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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

7ba8f5 No.51564 [View All]

16AUG23 to 19AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 657 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7ba8f5 No.81721

File: 74e3e3d4d649145⋯.png (739.09 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386106 (190335ZAUG23) Notable: The Bee: Biden says anyone struggling to buys a house should just try setting up 20 shell companies to launder money from China

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7ba8f5 No.81722

File: 0699d6321bde87f⋯.png (565.03 KB,807x756,269:252,Clipboard.png)

File: b3cb0a7463613cc⋯.mp4 (8.53 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386114 (190339ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Barr is PRETENDING vid/controlled?

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From yesterday... clip says it all... and of couse the plan needed Bill Barr to do nothing. Logical thinking



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7ba8f5 No.81723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386115 (190339ZAUG23) Notable: Oliver Anthony’s Emotional Reading of Psalm 37:12-20

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Oliver Anthony’s Emotional Reading of Psalm 37:12-20

“Before we sing together, I felt compelled to share this with you…”

12 The wicked person schemes against the righteous

and gnashes his teeth at him.

13 The Lord laughs at him

because he sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked have drawn the sword and strung the[a] bow

to bring down the poor and needy

and to slaughter those whose way is upright.

15 Their swords will enter their own hearts,

and their bows will be broken.

16 The little that the righteous person has is better

than the abundance of many wicked people.

17 For the arms of the wicked will be broken,

but the Lord supports the righteous.

18 The Lord watches over the blameless all their days,

and their inheritance will last forever.

19 They will not be disgraced in times of adversity;

they will be satisfied in days of hunger.

20 But the wicked will perish;

the Lord’s enemies, like the glory of the pastures,

will fade away—

they will fade away like smoke.

Christian Standard Bible


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7ba8f5 No.81724

File: a891d2feb18b235⋯.png (387.62 KB,1080x708,90:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386116 (190340ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump "Hey, I'm running against a guy, I'm going to Indict hime 3 or 4 times to keep him busy."...

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7ba8f5 No.81725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386152 (190350ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Barr is PRETENDING vid/controlled?

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>the plan needed Bill Barr to do nothing.

>Logical thinking

The plan controls Bill Barr. Bill Barr performs per the plan. Barr is pretending as needed. Many deals were made:

The corruption that will come out is so serious that DEALS must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin).


Were DEALS made w/ select D's?

Can we expose every crooked politician?



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7ba8f5 No.81726

File: bffa8b785981e3f⋯.png (258.41 KB,1140x641,1140:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386157 (190352ZAUG23) Notable: The entire city of Medical Lake, WA (po. 4800) has been evacuated plus a huge area surrounding/wildfire

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The next Lahaina, HI?

The entire city of Medical Lake, WA (po. 4800) has been evacuated plus a huge area surrounding. Wind has been blowing steady at 15 mph all day. Threatens Fairchild, AFB. I-90 shutdown.


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7ba8f5 No.81727

File: ab1386bf5cc43b3⋯.png (215.69 KB,534x356,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386158 (190353ZAUG23) Notable: UK HOW DID THIS NURSE HAVE A CHANCE TO ATTEMPT TO KILL 13 BABIES AND SUCCEED IN SEVEN OF THE ATTEMPTS?

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... jury at Manchester Crown Court convicted 33-year-old Lucy Letby of killing the babies in the neonatal unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital in northwest England between 2015 and 2016.


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7ba8f5 No.81728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386194 (190403ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Barr is PRETENDING vid/controlled?

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>Bill Barr is PRETENDING

And he "succumbed"

pb below



>Potus talking directly to this board

>Bill Barr Truth


>Stealth bomber

>Fire comms

>Truth includes vid of Barr interview with Blitzer about Mail in voter fraud


>elections with massive mail in voting isplaying with firex2

>retruths MTG

>MTG mentions 1023 form dated Jun 30 2020

>Q4509 Like Clockwork

>Linked Tweet

Dem TN Rep Cohen intros resolution for Hse to begin impeachment inquiry into Barr

Jun 30, 2020


>Potus quote truths Mike Davis shitting on Desanctimonious crowd size and grass roots support

>Drops about 50 polls




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7ba8f5 No.81729

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386244 (190415ZAUG23) Notable: -JW:There will be some server maintainence TODAY.## Administrator 08/19/23 (Sat) 00:15:43 NEW

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There will be some server maintainence. Sorry guys.

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7ba8f5 No.81730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386252 (190418ZAUG23) Notable: #23808

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#23808 >>81696

>>81697, >>81702, >>81703 Eyez on the Skyz

>>81699, >>81701 Jan. 6 Defendant Disappears Ahead Of Sentencing, Manhunt Underway FBI Wanted List

>>81700 Attorney Tony Buzbee: After a Five-Month Investigation, Texas Special Prosecutors Can’t Locate Evidence of Ken Paxton’s Alleged Bribery

>>81704 CNN Stupid

>>81705 VERITAS WAS CENORED A THE WILL OF Vanita Gupta, Biden’s No. 3 pick at the DOJ, demanded

>>81706, >>81707, >>81708 Epstein referred former Obama White House counsel to JPMorgan as client/ Kathy Ruemmler

>>81709 Total Ukraine War Troop Deaths, Injuries Approaching 500,000

>>81710, >>81698 THROWN TO THE WIND

>>81711, >>81712 Argentine Javier Milei talking about 2020 US election.

>>81713, >>81716, >>81717 GAB: Our platform, which is based in the United States, has recently received a censorship demand from a foreign country - New Zealand


>>81715, >>81719, >>81720 In 2021, Ramaswamy was nominated and selected as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader???/on trans kids

>>81718 The clouds on Neptune perform a surprise disappearing act

>>81721 The Bee: Biden says anyone struggling to buys a house should just try setting up 20 shell companies to launder money from China

>>81722, >>81725, >>81728 Bill Barr is PRETENDING vid/controlled?

>>81723 Oliver Anthony’s Emotional Reading of Psalm 37:12-20

>>81724 @realDonaldTrump "Hey, I'm running against a guy, I'm going to Indict hime 3 or 4 times to keep him busy."...

>>81726 The entire city of Medical Lake, WA (po. 4800) has been evacuated plus a huge area surrounding/wildfire



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7ba8f5 No.81731

File: 31ff0106278e8bd⋯.png (44.7 KB,827x170,827:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386312 (190429ZAUG23) Notable: 8kun service maintenance TODAY, duration UNKNOWN

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Server Maint. Comin

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7ba8f5 No.81732

File: eaaf4a7ed20f4cf⋯.png (514.43 KB,437x398,437:398,Clipboard.png)

File: 8307929d09947ff⋯.png (189.04 KB,437x675,437:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 437e320a40b798e⋯.png (104.59 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 68ce4b8f8aba16f⋯.png (179.92 KB,390x219,130:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 55ba984ace5059c⋯.png (253.59 KB,438x202,219:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386358 (190437ZAUG23) Notable: Why is the Maui fire and others all in DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED areas?

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If this has been previously posted, my apologizes frens...

Mass Murder and the West Maui Land Grab

You are the carbon that they want to reduce

No Coincidence All Taking Place In Democrat Controlled Areas


UN-NATURAL (DEWs-Direct Energy Weapons-Microwave Energy Lasers) FIRES in Maui, NOW WEF & UNITED NATIONS' SMART CITIES & DIGITAL CITIES.


MAUI ALL DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED, Just like all the other so called climate change wild fires that resemble DEW destruction (Direct Energy Weapon-Microwave Energy Lasers) (California-cars melted, but trees left standing)

WEF | How Hawaii plans to be the first US state to run entirely on clean energy | 2018






Down load this video before it's gone!


Lasers Caught On Camera Causing Fires!

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7ba8f5 No.81733

File: c25af1df29df134⋯.png (417.21 KB,1260x993,420:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386385 (190444ZAUG23) Notable: Catturd to US citizens: Wake TF Up!

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It’s amazing people who claim to be conservative don’t understand …

If the Democrats succeed in jailing their political opponent on bullshit charges while the Biden’s have been caught red-handed committing treason and nothing happens - our country is finished. It’s over. Done.

Do you actually think your 5% in the polls Republican globalist uniparty stooge matters in this fight to save the USA?

Believe me, they don’t.

Wake TF up!

Aug 18, 2023, 8:51 PM


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7ba8f5 No.81734

File: 8cf538f31ab363f⋯.jpg (244.36 KB,697x631,697:631,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386394 (190447ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon to allow calculators on military entrance exam amid LOW recruitment

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Aug 18, 2023

Pentagon to allow calculators on military entrance exam amid low recruitment

The exam has a time limit and determines academic performance as well as what jobs applicants can obtain in the military, according to sources who spoke to Military.com.


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7ba8f5 No.81735

File: 3739f2c3f72c5c4⋯.jpeg (430.24 KB,1476x947,1476:947,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386424 (190502ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI dig: Lahaina

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The neighborhood and street where so many children died

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7ba8f5 No.81736

File: 74154878354c9e2⋯.jpeg (562.65 KB,1115x1837,1115:1837,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386440 (190511ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI dig: Lahaina

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Lahainaluna High School

Lahainaluna High School is a public high school with the grades 9-12 located in Lahaina (on the island of Maui). Lahainaluna High School is also a public boarding school. It was founded in 1831 as a Protestant missionary school, originally named Lahainaluna Seminary. The early missionaries who arrived in Lahaina in 1823 explained to the Hawaiian Royalty the importance of an educational institution in the American style.

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7ba8f5 No.81737

File: 0d71566defb015f⋯.jpeg (56.36 KB,500x418,250:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 84c5e90d871c178⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1223x735,1223:735,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386463 (190517ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI dig: Lahaina

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What is the meaning of the L on the hillside overlooking Lahaina?


The L on the hill above Lahaina stands for Lahainaluna High School. The L has been there since 1904. The high school is on the same hill, but not nearly as far up as the L.

Lahainaluna means “overlooking Lahaina.” This 30-foot letter “L” at about the 2000-foot level on Mt. Ball, part of the West Maui Mountains, is created and maintained by the students of Lahainaluna High School by clearing the plants and weeds (and putting in lime to prevent re-growth) on that section of the hillside. The hike to the L is very difficult, and the trail is now closed to the public.

Lahainaluna High School is the oldest high school west of the Rocky Mountains, founded in 1831. Their sports teams are called the Lunas. On the L are the year and stripes for the number of athletic championships won that year.

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7ba8f5 No.81738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386473 (190520ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI dig: Lahaina

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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lahaina,_Hawaii

Lahaina, Hawaii - Wikipedia

The phrase Lā hainā means "cruel or merciless sun", describing the sunny dry climate. [8] [9] [10] According to legend a bald aliʻi (chief) living in Kauaʻula Valley was walking without a hat and cursed up at the hot sun: He keu hoi keia o ka lā hainā ("What an unmerciful sun").

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7ba8f5 No.81739

File: 7a2628fb6662c22⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB,1620x1738,810:869,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386519 (190554ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Hilary prompts the first-ever tropical storm waning for Southern California: dangerous flooding expected

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The Storm Is Upon Us

history making Event


Hurricane 🌀 has Never hit California in Recorded History!


"It is rare — indeed nearly unprecedented in the modern record — to have a tropical system like this move through Southern California," said Greg Postel, a hurricane and storm specialist at the Weather Channel who has a doctorate in atmospheric sciences.

Latest storm coverage from CBS Los Angeles

How to prepare for hurricane season, according to weather experts

Hurricane Hilary was located about 285 miles southwest of the southern tip of the Mexican state of Baja California by Friday night, with maximum sustained winds of 130 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center. It was moving north northwest at 13 mph, the center said.

In its advisory, the NHC warned of "life-threatening and potentially catastrophic flooding likely over much of Baja California and the Southwestern U.S. this weekend and early next week."

The NCH has forecast that Hilary is expected to get close to the Baja California Peninsula's west coast this weekend, and will reach Southern California by Sunday night, when it is expected to weaken to a tropical storm.

A tropical storm is defined as having winds of at least 39 mph, according to the National Weather Service.

Forecasters said the storm is expected to produce 3 to 6 inches of rainfall, with maximum amounts of 10 inches, across portions of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula through Sunday night, with the possibility of flash flooding. The same rainfall amounts are expected across portions of southern California and southern Nevada.

Postel said there will likely be "damaging wind gusts," especially at higher elevations, in the area, and swells along the coast.

Hurricane watches and warnings are in effect for parts of Baja California. Tropical storm watches and warnings are in effect for parts of the peninsula as well in addition to parts of mainland Mexico.

"On the forecast track, the center of Hilary will move close to the west coast of the Baja California peninsula over the weekend and reach southern California by Sunday night," the hurricane center said.

"Hilary is expected to weaken to a tropical storm by Sunday afternoon before it reaches southern California," it said.

California was drenched by a historic amount of rain this winter after being hit with an unprecedented number of atmospheric rivers. Chris Heiser, emergency services director for the city of San Diego, told CBS News Friday that those storms may have helped prepare officials for what is to come from Hilary.

"That really allowed us to get a feel for what the impact of heavy rains and winds are," Heiser said. "But this one's got some unique features. The amount of rainfall is substantial, especially up in the mountains. And the majority of the population of San Diego is at the base of those mountains."

"We're looking at this to be a significant storm, possibly one of those that sets records, and so we're preparing accordingly," he added.

Capistrano Beach in the Orange County city of Dana Point Friday was one of several where crews were building berms to protect the coastal community from high surf.

"We're getting ready now ahead of this event as it makes landfall to make sure we're prepared," said Chris Dargan, a spokesperson for California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.

Southern California prepares for Hurricane Hilary

Workers build a berm near the Balboa Pier in Newport Beach, California, on Aug. 18, 2023. Cities along the coast were preparing for potential high surf as the effects of Hurricane Hilary move north.


Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo announced late Friday that 100 National Guard troops had been activated ahead of Hilary.

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7ba8f5 No.81740

File: 2113b4dfd249c32⋯.mp4 (591.72 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386628 (190704ZAUG23) Notable: Mushroom clouds in the Canadian forest

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Mushroom clouds in the Canadian forest


Canada 🔥

“That ain’t supposed to happen”

Notice the coloured mushroom cloud.

Humanity is under attack.

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7ba8f5 No.81741

File: 02d9e48062e2f70⋯.png (328.98 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: f90a85533d3f4e0⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x570,512:285,Clipboard.png)

File: fed194fdb48b17f⋯.png (1.89 MB,1245x708,415:236,Clipboard.png)

File: c198233a6888f37⋯.png (1.52 MB,1177x598,1177:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386645 (190719ZAUG23) Notable: Sundance: Stunningly Low Prices - A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket

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>Maybe try living in Russia.

Stunningly Low Prices – A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket


August 18, 2023

I wouldn’t normally write a post like this, but WE ARE NOT going to find this level of ground reporting anywhere in U.S. media. As you might be aware, I have been doing extensive research on the Russian economy specifically on the outcome of Western sanctions.

In his video, a Youtuber I follow visited a local supermarket, similar to a WalMart Super Center to share information for his USA followers.

Dima Dear, a remarkably nice young man, lives in St. Petersburg, Russia (formerly Leningrad), and he shares various experiences with his audience at their request. There is a lot of U.S. interest as people following his story are starting to realize life in Russia is not what Western media portray.

If you are familiar with U.S. grocery prices, what Dima shares in this ground report is stunning from a U.S. perspective. If you watch this live stream, remember that 100 rubles equals $1.00. 350 rubles is $3.50. Additionally for weighted products 1kg equals 2.2 lbs. So generally speaking, if something is 100 rubles/kg it is $1 for two pounds.

Example from the video:

•Lean ground beef at 329 rubles/kg is less than $1.65/lb.

•Bacon at 250 rubles/kg is less than $1.25/lb.

•20 eggs are 139 rubles or $1.39.

•Boneless skinless chicken breast $4 for 4lbs.

•Typical Bagged salad mixes .79¢ each. etc.

The wild part is that in Russia they are getting worried these prices are too high.


The average rent for a nicely furnished 2-bedroom modern apartment in St Pete Russia is around $500/month. Something akin to downtown Manhattan. Including rent, utilities, food, transportation, personal items, and purchases, a Russian citizen can live very comfortably, remarkably comfortably, on an income of around $1,200 to $1,500/month, in downtown St. Pete which is considered a more expensive place to live.

Put that into a USA middle-class perspective and evaluate the impact of Western sanctions against the average Russian cost of living.

100 rubles = $1.00


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7ba8f5 No.81742

File: 03ec942328d6eb3⋯.png (847.46 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386740 (190806ZAUG23) Notable: TGP's Joe Hoft in response to Bannon's q about whether a financial crisis is coming to China, "It's already here"

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China’s Evergrande Files for Bankruptcy

China real estate behemoth, Evergrande, is filing for bankruptcy.

The China economy is in trouble, like the rest of the world’s economies. The Evergrande failure has been in the works for some time now. Once one of the most prestigious firms in China, it’s now facing bankruptcy.

Evergrande, the heavily indebted Chinese property giant, filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday in New York, raising concerns about ripple effects as China faces slow economic growth and a sluggish real estate sector.

Evergrande is seeking protection from creditors under Chapter 15 of the US bankruptcy code, which applies to insolvency cases involving multiple countries, while it makes efforts to restructure its debt. The filing references upcoming talks happening in Hong Kong and the Cayman Islands. Creditors could vote on a restructuring this month.

On Friday afternoon, Evergrande clarified that it is pressing ahead with offshore debt restructuring and had not filed a bankruptcy petition, which is a formal declaration that a company cannot pay its debts. The Chapter 15 filing is a ‘’normal’’ part of offshore restructuring, it said in a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.



Wonder if any link to Evergreen

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7ba8f5 No.81743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386750 (190810ZAUG23) Notable: "CBS just referred to Joe as “Former President Biden”

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"CBS just referred to Joe as “Former President Biden”.

Do they know something we don’t?😂😂😂"

Juanita Broaddrick



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7ba8f5 No.81744

File: 8b257dfd7ded224⋯.png (460.85 KB,1360x1600,17:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fd2235d3f8ed44⋯.png (99.7 KB,893x790,893:790,Clipboard.png)

File: a1893d0401770dc⋯.png (1.3 MB,680x800,17:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386856 (190920ZAUG23) Notable: N Cali fire maps

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7ba8f5 No.81745

File: e0bc3e3569a61b4⋯.png (2.17 MB,1360x1600,17:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c7ae977b874fcd⋯.png (56.04 KB,826x452,413:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386892 (190944ZAUG23) Notable: N Cali fire maps

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7ba8f5 No.81746

File: 9558cd3c6617a06⋯.png (301.88 KB,608x807,608:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386905 (190957ZAUG23) Notable: The WHO, CDC, Biden Admin are fear mongering a new COVID variant BA.2.86 after highly mutated strain reported in Michigan.

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Ryan Cunningham


The WHO, CDC, Biden Admin are fear mongering a new COVID variant BA.2.86 after highly mutated strain reported in Michigan.

Sources in DHS and Emergency Management (my field) are already preparing for lockdowns and restrictions.

Look at todays headlines. It’s a coordinated government & media campaign.

10:55 AM · Aug 18, 2023




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7ba8f5 No.81747

File: 7dbdf8a9a1c9f51⋯.jpg (3.3 MB,4700x4488,1175:1122,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 57440dcc9a7ce69⋯.png (326.09 KB,603x613,603:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 1414f63f249ab73⋯.jpeg (453.15 KB,1062x1183,1062:1183,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bae09ca907d15cb⋯.png (377.03 KB,728x396,182:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 4837da728e55a17⋯.jpg (238.56 KB,1438x1079,1438:1079,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386942 (191027ZAUG23) Notable: N Cali fire maps

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7ba8f5 No.81748

File: 332bd48d1f37acf⋯.png (334.25 KB,592x567,592:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386959 (191039ZAUG23) Notable: @JohnBWellsCTM re accidental shooting of IRS agent: What are these IRS "agents" training for exactly?

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John B Wells 11:11


More disturbing is what are these IRS "agents" training for exactly?


IRS agent accidentally shot, killed by fellow agent during training at Phoenix gun range

The shooting occurred Thursday at the Federal Correctional Institution's gun range in north Phoenix.

11:03 AM · Aug 18, 2023




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7ba8f5 No.81749

File: 07a46f617bd1801⋯.png (1.23 MB,1071x817,1071:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19386968 (191045ZAUG23) Notable: Joe's changing position on LGBTQ over the years - who advises him NOW?

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Joe Biden helped a movement when he changed his mind on LGBTQ issues. Who advises him now?

Over the course of his career, Biden’s views on gays and lesbians have advanced along with the forward march of the gay rights movement in the U.S.

So it is that Biden, who once suggested gay men and women might jeopardize national security and who as a senator took positions that often mystified and infuriated LGBTQ advocates, is now regarded as the most LGBTQ-friendly president in U.S. history

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7ba8f5 No.81750

File: 8bed3984aa15e24⋯.jpeg (658.62 KB,1170x1491,390:497,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387034 (191119ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Pence Pledges to 'Clean House' at the Justice Department

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Mike Pence Pledges to 'Clean House' at the Justice Department


Pence Pledges to ‘Clean House’ at the Justice Department

Tyler O'Neil / @Tyler2ONeil / August 18, 2023

ATLANTA—Former Vice President Mike Pence pledged that, if elected president in 2024, he would fire the senior leaders at the Department of Justice in the wake of the Russia collusion hoax and the FBI’s targeting “radical-traditional Catholics.”

“If I become president of the United States, we’re going to clean house on the entire top floor of the Justice Department,” Pence told The Daily Signal in a Friday interview at The Gathering, an event at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead hosted by radio host Erick Erickson.

“Let’s be clear, the American people have lost confidence in equal treatment under the law, and I understand that. I lived through the Mueller investigation,” the former vice president explained, referencing the Russia collusion investigation under special counsel Robert Mueller. “I was questioned throughout that and required to retain private counsel of my own, incurred a half a million dollars in legal fees, for what we now know was a complete hoax, all grounded in opposition research and fueled by FBI agents that literally falsified official records and have still not been held to account.”

Pence was referring to the canard that former President Donald Trump was an agent of Russia, based mostly on the Hillary Clinton campaign’s opposition research, namely a dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. A former FBI lawyer pleaded guilty to altering an email in filing a request for surveillance at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court.

“Then we lived through the impeachment of the president over a phone call and all the swirling accusations around that,” the former vice president added, referring to the 2019 Trump impeachment centered on a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Trump asked Zelenskyy to investigate claims of corruption involving then-former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Pence noted, “It’s even been more troubling since we left office to see what appears for many Americans to be a double standard. I mean, the relentless pursuit of the president on a range of issues—the former president—but for five years, the lack of interest at the Justice Department and looking into very serious allegations concerning Hunter Biden and also the Biden family broadly.”


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7ba8f5 No.81751

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387095 (191147ZAUG23) Notable: Fall of the Cabal - the Sequel (vid)

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When 8kun goes down today for maintenance anon will start to finally start the video project to put together B.I.S digs into videos.

For now, watch the the video trailer of thrown to the wind by michael shellenberger and also part 28 of the fall of the cabal.




Note: Anon recommends to add this to the research, really well presented !!



First published at 14:03 UTC on August 18th, 2023.



By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, AShamaluev, James Dolley

This episode is all about the current 'mega-crisis' that will make the Covid-crisis pale in comparison: The Climate emergency that will destroy our planet and humanity, unless we pay a lot of CO2-tax. How did the Cabal get us to belief their impertinent CO2 lies? By using fraudulent 'scientists' and the MSM, as always. Does Climate Change exist? Of course! It's a natural phenomenon. Is there a Climate Emergency? No. You don't believe us? Then let's listen to the real scientists, the ones who refuse to be bribed into silence and who risk their careers by sticking to the Truth. It's about time they get to tell their side of the story, don't you think?

Part 29 is in the making and will be uploaded as soon as it's ready.

If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work: https://www.fallcabal.com/

We make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...

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7ba8f5 No.81752

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: Trailer for the documentary by Michael Shellenberger from the twitter files



First published at 12:06 UTC on August 18th, 2023.


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7ba8f5 No.81753

File: 965f615cd88a971⋯.png (725.86 KB,669x667,669:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387110 (191159ZAUG23) Notable: Survey: Teachers at 1,000 Districts Hide Kids’ Sexual Display from Parents

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Survey: Teachers at 1,000 Districts Hide Kids’ Sexual Display from Parents


Young progressive female teacher discussing with preteen children about LGBT social movements in classroom, holding rainbow flag

JackF/Getty Images

Alana Mastrangelo18 Aug 2023

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7ba8f5 No.81754

File: cd7d8da251ee4ea⋯.png (1.01 MB,924x662,462:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387111 (191200ZAUG23) Notable: Horowitz: 3 healthy pilots die suddenly on flights, 5 collapse

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Horowitz: 3 healthy pilots die suddenly

on flights, 5 collapse

Conservative Review, by Daniel Horowitz

Posted By: tisHimself, 8/19/2023 7:49:45 AM

Either they will tell us this is normal or it’s due to “climate change.” But in reality it is neither. It has to do with sudden cardiac arrest that has been ubiquitous among young, healthy people from segments of the population that happened to have gotten a heart-inflaming gene serum beginning right around early 2021. We were hoping as the vaccines die down that the sudden deaths would abate, but now there are concerns that this is a long-term phenomenon. The India Times reports that on Thursday, Manoj Subramanium, a perfectly health IndiGo pilot

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7ba8f5 No.81755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387134 (191211ZAUG23) Notable: #23809

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>>81731 8kun service maintenance TODAY, duration UNKNOWN

>>81732 Why is the Maui fire and others all in DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED areas?

>>81733 Catturd to US citizens: Wake TF Up!

>>81734 Pentagon to allow calculators on military entrance exam amid LOW recruitment

>>81735, >>81736, >>81737 , >>81738 MAUI dig: Lahaina

>>81739 Hurricane Hilary prompts the first-ever tropical storm waning for Southern California: dangerous flooding expected

>>81740 Mushroom clouds in the Canadian forest

>>81741 Sundance: Stunningly Low Prices - A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket

>>81742 TGP's Joe Hoft in response to Bannon's q about whether a financial crisis is coming to China, "It's already here"

>>81743 "CBS just referred to Joe as “Former President Biden”

>>81744, >>81745, >>81747 N Cali fire maps

>>81746 The WHO, CDC, Biden Admin are fear mongering a new COVID variant BA.2.86 after highly mutated strain reported in Michigan.

>>81748 @JohnBWellsCTM re accidental shooting of IRS agent: What are these IRS "agents" training for exactly?

>>81749 Joe's changing position on LGBTQ over the years - who advises him NOW?

>>81750 Mike Pence Pledges to 'Clean House' at the Justice Department

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7ba8f5 No.81756

File: d94054230e30a50⋯.png (82.14 KB,421x461,421:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387138 (191212ZAUG23) Notable: Could drones look like UFOs? What about speed?

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But what about speed? Can a drone go fast? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12412667/Is-Tic-Tac-UFO-pilots-seeing-Advanced-drones-fly-silently-without-signs-propulsion-mystery-sightings-experts-say.html

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7ba8f5 No.81757

File: 08b87dca67ebe0b⋯.png (4.44 MB,4097x2967,4097:2967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387144 (191216ZAUG23) Notable: Mission First. On the Clock. Kash truths "mission first" tshirt. lines up on the clock with Q mission drops

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>19385148 pb

Mission First.

On the Clock.

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7ba8f5 No.81758

File: d357dba2c7ff4f2⋯.png (565.22 KB,600x906,100:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387145 (191216ZAUG23) Notable: A slapped together self-published "book" called "Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change" by a "Dr. Miles Stones" is currently popular on Amazon.

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See new Tweets


Mike Rothschild (no relation)


It appears that Amazon has pulled "Fire and Fury" off its listings. Will the thousands of copies it likely sold be refunded? And what of the copycat "books" that have come up behind it?




Mike Rothschild (no relation)



Aug 16

A slapped together self-published "book" called "Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change" by a "Dr. Miles Stones" is currently one of the most popular books on Amazon.




10:42 AM · Aug 18, 2023




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7ba8f5 No.81759

File: a7c8515b2d075b7⋯.png (200.07 KB,597x541,597:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387151 (191219ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Rothschild rt's CMz re essential nature of block function (calling Ron "Q" - kek)

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Mike Rothschild (no relation)


When an idea is so bad even Q hates it, it's a bad idea.


5:47 AM · Aug 18, 2023




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7ba8f5 No.81760

File: 4cd760936ce7da7⋯.jpg (13.74 KB,270x180,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e370e88a45a78f9⋯.jpg (13.35 KB,316x180,79:45,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b72a2e28c2dcea⋯.png (3.54 KB,220x22,10:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387155 (191221ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI dig: Waiola Church was the first Christian church dating from 1823, now in ashes

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Maui's Waiola Church has a deep, rich history

Waiola Church was established as the first Christian church on Maui by the Sacred High Chiefess Keopuolani in 1823. It became the church of the Hawaiian royal family when Lahaina was the capital of the kingdom, according to its website.

Many of the ali’i, Hawaiian for royalty, are buried in the adjacent Waine’e Cemetery, the first Christian cemetery in the state, alongside missionaries and community members, Rosa said. The cemetery is regarded as a sacred site and often a must-see for tourists, she said.

The church has seen destruction at least four times and risen from the ashes. In 1858, powerful winds known as Kaua’ula winds destroyed the roof and steeple. The church was repaired and reopened a year later.

In 1894, the church was destroyed by an accidental fire started by the caretaker, who was burning rubbish in a side yard. It was rebuilt.

The church was again destroyed in 1947 by an accidental rubbish fire − and rebuilt a year later. It was destroyed again by Kaua’ula winds in 1951 and rebuilt more than two years later.


*Correction, This Sacred Home of the One and Only Lord of all humanity has now burned down 5 times in the last 100 years.

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7ba8f5 No.81761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387163 (191223ZAUG23) Notable: In Chicago, another sign of the Catholic Church’s decline - American Thinker

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In Chicago, another sign of the Catholic Church’s decline - American Thinker

I’m not a Catholic, but I have an abiding respect for Catholicism’s role in bringing down the paganism that dominated Europe before the Church took over. At least one Catholic cardinal, though, seems to have forgotten that time. How else can we explain Cardinal Blase Cupich’s decision to participate in a Wiccan-organized conference to “enrich” his faith?


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7ba8f5 No.81762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387173 (191227ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Maher vs Marianne Williamson on state of the country

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Tone def Elitists. blah, blahing about how the Peasants live. Kind of funny actually. No Clue. Rich People are SO Out of Touch with how normal people actually live. Seems they have gotten caught up in their own delusions of fake superiority. Red Shoe Club. Fuckemall.

Bill Maher says he doesn't see the USA 'falling apart' with angry, unhappy people when he rides around town — but Marianne Williamson quickly popped his Beverly Hills bubble. Who's right?

For instance, when Maher suggested that Obamacare “is getting very close to Medicare for all,” Williamson clapped back: “It’s not Medicare for all. We still have 85 million Americans who are underinsured or uninsured. You have to be really … buffered emotionally if you think 85 million people don’t matter.”

In response, Maher said he’s “not the strong man” that ignores the plight of 85 million people. He said that when he “rides around” town — he lives in Beverly Hills — he doesn’t see a country that’s “falling apart.”

“A lot of people are just living their best lives. And they’re not all f—ing rich. It’s not all the top 20%,” he said.

But does the longtime political commentator live in more of a bubble than he realizes?

Maher is not totally blind to the “horrible problems” hurting U.S. society. He agreed with Williamson that there’s a sizable “under-class” of people suffering in poverty and said “it’s a scandal that we can’t seem to address.”

But from a big picture perspective, he said: “I just don’t see a country where the people are just seething and unhappy when I’m out. And that has to count for something.”

Williamson responded: “You know where I was last night? I was speaking to teenagers on Skid Row."

“Do you know how many people are homeless in Los Angeles county on any given night? 78,000,” the presidential candidate added. “You say you drive around, but where do you drive around? You don’t drive too many miles.”

“Of course, why would I go to Skid Row?” a baffled Maher replied.

Several YouTube comments made similar assessments — not in Maher’s favor. One person wrote: “Bill is really floating further & further away in his bubble from the people he once spoke for.”

The reality is that 37.9 million Americans are living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent data — which only goes up to January 2021. Today, that number could be considerably higher after the fallout of the pandemic, soaring inflation, 11 interest rate hikes and changes in the labor market.

Even “middle-income” Americans with a stable income are struggling to cope with the impacts of inflation and high interest ratesIf you’re in the majority feeling the pinch and living paycheck-to-paycheck, here are some steps you can take to feel more financially secure and get more out of your income.



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7ba8f5 No.81763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387181 (191231ZAUG23) Notable: #23810

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PB notables added to dough:

updated dough

updated dough

updated dough


Bread is still GHOSTED

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7ba8f5 No.81764

File: f160756b03a725d⋯.png (445.53 KB,591x620,591:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387214 (191243ZAUG23) Notable: Are these tunnels under MAUI?

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The Rubber Duck ™


we’re these tunnels being used during the fires?

locals knew about these.

nothing to see here. 🙄

“Working #Tunnels Found 300 Feet Below #Maui.”

this was shot 7 years ago.

Last edited

1:13 AM · Aug 19, 2023




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7ba8f5 No.81765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387221 (191246ZAUG23) Notable: Asylum seekers in NYC say America is nothing like they had imagined: It's 'chaos' - YAHOO

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Asylum seekers in NYC say America is nothing like they had imagined: It's 'chaos'

NEW YORK — For one 29-year-old Venezuelan woman, who left her two children and partner behind in her home country to embark on a six-month journey to New York City, America represented hope. There, she thought, she would find safety and the opportunity to make a living. But four months after arriving in the U.S., she says it’s nothing like she had imagined.

“It’s too difficult to come to a place where you don’t know the language,” the woman, who agreed to speak anonymously to protect her safety, told Yahoo News.


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7ba8f5 No.81766

File: 7b3b89c73b6ecae⋯.png (587.05 KB,820x635,164:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387227 (191248ZAUG23) Notable: Teachers' unions trained educators to 'indoctrinate' students with 'radical progressive ideology'

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Teachers' unions trained educators to

'indoctrinate' students with 'radical

progressive ideology': Report

Conservative Review, by Candace Hathaway

Posted By: tisHimself, 8/19/2023 7:41:54 AM

An August report from the Defense of Freedom Institute, a conservative nonprofit organization, revealed that teachers' unions trained their members to "indoctrinate" students with "radical progressive ideology" despite outspoken opposition from parents. DFI's latest report, "Summer of Woke, The Sequel," follows a 2022 report that exposed the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers for pushing "racialized" school policies and gender ideology. Last year's report also accused the NEA and AFT of lobbying for abortion.

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7ba8f5 No.81767

File: 362f7a7245b40f8⋯.png (1.06 MB,1070x868,535:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387233 (191249ZAUG23) Notable: “Water Requires Conversations Around Equity” - Official Delayed Life-Saving Water to Maui for HOURS - DIG CALL

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“Water Requires Conversations Around

Equity” – Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving

Official Who Delayed Life-Saving Water

to Maui for SEVERAL HOURS While the Fires

Were Contained (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Cullen Linebarger

Posted By: DW626, 8/19/2023 7:32:48 AM

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the devastating wildfires across Maui are a classic toxic combination of liberalism, corruption and inexperience all rolled into one. The people of Maul begged for life-saving water from the West Maui stream to be used to fight the fires only to be brushed off. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Wednesday there was an official request made to divert the water and it was ignored for several hours by Deputy Director M. Kaleo Manuel of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM).

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7ba8f5 No.81768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387240 (191252ZAUG23) Notable: “Water Requires Conversations Around Equity” - Official Delayed Life-Saving Water to Maui for HOURS - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving


>Official Who Delayed Life-Saving Water


>to Maui for SEVERAL HOURS While the Fires


>Were Contained


>official request made to divert the water and it was ignored for several hours by Deputy Director M. Kaleo Manuel

stay on this

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7ba8f5 No.81769

File: 8bcca83c432406d⋯.png (53.51 KB,669x388,669:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19387241 (191253ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden is slammed for 'backdoor violation of the Second Amendment' after 122 gun dealers were stripped of their licenses

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Joe Biden is slammed for 'backdoor violation

of the Second Amendment' after 122 gun

dealers were stripped of their licenses

by the ATF

Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander

Posted By: Imright, 8/19/2023 4:45:05 AM

Gun dealers have lost their licenses this year at an unprecedented rate, with critics accusing Joe Biden of undermining the Second Amendment by stealth. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has revoked the licenses of 122 gun dealers in the fiscal year that began in October. The previous fiscal year the figure was 90, and in 2021 it was only 27. Since records of revocations began in 2013, the ATF never revoked more than 81 dealers' licenses, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. Critics of the ATF's newly-found muscle argue that it attacks largely lawful gun dealers who often provide valuable assistance to law enforcement

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7ba8f5 No.81770

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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