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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

18f530 No.51563 [View All]

14AUG23 to 16AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

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18f530 No.80970

File: cf39b8858e15f53⋯.jpg (83.38 KB,852x1023,284:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370744 (161959ZAUG23) Notable: Tater and Pedosta Blame Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution

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He's been dragged out to reinforce the Climate Hoax.

John Podesta Blames Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution


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18f530 No.80971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370757 (162002ZAUG23) Notable: What Are the Dog Days of Summer? The Lion's Gate Portal?

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What Are the Dog Days of Summer? | July 3–August 11

Old Farmer's Almanac

https://www.almanac.com › content › what-are-dog-da...

The Dog Days of summer coincide with the rising at sunrise of the Dog Star, Sirius, as well as with hot and sultry weather.

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18f530 No.80972

File: 2ae524fb4b6ba05⋯.png (102.19 KB,650x654,325:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370773 (162004ZAUG23) Notable: What Are the Dog Days of Summer? The Lion's Gate Portal?

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What Is The Lion's Gate Portal?

Farmers' Almanac

https://www.farmersalmanac.com › Astrological

3 days ago — The Lion's Gate Portal refers to a period of days before and after—from July 28 until August 12—when the power of Sirius is believed to be ...

Lion's Gate Portal on August 8, 2023 : Here's all you need ...

Hindustan Times

https://www.hindustantimes.com › ... › horoscope

Aug 8, 2023 — The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8). It takes place when ...

Lion's Gate Portal: what it means in astrology and how ...

New York Post

https://nypost.com › article › lions-gate-portal-meaning

Aug 8, 2023 — Heart healing and mane shaking, the mythic Lion's Gate Portal opens on August 8th, 2023, a date observed by ancients, astrologers and ...

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18f530 No.80973

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370841 (162013ZAUG23) Notable: Are they are burning us to the ground? Is this [their] big plan?

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Maui, Russia, Greece, Boulder and parachute Co., Cleveland Oh, Springville and nephi Ut, Arizona...

sauce ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/L3vUyIPB3I3t/

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18f530 No.80974

File: 228bef9acd91f09⋯.png (291.82 KB,601x811,601:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370865 (162020ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton County Clerk Comes Up with New Excuse For Trump Charging Docs Leak

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Fulton County Clerk Comes Up with New Excuse For Trump Charging Docs Leak


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18f530 No.80975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370870 (162021ZAUG23) Notable: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs says she'd like to lead the next witch hunt!

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Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs says she'd like to see charges against Donald Trump in Arizona, similar to the ones in Georgia.


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18f530 No.80976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370899 (162027ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton County district attorney asks judge to set Trump trial date for March 4, 2024

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Fulton County DA wants March 4 trial date for Trump election case

She hopes to try all 19 defendants at once.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has requested a March 4, 2024, trial start date for former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants, which would place the proceedings smack dab in the middle of the Republican presidential primary.

Willis indicted Trump, along with a litany of his political allies, over his efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results in the Peach State. Trump has contended the case is part of a broader political witch hunt designed to derail his 2024 presidential campaign.

In addition to the March 4, 2024, start date, Willis has proposed arraignments for the week of Sept. 5 of this year, The Hill reported.

"In light of Defendant Donald John Trump’s other criminal and civil matters pending in the courts of our sister sovereigns, the State of Georgia proposes certain deadlines that do not conflict with these other courts’ already-scheduled hearings and trial dates," she wrote in a legal filing.

She hopes to try all 19 defendants at once.

Following the indictment, Trump vowed to publish a comprehensive report of election fraud in the state that he said would provide a "complete exoneration." That unveiling is slated for Monday.


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18f530 No.80977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370931 (162034ZAUG23) Notable: Top Missouri court upholds law imposing jail time for parents over students’ school absences

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Top Missouri court upholds law imposing jail time for parents over students’ school absences

The Missouri Supreme Court has upheld a law criminalizing low school attendance for parents.

Two single mothers from Lebanon, Mo., challenged the law after they were sentenced over their respective children’s absences.

Caitlyn Williams was sentenced to a week in jail after her daughter missed 16 days of first grade last school year, and Tamarae Larue was sentenced to 15 days in jail after her son missed 13 days of kindergarten. Larue instead agreed to serve two years of probation.

The pair sued the state, claiming the law is too vague and the school district could not prove the parents were to blame for the absences. The court ruled against them in a 6-0 vote, with one justice not participating.

“This nonattendance was not excused by any circumstance provided for in the statute,” Justice Robin Ransom wrote in the court’s opinion. “Given the notice provided to each parent and that each parent was in control of their young child, evidence existed to support the inference that each parent knowingly failed to cause their child to attend school on a regular basis.”

The parents based their challenge on the wording of the law, which requires students to keep “regular” attendance, though they said it was unclear what “regular” exactly meant. The court ruled that “regular” applied to the school district’s attendance expectations: 90 percent attendance.

Excused absences — due to sickness, for example — counted toward that 90 percent mark, the court said. If Williams’s and Larue’s children’s sick days were not counted toward their attendance, they would have been higher than 90 percent attendance, the parents said.

“When measured by common understanding and practices, no Missouri parent would conclude attendance ‘on a regular basis’ means anything less than having their child go to school on those days the school is in session,” Ransom wrote.

California newspaper calls on McCarthy to ‘dump Trump’

Only a verified consistent illness or other long-standing condition or circumstance, communicated to the school in advance, would excuse that amount of absences, the court said.

The mothers’ attorney declined The Hill’s request for further comment.


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18f530 No.80978

File: c2ad1afcc9a2604⋯.png (275.31 KB,1372x719,1372:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370946 (162037ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Hillary is coming

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18f530 No.80979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19370961 (162041ZAUG23) Notable: Colombian conglomerate Grupo Aval and its bank subsidiary have agreed to pay approximately US$80 million to settle corruption charges brought by U.S. authorities

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Colombian conglomerate Grupo Aval and its bank subsidiary have agreed to pay approximately US$80 million to settle corruption charges brought by U.S. authorities that have alleged the conglomerate, along with a joint venture partner, paid at least $28 million to Colombian government officials to secure an extension of a highway construction contract.

According to statements from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Grupo Aval and its bank subsidiary, Corporación Financiera Colombiana S.A. (Corficolombiana), were accused of violating the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Corficolombiana and its joint venture partner, the notorious Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, were awarded a contract by the Colombian government for the construction of a 328-mile highway project. The U.S. Department of Justice and the SEC allege that the two entities paid the mentioned sum to government officials in order to secure the rights to construct a highway toll road.

This arrangement enabled Corficolombiana to generate illicit profits exceeding $28 million.

The Justice Department indicated that Corficolombiana has committed to ongoing cooperation in any active or future criminal investigations pertaining to this matter. The company has also agreed to bolster its compliance program and provide updates to the Department concerning remediation efforts and the implementation of compliance measures.

“Lax control environments are conducive to misconduct, as illustrated in this case where bribes were facilitated through payments tied to invoices without proper supporting documentation, as well as contracts for services that were vaguely defined and typically managed internally rather than by third parties,” remarked Charles Cain, the SEC’s FCPA Unit Chief. “This case once again underscores the significance of issuers maintaining robust internal accounting controls over third-party payments.”

Corficolombiana will pay a criminal penalty of $40.6 million, in addition to over $40 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest.

Odebrecht has been at the center of Latin America's largest corruption scandal, which originated in Brazil with Operation Lava Jato. This investigation exposed a network of bribery and corruption involving officials, politicians, and business figures.

The subsequent probe revealed that this corruption scheme extended across the continent and beyond.

In response to the developments, Colombian President Gustavo Petro highlighted the problematic connections between judicial entities in Colombia and Grupo Aval. He urged political parties to scrutinize whether their top leaders were involved in corrupt practices and called on them to return any contributions received from the conglomerate.


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18f530 No.80980

File: 476e83f5d63a1f0⋯.jpg (31.22 KB,500x349,500:349,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371036 (162101ZAUG23) Notable: Soros to end 'Most EU Operations' In 'Radical Shift' (to focus on destroying the US Instead)

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Soros To End 'Most EU Operations' In 'Radical Shift'


WEDNESDAY, AUG 16, 2023 - 11:25 AM

George Sorors' Open Society Foundations, which are now controlled by his son Alexander, will cease most of its operations in the European Union.

The move, which comes after foundation-funded NGOs ferried migrants to Europe for over a decade (mission accomplished?), comes after the $25 billion family foundation announced a headcount reduction of at least 40% following Alexander's ascent.


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18f530 No.80981

File: b5928908f534b08⋯.png (38.15 KB,651x330,217:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371049 (162105ZAUG23) Notable: THIS DAY IN HISTORY [Globalist Banker] 10th President of the United States John Tyler is burned in effigy outside White House, August 16th 1841

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President Tyler is burned in effigy outside White House

August 16th 1841

President John Tyler vetoes a second attempt by Congress to re-establish the Bank of the United States. In response, angry supporters of the bank gathered outside the White House and burned an effigy of Tyler. The protestors were comprised primarily of members of Tyler’s own political party, the Whigs, who dominated Congress at the time.

The first federal U.S. Bank, created by Alexander Hamilton and set into place by George Washington in 1791, provided a repository for federal funds and issued currency. However, beginning with President Thomas Jefferson, who opposed the idea of a national bank as “unconstitutional,” anti-Federalists in Congress chipped away at the bank’s power and importance. In 1811, President James Madison and Congress let the bank’s charter expire. Although a second Bank of the United States was implemented in 1819 during James Monroe’s presidency, successive attempts by different Congresses to re-charter the second bank were denied by Presidents Andrew Jackson, in 1832, and Martin Van Buren, in 1837. Tyler, as a senator during Jackson’s tenure, had originally condemned Jackson’s attempts to nullify the bank as an “abuse of executive power.” However, as president in 1841, President Tyler, faced with a U.S. economy plagued by wildly fluctuating currency valuation and bank fraud, made an about-face and “betrayed” the Whigs, declaring the U.S. bank a threat to individual states’ rights. When word of the veto spread, the bank’s Congressional supporters flew into a collective rage and stormed out of the Capitol toward the White House.

The rioters hurled stones at the White House, shot guns into the air and hung an effigy of the president that they then set on fire. The protest is considered one of, if not the most violent demonstration held near the White House. As a result of the unrest, the District of Columbia decided to create its own police force.


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18f530 No.80982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371055 (162106ZAUG23) Notable: RFK on Tucker notes

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RFK on Tucker

Is incredible.

A long form explanation of NATOs transgressions on Russia, in exquisite detail,

A long form breakdown of America's (and Fauci's) direct involvement (and creation) of Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories (and Wuhan), in perfect detail,

A long form explanation of the CIA's involvement in corruption, worldwide, and a direct explanation about how it's possible for sections of the CIA to be corrupt inside the greater agency, and how separation and complete overhaul is necessary (in a reasonable stance that doesn't expect the USA to operate without intelligence).

It's fucking perfect. I have twenty minutes left.

Watch it in 2 times speed, it doesn't take long.

Tucker is absolutely rocking it lately.

This and the capitol police chief episode are fucking amazing.

There's no way the small remaining number of sleeping Americans will be able to sleep through this forever. Soon the only lie they'll be able to keep up is "orange man bad".


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18f530 No.80983

File: 08366ee0612597e⋯.png (358.54 KB,792x469,792:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371057 (162106ZAUG23) Notable: Caden raises $15M Series A to build a model for consumer privacy on the internet

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Caden raises $15M Series A to build a model for consumer privacy on the internet

Consumers share their data for free all day. When you swipe a credit card, order lunch, binge-watch Netflix, track your run or browse Amazon, companies watch, learn, analyze and—most importantly—sell the information they collect.

Caden, a Hudson Square-based start-up, has just announced a $15 million fundraising round to power an attempt to fix this imbalance and give consumers some ownership of their data. Its app has gained traction with consumers in its early months.

“We need to give digital citizens a lot more credit,” founder John Roa told Crain’s. “They understand they’ve been giving their data away for free, so if you offer someone a more rewarding way to be in control, they’ll take it and be excited about it.”


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18f530 No.80984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371062 (162108ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Lindell Presents ‘Election Summit’: The Plan Revealed - DAY 1 - 8/16/2023

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LIVE: Mike Lindell Presents ‘Election Summit’: The Plan Revealed - DAY 1 - 8/16/2023

In this two-day event, Mike Lindell will layout his unique plan to save our elections. This has never been done before in world history, and has not even previously been talked about by anyone. It does not rely on legislation, judges, or legal actions.


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18f530 No.80985

File: c1e0d1230ec9dab⋯.png (158.61 KB,722x745,722:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371066 (162109ZAUG23) Notable: Two Pinterest Directors Resign from Nextdoor Board of Directors in Response to Justice Department’s Ongoing Enforcement Efforts Against Interlocking Directorates

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Two Pinterest Directors Resign from Nextdoor Board of Directors in Response to Justice Department’s Ongoing Enforcement Efforts Against Interlocking Directorates


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18f530 No.80986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371068 (162109ZAUG23) Notable: Maui fire book AUTHOR NAME IS MILES STONE. MILESTONE? Like Milestone Smart City Planning Company

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Maui fire book AUTHOR NAME IS MILES STONE. MILESTONE? Like Milestone Smart City Planning Company

Seriously, it doesnt get any more Blatant and you cant make this stuff up

Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change Kindle Edition

by Dr Miles Stones (Author)



Discover intelligent cities where people and data are connected. Unlock the potential of video across your city. Book a free demo. Local experts available. Intelligent Surveillance.




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18f530 No.80987

File: 2fa185ff779dfb2⋯.png (198.28 KB,1011x892,1011:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d6cd78743679c2⋯.png (83.21 KB,1008x321,336:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371073 (162110ZAUG23) Notable: 14 Minneapolis Gang Members Charged with Possession of Machine Guns, Fentanyl Trafficking, and Firearms Violations

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14 Minneapolis Gang Members Charged with Possession of Machine Guns, Fentanyl Trafficking, and Firearms Violations


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18f530 No.80988

File: fb7444c80264896⋯.png (268.24 KB,998x836,499:418,Clipboard.png)

File: ec501fefd401ba4⋯.png (640.69 KB,985x879,985:879,Clipboard.png)

File: 24f812018c14579⋯.png (618.9 KB,984x888,41:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371094 (162116ZAUG23) Notable: Former NYPD Officer Charged With Accessory After The Fact To Murder, Obstructing A Federal Gang Investigation, And Racketeering Conspiracy

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Former NYPD Officer Charged With Accessory After The Fact To Murder, Obstructing A Federal Gang Investigation, And Racketeering Conspiracy


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18f530 No.80989

File: 7cd5c7af9ee361a⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,2048x1359,2048:1359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371099 (162117ZAUG23) Notable: The "Inflation Reduction Act" is forcing working families to send their hard-earned tax dollars to pay for Wall Street's green obsession.

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(Build Back Better Bubbles)

The "Inflation Reduction Act" is forcing working families to send their hard-earned tax dollars to pay for Wall Street's green obsession.


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18f530 No.80990

File: 960dcef67255ea9⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,654x346,327:173,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371117 (162120ZAUG23) Notable: Search warrant against Marion County Record is WITHDRAWN by attorney after raid on newspaper offices and 98-year-old co-owner's home triggered her death

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Search warrant against Marion County Record is WITHDRAWN by attorney after raid on newspaper offices and 98-year-old co-owner's home triggered her death


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18f530 No.80991

File: 5a66f9692a764ce⋯.jpg (323.82 KB,788x884,197:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f3dfddeaec9bc7⋯.jpg (50.12 KB,895x503,895:503,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7fbee0e153294c⋯.jpg (9.49 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371122 (162121ZAUG23) Notable: ‘She Has No Shame’: Oprah Winfrey Faces Backlash on Social Media Amid Reports She Was Told to Leave Camera Crew ‘Outside’ of Maui Shelter Following Deadly Wildfire

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(PB) >>80837 Lahaina Maui Fires Before During & After

She just happened to be there.

‘She Has No Shame’: Oprah Winfrey Faces Backlash on Social Media Amid Reports She Was Told to Leave Camera Crew ‘Outside’ of Maui Shelter Following Deadly Wildfire


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18f530 No.80992

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371135 (162123ZAUG23) Notable: Masara Kim Live from Nigeria exposes the effort by the current Nigeria Government to convert Nigeria to an Islamic Empire and genocide all Christians

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Masara Kim Live from Nigeria exposes the effort by the current Nigeria Government to convert Nigeria to an Islamic Empire and genocide all Christians. The military is complicit.

1 day ago 1-hour


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18f530 No.80993

File: d471a10e4f21848⋯.png (49.74 KB,780x451,780:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371156 (162126ZAUG23) Notable: America First Legal sues Washington @GovInslee to block enforcement of a new “state-sanctioned kidnapping” bill that allows the state to hide kids from their parents to perform “gender transitions” - including disfiguring drugs and mutilating surgeries.

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Stephen Miller


America First Legal·14m

/1🚨BREAKING — we sued the governor of Washington @GovInslee to block enforcement of a new “state-sanctioned kidnapping” bill that allows the state to hide kids from their parents to perform “gender transitions” - including disfiguring drugs and mutilating surgeries.

Read more:


5:20 PM · Aug 16, 2023


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18f530 No.80994

File: 9ced55ad44972fe⋯.png (473.08 KB,827x953,827:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371169 (162128ZAUG23) Notable: America First Legal sues Washington @GovInslee to block enforcement of a new “state-sanctioned kidnapping” bill that allows the state to hide kids from their parents to perform “gender transitions” - including disfiguring drugs and mutilating surgeries.

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August 16, 2023

America First Legal Sues Washington Governor to Block “State-Sanctioned Kidnapping” Bill That Allows State to Hide Kids Seeking “Gender Transition” From Parents

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, on behalf of our clients, America First Legal (AFL), Schaerr Jaffe LLP, and Joel Ard, sued the Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, the Attorney General of Washington, Robert Furguson, and the Secretary of the Washington Department of Children, Youth, and Families, Ross Hunter to stop the enforcement of Senate Bill 5599 – a new law that allows shelters to take in children struggling with gender dysphoria and potentially provide them with life-altering “care” (potentially including sterilization) without parental consent or knowledge.

The recently signed legislation creates a dangerous incentive for minors who disagree with their parents on “gender-affirming care” to run away to a shelter or host home. The new law takes away a requirement of notice to parents.

Furthermore, the law authorizes the state to refer a minor for “behavioral health services” without defining what this entails. In practice, this means that young children who run away from home could be receiving chemical sterilization drugs or even genital mutilation without the consent or knowledge of the parents.

This new statute deprives certain parents of their fundamental rights under the United States Constitution to direct the care and upbringing of their children. America First Legal is proud to defend parental rights and stand up against the insidious “gender-affirming care” agenda, which promotes using experimental medical procedures and drugs on minor children – potentially altering their lives forever. ...


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18f530 No.80995

File: 214b087dd18b32a⋯.png (247.06 KB,564x564,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 702fc613429abe0⋯.png (3.14 MB,2000x1406,1000:703,Clipboard.png)

File: dcba1398e85cb05⋯.png (2.15 MB,1200x700,12:7,Clipboard.png)

File: c9c404c87560b40⋯.png (1.02 MB,519x770,519:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371270 (162144ZAUG23) Notable: Was there a special moon or special day/month on the calendar for the fire?

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>>>/qresearch/19370667 LB

Was there a special moon or special day/month on the calendar for the fire?

Lion's Gate.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Lion's Gate portal?

Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lion's Gate Portal “opens” in the sky. Astrologers consider this an opportune day for manifestation, or concentrating on what ""you want to make it a reality.""

What happens during Lion's Gate?

The Lion's Gate Portal is an annual cosmic alignment occurring during Leo season, where Earth, Sirius, and Orion align within the Leo constellation. This alignment creates a potent energy gateway associated with manifestation, spiritual healing, and transformation.

Goes back to rituals. ""day of sacrifice""- the fire.


Lion Gate, Mycenae-last picture

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18f530 No.80996

File: a760609ef309e82⋯.png (560.77 KB,804x500,201:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371311 (162151ZAUG23) Notable: Sean Hannity calls for ‘legal’ abortion in stunning reversal of pro-life stance

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Sean Hannity calls for ‘legal’ abortion in stunning reversal of pro-life stance

‘Republican have gotta say’ that abortion should be ‘legal’ and ‘rare,’ Hannity said, quoting Bill Clinton.


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18f530 No.80997

File: 1a1ea7b2e10d753⋯.png (75.31 KB,581x696,581:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371348 (162200ZAUG23) Notable: COVID variant with 'dozens of mutations' found in Israel

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COVID variant with 'dozens of mutations' found in Israel

The significance of the variant is still unclear as other heavily mutated variants have often fizzled out.

A new novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) variant with dozens of mutations has been detected in new samples collected from patients in Israel and Denmark, with some virologists and data scientists stressing that while it's too early to understand if the variant will spread effectively, it's unique enough to warrant monitoring.

The sample of the variant detected in Israel was recorded on July 31, while the two samples of the variant were detected in Denmark on July 24 and July 31. There are some minor differences between the samples in Israel and Denmark.


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18f530 No.80998

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371373 (162204ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Pierre Kory: Excess 'Wave of Death' Mortality Data In Young People; The War On Ivermectin

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Dr. Pierre Kory: Excess 'Wave of Death' Mortality Data In Young People; The War On Ivermectin



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18f530 No.80999

File: 5a9365a690f8bcd⋯.png (404.03 KB,860x907,860:907,Clipboard.png)

File: dc2aff926e1ed8e⋯.png (437.29 KB,869x900,869:900,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e7ffc51d877f9b⋯.png (277.66 KB,895x911,895:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c491e885211683⋯.png (336.3 KB,863x920,863:920,Clipboard.png)

File: 00d85a90163903f⋯.png (327.7 KB,871x902,871:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371410 (162213ZAUG23) Notable: How NewsGuard Became The Establishment Guard Against Independent Media

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How NewsGuard Became The Establishment Guard Against Independent Media

Company makes a profit - including from US government funds - through a business model that leads to defunding and censoring of independent media...

As difficult as it is to run an independent media outlet, there’s a company making it substantially harder. Its name is NewsGuard. The company claims to rate online content, including from media outlets, for trustworthiness, but a closer look shows it does much more than that—its business model produces censorious pressure on news organizations. An investigation by The Epoch Times has revealed troubling questions regarding the quality of and the agenda behind NewsGuard's offerings.

Founded in 2018, NewsGuard dispatches its “analysts” to prepare reviews of online content creators and to issue ratings “to help readers have more context for the news they read online.” The ratings display as small badges with scores next to search results.

That, however, represents only a small part of the picture. The bigger picture shows that NewsGuard's most potent function stems from its relationships with advertising agencies, which have steered their clients to cut off advertising dollars for content creators disfavored by the company's "analyst" reviews. As it so happens, corporate, establishment-friendly media tend to receive high scores while independent media skeptical of the establishment tend to receive low scores, even if they adhere to high journalistic standards.

The Epoch Times emailed NewsGuard questions regarding its products, activities, personnel, and funding, but received no response.

Subjective Criteria

NewsGuard presents itself as objective and nonpartisan. Its ratings, the company says, measure media quality on nine criteria, including transparency of authorship and ownership and adherence to standard editorial practice, such as issuing corrections and labeling opinion pieces. In practice, however, most of the score boils down to whether the media present content that, in NewsGuard’s opinion, is truthful.

The first criterion specifically looks at whether the target repeatedly publishes false claims. Another examines whether it publishes news “responsibly.” But failing the first one means failing the second one, NewsGuard explains on its website. Yet another criterion is whether the target uses accurate headlines.


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18f530 No.81000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371439 (162220ZAUG23) Notable: decoding today's DJT's vid re: blue slip, china/panama canal/mosquitoes/malaria, Manchurian Candidate

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>>80872 pb

decoding today's DJT's vid re:

blue slip

Top House Democrat supports end to Senate ‘blue slip’ practice

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said he supports ending the Senate’s longstanding “blue slip” policy, which gives senators a say in judicial nominations in their states.


china/panama canal/mosquitoes/malaria

A box of 200 mosquitoes did the vaccinating in this malaria trial. That's not a joke!


But it's not. "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1,000 small flying syringes," explains University of Washington, Seattle physician and scientist Dr. Sean Murphy, lead author on a paper in Science Translational Medicine released on August 24 detailing the vaccine trials.

The insects deliver live malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites that have been genetically modified to not get people sick. The body still makes antibodies against the weakened parasite so it's prepared to fight the real thing.

Manchurian Candidate


A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.

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18f530 No.81001

File: 32d089ba6c8363f⋯.png (30.93 KB,412x187,412:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371447 (162221ZAUG23) Notable: Do vaccines cause Type 1 diabetes?

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Can anyone grab this article? Aged browser does not open. Link available here: https://censored.news

Do vaccines cause Type 1 diabetes?

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18f530 No.81002

File: 2d1add185bd9a39⋯.png (142.68 KB,1043x663,1043:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371449 (162221ZAUG23) Notable: Biden goin' to Hawaii the same day Trump is supposed to do his big voter fraud press conference

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Patriots Fight 110

Aug 17 2020 17:59:35 (EST)

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]

1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]






[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-923-18-usc-371-conspiracy-defraud-us 📁


This is archived content from the U.S. Department of Justice website. The information here may be outdated and links may no longer function. Please contact webmaster@usdoj.gov if you have any questions about the archive site.


The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "[i]f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose. (emphasis added). See Project, Tenth Annual Survey of White Collar Crime, 32 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 137, 379-406 (1995)(generally discussing § 371).

The operative language is the so-called "defraud clause," that prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States. This clause creates a separate offense from the "offense clause" in Section 371. Both offenses require the traditional elements of Section 371 conspiracy, including an illegal agreement, criminal intent, and proof of an overt act.

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18f530 No.81003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371452 (162222ZAUG23) Notable: Another Island Wildfire… Canary Islands, Spain - Wildfires in Tenerife Causes Mandatory Evacuations for 5-6 Villages

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Another Island Wildfire…

Canary Islands, Spain - Wildfires in Tenerife Causes Mandatory Evacuations for 5-6 Villages

A wildfire that broke out in a mountainous national park on the Spanish island of Tenerife today spread to 4,450 acres in 24 hours.

The fire's perimeter expanded to 22 kilometres (14 miles).


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18f530 No.81004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371469 (162226ZAUG23) Notable: Federal Court: D.C. ‘Selectively’ Enforced Law to Arrest Pro-Lifers but Not BLM Protesters

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Federal Court: D.C. ‘Selectively’ Enforced Law to Arrest Pro-Lifers but Not BLM Protesters

A federal appeals court delivered a major free speech victory on Tuesday, ruling that Washington, D.C., officials “selectively” enforced statute to arrest pro-life activists but not Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020.

In the summer of 2020, thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters flooded D.C., and over several weeks, they covered the streets, sidewalks, and storefronts with paint and chalk. While these markings violated the District’s defacement ordinance, no protesters were arrested. However, district police officers were quick to arrest two pro-life advocates in a smaller protest for chalking “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” on a public sidewalk outside of a D.C. Planned Parenthood facility.

“The government may not enforce the laws in a manner that picks winners and losers in public debates,” reads the D.C. Circuit opinion penned by Judge Neomi Rao, reversing a lower court’s decision. “It would undermine the First Amendment’s protections for free speech if the government could enact a content-neutral law and then discriminate against disfavored viewpoints under the cover of prosecutorial discretion.”

“The First Amendment prohibits discrimination on the basis of viewpoint irrespective of the government’s motive,” the three-judge panel ruled: “

We hold the Foundation has plausibly alleged the District discriminated on the basis of viewpoint in the selective enforcement of its defacement ordinance. We therefore reverse the dismissal of the Foundation’s First Amendment claim and remand for further proceedings.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed the lawsuit on behalf of members of the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life of America. The three-judge panel was comprised of circuit judges Robert Wilkins, Neomi Rao, and Michelle Childs.

ADF Senior Counsel Erin Hawley, vice president of the ADF Center for Life and Regulatory Practice, who argued before the court on behalf of the pro-life organizations, said:

Washington officials can’t censor messages they disagree with. The right to free speech is for everyone, and we’re pleased the D.C. Circuit agreed that the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life should be able to exercise their constitutionally protected freedom to peacefully share their views the same as anyone else.

Every American deserves for their voice to be heard as they engage in important cultural and political issues of the day.

Frederick Douglass Foundation Virginia Chapter President J.R. Gurley issued a statement praising the court’s decision.

“The city shouldn’t allow some groups to participate in the public forum and shun others from doing so just because city officials disagree with their viewpoint,” Gurley said. “The First Amendment protects our right to peacefully share our pro-life message in Washington, D.C. without fear of unjust government punishment and thankfully, the D.C. Circuit agreed.”


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18f530 No.81005

File: 7843bac249c7193⋯.png (90.15 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371485 (162230ZAUG23) Notable: Apple is interested in buying Disney, according to insiders - in deal that could be worth $160 BILLION

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Apple is interested in buying Disney, according to insiders - in deal that could be worth $160 BILLION: Get ready for iMarvel, iStar Wars and iPixar!


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18f530 No.81006

File: 9fd41e57e51e321⋯.png (2.07 MB,1383x8203,1383:8203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371495 (162231ZAUG23) Notable: Do vaccines cause Type 1 diabetes?

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18f530 No.81007

File: 71fd0a0861e5dac⋯.jpg (39.69 KB,670x247,670:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371496 (162231ZAUG23) Notable: Suspected architect of 9/11 may be spared death penalty under new plea deal

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Suspected architect of 9/11 may be spared death penalty under new plea deal


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18f530 No.81008

File: 7dcfab349eaf3f0⋯.png (365.78 KB,601x580,601:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371533 (162236ZAUG23) Notable: Podesta paycheck way not granted by Congress. Do you think that is no big deal? How many others are acting within our Government under Joe that Congress did not agree to pay?

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Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.today


Walnut sauce man is back, apparently. Definitely in the top 5 of evil DC families.






NEW - Podesta: "We have to cut the carbon pollution that's driving the climate crisis, and that's what the 'Inflation Reduction Act' is all about."

10:54 AM · Aug 16, 2023





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18f530 No.81009

File: 22b67364e093b33⋯.png (430.2 KB,598x572,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371544 (162238ZAUG23) Notable: Massive Voter Fraud Problem in Baltimore Exposed. 15% of Voters…. This is why Dems win

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🇺🇸🇺🇸Josh Dunlap🇺🇲🇺🇲 ULTRA-MAGA


Massive Voter Fraud Problem in Baltimore Exposed. 15% of Voters…. This is why Dems win


Massive Voter Fraud Problem in Baltimore Exposed. 15% of Voters…. This is why Dems win - Whatfinger...

Want to know more on Voter Fraud? Georgia Is A Red State. Trump Won by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of votes. Here is how it was stolen… Crazy, insane clips, funny or just ridiculous – a ton of them – CLICK...

9:59 AM · Aug 16, 2023




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18f530 No.81010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371550 (162239ZAUG23) Notable: #23789

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>>80934, >>80952 Here's your "P"

>>80936, >>80940, >>80942, >>80945 Trump/CNN @1:33 zero delta pointing to Q133/Lost Historical Temples & Landmarks in Maui Fire...

>>80929 Ex-Biden Iran envoy suspended for ‘mishandling classified docs’ lands Princeton teaching gig

>>80930 Bill Clinton Maui Aid Org Logo is an Inverted Pentagram

>>80931 How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti ­and Built Six Homes

>>80932 Either anon lives in the middle of the 4-6% or that estimation was way off

>>80933 West makes money on Ukrainian conflict, does not need peace — Medvedev

>>80935, >>80961 Hawaii's governor now accuses investors of trying to 'steal land' from people who had their homes destroyed by Maui wildfires

>>80938, >>80968, >>80969 Former White House Lawyer Warns Trump Should Not Hold Election Fraud Press Conference

>>80939 Never forget: The people who became billionaires from covid

>>80941 Meadows likely to succeed?

>>80943 Media’s Pathetic Attempts To Protect Biden From Hunter Crime Allegations!

>>80944, >>80957, >>80966 John Thaler REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR: Summary of Findings on corruption and of the Chavez crime family

>>80946, >>80937 clip of man saying police blocked cars from leaving Front St.

>>80947 Cardinal Cupich to appear at ecumenical conference coordinated by Wiccan priestess

>>80948 “IT’S F*CKING UNDENIABLE!!” Wow, Joe Rogan Just Exposed THIS

>>80949, >>80960, >>80970 Tater and Pedosta Blame Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution

>>80950, >>80962 Fired Virgin Islands prosecutor testifies Epstein had 'political influence' in local government

>>80951 Emails show JPMorgan working with Jeffrey Epstein to lure Google co-founder Sergey Brin as client: court docs

>>80953 Apple removed all of Glenn Beck's podcasts from itunes

>>80955, >>80954, >>80976 Fulton County district attorney asks judge to set Trump trial date for March 4, 2024

>>80958 Can you really execute all the people who committed treason? all the way down to the schmoe rigging ballots?

>>80956 @elonmusk Tesla & SpaceX/Starlink doing our best to be helpful to Hawaii

>>80974 Fulton County Clerk Comes Up with New Excuse For Trump Charging Docs Leak

>>80975 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs says she'd like to lead the next witch hunt!

>>80977 Top Missouri court upholds law imposing jail time for parents over students’ school absences

>>80978, >>80965 Hurricane Hillary is coming

>>80979 Colombian conglomerate Grupo Aval and its bank subsidiary have agreed to pay approximately US$80 million to settle corruption charges brought by U.S. authorities

>>80972, >>80971 What Are the Dog Days of Summer? The Lion's Gate Portal?

>>80967, >>80973 Are they are burning us to the ground? Is this [their] big plan?

>>80964 The real JB hasn't been seen by the public for a long time.



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18f530 No.81011

File: 4fc27de01b809c3⋯.png (295.6 KB,591x639,197:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371554 (162239ZAUG23) Notable: GA code allows Trump and the 18 defendants to SUE @FaniforDA for Malicious Prosecution and Abusive Litigation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chanel Rion OAN



GA code allows Trump and the 18 defendants to SUE @FaniforDA

for Malicious Prosecution and Abusive Litigation.




6:37 AM · Aug 16, 2023




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18f530 No.81012

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371559 (162240ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Lindell Presents ‘Election Summit’: The Plan Revealed - DAY 1 - 8/16/2023

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Mike Lindell Honors Those Attacked For Defending Elections | Election Crime Bureau Summit

The beginning of the Summit



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18f530 No.81013

File: 893f1ebed9badf3⋯.png (408.43 KB,594x580,297:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371600 (162245ZAUG23) Notable: Tanya Chutkan, Judge in Donald Trump’s D.C. Case Related to ‘Most Influential’ Marxist Revolutionaries

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Patriot J 🔥


BREAKING: Tanya Chutkan, Judge in Donald Trump’s D.C. Case Related to ‘Most Influential’ Marxist Revolutionaries


Judge in Donald Trump’s D.C. Case Related to ‘Most Influential’ Marxists

Judge Chutkan, who is assigned to the January 6 case against Donald Trump, is related to some of the “most influential” Jamaican Marxists.

8:25 AM · Aug 16, 2023




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18f530 No.81014

File: 1625a51116f0d63⋯.png (739.79 KB,1087x827,1087:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a91dc41bf7c697⋯.png (183.14 KB,580x786,290:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b72c38acf56ecf⋯.png (154.22 KB,544x780,136:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 8291751b870e8db⋯.png (182.06 KB,548x778,274:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e6b9287759c7af⋯.png (344.3 KB,500x1237,500:1237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371617 (162248ZAUG23) Notable: Are those who work for the B.I.S tax exempt and above any laws around the world?

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note: Anon has been searching the annual report for important info which is shows that those who work for the B.I.S are tax exempt and above any laws around the world. The language is confusing but it does appear that those who work for this organisation are exempt from taxation from any and all earnings from the B.I.S

remuneration package aka wages.

Board members - Total 17 members and 2 from america.

Jerome Powell (federal reserve) John C. Williams (Federal bank of New York).

They get paid in Swiss Francs CHF 1,076,924 = $1,224,103.97 United States Dollar

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = $1,127,618.85 United States Dollar

Andrew Bailey (Bank of England) CHF 1,076,924 = £961,491.75 British Pound Sterling

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = £885,845.49 British Pound Sterling

Just a further note: It would be easy for the C.I.A to install board members into the board of the B.I.S. so all positions are easily installed same as every single institution which has been proved by Blackrock. All above are tax free salary, this does not include the fact that these people also get paid for being central bankers for their own countries.



Pursuant to host country agreements or legislation, BIS staff members are generally

exempt from income tax on Bank salaries and allowances that would otherwise

be levied by the relevant host countries. However, they remain subject to tax levied

in the host countries on income from sources other than the Bank, as well as other

taxes (eg wealth or property tax). The exemption from national taxation reflects a

well established international practice for international organisations.


Board remuneration

The AGM approves the

remuneration of members of the

Board of Directors, with adjustments

taking place at regular intervals. The total

fixed annual remuneration paid to the Board was

CHF 1,076,924 as of 1 April 2023. Board members also

receive an attendance fee for each Board meeting in

which they participate. Assuming that the full Board

is represented in all Board meetings, the annual total

of these attendance fees for financial year 2022/23

amounts to CHF 992,196.

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18f530 No.81015

File: 7aef7be3bf01da2⋯.png (1.22 MB,1073x777,29:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371638 (162250ZAUG23) Notable: Podesta paycheck way not granted by Congress. Do you think that is no big deal? How many others are acting within our Government under Joe that Congress did not agree to pay?

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Biden Regime Trots Out Dirty John Podesta

to Lecture Americans About Climate Change (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 8/16/2023 4:42:32 PM

Dirty John Podesta made an appearance at Wednesday’s White House Press briefing to lecture us on ‘climate change.’ The Biden Regime trotted out Podesta, a current Biden advisor and former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, just barely a day after Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was indicted. Podesta admitted Joe Biden’s so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is actually the Marxist green new deal repackaged with a different name. “We have to cut the carbon pollution that’s driving the climate crisis and that’s what the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is all about!” Podesta said.

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18f530 No.81016

File: 2f86745e04450dc⋯.png (53.8 KB,1900x984,475:246,Clipboard.png)

File: d6acbceae36529a⋯.jpg (216.66 KB,1202x1538,601:769,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371639 (162251ZAUG23) Notable: Georgia proposes March 4, 2024 for trial date in Trump case… the day BEFORE Super Tuesday

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NEW: Georgia proposes March 4, 2024 for trial date in Trump case... a day BEFORE Super Tuesday


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18f530 No.81017

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371643 (162251ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Lindell Presents ‘Election Summit’: The Plan Revealed - DAY 1 - 8/16/2023

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Its funny at the end of his last speech,If we are in “the end times”, “then we have a win win, we all go to heaven”

Mike Lindell's Opening Remarks | Election Crime Bureau Summit

I love Mike Lindell, the most Godly, patriotic and loving person I’ve ever heard. He is never ashamed of his faith!



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18f530 No.81018

File: 2bffa9abdf662f6⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,512x600,64:75,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19371646 (162252ZAUG23) Notable: Biden goin' to Hawaii the same day Trump is supposed to do his big voter fraud press conference

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Biden goin' to Hawaii the same day Trump is supposed to do his big voter fraud press conference. Monday, August 21st.

>I remain committed to delivering everything the people of Hawai'i need as they recover from this disaster

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18f530 No.81019

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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