also long accused of terrorism and which proved far more radical and less compromising than Hamas, in order to bring peace to Afghanistan.

All of which begs the question: Why is the Biden administration doing Netanyahu’s dirty bidding, instead of helping to reach a similar agreement in Palestine?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409801 (230319ZAUG23) Notable: Al Jareera: Why Netanyahu thinks America is stupid

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2 of 2

Netanyahu’s answer is simple:“America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.”This is what he said in 2001, while assuring Israeli settlers that Israel could destroy the Palestinian Authority and continue with illegal settlement building, regardless of the US position.

In his view, America is gullible, and in the rare case when its government plays hardball, Israel can deploy its influential lobby to whip it into submission.

With the Democrats’ razor-thin majority in the Senate, Biden cannot afford to alienate a single pro-Israel Democrat if he is to pass his ambitious legislative agenda, not when the Republicans are blindly following Netanyahu.

Israel could also count on the overwhelming backing it enjoys in Congress and in the US in general, which is so substantial that Netanyahu aptly called it, “absurd”. Paradoxically, the two senators leading the effort for an immediate ceasefire, Bernie Sanders and Jon Ossoff, are Jewish.

More disturbingly, Netanyahu’s views reflect a general “disdain” among Israelis for Americans, whom they reckon are “inherently dupable people”, according to a report in the Jewish American publication, The Forward.

Over the years, the US has provided Israel with close to $150bn in direct assistance only, and in return they are rewarded with insult, for Israelis basically think the Americans, who long showered them with money and weapons, are suckers.

But then, these are the same Israelis who willingly made an infamous, cheating, deceiving, liar their country’s longest serving prime minister, heading not one, not two, but five governments – and counting.

It is no coincidence that, after engaging five US administrations over a quarter of a century, Netanyahu behaves so arrogantly towards US leaders. Not only has he gotten away with almost anything, even things contrary to US interests, he has also been rewarded for it.


Netanyahu called US President Bill Clinton “radically pro Palestinian”, even though the US president helped improve Israel’s regional and international standing in the 1990s, when foreign investment skyrocketed, the economy prospered, and trade increased while illegal settlement expanded.

Netanyahu’s chutzpah is best illustrated by his humiliation of US President Barack Obama, lecturing him on the Middle East, denouncing him on the Iran deal and his opposition to settlements, and snubbing him in his talk directly to the Congress.

And Obama’s defeatism is best illustrated by his absurd rush in the last months of his presidency to reward Netanyahu with a $38bn military aid package.

Such military assistance may have been justifiable during the Cold War, but today rich Israel is no longer a strategic asset; it is a strategic liability for the US. Israel may have served US strategy in the past, but that strategy proved bad for the US and the Middle East.

At any rate, if that was not weird enough, Netanyahu stalled, insisting on $45bn, before finally signing on it. Bizarrely, other Israeli leaders also complained about this “single largest pledge of military assistance in US history”.

Wait, there is more.

Shortly after signing the deal, Netanyahu lashed out at the Obama-Biden administration for abstaining during a UNSC vote on Israel’s illegal settlements that Washington long opposed, calling it a “shameful anti-Israeli ploy”.

And then came Donald Trump, the gift that kept on giving concession after concession to Netanyahu. Among others, Trump recognised Israeli annexation of Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan Heights, as well as hundreds of illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

It was no coincidence that Netanyahu made clear his support for Trump during the elections, but after becoming president, Biden resumed the relationship with the ungrateful premier, as if nothing had happened and even provided him with the diplomatic cover to fight his ugly war.

As Netanyahu plunged Palestine into another dark and tragic chapter of violence, and rejected Biden’s appeals to de-escalate the violence in order to reach a ceasefire, the Biden administration is rewarding him with a $735m arms sale that includes precision-guided weapons.

But it is never enough, alas.

Expect Netanyahu to ask for more in return for de-escalation, including more money and arms, and an invitation to Washington before Israel’s fifth elections in two years.


And, well, insanely stupid.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82884

File: 53350b0f7debc60⋯.png (458.59 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409849 (230326ZAUG23) Notable: Fauci declares lockdowns were 'absolutely justified' and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

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Dr. Evil Elf is Back

Fauci declares lockdowns were 'absolutely justified' and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

Retired government bureaucrat says that tragedy in Maui was due to climate change.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409897 (230334ZAUG23) Notable: #23836

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#23836 >>82841




>>82842 FEMA is staying in 1,000 room 5 star resort while helping Maui.

>>82848 Donate to FEMA So they can spend $100,000 a night to not do their jobs!

>>82851 FEMA: ‘We Still Expect Several More Days’ to Finish Maui Search


>>82844 China Retaliates Over Fukushima Water Dump: Blocks Seafood Imports As Nobody "Wants To Eat Radioactive Salmon"

>>82845 Hundreds of layoffs hit iconic sporting goods giant

>>82846 Biden DOJ agrees: TikTok perfect spy apparatus for Americans.

>>82847 Oliver Anthony drops new song, 'Brink of War'

>>82849 THE FACT CHECK FILES: Inside the secretive and lucrative fact checking industry behind a foreign-funded bid to censor Voice debate

>>82850 Rep. Mark Green (R-TN): DHS Chief Mayorkas Ignorant of How Cartels Smuggle Illegal Aliens Across Border

>>82852 Now "The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again"... can you say P.A.N.I.C.?

>>82853 Maryland Supreme Court affirms Catholic groups don’t have to give benefits to homosexual partners

>>82854 Attorney John Eastman Speaks from Atlanta, GA - When Asked if He Still Believes the 2020 Election Was Stolen, “Absolutely, No Question in My Mind” He Replies

>>82855 EXCLUSIVE: CA State Bar Reviewing Allegations AG Bonta Misrepresented the Law to Intimidate School Board

>>82856 Scoop: Tom Steyer Under VHR Investigation for Renting Home to First Family Without a Permit

>>82857 Nomura Securities International Agrees to Pay $35 Million Penalty Stemming from Its Participation in Securities Fraud Scheme

>>82858 22 Human Smugglers Using Social Media Charged in Law Enforcement Takedown

>>82859 PF: Nightwatch running dark somewhere over the American Midwest for going on an hour and half

>>82864 John Solomon has unearthed official government documents that prove Joe & Hunter were working together in Ukraine.


>>82866 Harnwell: Did The Washington Post Really Mean To Admit We’re Being Deliberately Misled On Ukraine?!

>>82867 So Anons, what do you think about another "It's okay to be white" style campaign?

>>82869 ‘Fight Russia to the Last Ukrainian’ Is Official Biden White House Policy

>>82868 Bank of America TERMINATES account of Christian charity that supports orphaned Ugandans

>>82870 hypocrisy & psychological warfare that took place around Covid lockdowns & the destruction of our cities.

>>82871 Bidenomics: Near $7 A Gallon In Florida, $5.36 In LA

>>82872 PF: GORDO15 flying dark, potentially broadcasting EAMs for one hour, twenty seven minutes.

>>82873 Robert F. Kennedy Jr What is known — During the Cold War, the CIA compromised some 400 American journalists under Operation Mockingbird. What is less known —Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today.

>>82874 Friendly reminder that on January 10, 2020, CEPI announced that they would view the outbreak as a potential rehearsal for Disease X.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409922 (230337ZAUG23) Notable: DOJ OIG has to rely on approval from Deputy Atty General Lisa Monaco in order to investigate atty misconduct rather than the jurisdiction being the Office of Professional Responsibility’s

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This is the issue DOJ OIG faces: They have to rely on approval from Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco in order to investigate attorney misconduct rather than the jurisdiction being the Office of Professional Responsibility’s.


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26d5ae No.82887

File: 902b29c1cceb15b⋯.png (225.78 KB,443x476,443:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409936 (230340ZAUG23) Notable: Where are the parents in Maui who are missing children?

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Vid is 702MB & if I compress to 2% to get it under the 17mb allowed here on kun not sure the quality kek. About the Maui children:

WTF - there is no one on the list that is a child then where are all the missing children. This makes no sense at all!!! You mean to tell me that no parents have come forward or grandparents have come forward saying their child is missing or their whole family is missing here’s my DNA seriously? No relatives are coming forward - are you saying whole families have been wiped out so no one’s claiming them! Someone please make this make sense!


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26d5ae No.82888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409951 (230343ZAUG23) Notable: BIG MIKE (MiKElle Obama): "We have to change our traditions, our history"

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BIG MIKE (MiKElle Obama): "We have to change our traditions, our history" - Now do you understand why monuments have been destroyed with impunity?

Who gave him the right to decide our traditions, our history, is invalid? Big Mike never held office.

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." George Orwell, 1984

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26d5ae No.82889

File: ff188775a831782⋯.png (145.27 KB,620x172,155:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409968 (230345ZAUG23) Notable: The Pandemic Planning Racket

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The Pandemic Planning Racket

The Pandemic Planning Racket - LewRockwell

In the fall of 2022, mainstream media started warning of a potential “tripledemic,” with COVID,1 seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)2 being in circulation at the same time. Fear sells, they say, and that’s certainly the adage used by...


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26d5ae No.82890

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19409970 (230346ZAUG23) Notable: VIDEO: Target Preparing For New COVID Lockdowns, Stew Peters Reports

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VIDEO: Target Preparing For New COVID Lockdowns, Stew Peters Reports


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26d5ae No.82891

File: 982020135c982d3⋯.png (410.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410002 (230350ZAUG23) Notable: Students can get admitted to college without ever applying" (what's the catch???)

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Students can get admitted to college without ever applying" -—- You're prequalified for this amazing offer of life-crippling student loans, to get a worthless degree for jobs you're not qualified for!

Students can get admitted to college without ever applying

Direct admissions is meant to increase accessibility of higher education.


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26d5ae No.82892

File: f5684dea5c4217d⋯.png (68.72 KB,768x531,256:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410034 (230356ZAUG23) Notable: Canadian government to spend $4.3M on abortions and birth control to manage indigenous populations

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Canadian government to spend $4.3M on abortions and birth control to manage indigenous populations

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party has announced that it is designating $4.3 million to pay for access to “sexual and reproductive rights” for indigenous people there, but many are concerned that the project is really an effort to make abortions and contraception more readily accessible to a group that has historically been subject to forced sterilization.

The money will be sent to reproductive and sexual health projects being carried out by the National Council of Indigenous Midwives, the Provincial Health Services Authority of British Columbia, the Native Women’s Association of Canada and other groups.

Canada already has a very liberal stance on abortion, allowing women to have a child aborted at any time throughout pregnancy until the moment of birth without providing any justification. It is the only democratic nation in the world that does not have laws that protect preborn life, according to LifeSiteNews.

Unfortunately, Canada has a long history of mistreating indigenous people, including subjecting them to forced sterilizations and abortions in keeping with eugenics legislation that considered them to be inferior.

Campaign Life Coalition Communications Director Pete Baklinski asked: “What do the Trudeau Liberals have against indigenous peoples that they are aggressively funding the killing of their treasured offspring by promoting abortion in their communities?”

He added: “I thought ‘every child matters’ when it comes to respecting the lives of indigenous peoples, especially their children? I guess not for the Trudeau Liberals.”

Baklinski said that all Canadians should be outraged by the targeting of indigenous people for extinction.

Indigenous women have long been subjected to coerced abortions and sterilizations

Earlier this year, a class action lawsuit was filed against the government of British Columbia on behalf of a group of indigenous women who underwent coerced abortions or sterilizations, a practice the suit says has been going on since 1973.

Canada has more than 600 indigenous communities, and indigenous people make up around five percent of the Canadian population, residing largely in the northern part of the country.

According to the lawsuit, the government of British Columbia played a role in fostering an atmosphere of racism in hospitals that received provincial funding.

The suit asserts: “Coerced sterilization and abortion involving Indigenous women was, and remains, a form of sexism and genocide — a practice directed at eradicating Indigenous people and their cultures.”


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26d5ae No.82893

File: a3d9b5f11950237⋯.png (820.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410043 (230357ZAUG23) Notable: Austin police chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages

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Austin police chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages

Austin Police Department's Chief Joseph Chacon said he would be retiring with a 'heavy heart' on Monday, saying it was 'the right moment' to step down.


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26d5ae No.82894

File: 3887fc370539630⋯.png (287.3 KB,564x470,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410052 (230359ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Carol Baker: "Get rid of all the whites" - CDC (Commie Death Cult) wants us DEAD

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26d5ae No.82895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410059 (230400ZAUG23) Notable: Proof Electric Cars are a Scam

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Proof Electric Cars are a Scam



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26d5ae No.82896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410076 (230402ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Carol Baker: "Get rid of all the whites" - CDC (Commie Death Cult) wants us DEAD

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Dr. Carol Baker: "Get rid of all the whites"


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26d5ae No.82897

File: ff8c4f191826065⋯.png (666.28 KB,768x463,768:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410097 (230406ZAUG23) Notable: Fox News & Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin

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BUSTED - Fox News and Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin to Support Ron De...

By now we are all too familiar with the schemes and plots of the corporate media as they participate in the political illusion of choice game. However, for Rupert Murdoch and Fox News debate moderator Martha MacCallum, this catch shreds the remaining litt...


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26d5ae No.82898

File: 9c9e03750e8e995⋯.png (160.08 KB,751x794,751:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410116 (230409ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump, the same man they doubted is now the same man they fear.

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BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump, the same man they doubted is now the same man they fear. They didn’t try to arrest him until they all stopped laughing. The American people stand with Trump we are done with the global elite. End the greed, end the corruption, end the deep state.


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26d5ae No.82899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410122 (230410ZAUG23) Notable: Fox News & Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin

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NOTABLE inofitself

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26d5ae No.82900

File: 04a9feb1148127a⋯.png (3.19 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 53a3c17055e2a6c⋯.jpeg (496.64 KB,960x1621,960:1621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4aa1e8d07458763⋯.jpeg (538.94 KB,960x1086,160:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410132 (230413ZAUG23) Notable: Maui fires & the blue roofs - What's up (if anything)? DIG!

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DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons) Lasers Programmed At Different Wavelengths To NOT BURN BLUE

The Simpsons During Their DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons) Episode Left The Blue Building Untouched



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26d5ae No.82901

File: 46953a8e50b65b7⋯.jpg (49.31 KB,760x246,380:123,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410136 (230414ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Carol Baker: "Get rid of all the whites" - CDC (Commie Death Cult) wants us DEAD

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>CDC wants us dead

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26d5ae No.82902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410144 (230415ZAUG23) Notable: ChineseLasers Over HAWAIIJan 28th 2023? - video

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ChineseLasers Over HAWAIIJan 28th 2023 ?

"Everyone on the south side of the big island saw them with their own eyes. EVERYONE"

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26d5ae No.82903

File: 06d509c4f0ac5b3⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,405x608,405:608,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410146 (230416ZAUG23) Notable: How gold destroys the Fed.

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"Gold shall destroy FED."

Hey anons...one thing I've struggled with over the years is gold and a gold backed currency but I think I understand it now.

Please give me a little to set the table, I'll try to be quick:

If you wanted to be a free and independent country that controls it's own currency, why would you peg your currency to a commodity that you do not control?

Let's say you wanted to base your currency on diamonds...say one dollar is equivalent to a 1/4 carat...diamonds have had value for thousands of years.

Problem is, the price of diamonds are controlled by a few elites...they have vaults full of rough diamonds, if diamonds are discovered somewhere they buy up

the mine and control it's production...If they can't gain control of the diamond production in some region (parts of Africa) they will push legislation to have

those diamonds classified as Conflict Diamonds that can't be traded, reducing their value.

So those elites control the price of diamonds and in-turn your currency.

So let's look at gold...I've read that the elites control 70+ % of the worlds refined gold and the Rothschild's own the two largest mining companies in the world,

Glencore Mining Company and Rio Tinto Mining Corporation (gold in the ground).

Add to that the paper gold that they can issue...And, they control the price of Gold.

If you look at US history, we once had a currency called Colonial Script and many believe the Currency Act that made it illegal was the main cause of the revolution.

Several decades earlier, in the 1750s, the Colonies were very prosperous. There was no income tax, no unemployment, and stable prices.

When asked to explain this prosperity to leaders back in the motherland, Benjamin Franklin replied; “That is simple.

In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and

industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money,

we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one”.

1764, the production of Colonial Script was made illegal by the Currency Act, passed into law in England (of course due to pressure from

the Bank of England) prohibiting the Colonies from issuing their own money, ordering them to use only the money that was provided

(in insufficient quantities) by the English bankers. Benjamin Franklin said,

“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the

streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed”.

The currency that the colonies were forced to use was gold based.


So...why should we move to a gold based currency? It never made sense...

Instead, lets look at this from another angle...

The New World Order (NWO) wants to enslave us...

one of the methods of control is currency, you go against the narrative we take your money.

How do you get the sheep to accept a digital currency???

You make it the currency of the Dark Web...

Created by some unknown figure...

If the govt. could stop it they would...drugs, porn, trafficking ...

Huge gains investing in it...

It must be secure....

If they knew DARPA, CIA, New World Order created it no one would accept it...

You really think they didn't incorporate a back door???

The reason for the push for physical Gold and Silver coins is...to provide an alternative currency...

Look at the truckers from Canada...their money was frozen...

If you do not have money...you can't get food, medicine, pay your mortgage, taxes...health care...you are a slave...

If all your assets are tied to a digital currency you are controlled ...

But...If you have physical gold and silver under your mattress / buried in a coffee can in your back yard...

Now when you speak out...you can still provide...

There is an alternative currency to the digital one...

This is how Gold destroys the FED...

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26d5ae No.82904

File: 60a6829d7fb3438⋯.png (525.69 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410176 (230421ZAUG23) Notable: How gold destroys the Fed.

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>>The Founding Fathers, Colonial Script, the Federal Reserve and the National Debt


The Fed: Harming the Economy for over a Century

Since its founding in 1913, the unelected central planning bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve have been given the incredible privilege of legally creating money out of thin air, which mere mortals like us are not allowed to do.


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26d5ae No.82905

File: 04a9feb1148127a⋯.png (3.19 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bd7541298db564⋯.jpeg (387.04 KB,960x1340,48:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410188 (230424ZAUG23) Notable: Maui fires & the blue roofs - What's up (if anything)? DIG!

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Maui DEW Symbolism

The Frequency of Blue is 666


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26d5ae No.82906

File: 5be6cebd0544061⋯.png (488.93 KB,669x1252,669:1252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410269 (230905ZAUG23) Notable: J&J to close down Leiden based vaccination unit Janssen

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J&J to close down Leiden based vaccination unit Janssen

Belgian pharmaceuticals company Janssen, which is part of the Johnson & Johnson group, is planning to close most of its infectious diseases and vaccine development unit in Leiden.

Janssen has a workforce of 2,500 in Leiden and it is unclear, as yet, how many jobs will be affected by the closure which still needs to be approved by the works council.

J&J wants the unit to focus more on new treatment methods for cancer and heart and artery disease, the Telegraaf said on Wednesday.

Janssen hit the headlines during the coronavirus pandemic as the developer of a Covid vaccine that required one injection and was said to work quickly. It led to health minister Hugo de Jonge’s catchphrase “dansen met Janssen” to promote vaccinations to youngsters.

In practice, however, the vaccine did not take effect immediately and there was a peak in coronavirus infections.

Its use in the Netherlands was eventually phased out.


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26d5ae No.82907

File: b5a1040419eb48d⋯.png (587.68 KB,993x707,993:707,Clipboard.png)

File: bfab12adf5936d0⋯.png (176.07 KB,813x653,813:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410276 (230909ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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>EVAC 850

C17 out of Hawaii just landing in Okinawa

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26d5ae No.82908

File: de0f52ee4103fff⋯.png (516.7 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410279 (230911ZAUG23) Notable: Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal ‘Bio-Weapons’

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Hallelujah : Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal ‘Bio-Weapons’ Lawmakers in Florida have announced plans to officially designate mRNA Covid vaccines as “bio-weapons” that are hazardous to human health.

The proposed law seeks to BAN the administration of mRNA shots to anybody in the state.





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26d5ae No.82909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410289 (230916ZAUG23) Notable: US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The ‘Covid’ Jabs

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US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The ‘Covid’ Jabs

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26d5ae No.82910

File: a87175bbd2c419d⋯.png (403.13 KB,729x1059,243:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410340 (230947ZAUG23) Notable: China's Xiaomi wins state planner nod to make EVs amid glut in autos

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Exclusive: China's Xiaomi wins state planner nod to make EVs amid glut in autos


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26d5ae No.82911

File: 4f5ebf59de10ba6⋯.png (375.76 KB,867x1350,289:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410383 (231011ZAUG23) Notable: J&J to close down Leiden based vaccination unit Janssen

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Johnson & Johnson wants to shutter Leiden vaccine lab; cut jobs


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26d5ae No.82912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410438 (231055ZAUG23) Notable: #23838

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America, we got this

fyi: Something is preventing MP4s from being posted.

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26d5ae No.82913

File: 56ac2f7edfe1755⋯.png (64.47 KB,1235x322,1235:322,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump



Aug 23, 2023, 6:54 AM


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26d5ae No.82914

File: 2322c64dbc9b3fb⋯.png (75.27 KB,611x421,611:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410457 (231106ZAUG23) Notable: Where are the 650 children of King Kamehameha Elementary school?

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Where are the 650 children of King Kamehameha Elementary school?

Governor Josh Green, while pushing the climate change narrative on news show Face the Nation, said that King Kamehameha Elementary school burned to the ground. He said that 650 students attended the school. How many are accounted for?

Residents of the scarred island told me that everything on the news is a lie. The mayor of Maui, Richard Bissen, said that 850 people are still missing. The same day the governor said 1,100 are missing. If they actually know how many are missing, then they must know who is not. Where are the children of Lahaina?

The truth is they have no idea how many people are missing because there is no way to gauge how many tourists were in Lahaina when the fire swept through. And in 2022, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Hawaii had the fourth highest homeless rate in the nation and most of them, I am told, were in Lahaina.

Bissen was asked by reporters ten days after the disaster how many children were missing. He responded: “I don’t know.” When pushed by increasingly angry reporters he said he’d tell them if he knew. He knows or has a good idea. His body language says so.

It is now common knowledge that the schools were closed that day and children were either home alone or with grandparents since their parents were all at work.


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26d5ae No.82915

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410498 (231119ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Americans Want Their Country Back, Donald Trump will always have Americans backs

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Donald J. Trump


Americans Want Their Country Back, Donald Trump will always have Americans backs



Aug 22, 2023, 6:37 PM


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26d5ae No.82916

File: a656b39bde8696d⋯.png (654.45 KB,732x1280,183:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410505 (231122ZAUG23) Notable: UN's Digital Army To Crack Down On 'Misinformation'

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UN's Digital Army To Crack Down On 'Misinformation'

A new project to strangle free speech and engage in the 'misinformation' "war" on the online "battlefield," will be funded by member state contributions.

"Misinformation” is a “deadly,” and “existential” risk to such "democracy" and needs to be tackled, the body claims to justify the move.

The UN Verified initiative also offers a free course to “educate” people on how to keep themselves safe by teaching how to recognize “disinformation,” and learn why it is being spread.


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26d5ae No.82917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410509 (231123ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: "For the first time in three years, brave American Patriots will be able, in Court, to show how the Presidential Election of 2020 was RIGGED & STOLLEN…

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"For the first time in three years, brave American Patriots will be able, in Court, to show how the Presidential Election of 2020 was RIGGED & STOLLEN. For those RINOS, Radical Left Democrats, Communists, Marxists, Fascists , & others who say, “Don’t Look Back, Look Forward,” they either do not want to reveal the answers because they “got away with murder,” or are FOOLS & COWARDS because we now know the answers to all of the Fraud, Irregularities, & Cheating, & WE CANNOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!"

Donald J. Trump





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26d5ae No.82918

File: 3b488f026a010e8⋯.png (68.2 KB,1263x368,1263:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c2ad65fee6957a⋯.jpg (48.19 KB,683x796,683:796,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410597 (231152ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: MY INTERVIEW WITH TUCKER CARLSON WILL BE AIRED TONIGHT AT 9:00 P.M. “SPARKS WILL FLY.” ENJOY!

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 23, 2023, 7:50 AM


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26d5ae No.82919

File: 6021f45f7393c8c⋯.png (390.34 KB,729x898,729:898,Clipboard.png)

File: e4eed688e953982⋯.jpg (6.76 KB,209x241,209:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410615 (231157ZAUG23) Notable: PF is our eyez on the skyz

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C27J SPARTAN west bound out of Pope AFB


Squawking 3116


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26d5ae No.82920

File: 6ace335ac35af78⋯.png (30.81 KB,615x238,615:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410626 (231200ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: "For the first time in three years, brave American Patriots will be able, in Court, to show how the Presidential Election of 2020 was RIGGED & STOLLEN…

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Drop 1474


DJT poast @ 7:20 AM


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26d5ae No.82921

File: 3af3e28d3daa29c⋯.png (262.49 KB,846x895,846:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 277f5e5a1f82632⋯.jpg (53.84 KB,500x570,50:57,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410662 (231210ZAUG23) Notable: PF is our eyez on the skyz

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Southeast bound out of Ft Lauderdale Hollywood International, climbing through FL199

Squawking 1474


gotta love them squawks.

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26d5ae No.82922

File: 5d90c40d5ea1af2⋯.png (96.51 KB,1253x457,1253:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410675 (231216ZAUG23) Notable: Election Wizard w/CAP: AXIOS — “No candidate has lost a party’s nomination with a polling margin like former President Trump’s…

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Election Wizard 🇺🇸


AXIOS — “No candidate has lost a party’s nomination with a polling margin like former President Trump’s — and it’s been more than 20 years since a Republican has had this big of a lead, this consistently, in an open primary.”

Aug 23, 2023, 7:38 AM


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26d5ae No.82923

File: b667452c86830e0⋯.png (14.78 KB,614x209,614:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410678 (231216ZAUG23) Notable: PF is our eyez on the skyz

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82924

File: e4f9add9180473b⋯.jpg (256 KB,1620x1080,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410680 (231216ZAUG23) Notable: Comms? "Sparks fly from Alaska Airlines plane after it lands in Southern California during Tropical Storm Hilary"

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yesterday, 22AUG23

"Sparks fly from Alaska Airlines plane after it lands in Southern California during Tropical Storm Hilary"

Alaska Airlines Flight 1288



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26d5ae No.82925

File: 2f813bf4919a3d7⋯.png (170.8 KB,1170x1054,585:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410735 (231235ZAUG23) Notable: JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

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JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole.

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26d5ae No.82926

File: 46fdabf025edaf4⋯.jpg (40.49 KB,540x312,45:26,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410738 (231236ZAUG23) Notable: JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82927

File: 7b74d9d5329f4af⋯.png (387.75 KB,474x380,237:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410747 (231239ZAUG23) Notable: JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

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>landed a probe on the moon's south pole

north pole would have been better...

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26d5ae No.82928

File: cc91c9d2eaa86e8⋯.jpeg (188.39 KB,933x768,311:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410756 (231242ZAUG23) Notable: JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

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Kubrick is stll laughing in the afterlife

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26d5ae No.82929

File: 76b51582c570aa3⋯.jpg (185.67 KB,710x1262,355:631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 68b396aa8dad15b⋯.jpg (90.5 KB,1200x627,400:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410768 (231246ZAUG23) Notable: Wolverines! Man with ‘bladed glove’ who attacked Black Lives Matter protestors convicted of attempted murder

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Man with ‘bladed glove’ who attacked Black Lives Matter protestors convicted of attempted murder

Man with ‘bladed glove’ who attacked Black Lives Matter protestors convicted of attempted murder

Frank Cavalluzzi attacked Black Lives Matter demonstrators on June 2, 2020. (Image: Queens District Attorney’s Office)

A man who wore a bladed glove reminiscent of Freddy Krueger, Edward Scissorhands, or a weapon in the Fallout video game series has been convicted of attempted murder for chasing Black Lives Matter demonstrators and trying to run them down with his SUV.

Frank Cavalluzzi, 57, is guilty of nine counts of attempted murder in the second degree, nine counts of attempted assault in the first degree, seven counts of menacing in the second, criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, and reckless driving, the Queens District Attorney’s Office announced.

He faces up to 25 years in prison for each count of attempted murder. His sentencing hearing has been scheduled for Oct. 13.

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26d5ae No.82930

File: 2bd8b40b67c0ef4⋯.png (1.08 MB,2048x1535,2048:1535,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aac06f640b60a6⋯.png (607.96 KB,2048x1535,2048:1535,Clipboard.png)

File: d66dc43a4e0f4af⋯.png (211.01 KB,897x691,897:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410868 (231304ZAUG23) Notable: This is the law allowing mRNA & modRNA in our organic food supply. These vaccines are the trigger for the next waive of illness…

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Tom Renz



PLEASE SHARE: This is the law allowing mRNA & modRNA in our organic food supply. These vaccines are the trigger for the next waive of illness that will facilitate the next set of lockdowns and emergencies. We had MAJOR intel last night. The vaxxed are in trouble with what’s about to happen and they are trying to get these poisons in everyone - ESPECIALLY in the USA. #Truth #MAGA - more soon.

Tom Renz on X

BREAKING COINCIDENCE: This morning the headline on Liberty Daily was about me breaking that ORGANIC FOOD can be injected with poison #GeneTherapy mRNA, modRNA, & other RNA tech as long as they say…

Aug 23, 2023, 8:24 AM


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26d5ae No.82931

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410889 (231307ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/23/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/23/2023





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26d5ae No.82932

File: af3cb9a61fb1252⋯.png (112.8 KB,680x316,170:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410922 (231312ZAUG23) Notable: 9P EST Trump on with Tucker Sparks Will Fly

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82933

File: 6a5f56f4264222a⋯.jpeg (93.63 KB,700x556,175:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410932 (231313ZAUG23) Notable: JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

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26d5ae No.82934

File: 57657f034b1088a⋯.png (579.49 KB,997x906,997:906,Clipboard.png)

File: faf396c4f763e26⋯.png (1.24 MB,982x982,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410972 (231319ZAUG23) Notable: JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

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BREAKING 🚨: India's #Chandrayaan3 space probe has successfully landed on the Moon

The first country ever to visit the lunar south pole

**Anon notes, it looks pretty windy.

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26d5ae No.82935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411032 (231332ZAUG23) Notable: 9P EST Trump on with Tucker Sparks Will Fly

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26d5ae No.82936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: Finance is the Gun, politics is knowing when to pull the trigger !!!


Soviet-Style Rule in Australia Under Labor



12,715 views7 hours ago 23 Aug 2023

Here is my reflection on the second Albanian government budget, particularly relevant as the Prime Minister is breaking his election promises at breakneck speed.

Were these promises ever designed to be kept? Or were these strategic promises designed to hide this government's Soviet-style agenda during the election campaign? It's that agenda that I speak to — an agenda of making people reluctant on government handouts, to make them captive to the government. A compliant, captive population is the building block of a Soviet-style society that this Prime Minister appears to have supported in his youth.

As part of this agenda, rather than creating viable private sector jobs, the Prime Minister is destroying them.

We've lost 1,500 jobs in transport with the loss of Scott's Refrigerated Logistics in the name of net zero-trucking. We've lost jobs and risk losing entire communities in coal regions, including the Bowen Basin in our state of Queensland, in the name of net zero-mining. We've lost jobs in the live sheep export industry, which Labor is shutting down in the name of net zero-grazing. We're set to lose more jobs and more family farms in the agricultural sector as Minister Plibersek restarts water buybacks in the name of net zero-agriculture. 'No water buybacks' was another broken promise which all along was really a bald-faced lie.

Net zero has made Australians poorer, transferring tens of billions of dollars in wealth from taxpayers to the government's kills in the solar and wind scam, who then export that wealth to foreign tax havens. Solar and wind are parasitic mal-investments. They're parasitic and they kill their host,the Australian economy. All this is wrapped in a feel-good cloak of saving the planet.

Net zero is a fraudulent plan to replace productive energy generation with fairytale generation designed to create energy shortage, and from that shortage comes control. The only winners will be the billionaire carpetbaggers who are driving this agenda through their ownership of media, energy companies and, of course, political parties.

The PM has given in to the foreign controlled Australian banks, removing penalties for criminal banking behavior. As night follows daylight robbery, criminal banking behavior will follow.

Transcript:and from that shortage comes control. The only winners will be the billionaire carpetbaggers who are driving this agenda through their ownership of media, energy companies and, of course, political parties.

The PM has given in to the foreign controlled Australian banks, removing penalties for criminal banking behavior. As night follows daylight robbery, criminal banking behavior will follow.

Transcript:and from that shortage comes control. The only winners will be the billionaire carpetbaggers who are driving this agenda through their ownership of media, energy companies and, of course, political parties.

The PM has given in to the foreign controlled Australian banks, removing penalties for criminal banking behavior. As night follows daylight robbery, criminal banking behavior will follow.


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26d5ae No.82937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411194 (231401ZAUG23) Notable: #23838

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#23838 >>82912

>>82919, >>82921, >>82923 PF is our eyez on the skyz


>>82914 Where are the 650 children of King Kamehameha Elementary school?

>>82915 DJT TS w/CAP: Americans Want Their Country Back, Donald Trump will always have Americans backs

>>82916 UN's Digital Army To Crack Down On 'Misinformation'

>>82917, >>82920 DJT TS w/CAP: "For the first time in three years, brave American Patriots will be able, in Court, to show how the Presidential Election of 2020 was RIGGED & STOLLEN…


>>82922 Election Wizard w/CAP: AXIOS — “No candidate has lost a party’s nomination with a polling margin like former President Trump’s…

>>82924 Comms? "Sparks fly from Alaska Airlines plane after it lands in Southern California during Tropical Storm Hilary"

>>82925, >>82926, >>82927, >>82928, >>82933, >>82934 JUST IN - India has landed a probe on the moon's south pole. Let the memes flow yo

>>82929 Wolverines! Man with ‘bladed glove’ who attacked Black Lives Matter protestors convicted of attempted murder

>>82930 This is the law allowing mRNA & modRNA in our organic food supply. These vaccines are the trigger for the next waive of illness…

>>82931 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/23/2023

>>82932, >>82935 9P EST Trump on with Tucker Sparks Will Fly



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26d5ae No.82938

File: 7aa541597113c4e⋯.png (1.25 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2799586637d4a35⋯.jpg (37.66 KB,300x275,12:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26ef1af846ac5e7⋯.png (503.69 KB,599x600,599:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b74d9d5329f4af⋯.png (387.75 KB,474x380,237:190,Clipboard.png)

File: 077153afea0fade⋯.jpg (36.25 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411207 (231403ZAUG23) Notable: #23839

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26d5ae No.82939

File: 6e075ecb1d0ee07⋯.png (77.77 KB,805x759,35:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411275 (231420ZAUG23) Notable: Statement from resident Joe Biden on Cancer Moonshot Announcement

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The White House Logo


August 23, 2023

Statement from President Joe Biden on Cancer Moonshot Announcement

In my Unity Agenda I announced in my State of the Union address last year, I called on Congress to establish and fund the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). Members on both sides of the aisle answered my call, and already, ARPA-H is meeting its mission to create breakthroughs in how to prevent, detect, and treat cancer and other diseases. At a time when most people thought bipartisan action wasnt possible anymore, were proving that making progress on our toughest health challenges like cancer is something every American can get behind. Thats why I made it a central pillar of my Unity Agenda for the nation, and why Jill and I reignited the Cancer Moonshot, to end cancer as we know it.

Today, were taking an important step forward in achieving that ambitious goal, with a new ARPA-H program to use mRNA technology to train our own immune systems to fight cancer, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases more effectively.

Over the past few years, COVID-19 vaccines developed using mRNA technology have saved millions of lives around the world. These therapies, which were kickstarted by American scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), represent the power of American ingenuity and innovation. Now, a skilled team at Emory University in Atlanta will work to adapt these technologies to turn more cancers into curable diseases. This is a bold endeavor that has the potential to transform the fight against cancer and other difficult diagnoses.

Ive long said that America can be defined by a single word: Possibilities. My Unity Agenda is bringing both parties together in that spirit  to get big things done for the American people. There is more work to do, but theres nothing we cant do if we do it together.

# # #


White House Press Office . 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW . Washington, DC 20500-0003 . USA XXX-XXX-XXXX

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26d5ae No.82940

File: a66c279cc76ef9e⋯.png (766.3 KB,1080x728,135:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411281 (231421ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Meteor and the Galaxy

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 23, 2023

The Meteor and the Galaxy

It came from outer space. It in this case a sand-sized bit of a comet nucleus was likely ejected many years ago from Sun-orbiting Comet Swift-Tuttle, but then continued to orbit the Sun alone. When the Earth crossed through this orbit, the piece of comet debris impacted the atmosphere of our fair planet and was seen as a meteor. This meteor deteriorated, causing gases to be emitted that glowed in colors emitted by its component elements. The featured image was taken last week from Castilla La Mancha, Spain, during the peak night of the Perseids meteor shower. The picturesque meteor streak happened to appear in the only one of 50 frames that also included the Andromeda galaxy. Stars dot the frame, each much further away than the meteor. Compared to the stars, the Andromeda galaxy (M31) is, again, much further away


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26d5ae No.82941

File: 49198285d772bf6⋯.png (216.08 KB,1075x803,1075:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 975524ec3dd6858⋯.png (263.04 KB,427x374,427:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411302 (231426ZAUG23) Notable: B.I.S 2025 AGENDA WHAT IS THE 2030 AGENDA

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The importance of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Social action Economy ESG Climate action SDG



In 2015, all the member states of the United Nations (UN) approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - an action plan to help people and the planet, encompassing the 17 SDGs. On its 5th anniversary, and at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is devastating health and economy, this route map is more important than ever as a way towards a green recovery.


The importance of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Social action Economy ESG Climate action SDG

In 2015, all the member states of the United Nations (UN) approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - an action plan to help people and the planet, encompassing the 17 SDGs. On its 5th anniversary, and at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is devastating health and economy, this route map is more important than ever as a way towards a green recovery.

The 2030 Agenda seeks to achieve prosperity that is respectful of the planet and its inhabitants.

The 2030 Agenda seeks to achieve prosperity that is respectful of the planet and its inhabitants.

For years scientists have warned us that environmental problems, which are the consequence of human activity, represent a danger both to our health and that of the planet. The coronavirus has shown us that we are not immune to these threats and their impact must not allow us to forget the great challenge facing humanity: the fight against climate change. Organisations including the European Union (EU), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have already come out in favour of a Green Recovery to overcome this health, financial and social crisis by following the path mapped out by the 2030 Agenda in the search for a more sustainable world.


On 25 September 2015, the 193 member states of the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an ambitious plan that sets out to achieve prosperity that is respectful of the planet and its inhabitants. This Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), further broken down into 169 targets, to be met by 2030 with the intention of "leaving no-one behind". The threat of climate change is now more real than ever and the SDGs are crucial if we want to avoid compromising our children's future.

The 2030 Agenda is a continuation of the UN Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) which were in their day the first international consensus on facing global problems such as the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, and to promote improvements in access to education. Although the targets were not fully achieved, they nevertheless provided the basis for significant progress which, in 2015, was extended through the 2030 Agenda and its respective SDGs.


The importance of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Social action Economy ESG Climate action SDG


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82942

File: 6e9c5a9c014f4aa⋯.png (354.34 KB,342x468,19:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411304 (231427ZAUG23) Notable: B.I.S 2025 AGENDA WHAT IS THE 2030 AGENDA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



In 2015, all the member states of the United Nations (UN) approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - an action plan to help people and the planet, encompassing the 17 SDGs. On its 5th anniversary, and at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is devastating health and economy, this route map is more important than ever as a way towards a green recovery.

The 2030 Agenda seeks to achieve prosperity that is respectful of the planet and its inhabitants.

The 2030 Agenda seeks to achieve prosperity that is respectful of the planet and its inhabitants.

For years scientists have warned us that environmental problems, which are the consequence of human activity, represent a danger both to our health and that of the planet. The coronavirus has shown us that we are not immune to these threats and their impact must not allow us to forget the great challenge facing humanity: the fight against climate change. Organisations including the European Union (EU), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have already come out in favour of a Green Recovery to overcome this health, financial and social crisis by following the path mapped out by the 2030 Agenda in the search for a more sustainable world.


On 25 September 2015, the 193 member states of the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an ambitious plan that sets out to achieve prosperity that is respectful of the planet and its inhabitants. This Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), further broken down into 169 targets, to be met by 2030 with the intention of "leaving no-one behind". The threat of climate change is now more real than ever and the SDGs are crucial if we want to avoid compromising our children's future.

The 2030 Agenda is a continuation of the UN Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) which were in their day the first international consensus on facing global problems such as the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, and to promote improvements in access to education. Although the targets were not fully achieved, they nevertheless provided the basis for significant progress which, in 2015, was extended through the 2030 Agenda and its respective SDGs.

We support and contribute to the SDG's on their 5

learn more

We support and contribute to the SDG's on their 5


The 2030 Agenda is based on five dimensions, also known as the 5Ps:


To end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.


To protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change.


To ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.


To foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence.


To mobilise the means required to implement the 2030 Agenda through a partnership based on a spirit of solidarity and focused, in particular, on the needs of the most vulnerable.


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26d5ae No.82943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411305 (231427ZAUG23) Notable: ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Mission Soft-landing LIVE Telecast

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>>82934 LB

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Mission Soft-landing LIVE Telecast



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26d5ae No.82944

File: eec9cd2085b9344⋯.png (455.55 KB,760x438,380:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411307 (231428ZAUG23) Notable: NASA director calls bunk on existence of UFOs: ‘Absolutely not’ For The Keks!

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NASA director calls bunk on existence of UFOs: ‘Absolutely not’

She thinks E.T. is B.S.

A top member of NASA brass is doubling down that Earthlings have yet to observe a UFO of alien origin — her remarks coming amid extra interest in extraterrestrials fueled by bombshell congressional hearings and alien whistleblowers.


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26d5ae No.82945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411308 (231428ZAUG23) Notable: Department of Defense’s Newly Released Biodefense Posture Review Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

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10:30 AM EDT

The Department of Defense’s Newly Released Biodefense Posture Review

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)




Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs Deborah Rosenblum provides keynote remarks at 10:30 a.m. EDT, followed by a roundtable with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy Richard C. Johnson and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs Dr. Brandi Vann, at a Center for Strategic and international Studies webcast on the Department of Defense's Biodefense Posture Review.



Defense Department Officials Discuss U.S. Biodefense Strategy

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs Deborah Rosenblum joins other Defense Department officials for a discussion on U.S. biodefense strategy hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies


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26d5ae No.82946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411324 (231431ZAUG23) Notable: Unmasking the Destructive Career of Victoria Nuland—Now Second-in-Command at the State Department

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https://youtu.be/c-P_sn_jivs?si=cqojRKvcpKJ-qiTk [14:27]

Unmasking the Destructive Career of Victoria Nuland—Now Second-in-Command at the State Department

This is a clip from our show SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble. You can watch the full episode for FREE here https://rumble.com/v37gwwo-system-update-130.html [1:18:23]

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26d5ae No.82947

File: c3b8b514b47a8e3⋯.png (724.18 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411343 (231436ZAUG23) Notable: What's that low-flying plane in the Central Valley?, scheduled research flights for NOAA

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What's that low-flying plane in the Central Valley?

Aug 22, 2023

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — If you spend time in California's Central Valley, you just might catch an unusual sight in the daytime sky: a low-flying NASA DC-8 aircraft.

The plane is making scheduled research flights for NOAA's Atmospheric Emissions and Reactions Observed from Megacities to Marine Areas (AEROMMA) project on Tuesday and Wednesday.

According to Flight Aware, the DC-8 was scheduled to take off from Palmdale Regional Airport in Los Angeles County at 1:40 p.m. on Tuesday. The plane will fly as far north as Sacramento, making several east-west passes over the Valley along the way. A similar flight is planned for Wednesday.

NASA engineers have equipped the DC-8 with 30 different instruments, each of which will take measurements of air quality, air chemistry and weather conditions while in flight. At times, the plane may drop as low as 1,000 feet.

While the plane itself is loud, scientists say these flights are safe for those nearby, as well as the environment.

Data gathered from these flights will be combined with ground observations and satellite images to help NOAA scientists better understand the sources of air pollution in large cities as well as how that urban pollution can spread and impacts rural areas.

The goal of the AEROMMA project is to improve air quality forecasts as well as climate models that take air pollution into account.


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26d5ae No.82948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411399 (231447ZAUG23) Notable: Channels to watch

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Donald Trump Jnr Triggered

Steve Bannon Warroom

Tucker Carlson

Sean Hannity

Rudy Giuliani

Mike Lindell

One America News Network

Newsmax TV

Real Americas Voice

The Great America Show with Lou Dobbs

The Charlie Kirk Show

The World According To Ben Stein

The StoneZONE with Roger Stone

AMERICA First with Sebastian Gorka

had to wrap in code as spam link detected?

>Please suggest moar.

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26d5ae No.82949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411403 (231448ZAUG23) Notable: “I’m fighting for justice. I have been from the moment I represented Donald Trump, an innocent man”

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Liz Harrington reposted

johnny maga

“I’m fighting for justice. I have been from the moment I represented Donald Trump, an innocent man”

“They’ve indicted all his lawyers. Never heard of that before in America…Let me give you a warning: they’re gonna come for you!”

Heartbreaking stuff

10:07 AM · Aug 23, 2023 1:45


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26d5ae No.82950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411415 (231451ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine: American economy is no longer what it was, so European states must step in, the Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Roberts

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23 Aug, 2023

US ‘cannot afford’ to fund Ukraine war – think-tank chief

The American economy is no longer what it was, so European states must step in, the Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Roberts has said

The US should reduce the assistance it’s providing to Ukraine because it cannot maintain its current level of support, the head of a leading conservative think tank has said. European nations need to do more so Kiev can keep fighting Russia, added Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation. (WTF is wrong with the Heritage Foundation? They should be calling for peace negotiations. But they are revealing Bidan has destroyed our economy.)

He set out the case for stopping the flow of aid on Tuesday. The Washington-based think tank prides itself on its ties to the presidency of Ronald Reagan, Roberts said during an appearance on Fox News, but much has changed in America since he was in power.

“The US is much weaker economically than it was. It’s impossible for us to prosecute military interventions in multiple places around the world,” he said. Consequently, Reagan’s ‘peace through strength’ principle needs to be adapted to new realities, Roberts argued.

“The US simply cannot afford the level of support that it is giving the Ukrainians. The American people are saying that,” he stated, citing recent opinion polls in the US, which indicated that the US public was turning against the continued bankrolling of Kiev.

Earlier this month, the administration of President Joe Biden requested from an additional $40 billion in funding from Congress, including $13 billion for Ukrainian military assistance and $7.3 billion for Kiev’s other needs. The proposal was tied to the provision of $12 billion for disaster relief in the US.

Roberts said he wanted the Ukrainians to “win”and urged Germany and France to “pull more of their own weight” to achieve that goal. When asked for his definition of a Ukrainian victory, he said he wanted “precious lives that are being lost to stop being lost today.”

The Biden administration has stated that it was up to the Ukrainian government to decide how they should prosecute the war and what their end goal was. Kiev has declared that its only option is to seize all territory that it claims to be under its sovereignty, including Crimea.

Moscow considers the conflict part of a US proxy war against Russia, which, it claims, Washington intends to wage “to the last Ukrainian.”


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26d5ae No.82951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411417 (231451ZAUG23) Notable: Roseanne Barr tells An0maly how to defeat mind control

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Roseanne Barr tells An0maly how to defeat mind control

Aug 22, 2023 5:07


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26d5ae No.82952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411469 (231502ZAUG23) Notable: #23837

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Good morning, baker!

FINAL BUN from last night


>>82876 Vladimir Putin: The Ukrainian authorities don’t treat their own soldiers as humans

>>82877 Ukraine threatens more attacks on Crimea

>>82878 RFKjr: "Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today"

>>82879 Bradley Thayer: It was the United States that supported and funded the CCP

>>82880 Glenn Greenwald: Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski on Resisting Govt Censorship Pressure

>>82881 Enterprise, N.W.T. is '90 per cent gone' after devastating wildfires

>>82882, >>82883 Al Jareera: Why Netanyahu thinks America is stupid

>>82884 Fauci declares lockdowns were 'absolutely justified' and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

>>82886 DOJ OIG has to rely on approval from Deputy Atty General Lisa Monaco in order to investigate atty misconduct rather than the jurisdiction being the Office of Professional Responsibility’s

>>82887, >>82904 Where are the parents in Maui who are missing children?

>>82888 BIG MIKE (MiKElle Obama): "We have to change our traditions, our history"

>>82889 The Pandemic Planning Racket

>>82890 VIDEO: Target Preparing For New COVID Lockdowns, Stew Peters Reports

>>82891 Students can get admitted to college without ever applying" (what's the catch???)

>>82892 Canadian government to spend $4.3M on abortions and birth control to manage indigenous populations

>>82893 Austin police chief abruptly QUITS in the wake of staffing shortages

>>82895 Proof Electric Cars are a Scam

>>82896, >>82894, >>82901 Dr. Carol Baker: "Get rid of all the whites" - CDC (Commie Death Cult) wants us DEAD

>>82897, >>82899 Fox News & Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin

>>82898 Donald Trump, the same man they doubted is now the same man they fear.

>>82900, >>82905 Maui fires & the blue roofs - What's up (if anything)? DIG!

>>82902 ChineseLasers Over HAWAIIJan 28th 2023? - video

>>82903, >>82904, >>82904 How gold destroys the Fed.

>>82906, >>82911 J&J to close down Leiden based vaccination unit Janssen

>>82907 Planefag

>>82908 Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal ‘Bio-Weapons’

>>82909 US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The ‘Covid’ Jabs

>>82910 China's Xiaomi wins state planner nod to make EVs amid glut in autos

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26d5ae No.82953

File: d8c8d21198d5d17⋯.png (453.96 KB,792x528,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411495 (231507ZAUG23) Notable: Goldman is cracking down on employees that aren't in the office five days a week

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Goldman is cracking down on employees that aren't in the office five days a week

Goldman Sachs Group, one of Wall Street’s most ardent return-to-office champions, is cracking down on laggards.

just in time for covid. reconcile.

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26d5ae No.82954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411498 (231508ZAUG23) Notable: Goldman is cracking down on employees that aren't in the office five days a week

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26d5ae No.82955

File: 952b670682a08cd⋯.png (154.21 KB,645x788,645:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411521 (231511ZAUG23) Notable: Bannon trial set for May 2024

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"Bannon is accused of falsely promising donors that all money given to the We Build the Wall campaign would go toward building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Instead, prosecutors allege that the money was used to enrich Bannon and others involved in the project.

Brian Kolfage and Andrew Badolato pleaded guilty to federal charges and were sentenced to prison. A third defendant, Timothy Shea, was convicted in October and is scheduled to be sentenced next month.

Merchan is presiding over both the Bannon and Trump cases. Bannon is free pending trial. Thursday’s hearing lasted all of four minutes.

“We’ll see you back in here in May,” Bannon said as he left the courthouse in a black SUV."

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26d5ae No.82956

File: 90988b1ce057bf4⋯.png (215.83 KB,448x623,64:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411549 (231514ZAUG23) Notable: A defiant Rudy Giuliani turns himself in to the Fulton County jail, says he feels good because he is defending the rights of Americans.

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See new Tweets


Collin Rugg


JUST IN: A defiant Rudy Giuliani turns himself in to the Fulton County jail, says he feels good because he is defending the rights of Americans.

“I'm the same Rudy Giuliani that took down the mafia that made New York City the the safest city in America.”

“Enemies of our republic were destroying rights, sacred rights. They're destroying my right to counsel, my right to be a lawyer. They're destroying his right to counsel. It's not accidental that they've indicted all as lawyers. Never heard of that before in America.”

“Whether you dislike or you like Donald Trump, let me give you a warning: it's gonna come for you when the political winds shift, as they always do, let us pray that Republicans are more honest, more trustworthy, and more American than these people in charge of this government.”

“Donald Trump told you this. They weren't just coming for him or me.”


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26d5ae No.82957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411551 (231515ZAUG23) Notable: German and Austrian news outlets agree to cover ‘climate crisis’ in lockstep

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German and Austrian news outlets agree to cover ‘climate crisis’ in lockstep

The mainstream media is pushing a climate alarmist narrative in unison — and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

Many major Austrian news outlets have agreed to sign a “climate codex,” committing themselves to cover the “climate crisis” in a way that portrays it as the “most urgent crisis in this century.”

The “Network of Climate Journalism” responsible for the codex developed a “Climate Charta” on how to cover the issue “together with our colleagues from the Network of Climate Journalism Germany.”

According to this climate codex, the “climate crisis” is the most dangerous crisis of the century and “endangers our livelihoods and is, therefore, a top priority.” The climate codex also states that the outlets who sign the document also “recognize the scientific facts about climate change.”


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26d5ae No.82958

File: a03e675df370b28⋯.png (274.84 KB,531x571,531:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411560 (231517ZAUG23) Notable: @1st_Marine_Div Coming In Hot ☀️🚁

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Coming In Hot ☀️🚁

U.S. Marines with Lima Co., 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment (Reinforced), Marine Rotational Force Darwin 23 alongside their Army and Australian counterparts, execute fast rope training at Robertson Barracks, Northern Territory, Australia.



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26d5ae No.82959

File: 654c819d57f4da3⋯.png (517.18 KB,537x539,537:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411573 (231518ZAUG23) Notable: @/DeptofDefense Time to get dirty!

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Time to get dirty!


Sgt. Zachary Thacker moves through an obstacle during a jungle leaders course at the Jungle Warfare Training Center, Okinawa, Japan.


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26d5ae No.82960

File: 5a8dfbbe8c90142⋯.png (758.55 KB,930x920,93:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411598 (231522ZAUG23) Notable: Our guide to the first Republican Debate

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Our [DailyMail] guide to the first Republican Debate:

Eight Republican contenders will take the stage in Milwaukee on Wednesday night in a high-stakes debate that will see them fight for a breakout moment that can set fire to their presidential campaign. But the candidate who gets the most attention may end up being the elephant not in the room: Donald Trump. Trump refused to attend the debate but is expected to dominate it - just as he leads his rivals in the polls by double digits. In fact he's so far ahead that even if one of the candidates has a viral moment it may not be enough to gain ground on the former president, who will be back in the news on Thursday when he arrives in Atlanta for his arraignment in Georgia's election interference case.


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26d5ae No.82961

File: 68464618f40b2c2⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x676,256:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411605 (231523ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Award Fuels 3D Printing in Space Recycling and Next-Gen Heat Shields

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NASA Award Fuels 3D Printing in Space Recycling and Next-Gen Heat Shields

August 22, 2023

In a significant development, NASA’s SBIR Ignite initiative has granted Phase II awards to 12 small businesses and entrepreneurs. Among the recipients, re:3D and Canopy Aerospace have been chosen for their projects in additive manufacturing (AM).

Texas-based re:3D offers a promising blueprint for sustainability in space. The project, “On-Orbit Additive Manufacturing Using Recycled Waste,” is set to pioneer a recycling system to convert thermoplastic waste generated in orbit into functional, useful objects through 3D printing. This effort is in collaboration with the NASA Gateway Deep Space Logistics (DSL) team. Bianca Rhym, a NASA engineer, described the initiative on LinkedIn as a “trash to treasure adventure.” For enthusiasts of both 3D printing and space exploration, nothing rings truer than the capability to combine AM and sustainability to ensure a compelling vision of the future of orbital care.

Founded in 2013 by NASA veterans Samantha Snabes and Matthew Fiedler, re:3D has consistently blazed trails in sustainability. The company’s flagship 3D printer GigaBot is well-known for its capability to create larger objects from recycled materials. The printer’s combination of scale and affordability has attracted a wide range of industries, from innovative prototyping to art installations. Rooted in an open-source philosophy, re:3D continually engages with its community to refine and improve its products, emphasizing its dedication to making industrial-grade 3D printing accessible and sustainable for all.

While re:3D is laser-focused on sustainable 3D printing, Canopy’s project has not gone unnoticed by NASA. Following the award’s announcement, Chicago-based Canopy is moving to Phase II of its “Reusable Heatshields Additive Manufacturing (RHAM)” platform. This innovative 3D printing system streamlines the creation of reusable thermal protection system (TPS) tiles, combining novel material formulations and binder jetting processes to produce highly insulative ceramics and advanced heat treatments. According to Canopy, NASA wants more businesses working in low Earth orbit (LEO) and has a Commercial LEO Destinations (CLDs) program. They need a better way to make protective heat tiles for spaceships. Right now, they use an old method from the Shuttle program, which is slow and requires much hands-on work. They can only make about two tiles per week for each worker.

To fill this gap, Canopy proposed the development of a new RHAM platform that allows rapid production of reusable TPS tiles with “digitally defined tailorability.” Using its expertise in thermal protection materials, Canopy’s RHAM innovations involve cutting-edge 3D printing techniques and advanced heat treatments to create strong ceramics. After laying the groundwork in Phase I, Phase II will elevate RHAM to a level prepped for tests with both NASA and commercial space entities. Beyond NASA, the RHAM system holds promise for commercial space missions and defense applications, aligning with projects like SpaceX’s Starship and NASA’s Lockheed-contracted Orion capsule.


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26d5ae No.82962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411610 (231524ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Award Fuels 3D Printing in Space Recycling and Next-Gen Heat Shields

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Space pioneers

NASA’s SBIR Ignite initiative, part of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, aims to support and encourage innovative companies in the aerospace sector. Unlike traditional programs, SBIR Ignite focuses on new commercial opportunities, providing funding and assistance to make these technologies more appealing to investors. In 2022, the program started with Phase I awards given to 12 businesses with promising yet risky technology ideas, ranging from climate solutions to recycling methods. After completing Phase I, these businesses, including re:3D and Canopy, are moving to Phase II. In this phase, they can receive up to $850,000 to develop their prototypes.

Among the companies recognized by NASA’s Phase II SBIR Ignite initiative are Ampaire for hybrid aircraft powertrains, Cecilia Energy’s approach to converting waste plastic to hydrogen, and Crystal Sonic‘s cost-efficient solution for space photovoltaics. H3X Technologies, Outpost Technologies, and Solestial have also been recognized for advancements in aircraft electric propulsion, cargo transportation, and space solar arrays, respectively. StormImpact, Terrafuse, Trans Astronautica, and Turion Space will focus on their work on electrical system resilience, wildfire risk predictions, space debris remediation, and CubeSat technology. These companies, located across the US, represent the diverse range of projects the SBIR Ignite initiative aims to support.

“We are proud that all 12 of the small businesses are continuing with our program and persevering through the tough realities of early-stage research and development,” said Jason L. Kessler, an executive for NASA’s SBIR/STTR program at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. “These awards foster a unique range of technologies that we hope will have positive impacts on the lives of everyday Americans in the future.”

Charting the future

SBIR Ignite isn’t limited to funding these projects; it opens up many opportunities for innovators to connect and work together. The program invites newcomers through initiatives like the Space Startup Ecosystem Digital Community and eclectic networking events. In its first year, 75% of the awardees had not received a NASA SBIR award before starting their Phase I projects.

“Bringing new entrepreneurs and ideas into NASA is a focal point for our program, and we’re excited that SBIR Ignite has been able to serve as a testing ground for us to appeal to small businesses in new ways,” said Quenton Bonds, entrepreneurial engagement lead for NASA’s SBIR/STTR program at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt in Maryland. “We’re optimistic that the experiments we’re running through SBIR Ignite will provide insights that will improve the impact of the whole SBIR/STTR program.”



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26d5ae No.82963

File: 955f45124618bac⋯.png (14.67 KB,675x251,675:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411654 (231531ZAUG23) Notable: Reminder: Eyeing Taiwan, China builds its own Starlink

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Eyeing Taiwan, China builds its own Starlink


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26d5ae No.82964

File: 5562a2012efde6a⋯.png (1006.4 KB,1170x1843,1170:1843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411671 (231534ZAUG23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz

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GTMO845 returning to Florida ✈️


Squawk 3431 🦜

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26d5ae No.82965

File: d823d45cdf87cfa⋯.png (1.89 MB,1009x1024,1009:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411675 (231535ZAUG23) Notable: Webb Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star

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Webb Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star

August 21, 2023

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope obtained images of the Ring Nebula, one of the best-known examples of a planetary nebula. Much like the Southern Ring Nebula, one of Webb’s first images, the Ring Nebula displays intricate structures of the final stages of a dying star. Roger Wesson from Cardiff University tells us more about this phase of a Sun-like star’s stellar lifecycle and how Webb observations have given him and his colleagues valuable insights into the formation and evolution of these objects, hinting at a key role for binary companions.

“Planetary nebulae were once thought to be simple, round objects with a single dying star at the center. They were named for their fuzzy, planet-like appearance through small telescopes. Only a few thousand years ago, that star was still a red giant that was shedding most of its mass. As a last farewell, the hot core now ionizes, or heats up, this expelled gas, and the nebula responds with colorful emission of light. Modern observations, though, show that most planetary nebulae display breathtaking complexity. It begs the question: how does a spherical star create such intricate and delicate non-spherical structures?

“The Ring Nebula is an ideal target to unravel some of the mysteries of planetary nebulae. It is nearby, approximately 2,200 light-years away, and bright – visible with binoculars on a clear summer evening from the northern hemisphere and much of the southern. Our team, named the ESSENcE (Evolved StarS and their Nebulae in the JWST Era) team, is an international group of experts on planetary nebulae and related objects. We realized that Webb observations would provide us with invaluable insights, since the Ring Nebula fits nicely in the field of view of Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) instruments, allowing us to study it in unprecedented spatial detail. Our proposal to observe it was accepted (General Observers program 1558), and Webb captured images of the Ring Nebula just a few weeks after science operations started on July 12, 2022.

“When we first saw the images, we were stunned by the amount of detail in them. The bright ring that gives the nebula its name is composed of about 20,000 individual clumps of dense molecular hydrogen gas, each of them about as massive as the Earth. Within the ring, there is a narrow band of emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs – complex carbon-bearing molecules that we would not expect to form in the Ring Nebula. Outside the bright ring, we see curious “spikes” pointing directly away from the central star, which are prominent in the infrared but were only very faintly visible in Hubble Space Telescope images. We think these could be due to molecules that can form in the shadows of the densest parts of the ring, where they are shielded from the direct, intense radiation from the hot central star.

“Our MIRI images provided us with the sharpest and clearest view yet of the faint molecular halo outside the bright ring. A surprising revelation was the presence of up to ten regularly-spaced, concentric features within this faint halo. These arcs must have formed about every 280 years as the central star was shedding its outer layers. When a single star evolves into a planetary nebula, there is no process that we know of that has that kind of time period. Instead, these rings suggest that there must be a companion star in the system, orbiting about as far away from the central star as Pluto does from our Sun. As the dying star was throwing off its atmosphere, the companion star shaped the outflow and sculpted it. No previous telescope had the sensitivity and the spatial resolution to uncover this subtle effect.

“So how did a spherical star form such a structured and complicated nebulae as the Ring Nebula? A little help from a binary companion may well be part of the answer.”


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26d5ae No.82966

File: be92269e668dddf⋯.jpg (126.02 KB,1123x914,1123:914,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411743 (231544ZAUG23) Notable: "Pittsburgh PD: "Active Shooter Situation Underway"

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Fox New Reporting Live

"Pitsburgh PD: "Active Shooter Situation Underway"

Garfield, PA

Also Reporting:



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26d5ae No.82967

File: a53a792ac295b2a⋯.png (234.68 KB,572x498,286:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411749 (231545ZAUG23) Notable: First mugshots RELEASED of Trump's Georgia co-conspirators and the ex-president's own shot is expected tomorrow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


First mugshots RELEASED of Trump's Georgia co-conspirators and the ex-president's own shot is expected tomorrow


First mugshots RELEASED of Trump's Georgia co-conspirators

The first three Fulton County mugshots in the case of Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election was shared Wednesday.

11:41 AM · Aug 23, 2023





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26d5ae No.82968

File: 8267d617966a160⋯.png (289.4 KB,537x671,537:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f62d76a92dfa2d⋯.png (10.5 KB,411x151,411:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d409b3893e0f95⋯.png (39.99 KB,909x293,909:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411756 (231546ZAUG23) Notable: @173rdAbnBde Fire in the hole 💣💥

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fire in the hole 💣💥

#SkySoldier throws a granade into a bunker during a live fire exercise in San Gregorio, Spain🇪🇸, May 16, 2023.


📸 by Sgt. John Todd



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26d5ae No.82969

File: 674488bce05a5dd⋯.png (173.28 KB,561x462,17:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411768 (231548ZAUG23) Notable: A defiant Rudy Giuliani turns himself in to the Fulton County jail, says he feels good because he is defending the rights of Americans.

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“I'm the same Rudy Giuliani that took down the mafia that made New York City the the safest city in America.”

Rudy will take down the government Mafia as well.


Collin Rugg

10:48 AM · Aug 23, 2023





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26d5ae No.82970

File: 06475378a990e3c⋯.png (267.48 KB,1663x516,1663:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411791 (231551ZAUG23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz

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>sneaky slut

anyone else catch that F35 squawking 7700 before it went off the scope and came back as this?


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26d5ae No.82971

File: dffa428214b2082⋯.png (36.63 KB,527x516,527:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411797 (231552ZAUG23) Notable: Our guide to the first Republican Debate

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Every candidate on stage in Milwaukee tonight:

- Supports continuing the war in Ukraine

- Supports the neoliberal trade agenda that decimated American Industry

- Believes Joe Biden won the 2020 election

- Is beholden to the donor class

None of them deserve your vote

8:45 AM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.82972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411817 (231555ZAUG23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz

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missed the 7700 flash but have witnessed that exact occurrence a few times over the last 48.

habbens to fast to screen catch.

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26d5ae No.82973

File: d3968df81d81fef⋯.png (64.43 KB,734x435,734:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411872 (231603ZAUG23) Notable: Sperry: IRS whistleblowers spilled the beans on Lesley Wolf's moves to hamstring their investigation into Hunter Biden

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IRS whistleblowers spilled the beans on Lesley Wolf's moves to hamstring their investigation into Hunter Biden

Paul Sperry

NYT confirms Lesley Wolf was quietly sidelined from the Hunter Biden case (to keep her out of the spotlight) as soon as the IRS whistleblowers spilled the beans on her moves to hamstring their investigation

Paul Sperry·Aug 20

Weiss's former deputy Lesley Wolf, the Democrat donor who drafted an even sweeter sweetheart deal for Hunter Biden, is no longer working on the Hunter Biden case and therefore cannot use it as an excuse to avoid testifying before House investigators

12:00 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.82974

File: 9065c274b497cd5⋯.png (121.31 KB,1536x1123,1536:1123,Clipboard.png)

File: 4de228500633302⋯.png (491.06 KB,818x760,409:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411881 (231605ZAUG23) Notable: BRICS Summit 2023 South Africa - Aug 22-24

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Uptick in shill attacks here with current habbenings abounding tells me everything I need to know.

Cycle of (Event Convergences) - Coincidences?


BRICS Summit 2023 South Africa - Aug 22-24

'''BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth,

Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism'''

BRICS Members





South Africa

[BRICS] represents the [Globalist/Marxist/Communist/NWO] = Consolidation of Power and TakeOver of the World.

- Consider this chilling reality:[CCP][Manchurian Quislings] in USA.Gov







[BRICS South Africa Summit] habbening at the same time Trump to be arrested, for of all things, "Election Interference/Fraud/Rico"?

Globalist wolves moving in for "The Kill"?


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26d5ae No.82975

File: 03ec0b2f2c92933⋯.png (515.7 KB,800x448,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411913 (231609ZAUG23) Notable: "Pittsburgh PD: "Active Shooter Situation Underway"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.82976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411921 (231612ZAUG23) Notable: "Pittsburgh PD: "Active Shooter Situation Underway"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Harrison Krank




Sources say that the sheriff's deputies were serving an eviction notice when someone inside the home started shooting. One deputy is injured, but conscious and alert.


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26d5ae No.82977

File: 8093410db56dc8d⋯.png (435.61 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411936 (231614ZAUG23) Notable: "Pittsburgh PD: "Active Shooter Situation Underway"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pittsburgh 'active shooter': Cops warn locals to stay away from residential area as 'HUNDREDS of rounds fired'

Residents have been told to avoid 4800 block of Broad Street and N. Mathilda Street in the Garfield, Pittsburgh

Sheriff's deputies were attempting to serve an eviction notice - but when they approached the property, the occupant opened fire


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26d5ae No.82978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411964 (231618ZAUG23) Notable: F-117 Nighthawk: The Invisible Stealth Strike Bomber | The Ultimates: Strike Planes | Spark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



F-117 Nighthawk: The Invisible Stealth Strike Bomber | The Ultimates: Strike Planes | Spark

Spark 1.67M subscribers 3,089,696 views Feb 20, 2021 #Spark #ModernWarfare #TheUltimates

An exploration of extreme speed and power, focusing on the scientific research behind notorious war-time explosions, the worst collisions in sports car history, supersonic trains, thrill rides, strike planes, and attack helicopters.


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26d5ae No.82979

File: ba91057e3e5278c⋯.png (577.51 KB,474x701,474:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 20abfafc3ac5da4⋯.png (16.71 KB,476x207,476:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 325fa1179c346eb⋯.png (482.72 KB,476x527,28:31,Clipboard.png)

File: aa106b345079b84⋯.png (202.38 KB,451x689,451:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411971 (231619ZAUG23) Notable: 23 AUGUST 1775 - KING GEORGE III DECLARES THE THIRTEEN COLONIES “IN REBELLION”

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In response to recently arrived news of the Battle of Bunker Hill fought in JUN, King George III issued the Proclamation of Rebellion on 23 AUG 1775.

#Armyhistory #USArmy #TRADOC


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26d5ae No.82980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411976 (231620ZAUG23) Notable: Modi | Chandrayaan 3 Landing | This is how India's successful moon mission will help the world!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Narendra Modi | Chandrayaan 3 Landing | This is how India's successful moon mission will help the world!

Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.82981

File: b9a97f610fe2672⋯.png (204.92 KB,533x749,533:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412017 (231626ZAUG23) Notable: General Flynn’s Co-Author @BooneCutler Discusses His New Book “A Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TODAY, on The StoneSONE:

General Flynn’s Co-Author @BooneCutler Discusses His New Book “A Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”



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26d5ae No.82982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412044 (231629ZAUG23) Notable: #23839

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#23839 >>82938

>>82964, >>82970, >>82972 Eyez on the Skyz

>>82940 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Meteor and the Galaxy

>>82939 Statement from resident Joe Biden on Cancer Moonshot Announcement

>>82941, >>82942 B.I.S 2025 AGENDA WHAT IS THE 2030 AGENDA

>>82943 ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Mission Soft-landing LIVE Telecast

>>82944 NASA director calls bunk on existence of UFOs: ‘Absolutely not’ For The Keks!

>>82945 Department of Defense’s Newly Released Biodefense Posture Review Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

>>82946 Unmasking the Destructive Career of Victoria Nuland—Now Second-in-Command at the State Department

>>82947 What's that low-flying plane in the Central Valley?, scheduled research flights for NOAA

>>82948 Channels to watch

>>82949 “I’m fighting for justice. I have been from the moment I represented Donald Trump, an innocent man”

>>82950 Ukraine: American economy is no longer what it was, so European states must step in, the Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Roberts

>>82951 Roseanne Barr tells An0maly how to defeat mind control

>>82953, >>82954 Goldman is cracking down on employees that aren't in the office five days a week

>>82955 Bannon trial set for May 2024

>>82956, >>82969 A defiant Rudy Giuliani turns himself in to the Fulton County jail, says he feels good because he is defending the rights of Americans.

>>82957 German and Austrian news outlets agree to cover ‘climate crisis’ in lockstep

>>82958 @1st_Marine_Div Coming In Hot ☀️🚁

>>82959 @/DeptofDefense Time to get dirty!

>>82960, >>82971 Our guide to the first Republican Debate

>>82961, >>82962 NASA Award Fuels 3D Printing in Space Recycling and Next-Gen Heat Shields

>>82963 Reminder: Eyeing Taiwan, China builds its own Starlink

>>82965 Webb Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star

>>82966, >>82975, >>82976, >>82977 "Pittsburgh PD: "Active Shooter Situation Underway"

>>82967 First mugshots RELEASED of Trump's Georgia co-conspirators and the ex-president's own shot is expected tomorrow

>>82968 @173rdAbnBde Fire in the hole 💣💥

>>82973 Sperry: IRS whistleblowers spilled the beans on Lesley Wolf's moves to hamstring their investigation into Hunter Biden

>>82974 BRICS Summit 2023 South Africa - Aug 22-24

>>82978 F-117 Nighthawk: The Invisible Stealth Strike Bomber | The Ultimates: Strike Planes | Spark


>>82980 Modi | Chandrayaan 3 Landing | This is how India's successful moon mission will help the world!

>>82981 General Flynn’s Co-Author @BooneCutler Discusses His New Book “A Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”


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26d5ae No.82983

File: 9431eb559726d50⋯.png (119.64 KB,680x316,170:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ebe0c11e655d30⋯.jpg (173.21 KB,1170x1145,234:229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8267d617966a160⋯.png (289.4 KB,537x671,537:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 90988b1ce057bf4⋯.png (215.83 KB,448x623,64:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 4451111f0ca6bc8⋯.jpg (179.19 KB,907x1112,907:1112,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412061 (231632ZAUG23) Notable: #23840

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off hand needed or will baker till can't, ballers call it

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26d5ae No.82984

File: dbef2dcc7f6a0e4⋯.png (274.13 KB,532x515,532:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412081 (231635ZAUG23) Notable: DoD letter to 9/11 families promises to consider “your views” about potential plea deals, death penalty off table for 9/11 defendants

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DoD letter to 9/11 families promises to consider “your views” about potential plea deals, death penalty off table for 9/11 defendants. Compare with more than 2000 family members’ letter to POTUS to “prioritize” victims interests + release core documents including hijacker phone records that still secret.


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26d5ae No.82985

File: aa03324fdd51202⋯.jpeg (352.85 KB,1284x1152,107:96,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412113 (231643ZAUG23) Notable: BlackRock eases support for ESG shareholder proposals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BlackRock eases support for ESG shareholder proposals

supporting shareholder proposals that embrace environmental and social themes, an indication that the GOP pressure campaign against ESG, or environmental, social, and governance regulations, might be making headway.

BlackRock, which is the world’s largest money manager, has been a major promoter of ESG investing. But Republicans have been pushing back against the firm. Now, an annual report revealed that BlackRock supported just 7% of nearly 400 shareholder proposals on environmental and social matters.

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26d5ae No.82986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412121 (231644ZAUG23) Notable: UN Arms Trade Treaty Being Discussed This Week! Global Gun Control?!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UN Arms Trade Treaty Being Discussed This Week! Global Gun Control?!

get out of the UN!

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26d5ae No.82987

File: 09a9552b2445530⋯.png (187.85 KB,776x476,194:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412128 (231645ZAUG23) Notable: Attorney Sidney Powell Gets $100,000 Bond in Georgia RICO Case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LAWFARE: Attorney Sidney Powell Gets $100,000 Bond in Georgia RICO Case – Bail Conditions Included


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26d5ae No.82988

File: de2baa6230f53f7⋯.png (346.8 KB,530x641,530:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412144 (231649ZAUG23) Notable: @SpeakerMcCarthy Why would Joe Biden use the power of government to go after Trump–his leading political opponent?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why would Joe Biden use the power of government to go after Trump-his leading political opponent? Is he afraid of losing to him?

They never indicted Hilary when shestill to this dayclaimed the election was stolen from her.


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26d5ae No.82989

File: aa03324fdd51202⋯.jpeg (352.85 KB,1284x1152,107:96,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412148 (231650ZAUG23) Notable: BlackRock eases support for ESG shareholder proposals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BlackRock eases support for ESG shareholder proposals

BlackRock is backing away from supporting shareholder proposals that embrace environmental and social themes, an indication that the GOP pressure campaign against ESG, or environmental, social, and governance regulations, might be making headway.

BlackRock, which is the world’s largest money manager, has been a major promoter of ESG investing. But Republicans have been pushing back against the firm. Now, an annual report revealed that BlackRock supported just 7% of nearly 400 shareholder proposals on environmental and social matters.

**Reposting since I cut off the first line in last post

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26d5ae No.82990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412199 (231659ZAUG23) Notable: 1:00 PM EDT Civil Rights Leader Discusses March on Washington Anniversary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1:00 PM EDT

Civil Rights Leader Discusses March on Washington Anniversary

Amid the upcoming 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chair Charlotte Burrows holds a discussion with Andrew Young, a leader in the civil rights movement who worked with Martin Luther King Jr.


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26d5ae No.82991

File: dd2a7e78f91fd2e⋯.png (194.5 KB,530x632,265:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412202 (231700ZAUG23) Notable: In a new court filing, Special Counsel Jack Smith said the DC Grand Jury investigation of President Trump has ended.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In a new court filing, Special Counsel Jack Smith said the DC Grand Jury investigation of President Trump has ended.



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26d5ae No.82992

File: 9e4e30e87ce0c20⋯.png (369.64 KB,911x540,911:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412214 (231703ZAUG23) Notable: Anthony Fauci has reemerged from retirement and urged the Biden administration to implement a “strict lockdown” this winter for all unvaccinated Americans?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anthony Fauci has reemerged from retirement and urged the Biden administration to implement a “strict lockdown” this winter for all unvaccinated Americans.

The disgraced government bureaucrat appeared at a university virtual event recently titled, “Pandemic Lessons and Role of Faculty in Pandemic Preparedness with Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

During the appearance Fauci made it clear that he supports locking down and punishing those in society who are not yet vaccinated.

Dossier.today reports: I’ll save you 40 minutes of your life and quote some of the “highlights” from the interview, in which a Wayne State University professor asks Fauci about what he’s learned from his time overseeing a “pandemic response.” The video of the chat is available via YouTube below:

Fauci falsely claimed that New York City was overrun and had “cooler trucks outside because they had no places to put the bodies.”

“You had to have something to immediately shut down the tsunami of infection,” he states, adding, “that lockdown was absolutely justified.”

“Lockdown has a purpose,” the pseudoscientist continued. “One of the purposes, if you don’t have a vaccine, it’s to get more ventilators, get the hospitals better prepared … until you decompress the pressure on the hospitals.

Fauci wasn’t done yet. Here comes the truly evil insanity…

“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated,” he suggests.

Rejecting the idea that lockdowns are a moral question, he added that “lockdowns have a place, but they are not a permanent solution.”


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26d5ae No.82993

File: a38d3fd34fa95a1⋯.png (336.83 KB,834x604,417:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412228 (231706ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump’s Classified Docs Case After Judge Cannon Rebukes Him for Operating ‘Out-of-District’ Secret Grand Jury

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Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump’s Classified Docs Case After Judge Cannon Rebukes Him for Operating ‘Out-of-District’ Secret Grand Jury


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26d5ae No.82994

File: b4c87a87994c13c⋯.png (120.17 KB,633x441,211:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412231 (231707ZAUG23) Notable: NASA discovers sunspot so big it can be seen from Mars

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couldn't they do this before they were 'discovered'?

NASA discovers sunspot so big it can be seen from Mars that could release solar storms that knock out Earth's power grids next WEEK


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26d5ae No.82995

File: 81daa99a728d64a⋯.png (370.78 KB,535x657,535:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412239 (231708ZAUG23) Notable: Fight Tonight! @FortBlissTexas

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Fight Tonight!


demonstrated their readiness on the heels of a “no notice” Deployment Readiness Exercise.

The DRE enabled forces to rehearse routine processes for reception and onward integration in order to respond to any emergency in the Korean Peninsula.


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26d5ae No.82996

File: d8bbeb22ec8b299⋯.png (209.32 KB,1162x627,1162:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412247 (231710ZAUG23) Notable: 'Wind tunnel effect' engineered to superheat Maui fire?

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'Wind tunnel effect' engineered to superheat Maui fire?

AwakenWithJP and other internet stars tackle Maui Fire anomalies

YouTube comedian JP Sears, known online as AwakenWithJP, used his familiar sarcasm, acting as a news reporter, to describe various anomalies in the Maui fires that have ravaged part of the island and may have taken hundreds of lives, many of them children who were home alone when school was cancelled while their parents were at work.

Mocking the establishment line

In a clip he labeled, "What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Maui Fires," Sears describes speculation that a “DEW was used to intentionally start the fire so that a World Economic Forum friendly climate change fighting 15-Minute City” could replace the ruins.

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26d5ae No.82997

File: 3def1fd7f48c4ac⋯.png (11 KB,532x154,38:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412273 (231715ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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JUST IN - Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region — TASS


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26d5ae No.82998

File: c960eae5ac02dc0⋯.png (341.48 KB,453x637,453:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412295 (231718ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


A private jet belonging to Yevgeny Prigozhin has crashed with all 7 passengers and 3 crew reportedly dying upon impact. Prigozhin was, per the passenger manifest, listed as being on the plane

There are also reports a second plane of its type belonging to Prigozhin has currently turned around and is landing in Moscow


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26d5ae No.82999

File: 555b2a8bd4a7748⋯.png (320.82 KB,538x489,538:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412300 (231719ZAUG23) Notable: Two years ago today, the @SpaceForceDoD activated its third Field Command

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Two years ago today, the


activated its third Field Command – Space Training and Readiness Command!

To the Guardians of STARCOM, thank you and happy birthday!


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26d5ae No.83000

File: 1c914b11be685a1⋯.png (241.7 KB,562x667,562:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412306 (231720ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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#breaking ⚡️— Russian tg channels reporting that a private jet owned by Prigozhin has crashed.

State emergency services confirm a jet crashed in Tver region and 10 dead

Prigozhin-linked channel says plane was shot down (!!).

Unclear if Prigozhin himself on board

12:59 PM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.83001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412316 (231722ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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European sources are claiming that Russia shot down a jet carrying Wagner group leader Prigozhin

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26d5ae No.83002

File: cd72f10c829fb2c⋯.png (71.48 KB,1043x553,149:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412318 (231723ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Administration Announces Massive $5 Billion COVID-19 Funding Called “Project NextGen”

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Biden Administration Announces Massive $5 Billion COVID-19 Funding Called “Project NextGen”

This week, InfoWars published insider information that alleges the TSA and US Border Patrol will be moving back to 2020-era COVID-19 mandates and restrictions starting in mid-September through mid-October, to include mask mandates on all flights. This is in addition to the confirmed mask-mandate reinstatement at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA and Lionsgate Studios in Santa Monica, CA.

That same week, WarRoom’s Natalie Winters uncovered millions of dollars in funding, awarded primarily for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, to ramp up testing and other COVID-19 related. This was just a week after the NIH appointed Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, a staunch advocate for masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates, as the replacement for Dr. Fauci.

To further the suggestion that another lockdown scare is in the forecast, yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Services announced funding of $1.4 billion to “support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come” according to a press release:

The awards announced today follow extensive coordination with industry partners and include support for clinical trials that will enable the rapid development of even more effective and longer-lasting coronavirus vaccines, a new monoclonal antibody, and transformative technologies to streamline manufacturing processes.

“Project NextGen is a key part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to keeping people safe from COVID-19 variants,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “These awards are a catalyst for the program – kickstarting efforts to more quickly develop vaccines and continue to ensure availability of effective treatments.”

Project NextGen, a $5 billion initiative led by ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), coordinates across the federal government and the private sector to advance innovative vaccines and therapeutics into clinical trials, regulatory review, and potential commercial availability for the American people. The project builds on a better understanding of COVID-19 – with HHS developing, using, and constantly re-evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current vaccines and therapeutics for over three years.

Recipients of the awards include:


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26d5ae No.83003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412332 (231725ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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Someone managed to film it.

Grassley's "7 in" comment earlier.

And now "10 others"

7/10 - 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

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26d5ae No.83004

File: e9fa88d9c38a5d5⋯.png (136.17 KB,373x600,373:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 52c77bd1fc39920⋯.png (318.34 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412378 (231732ZAUG23) Notable: Satellite Images of Maui Fire Taken Down “At the Request of Responding Organizations in Hawai’i”

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Satellite Images of Maui Fire Taken Down “At the Request of Responding Organizations in Hawai’i”

Actions by officials on Maui have contributed to an air of suspicion about the handling of the Lahaina fire that killed over 100 and left around 1000 people unaccounted for, including many children. Media access is tightly controlled, drones are grounded for getting too close to the suspected origin site of the fire and now satellite images from the fire have been taken down from a news site. The censorship incident appears to be isolated but troubling just the same. The photos were widely published and remain online elsewhere.

A Gateway Pundit reader sent in a tip (thank you) that an interactive satellite map APP comparing before and after photos of Lahaina has been taken down. The map was featured in a news article by Scooty Nickerson with the Bay Area News Group headlined: Interactive Maui wildfire map: Before and after images of Lahaina show scale of devastation

A message where the images once were reads: “At the request of responding organizations in Hawai’i and out of respect for the ongoing situation, the imagery and data in this app have been removed.” The before picture is still available by clicking the “close” button in the display.

The caption for the deleted imagery remains: “This application provides pre and post-event imagery of the August 2023 wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii. Use the slider to tool to toggle between pre-event imagery and post-event imagery highlighting structure and landscape damage from the fire. Maxar imagery provided through their Open Data program taken after the wildfire in Hawaii in August 2023. Source: Maxar, August 9th, 2023. Imagery: https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=eee0c69f4761496d82cfe5bdb4bbf242”



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26d5ae No.83005

File: 5087aba6460dffe⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1440x3040,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412388 (231733ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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26d5ae No.83006

File: 95afe7344965417⋯.png (591.72 KB,759x786,253:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412391 (231733ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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Simon Ateba


Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash.

Other reports say plane was bombed in Russia. This is developing. He recently led what was described as a failed coup attempt against Vladimir Putin

1:31 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83007

File: 14e5cad881270e5⋯.png (400.27 KB,551x525,551:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 18467cdedcbdc6f⋯.png (146.87 KB,1037x923,1037:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 307e139b37adafb⋯.png (43.71 KB,1025x300,41:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412401 (231735ZAUG23) Notable: Putin: Ukraine “Throwing Their Soldiers On Our Minefields, Under Our Artillery Fire, As If They Are Not Their Own Citizens”

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Putin: Ukraine “Throwing Their Soldiers On Our Minefields, Under Our Artillery Fire, As If They Are Not Their Own Citizens”

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of “senselessly turning its own soldiers into cannon fodder,” Russia Today reports. “They are throwing (their soldiers) on our minefields, under our artillery fire, acting as if they are not their own citizens at all. It is astonishing,” Putin said. The Washington Post reported that some NATO states prefer Ukrainians continue “fighting and dying” over “a peace that comes too early.”

Even in the face of relentless attacks by NATO-supplied Ukrainian Army troops, Putin called the situation on the front line ”stable” at a meeting with the acting head of the breakaway Lugansk People’s Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, in the Kremlin Wednesday.

As Ukraine throws its last strategic reserves into the “Counter-Offensive” in Southern Ukraine, including the elite 82nd Air Assault Brigade, going remains tough, with the Russian Ministry of Defense claiming Ukrainian losses of approx. 700 men per day since the weekend. Assault units of the Ukrainian armed forces’ 46th Airmobile Brigade suffered “significant losses,” according to Russia’s Izvestia.

Experts interviewed by Izvestia believe Ukraine “will have no personnel left with which to mount further attacks given Kiev’s catastrophic losses in its flailing counteroffensive,” TASS reports. “Ukrainian units are now operating in small mobile groups, which are relying on the relatively high speed and safety of US-provided Stryker armored personnel carriers, attempting to cut off Russian forward positions, with little to no success thus far,” Izvestia claims.

“Ukrainian formations are trying to demonstrate at least some signs of success. They are trying to break through to Tokmak, the Sea of Azov, but they can’t pull it off. The enemy is suffering significant losses. Everything suggests that soon they will have nothing left to attack with. But for the time being, we are seeing unrelenting, heavy combat,” military expert Vasily Dandykin told Izvestia.


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26d5ae No.83008

File: c416507533541c6⋯.png (249.51 KB,532x443,532:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412402 (231735ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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BREAKING: Russian air defense shot down plane allegedly carrying Wagner boss #Prigozhin .


Guess that solves that

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26d5ae No.83009

File: d4579878b5debbe⋯.png (78.9 KB,739x525,739:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412408 (231735ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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>Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash.

Zineb Riboua

According to Russian sources:

"Reports of the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin are premature at the moment.Information about his death, as well as the death of the commander of the Wagner Group, Dmitry Utkin, cannot be verified at the moment.

Yevgeny Prigozhin could be on another plane. Previously, for the purpose of secrecy, the businessman regularly confused everyone. Prigozhin allegedly checked in on one plane, and at that time boarded another plane."

1:33 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83010

File: 6e285188133ec96⋯.png (19.7 KB,460x205,92:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412410 (231736ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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The Russian Federal Security Service has reportedly taken over the Investigation of the Aircraft Crash in the Tver Region which appears to have caused the Death of Former-Wagner PMC Leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin; the FSB is said to be considering this as a Terrorist Attack.

1:33 PM · Aug 23, 2023





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26d5ae No.83011

File: 6739d8a42665b8a⋯.png (292.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412411 (231736ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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Wagner chief among passengers on crashed plane – officials

Yevgeny Prigozhin was listed on board the Embraer Legacy that crashed with no survivors, authorities have reported

A private jet traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg crashed on Wednesday in Russia’s Tver Region. The Russian Emergencies Ministry said all 10 people on board had died. Rosaviation has since said that Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Private Military Company, was listed among the passengers.

“The Embraer plane was flying out of Sheremetyevo to St. Petersburg. There were three crew and seven passengers on board. They all died,” an Emergencies Ministry official told TASS.

The crash happened near the village of Kuzhenkino in the northwestern Tver Region. Some Russian outlets have identified the plane as an Embraer Legacy 600, with the tail number RA-02795, which is believed to belong to Prigozhin. However, this was not confirmed by officials.

The Russian federal air transport agency said that Prighozhin’s name was on the passenger manifest.


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26d5ae No.83012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412415 (231737ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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better crash video here

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26d5ae No.83013

File: 18f968f8f333055⋯.png (611.55 KB,574x904,287:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412418 (231737ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

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While waiting for other reports, according to Wagner group channelsthere are two planes that Prigozhin uses, the other one is flying over Moscow:

"The second private aircraft owned by Prigozhin, Embraer ERJ-135BJ "Legacy 650" with the number RA-02748, after shooting down another aircraft of Prigozhin with the number RA-02795, is currently cruising in the sky over Moscow" (translation)

1:35 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83014

File: 2fb0e65da08f0bf⋯.png (493.58 KB,749x931,107:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412452 (231742ZAUG23) Notable: Liz Harrington “…we now know the answers to all the Fraud, Irregularities, & Cheating, & WE CANNOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!”

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Liz Harrington

“…we now know the answers to all the Fraud, Irregularities, & Cheating, & WE CANNOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!”

1:16 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83015

File: 73d98a1f9074ce4⋯.png (353.18 KB,703x880,703:880,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dc653f0267f198⋯.png (447.58 KB,708x837,236:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 166ecfe2cf9c619⋯.png (271.2 KB,686x846,343:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412484 (231748ZAUG23) Notable: Secret Letter To CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data To Support Mask Narrative

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Secret Letter To CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data To Support Mask Narrative

Documents recently obtained from the National Institutes of Health suggest public health officials used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission—despite opposing scientific evidence received from experts.


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26d5ae No.83016

File: 7782796419daa85⋯.png (1.13 MB,1229x9940,1229:9940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412507 (231752ZAUG23) Notable: 6 post(s) found containing "spark".

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6 post(s) found containing "spark".

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26d5ae No.83017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412538 (231756ZAUG23) Notable: LIVESTREAM: Active Shooter Situation in Pittsburgh; 'Hundreds of Rounds' Fired As Officers Request More Ammo

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LIVESTREAM: Active Shooter Situation in Pittsburgh; 'Hundreds of Rounds' Fired As Officers Request More Ammo

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26d5ae No.83018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412598 (231806ZAUG23) Notable: Another Food Processing Plant Burns To The Ground

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Another Food Processing Plant Burns To The Ground

The American Plant Food Corporation’s fertilizer plant in Bartlett, Texas, near Round Rock, reportedly caught fire around 8:30 p.m. on August 20th. The plant has since burned to the ground.

The Bartlett Volunteer Fire Department received a call to come put it out at 9901 North Highway 95. The fertilizer plant is said “vital to the local community” and to Texas state.

Because of voluminous hazardous and highly flammable chemicals at the plant, firefighters decided it was best to not try to extinguish the flames with water as they typically would for other types of fires. “Hazard crews were on site all night, including Temple who was monitoring overnight until Round Rock hazard crews came to relieve them,” Wentrcek told the media according to a report by Natural News.

Despite the severity of the fire, Highway 95, which runs alongside the plant, remains open. Bartlett Independent School District likewise remains open and has not canceled classes as air quality has been deemed as “good.”

“We did make the determination to keep school in session because we felt there was no danger for the children or the citizens in the area,” said Wentrcek about the decision.

Both the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Texas Emergency Management were on the scene as well, with TCEQ testing air quality and providing guidance to fire crews about how best to protect the surrounding environment.

The American Plant Food Corporation currently operates 11 different locations across Texas – well, 10 now that the Bartlett plant, which first opened in the late 1990s, is out of commission for the foreseeable future.

Mayor Mees stressed at a press conference that the Bartlett fertilizer plant is essential to Central Texas, which relies on its products to grow food. – Natural News


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26d5ae No.83019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412602 (231807ZAUG23) Notable: Disturbing video shows woman chained by the neck to the floor of a Kentucky home being rescued by police

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Disturbing video shows woman chained by the neck to the floor of a Kentucky home being rescued by police

A woman was rescued by police after she was chained by her neck to the floor in a home in Kentucky.

Officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department said they responded to a call at about 7 p.m. on Wednesday about a woman yelling for help from the second story of a home in Park Hill.

Body camera footage shows the officers trying to make entry into the home before finding a ladder to climb through the second-story window into the room where the woman was being held. She had been able to break the window out to call for help.

Video shows police finding the distraught woman with a chain secured around her neck with a padlock. The chain led down to the floor, where it was attached to prevent her from escaping.

Police used a hatchet to free the chain from the floor and later used bolt cutters to cut the chains from her neck.

The victim was identified as 37-year-old Jonna Wilson. She said that her estranged boyfriend had chained her up and threatened to kill her.

Wilson told WDRB-TV that the man had chopped her hair with a machete and beaten her before chaining her to the floor. She also said that he burned all her clothes.

"By leaving the victim chained up in the house with no way of calling for help or leaving, [the suspect] manifested an extreme indifference to the value of human life," the arrest citation read.

Police said they arrested 36-year-old Moises May two days later. May was charged with kidnapping, wanton endangerment, assault (domestic violence), intimidating a participant in the legal process, terroristic threatening, and physical harassment. May was held on a $100,000 bond.

Wilson says she has a 1-year-old daughter with the man.

"I just want to see him get in jail," Wilson said. "I just want justice, I want my daughter to be OK."


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26d5ae No.83020

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412651 (231817ZAUG23) Notable: 14-Year-Old Absolutely Humiliates School Board That Walked Out on Her

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Keks from this 14 year old.

Troll level: Expert!

14-Year-Old Absolutely Humiliates School Board That Walked Out on Her

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26d5ae No.83021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412658 (231820ZAUG23) Notable: IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump’s Classified Docs Case After Judge Cannon Rebukes Him for Operating ‘Out-of-District’ Secret Grand Jury

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Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump’s Classified Docs Case After Judge Cannon Rebukes Him for Operating ‘Out-of-District’ Secret Grand Jury

Special Counsel Jack Smith in a court filing on Tuesday revealed the DC grand jury hearing evidence in Trump’s classified documents case has ended.

Jack Smith used a DC grand jury – and a radical Marxist Obama-appointed DC judge (Beryl Howell) in the classified docs case before quietly roving down to Florida to file the charges.

Judge Beryl Howell ruled against Trump at every turn!

In fact, Judge Howell previously ordered Trump’s lawyer Evan Corcoran to testify before a grand jury in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.


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26d5ae No.83022

File: bca193684ff22f6⋯.png (485.04 KB,1259x1231,1259:1231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412692 (231826ZAUG23) Notable: Current Stats happening in our nation’s capital. Democrat-run Washington, D.C. CAP

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This is happening in our nation’s capital. Democrat-run Washington, D.C.

2:23 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412737 (231836ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: Police chase in Pasadena, California

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LIVE: Police chase in Pasadena, California

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26d5ae No.83024

File: 9df0323a6639e4a⋯.png (261.88 KB,534x419,534:419,Clipboard.png)

File: fc79e795ae7c5d5⋯.png (132.47 KB,798x834,133:139,Clipboard.png)

File: f99832751d34a0a⋯.png (340.94 KB,794x771,794:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412763 (231840ZAUG23) Notable: Mainstream media FINALLY admits people were barricaded in by incompetent Maui government

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Mainstream media FINALLY admits people were barricaded in by incompetent Maui government….

What is unfolding in Maui stands as one of the most shameless, horrific displays of government ineptitude and cruelty we’ve seen. From the highest levels, including Biden, down to the lowest local officials, the good people of Maui have been met with disrespect and callousness. Tragically, many have died or suffered tremendously more at the hands of these government blunders.

Recently Revolver told you about a situation in Maui where residents revealed they had basically been “barricaded” in, unable to leave, as the fire tore through Lahaina, thanks to inept local officials.

Well, sadly, it turns out that incredible story was true, and now, the propaganda mainstream media, who have been covering for the Maui debacle, can no longer ignore it.


Around 3:20 p.m., Lahaina resident Kevin Eliason is watching the black smoke from a vantage point closer to downtown when passersby tell him a power pole has been knocked onto the tar roof of a gas station two blocks away, creating fireballs that are being blown in the wind, he said.

Eliason said the fire knocked the power out in the area soon after.

Ten minutes later, Hawaiian Electric sends a news release asking Maui residents to prepare for extended outages. The utility says more than 30 power poles are down in West Maui, including along the Honoapiilani Highway at the south end of Lahaina. At the same time, the fire department closes the Lahaina Bypass road because of the fire.

The closures block the only route out of Lahaina to the south. Two weeks later, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier says during a news conference that officers never stopped people from leaving Lahaina that day but did try to prevent them from driving over live power lines.

Back in the subdivision near Lahainaluna Road, the first sign of trouble for Nate Baird and Courtney Stapleton comes at 3:40 p.m., when their 9- and 10-year-old sons say they can smell s’mores.

By the time the family piles into the car with their dog and Baird’s mother and joins a caravan of evacuating residents, parts of the subdivision are beginning to burn. A telephone pole falls behind their car, causing an accident and blocking a side street.

Meanwhile, police officers knock down a fence to help others escape, the police chief says later. Firefighters in the area nearly become trapped themselves, losing a truck to the flames, Pelletier says.

When Baird and his family turn south to drive out of town, the way is blocked by cones and a crew working on downed electric poles. The workers were motioning for everyone to turn back toward Lahaina.


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26d5ae No.83025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412823 (231852ZAUG23) Notable: TRUTH TRENDS

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Total Truths: 505


Total Truths: 239


Total Truths: 718


Total Truths: 1.26k


Total Truths: 281


Total Truths: 888


Total Truths: 2.79k


Total Truths: 233


Total Truths: 242


Total Truths: 559


Total Truths: 318


Total Truths: 1.44k


Total Truths: 1.38k


Total Truths: 237


Total Truths: 414

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26d5ae No.83026

File: 5bf4dda66d053d0⋯.png (75.43 KB,591x370,591:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412835 (231854ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS may have dropped plane crash comms the other day?

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>>82232 pb

>>>/qresearch/19395120 pb

>ailing bird

One-post wonder from Sunday was right...plane crash!

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26d5ae No.83027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412852 (231859ZAUG23) Notable: #23840

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#23840 >>82983

>>82997, >>82998, >>83000, >>83001, >>83003, >>83005, >>83006, >>83008, >>83009, >>83010, >>83011, >>83012, >>83013 Wagner chief Prigozhin was listed among the passengers on the plane that just crashed in Russia's Tver region

>>83026 POTUS may have dropped plane crash comms the other day?

>>83021 IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump’s Classified Docs Case After Judge Cannon Rebukes Him for Operating ‘Out-of-District’ Secret Grand Jury

>>82984 DoD letter to 9/11 families promises to consider “your views” about potential plea deals, death penalty off table for 9/11 defendants

>>82985 BlackRock eases support for ESG shareholder proposals

>>82986 UN Arms Trade Treaty Being Discussed This Week! Global Gun Control?!

>>82987 Attorney Sidney Powell Gets $100,000 Bond in Georgia RICO Case

>>82988 @SpeakerMcCarthy Why would Joe Biden use the power of government to go after Trump–his leading political opponent?

>>82989 BlackRock eases support for ESG shareholder proposals

>>82990 1:00 PM EDT Civil Rights Leader Discusses March on Washington Anniversary

>>82991 In a new court filing, Special Counsel Jack Smith said the DC Grand Jury investigation of President Trump has ended.

>>82992 Anthony Fauci has reemerged from retirement and urged the Biden administration to implement a “strict lockdown” this winter for all unvaccinated Americans?

>>82993 Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump’s Classified Docs Case After Judge Cannon Rebukes Him for Operating ‘Out-of-District’ Secret Grand Jury

>>82994 NASA discovers sunspot so big it can be seen from Mars

>>82995 Fight Tonight! @FortBlissTexas

>>82996 'Wind tunnel effect' engineered to superheat Maui fire?

>>82999 Two years ago today, the @SpaceForceDoD activated its third Field Command

>>83002 Biden Administration Announces Massive $5 Billion COVID-19 Funding Called “Project NextGen”

>>83004 Satellite Images of Maui Fire Taken Down “At the Request of Responding Organizations in Hawai’i”

>>83007 Putin: Ukraine “Throwing Their Soldiers On Our Minefields, Under Our Artillery Fire, As If They Are Not Their Own Citizens”

>>83014 Liz Harrington “…we now know the answers to all the Fraud, Irregularities, & Cheating, & WE CANNOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!”

>>83015 Secret Letter To CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data To Support Mask Narrative

>>83017 LIVESTREAM: Active Shooter Situation in Pittsburgh; 'Hundreds of Rounds' Fired As Officers Request More Ammo

>>83016 6 post(s) found containing "spark".

>>83018 Another Food Processing Plant Burns To The Ground

>>83019 Disturbing video shows woman chained by the neck to the floor of a Kentucky home being rescued by police

>>83020 14-Year-Old Absolutely Humiliates School Board That Walked Out on Her

>>83022 Current Stats happening in our nation’s capital. Democrat-run Washington, D.C. CAP

>>83023 LIVE: Police chase in Pasadena, California

>>83024 Mainstream media FINALLY admits people were barricaded in by incompetent Maui government



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26d5ae No.83028

File: 771c3551988753b⋯.jpg (75.69 KB,488x594,244:297,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412868 (231900ZAUG23) Notable: #23841

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#23841 https://fullchan.net/?4d47530e812be109#7tc2SczqaKK6ggGa9wmJj4dqU9mivPvMK3UPRdujoxc7

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26d5ae No.83029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412887 (231905ZAUG23) Notable: Mercola - Why another COVID lockdown is needed by the Police State

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Mercola - Why another COVID lockdown is needed by the Police State

The biosecurity crisis needs to continue indefinitely because it's the primary justification behind The Great Reset


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26d5ae No.83030

File: 49b74ebce405a74⋯.png (788.31 KB,959x879,959:879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412896 (231907ZAUG23) Notable: Adelaide family search for answers after teen William Pfeiffer dies in his sleep

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Adelaide family search for answers after teen William Pfeiffer dies in his sleep

The 14-year-old fell asleep at his grandparents' house. In the morning, he 'just didn't wake up'.

The healthy, young teen, remembered as a funny, kind and quirky kid, appeared completely healthy, and had no obvious signs of sickness or injury before his mysterious death.


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26d5ae No.83031

File: 198b515536c9fb0⋯.png (1.75 MB,1170x1227,390:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412898 (231907ZAUG23) Notable: THE BEE - Republicans Gather To Debate Who Will Lose To Trump In A Distant Second

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Republicans Gather To Debate Who Will Lose To Trump In A Distant Second buff.ly/3KSb8MA

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26d5ae No.83032

File: 364ced30a950f1f⋯.png (220.7 KB,771x838,771:838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412916 (231912ZAUG23) Notable: US government raids Amish cattle farmer, seizing his property in a shocking display of overreach…

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US government raids Amish cattle farmer, seizing his property in a shocking display of overreach…

Americans are watching in absolute shock and horror as our government, which is supposed to “fear” the people, runs roughshod over everyone and everything deemed an enemy. Whether that’s President Trump, U.S. voters, J6 prisoners, Julian Assange, Douglass Mackey (convicted of ‘conspiracy’ for sharing an anti-Hillary meme), or a harmless Amish farmer simply minding his own business, our government has grown too big for its britches and lost its way. And speaking of the innocent Amish farmer, that’s what this story is about today — a Virginia man who was raided by the government but is fighting back and desperately needs your support.


“They came with a search warrant,” softly spoke Samuel B. Fisher, a mild-mannered cattle farmer operating a 100-acre farm tucked away in Virginia’s heartland. Fisher’s bread-and-butter, Golden Valley Farms, carves out the scenic countryside that’s a hop, skip, and a jump away from historic Farmville, a postcard-perfect small Southern town with classical Main Street charm.

The father of five had graciously invited us down to his idyllic pasture to rehash the whirlwind of unforeseen events that unfolded over the cruel summer. It was a tumultuous time on the Fisher farm, an upheaval that threatened to upend the man’s livelihood.

“Then, they tagged the meat, so that we can’t touch it; we can’t sell it; we can’t feed our family with it,” Fisher told Townhall.

The government overreach began when Big Brother discovered that this health-conscious, all-natural farmer was avoiding the sometimes rather questionable “USDA” process.

The firestorm of Big Government saber-rattling ignited in mid-June when an inspector with the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (VDACS), without warning, paid the Fisher family a visit. Fisher has “no idea” what could have prompted VDACS’s impromptu inspection on June 14, except “maybe they just finally found us through word of mouth,” he speculated.

What was clear: The state sought to penalize Fisher for selling meat that was not processed by a USDA-inspected facility (U.S. Department of Agriculture). Fisher processes—an industry euphemism for butchering—his farm-raised meat on-site and sells it directly to his customers, feeding about 500 consumers and their families, who are part of a buying club. As members enrolled in the Golden Valley Farms membership program, they’ve bought into Fisher’s herd of 100% grass-fed golden Guernsey cows.

“They own part of the business. They own some of the herd,” Fisher explained. “My thinking was […] We can butcher their cows, process it, and sell it to them. I told the state all of this, but they said, ‘No, there’s no way around that. You can’t do that.’ They asked permission to get in here” to search the farm, a request Fisher denied. “And, they told me, ‘We’ll be back,’ and left.”


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26d5ae No.83033

File: f1128828aa5de3f⋯.png (1.48 MB,831x2133,277:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412928 (231914ZAUG23) Notable: Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

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Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

State media reported ten people aboard the private plane died in a crash northwest of Moscow

Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was among passengers on a plane that crashed northwest of Moscow on Wednesday, according to Russian state media.

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry told TASS News and RIA Novosti that all 10 people on board the private plane died in the crash in Tver Oblast and that Mr. Prigozhin was on the list of passengers on board the plane. Photos of the crash showed what appeared to be the wreckage of a plane on fire in a field.

Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency also told state media that Mr. Prigozhin was on board the aircraft. Reports claimed that the crash occurred on a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

An investigation has been launched into the crash of the Embraer aircraft, which occurred tonight in the Tver region. According to the list of passengers, among them is the name and surname of Yevgeny Prigozhin," the transport agency said, according to TASS.

Officials said that an investigation has been launched into the crash.

A Telegram channel, Grey Zone, that some say is linked to Wagner, claimed that the plane was shot down by Russian air defense systems "from the Russian Defense Ministry in the Bologovsky district of the Tver region." According to the channel, "Before the plane crash, local residents listened to two bursts of characteristic air defense, and this is confirmed by contrails in the sky in one of the videos, as well as the words of direct eyewitnesses."


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26d5ae No.83034

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412940 (231917ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: Donald Trump will air at 8:55 pm EST / why Trump should avoid the GOP debate

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Tucker: Donald Trump will air at 8:55 pm tonight




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26d5ae No.83035

File: a0ac4a26126a66a⋯.png (257.91 KB,634x258,317:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412948 (231918ZAUG23) Notable: Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden: Man is found dead inside Gold Coast councillor's home - as cops declare a crime scene and launch a major investigation

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Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden: Man is found dead inside Gold Coast councillor's home - as cops declare a crime scene and launch a major investigation

Councillor Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden assisting police with enquiries

His stepfather was found dead following reports of a 'disturbance'

A Gold Coast councillor is assisting police following the death of his stepfather after a 'disturbance' in his family home.

Police were called to a house on Chiffley Pl in Arundel over reports of a 'disturbance' just after 3pm on Wednesday.

Emergency services found councillor Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden's stepfather, who is believed to be in his late 50s, unconscious, reported 7News.

'The man has passed away at the scene,' a QPS spokesperson said.

It is understood Bayldon-Lumsden is now assisting police with their investigation.

He was led away by police wearing a blue forensic suit and paper bags taped over his hands.

A crime scene has been declared and police investigations are ongoing.

Detectives and forensic officers will remain at the home overnight.

Bayldon-Lumsden serves in Gold Coast City's Division 7 and was elected in 2020.

On Wednesday morning - just hours before the 'disturbance' - he shared pictures of a 'Walk or Wheel Wednesday' at Arundel State School, describing the day as 'beautiful'.


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26d5ae No.83036

File: 438982d46baa551⋯.png (288.96 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412949 (231918ZAUG23) Notable: Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’ / Biden's RICO conspiracy

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Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’

Peter Schweizer: Biden Criminality a 'Clear-Cut Case'

“This is a direct bribe. It's a quid pro quo,” Peter Schweizer says. “It doesn't matter if you ever demonstrate that a single penny went to Joe Biden, because bribery can mean paying off your family."


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26d5ae No.83037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412953 (231920ZAUG23) Notable: Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

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BBC is carrying the story as "just now"

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after Russia plane crash

By Frank Gardner, security correspondent, & Robert Greenall

BBC News

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a jet which crashed killing all on board, Russia's civil aviation authority has said.

Earlier, Wagner-linked Telegram channel Grey Zone reported that the private plane, which belonged to Prigozhin, was shot down by air defences.

It was flying from Moscow to St Petersburg, with seven passengers and three crew.

Prigozhin led a failed mutiny against the Russian armed forces in June.

The crash comes on the same day that senior Russian general Sergei Surovikin was reportedly sacked as air force chief.

Gen Surovikin was known to have good relations with Prigozhin and had not been seen in public since the mutiny.

The aircraft is said to have come down near the village of Kuzhenkino in Tver region, about half-way between Moscow and St Petersburg.

Grey Zone said local residents heard two bangs before the crash and saw two vapour trails.

Tass news agency said the plane, an Embraer Legacy belonging to Prigozhin, caught fire on hitting the ground.

The aircraft had been in the air for less than half an hour, it added.

An investigation has been launched into the crash and emergency services are searching the scene.

Another news agency, Ria, said eight bodies had been recovered.



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26d5ae No.83038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412971 (231926ZAUG23) Notable: Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’ / Biden's RICO conspiracy

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Stephen Miller

Biden’s RICO conspiracy.


3:01 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83039

File: 954cb3793dadbd7⋯.png (153.33 KB,476x438,238:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412972 (231926ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: Donald Trump will air at 8:55 pm EST / why Trump should avoid the GOP debate

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Couldn't send MP4 after maintenance last night

Here’s what’s happening at 8:55pm ET.


Tucker with Trump on X (Twitter) @8:55

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26d5ae No.83040

File: 4195c3c5fe80f7f⋯.png (800.06 KB,1195x940,239:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412991 (231930ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith, DOJ, Rip Trump’s Request to Push Jan. 6 Trial to 2026

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Jack Smith, DOJ, Rip Trump’s Request to Push Jan. 6 Trial to 2026

In a Monday court filing, special counsel Jack Smith said agreeing to delay former President Donald Trump’s trial for allegedly attempting to overturn the 2020 election results and upset the transfer of power would “deny the public its right to a speedy trial,” according to a report.

NBC News noted that Trump’s team has asked the court to delay the trial until 2026, though if he were to win the presidency next year, it’s not clear a trial would happen while he’s in office.

“In service of a proposed trial date in 2026 that would deny the public its right to a speedy trial, the defendant cites inapposite statistics and cases, overstates the amount of new and non-duplicative discovery, and exaggerates the challenge of reviewing it effectively,” wrote Smith’s team in response to Trump’s request to delay the trial until April of that year.

Smith has asked to begin jury selection in December ahead of a January 2024 trial date.

Smith’s team stated that Trump’s proposition is based on the assumption that legal professionals will review discovery material individually and manually, which diverges from current practices.

“The defendant’s proposed trial date, however, rests on the faulty assertion that it is necessary for a lawyer to conduct a page-by-page review of discovery for a defendant to receive a fair trial. But the defendant can, should, and apparently will adopt the benefits of electronic review to reduce the volume of material needed to be searched and manually reviewed,” wrote Smith’s team.

“In cases such as this one, the burden of reviewing discovery cannot be measured by page count alone, and comparisons to the height of the Washington Monument and the length of a Tolstoy novel are neither helpful nor insightful; in fact, comparisons such as those are a distraction from the issue at hand—which is determining what is required to prepare for trial,” the team added.

“To accomplish that, the discovery should instead be measured by its relevance, organization, accessibility, searchability, and reviewability. Here, the Government has organized and produced materials in a manner designed to ease and expedite the defendant’s review and search, which allows for trial to proceed as the Government has proposed,” the team said.

U.S. District Judge Tonya Chutkan is expected to set a trial date on Monday during a hearing on the matter.

Meanwhile, Trump on Monday announced when he would be surrendering to Fulton County, Ga., authorities after being indicted last week by District Attorney Fani Willis for allegedly trying to alter the outcome of the 2020 election in the Peach State.

“Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Monday evening. “In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for “murder,” but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL!”

Along with Trump, 18 others were indicted, including former lawyers, legal advisers, and campaign staff.

He then mocked the DA for seeking a $200,000 bond, which he attributed to Willis believing he is a “flight risk.”

“The failed District Attorney of Fulton County (Atlanta), Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a ‘flight’ risk – I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia, share a gold-domed suite with Vladimir, never to be seen or heard from again,” he wrote in another post.

“Would I be able to take my very ‘understated’ airplane with the gold TRUMP affixed for all to see. Probably not, I’d be much better off flying commercial – I’m sure nobody would recognize me!” he added.


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26d5ae No.83041

File: 6f031fea2473fed⋯.png (1.49 MB,1354x1600,677:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412999 (231933ZAUG23) Notable: Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

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Simon Ateba


@JennaEllisEsq, former attorney of @realDonaldTrump, has just arrived at the Fulton County jail in Georgia to surrender.

She told me,"Soon, I will surrender to the Fulton County jail and literally become a political prisoner.The Left is trying to destroy our institutions, deny our God-given rights, and criminalize the practice of law.

"I stand with all Christians, conservatives and other patriots who have been unjustly targeted by a weaponized government. I call on every American to pray for our Nation."

3:28 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83042

File: 49cf1ba58c00a2d⋯.png (46.44 KB,543x294,181:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413006 (231935ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: Donald Trump will air at 8:55 pm EST / why Trump should avoid the GOP debate

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>Here’s what’s happening at 8:55pm ET.



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26d5ae No.83043

File: 64f6f92bfac2967⋯.png (1.12 MB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413007 (231935ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Wheels up

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26d5ae No.83044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413028 (231943ZAUG23) Notable: Things that did not burn during the Lahaina fire

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Things that did not burn during the Lahaina fire

- Geoff Cygnus

sauce ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMfVGh7ZEMY

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26d5ae No.83045

File: 809535fd2258eff⋯.png (348.85 KB,913x733,913:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413029 (231943ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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X getting topped off by RATS31

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26d5ae No.83046

File: 6d11a939bc66145⋯.png (689.82 KB,1232x946,56:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413030 (231943ZAUG23) Notable: ‘His business failed’: Roger Stone compares Ron DeSantis to unsuccessful dog food salesman

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‘His business failed’: Roger Stone compares Ron DeSantis to unsuccessful dog food salesman

‘When asked why his business failed he said, "well, the (dogs) didn’t like the sh*t."'

Convicted GOP operative Roger Stone is throwing more shade at Gov. Ron DeSantis and his chances of securing the Republican nomination next year, this time likening the presidential hopeful to an unsuccessful dog food salesman.

According to him, DeSantis is sinking in national polls because like the proverbial pooch chow merchant, his product — in the Governor’s case, his personality and people skills — is unpalatable.

“I am reminded of the story of the guy in the dog-food business who went broke because he couldn’t get (any) orders,” Stone wrote on X, the social media platform formerly called Twitter. “When asked why his business failed he said, ‘well, the (dogs) didn’t like the sh*t.’”

I am reminded of the story of the guy in the dog-food business who went broke because he couldn't get an orders.When asked why his business failed he said "well, the dog's didn't like the shit" https://t.co/jynXazsxdg

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) August 17, 2023

Stone, who was pardoned and had his three-year prison sentence for obstruction and witness tampering commuted by Donald Trump, has had little nice to say about DeSantis even before the Governor began running against the former President this year.

Since then, he’s only grown more vocal in his vitriol, calling DeSantis a “cold fish who doesn’t like people” and asserting that he would be “working in a Dairy Queen” if not for Trump, who endorsed him for Governor in 2018 and last year.

He’s also taken a shot at Florida’s First Lady, Casey DeSantis, whom he likened to the scheming and manipulative Shakespeare villain, Lady Macbeth.

Stone made the dog food salesman comment Thursday while sharing a news report about DeSantis’ unpleasant dealings with many Republicans in Washington and Florida who had little nice to say about the Governor’s awkward and unpleasant nature.

Among the Governor’s harshest detractors was Sarasota Sen. Joe Gruters, who served as Chair of the Florida GOP for four years under DeSantis. He told The Washington Post he “fully expected the downfall of (DeSantis’) campaign a long time ago.”

“The more he is met by people, the more they are not going to like him,” he said. “The more he’s out there, the more his numbers go down. It’s not a good long-term scenario for him.”

Gruters, who endorsed Trump in April, voted alongside Democrats later that month against a DeSantis-backed bill undermining Disney’s land-use powers over its Central Florida properties.

The entertainment and theme park conglomerate became a target of the Governor after its former CEO, Bob Chapek, criticized a state measure DeSantis championed restricting LGBTQ inclusivity in public schools.

In June, DeSantis vetoed close to $30 million in state funding the Florida Legislature approved for Sarasota. Gruters chalked it up to political vindictiveness.


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26d5ae No.83047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413039 (231945ZAUG23) Notable: Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

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Giuliani [speaking to press]: I am very, very honored to be involved in [inaudible]...this indictment is a travesty. It's not just an attack on me...this is an attack on the American people.

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26d5ae No.83048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413047 (231948ZAUG23) Notable: General Kellogg reacts live to Yevgeny Prigozhin's death

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General Kellogg reacts live to Yevgeny Prigozhin's death

Keith Kellogg

Good to be on @AmericaRpts with @SandraSmithFox and @johnrobertsFox on Russian shoot down of Wagner Group/mutiny leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. Two thoughts: When you strike at a King you must kill him and Putin's comment on State TV, the only thing he will never forgive is betrayal.

3:39 PM · Aug 23, 2023 5:22


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26d5ae No.83049

File: 831aa12c70dc64b⋯.png (464.85 KB,692x716,173:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413059 (231951ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: Donald Trump will air at 8:55 pm EST / why Trump should avoid the GOP debate

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Nolte: Donald Trump Is Wise to Skip the Fox News Debate

Someone who is up 41 points should not participate in a political debate.

In the RealClearPolitics poll of national GOP primary polls, former President Donald Trump is 40.9 points ahead of second place.

What’s more, nationally, Trump sits well over the magic halfway mark with 55.8 percent support.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is waaaaaayyy behind in second place with 14.9 percent support. The rest are in single digits.

Only a madman who’s up 41 points would risk that lead by participating in a debate with a half-dozen other candidates who—I’m sorry, but this is true—do not matter.

DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence are actually running for president but have so far run terrible campaigns. That could change, but for now, neither has been anything close to impressive and are no threat to the former president.

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), and former South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Haley are not running for president. Instead, they are running to be Trump’s vice president or part of his cabinet. That’s fine.

As far as former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (RINO), he’s running to hear his own voice and see himself on TV.

Listen, as much hope as I had for DeSantis and Scott to show me something, they are not showing me anything other than this: they are not up to the business of running for president. That could change. But as of right now, the result is that this is not a serious presidential primary. Trump is stomping through the campaign as if he were a sitting president.

Let me put it this way… No one’s paying much attention to the Democrat presidential primary even though Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is doing about as well against His Fraudulency Joe Biden (Biden is up 64 to 13 percent) as DeSantis does against Trump (56 to 15 percent).

Why should Trump risk his current frontrunner-by-a-mile status by appearing at a debate?

A candidate has one job—and that is to win. Everything should come second to winning. I say the same thing when Democrats refuse to appear on Fox News. Why take the risk? And as far as all this silly talk about “precedent” and “democracy”? Spare me, y’all. As of now, Trump’s opponents circle him like gnats. Trump would be a fool to elevate them with a debate appearance. He would be an even bigger fool to show up for a debate on Fox News, an outlet that hates him as much as CNNLOL hates him. Why give Fox the ratings? Why allow yourself to be deposed by your enemies on national TV?

The 2024 GOP primary is Trump’s to lose, and when you’re winning, you stay the course. Only a fool changes tactics when he’s 41 points up nationally, up 26 points in Iowa, up 31 points in New Hampshire, and up 28 points in South Carolina. Now is not the time to hand Fox News a baseball bat to bludgeon you with.

To his supporters, his country, and himself, Trump has only one obligation, and that is victory.

Please allow me this caveat: Of course, things can change. DeSantis might get his act together. Christie could fall on Haley and Scott, and the supporters of the smushed could consolidate behind DeSantis. We have a long, long way to go to the GOP convention. All I’m saying is that for right now, Trump appearing at the Fox News debate would be a dumb move. There’s no upside for him, and the upside is all that matters in a political campaign.


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26d5ae No.83050

File: f3bebeeee1e7bc6⋯.png (315.93 KB,609x619,609:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413062 (231951ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Stop being so bossy from the cockpit of your C-17.

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26d5ae No.83051

File: 93ac6bece64e1c5⋯.png (266.78 KB,1188x933,396:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e1f267bf8c1468⋯.png (233.6 KB,724x960,181:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413072 (231954ZAUG23) Notable: American Thinker: Ballot Harvesting Cannot Win the Next Election

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Ballot Harvesting - Only The Brain Dead Believe It Now!

The world of U.S. election fraud tactics changed forever in the most fundamental of ways last week with the Gateway Pundit publication of the alleged 2020 Michigan ballot manufacturing factory.

Days later, the Michigan Secretary of State confirmed that indeed this event did take place, adding a little different spin the system caught this fraud before it impacted an election. Interesting that now, three years later, an admitted massive election fraud event did occur yet not one person has been jailed. Not one prosecuted. Not one indicted. Crickets!

One would think Michigan would have announced such a “catch.” But no, only diligent citizens who dug out a State Police report that would otherwise have lain dormant - forever.

Anyone who now believes Republicans will win 2024 ballot harvesting, while leftists can print new ballots in the basement, is delusional.

Dan Bongino on his August 10th podcast spoke for many when he said the election fraud narrative has become toxic from crazies (37:21) who claim outlandish election fraud schemes. These charlatans detract from the real election fraud - ballot manufacturing.

No more.

As Bongino noted, leftists committed at-scale election fraud in 2020 the old-fashioned way - by printing or collecting ballots, stuffing the ballot box, no URLs tied to China needed!

The election integrity world is different today because the Gateway Pundit outed an official 2020 Michigan State Police report with all the pertinent info. As sleuths dug in, they found this ballot manufacturing scheme tied to an entity, GBI, operating in 20 states.

Fake, pre-printed ballots by the thousands. Fake addresses, guns, gift cards. Colorful stuff. Over $11 million came for 2020 “voter registration.” Some dough from the Biden Campaign.

While we bask in the reality that at-scale ballot manufacturing funded by leftists,undeniably happened in 2020 was investigated by the Michigan State Police and forwarded to the FBI we point out a much more important reality.

All the ballot harvesting in the world cannot stop one ballot manufacturing operation.

To fight ballot manufacturing in 2024 one must freeze addresses - publicly.

Let’s revisit insurance fraud.

Our team was brought into State Farm, GEICO, USAA to stop auto insurance fraud rings.

Organized rings of doctors/lawyers/chiros hired Ethiopian scammers, who would sudden stop in front of that Lexus, have a fender bender, resulting in hundreds of claims.

We demonstrated these were organized, industrial-scale fraud rings.

When new claims arrived, the insurer told the perp to “sue me!” The insurer didn’t pay and the perp went elsewhere. If the perp chose to fight it, the insurer had evidence they were tied to a fraud ring - they went away fast.

It’s the same with election fraud.

Using Fractal technology, we compare every address in the voter registration file with its corresponding real-estate property description. We do not care who lives there. We ignore who owns the building.

We are delivering an “address-driven” fraud detection system.

Addresses don’t lawyer-up. They do not have court cases protecting their right to vote - even if fake.

With the Undeliverable Ballot Database™ the Fractal team, now working with state legislators in a growing number of states - is freezing scammy addresses.

Here, let’s do one!

Read further



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26d5ae No.83052

File: cd43f794975736d⋯.png (438.63 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413089 (231956ZAUG23) Notable: Argentina: Leftist Movements Coordinate Wave of Supermarket Lootings and Robberies to Displace Election

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Argentina: Leftist Movements Coordinate Wave of Supermarket Lootings and Robberies in the Country – COMMUNISTS AIM TO DISPLACE ELECTIONS


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26d5ae No.83053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413091 (231956ZAUG23) Notable: Events tonight: Trump-less GOP debate, Trump interview on Tucker, Gaetz & MTG break down GOP debate afterwards

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9:00 PM EDT

RINO GOP Debate Without Trump




Tucker Carlson’s Trump Interview Showcases Potential of Tie-Up With Elon Musk’s X

Former Fox News host plans to stream pretaped conversation with former president on X during Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate






11:00 PM EDT

LIVE: Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. MTG Breakdown the RNC Debate. LIVE from Milwaukee 8/23/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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26d5ae No.83054

File: a58ad5b7ad48422⋯.png (397.39 KB,1054x954,527:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413098 (231958ZAUG23) Notable: TOLMAN: Why Fani Willis’ Charges Against Trump Are Completely Absurd

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TOLMAN: Why Fani Willis’ Charges Against Trump Are Completely Absurd

Frankenstein’s creature, cobbled together out of spare parts and hubris, was a monster.

Spare parts and hubris are exactly what went into the new indictments of President Donald Trump handed down by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis Aug. 14. This overtly political prosecution is aimed at sidelining the leading Republican presidential candidate. This monstrous overreach must be exposed for what it is, and its author should be booted from the legal profession.

“President Donald Trump was indicted Monday on racketeering, conspiracy and other charges by a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, the result of a more than two-year investigation by District Attorney Fani Willis into potential 2020 election interference in that state,” PBS reported. “Eighteen other people, including Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, were also indicted, accused of joining Trump in efforts to unlawfully change the outcome of the election.”

Willis charged Trump and his associates under RICO — racketeering, influence and corrupt organizations — laws intended to prosecute the Mafia, drug cartels and other complex criminal enterprises. The facts don’t fit RICO charges, yet Willis is bastardizing the statutes in order to turn a tool for use against gangs into a weapon against political opponents.

This is a travesty and an abuse of power — prosecuting a lawful election challenge under the lens of criminal law.

“Trump and the other defendants charged in this indictment refused to accept that Trump lost, and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump,” Willis said in Monday’s press conference.

Many in the media have spent time libsplaining the indictments — with a big emphasis on why Georgia election denier Stacey Abrams’ case is different — and how it’s about actions, not free speech.

But what are the actions? I’ve read through the indictments, and as a former federal prosecutor who has jailed gangsters, gang members and sicarios under RICO statutes, all I see in this are the normal, mundane actions of attorneys objecting to how an election was conducted. RICO charges depend on overt acts, in furtherance of a criminal enterprise. What’s the criminal enterprise here?

Even Reuters acknowledges as much: “Some of those acts — including Trump’s social media posts and meetings with elected officials — are not inherently criminal.”

In a typical conspiracy charge, it’s a gang associate, for example, who drives a vehicle with methamphetamine in the trunk from Point A to Point B — an illegal action, in furtherance of a bigger illegal conspiracy. But in the Trump indictments, there’s no illegal conspiracy — just a not-unusual election challenge, right out in the open.

Still, I wonder if Willis is concerned about the quality of the indictments at all. Is this even about seeking the truth and prosecuting law-breakers? I suspect not. Just look at Willis’ proposed timeline. She claims to want to go to trial within six months. But a RICO indictment is a complicated and time-consuming enterprise. With so many defendants, each raising their own pretrial issues, there’s simply no way a case like this could be resolved that quickly.

Clearly, this isn’t about Trump — it’s about Fani Willis and her future in progressive politics. She wanted her Alvin Bragg moment; she got it.

The cost? Just the integrity of the Fulton County justice system and the chilling effect of political prosecutions for those who challenge Democrats’ power.


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26d5ae No.83055

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413101 (231959ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI ELDER SPEAKS TRUTH - 8/23/23

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sauce ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/zt8IVqnHZWuU/

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26d5ae No.83056

File: 02e782517272c07⋯.jpeg (458.47 KB,1756x1440,439:360,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413120 (232003ZAUG23) Notable: Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

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Yevgeny Prigozhin recently registered as an educational organization and was planning to recruit children in schools and from as far as Africa. - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/yevgeny-prigozhin-s-wagner-group-registers-as-educational-organization-in-belarus-set-to-recruit-kids-after-exile-from-russia/ar-AA1fpqVV

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26d5ae No.83057

File: 0709508340610af⋯.png (506.47 KB,1803x860,1803:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413126 (232005ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Calm your tits, and up your professionalism.

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26d5ae No.83058

File: 1abdaaacef5e9e4⋯.png (60.93 KB,743x388,743:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413137 (232007ZAUG23) Notable: Grenell shames Brit Hume/M McCallum for remarks on Giuliana and Trump

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__Richard Grenell++

Shame on you, @brithume- for saying those disgusting comments you just did about Rudy Guiliani and Donald Trump.

And why did @marthamaccallum agree with him?

The Left’s attacks are not legitimate….you both give aid and comfort to the radical Left’s weaponization with comments like that.

4:00 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83059

File: e4337981d6e1638⋯.png (212.28 KB,543x459,181:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413141 (232007ZAUG23) Notable: AMA hopes trans-women (biological males) will get subsidized womb transplants

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The American Medical Association published an article that explores taxpayer-funded uterus transplants as a solution for transgender women — biological males who believe they are female — to help “consolidate” their chosen gender.

The article, written by Timothy F. Murphy, PhD, and Kelsey Mumford, was published in a June issue of the AMA Journal of Ethics with the title: “Should Uterus Transplantation for Transwomen and Transmen Be Subsidized?”

The article points to successful uterus transplantation (UTx) among biological females and concluded that it “suggests that transwomen and some transmen will also likely have interest in this intervention.” However, the article correctly asserts that many taxpayers will not be as willing to subsidize such procedures for biological males. It notes that transgender women could be interested in uterus transplants not only to carry their own child but to simply “consolidate their identities” or affirm their chosen gender.

The article estimates uterus transplantation to cost between $100 000 and $300 000, although it notes that this is often covered by institutions, grants, or, in some cases, insurance.

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26d5ae No.83060

File: 910256901b49cf9⋯.png (612.14 KB,1806x893,1806:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a2d9733666e021⋯.png (22.31 KB,614x282,307:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413143 (232008ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Hex: AE06E5 Copy Link




United States

DB flags:


Type: BE20

BEECH 200 Super King Air

Type Desc.: L2T




Jan 06, 2019 1:39:05 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e73272 No. 4628679


Anons knew?


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26d5ae No.83061

File: 7e4ab0523c3f3f3⋯.png (402.7 KB,1004x929,1004:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413184 (232018ZAUG23) Notable: Jonathan Turley: GA DA May Have ‘Tripped The Wire’ With Her ‘Jackson Pollock School Of Prosecution’ Approach

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Jonathan Turley Warns Georgia DA May Have ‘Tripped The Wire’ With Her ‘Jackson Pollock School Of Prosecution’ Approach

August 16, 2023

9:15 PM ET

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said Wednesday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis may have “tripped the wire” with a prosecutorial approach he compared to the work of Jackson Pollock.

A grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, handed down ten indictments Monday night, charging Trump and other associates over Trump’s efforts to contest the 2020 election results in that state. Willis, who launched a probe into Trump’s efforts to contest the 2020 election results in that state in 2021, announced in April that the probe could lead to the indictment of Trump. (RELATED: Laura Ingraham Says Trump Charges Will ‘Justify’ Limits On Speech After Media Begs For Protection From GOP Voters)

“This is going to be this massive production and she is going to do it in this rather short period of time. Now, the defense has to go through what are effectively three grand juries, three years of investigation, there’s 19 defendants that may have conflicts,” Turley told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “There is going to be a flurry of motions, constitutional questions raised.”


Jonathan Turley Warns Georgia DA May Have 'Tripped The Wire'



“The question is: Why this mad rush? Why is everyone not just piling on indictments but jamming together these trials, daisy-chaining them from Super Tuesday to virtually the inauguration, if you count the civil cases as well?” Turley asked. “At some point judges are going to have to step in and be a mature voice and say, ‘look, okay, stop it, this guy has got to prepare a defense in multiple cases.’”

Special Counsel Jack Smith secured a four-count indictment of Trump relating to his efforts to contest the results of the 2020 election. He sought a trial date of Jan. 2, 2024, while Willis wants a trial to start on March 4, 2024.

Legal experts noted that much of the conduct Smith claimed was criminal in the indictment appeared to be protected by the First Amendment. Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz said that the indictment not only attacked the First Amendment, but also Trump’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel.

“In some ways, Willis may have really tripped the wire here. You know, I called this sort of the Jackson Pollock school of prosecution,” Turley said. “She threw everything against the canvas and looked to see if a picture emerged, said this is all one big conspiracy, every tweet, every speech that we cite. Well, by doing that she also tripped wires with regard to his time as president, and that has created this question of whether it could be removed.”


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26d5ae No.83062

File: 3c814f3a7260d8b⋯.png (250.81 KB,824x959,824:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413193 (232020ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Can Prove It

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August 18, 2023

Trump Can Prove It

last two paragraphs

President Trump did not try to "subvert" the election, nor did he secretly know he lost. Any beyond-surface-level inspection of the 2020 election reveals its fraudulency. Trump was not only allowed to dispute an election he felt was fraudulent, but as president was constitutionally obligated to do so. That is the opposite of criminal. In fact, he is one of the only public officials willing to uphold the oath he swore. Trying to imprison him for this not only is a tall task, but also puts them at risk of allowing him to publicly prove that "The Big Lie" is the real "Big Lie."

The evidence exists for Trump to finally prove that his over two-year-old claims are valid. All he must do now is present it.


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26d5ae No.83063

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413208 (232025ZAUG23) Notable: Harnwell: Western companies cynically pledge to invest in Crimea — but “after liberation”

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==Harnwell: Western companies cynically pledge to invest in Crimea — but “after liberation”

Just when you thought the almost sociopathic need to publicly virtue-signal in favour of Ukraine couldn’t get any more absurd, Western business leaders have surpassed themselves.

President Tenpercentskyy is hosting a massive conference for Crimea — and a whole list of firms are, to great fanfare, pledging to invest. But only “after Crimea’s liberation”.

Business titans get to outwardly appear generous and humane — while secretly knowing they’ll never have to spend one single cent. What sick weirdos.





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26d5ae No.83064

File: fc516397e78a8b4⋯.png (503.61 KB,733x938,733:938,Clipboard.png)

File: 7df71ca81a61e45⋯.png (502.72 KB,650x417,650:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d0382de4a93104⋯.png (733.64 KB,500x741,500:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413223 (232028ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Is Not Guilty Of Racketeering; The Deep State Is

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Trump Is Not Guilty Of Racketeering; The Deep State Is

Six worrisome things for which the Deep State must be held accountable for.

Abe Vigoda and Robert Duvall watch Marlon Brando and Al Lettieri shake hands in a scene from the film 'The Godfather', 1972. A "racket" is any organized criminal scheme like the ones favored by the Mafia in the early 20th century: prostitution, gambling, the "numbers racket" (illegal lotteries), "rum running" during Prohibition and the "protection racket," in which the mob offers businesses paid "protection" from criminal gangs, notably themselves. Photo: Paramount/Getty images

Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, Ga, charged former President Donald Trump and 18 colleagues with racketeering under Georgia's RICO law. The charge is that he conspired with them to overturn the 2020 Georgia presidential election results.

Experienced lawyers, such as those at Bochetto & Lentz, a law firm that says it specializes in "messy, complicated, high-pressure, and high-stakes cases," highlight the benefits of using RICO statutes, which enable prosecutors to tie numerous crimes into one case, even if they have covered an extensive period. The person who didn't "pull the trigger, set a fire, or commit a burglary" can be charged under RICO laws. It is little wonder that RICO has been traditionally used against the Mob.

The Left is so desperate to get Trump that Willis outlines a broad 97-page indictment alleging that he corralled his colleagues across state lines in Arizona and Pennsylvania, among others, to plan and execute a sophisticated criminal scheme to overturn the people's will, all within 56 days. The AP called the election for Biden on November 7. Trump called Georgia's Secretary of State on January 2, 2021.

We counter that if anyone needs to be charged with criminal racketeering conduct in 2020, it should be the Deep State that should be indicted. Here are six extraordinary examples of collusion that propelled candidate Biden who had lost the first three primary races to miraculously become the Democratic nominee and then win the general election, though he hardly ever left his Delaware basement.

Election law changes. The number of people in 2020 who voted absentee in states with little experience with no-excuse mail-in balloting and drop-boxes was mind-boggling. In states Democrats controlled (like New Jersey), they had the laws changed to send absentee ballots to every registered voter, not just on request. In states where the Left had no legislative control (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin), they filed over 145 lawsuits alleging that Covid shutdowns would disproportionately disenfranchise minorities and other communities of color. The remedies they sought and had approved by partisan secretaries of state and judges were relaxed rules to accept late mail-in ballots and eliminating restrictions to verify ballot signatures against voter rolls.

The failure of the justice system. History will record the failure of the William Barr Justice Department, which did not investigate those statewide election laws that pushed through ballot changes before the 2020 elections, and the various courts that never agreed to look at election integrity even though there was sufficient evidence of malpractice.

Suppressing Trump's good news stories. With Covid raging in the summer of 2020, a critical question was Trump's management of the pandemic and if an emergency vaccine would be ready soon. Trump kept insisting that extraordinary measures taken to speed through Stage-3 clinical trials would result in a vaccine shortly. The Left and the media scoffed. Pfizer announced on November 9, six days after the election, that a vaccine more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 had been found. If Pfizer had revealed this information ten days prior, the election could have turned to Trump.

Suppressing Biden's bad news stories. When the New York Post revealed the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop, abandoned at an iPhone repair shop, the media never pursued the story. Social media outlets - Facebook, Twitter - disallowed sharing of the NY Post series. Twitter even suspended the NY Post, the oldest newspaper in the United States. TIPP data shows that the election could have swung to Trump if this story had gained traction.

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26d5ae No.83065

File: 3ee6e3a01d84620⋯.png (660.84 KB,783x835,783:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413235 (232032ZAUG23) Notable: Space Launch Delta 45@SLDelta45

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Space Launch Delta 45@SLDelta45

From Pitch Day 2023, SLD 45 partnered with companies bringing technologies that help support mission needs. This includes solar powered camera towers displayed across PSFB.

This innovative technology is still in a test phase but may become permanent once the trial period ends.


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26d5ae No.83066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413255 (232036ZAUG23) Notable: Rudy Giuliani surrenders to Fulton County jail for 2020 Trump election case

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Rudy Giuliani surrenders to Fulton County jail for 2020 Trump election case

"I feel very, very good about it because I'm defending the rights of Americans," Giuliani said.

Attorney Rudy Giuliani surrendered to officials Wednesday at Georgia's Fulton County jail to face charges in connection to an alleged attempt to overturn the state's 2020 presidential election results in favor of former President Donald Trump.

Giuliani's bail was set at $150,000 on the 13 charges that he faces after he was indicted earlier this month alongside Trump and 17 other co-conspirators on state charges related to the alleged plot, court documents show.

The charges that Giuliani faces include racketeering, conspiracy to impersonate a public officer, and making false statements.

Before heading to Georgia on Wednesday morning, Giuliani expressed confidence about the case.

"I feel very, very good about it because I'm defending the rights of Americans," he said outside of his Manhattan apartment.

Giuliani wanted to turn himself in before Trump surrenders to Georgia officials Thursday, according to CNN. The former president has asserted his innocence and is expected to post a $200,000 cash bond.

As of Wednesday morning, only five of the 19 codefendants had surrendered to Fulton County authorities.


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26d5ae No.83067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413271 (232041ZAUG23) Notable: Maui updates; 1000+ still unaccounted for

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Maui Officials: 1,000-1,100 Individuals Still Unaccounted for in Aftermath of Wildfires

Roughly 1,000 to 1,100 individuals are still unaccounted for in the aftermath of the Maui wildfires, according to island officials.

Recovery efforts are underway in Maui, but county officials revealed on Tuesday that at least 1,000 individuals remain unaccounted for at this point. The good news, however, is that 1,400 more individuals who were previously reported as missing or unaccounted for have since been identified as safe.

According to Maui County’s update:

Both numbers are expected to fluctuate for the foreseeable future as additional reports of unaccounted for individuals are submitted, and for as long the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Maui Police Department (MPD) and other law enforcement agencies continue to work diligently to make contact with individuals who have already been reported unaccounted for.

The county is asking individuals to report anyone unaccounted for to the Maui Police Department (MPD). Individuals are also asked to contact the FBI if they come in contact with an individual who has been reported as missing so that person can be removed from the list.

“If you have already submitted complaints to the Maui Police Department about a missing person, or to the FBI, or anyone else, please follow back up to ensure that they have the most up-to-date and accurate information, including dates of birth, what they look like, who they’re related to, further contact information,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Steven Merrill said in a statement provided in the county’s update.


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26d5ae No.83068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413291 (232044ZAUG23) Notable: French military bases in Africa will now self-identify as schools

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Ya don't say

French military bases in Africa will now self-identify as schools

Emmanuel Macron wants to rebrand Paris’ presence in its former colonies as cultural and economic projects

Rachel Marsden 28 Feb, 2023

Since France was dumped by some of its former colonies in Africa in favor of new partners, like Russia and China, French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a new plan in an obvious effort to have an excuse to keep hanging out in the hope of winning hearts and minds.

How exactly does Macron plan on doing that? Certainly not by “taking people for imbeciles”, as he said on February 28 while announcing his new African strategy ahead of a tour of the continent this week. “We aren’t going to do common good,” Macron stated, underscoring that France clearly has interests and isn’t going to pretend otherwise. After a remark like that, one might be lulled into believing that everything else that he said would be equally straightforward.

That’s not exactly the case. Rather, Macron is just announcing a different manipulation tactic – because Washington’s model of deploying military shock and awe on resource-rich countries in the hope of ultimately translating it into business deals apparently isn’t getting the job done. Even worse, the West is now worried about being outdone on the security and economic front by Russia and China. And for all the patronizing attempts to warn African countries to avoid dealing with them — most recently by Western officials at the Munich Security Conference — it turns out that treating African leaders like they don’t know what’s in their own best interests isn’t working, either.

The big question in the wake of Mali giving the boot to France’s years-long “counter-terrorism” mission, leading to an exit of the country’s armed forces from the region, was how Paris would justify sticking around. In 2021, there were over 19,000 deaths related to Islamist violence, more than in 2015, when Boko Haram was at its strongest, in the Sahel – the region that France ostensibly sought to stabilize.

Macron tipped his hat early in his speech by evoking the Franc of the Financial Community of Africa, as a sort of anchor for the Franco-African cooperation that he’s introducing. The controversial currency, used in 14 African countries and printed in France, is pegged to the Euro. Some consider it a symbol of colonialism and a lack of sovereignty, while the Western establishment generally considers it a source of stability for these countries that attract investment.

Back in 2019 when she was in opposition, Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni called it the “colonial currency” to which France “applies seigniorage and by virtue of which it exploits the resources of these nations.” Macron would now like to build on that, s’il vous plaît.

To that end, the French President has a new idea that involves Africans forgetting France’s military presence on the continent. Its bases in Africa are now going to be co-managed with Africans and some will be rebranded “academies”, he said. Apparently, in today’s Western world, if an army base wants to self-identify as a school, that’s now entirely its right.

The move to soften France’s image in Africa after having overseen the proliferation of jihadists under its counter-terrorism missions looks a lot like the Biden administration’s new PR efforts aimed at Africa. “Jill Biden’s visit to Namibia was a big hit with scores of giddy children who crowded around her Thursday as she handed out boxes of White House M&Ms after visiting an organization that gets US support for programs that teach young adults about HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence,” the Associated Press reported on February 23.

Macron is also playing up new French-led cooperative initiatives for Africa in culture, sports, health, digital technology, and education. All backed by a European team, he said — in case there were any doubts as to the European Union using France to wedge open the door to resource heaven. Macron also repeatedly mentioned partnerships with African civil society. Translation: French cash for NGO “influencers”. That’s generally called a “paid partnership” on social media, and the ethical protocol is to disclose that funding relationship. What are the odds that the French-backed NGOs will be doing the same when attempting to influence their fellow citizens?



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26d5ae No.83069

File: d29255b990cd154⋯.png (135.27 KB,575x472,575:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413294 (232045ZAUG23) Notable: Maui updates; 1000+ still unaccounted for

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‘Only Those Who Disobeyed Survived’: Some Maui Survivors Had To Ignore Local Government To Stay Alive

Residents in West Maui faced a barricade that blocked the only paved exit out of town when they attempted to escape the raging wildfires, according to the Associated Press, forcing them to evade the authorities’ obstacles.

Residents encountered a gridlock caused by several Hawaiian Electric trucks that were replacing telephone poles along the road to Highway 30, and received instructions from electricians to turn back into Lahaina, AP reported. Some died in their cars while others swerved around the barricade or used dirt roads to escape.

“It made no sense what they were doing,” Cole Millington, a resident, said, according to NBC News. “They could see the sky was black. They could see the city was on fire. They could see the wind was still whipping everything around. But they were already starting to plant new power poles.”

Many residents could not escape the traffic and abandoned their cars to jump in the Pacific, making the gridlock even worse, according to The Washington Post.

“The gridlock would have left us there when the firestorm came,” Kim Cuevas-Reyes, a resident who drove into the wrong lane to escape, said, according to AP. “I would have had to tell my children to jump into the ocean as well and be boiled alive by the flames or we would have just died from smoke inhalation and roasted in the car.”

The wildfires have burned approximately 2,170 acres in Lahaina, according to CBS News. There have been at least 115 deaths.

Hawaiian Electric did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for a comment.


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26d5ae No.83070

File: 45d06f5e5d92e4e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1781x897,137:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413303 (232047ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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Flight pattern the number 8 to a left handed right angle ...


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26d5ae No.83071

File: 80616e0ab1a7e52⋯.png (1.2 MB,1790x891,1790:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413315 (232048ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag

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26d5ae No.83072

File: 0a90df6912ed881⋯.png (558.67 KB,545x619,545:619,Clipboard.png)

File: b66b90ce5dc10b6⋯.png (144.05 KB,763x674,763:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413319 (232049ZAUG23) Notable: CNN claims it's time 'to break out the masks' for new Covid surge

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CNN claims it's time 'to break out the masks' for new Covid surge

The network gave a COVID "reality check" and told its readers that the virus is "here to stay."

CNN claimed in an article on Wednesday that it's time for people to "mask up" as so-called experts warn about a recent surge in COVID-19 cases. This is amid speculation that the Biden White House will reinstate pandemic-era mandates.

In the article titled, "It may be time to break out the masks against Covid, some experts say," CNN encouraged its readers to "dust off those N95 masks."

"If you’re at high risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19, it’s time to dust off those N95 masks and place them snugly over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from a recent uptick of the virus," CNN wrote.

Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist and professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, told the network that people considered to be "high-risk" should return to masking, including 80-year-old Democrat President Joe Biden.

"Octogenarians comprise the highest-risk group for complications following Covid infection," Reiner said. "At least until the numbers start to drop again, it would be appropriate for President Biden to take some precautions and wear a mask in crowds."

"If you're a caregiver for somebody who is at increased risk of complication following infection, then I think you should also consider putting a mask on in public places," Reiner said. "And since the masks that are most effective are N95 that are now readily available, that's the kind of mask you should wear."

While CNN seemingly attempts to induce fear into its readers, the network explained that the average American doesn't appear to be taking this apparent surge in COVID cases all that seriously and is reluctant to return to pandemic-era mandates.

"Despite the concern among experts and some institutions, Americans don't appear to be worried enough about the recent rise in cases to change their behavior," CNN wrote, citing a recent study from Axios.


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26d5ae No.83073

File: 672f1fd249b2775⋯.png (257.51 KB,900x587,900:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 677b56626f4bf26⋯.png (691.26 KB,1030x945,206:189,Clipboard.png)

File: bb3d645dc085310⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413343 (232053ZAUG23) Notable: AMA hopes trans-women (biological males) will get subsidized womb transplants

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The Federalist


The AMA Wants To Rip Your Womb From Your Dead Body And Stuff It Between A Delusional Man’s Legs

Aug 23, 2023, 4:38 PM


The AMA Wants To Rip Your Womb From Your Dead Body And Stuff It Between A Delusional Man’s Legs


AUGUST 23, 2023

Doctors could easily pocket their scalpels and think about the implications of giving men female-specific organs. They don’t because they have a profit to make and an agenda to advance.

Female organ donors, beware! Researchers published by the American Medical Association want people like me and you to pay for a delusional male to host your womb.

Biotechnologists regularly fantasize about filling warehouses with artificial wombs, use dehumanizing “gene editing,” and have already begun fabricating female gametes from male cells so they can take women out of reproduction. Now, they are calling for taxpayer-funded uterus transplants, either harvested from organ donors or taken from women who had hysterectomies, for men who hope to buy their way into carrying a baby.

An article from the AMA’s Journal of Ethics argues that people like me and you should pay for womb transplants for men in ladyface “who want to gestate their own children,” gender dysphoric men “who want uterus transplants to consolidate their identities,” or gay men who simply don’t want to pay to rent another woman’s womb.

The call to action was one of several pieces of radical gender ideology propaganda that appeared “Patient-Centered Transgender Surgical Care” Issue published in June.

So far, only a few dozen women have successfully received a womb transplant in the U.S. Researchers all around the world, however, are holding out hope that the procedure will be available to men, despite their numerous anatomical differences from women, within the next decade.

The article’s authors, a professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago and a medical student at the University of Texas at Austin, lamented that private insurers and employers might refuse to pay for the procedure for men based on their “religious views.”

Because a majority of Americans still believe the truth that men are men and women are women, the researchers say anyone who wants a uterus transplant “for any reason” should be allowed to circumvent insurers and instead petition the government for taxpayer-funded womb transfers.

Uterus transplants are not cheap, which means the article’s authors hope to keep hardworking Americans on the hook for likely unnecessary procedures that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Their suggestion also means the tens of millions of women who agree to be post-humous organ donors could be agreeing to hand their wombs over to a male in the near future.

The article’s authors take no issue with the moral and ethical implications of such a procedure. In fact, they argue that “the case could be made that no moral obstacle stands in the way of justifying subsidies for [uterus transplants] for some transwomen and transmen.”

When humans try to evade their natural reproductive limits because of their desire to have children whenever they want, it leads to pain, suffering, and, in some cases, death for women and unborn babies alike.

Doctors could easily pocket their scalpels and think about the implications of giving men female-specific organs, but they don’t because they have a profit to make and an agenda to advance. The AMA and its radical researchers are no different.

The AMA is one of several increasingly leftist medical organizations that penned a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding the nation’s top law enforcement agency investigate and prosecute the people who object to irreversible gender experiments. That came shortly after it expressed an explicit desire to remove the “sex” category from birth certificates in an attempt to twist language in favor of its radical gender ideology agenda.

Offering taxpayer-funded womb transplants sidelines women, science, and morality. No matter how hard researchers try to eliminate females from the reproduction equation for the sake of men, they can’t ignore that women are necessary for both creating and raising children.


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26d5ae No.83074

File: c690da069dcb78c⋯.png (167.98 KB,444x421,444:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c36456d888dd8e⋯.jpg (90.11 KB,1164x1154,582:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413347 (232053ZAUG23) Notable: Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

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26d5ae No.83075

File: 12b6f9a2c803794⋯.jpeg (479.95 KB,1170x867,390:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 398c6a65f48e160⋯.jpeg (75.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413350 (232054ZAUG23) Notable: Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

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26d5ae No.83076

File: da7c8cbddd30f86⋯.png (420.87 KB,543x537,181:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 9edcef1e96f9fea⋯.png (1.42 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b0197da3fec7019⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a4e91c97dc8ed9⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413363 (232056ZAUG23) Notable: Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

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“Protecting democracy” by jailing political dissent

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26d5ae No.83077

File: 9834500e40d67de⋯.jpg (667.51 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413372 (232057ZAUG23) Notable: Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

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I want every single government employee involved in this weaponization against the people tried for TREASON in a military court.

God Speed Patriots


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26d5ae No.83078

File: 90803449b849bd9⋯.png (129.96 KB,408x639,136:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413392 (232101ZAUG23) Notable: Bannon’s War Room tonight at 6:00 eastern discussing the bombshell new evidence that proves 67,284 votes were cast by eligible voters.

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Catherine and Gregg


Bannon’s War Room tonight at 6:00 eastern discussing the bombshell new evidence that proves 67,284 votes were cast by eligible voters.

And, GA knew it. Trump was right.

Yes, we have the sauce posted on https://open.ink/georgia




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26d5ae No.83079

File: daf5315aeca03f4⋯.png (26.08 KB,590x202,295:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413429 (232107ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City was just ARRESTED in Atlanta, Georgia, because he fought for Election Integrity

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The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City was just ARRESTED in Atlanta, Georgia, because he fought for Election Integrity. THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED & STOLLEN. HOW SAD FOR OUR COUNTRY. MAGA!


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26d5ae No.83080

File: 4626b1b551ee575⋯.png (304.72 KB,1080x795,72:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413441 (232109ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City was just ARRESTED in Atlanta, Georgia, because he fought for Election Integrity

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26d5ae No.83081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413443 (232109ZAUG23) Notable: Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

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look-a like-a shot down to me

tried to embed vid, 8kun rejected


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26d5ae No.83082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413452 (232110ZAUG23) Notable: Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

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anudder link...

VIDEO shows ‘Wagner boss plane crash


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26d5ae No.83083

File: 427edbf3667d088⋯.png (86.08 KB,600x289,600:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 76b6a1879b5cb2d⋯.png (227.75 KB,1062x947,1062:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413456 (232111ZAUG23) Notable: J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Sends Powerful Letter From Prison As He Faces 20-Year Sentence for Trespassing in US Capitol by Kangaroo Court

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J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Sends Powerful Letter From Prison As He Faces 20-Year Sentence for Trespassing in US Capitol by Kangaroo Court

Aug. 21, 2023 11:00 am

When Dominic Pezzola enlisted to serve as an infantryman in the US Marine Corps, he never fathomed he would one day be held hostage by his own government for protesting an election.

Dominic is an honorably discharged Marine Corps veteran, father, husband, and business owner.

“Anyone who has been following closely knows that our trial was a complete sham and disgrace,” Pezzola told The Gateway Pundit in May on a government-surveilled call from a tablet in his cell. “The Constitution was completely shredded in our trial and the Constitution was actually re-legislated from the bench just so the prosecution can get their convictions.”

Despite beating the most serious charge, Seditious Conspiracy, the DOJ is still seeking 20 years in prison for Dominic.

Do not be fooled – If they do this to an honorable US veteran – they will do this to anyone!

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

We are living in a post-Constitutional period – We will either be led by tyrants and lose all freedoms or we will unite and preserve our God-given freedoms. You are here for a reason.


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26d5ae No.83084

File: 2d0db9d8caf478c⋯.jpeg (431.6 KB,1170x1209,30:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413526 (232123ZAUG23) Notable: Giuliani: The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office.

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The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office.

If I disappear, it will appear immediately along with my RICO chart.


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26d5ae No.83085

File: 481e8573892f099⋯.png (113.25 KB,340x340,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413543 (232126ZAUG23) Notable: Giuliani: The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office.

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Liz Harrington reposted

Matt Gaetz


4:54 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83086

File: 05a75f0860e21ea⋯.jpg (19.06 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413683 (232147ZAUG23) Notable: They didn't want more guns in schools. TN House Republicans moved forward the bill anyway.

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They didn't want more guns in schools. House Republicans moved forward the bill anyway.

Last updated 5:06 PM, Aug 23, 2023

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Whether enhanced permit gun owners can carry into a school is passing through the Tennessee House to the dismay of parents and grandparents with students in public schools.

The HB7064 — designed by Rep. Chris Todd, R-Madison County — will be heard in the House Education Administration Committee at 4 p.m. He said administrators were "begging him" for the ability to carry. He said placing guns in schools would provide protection that is "real world protection."


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26d5ae No.83087

File: aa5f3645f9d1f4e⋯.png (345.33 KB,591x667,591:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413727 (232153ZAUG23) Notable: CMz Meet Tim Scott….

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Ron Watkins [codemonkeyz]


Meet Tim Scott.

Tim is campaigning for the GOP nomination.

Tim is thankful of Dr. Fauci.

Tim supports masking.

Tim says the Pfizer vaccine is effective.

Tim wants tighter gun control.

Tim wants to defund the police.

What do you think about Tim Scott?

Aug 23, 2023, 12:46 PM


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26d5ae No.83088

File: 189252fc4b3bc2e⋯.png (244.46 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f09501e2c8d3ded⋯.png (1.32 MB,991x990,991:990,Clipboard.png)

File: 14580156f780d70⋯.png (297.5 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 780f6b460424f82⋯.png (411.47 KB,478x683,478:683,Clipboard.png)

File: f233c37767f3f02⋯.png (131.14 KB,306x437,306:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413731 (232154ZAUG23) Notable: GA indictment defendants so far

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1) Trump's attorney known as the 'Kraken' Sidney Powell surrendered Wednesday afternoon in Georgia and her mugshot released

2) An almost giddy-looking attorney Jenna Ellis, who was all smiles for her mug shot, handed herself over to authorities around the same time and was granted a $100,000 bond

3) Rudy Giuliani followed close behind, getting booked right after Powell. He is being released on $150,000 bond

4) Mugshot of John Eastman

5) Mugshot of Scott Hall

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26d5ae No.83089

File: cdefe950cdb7af2⋯.png (276.58 KB,1080x945,8:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413735 (232154ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: THE INDICTMENTS AGAINST ME SHOULD BE VIEWED AS A CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION….

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26d5ae No.83090

File: 986afadccc5584b⋯.png (166.81 KB,577x799,577:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413737 (232154ZAUG23) Notable: Footage of the uncontrolled fall of Prigozhin's plane immediately after two explosions in the sky.

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Footage of the uncontrolled fall of Prigozhin's plane immediately after two explosions in the sky.

The local resident also speaks about two explosions. It can be seen that the aircraft does not have one wing.

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26d5ae No.83091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413777 (232200ZAUG23) Notable: #23841

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#23841 >>83028

>>83029 Mercola - Why another COVID lockdown is needed by the Police State

>>83030 Adelaide family search for answers after teen William Pfeiffer dies in his sleep

>>83031 THE BEE - Republicans Gather To Debate Who Will Lose To Trump In A Distant Second

>>83032 US government raids Amish cattle farmer, seizing his property in a shocking display of overreach…

>>83033, >>83037, >>83056, >>83081, >>83082 Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash

>>83048 General Kellogg reacts live to Yevgeny Prigozhin's death

>>83034, >>83039, >>83042, >>83049 Tucker: Donald Trump will air at 8:55 pm EST / why Trump should avoid the GOP debate

>>83035 Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden: Man is found dead inside Gold Coast councillor's home - as cops declare a crime scene and launch a major investigation

>>83036, >>83038 Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’ / Biden's RICO conspiracy

>>83040 Jack Smith, DOJ, Rip Trump’s Request to Push Jan. 6 Trial to 2026

>>83041, >>83047, >>83074, >>83075, >>83076, >>83077 Jenna Ellis, Giuliani, Sidney Powell "surrender" in GA

>>83043, >>83045, >>83050, >>83057, >>83060, >>83070, >>83071 Planefag

>>83044 Things that did not burn during the Lahaina fire

>>83046 ‘His business failed’: Roger Stone compares Ron DeSantis to unsuccessful dog food salesman

>>83051 American Thinker: Ballot Harvesting Cannot Win the Next Election

>>83052 Argentina: Leftist Movements Coordinate Wave of Supermarket Lootings and Robberies to Displace Election

>>83053 Events tonight: Trump-less GOP debate, Trump interview on Tucker, Gaetz & MTG break down GOP debate afterwards

>>83054 TOLMAN: Why Fani Willis’ Charges Against Trump Are Completely Absurd

>>83055 MAUI ELDER SPEAKS TRUTH - 8/23/23

>>83058 Grenell shames Brit Hume/M McCallum for remarks on Giuliana and Trump

>>83059, >>83073 AMA hopes trans-women (biological males) will get subsidized womb transplants

>>83055 MAUI ELDER SPEAKS TRUTH - 8/23/23

>>83061 Jonathan Turley: GA DA May Have ‘Tripped The Wire’ With Her ‘Jackson Pollock School Of Prosecution’ Approach

>>83062 Trump Can Prove It

>>83063 Harnwell: Western companies cynically pledge to invest in Crimea — but “after liberation”

>>83064 Trump Is Not Guilty Of Racketeering; The Deep State Is

>>83065 Space Launch Delta 45@SLDelta45

>>83066 Rudy Giuliani surrenders to Fulton County jail for 2020 Trump election case

>>83067, >>83069 Maui updates; 1000+ still unaccounted for

>>83068 French military bases in Africa will now self-identify as schools

>>83072 CNN claims it's time 'to break out the masks' for new Covid surge

>>83078 Bannon’s War Room tonight at 6:00 eastern discussing the bombshell new evidence that proves 67,284 votes were cast by eligible voters.

>>83079, >>83080 PDJT: The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City was just ARRESTED in Atlanta, Georgia, because he fought for Election Integrity

>>83083 J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Sends Powerful Letter From Prison As He Faces 20-Year Sentence for Trespassing in US Capitol by Kangaroo Court

>>83084, >>83085 Giuliani: The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office.


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26d5ae No.83092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413810 (232206ZAUG23) Notable: #23842

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updated dough



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26d5ae No.83093

File: c59acf4f90aaae2⋯.png (146.35 KB,408x609,136:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413900 (232221ZAUG23) Notable: Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Lindsey Graham flew to Ukraine for a fourth time to meet with Zelenskyy.

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This video is disgusting.

Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Lindsey Graham flew to Ukraine for a fourth time to meet with Zelenskyy.

Look at how they’re slapping eachother on the back like old pals.

They discussed providing Ukraine with even more money and possibly F16 weapons.

This stuff makes my blood boil. Americans are dying every day of starvation and poverty. We have cities that look worse than Somalia. Our infrastructure is pathetic.

Yet here our supposed leaders are flying back and forth to take care of a country that isn’t our problem.

How does this video make you feel?

2:40 PM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.83094

File: 3c6965b54bf3a5e⋯.webp (9.43 KB,416x273,32:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413941 (232227ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Announces Tonight’s Interview with President Trump -- Then Takes a Swipe at his Former Employer FOX News (VIDEO)

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Tucker Carlson Announces Tonight’s Interview with President Trump – Then Takes a Swipe at his Former Employer FOX News (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson released a tweet moments ago announcing his interview tonight with President Donald Trump.

The former FOX News host took a shot at his former employer in his announcement.

Tucker Carlson: On Sunday, Donald Trump announced that he will not participate in tonight’s Republican candidates debate hosted by Fox News in Milwaukee. Whatever you think of Trump, he is, as of tonight, the indisputable, far-and-away frontrunner in the Republican race. We think voters have an interest in hearing what he thinks. So when Trump approached us about having a conversation for a far larger audience than he’d receive on cable news, we happily accepted. That interview will air tonight in this space at 855. We hope you’ll watch.



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26d5ae No.83095

File: 70af5ace4a6f4bf⋯.png (32 KB,591x257,591:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bf02505fa00c0d⋯.png (54.96 KB,596x388,149:97,Clipboard.png)

File: ef755cd5b1362fb⋯.png (56.76 KB,840x586,420:293,Clipboard.png)

File: d0a0adff4041df2⋯.png (59.6 KB,840x542,420:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413960 (232230ZAUG23) Notable: Anon: Did anons catch the STOLLEN and RIGGED? stolen vs STOLLEN? Trump has said STOLLEN many times.

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Did anons catch the STOLLEN and RIGGED?

stolen vs STOLLEN?

Trump has said STOLLEN many times.



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26d5ae No.83096

File: a568015bdb5e614⋯.jpg (43.11 KB,596x396,149:99,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f10a081bce92e6⋯.jpg (49 KB,590x476,295:238,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19413962 (232230ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker teaser tweet: 9.4 Million views in 3 hours.

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9.4 Million views in 3 hours.


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26d5ae No.83097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414002 (232236ZAUG23) Notable: Peter Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’

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Peter Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’

23 Aug 2023

The mainstream media reporters are still missing the real story—bribery likely took place during Joe and Hunter Biden’s involvement with Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer is joined by Seamus Bruner on the latest Drill Down podcast, and together they lay out the case, based on their research, that bribery clearly took place: The Biden family was paid in exchange for explicit favors done by then Vice President Joe Biden for a foreign entity.

“This is a clear violation of the law. This is criminal conduct that’s occurring. This is a direct bribe. It’s a quid pro quo,” Schweizer says. “The bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if you ever demonstrate that a single penny went to Joe Biden, because bribery can mean paying off your family. If a politician’s family gets paid and the politician performs a service for that, it’s a bribe in the same way. So, to me, this is now a clear-cut case.”

That assertion comes after Seamus Bruner found yet more evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Bruner, Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute, has been on the Hunter Biden story since 2017 and “may have spent more time on the Hunter Biden laptop computer than Hunter Biden has,” Schweizer quips.

Bruner just unearthed evidence that further establishes the direct connection between Hunter Biden’s being named to the board of directors of Burisma and his father the Vice President threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to the Ukrainian government unless it fired the prosecutor who was then investigating Burisma for corruption.

That prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was indeed fired right before Biden handed over the aid money to Ukraine, as Biden himself bragged about doing at a 2018 foreign policy conference.

This allegation, which amounts to a direct quid pro quo between Joe Biden and the executives of Burisma, has been made before. But the emails found by Bruner establish a direct timeline connection between Burisma pressuring Hunter Biden to earn his $1 million dollar salary to get his father to force the Ukrainian government to call off the investigation of the company’s founder, Mykola Zlochevsky.

In 2014, a revolution in Ukraine deposed its Moscow-serving president Yanukovich. That same year, then President Barack Obama made Joe Biden his “point man” on U.S.-Ukraine policy. At about that time, Biden’s son Hunter gets his deal with Burisma. The company’s founder, Zlochevsky, has been under international investigation and his assets have even been frozen in London.

But an email uncovered by Bruner on Hunter Biden’s laptop now makes it clear that by November 2015, Burisma executives were not happy with Hunter’s work. Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Hunter Biden, “…the suggested scope of work is largely lacking concrete tangible results that we set out to achieve in the first place.”

Burisma wanted one key “deliverable,” according to the email. They wanted the pressure to be taken off their company and their founder’s frozen assets released.

Vadim Pozharskyi closed the email by stating in no uncertain terms that the “ultimate purpose” was to “close down any cases pursuits against Zlochevsky in Ukraine.”

The message got through., The next month — December 2015 — Hunter Biden, along with business associate and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer, met with Burisma in Kyiv. As Archer testified this month, Hunter, Zlochevsky, and Pozharskyi “stepped away for a bit” and “called Washington,” when they made their case to Joe Biden that Shokin needed to be fired.

Three months later, Vice President Joe Biden went to Kyiv and demanded the government agree to fire Shokin as a precondition of receiving $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees. Shokin was fired in April 2016 and the case was closed by the prosecutor who replaced him, Yuriy Lutsenko. In 2018, Joe Biden famously boasted on camera about having done so.

“He did what his son’s benefactors told him to do,” said Schweizer. “We even have independent confirmation of this, from a State Department official named George Kent who dealt with Ukraine. Kent told the Senate Oversight committee that in Dec 2015, he was advised by Biden’s staff to avoid mentioning Zlochevsky, and instead recommended to say, “I’m not going to get into naming names or accusing individuals.”

Revelations over the weekend about the collapse of Hunter Biden’s plea deal, in Politico and the New York Times, are not the main story here. The main story remains that Joe Biden and his staff knew of Hunter’s relationship with Burisma and offered official help to them.



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26d5ae No.83098

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414110 (232252ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE COVERAGE OF GOP DEBATE: RINO Swamp Scared of MAGA More Than Ever - Rep MTG, Kari Lake, and More Join Live | TRIGGERED

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LIVE COVERAGE OF GOP DEBATE: RINO Swamp Scared of MAGA More Than Ever - Rep MTG, Kari Lake, and More Join Live | TRIGGERED


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26d5ae No.83099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414152 (232256ZAUG23) Notable: "Houston’s wastewater shows significant spike in COVID cases"

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Houston’s wastewater shows significant spike in COVID cases

Healthcare officials say a new booster shot could be released sometime in the fall for people who have already received COVID-19 vaccines in the past.



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26d5ae No.83100

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414270 (232317ZAUG23) Notable: Caroline Wren Details What's Going On In Milwaukee Ahead Of The Republican Debate. She said its dead as a doornail in Milwaukee today

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Caroline Wren Details What's Going On In Milwaukee Ahead Of The Republican Debate. She said its dead as a doornail in Milwaukee today

This is funny the media sent their A team to Atlanta to report on Trumps mugshot. The little media B team is in Milwaukee to cover the stupid debate with the keebler Elves. And Fox invited these insignificant commentator like Joe Libermam and Karli Fiorena to comments on the Republican party. No one will follow the losers even the media knows its a joke. Trump is going to make the biggest money of his campaign when he sells it the picture of his mugshot, thanks to Fani Willis. They think they are humiliating even more, they don’t understand Trump will never be humiliated. Every movie stars mug shots were the best marketing opportunity for them. Law fags are really dumb. Don’t spend a moment watching Milwaukee tonight, since they don’t have Trump to attack they will attack each other and it will be boring. Don’t give a penny to FOX watching this nothing burger. Watch the Tucker interview.


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26d5ae No.83101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: Jan states, trump is enjoying all this. the election was stolen and mentions the rigged and stolen and 2000 mules documentary's and operation. This interview was recorded today on the 23rd Aug 2023.


Ex Trump Campaigner On His Expected Surrender: “They Have Failed To Take Him Down



5,460 views 23 Aug 2023 #DonaldTrump #MikeGraham #talktv

Donald Trump is expected to surrender to the Fulton county jail on racketeering and conspiracy charges over his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia.

Mike Graham is joined by former member of Trump’s team Jan Halper-Hayes to discuss his charges, the 2020 elections and whether he will be found guilty.

Jan says: “They have failed to take him down.”

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26d5ae No.83102

File: d155bf2033c3df2⋯.png (247.88 KB,1080x789,360:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414300 (232323ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I AM LEADING BIDEN IN ALMOST ALL POLLS!

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26d5ae No.83103

File: def43e0e14bc1da⋯.png (1.03 MB,898x1075,898:1075,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414343 (232329ZAUG23) Notable: Das boot

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Das boot.


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26d5ae No.83104

File: 9887976ece33f7f⋯.png (422.02 KB,543x889,543:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414392 (232334ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

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R.I.C.O. Confession published in 2021

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election


FEBRUARY 4, 2021 5:40 AM EST


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26d5ae No.83105

File: 0503afbfd230d21⋯.png (205.42 KB,529x402,529:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414369 (232332ZAUG23) Notable: #23843

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26d5ae No.83106

File: 29d3560d0a0aa8b⋯.jpg (557.38 KB,1080x2048,135:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414412 (232336ZAUG23) Notable: Dems try to pass bill to hide child autopsies during Tennessee special session on Covenant shooting

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Dems try to pass bill to hide child autopsies during Tennessee special session on Covenant shooting

Now why would they want to hide those autopsies? Maybe the kids didn't die?


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26d5ae No.83107

File: 86b413375d2f7ee⋯.png (248.69 KB,1000x877,1000:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414428 (232338ZAUG23) Notable: Former FBI Contractor Charged with Child Exploitation Offenses

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Former FBI Contractor Charged with Child Exploitation Offenses


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83108

File: 2229a5437a9d761⋯.png (200.1 KB,1005x714,335:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414433 (232340ZAUG23) Notable: Repeat offender imprisoned for having sadomasochistic child pornography images

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Repeat offender imprisoned for having sadomasochistic child pornography images


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26d5ae No.83109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414436 (232340ZAUG23) Notable: Former FBI Contractor Charged with Child Exploitation Offenses

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According to court documents, Brett Janes, 26, of Arlington, Virginia, allegedly contacted roughly a dozen minor boys over Discord and Snapchat. He allegedly groomed the minors by telling them he worked for a U.S. intelligence agency before repeatedly threatening suicide if the minors did not continue to communicate with him. Janes allegedly enticed one victim, a 13-year-old boy whom he met through the first-person shooter game Valorant, to strip and masturbate over a live video Discord call by threatening to kill himself and by paying him money over CashApp. He allegedly enticed a 12-year-old boy to create and send him child sexual abuse material (CSAM) over Discord through flattery and repeated begging.

Janes allegedly received child sexual abuse material from these two minors, as well as two separate minor victims, and attempted to meet up with a minor. He also allegedly purchased hundreds of videos and images of child sexual abuse material from Telegram.

Janes is charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children and production of CSAM, one count of attempted coercion and enticement, and one count of receipt of child pornography. If convicted, he faces a mandatory minimum of 15 years in prison and a maximum penalty of life in prison. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

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26d5ae No.83110

File: cd43ed191040289⋯.png (52.76 KB,512x309,512:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414438 (232340ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I AM LEADING BIDEN IN ALMOST ALL POLLS! LEADING REPUBLICANS BY 50 POINTS. FOX NEWS REFUSES TO POST OR DISCUSS

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Donald J. Trump·17m


Aug 23, 2023, 7:21 PM


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26d5ae No.83111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414445 (232341ZAUG23) Notable: Repeat offender imprisoned for having sadomasochistic child pornography images

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A 71-year-old Pearland resident has been sent back to prison for receipt and possession of child pornography.

Dan McClure pleaded guilty May 17.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown has now ordered McClure to serve 262 and 240 months for the receipt and possession convictions, respectively. They will run concurrently for a total 262-month-term of imprisonment. At the hearing, the court heard evidence that McClure has had a sexual interest in children since the late 1980s. This led him to not only sexually abuse at least three minor females, but collect child pornography over the last two decades. McClure was further ordered to serve the rest of his life on supervised release following completion of his prison term. During that time, he will have to comply with numerous requirements designed to restrict his access to children and the internet. He will also be ordered to register as a sex offender.

The investigation began when authorities learned of an individual who had uploaded a child pornography image. They determined the owner of the IP address associated with it was a registered sex offender living in Pearland identified as McClure.

Law enforcement executed a search warrant at his residence and seized numerous devices, including one McClure had hidden in the ceiling. Forensic examination revealed two of the devices contained child pornography. They ultimately found a total of 831 images of child pornography, 736 of which contained prepubescent minors. Approximately 100 included sadomasochistic conduct.

McClure will remain in custody pending transfer to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility to be determined in the near future.

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26d5ae No.83112

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414455 (232343ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker/ Trump preview

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26d5ae No.83113

File: 3803ef81246c320⋯.png (679.76 KB,1028x897,1028:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414459 (232345ZAUG23) Notable: German government introduces bill to fast-track legal gender changes

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German government introduces bill to fast-track legal gender changes

>Parents will be able to alter the legal gender of their childrenat any ageif the legislation is passed, media outlets report

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26d5ae No.83114

File: bf0b7c3bceb0bf1⋯.png (241.88 KB,742x698,371:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414471 (232346ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I AM LEADING BIDEN IN ALMOST ALL POLLS! LEADING REPUBLICANS BY 50 POINTS. FOX NEWS REFUSES TO POST OR DISCUSS

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Simon Ateba

BREAKING: @realDonaldTrump blasts @FoxNews, calls @brithume "working with @BretBaier", "delusional". Fox News is at war with @TuckerCarlson and Trump.


7:38 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83115

File: 9b81a78e0ce96d1⋯.png (52.88 KB,746x315,746:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414484 (232348ZAUG23) Notable: All the patriots arrested in Georgia should make their mugshots their avatars

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Roseanne Barr reposted

Jake Pentland

All the patriots arrested in Georgia should make their mugshots their avatars.It’s like being a rapper with gunshot wounds. Street cred AF! Knowing you’re arrested by a corrupt democrat regime is cooler than just winning internet wars. This is real deal Holyfield. Own it.

7:29 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83116

File: 39df0c3c97e9c4d⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f578e0dd481bd1f⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ba278eb42553b60⋯.jpeg (995.28 KB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414575 (240002ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton defendant demands speedy trial in Trump election interference case Push from Chesebro could create major headache for DA

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Also, another point made on CNN by a Ga prosecutor of 17+ years, Chris Timmons, says that one defendant, lawyer Cheseburough, has petitioned for a speedy trial. He says this is HUGE. It means that his request for a speedy trial is a right, and has to be met.

Therefore, expect the trial, if it happens to start and be over by first part of November.

The huge part, is that because defendant has a right to a speedy trial, there is a good chance his case will be dismissed because there is really no time for him to prepare for the magnitude of the charges. He said others may have their cases dismissed, too.

He kept saying it was massive development.

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26d5ae No.83117

File: f5cb5816a6ac726⋯.png (933.97 KB,1170x2125,234:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414635 (240009ZAUG23) Notable: X will be filing legal action to stop this. Can’t wait for discovery to start!/NGOs say "hate incidents" are rising

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X will be filing legal action to stop this. Can’t wait for discovery to start!

Responding to Michael Shellenberger:

Politicians & George Soros-funded NGOs say "hate incidents" are rising, but they're not. The data show the opposite: higher-than-ever and rising levels of tolerance of minorities. The reason they're spreading hate misinformation is to justify a draconian crackdown on free speech.


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26d5ae No.83118

File: 11023fa6ec1b524⋯.png (1.56 MB,1440x1010,144:101,Clipboard.png)

File: f7b649337950ae4⋯.png (1.28 MB,1600x916,400:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 00c9e207aa8062a⋯.png (77.19 KB,1199x671,109:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d50cb9da2cd401⋯.png (366.01 KB,722x942,361:471,Clipboard.png)

File: d2b0b4d373eaf3f⋯.png (450.9 KB,577x516,577:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414646 (240010ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

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Almonds started to tingle as soon as PF saw the reg no. Rich Men North of Richmond even!

The plane, with registration 02-4452 is operated by the US Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), and appears to be used to support US special forces and CIA operations.



The 486th Flight Test Squadron is a secretive unit, with a somewhat misleading designation, assigned to Eglin Air Force Base, Florida,[1] and which is associated with United States Department of State Foreign Emergency Support Team activities. The squadron motto is "Non semper ea sunt quae videntur" which translates as "Not always what they seem".[2] It was apparently assigned to the 227th Special Operations Flight, later redesignated the 150th Special Operations Squadron, McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey, but is currently assigned to the 46th Test Wing at Eglin, and operates a pair of Boeing C-32B or Boeing 757-23A aircraft,[3] on stand-by alert for special operations and intelligence missions world-wide.[4] Official documents make it clear that operations fall under the aegis of Air Force Special Operations Command.[5]


Two aircraft have been identified as being operated by the 486th FLTS, both of them either C-32B or 757 former-airliners. Both wear non-descript all-white paint schemes. Boeing 757-23A, serial number 02-4452, marked 24452,[11] is apparently c/n 25493/523, ex-N84WA, originally delivered to Ansett Worldwide as N59AW on 26 February 1993, and which passed through six different owner / operators, with seven different registration numbers, the most recent of which was the enigmatically named Kodiak Associates LLC.[12] Boeing 757-23A, serial number 02-5001, marked 25001, c/n 25494/611, is ex-N987AN, originally delivered to Avianca on 22 April 1994,[13] and which passed through the hands of Raytheon E-Systems,[14] but which has also been reported carrying 98–6006, 99–6143, 00–9001,[15] but, most usually, 02-5001.[16] The C-32B aircraft are reported to use the callsigns TERRA, DACTYL[17] and FUME.[18] The callsign JENNA, used by non-FBI aircraft engaged in Federal Bureau of Investigation operations, has also been recorded.[19][20]



Once again a Foreign Emergency Support Team C-32 (B757) with registration 02-4452, belonging to the 227 SOF (Special Operations Flight) based at McGuire AFB, NJ, appeared on both FlightRadar24 and PlaneFinder on arrival to Andrews AFB just before 08.38UTC on May 15. Noteworthy, using LiveATC radio stream on KDCA approach I’ve heard it using an unusual callsign “Jenna 71” being vectored for an ILS approach for RWY 19L at Andrews AFB. The aircraft hasn’t used one of the callsigns used by the 227 SOF (the most usual of which is “Terra”) but “Jenna” or “Jena” that according to some websites should be used by non-FBI aircraft and non-FBI flight crews involved in FBI operations. For instance, another FBI callsign reported to be use by FBI flights is “Ross”.

Here’s a part of the radio comms of Jenna 71 with KDCA Approach from LiveATC.net archive:

Jenna 71 arrival

After a rapid stopover, the aircraft took off just before 11.00GMT to fly again on an oceanic route eastbound using the usual c/s Terra 71

Anyway, it’s still weird that such an interesting “black” plane is clearly visible on the Internet by means of ADS-B.


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26d5ae No.83119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414647 (240011ZAUG23) Notable: Those Who Disobeyed Road Barricade Survived Maui Fire; Those Who Didn’t Perished

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Report: Those Who Disobeyed Road Barricade Survived Maui Fire; Those Who Didn’t Perished

This title has a message for all: Those who disobeyed survived.

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26d5ae No.83120

File: 5aa04b8d404c324⋯.png (23.37 KB,620x882,310:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b66a757247edde⋯.png (16.22 KB,400x748,100:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bf3843d9d2f2ae⋯.png (14.18 KB,640x323,640:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414657 (240012ZAUG23) Notable: Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation

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Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation

April 28, 2020


-anon has a moment of seeing them as markets instead of generations

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26d5ae No.83121

File: 7588e2ae652e535⋯.png (109.02 KB,593x538,593:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d1a5cce63cb76b⋯.png (627.56 KB,1088x1088,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 459b25cdb146573⋯.png (153.52 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414669 (240013ZAUG23) Notable: During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the IC IG could.

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Rep. Tim Burchett


During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the Intelligence Community Inspector General could. So my colleagues and I wrote to him to ask for details.

8:08 AM · Aug 22, 2023


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26d5ae No.83122

File: 624c85dc5cc39aa⋯.png (935.04 KB,684x855,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414687 (240015ZAUG23) Notable: During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the IC IG could.

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>Intelligence Community Inspector General could



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26d5ae No.83123

File: 7bc03c55ca5d2a3⋯.png (1.53 MB,1442x1009,1442:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414708 (240018ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

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>>83118 (me)

Looks like it left McGuire AFB and flew down to shoot landing approaches. But the way these guys are spoofing ADS-B data who knows? Reminds PF of AF1 past flights when a real President is on board. Same type of ADS-B behavior.

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26d5ae No.83124

File: 14bb8db7df75e40⋯.png (361.44 KB,1080x865,216:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414734 (240022ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump NO, I'M THE ONE THAT THE DEMOCRATS DON'T WANT TO RUN AGAINST.....

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26d5ae No.83125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414754 (240024ZAUG23) Notable: CROWDER IS COVERING, STILL LOOKING FOR A BETTER FEED GOP Debate! FEATURING Trump/Tucker Interview Coverage!

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GOP Debate! FEATURING Trump/Tucker Interview Coverage! | Louder with Crowder


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26d5ae No.83126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414762 (240024ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton defendant demands speedy trial in Trump election interference case Push from Chesebro could create major headache for DA

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Fulton defendant demands speedy trial in Trump election interference case

Push from Chesebro could create major headache for DA

6 hours ago

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26d5ae No.83127

File: c8d58ddf119bc8b⋯.png (189.59 KB,551x1003,551:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: bc04999cc14dd42⋯.png (29.64 KB,695x252,695:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414766 (240025ZAUG23) Notable: During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the IC IG could.

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Thomas A. Monheim is the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG). He was sworn in on October 4, 2021, after being nominated by the President and unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate. He previously served as the Acting IC IG from April 2020 until May 2021.

As Inspector General, Mr. Monheim leads the multi-disciplinary team of professionals in the Office of the IC IG whose mission is to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the programs and activities within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence and to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in such programs and activities. Mr. Monheim also chairs the Intelligence Community Inspectors General Forum, comprised of 12 Inspectors General with oversight responsibility for an element of the Intelligence Community (IC). The Forum enhances collaboration and integration on matters of common interest in the IC.

Previously, Mr. Monheim served as the General Counsel of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Deputy General Counsel at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Senior Legal Counsel at the National Counterterrorism Center, Associate Deputy Attorney General at the Department of Justice, and Associate Counsel to the President at the White House.

Mr. Monheim retired as a Colonel from the U.S. Air Force Reserves. His prior military service includes experience as a prosecutor, defense counsel, military judge, Deputy General Counsel of the White House Military Office, and Senior Individual Mobilization Augmentee. He was mobilized for nine months in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and was mobilized again for nine months with a Joint Special Operations Task Force in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Distinguished awards include the Presidential Meritorious Executive Award, the Director of National Intelligence Exceptional Service Award, the Legion of Merit, and the Bronze Star. Mr. Monheim is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of California School of Law, and National War College.

He lives in northern Virginia with his family.

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26d5ae No.83128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414783 (240027ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton defendant demands speedy trial in Trump election interference case Push from Chesebro could create major headache for DA

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Lawyers for Kenneth Chesebro on Wednesday filed a motion demanding a speedy trial in the sweeping election interference racketeering prosecution of former President Donald Trump and his allies.

The aggressive filing from Chesebro — the legal equivalent of throwing a bomb into the case — could create a massive headache for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and attorneys for the other 18 defendants in the case. It could force Willis to try Chesebro by the end of December and scuttle her plans to prosecute all 19 defendants together.

“State law, if requested by a defendant, sets a firm time limit in which to have a fair trial,” said attorney Scott Grubman, who is defending Chesebro with attorney Manny . “Mr. Chesebro has given his official notice that he intends to avail himself of that right. Mr. Chesebro maintains his innocence and remains confident as the legal process continues.”

Chesebro, an attorney, worked with the leadership of the Georgia GOP to coordinate a slate of “alternate” Republican electors in December 2020. He is charged with racketeering and other offenses, such as conspiring to commit impersonating a public officer, conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree and conspiring to commit false statements and writings.

Willis has asked for the 19 defendants in the Georgia case to be arraigned the week of Sept. 5. Under Georgia’s speedy trial rules, Chesebro would have to be tried by the end of two terms of court after his arraignment, said Pete Skandalakis, the head of the Prosecuting Attorneys Council of Georgia. Because Fulton has two-month terms of court, with the next one beginning in September, that means Chesebro’s case will likely have to be tried by the end of the year, he said.

But there are other complicating factors. One is that there are three defendants moving to transfer their cases out of Fulton County Superior Court to U.S. District Court in Atlanta, and a number of legal experts say if one defendant is removed the other 18 would follow. And even more defendants, such as Trump, are expected to file similar motions.

Atlanta attorney Andrew Fleischman said there is little court precedent examining how Georgia’s speedy trial rule and the federal removal statute interact.

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26d5ae No.83129

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414802 (240029ZAUG23) Notable: McCarthy begging supporters to align with the RNC so he wants people to BankYourVote.com

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McCarthy begging supporters to align with the RNC so he wants people to BankYourVote.com. Which is basically trying to steal more money.

First of all McCarthy personally defeated and sabotaged many MAGA candidates, in 2020 and 2022 and will do the same in 2024, he wouldn’t fund some of the best patriots running and only wanted RInos. He also said nothing in this video of supporting Trump. And partnering with the RNC that just wants you money with phony Ronna who’s only mission is to betray Trump and the MAGA, is showing blatantly McCarthy is the biggest liar and compromised CCP asset of all time.

Fuck off McCarthy l! you allowed Bidan to ruin our economy and you want voters to support the fucking RNC that hate us. This ad is sickening and he has no idea how many Americans will never serve the corporation of the RNC.

I vowed I would never donate to political causes but I broke down and donated to Winred in 2020 for Trump.So I donated once in my life to Trump in 2020 for a one time payment of $1,600, they doubled charged my credit card for 2x $1,600.I called them and made a fuss.

They reversed the 2nd chargebut two weeks later they charged $1,600 again, which I didn’t see for months.

Never give you credit card or ACH to the RNC and DNC they know people don’t check regularly. If you ever donate send a check or money order, never credit card and bankdraft! Only donate to the candidate, and definitely never give to the DNC.

I will never donate again, nor will I sign a pledge, the only person i support is Donald J Trump and I’ll have to do it through something other than money, such as being a hard working anons exposing the truth. And lots and lots of prayers for him, his family, his staff and our country; and the truly loyal Maga leaders!

Any org that McCarthy supports run as far away as you can and NEVER, sign up to “Bank Your Vote” that is another term for more fundraiser. They have lost millions and millions, of donations because no one trusts them. And McCarthy should ultimately go to jail.

PS the RNC sells your emails to every candidate so I get 100s of emails s month on fund raising.

Prayers are the only thing I will give t them if they are worthy of support.

I’ve hated politics all my life, and constant barrages of donations piss’s me off. I have personally told Ronna and the RNC to stop sending me emails and explicitly told them to FUCK OFF, but they sell my info to anyone.

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26d5ae No.83130

File: 880fc17ea9a6daa⋯.png (447.2 KB,1080x546,180:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414825 (240030ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious absolutely LOVED Dr. Fauci...

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26d5ae No.83131

File: d783224f114d788⋯.png (146.62 KB,292x482,146:241,Clipboard.png)

File: f0910877e2293a3⋯.png (565.11 KB,528x520,66:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414838 (240033ZAUG23) Notable: CMZ: I unravelled the complex matrix of Prigozhin's Psyop.

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I unravelled the complex matrix of Prigozhin's Psyop.

Take a deep dive into this audacious plot, manipulation & global power play.

Share widely, this knowledge needs to propagate, not stay hidden.


Read here:



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26d5ae No.83132

File: 693a9a408ac4fb4⋯.png (613.91 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 82a8eaeb368719b⋯.png (1.04 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 2052e9470f8125f⋯.jpeg (922.09 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414883 (240040ZAUG23) Notable: CMZ: I unravelled the complex matrix of Prigozhin's Psyop.

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Does CM think he faked his death? Kind of how i read it,

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26d5ae No.83133

File: 030da537c5c2b4c⋯.png (1.55 MB,1445x1015,289:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414900 (240043ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

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Still showing active flying low over Richmond and presumably shooting landings. Wish an anon actually in RIchmond would step outside and give us visual verification.

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26d5ae No.83134

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414926 (240045ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE - TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEWS WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP RealAmericasVoice

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83135

File: 299a2699aa2a8a0⋯.png (58.4 KB,660x653,660:653,Clipboard.png)

File: dce698ab87162ae⋯.png (141.83 KB,1101x919,1101:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19414986 (240053ZAUG23) Notable: Democratic Megadonor Haim Saban

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Democratic Megadonor Haim Saban

Television mogul and Democratic Party megadonor Haim Saban is privately reprimanding lawmakers who spoke out about the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.



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26d5ae No.83136

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415007 (240056ZAUG23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Trump & Tucker'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Trump & Tucker'- 08/23/2023





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26d5ae No.83137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415008 (240056ZAUG23) Notable: OAN has been given EXCLUSIVE permission to air the trump interview!!!!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OAN has been given EXCLUSIVE permission to air the trump interview!!!!!!!


BUT STILL... open it on X and get counted!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415013 (240056ZAUG23) Notable: #23842

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





>>83086 They didn't want more guns in schools. TN House Republicans moved forward the bill anyway.

>>83087 CMz Meet Tim Scott....

>>83088 GA indictment defendants so far


>>83090 Footage of the uncontrolled fall of Prigozhin's plane immediately after two explosions in the sky.

>>83093 Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Lindsey Graham flew to Ukraine for a fourth time to meet with Zelenskyy.

>>83094 Tucker Carlson Announces Tonight’s Interview with President Trump – Then Takes a Swipe at his Former Employer FOX News (VIDEO)

>>83095 Anon: Did anons catch the STOLLEN and RIGGED? stolen vs STOLLEN? Trump has said STOLLEN many times.

>>83096 Tucker teaser tweet: 9.4 Million views in 3 hours.

>>83097 Peter Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’

>>83098 LIVE COVERAGE OF GOP DEBATE: RINO Swamp Scared of MAGA More Than Ever - Rep MTG, Kari Lake, and More Join Live | TRIGGERED

>>83099 "Houston’s wastewater shows significant spike in COVID cases"

>>83100 Caroline Wren Details What's Going On In Milwaukee Ahead Of The Republican Debate. She said its dead as a doornail in Milwaukee today



>>83103 Das boot

>>83104 REMINDER: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

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26d5ae No.83139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415053 (240100ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump [Tucker]: [FOX] could come back, but they just don't have a lot of credibility

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump [Tucker]: [FOX] could come back, but they just don't have a lot of credibility.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415074 (240103ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: Why would barr cover up for jeffery epstein. Trump: Barr did not investigate Epstein, he probably committed suicide.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker: Why would barr cover up for jeffery epstein.

Trump: Barr did not investigate epstein, he probably committed suicide.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415082 (240103ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: There are many people who think he [Epstein] was killed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: There are many people who think he [Epstein] was killed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415097 (240105ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: They are savage animals. They are people that are sick. Really sick.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They are savage animals. They are people that are sick. Really sick.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83143

File: dcbe7650ff47010⋯.png (41.58 KB,406x178,203:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415108 (240107ZAUG23) Notable: 21M views

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415123 (240108ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I think [Biden] is worse mentally than he is physically, and physically he's not exactly a tri-athlete, or any kind of athlete.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I think [Biden] is worse mentally than he is physically, and physically he's not exactly a tri-athlete, or any kind of athlete.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415139 (240110ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: [Kamala] speaks in rhyme….it's weird. The whole thing is weird.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: [Kamala] speaks in rhyme....it's weird. The whole thing is weird.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415169 (240113ZAUG23) Notable: #23843

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23843 >>83105

>>83118, >>83123, >>83133 PF stuffs

>>83106 Dems try to pass bill to hide child autopsies during Tennessee special session on Covenant shooting

>>83107, >>83109 Former FBI Contractor Charged with Child Exploitation Offenses

>>83108, >>83111 Repeat offender imprisoned for having sadomasochistic child pornography images


>>83112 Tucker/ Trump preview

>>83113 German government introduces bill to fast-track legal gender changes

>>83115 All the patriots arrested in Georgia should make their mugshots their avatars

>>83117 X will be filing legal action to stop this. Can’t wait for discovery to start!/NGOs say "hate incidents" are rising

>>83119 Those Who Disobeyed Road Barricade Survived Maui Fire; Those Who Didn’t Perished

>>83120 Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation

>>83121, >>83122, >>83127 During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the IC IG could.



>>83126, >>83116, >>83128 Fulton defendant demands speedy trial in Trump election interference case Push from Chesebro could create major headache for DA

>>83129 McCarthy begging supporters to align with the RNC so he wants people to BankYourVote.com

>>83130 @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious absolutely LOVED Dr. Fauci...

>>83131, >>83132 CMZ: I unravelled the complex matrix of Prigozhin's Psyop.


>>83135 Democratic Megadonor Haim Saban

>>83136 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Trump & Tucker'

>>83137 OAN has been given EXCLUSIVE permission to air the trump interview!!!!!!!

>>83139 President Trump [Tucker]: [FOX] could come back, but they just don't have a lot of credibility

>>83140 Tucker: Why would barr cover up for jeffery epstein. Trump: Barr did not investigate Epstein, he probably committed suicide.

>>83141 President Trump: There are many people who think he [Epstein] was killed.

>>83142 President Trump: They are savage animals. They are people that are sick. Really sick.

>>83143 21M views

>>83144 President Trump: I think [Biden] is worse mentally than he is physically, and physically he's not exactly a tri-athlete, or any kind of athlete.

>>83145 President Trump: [Kamala] speaks in rhyme….it's weird. The whole thing is weird.


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26d5ae No.83147

File: 9aa442de1fcd5c7⋯.png (139.44 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.png)

File: 36cc6f35ff978b7⋯.jpeg (72.8 KB,500x539,500:539,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b0cb5244db38d7⋯.png (143.3 KB,360x270,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415184 (240115ZAUG23) Notable: #23844

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26d5ae No.83148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415192 (240116ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I believe everything I hear

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker: I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I believe everything I hear

Bahaha that was awesome!

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26d5ae No.83149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415198 (240116ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: If Hillary would have gotten in, or if the Obama thought process continued, it would have been a nuclear war, absolutely, with North Korea. He [Kim] was expecting to go into a war, and it would have been a nuclear war.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: If Hillary would have gotten in, or if the Obama thought process continued, it would have been a nuclear war, absolutely, with North Korea. He [Kim] was expecting to go into a war, and it would have been a nuclear war.

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26d5ae No.83150

File: 55e80c671867673⋯.png (163.46 KB,422x357,422:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415208 (240117ZAUG23) Notable: 40 million

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40 million

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26d5ae No.83151

File: 524288c2b83603b⋯.png (640.28 KB,830x466,415:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415227 (240119ZAUG23) Notable: Interview pics

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Thank you baker!

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26d5ae No.83152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415234 (240120ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump @39:25:"Fanni, Fanni Willis, in Atlanta. She's getting killed."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump @39:25:"Fanni, Fanni Willis, in Atlanta. She's getting killed."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415239 (240121ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We built a thing called the Panama Canal. We lost thirty-five thousand people to the mosquito. You know, Malaria. We lost thirty-five thousand people.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We built a thing called the Panama Canal. We lost thirty-five thousand people to the mosquito. You know, Malaria. We lost thirty-five thousand people.

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26d5ae No.83154

File: 0c45a3ef2a05b4b⋯.png (58.24 KB,403x208,31:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415246 (240122ZAUG23) Notable: 53M viewers

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415261 (240123ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: The Democrat Convention, the last one; they had voter ID…it looked like a prison card…that was to get into the Democrat National Convention.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The Democrat Convention, the last one; they had voter ID...it looked like a prison card...that was to get into the Democrat National Convention.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83156

File: 84149836ec493fd⋯.png (4.51 KB,307x57,307:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415263 (240123ZAUG23) Notable: 62 million, holy shit it's not stopping

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


62 million, holy shit it's not stopping

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415287 (240125ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Their grid [California] is a disaster. The grid all over the country is sort of a disaster…and yet they want to have, in a very short period of time, millions and millions of cars going off that grid.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Their grid [California] is a disaster. The grid all over the country is sort of a disaster...and yet they want to have, in a very short period of time, millions and millions of cars going off that grid.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83158

File: 3a199e10e7fc4c8⋯.png (5.67 KB,288x62,144:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 2888fc50931649e⋯.png (4.87 KB,312x63,104:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 89cab2aec3e02b3⋯.png (3.47 KB,285x52,285:52,Clipboard.png)

File: e772975358a6ae1⋯.png (5.18 KB,287x62,287:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415294 (240126ZAUG23) Notable: It's not stopping.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's not stopping.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415299 (240126ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Now the new thing is your heating systems in the house. They don't want you to have a modern-day heating system.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Now the new thing is your heating systems in the house. They don't want you to have a modern-day heating system.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83160

File: d9018a042d991e2⋯.png (54.23 KB,667x413,667:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415321 (240129ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson asks Trump about his enemies

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Tucker Carlson asks Trump about his enemies

in preview of bombshell interview to run

at the same time as the Republican debate:

'Are you worried that they are going to

try to kill you?'

Daily Mail (UK), by Geoff Earle

Posted By: Imright, 8/23/2023 7:13:29 PM

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson previews snippets of what he is billing as a fiery interview with former President Donald Trump – playing up threats of violence, civil war, and President Joe Biden's health. The preview comes out hours before the Trump interview is set to air at 9 pm on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter – directly competing against the first Republican presidential debate, where rivals are girding to get a leg up to become an alternative to Trump. 'Are you worried that they are going to try to kill you?' is just one of the explosive questions that Carlson asks him,

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415340 (240130ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: When you were president, are you confident you knew everything, say, CIA was doing? President Trump: No I'm not. It's a very interesting group of people.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker: When you were president, are you confident you knew everything, say, CIA was doing?

President Trump: No I'm not. It's a very interesting group of people.

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26d5ae No.83162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415355 (240131ZAUG23) Notable: President Donald Trump has officially won the Fox News GOP debate… In a landslide.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: President Donald Trump has officially won the Fox News GOP debate…

In a landslide.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415390 (240134ZAUG23) Notable: BREAKING: Fox News sues President Donald Trump for winning tonight´s debate..In a lanslide.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Fox News sues President Donald Trump for winning tonight´s debate..In a lanslide.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83164

File: 37d98778addfbcd⋯.png (824.2 KB,2686x1117,2686:1117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415405 (240136ZAUG23) Notable: In half an hour, more viewers than President Trump vs. Biden debate in 2020! graphic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



In half an hour, more viewers than President Trump vs. Biden debate in 2020!

2020 hindsight.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415423 (240138ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: The attorney general, or the district attorney, Fani. Fani Willis in Atlanta; shes getting killed. Basically she's saying Trump doesn't have the right to criticize an election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The attorney general, or the district attorney, Fani. Fani Willis in Atlanta; shes getting killed. Basically she's saying Trump doesn't have the right to criticize an election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83166

File: b10f80436c6e69e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a23f0d9bc54fcc⋯.png (103.04 KB,745x517,745:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c76c93e501a2e7⋯.png (117.25 KB,727x586,727:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415434 (240139ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: BlackRock turned down record number of climate proposals amid inflation, ESG pushback

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BlackRock turned down record number of climate proposals amid inflation, ESG pushback

BlackRock says it assesses climate proposals based on its role as a fiduciary to its clients.

BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, voted against the vast majority of shareholder proposals related to climate and social issues during the 2022-2023 proxy voting season, the company reported Wednesday.

Overall, BlackRock turned down 742 of the 813 proposals it voted on and 373, or 93 per cent, of the social and climate proposals it faced, according to the company's 2023 Investment Stewardship report published Wednesday morning and shared with FOX Business.

The trillion-dollar asset manager explained that it has seen a higher number of low-quality shareholder proposals, largely due to federal guidance issued by the Biden administration in 2021.

"We observed a greater number of overly prescriptive proposals or ones lacking economic merit,"Joud Abdel Majeid, BlackRock's global head of investment stewardship, wrote in the report. "Importantly, the majority of these proposals failed to recognize that companies are already meeting their asks."

"Because so many proposals were over-reaching, lacking economic merit, or simply redundant, they were unlikely to help promote long-term shareholder value and received less support from shareholders, including BlackRock, than in years past," she continued.

The report noted that BlackRock saw a record number of shareholder proposals, especially those related to environmental and social issues, during the proxy voting season, which took place during the period between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.

The company said there was an uptick of 34% year-over-year of environmental and social votes. Last year, the company saw a 130% jump in such proposals.

BlackRock said in the report that the higher number of such proposals could largely be attributed to guidance published in November 2021 by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) broadening the scope of permissible proposals to include those that address "significant social policy issues."

At the time, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler applauded the guidance, saying it would "provide greater clarity," while Republican SEC members and lawmakers blasted it for creating more confusion.

The change, BlackRock said in its report, effectively enables more shareholder proposals, including ones that are lower quality, to appear on company ballots.

The company specifically stated numerous proposals did not clearly "identify an issue associated with a material risk that could undermine a company’s ability to deliver durable financial returns."

And most of the climate and social proposals failed to acknowledge the "improvements companies have made to their disclosures and practices."


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26d5ae No.83167

File: 7e2b0d673c7341e⋯.png (592.13 KB,603x875,603:875,Clipboard.png)

File: c9a28f99421e098⋯.png (617.85 KB,721x522,721:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415465 (240142ZAUG23) Notable: My statement on the S.C. Supreme Court’s ruling that will protect the lives of countless unborn children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gov. Henry McMaster


My statement on the S.C. Supreme Court’s ruling that will protect the lives of countless unborn children:


2:58 AM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.83168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415475 (240143ZAUG23) Notable: Delaware prosecutor Alexander Mackler who worked with investigator probing Hunter Biden's shady overseas dealings was so chummy with president

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Delaware prosecutor Alexander Mackler who worked with investigator probing Hunter Biden's shady overseas dealings was so chummy with president he used his secret email address under the name 'Robin Ware'

Joe Biden set up at least four email accounts under false names while VP

Alexander Mackler, a onetime prosecutor in the office investigating Hunter, used one of the addresses to send a message to the Biden clan

Congressional Republicans are now demanding to see all emails sent to and from the secret accounts

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83169

File: a4b2f7bcc391fa6⋯.png (229.11 KB,604x871,604:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415491 (240144ZAUG23) Notable: ~50% of SIDS deaths happen within 48 hours of the vaccine.

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Steve Kirsch


~50% of SIDS deaths happen within 48 hours of the vaccine. This means the medical community has been lying to you about the cause of SIDS. It's primarily from the childhood vaccines and peaks at 6 months of age.

In less than a month from now, I should have the OFFICIAL records from a police department who I know asks the question that few are afraid to ask.

Here is the FOIA request I just filed:


Last edited

8:24 AM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.83170

File: f51a361172207ca⋯.png (230.8 KB,601x677,601:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415584 (240152ZAUG23) Notable: Just to be clear, Murdoch is now selling Pedo Pete ads promoting baby murder

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Just to be clear, Murdoch is now selling Pedo Pete ads promoting baby murder.


(And tell your family who aren't on social media!)


Fox News Sells Pro-Abortion ‘Dark Brandon’ Ads to Biden on Debate Day.

President Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign has launched a trollish ad campaign to coincide with the first Republican presidential primary debate – including a digital ad buy at FoxNews.com. The...

8:09 AM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.83171

File: 16bbcd75aa779de⋯.png (219.09 KB,561x439,561:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415592 (240152ZAUG23) Notable: NOTES from Tucker Interview

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NOTES from Tucker Interview


Tucker – Why aren't you at the Presidential debate tonite?

Many people said I shouldn't do it. Network isn't particularly friendly to me (FOX). Not right to do it, leading by 50, 60, 70 points.

Tucker – Is TV declining?

MSNBC and CNN – no credibility, FOX is way down.


Terrible FOX getting rid of you. We'll get bigger ratings using this crazy forum you're using.

Tucker – Who shouldn't be running for President?

Hutchinson – shouldn't be running, gov of Arkansas, never trusted him

Bill Barr – was terrible, he was a Bushy

Epstein – did he kill himself? Trump doesn't know, Barr didn't do an investigation on the election either, probably committed suicide but many people think he was killed

Tucker – Barr clearly lied about it

Tucker – why wouldn't they try to kill you?

They are savage animals….Barr should have gone after them, Durham explained how corrupt it was

[but] Horowitz did a phenomenal job

2020 was a rigged elections, you were a conspiracy theorist if you said anything about it

I've never seen spirit like the people have now

Joe Biden – will he make it to the election? I don't they know what they're doing with the beach...doesn't repr what the presidency is about

Ukraine – should end it immediately, can be stopped very easily

Tucker – if Joe went, that would make Kamala the candidate?

[not really], she talks weirdly, think other people will get involved

I got to know all the leaders [when President]

They had great respect for the country when I was there

[talks about N Korea coming to the Olympics]

Somebody has to be running the govt now

Chris Wallace & Presidential debate – asked about mayor of Moscow's wife giving Biden 3.5mil? Wallace wouldn't allow that Q.

Tucker – do you have a preference for who you run against?

Biden, Newsom – both have bad records

Tucker – indictments are not working [against Trump], so what's next? Don't they have to kill you now?

I got indicted 4x – it's ALL BULLSHIT

Biden's got records everywhere, most corrupt and incompetent President we've ever had. We have a Manchurian Candidate, afraid to tell China to get out of Cuba. [talks about China building "house development" in Japan] ~21

Panama canal: we lost many people from the MOSQUITO, one of the true seven wonders of the world, we sold it to panama for $1, they quadrupled the costs – China now controls the Panama Canal. We can't let them run it.

How stupid are we? Now we have a President that can't put two sentences together. Radical left lunatics, building windmill all over, don't want voter ID.

Tucker – isn't it racist?

We need paper ballots, same day voting

Who wants an all electric car? If people want to buy a gasoline car, should be able to. Electric cars are only good for short distances.

Heating systems in the house – they want one that costs at least $10ooo and doesn't work very well.

Water also – they have water restricters. I ended all of that. People just use more water. Govt won't let mfrs use water in washing machines, dishwashers.

Tucker – Why does EPA have the power to enforce this?

Should be like that. HRC – thought she was going to win, insurance policy was Comey. Trump fired him, stirred up a beehive.

We killed many people using the CIA, we were very good at it. Solemeni.

Was rebuilding ISIS. Was the CIA.

Talk about cheating on the election – respected pollsters said 10-17% of the vote was changed.

Pence re election fraud –

if he finds fraud, has the right to send electors back. Cites GA election during the Jefferson election. Trump wanted Trump to send back to state legislatures. Rinos got together with the Dems so you couldn't do it anymore. Takes away the right of the VP to do thaTucker – but Pence had it.

I do get credit for holding up quite well [when indicted over and over]

The people see it's a fraud.

If you challenge an election, we're going to indict you and put you in jail.

They have no case, Fanny Willis – she's getting killed.

Hilary Clinton said I didn't win (but called him to conceded at 3 in the morning – very different voice).

She should be indicted.

Dems don't get indicted for stuff like claiming they should have won, only Repubs.

McConnell was trying to get Senators to impeach me.

Tucker – If you're elected President again, what's your top priority?

Voting corruption and illegal immigration

Tucker – Do you think we're moving towards civil war?

Biggest crowd I've spoken to was on J6 – I said go "peacefully and patriotically

but a very small group of people went down there, there's a lot of scenarios we could talk about….

People in that crowd - There was love and unity….I've never seen such spirit, passion love. "There's a level of passion i've never seen and a level of hatred – and that's probably a bad combination."

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26d5ae No.83172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415661 (240158ZAUG23) Notable: “I am the President of everyone.” DJT

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“I am the President of everyone.”


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26d5ae No.83173

File: 8de6311b1e33578⋯.png (131.11 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415669 (240158ZAUG23) Notable: NOTES from Tucker Interview

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dough for tucker interview with trump 23rd aug 2023


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26d5ae No.83174

File: 6a2225bf1cc0951⋯.jpg (581.48 KB,1768x2208,221:276,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415698 (240200ZAUG23) Notable: "Hillary called at 3:02am" -Trump during Tucker on X

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"Hillary called at 3:02am"

-Trump during Tucker on X

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26d5ae No.83175

File: fe99162c7ada8db⋯.png (393.58 KB,592x706,296:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415734 (240203ZAUG23) Notable: They want your kids learning about porn, trans toddlers & sexual kinks by drag queen teachers & groomers.

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Libs of TikTok


They want your kids learning about porn, trans toddlers & sexual kinks by drag queen teachers & groomers.

That’s why they’re upset that @prageru

made a new curriculum for schools.

Sign the petition to support getting the Prageru curriculum in schools! 👉🏻 https://prageru.com/prageru-in-schools-petition?utm_source=inf&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=prageru_in_your_school&utm_term=signup


Last edited

7:00 AM · Aug 23, 2023




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26d5ae No.83176

File: 8090bb2b381a420⋯.png (65.99 KB,431x262,431:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415791 (240209ZAUG23) Notable: “Who the F*ck Do You Think You Are?” -- Trump Supporter Harrison Floyd Indicted by Legal Scholar Fani Willis for Speech Crimes

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“Who the F*ck Do You Think You Are?” – Trump Supporter Harrison Floyd Indicted by Legal Scholar Fani Willis for Speech Crimes – Body-Slammed Chris Wray’s FBI Agent During Home Visit

Trump supporter William Prescott (Harrison) Floyd was indicted last week by legal scholar Fani Willis in Georgia for speaking to Ruby Freeman after the election.

Floyd who was a leader of Black Voices for Trump and Kanye West’s publicist Trevian Kutti, spoke with Ruby Freeman after the stolen 2020 election and encouraged her to go with them to the police station where they spoke with her under the watchful eye of police officers.

This was enough to get the two indicted. It is now illegal to speak to election workers who were caught on video shoving stacks of ballots through voting machines at least three times apiece.

On Wednesday the mainstream media reported that Harrison Floyd body slammed an FBI agent during a visit to Harrison’s home. Floyd screamed at the FBI agent, “Who the f*ck do you think you are?”

We all know that Harrison’s real crime was supporting Trump.

Now he will be trotted out for his show-trial in front of legal scholar Fani Willis.

The Washington Post reported:

A Trump supporter indicted last week in Fulton County, Ga., for allegedly harassing an election worker was charged earlier this year with attacking an FBI agent working on the Justice Department’s parallel investigation of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

The arrest of Harrison William Prescott Floyd III, which has not been previously reported, offers new information about the breadth of the federal probe led by special counsel Jack Smith, who has charged former president Donald Trump for allegedly attempting to obstruct Joe Biden’s election victory.

It could also complicate any bail agreement for Floyd in Fulton County, where District Attorney Fani T. Willis (D) has said he and the 18 others indicted on state-level charges last week — a group that includes Trump — must surrender by Friday or risk being arrested.

Floyd, 39, also known as Willie Lewis Floyd III, is a little-known player who helped run Trump’s 2020 campaign outreach to Black voters. An online member profile and Q-and-A posted by the University Club of Washington in November 2021 describes him as a U.S. Marine Corps veteran whose assignments included roles as a machine gunner, combat marksmanship trainer and martial arts instructor.

If we find a fundraising page for Harrison please post it in the comments or email it to our tips address.


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26d5ae No.83177

File: 2fb3a56036c2d6a⋯.jpeg (448.87 KB,828x1075,828:1075,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415808 (240210ZAUG23) Notable: Panama Canal5,609 official deaths, Trump - “35,000 to malaria”

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Panama Canal5,609 official deaths

Trump - “35,000 to malaria”



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26d5ae No.83178

File: 3208ff076d14625⋯.png (1.18 MB,1363x695,1363:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415817 (240212ZAUG23) Notable: Interview pics

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KMAO look at tucker's posture in the last 5 minutes

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26d5ae No.83179

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415822 (240212ZAUG23) Notable: Best Parody Ever! THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DEBATE!!!🤣🤣🤣

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26d5ae No.83180

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415920 (240221ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE - Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debate

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LIVE - Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debate

Streaming now

The first Republican Presidential Primary Debate hosted by Fox News, with partners Rumble and Young America’s Foundation, live from the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.




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26d5ae No.83181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415945 (240223ZAUG23) Notable: #23844

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#23844 >>83147

>>83160 Tucker Carlson asks Trump about his enemies

>>83162 President Donald Trump has officially won the Fox News GOP debate… In a landslide.

>>83163 BREAKING: Fox News sues President Donald Trump for winning tonight´s debate..In a lanslide.

>>83164 In half an hour, more viewers than President Trump vs. Biden debate in 2020! graphic

>>83166 Aussie: BlackRock turned down record number of climate proposals amid inflation, ESG pushback

>>83167 My statement on the S.C. Supreme Court’s ruling that will protect the lives of countless unborn children

>>83168 Delaware prosecutor Alexander Mackler who worked with investigator probing Hunter Biden's shady overseas dealings was so chummy with president

>>83169 ~50% of SIDS deaths happen within 48 hours of the vaccine.

>>83170 Just to be clear, Murdoch is now selling Pedo Pete ads promoting baby murder

>>83171, >>83173 NOTES from Tucker Interview

>>83175 They want your kids learning about porn, trans toddlers & sexual kinks by drag queen teachers & groomers.

>>83176 “Who the F*ck Do You Think You Are?” - Trump Supporter Harrison Floyd Indicted by Legal Scholar Fani Willis for Speech Crimes

>>83177 Panama Canal5,609 official deaths, Trump - “35,000 to malaria”

>>83179 Best Parody Ever! THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DEBATE!!!🤣🤣🤣

>>83180 LIVE - Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debate

>>83151, >>83178 Interview pics

>>83148 Tucker: I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I believe everything I hear

>>83149 President Trump: If Hillary would have gotten in, or if the Obama thought process continued, it would have been a nuclear war, absolutely, with North Korea. He [Kim] was expecting to go into a war, and it would have been a nuclear war.

>>83150 40 million

>>83152 President Trump @39:25:"Fanni, Fanni Willis, in Atlanta. She's getting killed."

>>83153 President Trump: We built a thing called the Panama Canal. We lost thirty-five thousand people to the mosquito. You know, Malaria. We lost thirty-five thousand people.

>>83154 53M viewers

>>83155 President Trump: The Democrat Convention, the last one; they had voter ID…it looked like a prison card…that was to get into the Democrat National Convention.

>>83156 62 million, holy shit it's not stopping

>>83157 President Trump: Their grid [California] is a disaster. The grid all over the country is sort of a disaster…and yet they want to have, in a very short period of time, millions and millions of cars going off that grid.

>>83158 It's not stopping.

>>83159 President Trump: Now the new thing is your heating systems in the house. They don't want you to have a modern-day heating system.

>>83161 Tucker: When you were president, are you confident you knew everything, say, CIA was doing? President Trump: No I'm not. It's a very interesting group of people.

>>83165 President Trump: The attorney general, or the district attorney, Fani. Fani Willis in Atlanta; shes getting killed. Basically she's saying Trump doesn't have the right to criticize an election.

Tucker: DO you think it's possible that there's open conflict [civil war]?

President Trump: I don't know, because, I don't know; I can say this- there's a level of passion that I've never seen, there's a level of hatred that I've never seen, and that's probably a bad combination.

>>83172 “I am the President of everyone.” DJT

>>83174 "Hillary called at 3:02am" -Trump during Tucker on X

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26d5ae No.83182

File: 26d168a4f4efd62⋯.jpg (82.08 KB,339x335,339:335,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 65127ca50727879⋯.jpg (85.13 KB,339x335,339:335,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 87f99479147676a⋯.jpg (107.36 KB,339x335,339:335,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 70bbf36e889c6f6⋯.jpeg (236.45 KB,1761x1071,587:357,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b2144bd730a2040⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415965 (240225ZAUG23) Notable: #23845

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Baker will tap @20

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26d5ae No.83183

File: 91b08625156850b⋯.png (1.66 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415977 (240226ZAUG23) Notable: Fox News Republican "Vice" Presidential Primary Debate

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26d5ae No.83184

File: 9587369744f3942⋯.png (225.99 KB,542x947,542:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19415994 (240230ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson interview with President Trump rapidly approaches 100 MILLION views on X within hours + Video

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Aug 23, 2023

BREAKING:Tucker Carlson interview with President Trump rapidly approaches 100 MILLION views on X within hours

"We’ll get bigger ratings using this crazy forum that you’re using, than probably the debate or the competition."

On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson posted his interview with Donald Trump just minutes before the RNC primary debate kicked off.

Since it was posted, the video has now been viewed on X, formerly known as Twitter, over 75 million times in one hour, and is fast approaching 100 million views.

Trump on Wednesday morning said that "sparks will fly," announcing that his interview would air the same time as candidates polling in second place or lower took to the stage.

"It’s debate night, but we’re not in Milwaukee," Carlson began in the interview asking why he skipped the debate.

"Well, you know a lot of people have been asking me that, and many people said you shouldn’t do them, but you see, the polls have come out, and I’m leading by 50 and 60 points, and, you know, some of them are at one and zero and two."

"And I’m saying, do I sit there for an hour or two hours, whatever it’s going to be, and get harassed by people that shouldn’t even be running for president? Should I be doing that at a network that isn’t particularly friendly to me?"

Trump said Fox News was "backing Ron DeSanctimonious like crazy, and now they’ve given up on him," adding that it’s a "lost cause." ...


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26d5ae No.83185

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416032 (240235ZAUG23) Notable: Chadwick Moore Previews Tucker Carlson Interview with Trump on War Room.

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Chadwick Moore Previews Tucker Carlson Interview with Trump on War Room. FOX mandated the employees can never mention Tucker’s name and they can’t mention Tucker and Trump’s Interview. Desperation and fear, the Murdochs are realizing they are losing this war against Trump. Why is Hannity staying there? Money and no loyalty! Interruptous has sealed his fate’



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26d5ae No.83186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416034 (240235ZAUG23) Notable: Elizabeth Warren, Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham flew to Ukraine for a fourth time to visit with Zelenskyy

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧, 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐞𝐲 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐔𝐤𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐙𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐲𝐲.

Watch how the old pals pet each other on the back. Graham happily states that one more time will make his 8 visit to Ukraine.

They are discussing to provide more financial and military help from the United States.

There are over 1,000 people missing in Hawaii. Each household got lousy $700. Estimate damage reach nearly $6 billion. Thousands people are misplaced without means to rebuild their homes and to move forward.

Some of our cities look like third world country infested with poverty and drugs. Yet, the Unity party goes back and forth to take care of one of the most corrupt countries in Europe to fund the proxy war.

As of today America spent around $113 Billion on Ukraine, that mounts $900 per American household.

I don’t care if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent but this should make your blood boil.

4:46 PM · Aug 23, 2023 0:15


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26d5ae No.83187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416057 (240238ZAUG23) Notable: MIDWEST TEACHERS DISCUSS OPENLY TRADE TIPS TO TRANSTITION OUR KIDS

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>>>/qresearch/19415547 lb

The teachers are predators and should be locked up and or executed.




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26d5ae No.83188

File: 00b58c3f4b55273⋯.png (397.21 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416064 (240238ZAUG23) Notable: The Craziest Moments From Trump’s Tucker Carlson Interview

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The Craziest Moments From Trump’s Tucker Carlson Interview


August 23, 2023

counterprogramming 10:20 P.M.

By Matt Stieb, Intelligencer staff writer

Photo: Intelligencer

Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson have their own reasons for disliking Fox News these days. To spite the network hosting the first Republican debate, the pair sat down for a prerecorded interview at Trump’s estate in Bedminster that aired just five minutes before the festivities in Milwaukee started. They discussed his four indictments, Jeffrey Epstein’s death, and the “savage animals” of the Democratic Party. Below are the craziest moments from the interview.

Trump on why he’s ‘taking a pass’ on the GOP debate in Milwaukee

When Carlson opened the interview asking Trump why he decided not to join the debate in Milwaukee, Trump cited his massive lead in the polls and his experience in the 2016 contests:

“Do I sit there for an hour or two hours, whatever it’s going to be, and get harassed by people that shouldn’t even be running for president? Should I be doing that? And a network that isn’t particularly friendly to me, frankly. They were backing Ron DeSanctimonious like crazy, and now they’ve given up on him — it’s a lost cause. It’s reminded me very much of 2016. In 2016, I went through the same stuff. I had to fight them all the way, and they became very friendly after I won … I’m taking a pass, as you probably noticed.”

Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump pic.twitter.com/ayPfII48CO

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 24, 2023


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26d5ae No.83189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416067 (240239ZAUG23) Notable: The Craziest Moments From Trump’s Tucker Carlson Interview

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Trump expects he’ll get better ratings ‘on this crazy forum’ than the actual debate

Trump, a stickler for ratings, gave his opinion on how cable news has declined. MSNBC is not just fake news, it’s “corrupt news.” CNN is “absolutely doing no ratings at all.” On Fox News, the “good old days are long ago.” Trump said that he expected that his interview with Carlson, posted in full on the website formerly known as Twitter, would have better ratings than the debate itself despite the “crazy forum” it was hosted on. It was an interesting comment from the former president — considering that he has refused to come back to Twitter since his ban was lifted.

Trash talking ‘Ada Hutchinson’ and ‘maniac’ Christie

Though Trump wasn’t on the stage in Milwaukee itself, he still took the opportunity to call everyone debating names. He calls Asa Hutchinson “Ada,” but did not explain why. “I could tell you, but I don’t want to get myself in a little trouble.” Chris Christie is a “maniac” and a “lunatic.” (“I’ve been friendly with him over the years,” he said in the next sentence.) Trump also said Ron DeSantis was “gone-zo” and that “people have figured him out.”

Trump suggests Jeffrey Epstein was murdered

Carlson asked a question that many Americans genuinely wonder to this day: Does Trump think sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? “I don’t know,” said Trump, who was friends with Epstein prior to his arrests. Carlson claimed that then–Attorney General Bill Barr engaged in a cover-up following Epstein’s death, to which Trump replied, “Bill Barr didn’t do an investigation on the election fraud either.” After Carlson prodded, Trump said it was “possible” that Epstein was killed. “I think he probably committed suicide,” he added. “Life with beautiful homes, beautiful everything, and all of a sudden he’s incarcerated and not doing well … He knew a lot about a lot of people.” Carlson insisted that Epstein “was killed,” and Trump replied that “a case could be made either way.”

Trump’s thoughts on if Epstein killed himself pic.twitter.com/VWKKNFuL38

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 24, 2023


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26d5ae No.83190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416072 (240239ZAUG23) Notable: The Craziest Moments From Trump’s Tucker Carlson Interview

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Carlson asked Trump if he’s worried ‘they are going to try to kill you?’

Carlson suggested that the “next stage” after Trump’s four indictments would be a potential assassination: “Are you worried they are going to try to kill you? Why wouldn’t they try to kill you, honestly?” Trump replied by calling his opponents “savage animals” and people who are “really sick.” Trump rambled about the “rigged” election and “open borders,” but didn’t really answer the outlandish question. He did say that he “retired” the “crooked Hillary” moniker and is now using it for President Joe Biden. “That was a good day for her,” he said. “I bet she was very happy.”

Trump on Biden: ‘I think he looks terrible on the beach.’

Trump, 77, commented on the age and health of Biden, 80, saying that he “is worse mentally than he is physically, and physically he’s not exactly a triathlete.” Trump said Biden “can’t lift his feet out of the grass” when he walks to the helicopter on the White House lawn. “And then you see him on the beach where he can’t lift a chair. Those chairs are meant to be light, right?”

“I don’t know what they’re doing with the beach,” Trump said. “The beach seems to be playing a big role. They love pictures of him on the beach. I think he looks terrible on the beach.” He added that the beach “doesn’t represent what the president is supposed to be doing.”

Donald Trump rants about how physically unfit he finds President Biden:

“They love pictures of him on the beach. I think he looks terrible on the beach … There’s somebody in there that thinks he look fabulous at the beach. I think he looks horrible at the beach.” pic.twitter.com/CUm2GNICIJ

— The Recount (@therecount) August 24, 2023

The indictments are ‘all bullshit’

The day before his mug shot in Georgia, Trump said the four indictments he is facing are “all trivia, all nonsense,” noting that his poll numbers remain high.

“It’s all bullshit,” Trump said, referring to the classified documents case as the “boxes hoax.”

Tucker asks Trump, "Nothing is working, so what's next? Don't they have to kill you now? His response, "It's all Bullshit!"

Watch👇the entire interview:⁰https://t.co/rmhuVNnVmo pic.twitter.com/TzGM2fH45K

— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 24, 2023

Trump went off about how impressive the Panama Canal is

In a conversation about planned Chinese military installations in Cuba and Chinese infrastructure projects in South America, Trump gave a history lesson on the Panama Canal:

We built a thing called the Panama Canal. We lost 35,000 people to the mosquito. Malaria. We lost 35,000 people. We lost 35,000 people because of the mosquito. Vicious. They had to build under nets, it was one of the true great wonders of the world. As he said, one of the nine wonders of the world. No, no, it was one of the seven, it happened a little while ago. You know, nine wonders of the world. You could make nine wonders. He would have been better off if he stuck with the nine and just said, ‘Yeah, I think it’s nine.’ But this is one of the true seven wonders of the world.

It’s unclear who “he” his in this context, though Trump lamented that “China now controls the Panama Canal.”

Trump is complaining about water pressure in the bathroom again

Decrying the state of American bathrooms these days, Trump said that contemporary regulations on water — which “comes out of heaven” — has resulted in poor-quality washing machines and dishwashers and “sinks where no water comes out.”

“Wait, they have sinks where no water comes out?” asked Carlson.

“When I say water, very little water,” Trump said. “You want to wash your hands, right? You turn on the sink, and there’s very little. Or you want to wash your beautiful hair, and you’re standing under the shower, then the water comes out very slowly. I’m sure you’ve seen this.”

Sign Up for the Intelligencer Newsletter


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26d5ae No.83191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416125 (240245ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson interview with President Trump rapidly approaches 100 MILLION views on X within hours + Video

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26d5ae No.83192

File: a60c731d415f770⋯.png (433.34 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416168 (240248ZAUG23) Notable: Fox News Asks GOP Candidates About Climate Change, Abortion Before Crime, Immigration, China

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Fox News Asks GOP Candidates About Climate Change, Abortion Before Crime, Immigration, China

Fox News Republican presidential primary debate moderators Bret Baier and Martha McCallum asked GOP hopefuls about climate change and abortion rights ahead of likely voters’ top concerns being crime, immigration, and the threat of China.

“Do you believe that human behavior is causing climate change?” McCallum asked the candidates.

Then, as Fox News came back from a commercial break, McCallum asked candidates: “What do you say to your party and to your state, which today confirmed a six-week abortion law as well, especially the impact on women, suburban voters in this country?”

The two questions came even as likely Republican voters have most recently listed stopping illegal immigration, reducing crime, and lowering inflation as their top issues going into the 2024 presidential primary.

Specifically, the latest CBS News poll of likely Republican voters found that 86 percent said lowering inflation was their top issue. Meanwhile, 83 percent said cutting crime and 81 percent said stopping illegal immigration were their top issues.

Likewise, likely Republican voters have repeatedly said that China’s growing dominance over the United States, economically, is a serious threat to the nation.


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26d5ae No.83193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416175 (240249ZAUG23) Notable: Historic Drought, Hot Seas Slow Panama Canal Shipping

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Historic Drought, Hot Seas Slow Panama Canal Shipping

Reuters August 21, 2023

LOS ANGELES/HOUSTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) – Before the Ever Max ship carrying lava lamps, sofas, Halloween costumes and artificial Christmas trees could make its inaugural Panama Canal voyage this month, a historic drought forced it to drop weight by offloading hundreds of containers.

Weather-related disruptions denied the vessel, owned by Taiwanese shipping company Evergreen Marine, a chance on Aug. 1 to set a record for carrying the most containers through the vital maritime shortcut that connects the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The Panama Canal Authority has reduced maximum ship weights and daily ship crossings in a bid to conserve water. Maritime transportation experts fear such events could become the new normal as rainfall deficits in the world’s fifth-wettest country spotlight climate risks affecting the ocean shipping industry that moves 80% of global trade.

Ship owners have the options of carrying less cargo, shifting to alternate routes that can add thousands of miles to the trip or grappling with queues that earlier this month backed up 160 vessels and delayed some ships by as much as 21 days.

The restrictions already are sending China-U.S. spot shipping prices up as much as 36% amid soaring sea temperatures that climate scientists warn could supercharge extreme weather.

More than 14,000 ships crossed the canal in 2022. Container ships are the most common users of the Panama Canal and transport more than 40% of consumer goods traded between Northeast Asia and the U.S. East Coast.

U.S-bound vessels caught in the bottlenecks have carried Barbie dolls, auto parts, BYD solar panels, water treatment equipment, diabetes testing kits and other goods, according to data from Steve Ferreira, CEO of a company that audits ocean shipping bills.

Restrictions at the canal started earlier this year, affecting about 170 countries and virtually every type of good – including soybeans and liquefied natural gas from the United States, copper and fresh cherries from Chile, and beef from Brazil.

Bulk carriers that transport commodities from corn to iron ore, as well as tankers that move oil, fuel, gas and chemicals also are affected. Some energy companies are rerouting vessels laden with coal and liquefied natural gas to the Suez Canal.


A naturally occurring El Nino climate pattern associated with warmer-than-usual water in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean is contributing to Panama’s drought.

The area around the canal is experiencing one of the two driest years in the country’s 143 years of keeping records, data from the canal authority and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) showed. Rainfall measurements around the area are 30-50% below normal.



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26d5ae No.83194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416258 (240258ZAUG23) Notable: Pro-pedophilia group floats the idea of having “body exploration rooms” in German daycare centers for children

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Pro-pedophilia group floats the idea of having “body exploration rooms” in German daycare centers for children

Pro Familia, Germany's leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, is under fire for issuing a new recommendation encouraging daycare centers across the country to implement "body exploration rooms" and "sexual games" for very young children.

It was German news outlet BILD that first drew attention to the matter by publishing an email that parents of children at Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region of Germany received about 10 new rules for children in the facility's new "body exploration room," where kids are encouraged to "pet and examine" both themselves and other kids.

"All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place," an English translation of the message reads.

"Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children."

Other rules include the stipulation that children in the body exploration room be roughly within the same age group with no more than two years' difference. Also, at no point will any child be allowed to "stick anything into another child's body openings."

They're after your children

One shocked father told BILD that he was horrified to receive the email, as he had no idea that such sexualization was taking place at the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center.

"My daughter is five years old," he said. "I don't want boys groping her. I have another child in another daycare center [where] there is no such thing [as an exploration room]."

Another German father – speaking of which, where are all the U.S. fathers to stand up and speak out against the LGBT grooming of their children? – told the media that he was "devastated" to receive the email and its contents.

"We were told that this was determined by the Ministry of Education," he said. "As parents, we were intimidated. What options do you have if you don't want this?"

The good news is that the Ministry of Education in Lower Saxony responded to these and other concerned parents by immediately terminating the program before it even had the chance to take effect. A representative from the program told BILD that:

"... the state youth welfare office reported to the Ministry of Education that the pedagogical concept of the physical exploration rooms in the daycare centers cannot last, and that this puts the well-being of the child at risk."

In response to this, Dirk von der Osten, Chairman of the Board of the AWO Region in Hanover, tried to argue that sexualizing German children at daycare centers "is part of child development, during which [children] also learn to recognize their own limits, to express them clearly, and to develop shame."

"Children also play role-playing games in their group rooms," von der Osten added. "We do not see any child welfare endangerment in this."

Back in 2013, Pro Familia, the organization pushing all this, was reported by Deutsche Welle to have become "stuck in the pedophilia swamp," the suggestion being that the entire group was taken over by pedophiles to push a pro-pedophile agenda.

The Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel covered Pro Familia as far back as the 1980s and 1990s, revealing that there were pro-pedophilia views already being expressed by the group even at that time.


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26d5ae No.83195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416269 (240259ZAUG23) Notable: Former Taylor Mayor Rick Sollars pleads guilty to corruption

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Former Taylor Mayor Rick Sollars pleads guilty to corruption

Prosecutors and Sollars' defense team agreed to recommend a six-year prison sentence to the judge, The Detroit News reported.

Aug. 22, 2023


A thirty-three count Indictment unsealed today charges City of Taylor Mayor Richard “Rick” Sollars, businessman Shady Awad, and Taylor Community Development Manager Jeffrey Baum with conspiracy to commit bribery in a scheme spanning from 2015 to 2019

Dec. 19, 2019



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26d5ae No.83196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416325 (240305ZAUG23) Notable: VLGC Panama Canal Transit Fees Spike as Waiting Times Increase - OPIS

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VLGC Panama Canal Transit Fees Spike as Waiting Times Increase - OPIS

Published: Aug. 9, 2023

Very large gas carrier (VLGC) auction fees for transit at the Panama Canal's Neopanamax Locks are climbing, as vessel waiting times continue to rise on both sides of the lock, according to data from Panama Canal agent Boyd Steamship.

Delays at the canal have placed significant upward pressure on auction prices for the daily Neopanamax transit slots. So far in August, LPG tanker transit fees have averaged around $373,400, according to Boyd Steamship data, compared with a base cost of $93,500. LPG transit fees at the Neopanamax Locks averaged around $283,600 in July, up from $236,300 in June.



Here's most current pricing from the Canal Authority:

Official Tariffs are published by the Panama Canal Authority and kept up to date as changes occur, to provide information to shipping agencies and all other customers regarding services furnished and the rates applicable thereto


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26d5ae No.83197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416339 (240307ZAUG23) Notable: “Tucker - why wouldn't they try to kill you?“

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>>83171, >>83173 NOTES from Tucker Interview PN

This question Tucker asked below, struck me as odd. They have been trying to kill the guy since at least 2015-16 and so many more attempts when President and not president.Why did he ask this twice about them wanting to kill him?

I just thought its obvious they would and everyone in media knew of the many times they tried to kill him in office. Trump on both or more occasions dodged answering the question and went to more positive subjects. imo a couple of reasons:

1. He doesn’t ever want to be seen as a victim, weak or afraid (and he is not). He is indomitable. He never wants sympathy.

2. He wants to reassure the public he’s got plenty of protection.

3. And he reinforced that the American people stand by him 100% and they would do anything to support and protect him.

Can anyone explain to me why Tucker asked this question at least twice?

Tucker - why wouldn't they try to kill you?

They are savage animals….Barr should have gone after them, Durham explained how corrupt it was

[but] Horowitz did a phenomenal job

2020 was a rigged elections, you were a conspiracy theorist if you said anything about it

I've never seen spirit like the people have now

Really I would have thought Tucker would notice the first time he asked, that PDjT wouldn’t go there.

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26d5ae No.83198

File: 49587b3b457870b⋯.png (390.19 KB,977x685,977:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416405 (240315ZAUG23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy settles lawsuit with World Economic Forum

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Remember this wee bit of Kayfabe?

Vivek Ramaswamy settles lawsuit with World Economic Forum


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26d5ae No.83199

File: d6962e12b838d49⋯.jpg (227.84 KB,849x1209,283:403,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416441 (240319ZAUG23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy settles lawsuit with World Economic Forum

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>Remember this

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26d5ae No.83200

File: e11ad351843f810⋯.png (173.89 KB,501x420,167:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 41468b633155952⋯.mp4 (7.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416613 (240343ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - FRAUD SQUAD!

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Aug 23, 2023, 10:28 PM


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26d5ae No.83201

File: 2386ff2f49ecba3⋯.png (215.42 KB,1080x709,1080:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416640 (240345ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - "President Donald Trump brightly outshone all the Republican presidential candidates on Wednesday.."

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POTUS getting in on the love kek


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26d5ae No.83202

File: 2643640f7bcf799⋯.png (101.85 KB,502x546,251:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bb1b397d7dfeb3⋯.png (318.6 KB,556x858,278:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416656 (240347ZAUG23) Notable: More POTUS Donald J. Trump TruthSocial

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Trumps on a Truth storm kek

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26d5ae No.83203

File: 0c8272c10696340⋯.png (47.88 KB,548x585,548:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416669 (240348ZAUG23) Notable: More POTUS Donald J. Trump TruthSocial

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26d5ae No.83204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416678 (240349ZAUG23) Notable: THE OPEN DOOR - The Story Of Q

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THE OPEN DOOR Files explain them


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26d5ae No.83205

File: b1393543c365036⋯.png (654.46 KB,1024x564,256:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416717 (240354ZAUG23) Notable: FOX News Runs a MoveOn.org Ad to Bash Trump During GOP Debate

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Keep It Classy, Murdoch Family – FOX News Runs a MoveOn.org Ad to Bash Trump During GOP Debate

The FOX News presidential primary debate was held tonight in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

President Trump, who leads the field by 30 to 50 percentage points did not attend the debate tonight. Instead Tucker Carlson interviewed President Trump on Twitter-X.

Over 80 million Americans watched President Trump’s interview in the first hour-and-a-half after it was posted.

During the GOP debate FOX News ran a Trump-bashing ad by MoveOn.org – a radical far left group funded by Soros.


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26d5ae No.83206

File: 60733364faf16fe⋯.png (50.03 KB,611x616,611:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416720 (240355ZAUG23) Notable: We tracked how big viewership was for the Tucker-Trump interview tonight minute-by-minute (EST)

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WOW - We tracked how big viewership was for the Tucker-Trump interview tonight minute-by-minute (EST):

8:55pm - 967K (Tucker-Trump start)

8:56pm - 4.7M

8:57pm - 6.8M

8:58pm - 8.8M

8:59pm - 10.6M

9:00pm - 10.8M (same time as Fox Debate start)

9:08pm - 21.7M

9:13pm - 28.9M

9:17pm - 42.2M

9:27pm - 72.9M

9:38pm - 73.7M

9:41pm - 73.9M (Tucker-Trump conclude)

We don't need to wait for the cable ratings tomorrow. This was a blowout. Trump-Tucker CRUSHED the competition.

Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83207

File: 88e1dce65c8dd43⋯.png (714.39 KB,1080x1397,1080:1397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416723 (240355ZAUG23) Notable: More POTUS Donald J. Trump TruthSocial

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26d5ae No.83208

File: 689c6ea185e0dfa⋯.png (912.92 KB,1080x1494,60:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416744 (240357ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - AGENDA 47!

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26d5ae No.83209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416754 (240359ZAUG23) Notable: RNC blocked Spin-Room Credentialed TRUMP surrogates Greene and Gaetz

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RNC blocked Spin-Room Credentialed TRUMP surrogates Greene and Gaetz

__RSBN 🇺🇸++

"This is CENSORSHIP from Fox News." Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks after the first RNC Presidential debate


11:53 PM · Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83210

File: 873d7ba8f286f13⋯.jpeg (218.28 KB,828x891,92:99,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416764 (240400ZAUG23) Notable: Historic Drought, Hot Seas Slow Panama Canal Shipping

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Drought causing lower water levels blocking ships through Panama Canal

Muh climate change


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26d5ae No.83211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416771 (240401ZAUG23) Notable: FOX News ordered Trump Jr out of the spin-room

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>RNC blocked Spin-Room Credentialed TRUMP surrogates

FOXNews ordered Trump Jr out of the spin-room


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26d5ae No.83212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416782 (240403ZAUG23) Notable: RSBN Live Trump Jr on now

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RSBN Live Trump Jr on now

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26d5ae No.83213

File: 5eca75fa0cad4b6⋯.png (175.82 KB,450x298,225:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416785 (240403ZAUG23) Notable: Malka Leifer handed 15-year prison sentence for sexual abuse of former students

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Malka Leifer handed 15-year prison sentence for sexual abuse of former students

Former Melbourne school principal Malka Leifer has been sentenced to 15 years' prison for sexually abusing two students in her care.

Leifer was today sentenced in the Victorian County Court for 18 sexual offences, dating back two decades to her time in charge of the Adass Israel School in Melbourne.

Three sisters — Nicole Meyer, Elly Sapper and Dassi Erlich — came forward to accuse Leifer of abusing her position of authority to sexually abuse them between 2003 and 2007.

The sisters claimed the 56-year-old isolated and sexually abused them on campus, at school camps and in her home.


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26d5ae No.83214

File: 1def052bcef520b⋯.png (1.42 MB,1238x1125,1238:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416801 (240407ZAUG23) Notable: GOP debate descends into a SQUABBLE

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GOP debate descends into a SQUABBLE:

Chris Christie wastes 'amateur' Vivek Ramaswamy as a guy who 'sounds like ChatGPT' as rivals talk over each other and Fox anchors have to intervene

Ron DeSantis tore into Joe Biden's response to the Maui wildfires during the first Republican primary debate on Wednesday night as Vivek Ramaswamy became a target of the GOP candidates surrounding him on stage. 'Biden was on the beach while those people were suffering,' DeSantis said in a response to question on climate change. 'He was asked about it and said no comment. Are you kidding me? As somebody that has handled disasters in Florida you have to be activated. You have to be there, present and helping people who are doing.' Biden visited Maui on Monday to see the devastation from the wildfires but was criticized when he tried to relate to the victims by dredging up his own family tragedy and talking about a decades-old kitchen fire in his home. Ahead of his visit he was heavily criticized for not commenting on the disaster while he was on a beach vacation. But Biden, who is the man the Republicans want to replace in the White House, wasn't the main target of the night.


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26d5ae No.83215

File: 3092a2da75fcfbc⋯.png (658.45 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416857 (240416ZAUG23) Notable: #23846

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Step up and Bake

Collecting Previous Notables

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26d5ae No.83216

File: 2986adfd275adb9⋯.mp4 (13.55 MB,400x224,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416865 (240417ZAUG23) Notable: QAnon - the film. 9:59 vid.

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26d5ae No.83217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416944 (240436ZAUG23) Notable: #23845

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#23845 >>83182

>>83183 Fox News Republican "Vice" Presidential Primary Debate

>>83184, >>83191 Tucker Carlson interview with President Trump rapidly approaches 100 MILLION views on X within hours + Video

>>83185 Chadwick Moore Previews Tucker Carlson Interview with Trump on War Room.

>>83186 Elizabeth Warren, Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham flew to Ukraine for a fourth time to visit with Zelenskyy


>>83188, >>83189, >>83190 The Craziest Moments From Trump’s Tucker Carlson Interview

>>83192 Fox News Asks GOP Candidates About Climate Change, Abortion Before Crime, Immigration, China

>>83193, >>83210 Historic Drought, Hot Seas Slow Panama Canal Shipping

>>83194 Pro-pedophilia group floats the idea of having “body exploration rooms” in German daycare centers for children

>>83195 Former Taylor Mayor Rick Sollars pleads guilty to corruption

>>83196 VLGC Panama Canal Transit Fees Spike as Waiting Times Increase - OPIS

>>83197 “Tucker - why wouldn't they try to kill you?“

>>83198, >>83199 Vivek Ramaswamy settles lawsuit with World Economic Forum

>>83200 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - FRAUD SQUAD!

>>83201 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - "President Donald Trump brightly outshone all the Republican presidential candidates on Wednesday.."

>>83202, >>83203, >>83207 More POTUS Donald J. Trump TruthSocial

>>83204 THE OPEN DOOR - The Story Of Q

>>83205 FOX News Runs a MoveOn.org Ad to Bash Trump During GOP Debate

>>83206 We tracked how big viewership was for the Tucker-Trump interview tonight minute-by-minute (EST)

>>83208 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - AGENDA 47!

>>83209 RNC blocked Spin-Room Credentialed TRUMP surrogates Greene and Gaetz

>>83211 FOX News ordered Trump Jr out of the spin-room

>>83212 RSBN Live Trump Jr on now

>>83213 Malka Leifer handed 15-year prison sentence for sexual abuse of former students

>>83214 GOP debate descends into a SQUABBLE:


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26d5ae No.83218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416965 (240442ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

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There is always a silver lining.

Please try to find that silver lining.

Your fifth picture is 100% accurate though.


Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together "Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.

Pharmacia & Upjohn Company has agreed to plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005. Under the provisions of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, a company must specify the intended uses of a product in its new drug application to FDA. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or promoted for so-called "off-label" uses – i.e., any use not specified in an application and approved by FDA. Pfizer promoted the sale of Bextra for several uses and dosages that the FDA specifically declined to approve due to safety concerns. The company will pay a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter. Pharmacia & Upjohn will also forfeit $105 million, for a total criminal resolution of $1.3 billion.

In addition, Pfizer has agreed to pay $1 billion to resolve allegations under the civil False Claims Act that the company illegally promoted four drugs – Bextra; Geodon, an anti-psychotic drug; Zyvox, an antibiotic; and Lyrica, an anti-epileptic drug – and caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs for uses that were not medically accepted indications and therefore not covered by those programs. The civil settlement also resolves allegations that Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs. The federal share of the civil settlement is $668,514,830 and the state Medicaid share of the civil settlement is $331,485,170. This is the largest civil fraud settlement in history against a pharmaceutical company.

As part of the settlement, Pfizer also has agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.

Whistleblower lawsuits filed under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act that are pending in the District of Massachusetts, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the Eastern District of Kentucky triggered this investigation. As a part of today’s resolution, six whistleblowers will receive payments totaling more than $102 million from the federal share of the civil recovery.

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26d5ae No.83219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19416989 (240448ZAUG23) Notable: Prigozhin plane crash: What we know so far

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23 Aug, 2023 20:56

Prigozhin plane crash: What we know so far

The Wagner Group chief was traveling on board a private jet that crashed in Russia with no survivors

Prigozhin plane crash: What we know so far

Russian authorities have confirmed that a private jet with Wagner Group founder Evgeny Prigozhin listed as a passenger crashed between Moscow and St. Petersburg on Wednesday, killing all on board.

What details have been confirmed?

The Russian Emergencies Ministry confirmed that the jet plunged to the ground in Tver Region, and that all three crew and seven passengers on board were killed. The ministry said that the jet, an Embraer 135BJ Legacy 600, was traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg at the time of the incident.

Rosaviatsiya, the Russian federal air transport agency, said that Prighozhin was on board, along with several high-ranking Wagner commanders.

Was the crash caught on camera?

Several short clips of the crash have circulated on social media. Videos published by the Mash and Baza Telegram channels appear to show the jet plummeting toward the ground in a seemingly uncontrolled spin, leaving behind a trail of black smoke. It is unclear from the clips which part of the aircraft had caught fire.

Other clips purportedly shot at the crash site show flaming wreckage strewn across a grassy clearing.

Is Prigozhin definitely dead?

Although Rosaviatsiya said that Prigozhin’s name was on board, it did not explicitly pronounce the Wagner chief dead. As of late Wednesday evening, Russian officials said that they had recovered eight bodies, though none had been named by that time. All were described as badly burned.

Some Russian outlets identified the plane’s tail number as RA-02795, which is believed to belong to Prigozhin. According to flight-tracking site FlightRadar24, a second plane linked to Prigozhin with the tail number RA-02878 departed Moscow shortly after the first, but returned to land after news of the crash broke. None of these reports have been officially confirmed.

Who else was on board?

In addition to Prigozhin, Rosaviatsiya said Dmitry Utkin - a former Russian special forces operator and alleged co-founder of the PMC – was also traveling on the jet, as was Valery Chekalov, whom the US considers to be the deputy head of Wagner. The remaining passengers listed were Sergey Propustin, Evgeny Makaryan, Alexander Totmin, and Nikolay Matuseev, identified by Russian news outlets as Wagner

Who is Evgeny Prigozhin?

A successful businessman in the catering industry and a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prigozhin founded the Wagner Group, a private military company (PMC), in 2014. Although the Wagner Group was founded in 2014 and took part in hostilities in the formerly Ukrainian Donbass region, Prigozhin refused to confirm his role in the company until last year.

Wagner troops have operated in multiple African countries and in Syria, where they reportedly clashed with US forces in 2018.

With his troops fighting in the months-long battle for the city of Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine), Prigozhin made regular statements to the media and publicly feuded with the Russian Defense Ministry earlier this year, accusing top officials of mismanaging the conflict and denying him adequate ammunition.

How did Wagner’s mutiny play out?

Prigozhin claimed in June that Russian forces shelled a Wagner field camp, where the PMC’s troops had been resting and rearming following the capture of Artyomovsk the previous month. The Wagner founder then announced that he would lead his forces in a march on Moscow to remove allegedly corrupt military officials.

Putin described the mutiny as a “stab in the back” and promised “decisive actions” to restore order. However, less than a day after it began, the rebellion was defused thanks to mediation by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Prigozhin agreed that the men who took part in the mutiny would be redeployed to Belarus, while those who refused would be incorporated into units under the control of the Russian Defense Ministry. (Putin has never named Prighoshyn personally of starting the coup, the Russian media names him)

After two months of silence, Prigozhin released a video - apparently filmed in Africa – on Monday. In the clip, he said that the Wagner Group had reopened recruitment, and was conducting “reconnaissance and search activities” against “ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and other bandits” across the continent.



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26d5ae No.83220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417000 (240452ZAUG23) Notable: Prigozhin plane crash: What we know so far

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>>83033, >>83037, >>83056, >>83081, >>83082 Epoch Times: Wagner Boss Behind Failed Russian Coup Listed as Passenger in Fatal Plane Crash PN

For some reasonI really doubt Prigozhn is dead. Its just seems like a massive psyop.I don’t know but it makes no sense to me. He has lead and lived through brutal wars and many assassination attempts.


I wonder if the real coup leaders were on board of the plane. Maybe the insurrection was staged to expose the traitors in Wagner, mainly some leaders. RT did a glowing article on Prighozhin a couple of days ago. This guy outlived the most brutal wars and armies since 2014and he and his team are not smart enough to double and triple check the plane?

This whole thing seems like a psyop, like the insurrection

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26d5ae No.83221

File: 1fab7848b308dc5⋯.png (754.06 KB,728x553,104:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417004 (240453ZAUG23) Notable: FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts in Lahaina

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EXCLUSIVE: FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts in Lahaina


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26d5ae No.83222

File: 5af4f9e1b07260b⋯.png (23.9 KB,592x173,592:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417037 (240459ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Looks like the Tucker Carlson interview will end up with an “over 100 Million” number. Wow!

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Looks like the Tucker Carlson interview will end up with an “over 100 Million” number. Wow!

12:31am ET

cap is on central


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26d5ae No.83223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417043 (240502ZAUG23) Notable: Russian transgender activist threatens Ukraine with revenge

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This is funny, Ukraine has an American transgender propagandist and now Ukraine has upset a Russian Transgender

23 Aug, 2023 21:20

Russian transgender activist threatens Ukraine with revenge

If drone attacks continue “I’ll grab a gun and go to the front,” Hilmi Forks has said

Russian transgender activist threatens Ukraine with revenge

A broken window on one of the Moscow City buildings after an attempted attack by a Ukrainian drone, August 23, 2023. © Sputnik

The controversial Russian transgender blogger Hilmi Forks announced on Wednesday that he will enlist in the military if Ukraine continues to attack Moscow with drones.

“Ukraine is going crazy. Drones at 3 am, have you lost your mind?” Hilmi said in a diatribe on social media. “You launch drones when people are sleeping. I got scared, jumped up from the couch from this explosion. Are you insane?”

“If one more drone explodes somewhere here in Moscow – blame yourself. I’ll take an automatic [rifle] and go to the front, understand?” Forks added.

Ukraine began targeting the Moscow City business district at the end of July, as its much-heralded offensive on the battlefield bogged down with heavy casualties. The most recent attack took place in the early hours of Wednesday, doing minor property damage to a high-rise under construction, according to Mayor Sergey Sobyanin. No injuries were reported.

The Kremlin has described the attacks as “terrorist strikes” and “acts of desperation” as the Ukrainian offensive in Zaporozhye and southern Donbass failed to achieve success.

The nuisance strikes do pose an inconvenience to Moscow residents, however, forcing a ground stop at all three of the Russian capital’s airports, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, and Vnukovo.

Hilmi Forks is the artistic name adopted by the transgender activist. The controversial social media influencer ran afoul of Russia’s ban on “LGBT propaganda” earlier this year and evaded administrative proceedings by fleeing the country. After returning to Moscow in July, Hilmi was arrested on charges of producing and distributing illegal pornography, but released on recognizance.

The release terms means Hilmi cannot leave Moscow, which the blogger mentioned in the social media rant to some 400,000 Instagram followers.


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26d5ae No.83224

File: cc0ca65714b5c50⋯.jpeg (123 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417060 (240506ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Powerful’ Ukrainian brigade loses US-made demining vehicles - Forbes

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23 Aug, 2023 11:40

‘Powerful’ Ukrainian brigade loses US-made demining vehicles – Forbes

The vehicles’ Stryker-type armor may not be suitable in a combat environment, the outlet’s report suggests

A Ukrainian brigade, which Forbes magazine had described as Kiev’s “most powerful unit” at the front lines, has lost 10% of its valuable mine-clearing vehicles just a week since joining the push against Russian defense lines, the outlet has reported.

The 2,000-soldier 82nd Air Assault Brigade, which is armed with four British-made Challenger 2 tanks, 40 German-made tracked Marder infantry fighting vehicles and 90 wheeled Stryker infantry fighting vehicles, had been kept in reserve until last week. It has since “written off” at least two of its 20 or so M1132 Engineer Squad Vehicles, Forbes reported on Tuesday.

The M1132 is a variant of the Stryker vehicle, which is equipped with mine rollers and is meant to clear a path through a minefield for advancing forces. The loss was hardly surprising, the report suggested, considering the role of the armor and its relatively weak protection.

Normally, minefield-breaching vehicles have the chassis of a tank. The M1132, though better suited for transportation by air, is vulnerable to enemy fire and should ideally be used in surprise assaults where there is little resistance, Forbes writer David Axe explained.

The report is based on images of the destroyed vehicles circulating online. The publication noted that it was unclear how exactly they were neutralized or whether their crews had survived. The “good news,” Axe noted, is that the US Army “has hundreds more Strykers in storage” and can supply more to Ukraine.

The 82nd was deployed to the front line in the contested Zaporozhye Region and is involved in Ukraine’s push towards the village of Rabotino, which lately has seen some intensive fighting.

Kiev has rebuked media coverage of the maneuver. Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar declared on Monday that “the price of the headlines” of such published articles was “five airstrikes a day” targeting the brigade. She also threatened criminal prosecution for disclosing information about movements of Ukrainian troops.

Evgeny Balitsky, the Russian official who is serving as acting head of the region, reported on Tuesday that, in ten days, Kiev had lost some 1,500 troops and “countless military vehicles” in the area.

(Notice the high powered media they are using to criticize Ukraine’s tactics lately?)


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26d5ae No.83225

File: e66aed08c8b6307⋯.png (96.01 KB,1290x1278,215:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417162 (240536ZAUG23) Notable: Meme of the night

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26d5ae No.83226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417184 (240544ZAUG23) Notable: Results of Nationwide COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Action

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>>83218 notable

Also this...

Results of Nationwide COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Action

Aug 23, 2023 - 10:30 AM (EST)

Justice Department: YouTube Video Announcement

• ...there were some in the United States and abroad who exploited the crisis to engage in benefit fraud to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars according to recent data.

• ...bring fraudsters to Justice and to return stolen funds to taxpayers.

• ...our investigative Partners collaborated on a cross-country coveted fraud enforcement sweep.

• ...during this 3 month sweep we undertook more than 700 enforcement actions involving more than 830 million dollars in fraud...

• ...we will seek judicial orders requiring convicted defendants to pay back every stolen dollar and we've got 20 years to realize those recoveries.

Lots more in the video!

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnkDu-O8pNc

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26d5ae No.83227

File: cc5a8ce3520dc41⋯.png (1.8 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417229 (240603ZAUG23) Notable: Newsweek has fact checks: Maui Theory About Blue Objects Being Saved from Wildfires Is Baseless, Energy Weapons Theory Debunked

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When they have to fact check it to say it’s baseless, then we can know it’s not

Maui Theory About Blue Objects Being Saved from Wildfires Is Baseless


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26d5ae No.83228

File: 028cc6afd9529ef⋯.jpeg (298.28 KB,701x1518,701:1518,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417239 (240609ZAUG23) Notable: Newsweek has fact checks: Maui Theory About Blue Objects Being Saved from Wildfires Is Baseless, Energy Weapons Theory Debunked

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Among other misleading posts about the presenter's home was a screengrab of an online article with the headline "Why the Heck are Celebs All Painting Their Maui Properties the Same Weird Shade of Blue?" dated October 18, 2022. Not only is this article not online but the photo used in the picture is from a property on a different Hawaiian island.

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26d5ae No.83229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417248 (240612ZAUG23) Notable: Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump link

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26d5ae No.83230

File: 3c8b3edd0757023⋯.png (1.99 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417251 (240613ZAUG23) Notable: Newsweek has fact checks: Maui Theory About Blue Objects Being Saved from Wildfires Is Baseless, Energy Weapons Theory Debunked

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Energy Weapons Theory Debunked

The blue objects hoax is linked to another debunked theory that directed energy weapons targeted the island, orchestrated by the federal government.

DEWs involve "high energy lasers and other high power electromagnetics" that "use concentrated electromagnetic energy to combat enemy forces and assets," according to the U.S.

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26d5ae No.83231

File: ed357f050709478⋯.png (242.76 KB,797x951,797:951,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417323 (240643ZAUG23) Notable: Credible: Trump’S Interview With Tucker Hits 40 Million Views In 20 Minutes

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After Wednesday night, there is no doubt that President Donald Trump’s interview with Tucker Carlson on X has resoundingly upstaged the first 2024 Republican presidential primary debate in Milwaukee.

His exclusive bombshell interview with Tucker, which clocked in at just over 43 minutes long, garnered a staggering 40 million views in just 20 minutes, racking up millions more with every passing moment.

The president’s interview with Tucker dropped just five minutes before the GOP presidential primary debate got started, veering millions of American viewers away from presidential hopefuls and back onto the lead Republican contender for the White House.

Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump pic.twitter.com/ayPfII48CO

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 24, 2023

Trump discussed a wide variety of topics with Tucker on Wednesday, slamming Joe Biden as being the “worst president in the history of our country.”

He also fielded point-blank questions on Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden’s physical and mental health, and whether he thought Biden would “make it to the gate” in 2024.

The president additionally explained that he took a “pass” on the debate this time around because of his dominant position in GOP primary polling.

“In 2016 I went through the same stuff, and I had to fight them all the way…but I just felt it would be appropriate not to do the debate, I don’t think it’s right to do it if you’re leading by 60,70 points,” he explained.


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26d5ae No.83232

File: b61b5b36dee6876⋯.png (213.8 KB,793x962,61:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417327 (240644ZAUG23) Notable: Trump-Tucker Interview On Its Way To 100 Million Views As Gop Candidates Squabble On Debate Stage

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President Donald Trump’s interview with Tucker Carlson on X is setting a historic precedent for the way that media is shared and distributed in the face of the 2024 presidential election.

On Wednesday night, a slate of GOP presidential primary candidates took the first debate stage of the 2024 election cycle in Milwaukee, garnering meager views compared to the overwhelmingly dominant viewership of Trump’s interview with Carlson.

Just over an hour after posting on X, Trump’s interview had earned more than 78 million views and counting – well on its way to crossing the 100 million mark this week.

RSBN previously reported that the interview racked up a staggering 40 million views within the first 20 minutes of Carlson’s posting.

INCREDIBLE: Trump’s interview with Tucker hits 40 MILLION views in 20 minuteshttps://t.co/mDR3Ldlbfk

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) August 24, 2023

The president fielded many questions on a wide variety of topics, discussing his latest indictment in Georgia (he will be arraigned on Thursday) and addressing what his top priority would be in 2025 as president again, which is securing the southern border.

Carlson noted that “they could indict you 20 times and you’re not going to lose the Republican primary,” highlighting how the president’s polling position continually increases with each legal filing.

Trump also slammed Biden, commenting, “I think he’s worse mentally than he is physically, and physically, he’s not exactly a triathlete.”

President Trump’s strategy on Wednesday to upstage the GOP primary debate appears to have been unquestionably successful.

The internet was ablaze as countless users shared the interview on their social media feeds, and taking the punch out of the first presidential debate of the year, which the Trump campaign has facetiously called a “Vice Presidential Debate.”


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26d5ae No.83233

File: 31680a1f189682b⋯.jpg (147.53 KB,720x1204,180:301,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417333 (240650ZAUG23) Notable: Danscavino 100,000,000 Views👀

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26d5ae No.83234

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417335 (240651ZAUG23) Notable: The GOP audience HATES Chris Christie 0:28

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Donald J. Trump


Why is Chris Christie wasting his time. Look at the crowds reaction to him!

Aug 24, 2023, 2:15 AM


The GOP audience HATES Chris Christie




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26d5ae No.83235

File: fa156dcb45dc402⋯.png (72.54 KB,1250x338,625:169,Clipboard.png)

File: ae76f895e5c6910⋯.png (14.17 MB,3384x2555,3384:2555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417346 (240657ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: DeSanctimonious was a “BOMB” tonight, especially with his softball interview with Sean Hannity. This guy has totally forgotten his past. Who cares!?!? FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN 12:26 same timestamp

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Donald J. Trump


DeSanctimonious was a “BOMB” tonight, especially with his softball interview with Sean Hannity. This guy has totally forgotten his past. Who cares!?!?

Aug 24, 2023, 12:26 AM


is that a delta?

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26d5ae No.83236

File: 9e6b1fd7fd4912a⋯.png (57.64 KB,1238x328,619:164,Clipboard.png)

File: f7d8bf77a8422ca⋯.jpg (62.44 KB,750x805,150:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417347 (240658ZAUG23) Notable: Looks like the Tucker Carlson interview will end up with an “over 100 Million” number. Wow!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Looks like the Tucker Carlson interview will end up with an “over 100 Million” number. Wow!

Aug 24, 2023, 12:31 AM


Fuck Fox

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83237

File: 9e6b1fd7fd4912a⋯.png (57.64 KB,1238x328,619:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 819d904993dd357⋯.jpg (230.87 KB,716x894,358:447,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a2f00132fb9a88d⋯.jpg (110.31 KB,947x994,947:994,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417349 (240659ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Ron DeSanctimonious is always talking about the number of votes he got in Florida. He doesn’t say that I got a record 1.1 Million more votes than him. He forgot!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Ron DeSanctimonious is always talking about the number of votes he got in Florida. He doesn’t say that I got a record 1.1 Million more votes than him. He forgot!!!

Aug 24, 2023, 12:37 AM


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26d5ae No.83238

File: 5d8ff077965d4c2⋯.jpg (298.43 KB,962x658,481:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dbf78808167c50b⋯.jpg (136.63 KB,793x719,793:719,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 921765d20d3e1e0⋯.jpg (244.53 KB,1296x730,648:365,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c8eb71978efae82⋯.jpg (170.51 KB,1008x704,63:44,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c5303654420cf40⋯.jpg (92.26 KB,802x529,802:529,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417351 (240659ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Ron DeSanctimonious is always talking about the number of votes he got in Florida. He doesn’t say that I got a record 1.1 Million more votes than him. He forgot!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417355 (240701ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Ron DeSanctimonious is always talking about the number of votes he got in Florida. He doesn’t say that I got a record 1.1 Million more votes than him. He forgot!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ronda was yelling all night

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26d5ae No.83240

File: ad8ad6dcb1a2335⋯.png (140.48 KB,470x661,470:661,Clipboard.png)

File: b005875ac822394⋯.png (401.1 KB,747x767,747:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417382 (240717ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: DeSanctimonious was a “BOMB” tonight, especially with his softball interview with Sean Hannity. This guy has totally forgotten his past. Who cares!?!? FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN 12:26 same timestamp

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BOOM, confirmation

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.106 📁

Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST)







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26d5ae No.83241

File: 4679d651ef9c514⋯.png (836.25 KB,731x802,731:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417399 (240736ZAUG23) Notable: Fox News ordered security to block Don Jr from the post-debate spin room

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Fox News ordered security to block Don Jr and Kim Guilfoyle from the post-debate spin room when they attempted to enter after the debate tonight.

Can someone download the vidya? The old twitter video download site doesn't work anymore.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83242

File: e4d6f9bcedfae0e⋯.png (489.77 KB,1143x722,1143:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417441 (240813ZAUG23) Notable: I represent everyone, I'm the President of Everyone- PDJT at 7:49 to 7:55 minute mark, he looks at the camera… did you see me say that?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Its not just republicans or democrats,I'm the President of Everyone- PDJT at 7:49 to 7:55 minute mark, he looks at the camera... did you see me say that?

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26d5ae No.83243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417444 (240814ZAUG23) Notable: I represent everyone, I'm the President of Everyone- PDJT at 7:49 to 7:55 minute mark, he looks at the camera… did you see me say that?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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26d5ae No.83244

File: 461885615df6bbc⋯.png (233.97 KB,590x521,590:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417448 (240817ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker interview of President Trump 130 Million views so far

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



130 Million views so far.

What's the record?

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26d5ae No.83245

File: c5adceaf302381a⋯.jpg (132.64 KB,720x752,45:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417461 (240824ZAUG23) Notable: Protect your DNA by ignoring Hawaii officials that urge families of people missing after deadly fires to give DNA samples

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Protect your DNA


Hawaii officials urge families of people missing after deadly fires to give DNA samples.

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26d5ae No.83246

File: 923af83e0b5a72d⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,506x360,253:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417497 (240843ZAUG23) Notable: Vivek: "Skinny kid with a funny last name" - stolen from Obama...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83247

File: bceb29ac900547a⋯.png (39.94 KB,611x616,611:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417614 (240943ZAUG23) Notable: DJT's interview viewership w/timestamps

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Saved this from previous bread posted by another anon. figures seem about right, anons were here tracking the numbers in real time.

Baker and anons maybe interested.

Trump will soon know that even if he only releases his videos on truth social it will get these figures. people will find him,

He has two weapons, his own platform and those who follow him to circulate his message.



Note: The only reason the figures were so high, not because of musk but because trump decided to give him a interview. the platform is still garbage, most anons posted alternatives on rumble and other platforms, plus this interview was pre-recorded and released at the same time as the G.O.P debates !!


WOW - We tracked how big viewership was for the Tucker-Trump interview tonight minute-by-minute (EST):

8:55pm – 967K (Tucker-Trump start)

8:56pm – 4.7M

8:57pm – 6.8M

8:58pm – 8.8M

8:59pm – 10.6M

9:00pm – 10.8M (same time as Fox Debate start)

9:08pm – 21.7M

9:13pm – 28.9M

9:17pm – 42.2M

9:27pm – 72.9M

9:38pm – 73.7M

9:41pm – 73.9M (Tucker-Trump conclude)

We don't need to wait for the cable ratings tomorrow. This was a blowout. Trump-Tucker CRUSHED the competition.

Aug 23, 2023


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26d5ae No.83248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417640 (240955ZAUG23) Notable: #23846

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



23846 >>83215

>>83231 Credible: Trump’S Interview With Tucker Hits 40 Million Views In 20 Minutes

>>83232 Trump-Tucker Interview On Its Way To 100 Million Views As Gop Candidates Squabble On Debate Stage

>>83233 Danscavino 100,000,000 Views👀

>>83237, >>83239, >>83238 Donald J. Trump: Ron DeSanctimonious is always talking about the number of votes he got in Florida. He doesn’t say that I got a record 1.1 Million more votes than him. He forgot!!!

>>83242, >>83243 I represent everyone, I'm the President of Everyone- PDJT at 7:49 to 7:55 minute mark, he looks at the camera… did you see me say that?

>>83235, >>83240 Donald J. Trump: DeSanctimonious was a “BOMB” tonight, especially with his softball interview with Sean Hannity. This guy has totally forgotten his past. Who cares!?!? FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN 12:26 same timestamp

>>83244 Tucker interview of President Trump 130 Million views so far

>>83241 Fox News ordered security to block Don Jr from the post-debate spin room

>>83219, >>83220 Prigozhin plane crash: What we know so far

>>83221 FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts in Lahaina

>>83222 PDJT: Looks like the Tucker Carlson interview will end up with an “over 100 Million” number. Wow!

>>83223 Russian transgender activist threatens Ukraine with revenge

>>83224 ‘Powerful’ Ukrainian brigade loses US-made demining vehicles - Forbes

>>83218 Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

>>83225 Meme of the night

>>83226 Results of Nationwide COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Action

>>83227, >>83228, >>83230 Newsweek has fact checks: Maui Theory About Blue Objects Being Saved from Wildfires Is Baseless, Energy Weapons Theory Debunked

>>83229 Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump link

>>83234 The GOP audience HATES Chris Christie 0:28

>>83236 Looks like the Tucker Carlson interview will end up with an “over 100 Million” number. Wow!

>>83245 Protect your DNA by ignoring Hawaii officials that urge families of people missing after deadly fires to give DNA samples

>>83246 Vivek: "Skinny kid with a funny last name" - stolen from Obama...

new noter

>>83216 QAnon - the film. 9:59 vid.

>>83247 DJT/Tucker interview viewership w/timestamps



Bred Still Ghosted

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26d5ae No.83249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417671 (241010ZAUG23) Notable: #23847

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dough: https://fullchan.net/?0f867b6bccec9dc9#9fKEwY3vg1owQda3LBhzD7EBQuwLcDx9nHpGHSqVy8sm

Bred Ghosted

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26d5ae No.83250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417739 (241055ZAUG23) Notable: United Nations Countering 'Deadly Disinformation' Through Creation Of 'Digital Army'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United Nations Countering 'Deadly Disinformation' Through Creation Of 'Digital Army'


In an Aug. 19 press release, U.N. officials said peacekeepers throughout the world are building the "digital army" through smartphones, editing apps, and "innovative approaches" as part of efforts to "fight back against falsehoods that can trigger tensions, violence, or even death."

The intergovernmental organization has also been monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can "attack health, security, stability" as well as progress towards its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), officials said.

"Digital platforms are crucial tools that have transformed social, cultural, and political interactions everywhere. Across the world, they connect concerned global citizens on issues that matter," U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said in a policy brief (pdf) published in June on information integrity on digital platforms.

Such platforms have "given people hope in times of crisis and struggle, amplified voices that were previously unheard, and breathed life into global movements," Mr. Guterres wrote.

However, they have also "exposed a darker side of the digital ecosystem," the U.N. secretary-general noted.

"They have enabled the rapid spread of lies and hate, causing real harm on a global scale," he wrote in the brief. "Optimism over the potential of social media to connect and engage people has been dampened as mis- and disinformation and hate speech have surged from the margins of digital space into the mainstream. The danger cannot be overstated."

The U.N. policy brief acknowledges that there are "no universally accepted definitions" of the term "disinformation" but says the U.N.'s own working definition of the term refers to "false information"

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26d5ae No.83251

File: bd6504c35e58f0c⋯.png (284.98 KB,605x531,605:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417810 (241125ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS interview and internet breaking views

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

157.4 Million Views 7am

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26d5ae No.83252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417814 (241126ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS interview and internet breaking views

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Tucker Carlson Interviews Donald Trump On Debate Night


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26d5ae No.83253

File: 92d21fe489d5add⋯.png (424 KB,889x802,889:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417844 (241141ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS interview and internet breaking views

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump/Tucker interview hits 160 MILLION views. This is multiple orders of magnitude higher than all of the MSM RNC debate coverage combined.



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26d5ae No.83254

File: 175d530daf8828f⋯.png (153.12 KB,460x493,460:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aa52e2d88c414c⋯.png (192.61 KB,438x499,438:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417855 (241145ZAUG23) Notable: Digital prison update: "Many components are already in place… the New York Fed has been trialing tokenized deposits in combination with a CBDC."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





When asked how far away this new system is, The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) responded:

"Many components are already in place... the New York Fed has been trialing tokenized deposits in combination with a CBDC."


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26d5ae No.83255

File: e76a6916eeb5eda⋯.png (169.47 KB,451x527,451:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19417887 (241159ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Gates: 850 million people lack ID that proves their identity. As a result, they're shut out of a lot of services that could change their lives.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bill Gates


850 million people lack ID that proves their identity. As a result, they're shut out of a lot of services that could change their lives.

That's why I'm so excited about MOSIP, an open-source technology that could dismantle barriers worldwide. #G20India

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26d5ae No.83256

File: b80b9406f986e84⋯.png (311.1 KB,822x784,411:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418018 (241234ZAUG23) Notable: 45 says killary contacted him @3:02 - POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3:02am. Please stand by. -Q 131

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3:02am.

Please stand by. -Q 131

“What happened at 3:02 in the morning?”

-Trump (CPAC Feb, 2021)

“That big dump at 3:02 or whatever it was in the morning.” -Trump (June, 2023)

Trump last night with Tucker..."


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26d5ae No.83257

File: cd386a90da1fc8e⋯.png (160.26 KB,441x403,441:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418033 (241238ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS interview and internet breaking views

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

170 million

How many days has it been stuck at 170 million?


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26d5ae No.83258

File: 4bae4a2a1f039a7⋯.png (715.68 KB,1402x817,1402:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418034 (241238ZAUG23) Notable: Trump replaces top Georgia lawyer ahead of surrender

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump replaces top Georgia lawyer ahead of surrender


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26d5ae No.83259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418036 (241238ZAUG23) Notable: BRICS EXPANDED TO 6 COUNTRIES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina and the United Arab Emirates

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is hosting a summit of BRICS leaders, announced on Thursday that the new candidates would be admitted as members on Jan. 1, 2024.


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26d5ae No.83260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418038 (241239ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: "The Tucker Carlson Interview with me was a BLOCKBUSTER. Could hit 200,000,000 Views, and more! Thank you! I hope it was enjoyed by everyone."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


somebody screecap for timestamp plz

"The Tucker Carlson Interview with me was a BLOCKBUSTER. Could hit 200,000,000 Views, and more! Thank you! I hope it was enjoyed by everyone."


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26d5ae No.83261

File: 7b7307e92edaf90⋯.jpg (34 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418145 (241306ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS interview and internet breaking views

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


175 mln views now

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

26d5ae No.83262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418162 (241309ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS interview and internet breaking views

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


175.7 million and that is just on Twitter.


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26d5ae No.83263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418243 (241326ZAUG23) Notable: What’s happening in BC is the Canadian version of Maui for those of you that aren’t paying attention...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What’s happening in BC is the Canadian version of Maui for those of you that aren’t paying attention…

We need to get the story out about what’s happening in the Shuswap. Can you guys please post this everywhere. Send it to everyone you know. Please help us.

My name is Stef and my husband Jorne and I own a home at the end of Meadow Creek road in Celista BC. The fire department and forestry lit a back burn around 4pm on Thursday Aug 17th knowing there were 30km winds coming. No news outlet is talking out this. My husband has been monitoring the winds and the Adams creek fire for weeks. On Tuesday Aug 15th we knew the winds were coming. The fire was approx 15km away from us. We don’t know who decided to light a back burn knowing the wind forecast. They lit a 14km back burn right to our back door and never notified us. My dad who lives in Kelowna knew about a “out of control back burn” before we did. They didn’t even come to tell us. They notified the locals by posting it on a piece of paper at the gas station.

At 845pm we saw the fire just over the ridge. And by 12pm it had reached meadow creek road and was in back yard. Without the back burn we could have had a whole day to prepare. We did have sprinklers up, water tanks loaded and generators ready to go. We knew we were pretty much on our own and would not receive much help. The fire department did come down the road and were there briefly. Once they deemed the fire out of control they left. When the fire came into the valley we watched it burn up the sides of the mountain due to the humidity dome created with all the sprinkler and water. The fire department abandoned us. About 2 hours had passed when some locals came down our valley with resources and help. I was notified the fire department was sitting in a field having coffee so I went t to get them. When I got there I asked them to come help us, told them the situation. One of the firemen told me they wanted to help but had orders to sit. I yelled at them to get in their trucks and come help us. They said they would. I went back down the road to notify our crew they were coming. I sat and waited but no one came. About 15 minutes had gone by so I went back up the road and found them sitting about 1km away. They told me they were assessing the situation. I asked how they could assess if they couldn’t see it? I again asked them to come help and they finally did. Everyone ran around putting hot spots out. We wore water packs and half masks with headlamps for the next 3 days making sure our houses made it through.

In the initial days after the “superfire” the locals were able to get water, gas and supplies but now there is a heavy police presence. They have the roads blocked off saying they are preventing looting. The locals are being told to return to their homes. They are not allowed to be helping at all. There are spike strips on the roads. Police blocks everywhere. There are people trying to get essential supplies in such as water, gas and food by boat. They are being turned away. Police are patrolling the roads and water. They have the gas stations blocked off.

We need the real story to get out so we can get help.

We are more than equipped to help put this fire out but are being stopped. We need resources such as gas, diesel to keep us going. They’re trying to starve us out so they can let it burn.

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26d5ae No.83264

File: 5e2ef25ba47899b⋯.png (244.15 KB,402x379,402:379,Clipboard.png)

File: b1ef574249c18f6⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418279 (241336ZAUG23) Notable: Harrison Krank w/CAP: The crowd in front of Fulton County Jail is growing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Harrison Krank


The crowd in front of Fulton County Jail is growing


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26d5ae No.83265

File: 4735bcecece830c⋯.png (125.17 KB,411x354,137:118,Clipboard.png)

File: c6287728e4bac28⋯.png (3.85 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c6287728e4bac28⋯.png (3.85 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418304 (241341ZAUG23) Notable: Harrison Krank w/CAP: The crowd in front of Fulton County Jail is growing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Debbie Dooley


MAGA already at the Fulton County Jail.


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26d5ae No.83266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418320 (241345ZAUG23) Notable: Harrison Krank w/CAP: The crowd in front of Fulton County Jail is growing

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Weird they're carrying around those 2020 signs/shirts.

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26d5ae No.83267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418324 (241345ZAUG23) Notable: Harrison Krank w/CAP: The crowd in front of Fulton County Jail is growing

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LIVE: Supporters of President Trump outside Fulton County Jail

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26d5ae No.83268

File: f59be6c690782eb⋯.png (809.3 KB,810x539,810:539,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418395 (241400ZAUG23) Notable: First men on moon claim UFO followed them as recent sightings of 'space guests' aired

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First men on moon claim UFO followed them as recent sightings of 'space guests' aired

24 AUG 2023

The first men on the moon claimed they were followed by a UFO, and future astronauts went on to report similar sightings of "space guests".

Famous astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin maintain they spotted an alien aircraft while wandering the surface of the moon after their infamous flight in 1969.

Neither man said anything of alien encounters, but did confirm unidentified objects were floating in the vicinity while on their mission, something which other astronauts also experienced.

Most recently was the interaction between Cosmonaut Ivan Vagner and a strange "space guest" he found in a time lapse video he took of the Aurora Australis.

Snapping some footage of the Northern Lights saw the Russian Cosmonaut spark a wave of UFO claims as the "mysterious video" captured a series of objects flying alongside the lights.

Those watching the footage back in 2020 were teased by Vagner, who said there was "something else, not only the aurora" in his video, CTV reported.

His recent claim of something strange in the skies comes over 50 years after Armstrong and Aldrin saw something which stunned the astronaut duo into silence.

Aldrin, recalling the experience back in 2006, said: "Now, obviously, the three of us were not going to blurt out, ‘Hey Houston we got something moving alongside of us and we don’t know what it is, you know, can you tell us what it is?’.

"We weren’t about to do that, cause we know that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would have demanded that we turn back because of aliens or whatever the reason is, so we didn’t do that but we did decide we’d just cautiously ask Houston where, how far away was the S-IVB?"

Now the dust has settled, a senior Apollo 11 scientist has admitted the object was "obviously an unidentified flying object".

Dr David Baker agreed the crew had seen something unexpected during their trip to the moon.

He said: "It was obviously an unidentified flying object, but such objects were not uncommon and the history of even earth orbit space flights going back over the previous years indicated that several crews saw objects".

The sightings made by Armstrong however could be a mere collection of debris from their own jettisoned spacecraft.


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26d5ae No.83269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418440 (241408ZAUG23) Notable: #23847

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final bun for #23847

baker ghosting at the top irl is kickn muh butt 2day

#23847 >>83249

>>83250 United Nations Countering 'Deadly Disinformation' Through Creation Of 'Digital Army'

>>83251, >>83252, >>83253, >>83257, >>83261, >>83262 POTUS interview and internet breaking views

>>83254 Digital prison update: "Many components are already in place… the New York Fed has been trialing tokenized deposits in combination with a CBDC."

>>83255 Bill Gates: 850 million people lack ID that proves their identity. As a result, they're shut out of a lot of services that could change their lives.

>>83256 45 says killary contacted him @3:02 - POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3:02am. Please stand by. -Q 131

>>83258 Trump replaces top Georgia lawyer ahead of surrender


>>83260 DJT TS w/CAP: "The Tucker Carlson Interview with me was a BLOCKBUSTER. Could hit 200,000,000 Views, and more! Thank you! I hope it was enjoyed by everyone."

>>83263 What’s happening in BC is the Canadian version of Maui for those of you that aren’t paying attention...

>>83264, >>83265, >>83266, >>83267 Harrison Krank w/CAP: The crowd in front of Fulton County Jail is growing

>>83268 First men on moon claim UFO followed them as recent sightings of 'space guests' aired

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26d5ae No.83270

File: c06e54c9dfe2b13⋯.png (468.78 KB,989x525,989:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418478 (241415ZAUG23) Notable: #23848

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Over 170 Million Views and Counting!

Baker's gotta ghost - Call the ball back up baker

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26d5ae No.83271

File: e323a3c2e7a085c⋯.jpeg (24.45 KB,340x340,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418516 (241423ZAUG23) Notable: A Permanent Stain on Our Republic - Rudy Giuliani Speaks After His Arrest in Fulton County

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A Permanent Stain on Our Republic – Rudy Giuliani Speaks After His Arrest in Fulton County, Georgia

August 24, 2023 | Sundance |

There is no way to look at these events and not find us looking mournfully at the shattered remnants of the American judicial system.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the man who cleaned up New York City, removed the crime syndicate from power and held the prayerful hands of our nation during 9/11/01, is brought before a corrupt judicial system in Fulton County, Georgia, treated like a common criminal and targeted because of his politics.

This is shameful beyond words.

Ephesians 6:12-18: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness; and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

(Perhaps Rudy should have put a big smile on his face)


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26d5ae No.83272

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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