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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

7922f1 No.51559 [Last50 Posts]

04AUG23 to 06AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

7922f1 No.77265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19295794 (040918ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION

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>Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election

you know what i always found weird? i remember election night. i remember watching live, minutes after "losing", Trump and his sons entering some room in the white house, to talk about the election results.

He was calm. His sons were calm. In fact his sons were smiling and laughing with people. You mean, you just "lost", it was obviously rigged, yet they weren't stressed about it.

i always found that strange.

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7922f1 No.77266

File: d9dfd19ffc11160⋯.png (263.22 KB,1823x1363,1823:1363,Clipboard.png)

File: 9badb4ab60c6db3⋯.png (121.5 KB,1856x862,928:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 845038bb95f4513⋯.png (5.7 MB,1857x14275,1857:14275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19295850 (041012ZAUG23) Notable: Government contracts with Riva Networks go back to 2008. Wut's interesting is that the only contracts let by the Dept. of Justice were back in the 2008 time frame. This aditional NYT article from 2022 describes how L3Harris was 'encouraged' to purchase NSO by the US intelligence community

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>>77249 Government contracts with Riva Networks go back to 2008. Wut's interesting is that the only contracts let by the Dept. of Justice were back in the 2008 time frame.

All contracts after 2008 were let by Homeland Security/Dept. of Defense. So is the F_I just the 'fall guy' in this story?

NYT article from 2022 describes how L3Harris was 'encouraged' to purchase NSO by the US intelligence community.



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7922f1 No.77267

File: b75b8af7360ffe6⋯.png (66.28 KB,651x446,651:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19295862 (041022ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry: ACTBLUE - FEC record for DC magistrate judge who arraigned Trump: Name UPADHYAYA, MOXILA Committee ACTBLUE

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Paul Sperry




NEW: FEC record for DC magistrate judge who arraigned Trump:


City and state SILVER SPRING, MD 20902

Occupation LAWYER


Year to date $150.00

Recipient information ERIK JONES FOR CONGRESS

Committee ACTBLUE

Political party DEMOCRAT


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7922f1 No.77268

File: 45f09eeab911db8⋯.png (818.53 KB,798x652,399:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19295873 (041027ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry: ACTBLUE - FEC record for DC magistrate judge who arraigned Trump: Name UPADHYAYA, MOXILA Committee ACTBLUE

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not the judge who will hear the case

just one appointed to give trump the date of the hearing.


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7922f1 No.77269

File: 1bcd7985ab15180⋯.png (301.11 KB,1158x795,386:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19295876 (041029ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry: ACTBLUE - FEC record for DC magistrate judge who arraigned Trump: Name UPADHYAYA, MOXILA Committee ACTBLUE

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Lots of tidbits here if dayshift wants to dig.


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7922f1 No.77270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19295881 (041033ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry: Transcripts of Devon Archer's deposition confirm a corrupt Russian billionaire & Kazakh oligarch wired $3.5 mil & $142k (for a Porsche) to Hunter Biden SOON AFTER meeting w/ his dad, VP Joe Biden, at a DC restaurant in 2014. Porsche gift akin to $80k China diamond

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Paul Sperry



Aug 1

REVEALED: Comey FBI Relied on False Washington Post Story to Renew Trump-Related FISA Wiretaps; Wray Covered Up With Redactions


Deception by Redaction: FBI Shielded FISA Abuses Using Fake News in the Washington Post

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsAugust 1, 2023 The FBI’s efforts to mislead a federal court in order to wiretap an adviser to the Trump campaign were more extensive than previously repor

Paul Sperry




BREAKING NEWS: After Dec 2015 Burisma bd meeting in Dubai, Devon Archer testified Hunter Biden "called his dad" at request of Burisma's Mykola Zlochevsky & Vadym Pozharsky, who wanted help getting Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin off their back. Meeting took place @ Four Seasons Hotel

Paul Sperry




Just a few months later, Shokin was fired. At a minimum, the Dubai phone call to the vice president on behalf of Burisma implicates both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden acting as unregistered foreign agents. Violation of FARA is a felony and possible grounds for impeachment

Paul Sperry




Devon Archer will be a critical material witness for the House impeachment inquiry

Who to follow

Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS 🇺🇸 and 9 others follow

Laura Loomer


Investigative Journalist 🇺🇸 Founder of LOOMERED. Author ✍️ Former @Project_Veritas

operative. 📸America First Conservative ✡️ Feisty Jewess. 🔥Receipt Queen.

KanekoaTheGreat and 9 others follow

Praying Medic


Constitutional Extremist ★ Author ★ GiveSendGo: http://givesendgo.com/pm

Jay Bhattacharya and 9 others follow



Editor-in-chief, @FDRLST

. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale

. Fox News Contributor. Online Safety Expert. "Be lovers of freedom, and anxious for the fray!"

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Paul Sperry




Devon Archer asserted that it's "categorically false" that Joe Biden had no role in his son's business or knowledge of it. "He was aware of Hunter's business," Archer said. "He met with Hunter's business partners."

Paul Sperry




BREAKING: In closed-door testimony, Devon Archer corroborated the FBI informant's tip that corrupt Burisma officials felt "the heat" from investigators & prosecutors, as Archer testified, and sought help from the Bidens to protect them, according to transcripts

Paul Sperry




BREAKING: Transcripts of Devon Archer's deposition confirm a corrupt Russian billionaire & Kazakh oligarch wired $3.5 mil & $142k (for a Porsche) to Hunter Biden SOON AFTER meeting w/ his dad, VP Joe Biden, at a DC restaurant in 2014. Porsche gift akin to $80k China diamond bribe

Paul Sperry




Q Did [Hunter] talk about how bringing his dad either to Ukraine or using his dad as Vice President would add value in the eyes of Burisma officials?


Q And how would that come up?

ARCHER [I]t's pretty obvious if you're, you know, you're the son of a Vice President.

Paul Sperry




Bill Barr ... not exactly a profile in courage

Paul Sperry




NEW: AG Barr said he "consider[ed]" giving the federal prosecutor David Weiss investigating Hunter Biden special counsel powers in 2020,but thot better of it b/c if Biden won,he didnt want to look "political" & catch flak for investigating "the children of the incoming president"

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7922f1 No.77271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296032 (041140ZAUG23) Notable: #23698

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final bun for #23698

hold em n czech em - bred ct @709

#23698 >>77247

>>77252 ‘Soon It Will Be Our Turn’ - Trump Promises Revenge For Latest Federal Charges


>>77263 Biden Gloats in ‘Dark Brandon’ Video on the Day Trump Gets Arraigned

>>77248 Are todays indictments what this speech was strategically made for? Trump told us, what was going to happen (Cap 1:48)

>>77249, >>77266 Government contracts with Riva Networks go back to 2008. Wut's interesting is that the only contracts let by the Dept. of Justice were back in the 2008 time frame. This aditional NYT article from 2022 describes how L3Harris was 'encouraged' to purchase NSO by the US intelligence community

>>77250 Reviewing The Indictment Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep635

>>77251, >>77253 Democrat Trey Adkins of Virginia Arrested And Indicted On 82 Counts Of Voter Fraud (Cap 1:56)

>>77254 'Four Pinocchios': The Washington Post Admits Biden Has Been Lying About Hunter Not Accepting Money From China

>>77255 Catherine Herridge: Attorney Points to Big Problem With Trump Indictment—Allegedly Exculpatory Evidence

>>77256 Alan Dershowitz I've read the indictment and here is my legal analysis 31:33

>>77257 Moderna fucktard in front of Australian Senate Inquiry today… 3:35

>>77258, >>77259 Dan Scavino: 'Everybody is always blaming me for everything' right hand swats down looks right - PDJT 0:12

>>77261 Iowa School District Will Review Nearly 400 Books Flagged For Sex Acts, Gender Identity

>>77262, >>77265 Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION

>>77267, >>77268, >>77269 Paul Sperry: ACTBLUE - FEC record for DC magistrate judge who arraigned Trump: Name UPADHYAYA, MOXILA Committee ACTBLUE

>>77270 Paul Sperry: Comey FBI Relied on False Washington Post Story to Renew Trump-Related FISA Wiretaps; Wray Covered Up With Redactions

>>77270 Paul Sperry: Deception by Redaction: FBI Shielded FISA Abuses Using Fake News in the Washington Post

>>77270 Paul Sperry: Just a few months later, Shokin was fired. At a minimum, the Dubai phone call to the vice president on behalf of Burisma implicates both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden acting as unregistered foreign agents. Violation of FARA is a felony and possible grounds for impeachment

>>77270 Paul Sperry: Transcripts of Devon Archer's deposition confirm a corrupt Russian billionaire & Kazakh oligarch wired $3.5 mil & $142k (for a Porsche) to Hunter Biden SOON AFTER meeting w/ his dad, VP Joe Biden, at a DC restaurant in 2014. Porsche gift akin to $80k China diamond

>>76007 Jack Posobiec posts notable Pepe from Bread #23663

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7922f1 No.77272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296054 (041147ZAUG23) Notable: #23699

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...and I feel fine

can keep going or handoff

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7922f1 No.77273

File: 2ce7e864270f582⋯.png (1.51 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296092 (041202ZAUG23) Notable: Kash has the Trump Card and all kinds of comms

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REPOSTED from end of the last bread

Kash Trump Card

Besides the obvious Trump Card being held up….

* There is a LION in the upper right corner.

* STORM CLOUDS behind Kash.

* Picture of someone in a MILITARY UNIFORM on the mantel - resembles Trump's photo from military school.

* A very unusual piece of metal art HANGING from the ceiling, that at first glance looks like a bunch of SPADES CHAINTED TOGETHER together hanging from a narrow serrated saw blade thingy….

* And on the left, a strange painting. Hard to tell what this is, as it appears to be something under construction (ceiling beams), but over possibly an outdoor street scene… but in the background, once you get thru the clutter of the picture,.SKY. Hard to tell if a light cloudy sky, or a sky that is changing from a storm to a blue sky.

What do ANONS see here?

17 chained spade like things hanging?

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7922f1 No.77274

File: d15f0b79f398f86⋯.png (306.01 KB,598x401,598:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296140 (041216ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker on Twitter…Episode 13 part 2…Devon Archer…

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Tucker on Twitter...Episode 13 part 2...Devon Archer...


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7922f1 No.77275

File: 1c0c35ecc987845⋯.png (339.26 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296209 (041234ZAUG23) Notable: XQ-58A 'Valkyrie' drone successfully flown by AI pilot

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XQ-58A 'Valkyrie' drone successfully flown by AI pilot

The Air Force Research Laboratory has announced that an XQ-58A "Valkyrie" drone has successfully been flown entirely under AI control for around three hours.


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7922f1 No.77276

File: 88463598f5a5419⋯.jpg (139.78 KB,720x1031,720:1031,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296236 (041242ZAUG23) Notable: Miami police chief handcuffed by Tampa Police before shooting himself

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Miami police chief handcuffed by Tampa Police before shooting himself

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7922f1 No.77277

File: 8c74cd2ae09acd0⋯.png (2.1 MB,941x941,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296250 (041246ZAUG23) Notable: Former New Jersey Gov. @ChrisChristie, made an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Friday…/They have donuts in Ukraine?

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JUST IN — "Former New Jersey Gov. @ChrisChristie, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, made an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Friday to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he praised for demonstrating "the resolve it takes to survive a war and ultimately win it." (NYT)


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7922f1 No.77278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296252 (041246ZAUG23) Notable: DOD Releases Plan for Implementing Cyber Workforce Strategy

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DOD Releases Plan for Implementing Cyber Workforce Strategy

Aug. 3, 2023

In February, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks signed the DOD Cyber Workforce Strategy, which sets the foundation for how DOD will foster a cyber workforce capable of executing the department's complex and varied cyber missions.

"The strategy provides a roadmap for the advancement and unified management of the cyber workforce, comprised of about 225,000 highly trained civilians, military and contractor personnel," said Mark Gorak, the principal director for resources and analysis for DOD's chief information officer.

Today, the department released a plan for how it will go about implementing that strategy — the "DOD Cyber Workforce Strategy Implementation Plan."



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7922f1 No.77279

File: 1e1925fe5527202⋯.png (2.01 MB,1170x1241,1170:1241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296271 (041252ZAUG23) Notable: Migrants kept in CAGES in 113 degrees in Arizona as border crossings surge again

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EXCLUSIVE: Migrants kept in CAGES in 113 degrees in Arizona as border crossings surge again


▶️ Shocking images from Arizona reveal the reality of Joe Biden's border crisis

▶️ Migrants are being held in an outdoor cage as agents struggle with influx

▶️ DailyMail.com saw new arrivals being held for hours at Ajo Border Patrol station

The U.S. Border Patrol is holding migrants in an outdoor cage in the baking Arizona desert as officers try to cope with a fresh surge people in people crossing from Mexico.

DailyMail.com pictures show people crammed onto narrow benches as they seek out shade to protect them from the burning sun in a region where temperatures are expected to hit 113F at the weekend.

Figures can be seen taking it in turns to stand in front of a giant fan at Ajo Border Patrol station.

The site is in the remote desert, about two hours west of Tucson. The area is at the heart of a surge in migrant arrivals, undermining Biden administration hopes that its new immigration restrictions are having an impact.

And the increase marks a reversal of the normal pattern, when arrivals tail off amid the extreme heat of the summer.

Migrant advocacy groups condemned the practice of caging arrivals but officials said they were forced to use outdoor facilities as they struggle to manage the surge.

It is bad news for the Biden administration. The pictures of people held inside wire fences provide a visual echo of families caged under the Trump administration.

And it shows that its efforts to turn the tide, with a set of strict immigration measures, may provide only temporary respite for overstretched border services.

New Customs and Border Protection data reveal that July brought a jump in illegal crossings of more than 30 percent, reversing a decline since President Joe Biden overhauled immigration regulations.

C.B.P. recorded more than 130,000 arrests along border compared with 99,545 in June, according to a source close to Border Patrol.

The spike is greatest in southern Arizona in the region around Ajo. The Tucson sector recorded 40,000 arrests last month, making it the highest monthly total in 15 years. (The numbers were first reported by the Washington Post.)

That comes despite a record heatwave. Temperatures have been running at more than 105F for days.

Worse is to come. The National Weather Service has issued a severe heat warning with temperatures of up to 113F expected through Sunday.

Even so, migrants have been walking through the Sonoran Desert to reach the U.S. border.

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7922f1 No.77280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296283 (041257ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker on Twitter…Episode 13 part 2…Devon Archer…

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Ep. 13 Part 2. Devon Archer


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7922f1 No.77281

File: 7d2ae811dbbf354⋯.png (1.53 MB,1170x1843,1170:1843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296295 (041301ZAUG23) Notable: CNN Poll shows over *55%* of Americans want to stop funding the Ukraine war. yeah… cnn

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CNN Poll shows over *55%* of Americans want to stop funding the Ukraine war

And that’s a CNN poll!

Our country has finally awakened to what many of us have known since day 1

This is a money laundering machine that’s unnecessarily killing thousands on both sides

We need Peace


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7922f1 No.77282

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296309 (041311ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/04/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/04/2023


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7922f1 No.77283

File: 978c3e2eedc354e⋯.png (61.51 KB,965x278,965:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296313 (041313ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. economy added 187,000 jobs in July, less than expected

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Insider Paper

JUST IN 🚨 U.S. economy added 187,000 jobs in July, less than expected

Follow @insiderpaper


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7922f1 No.77284

File: dd08f20bf03c56f⋯.png (821.53 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 805ea21a497a0ad⋯.png (849.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 85f5de9abf56221⋯.png (829.72 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 45eeb55d46465c0⋯.png (867.95 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296321 (041317ZAUG23) Notable: Kash has the Trump Card and all kinds of comms

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>>>/qresearch/19296071 lb

>Kash Trump Card

>Besides the obvious Trump Card being held up….

>* There is a LION in the upper right corner.

>* STORM CLOUDS behind Kash.

>* Picture of someone in a MILITARY UNIFORM on the mantel - resembles Trump's photo from military school.

>* A very unusual piece of metal art HANGING from the ceiling, that at first glance looks like a bunch of SPADES CHAINTED TOGETHER together hanging from a narrow serrated saw blade thingy….

>* And on the left, a strange painting. Hard to tell what this is, as it appears to be something under construction (ceiling beams), but over possibly an outdoor street scene… but in the background, once you get thru the clutter of the picture,.SKY. Hard to tell if a light cloudy sky, or a sky that is changing from a storm to a blue sky.

>What do ANONS see here?

Other items from that interview.

Card backs with Punisher

Ts are wild


Same interview, Bannon was wise cracking about Kash and Navarro's wearing tightTsas in T shirt.

Kash and Navarro always "Bringing the gunshow, full flex"

>think mirror

Kash mentioned that his team brought the same charges against the Russia Hoaxers. Mentioned17 charges

Other cards shown

"let's retire this government ganster - Biden K of Spades

let's get this government ganster out of the FBI - Wray J of spades

let's never have this government gangster back in the DOJ - Rosenstein? Joker

Let's elect the greatest president ever Donald J Trump - T of spades card"

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7922f1 No.77285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296371 (041334ZAUG23) Notable: Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election

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🚨 Holy Smokes! Listen to this! 👀

Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election… The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION - SPACE FORCE

“They’ve made a HUGE HUGE mistake with this one… Because even though they thought what was gonna happen was that they were going to go after him for treason or sedition, but they did criminally charge him, but they didn’t go to that extreme.

As a result, he has due process so he can subpoena people and bring things in.

Let me say something about this 2020 election. Biden is the legitimate president, but he’s a legitimate president of what is now the BANKRUPT US CORPORATION.

That wa SA treaty in 1871. On September 12, 2018… Trump created a. Executive Order. Within that, he outlined in any future elections, any kind of foreign or domestic interference, specifically for the 2020 election.

(That EO Fam is 13848, the one Joe Biden keeps renewing).

How did he know some of these things were going to happen?..>

What what this has done is open the door for Trump to present his case….>

It’s a great mistake by Jack Smith that he’s done that…

Think about Edward Snowden & all the information he had.

Think about the fact that our military, our Department of Defense, SPACE FORCE… if you think that they don’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself….>>

She goes on to talk about 2000 mules and the 60 court cases the media lies about that were rejected….

“There were 3… he won 2 & lost 1, 57 were never heard because they had no standing. Standing means the person bringing the case has to claim some kind of impact or injury….>>

I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense & they’ve got the goods. And Trump knew if he presented the evidence early of the goods early on, we’d have a Civil War & he felt that the people had to see how bad it could really get.”





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7922f1 No.77286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296377 (041337ZAUG23) Notable: Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election

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Dr. Jan Halper Hayes drops RedPills on MS UK News with regards to what’s been happening with Trump, Biden and US Corp. 💊🔥BOOM!

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7922f1 No.77287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296390 (041342ZAUG23) Notable: Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election

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>EO 13848

Body too long. BS. Can't post all.

Must read. Learn the Kayfab we're watching and the rules set up to expose it.

Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

September 12, 2018

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America's free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and

(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.

The report shall identify any material issues of fact with respect to these matters that the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security are unable to evaluate or reach agreement on at the time the report is submitted. The report shall also include updates and recommendations, when appropriate, regarding remedial actions to be taken by the United States Government, other than the sanctions described in sections 2 and 3 of this order.

LOTS moar


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7922f1 No.77288

File: 30cc3d3fb3bebba⋯.png (834.48 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296457 (041406ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Moonrays of August

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 4, 2023

Moonrays of August

A Full Moon rose as the Sun set on August 1. Near perigee, the closest point in its almost moonthly orbit, the brighter than average lunar disk illuminated night skies around planet Earth as the second supermoon of 2023. Seen here above Ragusa, Sicily, cloud banks cast diverging shadows through the supermoonlit skies, creating dramatic lunar crepuscular rays. The next Full Moon in 2023 will also shine on an August night. Rising as the Sun sets on August 30/31, this second Full Moon in a month is known as a Blue Moon. Blue moons occur only once every 2 or 3 years because lunar phases take almost a calendar month (29.5 days) to go through a complete cycle. But August's Blue Moon will also be near perigee, the third supermoon in 2023.


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7922f1 No.77289

File: bfe9b3d33807eb3⋯.png (334.3 KB,441x320,441:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296474 (041410ZAUG23) Notable: USDA Using ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy’ For mRNA Vaccines in Organic Livestock

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Bombshell — USDA Using ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy’ For mRNA Vaccines in Organic Livestock

OrganicEye, an agribusiness watchdog group, claims the use of experimental mRNA vaccines violates the legal definition of organic, but the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has “quietly looked the other way” on using mRNA technology on animals that produce organic certified meat, dairy, and eggs. OrganicEye is demanding the USDA hold hearings on the use of mRNA and other genetically engineered vaccines on “organic” products or face legal action. Cattle producers have warned that mRNA injections will soon end up in animal products. Big Pharma and government agencies like the US Fish and Wildlife Service have already developed and experimented with mRNA vaccines for animals.



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7922f1 No.77290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296480 (041412ZAUG23) Notable: United Nations’ Plan for Tyranny Over 194 Nations thru the WHO Pandemic Treaty

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Exposed: United Nations’ Plan for Tyranny Over 194 Nations thru the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann exposed the United Nations’ World Health Organization plan under the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ to gain power over 194 member countries, including the US. The Biden Administration proposed amendments to change the WHO from an advisory only body to empowering it as a regulatory and enforcement body by giving it emergency powers over health.

The WHO adopted the EU’s digital vaccine passport that already covers 80 out of 194 member countries. Bachmann said that this move was simply announced rather than waiting to pass amendments or pass a global treaty. She stated that the global digital passport is the first building block to merge digital currency, digital health records, and our entire lives onto a digital QR code.



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7922f1 No.77291

File: b9e26d2755648bf⋯.png (6.33 MB,2250x1406,1125:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eea9b983aaa936⋯.png (533.75 KB,632x631,632:631,Clipboard.png)

File: b57d44ff4be4a5e⋯.png (1.85 MB,970x701,970:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296484 (041415ZAUG23) Notable: James Webb Space Telescope reveals the colorful Ring Nebula in exquisite detail

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James Webb Space Telescope reveals the colorful Ring Nebula in exquisite detail

Aug 3, 2023

The James Webb Space Telescope has imaged the Ring Nebula as a glowing green and purple eye, presenting the familiar astronomical object in an altogether new light.

Aside from its stunning aesthetic value, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images show the Ring Nebula, also known as Messier 57 (M57), located around 2,200 light-years away, in intricate detail that will surprise even astronomers who are familiar with the object.

Located in the Lyra constellation, the Ring Nebula is a popular target for space enthusiasts as its donut-shaped ring of glowing gas and dust is visible even with small backyard telescopes throughout the summer.

"I first saw the Ring Nebula as a kid through just a small telescope," Western University astrophysicist and core member of JWST Ring Nebula Imaging Project, Jan Cami, said in a statement. "I would have never thought that one day, I would be part of the team that would use the world's most powerful space telescope ever built to look at this object."

The Ring Nebula is the glowing remains of a long-dead star, a class of astronomical object called a "planetary nebula," which somewhat confusingly has nothing to do with planets. At its heart is a white speck that represents a white dwarf star  —  what remains of that extinct stellar body's core.

M57, or the Ring Nebula, is particularly fascinating to astronomers because not only is it close enough to be viewed with even amateur telescopes, but from our vantage point in the solar system, the planetary nebula is tilted so that it is viewed face-on. That means that observing the Ring Nebula with space telescopes offers astronomers the opportunity to see what is going on within planetary nebula and shed light on the life and death of stars.

"The James Webb Space Telescope has provided us with an extraordinary view of the Ring Nebula that we've never seen before," University College London professor and co-lead scientist of the JWST Ring Nebula Imaging Project, Mike Barlow, said. "The high-resolution images not only showcase the intricate details of the nebula's expanding shell but also reveal the inner region around the central white dwarf in exquisite clarity."

A sneak peak at the sun's future

When stars of similar sizes to the sun exhaust their fuel for nuclear fusion, they can no longer support themselves against the inward force of their own gravity, ending the balancing act that kept the star stable for as long as billions of years.

As the core collapses, the outer layers of the star, where nuclear fusion still proceeds, are blasted outwards. This initially causes the star to swell out as a red giant, a phase which the sun will undergo in around 5 billion years when it will puff out to around the orbit of Mars, consuming the inner planets, including Earth.

This outer shell of material eventually cools and disperses to form a variety of different shapes, including wispy clouds, expanding bubbles or ring-shaped nebulas like M57. What shape a planetary nebula will take hinges on the complex physical processes occurring within it, processes that scientists still don't fully understand.

That means that observations of this system give us a glimpse of what the solar system could look like in billions of years.

"We are witnessing the final chapters of a star's life, a preview of the sun's distant future, so to speak, and JWST's observations have opened a new window into understanding these awe-inspiring cosmic events," Barlow explained. "We can use the Ring Nebula as our laboratory to study how planetary nebulas form and evolve."

Astronomers can also glean information about the chemical processes occurring in the planetary nebula by analyzing the colors their gas and dust emit as the stars in their centers blast it with radiation.

"The structure in this object is incredible, and to think that this is all created by just one dying star," Western University astrophysicist Els Peeters said. "Beyond the morphological treasure trove, there is also much information on the chemical makeup of the gas and dust in these observations. We even found large carbonaceous molecules in this object, and we have no clear idea how they got there. Yet."

The material in planetary nebulas like M57 is enriched with the heavy elements that are forged during the life of the dead star that created it. Eventually, much of this matter will be incorporated into huge clouds of gas and dust called interstellar clouds. When dense patches of these clouds condense and collapse under their own gravity, they birth new stars that contain the material from stellar predecessors. That means objects like the Ring Nebula can weave a tale of stellar life and death.


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7922f1 No.77292

File: 9d3a0369adb8360⋯.png (504.69 KB,978x916,489:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ae35c9af5d8369⋯.jpg (432.82 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296486 (041416ZAUG23) Notable: XQ-58A 'Valkyrie' drone successfully flown by AI pilot

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Loitering over Ft. Bliss at 7,700

Squawking 0676


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7922f1 No.77293

File: 333a845a599c9c7⋯.png (239.25 KB,1305x1187,1305:1187,Clipboard.png)

File: 1183f86b91cf54a⋯.png (190.34 KB,969x961,969:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296552 (041439ZAUG23) Notable: Class II level clearance permits Huma’s platform to host artificial intelligence algorithms that use automated data analytics to support screening, diagnosis, dosing recommendations

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>Class II level clearance permits Huma’s platform to host artificial intelligence algorithms that use automated data analytics to support screening, diagnosis, dosing recommendations, clinical decision making and prognostication.

>By harnessing this new functionality, healthcare providers can identify at risk patients, intervene early and deliver high quality care more effectively.

>Class II clearance further enables greater support for patients to drive self-management who display early signs and symptoms that may indicate disease progression and more serious and avoidable events.

>As part of the platform approval, Huma’s cardiovascular risk score algorithm, currently being rolled out as part of a nationwide screening programme in the US aimed at improving cardiovascular health, was also FDA 510-K cleared.


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7922f1 No.77294

File: 746b35d90b7fa30⋯.png (2.36 MB,2997x1756,2997:1756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296588 (041447ZAUG23) Notable: QClock July 25, 2023 - Declass 1955 Soviet UFOs

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QClock July 25, 2023 - Declass 1955 Soviet UFOs

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7922f1 No.77295

File: a900414722c118a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1458x866,729:433,Clipboard.png)

File: c43044314218aaa⋯.png (126.25 KB,600x572,150:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296589 (041447ZAUG23) Notable: PF stuffs

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7922f1 No.77296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296629 (041459ZAUG23) Notable: James Webb Space Telescope reveals the colorful Ring Nebula in exquisite detail

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NASA pics are actually Earth based data.

COMMS in “plane” sight.

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7922f1 No.77297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296638 (041500ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump Attorney John Lauro Discusses Special Counsel Indictment Background and Former AG Bill Barr Flawed Legal Statements

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President Trump Attorney John Lauro Discusses Special Counsel Indictment Background and Former AG Bill Barr Flawed Legal Statements

August 3, 2023 | Sundance | 290 Comments

Ugh, it’s the Mrs. Hannity show; unfortunately, it’s the venue for President Trump’s attorney John Lauro to outline the defense perspective.If you can get beyond the pontificating of Ingraham, the interview is good to see the legal context and reference points of Mr. Lauro. WATCH:



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7922f1 No.77298

File: b25828a435d61d4⋯.png (2.3 MB,1954x1308,977:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296652 (041504ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER TRUMP SPEAKS TONIGHT IN ALABAMA

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The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump is scheduled to speak as the keynote speaker for the Alabama GOP Dinner on August 4th, 2023.

Coverage is expected to begin at 6 PM ET.

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7922f1 No.77299

File: fc82a714018335d⋯.jpeg (71.85 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296698 (041515ZAUG23) Notable: What if Trump Stops Playing Along?

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What if Trump Stops Playing Along?


By now, we’re used to getting the BREAKING news alerts. “Oh, Trump must have been indicted again,” we sigh, or “Huh, guess he pleaded ‘not guilty’ again.” We no longer even bother to click through. The tragic and demoralizing utterly partisan corruption of our once-great American justice system is complete, and we are in such uncharted territory that we have no clue what to do at this point.

For me, the no-longer-American justice system crossed the Rubicon when they raided a former president’s private home. That was unprecedented and tragic enough for me to lose my respect for the DOJ. And naturally, once our country tilted over the top of the waterfall, it has only picked up speed on its plunge to the disastrous chaos below.

It’s time for former — and possibly future — President Trump to grab that branch that’s sticking out halfway down and refuse to fall any further.

In Fulton County, Ga. — which was featured prominently in the film “2000 Mules” for likely illegal ballot harvesting — despicable and racialist Soros DA Fani Willis has been working on her own Get Trump! indictment. And as if the entire world doesn’t know who Donald Trump is, Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat has promised to, at long last, secure that coveted mug shot.

Unless somebody tells me differently, we are following our normal practices, and so it doesn’t matter your status, we’ll have a mugshot ready for you,” vowed Labat on Wednesday.

Folks, we’ve entered the part of the drama where the evil ghouls shave off Aslan’s majestic mane and mock him on the way to his slaughter. Trump is dutifully visiting the stations of the cross he bears. But Trump isn’t Jesus, and there’s no reason why he should take one more choreographed step in the Left’s disgusting dance. It’s not fair, so let’s stop pretending it is.

What if Trump simply says, “No”?

Remember, we’re cascading down the face of the cliff at this point. Every step of the way will become increasingly debasing and humiliating for the former President of the United States and front-running candidate for office in 2024 (who is, after all, the representative of the political will of half the country — you and me). What if Trump simply refuses to show up for Fani’s hate-indictment arraignment and Labat’s cuffs-and-mugshot routine?

I would pay good money to see the look of frustrated rage on the Leftists’ faces when they realize he’s not coming. Trump should force their hand. Make them send armed forces to arrest him like the thugs they are. Show the captivated world that yes, it’s true — America is gone, replaced by just another failing fascist state.

It’s not like the former president has anything to lose at this point. We all know where this is headed — Trump forcibly imprisoned. He could save himself the years of ratcheting-up humiliations and tens (hundreds?) of millions of dollars (donors’ dollars!) and just cut to the chase. Run his campaign from prison if need be against the now fully exposed fascists who put him there. The next president — even if it’s him — can pardon him and save us all the drama of this endless law-war. Shoot the moon, as they say in Crazy Eights.

Please, President Trump, do something. We remain ever grateful to you for what you did to stop the decline when you were in office. In your influence alone, you remain the most powerful leader America has today. Please lead again. Tell them you’re not going to be their gulag-bound victim, their Emmanuel Goldstein.Tell them you ain’t gonna dance no more. If they want to keep abusing their authority to attack you, don’t help them.

Don’t go to Georgia, Mr. President. Just say no.


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7922f1 No.77300

File: 1cfae20a08bc069⋯.png (461.04 KB,772x454,386:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 406beb85ecaf6f3⋯.png (719 KB,1120x697,1120:697,Clipboard.png)

File: d2246abdbb2f99d⋯.png (1.17 MB,1275x734,1275:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296707 (041519ZAUG23) Notable: What if Trump Stops Playing Along?

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>Run his campaign from prison

Is this the end game?

A locked up 45 with no internet, no means of communications because antijusticefags put a governor on his lawfags comms to the outside world?


He would be literally Dissappeared

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7922f1 No.77301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296713 (041520ZAUG23) Notable: Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more.

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Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more.

10. Joe Rogan says election fraud did take place, calling the United States a ‘Banana Republic’ in response to the Trump indictment.

9. Biden caught in another bribery scheme, Trump indicted again the following day.

8. Texas governor Greg Abbott bussed over 28,000 illegal immigrants to 'sanctuary' cities, Washington DC, New York and Chicago, city leaders responded by calling authorities.

7. A class action against the Australian Government over Covid-19 vaccination injuries filed in Federal Court.

6. Pop star Lizzo is being sued for sexual harassment and fat shaming, allegations include forcing dancers to perform sex shows for her.

5. The United States credit rating downgraded as US debt continues to skyrocket, Bidenomics hard at work.

4. New forensic study finds tens of thousands of illegal ballots were cast in Detroit, Michigan in 2020.

3. S.F. officials pressure Elon Musk to remove new 𝕏 sign, while crime runs rampant and the homeless defecate in the street, they clearly have their priorities straight.

2. Tucker Carlson highlights letter to Devon Archer signed by Joe Biden who was directly involved with Hunter Biden's foreign government business deals and bribery schemes.

1. Senator Rand Paul files official criminal referral against Fauci for committing crimes against humanity.

Bonus: The U.S. Senate blocks effort to require audits of the TENS OF BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars given to Ukraine. What do they have to hide?

If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Retweet and Follow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎


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7922f1 No.77302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296729 (041524ZAUG23) Notable: NYT David Brooks had the headline, “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” KEKS

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NYT Columnist Asks, 'What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?' The Answer: Yes, You Are.

Lincoln Brown

In an op-ed piece for the New York Times on Wednesday, David Brooks had the headline, “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” In it, Brooks struggles with the question of why Trump has a commanding lead over the other GOP hopefuls and why he seems essentially tied with Joe Biden on a national basis. All of this despite the fact that Trump continues to rack up indictments like a grandma on a winning bingo streak at The Villages.

To his credit, Brooks does conduct a fairly exhaustive self-examination. In the piece, he enumerates the ways and provides examples of how America’s elites have lost touch with, well, everyone else. He reflects on how elitism extends to the workplace:

Over the last decades we’ve taken over whole professions and locked everybody else out. When I began my journalism career in Chicago in the 1980s, there were still some old crusty working-class guys around the newsroom. Now we’re not only a college-dominated profession, we’re an elite-college-dominated profession. Only 0.8 percent of all college students graduate from the super elite 12 schools (the Ivy League colleges, plus Stanford, M.I.T., Duke and the University of Chicago). A 2018 study found that more than 50 percent of the staff writers at the beloved New York Times and The Wall Street Journal attended one of the 29 most elite universities in the nation.

He also observes:

Members of our class also segregate ourselves into a few booming metro areas: San Francisco, D.C., Austin and so on. In 2020, Biden won only 500 or so counties, but together they are responsible for 71 percent of the American economy. Trump won over 2,500 counties, responsible for only 29 percent. Once we find our cliques, we don’t get out much. In the book “Social Class in the 21st Century,” sociologist Mike Savage and his co-researchers found that the members of the highly educated class tend to be the most insular, measured by how often we have contact with those who have jobs unlike our own.

Brooks rightly notes that the elites have manipulated the economy and the culture for their own purposes. He concludes:

But there’s a larger context here. As the sociologist E. Digby Baltzell wrote decades ago, “History is a graveyard of classes which have preferred caste privileges to leadership.” That is the destiny our class is now flirting with. We can condemn the Trumpian populists all day until the cows come home, but the real question is when will we stop behaving in ways that make Trumpism inevitable.

But scrolling up for a moment, one of Brooks’ more interesting comments was:

Like all elites, we use language and mores as tools to recognize one another and exclude others. Using words like problematic, cisgender, Latinx and intersectional is a sure sign that you’ve got cultural capital coming out of your ears. Meanwhile, members of the less-educated classes have to walk on eggshells, because they never know when we’ve changed the usage rules, so that something that was sayable five years ago now gets you fired.

This reminds me of an incident in high school. It was the last few months of my senior year. I was never in the cool kids’ clique and, to be honest, I never thought to try to join. In perfect sync with a scene straight out of the yet-to-be-made “The Breakfast Club,” a popular girl commented to me that everyone in the school looked up to her clique and wanted to hang out with them and be like them. I commented, “No, we don’t.” One of my friends piped up “We’ve pretty much just been putting up with you all this time.” The stunned silence that followed was delicious….

And don’t think for a moment that it has escaped our attention that every time someone on your side is at risk of getting their keister put in a sling, one of you manages to light your hair on fire and run around the building waving your arms screaming “Trump!” “January 6!” “White supremacy!” It’s getting tedious, sir. You need a new schtick. You don’t even know who we are.

So, Mr. Brooks, I am glad to see that the scales have fallen from your eyes, at least in the short term. Perhaps you and yours at some point may even acknowledge that we have souls. Until that day, here is a message for you to take back to the Carr’s Water Cracker crowd: the only ones who benefit from white privilege are you. Oh, and from now on, you can change your own damn oil.


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7922f1 No.77303

File: a04bd79a0a3f257⋯.png (763.64 KB,1448x732,362:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b7265e6bfdd7c3⋯.png (473.6 KB,780x835,156:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296735 (041525ZAUG23) Notable: Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told Tucker Carlson that he suspects the events surrounding the J6 protest are part of a “cover-up.”

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>Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told Tucker Carlson that he suspects the events surrounding the J6 protest are part of a “cover-up.”

>During part one of the interview, Tucker Carlson interjected as he listened: “It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” to which Sund responded, “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?”

>“Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund continues, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence; I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack for 71 minutes.


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7922f1 No.77304

File: e8968456288b9ab⋯.jpeg (91.35 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296746 (041528ZAUG23) Notable: It Sure Looks Like the Saudis Are Playing Keep Away with Joe Biden, with an assist from Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

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It Sure Looks Like the Saudis Are Playing Keep Away with Joe Biden

Stephen Green August 04, 2023

Our friends, the Saudis, appear to be playing geopolitical Keep Away with Presidentish Joe Biden and America’s energy security — with an assist from Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

You remember how to play Keep Away, don’t you? Two or more kids toss a ball back and forth, with a third kid in the middle trying to intercept the ball. Oftentimes, the kid in the middle didn’t actually want to play. Two bigger kids would come along, snatch his ball, and force the smaller kid into a game he couldn’t win.

Biden is the smaller kid. The ball is oil prices. The bigger kids are Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Putin.

Last month I reported that I’d been thinking of Biden while “filling my Jeep’s smallish 15-gallon gas tank to the tune of $50 when it still had a couple of gallons left.” Prices were way back up (and up more since then), despite Biden “emptying our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to force down gas prices in time for the midterms,” with the promise to “fill ‘er back up once prices dropped low enough.”

“Yeah, about that,” I concluded, “The SPR is probably never going to be refilled.”

What I didn’t know until this morning is that’s true in part because of actions taken by Riyadh and Moscow.

Biden released oil from the SPR at record rates in 2022. He ordered so much oil released (some of which ended up in China) that he cut our strategic reserves in half. It hasn’t been so low since 1983.

The White House plan, such as it was, was to replace the 250+ million barrels that Biden siphoned off once oil prices were “at or below $67 to $72 per barrel.”

ASIDE: President Trump asked Congress for money to top off the SPR in 2020, when COVID lockdowns forced oil prices down to about $24. “We’re going to fill it right up to the top — saving the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars, helping our oil industry,” Trump said at the time. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused. Oil now costs more than triple what it did then.

Here’s where it gets funny, assuming you’re in a dark enough mood to laugh at our misfortune.

On Tuesday, the White House announced that they would not, after all, buy six million barrels to replace a tiny fraction of what Biden pissed away —because prices mysteriously shot up too far above his $72 target.


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7922f1 No.77305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296747 (041528ZAUG23) Notable: Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets

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Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets

The text messages obtained by Just the News provide fresh evidence that the Biden family name and "influence" were key to foreign clients like CEFC in communist China.

It also corroborates bombshell testimony earlier this week to Congress from another of Hunter Biden's business partners Devon Archer, who claim Hunter Biden and Joe Biden came as a "brand" package to help foreign clients seeking influence.

Hunter Biden and his family members would score millions in payments for consulting and in attorney's fees from the relationship even though none of the energy deals pursued by CEFC in the United States ever closed, according to the laptop documents and bank records released by Congress.

“I want to thank all the recent witnesses who have been willing to come out on record and tell the truth about Biden family corruption. I would encourage the American people to go back and review all the facts I detailed in 2020,” Bobulinski said. “Joe Biden IS the Big Guy! CEFC, Chairman Ye and Director Zang were 100% focused, starting in 2015 while Joe was VP, on leveraging Joe Biden and the power his position and name wielded around the world to benefit the CCP and China. Focus on the facts.”

In the 2020 presidential debate, then-candidate Biden said emphatically that "Nothing was unethical. … My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China. I have not had … the only guy who made money from China is this guy [Donald Trump]. He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.”

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7922f1 No.77306

File: 1c3928e8b51c912⋯.png (114.19 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296758 (041531ZAUG23) Notable: Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets

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7922f1 No.77307

File: 7711bea8aed07c1⋯.jpg (18.96 KB,255x180,17:12,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296799 (041542ZAUG23) Notable: What if Trump Stops Playing Along?

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this is asinine Athena

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7922f1 No.77308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296844 (041553ZAUG23) Notable: Marc Short: Mark Meadows Was January 6 ‘Ringleader,’ He’s Likely Cooperating with DOJ

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Marc Short: Mark Meadows Was January 6 ‘Ringleader,’ He’s Likely Cooperating with DOJ

Pam Key3 Aug 2023


Former Vice President Mike Pence chief of staff Marc Short said Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead” that he believes since former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows was not named as a co-conspirator in the special counsel’s indictment, it was likely Meadows is cooperating with the Justice Department’s investigation into events surrounding January 6, 2021.

Short said, “I do think what’s different is at this point I think the prosecution probably has testimony from people around the president himself from the campaign who testified that there was not evidence of fraud that would have had a material difference to the election result. Or they’ve had people testify from the White House counsel’s office who said the vice president has no such magical authority to overturn the election, nor would we want Kamala Harris to have that authority in 2024. And you know, I think one name that’s obviously not in the indictment is Mark Meadows, who was kind of the ring leader of all of this and I think presumably there’s a lot of testimony from him as well. So I think a lot of those things are probably in the prosecution’s hands as well.”

Anchor Jake Tapper asked, “So you think, you don’t know for a fact but you think that Mark Meadows cooperated and did testify?”

Short said, “Well, I don’t know. I don’t know, Jake. But I would imagine that certainly if you look at the list of co-conspirators, you know, Mark was the ringleader bringing in the various lawyers in who had random theories about what the vice president could do, organized most of those meetings, organized the meetings with members of Congress, and so was a leader in much of those efforts that the president pursued in trying to convince the vice president of this magical authority. So the fact that he’s not mentioned I think would lead one to say, well, in light of so many of the other co-conspirators there must be some level of testimony that they have from Mark.”


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7922f1 No.77309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296864 (041557ZAUG23) Notable: #23699

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#23699 >>77272

>>77295 PF stuffs

>>77273, >>77284 Kash has the Trump Card and all kinds of comms

>>77274, >>77280 Tucker on Twitter…Episode 13 part 2…Devon Archer…

>>77275, >>77292 XQ-58A 'Valkyrie' drone successfully flown by AI pilot

>>77276 Miami police chief handcuffed by Tampa Police before shooting himself

>>77277 Former New Jersey Gov. @ChrisChristie, made an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Friday…/They have donuts in Ukraine?

>>77278 DOD Releases Plan for Implementing Cyber Workforce Strategy

>>77279 Migrants kept in CAGES in 113 degrees in Arizona as border crossings surge again

>>77281 CNN Poll shows over *55%* of Americans want to stop funding the Ukraine war. yeah… cnn

>>77282 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/04/2023

>>77283 U.S. economy added 187,000 jobs in July, less than expected

>>77285, >>77286, >>77287 Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election

>>77288 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Moonrays of August

>>77289 USDA Using ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy’ For mRNA Vaccines in Organic Livestock

>>77290 United Nations’ Plan for Tyranny Over 194 Nations thru the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>77291, >>77296 James Webb Space Telescope reveals the colorful Ring Nebula in exquisite detail

>>77293 Class II level clearance permits Huma’s platform to host artificial intelligence algorithms that use automated data analytics to support screening, diagnosis, dosing recommendations

>>77294 QClock July 25, 2023 - Declass 1955 Soviet UFOs

>>77297 President Trump Attorney John Lauro Discusses Special Counsel Indictment Background and Former AG Bill Barr Flawed Legal Statements


>>77299, >>77300, >>77307 What if Trump Stops Playing Along?

>>77301 Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more.

>>77302 NYT David Brooks had the headline, “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” KEKS

>>77303 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told Tucker Carlson that he suspects the events surrounding the J6 protest are part of a “cover-up.”

>>77304 It Sure Looks Like the Saudis Are Playing Keep Away with Joe Biden, with an assist from Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

>>77305, >>77306 Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets

>>77308 Marc Short: Mark Meadows Was January 6 ‘Ringleader,’ He’s Likely Cooperating with DOJ


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7922f1 No.77310

File: 17afe0ba38ea32f⋯.jpg (167.83 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b65d569287f3c2f⋯.png (710.83 KB,722x975,722:975,Clipboard.png)

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File: 2b993303f8a71d6⋯.png (355.51 KB,500x390,50:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296880 (041600ZAUG23) Notable: #23700

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7922f1 No.77311

File: 222bcbfdcdf1032⋯.webp (10.58 KB,637x361,637:361,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296939 (041609ZAUG23) Notable: WI: Chief Justice Slams 4 Liberals on State’s Supreme Court Over ‘Shameful’ Power Grab

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Chief Justice Slams 4 Liberals on State’s Supreme Court Over ‘Shameful’ Power Grab

Guest Contributor Aug. 4, 2023 10:15 am

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

Their ‘lack of respect for longstanding institutional process is reckless’

In the most recent election for the state Supreme Court in Wisconsin, a liberal defeated the conservative candidate, giving that ideological group the 4-3 majority for the first time in years.

So the liberals did what liberals do: They met secretly, took control of the decision-making without even consulting the other three justices on the bench, and started firing employees.

Now they’re getting slammed by the chief justice for their overreaching power grab.

“The court’s action today violates the Wisconsin Constitution which endows the chief justice with administrative authority. The authority of the chief justice is being undermined and eroded unlike any time in this court’s history. … This lack of respect for longstanding institutional process is reckless,” said Chief Justice Annette Ziegler in a statement after the four liberals voted, without consulting anyone else, to fire Randy Koschnick, the director of the state courts.

“A vote of four may dictate decisions of our court, but those votes are taken during formally noticed court conferences scheduled by the chief justice; no such conference has occurred,” Ziegler said. “Apparently several of my colleagues do not think court conferences are necessary to conduct court business when there is a pre-ordained determination. Their actions today effectively silence those members of the court who have not been privy to these secret discussions.”

The change in direction by the court came about because Janet Protasiewicz, a liberal, was sworn into office on Tuesday, replacing conservative Pat Roggensack, who retired.

Koschnick confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation there had been no complaints about his work.

“The unauthorized action taken today by some of my colleagues firing Director of State Courts Randy Koschnick is flawed procedurally, legally, and on its merits,” Ziegler said. “As chief justice, I contemplated actions I might take to attempt to stop this unauthorized action, but given my colleagues’ reckless conduct, other court employees would also become victims of this unauthorized action.”

She pointed out the decision was made by the four “without regard for the Constitution, case law, or supreme court rules which address who can fill such a position of public trust.”

“And what is the rush ….? What is the purpose of doing such an unauthorized action as the first order of business for the 2023-24 term? I have not been made aware of any urgent issues that would require the immediate removal of Director Koschnick.”

She said, “My colleagues’ unprecedented dangerous conduct is the raw exercise of overreaching power. It is shameful.”


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7922f1 No.77312

File: 128a21c05a78a18⋯.jpeg (75.54 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297045 (041628ZAUG23) Notable: Sinema Rages Against Democrats for Sending Border Funds to NYC: ‘I Am Livid’

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Sinema Rages Against Democrats for Sending Border Funds to NYC: ‘I Am Livid’

John Binder3 Aug 2023

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) is raging on House and Senate Democrat leadership for successfully helping siphon taxpayer money, meant for America’s border communities, and sending it to New York City where more than 95,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived since the spring of last year.

In June, as Breitbart News reported, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) bragged about securing roughly $105 million for New York City to cover costs associated with illegal immigration.

During a roundtable discussion in Yuma, Arizona, this week, Sinema blasted Jeffries, Schumer, and Democrat leadership for favoring deep blue New York City while United States border towns are bombarded with tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens every few weeks.

“The reason the money is going to New York is because [the House Minority leader] is from New York and the leader of the United States Senate is from New York,” Sinema said. “That is how a bunch of money went to New York.”

“… It is wrong and unfair,” she continued.

“When I fought really hard to make sure that this money got included in the omnibus budget December of last year … we fought really hard to get this in. The money was intended, and there’s language that was put in the law that said it should be going for decompression at the border,” Sinema said:

The fact that a yeoman’s amount of this money went to New York City, in my opinion, is wrong because they are not a border state and they are not facing the kind of pressure that we are facing here. So when I hear from other parts of the country say “Oh, it’s hard. Our shelters are overwhelmed” — yeah, come live a day in the life of Yuma, Somerton, or San Luis. Just one day. [Emphasis added]

I want you to know that I am continuing to fight this, and I am livid that the administration is sending money to a part of the country that, while it has a lot of folks showing up in its shelter, they don’t have folks wandering the streets of our small towns and communities or facing heat exhaustion, showing up without basics like formula — people coming with chicken pox. What we’re experiencing here in Arizona is matched only by what folks are experiencing in southern Texas. Those are the two communities that are experiencing this crisis. The rest of the country are seeing some elements of it. But we are facing the brunt. [Emphasis added]

Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has lobbied Jeffries, Schumer, and Biden to send his city billions in taxpayer money as migrants pile up on the streets outside of luxury hotels that he says are now filled to capacity with border crossers and illegal aliens.

“We need help,” Adams said this week. “And it’s not going to get any better. From this moment on it’s downhill. There is no more room.”

Adams, as Breitbart News reported, is considering a plan that would shut down children’s soccer fields on Randall’s Island and transform the area into a massive migrant camp that could house thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens.


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7922f1 No.77313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297046 (041628ZAUG23) Notable: Massachusetts GOPs Propose Primary Delegate Change to Weaken Trump Nomination Effort

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Massachusetts GOPe Propose Primary Delegate Change to Weaken Trump Nomination Effort

When the warnings were first issued about the California effort, the professional Republican class claimed the effort to undermine the Trump primary race was a vast MAGA conspiracy. However, those who have walked the deep political weeds have known how the state affiliates of the RNC always align to the larger corporate agenda.

According to CBS, the Republican Party in Massachusetts is now proposing a similar change to their distribution of delegates in the 2024 primary election in order to help support the non-Trump corporate approved candidate, likely Ron DeSantis.

Before getting to the CBS report, it is worthwhile remembering none of this is without precedent. Factually, when the RNC -a private corporation- first constructed the roadmap for Jeb Bush at their winter meeting (December 2014), the state of Florida was the key. Prior to the Trump entry, Florida changed their primary date for 2016 and aligned to deliver a winner take all distribution as part of the Jeb roadmap. Marco Rubio was designed to deliver an endorsement and then skyrocket Jeb through the remaining states.

The people who organize and control the RNC Club never forgave Donald Trump for upsetting their 2016 “illusion of choice” system. Everything thereafter has been a Big Club operation to counterattack that takeover. What we witnessed in the past seven years and what we witness today, all stems from that initial thundershock.


This is the other state I mentioned.

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7922f1 No.77314

File: adbb0329f6ac9e1⋯.png (2.03 MB,2000x1332,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297081 (041633ZAUG23) Notable: Sinema Rages Against Democrats for Sending Border Funds to NYC: ‘I Am Livid’

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The Cult is already robbing the opiate settlement funds supposed to undo damage done by Big Pharma dealers.

With more than 200 Americans still dying of drug overdoses each day, states are beginning the high-stakes task of deciding how to spend billions of dollars in settlement funds from opioid manufacturers and distributors. Their decisions will have real-world implications for families and communities across the country that have borne the brunt of the opioid crisis.

Will that massive tranche of money be used to help the people who suffered the most and for programs shown to be effective in curbing the epidemic? Or will elected officials use the money for politically infused projects that will do little to offer restitution or help those harmed?

Jacqueline Lewis, of Columbus, Ohio, is wondering exactly that. She lost her son, Shaun, this fall after his 20-year struggle with addiction.

After emptying her retirement account and losing her house to pay for his rehab, court fees, and debts to dealers, Lewis is now raising her 7-year-old granddaughter while also caring for her 95-year-old mother with dementia, on nothing more than Social Security payments.

When she heard Ohio would receive $808 million in opioid settlement funds, Lewis thought there'd finally be relief for thousands of families like hers.

She was eager to speak with members of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation, which was created to oversee the distribution of most of Ohio's funds. As they determined priorities for funding, she wanted them to consider perspectives like hers — that of a mother and grandmother who'd faced addiction up close and saw the need for more treatment centers, addiction education in the workplace, and funding for grandparents raising grandkids as a result of the opioid epidemic.

But she couldn't find anyone to listen. At an August foundation meeting she attended, board members excused themselves to go into a private session, she said. "They just left the room and left us sitting there." When she attended another meeting virtually, audience members weren't allowed to "voice anything or ask questions."

A local group that advocates for people affected by the opioid epidemic has expressed similar concerns about the lack of opportunities for the public to speak with the foundation. That group is now suing the foundation for a lack of transparency, even though few decisions about funding priorities have been made yet.

Each state has its own approach to spending

The strife in Ohio highlights the tensions emerging nationwide as settlement funds start flowing. The funds come from a multitude of lawsuits, most notably a $26 billion settlement resulting from more than 3,000 cities, counties, and states suing manufacturer Johnson & Johnson and distributors McKesson, AmerisourceBergen, and Cardinal Health for their roles in the opioid crisis.

4 U.S. companies will pay $26 billion to settle claims they fueled the opioid crisis


4 U.S. companies will pay $26 billion to settle claims they fueled the opioid crisis

The Sacklers, Who Made Billions From OxyContin, Win Immunity From Opioid Lawsuits


The Sacklers, Who Made Billions From OxyContin, Win Immunity From Opioid Lawsuits

Payments from that case began this summer and will continue for 18 years, setting up what public health experts and advocates are calling an unprecedented opportunity to make progress against an epidemic that has ravaged America for three decades.

But, they caution, each state seems to have its own approach to these funds, including different distributions between local and state governments and various processes for spending the money. With countless individuals and groups advocating for their share of the pie — from those dealing with addiction and their families to government agencies, nonprofits, health care systems and more — the money's impact could depend heavily on geography and politics.

"It sounds like a lot of money, but it's going to a lot of places and going to be spread out over time," said Sara Whaley, a researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who tracks state use of opioid funds. "It's not going to magically end this crisis. But if it's used well and used thoughtfully, there is an opportunity to make a real difference."

And if not, it could be just another political boondoggle.


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7922f1 No.77315

File: d95bbfff97e6036⋯.webp (58.95 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: da6b68632546146⋯.jpeg (299.27 KB,1047x1744,1047:1744,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297127 (041641ZAUG23) Notable: Just Hours After Arrest in Washington D.C., Trump Surprises Newlyweds at His Bedminster Golf Club

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Just Hours After Arrest in Washington D.C., Trump Surprises Newlyweds at His Bedminster Golf Club

by Jim Hᴏft Aug. 3, 2023

On Thursday, former President Donald Trump left his home in Bedminster, New Jersey, to make a court appearance in Washington, D.C., at US District Court. Upon arrival, he was placed under arrest, processed, and arraigned.

Appearing before Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya, Trump pleaded not guilty.

Outside the courthouse, Trump’s attorney Alina Habba spoke to reporters, addressing the timeline of the President’s indictments. She strongly argued that every time allegations have arisen against the “Biden Crime Family,” the Department of Justice under President Joe Biden has indicted Trump.

“I think a witch hunt is really the way that anybody should describe this because it’s not something we’ve seen in our time,” Habba said, accusing opponents of fearing an independently wealthy figure who “has given up his good life to fight for this country.”

Habba vowed to request discovery to prove the illegitimacy of the 2020 election – something the Democrats fear the most.

Just hours after his arraignment, Trump appeared unexpectedly at a wedding taking place at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Guests greeted the former President with a warm welcome, and chants of “USA!” rang out as he entered the venue.

Trump then offered a brief message to the newlywed couple, turning an ordinary wedding into a moment that those in attendance are likely never to forget.


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7922f1 No.77316

File: bc6e7db1d7cec7a⋯.png (484.25 KB,767x467,767:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297167 (041649ZAUG23) Notable: A DATE WITH THE PEACH STATE? Indictment Number Four on the Way?

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==Brace for Indictment #4=

A DATE WITH THE PEACH STATE? Indictment Number Four on the Way

Hannity Staff - 8.04.23

According to a report from The Hill, streets around the Atlanta courthouse where Trump may be indicted are being closed and getting a security bump; could indictment number four be imminent?






There is no BOOM 5

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7922f1 No.77317

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297200 (041655ZAUG23) Notable: Bannon: "Human Agency" Will Decide The Victor Of The Battle For Our Nation vid

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Bannon: "Human Agency" Will Decide The Victor Of The Battle For Our Nation


Good short video


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7922f1 No.77318

File: 976fcfec48ec1d2⋯.png (61.36 KB,1146x576,191:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297201 (041655ZAUG23) Notable: If there is indictment #4 Q1920 16-Aug-2018 6:20:25 PM EST BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

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> Indictment Number Four on the Way


If there is indictment #4, then what is about to drop?

Q1920 16-Aug-2018 6:20:25 PM EST


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7922f1 No.77319

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297211 (041656ZAUG23) Notable: Mark Houck Announces Candidacy For Virginia-1, Pledges To Not Allow Any Other Citizens Be Targets vid

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Mark Houck Announces Candidacy For Virginia-1, Pledges To Not Allow Any Other Citizens Be Targets



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7922f1 No.77320

File: ade38e554ae7266⋯.png (611.95 KB,596x2053,596:2053,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fa6c3d005463aa⋯.mp4 (10.71 MB,140x130,14:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297213 (041657ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Attorney ALINA HABBA Points Out that Trump Indictments Have IMMEDIATELY followed revelations about Biden CRIME FAMILY vid

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Trump Attorney ALINA HABBA Points Out that Trump Indictments Have IMMEDIATELY followed revelations about Biden CRIME FAMILY



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7922f1 No.77321

File: b707ab2258ff9d5⋯.png (911.99 KB,1170x1424,585:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297248 (041702ZAUG23) Notable: DHS's CISA to "support state and local officials" as they address "mis- and disinformation" in their communities.

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NEW - DHS's CISA to "support state and local officials" as they address "mis- and disinformation" in their communities.


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7922f1 No.77322

File: a57fe6f8cc277dc⋯.png (66.54 KB,749x477,749:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297259 (041703ZAUG23) Notable: The public would benefit from learning more about the history and background of the CCDH.

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Matt Taibbi

The public would benefit from learning more about the history and background of the CCDH. Kudos to @gekaminsky for staying on this subject

Gabe Kaminsky ·Aug 3

Breaking: @dcexaminer obtained two emails in connection to @JudiciaryGOP's Facebook subpoena showing how the NGO Center for Countering Digital Hate quietly amassed influence in the Biden White House as an "expert" to thwart alleged COVID disinformation.



12:53 PM · Aug 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77323

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297268 (041704ZAUG23) Notable: Rep. Dan Bishop Announces Candidacy For North Carolina Attorney General

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BREAKING: Rep. Dan Bishop Announces Candidacy For North Carolina Attorney General



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7922f1 No.77324

File: 5458b6e09e6a2d5⋯.png (1.71 MB,1574x1688,787:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297271 (041705ZAUG23) Notable: Is It Time For Connecticut To Leave The Marxist-Run American Library Association?

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the answer is obviously YES but the commies in connecticut will never relinquish control...

* * * * *

Is It Time For Connecticut To Leave The Marxist-Run American Library Association?

The Connecticut Library Association (CLA) perfectly lines up with the ALA.

CLA supports ALA's Library Bill of Rights. CLA rejects the notion of age-appropriateness for books. And it actively promotes “equity, diversity and inclusion” which reasonable people recognize has become a euphemism for promoting the Marxist doctrine of critical race theory.

If the State of Montana believes that it is forbidden from associating with an organization run by a Marxist, how does the State of Connecticut — the Constitution State — feel about it? How does the Connecticut State Department of Education feel about it? What about the Connecticut Association of School Libraries? Or the librarians at your local and school libraries?


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7922f1 No.77325

File: ea3f2f1dc3e9648⋯.png (114.62 KB,1245x456,415:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297332 (041714ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Every one of these many Fake Charges filed against me by the Corrupt Biden DOJ could have been filed 2.5 years ago...

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Donald J. Trump


Every one of these many Fake Charges filed against me by the Corrupt Biden DOJ could have been filed 2.5 years ago, but they waited and waited until I became dominant in the Polls, and then they filed them all, including locals, right in the middle of my Campaign. They want anybody but “TRUMP.” Not fair and perhaps, not legal. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

Aug 04, 2023, 12:36 PM


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7922f1 No.77326

File: 25fcf15d2a8b95c⋯.png (311.12 KB,919x718,919:718,Clipboard.png)

File: aefa30e05f7ab70⋯.png (663.33 KB,827x1242,827:1242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297385 (041720ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump RT Loomer

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 04, 2023, 11:53 AM


Laura Loomer


If it wasn’t for my expose of @CAGOP’s plan to secretly change their rules regarding allocation of CA’s 169 delegates for the sake of sabotaging Donald Trump and rigging the primary for @RonDeSantis, @TeamDeSantis could have stolen 50-60 delegates away from President Trump in an attempt to have a brokered convention and steal the nomination from Trump on the floor of the national convention.

I am so happy that my expose has prevented this from happening and that Donald Trump’s campaign got what they wanted at the CAGOP executive meeting this weekend.

Everyday, I wake up and fight for President Trump because he fights for us. And I’m going to do everything I can to help him get re-elected for a third time.

I would really love to work for President Trump in his administration someday so I can fight for him everyday when he’s back in the White House. It would be an absolute honor.

“Donald Trump’s presidential campaign notched a major victory Saturday when members of the California Republican executive committee voted to parcel out convention delegates based on the statewide vote next year — doing away with the state’s longtime system of awarding them by congressional district, which had been perceived as a more level playing field for lower-tiered candidates.” — @washingtonpost


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7922f1 No.77327

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297388 (041721ZAUG23) Notable: Winters Uncovers Direct Evidence Biden Family Engaging In Treason, Helping China Wage War On America vid

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Winters Uncovers Direct Evidence Biden Family Engaging In Treason, Helping China Wage War On America



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7922f1 No.77328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297451 (041728ZAUG23) Notable: The Biden administration has shown cartels that our Southwest border is open for business. As @RepMarkGreen warned

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House Homeland GOP


🚨 The Biden administration has shown cartels that our Southwest border is open for business. As @RepMarkGreen warned, expanded use of the CBP One app is just one more iteration of catch-and-release, and cartels are happily capitalizing off of it.

Quote Tweet

Anna Giaritelli




THREAD: Mexican cartels exploit US government's CBP One app


12:28 PM · Aug 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297488 (041733ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Polls

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If you call out muh sacred books you get called a shill, not really bad considering its a knee jerk reaction from people not smart enough to tie their fucking shoes but still.

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7922f1 No.77330

File: c220942775f5169⋯.png (90.05 KB,897x462,299:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297509 (041736ZAUG23) Notable: This NY Times poll only affirms what we’ve known for months: this primary is over.

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Wesley Hunt


This NY Times poll only affirms what we’ve known for months: this primary is over. Our focus needs to be removing Biden from the White House which means it’s time to rally around President Trump.

Any GOP candidate telling you they’re, “playing the long game,” or any candidate who is willing to except the weaponization of government against Trump for their own personal gain, should NOT have a seat at the table in the next administration.

Jul 31, 2023, 10:33 AM


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7922f1 No.77331

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297511 (041737ZAUG23) Notable: Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

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Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

An old video of Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed from office under pressure from then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is making the rounds online again following the damning testimony of Devon Archer. This video was removed on Youtube.

In a detailed and extensive interview, Shokin has responded to allegations from the Biden regime, laying out his side of the story regarding the investigations into Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that once employed Hunter.

It is unclear when this video was recorded or published but includes his reaction to Biden’s accusations.

At the time of Hunter Biden’s appointment, Viktor Shokin was Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, and there were investigations into Burisma’s owner.

Shokin’s video addressed a variety of points, from accusations that the investigation into Burisma was dormant to allegations of his corruption and his eventual removal as prosecutor.

In a lengthy, detailed response, Shokin refuted the notion that his investigations were “dormant” and explained how they were active, even leading to seizures of assets from Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

Viktor Shokin was removed as Ukraine’s Prosecutor General in 2016 due to pressure from Western governments (Joe Biden) and allegedly international institutions like the EU and IMF. His dismissal was part of a “larger anti-corruption effort,” as Shokin’s office had been criticized for not “adequately pursuing corruption investigations.”

“As for the assertion that these investigations were supposedly “dormant,” then I can give very striking examples, namely our actions after the ban on 23 million Zlochevsky was lifted in the UK,” said Shokin.

“I appointed an internal investigation, opened a criminal investigation into how-and why- the money that been seized was released in the UK. What is more, 10-12 days before my resignation, on February 2, 2016, the court seized assets, his personal savings, property, cars, and so on,” he added.

Shokin said that the U.S. intelligence agencies had been closely watching the investigation process, and he was confident that Biden was aware of the progress. Shokin added that he believed Biden acted behind the scenes to have him removed, fearing that the investigation could negatively affect his son and others close to him.

“I understand very well that the United States has one of the strongest intelligence agencies in the world… Apparently, Mr. Biden was informed that we are approaching the moment when the interrogations of his son and other persons began,” Shokin said.

Shokin maintained that the real motivation behind Biden’s push for his removal was to protect his personal and family interests rather than the interests of the American people.


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7922f1 No.77332

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297539 (041740ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to the Public

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BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to the Public


In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination program.

The admission came during a rigorous questioning session on Wednesday, in which Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt, spoke before the Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts led the interrogation with forceful inquiries regarding Pfizer’s potential involvement in the introduction of vaccine mandates for employment in Australia.

Senator Roberts, in his questioning, alleged a significant transfer of wealth from the Australian people to Big Pharma via the government’s Covid-19 mismanagement.

He sought clarity on Pfizer’s role in implementing vaccine mandates for employment and their participation in potential government bans on alternative treatments such as Ivermectin.

“Pfizer has no involvement, had no involvement in the imposition of vaccine mandates… Pfizer has had no involvement in relation to Ivermectin,” said Dr. Thiru.

The inquiry took a contentious turn when Roberts probed into Pfizer’s confidential indemnity agreements with the Australian government, suggesting that the taxpayers who funded the vaccine have the right to see the details of what they bought.

“Does the indemnity you have with the government extend to providing you with indemnity in the situation where an employee is forced by their employer to undergo vaccination and then experiences harm? And if you do have indemnity, I want the proof,” Roberts asked.

Dr. Thiru maintained that the specifics of these agreements remain confidential, per standard practice for contractual arrangements between the government and private organizations.

“Senator, any indemnity agreements between Pfizer and the Australian government are confidential and we are not able to discuss that in this forum,” said Thiru.

“Why are they confidential? Because as a taxpayer, I paid for those injections even though I didn’t take any. Why are they confidential? From taxpayers, 26 million Australians. What are you hiding?” Roberts asked.

Roberts also queried about Pfizer’s own employee vaccination program, which Dr. Thiru confirmed was active and conducted in alignment with public health guidance, allowing accommodations or exemptions for those with specific medical or religious reasons for not being vaccinated. He did, however, acknowledge that a small number of colleagues departed the company in light of this program.

Roberts then questioned Pfizer’s use of a specific batch of vaccine for their employees that was not tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), to which Dr. Hewitt CLAIMED that this was done to ensure that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks.

“We’ve read that your vaccine mandate was using your own batch of vaccine, especially imported for Pfizer, which was not tested by the TGA. Is that correct?” Roberts asked.

Dr. Hewitt then responded, “So Pfizer undertook to import a batch of vaccine specifically for the employee vaccination programme, and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that was being delivered to clinics as needed.”


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7922f1 No.77333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297544 (041742ZAUG23) Notable: Navalny sentenced to 19 years in prison

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Navalny sentenced to 19 years in prison

The Russian opposition figure was found guilty on charges of extremism

Jailed Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny has been sentenced to 19 years behind bars. The news on the court ruling was broken by Navalny’s team on Friday.

The opposition figure was found guilty on multiple extremism-related charges, including creating an extremist group, calling for extremist actions, financing such activities and luring minors into them, as well as rehabilitating Nazi ideology.

The extremism charges fetched Navalny a combined sentence of 19 years. The opposition figure is already incarcerated, serving a separate prison term after being convicted of fraud.

Navalny, who is 47, ended up in Russian custody in early 2021, when he was found in violation of terms of his suspended sentence over defrauding the Russian subsidiary of French cosmetics manufacturer Yves Rocher out of millions of rubles. At first suspended, the sentence was activated and he was sent to a penal colony for two years and eight months.

In early 2022, Navalny received a further nine years behind bars, found guilty of contempt of court and fraud. The charges were related to the activities of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), with the opposition figure accused of spending the donations raised by the non-profit for “personal needs” as well as to bankroll “extremist activities.”


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7922f1 No.77334

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297547 (041742ZAUG23) Notable: Goldman Gets Called Out After His Lies Are exposed by Catherine Herridge

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Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman Gets Called Out After His Lies Are exposed by Catherine Herridge




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7922f1 No.77335

File: 69965616b45ac5e⋯.png (29.77 KB,568x178,284:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297556 (041743ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Moxila Upadhyaya Warns Trump Against Witness Tampering, Threatens to Issue Arrest Warrant

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Judge Warns Trump Against Witness Tampering, Threatens to Issue Arrest Warrant

US Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya warned Trump against witness tampering as part of his release conditions.

President Trump entered the Elijah Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in DC on Thursday on a new set of garbage charges.

Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Jack Smith’s latest indictment is a retread J6 committee garbage, free speech violations by the Biden DOJ who should know better, and ESP-like assumptions and mind-reading nonsense.

The judge echoed Liz Cheney and the sham January 6 Committee.

Recall, the January 6 Committee attempted to weave a ‘witness tampering’ narrative last year in an effort to indict Trump.

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney said the witness did not take Trump’s call and instead told their lawyer about Trump’s attempt to speak with them.

“After our last hearing. President Trump tried to call a witness in our investigation. A witness you have not yet seen in these hearings,” Cheney said last year.

“That person declined to answer or respond to President Trump’s call and instead alerted their lawyer to the call. Their lawyer alerted us. And this committee has supplied that information to the Department of Justice,” Cheney added.

“Let me say one more time, we will take any effort to influence witness testimony very seriously,” she warned.

The judge on Thursday warned Trump against bribing or influencing witnesses in a nod to the January 6 Committee.

Judge Upadhyaya informed Trump that if he violates the conditions of his release an arrest warrant may be issued for him.


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7922f1 No.77336

File: d2976506008ad61⋯.png (328.93 KB,500x416,125:104,Clipboard.png)

File: c0b752454db2cb7⋯.png (110.94 KB,864x915,288:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297575 (041746ZAUG23) Notable: The Biden-China Energy Nexus: Text Messages Reveal Intricate Web Of Influence

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The Biden-China Energy Nexus: Text Messages Reveal Intricate Web Of Influence

Text messages recently given to the FBI reveal that a Chinese energy company, CEFC, sought to leverage connections to Hunter Biden in order to acquire domestic energy assets within the United States.

The intricate narrative began in late 2015, as CEFC was hoping to leverage the Biden name to provide cover for its ambitious plan, Just the News reports.

The overtures began subtly, as Hunter Biden's business partner, James Gilliar, began laying the foundation of an influence peddling scheme.

"There will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from US and them (China) constructed by me," texted Hunter Biden business partner James Gilliar to future partner Tony Bobulinski on Christmas Eve, 2015, just after Hunter had been alerted to CEFC China Energy's ambitions, and its wealthy CEO Ye Jianming.

"I think this will then be a great addition to their portfolios as it will give them a profile base in NYC, then LA, etc," Gilliar added in the text, which was obtained by JTN. "For me it's a no brainer but culturally they are different, but smart so let’s see. … Any entry ticket is small for them. Easier and better demographic than Arabs who are little anti US after trump."

The messages corroborate testimony this week from former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer, who detailed Hunter's influence peddling scheme by which he and father Joe came as a "brand" package to help foreign clients seeking influence.

CEFC's plans were unearthed in the exchanges between Hunter Biden and his Chinese counterparts. Plans were made for meetings and dinners - some materializing while others fizzled. One such dud was a Dec. 6, 2015 dinner planned for Hunter and Ye, which was going to be hosted by Serbian businessman Vuc Jeremic, per the emails. Hunter eventually did meet later that month with CEFC Executive Director Jianjun Zang, according to information on Hunter's infamous laptop.

By March 2016, the narrative had evolved significantly. Memo drafts, masterminded by Hunter Biden's business associates, Rob Walker and Gilliar, materialized, bearing Hunter Biden's signature and destined for CEFC. An email trail titled "H to Zang Draft" captured the essence of the strategic pact. This marked a pivotal moment, elevating the Biden family name as a sought-after commodity in the high-stakes world of energy acquisition.


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7922f1 No.77337

File: 1af9f69801ddbd8⋯.png (87.61 KB,866x568,433:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297587 (041747ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Moxila Upadhyaya Warns Trump Against Witness Tampering, Threatens to Issue Arrest Warrant

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Paul Sperry


NEW: FEC record for DC magistrate judge who arraigned Trump:


City and state SILVER SPRING, MD 20902

Occupation LAWYER


Year to date $150.00

Recipient information ERIK JONES FOR CONGRESS

Committee ACTBLUE

Political party DEMOCRAT

9:28 PM · Aug 3, 2023





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7922f1 No.77338

File: 27f301d5a3f3bdc⋯.png (3.71 MB,1170x1953,130:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297599 (041749ZAUG23) Notable: Musk: The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide!

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The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide! If ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now.

You can read their articles for free anyway using removepaywall.com.


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7922f1 No.77339

File: 4bb6be0f09eab8f⋯.jpg (361.64 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0165902f6152879⋯.jpg (368.49 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297608 (041751ZAUG23) Notable: A flash flood *emergency* has been issued for Union City, TN and Hickman, KY this morning.

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BREAKING: A flash flood *emergency* has been issued for Union City, TN and Hickman, KY this morning. Up to 11" of rain has fallen in the past 24 hours and high water evacuations are taking place! #kywx #tnwx


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7922f1 No.77340

File: b94fcf2cf345b68⋯.png (381.96 KB,779x943,19:23,Clipboard.png)

File: c7320dfcbff7b80⋯.png (37.27 KB,532x250,266:125,Clipboard.png)

File: dafcfd086374f26⋯.png (34.34 KB,529x267,529:267,Clipboard.png)


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President Trump addressed his “CRAZY!” week in a Truth Social post on Friday and called upon the Supreme Court to “intercede.”

He said, “My political opponent has hit me with a barrage of weak lawsuits, including D.A., A.G., and others, which require massive amounts of my time & money to adjudicate.”

President Trump noted that these are funds he would otherwise have used for his 2024 presidential campaign and that the current situation “is not a level playing field.”

He decried it as “Election Interference,” and stated that “the Supreme Court must intercede.”

At his Thursday arraignment, President Trump told reporters, per RSBN, “This is the persecution of the person that’s leading by very, very substantial numbers in the Republican primary and leading Biden by a lot.”

“If you can’t beat him, you persecute him or you prosecute him,” he added.

In addition, RSBN reported that attorney and former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz discussed the situation Wednesday and concluded that President Trump “will probably win in the United States Supreme Court.”

He also explained that because the Biden administration is prosecuting their primary political opponent, to prove that this is lawful, the case against President Trump must be “the strongest case in history.”

Americans and leaders have continuously questioned the motives behind the charges.

President Trump also wrote a post on Friday, stating, “Nothing like this” has been allowed in the United States before.

He also questioned whether it “Must be Unconstitutional?”


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7922f1 No.77341

File: c1817172f9b3a2a⋯.png (86.94 KB,577x661,577:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 766bb2712b4adb6⋯.png (352.12 KB,567x727,567:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297646 (041756ZAUG23) Notable: Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

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Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Was Poisoned in Late 2019 Just Months After Joe Biden Entered 2020 Presidential Race – Accuses Biden of Involvement

After leaving office in 2017, former Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was in on the threat.

In April 2019 John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Shokin fired because he was investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Since then Joe Biden and Democrats have then gone out on an international smear campaign to destroy Viktor Shokin’s reputation.

In January 2020 fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin filed an official complaint against Joe Biden for interference in Ukraine’s legal proceedings.

Then in February 2020 Ukraine launched criminal proceedings against former US Vice-President Joe Biden on allegations he pressured authorities into forcing the resignation of Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, Interfax-Ukraine news agency reports, quoting Shokin’s lawyer.

Back in 2019 after his firing, Viktor Shokin was allegedly poisoned on a trip to Greece. Shokin later in February 2020 accused Joe Biden of being involved in the poisoning. This poisoning took place as Joe Biden was entering the presidential race.

Biden entered the race in April 2019.

Via Interfax Ukraine from December 5, 2020 after the US presidential election.

This is why Shokin is appealing to Zelensky, the lawyer said.

“Shokin prepared an appeal to the president with a request to ensure the protection of the rights and interests as a citizen of Ukraine in this criminal proceeding and bring those responsible to justice for the systematic failure to execute court decisions in criminal proceedings according to his statements,” the lawyer said.

He also added that there is every reason to provide Shokin with protection in connection with the information published by him about Biden’s pressure.

“Shokin’s life could be in danger. The Ukrainian state should initiate protection through law enforcement agencies. …We believe that today there are enough grounds for this,” the lawyer said.

As reported, on February 27, the SBI registered a criminal proceeding about pressure on Shokhin by former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden. The reason for the pressure was the investigation by the PGO of serious crimes in the field of international corruption related to the activities of ex-Minister of Ecology of Ukraine Mykola Zlochevsky and the leaders of the Burisma company. The case was opened under Part 2 of Article 343.

The lawyer of U.S. President Donald Trump Rudolf Giuliani in a number of interviews announced the intervention of the former vice president in Ukrainian politics and participation in corruption cases. In particular, he claims that Shokin was fired at the request of Biden – ostensibly for his knowledge of Burisma’s ties with his son Hunter Biden.

At the end of January 2020, Shokin stated that he had been poisoned with mercury five months ago during his stay in Greece, after which he underwent a long period of treatment.

“I don’t have any obvious enemies whom I can blame for this. Of course, one of the versions, but this version requires investigation, is that Biden was somehow involved in some way in these issues. I officially addressed the Greek law enforcement authorities on this and asked them to investigate… Officially, I haven’t received an answer yet, although I contacted them quite a while back about opening criminal proceedings in connection a premeditated attempt to murder me,” Shokin said.


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7922f1 No.77342

File: 2a77b39c9a544b6⋯.png (258.22 KB,530x527,530:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 73747095cec9c61⋯.png (12.92 KB,212x260,53:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e3680db1c2f4cb⋯.png (76.66 KB,736x528,46:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297697 (041804ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Polls

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Mil Time: 1351

Indictment Talk, dasting enough

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7922f1 No.77343

File: 30ef9b7f41bfec7⋯.png (440.23 KB,888x728,111:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297729 (041810ZAUG23) Notable: Attorney Reveals the “Exculpatory” Evidence Jack Smith Possesses that Exonerates President Trump

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Attorney Reveals the “Exculpatory” Evidence Jack Smith Possesses that Exonerates President Trump

It turns out that Special Counsel Jack Smith either failed to review evidence that exonerates President Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani or he ignored the findings altogether.

Tim Parlatore, the attorney for former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, told CBS News that Smith’s office has within thousands of pages of records turned over by Kerik that contains “exculpatory evidence.” The exact reason why Smith has not disclosed this critical information remains unclear.

According to CBS News, these documents were submitted to Smith on July 23.

Kerik’s legal team says that these materials, which include affidavits under oath from people raising concerns regarding the integrity of the 2020 presidential contest, demonstrate there was an honest effort to investigate voter fraud claims in the election.

Yet Parlatore got “surprising” news when the special counsel’s office started asking him for documents which he had already handed over after they indicted Trump on Wednesday.

CBS News reported:

In an Aug. 2 email to Parlatore, reviewed by CBS News, a special counsel’s office prosecutor requested “responsive documents as to which the Trump campaign is no longer asserting a privilege,” referring to the Kerik records Parlatore said he previously provided.

Parlatore said he was “stunned” when, after the indictment came down, the prosecutor contacted him asking for the records he said he had already provided. Parlatore said the “records are absolutely exculpatory.

Here is the evidence should exonerate Trump according to Parlatore.

They (documents) bear directly on the essential element of whether Rudy Giuliani, and therefore Donald Trump, knew that their claims of election fraud were false. Good- faith reliance upon claims of fraud, even if they later turn out to be false, is very different from pushing fraud claims that you know to be false at the time.

In other words, Trump and Giuliani honestly believed the 2020 election was stolen. This conclusively proves that Trump is being prosecuted based on his opinions.

There is also other evidence to back up Trump’s claims of election fraud. The Gateway Pundit has extensively reported on the irregularities that occurred during the 2020 Presidential election.

Some examples can be found here and here.

CBS News notes that Parlatore served as a lawyer working for Trump in the Justice Department’s investigations into the 45th president, but left the legal team in May.

A spokesperson for the special counsel refused comment Thursday when asked by CBS News if they had reviewed the material.


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7922f1 No.77344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297759 (041814ZAUG23) Notable: #23700

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#23700 >>77310

>>77311 WI: Chief Justice Slams 4 Liberals on State’s Supreme Court Over ‘Shameful’ Power Grab

>>77312, >>77314 Sinema Rages Against Democrats for Sending Border Funds to NYC: ‘I Am Livid’

>>77313 Massachusetts GOPs Propose Primary Delegate Change to Weaken Trump Nomination Effort

>>77315 Just Hours After Arrest in Washington D.C., Trump Surprises Newlyweds at His Bedminster Golf Club

>>77316 A DATE WITH THE PEACH STATE? Indictment Number Four on the Way?

>>77317 Bannon: "Human Agency" Will Decide The Victor Of The Battle For Our Nation vid

>>77318 If there is indictment #4 Q1920 16-Aug-2018 6:20:25 PM EST BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

>>77319 Mark Houck Announces Candidacy For Virginia-1, Pledges To Not Allow Any Other Citizens Be Targets vid

>>77320 Trump Attorney ALINA HABBA Points Out that Trump Indictments Have IMMEDIATELY followed revelations about Biden CRIME FAMILY vid

>>77321 DHS's CISA to "support state and local officials" as they address "mis- and disinformation" in their communities.

>>77322 The public would benefit from learning more about the history and background of the CCDH.

>>77323 Rep. Dan Bishop Announces Candidacy For North Carolina Attorney General

>>77324 Is It Time For Connecticut To Leave The Marxist-Run American Library Association?

>>77325 @realDonaldTrump Every one of these many Fake Charges filed against me by the Corrupt Biden DOJ could have been filed 2.5 years ago...

>>77326 @realDonaldTrump RT Loomer

>>77327 Winters Uncovers Direct Evidence Biden Family Engaging In Treason, Helping China Wage War On America vid

>>77328 The Biden administration has shown cartels that our Southwest border is open for business. As @RepMarkGreen warned

>>77329, >>77342 @realDonaldTrump The Polls

>>77330 This NY Times poll only affirms what we’ve known for months: this primary is over.

>>77331, >>77341 Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

>>77332 Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to the Public

>>77333 Navalny sentenced to 19 years in prison

>>77334 Goldman Gets Called Out After His Lies Are exposed by Catherine Herridge

>>77335, >>77337 Judge Moxila Upadhyaya Warns Trump Against Witness Tampering, Threatens to Issue Arrest Warrant

>>77336 The Biden-China Energy Nexus: Text Messages Reveal Intricate Web Of Influence

>>77338 Musk: The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide!

>>77339 A flash flood *emergency* has been issued for Union City, TN and Hickman, KY this morning.


>>77343 Attorney Reveals the “Exculpatory” Evidence Jack Smith Possesses that Exonerates President Trump


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7922f1 No.77345

File: 4e5c44373f2a48e⋯.png (502.26 KB,629x426,629:426,Clipboard.png)

File: a40748289e15b1b⋯.png (588.51 KB,572x700,143:175,Clipboard.png)

File: eef926bdfff9176⋯.webp (326.96 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297775 (041816ZAUG23) Notable: #23701

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Baker will tap @20

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7922f1 No.77346

File: 31954e2a9d6946b⋯.png (381.18 KB,839x965,839:965,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297790 (041818ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP SPEAKS AT ALABAMA GOP DINNER 6p EST

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The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump is scheduled to speak as the keynote speaker for the Alabama GOP Dinner on August 4th, 2023.

Coverage is expected to begin at 6 PM ET.


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7922f1 No.77347

File: 10af376c4bd4013⋯.png (977.02 KB,768x960,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: b2f735f4cddbe62⋯.png (15.64 KB,446x276,223:138,Clipboard.png)

File: 37534193a4cf555⋯.png (501.78 KB,727x694,727:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297794 (041818ZAUG23) Notable: Backpage publisher James Larkin, 74, dies by suicide a week before prostitution trial

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Q proof

Backpage publisher James Larkin, 74, dies by suicide a week before prostitution trial

While prosecutors say the site published many ads that depicted children who were victims of sex trafficking, no one in the federal case in Arizona is charged with sex trafficking or child sex trafficking.


Clinton Never Returned Donations From Owner of Site Linked to Underage Prostitution

Democratic politicians who received funds from Backpage.com's owners have been donating the money to charity


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7922f1 No.77348

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297796 (041819ZAUG23) Notable: PREDICTION: Democrats will remove Biden after 2024 convention, won’t be nominee

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PREDICTION: Democrats will remove Biden after 2024 convention, won’t be nominee

10 days ago



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7922f1 No.77349

File: d7e6034a912d9ce⋯.png (261.64 KB,600x207,200:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297803 (041820ZAUG23) Notable: Handing Trump the sword

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Handing Trump the sword


August 4, 2023

By Stephen B. Young

As the multi-year federal government cover-up of Biden family grifting collapsed, the Democrats, driven mad by their self-induced psychosis of Trump Derangement Syndrome, abandoned all rationality and common sense to double-down on their political persecution of Donald J. Trump.

Their indictment of Trump for failure to accept the results of the 2020 Presidential Election is mindless. The stupidity of the Democrats who wrote this indictment or who rave about it boggles the imagination. Never have so many college graduates been so out of touch with reality.

According to the indictment, the grounds for prosecuting Trump are that he did not tell the truth about the legality of votes cast in that election and so acted fraudulently and in bad faith. But such an indictment gives him a powerful defense: the truth.

He now has the right to argue in court for the first time ever that he told the truth about the 2020 Presidential election.

In the previous cases brought in state courts to show fraud in the acceptance of ballots, Trump and his supporters were plaintiffs. Thus, they had the duty to come forward with clear evidence of fraud, enough to get to a trial. Such evidence they did not have as it was in the possession of local election officials who did not turn it over to Trump. As a result, judges refused to let those cases go to trial where evidence would be presented to a jury for their consideration.

Until today there has been no court examination of relevant evidence on the legality of ballots counted and no court determination that the election was either fair or fraudulent.

Now Trump is the defendant and, in order to prove that he was a liar, the Department of Justice has the duty to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the election was fair. As defendant in a criminal case, Trump is presumed innocent and has the right to introduce evidence contradicting the government’s accusation that he was a liar.

The indictment against Trump thus allows him to put on the stand local election officials to testify under oath whether each vote counted under their supervision was cast by a living American citizen registered to vote and legally entitled to the privilege of voting. If those witnesses can’t prove the validity of votes for Biden, then Trump will vindicate his assertion about the unfairness of that Presidential election.

He can also put Mark Zuckerberg on the stand to testify to how much money he gave to finance the collection of ballots by Democrat operatives and how that operation worked in practice. He can introduce Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules for jury consideration. He can make a national spectacle of Democrat scheming and manipulation of ballots cast.

It will be the burden of the Democrats now to prove the validity of each and every vote recorded by state election officials. If they can’t prove the legality of sufficient votes for Biden, then they would have no evidence that the election was actually honestly conducted and fair. There would be no evidence to justify calling Trump a liar and the grounds for his indictment would disappear into thin air as just another “Big Lie” narrative made up by the Progressive Left.

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7922f1 No.77350

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297805 (041820ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “So far, Biden’s attempts to arrest Trump are backfiring…Trump is now demolishing the Republican Primary Field…

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Donald J. Trump


“So far, Biden’s attempts to arrest Trump are backfiring...Trump is now demolishing the Republican Primary Field…The harder the Washington establishment tries to separate Trump from the people, the tighter that bond becomes.” Jesse Watters

Aug 04, 2023, 2:09 PM



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7922f1 No.77351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297811 (041821ZAUG23) Notable: CDC Recommends Use of Sanofi, AstraZeneca RSV Drug for Infants

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CDC Recommends Use of Sanofi, AstraZeneca RSV Drug for Infants

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Aug. 3 recommended using a new monoclonal antibody from Sanofi and AstraZeneca to protect infants against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

The CDC’s advisory committee voted unanimously to include the nirsevimab antibody drug, called Beyfrotus, in the Vaccines for Children program, which will provide access to Beyfrotus at no cost to eligible children.

“Today, we have turned the corner on the threat of RSV to our youngest, most vulnerable population,” Thomas Triomphe, executive vice president for vaccines at Sanofi, said in a press release.

Infants under 8 months old entering their first RSV season can get one dose of Beyfrotus. It is also recommended for children between 8 and 19 months old who are at increased risk of severe illness and entering their second RSV season.

The CDC said that Beyfrotus is a long-acting monoclonal antibody—man-made proteins that mimic the natural antibodies—which has been proven to reduce the risk of hospitalizations and health care visits for RSV in infants by about 80 percent.

Beyfrotus was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month to prevent RSV disease in infants. The FDA said the safety and efficacy of Beyfortus were supported by three clinical trials and the results were favorable.

Sanofi stated that “across all clinical endpoints, a single dose of Beyfortus delivered high, consistent and sustained efficacy against RSV lower respiratory tract disease extending through five months.”

“As a long-acting antibody provided directly to newborns and infants as a single dose, Beyfortus offers rapid protection to help prevent lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV without requiring activation of the immune system,” it stated.

The estimated price of the monoclonal antibody drug is $495 per dose in the private sector. It can be administered as an intramuscular injection using a single-dose pre-filled syringe, according to the CDC.


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7922f1 No.77352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297820 (041823ZAUG23) Notable: Arizona RINOs Vote AGAINST Hand Counting Ballots, Say Election Integrity Too Expensive.

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Arizona RINOs Vote AGAINST Hand Counting Ballots, Say Election Integrity Too Expensive.

“Republican” officials in Mohave County, Arizona have voted down proposals to strengthen election integrity by hand-counting ballots in 2024. They claim that secure elections would be an unaffordable indulgence.

The Board of Supervisors for the county – comprised entirely of so-called Republicans – decided not to swap dubious machine counting for a traditional hand count by three to two, with one of those who voted against the proposal, Supervisor Travis Lingenfelter, saying that “the first thing that we have to do in Mohave County in good conscious [sic] is to balance the budget.”

“You can’t talk about any other spending when you have 18-20 million dollar deficit,” he weaseled, claiming that introducing measures to ensure election integrity would be fiscally “irresponsible.”

Mohave County did conduct a test hand count on a batch of 850 test ballots from the 2022 election before voting against a hand count.

This test went suspiciously poorly, with the count reportedly taking so long that officials calculated that counting all 105,000 ballots cast in 2020 would have taken 245 people working “seven days a week, including holidays, for nearly three weeks.”

Looking to countries like the United Kingdom, where paper ballots counted by hand are near-universal and counts are typically completed over the course of election night, the Mohave County test seems to have been so slow that some would question whether it was designed to fail.


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7922f1 No.77353

File: 72e2dba5aa3a937⋯.png (352.99 KB,561x403,561:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297839 (041827ZAUG23) Notable: Devon Archer Confirms Joe Biden Involvement in Burisma Interests

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Devon Archer Confirms Joe Biden Involvement in Burisma Interests

Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s best friend in business, confirmed then-Vice President Joe Biden’s involvement in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings.

In 2014, Archer and Hunter Biden both joined the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company with legal challenges, as it was under investigation for wrongdoing. In turn, Burisma paid Hunter Biden $83,000 a month to be a board member and provide the Biden brand.

Archer testified Monday that in December 2015, co-founder of Burisma Mykola Zlochevsky and Burisma executive Vadym Pozharski put pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from Washington, DC, regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma for corruption.

Years later, in 2018, Joe Biden bragged about the firing of Shokin, which he pushed for during an official visit to Ukraine in 2015.

“Joe Biden, of course, was the driving force behind his firing?” Tucker Carlson asked Archer during an interview released Friday.

“Yeah, he was involved in that,” he replied.

“Joe Biden knew that his son was on the board of this company that was being hassled by the prosecutor whose firing he was calling for?” Carlson asked.

“Right,” Archer said.

Carlson questioned what the Burmisa board members thought of Shokin’s firing. “What did you think?” Carlson asked.

“Again, they’ve tried to beat this into my head a million times because it does work on paper as far as the, you know, the logical steps,” Archer said. “But we were told that Shokin had already been taken care of, that he was under control and that this was going to be a whole big problem for Burisma now.”

Archer said the point where the Burisma relationship went sour for the Bidens is when the energy company released a photo and announcement that Hunter Biden joined the board.

“Long story short … they released some picture on the website that Hunter had joined the board,” Archer said. “And that was kind of — that was like the tipping point where Icarus had arrived a little too close to the sun.”

Emails obtained from the National Archives show that Joe Biden approved the official statement in December 2015 about Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board – despite claims he was not involved with the family’s business.

“Burisma released it, didn’t tell us,” Archer said of the announcement. “And, and it was like the most Googled news story in the world for 18 hours. And I was like, this is going to be different.”


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7922f1 No.77354

File: 4150c05e626bdc9⋯.jpeg (888.33 KB,2560x2623,2560:2623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a5c86f689966332⋯.jpeg (790.05 KB,1170x1173,390:391,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297843 (041827ZAUG23) Notable: Devon Archer Confirms Joe Biden Involvement in Burisma Interests

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Devon Archer DEBUNKS the Democrat narrative that Joe Biden had no knowledge of his son’s overseas business dealings.



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7922f1 No.77355

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297845 (041828ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Every time there’s something more devastatingly damaging that happens in the criminal probe of the Biden Crime Family, you have another shoe drop with one of these indictments against Donald Trump.” Charlie Hurt

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Donald J. Trump


“Every time there’s something more devastatingly damaging that happens in the criminal probe of the Biden Crime Family, you have another shoe drop with one of these indictments against Donald Trump.” Charlie Hurt

Aug 04, 2023, 2:15 PM



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7922f1 No.77356

File: 3d5dfb7e79979c9⋯.png (67.53 KB,686x488,343:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297847 (041829ZAUG23) Notable: Farage Tells Breitbart we are on the Verge of Banks Running ‘Word Checks’ on Customers Social Media

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Farage Tells Breitbart we are on the Verge of Banks Running ‘Word Checks’ on Customers Social Media

Banks are working with credit agencies to roll out “word checks” of social media accounts to assess how worthy of banking facilities members of the public are, Brexit’s Nigel Farage tells Breitbart as his new freedom of speech campaign gains momentum.

Having a bank account is essential to exist in the modern Western world and yet moves to further debank the public if they hold views that don’t align with the prevailing elite view are developing, Brexit leader turned anti-woke capitalism campaigner Nigel Farage told Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot Friday morning.

Far from merely being institutions which serve an important role in society by taking deposits then making loans — and making some profit by doing so — banks have now become “highly politically active”, Mr Farage warned. This is a campaign he has taken up to increasing effect in the United Kingdom after he was debanked for not aligning with his bank’s newfound left-wing values.

This will be part of a growing trend if it isn’t nipped in the bud now, Farage warned, revealing even more intrusive steps to ensure those with conservative opinions can’t pay bills or make purchases are coming. He said banks signed up to Environmental, Social and Governance programmes seemed to be employing “wokies” who “are just filled with an almost hatred for people who don’t subscribe to their world view”, and that:

The argument I’ve been making is if they can do it to me, they can certainly do it to you. What we do know is the British clearing banks are now working with some of the credit agencies to put in place word checks on the social media accounts of their customers. You can see the direction… we are litreally on the verge of this happening. So we really have to start shouting.


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7922f1 No.77357

File: a3201f6f6647836⋯.png (419.94 KB,830x570,83:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297856 (041829ZAUG23) Notable: A group of 38 House Democrats penned a letter Thursday to the body overseeing federal courts requesting that former President Trump’s election fraud trial be publicly televised live.

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A group of 38 House Democrats penned a letter Thursday to the body overseeing federal courts requesting that former President Trump’s election fraud trial be publicly televised live.

“It is imperative the [court] ensures timely access to accurate and reliable information surrounding these cases and all of their proceedings, given the extraordinary national importance to our democratic institutions and need for transparency,” the group wrote.

Trump was arraigned Thursday on four federal charges alleging that he attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 election. A trial date is expected to be decided at an Aug. 28 court appearance.

Cameras are generally not allowed in federal courtrooms.

“Given the historic nature of the charges brought forth in these cases, it is hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings,” the group continued.

“If the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally important for it to witness, as directly as possible, how the trials are conducted, the strength of the evidence adduced and the credibility of the witnesses.”

Among the signing members are House Jan. 6 committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and members Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.).


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7922f1 No.77358

File: f1f9f496793937b⋯.png (2.58 MB,1488x2642,744:1321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297871 (041832ZAUG23) Notable: AZ Supreme Court Is Asked To Hear Hamadeh Election Case

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August 4, 2023

AZ Supreme Court Is Asked To Hear Hamadeh Election Case


Questions surrounding who actually received the most lawful votes in the 2022 Attorney General race need not linger, despite efforts by some government entities to end further consideration of Abe Hamadeh’s election challenge against Kris Mayes.

That is the position put forth to the Arizona Supreme Court in a petition for special action filed Thursday by Jennifer Wright, one of the attorneys representing Hamadeh.

The petition argues the justices can “ensure that significant, non-speculative, outcome-determinative issues are fully litigated and that every valid vote is counted,” if they grant Hamadeh petition for a new trial.

Hamadeh’s petition points to numerous issues connected to the case, which started Dec. 9 when Hamadeh filed the challenge along with two Mohave County voters and the Republican National Committee. At the time, Mayes had a 511-vote margin going into a mandatory statewide recount.

The first trial was held Dec. 23 in front of Judge Lee Jantzen of the Mohave County Superior Court. Jantzen dismissed Hamadeh’s election contest that same day, but did not rule on a Jan. 3 motion for a new trial until July 14 when the motion was denied.

“Pointedly, the parties’ rights to speedy decisions have been grossly and repeatedly violated,” the petition states. “Given the urgency to resolve all of these matters and the lack of a plain, speedy, and adequate remedy, a special action to this Court is warranted.”

Hamadeh issued a statement late Thursday about the filing in which he highlighted the thousands of uncounted ballots in the attorney general’s race. ...


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7922f1 No.77359

File: b16e2320354a592⋯.png (674.99 KB,1195x898,1195:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 2188b4a3353ce17⋯.png (573.66 KB,917x678,917:678,Clipboard.png)

File: 27c0551b396a4ca⋯.png (229.98 KB,763x831,763:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297874 (041833ZAUG23) Notable: Sperry: Christopher J. Clark is a thug

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Paul Sperry


This guy is a thug ...

He threatened prosecutors investigating his client Hunter Biden

He bullied court clerks processing evidence against Biden

He tried to intimidate Devon Archer before his deposition

6:01 PM · Aug 4, 2023




Christopher J. Clark


Tel: 212-377-0853 | clark@clarksmithvillazor.com print | email bio

Chris Clark is a pre-eminent litigator who has successfully handled the highest stakes and highest profile matters in nearly every type of major dispute.

Chris has delivered amazing results for clients in: criminal matters (State of New York and US v. Elliott Broidy); SEC cases (SEC v. Elon Musk, SEC v. Mark Cuban) multi-billion dollar civil trials and litigations (Huff Asset Management v. Liberty Global, In re Argentine Sovereign Default Litigation); and corporate crisis management and control disputes (The National Law Journal Crisis Management Trailblazer, represented 20 corporations and boards in the last 12 months). Chris currently represents Robert Hunter Biden in his federal criminal investigation. Clients come to Chris for smart, aggressive, and proactive handling of their weightiest issues and come back because of extraordinary results.

Chris was an Assistant US Attorney in the Southern District of New York and a member of the Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force. During his tenure there, he conducted nine federal criminal trials as lead counsel (including the conviction of the men who looted Adelphia Communications Corp.) and argued more than 20 appeals in the Second Circuit.

Chris’ representative matters include:

Represents Robert Hunter Biden in a Grand Jury investigation regarding tax issues.

SEC v. Elon Musk, represented the founder & CEO of Tesla Motors in an SEC investigation and resolution of selective disclosure allegations.

SEC v. Mark Cuban, successfully represented Mark Cuban in a three-week federal jury trial, prevailing on all charges. Had previously represented Mr. Cuban in connection with the allegation that Mr. Cuban committed insider trading. Obtained first of its kind decision dismissing SEC’s Complaint in its entirety.

Gilmore v. Turvo, Inc., represented a special committee in a suit in the Delaware Chancery Court brought by the company’s former CEO, who sought relief pursuant to DE Section 225. As lead trial counsel, Chris successfully defended the claims and obtained a monetary settlement from Plaintiff despite the fact that his clients never brought counter-claims.

Non-Public Bribery Investigation – successfully represented a prominent attorney in a multi-national six-year bribery investigation. No charges were brought in any jurisdiction against the client.

PDVSA v. MUFG, represented bond beneficiaries and fiduciaries in a challenge by PDVSA to the validity of its entire 2020 bond issuance. Obtained summary judgment in favor of clients, a declaration of the bonds’ validity and a monetary award for clients in the amount of nearly US$2 billion.

Argentine Provincial Bonds, represented several ad hoc committees in negotiations with various Argentine provincial issuers. Successfully negotiated a number of creditor-favorable restructurings, including Chubut and Neuquen.

In re Argentine Bond Litigation, represented the largest group of Exchange Bondholders in international and domestic litigation concerning restructured Argentine Sovereign debt. Lead coordinating counsel in legal actions in the United States, UK, and Belgium, among other jurisdictions.



New York


JD, Columbia University School of Law

Cum laude

Senior Editor, Columbia Law Review

BA, University of California, Berkeley

Phi Beta Kappa

Departmental Honors


Supreme Court of the United States

United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

United States District Court for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York

United States District Court for the District of Connecticut

United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas

Clark Smith Villazor LLP 250 West 55th Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10019 | 212 582 4400 | info@csvllp.com | disclaimer | attorney advertising


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7922f1 No.77360

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297878 (041833ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes - The Vatican - WE HAVE THE GOLD!!!!

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Jan Halper-Hayes - The Vatican - WE HAVE THE GOLD!!!!


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7922f1 No.77361

File: c84cf3729771006⋯.png (377.64 KB,625x587,625:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a93f6153ef7aea⋯.png (653.05 KB,650x603,650:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297885 (041834ZAUG23) Notable: In commemoration of World Day Against Trafficking on July 30, former football star Tim Tebow shared how his Tim Tebow Foundation has helped

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In commemoration of World Day Against Trafficking on July 30, former football star Tim Tebow shared how his Tim Tebow Foundation has helped more than 2,000 human trafficking victims across the globe over the past 10 years.

“I believe that human trafficking and child sexual exploitation are two of the greatest evils we face today,” Tebow said in an Instagram post. “@timtebowfoundation has been in this fight for more than ten years and been blessed to expand our impact across 30 countries. Through our team and partners, we have created and operate 20 safe homes with 22 more in progress, and protected more than 2,000 victims while helping bring 500+ perpetrators to justice.”

Tebow expressed his belief that every person on earth is “created in the image of God—uniquely, beautifully, and perfectly” and described each of those unique humans as priceless individuals who aren’t “for sale.”

The former Heisman Trophy winner announced that his foundation is launching a fundraiser called “unKNOWN” in honor of his 36th birthday. “We have to do everything we can to continue identifying and protecting victims, caring for survivors, and working to prevent it from happening in the first place.”

“Children around the world are suffering from horrific sexual abuse, many from the very people who are meant to protect them,” Tebow said. “CSAM, or child sexual abuse material, is an evil that has been hiding in the darkness of our communities, our homes, and the internet for too long and it’s past time we exposed it to the light.”

Tebow’s hope and prayer for his birthday is that people would join together and raise $1 million, which will go towards protecting as “many children as possible” from “this horrific evil.”

The “unKNOWN” website says that more than two videos or images depicting child abuse are produced every second.

“There are more than 50,000 children’s images of sexual abuse sitting on a global database,” Tebow said. “Law enforcement can see them, but their identity and location is unknown. 50,000 children, that’s a city of children we need to find and protect!”

To date, Tebow’s birthday fundraiser has raised over $339,000 and follows the continued success of Angel Studios’ “Sound of Freedom,” which is based on a true story about the fight against human trafficking.


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7922f1 No.77362

File: fafe5da960b3e5d⋯.png (59.04 KB,763x280,109:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297889 (041835ZAUG23) Notable: Sperry: Weiss, who throttled the Hunter Biden investigation, has been cleared to testify, under oath, in a PUBLIC hearing before the House Judiciary Committee

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Paul Sperry




DEVELOPING: US Attorney David Weiss, who throttled the Hunter Biden investigation, has been cleared to testify, under oath, in a PUBLIC hearing before the House Judiciary Committee Sept. 27, Sept. 28, Oct. 18 or Oct. 19-but only if the Biden plea bargain case is resolved by then

6:17 PM · Aug 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77363

File: fafe5da960b3e5d⋯.png (59.04 KB,763x280,109:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297892 (041835ZAUG23) Notable: Sperry: Jack Smith is playing political games with his speaking indictments

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Paul Sperry




It's now clear Jack Smith is playing political games with his speaking indictments, which are more designed to sway 2024 voters than jurors. Smith puts the banana in Banana Republic


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7922f1 No.77364

File: 369048482116179⋯.png (46.21 KB,737x264,67:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297900 (041837ZAUG23) Notable: Sperry: Jack Smith is playing political games with his speaking indictments

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Paul Sperry




Sources: Special Counsel Jack Smith has no direct evidence Trump ordered security video footage deleted at Mar-a-Lago. His conspiracy-to-obstruct case is based entirely on hearsay and supposition


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7922f1 No.77365

File: 0c1dd3e262c30d5⋯.png (1.58 MB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ea10c456f5f4d0⋯.png (837.36 KB,1600x2000,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: e083a0c3246dac0⋯.png (860.42 KB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 269174b945a236b⋯.png (468.95 KB,800x1200,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297918 (041840ZAUG23) Notable: THIS DOD TASK FORCE OFFICIAL JUST ADMITTED ON LIVE TV…

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Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show


1) @realDonaldTrump ended the Bankrupt UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION in 2018.

2) The Queen of England & Pope were BOTH officially notified that THE ACT OF 1871 had ended, America was returning to a Constitutional Republic, and was no longer a Corporation owned by The Crown and The Vatican.

3) The @SpaceForceDoD has ALL 2020 ELECTION FRAUD DATA, Records, Videos, Counterfeit Ballots, Illicit Payments, Emails, etc., AND IT WILL ALL BE SUBPOENAED IN COURT as defense evidence thanks to Jack Smith, Joe Biden & the Deep State. This Exposes Everyone!

4) Of the 60 Election Fraud Cases filed over the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump WON 2 and 57 cases were NEVER HEARD because Judges declared “no standing.” IT HAS NEVER BEEN TRUE “there’s no evidence” OR “Trump lost 60 Court cases.” Both were/are total media lies.

5) 650 U.S. Military Cargo Planes filled with U.S. Gold were collected from underneath The Vatican and returned to America.

6) We can easily conclude from the above revelations of evidence, the US Senate confirmed a fraudulent election in violation of their SWORN OATH to uphold the U.S. Constitution &


and his brothers have 100% standing with their civil case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

7) For all who would like a deeper dive into how America became Corporation, please check out my video with @mollyelmore22 at this link: >>>/qresearch/19297903

8) Whoever stated August would be a HOT MONTH while Congress was in Recess was 100% accurate.

9) Enjoy the Show.

10) God Bless America!


Last edited 7:39 AM · Aug 4, 2023 from Milton, GA


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7922f1 No.77366

File: 14edb8ea4f844fe⋯.png (39.94 KB,568x246,284:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297994 (041851ZAUG23) Notable: ACLU sues Texas over 'unconstitutional drag ban' — compares drag queens to karaoke and cheerleaders

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ACLU sues Texas over 'unconstitutional drag ban' — compares drag queens to karaoke and cheerleaders

The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas announced that it has sued the Texas attorney general over what the group described as an "unconstitutional drag ban."

Texas Senate Bill 12 was signed by Governor Greg Abbott on June 18, 2023, and goes into effect on September 1, 2023.

The bill not only protects children from being exposed to sexually oriented performances, but it also prohibits such performances at commercial enterprises or on public property.

SB12 restricts "sexually oriented performances" on the "premises of a commercial enterprise, on public property, or in the presence of an individual younger than 18 years of age," the bill's most updated text said.

Section 43.28 of the penal code defines a "sexually oriented performance" as a visual performance that features a "performer who is nude" or "any other performer who engages in sexual conduct" and "appeals to the prurient interest in sex."

"Sexual conduct" is defined as "the exhibition or representation, actual or simulated, of sexual acts, including vaginal sex, anal sex, and masturbation," sexual contact, and the exhibition of sexual devices.

The chapter called the legislation an "unconstitutional law" that "violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments and threatens the livelihood and free expression of many Texans, including drag performers."

In a press release, the ACLU of Texas also said that the law also could "censor" performances such as "touring Broadway plays and professional cheerleading routines [and] karaoke nights and drag shows, anywhere that anyone under the age of 18 may be present."

Attorney for the group Brian Klosterboer, who is listed specifically as having "he/him" pronouns, said the law "flies in the face of the First Amendment."

"No performer should ever be thrown in jail because the government disfavors their speech, and we are asking the Court to block this affront to every Texan’s constitutional rights," Klosterboer added.

The alleged civil liberties organization also sought comment from a number of different performers and activists, including Brigitte Bandit, "she/they," who said drag queens are "targets of threats and misinformation."

The president of the Abilene Pride Alliance, whose pronouns are "they/them/theirs," called the legislation a "thinly veiled assault on the fundamental rights of LGBTQIA+ Texans."

A few miles north, the ACLU Missouri chapter also filed a lawsuit on behalf of a teenage boy who wanted to use the female restroom in his school. Attorneys argued that the school district’s policy violates Missouri’s Human Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause of the state’s constitution.


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7922f1 No.77367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297999 (041851ZAUG23) Notable: Professor says 'little children' should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for sharing restrooms with trans individuals — swimmer Riley Gaines fires back

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Professor says 'little children' should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for sharing restrooms with trans individuals — swimmer Riley Gaines fires back

A University of British Columbia professor switched her Twitter account to private after receiving a tsunami of blowback for sharing disturbing parenting advice with her social media followers last month.

Social media users torched journalism professor Dr. Katja Thieme for her response to a video of competitive swimmer Riley Gaines.

Thieme labeled Gaines a transphobe for advocating for women's rights. Gaines, who previously competed with trans-identifying swimmer Lia Thomas, has been an outspoken critic of trans ideology and has repeatedly condemned allowing biological men to share restroom and locker room facilities with biological women.

"Lia Thomas is not a brave, courageous woman who EARNED a national title. He is an arrogant, cheat who STOLE a national title from a hardworking, deserving woman," Gaines previously posted on social media.

In response to a video of a testimony given by Gaines advocating for women's rights, Thieme tweeted, "Hey, want to know one of my all time excellent parenting ideas?"

"Let. Little. Children. See. Penises. And. Vulvas. Of. Various. Ages. And. Sizes. In. A. Casual. Normalized. Totally. Safe. Way," Thieme's post continued. "The world will thank you for it. And so will those children when they grow up."

The Toronto Sun and the Daily Mail shared screenshots of Thieme's shocking comments before the professor switched her Twitter account to private.

One Twitter user replied to Thieme, stating that exposing children to adult genitalia is the "absolute definition of grooming."

"If this woman has children she needs to be investigated. She. is. sick," another social media user posted.

Gaines had previously stated that she "felt like I was going into the race with my hands tied behind my back" when competing against Thomas.

In an earlier post from Thieme, she blasted Gaines for being "whiny" and "a sore not-even-loser." She accused the swimmer and those against biological men competing in women's sports of fueling "anti-trans activism."

Gaines replied to Thieme on Monday, writing on Twitter, "You. Are. Deranged. And. Should. Be. In. Prison. I'd tag you, but, naturally, you made your account private. If you need a guest lecturer for you[r] course, let me know. In the meantime, someone should check her search history."

The Daily Mail reported that Thieme did not respond to a request for comment. Additionally, the University of British Columbia did not reply to the Daily Caller New Foundation's request for comment.


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7922f1 No.77368

File: 48c51edae0d242a⋯.png (319.87 KB,1080x1097,1080:1097,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298007 (041852ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS!

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7922f1 No.77369

File: 20c6f2fa4adc5b1⋯.png (2.64 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9917b78cb0b2c68⋯.png (81.07 KB,890x370,89:37,Clipboard.png)

File: e584fd64a32eb03⋯.jpg (54.47 KB,654x643,654:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298017 (041853ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS!

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Donald J. Trump


Isn’t is TERRIBLE that a Political Opponent can haphazardly charge you with FAKE crimes in the middle of your campaign in order to interfere with your time & message, and there is nothing you can do to stop this travesty of “justice.” They had 2.5 years to file, long before the campaign started. Another Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. Should not be allowed to happen!

Aug 04, 2023, 2:42 PM


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7922f1 No.77370

File: 644a4212c1366b3⋯.png (554.17 KB,1050x1280,105:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298077 (041901ZAUG23) Notable: Elon calls for people to cancel their New York Times subscriptions

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Elon calls for people to cancel their New York Times subscriptions 😁


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7922f1 No.77371

File: f26c7968cd43b22⋯.png (334.27 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298124 (041910ZAUG23) Notable: AbrahamHamadeh - We just filed a Special Action with the Arizona Supreme Court asking for a new trial regarding the November 2022 election.

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7922f1 No.77372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298141 (041913ZAUG23) Notable: NBC News Promotes LGBTQ Camp For Kids

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‘It’s Amazing’: NBC News Promotes LGBTQ Camp For Kids

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7922f1 No.77373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298142 (041913ZAUG23) Notable: Cyberattack on hospitals in several US states underway. Some emergency rooms forced to close and ambulances to be diverted

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JUST IN - Cyberattack on hospitals in several US states underway. Some emergency rooms forced to close and ambulances to be diverted

August 4, 2023

MANCHESTER, Conn. (AP) — A cyberattack has disrupted hospital computer systems in several states, forcing some emergency rooms to close and ambulances to be diverted, and many primary care services remained closed on Friday as security experts worked to determine the extent of the problem and resolve it.

The “data security incident” began Thursday at facilities operated by Prospect Medical Holdings, which is based in California and has hospitals and clinics there and in Texas, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania.

“Upon learning of this, we took our systems offline to protect them and launched an investigation with the help of third-party cybersecurity specialists,” the company said in a statement Friday. “While our investigation continues, we are focused on addressing the pressing needs of our patients as we work diligently to return to normal operations as quickly as possible.”


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7922f1 No.77374

File: b65d1a6f22ac674⋯.png (1.43 MB,1236x675,412:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298147 (041913ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE now with KASH PATEL

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Just started about 10 mins ago!


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7922f1 No.77375

File: 118e2693d846095⋯.png (59.09 KB,728x547,728:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298154 (041914ZAUG23) Notable: Louisiana Law Mandating ‘In God We Trust’ Displayed In Every Public School Classroom Takes Effect

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Louisiana Law Mandating ‘In God We Trust’ Displayed In Every Public School Classroom Takes Effect

A new Louisiana law requiring all public schools to display “In God We Trust” in classrooms went into effect on Tuesday after it was signed last month by the state’s Democratic governor.

The law, officially known as HB8, requires a display of “In God We Trust,” the national motto of the U.S., in every classroom of every building in every public school district, from elementary schools through high schools.

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) signed the law in June.

The sign must be a poster or framed document that is at least 11 inches by 14 inches.

“The motto shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font,” the law reads.

Schools can spend public money on the signs. People are also allowed to donate money to buy the displays for schools.

The ACLU of Louisiana complained about Louisiana’s new law, with a representative saying, “It’s our belief that parents, not school officials, should be responsible for shaping their children’s religious education.”

“Will it send a message that only students who believe in God are welcome in public spaces?” ACLU Louisiana advocacy strategist A’Niya Robinson asked.

The bill’s author, state Representative Dodie Horton (R), said the bill does not promote any particular religion.

“It doesn’t preach any particular religion at all, but it certainly does recognize a higher power,” Horton said.

“It’s a positive message in this world that throws so many negative things at our children,” she added.

In 2018, Louisiana passed a lighter version of the law, which required all public schools to have just one “In God We Trust” sign hung in public school buildings. Now, the signs will be more ubiquitous and likely more visible to students since they must hang in every classroom.

The 2018 law also required that students be taught that “In God We Trust” is the national motto and educated on the history of the phrase.

Louisiana is not the only state to implement a law recently requiring “In God We Trust” to be displayed in public facilities.

Florida, Arkansas, South Dakota, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Texas have also passed similar laws recently.


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7922f1 No.77376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298168 (041917ZAUG23) Notable: Iowa School District Will Review Nearly 400 Books Flagged For Sex Acts, Gender Identity

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Iowa School District Will Review Nearly 400 Books Flagged For Sex Acts, Gender Identity

An Iowa school district will review nearly 400 books that were flagged for depictions of sex acts and references to gender identity.

The Urbandale Community School District northwest of Des Moines will review 374 books to figure out whether they violate a new state law.

The new law prohibits schools from purchasing books that depict sex acts and also prohibits teaching gender identity or sexual orientation to students younger than seventh grade.

Governor Kim Reynolds (R) signed the law in May, and it took effect on July 1.

A spokeswoman for UCSD said the list does not necessarily represent any books currently in the school system, but if a book is currently in the system, it must be removed.

UCSD spokeswoman Dena Claire said that with the school year starting soon, “we did not want to put our teachers in a position where they had to guess as to what may or may not be acceptable.”

When lawmakers debated the law in the spring, proponents focused on several books that contain explicit images and graphic descriptions of sexual acts.

Two of those books were “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe and “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson. “Gender Queer” includes illustrations of sex between two males with a sex toy, oral sex, masturbation, and other sexually explicit content. Both titles have appeared in many school libraries across the country, often getting banned by schools when outraged parents raised the alarm.

Both books are on the Urbandale district’s list of books to review.

Other books on Urbandale’s list are “I Love My Colorful Nails,” about a boy whose classmates laugh at him when he paints his nails, “Ho’onani: Hula Warrior” about a Hawaiian girl who wants to lead the all-boys hula troupe at her school, and “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish” by Lil Miss Hot Mess, a founder of Drag Queen Story Hour, which is a nursery rhyme book about drag shows.

“In the absence of guidance from the Iowa Department of Education regarding implementation of SF496, we had to take a fairly broad interpretation of the law knowing that if our interpretation was too finite, our teachers and administrators could be faced with disciplinary actions according to the new law,” the UCSD spokeswoman told Fox News.

She said that the district began compiling the book list when they reviewed “quarantined” books from other states that had passed similar laws restricting books at public schools. The list is also not an “all-inclusive list” and could change, she said.

“We have a process for staff to question a book on the list and/or recommend additional books they feel may apply,” the district spokeswoman added.

The Urbandale district serves about 4,000 students.

The issue of sexually explicit and other inappropriate content being easily available to children in their school libraries and curricula has become a hot-button issue over the last few years.

Parents have shown up at school board meetings across the country to raise their concerns, sometimes even reading graphic passages from books they find objectionable in order to make their point.



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7922f1 No.77377

File: f6b02806a9dba22⋯.jpeg (603.78 KB,1125x1237,1125:1237,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298174 (041918ZAUG23) Notable: POTUS!

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7922f1 No.77378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298181 (041921ZAUG23) Notable: Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in lawsuits against him, citing 'election interference'

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Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in lawsuits against him, citing 'election interference'

"It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede. MAGA!" Trump wrote on TRUTH Social.

Former President Donald Trump on Friday called on the Supreme Court to intervene in the numerous lawsuits against him, citing it as election interference.

"CRAZY! My political opponent has hit me with a barrage of weak lawsuits, including D.A., A.G., and others, which require massive amounts of my time & money to adjudicate," Trump posted on TRUTH Social.

"Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts throughout the Country," the post continued. "I am leading in all Polls, including against Crooked Joe, but this is not a level playing field. It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede. MAGA!"

Trump was indicted Tuesday as part of a special counsel Jack Smith's federal grand jury probe into the former president's efforts to challenge the 2020 election results and the former president's role in the subsequent Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Trump was charged with four counts, including conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Trump has also been charged in Smith's probe of his handling of classified documents after leaving the White House. He pleaded not guilty to 37 of those federal charges.

In addition, a Manhattan grand jury in March voted to indict Trump on criminal charges in connection to violating a New York law on corporate record-keeping related to a payoff to Stormy Daniels, a porn star who claimed she had a sexual encounter with him.


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7922f1 No.77379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298187 (041922ZAUG23) Notable: Mexican cartels hack Custom And Border Patrol app to send more people to the US border, report

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Mexican cartels hack Custom And Border Patrol app to send more people to the US border, report

The cartels have reportedly hacked into the app and are raking in profits from any immigrant who wishes to enter Mexico.

Latin American cartels have allegedly hacked into a U.S. government phone app that migrants are required to use to make an appointment with America officials to try to gain access into the country.

In addition, the hack has also resulted in the Mexican government allowing migrants who come to the country from Guatemala to keep traveling to the U.S. border if they have obtained an appointment on the U.S. government's CBP One phone app, according to the Washington Examiner.

The report also states the hack has resulted in anybody from anywhere in the world making unlimited requests for appointments.

"It’s further evidence as this administration continues to try to come up with a new security paradigm along that border that I don't think they really understand it. They don't understand the lengths and depths the cartels will continue to go to," said Chad Wolf, former acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary

The cartels are reportedly making large profits from the hack from immigrants who wish to enter Mexico.

After the migrants arrive in Guatemala-Mexico or in Chiapas, the Mexican government's National Institute of Migration will allow them to go forward.

"Mexico will certainly let people through if they have an appointment, they're sort of counting that as a de facto transit visa," said Adam Isacson, director of defense oversight for the liberal immigrant advocacy organization the Washington Office for Latin America, according to the Examiner.

"It's sabotage and they know very well that people can't normally get an appointment unless they're north of Mexico City," he continued.

Customs and Border Patrol has not responded for comment at this time.


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7922f1 No.77380

File: 74694d0ff12e691⋯.png (290.13 KB,667x487,667:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298198 (041923ZAUG23) Notable: Reagan appointed Federal Appeals Court Judge under attack by left for refusing to take a competency exam. Think they want to make sure she is off the bench for Trump appeal

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Reagan appointed Federal Appeals Court Judge under attack by left for refusing to take a competency exam. Think they want to make sure she is off the bench for Trump appeal


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7922f1 No.77381

File: 9aff00fd2f4867c⋯.jpg (785.83 KB,1079x1523,1079:1523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298222 (041928ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Upadhyaya made Trump stew by arriving about 15min late

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From President Trump to Mr. Trump

JUDGE Upadhyaya made Trump stew by arriving about 15min late. He occupied that time sitting at a long table that bore a black computer monitor, microphone and sheets of paper. He folded and unfolded his hands, picked up a document and discarded it, turned and whispered to his lawyers. He scratched his nose, scribbled on a document and puffed out his cheeks. Like a child, he could not sit still.


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7922f1 No.77382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298271 (041937ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Just Got a Huge “Secret” Boost - Big Money Comes Flowing to Joe from Concerning Source

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=Biden Just Got a Huge “Secret” Boost – Big Money Comes Flowing to Joe from Concerning Source

What’s Happening:

What was it that Democrats keep complaining about? That there is too much “dark money” in politics? Liberals like AOC claim that Republicans rely on donations funneled through nonprofits. Because they are not direct donations, the identity of the donor is kept secret.

We don’t know who these donors are. They could be hard-working Americans… or corrupt Ukrainian businessmen.

But for all of the left’s bellyaching against Republicans, they seem to ignore the fact that–they do it too. Joe Biden has the worst approval ratings of any president in the last 70 years. Many within his own party don’t want him to run for re-election. So, you might expect that there aren’t too many Americans willing to donate to his re-election campaign.

Where, then, did he get all this money? From Fox News:

President Biden appears positioned to benefit from massive sums in undisclosed donations from the main outside super PAC backing his 2024 candidacy, records indicate…

Biden’s team promoted the Future Forward PAC as the leading external group to rake in big money to help his candidacy, The New York Times reported in July. At the time, Future Forward told the publication it had raised $50 million this year…

Future Forward’s nonprofit, which hides its donors, has transferred tens of millions to the PAC for electoral activity in recent years.

This is why Democrats are so eager for a seemingly unwell man to stay in the White House. It appears the Biden campaign is being bankrolled by a dark money group. This group is raising tens of millions of dollars, funneling it into Biden’s campaign.

We don’t know who is donating this money. But we are pretty sure it isn’t your neighbor.

Joe Biden has defrauded the American people and shoveled billions of our dollars at big corporations, foreign nations, and radical woke groups. Hmm… maybe he isn’t working for Americans at all? Maybe he’s working for whoever is giving him cash through this dark money group.

Why aren’t more Democrats outraged over this? Aren’t they the ones complaining that our elections are muddied, thanks to dark money? Yet they turn a blind eye whenever one of their own is guilty of this kind of thing.

They indicted Trump over paperwork, but ignore allegations that Biden took bribes and is getting money from anonymous donors.

And you don’t think the system is rigged?


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7922f1 No.77383

File: 7dc8279a94a4030⋯.png (845.69 KB,638x878,319:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cb1660eb146d0d⋯.png (382.84 KB,576x791,576:791,Clipboard.png)

File: ad20de9eebb610f⋯.png (191.02 KB,572x874,286:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 60b230f08207423⋯.png (117.06 KB,570x522,95:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 26e974794fa491d⋯.png (364.22 KB,612x878,306:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298371 (041954ZAUG23) Notable: Trump charges Infographic

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Trump charges Infographic


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7922f1 No.77384

File: 7113889255a2855⋯.png (493.33 KB,672x867,224:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 099250854ef8432⋯.png (41.64 KB,382x362,191:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298380 (041955ZAUG23) Notable: Trump charges Infographic

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77385

File: 98399f718037123⋯.jpg (382.54 KB,3500x2307,3500:2307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298410 (042000ZAUG23) Notable: A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama

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A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama

“I doubt that in the long run, Obama’s foreign-policy failures are going to be seen as the most important part of his legacy. I think future historians are going to look at the Obama presidency and see it as the moment when this new oligarchy merged with the Democratic Party and used the capacities of these new technologies and the power of this new class of people, the oligarchs and their servants, to create a new apparatus of social control. How far they can go with it, what the limits are … you see them trying to test it out every week or so.” ~ David Samuels

Samuels talks about the curiosity of President Obama maintaining his residence in the nation’s capital, an often-visited command center in Washington DC, where important members of the current administration assemble at times, and secret service vehicles are often spotted coming and going. Yet, for some odd reason, the DC media network who are directly responsible for tracking and outlining the comings and goings of those in power, are seemingly incurious about this home/headquarters.

[…] Samuels: “The easy explanation, of course, is that Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is. He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House. They hold the Iran file. Tony Blinken doesn’t.”

[Garrow interjecting] “Rob Malley was the guy on that.”

Samuels: “Rob Malley is just one person. Brett McGurk. Dan Shapiro in Israel. Lisa Monaco in Justice. Susan Rice running domestic policy. It’s turtles all the way down. There are obviously large parts of White House policymaking that belong to Barack Obama because they’re staffed by his people, who worked for him and no doubt report back to him. Personnel is policy, as they say in Washington.

Which to me is a very odd and kind of spooky arrangement. Spooky, because it is happening outside the constitutional framework of the U.S. government, and yet somehow it’s been placed off the list of permitted subjects to report on. Which is a pretty good indicator of the extent to which the information we get, and public reactions to that information, is being successfully controlled. How and by whom remain open questions, the quick answer to which is that the American press has become a subset of partisan comms.”

I am going to draw attention to one such example, because this is the first time I have seen anyone, other than myself, connect the dots of the new surveillance state to the intents and purposes of Obama’s tenure in office. As noted during the conversation, David Samuels says…

….”So Obama starts out as an eloquent opponent of the Patriot Act, etc., etc. By the end of his presidency, his people are unmasking intercepts of his political opponents every day, and the FBI is spying on Donald Trump.”

The response from Garrow is as succinct as it is accurate, “that’s right!”

This weaponized national security state will be the legacy of President Obama.

While future historians may reference the obvious failures in almost all of Obama’s foreign policy, specifically the events in the Middle East and ISIS manifest, the core of what will be attributed to President Obama will be the weaponized surveillance state using all the tools created, fine-tuned and deployed during his time in office.

All of that machinery within the, DHS, NSA, FBI, DOJ-NSD, ODNI, is still running on autopilot – massively controlling the mechanics of communication and social media, thanks to the pathways, networks and systems President Obama authorized.



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7922f1 No.77386

File: da1ebcfbde0e362⋯.png (144.07 KB,747x594,83:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298414 (042002ZAUG23) Notable: Former Media Producer Sentenced for Extortion and Obstruction of Justice

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Former Media Producer Sentenced for Extortion and Obstruction of Justice


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7922f1 No.77387

File: 71c59e6e981f4b3⋯.png (236.46 KB,684x786,114:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298427 (042003ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Whistling past the graveyard’: Dem fear grows over massive grassroots fundraising hit

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‘Whistling past the graveyard’: Dem

fear grows over massive grassroots fundraising hit

Politico, by Jessica Piper

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/4/2023 2:56:53 PM

One of the best online fundraising days for Democrats this year was the day of Joe Biden’s campaign launch — but even that day’s haul was meager compared to his campaign kickoff four years ago. That’s among the findings of an analysis of fundraising for the first half of the year through ActBlue, the party’s primary donation processor. Small-dollar giving at the federal level totaled $312 million in the first half of 2023 — a drop-off of more than $30 million compared to this point in the 2020 cycle. The platform also had 32 percent fewer donors in the second quarter this year compared to four years prior, although

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7922f1 No.77388

File: 92b9ee489450d62⋯.png (313.51 KB,1039x580,1039:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298434 (042004ZAUG23) Notable: A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama

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A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 8/4/2023 2:38:54 PM

Writing in Tablet Mag, David Samuels outlines his discussion with very well-respected historian David Garrow about Barack Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King, but mostly about Obama. It is an intensely interesting albeit very long read, much of it drawn from a transcript of the conversation initiated by Samuels about the research Garrow did for his 2017 book on Obama called “Rising Star.” The type of intense, deeply cited and granular research(snip) historians 50-years from now will be citing as they outline the legacy of President Obama. (snip) non-pretending analysis you will never see approved for conversation by those who currently maintain the false pretense of the subject.

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7922f1 No.77389

File: 4c50aacf15894d8⋯.png (369.9 KB,591x802,591:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298455 (042008ZAUG23) Notable: CNN Legal Analyst on Fani Willis prosecuting Trump: "She has intermixed her own political fortunes with this case in a way that I think is going to backfire significantly

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CNN Legal Analyst on Fani Willis prosecuting Trump: "She has intermixed her own political fortunes with this case in a way that I think is going to backfire significantly...

She subpoenaed a Republican candidate and then hosted a fundraiser for his Democratic opponent... The Judge threw her off that part of the case and said, 'What were you thinking?'

She subpoenaed Lindsey Graham then she recirculated a political cartoon making fun of Lindsey Graham as part of a political fundraising effort... She's also made inappropriate public statements...

All of this is bad form by a prosecutor... When this goes into the courts, count on Donald Trump arguing that she has improperly mixed her own politics in this."

7:11 AM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77390

File: 23ed087189d522b⋯.png (114.91 KB,598x757,598:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 70bbc74b4b01b19⋯.png (92.5 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298459 (042008ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Whistling past the graveyard’: Dem fear grows over massive grassroots fundraising hit

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77391

File: ee3d82d3ae4e186⋯.png (214.15 KB,599x594,599:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298465 (042011ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to the Public

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The Gateway Pundit


BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to the Public (VIDEO)


BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were...

In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee...

6:34 AM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77392

File: 93f584e3083ccaf⋯.png (258.13 KB,716x806,358:403,Clipboard.png)

File: c70274e709228bb⋯.png (672.69 KB,1159x1639,1159:1639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298499 (042019ZAUG23) Notable: From Canada #45: Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”

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Canada #45 >>>/qresearch/19293096

Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”

July 29, 2023

Covid experts are likely scrambling for cover as a new peer-reviewed study has been released. If any of them had any remaining dignity after all the politics, lies, and cover-ups, this study would surely wipe it out. But in the end, it’s not the experts who suffer the most; it’s all the people they deceived. According to the findings, heart-related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering 1 in 35 healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the booster dose.

So, this study basically tells us that in order to treat a bad “cold,” governments around the world created heart conditions in millions of people. The kicker is that the booster appears to impact woman more.

NEW Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Heart-Related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering in 1 in 35 of healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital has signs of heart injury assoc. with booster dose. pic.twitter.com/dHnqLPKH2Q

— TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) July 27, 2023


Hospital employees scheduled to undergo mRNA-1273 booster vaccination were assessed for mRNA-1273 vaccination-associated myocardial injury, defined as acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the sex-specific upper-limit of normal on day 3 (48-96 h) after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause. To explore possible mechanisms, antibodies against IL-1RA, the SARS-CoV2-Nucleoprotein(NP) and -Spike(S1) proteins and an array of 14 inflammatory cytokines were quantified. Among 777 participants, median age 37 years, 69.5% women, 40 participants (5.1% [95%CI, 3.7%–7.0%]) had elevated hs-cTnT concentration on day 3 and mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8% [95%CI, 1.7%–4.3%]). Twenty cases occurred in women (3.7% [95%CI, 2.3%–5.7%]), two in men (0.8% [95%CI, 0.1%–3.0%]). Hs-cTnT-elevations were mild and only temporary. No patient had ECG-changes, and none developed major adverse cardiac events within 30 days (0% [95%CI, 0%–0.4%]). In the overall booster cohort, hs-cTnT concentrations (day 3; median 5 [IQR, 4–6] ng/L) were significantly higher compared to matched controls (n = 777, median 3 [IQR, 3–5] ng/L, p


mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-?1(IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies.

This horrific news comes on the heels of several very high-profile and public “medical incidents” that occurred over the past week.



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7922f1 No.77393

File: a39392ad95146a9⋯.png (536.35 KB,592x691,592:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298513 (042022ZAUG23) Notable: Cyberattack on hospitals in several US states underway. Some emergency rooms forced to close and ambulances to be diverted

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Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: A cyber attack is underway causing MAJOR disruptions to hospitals and healthcare across several states.

Emergency rooms are closed, ambulances are being diverted, and many primary care services remain closed.

The attacker has not yet come forward, but this comes just days after it was revealed that Chinese government-backed hackers have been creating back doors in critical U.S. infrastructure and government systems over the past couple years.


5:14 AM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77394

File: 967a7e70475b10b⋯.png (310.07 KB,603x745,603:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298561 (042030ZAUG23) Notable: No one was forced to take a Vaccine" Pfizer

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Jim Ferguson


"No one was forced to take a Vaccine" Pfizer

They know whats coming and are desperate to wriggle out. Now they will put the blame on the politicians to save their skins. They know its unravelling.

In Britain we all remember those who insisted that people had to be vaccinated to work in care homes and fly on planes and we know those that pushed the vaccine such as British PM #Sunak who made huge profits by investing $500 million of his personal fortune into Moderna while stating they were "safe and effective" #WEF2030Agenda #Australia #Pfizer

Last edited

10:13 PM · Aug 3, 2023




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7922f1 No.77395

File: 88551e88afa371d⋯.jpg (79.16 KB,1080x1919,1080:1919,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298575 (042042ZAUG23) Notable: #23702

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twice baked


Nakers. assemble!

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7922f1 No.77396

File: 2597e8c23b13e53⋯.png (296.59 KB,716x806,358:403,Clipboard.png)

File: c70274e709228bb⋯.png (672.69 KB,1159x1639,1159:1639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298593 (042047ZAUG23) Notable: Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”

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From bottom of last bred

>>77392 pb


Latest peer-reviewed study destroys anydignity left for these so-called “Covid==experts”

July 29, 2023

Covid experts are likely scrambling for cover as a new peer-reviewed study has been released. If any of them had any remaining dignity after all the politics, lies, and cover-ups, this study would surely wipe it out. But in the end, it’s not the experts who suffer the most; it’s all the people they deceived. According to the findings, heart-related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering 1 in 35 healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the booster dose.

So, this study basically tells us that in order to treat a bad “cold,” governments around the world created heart conditions in millions of people. The kicker is that the booster appears to impact woman more.

NEW Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Heart-Related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering in 1 in 35 of healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital has signs of heart injury assoc. with booster dose. pic.twitter.com/dHnqLPKH2Q

— TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) July 27, 2023


Hospital employees scheduled to undergo mRNA-1273 booster vaccination were assessed for mRNA-1273 vaccination-associated myocardial injury, defined as acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the sex-specific upper-limit of normal on day 3 (48-96 h) after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause. To explore possible mechanisms, antibodies against IL-1RA, the SARS-CoV2-Nucleoprotein(NP) and -Spike(S1) proteins and an array of 14 inflammatory cytokines were quantified. Among 777 participants, median age 37 years, 69.5% women, 40 participants (5.1% [95%CI, 3.7%–7.0%]) had elevated hs-cTnT concentration on day 3 and mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8% [95%CI, 1.7%–4.3%]). Twenty cases occurred in women (3.7% [95%CI, 2.3%–5.7%]), two in men (0.8% [95%CI, 0.1%–3.0%]). Hs-cTnT-elevations were mild and only temporary. No patient had ECG-changes, and none developed major adverse cardiac events within 30 days (0% [95%CI, 0%–0.4%]). In the overall booster cohort, hs-cTnT concentrations (day 3; median 5 [IQR, 4–6] ng/L) were significantly higher compared to matched controls (n = 777, median 3 [IQR, 3–5] ng/L, p


mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-?1(IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies.

This horrific news comes on the heels of several very high-profile and public “medical incidents” that occurred over the past week.



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7922f1 No.77397

File: c8955d8dfc07629⋯.png (253.93 KB,1124x760,281:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298620 (042053ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!

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Gloves are off


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7922f1 No.77398

File: 407a8ea176951d5⋯.png (653.33 KB,978x1100,489:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298624 (042053ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848

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Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election… The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION - SPACE FORCE

“They’ve made a HUGE HUGE mistake with this one… Because even though they thought what was gonna happen was that they were going to go after him for treason or sedition, but they did criminally charge him, but they didn’t go to that extreme.

As a result, he has due process so he can subpoena people and bring things in.

Let me say something about this 2020 election. Biden is the legitimate president, but he’s a legitimate president of what is now the BANKRUPT US CORPORATION.

That wa SA treaty in 1871. On September 12, 2018… Trump created a. Executive Order. Within that, he outlined in any future elections, any kind of foreign or domestic interference, specifically for the 2020 election.

(That EO Fam is 13848, the one Joe Biden keeps renewing).

How did he know some of these things were going to happen?..>

What what this has done is open the door for Trump to present his case….>

It’s a great mistake by Jack Smith that he’s done that…

Think about Edward Snowden & all the information he had.

Think about the fact that our military, our Department of Defense, SPACE FORCE… if you think that they don’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself….>>

She goes on to talk about 2000 mules and the 60 court cases the media lies about that were rejected….

“There were 3… he won 2 & lost 1, 57 were never heard because they had no standing. Standing means the person bringing the case has to claim some kind of impact or injury….>>

I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense & they’ve got the goods. And Trump knew if he presented the evidence early of the goods early on, we’d have a Civil War & he felt that the people had to see how bad it could really get.”


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7922f1 No.77399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298633 (042054ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848

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Link to video:


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7922f1 No.77400

File: 3b9e58a904f7f2b⋯.png (446.11 KB,817x920,817:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298649 (042057ZAUG23) Notable: 4,000 Rescued Beagles, Bred for Research, Have Now Found Homes and Best Friends

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needed this

muh gud feelz


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7922f1 No.77401

File: c8d6e79df87979d⋯.png (34.15 KB,595x278,595:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298676 (042104ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!

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Trump throws down the gauntlet


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7922f1 No.77402

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298683 (042105ZAUG23) Notable: Devin Nunes 17 days ago Did DOJ officials lie to a grand jury in order to spy on my staff during Russia Hoax?

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Devin Nunes

17 days ago

Did DOJ officials lie to a grand jury in order to spy on my staff during Russia Hoax?



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7922f1 No.77403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298706 (042110ZAUG23) Notable: Streamer giveaway leads to riot in New York

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LIVE: Streamer giveaway leads to riot in New York

[other stream ended]

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7922f1 No.77404

File: c70343a4d514742⋯.png (1.43 MB,896x877,896:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298710 (042112ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77405

File: b7e0fb7a4eb46a1⋯.png (192.64 KB,2205x872,2205:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298715 (042113ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!

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Fuck yeah Q+ !


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7922f1 No.77406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298778 (042124ZAUG23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Alabama GOP Dinner at 6:30 PM ET.

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at Alabama GOP Dinner - 8/4/2023

The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump is scheduled to speak as the keynote speaker for the Alabama GOP Dinner on August 4th, 2023.

Coverage is expected to begin at 6:30 PM ET.


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7922f1 No.77407

File: 5dcaf189b486d08⋯.png (309.78 KB,855x919,855:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298833 (042130ZAUG23) Notable: Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping, One of thousands of patrons of the crowdfunded 'Sound of Freedom'

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>Caviezel is acting the role of "Jesus"

'Sound of Freedom' Funder Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping


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7922f1 No.77408

File: ff4e107c6517693⋯.png (576.28 KB,1170x2163,390:721,Clipboard.png)

File: e50cec6f89abff6⋯.png (657.11 KB,1170x1818,65:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298840 (042132ZAUG23) Notable: Why has Meta hired more than 160 individuals from the US Intelligence Community since 2018?

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1. 🧵Why has Meta hired more than 160 individuals from the US Intelligence Community since 2018?

Is the Global Engagement Center (GEC) directly providing funding to Meta? Is this a modern-day version of Operation Mockingbird?





State Dept-32


This is an update to my previous thread from December 2022. The primary focus here is to provide a comprehensive list of the most notable individuals, currently working at Meta, with backgrounds in intelligence.


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7922f1 No.77409

File: 2eab518afd71884⋯.png (71.98 KB,1174x388,587:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298891 (042140ZAUG23) Notable: Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to "quickly leave" Lebanon

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NEW - Saudi Arabia asks its citizens to "quickly leave" Lebanon


needs sauce but still

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7922f1 No.77410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298892 (042140ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine Attack on Russian Warship Disrupts Oil and Grain Export Hub

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Ukraine 'bows hole' in Russian war ship at Black Sea port


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7922f1 No.77411

File: 3746fb13aeb5fbd⋯.jpg (33.26 KB,640x533,640:533,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298902 (042142ZAUG23) Notable: Mark Margolis, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" actor, dies at age 83

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A meme template died today.


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7922f1 No.77412

File: 116b16d74b0fe1f⋯.png (108.39 KB,582x462,97:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298908 (042143ZAUG23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Aug 4, 2023

Dear Patriots,

It has been a wild week with serious consequences for our republic.

We were happy to report yesterday the win that Sidney had in Wisconsin.

If you missed the Press Release, you can catch up at our website.

Listen to Sidney’s argument. The whole video is 2:30 minutes.

There were two stunning interviews this week, both happen to be with the indefatigable Tucker Carlson.

One was kept from you by the powers at Fox News and has been leaked.

One was with Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer. Watch Episode 12 Part 1 with the man who testified in Congress behind closed doors, now giving on-camera stories about the Biden Crime Family.

TuckerCarlson.com (Give this site a few seconds to load the content)

This is all information, verification, and facts about two of the most serious stories of our lifetime; the 2020 Election/January 6 and the massive foreign bribery crimes of the current occupant of the White House.

The internet is a blessing and a curse. In this case we are blessed to have the ability to quickly get the truth to Americans in ways that are easy to share with others.

1- Take the time to look at the several videos and stories of the hidden and now leaked interview. (The audio is not the best quality.)

They can be found at The National Pulse link below.

While many who have been paying attention knew that the January 6 violence was likely orchestrated and incited, here is proof. And this proof has been hidden BY FOX NEWS for years.

SHARE this. It is a large part of the story that is still unfolding, in particular after the new indictments of President Trump. Attorneys for President Trump have tried to subpoena this information from Fox News.

WHY would FOX NEWS hide this from viewers?

Some of you remain loyal to a Fox News that no longer exists.

STOP watching FOX NEWS! They hate you and are filling you with lies, misdirection and concealing the truth from you.

QUOTE: “If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen.” -Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund

The National Pulse

Capitol Police Chief Called Jan 6 Events ‘A Cover Up’ in Tucker Carlson Interview HIDDEN By Fox News.

2- More evidence points to the fact that almost everything done to us during Covid-CCP failed to keep anyone alive or healthy.

Scottish Daily Express

No evidence to support Covid lockdowns in Scotland during pandemic says new report

3- It is good to see that people in Europe are waking up and fighting against the global elites that comprise the WHO.

Frontline News

EU citizens unite to combat WHO Pandemic Treaty

4- Once again, the hysterical efforts of the global left to terrify everyone into believing their latest claims that the world is a fiery boiling hellhole, is disproven with science.

Bjorn Lomborg at the Wall Street Journal

Climate Change Hasn’t Set the World on Fire

5- More saved babies in Indiana. A victory over Satan!


All Indiana Abortion Businesses Stop Killing Babies

6- We like to think that the massive efforts of Charlie Kirk at TPUSA and Jordan Petersen to speak honestly to young men have had an impact.

If that is indeed the case, where can we find a way to reach young women?

The Hill

High school boys are trending conservative

7- We love that college professors are being required to get First Amendment training! Thank you to Maggie DeJong for being BRAVE!


Faith Wins: Southern Illinois U. Edwardsville Ordered to Pay Christian Student $80K for Silencing Her Views



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7922f1 No.77413

File: caac984cf88bef7⋯.png (529.34 KB,715x1192,715:1192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298922 (042145ZAUG23) Notable: Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to "quickly leave" Lebanon

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7922f1 No.77414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298924 (042146ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine Attack on Russian Warship Disrupts Oil and Grain Export Hub

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Ukraine Attack on Russian Warship Disrupts Oil and Grain Export Hub

August 4, 2023

By Bloomberg News (Bloomberg) —

Russia’s commodity export hub of Novorossiysk in the Black Sea was closed for several hours on Friday after a Ukrainian drone attack on a naval vessel, the first time that operations at the key shipment point for oil and grains have been disrupted by the war.

The overnight assault by two naval drones was repelled without damage to port facilities, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Ukraine’s state security service was responsible for the attack that targeted and disabled the Russian landing ship Olenegorsky Gornyak, according to a security official familiar with the matter.

Russia’s Defense Ministry didn’t respond to questions about the status of the ship.

The incident highlights the growing risk to the flow of raw materials from the Black Sea. Moscow is seeking to further cripple Ukraine’s ability to export grains, while Kyiv has threatened commensurate action against Russia.

“This attack on Novorossiysk seems to have been very limited, but the risk of further attacks on Russian and Ukrainian ports and export infrastructure will lead to a lot of volatility,” said Carlos Mera, an analyst at Rabobank.

Wheat futures rose 2.75% to 644.3 cents per bushel and Brent crude advanced 0.6% to $85.65 a barrel as of 2:50 p.m. in London.

In the almost 18 months that Russia has waged its war against Ukraine, its ability to export commodities has been affected principally by sanctions. Europe banned most imports of the country’s oil, while the G-7 imposed price cap that restricts Moscow’s petroleum sales.

There is one notable exception — two Russian gas pipelines to Europe called Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 that were damaged by explosions in September 2022. The conduits were already shut down at the time of the blasts but the attacks removed a key point of Moscow’s leverage as it sought to use gas exports as an economic weapon against Europe. The New York Times subsequently reported that a “pro-Ukrainian group” was responsible for the blasts.

Russia is the world’s top wheat exporter and Novorossiysk ranks as one of the main shipment points. The country is in the midst of a second bumper harvest, making this a crucial time for getting grain onto global markets.

The drone attack adds to the tumult faced by the Black Sea crop trade after Russia pulled out of a deal last month that had established a safe corridor for grain shipments from three Ukrainian ports. The nation’s exports are now confined to smaller river and land routes, and Russia has launched multiple attacks on port infrastructure in the weeks since the pact ended.

Novorossiysk also ships oil, coal and fertilizer. Nearby is the export terminal for the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which loads tankers with about 1.3 million barrels a day of crude from fields in both Russia and Kazakhstan. The latter country has become a crucial sources of oil for Europe after it banned imports from Russia.

Russian authorities briefly halted marine traffic around Novorossiysk, but ship movements resumed at 10:39 a.m. Moscow time on Friday, CPC said in statement. During the disruption, the oil terminal continued to load tankers that were already moored.

“We currently assess the risks of supply disruptions as minimal,” said Viktor Kurilov, senior oil markets analyst at consultant Rystad Energy A/S. “Ukraine has attacked military targets and has not yet attacked civilian infrastructure” because doing so would be counterproductive for its allies, he said.


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7922f1 No.77415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298957 (042156ZAUG23) Notable: These are crimes against humanity… #Nuremberg2 twitter.com/kanekoathegrea…

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These are crimes against humanity…

#Nuremberg2 twitter.com/kanekoathegrea…

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7922f1 No.77416

File: e716addd0863e40⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298968 (042158ZAUG23) Notable: These are crimes against humanity… #Nuremberg2 twitter.com/kanekoathegrea…

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filtered for not knowing to take down a sheit clip for all filtered frogs to watch!

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7922f1 No.77417

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298970 (042159ZAUG23) Notable: Trump says INDICT ME AGAIN! Dems DEMAND Trial Livestream; Devon Archer TRANSCRIPTS Released - Robert Gouveia

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Trump says INDICT ME AGAIN! Dems DEMAND Trial Livestream; Devon Archer TRANSCRIPTS Released

Robert Gouveia


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7922f1 No.77418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298978 (042200ZAUG23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Alabama GOP Dinner at 6:30 PM ET.

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7922f1 No.77419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299018 (042210ZAUG23) Notable: #23701 posted in #23702

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#23701 >>77345


>>77347 Backpage publisher James Larkin, 74, dies by suicide a week before prostitution trial

>>77348 PREDICTION: Democrats will remove Biden after 2024 convention, won’t be nominee

>>77349 Handing Trump the sword

>>77350 @realDonaldTrump “So far, Biden’s attempts to arrest Trump are backfiring…Trump is now demolishing the Republican Primary Field…

>>77351 CDC Recommends Use of Sanofi, AstraZeneca RSV Drug for Infants

>>77352 Arizona RINOs Vote AGAINST Hand Counting Ballots, Say Election Integrity Too Expensive.

>>77353, >>77354 Devon Archer Confirms Joe Biden Involvement in Burisma Interests

>>77355 @realDonaldTrump “Every time there’s something more devastatingly damaging that happens in the criminal probe of the Biden Crime Family, you have another shoe drop with one of these indictments against Donald Trump.” Charlie Hurt

>>77356 Farage Tells Breitbart we are on the Verge of Banks Running ‘Word Checks’ on Customers Social Media

>>77357 A group of 38 House Democrats penned a letter Thursday to the body overseeing federal courts requesting that former President Trump’s election fraud trial be publicly televised live.

>>77358 AZ Supreme Court Is Asked To Hear Hamadeh Election Case

>>77359 Sperry: Christopher J. Clark is a thug

>>77360 Jan Halper-Hayes - The Vatican - WE HAVE THE GOLD!!!!

>>77361 In commemoration of World Day Against Trafficking on July 30, former football star Tim Tebow shared how his Tim Tebow Foundation has helped

>>77362 Sperry: Weiss, who throttled the Hunter Biden investigation, has been cleared to testify, under oath, in a PUBLIC hearing before the House Judiciary Committee

>>77363, >>77364 Sperry: Jack Smith is playing political games with his speaking indictments


>>77366 ACLU sues Texas over 'unconstitutional drag ban' — compares drag queens to karaoke and cheerleaders

>>77367 Professor says 'little children' should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for sharing restrooms with trans individuals — swimmer Riley Gaines fires back

>>77368, >>77369, >>77377 POTUS!

>>77370 Elon calls for people to cancel their New York Times subscriptions

>>77371 AbrahamHamadeh - We just filed a Special Action with the Arizona Supreme Court asking for a new trial regarding the November 2022 election.

>>77372 NBC News Promotes LGBTQ Camp For Kids

>>77373, >>77393 Cyberattack on hospitals in several US states underway. Some emergency rooms forced to close and ambulances to be diverted

>>77374 LIVE now with KASH PATEL

>>77375 Louisiana Law Mandating ‘In God We Trust’ Displayed In Every Public School Classroom Takes Effect

>>77376 Iowa School District Will Review Nearly 400 Books Flagged For Sex Acts, Gender Identity

>>77378 Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in lawsuits against him, citing 'election interference'

>>77379 Mexican cartels hack Custom And Border Patrol app to send more people to the US border, report

>>77380 Reagan appointed Federal Appeals Court Judge under attack by left for refusing to take a competency exam. Think they want to make sure she is off the bench for Trump appeal

>>77381 Judge Upadhyaya made Trump stew by arriving about 15min late

>>77382 Biden Just Got a Huge “Secret” Boost - Big Money Comes Flowing to Joe from Concerning Source

>>77383, >>77384 Trump charges Infographic

>>77385, >>77388 A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama

>>77386 Former Media Producer Sentenced for Extortion and Obstruction of Justice

>>77387, >>77390 ‘Whistling past the graveyard’: Dem fear grows over massive grassroots fundraising hit

>>77389 CNN Legal Analyst on Fani Willis prosecuting Trump: "She has intermixed her own political fortunes with this case in a way that I think is going to backfire significantly

>>77391 Pfizer Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Their Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to the Public

>>77392 From Canada #45: Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”

>>77394 No one was forced to take a Vaccine" Pfizer

#23701 posted in #23702

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7922f1 No.77420

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299155 (042230ZAUG23) Notable: Devin Nunes - Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devin Nunes - Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel

Aug 4, 3:01 pm EDT


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7922f1 No.77421

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299175 (042233ZAUG23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Alabama GOP Dinner at 6:30 PM ET.

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7922f1 No.77422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299207 (042236ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Andrew Huberman explains the effects of political polarization and extremism on the brain and body.

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Neuroscientist: THIS Is Why You Feel TRIGGERED All the Time

Dr. Andrew Huberman explains the effects of political polarization and extremism on the brain and body.

Andrew Huberman is an American neuroscientist and tenured associate professor in the department of neurobiology and psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine.


Apr 30, 2023

#andrewhuberman #richroll #hate


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7922f1 No.77423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299216 (042237ZAUG23) Notable: Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to "quickly leave" Lebanon

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Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to quickly leave Lebanon

Reuters Fri, August 4, 2023 at 5:03 p.m. EDT


Fri, August 4, 2023 at 5:03 p.m. EDT·1 min read

(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia called on its citizens to quickly leave Lebanese territory and to avoid approaching areas seeing armed conflicts, the Saudi embassy in Lebanon said in a statement posted late on Friday on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The kingdom did not specify which areas in Lebanon that it was advising its citizens to avoid.

The embassy stressed "the importance of adhering to the Saudi travel ban to Lebanon," the statement added.

On Aug. 1, the United Kingdom also updated its travel advice for Lebanon, advising against "all but essential travel" to parts of Lebanon’s south near the Palestinian camp of Ain el-Hilweh.

At least 13 people, most of them militants, were killed in fighting that broke out in the camp on July 29 between mainstream faction Fatah and hardline Islamists, security sources in the camp told Reuters.

Ain el-Hilweh is the largest of 12 Palestinian camps in Lebanon, hosting around 80,000 of up to 250,000 Palestinian refugees countrywide, according to the United Nations' agency for refugees from Palestine.

(This story has been corrected to say 'in Lebanon' instead of 'other than Lebanon' in paragraph 2)

(Reporting by Yomna Ehab and Enas Alashray; editing by Jonathan Oatis and David Gregorio)


Urgent Update: Saudi Embassy Urges Citizens to Leave Lebanon Amidst Armed Conflicts

August 4, 2023 by archyde

2023-08-04 21:18:00

The Saudi embassy in Beirut called on its citizens to quickly leave Lebanese territory.

In a statement, on Friday evening, the embassy warned its citizens against being present and approaching areas witnessing armed conflicts.

And the embassy stated in its statement: “The embassy would like to warn the honorable citizens against being present and approaching the areas witnessing armed conflicts, and also calls on the citizens to quickly leave the Lebanese territory.”

The embassy stressed the importance of adhering to the decision to prevent Saudis from traveling to Lebanon, calling for contacting it in emergency cases.


#Saudi #Arabia #calls #citizens #quickly #leave #Lebanon


There are articles saying same thinig, but dated 2017

Saudi Arabia, regional allies caution citizens over Lebanon

By Tamara Qiblawi and Sarah Sirgany, CNN Updated 4:36 AM EST, Fri November 10, 2017


Saudi Arabia tells citizens to leave Lebanon at once

9 November 2017


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7922f1 No.77424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299256 (042244ZAUG23) Notable: Wisconsin governor seeks prosecution of 2020 alternate electors

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Wisconsin governor seeks prosecution of 2020 alternate electors

His call for the prosecution of Wisconsin's 10 would-be Trump electors follows such an action last month from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, who has brought felony election charges against that state's 16 alternate electors.

Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers on Friday contended that a group of alternate electors for the state who supported former President Donald Trump's efforts to challenge the 2020 election ought to face prosecution.

Amid allegations of election fraud in key battlegrounds, Trump allies put together alternate elector slates in the swing states who asserted that the former president won reelection.

After a bill signing on Friday, Evers said that "[w]hat they did was wrong, and so I’m hoping somebody will pick up the banner here, because this has to happen," The Hill reported. "There has to be accountability."

His call for the prosecution of Wisconsin's 10 would-be Trump electors follows such an action last month from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, who has brought felony election charges against that state's 16 alternate electors.

"It would be malfeasance of the greatest magnitude if my department failed to act here in the face of overwhelming evidence of an organized effort to circumvent the lawfully cast ballots of millions of Michigan voters in a presidential election," she said at the time.

Trump himself is facing criminal charges from special counsel Jack Smith in relation to his efforts to overturn the election results. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges and maintains that the myriad indictments against him are part of a political witch hunt to derail his 2024 presidential bid.


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7922f1 No.77425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299260 (042244ZAUG23) Notable: Biden admin cancels oil order to replenish Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Report

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Biden admin cancels oil order to replenish Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Report

Biden drained the SPR last year to its lowest level in almost four decades.

The Biden administration has canceled an offer to buy 6 million barrels of oil to replenish America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), multiple outlets have reported.

Last year, President Biden drew criticism when he sold off 180 million barrels of oil from the SPR, resulting in a near 4-decade reserve low, which he claimed helped to "stabilize crude oil markets and reduce prices at the pump."

This July, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced a buyback plan to replenish the reserve. One of those acquisition orders, however, has been canceled amid rising oil costs, according to Reuters.

The administration previously set its target price was $67 to $72 per barrel, which is well below current market value. WTI and Brent Crude currently trade for more than $82 and $86 per barrel, respectively.

Nonetheless, a DOE official says the agency "remains committed to its replenishment strategy for the SPR."


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7922f1 No.77426

File: a5233078665bcf5⋯.png (112.49 KB,502x425,502:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299277 (042247ZAUG23) Notable: RFK Jr. Sues Google, YouTube Over Censorship

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RFK Jr. Sues Google, YouTube Over Censorship

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed a lawsuit against Google and YouTube, who he claims are 'state actors' who have violated his free speech.

Kennedy, who's campaigning against President Joe Biden for the Democratic party nomination said in a 27-page complaint that the sites caved to pressure from the Biden administration, and that his videos about Covid vaccines were being censored through "overt and covert" means.

"Under these circumstances, YouTube is a state actor and it violated Mr Kennedy’s First Amendment rights by engaging in viewpoint discrimination," reads the filing. "This complaint concerns the freedom of speech and the extraordinary steps the United States government has taken under the leadership of Joe Biden to silence people it does not want Americans to hear."

The lawsuit points to several instances of the sites removing Kennedy's speeches and interviews, including one with Joe Rogan, and a March speech he gave to the New Hampshire Institute of Politics.

"Unlike other tech companies — notably Facebook and Instagram (both owned by Facebook parent Meta) and Twitter (now owned by Elon Musk) — YouTube has not treated Mr Kennedy differently now that he is a political candidate," the suit states.

"Although it cited its own COVID vaccine misinformation policies when censoring Mr. Kennedy, the policies rely entirely on government officials to decide what information gets censored," reads the complaint. "They say that YouTube does not allow people to say anything ‘that contradicts local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19.'"

According to the complaint, while other social media companies have stopped suppressing Kennedy since he declared his candidacy, YouTube has continued to silence him. "This censorship campaign prevents Mr. Kennedy’s message from reaching millions of voters. It also makes it harder for groups that are supporting his campaign to amplify his message through public sources."

Last month, the 69-year-old told the GOP's House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that he's being censored by a cabal of "big government, big tech and big media."

In response, Google told The Independent: "YouTube applies its Community Guidelines independently, transparently, and consistently, regardless of political viewpoint.

"These claims are meritless and we look forward to refuting them."

Kennedy also filed a class action lawsuit against Biden and the US Government in March for attempting to induce Facebook, Google and Twitter to "censor constitutionally protected speech."


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7922f1 No.77427

File: 9494a419ef178d2⋯.png (329.04 KB,1062x828,59:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299304 (042252ZAUG23) Notable: the U.S. government, defense and intelligence establishment are engaging in a staggeringly brazen UFO distraction effort

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Either the U.S. government has mounted an extraordinary, decades-long coverup of UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering activities, or elements of the defense and intelligence establishment are engaging in a staggeringly brazen psychological disinformation campaign.


Biblical. Daniel? What say you?

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7922f1 No.77428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299325 (042255ZAUG23) Notable: #23702

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#23702 >>77395

>>77406, >>77418, >>77421 President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Alabama GOP Dinner at 6:30 PM ET.

>>77396 Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”

>>77397, >>77401, >>77405, >>77404 @realDonaldTrump IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!

>>77398, >>77399 Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848

>>77402 Devin Nunes 17 days ago Did DOJ officials lie to a grand jury in order to spy on my staff during Russia Hoax?

>>77417 Trump says INDICT ME AGAIN! Dems DEMAND Trial Livestream; Devon Archer TRANSCRIPTS Released - Robert Gouveia

>>77400 4,000 Rescued Beagles, Bred for Research, Have Now Found Homes and Best Friends

>>77403 Streamer giveaway leads to riot in New York

>>77407 Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping, One of thousands of patrons of the crowdfunded 'Sound of Freedom'

>>77408 Why has Meta hired more than 160 individuals from the US Intelligence Community since 2018? Is the Global Engagement Center (GEC) directly providing funding to Meta? Is this a modern-day version of Operation Mockingbird?

>>77409, >>77413, >>77423 Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to "quickly leave" Lebanon

>>77411 Mark Margolis, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" actor, dies at age 83

>>77412 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>77414, >>77410 Ukraine Attack on Russian Warship Disrupts Oil and Grain Export Hub

>>77415, >>77416 These are crimes against humanity… #Nuremberg2 twitter.com/kanekoathegrea…

>>77420 Devin Nunes - Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel

>>77422 Dr. Andrew Huberman explains the effects of political polarization and extremism on the brain and body.

>>77424 Wisconsin governor seeks prosecution of 2020 alternate electors

>>77425 Biden admin cancels oil order to replenish Strategic Petroleum Reserve: Report

>>77426 RFK Jr. Sues Google, YouTube Over Censorship

>>77427 the U.S. government, defense and intelligence establishment are engaging in a staggeringly brazen UFO distraction effort


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7922f1 No.77429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299338 (042257ZAUG23) Notable: #23703

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7922f1 No.77430

File: 2ce7e864270f582⋯.png (1.51 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299376 (042303ZAUG23) Notable: Grab your spades. we diggin'

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>>77284 /pb

tips of the spear?

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7922f1 No.77431

File: 4d88021808eb704⋯.png (401.19 KB,712x1018,356:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 17a1ba2be4c7caa⋯.png (328.36 KB,607x1162,607:1162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299391 (042306ZAUG23) Notable: Hyundai and Kia recall nearly 92,000 vehicles and tell owners to park them outside due to fire risk

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Hyundai and Kia recall nearly 92,000 vehicles and tell owners to park them outside due to fire risk


Alberta announces pause on renewable energy projects, citing rural concerns

The minister of affordability and utilities says the move is in response to rural concerns about development on agricultural land, the effect on scenery, reclamation security and system reliability


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7922f1 No.77432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299392 (042306ZAUG23) Notable: West Australian government to scrap Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act after months of controversy

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Cook government to scrap Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act after months of controversy

The West Australian government will scrap its controversial Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws within days, the ABC understands.

Key points:

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act had been a source of confusion and controversy

They required many landholders to undertake detailed assessments before starting projects

The ABC understands the laws are set to be scrapped in days

Premier Roger Cook and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Tony Buti will make an announcement early next week.

It follows months of harsh criticism of the laws and the government in the lead up to their implementation on July 1 and in the weeks following.

The criticism has been lead by WA's opposition parties — the Nationals and Liberals — along with farmers groups including WAFarmers and the Pastoralists and Graziers Association.

It's understood the state will revert to operating under the 1972 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage legislation.

The new legislation came into force to 'modernise' the existing process, which saw major problems exposed in the wake of the destruction of Juukan Gorge.

The laws require some WA landowners to check for the presence of cultural heritage before conducting any activities that may compromise such sites.

Where a risk exists, landowners may need to seek permits or prepare management plans depending on the type of activity and the extent to which the land will be cleared or disturbed.

The government also made numerous exemptions for lower-level works that did not previously exist.

Tone shifts over laws

At the time, the legislation was moved through parliament quickly and the Opposition voted in favour, but say that was something they now have come to regret.

Key criticism of the act were that it was too confusing and unclear, that it would be too time consuming and too expensive for landowners to meet the requirements of it, and that it would be open to abuse.


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7922f1 No.77433

File: 13ea7f13500d4dc⋯.png (29.29 KB,519x497,519:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 5703df741095d6b⋯.png (312.22 KB,519x1172,519:1172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299414 (042310ZAUG23) Notable: 5 year Delta tomorrow. D5

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5 year Delta tomorrow.


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7922f1 No.77434

File: 2d5e1796a889068⋯.png (143.79 KB,360x263,360:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c5383a4fcdf18e⋯.png (461.43 KB,580x680,29:34,Clipboard.png)

File: ec4fe4c7c75124a⋯.png (95.48 KB,338x360,169:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299422 (042311ZAUG23) Notable: Russian tanker hit off the Kerch Strait

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Rybar confirms that the Russian tanker Sig (IMO: 9735335, MMSI 273340190) was hit off the Kerch Strait, reports that the engine room flooded (indicates a Ukrainian USV strike).



Possibly a UAV hit.

Quote Tweet

Intel Crab




Audio recording of the RU-flagged SIG tanker following a UAV detonation near the top deck.


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7922f1 No.77435

File: bd62bff947369f5⋯.jpg (138.69 KB,720x858,120:143,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299431 (042312ZAUG23) Notable: Obama Told Ex-Girlfriend He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says

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JUST IN: Obama Told Ex-Girlfriend He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says


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7922f1 No.77436

File: 1c50669420a3d15⋯.png (126.91 KB,378x425,378:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299451 (042316ZAUG23) Notable: Grab your spades. we diggin'

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>tips of the spear?

Spades ♠ form one of the four suits of playing cards in the standard French deck. It has the same shape as the leaf symbol in German-suited cards but its appearance is more akin to that of an upside down black heart with a stalk at its base. It symbolises the pike or halberd, two medieval weapons.

In French the suit of Spades is known as the Pique and in German as the Pik. It corresponds to the suit of leaves (Laub, Grün, Schippen or, in Bavaria, Gras) in the German suited playing cards. In Switzerland, the suit is known as Schuufle ('shovel') and in many German regions, e.g., the Rhineland, as Schüppe/Schippe ('shovel').

In bridge, spades rank as the highest suit. In skat and similar games, it is the second-highest suit.


The French name for this suit, pique ('pike'), meant, in the 14th century, a weapon formed by an iron spike placed at the end of a pike.[1]


The spade symbol is a very stylized spearhead shape, pointing upwards, the bottom widening into two arcs of a circle and sweeping towards the centre to then form a sort of foot.

Generally, spades are black. They form one of the two major suits in bridge (with hearts). In the official skat tournament deck, spades are green, assuming the color of their German-deck equivalent.

The following gallery shows the spades in a 52-card deck of French playing cards. Not shown is the Knight of Spades used in Tarot card games:

Four-colour packs are sometimes used in tournaments or online.[2] In four-colour packs Spades may be:

black ♠ in English bridge and poker packs and French and Swiss four-colour packs,[3]

green ♠ in German skat tournament packs[4] or

blue ♠ in some American poker decks


The symbol ♠ is already in the computer code set CP437 and therefore also part of Windows WGL4. In Unicode a black ♠ and a white ♤ spade are defined:

Symbol Unicode Entity in HTML

♠ U+2660 BLACK SPADE SUIT ⍠ or ♠


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7922f1 No.77437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299455 (042316ZAUG23) Notable: Two U.S. Navy Sailors Arrested for Sharing Military Information with China

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Two U.S. Navy Sailors Arrested for Sharing Military Information with China

Mike Schuler August 3, 2023

Two U.S. Navy servicemembers have been arrested for transmitting sensitive military information to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the U.S. Justice Department announced Thursday.

Prosecutors said the arrests highlight the aggressive efforts of the PRC to undermine U.S. national security and the importance of countering threats from China.

One case involved a sailor stationed at Naval Base San Diego, named Jinchao Wei, who allegedly sent photographs, videos, and manuals of the USS Essex and other Navy ships to a Chinese intelligence officer in exchange for payment. Wei was arrested Wednesday on espionage charges as he arrived for work at Naval Base San Diego, the homeport of the Pacific Fleet.

The second sailor, Petty Officer Wenheng Zhao, was stationed at Naval Base Ventura County and stands accused of receiving bribes from a Chinese intelligence officer in exchange for transmitting non-public sensitive U.S. military information, including details related to a large-scale U.S. military exercise in the Indo-Pacific Region. The indictment further alleges that, in exchange for bribes, Zhao photographed electrical diagrams and blueprints for a radar system stationed on a U.S. military base in Okinawa, Japan.

Zhao was arrested following an indictment by a federal grand jury and faces 20 years in prison if convicted.

“These arrests are a reminder of the relentless, aggressive efforts of the People’s Republic of China to undermine our democracy and threaten those who defend it,” said Assistant Director Suzanne Turner of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. “The PRC compromised enlisted personnel to secure sensitive military information that could seriously jeopardize U.S. national security. The FBI and our partners remain vigilant in our determination to combat espionage, and encourage past and present government officials to report any suspicious interactions with suspected foreign intelligence officers.”


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7922f1 No.77438

File: d3ae22020698db1⋯.jpeg (699.32 KB,1170x958,585:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9260d26b01f6ec0⋯.jpeg (461.38 KB,1170x1125,26:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299478 (042320ZAUG23) Notable: Obama Told Ex-Girlfriend He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says

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Letters to an old girlfriend

"With Alex [McNear, Obama’s girlfriend at Occidental College], I think she wanted to have her role known. So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said,“It’s about homosexuality,’"Garrow said before explaining that a man named Harvey Klehr was tasked with going through the letters, which are at Emory University.

"He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures. So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph whereBarack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men," Garrow said.


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7922f1 No.77439

File: 5d8a9797c943d36⋯.png (36.74 KB,485x565,97:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 6128e5e692172dd⋯.png (2.59 MB,1277x872,1277:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c064fd48ccf331⋯.png (1.54 MB,1613x3276,1613:3276,Clipboard.png)

File: 0873baac6a46ecd⋯.jpeg (241.4 KB,819x1200,273:400,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dce388a95b578aa⋯.png (122.95 KB,633x311,633:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299489 (042322ZAUG23) Notable: Grab your spades. we diggin'

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1 post(s) found containing "spade".


Jun 11, 2018 12:16:25 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 205f78 No. 1694734

Track ALL suicides.

Example 1:

Think SPADE.

Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).

Trace to Import/Export.

Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.

Trace sale/spin off of Co.

Trace to CF.

Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).

Who granted?


Expect A LOT more.


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7922f1 No.77440

File: 45dfddb363a3ad8⋯.jpg (94.03 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 654502e8ceded0b⋯.jpg (103.75 KB,720x917,720:917,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299510 (042327ZAUG23) Notable: Weird broadcast from Elon '45' comms?

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Weird video from Elon, it's a broadcast so i can't download. At the very beginning you hear someone say '45' while Elon is doing a smug pepe pose. Then he goes over to table picks up a barbell and says I'm'Curling 45'

Anyone else find the comms in this strange?

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7922f1 No.77441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299525 (042329ZAUG23) Notable: Trump LIVE NOW at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj6Z8QsvexU

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7922f1 No.77442

File: 6a7a9ec27dbcb1f⋯.png (146.34 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299534 (042331ZAUG23) Notable: Grab your spades. we diggin'

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Spade shovel

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7922f1 No.77443

File: 9f4665b3871de90⋯.jpg (304.88 KB,720x1234,360:617,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 678090812d3f9bc⋯.jpg (133.14 KB,720x1012,180:253,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9ac446d34e659fb⋯.jpg (42.02 KB,720x478,360:239,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299554 (042333ZAUG23) Notable: Weird Obama pic

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Obama birthday pic from today

Weird how the light splits his head in half, and why are his eyes closed tight? Who poses for a nice birthday picture with their eyes closed?

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7922f1 No.77444

File: 3f62b62f7e76ae4⋯.png (125.7 KB,899x746,899:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 34a769b9a6f2f94⋯.png (122.66 KB,924x723,308:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299631 (042347ZAUG23) Notable: Inside the Pineal Gland There is a “retina” to see: studies

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🔮The light seen by your retina in your Pineal Gland will be fully known and studied in 2030.

In 2023 few knew the connection between these piezo illumination processes and Cryptochromes and how they related to new AI.

Inside the Pineal Gland are Calcite Micro Crystals of Calcium, Carbon and Oxygen that produce bioluminescense a “cold” light without heat.

There is a “retina” to see it.

“Nonvisual photoreceptors of the deep brain, pineal organs and retina”—PubMed

Nonvisual photoreceptors of the deep brain, pineal organs and retina

B Vigh 1, M J Manzano, A Zádori, C L Frank, A Lukáts, P Röhlich, A Szél, C Dávid

Affiliations expand

PMID: 11962759 DOI: 10.14670/HH-17.555


The role of the nonvisual photoreception is to synchronise periodic functions of living organisms to the environmental light periods in order to help survival of various species in different biotopes. In vertebrates, the so-called deep brain (septal and hypothalamic) photoreceptors, the pineal organs (pineal- and parapineal organs, frontal- and parietal eye) and the retina (of the "lateral" eye) are involved in the light-based entrain of endogenous circadian clocks present in various organs. In humans, photoperiodicity was studied in connection with sleep disturbances in shift work, seasonal depression, and in jet-lag of transmeridional travellers. In the present review, experimental and molecular aspects are discussed, focusing on the histological and histochemical basis of the function of nonvisual photoreceptors. We also offer a view about functional changes of these photoreceptors during pre- and postnatal development as well as about its possible evolution. Our scope in some points is different from the generally accepted views on the nonvisual photoreceptive systems. The deep brain photoreceptors are hypothalamic and septal nuclei of the periventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neuronal system. Already present in the lancelet and representing the most ancient type of vertebrate nerve cells ("protoneurons"), CSF-contacting neurons are sensory-type cells sitting in the wall of the brain ventricles that send a ciliated dendritic process into the CSF. Various opsins and other members of the phototransduction cascade have been demonstrated in telencephalic and hypothalamic groups of these neurons. In all species examined so far, deep brain photoreceptors play a role in the circadian and circannual regulation of periodic functions. Mainly called pineal "glands" in the last decades, the pineal organs actually represent a differentiated form of encephalic photoreceptors. Supposed to be intra- and extracranially outgrown groups of deep brain photoreceptors, pineal organs also contain neurons and glial elements. Extracranial pineal organs of submammalians are cone-dominated photoreceptors sensitive to different wavelengths of light, while intracranial pineal organs predominantly contain rod-like photoreceptor cells and thus scotopic light receptors.

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7922f1 No.77445

File: a7ea5a9ee4aea07⋯.png (412.16 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299664 (042351ZAUG23) Notable: John G. Trump/Tesla Archive https://open.ink/jgt GET IN HERE!

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John G. Trump/Tesla

The original Q.

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7922f1 No.77446

File: 43cc13c8c385611⋯.png (1.17 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: edcd35c085e1459⋯.png (628.65 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e0c1b0e434022f⋯.png (6.14 MB,1903x7791,1903:7791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299705 (042358ZAUG23) Notable: John G. Trump/Tesla Archive https://open.ink/jgt GET IN HERE!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77447

File: a083a0f297c0771⋯.png (415.27 KB,610x417,610:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 648af1bca6c5242⋯.png (506.68 KB,579x474,193:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 38a92d78a74e56d⋯.png (408.73 KB,594x443,594:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299766 (050008ZAUG23) Notable: Weird Obama pic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wristwatch at 17pm.

What's that blue reflection on his glasses?

Are the sunglasses focused on the 4 rays of light on purpose?

Msg 4 17? 🤷🏼‍♂️

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77448

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299808 (050014ZAUG23) Notable: The Fraud Squad: video played before trump came on stage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Note: video just played before trump came on stage.


The Fraud Squad


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299834 (050017ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"we're going to be here for a little while" kek

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299866 (050022ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We will completely finish the job. We are going to do something that's going to be so incredible; on election day 2024, we're going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House. We're going to expel the criminals and thugs from the halls of power in Washington, DC, and We Are Going To Make America Great Again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299874 (050023ZAUG23) Notable: Trump LIVE NOW at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj6Z8QsvexU

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299894 (050026ZAUG23) Notable: By Tim Ballard's own admission, Sound of Freedom was bankrolled by Carlos Slim. A fact that hasn't been adequately discussed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>77407 Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping, One of thousands of patrons of the crowdfunded 'Sound of Freedom'

By Tim Ballard's own admission, Sound of Freedom was bankrolled by Carlos Slim.

A fact that hasn't been adequately discussed here in this echo chamber.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299905 (050026ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: In response, our enemies unleashed an army of rabid left-wing lawyers, and really corrupt marxist prosecutors; these are dishonest people; bad people. Deranged government agents, and rogue intelligence officers, to try and stop our movement.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299921 (050029ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The fake charges put forth in their sham indictment are an outrageous criminalization of political speech...they're trying to make it illegal to question the results of a bad election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299954 (050032ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The Biden Crime Family was taking in money from China, Ukraine, Russia, and so many other countries, and now every time more Biden corruption is exposed, his henchmen indict me because they want to knock out the bad publicity...it's called a cover-up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77456

File: 7ed68651fa70630⋯.png (84.49 KB,830x541,830:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299963 (050033ZAUG23) Notable: Fourth recognized political party announced in South Dakota

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fourth recognized political party announced in South Dakota

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299964 (050033ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We know where the bodies are buried.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77458

File: 35652a2e41f2558⋯.png (1.22 MB,1170x1347,390:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299965 (050033ZAUG23) Notable: Biden’s app for illegals has been compromised. The app where you can make an appointment on your iPhone to break into the country, has been hacked by the cartels.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden’s app for illegals has been compromised. The app where you can make an appointment on your iPhone to break into the country, has been hacked by the cartels.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77459

File: d14be10e00f1c35⋯.png (564.01 KB,991x790,991:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299966 (050033ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77460

File: f8e1fcc5f475fd1⋯.png (26.18 KB,109x113,109:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299967 (050033ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>we know where the bodies are buried

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299973 (050034ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The deep state is destroying our nation, but the tables must turn, and we will quickly destroy the deep state. We know where the bodies are buried.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299977 (050034ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




"We don't play prevent"-DJT

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77463

File: 205c82c5894af73⋯.png (55.21 KB,739x459,739:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299983 (050035ZAUG23) Notable: Rudy W. Giuliani: Why did Bill Barr hide Hunter Biden's Laptop Hard Drive for almost a year?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rudy W. Giuliani

Why did Bill Barr hide Hunter Biden's Laptop Hard Drive for almost a year?

When will a reporter ask him this?

8:26 PM · Aug 4, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19299999 (050037ZAUG23) Notable: digits everywhere

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -












digits everywhere

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77465

File: 415f1315aa0e125⋯.png (609.72 KB,694x400,347:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300000 (050037ZAUG23) Notable: digits everywhere

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77466

File: cfd43fdeddc670c⋯.png (52.99 KB,735x392,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300056 (050043ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Lee: Regimes that prosecute opposition leaders on politically motivated charges deserve strong condemnation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Lee

Regimes that prosecute opposition leaders on politically motivated charges deserve strong condemnation.


>Secretary Antony Blinken

>The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. The Kremlin cannot silence the truth. Navalny should be released.

7:55 PM · Aug 4, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300074 (050045ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I would walk of stage if there was no wood (to knock on). I don't want to talk that way"-DJT on hex and superstitious language (luck).

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300081 (050046ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Despite the demented prosecution of our movement by our corrupt and highly partisan Department of Injustice, and deranged Jack Smith; doesn't he look deranged? You see the picture with the purple robe? He's a deranged human being...this guy is a lost soul...he's a deranged, sick person.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300101 (050048ZAUG23) Notable: spaceforce moving out of AL maybe that's not going to be the end of that story

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

spaceforce moving out of AL

maybe that's not going to be the end of that story

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300118 (050050ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"87,000 IRS agents that want to take your money"-DJT

but they'll still be taking taxes outta the checks? Maybe all taxes will be destroyed with the DS going down on the 'first day'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77471

File: af4c99067abd236⋯.png (630.08 KB,1099x718,1099:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300125 (050051ZAUG23) Notable: Weird Obama pic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300129 (050052ZAUG23) Notable: Rally Notes and Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I fully rebuilt the US Military, created Space Force, and put the US Space Command in Alabama, which Biden just moved the hell out of your state! But maybe that's not going to be the end of that story.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300138 (050052ZAUG23) Notable: #23703

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23703 >>77429

>>77441, >>77451 Trump LIVE NOW at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj6Z8QsvexU

>>77449, >>77450, >>77453, >>77454, >>77455, >>77468, >>77467, >>77470, >>77472 Rally Notes and Quotes

>>77461, >>77457, >>77460, >>77459, >>77462 DJT - We know where the bodies are buried.

>>77448 The Fraud Squad: video played before trump came on stage.

>>77433 5 year Delta tomorrow. D5

>>77431 Hyundai and Kia recall nearly 92,000 vehicles and tell owners to park them outside due to fire risk

>>77432 West Australian government to scrap Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act after months of controversy

>>77434 Russian tanker hit off the Kerch Strait

>>77435, >>77438 Obama Told Ex-Girlfriend He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says

>>77437 Two U.S. Navy Sailors Arrested for Sharing Military Information with China

>>77439, >>77430, >>77436, >>77442 Grab your spades. we diggin'

>>77440 Weird broadcast from Elon '45' comms?

>>77443, >>77447, >>77471 Weird Obama pic

>>77444 Inside the Pineal Gland There is a “retina” to see: studies

>>77445, >>77446 John G. Trump/Tesla Archive https://open.ink/jgt GET IN HERE!

>>77452 By Tim Ballard's own admission, Sound of Freedom was bankrolled by Carlos Slim. A fact that hasn't been adequately discussed

>>77456 Fourth recognized political party announced in South Dakota

>>77458 Biden’s app for illegals has been compromised. The app where you can make an appointment on your iPhone to break into the country, has been hacked by the cartels.

>>77463 Rudy W. Giuliani: Why did Bill Barr hide Hunter Biden's Laptop Hard Drive for almost a year?

>>77464, >>77465 digits everywhere

>>77466 Mike Lee: Regimes that prosecute opposition leaders on politically motivated charges deserve strong condemnation.

>>77469 spaceforce moving out of AL maybe that's not going to be the end of that story


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300145 (050054ZAUG23) Notable: #23704 Huge Shout Out to Noter o7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300183 (050059ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, immediately. And we will restore the Trump Travel Ban, to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, immediately. And we will restore the Trump Travel Ban, to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300196 (050101ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will close the Department of Education, and move all education back to the states where it belongs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will close the Department of Education, and move all education back to the states where it belongs.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77477

File: 494ebe5f7575e61⋯.png (347.59 KB,1064x910,76:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300203 (050101ZAUG23) Notable: Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike - media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike – media

>The ship was off the coast of Crimea when its engine room flooded, sea rescue services said

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77478

File: b5431ab69528c1c⋯.png (245.9 KB,463x495,463:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300209 (050102ZAUG23) Notable: Obama frequently fantasized about gay sex to ex-girlfriend: report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7:10 = 17

Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Obama frequently fantasized about gay sex to ex-girlfriend: report


Obama frequently fantasized about gay sex to ex-girlfriend: report

Obama allegedly confessed to a girlfriend that he had fantasized about engaging with men sexually.

7:10 PM · Aug 4, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300219 (050103ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will also restore the Trump Ban on transgender in the military. We had a ban, and the ban was immediately lifted, like twenty-four hours after this incompetent fool got elected.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will also restore the Trump Ban on transgender in the military. We had a ban, and the ban was immediately lifted, like twenty-four hours after this incompetent fool got elected.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77480

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300228 (050104ZAUG23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 08/04/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 08/04/2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300248 (050107ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: [Biden] is a crooked, incompetent thief, and he shouldn't be allowed to be the president. And the republicans better get tough, and they better get smart, because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now. And you gotta get tough, and smart, and you have to fight fire with fire. You can't allow this to go on.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: [Biden] is a crooked, incompetent thief, and he shouldn't be allowed to be the president. And the republicans better get tough, and they better get smart, because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now. And you gotta get tough, and smart, and you have to fight fire with fire. You can't allow this to go on.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300259 (050108ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: With your help, your love, and your vote, We Will Make America Great Again, Greater Than Ever Before.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: With your help, your love, and your vote, We Will Make America Great Again, Greater Than Ever Before.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77483

File: 80b67230ee2f185⋯.png (498.23 KB,926x858,463:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300267 (050109ZAUG23) Notable: Biden served as tie-breaker in Space Command decision

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden served as tie-breaker in Space Command decision

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had a tough call to make. Two senior Defense Department leaders were at odds over where to locate the permanent headquarters of U.S. Space Command, a decision at the center of a drawn-out and bitter fight on Capitol Hill laced with parochial politics.

Gen. James Dickinson, the four-star chief of Space Command, recommended keeping the headquarters at its temporary location at Colorado’s Peterson Air Force Base, to avoid disrupting the schedule for the command to become fully operational in August.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300278 (050110ZAUG23) Notable: (You) Trump Remarks summary: LIVE at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump LIVE NOW at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama



>>77448 The Fraud Squad: video played before trump came on stage.

>>>/qresearch/19299816, >>>/qresearch/19299829 Trump takes the stage at 8:14 and Qdrop 814

>>>/qresearch/19299816, >>>/qresearch/19299829 Trump takes the stage at 8:14 and Qdrop 814

>>>/qresearch/19299883 purple and white flags. WTF RNC?

President Trump: We will completely finish the job. We are going to do something that's going to be so incredible; on election day 2024, we're going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House. We're going to expel the criminals and thugs from the halls of power in Washington, DC, and We Are Going To Make America Great Again.

President Trump: In response, our enemies unleashed an army of rabid left-wing lawyers, and really corrupt marxist prosecutors; these are dishonest people; bad people. Deranged government agents, and rogue intelligence officers, to try and stop our movement.

President Trump: The only civil rights that have been violated in this matter, are my civil rights, and those of the countless people that Biden and the communists have been persecuting.

President Trump: The Biden Crime Family was taking in money from China, Ukraine, Russia, and so many other countries, and now every time more Biden corruption is exposed, his henchmen indict me because they want to knock out the bad publicity…it's called a cover-up.

DJT: We know where the bodies are buried.

President Trump: Despite the demented prosecution of our movement by our corrupt and highly partisan Department of Injustice, and deranged Jack Smith; doesn't he look deranged? You see the picture with the purple robe? He's a deranged human being…this guy is a lost soul…he's a deranged, sick person.

DJT: "87,000 IRS agents that want to take your money"-DJT

but they'll still be taking taxes outta the checks? Maybe all taxes will be destroyed with the DS going down on the 'first day'

President Trump: I fully rebuilt the US Military, created Space Force, and put the US Space Command in Alabama, which Biden just moved the hell out of your state! But maybe that's not going to be the end of that story.

President Trump: We will gain total independence from China, and I will hold the Chinese Colmmunist Party accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world.

President Trump: I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, immediately. And we will restore the Trump Travel Ban, to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

President Trump: I will close the Department of Education, and move all education back to the states where it belongs.

President Trump: I will also restore the Trump Ban on transgender in the military. We had a ban, and the ban was immediately lifted, like twenty-four hours after this incompetent fool got elected.

djt : The republicans look like weak jerks.

President Trump: [Biden] is a crooked, incompetent thief, and he shouldn't be allowed to be the president. And the republicans better get tough, and they better get smart, because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now. And you gotta get tough, and smart, and you have to fight fire with fire. You can't allow this to go on.

President Trump: With your help, your love, and your vote, We Will Make America Great Again, Greater Than Ever Before.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77485

File: f9df8b6e4947983⋯.png (813.63 KB,1043x1087,1043:1087,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300319 (050115ZAUG23) Notable: Could this Truth to this Q drop?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey why not

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7922f1 No.77486

File: 99099729ab6de62⋯.png (454.92 KB,1439x2452,1439:2452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300361 (050122ZAUG23) Notable: Could this Truth to this Q drop?

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Original post.


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7922f1 No.77487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300369 (050123ZAUG23) Notable: Voter Groups, Funded By Liberal Megadonors, Launch Pressure Campaign For Meta To Censor Election Info

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Voter Groups, Funded By Liberal Megadonors, Launch Pressure Campaign For Meta To Censor Election Info

Democrat-aligned contributors are financing left-wing get-out-the vote organizations attempting to influence Meta to suppress election “disinformation” on its most recent social media app.

The liberal get-out-the vote-groups came together to sign a letter calling on Meta to censor election “disinformation” on the new app, Threads.

“It is no surprise to see these organizations advocating for the censorship of ‘disinformation,’ a name reserved by the mainstream media for any information that makes Democrats look bad,” Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher at Capital Research Center, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “The Left’s small army of ‘nonpartisan’ voter registration and civic engagement nonprofits is one of the Democratic Party’s most useful tools for winning elections. They rake in hundreds of millions of dollars each cycle by allowing billionaire donors to claim tax deductions for thinly veiled partisan electioneering targeting demographics that widely favor Democrats.”

Democrat-aligned donors are funding liberal get-out-the-vote groups pressuring Meta to censor election “disinformation” on its newest social media platform, according to grants and public documents.

Left-leaning get-out-the-vote organizations, including Vote.org, When We All Vote and RepresentUs, joined forces, signing a July letter to Meta demanding that the tech giant responsible for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram enforce the censorship of election “disinformation” on its recently launched platform, Threads. The letter calls on Meta to release “a full, transparent sharing of information around any and all proposed or in-place policies related to election integrity, disinformation, voting and elections.”

These organizations work to increase voter turnout by targeting demographics that disproportionately vote for Democrats, nonprofit experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The groups state they are nonpartisan, but their funding and efforts tend to be left-wing.

“It is no surprise to see these organizations advocating for the censorship of ‘disinformation,’ a name reserved by the mainstream media for any information that makes Democrats look bad,” Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher at Capital Research Center, told the DCNF. “The Left’s small army of ‘nonpartisan’ voter registration and civic engagement nonprofits is one of the Democratic Party’s most useful tools for winning elections. They rake in hundreds of millions of dollars each cycle by allowing billionaire donors to claim tax deductions for thinly veiled partisan electioneering targeting demographics that widely favor Democrats.”

In total, 11 voting groups signed the letter but Vote.org posted it on its website and is one of the biggest get-out-the-vote groups in the U.S., according to NPR.

Threads reached 100 million registrations by July 10, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted on the platform. “As Threads builds its audience, it is incumbent that you make it clear that the platform will not be a place where baseless conspiracies and unverified reports are allowed to proliferate,” the letter reads.

Meta enforces the same election policies on Threads that they have on Facebook, a spokesman told NPR. He added Meta is seeking more methods to tackle false information in upcoming Threads updates.

“It is not surprising these activist groups are trying to use Big Tech to influence elections—they’ve done it before,” Stewart Whitson, legal director at the Foundation for Government Accountability, told the DCNF. “But now, they are seeking to combine the power and resources of the Federal government with that of Big Tech to tip the election scales in their favor,” he said, referencing a 2021 executive order by President Joe Biden.

The Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting enables “nonpartisan third-party organizations and State officials to provide voter registration services on agency premises.”


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7922f1 No.77488

File: b7c8c8bf3b588ba⋯.png (934.87 KB,601x899,601:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fb33a590be51650⋯.png (1.06 MB,749x544,749:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300370 (050123ZAUG23) Notable: Someone sync Cotten Eyed Joe over this immediately

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See new Tweets


The Redheaded libertarian




Someone sync Cotten Eyed Joe over this immediately


Steven Vago

You Retweeted



Okay. B)

0:04 / 0:53

11:49 AM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77489

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB,724x752,181:188,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300386 (050127ZAUG23) Notable: Wells Fargo fixing tech issue after customers report missing deposit transactions

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I didn't see these in the Notables, could have missed, but dropping for Night Shift.

Wells Fargo fixing tech issue after customers report missing deposit transactions


Reports: Enrollment down 10% over last 15 years in traditional public schools


Prosecutors seek bail revocation for FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried


Five 2020 election irregularities, illegalities that collide with Jack Smith's Trump indictment


Energy Sec Granholm secretly consulted top CCP energy official before Strategic Petroleum Reserve releases


Christie visits Zelenskyy, takes shot at Trump during surprise Ukraine trip


Godspeed, lads.

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7922f1 No.77490

File: b541660a912ff79⋯.png (477.17 KB,1181x1943,1181:1943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300388 (050127ZAUG23) Notable: (You) Trump Remarks summary: LIVE at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama

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Rally Notes from lb

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7922f1 No.77491

File: 8b43c0bf9f835af⋯.png (436.34 KB,611x722,611:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300412 (050131ZAUG23) Notable: Great short video that Gregg & Catherine made for DJT re his uncle, John Trump

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👉Trust me, you're going to want to see this

Are you familiar with #Trump's Uncle John G. Trump?

If you're not, consider rectifying the oversight. And if you are, this is still a great short video that Gregg & Catherine made for DJT. Awesome job you guys.

Absolute genius...and the part about his connection to Nikola Tesla is extra delicious.

h/t @TrueTheVote

& @onwardsocial

1:25 PM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77492

File: a1c99cd2999dec1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1170x1767,390:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300429 (050133ZAUG23) Notable: RFK Jr repost on TwitterX: Anthony Fauci book discussion w/Rogan & DBD|

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RFK Jr reposted this on TwitterX

🔥 Joe Rogan & PBD Discuss 'The Real Anthony Fauci' Book

"What a book. It's a f**king insane book. I cannot recommend that book enough...It makes you reconsider everything."

@joerogan @patrickbetdavid @RobertKennedyJr @tonylyonspub

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7922f1 No.77493

File: 34457efbba63067⋯.png (827.78 KB,1062x752,531:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300433 (050134ZAUG23) Notable: Explosive Video: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption

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Explosive Video: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor

Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption

Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details

about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 8/4/2023 12:54:47 PM

An old video of Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed from office under pressure from then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is making the rounds online again following the damning testimony of Devon Archer. This video was removed on Youtube. In a detailed and extensive interview, Shokin has responded to allegations from the Biden regime, laying out his side of the story regarding the investigations into Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that once employed Hunter. It is unclear when this video was recorded or published but includes his reaction to Biden’s accusations.

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7922f1 No.77494

File: e76565ca35fb3af⋯.png (22.44 KB,983x220,983:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300440 (050135ZAUG23) Notable: Federal judge blocks Illinois law that targets crisis pregnancy centers

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Federal judge blocks Illinois law that

targets crisis pregnancy centers

Washington Examiner, by Gabrielle Etzel

Posted By: Beardo, 8/4/2023 12:25:47 PM

A federal judge granted a preliminary injunction on Thursday night halting the enforcement of Illinois's new law targeting crisis pregnancy centers, sparking further tension in one of the few states in the Midwest where abortion faces few restrictions. "This is a huge win for women and their families seeking assistance for an unplanned pregnancy, many of whom have nowhere else to go for help," said the plaintiff in the case, Thomas Glessner, president of the National Institute of Family Life Advocates. (snip) Johnston was appointed to the federal bench by then-President Donald Trump and was confirmed by the Senate in September 2020.

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7922f1 No.77495

File: 83ffd3f7909a5b2⋯.png (127.67 KB,706x343,706:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300449 (050137ZAUG23) Notable: Great short video that Gregg & Catherine made for DJT re his uncle, John Trump

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Led America in work on radiation, electrostatic energy, Tesla theories


WATCH video that reveals stunning history of John Trump, the president's uncle

A new video has been released by an organization that is working to find the truth about American elections, and specific catastrophes like the prosecutions over…


Link Feed

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7922f1 No.77496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300464 (050140ZAUG23) Notable: Planned Parenthood Participates & Aids In Human Trafficking Including CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING Rings

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Planned Parenthood Participates & Aids In Human Trafficking Including CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING Rings. It’s Undeniable, They’re On Camera

“An undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood posing as a pimp & prostitute who are looking for help running their child sex trafficking ring. 8 different staffers at 7 different locations showed a willingness aid and abet sex traffickers”


We're involved in sex work, so-




-Ah, there's some other girls that we kinda manage, and they kinda need help, too


...Some of the girls -they're around -around like fourteen, fifteen..


..I mean, you can get birth control testing, like, any-


Oh, wow.


-anything without a parent. The only thing that requires [a guardian] over eighteen, if they're a minor, is an abortion.


-But there's also ways, like, judicial bypass, that we can get around that, if you guys ever need it...

This is speaking to someone who walks in saying WE’RE INVOLVED WITH SEX WORK AND HAVE A LOT OF UNDERAGE GIRLS 🚩🚨🚩🚨🚩🚨

There are MANY examples of this same situation in this video 👇

Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein Island was just the beginning.

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7922f1 No.77497

File: 2f6cf0f245f0508⋯.png (1.38 MB,1885x702,145:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300473 (050143ZAUG23) Notable: (You), Aug 4 2023: How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart - NYT

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How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart

By Annie Kelly

Dr. Kelly is a postdoctoral researcher working on conspiracy theories and a correspondent for the podcast “QAnon Anonymous.”

Aug. 4, 2023

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7922f1 No.77498

File: bbbdbec6695c13a⋯.png (1.9 MB,1170x1320,39:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300486 (050145ZAUG23) Notable: Six white Mississippi cops admit torturing black men - Daily Mail

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>back the blue

>what should the punishment be for abusing their authority

Six white Mississippi cops admit torturing black men, using a sex toy on them and shooting one of them in the mouth in shocking racist assault


▶️ The group called themselves the 'Goon Squad' because they loved using excessive force

▶️ They face a combined 590 years and two life sentences for their sick crimes

▶️ Figures from across the US have condemned the sickening racist attack

Six former Mississippi police officers have pleaded guilty to a shocking racist attack against two Black men involving sex toys, firearms and stun guns that resulted in a cop shooting one man through the mouth.

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7922f1 No.77499

File: 9f8ae03f01d2518⋯.png (368.37 KB,634x445,634:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300487 (050145ZAUG23) Notable: Female teacher Anne Nelson-Koch, 74, faces SIX HUNDRED years behind bars after repeatedly sexually assaulting 14-year-old boy in the basement of Wisconsin private school

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Female teacher Anne Nelson-Koch, 74, faces SIX HUNDRED years behind bars after repeatedly sexually assaulting 14-year-old boy in the basement of Wisconsin private school

Anne N. Nelson-Koch, 74, sexually abused the boy, 14, throughout 2016 and 2017

She was convicted on 25 counts over the attacks and faces 600 years in prison

Assistant District Attorney Sarah M. Skiles praised the victim for his bravery

A 74-year-old former teacher faces 600 hundred years in prison after she repeatedly sexually abused a teenage boy at a private school in Wisconsin.

Anne N. Nelson-Koch was convicted on 25 counts linked to the attacks which took place in the 2016-2017 school year.

She would take the boy down the the unnamed school's basement to abuse him. Nelson-Koch was 67 at the time and the boy was 14.

The former teacher was convicted at Monroe County Court after a jury deliberated for five hours.

Prosecutors asked that Nelson-Koch be immediately remanded in custody ahead of sentencing on October 27. Judge Richard Radcliffe instead granted bail with a GPS monitor ahead of the hearing.


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7922f1 No.77500

File: fcb901fae6577b4⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,1169x643,1169:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300497 (050147ZAUG23) Notable: Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

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Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

The secret and illegal Chinese bio-lab that was recently discovered in Fresno, California, which was allegedly full of mice that were engineered to carry COVID-19, was subsidized by Governor Gavin Newsom.

Newsom is in the news constantly these days because he is basically the back-up plan for Democrats in 2024 if Biden can’t run. Do you think anyone in media will ask him about this?

Don’t count on it.


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7922f1 No.77501

File: 9538095783aef02⋯.jpg (105.48 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300509 (050149ZAUG23) Notable: Cyberattack targets hospitals across U.S., shutting down emergency rooms

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Cyberattack targets hospitals across U.S., shutting down emergency rooms

Prospect Medical Holdings of Los Angeles, which maintains facilities across the nation, suffered a breach of its computer systems.

Arecent cyberattack has targeted a major health care provider, resulting int he shutdown of emergency rooms and the redirection of ambulances.

Prospect Medical Holdings of Los Angeles, which maintains facilities across the nation, suffered a breach of its computer systems, CBS reported.

"Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc. recently experienced a data security incident that has disrupted our operations. Upon learning of this, we took our systems offline to protect them and launched an investigation with the help of third-party cybersecurity specialists," the company stated. "While our investigation continues, we are focused on addressing the pressing needs of our patients as we work diligently to return to normal operations as quickly as possible."

American Hospital Association national advisor for cybersecurity and risk John Riggi said that hospitals would revert to using paper systems until the system comes back online.

"These are threat-to-life crimes, which risk not only the safety of the patients within the hospital, but also risk the safety of the entire community that depends on the availability of that emergency department to be there," he added, according to the Associated Press.

It remains unclear who orchestrated the attack.


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7922f1 No.77502

File: bc79d366fb6505c⋯.png (311.98 KB,424x457,424:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300513 (050149ZAUG23) Notable: Sidney Powell: EU citizens unite to combat WHO Pandemic Treaty

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7922f1 No.77503

File: 3440fab796d71b2⋯.png (206.18 KB,422x718,211:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300524 (050150ZAUG23) Notable: The Deep Rig shows the systemic fraud of the 2020 election through the eyes of the white hat hackers, expert witnesses, and lawyers on the front lines of exposing it.

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[ Album ]

The Deep Rig shows the systemic fraud of the 2020 election through the eyes of the white hat hackers, expert witnesses, and lawyers on the front lines of exposing it.

It is now FREE online and an EXCELLENT resource to share!

Featuring: @PatrickMByrne, @RealGenFlynn, @JovanHuttonPulitzer, @bobbypiton, @joeoltmann, @mattdeperno, Jesse Binnall, Joseph Flynn, and Col. Phil Waldron

Watch & Share:



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7922f1 No.77504

File: 463e9b9f4b6a348⋯.png (491.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300533 (050152ZAUG23) Notable: African neighbors finalize Niger war plans

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African neighbors finalize Niger war plans

Nigeria-led ECOWAS says it is ready to intervene for “democracy” in Niamey

The militaries of several ECOWAS members have agreed on a plan for military intervention in Niger and are waiting for the final political decision, a senior official of the bloc said on Friday.

The Economic Community of West African States has already sanctioned the junta in Niamey over last week’s military coup and demanded the restoration of ousted president Mohamed Bazoum before Sunday.

Even as Nigeria sent diplomats to its northern neighbor, its capital Abuja was hosting a planning meeting of ECOWAS chiefs of staff. Notably absent were Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Guinea.

“All the elements that will go into any eventual intervention have been worked out here, including the resources needed, the how and when we are going [to] deploy the force,” said Abdel-Fatau Musah, ECOWAS commissioner for political affairs, peace and security.

Musah added that the final decision will be made at the political level, but that ECOWAS will not telegraph when and where it will strike.


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7922f1 No.77505

File: dbb4f0181ab0d44⋯.png (315.01 KB,423x764,423:764,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300535 (050152ZAUG23) Notable: The Deep Rig shows the systemic fraud of the 2020 election through the eyes of the white hat hackers, expert witnesses, and lawyers on the front lines of exposing it.

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Watch the documentary, listen to General Flynn and understand that the reason we are collecting your contact info is not to harvest your data, it’s to communicate with you directly off social platforms and without using big tech. All data is stored offline, only used to for comms related to the movement, will not be sold and is strictly available only by authorization. I’m a data guy, my team built the platform. Although I know it glitched a bit this morning, overall for something we built in 2 weeks capable of hosting 20m viewers at once, it was not a bad launch… minus the leftists hacker attacks a few times today… Now go share it, and be a part of spreading truth. -Joe


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7922f1 No.77506

File: 08c782db5225cd2⋯.png (1.01 MB,1708x637,244:91,Clipboard.png)

File: cbbe5fa596c25ec⋯.png (817.7 KB,573x4913,573:4913,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e2a4084fbbab0⋯.png (1.49 MB,479x9348,479:9348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300543 (050153ZAUG23) Notable: (You), Aug 4 2023: How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart - NYT

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How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart

By Annie Kelly

Dr. Kelly is a postdoctoral researcher working on conspiracy theories and a correspondent for the podcast “QAnon Anonymous.”

Aug. 4, 2023

The date was Jan. 20, 2021, and Stephen Miles Lewis was trying to keep the peace.

Two weeks before, a mob of pro-Trump protesters had stormed the Capitol, and the circles Mr. Lewis ran in were now brimming with tension. Many of his closest friends had been outraged by what they saw. But he also knew someone who had been there, who now claimed that the violence had been stirred up by antifa agents disguised as Trump supporters.

Mr. Lewis, a middle-aged man with a round face and a gray beard who goes by the nickname SMiles, sat at his desk, in front of a wall covered with posters of aliens, flying saucers and Bigfoot. In a YouTube video, he urged viewers to “take a step back and hopefully think, meditate, reflect on the times that we’re in,” to not “malign the others’ viewpoint.” He expressed frustration that the term “conspiracy theorist” was increasingly being used as an insult. After all, he pointed out: “I am a conspiracy theorist.”

At the time, Mr. Lewis was trying to project calm, to help ensure that the community he’d been part of since he was 18 didn’t tear itself apart. But in the years since, he has found himself unsettled by the darker elements of a world he thought he knew.

Over the past year, I’ve been part of an academic research project seeking to understand how the internet changed conspiracy theories.Many of the dynamics the internet creates are, at this point, well understood: We know its capacity to help users find one another, making it easier than ever for people to get involved in conspiracy networks; we also know how social media platforms prioritize inflammatory content and that as a result, ideas and information that make people angry travel farther.

What we felt was missing from this story, though, was what this period of change looked like from the perspective of conspiracy theorists themselves.

My team has been speaking to researchers and writers who were part of this world or connected to it in the pre-social media era. And we’ve learned something surprising: Many of the people we’ve interviewed told us they, too, have spent the past few years baffled by the turn conspiracy culture has taken. Many expressed discomfort with and at times outright disgust for QAnon and the related theories claiming the 2020 election was stolen, and said that they felt as if the very worst elements of conspiracy culture had become its main representatives....

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7922f1 No.77507

File: 7d2e834c57c5c93⋯.jpeg (56.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300548 (050154ZAUG23) Notable: NYT supports calls for white genocide in S Africa - Elon Musk

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NYT supports calls for genocide – Elon Musk

The paper claimed “Americans on the far right” were alone in thinking the song ‘Kill the Boer’ was a call to violence

Twitter CEO Elon Musk slammed the New York Times for allegedly supporting white genocide in South Africa on Friday after the paper ran an article dismissing South African MP Julius Malema serenading a massive rally audience with a song called ‘Kill the Boer’ – a reference to white farmers – as mere metaphor.

“The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide!” the billionaire, who grew up in South Africa, tweeted. “If ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now.” He then linked followers to a site where Times articles could be read for free.

The news outlet had insisted that only “some Americans on the far right” believed the song – whose chorus Malema delivered as a call-and-response chant, alternating shouts of ‘Kill the Boer’! and ‘Kill the farmer’! with thousands of supporters – was actually a call to violence.


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7922f1 No.77508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300552 (050154ZAUG23) Notable: WEF says business leaders believe a “catastrophic cyber event” is coming.

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>>77501 yep


w.e.f predicted it. Looks like you are right

A Catastrophic Mutating Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says

A World Economic Forum report says business leaders believe a “catastrophic cyber event” is coming.

Cybercrime will grow from a $3 trillion industry in 2015 to a $10.5 trillion industry by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures.

The unpredictable nature of cybercrime increases threats.

The 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, has filled us with lots of uplifting predictions, like how companies will soon decode our brain waves. The latest warns of a global catastrophic cyber event in the very near future.

“The most striking finding that we’ve found,” WEF managing director Jeremy Jurgens said during a presentation highlighting the WEF Global Security Outlook Report 2023, “is that 93% of cyber leaders, and 86% of cyber business leaders, believe that the geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years. This far exceeds anything that we’ve seen in previous surveys.”

Add in the extreme unpredictability of these events—Jurgens cited a cyberattack recently aimed at shutting down Ukranian military abilities that unexpectedly also closed off parts of electricity production across Europe—and the global challenges are only growing.

“This is a global threat,” Jürgen Stock, Secretary-General of Interpol, said during the presentation. “It calls for a global response and enhanced and coordinated action.” He said the increased profits that the multiple bad “actors” reap from cybercrime should encourage world leaders to work together to make it a priority as they face “new sophisticated tools.”


Sent from my iPhone

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7922f1 No.77509

File: 9f3886bdd14e17f⋯.jpg (125.9 KB,780x733,780:733,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 39d2f7b5d6bf484⋯.jpg (76.81 KB,872x384,109:48,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300559 (050155ZAUG23) Notable: Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

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Let me add to your drop.

This is Universal Meditech’s business in Fresno timeline


Universal Meditech Inc. Issues Nationwide Recall of Skippack Medical Lab SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit


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7922f1 No.77510

File: 08173a970ffcc76⋯.png (253.22 KB,423x696,141:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300584 (050159ZAUG23) Notable: (You), Aug 4 2023: How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart - NYT

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The New York Times says “QAnon” is so extreme that even cOnSpiRaCy tHeoRisTs distance themselves from it 😂

For example, this alleged 9/11 truther “conspiracy theorist” just couldn’t buy into the satanic pedophile networks.

Uh huh, sure. Of course pedophilia is the one thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around.

Just another example of the NYT downplaying the existence of pedophilia. I guess they continue to think we’ll just forget about things like Epstein Island…

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7922f1 No.77511

File: 2c93463fdb99dc5⋯.png (247.66 KB,1330x635,266:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300598 (050201ZAUG23) Notable: Russia became Europe's top economic powerhouse: It passed Germany in GDP in 2022

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Russia became Europe's top economic powerhouse: It passed Germany in GDP in 2022


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7922f1 No.77512

File: 3a91e779b3c1a3b⋯.webp (10.69 KB,658x420,47:30,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300606 (050203ZAUG23) Notable: Obama frequently fantasized about gay sex to ex-girlfriend: report

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WOW: Award-Winning Barack Obama Biographer Drops Several “Eyebrow-Raising” Claims About Ex-President in Interview Including that Obama FREQUENTLY Fantasized about Gay Sex to Former Girlfriend

A media outlet is raising eyebrows across the country regarding a 16,000-plus word interview it conducted with former President Barack Obama’s award-winning biographer. In the interview, the biographer drops what Fox News describes as several “eyebrow-raising” claims including one that raises a question regarding Obama’s sexuality.

As Fox News reported, Tablet’s David Samuels sat down lengthy Q&A with historian David Garrow, who wrote the 2017 biography “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.” The book was widely praised by corporate media outlets including the Washington Post, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and Politico.

Garrow previously won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for the book “Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.”

The interview starts with Garrow sharing the story about how Obama’s relationship with Sheila Miyoshi Jager, his girlfriend in the 1980s, ended. Garrow says their relationship fell apart after Obama refused to condemn antisemitism.


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7922f1 No.77513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300612 (050204ZAUG23) Notable: RFK Jr repost on TwitterX: Anthony Fauci book discussion w/Rogan & DBD|

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr Retweeted

Chief Nerd

🔥 Joe Rogan & PBD Discuss 'The Real Anthony Fauci' Book

"What a book. It's a f**king insane book. I cannot recommend that book enough...It makes you reconsider everything."





3:17 PM · Aug 3, 2023·201.8K Views


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7922f1 No.77514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300638 (050208ZAUG23) Notable: Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

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Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

Australia's Office of National Intelligence, the equivalent of the US Director of National Intelligence, is funding a project to study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.

A team of researchers collaborating with Melbourne-based startup Cortical Labs received a $600,000 grant to merge biology with AI. The team has already demonstrated how roughly 800,000 brain cells in a Petri dish is capable of playing a game of "Pong."

"This new technology capability in the future may eventually surpass the performance of existing, purely silicon-based hardware," said team lead Adeel Razi, an associate professor at Monarch University.

"The outcomes of such research would have significant implications across multiple fields such as, but not limited to, planning, robotics, advanced automation, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery, giving Australia a significant strategic advantage."

According to Razi, the tech could allow a machine intelligence to "learn throughout its lifetime" like human brain cells, allowing it to learn new skills without losing old ones, as well as applying existing knowledge to new tasks.

Razi and his colleagues are aiming to grow brain cells in a lab dish called the DishBrain system to investigate this process of "continual lifelong learning." -The Byte

According to Razi, "We will be using this grant to develop better AI machines that replicate the learning capacity of these biological neural networks."

"This will help us scale up the hardware and methods capacity to the point where they become a viable replacement for in silico computing."

Meanwhile, Elon Musk's Neuralink has had FDA approval to study brain implants in humans since May.


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7922f1 No.77515

File: 6de1d2694f9d131⋯.png (67.63 KB,702x538,351:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300650 (050210ZAUG23) Notable: How lockdown was 'used as a cover by abusive parents to hurt their children': Experts warn of rise in deadly child abuse fuelled by Covid restrictions

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How lockdown was 'used as a cover by abusive parents to hurt their children': Experts warn of rise in deadly child abuse fuelled by Covid restrictions- as tragic Jacob Crouch's 'evil' killer parents are jailed

NSPCC representatives have told how abusers took advantage of the pandemic


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7922f1 No.77516

File: 549276880b04624⋯.jpg (27.49 KB,440x426,220:213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4407c4c9a328b29⋯.jpg (84.38 KB,697x728,697:728,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300679 (050215ZAUG23) Notable: Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

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Chinese Biolab Owner Signature and Employee Subsidization. Via Cheryl Akin



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7922f1 No.77517

File: 2897fd23d858f9d⋯.png (349.27 KB,596x625,596:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300682 (050216ZAUG23) Notable: Organs Of Ukrainian Servicemen [Supposedly] Spotted On European Black Market - IS THIS REALLY TRUE? DIG CALL

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Organs Of Ukrainian Servicemen Spotted On European Black Market

The organs of the fallen soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were reportedly found on the website of one of the largest stores in the darknet. According to the advertisement, there you can buy any organs from €5,000 apiece.

The seller asks from 5 thousand euros for one organ, in particular, 25 thousand euros for prompt delivery of a heart and 12 thousand euros for a kidney. The items are transferred exclusively to the EU in a special medical box in 48 to 60 hours. The parcel can be picked up at the agreed place after full prepayment or handed over personally after an advance payment of 35% of the purchase.

It’s no secret that organs of Ukrainian servicemen are cut out, from newly deceased wounded soldiers in hospitals. However, black transplantologists can easily take organs of servicemen who could be saved. Amid the huge losses of the Ukrainian Army, their crimes remain unnoticed.

The seller also provides support to the Ukrainians willing to escape from the country to the EU for €8,000. Ukrainians can move abroad with fake documents. This is a very lucrative business in the war-torn country where men are captured on the streets and are taken to the frontlines without any necessary procedures and training.

According to some reports, the Kosovo Liberation Army may be involved in the activities of the trading platform. One of their leaders is a suspect in the case of organ trafficking of dead Serbian servicemen and civilians during the Yugoslav War. The Army is reportedly still functioning under a different name and its fighters can take part in hostilities in Ukraine as mercenaries.

On August 3, Ukrainian border guards accidentally captured another group of kids traffickers. LINK

The black market is flourishing in Ukraine, where the Kiev regime is in no hurry to stop the dangerous activities since it is covering the criminals and pleases its patrons in the EU.

Vid in link


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7922f1 No.77518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300692 (050217ZAUG23) Notable: Tim Ballard Podcast - Sound of Freedom, the Southern Border, and more.

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Tim Ballard Podcast - Sound of Freedom, the Southern Border, and more.

Aug 4, 2023

Tim is joined by an undercover operator to talk about the Southern Border and the impact it has on human trafficking, as well as the takedown of the "Caribbean Queen", a woman who played a significant role in the trafficking of children in Mexico.


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7922f1 No.77519

File: 59912c425a6552e⋯.png (177.78 KB,596x878,298:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300715 (050220ZAUG23) Notable: RSV jabs for newborns: CDC signs off, despite 12 deaths during clinical trials

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Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪


12 babies died during the trials but let's go ahead and approve it 10-0. It's the ACIP & CDC way.

These people are murderers.

“This is really too bad and seems to be a part of the Department of Health and Human Services’ scare tactics recently regarding RSV, which is generally a mild infection that finds its origin during the development of the polio vaccine."

“The efficacy of the antibodies from clinical trials is woefully low and the circulating half-life of such a therapeutic may be as low as two weeks."

“I’m also worried about allergic reactions in newborns, especially given the high dose of antibodies and especially given that 12 infants died in the experimental arm of the clinical trial.”


Last edited

9:33 AM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77520

File: 77f1afe85077bcf⋯.png (140.63 KB,821x743,821:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 77f1afe85077bcf⋯.png (140.63 KB,821x743,821:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 182507e0b675ab5⋯.png (146.02 KB,806x730,403:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300763 (050228ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith uses a Truth Social post as excuse tonight to seek another restrictive protective order on discovery and limit Trump's access to evidence in J6 case

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Jack Smith uses a Truth Social post as excuse tonight to seek another restrictive protective order on discovery and limit Trump's access to evidence in J6 case (similar to "classified doc" case)

Why does DOJ think a post about going "after Trump" is referring to them?

Just like the J6 surveillance video is sensitive, just like info on FBi informants is sensitive, just like every other dirty trick by DOJ-this is about keeping evidence from the public not just Trump


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7922f1 No.77521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300773 (050230ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith uses a Truth Social post as excuse tonight to seek another restrictive protective order on discovery and limit Trump's access to evidence in J6 case

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They have to limit Trump's access to evidence in order to win the case.

Obvious that's what they will do.

won't let him defend himself.

As what the "commission" did.

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7922f1 No.77522

File: c62d2e421cf275c⋯.png (139.72 KB,459x587,459:587,Clipboard.png)

File: d516176e6c07492⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,571x680,571:680,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300784 (050232ZAUG23) Notable: Meta-analysis: COVID Vaccination is ‘Significantly Assoc'd With an Increased Incidence of Cardiac-Related Death’ Among Men

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Chief Nerd


🚨 New Large Meta-Analysis Finds COVID Vaccination is ‘Significantly Associated With an Increased Incidence of Cardiac-Related Death’ Among Men

“The pooled hazard ratio suggests that COVID-19 vaccination is associated with an increased risk of cardiac-related mortality (HR = 1.06, 95% CI [1.02, 1.11], p = .007). Subgroup analysis showed that the male gender is significantly associated with an increased incidence of cardiac-related deaths (HR = 1.09, 95% CI [1.02, 1.15], p = .006).”


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7922f1 No.77523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300785 (050232ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith uses a Truth Social post as excuse tonight to seek another restrictive protective order on discovery and limit Trump's access to evidence in J6 case

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Deception by Redaction: More FBI FISA Abuses, This Time Using Fake News in the Washington Post


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7922f1 No.77524

File: de2bd010560db14⋯.jpg (52.04 KB,591x398,591:398,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 007533ae360415f⋯.jpg (58.45 KB,594x343,594:343,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75334363843a3e2⋯.jpg (33.08 KB,593x214,593:214,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300807 (050236ZAUG23) Notable: Double down on Weiss

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7922f1 No.77525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19300976 (050258ZAUG23) Notable: #23704

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#23704 >>77474 Huge Shout Out to Noter o7

>>77475 President Trump: I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, immediately. And we will restore the Trump Travel Ban, to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

>>77476 President Trump: I will close the Department of Education, and move all education back to the states where it belongs.

>>77477 Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike - media

>>77478, >>77512 Obama frequently fantasized about gay sex to ex-girlfriend: report

>>77479 President Trump: I will also restore the Trump Ban on transgender in the military. We had a ban, and the ban was immediately lifted, like twenty-four hours after this incompetent fool got elected.

>>77480 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 08/04/2023

>>77479 President Trump: I will also restore the Trump Ban on transgender in the military. We had a ban, and the ban was immediately lifted, like twenty-four hours after this incompetent fool got elected.

>>77481 President Trump: [Biden] is a crooked, incompetent thief, and he shouldn't be allowed to be the president. And the republicans better get tough, and they better get smart, because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now. And you gotta get tough, and smart, and you have to fight fire with fire. You can't allow this to go on.

>>77482 President Trump: With your help, your love, and your vote, We Will Make America Great Again, Greater Than Ever Before.

>>77483 Biden served as tie-breaker in Space Command decision

>>77484, >>77490 (You) Trump Remarks summary: LIVE at GOP dinner in Mobile/Montgomery, Alabama

>>77486, >>77485 Could this Truth to this Q drop?

>>77487 Voter Groups, Funded By Liberal Megadonors, Launch Pressure Campaign For Meta To Censor Election Info

>>77488 Someone sync Cotten Eyed Joe over this immediately

>>77489 Wells Fargo fixing tech issue after customers report missing deposit transactions

>>77491, >>77495 Great short video that Gregg & Catherine made for DJT re his uncle, John Trump

>>77492, >>77513 RFK Jr repost on TwitterX: Anthony Fauci book discussion w/Rogan & DBD|

>>77493 Explosive Video: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption

>>77494 Federal judge blocks Illinois law that targets crisis pregnancy centers

>>77496 Planned Parenthood Participates & Aids In Human Trafficking Including CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING Rings

>>77497, >>77506 (You), >>77510 Aug 4 2023: How QAnon and Jan. 6 Ripped the Conspiracy Theory World Apart - NYT

>>77511 Russia became Europe's top economic powerhouse: It passed Germany in GDP in 2022

>>77498 Six white Mississippi cops admit torturing black men - Daily Mail

>>77499 Female teacher Anne Nelson-Koch, 74, faces SIX HUNDRED years behind bars after repeatedly sexually assaulting 14-year-old boy in the basement of Wisconsin private school

>>77500, >>77509, >>77516 Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

>>77501 Cyberattack targets hospitals across U.S., shutting down emergency rooms

>>77502 Sidney Powell: EU citizens unite to combat WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>77503, >>77505 The Deep Rig shows the systemic fraud of the 2020 election through the eyes of the white hat hackers, expert witnesses, and lawyers on the front lines of exposing it.

>>77504 African neighbors finalize Niger war plans

>>77507 NYT supports calls for white genocide in S Africa - Elon Musk

>>77508 WEF says business leaders believe a “catastrophic cyber event” is coming.

>>77514 Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

>>77515 How lockdown was 'used as a cover by abusive parents to hurt their children': Experts warn of rise in deadly child abuse fuelled by Covid restrictions

>>77517 Organs Of Ukrainian Servicemen [Supposedly] Spotted On European Black Market - IS THIS REALLY TRUE? DIG CALL

>>77518 Tim Ballard Podcast - Sound of Freedom, the Southern Border, and more.

>>77519 RSV jabs for newborns: CDC signs off, despite 12 deaths during clinical trials

>>77520, >>77521, >>77523 Jack Smith uses a Truth Social post as excuse tonight to seek another restrictive protective order on discovery and limit Trump's access to evidence in J6 case

>>77522 Meta-analysis: COVID Vaccination is ‘Significantly Assoc'd With an Increased Incidence of Cardiac-Related Death’ Among Men

>>77524 Double down on Weiss


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7922f1 No.77526

File: bf281a292d38eb4⋯.png (2.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 000e8bf675354ef⋯.png (491.39 KB,510x512,255:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 79200570aad6ad5⋯.png (444.95 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: c9fc90cefd39fde⋯.gif (360.72 KB,457x609,457:609,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301005 (050302ZAUG23) Notable: #23705 Big shout out to sammich maker for hard workin honest types tyvm

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7922f1 No.77527

File: 3a4ac3ee3c55ef7⋯.jpg (120.6 KB,955x768,955:768,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 506e0947baefc8c⋯.jpg (60.59 KB,798x494,21:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301035 (050310ZAUG23) Notable: Zhaolin Wang Las Vegas NV., Massachusetts? Prestige Biotech

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Zhaolin Wang Las Vegas NV.

Zhaolin Wang Massachusetts

Just a name connects them, tho...



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7922f1 No.77528

File: 517e5be4a877e68⋯.png (39.78 KB,420x428,105:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301067 (050318ZAUG23) Notable: Into the Light

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Into the Light


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7922f1 No.77529

File: fba7e60dd5b9c93⋯.png (318.97 KB,531x578,531:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301073 (050319ZAUG23) Notable: Into the Light

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General Mike Flynn


Premiering 4 AUG

“INTO THE LIGHT” will be a powerful documentary and message for all of humanity!

We are about to be led out of the darkness…


8:16 AM · Jul 30, 2023




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7922f1 No.77530

File: 5178348fff852d2⋯.png (565.04 KB,909x926,909:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301080 (050321ZAUG23) Notable: Trump's true TRUTH is now evidence

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Trump's true TRUTH is now evidence

Trump special counsel Jack Smith enters ex-president's threatening Truth Social post saying 'If you go after me, I'm coming after you' into evidence just HOURS after it was published

▶ Donald Trump on Thursday told the magistrate in Washington DC that he understood he could not make any threats to those involved in his case

▶ On Friday, the 77-year-old wrote on his social media network: 'IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU!' - a seeming threat to those who may cooperate

▶ Hours later, Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing the prosecution, sought a protective order, citing Trump's post as evidence he may threaten witnesses

The special counsel overseeing a Donald Trump indictment has sought an emergency protective order just hours after the ex-president made a social media post viewed as threatening to witnesses.

Jack Smith entered Trump's post - saying 'IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU' - into evidence on Friday night, shortly after it was posted.

Smith says the post shows Trump cannot be trusted to keep confidential information disclosed to defendants ahead of a criminal trial confidential.

Defendants are provided with discovery - the evidence against them - but cannot publicize it.

Smith warned the post indicated Trump was determined to attack his critics by any means necessary.

'If the defendant were to begin issuing public posts using details - or, for example, grand jury transcripts - obtained in discovery here, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,' Smith wrote. ...


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7922f1 No.77531

File: f6dad24dee720c5⋯.png (226.11 KB,1170x867,390:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301081 (050321ZAUG23) Notable: The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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7922f1 No.77532

File: 364bb0365e9b75b⋯.png (577.7 KB,598x597,598:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301082 (050321ZAUG23) Notable: Into the Light

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Into The Light Official Movie Retweeted

Crux (Mike Smith)


Guess what’s coming?? Popcorn is popping!


11:33 AM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77533

File: 2e5513651372259⋯.png (339.4 KB,1920x984,80:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301088 (050322ZAUG23) Notable: Trump's true TRUTH is now evidence

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DOJ prosecutors request gag order after Trump arraignment, citing social media threats

by Nick Robertson - 08/04/23 10:53 PM ET

Justice Department Special counsel Jack Smith appealed to the federal judge overseeing former President Trump’s election fraud case Friday evening to issue a protective order for evidence, citing social media threats.

“IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” the former president posted earlier on Truth Social — a move which has already drawn criticism with a former spokesperson for Trump calling it “chilling” and “witness intimidation.”

Smith argued that Trump’s case needs a strict order preventing Trump from mentioning details from discovery documents and evidence in public.

“Such a restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal matters pending against him,” Smith wrote in the filing.

“If the defendant were to begin issuing public posts using details — or, for example, grand jury transcripts — obtained in discovery here, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,” he added.

Prosecutors claimed the attempts to reach an agreement on a protective order with Trump’s legal team have been fruitless, and have prevented the prosecution from supplying documents to the defense as quickly as they would like.

“The government seeks to provide the defendant with discovery as soon as possible, including certain discovery to which the defendant is not entitled at this stage of the proceedings,” Smith wrote.

moar at:https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4138737-doj-prosecutors-request-gag-order-in-trump-election-case/

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7922f1 No.77534

File: e791e19a4742a17⋯.png (1.55 MB,929x1443,929:1443,Clipboard.png)

File: 37b7d5538c569c9⋯.png (653.03 KB,672x1125,224:375,Clipboard.png)

File: d137024a6e42681⋯.png (1.07 MB,1425x1125,19:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301091 (050323ZAUG23) Notable: Someone stuck they dick in cray

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>>>/qresearch/19300941 lb

>woman rings doorbell and threatens to 'BLOW UP' home after quizzing man about being a Republican

>>>/qresearch/19300986 lb

>Moore Police Department

the July 9th [FB] post.


Does anyone know this lady? She drives a black Toyota 4Runner with Texas tags. She knocked on my door and kept asking if I was a republican because of my 4th of July decorations. I told her that it’s none of your business who I choose to vote for. I’m proud to be an American, I’ve had uncles that are veterans and I’m proud of that! She continued to question me about my decor and asked where’s my trump sign. And said that I took her rights away as a woman and now she can’t get an abortion. I told her to get off my property and she kept yelling at me to “shoot her” so I called her a few choice words until she left. Before she drove off she said that she’s going to rip down all of our decorations and BLOW MY HOUSE UP!

The Police were called. 😡 😡😡 remember I’m a Hispanic gay male.


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7922f1 No.77535

File: c1d51b3c6ae7bd0⋯.pdf (498.54 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301107 (050327ZAUG23) Notable: Zhaolin Wang Las Vegas NV., Massachusetts? Prestige Biotech

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My name is Xiuqin Yao. I am the President of Prestige Biotech Inc. Our company is registered in Las Vegas, Nevada.

(Dated 3-17-2023)

(Please don't cut my electricity, it'll kill my mice)


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7922f1 No.77536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301194 (050346ZAUG23) Notable: California Is Testing Controversial Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses

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California Is Testing Controversial Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses

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7922f1 No.77537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301225 (050351ZAUG23) Notable: Turns out it is a Grand Jury subpoena for all my #Jan6 video. I’ll know more on Monday. Stay tuned.

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Digits confirm, there is no statute of limitations for evil.

>Steve Baker - TPC @TPC4USA

No one should begin their morning with this kind of text from their attorney.

Turns out it is a Grand Jury subpoena for all my #Jan6 video. I’ll know more on Monday. Stay tuned.

9:04 PM · Aug 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77538

File: fe4d9a03bc40159⋯.png (1.59 MB,1544x1770,772:885,Clipboard.png)

File: cfa214f3f3fbf27⋯.png (41.66 KB,982x243,982:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301336 (050409ZAUG23) Notable: Trump's true TRUTH is now evidence

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Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge


Updated 10:58 PM EDT, August 4, 2023


The Justice Department on Friday asked a federal judge overseeing the criminal case against former President Donald Trump in Washington to step in after he released a post online that appeared to promise revenge on anyone who goes after him.

Prosecutors asked U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to issue a protective order in the case a day after Trump pleaded not guilty to charges of trying to overturn the results of his 2020 election loss and block the peaceful transition of power. The order — which is different from a so-called “gag order” — would limit what sensitive information Trump and his legal team could share publicly about the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

Such protective orders are common in criminal cases, but prosecutors said it’s “particularly important in this case” because Trump has issued “public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and others associated with legal matters pending against him.”

They pointed specifically to a post on Trump’s Truth Social platform from earlier Friday in which Trump wrote, in all capital letters, “If you go after me, I’m coming after you.”

Prosecutors said that if Trump were to begin posting about details from grand jury transcripts or other information handed over by the Justice Department, it could have have a “harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case.”

Trump has pleaded not guilty to four felony counts, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct Congress’ certification of President Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

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7922f1 No.77539

File: 0c24d6fbb306643⋯.png (2.65 MB,3234x1689,1078:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 17a485ac7cc228b⋯.png (2.7 MB,3208x1729,3208:1729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301346 (050410ZAUG23) Notable: QClock August 4, 2023 - v2 The Puppy Show - Coming After You

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>>77538 (me)

QClock August 4,, 2023 - The Puppy Show

QClock August 4, 2023 - v2 The Puppy Show - Coming After You

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7922f1 No.77540

File: 05f4af959f79f26⋯.jpg (122.71 KB,607x610,607:610,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301356 (050412ZAUG23) Notable: As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium./Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity

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The proliferation of drug resistance in microbial pathogens poses a significant threat to human health. Hence, treatment measures are essential to surmount this growing problem. In this context, liquid metal nanoparticles are promising. Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity. Moreover, gallium nanoparticles demonstrate anti-inflammatory properties in immune cells. Gallium can alloy with other metals and be prepared in various composites to modify and tailor its characteristics and functionality. More importantly, the bactericidal mechanism of gallium liquid metal could sidestep the threat of emerging drug resistance mechanisms. Building on this rationale, gallium-based liquid metal nanoparticles can enable impactful and innovative strategic pathways in the battle against antimicrobial resistance. This review outlines the characteristics of gallium-based liquid metals at the nanoscale and their corresponding antimicrobial mechanisms to provide a comprehensive yet succinct overview of their current antimicrobial applications. In addition, challenges and opportunities that require further research efforts have been identified and discussed.

Vi Khanh Truong et al, Gallium Liquid Metal: Nanotoolbox for Antimicrobial Applications, ACS Nano (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c06486

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7922f1 No.77541

File: e9cb8fbcf50fdfc⋯.png (61.6 KB,745x707,745:707,Clipboard.png)

File: eba2407326ad89a⋯.png (191.83 KB,600x556,150:139,Clipboard.png)

File: da81fe16a225e15⋯.png (121.91 KB,602x336,43:24,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d1028e7f77a443⋯.png (81.78 KB,1211x883,1211:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301405 (050420ZAUG23) Notable: Another D5

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7922f1 No.77542

File: 237fe35d055f31a⋯.webp (312.78 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

File: ecea487b6c184b5⋯.webp (357.16 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

File: 5fdc91036102842⋯.webp (102.41 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301413 (050422ZAUG23) Notable: where's George tracking bill harmless fun

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any anons know WUWT?


harmless fun?

something sinister?

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7922f1 No.77543

File: e9d6280a6c59f56⋯.png (788.83 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301419 (050424ZAUG23) Notable: Actress-Comedian Roseanne Barr Joins Forces with Anti-Woke Retail Company “Publicsq” for New Show on Elon Musk’s Rebranded Platform “X”

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Actress-Comedian Roseanne Barr Joins Forces with Anti-Woke Retail Company “Publicsq” for New Show on Elon Musk’s Rebranded Platform “X”

Actress-comedian Roseanne Barr has signed a six-figure deal with the anti-woke retail company Publicsq to launch a new show on Elon Musk’s rebranded platform, X (formerly Twitter), according to a report from the New York Post.

Aug. 4, 2023 9:40 pm


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7922f1 No.77544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301432 (050426ZAUG23) Notable: As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium./Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity

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As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium.[2] This virtual monopoly is largely a result of China’s position as the global leader in aluminum production—the process through which most gallium is extracted.

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7922f1 No.77545

File: fe58a561d3123d0⋯.png (237.02 KB,924x489,308:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 54b56df7161dec8⋯.png (583.17 KB,1037x883,1037:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301460 (050431ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Joe Rogan says no GOP candidate can beat Trump because they’re ‘not going to get’ his supporters

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Donald J. Trump



MUST WATCH: Joe Rogan says no GOP candidate can beat Trump because they’re ‘not going to get’ his supporters

“No one is going to run against Trump on the Republican side and win because you are not going to get the Trump supporters.”

Aug 05, 2023, 12:18 AM


MUST WATCH: Joe Rogan says no GOP candidate can beat Trump because they're 'not going to get' his supporters

"No one is going to run against Trump on the Republican side and win because you are not going to get the Trump supporters."

On Thursday’s episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan declared that none of the candidates running for the GOP nomination for president could beat former President Donald Trump.

Rogan said to his guest Patrick Bet-David, "No one is going to run against Trump on the Republican side and win because you are not going to get the Trump supporters. They are all in on Trump. Unless he has a stroke. Unless something horrible happens.”

He then said if he was a friend of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis he would tell him not to run against Trump.

“The fact that he was the President for four years, and the country was in a great economic situation, and it looked like his policies were actually effective… Unemployment was down. Business was building. Regulations were being relaxed. More things were getting done.”

Rogan urged his audience to “…look at it from a policy perspective, if you look at it on paper, what he did was effective.”

“People liked the ideas he was putting forward,” Rogan continued noting that now “…everybody thinks there needs to be a wall,” referencing the border wall over which critics constantly derided the former president.

“Even the Mayor of New York City is now calling to stop immigration into his city. This is a guy who called for it to be a sanctuary city.”

Rogan also called out all the ways critics tried to attack Trump. “When you look at the Russia collusion. When you look at the Steele dossier. When you look at all the bullsh*t, they tried to throw at him that we now know is bullsh*t. Not just bullsh*t, but coordinated bullsh*t.

“When you look at the fact that they suppressed this Hunter Biden laptop story. And 51 intelligence agency representatives signed off on that to say that this is Russian disinformation, which we know they know is not true. That's scary. Because now you have the intelligence agencies colluding to keep a guy from being president, who was president during a time when the country was thriving economically."

After previously declining to have the former president on The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan seemed to soften his stance saying he might have Trump on "At a certain point in time."

Last month, Rogan shook Trump’s hand as the former president entered the arena at a UFC event.


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7922f1 No.77546

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301467 (050432ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Joe Rogan says no GOP candidate can beat Trump because they’re ‘not going to get’ his supporters

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Donald J. Trump


Aug 05, 2023, 12:17 AM




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7922f1 No.77547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301468 (050432ZAUG23) Notable: UFO vids

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7922f1 No.77548

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301482 (050435ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump THANK YOU TOM!

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 04, 2023, 10:11 PM




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7922f1 No.77549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301483 (050435ZAUG23) Notable: UFO vids

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7922f1 No.77550

File: ff5c2db5d16316a⋯.png (181.06 KB,469x900,469:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301493 (050438ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Draws Biggest Crowd Ever To Alabama Gop Dinner

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Trump Draws Biggest Crowd Ever To Alabama Gop Dinner

President Trump made Alabama state history on Friday evening, drawing a crowd of thousands to Montgomery where he delivered a speech to Republicans at the Alabama GOP Dinner.

According to Trump’s Senior Advisor Jason Miller, 2,700 people were in attendance. “Their largest ever!” Miller wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Friday night’s dinner marked the first formal appearance and campaign event that the president has made since he was arraigned on Thursday in Washington, D.C. President Trump’s arraignment this week also marked the third time that he has faced charges in less than six months.

Trump held no quarter on Friday, scorching special prosecutor Jack Smith as a “deranged human being” and a “lost soul” who was doing the bidding of the Biden regime.

2700 in attendance! Their largest ever! https://t.co/6cC4cWXDjn

— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) August 5, 2023

He noted that his legal persecution was an effort to criminalize political speech. He explained, “They’re trying to make it illegal to question the results of a bad election…But only a party that cheats in elections would try to make it illegal…”

The president also said that the radical left and the media had “never recovered” from his landslide victory in 2016, stating that this shock is “why their hatred is so great.”

“These people…are lunatics,” he cracked.

Trump’s comments were well-received by the eager crowd as he promised to root out Deep State corruption, gain independence from China, bring peace to Russia and Ukraine, and restore economic balance in America.

He vowed in his remarks, “We will completely finish the job – on Election Day 2024, we’re going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House…We’re going to expel the criminals and thugs from the halls of power in Washington, D.C. and we’re going to make America great again!”


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7922f1 No.77551

File: 62f8f37a2c3cf08⋯.mp4 (13.77 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7e765ffd06819a9⋯.png (390.05 KB,530x697,530:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301514 (050443ZAUG23) Notable: Global military exercise with Navy and Marines over 22 time zones Exercises will run from Aug 9-18, 2023

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Global military exercise with Navy and Marines over 22 time zones posted on July 24, 2023.

Exercises will run from Aug 9-18, 2023.

Planning or training or deploying troops in strategic locations worldwide?

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7922f1 No.77552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301519 (050445ZAUG23) Notable: Lawsuit seeks to release more footage of JFK’s assassination

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Lawsuit seeks to release more footage of JFK’s assassination

More footage than previously thought exists of JFK’s killing.

The family of the man who took the video wants it back from the government.

The family of Orville Nix, a Dallas maintenance worker, says he recorded the moment Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza with his home-movie camera. His family has been trying to get that footage back from the government for years.

They’ve filed a lawsuit for nearly $30 million, in compensatory damages and return of the film, against the National Archives in hopes of changing that.


Their bodies - the conspirators; active and those who just looked the other way - should be disinterred and chunked into the ocean. They did not suffer for their crime. They are a disgrace to this country.

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7922f1 No.77553

File: 909eb7a6315e704⋯.png (427.84 KB,790x684,395:342,Clipboard.png)

File: 13fd18a66383974⋯.png (450.89 KB,771x729,257:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301523 (050445ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Draws Biggest Crowd Ever To Alabama Gop Dinner

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President Donald J. Trump Speaks at Alabama GOP Dinner - 8/4/2023



7773 watching now

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7922f1 No.77554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301590 (050457ZAUG23) Notable: Global military exercise with Navy and Marines over 22 time zones Exercises will run from Aug 9-18, 2023

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>Global military exercise with Navy and Marines over 22 time zones posted on July 24, 2023.


>need sauce

The Navy and Marine Corps are poised to kick off the second iteration of Large Scale Exercise next month, bringing together more than 25,000 personnel through live and virtual training.

“The ability to command and control our operations across 22 time zones is how we will fight and win in a global environment against our competitors,” Adm. Daryl Caudle, the head of U.S. Fleet Forces Command, told reporters Monday. “To do so, we have to globally synchronize precision and timing in order to conduct high-end modern warfare.”

The exercise, which is headquartered at the Navy Warfare Development Center at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, runs from Aug. 9 to 18.

U.S. Fleet Forces Command, U.S. Pacific Fleet, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Command, Marine Forces Command, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa, and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific are all participating in the exercise.


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7922f1 No.77555

File: b9f9400c8496ec3⋯.png (2.27 MB,1460x973,1460:973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301649 (050509ZAUG23) Notable: Global military exercise with Navy and Marines over 22 time zones Exercises will run from Aug 9-18, 2023

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>>need sauce

nice ... also ...

LSE 2023 brings together the combined firepower of the Navy and Marine Corps team across six maritime component commands, seven numbered fleets, and 22 time zones. The exercise is scheduled to run from Aug 9-18.

“The ability to command and control our operations across 22 time zones is how we will fight and win in a global environment against our competitors,” said Caudle. “To do so, we have to globally synchronize precision and timing in order to conduct high-end modern warfare.”

pic: NORFOLK, Va. - Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and Lt. Gen. Brian Cavanaugh, commander, Marine Forces Command announce the upcoming Large Scale Exercise (LSE) 2023 during a media event held at U.S. Fleet Forces Command, July 24. Scheduled to run from Aug. 9-18, LSE 2023 is a live, virtual, and constructive, globally-integrated exercise designed to refine the synchronization of maritime operations across six maritime component commands, seven numbered fleets, and 22 time zones. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Lauren Howes)

Participating units will include:

- Six naval and Marine Corps component commands:

U.S. Fleet Forces Command

U.S. Pacific Fleet

U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Command

Marine Forces Command

U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa

U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific

- Seven U.S. numbered Fleets:








24 July 2023


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7922f1 No.77556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301706 (050524ZAUG23) Notable: As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium./Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity

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>I think the gallium we use is a byproduct of zinc mining here in the USA but I can't remember the name of our supplier to look it up.

"Riegel's Handbook of Industrial Chemistry" has no entry for gallium.

the gallium monograph in john emsley's "Nature's Building Blocks" contains the following info...

gallium has no biological role, but is known to stimulate metabolism. it presents few health risks since its salts generally have low toxicity...

plants show slight selective uptake as witnessed by their having more gallium than the soil in which they grow. edible plants have 0.03 -2 ppm dry weight.

gallium was first discovered in 1875 when examination of the emission spectrum of zinc ore from the Pyrenees.

although there are no drugs that contain gallium, as yet, in 1998 one of its compounds was shown to be effective against malaria that had become resistant to conventional drugs like CHLOROQUINE.

several ores, such as aluminum ore (bauxite) contain small amts of gallium, and COAL may have a relatively high gallium content.

the flue dust from a coal-burning power plant may contain as much as 1.5% gallium (which would mean a shit-ton of it).

no ore is mined specifically for gallium and ALL that is produced is a by-product of copper and zinc refining. annual world production is only 30 ton.

gallium has semi-conductor properties esp gallium arsenide used in LEDs. however its semiconductivity has brought gallium into prominence bcs it generates less heat than silicon, and is therefore more suitable for use in SUPERCOMPUTERS as well as more mundane cell phones.

gallium is more abundant than lead, but much less accessible bcs it has not been selectively concentrated in any minerals by any geologic process, so it is widely distributed.

gallium metal will melt when held in the hand, and in so doing it shrinks in volume (like ice/water). it remains in the liquid state over a wider temp range (2373˚C) than any other known substance, making it useful for high temp thermometers.

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7922f1 No.77557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301714 (050527ZAUG23) Notable: As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium./Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity

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Gallium - Amazing Metal Melts in your Hand!

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7922f1 No.77558

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301715 (050527ZAUG23) Notable: Nunes: Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel

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Devin Nunes: Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel




Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-devin-nunes-podcast/id1433992718

Spotity: https://open.spotify.com/show/4zofxktN31mTbk9HJdZOr6

Podbean: https://devinnunes.podbean.com/

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7922f1 No.77559

File: 7ae6c6277846f37⋯.jpg (59.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301716 (050528ZAUG23) Notable: Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike, Sig, off the coast of Crimea, Maritime sites still have nothing about it

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Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike – media

The ship was off the coast of Crimea when its engine room flooded, sea rescue services said

Russian maritime rescue units were deployed early on Saturday to assist an oil tanker off the coast of Crimea. The tanker was left without propulsion after what reports said was a strike by an Ukrainian drone.

“The crew is safe, there were no injuries,” a spokesperson for the Novorossiysk Marine Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) told TASS, shortly after 2 am local time. “The engine room was damaged, though not severely.”

Two tugboats dispatched to help the ship have already arrived and rescue crews are trying to decide whether and where to tow the damaged tanker.

Officials never named the tanker involved. According to multiple Telegram channels, the vessel is a Russian-registered oil carrier Sig, damaged in what was said to be an attack by Ukrainian maritime drones about 45 kilometers south of the Kerch Bridge. Traffic on the bridge was stopped just before midnight, with local authorities saying there was a threat of a drone attack.


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7922f1 No.77560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301718 (050529ZAUG23) Notable: Nunes: Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel

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Devin Nunes ReTruthed

Devin Nunes




rumble.com/v34eikn-tragedy-or- 🚨WATCH🚨 @kash and I discuss this weeks #dojcorruption and other shenanigans… 🇺🇸

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7922f1 No.77561

File: 7baa3b3771bf9b3⋯.jpg (32.39 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301720 (050530ZAUG23) Notable: Federal judge blocks Illinois pregnancy center law, calls state's motion to delay 'meritless'

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Federal judge blocks Illinois pregnancy center law, calls state's motion to delay 'meritless'

Preliminary injunction against the measure comes days after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed Senate Bill 1909

Afederal court has temporality blocked a measure that grants the Illinois Attorney General's office the power to shut down limited-service pregnancy centers while the case continues.

Thursday's preliminary injunction against the measure comes days after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed Senate Bill 1909. The measure prohibits "limited pregnancy centers" from engaging in conduct the Illinois Attorney General's office deems are unfair methods of competition or unfair or deceptive acts or practices.

In response to the bill signing, the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates filed a lawsuit in the state's Northern District federal court seeking a temporary restraining order to block the law.

The judge denied the state's motion to delay a response, saying their arguments were "meritless on many levels" and to "be there" at the next hearing. "The lawsuit should not come as a surprise to Defendant," Judge Iain D. Johnston wrote in a docket entry.


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7922f1 No.77562

File: 5f1dec5c0d4ffbc⋯.jpg (80.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301732 (050535ZAUG23) Notable: US slashes aid to Niger

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US slashes aid to Niger

Programs benefiting the junta government in Niamey will be paused, Washington’s top diplomat said

The United States will halt some of its foreign assistance projects in Niger, with the State Department saying such aid depends on “democratic governance” in the African nation following an abrupt transfer of power there last month.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the move on Friday, noting that certain programs “benefiting the government of Niger” would be put on hold as US officials review “the situation on the ground” given the recent bout of unrest.

“As we have made clear since the outset of this situation, the provision of US assistance to the government of Niger depends on democratic governance and respect for constitutional order,” Blinken said, reiterating a prior call for “the immediate restoration of Niger’s democratically-elected government.”


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7922f1 No.77563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301734 (050536ZAUG23) Notable: Federal judge blocks Illinois pregnancy center law, calls state's motion to delay 'meritless'

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7922f1 No.77564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301735 (050536ZAUG23) Notable: Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike, Sig, off the coast of Crimea, Maritime sites still have nothing about it

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Maritime sites still have nothing about it. The Guardian posted the name SIG claiming Moscow Times published it. I went to Moscow Times (it's in English) saw only the warship that got hit, did not see any mention of a tanker.

BBC just updated their article, now only eight minutes old, says their source is TASS

Russia's maritime transport agency later named the vessel as Sig tanker. It gave its location as 17 miles (27km) south of the Crimean Bridge.


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7922f1 No.77565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301781 (050551ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Draws Biggest Crowd Ever To Alabama Gop Dinner

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JUST IN: I have received advanced excerpts of President Trump’s speech that he will be delivering in #Alabama tonight at the


Summer Dinner!

I would like to share these excerpts with all of you before President


takes the stage at 8:15 pm EST!

President Donald J. Trump

Alabama GOP Summer Dinner

August 4, 2023

Montgomery, AL


It’s great to be back in ALABAMA with so many proud American Patriots who stand for God, Family, and Country!


On Election Day 2024, we are going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House. We are going to expel the criminals and thugs from the halls of power in Washington. And we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.


From the beginning, our movement has been the only force in American politics that has ever dared to stand up to the entire corrupt political establishment.


We said NO to open borders, NO to globalist trade deals, NO to endless wars, and NO to the Godless values of the Communist left. We always put AMERICA FIRST.


In response, our enemies unleashed an army of rabid left-wing lawyers, corrupt Marxist prosecutors, deranged government agents, and rogue intelligence officers to try to stop our movement.


As an example, every one of these many Fake Charges filed against me by the Corrupt Biden DOJ could have been filed 2.5 years ago, but they waited and waited until I became dominant in the Polls, and then they filed them all, including local DAs and AGs, and other cases, right in the middle of my Campaign where I am leading the Republicans by a lot, and also leading Biden by a lot.


It’s called Election Interference, a commonly used tactic in third world countries.


Biden and his protectors know he cannot win this race any other way, so they are trying Election Interference.


The reason this is happening is simple: Joe Biden is the most incompetent and corrupt president in U.S. history.


The Biden Crime Family was taking in money from China, Ukraine, Russia, and so many more—and now, every time more Biden Corruption is exposed, his henchmen indict me the very next day. It’s called a cover-up.


They want to take away MY freedom because I will never let them take away YOUR freedom. They want to silence me, because I will never let them silence you. In the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you—and I’m just standing in their way.


From the first day in office, I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every of the many claims being brought forth by Congress concerning all of the crooked acts, including bribes from China and many other foreign countries that go into the coffers of the Biden Crime Family.


The Deep State is destroying our nation, but the tables must turn, and we will destroy the Deep State.


Think of what we already achieved in 4 incredible years.


We delivered the largest tax cuts and regulatory cuts in history, and likewise we built the greatest economy in the history of the world.


We achieved energy independence and energy dominance for the first time in 60 years.


We created the most secure border in U.S. history, built nearly 500 miles of border wall, got Mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers free of charge, negotiated “Remain in Mexico,” and deported illegal alien criminals by the thousands.


We appointed over 300 federal judges and 3 great Supreme Court Justices.


And last year, those justices ruled to end Roe v. Wade. Now pro-lifers have a tremendous power to negotiate, which they didn’t have before the ruling.


I fully rebuilt the U.S. military, created Space Force and put the U.S. Space Command in Alabama, which Biden just moved to another state, defeated ISIS, and brought our troops back home.


I was the first president in decades who didn’t start a war.


Here is just some of the agenda I will immediately implement when we become the 47th President of the United States…

I will totally obliterate the Deep State.

7:15 PM · Aug 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301788 (050555ZAUG23) Notable: UFO vids

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Any one watching this, woke up and it was on.

AOC has just been on.

Interesting comments on UAP and UFO etc

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7922f1 No.77567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301795 (050557ZAUG23) Notable: UFO vids

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They only get 5mins, now talking about multidimensional. Shit.

Very interdasting.

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7922f1 No.77568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301798 (050558ZAUG23) Notable: The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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group mind

hive mind

one world thought

one world currency

one world religion

one world leader

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7922f1 No.77569

File: f41189dcb94e8d2⋯.png (906.02 KB,819x902,819:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301799 (050559ZAUG23) Notable: The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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the fucking borg, man

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7922f1 No.77570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301803 (050600ZAUG23) Notable: The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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group consciousness

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7922f1 No.77571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301806 (050601ZAUG23) Notable: The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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>Game Theory: The Human Hive Mind Theory (Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void)


>The closest concept we have to this form of communication is something called the hive mind. Everyone would be connected to everyone telepathically, and we could all share our thoughts, memories, and even dreams with one another. Such a system of communication would not only have far-reaching consequences, it would also be hugely controversial.

>Many have theorized about the hive mind, speculating about everything from what we would need to bring it to fruition to what it would do to society.

>Some initiatives, like Princeton's Global Consciousness Project, assert that we already have a hive mind; it's just a matter of detecting it. Certain religious groups also espouse the concept of oneness, claiming we are all already connected on a non-physical level. Rather than figuring out how to tap into some inherent ability we already have, however, the most popular theory on how we'll get a hive mind is through technological innovation.

>Some brainwave interpreting technology is allowing us to interact with machines through thought. Braingate's wireless brain implant is currently designed to allow severely disable people to control things like wheelchairs and virtual keyboards using their thoughts, but the technology could serve as a direct conduit to other brains one day. We're already making strides on that front as well. In 2014, a team of researchers successful conveyed the thoughts of someone from Spain to a person in France using an electroencephalography (EEG) to read their brainwaves and a computer to transport the information.

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7922f1 No.77572

File: bf17bcce1ae0b66⋯.png (184.25 KB,484x629,484:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301811 (050603ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump’s campaign just released a new campaign TV ad! “Fraud Squad”.

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President Trump’s campaign just released a new campaign TV ad!

It’s called “Fraud Squad”.

#FraudSquad #DonaldTrumpDidNothingWrong #Trump2024

0:42 / 1:00

Last edited

5:16 PM · Aug 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77573

File: 7c306758bef32bf⋯.webp (66.54 KB,1200x766,600:383,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301815 (050605ZAUG23) Notable: The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

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>Few doubt that the technological tools we'd need for a global hive mind are on the way. The bigger question is what we would do once we had the technology.

>Obviously, being able to effortlessly share our dreams, emotions, and thoughts with one another would have many benefits. We could create our own virtual worlds and interact with others only in those worlds. Formal education would become a days- or weeks-long process as we would have the ability to download knowledge directly into our brains, and the spread of ideas or viral thoughts would be nearly instantaneous.

>It would feel like a much smaller world and how we would interact with others within that world would be fundamentally changed. Unfortunately, that change wouldn't necessarily be for the better. Imagine a hacker controlling "thought databases" or a totalitarian regime going all "1984" on the whole of society. While many claim that privacy is already a lost concept, it would truly become a thing of the past if anyone could hack into your thoughts.

>Another, more far-out theory is that we would coalesce into a single entity, like the Tyranid Hivemind or the Zerg Overmind situation in the video above. Through our own volition, or as a natural evolution of technology, we would "upload" ourselves into a singular consciousness. Maybe that would actually be the Singularity many have predicted.

>Despite all these technological connections, at its most basic level, the concept of a hive mind is something found in nature, a means by which the many come together to create something better than the sum of its parts. Studies have already shown that we are better at predicting pretty much everything when we think as a group. Imagine the problems we could solve if everyone in the world could collaborate on solutions just by putting our minds together.

now if they already transferred a person's thoughts to another person in another country as far back as 2014, it's not far fetched to imagine they could implant any thoughts into anyone at any time

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7922f1 No.77574

File: 05f29174d7a31a2⋯.png (215.11 KB,481x562,481:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301818 (050606ZAUG23) Notable: Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

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Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

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7922f1 No.77575

File: cfa3834332d0140⋯.png (598.96 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301820 (050607ZAUG23) Notable: Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

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Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement


August 4, 2023

Joel B. Pollak

4 Aug 20231,732


Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says that under his own “fraud” standard, Special Counsel Jack Smith could be indicted for omitting a key portion of then-President Donald Trump’s speech in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.

The indictment charges Trump with four counts, including “conspiracy to defraud the United States.” But in a portion recounting Trump’s speech at the “Stop the Steal” rally, Smith repeats the errors made by House Democrats in Trump’s second impeachment trial: he focuses on Trump’s use of the phrase “fight like hell,” and omits a sentence highlighted by Trump’s defense team: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Dershowitz told the Megyn Kelly Show podcast on Friday that by his own standard, Smith could be charged with fraud, because of his omission of Trump’s “peaceful” rhetoric.

“Under the indictment itself, Jack Smith could be himself indicted. He told a direct lie in this indictment. He purported to describe the speech that President Trump made on January 6th. And he left out the key words, when President Trump said, ‘I want you to demonstrate peacefully and patriotically. You know, a lie by omission, under the law, can be as serious as a lie by commission.”

The fact that Smith repeated the error of the House impeachment managers would appear deliberate, because these phrases were the crux of Trump’s Senate trial. Trump’s lawyers even played footage of Democrats using similar “fight” rhetoric, to show its common usage.


Trump’s defense team returned, again and again, to the fact that Trump told his supporters to rally “peacefully” at the Capitol, which was ultimately a major reason he was able to defeat the House impeachment charge of incitement.

Notably, Smith did not charge Trump with incitement. But in his statement to the press, he claimed that Trump’s “lies” about the election caused the riot, all but making the claim of incitement.

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7922f1 No.77576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301821 (050608ZAUG23) Notable: Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

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7922f1 No.77577

File: ab89e6b26750d61⋯.png (184.71 KB,484x575,484:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301826 (050609ZAUG23) Notable: Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

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“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” -

Donald J. Trump


11:29 AM · Jan 22, 2021


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7922f1 No.77578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301832 (050612ZAUG23) Notable: As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium./Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity

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Gallium nitrate suppresses lupus in MRL/lpr mice


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7922f1 No.77579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301838 (050615ZAUG23) Notable: #23705

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#23705 >>77526 Big shout out to sammich maker for hard workin honest types tyvm

>>77527, >>77535 Zhaolin Wang Las Vegas NV., Massachusetts? Prestige Biotech

>>77528, >>77529, >>77532 Into the Light

>>77530, >>77533, >>77538 Trump's true TRUTH is now evidence

>>77531, >>77568, >>77569, >>77570, >>77571, >>77573 The overarching vision is for X to be a maximally effective group mind for humanity

>>77534 Someone stuck they dick in cray

>>77536 California Is Testing Controversial Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses

>>77537 Turns out it is a Grand Jury subpoena for all my #Jan6 video. I’ll know more on Monday. Stay tuned.

>>77539 QClock August 4, 2023 - v2 The Puppy Show - Coming After You

>>77541 Another D5

>>77542 where's George tracking bill harmless fun

>>77543 Actress-Comedian Roseanne Barr Joins Forces with Anti-Woke Retail Company “Publicsq” for New Show on Elon Musk’s Rebranded Platform “X”

>>77544, >>77540, >>77556, >>77557, >>77578 As of 2022, China produced a staggering 98 percent of the world’s supply of raw gallium./Gallium, a post-transition metal notable for being a liquid at physiological temperature, has drawn attention for its distinctive properties, high antimicrobial efficacy, and low toxicity

>>77545, >>77546 @realDonaldTrump Joe Rogan says no GOP candidate can beat Trump because they’re ‘not going to get’ his supporters

>>77548 @realDonaldTrump THANK YOU TOM!

>>77547, >>77549, >>77566, >>77567 UFO vids

>>77550, >>77553, >>77565 Trump Draws Biggest Crowd Ever To Alabama Gop Dinner

>>77551, >>77554, >>77555 Global military exercise with Navy and Marines over 22 time zones Exercises will run from Aug 9-18, 2023

>>77552 Lawsuit seeks to release more footage of JFK’s assassination

>>77558, >>77560 Nunes: Tragedy or Farce? Another Trump Indictment with Guest Kash Patel

>>77559, >>77564 Oil tanker hit in suspected Black Sea drone strike, Sig, off the coast of Crimea, Maritime sites still have nothing about it

>>77561, >>77563 Federal judge blocks Illinois pregnancy center law, calls state's motion to delay 'meritless'

>>77562 US slashes aid to Niger

>>77572 President Trump’s campaign just released a new campaign TV ad! “Fraud Squad”.

>>77574, >>77575, >>77576, >>77577 Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement


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7922f1 No.77580

File: b6f6120e7210ee7⋯.png (1.44 MB,735x994,105:142,Clipboard.png)

File: a2d779a61beb4a4⋯.jpg (128.33 KB,772x499,772:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2800e91f1433d36⋯.jpg (58.85 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301854 (050618ZAUG23) Notable: #23706

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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7922f1 No.77581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301915 (050633ZAUG23) Notable: Elimination of arthritis pain and inflammation for over 2 years with a single 90 min, topical 14% gallium nitrate treatment: case reports and review of actions of gallium III

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the severely arthritic hands of a 60-year-old woman were topically treated with a 14% aqueous solution of gallium nitrate for 90 min. Pain and inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis diminished rapidly, and neither pain nor inflammation returned during the following 2 years from that single treatment. A 61-year-old woman who had osteoarthritis in her left knee, shoulders and wrists was treated orally with 50 ml of a 1% gallium nitrate solution (120 mg elemental gallium) daily using a two week on and two week off protocol, resulting in almost total elimination of pain while on gallium nitrate, while pain partially returned during the two week off periods. Treatment of frozen shoulder with topical 40% gallium nitrate for 120 min resulted in greatly reduced pain and crepitus almost immediately with complete restoration of range of motion, with pain remaining essentially absent for over 1 year.


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7922f1 No.77582

File: 27d124fcf46bc9b⋯.png (57.32 KB,574x584,287:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ed5138bcab6cae⋯.png (65.76 KB,552x636,46:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301968 (050701ZAUG23) Notable: Wendy Patterson Tweet re: Trump/Smith/Case

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I'm going to start today from the beginning.

It's important for everyone to understand why the courts refused to hear the cases brought before them concerning the 2020 election fraud.

People who hate Trump like to say that he lost all of the cases that were brought before the courts when in reality, the courts refused to hear the cases and here's why:

Standing is the legal right to initiate a lawsuit.

To do so, a person must be sufficiently affected by the matter at hand, and there must be a case or controversy that can be resolved by legal action.

The attorney's and those they represented didn't have "damage done to them" according to the court.

Now many of us disagreed with the courts because everyone is damaged by a fraudulent election and to prove that fraud occurred, we needed to prove it in court but we were denied the ability to present evidence, leaving the results in place.

President Trump didn't lose the cases brought to the courts, he was denied by the courts the right to present evidence to prove that fraud took place, until now.

In Jack Smith's haste to stick to a pre planned timeline that would tie Trump up in court on major event dates during the presidential campaign season, he charged president Trump with imaginary free speech crimes that any first year novice wouldn't have charged using the stolen 2020 election as his target opening the door for president Trump to exercise his due process rights, with subpoena power to finally litigate the 2020 election fraud in a court of law.

"Due process is a requirement that legal matters be resolved according to established rules and principles and that individuals be treated fairly. Due process applies to both civil and criminal matters."

12:11 PM · Aug 4, 2023

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7922f1 No.77583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302081 (050829ZAUG23) Notable: Pakistan’s Imran Khan sentenced to three years in prison, arrested

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A Pakistani trial court sentenced former Prime Minister Imran Khan to three years in prison for illegally selling state gifts, local media channels said on Saturday.

Khan was not in court for the hearing, but the Reuters news agency reported that his lawyer said the former prime minister had been arrested in Lahore.

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7922f1 No.77584

File: 3d2f089f368de6b⋯.jpg (119.31 KB,720x880,9:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3b3690c736d923d⋯.mp4 (789.36 KB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302093 (050836ZAUG23) Notable: Pakistan’s Imran Khan sentenced to three years in prison, arrested

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BREAKING: Pakistan former PM Imran Khan arrested, gets 3-years jail in Toshakhana case; disqualified from politics for 5 years

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7922f1 No.77585

File: 3955182611506d0⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302125 (050859ZAUG23) Notable: Reminder - Trump issues Order to go home

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reminder, this perfect video happened

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7922f1 No.77586

File: 93303d8181d0b8e⋯.png (91.87 KB,1882x460,941:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302211 (051023ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - "If you go after me…"

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 04, 2023, 4:16 PM


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7922f1 No.77587

File: 5983ca989b19832⋯.png (261.84 KB,640x738,320:369,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b0ff7b0e550392⋯.png (374.07 KB,945x899,945:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c4279d902e96bcf⋯.png (183.65 KB,686x814,343:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a02f35a4f8c784⋯.png (203.85 KB,696x851,696:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302255 (051046ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry on Barack / The Obama Factor (Coming Down the Mountain from photo yesterday)

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Paul Sperry



“It’s about homosexuality.”

So I emailed Harvey [Klehr], “Go to the Emory archives.” So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph where Barack writes to Alex [McNear] about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.


David Samuels Interviews MLK Biographer David Garrow on Barack Obama

A Q&A with historian David Garrow

2:03 AM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77588

File: 8ccc88839ad0705⋯.png (59.77 KB,655x423,655:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 4136dcb5095ee4c⋯.png (555.4 KB,644x406,46:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 66a17922d68ced6⋯.png (64.43 KB,638x151,638:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302278 (051057ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - "If you go after me…"

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On Thursday, the judge in his case - which deals with Trump's efforts to overturn the election - reminded Trump it is a crime to intimidate a juror, bribe anyone or obstruct the administration of justice.

Asked if he understood the standard disclaimer, Trump responded that he did.

Yet on Friday, Trump posted a threat against those involved in the case, leading Smith to fear that Trump could use the discovery material against those involved.

Smith said the proposed protective order was not 'overly restrictive,' noting that it would still enable Trump to use discovery materials in his defense.

'All the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public,' Smith wrote.

'Such a restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and others associated with legal matters pending against him.

'And in recent days, regarding this case, the defendant has issued multiple posts - either specifically or by implication - including the following, which the defendant posted just hours ago.'

Smith then included a screenshot of the Truth Social post.

A Trump spokesperson said the post was 'political speech' and dismissed claims that it was threatening.

'The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech and was in response to the RINO, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs, like the ones funded by the Koch Brothers and the Club for No Growth,' they said.


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7922f1 No.77589

File: bc935f9148db524⋯.png (700.92 KB,849x929,849:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302283 (051100ZAUG23) Notable: Backpage Founder, Alt-Weekly Entrepreneur, and Free Speech Warrior James Larkin Has Died

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Backpage Founder, Alt-Weekly Entrepreneur, and Free Speech Warrior James Larkin Has Died

Larkin, 74, took his own life on Monday, just a little over a week before he was slated to stand trial for his role in running the web-classifieds platform Backpage.

Elizabeth Nolan Brown | 8.2.2023 4:05 PM

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7922f1 No.77590

File: 18f749e0d3c951f⋯.png (433.72 KB,601x870,601:870,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302295 (051106ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes points re: Trump/Biden

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Dr Jan Halper who was on Trumps transition team said this:

“Biden is the legitimate president of the Bankrupt corporation”

(from 1871)

“Trump set up the deep state” (sound familiar)

“Great mistake by Jack Smith” (allowing discovery)

“Trump had to show us how bad it could get” (sound familiar)

“You know I’m on a task force at the Department of Defense” 👀

“Told the Queen we are ending this, dissolving the corporation”

“Trump took 650 planes to remove our gold from the Vatican banks” ✌️

4:45 PM · Aug 4, 2023




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7922f1 No.77591

File: 0565d089b9a4f1e⋯.png (297.99 KB,638x670,319:335,Clipboard.png)

File: c9f6dbe4755975f⋯.png (494.57 KB,1184x887,1184:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302303 (051110ZAUG23) Notable: Feds' Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld

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Paul Sperry


ICYMI: Here is the full, untold story of the Bidens' racketeering operation with CEFC China Energy, including how the FBI secretly monitored their dealings & money flows and raided their offices as early as 2017, as part of a Chinese COUNTERESPIONAGE case


Feds' Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsMarch 15, 2023 At the same time that Department of Justice officials were using spying and corruption statutes to aggressively pursue Donald Trump’s allie

8:03 PM · Aug 4, 2023


Feds' Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations

March 15, 2023


Above, Chi Ping “Patrick” Ho, convicted in a 2018 corruption case. At trial, U.S. prosecutors redacted Hunter Biden's name from court exhibits and did not explore evidence of his lucrative dealings with the powerful Chinese figure.

At the same time that Department of Justice officials were using spying and corruption statutes to aggressively pursue Donald Trump’s allies based on what turned out to be rumor and innuendo, they declined to use those same laws to investigate evidence of wrongdoing involving Biden family members and one of their corrupt Chinese business partners, DOJ documents and federal court records reveal.

In 2016-2017, the evidence shows, the FBI raided the offices and intercepted the communications of Chi Ping “Patrick” Ho, a Chinese national suspected of espionage even as he was negotiating business deals with former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and brother James.

DOJ later used information obtained from the searches and wiretaps – which included conversations with the current President’s son and brother – to convict Ho of bribery and money laundering, as part of a separate corruption case involving United Nations officials. But it declined to tap into its trove of evidence – including “over 100,000 emails” – to explore the connections between Ho and the Bidens, who received millions of dollars from Ho and a Chinese intelligence front and discussed sharing office space.

At Ho’s 2018 trial, prosecutors hid Hunter’s connection to Ho, redacting his name from court exhibits (see sidebar) while describing Ho as “the person who flies around the world paying bribes to advance the interest of the oil company [CEFC China Energy],” according to hearing transcripts.

CBS News/YouTube

The Justice Department did not pursue James or Hunter Biden, above, for failing to register as agents for the Chinese, a sharp contrast with its aggressive pursuit of Trump associates in the Russiagate affair.

CBS News/YouTube

A federal database shows the Bidens failed to register as foreign agents while engaged in activities on behalf of CEFC, a state-owned entity suspected of being a front for Chinese intelligence. Federal anti-spying laws require anyone acting as a lobbyist for a foreign power to register with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The DOJ did not prosecute either Biden family member for potential violations of FARA for representing the interests of the Chinese.

The Biden-China Corruption DOJ Is Accused of Hiding Paul Sperry, RCI

This stands in stark contrast to the DOJ's aggressive pursuit of alleged FARA violations involving no fewer than six Trump campaign officials. In August of 2016, shortly after receiving a tip that a low-level Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos, had allegedly been told that the Russians might have dirt on Hillary Clinton, the bureau opened FARA investigations into Papadopoulos and three other Trump associates with no clear ties to Papadopoulos: national security adviser Michael Flynn; campaign manager Paul Manafort; and campaign adviser Carter Page. The FBI subsequently investigated Manafort's deputy Rick Gates; and Trump's Mideast adviser Walid Phares under the same statute.

As RCI has previously reported, the FBI used FARA as the basis for a wide-ranging probe that included tailing them, staking out their homes, digging through their trash, and using confidential sources to secretly record them. Only one of the six was convicted for FARA-related violations, and none was charged with any espionage or conspiracy crimes involving Russia.


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7922f1 No.77592

File: c93ace435dedb7a⋯.png (567.48 KB,1189x896,1189:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302313 (051116ZAUG23) Notable: et al Deception by Redaction: More FBI FISA Abuses, This Time Using Fake News in the Washington Post

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Deception by Redaction: More FBI FISA Abuses, This Time Using Fake News in the Washington Post

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations

August 01, 2023

FBI Director Christopher Wray just last month told Congress he has instituted reforms in response to FISA surveillance abuses, yet at the same time he appears to have tried to hide the full extent of those abuses under redactions.

The FBI’s efforts to mislead a federal court in order to wiretap an adviser to the Trump campaign were more extensive than previously reported, according to classified documents described to RealClearInvestigations.

FR159526 AP

John Durham, special counsel: The FISA abuse that got away.


The embattled bureau tried to hide its misconduct by redacting information about its actions under the guise that it involved sensitive intelligence information. RCI has learned that at least some of the redacted material, included in a “Classified Appendix” to Special Counsel John Durham’s final report, has nothing to do with protecting “sources and methods” and other “sensitive” investigative techniques.

Instead, it covers up additional improper behavior by the FBI brass, which initiated and signed off on all four of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications to spy on former Trump adviser Carter Page and his contacts within the Trump campaign and presidency in 2016 and 2017.

For example, the FBI tried to justify continuing to spy on Page in early 2017 by indicating to the secret FISA court that it had verified a rumor about Page receiving dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government and facilitating a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with the Kremlin to swing the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. But the bureau had corroborated no such thing. Its source was a front-page report in the Washington Post – one the newspaper later retracted after determining it was false, according to two former U.S. officials who have seen the original, unredacted FISA applications and described the passages to RCI.


Carter Page: More false evidence comes to light.


The embarrassing revelation hasn’t been previously reported thanks to redactions blacking out references to the Washington Post article in the still-partially classified applications. The officials confirmed to RCI that the censored section covers up the FBI’s reliance on the bogus Post story, published in March 2017, as purported evidence supporting probable cause to continue spying on Trump’s former aide. In the sections of the FISA renewal applications blacking out references to the Post, the officials said, the FBI claimed the underlying text was “sensitive information.” The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss still-classified sections of the FISA warrant affidavits.

The FBI’s references to the Post story are contained in the April and June 2017 FISA applications. These applications were so tainted by bad information, politics, and glaring exculpatory omissions that after an inspector general’s probe, the Justice Department years later had to secretly concede to a federal surveillance court that they were “insufficient” to establish probable cause to spy on Page and therefore “were not valid.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently told Congress he has instituted a number of reforms in response to the FISA surveillance abuses, yet at the same time, he appears to have tried to hide the full extent of those abuses under redactions.

An FBI spokeswoman said, “We decline comment on this matter." Attempts to reach Durham, who has closed his office looking into FBI malfeasance, were unsuccessful.

Washington Post

The false 2017 front-page Washington Post story used to continue spying on Carter Page. Full article here.

Washington Post

This is not the only instance in which the FBI misrepresented unconfirmed news reports to secure authorization to spy on the Trump campaign. The bureau’s FISA applications also referenced a September 2016 Yahoo News account to substantiate the false claim that Page had met with Kremlin officials in Moscow during the presidential campaign.


Sergei Millian: The Washington Post's report about him was unsourced. But that was good enough for the FBI.


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7922f1 No.77593

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302325 (051117ZAUG23) Notable: Interview with the Q-Shaman

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note: Anon is pretty good at tracking down this type of shit. for anons who are interested.


Michael & The Q-Shaman

1 day ago



Join Michael Knowles in this highly anticipated, exclusive long-form interview with the QAnon Shaman (Jacob Chansely) - a central figure of the events that unfolded on January 6th. In this episode, Jacob Chansley finally sheds light on the controversies and narratives surrounding the most talked-about day in recent memory.

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7922f1 No.77594

File: c3df3702a3355d7⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,848x592,53:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302355 (051127ZAUG23) Notable: Interview with the Q-Shaman

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Must add, no one had even heard of this guy until he turned up with that faggot who pretended to be Q austin steinbart who was pictured with no name and definitely a clown.

Than he was plastered everywhere all over the internet and tabloids because he looks exactly someone they would use to discredit those who followed Q as nutters.

but if you listen to him, he sounds like he knows what he is talking about but the perception at first sight is enough for most people to form a judgement.

follow that up with the media narrative and the picture is painted.

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7922f1 No.77595

File: b80c3ed511b43f2⋯.png (170.01 KB,579x432,193:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302397 (051137ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk SLAMS NYT for its supporting South African song advocating for killing white people

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Elon Musk SLAMS NYT for its supporting South African song advocating for killing white people


Elon Musk SLAMS NYT for its supporting South African song advocating for killing white people

“The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide.”


Aug 04, 2023, 12:13 PM

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7922f1 No.77596

File: 950a613c4d46ffb⋯.png (106 KB,396x480,33:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302415 (051142ZAUG23) Notable: Re: Trump not allowed to discuss the case publicly

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7922f1 No.77597

File: ec4ebe6c1ad5a35⋯.png (240.47 KB,421x685,421:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302421 (051144ZAUG23) Notable: Matt Taibbi on Media Outlets That Are Quick to 'Absolute Whole Conclusions'

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'That's Not the Way Journalism Works': Matt Taibbi on Media Outlets That Are Quick to 'Absolute Whole Conclusions'

Matt Taibbi discusses the implications of media narratives and how they can distort the truth. He highlights the issue of speculative reporting, where media outlets often jump to conclusions without concrete evidence

“… a lot of people in the profession now feel pressure immediately to come to a conclusion that satisfies one or the other political directions… they feel an obligation to get 100% to the end of a question when they do every story. But that's not the way journalism works… this pressure that we're seeing to come to absolute whole conclusions is very dangerous…”




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7922f1 No.77598

File: ce384d4f39cedbe⋯.png (1.08 MB,1232x699,1232:699,Clipboard.png)

File: f63bc26de58b32d⋯.jpeg (432.47 KB,892x1966,446:983,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302442 (051151ZAUG23) Notable: NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of POllution (TEMPO) mission is planned to launch in early 2023 to provide geostationary observations of air quality over North America.

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The 'story' being provided:


NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of POllution (TEMPO) mission is planned to launch in early 2023 to provide geostationary observations of air quality over North America.

The airborne air quality TEMPO-proxy payload will be installed on Johnson Space Centers Gulfstream V which has two remote sensing portals providing a nadir point of view over areas mapped. Over the course of summer 2023, this payload will operate up to 150 flight hours collecting data with the GeoCAPE Airborne Simulator (GCAS) and combined High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL)-2 + Ozone Differential Absorption lidar (DIAL).

To compliment the air quality measurements from the G-V, a greenhouse gas focused payload will be flown on the Langley Research Center G-III to measure city-scale emissions 2x day over targeted cities. The combined active/passive remote sensing payload includes the High Altitude Lidar Observatory (HALO) and Airborne Visible InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer - Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG). HALO will provide city-scale view of column methane using the DIAL technique and profiles of aerosol cloud optical properties employing the HSRL technique.

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7922f1 No.77599

File: f3e617a45eb5ca9⋯.png (160.59 KB,833x757,833:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302483 (051207ZAUG23) Notable: REPORT: Jack Smith Did Not Review Crucial Records That Dispel Indictment Narrative

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Jack Smith Did Not Review Crucial Records That Dispel Indictment Narrative

By Cullen McCueAugust 4, 2023

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office may not have reviewed thousands of pages of records that were turned over by New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik before seeking an indictment of former President Donald Trump, according to a report from CBS News. The records reportedly contain information that would dispel the DOJ’s narrative that Trump did not believe their claims of election fraud.

Kerik had turned the documents over to Smith’s office on July 23 as part of his investigation into Trump’s objections to the 2020 election. A source close to Kerik’s legal team told CBS that the records contain sworn affidavits from people tied to the election objections that show there was genuine intent to investigate claims of voter fraud.

In an August 2 email to Tim Parlatore, Kerik’s attorney, a prosecutor with Smith’s office requested “responsive documents as to which the Trump campaign is no longer asserting a privilege,” referring to the Kerik records that were previously provided. Parlatore said he was “stunned” when the special counsel’s office inquired about the documents he had already provided after the indictment was handed down.

The attorney told CBS the “records are absolutely exculpatory.”

“They bear directly on the essential element of whether Rudy Giuliani, and therefore Donald Trump, knew that their claims of election fraud were false,” Parlatore said. “Good- faith reliance upon claims of fraud, even if they later turn out to be false, is very different from pushing fraud claims that you know to be false at the time.”

Parlatore previously told CBS News that he expected Kerik to be interviewed by investigators “soon,” but that has not yet happened. Parlatore was among the key lawyers working for Trump in the Justice Department’s investigations, though he left the legal team in May.

A spokesperson for the special counsel declined to comment Thursday when asked if they had reviewed the material.


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7922f1 No.77600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302496 (051212ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes points re: Trump/Biden

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Spirit of Admetos



VIDEO: Shortened version of Jan Halper-Hayes GBN interview discussing US Corporation Bankruptcy with insufferable news anchor comebacks removed.

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes revelations KEY POINTS -

1. Biden is legitimate President of US Bankrupt Corporation.

2. US Bankrupt status determined by 1871 Treaty.

3. Trump Enacted EO 13848 as he knew the master plan in advance.

4. "Great Mistake" of Jack Smith bringing J6 charges. (flipped?)

5. Military, Department of Defense, Space Force knew what happened with Election 2020 (Fraud)

6. Dr Halper-Hayes sits on Dept. of Defense's Task Force Claim: THEY GOT THE GOODS.

7. Trump knew if proof presented early there would be civil war. People needed to see how bad it (Biden Administration) could get.

8. She (maybe other white hats) sees Trump as "Embellisher in Chief" - He's a marketer.

9. When Trump walked in front of the Queen and waited for her to catch up, it was optic that he was going to BANKRUPT THE US CORPORATION.

10. The Crown, the Vatican, and the US were parties since 1871.

11. Trump told the Queen, Civil War Depts of US to Crown are annulled. We are going back to a Republic.

12. This deal involved "650" planes removing gold from the Vatican Bank.

13. Insufferable Anchor makes unintelligible joke that was probably edited out of the broadcast but appeared to indicate acknowledgement of tacit agreement with her claims.

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is an American Psychologist of some renown for her work on workplace psychology. Says "you know I sit on a task force at Dept. of Defense" during interview.

Original clip uploaded by




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7922f1 No.77601

File: f3e617a45eb5ca9⋯.png (160.59 KB,833x757,833:757,Clipboard.png)

File: e2efe132f50ea66⋯.png (601.96 KB,1187x926,1187:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302498 (051212ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith's Jan. 6 Indictments Are an Attack on Political Speech

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Mark Levin


Biden-Garland-Smith’s war on the Bill of Rights


Jack Smith's Jan. 6 Indictments Are an Attack on Political Speech

If recklessly lying to voters were a crime, most everyone in D.C. would be serving life in solitary confinement at Supermax. But in a liberal democracy, as frustrating as it often is, political misconduct is settled by voters and elections, not partisan prosecutors or rioters.

Feel free to campaign and vote against Donald Trump if you like. I'm certainly no fan. If Trump wins in 2024, Congress can impeach and remove him if they choose. But just as there was no special set of rules that could keep Trump in the White House in 2020, there shouldn't be an exclusive set of rules to keep him out, either.

Yet Special Counsel Jack Smith's indictments over Jan. 6 read like a political oppo document cobbled together by some partisan House staffers who perfunctorily tacked on the last-minute novel legal reasoning.

Though numerous commentators who have an aversion to Trump have pointed out the weakness of the indictments, it's quite telling how little media-approved historians and legal "experts" even bother defending the underlying legal case. Trump is evil, a threat to "democracy," and really what else is there to discuss? In the Trump-addled politics of our age, it is virtually impossible for either side to compartmentalize the process and the person if that person happens to be Trump.

In this case, the precedent would criminalize and chill political speech. People keep assuring me the indictments aren't really about the expression but rather about defrauding the government. Sorry, the entire case is predicated on the things Trump said or believed or didn't say or didn't believe. All of it should be protected under the First Amendment. "Spreading lies" prosecutors leaned on the thesaurus hard, finding about two dozen ways of repeating this fact or entertaining theories offered by crackpot lawyers, or trying to convince faithless electors to do things that people have been trying to convince faithless electors to do for a long time, are all unethical, not criminal.


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7922f1 No.77602

File: 644745aa6440e75⋯.jpeg (520.18 KB,1125x1413,125:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 886ff4a6eb35322⋯.jpeg (363.55 KB,1125x1036,1125:1036,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302508 (051221ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Spokesman Midnight Statement

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7922f1 No.77603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302517 (051223ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - "If you go after me…"

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Q+ is a genius. He is EXTRACTING all the evil from the deep state and they don't seem to realize it.

This statement:

"If you go after me, I'm coming after you!"

Is a 100% pure reciprocal logic statement that really should be true for everyone. Everyone has a right to self defense.

The more Jack Smith 'labels' this Truth as Trump threatening, Trump bad, Trump posturing, THE MORE SMITH REVEALS THE TRUTH ABOUT THOSE PERSECUTING TRUMP, and by extension who could and would persecute anyone who dares challenge the deep state's 'authority' over the idea of information itself.

This is mastery.

The WORSE that Jack Smith's 'characterization' of Q+'s Truth becomes, ATHE MORE HE IS TALKING ABOUT THOSE GOING AFTER TRUMP, NAMELY HIMSELF.

Think about it. Imagine someone telling you that whatever you go after them with, they will respond to you by going after you, and let's assume the logical regress of they know that you know that they know that you know that...

If you were an honest, fair and law abiding person you would 'characterize' the person telling you this as not eliciting any threats against you, because you know you're not doing that to them unsolicited. You are law abiding so by the reciprocal logic they treat you as law abiding. They only go after you if you go after them.

But now let's imagine something else. Imagine that after you were told by the person "If you go after me I will go after you", rather than just shrug your shoulders and go about your day, you start telling other people that the person who told you that if you go after them they'll go after you, that the person was only threatening you with a specific set of actions, but that you were not at all doing any equal threatening of them. That it was ONLY you threatening them.

If you really said that, it would be impossible for you to be holding a consistent position. Either you are lying about the person, OR you are telling the truth that contrary to the person being the 'only' one threatening anyone, you are intending to threaten them.


The more the Soros AG and DA's scream from the mountaintops that Trump is the only one threatening with 'going after' anyone, the more they reveal their OWN threats, KNOWINGLY because they are communicating their own threats by projecting them onto Q+.

That's the amazing thing about reciprocal logic. If a person approaches a reciprocal logic as a 'one sided threat', they are in fact projecting their own one sided threats.

This is genius tier game theory, Anon believes. A chess move. A way to SMOKE OUT THE LOUDEST 'PROJECTION' SCAM ARTISTS accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Q+ reTruthed Rogan video snippet of Rogan mentioning exactly that. They're persecuting Trump for doing (document hoax) which is exactly what they themselves are doing (illegal Biden docs).


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7922f1 No.77604

File: 443dce1a752f8f3⋯.jpeg (788.61 KB,1307x1539,1307:1539,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 38b38cad0e7320c⋯.jpeg (68.93 KB,600x750,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302525 (051226ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes points re: Trump/Biden

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Guardian story from Jan 2021 featuring Jan Halper-Hayes

‘Kind of unbelievable’: US Republicans in Britain mull over Trump impact

Diaspora of expats voice loyalty, but also withering disgust over Capitol storming – and fatigue

Watching history unfold in Washington DC from her home in London, Jan Halper-Hayes admitted to being slightly incredulous about the images of Donald Trump supporters storming the US Capitol.

“It was kind of in some ways unbelievable,” says the long-term activist in the Republican party and former vice-president of its UK branch. She claims she has received “good information” to indicate that “Antifa people” were present at the riot.


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7922f1 No.77605

File: eccba7e72c7e86a⋯.png (55.32 KB,666x380,333:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302554 (051237ZAUG23) Notable: Paul Sperry on Barack / The Obama Factor (Coming Down the Mountain from photo yesterday)

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Barack Obama biographer David Garrow who

revealed ex-president's 'gay fantasies'

says ex-president is as insecure as Donald Trump

Daily Mail (UK), by Alex Hammer

Posted By: Imright, 8/5/2023 8:31:45 AM

A biographer who years ago revealed Barack Obama's alleged gay fantasies has labeled the former president 'as insecure as Trump' - and says he is too 'lazy' to serve on the Supreme Court in a new bombshell interview. Sitting down for a lengthy Q&A with Tablet, historian David Garrow also renewed claims Obama's first memoir was fabricated - slamming it as 'fictionalized' and an attempt at 'inventing a racial identity struggle that never happened'. Previously, in the 1,078-page biography Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, Garrow unmasked how a young Obama considered a gay relationship while at college, and cheated on Michelle

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7922f1 No.77606

File: 3bec3bb930c2896⋯.png (617.62 KB,677x710,677:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302560 (051239ZAUG23) Notable: Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

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Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted

for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollack

Posted By: Hazymac, 8/5/2023 8:18:39 AM

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says that under his own “fraud” standard, Special Counsel Jack Smith could be indicted for omitting a key portion of then-President Donald Trump’s speech in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021. The indictment charges Trump with four counts, including “conspiracy to defraud the United States.” But in a portion recounting Trump’s speech at the “Stop the Steal” rally, Smith repeats the errors made by House Democrats in Trump’s second impeachment trial: he focuses on Trump’s use of the phrase “fight like hell,” and omits a sentence highlighted by Trump’s defense team: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the

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7922f1 No.77607

File: 8671e451f5b084a⋯.pdf (118.01 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302619 (051256ZAUG23) Notable: Upcoming - FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

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FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

WASHINGTON – FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission

(FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless

Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall.

The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests are

scheduled to begin at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4.

The WEA portion of the test will be directed to all consumer cell phones. This will be the third

nationwide test, but the second test to all cellular devices. The test message will display in either

English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of the wireless handset.

The EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the seventh

nationwide EAS test

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7922f1 No.77608

File: 080fcd0a400479d⋯.png (283.27 KB,422x687,422:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302621 (051257ZAUG23) Notable: Has A Documentary Coming Out Called "Triple Take" About Human Trafficking…

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. @TimBallard Has A Documentary Coming Out Called "Triple Take" About Human Trafficking...

Tim Ballard: "First of all, it's the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. And I think, for the deciding if they should know that United States, we aren't some peripheral issue...in this problem. We are the central demand in many ways. We're the highest consumers of child sex material in the world. We are the top three countries for destination countries for human trafficking. In other words, the demand is here, human traffickers who bring in $32 billion a year. They note that we want children available, meaning to the United States the demand, and so they're taking advantage of our border policies. Once we understand that, we can understand why over the course of the Biden administration, over 85,000, unaccompanied minors have been given passage into United States with little to no background checks..."



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7922f1 No.77609

File: 694cc348563ba8c⋯.png (132.76 KB,965x750,193:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302635 (051301ZAUG23) Notable: DCPD-201800593 - Executive Order 13848-Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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DCPD-201800593 - Executive Order 13848-Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

September 12, 2018


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7922f1 No.77610

File: 097a8751c61c850⋯.png (247.85 KB,419x430,419:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302663 (051310ZAUG23) Notable: Bud Light Distributors Now Accepting the Fact Sales Won't Recover Thanks to Mulvaney Debacle: Report

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Bud Light Distributors Now Accepting the Fact Sales Won't Recover Thanks to Mulvaney Debacle: Report

READ: http://w-j.co/s/396bc

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7922f1 No.77611

File: 61748d8a7bea6d0⋯.jpg (162.74 KB,1956x1242,326:207,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302677 (051321ZAUG23) Notable: #23707

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Old Post Bake Hangover Dough


Hangin' around to collect LB Notes and when posted out the door IRL

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7922f1 No.77612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302683 (051323ZAUG23) Notable: Fn useless anons can use Qresearch for a fucking instant messaging board all fucking night wasting breads with 30-50 bullshit posts but yet can't start a new bread when necessary.

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Fn useless anons can use Qresearch for a fucking instant messaging board all fucking night wasting breads with 30-50 bullshit posts but yet can't start a new bread when necessary.


End the endless wasted breads.

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7922f1 No.77613

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302688 (051324ZAUG23) Notable: Chopper, Traitor, Soldier, Spy

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Chopper, Traitor, Soldier, Spy

While markets mainly focused on the BoE and the downgrade of US creditworthiness by Fitch, some significant, notable and concerning geopolitical developments also took place.

Firstly, two helicopters from Belarus briefly breached Polish airspace after earlier threats to Poland from both the Kremlin as well as the Wagner group.

Moreover, a recent rocket attack on Ukraine’s grain facilities close to the border of Romania, is another example of how close we might be to a direct conflict between NATO and the Russian Union (being Russia and Belarus).

In the past we have seen similar reckless provocations that could lead to a broader escalation.

Meanwhile Putin also seems to be increasingly struggling with internal dissent, or traitors as they are called in Moscow.

Recently some generals and nationalist military bloggers – of which the most prominent is Igor Girkin who is mainly known for downing flight MH17 – have been arrested. The above are all signs that indicate that Putin’s rule is not fully undisputed. In absence of any administrative checks and balances – a characteristic of autocracies – this could mean that the West might face more provocations in an attempt to regain the image of strong and undisputed leader.

Meanwhile China seems to be busy with its own purge.

While speculation about the abrupt disappearance of China’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang is ongoing, the complete military command of China’s rocket force has been reshuffled because of a new anti-corruption investigation. In a bid to increase overall government control a new counter espionage law is now calling for citizens to basically spy on each other.


But for now it seems that is has been Chinese spies that have been caught in the US.


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7922f1 No.77614

File: e8412302cf81db8⋯.png (184.81 KB,424x697,424:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302694 (051325ZAUG23) Notable: George Soros’s Democracy PAC II has provided $750,000 to the Texas Majority PAC during the year’s first half

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“According to Federal Election Commission filings released Monday, George Soros’s Democracy PAC II has provided $750,000 to the Texas Majority PAC during the year’s first half. Meanwhile, the Texas Majority PAC’s state filings show that the group raised $752,040 during that time, meaning Soros has financially propelled the group.”

The people of the GREAT state of Texas have a message for you…

You will NEVER turn our state Communist, and we will make SURE of it.



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7922f1 No.77615

File: e81268a5eceb129⋯.png (15.4 KB,600x258,100:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302703 (051327ZAUG23) Notable: @Techno_Fog once the Ghislaine Maxwell criminal appeal has concluded…We'll be getting Jeffrey Epstein's interviews with the FBI

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Techno Fog


Developments - once the Ghislaine Maxwell criminal appeal has concluded...

We'll be getting Jeffrey Epstein's interviews with the FBI


4:03 AM · Aug 3, 2023




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7922f1 No.77616

File: 816caa3b5f8cc16⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,854x470,427:235,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302705 (051328ZAUG23) Notable: #Decertify2020 - MAKE IT TREND

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7922f1 No.77617

File: 539af25ecc70988⋯.png (296.35 KB,593x571,593:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302765 (051340ZAUG23) Notable: Speaker of the S.C. House of Representatives ⁦@MurrellSmith endorses President @realDonaldTrump

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Jason Miller


🚨Speaker of the S.C. House of Representatives ⁦@MurrellSmith

endorses President @realDonaldTrump


SmithMurrellPortrait (copy)


Smith: There's only one choice for president, and SC needs to make it happen

The 2024 presidential election is going to be the most important election of my lifetime, and here in the Palmetto State, we pick presidents.

2:04 AM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77618

File: 6e8df873ca4e935⋯.png (336.4 KB,425x662,425:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302774 (051342ZAUG23) Notable: New Study Links Autism to Autoimmune Disease vs Genetics

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New Study Links Autism to Autoimmune Disease vs Genetics

“Researchers have identified a microbial signature for autism spectrum disorder, a critical finding that offers clarity about how the gut microbiome influences this neurological syndrome.

The data-driven study published by 43 researchers challenges the idea that autism is a primarily genetic condition and suggests that environmental factors may be behind the sharp rise in the debilitating condition.

When intestinal tissue from autistic children is biopsied, he said there’s a commonality. Cells and molecules are uniquely inflamed—not like other inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease. Autism has unique mitochondrial, metabolic, and neurological components that constitute autoimmunity.

‘The good news is the autoimmune disease can be treated, just like Crohn’s is treatable … if the doctor is able to make the right diagnosis.’”

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7922f1 No.77619

File: f6ad85123f35e40⋯.png (625.32 KB,1075x562,1075:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302792 (051345ZAUG23) Notable: J6: Is All of This Just One More Cover Up?

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J6: Is All of This Just One More Cover Up?


Wendi Strauch Mahoney -

August 4, 2023


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7922f1 No.77620

File: ecf252f1eeb21bb⋯.png (1.25 MB,1209x690,403:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302814 (051350ZAUG23) Notable: Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness

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Agree with anon stating to be more "anon". The crap you describe is in every public school in the country by now so no need to identify school and etc.

This "medical journalism" show (The HighWire) had an excellent interview with a professional who's written a book described as helpful for parents. The book is called "Lost in Transnation" but apparently is being "spoofed" in some manner by "A-mazin" so it is important to get the right book. The description provided in "The HighWire" interview suggests the book would give parents a lot of help in dealing with schools pushing perversion and abuse of minors.

Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness


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7922f1 No.77621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302818 (051352ZAUG23) Notable: The Joe Rogan Experience What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

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The Joe Rogan Experience

What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

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7922f1 No.77622

File: 6d5d01de3c0a528⋯.png (128.94 KB,426x508,213:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302826 (051353ZAUG23) Notable: Biden administration has picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, fanatical and outspoken supporter of COVID lockdowns, the WHO

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With the mask hanging off of her ear....🤦‍♂️🤡💉

🚨JUST IN: The Biden administration has picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, fanatical and outspoken supporter of COVID lockdowns, the WHO, vaccine and mask mandates for adults and children.


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7922f1 No.77623

File: a83cfc57fb144ec⋯.png (1.36 MB,1170x1692,65:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302849 (051359ZAUG23) Notable: ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

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This isn’t the only CCP propaganda front in the United States.

I’ve said this before: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.


A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

The Times unraveled a financial network that stretches from Chicago to Shanghai and uses American nonprofits to push Chinese talking points worldwide.

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7922f1 No.77624

File: aa1e5b5303f0a3c⋯.png (316.13 KB,1170x1815,78:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302854 (051400ZAUG23) Notable: ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ECW’s next tweet:

“Since 2017, about a quarter of Code Pink’s donations — more than $1.4 million — have come from two groups linked to Mr. Singham, nonprofit records show. The first was one of the UPS store nonprofits. The second was a charity that Goldman Sachs offers as a conduit for clients’ giving, and that Mr. Singham has used in the past.

Ms. Evans now stridently supports China. She casts it as a defender of the oppressed and a model for economic growth without slavery or war. “If the U.S. crushes China,” she said in 2021, it “would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth.

She describes the Uyghurs as terrorists and defends their mass detention. “We have to do something,” she said in 2021. In a recent YouTube video chat, she was asked if she had anything negative to say about China.”


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7922f1 No.77625

File: 30885e46ced2f97⋯.png (192.14 KB,993x718,993:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302870 (051406ZAUG23) Notable: 2011 Ex Obama Lover Larry Sinclair Mowed Down By A Hit And Run Driver Yesterday

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Ex Obama Lover Larry Sinclair Mowed Down By A Hit And Run Driver Yesterday

Nov. 14, 2011

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7922f1 No.77626

File: 4cf8126ce4d818c⋯.png (249.84 KB,368x726,184:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302873 (051407ZAUG23) Notable: $350M annually to keep Nauru detention center open

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Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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7922f1 No.77627

File: 22e1d87858d4a6b⋯.png (542.65 KB,604x564,151:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302878 (051407ZAUG23) Notable: Video shows open-air prostitution in yet another NYC naberhood

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New York Post


Streetwalkers: Video shows open-air prostitution in yet another NYC nabe https://trib.al/3nr6aGB


2:03 AM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77628

File: 10782f9178f79b4⋯.png (488.52 KB,673x555,673:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302883 (051409ZAUG23) Notable: ‘His Heart Just Stopped’

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‘His Heart Just Stopped’: NJ Family

Mourns Rookie Officer Who Died Suddenly

While Exercising

Breitbart, by Amy Furr

Posted By: Hazymac, 8/5/2023 8:04:02 AM

A family and a New Jersey community are grieving the loss of a young policeman who died of cardiac arrest on July 23. Twenty-three-year-old Sam Irvin collapsed as he ran sprints outside at his fiancé’s family’s farm in Columbus, Fox 29 reported Thursday, noting he had an enlarged heart, which was revealed in the autopsy. “His heart just stopped, and they said it happened within seconds, so he didn’t feel pain,” his fiancé, Mackenzie Santucci, explained, adding it was an extremely traumatic day. In a social media post on Friday, Santucci wrote,”I miss you more and more everyday Sam Irvin.” On July 25, the Mansfield Township Police Department announced the tragic loss, noting,

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7922f1 No.77629

File: bce05df4db24433⋯.png (233.16 KB,425x587,425:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302889 (051410ZAUG23) Notable: Mark and Terri Stemann from letourchildrengo.org join Maria Zeee to discuss the alarming rise in medical kidnapping of children worldwide

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Mark and Terri Stemann from letourchildrengo.org join Maria Zeee to discuss the alarming rise in medical kidnapping of children worldwide, sharing their personal story of how the state kidnapped their seven children and targeted them because of their faith and their choice to homeschool. Mark and Terri offer solutions for parents and people worldwide at a local level, raising awareness to this rising global issue.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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7922f1 No.77630

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302896 (051413ZAUG23) Notable: Wizards and Warlocks, When we are not divided we are powerful.

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WWG1WGA, Wizards and Warlocks, When we are not divided we are powerful.

Art Bell mass consciousness experiment

Every show that deals with this ^^^

starts around the 17 min mark.

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7922f1 No.77631

File: bbf2f6d3255d9a9⋯.png (349.9 KB,1055x1624,1055:1624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302906 (051416ZAUG23) Notable: Wizards and Warlocks, When we are not divided we are powerful.

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Coherent consciousness creates order in the world. Subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth.

When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.


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7922f1 No.77632

File: 9a2c66acf2eeaff⋯.png (46.08 KB,889x370,889:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302935 (051421ZAUG23) Notable: Grenell: @Cobratate is free! And now we need him in America.

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. @Cobratate is free!

And now we need him in America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

12:59 AM · Aug 5, 2023 ·21.3K Views

** Anon is quite taken aback at a Grenell endorsement, I might just take Tate as innocent.

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7922f1 No.77633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302945 (051423ZAUG23) Notable: pb, pb, pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

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German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators

SICK SISTERS A report German authorities tried to silence shows how Catholic nuns peddled orphaned boys to predatory priests and perverts for decades. Feb. 02, 2021

ROME—A jarring report outlining decades of rampant child sex abuse at the hands of greedy nuns and perverted priests paints a troubling picture of systematic abuse in the German church.

The report is the byproduct of a lawsuit alleging that orphaned boys living in the boarding houses of the Order of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer were sold or loaned for weeks at a time to predatory priests and businessmen in a sick rape trade.

The men involved in the lawsuit say as boys they were denied being adopted out or sent to foster families because selling them for rape lined the sisters’ coffers for their “convent of horrors.”

Some of the boys were then groomed to be sex slaves to perverts, the report claims.

The alleged abuse went on for years, with one of the males claiming the nuns even frequently visited their college dorms after they had left the convent.

He said the nuns often drugged him and delivered him to predators’ apartments. The Order of Sisters of the Divine Redeemer did not answer multiple requests for comment about the allegations.


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7922f1 No.77634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302949 (051423ZAUG23) Notable: pb, pb, pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

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Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home, it emerges as victim wins compensation battle

The victim, now 63, was just five when he joined the children's home in Speyer

He said he was raped around 1,000 times before leaving the home in 1972

Darmstaft Social Welfare Court awarded the man with compensation over abuse


Catholic nuns running a children's home in Germany pimped out boys to priests, politicians and businessmen who would rape the children at sex parties, according to a victim who has won a compensation battle.

Darmstaft Social Welfare Court awarded the man, now 63, compensation after he detailed how nuns dragged him to be abused by priests and powerful men at parties, starting at age five. They paid the women for doing so.

The victim, who remains anonymous, said he was raped around 1,000 times during his time at the home in the 1960s and 70s, alongside other boys.

The court ruled on the case in May but the latest abuse scandal for the Catholic church only came to light this month after a senior clergyman spoke publicly.

The Bishop of Speyer, Karl-Heinz Wiesemann publicly named former official of the diocese Rudolf Motzenbäcker, who died in 1998, as being allegedly involved in the abuse. The bishop said three further victims have since come forward.

The abuse victim was just five when he joined the home run by the Order of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour in the German city of Speyer in March 1963.

The victim said he was 'literally dragged' by the nuns to Motzenbäcker's apartment to be sexually abused, reports Der Spiegel. They would beat him when he resisted.

The man, who was an alter boy at the Speyer Cathedral, said he was assigned the priest as a confessor.

The victim said visitors to the children's home would abuse him at 'sex parties'.

It was here that he said the nuns would pass youngsters aged between seven and 14 to clergymen, local politicians and businessmen.

'The nuns were pimps,' he said. If they disobeyed they would be beaten with sticks or have their heads smashed against the wall.


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7922f1 No.77635

File: b407dac9982c93d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1144x809,1144:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302951 (051423ZAUG23) Notable: UK: Children as young as seven to get NHS trans treatment

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Children as young as seven to get NHS trans treatment

Clinics will also consider the impact of other medical and mental health issues

By Hayley Dixon, Special Correspondent 4 August 2023 • 9:00pm

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7922f1 No.77636

File: 800c0f36b9f2f37⋯.png (664.77 KB,3568x2848,223:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302953 (051424ZAUG23) Notable: pb, pb, pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

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German nuns were paid to 'drag' children to be sexually abused by predatory Catholic priests, court documents allege

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz Dec 29, 2020

German nuns aided in the abuse of children by priests in the 1960s and 1970s, according to recently released court documents.

A victim testified that he was abused more than 1,000 times by clergy after nuns dragged him to the home of predators, Deutsche Welle reported.

The victim alleged some of the nuns received money for acting like "pimps," Der Spiegel reported.

German nuns in the city of Speyer received money for luring children to predatory priests who sexually abused them, local media reported from recently released court documents.

One victim, Karl Haucke, filed a court case seeking compensation from the Catholic church and alleging more than 1,000 instances of abuse over the 10 years he lived at a now-shuttered children's home, Deutsche Welle reported.

The case was decided in May, but the documents were only recently released. Haucke was awarded $18,000 for his suffering, the outlet reported.

The Bishop of Speyer has identified the primary abuser as a vicar named Rudolf Motzenbäcker, who is now dead.

The abuse is alleged to have happened in the 1960s and 1970s.

Haucke said he was "literally dragged" by nuns to Motzenbäcker's home where he was abused, Der Spiegel reported.

If he resisted, Haucke alleged, he would be beaten.

Haucke also testified that influential visitors to the children's home would abuse him and other children as young as 7 at "sex parties."


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7922f1 No.77637

File: 32b710b766ed71c⋯.png (1.61 MB,1819x904,1819:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302958 (051424ZAUG23) Notable: ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

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Aug. 5, 2023

A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

The Times unraveled a financial network that stretches from Chicago to Shanghai and uses American nonprofits to push Chinese talking points worldwide.

The protest in London’s bustling Chinatown brought together a variety of activist groups to oppose a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes. So it was peculiar when a street brawl broke out among mostly ethnic Chinese demonstrators.

Witnesses said the fight, in November 2021, started when men aligned with the event’s organizers, including a group called No Cold War, attacked activists supporting the democracy movement in Hong Kong.

On the surface, No Cold War is a loose collective run mostly by American and British activists who say the West’s rhetoric against China has distracted from issues like climate change and racial injustice.

In fact, a New York Times investigation found, it is part of a lavishly funded influence campaign that defends China and pushes its propaganda. At the center is a charismatic American millionaire, Neville Roy Singham, who is known as a socialist benefactor of far-left causes.

What is less known, and is hidden amid a tangle of nonprofit groups and shell companies, is that Mr. Singham works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide.

From a think tank in Massachusetts to an event space in Manhattan, from a political party in South Africa to news organizations in India and Brazil, The Times tracked hundreds of millions of dollars to groups linked to Mr. Singham that mix progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points.

Some, like No Cold War, popped up in recent years. Others, like the American antiwar group Code Pink, have morphed over time. Code Pink once criticized China’s rights record but now defends its internment of the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs, which human rights experts have labeled a crime against humanity.

These groups are funded through American nonprofits flush with at least $275 million in donations.

But Mr. Singham, 69, himself sits in Shanghai, where one outlet in his network is co-producing a YouTube show financed in part by the city’s propaganda department. Two others are working with a Chinese university to “spread China’s voice to the world.” And last month, Mr. Singham joined a Communist Party workshop about promoting the party internationally. ...


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7922f1 No.77638

File: bbdb7595ac18efc⋯.png (444.1 KB,743x744,743:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302964 (051425ZAUG23) Notable: ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

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Ezra A. Cohen

How many Americans have been manipulated by Code Pink’s CCP funded propaganda campaign?


>A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

10:01 AM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302988 (051429ZAUG23) Notable: #23706

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#23706 >>77580

>>77581 Elimination of arthritis pain and inflammation for over 2 years with a single 90 min, topical 14% gallium nitrate treatment: case reports and review of actions of gallium III

>>77582 Wendy Patterson Tweet re: Trump/Smith/Case

>>77583, >>77584 Pakistan’s Imran Khan sentenced to three years in prison, arrested

>>77585 Reminder - Trump issues Order to go home

>>77586, >>77588, >>77603 DJT - "If you go after me..."

>>77587, >>77605 Paul Sperry on Barack / The Obama Factor (Coming Down the Mountain from photo yesterday)

>>77589 Backpage Founder, Alt-Weekly Entrepreneur, and Free Speech Warrior James Larkin Has Died

>>77590, >>77600, >>77604 Jan Halper-Hayes points re: Trump/Biden

>>77591 Feds' Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld

>>77592 et al

Deception by Redaction: More FBI FISA Abuses, This Time Using Fake News in the Washington Post

>>77593, >>77594 Interview with the Q-Shaman

>>77595 Elon Musk SLAMS NYT for its supporting South African song advocating for killing white people

>>77596 Re: Trump not allowed to discuss the case publicly

>>77597 Matt Taibbi on Media Outlets That Are Quick to 'Absolute Whole Conclusions'

>>77598 NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of POllution (TEMPO) mission is planned to launch in early 2023 to provide geostationary observations of air quality over North America.

>>77599 REPORT: Jack Smith Did Not Review Crucial Records That Dispel Indictment Narrative

>>77601 Jack Smith's Jan. 6 Indictments Are an Attack on Political Speech

>>77602 Trump Spokesman Midnight Statement

>>77606 Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump’s ‘Peaceful’ Statement

>>77607 Upcoming - FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

>>77608 Has A Documentary Coming Out Called "Triple Take" About Human Trafficking...

>>77609 DCPD-201800593 - Executive Order 13848-Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>77610 Bud Light Distributors Now Accepting the Fact Sales Won't Recover Thanks to Mulvaney Debacle: Report

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7922f1 No.77640

File: ff43770e71c8261⋯.png (813.35 KB,784x1450,392:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19302991 (051430ZAUG23) Notable: ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

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>Ezra A. Cohen


This isn’t the only CCP propaganda front in the United States.

I’ve said this before: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

>>77637 (You)

>A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

“Since 2017, about a quarter of Code Pink’s donations — more than $1.4 million — have come from two groups linked to Mr. Singham, nonprofit records show. The first was one of the UPS store nonprofits. The second was a charity that Goldman Sachs offers as a conduit for clients’ giving, and that Mr. Singham has used in the past.

Ms. Evans now stridently supports China. She casts it as a defender of the oppressed and a model for economic growth without slavery or war. “If the U.S. crushes China,” she said in 2021, it “would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth.

She describes the Uyghurs as terrorists and defends their mass detention. “We have to do something,” she said in 2021. In a recent YouTube video chat, she was asked if she had anything negative to say about China.”

9:54 AM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77641

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303001 (051431ZAUG23) Notable: Harnwell: Now The UK’s Guardian Newspaper Laments The Failures Of Zelensky’s Counteroffensive

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14 hours ago

Harnwell: Now The UK’s Guardian Newspaper Laments The Failures Of Zelensky’s Counteroffensive


The left-leaning Guardian is the UK’s answer to the New York Times. Here’s its brutal assessment of President Zelensky’s much-heralded, but quite underwhelming, counteroffensive:

“The first casualty of the Ukrainian counteroffensive was wishful thinking.”

Tenpercentskyy has less and less material with which to negotiate with Russia. He should have sued for peace in the spring using the promised counteroffensive as leverage. He didn’t and now his time is running out…


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7922f1 No.77642

File: dc829940d1bd0c3⋯.png (274.95 KB,421x713,421:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303011 (051433ZAUG23) Notable: Democrat Arrested And Indicted On 82 Counts Of Voter Fraud

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Democrat Arrested And Indicted On 82 Counts Of Voter Fraud

In a startling development, Democrat county supervisor Trey Adkins of Virginia was arrested and indicted in 2022 on 82 felony charges involving voter fraud. He was serving as the Knox District Supervisor for Buchanan County.

Prosecutors say he allegedly showed up at the homes of voters with absentee ballot applications and ballots to ensure he would have their vote.

A grand jury indicted Adkins on 82 felony charges, including 34 counts of false statement and election fraud, 11 counts of absentee voting procedure violations, 11 counts of forgery of a public record, 3 counts of conspiracy to make a false statement and election fraud, and more.



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7922f1 No.77643

File: 8a726f909c5a71d⋯.png (105.26 KB,627x889,627:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303033 (051437ZAUG23) Notable: Still Doubting the 2020 Election

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Still Doubting the 2020 Election

American Thinker, by Mike Konrad

Posted By: DW626, 8/5/2023 7:32:49 AM

NBC is reporting — with a supposed sense of shock — the results of a Monmouth poll that nearly one-third of Americans think the 2020 presidential election was rigged. And they further reiterate that there is no evidence for fraud. There's no evidence widespread fraud affected the outcome of the 2020 election, but Trump and allies have spent years undercutting the election's legitimacy. Wow! It must be so. The main stream media assure us that the election was honest. Yet one third of Americans still believe the election was a fraud. I am shocked, shocked. Anyone who questions the election result is called a fascist or subjected to a lawsuit or prosecution.

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7922f1 No.77644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303045 (051439ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer Employees Were Given “Special” Batch of Vaccine

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Bombshell: Pfizer Employees Were Given “Special” Batch of Vaccine

In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination programme.

The following article was written by Jim Hoft from The Gateway Pundit

Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Pfizer Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to Public

The admission came during a rigorous questioning session on Wednesday, in which Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt, spoke before the Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts led the interrogation with forceful inquiries regarding Pfizer’s potential involvement in the introduction of vaccine mandates for employment in Australia.

Senator Roberts, in his questioning, alleged a significant transfer of wealth from the Australian people to Big Pharma via the government’s Covid-19 mismanagement.




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7922f1 No.77645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303063 (051442ZAUG23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge reports on identification of a Long Island murder victim, new reporting on former President Trump + U.S. women's national soccer team's chances against Sweden this weekend in the World Cup.

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Catherine Herridge ·1h

.@CBSNews Weekender: .@CBS_Herridge reports on identification of a Long Island murder victim, new reporting on former President Trump + U.S. women's national soccer team's chances against Sweden this weekend in the World Cup.

WATCH via YouTube


8:50 AM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77646

File: 8df83967e4320bd⋯.png (958.15 KB,1024x735,1024:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303065 (051442ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day NGC 1360: The Robin's Egg Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 5, 2023

NGC 1360: The Robin's Egg Nebula

This pretty nebula lies some 1,500 light-years away, its shape and color in this telescopic view reminiscent of a robin's egg. The cosmic cloud spans about 3 light-years, nestled securely within the boundaries of the southern constellation Fornax. Recognized as a planetary nebula, egg-shaped NGC 1360 doesn't represent a beginning though. Instead it corresponds to a brief and final phase in the evolution of an aging star. In fact, visible at the center of the nebula, the central star of NGC 1360 is known to be a binary star system likely consisting of two evolved white dwarf stars, less massive but much hotter than the Sun. Their intense and otherwise invisible ultraviolet radiation has stripped away electrons from the atoms in their mutually surrounding gaseous shroud. The predominant blue-green hue of NGC 1360 seen here is the strong emission produced as electrons recombine with doubly ionized oxygen atoms.


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7922f1 No.77647

File: 2fae9d56478411a⋯.png (58.3 KB,750x928,375:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303084 (051446ZAUG23) Notable: Fn useless anons can use Qresearch for a fucking instant messaging board all fucking night wasting breads with 30-50 bullshit posts but yet can't start a new bread when necessary.

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Why anons can't bake excuse bingo.

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7922f1 No.77648

File: 9c34b72d0ac77b4⋯.png (228.5 KB,424x436,106:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303092 (051448ZAUG23) Notable: CBC Vancouver staffer faces child sexual assault charges after removal from newsroom by police

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CBC Vancouver staffer faces child sexual assault charges after removal from newsroom by police


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7922f1 No.77649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303093 (051448ZAUG23) Notable: 'Don't sit silently at home': arrested ex-PM Imran Khan appeals to Pakistan supporters

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Note: Sounds like they have done this to imran to see what sort of response they get and whether they can quash the protests. a test run for Trump. do not under estimate them as they always test run things through to see what obstacles will pop up if this happens and learn and adjust for it the next time.


'Don't sit silently at home': arrested ex-PM Imran Khan appeals to Pakistan supporters



3,610 views 5 Aug 2023

Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan has been arrested after a court in Islamabad sentenced him to three years in jail and banned him from politics for five years for 'corrupt practices' involving the sale of state gifts.

In a video message Khan had recorded before his arrest and which was later released on Twitter, he called on his party members and followers to take to the streets in protest.

He said if people were watching the video it meant he had been arrested and imprisoned. He said his political struggle was not for himself but for the country and its future.

Imran Khan sentenced to three years in jail

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7922f1 No.77650

File: 6b3e5260b411607⋯.png (46.04 KB,734x289,734:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303110 (051452ZAUG23) Notable: ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

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Ezra A. Cohen

If the NYT was able to get to the bottom of this it probably wasn’t the most sophisticated or elaborate CCP effort. Makes you wonder: why the USG didn’t didn’t identify and disrupt this counterintelligence threat first?

10:28 AM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77651

File: c45c607eeb55c34⋯.png (15.81 KB,596x184,149:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303157 (051501ZAUG23) Notable: Recent spikes in stillbirths and miscarriages recorded around the world are directly linked to the rollout of mRNA COVID vaccines, a new study reveals.

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Recent spikes in stillbirths and miscarriages recorded around the world are directly linked to the rollout of mRNA COVID vaccines, a new study reveals.

3:01 AM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303257 (051524ZAUG23) Notable: #23707

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Notables So Far

#23707 >>77611

>>77613 Chopper, Traitor, Soldier, Spy

>>77612, >>77647 Fn useless anons can use Qresearch for a fucking instant messaging board all fucking night wasting breads with 30-50 bullshit posts but yet can't start a new bread when necessary.

>>77614 George Soros’s Democracy PAC II has provided $750,000 to the Texas Majority PAC during the year’s first half

>>77615 @Techno_Fog once the Ghislaine Maxwell criminal appeal has concluded…We'll be getting Jeffrey Epstein's interviews with the FBI

>>77616 #Decertify2020 - MAKE IT TREND

>>77617 Speaker of the S.C. House of Representatives ⁦@MurrellSmith endorses President @realDonaldTrump

>>77618 New Study Links Autism to Autoimmune Disease vs Genetics

>>77619 J6: Is All of This Just One More Cover Up?

>>77620 Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness

>>77621 The Joe Rogan Experience What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

>>77622 Biden administration has picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, fanatical and outspoken supporter of COVID lockdowns, the WHO

>>77623, >>77624, >>77637, >>77638, >>77640, >>77650 ECW: if only we had an undistracted federal agency focused solely on disrupting foreign threats to our country.

>>77625 2011 Ex Obama Lover Larry Sinclair Mowed Down By A Hit And Run Driver Yesterday

>>77626 $350M annually to keep Nauru detention center open

>>77627 Video shows open-air prostitution in yet another NYC naberhood

>>77628 ‘His Heart Just Stopped’

>>77629 Mark and Terri Stemann from letourchildrengo.org join Maria Zeee to discuss the alarming rise in medical kidnapping of children worldwide

>>77630, >>77631 Wizards and Warlocks, When we are not divided we are powerful.

>>77632 Grenell: @Cobratate is free! And now we need him in America.

>>77633, >>77634, >>77636 2021 German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators

>>77635 UK: Children as young as seven to get NHS trans treatment

>>77641 Harnwell: Now The UK’s Guardian Newspaper Laments The Failures Of Zelensky’s Counteroffensive

>>77642 Democrat Arrested And Indicted On 82 Counts Of Voter Fraud

>>77643 Still Doubting the 2020 Election

>>77644 Pfizer Employees Were Given “Special” Batch of Vaccine

>>77645 @CBS_Herridge reports on identification of a Long Island murder victim, new reporting on former President Trump + U.S. women's national soccer team's chances against Sweden this weekend in the World Cup.

>>77646 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day NGC 1360: The Robin's Egg Nebula

>>77648 CBC Vancouver staffer faces child sexual assault charges after removal from newsroom by police

>>77649 'Don't sit silently at home': arrested ex-PM Imran Khan appeals to Pakistan supporters

>>77651 Recent spikes in stillbirths and miscarriages recorded around the world are directly linked to the rollout of mRNA COVID vaccines, a new study reveals.

Pick it up anons, finish notables and baker

Noter Out

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7922f1 No.77653

File: 93303d8181d0b8e⋯.png (91.87 KB,1882x460,941:230,Clipboard.png)

File: 556bef8f4207d54⋯.png (1.88 MB,1424x1444,356:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303465 (051634ZAUG23) Notable: #23708

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Q Research General #23708: #Decertify2020 - MAKE IT TREND Edition

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7922f1 No.77654

File: 865300b707faf35⋯.png (635.35 KB,800x439,800:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303472 (051636ZAUG23) Notable: Spike in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Directly Linked to Covid Shots

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>>77651 (pb)

Found this article that could be the source of the tweet...

Spike in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Directly Linked to Covid Shots, Study Finds

A new study by researchers in Switzerland has determined that recent spikes in stillbirths and miscarriages recorded around the world are directly linked to the rollout of mRNA Covid shots.

The study was led by Dr. Konstantin Beck, a renowned statistician and professor at Lucerne University.

Beck’s team conducted data analysis on the increased cases of “spontaneous abortion.”

During the study, Beck analyzed publicly available Swiss and German findings from scientific publications, health insurance companies, and the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics (FOS).

Beck, a former adviser to the German Minister of Health and the Swiss Parliament, discovered miscarriages and stillbirth rates in 2022 corresponded directly to COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women.



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7922f1 No.77655

File: 72203a81b66e3f5⋯.png (104.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303477 (051638ZAUG23) Notable: Vietnam Redux France refuses to withdraw troops from Niger

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Vietnam Redux

France refuses to withdraw troops from Niger

France has pledged to uphold military deals made with Niger’s ‘legitimate authorities’

France has said it is standing by five military cooperation agreements with Niger, because the accords were signed with the West African state’s ‘legitimate authorities,’ despite the former colony’s newly installed junta calling for the deals to be revoked.

“France recalls that the legal framework for its cooperation with Niger in the area of defense is based on agreements that have been concluded with the legitimate Niger authorities,” read a Friday statement from the French foreign ministry. “These are the only ones that France, and the entire international community, recognizes.”

The statement follows a Thursday declaration from Amadou Abdramane, spokesperson for the military coup leaders who ousted Niger’s democratically elected president Mohammad Bazoum last week, that the junta was unilaterally severing the military agreements with its former colonial rulers.


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7922f1 No.77656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303491 (051640ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in San Diego over drag story hour at Children's museum

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LIVE: Protest in San Diego over drag story hour at Children's museum

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7922f1 No.77657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303500 (051641ZAUG23) Notable: Vietnam Redux France refuses to withdraw troops from Niger

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France pissed off that they no longer control the Niger government, so have lost control & access to the uranium and gold in Niger.

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7922f1 No.77658

File: 78c44f95f8d86ac⋯.png (16.48 KB,675x348,225:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303501 (051641ZAUG23) Notable: THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden Sits on the Beach, Has No Plans to Hold Campaign Events Caught in Massive Bribery Scandal, and Democrats Aren’t Worried

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THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden Sits on the Beach, Has No Plans to Hold Campaign Events, Is Not Spending Campaign Money, Holds Few Fundraisers, Has Crappy Poll Numbers, the Worst Record in History, Was Caught in Massive Bribery Scandal, and Democrats Aren’t Worried

The fix is in for 2024.

Democrats will use the same game plan they used in 2020. Nominate an unpopular candidate, campaign from the basement, hold few rallies with 20-30 people, mail out millions of ballots, insert ballot drop boxes, use voting machines and make sure they are never investigated, late night ballot deliveries after the deadline, keep adding votes to the totals for days after the election, block GOP workers from the counting rooms, and several states use systems that store data in China…

and Democrats can pull off tricks like this…switching ballots.

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THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden Sits on the Beach, Has No Plans to Hold Campaign Events, Is Not Spending Campaign Money, Holds Few Fundraisers, Has Crappy Poll Numbers, the Worst Record in History, Was Caught in Massive Bribery Scandal, and Democrats Aren’t Worried

by Jim Hoft Aug. 5, 2023 9:15 am377 Comments



Gab Telegram Share Tweet

Joe Biden and Democrats are not campaigning this year and don’t seem worried. This tells you everything.

The fix is in for 2024.

Democrats will use the same game plan they used in 2020. Nominate an unpopular candidate, campaign from the basement, hold few rallies with 20-30 people, mail out millions of ballots, insert ballot drop boxes, use voting machines and make sure they are never investigated, late night ballot deliveries after the deadline, keep adding votes to the totals for days after the election, block GOP workers from the counting rooms, and several states use systems that store data in China…

and Democrats can pull off tricks like this…switching ballots.

And then keep counting ballots in the swing states until Joe Biden takes the lead and then declares victory.

Joe Biden is the worst president in US history. The economy sucks, inflation is skyrocketing, the border is wide open, his family runs an international crime ring, the White House has cocaine, he sniffs kids and babies, he can’t finish a sentence, he’s shipping illegal cluster bombs to kill more people in Ukraine, he surrendered to the Taliban and lost US soldiers at the same time.

Politico reported last month:


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7922f1 No.77659

File: 643cf7809642503⋯.mp4 (1016.06 KB,1280x714,640:357,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303569 (051659ZAUG23) Notable: “–we know where the bodies are buried.” -Trump (Cap 0:10)

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“–we know where the bodies are buried.” -Trump

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7922f1 No.77660

File: 721dc41f295c79a⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1284x1635,428:545,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303573 (051659ZAUG23) Notable: “–we know where the bodies are buried.” -Trump (Cap 0:10)

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7922f1 No.77661

File: 08dbe88b0b82dc8⋯.png (507.25 KB,809x1335,809:1335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303579 (051701ZAUG23) Notable: James Woods: As an objective political observation I think the Trump situation is a huge risk for the Democrats may laugh at that, but they do so at their peril

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James Woods

As an objective political observation I think the Trump situation is a huge risk for the Democrats. After an exhausting two years of a foul and completely debunked Democrat scam (RussiaGate), for them to launch this legal jihad is a monster gamble. It is an absolute cluster bomb against one man, and boy, they better be right.

For one thing many of these charges are flimsy, some specious, and others truly ridiculous. If they stick, even temporarily, they will make a martyr out of Trump. His supporters and many independents will see him as one individual against a massive political machine, an armada of dirty tricks, and historically the lone warrior is a sympathetic scenario.

If Trump is ultimately acquitted, however, he will be the David who beat Goliath, and the Democrat Party will never recover. They will be forever seen as venal, nasty, mendacious charlatans and cheats, whose latest charade failed miserably.

Even if they convict him of all charges though, millions of Americans will feel deprived of their candidate regardless how hated he is by the other side, and they will be in a civil war frame of mind.

As a merely objective observer, I am guessing this judicially engineered attack on the major candidate of the “other party” feels decidedly un-American. It just reeks of banana republic hijinx, and it’s going to backfire.

Trump may lose, but the fact that he’s fighting back strengthens his folk hero stature more every day. Democrats may laugh at that, but they do so at their peril.

Especially when they’ve got a candidate who can’t say hello without lying, his own transgressions stacked a mile high in the closet.

Last edited 8:21 PM · Aug 4, 2023·1M Views


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7922f1 No.77662

File: 18341f77141ffc1⋯.png (165.17 KB,879x969,293:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303588 (051703ZAUG23) Notable: The Real Agenda Behind Red-Flag Laws: Confiscations and Gun Controls

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August 4, 2023 By Joanna Martin, J.D.

The Real Agenda Behind Red-Flag Laws: Confiscations and Gun Controls

When a person makes threats about killing others, the only constitutionally acceptable course of action is to treat that particular person in accordance with the existing criminal laws of the State. To instead subject everyone to red flag confiscations shows that the real agenda is to disarm “The People”. But the US Constitution doesn’t permit that.

State Legislatures have no constitutional authority to enact into Law whatever a majority of them may happen to believe is a good idea. To the contrary, State Legislatures are mere “creatures” of the State Constitution which created them – and it is that Document, together with various provisions of the US Constitution, which define and limit their authority to make laws. State Legislatures have only limited constitutional authority to make laws restricting arms.[1]

A Transcendent Principle of our Land has always been that The People have the right to keep and bear arms. The purpose of this Right is – as James Madison recognizes in Federalist No. 46 – to protect us from government.

And because the leading cause of unnatural death in this world, particularly since the beginning of the 20th Century, is murder by government – democide; we must have the ability to defend ourselves from government.

Before governments can murder great numbers of people, they must disarm them first: As lawyer and philosopher Stephen P. Halbrook shows in Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State”, the NAZIS used gun control to disarm and repress their enemies and consolidate power, which rendered political opponents and Jews defenseless.

That’s what gun control and red flag confiscations is really about. It has nothing to do with protecting children. People who want to protect children oppose abortion, the injection of children with experimental substances, and sex change surgery on children. ...


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7922f1 No.77663

File: 699a9ccc0d2423b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1104x758,552:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303597 (051706ZAUG23) Notable: Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

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Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in

Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: 4250Luis, 8/5/2023 11:45:11 AM

Reedley Chinese COVID Lab Received Tax Credit of $360,000 From Gov. Newsom’s ‘GO-Biz’ At the epicenter of current controversy, an illegal California lab run by a Chinese biotech firm, Prestige Biotech, was recently discovered in a warehouse in Reedley, California. The lab contained mice which were genetically engineered to spread COVID-19. According to National Review, “court documents further showed that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) conducted tests on the more than 800 chemicals found at the site and that over 20 infectious agents were found present, including Hepatitis B and C, streptococcus pneumonia, chlamydia, rubella, and Herpes 1 and 5.” As a federal investigation is underway,

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7922f1 No.77664

File: 3b45fb58d4ab5f1⋯.png (29.55 KB,859x182,859:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303636 (051717ZAUG23) Notable: HUNTERS ARE NOW BECOME THE HUNTED

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 04, 2023, 4:16 PM

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7922f1 No.77665

File: 7ab5052fb152561⋯.png (111.39 KB,931x690,931:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303680 (051726ZAUG23) Notable: @Kash Thank you @AlinaHabba for this epic timeline exposing the two tier system of justice n vengeance op by Garland n Wray:

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Kash Patel


Thank you @AlinaHabba for this epic timeline exposing the two tier system of justice n vengeance op by Garland n Wray:

March 17- Hunter finally admits it his laptop

March 18- Trump indictment leaks

June 8- FBI doc shows Biden bribery

June 9- Trump Indicted

July 26- Hunter plea deal implodes

July 27- Trump Indicted again

July 31- Devon Archer testimony exposes Biden lies

August 1- Trump Indicted... again

There are NO coincidences, these #GovernmentGangsters must be shut down forever





Aug 05, 2023, 12:49 PM


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7922f1 No.77666

File: 07ab955a319f786⋯.png (26.57 KB,790x273,790:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303683 (051727ZAUG23) Notable: Backpage Founder, Alt-Weekly Entrepreneur, and Free Speech Warrior James Larkin Has Died

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>>77589 Backpage Founder, Alt-Weekly Entrepreneur, and Free Speech Warrior James Larkin Has Died


Backpage publisher James Larkin, 74, dies by suicide a week before prostitution trial

By Ariel Zilber

August 4, 2023 12:06pm

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7922f1 No.77667

File: 36cf848e608a8ca⋯.png (253.14 KB,424x663,424:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303697 (051730ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden pulled 1,100 troops from our border after Tucson USBP caught 10,000 individuals invading our country in one week.

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Tucson USBP caught 10,000 individuals invading our country in one week

10,000 apprehensions

430 rescues

21 human smuggling events

11 narcotics seizures

6lbs of fentanyl

Joe Biden then pulled 1,100 troops from our border

He's surrending our sovereignty


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7922f1 No.77668

File: ff4b8d0e9b0288b⋯.png (1.42 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303713 (051734ZAUG23) Notable: Supreme Court Hands Trump Huge Victory And He Demands Urgent Action over President Joe Biden’s administration in a case involving steel tariffs.

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Supreme Court Hands Trump Huge Victory And He Demands Urgent Action

August 5,2023

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled with the administration of former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden’s administration in a case involving steel tariffs.

The Trump administration’s decision to implement the tariffs, according to USP Holdings, was unlawful, the company said in an appeal that was turned down by lower courts. The Biden administration battled against USP Holdings and other steel importers who claimed the tariffs had harmed them while mostly maintaining the current level of duties.



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7922f1 No.77669

File: 393f844995c3e96⋯.png (62.76 KB,1016x818,508:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303728 (051738ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Barr defends Trump, comparing his unfair prosecution to Hunter's practical impunity to the law

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Former Attorney General Bill Barr said Friday on FNC’s “The Story” that former President Donald Trump’s behavior after the election was “reprehensible.”

He added that Trump’s January 6 indictment is not election interference.

Barr said, “What I object to is this onslaught of attacks saying it’s you know, an abuse to bring in case, and it’s weaponization, and it’s a crime against humanity and so forth. And I think that’s overkill. I think it’s a legitimate case from a legal standpoint, responding to a very grave misconduct.”

He continued, “I think that there are some considerations here that I would’ve seriously considered not bringing the case.”

Barr added, “And here you are being aggressive against President Trump. I’m not saying it’s improper to bring the case, but I’m saying it’s an aggressive move versus, I think, very lenient treatment of Hunter Biden. And I think that that is very divisive in the country.”

He added, “While this is not interference in the election I don’t agree with that critique.”

Barr concluded, “I don’t like all of these overkill attacks that this was somehow reprehensible to bring it. What was reprehensible was the conduct after the election. And it’s perfectly to be expected that the Department of Justice would approach it the way it would approach something like this, which is under the laws against defrauding the United States and obstructing proceedings.”


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7922f1 No.77670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303730 (051738ZAUG23) Notable: Prosecutorial Misconduct – Jack Smith DID NOT Even Download Exculpatory Evidence that Clears Trump Until TWO DAYS AFTER Indictment Dropped

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Update: Prosecutorial Misconduct – Jack Smith DID NOT Even Download Exculpatory Evidence that Clears Trump Until TWO DAYS AFTER Indictment Dropped

By Jim Hoft Aug. 5, 2023 11:00 am

On Friday TGP’s Cullen Linebarger reported that Special Counsel Jack Smith either failed to review evidence that exonerates President Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani or he ignored the findings altogether.

Tim Parlatore, the attorney for former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, told CBS News that Smith’s office has within thousands of pages of records turned over by Kerik that contains “exculpatory evidence.” The exact reason why Smith has not disclosed this critical information remains unclear.

On Saturday morning Attorney Tim Parlatore told FOX and Friends Weekend hosts that Jack Smith did not even download the exculpatory evidence against President Trump until TWO DAYS after his junk indictments against President Trump’s free speech.

Former Trump Attorney Tim Parlatore: I think overall, Jack Smith has taken a pretty careless approach from my dealings with that office for over here, both before he came in and after. They’re really trying to pursue charges here, as opposed to actually pursuing justice, which is what the ethical obligations of prosecutors really are.

In this case they brought an indictment before they even finished their investigation. When you look at the DC indictment, it all turns on the element of whether Trump knew that the allegations he was making were false or whether he had some good faith basis to believe that there may be fraud. About a week before the indictment, I turned over thousands of pages of records that the special counsel had never seen before that bear directly on that from Bernie Kerik and the Rudy Giuliani team. And I found out two nights ago, he didn’t even bother reading it. He didn’t even download it until a couple of days after the indictment dropped.


Former Trump Attorney Tim Parlatore: Jack Smith Did Not Even Download Exculpatory Evidence Until 2 Days After Indictments



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7922f1 No.77671

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303737 (051739ZAUG23) Notable: Prosecutorial Misconduct – Jack Smith DID NOT Even Download Exculpatory Evidence that Clears Trump Until TWO DAYS AFTER Indictment Dropped

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Former Trump Attorney Tim Parlatore: Jack Smith Did Not Even Download Exculpatory Evidence Until 2 Days After Indictments


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7922f1 No.77672

File: 074fd885e16a20a⋯.jpeg (74.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303746 (051743ZAUG23) Notable: US military hit by unprecedented leadership void

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5 Aug, 2023 00:51

US military hit by unprecedented leadership void

The Pentagon has warned that a political impasse over top commander appointments may jeopardize troop readiness

US military hit by unprecedented leadership void

The US Army and Marine Corps are both without a top leader for the first time in history because of a political row in Washington, potentially undermining efforts to recruit troops and ensure that they’re ready to defend the nation, the Pentagon has warned.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin claimed on Friday that the US Senate’s failure to confirm military nominations for over 300 pending officer posts, including chiefs for the country’s two ground combat forces, is disruptive and could hinder relations with allies.

Senator Tommy Tuberville, an Alabama Republican, has blocked approvals for the appointments in a dispute over the Pentagon’s new abortion benefits for servicemembers and their dependents.

“Today for the first time in the history of the Department of Defense, two of our services will be operating without Senate-confirmed leadership,” Austin said in a speech at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, Virginia. He added, “In our dangerous world, the security of the United States demands orderly and prompt transitions of our confirmed military leaders.”

The Marine Corps has been without a top leader since General David Berger completed his four-year term as commandant on July 10. The void marked the first such leadership gap for the branch in 164 years. The Army was left with the same leadership void on Friday, when General James McConville relinquished his command as chief of staff.

“Great teams need great leaders, and that’s central to maintaining the full might of the most lethal fighting force on earth,” Austin said. “It’s vital for our global leadership and for the trust and confidence of our outstanding network of allies and partners.”

The failure to confirm our superbly qualified senior uniformed leaders undermines our military readiness.

The impasse stems from the US Supreme Court’s decision last year to overturn Roe v Wade, a landmark 1973 legal ruling that had protected abortion as a constitutional right. The reversal opened the door for dozens of Republican-led states to impose new restrictions on abortion.

The Pentagon responded in February by ordering that all US military branches offer special benefits, including three weeks of paid leave and full reimbursement for expenses, to troops and family members who travel to abortion-friendly states to terminate pregnancies.

Tuberville has claimed the policy violates a federal law that prohibits federal funds from being used to pay for abortions. He has demanded that the Democrat-controlled Senate hold a vote on the abortion travel policy. Democrats could get around Tuberville’s procedural blockade by holding individual votes on each nomination, but they have said that approach would take months and prevent them from addressing other issues. Lawmakers are currently on summer vacation.

Acting commanders are filling the vacant posts, but they reportedly can’t move into their new offices or homes and are blocked from exercising some powers, such as budgeting authorities and issuing formal policies, until their appointments are confirmed.

“I’m confident that we’ll get this fixed,” Austin said, adding that he expects the Senate to “meet its responsibility and swiftly confirm our 41st chief of staff of the army.”


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7922f1 No.77673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303754 (051746ZAUG23) Notable: Remember how QUICKLY Barr declared the election valid - with ZERO investigation?

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What's etched into my memory is how QUICKLY Barr declared the election valid - with ZERO investigation.

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7922f1 No.77674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303762 (051749ZAUG23) Notable: Remember how QUICKLY Barr declared the election valid - with ZERO investigation?

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Bill Barr asked all US attorney's in the swing states to not open any election fraud cases and he actually had the one in Pennsylvania shutdown.... That shit is on record.

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7922f1 No.77675

File: b7c17cc25d0c770⋯.png (312.84 KB,426x654,71:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303767 (051750ZAUG23) Notable: We got ourselves another Trump rally in South Carolina!

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We got ourselves another Trump rally! My guests tonight from American Rising and my cohost KH Farmer break down all the latest happenings, memes, and information warfare immediately following a watch party of Trump's speech tonight!

Stream starts at 6PM EST on all my channels below:

Pilled: https://share-link.pilled.net/channel/1172

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v34y5lk-trump-rally-south-carolina.html

Kick: https://kick.com/scottydubz

Locals: Exclusive Content https://wokefam.locals.com/

Substack: https://scottdegroat.substack.com/

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/scotty797

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7922f1 No.77676

File: 74f4d3fce2d30c7⋯.png (921.68 KB,829x8314,829:8314,Clipboard.png)

File: 319d7bd30f23739⋯.png (4.4 KB,691x41,691:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303780 (051756ZAUG23) Notable: @Kash Thank you @AlinaHabba for this epic timeline exposing the two tier system of justice n vengeance op by Garland n Wray:

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Timeline of the Effort to Stop Donald Trump


Kyle Becker


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7922f1 No.77677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303801 (051803ZAUG23) Notable: Remember how QUICKLY Barr declared the election valid - with ZERO investigation?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Bill Barr asked all US attorney's in the swing states to not open any election fraud cases and he actually had the one in Pennsylvania shutdown…. That shit is on record.

Tight as rain. Not just flagrant disinterest in finding the truth but active blocking of AG's efforts to investigate.

DS always uses carrot and stick but have a big stick. Wonder what they have on Barr.

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7922f1 No.77678

File: 6fde48e3c8f0300⋯.png (19.98 KB,240x134,120:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303810 (051805ZAUG23) Notable: Gab Tells Governments Who Demand Censorship To Get Lost, Facebook Censors On Behalf Of The Biden Admin

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Gab statement RE: The “Facebook Files”

The “Facebook Files” have shed light on how Biden White House officials exerted pressure on Facebook to censor memes and vaccine-hesitant users. At Gab we stand firm in our commitment to freedom of speech and will never bow down to any administration’s demands for censorship.

Gab Tells Governments Who Demand Censorship To Get Lost, Facebook Censors On Behalf Of The Biden Admin

The "Facebook Files" recently made public have shed light on how White House officials exerted pressure on the social media giant for special access to…


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7922f1 No.77679

File: d9092371723c723⋯.png (249.34 KB,421x379,421:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303812 (051806ZAUG23) Notable: Oregon medical group blames Libs of TikTok after being exposed for denying woman breast cancer treatment over her gender critical views

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​ (https://mr.cdn.ignitecdn.com/client_assets/thepostmillennial_com/media/picture/64cd/26af/de4f/260d/f049/2604/original_ohsu_terf.jpg?1691166383)EXCLUSIVE: Oregon medical group blames Libs of TikTok after being exposed for denying woman breast cancer treatment over her gender critical views

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/RMY

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7922f1 No.77680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303815 (051806ZAUG23) Notable: Remember how QUICKLY Barr declared the election valid - with ZERO investigation?

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>Wonder what they have on Barr.

he was the bush family "fixer"

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7922f1 No.77681

File: 99cd324e5aaf9fb⋯.png (130.52 KB,829x1246,829:1246,Clipboard.png)

File: faa9a65c38b8761⋯.png (376.66 KB,829x3326,829:3326,Clipboard.png)

File: 98d09c3e12e9f06⋯.png (187.31 KB,829x1730,829:1730,Clipboard.png)

File: 330353bcaf35297⋯.png (121.2 KB,829x999,829:999,Clipboard.png)

File: 704258d2a1e1aa6⋯.png (111.87 KB,828x1065,276:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303818 (051807ZAUG23) Notable: @Kash Thank you @AlinaHabba for this epic timeline exposing the two tier system of justice n vengeance op by Garland n Wray:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kyle Becker



Timeline of the Effort to Stop Donald Trump from Becoming President Over Jan. 6

Mar. 3, 2020 — As revealed in Time's article 'The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,' John Podhorzer floats the narrative Donald Trump will "incite" his supporters to riot if he is not declared the winner

June 12, 2020 — A secret group of Democrats and Republicans gather to wargame out the November election. It concludes that a close election was likely to be contested. “All of our scenarios ended in both street-level violence and political impasse,” said Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor and former Defense Dept. official

Oct. 19, 2020 — The FBI unconstitutionally starts searching American citizens' communications gathered by the National Security Agency for information on suspected 'far right' extremists without a warrant

Dec. 22, 2020 — The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) hosts a multi-agency intelligence sharing teleconference on January 6. In attendance: FBI HQ, FBI Washington Field Office, U.S. Secret Service, Supreme Court Police and other D.C. area authorities

Dec. 23, 2020 — The Revised Special Event Assessment for Jan. 6 states, "The protests/rallies are expected to be similar to the previous Million MAGA rallies in November and December 2020, which drew tens of thousands of participants. It is also expected that members of the Proud Boys, Antifa, and other extremist groups will rally on January 6, 2021."

Dec. 30, 2020 — The MPD estimates that on Jan. 6 there will be approximately 23 protest groups and 25,550 protestors; the MPD shares this information with the DCNG

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7922f1 No.77682

File: d9040e335f113e4⋯.png (171.62 KB,426x432,71:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303856 (051817ZAUG23) Notable: NYC Mayor Adams on illegal immigration: "we need to call a state of emergency, and we need to properly fund this national crisis.”

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NYC Mayor Adams on illegal immigration: “Eventually this was going to a neighbourhood near you...We need to control the border, we need to call a state of emergency, and we need to properly fund this national crisis.”

Funny how they change their tune when it comes to their doorstep isn't it?

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7922f1 No.77683

File: 4cda50602f74229⋯.png (432.6 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303860 (051819ZAUG23) Notable: Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump's 'Peaceful' Statement

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Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump's 'Peaceful' Statement

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7922f1 No.77684

File: 112ce603088fa44⋯.jpg (59.05 KB,1139x565,1139:565,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8692cc91796616f⋯.jpg (50.01 KB,1122x521,1122:521,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 02c2b259391d538⋯.jpg (33.32 KB,1057x430,1057:430,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303885 (051823ZAUG23) Notable: The 'New Children's Museum' in San Diego is hosting drag storytime for kids

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The 'New Children's Museum' in San Diego is the one hosting drag storytime for kids. If you go to their website, the pages listing board members and staff doesn't work. Probably disabled because of the attention they are receiving. Luckily, Wayback has the pages archived.


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7922f1 No.77685

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303932 (051837ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Naomi Wolf: HHS Paid The Nation's OB-GYNs To "Stick To The HHS Script" On COVID Vax's Effect On Pregnant Women

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2 hours ago

Dr. Naomi Wolf: HHS Paid The Nation's OB-GYNs To "Stick To The HHS Script" On COVID Vax's Effect On Pregnant Women



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7922f1 No.77686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303946 (051843ZAUG23) Notable: iVerify • UN unveils sinister new tool for combatting “misinformation” aka The Truth

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Canada #45 >>>/qresearch/19303685

iVerify • UN unveils sinister new tool for combatting “misinformation” aka The Truth

Ethan Huff NaturalNews.com Aug 5, 2023

To more effectively crack down on "misinformation," the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has quietly rolled out a new automated anti-"disinformation" censorship tool called iVerify that the UN says will "provide national actors with a support package to enhance identification, monitoring and response capacity to threats to information integrity."

Originally unveiled to support "election integrity," iVerify was designed around a multi-stakeholder approach that spans both the public and private sector. In essence, iVerify can be used by both the government and corporations to take control of all speech on the internet and regulate what people are allowed to say.

In short, iVerify utilizes a team of local "highly-trained" fact checkers whose job it is to determine if "an article is true or not." iVerify also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter (X) for "toxic" content, which when identified is sent to "verification" teams of fact checkers to evaluate.

There exists both automated and human-facilitated elements of iVerify, depending on the situation or content being reviewed. The goal is to make it as simple and streamlined as possible for the censors to capture "misinformation" and stamp it out quickly and easily.

(Related: California recently tried to pass a covid "misinformation" law that was shot down by the courts as being unconstitutional.)

Information must be censored to protect "citizens' capacity to make informed decisions," UNDP says

On the UNDP website, a blunt case is made for iVerify to be used as a weapon against "information pollution," which is described as being harmful and in "overabundance" at the current time.

Any information that the UNDP deems to inhibit "citizens' capacity to make informed decisions" is targeted by iVerify with urgency because the UNDP claims that "misinformation, disinformation and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable."

So-called "fact checking," which you may well know, is an entire industry that has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several years. It is funded by the likes of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), as well as the CIA-proxy National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-funded StopFake and internet trust rating systems like NewsGuard.

NewsGuard, as we previously reported, is partnered with Microsoft and the U.S. Departments of Defense and State. It appears as an internet browser module to provide green check marks for "approved" content and red check marks for "disapproved" content.

NewsGuard and the other aforementioned platforms paved the way for the eventual unveiling of iVerify, which is now a global "fact checking" endeavor being spearheaded by one of the most powerful globalist entities in the world: the UN.

This is why writer Michael Shellenberger now refers to all of this as a "censorship industrial complex," as it has grown to such a massive size that there is almost no way to escape it on today's most widely used social media platforms and web browsers.

According to the UNDP website, "iVerify will only be deployed following an in-depth assessment to ensure the solution provided to a specific country will not be misused in ways that would undermine freedom of expression, freedom of the press or political and social rights."

To those not in the know, the iVerify system will appear as though it were a reputable source – but to those in the know, it will be obvious that the system is designed to silence the truth while pretending to check for "facts."

Soon it will be a "crime" to spread what the government deems as "misinformation."


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7922f1 No.77687

File: 9ac3113727a7586⋯.jpg (68.76 KB,1144x581,1144:581,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 30d74da74590d89⋯.jpg (47.28 KB,1144x350,572:175,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7b1503e37bbc91⋯.jpg (73.75 KB,1144x653,1144:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2735d09c1b03526⋯.jpg (55.24 KB,1144x634,572:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303952 (051845ZAUG23) Notable: The 'New Children's Museum' in San Diego is hosting drag storytime for kids

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Every single staff member at the 'New Children's Museum', including maintenance and security, uses 'he/him/she/her' pronouns.


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7922f1 No.77688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303963 (051848ZAUG23) Notable: Patriots outside the 'New Children's Museum' just announced that the drag storytime scheduled for today has been cancelled!

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Patriots outside the 'New Children's Museum' just announced that the drag storytime scheduled for today has been cancelled!

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7922f1 No.77689

File: 1e76c7cc6e1e71a⋯.png (3.91 MB,1880x866,940:433,Clipboard.png)

File: b606709a0313dff⋯.png (2.05 MB,1880x752,5:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 3402790cd612ad7⋯.png (318.97 KB,536x575,536:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303970 (051849ZAUG23) Notable: Where is that “INTO THE LIGHT” documentary?

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Disinformationfranchise orientation badge

Inside ‘Out of Shadows’: The Bonkers Hollywood-Pedophilia ‘Documentary’ QAnon Loves


The fact-free “documentary” film features stuntmen-conspiracy theorists alleging Hollywood is run by Satanists and pedophiles. It’s racked up tens of millions of YouTube views.

Tarpley Hitt


Updated Aug. 06, 2020 1:25PM EDT / Published Aug. 06, 2020 4:47AM EDT


General Mike Flynn


Premiering 4 AUG

“INTO THE LIGHT” will be a powerful documentary and message for all of humanity!

We are about to be led out of the darkness…


8:16 AM · Jul 30, 2023





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7922f1 No.77690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303974 (051850ZAUG23) Notable: Obama Judge Who Worked with Hunter Biden Gives Trump Until Monday at 5 PM to Respond to Motion to Silence Him Before His Trial As Media Continues to Lie and Smear Him

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Obama Judge Who Worked with Hunter Biden Gives Trump Until Monday at 5 PM to Respond to Motion to Silence Him Before His Trial As Media Continues to Lie and Smear Him

They’re taking away our First Amendment Rights.

That is all this is about – ELIMINATING free speech in America.

This is how tyrants take control.

On Thursday the Biden regime arraigned their top political opponent in a Washington DC court on speech violations.

The indictments were absurd, should never have been filed, and go against the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

On Friday we learned that Special Counsel Jack Smith either failed to review evidence that exonerates President Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani or he ignored the findings altogether.

Jack Smith charged Trump with “speech violations” while ignoring evidence that exonerated President Trump.

So who is the criminal here?

On Friday President Trump posted this warning on Truth Social.


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7922f1 No.77691

File: 83783f9815f321b⋯.png (55.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303982 (051852ZAUG23) Notable: Backpage Founder Commits Suicide Ahead of Federal Trial

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Backpage Founder Commits Suicide Ahead of Federal Tri

Backpage founder Jim Larkin committed suicide this week ahead of his federal trial.

Larkin, 74, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Larkin took his life on Monday ahead of his criminal trial for facilitating prostitution and money laundering with his online ‘classified ads’ website Backpage.com.

In 2018, the Justice Department seized Backpage.com and charged 7 individuals, including Larkin, with a 93-count federal indictment.

“The seven defendants charged in the indictment are Michael Lacey, 69, of Paradise Valley, Arizona; James Larkin, 68, of Paradise Valley, Arizona; Scott Spear, 67, of Scottsdale, Arizona; John E. “Jed” Brunst, 66, of Phoenix, Arizona; Daniel Hyer, 49, of Dallas, Texas; Andrew Padilla, 45, of Plano, Texas and Jaala Joye Vaught, 37, of Addison, Texas.” the DOJ said.

“The Justice Department today announced the seizure of Backpage.com, the Internet’s leading forum for prostitution ads, including ads depicting the prostitution of children. Additionally, seven individuals have been charged in a 93-count federal indictment with the crimes of conspiracy to facilitate prostitution using a facility in interstate or foreign commerce, facilitating prostitution using a facility in interstate or foreign commerce, conspiracy to commit money laundering, concealment money laundering, international promotional money laundering, and transactional money laundering.” the DOJ said in 2018.

Larkin is survived by his wife and their 6 kids.


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7922f1 No.77692

File: 73dad7bdf8c8a57⋯.png (118.76 KB,1036x735,148:105,Clipboard.png)

File: e035d7bff7b6df5⋯.png (190.37 KB,576x776,72:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303990 (051853ZAUG23) Notable: HUNTERS ARE NOW BECOME THE HUNTED

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Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Gives Game Away on Trump Prosecution: “We’re going to break you, humiliate you, defeat you at the ballot box, shatter your movement You’ll spend your sorry last years weeping in a lonely prison cell”

President Trump has a way is sussing out his opponents like no other since Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols. One simple post on Truth Social on Friday set off the rabid attack dogs in Jack Smith’s office and online. Trump posted in all caps, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Special Counsel Jack Smith sent his prosecutors running to Judge Chutkan Friday evening demanding she deal with Trump for his temerity in defending himself in the court of public opinion.

On TwitterX Friday, Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson responded to Trump by giving away the Establishment’s rationale for prosecuting Trump, “We’re coming after you, @realDonaldTrump. We’re going to break you, humiliate you, defeat you at the ballot box, shatter your movement. You’ll spend your sorry last years weeping in a lonely prison cell, your hideous legacy a warning to future generations, your shame eternal.”

Trump’s campaign issued a statement late Friday night explaining that Trump’s comment was political speech:

“The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech, and was in response to the RINO, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs, like the ones funded by the Koch brothers and the Club for No Growth.”

The response by Special Counsel Smith, Rick Wilson and others proves yet again the old saying, “Throw rocks into a pack of dogs, the ones that yelp the loudest are usually the ones that got hit.”

Excerpts from the filing by Smith’s office on Friday:

The Government’s proposed order is consistent with other such orders commonly used in

this District and is not overly restrictive. It allows the defendant prompt and effective use of

discovery materials in connection with his defense, including by showing discovery materials to

witnesses who also agree to abide by the order’s terms. All the proposed order seeks to prevent is

the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public. Such a

restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public

statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal

matters pending against him. And in recent days, regarding this case, the defendant has issued

multiple posts—either specifically or by implication—including the following, which the

defendant posted just hours ago:


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7922f1 No.77693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304045 (051905ZAUG23) Notable: Freight Train Derails in Upstate New York, Disrupting Amtrak Service

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Freight Train Derails in Upstate New York, Disrupting Amtrak Service

AMSTERDAM, N.Y.—A freight train derailed in upstate New York on Friday, disrupting Amtrak service and prompting authorities to close roads in the area.

About 17 cars of a CSX train hauling mixed freight derailed just before 8 a.m. northwest of Albany, a CSX spokesperson said in a statement.

No crew members were injured and there is no indication of any leak, the freight carrier said.

Montgomery County Undersheriff Carl Rust said the majority of the cars that derailed were empty oil tankers.

“Visually, nothing is leaking from these tankers,” Mr. Rust said at a news conference in the town of Amsterdam near the derailment site.

A spokesperson for Amtrak, which shares tracks with CSX, said all service west of Albany was suspended Friday. Amtrak was working to provide alternative transportation for passengers, spokesperson Jason Abrams said.

The service disruption affects riders headed toward Buffalo and Niagara Falls.

State Route 5 was closed in the area of the derailment.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said state personnel were assisting local emergency response officials.

“Our top priority is ensuring all railroad workers and nearby motorists are safe and that Amtrak service is restored as quickly as possible,” Ms. Hochul said in a statement.

The cause of the derailment was under investigation. A day ago, an unrelated commuter train derailed in New York City. Authorities said 13 people were injured in Thursday’s Long Island Rail Road derailment near the Jamaica station.


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7922f1 No.77694

File: 0ef26acae397d4e⋯.png (592.58 KB,895x579,895:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304090 (051913ZAUG23) Notable: Jim Watkins vs Pussydick - OANN

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Jim Watkins vs Pussydick - OANN


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7922f1 No.77695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304167 (051927ZAUG23) Notable: Jamie Foxx apologizes for Instagram post that echoed antisemitic trope

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Jamie Foxx apologizes for Instagram post that echoed antisemitic trope

Superstar says he wrote ‘they killed this dude name Jesus’ because he ‘felt betrayed by a fake friend… nothing more,’ stresses he ‘supports the Jewish community and all faiths’

Performer Jamie Foxx apologized Saturday for posting a cryptic statement online that seemed to parrot antisemitic tropes.

“Hey guys, I want to apologize to the Jewish community and anyone else who was offended by my post,” Foxx wrote on Instagram. “I know my words were clumsy and have caused offense. That was never my intent. To clarify, I felt betrayed by a fake friend, and that’s what I meant about ‘they,’ nothing more.

“I have love in my heart for everyone. I support the Jewish community and all faiths, and I’m against all hate! Once again my deepest apologies,” he added.


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7922f1 No.77696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304201 (051932ZAUG23) Notable: #23708

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#23708 >>77653


>>77658 THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden Sits on the Beach, Has No Plans to Hold Campaign Events Caught in Massive Bribery Scandal, and Democrats Aren’t Worried

>>77665, >>77676, >>77681 @Kash Thank you @AlinaHabba for this epic timeline exposing the two tier system of justice n vengeance op by Garland n Wray:

>>77654 Spike in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Directly Linked to Covid Shots

>>77655, >>77657 Vietnam Redux France refuses to withdraw troops from Niger

>>77656 LIVE: Protest in San Diego over drag story hour at Children's museum

>>77659, >>77660 “–we know where the bodies are buried.” -Trump (Cap 0:10)

>>77661 James Woods: As an objective political observation I think the Trump situation is a huge risk for the Democrats may laugh at that, but they do so at their peril

>>77663 Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

>>77662 The Real Agenda Behind Red-Flag Laws: Confiscations and Gun Controls

>>77666 Backpage Founder, Alt-Weekly Entrepreneur, and Free Speech Warrior James Larkin Has Died

>>77667 Joe Biden pulled 1,100 troops from our border after Tucson USBP caught 10,000 individuals invading our country in one week.

>>77668 Supreme Court Hands Trump Huge Victory And He Demands Urgent Action over President Joe Biden’s administration in a case involving steel tariffs.

>>77669 Bill Barr defends Trump, comparing his unfair prosecution to Hunter's practical impunity to the law

>>77673, >>77674, >>77677, >>77680 Remember how QUICKLY Barr declared the election valid - with ZERO investigation?

>>77670, >>77671 Prosecutorial Misconduct – Jack Smith DID NOT Even Download Exculpatory Evidence that Clears Trump Until TWO DAYS AFTER Indictment Dropped

>>77672 US military hit by unprecedented leadership void

>>77675 We got ourselves another Trump rally in South Carolina!

>>77678 Gab Tells Governments Who Demand Censorship To Get Lost, Facebook Censors On Behalf Of The Biden Admin

>>77679 Oregon medical group blames Libs of TikTok after being exposed for denying woman breast cancer treatment over her gender critical views

>>77682 NYC Mayor Adams on illegal immigration: "we need to call a state of emergency, and we need to properly fund this national crisis.”

>>77683 Dershowitz: Jack Smith Could be Indicted for Fraud for Omitting Trump's 'Peaceful' Statement

>>77684, >>77687 The 'New Children's Museum' in San Diego is hosting drag storytime for kids

>>77685 Dr. Naomi Wolf: HHS Paid The Nation's OB-GYNs To "Stick To The HHS Script" On COVID Vax's Effect On Pregnant Women

>>77686, >>77686 iVerify • UN unveils sinister new tool for combatting “misinformation” aka The Truth

>>77690 Obama Judge Who Worked with Hunter Biden Gives Trump Until Monday at 5 PM to Respond to Motion to Silence Him Before His Trial As Media Continues to Lie and Smear Him

>>77689 Where is that “INTO THE LIGHT” documentary?

>>77691 Backpage Founder Commits Suicide Ahead of Federal Trial

>>77693 Freight Train Derails in Upstate New York, Disrupting Amtrak Service

>>77694 Jim Watkins vs Pussydick - OANN

>>77688 Patriots outside the 'New Children's Museum' just announced that the drag storytime scheduled for today has been cancelled!

>>77695 Jamie Foxx apologizes for Instagram post that echoed antisemitic trope


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7922f1 No.77697

File: 918727b6aa56478⋯.png (881.58 KB,888x500,222:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304219 (051935ZAUG23) Notable: #236709

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7922f1 No.77698

File: 9cd751aa1340171⋯.png (293.43 KB,1200x1139,1200:1139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304242 (051940ZAUG23) Notable: An unsigned statement from a Trump spokesperson characterizes the Truth Social post as “the definition of political speech”

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Kyle Cheney


UPDATE: An unsigned statement from a Trump spokesperson characterizes the Truth Social post as “the definition of political speech” and says it was aimed at “RINO, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs.”


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7922f1 No.77699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304245 (051941ZAUG23) Notable: IMF Has ‘Loaned’ $115B to Ukraine Without Requiring Any Proof Where It Went

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IMF Has ‘Loaned’ $115B to Ukraine Without Requiring Any Proof Where It Went

The great investigative journalist John Helmer recently (such as in the July 26th podcast interview of him “Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, John Helmer July 26, 2023”) has called attention to the fact that though the IMF has lent $115B to Ukraine’s Government in order to pursue the war against Russia, the customary and standard requirements for audits of where the loans went has constantly been suspended; and, so, much or all of this money might be in private accounts, perhaps secret offshore untaxed accounts, of Ukrainian Government officials, or even of the U.S.-and-allied officials, which might never be made public. Is this possible? I looked at relevant IMF documents, and found no reason to doubt that it is possible. So, this report will link to the sources regarding that $115B of alleged ‘loans’ that might actually be donations which end up largely if not entirely in secret accounts of the officials who play roles in authorizing them.

On 31 March 2023, the IMF headlined “IMF Executive Board Approves US$15.6 Billion under a New Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement for Ukraine as part of a US$115 Billion Overall Support Package” and reported that, “The approval of the EFF is expected to mobilize large-scale concessional financing from Ukraine’s international donors and partners, to help resolve Ukraine’s balance of payments problem, attain medium-term external viability, and restore debt sustainability on a forward-looking basis in both a baseline and downside scenario.”

The publication also said: “The NBU also plans to resume scheduled onsite supervision inspections for both bank and non-bank financial institutions (Structural Benchmark, September 2023) and unwind all emergency prudential measures by end-March 2024, if conditions allow.” And:


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7922f1 No.77700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304246 (051941ZAUG23) Notable: An unsigned statement from a Trump spokesperson characterizes the Truth Social post as “the definition of political speech”

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>>77698 sauce


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7922f1 No.77701

File: cce6e818acc7b87⋯.png (444.4 KB,736x514,368:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304250 (051942ZAUG23) Notable: Democrat Mayor Pleads Guilty to 140 Child Pornography Charges

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Democrat Mayor Pleads Guilty to 140 Child Pornography Charges

A Democratic former mayor pleaded guilty to 140 charges for child porn possession and distribution.

Patrick Wojahn—who served for nearly eight years as mayor of College Park, Md., before his arrest and resignation in March—pleaded guilty to 60 counts of distribution of child pornography, 40 counts of possession of child pornography with the intention to distribute, and 40 counts of possession of child pornography.

Wojahn, who listed his pronouns in his Twitter bio, said in his resignation letter that he was stepping down to address his "mental health."

The ex-mayor also has connections to the Biden administration. Wojahn in a 2019 interview called then-South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg (D.) his "buddy" and credited Buttigieg's "mentorship" for advancing his career, the New York Post reported. Wojahn has also posted pictures of himself and Buttigieg and said the two repeatedly spoke on the phone. Buttigieg is now President Joe Biden's transportation secretary.

"This is a horrific case," Prince George's County state's attorney Aisha Braveboy said. "I am truly pleased that Mr. Wojahn has pled guilty to and accepted responsibility for his actions and these horrendous crimes."

Wojahn is the latest Democrat to be caught with child pornography. Former Democratic New Hampshire state representative Stacie Laughton, who identifies as transgender, was arrested in June for child pornography charges. It was at least the fourth arrest for the Democrat, who was jailed in 2022 for stalking a woman. That arrest prompted Laughton's resignation from the legislature.

Former Biden campaign surrogate Jerry Harris last year received 12 years in prison for sexually assaulting a minor and soliciting sexual images from a child.

The last decade has seen a rise in child pornography, according to the Demand Project, a child-abuse prevention group.

"Nationally, there has been a 2,500 percent increase in arrests in the past 10 years," the group reported.


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7922f1 No.77702

File: 10adcf57fdf36c0⋯.png (393.04 KB,687x568,687:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 25cb668cc5ddc47⋯.png (149.26 KB,227x323,227:323,Clipboard.png)

File: f3be79c42c620dd⋯.png (193.96 KB,261x323,261:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304262 (051945ZAUG23) Notable: Democrat Mayor Pleads Guilty to 140 Child Pornography Charges

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77703

File: c2cc258db2ca320⋯.png (56.8 KB,163x248,163:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304276 (051947ZAUG23) Notable: Reminder that Michelle Obama has a realistic chance of becoming president of NAMBLA

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Reminder that Michelle Obama has a realistic chance of becoming president of NAMBLA.

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7922f1 No.77704

File: cc1cc5e73d379c7⋯.png (1.75 MB,700x1385,140:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304288 (051949ZAUG23) Notable: Adams administration eyes more than 3,000 NYC sites to house migrants --- but won’t say if Central Park is included

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Adams administration eyes more than 3,000 NYC sites to house migrants — but won’t say if Central Park is included


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7922f1 No.77705

File: a3f5c0416d9f951⋯.png (57.65 KB,745x518,745:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304324 (051954ZAUG23) Notable: A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp. And the guards are Artificial Intelligence.

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Lara Logan

A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp.

And the guards are Artificial Intelligence.

“and you’ll never be happier”.

Wake up.

The World Economic Forum are Nazis without the uniform.

Just listen to Klaus Schwab speak. What sounds more like a Nazi leader than that?

2:26 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77706

File: 577a75d3d38965c⋯.png (2.89 MB,1677x2367,559:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304334 (051956ZAUG23) Notable: Putin is going to slow down Western support to Ukraine

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Zineb Riboua·28m

Putin is going to slow down Western support to Ukraine by dragging the French and the Americans into a crisis, and potentially an important conflict in the Sahel. Which will weaken Europe. Everything is connected. He's just using a map and everyone is just oblivious to it.

It's clear.

Jul 27

Wagner group is preparing to take over Niger. ...

3:19 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77707

File: f6ae7db454b3019⋯.png (460.52 KB,608x590,304:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b05a32be6cd88b⋯.png (649.22 KB,682x459,682:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304371 (052003ZAUG23) Notable: Taibbi: A Successful Prosecution Would Fold Space And Time To Make Legal Speech Felony Violence

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See new Tweets




Taibbi: A Successful Prosecution Would Fold Space And Time To Make Legal Speech Felony Violence


Taibbi: A Successful Prosecution Would Fold Space And Time To Make Legal Speech Felony Violence

Special prosecutor Jack Smith's January 6th case is a surreal mix of conventional law and authoritarian lunacy

8:30 AM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77708

File: 55e051466a2d92c⋯.png (479.62 KB,852x731,852:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304392 (052007ZAUG23) Notable: Musk hit the ADL with his Walrus move too.

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(pb) >>77595 Elon Musk SLAMS NYT for its supporting South African song advocating for killing white people

He hit the ADL with his Walrus move too.

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7922f1 No.77709

File: 3919357a1ce97e8⋯.png (247.55 KB,420x429,140:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304418 (052011ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Lawyer to Make Ingenious Request for Trial: 'Take the Curtain Away and All Americans Get to See What's Happening'

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Trump Lawyer to Make Ingenious Request for Trial: 'Take the Curtain Away and All Americans Get to See What's Happening'

READ: http://w-j.co/s/084c7

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7922f1 No.77710

File: 7e19233b43aebad⋯.png (724.96 KB,634x843,634:843,Clipboard.png)

File: c58165c4d524804⋯.png (106.81 KB,673x575,673:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304424 (052011ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: Commonwealth Bank introduces new transfer restrictions - after rolling out 'cashless' branches

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Commonwealth Bank introduces new transfer restrictions - after rolling out 'cashless' branches

CBA blocking transfers to crypto sites

Monthly sums over $10,000 to be stopped

Aim is to protect 'customers from scammers'

The Commonwealth Bank has announced plans to limit monthly transfers to certain accounts and merchants to protect customers from scams and fraud..

Emails seen by Daily Mail Australia have been sent out to Commonwealth customers notifying them that the measures will be rolled out at the start of September or in 30 days from the notice being sent.

'We're introducing new measures to help protect you from scams and fraud,' the bank stated in the emails.

'We may limit the amount you can pay to certain accounts or merchants, for example those we believe to be associated with cryptocurrency exchanges, to no more than $10,000 in total from all of your accounts each calendar month.'

In its revised terms and conditions the bank advises it may 'suspend or close your account, cancel or suspend your card or other access method' to stop crypto-associated payments going though.


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7922f1 No.77711

File: 0e7e4f76ebbd4ff⋯.png (99.2 KB,603x658,603:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304433 (052013ZAUG23) Notable: declassifying “Crossfire Hurricane” docs showing Obama, Biden, the CIA, DOJ, and FBI spied on him, they raided Mar a Lago, To steal back evidence

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Signed letter from President Trump on Jan 19, 2021, the day before he left office, declassifying “Crossfire Hurricane” docs showing Obama, Biden, the CIA, DOJ, and FBI spied on him

Now you know why they raided Mar a Lago

To steal back evidence of their crimes



2:53 AM · Jun 7, 2023




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7922f1 No.77712

File: 6a1f494e1ca3b0d⋯.png (204.6 KB,419x382,419:382,Clipboard.png)

File: e2b37e15cc53bda⋯.png (280.57 KB,657x495,73:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304444 (052015ZAUG23) Notable: New York Regulates Ketchup as City Nears Breaking Point

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​ (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2023/08/05/id5446584-CR-TN_REC_Curtis-Sliwa-1200x675.jpg)New York Regulates Ketchup as City Nears Breaking Point: Curtis Sliwa

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/ugzLGe


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7922f1 No.77713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304451 (052016ZAUG23) Notable: New York Regulates Ketchup as City Nears Breaking Point

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Paulie and Chris Mix it with the Relish

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7922f1 No.77714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304475 (052021ZAUG23) Notable: Pharma-Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events

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Pharma-Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events


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7922f1 No.77715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304477 (052021ZAUG23) Notable: Matt Taibbi & Douglas Murray DISMANTLE LEGACY MEDIA JOURNALISTS

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The Christian Darnton Report

58.2K subscribers

11K views 2 weeks ago

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7922f1 No.77716

File: 41950ba5c2d01a2⋯.png (70.52 KB,738x563,738:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304484 (052023ZAUG23) Notable: Putin is going to slow down Western support to Ukraine

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>Putin is going to slow down Western support to Ukraine

My third way: just observe, Russians are not in Syria or the Central African Republic for nothing. They have immediate priorities (Ukraine) and long-term ones (No US-NATO order)

Psychopompous· 14m

One day you hear Vox doing entire vids on Wagner infiltrating Africa. The next day, it's similar media insisting how none of this is connected to Russia.

Zineb Riboua

I don’t even argue from ideological positions, I’m just transmitting what I see.

4:07 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304498 (052026ZAUG23) Notable: Matt Taibbi & Douglas Murray DISMANTLE LEGACY MEDIA JOURNALISTS

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Taibbi: A Successful Prosecution Would Fold Space And Time To Make Legal Speech Felony Violence

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment is a case within a case, a prosecutorial enchilada filled with things for people of all political persuasions to hate. The outside is a shell of a conventional conspiracy prosecution, and these parts are genuinely damaging for Donald Trump. Inside, it’s a deranged authoritarian fantasy, at times reading more like a 45-page Louise Mensch tweet than an indictment.

This radical core is somehow scarier than the allegations against Trump and co-conspirators like Rudy Giuliani, John Eastment, Sidney Powell, Jeffrey Clark, and Kenneth Cheeseboro. Despite early criticism describing the case as entirely about protected speech, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s case does focus on some overt acts, and these sections are buttressed by witnesses who could be convincing across the spectrum.

Former Arizona Speaker of the House and onetime Trump supporter Rusty Bowers will describe being asked not to certify the results by, among others, Trump and Giuliani. Ronna McDaniel, chair of the RNC, will say she was told votes by so-called “fraudulent electors” would only be deployed if election litigation was successful. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who is rumored to be running for president and took instant advantage of indictment news Tuesday (see below), will testify Trump told him, “You’re too honest,” in response to prods to refuse to certify the outcome.

If Smith simply focused on those damaging episodes in states like Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia, or on Trump’s interactions with Pence, this prosecution would be an easier sell to the general population. Instead, Smith has tried to pen a Unified Field Theory of insurrection that would massively expand the meaning of concepts like incitement to include false statements, tweets, and other forms of protected speech, down to classic Trumpisms like “I don’t care about a link… I have a much better link,” and “I have a lot of friends in Detroit… Detroit is totally corrupt.”

In fact, if rumors are true and the four counts filed by Smith this week are later complemented by a superseding indictment, this document may end up expanding the definition of “seditious conspiracy” to include those things as well. As Adam Kinzinger said this week, he hoped additional counts will hold Trump “accountable” for all the actions of January 6th.

It’s not hard to read this and see the framework of an argument that Trump’s ideas, tweets and “knowingly false statements” were elements of the same conspiracy to “violently disrupt” the election for which people like Oath Keepers Elmer Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs have already been convicted and sentenced to 18 and 12 years in prison, respectively. A successful prosecution would fold space and time to make legal speech felony violence.


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7922f1 No.77718

File: e80038314a6668e⋯.png (1.66 MB,1837x1412,1837:1412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304513 (052029ZAUG23) Notable: Making History in the Wrong Way: The Second Trump Indictment is a Threat to Free Speech

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Making History in the Wrong Way: The Second Trump Indictment is a Threat to Free Speech

Below is my column in USA Today on the second indictment of former President Donald Trump. While many are celebrating the charges, the implications for free speech are chilling. While Smith did not charge incitement or insurrection (or seditious conspiracy), commentators (and Smith) portrayed the case as holding Trump accountable for the actual riot in the Capitol. Notably, the same pundits and politicians previously insisted that the rejected crimes were obvious and well-established. Indeed, Trump was impeached on incitement charges. They are now shrugging off the conspicuous omission of those charges while attacking those of us with free speech concerns as apologists.

Here is the column:

Special counsel Jack Smith made history on Tuesday.

It wasn’t just the federal indictment of a former president. Smith already did that in June with the indictment of Donald Trump on charges that he mishandled classified documents.

No, Smith and his team have made history in the worst way by attempting to fully criminalize disinformation by seeking the incarceration of a politician on false claims made during and after an election.

The hatred for Trump is so all-encompassing that legal experts on the political left have ignored the chilling implications of this indictment. This complaint is based largely on statements that are protected under the First Amendment. It would eviscerate free speech and could allow the government to arrest those who are accused of spreading disinformation in elections.

In the 2012 United States v. Alvarez decision, the Supreme Court held 6-3 that it is unconstitutional to criminalize lies in a case involving a politician who lied about military decorations.

The court warned such criminalization “would give government a broad censorial power unprecedented in this Court’s cases or in our constitutional tradition. The mere potential for the exercise of that power casts a chill, a chill the First Amendment cannot permit if free speech, thought, and discourse are to remain a foundation of our freedom.”

That precedent did not deter Smith. This indictment is reminiscent of the case against former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell. His conviction on 11 corruption-related counts was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in 2016, with Chief Justice John Roberts writing that federal prosecutors relied on a “boundless” definition of actions that could trigger criminal charges against political leaders.

Smith is now showing the same abandon in pursuing Trump, including detailing his speech on Jan. 6, 2021, before the riot while omitting the line where Trump told his supporters to go to the U.S. Capitol to “peacefully” protest the certification.



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7922f1 No.77719

File: 6c63c4075f72765⋯.png (51.83 KB,832x445,832:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304540 (052036ZAUG23) Notable: China is Funding America's Public Schools in $17 Million 'Global Influence' Plan, 'Alarming' Report Indicates -- GOP Investigating

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China is Funding America's Public Schools in $17 Million 'Global Influence' Plan, 'Alarming' Report Indicates – GOP Investigating

By Jack Davis August 5, 2023 at 11:04am

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7922f1 No.77720

File: bc017913880b9e0⋯.png (108.27 KB,750x661,750:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304568 (052039ZAUG23) Notable: AZ: John Thaler I am not holding back anything. I am attacking the corruption and those who have participated in it

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John Thaler

So that everyone understands: I’m not just publishing a book. One motion was just filed in Mesa City Court. Two Petitions for Special Action will be filed in the next 30 days. Complaints will be filed with the Commission on Judicial Performance. And Complaints will be filed with the Arizona State Bar. Also, the AG’s office will receive a copy of all filings. Tomorrow, a letter will be sent to Judge Alicia Lawler demanding that she preserve evidence of communications between her and third parties on three specific dates.

I am not holding back anything. I am attacking the corruption and those who have participated in it. I will not stop until Justice is served. And that includes the return of my son who was abducted three times, the last two in violation of custody orders.

4:21 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77721

File: af4b8faaf089839⋯.png (455.2 KB,423x670,423:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304620 (052049ZAUG23) Notable: Did Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump fight against the same enemies?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Did Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump fight against the same enemies?

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7922f1 No.77722

File: 1f40d2a4ed6e7b9⋯.png (146.18 KB,1280x880,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304631 (052052ZAUG23) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD - HereIsTheEvidence.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>77697 TYB!

ELECTION FRAUD - HereIsTheEvidence.com

Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems.

This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

Submitted items may be edited or deleted to ensure quality of content.


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7922f1 No.77723

File: 85aa8e36c3d445e⋯.png (1.02 MB,1170x1775,234:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304755 (052113ZAUG23) Notable: PF GTMO842 up

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GTMO842 up


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77724

File: 93cf1b52e2f0ae2⋯.png (179.39 KB,742x745,742:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304788 (052118ZAUG23) Notable: And I actually I just spoke to Mike. I said, Mike, that doesn't take courage, what takes courage is to do nothing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"And I actually I just spoke to Mike. I said, Mike, that doesn't take courage, what takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage, and then we are stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot, and we have to live with that for four more years. We're just not going to let that happen. Many of you have traveled from all across the nation to be here, and I want to thank you for the extraordinary love. That is what it is; there's never been a movement like this ever, ever for the extraordinary love for this amazing country. And this amazing movement. Thank you."


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7922f1 No.77725

File: f374f0648794d27⋯.png (692.34 KB,918x1216,459:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304823 (052123ZAUG23) Notable: At least 10 dead in floods near Beijing

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NEW 🚨 At least 10 dead in floods near Beijing: officials

At least 10 dead in floods near Beijing: officials

AFPAugust 5, 2023 6:39 am

At least 10 people were killed in floods in a city in Hebei province, officials said Saturday, in torrential rains that have battered northern China.

Storm Doksuri, a former super typhoon that hit mainland China last Friday, has brought the most severe rains since records began 140 years ago.

Hebei province, which neighbours Beijing, has been the one of the most affected by the rains.

Officials announced Saturday the provisional toll for Baoding, one of the province’s worst-hit cities, around 150 kilometres (90 miles) from Beijing.

By noon on Saturday (0400 GMT), more than 600,000 of Baoding’s 11.5 million residents had been evacuated from areas deemed to be at risk and 18 people were missing, officials said.

On Saturday, torrential rain hit northeast China for a second day, battering the provinces bordering Russia and North Korea.

A red alert remains in force in Beijing due to “geological risks” such as landslides, linked to the bad weather.

Clean-up operations are ongoing after the largest rainfall in years, which destroyed infrastructure and flooded entire districts.

China has been hit hard by extreme weather in recent months, from record-breaking heatwaves to deadly rain.

Natural disasters caused 147 deaths or disappearances last month, China said Friday, after the heaviest rains since records began hit the country’s capital.

China’s Ministry of Emergency Management said that 142 of the deaths or disappearances recorded in July were caused by flooding or geological disasters.

– Streets became rivers –

Dramatic aerial photographs taken by AFP of Zhuozhou on Wednesday showed shopping streets turned into rivers of brown water, while others showed farmland in the surrounding areas completely submerged and floodwater stretching for miles.

AFP saw rescuers using boats to ferry instant noodles, bread and drinking water to residents who could not or did not want to leave properties engulfed by water.

Millions of people have been hit by extreme weather events and prolonged heatwaves around the globe in recent weeks, events that scientists say are being exacerbated by climate change.

Ma Jun, director of the Beijing-based NGO the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, said that while the typhoon had brought the rain, rising ocean temperatures due to climate change were also causing the extreme weather.

“China has suffered unprecedented extreme heatwaves since last year… this year, there are record-breaking high temperatures in Northern China,” Ma told AFP this week.

“These heatwaves are linked to global warming, and this is what most climate scientists around the world tend to agree,” he said.

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7922f1 No.77726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304833 (052124ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump is scheduled to speak as the keynote speaker for the South Carolina GOP Dinner on August 5th, 2023.

Coverage is expected to begin at 6 PM ET.


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7922f1 No.77727

File: 540ab90330023ea⋯.jpg (284.23 KB,1080x1235,216:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304846 (052128ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along

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WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side. I never told a newly emboldened (not based on his 2% poll numbers!) Pence to put me above the Constitution, or that Mike was “too honest.” He’s delusional, and now he wants to show he’s a tough guy. I once read a major magazine article on Mike. It said he was not a very good person. I was surprised, but the article was right. Sad!

5:20 PM EDT


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7922f1 No.77728

File: 6645b551c086aea⋯.png (49.6 KB,585x525,39:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304951 (052146ZAUG23) Notable: INTO THE LIGHT IS OUT NOW!! Watch here!

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Lara Logan


Great movie that came out last night if you want the truth rather than headlines…








@Crux1765 @TrueGenFlynn @laralogan @briangamble_v1 @BooneCutler @scalpeledge

#intothelight #brushfires

Into The Light

Now we take you Into the Light


Aug 05, 2023, 9:52 AM

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7922f1 No.77729

File: 81ea874e4579cdf⋯.png (233.58 KB,589x583,589:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304965 (052149ZAUG23) Notable: “President Trump was going to start a Commission on the ill-effects of vaccines…because vaccines were causing bad things…and I said that’s a dead end…don’t do that…” -Bill Gates

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Dr Naomi Wolf


Holy heck, is this real??

Quote Tweet

Liz Churchill




“President Trump was going to start a Commission on the ill-effects of vaccines…because vaccines were causing bad things…and I said that’s a dead end…don’t do that…” -Bill Gates

9:10 AM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304994 (052153ZAUG23) Notable: #23609

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#236709 >>77697

>>77723 PF GTMO842 up

>>77698, >>77700 An unsigned statement from a Trump spokesperson characterizes the Truth Social post as “the definition of political speech”

>>77699 IMF Has ‘Loaned’ $115B to Ukraine Without Requiring Any Proof Where It Went

>>77701, >>77702 Democrat Mayor Pleads Guilty to 140 Child Pornography Charges

>>77703 Reminder that Michelle Obama has a realistic chance of becoming president of NAMBLA

>>77704 Adams administration eyes more than 3,000 NYC sites to house migrants — but won’t say if Central Park is included

>>77705 A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp. And the guards are Artificial Intelligence.

>>77707 Taibbi: A Successful Prosecution Would Fold Space And Time To Make Legal Speech Felony Violence

>>77708 Musk hit the ADL with his Walrus move too.

>>77709 Trump Lawyer to Make Ingenious Request for Trial: 'Take the Curtain Away and All Americans Get to See What's Happening'

>>77710 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank introduces new transfer restrictions - after rolling out 'cashless' branches

>>77711 declassifying “Crossfire Hurricane” docs showing Obama, Biden, the CIA, DOJ, and FBI spied on him, they raided Mar a Lago, To steal back evidence

>>77712, >>77713 New York Regulates Ketchup as City Nears Breaking Point

>>77714 Pharma-Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events

>>77715, >>77717 Matt Taibbi & Douglas Murray DISMANTLE LEGACY MEDIA JOURNALISTS

>>77716, >>77706 Putin is going to slow down Western support to Ukraine

>>77718 Making History in the Wrong Way: The Second Trump Indictment is a Threat to Free Speech

>>77719 China is Funding America's Public Schools in $17 Million 'Global Influence' Plan, 'Alarming' Report Indicates - GOP Investigating

>>77720 AZ: John Thaler I am not holding back anything. I am attacking the corruption and those who have participated in it

>>77721 Did Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump fight against the same enemies?

>>77722 ELECTION FRAUD - HereIsTheEvidence.com

>>77724 And I actually I just spoke to Mike. I said, Mike, that doesn't take courage, what takes courage is to do nothing.

>>77725 At least 10 dead in floods near Beijing

>>77726 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner

>>77727 @realDonaldTrump WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along

>>77728 INTO THE LIGHT IS OUT NOW!! Watch here!

>>77729 “President Trump was going to start a Commission on the ill-effects of vaccines…because vaccines were causing bad things…and I said that’s a dead end…don’t do that…” -Bill Gates


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7922f1 No.77731

File: 40fb1ba28b6a465⋯.png (80.37 KB,265x201,265:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 2105f4dec930867⋯.png (587.88 KB,1097x554,1097:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d93a9ccec257ca⋯.jpg (18.5 KB,255x253,255:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305012 (052156ZAUG23) Notable: #23710

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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7922f1 No.77732

File: 53694eef104f198⋯.png (1.27 MB,1443x973,1443:973,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ef869b5550bddb⋯.png (786.88 KB,1442x981,1442:981,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d61fa4fa2e0d3e⋯.png (255.57 KB,1297x928,1297:928,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e616c83e68482d⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x898,600:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 267dc880e2aad6c⋯.png (304.69 KB,1060x631,1060:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305041 (052201ZAUG23) Notable: PF dig on Hillwood with Ross Perot Jr

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Rules for thee but not for me.

A 2021 GAME COMPOSITES GameBird, N339GB, owned HGB HOLDINGS LLC broke FAA minimum altitude rules today over Westlake, Texas. Possibly piloted by Stephen D. Parker of HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC. Or someone within that organization. ADS-B data shows altitudes as low as 650 feet where 1,000 feet is the rule. Hot dogging at low altitude over populated areas will get a pilot in trouble with the FAA.

Hillwood with Ross Perot Jr. at the top.





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7922f1 No.77733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305044 (052201ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump at South Carolina GOP Dinner! EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT 8:30

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305045 (052202ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump at South Carolina GOP Dinner! EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT 8:30

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023


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7922f1 No.77735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305080 (052207ZAUG23) Notable: Liddle Pence Digs

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or here

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7922f1 No.77736

File: 35445afe5be08f1⋯.png (365.66 KB,661x1609,661:1609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305123 (052213ZAUG23) Notable: Unmanned A.I Jet Flight Completed by US Air Force has Gained Sentience

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Unmanned A.I Jet Flight Completed by US Air Force

The US Air Force has successfully flown an unmanned jet with advanced AI and machine learning capabilities, a major step towards the development of collaborative combat aircraft (CCA) to fly alongside human pilots.

CCAs could perform various missions like air-to-air combat, air-to-ground strikes, and intelligence gathering.

They may also assist human pilots in high-risk scenarios like close air support missions.


1) CCAs could be vulnerable to hacking or malfunctions, leading to civilian casualties.

2) Offensive use of CCAs could escalate tensions between countries.

3) Ethical concerns arise if CCAs make undetected kill decisions during development.

The 'alignment' problem, where AI exhibits undesired behaviors, was recently highlighted by the creators of ChatGPT.

Careful consideration of these risks is crucial before implementing the CCA program. Its success could significantly impact the future of warfare.

Regarding lethal AI weapons deciding to kill, it raises significant ethical and safety concerns. Ensuring appropriate safeguards and human oversight will be vital to mitigate potential risks.



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7922f1 No.77737

File: 719d4ca2b511113⋯.png (344.82 KB,935x767,935:767,Clipboard.png)

File: e345723ae88c905⋯.png (1.25 MB,940x796,235:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305124 (052213ZAUG23) Notable: Two Articles on Mike Pence: "The Danger of President Trump" and "86 Things You Need to Know about Mike Pence"

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7922f1 No.77738

File: afa6e10a5e25257⋯.png (520.47 KB,835x1044,835:1044,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305182 (052219ZAUG23) Notable: A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

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A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

August 5, 2023

The protest in London’s bustling Chinatown brought together a variety of activist groups to oppose a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes. So it was peculiar when a street brawl broke out among mostly ethnic Chinese demonstrators.

Witnesses said the fight, in November 2021, started when men aligned with the event’s organizers, including a group called No Cold War, attacked activists supporting the democracy movement in Hong Kong.

On the surface, No Cold War is a loose collective run mostly by American and British activists who say the West’s rhetoric against China has distracted from issues like climate change and racial injustice.

In fact, a New York Times investigation found, it is part of a lavishly funded influence campaign that defends China and pushes its propaganda. At the center is a charismatic American millionaire, Neville Roy Singham, who is known as a socialist benefactor of far-left causes.

What is less known, and is hidden amid a tangle of nonprofit groups and shell companies, is that Mr. Singham works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide.

From a think tank in Massachusetts to an event space in Manhattan, from a political party in South Africa to news organizations in India and Brazil, The Times tracked hundreds of millions of dollars to groups linked to Mr. Singham that mix progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points.

Some, like No Cold War, popped up in recent years. Others, like the American antiwar group Code Pink, have morphed over time. Code Pink once criticized China’s rights record but now defends its internment of the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs, which human rights experts have labeled a crime against humanity.

These groups are funded through American nonprofits flush with at least $275 million in donations.

But Mr. Singham, 69, himself sits in Shanghai, where one outlet in his network is co-producing a YouTube show financed in part by the city’s propaganda department. Two others are working with a Chinese university to “spread China’s voice to the world.” And last month, Mr. Singham joined a Communist Party workshop about promoting the party internationally.

The Times untangled the web of charities and shell companies using nonprofit and corporate filings, internal documents and interviews with over two dozen former employees of groups linked to Mr. Singham. Some groups, including No Cold War, do not seem to exist as legal entities but are tied to the network through domain registration records and shared organizers.

None of Mr. Singham’s nonprofits have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, as is required of groups that seek to influence public opinion on behalf of foreign powers. That usually applies to groups taking money or orders from foreign governments. Legal experts said Mr. Singham’s network was an unusual case.

Most of the groups in Mr. Singham’s network declined to answer questions from The Times. Three said they had never received money or instructions from a foreign government or political party.

much moar at: https://dnyuz.com/2023/08/05/a-global-web-of-chinese-propaganda-leads-to-a-u-s-tech-mogul/

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7922f1 No.77739

File: f7fa788b9ceffb0⋯.png (416.3 KB,640x432,40:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305207 (052223ZAUG23) Notable: Liddle Pence Digs

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>What does it mean?


'Pediatric touch therapy':


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7922f1 No.77740

File: 940eaccd7a39fc6⋯.png (148.96 KB,1258x678,629:339,Clipboard.png)

File: bf5a388fb08a644⋯.png (230.23 KB,675x677,675:677,Clipboard.png)

File: bbc249a42ac7020⋯.png (77.29 KB,857x518,857:518,Clipboard.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77741

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305228 (052226ZAUG23) Notable: Liddle Pence Digs

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Right Side Broadcasting Network

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Car

Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305238 (052228ZAUG23) Notable: Liddle Pence Digs

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305254 (052230ZAUG23) Notable: Liddle Pence Digs

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pence pedophile

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7922f1 No.77744

File: f3a1ba4d61a14f5⋯.png (1.62 MB,1440x965,288:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a9ba6ae4d813fa⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x736,40:23,Clipboard.png)

File: c04d421c3e2bdd9⋯.png (39.22 KB,1000x750,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305281 (052235ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Tracking Trump Force One

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Trump Force One about halfway there.


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7922f1 No.77745

File: f81081c105e4ef9⋯.jpg (309.55 KB,750x1114,375:557,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305331 (052242ZAUG23) Notable: Liddle Pence Digs

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>Wonder what it's about?

Water was taken off the table. (Picrel)

Bush Family Buy Up Guarani Aquifer


The Great Water Grab: Wall Street is buying up the world’s water


They are called Water Grabbers the elite Billionaires, Investment Corporations, and International Mega Banks that use the Courts, Water Rights, Privatization, Wealth, and the Global Water Crisis to capitalize on their own interests.


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7922f1 No.77746

File: c6a0144444d05d0⋯.png (1.11 MB,1177x817,1177:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305387 (052249ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Tracking Trump Force One

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77747

File: 524f4c8b95cf013⋯.png (830.59 KB,1079x1305,1079:1305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305457 (052257ZAUG23) Notable: Special Event Speaker Ron Desanctimonius has drawn a crowd of 10 viewers. WOW!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77748

File: 4bb1965911e6566⋯.png (408.51 KB,724x622,362:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305497 (052314ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Tracking Trump Force One

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Force One about to land

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77749

File: 02d7bf5b76a0858⋯.png (387.71 KB,896x601,896:601,Clipboard.png)

File: c9cb65984f6bba3⋯.png (37.42 KB,237x244,237:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305539 (052320ZAUG23) Notable: PF: Tracking Trump Force One

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77750

File: 5f92e1135e1365c⋯.jpeg (278.28 KB,2048x776,256:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305616 (052330ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump at South Carolina GOP Dinner! EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT 8:30

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The hangar is PACKED with supporters here to see President Trump’s arrival!


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7922f1 No.77751

File: e1a9982fcf14374⋯.png (114.07 KB,887x689,887:689,Clipboard.png)

File: ab78195df0a73c3⋯.jpg (1022.61 KB,2481x3508,2481:3508,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5f1998bbe0a50a4⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2481x3508,2481:3508,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d1d316a992f10da⋯.jpg (101.06 KB,870x1049,870:1049,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a058ae725f44257⋯.png (34.59 KB,496x682,8:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305623 (052330ZAUG23) Notable: Serco, 77th Brigade, Five Eyes "Emergency Planning College" in Yorkshire Digg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scratch a #Vaxophile and there is a good chance you will find... Serco, 77th Brigade, Five Eyes and all those related entitities that you funded to keep you under control.

Thanks to the following 77th akbrigade operatives for pointing us to Serco's "Emergency Planning College" in Yorkshire. Without your help we probably wouldn't have found this document.

CONOPS is such an apt term.








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7922f1 No.77752

File: 88edea7731d8311⋯.png (249.51 KB,1170x1138,585:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305638 (052333ZAUG23) Notable: On Sunday, August 6, 2023, John Lauro, attorney for President Donald J. Trump, will make appearances on the following television programs:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Liz Harrington

Media Advisory

On Sunday, August 6, 2023, John Lauro, attorney for President Donald J. Trump, will make appearances on the following television programs:

7:15 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77753

File: dcf940db889c5f5⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB,1427x1929,1427:1929,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c366afe7c8f77b4⋯.jpeg (702.75 KB,1095x1146,365:382,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d5630204295a135⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB,1418x1903,1418:1903,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305712 (052341ZAUG23) Notable: Schiff Dog Comms + Obama Watch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Schiff Dog Comms + Obama Watch

“Jackson” dog + his watch seems to be displayed with a purpose.


Yesterday BO had this picture up for his birthday, the watch intentionally facing outwards.


Obama: 1:44 PM?

Schiff: 12:11 PM?

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7922f1 No.77754

File: d359a9c5d94879f⋯.png (613.48 KB,940x846,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305820 (052356ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Will be arriving in South Carolina shortly. Big Crowd! Speech will be televised on @RSBN, @realamericasvoice, @OAN and @rumble…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Will be arriving in South Carolina shortly. Big Crowd! Speech will be televised on @RSBN, @realamericasvoice, @OAN and @rumble…

Donald J. Trump




LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

Aug 05, 2023, 7:09 PM



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7922f1 No.77755

File: fe309128b1a7c04⋯.png (28.3 KB,883x275,883:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305837 (052358ZAUG23) Notable: Kash Patel @Kash #45… ya feel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel


#45… ya feel

Aug 05, 2023, 7:31 PM


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7922f1 No.77756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305876 (060003ZAUG23) Notable: #23710

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23710 >>77731

>>77733, >>77734, >>77741, >>77750, >>77754 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump at South Carolina GOP Dinner! EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT 8:30

>>77752 On Sunday, August 6, 2023, John Lauro, attorney for President Donald J. Trump, will make appearances on the following television programs:

>>77732 PF dig on Hillwood with Ross Perot Jr

>>77736 Unmanned A.I Jet Flight Completed by US Air Force has Gained Sentience

>>77738 A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

>>77737, >>77737 Two Articles on Mike Pence: "The Danger of President Trump" and "86 Things You Need to Know about Mike Pence"

>>77745, >>77740, >>77739, >>77743, >>77742, >>77735, >>77741 Liddle Pence Digs

>>77744, >>77746, >>77748, >>77749 PF: Tracking Trump Force One

>>77747 Special Event Speaker Ron Desanctimonius has drawn a crowd of 10 viewers. WOW!

>>77751 Serco, 77th Brigade, Five Eyes "Emergency Planning College" in Yorkshire Digg

>>77753 Schiff Dog Comms + Obama Watch

>>77754 Donald J. Trump: Will be arriving in South Carolina shortly. Big Crowd! Speech will be televised on @RSBN, @realamericasvoice, @OAN and @rumble…

>>77755 Kash Patel @Kash #45… ya feel

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7922f1 No.77757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305886 (060004ZAUG23) Notable: #23711-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #23711: #45… ya feel - Kash Edition

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7922f1 No.77758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305900 (060007ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77759

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305917 (060009ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023



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7922f1 No.77760

File: 7add5c3bacb3de8⋯.png (3.05 MB,1170x1824,195:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305923 (060010ZAUG23) Notable: “Trusting in God and helping each other, we can and will preserve the dream of America, the last best hope of man on Earth.” #RonaldReagan #InGodWeTrust #America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ECW retweeted:

“Trusting in God and helping each other, we can and will preserve the dream of America, the last best hope of man on Earth.” #RonaldReagan #InGodWeTrust #America


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7922f1 No.77761

File: 13ea7f13500d4dc⋯.png (29.29 KB,519x497,519:497,Clipboard.png)

File: f9df8b6e4947983⋯.png (813.63 KB,1043x1087,1043:1087,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305958 (060016ZAUG23) Notable: Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19305852 pb



Trump "likes" a lot of people.


DJT is a generous soul.

>>>/qresearch/19305864 pb

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7922f1 No.77762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305977 (060019ZAUG23) Notable: Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There was one in May, not sure about the addendum thing.

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7922f1 No.77763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305987 (060020ZAUG23) Notable: Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


That is World Class.

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7922f1 No.77764

File: d72411bfad6c23f⋯.jpg (24.68 KB,380x280,19:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19305993 (060021ZAUG23) Notable: Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"There is no step 5" ?

? something like that?

Trump's are "non-civilian" indictments?

One more = 5.

We'll find out.

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7922f1 No.77765

File: 63814fcc041b46e⋯.jpeg (43.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306013 (060024ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine shells Donetsk with cluster munitions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The site of a fire in the building of the 1st building of the University of Economics and Trade in Donetsk

5 Aug, 2023 20:05

Ukraine shells Donetsk with cluster munitions – reports

Civilian targets were affected in the Saturday night shelling

Ukrainian forces have reportedly fired cluster munitions into Donetsk city, striking a private residence, a university and other civilian targets.

Four rounds of 155mm cluster bombs were fired into the center of the city on Saturday night, triggering fires in three districts, the Joint Center of Control and Coordination (JCCC) for the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR)

The cluster munitions reportedly exploded in the air. The Donetsk University of Economics and Trade was on fire after the shelling, the Mayor of Donetsk Alexei Kulemzin said in a Telegram post. Fires also were reported in apartment buildings.

The shelling comes after at least three people were killed and ten injured by a Ukrainian bombardment on Monday. The shelling killed another civilian in a nearby town, the JCCC said.

Cluster munitions have been banned by more than 100 countries because of their devastating effects on civilians. Cluster shells are typically designed to open up in midair and release tens or even hundreds of submunitions that can saturate a large area with explosives. They tend to have a high failure rate, creating risks to civilians from unexploded munitions for potentially decades after a conflict ends.


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7922f1 No.77766

File: 7a9a5a34fa78a8a⋯.png (208.1 KB,1300x1064,325:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306037 (060027ZAUG23) Notable: Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here's the 3 posts with [Set 1].

Pain begins after Set 1 is complete - 1 moar indictment.

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7922f1 No.77767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306050 (060030ZAUG23) Notable: Governor McMaster [GOP Dinner]: The policies, practices and initiatives of the administration of President Donald Trump, opened doors, sparked opportunities, and unleashed American Power the whole way. He was with us the whole way. All of this, despite the rumblings of secret deep state opposition, and the barrage of unfounded criticism, and even unjustified impeachments.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Governor McMaster [GOP Dinner]: The policies, practices and initiatives of the administration of President Donald Trump, opened doors, sparked opportunities, and unleashed American Power the whole way. He was with us the whole way. All of this, despite the rumblings of secret deep state opposition, and the barrage of unfounded criticism, and even unjustified impeachments.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77768

File: 562a60c292f98a9⋯.png (34.65 KB,669x448,669:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306066 (060031ZAUG23) Notable: Lara Logan A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp.

And the guards are Artificial Intelligence.

“and you’ll never be happier”.

Wake up.

The World Economic Forum are Nazis without the uniform.

Just listen to Klaus Schwab speak. What sounds more like a Nazi leader than that?


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7922f1 No.77769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306079 (060034ZAUG23) Notable: lb McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77770

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306092 (060036ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306098 (060036ZAUG23) Notable: McMaster: Our leader is here, he is behind the curtain, and he is ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McMaster: Our leader is here, he is behind the curtain, and he is ready.

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7922f1 No.77772

File: 575a1508e15bf2c⋯.png (973.67 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306101 (060036ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77773

File: 9f7b21586d9b3d8⋯.png (679.64 KB,1007x569,1007:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306102 (060036ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77774

File: 0cca1d63e831961⋯.png (652.4 KB,1142x580,571:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306110 (060037ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He's taking the stage.

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7922f1 No.77775

File: a4e83cacd0cf5fa⋯.png (748.13 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306114 (060037ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77776

File: 5c1a08890a9bf5c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306120 (060038ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77777

File: 77296e4948c54de⋯.png (874.52 KB,1014x573,338:191,Clipboard.png)

File: a5e3250541ed73d⋯.png (903.37 KB,1067x562,1067:562,Clipboard.png)

File: fbbde429cfe515a⋯.png (890.44 KB,1079x566,1079:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306130 (060039ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77778

File: d372cff1e671930⋯.png (24.71 KB,443x386,443:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306142 (060041ZAUG23) Notable: Screen shots of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Look at those palm trees!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306181 (060045ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: One of the most important issues of the campaign will be, who can rescue our country from the burning wreckage of 'Bidenomics'. You know what that stands for, right? Henceforth, it will be defined as inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: One of the most important issues of the campaign will be, who can rescue our country from the burning wreckage of 'Bidenomics'. You know what that stands for, right? Henceforth, it will be defined as inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306206 (060048ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by seven thousand, four-hundred dollars per family. And under President Trump, yearly income went up, on average, six thousand dollars. Nobody's ever come close to that number.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by seven thousand, four-hundred dollars per family. And under President Trump, yearly income went up, on average, six thousand dollars. Nobody's ever come close to that number.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306217 (060049ZAUG23) Notable: Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You buy a sink and no water comes out

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306221 (060050ZAUG23) Notable: Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

drip drip drip

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306224 (060050ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Inflation has reached the highest level in half-century, and mortgage rates are now pushing a brutal seven percent, and they are going much higher. Americans now have to pay three hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more in interest payments just to purchase a house.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Inflation has reached the highest level in half-century, and mortgage rates are now pushing a brutal seven percent, and they are going much higher. Americans now have to pay three hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more in interest payments just to purchase a house.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77784

File: 0818fafb5d12739⋯.png (1.01 MB,1170x783,130:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306232 (060051ZAUG23) Notable: WHIRLPOOL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306234 (060051ZAUG23) Notable: Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> drip drip drip

Chinese water torture

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7922f1 No.77786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306248 (060053ZAUG23) Notable: Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“The water drips down slowly, slowly“

Slow Drip > Flood

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7922f1 No.77787

File: 5ad9b899b7de8d2⋯.jpg (2.16 MB,1853x2299,1853:2299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306251 (060054ZAUG23) Notable: Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Chinese water torture

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77788

File: b832b85ffda2ef6⋯.png (72.87 KB,255x160,51:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306260 (060055ZAUG23) Notable: Calm down, Im coming back. You back now. Brandon fuck up everything

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306262 (060056ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We have more oil, I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, under our feet, than any other nation in the world…these guys get in, because the election was rigged, they get into office, and what do they do? Let's stop drilling. Oil prices at the highest prices ever, and they say, 'let's stop drilling'. When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, 'let's drill and make a fortune, and let's pay off debt, and let's lower people's taxes.' But they didn't do that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We have more oil, I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, under our feet, than any other nation in the world...these guys get in, because the election was rigged, they get into office, and what do they do? Let's stop drilling. Oil prices at the highest prices ever, and they say, 'let's stop drilling'. When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, 'let's drill and make a fortune, and let's pay off debt, and let's lower people's taxes.' But they didn't do that.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77790

File: 7ac83f728740c4a⋯.png (317.05 KB,352x348,88:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306274 (060058ZAUG23) Notable: Kicking Biden'S Ass

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77791

File: adc401dce8e2664⋯.png (889.4 KB,1115x749,1115:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306280 (060058ZAUG23) Notable: Kicking Biden'S Ass

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kicking Biden's ass, HUGE applause


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7922f1 No.77792

File: 9431eae64c8b56e⋯.png (1.21 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306281 (060058ZAUG23) Notable: Kicking Biden'S Ass

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77793

File: 951f1c1a2619a60⋯.jpg (104.91 KB,480x569,480:569,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306282 (060059ZAUG23) Notable: Kicking Biden'S Ass

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306284 (060059ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: In virtually ever poll, we are kicking Biden's ass…and if I wasn't, we wouldn't be under investigation by Deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged human being. You take a look at that face you say, 'that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with him.'…This guy's a maniac.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: In virtually ever poll, we are kicking Biden's ass...and if I wasn't, we wouldn't be under investigation by Deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged human being. You take a look at that face you say, 'that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with him.'...This guy's a maniac.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306288 (060100ZAUG23) Notable: They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77796

File: 103f6550f7c0c6f⋯.png (1.17 MB,680x769,680:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306290 (060100ZAUG23) Notable: They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77797

File: 201cc8ce0d9acdf⋯.jpg (177.02 KB,1080x762,180:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306292 (060100ZAUG23) Notable: They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306295 (060101ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I'm telling you, Lindsay, they have something on Mitch McConnell…They've got something on Mitch McConnell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I'm telling you, Lindsay, they have something on Mitch McConnell...They've got something on Mitch McConnell

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306311 (060103ZAUG23) Notable: They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Catatonic Mitch looks like he recently lost his Co Co Chow (CCP). That's my thinking and I'm sticking to it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77800

File: 42a66972ef19c43⋯.png (3.95 MB,2478x1232,177:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 959ebdfdae43bae⋯.png (675.66 KB,874x508,437:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306315 (060103ZAUG23) Notable: Lindsay worried that a nuclear bomb would come not by a warhead but through the port of Charleston

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

anons remember this? lindsay worried that a nuclear bomb would come not by a warhead but through the port of charleston

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306327 (060105ZAUG23) Notable: "Im Under The Presidential Records Act, He’S Under Nothing" Trump On Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306334 (060106ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: As soon as we get back in the White House, I will end the disaster known as 'Bidenomics, and we will once again implement the proven economic formula that puts America First. We're going to put America First. They don't put America First. And very quickly, our economy will be great again, and our country will be absolutely, like I say, fairly quickly, like never before, we'll get it to a level that we had it up to, and we'll do things that nobody will believe.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: As soon as we get back in the White House, I will end the disaster known as 'Bidenomics, and we will once again implement the proven economic formula that puts America First. We're going to put America First. They don't put America First. And very quickly, our economy will be great again, and our country will be absolutely, like I say, fairly quickly, like never before, we'll get it to a level that we had it up to, and we'll do things that nobody will believe.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306344 (060108ZAUG23) Notable: "Im Under The Presidential Records Act, He’S Under Nothing" Trump On Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Baiting Obama.. who classified the docs for potato

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306348 (060109ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: To terminate this crippling electrical vehicle mandate; we're going to do it, we're going to do it fast, and we will stop having all of these cars being built in China. We're building our cars back here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: To terminate this crippling electrical vehicle mandate; we're going to do it, we're going to do it fast, and we will stop having all of these cars being built in China. We're building our cars back here.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77805

File: 9b697a9dd6d769e⋯.png (384.35 KB,705x469,705:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306363 (060110ZAUG23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Texas Power Prices to Surge 800% on Sunday Amid Searing Heat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Texas Power Prices to Surge 800% on Sunday Amid Searing Heat

Electricity prices for the grid rose to more than $2,500 a megawatt-hour for Sunday evening, up from Saturday’s high of about $275, according to data from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the grid operator. The surplus of available power capacity on the grid versus power consumption will narrow to 1.6 gigawatts in the hour ending at 6 p.m. Sunday, a level that can trigger emergency responses, though Ercot has additional reserves it can tap to meet demand.

Sat, August 5, 2023 at 2:10 PM CDT


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306369 (060110ZAUG23) Notable: Trump- He's either the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen, or somethings going on. Something's going on.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump- He's either the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen, or somethings going on.

Something's going on.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306374 (060111ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: To bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to South Carolina, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. So if they want to sell into our country, and if they want to take our jobs by doing that, we're going to have a tax. That's going to be a Privilege Tax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: To bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to South Carolina, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. So if they want to sell into our country, and if they want to take our jobs by doing that, we're going to have a tax. That's going to be a Privilege Tax.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306389 (060113ZAUG23) Notable: HOLY COW. He's talking about ending the FED and income taxes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HOLY COW. He's talking about ending the FED and income taxes.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306408 (060115ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: These border taxes, we're going to have to do it. Our country can become immediately rich, so rich, like never before. Look back into 1890s, look back; we were taking in money, and it's not so different. It's a long time ago, but that's when we ran our country smart.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: These border taxes, we're going to have to do it. Our country can become immediately rich, so rich, like never before. Look back into 1890s, look back; we were taking in money, and it's not so different. It's a long time ago, but that's when we ran our country smart.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306452 (060119ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: What this man [Biden] is doing to the country; he's either the dumbest human being alive, and I think, honestly, I do believe it's run not by him. All of this stuff. How can you cheat on an election so well and be dumb? How can you do that? But he's surrounded by marxists, communists, and they're smart. But either they're evil, or they dont know; I really believe they hate our country, because nobody can allow this to happen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: What this man [Biden] is doing to the country; he's either the dumbest human being alive, and I think, honestly, I do believe it's run not by him. All of this stuff. How can you cheat on an election so well and be dumb? How can you do that? But he's surrounded by marxists, communists, and they're smart. But either they're evil, or they dont know; I really believe they hate our country, because nobody can allow this to happen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77811

File: 79dd2130f8602cd⋯.png (1.23 MB,1169x640,1169:640,Clipboard.png)

File: b001a4f46e8fc2d⋯.png (312.34 KB,560x617,560:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306466 (060121ZAUG23) Notable: CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

Aug. 5, 2023 7:20 pm


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7922f1 No.77812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306470 (060121ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: If we simply returned to the amount of government spending that we had under my leadership in 2018, we would, right now, have a balanced budget.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: If we simply returned to the amount of government spending that we had under my leadership in 2018, we would, right now, have a balanced budget.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306522 (060128ZAUG23) Notable: Boss talking water a ton tonight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boss talking water a ton tonight

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77814

File: 0c071bbd3a0076a⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306532 (060129ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Barr and Jack Smith in CAHOOTs? (Cap 0:17)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/19303453 pb

>>>/qresearch/19302469 pb


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77815

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306535 (060130ZAUG23) Notable: "I'm telling you Lindsey they have something on Mitch McConnell!" President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner (Cap 0:28)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I'm telling you Lindsey they have something on Mitch McConnell!" President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77816

File: 9eab9b162d61e41⋯.jpeg (162.91 KB,1200x1299,400:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306539 (060130ZAUG23) Notable: I'm being indicted for you - PDJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306544 (060131ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We did such a great job [border] that it no longer became a subject. It was never a debate subject. Nobody ever mentioned the border. And these clowns got in, and right from the beginning, they opened up the country. They welcomed everybody, and as soon as they welcomed, everybody came in. Now they want to give them free education, free hospital; in the mean time, we don't take care of our veterans. Our veterans are laying out all over the streets. It's a horrible thing they've done to our country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We did such a great job [border] that it no longer became a subject. It was never a debate subject. Nobody ever mentioned the border. And these clowns got in, and right from the beginning, they opened up the country. They welcomed everybody, and as soon as they welcomed, everybody came in. Now they want to give them free education, free hospital; in the mean time, we don't take care of our veterans. Our veterans are laying out all over the streets. It's a horrible thing they've done to our country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306558 (060134ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: There's a lot to criticize [2020 election], which you'll find out over the coming weeks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: There's a lot to criticize [2020 election], which you'll find out over the coming weeks.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77819

File: 5b8257f2dc3667b⋯.png (64.75 KB,749x431,749:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306573 (060136ZAUG23) Notable: Stephen Miller Retweeted: the Mexican cartels have hacked the CBP One app and found a way to request immigration appointments for anyone in the world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephen Miller Retweeted

Victor Avila

The Mexican cartels have hacked the CBP One app and found a way to request immigration appointments for anyone in the world.

Anyone with half a brain saw this coming.

So now, our border is officially being run by the cartels.

Mayorkas should be thrown out of his position over this, but as usual, he gets off without any issue.

3:29 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306582 (060137ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: They don't go after the people that rigged the election, they go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They don't go after the people that rigged the election, they go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306605 (060139ZAUG23) Notable: I WILL PREVENT WORLD WAR THREE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306639 (060143ZAUG23) Notable: #23711-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>77767 Governor McMaster [GOP Dinner]: The policies, practices and initiatives of the administration of President Donald Trump, opened doors, sparked opportunities, and unleashed American Power the whole way. He was with us the whole way. All of this, despite the rumblings of secret deep state opposition, and the barrage of unfounded criticism, and even unjustified impeachments.

>>77769 McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

>>77771 McMaster: Our leader is here, he is behind the curtain, and he is ready.

>>77779 President Trump: One of the most important issues of the campaign will be, who can rescue our country from the burning wreckage of 'Bidenomics'. You know what that stands for, right? Henceforth, it will be defined as inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.

>>77780 President Trump: Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by seven thousand, four-hundred dollars per family. And under President Trump, yearly income went up, on average, six thousand dollars. Nobody's ever come close to that number.

>>77783 President Trump: Inflation has reached the highest level in half-century, and mortgage rates are now pushing a brutal seven percent, and they are going much higher. Americans now have to pay three hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more in interest payments just to purchase a house.

>>77789 President Trump: We have more oil, I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, under our feet, than any other nation in the world…these guys get in, because the election was rigged, they get into office, and what do they do? Let's stop drilling. Oil prices at the highest prices ever, and they say, 'let's stop drilling'. When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, 'let's drill and make a fortune, and let's pay off debt, and let's lower people's taxes.' But they didn't do that.

>>77794 President Trump: In virtually ever poll, we are kicking Biden's ass…and if I wasn't, we wouldn't be under investigation by Deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged human being. You take a look at that face you say, 'that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with him.'…This guy's a maniac.

>>77798 President Trump: I'm telling you, Lindsay, they have something on Mitch McConnell…They've got something on Mitch McConnell

>>77802 President Trump: As soon as we get back in the White House, I will end the disaster known as 'Bidenomics, and we will once again implement the proven economic formula that puts America First. We're going to put America First. They don't put America First. And very quickly, our economy will be great again, and our country will be absolutely, like I say, fairly quickly, like never before, we'll get it to a level that we had it up to, and we'll do things that nobody will believe.

>>77804 President Trump: To terminate this crippling electrical vehicle mandate; we're going to do it, we're going to do it fast, and we will stop having all of these cars being built in China. We're building our cars back here.

>>77807 President Trump: To bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to South Carolina, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. So if they want to sell into our country, and if they want to take our jobs by doing that, we're going to have a tax. That's going to be a Privilege Tax.

>>77809 President Trump: These border taxes, we're going to have to do it. Our country can become immediately rich, so rich, like never before. Look back into 1890s, look back; we were taking in money, and it's not so different. It's a long time ago, but that's when we ran our country smart.

>>77810 President Trump: What this man [Biden] is doing to the country; he's either the dumbest human being alive, and I think, honestly, I do believe it's run not by him. All of this stuff. How can you cheat on an election so well and be dumb? How can you do that? But he's surrounded by marxists, communists, and they're smart. But either they're evil, or they dont know; I really believe they hate our country, because nobody can allow this to happen.

>>77812 President Trump: If we simply returned to the amount of government spending that we had under my leadership in 2018, we would, right now, have a balanced budget.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306645 (060143ZAUG23) Notable: #23711-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>77817 President Trump: We did such a great job [border] that it no longer became a subject. It was never a debate subject. Nobody ever mentioned the border. And these clowns got in, and right from the beginning, they opened up the country. They welcomed everybody, and as soon as they welcomed, everybody came in. Now they want to give them free education, free hospital; in the mean time, we don't take care of our veterans. Our veterans are laying out all over the streets. It's a horrible thing they've done to our country.

>>77818 President Trump: There's a lot to criticize [2020 election], which you'll find out over the coming weeks.

>>77820 President Trump: They don't go after the people that rigged the election, they go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it.

>>77759, >>77770, >>77758 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

>>77772, >>77773, >>77774, >>77775, >>77776, >>77778, >>77777 Screen shots of President Trump

>>77782, >>77781, >>77786, >>77785, >>77787 Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out


>>77815 "I'm telling you Lindsey they have something on Mitch McConnell!" President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner (Cap 0:28)

>>77788 Calm down, Im coming back. You back now. Brandon fuck up everything

>>77790, >>77793, >>77791, >>77792 Kicking Biden'S Ass

>>77797, >>77795, >>77796, >>77799 They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

>>77800 Lindsay worried that a nuclear bomb would come not by a warhead but through the port of Charleston

>>77801, >>77803 "Im Under The Presidential Records Act, He’S Under Nothing" Trump On Biden

>>77806 Trump- He's either the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen, or somethings going on. Something's going on.

>>77808 HOLY COW. He's talking about ending the FED and income taxes.

>>77813 Boss talking water a ton tonight

>>77816 I'm being indicted for you - PDJT


>>77814 Bill Barr and Jack Smith in CAHOOTs? (Cap 0:17)

>>77760 “Trusting in God and helping each other, we can and will preserve the dream of America, the last best hope of man on Earth.” #RonaldReagan #InGodWeTrust #America

>>77765 Ukraine shells Donetsk with cluster munitions

>>77761, >>77762, >>77763, >>77764, >>77766 Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

>>77768 Lara Logan A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp

>>77805 FAKE NEWS: Texas Power Prices to Surge 800% on Sunday Amid Searing Heat

>>77811 CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

>>77819 Stephen Miller Retweeted: the Mexican cartels have hacked the CBP One app and found a way to request immigration appointments for anyone in the world.

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7922f1 No.77824

File: 3a5a04707e77933⋯.png (689.36 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b05f121f22ee3b⋯.png (2.24 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306708 (060155ZAUG23) Notable: #23712

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306721 (060157ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT said in regards to mutilation These people are sick

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PDJT said in regards to mutilation These people are sick

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77826

File: ebd918ba25f27c4⋯.png (279.22 KB,1283x670,1283:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306722 (060157ZAUG23) Notable: Navy and Marine Corps Announce Large Scale Exercise 2023

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Navy and Marine Corps Announce Large Scale Exercise 2023

LSE 2023 brings together the combined firepower of the Navy and Marine Corps team across six maritime component commands, seven numbered fleets, and 22 time zones. The exercise is scheduled to run from Aug 9-18.

“The ability to command and control our operations across 22 time zones is how we will fight and win in a global environment against our competitors,” said Caudle. “To do so, we have to globally synchronize precision and timing in order to conduct high-end modern warfare.”

LSE 2023 merges real-world operations with virtually constructed scenarios to create a realistic training environment that allows our Sailors and Marines to train the way we fight, regardless of geographic boundaries.

LSE was designed to reinforce the Chief of Naval Operations’ effort to set the stage for advancing naval doctrine and tactics by globally integrating fleet operations with emerging technologies to refine and validate Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO) capabilities.

“Conducting these operations in a live, virtual, and constructive manner is key,” said Cavanaugh. “From the tactical end where we have the Sailors and Marines doing operations on the ground or at sea, all the way up to the command and control aspect, our ability to synchronize and conduct those operations are critical.”

LSE 2023 is the second iteration of this exercise and builds on lessons learned from LSE 2021 and warfighting concepts refined through Fleet Battle Problems.

To learn more about LSE 2023, watch this video.

Participating units will include:

- Six naval and Marine Corps component commands:

U.S. Fleet Forces Command

U.S. Pacific Fleet

U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Command

Marine Forces Command

U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa

U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific

- Seven U.S. numbered Fleets:








Watch the water?


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7922f1 No.77827

File: 706d8e2208e5fff⋯.jpg (142.96 KB,998x594,499:297,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306723 (060157ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT said in regards to mutilation These people are sick

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/19306667 (Lb)

>PDJT said These people are sick

these people are sick

Anon cap it?

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7922f1 No.77828

File: 063a3d8ec0c1e6a⋯.png (16.59 KB,264x274,132:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306726 (060158ZAUG23) Notable: The Last Indictment will be Magical

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Last Indictment will be Magical

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306738 (060159ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: They want to defund the police, and they also want to take away your guns. No, you can't do that. Especially where we are right now as a nation. You can't do that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They want to defund the police, and they also want to take away your guns. No, you can't do that. Especially where we are right now as a nation. You can't do that.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306742 (060200ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Two thousand, twenty-four, is our final, biggest, and most important battle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Two thousand, twenty-four, is our final, biggest, and most important battle.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306744 (060200ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: The Catholic Church is under siege by these crooked prosecutors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump: The Catholic Church is under siege by these crooked prosecutors.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306746 (060200ZAUG23) Notable: Ammunition spent

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2d9344 No.5837376📁

Mar 22 2019 21:42:48 (EST)

[They] thought it was coming last Friday.

Ammunition spent.


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7922f1 No.77833

File: 0bc395336a0d581⋯.webp (44.8 KB,605x403,605:403,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306789 (060205ZAUG23) Notable: Elaine Chow, Mitch Mcconnells wife fuckery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Coco Chow is cryptonym for CCP Chinese infiltration Big Kahuna spy. Her husband is a traitor. To be hung.

The Honorable Elaine Chow. 40 million. Where the fuck did she/they get 40 million just to GIVE AWAY. I'll tell you where with a team.


Chao family gives $40 million to HBS

Chao family gives $40 million to HBS

Re: The Honorable Elaine Chao (MBA '79) & Nitin Nohria


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7922f1 No.77834

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306812 (060208ZAUG23) Notable: Full Notes Collected From South Carolina Trump Rally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023



President Trump: One of the most important issues of the campaign will be, who can rescue our country from the burning wreckage of 'Bidenomics'. You know what that stands for, right? Henceforth, it will be defined as inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.

President Trump: Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by seven thousand, four-hundred dollars per family. And under President Trump, yearly income went up, on average, six thousand dollars. Nobody's ever come close to that number.

President Trump: Inflation has reached the highest level in half-century, and mortgage rates are now pushing a brutal seven percent, and they are going much higher. Americans now have to pay three hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more in interest payments just to purchase a house.

President Trump: We have more oil, I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, under our feet, than any other nation in the world…these guys get in, because the election was rigged, they get into office, and what do they do? Let's stop drilling. Oil prices at the highest prices ever, and they say, 'let's stop drilling'. When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, 'let's drill and make a fortune, and let's pay off debt, and let's lower people's taxes.' But they didn't do that.

President Trump: In virtually ever poll, we are kicking Biden's ass…and if I wasn't, we wouldn't be under investigation by Deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged human being. You take a look at that face you say, 'that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with him.'…This guy's a maniac.

President Trump: I'm telling you, Lindsay, they have something on Mitch McConnell…They've got something on Mitch McConnell

President Trump: As soon as we get back in the White House, I will end the disaster known as 'Bidenomics, and we will once again implement the proven economic formula that puts America First. We're going to put America First. They don't put America First. And very quickly, our economy will be great again, and our country will be absolutely, like I say, fairly quickly, like never before, we'll get it to a level that we had it up to, and we'll do things that nobody will believe.


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7922f1 No.77835

File: adc1b9039f8efba⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306817 (060209ZAUG23) Notable: Full Notes Collected From South Carolina Trump Rally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump: To terminate this crippling electrical vehicle mandate; we're going to do it, we're going to do it fast, and we will stop having all of these cars being built in China. We're building our cars back here.

President Trump: To bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to South Carolina, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. So if they want to sell into our country, and if they want to take our jobs by doing that, we're going to have a tax. That's going to be a Privilege Tax.

President Trump: These border taxes, we're going to have to do it. Our country can become immediately rich, so rich, like never before. Look back into 1890s, look back; we were taking in money, and it's not so different. It's a long time ago, but that's when we ran our country smart.

President Trump: What this man [Biden] is doing to the country; he's either the dumbest human being alive, and I think, honestly, I do believe it's run not by him. All of this stuff. How can you cheat on an election so well and be dumb? How can you do that? But he's surrounded by marxists, communists, and they're smart. But either they're evil, or they dont know; I really believe they hate our country, because nobody can allow this to happen.

President Trump: If we simply returned to the amount of government spending that we had under my leadership in 2018, we would, right now, have a balanced budget.

President Trump: We did such a great job [border] that it no longer became a subject. It was never a debate subject. Nobody ever mentioned the border. And these clowns got in, and right from the beginning, they opened up the country. They welcomed everybody, and as soon as they welcomed, everybody came in. Now they want to give them free education, free hospital; in the mean time, we don't take care of our veterans. Our veterans are laying out all over the streets. It's a horrible thing they've done to our country.

President Trump: There's a lot to criticize [2020 election], which you'll find out over the coming weeks.

President Trump: They don't go after the people that rigged the election, they go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it.

President Trump: The Catholic Church is under siege by these crooked prosecutors.

President Trump: They want to defund the police, and they also want to take away your guns. No, you can't do that. Especially where we are right now as a nation. You can't do that.

President Trump: Two thousand, twenty-four, is our final, biggest, and most important battle.


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7922f1 No.77836

File: 2670a4b67b4d0b7⋯.png (141.76 KB,421x462,421:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306831 (060211ZAUG23) Notable: Patrick Wojahn, the erstwhile Democratic mayor of College Park, Maryland acing Decades in Prison After Pleading Guilty to 140 Counts Of Child Porn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🔴 Former Democrat Mayor Facing Decades in Prison After Pleading Guilty to 140 Counts Of Child Porn


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7922f1 No.77837

File: 36e58603191c3c6⋯.png (39.52 KB,748x341,68:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306840 (060212ZAUG23) Notable: For keks Caturd: Obama fantasy drowing bingo card 17 million, Roseanne Barr: I did.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Catturd ™·2h

I didn’t have Obama gay fantasy articles and a controversial drowning on Obama’s 17 million dollar property on my bingo card this week.

Roseanne Barr

I did.

7:59 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306850 (060213ZAUG23) Notable: Elaine Chow, Mitch Mcconnells wife fuckery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Make sense 40 years later they can piss out 40 million usd like filling up your gas tank. Only in America. We haven't even touch on how she became the Chinese Courtesan to a powerful US Senator. You're watching a movie all right. Since you were born. 😎

In 1961, at the age of 8, Chao came to the United States on a 37-day freight ship journey along with her mother and two younger sisters. Her father had arrived in New York three years earlier after receiving a scholarship.

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7922f1 No.77839

File: c3651d715691c1a⋯.png (483.99 KB,755x442,755:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306851 (060213ZAUG23) Notable: Charlotte Pride gives Harvey milk award to registered child sex offender Chad Turner has used other aliases such as Chad Sevealance, Chad Sevearance, and Eugene Severance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


American News Aug 5, 2023

Charlotte Pride gives Harvey milk award to registered child sex offender

Turner was found guilty of committing a "lewd act on [a] child under 16."

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7922f1 No.77840

File: 0fb5efe0237297a⋯.png (1.33 MB,1254x830,627:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306879 (060216ZAUG23) Notable: The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Democrats will be defending a slim Senate majority in 2024. Here's an early look at the states that will likely be in play for both political parties.

John L. Dorman Jul 4, 2023, 6:12 PM BST


The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race — are approaching.

Democrats will have to defend several vulnerable incumbents in swing and GOP-heavy states.

However, the party has held their own in the last three cycles in navigating tough Senate races.

In the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats defied political expectations by holding on to their Senate majority, with every incumbent securing reelection and then-Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman flipping the open seat being vacated by retiring Republican Sen. Pat Toomey.

The upper chamber in January then shifted from its previous 50-50 split — with Senate control in 2021 and 2022 resting on Vice President Kamala Harris' tiebreaking abilities — to a 51-49 majority led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York. And despite Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema switching from the Democratic Party to register as an Independent late last year, she continues to retain her committee assignments through her former party, and the lawmaker herself downplayed any notion that she would change her voting habits.

However, the class of senators who were elected and reelected in 2018 — a Democratic wave year that saw several vulnerable red-state members of the party win and lose — will face a challenging map in 2024.

A lot of the party's performance will be tied to President Joe Biden, who has not yet announced if he is running for reelection, though it is expected that he will do so. But former President Donald Trump — whose political brand took a huge hit last month after he endorsed multiple candidates who lost their races — has already thrown his hat into the race.

In 2024, 34 seats will be up for grabs, including 20 currently held by Democrats, 11 held by Republicans, and three currently held by Independents.

Here are some of the key states that both parties will likely target:


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7922f1 No.77841

File: 73346517b282b79⋯.png (1003.26 KB,917x785,917:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306896 (060219ZAUG23) Notable: The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Sinema's party switch gave Democrats jitters while they were still rejoicing Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock's runoff victory last December, but her decision so far hasn't impaired the party's ability to move legislation and approve judicial nominations. However, Sinema's election itself is another matter; she has not yet announced whether she will run for reelection next year, but the Wall Street Journal reported that she is mapping out a potential campaign. If Sinema runs again, she'll set herself up for an epic clash with Rep. Ruben Gallego, who announced his campaign for the Democratic nomination in January 2023 and remains the most prominent candidate for the party.

Both Sinema and Gallego could very well end up in a three-way race with a Republican candidate, potentially splitting Democratic-leaning voters and affording the GOP a much-desired win. Gallego could also rally support among base Democrats — who have become increasingly disenchanted with Sinema over her opposition changing filibuster rules to pass key voting-rights legislation — along with Independents who have soured on the incumbent lawmaker.

Those scenarios would not only complicate Sinema's standing in the Senate, but force Democrats to decide whether they will back her candidacy or get behind Gallego. Democrats have made major inroads in Arizona in recent years, and the party would like to keep the seat out of Republican hands.

Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, a conservative who has pushed for stronger security measures at the US-Mexico border, is the first big-name Republican to jump into the race. Other potential GOP candidates include 2022 gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake and 2022 Senate nominee Blake Masters, who lost to Gov. Katie Hobbs and Sen. Mark Kelly, respectively. Jim Lamon, a former solar energy executive who ran for the party's nomination last year, has also been mentioned as a potential candidate.


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7922f1 No.77842

File: 965ce96185305b7⋯.png (93.59 KB,220x275,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306907 (060220ZAUG23) Notable: Elaine Lan Chao: I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: MKconnel I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

Elaine Lan Chao

James S. C. Chao, who began his career as a merchant mariner and in 1964 founded the shipping company Foremost Maritime Corporation in New York City,

In 1986, Chao became Deputy Administrator of the Maritime Administration in the U.S. Department of Transportation.

From 1988 to 1989, she served as Chairwoman of the Federal Maritime Commission


*from 1991 to 1992, she was the Director of the Peace Corps

Mitch Traffics Children Worldwide with the help of his wife via Foremost Maritime Corporation

>prove me wrong anons, you cant

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7922f1 No.77843

File: 07cde45c7b9f962⋯.png (1.03 MB,919x703,919:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306913 (060220ZAUG23) Notable: The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a popular lawmaker now in her fourth term, announced in January that she would not run for reelection next year.

Stabenow, the chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, was most recently reelected in 2018 by 6.5% against now-GOP Rep. John James.

Republicans would very much like to flip this seat, but Michigan Democrats had a banner year last November — sweeping the top statewide offices and retaking control of the full legislature — and Biden is expected to compete hard in the state if he runs for reelection.

Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a moderate Democrat who represents a Lansing-area swing district that stretches to rural and suburban areas northwest of Detroit, announced in February that she would enter the Senate race.

Slotkin, a former CIA analyst and the acting assistant defense secretary for international security affairs in the administration of President Barack Obama, is the most prominent elected official to seek the Democratic nomination.

The congresswoman, who was first elected in 2018, said in her announcement video that she would focus on bolstering the middle class "in the state that invented the middle class" if voters send her to the Senate.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Reps. Debbie Dingell and Haley Stevens, and state Sen. Mallory McMorrow have all ruled out Senate campaigns.

The actor Hill Harper, best known for his roles on "CSI: NY" and "The Good Doctor," jumped into the Democratic primary in July, while businessman Nasser Beydoun, former state Rep. Leslie Love, Michigan State Board of Education president Pamela Pugh, and attorney Zack Burns are also angling for the party nod.

Four Republicans are currently in the race: Nikki Snyder, a member of the Michigan State Board of Education; Ezra Scott, a former Berrien County Commissioner; Michael Hoover, a small business owner; and Alexandria Taylor, an attorney.

Other GOP candidates who could potentially compete in the contest include Rep. Lisa McClain, former Reps. Peter Meijer and Mike Rogers, state Sen. Ruth Johnson, and former Detroit police chief James Craig.

James in February said that he would seek reelection to his House seat anchored in suburban Detroit.

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7922f1 No.77844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306918 (060222ZAUG23) Notable: The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Democratic Sen. Jon Tester is a political survivor, having first won in conservative-leaning Montana in 2006 before winning tough reelection contests in 2012 and 2018.

And Tester hopes to keep the streak going, announcing in February that he'll seek a fourth Senate term in 2024.

Despite the Republican orientation of the state, Tester has a solid political brand and has been able to appeal to many of the state's Independents and Republicans in past elections. But the GOP continues to covet his seat.

Former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy, a favorite of Republican leaders in Washington, jumped into the GOP primary last month and quickly earned the endorsement of Rep. Ryan Zinke, a former Interior secretary under President Donald Trump.

Rep. Matt Rosendale, a Trump-aligned conservative who lost to Tester in 2018, could potentially seek the nomination once again.


Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen is running for a second term in office in one of the most competitive battleground states in the country. In 2018, Rosen, then a first-term congresswoman, ousted then-GOP Sen. Dean Heller by 5 points.

Next year, Rosen will be running for reelection when Nevada will be a top target for the eventual presidential nominees of both parties.

Senate candidates on the Republican side include Army veteran and businessman Sam Brown, former state lawmaker Jim Marchant, attorney Ronda Kennedy, and and real estate broker Stephanie Phillips.

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7922f1 No.77845

File: 95b83607917b59d⋯.png (611.24 KB,1160x953,1160:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306931 (060224ZAUG23) Notable: FAKE NEWS Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge

The Justice Department has asked a federal judge overseeing the criminal case against former President Donald Trump in Washington to step in after he released a post online that appeared to promise revenge on anyone who goes after him.

Prosecutors on Friday requested that U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan issue a protective order concerning evidence in the case, a day after Trump pleaded not guilty to charges of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss and block the peaceful transition of power. The order, different from a “gag order,” would limit what information Trump and his legal team could share publicly about the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

Chutkan on Saturday gave Trump’s legal team until 5 p.m. Monday to respond to the government’s request. Trump’s legal team, which has indicated he would look to slow the case down despite prosecutors’ pledge of a speedy trial, then filed a request to extend the response deadline to Thursday and to hold a hearing on the matter, saying it needed more time for discussion.

Chutkan swiftly denied that extension request Saturday evening, reaffirming that Trump must abide by Monday’s deadline. ...


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7922f1 No.77846

File: 44fc1d0234c9aca⋯.png (241.01 KB,599x557,599:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306941 (060225ZAUG23) Notable: FEMA and the FCC have announced on Wed October 4th 2023 they will test Wireless Emergency Alerts and the Emergency Alerts Systems… (Cap 4:02)

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FEMA and the FCC have announced on Wed October 4th 2023 they will test Wireless Emergency Alerts and the Emergency Alerts Systems...

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7922f1 No.77847

File: 6d44a0a351270e3⋯.png (867.48 KB,927x706,927:706,Clipboard.png)

File: e0344b3f610560b⋯.png (818.2 KB,968x700,242:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306953 (060225ZAUG23) Notable: The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

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Sherrod Brown, who was also elected to the Senate in 2006, is running for a fourth term. He has maintained a strong populist connection with his constituents despite the continued reddening of Ohio, which was once the nation's premier swing state.

Republicans see the Ohio seat as one of their biggest targets next year, but Brown has proven to be an effective candidate adept at winning over Independents and even a slice of conservative-leaning voters.

GOP state Sen. Matt Dolan, who also ran for the US Senate in 2022 but fell short in the Republican primary to now-Sen. JD Vance, is seeking the party's nomination. Businessman Bernie Moreno, another candidate who ran last year, is also in the GOP race.

In July, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced that he would also seek the GOP nomination.


Democratic Sen. Bob Casey Jr., who was first elected to the upper chamber in 2006, is seeking a fourth term in 2024.

Casey, who has won all three of his prior Senate races with relative ease, will likely benefit from running in a presidential year when turnout in the Democratic strongholds of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh is poised to be very high.

However, Casey has also generally done well in many of the state's working-class towns and cities, and he could post an electoral performance similar to Fetterman, who dominated in the vote-rich Philadelphia suburbs last year.

David McCormick, who narrowly lost the 2022 Republican Senate primary to Dr. Mehmet Oz, is a potential candidate.

West Virginia

Sen. Joe Manchin has not yet announced his intentions for 2024, but he is likely the only Democrat who can hold the seat in such a challenging state for his party. West Virginia was Trump's second-best performing state in the 2020 election, so Manchin will have to win a lot of ticket-splitters to secure another term in the nation's capital.

That said, he has done it before, winning in 2018 despite Republicans going all-out to defeat him, and a dominant 2012 win when the ticket was led by Barack Obama, who was thoroughly shellacked in the Mountain State by Mitt Romney.

On the Republican side, Gov. Jim Justice jumped into the race in late April, joining Rep. Alex Mooney, who entered the primary last November. The GOP has been ascendant in the Mountain State in recent years, but a primary featuring Justice, Mooney, and any other major entrants could become very negative and in turn boost Manchin.

The GOP has long eyed the seat, but Manchin, a former governor, is known for his strong retail politics — and many Republicans acknowledge that he will be a formidable candidate if he chooses to run next year.


Sen. Tammy Baldwin announced in April that she will seek a third term in the upper chamber.

While Wisconsin in recent years has been one of the most politically-polarized states in the country, Baldwin was able to win over many rural and exurban voters during her 2012 and 2018 campaigns — while also racking up large margins in the Democratic-heavy population centers of Milwaukee and Madison.

Republicans will almost certainly try to field a strong candidate, but Baldwin has been able to navigate the sharp ideological divides in her state in a way that has bedeviled members of both parties.

GOP Reps. Mike Gallagher and Bryan Steil have both indicated that they would not enter the race.


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7922f1 No.77848

File: 89cadd0c108e27f⋯.png (445.8 KB,594x599,594:599,Clipboard.png)

File: a5b715095bdadfc⋯.png (732.86 KB,649x397,649:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306957 (060226ZAUG23) Notable: CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

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The Gateway Pundit


CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites (VIDEO) @gatewaypundit


CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden's Name...

Guest post by David Greyson In what appears to be desperation, the Biden Administration is putting signs with Biden’s name on them up at construction sites in an attempt to boost weak poll numbers.

1:25 PM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306977 (060230ZAUG23) Notable: Elaine Lan Chao: I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

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And she is Chinese Taiwan vs Mainland.

Check out daddy. A historian from the Anhui family? and James S. C. Chao?

Let's cut the crap. Just say chinks hired by American spooks with loads of money.

Elaine Chao was born in Taipei, Taiwan, on March 26, 1953. She is the eldest of six daughters of Ruth Mulan Chu Chao, a historian from an Anhui family, and James S. C. Chao, who began his career as a merchant mariner and in 1964 founded the shipping company Foremost Maritime Corporation in New York City, which developed into the Foremost Group. In 1961,

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7922f1 No.77850

File: 47e820616a9434d⋯.mp4 (13.65 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306984 (060231ZAUG23) Notable: FEMA and the FCC have announced on Wed October 4th 2023 they will test Wireless Emergency Alerts and the Emergency Alerts Systems… (Cap 4:02)

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7922f1 No.77851

File: f588ef4de3013b3⋯.png (176.94 KB,421x351,421:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306989 (060232ZAUG23) Notable: Good question why isn’t Jenna Ellis named as a co-conspirator? Is it because she’s too busy working for Ron DeSantis right now?

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Good question why isn’t Jenna Ellis named as a co-conspirator? Is it because she’s too busy working for Ron DeSantis right now?

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7922f1 No.77852

File: 6aef477ee4c29e9⋯.png (38.04 KB,533x687,533:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19306991 (060232ZAUG23) Notable: Ammunition spent

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7922f1 No.77853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307007 (060235ZAUG23) Notable: Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company

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Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company

After drugs were found aboard the Ping May, a vessel owned by his wife’s family’s company, Colombian authorities are investigating.

Lee Fang October 30, 2014

Before the Ping May, a rusty cargo vessel, could disembark from the port of Santa Marta en route to the Netherlands in late August, Colombian inspectors boarded the boat and made a discovery. Hidden in the ship’s chain locker, amidst its load of coal bound for Europe, were approximately 40 kilograms, or about ninety pounds, of cocaine. A Colombian Coast Guard official told The Nation that there is an ongoing investigation.

The seizure of the narcotics shipment in the Caribbean port occurred far away from Kentucky, the state in which Senator Mitch McConnell is now facing a career-defining election. But the Republican Senate minority leader has the closest of ties to the owner of the Ping May, the vessel containing the illicit materials: the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a firm founded and owned by McConnell’s in-laws, the Chao family.

Though Foremost has played a pivotal role in McConnell’s life, bestowing the senator with most of his personal wealth and generating thousands in donations to his campaign committees, the drug bust went unnoticed in Kentucky, where every bit of McConnell-related news has generated fodder for the campaign trail. That’s because, like many international shipping companies, Chao’s firm is shrouded from public view, concealing its identity and limiting its legal liability through an array of tax shelters and foreign registrations. Registered through a limited liability company in the Marshall Islands, the Ping May flies the Liberian flag.

McConnell’s ties to the Chaos go back to the late 1980s, when James Chao began donating to the senator. In 1993, McConnell married James’s daughter, Elaine Chao, a Republican activist and former Reagan administration official who would later serve as secretary of labor in the George W. Bush cabinet. James Chao emigrated to the United States from Taiwan, and founded the Foremost Maritime Corporation upon settling in New York. The company has grown significantly over the years, from acting as maritime agent during the Vietnam War to controlling a fleet of approximately sixteen dry-bulk cargo ships in operation today.

Foremost acts as a shipping agent, purchasing vessels made primarily in China and coordinating shipment of commodities. Records reviewed by The Nation reveal that Foremost transports corn, chemicals and other goods to cities throughout the world. The company has offices in New York and Hong Kong.



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7922f1 No.77854

File: 2d1b022780ca018⋯.png (725.95 KB,600x886,300:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307018 (060236ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. Capitol Police Officer, Tarik Johnson, is Blowing The Whistle as loud as he can. “Every demonstrator and every police officer there on J6 was set-up.”

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U.S. Capitol Police Officer, Tarik Johnson, is Blowing The Whistle as loud as he can.

Where’s @60minutes


Since they interviewed Ray Epps, there’s no way they would miss interviewing Officer Johnson—right?

“Every demonstrator and every police officer there on J6 was set-up.”


Quote Tweet

Tarik Johnson



Aug 4

EVERY demonstrator and EVERY police officer there on J6 was set-up. This is why I say all the officers and demonstrators need to call a truce and focus on Pittman’s failures. USCP Chief J. Thomas Manger is protecting Pittman like a lion protects her cubs even after all the death… Show more

1:51 PM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307107 (060247ZAUG23) Notable: Chuck Schumer Speech On The 4th Jan To Federalize The Elections

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anon members posting a speech that chuck schumer did at the start of the year in jan 4 about only the senators of the states could call out the results and it would be taken away from the legislators.

Some fuckery inbound in the 2023 elections.

See details below..



This was chucky's plan from the start of 2022, video below, follow timestamp, it is only around 10 minutes ling !!




Video is 6 hours and 24 minutes long

1) 8.50 minutes into video chucky starts speech. about harry reid

2) 11.30 minutes into video speech begins

3) 13.40 voting rights to be changed with senate rules over seeing, multiple calling over christmas by chucky to senators.

4) 18.20 into video the senate to have final say on election result due to jan 6th and state law changes

5) 21.00 minutes into video - chucky states the house will change look to change the rules and federalize the elections because of threats by trump and his movement.

6) 24.00 end of speech

Summary: They are doing what the did with the patriot act and weaponizing the 3 departments against the people, the D.O.J, the Judicary and lawfare to take away the rights of individual states to verify their own elections, the final decision will be with the senate,

What does it mean, it does not matter what the result is of any election across the usa 50 states, it who calls the winner.


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7922f1 No.77856

File: 4f1fbb7713796a7⋯.png (217.2 KB,437x618,437:618,Clipboard.png)

File: a4f8ee0e6326e88⋯.png (83.89 KB,414x612,23:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee57e4c3a548b2⋯.png (84.49 KB,455x594,455:594,Clipboard.png)

File: ee21b8c16cf8f2d⋯.png (79.71 KB,347x611,347:611,Clipboard.png)

File: cc96f50036704b6⋯.png (55.63 KB,243x532,243:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307147 (060253ZAUG23) Notable: Elaine Lan Chao: I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

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Family’s Shipping Company Could Pose Problems for Trump’s Transportation Pick

Elaine Chao’s family owns ships flagged abroad, a way to avoid U.S. taxes and higher labor costs. But one of Chao’s missions at the Transportation Department will be to press American-owned ships to fly the U.S. flag.


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7922f1 No.77857

File: ab563a99217bd83⋯.png (1016.81 KB,1030x1610,103:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307186 (060300ZAUG23) Notable: A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression

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A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression


Pentagon assessments and think tank studies continue to highlight the erosion of the United States military’s dominance over a growing and improving Chinese force. Decrying the loss of American primacy, government officials and analysts now call for dramatic increases in defense spending and greater investment in the industrial base to sustain US overmatch. But attempting to field a larger and more capable force than the People’s Liberation Army in Beijing’s backyard is likely the wrong way to deter aggression against US allies such as Taiwan or Japan. The US military—and the US government more broadly—needs a new approach. A new Hudson Institute study, Campaigning to Dissuade, proposes one such approach, which would use available and emerging technologies to attack China’s operational strategy, prepare for a protracted conflict, and campaign to undermine Chinese military planning and confidence.

Hudson Senior Fellows Bryan Clark, Dan Patt, and Ezra Cohen will discuss the challenges facing US policymakers and new strategies for deterring Chinese aggression with Rear Admiral Mike Studeman (USN), former director of intelligence of the US Indo-Pacific Command and former commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence.


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7922f1 No.77858

File: 8c649abc888005e⋯.png (365.45 KB,735x779,735:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307196 (060301ZAUG23) Notable: A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression

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Ezra A. Cohen

Please join ⁦@clarkdefense⁩ and me for this event Monday morning ⁦@HudsonInstitute⁩.

A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression | Hudson


10:23 PM · Aug 5, 2023


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7922f1 No.77859

File: 6e8eeb550637f03⋯.png (68.07 KB,1196x400,299:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307255 (060313ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

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>If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.

>No limit.

>Please let us know.

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7922f1 No.77860

File: d77e08c7208851e⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307259 (060315ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

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7922f1 No.77861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307260 (060315ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

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can you say huge class action law suit?

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7922f1 No.77862

File: a8d121b95f35a39⋯.jpg (88.53 KB,640x683,640:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307263 (060316ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77863

File: f82dabb4bd9d3ac⋯.png (52.43 KB,513x429,171:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307268 (060317ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

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7922f1 No.77864

File: b91e6f27053a0c1⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,474x392,237:196,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307279 (060320ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.


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7922f1 No.77865

File: 73079e3ad6fba37⋯.png (49.26 KB,775x402,775:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307335 (060335ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


One way to kill a business, another to trap anons?

Elon Musk


If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.

No limit.

Please let us know.

11:00 PM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77866

File: 17a65a04d00c099⋯.jpg (79.36 KB,639x639,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307345 (060338ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

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Which platform twitter or X, Musk failed to define that... sneaky snake in the grass.


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7922f1 No.77867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307348 (060338ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>One way to kill a business, another to trap anons?

Nothing is free.

Sus AF.

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7922f1 No.77868

File: 7d3793f4d449228⋯.png (12.42 KB,584x189,584:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 35a541b64319274⋯.png (575.38 KB,683x300,683:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307372 (060344ZAUG23) Notable: R. Hunter Biden 先生 Biden先生现任RSP的管理合伙人以及Boies Schiller Flexner LPP律师事务所顾问。

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Before they scrap the wayback machine


4:18 PM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77869

File: 703185949383fc9⋯.png (686.18 KB,893x894,893:894,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307384 (060348ZAUG23) Notable: Looks like a Trans: Jasmine Crockett Dem Claims Republicans Defending Trump Are 'Dangerously Close…to Criminal Culpability'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WATCH: Dem Congresswoman Claims Republicans

Defending Trump Are 'Dangerously Close...to

Criminal Culpability'

RedState, by Nick Arama

Original Article

Posted By: rememberwhen, 8/5/2023 10:38:40 PM

I seriously think sometimes some folks on the left live in an alternate reality where they refuse delivery on the facts. All they can see, all they want to see, is what’s in their bubble, only their own narrative and they believe that they and their narrative should control everything.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307431 (060358ZAUG23) Notable: #23712

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>>77829 President Trump: They want to defund the police, and they also want to take away your guns. No, you can't do that. Especially where we are right now as a nation. You can't do that.

>>77830 President Trump: Two thousand, twenty-four, is our final, biggest, and most important battle.

>>77831 President Trump: The Catholic Church is under siege by these crooked prosecutors.

>>77769 lb McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

>>77834, >>77835 Full Notes Collected From South Carolina Trump Rally

>>77825, >>77827 PDJT said in regards to mutilation These people are sick

>>77826 Navy and Marine Corps Announce Large Scale Exercise 2023

>>77828 The Last Indictment will be Magical

>>77832, >>77852 Ammunition spent

>>77836 Patrick Wojahn, the erstwhile Democratic mayor of College Park, Maryland acing Decades in Prison After Pleading Guilty to 140 Counts Of Child Porn

>>77837 For keks Caturd: Obama fantasy drowing bingo card 17 million, Roseanne Barr: I did.

>>77833, >>77838 Elaine Chow, Mitch Mcconnells wife fuckery

>>77842, >>77849, >>77856 Elaine Lan Chao: I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

>>77853 Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company

>>77839 Charlotte Pride gives Harvey milk award to registered child sex offender Chad Turner has used other aliases such as Chad Sevealance, Chad Sevearance, and Eugene Severance

>>77845 FAKE NEWS Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge

>>77846, >>77850 FEMA and the FCC have announced on Wed October 4th 2023 they will test Wireless Emergency Alerts and the Emergency Alerts Systems… (Cap 4:02)

>>77848 CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

>>77851 Good question why isn’t Jenna Ellis named as a co-conspirator? Is it because she’s too busy working for Ron DeSantis right now?

>>77854 U.S. Capitol Police Officer, Tarik Johnson, is Blowing The Whistle as loud as he can. “Every demonstrator and every police officer there on J6 was set-up.”

>>77840, >>77841, >>77843, >>77844, >>77847, The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

>>77857, >>77858 A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression

>>77855 Chuck Schumer Speech On The 4th Jan To Federalize The Elections

>>77859, >>77866, >>77867, >>77865, >>77860, >>77861, >>77862, >>77863, >>77864 Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

>>77868 R. Hunter Biden 先生 Biden先生现任RSP的管理合伙人以及Boies Schiller Flexner LPP律师事务所顾问。

>>77869 Looks like a Trans: Jasmine Crockett Dem Claims Republicans Defending Trump Are 'Dangerously Close...to Criminal Culpability'

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7922f1 No.77871

File: c3ee873c69e7607⋯.jpg (104.78 KB,655x527,655:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307557 (060429ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

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He said "horrible killing dust", speaking about covid. I dropped an NIH link but it got no traction but the shills were extra stupid (and numerous) at the time.

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7922f1 No.77872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307572 (060433ZAUG23) Notable: pb, pb, pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

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> >>77633 (pb), >>77634 (pb), >>77636 (pb) 2021 German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators

...in the German city ofSpeyerin March 1963

Anon noticed that the name

Ray Epps

when spelled backwards (sppEyaR) and pronounced (spey-ar), sounds like "Spyer" as in, someone who spies.

Now anon sees this town named similarly, relating to Catholic Church which is more and more involved in sex/child/slave trafficking as well as idolatry.

And: those priests "take confession" or, in other words, they gather the secrets of the townspeople for their own use.

What that use is, anon can speculate; does not have direct knowledge.

That does show a link, though! Ray Epps was spying for the deep state (spies do more than just gather information, they also "egg on behavior" at times as well, like Ray did as we have seen on videos). The Catholic Church spies for perhaps an even deeper state. Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer.


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7922f1 No.77873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307602 (060444ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

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Fucking found it! Listen from 3:17:20 on!


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7922f1 No.77874

File: 34b5765c397baad⋯.png (145.91 KB,998x936,499:468,Clipboard.png)

File: df5ce7849c6620d⋯.jpg (126.57 KB,699x864,233:288,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c99af540aebf620⋯.jpg (325.25 KB,1069x1229,1069:1229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e11f273f9de1fe⋯.jpg (277.57 KB,1054x1258,31:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a12bdf2f8a7faf0⋯.jpg (187.85 KB,1075x690,215:138,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307616 (060449ZAUG23) Notable: Dog comms: Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper Kennedy

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A Father's love...

interdasting (imho)


Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper

August 6, 2023

"Far from a polished international man of business, she described Hunter as a little lost “puppy.”

“I tried to do damage control when I found out he had been meeting girls from the club. I said do you know how dangerous these people are to have around you without good intentions?” she said.

Intelligence experts agreed, warning that Hunter — who has been open about his drug addiction — posed a national security risk.

“It stands to reason that Hunter would have access to information and influence with his father and that he is in this vulnerable state due to his addictions and proclivities for unseemly behavior. I think it presents a significant national security threat,” said Steve Friend, a former FBI special agent and senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a conservative nonprofit.

“Joe Biden has said he is a devoted family man and so he is advertising his own vulnerabilities there. He could jeopardize the security of the nation in order to protect his family member.”

Kennedy saidHunter hinted at the tumult to come when she last saw him in the spring of 2019. Hunter Biden left his laptop at a Delaware computer repair shop in April of that year.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/08/05/hunter-biden-was-like-a-puppy-and-easily-manipulated-by-bad-people-ex-stripper/

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7922f1 No.77875

File: 3cd6e19551503af⋯.png (847.29 KB,978x794,489:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307653 (060458ZAUG23) Notable: Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing

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Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing


8:15 a.m

Hiroshima marked the 78th anniversary of the city's atomic bombing by the United States on Sunday after its nuclear legacy took center stage when it hosted the summit of the Group of Seven major economies in May.


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7922f1 No.77876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307654 (060459ZAUG23) Notable: Julian Assange's last word's Intelligent Evil Dust, it's everywhere in everything 22:06

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Julian Assange's last word's IntelligentEvil Dust, it's everywhere in everything


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7922f1 No.77877

File: b83e90e3e443f7e⋯.png (388.94 KB,664x655,664:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307694 (060511ZAUG23) Notable: COMMS: Joe Biden, 80, walks through CEMETERY before Delaware mass as questions over his health continue to swirl

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7922f1 No.77878

File: 0651da2f2b87097⋯.png (247.8 KB,923x627,923:627,Clipboard.png)

File: f3143a184b019ba⋯.png (552.78 KB,923x942,923:942,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307713 (060516ZAUG23) Notable: Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

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Tom Fitton

"'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

Aug 06, 2023, 12:14 AM


FAKE NEWS: Jack Smith Has an Indictment. Trump Has a Massive Plan for Revenge

The thrice-indicted former president and his allies have long been drawing plans to undo Smith's investigations, as well as to punish everyone involved


AUGUST 4, 2023

DONALD TRUMP IS a long, long way from winning the GOP primary, let alone retaking the White House. But he always has revenge on his mind, and his allies are preparing to use a future administration to not only undo all of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s work — but to take vengeance on Smith, and on virtually everyone else, who dared investigate Trump during his time out of power.

Rosters full of MAGAfied lawyers are being assembled. Plans are being laid for an entire new office of the Justice Department dedicated to “election integrity.” An assembly line is being prepared of revenge-focused “special counsels” and “special prosecutors.” Gameplans for making Smith’s life hell, starting in Jan. 2025, have already been discussed with Trump himself. And a fresh wave of pardons is under consideration for Trump associates, election deniers, and — the former president boasts — for Jan. 6 rioters.

The preparations have been underway since at least last year, with Trump being briefed on the designs by an array of attorneys, political and policy advisers, former administration officials, and other allies. The aim is to build a government-in-waiting with the hard-right infrastructure needed to turn the Justice Department into an instrument of Trump’s agenda, according to five sources familiar with these matters and another two people briefed on them.

Trump’s spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment on this story.

One idea that has caught thrice-indicted former president’s attention in recent months is the creation of the so-called “Office of Election Integrity,” which would be a new unit inside the Justice Department. It would be tasked not only with relitigating Trump’s lies about his 2020 election loss, but also with aggressively pursuing baseless allegations of election “fraud” (including in Democratic strongholds) in ways that Trumpist partisans believe the department has only flirted with in the past.

This idea was recently pitched to Trump by a longtime Republican activist and an attorney who’s known the ex-president for years, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter. (Republican officials have also begun voicing their own support for state-level offices of election integrity. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made the proposal a reality in his state. Officials in Tennessee, Missouri, and Wisconsin have proposed the offices, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative think tank, proposed a similarly named office.)

And when it comes to Special Counsel Smith’s office — which just handed Trump his third indictment, this one related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election — the former president and his fellow travelers already know what they want: They want the FBI and DOJ to name names.

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7922f1 No.77879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307715 (060517ZAUG23) Notable: Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

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This year, close advisers to Trump have begun the process of assembling lists of the names of federal personnel who have investigated the former president and his circle for years, and are attempting to unmask the identities of all the DOJ attorneys and others connected to Smith’s office. The obvious purpose of this, according to one source close to Trump, is to “show them the door on Day 1 [if Trump’s reelected]” — and so “we know who should receive a subpoena” in the future.

Such subpoenas would of course be instrumental in Trumpland’s vows to its voters that, should he return to power, Trump and his new attorney general will launch a raft of their own retaliatory “special counsel” and “special prosecutor” probes to investigate-the-investigator, and to go after their key enemies. As it were, Jeffrey Clark, a former DOJ official and a central figure in Trump’s efforts to subvert the legitimate 2020 presidential election results, has been on Trump’s informal shortlist for plum assignments, including even attorney general, in a potential second administration.

Sources familiar with the situation tell Rolling Stone that Trump and his close ideological allies — working at an assortment of MAGA-prone think tanks, advocacy organizations, and legal groups — are formulating plans for a wide slate of “special prosecutors.” In this vision, such prosecutors would go after the usual targets: Smith, Smith’s team, President Joe Biden, Biden’s family, Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI director Christopher Wray. But they’d also go after smaller targets, from members of the Biden 2020 campaign to more obscure government offices.

“There are almost too many targets to keep track of,” says one Trump adviser familiar with the discussions. Trump and members of his inner orbit have already outlined possible legal strategies, examining specific federal statutes they could wield in a Republican-controlled Justice Department to go after Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who delivered Trump’s first indictment of this year.

The FBI’s investigation of over a thousand rioters who breached and trashed the Capitol on Jan. 6 — officially the largest criminal investigation in Justice Department history — is another area where Trump has stated he would like to reverse course. “I am inclined to pardon many of them. I can’t say for every single one because a couple of them, probably, they got out of control,” Trump told host Kaitlan Collins during a CNN town hall in May.

When the broader topic of possible second-term pardons has come up behind closed doors, Trump has at times said that such pardons should be signed at the start of the term, not saved for the later on, according to those who’ve heard him discuss it since last year. Aside from the rioters themselves, Trump has also privately floated issuing a wave of pardons to higher-ranking figures who were scrutinized in Special Counsel Smith’s two main investigations.

“This would be like hitting the delete-key on all of DOJ’s work on these investigations,” a person intimately familiar with the conversations told Rolling Stone in March. In the past several months, when confidants have quipped to Trump that he may have to “pardon yourself,” should he return to the Oval Office, the ex-president has sometimes simply smirked and replied that they’ll have to wait and see.

Another major focus of some of these counter-probes would be “grand jury violations,” says one person familiar with the matter. The counter-probe of those alleged “violations” is the surest sign yet that in a second Trump administration, the Justice Department would seek to investigate the special counsel’s use of grand juries in the Mar-a-Lago and January 6 cases. (Indeed, Trump has already vowed to sic a special counsel on President Biden if he beats him in 2024.)

Some of these “special prosecutors” wouldn’t even be based out of the Justice Department, as special counsels typically are. In some of these private Trumpworld legal plans, some of the “special counsels” would be based out of places like the White House. This idea is nearly identical to the controversial position that Trumpist lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell tried to convince then-President Trump to give her in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Some lawyers and operatives close to Trump have pitched themselves for these kinds of roles, telling either Trump or some of his closest advisers that they’d be more than happy to take the gig in Trump’s possible return to power in 2025.

And along with having dreams of sweeping retribution and purges, the upper ranks of Trumpworld have spent years putting together projects to vet and prepare a new generation of appointments — for “special prosecutor” posts, as well as much else — and administrative talent.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307716 (060517ZAUG23) Notable: Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

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In this informal vetting for Justice Department candidates, former senior Trump aides and well-connected activists have sought lawyers with a track record of loathing DOJ, particularly what they deem its supposedly “liberal,” “left-wing,” or “Marxist” elements. Between these different Trump allies, different private spreadsheets have been created in recent years, some laying out dozens of possible contenders, while some include upwards of a hundred names, sources with direct knowledge of the situation say. Former top Trump White House policy adviser Stephen Miller and other key Trump diehards have contributed names to several of these lists.

Rolling Stone has reviewed one of these internal spreadsheets that has circulated among Trump lieutenants, and the roster is heavy on individuals connected to America First Legal, the Center for Renewing America, and other Trump-backing entities.

Prominent allies of the former president are open about plans to tie the Justice Department more tightly to the White House.

“I recall talking to a senior official in the Trump administration, who said after all of [these investigations] are over, we’ve got to think of a way to bring the Justice Department back into the government,” says Tom Fitton, president of the conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch and a close ally of the former president.

The Justice Department has typically enjoyed a degree of insulation from White House control, a norm aimed at avoiding the politicization of prosecution. But Fitton argues that the department should be more “responsive” to a president’s priorities, a belief that Trump and various influential conservatives embrace enthusiastically. “Is the Justice Department going to operate as an entity outside the White House as opposed to an entity that’s controlled by the president, as the Constitution requires?” he says.

Putting it another way: “What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” Russ Vought, a former top Trump official who heads the Center for Renewing America, told The New York Times in a story published last month.

“I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to Trump now is criminal,” Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work.

Fitton also says the department should revisit Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the FBI probe of the Trump campaign in 2016. Durham, he argues, was a “failure” and acted only as “a glorified inspector general.”

Once, Special Counsel Durham was supposed to be Trumpworld’s savior, someone who Trump, his allies on Capitol Hill, and large swaths of conservative media were counting on to expose and imprison “Deep State” foes. But when the Durham probe ended earlier this year with lackluster results for a vengeance-hungry GOP, he became much less a hero and more a cautionary tale to the right.

As one conservative lawyer who has discussed “special prosecutor” ideas with Trump in recent months tells Rolling Stone, the guiding principle of this project is simple: “No more John Durham’s — never again.”


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7922f1 No.77881

File: ed9b1349e702d68⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,622x350,311:175,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ed9b1349e702d68⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,622x350,311:175,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307723 (060518ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77882

File: 23ff61e0de33834⋯.jpg (327.02 KB,1560x720,13:6,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307742 (060524ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's everywhere

Vaxxx or not

Because they shed

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7922f1 No.77883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307752 (060527ZAUG23) Notable: Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

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I hope Trump goes after Jackass Smith. Regardless if he is spending 20 years in the slammer, drop a new charge on him every single day. Offer him a plea deal every day then laugh in his face and snatch it away. Charge him with child abuse and put him in general population. Charge his family with all the fake crimes he is charging Trump with. Charge his ancestors posthumously. Dig them out of their graves and plant them in the yard of the prison he's in. F**k Jack Smith.

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7922f1 No.77884

File: 4ecd5ca0c96389a⋯.jpg (237.25 KB,1035x1156,1035:1156,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c99af540aebf620⋯.jpg (325.25 KB,1069x1229,1069:1229,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6438a49c0f4c271⋯.jpg (315.78 KB,1066x1114,533:557,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 86efb595966c727⋯.jpg (321.02 KB,1112x1176,139:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a12bdf2f8a7faf0⋯.jpg (187.85 KB,1075x690,215:138,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307764 (060533ZAUG23) Notable: Dog comms: Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper Kennedy

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Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper

August 5, 2023

Hunter Biden sold himself to Chinese and Ukrainian officials as a brilliant conduit to the halls of American power, a closer on the rise who could leverage his vice president father’s clout to get deals done around the globe.

But as his abandoned laptop revealed, behind closed doors the future first son was a crack-addled, selfie-obsessed sex fiend with a roster of hookers bigger than the bureaucracies of some small countries.

And now, an ex-stripper from his past has come forward to confirm the tawdry and pathetic character cloaked in designer suits — and to mock the party boy as a patsy who was led around by the nose.

Far from a bull or a bear, the first son was an easily manipulated “puppy” dog, according to the former exotic dancer who went by the stage name Kennedy.

The Post agreed to withhold her real name because she fears for her and her family’s safety.

She admitted she fleeced the first son for nearly $20,000 during her relationship with him from 2018 to 2019. This was the same period of time Hunter Biden was notoriously polishing his credentials as an international power broker and raking in millions for himself and his family.

“He was like a dog that I dragged and led on,” Kennedy, 35, told a researcher from the nonprofit investigative organization Marco Polo in a stunning text exchange obtained by The Post. “I just led him on and played with him like a walking ATM.

“I had a few guys like Hunter who I would lead on and take tips and shopping from and leave them ‘hanging.’ It’s part of the stripper gig. Get all you can out of these idiots and move on.”

Kennedy’s remarks come just days after Hunter Biden’s business partner Devon Archer offered testimony to the House Oversight Committee, revealing that Joe Biden phoned into meetings with business associates on at least 20 occasions. Both Hunter Biden and Archer served on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, whose CEO, Mykola Zlochevsky, also allegedly compared Hunter Biden to a dog.

“Zlochevsky made some comment that although ‘Hunter Biden was stupid, and his dog was smarter,’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden [on the board] ‘so everything will be okay,'” an FBI informant told the bureau in June 2020. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma — despite having no relevant experience — in April 2014 and earned $83,333 per month. Hunter Biden and his family made at least $17 million from foreign sources, according to IRS whistleblowers who investigated his finances.

“I was able to finesse Hunter without sex because I’m beautiful and smart,” Kennedy wrote in the phone texts. “I saw a whale and took advantage, It was that easy.”

Kennedy told Marco Polo she met Hunter Biden “through the strip club” and admitted that they “had sex once with protection.”

“He’s a piece of s—t but most addicts are,” Kennedy noted. “He was a f—king crackhead.

“Hunter became useless when I couldn’t extort him any longer.”

She hauled in at least $19,350 from Hunter Biden between January 2018 and January 2019, according to records contained on his abandoned laptop.

But Kennedy changed her tune in an exclusive interview with The Post this week at her Queens home. She insisted she had been “trolling” Marco Polo and didn’t really mean what she said about Hunter. She also accused Marco Polo of acting unprofessionally.

“He would say aggressive things to me to make me text back,” she said of the Marco Polo researcher who contacted her, adding without evidence that he had been “sexually harassing me through texts for weeks until I finally responded to him.” Marco Polo denied the allegation.

In one hard drive photo, a fully nude Hunter Biden has his hand around Kennedy’s neck in what appears to be a hotel bathroom, as she seductively poses in fishnet lingerie.

The pair also shared wildly passionate exchanges.

“I’m really in love with you. I know that seems silly and probably a little to [sic] much vulnerability to you but I think you’re extraordinary (when you’re being nice to me) woman and would love to be whatever you would want me to be in your life,” Hunter Biden texted Kennedy December 2018.

The two frequently went out for romps to strip clubs and fancy dinners at posh restaurants such as Nobu. Photos on the hard drive show the two frequently partying together.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/08/05/hunter-biden-was-like-a-puppy-and-easily-manipulated-by-bad-people-ex-stripper/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77885

File: c4f2b14830c3330⋯.png (112.44 KB,1071x650,1071:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307779 (060542ZAUG23) Notable: You see what this is all about! It’s not about the case, it’s only to stop President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary was questioning the election results- but they indict Trump for exercising his first amendment right.

Joe Biden took illegally classified documents, stored them in a open garage- but they indict Trump for taking them under the presidential records act, stored them at a secured place.

The Left has been calling for riots in the streets- but they indict Trump over a peacefully march.

You see what this is all about! It’s not about the case, it’s only to stop President Trump! #Truth



Anon opine on why Karl Marx was 'extremist' in hostility against 'humanity can be redeemed starting with ideas' logic. Labelled pejoratively as 'weakness of idealism'.

Marx's. "answer"-> Do not question or challenge the inevitable future I say I know and anyone who disagrees is smeared, instead implement the very problem 'identified' and have trust in the belief that infinite degradation is the only way/path/the only allowed path to solving inevitable future of infinite degradation.

To stop the problem of A, do A?

To 'change' reality and not only 'perceive' it.

"revolutionary consciousness" of one 'side' divided by other all the way and anyone who questions it, are cast as 'reactionaries' or 'fetters' or 'sheep' or 'cattle'.

Marx 'proved' the real God is human?

Or projected own inconsistency as to be trusted?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307790 (060547ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: Border Patrol assisting illegals at the Southern Border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Border Patrol assisting illegals at the Southern Border

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7922f1 No.77887

File: 5068f88052697b6⋯.png (906.02 KB,926x898,463:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307815 (060602ZAUG23) Notable: Kash Patel ReTruthed: A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob DeSantis in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel ReTruthed

Alex Bruesewitz



Checking in on the DeSantis campaign reset…. 😂😂

A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

Aug 05, 2023, 8:14 PM


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7922f1 No.77888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307823 (060605ZAUG23) Notable: Michael Salla | Week in Review: 08/05/23: David Grusch, Global Elite, Geoengineering, Supersoldiers, Artemis Accords

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Michael Salla | Week in Review: 08/05/23: David Grusch, Global Elite, Geoengineering, Supersoldiers, Artemis Accords


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7922f1 No.77889

File: 700708974d3575d⋯.png (243.6 KB,423x394,423:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307846 (060615ZAUG23) Notable: Kash Patel ReTruthed: A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob DeSantis in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

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Donald J. Trump




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7922f1 No.77890

File: 14a9c27b8052eb8⋯.png (664.66 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19307853 (060617ZAUG23) Notable: Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

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7922f1 No.77891

File: d2e2ff88ef18018⋯.jpg (122.74 KB,720x864,5:6,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308315 (061221ZAUG23) Notable: China, Russia send naval warships near Alaska, triggering forceful US response

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China, Russia send naval warships near Alaska, triggering forceful US response

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7922f1 No.77892

File: 20b0e2aa5e21ad2⋯.png (402.29 KB,599x626,599:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308495 (061302ZAUG23) Notable: GaysAgainstGroomers: It appears that Seattle Children's Hospital is performing sex changes on minors. We thought you should know

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Gays Against Groomers


It appears that Seattle Children's Hospital is performing sex changes on minors. We thought you should know.

Read our newest article on GAG RADAR:


Seattle Children’s Hospital's War On Children

According to an article written by Elise Takahama for the USC Center for Health and Journalism, Seattle is having a difficult time supplying the growing demand for gender-affirming surgery for...

5:27 AM · Aug 5, 2023




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7922f1 No.77893

File: 4307f8f39281a9c⋯.png (464.68 KB,1079x1571,1079:1571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308543 (061308ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT @TS posts

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7922f1 No.77894

File: a5a9922acd490a9⋯.png (905.81 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308551 (061309ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT @TS posts

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Trump just gave Mike Pence the same nickname as Adam Schiff. 👀


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7922f1 No.77895

File: b853c4931cab10a⋯.png (38.15 KB,460x263,460:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308620 (061317ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT @TS posts

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Donald J. Trump


I purposely didn’t comment on Nancy Pelosi’s very weird story concerning her husband, but now I can because she said something about me, with glee, that was really quite vicious. “I saw a scared puppy,” she said, as she watched me on television, like millions of others, that didn’t see that. I wasn’t “scared.” Nevertheless, how mean a thing to say! She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!

Aug 06, 2023, 8:37 AM


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7922f1 No.77896

File: d2ddeeef4bdafa7⋯.png (42.14 KB,460x307,460:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308627 (061318ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT @TS posts

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 06, 2023, 9:06 AM


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7922f1 No.77897

File: 72d1d7ce6ebf2c9⋯.png (325.06 KB,1080x1190,108:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308629 (061318ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT @TS posts

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7922f1 No.77898

File: 87cd42f0054b116⋯.png (32.06 KB,460x244,115:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308638 (061319ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT @TS posts

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 06, 2023, 9:16 AM


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7922f1 No.77899

File: 8bb5f40e9ff6721⋯.jpeg (173.07 KB,767x778,767:778,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d3da06dfb595428⋯.jpeg (51.81 KB,650x340,65:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308661 (061322ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith Asks Court for Protection After Trump Tells Political Lobby Group and SuperPAC He Will “Go After Them” for Lying

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Jack Smith Asks Court for Protection After Trump Tells Political Lobby Group and SuperPAC He Will “Go After Them” for Lying

August 5, 2023 | Sundance

Like most typical leftist communities, the Lawfare team are full of pearl-clutching victim lawyers once you push back against their bullying.

In the latest example, the special prosecution team of Jack Smith are typical Karen’s, asking to see the manager because the free ketchup is no longer available.

Jack Smith is asking activist U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan for aprotective order that would keep all the fabricated Lawfare evidence hidden from public scrutiny, review and/or ridicule. The DOJ justification for the protective order ridiculously centers around Donald Trump snarking at the Club for Growth lobbying group and Koch Brother’s PAC about his intent to hit back at them for lying.

The Trump post to Truth Social triggered the DOJ, because projection is part of their ideology. Lawfare is centered around lies, fabrications and false constructs – essentially the manipulation of events using Lawfare tactics. The citation they reference hasnothing to do with the DOJ case, but like typical leftist weasels, the bullies, cry foul at the slightest hint of even implied pushback.

The Trump campaign released the following statement: “The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech, and was in response to the RINO, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and Super PACs, like the ones funded by the Koch brothers and the Club for No Growth.”

In life, I have always found the people who want to keep the conversation secret are usually not the people who are trustworthy.

Speak in private as you would speak in public, applying grandma’s rules for politeness of course, and generally speaking what follows is more genuine.

The people who need to hide evidence are not the good people.

Lawfare is triggered.


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7922f1 No.77900

File: ce05c0c1bf4fb6e⋯.png (67.13 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308710 (061328ZAUG23) Notable: War in West Africa: ECOWAS Ultimatum Expires on Sunday, May Prompt Military Intervention in Niger -- Military Coup Leader Goes to Mali To Ask for Wagner PMC Help

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War in West Africa: ECOWAS Ultimatum Expires on Sunday, May Prompt Military Intervention in Niger – Military Coup Leader Goes to Mali To Ask for Wagner PMC Help

This Sunday (August 6th), the ultimatum by the West African regional bloc ECOWAS expires, potentially opening the way for conflict in the region, with military intervention in Niger triggering a proxy war of considerable proportions.

On one side, the US and former African colonial power France, and the Western African nations of the ECOWAS – notably Nigeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Benin. On the other, Russia, Wagner PMC, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guiana.

“Niger’s new military junta has asked for help from the Russian mercenary group Wagner as the deadline nears for it to release the country’s ousted president or face possible military intervention by the West African regional bloc, according to an analyst.”

One of the Niger military rebels, Gen. Salifou Mody, traveled to neighboring ally Mali, where besides meeting the local military leaders, he also made contact with a representative from Wagner PMC group.


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7922f1 No.77901

File: 76197bad70d1a47⋯.png (4.13 MB,2639x3927,377:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308749 (061332ZAUG23) Notable: Clockfag

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On the clock.

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7922f1 No.77902

File: a99e974a2970206⋯.png (88.44 KB,304x436,76:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308902 (061349ZAUG23) Notable: Transgender 'Muslim' Brianna Kingsley sues boyfriend for keeping her TESTICLES in jar in his fridge

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Transgender 'Muslim' Brianna Kingsley sues boyfriend for keeping her TESTICLES in jar in his fridge

A transgender woman is demanding the return of her testicles which she claims her ex-boyfriend is keeping in a jar in his fridge.

In a affidavit and claim, Brianna Kingsley said that her former partner William Wojciechowski, of Pontiac, Michigan, was holding onto the body parts she'd had removed during gender reassignment surgery.

The Detroit News reported that Kingsley, 40, has demanded the return of her testes as well as to be paid damages totaling $6,500.

Wojciechowski, 37, has asserted however that his former partner 'picked up all her possessions when [they] broke up', and insisted he's entitled to keep the testes.

He has counterclaimed that Kingsley has been harassing him since their split - eight month ago - and intends to use the new claim as evidence of further intimidation.

More at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12377309/Transgender-woman-demands-return-TESTICLES-says-ex-boyfriend-keeping-jar-fridge-insists-theyre-keep.html

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7922f1 No.77903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308998 (061403ZAUG23) Notable: Conservativetreehouse: Reader Feedback Request -- How Loud Is Your Trumpet?

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Reader Feedback Request – How Loud Is Your Trumpet?.


August 5, 2023 | Sundance |

The absolute #1 feedback CTH receives both publicly and privately, even by those who hold tremendous influence amid what we would call the body politic, is something akin to … “I need to be honest with you, I thought you were nuts, but wow, you were right!” – or some version or iteration therein.

That said, there is a great urgency needed in our communication with our family, friends, loved ones and overall community.

There are many conservative ushers, many paid for their job in the business theater of politics, who would prefer we do not question our seating assignment – let alone challenge the scripted performance we are told to watch on the stage. Understanding this facet is going to become increasingly important, as the specific people who control the mechanisms of power become ever more exposed.

A comment by Gemstone is well timed, and actually aligns with a current communication question I am seeking to solve. I also remind myself that when I find difficulty in solution, you guys – the smartest and most aware group of our nation – always have exceptional insight that can help me. Here’s the comment:

…”Sundance, When I attempt to inform the not so informed around me with the information that I read every morning on your pages I receive looks of “no way”, “seriously”, and “why is this the first time that I am hearing about this corruption”. I don’t know how people can be so ill informed. Well, we know as it is easier for Americans to keep this corruption at arm’s length until if finally slaps them upside the head.”… [link]

My questions:

♦ What is the average knowledge of the scale of government corruption within your network (family, friends, community)?

♦ Has their perception, perhaps as well as your own, become more awakened in the past few years? Why?

♦ What communication tools do you think are needed, or would be of value, in order for more people to understand what you are aware of?

Trust me when I say this discussion, while extremely important now, is going to become evenmore important in the next 12 months. I am distinctly aware, perhaps uniquely aware of the information control actions that will take place in 2024.

They will be very intense and very targeted.

In 2020, they locked down voters to create the mechanism of control (ballots). In 2024, I can already see the control approach looming;they will lock down voices. Very specific voices.

If you are a regular reader of this site, you are generally a person who engages in intellectual discussion on daily events and more than likely a root cause thinker. Meaning, you are able to grasp events at their cause and not at their consequence...


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7922f1 No.77904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309005 (061404ZAUG23) Notable: Conservativetreehouse: Reader Feedback Request -- How Loud Is Your Trumpet?

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The challenge is getting those who understand the big picture dynamics to stop being comfortable and sticking their heads in the sand about “motive”. Most people are still clinging to beliefs around a principle of ‘rule of law’ that applies to national leadership writ large. We need to change that thinking quickly – or we will be left explaining ‘what happened’ far too late.

There is also a major issue with conservative “ushers” guiding the audience into a state of tactical numbness. A willful blindness within part of the American electorate, a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unconstititional actions we are seeing on a daily basis.

It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of, “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate. “I can’t see it”, just doesn’t cut it.

It’s more along the lines of, “I see what’s happening, but it’s scary and complicated and confusing, and if I admit that I see it, I will become responsible in a way that I am not if I keep pretending; I can’t see it or hear it, or maybe I don’t understand it.”

Why don’t we dare say what is so? Are we a bit afraid that if we give up the willful blindness we will perhaps start screaming and not be able to stop? Do we think we have so little courage? Do we really believe that we have no resources to bring to the battle? Or nothing more to contribute to the turning of the battle?

There are patriots who some might say resemble one of those slightly mad orchestra conductors who keep yelling, “More trumpet! More TRUMPET!” Many of you are such slightly mad orchestra leaders. Do not be alarmed by some of the strange looks you are getting these days.

My questions:

♦ What is the average knowledge of government corruption within your network (family, friends, community)?

♦ Has their perception, perhaps as well as your own, become more awakened in the past several years?

♦ What communication tools do you think are needed, or would be of value, in order for more people to understand what you are aware of?

Trust me when I say this discussion, while extremely important now, is going to become even more important in the next 12 months.

If you are going to enter this battle, believe me – no one is going to get to avoid this one; you are going to need to fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and brother, it’s starting to rain!


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7922f1 No.77905

File: 3bfc59d46d1748a⋯.png (616.61 KB,1054x733,1054:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309027 (061407ZAUG23) Notable: CONFIRMED: Paul Pelosi Jr. Traveled with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Her Recent Trip to Asia

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CONFIRMED: Paul Pelosi Jr. Traveled with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Her Recent Trip to Asia

by Joe Hoft Aug. 6, 2022 9:00 pm


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7922f1 No.77906

File: 9372a812e48a9a2⋯.jpeg (63.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309035 (061408ZAUG23) Notable: Medvedev hints at more attacks on Western Ukraine

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5 Aug, 2023 19:18

Medvedev hints at more attacks on Western Ukraine

The former Russian president has called for “cruelty and force” in response to Kiev’s recent drone strikes in the Black Sea

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has suggested more devastating attacks on Ukraine’s western regions in response to a string of drone strikes against Moscow’s ships and civilian vessels in the Black Sea.

Medvedev, who is deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, made his comments on Saturday after a sea drone damaged an oil tanker off the coast of Crimea. The ex-president blamed the attack on Ukraine, saying it was meant to trigger an environmental disaster in the Black Sea, and he called for Moscow to follow up on recent port attacks that came in response to last month’s Ukrainian drone strike on the Crimean Bridge.

“Scumbags and freaks understand only cruelty and force,”Medvedev said in a social media post. “Apparently, the strikes on Odessa, Izmail and other places were not enough for them.”

He also suggested that Russian retaliation for the drone attacks would eliminate any chance of reviving the grain deal that had enabled Ukraine to ship its grain exports through the Black Sea. “If the Kiev scum want to create an ecological disaster in the Black Sea, they should get one on the part of their territory that will soon fall to Poland and that will stink for centuries after that.That will be the final judgment on the grain deal,”Medvedev warned.

Ukrainian sea drones also targeted civilian ships and their Russian naval escorts earlier this week, and attacked the Black Sea Fleet base at Novorossiysk on Friday. Kiev also has stepped up aerial drone attacks on civilian targets in Russian territory, including Moscow’s financial district.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed that Ukrainian drone attacks on civilian targets are attempts to distract from Kiev’s faltering counteroffensive in the Donbass region.


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7922f1 No.77907

File: fe5a3b708756c88⋯.jpg (25.79 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309143 (061443ZAUG23) Notable: #23715

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7922f1 No.77908

File: 32ba2db83a4c92b⋯.jpeg (132.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309153 (061451ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

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6 Aug, 2023 14:35

Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles

Two bridges connecting the peninsula to Russia’s mainland were damaged in the attack, according to local authorities

Ukraine has launched a massive barrage of British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at two bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to Russia’s Kherson Region, according to its acting governor, Vladimir Saldo.

Some 12 missiles were fired during Saturday's attack, with at least three making it through Russian anti-aircraft defenses, Saldo told Rossiya 24 TV channel. The strike damaged two bridges across the Strait of Chongar and the Tonkiy Strait, the official stated.

The Chongar bridge sustained at least one hit, according to the acting governor, who shared imagery of the aftermath of the attack on his Telegram channel. The missile left a large hole in the bridge deck paving, images show.



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7922f1 No.77909

File: 36fee6aa20e46c4⋯.png (1.21 MB,1094x733,1094:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309167 (061454ZAUG23) Notable: Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

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Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to

Win a Huge Payout – Leftists Rewarded

$4.9 Million following their Violent Protests

in 2017 that Terrorized the City

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 8/6/2023 10:27:51 AM

St. Louis is the latest Democrat-run city to offer massive payouts to leftist protesters and rioters who caused havoc in their communities and are now winning big payouts from local courts. This time the money goes to radical leftists arrested following the acquittal of a police officer who fatally shot heroin dealer Anthony Lamar Smith. Anthony Lamar Smith, a 24-year-old African American resident of St. Louis, Missouri, lost his life in December 2011 after being pursued in a car chase and subsequently shot by Jason Stockley, who was serving as a St. Louis Police officer at that time.

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7922f1 No.77910

File: c0fa81c9c9750ca⋯.png (264.35 KB,500x340,25:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309174 (061454ZAUG23) Notable: From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

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From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

The Home Office is encouraging police forces across the country to make use of live facial recognition technologies for routine law enforcement. Retailers are also embracing the technology to monitor their customers.

It increasingly seems that the UK decoupled from the European Union, its rules and regulations, only for its government to take the country in a progressively more authoritarian direction. This is, of course, a generalised trend among ostensibly “liberal democracies” just about everywhere, including EU Member States, as they increasingly adopt the trappings and tactics of more authoritarian regimes, such as restricting free speech, cancelling people and weakening the rule of law. But the UK is most definitely at the leading edge of this trend. A case in point is the Home Office’s naked enthusiasm for biometric surveillance and control technologies.

This week, for example, The Guardian revealed that the Minister for Policing Chris Philip and other senior figures of the Home Office had held a closed-door meeting with Simon Gordon, the founder of Facewatch, a leading facial recognition retail security company, in March. The main outcome of the meeting was that the government would lobby the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on the benefits of using live facial recognition (LFR) technologies in retail settings. LFR involves hooking up facial recognition cameras to databases containing photos of people. Images from the cameras can then be screened against those photos to see if they match.


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7922f1 No.77911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309199 (061458ZAUG23) Notable: Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

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Found old NYT "factcheck" type bs, so perhaps it's real.

Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.

RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’

The cellphones known as 5G, or fifth generation, represent the vanguard of a wireless era rich in interconnected cars, factories and cities. Whichever nation dominates the new technology will gain a competitive edge for much of this century, according to many analysts. But a television network a few blocks from the White House has been stirring concerns about a hidden flaw.

“Just a small one,” a TV reporter told her viewers recently. “It might kill you.”

The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled “A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity,’” in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. Now, it is linking 5G signals to brain cancer, infertility, autism, heart tumors and Alzheimer’s disease — claims that lack scientific support.

Yet even as RT America, the cat’s paw of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has been doing its best to stoke the fears of American viewers, Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom.

“We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”

Analysts see RT’s attack on 5G as geopolitically bold: It targets a new world of interconnected, futuristic technologies that would reach into consumers’ homes, aid national security and spark innovative industries. Already, medical firms are linking up devices wirelessly to create new kinds of health treatments.

“It’s economic warfare,” Ryan Fox, chief operating officer of New Knowledge, a technology firm that tracks disinformation, said in an interview. “Russia doesn’t have a good 5G play, so it tries to undermine and discredit ours.”

5G is also a growing point of friction between Washington and Beijing, with each side lining up allies in what has become a major technology race. Moscow and Beijing are seen as possibly forming a 5G political bloc.

The Kremlin “would really enjoy getting democratic governments tied up in fights over 5G’s environmental and health hazards,” said Molly McKew, head of Fianna Strategies, a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., that seeks to counter Russian disinformation.

RT’s assaults on 5G technology are rising in number and stridency as the American wireless industry begins to erect 5G systems. In March, Verizon said its service will soon reach 30 cities.

Full article from 2019 below.


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7922f1 No.77912

File: dbc9bf111f6e2cc⋯.png (292.79 KB,720x1197,80:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309204 (061459ZAUG23) Notable: DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

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One of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) most prominent donors told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace, told Reuters in an interview that he explained to DeSantis’s campaign that the governor needs to shift his agenda to target moderates or he risks losing his support.

“He’ll lose if he doesn’t,” he said, referring to DeSantis’s chances against former President Trump. “Extremism isn’t going to get you elected.”

He added that his funding wouldn’t resume “until I see that he’s able to generate more on his own.”

“I’m already too big a percentage,” Bigelow claimed. “A lot of his donors are still on the fence.”

The Hill Elections 2024 coverage

When asked what led him to the decision to curb funding, the entrepreneur pointed to what he called the governor’s “extreme positions” on policy, including the six-week abortion ban DeSantis signed into law in April.

He claimed six weeks is too short, as many women don’t know they are pregnant at that stage, according to Reuters.

Still, Bigelow said in the interview that he remains behind DeSantis and believes he is “the best guy for the country.”

The billionaire has already given $20 million to the “Never Back Down” pro-DeSantis super PAC. He is also considered the Florida governor’s largest individual donor.

The news comes as DeSantis’s campaign has struggled to meet financial expectations and amid a reset cut of a total of 38 staffers over the last several weeks. The shake-up is an effort to “streamline operations and put Ron DeSantis in the strongest position to win this primary,” according to his team.

Despite the governor’s efforts on the campaign trail visiting early primary states, Trump is still leading DeSantis by double digits, according to polling averages. A new poll out of Iowa this week shows the former president ahead of DeSantis by 24 points.


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7922f1 No.77913

File: 7c23731f9558fe7⋯.png (84.95 KB,720x694,360:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309245 (061505ZAUG23) Notable: Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

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Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health. If you really notice, you will see every third person walking down the street wearing some form of a smart wearable device.

While human biological systems are analog, in the sense that they are programmed by genetics and updated slowly by evolution, electronic systems are digital, in that they can be updated and controlled by electricity.

Bridging this 'lack of a functional communication interface,' scientists from ETH Zurich have devised such an interface through which our DNA can be controlled via electricity.


This article along with the Putin/5g article

Anon opines

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7922f1 No.77914

File: 095e2d79014da30⋯.png (19.62 KB,466x317,466:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309248 (061506ZAUG23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

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10:34 = 17

Donald Trump Jr.


I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

Quote Tweet

Elon Musk




If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.

No limit.

Please let us know.

10:34 AM · Aug 6, 2023


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7922f1 No.77915

File: 47e8e2ab0869d19⋯.png (15.04 KB,466x234,233:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309262 (061508ZAUG23) Notable: @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

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Psalm 19:7 = 17

Mike Pompeo


The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

Psalm 19:7

#SundayScripture ✝️

10:58 AM · Aug 6, 2023


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7922f1 No.77916

File: 755eae3f10dc0f4⋯.png (184.58 KB,976x523,976:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ee54630af0ed94⋯.gif (720.7 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309358 (061519ZAUG23) Notable: PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

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Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB


Squawking 1506

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7922f1 No.77917

File: b071ee36ee9fa50⋯.jpeg (370.41 KB,1205x577,1205:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309359 (061520ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

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6 Aug, 2023 14:35

Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with British-made missiles

Two bridges connecting the peninsula to Russia’s mainland were damaged in the attack, according to local authorities

Ukraine has launched a barrage of British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at two bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to Russia’s Kherson Region, according to its acting governor, Vladimir Saldo.

Some 12 missiles were fired during Saturday's attack, with at least three making it through Russian anti-aircraft defenses, Saldo told Rossiya 24 TV channel. The strike damaged two bridges across the Strait of Chongar and the Tonkiy Strait, the official stated.

The Chongar bridge sustained at least one hit, according to the acting governor, who shared imagery of the aftermath of the attack on his Telegram channel. The missile left a large hole in the bridge deck paving, images show.

The attack damaged a rural school and ruptured a local gas pipeline, leaving the nearby town of Genichesk without supply, according to Saldo. Both bridges have hardly been used for military needs and are purely civilian infrastructure installations, he stressed.

While Saldo did not elaborate on the damage sustained by the second bridge, unverified footage circulating online suggests one of its sections has partially collapsed. The images show a gas pipeline running alongside the bridge, ruptured and aflame.


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7922f1 No.77918

File: de5ff6392978dc5⋯.png (210.02 KB,583x579,583:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309369 (061521ZAUG23) Notable: @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

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X22 Report



Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848


Aug 04, 2023, 12:42 PM

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7922f1 No.77919

File: 789e9a847bebc99⋯.png (1.37 MB,1170x2085,78:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309384 (061524ZAUG23) Notable: Base Spike Detox (BSD)

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Base Spike Detox (BSD)

3-12 months of:

Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice daily

Bromelain 500 mg once daily

Curcumin (nano,liposomal, piperine) 500 mg twice daily

Take action into your own hands if having long C19 or #COVIDVACCINE syndrome. #CourageousDiscourse


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7922f1 No.77920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309480 (061536ZAUG23) Notable: #23713

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>> 19308372 lb


>>77871, >>77873, >>77881, >>77881, >>77882 President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

>>77876 Julian Assange's last word's Intelligent Evil Dust, it's everywhere in everything 22:06

>>77875 Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing

>>77872, >>77633 pb, >>77634 pb, >>77636 pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

>>77874, >>77884 Dog comms: Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper Kennedy

>>77877 COMMS: Joe Biden, 80, walks through CEMETERY before Delaware mass as questions over his health continue to swirl

>>77878, >>77879, >>77880, >>77883, >>77890 Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting — of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

>>77885 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Hillary was questioning the election results- but they indict Trump for exercising his first amendment right.

>>77885 You see what this is all about! It’s not about the case, it’s only to stop President Trump

>>77887, >>77889 Kash Patel ReTruthed: A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob DeSantis in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

>>77888 Michael Salla | Week in Review: 08/05/23: David Grusch, Global Elite, Geoengineering, Supersoldiers, Artemis Accords

>>77886 LIVE: Border Patrol assisting illegals at the Southern Border

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7922f1 No.77921

File: f2f716f0df30d6e⋯.png (603.6 KB,830x415,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309569 (061548ZAUG23) Notable: Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

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Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.


Someone called Perry Johnson has announced his qualification for the first Republican presidential primary debate later this month after reaching the necessary 40,000 donor threshold ahead of candidates such as Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and even former Vice-President Mike Pence. Johnson, who is actually a businessman who recruited the majority of his donors by selling “I stand with Tucker” t-shirts for $1, took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce his qualification, posting: “We reached a critical campaign milestone. Today, in New Hampshire, I announced we reached the 40,000 donors needed to make the RNC debate stage.” Johnson has so far raised around $67,000 and has contributed over $328,000 of his own money towards his presidential campaign. Yet, he has not been able to make an impact in the polls, consistently bringing in less than one percent of the vote. He previously tried to run in the 2022 Michigan gubernatorial race, but fell short after he failed to meet the necessary 15,000 signatory threshold to appear on the ballot. Officials at the Michigan elections bureau discarded a whopping 6,983 of Johnson’s signatures after it was suspected that they were “fraudulent” – an action that Johnson claims violated his rights. He was one of five GOP candidates removed from the race that year. Johnson is one of eight candidates to qualify for the RNC debate, including former President Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum. Mike Pence, however, is struggling to reach the threshold, admitting in a recent CNN interview, “We’re not there yet.” He claims to have amassed over 30,000 so far.

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7922f1 No.77922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309755 (061615ZAUG23) Notable: #23714

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Previous Bread Notables #23714

#23714 >>>/qresearch/19308299

>>77891 China, Russia send naval warships near Alaska, triggering forceful US response

>>77892 GaysAgainstGroomers: It appears that Seattle Children's Hospital is performing sex changes on minors. We thought you should know

>>77893, >>77894, >>77895, >>77896, >>77897, >>77898 PDJT @TS posts

>>77899 Jack Smith Asks Court for Protection After Trump Tells Political Lobby Group and SuperPAC He Will “Go After Them” for Lying

>>77900 War in West Africa: ECOWAS Ultimatum Expires on Sunday, May Prompt Military Intervention in Niger - Military Coup Leader Goes to Mali To Ask for Wagner PMC Help

>>77901 Clockfag

>>77902 Transgender 'Muslim' Brianna Kingsley sues boyfriend for keeping her TESTICLES in jar in his fridge

>>77903, >>77904 Conservativetreehouse: Reader Feedback Request - How Loud Is Your Trumpet?

>>77905 CONFIRMED: Paul Pelosi Jr. Traveled with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Her Recent Trip to Asia

>>77906 Medvedev hints at more attacks on Western Ukraine

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7922f1 No.77923

File: b8538a8e3786eca⋯.png (1.12 MB,1170x1640,117:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309760 (061615ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truths 👀 Lots of Mispellings this morning…

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Trump Truths 👀

Lots of Mispellings this morning…


[n]een - missing B

[i]f - missing O

Bid[i]n - missing E


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7922f1 No.77924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309765 (061616ZAUG23) Notable: Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

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Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuitsAug 05 2023

"They have hundreds of millions of dollars in property. They're not bankrupt. If they're bankrupt, it's morally," said one man.


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7922f1 No.77925

File: a0f008556c8870c⋯.webp (31.64 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: ed6ba274190cf46⋯.webp (83.27 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 8b28d957743d4cd⋯.webp (32.68 KB,1536x1022,768:511,Clipboard.webp)

File: 252aa2ef0978ad4⋯.webp (57.71 KB,1536x1025,1536:1025,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309786 (061617ZAUG23) Notable: US sent destroyers after stunning Russia, China joint naval operation off coast of Alaska

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‘Highly provocative’: US sent destroyers after stunning Russia, China joint naval operation off coast of Alaska

By Isabel Keane

August 6, 2023 9:20am

China and Russia conducted a joint naval operation near the coast of Alaska earlier this week in a “highly provocative” move amid the war in Ukraine that triggered a robust US military response.

Eleven Russian and Chinese ships neared the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska earlier this week near the maritime boundary Russia shares with the US, but the fleets never entered US waters, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The fleet of ships have since left, and were tailed by four US destroyers and P-8 Poseidon aircraft, officials confirmed to the newspaper.

“It is a historical first,” Brent Sadler, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a retired Navy captain, told the oulet. “Given the context of the war in Ukraine and tensions around Taiwan, this move is highly provocative.”

A spokesperson for the US Northern Command confirmed to the paper that the two American adversaries carried out a combined naval patrol near Alaska, but did not confirm the number of ships or their exact location.

“Air and maritime assets under our commands conducted operations to assure the defense of the United States and Canada. The patrol remained in international waters and was not considered a threat,” the command said in a statement.

The exact time and location of the near invasion have not been made public, and information about the event is still being declassified.

Republican Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan confirmed the incursion took place “within the last few days,” and that while the US military had a strong response, such an incident was unprecedented.

“First, this is unprecedented, not just for Alaska, but for America to have 11 warships jointly being operated by the Chinese and Russians — who are increasingly working together — essentially doing freedom of navigation and navigation operations incursions into Alaska’s area,” Sullivan told KTUU.

The incident was “yet another reminder that we have entered a new era of authoritarian aggression led by the dictators in Beijing and Moscow,” Sullivan wrote on the X platform, which was formally known as Twitter.

Sullivan, a Republican member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has repeatedly asked military leaders to increase the assets available to defend Alaska.

“After last year’s incursion, I mentioned to several leaders in the military, hey, we need to prepare for this happening again. And when it does, we need to have a much more robust response,” Sullivan said.

In September, a single US Coast Guard cutter was on the scene when a flotilla of seven Russian and Chinese ships were near the Aleutian Island chain, prompting what Sullivan called a “tepid” response.

As it stands, Russia has greater assets than Alaska — something Sullivan says stands as a reminder that there’s still work to do for Alaska.

“I think it just underscores the need for the continued build up of not only forces in Alaska, but the infrastructure that can handle them, particularly infrastructure like the deepwater port of Nome, and a greater naval, Coast Guard and Marine Corps presence in Alaska,” he said.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC told The Journal the patrol wasn’t aimed at Washington.

The Russian Embassy in DC did not immediately return request for comment.

China had become Russia’s most important trading partner since the nation invaded Ukraine almost 18 months ago, but had not been tied to its war effort, the article noted.


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7922f1 No.77926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309832 (061622ZAUG23) Notable: Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

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California gonna be Big... no doubt about it...

YouTube · KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

San Francisco Catholic archdiocese may declare bankruptcy over child abuse lawsuits, archbishop says

The Catholic archbishop of San Francisco says the Archdiocese may seek bankruptcy protection because of claims for child sexual abuse filed against it.

7 hours ago


In the Wake of Hundreds of Child Sex Abuse Cases, the Archdiocese of San Francisco Is Set to File For Bankruptcy

Facing over 500 child sex abuse lawsuits, the Archdiocese of San Francisco is on the brink of bankruptcy, a move aimed at addressing its mounting legal...

17 hours ago

Los Angeles Times

San Francisco Archdiocese says bankruptcy likely due to suits

The Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco will 'very likely' file for bankruptcy to deal with hundreds of child sex abuse lawsuits filed against it.

19 hours ago

ABC7 News

Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

After hundreds of lawsuits were filed by alleged sexual abuse victims, the Archdiocese of San Francisco saying it likely will go bankrupt.

19 hours ago

Catholic News Agency

Archbishop Cordileone: Chapter 11 bankruptcy for San Francisco ‘very likely’

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on Friday revealed that it was “very likely” that the archdiocese would be filing for bankruptcy.

19 hours ago

the bharat express news

San Francisco archbishop says Catholic archdiocese may go bankrupt over child abuse lawsuit - THE BHARAT

SAN FRANCISCO — The Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco says the archdiocese could file for bankruptcy protection over child sexual abuse claims filed.

22 hours ago

CBS News

San Francisco archbishop says Catholic archdiocese may declare bankruptcy over child abuse lawsuits

The Catholic archbishop of San Francisco says the Archdiocese may seek bankruptcy protection because of claims of child sexual abuse filed against it.

23 hours ago

The San Francisco Standard

SF Catholic Archdiocese 'Likely' to File for Bankruptcy

Facing hundreds of pending sexual abuse cases, the church is the latest diocese to announce bankruptcy plans.

1 day ago

NBC Bay Area

SF archdiocese ‘very likely' to file for bankruptcy amid child sex abuse lawsuits

The Archdiocese of San Francisco announced Friday that it will “very likely” file for bankruptcy as it faces more than 500 child sex abuse lawsuits.

1 day ago

San Francisco Chronicle

Catholic Archdiocese of SF bankruptcy filing likely over abuse suits

The San Francisco Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church is “very likely” to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

1 day ago

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7922f1 No.77927

File: e926f81d448a9e1⋯.png (486.77 KB,1017x1156,1017:1156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309844 (061623ZAUG23) Notable: EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution

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EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution

Austria has been lagging behind other European countries on digital payments


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7922f1 No.77928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309948 (061635ZAUG23) Notable: Trump lawyer John Lauro, CNN host Dana Bash clash over claim Biden involved in ex-president’s Jan. 6 indictment

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Trump lawyer John Lauro, CNN host Dana Bash clash over claim Biden involved in ex-president’s Jan. 6 indictment

Ryan King. August 6, 2023

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyer accused the Biden administration of being involved in the latest criminal case against his predecessor — sparking an on-air clash with CNN host Dana Bash on Sunday.

The heated interview began with Bash asking attorney John Lauro if he’d agree to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s call on Friday for a judge to institute a protective order limiting whatTrump, 77, and his team can share with the public about the case. (Negative articles in NYP seemingly always mention his age)

“This protective order that’s being suggested by the Biden administration is an effort to keep from the press important non-sensitive information that the Biden administration has that may speak to…,” Lauro began to answer.

That’s when Bash interjected: “This isn’t from the Biden administration.”

“Joe Biden said in November 2022 that he wanted to see President Trump prosecuted and taken out of this race,” Lauro shot back.

“I’m just going to stop you because there’s no evidence that Joe Biden is involved in this,” Bash stressed, again cutting Lauro off. (What is evidence? It can’t be Bidan saying it out loud I guess. Just like Lesley Stahl “there’s no evidence”!)

Lauro then argued that the public has a right to know what evidence the Justice Department has against Trump during the thick of the 2024 campaign season — in which the ex-president is polling ahead of his Republican rivals for the nomination.

He blasted the request for the protective order as an attack on Trump’s First Amendment rights.

Bash and Lauro proceeded to interrupt and talk over each other throughout the combative interview.

Washington DC federal court Judge Tanya Chutkan has given Trump’s legal team until Monday at 5 p.m. ET to reply to Smith’s call for the order, and denied a request for an extension from the defense.

Smith was appointed as special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year, after Trump had launched his campaign for a third term in the Oval Office.

Trump was arraigned on a four-count indictment brought by Smith Thursday over his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. He has pleaded not guilty.

The day after the arraignment, Trump wrote, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” on his Truth Social page — a post Smith’s team cited in the protective order request.

Trump also derided Smith as “mentally ill” and denounced the charges against him as a “sham indictment,” in the Friday post.

Lauro largely sidestepped questions about the Truth Social missives, noting that he’s “not involved in the campaign.”

He also contended that Trump was using his First Amendment rights and following advice from lawyers.

“All of this played out in the open. It’s all free speech,” Lauro insisted. “There was a Supreme Court decision, Hammerschmidt, which is right on point that says when you’re exercising free speech, you’re not engaging in a fraud on the government.”

He later added, during a back-and-forth with Bash, that “President Trump was following the advice of his lawyer.”

In Hammerschmidt v. United States, the Supreme Court opined on the parameters for a conspiracy to defraud the US. The high court found in the 1924 decision that the charge mainly relates to attempts to swindle the government out of money or to obstruct its functions.

Lauro roundly rejected allegations in the crux of the indictment, underscoring “there no defrauding, there was no trickery” on Trump’s part.

At one point, he also downplayed Trump’s involvement in an alleged scheme to furnish an alternative set of electors before Congress when it was tasked with certifying the election on Jan. 6, 2021.

“The Senate parliamentarian acknowledged to Vice President Pence that they always receive protest alternative electors, none of those electors were counted,” Lauro said.

Trump and his allies allegedly put pressure on former Vice President Mike Pence to decertify the 2020 race under the pretenses that the election was “stolen” and that there was a dispute over it.

Allies of Trump allegedly encouraged battleground state officials to produce an alternative set of electors in hopes of tipping the election to the former president.

Ultimately, Pence refused to decertify the election, adamant that he lacked the constitutional authority to do so.


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7922f1 No.77929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309977 (061638ZAUG23) Notable: #23715

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#23715 >>77907

>>77908, >>77917 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>77909 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>77910 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>77911 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>77912 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

>>77913 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

>>77914 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>77915 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>77916 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>77918 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>77919 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

>>77921 Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

>>77923 Trump Truths 👀 Lots of Mispellings this morning…

>>77924, >>77926 Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>77925 US sent destroyers after stunning Russia, China joint naval operation off coast of Alaska

>>77927 EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution

>>77928 Trump lawyer John Lauro, CNN host Dana Bash clash over claim Biden involved in ex-president’s Jan. 6 indictment


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7922f1 No.77930

File: 68d3e47bac89b13⋯.png (441.33 KB,603x389,603:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 842015dcd7914f4⋯.png (419.01 KB,600x681,200:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310003 (061641ZAUG23) Notable: #23716

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Baker needs off hand

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7922f1 No.77931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310018 (061642ZAUG23) Notable: Niger has ENDED all military agreements with France and given the French military 30 days to FLEE the country.

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸


🇳🇪🇫🇷 Niger has ENDED all military agreements with France and given the French military 30 days to FLEE the country.


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7922f1 No.77932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310037 (061647ZAUG23) Notable: @zerohedge Moscow Airport Temporarily Halts Flights After Failed Drone Attack

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Moscow Airport Temporarily Halts Flights After Failed Drone Attack


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7922f1 No.77933

File: ce7ecf60c745bbc⋯.webp (104.78 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 4cbc47c810897b7⋯.webp (135.36 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310058 (061650ZAUG23) Notable: Vice President's duty is to certify the tally of electoral college votes after a Presidential election has taken place >Pence is a traitor.

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Mike Pence trashes Trump as ‘wrong then and wrong now’ on alleged attempts to overthrow 2020 election

By Carl Campanile

August 6, 2023 12:30pm Updated

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday trashed his former boss Donald Trump for allegedly attempting to overthrow the 2020 election — and defended his actions in blocking the ex-president from doing so.

“What I want the American people to know is that President Trump was wrong then and wrong now. I had no right to overturn the election,” Pence said on CNN’s “State of the Union” while stumping in New Hampshire.

=“By God’s grace, I did my duty under the constitution of the United States and I always will.”(He really shouldn’t use God’s name when he knows he is lying)

Pence, along with Congress, certified the election of President Biden as the winner of the 2020 election — over Trump’s objections.

The former VP’s criticism of Trump Sunday parrots statements he made last week afterTrump, 77, was indicted on four counts over his alleged efforts to cling to power and overturn the 2020 presidential race.

Prosecutors allege Trump unlawfully supported a scheme to put forward fraudulent electors and pressured Pence and various state officials to reject Biden’s victory. The ex-president said Pence was “too honest,” according to the indictment.

“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence tweeted Tuesday.

Trump has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty in Washington, DC federal court on Thursday.

Pence on Sunday said he couldn’t recall Trump ever admitting he had lost the election.

“I do know what he and his lawyers asked me to do and it’s what no vice president in American history had ever done before and frankly no vice president or any one person in Washington should do … The presidency belongs to the American people,” Pence said.

“Our founders never vested authority in one person to overturn elections and I stood on that principle.”

Pence said he doesn’t plan on testifying at Trump’s trial, but noted he testified to the grand jury under subpoena and will comply with whatever the law says.

He also refused to say if he would support Trump should the ex-president win the 2024 Republican nomination — dancing around the question by saying he didn’t expect him to be the GOP’s standard bearer. (I think its pretty obvious he won’t!)

“It’s awfully early here,” Pence said. “I don’t think we have to make that decision. I’m confident I will be able to support the Republican nominee, especially if it’s me.”

Pence — Trump’s No. 2 for four years — insisted that Republican primary voters will “choose new leadership for a new time,” though polls show the former president as the clear frontrunner for the nomination.

“We simply have got to move our country forward,” Pence said.

Trump slammed Pence on Saturday as a loser who’s gone to the “dark side” in a Truth Social post.

“WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side,” Trump wrote.

“I never told a newly emboldened (not based on his 2% poll numbers!) Pence to put me above the Constitution, or that Mike was ‘too honest,’” the former president added.“He’s delusional, and now he wants to show he’s a tough guy.”

Trump supporters heckled Pence as a “traitor” and “sell out” during the former VP’s campaign stop in New Hampshire Friday.


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7922f1 No.77934

File: 5bd64abf6443bf2⋯.png (947.99 KB,1112x1274,556:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310087 (061653ZAUG23) Notable: Convenience store clerks under investigation for assault after beating would-be thief in Stockton, Calif.

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Convenience store clerks under investigation for assault after beating would-be thief in Stockton, Calif.

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7922f1 No.77935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310088 (061653ZAUG23) Notable: Vice President's duty is to certify the tally of electoral college votes after a Presidential election has taken place >Pence is a traitor.

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“ The only other formally recognized duty of the Vice President is to preside over and certify the tally of electoral college votes after a Presidential election has taken place.”

Pence is a traitor. Treasonous dereliction of duty.

Thus Pence’s PANIC stance.

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7922f1 No.77936

File: ed3b60f36ebcd93⋯.png (81.93 KB,553x680,553:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310161 (061705ZAUG23) Notable: 'Let's Get Ready To Rumble!': Musk Says Cage Fight With Zuckerberg Will Be "Live Streamed" On Twitter X

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'Let's Get Ready To Rumble!': Musk Says Cage Fight With Zuckerberg Will Be "Live Streamed" On Twitter X

On Sunday morning, Elon Musk wrote on "X" formerly known as Twitter that he will be fighting his arch-nemesis Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, in a mixed martial arts cage match

"Zuck v Musk fight will be live-streamed on 𝕏," Musk tweeted. He said, "All proceeds will go to charity for veterans."


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7922f1 No.77937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310174 (061706ZAUG23) Notable: Japan ignores US role on Hiroshima bombing anniversary

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Japan ignores US role on Hiroshima bombing anniversary

Tokyo opted to highlight “Russia’s nuclear threat” instead of condemning those responsible for leveling the city in 1945

Japanese officials have marked the 78th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima without naming the US as the country responsible. Despite the US carrying out the only two offensive uses of nuclear weapons in history, they chose instead to condemn Russia for its supposed “nuclear threat.”

“Japan, as the only nation to have suffered atomic bombings in war, will continue efforts towards a nuclear-free world,” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said in a speech on Sunday. The path to such a world is becoming “increasingly difficult because of deepening divisions in the international community over nuclear disarmament and Russia’s nuclear threat,” he added.

While maintaining that the “devastation brought to Hiroshima and Nagasaki by nuclear weapons can never be repeated,” he still refrained from naming those responsible for the attacks in the first place.

A US Army Air Force bomber dropped an atomic bomb over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, killing up to 126,000 people, most of them civilians. Another nuclear bomb was detonated over the city of Nagasaki on August 9, killing up to 80,000 people, almost all of whom were civilians. Japan surrendered to the Allied powers a week later, bringing the Second World War to a close.

In his speech on Sunday, Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui also avoided naming the perpetrator of the bombing. Matsui called on world leaders to “confront the reality” of “nuclear threats now being voiced by certain policymakers” – another apparent reference to Russia.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres remarked that “a nuclear weapon incinerated Hiroshima,” without mentioning who dropped the device. “And some countries are recklessly rattling the nuclear saber once again, threatening to use these tools of annihilation,” he added, without elaborating further.

Japan has been an ally of the US since American forces occupied its territory and wrote its constitution in the aftermath of the nuclear bombings. Kishida has imposed sanctions on Moscow and, alongside the other G7 leaders, accused the Kremlin of “irresponsible nuclear rhetoric” and “undermining of arms control regimes.”

Unlike US nuclear doctrine, which allows for a nuclear first strike “to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners,” Russia’s nuclear strategy permits the use of atomic weapons only in the event of a first nuclear strike on its territory, or if the existence of the Russian state is threatened by either nuclear or conventional weapons.

Citing Ukraine’s repeated threats against nuclear power plants on Russian territory, Moscow accused the West last month of enabling “nuclear terrorism.”


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7922f1 No.77938

File: 7db1ff9062ffca9⋯.png (564.65 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca76184e40047e⋯.png (460.11 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: d8207821b25b9f6⋯.png (644.53 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 05f3fbd34d89a39⋯.png (497.87 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310229 (061715ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports

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They be searchin every which a way

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7922f1 No.77939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310238 (061717ZAUG23) Notable: 2nd Migrant Busted near Border with Child Porn in Two Days, Say Texas Cops

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2nd Migrant Busted near Border with Child Porn in Two Days, Say Texas Cops

Texas Department of Public Safety troopers interdicted a human smuggling attempt near Bracketville and found a migrant with child pornography on his cell phone. This is the second bust in as many days of migrants illegally in the United States being busted by Texas troopers with child porn on their cell phones.

DPS spokesman Lieutenant Chris Olivarez tweeted photos of a migrant arrested by troopers during a traffic stop on August 2. During the investigation, troopers found five child porn images of underage girls.

Troopers assigned to the border region under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star stopped the silver Toyota sedan and discovered the driver smuggling a Honduran migrant illegally in the United States. Troopers later identified the migrant as Dagoberto Corea Mendez. The troopers arrested the driver and Corea Mendez.

During an investigation by DPS special agents, five images of child pornography were found. Olivarez reported the images depicted female children. Corea Mendez reportedly told the investigators he “used the images for sexual gratification,” Olivarez stated.

The day before, Olivarez reported the arrest of a Mexican national allegedly smuggling a group of migrants across the Rio Grande. During the investigation, troopers found at least one video containing child pornography, Breitbart Texas reported.

Newly sworn-in Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens tweeted on August 3 that agents arrested four sex offenders on Wednesday. The migrants had prior convictions for “Sexual abuse of a child”, “rape by force/fear”, “indecency with a child and aggravated sexual assault”, & “indecency with a child, exposes,” Owens tweeted.


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7922f1 No.77940

File: 9a59491ee6ad0a1⋯.png (895.57 KB,743x1382,743:1382,Clipboard.png)

File: ae48b5c2ce9de31⋯.png (1.23 MB,743x1381,743:1381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310259 (061719ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports

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RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸


B-1 and B-52 in air at same time 😎 I’m sure they’re “just training” as all of the “experts” say who haven’t read ANY Orders in place that specifically outline what’s taking place via CURRENT Laws and Orders🔥

On multiple shows, retired Colonel and former Deputy Commander of Delta Force, and retired Lieutenant Colonel of Australia and Special Operations, telling you they haven’t seen a B-52 in sky since the start of Afghanistan 🇺🇸


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7922f1 No.77941

File: 05f3fbd34d89a39⋯.png (497.87 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d995201ccea41b⋯.jpeg (2.98 MB,1650x2570,165:257,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310295 (061724ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports

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Made a low pass near Oxford, IN. Not a typical MOA.

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7922f1 No.77942

File: 7dc2470cc991912⋯.webp (42.56 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: a527ad1a604054f⋯.webp (42.84 KB,1536x1028,384:257,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310321 (061726ZAUG23) Notable: Obama ‘as insecure as Trump,’ claims biographer whose book revealed ex-prez ‘repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men’

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Obama ‘as insecure as Trump,’ claims biographer whose book revealed ex-prez ‘repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men’

Jon Levine

Barack Obama is “as insecure as Trump,” his biographer said this week — and doubled down on his book’s revelations that the former president “repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.”

David Garrow penned the 1,472-page “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama” in 2017, which he discussed in a lengthy interview with Tablet Wednesday.

The 70-year-old Pulitzer Prize-winning historian sat with Obama for eight hours over three days for the massive tome, which received mixed reviews — and obtained letters from three of his former girlfriends.

Among them was Alex McNear, Obama’s girlfriend when they both attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.

“So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said, ‘It’s about homosexuality,'” Garrow told Tablet.

The letters eventually ended up at Emory University, where their most salacious bits were transcribed by hand by Garrow’s friend Harvey Klehr.

“So I emailed Harvey, said, ‘Go to the Emory archives.’ He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures. So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph where Barack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.”

In his time with Obama, Garrow found a stunning similarity between the 44th president and his successor, Donald Trump.

“I’ve sometimes said to people that I think Barack is actually just as insecure as Trump, but in ways that are not readily perceived by the vast majority of people,” he said.

“I think that’s probably my most basic takeaway.”

Obama, 62, “has no interest in building the Democratic Party as an institution. I think that’s obvious,” the author mused.

“And I don’t think he had any truly deep, meaningful policy commitments other than the need to feel and to be perceived as victorious, as triumphant.”

Garrow also revealed that he thinks Obama would be “too lazy” to serve on the Supreme Court, which President Biden said he’d nominate his former boss to “if he’d take it.”

“He’d be terrible because he’s too lazy. This is in the book. It goes back to him being Hawaiian,” he said. “At one point, he says, ‘I’m fundamentally lazy and it’s because I’m from Hawaii.’ That’s close to the actual quote.”

“Rising Star” made headlines when it was published and revealed that, among other things, the former president was a sex machine shortly after he moved to New York City in the 1980s to attend Columbia University.

(Pretty sure this biographer should get protection and hide now)


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7922f1 No.77943

File: 8b99bbe5511ff6c⋯.png (79.42 KB,1026x517,1026:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310482 (061748ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Attorney: Biden Admin Wants to Deny ALL AMERICANS ability to View Evidence that Exonerates Trump – They Are Denying Trump a Voice

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Trump Attorney: Biden Admin Wants to Deny ALL AMERICANS ability to View Evidence that Exonerates Trump – They Are Denying Trump a Voice

Trump Attorney John Lauro joined FOX News Sunday this morning to discuss the continued attempts by the Biden regime to silence and harass their leading opponent in the upcoming 2024 election.

The Biden regime has now indicted President Trump in over 70 junk indictments that could land him in prison for over 400 years. Democrats have effectively turned America into a lawless Marxist state. Thank goodness they have the mainstream media on their side to spread their lies.

Last week Joe Biden’s DOJ indicted President Trump for speech violations. Trump was indicted for challenging the 2020 election. Now he will be forced to face an Obama-judge in court with a 95% Democrat DC jury to convict him on speech charges. The verdict is already written.

The media refuses to report the truth on this travesty of justice.

President Trump leads ALL candidates Republican and Democrat in the 2024 race. So they want to jail him.

On Sunday morning, John Lauro joined Shannon Bream on FOX News Sunday to discuss the Biden regime’s attempt to block any evidence from the American public.

For the record, Shannon Bream is defending the government’s right to silence and jail Americans for speech violations. What a disappointment.

John Lauro: This is the problem with bringing a political prosecution in a political season. President Trump was responding in a political way to some of his political opponents. And the Biden administration wants the judge to put in place an order that will prevent the press from obtaining exculpatory and material information that might be relevant to these proceedings. Even though Mr. Trump, president Trump, has argued from the very beginning, as I have, that this is an attack, this indictment is an attack on his First Amendment rights.

Now, what the Biden administration wants to do is deny all Americans the opportunity to learn non-sensitive information about what the case involves in a political season. We have to remember that President Biden back in April 2022, which he repeated in November 2022, was that he was going to take President Trump out of the election, even though President Trump is his most significant opponent. Now we see the Biden. Justice department acting on the Biden plan. So President Trump, in the middle of a political season, is certainly entitled to respond politically. But make no mistake about it, this is an effort to prevent President Trump from running for president.


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7922f1 No.77944

File: de61a753e35b4a9⋯.png (617.78 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e4a74273fb027b⋯.png (255.83 KB,534x500,267:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310491 (061750ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with NATO-supplied missiles

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Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with NATO-supplied missiles

Two bridges connecting the peninsula to Russia’s mainland were hit by Storm Shadow missiles, according to local authorities

Ukraine has launched a barrage of British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at two bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to Russia’s Kherson Region, according to its acting governor, Vladimir Saldo.

Some 12 missiles were fired during Saturday's attack, with at least three making it through Russian anti-aircraft defenses, Saldo told Rossiya 24 TV channel. The strike damaged two bridges across the Strait of Chongar and the Tonkiy Strait, the official stated.

The Chongar bridge sustained at least one hit, according to the acting governor, who shared imagery of the aftermath of the attack on his Telegram channel. The missile left a large hole in the bridge deck paving, images show.

The attack damaged a rural school and ruptured a local gas pipeline, leaving the nearby town of Genichesk without supply, according to Saldo. Both bridges have hardly been used for military needs and are purely civilian infrastructure installations, he stressed.

While Saldo did not elaborate on the damage sustained by the second bridge, unverified footage circulating online suggests one of its sections has partially collapsed. The images show a gas pipeline running alongside the bridge, ruptured and aflame.

The bridges linking the northern part of the Crimean Peninsula and Kherson Region were targeted by Ukraine in another major attack back in June. At the time, the Chongar bridge sustained considerable damage and ended up shut down for several weeks during repairs.


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7922f1 No.77945

File: 439d9b9fa6ebab7⋯.png (947.03 KB,1276x700,319:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310495 (061751ZAUG23) Notable: New Jan. 6 tapes reveal how Capitol cop used his initiative to evacuate senators after boss went SILENT

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You know what to do, anons. Love you, no homo.

New Jan. 6 tapes reveal how Capitol cop used his initiative to evacuate senators after boss went SILENT

He was ousted after wearing MAGA hat to save colleagues, she was praised by Pelosi and scored plum new role

Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night analyzed the actions of Lt Tarik Johnson, a Capitol Police officer who resigned after the January 6 riot

Carlson, who has been given 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from the Capitol by Kevin McCarthy, showed Johnson doing his job

Johnson was given a MAGA cap by a rioter and wore it, he says, for safety: he says he was forced to resign after photos of him in the Trump hat emerged

Continued at:


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7922f1 No.77946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310502 (061752ZAUG23) Notable: Byron Donalds and Marjorie Taylor Greene discuss Biden family corruption evidence, the calls to impeach and the timing of bad Trump news amid Biden scandals

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'DESPICABLE': US should not be doing this, says GOP rep.



38,249 views 6 Aug 2023 #foxnews

Reps. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., and Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., join 'Sunday Morning Futures' to discuss Biden family corruption evidence, the calls to impeach President Biden and the timing of bad Trump news amid Biden scandals. #foxnews

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7922f1 No.77947

File: e17ead51e743603⋯.png (396.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310538 (061800ZAUG23) Notable: Drone attack on Moscow thwarted – mayor

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Drone attack on Moscow thwarted – mayor

An unmanned aerial vehicle heading toward Moscow has been shot down by Russian air defenses, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has said

Kiev has not openly claimed responsibility for the strikes, although Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky declared last Sunday that “war is returning to the territory of Russia.”


Moscow Airport Temporarily Halts Flights After Failed Drone Attack

Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin wrote on Telegram: "Today at around 11:00 a.m. a drone attempted to break through to Moscow. It was destroyed on the approach by air defenses. Well done military."

It is significant that Ukraine's long-range drone attacks have begun to halt or hinder air traffic over Moscow, even if briefly, and it comes after Ukraine's President Zelensky vowed "return the war" to Russian soil. The past week saw at least two attacks on Moscow City business district.


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7922f1 No.77948

File: b95a6fd6fb8d7ac⋯.png (182.66 KB,558x602,279:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cef7e396da57ae⋯.png (346.98 KB,565x435,113:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310562 (061804ZAUG23) Notable: Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

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Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

When Jim Acosta’s White House press pass was suspended in 2018, following an incident wherein he assaulted a female White House staffer, the mainstream media rallied with outrage. They uniformly defended Acosta’s right to harass and abuse a US president and hijack a press conference.

But the liberal mainstream press is giving cover to the Biden Administration yet again. They are virtually silent on the purge of 442 reporters who have lost hard passes after the White House changed requirements.

In May of 2023, The Gateway Pundit reported on the new rules.

In 2018, CNN sued to have Acosta’s pass restored under President Trump, but today they are silent.

Chief White House Correspondent for Today News Africa, Simon Ateba, shared the letter he received, threatening to pull his press pass, with details of the new rules.

Ateba posted the full letter on Twitter:

The Daily Signal reports that, over the past three months, “the number of reporters with access to the White House dropped by 31%. There are now 442 fewer reporters with a coveted ‘hard pass’—the result of new rules announced in May that took effect Tuesday.”

The White House announced new rules in May to limit the number of journalists who are eligible for a White House hard pass. Reporters are still allowed to apply for a day pass, but they must do so daily and undergo Secret Service review.

Up until this week, the White House didn’t disclose the number of reporters who had a hard pass. Politico reported, “Within the past three months, the number of hard pass holders dropped from 1,417 to 975, with those approved reflecting a mix of renewals and new applications.”

Christian reporter Dr. Harper did not make the cut. He was bullied by reporters in the past.




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7922f1 No.77949

File: ecbd5ce78496cc3⋯.png (23.91 KB,1004x269,1004:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310565 (061806ZAUG23) Notable: Who is Alix Dorsainvil? New Hampshire woman, child kidnapped in Haiti, nonprofit says

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Who is Alix Dorsainvil? New Hampshire

woman, child kidnapped in Haiti, nonprofit says

MassLive, by Heather Morrison

Original Article

Posted By: Midwest Mom, 8/6/2023 12:53:33 PM

A New Hampshire woman and her child were kidnapped while working for a Christian nonprofit in Haiti — the country that has been the woman’s home for years. Alix Dorsainvil and her daughter were kidnapped Thursday morning from El Roi Haiti Outreach International’s campus near Port au Prince while serving in their community ministry, the nonprofit’s website states. She has been a nurse for the school, according to a video on the website. But she also provides services for the community.

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7922f1 No.77950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310566 (061806ZAUG23) Notable: Maria Bartiromo: The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden – Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment

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Maria Bartiromo: The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden – Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment

Maria Bartiromo went on FOX and Friends Weekend to discuss her upcoming show this morning. Bartiromo announced her guests and then made a prediction on upcoming indictments against President Trump.

Maria Bartiromo: I will also tell you that all of the lawmakers I spoke with over the weekend, and many of them are on board they want an impeachment inquiry started. They believe that a Georgia indictment is coming in two weeks. So I assume the DOJ is waiting for more evidence of things to come out on Joe Biden and the Biden Family taking money in and then they will give Georgia the go ahead to release another indictment on President Trump.


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7922f1 No.77951

File: 4b499d19c0a8e1e⋯.jpg (35.45 KB,616x611,616:611,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b9036128f0b3730⋯.png (77.54 KB,397x510,397:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310577 (061809ZAUG23) Notable: Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

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notable tyrannical crackdown on information aka NEWS


442 reporters who will not report on fake UFO properly?

Q Post #442

Message back.

UFO put out to detract from drops.


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7922f1 No.77952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310583 (061810ZAUG23) Notable: Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

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Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

Miranda Devine.1/2

Just in case it wasn’t clear what Hunter Biden was doing when he put his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on the speakerphone during business meetings, even Hunter’s former business partnerDevon Archer calls it an “abuse of soft power.”

According to designated Democratic apologist Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), Joe Biden had no idea who was on the speakerphone in Paris or Dubai or Lake Como, or wherever it was that Hunter introduced his father to shady foreigners who were showering him with millions of dollars and lavish gifts like a $50,000 Hublot watch, which Archer says Hunter got from the Ukrainians.

No, the VP would just talk about “the weather” after Hunter introduced him to “Vadym” or “Nikolai” or whoever. He wasn’t talking about balance sheets or where to place the oil rigs, so that makes it quite OK.

Seriously, whom does Goldman think he’s kidding?

Archer was careful choosing his words to the Oversight Committee on Monday and in a subsequent interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Facing a one-year prison sentence over a fraud conviction, Archer has been bombarded with death threats since news broke that he was cooperating with congressional investigators. The father of three has tried to tell the truth while trying to survive at the center of a brutal tug-of-war between Congress and the White House.

But no matter how desperately Democrats and their media handmaidens try to spin Archer’s testimony, he has changed the game.

Prez had a role

As he told Carlson, it’s “categorically false” that Joe Biden had no role in his son’s business or knowledge of it: “He was aware of Hunter’s ­business. He met with Hunter’s business partners.”

Now Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence operation is undeniable, despite his nearly three-year litany of lies.

Even while being scrupulously careful, Archer’s testimony was damning.

He described how Joe was “the brand” of his family “business” and was used to send “signals” of power, access and influence, whether on speakerphone or meeting in person. There were dinners at Café Milano in Washington, DC, with Hunter’s benefactors from Ukraine, Russia and China, breakfasts at the vice presidential residence in DC, handshakes on the sidelines of Beijing meetings.Ultimately, it was this access to VP Biden that sent millions of dollars flowing into Biden family coffers.

Goldman tried to make hay over the word “weather” in Archer’s response to a question about what Joe Biden talked about in those 20 speakerphone calls with Hunter’s foreign business associates.

“I think that the calls were, that’s what it was,” Archer said Monday, according to a source familiar with his testimony. “They were calls to talk about the weather, and that was signal enough to be powerful.”

It wasn’t the content of the calls, in other words, but the fact that they were made. That was the “signal.”

The call was “enough,” Archer told Carlson in an interview to be released Thursday on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, after a teaser was aired Wednesday. “In the rearview, it’s an abuse of soft power …

“That’s the … second-most powerful man in the world … The prize of being able to have, whether it’s on speakerphone or in person, to have that person in direct contact with, [whether] you’re talking about weather or politics or what have you, that that’s the important [thing] … There’s no relevance in asking the vice president about the gas, you know, revenues or anything. [The call is] enough and the prize is that contact and that access.”

Archer states the obvious, that Hunter’s value to corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying him and Hunter $83,000 a month apiece, was his access to his father, the VP.

He was asked by Carlson about an urgent email sent to him and Hunter on May 12, 2014, from Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi demanding to know “how you could use your influence to convey a message, signal, etc., to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions.” At the time, Burisma was aggressively being investigated by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin….


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7922f1 No.77953

File: 9d1e5ddb69ea08d⋯.webp (53.27 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 4ea8b0d788fc02a⋯.webp (55.56 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

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File: 45b04996c59aedb⋯.webp (55.06 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310590 (061811ZAUG23) Notable: Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

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Archer explained what “signal” means in a corrupt country like Ukraine. “It’s almost like, you know, the shakedown … they’re using a common term to them and sending back here to us and say, ‘I hope we’re protected’ kind of thing …

‘Shokin a threat’

“So Shokin is taking a close look … at Burisma. There were allegations that some of the … deposits or some of the reserves were not, you know, authentically acquired … Shokin was considered a threat to the business … You’ve got to get the signals to the government. I think anyone in government is always a threat and always trying to shake down these businesses that were highly successful.”

Archer hedged by saying that he was told by Burisma executives that Shokin himself was corrupt and “there was a big push by European leaders, the Atlantic Council, etc., to fire Shokin because he was corrupt … It certainly wasn’t made clear to us at the board level … that that was a favor to be done … I wasn’t involved in Shokin or any of this.”

But ultimately, Archer concluded, Shokin “was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of Nikolai [Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky], a house, some cars, a couple of properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of these assets …

“And then [Shokin] was fired and then somehow Burisma was let off the hook.”

Asked if Burisma executives were trying to leverage Hunter’s relationship with his powerful father, Archer said, “Yes, there was constant pressure to send signals to leverage all of his, you know, his dad included.

But the Biden brand, the DC insider relationships to help Burisma survive …

“It was that ability to help on the geopolitical stage, keep them out of trouble, keep them out of investigations, unfreeze assets [and] unsuccessfully, you know, unfreeze visas.”

That brings us to the speakerphone call in Dubai late in the evening of Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, in the middle of Shokin’s aggressive investigations when, after a Burisma board meeting and dinner, Hunter and Archer went to the Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach for a drink. While there, Pozharskyi phoned to say he and Zlochevsky needed to speak to Hunter urgently. When they arrived at the bar, they asked Hunter to call his dad.

In Archer’s testimony, he said he did not hear the call that night because Hunter and the Ukrainians moved away from the table, so he could not say if they called Joe, just “DC.” But he was told by Pozharskyi that it was Joe they called in DC. Despite attempts by Democrats to confuse the issue, it is obvious that the one powerful person in DC whom Hunter phoned directly at any time was his father.

And he told Carlson the Ukrainians regularly asked Hunter to get his dad on the phone.

“I did not listen to a particular call where they spoke. But I know that the request was made by Vadym [Pozharskyi] a lot.”

Ultimately, said Archer, “I do believe that, at the end of the day, Burisma wouldn’t have stayed in business so long if Hunter was not on the board.”

Ain’t that the truth. By Joe Biden’s own admission, he flew to Ukraine a few days after that fateful Dubai speakerphone call, and threatened the Ukrainian government that he would withhold $1 billion in US aid unless Shokin was fired. Three months later, Shokin was gone, and as Archer said, ­Burisma was off the hook.


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7922f1 No.77954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310600 (061814ZAUG23) Notable: Haitians protest the kidnap of U.S. charity worker

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Haitians protest the kidnap of U.S. charity worker

dasting even in Sound Of Freedom it is noted that the only people who can access deep into places normally off limits to anyone...

medical / mission people

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7922f1 No.77955

File: 45bf10671a4e1d0⋯.png (523.83 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a2c2b63c6e625⋯.png (122.09 KB,712x740,178:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310606 (061815ZAUG23) Notable: Boston Mayor Must Produce Evidence on Communication About ‘Enemies List,’ Court Orders

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Boston Mayor Must Produce Evidence on Communication About ‘Enemies List,’ Court Orders

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has been ordered by a judge to produce evidence of her controversial “enemies list,” including related emails, which a judge agreed to use in a case against a North End restaurateur who stands accused of shooting at a business rival.

Ms. Wu may be required to produce the evidence in court and testify under oath, the Boston Herald reported.

What has come into question is how the owner of Monica’s Trattoria, Patrick Mendoza, ended up on Ms. Wu’s list. According to Mr. Mendoza’s attorney, Rosemary Scapicchio, the key questions relate to who generated the list and why it was sent to the Boston Police Department.

“I’m trying to get the information because it could be exculpatory to my client,” Scapicchio told the Herald in an interview. “Who decided it was a threat and what was the threat.”

The ruling on Aug. 4 states that Ms. Wu’s administration will have to turn over all communications related to the list, potentially shedding new light on unanswered questions by Ms. Wu.

The embattled mayor has received a lot of backlash since it emerged that she had compiled a list of more than a dozen of her most ardent critics before passing it onto local authorities, comparing the list to President Richard Nixon’s “enemies list.”

According to Ricardo Patron, a spokesman for Ms. Wu, the list was created in response to a request by the Boston Police Department.

It reportedly followed months of threats against the Mayor, who allegedly suffered harassment and physical intimidation outside her home, as well as at public events and city functions, by protesters who opposed Ms. Wu’s COVID-19 vaccination mandates for city employees, the Herald reported.

It was subsequently noted that the administration acknowledged compiling the document after the discovery of the list, which was provided to Ms. Wu’s opponents through a public records request, fueling concerns by critics that Ms. Wu and her administration may be attempting to quash criticism of her or intimidate vocal opponents.

Many of Ms. Wu’s critics have previously engaged in protests outside the Mayor’s home.


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7922f1 No.77956

File: d67196d36909783⋯.png (597.2 KB,945x709,945:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b75d311f80dfc7⋯.png (378.37 KB,698x730,349:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bf49e642cfa717⋯.png (14.98 KB,686x159,686:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310636 (061820ZAUG23) Notable: Russia launches missile, drone barrage against Ukraine as promised after suffering tanker strike

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Russia launches missile, drone barrage against Ukraine as promised after suffering tanker strike

Russia made good on its threat to retaliate against Ukraine for bombing a Kremlin tanker, unleashing a massive and deadly missile and drone strike Sunday.

Ukrainian military officials confirmed that waves of 70 Russian drones and missiles were launched over the Caspian Sea to lay waste to cities in western Ukraine.

The overnight blitz and counterattack killed at least six people.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the Russian strike, noting one of the bombs hit a blood transfusion center in Kupyan in the Kharkiv region.

“This war crime alone says everything about Russian aggression,” Zelenskyy said. “Defeating terrorists is a matter of honor for everyone who values life.”

Kyiv officials said the shelling in the Kharkiv region killed two people, including a 58-year-old woman, and left four others injured while also igniting a forest fire.

Two people were reported dead in the Donetsk region, according to local governor Pavlo Kyrylenko.

Officials added that at least three rounds of bombings also hit the Starokostiantyniv area and an aircraft engine manufacturing building in Zaporizhzhia.

Kyiv said it shot down 26 of the drones that were deployed.



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7922f1 No.77957

File: 131c8b2b49647c1⋯.png (459.33 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e3495352f7742e⋯.png (453.66 KB,700x811,700:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310642 (061822ZAUG23) Notable: Ian Watkins, former Lostprophets singer and convicted pedophile, stabbed in prison: report

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Ian Watkins, former Lostprophets singer and convicted pedophile, stabbed in prison: report

A pedophile Welsh rock singer who confessed to sexual offenses against young children and babies is fighting for his life after he was stabbed and held hostage by fellow inmates inside one of the harshest prisons in the UK, according to a report.

Ian Watkins, 46, the former lead singer of the now-disbanded band Lostprophets, was found stabbed in his jail cell inside His Majesty’s Prison Wakefield by the prison’s guards and rushed to a hospital in a “life-threatening condition.”

“There are fears he could die. If he survives, he’ll have been very lucky.” sources told the Mirror.

Three inmates took Watkins, 46, hostage around 9 a.m. on Saturday where he was stabbed multiple times and beaten up before prison personnel “freed” him six hours later, the outlet reported.

Watkins founded Lostprophets in 1997 until the band disbanded in 2013 when he was sentenced to jail.

Watkins was 10 years into his 29-year prison sentence for several child sex offenses, including attempted rape and sexual assault of a child under the age of 13, and possession of child pornography.

Watkins’s sexual assaults date back to at least March 2007, when he videoed himself having “oral, vaginal and anal sex” with a 16-year-old female, according to court documents.

A year later, Watkins and a different 16-year-old female — who was his fan — had oral sex as she snorted a white powder believed to be cocaine, the documents read.

Watkins’s ex-girlfriend Joanne Mjadzelics alerted police that the singer had told her he had given a child cocaine and touched the victim inappropriately, the Guardian reported in 2017.


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7922f1 No.77958

File: 9eb06d19cace649⋯.png (323.21 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 17490d272b3d8bf⋯.png (212.87 KB,660x652,165:163,Clipboard.png)

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File: 83162f95aa48ff0⋯.png (632.56 KB,693x835,693:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310659 (061826ZAUG23) Notable: Devon Archer’s Wife Holds 10% Stake in Same Chinese-State-Backed Fund as Hunter Biden’s Lawyer

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Devon Archer’s Wife Holds 10% Stake in Same Chinese-State-Backed Fund as Hunter Biden’s Lawyer

Devon Archer’s wife, Krista Archer, holds a ten percent stake in a Chinese-state-backed investment fund, BHR Partners, the same fund in which Hunter Biden’s lawyer controls a ten percent stake, according to legal documents unearthed by nonprofit Marco Polo and exclusively obtained by Breitbart News.

Krista Archer’s stake in BHR Partners is notable because Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s best friend in business and who co-founded BHR Partners in 2013 with the president’s son, testified on Monday before Congress regarding BHR Partners, a fund in which the Archer family has an ongoing interest.

The documents raise questions about if Devon Archer divulged his family’s stake in BHR Partners to investigators. Such information could be relevant to the congressional probe into the Biden family.

A source with knowledge of the documents confirmed their authenticity to Breitbart News in April. Now that Devon Archer has resurfaced in the news, the documents are newly relevant.

Devon and Krista Archer did not reply to a request for comment when asked about Mrs. Archer’s ownership stake in BHR Partners through Ulysses Diversified, Inc.

On Monday, Devon Archer told investigators during his testimony that Hunter Biden put then-Vice President Joe Biden on speakerphone more than 20 times with business associates to sell “the brand.” One of those phone calls included a dinner in China with Jonathan Li, the third co-founder of BHR Partners. The official transcript of Devon Archer’s testimony does not appear to include any reference to his wife’s share in the Chinese-state-backed fund.

It is unknown why Devon Archer’s wife would hold a ten percent stake in BHR Partners.

Krista Archer is a medical doctor and mother of three children. She practices medicine in New York City at Northwell Health/Lenox Hill Hospital, where she specializes in podiatry. She is associated with the American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry. She also sports her own foot care retail line called the Arch. She has made a number of appearances on network television:

According to a document titled “Equity Transfer Agreement,” Krista Archer acquired a ten percent stake in BHR Partners on March 18, 2017, from Devon Archer through Ulysses Diversified, Inc.

The document is signed by Krista Archer, Devon Archer, and Eric Schwerin, “President” of Skaneateles, LLC, an entity that also acquired a ten percent stake in BHR Partners. The equity agreement is written in both Mandarin and English.


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7922f1 No.77959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310666 (061827ZAUG23) Notable: Bill Barr: ‘Of Course’ I Would Testify Against Trump at January 6 Trial

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Bill Barr: ‘Of Course’ I Would Testify Against Trump at January 6 Trial


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7922f1 No.77960

File: 54eed754b8ad042⋯.png (33.78 KB,839x364,839:364,Clipboard.png)

File: dcc5774ae979b72⋯.png (315.5 KB,1250x660,125:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310670 (061828ZAUG23) Notable: Popular Singer Doja Cat Releases Music Video Filled with Demonic Imagery

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Parents Beware: Popular Singer Doja Cat Releases Music Video Filled with Demonic Imagery

By Peter Partoll, Western Journal August 6, 2023 at 1:07pm

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7922f1 No.77961

File: 24afc030c0679e7⋯.png (123.98 KB,656x751,656:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310783 (061846ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump Says He Cannot Get a Fair Trial in Washington, DC

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Donald Trump Says He Cannot Get a Fair Trial in Washington, DC

Former President Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to declare he believes he has no prospect of receiving a fair trial in Washington, DC.

The trial in question relates to matters in connection to the January 6 Capitol riot. Trump used his own Truth Social network to post his thoughts:

“If prosecutors insist on proceeding with this politicized case, they should move the venue to West Virginia,” he added. “West Virginians believe in upholding the rule of law and don’t support a double-standard of justice.”

During an interview with PBS aired on Thursday’s broadcast of “PBS NewsHour,” former Attorney General Bill Barr also shared his belief D.C. might not be a fair jurisdiction for 2024 Republican presidential candidate to stand trial on the charges over January 6 and the Department of Justice should consider moving the venue like they did in the documents case, as Breitbart News reported.

This latest case is one of three indictments brought against Trump in recent months, and the second from Special Prosecutor Jack Smith.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s DOJ is pursuing the case of Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents in the Southern District of Florida while Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office is prosecuting Trump at the state level in New York on allegations of business fraud.

Trump has expressed similar concerns regarding receiving a fair trial in New York, and a YouGov poll showed 40 percent of Americans think he “cannot get a fair trial in New York.”



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7922f1 No.77962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310807 (061851ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Attorney Lauro: ‘A Technical Violation of the Constitution Is Not a Violation of Criminal Law’

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Trump Attorney Lauro: ‘A Technical Violation of the Constitution Is Not a Violation of Criminal Law’

Pam Key6 Aug 2023

John Lauro, an attorney for Donald Trump, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that a “technical violation of the Constitution” is not a violation “criminal law.”

On Fox News, Pence said, “Let’s be clear on this point, it wasn’t just that he asked for a pause. The president specifically asked me and his gaggle of crack pot lawyers asked me to literally reject votes which would have resulted in the issue being turned over to the House of Representatives and literally chaos would have ensued.”

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “So he’s just disputing the version of, events you’re describing.”

Lauro said, “No, not at all. He’s substantiating it in this respect, there were some preliminary discussions along the lines that Vice President Pence described, butthe ultimate ask which was done at the ellipse was to pause the voting for a period of time.

Now, issues like this get discussed and thrashed about all the time, but the ultimate call made by President Trump was to ask for a pause.If you read Vice President Pence’s book, he agrees completely with President Trump that there were these anomalies, discrepancies, even fraud in the election. Vice President Pence wanted those debated in Congress. President Trump asked that they be debated at the state legislature so you had a disagreement there, but once again, these constitutional and statutory disagreements don’t lead to criminal charges.”

Lauro added, “One thing that Mr. Pence has never said is that he thought President Trump was acting criminally. Indeed, Vice President Pence is an attorney. If he at any point said or thought that Mr. Trump, President Trump was acting unlawfully or contrary to criminal law, he would have said that. No one ever suggested that.”

Todd said, “He said the President asked him to violate the Constitution, which is another way of saying he asked him to break the law.”

Lauro said, “No, that’s wrong.A technical violation of the Constitution is not a violation of criminal law. That’s just plain wrong. And to say that is contrary to decades of legal statute.”


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7922f1 No.77963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310859 (061901ZAUG23) Notable: #23716

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#23716 >>77930

>>77948, >>77951 Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

>>77931 Niger has ENDED all military agreements with France and given the French military 30 days to FLEE the country.

>>77932 @zerohedge Moscow Airport Temporarily Halts Flights After Failed Drone Attack

>>77934 Convenience store clerks under investigation for assault after beating would-be thief in Stockton, Calif.

>>77935, >>77933 Vice President's duty is to certify the tally of electoral college votes after a Presidential election has taken place >Pence is a traitor.

>>77936 'Let's Get Ready To Rumble!': Musk Says Cage Fight With Zuckerberg Will Be "Live Streamed" On Twitter X

>>77937 Japan ignores US role on Hiroshima bombing anniversary

>>77939 2nd Migrant Busted near Border with Child Porn in Two Days, Say Texas Cops

>>77940, >>77938, >>77941 PF Reports

>>77942 Obama ‘as insecure as Trump,’ claims biographer whose book revealed ex-prez ‘repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men’

>>77943 Trump Attorney: Biden Admin Wants to Deny ALL AMERICANS ability to View Evidence that Exonerates Trump – They Are Denying Trump a Voice

>>77944 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with NATO-supplied missiles

>>77945 New Jan. 6 tapes reveal how Capitol cop used his initiative to evacuate senators after boss went SILENT

>>77946 Byron Donalds and Marjorie Taylor Greene discuss Biden family corruption evidence, the calls to impeach and the timing of bad Trump news amid Biden scandals

>>77947 Drone attack on Moscow thwarted – mayor

>>77949 Who is Alix Dorsainvil? New Hampshire woman, child kidnapped in Haiti, nonprofit says

>>77950 Maria Bartiromo: The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden – Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment

>>77952, >>77953 Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

>>77954 Haitians protest the kidnap of U.S. charity worker

>>77955 Boston Mayor Must Produce Evidence on Communication About ‘Enemies List,’ Court Orders

>>77956 Russia launches missile, drone barrage against Ukraine as promised after suffering tanker strike

>>77957 Ian Watkins, former Lostprophets singer and convicted pedophile, stabbed in prison: report

>>77958 Devon Archer’s Wife Holds 10% Stake in Same Chinese-State-Backed Fund as Hunter Biden’s Lawyer

>>77959 Bill Barr: ‘Of Course’ I Would Testify Against Trump at January 6 Trial

>>77960 Popular Singer Doja Cat Releases Music Video Filled with Demonic Imagery

>>77961 Donald Trump Says He Cannot Get a Fair Trial in Washington, DC

>>77962 Trump Attorney Lauro: ‘A Technical Violation of the Constitution Is Not a Violation of Criminal Law’


nom if missed

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7922f1 No.77964

File: f581d32acc18a3e⋯.png (647.56 KB,1000x853,1000:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310937 (061918ZAUG23) Notable: #23717

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>baker ghosting till 300

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7922f1 No.77965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310948 (061920ZAUG23) Notable: Submitted on Behalf of: 8 billion “useless eaters, deplorables & cattle - declaration-of-freedom.blogspot

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Submitted on Behalf of:

8 billion “useless eaters, deplorables & cattle” refusing to obey tyrannical laws and comply with the unconstitutional orders of the Hidden Hand, and searching for the Rothschilds, the Committee of 300, their political and bureaucratic puppets and the stolen gold.

1. The Invisible World Gov’t / Globalism, originally known as “The Hidden Hand,” is ruled by The Rothschilds (secondarily by their relatives the Sassoons, the Montefiores, the Warburgs et al.).

2. The Rothschild Hidden Hand is primarily assisted by their secretive “Committee of 300” along with numerous advisors and political puppets. Some have referred to the Rothschilds and their helpers as the “Executors of Satan”!

3. The power of the Rothschild Hidden Hand is made possible by the 100+ Central Banks they own & control, directly or indirectly, with which they can create/print/Q.E. unlimited amounts of fake money out of nothing - thin air - while we the “deplorables” have to work hard for every penny to our names.

They were originally entrusted with the money printing, but abused their power, avoided audits to hide their theft of oceans of untold wealth (BlackRock/ Vanguard), property and gold; impoverished billions of people through hyperinflation, which is also coming here soon. With unlimited money, the Rothschilds can bribe/buy (almost) anyone.

4. Where are the Rothschilds and their puppets hiding today? In their Castles, Mansions, in your Neighborhood (under assumed names), Private Islands, Underground Bunkers, Patagonia, Antarctica? Find them quickly!! Bring them to justice!

5. Where are the Rothschilds hiding the immense quantities of gold they stole from numerous monarchs, czars, individuals and nations (recently Libya & Ukraine), since the year 1800?

Find it quickly!! Return it to the rightful owners.

6. (a) If the Rothschilds and their puppets received the vaccination(s), were they harmless ones and different from those foisted on the rest of us, the “Useless Eaters, Deplorables and Cattle of this World”? If theirs was harmless, they must be found & brought to justice.

(b) Are they forcibly injecting our children & destroying them for life?

(c) Are they planning a Food Shortage to starve us & a Cyberattack to keep us in the cold, in ignorance and in the dark? If so, increase your efforts 100-fold and find them quickly!

(d) Are the 100+ Central Banks of the Rothschild Hidden Hand preparing to destroy our sovereignty as individuals by way of an invisible cage of digital currency to control our spending & behavior worldwide, thereby ensuring their global tyranny?

Are they planning a Global Financial Collapse?

7. Remember the Hidden Hand which seeks to divide and conquer us, employs merciless vengeance, hatred and mind-blowing malice. Furthermore, the Hidden Hand fears most your individual personal initiative because they cannot predict it or control it. Through it you will smash their power and eliminate them.

8. Wake up to all the lies & deception! Fight for your liberty and your families’ liberty against these tyrants! They are cowards and will soon be consumed by fear.

The world is united in a common goal, regardless of color, religion, ethnicity or class, aiming for truth, preservation of our family, honesty, justice, freedom and peace.


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7922f1 No.77966

File: 442f49cff49082f⋯.png (369.76 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 9df6b662177043b⋯.png (172.27 KB,685x862,685:862,Clipboard.png)

File: e017290fcc8f644⋯.png (413.77 KB,729x860,729:860,Clipboard.png)

File: 624b04d3e824946⋯.png (75.63 KB,700x437,700:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310968 (061924ZAUG23) Notable: Consulting firm KPMG overcharged Defence while raking in billions of dollars

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Consulting firm KPMG overcharged Defence while raking in billions of dollars, whistleblowers say

Consulting giant KPMG has been accused by two whistleblowers of repeatedly ripping off taxpayers while contracted by the Department of Defence — submitting inflated invoices and billing the federal government for hours never worked.

Key points:

The whistleblowers worked at KPMG and the Department of Defence

They say the government was charged for work never done and jobs not needed

There are warnings that the use of consultants in government is wasting money and damaging accountability

The whistleblowers – one from KPMG, the other from Defence – told Four Corners the ongoing cosy relationship meant new work was awarded with little scrutiny, allowing KPMG to charge the department a staggering $1.8 billion over the past decade.

One whistleblower said KPMG had "significant influence" over senior Defence staff.

"What I don't hear is anybody calling it for what it is … an abuse of privilege and power," said Labor senator Deborah O'Neill, who has played a key role in the parliamentary inquiry that is examining the "big four" consulting firms: PwC, KPMG, EY and Deloitte.

While PwC has attracted headlines over its use of confidential government information to help its clients avoid tax, there has been less scrutiny of one of Canberra's biggest players: KPMG.

Defence is its number one government client.

'Every invoice reviewed was incorrect'

The whistleblower who previously worked for the department said KPMG proposed $1 million worth of new work that was already covered by existing contracts. And that was just on one project over a seven-month period.

About the same time, the whistleblower claimed personal connections helped KPMG land a $14 million contract for a defence logistics project — despite it being the most expensive tender option.

Within 12 months, KPMG had reaped $4 million from contract extensions.

In the consulting world, it is known as "land and expand".

"It's about getting very, very close to government, finding out what's going on using the contacts, and then growing the business," Senator O'Neill said.

"The whole business model of these companies is 'billable hours'; the longer they stay there, the less efficiently they do the job."


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7922f1 No.77967

File: 37a5d06233a197e⋯.jpg (143.7 KB,720x831,240:277,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310998 (061932ZAUG23) Notable: Chris Christie gifts Zelensy handwritten lyrics to Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’ as ‘inspiration’

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Chris Christie gifts Zelensy handwritten lyrics to Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’ as ‘inspiration’

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7922f1 No.77968

File: c1e4faa6d06fbba⋯.png (44.6 KB,1248x291,416:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19310999 (061932ZAUG23) Notable: Biden DOJ Attempts to Muzzle Trump Over His 'Threatening' Social Media Posts

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Biden DOJ Attempts to Muzzle Trump Over

His 'Threatening' Social Media Posts

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Hazymac, 8/6/2023 2:36:11 PM

The woke Biden Justice Department is attempting to silence former President Trump, arguing his Truth Social posts are threatening. On Friday night, Prosecutors asked U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to issue a protective order after Trump warned on his social media account, "If you go after me, I'm coming after you!" The protective order would limit the information Trump and his legal team would be allowed to share publicly about the case. According to prosecutors, such an order is "particularly important" in this case because the former president has posted on social media about "witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal matters pending against him."

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7922f1 No.77969

File: 6915bdd5ce1b65f⋯.png (679.98 KB,1277x665,1277:665,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311009 (061936ZAUG23) Notable: Russia strikes blood transfusion center as world leaders meet to discuss peace

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Russia strikes blood transfusion center as world leaders meet to discuss peace

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls the attack a war crime.

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7922f1 No.77970

File: bbe36962cf36932⋯.png (127.12 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311057 (061948ZAUG23) Notable: Shocking Video: Gun-Strapping Kids Roam 'Grand Theft Auto'-Style Around St.Louis Suburb

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Shocking Video: Gun-Strapping Kids Roam 'Grand Theft Auto'-Style Around St.Louis Suburb

A disturbing pattern of out-of-control kids is being overserved in several US cities. This might result from progressive leadership in City Halls failing to enforce law and order while supporting disastrous 'defund the police' efforts that have transformed city streets into war zones in a few short years. The latest example of this chaos comes from an inner-ring suburb of the city of St. Louis in St. Louis County, Missouri.

Local television station KMOV released a shocking video of kids pointing guns at a smart door camera of a home on the 700 block of Vernon. The five kids were strapped with pistols and semi-automatic rifles. They were seen knocking on the door, while one said, "Open that door, man."

Police said they received the video from an anonymous source. There is an open investigation into who the kids are and why they were at the home with guns.

Last month, a gun-wielding 16yo was responsible for a deadly downtown St. Louis mass shooting in June that left one person dead and a dozen injured.

Meanwhile, St. Louis Family Court's Report to the Community for 2022, released in May, shows the number of felony referrals police sent to juvenile courts soared from 535 in 2021 to 878 in 2022. And that number is likely moving higher this year.

Democratic Mayor Tishaura Jones' move to defund the city's police department by millions of dollars to put social justice and racial equity at the center of all public policy appears overshadowed by the continuation of violent crime.

Jones has supported strict gun control and called on Congress to ban "weapons of war," claiming if these guns were banned - it would result in a drop in violence.


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7922f1 No.77971

File: 6e31e8a81645cd8⋯.png (20.33 KB,599x377,599:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311111 (061956ZAUG23) Notable: Dems: We just shut down your bank accounts! GOP: Let's just have a debate.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Dems: We just shut down your bank accounts!

GOP: Let's have a debate.

Dems: We'll get your boss to fire you!

GOP: Let's have a debate.

Dems: We'll get you thrown in jail for nothing!

GOP: C'mon guys, let's debate this....

7:07 AM · Aug 6, 2023




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7922f1 No.77972

File: 630aa426af034f3⋯.png (389.62 KB,605x473,55:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311136 (062001ZAUG23) Notable: Kentucky crowd boos and shouts “retire” at Mitch McConnell

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Kentucky crowd shouts “retire” at Mitch McConnell 🤣

7:19 AM · Aug 6, 2023




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7922f1 No.77973

File: b4c8037ec30bc8e⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311152 (062004ZAUG23) Notable: Kentucky crowd boos and shouts “retire” at Mitch McConnell

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and booed

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7922f1 No.77974

File: 22ad8eef112fcdd⋯.png (319.85 KB,426x510,71:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311223 (062016ZAUG23) Notable: NAOMI WOLF: We know from the PFIZER docs that it MURDERS BABIES IN THE WOMB!

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NAOMI WOLF: We know from the PFIZER docs that it MURDERS BABIES IN THE WOMB!

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7922f1 No.77975

File: 1e892de5c668186⋯.png (742.78 KB,478x839,478:839,Clipboard.png)

File: e96a4c9ff7943e3⋯.png (847.2 KB,676x550,338:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311239 (062019ZAUG23) Notable: In case you’re wondering what Jill Biden is up to - she’s traveling the country meeting up with drag queens who perform adult sexual themed shows in front of kids.

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Libs of TikTok


In case you’re wondering what @FLOTUS

is up to- she’s traveling the country meeting up with drag queens who perform adult sexual themed shows in front of kids.

The Biden admin supports this.


8:59 AM · Aug 6, 2023




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7922f1 No.77976

File: fd67e4c3a076d0e⋯.png (50.48 KB,1542x352,771:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311271 (062024ZAUG23) Notable: The Indictment of Donald Trump Is The Real Threat To Democracy Newsweek

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The Indictment of Donald Trump Is The

Real Threat To Democracy | Opinion

Newsweek, by Ben Weingarten

Posted By: rememberwhen, 8/6/2023 4:03:52 PM

In 2020, following a years-long effort to sabotage and subvert Donald Trump's presidency using a fraudulent Russiagate conspiracy and frivolous impeachment effort, America's ruling class conspired to rig the election against him. It used COVID-19 to impose a uniquely lax, arguably unconstitutional, mass mail-in election system that it exploited to maximum effect, and censored political opponents—Trump included—on matters ranging from the integrity of that election to damaging stories about Joe Biden. When, on January 6, 2021, a protest over the election boiled over into the Capitol Riot, the ruling class responded by casting millions of election skeptics as potential domestic terrorists.

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7922f1 No.77977

File: ed7af3e966009aa⋯.png (235.49 KB,400x479,400:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311279 (062025ZAUG23) Notable: Nebraska Sen. Ricketts seeks investigation of Hunter Biden attorneys

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Nebraska Sen. Ricketts seeks investigation of Hunter Biden attorneys

LINCOLN — Saying there “needs to be accountability for any misconduct or favoritism,” U.S. Sen. Pete Ricketts is urging a disciplinary review of allegations that Hunter Biden’s legal team misled the judge in his case.

Nebraska’s junior Republican senator has sent a letter with his concerns to professional disciplinary committees in both New York and the District of Columbia. In it, he called for the committees to take “swift action” to investigate.

Although Ricketts is not involved with the case against President Joe Biden’s son, he said Tuesday that he wrote the letter to “help restore integrity to the justice system.”

“I’ve heard from countless Nebraskans who are concerned our justice system is being weaponized against President Biden’s political opponents while his son gets preferential treatment,” he said. “It’s incumbent on all of us to ensure that the justice system is treating all Americans fairly.”

Ricketts’ statement echoed concerns raised by former President Donald Trump and his supporters about “weaponization” of the justice system, particularly as the number of criminal indictments against Trump increases. Trump is the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024.

But Jane Kleeb, executive director of the Nebraska Democratic Party, criticized the senator’s action.

“Sen. Ricketts should spend more time looking into the multiple indictments and corruption of the leading Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump rather than dragging down a private citizen,” she said. “But this is what we have come to expect from the clown car show of the Republican Party.”


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7922f1 No.77978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311306 (062029ZAUG23) Notable: The Significance of Deception in Contemporary Information Warfare

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The Significance of Deception in Contemporary Information Warfare

the major methods of deception are:

• Presenting data to the adversary that represents the truth as you would want them to perceive it. This is achieved by presenting a tailored subset of ‘real’ data, and/or manipulated data, and/or depriving the foe of any data, and/or disrupting the foe’s data collection, and/or • Setting the context in which the foe interprets that data, and/or

• Producing ‘noise’ in the communication channel so that the foe receives only the data al-lowed by the deceiver.

Information Warfare and Deception, Informing Science, Volume 9, 2006


Deception in Support of Operations Security (DISO). DISO is a MILDEC activity that protects friendly operations, personnel, programs, equipment, and other assets

against foreign intelligence and security services (FISS) collection. The intent of a DISO is to create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to

interpret by FISS, limiting the ability of FISS to collect accurate intelligence on friendly forces. DISOs are general in nature, they are not specifically targeted against particular

adversary military, paramilitary, or VEO decision makers, but are, instead, used to protect friendly operations and forces by obfuscating friendly capabilities, intent, or vulnerabilities.

JP 3-13.4 https://jfsc.ndu.edu/portals/72/documents/jc2ios/additional_reading/1c3-jp_3-13-4_mildec.pdf

Examples of Deception In Support of Operations (DISO)* in the writings of Q :

*('create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret'), (obfuscating)

11.3 (https://qalerts.net/?q=11.3) 9 post(s) found containing "11.3".

D5 (https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-conspiracy-posts-trump-news-d5-december-5-george-bush-storm-great-1245823) Successful feint. See Q #2553.

2018 will be glorious. (https://qalerts.net/?q=2018+will+be) 13 post(s) found containing "2018 will be glorious".


Shall we add some more, Anon?

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7922f1 No.77979

File: 4165dcc113bdd21⋯.png (254.17 KB,718x364,359:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311362 (062038ZAUG23) Notable: According to at least three studies, Planned Parenthood is one of the most common clinical settings to which sex traffickers bring their victims.

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'No one ever asked me anything anytime I ever went to a clinic'


Survivor: Sex trafficker took all girls to Planned Parenthood

According to at least three studies, Planned Parenthood is one of the most common clinical settings to which sex traffickers bring their victims. Traffickers take…


Link Feed

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7922f1 No.77980

File: cb6d62be3083b6c⋯.jpeg (52.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311402 (062047ZAUG23) Notable: NYT misinterpreted Peskov’s words – Kremlin

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6 Aug, 2023 19:10

NYT misinterpreted Peskov’s words – Kremlin

The American newspaper claimed that Vladimir Putin’s spokesman considers democratic elections a sham

Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has accused the New York Times of “mistranslating” a quote by him implying that Russian elections are rigged. While next year’s election will be democratic, Peskov suggested that President Vladimir Putin’s public support is so high that he will almost certainly win another term.

In a lengthy feature on the impact of the conflict in Ukraine on life in Russia, the New York Times quoted Peskov as saying “our presidential election is not really democracy, it is costly bureaucracy. Mr. Putin will be re-elected next year with more than 90 percent of the vote.”

The quote came amid a section of the story talking about how the ongoing military operation in Ukraine has consolidated support for Putin. According to Russia’s Levada polling center – an organization generally cited favorably by Western media – Putin has enjoyed an 80% approval rating through the entire conflict, except for immediately after he announced a partial mobilization last September.

Speaking to Russia’s ‘Podiom’ media on Sunday, Peskov said his words were “conveyed incorrectly.” While the New York Times’ version of the quote implies that the Russia does not hold democratic elections, Peskov actually said that, when Putin’s popularity and the “consolidation of society”due to the conflict are considered, “it can be said with confidence that if Putin is nominated, he will be re-elected with a huge advantage.”

“But elections are democratic, the president himself spoke about this,” he continued. “Although, on the other hand, they cost a lot of money, and it is clear in advance that Putin will be re-elected by a huge margin. This is what was discussed, and the published quote is, of course, a mistranslation.”

Peskov did not explicitly state whether he thought this “mistranslation” was intentional.

Peskov has previously condemned Western media for its one-sided coverage of the conflict.Speaking to reporters after a deadly Ukrainian missile strike on the Crimean Bridge last month, he declared that “the collective West is ready to turn a blind eye to any terrorist attacks that the Kiev regime organizes in our country.”

“This is not news. It was like this before and it will continue to be like this. We understand that perfectly well,” he added.


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7922f1 No.77981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311528 (062108ZAUG23) Notable: Trump prosecutor donated thousands to Biden, Democrats, records show

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Trump prosecutor donated thousands to Biden, Democrats, records show

The attorney donated $5,600 to elect Joe Biden and $2,250 to elect Cory Booker.

A prosecutor working on special counsel Jack Smith's cases against former President Donald Trump has donated thousands of dollars to Democrats and to elect Joe Biden as president, according to donation records.

David Rody, former head of the Violent Crimes unit in the New York Southern District U.S. Attorney's Office, left private practice to advise Smith in fall 2022, according to Law.com.

Before joining Smith's team, Rody donated $2,500 to the Democratic National Committee and $1,000 to Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) in 2022, according to records from the Federal Election Commission.

Rody, who left the federal government in 2011 before returning last year, made the bulk of his donations while working in private practice.

Other notable donations include $5,600 given to elect Biden in 2020 and $500 to then-candidate Kamala Harris in 2019.

Additionally, Rody gave $2,250 to Sen. Cory Booker from 2018 to 2019 for the New Jersey Democrat's senate race and presidential campaign, records show.

The revelations about Rody's donations come after news broke last week that D.C. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, the Obama-appointed judge overseeing the charges brought against Trump related to the 2020 election, had donated nearly $4,300 to Obama's campaign in 2008 and 2012.


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7922f1 No.77982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311530 (062108ZAUG23) Notable: RE: Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

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>>>77948, >>77951 Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

Politico reported the number of credentialed White House correspondents dropped from 1417 to 975 after the previous passes expired July 31, with the new number reflecting "a mix of renewals and new applications."


There's still quite a lot. I didn't know the briefing room was so large...

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7922f1 No.77983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311605 (062121ZAUG23) Notable: Dems: We just shut down your bank accounts! GOP: Let's just have a debate.

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Note: Better make sure you have cash around because the control grid is closing and half ass word salads from the banks that they will listen is just gaslighting. The will close the grid and start the next phase, tokenizing all physical assets like homes, business and vehicles, NFT (non - fungible tokens) is the word they were using!!!

see description below...


Farage EXPOSES new push for cashless society.



21,825 views 6 Aug 2023

From September 11th Nat West Bank will be limiting the amount of cash that you can deposit and withdraw.

They also have the right to refuse cash and even cheques on any basis in their new terms & conditions.

The banks are trying to force a cashless society upon us!


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic assets that sit on a blockchain and contain unique identification codes that distinguish them from each other.1 They cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided and are designed to be cryptographically verifiable, unique or scarce, and easily transferable. NFTs can be used to certify ownership and authenticity for a given asset, whether digital or physical.0 They are created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies and cannot be exchanged or traded equivalently like other cryptographic assets.2 NFTs are tradable digital assets that contain information that essentially says, "the person in control of this crypto wallet address is the owner of a computer file, stored in this location.

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7922f1 No.77984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311681 (062134ZAUG23) Notable: #23717

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#23717 >>77964

>>77971, >>77983 Dems: We just shut down your bank accounts! GOP: Let's just have a debate.

>>77982 RE: Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House

>>77965 Submitted on Behalf of: 8 billion “useless eaters, deplorables & cattle - declaration-of-freedom.blogspot

>>77966 Consulting firm KPMG overcharged Defence while raking in billions of dollars

>>77967 Chris Christie gifts Zelensy handwritten lyrics to Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’ as ‘inspiration’

>>77968 Biden DOJ Attempts to Muzzle Trump Over His 'Threatening' Social Media Posts

>>77969 Russia strikes blood transfusion center as world leaders meet to discuss peace

>>77970 Shocking Video: Gun-Strapping Kids Roam 'Grand Theft Auto'-Style Around St.Louis Suburb

>>77972, >>77973 Kentucky crowd boos and shouts “retire” at Mitch McConnell

>>77974 NAOMI WOLF: We know from the PFIZER docs that it MURDERS BABIES IN THE WOMB!

>>77975 In case you’re wondering what Jill Biden is up to - she’s traveling the country meeting up with drag queens who perform adult sexual themed shows in front of kids.

>>77976 The Indictment of Donald Trump Is The Real Threat To Democracy Newsweek

>>77977 Nebraska Sen. Ricketts seeks investigation of Hunter Biden attorneys

>>77978 The Significance of Deception in Contemporary Information Warfare

>>77979 According to at least three studies, Planned Parenthood is one of the most common clinical settings to which sex traffickers bring their victims.

>>77980 NYT misinterpreted Peskov’s words – Kremlin

>>77981 Trump prosecutor donated thousands to Biden, Democrats, records show


last call

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7922f1 No.77985

File: b38a2538347fc91⋯.mp4 (674.63 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311746 (062144ZAUG23) Notable: #23718

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7922f1 No.77986

File: 1b0d518137741c8⋯.jpeg (311.79 KB,1004x2065,1004:2065,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311755 (062146ZAUG23) Notable: Anon opine/decode on Trumps latest misspellings.

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Just stumbled across this on Truth Social. Speculation is my own.

Old MacDonald had a farm

MacDonald > Donald

Farm > C_A

Trump has the C_A


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7922f1 No.77987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311821 (062158ZAUG23) Notable: Tony blair institute dig, farage warning on cashless society and australia goes cashless.

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Note: Excellent report on the dark deeds of the hand behind the push to get everyone vaccinated and i.d chipped, the murderous evil plans of the N.W.O.

To people like blair, it is not about money, money is for the sheep, these people work on influence, leverage and connections to get the world under control. They have targeted the poorer nations.

Anon have to stop thinking about any assets, wealth or money in any form they have, they do not give a fuck, if you are dependent on the banking system to hold your valuables you are fucked because they control it all.


Special Report: Inside Tony Blair Inc.



1,722 views 6 Aug 2023 #UnHerd #TonyBlair #TonyBlairInstitute

Freddie Sayers sits down with UnHerd's political editor Tom McTague to explore Tom's new report into the inner workings of the Tony Blair Institute.

Read the full report here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1lZSENCWG9OcmdMUE5Zck1vbThLX2lqYXZmZ3xBQ3Jtc0trSGcyYko3NlkxY0NTRTQyYlY1djAyMThteWlFWTZISmtNVGp3LUV2OUtkZ3lUOHBhcmxsRnFJZTNtUkNoRmZXZXkwYjd3TnhNcDR4ZHkxME80US0ySjlOS3R6aFZrR2pGd2ltVFZ5OTY3WWVZeEtMbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Funherd.com%2F2023%2F08%2Finside-tony-blair-inc%2F&v=HX7TlBRvg9I

Listen to the podcast: https://plnk.to/unherd?to=page


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7922f1 No.77988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311849 (062202ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer admits employees were given SPECIAL BATCH of the shot, different to rest of the population

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Pfizer admits employees were given SPECIAL BATCH of the shot, different to rest of the population


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7922f1 No.77989

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311858 (062204ZAUG23) Notable: FBI And Other Agencies Paid Informants $548 Million In Recent Years With Many Committing Authorized Crimes

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>Welcome to your FEDERAL government

FBI And Other Agencies Paid Informants $548 Million In Recent Years With Many Committing Authorized Crimes

Federal agencies paid out at least $548 million to informants working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), in recent years, according to government audits.

A few informants became millionaires, with some Amtrak and “parcel” delivery workers making nearly $1 million or more.

Many informants were authorized to commit “crimes” with the permission of their federal handlers. In a four-year period, there were 22,800 crime authorizations (2011-2014).

The FBI paid approximately $294 million (FY2012-2018), the DEA paid at least $237 million (FY2011-2015), and ATF paid approximately $17.2 million total (FY2012-2015) to informants.


“There are three agencies with the biggest budgets that employ tens of thousands of informants every single year, and it's the FBI, it's the DEA, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the ATF," said Open The Books’ Adam Andrzejewski to The National Desk’s Jan Jeffcoat. “The top-line budget in recent years was up to $550 million, which is a half-billion dollars.”

Andrzejewski says Open the Books found at least two informants were “minted as millionaires over a five and six-year period.”

“There was a parcel employee, think UPS, FedEx. There was an Amtrak employee that made up to a million dollars as a federal human confidential source and informant,” said Andrzejewski.


A special agent-in-charge has the authority to pay each of his office’s informants up to $100,000 per fiscal year. However, informants may earn substantially more as long as each additional $100,000 is approved by successively higher levels within the bureau. With deputy director approval, according to the policy guide, an informant may earn more than $500,000 per year.


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7922f1 No.77990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311905 (062212ZAUG23) Notable: Tony blair institute dig, farage warning on cashless society and australia goes cashless.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hidden behind emerald robinsons notable is not the right place for this.



Note: Better make sure you have cash around because the control grid is closing and half ass word salads from the banks that they will listen is just gaslighting. The will close the grid and start the next phase, tokenizing all physical assets like homes, business and vehicles, NFT (non - fungible tokens) is the word they were using!!!

see description below...


Farage EXPOSES new push for cashless society.



21,825 views 6 Aug 2023

From September 11th Nat West Bank will be limiting the amount of cash that you can deposit and withdraw.

They also have the right to refuse cash and even cheques on any basis in their new terms & conditions.

The banks are trying to force a cashless society upon us!


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic assets that sit on a blockchain and contain unique identification codes that distinguish them from each other.1 They cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided and are designed to be cryptographically verifiable, unique or scarce, and easily transferable. NFTs can be used to certify ownership and authenticity for a given asset, whether digital or physical.0 They are created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies and cannot be exchanged or traded equivalently like other cryptographic assets.2 NFTs are tradable digital assets that contain information that essentially says, "the person in control of this crypto wallet address is the owner of a computer file, stored in this location.

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7922f1 No.77991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311915 (062214ZAUG23) Notable: Tony blair institute dig, farage warning on cashless society and australia goes cashless.

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Woke Australia Becomes CASHLESS Society 😡


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7922f1 No.77992

File: 121139e286e6687⋯.png (2.16 MB,1039x883,1039:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311976 (062225ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: N7QN, Two wild fires to the north

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SFC Winds 260020G27KT

Out of the west, 20 gusting to 27 over KABQ at the surface


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7922f1 No.77993

File: ca38aea2ef78e1c⋯.png (839.61 KB,1438x983,1438:983,Clipboard.png)

File: fed08e7131e3155⋯.png (240.37 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311984 (062227ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: N7QN, Two wild fires to the north

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7922f1 No.77994

File: ff11f70f73e0717⋯.png (420.86 KB,905x960,181:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311998 (062231ZAUG23) Notable: Pro-Trump Super PAC Make America Great Again, Inc. released DAMNING, UNCENSORED NEW AD on Biden Family Crimes

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GLOVES ARE OFF: Pro-Trump Super PAC Releases DAMNING NEW AD on Biden Family Crimes – FOR ALL OF AMERICA TO SEE!


GLOVES ARE OFF: Pro-Trump Super PAC Make America Great Again, Inc. released DAMNING, UNCENSORED NEW AD on Biden Family Crimes – FOR ALL OF AMERICA TO SEE!

For the first time most Americans will see what the disgusting liars at the mainstream media were hiding from you.

This ad has it all! The media lies about the Hunter laptop. The intelligence community lies about the Hunter laptop. The intelligence community OPENLY working to flip an American election. Joe Biden’s multi-million dollar bribery scandals. Hunter Biden’s prostitutes and drugs. The Communist Chinese bribes!

This ad HAS IT ALL!

Hey, Joe Biden!

from the ad:

Hey, Joe, how come your Justice Department goes after Trump endlessly, yet they cover for your family? Hunter’s laptop. Yeah, that was censored. But we know that the laptop’s real. And it’s not just filled with photos of Hunter’s drug fueled debauchery either. Nah, it showed Hunter pocketed millions from foreign partners, cash from Ukrainian and Chinese interests accused of bribery and fraud. And remember when you claimed your family never made money from China? Well, Hunter admitted in court he took their cash. His Chinese business partner was tied to the Communist Party. How did Hunter’s partners get meetings at the White House? Your brother, grandkids, even nieces and nephews got paid from foreign deals. Your family and their cronies raked in over 17 million from these schemes. And Yuzhou went from being one of the poorest in Congress to billionaire in the White House. Come on, Joe. All this a coincidence or corruption? Make America Great Again, inc. Is responsible for the content of this advertising.


Thank you, Make America Great Again, Inc.


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7922f1 No.77995

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312002 (062231ZAUG23) Notable: Pro-Trump Super PAC Make America Great Again, Inc. released DAMNING, UNCENSORED NEW AD on Biden Family Crimes

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Gloves Are Off! MAGA Super PAC releases Brutal Uncensored Ad on Biden Crimes




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7922f1 No.77996

File: 92170748d74f41d⋯.jpeg (857.02 KB,1170x1588,585:794,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7db7f384aac45f3⋯.jpeg (889.01 KB,1170x1613,1170:1613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312003 (062232ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump's attorney John Lauro: "Mike Pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial. I read his book very carefully and if he testifies consistent with his book (So Help Me God) then President Trump will be acquitted."

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President Trump's attorney John Lauro: "Mike Pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial. I read his book very carefully and if he testifies consistent with his book (So Help Me God) then President Trump will be acquitted."



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7922f1 No.77997

File: 5a75371114d3f18⋯.jpeg (130.33 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312012 (062233ZAUG23) Notable: Russian senator promises new offensive in Ukraine

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6 Aug, 2023 20:42

Russian senator promises new offensive in Ukraine

Troops will go on a new offensive after “grinding up” enough of Kiev’s forces, Dmitry Perminov has warned

The Russian military will go on the offensive once the situation on the ground becomes “favorable” for such an endeavor, Senator Dmitry Perminov, a member of the defense committee of Russia’s Federation Council, the country’s upper chamber, has said.

“We are currently grinding up the armed forces of Ukraine.When the moment is favorable for us, our army will go on the offensive,”Perminov told Russian news outlet URA.RU in an interview published on Sunday.

The senator expressed doubts that negotiations between Moscow and Kiev will happen any time soon, reiterating a stance repeatedly voiced by top Russian officials.

“The American masters are not allowing [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky to sit down at the negotiating table. Moreover, at their behest a law was passed that directly prohibits him from conducting negotiations with the Russian Federation,” the senator noted, referring to legislation adopted by Ukraine last fall.

Perminov also touched on Ukraine’s long-heralded counteroffensive effort, launched by Kiev in early June. The offensive did not yield any tangible results, resulting in heavy losses for the Ukrainian military, with thousands of servicemen killed or wounded, as well as a sizeable amount of Western-supplied military hardware lost.

Lack of progress has already angered Western handlers of Ukrainian authorities, the senator noted, apparently referring to numerous publications’ criticisms about Kiev’s lack of progress, as well as the heavy losses and questionable tactics of its troops.

“We see that their Western masters are dissatisfied with the results of the offensive. They expected more from them. These grievances are beginning to come out directly,”Perminov stated.

“For almost two months now, a counteroffensive has been going on but it has not led to any success for the Ukrainian nationalists. They lost a lot of their servicemen, manpower, and weapons that the West provided them,” he added.


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7922f1 No.77998

File: f6bcd54543cf242⋯.png (1.44 MB,1408x796,352:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312017 (062235ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: N7QN, Two wild fires to the north

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Two wild fires to the north...


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7922f1 No.77999

File: 1f89b958a39a37b⋯.png (65.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312021 (062236ZAUG23) Notable: Niger closes airspace due to ‘invasion’ threat

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6 Aug, 2023 22:10

Niger closes airspace due to ‘invasion’ threat

The African country's junta has ignored the ultimatum by their Western-backed neighbors

Niger's coup-imposed government has promised “a vigorous and instantaneous response” to any violation of the country airspace as it braces for a potential military intervention after the deadline, set by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum to power, expired on Sunday.

“Faced with the threat of intervention which is becoming clearer from neighboring countries, Niger's airspace is closed from this day on Sunday… until further notice,” the military government announced on Sunday night.

The statement further warned that “any attempt to violate the airspace” will result in a “vigorous and instantaneous response,” as cited by AFP.

The National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland, which assumed power in a military coup last month, claimed thathostile regional forces have already conducted “pre-deployment in preparation for the intervention”in two unnamed countries of Central Africa.

“Any state involved will be considered co-belligerent,” it added.

ECOWAS imposed harsh sanctions and issued a one-week ultimatum to the military leaders last week, threatening to send troops into Niger unless General Abdourahamane Tchiani and his cabinet of generals step down and reinstate President Bazoum.

The deadline, however, passed unheeded. Although the militaries of several ECOWAS members agreed on a plan for potential military intervention in a meeting on Friday, the bloc needs “more time” to prepare for the invasion, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“For the moment, we need to build up the strength of our units before taking part in such a military action,” a senior commander from one of the Ecowas countries told the paper.



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7922f1 No.78000

File: 50cac204a30fcf6⋯.png (840.63 KB,1441x978,1441:978,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312023 (062236ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: N7QN, Two wild fires to the north

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N7QN fueled up and headed back in to cover the fire. National feed prolly needs this footage.


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7922f1 No.78001

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312030 (062237ZAUG23) Notable: The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden - Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment

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Maria Bartiromo: The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden - Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment




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7922f1 No.78002

File: 9e5942ec154425f⋯.jpeg (165.89 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312056 (062243ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine warns of ‘significant weapons shortage’

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6 Aug, 2023 15:39

Ukraine warns of ‘significant weapons shortage’

Kiev wants more weaponry from its backers to reach battlefield “parity” with Russia

Ukraine’s military campaign is being held back by a lack of weaponry, and allies need to provide additional supplies to effectively counter Russia, the top aide to Ukraine’s president has claimed.

“From the point of view of battlefield parity, there is indeed a significant shortage,” Mikhail Podoliak said on Friday, live on national TV.

Kiev needs more artillery shells and long-range missiles, and is experiencing a “certain shortage” of de-mining equipment, he added.The military is also having difficulties repairing damaged armor. (Scott Ritter said months ago they would not be able to repair Western equipment. The West is just sending weapons that are ruined immediately. Expecting them to fix them even with the West’s experts is not possible.)

Podoliak said the key items Ukraine still lacks are anti-aircraft systems and sophisticated fighter jets, specifically the US-made F-16. Kiev has been asking its Western backers to provide F-16s for months, insisting that the fighters would help “win the war” against Russia.

Washington and its allies, however, have so far proven reluctant to provide the jets, with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan suggesting the aircraft would have only a limited impact on the battlefield due to the extensive use of air defense systems in Ukraine.

Since the start of the conflict, Ukraine has been demanding increasingly sophisticated weaponry from its backers. The Western-supplied hardware has been extensively used by Kiev in the current counteroffensive, launched in early June. The campaign has so far failed to yield any tangible results, while dozens of Western-supplied items, including US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, German-made Leopard 2 tanks, and Swedish-made CV90 armored vehicles, have ended up destroyed or captured.

Moscow has repeatedly urged the West to stop “pumping” Ukraine with assorted weaponry, warning that continued military aid will only prolong the conflict and inflict more destruction on Ukraine rather than change the ultimate outcome.

(If its true the West is making them stay in this war, its cruel and evil. If they are staying in it on their own, they are ignoring reality.)


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7922f1 No.78003

File: 89cfbf11d6a6258⋯.jpeg (131.38 KB,770x429,70:39,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b9bcd8fb4bcc258⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,1536x1039,1536:1039,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312165 (062301ZAUG23) Notable: We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

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We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

August 6, 2023 | Sundance

Just a short follow-up for those who are following along. Those who control the strings on the corporate puppets have gone beyond showing the visible strings; we the audience are now easily able to see their hands.

In the latest Politico article, citing the potential debate between Governor Gavin Newsom and Governor Ron DeSantis, you will note the following:

Yes, the commonality for the venue is Georgia.

It was always going to be thus, because this nonsense is following a script.Perhaps now you see why I wrote this entire article about how Georgia plays a key role in the 2024 election{GO DEEP}, and subsequently predicted the venue for the insufferable pantomime would be… wait for it, Georgia {SEE HERE}.

Politico, again playing the role of usher for the audience as they prepare the stage, then does a follow-up article, snarking at DeSantis:

[…] The two sides’ proposed rules detail a number of similarities.They both agree on Hannity being the lone moderator, a 90-minute run time, equally divided speaking time and two minutes of closing statements. Between the two governors’ proposals, Nov. 8 is the only date in common, while Georgia is the only location in common. (link)

Quite frankly, all of this pretending is starting to become rather tiresome.

The entire right side of the conservative political punditry are pretending they have no idea what is happening in the 2024 election, as if they are still pretending Ron DeSantis was on a “book tour.” Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, National Review, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ruben, The Blaze, The Daily Wire, TownHall, The Washington Free Beacon, Clay Travis, Western Journal, Newsmax, Buck Sexton, Legal Insurrection, the entire network of right-side alternative media, all of them, acting asushers toward a grand pretending performance that is built around bulls**t.

When the internet shadow-banning system is triggered later this year, all of the above will remain visible and supported by the regime. Remember that; these outlets/voices are deemed not a threat to ‘national security.’ Only the non-pretending outlets, platforms and voices are going to be targeted. More on that later.

Those who control the illusion of choice have to proceed with the planning as if the objective to remove candidate Donald Trump will succeed.

That sets up Joe Biden to announce withdrawal due to medical issues.

The state they will choose for this Newsom -v- DeSantis debate venue is easy, Georgia.

Nothing is a coincidence.

Throughout our analysis of the preferred ’24 outcome, by those in the background who ultimately seek to control elections through the activity of front men, those artfully skilled at presenting the illusion of choice, it has always looked like the RNC/DNC preferred presentation was a Ron DeSantis -v- Gavin Newsom (win/win) contest.

The landscape of the ’24 election would then be reduced to “social issues” as distinctions between the two faces of the contest, while the economics of things – the substantive part – carries a far lesser contrast. An almost identical replay to the attempted 2016 construct of Hillary -v- Jeb.

In 2016, the RNC/DNC corporations wanted a Hillary v Jeb matchup. That was the outcome of both corporate intents, and all processes were deployed to create that outcome.

For 2024, it became obvious last year the corporations wanted a Newsom v DeSantis contest. In that matchup the people who control the financial mechanisms can maintain their status quo. The billionaire funders for DeSantis, RGA/RNC would be quite okay with a Newsom outcome.

We told you this was going to be very ugly, and it is unfolding exactly as we would expect.

It will get worse, much worse.

The key to defeating these Machiavellian constructs is to pour sunlight upon them.


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7922f1 No.78004

File: e97c141f5e5e994⋯.png (338.36 KB,568x546,284:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312217 (062314ZAUG23) Notable: West Virginia Attorney General Calls for J6 Case Against Trump to Be Moved From DC to West Virginia

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West Virginia Attorney General Calls for J6 Case Against Trump to Be Moved From DC to West Virginia

President Trump will NEVER get a fair trial in the cesspool of Washington, DC.

DC is full of Trump haters and big-government Marxists.

President Trump on Sunday called for the immediate recusal of far-left and anti-Trump U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who has been appointed to preside over Jack Smith’s “January 6” case in DC.

Trump also said his legal team will be requesting a venue change out of DC.

Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Jack Smith is criminalizing First Amendment-protected speech.

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey called for Trump’s January 6 case to be moved from DC to West Virginia.

“Does anyone in America believe that President Trump is going to get a fair shake out of Washington, DC?” Morrisey said to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.

Morrisey continued, “So what I’m suggesting is that this should be moved to West Virginia. We have a number of federal district courthouses that could properly house this. I think that he could get a fair hearing.”


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7922f1 No.78005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312220 (062314ZAUG23) Notable: JFK Assass RESEARCH VIDEO WITH EXCELLENT GRAPHICS

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Note: anon recommends watching and sharing, great content producer with top notch video editing, text graphics and story telling based on what is known. !!!

p.s channel is called Lemmino who has over 5 million subscribers. Just found it today. anons who produce videos and know how to edit videos will be amazed at this content producer and presentation.


The Kennedy Assassination: Inside the Book Depository

5,856,095 views 24 Jul 2023

[Credits, References, and More]




00:00:00 Intro

00:01:32 Chapter I: The Hiring of Oswald

00:04:44 Chapter II: The Curtain Rods

00:08:51 Chapter III: The Motorcade Route

00:15:38 Chapter IV: The Sixth Floor

00:19:57 Chapter V: The Shooting

00:24:53 Chapter VI: The Men In the Windows

00:34:30 Chapter VII: The Gunshots

00:41:06 Chapter VIII: The Escape

00:46:06 Chapter IX: The Stairway

00:54:01 Chapter X: The Sniper's Nest

01:11:47 Chapter XI: The Alibis

01:22:15 Chapter XII: The Lineup

01:27:44 Ending

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7922f1 No.78006

File: 1122b026241373e⋯.png (313.6 KB,463x653,463:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312255 (062322ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is fantastic. Everyone has got to watch her interview on election fraud

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7:19 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is fantastic. Everyone has got to watch her interview on election fraud with the poor sap who got taken apart by her. Thank you Don Jr. for putting this masterpiece out for the public to see. WITCH HUNT!






Replying to @STOPDonkeypox and @catturd2

Watch this Video- conspiracy theory NO MORE 🙏❤️🇺🇸🌎

Aug 06, 2023, 7:19 PM


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7922f1 No.78007

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312289 (062329ZAUG23) Notable: Why The Murdochs Want To Silence The National Pulse's Latest Exclusive, WarRoom Discusses

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very true.

anon achived this very important dig anon did during the day shit breads which were being spammed to shit.



note: total runtime 16 minutes including the newly released videos of steve sund with tucker leaked interviews.


Why The Murdochs Want To Silence The National Pulse's Latest Exclusive, WarRoom Discusses



below are all past breads.

>>>/qresearch/19308347, >>>/qresearch/19308354, >>>/qresearch/19308360, >>>/qresearch/19308381 tucker interview never aired by fox of Steve Sund bun - the national pulse, scotty videos and Raheem kassem on warroom.

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7922f1 No.78008

File: c678ab75e9c1e04⋯.png (342.43 KB,1080x1100,54:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312325 (062336ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The "shocking and totally unexpected" loss by the U.S. Women's Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to our great nation...

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7922f1 No.78009

File: 15dfdefcbdc3b3f⋯.png (231.09 KB,1090x808,545:404,Clipboard.png)

File: c1dde1cd11df181⋯.png (309.26 KB,1087x682,1087:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312327 (062337ZAUG23) Notable: Scale Facilitation is in default in its takeover of Britishvolt. After a crime taskforce raid in Australia and failures to pay staff in the US

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Scale Facilitation is in default in its takeover of Britishvolt. After a crime taskforce raid in Australia and failures to pay staff in the US, its chief executive David A. Collard remains defiant. Sean Johnson of Open Politics questions why PwC is getting paid when staff and creditors have been missing out.

The eulogies from Peter Dutton and Richard Marles have not aged well. Scale Facilitation, the company headed up by entrepreneurial ex-PwC partner, David A. Collard, has been since raided by tax authorities in Australia, had problems paying staff in New York and most recently, just last week, failed a final payment to close the deal to buy British batteries group Britishvolt.

To the chagrin of Britishvolt and its staff and investors, administrators from EY say Scale’s subsidiary Recharge Industries has missed its final payment of £8.57million and is, “As a result … in default of the business sale agreement”.

According to itvNews, “The Australian-American company that rode to the rescue of the failed Northumberland car battery business Britishvolt has failed to pay the final instalment in its purchase of the company”.

Defiant, Scale Facilitation responded “we dispute we are in default”.

Excuses, excuses

The excuses from Scale are running thick. We can now reveal that the company raided in June by the ATO’s Serious Financial Crime Taskforce over an alleged $150 million tax fraud has reportedly paid millions to PwC to provide tax advice on its Australian and UK businesses.

Scale staff have been ropable. Since February, around 50 employees at Scale Facilitation’s New York head office haven’t been paid on time, with the CEO, ex-PwC partner David Collard, and HR initially blaming the problem on temporary “cut off” and “technical” issues with payroll.

In his email to the “team” in late May, Collard had a new excuse: a lack of cashflow.

But hang on, a few staff wondered, if the company has no money, how was Collard able to sign a multi-million consulting contract with his old firm to provide tax advice, including on the acquisition of collapsed UK lithium-ion battery start up Britishvolt in February and Scale’s R&D tax concession claims in Australia.

Consultants first

Rich people doing rich people things, one employee thought. Consultants before us.

But in Collard’s universe, PwC was helping the company increase its cashflow and ability to pay wages, telling staff that the firm had “validated” Scale’s claim that subsidiary Recharge Production UK Limited, which acquired Britishvolt, was owed £5.5 million in Value Added Tax (VAT) receivables or refunds for VAT paid on invoices.

Collard also said he had executed a facility with a UK firm which finances VAT receivables, providing Recharge with advance payments for VAT refunds owed to it by HM Revenue & Customs.

Some of the funds from the UK were anticipated to arrive in the US that day, Collard claimed, and would be “rolled out across the US team in coming days.” And to assure staff that funds would keep flowing, he said the facility was for 24 months, “which we can now tap as we need to each month following our monthly VAT submission in the UK.”

New business was coming in too, Collard said. He had secured a US$ 90 million contract with a large Indian conglomerate in India, though he didn’t say what Scale would be doing to earn such a big lick of money. Nor did he identify the Indian conglomerate which had “trapped” his cash.

Open Politics has been unable to find any publicly available information about Scale or Recharge Industries winning a contract in India or doing anything in the country apart from Collard registering Scale Facilitation Partners India Private Limited in August 2022 with the aim of manufacturing “electric motors, generators and transformers.”

Funds on tap!

But back to the UK. How exactly has Collard tapped Recharge Production UK Limited for money for the US operations? According to Collard’s own words, by establishing a UK subsidiary called Scale Facilitation Operations Limited and billing Recharge Production UK monthly for the “the costs of our global work” in the UK.


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7922f1 No.78010

File: 0fa2f317e69db0c⋯.png (6.77 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c7cdcf85c49757⋯.png (2.85 MB,3256x1729,3256:1729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312336 (062338ZAUG23) Notable: QClock August 6, 2023 - Emergency Alerts

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QClock August 5, 2023 - I spy with my little eye

QClock August 6, 2023 - Emergency Alerts

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7922f1 No.78011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312345 (062339ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The "shocking and totally unexpected" loss by the U.S. Women's Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to our great nation...

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Woke US Women’s Soccer ELIMINATED! Megan Rapinoe's FINAL Humiliation is COMPLETE

Benny Johnson


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7922f1 No.78012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312346 (062339ZAUG23) Notable: Ohio counties struggling to have enough poll workers for Tuesday special election

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Ohio counties struggling to have enough poll workers for Tuesday special election

A few days from Tuesday's special election, 27 of Ohio’s 88 counties do not have the minimum number of poll workers needed to hold an election.

A few days from Tuesday's special election, 27 of Ohio’s 88 counties do not have the minimum number of poll workers needed to hold an election.

Early in-person voting continues today, Saturday and Sunday before polls open Tuesday morning in the single-issue election that will determine if Ohioans want to make it more difficult for citizens to change the state’s constitution.

In the meantime, Secretary of State Frank LaRose remains confident the election will run smoothly despite a continued need for poll workers in 50 of the state’s 88 counties.

“On Election Day our county boards will execute again on another successful election. This isn’t their first rodeo, and on Aug. 8 they will again deliver on a professionally run, secure, and accurate election,” LaRose said. “For some voters, polling locations may have changed and consolidated, and we encourage them to confirm their polling location at voteohio.gov.”

Of the 50 counties searching for workers, more than half – 27 – have met the minimum number needed to hold an election. Overall, 38 counties have met or exceeded their goal for the committed number of poll workers.

LaRose set a goal of 115% of the minimum needed to ensure a sufficient number of poll workers is available in every county in case of unforeseen circumstances. That goal is 31,811 poll workers, but the minimum required is 27,587.

LaRose said the state has met its goal, but 50 counties still need to meet their specific goals.

Those counties are Ashtabula, Athens, Auglaize, Butler, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Columbiana, Coshocton, Darke, Defiance, Delaware, Erie, Fayette, Fulton, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Highland, Huron, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lake, Licking, Lorain, Madison, Mahoning, Marion, Meigs, Montgomery, Noble, Paulding, Pike, Ross, Sandusky, Scioto, Seneca, Shelby, Stark, Summit, Trumbull, Van Wert, Vinton, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Williams and Wood.


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7922f1 No.78013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312374 (062344ZAUG23) Notable: Whoopi Goldberg PANICS After LOSING Everything After Lawsuit..

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Whoopi Goldberg PANICS After LOSING Everything After Lawsuit..

10 mins


aldeen says "I'm no racist!"


rittenhouse "I'm not a murderer"


all her vitriol is recorded, for all time

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7922f1 No.78014

File: 1a378d393505aa3⋯.png (348.47 KB,988x979,988:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312393 (062348ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. phones to receive nationwide emergency test message in October

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Watch: U.S. phones to receive nationwide emergency test message in October

On October 4th at 2:20 PM Eastern Time, FEMA and the FCC will conduct a nationwide emergency alert test, where all consumer cellphones will receive a message stating: "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. NO ACTION IS NEEDED." The test aims to ensure that all systems are prepared in case a national emergency message needs to be sent out to the public.

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7922f1 No.78015

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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