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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

3e27f6 No.51560 [Last50 Posts]

06AUG23 to 09AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

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3e27f6 No.78016

File: 392f3b6b1251c68⋯.png (583.75 KB,977x1081,977:1081,Clipboard.png)

File: 712a6dc07923028⋯.png (1.41 MB,1108x798,554:399,Clipboard.png)

File: 73cb41fc2b2eca4⋯.png (770.57 KB,1360x714,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 67cf5c3f071b136⋯.png (144.55 KB,1174x368,587:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 86b4e65d3034429⋯.png (1.88 MB,1066x861,26:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312447 (062357ZAUG23) Notable: Ever wonder why baby colors are used in the trans flag? It turns out, the flag is baby blue and baby pink for a reason… And it gets so much worse.

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Part 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

Ever wonder why baby colors are used in the trans flag? It turns out, the flag is baby blue and baby pink for a reason... And it gets so much worse.

Read about the dark pedophilic history of the trans movement in our latest piece on RADAR ⬇️

Spilling the Tea on the T; The Pedophilic Roots of the Trans Movement

Disclaimer: The point of this article is not to disparage all trans people, and we acknowledge the trans adults genuinely suffering from dysphoria attempting to live a normal life. We value our trans allies who align with us. Unfortunately, the deeper we dig into the ideology of transgenderism, the more we uncover uncomfortable truths that should not be ignored, but should be objectively scrutinized, taking into account their influence on the current day neo ideology.

The modern-day LGBTQ+ movement concerns much of the community for many reasons. We wanted equality, but once gay marriage was legalized it's as though the movement was weaponized to find a new goal to profit from. The movement has become unrecognizably more invasive and demanding than we ever wanted, even going as far as refining what it means to be gay and therefore redefining our community. We have been forced to question how the T made its way into the LGB in the first place. After just a few simple searches, we have discovered several figures responsible for planting pedophilic seeds of the trans movement that have grown into the twisted narcissistic monster we find ourselves fighting today.

For example, Robert Hogge aka Monica Helms designed the first trans flag in 1999 using the same infant referencing color scheme seen in symbols found on pro-pedophile websites: pastel pink, white and baby blue stripes. At first glance, most articles seem to describe Hogge as a noble veteran and first trans delegate from Georgia at the DNC (Democratic National Convention) with misunderstood interests and an internal struggle. He painted himself as something “ethereal” and “between worlds,” eventually being inspired by a friend to transition. Robert’s transition to Monica effectively ended his marriage and disrupted his family life.

But like many trans activists of today, Hogge had several confessed perversions. He was obsessed with sex at an early age, admitting to “lusting after women.” Hogge has written several novels under the Helms name in which he describes his autogynephilia, or sexual arousal when wearing women’s clothes. He confessed to stealing women’s underwear, including his own mothers, and went on to write erotic fantasies about his fetish. In a story from his novel “tales from a two-gendered mind,” Hogge/Helms wrote a story sexualizing a “magical woman” who permanently looked like a teenage girl.

Hogge is a prime example of why some gatekeeping ought to be in place for those in the transgender movement. His expressed sexual excitement upon wearing women’s clothing is a distinct sign of deep mental illness, and not necessarily true transgenderism. The movement is constantly trying to reassure the public that “it’s not a fetish,” while many openly display obvious fetishized views of their transition. So how do we separate the perverts from those simply suffering and trying to find comfort within themselves, especially when the perverts are the ones who have paved the way? After designing a flag using colors known to be present in the same pedophile symbols exposed by the FBI, did Hogge inadvertently sign a death sentence for the trans movement by conflating the two?

Don’t get us started on John Money, a major figure behind the push to normalize pedophilia and one we have already exposed. Money coined the term “gender identity” and opposed the classification of pedophilia as an abnormal fetish, stating: “If I were to see... a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man... if the relationship is mutual, I would not call it pathological." Money used a wide range of psychologically deceptive language to justify an attraction to children as well as sexual activity both with and among children. He is best known for the Reimer Twin experiment, a tragic tale that ended in suicide.

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3e27f6 No.78017

File: bcf4bf9d825e974⋯.png (1.95 MB,1110x668,555:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312454 (062358ZAUG23) Notable: Ever wonder why baby colors are used in the trans flag? It turns out, the flag is baby blue and baby pink for a reason… And it gets so much worse.

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>>78016 Part 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

Part 2 of 3

For whatever reason, many trans activists of today cite John Money’s work to justify the movement.

Next there’s Volkmar Sigusch, a German sexologist who popularized the term “cissexual” as an antonym to “transsexual” which evolved into “cisgender.” The term is now being used so negatively by “cis hating” activists that Elon Musk has declared it a slur on Twitter, now known as X. Sigusch once said "There is nothing wrong with pedophilia in the sense of the word, that is, against liking, even loving, children. The sensuality that unfolds between a child and an adult is something wonderful." He speculated that the attraction to children is not harmful, and pedophiles deserve therapy to work through their feelings. This rhetoric is borrowed by groups like NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and those who call themselves MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons) today.

Sigusch is not the only German sexologist who had a soft spot for pedophilia. He is often credited as a “main thinker behind the sexual revolution of the 1960’s,” and other German sexologists during this time also saw sexual relations with children as progressive and harmless. In fact, Germany’s Green Party advocated for the abolition of Paragraph 176 of the German Criminal Act, which criminalized sex with adolescents under 14. In the 1970’s, a psychology professor named Helmut Kentler collaborated with Berlin authorities to conduct an “experiment” by intentionally placing foster children with pedophiles. It was during this time (1973) that Volkmar Sigusch began serving at the Institute for Sexual Science at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he remained until 2006. Known as the Kentler Project, this so-called experiment went on until 1988, when Kentler declared it a success.

According to Dr. Sonja Levsen and her study on pedophile apologists, Sigusch is credited as one of the main advisory scientists for Dr. Frits Bernard’s paper titled: “Pedophilia–a Disease?” in which he concluded that the sexual abuse of children “did not damage their development.” Yikes. One of Sigusch’s first projects at Goethe University was with Gunter Schmitt. Together, they mislead teenage youth of West Germany with a deceptive study titled: “Teenage Boys & Girls In West Germany.” Participants were told the study was a general questionnaire regarding their homelife and habits, but Sigusch and Schmitt dove into intimate details about the teen's sexual habits, including masturbation and their earliest sexual memories.

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3e27f6 No.78018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312465 (070000ZAUG23) Notable: Ever wonder why baby colors are used in the trans flag? It turns out, the flag is baby blue and baby pink for a reason… And it gets so much worse.

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>>78016 (You) Part 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

>>78017 Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

We cannot neglect to mention the infamous Alfred Kinsey, a sexologist who served at Indiana University and so-called “father of the sexual revolution.” His reports on human sexuality, known as the Kinsey Reports, almost immediately made the New York Times’ Bestsellers list, but many are unaware of his controversial methods and conclusions of research. These reports not only hypothesized that infants can experience orgasms but suggested that pedophilic and incenstual relationships were actually beneficial to children. His research was disproportionately based on surveys taken from sex offenders, prostitutes and prison inmates. In 2010, a victim under the pseudonym Esther White came forward to tell a disturbing tale of how Kinsey paid her father to rape her in the name of science for Kinsey’s study. [source] Today, a bronze statue of Kinsey sits on a bench at Indiana University, and many are none the wiser.

Gender supremacists and radical trans activists of today have built a religious doctrine based on the work of these twisted minds and pedophile apologists. Their use of language is designed to force a new truth on the public, one that twists fantasy into fiction and demands a lack of questions, a glaring indication of cult thinking. Using figures like Sigusch to justify the separation of the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender,’ these radicals are hard at work implanting the idea that gender transition cures all mental turmoil, while simultaneously claiming gender is a “social construct.” This doctrine has reached public schools, where impressionable innocents are easily led astray by advanced concepts designed to confuse and sexually activate them. But one cannot ask too many questions before incurring vehement reactions from radical trans activists. It is a deeply psychological and misleading movement that fails to address the many complications and concerns of advocating for child sex changes, and instead gaslights individuals who argue against it.

We cannot help but notice several of these activists have slipped up and admitted their attraction to children in some form or another. Indian trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon has attempted to convince the public that “little girls are also sexy.” While we can ignore Alok’s experimentation with self-expression, this quote is a big red flag that should not be taken lightly. TikTok personality Jeffrey Marsh has sparked controversy with problematic LGBTQ+ related content that encourages children to sever their relationship with their parents if they perceive any kind of discrimination at home, imagined or otherwise. Marsh refers to himself as a “they,” reinforces the idea of a gender binary while simultaneously denying it and encourages youth to subscribe to his Patreon for personal chats. His tactics are shared by child groomers like Jack Reynolds, a convicted pedophile who openly explained to the public that one of the first things a predator will do is establish or corrupt a child’s relationship with their family.

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3e27f6 No.78019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312470 (070001ZAUG23) Notable: Ever wonder why baby colors are used in the trans flag? It turns out, the flag is baby blue and baby pink for a reason… And it gets so much worse.

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>>78016 Part 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

>>78017 Part 2 of 4

>>78018 Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

These radical activists who cite the work of pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers often advocate for “youth liberation,” or the idea that children can make their own decisions. This has never been an accepted idea in society for a laundry list of reasons, from a lack of experience to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. Using an ideology designed by perverts to push detailed sexual “education” designed to activate and radicalize, the neo trans movement is largely responsible for creating a hostile environment for all trans individuals, and not just those pushing the doctrine. Why? Because now children are the target. But if you know your history, this isn’t a surprise at all. It’s just something we must expose and fight against.

Sadly, it’s evident that government institutions are collaborating with this pedophilic agenda, much like Germany’s Green Party and Berlin’s authorities during the Kentler Project.

We want nothing to do with these perverts disguised as “LGBTQ heroes.” Many other so-called “trans rights activists” are carrying on the legacy of their pedophilic ancestors like John Money by insisting that children are sexual beings who should take puberty blockers to prevent their development, something that could stunt them into looking like children forever. Meanwhile, the United States is a hot spot for child trafficking, and according to a documentary titled: “Cut: Daughters of the West” by Canadian director Simon Esler, trans children have become a commodity among traffickers.

Coincidence? We don’t think so.


Meet the Navy veteran who created the trans Pride flag - Atlanta Magazine

Creator of Trans Flag: Admitted Cross-dressing Fetishist (substack.com)

Pedophilic past – DW – 08/17/2013

The dark legacy of sexual liberation in Germany – DW – 06/17/2020

Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles – DW – 06/15/2020

Rescuing the Radicalized Discourse on Sex and Gender: Part Two of a Three-Part Series (quillette.com)

Who is Jeffrey Marsh? Grooming controversy explained as TikTok star's problematic videos spark outrage (sportskeeda.com)

Alfred Kinsey: The Story Behind The Father Of The Sexual Revolution (allthatsinteresting.com)

Alfred Kinsey: 'Father of sexual revolution' who said rape benefits children (opindia.com)

Child Victim of Kinsey "Sex Research" Tells Story of Rape - Liberty Counsel (lc.org)

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3e27f6 No.78020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312493 (070004ZAUG23) Notable: #23718

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#23718 >>77985

>>77986 Anon opine/decode on Trumps latest misspellings.

>>77987, >>77990, >>77991 Tony blair institute dig, farage warning on cashless society and australia goes cashless.

>>77988 Pfizer admits employees were given SPECIAL BATCH of the shot, different to rest of the population

>>77989 FBI And Other Agencies Paid Informants $548 Million In Recent Years With Many Committing Authorized Crimes

>>77996 President Trump's attorney John Lauro: "Mike Pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial. I read his book very carefully and if he testifies consistent with his book (So Help Me God) then President Trump will be acquitted."

>>77997 Russian senator promises new offensive in Ukraine

>>77999 Niger closes airspace due to ‘invasion’ threat

>>77994, >>77995 Pro-Trump Super PAC Make America Great Again, Inc. released DAMNING, UNCENSORED NEW AD on Biden Family Crimes

>>77993, >>77998, >>78000, >>77992 PF Report: N7QN, Two wild fires to the north

>>78001 The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden - Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment

>>78002 Ukraine warns of ‘significant weapons shortage’

>>78003 We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

>>78004 West Virginia Attorney General Calls for J6 Case Against Trump to Be Moved From DC to West Virginia


>>78006 @realDonaldTrump Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is fantastic. Everyone has got to watch her interview on election fraud

>>78007 Why The Murdochs Want To Silence The National Pulse's Latest Exclusive, WarRoom Discusses

>>78008, >>78011 @realDonaldTrump The "shocking and totally unexpected" loss by the U.S. Women's Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to our great nation...

>>78009 Scale Facilitation is in default in its takeover of Britishvolt. After a crime taskforce raid in Australia and failures to pay staff in the US

>>78010 QClock August 6, 2023 - Emergency Alerts

>>78012 Ohio counties struggling to have enough poll workers for Tuesday special election

>>78013 Whoopi Goldberg PANICS After LOSING Everything After Lawsuit..

>>78014 U.S. phones to receive nationwide emergency test message in October

>>78016, >>78017, >>78018, >>78019 Ever wonder why baby colors are used in the trans flag? It turns out, the flag is baby blue and baby pink for a reason… And it gets so much worse.


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3e27f6 No.78021

File: b6b3394095e9645⋯.jpg (374.28 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 04488392193a2a3⋯.png (1.59 MB,940x1254,470:627,Clipboard.png)

File: dbaa36230407542⋯.png (94.71 KB,265x201,265:201,Clipboard.png)

File: c781d339d21419b⋯.jpg (358.2 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312505 (070006ZAUG23) Notable: #23719

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3e27f6 No.78022

File: 9034c4381f9f8cd⋯.webp (53.57 KB,800x537,800:537,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312533 (070012ZAUG23) Notable: Same DOJ Attorney Prosecuting President Trump, Declined to Prosecute Andrew McCabe for Lying Under Oath, Gave Imran Away Sweetheart Deal, and More

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start it off w/ boom

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Same DOJ Attorney Prosecuting President Trump, Declined to Prosecute Andrew McCabe for Lying Under Oath, Gave Imran Away Sweetheart Deal, and More


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3e27f6 No.78023

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312548 (070015ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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Trump called out a interview on gbnews of Dr Jan Halper Hayes.

included in the scotty film video below.

corp o7


>>>/qresearch/19312486 lb Trump post without source refering to above and below.

corp o7


Trump called out a interview on gbnews of Dr Jan Halper Hayes highlighted by djt jr

8.5.23 | Don McLean - American Pie - Scotty Films

23 hours ago


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3e27f6 No.78024

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312568 (070018ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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3e27f6 No.78025

File: 778893b6ee0527e⋯.png (22.43 KB,457x199,457:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312572 (070020ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Watch Mark Levin tonight on FoxNews, 8:00 P.M.(Eastern)

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Donald J. Trump


Watch Mark Levin tonight on FoxNews, 8:00 P.M.(Eastern). He gets the Fake Indictments, Voter Fraud, and Election Interference better than anyone, and he’s not afraid to say it - PATRIOT! 10 minutes.

Aug 06, 2023, 7:50 PM


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3e27f6 No.78026

File: 97362637c26dce2⋯.png (1.93 MB,1782x1316,891:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312627 (070030ZAUG23) Notable: Vivek RamaSwampy junk

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Vivek RamaSwampy junk




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3e27f6 No.78027

File: fbf4d2b496cd8fb⋯.png (421.92 KB,680x389,680:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312685 (070042ZAUG23) Notable: PBS NewsHour Rolls Out ‘Climate Psychology Therapist’ to Help Calm ‘Climate Anxiety’(VIDEO) For The Fuggen Keks!

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>more extremes in all weather

We'll be okay. PBS lookin out. kek

PBS NewsHour Rolls Out ‘Climate Psychology Therapist’ to Help Calm ‘Climate Anxiety’(VIDEO)

“This summer, millions of Americans are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change. Triple-digit temperatures for days on end, smoke from record-setting wildfires fouling the air, warming oceans, bleaching coral reefs, Opinion polls when growing concern about climate change. Psychologists say that can be a positive thing, spurring people to action. But for some people, it becomes an overwhelming sense of despair or anxiety. Psychologists call it climate anxiety. This week, we asked people about their emotional responses to climate change,” John Yang said.

Guest post by David Greyson

Aug. 6, 2023 7:10 pm


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3e27f6 No.78028

File: 5d36289f6fbfec8⋯.png (251.61 KB,465x367,465:367,Clipboard.png)

File: a074922b96301a1⋯.mp4 (386.57 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312719 (070048ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino Leggo muh 45-47 vid

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


0:12 / 0:15

8:40 PM · Aug 6, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78029

File: d6ba799040a53e0⋯.png (250.84 KB,740x489,740:489,Clipboard.png)

File: d3de7dab2a8c787⋯.png (342.76 KB,908x244,227:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312771 (070100ZAUG23) Notable: "Zoom terms of service now require you to allow AI to train on ALL your data—audio, facial recognition, private conversations—unconditionally and irrevocably, with no opt out.

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"Zoom terms of service now require you to allow AI to train on ALL your data—audio, facial recognition, private conversations—unconditionally and irrevocably, with no opt out.

Don’t try to negotiate with our new overlords."


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3e27f6 No.78030

File: 01960240b14e0a3⋯.png (208.86 KB,606x739,606:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312774 (070101ZAUG23) Notable: When George Soros Admitted Seeing Himself "As Some Kind Of God"

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See new Tweets





Aug 5

When George Soros Admitted Seeing Himself "As Some Kind Of God"


When George Soros Admitted Seeing Himself "As Some Kind Of God"

"If I spend enough, I will make it right.."

You Retweeted

Elon Musk


Soros arbitraged politics. He figured out that spending small amounts of money in many obscure, but influential, races is far more effective than money spent on major contests.

The mistake people make is thinking that he did it for the good of humanity. He hates humanity.

7:38 PM · Aug 5, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78031

File: 6c8702d13d52e4f⋯.png (511.56 KB,465x588,155:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312898 (070127ZAUG23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Yummm a snickers blizzard from Dairy Queen in Cedar Rapids

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Chuck Grassley


Yummm a snickers blizzard from Dairy Queen in Cedar Rapids

8:41 PM · Aug 6, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78032

File: 5585e29cfec2616⋯.png (405.87 KB,552x828,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: affdc5c1478e4ca⋯.png (353.01 KB,547x555,547:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 405eeefc5e8215f⋯.png (248.93 KB,539x679,77:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312905 (070128ZAUG23) Notable: NJ’s New ‘Equity Rules’ Place Children in Sex Ed Class Based on Gender Identity, Not Biology

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NJ’s New ‘Equity Rules’ Place Children in Sex Ed Class Based on Gender Identity, Not Biology

The New Jersey State Board of Education has passed new revisions to a policy on equity in education, with one new rule stipulating that students be placed in sex education classes according to their gender identity instead of their sex.

Changes to the state’s administrative code are periodically required and Wednesday’s board meeting centered on the changes to the equity rules, which were set to expire later this month, according to NJ.com.

The board ultimately approved the changes by a vote of 6-5 after a lengthy hearing where many concerned citizens gathered to oppose the new rules.


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3e27f6 No.78033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312935 (070132ZAUG23) Notable: "Information war" always precedes real war be like, define real war, exactly

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"Information war" always precedes real war

Senator James Paterson


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3e27f6 No.78034

File: 142a5be6338d0f9⋯.png (1 MB,1375x791,1375:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312991 (070141ZAUG23) Notable: Turtle heckled 1 Minute of 5 minutes The turtle suffered in his own State

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BRUTAL1 Minute of 5 minutes The turtle suffered in his own State


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3e27f6 No.78035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313007 (070143ZAUG23) Notable: Wuhan lab linked organization to receive more taxpayer funding

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Wuhan lab linked organization to receive more taxpayer funding

Amid swirling conjecture and controversy, EcoHealth Alliance, the nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) – a focal point of the COVID-19 origin investigation – is poised to receive millions in new taxpayer-funded grants.

The new wave of funding comes despite the organization’s questionable record, having already channeled significant sums to the WIV for potentially risky bat coronavirus research.

According to The Daily Caller, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reinstated a previously suspended grant in May, pledging an annual sum of $576,000 to EcoHealth until 2027. Furthermore, 14 active grants are recorded on USASpending.gov, totaling nearly $50 million, 12 of which were initiated post-March 2020 – after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

Additionally, the Department of Defense (DOD) has thrown its weight behind EcoHealth, extending a multi-million dollar grant in December of 2022, aimed at combating pandemic threats from Philippine wildlife. The DOD grant runs until December of 2025.

Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth, was a member of the World Health Organization team that sought to trace the origins of COVID-19 in China. However, critics have highlighted this as a potential conflict of interest due to his organization’s funding relationship with the WIV.

According to The Daily Caller, the House of Representatives has passed an amendment to defund WIV and EcoHealth under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), though it doesn’t impact current grants. USASpending.gov records nine active DOD grants, and five others, totaling over $47 million.

The House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recently suggested that former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci initiated efforts to discredit the theory that COVID-19 could be traced to the WIV.

However, EcoHealth Alliance defended their work, stating, “The fact is that the bat coronavirus research conducted by EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology could not have started the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The tug-of-war over the origins of COVID-19 and the role of EcoHealth Alliance promises to continue, with ramifications for both global health policy and national security.


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3e27f6 No.78036

File: 24042695f80ccec⋯.png (33.63 KB,1138x678,569:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 1416e02e5da9ce1⋯.png (23.39 KB,1106x566,553:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313018 (070145ZAUG23) Notable: H.R.2435 - Gold Standard Restoration Act 118th Congress (2023-2024)

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H.R.2435 - Gold Standard Restoration Act

118th Congress (2023-2024)

This bill requires the Department of the Treasury to define the Federal Reserve note dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day's closing market price of gold. Federal Reserve Banks must exchange Federal Reserve notes with gold at this price and create processes to facilitate exchanges between banks and the public. If a Federal Reserve Bank does not do this, Treasury must make any exchange and place a corresponding lien on the assets of that bank.

In addition, Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve must report on U.S. gold holdings.


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3e27f6 No.78037

File: 675dd3efac5c5f4⋯.png (388.81 KB,768x508,192:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 85552b82f16437a⋯.png (428.73 KB,555x522,185:174,Clipboard.png)

File: 32d66cc9f6b3091⋯.png (177.22 KB,771x843,257:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 89d2dcdd1fef277⋯.png (126.16 KB,778x600,389:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e2e63d5a74f3a1⋯.png (219.94 KB,815x667,815:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313043 (070148ZAUG23) Notable: From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer leading the push to invade Niger

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From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer leading the push to invade Niger

Since the overthrow of Niger’s US-friendly government, West African nations of the ECOWAS bloc have threatened an invasion of their neighbor.

Before leading the charge for intervention, ECOWAS chair Bola Tinubu spent years laundering millions for heroin dealers in Chicago, and has since been ensnared in numerous corruption scandals.

Hours after Niger’s Western-backed leader was detained by the country’s presidential guard on July 28, Nigerian President and chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Bola Tinubu leapt into action, warning that the group of nations “will not tolerate any situation that incapacitates the democratically-elected government.”

“As the Chairperson of ECOWAS…I state without equivocation that Nigeria stands firmly with the elected government in Niger.”

Two days later, ECOWAS imposed severe sanctions on Niger, and the bloc issued a stark ultimatum: if the newly-inaugurated junta won’t reinstall the ousted president in a week’s time, the group’s pro-Western African governments will — by military means, if necessary.

On Saturday, July 6 — one day before the deadline — ECOWAS leaders approved a plan to invade the country, with the ominous caveat that they are “not going to tell the coup plotters when and where we are going to strike.”

If ECOWAS gets its way, member states Benin, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sénégal and Togo will be pressured to send their soldiers to invade Niger.

These developments have thrust the typically-overlooked West African country of Niger into the Western media spotlight. But if hostilities break out, it wouldn’t just be one single impoverished African state in the crosshairs.

Neighboring Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea, which are also governed by military administrations that recently seized power by force, have all warned that any attack on Niger will be viewed as an attack on them too. If their ECOWAS rivals make the first move, the nations which mainstream media have dubbed Africa’s “coup belt” have pledged to unleash their military forces as well — an announcement which should end any illusions that restoring the country’s previous president would be a painless process.

Leading the pro-Western coalition is the president of its most powerful country, Nigeria: Bola Tinubu. One of Nigeria’s wealthiest men, the source of the scandal-plagued president’s fortune remains unclear.

Documents reviewed by The Grayzone reveal Tinubu as a longtime US asset who was named as an accomplice in a massive drug running operation that saw him launder millions on behalf of a heroin-dealing relative.



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3e27f6 No.78038

File: db42b45b3dfc872⋯.jpeg (364.04 KB,1125x2228,1125:2228,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313061 (070152ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes:

“You know I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense, and the thing is, they’ve got the goods (regarding 2020 election theft). They’ve got the goods. And Trump knew if he presented any of the goods early on, we’d have a Civil War. He really felt the people needed to see how bad it could get.”

Welp, there you have it. The military is in full control of this entire operation. This video (I implore anons to imbed, just confirmed Q is a real world mission and everything that Q told us would happen is happening. This video should go down as one of the most poignant proofs in the history of the Great Awakening.


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3e27f6 No.78039

File: 9d66593f33f5ac0⋯.png (623.03 KB,1152x823,1152:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313063 (070152ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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it is a excellent interview.

wonder if anons can find the full text of this interview.

at one stage Jan says she sits on a special task force for the department of defense.






This clip from a British morning show is going viral because of the fact that such words were actually aired on the mainstream media – and in the UK, of all places, the home of the Deep State. It’s almost like a petite asteroid landed in your living room.

UK-based US Republican commentator, Dr Jan Halper-Hayes joined GBN’s Stephen Dixon in the wake of Donald Trump’s latest indictment, when the show turned into a head-exploding conspiracy extravaganza.

After affably defending Trump for several minutes from the contempt of her Trump-deranged host, she lets it be known that she’s in a DoD task force and the US Military has all the evidence of exactly what happened during the recent elections.

She says, “Trump knew that if he presented any of the goods early on, we’d have a civil war. He really felt that the people needed to see how bad it could get.”

She then proceeds to drop a bombshell about Trump’s Royal blunder, when he walked in front of Her Majesty, as they inspected the Queen’s Guard.

Dr Jan claims that this pas de deux was an optic to tell the world that he was about to bankrupt the US Corporation, i.e., the 1871 association of the US, Vatican and the Crown, which has had US Taxpayers paying them back debts from the Civil War.

She says Trump told the Queen, “I’m ending this. We’re dissolving this corporation. We’re going to go back to being a Republic and we’ll all be separate.”

Dr Jan adds, “The Pope wasn’t happy. You should find the picture of him visiting the Pope. It took 650 planes to remove our gold from the Vatican Bank!”



Stephen: There are so many people who are putting this down to a conspiracy theory. But actually, there are real questions to be answered, here.

Dr Jan: There are?

Stephen: Yeah. Of course, there are. Of course, there are!

Dr Jan: What he’s being accused of – but what part do you think is to answer? The 2020 Election is going to be re-litigated because of this?

They’ve made a HUGE, HUGE mistake with this one. Because even though we thought what was going to happen was they were going to go after him for treason or sedition? But they did criminally charge him but they didn’t go to that extreme. As a result, he has due process, so he can subpoena people and bring things in.

Now, let me say something about this 2020 Election, is that Biden is the legitimate president of what is now the bankrupt US Corporation. And that was a treaty in 1871. Well, on September 12, 2018, Trump created an Executive Order.

Within that, he outlined, in future elections, any kind of foreign or domestic interference – specifically, for the 2020 Election.

So, we say, “How did he know some of these things were going to happen? Election integrity on both sides of the aisle is tough. It’s really tough but what this has done is it’s opened the door for Trump to present his case.

Stephen: Well, that’s a good thing, isn’t it? I mean, because what we see over here, on this side of the pond is a very difficult situation, where the legal system is politicized in the United States, which is absolutely abhorrent to us, over here. So, the fact that Trump can subpoena, and there are people who are saying it’s a mistake, Jack Smith, but actually, he can subpoena, people can actually see evidence from both sides. That’s a sensible move.

Dr Jan: Exactly. And it’s a GREAT mistake by Jack Smith, that he’s done that, absolutely great! You see, the thing is – think of Edward Snowden and all the information he had. Think about the fact that our military, Department of Defense, Space Force. If you think that they don’t have the actual, real results from the election, then, you’re fooling yourself.


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3e27f6 No.78040

File: b6ed49bf18d19af⋯.png (127.35 KB,1170x921,390:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313107 (070157ZAUG23) Notable: When George Soros Admitted Seeing Himself "As Some Kind Of God"

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ICYMI: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1688077027818045440

Soros arbitraged politics. He figured out that spending small amounts of money in many obscure, but influential, races is far more effective than money spent on major contests.

The mistake people make is thinking that he did it for the good of humanity.He hates humanity.

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3e27f6 No.78041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313129 (070201ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes:

“On September 12, 2018, Trump created an executive order. Within that, he outlined in future elections any kind of foreign or domestic interference. Specifically for the 2020 election. So we say, “How did he know some of these things were going to happen?” Election integrity on both sides of the aisle is tough. It’s really tough. But what this has done is it’s opened the door for Trump to present his case.”

“See the thing is, think about Edward Snowden and all the information he had. Think about the fact that our military, Department of Defense, SPACE FORCE. If you think that they don’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself.”

^^^Remember TRUMP just retruth’d this ^^^

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3e27f6 No.78042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313154 (070206ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes:

“The thing is, he (Trump) didn’t try to subvert anything. What he’s really done is setup the deep state to come out and that’s why we’re seeing all these things.

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3e27f6 No.78043

File: a490057a725ae8c⋯.png (301.38 KB,856x1510,428:755,Clipboard.png)

File: e9af3c93b068637⋯.png (1.05 MB,1000x4513,1000:4513,Clipboard.png)

File: cc9242725477fed⋯.png (3.45 MB,1248x3878,624:1939,Clipboard.png)

File: e3905928a00a450⋯.png (2.06 MB,670x6410,67:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313159 (070207ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

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More on Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

Linked In profile:'


She was on the Trump transition team:


Another article on the interview with GB news:




She knew him a long time ago, when he was in NYC:


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3e27f6 No.78044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313270 (070231ZAUG23) Notable: Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office

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Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office

Former President Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate for president in 2024, told Breitbart News exclusively in a long-form video interview of his major policy vision for a return to the White House should voters send him back to the Oval Office next year.


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3e27f6 No.78045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313281 (070232ZAUG23) Notable: #23719

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#23719 >>78021

>>78022 Same DOJ Attorney Prosecuting President Trump, Declined to Prosecute Andrew McCabe for Lying Under Oath, Gave Imran Away Sweetheart Deal, and More

>>78023, >>78024, >>78038, >>78039, >>78041, >>78042, >>78043 Jan Halper Hayes FULL INTERVIEW RUN-TIME 9 Minutes

>>78025 @realDonaldTrump Watch Mark Levin tonight on FoxNews, 8:00 P.M.(Eastern)

>>78026 Vivek RamaSwampy junk

>>78027 PBS NewsHour Rolls Out ‘Climate Psychology Therapist’ to Help Calm ‘Climate Anxiety’(VIDEO) For The Fuggen Keks!

>>78028 @DanScavino Leggo muh 45-47 vid

>>78029 "Zoom terms of service now require you to allow AI to train on ALL your data—audio, facial recognition, private conversations—unconditionally and irrevocably, with no opt out.

>>78030, >>78040 When George Soros Admitted Seeing Himself "As Some Kind Of God"

>>78031 @ChuckGrassley Yummm a snickers blizzard from Dairy Queen in Cedar Rapids

>>78032 NJ’s New ‘Equity Rules’ Place Children in Sex Ed Class Based on Gender Identity, Not Biology

>>78033 "Information war" always precedes real war be like, define real war, exactly

>>78034 Turtle heckled 1 Minute of 5 minutes The turtle suffered in his own State

>>78035 Wuhan lab linked organization to receive more taxpayer funding

>>78036 H.R.2435 - Gold Standard Restoration Act 118th Congress (2023-2024)

>>78037 From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer leading the push to invade Niger

>>78044 Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office


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3e27f6 No.78046

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313301 (070235ZAUG23) Notable: #23720

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Baker getz the off hand or taps @20

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3e27f6 No.78047

File: ed65e7728b4dc19⋯.png (1.19 MB,1066x727,1066:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313378 (070253ZAUG23) Notable: Article from 2017 about Jan Halper-Hayes

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Trump is pro-nationalism but ‘not against Europe’, claims aide

Jan Halper-Hayes says US president learnt from Nigel Farage in mounting ‘hostile takeover’



Pat Leahy Mon Jan 30 2017 - 10:47

Donald Trump and his allies are currently engaged in a "hostile takeover" of the United States government, according to a member of the Trump transition team speaking on a visit to Dublin.

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes, a former vice-president of Republicans Overseas and currently advising the new administration in Washington, says Brexit leader Nigel Farage was very influential with Mr Trump, especially in preparation for the campaign debates.

In an interview with The Irish Times, Dr Halper-Hayes says "Trump is not against Europe... but he very much supports the countries where the voters are speaking out that they're interested more in nationalism".

Of the significance of the US presidential election outcome, she says “Only 4 per cent of Washington DC voted for Trump . . . this is a hostile takeover”.

A psychologist and former management consultant, Dr Halper-Hayes worked in mergers and acquisitions for many years, “so hostile takeover is definitely my speciality”.

She is reluctant to detail exactly her role on the transition team but is involved advising on changes of personnel, political outlook and culture. She is focussed on the 4,000 political appointments to leadership roles in the US civil service and government agencies that are in the gift of the new administration.

Changes will result in “bringing more business practicality to government”, she says. “We’re asking the civil servants and the senior executive service to drain their own swamp.”

Doesn’t this sound ominous for them? “Definitely when it comes to climate change those guys are worried they’re going to lose their jobs,” she replies.

Dr Halper-Hayes was in Dublin to speak to an audience of clients and guests of Goodbody Stockbrokers about the international economic impact of the Trump presidency.

The early days of the that presidency suggest that he will govern very much in accordance with his campaign promises. “Oh yeah, oh yeah,” she responds enthusiastically.


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3e27f6 No.78048

File: 56a1669d19554c1⋯.png (103.45 KB,250x243,250:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313382 (070253ZAUG23) Notable: Article from 2017 about Jan Halper-Hayes

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However, she says the “liberal media” has wrongly portrayed this as a threat to international trade.

“America first. He did not say’ I’m a protectionist’.”

Actually, what he said was: “We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.”

When this is put to her, she replies: “Um, we’re going to have to look at the full context of that, despite my being there I was quite excited, so you know... What I know is that he believes in bilateral agreement.

“Trump doesn’t want to be involved in multi-lateral negotiations or trade agreements. . . He is more of a nationalist than a globalist.”

Is she alarmed by the aggressive nationalism of the campaign?

No, she replies, describing Mr Trump as part of a global political insurgency against the established political order. She said a senior Facebook executive has told her that "60 per cent" of the posts about politics on Facebook were "insurgent anti-establishment messages".

While she refers to Mr Farage’s influence on Mr Trump, some of her own statements have echoes of the former UKIP leader.

“I never thought the European Union could work,” she says.

“Political correctness has gone way too far.

“France — you have to pasteurise your cheese now, you can’t make it the way you used to make it.”

When it is pointed out the latter is demonstrably untrue she replies: “It wasn’t a good example... but why should the laws of the European Union supersede laws of the United Kingdom?”

Dr Halper-Hayes, ordinarily a resident of the UK, gave an interview to the BBC last summer when she expressed worry that Mr Trump was “psychologically unbalanced”. He previously assessed him as having the “perfect” temperament for the presidency, comparing him — temperamentally — to presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson and Reagan.

She is defensive about the BBC interview, but says that the comments were made during the period after Mr Trump won the nomination and was being widely criticised for his statements and behaviour.

“In all honesty I had been out late the night before and so my guard was down at seven-odd something in the morning,” she says. “But I also thought I’m hearing too much from too many people about how uncomfortable they are about his behaviour and this needs to come to light . . .

“The whole context was: Look, I’m a Republican, I really hate saying this but there is an element of him right now that is psychologically unbalanced.”

Her explanation is that he was surrounded by “sycophants” who wanted to “ride the coattails” and not “tell the truth”.

His then advisers — changed soon after — had tried to get him to “pivot” and present a more mainstream Republican candidacy. “Any one of us could be subjected to a period of being psychologically unbalanced,” she adds.

“ I kept watching his behaviour and found he had been making the changes in a positive way, and we will always, always have things to criticise him about.

“For 14 years he was in reality TV. Do we know if he is ever going to act presidential? You know, I don’t want to be disappointed, so that expectation is not on the table for me. I don’t expect him to be that way. This is who he is.”


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3e27f6 No.78049

File: 5f3f5585f17964c⋯.png (45.5 KB,575x516,575:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313418 (070303ZAUG23) Notable: Richard Green: Easy to swallow red pill for your liberal friends

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>idk richard fyi


Richard Green





Red Wave Riders

Easy to swallow red pill for your liberal friends:

1) Joe Biden is a Serial Liar (see enclosed copy of Hunter’s Laptop from Hell that the FBI authenticated in 11/19).

2) Joe Biden is a confirmed Pedophile (see enclosed Ashley Biden diary that has been authenticated by Ashley).

3) Joe Biden sold out America to foreign nationals and our enemies. (See enclosed Laptop from Hell and 5 Suspicious Activity Reports from JP Morgan that put the Treasury Depatment on notice that it appears the Biden family are running an illegal influence peddling scam).

Here is the link to Marco Polo‘s site that has the Biden corruption and pedophilia organized quite well.


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3e27f6 No.78050

File: eac1ac95be4d1f8⋯.png (19.99 KB,451x203,451:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313422 (070305ZAUG23) Notable: Reports of Cal Fire helo mid air crash, Cabazon

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3e27f6 No.78051

File: ab7b863f57b15c2⋯.jpeg (536.37 KB,828x1098,46:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313428 (070307ZAUG23) Notable: Reports of Cal Fire helo mid air crash, Cabazon

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3e27f6 No.78052

File: b507b001668765e⋯.png (125.96 KB,1206x650,603:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313452 (070312ZAUG23) Notable: Flashback 2019: Schiff sends letter to Google, Facebook regarding anti-vaccine misinformation

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What about this one?


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3e27f6 No.78053

File: 1ec878d0379b4c0⋯.png (925.34 KB,773x1328,773:1328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313457 (070313ZAUG23) Notable: Article from 2017 about Jan Halper-Hayes

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>Jan Halper-Hayes

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3e27f6 No.78054

File: 79b049d76ba1828⋯.jpeg (89.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9651514ed7899d5⋯.jpeg (412.75 KB,1096x1432,137:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2b0ec0e81b04a69⋯.jpeg (378.5 KB,1073x1585,1073:1585,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313513 (070325ZAUG23) Notable: France supplies long range missiles to Ukraine

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7 Aug, 2023 02:47

France supplies long range missiles to Ukraine

Ukrainian forces apparently already used SCALP-EGs in strikes on civilian infrastructure in Crimea

President Emmanuel Macron has delivered on his promise to supply Kiev with the French variant of Storm Shadow missile, according to footage by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry in which President Vladimir Zelensky is seen posing for a photo op with a rocket marked as SCALP-EG.

Macron initially announced his decision to provide Ukraine with “long-range missiles” in May, and doubled down on the promise at the NATO summit in Vilnius in July, but until now it was unknown when they would be delivered.

In an undated video shared by Ukrainian authorities on Sunday, Zelensky is seen signing a missile attached to a Su-24 jet. The projectile was marked as SCALP-EG in French flag colors and a mix of Ukrainian coat of arms with the Eiffel Tower inside. It remains unclear how many French missiles were delivered and when.

Ukraine's Defense Ministry called the missiles by its British name Storm Shadow as it hinted that theZelensky-signed projectile was used in a recent strike on two bridgesconnecting the Crimean Peninsula to Russia’s Kherson Region.

The British-French Storm Shadow / SCALP-EG is a long-range air-launched cruise missile with a firing range of around 250 kilometers (155 miles). It was developed in the 1990s and used in a number of Western military operations, including the NATO intervention in Libya and strike in Syria that the US, the UK and France conducted jointly in 2018.

Kiev has repeatedly used the missiles to target civilian facilities, since receiving an unspecified number of Storm Shadows from the UK. According to Russian officials, they were fired at two civilian plants in the Russian city of Lugansk in May, injuring several people, including six children.

On Saturday, Ukraine launched some 12 Storm Shadows / SCALP-EGs at bridges connecting Crimea to the Kherson Region. At least three missiles made it through Russian-air defenses, according to local authorities, damaging two bridges across the Strait of Chongar and the Tonkiy Strait.

The attack also damaged a rural school and ruptured a local gas pipeline, leaving the nearby town of Genichesk without supply, according to Kherson regions’ acting governor, Vladimir Saldo. The damaged bridges have also hardly been used for military needs and are purely civilian infrastructure installations, he stressed.

(Pretty sure the gloves are off now)


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3e27f6 No.78055

File: f2d42769281fb6c⋯.jpeg (100.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313544 (070334ZAUG23) Notable: Germany reveals extent of military aid to Ukraine

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6 Aug, 2023 08:21

Germany reveals extent of military aid to Ukraine

Berlin has doubled the amount of funding under NATO’s military assistance program

The German government updated its list of military supplies given to Ukraine on Friday, with the latest batch including mine clearing tanks, reconnaissance systems, and howitzers. Berlin has also vowed to send an additional 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Kiev.

The statement said Ukraine received five autonomous mobile surveillance SurveilSPIRE platforms from Germany. According to its manufacturer, the Estonian company DefSecIntel, the trailer-based complexes are equipped with a drone nest and “built-in AI detection software,” and supposedly do not require field operators. Additionally, Berlin has provided Kiev with long-range Vector reconnaissance drones.

The latest military assistance batch includes two Wisent 1 mine-clearing tanks, and 11 mine plows for the Soviet-made T-72 tanks. Germany has also supplied two Slovakian-made Zuzana 2 self-propelled howitzers, as part of a project jointly financed by Denmark and Norway.

According to the government report, Berlin plans to more than double its funding for the NATO Security Capacity Building Initiative, compared to 2022. The program is designed to “provide support” for the military bloc’s “partners”. Last year, Germany spent €2 billion ($2.21 billion) on the scheme. In 2023, it has allocated €5.4 billion ($5.95 billion) for the project.

“These funds are to be used primarily for military assistance to Ukraine,” the government report said, adding that “additional authorizations” had been made for commitments amounting to €10.5 billion ($11.58 billion) over “the following years.”

The list of Germany’s planned military aid for Ukraine includes a total of 60 Marder IFVs, as well as 100 Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks, together with ammunition for the respective heavy equipment. Berlin also seeks to send 25,500 155mm artillery projectiles and 18,000 man-portable anti-tank weapons to Kiev.

Germany had already supplied the Ukrainian forces with 10 Leopard 1A5 tanks and 18 more modern Leopard 2A6 tanks, as well as 40 Marder IFVs as part of a massive Western military aid campaign ahead of Kiev’s much-touted offensive. Some of the German-made heavy equipment, including Leopard tanks, has since been either destroyed or captured by Russian troops following the start of the Ukrainian operation.

Kiev’s offensive has so far failed to bring any tangible results or significantly change the situation on the frontlines, some two months after it was launched in early June. On Friday, just as Berlin was updating its military assistance list for Kiev, Moscow issued an update on estimated Ukrainian casualties.

Ukraine has lost more than 43,000 servicemen during the offensive, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Over 4,900 pieces of Ukrainian heavy weaponry have been destroyed since early June, including 25 German-made Leopard main battle tanks, seven French-made AMX-10 RC ‘wheeled tanks’ and 21 US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, it added.

Russia has repeatedly warned that continued arms supplies to Ukraine will only extend the conflict and prolong human suffering. It has also accused Washington, and its allies in Europe and elsewhere, of showing a disregard for the lives of Ukrainian soldiers.


Remember this headline earlier today, they were lying

6 Aug, 2023 15:39

Ukraine warns of ‘significant weapons shortage’

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3e27f6 No.78056

File: 8466206203e631b⋯.png (154.23 KB,1024x796,256:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 146cb113a4324cf⋯.png (140.04 KB,1043x790,1043:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313558 (070338ZAUG23) Notable: Reports of Cal Fire helo mid air crash, Cabazon

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lookslike both down 6:45

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3e27f6 No.78057

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313581 (070343ZAUG23) Notable: Crowd chants at Mitch McConnell BOOOOO---RETIRE, RETIRE, RETIRE—BOOOOO!!! (rumble video)

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Donald J. Trump




Aug 06, 2023, 11:24 PM


Crowd chants at Mitch McConnell BOOOOO—RETIRE, RETIRE, RETIRE—BOOOOO!!!



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3e27f6 No.78058

File: aae63f656999585⋯.jpg (188.43 KB,1080x1184,135:148,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313583 (070343ZAUG23) Notable: Crowd chants at Mitch McConnell BOOOOO---RETIRE, RETIRE, RETIRE—BOOOOO!!! (rumble video)

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3e27f6 No.78059

File: 7534a610210db92⋯.png (1.01 MB,994x993,994:993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313585 (070344ZAUG23) Notable: II MEF: Radioactive - Marine Corps EOD technicians with @2ndMLG, use a small unmanned ground vehicle-310 to scan for radiation from a simulated enemy drone during a weapons of mass destruction exercise as part of MCCRE on Camp Lejeune

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>>78014 (pb) U.S. phones to receive nationwide emergency test message in October


Radioactive ☢️

Marine Corps EOD technicians with @2ndMLG, use a small unmanned ground vehicle-310 to scan for radiation from a simulated enemy drone during a weapons of mass destruction exercise as part of MCCRE on Camp Lejeune.

@USMC @DeptofDefense #marines #military

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3e27f6 No.78060

File: f3389fcccaee9a7⋯.png (98.51 KB,862x700,431:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313595 (070344ZAUG23) Notable: Developed Nations With Packed Infant Vax Schedule Linked To Higher Childhood Mortality Rates: Study

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Developed Nations With Packed Infant Vax Schedule Linked To Higher Childhood Mortality Rates: Study

Researchers Neil Miller, director of the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry in New Mexico, and Gary Goldman, who has a doctorate in computer science, performed several analyses based on 2019 and 2021 data to explore potential relationships between the number of early childhood vaccinations required by developed nations and their neonatal, infant, and under age 5 mortality rates.

According to global health experts, few measures in public health can compare with the impact of vaccines, which are credited with having reduced disease, disability, and death from a variety of infectious diseases. Yet the study found that developed nations requiring more neonatal vaccinations may have unintended consequences that increase childhood mortality, challenging the idea that more vaccines administered always results in fewer deaths.

“Our paper investigated potential associations between the number of early childhood vaccine doses that developed nations require and their early childhood mortality rates,” Mr. Miller told The Epoch Times in an email. “For example, some nations administer hepatitis B and tuberculosis (BCG) vaccines to their infants shortly after birth. We found that nations that require both vaccines had significantly worse infant mortality rates when compared to nations that require neither vaccine.”

Miller and Goldman’s research initially began in 2011 when they published a paper using 2009 data showing less favorable infant mortality rates among highly developed nations requiring the most infant vaccinations.

The recent study replicated their original study using 2019 and 2021 data from the top 50 nations where childhood vaccine doses range from 12 to 26. Results showed the infant mortality rate increased by 0.167 deaths per 1,000 live births for each additional vaccine dose added to the vaccination schedule, supporting the earlier study’s findings.

Twenty-nine nations in 2009 had better infant mortality rates than the United States, but by 2019, the United States had declined to 44th in infant mortality rankings, and in 2021, ranked 50th—despite requiring the highest number of infant vaccines.

Highly developed nations requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses tend to have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study published July 20 in Cureus.


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3e27f6 No.78061

File: 7de5c3ef55401be⋯.png (246.31 KB,1170x1459,1170:1459,Clipboard.png)

File: 37d05908abb0431⋯.png (3.67 MB,1170x1894,585:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313614 (070349ZAUG23) Notable: Brian Cates: Does Space Force have all the evidence of the 2020 Election?

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If the @COsweda [Thomas Wictor] theory about how Donald Trump laid a massive trap for his enemies and has actually had all the evidence from federal/military records for going on 3 1/2 years as to the highly organized & coordinated THEFT of the 2020 election turns out to be VINDICATED?

I'm going to laugh for the rest of my entire laugh.

Because after 3 1/2 years of COMPLILING EVIDENCE, there will be no escape for the people who did this. No fancy lawyering will get them off.

Let's all hear it for....SPAAAAAAAACE FOOOORCEEEE!


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3e27f6 No.78062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313657 (070359ZAUG23) Notable: We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

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We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

Quite frankly, all of this pretending is starting to become rather tiresome.

The entire right side of the conservative political punditry are pretending they have no idea what is happening in the 2024 election, as if they are still pretending Ron DeSantis was on a “book tour.” Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, National Review, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ruben, The Blaze, The Daily Wire, TownHall, The Washington Free Beacon, Clay Travis, Western Journal, Newsmax, Buck Sexton, Legal Insurrection, the entire network of right-side alternative media, all of them, acting as ushers toward a grand pretending performance that is built around bulls**t.

When the internet shadow-banning system is triggered later this year, all of the above will remain visible and supported by the regime. Remember that; these outlets/voices are deemed not a threat to ‘national security.’ Only the non-pretending outlets, platforms and voices are going to be targeted. More on that later.

In 2016, the RNC/DNC corporations wanted a Hillary v Jeb matchup. That was the outcome of both corporate intents, and all processes were deployed to create that outcome.

For 2024, it became obvious last year the corporations wanted a Newsom v DeSantis contest. In that matchup the people who control the financial mechanisms can maintain their status quo. The billionaire funders for DeSantis, RGA/RNC would be quite okay with a Newsom outcome.

We told you this was going to be very ugly, and it is unfolding exactly as we would expect.

It will get worse, much worse.

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3e27f6 No.78063

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313693 (070408ZAUG23) Notable: Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office (rumble video)

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Exclusive – Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office

Matthew Boyle6 Aug 2023



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3e27f6 No.78064

File: e211a730f01c812⋯.jpg (67.46 KB,1024x645,1024:645,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 791e8e08ca31083⋯.png (458.35 KB,793x427,13:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313717 (070414ZAUG23) Notable: We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

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Understand what happened in Jan 6, 2021. Don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police. Understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring! New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency.

At the very center of this coup stands Mike Pence, the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earlies hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of Lt General Michael Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why Lt Gen Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.

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3e27f6 No.78065

File: 9a99cd01af426a2⋯.jpeg (533.57 KB,1620x632,405:158,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 73d285ff4fc328c⋯.jpeg (346.96 KB,621x1063,621:1063,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313807 (070439ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Mispelling How do you show the public the truth? (Q #4951)

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Trump Mispelling How do you show the public the truth?



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3e27f6 No.78066

File: 46c329add2a11df⋯.png (378.94 KB,1345x919,1345:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313870 (070459ZAUG23) Notable: Former US National Security Agency director says Australia should not impose a blanket ban on paying cyber ransoms but instead adopt a risk-based approach

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A former US National Security Agency director says Australia should not impose a blanket ban on paying cyber ransoms but instead adopt a risk-based approach that considers a set of key criteria.

Retired admiral Michael Rogers, who headed the NSA and led United States Cyber Command from 2014 to 2018 under presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, also called for a shift in thinking on cyberattacks.

“This is what I used to tell the two presidents, ‘Sir, if the metric you’re going to use is anytime we have a significant penetration that is a failure, then you are going to be incredibly frustrated’,” Mr Rogers told The Australian Financial Review.

Instead, he called for businesses and policymakers to shift their perspective to measure success by how well attacks are responded to after they occur.

“How quickly are you recovering? How much are you able to mitigate this and stop it from spreading: both how quickly and how well? How well are you able to ensure you have appropriate control and knowledge over data?” he said.

“That’s a very different way of looking at the cybersecurity problem.”

Mr Rogers said that after decades working in both offensive and defence cyber capability in the US government, he had one clear takeaway.

“With a determined adversary who is focused on you as a target and who was prepared to commit resources, it is very difficult to ensure 100 per cent that they will not penetrate your system.”

The comments come ahead of the Albanese government’s much anticipated cybersecurity strategy, expected from Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil around mid- to late October after the Voice referendum.

Guidelines for appropriate payments

The strategy is expected to be wide-ranging and will set out how all areas of government will work together to protect against cyber threats, “with the aim of uplifting Australia’s cybersecurity capability to become the world’s most cyber secure nation by 2030”.

As part of the strategy, Ms O’Neil has been consulting industry on a legal framework for ransom payments and, while strongly opposed, it is understood her views have evolved to reflect the complexity of the issue.

Mr Rogers said he was wary of outlawing all ransom payments and a one-size-fits-all approach. He suggested a set of criteria should be adopted by government and industry for when a payment might be appropriate.

“I think we need to make this risk-based,” he told the Financial Review, suggesting factors such as loss of life, health, national security and economic stability being weighed against the risk of payment.

The weighing exercise should be done in co-operation with government rather than left to firms, which could face penalties for a wrong call.

“A partnership is a much better way to look at this,” he said, a view that was formed during the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in 2021 when a major US oil pipeline system was hit by hackers.

“The company was making significant decisions and not really talking to the government about it.”

The corporate watchdog earlier this year warned it would seek record penalties for breaches of market disclosure amid new findings that listed companies were acting illegally by failing to disclose material cyberattacks.

Mr Rogers, who is in Australia as a member of the global advisory board of cybersecurity firm CyberCX, said Australia was well-placed to play a leading role in cyber globally due to its government-forward approach.

“Australia has been very aggressive about the use of legislation, regulatory oversight, particularly in the form of critical infrastructure,” he said, an approach he acknowledged was not being followed by the regulation-shy US.

“Australia is very well-positioned to have a significant global role in cybersecurity. Australia can really help raise the level of capability, awareness, focus, and help create better strategies for nations.”

Abigail Bradshaw, the head of the Australian Cyber Security Centre, in November said reports of cyberattacks in financial year 2021-22 increased nearly 13 per cent to 76,000, one attack every seven minutes.

Recent high-profile breaches in Australia include Optus, Medibank Private, Meriton, Commonwealth Bank, IPH Limited and Latitude.


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3e27f6 No.78067

File: 6cc3cd5d0b9e0b5⋯.png (73.33 KB,753x493,753:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313895 (070510ZAUG23) Notable: FDA Approves First Oral Treatment for Postpartum Depression. August 04, 2023

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FDA Approves First Oral Treatment for Postpartum Depression. August 04, 2023


Woman suffering from Postpartum Depression murders baby the next day.

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Zurzuvae (zuranolone), the first oral medication indicated to treat postpartum depression (PPD) in adults.

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3e27f6 No.78068

File: ad1aedd9f5e6e88⋯.png (783.97 KB,991x1093,991:1093,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313901 (070514ZAUG23) Notable: Ramaswamy: I ‘don’t believe’ the 9/11 Commission report

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This should probably be notable. Simple logic suggests everyone running against Trump is not on team Trump. But this made me think, is Vivek /ourguy/ and possibly going to open the door to some things? 9/11?

Ramaswamy: I ‘don’t believe’ the 9/11 Commission report


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3e27f6 No.78069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19313922 (070523ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump could become US President before 2024 says Dr Jan Halper-Hayes (YT video)

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Donald Trump could become US President before 2024 says Dr Jan Halper-Hayes

January 29, 2022

Dr. talking about Trump being Speaker of the Senate.

Halper-Hayes: So many politicians in Congress are ‘morally unfit’


Dr. Halper-Hayes is Anon.

"We get messages in circuitous ways.

cir·cu·i·tous - (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way:

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3e27f6 No.78070

File: ac8de72fae725ae⋯.png (782.27 KB,1132x633,1132:633,Clipboard.png)

File: 66e148bd912f456⋯.png (233.02 KB,1074x780,179:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314046 (070607ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag spots GLORE39 E-6

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>the Global Reasoning unit (GloRe unit) that implements the coordinate-interaction space mapping by weighted global pooling and weighted broadcasting


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3e27f6 No.78071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314054 (070610ZAUG23) Notable: #23720

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Notables are NOT Endorsements

#23720 >>78046

>>78047, >>78048, >>78053 Article from 2017 about Jan Halper-Hayes

>>78049 Richard Green: Easy to swallow red pill for your liberal friends

>>78050, >>78051, >>78056 Reports of Cal Fire helo mid air crash, Cabazon

>>78052 Flashback 2019: Schiff sends letter to Google, Facebook regarding anti-vaccine misinformation

>>78054 France supplies long range missiles to Ukraine

>>78055 Germany reveals extent of military aid to Ukraine

>>78057, >>78058 Crowd chants at Mitch McConnell BOOOOO—RETIRE, RETIRE, RETIRE—BOOOOO!!! (rumble video)

>>78059 II MEF: Radioactive - Marine Corps EOD technicians with @2ndMLG, use a small unmanned ground vehicle-310 to scan for radiation from a simulated enemy drone during a weapons of mass destruction exercise as part of MCCRE on Camp Lejeune

>>78060 Developed Nations With Packed Infant Vax Schedule Linked To Higher Childhood Mortality Rates: Study

>>78061 Brian Cates: Does Space Force have all the evidence of the 2020 Election?

>>78062, >>78064 We Are Beyond Seeing the Strings, We Are Looking at the Puppeteers’ Hands Now

>>78063 Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office (rumble video)

>>78065 Trump Mispelling How do you show the public the truth? (Q #4951)

>>78066 Former US National Security Agency director says Australia should not impose a blanket ban on paying cyber ransoms but instead adopt a risk-based approach

>>78067 FDA Approves First Oral Treatment for Postpartum Depression. August 04, 2023

>>78068 Ramaswamy: I ‘don’t believe’ the 9/11 Commission report

>>78069 Donald Trump could become US President before 2024 says Dr Jan Halper-Hayes (YT video)

>>78070 Planefag spots GLORE39 E-6

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

might be a lag

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3e27f6 No.78072

File: 31c362d5a284db9⋯.jpg (146.43 KB,1577x1024,1577:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314075 (070621ZAUG23) Notable: #23721

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Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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3e27f6 No.78073

File: eab9552aa2a5d57⋯.png (308.54 KB,640x320,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314648 (071102ZAUG23) Notable: Conservative SoCal School Board Targeted by Newsom Now Sued by Teachers Union Over CRT Ban

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Conservative SoCal School Board Targeted by Newsom Now Sued by Teachers Union Over CRT Ban


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3e27f6 No.78074

File: aaf8852da41b584⋯.png (386.3 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314664 (071108ZAUG23) Notable: UK's NHS Raises Age For Government-Funded Transgender Treatments To Seven

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UK's NHS Raises Age For Government-Funded Transgender Treatments To Seven


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3e27f6 No.78075

File: e334ebfc052aca1⋯.png (250.71 KB,440x455,88:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314705 (071122ZAUG23) Notable: Two central African states begin preliminary deployment of forces for military operation against Niger - Niger local media report.

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⚡️🇳🇪 Two central African states begin preliminary deployment of forces for military operation against Niger - Niger local media report.

Niger (top right) is supported by Burkina Faso (bottom right) and Mali, vs. the old yoke of colonialism (left).

No details are given which 2 African states, but likely headed by Nigeria.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic

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3e27f6 No.78076

File: b27a99ea923da56⋯.png (495.74 KB,785x1307,785:1307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314746 (071134ZAUG23) Notable: DJT retruth w/CAP: Michigan 2024: Trump holds 48-point lead for Republican Nomination

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


Donald J. Trump





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3e27f6 No.78077

File: 9751ef6d2ef71cd⋯.jpg (42.25 KB,1080x712,135:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314752 (071136ZAUG23) Notable: DJT retruth w/CAP: Michigan 2024: Trump holds 48-point lead for Republican Nomination

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61% (48+)

President Trump is OUTSTANDING

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3e27f6 No.78078

File: 83b02290aa72a7a⋯.png (168.48 KB,876x919,876:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 21f211570674f87⋯.png (402.56 KB,765x762,255:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314770 (071141ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Attorney Says Biden DOJ Will Block Requests For Televised Trial

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WATCH: Trump Attorney Says Biden DOJ Will Block Requests For Televised Trial

By Cullen McCueAugust 6, 2023

Updated:August 6, 2023

John Lauro, an attorney representing former President Donald Trump, told Fox News that while the legal team welcomes a televised trial, the Biden DOJ is likely to block those efforts.

“Would you be ok — with the president’s support — a televised trial?” asked Fox News Sunday host Shannon Bream. “I mean it would have to go through all kinds of hoops and rule changes and those types of things, but let the American people see every minute of it and decide for themselves?”

“I personally would love to see that,” Lauro replied. “But I’m convinced that the Biden Administration does not want the American people to see the truth.”

“And they acted on it by filing this protective order, which is an effort to keep important information about this case from the press,” he continued. “I’m shocked actually that all the networks haven’t lined up and filed pleadings objected to this very broad attempt by the Biden Administration to keep information away from the American people during the election season. The American people have a right to know.”

“Of course, Joe Biden doesn’t want that to happen,” Lauro added.

Trump’s attorney says he “would love” for DJT’s trial to be televised but says the Biden administration is blocking it.

Very interesting because Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Dan Goldman and other Democrat shills recently sent a letter asking for the trial to be televised. pic.twitter.com/ToAL17YpLQ

— TheStormHasArrived (@TheStormRedux) August 6, 2023

Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a protective order against the former president less than one week after handing down the indictment, pointing to a number of Trump’s Truth Social posts. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan — an Obama appointee who has issued some of the harshest sentences in January 6 cases — gave the former president just two days to respond to the order. He must respond by Monday.

Smith has pointed to a post from the former president in which he wrote, “if you come after me, I’m coming after you” in seeking the order, which would bar the Trump legal team from sharing crucial information about the case with the press.

“The point is that we will not agree to keeping information that’s not sensitive from the press … and the American people in a campaign season have a right to know what the evidence is, in this case, provided that this evidence is not protected otherwise,” Lauro said during an appearance on CNN. “So we’re gonna oppose it as we have, but for whatever reason, these lawyers on the prosecution team want to keep that from the press.”




Trump’s attorney says he “would love” for DJT’s trial to be televised but says the Biden administration is blocking it.

Very interesting because Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Dan Goldman and other Democrat shills recently sent a letter asking for the trial to be televised.


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3e27f6 No.78079

File: df96d0fc52a1585⋯.jpg (140.57 KB,720x1085,144:217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aa98c427eedcb3e⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314796 (071153ZAUG23) Notable: real americans luv 45: Tiktok banned this video at a million views in 3 hours.

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They really don't like it when black people openly like Trump


Tiktok banned this video at a million views in 3 hours.

You know what to do :)

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3e27f6 No.78080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314824 (071206ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden Slapped w/ New Lawsuit over Student Loan ‘Scheme’

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Joe Biden Slapped w/ New Lawsuit over Student Loan ‘Scheme’

NCLA argues that the Biden administration’s plan directly violates the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause. The group explained that the clause “grants Congress near-exclusive authority to cancel debt owed to the Treasury.”


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3e27f6 No.78081

File: 25ac3406220acf5⋯.png (53.67 KB,996x314,498:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314829 (071208ZAUG23) Notable: British scientists begin "developing vaccines" in a high-security laboratory complex against a "new pandemic" caused by an unknown "Disease X"

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NEW - British scientists begin "developing vaccines" in a high-security laboratory complex against a "new pandemic" caused by an unknown "Disease X" — Sky News

6:22 AM · Aug 7, 2023·241.3K Views

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3e27f6 No.78082

File: 3ee445f03d0fa86⋯.png (340.68 KB,1080x1185,72:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314834 (071210ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Deranged Jack Smith is going before his number on draft pick, the Judge of his "dreams"...

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3e27f6 No.78083

File: f3ab0382dd008d0⋯.png (370.61 KB,1080x933,360:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314837 (071211ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: I never said anything bad or even slightly inappropriate to Liddle' Mike Pence...

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POTUS! This one came first. Sorry.


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3e27f6 No.78084

File: 16c33f8082d30ee⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x681,1024:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314877 (071225ZAUG23) Notable: Malik Obama Did It Again: Tweets Brother Barack Obama “Must Be Gay”

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Malik Obama Did It Again: Tweets Brother Barack Obama “Must Be Gay”


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3e27f6 No.78085

File: 87b209081c43c79⋯.png (584.18 KB,1053x1536,351:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314885 (071228ZAUG23) Notable: Malik Obama Did It Again: Tweets Brother Barack Obama “Must Be Gay”

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3e27f6 No.78086

File: 9317d2b526afbf1⋯.png (78.91 KB,924x423,308:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314921 (071242ZAUG23) Notable: anon calls it: Holy Shit done in [30]

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Holy Shit done in [30]

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3e27f6 No.78087

File: 3ee445f03d0fa86⋯.png (340.68 KB,1080x1185,72:79,Clipboard.png)

File: c605ad4b643b7b7⋯.png (345.04 KB,1079x1158,1079:1158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314922 (071243ZAUG23) Notable: anon calls it: Holy Shit done in [30]

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Nice catch. Here's both and second link:


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3e27f6 No.78088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314928 (071245ZAUG23) Notable: #23721

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final bun o' fun for #23721

clos'n time...

czech em

#23721 >>78072

>>78073 Conservative SoCal School Board Targeted by Newsom Now Sued by Teachers Union Over CRT Ban

>>78074 UK's NHS Raises Age For Government-Funded Transgender Treatments To Seven

>>78075 Two central African states begin preliminary deployment of forces for military operation against Niger - Niger local media report.

>>78076, >>78077 DJT retruth w/CAP: Michigan 2024: Trump holds 48-point lead for Republican Nomination

>>78078 Trump Attorney Says Biden DOJ Will Block Requests For Televised Trial

>>78079 real americans luv 45: Tiktok banned this video at a million views in 3 hours.

>>78080 Joe Biden Slapped w/ New Lawsuit over Student Loan ‘Scheme’

>>78081 British scientists begin "developing vaccines" in a high-security laboratory complex against a "new pandemic" caused by an unknown "Disease X"

>>78082 DJT TS w/CAP: Deranged Jack Smith is going before his number on draft pick, the Judge of his "dreams"...

>>78083 DJT TS w/CAP: I never said anything bad or even slightly inappropriate to Liddle' Mike Pence...

>>78084, >>78085 Malik Obama Did It Again: Tweets Brother Barack Obama “Must Be Gay”

>>78086, >>78087 anon calls it: Holy Shit done in [30]

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3e27f6 No.78089

File: efa208615a93956⋯.png (539.79 KB,697x766,697:766,Clipboard.png)

File: db5f49a09ddde5d⋯.png (492.44 KB,720x450,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b53c842004f1db⋯.jpg (384.51 KB,1210x908,605:454,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314958 (071255ZAUG23) Notable: #23722

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morn'n baker requesting handoff

gotta wurkfag

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3e27f6 No.78090

File: 60788c6669c107b⋯.png (422.77 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314986 (071304ZAUG23) Notable: South Africa: 3 Farm Murders in a Week

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South Africa: 3 Farm Murders in a Week. Elon Calls for Boycott of NY Times for “Supporting Genocide”

There have been at least three farm murders in South Africa in the week since radical Marxist leader Julius Malema called to “Kill the Boer“ in front of approximately 90.000 supporters. AfriForum said that farm attacks and murders spike after rallies where politicians sing “Kill the Boer” and other violent “struggle songs.”

After Elon Musk criticized “pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa”, the New York Times backed the singing of “Kill the Boer”, brazenly claiming it “should not be taken literally.“ The leftist paper said the epidemic of farm murders is a “false claim that there have been mass killings.“



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3e27f6 No.78091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314991 (071306ZAUG23) Notable: Canada: Muslims Unite with Christians Against Trudeau’s Push for Transgender

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Canada: Muslims Unite with Christians Against Trudeau’s Push for Transgender Indoctrination in Schools

Canada: The Trudeau government is pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda in the nation’s school system. Parents have been informed that children enrolled in preschool and kindergarten will not be addressed with biological pronouns such as ‘he’ or ‘she’, but the children will eventually decide what they will be called, despite what the parents want. The most vocal critics of Trudeau’s policies are coming mostly from the Muslim population who are telling the PM to keep his ideology away from their children. Muslim activists are now teaming up with Christians to stage a million-person march across Canada in September. Kamel El-Cheikh is organizing the coast-to-coast march and all faiths are invited to join in denouncing leftist gender ideology in schools. A 48% majority of migrants who were not born in Canada are now voting conservative compared to 38% that are voting liberal.



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3e27f6 No.78092

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314993 (071306ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/07/2023





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3e27f6 No.78093

File: a32e1b01e4d1bb1⋯.png (182.79 KB,455x314,455:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19314996 (071307ZAUG23) Notable: Federal Appeals Court Upholds Connecticut Law that Eliminated Religious Vaccination Exemption

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Federal Appeals Court Upholds Connecticut Law that Eliminated Religious Vaccination Exemption

A federal appeals court upheld a 2021 Connecticut law that eliminated the state’s longstanding religious exemption from childhood immunization requirements for schools, colleges and day care facilities. The plaintiffs, We the Patriots USA Inc. and others, had argued that Connecticut violated religious freedom protections by removing the exemption. The 2021 law, they said, demonstrates a hostility to religious believers and jeopardizes their rights to medical freedom and child rearing. The group says it will seek a review of the decision by the Supreme Court.



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3e27f6 No.78094

File: 48d30aa77c814fd⋯.png (663.18 KB,825x854,825:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cc29e1f463e748⋯.png (587.69 KB,803x1256,803:1256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315046 (071325ZAUG23) Notable: 92% of Covid Deaths in 2022 Were Triple+ Vaxxed

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92% of Covid Deaths in 2022 Were Triple+ Vaxxed

August 6, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315056 (071328ZAUG23) Notable: 'Disease X': UK scientists begin developing vaccines against new pandemic

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>>78081 lb

>lazy fuck!

original article:

'Disease X': UK scientists begin developing vaccines against new pandemic

The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire.

"...They have drawn up a threat list of animal viruses that are capable of infecting humans and could in future spread rapidly around the world.

Which of them will break through and trigger the next pandemic is unknown, which is why it's referred to only as "Disease X".


One early success is the world's first vaccine againstCrimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, a disease that's spread by ticks and has afatality rate of 30%.

Early-stage clinical trials have just started, with 24 volunteers expected to test the jab. ...

ARTICLE & VIDEOS: https://news.sky.com/story/uk-scientists-begin-work-on-defending-against-new-pandemic-caused-by-disease-x-12934956

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3e27f6 No.78096

File: 58924fa82ea7697⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,892x12213,892:12213,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315081 (071335ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

In the opening scene of the original Blade Runner film, Leon, a Nexus-6 replicant is given a “Voight-Kampff Test” to determine whether or not he is human.

The test is designed to provoke an emotional response. Emotions are read by scanning the iris, the colored part of your eye. The color of your iris is like your fingerprint; it’s unique to you, and nobody else in the world has the exact same colored eye.

As the questions go on, Leon becomes increasingly agitated. When he is asked to “describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about your mother”, he’s had enough. “My mother?” Leon says. “Let me tell you about my mother.” And he pulls out a gun and kills his tormentor.

Replicants have a termination date because if they live too long, they begin to develop emotions and the fear is that they will no longer be distinguishable from humans. Leon and a few other advanced replicants are on a mission to confront their creator, Dr. Eldon Tyrell, and find a way to extend their lives.

Phillip K. Dick, author of the novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? upon which the movie is based, would flip out at what’s happening today. Not because it’s what he foretold but because it’s the exact opposite.

It isn’t AI that needs to prove it isn’t human. It’s humans that need to prove they aren’t AI.


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3e27f6 No.78097

File: 4438370294fd938⋯.png (575.73 KB,1007x977,1007:977,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315083 (071335ZAUG23) Notable: Judge orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist

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Judge orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist

The scientist has already deposed 18 current and former government employees but she has been unable to confirm the sources for the story.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: August 7, 2023 - 8:40am

AD.C. federal judge ordered CBS News senior correspondent Catherine Herridge to reveal her source or sources for a series of stories about the FBI's investigation of a Chinese American scientist.

The order last week from Judge Christopher Cooper comes after scientist Yanping Chen filed a lawsuit against the FBI, claiming that the agency violated the privacy act by improperly leaking information about her.

While working at Fox News in 2017, Herridge used a confidential source or sources to obtain material about the federal counterintelligence probe of Chen.

The Fox series focused on Chen, who was associated with China's People's Liberation Army and is president of the taxpayer-funded University of Management and Technology in Rosslyn, Va. Chen's husband, J. Davidson Frame, is dean of the university. The FBI raided the school twice in 2012, but even after the raids, it still received more than $6 million from the Defense Department.

As part of her case against the FBI, Chen subpoenaed Herridge and Fox in an attempt to reveal the source(s) for the articles. Both Fox and Herridige fought the move by arguing that the judge should quash the subpoenas because the press is protected under the First Amendment.

"The Court recognizes both the vital importance of a free press and the critical role that confidential sources play in the work of investigative journalists like Herridge," Cooper, an Obama appointee, wrote in his ruling. "... Chen’s need for the requested evidence overcomes Herridge’s qualified First Amendment privilege in this case."

The judge limited Chen's deposition subpoena to only include non-privileged matters related to the Privacy Act claim, but Chen's document subpoena was deferred.

Chen has already deposed 18 current and former government employees, including four FBI employees, and obtained 22 government declarations, but she has been unable to confirm the sources for the Fox story, according to court documents.

The ruling is raising concerns about protections for the press.

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Director Gabe Rottman told CNN: "While the Privacy Act provides essential protections for the public, using it to breach reporter-source confidentiality poses significant risks to a free press."

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3e27f6 No.78098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315085 (071336ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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Worldcoin promoters explain that since AI will soon evolve into AGI, or advanced general intelligence, making the machine smarter than humans, it is imperative that we catalogue every single real human on the planet so that no one is left behind in the coming opportunities for prosperity.

There are a lot of problems with AGI, that deserves further exploration. For example, as AI is fed more and more synthetic data instead of “pure human data”, Monash University data researcher Jathan Sadowski warns it turns into what he describes as “Habsburg AI,” or “a system that is so heavily trained on the outputs of other generative AI’s that it becomes an inbred mutant, likely with exaggerated, grotesque features.”

Richard G. Baraniuk, in collaboration with researchers at Stanford, published a fascinating paper about this problem, titled “Self-Consuming Generative Models Go MAD.”

Yes, AGI can literally go MAD, sort of like Leon. But all this means is that in the future, pure gold data, or real human data, will grow more valuable until AI reaches a point where it is no longer needed.

Naturally, ordinary humans aren’t being told any of this. We are being promised that AI’s leap in intelligence will create massive wealth for us. As Vitalik Buterin says, people don’t really understand what they are being sold. Instead, we latch onto concepts we’ve been fed, like Worldcoin’s creators virtuously claiming that “nobody wants all that wealth only profiting the billionaires, it should be distributed equally to—literally—every single human on the planet, in the form of UBI, or universal basic income. The UBI will be in the form of a cryptocurrency called Worldcoin (WLD)”.

Apparently, this will empower all humans. So say the billionaires who have used the last few years of Covid hysteria and now the war in Ukraine—not to benefit humanity—but to increase their own wealth and power so that they are now in a position to catalogue and control every single person on the planet.

UBI is interesting to me even without talking about AI,” Altman says in a recent Zoom interview. “It’s an idea that appeals to a lot of people. If we have a society rich enough to end poverty, then we have a moral obligation to find out how to do that.”

What’s really interesting is how when they want to enslave you, they talk about a moral obligation to do so. Don’t we already have enough wealth to end poverty? Hasn’t there always been enough wealth to end poverty?

History has shown us that once a person gets a taste of power, they don’t share it, they just want more. And more. And more.

Altman wants to share the wealth, but for your own good, it can’t be shared just quite yet:

I do think we’re going to need some sort of cushion through the transition and part of the whole reason of being excited about AI is it’s a more materially abundant world.”


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3e27f6 No.78099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315089 (071336ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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The cushion will be a universal basic income, just to help them through this transition phase. Notice that Worldcoin is being sold as offering humans a “more materially abundant world”.

How much more material can we get? How much more stuff can we accumulate? This is the lie we have been conditioned to believe since around the 1950s when companies realized they could psychologically manipulate people, even children, on a massive scale (through television) into buying more and more “stuff” with the promise it would make them happy. Of course, it never made anyone happy, all it did was create an addiction to wanting more. Along the way, ordinary people became hopelessly indebted to an ever more powerful, select set, of billionaires.

The average American has roughly $90,000 worth of debt. Most people live paycheck to paycheck and are one paycheck away from catastrophe. In Digital ID and Our Obsession with “Identity”, I write about the history of living on credit and how this happened to us.

If you live in a first-world country but are in worrisome debt, imagine if that great weight keeping you awake at night, making you feel as if you are continually drowning with no relief from the struggle, is taken away. Poof! Your debt is erased. All you have to do is give your biometric data to the Vast Machine. What’s the big deal with that? You’ve already given so much of it away to the government, to Amazon, to Google, to every website you browse, what’s it going to matter if at last you give it all away. What a relief it will be.

Now, imagine if you are from a third world country and somebody comes to your village offering you connection to the outside world and the possibility that you can be rich, too, and participate in the world economy. All you have to do is stare into the Orb and they will give you money for doing it.

Before long, everyone from that third-world villager to that first-world Gen Zer will find themselves moved into an apartment in a 5-minute city. It will look nice, with green areas, shops, a gym, bikes and no cars. They will all be relegated to the same level and given a certain number of tokens to spend on things, mostly in a virtual world where they live vicariously in ways, they cannot live in the real world that has become so constricted. Slowly but surely, the real-world fades into a dream while the virtual world becomes reality.


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3e27f6 No.78100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315093 (071337ZAUG23) Notable: Another wave of antisemitic, transphobic flyers found

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There have been several similar incidents since the beginning of the year.

City leaders condemn Anti-Semitic flyers distributed in Dunwoody

Atlanta Police investigating antisemitic, transphobic flyers

Another wave of antisemitic, transphobic flyers found, this time in Roswell

Homeowners in Kennesaw wake to antisemitic flyers littering driveways

Additionally, there was an antisemitic protest outside an Cobb County synagogue in June.


**The Great Awakening

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3e27f6 No.78101

File: 6862603f43ceb4d⋯.jpg (51.08 KB,500x755,100:151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315096 (071338ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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We are already being conditioned to accept this transition away from reality. We believe we experience “freedom” online in places like “x”. We verify our humanity, thinking it is a good thing, or even if we don’t, we do it anyway, justifying it because it means we can speak “freely”. Online, we can boldly say things to millions of disembodied people that we would never say in the real world. For example, you wouldn’t yell out your political views in the market to a bunch of strangers. But you’ll do it online.

Remember “reality shows?” They weren’t real. Nobody tried to pretend they were. But they served an important purpose, blurring the line between reality and illusion.

This is leading us further into the boxes that I have often talked about. Virtual prisons that actually feel comfortable and familiar, where we have already built-up communities of people who think exactly the same as we do. That mentality is being continually reenforced to the point where we are not in control of our own minds anymore, we are just being fed a continual loop of the same propaganda with the occasional “glitch” to make us feel as if we are “fighting” against “something” when we are really just living inside a dream.

Imagine voting for a candidate, for example. Just like the cereal in the supermarket, there might be two or three different ones, but they will all come from the same source—the Vast Machine. Perhaps they won’t even be real people at some point. They will be virtual representations of people.

Depending on everything the machine knows about you, you will be led to vote for a certain candidate. Oh, you say, this already happens. But that is why this case against Donald Trump is so important. Whatever you think about him, he threatened the system. Or at least we think so. Because the last few years has messed so badly with our minds, we can’t be sure of anything anymore. Perhaps his coming trials are the ultimate reality show.

If he is put in prison, will his millions of supporters actually take up arms and fight for what they believe? Or will they continue to scream online where they have learned to feel safe and comfortable, thereby acknowledging that the Vast Machine is in control and they already submitted to it a long time ago, they just never realized it. This could nail the lid on the coffin of accepting complete submission to the Vast Machine.

Entertaining races will be plotted between candidates in the future, but they will have a hard time matching up to the one between Biden and Trump. Can Trump delay the trials long enough so that he can be elected president? Can he be elected?

People will know that future races are fake but that is what will make them safe, just like watching a movie is safe. Voters will be able to play out scenarios online, offering loyalty to one candidate or the other, making bets, arguing their loyalty like they do for celebrities or sports figures.

Of course, no one is talking about any of this. Instead, you are being promised freedom in exchange for stepping up to the Orb and letting it look into your soul.


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3e27f6 No.78102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315097 (071339ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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Alex Blania is the tall, athletic, baby-faced 29-year-old CEO of Tools for Humanity, an extension of Worldcoin. He is apologetic about having to take all that data and feed it to AI. “For a number of reasons, we didn’t want to go down that path,” he says. “We know it’s going to be painful. It’s going to be expensive. People think it’s weird. But it really was the only solution.”

An MIT Technology Review article published in April 2022 titled Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users revealed “wide gaps between Worldcoin’s public messaging, which focused on protecting privacy, and what users experienced. We found that the company’s representatives used deceptive marketing practices, collected more personal data than it acknowledged, and failed to obtain meaningful informed consent”.

Ethereum creator, Vitalik Buterin recently weighed in on the Worldcoin phenomena.

As Buterin describes malicious ways such data could be used:

3D-printed fake people: one could use AI to generate photographs or even 3D prints of fake people that are convincing enough to get accepted by the Orb software. If even one group does this, they can generate an unlimited number of identities.

Possibility of selling IDs: someone can provide someone else’s public key instead of their own when registering, giving that person control of their registered ID, in exchange for money. This seems to be happening already. In addition to selling, there’s also the possibility of renting IDs to use for a short time in one application.

Phone hacking: if a person’s phone gets hacked, the hacker can steal the key that controls their World ID.

Government coercion to steal IDs: a government could force their citizens to get verified while showing a QR code belonging to the government. In this way, a malicious government could gain access to millions of IDs. In a biometric system, this could even be done covertly: governments could use obfuscated Orbs to extract World IDs from everyone entering their country at the passport control booth.

What a big, hot mess.


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3e27f6 No.78103

File: ac2d1bd2463e0e3⋯.png (569.29 KB,1080x591,360:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315098 (071339ZAUG23) Notable: Jamaican Immigrant Kritarch Tanya Chutkan Is Trump’s J6 Judge. But What About Her Lack Of Judicial Temperament, Huge Conflict Of Interest?

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Jamaican Immigrant Kritarch Tanya Chutkan Is Trump’s J6 Judge. But What About Her Lack Of Judicial Temperament, Huge Conflict Of Interest?

That Jamaican immigrant Tanya S. Chutkan is the judge in the Trump Jan. 6 lynching sends a message to all Americans: This is a communist coup and the Biden Mob intends to emulate Joseph Stalin’s Show Trials.

Stalin in the 1930s successfully intimidated all Russian opposition and the Show Trials were merciless spectacles that played an important role in the process. They featured flagrant judicial and prosecutorial misbehavior, most notoriously by prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky.

Significantly, even elements in the U.S. Regime Media seem to be worried by Chutkan’s blatant lack of judicial temperament. Thus AP’s nervous story The judge assigned to Trump’s Jan. 6 case is a tough punisher of Capitol rioters [by Michael Kunzelman, AP, August 2, 2023] whimpers:

Chutkan has sentenced at least 38 people convicted of Capitol riot-related crimes. All 38 received prison terms, ranging from 10 days to over five years … Other judges typically have handed down sentences that are more lenient than those requested by prosecutors. Chutkan, however, has matched or exceeded prosecutors’ recommendations in 19 of her 38 sentences. In four of those cases, prosecutors weren’t seeking any jail time at all.

Kunzelman also has the journalistic integrity to note Chutkan’s flagrant partisanship:

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump nominee, suggested during a hearing in 2021 that the Justice Department was being too hard on those who broke into the Capitol compared with the people arrested during racial injustice protests following George Floyd’s 2020 murder.

…Chutkan criticized McFadden’s suggestion days later.


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3e27f6 No.78104

File: e2acefe80608f1a⋯.png (832.55 KB,980x887,980:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315100 (071340ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Comms?

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Did anons catch this yesterday?

The "the" after to is not needed

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3e27f6 No.78105

File: 3bc72f78746a594⋯.jpg (10.26 KB,500x319,500:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315104 (071340ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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Like Worldcoin’s Alex Blania, Buterin is all of 29 years old. His view of the utopian future is similar to Altman’s and Blania’s. In my essay SoulBOUND, I relate how Buterin actually calls his Ethereum tokens Soulbound. It’s a new religion where members police each other, answerable to the new God, the Vast Machine.

His inspiration for his soulbound world is the video games he played as a kid.

To be SoulBOUND is to have your soul bound with others with a blood contract, drawing on each other’s essence to protect against the servants of Nagash, the God of Death.”

WARHAMMER, one of Buterin’s favorite games

In his white paper, written in 2022, Buterin describes a world where the word “soul” replaces the word “wallet” and if you are “real” you can buy and sell with your very soul. Your soul contains proof of your identity. To be Soulbound is to be legitimized within your community. Within your community are Soul Guardians, who attest to the good character of members.

Buterin answers questions like how not to lose your Soul. A user curates a set of “guardians” and gives them the power, by majority, to change the keys of their wallet. Guardians could be a mix of individuals, institutions, or other wallets.

If you’ve lost your soul, maybe by doing something the community doesn’t agree with—and that could be literally anything—recovering a Soul’s private keys would require a member from a qualified majority to Soul’s community to consent.

“Souldrops” are tokens that can be rewarded to good citizens.

And naturally, in a SoulBOUND world, citizens can either go to heaven or hell, depending on how they behave.

Just as the downside of having a heart is that a heart can be broken, the downside of having a Soul is it can go to hell and the downside of having a society is that societies are often animated by hatred, prejudice, violence and fear. Humanity is a great and often tragic experiment.”

Buterin talks about how large stakeholders such as Blackrock and Vanguard have taken over the banks and the largest companies. He talks about giving the power back to the people. And who knows, maybe in his worldview, influenced by the video games he played as a child, he thinks this is possible. I’m not holding my breath.

Here are some of the companies Buterin lists as jostling to be top dog in proof of humanity. Th first one is Worldcoin’s:

Proof of Humanity


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3e27f6 No.78106

File: 1b062db785e18b9⋯.jpg (7.58 KB,500x228,125:57,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb4ce1766b339ae⋯.jpg (38.47 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 769c65b453b1c04⋯.jpg (10.97 KB,500x289,500:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315112 (071343ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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Proof of Humanity, a system combining webs of trust, with reverse Turing tests, and dispute resolution to create a sybil-proof list of humans.

BrightID—Proof of Uniqueness

Identity is a human right.

Everyone deserves the baseline rights of access to public goods.





Circles is a system that contributes to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for its users.

Circles promises it’s all about community and trusting one another within that community. To understand this vital concept of trust, we only have to read what it says on the Circles website.

Circles provides basic income in the sense that every trusted member of our community can issue Circles tokens (CRC) regularly and equally through their smart contracts, without any further conditions. The value of this basic income is up to the community, which offers goods, products, and services in exchange for our complementary currency.

Circles is all about community agreements and negotiations.

What are Circles’ Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are inherent to blockchain technologies. They are like trained dogs, who do things when certain things they’ve been trained for, happen. For example, they sniff out drugs, or bark when there’s a stranger at the door…etc.

With smart contracts, if certain conditions are being met, these programs execute a certain action.

In the case of Circles, the smart contracts define for example how many Circles you get when you sign up and your daily UBI amount.

In the future, there is no more individuality. There is only the will of the “circle” who is answerable to the Vast Machine. There are only contracts made with AI and rules with no deviation.

Demurrage in Circles—pay attention to this!

The more people who join your circle, the more tokens you will have, right? Not really.

Circles is a unique type of basic income because it’s not necessarily for saving but for spending, giving everyone the equal power to issue money.

To counter the constant increase in the money supply as more people join, we use something called demurrage. Demurrage means that money has a life-span and it decays over time, acting as a type of parking fee or tax on the money supply.

It results in your net balance decreasing and not increasing relative to the UBI.

The goal of this is to increase the velocity of spending, so that you and your network are motivated to spend and redeem CRC for things of value, instead of sitting on them. This supports a flowing, vital economic system instead of a stagnant one. That’s why it’s called Circles. It’s built for circulating. Just like a healthy body needs healthy blood circulation.

You will forever be on a treadmill getting nowhere. You cannot “sit” on tokens, meaning you cannot save. You must spend them on “things of value”. Yes, there will be innovative, creative people with more freedom doing interesting things, but it won’t be you. Once you are firmly implanted in your “circle” you will never get out.


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3e27f6 No.78107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315113 (071343ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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>Data & Society

not legit, part of the anti-Q disinfo mob

from qresear.ch dig, Dec 2018:

Data & Society

* Part of a coalition of Globalist groups putting out propaganda ("research") designed to portray centrist groups as racist, white supremicist, conspiratorial & potentially terrorist

* Goal: to pressure social media into de-platforming non-Globalist content providers on the basis that they constitute a threat to public safety & security because their ideas are gateways to more dangerous ideas



https ://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/hateful-conspiracies-thrive-on-youtube-despite-pledge-to-clean-up-problematic-videos/2018/12/10/625730a8-f3f8-11e8-9240-e8028a62c722_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.55663b7b783b

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3e27f6 No.78108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315114 (071343ZAUG23) Notable: WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

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All that matters is spending your tokens and maintaining trust within your circle:

By issuing your own, personal basic income, your tokens will be different from other people’s tokens. It’s the very heart of our concept: the system will know and will always know the routes and the original sources of the tokens, even after many exchanges. This helps you to only use your Circles tokens (CRC) through your trust connections and through the transitive trust connections. If you receive CRC without meaningful, quality trust connections, or you’ve trusted fake accounts, then your CRC tokens won’t have any value. But if you are part of a living community, where real economical values are available, and you didn’t trust fake accounts, your CRC tokens will be pretty valuable.

How do you know who to trust?

When you choose to trust someone, it means you are willing to accept their currency as valid. eg. “I trust you, therefore I accept your tokens” or “You trust me, therefore I can send you my tokens”. If someone doesn’t trust you in the Circles system, they may not be able to accept your Circles tokens.


Imagine if your neighborhood becomes a circle like this, where your every movement is tracked, and it isn’t the government per se doing it. This would have been East Germany’s dream come true. No iron fist is needed. It is your neighbor. It is your own child. And it is layer upon layer of constant tracking and surveillance by the Vast Machine. There is no escape.

If you do not follow the rule of the circle, your ability to survive within the community will be taken from you. Your UBI will be limited or removed. You will be denied food, clothing, shelter. With the eye of Sauron everywhere, even inside people’s homes, even in the forest or the middle of the desert, thanks to Starlink satellites and others, no one will want to shelter you, even if they feel sorry for your circumstances. They will not want to suffer the same fate as you have.

Are you human? If you want to survive you will have to prove it.

The more humans train AI to be like humans, the harder it will be to tell the difference. Add to that how humans and AI are being melded together and you have a real identity crisis on your hands.

How human are you?

At what point does the human stop and the machine begins?

If you end up in a circles’ community, how long will it be before you aren’t sure your neighbor is even human anymore? Or that you are?

Perhaps tech gods like Altman, Blania and Buterin should take a lesson from what happened to Dr. Tyrell in Blade Runner.

Roy Batty, a Nexus-6 combat model, manages to get into Tyrell’s home by using the iris of one of his employees to get past security. Roy confronts his maker, Dr. Tyrell; looks him in the eyes and begs for an extension of his life. When he doesn’t get it, he digs out Tyrell’s eyes and kills him.

Dr. Tyrell is not comparable to the God of the universe. He is a mere human, like Sam Altman or Vitalik Buterin, playing at being God. In the process of these tech giants wanting to become gods, they could well be destroyed by AI; the very creations that they hope will lead them to that seat of ultimate power.

Like Blade Runner, there is no happy ending to this movie.

For those of us who believe in the one and only God of the universe, it’s good to remember that this world is not our home. We have no reason to be bound by material possessions, or tokens, the way these tech gods want us to be. We are just passing through.

9 of 9

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3e27f6 No.78109

File: 60cac15e63deec4⋯.jpg (83.67 KB,680x444,170:111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3f003bf034e9b0b⋯.png (213.84 KB,464x573,464:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315124 (071346ZAUG23) Notable: If you've been following the story of the illegal California lab run by a Chinese biotech firm, Prestige Biotech, This company, NOT licensed to conduct business in California, received a $360,000 tax credit, thanks to the office of one @GavinNewsom

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Jenn Cheng


If you've been following the story of the illegal California lab run by a Chinese biotech firm, Prestige Biotech, discovered in Reedley, California...it gets even more interesting.

This company, NOT licensed to conduct business in California, received a $360,000 tax credit, thanks to the office of one


. 🤔


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3e27f6 No.78110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315126 (071346ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Comms?

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Put the two together:


the WEF?

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3e27f6 No.78111

File: 4c81bfad3e95ff8⋯.jpg (123.83 KB,500x834,250:417,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315143 (071351ZAUG23) Notable: Jamaican Immigrant Kritarch Tanya Chutkan Is Trump’s J6 Judge. But What About Her Lack Of Judicial Temperament, Huge Conflict Of Interest?

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Judge Chutkan And Friends: They Hate YOU, Not Just Trump.

Earlier: Jamaican Immigrant Kritarch Tanya Chutkan Is Trump’s J6 Judge. But What About Her Lack Of Judicial Temperament, Huge Conflict Of Interest?

Donald Trump, as you surely know, was indicted Tuesday on criminal charges for trying to stay in power after the 2020 election. The U.S. District Court judge assigned to his case in Washington, D.C. is a lady named Tanya Chutkan, a mulatto born in Kingston, Jamaica.

I’ve just been reading up on Judge Chutkan in The Hill. Hoo boy: talk about smug, arrogant, self-satisfied elite. This judge is a black race communist from Central Casting, appointed of course by Barack Obama; although The Hill notes that in spite of her being an obvious crazy-left progressive, she was confirmed unanimously by the Senate 95-0. Thanks, Republican senators!

She’s been handing out brutal sentences to Trump supporters who demonstrated at the Capitol January 6th,2021. To the question why prosecutors hadn’t brought more cases against people accused of looting and vandalism in the 2020 Floyd riots, which cost a billion dollars and several lives, Judge Chutkan extruded the following, quote:

People gathered all over the country last year to protest the violent murder by the police of an unarmed man. Some of those protesters became violent … But to compare the actions of people protesting, mostly peacefully, for civil rights, to those of a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government is a false equivalency and ignores a very real danger that the Jan. 6 riot posed to the foundation of our democracy.

[5 things to know about Tanya Chutkan, by Joe Jacquez, The HIll, August 2, 2023]

In fact, if you line up the judges and prosecutors active in the vendetta against Trump—special counsel Jack Smith, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, Georgia DA Fani Willis, et cetera, you have a pretty good cross-section of our smug, arrogant, self-satisfied elite, greatly augmented by the favoritism shown in recent decades to blacks and women—and double strength to black women.

They hate Trump, they hate us. Speaking for myself, I’m just going to hate the filthy critters right back.


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3e27f6 No.78112

File: 4beeb8c3af0a4be⋯.png (1.5 MB,960x674,480:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315158 (071356ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Pelican Nebula in Gas, Dust, and Stars

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 7, 2023

The Pelican Nebula in Gas, Dust, and Stars

The Pelican Nebula is slowly being transformed. IC 5070 (the official designation) is divided from the larger North America Nebula by a molecular cloud filled with dark dust. The Pelican, however, receives much study because it is a particularly active mix of star formation and evolving gas clouds. The featured picture was produced in three specific colors light emitted by sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen that can help us to better understand these interactions. The light from young energetic stars is slowly transforming the cold gas to hot gas, with the advancing boundary between the two, known as an ionization front, visible in bright orange on the right. Particularly dense tentacles of cold gas remain. Millions of years from now, the Pelican nebula, bounded by dark nebula LDN 935, might no longer be known as the Pelican, as the balance and placement of stars and gas will surely leave something that appears completely different.


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3e27f6 No.78113

File: 59d5843ce1e6287⋯.jpeg (64.85 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315159 (071356ZAUG23) Notable: Poland fumes over Zelensky aide’s ‘friendship won’t last’ remarks

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7 Aug, 2023 12:31

Poland fumes over Zelensky aide’s ‘friendship won’t last’ remarks

Mikhail Podoliak earlier suggested that Kiev and Warsaw would compete with each other after the Ukraine conflict is over

Public figures in Poland have voiced frustration over comments made by a Ukrainian presidential aide, who predicted that the friendship between the two nations would only last until the end of the current conflict.

On Friday, President Vladimir Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podoliak said that once the fighting with Russia subsides, Ukraine and Poland will end up “competing” with each other in various markets.

In response, Polish MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski tweeted on Sunday: “Thank you for being honest!”

Janusz Korwin-Mikke, a far-right lawmaker, claimed that Poland has “objectively conflicting interests with Ukraine.”

“I repeat tirelessly: there will be a war with Ukraine – and it would be good if Russia did not support it,” he wrote, noting in a separate post that the conflict “will start with a trade war.”

Kazimierz Smolinski, a member of the ruling Law and Justice Party, said that while Warsaw has decided to help Kiev, mainly to protect security in the region, ordinary Poles have “opened their hearts” to Ukrainians fleeing their homeland.

“And now a Ukrainian activist goes on camera and has the audacity to say such things. The ingratitude of the Ukrainian eliteis reaching new levels. These and other hostile statements and actions cannot be left without consequences”.

Jacek Leski, a journalist for the TVP network, described Podoliak’s remarks as “fatal,”suggesting that “with maximum good will”Warsaw and Kiev could enjoy a blend of cooperation and competition after the conflict ends.

“However, juxtaposing ‘friendship’ with ‘competition’ and tying it to war sounds awful… Now we are friends because we are in need, and when the war is over, we will show what we can do,” he wrote.

Leski noted that the dire state of Ukraine’s economy means it will need Polish assistance for years to come, “and he says these things. This is terribly stupid. The Ukrainians I know hold their heads.”

While Poland has emerged as a key supporter of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, relations have been marred by a number of issues, including agricultural exports. Last month, Warsaw, along with four other EU members, agreed to extend the ban on Ukrainian grain imports to protect their agricultural sectors.


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3e27f6 No.78114

File: 5215414e5cddf1b⋯.png (1.91 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315193 (071406ZAUG23) Notable: The Left’s Election Litigation Racket Abuses Democracy To Line Their Own Pockets

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The Left’s Election Litigation Racket Abuses Democracy To Line Their Own Pockets

AUGUST 04, 2023

In April, the Democratic Party announced it would no longer use its longtime lawyer Marc Elias, and now we know why. The Democrats got tired of losing, or as Axios put it, Elias’ approach often “backfired.”

Elias himself does not tire of losing, and here’s why. His lawsuits — parading as a fight for “democracy” by tearing down voter ID, secure drop boxes, and signature matching — have nothing to do with our nation’s interests. Instead, as Elias’ allies admitted to Axios, his work is nothing more than “a political strategy that is actually a business strategy,” one that lined his pockets with roughly $20 million in revenue from just two clients during the 2020 election, all while generating crazed headlines about Republicans.

His cynical ploy to snatch headlines and dollars hasn’t slowed. Emboldened by an openly partisan Wisconsin Supreme Court, Elias’ firm is now suing to dismantle Wisconsin’s mail-in voting protections, like laws requiring that able-bodied voters mail or hand in their own ballot, arguing those laws violate the Wisconsin Constitution. It is a frivolous claim, but a well-funded one, by “one of the most secretive dark-money groups” of the recent past.

So the left’s leading “defender of democracy” is no superhero. He’s a businessman first and a politician second, nothing more.

Unfortunately, the left’s never-ending onslaught of activist litigation is far more harmful to our country than most get-rich-quick schemes. These lawsuits undermine the strength of our democratic institutions. They leave our elections exposed to manipulation and mistake. They cause people to believe a false tale about our states being run by racist politicians and election administrators. And they deprive citizens of the very popular electoral safeguards they themselves say provide the assurances needed to trust our elections.

This Is No Battle Against Jim Eagle

Let’s first address the notion that the left’s legal efforts combat voter suppression. If you listen to activists talk about the horrors of election safeguards, you might join President Biden in believing we are reliving the horrors of Jim Crow. That, however, is just a partisan narrative wholly divorced from reality. Study after study shows election integrity laws under assault from the left have little, if any, effect on voter turnout. As a result, the leftist legal arguments range from the inexplicable, like would-be voters’ alleged inability to obtain a free, readily available ID card, to the comical, like the alleged inability of urban and suburban voters to access a mailbox. In fact, record numbers of Americans are choosing to vote and expressing high levels of satisfaction with the process.

Still, the left claims, it must oppose election safeguards because those safeguards are unnecessary. Fraud, misconduct, and errors are too rare to justify preventative measures, the narrative goes. And that’s where the danger creeps in.

Close Is Not Good Enough

The truth is that sometimes electoral problems are widespread. A second election had to be held for a congressional seat in North Carolina a few years ago because of a scheme to steal that election using mail-in ballots. Another election was recently overturned and rerun in Paterson, New Jersey. In the 2020 election, without even looking very hard, Philadelphia identified nearly two dozen people who had voted twice. And just in this past election, an error in California resulted in the wrong person being declared the winner and taking office.


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3e27f6 No.78115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315194 (071407ZAUG23) Notable: The Left’s Election Litigation Racket Abuses Democracy To Line Their Own Pockets

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In general, our elections are far from perfect. Sometimes, they’re not even “good enough.”

This should matter to us all. As Americans, we deserve elections that are accurate beyond a shadow of a doubt. We deserve elections that can be trusted implicitly. And we deserve elections that convey the people’s true will with respect to the future paths of our country, our states, and our cities and towns — not just their general direction.

Sloppy Elections Sabotage Our Democratic Governance

Trust and confidence are essential elements of any system of democratic governance. Elections conducted in an atmosphere of distrust and doubt cannot be relied upon to produce democratic results.

After all, every single instance of fraud, misconduct, or error deprives a citizen of his vote. A single duplicate or otherwise unlawful vote cancels out another’s vote. And even isolated incidents have a corrosive effect on citizens’ trust in their elections. When courts strike down efforts to prevent such incidents, it is not surprising for citizens to begin to believe that their vote might be meaningless.

Indeed, a vote lost due to fraud, misconduct, error, or even despair, is at least as disenfranchising — if not more disenfranchising — than one lost due to an obstacle imposed by an election integrity measure. Voters affected by election integrity measures have many opportunities to salvage their situation. They can obtain the required ID, take extra care when filling out their election materials, and can almost always fix any mistake before the election closes. But those who lose their votes to fraud, misconduct, error, and despair are powerless to protect their vote. They are just out of luck.

American elections play a crucial role in determining the future of our nation. They must take place in an environment that inspires trust and they must produce accurate representations of the will of our citizens. Not only are the left’s unceasing legal efforts mere partisan, money-making opportunities, as is now openly acknowledged across the political spectrum, they are untethered to promoting democracy. It’s time to put this business strategy out of business.



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3e27f6 No.78116

File: 7eefbc7de4f79b8⋯.jpeg (708.24 KB,1125x2051,1125:2051,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f6d5f686f7274f⋯.jpeg (844.88 KB,1125x1735,225:347,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315196 (071407ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump donor pours cash into Robert Kennedy Jr’s White House run

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“Other top Kennedy supporters include Patrick Byrne, the former chief executive of Overstock.com”

Donald Trump donor pours cash into Robert Kennedy Jr’s White House run

And this is Flynn’s buddy? Financed the FAILED AZ Audits? Infiltration not invasion.


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3e27f6 No.78117

File: 56ea58df91fba03⋯.jpeg (297.05 KB,892x2604,223:651,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b0c7811c29cf796⋯.jpeg (708.53 KB,892x3956,223:989,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315197 (071407ZAUG23) Notable: Darpa

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So DARPA contracted moderna and pfizer in 2013 to craft gene editing MRNA technology.

DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics A Grant For Up To $25 Million To==Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™

Research to focus on antibody production for immune defense

Oct 02, 2013


Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body's natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested.

Pfizer Awarded DARPA Biodefense Contract– DoD Daily Contracts

Dec 4, 2013


Pfizer, Inc., has been awarded a $7,670,632 technology investment agreement. Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual.

Then in 2017, DARPA said that they had been doing MRNA tech research with their partners in a release called

Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold

DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or lessners for years

"Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology, a medical countermeasure against infectious diseases that uses coded genetic constructs to stimulate production of viral proteins in the body, which in turn can trigger a protective antibody response. "




'Disease X': UK scientists begin developing vaccines against new pandemic

The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire.

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3e27f6 No.78118

File: 2b7606a935ad463⋯.jpeg (97.2 KB,865x1280,173:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b71919809add902⋯.jpeg (156.08 KB,2048x884,512:221,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315203 (071408ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump donor pours cash into Robert Kennedy Jr’s White House run

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Are the Flynn’s going to turn?

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3e27f6 No.78119

File: 62c39d2385f1a46⋯.png (435.51 KB,543x1207,543:1207,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aac516859ff279⋯.png (271.54 KB,637x618,637:618,Clipboard.png)

File: a79845753991134⋯.png (339.6 KB,1170x1705,234:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f446f3da564d56⋯.png (759.16 KB,1170x1924,45:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315208 (071410ZAUG23) Notable: The alternate electors should file a lawsuit against Willis office for violating their Constitutional rights.

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**Breaking News

Both the GA AG and the GA Department of Public Safety responded to my open records request asking for records that show Willis was granted jurisdiction to investigate events at the GA Capitol. They did not have such records.

The alternate electors should file a lawsuit against Willis office for violating their Constitutional rights.

Fulton D.A. Fani Willis does NOT have jurisdiction to investigate events that take place in the Georgia Capitol or its campus. (Alternate electors, senate hearings on 2020 election, etc)

Georgia Code 35-2-122 (a) gives law enforcement jurisdiction at the Georgia Capitol and a 5 mile radius around the Capitol to the Georgia Capitol Police.

(a) The division shall have jurisdiction and the primary duty to enforce all laws in Capitol Square and the property and buildings owned by the Georgia Building Authority within a five-mile radius of Capitol Square




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3e27f6 No.78120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315209 (071410ZAUG23) Notable: Darpa

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'Disease X': UK scientists begin developing vaccines against new pandemic

UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as an insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown "Disease X".

The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists.

They have drawn up a threat list of animal viruses that are capable of infecting humans and could in future spread rapidly around the world.

Which of them will break through and trigger the next pandemic is unknown, which is why it's referred to only as "Disease X".

Sky News was escorted around the site, which is run by the UK Health Security Agency, to see the work being done in high-containment labs.

Dame Jenny Harries says there is a rising global risk of further pandemics 0:26

Professor Dame Jenny Harries, the head of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), told Sky News: "What we're trying to do here is ensure that we prepare so that if we have a new Disease X, a new pathogen, we have done as much of that work in advance as possible.

"Hopefully we can prevent it [a pandemic]. But if we can't and we have to respond, then we have already started developing vaccines and therapeutics to crack it."

The Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre at Porton Down has been expanded to take on the work.

Originally, it was focused on COVID and testing the effectiveness of vaccines against new variants.

But scientists at the centre are now involved in monitoring several high-risk pathogens, including bird flu, monkeypox and hantavirus, a disease spread by rodents.

File photo dated 25/02/21 of the Dstl high containment lab building at Porton Down in Salisbury, Wiltshire

Image: File photo of a high containment lab at Porton Down

One early success is the world's first vaccine against Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, a disease that's spread by ticks and has a fatality rate of 30%.

Early-stage clinical trials have just started, with 24 volunteers expected to test the jab.

The disease is becoming more common in Europe as global temperatures rise and some travellers have returned to the UK with the infection.

Read more:

Deadly cat virus in Cyprus could be 'potentially catastrophic for UK'

The NHS COVID app is closing down - but is the pandemic really over?

UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as an insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown ‘Disease X’. The work is being carried out at the government’s high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists.

Prof Harries said climate change and population shifts are making another pandemic more likely.

"What we're seeing is a rising risk globally," she said.

"Some of that is because of things like urbanisation where you may get virus jumping into humans [living close-by], as we've seen with bird flu.

"And some of it is because of climate change where you get things like ticks and mosquitoes moving to where it was previously cold and is now becoming increasingly warm.

"So this is a growing risk agenda. But it's one we can use our science actively to prevent human impact."

Bird flu is currently thought to be the most likely pandemic threat.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says at least 30,000 seabirds have died around the UK this summer as a more virulent strain of the H5N1 virus has swept around the world.

There is also evidence of limited spread in some mammals.

Bird flu is currently thought to be the most likely pandemic threat. The RSPB says at least 30,000 seabirds have died around the UK this summer as a more virulent strain of the H5N1 virus has swept around the world.

Image: Bird flu is currently thought to be the most likely pandemic threat

And four people working on poultry farms in the UK have also tested positive, but were only mildly affected.

The UKHSA has started monitoring people in close contact with birds in case it can spread without causing symptoms.

The agency is part of a global effort to develop a vaccine within 100 days of a new pathogen being recognised as having pandemic potential.

"Historically, that would be unheard of," said Prof Harries.

"It would normally take five or 10 years. For COVID it was around 360 days.

"So this is a really high ambition. But for some viruses, it is definitely possible."

>The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire.



>'Disease X': UK scientists begin developing vaccines against new pandemic

>The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire.

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3e27f6 No.78121

File: 63e916d2bb1f0a4⋯.jpeg (156.88 KB,892x1367,892:1367,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315223 (071412ZAUG23) Notable: Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

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Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

Australia's Office of National Intelligence, the equivalent of the US Director of National Intelligence, is funding a project to study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence.

A team of researchers collaborating with Melbourne-based startup Cortical Labs received a $600,000 grant to merge biology with AI. The team has already demonstrated how roughly 800,000 brain cells in a Petri dish is capable of playing a game of "Pong."

"This new technology capability in the future may eventually surpass the performance of existing, purely silicon-based hardware," said team lead Adeel Razi, an associate professor at Monarch University.

"The outcomes of such research would have significant implications across multiple fields such as, but not limited to, planning, robotics, advanced automation, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery, giving Australia a significant strategic advantage."

According to Razi, the tech could allow a machine intelligence to "learn throughout its lifetime" like human brain cells, allowing it to learn new skills without losing old ones, as well as applying existing knowledge to new tasks.

Razi and his colleagues are aiming to grow brain cells in a lab dish called the DishBrain system to investigate this process of "continual lifelong learning." -The Byte

According to Razi, "We will be using this grant to develop better AI machines that replicate the learning capacity of these biological neural networks."

"This will help us scale up the hardware and methods capacity to the point where they become a viable replacement for in silico computing."

Meanwhile, Elon Musk's Neuralink has had FDA approval to study brain implants in humans since May.

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3e27f6 No.78122

File: dc6ca1468130709⋯.png (600.37 KB,626x4468,313:2234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315235 (071414ZAUG23) Notable: 25 years ago today…Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the U.S. Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania

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25 years ago today...

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the U.S. Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania

Why did it happen? Also 25 years ago today...

Lewinsky Testifies Before Grand Jury

The CIA controlled the media, even then.


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3e27f6 No.78123

File: 9b4ba385216213d⋯.gif (896.49 KB,500x304,125:76,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315242 (071416ZAUG23) Notable: Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

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>Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

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3e27f6 No.78124

File: 1297d21b387ddb9⋯.png (152.55 KB,532x566,266:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315249 (071417ZAUG23) Notable: 7 AUGUST 1990 - OPERATION DESERT SHIELD BEGINS

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Operation DESERT SHIELD began in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Enjoy this short video overview.

#Armyhistory #USArmy #DesertShield #Iraq #MilitaryHistory


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3e27f6 No.78125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315287 (071424ZAUG23) Notable: Sunday Talks, Bill Barr Says “Of Course” He Would Testify Against President Trump

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Sunday Talks, Bill Barr Says “Of Course” He Would Testify Against President Trump

August 6, 2023 | Sundance |

This guy really is the worst of the worst. I do not think I could dislike him more. Remember, Bill Barr appointed John Durham officially as a special counsel quietly without informing the public in October of 2020, specifically intended to block President Trump from declassifying any documents prior to the 2020 election. We do not discover the official appointment until December, after the 2020 election.

The intent of the Durham appointment was to create the oft used silo of an “ongoing investigation” to block inquiry and/or action by President Trump. The entire process of the DC silo deployment is one long continuum, as we have previously outlined. Michael Horowitz was an investigative silo (blocking document release), Robert Mueller was an investigative silo (threats of obstruction blocking document release), John Durham was an investigative silo (blocking document release), and ultimately, now Jack Smith is an investigative silo, retrieving documents from Mar-a-Lago and blocking document release.

You will note that every single one of John Durham’s investigative pathways was to look at Trump-Russia fabrication and corruption outside government, outside Washington DC. None of the Durham investigation was focused inside government or inside the institutions that he and Bill Barr were protecting. Bill Barr was the Bondo, John Durham was the spray paint.

Today, Bill Barr when asked if he would testify against President Trump, says “of course” he would. WATCH:



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3e27f6 No.78126

File: aa191ee830be85a⋯.png (301.8 KB,1021x599,1021:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 63e916d2bb1f0a4⋯.jpeg (156.88 KB,892x1367,892:1367,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315294 (071425ZAUG23) Notable: Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

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3e27f6 No.78127

File: 6eb288fa70fbf5f⋯.png (107.01 KB,686x408,343:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315314 (071428ZAUG23) Notable: Minnesota babies who survive abortions no longer entitled to lifesaving medical care

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Minnesota babies who survive abortions no longer entitled to lifesaving medical care

Minnesota abortion reporting forms no longer must note 'whether the abortion resulted in a born alive infant' or 'any medical actions taken to preserve the life of the born alive infant.'


prejudicial on its face.

Moloch Cabal Puppet Governor, report directly to Hell.

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3e27f6 No.78128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315338 (071435ZAUG23) Notable: Elon Musk promises to ‘fund legal bill’ for people treated unfairly by employers over their posts on X

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Elon Musk promises to ‘fund legal bill’ for people treated unfairly by employers over their posts on X

'If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill,' Elon Musk posted to X on Saturday. Users on the platform, formerly known as Twitter, quickly shared their stories.


"... the platform formerly known as Twitter..."

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3e27f6 No.78129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315351 (071438ZAUG23) Notable: Over 120 million people in Eastern US are at risk for severe storms that could bring large hail and damaging winds

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Over 120 million people in Eastern US are at risk for severe storms that could bring large hail and damaging winds

Over 120 million people in the Eastern US are at risk of severe thunderstorms Monday with damaging wind gusts, large hail, heavy rain and a few tornadoes possible from Philadelphia to Atlanta.

A potent storm system is moving east after battering the Ohio River Valley Sunday and increasing the risk for severe weather Monday across a large area of the country to the east of the Mississippi River.

The worst of it will be from the Appalachians into Maryland, southern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, including Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C., primarily due to damaging winds. Areas from northeastern Tennessee to parts of Maryland and southern Pennsylvania are under a moderate risk, Level 4 out of 5, for severe storms.

An area from northern Alabama into southern New York, including Atlanta, Charlotte, North Carolina, and Binghamton, New York, is under an enhanced risk, Level 3 out of 5, for severe storms. A slight risk for severe storms, a Level 2 of 5, spreads from western Alabama to southern New York, including New York City, Pittsburgh, Charleston, South Carolina, Virginia Beach, Virginia and Wilmington, North Carolina.

Parts of the Northeast could also see heavy rainfall in association with these storms. A slight risk for excessive rainfall, or a Level 2 of 4, has been issued for the Northeast. Scattered rainfall of 2 to 4 inches is possible Monday.

“In the areas of thunderstorms, severe weather and flash flooding will be a threat,” the National Weather Service said.

There were over 150 storm reports across the East on Sunday and over 130 Saturday, including eight tornadoes, spread across Colorado, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska.

There were another 92 reports of damaging wind and 37 reports of large hail, mainly across the central Plains and mid-Mississippi River Valley.

While parts of the East brace for hail and heavy rain, cities from Arizona to Florida will continue to deal with dangerous heat this week.

“Numerous record high temperatures and record high morning minimum temperatures are likely over the next few days with no end in sight going into the later part of this week,” the National Weather Service said.

Excessive heat warnings and heat advisories in effect across the southern part of the country, from southeast California into Florida, will likely remain in effect “for the foreseeable future as there is no relief in sight to the heat for the remainder of the week across these areas,” the weather service said.

About 65 records were set or tied on Saturday and Sunday so far across cities in Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas. At least 120 more could be set from Sunday through Tuesday.

Austin, Texas, hit 105 degrees Sunday, marking the 30th consecutive day with a high temperature over 100 degrees.

Albuquerque reached a high of 102 Saturday – breaking the prior record of 98 degrees set in 1995. This is also the hottest August day ever in the city.

In New Orleans – where city officials warned that high humidity levels will result in temperatures that “feel like” 115 degrees or higher – cooling centers were open for residents in need of respite from the heat, officials said.

“The forecasted excessive heat warning for Monday, Aug. 7 will mark the 17th excessive heat warning issued for 2023 so far, beating the previous record of five warnings in 2021,” New Orleans officials said in a news release.

CNN Meteorologist Gene Norman and CNN’s Raja Razek contributed to this report.


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3e27f6 No.78130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315361 (071440ZAUG23) Notable: Kim Jong Un tells North Korea weapons factories to boost capacity

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Kim Jong Un tells North Korea weapons factories to boost capacity


His unusual visits to multiple arms production facilities over several days come as Pyongyang pushes to develop various strategic and conventional weapons and holds prominent displays of a range of arms.

>accompanied by The Wards The world ain't pretty and neither are we

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3e27f6 No.78131

File: 7ed30a39fb0c08a⋯.png (559.88 KB,707x471,707:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315364 (071440ZAUG23) Notable: Kim Jong Un tells North Korea weapons factories to boost capacity

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3e27f6 No.78132

File: c26c41f6e692e91⋯.png (188.49 KB,592x890,296:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315400 (071448ZAUG23) Notable: A Practical Deep Learning-Based Acoustic Side Channel Attack on Keyboards correctly identifies 93% of keystrokes via sounds over zoom calls

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near @nearcyan

A Practical Deep Learning-Based Acoustic Side Channel Attack on Keyboards

correctly identifies 93% of keystrokes via sounds over zoom calls

(reminder: scaling laws apply to ~every modality)


5:54 PM · Aug 5, 2023



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3e27f6 No.78133

File: 06240e9becad7a6⋯.png (57.55 KB,588x366,98:61,Clipboard.png)


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Rep. Jim Jordan



Internal FB docs reveal that an FBI Special Agent made false statements in testimony about the FBI’s role in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story


10:11 AM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315438 (071457ZAUG23) Notable: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo easy physical therapy to cure

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It's called BBPV

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

easy physical therapy to cure

IF you actually have it the therapy is intense but short and 100% effective

3 min vid

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3e27f6 No.78135

File: 8d75e5d0567c09e⋯.png (398.61 KB,1100x825,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315466 (071504ZAUG23) Notable: Over 120 million people in Eastern US are at risk for severe storms that could bring large hail and damaging winds

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3e27f6 No.78136

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315473 (071506ZAUG23) Notable: CE and I presented this intro video to our @OpenInk Special Collection in Dr John G Trump to President Trump on Friday night at the largest GOP fundraising dinner in AL history.

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Gregg Phillips


In case you missed this, CE and I presented this intro video to our @OpenInk Special Collection in Dr John G Trump to President Trump on Friday night at the largest GOP fundraising dinner in AL history.

@realDonaldTrump @truethevote


Aug 06, 2023, 9:11 PM


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3e27f6 No.78137

File: faf619771fb0de7⋯.png (412.39 KB,670x396,335:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315475 (071507ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Davis fact checking Fake News CNN. Links Potato to the political persecution by Garland Injustice depart of Potus

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Mike Davis fact checking Fake News CNN.

Links Potato to the political persecution by Garland Injustice depart of Potus

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Fact Check: False.

1. On April 2, 2022, Biden aides selectively leaked to The New York Times that Biden was frustrated with Garland for not indicting Trump:

"The attorney general’s deliberative approach has come to frustrate Democratic allies of the White House and, at times, President Biden himself. As recently as late last year, Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments. And while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6."


2. On April 11, 2022, Jonathan Su, deputy White House counsel to President Biden, relayed to the National Archives that Biden waived Trump's claim of Executive Privilege, leading to the unprecedented raid on a former president last August and the June indictment by Garland and his special counsel Jack Smith for the non-crime of a former president having his presidential records-which Trump's allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act.


3. On November 9, 2022, Biden said this:

"Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run. I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."


4. On November 18, 2022, Garland appointed disgraced former federal prosecutor Jack Smith, who was unanimously reversed and rebuked by the Supreme Court for his political prosecution of a likely 2016 Republican presidential contender, to pursue Biden's leading presidential rival.


5. Garland personally approved both of Jack Smith's unprecedented indictments of Trump, for the non-crimes of:

(a) a former president having his presidential records, which is allowed by the Presidential Records Act; and

(b) a presidential candidate objecting to the presidential election, which is allowed by the Electoral Count Act of 1887 and the First Amendment.

But, besides that . . .

Quote Tweet

Square profile picture




Aug 6

"There's no evidence Joe Biden is involved in this."

CNN's Dana Bash speaks with John Lauro, an attorney for former President Donald Trump, about Trump's threats aimed at special counsel Jack Smith and the DOJ probe into attempts to overturn the 2020 election. @CNNSotu #CNNSOTU

6:40 PM · Aug 6, 2023





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3e27f6 No.78138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315524 (071522ZAUG23) Notable: First real recess since 2016

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First real recess since 2016

They think they are safe because Bidan is in charge and Trump is indicted.

Whatever is coming is fuking big BOOOOOM

Recess is canceled, class!

That all said, even though everyone talks about the “August recess,” Congress hasn’t technically formally recessed for August since 2016.

The Constitution’s Adjournments Clause forbids either chamber from adjourning for more than three days without the other’s consent. That led to the practice of scheduling recesses with concurrent resolutions. But while the Senate is away, the president can play — i.e., make appointments without the Senate’s advice and consent to “fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the end of their next Session.”


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3e27f6 No.78139

File: 5e2366d20b72cd6⋯.jpeg (765.78 KB,1125x1553,1125:1553,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315531 (071523ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Congratulations to great golfer Bryson DeChambeau on shooting the lowest round of golf ever shot in a tournament (58) at Greenbrier

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78140

File: 3ef743a85749dee⋯.jpeg (377.04 KB,1125x908,1125:908,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315534 (071524ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump WHAT THE DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE ISDOING TO ME IS THE SAME THING DONE BY THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES...

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315542 (071527ZAUG23) Notable: Kennedy Will Not Stop Listing Reversals Of Judicial Nom's Decisions To Her Face Plus moar

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ALMOST UNWATCHABLE: Kennedy Will Not Stop Listing Reversals Of Judicial Nom's Decisions To Her Face


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78142

File: 1597551bbb4a742⋯.png (761.93 KB,926x3254,463:1627,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e0ece7b374f5a3⋯.png (168.27 KB,926x1384,463:692,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ad3f7d247387cf⋯.png (1.69 MB,926x10116,463:5058,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d828659347fc49⋯.png (338.63 KB,926x1422,463:711,Clipboard.png)

File: b6bea181f1d4d96⋯.png (2 MB,926x4528,463:2264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315546 (071528ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Congratulations to great golfer Bryson DeChambeau on shooting the lowest round of golf ever shot in a tournament (58) at Greenbrier

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8 WOW drops.

Here are 5

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3e27f6 No.78143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315574 (071537ZAUG23) Notable: Kennedy Will Not Stop Listing Reversals Of Judicial Nom's Decisions To Her Face Plus moar

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moar Senator Kennedy!

Kennedy Asks Prof Who Said Schools Shouldn't Take Fossil Fuel Money If His Own Should Give It Back


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3e27f6 No.78144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315584 (071539ZAUG23) Notable: Shilajit benefits

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TY for the info. Dug a little. Seems it has many benefits. For those interested:


Shilajit benefits

1. Alzheimer’s disease

2. Low testosterone level

3. Chronic fatigue syndrome

4. Aging

5. High altitude sickness

6. Iron deficiency anemia

7. Infertility

8. Heart health

Shilajit side effects

Although this herb is natural and safe, you shouldn’t consume raw or unprocessed shilajit. Raw shilajit may contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, fungus, and other contaminations that can make you sick. Whether you purchase online or from a natural or health food store, make sure shilajit is purified and ready for use.

Because this is considered an herbal approach to health, shilajit isn’t monitored for quality, purity, or strength by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Carefully research your options of where to purchase it and choose a reputable source.

Don’t take shilajit if you have sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis (too much iron in your blood), or thalassemia. It’s possible to be allergic to this supplement. Stop taking shilajit if you develop rash, increased heart rate, or dizziness.

How to use it

Shilajit is available in liquid and powder forms. Always administer supplements according to instructions. If you buy the supplement in liquid form, dissolve a portion the size of a grain of rice or a pea size in liquid and drink one to three times a day (depending on instructions). Or you can take shilajit powder twice a day with milk. The recommended dose of shilajit is 300 to 500 mg per dayTrusted Source. Speak with your doctor before taking shilajit.

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3e27f6 No.78145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315592 (071542ZAUG23) Notable: #Hash trends are vital to any operation. If you want to be heard, then use the words that are trending.

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#Hash trends are vital to any operation. If you want to be heard, then use the words that are trending.

Follow #Truth Social Trends here https://truthsocial.com/search

#Twitter can be found here: https://twitter.com/i/trends

FB does not have a trend list as of the moment, but you can see trends world wide that are applicable.


Follow the trends and comment/meme appropriately

Stay on target and discuss what is current

Comment to the main account and subs

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3e27f6 No.78146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315598 (071543ZAUG23) Notable: Garland [ABA annual meeting]

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Garland [ABA annual meeting]: Working with our international partners, DOJ prosecutors have seized or restrained five hundred million dollars in assets, including two super yachts, of Russian oligarchs, and those who unlawfully support the Russian regime, and evade US economic countermeasures.

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3e27f6 No.78147

File: 10adb721ddf64fc⋯.png (824.09 KB,1132x816,283:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315607 (071545ZAUG23) Notable: Egypt condoles with Slovenia over victims of floods

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i find that odd af

Egypt condoles with Slovenia over victims of floods

Monday 07 August 2023

Egypt expressed its solidarity with Slovenia over the victims of heavy rains and flooding that hit the country over the past few days, causing a number of casualties and gross material damage.

In a statement on Monday, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry offered its sincere condolences to the Slovenian government and people and families of the victims over such tragedy, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

The statement also reiterated Cairo's support for Slovenia in such critical circumstances.


(Melania comes from Slovenia, no?)

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3e27f6 No.78148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315610 (071546ZAUG23) Notable: Garland [ABA annual meeting]

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Garland: Congress has also recently enacted a change in law that allows the Justice Department to prosecute war criminals from any country who are present in the United States. This means that in the years and decades ahead, Russian war criminals who set foot in the United States should expect to find themselves in US courts of law. War criminals will find no refuge in America.

[what about Ukrainian war criminals? No comment?]

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3e27f6 No.78149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315611 (071546ZAUG23) Notable: Ex-Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao sentenced to 5 years in prison over George Floyd's death

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Ex-Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao sentenced to 5 years in prison over George Floyd's death

Floyd's death sparked protests and riots across the United States led by the Black Lives Matter movement.

Updated: August 7, 2023 - 11:16am

Former Minneapolis Police Officer Tou Thao was sentenced Monday to nearly five years in prison for his role in the 2020 death of George Floyd.


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3e27f6 No.78150

File: df2284dcd899516⋯.png (100.29 KB,592x418,296:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315625 (071550ZAUG23) Notable: How China weaponizes the capitalist system against us

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Gordon G. Chang


#American companies should advance #America’s democratic ideals, not those of #China’s totalitarian regime. #BlackRock, however, violates its own #ESG rules to advance #Chinese #communism. #CCP @KeithJKrach

Quote Tweet

Keith J. Krach



Aug 6

The Chinese government has weaponized our own capitalist system against us with the help of asset managers like @BlackRock. Through 401(k) retirement accounts and diverse investment vehicles, approximately 100 million Americans are unknowingly bolstering a predatory economic…


How China weaponizes the capitalist system against us


11:37 AM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315637 (071554ZAUG23) Notable: Garland [ABA annual meeting]

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Garland: During my trip to The Hague, I announced the appointment of Jessica Kim, to serve as the US Special Prosecutor for the crime of aggression. She will be working with the International Center for The Prosecution of Aggression Against Ukraine...Jessica will be the first US prosecutor since the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials, to be engaged in efforts to build cases on the crime of aggression.

[crime of 'aggression'? who authorized the involvement of the United States in this nonsense?]

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3e27f6 No.78152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315652 (071557ZAUG23) Notable: Garland [ABA annual meeting]

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Garland: Adhering to, and putting our trust in the rule of law, is how we seek justice for those who have been victimized. Is how we pursue accountability for the perpetrators. It is how we deter future aggression, and it is how we protect one another.

[Garland has made a mockery of the rule of law, and will be lucky to not end up in prison himself]

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3e27f6 No.78153

File: 891068236b5633d⋯.png (446.18 KB,1007x1153,1007:1153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315683 (071608ZAUG23) Notable: @usairforce Brandon Act expedites mental health care referrals for Airmen, Guardians

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Brandon Act expedites mental health care referrals for Airmen, Guardians

Published Aug. 7, 2023

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs


Airmen and Guardians can expect to see an additional referral process for mental health care as the Brandon Act is implemented throughout Air Force and Space Force installations.

The Brandon Act is intended to help identify and get care for mental health concerns by making it easier to access – and required of leaders to take seriously – mental health support by referencing “The Brandon Act” when they need a referral to mental health services.

The Brandon Act is named after Navy Aviation Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class Brandon Caserta, who died by suicide in 2018. Teri and Patrick Caserta, Brandon’s parents, have been a driving force in implementing the Brandon Act.

“I spoke with the Caserta family and listened to their experience,” said Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall. “They bravely shared the story of their son in hopes to help save others. We must honor their spirit and remind every supervisor and leader in the Air Force and Space Force of their duty and legal obligation to help fellow teammates who ask for assistance.”

“The path for the Brandon Act has been long,” said Teri Caserta, mother of Petty Officer Caserta. “But as each military service implements the act, it has renewed our hope. A hope that these new rules will save the lives of those who are serving on our behalf.”

“As leaders and supervisors learn about the Brandon Act, we hope it lifts the stigma that some have when asking for help,” said Patrick Caserta, father of Petty Officer Caserta. “Asking for help is an act of courage and mature judgement — in our call with Secretary Kendall, we believe we have the right leaders to help lead the change and improve our military and save lives. We want to thank Secretary Kendall for embracing and implementing the Brandon Act. We appreciate the hard work that he has and continues to do for our Airmen and Guardians.”

When Airmen and Guardians voluntarily request a mental health referral by contacting their commander or supervisor (in the grade of E-6 or above) it invokes the Brandon Act and expedites the process. Service members may request a referral for any reason, including, but not limited to personal distress, personal concerns or trouble performing their duties. They are not required to provide a reason or basis for the referral.

It is mandatory for commanders and supervisors to honor a Brandon Act request.

The Department of the Air Force program will be called the Brandon Act – The Commander/ Supervisor Facilitated Referral Program.

“The care and well-being of our Airmen is always our top priority,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass. “I’m encouraged by initiatives, like the Brandon Act, that ensure our people have multiple paths to seeking care for mental health concerns they are experiencing.”

A mental health evaluation referral request can be made by active-duty members at any time and in any environment, including deployed locations. Members can be active duty, in active-duty status as a member of the select Reserve, assigned to a temporary duty station or on leave.

“Few things are more important than improving access to mental health are and every improvement matters,” said Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force Roger A. Towberman.

Once members request assistance under the Brandon Act, their commander or supervisor must contact the mental health clinic and request an appointment for the member the same or next day. The mental health provider will do either a face-to-face, telephonic or telehealth appointment.

A referral under the Brandon Act differs from a command-directed or independent referral in several ways. A Brandon Act referral is initiated by the service member to their commander/supervisor, while a command-directed mental health referral is initiated by a commander or supervisor and is mandatory. An independent self-referral is handled completely by the member themself.

Additionally, the service is working to develop annual training on how to recognize if someone may need a mental health evaluation based on behavior or imminent danger for commanders/supervisors. The training will also include how a member may obtain a Brandon Act referral that protects their privacy. Further information on the training will be released as it becomes available.

With the implementation of the Brandon Act, Airmen and Guardians will have easier access to mental health resources & an additional referral process for mental health care.

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3e27f6 No.78154

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315692 (071612ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Davis fact checking Fake News CNN. Links Potato to the political persecution by Garland Injustice depart of Potus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Davis DIRECTLY Connects Joe Biden To President Trump's Indictment Using Years Of Reporting. Mike Davis proves that Joe and team are absolutely involved



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3e27f6 No.78155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315733 (071625ZAUG23) Notable: #23722

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#23722 >>78089

>>78090 South Africa: 3 Farm Murders in a Week

>>78091 Canada: Muslims Unite with Christians Against Trudeau’s Push for Transgender

>>78092 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>78093 Federal Appeals Court Upholds Connecticut Law that Eliminated Religious Vaccination Exemption

>>78094 92% of Covid Deaths in 2022 Were Triple+ Vaxxed

>>78095 'Disease X': UK scientists begin developing vaccines against new pandemic

>>78096, >>78098, >>78099, >>78101, >>78102, >>78105, >>78106, >>78108, >>78107 WorldCoin: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human

>>78097 Judge orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist

>>78100 Another wave of antisemitic, transphobic flyers found

>>78103, >>78111 Jamaican Immigrant Kritarch Tanya Chutkan Is Trump’s J6 Judge. But What About Her Lack Of Judicial Temperament, Huge Conflict Of Interest?

>>78104, >>78110 Trump Comms?

>>78109 If you've been following the story of the illegal California lab run by a Chinese biotech firm, Prestige Biotech, This company, NOT licensed to conduct business in California, received a $360,000 tax credit, thanks to the office of one @GavinNewsom

>>78112 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Pelican Nebula in Gas, Dust, and Stars

>>78113 Poland fumes over Zelensky aide’s ‘friendship won’t last’ remarks

>>78114, >>78115 The Left’s Election Litigation Racket Abuses Democracy To Line Their Own Pockets

>>78116, >>78118 Donald Trump donor pours cash into Robert Kennedy Jr’s White House run

>>78119 The alternate electors should file a lawsuit against Willis office for violating their Constitutional rights.

>>78120, >>78117 Darpa

>>78121, >>78126, >>78123 Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

>>78122 25 years ago today…Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the U.S. Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania


>>78125 Sunday Talks, Bill Barr Says “Of Course” He Would Testify Against President Trump

>>78127 Minnesota babies who survive abortions no longer entitled to lifesaving medical care

>>78128 Elon Musk promises to ‘fund legal bill’ for people treated unfairly by employers over their posts on X

>>78129, >>78135 Over 120 million people in Eastern US are at risk for severe storms that could bring large hail and damaging winds

>>78130, >>78131 Kim Jong Un tells North Korea weapons factories to boost capacity

>>78132 A Practical Deep Learning-Based Acoustic Side Channel Attack on Keyboards correctly identifies 93% of keystrokes via sounds over zoom calls


>>78134 Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo easy physical therapy to cure

>>78136 CE and I presented this intro video to our @OpenInk Special Collection in Dr John G Trump to President Trump on Friday night at the largest GOP fundraising dinner in AL history.

>>78137, >>78154 Mike Davis fact checking Fake News CNN. Links Potato to the political persecution by Garland Injustice depart of Potus

>>78138 First real recess since 2016

>>78139, >>78142 @realDonaldTrump Congratulations to great golfer Bryson DeChambeau on shooting the lowest round of golf ever shot in a tournament (58) at Greenbrier


>>78141, >>78143 Kennedy Will Not Stop Listing Reversals Of Judicial Nom's Decisions To Her Face Plus moar

>>78144 Shilajit benefits

>>78145 #Hash trends are vital to any operation. If you want to be heard, then use the words that are trending.

>>78147 Egypt condoles with Slovenia over victims of floods

>>78149 Ex-Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao sentenced to 5 years in prison over George Floyd's death

>>78150 How China weaponizes the capitalist system against us

>>78146, >>78148, >>78151, >>78152 Garland [ABA annual meeting]

>>78153 @usairforce Brandon Act expedites mental health care referrals for Airmen, Guardians


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78156

File: 525fda736c75438⋯.jpg (38.38 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd93e5ed46d72e2⋯.png (278.81 KB,599x598,599:598,Clipboard.png)

File: 23a4dfd835185d9⋯.jpg (15.7 KB,255x180,17:12,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315741 (071627ZAUG23) Notable: #23723

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78157

File: 0a1c179c0778050⋯.png (116.96 KB,655x792,655:792,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bf6d819c98e6b7⋯.png (120.08 KB,643x630,643:630,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315759 (071630ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk.

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Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78158

File: bbff6ebab97db19⋯.png (111.98 KB,1170x639,130:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315761 (071630ZAUG23) Notable: 2021 @realdonaldtrump The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78159

File: 8afdb2e4f4082d2⋯.png (156.71 KB,479x513,479:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315765 (071631ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: I told you Judge Cannon is legit. She is not going to tolerate Jack Smith's bullsh*t.

This is gold-she asks defense to raise possible grand jury abuse by DOJ for conducting nearly all of the investigation in DC then switching to FLA at last minute for indictment.

10:27 AM · Aug 7, 2023





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3e27f6 No.78160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315792 (071640ZAUG23) Notable: DiseaseXis the spread of information the regime is unhappy about

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Bringing forward, was called out for Notable late in last bread:

>>>/qresearch/19315715 (lb)

>>>/qresearch/19314954 (lb)


> >>78081 (pb) British scientists begin "developing vaccines" in a high-security laboratory complex against a "new pandemic" caused by an unknown "Disease X"

DiseaseXis the spread of information the regime is unhappy about.

The vac has seen!!! (Vac=cow=livestock etc)

And a few more words: Twitter -> X

They say "Disease X" they're talking about information leakage.

Just as when you hear "nuclear" in news, replace with "blackmail" to get closer to the truth.

And "climate change" mean "political climate" not the weather, although there is machinery to control such as well. [They] talking about their demise, not snow and sun.

The callout below:


>notable opine

> >>>/qresearch/19315715 Disease X is the spread of information the regime is unhappy about.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78161

File: 042df8201e82bed⋯.jpg (503.22 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315810 (071648ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: storys of the 9/11 GOLD

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storys of the 9/11 GOLD

Earlier in the morning, before the attack, an ­armored truck had made its way through an underground tunnel below the World Trade Center. Inside the truck was millions of dollars’ worth of bullion.Through a maze of underground tunnels, the truck had just left a vault in which Comex, the commodities exchange, kept thousands of gold Ingot.

The armor truck and the bullion inside were found in the first couple of days of the recovery effort, crushed along with other cars in the subbasement by falling steel; the driver had evidently escaped before the collapse. People thought the gold in the vault might be accessible to looters. But it turned out that the most difficult problem was bringing in electricity to rewire the vault doors. Soon, under the watch of dozens of armed guards, thousands of bars of gold and silver were hauled out of the bi-level 6,000-square-foot vault. All told, there were 379,036 ounces of gold, stacked in 30-pound ingots. There was much more silver, in bars as big as bread loaves, weighing 70 pounds per loaf. Eventually, workers hauled out all 29,942,619 ounces. All the precious metal under the Towers was accounted for.



NEW YORK (CNN) - Buried somewhere under the World Trade Center rubble lies a fortune.

According to the New York Mercantile Exchange, Scotia Mocatta the bullion and metals division of Bank of Nova Scotia was storing 379,036 ounces of gold and 29,942,619 ounces of silver in vaults under 4 World Trade Center. It is owned by people or companies who bought the metals as investments. That's 11.8 tons of gold and 935.7 tons of silver.



A NATION CHALLENGED: THE VAULT; Below Ground Zero, Silver and Gold



What was in the 9/11 rubble: $500 million in gold & silver, confiscated drugs, 1,000 cars

“There were over 30 federal agencies that we had to deal with on a daily basis. There was $500 million worth of gold and silver inside some of the bank vaults inside the World Trade Center,” said DH Griffin.



$231 million in gold, silver lies beneath tower rubble


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3e27f6 No.78162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315812 (071648ZAUG23) Notable: resident Biden Welcomes the Houston Astros to the White House

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1:00 PM EDT

President Biden Welcomes the Houston Astros to the White House

The White House




President Biden Welcomes Houston Astros to White House

President Biden welcomes the Houston Astros to the White House to celebrate their 2022 World Series victory.


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3e27f6 No.78163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315831 (071655ZAUG23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




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3e27f6 No.78164

File: ad7c30f77672e51⋯.png (563.64 KB,1854x1696,927:848,Clipboard.png)

File: feb1a61b9c34a72⋯.png (486.15 KB,989x1073,989:1073,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315862 (071704ZAUG23) Notable: What's up @Zoom

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What's up


Trying to lose

All your customers?

Because it could easily happen.*

* Jordan Peterson wildly over estimates people

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3e27f6 No.78165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315880 (071709ZAUG23) Notable: Roseanne Barr - Bonus Episode -

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Roseanne Barr - Bonus Episode - Important information regarding the banks, stock market and how to protect yourself

Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78166

File: b2de0408669dbca⋯.png (267.03 KB,1009x969,1009:969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315890 (071711ZAUG23) Notable: Fire crews work to contain large industrial fire near airport in Albuquerque

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Watch: Fire crews work to contain large industrial fire near airport in Albuquerque

Plumes of smoke billowed into the sky as a large industrial fire burned at a recycling plant near an airport in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on August 6. Albuquerque Fire (AFR) said crews were working alongside Bernalillo County to contain a multi-alarm, multi-jurisdictional fire. Local media, citing officials, reported a health alert was issued due to plastics burning in the fire and smoke potentially containing hazardous air pollutants. Fire officials said a small outside fire started at Mesa Del Sol recycling hub on Sunday afternoon. Shortly after fire crews arrived, they found the fire had quickly spread, media reported. Credit: Albuquerque Fire via Storyful

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3e27f6 No.78167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315891 (071711ZAUG23) Notable: Presbyterian Pastor Defends Killing Two Babies in Abortions: “I Felt God’s Presence With Me”

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Presbyterian Pastor Defends Killing Two Babies in Abortions: “I Felt God’s Presence With Me”

Aug 7, 2023

In a recent sermon, a Presbyterian pastor says she felt God’s presence with her as she killed two of her own babies in abortions.

Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), an Elon University professor and an abortion activist. She has given speeches and written books and columns for years about why she believes it is moral and ethical to kill unborn babies in abortions.



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3e27f6 No.78168

File: e69c321fbbc416b⋯.png (495.71 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315933 (071720ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk.

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Judge Aileen Cannon “Comes Out Swinging” and Delivers Blow to Jack Smith in Classified Documents Case – Liberals Scream for her Dismissal Afterwards

Judge Aileen Cannon in the Southern District for Florida federal court delivered a blow to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s inquisition against President Trump regarding the “classified documents” case. In their process, she also caused the liberals to go into unhinged meltdowns where they demanded her dismissal.

Judge CANNON comes out swinging at special counsel this morning, striking two of prosecutors’ sealed filings and demanding an explanation of “the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate” the docs case


This is gold–she asks defense to raise possible grand jury abuse by DOJ for conducting nearly all of the investigation in DC then switching to FLA at last minute for indictment.

Cannon also won’t tolerate DOJs nonstop requests for secrecy. She already denied a govt motion asking to keep names of 80+ witnesses under seal.


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3e27f6 No.78169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315934 (071720ZAUG23) Notable: FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who is responsible for colluding with Twitter & META to censor the Hunter laptop story, lied under oath about communications with Big Tech giants.

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BREAKING: FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who is responsible for colluding with Twitter & META to censor the Hunter laptop story, lied under oath about communications with Big Tech giants.

The FBI is the biggest threat to democracy in America.

Chan was asked under oath if he was “aware of any communications between anyone at Facebook and anyone at the FBI related to the Hunter Biden laptop story?”

"No," Chan replied.

The answer was a total lie considering a secret “follow up” call with Facebook about the Hunter Biden laptop story took place the day after the story dropped.

The video below is Chan discussing what the FBI was doing to "protect" elections. They decided to rig it instead.

The FBI decided the outcome of the 2020 election and Republicans in Congress couldn't care less.


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3e27f6 No.78170

File: 0cace9112e384a5⋯.png (847.89 KB,898x836,449:418,Clipboard.png)

File: ebeed7d8e9b6706⋯.jpeg (2.48 MB,2550x2760,85:92,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9cae2ea65aa7145⋯.png (1.08 MB,778x779,778:779,Clipboard.png)

File: a6184b26dbe75a5⋯.png (1.9 MB,890x891,890:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315945 (071725ZAUG23) Notable: @USSOCOM We honor the 38 fallen #OTD in 2011.

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We honor the 38 fallen #OTD in 2011.

The air crewmembers, SEALs, PJ and CCT, enablers, Afghan commandos, interpreter and multi-purpose canine were killed when their CH-47 Chinook helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was downed by a Taliban RPG fire in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley.

8:40 AM · Aug 6, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78171

File: 779d768c71d7246⋯.png (440.01 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: c3cd4387b8960d6⋯.png (443.79 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dc0af3cdad1149⋯.png (314.05 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315976 (071733ZAUG23) Notable: If you don't understand this Ask someone to enlighten

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Money money money

If you don't understand this

Ask someone to enlighten


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3e27f6 No.78172

File: fdf9fc5ec8f56dc⋯.png (91.04 KB,750x752,375:376,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d4d8d48d299cfa⋯.png (98.66 KB,773x754,773:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316003 (071741ZAUG23) Notable: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova «The world leader of black transplants: in Ukraine, organs are traded online and offline

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The article of the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova «The world leader of black transplants: in Ukraine, organs are traded online and offline», «Rossiiskaya Gazeta», August 7, 2023

Ukraine has long been known as a world leader in organ trafficking. Scandals involving the illegal removal of organs from corpses began to appear in the late 1990s in the wake of the country’s socioeconomic deterioration.

The problem began to mount in the early 2000s, and the violent coup in Kiev in February 2014 and the ensuing conflict in Donbass were an additional contributing factor. In 2014, the OSCE stated that corpses with removed internal organs had been found in mass graves in areas where fighting was taking place. Most probably, they were victims of black market transplant specialists.

Organ trafficking increased in scale after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, following the Kiev regime’s passage of laws that drastically simplified the work of transplant specialists in the country.

Thus, on December 16, 2021, the Verkhovna Rada passed Law No. 5831 regulating transfers of human anatomical material. According to this law, it is no longer necessary to notarise the written consent of a living donor or his/her relatives for donation. There is no need to authenticate signatures, either. In effect, even the removal of organs from children is permitted. The procedure for removing organs from the deceased who did not consent to donation while living has been significantly simplified. Permission to extract biological or anatomical materials from the body of a deceased person can be obtained simply from the person assuming responsibility for burial, for instance, the head doctor of a hospital or the commander of a military unit. Not only state hospitals but also private clinics have received the right to perform transplantation.

On April 14, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada adopted Law No. 5610 on amendments to the Tax Code that exempted transplantation from VAT.

Criminals are making active use of this “most favoured nation” status. Trade in organs is conducted through the darknet and beyond.

It has been reported in the media that organs of killed soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were available for sale in one of the biggest shops of the darknet. A heart, liver, kidneys and other body parts with price tags starting at 5,000 euros are on offer.

Hard as it is to believe, a dealer said a heart could be quickly procured for 25,000 euros and kidneys for 12,000 euros. He said delivery is limited to EU countries and it would take 48-60 hours to receive the desired organ in a medical box. Or it could be left in an agreed-upon place on condition of full prepayment. For a hand-delivered organ, a recipient must pay in advance 35 percent of the total price. It is also necessary to provide a passport copy, links to social media and a photo in a certain place with pre-arranged information. This is far from a complete list of services offered by the butchers.


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3e27f6 No.78173

File: e663af3e4b942eb⋯.png (1.46 MB,1170x2142,65:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 8868cd24373ffc5⋯.png (2.21 MB,1170x1865,234:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316009 (071742ZAUG23) Notable: @clarkdefense, Dan Patt, and @EzraACohen sat down with RADM Mike Studeman to discuss new strategies to deter Chinese aggression.

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This morning @clarkdefense, Dan Patt, and @EzraACohen sat down with RADM Mike Studeman to discuss new strategies to deter Chinese aggression.

Read Bryan and Dan’s latest report proposing one such strategy: https://www.hudson.org/defense-strategy/campaigning-dissuade-applying-emerging-technologies-engage-succeed-information-age-bryan-clark-dan-patt


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3e27f6 No.78174

File: 3c58c812af7b7d0⋯.png (447.43 KB,1170x1412,585:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316034 (071746ZAUG23) Notable: Director of The Exorcist dies age 87, William Friedkin

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Director of The Exorcist dies age 87 trib.al/YBuj13V

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3e27f6 No.78175

File: 7ee8e3b43712ce4⋯.png (62.22 KB,676x849,676:849,Clipboard.png)

File: f54e35569cb54e0⋯.png (82.13 KB,659x892,659:892,Clipboard.png)

File: f5471d86e2ea5b8⋯.png (97.59 KB,682x879,682:879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316046 (071747ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk.

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DOJ Slapped By Judge In Trump Documents Case

The judge overseeing former President Trump's classified documents case, Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon, rebuked federal prosecutors on Monday while striking down two of their filings.

DOJ special counsel Jack Smith has been directed by the court to unseal two filings and to provide a comprehensive legal rationale for a Washington, D.C. grand jury's involvement in the investigation. Specifically, Cannon, a Trump appointee, has ordered Smith to explain "the legal propriety" of using a DC Grand Jury in a Florida matter.

"The Special Counsel states in conclusory terms that the supplement should be sealed from public view ‘to comport with grand jury secrecy,’ but the motion for leave and the supplement plainly fail to satisfy the burden of establishing a sufficient legal or factual basis to warrant sealing the motion and supplement," the order reads.

"Among other topics as raised in the Motion, the response shall address the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings on matters pertinent to the instant indicted matter in this district," the order adds.

Canon was responding to the special counsel's motion for a "Garcia" hearing, where Smith's team addressed a potential conflict of interest posed by Stanley Woodward representing defendant Walt Nauta and individuals who could be called to testify in the classified documents case, the Daily Caller reports.

Trump and Nauta are scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 10 for the classified documents case. Smith issued a superseding indictment July 27 with additional charges for Trump and new charges for Mar-a-Lago employee Carlos De Oliveira who allegedly moved boxes around Trump’s Florida estate.

Smith indicted Trump Tuesday for allegedly contesting the 2020 presidential election results and for his alleged role in the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot. The former president pleaded not guilty at an arraignment in Washington, D.C. Thursday and accused Smith of “persecution” for his latest charges. -Daily Caller

Separately, a grand jury in Washington DC indicted Trump last week on four counts over alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election.




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3e27f6 No.78176

File: 9734dc9f5b1dea9⋯.png (436.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a8783a2a00493ba⋯.png (483.84 KB,570x614,285:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316062 (071751ZAUG23) Notable: Massive explosion hits Turkish port

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Massive explosion hits Turkish port (VIDEOS)

The blast injured 10 people and destroyed a bank of grain silos

At least 10 people have been injured in an explosion at the port of Derince in Türkiye, the region's governor told local media. The blast was caught on video, and described by witnesses as like a “violent earthquake.”

The explosion occurred in mid-afternoon on Monday, with Derince mayor Zeki Aygün telling local media that it originated at a block of government-owned grain silos and felt “like a violent earthquake.” Kocaeli Governor Seddar Yavuz said that 10 people were injured, with two in serious condition at a nearby hospital.

Security camera footage captured the moment of the blast, which scattered debris across a nearby goods yard. Video shot from further away showed a cloud of smoke and dust rising over the port after the blast.

Situated around 90 kilometers (55 miles) east of Istanbul in the province of Kocaeli, Derince is one of the few seaports in Türkiye wholly operated by the government. Derince is a grain transportation hub, and received regular shipments of grain from Ukraine, until the Black Sea grain deal expired last month.

Yavuz said that the explosion took place as grain was being transferred from a ship to a silo, and could have been caused by "wheat dust compression." According to live data from MarineTraffic.com, a Marshall Islands-flagged transport ship is currently moored next to the silos.

13 out of 16 silos at the port were damaged in the blast, provincial authorities said. Emergency services are still working at the scene, and police have launched an investigation into the incident.


Erdogan to make renewed Ukraine peace push – RIA

The Turkish leader will reportedly insist on a ceasefire and call for negotiations between Moscow and Kiev

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan intends to offer himself as a mediator in a bid to end the Ukraine conflict, RIA Novosti reported on Monday, citing a source in the Turkish government. The Turkish leader plans to table the proposal during his upcoming face-to-face meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the agency added.

According to the news agency, Erdogan plans to reiterate “the thesis that there will be no winners in the war, and no losers in the peace process” when he meets Putin. He also intends to call for a ceasefire and the beginning of negotiations between Moscow and Kiev.

RIA’s source also noted that the Turkish leader was “the only world leader” who enjoys the “sincere trust” of both Putin and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. He regularly maintains contact with both and “does everything to bring peace to the region.”

Türkiye has emerged as one of the key mediators between Moscow and Kiev, having hosted peace talks between the two sides in March 2022. However, negotiations have since broken down as Ukraine insists Moscow evacuates and relinquishes territories that are part of the Russian Federation before any further talks can be held.


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3e27f6 No.78177

File: f136c76ef473ec1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ed8361874b36664⋯.png (523.04 KB,1024x459,1024:459,Clipboard.png)

File: ee9ae14a6bee5eb⋯.png (45.88 KB,1027x351,79:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bd9b92d9e0abb7⋯.png (88.99 KB,1068x761,1068:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316082 (071755ZAUG23) Notable: Russia Launches Massive Missile and Drone Strike On One of the Last Operational Ukrainian Airbases, Starokonstantinov

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Russia Launches Massive Missile and Drone Strike On One of the Last Operational Ukrainian Airbases – Hangar is Struck at Starokonstantinov

The only front in which Ukraine is winning the war is on the MSM headlines.

Since the Ukrainian counteroffensive yields no results other than the mass slaughter of the Ukrainian soldiers and the rapid destruction of the military equipment that western taxpayers paid for, there is nothing else left for the Mainstream Media to do other than focus all their attention on the drone and missile strikes on Russian territory.

Whenever a strike lands, it is hailed as a victory, despite the fact that, disruptive as they may have been, most of them serve no military purpose other than propaganda to feed both the domestic and international public.

Meanwhile, Russian Federation forces continue to fight their war of attrition, using their overwhelming artillery, air and naval forces to meticulously target military forces, equipment and installations, as well as crippling Ukraine’s energy and infrastructure capabilities. Talk about disruptive.

Early Sunday (August 6th), the Russians began a series of massive strikes to a series of deep rear targets in the Zaporozhye, Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regions, where the strikes heavily targeted the Starokonstantinov airbase, one of the largest – still operational – in Ukraine.

According to some Russian sources, nearly a dozen fighter aircraft were destroyed, as well as ammunition for the aircraft, but of course if you read the wishful thinkers of the MSM, they say the attacks hit a bus stop – no kidding.

Russian Telegram channel Военный Осведомитель (Military Informant) reported:

“This is the most massive missile attack on a single air base during the entire war; previously, no airfield has received so much attention and means of destruction. What’s the matter?

Firstly, it is from this air base that Ukrainian Su-24 bombers take off, which are carriers of the British Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

At the moment, these cruise missiles are the most dangerous and long-range missile armament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which the enemy army does not disdain to hit bridges, ammunition depots and command posts.

Destruction of Storm carriers and their bases is the highest priority task for the RF Armed Forces.”

In Ukraine they are arresting people who film attacks, air defense work or strike sites, so to understand the effect we have to rely on creative ways.


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3e27f6 No.78178

File: 39ebf14313f82c9⋯.png (254.05 KB,859x690,859:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316096 (071758ZAUG23) Notable: What's up @Zoom

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Privacy Storm Brewing As Zoom's Updated Terms Greenlight AI Model Training With User Data

Zoom has added a clause to its Terms-of-Service (TOS) which allows the video conferencing company to use customer-generated content for any purpose they see fit, including to train artificial intelligence (AI) models, with no opt-out.

Zoom's TOS, last revised on July 26th, conceals a concerning caveat. Nestled within section 10.4, for those brave enough to venture, is language that confers upon Zoom a carte blanche right to exploit what it coins as "Service Generated Data" (SGD). This expansive designation encompasses a cornucopia of user-generated information - from innocuous telemetry data to incisive diagnostic insights - all grist for the AI mill.

Section 10.4 also describes the company's use of Customer Content (defined as "data, content, files, documents, or other materials"), not just telemetry data and the like, which it can use "for the purpose of product and service development, marketing, analytics, quality assurance, machine learning, artificial intelligence, training, testing, improvement of the Services, Software, or Zoom’s other products, services, and software, or any combination thereof."

The company makes clear that it will be using data for, among other things, fine-tuning AI models and algorithms. The potential consequences are manifold, raising red flags for privacy pundits and sparking debates over the boundaries of user consent.

Zoom's data net is cast even wider with a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license. This legal carte blanche emboldens Zoom to undertake a multitude of actions that span the entire data lifecycle. From reconstituting, republishing, and accessing user content to the deep recesses of data modification, redistribution, and algorithmic processing, the breadth of Zoom's dominion over user-generated data now defies conventional comprehension.

Zoom contends that these data maneuvers are vital to service provision, bolstering software quality, and enhancing the broader Zoom ecosystem. The augmentation of AI capabilities, epitomized by Zoom IQ, has been touted as a beacon of collaboration, promising efficient meeting summaries, task automation, and optimized follow-ups, all enabled by the seamless integration of user data.

"With the introduction of these new capabilities in Zoom IQ, an incredible generative AI assistant, teams can further enhance their productivity for everyday tasks, freeing up more time for creative work and expanding collaboration," said Zoom chief product officer, Smita Hashim. "There is no one-size-fits-all approach to large language models, and with Zoom's federated approach to AI, we are able to bring powerful capabilities to our customers and users through Zoom's own models as well as our partners' models."


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3e27f6 No.78179

File: 7cfb6d7073452f2⋯.png (179.28 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316111 (071800ZAUG23) Notable: Goldman Head Of Commodity Research Jeff Currie Leaving Bank After Nearly 30 Years

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Goldman Head Of Commodity Research Jeff Currie Leaving Bank After Nearly 30 Years

It has been a tough year for Goldman's commodity team, which after a stellar 2021 and 2022, has seen its "supercycle" call crash and burn in a year where copper plunged, metals tumbled and oil dropped as low as the mid-60s. And with the bonus basket accruals for the full year looking rather dismal, the exodus - which started in March when the bank's closely followed commodity strategist Damien Courvalin quit to go to Balyasny as a chief commodities strategist - culminated earlier today when we learned that Goldman's iconic head of commodity strategy, Jeff Currie, whose mostly bullish pronouncements made him one of the bank's most visible talking heads, is leaving Goldman Sachs after three decades with the bank.

As Bloomberg notes, Currie - who had been the face of the Wall Street titan’s commodities research for nearly 30 years, "commanded attention in that market with a willingness to stick his neck out on calls, with mixed success."

Currie rose to fame after correctly predicting the China-driven boom of the 2000s and that decade’s surge in oil prices. He has had less luck repeating the feat after outlining reasons for another supercycle that could last a decade. Rather than a sustained increase, prices have gyrated.

“We have never been this wrong for this long without seeing evidence to change our views,” the 56-year-old told Bloomberg Television in June shortly before trimming his oil-price forecast (which still sees oil rising just shy of $100 by year-end).

As Bloomberg adds, over his 27 years at Goldman, Currie's standing in the market grew into a recognizable brand. The commodities unit leveraged that to drum up more business.

“He’s a little bit of a mad scientist,” said longtime Goldman colleague Colleen Foster, describing him as creative, eccentric and inventive. “There’s never a time I couldn’t get a meeting with a CEO, an oil minister or a hedge fund founder, if Jeff Currie was with me.”

After Currie caught the market’s attention with his correct call on oil’s surge to triple digits in the 2000s, his Goldman team infamously doubled down in May 2008. That was despite signs of trouble that spiraled into the financial crisis, sending oil crashing more than 75% in less than six months to below $35 a barrel. Still, he correctly predicted that oil would reach about $85 by the end of 2009, which it did.

He also had his bearish moments, such as in 2015, when he predicted oil would likely stay low for the next 15 years (less than a decade later it soared near record highs after the outbreak of the Ukraine war).

No matter his track record though, Currie’s fundamentally-driven and well-justified views were always closely followed in the market — including by company executives whose fortunes ride the ups and downs of commodity prices.His predictions sometimes fueled frustration, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. Chief Executive Officer Lourenco Goncalves recalled in 2019.

“I have been critical of the Goldman Sachs commodity desk for years,” Goncalves said at the time. But after realizing they were finally in agreement on iron ore, “I was ready to give love to Jeff Currie. The first time in probably 10 years that the Goldman Sachs forecast for iron ore pretty much matched mine.”

An avid skier, Currie taught courses at the University of Chicago before joining Goldman in 1996. He and another top Goldman commodities executive were among a group that financed an effort to produce a 2010 documentary on the British rock band The Kinks.


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3e27f6 No.78180

File: 10c6b02f3ab9c31⋯.png (349.81 KB,672x755,672:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316120 (071803ZAUG23) Notable: The Bee: Trump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer

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Trump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer

Aug 7, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

U.S. — Former President Trump is facing yet another indictment, this time for mocking U.S. Women's soccer after their embarrassing loss to Sweden over the weekend


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3e27f6 No.78181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316127 (071804ZAUG23) Notable: Jan Halper-Hayes, argues that anyone who doesn't think that the prosecutors have the 'real results' from the election are 'fooling themselves' but Stephen Dixon disagrees.

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U.S. Political analyst, Jan Halper-Hayes, argues that anyone who doesn't think that the prosecutors have the 'real results' from the election are 'fooling themselves' but Stephen Dixon disagrees.


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3e27f6 No.78182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316133 (071806ZAUG23) Notable: Daimler Truck CFO Jochen Goetz Dies in ‘Tragic Accident’

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Daimler Truck CFO Jochen Goetz Dies in ‘Tragic Accident’

FRANKFURT—Daimler Truck’s Chief Financial Officer Jochen Goetz has died in a “tragic accident,” the company said on Sunday.

Mr. Goetz, 52, died on Saturday, a statement said, without giving details of the accident.

Mr. Goetz spent his entire professional career, spanning more than 36 years, in the Daimler Group, and was largely responsible for the successful spin-off of Daimler Truck Holding from what is now the Mercedes-Benz Group in December 2021.

“He played a key role in shaping today’s Daimler Truck company and, as CFO, consistently worked to ensure that the company is now more economically successful than ever before,” Chief Executive Martin Daum said.

The company statement said Mr. Goetz had been distinguished by “his high level of professionalism as well as his positive, hands-on manner.”

Joe Kaeser, supervisory board head and former Siemens veteran, said of Mr. Goetz: “Just a few days ago, he convincingly and confidently presented the successful financial development of ‘his company’ to the supervisory board.”

Daimler Truck achieved a second quarter record adjusted return on sales of 10.3 percent for its industrial business, the company said last Tuesday, even as it faced rising monthly costs from inflation.

Mr. Goetz, who had held his current position since July, 2021, leaves a wife and two children.


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3e27f6 No.78183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316138 (071807ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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REMINDER – The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection


August 6, 2023

Repost Due to Current Media Cycle News

The Ring of Truth – “I am too well accustomed to the taking of evidence not to detect the ring of truth.” 1908, Edith Wharton

Much has been made of the events of January 6, 2021, and with the latest broadcast of CCTV video from inside the Capitol Hill complex, more questions have been raised.

Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing?

Why was the Capitol Hill police never informed of the FBI concerns?

Why didn’t House Speaker Nancy Pelosi secure the Capitol Hill complex, and why did she deny the request by President Trump to call up the National Guard for security support?

Why did the FBI have agent provocateurs in the crowd, seemingly stimulating rage within a peaceful crowd to enter the Capitol building?

There have always been these nagging questions around ‘why’?

Long-time CTH reader “Regitiger” has spent a great deal of time reviewing the entire process, looking at the granular timeline, and then overlaying the bigger picture of the constitutional and parliamentary process itself. What follows below is a brilliant analysis of the federal government's motive to create a J6 crisis that permitted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges.

Those congressional floor challenges, known and anticipated well in advance of the morning of January 6, 2021, would have formed a legal and constitutional basis for ‘standing’ in judicial challenges that would have eventually reached the Supreme Court. The certification during the “emergency session” eliminated the problem for Washington DC.

Regitiger explains below, only edited by me for clarity and context:

I think most, not all, but a large number of people, are totally missing what happened; and why this happened on Jan 6th. I am going to try my best to outline the events that day, blast past the commonly held assumptions, and get right down to the core corruption.

I will present this as a series of questions and answers.

♦ Q1: How do you prevent Congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.


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3e27f6 No.78184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316148 (071809ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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♦ Q1: How do you prevent Congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.

FACTS: Remember carefully, focus, please. Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, and Mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.

♦ Q2: Why was it necessary to halt the chamber process?

A: The crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud

FACTS: The two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures… procedures that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspension could move forward.

♦ Q3: What was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification?

A: It was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS.

♦ Q4: Could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?

A: Unlikely. In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the United States: Pence), NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS.

Once the capitol police and other “law enforcement agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, Pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary. The crisis was created because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diarrhea can create such unilateral speaker-delivered suspension of the certification.


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3e27f6 No.78185

File: 276056a98fb261b⋯.png (333.51 KB,588x862,294:431,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316150 (071810ZAUG23) Notable: FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who is responsible for colluding with Twitter & META to censor the Hunter laptop story, lied under oath about communications with Big Tech giants.

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Facebook Files: FBI Lied About Extensive Meetings with Zuckerberg’s Platform About Hunter Biden ‘Laptop from Hell’

The FBI lied about the extent of its communications with Facebook regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, newly disclosed communications from the tech company reveal. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) says that the FBI’s claim it only met with Facebook once about Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” are “completely false.”

This is the latest installment in Rep. Jim Jordan’s “Facebook Files,” a series of internal communications from the social networking platform obtained through a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee, which Jordan chairs.

In a sworn deposition in the Missouri v. Biden case, FBI special agent Elvis Chan, who is the main conduit between the bureau and big tech companies, claimed that apart from one instance, he was not aware of any meetings between Facebook and the FBI regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story.

In the same deposition, he also claimed that he had “no internal knowledge” of the FBI’s investigation regarding the troubled Biden son’s laptop.

The Facebook files reveal both claims to be false. An internal Facebook communication reveals that Chan had more than one meeting with Facebook regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Moreover, it reveals that, contrary to his claims of having no knowledge about the investigation, Chan confidently told the tech company — a day after the story broke and had been censored by the platform — that there was no evidence of any foreign connection “there was no current evidence to suggest any foreign connection…of the leaks.”

When Facebook initially asked the FBI if the Hunter Biden laptop story was real, Laura Dehmlow, currently Section Chief of the Foreign Influence Task Force, said “no comment.” At that point, the FBI was fully aware that the laptop was real, according to Rep. Jordan.

“The laptop was real, and the FBI knew it,” said Rep. Jordan on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “The FBI had the laptop since December 2019.”

“Is there any wonder why the Biden DOJ has so far stonewalled the Committee’s efforts to interview Agent Chan?”


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3e27f6 No.78186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316157 (071813ZAUG23) Notable: How I Reverse Autism in Children

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How I Reverse Autism in Children

For anyone with small children with Autism, this article is my Christmas present to your child.

There is growing scientific evidence that an imbalance of intestinal bacteria called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is responsible for triggering Autism.

Small numbers of bacteria live in the upper, small intestine with larger numbers of bacteria down in the colon. SIBO happens when colonic bacteria migrate up into the small intestine and cause symptoms.

SIBO symptoms include heartburn after particular foods such as tomatoes, spices, bell peppers, or lettuce. SIBO also causes IBS, anxiety, eczema, and it can trigger many autoimmune disorders or cause inflammatory pain in joints and muscles.

SIBO is being linked through a variety of studies to cause a chemical inflammatory state within the brain often referred to as metabolic inflammation. This inflammatory process is triggered by the priming (a state of permanent activation) of the primary white blood cell within the brain, microglia.

Primed microglia are being linked to a phenomena referred to as cumulative brain injury or CBI. Under normal healthy conditions, the human brain is designed to fully recovery from most physical, emotional and inflammatory injuries. But once the microglia are primed, some residual damage is left behind after each of these injuries and is added to prior residual damage leading to CBI.


>The Nemechek Protocol

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3e27f6 No.78187

File: f1da985eb8d2686⋯.png (354.17 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316158 (071813ZAUG23) Notable: Green Madness: Leftist Scottish Govt Cut Down 16 Million Trees to Put up Wind Farms

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Green Madness: Leftist Scottish Govt Cut Down 16 Million Trees to Put up Wind Farms

The leftist government of Scotland has admitted to felling nearly 16 million trees on public land in order to make way for supposedly ‘green energy’ wind turbines.

The Rural Affairs Secretary for the leftist-separatist locally-devolved government of the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), Mairi Gougeon, has admitted that some 15.7 million trees were cut down since the year 2000, or around 1,700 per day, in order to clear room for the construction of wind turbines.

In a letter last month to Scottish Tory Member of the Scottish Parliament, Liam Kerr, reported on Sunday by the Telegraph, Gougeon said that approximately 7,858 hectares of trees have been felled over the past two decades. With an average of around 2,000 trees per hectare, “this gives an estimated total of 15.7 million trees which have been felled in order to facilitate windfarm development.”

“Where woodland is removed in association with development, developers will generally be expected to provide compensatory planting in order to avoid a net loss of woodland.”

Gougeon claimed that many of the trees would have been “replanted on-site” and that the majority were expected to be cut down for commercial uses, regardless. Forestry and Land Scotland went on to claim that it has planted some 500 million trees during the same time period.

However, responding to the letter, Mr Kerr said: “Most people will be astonished to see the number of trees cut down to make way for wind farms,” adding that the government “must be alive” to the “significant costs” of the installation of massive wind turbines.

“I’ve been contacted many times by rural communities all over the country questioning the location of these developments, sharing legitimate concerns not just about the visual impact but also damage to wildlife and business. Now we learn there’s significant damage when it comes to trees.”

In addition to the need to cut down millions of trees, and the negative impacts on native bird and bat populations, wind turbines have also been criticised for their need for rare earth minerals in order to generate electricity. To create usable energy, high-powered magnets are made from rare earth minerals such as neodymium and dysprosium, which are almost exclusively mined in Communist China.

The mining process for such minerals can often have catastrophic consequences for local people, with villagers in the Chinese town of Dalahai previously recounting that their teeth began to fall out, they began suffering from skin and respiratory conditions, cancer rates shot up, and children were born with soft bones after a neodymium mine was opened up nearby.

Nevertheless, the Scottish government has vowed to continue its “green energy” push, with a Forestry and Land Scotland spokesman saying: “Renewable energy generated from wind farms is a key element in Scotland’s response to the climate emergency and the shift towards net zero and the infrastructure on land that we manage generates enough power for 600,000 homes.”


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3e27f6 No.78188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316159 (071813ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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♦ Q5: Why did the motions, once the speaker RECONVENED Congress, move forward back again to the floor for votes?

Why were members disallowed to even consider putting forward ANY motions to the floor in when the chamber business was reopened?

A: The Speaker initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules. This is why those two motions to table votes to consider a debate and pause to the certifications of state vote electors never happened later that evening when the house business was reconvened!

♦ Q6: Other than new rules, and emergency rules, what other peculiar things occurred when the speaker reconvened?

A: Members were allowed to “vote” in proxy, remotely, not being present. You can use your imagination about what conditions were placed on ALL members during this time to prevent anyone from “getting out of line”.

Also clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification because there were no motions of disagreements on the matter. So, in a technical legal claim, he is correct that he had no constitutional authority to address any issues of fraud or doubts about electoral irregularities. But this completely dismisses the FACT that Congress created rules in this crisis/emergency that never allowed them to be floored!

Understand what happened on Jan 6, 2021. Don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police. Understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring! New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency.

•NOTED: I understand why many people have great interest in debunking the j6 event. I get that. I think it is important to dissect and examine the events of that day but please, step back and understand WHY these things happened. Examine the chain of events in Congress. Why those two motions that would have at least paused the certification THAT WOULD GIVE VP PENCE THE CONSTITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWER TO MOVE TO SUSPEND THE ELECTORAL CERTIFICATION AND THEN EXAMINE THE IRREGULARITIES AND CLAIMS OF FRAUD!

At the very center of this coup stands Mike Pence, the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earliest hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of Lt General Michael Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why Lt Gen Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.

•PRO TIP: If you really want to get a true understanding of this matter videos of protesters walking in the capitol are not going to address them. Actual video and timeline records of events and the specific actions taken by the speaker just moments before TWO MAJOR ELECTORAL ALTERING MOTIONS WERE ABOUT TO BE FLOORED.

This crisis was developed just in time with precise coordination to prevent those two motions from being entered into the chamber record. The two motions do not exist. The emergency powers established in the new session made sure they never could be entered. The emergency powers could never happen without a crisis.

God Bless America!”


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3e27f6 No.78189

File: c407537131c086d⋯.png (42.23 KB,463x325,463:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316167 (071816ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump HOW CAN MY CORRUPT POLITICAL OPPONENT PUT ME ON TRIAL(S) DURING A CAMPAIGN THAT I AM WINNING (BY A LOT!),...

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 07, 2023, 1:46 PM


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3e27f6 No.78190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316172 (071817ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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NOTE: “Under this scenario, the J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event the feds couldn’t get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations. If no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the two pipe bombs would have then been the emergency needed to stop the process.” Which explains why the FBI has no interest in the DC pipe bomb suspects. ~ Sundance

Note from Author: “I started this effort years ago. To date, no one and I mean no one has replied. It’s as if everyone who can expose it who has a larger platform is either disinterested or suspiciously withdrawn from the issue. I made several comments about this over the years right here at CTH, on article threads that are relevant to the topic.

I was watching the certification live that day. I recorded it ALL on every channel. I was doing this because no matter what happened that day, I KNEW IT WOULD BE A PROFOUND AND SIGNIFICANT EVENT TO REMEMBER. I never in my wildest imagination (and I have a pretty vivid imagination, always have), expected to see the unmistakable perfectly timed “coincidences” that occurred.

One member raises a motion (with another in waiting for his turn) those two motions were well-known and advertised. These were motions to vote for a pause in the certification to examine electoral vote fraud and irregularities. I can’t speak to the veracity and substance of those motions. They were never allowed to even be floored. it was at that exact moment that the house chambers were suspended and 4 of the key members, Pence, Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell were escorted OUT right after initiating the end of the session.

Effectively, this resulted in that motion never being floored at all. Then, when reconvened under special emergency rules, inexplicably those two motions (and perhaps more – we will never know – or will we?) were not even attempted to be motioned. That was not just peculiar to me.

It all started to make more sense when I did some study on constitutional law AND THE HISTORY of specific special authorities given to president of the Congress, Pence in this case. Not only did he have the authority and power to suspend the certification, but the duty to address the motion in the same sense that it became vital to the Debate Clause.

There really is no higher significance of weight given to the Debate Clause than the certification of the votes. This was more than odd to the way that the media and Pence framed their narrative: Pence would not have the constitutional power to suspend certification. Then it hit me, like the obvious clue that was there all the time. He was right. But the reason he is right is that there WAS NO MOTION ON THE FLOOR TO CAUSE HIM TO SUSPEND!

Understanding this, happened for me about 4 or 5 months after this Jan 6 day. I took me this long to examine the facts, look at the video again, and compare it to the arguments made by several leading constitutional academics, and again, inexplicably even some that I respect seemed to dodge that central reality. The motions were never allowed to be floored in the re-convened house rules later that evening. Most would not even venture to address the exotic coincidence that the moment those two members would stand to place the motion before the house, House Speaker Pelosi AND Pence ended the session, effectively blocking the motions from being heard in normal house rules.

It’s been a journey for me. A journey that was initiated because I am just a simple but curious person. Perhaps even to a point where I get obsessive in those efforts. Many days and nights combing over the details. praying and trying to make sense of what makes little sense. With over 6 states having serious well-known and obvious defects in the voting process, some more credible to believe – some less, but one would not expect the house would be so deliberate in marching past the motions that were definitely going to be present to slow this process down and take the time to get it right. Even IF the claims never reached an intersection that would change the outcome.

There are two possibilities: Millions of people, against all the odds, hitting all-time records even past Obama and Clinton, voted for a naval-gazing ambulatory pathological racist moron. And chose Joe Malarkey as their leader. Or this was a coup, a conspiracy, and a treasonous manipulation of regime change because President Trump could not be controlled by the deep state and globalists who OWN AND OPERATE WASHINGTON DC.



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3e27f6 No.78191

File: b69d955cb370759⋯.png (189.77 KB,327x410,327:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316176 (071818ZAUG23) Notable: Director of The Exorcist dies age 87, William Friedkin

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William Friedkin

Reminds me of Bitch McConnell


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3e27f6 No.78192

File: c615c16a08014af⋯.png (78.12 KB,768x895,768:895,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316183 (071819ZAUG23) Notable: Alberta court rules that covid actions pushed by minister of health were INVALID and illegal

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Alberta court rules that covid actions pushed by minister of health were INVALID and illegal

Canadian Judge B.E. Romaine has ruled that the cabinet and government committees of Alberta broke the law when they made final decisions about orders during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic."

The cabinet and committees were supposed to relent to whatever decisions would be made by Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) Dr. Deena Hinshaw in accordance with the Public Health Act, but instead acted of their own accord.

"The Public Health Act requires that decisions with respect to public health orders must be made by the CMOH, or her statutorily authorized delegate," the decision reads.

"The final decisions implemented by the impugned orders in this case were made by the cabinet of the government of Alberta or by committees of cabinet. While the CMOH made recommendations and implemented the decisions of the cabinet and committees through the impugned orders, she deferred the final decision making to cabinet."

The decision goes on to clarify that while Hinshaw herself was personally maligned during the scamdemic and long afterwards for being "the symbol of the restrictions," it was not, in fact, she who was "the final decision-maker," Romaine wrote.

Delegating Hinshaw's ultimate decision-making authority to the cabinet stands in direct violation of Section 29 of the Public Health Act. Had the plandemic-related orders been "validly enacted by the CMOH," then it would have been a different story and the rulings would have been constitutional.

Canadian politicians broke the law with covid mandates

According to plaintiffs in the case, their Charter rights were infringed upon by the public health orders during the pandemic. These rights include the right to freely gather, which was overridden by the Alberta government's restrictions on indoor gatherings, quarantine requirements, business closures, and mask mandates.

All of this was filed as part of a suit in 2020, and is just now being ruled upon by the Canadian court system.

"While they may have infringed certain of the applicants' rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11 and the Alberta Bill of Rights, RSA 2000, c A-14, these limitations were amply and demonstrably justified as reasonable limits in a free and democratic society pursuant to Section 1 of the Charter and that they were enacted pursuant to a valid legislative purpose," the judge found.

Romaine concluded that at all moments when the impugned orders were in force, there was "a pressing and substantial legislative objective." She further highlighted that the Public Health Act's definition of a public health emergency does include "an epidemic or pandemic disease ... that poses a significant risk to the public health."

In one section of the judge's 90-page decision, she stated that removing the mask mandate in Alberta schools was a decision made by politicians rather than the CMOH, which is a violation of the law.

"In conclusion, I declare that the impugned orders were ultra vires of the Public Health Act because they were based on an interpretation of the Public Health Act that gave final decision-making authority over public health orders to elected officials," the judge wrote, "ultra vires" being a Latin term for "beyond the powers" or "exceed the scope."

Lorian Hardcastle, an associate professor on the faculty at Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, commented that she would not be at all surprised if the current Alberta government revisited the Public Health Act to shift some powers awa



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3e27f6 No.78193

File: 40c4adb33874a75⋯.png (1.03 MB,1340x340,67:17,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316190 (071822ZAUG23) Notable: REMINDER - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

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The only way for THE PEOPLE to gain power in this country is to force the transfer of it. If the truth isn’t the fuel and vehicle, we will just be replacing deck chairs and hitting the next series of expected icebergs.

Knowing the truth is not enough; however, it is the truth that makes it a righteous cause.

God Bless America!”

~ Regitiger

Sundance provides an addendum in support:

Julie Kelly – […] Just as the first wave of protesters breached the building shortly after 2 p.m., congressional Republicans were poised to present evidence of rampant voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Ten incumbent and four newly-elected Republican senators planned to work with their House colleagues to demand the formation of an audit commission to investigate election “irregularities” in the 2020 election. Absent an audit, the group of senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) pledged to reject the Electoral College results from the disputed states.

The Hail Mary effort was doomed to fail, yet the American people would have heard hours of debate related to provable election fraud over the course of the day.

And no one opposed the effort more than ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

During a conference call on December 31, 2020, McConnell urged his Republican Senate colleagues to abandon plans to object to the certification, insisting his vote to certify the 2020 election results would be “the most consequential I have ever cast” in his 36-year Senate career.

From the Senate floor on the afternoon of January 6, McConnell gave a dramatic speech warning of the dire consequences to the country should Republicans succeed in delaying the vote. He downplayed examples of voting fraud and even mocked the fact that Trump-appointed judges rejected election lawsuits.

“The voters, the courts, and the States have all spoken,” McConnell insisted. “If we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever. If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral.”

Roughly six hours later, McConnell got his way. Cowed by the crowd of largely peaceful Americans allowed into the building by Capitol police, most Republican senators backed off the audit proposal. McConnell, echoing hyperbolic talking points about an “insurrection” seeded earlier in the day by Democratic lawmakers and the news media, gloated. “They tried to disrupt our democracy,” he declared on the Senate floor after Congress reconvened around 8 p.m. “This failed attempt to obstruct Congress, this failed insurrection, only underscores how crucial the task before us is for our Republic.”

Congress officially certified the Electoral College results early the next day. (read more)

The J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event they couldn't get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations. If no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the pipe bombs would have been the emergency needed to stop the process. https://t.co/JqVcGROAPN

— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) March 12, 2023

https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/03/07/tucker-carson-responds-to-the-blitzkrieg-of-dc-and-media-apoplexy-following-his-broadcast-of-j6-cctv-video/comment-page-2/#comment-9640783 [Long time CTH reader]




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3e27f6 No.78194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316204 (071825ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: Gold Star families give first-ever testimony on Afghanistan withdrawal

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LIVE: Gold Star families give first-ever testimony on Afghanistan withdrawal

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3e27f6 No.78195

File: b323c6265d645b9⋯.png (981.47 KB,1024x640,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316209 (071826ZAUG23) Notable: Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries says judicial overhaul should not affect US military aid to Israel

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Top Democrat says judicial overhaul should not affect US military aid to Israel

Visiting Jerusalem, House of Representatives Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries says his party continues to stand behind ironclad commitment to provide for Israel’s security

House of Representatives Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries says in Jerusalem that the US must not let the fate of the judicial reform affect military support for Israel.

Speaking to Israeli journalists, the Democrat speaks of “the need to make sure that we maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge, that it will still be with us regardless of where Israel lands in terms of the judicial reform effort.”

He also indicates that both countries share similar challenges regarding their democracies.

“The ties that bind us together in the context of democracy are powerful ones,” says Jeffries. “It is important during a time at which both of our countries are facing concerns that the fabric of our democracies are being undermined, that we both emerge from this period of time with democracy strengthened, not weakened.”

He adds that the protests are “a sign of a vibrant democracy.”

Jeffries also says there is no danger of his party turning away from Israel.

“The Democratic Party in the House of Representatives will continue to stand with Israel in lifting up the special relationship between our two countries and in support of Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people and as a Jewish democratic state. Period. Full stop.

The Brooklyn lawmaker also says that his party will “continue to stand

behind that ironclad commitment to provide for Israel’s safety and security.”


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3e27f6 No.78196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316218 (071829ZAUG23) Notable: Survivor: Sex trafficker took all girls to Planned Parenthood

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Survivor: Sex trafficker took all girls to Planned Parenthood

'No one ever asked me anything anytime I ever went to a clinic'

According to at least three studies, Planned Parenthood is one of the most common clinical settings to which sex traffickers bring their victims. Traffickers take the women and girls they abuse to Planned Parenthood because, according to the survivors, Planned Parenthood does not ask questions.

Research published in 2014 by the Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy found that survivors of human trafficking have “had significant contact with clinical treatment facilities, most commonly Planned Parenthood clinics.” Another study from 2017, “Identifying Health Experiences of Domestically Sex-Trafficked Women in the USA: A Qualitative Study in Rikers Island Jail,” found that “[e]mergency departments, Planned Parenthoods, and jails were common care sites.” And “Sex Trafficking Victims at Their Junction with the Healthcare Setting—A Mixed-Methods Inquiry,” published in 2019, found that the “most commonly visited community healthcare clinic is Planned Parenthood….”

In “The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities,” researchers found that almost a third (29.6%) of human sex trafficking survivors had visited a Planned Parenthood affiliate. Former senior advisor for trafficking in persons for the U.S. Department of State, Laura J. Lederer explained, “Since pimps and traffickers generally exercise nearly complete control of their victims, these points of contact with healthcare represent rare opportunities for victim identification and intervention.”

Researchers behind “Sex Trafficking Victims at Their Junction with the Healthcare Setting—A Mixed-Methods Inquiry,” published in the Journal of Human Trafficking said that the majority of women who participated in the study visited two types of traditional healthcare settings while being trafficked — emergency departments (76.2%) and community clinics (71.4%). “Among those who used community clinics, all but one visited a Planned Parenthood clinic,” states the study (emphasis added). Those surveyed said that Planned Parenthood was the facility of choice because it was “familiar and helpful” and primarily because it offered “free-of-charge services.” In other words, sex traffickers take their victims to Planned Parenthood because it is “free” and “helpful.”

These “rare opportunities” to intervene and save women and girls from their abusers and traffickers appear to be largely ignored by Planned Parenthood as trafficking survivors themselves have alluded to.

No questions asked

Laura, who said she was so “young” she needed “a waiver” to be examined, spoke about her time “on the street” saying, “I went to hospitals, urgent care clinics, women’s health clinics, and private doctors. No one ever asked me anything anytime I ever went to a clinic. … I was on birth control during the 10 years I was on the streets — mostly Depo-Provera shots which I got at Planned Parenthood and other neighborhood clinics. I got the morning-after bill from them…” (emphasis added)


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3e27f6 No.78197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316225 (071831ZAUG23) Notable: PSA: IF all of your gutter downspouts were connected to paddlewheels, you'd never have to pay for grid electricity during rainstorms.

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Reminder: IF all of your gutter downspouts were connected to paddlewheels, you'd never have to pay for grid electricity during rainstorms.

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3e27f6 No.78198

File: f53385f68048574⋯.png (134.84 KB,728x753,728:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316234 (071833ZAUG23) Notable: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument this Thursday. The freedom of speech is at stake

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Jacketless Jim Jordan comms?

Or just a typo?:

>The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument this Thursday. The freedom of speech is at stake.

>Too be continued...



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3e27f6 No.78199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316235 (071833ZAUG23) Notable: FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who is responsible for colluding with Twitter & META to censor the Hunter laptop story, lied under oath about communications with Big Tech giants.

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House chairman accuses FBI of lying about social media contacts involving Hunter Biden laptop

Jim Jordan publishes documents he says contradicts testimony of FBI agent Elvis Chan.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan released new evidence Monday that he said shows the FBI lied about meeting with Big Tech companies before the 2020 election to discuss Hunter Biden's laptop, a story that social media companies were censoring at the time.

The "FBI LIED ABOUT MEETING WITH BIG TECH REGARDING NY POST’S HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY," Jordan wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Jordan published documents showing the FBI's comments on the Hunter Biden story when it first broke and how FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan testified about his meetings with Facebook representatives.

Chan and Foreign Influence Task Force Section Chief Laura Dehmlow met with Facebook on Oct. 14, 2020, the day the New York Post published its story on the Hunter Biden laptop. Dehmlow met with both Twitter and Facebook that day.

At this time, the FBI had the laptop in its possession and knew that it was real, Jordan said.

Documents published by Jordan show that when a Twitter representative asked whether the story was real, an FBI agent said "yes," but an FBI lawyer jumped in, cutting him off with, "No further comment."

Dehmlow then said the FBI held emergency deliberations on how to respond to the question going forward. When the Facebook meeting was held later in the day, the FBI simply said, "No comment," when asked whether the Hunter Biden story was factual.

Twitter and Facebook then censored the story.

In November 2022, Chan testified in a censorship lawsuit brought by the states of Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden administration that he was "confident" he was not part of any meetings with Big Tech, other than the one with Facebook on Oct. 14, 2020.

However, Jordan published an internal Facebook document showing that Chan had a "follow up" call with the social media platform on Oct. 15, 2020, one day after the initial meeting.

Additionally, Chan testified that he had "no internal knowledge" of his agency's investigation of Hunter Biden's laptop.

However, a Facebook employee who is a former FBI agent wrote on Oct. 15 that "Chan advised that he was up to speed on the current state of the matter within the FBI," according to messages published by Jordan.

"Our investigation remains ongoing and we will continue to update the public with our findings as we prepare and consider legislation to fight the censorship-industrial complex and protect the First Amendment," Jordan pledged.


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3e27f6 No.78200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316237 (071833ZAUG23) Notable: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova «The world leader of black transplants: in Ukraine, organs are traded online and offline

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Ukraine Leader in Black Market of Human Organ Trafficking - Russian Foreign Ministry

Rampant corruption and lawlessness in Ukraine have effectively turned the country into a veritable paradise for organ traffickers eager to take advantage of cheap and abundant supply of human tissue.

While reports about organs being illegally removed from the bodies of the deceased in Ukraine started emerging as early as in the late 1990s amid the decline of the Ukrainian economy , the illicit organ harvesting and trade in the country started becoming more widespread during the 2000s, noted Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

In her op-ed in one of the Russian newspapers, Zakharova pointed out that the 2014 coup in Kiev and the armed conflict in Donbass that followed further exacerbated the problem, with OSCE confirming the discovery of the bodies with removed internal organs in mass graves located in the conflict zone.

Things have taken a turn for the worse since the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict in February 2022, while the laws passed by Ukrainian legislators in recent years greatly simplify the work of black market transplant specialists.

For example, Zakharova points out, the Law No. 5831 passed by the Ukrainian parliament on December 16, 2021, effectively waives the requirement for a written consent of a living donor or their relatives for organ donation.

“There is no need to authenticate signatures, either. In effect, even the removal of organs from children is permitted. The procedure for removing organs from the deceased who did not consent to donation while living has been significantly simplified,” Zakharova surmised.

She added that, under the Ukrainian legislation, the person responsible for the burial of a deceased, such as a head doctor at a hospital or a military unit’s commander, could grant permission for the removal of tissues from the corpse.

Furthermore, private clinics in the country have also been granted the right to perform transplantation, while the Law No. 5610 adopted by Ukraine’s parliament on April 14, 2022, made transplantation exempt from VAT.

Posthumous organ donations and the sale of human organs abroad have also been legalized in Ukraine.

Massive casualties taken by Ukraine’s Armed Forces amid the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict resulted in a steady supply of fresh corpses that could be harvested for organs, leading to the emergence of hearts, livers, kidneys and other body parts of slain Ukrainian soldiers on the darknet marketplaces, Zakharova noted citing media reports.

One black market dealer reportedly claimed that a heart could be procured quickly for €25,000 while kidneys may be obtained for €12,000. The delivery, limited to the EU countries, would be made in a medical box within 48 to 60 hours, either to a predetermined location or directly to the recipient.

Zakharova also claimed that people related to the infamous Kosovo Liberation Army – a militant group whose members faced allegations of illegal organ harvesting in the past - may own this illicit organ marketplace or at least have dealings with it.

Aside from Ukrainian soldiers, the children of Ukraine also risk falling prey to illicit organ traffickers.


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3e27f6 No.78201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316241 (071834ZAUG23) Notable: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova «The world leader of black transplants: in Ukraine, organs are traded online and offline

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For example, in June 2023 a member of a certain charity was detained on the border between Ukraine and Slovakia.

According to Zakharova, the detainee was involved in the trafficking of Ukrainian children abroad, with some of these children trafficked for the purpose of organ transplantation.

Despite the severity of the accusations against him, the suspect was released on a 1 million hryvnias (about $27,000) bail and promptly disappeared.

“This is conclusive evidence that the Ukrainian state is covering up and encouraging this bloody business,” Zakharova stated, adding that people close to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky may be involved in this sordid trade.

She pointed at the reports of a deal struck in June between representatives of the Health Ministry of a certain NATO country and some “private businessmen” from Ukraine who were assisted by people from Ukraine’s Health Ministry and the Presidential Office.

The deal in question involved the delivery of a refrigerated train car from Ukraine, loaded with “human organs and body parts that are most often used for transplants – corneas, some bones, connective tissues, hearts and livers,” as Zakharova put it.

She also observed that Ukrainian businessmen involved in the organ trade often cannot specify the exact origins of the human tissues they provide, leading experts to suspect that these organs may have been harvested illegally from slain Ukrainian soldiers. This speculation does sound plausible in light of the high casualty rates in Ukrainian Armed Forces and large numbers of Ukrainian soldiers being declared missing in action.

“This allows these criminals to cover their tracks and send human organs and body parts to the western regions of Ukraine, where they are prepared to be sent abroad for transplants,” Zakharova suggested.


ya might hafta fix the URL after 8kun fucks it up...

two hyphens between market/trafficking and three hypens between trafficking/russian

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3e27f6 No.78202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316250 (071834ZAUG23) Notable: Judge orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist

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==Judge orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist

The scientist has already deposed 18 current and former government employees but she has been unable to confirm the sources for the story.

A federal judge ordered CBS News senior correspondent Catherine Herridge to reveal her sources for a series of stories about the FBI's investigation of a Chinese American scientist back when she worked for Fox News.

The order last week from U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper in Washington D.C. comes after scientist Yanping Chen filed a lawsuit against the FBI, claiming that the agency violated the privacy act by improperly leaking information about her.

While working at Fox News in 2017, Herridge used a confidential source or sources to obtain material about the federal counterintelligence probe of Chen.

The Fox series focused on Chen, who was associated with China's People's Liberation Army and is president of the taxpayer-funded University of Management and Technology in Rosslyn, Va. Chen's husband, J. Davidson Frame, is dean of the university. The FBI raided the school twice in 2012, but even after the raids, it still received more than $6 million from the Defense Department.

As part of her case against the FBI, Chen subpoenaed Herridge and Fox in an attempt to reveal the source(s) for the articles. Both Fox and Herridige fought the move by arguing that the judge should quash the subpoenas because the press is protected under the First Amendment.

"The Court recognizes both the vital importance of a free press and the critical role that confidential sources play in the work of investigative journalists like Herridge," Cooper, an Obama appointee, wrote in his ruling. "... Chen’s need for the requested evidence overcomes Herridge’s qualified First Amendment privilege in this case."

The judge limited Chen's deposition subpoena to only include non-privileged matters related to the Privacy Act claim, but Chen's document subpoena was deferred.

Chen has already deposed 18 current and former government employees, including four FBI employees, and obtained 22 government declarations, but she has been unable to confirm the sources for the Fox story, according to court documents.

The ruling is raising concerns about protections for the press.

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Director Gabe Rottman told CNN: "While the Privacy Act provides essential protections for the public, using it to breach reporter-source confidentiality poses significant risks to a free press."


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3e27f6 No.78203

File: a2a87b9a710bb4e⋯.png (433.3 KB,599x613,599:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316258 (071836ZAUG23) Notable: @USArmyCMH 7 AUGUST 1990 - OPERATION DESERT SHIELD BEGINS

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Operation DESERT SHIELD began on 7 AUG 1990 in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. When completed, U.S. and coalition forces liberated Kuwait in Operation DESERT STORM, winning an overwhelming victory in the Persian Gulf War.

12:00 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78204

File: 48bf1919cc2a49e⋯.png (1.58 MB,1304x1292,326:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316292 (071842ZAUG23) Notable: Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office

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this is from breitbart yesterday. it's a 34 minute Trump interview. it took place a couple weeks ago based on interviewer's opening comments on Hunter's plea deal getting denied.

Exclusive Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office


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3e27f6 No.78205

File: 23bd37331370f65⋯.png (123.26 KB,452x572,113:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316308 (071845ZAUG23) Notable: Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

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Walter M Chesnut


🚨🚨🚨 Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

How the Spike Protein’s mimicking of radiation damage induces cardiotoxicity

I dedicate this post to Peter McCullough, for his courage and unstoppable search for the truth.


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3e27f6 No.78206

File: 1869afebcab33d4⋯.png (211.78 KB,704x780,176:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 976530e4e3af0ab⋯.png (225.88 KB,679x846,679:846,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316313 (071845ZAUG23) Notable: Pharma-funded Australian drug regulator grants full approval to Pfizer for its harmful covid injection

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Pharma-funded Australian drug regulator grants full approval to Pfizer for its harmful covid injection

On 13 July, Australia’s drug regulator quietly granted full approval for Pfizer’s Comirnaty “vaccine.” This is the same product that currently has 81,361 reported adverse events, with 443 deaths.

Why would the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) give full approval to a drug that has a bad safety profile? Is it because the TGA receives nearly all its funding from the companies that it is supposed to regulate?

Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”), has quietly granted full registration to the Pfizer Comirnaty covid vaccine.

There was no media release, and the page associated with the product has not been updated since September 2022.

However, the TGA’s website page titled ‘Covid-19 vaccines regulatory status’, last updated on 27 July 2023, clearly states that full registration was granted on 13 July 2023.

This is the same product that currently has 81, 361 reported adverse events in DAEN (Australia’s VAERS or Yellow Card database). 443 of these entries are reported deaths, one of whom is Amy Sedgewick, who died at 23 years old after suffering a “catastrophic reaction” to her Pfizer vaccinations.

It should surprise no one that the Pfizer Comirnaty product has received full registration, despite: high rates of infection, hospitalisations and excess deaths after the vaccine rollout; independent peer-reviewed analysis of Pfizer’s own trial data determining the product to have one of the most appalling safety profiles of any drug in pharmaceutical history; and pharmacovigilance data indicating the same.

After all, an investigation by Australian science journalist Maryanne Demasi for the British Medical Journal found that the TGA receives more industry funding than any other regulator in the world, at 96%. More than nine out of every ten applications for new drugs are approved by the regulator.



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3e27f6 No.78207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316318 (071846ZAUG23) Notable: Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

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Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

How the Spike Protein’s mimicking of radiation damage induces cardiotoxicity

I dedicate this post to Peter McCullough, for his courage and unstoppable search for the truth.

Building on my previous work and the work of others, readers will recall how I have compared the damage the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 causes to that of radiation. The exact same pathology that is induced by radiation is mimicked by the Spike Protein. This has both immediate and long-term consequences. It may be that, as with radiation induced cardiotoxicity, the damage may be irreversible.

If we examine the mechanisms of radiation induced cardiotoxicity, we observe the parallels to what I will now call Spike Protein Cardiotoxicity.

There are many reported mechanisms of cardiotoxicity caused by radiation therapy exposure in cancer patients. Cardiac cell dysfunction due to oxidative stress from radiation exposure is an important mechanism of cardiac toxicity. Mitochondrial dysfunction due to radiation can break the respiratory chain of metabolism, causing an increase in the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Antioxidant capacity cannot override this increase, leading to mitochondrial instability and dysfunction. ROS can cause macromolecule (lipid, protein, amino acid, etc.) damage. Apart from increased ROS formation, direct DNA damage from radiation leads to DNA strand breaks, causing genome instability. Impaired DNA correction mechanisms are not working properly under radiation exposure, becoming unable to correct the apparent DNA damage, leading to the activation of apoptotic mechanisms [8].

Radiation leads to macromolecule damage causing cardiac cell damage. Protein oxidation under increased ROS production cause amino acid chain breaks, misfolding and cross-linking, and dysfunction of degrading protease proteins. Many cytocellular metabolic mechanisms are affected because proteins function in many different cellular components, e.g., as receptors, enzymes, and transporters. Furthermore, ROS induces lipid peroxidation causing polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) to form fatty acid radicals. Many antioxidative and other cellular membrane mechanisms can be deactivated by this transformation. All the above radiation-induced mechanisms cause molecular signaling pathway damage and cause cardiac toxicity [8].

Oxidative stress increases TGF-β1 leading to radiation-induced vascular injury and endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, NF-kB upstream tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL-1) production create a pro-inflammatory environment for cardiac cell inflammation and dysfunction [8]. All the aforementioned mechanisms can activate cellular apoptosis.

Furthermore, even 8 Gy of radiation dosage can stimulate the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytoplasm leading to an increase in cytoplasmic calcium concentration. The above mechanism can increase mitochondrial ROS production and activate p53 promoting the accumulation of pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic molecules and increasing the probability of thrombosis, myocardial ischemia, and inflammation. Radiotherapy can be an alternative factor of atherosclerosis through capillary rupture and microvascular damage [9].

Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are genetic, epigenetic, and translational regulators. NcRNAs mainly compose of long non-coding RNAs (lnc-RNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs). NcRNAs play an important role in apoptotic mechanisms (Fas pathway and caspase pathway cascade), mitochondrial damage (detoxification mechanisms disruption), oxidative stress (increase ROS production), autophagy, calcium homeostasis, and fibrosis. Radiation-induced miR-34a promotes gene aging and decreases the length and activity of nucleic acid telomeres. All the above induce cardiomyocyte aging and disruption. Some miRNAs can be used as a biomarkers for the early detection of cardiac cell toxicity after radiation therapy and early detection of CVD but they also can be used as potential therapeutic targets to reverse these toxic effects [10].


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3e27f6 No.78208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316321 (071847ZAUG23) Notable: Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

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In addition, the following mechanisms cause CVD after radiation therapy. Interstitial fibrosis cause subsequent diastolic dysfunction left ventricular dysfunction, or left ventricular remodeling, and fibrosis of the conduction system may provoke arrhythmias or conduction defects. Pericardial fibrosis is important for many pericardial syndromes [11].

Furthermore, radiation exposure cause endothelial changes, which result in the reduced capillary-to-myocyte ratio, damage to epicardial vessels, and disrupt the balance between antithrombotic and prothrombotic, as well as anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory mechanisms. Induced monocyte and macrophage accumulation to the atherosclerotic plaque as well as enhancement of the action of classic cardiovascular risk factors, increase and accelerate the process of atherosclerosis in cancer patients. Studies in murine models after irradiation demonstrate structural changes in atherosclerotic plaques leading to more intraplaque hemorrhages and plaque instability that is vulnerable to thrombosis [12].

Furthermore, pathophysiological changes of radiation treatment exposure and induced cardiac toxicities have been studied in animal models, and information about fractionation of dosage and radiation protection treatments have been tested [13].

Deposition of extracellular matrix and fibrosis deteriorates the elastic structure of vessels, resulting in arterial rigidity. Many inflammatory molecules and cytokines play a detrimental role in this process, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), monocyte chemotactic factor (MCF), and transforming growth factor (TGF)-b. Endothelial damage from radiotherapy disrupts endothelial-derived production of vasodilator factors, such as nitric oxide (NO). The consequent vasoconstriction and the activation of the prothrombotic environment can lead to hypoperfusion and microvascular damage [14]. Histological studies report two main complications on arteries: intimal disruption and hyperplasia and luminal stenosis or occlusions [15,16].

Another complication of radiation therapy consists of autonomic dysfunction. It may induce abnormal heart rate recovery time and increased resting heart rate [12]. Clinical radiotracer studies suggest that myocardial alterations in metabolic uptake are present in irradiated heart tissues, which are not linked to vascular territories of coronary arteries. Metabolic shifts may occur due to switching from fatty acid oxidation to glycolysis, eventually leading to increased glucose uptake, mitochondrial damage and radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD), and ischemic heart failure [17]. Zebrafish models are used for the characterization of the pathophysiology of acute, subacute, and delayed RIHD and for the identification of potential cellular and molecular therapeutic targets [18].

I apologize for the above extensive quote, however, all of it is critically relevant. From DNA to Endothelial damage. From deposition of extracellular matrix to fibrosis and autonomic dysfunction we see the complete panoply of Spike Protein pathology.

Why does this disturb me so much, and why should it disturb us all? Because the effects of radiation induced cardiotoxicity often does not become apparent for years, perhaps decades after the event.

The Spike Protein, I believe, is orders of magnitude more powerful than the amount of radiation given in cancer treatment. This timeline is almost certainly immensely condensed in the context of the Spike Protein.


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3e27f6 No.78209

File: 55d6995596899af⋯.png (41.37 KB,714x570,119:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 4889907ac13c9a5⋯.png (108.92 KB,1106x502,553:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316333 (071850ZAUG23) Notable: 1959 The first U.S. satellite to photograph the Earth is launched

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The first U.S. satellite to photograph the Earth is launched

From the Atlantic Missile Range in Cape Canaveral, Florida, the U.S. unmanned spacecraft Explorer 6 is launched into an orbit around the earth. The spacecraft, commonly known as the “Paddlewheel” satellite, featured a photocell scanner that transmitted a crude picture of the earth’s surface and cloud cover from a distance of 17,000 miles. The photo, received in Hawaii, took nearly 40 minutes to transmit.

Released by NASA in September, the first photograph ever taken of the earth by a U.S. satellite depicted a crescent shape of part of the planet in sunlight. It was Mexico, captured by Explorer 6 as it raced westward over the earth at speeds in excess of 20,000 miles an hour.


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3e27f6 No.78210

File: 5c440fb80912e48⋯.jpeg (603.38 KB,892x4556,223:1139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316339 (071851ZAUG23) Notable: Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

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Radiotherapy can cause radiation-induced heart disease. There is a different timeline from radiation treatment exposure until the cardiotoxic effects appear. Additionally, every distinct cardiac toxicity (CAD, VHD, cardiomyopathies, pericardial syndromes, conduction abnormalities) needs a different time from exposure to appear.

Cardiomyopathy incidence increases after radiation exposure. Non-ischemic cardiomyopathies, due to the direct effects of radiation and interstitial fibrosis, were observed in cancer patients. A shorter timelapse of around 3–4 years median time from radiation is needed for these clinical toxicities to appear. Most cases are clinically with heart failure symptoms.


There are many risk factors deteriorating cardiotoxic effects of radiotherapy, such as cumulative radiation dose, irradiated heart volume, young age at the time of radiation exposure (especially doses >30–50 Gy), fractional dosage (>2 Gy), heart volume irradiated, young patient age at the time of radiation exposure, the time elapsed since exposure, concomitant use of other chemotherapeutic agents and classical cardiovascular risk factors presentation [11]. Multiple factors, including cellular composition, differentiation, cell replication capacity, and cellular radiation sensitivity, determine the extent of possible toxicities [26]. The adult heart is considered unable to regenerate after fully developed and thus has been viewed as a radioresistant organ.

Radiation Treatment Mechanisms of Cardiotoxicity: A Systematic Review


I also apologize if this comes across as fear mongering. I assure you it is not. We must face this and cannot sweep it under the rug or brush it aside with abandon. If this hypothesis is true, we must immediately begin screenings and implement treatment protocols. Again, my fear is that, currently,much of the damage from radiation induced cardiotoxicity is irreversible.

3 of 3

sounds like the sun and emf may be lethal to spike producing lifeforms. By design.

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3e27f6 No.78211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316365 (071857ZAUG23) Notable: Democrats Push 1,000 Percent Excise Tax on AR-15s

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Democrats Push 1,000 Percent Excise Tax on AR-15s

House Democrats introduced legislation Friday that would place a 1,000 percent excise tax on AR-15s and other firearms they refer to as “assault weapons.”

FOX News reported the tax would also apply to “high capacity” magazines.

Rep. Don Beyer (D) and 24 other Democrats are behind the tax which they also pushed last year.

The imposition would force the price of a $500 firearm to jump to $5,000 and “a weapon that normally costs $2,000 would force customers to pay more than $20,000.”

The push for new taxes on AR-15s and other firearms was put forward one day after Democrats sent a letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R), urging him to allow votes on gun control.

Breitbart News noted the letter to McCarthy came after the House recessed early without taking up any gun control.

The Hill pointed out the letter said, “We are disappointed that Republican leadership cancelled votes in July with so many pressing issues facing our country. Foremost amongst those is the gun violence crisis that is the leading cause of death for children in America.”

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3e27f6 No.78212

File: 3340347ceaab232⋯.png (244.61 KB,451x509,451:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ee0af93eccc89a⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316391 (071902ZAUG23) Notable: Payless Shoes opened a fake luxury store in Los Angeles and tricked influencers into paying $645 for $35 shoes.

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Payless Shoes opened a fake luxury store in Los Angeles and tricked influencers into paying $645 for $35 shoes.

"They're elegant. Sophisticated. I can tell it's high-quality material."😅

Makes you think about the power of branding and its influence on our purchasing decisions.

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3e27f6 No.78213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316394 (071903ZAUG23) Notable: Blinken meets with Salvadoran Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill Tinoco

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3:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Salvadoran Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill Tinoco

Department of State




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3e27f6 No.78214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316434 (071910ZAUG23) Notable: New Mexico issues health warning after fire in plastics facility

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New Mexico issues health warning after fire in plastics facility

The fire started outside of the plant but it quickly spread and required more responders, officials said.

The New Mexico city of Albuquerque issued a health warning after a major fire broke out in a nearby plastics facility, spreading hazardous pollutants.

The blaze was "contained" Sunday evening and there is no more significant smoke, but firefighters are still on the scene monitoring hot spots, the county's environmental health agency said.

The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Program issued a health alert Sunday over the fire. "Plastics are burning and the smoke contains hazardous air pollutants," officials said.

The fire started outside of the plant but it quickly spread and required more responders, officials said at a news conference.

Albuquerque Fire Rescue Lt. Jason Fejer said Sunday that fully extinguishing the inferno could potentially take days. Two acres of wildland had been burned as of Sunday.


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3e27f6 No.78215

File: b5fea24c84344cf⋯.png (461.72 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 5164a9217867800⋯.png (93.41 KB,671x582,671:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316444 (071913ZAUG23) Notable: Global investigation leads to child sex abuse operation that charged 19 men, removed 13 Australian children from harm

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Global investigation leads to child sex abuse operation that charged 19 men, removed 13 Australian children from harm

The murder of two FBI agents in the United States during a child sexual abuse investigation has led to charges against 19 men and 13 children being removed from harm in Australia.

Key points:

FBI agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were gunned down in Florida in February 2021

Most of the Australian members of an online abuse-sharing network had a "high degree" of IT knowledge

A NSW man was sentenced for possessing an estimated five terabytes of child abuse material

Australian Federal Police (APF) has revealed details of the joint FBI operation targeting child abuse material on the dark web.

The investigation dates back to February 2021 when FBI agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were gunned down as they served a search warrant on a paedophile computer programmer who was distributing child sexual abuse material in Florida.

The programmer, David Lee Huber, was thought to have watched the agents through a doorbell camera before shooting them through the unopened door and then killing himself.

Three other agents were injured in the shooting.

A spokesperson for the AFP said the investigation, known as Operation Bakis, had its origin in those murders.

The FBI passed on details of the Australian members within the peer-to-peer network allegedly sharing child abuse material on the dark web.

"Two Australian offenders have been sentenced with others remaining before the courts," the AFP said in a statement.

Most of the Australian offenders were employed in occupations that required a "high degree" of knowledge about information and communications technology.

"Members used software to anonymously share files, chat on message boards and access websites within the network,'' the statement said.

"Network members were able to search for and distribute images and videos of child abuse material and allegedly used encryption and other methods to avoid law enforcement detection."

The alleged offenders were aged between 32 and 81.

Men arrested, children rescued in three states

The spokesperson said it would be alleged some Australian children had been directly abused and others relocated as a precautionary measure.

Children were removed from harm in the ACT, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.


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3e27f6 No.78216

File: c71825e8b4e678a⋯.jpeg (478.54 KB,2160x816,45:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316457 (071916ZAUG23) Notable: Most say Congress should not authorize more funding for Ukraine

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Most say Congress should not authorize more funding for Ukraine: survey

BY JULIA SHAPERO - 08/04/23 10:07 AM ET

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3e27f6 No.78217

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316487 (071922ZAUG23) Notable: welcome to 18 discernment lane vid

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baker there is a notaBle premier on tora3

thus embedded

vvelcome to 18 discernment lane

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3e27f6 No.78218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316494 (071923ZAUG23) Notable: The Remaking of America Victor Hanson Davis

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The Remaking of America


August 7, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson

American Greatness

We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.

The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.

Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.

Free expression. In large swatches of American society—particularly the corporation, the media, the government, the public schools, and the university—it is suddenly dangerous to speak freely. At a DEI workshop, politely object that “whiteness” does not account for all the challenges of “marginalized peoples,” and you will become either ostracized, reprimanded, or perhaps fired.

Suggest to a class that man-made climate change and the state remedies for it, are still under debate—and your career and livelihood are endangered. In 2020, state that Covid lockdowns would do more eventual damage than the virus—and your career was through. Express doubt that there are more than two biological sexes, and if an athlete or high school principal you will be shunned or rendered professionally inert.

The government, in league with social media, censors the news. “Liberal” universities often first require McCarthy-era type “diversity” statements for one to be hired. Commissars review syllabi to spot incorrect or improper speech or insufficient DEI zeal.

The Left now seeks to modify the First Amendment, and its empowerment of “hate speech,” defined as most anything impeding the progressive project. The state and the universities properly issue word lists of approved vocabularies.

The old ACLU or Sen. Church Committee would now probably be deemed rightwing. The methodologies of Joseph McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover are the preferred models, once they were rebooted to the right cause.

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3e27f6 No.78219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316497 (071924ZAUG23) Notable: The Remaking of America Victor Hanson Davis

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The Weaponization of Justice. Administrations and their efforts to stock the justice department with supporters come and go. But in the last decade the Left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party—whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends. Nomili wonder Eric Holder described himself as Obama’s “wingman” and became the first Attorney General to be held in contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena.

Never in U.S. history have the Department of Justice and sympathetic state and local prosecutors indicted a leading opposition candidate and likely nominee of one of the two major parties, and at the beginning of a presidential campaign. Donald Trump is currently charged with nearly 100 felonies by at least two prosecutors. He likely eventually will be hit with more than- 500 indictments, from four prosecutors, every one of the latter with a long record of either leftwing associations or Democratic service.

The mass murderer Charles Manson faced less legal exposure. No one believes Trump would have been indicted on such counts—most of them involving allegations from years past—were he not running for President.

One count that Donald Trump is not charged with is bribery, or taking money while in office, a crime cited as impeachable in the Constitution and germane to the accusations that Joe Biden and his family raked in millions from foreign governments due to the improper use of his prior Vice Presidency. For what reason did Joe Biden lie that he never discussed his son’s business? Why did Hunter complain to his daughter that Joe demanded half of his own grifting income? Why would a Vice President serially call disreputable Ame1rican grifters and foreign corrupt oligarchs? Can Joe’s lifestyle ever be reconciled with his reported income?

Given such asymmetry in the application of the laws, conservative or even apolitical Americans are apprehensive that any political prominence will draw the attention of government in effort to either indict or bankrupt them with legal expenses.

The last four FBI Directors have either admitted they lied under oath, or preposterously under oath claimed ignorance or amnesia about events directly under their control. Or they simply stonewalled subpoenas and testimonies about alleged FBI crimes.

The former CIA Director admitted to lying twice under oath. The FBI hired social media corporations to suppress election-cycle news deemed unhelpful to the Left. The agency, along with Democratic operatives, helped hatch the election-cycle conspiracy of the 2015-2016 Russian-Collusion hoax, and the 2020 Russian disinformation laptop hoax. The FBI played a central role in many of the 2024 indictments. In other words, the FBI along with the DOJ, has sought to warp three presidential elections in a row.

On the prompt of a Joe Biden campaign official (and now Secretary of State) and a former interim CIA director, 50 former intelligence officials lied to the electorate that an authentic but incriminating Biden computer was a likely Russian plant—a fact known to lie but not disclosed as such by the FBI.


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3e27f6 No.78220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316501 (071924ZAUG23) Notable: The Remaking of America Victor Hanson Davis

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The Attack on the Supreme Court. Once the Court achieved a more or less predictable conservative majority, the Left sought to diminish it in a variety of ways. It has called for packing the Court with leftist jurists to create a new 15-justice bench. Leftist law professors in the Ivy League, in neo-Confederate nullification and insurrectionary style, call for the nation to ignore Court rulings on abortion and affirmative action.

The Senate minority leader led a throng to the doors of the court, threatening justices by name: “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Protestors now mob the homes of individual justices hoping to intimidate them and alter their upcoming opinions—confident that the Department of Justice will exempt them from any legal consequences of such felonious behavior.

The media routinely accuses conservative justices of improper or illegal behavior, without worry about the emptiness of the charges. A traditionalist justice now accepts that a controversial ruling can result in media charges that he is corrupt, in shrieking protestors mobbing his home, in a mob assembling at the doors of the Court, in disruptions during Court hearings, in politicians issuing threats to his person, in congressional calls to alter the century-and-a-half make-up of the Court, and in Ivy League law professors urging the country to ignore majority decisions.

In sum, conservative jurist must be careful where and when he goes out in public.

The Media-Democratic Fusion. If one were to listen during the last few years to NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, or CNN, or read the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, or the Los Angeles Times, then one would have believed the following:

A) Donald Trump worked with the Russians to throw and win the 2016 election. As part of that skullduggery, frolicking amid prostitutes he urinated on a Moscow hotel bed to spite Barack Obama. B) He was mentally incapacitated as president and should have been removed under the 25th C) In 2020, his campaign once more worked with the Russians to create an exact replica of Hunter Biden’s laptop, replete with dozens of lurid fake photos and hundreds of cleverly doctored emails to smear the Biden family and aid his own reelection effort. D) Trump as chief conspirator preplanned a violent and armed insurrection that sought to storm and permanently occupy the government, violently hijacking the balloting and seizing the presidency—resulting in the murder of a Capitol police officer and the subsequent deaths of other traumatized officers.

E) For the last eight years, none of Trump’s political opponents have ever destroyed subpoenaed evidence, conspired to hire foreign nationals to compile false and lurid files on him to subvert his political campaigns, or used their political offices to help solicit foreign money for family lobbyists. F) Trump is the first major candidate and politician who allegedly overvalued his real assets to obtain a loan that he repaid; the first to have concluded non-disclosure agreements with potential embarrassing liaisons; the first ex-president to remove sensitive files to his personal residence; and the first to phone a state official to whine about the integrity of the vote count. G) He is the first losing presidential candidate or major politician to question an election result or to seek redress through government agencies to rectify the purported corruption of the balloting.

In sum, for the first time in American history, nearly all the major communication and journalistic networks have been fused with a political party. They believe the new role of the media is to advance a shared progressive cause, oppose and even defame common opponents, and feed their audiences things that are not, and cannot possibly be, true.


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3e27f6 No.78221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316505 (071925ZAUG23) Notable: The Remaking of America Victor Hanson Davis

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The Destruction of Common Law. By defunding the police in major cities, and by showering leftwing district attorney candidates with millions of dollars in campaign funding, the Left systematically eroded the law as we know it in our major cities.

As a result, downtowns are after-dark, no-go zones, as once great metropolises resemble veritable combat theaters. Cities are becoming depopulated as consumers and businesses no longer find it safe to conduct commerce. Criminals and homeless now routinely break the law with impunity. Public violence, defecation, urination, fornication, and injection do not even rate as misdemeanors.

The Left has redefined violent crime to such an extent that shoplifting is no longer actionable. Flash mobs that take over streets and swarm to loot stores are rarely if ever arrested. Security officers who apprehend thieves or intervene to stop violence are more likely to be prosecuted than criminals themselves. There is no longer any immigration law; it has been utterly destroyed by Joe Biden. Seven-million illegal entrants flood into the U.S. and, along with the Mexican government, make demands on their hosts to accommodate their illegality.

In sum, in blue states and at the federal level, leftwing prosecutors and justices decide to enforce or ignore statutes, pile up or reduce indictments, increase or decrease punishments not on what the law entails, or evidence directs, but on the race, class, or ideology of the perpetrator, usually in connection with the particular status of his victims. If asymmetry in race, class, or ideology is suggested, then the law must modulate in redistributive fashion to contextualize the crime and criminal as a victim rather than a victimizer. The result is the veritable destruction of law and order as we once knew it.

The Erosion of the Military. Rarely has the American people polled so little confidence in the U.S. military. It perceives the Pentagon mission largely one to greenlight social change through the rapidity of the chain of command, not necessarily to maintain deterrence, much less to win all its wars.

The Left has ensured that our armed forces are underfunded, short on munitions and weapons, and military officers are used to promote progressive social agendas. Officers expect to be promoted or stalled on the basis of their views on race and gender.

Those who traditionally died at twice their numbers in the general population in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are ostracized and in near record numbers leaving, while their friends and relatives are no longer enlisting in the military.

Former Pentagon four-star officers violated the Code of Uniform Military Justice in attacking a sitting president with the harshest invective, invoking comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini, again predictably from a leftwing point of view.

The public expects the Joint Chiefs to be both appointed on ideological considerations, and from time to time even to free-lance to contact enemy counterparts should they feel a conservative president is dangerous to world peace.

There is no longer any social stigma or legal jeopardy for retired officers in working as defense contractor lobbyists or board members, after revolving from or soon back to the Pentagon.


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3e27f6 No.78222

File: 877d0f0e037dd36⋯.png (6.05 MB,2499x1352,2499:1352,Clipboard.png)

File: fd3a60b39fe7b05⋯.png (113.72 KB,875x656,875:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316515 (071927ZAUG23) Notable: The Remaking of America Victor Hanson Davis

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Sexes. The heterosexual male and female, marriage, and the nuclear family are all to be suspect. There are three sexes or perhaps still more. English language pronouns are inadequate to reflect sexual diversity.

So adherence to such ossified languages is career endangering. An epidemic of childlessness, singlehood, and collapsing fertility rates are either of no national importance or illustrate the preferred non-nuclear family model. Powerful hormonal drug regimens and permanent radical sex-change surgery should be the choices of minors alone who know best when they choose to transition to another sex. Graphic sex manuals and drag queen shows with simulated sex acts can perhaps acculturate preteens to the dangers of growing up in an oppressive “normative” binary society.

Sex, but not race, is constructed, and thus a matter not of biology but of individual choice.

Race, Not Class. Racial inequality and lack of parity are due to “whiteness.” Racial quotas, segregated dorms, graduations, workshops, and safe spaces are exempt from civil rights statutes given they are necessary to achieve equity. Integration and assimilation are the opiates of the masses. Apartheid and segregation are misunderstood modalities, and thus, if enlightened, sometimes necessary corrective measures.

Reparations are to supersede ineffective affirmative action. Wokeness liberates us to see how race explains everything in America, past and present. At universities and in popular culture “proportional representation” of various ethnicities and races is no longer sufficient remedy.

Instead reparatory hiring and admissions are required to atone for prior generations of discrimination. It is taboo to suggest that cultural conditions not just race accounts for inequality. Everything from meritocracy to promptness to physical fitness is racist in nature, requiring DEI experts to expose and inform about the systemic nature of American racism.

Debt is a Construct. Modern monetary theory proved that annual deficits and national debt are just a state accounting challenge. So printing more money is an act that properly diminishes the value of existing capital improperly horded by parasitic profiteers. Spreading the ensuing cash wealth to the more deserving and victimized is long overdue social justice.

At any time, the national “debt” can be deconstructed by renouncing usurious bond obligations, appropriating private retirement accounts, or further inflating the currency—if governments are committed enough to social justice.

Universities. It is now heresy that universities should be places of disinterested inquiry and inductive investigation. They can properly instead become a valuable tool in ridding society of racist and sexist forces, platitudes about free speech and equality under the law, and the tyranny of private property, capitalist profiteering, and white, male heterosexual Christian oppression.

So the role of a university is to create a brief safe space in which graduates can leave with proper training about the terrible history of the United States and the ways in which it must be dismantled and then be rebuilt by the properly trained experts from the ground up. Counterrevolutionaries or deluded liberals and their quaint adherence to a racist and archaic Bill of Rights have no place on these islands of progressive resistance.

None of the above was true at the millennium; all are now—with more still to come.



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3e27f6 No.78223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316544 (071933ZAUG23) Notable: #23723

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Full Up N Wrapped

#23723 >>78156

>>78157, >>78159, >>78168, >>78175 Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk.

>>78158 2021 @realdonaldtrump The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.

>>78160 DiseaseXis the spread of information the regime is unhappy about

>>78161 ICYMI: storys of the 9/11 GOLD

>>78162 resident Biden Welcomes the Houston Astros to the White House

>>78163 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>78164, >>78178 What's up @Zoom

>>78165 Roseanne Barr - Bonus Episode -

>>78166 Fire crews work to contain large industrial fire near airport in Albuquerque

>>78167 Presbyterian Pastor Defends Killing Two Babies in Abortions: “I Felt God’s Presence With Me”

>>78169, >>78185, >>78199 FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who is responsible for colluding with Twitter & META to censor the Hunter laptop story, lied under oath about communications with Big Tech giants.

>>78170 @USSOCOM We honor the 38 fallen #OTD in 2011.

>>78171 If you don't understand this Ask someone to enlighten

>>78172, >>78200, >>78201 Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova «The world leader of black transplants: in Ukraine, organs are traded online and offline

>>78173 @clarkdefense, Dan Patt, and @EzraACohen sat down with RADM Mike Studeman to discuss new strategies to deter Chinese aggression.

>>78174, >>78191 Director of The Exorcist dies age 87, William Friedkin

>>78176 Massive explosion hits Turkish port

>>78177 Russia Launches Massive Missile and Drone Strike On One of the Last Operational Ukrainian Airbases, Starokonstantinov

>>78179 Goldman Head Of Commodity Research Jeff Currie Leaving Bank After Nearly 30 Years

>>78180 The Bee: Trump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer

>>78181 Jan Halper-Hayes, argues that anyone who doesn't think that the prosecutors have the 'real results' from the election are 'fooling themselves' but Stephen Dixon disagrees.

>>78182 Daimler Truck CFO Jochen Goetz Dies in ‘Tragic Accident’

>>78183, >>78184, >>78188, >>78188, >>78190, >>78193 REMINDER - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

>>78186 How I Reverse Autism in Children

>>78187 Green Madness: Leftist Scottish Govt Cut Down 16 Million Trees to Put up Wind Farms


>>78192 Alberta court rules that covid actions pushed by minister of health were INVALID and illegal

>>78194 LIVE: Gold Star families give first-ever testimony on Afghanistan withdrawal

>>78195 Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries says judicial overhaul should not affect US military aid to Israel

>>78196 Survivor: Sex trafficker took all girls to Planned Parenthood

>>78197 PSA: IF all of your gutter downspouts were connected to paddlewheels, you'd never have to pay for grid electricity during rainstorms.

>>78198 The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument this Thursday. The freedom of speech is at stake

>>78202 Judge orders Catherine Herridge to reveal sources for stories on FBI, Chinese American scientist


>>78204 Trump in Long-Form Video Special: Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office

>>78205, >>78207, >>78208, >>78210 Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+ Years

>>78206 Pharma-funded Australian drug regulator grants full approval to Pfizer for its harmful covid injection

>>78209 1959 The first U.S. satellite to photograph the Earth is launched

>>78211 Democrats Push 1,000 Percent Excise Tax on AR-15s

>>78212 Payless Shoes opened a fake luxury store in Los Angeles and tricked influencers into paying $645 for $35 shoes.

>>78213 Blinken meets with Salvadoran Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill Tinoco

>>78214 New Mexico issues health warning after fire in plastics facility

>>78215 Global investigation leads to child sex abuse operation that charged 19 men, removed 13 Australian children from harm

>>78216 Most say Congress should not authorize more funding for Ukraine

>>78217 welcome to 18 discernment lane vid

>>78218, >>78219, >>78220, >>78221, >>78222 The Remaking of America Victor Hanson Davis


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3e27f6 No.78224

File: 8bdb9ca6f4abbaa⋯.png (439.58 KB,1080x1164,90:97,Clipboard.png)

File: ba94e707bdf6e5f⋯.gif (508.26 KB,597x332,597:332,Clipboard.gif)

File: dabacd5b27dda43⋯.png (593.59 KB,680x500,34:25,Clipboard.png)

File: f8216cafd80bf99⋯.png (328.63 KB,560x373,560:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 23dee1e1ae5240d⋯.png (381.06 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316564 (071937ZAUG23) Notable: #23724

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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3e27f6 No.78225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316568 (071937ZAUG23) Notable: How COVID medical interventions do more harm than good — far more harm.

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Multiple peer-reviewed data coming to light in the wake of COVID demonstrate clearly how COVID medical interventions do more harm than good — far more harm.

That ATAGI is not doing its job properly and is still persisting in supporting this ‘snake oil’ from pharmaceutical giants beggars belief.

In this video I review the latest data from peer-reviewed journals and from empirical data to show just how bad a situation we are now in.

Testing of samples of the vaccine show contamination with genetic material unrelated to the vaccine is ten times higher than approved levels. We have no understanding of the epidemiological effects in the years or generations to come. The direct link between COVID ‘vaccination’ and neonatal harm in Scotland is causing heartbreak and regret. It’s been found that one in 35 people who received a Moderna booster shot experienced myocarditis, not the 1 in 33,000 the TGA accepts.

ABS mortality data allows us a glimpse into just how bad the problem that nobody wants to acknowledge really is. In April this year we saw excess mortality of 27% above accepted level. 30,000 more people have died in Australia during the last 12 months than expected.


As a result of these excessively high rates of adverse events, a highly respected veteran oncologist, Prof. Angus Dalgliesh, has added his voice to the call for the immediate suspension of COVID vaccines. In his opinion the injections are related to the current unprecedented increase in cancers around the world.

One Nation could not agree more. We need a COVID Royal Commission today.

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3e27f6 No.78226

File: 77427d46d664946⋯.png (1.48 MB,960x1070,96:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316572 (071938ZAUG23) Notable: Who are all the people in the room on this historical day?

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3e27f6 No.78227

File: d4bc7a042c0c7b6⋯.png (904.23 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316656 (071951ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon “Comes Out Swinging” and Delivers Blow to Jack Smith in Classified Documents Case

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Judge Aileen Cannon “Comes Out Swinging” and Delivers Blow to Jack Smith in Classified Documents Case – Liberals Scream for her Dismissal Afterwards


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3e27f6 No.78228

File: 87b4ad65b5f16e6⋯.png (169.65 KB,2592x1018,1296:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 08e745ece81ae90⋯.png (216.62 KB,1274x1544,637:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316665 (071953ZAUG23) Notable: TORNADO WATCH in DC

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My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......

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3e27f6 No.78229

File: a7ed4d6f81affe5⋯.png (290.4 KB,1080x1024,135:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316669 (071953ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Families speaking in Escondido, California, on the BOTCHED AFGHAN SURRENDER under the incompetent Biden

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3e27f6 No.78230

File: 0eb40221482431b⋯.png (341.17 KB,731x727,731:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316681 (071955ZAUG23) Notable: Hey Jenna Ellis, doesn't your husband work for Bob Parsons, who is big mad at Trump?

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There’s actually one better candidate out there that more Trump supporters should listen to and consider🤷‍♀️

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3e27f6 No.78231

File: 24edf45b7eded09⋯.png (671.17 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316682 (071956ZAUG23) Notable: US Security State setting up to read our license plates and track us from any traffic light in the country

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It always feels like somebody's watching meeee

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3e27f6 No.78232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316707 (071959ZAUG23) Notable: TORNADO WATCH in DC

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Tornado watch issued until 9 p.m. for D.C. area; federal offices closing at 3 p.m.

Widespread severe storms — with the possibility of destructive winds and tornadoes — are expected to sweep through the D.C. area between 4 and 8 p.m.

What to know

The D.C. area faces an uncommonly severe thunderstorm threat Monday with the potential for damaging winds, tornadoes, hail, torrential rain and frequent lightning between 4 and 8 p.m. — with the Beltway area most at risk between 5 and 7:30 p.m. The National Weather Service has issued a Level 4 out of 5 risk for severe storms for the first time in about a decade.https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/08/07/dc-weather-alert-severe-thunderstorms-wind/

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3e27f6 No.78233

File: 28dfb5efcbb8734⋯.png (242.75 KB,869x700,869:700,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316738 (072005ZAUG23) Notable: China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks

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August 7, 2023 at 3:26 p.m. EDT

China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, officials say

Tokyo has strengthened its defenses after a major cybersecurity breach, but gaps remain that could slow information-sharing with the Pentagon.


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3e27f6 No.78234

File: 6470169deb70e91⋯.png (476.09 KB,730x753,730:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316742 (072006ZAUG23) Notable: China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks

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Ellen Nakashima

SCOOP: China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, alarming top U.S. national security officials. Tokyo has made strides since the 2020 breach was discovered by the NSA. But the problem is still not fully fixed.


>China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks

3:45 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78235

File: d3bf92237e0e79f⋯.png (55.27 KB,743x386,743:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316748 (072008ZAUG23) Notable: Ezra A. Cohen Appears to be another unfortunate unauthorized disclosure from [NAME REDACTED] [TITLE REDACTED] NSA.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ezra A. Cohen

Appears to be another unfortunate unauthorized disclosure from [NAME REDACTED] [TITLE REDACTED] NSA.


4:02 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78236

File: 5a3d94cb740cc40⋯.png (321.29 KB,1080x954,60:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316758 (072009ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump They just found a letter from Crooked Joe Biden directly to Keven Archer. Oh well, so much for “Joe” not knowing anything about all of the money he extorted

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3e27f6 No.78237

File: 1ac48a0e92de060⋯.png (47.17 KB,596x271,596:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316759 (072009ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump They just found a letter from Crooked Joe Biden directly to Keven Archer. Oh well, so much for “Joe” not knowing anything about all of the money he extorted

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They just found a letter from Crooked Joe Biden directly to Keven Archer. Oh well, so much for “Joe” not knowing anything about all of the money he extorted. At some point the LameStream Media will have to cover this story, perhaps the biggest scandal in U.S. history. When they do, our Country will start to heal!

Aug 07, 2023, 4:00 PM EDT


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3e27f6 No.78238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316776 (072013ZAUG23) Notable: XWITTER THREAD: Proof that Racist Republicans and Democrats switched parties between the 1860s and the 1960s.

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives

THREAD: Proof that Racist Republicans and Democrats switched parties between the 1860s and the 1960s.

6:40 PM · Apr 20, 2023·5M Views


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3e27f6 No.78239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316789 (072015ZAUG23) Notable: Jill Biden Back to School Safely: Cybersecurity Summit Cancelled?

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pretty sure this is cancelled due to weather but don't see any official word

4:00 PM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts the Back to School Safely: Cybersecurity Summit

The White House


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3e27f6 No.78240

File: 2d5324eba43a006⋯.png (195.15 KB,588x473,588:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 68c7188d93d5eab⋯.png (351.22 KB,816x503,816:503,Clipboard.png)

File: b59e76eb6f5349e⋯.png (244.09 KB,768x952,96:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316799 (072016ZAUG23) Notable: Ravaged by fire, Mojave Desert's famed Joshua trees may be gone forever

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Joshua Trees burning in California end of July, 2023 through today. Experts say nearly 2 million Joshua Trees (this fire and 2020 Dome fire) likely are “gone forever”

Pic is still from video at:


Ravaged by fire, Mojave Desert's famed Joshua trees may be gone forever

by Colton Lochhead, Las Vegas Review-JournalAUG 7, 2023

..."The Joshua trees and other plant species burned by the nearly 94,000-acre York Fire are likely to never regrow, said Debra Hughson, the preserve's deputy superintendent, leaving behind a permanent reminder of a changing climate on the preserve's landscape.

"You have just barren, blackened soil, and there's nothing left but ashes and scraggly Joshua tree stumps sticking up. That doesn't come back. It's gone forever," Hughson said.

Preserve officials don't know exactly how much of the Joshua tree forest has been burned by the latest fire. Hughson said they believe it has caused a similar level of devastation as that of the Dome Fire, which scorched the preserve in 2020 and burned an estimated 1.3 million Joshua trees—or about one-quarter of the region's contiguous Joshua tree forest.

It's hard to know what exactly will grow back, but previous fires offer a look at what may be in store for the latest area of the preserve charred by wildfire.

The once dense Joshua tree forest burned by the Dome Fire has started to transition to a grassier landscape. And while a small number of the Joshua trees in that area did manage to resprout from unburned roots, Hughson said, "it's not a juniper tree forest, nor will it ever be again."


Avoiding the tortoise habitat

If there is one bright spot, it's that the fire has mostly managed to avoid the critical habitat of the threatened desert tortoise located inside the preserve.

"We're thinking and hoping that most of the desert tortoise habitat was unscathed and that most of the desert tortoise are OK," Hughson said.

The desert tortoise population has been in decline for decades, and the species has been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act dating back to 1990.

Most of the effects to the tortoise population from the fire are likely to come from motor vehicles and large equipment responding to the fire, Hughson said. That's why preserve officials implemented a 25 mph speed limit for all vehicles operating near those habitat areas.

There also have been several biologists out in the field moving tortoises off the road and guiding vehicles in an effort to minimize the chances of tortoises being killed, Hughson said.


The Mojave Desert is burning in California's biggest fire of year, torching Joshua trees

Story by Grace Toohey, Alex Wigglesworth • July 30, 2023

"California's biggest wildfire of the year — burning through delicate Joshua Tree forests along the California-Nevada border — is an unusual desert blaze being fueled in part by the rapid growth of underbrush from this winter's record rains.

"The 2020 Dome fire, which burned more than 40,000 acres across the southwestern California desert — including in the national preserve, but in a different area from the York fire — destroyed an estimated 1 million Joshua trees. Crews and volunteers are trying to replant and revitalize those groves.

...“Historically, in general, deserts tended to burn fairly infrequently,” he said. “And that’s one of the reasons why you have a lot of these long-lived plants that can grow into big giant Joshua trees, or saguaros in the Sonoran Desert. But as more and more invasive plants, especially invasive grasses, have grown in desert areas, they’re able to carry fire and burn those long-lived plants and cause a change in the fire regime.”


Next: The spiritual meaning (to many) of Joshua Tree, a national park located about two hours east of Claremont, California.

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3e27f6 No.78241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316810 (072018ZAUG23) Notable: Hey Jenna Ellis, doesn't your husband work for Bob Parsons, who is big mad at Trump?

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No way. Her husband works for Bob Parsons. Bob Parsons is big mad at Trump for the golf thing and said he voted a straight Dem ticket. Kari is a good actress for sure but she's not trustworthy.

Jeff works for BIG Sneaky, me thinks he is big sneaky.



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3e27f6 No.78242

File: 30a7f4d6231adcd⋯.png (781.86 KB,1014x947,1014:947,Clipboard.png)

File: f7a72025de1a577⋯.png (47.27 KB,189x255,63:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316823 (072020ZAUG23) Notable: Red Cross running low on blood.. expands blood donor eligibility for homosexual men

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Watch: Red Cross expands blood donor eligibility for homosexual men

The American Red Cross implemented new blood donation guidelines Monday to allow more homosexual men to give blood to the organization. Going forward under the new screening policies, all donors will answer the same eligibility questions regardless of gender or sexual orientation. In a press release Monday, the Red Cross celebrated the new guidelines as a “historic move” for the LGBTQ+ community.

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3e27f6 No.78243

File: f133cf9c6242181⋯.jpeg (325.67 KB,1170x853,1170:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316824 (072020ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump They just found a letter from Crooked Joe Biden directly to Keven Archer. Oh well, so much for “Joe” not knowing anything about all of the money he extorted

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Next truth related

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3e27f6 No.78244

File: 0b0c35ec97b3e9e⋯.png (27.79 KB,851x423,851:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316836 (072023ZAUG23) Notable: Red Cross running low on blood.. expands blood donor eligibility for homosexual men

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They´re running low on blood..


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3e27f6 No.78245

File: f26a64f6798550e⋯.png (437.41 KB,685x827,685:827,Clipboard.png)

File: e3d27f370811ade⋯.png (159.8 KB,371x280,53:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a073fee4fe5a52⋯.png (2.42 MB,2402x896,1201:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316855 (072026ZAUG23) Notable: UK on the path to the end of anonymous free speech online

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'traceability of offensive and harmful activities' v.s.

NEW - Congratulations on setting the UK on the path to the end of anonymous free speech.


@disclosetv @disclosetv_chat


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3e27f6 No.78246

File: d2cc276ff12cf44⋯.png (432.86 KB,365x874,365:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 52732967d67640e⋯.png (3.53 MB,1888x1367,1888:1367,Clipboard.png)

File: 26644e5f1aa4a96⋯.png (566.14 KB,652x466,326:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ac27b33d193773⋯.png (3.23 MB,2511x935,2511:935,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dd7d5995ff32ca⋯.png (131.99 KB,1060x737,1060:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317050 (072057ZAUG23) Notable: Ravaged by fire, Mojave Desert's famed Joshua trees may be gone forever

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More on fires devastating more than 2 million Joshua Trees (between unusual current fire and unusual 2020 Dome fire)

The spiritual meaning (to many) of Joshua Tree, a national park located about two hours east of Claremont, California.

Energy Vortices, The Institute of Mentalphysics, and a Spiritual Woodstock: the Surprising History of Joshua Tree

March 12, 2022

"Joshua Tree, a national park located about two hours east of Claremont, is a popular weekend destination for college students, climbers, van lifers, and visiting campers alike. The park is aptly named after the many Joshua trees that line the roads and dot the jagged hills — when driving through the park, there is an eerie, open effect ...

The Joshua trees don’t remind one much of trees at all. There is even a song called “Secret Enchanted Broccoli Forest” which, to be honest, is the best description of the park I can give to anyone who hasn’t had the chance to see it in person for themselves.

I say in person because there is a difference between places you see and places you experience. Joshua Tree is the latter. There is a distinct, inescapable feeling of both alienation and intense serenity inside the park.

...Joshua Tree is a place for reflection, a place for transcendence. ...

The desert itself is spiritual: in the words of Italian spiritual writer Carlo Caretto, “The desert does not mean the absence of men, it means the presence of God.” And though Joshua trees are often described as “grotesque” or “the most repulsive tree in the vegetable kingdom,” they are also often referred to as comforting. There is a strange, unexplainable pull to the area.

Perhaps that is why so many spiritual retreats occur in the park, such as the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, also known as the Institute of Mental Physics. It is the oldest and largest retreat center in the Western United States.

... The JTRC is a non-profit organization. The Institute operates on the teachings of Ding Le Mei, or Edwin J. Dingle..., a journalist who explored Asia in a quest for spiritual knowledge, ultimately combining eastern and western philosophies to form the Mentalphysics Spiritual Teaching and Retreat center in 1941.

Interestingly, though, Mei, or Dingle, was a world-renowned geographer. In fact, his “New Map of China” became China’s standard map.

Ding Le Mei chose the [Joshua Tree] location because it sat on 19 energy vortices which were thought to draw in intense energy and an ideal place for personal exploration. Mei also believed Yucca Valley was “sacred desert land,” and he built the school in harmony with the lines of earth energy in the area, as well as employing Frank Lloyd Wright and his son, both architects, to design a building that would act as an energy vortex.

Famous speakers, such as Ram Dass and Deepak Chopra have presented at the Institute. Festivals at the institute, such as Bhakti Fest, also known as a “Spiritual Woodstock,” have received massive gatherings of devotees, with thousands of people practicing yoga and meditating in the crisp desert air.

Joshua Tree is known for its spiritual elements. With spirituality, the tricky thing is that there are only stories. But Joshua Tree has stories. Some believe the Joshua Tree is a symbol of Christian spirituality: the silhouette of Joshua raising his hands towards the sky in prayer. Others see the Joshua Tree as a historical sign for the Jews to go to Jericho, a city in Palestine.

The park is also home to many indigenous tribes, such as the Serrano, Chemehuevi, Mojave Cahuilla, and the Mojave. Who better to look to for a historical perspective on the land and the feeling one gets from the land? For thousands of years, these groups embraced the tree as a spiritual resource. The Cahuilla referred to the land as “magical,”and the Chemehuevi had a rich culture of sharing spiritual stories. These stories often involve incorporating aspects of the local people, animals, and land around them. These aspects make up what we now know as Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. ...

by: "Guest Writer"


Brochure: The Mansion Builder


Institute of Mentalphysics


The Science of Mentalphysics by Edwin J. Dingle (Ding Le Mei)

Joshua Tree Retreat Center

Published in 1930.

More info: https://jtrcc.org/

Science of Mentalphysics book found here:


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3e27f6 No.78247

File: 32cfa61cbdbcc05⋯.png (290.58 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: e9e27584dd9ff2f⋯.png (133.22 KB,482x482,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a103c7f8b8ce529⋯.png (682.16 KB,768x502,384:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317094 (072104ZAUG23) Notable: Best Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks This Weekend

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Best Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks This Weekend

August 7, 2023

The NASA All Sky Fireball Network is already detecting the first meteors of this year’s Perseid meteor shower! The meteor shower peaks on the night of August 12 as the Earth passes through the dustiest debris of comet Swift-Tuttle’s trails.

The Perseid meteor shower is often considered to be the best meteor shower of the year due to its high rates and pleasant late-summer temperatures. Unlike last year’s shower coinciding with the full moon, this year’s moon will be a waning crescent, allowing even some of the fainter meteors to be seen.

So, how many can you see?

“People in the U.S. can reasonably expect to see around 40 Perseids in the hour just before dawn on the peak nights. That’s about one every couple of minutes, which is not bad,” said Bill Cooke, who leads NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office. “However, we are assuming you are out in the country, well away from cities and suburbs.”

The brighter skies of suburban areas greatly reduce the rates, with 10 or fewer expected in an hour.

You can see the Perseid meteor shower best in the Northern Hemisphere. All you need to catch the show is a clear sky, darkness, and a bit of patience. You don’t need to look in any particular direction; meteors can generally be seen all over the sky.

The Perseids appear to radiate from a point in the constellation Perseus, and each meteor has a similar orbit. Meteor showers take their name from the location of their point of origin, or what is known as the radiant.

Fun fact:

The Perseid meteor shower is the only meteor shower to delay a Space Shuttle launch. In 1993, the NASA – STS-51 launch was delayed due to concerns about the Perseid meteor shower activity being forecast to be extremely heavy, increasing the chance that a spacecraft in Earth orbit could be damaged by a piece of the debris.


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3e27f6 No.78248

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317111 (072106ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon “Comes Out Swinging” and Delivers Blow to Jack Smith in Classified Documents Case

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>>78157, >>78159, >>78168, >>78175 Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk. PN

Mike Davis said on the Bannon show this morning thatJack Smith added superseding indictments to get out of Cannon's court, and will continue to do this if overruled or getting a judge that will corruptly go along. It's his way of preventing from being overturned by the court. That's why he's adding more indictments. He's going to get caught on this by Judge Cannon knows what is going on. He said it in the video below

>>78137, >>78154 Mike Davis fact checking Fake News CNN. Links Potato to the political persecution by Garland Injustice depart of Potus PN

Mike Davis DIRECTLY Connects Joe Biden To President Trump's Indictment Using Years Of Reporting. Mike Davis proves that Joe and team are absolutely involved



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3e27f6 No.78249

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317126 (072108ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Smith added superseding indictments to get out of Cannon's court

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>>78157, >>78159, >>78168, >>78175 Judge Cannon is kicking Jack Smith's ass while she eats lunch at her desk. PN

Mike Davis said on the Bannon show this morning thatJack Smith added superseding indictments to get out of Cannon's court, and will continue to do this if overruled or getting a judge that will corruptly go along. It's his way of preventing from being overturned by the court. That's why he's adding more indictments. He's going to get caught on this by Judge Cannon knows what is going on. He said it in the video below

>>78137, >>78154 Mike Davis fact checking Fake News CNN. Links Potato to the political persecution by Garland Injustice depart of Potus PN

Mike Davis DIRECTLY Connects Joe Biden To President Trump's Indictment Using Years Of Reporting. Mike Davis proves that Joe and team are absolutely involved



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3e27f6 No.78250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317233 (072125ZAUG23) Notable: Can you restart the Republic with 100,000 tons of gold valued at 5000/oz?

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Here's a quick Spreadsheet I Did


Q is can you restart the Republic with 100,000 tons of gold valued at 5000/oz

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3e27f6 No.78251

File: 225515548abf47b⋯.png (17.86 KB,598x194,299:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317282 (072132ZAUG23) Notable: Biden’s DOJ has yet to prosecute the nearly 100 cases of church attacks by abortion activists since last year.

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As a contrast for how it treats conservatives, Biden’s DOJ has yet to prosecute the nearly 100 cases of church attacks by abortion activists since last year.


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3e27f6 No.78252

File: ed92ffe26e10e7a⋯.png (175.69 KB,557x534,557:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317293 (072133ZAUG23) Notable: When Twitter asked if the laptop was real, an FBI agent said “yes.” But a second FBI agent—a lawyer—jumped in, cut him off, and said, “no further comment.”

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When Twitter asked if the laptop was real, an FBI agent said “yes.” But a second FBI agent—a lawyer—jumped in, cut him off, and said, “no further comment.”

Read the transcript for yourself:


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3e27f6 No.78253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317466 (072202ZAUG23) Notable: #23724

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#23725 >>78224

>>78228, >>78232 TORNADO WATCH in DC

>>78231 US Security State setting up to read our license plates and track us from any traffic light in the country

>>78245 UK on the path to the end of anonymous free speech online

>>78227, >>78248 Judge Aileen Cannon “Comes Out Swinging” and Delivers Blow to Jack Smith in Classified Documents Case

>>78249 Jack Smith added superseding indictments to get out of Cannon's court

>>78229 @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Families speaking in Escondido, California, on the BOTCHED AFGHAN SURRENDER under the incompetent Biden

>>78236, >>78237, >>78243 @realDonaldTrump They just found a letter from Crooked Joe Biden directly to Keven Archer. Oh well, so much for “Joe” not knowing anything about all of the money he extorted

>>78226 Who are all the people in the room on this historical day?

>>78250 Can you restart the Republic with 100,000 tons of gold valued at 5000/oz?

>>78252 When Twitter asked if the laptop was real, an FBI agent said “yes.” But a second FBI agent—a lawyer—jumped in, cut him off, and said, “no further comment.”

>>78225 How COVID medical interventions do more harm than good — far more harm.

>>78230, >>78241 Hey Jenna Ellis, doesn't your husband work for Bob Parsons, who is big mad at Trump?

>>78233, >>78234 China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks

>>78235 Ezra A. Cohen Appears to be another unfortunate unauthorized disclosure from [NAME REDACTED] [TITLE REDACTED] NSA.

>>78238 XWITTER THREAD: Proof that Racist Republicans and Democrats switched parties between the 1860s and the 1960s.

>>78239 Jill Biden Back to School Safely: Cybersecurity Summit Cancelled?

>>78240, >>78246 Ravaged by fire, Mojave Desert's famed Joshua trees may be gone forever

>>78242, >>78244 Red Cross running low on blood.. expands blood donor eligibility for homosexual men

>>78247 Best Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks This Weekend

>>78251 Biden’s DOJ has yet to prosecute the nearly 100 cases of church attacks by abortion activists since last year.


forgot to hit send

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3e27f6 No.78254

File: dbe056ff36676e2⋯.jpg (32.25 KB,640x440,16:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317476 (072204ZAUG23) Notable: #23725

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3e27f6 No.78255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317494 (072208ZAUG23) Notable: UFO slide not working? Have no fear! The 'scientists' are discovering new species of 'HUMANS'

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>>>/qresearch/19317266 lb/pb

>Have scientists discovered a new species of HUMAN?

Scientists based this conclusion on the morphological characteristics of a single incomplete skull:

"What bemused experts, however, is that the individual's facial features did not match the lineage which split to form Neanderthals, nor Denisovans, nor us, leading them to suspect that we might be missing a branch from the human family tree."


Morphological and morphometric analyses of a late Middle Pleistocene hominin mandible from Hualongdong, China

" Results indicate that the HLD 6 mandible exhibits a mosaic morphological pattern characterized by a robust corpus and relatively gracile symphysis and ramus. The moderately developed mental trigone and a clear anterior mandibular incurvation of the HLD 6 mandible are reminiscent of Late Pleistocene hominin and recent modern human morphology. However, the weak expression of all these features indicates that this mandible does not possess a true chin."


DNA analysis has not yet been completed. This is a foolish article.

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3e27f6 No.78256

File: 057d13217c2c8a3⋯.png (165.93 KB,612x880,153:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317567 (072221ZAUG23) Notable: Singer Ne-Yo puts out public statement : Little kids should not get genital mutilation surgeries

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🚨Singer Ne-Yo puts out public statement to his 4M Instagram followers that he stands by his original statement:

Little kids should not get genital mutilation surgeries

His publicist put out a statement saying he apologized to the pronoun mafia and would “educate himself”, but Ne-Yo just put out his own video saying what he truly believes

As a father of 7, he believes genital mutilation of children is a “detrimental decision” that no kid can make and he doesn’t care if he gets cancelled

Big respect for this guy!

9:59 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317574 (072223ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: Waiting for POTATUS to depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

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8:00 PM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

Air Force One



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3e27f6 No.78258

File: 2b3fb5ebc3b11b8⋯.png (455.93 KB,602x870,301:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317575 (072223ZAUG23) Notable: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has checked herself into a treatment facility for Depression.

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Lara Logan


After presiding over massive vote fraud in Harris County…

Quote Tweet






🚨BREAKING NEWS: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has checked herself into a treatment facility for Depression.


9:13 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78259

File: da511cc2343c1e0⋯.png (68.86 KB,1048x565,1048:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317579 (072223ZAUG23) Notable: Clinton Judge Dismisses Trump’s Defamation Case Against E. Jean Carroll

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NEW: Clinton Judge Dismisses Trump’s Defamation Case Against E. Jean Carroll

A federal judge on Monday dismissed President Trump’s defamation case against E. Jean Carroll.

In late June President Trump hit back at E. Jean Carroll with a defamation lawsuit, saying she falsely accused him of rape. This countersuit comes after a civil jury found him “guilty of sexual abuse and defamation,” but not rape, in May.

Filed in Manhattan federal court, Trump’s counterclaim cites Carroll’s post-verdict comments on CNN.

Trump sought a retraction as well as compensatory and punitive damages.

According to the court filing, Trump “has been the subject of significant harm to his reputation, which, in turn, has yielded an inordinate amount of damages sustained as a result.”

Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, dismissed Trump’s case AND also granted E. Jean Carroll’s legal team authority to hand over tapes of Trump’s deposition to the Manhattan DA’s office.

Trump’s lawyers had previously tried to block the deposition tapes from being delivered to the DA’s office.

Fox News reported:

A federal judge dismissed a counterclaim by former President Donald Trump in the defamation case leveled against him by E. Jean Carroll on Monday.

Judge Lewis Kaplan of the Southern District of New York dismissed Trump’s claims that Carroll made false statements during the case that damaged his reputation.

Carroll was awarded $5 million in May in a similar case against Trump after a jury found that Trump had sexually abused Carroll in 1996 and then defamed her in 2022.

Kaplan also handed down another order granting Carroll’s legal team authority to deliver tapes of Trump’s deposition in the case to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.

Trump’s legal team had sought to block the DA’s office from obtaining the tapes.

The Justice Department recently reversed course and said Trump can be held personally liable in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit.

This is a reversal from the DOJ’s position that Trump was protected by the Westfall Act because he was president when he made the statements about E. Jean Carroll.


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3e27f6 No.78260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317582 (072224ZAUG23) Notable: Biden to designate Grand Canyon area as national monument to block uranium mining

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Biden to designate Grand Canyon area as national monument to block uranium mining

August 07, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78261

File: b691a1de3419b1e⋯.png (331.36 KB,1170x2087,1170:2087,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b8ec494b38e853⋯.png (282.56 KB,1170x2118,195:353,Clipboard.png)

File: d01c5d2fec630b8⋯.png (129.59 KB,1134x954,63:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317585 (072224ZAUG23) Notable: @warclandestine Trump has gradually gone beyond full Q for the past few months on truth social, and it hardly gets talked about in the mainstream.

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🚨Controversial Statement🚨

Trump shares Q memes and drops.

He quotes Q drops during speeches.

Then last night he shared and praised a video of a member of his transition team going on a wild 10 minute Q spree about how the US MIL have proof of fraud in the 2020 election and are waiting for the public to wake up before introducing it in order to prevent civil war and mass civilian casualties.

Now whether you are familiar with Q, think it’s real, or think it’s some disinformation psyop conspiracy theory cult; shouldn’t you be aware that Trump, the leading presidential candidate in 2024, is openly referencing and quoting this whole Q thing?

Like if you think it’s nonsense, shouldn’t you be worried about Trump’s association with it? How can one be a Trump supporter, and simultaneously think Q is a bunch of hogwash? Because Trump has gradually gone beyond full Q for the past few months on truth social, and it hardly gets talked about in the mainstream.

The mainstream that calls everything and everyone “QAnon”, except for when Trump is actually quoting Q all the time.

So there are two options here. Either:

-Trump is a part of the Q operation and there is some level of validity to it

-Trump is not part of whatever Q is, and the lead presidential candidate and his associates are blindly quoting and referencing a Russian disinformation psyop or some dude in his basement

Both options are insane to think about, and there’s really not any in between. Either he’s a part of it or he’s not.

If he’s not, as Trump supporters, we have a crisis on our hands. If he is, that means that Trump is conducting a massive global awakening campaign so we can introduce reality to the brainwashed and hold the Deep State accountable without mass civilian casualties and civil war.

I’m not telling you what to believe, I’m telling you that ignoring this reality is no longer an option.


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3e27f6 No.78262

File: 00aeb321f13c078⋯.png (954.94 KB,1170x698,585:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317586 (072224ZAUG23) Notable: Atlanta Locks Down Courthouse Ahead of Looming Racketeering Charges

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DEVELOPING: Atlanta Locks Down Courthouse Ahead of Looming Racketeering Charges

The Atlanta courthouse locked down ahead of Fani Willis’ decision to charge Trump over his efforts to challenge the 2020 election in Georgia.

“Law-enforcement officers surrounded the Fulton County courthouse on Monday in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, amid closed roads and traffic barriers put up to boost security ahead of a possible indictment of former U.S. President Donald Trump,” Reuters reported.

A judge last Monday denied Trump’s second bid to quash Fulton County DA Fani Willis’investigation into Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 election in Georgia.

Meanwhile, Fani Willis is reportedly ‘ready to go’ and gearing up to indict Trump possibly this week.

Fulton County prosecutors are preparing sprawling racketeering charges against Trump over his effort to challenge the 2020 election in Georgia.

According to a leak to The Guardian, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will likely indict Trump in the first two weeks of August.

Fani Willis based her investigation on President Trump’s call with Georgia officials that was later doctored and leaked to the fake news outlet Washington Post. The WaPo published a completely fraudulent text of the call. These phony charges have already been debunked by The Gateway Pundit and others.

Orange barriers were set up a couple weeks ago and have led to speculation that Trump may be indicted over his 2020 phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger over his concerns over the 2020 election.


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3e27f6 No.78263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317589 (072224ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: Waiting for POTATUS to depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

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6:30 PM EDT

The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

Official Schedule


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3e27f6 No.78264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317601 (072227ZAUG23) Notable: Potential cancer breakthrough as 'groundbreaking' pill annihilates ALL types of solid tumors in early study

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3e27f6 No.78265

File: a7fe8758aff0b90⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x342,83:57,Clipboard.gif)

File: dbecd915a418dc7⋯.png (96.63 KB,600x372,50:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317604 (072228ZAUG23) Notable: When Twitter became X, the twitter files became the X-Files…

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It just hit me...

When Twitter became X, the twitter files became the X-Files...

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3e27f6 No.78266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317617 (072230ZAUG23) Notable: Potential cancer breakthrough as 'groundbreaking' pill annihilates ALL types of solid tumors in early study

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Scientists have developed a holy grail cancer drug that kills all solid cancer tumors while leaving other cells unharmed.

The new molecule targets a protein present in most cancers that helps tumors grow and multiply in the body.

It is significant because this protein - the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) - was previously thought to be 'undruggable'.

The drug was tested on 70 different cancer cells in the lab - including those derived from breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin, and lung cancer - and was effective against them all.

The pill is the culmination of 20 years of research and development by the City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles, one of America's largest cancer centers.

The medicine is codenamed AOH1996 after Anna Olivia Healy, who died in 2005 from a deadly childhood cancer aged nine. Dr Linda Malkas, who leads the research team, met Anna's father just before she died and was inspired to find a cure in her memory.

It comes amid excitement that cancer will be curable within the coming decade, a claim that has been made by the scientists who invented the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

The new medicine is named AOH1996 after nine-year-old victim Anna Olivia Healy (pictured middle) who sadly died in 2005 from neuroblastoma


View gallery

The new medicine is named AOH1996 after nine-year-old victim Anna Olivia Healy (pictured middle) who sadly died in 2005 from neuroblastoma

The drug's name comprises Anna's initials plus the date she was born


View gallery

The drug's name comprises Anna's initials plus the date she was born

The researchers found the pill prevented cells with damaged DNA from dividing and from making a copy of faulty DNA, causing cancer cell death, known as apoptosis, but it did not interrupt healthy stem cells


View gallery

The researchers found the pill prevented cells with damaged DNA from dividing and from making a copy of faulty DNA, causing cancer cell death, known as apoptosis, but it did not interrupt healthy stem cells


'My son's cancer was caused by stomach-eating bug'

42.3k viewing now

I assumed my sore knee was a horse-riding injury but it was CANCER

16k viewing now

Woman denied care in trans row claims delay could have killed her

31k viewing now

Curing cancer has also been a key goal of President Joe Biden — with his relaunched Cancer Moonshot operation in 2022 aiming to reduce the cancer death rate by half in the next 25 years.

But he was slammed last week for claiming that his administration had 'ended cancer as we know it' - even though there are signs death rates are slowing.

The latest study, published in the journal Cell Chemical Biology, revealed that the new drug had been tested on more than 70 cancer cell lines and several normal human cells that did not have cancer but were used as a control.

The molecule selectively killed cancer cells by disrupting their normal reproductive cycle, preventing cells with damaged DNA from dividing, and stopping the replication of faulty DNA.


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3e27f6 No.78267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317618 (072230ZAUG23) Notable: Potential cancer breakthrough as 'groundbreaking' pill annihilates ALL types of solid tumors in early study

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This combination of factors caused the cancer cells to die without harming healthy cells in the process.

EXCLUSIVE: Breast cancer vaccine 'could eliminate form of the disease by 2030'

An experimental breast cancer vaccine showing promise in early trials is raising the prospect of eliminating one of the world's biggest killers.

The results will now need to be replicated in people. The drug is currently being tested on humans in a Phase 1 clinical trial at City of Hope.

Dr Linda Malkas, professor in City of Hope’s Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics and the M.T. & B.A. Ahmadinia Professor in Molecular Oncology leads the team.

She explained how the molecule selectively disrupts DNA replication and repair in cancer cells, leaving healthy cells unaffected.

She said: 'Most targeted therapies focus on a single pathway, which enables wily cancer to mutate and eventually become resistant.

'PCNA is like a major airline terminal hub containing multiple plane gates.

'Data suggests PCNA is uniquely altered in cancer cells, and this fact allowed us to design a drug that targeted only the form of PCNA in cancer cells.

'Our cancer-killing pill is like a snowstorm that closes a key airline hub, shutting down all flights in and out only in planes carrying cancer cells.'

Dr Malkas said results so far have been 'promising' as the molecule can suppress tumor growth on its own or in combination with other cancer treatments 'without resulting in toxicity.'

While studying at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dr Malkas met Anna's father, the girl who inspired the new pill's name, when his daughter was at her final stages.

At the time, Dr Malkas was researching breast cancer, but Anna's father asked if she could do something about neuroblastoma and wrote her lab a check for $25,000.

Dr Malkas said: 'That was the moment that changed my life — my fork in the road. I knew I wanted to do something special for that little girl.'

The new therapy comes from 20 years of research and development and targets a cancerous variant of PCNA, a protein that in its mutated form is critical in DNA replication and repair of all expanding tumors, which helps cancers to repair and grow.

Study co-author associate research professor Dr Long Gu, said: 'No one has ever targeted PCNA as a therapeutic because it was viewed as "undruggable," but clearly City of Hope was able to develop an investigational medicine for a challenging protein target.

'We discovered that PCNA is one of the potential causes of increased nucleic acid replication errors in cancer cells.

'Now that we know the problem area and can inhibit it, we will dig deeper to understand the process to develop more personalized, targeted cancer medicines.'

Experiments showed that the investigational pill made cancer cells more susceptible to chemical agents that cause DNA or chromosome damage, hinting that AOH1996 could be helpful in combination therapies and new chemotherapeutics.

As a next step, the researchers will look to understand the mechanism of action better to further improve the ongoing clinical trial in humans.

A press release that accompanied today's paper read: 'City of Hope’s groundbreaking translational research history includes developing the technology underlying synthetic human insulin and monoclonal antibodies, which are integral to widely used, lifesaving cancer drugs, such as trastuzumab, rituximab and cetuximab.'


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3e27f6 No.78268

File: 3956ff59a2212dd⋯.jpg (810.54 KB,3759x1542,1253:514,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317676 (072240ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: Waiting for POTATUS to depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

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9 minutes late still no Air Force 1

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3e27f6 No.78269

File: 6ff38d4eda59fdd⋯.png (510.15 KB,710x781,10:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317681 (072241ZAUG23) Notable: RE: Jack Smith real name dig: Avi/Rex Haauermann? needs moar sauce

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>>>/qresearch/19317408. Lb

notable , need sauce and digs

Avi Haauermann

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3e27f6 No.78270

File: 1fdc22f9185fe62⋯.jpg (927.15 KB,3765x1578,1255:526,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317696 (072244ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: Waiting for POTATUS to depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317704 (072245ZAUG23) Notable: RE: Jack Smith real name dig: Avi/Rex Haauermann? needs moar sauce

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Avi Hauermann

UN Officer

True if Big

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3e27f6 No.78272

File: 9538b8d1cfe1747⋯.pdf (209.26 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317742 (072251ZAUG23) Notable: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has checked herself into a treatment facility for Depression.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Harris County (Texas) judge, Lina Hidalgo, emails today that she entered an OUT-of-STATE facility for depression at the end of July.

Could she be fleeing an impending indictment linked to her aides' 2022 indictments (https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/11/lina-hidalgo-staff-indictments-contract-scandal/ ) and/or the 2022 election fiasco (https://texas.votebeat.org/2023/5/23/23735186/legislature-eliminate-harris-county-election-administrator-oversight) ?

Email copied to PDF (attached) as it does not appear on the Harris County Judge Newsroom news releases website (https://cjo.harriscountytx.gov/Newsroom )

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3e27f6 No.78273

File: 514d567794c3fe3⋯.png (17.02 KB,816x192,17:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 0783599cb936f40⋯.png (642.9 KB,555x2680,111:536,Clipboard.png)

File: 35747824f56dd41⋯.png (41.01 KB,524x701,524:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317743 (072251ZAUG23) Notable: “A Warning To People Smugglers!” | Government Could Send Illegal Migrants To Ascension Island

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Time to show the world.






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3e27f6 No.78274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317770 (072256ZAUG23) Notable: “A Warning To People Smugglers!” | Government Could Send Illegal Migrants To Ascension Island

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>idk talkTv fyi


“A Warning To People Smugglers!” | Government Could Send Illegal Migrants To Ascension Island


518K subscribers

16K views 13 hours ago #talktv #talkradio #migration

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3e27f6 No.78275

File: 9688185ad0bac5d⋯.png (178.79 KB,1258x770,629:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317777 (072257ZAUG23) Notable: Counsel for Donald Trump respond to DC Judge Tanya Chutkan's expedited schedule -

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Techno Fog

Counsel for Donald Trump respond to DC Judge Tanya Chutkan's expedited schedule -

Her decision to ignore Local Rules and give "Trump less than one business day to respond to this important Motion is a concerning development, inconsistent with his due process rights."

5:16 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78276

File: 39e39bd3be94641⋯.png (98.95 KB,692x889,692:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 39e39bd3be94641⋯.png (98.95 KB,692x889,692:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a3a225e54e610d⋯.png (62.41 KB,686x859,686:859,Clipboard.png)

File: f1ef9b6a44af076⋯.png (82.62 KB,669x902,669:902,Clipboard.png)

File: c080427ed65d077⋯.png (34.95 KB,555x392,555:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317782 (072258ZAUG23) Notable: So it begins. There was a reason PDJT moved to ML Florida and all these document tell what is to come that was foretold

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So it begins. There was a reason PDJT moved to ML Florida and all these document tell what is to come that was foretold 04/2018. A plan put together long before the crumbs started dropping.

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3e27f6 No.78277

File: 872a6a122dc99a5⋯.png (19.23 KB,514x202,257:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317804 (072302ZAUG23) Notable: So it begins. There was a reason PDJT moved to ML Florida and all these document tell what is to come that was foretold

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How do you legally introduce evidence!

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3e27f6 No.78278

File: 056e7a9e209bcc6⋯.jpg (57.64 KB,864x486,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317839 (072307ZAUG23) Notable: BioNTech announces $209M net loss in Q2

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BioNTech announces $209M net loss in Q2

Pharmaceutical firm's revenues drop some 95% year-on-year in 2nd quarter

Pharmaceutical company BioNTech announced a net loss of €190.4 million ($209.2 million) in the second quarter of 2023, the company announced on Monday.

The firm's revenues dropped around 95% to €167.7 million in the April-June period, down from €3.2 billion in the same quarter last year, BioNTech said in a press release.

The firm has saw a net profit of $1.67 billion in the second quarter of 2022.

For the first half, it saw a net profit of €311.8 million, down from $5.37 billion a year ago.

The firm's revenues totaled €1.44 billion in the January-June period, decreasing from €9.57 billion.


...hopefully they will get bankrupt, killers!

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3e27f6 No.78279

File: c69beb52b89d37e⋯.png (537.25 KB,894x821,894:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317851 (072309ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Rogan says Tucker Carlson could WIN the presidency in 2028

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'He is no-nonsense':

Joe Rogan says Tucker Carlson could WIN the presidency in 2028

if the fired Fox News host decides to run

Podcaster Joe Rogan becomes the latest to suggest Tucker Carlson has the support for a 2028 run at the White House. The former Fox News anchor has been cagey about his political ambitions since being sacked by his bosses in April but Rogan says 'If Tucker went to run in 2028, he could win.' Speculation about Carlson's own political ambitions have soared since he was sacked by Fox News in the wake of its $787million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems over voting fraud allegations in April.


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3e27f6 No.78280

File: 1f61ef03c289973⋯.png (1.87 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317855 (072311ZAUG23) Notable: Trump legal team singles out Biden’s ‘Dark Brandon’ post as capitalizing on indictment

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Trump legal team singles out Biden’s ‘Dark Brandon’ post as capitalizing on indictment

BY BRETT SAMUELS - 08/07/23 5:52 PM ET

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3e27f6 No.78281

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317863 (072314ZAUG23) Notable: Natalie Winters Exposes Hunter Biden Financial Link To White House Draining US Oil Reserves

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hours ago

Breaking Story

Natalie Winters Exposes Hunter Biden Financial Link To White House Draining US Oil Reserves



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3e27f6 No.78282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317876 (072316ZAUG23) Notable: 25 must see documentaries on natural healing

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25 must see documentaries on natural healing



there was a reality show lasted one season Raw for 30 Days

besides the one person who quit the program every other person completely reversed their diabetes and other ailments. Every one. That's why it was not renewed

"why don't the doctors know about this?" they ask


"how do you go from insulin dependent diabetes for 20 years to no insulin in two weeks!?!"

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3e27f6 No.78283

File: 7042677dfa03d87⋯.png (4.51 MB,1833x2122,1833:2122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317882 (072317ZAUG23) Notable: Out-of-control fire at Albuquerque plastic storage plant could burn for DAYS

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Out-of-control fire at Albuquerque plastic storage plant

sees toxic black smoke billowing into the sky - and it could burn for DAYS

The blaze began as a small outside fire at 5301 Hawking Drive in Mesa Del Sol - but it quickly became a multi-alarm and multi-jurisdictional inferno on Sunday afternoon. Officials noted in a press conference that the fire could burn for 'potentially days.' Thick black smoke was seen billowing from the site, moving with the strong winds. Officials warned that the residue and smoke may contain hazardous air pollutants. Locals have been told to stay indoors with their windows closed.


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3e27f6 No.78284

File: fc81c555cb94d71⋯.png (256.28 KB,550x506,25:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317905 (072321ZAUG23) Notable: Kary Lake's husband Jeff Halperin works for Bob Parson's, the notable about Jenna Ellis is wrong.

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>Kary Lake's husband Jeff Halperin works for Bob Parson's, the notable about Jenna Ellis is wrong.

Quads confirm...

Can I say it?


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3e27f6 No.78285

File: fda6928b8f3f99f⋯.jpeg (883.12 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19317924 (072323ZAUG23) Notable: RE: Jack Smith real name dig: Avi/Rex Haauermann? needs moar sauce

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https://www.ancestry.com › name-origin › surname=h...

Heuerman Name Meaning.

German: occupational name for ahired hand a day laborer from Middle High German hūren 'to hire' + man 'man'. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names

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3e27f6 No.78286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318072 (072344ZAUG23) Notable: Jean-Pierre: We're just not going to comment on the [President Trump] indictment

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Jean-Pierre: We're just not going to comment on the [President Trump] indictment, it is, as you know, being run and led by the Department of Justice, which is an independent as it comes to dealing with these types of cases. We respect the rule of law.

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3e27f6 No.78287

File: 15e0bb2b10f8bfb⋯.png (290.17 KB,945x631,945:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318121 (072352ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump Responds to Jack Smith’s Request For ‘Protective Order’ (Gag Order) After Judge Gives Him Rushed Deadline

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President Trump Responds to Jack Smith’s Request For ‘Protective Order’ (Gag Order) After Judge Gives Him Rushed Deadline

Trump’s counsel responded to Jack Smith’s request for a protective order (gag order) and addressed First Amendment issues.

“In a trial about First Amendment rights, the government seeks to restrict Frist Amendment right. Worse, it does so against its administration’s primary political opponent, during an election season in which the administration, prominent party members, and media allies have campaigned on the indictment and proliferated its false allegations,” Trump’s counsel wrote.

Trump’s attorneys said the government didn’t even respond to a draft of their brief until 11:51 am Monday.

“Without doubt, the Court’s decision to vary from the default Local Rules and allow President Trump less than one business day to respond to this important Motion is a concerning development, inconsistent with his due process rights,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

They added, “Presiden Trump respectfully requests the Court allow the parties 14 days to respond to all written motions, as LCrR 47(b) provides and fundamental fairness requires.”

Trump’s lawyers called Jack Smith’s proposed ‘protective order,’ a gag order.

“However, the need to protect that information does not require a blanket gag order over all documents produced by the government. Rather, the Court can, and should, limit its protective order to genuinely sensitive materials,” they wrote.

Of course Jack Smith, as he has already demonstrated in the classified documents case, wants nearly ALL documents in the January 6 case marked sensitive and under a protective order.


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3e27f6 No.78288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318144 (072357ZAUG23) Notable: New data shows Defence department spent billions on consulting firms PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG

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New data shows Defence department spent billions on consulting firms PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG

Newly compiled data reveals Defence has spent nearly $4 billion on large consulting firms over the past decade, more than all other Australian government departments combined.

Key points:

The analysis prepared by the Greens confirms KPMG received the most money

PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG have received more than $3.7 billion since 2012

The findings were slammed by Greens senator David Shoebridge whose office analysed the data

The analysis prepared by the Greens confirms KPMG, which is facing fresh allegations of ripping off the department, is by far the largest recipient of defence contracts among the big four consulting firms.

Since 2012 defence contracts awarded to consultancy firms PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG have totalled more than $3.7 billion, with the great bulk of the department's spending occurring since 2016.

"Something's rotten in the centre of Defence to allow this to happen," said Greens senator David Shoebridge, whose office analysed a decade's worth of government contracting data.

According to the research, in each of the last six years, Defence's spending on the big four consultancies has been almost doubling year on year.

"With almost daily scandals now breaking where consultants have breached secrecy requirements when it suits them, there is a major national security risk with this," Senator Shoebridge claims.

"Something's gone wrong in the relationship between Defence and consultancies to see this large transfer of public wealth in just the past few years."

KPMG has easily emerged as the biggest beneficiary of the surge in spending by Defence on consultants, gaining more than $440 million in contracts in 2022 alone, up from $49 million in 2012.

"With billions of dollars in contracts comes hundreds, if not thousands, of staff embedded throughout Defence from cyberwarfare to data management and strategic assessments."

"This is not just an obscene waste of public money, it is also a major unchecked security risk," Senator Shoebridge said.

This week a moratorium has taken effect which prevents Defence employees taking new contracts with the department immediately after ending their employment.

The directive was outlined by Defence Chief General Angus Campbell and Department Secretary Greg Moriarty last week as part of overall government efforts to save millions of dollars on contractors and consultants.


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3e27f6 No.78289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318156 (072358ZAUG23) Notable: RE: Jack Smith real name dig: Avi/Rex Haauermann? needs moar sauce

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Rex Hauermann may have had friends in high places...

"His expertise was in expediting projects through arcane city building codes rather than in architectural design."


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3e27f6 No.78290

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318224 (080012ZAUG23) Notable: RE: Jack Smith real name dig: Avi/Rex Haauermann? needs moar sauce

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Ahem. Rex Hauermann may also have done jobs for people in high places...

"According to Department of Buildings records, it was only one such instance of Heuermann’s work brushing up against the industry’s seedier and more colorful characters. In 1998, he did a small job for the developers Fred Contini andTamir Sapirat 100 Church Street—$15,000 to “demolish interior non-load bearing partitions, raised floor and hung ceiling.” (Contini,who also co-owned the Tribeca nightclub Chaos, pleaded guilty to racketeering charges in 2004 after admitting to working with the Gambino and Genovese crime families. Sapir, who died in 2014, moved to the US from Georgia and was a cabbie who went on to became a billionaire in 2002. His daughter got married at Mar-A-Lago, Trump and Jared Kushner were invited to her son’s bris, and Sapir was once fined by federal authorities for illegally importing rare animal parts that he kept on his 150-foot yacht.)==


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3e27f6 No.78291

File: 308c03e9961c434⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x983,1920:983,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318231 (080013ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: 92-9000 with Three Finger Joe onboard will be landing ABQ in about an hour.

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92-9000 with Three Finger Joe onboard will be landing ABQ in about an hour. E-4B Nightwatch should arrive Davis-Monthan AFB well ahead of that.

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3e27f6 No.78292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318251 (080017ZAUG23) Notable: #23725

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#23725 >>78254

>>78276, >>78277 So it begins. There was a reason PDJT moved to ML Florida and all these document tell what is to come that was foretold

>>78274, >>78273 “A Warning To People Smugglers!” | Government Could Send Illegal Migrants To Ascension Island

>>78255 UFO slide not working? Have no fear! The 'scientists' are discovering new species of 'HUMANS'

>>78256 Singer Ne-Yo puts out public statement : Little kids should not get genital mutilation surgeries

>>78258, >>78272 Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has checked herself into a treatment facility for Depression.

>>78261 @warclandestine Trump has gradually gone beyond full Q for the past few months on truth social, and it hardly gets talked about in the mainstream.

>>78259 Clinton Judge Dismisses Trump’s Defamation Case Against E. Jean Carroll

>>78260 Biden to designate Grand Canyon area as national monument to block uranium mining

>>78263, >>78257, >>78268, >>78270 PF Report: Waiting for POTATUS to depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

>>78262 Atlanta Locks Down Courthouse Ahead of Looming Racketeering Charges

>>78265 When Twitter became X, the twitter files became the X-Files…

>>78269, >>78271, >>78285, >>78289, >>78290 RE: Jack Smith real name dig: Avi/Rex Haauermann? needs moar sauce

>>78264, >>78266, >>78267 Potential cancer breakthrough as 'groundbreaking' pill annihilates ALL types of solid tumors in early study

>>78275 Counsel for Donald Trump respond to DC Judge Tanya Chutkan's expedited schedule -

>>78278 BioNTech announces $209M net loss in Q2

>>78279 Joe Rogan says Tucker Carlson could WIN the presidency in 2028

>>78280 Trump legal team singles out Biden’s ‘Dark Brandon’ post as capitalizing on indictment

>>78281 Natalie Winters Exposes Hunter Biden Financial Link To White House Draining US Oil Reserves

>>78282 25 must see documentaries on natural healing

>>78283 Out-of-control fire at Albuquerque plastic storage plant could burn for DAYS

>>78284 Kary Lake's husband Jeff Halperin works for Bob Parson's, the notable about Jenna Ellis is wrong.

>>78286 Jean-Pierre: We're just not going to comment on the [President Trump] indictment

>>78287 President Trump Responds to Jack Smith’s Request For ‘Protective Order’ (Gag Order) After Judge Gives Him Rushed Deadline

>>78288 New data shows Defence department spent billions on consulting firms PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG

>>78291 PF Report: 92-9000 with Three Finger Joe onboard will be landing ABQ in about an hour.


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3e27f6 No.78293

File: deaea6a04ba7d53⋯.png (20.38 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318264 (080018ZAUG23) Notable: #23726

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>baker has ghosted at this time

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3e27f6 No.78294

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318286 (080023ZAUG23) Notable: LATEST TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVERT - HE JOE, WHY ARE YOU SO CORRUPT?!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



new advert from trump linked below.





8.7.23 | New Trump Ad: Coincidence or Corruption?

4 hours ago


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3e27f6 No.78295

File: b5e9d2254a82e24⋯.png (328.02 KB,496x568,62:71,Clipboard.png)

File: f28a85e5d8734d6⋯.png (2.12 MB,1333x888,1333:888,Clipboard.png)

File: e578b8fcf56014d⋯.png (2.27 MB,1333x888,1333:888,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318302 (080027ZAUG23) Notable: Later this evening, the resident will travel to Arizona to announce the creation of a new national monument to protect about a million acres of land around the Grand Canyon from uranium mining.

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Chris D. Jackson


📸 Earlier today, @POTUS @JoeBiden and @FLOTUS @DrBiden

arrived back at the @WhiteHouse from Delaware.

Later this evening, the president will travel to Arizona to announce the creation of a new national monument to protect about a million acres of land around the Grand Canyon from uranium mining.

1:17 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318312 (080029ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Admin Commits Billions To Green Tech It Doesn't Know Will Work

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Biden Admin Commits Billions To Green Tech It Doesn't Know Will Work

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is set to spend billions of taxpayer dollars to boost green agricultural technology that it is unsure will work as intended, Politico reported Monday.

The USDA is beginning to send around $3 billion to American farmers to test out various technologies in hopes of reducing the agricultural industry’s carbon footprint, according to Politico. The spending will promote some green technologies, such as carbon sequestration, that have not yet proven their environmental value at scale, according to Politico.

Robert Bonnie, the USDA official credited with devising the initiative, recognizes that the USDA’s approach is experimental, according to Politico. Environmental interests opposed to the spending initiative worry that some data that would demonstrate the efficacy of subsidized technologies will not be released to the public, as the government would be disclosing proprietary information or trade secrets in some cases.

“Our job here is to basically do this in a way that will attract support,” Bonnie said, according to Politico. “And then prove it can work and prove it’s durable.”

Democrats' Climate Bill Could Pay Farmers To Not Grow Food

“We’re going to have some learning to do. They’re pilots,” Bonnie said of the programs, according to Politico.

The carbon sequestration technology that the USDA is funding is premised upon planting “cover plants” in the harvest off-season to suck up ambient carbon dioxide, according to Politico. However, a 2022 study by the Stanford University Center on Food Security and the Environment found that this sequestration strategy may actually drive more emissions globally, since the cover plants reduce crop productivity and incentivize farmers in other areas to increase their production in order to plug the gap.

Carbon sequestration is one of the technologies receiving the most funding from taxpayers in the USDA initiative, according to Politico. The USDA projects that sequestration projects will sequester up to 60 million tons of carbon from the air, an amount equivalent to reducing the number of cars on American roadways by 12 million, according to Politico.

“It’s not really clear how this is going to do a whole lot more, in some of the projects, than just create another source of income for somebody,” Cathy Day, climate policy director for the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, said, according to Politico. Day’s concerns echo those of environmentalists who worry that the spending may ultimately amount to a subsidy for huge agricultural corporations while doing little to address emissions concerns, according to Politico.

The USDA did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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3e27f6 No.78297

File: e5a131168f1e5cb⋯.png (274.23 KB,599x580,599:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318314 (080029ZAUG23) Notable: @PACAF 🇺🇸+🇦🇺 #AirPower in action!💪

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🇺🇸+🇦🇺 #AirPower in action!💪

@AusAirForce F-35As refueled mid-air by a @usairforce KC-46A during #TalismanSabre23. Joint capabilities on display for a #FreeandOpenIndoPacific!


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3e27f6 No.78298

File: de89e09c9785734⋯.png (368.33 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 193680b78305ff1⋯.png (1.24 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318395 (080044ZAUG23) Notable: The purple robe was the dress code at The Hague.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jack E. Smith ⚖️


Dispelling rumors.

The purple robe was the dress code at The Hague.

No, I am not from the future…but if I’m prosecuting you, yours is in serious jeopardy.

9:19 AM · Nov 21, 2022


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3e27f6 No.78299

File: 1ceee0700fd6bff⋯.png (1.36 MB,634x1024,317:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318398 (080044ZAUG23) Notable: The purple robe was the dress code at The Hague.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78300

File: e153551a6d7586b⋯.png (436.74 KB,655x825,131:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 835313467710bc9⋯.png (145.46 KB,636x814,318:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 45d7678a90b7dd5⋯.png (82.91 KB,1055x672,1055:672,Clipboard.png)

File: c39f541bae74def⋯.png (118.22 KB,1355x780,271:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318408 (080045ZAUG23) Notable: The Commonwealth of Australia Government is a privately owned American corporation - debt securities ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Commonwealth of Australia Government is a privately owned American corporation - debt securities

Pic 3 is what it says now, after they know I know and told them

Here's the link


Pic 4 is what the link used to say - retrieved via wayback machine


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3e27f6 No.78301

File: ea314f4d2849ee1⋯.png (338.54 KB,1170x2142,65:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318411 (080046ZAUG23) Notable: "they" know the story I've been working on for ten months, and am about to drop. They are not going to stop it from coming out. Their timing for this action is fully transparent. Steve Baker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I did no violence, property damage, or parading on #Jan6. I behaved as a journalist and followed the story where it went that day. Period. (Anyone who has followed my work knows that I am not even a Trump supporter.) Today, 2 1/2 years later, I received a Grand Jury subpoena. Grand Juries do not investigate misdemeanor offenses. They have requested that I "not disclose the existence of this subpoena." (Sorry . . . I let that cat out of the bag three days ago.)

Fact is . . . "they" know the story I've been working on for ten months, and am about to drop. They are not going to stop it from coming out. Their timing for this action is fully transparent.

I will not go gentle into that good night.

@ElonMusk @TuckerCarlson @joerogan

Media sources: Feel free to DM me to schedule an interview. I'm ready to tell all.


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3e27f6 No.78302

File: 45b94ac4af632c5⋯.png (35.54 KB,561x359,561:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318447 (080052ZAUG23) Notable: A partner from SEQUOIA CAPITAL donated 2 million dollars to the Never Back Down superpac that supports Ron DeSantis.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A partner from SEQUOIA CAPITAL donated 2 million dollars to the Never Back Down superpac that supports Ron DeSantis.

Does anybody remember what else SEQUOIA CAPITAL owns?

10:21 PM · Aug 6, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78303

File: ada91db09541185⋯.png (355.96 KB,597x585,199:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318468 (080056ZAUG23) Notable: Weird. I've lived in the DC/VA/MD area since 1991 and I have never seen a government closure due to a tornado watch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lisa Mei


Weird. I've lived in the DC/VA/MD area since 1991 and I have never seen a government closure due to a tornado watch.


Tornado Watch in effect for DC area, damaging winds, hail and localized flooding possible - WTOP...

Severe thunderstorms with strong winds, bearing the possibility of tornadoes and hail, are expected to come down on the D.C. area Monday afternoon and into the evening.

Last edited

9:01 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78304

File: 84622bebe2a8f03⋯.png (134.07 KB,591x805,591:805,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318511 (080102ZAUG23) Notable: Virginia removes "homosexual" from definition of "sexual conduct" in order to allow the showing of explicitly gay material to children without requiring parent permission.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Virginia removes "homosexual" from definition of "sexual conduct" in order to allow the showing of explicitly gay material to children without requiring parent permission.


Washington Compost - https://washingtonpost.com/education/2023/08/07/virginia-homosexuality-sexual-conduct-definition/


8:42 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78305

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318519 (080103ZAUG23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 08/07/2023





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3e27f6 No.78306

File: 8eab461273b705e⋯.png (303.43 KB,589x611,589:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318523 (080103ZAUG23) Notable: "they" know the story I've been working on for ten months, and am about to drop. They are not going to stop it from coming out. Their timing for this action is fully transparent. Steve Baker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson


The DOJ is potentially looking to prosecute independent journalist Steve Baker (@TPC4USA

) for his reporting on January 6.

Baker joined @EmeraldRobinson

to detail how the FBI and DOJ have been harassing him.


6:05 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78307

File: 1be27e3cf397571⋯.png (150.2 KB,584x597,584:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318533 (080105ZAUG23) Notable: The heads of Brazil, China, India and South Africa plus Russia’s top diplomat will gather on August 22-24 under the theme “BRICS and Africa”, according to South Africa’s Foreign Minister

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Insider Paper


NEW: The heads of Brazil, China, India and South Africa plus Russia’s top diplomat will gather on August 22-24 under the theme “BRICS and Africa”, according to South Africa’s Foreign Minister


BRICS summit to focus on Africa, without Macron - Insider Paper

A BRICS summit in Johannesburg this month will seek to enhance the five-nation grouping's trade ties with Africa, host South Africa

7:30 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78308

File: fbd2ad155f6a879⋯.png (511 KB,816x857,816:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318540 (080107ZAUG23) Notable: Ro Khanna’s Trusts Dumped BlackRock Stock Weeks Before Announcement Of Congressional Probe

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Ro Khanna’s Trusts Dumped BlackRock

Stock Weeks Before Announcement Of Congressional Probe

Daily Caller, by Matthew Nielsen

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 8/7/2023 3:14:50 PM

Democratic California Rep. Ro Khanna, who sits on the Congressional Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, recorded selling large quantities of BlackRock shares just weeks before the committee announced a probe into the company. Khanna’s disclosure forms state that trusts associated with both his children and spouse offloaded BlackRock stocks totaling between $32,000 and $150,000 between June and March 2023. The Select Committee notified the financial giant in early August that it was under investigation for involvement with over 60 Chinese companies flagged for human rights or national security concerns, The Wall Street Journal reports.

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3e27f6 No.78309

File: c2661b87e24146d⋯.png (191.91 KB,598x881,598:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318564 (080111ZAUG23) Notable: Genital mutilation is now encouraged & covered under Arizona health insurance.

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Kari Lake



Genital mutilation is now encouraged & covered under Arizona health insurance.

We didn't vote on this.


made it so via executive fiat.

I fear we won't even recognize our beloved state after Hobbs is done destroying it.

That's why I'm still in this fight.

Quote Tweet

Charlie Kirk




Arizona State University now proclaiming that castration is covered by the state insurance plan


6:39 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78310

File: 2bd5b9d62cfb932⋯.png (31.46 KB,821x280,821:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318593 (080117ZAUG23) Notable: Disgraced FBI official who probed Trump-Russia ties set to plead guilty to illegally working for Russian oligarch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disgraced FBI official who probed Trump-Russia

ties set to plead guilty to illegally

working for Russian oligarch

New York Post, by Priscilla Degregory

Posted By: FlyRight, 8/7/2023 2:58:43 PM

Disgraced FBI agent Charles McGonigal — who investigated the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Moscow in 2016 — is slated to take a guilty plea in the case accusing him of illegally working for a Russian oligarch. “The court has been informed that defendant Charles McGonigal may wish to enter a change of plea,” Manhattan federal Judge Jennifer Rearden wrote in a brief order filed Monday, scheduling a hearing for Aug. 15. McGonigal, 54, — a former top FBI counterintelligence agent based in New York

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3e27f6 No.78311

File: 0ca711f8e5b40ec⋯.png (1018.76 KB,1307x820,1307:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318603 (080118ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. Energy Secretary Consulted Top Chinese Energy Official Before Draining Strategic Oil Reserve

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


U.S. Energy Secretary Consulted Top Chinese

Energy Official Before Draining Strategic

Oil Reserve

American Greatness, by Eric Lendrum

Posted By: earlybird, 8/7/2023 2:31:22 PM

The Biden Administration’s Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, held several talks with her Chinese counterpart prior to the widely-panned decision to drain the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) back in 2021. (snip)the meetings were documented in Department of Energy (DOE) calendars obtained by Fox News. Granholm met with Zhang Jianhua, chairman of the China National Energy Administration, on November 19th and November 21st, 2021, meetings which were never publicly revealed. Just two days after their second meeting, on November 23rd, Joe Biden announced the decision to start draining the SPR in order to combat rising gas prices in the United States. “Secretary Granholm’s multiple closed-door meetings with a CCP-connected energy official

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3e27f6 No.78312

File: 7f50f7f48b0d396⋯.jpeg (189.93 KB,760x904,95:113,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a478e0397ee6189⋯.jpeg (209.82 KB,767x896,767:896,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318614 (080120ZAUG23) Notable: Florida District Court Judge Cannon Denies Special Counsel Motions to Seal Evidence from Public Review, Asks Smith to Justify Out of District Grand Jury

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Florida District Court Judge Cannon Denies Special Counsel Motions to Seal Evidence from Public Review, Asks Smith to Justify Out of District Grand Jury

August 7, 2023 | Sundance |

Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon denied a DOJ request to keep evidence sealed in the Mar-a-Lago documents case against President Donald J Trump. Additionally, Cannon has demanded that Special Counsel Jack Smith explain why he is using an out of district grand jury to construct additional charges against the defendant. [2-page ruling pdf here]

Cannon has presided over the document issues even before the indictment against Donald Trump was unsealed. As a result, she has a good frame of reference for the Lawfare tactics the Special Counsel is attempting to deploy.

Apparently, the DOJ doesn’t want defendant Waltine Nauta to have the same attorney as someone who might also be a co-defendant or witness in the case. A “Garcia Hearing refers to hearing held under criminal procedure to ensure that a defendant who is one of two or more defendants represented by the same attorney realizes the following:

1.that there is a risk of conflict of interest inherent in the joint representation; 2.that s/he is entitled to the services of an attorney who does not represent anyone else in the defendant’s case.”

Judge Cannon denied the DOJ request to keep filings sealed in the case and she removed sealed filings from the record. Cannon also asked for prosecutors to provide additional explanations about their continued use of a DC jury in the case, which is situated in Florida.

(Cannon may be the only honest judge assigned to a Trump case or related case, no wonder they tried, along the GA circuit court, —with Trump appointed judges—, tried to destroy her reputation and rulings in the document case. This case is still ongoing but nothing moving on that because it was stupid to start with! I have a sense one SC justice that oversees GA, perhaps that htJustice may be well aware of what is happening and advising.)


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3e27f6 No.78313

File: e8cc3566901c124⋯.png (387.17 KB,593x577,593:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318655 (080126ZAUG23) Notable: @jsolomonReports Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


John Solomon


Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China | Just The News

Joe Biden, Auburn, Maine, July 28, 2023 | BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images


Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

Prosecutor's evidence trail in Hunter Biden case directly contradicts claims made by President for years.

1:24 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78314

File: 467ea79f162a938⋯.png (673.94 KB,1170x1685,234:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318727 (080139ZAUG23) Notable: Liz Harrington While President Trump has consistently put America first…Pence’s actions have often seemed more focused on political maneuvering and maintaining his image…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Liz Harrington

“I’ve worked alongside many leaders in my years of service to this Nation. Among them, President Donald J. Trump stands apart as a figure of unwavering determination, a deep vision for America, and the courage to stand where others wilt.” - General Keith Kellogg


“Where President Trump is bold and unafraid to challenge the status quo, Pence has often chosen the passive route, avoiding confrontation. This lack of assertiveness, combined with an overreliance on failed political consultants like Marc Short, has…

“…demonstrated a laisse-faire leadership style unworthy of the Presidency.

While President Trump has consistently put America first…Pence’s actions have often seemed more focused on political maneuvering and maintaining his image…

“That is not what Republican voters want. President Trump’s dedication to prosperity and security of the US is unwavering…

I believe in the future President Trump envisions. A future that demands bold and decisive leadership, something we have seen in Trump but not the Fmr VP.”

9:09 PM · Aug 7, 2023


9:21 PM · Aug 7, 2023



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3e27f6 No.78315

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318728 (080139ZAUG23) Notable: If you’re trying to make sense of the claim that Biden is Pres of the “bankrupt US corporation”, I find official govt records a good place to start:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Laura Logan Brings the Receipts


If you’re trying to make sense of the claim that Biden is Pres of the “bankrupt US corporation”, I find official govt records a good place to start:

Papers Relating to For Relations of the US, Transmitted to Congress…Dec 1, 1873 - Office of the Historian


This is in response to this video


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3e27f6 No.78316

File: 84c0801cb35211b⋯.png (56.04 KB,523x346,523:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318735 (080140ZAUG23) Notable: Sperry: FBI and DARPA (DOD) werent the only agencies inside Trump's administration that spied on him

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Paul Sperry

DEVELOPING:FBI and DARPA (DOD) werent the only agencies inside Trump's administration that spied on him while he was POTUS. Another major Cabinet agency collected sensitive data on Trump & his family during his presidency, despite having no authority to do so. Details to come...

9:31 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78317

File: e8874aa3273b051⋯.png (920.37 KB,1169x622,1169:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318778 (080146ZAUG23) Notable: Disgraced FBI official who probed Trump-Russia ties set to plead guilty to illegally working for Russian oligarch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FBI Special Agent Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion to Plead Guilty to Conspiring with Russian Oligarch

FBI Special Agent Charles McGonigal is expected to plead guilty next week to conspiring with a Russian oligarch.

Earlier this year former Special Agent in charge of counter-intelligence in the New York field office, Charles McGonigal, was arrested for conspiring with Oleg Deripaska, a sanctioned Russian Oligarch.

Charles McGonigal was hit with a five-count indictment and charged with “violating and conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”) and with conspiring to commit money laundering and money laundering.”

Mr. McGonigal retired in 2018, according to the DOJ’s press release.

While working at the FBI, he “supervised and participated in investigations of Russian oligarchs, including Deripaska.”

Per the DOJ: U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Charles McGonigal, a former high-level FBI official, and Sergey Shestakov, a Court interpreter, violated U.S. sanctions by agreeing to provide services to Oleg Deripaska, a sanctioned Russian oligarch. They both previously worked with Deripaska to attempt to have his sanctions removed, and, as public servants, they should have known better. This Office will continue to prosecute those who violate U.S. sanctions enacted in response to Russian belligerence in Ukraine in order to line their own pockets.”

“As alleged, Mr. McGonigal and Mr. Shestakov, both U.S. citizens, acted on behalf of Deripaska and fraudulently used a U.S. entity to obscure their activity in violation of U.S. sanctions. After sanctions are imposed, they must be enforced equally against all U.S. citizens in order to be successful. There are no exceptions for anyone, including a former FBI official like Mr. McGonigal. Supporting a designated threat to the United States and our allies is a crime the FBI will continue to pursue aggressively.” the DOJ said on Monday.

The DOJ alleges that both McGonigal and Shestakov knew that their actions violated US sanctions because McGonigal received classified information that Deripaska would be added to a list of Russian oligarchs to be sanctioned.

McGonigal is expected to plead guilty in Manhattan federal court next week, according to a court filing.

ABC News reported:

One of the highest-ranking FBI officials ever criminally charged is expected to plead guilty next week in Manhattan federal court, according to a new court filing.

Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office, is scheduled for a “plea proceeding” Aug. 5, according to a judge’s order.

“The Court has been informed that Defendant Charles McGonigal may wish to enter a change of plea,” the order said.

McGonigal was charged over his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions.

McGonigal, who retired from the FBI in 2018, is charged with violating U.S. sanctions by trying to get Deripaska off the sanctions list. He was also accused of investigating a rival Russian oligarch in return for concealed payments from Deripaska.



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3e27f6 No.78318

File: f73a49a680b7a76⋯.png (493.36 KB,860x483,860:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318864 (080200ZAUG23) Notable: LATEST TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVERT - HE JOE, WHY ARE YOU SO CORRUPT?!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


$17Mfrom foreign sources

at timestamp :45


where da anons at!?

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3e27f6 No.78319

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19318981 (080217ZAUG23) Notable: Harnwell: CNN Shock Poll — Only 17% Of Americans Want To See US Boots On The Ground In Ukraine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 hours ago

Harnwell: CNN Shock Poll — Only 17% Of Americans Want To See US Boots On The Ground In Ukraine

18 months of relentless pro-war propaganda has ended in embarrassing failure — Americans do NOT want US troops committed in Ukraine.

The US Military-Industrial Complex pushed one escalation after another to obtain by stealth kinetic war — and the end result is that the gulf between President Magoo and the American people could not be wider on this question.

Americans do NOT want another ForeverWar — but will they be allowed to express this at the ballot box in November 2024?

40:05. Hmm 45


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3e27f6 No.78320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319041 (080226ZAUG23) Notable: #23726

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clamin the baker btw


#23726 >>78293


>>78295 Later this evening, the resident will travel to Arizona to announce the creation of a new national monument to protect about a million acres of land around the Grand Canyon from uranium mining.

>>78296 Biden Admin Commits Billions To Green Tech It Doesn't Know Will Work

>>78297 @PACAF 🇺🇸+🇦🇺 #AirPower in action!💪

>>78298, >>78299 The purple robe was the dress code at The Hague.

>>78300 The Commonwealth of Australia Government is a privately owned American corporation - debt securities ?

>>78301, >>78306 "they" know the story I've been working on for ten months, and am about to drop. They are not going to stop it from coming out. Their timing for this action is fully transparent. Steve Baker

>>78302 A partner from SEQUOIA CAPITAL donated 2 million dollars to the Never Back Down superpac that supports Ron DeSantis.

>>78303 Weird. I've lived in the DC/VA/MD area since 1991 and I have never seen a government closure due to a tornado watch.

>>78304 Virginia removes "homosexual" from definition of "sexual conduct" in order to allow the showing of explicitly gay material to children without requiring parent permission.

>>78305 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

>>78307 The heads of Brazil, China, India and South Africa plus Russia’s top diplomat will gather on August 22-24 under the theme “BRICS and Africa”, according to South Africa’s Foreign Minister

>>78308 Ro Khanna’s Trusts Dumped BlackRock Stock Weeks Before Announcement Of Congressional Probe

>>78309 Genital mutilation is now encouraged & covered under Arizona health insurance.

>>78310, >>78317 Disgraced FBI official who probed Trump-Russia ties set to plead guilty to illegally working for Russian oligarch

>>78311 U.S. Energy Secretary Consulted Top Chinese Energy Official Before Draining Strategic Oil Reserve

>>78312 Florida District Court Judge Cannon Denies Special Counsel Motions to Seal Evidence from Public Review, Asks Smith to Justify Out of District Grand Jury

>>78313 @jsolomonReports Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

>>78314 Liz Harrington While President Trump has consistently put America first…Pence’s actions have often seemed more focused on political maneuvering and maintaining his image…

>>78315 If you’re trying to make sense of the claim that Biden is Pres of the “bankrupt US corporation”, I find official govt records a good place to start:

>>78316 Sperry: FBI and DARPA (DOD) werent the only agencies inside Trump's administration that spied on him

>>78319 Harnwell: CNN Shock Poll — Only 17% Of Americans Want To See US Boots On The Ground In Ukraine


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3e27f6 No.78321

File: 78e989483decc9c⋯.png (49.25 KB,612x446,306:223,Clipboard.png)

File: b695acbcfbc964c⋯.png (104.53 KB,265x201,265:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 3328ee29aef6984⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x741,1024:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 23e3a0a16f7568b⋯.gif (7 MB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319062 (080229ZAUG23) Notable: #23727

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Baker prefers off hand, will note till can't

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3e27f6 No.78322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319133 (080244ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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The Corporation of America

And it’s fall

Part 1

The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation thus making its citizens property of that entity


1913- The federal Reserve Act that gave the corporation of America legal authority to print money and charge interest without any backing


1920- independent Treasury Act the put the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve in control of the Treasury


1921- Induction, federal employees now funded by Fed instead of Treasury

1925- United States Corporation privatized all legal documents related to funding both domestic and foreign interest

1933- Banking emergency Act, where government took over precious metals from the bank thus turning the once gold back dollar into a debt note


1945- United Nations Participation Act which gave the control of independent banks over to the Central Bank of London

All source documents can be found here👇


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3e27f6 No.78323

File: d9d0da752c5b9bc⋯.png (155.43 KB,988x725,988:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319139 (080245ZAUG23) Notable: Judge in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case demands to know why the DOJ wants to use a grand jury from out of state

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Judge in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case demands to know why the DOJ wants to use a grand jury from out of state

as she hands Jack Smith multiple blows

▶ Judge Aileen Cannon demanded to know why Jack Smith used two grand juries

▶ Evidence was collected in DC, even though charges were brought in Florida

The federal judge in Donald Trump's classified documents case on Monday asked prosecutors why they had used grand juries in Florida and in Washington to build their case when charges were filed in South Florida.

Judge Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by Trump, asked Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team to respond by Aug. 22.

'The response shall address the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings on matters pertinent to the instant indicted matter in this district,' she wrote in a court filing.

Trump appeared in Miami federal court in June to plead not guilty to charges related to his handling of government documents and an alleged cover-up.

Since then, the indictment has been expanded to accuse him and two aides — Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveria — of trying to evade government efforts to retrieve some 32 classified documents. ...


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3e27f6 No.78324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319143 (080245ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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Part 2


(The first constitution was illegally suspended in favor of a Vatican “Crown” corporation in 1871)

Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies.

The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States.

The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776.

On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (which is the temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope) and Democracy was born.

And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent.

That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the United States for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” written all in capitals.

The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – the Crown (a.k.a. City of London Corporation – est. by the Catholic Church on Jan 1, 1855 ) thereby incurring a DEBT to the Pope.

The conniving Pope and his bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations.

So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed.

With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.

With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq. miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution – the United States’ secret second constitution.

The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city-state within the three city empire.

The three city empire consists of Washington D.C (the D.C. stands for District of Columbia), City of London Corporation, and Vatican City State.

City of London Corporation is the corporate center of the three city-states and controls the world economically.

Washington D.C. is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance.

Although geographically separate, the city-states of; City of London Corporation, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City”

The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law).

When congress illegally passed the act of 1871 it created a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.

This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens.

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3e27f6 No.78325

File: 134fb2bb10dfbab⋯.png (64.04 KB,870x683,870:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319145 (080245ZAUG23) Notable: DeSantis' decline accelerating in the RCP National Avg. Now down to 15.7%.

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Liz Harrington Retweeted


DeSantis' decline accelerating in the RCP National Avg. Now down to 15.7%.



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3e27f6 No.78326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319153 (080246ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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Part 3


What did the Act of 1871 achieve? The ACT of 1871 put the United States back under Crown rule (which is Vatican rule).

The United States people lost their independence in 1871.


It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not!

Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document.

This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans.

What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, We the People, now have “relative” rights or privileges.

By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.

The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.

As of 1871 the United States isn’t a Country; It’s a Corporation!

In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Roman Catholic Pope’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the People” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES.

The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which the USA is supposed to represent.

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3e27f6 No.78327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319169 (080248ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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Part 4

The shift



Headquarters Court North Florida Bankruptcy Section Chief Judge Karen K. SPECIE Northern District of Florida | United States Bankruptcy Court (uscourts.gov)


- Bankruptcy - Database of all U.S. bankruptcy proceedings pass the required captcha you explore the status of the petition filed by the two Moorsh's in question

tinyurl .com/yyh9chmm

- US Chapter 11 - Bankruptcy Basics | United States Courts (uscourts.gov) uscourts.gov/services-forms…

- Bankruptcy Court Order (last act of 1/22/2021)


- PHELPS DUNBAR LLP Law Firm Homepage

- phelps.com

US Corporation Agent in Florida Detail by

- Officer/Registered Agent Name (sunbiz.org)


- All US Corporation Company agents in USA Process Agents for: UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY


- Original Articles of the US Corporation 1925


- SEC Archives - Edgar SEC.gov | Filings & Forms


- U.S. Corporation Company no longer appears at SEC EDGAR Search Results (sec.gov)


- Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the United States. Year 1871. The Corporation, the District of Columbia, and the new capital, Washington, DC, are born. Congress approves. The Nation is swallowed whole by the U.S. Corporation An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia. (loc.gov) loc.gov/law/help/statu…

- Guido Jung, Minister of Finance to the King of Italy, travels to Washington. Italy is bankrupt and becomes an asset of the Republic of Italy Corporation, based in Washington DC. Year 1933

tinyurl. com/y2rotrpu patrimonio.archivioluce.com/luce-web/detai…

- dba CSC Corporate Service - agent UCC

Corporate Legal Solutions | Corporate Services | CSC (cscglobal.com)


- dba CIS - Coastal International Security akalglobal.com/coastal-intern…

- dba CHINA TELTECH COMPANY 中国天辰 (china-tcc.com) en.china-tcc.com

- dba China Telecom (America) Company chinatelecom-h.com/en/global/home…

- dba FIFITH FLORIDA LIVING OPTIONS LLC FIFTH FLORIDA LIVING OPTIONS LLC / Florida Living Options Inc (intercreditreport.com) florida.intercreditreport.com/company/fifth-…

- Complaint against Kamala Harris, a federal judge, a county sheriff, and against actor Chris Evans, also brought by the Moorish, in June 2016 Maalik Rahshe El v. Richard F Walmark et al (2:12-cv-10514), California Central District Court (pacermonitor.com) pacermonitor.com/public/case/46…

- Treaty of Peace between the U.S. and Morocco, Year 1787, under President Lincoln. The Moorish people are protected and totally immune.

Treaty with Morocco, [1-25 January 1787] (archives.gov) founders.archives.gov/documents/Jeff…

- The Constitution of the Moorish Zodiac The Moors are a state. ZODIAC_CONSTITUTION_ONLINE (itsuandi.org)


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3e27f6 No.78328

File: 8d2bf9c5977e17d⋯.png (167.23 KB,613x951,613:951,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b5ef82a4ae0cd7⋯.png (164.01 KB,619x951,619:951,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c9367b7799e9f1⋯.png (164.82 KB,609x949,609:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 746d3c77d464daf⋯.png (175.28 KB,603x949,603:949,Clipboard.png)

File: ec7385752fa90b1⋯.png (165.14 KB,601x951,601:951,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319191 (080253ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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3e27f6 No.78329

File: 4a7e1b065b9c187⋯.png (157.39 KB,617x945,617:945,Clipboard.png)

File: 3160c18e99654eb⋯.png (158.94 KB,615x949,615:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 534490e6904d0de⋯.png (180.95 KB,607x951,607:951,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d86942f5253019⋯.png (162.6 KB,605x949,605:949,Clipboard.png)

File: b8467681e2319d1⋯.png (161.81 KB,607x945,607:945,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319204 (080255ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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3e27f6 No.78330

File: 94fa5ef78ec90aa⋯.jpeg (279.35 KB,750x1151,750:1151,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ca119bea702991e⋯.jpeg (84.44 KB,591x1280,591:1280,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5c2a9df2fb96dcd⋯.jpeg (61.59 KB,710x599,710:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2108e44012de5e4⋯.jpeg (110.85 KB,417x412,417:412,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2d034a951f8a4a3⋯.jpeg (421.53 KB,750x1216,375:608,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319214 (080257ZAUG23) Notable: A request to dig out plants.

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Request for Dig.

Plenty O SAUXE

A request to dig out plants.



👻 01001010




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3e27f6 No.78331

File: f2fc7679db35221⋯.png (146.47 KB,619x951,619:951,Clipboard.png)

File: a512b837bf39c7e⋯.pdf (1021.12 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319217 (080257ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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3e27f6 No.78332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319227 (080300ZAUG23) Notable: American Airlines passenger behind ‘not real’ viral tirade that delayed travelers for hours ID’d as marketing executive

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American Airlines passenger behind ‘not real’ viral tirade that delayed travelers for hours ID’d as marketing executive


Woman has epic meltdown over ‘not real’ passenger on American Airlines flight: ‘I’m getting the f–k off’

“Due to the statements the flight attendants felt the aircraft needed to be rescreened. [The airline manager] explained that the passenger was denied boarding and they wanted her escorted to the public side.”

All the other passengers on Flight 1009 from Fort Worth to Orlando were then made to deplane so they could be screened through security again as a precaution because of the the nature of Gomas’ complaints.

“TSA personnel arrived at the scene to conduct a full rescreening of the aircraft,” the paperwork revealed.

By the time officers arrived at the gate, Gomas was “distraught” and trying to get back onto the plane. When Dallas-Fort Worth Department of Public Safety cops tried to speak to Gomas, she refused.

“[The airline manager] gave Gomes a verbal criminal trespass notice, explaining she was denied boarding and needed to depart the secure area,” investigators noted.

The rejected passenger was eventually escorted to the non-secure area of the airport, but that didn’t stop her from attempting to come back through TSA screening and into the boarding area multiple times, the documents say.

Tiffany Gomas

The argument had started when Gomas fell out with relatives she was traveling with, accusing them of stealing her AirPods, cops said.

Police eventually tracked Gomas down to the terminal curb, where she was sitting and waiting for an Uber.

>She was given a ticket for criminal trespass notice which she refused to sign. Gomas did not show police her ID, the complaint states. She was never formally arrested or taken into custody. Through a representative, Gomas declined to give comment on the incident to The Post.

>Although her reputation has taken a hit, at least legally Gomas is likely in the clear.

smart biotch tho

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3e27f6 No.78333

File: 80597682a01b165⋯.png (308.81 KB,539x650,539:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319252 (080304ZAUG23) Notable: Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

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Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Air Force has detected unsafe levels of a likely carcinogen at underground launch control centers at a Montana nuclear missile base where a striking number of men and women have reported cancer diagnoses.

A new cleanup effort has been ordered.

The discovery “is the first from an extensive sampling of active U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile bases to address specific cancer concerns raised by missile community members,” Air Force Global Strike Command said in a release Monday. In those samples, two launch facilities at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana showed PCB levels higher than the thresholds recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency.

PCBs are oily or waxy substances that have been identified as a likely carcinogen by the EPA. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a blood cancer that uses the body’s infection-fighting lymph system to spread.

In response, Gen. Thomas Bussiere, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, has directed “immediate measures to begin the cleanup process for the affected facilities and mitigate exposure by our airmen and Guardians to potentially hazardous conditions.”

After a military briefing was obtained by The Associated Press in January showing that at least nine current or former missileers at Malmstrom were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a rare blood cancer, the Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine launched a study to look at cancers among the entire missile community checking for the possibility of clusters of the disease.

And there could be hundreds more cancers of all types, based on new data from a grassroots group of former missile launch officers and their surviving family members. ...


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3e27f6 No.78334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319259 (080305ZAUG23) Notable: Albuquerque fire officially out

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Albuquerque fire officially out.

Investigators: Local plastic company fire started at vehicle in parking lot

BERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M. (KRQE) — The fire that emitted black smoke south of Albuquerque is officially out. Crews are detailing more about what burned and what’s next for the clean-up at the site.

The fire sparked around 2:40 p.m. at Atkore United Poly Systems Warehouse, which is south of Sunport. Officials said wind spread the fire along the south side of the building and melted off side paneling. It also destroyed tools and equipment, like generators.

Investigators have been able to pinpoint the source of the fire, saying it was an employee’s car.

“Right now, they have the origin nailed down right around that vehicle behind us. You can see it was kinda taped off there, so now they are just trying to determine the cause,” said Lt. Jason Fejer with Albuquerque Fire Rescue.

There’s almost nothing left of the vehicle, and for the business, the largest loss was the product that was made and stored at the location. The product is recycled plastic tubing used to bury utility lines, which is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Because of the type of materials that burned, crews are taking extra steps to make sure all hot spots have been put out.

“The nature of plastic as it burns, it melts and kinda conceals smoldering and burning pockets underneath, so with the heavy equipment and our trucks on scene, we were able to fully extinguish everything,” said Lt. Fejer.

Officials are still trying to find out why the car caught on fire or if the fire started outside of the vehicle. They’re hoping to have the answer within a few days.

A health alert was issued Sunday that expired Monday morning, crews are confident there’s no threat to the public. And the city’s Environmental Health Department agrees, saying the air quality seems to be back to normal. “We did see some small elevated levels but nothing, nothing that would essentially give us some major concern for the metro area,” Angel Martinez Jr, the Director, said.

While the air quality has improved, the burnt plastic left over carries its own health concerns. The city says it’s planning a site assessment on the property for later this week.


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3e27f6 No.78335

File: b0d16f5ce8ed48b⋯.png (29.53 KB,527x283,527:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319277 (080308ZAUG23) Notable: Why isn’t mainstream media covering Andy Ngo’s trial against Antifa?

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Katie Daviscourt

Why isn’t mainstream media covering Andy Ngo’s trial against Antifa?

Better yet, why am I the only reporter in the courtroom (besides The Oregonian which makes rare appearances).

11:04 PM · Aug 7, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78336

File: 219a3978a271f34⋯.png (406.49 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319282 (080309ZAUG23) Notable: Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

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3e27f6 No.78337

File: 426537df987c0ca⋯.gif (45.11 KB,751x240,751:240,Clipboard.gif)

File: c0e6e6a52546930⋯.png (334.16 KB,2728x1556,682:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319298 (080311ZAUG23) Notable: Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

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3e27f6 No.78338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319299 (080311ZAUG23) Notable: Major Australian Banks Are Going Cashless - Forced Acceptance Of CBDCs Next?

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Major Australian Banks Are Going Cashless - Forced Acceptance Of CBDCs Next?

The core problems of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have been addressed many times here, but it may bear repeating these two facts - First, in a cashless society all privacy in trade is lost, and second, banks and governments will control access to all of your money. If such a system is allowed, it will act as a major stepping stone to technocratic authoritarianism. It's inevitable.

The Australian government and central bank have been involved in a beta test for the past year with the proliferation of CBDCs in mind. Their partnership projects with the Bank for International Settlements and pilot programs with companies like Mastercard are about to wrap up this fall, and it looks as though Aussie bureaucrats are planning to implement their cashless system very quickly after the trial run is finished.

In defense of CBDCs officials suggest that Australians are already shifting into a cashless society, citing the fact that the population went from 32% using cash to only 16% using cash in the span of three years. Of course, what they don't mention is that Australia's aggressive and draconian covid lockdowns and mandates since 2020 pushed the public into relying more on digital and online purchases.

Already, the top four banks in the country are removing over the counter cash withdrawals at most of their branches. "Special centers" will be put in place for "more complex banking needs including cash" but the overall trend will be the reduction of paper money, forcing the populace to go fully digital.


The use of CBDCs by the establishment to control the flow of money is tied directly to social engineering programs. As members of the World Economic Forum have openly admitted, governments could program CBDC usage to prevent purchases of items they deem to have a negative social impact. These restricted items could be anything from ammunition to meat. In other words, they don't have to officially "ban" certain products, all they have to do is make it impossible to buy them.

But the micromanagement goes well beyond this. There are plans to make CBDCs that "time out," compelling the public to spend them before they expire. There is also the issue of social credit scoring, which has been established in China and is creeping into western institutions. What if one day the powers-that-be decide that certain speech and certain beliefs cause "harm" to the greater collective and must be suppressed through monetary penalties? This could result in limitations on how you can use your bank account everytime you make a comment they don't like on social media. Or, it could result in your account being frozen for a period of time until you publicly apologize for your statements.


It makes sense that Australia would be one of the first western nations to adopt the cashless structure. The government was rather successful in enforcing extreme covid lockdowns with minimal public resistance, to the point that citizens in cities were under house arrest and were not even allowed to go to the parks or beaches in many cases. It's likely the the establishment sees Australians as an easy target for the first volley of cashless controls.


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3e27f6 No.78339

File: 0c290f58a47015f⋯.jpg (13.76 KB,328x154,164:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06f0c25785f090f⋯.jpeg (76.6 KB,929x523,929:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319348 (080323ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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You got a point if it's back then or soon you definitionally don't want to hold Fed Dollars

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3e27f6 No.78340

File: b7a83ea18157684⋯.jpg (88.17 KB,720x453,240:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a9e3238d30a85cb⋯.jpg (142.82 KB,754x320,377:160,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319356 (080324ZAUG23) Notable: The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

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3e27f6 No.78341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319392 (080333ZAUG23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

SpaceX is targeting Monday, August 7 at 8:57 p.m. PT (03:57 UTC on August 8) for a Falcon 9 launch of 15 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. If needed, additional launch opportunities are available at 10:38 p.m. PT (05:38 UTC on August 8) and 11:28 p.m. PT (06:28 UTC on August 8). Four backup opportunities are also currently available on Tuesday, August 8 starting at 8:32 p.m. PT (03:32 UTC on August 9) until 11:54 p.m. PT (06:54 UTC on August 9).

This is the fifth flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched SDA-0A and three Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.



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3e27f6 No.78342

File: 46d5121c8de81bf⋯.jpg (74.3 KB,712x710,356:355,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b231d18235a423e⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB,488x270,244:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319451 (080346ZAUG23) Notable: Jim Brewer on covid and the vax :joy::trophy:

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KEK Good stuff, we need MOAR comedians, funny people and truth tellers


Jim Brewer on covid and the vax 😂🏆

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3e27f6 No.78343

File: 8f652a16ef6db99⋯.png (591.25 KB,923x1034,923:1034,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319537 (080402ZAUG23) Notable: Shocking accounts of collusion between Big Tech and fed govt

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Shocking accounts of collusion between Big Tech and fed govt

When Mark Meckler appeared on Mike Huckabee's show in October 2021, he warned that “the Democratic Party and Big Tech… [are] absolutely wed so that they can control what you and I can say.”

In the two years since then, Mark’s message has proven to be terrifyingly astute. Of course, we all knew that Big Tech and the federal government were in cahoots; but the lengths to which they would go to suppress free speech were shocking even to the most cynical among us. The argument that “social media companies are private companies; therefore, they’re free to run their businesses however they want” is totally destroyed when those very same companies are pressured by top government officials to censor anything contrary to the far left’s authoritarian agenda.

Last year alone, for example, reports broke that:

Prior to the 2020 presidential election, the FBI asked Facebook to be “vigilant” in guarding against “Russian propaganda” before the Hunter Biden laptop story broke, leading the social media platform to suppress that crucial story, which, after the election, was confirmed.

In 2021, the White House pressured Twitter to permanently suspend vaccine skeptic Alex Berenson, dubbed by “Vanity Fair” and “The Atlantic” the “King of the COVID-19 Contrarians” and “the pandemic’s wrongest man.” To his 340,000 followers, Berenson raised questions about the COVID-19 vaccine’s efficacy at the same time that Mr. Biden used “every available coercive means” to force the jab. Conveniently, the administration had him silenced.

In 2022, the White House emailed Instagram, requesting that the Meta-owned platform take down an account mocking Dr. Anthony Fauci. “Yep, on it,” Instagram responded in less than a minute.

The Google Play Store snubbed former President Donald Trump’s alternative social media platform, “Truth Social,” due to its alleged failure to impose content moderation. Ironically, at the same time, Google also hosted other apps with violent content that went uncensored.

These reports confirm a clear connection between Big Tech censorship and government coercion. Mr. Biden’s team and the FBI have a direct line to some of the biggest, most influential companies in the world, and there’s no telling how they might abuse that privilege again in the future.

Big Tech is dangerous enough. But working as the puppet of an out-of-control federal government, spearheaded by a president who openly demonizes the half of the country that didn’t vote for him, it has become more of a political weapon than ever before.

Thankfully, the states are fighting back, with several states suing the federal government over “open collusion with social media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media [sic] platforms.”

But more than this, we need all states to act in a coordinated effort to crack down on would-be authoritarianism in one fell swoop. With an Article V convention, all 50 states can lock shields against federal overreach and break the unconstitutional, anti-First Amendment bond between D.C. and Big Tech.


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3e27f6 No.78344

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319559 (080408ZAUG23) Notable: from Jul 24: Donald Trump Exclusive Interview | UFC Unfiltered

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Donald Trump Exclusive Interview | UFC Unfiltered

Jul 24, 2023

The 45th President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, sat down with Jim Norton and Matt Serra in Las Vegas on UFC 290 fight day.



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3e27f6 No.78345

File: ebb94c1e6419919⋯.png (28.79 KB,588x295,588:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319608 (080418ZAUG23) Notable: FINALLY: Mike Pence qualifies for first GOP debate

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FINALLY:Mike Pence qualifies for first GOP debate



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3e27f6 No.78346

File: 10b1c5cec386c51⋯.png (612.91 KB,1083x2640,361:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319841 (080502ZAUG23) Notable: Clot shot not good for lepers, either

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Leprosy adverse events associated with BNT162b2 anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

The authors from the United Kingdom conducted a retrospective cohort study to examine the anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination status of individuals who were diagnosed with leprosy and attended in 2021 the Leprosy Clinic at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, UK, a national referral center in the UK for tropical and infectious diseases. They also examined whether any of these individuals had developed leprosy or experienced a new leprosy reaction within the 12 weeks following the anri-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. They presented two cases who met the criteria for a new leprosy adverse events associated with BNT162b2 anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.


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3e27f6 No.78347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319873 (080509ZAUG23) Notable: #23727

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claiming the bake, will ghost at the top

#23727 >>78321

>>78322, >>78324, >>78326, >>78327, >>78328, >>78329, >>78331, >>78339, >>78340 The Corporation of America The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation

>>78323 Judge in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case demands to know why the DOJ wants to use a grand jury from out of state

>>78325 DeSantis' decline accelerating in the RCP National Avg. Now down to 15.7%.

>>78330 A request to dig out plants.

>>78332 American Airlines passenger behind ‘not real’ viral tirade that delayed travelers for hours ID’d as marketing executive

>>78333, >>78336, >>78337 Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

>>78334 Albuquerque fire officially out

>>78335 Why isn’t mainstream media covering Andy Ngo’s trial against Antifa?

>>78338 Major Australian Banks Are Going Cashless - Forced Acceptance Of CBDCs Next?

>>78341 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>78342 Jim Brewer on covid and the vax :joy::trophy:

>>78343 Shocking accounts of collusion between Big Tech and fed govt

>>78344 from Jul 24: Donald Trump Exclusive Interview | UFC Unfiltered

>>78345 FINALLY: Mike Pence qualifies for first GOP debate

>>78346 Clot shot not good for lepers, either

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3e27f6 No.78348

File: 199c37746f86599⋯.png (450.33 KB,595x390,119:78,Clipboard.png)

File: 70ee4e437d26629⋯.png (159.23 KB,259x416,259:416,Clipboard.png)

File: be1feaea450ca1f⋯.png (166.58 KB,430x401,430:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319936 (080523ZAUG23) Notable: #23728

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baker OUT, bread ghosted

Shills be gone


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3e27f6 No.78349

File: 5946a82dc6bd052⋯.png (685.58 KB,719x792,719:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19319988 (080540ZAUG23) Notable: Chief of Texas' largest county takes medical leave for depression

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Chief of Texas' largest county takes medical leave for depression

HOUSTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Lina Hidalgo, chief executive of the third-largest U.S. county and the largest one in Texas, has checked in to a medical facility outside the state to be treated for clinical depression, she said on Monday.

Hidalgo, a Democrat elected in 2018 to lead the county of 4.9 million residents, has battled Republican state officials over election administration and police funding. Last November, she won re-election as Harris County judge against a well-funded political novice with a slim margin of about17,000 votes.

Hidalgo has also clashed with county's district attorney, Kim Ogg, and in June cursed during a public commissioners' meeting in a discussion related to Ogg.

Three of Hidalgo's former aides have been indicted for helping steer COVID-outreach contracts to a party consultant.

"I am one of the over 21 million American adults that is suffering from clinical depression," Hidalgo said in a public letter, adding she was diagnosed and entered a treatment facility last month. She hopes to resume a normal schedule by early September, Hidalgo wrote.


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3e27f6 No.78350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320063 (080610ZAUG23) Notable: Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has allegedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively on diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, she was 39

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>caused by red meat

vegan PETA flake masquerading as anon detected

Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has allegedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively on a diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, according to her friends and family.

She was 39.


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3e27f6 No.78351

File: 9247bdea42227d0⋯.png (548.21 KB,508x614,254:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 658df724ea725ad⋯.png (116.98 KB,925x603,925:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320080 (080617ZAUG23) Notable: Washington shuts US government offices due to threatening weather

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Washington shuts US government offices due to threatening weather

By David Shepardson

August 8, 20231:56 AM UTC Updated an hour ago

WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - U.S. government offices in the Washington D.C. area closed early on Monday because of threatening weather as forecasters warned people across the eastern U.S. of possible tornadoes, damaging winds and large hailstones.

Fast-moving thunderstorms and powerful winds toppled trees and knocked out power for nearly 200,000 homes and businesses in neighboring Maryland and Virginia, according to tracking website PowerOutage.us. As many as 800,000 customers had lost power in the southern and mid-Atlantic states.

Though drenched with rain and pelted with some hail, the nation's capital had escaped any twisters by the time a National Weather Service tornado watch expired at 9 p.m. EDT (0100 GMT).

A coastal flood advisory remained in effect for Washington until 4 a.m. 08000 GMT).

The National Weather Service said more than 29.5 million people from Alabama to western New York state had been at risk of tornadoes on Monday, but none had been reported as of 9 p.m. EDT.

The Federal Aviation Administration ordered departing flights grounded at airports in New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Atlanta and Baltimore because of thunderstorms. The FAA said it was rerouting aircraft around the storms as much as possible.

Libraries, museums, the National Zoo, pools and other municipal and federal services in the Washington area were also closing early. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management said federal employees had to depart no later than 3 p.m.

FlightAware, a flight tracking site, said more than 2,600 U.S. flights had been canceled, including 102 at Washington Reagan National Airport and 35 at Washington Dulles. Another 7,700 U.S. flights had been delayed.

Reporting by David Shepardson; Additional reporting by Jonathan Allen in New York and Daniel Trotta in Carlsbad, California; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, David Gregorio and Cynthia Osterman


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3e27f6 No.78352

File: ac880b53bef040a⋯.png (489.33 KB,1271x874,1271:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320132 (080639ZAUG23) Notable: US deploys more than 3K sailors, Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships

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US deploys more than 3K sailors, Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships

Navy says pre-planned deployment will aid US 5th Fleet

The U.S. Navy announced the arrival Monday of more than 3,000 sailors and Marines to the Middle East following a call by the Department of Defense for additional troops after "recent attempts by Iran to seize commercial ships in the CENTCOM area of operations."

The forces from the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) arrived in the Middle East on Sunday, according to U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (CENTCOM).

"Amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 50) and dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (LSD 50) entered the Red Sea after transiting from the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. Bataan ARG/26th MEU units bring to the region additional aviation and naval assets, as well as more U.S. Marines and Sailors, providing greater flexibility and maritime capability to U.S. 5th Fleet," CENTCOM said in a statement.

"An amphibious assault ship can carry more than two dozen rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft, including MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and AV-8B Harrier attack jets in addition to several amphibious landing craft," the statement added. "A dock landing ship also supports operations for various rotary-wing aircraft, tactical vehicles and amphibious landing craft."

The Navy said the Bataan ARG departed Norfolk on July 10 while the 26th MEU, which is based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, "is capable of conducting amphibious missions, crisis response," and "designated special operations," among other abilities.

On July 20, CENTCOM said that "in response to recent attempts by Iran to seize commercial ships in the CENTCOM area of operations, the Secretary of Defense has ordered the deployment of an Amphibious Readiness Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) into the CENTCOM area of responsibility."

"In the past two years, Iran has attacked, seized, or attempted seizure of nearly 20 internationally flagged merchant vessels in the CENTCOM area of operations," CENTCOM added at the time.

The situation has led the U.S. military to consider placing armed personnel onboard commercial ships in the Strait of Hormuz, American officials told The Associated Press last week.

"The Strait of Hormuz is a vital seaway that has a huge impact on seaborne trade around the world," National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said, according to AP. "It’s a critical chokepoint in the maritime world. And we have seen threats by Iran to affect that chokepoint."


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3e27f6 No.78353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320135 (080643ZAUG23) Notable: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism: Goal 2.1 Data Collection

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FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

And the Administration calls on Congress to fully fund its FY24 budget request of $360 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)—$55 million above the FY23 enacted amount.


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3e27f6 No.78354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320162 (080653ZAUG23) Notable: US deploys more than 3K sailors, Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships

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More than 3,000 US military personnel have arrived in the Red Sea on board two warships, part of a beefed-up response from the United States after alleged seizures of several civilian ships by Iran, the US Navy said.

The US sailors and marines entered the Red Sea on Sunday after transiting through the Suez Canal in a preannounced deployment, the US Fifth Fleet said in a statement on Monday.

In a Monday press conference, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said US deployments are only serving Washington’s interests.

“The US government’s military presence in the region has never created security. Their interests in this region have always compelled them to fuel instability and insecurity,” he told reporters.

“We are deeply convinced that the countries of the Persian Gulf are capable of ensuring their own security.”

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3e27f6 No.78355

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320190 (080702ZAUG23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Bidenomics in the RAW

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Dan Scavino


Aug 08, 2023, 1:39 AM


Bidenomics in the RAW



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3e27f6 No.78356

File: 15776e91143770b⋯.png (350.74 KB,598x613,598:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320205 (080706ZAUG23) Notable: US deploys more than 3K sailors, Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships

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More than 3,000 🇺🇸 Sailors & Marines of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group & 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrived in the Middle East, Aug. 6, as part of a pre-announced Department of Defense deployment.




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3e27f6 No.78357

File: e245947945a3295⋯.png (234.92 KB,900x530,90:53,Clipboard.png)

File: f7bcea3da6cd7c4⋯.png (1.08 MB,1392x788,348:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 313ff92463d1c8b⋯.png (391.37 KB,747x804,249:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320206 (080707ZAUG23) Notable: For the keks: Trump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


“@realDonaldTrump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer”

Aug 08, 2023, 1:01 AM


Trump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer



Aug 7, 2023

U.S. — Former President Trump is facing yet another indictment, this time for mocking U.S. Women's soccer after their embarrassing loss to Sweden over the weekend.

"The sanctity of U.S. Women's soccer is never to be made fun of," said Special Council Jack Smith after reading the charges. "Every one of those highly attractive and beautiful women is both stunning and brave. We believe Trump violated the constitution somehow by making fun of them on Truth Social, and we will prove it as soon as we can figure out which law he broke."

According to sources, Trump posted the words "Nice shot Megan" shortly after Megan Rapinoe's terrible shot in which she kicked the ball like a girl and missed a penalty kick by a mile. "Such cruel, calloused, sexist behavior from Trump must be an obstruction of justice somehow. Or maybe a violation of some obscure 18th-century federal law governing sporting events. We'll get back to you," said Smith to reporters.

Sources within the U.S. Women's team confirmed all the players were distraught by Trump's mockery and are begging authorities to arrest him before it can happen again. "Please," said one anonymous source. "Our democracy depends on it."

At publishing time, the U.S. Women's Team had demanded higher pay to compensate for their emotional suffering following Trump's social media post.


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3e27f6 No.78358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320246 (080723ZAUG23) Notable: US deploys more than 3K sailors, Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships

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Iran has escalated its attempts to seize commercial ships in Gulf waterways in recent months following the US Justice Department’s confiscation of a Marshall Islands-flagged tanker, the Suez Rajan, carrying Iranian fuel to China in April. An Iranian navy vessel opened fire on a Chevron-chartered tanker in international waters off the coast of Oman last month after the civilian ship refused orders to stop.

Iran’s navy and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have harassed or seized control of at least 20 commercial shipping tankers in the region over the past two years, according to the US 5th Fleet’s numbers.

Iran’s moves have further driven a wedge into the United States’ strategic ties with Gulf states, as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates look to reduce their dependency on Washington for defense.

“It’s drawn Gulf states closer to Iran,” one American official told Al-Monitor last week. “It sends a signal to regional partners that in the absence of US forces, the US is not serious about security.”

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3e27f6 No.78359

File: db4a3afdd461191⋯.jpg (232.65 KB,888x1148,222:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320266 (080734ZAUG23) Notable: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism: Goal 2.1 Data Collection

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3e27f6 No.78360

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320546 (080937ZAUG23) Notable: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: Must Force Behaviors in Companies

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there are battles going on both sides of the water, in the u.k it is against the banks, E.S.G and all the crap the usa has sent over that is infecting the u.k political landscape lead by Farage, in the u.s.a it is trump fighting against the deep state, but in the meantime the W.E.F and the banksters are continuing to gain power and have openly declared war on the masses around the global



Note: They win both ways, destroy society and short the company and take it over.


BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: Must Force Behaviors in Companies



BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says, "you have to force behaviors" in companies when it comes to "gender and race" and "diversity and inclusion."

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3e27f6 No.78361

File: b106373aaf8e207⋯.png (417.41 KB,600x580,30:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320553 (080939ZAUG23) Notable: Juanita Broaddrick: Costco Reports 250% Price Hikes On Food Items As Supplies Run Out At Stores

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Juanita Broaddrick


Costco Reports 250% Price Hikes On Food Items As Supplies Run Out At Stores


Costco Reports 250% Price Hikes On Food Items As Supplies Run Out At Stores - Whatfinger Daily

New reports reveal that Americans have started panic buying again. People are noticing that shortages are getting worse, and shelves are getting increasingly emptier as we approach the last quarter...

11:19 AM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78362

File: f78512456aed22b⋯.png (596.54 KB,932x674,466:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320558 (080941ZAUG23) Notable: Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee's 'Mom-in-Law' Slams Biden For Calling Afghanistan Evacuation a 'Success'

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Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee's 'Mom-in-Law' Slams Biden For Calling Afghanistan Evacuation a 'Success'

By Jennifer Van Laar | 4:42 PM on August 07, 2023

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3e27f6 No.78363

File: 1bf72b49d34f649⋯.png (446.85 KB,1048x708,262:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320563 (080942ZAUG23) Notable: Prosecutor Working With Jack Smith Donated Thousands to Biden, Cory Booker, the Democratic National Committee

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Prosecutor Working With Jack Smith Donated

Thousands to Biden, Cory Booker, the Democratic

National Committee

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 8/8/2023 2:48:47 AM

David Rody, a prosecutor working with special counsel Jack Smith on the Trump indictment, is also a donor to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and the Democratic National Committee. Rody is not a grassroots donor who gave $10 or $25 here and there, he donated thousands of dollars, meaning that he is obviously a partisan. These people are abusing our legal system for political reasons and it’s so obvious. Just the News reports: Trump prosecutor donated thousands to Biden, Democrats, records show. A prosecutor working on special counsel Jack Smith’s cases against former President Donald Trump has donated thousands of dollars to Democrats

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3e27f6 No.78364

File: 23645c6c283eea2⋯.png (780.69 KB,840x685,168:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320567 (080944ZAUG23) Notable: Was COVID response a coup by the intelligence community?

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Was COVID response a coup by the intelligence community?

Hot Air, by David Strom

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/8/2023 12:18:31 AM

Michael Senger wrote a piece this weekend arguing that the response to COVID-19 was devised by the intelligence community to perform what amounted to a coup. You can see his point. The IC has been deeply involved in both the censorship regime and the spread of sketchy information that was pushed out. It helped monitor the flow of information, the implementation of draconian policies that limited people’s liberties, and infiltrated social media companies and search engines to manipulate public perception and acceptance of hitherto unheard-of policies that fundamentally altered Western Culture. Senger’s thesis hinges on the notion that the Western response, after initially rejecting the absurd Chinese response.

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3e27f6 No.78365

File: 66f49c3d95eee6e⋯.png (516.15 KB,695x780,139:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320571 (080946ZAUG23) Notable: ‘This Is a Ploy’: California AG Launches Probe Into District that Voted to Alert Parents If Children Identify As Trans

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‘This Is a Ploy’: California AG Launches

Probe Into District that Voted to Alert

Parents If Children Identify As Trans

Washington Free Beacon, by Susannah Luthi

Posted By: Beardo, 8/8/2023 12:01:52 AM

California’s Democratic attorney general launched a probe into a school district that plans to alert parents if their child starts to identify as a different gender. Critics say he’s trying to stifle opposition to the state’s LGBT agenda in schools. The state’s top cop Rob Bonta said Friday he is exploring "potential legal violations" by Chino Valley Unified School District in Southern California, alleging that its parent notification policy could "expose a student to parental abuse or increase their risk of self-harm or suicide." Chino’s board voted last month to reject state guidance that urges schools to keep students’ gender exploration hidden from their parents.

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3e27f6 No.78366

File: dd81253014183b6⋯.png (631.4 KB,686x679,98:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320577 (080948ZAUG23) Notable: Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens: ‘This Photo Says It All’

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Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens: ‘This

Photo Says It All’

Breitbart Politics, by Hanna Bleau

Posted By: Imright, 8/7/2023 7:10:49 PM

First Lady Jill Biden is wielding her influence in the public sphere by meeting with drag queens while Americans suffer from rising prices and crime under her husband’s administration. A photo recently surfaced showing Jill Biden posing with drag queens at the San Francisco event space Welcome to Manny’s. The event space describes itself as a “community focused meeting and learning place” that encourages meetings and engagement with “civic leaders, elected officials, artists, activists, changemakers, and each other.” Welcome to Manny’s shared an image of Jill Biden flanked by five drag queens, declaring that the event space is “unapologetically queer and unapologetically political.”

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3e27f6 No.78367

File: 6016ebba10617a8⋯.png (363.98 KB,591x613,591:613,Clipboard.png)

File: dbf6e9b94767914⋯.png (506.86 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320585 (080952ZAUG23) Notable: A Change.org petition in support of changing the Washington football team’s name BACK to the Redskins has gone viral

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The Post Millennial


BREAKING: "Native American Guardians Association" petition to restore the Washington Redskins name goes viral — "You can't cancel American history!"


BREAKING: ‘Native American Guardians Association’ petition to restore the Washington Redskins name...

A Change.org petition in support of changing the Washington football team’s name BACK to the Redskins has gone viral.

2:52 PM · Aug 7, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78368

File: 355f4551a923bb4⋯.png (158.61 KB,742x1288,53:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 78c9f44b7824575⋯.png (74.84 KB,764x806,382:403,Clipboard.png)

File: d34a7d69aec6376⋯.png (52.61 KB,758x346,379:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320608 (081001ZAUG23) Notable: We have had 2 X class flares in the last few days and no media. We are getting ALOT of protons from these flares

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Morning anons...

THE SON is talking to us...

We have had 2 X class flares in the last few days and no media...which is highly interesting...

We are getting ALOT of protons from these flares...

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3e27f6 No.78369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320795 (081101ZAUG23) Notable: #23728

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Notables are NOT Endorsements

#23728 >>78348

>>78349 Chief of Texas' largest county takes medical leave for depression

>>78350 Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has allegedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively on diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, she was 39

>>78351 Washington shuts US government offices due to threatening weather

>>78352, >>78354, >>78356, >>78358 US deploys more than 3K sailors, Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships

>>78353, >>78359 Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism: Goal 2.1 Data Collection

>>78355 Dan Scavino: Bidenomics in the RAW

>>78357 For the keks: Trump Indicted For Mocking US Women’s Soccer

>>78360 BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: Must Force Behaviors in Companies

>>78361 Juanita Broaddrick: Costco Reports 250% Price Hikes On Food Items As Supplies Run Out At Stores

>>78362 Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee's 'Mom-in-Law' Slams Biden For Calling Afghanistan Evacuation a 'Success'

>>78363 Prosecutor Working With Jack Smith Donated Thousands to Biden, Cory Booker, the Democratic National Committee

>>78364 Was COVID response a coup by the intelligence community?

>>78365 ‘This Is a Ploy’: California AG Launches Probe Into District that Voted to Alert Parents If Children Identify As Trans

>>78366 Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens: ‘This Photo Says It All’

>>78367 A Change.org petition in support of changing the Washington football team’s name BACK to the Redskins has gone viral

>>78368 We have had 2 X class flares in the last few days and no media. We are getting ALOT of protons from these flares

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

might be a lag

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3e27f6 No.78370

File: 4e57ac4a7a29c18⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,414x354,69:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320807 (081105ZAUG23) Notable: #23729

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Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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3e27f6 No.78371

File: 918799a32de6a4e⋯.png (532.81 KB,784x615,784:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320845 (081118ZAUG23) Notable: The president of the American Library Association (ALA) is standing by her “Marxist” views - dailywire.com

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The president of the American Library Association (ALA) is standing by her “Marxist” views as a backlash grows against the association among Republican lawmakers.

Emily Drabinski, a self-proclaimed “Marxist lesbian,” took over as president of the ALA in July. The ALA is the largest nonprofit trade organization for libraries, recent wielding its influence against efforts to ban sexually explicit content from school libraries and to recommend dozens of LGBT books for minors.

The backlash against Drabinski began over a post she made to social media before taking her spot at the head of the ALA.

“I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary,” Drabinski wrote in an April 2022 post. “I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity! And my mom is SO PROUD. I love you mom.”

Despite the backlash, she doubled-down in an interview with NBC News published on Monday.

“I was excited to highlight and celebrate two aspects of my identity that are really important to me, and are often under a lot of scrutiny,” Drabinski said, adding that she wanted to be an example for other library employees who shared her identities. “I didn’t anticipate these kinds of targeted attacks being used as a bludgeon against library workers across the country. I really think that is regrettable, and I wish that wasn’t happening right now.”

The Montana State Library Commission became the first state commission to leave the ALA over Drabinski’s comments in July. Montana State Library Commissioner Tamara Hall praised the decision, calling it a “statement” about “what’s right for Montana.”

“We’re pulling out based on the fact that our oath of office for Montana and for the federal government is in direct violation of [Drabinski’s] Marxist opinion,” Hall said at the time.

In addition to Montana, lawmakers in other states – including Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Wyoming – have led calls to separate off from the ALA over concerns about Drabinski’s Marxism and the political agenda of the ALA.


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3e27f6 No.78372

File: dbc6902ee4fba57⋯.png (36.75 KB,1063x263,1063:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320862 (081124ZAUG23) Notable: prosecution of 2020 alternate in 6 of 7 states likely - justthenews.com

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By Natalia Mittelstadt

Updated: August 7, 2023 - 11:06pm

In Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of former President Donald Trump regarding the 2020 presidential election and Jan. 6, the issue of alternate electors from seven states has become another focal point, as officials – all Democrats – from six of those states determine whether to prosecute.

In the federal indictment of Trump last week, Smith charged the former president with four counts, including conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights. The indictment also acknowledges six unnamed co-conspirators with whom Trump allegedly did "conspire, confederate, and agree" to defraud the country.

Under the first count, Smith elaborated on the alternate electors in the seven states, calling them “fake” and “fraudulent.”

The alternate electors were Republican electors chosen by their respective state parties to cast electoral votes for the Republican candidate in the general election if that candidate won the state. These electors allegedly signed documents saying that they were in fact Electoral College voters, with Pennsylvania adding a caveat that their votes would only be valid if they were recognized as “duly elected and qualified electors.”

Each state handled the alternate electors differently, with some pursuing prosecution, referring them to federal prosecutors, or not taking any prosecutorial steps.

Arizona: The state’s 11 alternate electors are being investigated by Attorney General Kris Mayes, while federal subpoenas were sent to then-state senators last year regarding communications with the alternate electors.

Georgia: The state’s 16 alternate electors are part of a probe by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who is investigating Trump for challenging the 2020 presidential election. In May, at least eight of the electors were granted immunity in the probe in return for their cooperation. Willis said that the investigation has effectively concluded and a decision is expected to be made by a grand jury as to whether Trump or others will be charged by the end of the month.

Michigan: The state’s 16 alternate electors were charged by Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel last month for allegedly submitting false certificates claiming they were the legitimate electors. Each faces eight criminal charges, including forgery and conspiracy to commit election forgery. Early last year, Nessel had initially referred charges to federal prosecutors. After federal officials didn’t pursue the charges for a year, Nessel started the state case. Also, in January, three of the Democratic electors who cast their votes for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election filed a lawsuit against the 16 alternate electors in January, seeking $25,000 in damages. Stan Grot, Michigan’s Shelby Township Clerk who was a 2020 alternate elector, was notified last month by the state Bureau of Elections that he won’t be allowed to administer elections while facing charges by the state attorney general. He has previously declined to discuss the charges but said he would follow the letter from the Michigan Bureau of Elections.

Nevada: The state’s six alternate electors have not been investigated by Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, who declined to start a probe. However, alternate elector and state GOP chair Michael McDonald’s phone was seized and searched last year by the FBI. McDonald and another alternate elector, Nevada Republican Party official Jim DeGraffenreid, also testified before the House Jan. 6 committee and in Smith’s federal investigation. Both McDonald and DeGraffenreid have received limited immunity in exchange for their testimony and have declined to comment.

New Mexico: The state’s five alternate electors were first investigated by Democratic state Attorney General Hector Balderas in January 2022, but were then referred to federal prosecutors. However, there has been no announcement of any state or federal investigation since the referral. Two of the electors testified last year before the House Jan. 6 committee.

Pennsylvania: The state’s 20 alternate electors are not facing a state investigation. Last year, then-attorney general Josh Shapiro said that because the electors added a caveat that their votes would only be valid if they were recognized as “duly elected and qualified electors,” they had likely not acted criminally.


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3e27f6 No.78373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320867 (081125ZAUG23) Notable: prosecution of 2020 alternate in 6 of 7 states likely - justthenews.com

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part 2

Wisconsin: The state’s 10 alternate electors are not currently under investigation. Governor Tony Evers said last week that he wants the alternate electors prosecuted. State Attorney General Josh Kaul has not said whether there is currently an investigation into the alternate electors, but believes “that those who committed crimes with the goal of overturning the results of the election should be held accountable.”

In support of the Georgia alternate electors, the state Republican Party announced last week that it has launched a website defending them against Willis’ investigation. The website explains what the electors did, the precedent for their actions, and the lawsuit that was pending at the time.

Georgia Republican Party Chairman Josh McKoon told “Just the News, No Noise” TV show last Tuesday that, in 2020, Trump and the former state GOP chairman “filed a lawsuit on December 4th, contesting the election, as they are allowed to do under Georgia law. They were guaranteed a legal hearing within 20 days of that filing. Ten days later, the deadline arrived to submit electoral votes.

“If those electoral votes had not been submitted, the lawsuit would have been dismissed,” McKoon continued. “The only way to preserve President Trump's remedy was for the electors to meet and cast these votes. And it has happened before, it did happen in Hawaii, it was exactly the same set of circumstances, the exact same language being used.”

McKoon referenced the 1960 presidential election in Hawaii, which was initially certified for Richard Nixon. After a lawsuit was filed by John F. Kennedy supporters who alleged irregularities, the judge sided with them and the electoral votes for the state were cast for Kennedy.


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3e27f6 No.78374

File: 81013687797ae72⋯.png (845.03 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320875 (081127ZAUG23) Notable: Left Wing Late Night Hosts Silent for Three Months - Has Anyone Even Noticed? - gwp (colbert etc)

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Did anybody else notice this? KEK!

The Writer Strike Has Kept Obnoxious Left Wing Late Night Hosts Silent for Three Months – Has Anyone Even Noticed?


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3e27f6 No.78375

File: c7f6fe026cfd36a⋯.png (471.1 KB,723x483,241:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320887 (081130ZAUG23) Notable: Moody's cut credit ratings of several small to mid-sized U.S. banks on Mon - reuters

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Aug 7 (Reuters) - Moody's cut credit ratings of several small to mid-sized U.S. banks on Monday and said it may downgrade some of the nation's biggest lenders, warning that the sector's credit strength will likely be tested by funding risks and weaker profitability.

Moody's cut the ratings of 10 banks by one notch and placed six banking giants, including Bank of New York Mellon (BK.N), US Bancorp (USB.N), State Street (STT.N) and Truist Financial (TFC.N) on review for potential downgrades.


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3e27f6 No.78376

File: a20455ea904cb8f⋯.jpeg (91.22 KB,800x525,32:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320931 (081147ZAUG23) Notable: Repeal the 17th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators - uncoverdc.com

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Repeal the 17th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators


The Founders wanted the power and control of government to rest with “We The People.” This is reflected in how they structured Congress as spelled out in Article I. The House of Representatives was to be known as the “People’s House”—with representatives elected by the people from congressional districts and only officials directly elected within the federal government under the original design.

The U.S. Senate was meant to be the voice of The States in Congress, but more specifically—the state legislatures. Under the original design, state legislatures were meant to be the most consequential institutions and hold the real power in the entire government structure. This, for example, is why the Founders gave ultimate power for selecting presidential electors to state legislatures. Not the state governors, courts, or popular vote—the state legislatures.


Writer does a nice job outlining why. Trump has posted about this on Twitter right after he took office.

All began in 1876 when Colorado became a state. The governor wanted to make himself senator, so they were late showing up to DC, meaning Colorado was not represented. It snowballed into one of the Progressive amendments of the early 20thC.

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3e27f6 No.78377

File: b3c44b7c2a81e41⋯.jpeg (932.8 KB,1515x1334,1515:1334,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320984 (081206ZAUG23) Notable: The US “lost” jobs last month, and might start losing 175k jobs a month - reuters

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The US “lost” jobs last month, and might start losing 175k jobs a month

Ya can’t keep burning food plants without it affecting employment


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3e27f6 No.78378

File: 7619c174d708b43⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,1125x2033,1125:2033,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0ebad644a49199⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1125x1433,1125:1433,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320988 (081207ZAUG23) Notable: Meet Charlie. 100% Old English Sheepdog, dog comms - adam schiff twat

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That’s a 17 timestamp and 17 words w/o the 100%


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3e27f6 No.78379

File: faac4b030b976da⋯.png (43.07 KB,1506x215,1506:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19320993 (081209ZAUG23) Notable: The US “lost” jobs last month, and might start losing 175k jobs a month - reuters

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78380

File: 34e2c8e5a730d26⋯.jpeg (510.85 KB,1327x1015,1327:1015,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321019 (081217ZAUG23) Notable: /us-deploys-more-than-3000-sailors-marines-middle-east-following-irans-targeting-ships - foxnews.com

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Joe Potato sending vaxed troops to protect the Bush family ConocoPhillips oilfields they stole during Iraq debacle

I guess Trump “didn’t” defeat the Bush fam


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3e27f6 No.78381

File: 9354230c09a5a85⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x658,640:329,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321041 (081221ZAUG23) Notable: Vid collection of lies about the vaxx stopping transmission - anon mp4 vids

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December 17, 2020 Facts are Documented

So did the “Experts Lie” ? How many Lives/Lies are too Many?

Judgement Day!



Jimmy Dore

This is for my comedian friends who still repeat the Big Pharma lie that “Nobody Ever Said The Vaxx Would Stop The Transmission Of Covid Virus”

Here is EVERYONE saying it:

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3e27f6 No.78382

File: 27a24af6bebbbba⋯.png (1.94 MB,1013x1692,1013:1692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321060 (081224ZAUG23) Notable: Meet Charlie. 100% Old English Sheepdog, dog comms - adam schiff twat

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Nice catch....thought I'd give it a proper snip.

Meet Charlie. 100% Old English Sheepdog. Such a sweetheart.

And he is really good at herding 🐑— who knew?!

10:52 PM · Aug 7, 2023·92.3K Views

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3e27f6 No.78383

File: 1c0a3ebb48d5acf⋯.mp4 (15.68 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321069 (081227ZAUG23) Notable: Vid collection of lies about the vaxx stopping transmission - anon mp4 vids

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Anon made this one especially the constant lies for anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78384

File: 540cb04ce45d177⋯.png (1.09 MB,1290x723,430:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321114 (081237ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan - Police - gwp

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NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78385

File: 5e0bc61feb21724⋯.jpeg (61.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321139 (081242ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

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8 Aug, 2023 11:54

Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland

The mere mention of the PMC has caused the US to consider recognizing the new government in Niger, Evgeny Prigozhin has said

Wagner chief Evgeny Prigozhin says he is proud of the members of his private military company as simply mentioning their name can compel Washington to reassess its positions. Acting US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland recently urged Niger’s new military government not to enlist the help of the Russian contractors.

Speaking to journalists over the phone on Tuesday, Prigozhin was asked to comment on Nuland’s personal visit to Niger and her advice to the new government not to strike any deals with Wagner.

“I am proud of the boys from Wagner,” replied Prigozhin. “Just the thought of them makes ISIS and Al Qaeda small, obedient, silky boys. Andthe US has recognized a government that it did not recognize yesterday just to avoid meeting the Wagner PMC in the country.”

“This brings joy, Mrs. Nuland,” he quipped.

One of the members of the new military government in Niger, Gen. Salifou Moody, reportedly sought the assistance of Wagner to help safeguard their power. The coup leaders are currently facing an approaching deadline to either return ousted president Mohamed Bazoum to power or face a possible military intervention by neighboring states.

On Monday, Nuland, who played a role in the events leading up to the Western-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014, revealed that she had personally met with Niger’s current defense chief Moussa Barmou and three other senior commanders to urge them to restore the constitutional order in the country.

The US official also claims to have warned Barmou against enlisting the help of the Russian PMC, suggesting that Prigozhin’s group is a “threat to those countries where it is present.”

Niger’s new leaders, however, have apparently refrained from making any firm commitments on the issue.

Moscow, meanwhile, says it opposes any foreign interference in the situation in Niger, arguing that it would most likely fail to change the situation for the better. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has expressed hope that the turbulent country will soon return to “constitutional normality.”


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3e27f6 No.78386

File: f9423248b94342e⋯.mp4 (537.88 KB,480x362,240:181,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7b752ed5bfc26d2⋯.png (147.46 KB,1565x820,313:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321142 (081243ZAUG23) Notable: j.p morgan chase history and mergers - dig

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>Epstein, DImon, Pritzker, Crown, JPMorgan, all kinds of good stuff.

jamie dimon and jp morgan are difinitely worth a look, they are connected to the epstein and the crown.

What most anons do not know is that j.p morgan has two board seats on the B.I.S and that j.p morgan is now

J.p. morgan chase.


The JPMorgan Chase logo prior to the 2008 rebranding

As of June 2008, the JPMorgan logo used for the company's Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Treasury & Securities Services units[10]

JPMorgan Chase, in its current structure, is the result of the combination of several large U.S. banking companies, merged since 1996, combining Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan & Co., and Bank One, as well as asset assumptions of Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, and First Republic. Predecessors include additional historic, major banking firms, among which are Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover, First Chicago Bank, National Bank of Detroit, Texas Commerce Bank, Providian Financial and Great Western Bank. The company's oldest predecessor institution, The Bank of the Manhattan Company, was the third oldest banking corporation in the United States, and the 31st oldest bank in the world, having been established on September 1, 1799, by Aaron Burr.[11]


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3e27f6 No.78387

File: 749e2a27446cf19⋯.png (63.79 KB,1017x515,1017:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321155 (081245ZAUG23) Notable: David Rody defending venezuelan cartel/narco drug traffickers in court re jack smith donations pb dig included - business insider (anon dig on jack smith)

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>>78363 Prosecutor Working With Jack Smith Donated Thousands to Biden, Cory Booker, the Democratic National Committee

Just David Rody defending venezuelan cartel/narco drug traffickers in court

The conviction of Venezuela's 'narco nephews' may bring more heat on a 'global hub of cocaine trafficking'

Christopher Woody

Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas sits in federal court in Manhattan, New York, December 17, 2015, in this courtroom sketch. REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg

Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas sits in federal court in Manhattan, New York, December 17, 2015, in this courtroom sketch. Thomson Reuters

Late on Friday, after several hours of deliberation, jurors filed back into a New York courtroom and handed down a guilty verdict against two nephews of the Venezuelan first lady.

Their decision, the culmination of an often sordid trial that began on November 7, may not lead to more scrutiny on officials in Venezuela, one of the Western Hemisphere's most dysfunctional countries where high-level officials are suspected of running a wide-ranging drug-trafficking enterprise.

Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas, 31, and Efrain Antonio Campo Flores, 30, were arrested in Haiti almost a year ago and immediately extradited to the US, where this week they were convicted of conspiracy to import nearly 1,800 pounds of cocaine to the US via Honduras in a multimillion-dollar drug deal.

Over the last several months, however, the prospects of their case became more uncertain, as a steady stream of details made the government's key witnesses, themselves drug traffickers, look ever more unreliable.

The US government paid about $1.2 million to Jose Santos-Pena, 55, and his son, Jose Santos-Hernandez, 34, for information about drug deals over the last few years. The pair also traveled internationally at the behest of the US Drug Enforcement Administration, meeting with suspected traffickers and making secret recordings for US investigators.

This spring, however, US prosecutors learned that Santos-Pena and Santos-Hernandez were themselves smuggling drugs while working for US agents. At the end of this summer, the two of them pleaded guilty to drug charges, admitting that they had dealt drugs for at least four years.

Efrain Antonio Campo Flores (2nd from L) and Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas stand with law enforcement officers in this November 12, 2015 photo after their arrest in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Courtesy of U.S. Attorney's Office Manhattan/Handout via REUTERS

Efrain Antonio Campo Flores, second from left, and Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas stand with law-enforcement officers in this November 12, 2015, photo after their arrest in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Thomson Reuters

Santos-Hernandez did not testify, but Santos-Pena did, and more details about his misdeeds soon emerged.

At a hearing in September, he confessed to prosecutors that he had used a prostitute twice during a trip to Caracas and that he had allowed a friend of his son to be present at DEA-arranged meetings with the two Venezuelans being investigated. He also confessed to using cocaine while working for the US.

During the trial, the defense tried to paint the prosecution's case as deeply flawed.

Amid the proceedings, defense counsel Randall Jackson revealed jailhouse recordings showing that Santos-Pena had kept communicating about drug deals in the weeks before the trial.

Prosecutors decided to disregard the cooperation agreement they had reached with Santos-Pena, doing away with potential leniency for his role in the case and meaning he could face 10 years to life in prison.

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3e27f6 No.78388

File: f7ff5003f615a99⋯.png (84.42 KB,687x483,229:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321157 (081245ZAUG23) Notable: David Rody defending venezuelan cartel/narco drug traffickers in court re jack smith donations pb dig included - business insider (anon dig on jack smith)

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>Just David Rody defending venezuelan cartel/narco drug traffickers in court

"He lied in your face!"defense attorney David Rody told the jurors."You saw a rare thing, a government cooperator get ripped up in court."

"He was slime," juror Robert Lewis, a 69-year-old architect from Westchester, New York, said of Santos-Pena. Despite that distaste, Lewis said that other evidence in the case, like recordings, transcripts of conversations, and texts messages, were enough to convict the nephews. "We had to rely on those things," he told the Associated Press.

Some of those recordings were of poor quality, but at least one showed the nephews handling a brick of cocaine, and in another recording, Campo is heard to say, "I'm 30 years old. I've been doing this work since I was 18."

The recordings were central to the prosecutors' case, which argued the pair were not minor players, but driving figures behind a plan to pull of a multimillion-dollar drug scheme and funnel money into their aunt's political campaign.

"It's the nature of the business to have cooperators with really unseemly pasts," Daniel C. Richman, a law professor at Columbia Law School, told the AP after the trial. Santos-Pena, the elder of the two witnesses, had admitted to being part of Mexico's powerful Sinaloa cartel prior to working for US authorities.

"A lot of them come from a criminal background," Mike Vigil, a former chief of international operations for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, told Business Insider before the case went to trial. "And we in the government use them to get in-depth information that we would not normally get, and as a result of that a lot of times they come under attack by defense attorneys."

The two nephews will likely be sentenced in early March next year, and while the face a minimum of 10 years, they could get up to life in prison.

"A conviction for conspiracy can bring a life sentence, but if this is the first time the two nephews have been convicted, I don’t think the judge will give them life sentences, but 10 or 20 years," Vigil, author of of "Metal Coffins: The Blood Alliance Cartel," told CNN after the verdict was announced. "Everything depends on the judge."

'Venezuela now is a principal point for the transit of cocaine'

Throughout the case, details emerged that suggested high-level Venezuelan officials had involvement in the drug trade.

Flores de Freitas and Campo Flores are nephews of the country's first lady, Cilia Flores, who is married to embattled President Nicolas Maduro, who is grappling with a deteriorating economy and fractious political situation. Maduro's approval rating slipped to 19.5% in October, down from about 22% the month prior. The poll, which was not pubic, found about 78.5% of Venezuelans disapproved of Maduro, according to Reuters.


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3e27f6 No.78389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321162 (081246ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan - Police - gwp

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This is exactly what happened on Jan. 6th 2021.

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3e27f6 No.78390

File: 0f85c57fe7c325a⋯.jpeg (39.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321174 (081248ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

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8 Aug, 2023 11:33

Moscow will achieve peace in Ukraine on its own terms – Medvedev

The ex-Russian president noted that Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia in 2008 failed despite Western support

While Ukraine is enjoying unprecedented Western support, it will not prevent Moscow from achieving its national security goals – just as it did not help Georgia’s ill-fated invasion of South Ossetia in 2008, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday.

Writing on Telegram on the 15th anniversary of the start of the five-day conflict between Russia and Georgia, which erupted when Tbilisi shelled the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinval, Medvedev noted that Moscow “responded resolutely to the despicable attack”and “gave a tough rebuff to the aggressor.”

Medvedev, who was president at the time of the hostilities, said that then-Georgian leader Mikhail Saakashvili had the backing of “the collective West, which even then was trying to stir up the situation in the immediate vicinity of Russia’s borders.”

However, Medvedev continued, it took Moscow’s military less than a week “to severely punish the impudent [Georgian] nationalists.”

Explaining the West’s failure to do more to derail Russia at the time, the ex-president said that “the US and its vassals clearly did not have enough experience then.”

“Today they are once again waging a criminal war by proxy, trying to wipe Russia off the face of the earth,” he added, referring to the conflict in Ukraine.

The entire NATO system is fighting against us practically in the open. We have enough forces to solve all the tasks of the special military operation. Just like in August 2008, our enemies will be crushed, and Russia will achieve peace on its own terms.

When Tbilisi, which at the time was actively seeking closer ties with NATO, attacked the breakaway republic of South Ossetia, Moscow responded by announcing a ‘peace enforcement operation’ to protect Russian citizens living in the area, as well as the local Russian peacekeeping contingent. Meanwhile, another breakaway region – Abkhazia – announced a mobilization, fearing a renewal of fighting with Tbilisi.

Russian reinforcements quickly turned the tide, pushing Georgian forces back into their territory, with Medvedev announcing the end of the operation on August 12. Later that month, Moscow recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Tbilisi, however, still claims both territories as its own, with only a handful of countries, including Syria and Venezuela, recognizing their independence.

Russian officials have repeatedly slammed the West over its massive weapons deliveries to Ukraine, arguing that it will only prolong the conflict, but will fail to change the outcome. Moscow has also said that the security assistance makes NATO a direct participant in the hostilities.


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3e27f6 No.78391

File: 71ab8056f933895⋯.png (259.17 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: c8654bd6d6fda3f⋯.png (173.25 KB,659x857,659:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321191 (081253ZAUG23) Notable: fbi charles mcgonigal to plead guilty of colluding with russia.- dailymail.

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Disgraced FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal who investigated Trump's debunked Kremlin ties is set to plead guilty to colluding with RUSSIA and illegally working for an oligarch

Court records show a change of plea hearing for Charles McGonigal

McGonigal served as top FBI official in New York during Russia probe

Charles McGonigal had previously pleaded not guilty.

A former FBI agent accused by U.S. prosecutors of working for sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska may change his plea in relation to criminal charges of evading U.S. sanctions and money laundering, court records showed on Monday.

Charles McGonigal had previously pleaded not guilty. A change of plea hearing before U.S. District Judge Jennifer Rearden in Manhattan has been scheduled for Aug. 15.

McGonigal served as a top FBI counterintelligence official in New York during the Russia probe of former President Donald Trump.

McGonigal's lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan, which brought the case, declined to comment.

During a status conference last week, McGonigal lawyer Seth DuCharme said there was a 'decent chance the case is going to be resolved.'

Prosecutors in January said McGonigal, who led the FBI's counterintelligence division in New York before retiring in 2018, received concealed payments from Deripaska in exchange for investigating a rival oligarch and unsuccessfully pushed in 2019 to lift U.S. sanctions on Deripaska.

The charges against McGonigal came as U.S. prosecutors ramped up efforts to enforce sanctions on Russian officials and police their alleged enablers in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

Deripaska, the founder of Russian aluminum company Rusal , was among two dozen Russian oligarchs and government officials blacklisted by Washington in 2018 in reaction to Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

He and the Kremlin have denied any election interference.

Among the areas probed by former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators is Deripaska's relationship with former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort.

Mueller's report said Manafort told associates to provide Deripaska with internal polling data.

According to prosecutors, McGonigal pocketed $25,000 as an investigator for a law firm, then got payments of $51,000 and $41,790 doing work for Deripaska, during a period from August 2021 to November 2021.

He would try to conceal his employer's identity by referring to him as 'the big guy,' the Washington Times reported.


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3e27f6 No.78392

File: 1490adf58a8e351⋯.png (171.67 KB,663x859,663:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321215 (081259ZAUG23) Notable: Judge in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case demands to know why the DOJ wants to use a grand jury from out of state as she hands Jack Smith multiple blows - dailymail

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Judge in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case demands to know why the DOJ wants to use a grand jury from out of state as she hands Jack Smith multiple blows

Judge Aileen Cannon demanded to know why Jack Smith used two grand juries

Evidence was collected in DC, even though charges were brought in Florida

The federal judge in Donald Trump's classified documents case on Monday asked prosecutors why they had used grand juries in Florida and in Washington to build their case when charges were filed in South Florida.

Judge Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by Trump, asked Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team to respond by August 22.

'The response shall address the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings on matters pertinent to the instant indicted matter in this district,' she wrote in a court filing.

Cannon's decision is a setback for Smith and could lead to a delay in the classified documents trial.

Trump appeared in Miami federal court in June to plead not guilty to charges related to his handling of government documents and an alleged cover-up.

Since then, the indictment has been expanded to accuse him and two aides — Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveria — of trying to evade government efforts to retrieve some 32 classified documents.

Much of the case was built in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors questioned witnesses in front of a grand jury.

But in June, reports surfaced that a second grand jury, this time in Miami, had begun hearing evidence.

Legal experts suggested it might mean that charges could be brought in both Florida and Washington.

In a recent court filing, prosecutors said they continued to use the grand jury in Washington even after Trump had been charged in June as they probed allegations of obstruction.

Cannon asked Smith to justify using the two grand juries in a court order that dealt a blow to the special counsel's strategy.

He had asked to introduce additional evidence 'under seal' — preventing it being published — in order to protect the secrecy of a grand jury, and he asked the judge for a hearing to determine whether Nauta's attorney had too many conflicts of interest to guarantee proper representation of his client.

Cannon knocked back his request to introduce evidence under seal.

'The motion for leave and the supplement plainly fail to satisfy the burden of establishing a sufficient legal or factual basis to warrant sealing the motion and supplement,' she wrote.

The case is just one of three that Trump must contend with, even as the race for 2024 heats up.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is in the final stages of her investigation into Trump's efforts to reverse his defeat in the key swing state of Georgia.

If he is indicted, it will the fourth time he has been criminally charged since March.


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3e27f6 No.78393

File: 2bd36a0f4b984e9⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321219 (081300ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

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8 Aug, 2023 05:56

US lying about Russia’s position on Ukraine peace talks – Moscow

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that Kiev had withdrawn from negotiations under Western pressure

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova lashed out at Washington over claims that Moscow has rejected peace negotiations with Kiev.

On Monday, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a press briefing that “There are no peace negotiations going on with Russia right now, because Russia has refused to engage in meaningful peace negotiations.”

Later that day, Zakharova wrote on Telegram: “They know perfectly well that they told [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky to withdraw from peace talks in April 2022, they caused Kiev’s ban on talks with Russia, adopted in September 2022, they have been declaring all year that it’s not the right time for talks, but they still blame Russia anyway.”

Zakharova also advised Miller to read an interview of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he gave in April. She was apparently referring to comments Blinken gave to the Funke Media Group, in which he said he did not support the idea of beginning negotiations, while hailing Kiev’s counteroffensive.

Last week, senior officials from more than 40 countries took part in a summit in Saudi Arabia regarding the situation in Ukraine. Russia was not invited to attend, and called any negotiations without its participation “pointless.”

After the talks, Kiev said it had rejected all points of compromise and had not given up on its ‘peace formula’ – a set of ten demands amounting to unconditional surrender on the part of Russia, which Moscow sees as “a useless ultimatum” that only serves to prolong the conflict.

The Russian Defense Ministry estimated that during June and July, Ukraine sustained losses of more than 43,000 troops in its counteroffensive against Russian positions. According to the ministry’s data, over 4,900 pieces of heavy weaponry were destroyed during this period of time.

(The State Dept. Rewriting history will fail.)


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3e27f6 No.78394

File: e8874aa3273b051⋯.png (920.37 KB,1169x622,1169:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321230 (081305ZAUG23) Notable: fbi charles mcgonigal to plead guilty of colluding with russia.- dailymail.

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FBI Special Agent (Charles McGonigal) Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion to Plead Guilty to Conspiring with Russian Oligarch (Oleg Deripaska, a sanctioned Russian Oligarch)


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3e27f6 No.78395

File: 34119fa489eadf3⋯.png (384.96 KB,826x941,826:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 11a01e1aebb7c9c⋯.png (118.68 KB,551x778,551:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e59936899f060f⋯.png (123.53 KB,550x767,550:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321231 (081305ZAUG23) Notable: ARCHIVING - 2022/2023 B.I.S ANNUAL REPORT - TOTAL 249 PAGES (global accounting) Innovation 2025 agenda.

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Note: Anon decided to take a quick look at the b.i.s site and found this publicly available to download.

Look at this shit, it is a ngo which operates without borders, nothing and no one at the B.I.S can be bought to any laws around the world and no one can be arrested.

They are the standard makers for the whole banking system and write the rules and regulations



Foreword by the General Manager

It is my pleasure to present the BIS’s Annual Report for 2022/23. The report

highlights our commitment to global monetary and financial stability, and our

ongoing role as the global forum for central bank cooperation. It also documents

the progress made in advancing our Innovation BIS 2025 strategy.

The past year has challenged central banks. High inflation and financial stability

concerns emerged in tandem. At the same time, digital innovation, particularly in

payment systems, gathered pace.

The global inflation surge that began in 2021 has started to subside. But, in most

countries, inflation remains far too high. Much of the progress in lowering inflation

has come from easy wins, like falling commodity prices and normalising

supply chains. The “last mile” of returning inflation to target will be harder. Central

banks’ commitment to low inflation is clear. The past year saw the most rapid

and synchronised worldwide monetary policy tightening in decades.

Tighter monetary policy was necessary, but not painless. Business models that relied

on low-for-long interest rates felt the strain. Bank closures in early 2023 were the

most striking example, but far from the only ones. As the structural forces that held

down inflation in recent decades subside, interest rates may need to stay higher

for longer. In the coming years, economies must rely on supply s

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3e27f6 No.78396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321239 (081307ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan - Police - gwp

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Link to the TGP's 32 page PDF concerning VOTER FRAUD in Michigan.


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3e27f6 No.78397

File: 53f237e97aa7314⋯.jpeg (69.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321245 (081309ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

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8 Aug, 2023 08:30

Maidan ‘midwife’ warns Niger against courting Wagner

The country’s new military government understands the risk of inviting the defense contractor, Victoria Nuland believes

Acting US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has traveled to Niger where she met with the new military government and warned against enlisting the help of Russian defense contractor Wagner Group. Nuland, who spoke of the risks of foreign interference, played a role in events leading up to the Western-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014.

Speaking to reporters during a special briefing on Monday, Nuland revealed that she met with the military government’s defense chief Moussa Barmou and three other senior commanders. She described the negotiations as “extremely frank and at times quite difficult.”

Last month the presidential guard detained Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum and his family, sparking international condemnation. The coup also triggered pushback from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which threatened military action against Niger’s plotters unless they reinstate Bazoum. The new government has refused to back down.

Nuland also said that she urged the coup leaders to “hear our offer to try to work with them to solve this diplomatically and return to constitutional order.”

She also addressed recent media reports that the new Nigerien military government had sought the assistance of Wagner Group PMC to solidify their position.

According to the US official, she “raised the [issue of] Wagner and its threat to those countries where it is present.” Although her counterparts did not make any firm commitments, she said she believed they understood her message.

“I got the sense in my meetings today that the people who have taken this action here understand very well the risks to their sovereignty when Wagner is invited in,”Nuland added.

Widely regarded as a foreign policy hawk, Nuland famously traveled to Kiev prior to the Maidan coup in 2014, handing out pastries to Ukrainian protesters demanding that their country embrace a pro-Western course.

Nuland also entered in the spotlight during the protests after a phone call was leaked in which she discussed possible successors for then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. Yanukovich was later ousted from power, which led to Crimea rejoining Russia and violent clashes in the Donbass.

Last week, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov warned that any interference in Niger by powers outside the region would be unlikely to change the situation for the better. He also reiterated hope that the turbulent country will return to “constitutional normality.”


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3e27f6 No.78398

File: abf4cbf613fd40f⋯.png (241.11 KB,785x919,785:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e9c5a9c014f4aa⋯.png (354.34 KB,342x468,19:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321280 (081319ZAUG23) Notable: ARCHIVING - 2022/2023 B.I.S ANNUAL REPORT - TOTAL 249 PAGES (global accounting) Innovation 2025 agenda.

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continued - letter from Agustin Carsten in annual report, plus agustin controls the I.M.F THE ECONOMIC TERRORIST NGO

r. In the coming years, economies must rely on supply side reforms, rather

than monetary and fiscal stimulus, to drive sustainable growth.

Annual Report


The BIS helped central banks to navigate this complex policy landscape. Our economic

analysis shed light on inflation dynamics and the causes of financial instability.

And it made further progress in charting a course to build financial systems and

infrastructures fit for the challenges of tomorrow. Regular meetings held in the

context of the Basel Process fostered the exchange of views and experiences, while

BIS-hosted committees made significant headway on evaluating the effects of the

post-financial crisis reforms, and on proposals for mitigating risks arising from

cryptoassets, financial market infrastructures and climate change.

Investment in our Innovation BIS 2025 strategy continued to pay dividends.

The expansion of our Innovation Hub is almost complete, with the opening of the

Eurosystem Centre taking place in March 2023. Leveraging our ambition to be

at the forefront of thought leadership on innovation, we have expanded our insights

and research and delivered a number of projects on the development of public

goods to support central banks and improve the functioning of money and the

financial system.

For banking services, 2022/23 was another successful year. Despite volatile market

conditions, net profit increased to SDR 679 million by end-March 2023, while total

comprehensive income was SDR 414 million. Strong demand for liquid BIS banking

products as well as the Bank’s foreign exchange and gold services bolstered

profitability. Upgraded technological capabilities in our trading and reporting

systems provided an enhanced customer experience to our clients.

Our Representative Offices strengthened relationships with central banks in their

respective regions and helped to shape policy debates in Asia and the Americas.

We were pleased to mark our 20th anniversary in the Americas in November 2022.

Meanwhile, our Financial Stability Institute undertook a number of projects to

support international cooperation and collaboration in the areas of financial

technology, climate-related financial risks, crisis management and other regulatory

and supervisory-related issues.

We have put additional effort into improving the way we work. Taking on board the

lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have explored new ways of working together

and sought to improve and expand our working space for the future. We have

also invested in our staff through expanded mentoring and leadership programmes

and taken further steps to promote a workforce that reflects the full diversity of

our membership. In December 2022, we announced the winning design from an

architecture competition to develop the BIS headquarters site in Basel. The new

building would create a campus-like environment and provide modern facilities to

accommodate the enlargement of global meetings and the growth in our activities.

It is the efforts of our staff and management that have laid the foundations

for this future expansion. Reviewing our progress over the past year, I am deeply

grateful to all our colleagues for their support, dedication and adaptability.

Agustín Carstens

General Manager

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3e27f6 No.78399

File: 57021b9ac44c6ca⋯.png (54.66 KB,598x391,26:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321299 (081325ZAUG23) Notable: hillary clinton mouthing off - twat

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Bidenomics in action:

✅ We've regained all of the jobs lost during the pandemic, plus 3.8 million more.

✅ Businesses have added 170,600 new clean energy jobs since Biden’s Clean Energy Plan passed.

✅ Unemployment has dropped to its lowest rate in nearly 50 years.


>how many 17's can u find?

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3e27f6 No.78400

File: a3d92cffbc2aa08⋯.jpg (113.21 KB,886x1126,443:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321302 (081325ZAUG23) Notable: interactive polls - djt t.s post

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Aug 08, 2023, 9:20 AM

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3e27f6 No.78401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321334 (081333ZAUG23) Notable: Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled “Biden’s Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities” - youtube

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Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled “Biden’s Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities”



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3e27f6 No.78402

File: de48b16baa33ca2⋯.png (334.7 KB,946x468,473:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321364 (081343ZAUG23) Notable: The Global Rejection of CBDCs - realclearmarkets.com

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The Global Rejection of CBDCs

The Biden administration and the Federal Reserve are taking steps toward the potential roll-out of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). In attempting to do so, they are ignoring serious concerns about consumer privacy and heavy-handed government control in the U.S. and abroad.

Everywhere around the world, powerful heads of central banks and politicians are pushing central bank digital currency. Yet also around the globe – from the U.S. to Europe to Africa – more and more of the general populace are rejecting CBDCs as they learn what they would entail and experience them in practice.

A CBDC is a digital form of a national currency issued or coordinated by a nation’s central bank. Unlike paper or a private decentralized digital currency, a CBDC leaves an electronic trail of purchases and sales within a government digital ledger. Ledgers of such information are in the hands of governments that in many cases have a dark history of abuses of civil liberties.

Proponents say CBDC would lead to faster payments that would particularly benefit lower-income individuals. Yet critics argue the mechanism for CBDCs is ripe for abuse, allowing the government to violate financial privacy and reward and punish certain behaviors by controlling access to digital money.

Measures of public reaction in the U.S. and elsewhere show that the general public – as well as a growing number their representatives in their governments – are firmly on the side of critics of CBDCs. Americans are generally skeptical of grand new government initiatives. According to a recent Pew Research poll on faith in the American government, only 20 percent of the public currently trust the government.

Beyond general mistrust of government, Americans seem to specifically distrust the government wielding its powers with a CBDC. Most people don’t see a need for it, with just 16 percent supporting a Federal Reserve-controlled digital currency, according to a recent CATO Institute poll.

Europe is facing skepticism, as well. A growing number of members of the EU Parliament are saying they do not see any added benefit to a CBDC., Jack Schickler of CoinDesk reported in April. Markus Ferber, the economic spokesperson for the center-right European People's Party, put it this way: “There’s one central question which hasn’t yet been credibly answered, which is what is the added value … what can I do with a digital euro that I can’t do with current payment options?”

Spanning the globe to Africa, an especially instructive lesson in the public’s reaction to the issuance of CBDC comes from that continent’s most populous country: Nigeria.

More at: https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2023/08/03/the_global_rejection_of_cbdcs_970113.html

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3e27f6 No.78403

File: 21dbc7042af6eec⋯.png (108.44 KB,573x785,573:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bd0b89304f06b6⋯.png (142.72 KB,560x779,560:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cf18c5597473a2⋯.png (151.36 KB,553x775,553:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 74d1332a08dbc0b⋯.png (149.46 KB,554x772,277:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321365 (081343ZAUG23) Notable: ARCHIVING - 2022/2023 B.I.S ANNUAL REPORT - TOTAL 249 PAGES (global accounting) Innovation 2025 agenda.

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The BIS fosters central bank collaboration and provides banking

services in an increasingly complex environment. The Bank

focuses on developments in financial markets, monetary policy,

financial stability and innovation and encourages dialogue

among central banks on these topics.

Our mission is to support central banks’ pursuit of monetary and financial stability

through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.

In fulfilling this mission, we strive to help our member central banks navigate the

opportunities and challenges they face, and to provide insights and services to

support their work.

Our core values anchor and inform our mission. They allow us to support central

banks. These values, our purpose-driven culture and our associated business

goals are illustrated on the next page


Innovation BIS 2025 is the ambitious strategy we launched in financial year 2019/20.

The strategy helps us to meet the needs of our central bank stakeholders in these

times of rapid economic and technological change. It seeks to shape continuous

innovation on the analytical and business fronts.

We are now four years into Innovation BIS 2025, and substantial progress has been

made. In 2022/23, we marked the successful delivery of approximately 80% of the

strategy (see next page).

As we enter the final stretch of Innovation BIS 2025, we are sustaining our

momentum to complete the agenda and embedding the changes brought through

this ambitious development programme.

One of the most substantial projects in the programme is the Banking

transformation agenda. A key objective is to enhance product development and

related services. We have continued to expand the Bank’s asset management

services and have introduced a new series of instruments tied to the post-Libor

reference rates. This was supported by continuing upgrades of the Banking

Department’s trading and reporting systems, including this year’s implementation

of a new asset management system, which will allow faster product development

and an even more efficient delivery of Banking services in the future.

The BIS Innovation Hub entered a more mature phase, with six operational Hub

Centres, including the Eurosystem Centre, which opened in March 2023. During

the year, the Innovation Hub focused its work on six strategic themes: central bank

digital currency, green finance, regtech and suptech, next-generation financial

market infrastructures, open finance and cyber security. Its work programme

features growing interconnections between projects and cross-centre collaboration.

In addition to the development of our research, we made further progress on our

strategic goal of expanding the outreach of BIS statistics to a wider audience.

We developed a new data portal, leveraging new technologies to better guide data

discovery, enhance data access and enable analysis. We also established BIS Open

Tech to disseminate statistical and financial software as open source projects,

to foster collaboration and harmonisation within the global software communities.

Innovation BIS 2025 also aims to make the BIS more flexible and adaptable by

developing new ways of working. In 2022/23, we moved fully to hybrid working,

and are piloting new activity-based working spaces. We have also deepened

our listening strategy to foster and develop staff engagement and internal


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3e27f6 No.78404

File: ed0c273d94b3ba8⋯.png (923.51 KB,1024x610,512:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321396 (081351ZAUG23) Notable: DeSantis Questioned About President Trump in 2020 Election Says, “Of course he lost. Joe Biden’s the president - sundance

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Ron DeSantis Questioned About President Trump in 2020 Election Says, “Of course he lost. Joe Biden’s the president”…

There’s been no bigger critic of the DeSantis operation than me; however, to be fair in this gotcha question – DeSantis did outline some of the numerous voting irregularities before getting to the nub of his position and saying, “Of course he lost. Joe Biden’s the president.”

Where DeSantis goes horribly wrong in his political approach is to then blame Donald Trump for the outcomes of the state decisions during the 2020 COVID election. The states run the elections, not the federal government. Ballot harvesting corruption and the fraud in the voting process was a specific regional issue albeit on a massive scale.

DeSantis has this sanctimonious streak that runs through him from top to bottom. President Trump named him accurately. The Florida governor has very few friends, and those who know him in his professional political endeavors do not find him to be a man of integrity.

Governor DeSantis is a shape shifting DeceptiCon, comfortable with false pretenses all around him. That’s why DeSantis was the perfect selection for the Astroturf, fraud and fakery that underpins the entire anti-MAGA campaign operation. It’s all fake, including the candidate.

More at: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/08/07/ron-desantis-questioned-about-president-trump-in-2020-election-says-of-course-he-lost-joe-bidens-the-president/

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3e27f6 No.78405

File: 2362cc8e4027ffb⋯.png (535.07 KB,958x999,958:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321398 (081352ZAUG23) Notable: US scientists responsible for a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough say they have repeated the feat - insiderpaper.com

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🚨 US scientists responsible for a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough say they have repeated the feat — this time achieving a greater yield of energy.

AFPAugust 7, 2023 11:05 am

US scientists responsible for a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough say they have repeated the feat — this time achieving a greater yield of energy.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory stunned the world in December when it announced it had carried out an experimental nuclear reaction that put out more energy than was put into it, a holy grail of science in the quest for unlimited, clean power to end the era of fossil fuels.

“We can confirm the experiment produced a higher yield than the December 2022 experiment,” public information officer Paul Rhien said Monday in an emailed statement, without disclosing specific figures.

He added the California lab planned to report the results at upcoming scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications.

The new development was first reported by the Financial Times.

Nuclear fusion has been touted by its supporters as a clean, abundant and safe source of energy that could eventually allow humanity to break its dependence on coal, crude oil, natural gas and other hydrocarbons driving a global climate crisis.

However, there is still a long way to go before fusion is viable on an industrial scale, providing power to homes and businesses.

Nuclear power plants around the world currently use fission — the splitting of a heavy atom’s nucleus — to produce energy.

Fusion on the other hand combines two light hydrogen atoms to form one heavier helium atom, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

That is what occurs inside stars, including our Sun.

On Earth, fusion reactions can be provoked by heating hydrogen to extreme temperatures inside specialized devices.

Like fission, fusion is carbon-free during operation, and has additional critical advantages: it poses no risk of nuclear disaster and produces much less radioactive waste.

During December’s experiment, the lab used 192 ultra-powerful lasers to deliver 2.05 megajoules of energy to a tiny capsule smaller than a pea containing isotopes of hydrogen. It produced 3.15 megajoules of fusion energy output.

While the result was a net energy gain, 300 megajoules of energy was needed from the electrical grid to power the lasers.

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3e27f6 No.78406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321418 (081357ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

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Guarantee AGOA was the leverage she tried to use

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)

Since its enactment in 2000, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has been at the core of U.S. economic policy and commercial engagement with Africa. AGOA provides eligible sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the U.S. market for over 1,800 products, in addition to the more than 5,000 products that are eligible for duty-free access under the Generalized System of Preferences program.

To meet AGOA’s rigorous eligibility requirements, countries must establish or make continual progress toward establishing a market-based economy, the rule of law, political pluralism, and the right to due process. Additionally, countries must eliminate barriers to U.S. trade and investment, enact policies to reduce poverty, combat corruption, and protect human rights.

By providing new market opportunities, AGOA has helped bolster economic growth, promoted economic and political reform, and improved U.S. economic relations in the region.

36 countries are eligible for AGOA benefits in 2022. In 2015, Congress passed legislation modernizing and extending the program to 2025.


Section 104 of AGOA includes requirements that the country has established or is making continual progress toward establishing, among other things:

a market-based economy;

the rule of law;

political pluralism;

the right to due process;

the elimination of barriers to U.S. trade and investment;

economic policies to reduce poverty;

a system to combat corruption and bribery, and;

protection of internationally recognized worker rights.

In addition, the country may not engage in activities that undermine U.S. national security or foreign policy interests or engage in gross violations of internationally recognized human rights. Section 502 of the 1974 Act provides for country eligibility criteria under GSP. For a complete list of the AGOA eligibility criteria and more information on the GSP criteria, see section 104 of the AGOA and section 502 of the 1974 Act.

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3e27f6 No.78407

File: 28b5e69f927662b⋯.png (61.38 KB,1017x385,1017:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321438 (081402ZAUG23) Notable: we have been the subject of a complex cyber-attack, and our systems were accessed by hostile actors. - electoralcommUK Twat

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Today we announced that we have been the subject of a complex cyber-attack, and our systems were accessed by hostile actors.

7:14 AM · Aug 8, 2023 ·430.3K Views

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3e27f6 No.78408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321471 (081407ZAUG23) Notable: Jill Biden Hosts the Back to School Safely - youtube

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10:30 AM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts the Back to School Safely: Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools: First Lady Jill Biden joins Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, school administrators, educators, and education technology providers from across the country for the Back to School Safely: Cybersecurity Summit for K-12 Schools.

The White House




White House Holds Back-to-School Cyber Safety Summit

The White House holds a back-to-school cyber safety summit.


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3e27f6 No.78409

File: dfb1fff93a17c00⋯.png (385.66 KB,685x393,685:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321487 (081410ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During djt Appearance - sundance

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James Emanuel "Jeb" Boasberg was born on 20 February 1963 in San Francisco CA and is the chief judge of the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

A 1981 St Albans School alum, Boasberg received a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1985, where he was a member of Skull and Bones, and a Master of Studies the following year from St Peter's College, Oxford. He then earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 1990.

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3e27f6 No.78410

File: 1d6bba13fde739e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1000x940,50:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321498 (081413ZAUG23) Notable: Texas rescues more than 900 smuggled children at southern border - justthenews.com

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Texas rescues more than 900 smuggled children at southern border

State troopers are also arresting criminals, including sex offenders and those in possession of child pornography.

By The Center Square Staff

By Bethany Blankley

Updated: August 8, 2023 - 2:32am

Through Texas’ border security mission Operation Lone Star, Texas DPS troopers have rescued over 900 children being smuggled into and through Texas from Mexico by human traffickers, DPS Lt. Chris Olivarez recently announced.

Among them was a recent rescue in Maverick County in Eagle Pass, Texas, where troopers found a five-year-old Honduran girl who’d been smuggled into Texas by three adult women who weren’t related to her. The women found the girl in Piedras Negras, Mexico, and then brought her with them as they crossed illegally into Texas between the ports of entry.

Authorities said she was being brought to reunite with her mother; however, her mother had died three days prior. The girl told troopers her father was still in Honduras. She was turned over to Border Patrol.

In a recent traffic stop in neighboring Kinney County on a major local smuggling route, troopers pulled over a driver of a black GMC Sierra. The driver, a Mexican national who was illegally in the U.S., said he was coming from Houston to pick up friends. The trooper observed six passengers in the rear area of the truck and later learned they were all in the U.S. illegally, including two children.

When asked how the driver was related to another passenger in the car, he said they were “just friends.” When asked what his friend’s name was, the driver said he only knew his “nickname.”

“What about the people in the back seat?” the officer asked. They were his friends too, the driver said, but he also admitted he didn’t know their names or where they live. When the trooper asked another passenger if he knew who the driver was and what his name was, he said the same thing, a friend.

Later on, through the conversation, the driver admitted that someone from Mexico texted him an address to pick up a group of people who’d illegally entered Texas.

“They’re not in the country legally, then,” the officer asked. “Are you being paid to take them somewhere?”

The driver said he wasn’t being paid. But all smugglers are paid several thousand dollars per person depending on where they are taking them, law enforcement officers have explained to The Center Square, and Houston is the primary human trafficking hub in Texas.

The driver was charged with smuggling of persons and everyone inside was turned over to Border Patrol.

DPS troopers are also arresting criminals, including sex offenders and those in possession of child pornography. A DPS brush team recently helped arrest a Mexican national and coyote who was illegally in the U.S. after he guided four people across the Rio Grande River into Texas. On the coyote’s phone were pictures and video of child pornography. The Texas Rangers took over the case, and the Mexican national was charged with possession or promotion of child pornography.

DPS troopers are also identifying MS-13 gang members who are hiding in family units as they illegally cross into Texas. In a recent case, DPS Criminal Investigations Division troopers assisted Border Patrol agents with a large family group after they illegally crossed the Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass. They noticed an adult male from El Salvador trying to conceal himself in the group and apprehended him.

Using facial recognition, they identified him as a possible national security threat with ties to transnational organized crime as well as confirmed he was an MS-13 gang member with eight prior apprehensions and a street-level drug dealer. He was turned over to Border Patrol.

Since Gov. Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star over two years ago, they’ve apprehended over 401,900 illegal foreign nationals and made more than 32,400 criminal arrests, with more than 29,600 felony charges reported, according to data from the governor’s office.

These numbers are in addition to record arrests of noncitizens at ports of entry by CBP agents. Fiscal year to date, OFO agents encountered over 15,000 people with criminal convictions, up from roughly 6,500 in fiscal 2021.

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3e27f6 No.78411

File: 779d768c71d7246⋯.png (440.01 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: c3cd4387b8960d6⋯.png (443.79 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dc0af3cdad1149⋯.png (314.05 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321505 (081414ZAUG23) Notable: interactive polls - djt t.s post

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King nothing

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3e27f6 No.78412

File: 0ccdcf7539e07b6⋯.png (1.3 MB,1000x592,125:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321509 (081414ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During djt Appearance - sundance

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Seriously Sketchy – Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During President Trump Appearance


August 4, 2023

As noted in Politico describing President Trump’s court appearance yesterday, “Minutes before Trump entered the pin-drop silent room, several federal judges — who have been processing the carnage of Jan. 6, 2021 for more than two years — filed into the public gallery, turning themselves into spectators in a building they typically rule. Chief Judge James Boasberg, who presided over several of the secret grand jury battles that preceded the charges against Trump, was among those marking the moment.”

[…] “Boasberg’s presence in the courtroom was a statement in itself. Alongside him was Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has in her own courtroom excoriated Republicans who have refused to contradict Trump’s continued lies about the 2020 election. The pair, flanked by other judges and magistrate judges, watched Trump’s every move intently.”

In March, when I wrote the outline about Judge Boasberg being the corrupt DC judge who broke the constitutional restrictions on executive privilege, which technically forced Mike Pence to turn over his notes and testify to James Smith and the DC grand jury, I said at the time, “The entire judicial system is corrupt, soup to nuts, all of it.” I was not using hyperbole.

For Judge Boasberg (who is on vacation) to show up in court and sit in the back row of the courtroom is a stunning visible display of judicial ideology and targeting.

In reality, Boasberg is bearing witness to the outcome he created by forcing a Vice President to give testimony against the Chief Executive, thereby establishing the basis for the fraudulent allegations Special Counsel Jack Smith was utilizing to target that same executive, President Donald Trump.

This is the same Judge Boasberg who sat as presiding judge on the FISA court. The same Judge Boasberg gave FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith a slap on the wrist for manufacturing evidence used in the Carter Page FISA application that defrauded the court. The same Judge Boasberg who appointed former DOJ-NSD head Mary McCord as amicus curiae advisor to the court, after she knowingly and fraudulently submitted the FISA application to the court.


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3e27f6 No.78413

File: f354231efd02eff⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x446,512:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321521 (081416ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During djt Appearance - sundance

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Two and a half years ago, while Judge Boasberg was on the FISA Court, I warned about the implications of all these interconnected judicial dots. The entire DC federal bench is compromised. The entire judiciary of the FISA Court process is compromised. The entire federal judicial system is compromised. Now we are stunningly seeing the scale and scope of that DC judicial corruption in the fraudulent case against President Donald Trump.

Former FISA Court Presiding Judge James Boasberg is no longer on the FISC. However, he continues to advance the interests of the DC Deep State with rulings specifically tailored to protect the national security state. [Boasberg Background Here]

Boasberg, an ally of SSCI Chairman Mark Warner, has intercepted several cases that brought sunlight upon the corrupt DC system. In each case Boasberg ruled in favor of maintaining the corruption, including his willfully blind support of the FBI searching NSA databases to conduct illegal surveillance of Americans, and including Boasberg’s personal appointment of Mary McCord to run defense on behalf of the corrupt DOJ main office. Keep in mind, Mary McCord’s husband works for Supreme Court justice John Roberts.

Then Presiding Judge James Boasberg, was the decision-maker in the appointment of Amici Curiae to the FISA court. There is no way, NO WAY, Judge Boasberg did not know Mary McCord was at the epicenter of the fraudulent FISA application used against Carter Page. Remember, in addition to being the FISC Presiding Judge, Boasberg was also the trial judge in the case against Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who lied about Page working for the CIA on the FISA application. {Go Deep}

Boasberg knows Mary McCord took over from former DOJ-NSD head John Carlin (October 2016); and it was McCord who guided the Carter Page FISA application through the court and across the finish line (October 2016 and January 2017). That FISA application was built upon fraud and Mary McCord was at the center of it.

Mary McCord was also the DOJ-NSD official who went with Sally Yates to confront the White House Counsel, Don McGhan, about the Michael Flynn interview with the FBI. {Go Deep} It was also Mary McCord who had Michael Atkinson as the chief-legal-counsel for the DOJ-NSD -that’s her office attorney- when the FISA application was submitted in October 2016, and renewed in January 2017.

Michael Atkinson went from DOJ-NSD counsel to become the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG). {Go Deep} In that new role, Atkinson changed the rules to allow an anonymous CIA whistleblower (Ciaramella on behalf of Vindman) to file the complaint that led to the Ukraine impeachment effort. {Go Deep} Who was the lead lawyer in the Jerry Nadler led House Judiciary Committee? Why Mary McCord of course. Judge Boasberg knows all of this… AND MORE.

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3e27f6 No.78414

File: c9c2d6c749a55fc⋯.png (2 MB,1170x1403,1170:1403,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ad54ddc256829d⋯.png (1.67 MB,1170x1449,130:161,Clipboard.png)

File: ea1e3a068ca66eb⋯.png (1.17 MB,1170x1555,234:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321535 (081418ZAUG23) Notable: niger tells USAID to use fund on a weight loss program for nuland - twat (kek)

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>Victoria Nuland getting BTFO’d


🇳🇪🇺🇸 BREAKING: The revolutionary government of Niger has responded to the suspension of US aid by telling the US: “We don’t want your money, use it to fund a weight loss program for Victoria Nuland.”

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3e27f6 No.78415

File: cff3e5710611bca⋯.png (1.29 MB,768x780,64:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fb2bb8f32773fa⋯.png (277.66 KB,768x546,128:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321562 (081425ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During djt Appearance - sundance

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Boasberg knows the details of the fraudulent FISA application. Boasberg knows the details of Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report about the fraudulent FISA application and all the DOJ and FBI participants… which included Mary McCord. Boasberg knows exactly who Mary McCord is, and what activity she has taken on behalf of the political resistance inside the DOJ and inside Congress. FISC Presiding Judge James Boasberg also knows Mary McCord has broken the law….

…And yet Boasberg appoints McCord as amici curiae?

Let’s be really clear here. The FISA court is a small unit. The judges in/around Washington DC are also a small unit. They know everything that is going on in and around their DC network. A FISA judge inside that DC system knows every granular detail of everything that comes into their purview. All of it. Judge Boasberg even wrote the last two FISA court opinions (2019 and 2020) about the FBI abuses of the FISA-702 process and warrantless, illegal violations of the NSA database.

There is simply no other way to look at the placement of Mary McCord other than to see what it was.

The FISA court is compromised – AND, McCord is being installed in order to coordinate any defensive measures that are needed to cover up that compromise.

There isn’t another way to look at this other than to see bad motives. There’s not a shred of possibility that Judge Boasberg does not know exactly who Mary McCord is, and what roles she played in the surveillance of candidate Donald Trump, President-elect Trump, President Trump, and the House impeachment effort to remove President Donald Trump. Boasberg knows exactly who Mary McCord is.

Boasberg knows what the DOJ and FBI were doing in their targeting of candidate Trump and President Trump. Perhaps more than any other DC judge, Boasberg has been at the center of it. Yet Boasberg will force Vice President Pence to turn over executive privilege documents, give testimony against the interests of the President, and then sit in the back of the courtroom to watch the outcomes of all these years of tentacles…..

There has always been no other way to look at this.

I hate to say it so bluntly, but the federal court system in Washington DC is compromised and yes, weaponized….

… That’s the true “conspiracy against rights”.


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3e27f6 No.78416

File: 4707e8eb8591e41⋯.png (330.38 KB,663x678,221:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321563 (081426ZAUG23) Notable: Big stuff happening at @Weaponization with @America1stLegal. - twat

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House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸

Big stuff happening at @Weaponization with @America1stLegal.

Read about it here:


9:44 AM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78417

File: d259850e5643c0c⋯.png (31.44 KB,547x358,547:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321576 (081427ZAUG23) Notable: Big stuff happening at @Weaponization with @America1stLegal. - twat

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Stephen Miller



10:06 AM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321581 (081428ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During djt Appearance - sundance

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3e27f6 No.78419

File: a3eb24ab31046f6⋯.jpeg (55.24 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321588 (081430ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

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7 Aug, 2023 14:24

Kiev covering up illegal organ trade – Moscow

Ukraine has become a world leader in black-market trafficking, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has claimed

Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has alleged that members of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s administration are personally engaged in, and are covering up, the illicit export of human organs.

In an article published on the Foreign Ministry's website, Maria Zakharova cited media reports suggesting that the organs of killed Ukrainian soldiers, such as hearts, kidneys and livers, have been appearing on some of the biggest marketplaces of the dark net, with prices starting at €5,000 ($5,500). One dealer allegedly claimed thatit takes 48-60 hours to receiveany desired organ in a medical box, with deliveries limited to EU countries.

Zakharova noted that organs were also being traded offline, citing reports from June that representatives of a health ministry in a NATO country had struck a deal with some “private businessmen” who were assisted by Ukraine’s Health Ministry and Presidential Officeto deliver a refrigerated train car full of human organs and body parts.

According to the spokeswoman, organ trafficking in Ukraine has boomed since the authorities inKiev passed a number of laws that “drastically simplifiedthe work of transplant specialists in the country.”

Specifically, Zakharova pointed to last year’s Law No. 5610, which exempted transplantation from value-added tax, and the December 2021 Law No. 5831, whichremoved the need to notarise the written consentor authenticate the signature of a living donor-to give up their organs

In an explanatory note attached to the 2021 bill, Ukrainian lawmakers explained the simplification of the country’s organ transplant regulations by the need to increase the efficiency of the transplantation system, in order to save more lives. Additionally, Ukrainian law prohibits buying or selling human anatomical materials andbans the harvesting of organs from orphaned children, unidentified persons, or people who died in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Nevertheless, Zakharova claimed that according to experts, Ukrainian organ sellers are not able to specify the origin of biomaterial that they schedule for delivery. It’s apparently believed that many of these organs are supplied by black-market transplant specialists, whoillegally remove them from the bodies of dead soldiersand burn the unclaimed remains.

Zakharova claimed that such suspicions are backed by the high death rate and the large number of missing Ukrainian soldiers, as well the shortage of specialists and reagents for studying corpses in Ukraine.

“This allows these criminals to cover their tracks and send human organs and body parts to the western regions of Ukraine, where they are prepared to be sent abroad for transplants,” she said.


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3e27f6 No.78420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321663 (081445ZAUG23) Notable: Vatican, London, DC, U.S Corporation. Quick rundown - twat

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==Vatican, London, DC, U.S Corporation.

Quick rundown.==

The Jesuits were involved in the design of the District of Columbia. Did you know that DC used to be named Rome?

DC has always been foreign land. 10 square miles of BS. It has been run solely by the London of Finance & the Vatican.

The 3 stars on the DC flag are not what they try to tell you. The three stars represent London, Vatican, and DC.

DC is full of satanic symbols. The owl, the obelisk, the pentagram, etc. Not to mention all 3 have an obelisk. Cleopatra's Needle, St. Peter's Square, Washington Monument

Ask yourself. Who is signing the checks in Washington?

Did Trump take a salary as President? The fake news claims he did, but accountants say it's unclear.

He didn't. In fact, he lost money. Stated around 15.7 million. Why? Because he wasn't going to be paid by a foreign entity.

It goes the same for the Federal Reserve. Not a U.S. entity. WAS controlled by the Rothschilds. Remember that Yahoo article that came out talking about Trump merging the FED into the U.S. Treasury?

Notice how the financial system is getting worse and worse? It's because the U.S. Corporation (Act of 1871) was dissolved. Completely broke. The old guard literally has no way out. They have no money. They have nowhere to go but destruction.

The Vatican is owned by the Rothschilds. Just like the FED was. It's Documented (1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.)

Post 1951


This is why Q mentioned the Godfather many times.

The estimated wealth of The Vatican Bank was $229 billion not too long ago. Today is estimated around 5 billion. In September of 2022, Pope Francis instructed Vatican entities to move all funds to the Vatican bank by Aug, 1 2022. The Bank of England also wanted their notes changed by the same day. Why? They're broke. How?

All the U.S. gold was there, and it took 650 planes to get it all out of there like Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes said in her interview. Now as Jim Rickards would say, Gold should be around 10k an ounce (could be higher) once it is revalued. I did some math, and it is estimated that we took back 125,367,744 oz of Gold (3555 metric tons). Revalued at 10k an ounce (future), well you do the math.

Trump is bringing back the republic from the corporation. It's nothing we've ever seen before so I get that it is hard to comprehend.

Long story short: The Biden Corporation is broke, dissolved, and now fake. All our wealth was taken from the Vatican. DC is now 10 square miles of illegitimacy. Even on FEMA.gov it states that if you can't operate in DC, then you work with the states. It's all about getting our true sovereignty back. We've been controlled by the Vatican and bankers for so long. Things are going to be changing. They have lost all the power.

I left out a lot of details, but this is a quick rundown. Will be discussing more depth on the podcast Tuesday night (AUG 8th)


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3e27f6 No.78421

File: d466d72a1328b01⋯.png (33.47 KB,651x309,217:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321669 (081446ZAUG23) Notable: Big stuff happening at @Weaponization with @America1stLegal. - twat

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America First Legal

/1🗣️THREAD — We filed a brief at the Fifth Circuit on behalf of @Jim_Jordan and 11 members of @JudiciaryGOP @Weaponization

in a case highlighting the federal government’s role in the censorship industrial complex.

The federal govt. coerced Big Tech to violate freedom of speech:

9:37 AM · Aug 8, 2023·42.7K Views


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3e27f6 No.78422

File: f1092c3729d2592⋯.png (46.57 KB,653x402,653:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321679 (081447ZAUG23) Notable: Big stuff happening at @Weaponization with @America1stLegal. - twat

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Attorney General Andrew Bailey

Thankful for your support as we fight government censorship.

It’s all hands on deck.


10:38 AM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321728 (081456ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump Announces New Hampshire’s “Veterans for Trump Coalition - liz harrington twat

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Liz Harrington·19m

Donald J. Trump Announces New Hampshire’s “Veterans for Trump Coalition”

10:30 AM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321762 (081503ZAUG23) Notable: Former Michigan Congressman Fred Upton on the Future of the Republican Party - wapo and youtube links.

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11:00 AM EDT

Former Michigan Congressman Fred Upton on the Future of the Republican Party

Washington Post Live




Fmr. GOP Michigan Lawmaker on Party's Agenda & 2024 Elections

Former Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) discusses the Republican Party’s agenda and the 2024 elections during a virtual conversation hosted by the Washington Post.


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3e27f6 No.78425

File: 004d3af5370cd58⋯.jpg (165.43 KB,1080x801,120:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321789 (081508ZAUG23) Notable: *SHIP CLOSURE* Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice - twat uss constitution

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Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

We appreciate the patience!


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3e27f6 No.78426

File: 529e640392582aa⋯.png (259.85 KB,352x315,352:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321729 (081456ZAUG23) Notable: #23730

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Not A Baker Out.

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3e27f6 No.78427

File: 1a11378a13ea2ca⋯.jpeg (65.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321760 (081502ZAUG23) Notable: A call for peace between Russians and Ukrainians has landed a Ukrainian priest in hot water. Roman Kurach

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7 Aug, 2023 21:28

Ukrainian activists force priest to apologize after call for peace

A priest in the Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod has called for an end to the ongoing conflict, sparking a scandal, local media outlets have said

A call for peace between Russians and Ukrainians has landed a Ukrainian priest in hot water. Roman Kurach, who serves with the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, has had to apologize publicly after his words prompted an intervention by someUkrainian journalists and sparked what the local media called a “massive scandal.”

During a Sunday prayer, the priest asked God to “work a miracle and bring these great peoples together: Ukraine and Russia.” He also beseeched the Lord to make Russians and Ukrainians “stop exterminating and killing each other” and help them “build the kingdom of heaven here, on Earth” to eventually “ascend to the skies together.”

These words did not sit well with local journalist Darya Sipigina, who was the first to publish videos from the sermon, along with a Facebook post in which she blasted Kurach’s words as “shocking.” “How is this even possible a year and a half [into the conflict]?”she asked in her post, while accusing the Uzhhorod Greek-Catholic Church of a lack of “respect for those who defend the Ukrainian land and die for it.”

The journalist admitted that she did not listen to the whole sermon but heard the words about peace through the local cathedral’s loudspeaker while “driving past it.” She claimed she confronted the priest after the sermon,but Kurach told her he would not stop blessing Russians even if his brother, who is currently on the frontlines, died in the conflict.

The journalist also complained that “dozens of people listened silently to the sermon” and “no one even blinked at these words.” However, many commenters on her Facebook post sided with the priest, arguing there was nothing wrong with calls for peace and accusing Sipigina herself of attempting to stir up some “hype” over the issue.

The Ukrainian media still widely reported on the priest’s sermon, calling the situation a “scandal.” Kurach then had to explain his choice of words and apologize in an interview with a local media outlet. “It is dangerous to say such things [during] the war,” he said on Monday, adding that “it was a mistake.”He also described his call for peace as “spontaneous.”

The priest then said that he had the example of Europe in mind when he called for peace between Russia and Ukraine. “I was guided by the fact that, when I studied in Europe, I saw people that waged wars against each other for centuries: England, France, Germany, and others. God gifted them … with a spirit of unity, love, and forgiveness,” he explained, adding that “God can bring together any peoples.”

(More proof Ukraine has an opening from demons of hell to escape and challenge God. IMHO. They are losing bigly!)


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3e27f6 No.78428

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321775 (081505ZAUG23) Notable: Catherine Engelbrecht And Gregg Phillips Detail Their New Movie About John G. Trump

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16 hours ago

Catherine Engelbrecht And Gregg Phillips Detail Their New Movie About John G. Trumpwow!



Steve Bannon

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3e27f6 No.78429

File: 95a08390631a019⋯.png (1.27 MB,1170x1517,1170:1517,Clipboard.png)

File: 98982bdc5750e9b⋯.png (1.25 MB,1170x1561,1170:1561,Clipboard.png)

File: 216ec3f1b797836⋯.png (1.56 MB,1170x1705,234:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321867 (081520ZAUG23) Notable: "Why are D’s opposed to cleaning up voter rolls?

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"But...but...there's no evidence of voter fraud" they say... 🙄

Kinda hard to refute this.

"Why are D’s opposed to cleaning up voter rolls?

Why are D’s opposed to imposing VOTER ID LAWS to further safeguard our elections?"


Reference: https://twitter.com/gatewaypundit/status/1688892956835459072

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Tem…

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3e27f6 No.78430

File: aff0639c5ee3e67⋯.png (91.48 KB,1366x803,1366:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321882 (081524ZAUG23) Notable: Poor widdle Nancy Sinatra mad, guise.

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MOAR DELICIOUS LIBERAL TEARS - Nancy Fucking Sinatra on Twatter

Poor widdle Nancy Sinatra mad, guise. A poor widdle Satanist is mad that Elon took over her child trafficking hub of Twatter.

LINK - https://twitter.com/NancySinatra/status/1688919506662592514

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/vTXPu


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3e27f6 No.78431

File: 64a03d18a6e3819⋯.png (117.51 KB,792x521,792:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321910 (081527ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump What a Great Honor it is for me to receive a powerful Endorsement from very highly respected General Keith Kellogg, a true WARRIOR ...

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Donald J. Trump

What a Great Honor it is for me to receive a powerful Endorsement from very highly respected General Keith Kellogg, a true WARRIOR who was in the Trump Administration from the beginning. He knew the ins and outs, and the people, perhaps better than anybody. Keith worked directly with V.P. Pence, so Endorsing me could not have been an easy decision to make, but for true warriors, not tough! Thank you Keith! P.S. The General wrote a great book,

“War By Other Means.” Get it! @generalkellogg

Aug 08, 2023, 11:16 AMhttps://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110854654213359693

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3e27f6 No.78432

File: bb255f4a0ad157f⋯.png (1.42 MB,1145x1607,1145:1607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321920 (081529ZAUG23) Notable: a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles & body armor on cameras crossing illegally to Fronton, TX

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NEW: Per law enforcement source, a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles & body armor were seen on cameras crossing illegally into the Fronton, TX area in the RGV Saturday night. Elite Border Patrol BORTAC agents were called out & searched area, but found nobody.


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3e27f6 No.78433

File: 0c42773dd8aae44⋯.jpg (92.18 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321942 (081536ZAUG23) Notable: Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

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Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

We appreciate the patience!

10:02 AM · Aug 8, 2023









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3e27f6 No.78434

File: 61c89a6d412da64⋯.png (2.97 MB,1170x1785,78:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321946 (081537ZAUG23) Notable: a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles & body armor on cameras crossing illegally to Fronton, TX

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Fronton, TX is a heavy cartel area with significant drug smuggling. Border Patrol sources tell me armed gunmen are frequently encountered there. This was another group of suspected cartel gunmen who were arrested there in June.


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3e27f6 No.78435

File: 61c89a6d412da64⋯.png (2.97 MB,1170x1785,78:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321969 (081541ZAUG23) Notable: a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles & body armor on cameras crossing illegally to Fronton, TX

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Fronton, TX is a heavy cartel area with significant drug smuggling. Border Patrol sources tell me armed gunmen are frequently encountered there. This was another group of suspected cartel gunmen who were arrested there in June.


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3e27f6 No.78436

File: 947f4aac6488b89⋯.png (776.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321989 (081543ZAUG23) Notable: @SOCSOUTH “Blue Skies!” Ambassador @USAmbCL Bernadette Meehan performs an epic tandem jump along with U.S and Chilean paratroopers

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3e27f6 No.78437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322024 (081548ZAUG23) Notable: What is the Strategic National Stockpile?

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Anon wonders what the government is stockpiling to use in its war against the people besides Oil, Ventilators, and Cheese?

What is the Strategic National Stockpile?

The SNS grew out of an earlier program, the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, which Congress created in 1999 to serve as an emergency supply of drugs and vaccines in the wake of a terrorist attack or other crisis affecting public health. It was overseen by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2003, amid a sweeping government reorganization prompted by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it became the SNS, and in 2018 was placed under the authority of another body within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The SNS contains a slew of medical supplies and equipment, including antibiotics, antivirals, vaccines, ventilators, and beds, stored in secret locations across the country to supplement state and local resources. Some of the materials are organized into “twelve-hour push packages”—each contains fifty tons of medical supplies that can be rapidly deployed to another part of the country. The exact contents of the stockpile are kept secret for security reasons, but it holds over $8 billion worth of inventory, according to Greg Burel, who directed the SNS for more than twelve years. The composition of the stockpile is determined by a special interagency body that includes experts from the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health.

The SNS has been used to respond to a range of crises since its inception, including the 9/11 terrorist attacks; Hurricane Katrina; and outbreaks of Zika, Ebola, H1N1, COVID-19, and, most recently, mpox, the smallpox relative formerly known as monkeypox. But because the SNS was initially designed and funded to handle chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) events, experts, including Burel, say it has not received the necessary funding for pandemic preparedness.

The Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve is a stockpile of one million barrels of diesel fuel kept in Connecticut, New Jersey, and Massachusetts to supply the northeastern United States, where the majority of heating oil is used. The federal government used to maintain a stockpile of helium near Amarillo, Texas, but Congress ordered the reserve to be shut by 2021, and the government transitioned it to private-sector use. While it was initially hoarded for use in military blimps, helium today is used in rockets and in superconductors. Additionally, the Defense Department reportedly stockpiles rare earth minerals, which are used to manufacture advanced weaponry, and lithium, a critical input for advanced batteries, to curb its reliance on Chinese sources. The Pentagon also maintains a National Defense Stockpile of about $1.5 billion worth of various metals.

The government has in the past stockpiled food, but these programs were mainly to support farmers hurt by low prices. For example, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) bought surplus dairy products, which it distributed to Americans via various welfare programs. Food stockpiling has been a point of debate in negotiations at the World Trade Organization because some critics say itdistorts trade flows.

Today, the USDA still buys various commodities for both domestic and international food aid programs. It also maintains a vault in Fort Collins, Colorado, that houses thousands of plant species and genetic material of livestock in the event of a disaster.

The SNS does not contain food reserves, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stockpiles food, water, generators, and other resources across eight distribution centers located in the United States and its territories.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault safeguards the world’s flora in the event of a major disaster. The vault holds nearly one million seed samples inside a mountain on a remote Norwegian island in the Arctic.


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3e27f6 No.78438

File: 5c4fe2cfad2ca9a⋯.png (558.21 KB,960x1200,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322078 (081557ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Moon Meets Jupiter

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 8, 2023

Moon Meets Jupiter

What's that below the Moon? Jupiter and its largest moons. Many skygazers across planet Earth enjoyed the close conjunction of Earth's Moon passing nearly in front of Jupiter in mid-June. The featured image is a single exposure of the event taken from Morón de la Frontera, Spain. The sunlit lunar crescent on the left is overexposed, while the Moon's night side, on the right, is only faintly illuminated by Earthshine. Lined up diagonally below the Moon, left to right, are Jupiter's bright Galilean satellites: Callisto, Ganymede, Io (hard to see as it is very near to Jupiter), and Europa. In fact, Callisto, Ganymede, and Io are larger than Earth's Moon, while Europa is only slightly smaller. NASA's robotic spacecraft Juno is currently orbiting Jupiter and made a close pass near Io only a week ago. If you look up in the night sky tonight, you will again see two of the brightest objects angularly close together because tonight is another Moon-Jupiter conjunction.


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3e27f6 No.78439

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322080 (081557ZAUG23) Notable: 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to to Deliver Remarks in Windham, New Hampshire

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12:00 PM EDT

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to to Deliver Remarks in Windham, New Hampshire

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)



2:30 PM EDT

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Windham, New Hampshire

Doors Open: 11:30 AM EDT



2:30 PM EDT

Former President Trump Delivers Remarks in Windham, NH

Former President Trump delivers remarks at a campaign event in Windham, New Hampshire.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78440

File: 83a7db2499e9935⋯.png (63.08 KB,890x460,89:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322099 (081601ZAUG23) Notable: SPAM is not free speech, will be removed

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TY Bakers


This board continues to be under heavy attack by spammers, mainly posting muh joos, muh vatican, MAGA violence and bot spam.

At times, the spam take up as much as 40% of the bread.

This actively INTERFERES with the ability of anons to post & discuss digs - as it is intended to.

BVs are deleting as much as possible, especially spam that

- systematically denigrates any religious, racial or cultural group

- promotes violence

- is a personal attack on admins or anons.

SPAM is not information - it's FLOODING THE ZONE with unwanted propaganda.

As such, it has NOTHING to do with free speech.

It's like going to a talk and YELLING to drown out the speaker.

QResearch is for RESEARCH, not propaganda.

If you post bullshit, expect it to be deleted.


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3e27f6 No.78441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322106 (081602ZAUG23) Notable: Vice President Harris Announces a Major Initiative for Workers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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12:25 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Announces a Major Initiative for Workers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Vice President Harris delivers remarks highlighting the Biden-Harris administration’s investments in infrastructure and announce a major initiative for workers.



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3e27f6 No.78442

File: bd4774abf9a700c⋯.png (60.63 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: f0ad7ea9653f348⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322110 (081603ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie authorities confirm Russian Soyuz-2 rocket parts caused 'spectacular light show' for residents of Victoria and Tasmania

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Aussie authorities confirm Russian Soyuz-2 rocket parts caused 'spectacular light show' for residents of Victoria and Tasmania

August 8, 2023 - 2:20PM

Parts of a Russian rocket were behind the mysterious bright object that streaked across the sky on Monday night.

Residents from Victoria and Tasmania were sent into a frenzy as they speculated whether a meteor, comet or space junk was behind the spectacular light show.

The Australian Space Agency has revealed the item was instead man-made in Russia, as it closely monitors the flying object.

"The flashes of light seen across Melbourne skies overnight were likely the remnants of a Russian Soyuz-2 rocket re-entering the Earth's atmosphere," the agency said in a statement.

"Launch of the Soyuz-2 rocket occurred from Plesetsk Cosmodrome earlier in the evening. According to Russian authorities the launch placed a new generation 'GLONASS-K2' global navigation satellite into orbit."

Russian authorities have since liaised with the Australian agency to ensure the safe re-entry of the rocket remnants into the ocean off the south-east coast of Tasmania.

“We will continue to monitor the outcomes of this re-entry with our Government partner,” they said.

Monash physics and astronomy professor Michael Brown explained the “vast forces” of re-entering earth would have created the beam of light observed by Australians.

“As the rocket was travelling at several kilometres every second as it entered the atmosphere, it experienced vast forces that heated and broke up the rocket, producing a spectacular light show,” Associate Professor Brown said.

“Space junk reentries are sometimes confused with meteors, which are also spectacular but are usually far shorter events as they slam into the atmosphere at a much faster speed.”

He confirmed it is possible that small pieces may have crashed into the earth but their size was unlikely to cause any damage to properties.

On Tuesday morning social media was filled with footage from the stunning scene as residents across both states tried to identify the object.

“Um excuse me, I just saw a meteor? I was literally just going to get a biscoff shake and saw the coolest thing I’ve ever seen,” one person tweeted.

“What an amazing sight over Melbourne. Space junk or meteor, it was spectacular to see it.” another said.

Many also reported hearing a big boom around midnight, with experts saying the large noise was due to the object slowing.



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3e27f6 No.78443

File: 21bbe708c836638⋯.jpg (592.17 KB,1080x1247,1080:1247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322136 (081608ZAUG23) Notable: Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

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It’s no question - every Sailor aboard USS Constitution contributes to the success, longevity, and promotion of the ship! 💫


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3e27f6 No.78444

File: aff3049dfd8fb91⋯.png (76.79 KB,914x529,914:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322154 (081611ZAUG23) Notable: Credit card balances jumped in the second quarter and are above $1 trillion for the first time

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Fuck You, Pay Me

Credit card balances jumped in the second quarter and are above $1 trillion for the first time


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3e27f6 No.78445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322174 (081614ZAUG23) Notable: Election machines are down in Ohio for their special election today

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It’s Maricopa all over again

Election machines are down in Ohio for their special election today

We saw video of Maricopa officials secretly tampering with their machines after they’d been certified

Is the same happening in Ohio?

Hey Mike DeWine - Investigate!!


Responding to: https://twitter.com/mikeholdennews/status/1688920036759711744

#BREAKING: ALL ballot scanners are down & not working at Cuyahoga Falls polling location. Voters & workers frustrated. Ballots either placed in orange bag & scanned later OR can void ballot & come back later

Stay with @WEWS #Issue1 #OhioIssue1 #OhioElection #SpecialElection

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3e27f6 No.78446

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322194 (081618ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Leaked’ Dem Memo Accepts Trump’s Populist, America First Stance Is A Vote Winner.

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‘Leaked’ Dem Memo Accepts Trump’s Populist, America First Stance Is A Vote Winner.


DeSadist is gonna be a one digit midget since he said Trump didn’t win against Bidan. Kek


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3e27f6 No.78447

File: d1360b89d2e686f⋯.png (118.27 KB,297x555,99:185,Clipboard.png)

File: aa8627082e759aa⋯.png (346.73 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322198 (081619ZAUG23) Notable: Those who know cannot sleep?

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See new Tweets


iSource News




Trump Special Prosecutor Can't Sleep


9:56 AM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78448

File: 582514d5f06bd1a⋯.png (443.98 KB,686x864,343:432,Clipboard.png)

File: 123b435040a938d⋯.jpg (61.5 KB,564x564,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322234 (081623ZAUG23) Notable: Proterra, DarkBrandon's favorite EV co., goes bankrupt

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Proterra, DarkBrandon's favorite EV co., goes bankrupt:

>Proterra cited "various market and macroeconomic headwinds" in a Chapter 11 filing on Monday, which came after the California-based firm cut hundreds of jobs earlier this year and restructured hundreds of millions of dollars in outstanding debt.

>The declaration marks a stunning downfall for Biden's favorite green energy company. Biden took part in a virtual tour of a Proterra facility in April 2021 to promote his $1.9 trillion infrastructure plan, which included billions to boost the electric bus industry. Biden said during the event that Proterra was "getting us in the game" and predicted that Proterra and other electric vehicle companies would "end up owning the future."

>own the future


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3e27f6 No.78449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322248 (081625ZAUG23) Notable: Election machines are down in Ohio for their special election today

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here we go again

election fuckery in Ohio


#BREAKING: ALL ballot scanners are down & not working at Cuyahoga Falls polling location. Voters & workers frustrated. Ballots either placed in orange bag & scanned later OR can void ballot & come back later. Stay with @WEWS

#Issue1 #OhioIssue1 #OhioElection #SpecialElection

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3e27f6 No.78450

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322250 (081626ZAUG23) Notable: The Elites' Economic Scam Cannot Sustain. Trying to destroy MAGA

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The Elites' Economic Scam Cannot Sustain. Trying to destroy MAGA, they won’t win. McCarthy is as guilty on the budget as Bidan. He allowed no debt limit



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3e27f6 No.78451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322266 (081627ZAUG23) Notable: Illegals being housed in Brooklyn, New York Recreation Center; Pool is now closed to local residents

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VIDEO: Illegals being housed in Brooklyn, New York Recreation Center; Pool is now closed to local residents

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3e27f6 No.78452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322311 (081635ZAUG23) Notable: Proterra, DarkBrandon's favorite EV co., goes bankrupt

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78453

File: 75b27294807662b⋯.png (3.49 MB,4505x3726,4505:3726,Clipboard.png)

File: 49901a1a77d848d⋯.png (120.09 KB,320x917,320:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322320 (081636ZAUG23) Notable: Those who know cannot sleep?

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Those who know cannot sleep?

Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78454

File: adc1b9039f8efba⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322341 (081638ZAUG23) Notable: #23729

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Q Research General #23729: Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens Edition

>>78370 dough

>>78371 The president of the American Library Association (ALA) is standing by her “Marxist” views - dailywire.com

>>78372, >>78373, prosecution of 2020 alternate in 6 of 7 states likely - justthenews.com

>>78374 Left Wing Late Night Hosts Silent for Three Months - Has Anyone Even Noticed? - gwp (colbert etc)

>>78375 Moody's cut credit ratings of several small to mid-sized U.S. banks on Mon - reuters

>>78377, >>78379 The US “lost” jobs last month, and might start losing 175k jobs a month - reuters

>>78376 Repeal the 17th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators - uncoverdc.com

>>78378, >>78382 Meet Charlie. 100% Old English Sheepdog, dog comms - adam schiff twat

>>78380 /us-deploys-more-than-3000-sailors-marines-middle-east-following-irans-targeting-ships - foxnews.com

>>78384, >>78389, >>78396, Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan - Police - gwp

>>78385, >>78390, >>78393, >>78397, >>78406, >>78419, Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland - rt.com bun various news topics

>>78386 j.p morgan chase history and mergers - dig

>>78387, >>78388, David Rody defending venezuelan cartel/narco drug traffickers in court re jack smith donations pb dig included - business insider (anon dig on jack smith)

>>78391, >>78394, fbi charles mcgonigal to plead guilty of colluding with russia.- dailymail.

>>78392 Judge in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case demands to know why the DOJ wants to use a grand jury from out of state as she hands Jack Smith multiple blows - dailymail

>>78395, >>78398, >>78403 ARCHIVING - 2022/2023 B.I.S ANNUAL REPORT - TOTAL 249 PAGES (global accounting) Innovation 2025 agenda.

>>78399 hillary clinton mouthing off - twat

>>78400, >>78411, interactive polls - djt t.s post

>>78401 Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled “Biden’s Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities” - youtube

>>78402 The Global Rejection of CBDCs - realclearmarkets.com

>>78404 DeSantis Questioned About President Trump in 2020 Election Says, “Of course he lost. Joe Biden’s the president - sundance

>>78405 US scientists responsible for a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough say they have repeated the feat - insiderpaper.com

>>78407 we have been the subject of a complex cyber-attack, and our systems were accessed by hostile actors. - electoralcommUK Twat

>>78408 Jill Biden Hosts the Back to School Safely - youtube

>>78410 Texas rescues more than 900 smuggled children at southern border - justthenews.com

>>78381, >>78383, Vid collection of lies about the vaxx stopping transmission - anon mp4 vids

>>78412, >>78409, >>78413, >>78415, >>78418, Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During djt Appearance - sundance

>>78414 niger tells USAID to use fund on a weight loss program for nuland - twat (kek)

>>78416, >>78417, >>78421, >>78422, Big stuff happening at @Weaponization with @America1stLegal. - twat

>>78420 Vatican, London, DC, U.S Corporation. Quick rundown - twat

>>78423 Donald J. Trump Announces New Hampshire’s “Veterans for Trump Coalition - liz harrington twat

>>78424 Former Michigan Congressman Fred Upton on the Future of the Republican Party - wapo and youtube links.

>>78425 *SHIP CLOSURE* Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice - twat uss constitution

full notables

dough below for notes above


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3e27f6 No.78455

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322361 (081642ZAUG23) Notable: Darren Beattie: This May Be the Darkest and Most Ridiculous Part of the Biden DOJ’s Latest Trump Indictment | Revolver News Exclusive

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36 minutes ago

Darren Beattie: This May Be the Darkest and Most Ridiculous Part of the Biden DOJ’s Latest Trump Indictment | Revolver News Exclusive



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3e27f6 No.78456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322394 (081649ZAUG23) Notable: DJ Casper, Creator of the Beloved ‘Cha Cha Slide,’ Dead at 58

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DJ Casper, Creator of the Beloved ‘Cha Cha Slide,’ Dead at 58

He previously told the outlet in May that he had been diagnosed with kidney and liver cancer in 2016. “They went in to try to do surgery, and they found out the kidney was connected to the main artery, so they decided not to do it and just treat it.”

Casper, whose real name is Willie Perry Jr., said his original song, “The Cha-Cha Slide,” was created as aerobic exercise for his nephew who worked at Bally’s Total Fitness. “From there, it just took off. Elroy Smith from WGCI grabbed ahold of it,” he said.

In 2020, his second song titled “Casper Slide Pt. 2” was picked up by Chicago’s WGCI-FM radio station and eventually Universal Records, and released in 2000 — spending five weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart before going topping the UK charts in 2004. Casper, who was also known as Mr C the Slide Man, released an accompanying record, Cha-Cha Slide: The Original Slide Album.

Over the years, the line dance song became an international sensation, becoming a staple at school dances, sports events, Quinceanera’s, bar mitzvahs, weddings, and other celebrations across the world.

“Anybody that’s going through cancer, know that you have cancer and cancer does not have you,” Casper said in a statement before his death. “So, keep on doing the ‘Cha Cha Slide.'”


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3e27f6 No.78457

File: 4183faa2f261c73⋯.pdf (15.58 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322395 (081649ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan - Police - gwp


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3e27f6 No.78458

File: 901c9a04a19e323⋯.pdf (11.99 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322417 (081652ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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>>78457 PART 2

Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police - gwp



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3e27f6 No.78459

File: c6022c6bf6114ef⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB,522x296,261:148,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322431 (081655ZAUG23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Rises to the Occasion.

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Kevin McCarthy Rises to the Occasion.mp4

Screen is on fire!

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3e27f6 No.78460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322451 (081658ZAUG23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy matters.


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3e27f6 No.78461

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322466 (081700ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Massive Voter Fraud op discovered in Michigan

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32 minutes ago

TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake RegistrationsNew article out today, an amazing report. These people were never arrested by MI



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3e27f6 No.78462

File: 55e3a2ef17863c0⋯.png (1.39 MB,1290x723,430:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322481 (081702ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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MI police uncover and send to MI AG

she buries it then sends to fbi

they bury and not it leaks out...

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States


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3e27f6 No.78463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322483 (081703ZAUG23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Rises to the Occasion.

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BUSTED: Smoking-Gun SHATTERS Joe Biden's Defense | The Obama Connection REVEALED | Trump's Revenge

Benny Johnson

1.08M subscribers

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3e27f6 No.78464

File: d1175815e960921⋯.png (976.39 KB,1204x667,1204:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322567 (081719ZAUG23) Notable: this woman just said bullshit, she is literally talking like trump

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this woman just saidbullshit

the crowd stated chanting bullshit.

she is literally talking like trump



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3e27f6 No.78465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322575 (081721ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in history…


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3e27f6 No.78466

File: 45a138f75c7942e⋯.png (52.6 KB,850x381,850:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322581 (081721ZAUG23) Notable: Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

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Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

We appreciate the patience!

11:02 AM · Aug 8, 2023 · 606 Views

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3e27f6 No.78467

File: a4a4ea117f08f9d⋯.png (22.09 KB,756x177,252:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 867cb549e16126b⋯.png (651.35 KB,617x547,617:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322624 (081729ZAUG23) Notable: The group of people behind the defense of Kyle Rittenhouse announced the formation of a nonprofit aimed at helping regular people they believe are unfairly facing attacks from “cancel culture.”

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The group of people behind the defense of Kyle Rittenhouse announced the formation of a nonprofit aimed at helping regular people they believe are unfairly facing attacks from “cancel culture.”

“We aim to help everyday Americans being victimized for exercising their constitutional rights,” Jillian Anderson, a board member of the newly formed Themis Alliance, told Fox News Digital. “Whether it’s blatant censorship or the government being weaponized against people for simply speaking up against government policy, it’s clear there’s a coordinated assault on the First Amendment underway.”

Anderson was one of a handful of people who stepped up in the defense of Rittenhouse, who as a 17-year-old was charged in the shooting of three men, two fatally, during the August 2020 unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse benefited from a massive fundraising effort for his legal defense and was eventually acquited, but the fight did not come without obstacles, according to Themis.

Adam Waldeck, another Themis Alliance board member, told Fox News Digital that Rittenhouse was “kicked off at least a dozen online platforms just for trying to raise resources for Kyle’s legal defense,” calling the saga a shocking example of censorship that motivated him to get involved in standing up the new nonprofit.

“It just shows how aggressive and censorious so many of our institutions have become,” Waldeck said. “All too often it’s only happening to people thought to hold certain opinions or represent certain values. It’s deeply unfair and makes the pursuit of justice — which should be in the interest of every America — nearly impossible. I’m hopeful Themis Alliance can help to right this wrong so everyday Americans aren’t crushed and drowned out by malicious actors.”

In addition to the legal troubles Rittenhouse found himself in after the Kenosha unrest, Anderson noted that the teenager was also subject of relentless public and media attention, which drew her in to help him in the public relations battle.

“In my journey with Kyle Rittenhouse to gain media attention before his trial, the obstacles were daunting. Sharing his side of the story seemed nearly impossible as broadcasters and hosts shied away,” Anderson said, noting that leaking a video of the incident to the media was the eventual catalyst to getting Rittenhouse’s version of events to the public.

“Witnessing the media’s immense power, I was personally driven to support Kyle and his shattered family, victims of relentless smears by mainstream media,” Anderson said. “This experience led me to help create Themis Alliance, providing a voice and platform for those silenced by the woke mob and cancel culture. Together, we’ll empower the voiceless to reclaim their narratives.”

The Themis Alliance will work to combine both public relations and legal defense to assist those targeted by cancel culture, Anderson said, while also engaging in Equal Justice Education Campaigns through op-eds, events and social media aimed at informing the public on the importance of proving equal justice.

The organization was named after Themis, who in Greek mythology is the goddess of justice.


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3e27f6 No.78468

File: e580b28d2792d0b⋯.png (55.05 KB,588x287,84:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322636 (081732ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The FBI Special Agent who was in charge of the Fake Russian Collusion Witch Hunt just plead GUILTY TO CONSPIRACY. What a disgrace!

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Donald J. Trump


The FBI Special Agent who was in charge of the Fake Russian Collusion Witch Hunt just plead GUILTY TO CONSPIRACY. What a disgrace! They knew I was innocent all along, and yet we went through hell and back to get the NO COLLUSION finding from Mueller. Do I get an apology from the FBI & DOJ? What we have exposed about our Country is incredible!!!

Aug 08, 2023, 1:21 PM


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3e27f6 No.78469

File: 8f0056bde7f6fd9⋯.png (674.56 KB,1054x861,1054:861,Clipboard.png)

File: c83b21571444bb5⋯.png (309.77 KB,1068x914,534:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b49bdb2f05b19⋯.png (728.12 KB,1063x902,1063:902,Clipboard.png)

File: acce8e83e3c6185⋯.png (1.12 MB,1067x866,1067:866,Clipboard.png)

File: ffc7a7be1c8625a⋯.png (922.68 KB,1063x677,1063:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322648 (081733ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Mr. Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.

The following is from the MI State Police report:

On 10/16/20 Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch and Deputy Clerk Kimberly Young contacted the Muskegon Police Department after noticing irregularities in voter registration applications received both in person and by mail.

The Muskegon city clerk became suspicious when the female, (whose name is redacted in the first part of the police report, but then later, is unredacted), hand-delivered thousands of voter registrations to her office, many of them in the same handwriting.

On 10/20/20 (deadline day for in-person voter registration applications) the suspect retumed to the *Muskegon City Clerk’s office to deliver additional registration forms in person. Meisch estimated that (suspect) brought an additional 2500 forms. Meisch contacted the Muskegon Police Department and Detective Logan Anderson and Captain Shawn Bride conducted a non-custodial interview with the suspect.

Meisch stated that in her opinion a quantity of the voter registration forms were highly suspicious and possibly fraudulent.

Meisch’s opinion was based on the fact that numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer and upon initial examination, addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent.

Meisch investigated further and found that phone numbers on multiple forms were erroneous and signatures on multiple forms didn’t appear to match signatures on file with the Department of Secretary of State. Examples included an address in the and another in the [REDACTED]

Those addresses do not exist in the Muskegon City house numbering system. Another form listed 80 W. Southern Ave which is the address for Muskegon High School and is clearly not a residence.



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3e27f6 No.78470

File: c5dba88ac9c56fd⋯.jpeg (150.36 KB,2048x400,128:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7eaeed79825d87d⋯.jpeg (430.25 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9fa20cfb1f02830⋯.jpeg (539.22 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4b6ca552e17309e⋯.jpeg (421.41 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322681 (081738ZAUG23) Notable: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

An exclusive Gateway Pundit report by Benjamin Wetmore and Patty McMurray

Special Thanks to Phil O’Halloran and Lori Skibo for their contributions and assistance with this story. The two election integrity activists obtained a copy of the State Police report and began investigating the story in June. Phil O’Halloran, now Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party’s Election Integrity Committee and Lori Skibo, Director of the MI GOP’s Poll Challenger Program, brought it to our attention and are assisting with our research of this story.

* * * * * * * * * *

On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Mr. Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.


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3e27f6 No.78471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322686 (081739ZAUG23) Notable: entire website archving tool

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entire website archving tool

The short story:

We can make highly compressed copies of entire websites that each fit into a single (.zim) file. Zim files are small enough that they can be stored on users’ mobile phones, computers or small, inexpensive Hotspot.

Kiwix then acts like a regular browser, except that it reads these local copies. People with no or limited internet access can enjoy the same browsing experience as anyone else.

The software as well as the content are fully open-source and free to use and share.

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3e27f6 No.78472

File: f9b13bace46e220⋯.png (250.63 KB,1526x1536,763:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322705 (081742ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Lindell Election Summit LIVE

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Dig and Archive


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3e27f6 No.78473

File: 3b544fa8985c247⋯.png (166.77 KB,1536x579,512:193,Clipboard.png)

File: f0b6aa423a838b4⋯.png (266.35 KB,1536x1252,384:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b7083ebed1ddc8⋯.png (1.19 MB,1536x1536,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: db0349bb5c9e184⋯.png (99.4 KB,1370x824,685:412,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b5d2cbe1d5eb78⋯.png (324.42 KB,1069x896,1069:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322712 (081743ZAUG23) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan and Hunter Biden Shared Professional Ties at Boies Schiller Flexner, Firm that Worked for Burisma

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You Can’t Make This Up: Obama-Appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan and Hunter Biden Shared Professional Ties at Boies Schiller Flexner, Firm that Worked for Burisma

When Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith’s BS case against President Trump came out last week, we soon learned that the case was assigned to an Obama-appointee judge.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that President Donald Trump has requested an immediate recusal of far-left and anti-Trump U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who has been appointed to preside over his ongoing “January 6th” case in Washington D.C. Trump characterizes the judge as a “biased” judge.

Trump voiced his concerns and frustrations over the weekend on his social platform, Truth Social.

“”There is no way I can get a fair trial with the judge ‘assigned’ to the ridiculous freedom of speech/fair elections case. Everybody knows this, and so does she! We will be immediately asking for recusal of this judge on very powerful grounds, and likewise for venue change, out of D.C.,” Trump wrote.

Chutkan has been known for her harsh rulings against conservative defendants. In fact, NBC reported that she is the only federal judge in the nation’s capital who has been sentencing January 6th defendants to terms longer than what the government had recommended.

Chutkan’s political inclinations seem evident from her past contributions to political causes. The judge donated over $3,000 to Barack Obama’s campaigns between 2008 and 2012, according to her public donation records.

Here are some of her donation records according to Open Secret:

Open Secrets records show that Hunter Biden served as an attorney there from 2009-2014, with Chutkan also working as an attorney and even making partner in 2007. Both left the firm in 2014; Biden moved on to other endeavors, while Chutkan was appointed as a judge by then-President Obama.

Hunter Biden’s work history per Open Secret:

Chutkan, during her tenure at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner (BSF) from 2002 to 2014, coincided with the period Hunter Biden served as counsel for Burisma.

More from Yahoo News:

It is a fact that Hunter Biden and Chutkan were both employed by, or partners of, BSF. It is also factual that BSF provided services to the Ukrainian oil company Burisma, on whose board Hunter Biden served.

Chutkan worked at BSF from 2002 until the time of her appointment to the D.C. Circuit by then U.S. President Barack Obama in June 2014. She was made a partner of the firm in 2007. Biden, meanwhile, held the title of counsel at BSF from 2010 to 2014.

After joining the board of Burisma in April 2014, as Hunter Biden described in his memoir, he recommended the consulting services of his law firm to help the company implement “corporate practices that were up to accepted ethical snuff.” Burisma paid BSF at least $250,000 dollars for its work.

In sum, it is factual that both Hunter Biden and Chutkan worked under the umbrella of Boies Schiller Flexner between 2010 and 2014, and it is also true that BSF did business with Burisma via Hunter Biden in May 2014. As such, we rate this claim as “True.”

Former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Kash Patel revealed this information during his interview with Sebastian Gorka.

“Judge Chutkan, for those who don’t know, represented Burisma, Hunter Biden’s fraudulent consulting firm, she was a lawyer at the same law firm with Hunter Biden,” Patel said.




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3e27f6 No.78474

File: 8b9875c5c0149fd⋯.png (625.42 KB,907x928,907:928,Clipboard.png)

File: fec6f2fdb96a3b3⋯.png (17.24 KB,334x434,167:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322722 (081744ZAUG23) Notable: Veterans must file a toxic exposure claim by August 9th to be eligible for retroactive compensation.

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Passed by the Democratic Congress last year, the PACT Act is the largest expansion of VA benefits in decades.

Veterans must file a toxic exposure claim by August 9th to be eligible for retroactive compensation.

Visit http://va.gov/PACT for more information.

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3e27f6 No.78475

File: 71773e6dd429c3f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1151x2010,1151:2010,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322742 (081747ZAUG23) Notable: Anheuser-Busch InBev will be selling 8 of their beer brands as the Dylan Mulvaney boycotts continue to obliterate the company, sold to Canadian company, Tilray for $85M.

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JUST IN: Anheuser-Busch InBev will be selling 8 of their beer brands as the Dylan Mulvaney boycotts continue to obliterate the company.

It gets even worse: Anheuser-Busch will also be handing over their employees and breweries for these brands.

The companies being sold include Shock Top, Square Mile Cider Company, Blue Point Brewing Company, Breckenridge Brewery, 10 Barrel Brewing Company, Widmer Brothers Brewing, Redhook Brewery and Hiball Energy.

The brands will be sold to Canadian company, Tilray for $85M.

Ouch 🔥


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3e27f6 No.78476

File: be61374b6bb1579⋯.png (288.1 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 480c48e007ce3ac⋯.png (394.42 KB,521x718,521:718,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e2eb963f7567ab⋯.png (564.61 KB,874x856,437:428,Clipboard.png)

File: ceba837cea34541⋯.png (16.69 KB,859x154,859:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322747 (081747ZAUG23) Notable: US Shutters Haiti Embassy Amid "Rapid Gunfire" As Armed Gangs Have Run Of The Capital

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US Shutters Haiti Embassy Amid "Rapid Gunfire" As Armed Gangs Have Run Of The Capital

Haiti's problems have gone from bad to worse after years of political instability, raging gang violence, rampant kidnapping, food and medicine shortages, and the outbreak of deadly diseases like cholera.

Many thousands of Haitians have flooded the streets of Port-au-Prince this week, angry over the lack of security or any rule of law in crime-ridden neighborhoods across the impoverished Caribbean nation. But Tuesday saw further escalation in violence, as rapid gunfire rang out, coming from the crowd and in the vicinity, causing the US and other foreign embassyies to close operations.

"The Embassy is closed today. All personnel are restricted to Embassy compounds until further notice due to gunfire in the vicinity of the Embassy. Travel between the compounds is prohibited," the embassy said in a new statement.

The US Embassy warned further that anyone seeking to get to or from the compound could have the security of routes "impacted due to continued rapid gunfire."

CBS and other outlets have described an escalating situation in which "ceaseless violence at the hands of gangs" has resulted in angry crowds demanding some semblance of security from both national and international officials.

Cries of "we want security!" were heard from the crowd, many with their faces masked, amid burning tires and vehicles, tear gas, and running street clashes.

Some sources estimate that armed gangs control up to 80% of the capital city, and police are powerless to protect residents...

Meanwhile, as for potential solutions, the United Nations has debated for the past year a proposal to send an international police-keeping force, but it remains that no particular nation - including the United States - wants to be seen as spearheading it given the controversy accompanying past such interventions.

Not only would the ongoing chaos and violence pose a serious risk to international peacekeeping troops, but the West's legacy of colonialism would once again be under a microscope.

Most recently, Kenya proposed that it could send its own troops, but again, few UN officials have the political will to see it through given there are so many "unknowns" and ways it could exacerbate an already spiraling situation:

After Primer Minister Ariel Henry urged the world in October to deploy an armed force to fight the gangs, the United Nations has struggled to convince a nation to lead efforts to restore the order in the Caribbean country, in part due to past controversy over peacekeeping missions. There’s been little appetite for a U.S.- or U.N.-led force, and the United States unsuccessfullt tried to persuade Canada to lead a force.


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3e27f6 No.78477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322773 (081751ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing

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2:00 PM EDT

Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon





Defense Department Briefing

Deputy Defense Department Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters a nd responds to questions on a range of issues.


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3e27f6 No.78478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322782 (081753ZAUG23) Notable: U Chicago Runs Religious Course on ‘Queering God’

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U Chicago Runs Religious Course on ‘Queering God’

The University of Chicago, incorporated by Baptist Christians in the 19th century, is now running a course titled ‘Queering God’ from Dr. Olivia Bustion.

“Can God be an ally in queer worldmaking? Is God queer? What does queerness have to do with Judaism, Christianity, or Islam?” the introduction to the course on the University of Chicago website asks, promising to “[introduce] students to foundational concepts in queer and trans studies by focusing on queer Jewish, Christian, and Islamic theologies.”

The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality (CSGS) which hosts the ‘Queering God’ course hosts a dizzying array of similar courses, including one which claims the New Testament apocrypha “champion[s] a female, cross-dressing ascetic Christ-missionary,” and another which questions whether it is “ethical to have children” in light of climate change.

Such content extends well beyond the CSGS at the University of Chicago, which also runs a Critical Race Theory (CRT) course titled ‘The Problem of Whiteness’.


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3e27f6 No.78479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322787 (081753ZAUG23) Notable: resident Biden Delivers Remarks on the Inflation Reduction Act, Historic Red Butte Airfield, Arizona

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2:00 PM EDT

President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Inflation Reduction Act, Historic Red Butte Airfield, Arizona

President Biden discusses the Biden Administration’s historic investments in conservation and protecting our natural resources, and how the Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in climate action in our nation’s history.




President Biden Gives Remarks Inflation Reduction Act and Conservation

President Biden delivers remarks in historic Red Butte Airfield in Arizona on his administration’s actions on conservation and protecting natural resources and Inflation Reduction Act investments in climate action.


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3e27f6 No.78480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322818 (081758ZAUG23) Notable: Biden to Ask for Another Ukraine Aid Package ‘North of $10 Billion’

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Report: Biden to Ask for Another Ukraine Aid Package ‘North of $10 Billion’

President Joe Biden will soon ask Congress for a Ukraine aid package that could exceed $10 billion, a report released Tuesday found.

Punchbowl News reported the Ukraine aid battle will resume when Congress returns from recess. The incoming request, which could be “north of $10 billion,” follows as Ukraine continues its slow-moving counteroffensive against Russia, and America and other NATO countries have pledged support for Ukraine.

The Army’s acquisition chief told reporters on Monday that the Department of Defense was working on a funding package for lawmakers to consider. The package would be used to replenish American weapon stockpiles which have been depleted after providing munitions to Ukraine’s protracted conflict with Russia.

The United States has provided more than $110 billion in aid to Ukraine even as voters go sour on the prospect of even more taxpayer dollars being spent to aid the Kyiv regime.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has said that any additional Ukraine funding should have to go through regular order, or the appropriations process, and not a supplemental package.

Seventy House Republicans voted to cut off funding for Ukraine in July, making the expected Ukraine aid battle highly contentious.

In contrast, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has slammed the current defense cap set by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, the debt ceiling deal struck by McCarthy and Biden, and has pushed a robust aid package to Ukraine.

A Ukraine aid package would also require generous floor time as both chambers of Congress needs to pass appropriations bills to avoid a government shutdown by the end of September.


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3e27f6 No.78481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322825 (081801ZAUG23) Notable: YouTube takes down video about free speech lawsuit against Biden, claiming it promotes “medical misinformation”

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YouTube takes down video about free speech lawsuit against Biden, claiming it promotes “medical misinformation”

Video sharing platform YouTube took down a video posted by a public interest law firm, citing alleged "medical misinformation." The site later reversed the decision and reinstated the video without notice or explanation.

According to Just The News, the video centered on a July 26 "Lunch and Law" talk by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) regarding the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit. The complaint accuses the Biden administration of unconstitutionally coercing social media platforms to censor certain content. Missouri and Louisiana filed the case on behalf of their respective residents.

The July 26 talk included attorney John Sauer, who initially represented the Cave State in his capacity as Missouri solicitor general. He later returned to private practice and represented the Pelican State in the lawsuit.

NCLA showed the video's removal notice, which stated that it "contradicts expert consensus" on Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines from "local health authorities" or the World Health Organization. The alliance added that YouTube would not reinstate the video, and its previously spotless channel would receive one strike.

NCLA then posted the video of the July 26 event on Rumble. According to the alliance's spokeswoman Judy Pino, the YouTube version was down for about two days before being restored. She commented: "No email or alert, they just quietly took the strike away and put the video back up."

"The fear of reprisal from the current 'surveil and censor' administrative state not only motivates companies like YouTube to remove discussion of inconvenient truths, but it also causes them to suppress mere reference to entire viewpoints – unless the reference is in line with government-approved messaging," NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel Zhonette Brown said in a statement.

Just The News sent queries to YouTube's owner Alphabet requesting for comment over its takedown and subsequent reinstatement of NCLA's video. The tech giant has not responded as of writing.

Not even RFK Jr. is exempt from YouTube's censorship

Even Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) twice fell victim to the video sharing platform's censorship.

In June, the Alphabet-owned company took down his interview with Canadian clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. RFK Jr.'s conversation with the host of "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast" was banned for allegedly promoting "vaccine misinformation."

A spokesperson for Alphabet confirmed the decision to take down the video, adding that YouTube removes so-called "false claims about currently administered vaccines. The spokeperson added: "This would include content that falsely says that approved vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility; or that substances in vaccines can track those who receive them."

In response, both RFK Jr. and Peterson accused YouTube of censorship. "Now YouTube has taken upon itself to actively interfere with a presidential election campaign," Peterson tweeted.

RFK Jr., on the other hand, wrote: "My conversation with Peterson was deleted by YouTube. Maybe you can help me figure out what 'misinformation' was in this interview. What do you think? Should social media platforms censor presidential candidates?"

YouTube later censored RFK Jr.'s interview with journalist Al Guart for the latter's "Beyond the Sphere" podcast. According to the Democratic candidate, YouTube conducted this second instance of censorship "on its own initiative." He added that the video-sharing site has internalized the political wishes of the establishment to the point where it knows what to censor without being told.

"People made a big deal about Russia supposedly manipulating internet information to influence a presidential election. Shouldn't we be worried when giant tech corporations do the same?" he asked.


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3e27f6 No.78482

File: cae45cbb74271fc⋯.jpg (160.6 KB,687x978,229:326,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fc52df5b0f82ab0⋯.jpg (189.82 KB,845x1151,845:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 91ec22b5d329fdd⋯.jpg (108.14 KB,720x599,720:599,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 221f63703df4c10⋯.jpg (4.05 MB,3000x2187,1000:729,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322864 (081805ZAUG23) Notable: @US_SpaceCom @USMC Master Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker relinquished responsibility of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader position to @SpaceForceDoD Chief Master Sgt. Jacob Simmons

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1/3) #USSPACECOM's @USMC Master Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker relinquished responsibility of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader position to @SpaceForceDoD Chief Master Sgt. Jacob Simmons during a ceremony on Peterson Space Force Base Aug. 7.

2/3) “The transfer of this key USSPACECOM leadership position is significant because of the CSEL’s role in leading our 18,000 members to perform our critical functions in the face of determined strategic competitors,” said USSPACECOM commander @USArmy Gen. James Dickinson.

(3/3) “The rapidly changing strategic environment requires our joint space warfighters to outthink and outmaneuver our adversaries.”

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3e27f6 No.78483

File: 29f78c8a17fe26f⋯.png (2.07 MB,1620x1080,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322944 (081815ZAUG23) Notable: @US_SpaceCom @USMC Master Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker relinquished responsibility of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader position to @SpaceForceDoD Chief Master Sgt. Jacob Simmons

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322977 (081820ZAUG23) Notable: #23730

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#23730 >>78426

>>78427 A call for peace between Russians and Ukrainians has landed a Ukrainian priest in hot water. Roman Kurach

>>78428 Catherine Engelbrecht And Gregg Phillips Detail Their New Movie About John G. Trump

>>78429 "Why are D’s opposed to cleaning up voter rolls?

>>78430 Poor widdle Nancy Sinatra mad, guise.

>>78431 @realDonaldTrump What a Great Honor it is for me to receive a powerful Endorsement from very highly respected General Keith Kellogg, a true WARRIOR ...

>>78432, >>78434, >>78435 a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles & body armor on cameras crossing illegally to Fronton, TX

>>78433, >>78443, >>78466 Due to severe weather and safety concerns, USS Constitution will be closed until further notice.

>>78436 @SOCSOUTH “Blue Skies!” Ambassador @USAmbCL Bernadette Meehan performs an epic tandem jump along with U.S and Chilean paratroopers

>>78437 What is the Strategic National Stockpile?

>>78438 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Moon Meets Jupiter

>>78439 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to to Deliver Remarks in Windham, New Hampshire

>>78441 Vice President Harris Announces a Major Initiative for Workers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>78442 Aussie authorities confirm Russian Soyuz-2 rocket parts caused 'spectacular light show' for residents of Victoria and Tasmania

>>78444 Credit card balances jumped in the second quarter and are above $1 trillion for the first time

>>78445, >>78449 Election machines are down in Ohio for their special election today

>>78446 ‘Leaked’ Dem Memo Accepts Trump’s Populist, America First Stance Is A Vote Winner.

>>78448, >>78452 Proterra, DarkBrandon's favorite EV co., goes bankrupt

>>78450 The Elites' Economic Scam Cannot Sustain. Trying to destroy MAGA

>>78451 Illegals being housed in Brooklyn, New York Recreation Center; Pool is now closed to local residents

>>78453, >>78447 Those who know cannot sleep?

>>78455 Darren Beattie: This May Be the Darkest and Most Ridiculous Part of the Biden DOJ’s Latest Trump Indictment | Revolver News Exclusive

>>78456 DJ Casper, Creator of the Beloved ‘Cha Cha Slide,’ Dead at 58

>>78457, >>78458, >>78461, >>78462, >>78465, >>78469, >>78470 Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>78460 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>78459, >>78463 Kevin McCarthy Rises to the Occasion.

>>78467 The group of people behind the defense of Kyle Rittenhouse announced the formation of a nonprofit aimed at helping regular people they believe are unfairly facing attacks from “cancel culture.”

>>78471 entire website archving tool

>>78473 Obama-Appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan and Hunter Biden Shared Professional Ties at Boies Schiller Flexner, Firm that Worked for Burisma

>>78474 Veterans must file a toxic exposure claim by August 9th to be eligible for retroactive compensation.

>>78475 Anheuser-Busch InBev will be selling 8 of their beer brands as the Dylan Mulvaney boycotts continue to obliterate the company, sold to Canadian company, Tilray for $85M.

>>78476 US Shutters Haiti Embassy Amid "Rapid Gunfire" As Armed Gangs Have Run Of The Capital

>>78477 Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing

>>78478 U Chicago Runs Religious Course on ‘Queering God’

>>78479 resident Biden Delivers Remarks on the Inflation Reduction Act, Historic Red Butte Airfield, Arizona

>>78480 Biden to Ask for Another Ukraine Aid Package ‘North of $10 Billion’

>>78481 YouTube takes down video about free speech lawsuit against Biden, claiming it promotes “medical misinformation”

>>78482, >>78483 @US_SpaceCom @USMC Master Gunnery Sgt. Scott Stalker relinquished responsibility of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader position to @SpaceForceDoD Chief Master Sgt. Jacob Simmons

Trump to to Deliver Remarks in Windham, New Hampshire

>>78464 this woman just said bullshit, she is literally talking like trump

>>78468 @realDonaldTrump The FBI Special Agent who was in charge of the Fake Russian Collusion Witch Hunt just plead GUILTY TO CONSPIRACY. What a disgrace!


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3e27f6 No.78485

File: 971fe12c62b1109⋯.jpeg (17.55 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322992 (081822ZAUG23) Notable: #23731-B

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323010 (081825ZAUG23) Notable: Victoria Nuland Meets With Niger Junta Leaders

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Victoria Nuland Meets With Niger Junta Leaders

Nuland met with Moussa Salaou Barmou, who has previously received training from the US military

Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland traveled to Niger’s capital Niamey on Monday and held what she described as “difficult” talks with members of the junta that ousted Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum in a July 26 coup.

“Traveled to Niamey to express grave concern at the undemocratic attempts to seize power and urged a return to constitutional order,” Nuland wrote on X, formally known as Twitter.

Nuland spoke with reporters on the phone after her talks and said the “conversations were extremely frank and at times quite difficult because, again, we were pushing for a negotiated solution.” She said the coup leaders are “quite firm in their view on how they want to proceed, and it does not comport with the constitution of Niger.”

Nuland said she met with Moussa Salaou Barmou, who has declared himself Niger’s defense chief, and three other colonels. Journalist Nick Turse reported for The Intercept that Barmou had previously received military training from the US, something Nuland mentioned in the call with reporters.

“General Barmou, former Colonel Barmou, is somebody who has worked very closely with US Special Forces over many, many years,” she said. “So we were able to go through in considerable detail the risks to aspects of our cooperation that he has historically cared about a lot. So we are hopeful that that will sink in.”

The Biden administration has said it paused assistance to Niger but has not officially declared the situation a coup since that would require cutting off all aid. The US has been cooperating militarily with Niger for many years and has about 1,100 troops in the country, along with a major drone base.

The US has backed threats of military intervention to reinstate Bazoum made by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which is holding a second emergency summit on the coup this Thursday. Nuland did not mention potential military intervention in the call with reporters and was not asked about the possibility. She said the US hoped the junta would keep “the door open to diplomacy” but sounded doubtful that they would.

Nuland said she spoke with Bazoum by phone but was denied a meeting with the ousted leader, who is being held under house arrest. She was also denied a meeting with Niger’s declared leader, Gen. Abdourahmane Tiani. “So we were left to have to depend on Mr. Barmou to make clear, again, what is at stake,” she said.

Nuland said she also warned the junta against cooperation with Wagner, the Russian mercenary force. “I raised Wagner and its threat to those countries where it is present, reminding them that security gets worse, that human rights get worse when Wagner enters. I would not say that we learned much more about their thinking on that front,” she said.


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3e27f6 No.78487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323018 (081827ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Live

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3e27f6 No.78488

File: 398ba1c2d4d11be⋯.png (187.81 KB,1024x433,1024:433,Clipboard.png)

File: f04e13702ee700d⋯.png (23.36 KB,603x570,201:190,Clipboard.png)

File: aa56c5a63e96df1⋯.png (156.81 KB,1024x756,256:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a6b5f86787e59b⋯.png (261.02 KB,1313x583,1313:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bc77acb314b3fd⋯.png (255.34 KB,806x1024,403:512,Clipboard.png)


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In a jaw-dropping revelation, Election Systems & Software (ES&S) has been caught red-handed in an audacious scheme to prevent public access to vital public records related to the administration of elections. The bombshell report suggests that the company is trying to cloak their actions in secrecy and hide critical information from the American public.

The hidden treasure trove of data and evidence held hostage by ES&S and their co-conspirators is nothing short of a GAME-CHANGER. It is the ultimate vindication for President Donald J. Trump, providing undeniable evidence that the 2020 and 2022 elections were RIGGED and FRAUDULENT!


The information that ES&S is seeking to hide from public disclosure, contains the data and evidence that vindicate President Donald J. Trump and prove with absolute certainty that the 2020 and 2022 elections were significantly and materially impacted by massive election fraud via compromised electronic voting systems on a nationwide basis.

ES&S, the shadowy giant behind the nation's voting systems, has unleashed a disturbing edict this week, instructing all municipalities to HIDE critical public records, data and reports related to government agency-run local, state and federal elections.


In this David vs. Goliath showdown, courageous citizens and watchdogs unite to challenge the election behemoth. The public records requests that spurred the ES&S Security Bulletin were sent out by Christopher Gleason on half of The Justice Society.

In their edict ES&S falsely states governmental agency customers and election officials that their compliance with The Justice Society public records requests for Audit Logs could potentially compromise the security of elections.

What information is ES&S trying to conceal?

The logs and data requested are automatically system generated. They are an auditable date/time stamped record of activities and actions taken by administrators and users of the ES&S software and systems. ES&S markets this functionality as a selling point to ensure security of elections administered with their products.

DS200 Tabulator


Behind the veil of a seemingly reasonable claim, ES&S's dark secrets are exposed, Election Systems & Software (ES&S) has been deceiving the nation, as their software and systems behind the 2020, 2022, and 2024 elections is anything but secure. Moreover, the data, reports and logs requested across America paint a much different picture than the false claims that the 2020 were secure, free, fair and transparent.

Below is an excerpt of ES&S false claims being used to hide the evidence of widespread election fraud through the use of their software and hardware.



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3e27f6 No.78489

File: 81c977d50447b42⋯.png (251.87 KB,903x805,129:115,Clipboard.png)

File: ccc2d3fe26e319e⋯.png (208.44 KB,1135x852,1135:852,Clipboard.png)

File: 434767afe921024⋯.png (132.06 KB,1286x700,643:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 76e8f83b8f34716⋯.png (270.74 KB,1280x915,256:183,Clipboard.png)

File: c1ac030d2a4d18e⋯.png (168.72 KB,1308x899,1308:899,Clipboard.png)


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If no modems/network cards are attached to ES&S DS200 Tabulators, how on earth could they be compromised through network or remote access? The apparent contradiction defies all logic, even amidst the raving endorsements of being the "most secure elections on record" by CIS/CISA/DHS/DOJ, democrats, deep state operatives and the so-called "major news networks".


The evidence of secure elections and technology can be found in election reporting data and logs. These records also contain proof of compromised technology used for election fraud. Chris Gleason and his team discovered election manipulation through illegal adjudication of ballots marked as 100% Blank. They found this in October 2022 using ES&S Election Summary Reports (EL45A) from the 2020 November Presidential Election in various Florida counties.

Despite winning Florida overall, President Trump lost in 12 counties where a large number of ballots were marked as "BALLOTS CAST - BLANK" by the voting systems unlawfully.


According to the official ES&S product documentation a Blank Ballot is a ballot that is simply a 100% blank ballot.

In both the 2020 and 2022 elections in Florida, Maryland, Arizona and other states millions of voters cast their ballots through various methods. However, a concerning issue arose: ES&S Tabulators marked many of these ballots as "100% Blank," effectively nullifying the ballots and cancelling the votes of those voters.

The ES&S DS200 Tabulators are not the only ballot image scanners used to administer elections. ES&S also sells a high volume ballot scanner called the DS850 that also seems to be illegally adjudicating large numbers of ballots as 100% Blank these are used to process ballots received in vote by mail elections.

Although President Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election in Florida he did lose in some counties. In every county that he “lost in” across Florida there were massive numbers of “Ballots Cast – Blank”

In Arizona for the 2022 November Election, Pima County listed that 5,309 Ballots Cast were 100% Blank. This means that 1.317% of the Pima voters who cast ballots on election day, early voting and provisionally had their right to cast a ballot and have it counted accurately interfered with. Their right to vote was illegally taken away by the use of ES&S Tabulators. This calls into question the reliability and accuracy of the ES&S software and hardware used to conduct elections. How can the results being generated by these machines be trusted? They can’t be trusted when the audit logs and system logs are being hidden by the Election Fraud Mafia.


In Florida, Ron DeSantis and his hand-picked Secretary of State Cord Byrd have colluded with ES&S, Dominion Voting, and compromised elections officials to destroy the evidence of the widespread election fraud. They went so far to conceal their frauds, treasons and subversive activities that they passed a law restricting the disclosure of elections related results and data to the public in the same legislation that allowed Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President without having to resign.

The new election law has been called “The Florida Election Fraud Legalization Act” by election integrity watchdog groups. The legislation was rushed through to the dismay of election advocates on both sides of the political spectrum.

There are numerous lawsuits in Florida about the widespread election fraud by election officials and their co-conspirators.

Any claims by Governor Ron DeSantis that there were no issues with the 2020 Presidential Election are 100% false and can be proven using the public records data that he and his friends at ES&S and Dominion want to illegally hide. Furthermore, there have been massive discoveries that call into question the legitimacy of the 2022 elections. Many of these facts and evidence are the subject of the Scott v DeSantis lawsuit currently unfolding in Leon County Florida.


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3e27f6 No.78490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323037 (081831ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Live

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Trump Live Rumble Link:


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3e27f6 No.78491

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323041 (081831ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Live

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forgot embed


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3e27f6 No.78492

File: 094dbf954d3c9f4⋯.png (1.71 MB,1213x737,1213:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323049 (081833ZAUG23) Notable: djt: please stand veterans and receive our thanks.

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djt: please stand veterans and receive our thanks.

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3e27f6 No.78493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323052 (081834ZAUG23) Notable: The Constitution became a broken contract between the states on Dec. 20, 1860. Now, what did the US CONgress do in 1871?

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The Constitution became a broken contract between the states on Dec. 20, 1860.

Now, what did the US CONgress do in 1871?

It created a government for the District of Columbia (BECAUSE THERE WASN"T ONE)

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3e27f6 No.78494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323065 (081836ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: When I came into office in 2017, our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on, they betrayed it's solemn pledge to America's Veterans. Under the Obama/Biden administration, the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another…thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists, and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any aid under Obama. Some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals, including sadists., They were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in primetime…a lot of sadists; we got them all out.

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President Trump: When I came into office in 2017, our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on, they betrayed it's solemn pledge to America's Veterans. Under the Obama/Biden administration, the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another...thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists, and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any aid under Obama. Some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals, including sadists., They were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in primetime...a lot of sadists; we got them all out.

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3e27f6 No.78495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323074 (081838ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We told more than ten thousand bad, corrupt, incompetent VA workers, people that were sadists; and you couldn't get rid of them…we got it so you could fire them, and I said, "You're Fired! Get out!"

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President Trump: We told more than ten thousand bad, corrupt, incompetent VA workers, people that were sadists; and you couldn't get rid of them...we got it so you could fire them, and I said, "You're Fired! Get out!"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78496

File: 6e24f75437d7350⋯.png (343.96 KB,940x1201,940:1201,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dbdc536cd8ae4f⋯.png (241.48 KB,803x911,803:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 741f8939f15397c⋯.png (101.41 KB,795x408,265:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323078 (081839ZAUG23) Notable: Claims that ‘Global Boiling’ Led to “Shocking” Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet are Nonsense -- the Ice Sheet is Currently Bigger Than Normal

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Claims that ‘Global Boiling’ Led to “Shocking” Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet are Nonsense – the Ice Sheet is Currently Bigger Than Normal

The new era of ‘global boiling’ has brought a return of the much loved climate scare story featuring the imminent demise of the Greenland ice sheet. The Daily Mail recently ran a headline noting the ‘Impact of Global Boiling‘, saying it has “shocking” photos showing how much the ice sheet has melted during the “hottest month ever recorded on Earth”. Snow melt is said to be higher than the 1981-2010 average.

But, alas, those who strive for accuracy in these matters are likely to quibble. The Earth is not “boiling” – that is the unhinged raving of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres – the claim about July comes from a computer model, while “ever” refers to data of varying quality going back barely 150 years. Furthermore, the surface balance of ice on the Greenland ice sheet is higher than the 1981-2010 average, and could improve on last’s year performance, when there was little or no loss of the surface mass after the brief summer melting season.

If the Mail is “shocked” by how much the Greenland ice sheet has melted this year, it probably didn’t consult the polar portal site run by Danish meteorologists, which updates an accurate record on a daily basis. Both graphs above show the effect of a cold June where the ice loss was considerably lower than the previous year. Warmer weather arrived from the south in late June in time for the peak summer melt season.

As the second graph shows, the accumulation of surface ice on Greenland is more than the 1981-2010 average, and a big improvement on a decade ago. But as the Daily Sceptic noted recently, the current improvement can be seen in an even better light. A number of scientific institutions still use a decadal 1981-2010 average for comparison purposes, despite data to 2020 being available. The cynical might note that the ice sheet lost just 51 gigatonnes a year in the 1980s, compared to an annual loss of 244 gts in the 2010s. Updating the average figure would greatly amplify the recent, and continuing, recovery in the surface ice mass.


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3e27f6 No.78497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323096 (081842ZAUG23) Notable: The Constitution became a broken contract between the states on Dec. 20, 1860. Now, what did the US CONgress do in 1871?

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It created a government for the District of Columbia

It's still hard to take. Always did think it was odd even as a young boy learning of the District of Columbia and it not being a state. Plus (it's right there in the name) Columbia like wtf

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3e27f6 No.78498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323098 (081842ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans. As one of his first acts in office, Biden gutted my historic VA reforms; he gutted them out…Crooked Joe Biden is in the process of, not removing people, but reinstating five thousand of the ten thousand people that we fired, who were fired for good reason, including sadism..they want to give them back their full pay, they want to give them their jobs back.

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President Trump: Crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans. As one of his first acts in office, Biden gutted my historic VA reforms; he gutted them out...Crooked Joe Biden is in the process of, not removing people, but reinstating five thousand of the ten thousand people that we fired, who were fired for good reason, including sadism..they want to give them back their full pay, they want to give them their jobs back.

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3e27f6 No.78499

File: dfc7d9201c0f312⋯.png (415.05 KB,712x840,89:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 47492879556342e⋯.png (576.44 KB,702x837,26:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 969e110289f56bd⋯.png (268.79 KB,689x834,689:834,Clipboard.png)

File: da21dee489eaf48⋯.png (144.89 KB,694x547,694:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 190725e2d629066⋯.png (251.62 KB,719x865,719:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323099 (081843ZAUG23) Notable: UK: Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Midazolam & Morphine Euthanasia Camps

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Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Midazolam & Morphine Euthanasia Camps to create the illusion of a Deadly COVID-19 Pandemic

If the world was both fair and just, then Matt Hancock, the former UK Health Secretary who oversaw the pandemic response, would now be in prison.

That’s because while you stayed at home to “protect the NHS, and (allegedly) save lives”, Matt Hancock orchestrated the mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable in care homes using a drug known as Midazolam and then told you that they had all died of Covid-19; and we can prove it…

You gave up over two years of your life due to a lie.

A lie that involved prematurely ending the lives of thousands upon thousands of people, who you were told died of Covid-19.

A lie that has involved committing one of the greatest crimes against humanity in living memory.

A lie that has required three things – fear, your compliance, and a drug known as Midazolam.

We’re told that serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency. Therefore typical symptoms include breathlessness, cough, weakness and fever.

We’re also told that people who suffer deteriorating respiratory failure and who do not receive intensive care, develop acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe breathlessness.

Meanwhile, Midazolam is a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA. It can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing which may lead to permanent brain injury or death.

Knowing that, would you use Midazolam to treat “patients” suffering Covid-19?

Because that’s precisely what the then Health Secretary, Matt Hancock decided to do.

Data taken from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows us that during April 2020 there were 26,541 deaths in care homes, an increase of 17,850 on the five-year average. This is half the amount of alleged Covid-19 deaths during the same period.

Why were these people in care homes and not in hospitals?

They were in care homes because Matt Hancock gave the order to put them there…


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3e27f6 No.78500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323110 (081844ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I will fully restore the use of VA Accountability. We're going to bring it back in full force…and direct my Secretary of Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden has outrageously refused to remove from the job, or put back in the job.

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President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I will fully restore the use of VA Accountability. We're going to bring it back in full force...and direct my Secretary of Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden has outrageously refused to remove from the job, or put back in the job.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323117 (081846ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my administration.

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President Trump: I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my administration.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78502

File: f7c9c03f8e108c9⋯.png (77.19 KB,982x676,491:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323119 (081847ZAUG23) Notable: Soros and left-wing billionaires pump huge donations into Schumer PAC to hold Senate

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Soros and left-wing billionaires pump huge donations into Schumer PAC to hold Senate

by Gabe Kaminsky, Investigative Reporter |

August 07, 2023 03:17 PM



Senate was the target.

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3e27f6 No.78503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323120 (081847ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single cent to fund transgender surgeries, or sex-change procedures.

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President Trump: I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single cent to fund transgender surgeries, or sex-change procedures.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78504

File: 10289fc0afd5ca7⋯.png (38.83 KB,540x241,540:241,Clipboard.png)

File: b978bac1e868e58⋯.png (38.81 KB,547x265,547:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cef43f6ab34189⋯.png (42.13 KB,752x211,752:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323127 (081848ZAUG23) Notable: Antifa militants threaten Post Millennial journalist Katie Daviscourt inside courthouse during Andy Ngo trial: ‘Get in the elevator’

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Antifa militants threaten Post Millennial journalist Katie Daviscourt inside courthouse during Andy Ngo trial: ‘Get in the elevator’

"Why won't you get in the elevator with us? We want you in here."

Katie Daviscourt has been reporting from the trial of Andy Ngo v. Rose City Antifa in Portland, Ore., and on the final day of the trial, as the jury sat for deliberations, she told The Post Millennial that she had been approached by both defendants John Hacker and Elizabeth Richter outside the courtroom, inside the courthouse.

Daviscourt said that she as waiting for the elevator when Richter, along with two others approached her and began to call her names.

Richter was critical of Daviscourt's reporting on the trial, at which little press was present. Richter called Daviscourt and "fascist" and a "liar." Richter stands accused of having directed Antifa militants to Ngo's location during a street protest, leading to Ngo being beaten by militants.

Danialle James stood alongside Richter at the elevator. James reportedly helps run Richter's Twitter account which they use to doxx people. James joined in the harassment, Daviscourt said. As they elevator arrived, the three enouraged Daviscourt to get in it with them.

"Get in the elevator with us," they said. "Why won't you get in the elevator with us? We want you in here," they told Daviscourt in a threatening tone. Richter, Daviscourt said, gave her a "death glare."

Daviscourt made the decision not to enter due to safety concerns.

This is not the first time Richter has approached Daviscourt inside the courthouse during the trial. A few days prior, Richter confronted Daviscourt and accused her of being a "fascist."

As Daviscourt was on the phone with The Post Millennial, Hacker approached her and could be heard asking Daviscourt about her reporting. Daviscourt was outside the courtroom when Hacker asked "why are you lying in your reporting?"

Cameras are not permitted within the courthouse, and The Post Millennial was told directly by a clerk of the court that the outlet was not permitted to record or take photographs.

"Why are you lying about in your reporting?" Hacker could be heard to say through the phone. He specifically asked why Daviscourt had reported that Antifa was harassing people at the courthouse, saying that it was only "right-wingers" who had been harassing people and disrupting this court. This despite the fact that one alleged Antifa militant was escorted out of the courttoom by five sheriffs.

Hacker gave a teary testimony during which he admitted to having assaulted Ngo during a change encounter at a gym and stolen his phone. He admitted further to having identified Ngo at a street protest in Portland, in which Ngo was wearing black clothes, goggles, and was draped with a BLM flag. Hacker then told independent journalist Sergio Olmos that he believed he had spotted Ngo.

Richter is also alleged to have taken the information from Hacker and used it to direct other militants to Ngo's location.

As the jury deliberated, Daviscourt reported that people were milling around the hallways and tensions were running high.

The harassment of Daviscourt comes after Ngo was also harassed by Antifa on his way into court on Tuesday. Ngo was able to identify his alleged tormenters in court.


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3e27f6 No.78505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323136 (081849ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We will get critical race theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States Armed Forces.

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President Trump: We will get critical race theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States Armed Forces.

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3e27f6 No.78506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323142 (081850ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We will abolish every Biden COVID mandate, and rehire every Patriot who was fired from our military with an apology, and with back pay.

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President Trump: We will abolish every Biden COVID mandate, and rehire every Patriot who was fired from our military with an apology, and with back pay.

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3e27f6 No.78507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323153 (081852ZAUG23) Notable: Google hits out at Trump’s Truth Social app

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Google hits out at Trump’s Truth Social app

The tech giant accused the platform of failing to moderate user-generated content, including violent threats

Truth Social, the official social media app of former US President Donald Trump and his supporters, has been kept off Google’s Play Store over multiple serious violations of its rules, the tech behemoth told Axios on Tuesday.

Truth Social CEO and former California congressman Devin Nunes has publicly complained about Google allegedly dragging its feet to approve the app, wondering aloud what could be “taking so long” and telling users its inclusion on the Android app platform “is up to Google." However, Google argued through a spokesperson that Truth Social was at fault for the delay, because it still had to fix several outstanding “violations of standard policies.”

“Having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play,” the spokesperson explained, adding that Truth Social had written back “acknowledging our feedback and saying that they are working on addressing these issues.”

While Truth Social has 'sensitive content' banners that preempt some posts that may be considered offensive, Google apparently took issue with the platform’s refusal to remove threats of violence, even those expressed as a rhetorical device.

Truth Social’s rollout has been beset by financial and regulatory troubles, including an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission into the special purpose vehicle Digital World Acquisitions Corp that was set up to take the company public.

Trump was unceremoniously removed from all mainstream social media platforms in January 2021 after he was accused of inciting violence among his supporters following the January 6 Capitol riot. While he is considering a comeback electoral run in 2024, only Elon Musk – who appears to be backing out of his acquisition of Twitter – has suggested he would welcome the former president back onto the platform.


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3e27f6 No.78508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323156 (081852ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veteran's homelessness. You have a situation in America; it's a scandal, it's a disgrace

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President Trump: I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veteran's homelessness. You have a situation in America; it's a scandal, it's a disgrace

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3e27f6 No.78509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323174 (081855ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: It's a horrible thing that Crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country; it's an invasion of our country…to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants in expensive, luxury hotels, the best hotels in the country in many cases, while more than thirty-three thousand Americans who have served this nation in uniforms are homeless on our streets.

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President Trump: It's a horrible thing that Crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country; it's an invasion of our country...to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants in expensive, luxury hotels, the best hotels in the country in many cases, while more than thirty-three thousand Americans who have served this nation in uniforms are homeless on our streets.

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3e27f6 No.78510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323192 (081857ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: On Day One I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle, and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American Veterans. They will be treated properly.

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President Trump: On Day One I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle, and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American Veterans. They will be treated properly.

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3e27f6 No.78511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323200 (081858ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Furthermore, I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month.

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President Trump: Furthermore, I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month.

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3e27f6 No.78512

File: 0774ea62864330f⋯.png (220.87 KB,536x346,268:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323205 (081859ZAUG23) Notable: The Origin of the Climate Change Hoax

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The Origin of the Climate Change Hoax

The Club of Rome stated in this Document from 1991: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming...would fit the bill.



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3e27f6 No.78513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323219 (081901ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: There is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020, and the reason is because these people are so corrupt, and they're so horrible. They're so incompetent. [the people are being shown]

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President Trump: There is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020, and the reason is because these people are so corrupt, and they're so horrible. They're so incompetent.

[the people are being shown]

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3e27f6 No.78514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323239 (081905ZAUG23) Notable: Christie can't be bothered he's eating don't call him a fat pig

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45 on Christie

kek on stirrin tha pot

Christie can't be bothered he's eating

don't call him a fat pig

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3e27f6 No.78515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323243 (081906ZAUG23) Notable: 'Native American Guardians Association' petition to restore the Washington Redskins name goes viral -- 'You can't cancel American history!'

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'Native American Guardians Association' petition to restore the Washington Redskins name goes viral - 'You can't cancel American history!'


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3e27f6 No.78516

File: e4a0e245aa0d61f⋯.png (318.95 KB,1349x2590,1349:2590,Clipboard.png)

File: 32e78714ecb07cf⋯.png (282.44 KB,1349x2155,1349:2155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323244 (081906ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / GBI Strategies Open Secrets

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>>78461 lb

GBI Strategies

Michigan voter registration fraud


Total reported payments, 2020 cycle: $4,691,623


Total reported payments, 2022 cycle: $641,872

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3e27f6 No.78517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323258 (081909ZAUG23) Notable: Japan Denies Washington Post Claim Chinese Hackers Infiltrated Its Defense Ministry

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Japan Denies Washington Post Claim Chinese Hackers Infiltrated Its Defense Ministry

The government of Japan claimed it could not confirm any instance of cyberattacks compromising sensitive intelligence in the hands of the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday, a response to a Washington Post article the day before citing anonymous sources who claimed Japan’s cybersecurity was “shockingly bad.”

The Post report, based on conversations with three alleged “former senior U.S. officials,” claimed that Japan had long suffered from a poor reputation internationally as a “spy heaven” due to its inability to prevent security leaks but that, under the administrations of conservative former President Donald Trump and far-left President Joe Biden, Tokyo had experienced a series of severe cyberattacks believed to come from China. Concern over Tokyo’s apparent failure in protecting intelligence meant that American and other Western allies did not feel comfortable sharing security information, often including pivotal intelligence that could help protect the region.


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3e27f6 No.78518

File: 0f6e534221d8345⋯.png (1004.69 KB,1208x761,1208:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323260 (081910ZAUG23) Notable: Trump said bullshit - the crowd starting chanting bullshit

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trump said bullshit - the crowd starting chanting bullshit - knew it was coming - kek

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3e27f6 No.78519

File: e53834799977dd2⋯.png (896.5 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 981c176e3ca24ec⋯.png (1.03 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 45a9bed91946f77⋯.png (911.23 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b921f0092b6d58⋯.png (1.05 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323262 (081910ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78520

File: 436c024a694d850⋯.png (328.76 KB,857x345,857:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323268 (081912ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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3e27f6 No.78521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323269 (081912ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We did have hats that said, 'Where's Hunter?. Holy shhh; where he turned out to be. He was in some dark places.''

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President Trump: We did have hats that said, 'Where's Hunter?''. Holy shhh; where he turned out to be. He was in some dark places.

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3e27f6 No.78522

File: 9bdaf55a74ddf01⋯.jpg (133.93 KB,1024x1448,128:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323279 (081914ZAUG23) Notable: Trump said bullshit - the crowd starting chanting bullshit

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5 things Trump has called Bullshit

The Russia investigation

The media

The Affordable Care Act

The Paris Agreement on climate change

AG Indictments

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3e27f6 No.78523

File: 32453754a9fb746⋯.png (30.87 KB,573x419,573:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323284 (081914ZAUG23) Notable: 110D to 104D to 105D

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Anons did he say it was 104 degrees in there?

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3e27f6 No.78524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323286 (081915ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Authorities cannot be unaware of organ trafficking’ -- Hague lawyer on allegations against Kiev

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‘Authorities cannot be unaware of organ trafficking’ – Hague lawyer on allegations against Kiev

Moscow has accused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s administration of covering up the black-market organ trade

Illegal organ-trafficking is not possible without a cover-up from the authorities, Zoran Zivanovic, a lawyer who defended a number of Serbs in the Hague Tribunal in 2005, told RT Balkan on Monday. Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova claimed that officials in Kiev could be engaged in an organ trafficking business that also involves former Kosovo militants who had run similar operations.

No accusations of organ theft and trafficking in Kosovo and Albania in 1999 led to any major prison sentences for those accused, Zivanovic said, adding that “some [of those involved] had been charged and … spent some time in jail,” he told RT Balkan. None of them received sentences “warranted by such serious crimes,” he added.

The network of those involved in the 1999 crimes likely included officials not only in Kosovo but also Albania, Zivanovic claimed. “It is hardly conceivable that the Albanian authorities were unaware of it. This [illegal business] entails organized participation of a large number of people. Captives who were harvested for organs were brought from another country, from Serbia, Kosovo, and Metohija. It cannot be that the authorities noticed nothing,” he said.

On Monday, Zakharova said in an article published by the Russian Foreign Ministry that “there is data” showing that a black-market store selling organs of dead Ukrainian soldiers could be cooperating with “those linked to the Kosovo Liberation Army.” The former militants could also operate in Ukraine as mercenaries, she added.

The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also accused members of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s administration of being personally involved in the organ trafficking scheme and of covering it up. Zakharova called Ukraine a world leader in the black-market organ trade.

Rumors about organ trafficking in Kosovo and Albania have been circulating since the 1999 war between Serbia and its breakaway province, which ended in a NATO intervention that forced Serbian troops to withdraw from Kosovo. Various sources estimated the number of victims of organ traffickers that supposedly had strong links to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to be between 50 and 300. Media reports claimed that people – mostly Serbs, Roma, and Albanians opposing the KLA – were specifically kidnapped and killed for that purpose.

The allegations were detailed by the then-chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Carla Del Ponte, in her book, ‘The Hunt: Me and the War Criminals in 2008’. They were also the subject of several journalistic investigations in the 2000s.

In 2010, Swiss prosecutor Dick Marty presented a report on the issue to the Council of Europe, in which he described the “indications” of an illegal trade in human organs going back over a decade at the time. The Council of Europe supported the report and called for an investigation. The case was dismissed by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo and a number of EU MPs.


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3e27f6 No.78525

File: 14cef57ad06cd1e⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB,856x484,214:121,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323294 (081915ZAUG23) Notable: Trump: How can you, how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see, they know too much. You know, we have a compromised, we have a Manchurian candidate. They know too much so he can't be tough in China.

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Trump: How can you, how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see, they know too much. You know, we have a compromised, we have a Manchurian candidate. They know too much so he can't be tough in China.

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3e27f6 No.78526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323296 (081916ZAUG23) Notable: Deranged lunatic Jack Smith

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Deranged lunatic Jack Smith

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3e27f6 No.78527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323310 (081917ZAUG23) Notable: I will talk about it, I will! They're not taking away my First Amendment rights!

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I will talk about it, I will! They're not taking away my First Amendment rights!

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3e27f6 No.78528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323322 (081918ZAUG23) Notable: Honduran Migrant Turned U.S. Citizen Gets 10 Years for Child Porn, Human Smuggling

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Honduran Migrant Turned U.S. Citizen Gets 10 Years for Child Porn, Human Smuggling

A federal judge sentenced a Honduran man who later became a naturalized U.S. citizen to serve more than ten years in prison following his guilty plea on charges related to the possession of child pornography and conspiracy to commit human smuggling. Border Patrol agents arrested the man and an alleged conspirator in April 2021 near the U.S.-Canada border in Burke, New York, after finding him with a group of Vietnamese migrants who had crossed the border illegally.

U.S. District Court Judge David N. Hurd sentenced 72-year-old Jose Angel Portillo-Lopez to serve 121 months in federal prison as part of a plea agreement. The judge added a ten-year period of supervised release following his release from prison. The sentencing stemmed from a plea agreement related to an April 2021 smuggling incident, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York, Carla B. Freedman.

Court documents obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed that on April 3, 2021, Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents observed a suspicious vehicle with Florida license plates in Burke. The agents followed the vehicle until determining the driver had picked up suspected migrants who had crossed the border from Canada. Agents then conducted a traffic stop and immigration interview.

During the investigation, the agents identified the driver as Jose Angel Portillo-Lopez, a Honduran-born naturalized U.S. citizen. The agents identified Portillo’s front-seat passenger as a Guatemalan man without legal authorization to be present in the U.S.

The agents went on to identify the other four passengers as Vietnamese nationals who had just entered the U.S. illegally from Canada. Portillo told the agents that the Guatemalan man, identified as Rene Isabel Lima-Rivera, hired him to smuggle the migrants, the court documents stated. He said Lima instructed him to rent the van and was to pay him $500 for the trip. Lima told the agents he just worked for the smuggling organization.

The agents arrested the two alleged human smugglers, processed the Vietnamese migrants under Title 42, and returned them to Canada.

Further investigation led to the discovery of at least two videos containing child pornography, a second criminal complaint obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed.

According to the statement, an unknown man is seen sexually assaulting a young girl estimated by investigators to be approximately ten years of age. The sexual assault takes place in front of a toddler.

The second video depicts a young girl, estimated to be between seven and nine years of age, being sexually assaulted in a parked car.

Investigators said the first video had been received on Lopez-Portillo’s cell phone via WhatsApp on February 3, 2021. Investigators determined that the second video appears to have been sent from Lopez-Portillo’s cell phone to an undisclosed person on February 19, 2021.

The case against Lopez-Portillo was investigated by Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents from the Burke and Champlain Stations and special agents from Homeland Security Investigations. Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Stitt prosecuted the case.


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3e27f6 No.78529

File: fea84ae8bcc223a⋯.png (11.9 KB,415x251,415:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323324 (081919ZAUG23) Notable: 110D to 104D to 105D

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Yep, he said 110 degress to start with.

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3e27f6 No.78530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323333 (081920ZAUG23) Notable: 33,000 homeless veterans, 17 point difference. He's throwing lots of numerology out there.

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33,000 homeless veterans

17 point difference.

He's throwing lots of numerology out there.

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3e27f6 No.78531

File: 317888a5bedcb77⋯.png (393.79 KB,563x843,563:843,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e9dc2f414bda3d⋯.png (208.8 KB,563x552,563:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323334 (081920ZAUG23) Notable: DC Police Officer Admitting “Non-Uniformed Police Will Have a Candy-Striped Barrell” and “When We Go Undercover as Antifa in the Crowd”

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DC Police Officer Admitting “Non-Uniformed Police Will Have a Candy-Striped Barrell” and “When We Go Undercover as Antifa in the Crowd”

A new January 6, 2021, video is making the rounds today. In this video at least two DC police officers are talking and you here one of them say this, “When we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd.”

This is further proof that the January 6 crowd was teeming with feds from numerous operatives from state, federal and local agencies.

DC Draino posted this on Twitter earlier today.

Another video making the rounds is police describing undercover police “with candy strip on the barrel and a wristband.”


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3e27f6 No.78532

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323338 (081921ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Look at 2000 Mules, look at what they did with that. Thousands, and thousands, and thousands of votes. On tape, on camera. All of this will come up during this trial. All of this will come up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Look at 2000 Mules, look at what they did with that. Thousands, and thousands, and thousands of votes. On tape, on camera. All of this will come up during this trial. All of this will come up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78533

File: 0d10911bb7afab6⋯.png (339.42 KB,897x920,39:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323344 (081921ZAUG23) Notable: Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantling of a “sophisticated” child abuse ring, saying 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.

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NEW - Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantling of a “sophisticated” child abuse ring, saying 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.

AFPAugust 8, 2023 8:23 am

Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantling of a “sophisticated” child abuse ring, saying 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.

Federal Police Commander Helen Schneider said 13 children had been rescued from the clutches of the “dangerous” network, which shared encrypted child abuse material on the dark web.

“The lengths this network went through to avoid detection are an indication of just how dangerous they were,” she told reporters.

The ring was busted as part of a larger cross-border investigation run by the FBI, which has already charged 79 alleged offenders in the United States.

The long-running investigation captured headlines in 2021, when FBI special agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were shot and killed while searching a Florida apartment.

A number of the Australian men were professionals who worked with computers for a living, police said.

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3e27f6 No.78534

File: ace7c8bc8cf894b⋯.png (166.95 KB,3473x916,3473:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323354 (081923ZAUG23) Notable: 110D to 104D to 105D

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>110, 104, 105

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3e27f6 No.78535

File: 160844d2733db31⋯.png (95.66 KB,990x1000,99:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323358 (081923ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / This is why the FBI did nothing. Biden for President - 450,000

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This is why the FBI did nothing

Biden for President $450,000 2 2020-10-15 2020-10-29

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3e27f6 No.78536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323383 (081927ZAUG23) Notable: resident participates in a lookout of the Grand Canyon

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3:35 PM EDT

The President participates in a lookout of the Grand Canyon

Official Schedule




President Biden Visits Grand Canyon

President Biden participates in a lookout of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.


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3e27f6 No.78537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323385 (081928ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: From my first day in office, I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by congress, and they're doing a good job. Jamie Comer, Jim Jordan, all of them. Concerning all of the crooked acts, including bribes from China and many other countries. All these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden Crime Family. We will have a special prosecutor.

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President Trump: From my first day in office, I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by congress, and they're doing a good job. Jamie Comer, Jim Jordan, all of them. Concerning all of the crooked acts, including bribes from China and many other countries. All these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden Crime Family. We will have a special prosecutor.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323392 (081929ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: The deep state is destroying our nation, but the tables will turn very quickly, and we will destroy the deep state.

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President Trump: The deep state is destroying our nation, but the tables will turn very quickly, and we will destroy the deep state.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78539

File: 8ea7a45009b9ad3⋯.png (498.68 KB,858x482,429:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323398 (081930ZAUG23) Notable: 110D to 104D to 105D

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It's 110 degrees in this room, nice job with the air conditioning in this room....

...it's 104 or 5 degrees in this room, but we're okay with it right

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3e27f6 No.78540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323399 (081930ZAUG23) Notable: New book reveals Tiananmen square massacre, others fabricated by US

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New book reveals Tiananmen square massacre, others fabricated by US

A new book reveals that numerous atrocities that the United States had alleged to have been committed by its foes never happened to begin with.

For decades, Western media have been narrating the same story about China being this brutal "dictatorship" whose people are killed at the hands of the criminal communist regime, giving the Tiananmen Square massacre as a prime example of the brutality of the Chinese government, wherein supposedly scores of students were killed at the hands of the People's Liberation Army. However, a new book emerged proving that these claims are false and have no foundation to them except for Washington's aspirations to tarnish the image of the Chinese Communist Party.

Atrocity Fabrication and Its Consequences: How Fake News Shapes World Order, a new book by A. B. Abrams, highlights that there never were any killings in the infamous Tiananmen Square back in 1989 as had been spread by Western propaganda for decades, and it was revealed that the entire affair was but a mere attempt at showing China as the villain in the geopolitical arena. The book underlines that no killings, let alone a massacre as is proclaimed, took place in Tiananmen Square.

How did the US succeed in manipulating the mainstream narrative and have millions upon millions of people believe that China initiated a mass murder of its own people - young college students - crushing them with tanks and shooting them down with machine guns? The answer is simple: the manipulation of public perception through the press. This could be done using media out of context and providing an incomplete version of the truth.

For example, the most infamous piece of media "documenting" the crime to ever exist is a video showing a tank marching onto a person alleged to have been a student, and right as the tank gets close enough to the young man and stops, the video is cut, with there being some text accompanying the video hinting or proclaiming that the tank went on to run over the protester. However, that could not be further from the truth. In reality, other protesters rushed to the scene and accompanied him from there as the tank was standing in place waiting for him to comply and get out of its way.

The book argues that all the acts committed by the United States were in a bid to "justify wars of conquest and exploitation" and generate multi-billion-dollar profits for the notorious military-industrial complex, as reported by CovertAction Magazine.

Abrams highlighted that the Tiananmen Square protests initially took place not as a push for Westernization or the downfall of the Chinese government. Instead, their primary focus was on reinforcing the principles of China's 1949 Communist Revolution and addressing the issue of corrupt officials who had deviated from Maoist principles.

This movement encompassed not only students but also a significant number of workers, who exhibited a stronger anti-CCP stance. Their collective objective aimed at the establishment of a socialist democracy within the framework of the movement.

The book cited a cable from the US Embassy in Beijing that WikiLeaks published in 2016. The leak included reports on the eyewitness account of a Chilean diplomat and his wife who were present when the PLA made it to Tiananmen Square to disperse the protesters. The pair made it in and out of the square numerous times without any harassment and observed no mass firing of weapons into the crowds. They never saw any use of lethal force, to begin with.

Moreover, the book cited former Washington Post Beijing Bureau chief Jay Mathews who, in 1998, admitted that "all verified eyewitness accounts say that the students who remained in the square when troops arrived were allowed to leave peacefully."

It also cited Reuters correspondent Graham Earnshaw, who spent the night of June 3-4 at the center of Tiananmen Square and reported that most of the students left the square peacefully with the remainder of them being persuaded to do the same.

As is customary, the main source the Western media used to claim that a massacre took place was an anonymous student from Qinghua University making claims to the Hong Kong press, who then made it to the British media.


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3e27f6 No.78541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323410 (081932ZAUG23) Notable: Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantling of a “sophisticated” child abuse ring, saying 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.

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Australia today and the pedo ring that was destroyed. That's what he's talking about. They're corpses.



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3e27f6 No.78542

File: 634fe3c5874b3b7⋯.png (117.33 KB,708x924,59:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323420 (081933ZAUG23) Notable: Out of the Darkness can come the Light

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Jun 12, 2018 12:08:47 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs


No. 100

Dark to Light.

1:07 [Marker]


Do you believe in coincidences?


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3e27f6 No.78543

File: 195385212e119ad⋯.png (1.01 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323421 (081933ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323432 (081936ZAUG23) Notable: Out of the Darkness can come the Light

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Out of the Darkness can come the Light


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3e27f6 No.78545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323436 (081937ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: We have a man who can't put two sentences together, and he's negotiating with people that, like President Xi of China, he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people.

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President Trump: We have a man who can't put two sentences together, and he's negotiating with people that, like President Xi of China, he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323451 (081939ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: The Biden economic bust will be replaced with the historic Trump Economic Boom.

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President Trump: The Biden economic bust will be replaced with the historic Trump Economic Boom.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323455 (081940ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Crooked’ Lawyers Who Aid Illegal Migrants Cheat Asylum System to Face Life Sentences

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‘Crooked’ Lawyers Who Aid Illegal Migrants Cheat Asylum System to Face Life Sentences

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has announced a crackdown on “crooked” lawyers who help illegal migrants game the British asylum system, saying that such unscrupulous attorneys will face “life sentences”.

In the wake of reports that pro-mass migration lawyers coached illegals on how to fraudulently increase their chances of being granted asylum, including making up fake backstories of horrors in their homelands to even making up false claims of being homosexual and leaving their country over fears of persecution, Home Secretary Suella Braverman said that the government has created a new taskforce to crackdown on such activities.

“Crooked immigration lawyers must be rooted out and brought to justice,” Braverman said per The Telegraph. “While the majority of lawyers act with integrity, we know that some are lying to help illegal migrants game the system. It is not right or fair on those who play by the rules.

“The British people want us to put an end to illegal migration – I am determined to crack down on these immoral lawyers and stop the boats.”

Under the Immigration Act 1971, a maximum sentence of life in jail is levied against those who are found to have engaged in “assisting unlawful immigration to the UK”. However, this has rarely been enforced, with just five lawyers being prosecuted under the statute last year and just seven in 2021.

It is also the case that “life sentences” in Britain rarely mean that convicts will actually spend the rest of their lives in prison, with most being released early on parole after serving just 10-15 years behind bars.

The crackdown from the government followed a report last month that revealed that several high-profile immigration attorneys had advised an undercover reporter from the Daily Mail on the best means of defrauding the asylum system.

One lawyer is reported as having told the undercover journalist that he would help him concoct a fake backstory with tales of woe, such as being subjected to violence, sexual abuse, slave labour, imprisonment, and death threats and was forced to flee to the United Kingdom.

The lawyer went on to say that he could obtain a doctor’s note and a prescription for anti-depressants in order to corroborate his false claims of trauma. Meanwhile, another lawyer was caught advising that pretending to be gay would help make up the “fine ingredients of an asylum case”.

The announcement from Braverman on Monday comes as the government is set to also increase penalties for those caught employing illegal migrants by 300 per cent from £15,000 to £45,000 per illegal and up to £60,000 for repeated offences. In addition, the government is also preparing to increase the fines for landlords who rent to illegals, to £5,000 per lodger and £10,000 per tenant. Repeat offences will see penalties of £10,000 per lodger and £20,000 per tenant levied against landlords.

Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick told the Telegraph that fines should be “prohibitively expensive” in order to discourage the enabling of illegal immigration, saying: “Promising illegal migrants that they can easily work and live in the UK is one of the many lies that people smugglers tell to persuade migrants to make the small boat crossings,” he says.

“The minority of unscrupulous landlords and employers who allow illegal working and renting are therefore enabling the business model of the people smugglers and are complicit in the harm the small boats crisis is causing communities in the UK.”


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3e27f6 No.78548

File: 1a0a33ccd715b03⋯.png (1.21 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f4f3765760c5d9⋯.png (1.33 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323463 (081941ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323468 (081942ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: I will fully secure our elections, they'll be done the right way. Our goal will be one-day voting, with paper ballots and voter ID. That's what our goal is.

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President Trump: I will fully secure our elections, they'll be done the right way. Our goal will be one-day voting, with paper ballots and voter ID. That's what our goal is.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78550

File: b6a8a6157fcd685⋯.png (1.03 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323481 (081944ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323482 (081944ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump: Two twenty-four, two thousand, twenty-four, they have no idea how important it is. It's our final battle. It's our final real, big battle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Two twenty-four, two thousand, twenty-four, they have no idea how important it is. It's our final battle. It's our final real, big battle.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78552

File: 12e2b8bc567bbd6⋯.png (516.29 KB,859x484,859:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323485 (081945ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323491 (081945ZAUG23) Notable: "God bless you all"~DJT

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"God bless you all"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78554

File: dfde3e4a8ca1ad8⋯.png (1.03 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323492 (081945ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78555

File: 71d070c5645521d⋯.png (478.57 KB,861x337,861:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323493 (081945ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78556

File: 4fcb0ed59eae1de⋯.png (124.98 KB,269x301,269:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 41e2347f95fbd14⋯.png (131 KB,233x291,233:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323505 (081950ZAUG23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323512 (081952ZAUG23) Notable: #23731-A

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#23731-A >>78485

>>78487, >>78490, >>78491 Trump Live

>>78519, >>78520, >>78520, >>78543, >>78548, >>78550, >>78552, >>78554, >>78555, >>78556 pics

>>78492 djt: please stand veterans and receive our thanks.

>>78494 President Trump: When I came into office in 2017, our government had a disgracefully horrible situation going on, they betrayed it's solemn pledge to America's Veterans. Under the Obama/Biden administration, the VA was plagued by one horrific scandal after another…thousands of veterans were put on secret medical wait lists, and many of them left to die without receiving any care or any aid under Obama. Some very bad people were abusing veterans in VA hospitals, including sadists., They were hitting the veterans when the veterans weren't in primetime…a lot of sadists; we got them all out.

>>78495 President Trump: We told more than ten thousand bad, corrupt, incompetent VA workers, people that were sadists; and you couldn't get rid of them…we got it so you could fire them, and I said, "You're Fired! Get out!"

>>78498 President Trump: Crooked Joe Biden has been a disaster for American Veterans. As one of his first acts in office, Biden gutted my historic VA reforms; he gutted them out…Crooked Joe Biden is in the process of, not removing people, but reinstating five thousand of the ten thousand people that we fired, who were fired for good reason, including sadism..they want to give them back their full pay, they want to give them their jobs back.

>>78500 President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I will fully restore the use of VA Accountability. We're going to bring it back in full force…and direct my Secretary of Veterans Affairs to fire every corrupt VA bureaucrat who Joe Biden has outrageously refused to remove from the job, or put back in the job.

>>78501 President Trump: I will once again make stopping veteran suicide a top priority of my administration.

>>78503 President Trump: I will ban the Department of Veterans Affairs from wasting a single cent to fund transgender surgeries, or sex-change procedures.

>>78505 President Trump: We will get critical race theory and all other woke lunacy out of the United States Armed Forces.

>>78506 President Trump: We will abolish every Biden COVID mandate, and rehire every Patriot who was fired from our military with an apology, and with back pay.

>>78508 President Trump: I will make it a personal mission to totally eradicate veteran's homelessness. You have a situation in America; it's a scandal, it's a disgrace

>>78509 President Trump: It's a horrible thing that Crooked Joe Biden has spent nearly one billion dollars to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants who are pouring into our country; it's an invasion of our country…to house illegal aliens and foreign migrants in expensive, luxury hotels, the best hotels in the country in many cases, while more than thirty-three thousand Americans who have served this nation in uniforms are homeless on our streets.

>>78510 President Trump: On Day One I will sign an executive order to cut off Joe Biden's massive spigot of funding for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens which our country can't handle, and I will redirect that money to provide shelter and treatment for homeless American Veterans. They will be treated properly.

>>78511 President Trump: Furthermore, I will finally hold accountable all of the failed leaders and television generals who gave us Joe Biden's catastrophe in Afghanistan two years ago this month.

>>78513 President Trump: There is more enthusiasm today than we ever had in 2016 or 2020, and the reason is because these people are so corrupt, and they're so horrible. They're so incompetent. [the people are being shown]

>>78514 Christie can't be bothered he's eating don't call him a fat pig

>>78518, >>78522 Trump said bullshit - the crowd starting chanting bullshit

>>78521 President Trump: We did have hats that said, 'Where's Hunter?''. Holy shhh; where he turned out to be. He was in some dark places.

>>78525 Trump: How can you, how can you be tough in China when they're paying you a lot of money and see, they know too much. You know, we have a compromised, we have a Manchurian candidate. They know too much so he can't be tough in China.

>>78526 Deranged lunatic Jack Smith

>>78527 I will talk about it, I will! They're not taking away my First Amendment rights!

>>78532 President Trump: Look at 2000 Mules, look at what they did with that. Thousands, and thousands, and thousands of votes. On tape, on camera. All of this will come up during this trial. All of this will come up.

President Trump: Somebody told me, could be wrong, I'm sure it's wrong, but in that little cubicle where it was [cocaine], there would be normally thousands of fingerprints. There were none! It was cleaned.

>>78537 President Trump: From my first day in office, I will appoint a special prosecutor to study each and every one of the many claims being brought forth by congress, and they're doing a good job. Jamie Comer, Jim Jordan, all of them. Concerning all of the crooked acts, including bribes from China and many other countries. All these foreign countries sending money into the coffers of the Biden Crime Family. We will have a special prosecutor.

>>78538 President Trump: The deep state is destroying our nation, but the tables will turn very quickly, and we will destroy the deep state.

>>78545 President Trump: We have a man who can't put two sentences together, and he's negotiating with people that, like President Xi of China, he's negotiating with people that are at the top of their game. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of some of these people.

>>78546 President Trump: The Biden economic bust will be replaced with the historic Trump Economic Boom.

>>78549 President Trump: I will fully secure our elections, they'll be done the right way. Our goal will be one-day voting, with paper ballots and voter ID. That's what our goal is.

>>78551 President Trump: Two twenty-four, two thousand, twenty-four, they have no idea how important it is. It's our final battle. It's our final real, big battle.

>>78553 "God bless you all"~DJT


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78558

File: 69e65e3d97d6525⋯.png (507.93 KB,709x725,709:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323639 (082027ZAUG23) Notable: 68 Million UK Electoral Roles Hacked

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Note: massive breach in peoples private information. to be able to vote in the u.k you have to be registered. you cannot go and vote and it is on the day and hand counted. still a way to cheat because because it is those who total the votes and announce the results, but this if fucking disgusting.



18m agoGood news on pay and inflation may be coming, but we are not out of the woods yet

2h agoWegovy weight loss drug set for use on NHS also cuts heart attack and stroke risk, trial shows

2h agoAsylum seekers may launch legal challenges if made homeless for refusing place on Dorset barge

UK voters exposed to cyber attack after Electoral Commission is hacked by ‘hostile actors’

Those behind the attack first accessed the systems in August 2021, the Electoral Commission revealed


Tens of millions of UK voters’ details have been hacked by “hostile actors” as the Electoral Commission admits it has been hit by a cyber attack.

The commission said the attack was first identified in October last year and it has worked with security experts and the National Cyber Security Centre, which provided expert advice to strengthen its cyber resilience.

Shaun McNally, the Electoral Commission chief executive, has apologised to voters over the lack of sufficient protections to prevent the cyber attack.

The hostile actors had first accessed the systems in August 2021, the Electoral Commission said, adding it needed to take “several steps” before it issue a public announcement.

A spokesperson told i: “We needed to remove the actors and their access to our system. We had to assess the extent of the incident to understand who might be impacted and liaise with the National Cyber Security Centre and the Information Commissioner’s Office. We also needed to put additional security measures in place to prevent any similar attacks from taking place in the future.”

It did not provide further detail on the identity or motives of those behind it.

“We do not know who is responsible for the attack, the spokesperson added. “No groups or individuals have claimed responsibility for the attack.”

As part of the attack, those responsible were able to access reference copies of the electoral registers, that included the name and address of anyone in the UK who was registered to vote between 2014 and 2022, as well as the names of those registered as overseas voters.

The registers are held by the commission for research purposes and to enable permissibility checks on political donations.

Its email system was also accessible during the attack.

The elections watchdog has not been able to determine conclusively what files may or may not have been accessed, but details of those registered anonymously were not included in registers.

It is understood there was little risk of the outcome of a vote being influenced as a result of the breach.

In a statement published on social media, the commission said: “Hostile actors were active in our systems and had access to servers which held our email, control systems, and copies of the electoral registers. We have since worked with external security experts and the National Cyber Security Centre to investigate and secure our systems.”

Mr McNally said it would be very hard to use a cyber attack to influence the UK’s democratic process as it is significantly dispersed and key aspects remain based on paper documentation and counting.

He added: “Nevertheless, the successful attack on the Electoral Commission highlights that organisations involved in elections remain a target, and need to remain vigilant to the risks to processes around our elections.

“We regret that sufficient protections were not in place to prevent this cyber attack. Since identifying it we have taken significant steps, with the support of specialists, to improve the security, resilience, and reliability of our IT systems.”

An investigation into the data breach is being carried out by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which was notified within 72 hours of the cyber attack being identified.

A spokesman for the ICO said: “The Electoral Commission has contacted us regarding this incident and we are currently making inquiries.

“We recognise this news may cause alarm to those who are worried they may be affected and we want to reassure the public that we are investigating as a matter of urgency.

“In the meantime, if anyone is concerned about how their data has been handled, they should get in touch with the ICO or check our website for advice and support.”

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3e27f6 No.78559

File: 337cf793e577b34⋯.png (125.29 KB,1354x768,677:384,Clipboard.png)

File: f80d347137f2750⋯.png (1.3 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: f8dd714291666fd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 91afa7f451acf3a⋯.png (1.33 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b169b3a3637e7a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323682 (082049ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Key Principal: Gary Bell Gossett. Matching Fedboi **or pedo vans in driveway.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>GBI Strategies

>Michigan voter registration fraud

Gbi Strategies LLC


Company Description:

Key Principal: Gary Bell GossettSee more contacts

Industry: Specialized Design Services , Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services , Design services

See other industries within the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services , Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services , Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services , Computer Systems Design and Related Services , Legal Services , Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services , Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services , Scientific Research and Development Services

Popular Search:

Specialized Design Services

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Printer Friendly View

Address: 8241 Floral Spring Dr Cordova, TN, 38016-9610 United States


nice matching pedo vans

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3e27f6 No.78560

File: e1b86ecd48d2649⋯.png (44.23 KB,739x397,739:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 7466f24ca23fcc7⋯.png (115.16 KB,1354x727,1354:727,Clipboard.png)

File: cfc01581e222e0d⋯.png (822.39 KB,853x3012,853:3012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323690 (082052ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Alexandria VA Connections. Grand Mother(?) obit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Has a home in Alexandria VA

Garrie Gossett Obituary

Garrie Lee Lewis Gossett

Memphis - Garrie Lee Lewis Gossett 99 of Memphis passed away on January 18, 2021 at her residence surrounded by her loving family. She was the wife of the late George Gossett. She is survived by her daughter, Marva Bell and son Jesse Gossett. Viewing will take place on Friday January 29, 2021 at R S Lewis & Sons Funeral Home Walnut Grove Chapel from 11-11:55AM. The Funeral service will follow at Noon on Friday January 29, 2021 at R S Lewis & Sons Funeral Home Walnut Grove Chapel at 2944 Walnut Grove. Interment will be following the service at The Historic Elmwood Cemetery.

Published by The Commercial Appeal from Jan. 26 to Jan. 27, 2021.

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3e27f6 No.78561

File: d8cf366b4c659f9⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,506x270,253:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323702 (082055ZAUG23) Notable: @LizCrokin Trump’s War On Human Trafficking - repost from 2020

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Trump’s War On Human Trafficking!

I put out this report in 2020 with


detailing what President Trump did during his first term to combat human trafficking. The MSM failed to cover this or give


the credit he deserves. Please watch & share!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323735 (082105ZAUG23) Notable: Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled “Biden’s Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities”

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Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled “Biden’s Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities”


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3e27f6 No.78563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323772 (082112ZAUG23) Notable: #23731-B

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#23731-B >>78485

>>78486 DYK the US has about 1,100 troops in Niger, along with a major drone base?


>>78496 Claims that ‘Global Boiling’ Led to “Shocking” Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet are Nonsense - the Ice Sheet is Currently Bigger Than Normal

>>78493, >>78497 The Constitution became a broken contract between the states on Dec. 20, 1860. Now, what did the US CONgress do in 1871?

>>78499 UK: Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Midazolam & Morphine Euthanasia Camps

>>78502 Soros and left-wing billionaires pump huge donations into Schumer PAC to hold Senate

>>78504 Antifa militants threaten Post Millennial journalist Katie Daviscourt inside courthouse during Andy Ngo trial: ‘Get in the elevator’

>>78507 Google hits out at Trump’s Truth Social app

>>78512 The Origin of the Climate Change Hoax

>>78515 'Native American Guardians Association' petition to restore the Washington Redskins name goes viral - 'You can't cancel American history!'

>>78516, >>78559 GBI Strategies Michigan voter registration fraud

>>78517 Japan Denies Washington Post Claim Chinese Hackers Infiltrated Its Defense Ministry

>>78524 ‘Authorities cannot be unaware of organ trafficking’ - Hague lawyer on allegations against Kiev

>>78528 Honduran Migrant Turned U.S. Citizen Gets 10 Years for Child Porn, Human Smuggling

>>78529, >>78523, >>78534, >>78539 110D to 104D to 105D

>>78530 33,000 homeless veterans, 17 point difference. He's throwing lots of numerology out there.

>>78531 DC Police Officer Admitting “Non-Uniformed Police Will Have a Candy-Striped Barrell” and “When We Go Undercover as Antifa in the Crowd”

>>78533, >>78541 Australian police announced Tuesday the dismantling of a “sophisticated” child abuse ring, saying 19 men had been arrested with the help of the FBI.

>>78536 resident participates in a lookout of the Grand Canyon

>>78540 New book claims Tiananmen square massacre, others fabricated by US

>>78544, >>78542 Out of the Darkness can come the Light

>>78547 ‘Crooked’ Lawyers Who Aid Illegal Migrants Cheat Asylum System to Face Life Sentences

>>78486 Victoria Nuland Meets With Niger Junta Leaders

>>78558 68 Million UK Electoral Roles Hacked

>>78561 @LizCrokin Trump’s War On Human Trafficking - repost from 2020

>>78562 Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled “Biden’s Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities”


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3e27f6 No.78564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323780 (082113ZAUG23) Notable: #23732

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323817 (082124ZAUG23) Notable: Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

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Biggs: Secretary Mayorkas implemented the CBP-One app, to streamline asylum appointments for migrants, allowing them to pre-register when they are near the US Border. Ostensibly, supposedly, there was geo-fencing that was going to be there, so that only when you get close to the border, then you could apply to CBP-One...it's not lawful, it is not legal. There is no authority for that. Even worse news is that cartels now are reportedly selling VPN services to migrants ,which allow them to pre-register for a US asylum appointment, and to ignore the geo-fencing system before they ever reach northern Mexico.

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3e27f6 No.78566

File: 14b186650c5d6e3⋯.png (559.66 KB,651x817,651:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 1519e64dc581e14⋯.mp4 (828.09 KB,436x270,218:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323819 (082124ZAUG23) Notable: Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is a “Crime, Cover-Up, and Murder at This Point”

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Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is a “Crime, Cover-Up, and Murder at This Point”

“They see the same data [excess deaths & disabilities after vax rollout] that I see,” attested


, “and the data has only gotten worse since then.”

“They’re killing people. They continue to mandate these jabs at some universities ... This is a crime, it’s a cover-up, and it’s murder at this point.”


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3e27f6 No.78567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323823 (082125ZAUG23) Notable: Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

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YT link to border hearing:


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3e27f6 No.78568

File: 7bdaca37e40f085⋯.png (124.65 KB,990x847,90:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323829 (082126ZAUG23) Notable: Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323832 (082127ZAUG23) Notable: Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

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Biggs: DHS is now changing the categorization nomenclature [of terrorists illegally crossing border]. It's no longer going to be "on the terror watchlist", it will be, "national security risk", or something like that. Why? Why are you changing the language? Because it's easier to hide the reality of the gravity of the situation.

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3e27f6 No.78570

File: e24f6c0515c67f0⋯.png (144.71 KB,759x873,253:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323846 (082131ZAUG23) Notable: Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

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"U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the nation’s largest federal law enforcement agency charged with securing the nation’s borders and facilitating international travel and trade. Our top priority is to keep terrorists and their weapons from entering the United States.

At the nation’s more than 300 ports of entry, CBP officers have a complex mission with broad law enforcement authorities tied to screening all foreign visitors, returning American citizens and imported cargo that enters the U.S. Along the nation’s borders, the United States Border Patrol and Air and Marine Operations are the uniformed law enforcement arms of CBP responsible for securing U.S. borders between ports of entry.

Visit CBP's Southwest Border Migration page for demographic information regarding apprehensions and inadmissibles on the southwest border and the Assaults and Use of Force page for data on assaults on agents and officers, and uses of force by CBP personnel."

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3e27f6 No.78571

File: e99552a2683ce17⋯.jpeg (906.77 KB,1170x1579,1170:1579,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323857 (082135ZAUG23) Notable: Crackdown on International Pedophile Ring Leads to Arrest of 19 Men in Australia

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US arrests 79 people linked to global pedophile ring that was busted after high-profile murders of two FBI agents in Florida in 2021: Aussie cops detain 19 others and rescue 13 children


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3e27f6 No.78572

File: 2a1751db09dc9d8⋯.png (38.77 KB,798x346,399:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 45b392b61170155⋯.png (51.8 KB,903x355,903:355,Clipboard.png)

File: f8dd714291666fd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323860 (082136ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / GBI Strategies same phone and address as Gbi Logistics LLC

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all pb

GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig

>>78461 Massive Voter Fraud op discovered in Michigan

>>78516 GBI Strategies Open Secrets

>>78535 This is why the FBI did nothing. Biden for President - 450,000

>>78559 Key Principal: Gary Bell Gossett. Matching Fedboi **or pedo vans in driveway.

>>78560 Alexandria VA Connections. Grand Mother(?) obit

how convenient. A trucking company to ship fraudulent ballots

Gbi Strategies LLC


Map pin 8241 Floral Spring Drive Cordova, TN 38016

(901) 832-3585


Company Contact Information

Gbi Logistics LLC

8241 Floral Spring Dr

Cordova, TN 38016

Mailing Address:

5809 Fifer Dr

Alexandria, VA 22303-1916



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3e27f6 No.78573

File: cf4f0d588853566⋯.png (824.54 KB,1144x1001,8:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323871 (082138ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / GBI Strategies same phone and address as Gbi Logistics LLC

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>Company Contact Information

>Gbi Logistics LLC

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3e27f6 No.78574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323876 (082139ZAUG23) Notable: @dc_draino Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

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Normies are watching…


JUST IN: Video emerges from J6 of officer asking about “identifiers” for undercover cops..

Capitol Officer says undercover cops have wrist bands and a candy stripe on the barrel of their guns..


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3e27f6 No.78575

File: 0c5b2d4861bf160⋯.png (434.39 KB,553x746,553:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323878 (082139ZAUG23) Notable: Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

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Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Thousands of Ohioans, particularly in the Akron region, headed to polling stations today for a special election. The focal point of this election is the decision on Issue 1, a measure that seeks to set stringent rules on public attempts to modify the state constitution.

Polling stations opened their doors at 6:30 a.m. and are expected to close by 7:30 p.m. On the table is a decision that, if passed per Akron Beacon Journal, would:

Require 60% of voters to pass a new constitutional amendment, instead of a simple majority of 50% plus one.

Require citizens who want to place an amendment on the ballot to collect signatures from at least 5% of voters from the last gubernatorial election in all 88 counties, instead of the current 44.

Eliminate a 10-day cure period that allows citizens to replace any signatures deemed faulty by the secretary of state’s office.

However, a curveball was thrown in Cuyahoga Falls when News5’s Mike Holden reported ballot scanner issues.

“There’s a bit of an issue here… This has resulted in people not being able to cast their ballot immediately,” said Holden.

Affected voters were presented with two options: to store their ballots in an orange bag for later scanning or to nullify their ballot and return later. Distraught and frustrated, several voters reached out to the Board of Elections in Summit County for clarity.

Deputy Director Pete Zeigler claimed that there was no malfunction with any machines.

Instead, he pointed to poll workers’ unfamiliarity with the new voting machines as the source of the problems, according to Beacon Journal.

“These machines have not malfunctioned; this has only been happening because of poll workers struggling to learn the new equipment.” Zeigler said. “At no point was voting halted. They only swapped out machines as a precaution.”

Kari Lake took to Twitter to voice her frustrations, drawing parallels with Maricopa County and critiquing the Ohio Secretary of State.

“Sound familiar?? Looks like they took a page out of the Maricopa County “selections” playbook. Today is Election Day in Ohio and the machines don’t work. The swampy never-Trumper Ohio Secretary of State was too busy running for another office to do his job making sure Election Day runs smoothly. Reminds me of the jackasses who run Maricopa County elections when they sabotaged Election Day to stop the will of We the People. Wake up America,” Kari Lake wrote.

“Ohio has a big election today. The tabulators aren’t working and people are being asked to put their ballots into bags to be scanned later. Hmm,” Kari Lake wrote in a separate post.


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3e27f6 No.78576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323883 (082140ZAUG23) Notable: @dc_draino Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

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🚨BREAKING: Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!


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3e27f6 No.78577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323891 (082142ZAUG23) Notable: Supreme Court reinstates Biden's ghost gun regulations

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Supreme Court reinstates Biden's ghost gun regulations

Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh dissented.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday reinstated the Biden administration's restrictions on "ghost guns," or firearms without serial numbers. The decision came in a 5-4 emergency ruling.

The justices paused a lower court ruling that invalidated the nationwide restrictions as the administration appeals a ruling from a Texas-based federal judge to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh dissented.

The executive branch's rule issued last year changes the definition of a firearm under federal law to include unfinished parts so it can be more easily tracked, The Associated Press reported. The rule does not ban the purchase of gun kits or firearms.


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3e27f6 No.78578

File: d75fcd45d3870c7⋯.png (2.17 MB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: 34162e87ec11eab⋯.png (2.58 MB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: bdee289017ef823⋯.png (2.57 MB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: 30bc689d439601e⋯.png (972.08 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323901 (082145ZAUG23) Notable: PF Report: Four NASA flights today out of Wright Patterson

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Four NASA flights today out of Wright Patterson.

Keep watching.

Huge storm this weekend.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78579

File: 9014ecf8f22af0f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1170x1708,585:854,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323923 (082150ZAUG23) Notable: A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program not open to white applicants.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DISCRIMINATION: A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program.

The program is not open to white applicants. “Candidates must meet the [racial] requirements below”

Any comment @BestBuy?


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3e27f6 No.78580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323926 (082150ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

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3e27f6 No.78581

File: 20b8f1858cebe63⋯.png (238.86 KB,603x877,603:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323927 (082151ZAUG23) Notable: Every poll worker shared the same password, meaning hacker had access to the entire Fulton election system

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Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁💪🏻


🚨🚨 Breaking! This Fulton County hack is even worse than imagined!

Every poll worker shared the same password! Which means the hacker had access to the entire Fulton election system!

And they didn’t want to give the password to the forensics contractor? Why, was it going to continue to be used? Shouldn’t everyone have a new password at this point?

And there’s also discussion of a hidden wireless network?

This is a thred, so read more! 👇🏻



Quote Tweet

Eric CIAramella’s Dirty Whistle




Replying to @TheAndersPaul

Oh, to analyze, they need the password of a user. Fulton is a little hesitant to give. Oh wait, Cause they are all the same. Every County's election equipment, same. ACLU Enet accesible laptops, shared. Oh and when told to change pass cause of time frame, GA says dont



Last edited

7:39 AM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78582

File: 459f6c3ed904d88⋯.png (396.55 KB,594x568,297:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323931 (082152ZAUG23) Notable: @gatewaypundit State of Emergency Declared in Sanctuary State Massachusetts Due to Surge in Illegal Immigrants

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


State of Emergency Declared in Sanctuary State Massachusetts Due to Surge in Illegal Immigrants (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


State of Emergency Declared in Sanctuary State Massachusetts Due to Surge in Illegal Immigrants...

Massachusetts Democrat Governor, Maura Healey, declared a state of emergency on Tuesday, responding to an unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants in the sanctuary state.

10:04 AM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78583

File: 4dc011ed46682e7⋯.png (39.73 KB,660x315,44:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323945 (082155ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Pence's former national security adviser says he's 'unworthy' of being president and throws his support behind TRUMP

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Mike Pence's former national security

adviser says he's 'unworthy' of being

president and throws his support behind TRUMP

Daily Mail (UK), by Nikki Schwab

Posted By: Imright, 8/8/2023 3:47:29 PM

Former Vice President Mike Pence's ex-National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg said Monday that the 2024 hopeful is 'unworthy' of the presidency and threw his support behind former President Donald Trump. Kellogg issued a blistering statement about Pence on Trump's Truth Social network, explaining that he was disappointed in some of Pence's recent actions regarding Trump. Pence has become more critical of Trump since the ex-president was indicted on federal charges related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election and role in January 6.

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3e27f6 No.78584

File: 5f1ca20447f25d4⋯.png (31.92 KB,609x412,609:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323949 (082155ZAUG23) Notable: @alexbruesewitz The sham J6 committee destroyed all evidence despite @SpeakerMcCarthy demanding they preserve their work and all documents.

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Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸


The sham J6 committee destroyed all evidence despite @SpeakerMcCarthy

demanding they preserve their work and all documents.

This is a massive scandal. House Republicans must drop the hammer on these corrupt thugs!

Quote Tweet





OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE: The Democrat-controlled January 6th Committee destroyed evidence that might have exonerated the protesters and the president as well as evidence that implicated Speaker Pelosi and the FBI/DOJ in criminal activity.


10:19 AM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78585

File: 78d2a6bfd45756a⋯.png (316.1 KB,595x568,595:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323966 (082158ZAUG23) Notable: Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

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The Gateway Pundit


Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (VIDEO) | The Gateway...

Thousands of Ohioans, particularly in the Akron region, headed to polling stations today for a special election.

9:45 AM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78586

File: c9f8da992c577d3⋯.png (225.1 KB,592x887,592:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324002 (082206ZAUG23) Notable: @Techno_Fog No surprise - Judge Chutkan denies the hearing date(s) requested by Trump's lawyers.

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Techno Fog


No surprise - Judge Chutkan denies the hearing date(s) requested by Trump's lawyers.

Unclear whether both of Trump's lawyers can make it.

August 11 hearing date on the protective order. (Take a guess on whose protective order she'll favor...)


Quote Tweet

Techno Fog




Trump DC case -

The Court ordered dates for the protective order hearing, to be held by Aug 11

Trump: Both my lawyers need to be present. We prefer Aug. 14 or 15.

Strategy behind this – to test whether Judge Chutkan rejects this reasonable request.


10:35 AM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78587

File: 4dc805ab73e8b52⋯.mp4 (8.56 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324014 (082208ZAUG23) Notable: Secret Service has absolute federal authority to stop the President from going in…or former President from being put in a dangerous situation, including prison

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>>>/qresearch/19323787 PB

Thank, you! Seriously anons are the best

>>>/qresearch/19323756 (You)

>C’mon man this is interesting

ask and ye shall receivePB. You anon deserves blessings from heaven!

Secret Service 18 Code 3056 Subsection D and Code 1752

The Dan Bongino Show.Listen to the shortened video, as he reads an article from WAPO of Trump going to prison

He says, “folks we’ve got a problem!the Secret Service has absolute federal authority to stop the President from going in…or former President from being put in a dangerous situation, which would be a prison. I’m going to show you right here legally, not my opinion, that the SS has the authority….

He says a lot more!

Must Listen. Good luck Bidan and Jack Smith!.

Dan has said this before, I’m glad he repeated it. He said before the SS would be living in Prison with him and there would be a lot more of them, if it ever happened! Since they have the federal authority its doubtful he’ll be put there.

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3e27f6 No.78588

File: 3a91a1067ba48c6⋯.png (57.63 KB,666x420,111:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324024 (082211ZAUG23) Notable: Biden administration has given $2.35 BILLION to the Taliban since the withdrawal: Damning report reveals huge wastes in taxpayers funds after 20 years in Afghanistan

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Biden administration has given $2.35 BILLION

to the Taliban since the withdrawal: Damning

report reveals huge wastes in taxpayers

funds after 20 years in Afghanistan

Daily Mail (UK), by Morgan Phillips

Posted By: Imright, 8/8/2023 3:22:44 PM

Since the fall of Afghanistan, the U.S. has forked over funds to groups under the brutal Taliban regime to the tune of $2.35 billion. That's according to a new report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), released to the public on Tuesday. Another $1.7 billion 'remained available for possible disbursement' at the time of the report, dated July 30. The report was made public as the U.S. approaches the two-year anniversary of the frenzied withdrawal. The total amount of money appropriated for 'reconstruction and related activities' since 2002 dwarfs the figure from fiscal year 2022 and 2023. Over the past two decades, $147.06 billion

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3e27f6 No.78589

File: c17f8100e50b95e⋯.png (43.17 KB,657x365,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324029 (082212ZAUG23) Notable: Ohio sees huge turnout for vote to make it harder protect against 'radical' changes to abortion and education laws

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Ohio sees huge turnout for vote to make

it harder to amend state's constitution:

Republicans say it will protect 'radical'

changes to abortion and education laws

Daily Mail & Associated Press, by Geoff Earle & Staff

Posted By: Imright, 8/8/2023 2:31:46 PM

Ohio voters joined massive lines Tuesday to vote on a measure that would make it substantially harder to change the constitution to turn back a legislative push and enshrine abortion rights. Many of the longest lines were in urban areas that tend to be Democratic strongholds, but due to a series of factors it was difficult to tell which side in the caustic debate the turnout could favor. The issue that has activists seething and ordinary voters brushing off scorching temperatures is an effort to raise the bar for changes to the state constitution – from a simple majority to a 60 per cent supermajority.

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3e27f6 No.78590

File: 7a8e0dbfb50a8b4⋯.png (624.48 KB,930x777,310:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324079 (082227ZAUG23) Notable: Disturbing new footage of Sen Rand Paul’s staffer being brutally stabbed in DC.

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WARNING: Disturbing new footage of Sen Rand Paul’s staffer being brutally stabbed in DC.


Henry Rodgers

6:19 PM · Aug 8, 2023·3,379 Views

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3e27f6 No.78591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324114 (082235ZAUG23) Notable: Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

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Sheriff Dannels: Last year, just in Cochise County, we had over, I believe it was eighty-nine to a hundred, juvenile drivers smuggling [illegals] for the cartels, that we took into custody and got our hands on.

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3e27f6 No.78592

File: a533a3f92b2b1e1⋯.jpeg (59.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324151 (082242ZAUG23) Notable: Ex-Austrian FM moves to small Russian village

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8 Aug, 2023 22:21

Ex-Austrian FM moves to small Russian village

Former Austrian top diplomat Karin Kneissl had to leave her homeland back in 2022 following death threats

The former head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Karin Kneissl, has attended a local cultural festival in a small village in central Russia, after recently renting a house in the area, a local media outlet reported on Tuesday.

Kneissl was filmed talking to the village residents and making a small speech at the annual ‘Height of Summer’ cultural festival, which is held in the village of Petrushevo in Ryazan Region. The former Austrian top diplomat praised the “super-positive atmosphere” at the event and recalled her own life in a “small Austrian village.”

According to the Vid Sboku news media outlet, the village has becomepopular among foreigners willing to stay in Russia, and some French citizens have bought several houses in the area.

The politician told the media outlet that she planned to stay in the village for at least a month but “knows nothing” about her future beyond that. “I had to leave my old life behind and start anew. That is not easy when you’re 60,” she added.

The former foreign minister had to leave her homeland back in 2022 after receiving death threats, telling the Washington Post in July 2022 that she was no longer giving interviews because of these circumstances.

After serving as Austria’s foreign minister between 2017 and 2019, Kneissl was nominated for a position at the Russian oil giant Rosneft in March 2021, becoming the first woman on the company’s board. She was also a contributor at RT, writing opinion pieces on Russia’s relationship with the West, as well as other issues.

After the EU joined the US in imposing sanctions against Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine, Kneissl was forced to resign from the Rosneft board. The day before she did so, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling for personal sanctions against European politicians still holding ties to Russian businesses, with Kneissl and Germany’s former chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, mentioned by name.

After leaving her homeland, the politician first moved to France but had to flee after “agitation” from Austria caught up with her there as well. In June 2022, she traveled to Lebanon, where she received a residence permit and stayed for at least six months, according to her personal website.

Kneissl said “it was not easy to come” to Russia but she was seeking “to find her own way.” In June, it was revealed that she was offered a position as the head of a new Russian think tank, the Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues (GORKI).

Established as a division of the St. Petersburg State University, the think tank focuses on West Asia studies and energy issues.



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3e27f6 No.78593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324183 (082250ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Jan Halper Hayes dropping more truth bombs: Smith Mundt, Operation Mockingbird, 5D chess, Presidential Emergency Act…

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Dr. Jan Halper Hayes dropping more truth bombs: Smith Mundt, Operation Mockingbird, 5D chess, Presidential Emergency Act…


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3e27f6 No.78594

File: 8382ec7822bf55d⋯.png (1.4 MB,1170x1671,390:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324200 (082256ZAUG23) Notable: Images show men armed with rifles, body armor coming across southern border

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>ECW changed his Xwitter avatar

There is nothing stopping IRGC/QF, Hizbollah, or GRU from doing this same thing. This is a grave threat to our sovereignty.

Images show men armed with rifles, body armor coming across southern border

Fox News


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3e27f6 No.78595

File: 1afa09698bb51f7⋯.png (292.54 KB,841x482,841:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c6865616401baf⋯.png (114.23 KB,838x533,838:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324214 (082259ZAUG23) Notable: @Techno_Fog No surprise - Judge Chutkan denies the hearing date(s) requested by Trump's lawyers.

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The DC Judge appointed to Donald Trumps Jan 6 case worked with Hunter Biden at the same law firm.

US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, worked at a law firm that also employed Hunter Biden and performed work for the Ukrainian oil company Burisma.

Former President Donald Trump has requested an immediate recusal of the far-left Obama appointed judge saying she would be “biased”

He voiced his concerns over the weekend on his social platform, Truth Social: “”There is no way I can get a fair trial with the judge ‘assigned’ to the ridiculous freedom of speech/fair elections case. Everybody knows this, and so does she! We will be immediately asking for recusal of this judge on very powerful grounds, and likewise for venue change, out of D.C.”

According to a report by NBC, Chtkan is the only federal judge in the nation’s capital who has been sentencing January 6th defendants to terms longer than what the government had recommended.

TGP reports: Adding fuel to Trump’s claims of bias is Chutkan’s professional connection to Hunter Biden. Monica Crowley, the former Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, highlighted on X that Chutkan and Biden worked at the same law firm, Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP (BSF).

Open Secrets records show that Hunter Biden served as an attorney there from 2009-2014, with Chutkan also working as an attorney and even making partner in 2007. Both left the firm in 2014; Biden moved on to other endeavors, while Chutkan was appointed as a judge by then-President Obama.

Chutkan, during her tenure at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner (BSF) from 2002 to 2014, coincided with the period Hunter Biden served as counsel for Burisma.

More from Yahoo News:

It is a fact that Hunter Biden and Chutkan were both employed by, or partners of, BSF. It is also factual that BSF provided services to the Ukrainian oil company Burisma, on whose board Hunter Biden served.

Chutkan worked at BSF from 2002 until the time of her appointment to the D.C. Circuit by then U.S. President Barack Obama in June 2014. She was made a partner of the firm in 2007. Biden, meanwhile, held the title of counsel at BSF from 2010 to 2014.

After joining the board of Burisma in April 2014, as Hunter Biden described in his memoir, he recommended the consulting services of his law firm to help the company implement “corporate practices that were up to accepted ethical snuff.” Burisma paid BSF at least $250,000 dollars for its work.

In sum, it is factual that both Hunter Biden and Chutkan worked under the umbrella of Boies Schiller Flexner between 2010 and 2014, and it is also true that BSF did business with Burisma via Hunter Biden in May 2014. As such, we rate this claim as “True.”

Former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Kash Patel revealed this information during his interview with Sebastian Gorka.

“Judge Chutkan, for those who don’t know, represented Burisma, Hunter Biden’s fraudulent consulting firm, she was a lawyer at the same law firm with Hunter Biden,” Patel said.


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3e27f6 No.78596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324221 (082303ZAUG23) Notable: America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleading shareholders

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America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleading shareholders

At issue is a recent multi-billion loss stemming from a consumer boycott in response to the company's featuring Pride merchandise marketed toward children in June.

America First Legal announced on Tuesday that it had filed a lawsuit against retail giant Target for allegedly misleading shareholders with false statements about its political/social risk monitoring.

"Target’s management has misled investors, assuring them that the corporation oversees social and political issues and risks to protect shareholders," AFL stated. "Behind closed doors, Target works for its extremist hard-left 'stakeholders' at the expense of its customers and shareholders."

At issue is a recent multi-billion loss stemming from a consumer boycott in response to the company's featuring Pride merchandise marketed toward children in June.

"In its 2022 and 2023 Proxy Statements, Target assured shareholders and investors that the Board was monitoring for social and political issues and risks arising from the company’s ESG mandates," AFL tweeted. "However, management only cared whether its leftist 'stakeholders' were satisfied, disregarding the possibility that its customers and shareholders might feel differently."

"In May 2023, Target embraced the radical transgender agenda with its 'Pride' marketing and sales campaign," it continued. "The collection included clothing for children with rainbow symbols, LGBT-themed bibs and onesies for babies, and 'tuck-friendly' bathing suits for 'transgender women.'"

"This reckless move predictably caused more than a $12 billion collapse in share value — its largest loss in over 20 years," AFL asserted. The group then cited prior controversies involving the retailer's decision to permit customers to use restrooms that correspond with their gender identity rather than their biological sex.

"For far too long, large corporations have recklessly pandered to the left and 'bent the knee' to serve the woke elites. Today, on behalf of our client, America First Legal is saying enough is enough," the statement concluded.

The suit comes amid a broader backlash against companies taking socially progressive political stances and adopting so-called "woke" corporate practices. Bud Light, for instance, recently faced a substantial boycott in response to a disastrous marketing partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.


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3e27f6 No.78597

File: c6d7e1d8b07349f⋯.png (1.39 MB,1150x1584,575:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324224 (082303ZAUG23) Notable: Former Coast Guard head covered up secret investigation into sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy

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Schultz did a tour on the Hill as a legislative liaison and prided himself on his ability to swim in “political” circles. No excuse for covering this up and concealing the investigation from legitimate Congressional oversight.


Exclusive: Former Coast Guard head covered up secret investigation into sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy


The then-leader of the US Coast Guard covered up an explosive investigation four years ago into rapes and sexual assaults at the agency’s academy despite prior plans by top officials to come clean about the inquiry, a CNN investigation found.

Commandant Karl L. Schultz took charge of the agency in June of 2018 as the secret investigation, dubbed Operation Fouled Anchor, was concluding. The inquiry revealed a dark history of sexual misconduct at the prestigious academy, substantiating dozens of rapes and assaults from the late 1980s to 2006.

The probe — the existence of which was first reported by CNN in late June — found that the academy’s leadership had been more concerned about the school’s reputation than victims’ wellbeing. While the report’s findings were not flattering, internal records reviewed by CNN show that people involved with the investigation had made plans to brief Congress and officials at the Department of Homeland Security, which has direct oversight of the Coast Guard. One internal memo shows that investigators believed Fouled Anchor’s findings should be “required reading for current and future Academy leadership teams.” Another detailed plans for DHS to be briefed in October 2018, with a “Hill brief” to follow a few weeks later.

Schultz’s predecessor, Admiral Paul Zukunft, said in an exclusive interview with CNN that in addition to briefing Congress and DHS, he planned to issue a public apology to the victims the investigation identified. But he retired before the probe was over. He said he briefed Schultz on the matter.

“I’m a big believer that bad news, like dead fish, don’t get better with time,” Zukunft said.


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3e27f6 No.78598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324226 (082304ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE: Illegals staying at the luxurious Roosevelt Hotel in New York City

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LIVE: Illegals staying at the luxurious Roosevelt Hotel in New York City

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3e27f6 No.78599

File: 760c07f216ab992⋯.png (162.22 KB,587x464,587:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324255 (082312ZAUG23) Notable: Crackdown on International Pedophile Ring Leads to Arrest of 19 Men in Australia

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Crackdown on International Pedophile Ring Leads to Arrest of 19 Men in Australia

August 8, 2023

In a significant breakthrough, Australian law enforcement has arrested 19 men, charging them with a combined 138 offenses in connection with an international pedophile ring. The arrests were made as a result of a meticulous FBI investigation, which proved to be fatal for two American agents.

The Australian Federal Police Commander, Helen Schneider, highlighted the gravity of the situation, stating, “We will allege that these men were members of a technologically sophisticated online child abuse network that was operating across the country.” Thirteen children were rescued in the operation, though the specifics of the victims’ circumstances remain undisclosed.

The roots of this investigation can be traced back to a tragic incident in 2021, according to reports from Fox News. FBI special agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were killed while executing a search warrant related to child pornography in Florida. The shootout with suspect David Lee Huber ended with the agents losing their lives and three others being injured. The brave agents’ untimely demise stirred deep sentiments within the FBI community.

Former FBI Special Agent Nicole Parker shared her personal connection with Agent Schwartzenberger. “Laura struggled with the darkness she saw, but her faith in God carried her through,” she reflected. Parker emphasized that the agents’ dedication to such crucial investigations underscores the vital role the FBI plays in tackling such heinous crimes.

Despite ongoing controversies, experts like Parker assert that investigations of this nature exemplify the crucial work the FBI should prioritize. The recent operation in Australia serves as a testament to international cooperation in dismantling criminal networks that exploit the vulnerable.

As investigations continue and charges are pursued, law enforcement agencies worldwide remain resolute in their fight against these reprehensible crimes. The legacy of the fallen agents reminds us of the dedication and sacrifice required to protect the innocent and bring justice to victims of such heinous acts.



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3e27f6 No.78600

File: 325ab78b1605cfd⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB,640x1136,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324256 (082312ZAUG23) Notable: NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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There is No Proof the 2020 Election was overwhelmed with Fraud

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3e27f6 No.78601

File: bd39d092939ec85⋯.webm (2.75 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324265 (082314ZAUG23) Notable: NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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Zero Evidence of Election Fraud

Trump has no Standing on this case

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3e27f6 No.78602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324272 (082316ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Gary Gossett. It's Gary BELL. greater D.C. area connections interesting

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The name on GBI's corporate registration is not just right. If you dig around a little more (like look at the name on the house) you will find it's not Gary Gossett. It's Gary BELL. So I assume his middle name is Gossett. Found that his phone still has a 703 area code, and it kind of looked like maybe there was a man in McLean, VA who might be his father, but I didn't keep looking enough on that to verify. He bought the house about 11 years ago when he was apparently about 29 years old, with a mortgage. I find his greater D.C. area connections interesting, and the fact that such a young, apparently single man would purchase a house at age 29. Why the ever loving hell anybody would want to move to crime ridden Memphis is a mystery to me. But I guess it suits his purposes. Also find the two matching vans in the driveway really interesting.

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3e27f6 No.78603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324289 (082320ZAUG23) Notable: NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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From the Gateway Pundit source article:


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3e27f6 No.78604

File: 298e4648fee32f7⋯.png (157.33 KB,1013x517,1013:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324316 (082328ZAUG23) Notable: Former Los Lunas High School Coach Sentenced to 23 Years for Coercion and Enticement and Production of Child Pornography

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Former Los Lunas High School Coach Sentenced to 23 Years for Coercion and Enticement and Production of Child Pornography


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3e27f6 No.78605

File: a33a98207cecf9e⋯.png (246.57 KB,1016x781,1016:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 9029505cef6989e⋯.png (86.93 KB,990x259,990:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324322 (082330ZAUG23) Notable: Three Board Members of Failed Washington Federal Bank in Chicago Guilty of Falsifying Records and Obstructing Regulators

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Three Board Members of Failed Washington Federal Bank in Chicago Guilty of Falsifying Records and Obstructing Regulators


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3e27f6 No.78606

File: 4d9686e8fd53124⋯.jpg (104.53 KB,661x661,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324329 (082332ZAUG23) Notable: NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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🚨BREAKING: Proof of rigged Michigan election - Democrat operatives caught in October 2020 turning in up to 10,000 fraudulent voter registrations *per day*, many with same handwriting & fake addresses


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3e27f6 No.78607

File: 93c37d5958ef0b8⋯.png (283.89 KB,1007x890,1007:890,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cdb4b2556a10d2⋯.png (278 KB,998x926,499:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ca311b792aa872⋯.png (291.72 KB,1009x919,1009:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 880655f6ea9eaa1⋯.png (198.91 KB,1000x912,125:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324335 (082332ZAUG23) Notable: Former Leader of “Clan Del Golfo” Drug Trafficking Organization Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison

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Former Leader of “Clan Del Golfo” Drug Trafficking Organization Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison for Operating a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and Related Charges


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3e27f6 No.78608

File: a264b3de4b16562⋯.png (399.35 KB,1002x774,167:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 69c92105f416c63⋯.png (628.94 KB,978x825,326:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324341 (082333ZAUG23) Notable: Former Leader of “Clan Del Golfo” Drug Trafficking Organization Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison

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Leader Of Drug Trafficking Organization Responsible For Trafficking More Than 5,000 Kilograms Of Cocaine Sentenced To Prison


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3e27f6 No.78609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324342 (082334ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson’s message to the Murdoch Family (who owns & controls Fox News) after being fired

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Tucker Carlson’s message to the Murdoch Family (who owns & controls Fox News) after being fired for seeking real information & truth is EPIC

“My opinions are not a crime they never can be a crime in a free country, A”

“B I have a right to all the information I need to make an informed decision about whatever the issue is, that's democracy right. They’re like oh you're not allowed to know that… Really why am I not?

Because I might arrive at a conclusion that is different from the lies you're telling me actually I want that information yeah F*CK YOU”


Excerpt clip from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAaFEOCHE4I

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3e27f6 No.78610

File: 892a0e23dac9c0d⋯.jpg (43.68 KB,675x307,675:307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324344 (082335ZAUG23) Notable: NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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Leading Report




BREAKING: Michigan police find tens of thousands of fake voter registrations, bags of pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers, burner phones, and a democrat-funded organization with multiple temporary facilities in several states in a massive 2020 voter fraud bust.


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3e27f6 No.78611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324352 (082336ZAUG23) Notable: CDC Reports Uptick in Leprosy Cases in Florida, While U.K., India Researchers Link Leprosy Adverse Events to mRNA Vaccines

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CDC Reports Uptick in Leprosy Cases in Florida, While U.K., India Researchers Link Leprosy Adverse Events to mRNA Vaccines

If your immune system is damaged it is easier to catch things?

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3e27f6 No.78612

File: cd7dded21d1390b⋯.jpg (189.42 KB,1031x856,1031:856,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324393 (082347ZAUG23) Notable: NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States


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3e27f6 No.78613

File: 0e2ace963b373e6⋯.png (186.03 KB,595x414,595:414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324449 (082357ZAUG23) Notable: Donald J. Trump Announces “Veterans for Trump” Coalition in New Hampshire

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Donald J. Trump Announces “Veterans for Trump” Coalition in New Hampshire

August 08, 2023

Bedminster, NJ — Today, President Donald J. Trump announced the launch of New Hampshire's "Veterans for Trump" Coalition accompanied by U.S. Representative and Afghanistan War veteran Brian Mast (FL-21). Representing all major branches of the armed forces, these 120 distinguished veterans from New Hampshire joined together to endorse President Trump as America's next Commander in Chief.

“When President Donald Trump was Commander in Chief, our nation's veterans had a leader fighting to ensure that their service and sacrifices to our country were honored,” said Hillsborough County Attorney and Marine Corps veteran John Coughlin, Co-Chair of New Hampshire Veterans for Trump. “President Trump has always been a champion for the men and women who served our nation by ensuring they received great care, benefits, and jobs. He held corrupt government bureaucrats accountable for their lack of care and made sure the VA was treating veterans with honor and dignity.”

President Trump championed and signed the VA Accountability and the Veterans Appeals Improvement Acts, the most significant VA reforms in a generation that led to a far more responsive and efficient Department of Veterans Affairs. Over 10,000 federal workers who failed to give our warriors the quality and timely care they so richly deserve were FIRED.

President Trump also approved the VA Choice and VA MISSION Acts to give our heroes the permanent choice to see their local doctor and receive care at non-VA facilities when they live far away, the wait is too long, or it is not in their best medical interest. This change allowed more than 2.4 MILLION VETERANS to access over 725,000 private health care providers. President Trump’s commitment to our Veterans resulted in 3 in 4 veterans reporting improvements at their local VA, including shorter wait times and expanded community care options, leading to better healthcare outcomes and record VA satisfaction.

Additionally, President Trump also signed legislation that created unparalleled opportunities for our brave soldiers after their service. President Trump’s Forever G.I. Bill allowed veterans to pursue education at any point in their lives and his administration’s vast expansion of job training resulted in OVER HALF A MILLION veterans finding jobs. Under President Trump's leadership, America’s veteran heroes experienced decades low homelessness and unemployment.

“President Trump fights every day for America’s veterans and their families, and now we are uniting to send President Trump back to the White House,” said New Hampshire State Representative and Air Force veteran Joe Pitre, Co-Chair of New Hampshire Veterans for Trump. “Our campaign is excited to announce the Veterans for Trump Coalition with dedicated members who will organize in New Hampshire, advance the America First Agenda, and help secure a decisive First in the Nation primary victory for President Trump.”

On Day 1, President Donald J. Trump will reverse the disastrous policies of the Biden Administration and once again put our nation’s veterans first.



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3e27f6 No.78614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324450 (082358ZAUG23) Notable: Protest against proposed tent city for illegals in Queens Village, New York

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LIVE: Protest against proposed tent city for illegals in Queens Village, New York

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3e27f6 No.78615

File: 05cb42e5d24eca5⋯.png (530.65 KB,913x816,913:816,Clipboard.png)

File: baebcb21069672e⋯.png (508.64 KB,902x1168,451:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324459 (090000ZAUG23) Notable: A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground #Yuma | #Colorado

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🚨#BREAKING: A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground

📌#Yuma | #Colorado

The National weather service in Colorado has issues a PDS tornado warning meaning particular Dangerous situation as a confirmed large and extremely violent rain-wrapped tornado is on the ground heading towards the town of Yuma colorado. This is a life threatening situation take shelter now! The storm is also producing large damaging baseball size hail

7:38 PM · Aug 8, 2023

from Yuma, CO·53.1K Views

HAARP is mobilizing against Red States.

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3e27f6 No.78616

File: 02bb411f21d2bea⋯.png (58.58 KB,1200x500,12:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324468 (090001ZAUG23) Notable: A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground #Yuma | #Colorado

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...Seems legit.

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3e27f6 No.78617

File: ee6ba43a9abcfa4⋯.png (454.9 KB,1055x853,1055:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324496 (090006ZAUG23) Notable: A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground #Yuma | #Colorado

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3e27f6 No.78618

File: 5f90c903871d0ab⋯.png (325.17 KB,608x589,32:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324563 (090024ZAUG23) Notable: #23733

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3e27f6 No.78619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324592 (090031ZAUG23) Notable: #23732

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#23732 >>78564

>>78601, >>78600, >>78603, >>78606, >>78610, >>78612 NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>78567, >>78568, >>78570, >>78565, >>78569, >>78591 Border hearing notes: NO democrats showed up

>>78594 Images show men armed with rifles, body armor coming across southern border

>>78598 LIVE: Illegals staying at the luxurious Roosevelt Hotel in New York City

>>78566 Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is a “Crime, Cover-Up, and Murder at This Point”

>>78571, >>78599 Crackdown on International Pedophile Ring Leads to Arrest of 19 Men in Australia

>>78572, >>78573 Gbi Strategies LLC Voter Fraud dig

>>78575, >>78585 Ballot Scanner Malfunction Disrupts Special Election in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

>>78577 Supreme Court reinstates Biden's ghost gun regulations

>>78576, >>78574 @dc_draino Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

>>78578 PF Report: Four NASA flights today out of Wright Patterson

>>78579 A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program not open to white applicants.

>>78581 Every poll worker shared the same password, meaning hacker had access to the entire Fulton election system

>>78582 @gatewaypundit State of Emergency Declared in Sanctuary State Massachusetts Due to Surge in Illegal Immigrants

>>78583 Mike Pence's former national security adviser says he's 'unworthy' of being president and throws his support behind TRUMP

>>78584 @alexbruesewitz The sham J6 committee destroyed all evidence despite @SpeakerMcCarthy demanding they preserve their work and all documents.

>>78587 Secret Service has absolute federal authority to stop the President from going in…or former President from being put in a dangerous situation, including prison

>>78588 Biden administration has given $2.35 BILLION to the Taliban since the withdrawal: Damning report reveals huge wastes in taxpayers funds after 20 years in Afghanistan

>>78589 Ohio sees huge turnout for vote to make it harder protect against 'radical' changes to abortion and education laws

>>78590 Disturbing new footage of Sen Rand Paul’s staffer being brutally stabbed in DC.

>>78586, >>78595 @Techno_Fog No surprise - Judge Chutkan denies the hearing date(s) requested by Trump's lawyers.

>>78592 Ex-Austrian FM moves to small Russian village

>>78593 Dr. Jan Halper Hayes dropping more truth bombs: Smith Mundt, Operation Mockingbird, 5D chess, Presidential Emergency Act…

>>78596 America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleading shareholders

>>78597 Former Coast Guard head covered up secret investigation into sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy

>>78604 Former Los Lunas High School Coach Sentenced to 23 Years for Coercion and Enticement and Production of Child Pornography

>>78605 Three Board Members of Failed Washington Federal Bank in Chicago Guilty of Falsifying Records and Obstructing Regulators

>>78607, >>78608 Former Leader of “Clan Del Golfo” Drug Trafficking Organization Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison

>>78609 Tucker Carlson’s message to the Murdoch Family (who owns & controls Fox News) after being fired

>>78611 CDC Reports Uptick in Leprosy Cases in Florida, While U.K., India Researchers Link Leprosy Adverse Events to mRNA Vaccines

>>78613 Donald J. Trump Announces “Veterans for Trump” Coalition in New Hampshire

>>78614 Protest against proposed tent city for illegals in Queens Village, New York

>>78615, >>78616, >>78617 A Confirmed Large and Extremely Dangerous Rain-Wrapped Tornado is on the ground #Yuma | #Colorado


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3e27f6 No.78620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324615 (090035ZAUG23) Notable: 12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans

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12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans

Seems like there is massive potential for a class action suit.

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3e27f6 No.78621

File: be58cfd80e3a5ca⋯.png (494.16 KB,601x659,601:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324633 (090038ZAUG23) Notable: Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack

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Jury nullification.

Deep blue areas will convict the innocent and free the guilty.

This ruling is legalized lynching and open season on all conservatives.


BREAKING: Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack, defense attorney...

The defendant’s attorney told the jurors that she “will remember each one of their faces.” Photo credit: John Rudoff.

Last edited

12:44 PM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78622

File: 55f041213df2de2⋯.png (22.59 KB,591x363,197:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324639 (090039ZAUG23) Notable: The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was trying to dox them

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was trying to dox them

A journalist was accosted by Antifa *inside the courthouse*

You think they won’t threaten Trump jurors too?

Understand where we are heading

12:51 PM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78623

File: 34f583fbcbfc45f⋯.png (27.49 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324659 (090043ZAUG23) Notable: Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can ‘Go Straight to Hell’ Over Border Crisis

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Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can ‘Go Straight to Hell’ Over Border Crisis

Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy went scorched earth on the Biden administration for allowing the Mexican drug cartels to control our southern border after images of armed cartel members wearing body armor were seen crossing the border unopposed.

“The president and this administration can go straight to hell,” Roy exclaimed in a visit to Fox Business Network to talk about the border crisis in the Lone Star State.


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3e27f6 No.78624

File: 40936f648d1fe11⋯.png (271.78 KB,546x574,39:41,Clipboard.png)

File: bc0bf4800c842ec⋯.png (149.94 KB,761x703,761:703,Clipboard.png)

File: cc26994b47665ca⋯.png (108.44 KB,788x470,394:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324663 (090044ZAUG23) Notable: Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack

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Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack, defense attorney declares ‘I AM ANTIFA’

The defendant’s attorney told the jurors that she "will remember each one of their faces." Photo credit: John Rudoff.

The jury has reached a verdict in the trial of investigative journalist Andy Ngo v. Rose City Antifa and its alleged affiliated members, in which they found both defendants John Colin Hacker and Elizabeth Renee Richter not liable in the civil case brought against them.

Ngo filed a complaint in Portland, Oregon in 2020, claiming assault and other injuries over alleged acts of violence carried out by members of Antifa, which began in 2019. Defandants John Colin Hacker and Elizabeth Renee Richter have been accused by Senior Editor of Post Millennial Andy Ngo of assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress, which was argued before a civil jury for more than a week at the Multnomah County Courthouse.

On Tuesday, the jury found them not liable for all of these claims.

During closing statements, defense lawyer Michelle Burrows told the jurors that not only does she self-identify as both a progressive and an “anti-fascist,” she strongly declared that, "I am Antifa" and insisted upon making herself an “I am Antifa” t-shirt to wear after the trial. Despite their significant recorded history of violence, she told the jury that Antifa's unfavorable reputation is untrue and depicted the organized militant group as activists fighting for social justice and civil rights.

In defense of Antifa, Burrows said, "Resistance in this country has never been peaceful."

However, as she argued before the jurors, Ms. Burrows admitted that the “black clad people” that had physically beaten Ngo were, in fact, “terrorists.”

The defense attorney went on to say that journalist Andy Ngo has dirty hands. She indicated that Ngo is a "doxxer" as well because he uploads publicly available mugshots of Antifa-affiliated individuals that have committed crimes on his Twitter account, which has over one million followers.

In addition, the defense lawyer said that since the US has an “unregulated internet,” Ngo needs to “take responsibility” for the words he says on the internet, and added that his "conduct has not been pristine."

Furthermore, Ngo’s reporting has also allegedly created a “rage machine that has generated so much revenue for Mr. Ngo,” according to Burrows.

Before closing statements, Judge Sinaplasai informed the court that the trial’s jurors have raised concerns about being “doxed,” and claimed that people have been trying to find out their identities.

After announcing her retirement and that this would be her last trial, Burrows told the jurors that she “will remember each one of their faces.” Burrows did not take the time to provide evidence as to why the two defendants should be free from charges, but rather used the time to defend anti-fascism and attack Ngo’s credibility as a journalist.

The attorney for Andy Ngo, Dorothy Yamamoto, had a different approach in her closing statement. Yamamoto went through each charge levied against defendants Hacker and Richter and provided the jury with substantial evidence relating to each charge, and why the defendants should receive each charge pertaining to assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

In her rebuttal, the attorney encouraged the jury “to be mindful of what is evidence, and what the attorneys have been saying.”

“I’ve heard allegations and things that have happened that are not evidence. There has been a lot of attacks against my client’s credibility as a journalist. He lies, he misstates. Did the defendants show you his actual posts,” Yamamoto questioned after the defense team failed to provide evidence of Ngo’s alleged inaccurate reporting during the trial, claims that were used to discredit him.

Yamamoto explained to the jury that while Hacker and Richter may or may not have physically beaten Ngo on the night of May 28, 2021, the defendants can still be held liable for battery, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress due to state law.

In regard to battery, the defendants would have to be found guilty of intending to cause harmful or offensive contact with the plaintiff, and directly or indirectly caused a harmful or offensive contact with the plaintiff.

Yamamoto argued that this charge applies to Hacker when the defendant had poured water on Ngo and slapped Ngo’s phone out of his hand on May 7, 2021, which Hacker had admitted during testimony.


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3e27f6 No.78625

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324682 (090046ZAUG23) Notable: David Zere Reporting Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire

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David Zere Reporting Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire



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3e27f6 No.78626

File: 77549fb17eadf07⋯.png (978.73 KB,918x774,51:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 325d59c7d1caf0f⋯.png (555.11 KB,607x379,607:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 75ddd39c33ea570⋯.png (373.49 KB,516x599,516:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324692 (090047ZAUG23) Notable: Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands

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Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as

It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands

Red State, by Brandon Morse

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/8/2023 1:55:41 PM

Anheuser-Busch’s downfall has been a brutal lesson to corporations about how the people have had it with woke culture engagement. Especially when it comes to being a brand that claimed to represent the heart of America and its values. Now, A-B is apparently being forced to sell off a few of its brands in order to stay afloat. These include Shock Top, Breckenridge Brewery, Blue Point Brewing Company, 10 Barrel Brewing Company, Redhook Brewery, Widmer Brothers Brewing, Square Mile Cider Company, and Hiball Energy. All of these are craft beers, meaning that A-B is cutting a solid chunk off of its craft beer portfolio.

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3e27f6 No.78627

File: 49b44c0da052980⋯.png (518.45 KB,1170x2061,130:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324693 (090048ZAUG23) Notable: There are a couple of J6 Committee’s witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony

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There are a couple of J6 Committee’s witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony behind all the talk (and speaking indictment). I’ll link to them here. First, Bill Barr: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-TRANSCRIPT-CTRL0000083860/pdf/GPO-J6-TRANSCRIPT-CTRL0000083860.pdf

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3e27f6 No.78628

File: caa438042a09ce4⋯.png (723.34 KB,1007x718,1007:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324699 (090048ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewatering record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals

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Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewatering record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals and hikes rates on mortgage-holders

Commonwealth Bank made cash profit of $10.164billion

The Commonwealth Bank has made a record $10.2billion profit after scrapping cash withdrawals at some branches and hiking mortgage rates 12 times in little more than a year.

Australia's biggest home lender saw its cash profit, based on core operations, rise by six per cent in the year to June 30, figures released on Wednesday said.

Despite an economic slowdown, the Commonwealth Bank's $10.164billion full-year net profit comes at the same time of its rollout of more cashless branches that refuse to do banknote transactions.

The bank's statutory net profit of $10.188billion was a record, increasing by five per cent during the last financial year, with this figure including commercial investments.

Acting Greens leader Mehreen Faruqi told ABC News Breakfast the profit figure was 'absolutely obscene' with inflation still high at six per cent.

'People feel the corporate profits are absolutely obscene, it's corporate profits driving inflation, yet who is bearing the brunt of it?,' she said.

'It's everyday people with the cost of living, and it's at this point in time renters.'

The Commonwealth Bank told the Australian share market it had reduced occupancy and equipment expenses by three per cent 'primarily reflecting benefits from optimising our digital, branch and ATM network and exiting commercial office space as we continue to consolidate our property footprint'.

Teller cash transactions are no longer available at branches including Commonwealth Bank Place in the centre of Sydney along with the nearby South Eveleigh, Barangaroo, Penrith and University of Sydney, which the bank now calls 'specialist centres'.

The cashless approach is also being expanded to some Brisbane and Melbourne 'specialist centre' branches.


kek Aussie banks say inflation is necessary as they clean up

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3e27f6 No.78629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324706 (090050ZAUG23) Notable: Kamala and Biden’s golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were funding Proterra, America’s biggest electric bus company

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Kamala and Biden’s golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were funding Proterra, America’s biggest electric bus company, and now the money’s missing. The whole thing was a political pump and dump scheme and top Democrats were all involved.

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3e27f6 No.78630

File: a3f6e2560dee058⋯.png (16.06 KB,592x179,592:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324731 (090055ZAUG23) Notable: America First Legal says it is filing lawsuit against Target in federal court for violating the Securities Exchange Act

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: America First Legal says it is filing lawsuit against Target in federal court for violating the Securities Exchange Act after destroying shareholder value by pushing sexual propaganda to kids.

11:54 AM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324764 (090100ZAUG23) Notable: Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess

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🚨 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess

This is from an interview in November 2022 Interview… but still wow… 👀

• Operation Mockingbird & the Smith-Mundt Act

“Trump announced his candidacy he wanted to test who was going to be against him.

Look up Operation Mockingbird, the CIA has controlled…

Obama repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act permitting propaganda to Benin broadcasting.

Trump warned the deep-state & the Globalists by calling out FAKE NEWS… he needed to smoke them all out.

• Trump The Victim? 5D Chess

“What we were working on was taking over School Boards, we wanted to get Nancy Pelosi out!

We wanted local councils. He had 23 out of 235 win their seats. But Donald Trump plays chess on a 5D level & you can never anticipate what it’s going to be.”

• Executive Orders, Continuity of Government & Devolution, PEADS

“I need people to understand that they need to go to other sources. The media will not tell you about his successes…>

They will not tell you about his Executive Orders e.g. 13848 BOOM! & some of the other articles he did.

They won’t tell you about the Devolution, the Continuity of Government Plan that he put in place.

The reason Mar-A-Lago was raided, they really wanted to get the PEADS which only Trump knows & the Military that he put in place.

Before he left, Trump declared two National Emergencies. Biden HAS NOT reversed that. Biden renewed three of his Executive Orders to continue.

So we have some very fascinating things that are going to come out in the next 60-90 days.”

This Video



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3e27f6 No.78632

File: a27e404dd3116ed⋯.png (1022.95 KB,1075x769,1075:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324787 (090102ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Now We Have Proof! TGP Exclusive: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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Now We Have Proof! TGP Exclusive: Massive

2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

– Police Find: Tens Of Thousands of

Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift

Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones,

and a Democrat-Funded Organization with

Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

Gateway Pundit, by Benjamin Wetmore & Patty McMurray

Posted By: Imright, 8/8/2023 8:22:54 PM

Special Thanks to Phil O’Halloran and Lori Skibo for their contributions and assistance with this story. The two election integrity activists obtained a copy of the State Police report and began investigating the story in June. Phil O’Halloran, now Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party’s Election Integrity Committee and Lori Skibo, Director of the MI GOP’s Poll Challenger Program, brought it to our attention and are assisting with our research of this story.

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3e27f6 No.78633

File: 2197ad4de2bc792⋯.png (413.12 KB,1170x2024,585:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: b388aee5cad4c7e⋯.png (319.86 KB,1170x1885,18:29,Clipboard.png)

File: d036b450a6ebd0e⋯.png (145.83 KB,1170x998,585:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324797 (090103ZAUG23) Notable: VSwamy on Pence N gubmint

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.@Mike_Pence says today he was “deeply offended” that I don’t trust that the government told us the full truth in the 9/11 Commission Report. Well, I find it offensive that our government repeatedly lies to us.Here’s the TRUTH: the FBI quietly declassified documents in 2021 that definitively reveal the government lied to the public about basic facts of Saudi Arabia’s involvement in 9/11, until documents were declassified and they changed their story 20 years later.

Omar al-Bayoumi, a 42-year-old graduate student, welcomed, housed, set up bank accounts, and gave rent money to the first two Qaida hijackers after they landed in Los Angeles in January 2000. Al-Bayoumi claimed to have met the two terrorists entirely by chance: The 9/11 Commission report verified that Bayoumi’s altruism was in the name of hospitality, as he claimed.

The FBI, 20 years later, changed its story. In documents declassified last year, the Bureau affirmed that Bayoumi was in fact an agent of the Saudi intelligence service who worked with Saudi religious officials and reported to the kingdom’s powerful ambassador in Washington.

U.S. government officials continue to lie about other matters of public importance – the origin of Covid-19, knowledge about UAPs, Hunter Biden’s laptop, how our money is actually being spent in Ukraine, the Nashville trans shooter manifesto – with a complicit media that just accepts the prevailing narrative without question. This fuels rampant public distrust. There is no credible evidence that 9/11 was an “inside job,” but ironically, when the government systematically lies about Saudi involvement and the media runs interference, that lends plausibility to an otherwise unlikely claim.

There’s no such thing as a noble lie. With all due respect to the former VP, the reason the people don’t trust the government is because the government doesn’t trust the people.


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3e27f6 No.78634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324802 (090105ZAUG23) Notable: Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused

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Protection racket

Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused

High-profile Australia accused of rape

Alleged incident took place in October 2021

A high profile man seeking a further six months of phone data from the woman he is alleged to have raped will know within days whether he has permission to access the files, a Queensland court has been told.

The man was charged with two counts of rape in January over an alleged incident in Toowoomba, about 120km west of Brisbane, in October 2021.

His identity remains protected under Queensland law which prohibits the identification of those charged with sexual assault or rape offences until they are committed to stand trial.

Lawyer Rowan King, who is acting for the accused, had requested the full data download during a court hearing in July.

At the time, the court heard the request was for alleged messages 'six months prior to the offence date'.

A prosecutor told the Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Wednesday her office had requested further explanation from Mr King.

She said her office received Mr King's response on August 3 and required more time to respond.

'This request is still being considered by the office,' the prosecutor said.

The court was told Mr King will be informed of the Director of Public Prosecutions' (DPP) decision 'within the week'.

The matter was adjourned to August 23 for further mention.

A forensic medical report (FMO) had been previously disclosed to Mr King upon request.


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3e27f6 No.78635

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324809 (090107ZAUG23) Notable: "We are seeing turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.

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Jon Jakubowski; "We are seeing turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio. Vote Yes On Issue One TODAY In Ohio | Go To VoteOhio.Gov To Learn More. Plus McCarthy



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3e27f6 No.78636

File: a08178186a5579f⋯.png (805.92 KB,962x727,962:727,Clipboard.png)

File: bf74560039fb2d2⋯.png (1.33 MB,962x1225,962:1225,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e0a8ba4ee9b7b⋯.png (707.29 KB,962x553,962:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324821 (090108ZAUG23) Notable: Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia

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Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia

Nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth found at Mexican port

The cargo ship was headed for Australia

The Mexican Navy said sniffer dogs had located the shipment.

'Subsequently, samples were taken to be sent to the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Secretary of the Navy, for analysis, confirming it as "positive" for methamphetamine,' a statement said.

So far this year, Mexican marines have seized more than 124tonnes of meth nationwide.

The Mexican Navy recently took control of customs duties at ports to crack down on smuggling.

It would not be the first time that Mexican cartels, which dominate the international trade in meth, have tried to smuggle the drugs to Australia or in liquid form.

In 2022, officials in Hong Kong seized about $5.9million worth of crystal meth concealed in a shipment of electrical transformers that was bound for Australia from Mexico.

Days later, they reported finding 1.8tonnes of liquid methamphetamine stored in bottles labelled as coconut water that arrived from Mexico by sea. The haul was Hong Kong's largest ever meth seizure.

And in April this year Mexican Navy inspectors intercepted 11,520 tequila bottles bound for export to Australia that actually contained concentrated liquid meth worth $1billion.

The bottles, which contained a brownish liquid resembling tequila and were also intercepted at the Pacific coast seaport of Manzanillo, contained about 8,640kg of meth.

Sniffer dogs also tipped the marines off on that occasion, leading to drug testing of the cargo.


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3e27f6 No.78637

File: 0151beaf262cc00⋯.png (175.27 KB,427x627,427:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324842 (090113ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis

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WATCH: Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis

“You clearly don’t understand the pathway,” asserted Australian Senator Gerard Rennick after continually asking Pfizer reps for the mechanism in which COVID vaccines cause myocarditis.

Pfizer repeatedly avoided the question and referred to the benefit-risk ratio.

So, if Pfizer cannot explain why the shots cause myo/pericarditis, “how then can it guarantee that it’s also not injuring other organs?”

Hat Tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOum-ZqWT4U

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v35j2l2-pfizer-cannot-explain-why-covid-jabs-cause-myocarditis.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)

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3e27f6 No.78638

File: 8de2ffd86ca9d1b⋯.jpg (41.63 KB,680x553,680:553,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324855 (090115ZAUG23) Notable: Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan’s @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn’t.

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The Patriot Voice


Say what you want about the Q operation, but it is 💯 LEGITIMATE.

Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan’s @RealDrJan1

EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn’t.

This drop from Q came out on the 12th of Nov, 2020 & it lays out in detail how we CAUGHT them in the act STEALING the election

The 2020 election was a STING operation. It was ALL laid out very clearly in this single drop. Trump HAD to step down, despite the fact WE CAUGHT THEM ALL. To avoid a civil war.


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3e27f6 No.78639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324859 (090116ZAUG23) Notable: "We are seeing turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.

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LIVE: Ohio Election Results [Issue One]

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3e27f6 No.78640

File: 7de2ace7cf5e5e8⋯.png (133.25 KB,424x454,212:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324862 (090117ZAUG23) Notable: Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America

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Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America


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3e27f6 No.78641

File: 9f546ab6699c8d1⋯.jpg (34.32 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324874 (090119ZAUG23) Notable: Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment

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Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment

He really is the worst.

Mitch needs to switch parties.

Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged House Republicans NOT to impeach Joe Biden for his multi-million dollar foreign bribery and pay-for-play schemes.

Breitbart.com reported:

“Biggest Bed Sheet Sale Ever” At MyPillow — Giza Dreams Sheets At Low, Low Prices

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has urged House Republicans to avoid impeaching President Joe Biden.

Speaking to the New York Times in an interview published Tuesday, McConnell said that he does not want to continue the impeachment cycle that Democrats started two years ago when they impeached former President Trump on dubious charges.

“I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing,” McConnell said.

“Impeachment ought to be rare,” he added. “This is not good for the country.”


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3e27f6 No.78642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324886 (090121ZAUG23) Notable: New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive During Border Patrol Stop

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New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive During Border Patrol Stop

Real America’s Voice Correspondent @AgueroForTexas shares a disturbing report from the southern border where children were unresponsive during a Border Patrol stop.

Aguero says experts have warned that children being trafficked across the border are being drugged with Rohypnol to keep them from alerting authorities that the people with them aren’t their parents. #BidenBorderCrisis #BorderCrisis #IllegalImmigration #ChildTrafficking

@RealMirandaKhan @RealDrGina

Watch LIVE➡ bit. ly / plutorav


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3e27f6 No.78643

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324896 (090123ZAUG23) Notable: DeSantis Camping Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout

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Yes Richard Baris: DeSantis Camping Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout

Love Richard Baris!



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3e27f6 No.78644

File: 029d4060a240315⋯.png (160.98 KB,422x554,211:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dcab143125be33⋯.png (1.28 MB,783x1311,261:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324998 (090135ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign “influencers” out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!

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>He's talking to anons

Who Dan?

I think so too ;)




This is what the DeSanctis Campaign “influencers” out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN! Attacking Trump supporters really shouldn’t be part of one of their many campaign resets—but what do I know?! Remember this now—and don’t forget it! This is what they think of YOU! Simply put, they are not ready for the Big Leagues. They’re proving it each and every day and their ship is sinking (just look at the polls). Join Team Trump, let’s get this done! donaldjtrump.com/join


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3e27f6 No.78645

File: f301605823f00c7⋯.png (114.28 KB,419x444,419:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325015 (090139ZAUG23) Notable: Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role

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Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role-memo. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/goldman-sachs-rogers-step-back-chief-staff-role-memo-2023-08-08/#:~:text=NEW%20YORK%2C%20Aug%208%20(Reuters,Citadel%2C%20according%20to%20the%20memo.

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3e27f6 No.78646

File: 02307e1c7c0da50⋯.png (400.06 KB,424x590,212:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325034 (090142ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis

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Myocarditis Caused by COVID-19 Vaccine Spike Protein Is Often Not Detected by Typical Cardiac Tests

“According to his autopsy report and death certificate, Mr. Keating died of severe heart damage from ‘myocarditis in the left ventricle’ due to the ‘recent Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccine.’

When the pathologist’s preliminary analysis of Mr. Keating’s heart appeared normal, he decided to take 22 different slides of tissue for further assessment and discovered vaccine inflammation had damaged and attacked his entire heart.”

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3e27f6 No.78647

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325064 (090147ZAUG23) Notable: Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky

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Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky — But Who Was Really Behind It?Kiev has announced that it foiled a Russian assassination attempt on President Zelensky.

But the timing Is strange — President Putin would gain nothing in solidifying the West’s resolve against him at the very moment it is questioning how much more support it should give Ukraine.Rather than Russia, did Ukraine in fact foil an attempt to enroll President Tenpercentskyy in the CIA’s “early retirement programme”?!

Uh Oh, CIA is fed up with Zelensky, he better skedaddle to some country he can’t be taken from!



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3e27f6 No.78648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325071 (090148ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden blocked uranium mining today on a million acres bordering the Grand Canyon.

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Joe Biden blocked uranium mining today on a million acres bordering the Grand Canyon.

Why would Biden block mining for an element used for nuclear power plants, electricity, radiation treatments? We already import 95% of our uranium from countries like Russia, Kazakhstan, Africa. And now, Joe is single-handedly losing Africa to Russia, who already controls our Uranium supply chain through its satellites.

America already sends a billion dollars to Putin’s crown jewel uranium base, Rosatom. The same Rosatom that took over Uranium One, the company that donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, when Hillary was Obama’s Secretary of State. So why is Joe Biden funding Russia’s dangerous uranium monopoly?


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3e27f6 No.78649

File: 2bba052e107f69b⋯.jpeg (123 KB,2048x1230,1024:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325081 (090149ZAUG23) Notable: “We Know Where You F***ing Live! -- Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women’s Right’s Activists

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“We Know Where You F***ing Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women’s Right’s Activists – Kids as Young as Five Were Also Targeted (VIDEO)


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3e27f6 No.78650

File: 1d6afbfc8f05cbb⋯.png (45.75 KB,876x255,292:85,Clipboard.png)

File: cbfa28cb4c532c3⋯.png (67.62 KB,871x429,67:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325094 (090151ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign “influencers” out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!

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Ron did not hire the best.


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3e27f6 No.78651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325106 (090153ZAUG23) Notable: Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge

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Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge

There are roughly 5,600 families or more than 20,000 people in the state shelter system.


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3e27f6 No.78652

File: 59485f075342fe1⋯.png (463.4 KB,1080x834,180:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325127 (090158ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment.....

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Aug 08, 2023, 9:54 PM

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3e27f6 No.78653

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325146 (090201ZAUG23) Notable: More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day sting in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country

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More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day sting in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country, an annual human trafficking investigation spear-headed by the FBI, authorities announced Monday.

Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters said the “mission-driven” national operation is designed to rescue trafficked juveniles and women and “to build cases against those who profit from the misery of human trafficking.”

The idea, he said, is not only to end human trafficking but to provide support to the victims.

Nationwide, the FBI helped locate over 200 victims of sex trafficking, as well as identify and arrest 126 individuals for child sexual exploitation or human trafficking offenses.

In 40 counties across north Florida, the FBI Jacksonville Division worked with representatives from 17 local, state, and federal agencies to recover two child victims of trafficking, two adult victims of trafficking, and arrest 16 individuals for traveling to meet with a minor, according to Assistant Special Agent in Charge Coult Markovsky. In addition, two more missing children were located, Markovsky said.

“Sex trafficking and child exploitation are among the most horrific crimes the FBI investigates, which is why we pursue bad actors so aggressively,” said Sherri E. Onks, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Jacksonville. “Each year Operation Cross Country sends a powerful message that exploiting others will not be tolerated by the FBI and with the help of our partners these offenders will be caught.”

Waters highlighted the arrests of two men, Robert Horvath and Michael Brockway, who were both arrested in sting operations and charged with traveling to have sex with children. They thought they were meeting girls as young as 13 or 14 years old, Waters said.

Brockway, a Navy sailor, was arrested July 28 at a McDonald’s on Beach Boulevard. He’s charged with using a computer to solicit sex with a child, unlawful use of a two-way device, and travel to meet with a child for sexual purposes.

Waters said none of the women identified as trafficking victims during Jacksonville’s two-day operation were juveniles, but a teenage trafficking victim was identified and rescued during the overall operation. The teen is now safe, Waters said.

“Although it is intentionally kept well-veiled by those that profit off it, human trafficking is very real in our community. It is a web of crimes that not only typically hides in plain sight but also feeds on the social disenfranchisement of its victims,” Waters said.

The FBI encourages continued vigilance and help from the public to identify and recover victims and bring perpetrators to justice. Tips can be reported to 1-800-CALL-FBI or https://tips.fbi.gov.

During Monday’s news conference, Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper highlighted his agency’s part in the national operation, which involved a three-day sting targeting escorts who use social media sites to solicit for prostitution and those soliciting prostitution.

Leeper said 24 arrests ranging in age from 23 to 53 were made for charges including prostitution, soliciting for prostitution, drug possession and selling drugs.

Leeper said one of the women who was rescued from sex trafficking during the operation had her fingerprints burned off by her trafficker “to make it harder for her to be identified.”

“The thing to remember is that these aren’t victimless crimes. Human trafficking and prostitution ruin the lives of everyone involved,” Leeper said. “We all know that the top three illegal money makers are dope, humans and guns. And one of those you can sell over and over and over again.”


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3e27f6 No.78654

File: c8bd8e39007a426⋯.jpeg (150.2 KB,1150x1004,575:502,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325156 (090202ZAUG23) Notable: Pence No Pump gas

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Fucktard has pump beeping bc he didn’t select grade of gas or pay ffs


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3e27f6 No.78655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325162 (090203ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown

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Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown

The AFP has joined law enforcement across the country in a week-of-action targeting Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMCG) and their criminal networks, resulting in the arrest of an alleged Hells Angels OMCG Chapter President in Sydney.

The nationwide crackdown was coordinated by National Taskforce Morpheus and targeted the alleged illegal activities of OMCG members and their criminal networks, leading to a combined 159 arrests across the country.

Police also seized more than $200,000 in cash, 43 firearms, 22 weapons, 11 vehicles, and various prohibited drugs.

New South Wales

In NSW, the AFP, working with the Australian Tax Office (ATO), executed search warrants on 2 August 2023 at the homes of an alleged Hells Angels OMCG Chapter President in Parramatta and an alleged Hells Angels OMCG associate in Liverpool.

These warrants related to an ongoing joint Operation Protego-Cassowary targeting OMCG members and associates alleged to have been committing GST refund fraud.


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3e27f6 No.78656

File: f101d8487f25a13⋯.png (1.63 MB,1170x1534,45:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325254 (090218ZAUG23) Notable: Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probing whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager

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Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probing whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager, questioning their investment moves on China, coal, and climate change



Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probing whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager, questioning their investment moves on China, coal, and climate change.

The group has raised concerns in a letter about the governance of mutual funds as part of a broader push against the growing clout of environmental, social and governance (ESG) values in business.

Their letter, dated August 2 and obtained by DailyMail.com this week, was addressed to ten members of BlackRock's Fixed-Income Board of Directors, which oversees the group's closed-end mutual funds.

BlackRock says board members act in the best interests of all fund shareholders.

'We are concerned about whether your board is sufficiently independent to supervise BlackRock's performance as an investment adviser,' says the letter.

'Most of you are either employed by BlackRock or hold additional positions as board members of publicly traded companies in which BlackRock owns a sizeable share.'

The GOP letter says 'these personal entanglements' could 'easily impair a director's ability to exercise independent judgment when reviewing possible misconduct by BlackRock.'

The financial officers raise concerns about investment choices 'in response to outside pressure from large institutional clients' that help fight climate change but don't make investors richer.

Fund managers pulled out of coal, which causes more carbon pollution than other energy sources, meaning investors missed out on an 'enormous rise in share prices within the coal industry,' the letter says.

Meanwhile, BlackRock has 'poured billions of dollars into China' as the first foreign firm allowed to operate there, even though this created 'potential financial risks to its clients,' the letter said.

This also hurt the 'national security interests of the US and other democracies,' says the letter.

Critics have raised similar issues in the past about whether well-paid mutual fund directors are positioned to speak up.

The GOP finance chiefs apply that concern in the context of stances BlackRock has taken on ESG issues, such as a request for portfolio companies to account for climate change.

They ask for responses to guide their states on whether to invest in BlackRock funds.

The document follows up on last month's letter from 15 Republican state attorneys general to the same directors, asking about financial relationships that could undermine their independence.

BlackRock's chief spokesman Chris Van Es confirmed the letter had been sent to the directors.

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3e27f6 No.78657

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325257 (090219ZAUG23) Notable: Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin Preventing Uranium Mining In Arizona.

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Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin Preventing Uranium Mining In Arizona. Russia provides 56% of our Uranium due to the U1 HRC deal. We can produce a 100% of Uranium for our use and we used to, but now its only 6%. We still import all our Uranium from Russia still, even through all the sanctions, none of it stopped.



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3e27f6 No.78658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325338 (090239ZAUG23) Notable: #23733

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#23733 >>78618

>>78620 12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans

>>78621, >>78624 Portland jury finds Antifa militants not liable in Andy Ngo attack

>>78622 The judge in the Andy Ngo trial just admitted that jurors reported Antifa was trying to dox them

>>78623 Chip Roy Goes Scorched Earth, Tells Biden He Can ‘Go Straight to Hell’ Over Border Crisis

>>78625 David Zere Reporting Live From Outside President Trump's Rally In New Hampshire

>>78626 Anheuser-Busch's Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands

>>78627 There are a couple of J6 Committee’s witness deposition transcripts which are worthwhile reads for folks that really want to dig into the testimony

>>78628 Aussie: Commonwealth Bank posts an eyewatering record profit - as it scraps cash withdrawals

>>78629 Kamala and Biden’s golden boy just filed for bankruptcy. Taxpayers were funding Proterra, America’s biggest electric bus company

>>78630 America First Legal says it is filing lawsuit against Target in federal court for violating the Securities Exchange Act

>>78631 Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess

>>78633 VSwamy on Pence N gubmint

>>78634 Toowoomba rape case update: High-profile Australian seeks further six months of phone data from his accused

>>78635, >>78639 "We are seeing turnout numbers that are very impressive" Ohio.

>>78636 Mexican authorities seize nearly 10 tonnes of liquid meth headed to Australia

>>78637, >>78646 Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis

>>78638 Trump would NOT have thrown his weight behind Dr. Jan’s @RealDrJan1 EXPLOSIVE revelations, if it wasn’t.

>>78640 Trump will make it his 'personal mission' to eradicate veteran homelessness in America

>>78641 Mitch McConnell Urges House Republicans to Oppose Joe Biden Impeachment

>>78642 New Border Footage Shows Children Unresponsive During Border Patrol Stop

>>78643 DeSantis Camping Campaign 'On Life Support he just fired his manager today'; MAGA New Hampshire Massive Turnout

>>78644, >>78650 @DanScavino This is what the DeSanctis Campaign “influencers” out there in the world of social media think of you, TRUMP TRAIN!

>>78645 Goldman Sachs' Rogers to step back from chief of staff role

>>78647 Harnwell- Ukraine Foils An Attempt on President Zelensky

>>78648 Joe Biden blocked uranium mining today on a million acres bordering the Grand Canyon.

>>78649 “We Know Where You F***ing Live! - Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women’s Right’s Activists

>>78651 Massachusetts Democrat governor declares state of emergency over migrant surge

>>78652 @realDonaldTrump So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of Freedom Of Speech Sham Indictment.....

>>78653 More than 30 arrests were made in a two-day undercover operation in Jacksonville and another 24 arrests were made in a three-day sting in Nassau County as part of Operation Cross Country

>>78654 Pence No Pump gas

>>78655 Aussie: Senior OMCG member charged in nationwide anti-gang crackdown

>>78656 Fifteen Republican state finance chiefs are probing whether directors of BlackRock mutual funds are sufficiently independent of the giant asset manager

>>78657 Dave Walsh Explains The Biden Admin Preventing Uranium Mining In Arizona.


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3e27f6 No.78659

File: 08d69a9ce52b46f⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,600x398,300:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b4108806174b19c⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d754e4d7e051778⋯.jpg (74.03 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325353 (090241ZAUG23) Notable: 23734

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Baker needs off hand

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3e27f6 No.78660

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325365 (090243ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Interview: "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020 and the State and Nessel did nothing. No one was arrested

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9 hours ago

Patty McMurray: Michigan Police Find TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Theorize Of Democratic "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020 and the State and Nessel did nothing. No one was arrestedAll this was found on a FOIA’D police report! GBI strategies was running this fake registrations and elections not only in MI but in many states!

All of this will come out in Trump trial. Many states involved.



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3e27f6 No.78661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325393 (090247ZAUG23) Notable: Is This the Technocracy’s Hidden Ace in the Global Anti-Meat Agenda?

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Is This the Technocracy’s Hidden Ace in the Global Anti-Meat Agenda?

Another perspective on "Alpha-Gal" induced meat allergy.

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3e27f6 No.78662

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325409 (090251ZAUG23) Notable: Tera Dahl on Bannon re Slave Trade at the Southern Border

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Tera Dahl on Bannon re Slave Trade at the Southern Border

"It's happening because of a direct result of the Biden Admin's open border policy". Wristband on children is debt bondage of the children by the parents, its basically slave trading at the border


This is not smuggling! (where a one-time fee is paid) - now the fee is higher and is often paid by some kind of bondage


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3e27f6 No.78663

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325439 (090256ZAUG23) Notable: Trump in NH

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3e27f6 No.78664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325474 (090302ZAUG23) Notable: Former African Union Ambassador to the U.S. Arikana Chihombori-Quao (@HEDrArikana) EXPLODES, wonders why France remains a member of the UN Security Council while committing atrocities in Africa,

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Simon Ateba

PAINFUL: Former African Union Ambassador to the U.S. Arikana Chihombori-Quao (@HEDrArikana) EXPLODES, wonders why France remains a member of the UN Security Council while committing atrocities in Africa, stealing all its resources and assassinating African leaders. France conspired with AU and fired her because of these messages. WATCH

9:23 PM · Aug 8, 2023 15-mins


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3e27f6 No.78665

File: fc76312b36e422c⋯.png (477.26 KB,681x2268,227:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325478 (090303ZAUG23) Notable: Is This the Technocracy’s Hidden Ace in the Global Anti-Meat Agenda?

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3e27f6 No.78666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325481 (090303ZAUG23) Notable: Macron Depression: Globalist Leader Survives Many Crises, While French Influence Collapses in Africa

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Canada #45 >>>/qresearch/19321632

Macron Depression: Globalist Leader Survives Many Crises, While French Influence Collapses in Africa – Snubbed at BRICS Meeting, He Is Object of Internet Rumor About an Affair With Canada’s Trudeau

by Paul Serran Aug. 7, 2023

Ever since 2017, former Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron has led his presidency of France from one major crisis into another. Starting with the many weeks of ‘Gillet Jaunes’ (Yellow Vests) protest, continuing with the major insurrection over his tyrannical pension reform, almost immediately followed by catastrophic looting and riot over the police killing of a young immigrant man – Macron’s presidency is the very definition of a political train wreck.

And when it comes to foreign policy, he is not faring all that well, either. Just in the last few days, a flurry of negative developments have put his leadership in question in the world arena.

To begin with, he has been snubbed from the upcoming BRICS meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, later in August. No less than 34 countries have already confirmed their participation, along with the UN Secretary General and representatives of other organizations.

But not Macron, even though he let the world know he was fishing for an invitation.

South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor reacted in a rather shocking manner to this snubbing of the leader of a formerly respected nation.

AFP reported:

“Pandor laughed off the possibility of Emmanuel Macron showing up, after the French President made it known he was interested in participating.

‘It’s quite amusing’, Pandor said, asked whether the French leader would attend. ‘No invitation has been issued in that regard’.”

In retaliation, Macron cancelled his participation in the Amazon Summit to be held in Brazil from 7-9 August – but frankly, who cares?

The most serious recent development, however, is the coup d’état in former French African colony Niger. The French embassy was attacked, and Macron has to order the ongoing evacuation of all French nationals.

Subsequently, the coup junta severed all military agreements with France, and gave Paris 30 days to withdraw all its forces and military equipment from Niger.

France 24 reported:

“But the Niger coup is particularly bruising for Macron after he sought to make a special ally of Niamey, and a hub for France’s presence in the region after the Mali coup.”

We are watching in real time the collapse of the French strategy to retain its fading African influence.

“In December 2018, Macron vowed that France would remain engaged in the fight against jihadists in the Sahel region of Africa “until the victory is complete”, a vow that now appears on shaky ground.”

The setbacks are coming hard and fast, to the benefit of emerging regional partners.

“Anti-French sentiment in the region has only continued to rise, often whipped up by Russia which over the last years has taken an increasingly prominent presence through the Wagner mercenary group.”

And the situation at home is also continuing to look grim. UK’s Spectator reported:

“Macron continues to display an indifference to the chaotic immigration situation, despite opinion polls consistently showing this is an issue of paramount importance to the overwhelming majority of the population. […]

It’s not just the people who are angry. So are the police, many of whom resent what they regard as a lack of support from elements of the judiciary and even at times their president. Then there’s the grumbling within the military. Macron got on the wrong side of the army within weeks of coming to power, forcing out the popular and respected chief of the defense staff, General Pierre de Villiers.”

If you think that’s all, there’s more: now, Macron finds himself the butt of jokes and rumors on the internet about having an affair with recently separated Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


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3e27f6 No.78667

File: 84da922d080ab33⋯.png (218.51 KB,1170x1535,234:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 50ca7578531f96b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1170x1290,39:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325490 (090305ZAUG23) Notable: Trump is about to unleash his FULL subpoena power…

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Trump is about to unleash his FULL subpoena power…

Jack Smith made a HUGE mistake with this one, like Dr. Jan said. There will be a TOTAL relitigation of the 2020 election & it will be PROVEN that Biden STOLE the election from him.

Not only that, but it will be an opportunity for Trump to SHOW ALL EVIDENCE recorded to prove that claim.

Pretty sure the destroying Federal documents used as evidence is absolutely a Felony, at the least and TREASONOUS at the worst.



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3e27f6 No.78668

File: a6845396b6c419d⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325511 (090309ZAUG23) Notable: TRANS LAWMAKER HIT WITH CAMPAIGN COMPLAINT IN MONTANA

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Zooey Zephyr, the radical transgender lawmaker who cheered on a mob of activists attacking Montana's House of Representatives earlier this Spring, has now been hit with a campaign finance complaint with the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices (COPP).

Zephyr is the Democrat state representative for House District 100 in Missoula who is not ruling out a run for the US House of Representatives in 2024. The state representative was travelling the country raising money and attending high profile events with liberal activists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It was all part of an effort to capitalize off of the attention following the mob antics inside Montana's capitol that led to several arrests.

Darin Gaub filed the complaint against Zephyr with the COPP on behalf of The Montana Freedom Caucus. In the complaint, the Montana Freedom Caucus alleges that Zephyr violated Montana campaign finance law by fundraising for, and paying expenses related to, a 2024 campaign that had not yet been approved by the state. The complaint alleges that Zephyr raised nearly $100,000 from at least 30 states and yet only reported two expenses. ...


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3e27f6 No.78669

File: fd65bdacef72a02⋯.jpg (157.07 KB,850x619,850:619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325528 (090312ZAUG23) Notable: A Very Specific Set of Traits – Melania Trump, The Steadfast Rock

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Noice tribute to FLOTUS...Nothing Anons don't already know...

A Very Specific Set of Traits – Melania Trump, The Steadfast Rock


Those who walk amid the weeds of political analysis will remember how much we discussed the very specific alignment of stars that created the very unique opportunity for Donald Trump to finally reveal the depth, scale and scope of the corruption in the U.S. body politic.

Amid those discussions, and in the challenging months and years that followed, a small but incredibly important aspect were the personal characteristics, traits and very unique perspectives of Melania Trump. Perhaps a lioness, but an incredible woman who fortifies Donald Trump, candidate Trump and President Trump. Without Melania in the arsenal, there simply is no Great MAGA King to fight this battle.

Page Six has an outline discussing how amid all the current turmoil Melania Trump is the rock, the counselor, the advisor and balance that keeps Donald Trump supported and sustained throughout.

As embattled former President Trump faces his latest legal challenge, his wife, Melania Trump, has emerged as his anchor and “secret weapon,” his inner circle is saying.

A Trump insider told us of the 2024 candidate, “Melania is being credited by his friends with keeping President Trump ‘calm and focused’ amid the hellish week of his being indicted for the third time.”

The source added: “The couple and their son [Barron] have breakfast and dinner together regularly at their residence at his Bedminster golf club. [Melania] literally turns the news off at times so they can watch something else together, and she frowns over telephone or social media use at the table. Melania keeps him on track as a father and has in many ways stepped up to fill the place Ivanka [Trump] and Jared [Kushner] once had. She is his most intimate and internal sounding board.”…

I think everyone agrees by now, Donald Trump possesses a very specific set of skills and abilities that are uniquely needed at this moment in our nation’s history. A personable man with a sense of humor, the financial ability to withstand blistering attacks, strong sense of self identity, pragmatic outlook able to find optimal solutions, strength of conviction, knowledge of the problem and the determination to keep moving forward while not accepting defeat.

Trump’s opposition hate his confidence and claimed ego they cannot destroy. It drives them bananas that Trump doesn’t cower, concede or flinch under attack. His ability to remain focused and mentally stable throughout all of this is really extraordinary. People always put their own capabilities into the prism of perspective, and I have never found a person who could think of another leader able to withstand the bombardment and yet seemingly defy all odds and keep winning.

That said, how God delivered Melania as a very specific person to stand next to Donald, the man, is something to marvel.

Melania’s background, history, cultural orientation, formative years as a young woman growing up in SR Slovenia- SFR Yugoslavia, a place and era (1970-1996) where strong loyal women are forged with an iron metal of unique strength, is so fortuitous it defies coincidence. Melania Trump, as the wife of Donald Trump, holds incredible value and purpose.

The precision Melania Trump brings to everything around her is remarkable. That precision also applies to her counsel.

Donald Trump is very fortunate, and by extension so are we.

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3e27f6 No.78670

File: 1a0540c2c5de690⋯.png (43.49 KB,1234x278,617:139,Clipboard.png)

File: b6475d413a9549a⋯.png (127.18 KB,1314x628,657:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 3738680f2f08e17⋯.png (107.15 KB,1326x514,663:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2913566bee035a1⋯.png (124.73 KB,1308x674,654:337,Clipboard.png)

File: b4eec364744a7d1⋯.png (149 KB,1320x698,660:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325547 (090315ZAUG23) Notable: Reminder: Uranium 1 rundown from 2018

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Article from 2018 about Rosatom U1 informant Clinton connects to Rosatom etc


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3e27f6 No.78671

File: 2c5ac6e63b36b22⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: f3386cd96901908⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325579 (090324ZAUG23) Notable: Next batch of Covid fear pron - variant ERIS or EG.5

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COVID cases up 55% in New York, doctors warn of new variants

The latest data from the New York state Department of Health.

August 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325596 (090329ZAUG23) Notable: Reminder: Uranium 1 rundown from 2018

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3e27f6 No.78673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325619 (090333ZAUG23) Notable: Next batch of Covid fear pron - variant ERIS or EG.5

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Meanwhile, a new variant —dubbed EG.5, or eris— has arisen as the dominant strain, causing about 17% of COVID cases nationwide, according to a new alert from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Anyone have that Leaked WEF/WHO Virus Timetable with the Codenames on it Handy?

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3e27f6 No.78674

File: cde44e92b8ff333⋯.png (63.56 KB,756x452,189:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325631 (090336ZAUG23) Notable: Next batch of Covid fear pron - variant ERIS or EG.5

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It's a Sales Pitch for a new Experimental Vaccine

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3e27f6 No.78675

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325652 (090340ZAUG23) Notable: Aborted babies are used to develop vaxxes - video

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Vaccine contain Aborted Fetal Cells

Mixing Human DNA is Bad

The Role of the WI-38 Cell Strain in Saving Lives and Reducing Morbidity




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3e27f6 No.78676

File: 5803d13470bf8c6⋯.png (370.68 KB,1079x1109,1079:1109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325670 (090344ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: J6 Unselect Committee got rid of EVERYTHING!

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3e27f6 No.78677

File: 481203e98f7b95d⋯.png (797.75 KB,1041x1041,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325686 (090346ZAUG23) Notable: The Capitol Hill Tapes - Epoch Times was given access, "WE PUBLISH THIS FRIDAY"

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[PREMIERING 8/11 at 9 AM ET]

The Capitol Hill Tapes


The Epoch Times was given access to tens of thousands of hours of U.S. Capitol Police security video of Jan. 6, 2021. Join Epoch TV host Joshua Philipp and senior investigative reporter Joe Hanneman for a special Aug. 11 report that will lay out their findings.

The dramatic footage helps answer some of the many questions that remain two-and-a-half years after the events of Jan. 6.

Epoch Original Documentary DVDs:

The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary


The Shadow State | Documentary


The Final War | Documentary



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3e27f6 No.78678

File: 3fa1de27ccc877d⋯.png (385.63 KB,648x630,36:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325698 (090348ZAUG23) Notable: The Capitol Hill Tapes - Epoch Times was given access, "WE PUBLISH THIS FRIDAY"

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Joshua Philipp

We got access to the unreleased Jan 6 tapes.

We publish this Friday. Link here: >>78677

11:30 PM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78679

File: 4f5fb052c7ba52b⋯.png (321.88 KB,1080x1101,360:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325723 (090352ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I was extremely respectful of Sloppy Chris Christie today in New Hampshire…

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3e27f6 No.78680

File: 71ce14e246526cb⋯.png (319.55 KB,610x816,305:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325733 (090355ZAUG23) Notable: “FEC Reports Just 22 DeSantis Donors in Iowa.”

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“FEC Reports Just 22 DeSantis Donors in Iowa.”

The Federal Election Commission (FEC), which enforces campaign finance law in the United States, currently lists just 72 contribution entries for the Ron DeSantis for President committee and the Draft DeSantis 2024 Fund SuperPAC, from a mere 22 individual donors in the state of Iowa. The gap between DeSantis and Donald Trump is gargantuan, with over 3,000 entries listed for the Donald Trump for President 2024 committee alone. Widening the search net on the FEC’s contributor database to include Team DeSantis 2024 and Jeff Roe’s Never Back Down PAC fails to yield any additional entries. . While donors who contribute under $200 per cycle to federal political committees are not logged in the FEC database, and it is possible that a few remain to be added as of the time of publication, it is emphatically not the case that a full account of such small-dollar donors would improve DeSantis’s position relative to the former president. ...



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3e27f6 No.78681

File: 4bff6fbf99aa8e4⋯.jpeg (132.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325747 (090357ZAUG23) Notable: Western officials losing faith in Ukraine's military – CNN

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8 Aug, 2023 15:35

Western officials losing faith in Ukraine's military – CNN

Reports from the battlefield have become increasingly “sobering,” one US Congressman has told the network

Kiev’s Western backers are losing faith in the ability of the Ukrainian military to penetrate Russian defenses and turn the tide of the conflict, US and other Western officials told CNN on Tuesday.

“[The Ukrainians are] still going to see, for the next couple of weeks, if there is a chance of making some progress. But for them to really make progress that would change the balance of this conflict, I think, it’s extremely, highly unlikely,” an unnamed “senior Western diplomat” told the American broadcaster.

Illinois Representative Mike Quigley, a Democrat who recently met with US commanders in Europe, described their briefings as “sobering.”

“We’re reminded of the challenges [the Ukrainians] face,” he said, adding that “This is the most difficult time of the war.”

Ukraine launched its long-awaited counteroffensive against Russian forces in early June, assaulting multiple points along the frontline from Zaporozhye to Donetsk regions. However, the Russian military had spent several months preparing a dense and multi-layered network of minefields, trenches, and fortifications, which the Ukrainian side has thus far failed to overcome.

Advancing through minefields without air support, Ukraine’s Western-trained and NATO-equipped units have suffered horrendous casualties, losing 43,000 troops and 4,900 pieces of heavy weaponry in just over two months, according to the most recent figures from the Russian Defense Ministry.

“[The] Russians have a number of defensive lines and [Ukrainian forces] haven’t really gone through the first line,” another anonymous Western diplomat told CNN. “Even if they would keep on fighting for the next several weeks, if they haven’t been able to make more breakthroughs throughout these last seven, eight weeks, what is the likelihood that they will suddenly, with more depleted forces, make them?”

Despite the best efforts of Ukraine’s armed forces chief, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, to convince the US that “the initiative is on our side,”officials told CNN that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky could soon be pushed to sue for peace if progress remains stalled.

A senior US military official predicted that Kiev would rely more and more on piecemeal strikes within Russia – like the recent drone attacks on Moscow – to compensate for its shortcomings on the battlefield. The Kremlin has drawn similar conclusions from these attacks, with spokesman Dmitry Peskov declaring last week that Kiev was launching “terrorist strikes” as “acts of desperation” to distract from its failing counteroffensive.


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3e27f6 No.78682

File: 34e9d1adb750721⋯.jpg (122.7 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 59da4735a6f4689⋯.mp4 (729.17 KB,944x528,59:33,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325756 (090358ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I was extremely respectful of Sloppy Chris Christie today in New Hampshire…

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point, thumbs up, point

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3e27f6 No.78683

File: 3052bf71c8dcbdd⋯.png (444.63 KB,1080x1308,90:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325772 (090401ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: A MUST WATCH! [Hitler parody with DeSantis as Hitler]

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POTUS! Needs embedded kek


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3e27f6 No.78684

File: f2880af954aa6e5⋯.png (293.19 KB,526x600,263:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325785 (090405ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: So now that I have full Subpoena Power…

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3e27f6 No.78685

File: 0f04e197a8d09bb⋯.png (311.79 KB,764x917,764:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325802 (090410ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Is Right. Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Spent Decades Getting ‘Rich On China’

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AUGUST 24, 2022 **old

Trump Is Right. Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Spent Decades Getting ‘Rich On China’

For years, the McConnell and Chao families have cultivated a relationship that enriches the couple and grants status to the Chaos’ shipping company.

or decades, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao have maintained a glaring conflict of interest, conducting extensive government business despite the Chao family’s deep ties to China through a maritime shipping company. Now, former President Donald Trump is calling attention to the top Republican’s problematic China ties, while most of Washington remains silent.

“Why do Republicans Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate[?]” Trump asked in a Truth Social post on Sunday. “This is such an affront to honor and to leadership. He should spend more time (and money!) helping them get elected, and less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China!”

It didn’t take long for the corporate media to mock Trump’s assertion, framing his legitimate criticism of McConnell and Chao as unfair and unjust. Some outlets such as Vanity Fair even hinted that Trump’s comments were revenge against Chao for resigning from the Trump administration following the 2021 Capitol riot and subsequently cooperating with the illegitimate Jan. 6 Committee.

Trump’s criticism of McConnell and Chao, however, is not something to be taken lightly. For years, the McConnell and Chao families have maintained a symbiotic relationship that grants opportunities to the Chaos’ shipping company, Foremost Group, which largely operates in and on behalf of communist China. ...


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3e27f6 No.78686

File: f3b5edb99a700fd⋯.png (280.47 KB,646x691,646:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325807 (090411ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Is Right. Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Spent Decades Getting ‘Rich On China’

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Sean Davis

Gee, I wonder why Mitch McConnell doesn’t want anyone looking too closely at a crooked politician whose family got rich thanks to shady foreign business deals.


8:09 PM · Aug 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78687

File: 5d66570b0df79ef⋯.png (2.96 MB,1476x1848,123:154,Clipboard.png)

File: ef5dbe03b09e98a⋯.png (750.56 KB,1064x832,133:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325828 (090418ZAUG23) Notable: Anon: Who financed J6?

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Who is Caroline Wren?


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


Who is Julie Jenkins Fancelli?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronna_McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney

Who financed Jan 06?

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3e27f6 No.78688

File: 0384844eedacbcd⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,844x480,211:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325835 (090420ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: A MUST WATCH! [Hitler parody with DeSantis as Hitler]

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Video here:

direct meme links:



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3e27f6 No.78689

File: cf19e120cc3ef50⋯.png (310.27 KB,1080x550,108:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325837 (090420ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT rt's Poso's Truth about Ray Epps

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POTUS re-truthed Poso's shitpost about Ray Epps.


Aug 08, 2023, 11:06 AM

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3e27f6 No.78690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325849 (090426ZAUG23) Notable: Texas woman was mowing the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from above - comms or true or both?

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Anon still hasn't broken the MSM animal story comms, but looking at how many sources carry the story seems to give a hint. To what, anon does not know yet.

Texas woman was mowing the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from ...





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3e27f6 No.78691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325858 (090428ZAUG23) Notable: O'Reilly reveals new information involving the Biden family corruption, media coverage of Donald Trump

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Bill reveals new information involving the Biden family corruption, media coverage of Donald Trump

119K views · 4 hours ago

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3e27f6 No.78692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325863 (090430ZAUG23) Notable: Texas woman was mowing the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from above - comms or true or both?

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this is one weird but [apparently] true story

was riding her lawn mower when snake fell on her, and hawk came to grab the snake.

hawk gave her a bloody arm trying to get snake

did not end well for snake

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3e27f6 No.78693

File: 0055acdbbb5192b⋯.png (383.26 KB,888x592,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325885 (090439ZAUG23) Notable: Texas woman was mowing the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from above - comms or true or both?

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Most comms are backchannel.

Think of Q drops as a pallette.

A very important, specific 4966 color pallette. (Timestamps, Date, Poast count, Markers, etc)

All pre-planned. Meaning Q will poast when the plan calls for it. By the very finest group of civ-mil patriots the world has ever seen.

So personally, I don't wish for Q to poast beyond when the time calls for it.

Because EVERYTHING has meaning.

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3e27f6 No.78694

File: c3b5baa312f877f⋯.jpg (118.48 KB,720x917,720:917,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ca1717df862f626⋯.mp4 (663.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325890 (090440ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden adds two wonders to the seven wonders of the world

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Last I checked there were 7 Wonders, not 9....


Joe Biden:

"The Grand Canyon — one of the earth's nine wonders — wonders of the world. Literally. Think of that. It's amazing."

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3e27f6 No.78695

File: 061f25f9f4bb923⋯.png (150.09 KB,371x287,53:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325903 (090444ZAUG23) Notable: Texas woman was mowing the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from above - comms or true or both?

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I think comms too.

Story sounds like a fabrication. Hawks will leave their prey and fly off. Scared of people. I call bs. snake wrapping tighter n tighter around arm- was prolly just crawling.. I mean was it a boa or did it spit venom? idk maybe hawk tried to grab it but i doubt it.

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3e27f6 No.78696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325905 (090445ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE police chase in LA

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LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

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3e27f6 No.78697

File: 9b66fdb99e84711⋯.png (941.41 KB,916x3767,916:3767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325948 (090505ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: A MUST WATCH! [Hitler parody with DeSantis as Hitler]

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The Original Bunker Scene (aka OBS) is the most famous scene in Downfall that is used frequently in parodies. It's called the "original" because the earliest parodies (Sim Heil and Hitler gets banned from Xbox Live) used this scene.

The OBS is thus the nucleation site of the whole Downfall parody meme, and to this day remains the most widely used scene for Downfall parodies worldwide. It also came to represent the entire meme as a whole, completely disregarding years of development of the meme much to the disdain of many Untergangers.

Wonder whether @45 seen any of these before

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3e27f6 No.78698

File: e69c7f529a2d56b⋯.png (823.47 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326126 (090622ZAUG23) Notable: Newsom administration muzzled Fresno Co. disclosure of Reedley COVID lab

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Newsom administration muzzled Fresno Co. disclosure of Reedley COVID lab, county officials claim

After blistering criticism, Fresno County Supervisors issued new explanations for the lack of information on the Reedley lab.

The State of California sought to limit Fresno County’s attempts to publicize the secret Reedley biologics lab that was found to contain various materials and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 and malaria, as well as nearly 1,000 bioengineered mice.

Along with that revelation, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors publicly discussed the Reedley lab for the first time as a group and went after Fresno City Councilman Garry Bredefeld for a press conference that he held last week.

The big picture:

Comments from Fresno County Supervisor Nathan Magsig regarding state involvement in the county’s messaging about the Reedley lab conflicted with subsequent statements from county staff.

During Tuesday’s meeting, Magsig said the county had drafted a press release a few months ago detailing the situation, but after consultation with the California Department of Public Health, the county was told to not put it out.

However, after the meeting Fresno County Public Information Officer Sonja Dosti offered a conflicting view, detailing to The Sun how the county had drafted up a holding statement – a draft press release to be tendered to media outlets in the event lab abatement activities in Reedley sparked coverage,

The initial holding statement was first drafted in March, and in April the county sought to add more details in case the public came calling since there was county activity at the lab. The county consulted with the state, with state input being categorized as a “recommendation” that the county omit some details from the statement to protect the integrity of the investigation.

Despite a push for omission of details, Dosti claimed that Newsom administration officials did not force Fresno County to hold any details back. Other county officials, speaking anonymously to The Sun, categorize state agency’s involvement as being more coercive.

The county would eventually issue the holding statement for national and international media inquiries over the course of the past two weeks amid public revelation of the lab, while Fresno County Public Health Assistant DirectorJoe Prado spoke directly with local media.

MOAR ...

AUGUST 8, 2023


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3e27f6 No.78699

File: ffb8bb8fba41491⋯.png (94.65 KB,573x785,573:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 6df19863dc5cc24⋯.png (125.34 KB,560x779,560:779,Clipboard.png)

File: bfb92797331e2dc⋯.png (133.35 KB,553x775,553:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 02f81dbaf636905⋯.png (132.41 KB,554x772,277:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326138 (090629ZAUG23) Notable: INNOVATION 2023 - 2025 - THE B.I.S AGENDA

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there is news dissemination

there are decodes

there is news in the open

there is news which is in the open that people do not understand.

Decodes are not always meant for anons.

Stick with the basics, build the map and ensure that the consensus of anons agree that what is presented as a proof is agreed upon by those who have the knowledge amongst the anons and point the direction of information and its effects on the public, person or global masses.

example below will be a Global notable.





>>78395, >>78398, >>78403 ARCHIVING - 2022/2023 B.I.S ANNUAL REPORT - TOTAL 249 PAGES (global accounting) Innovation 2025 agenda.


The BIS fosters central bank collaboration and provides banking

services in an increasingly complex environment. The Bank

focuses on developments in financial markets, monetary policy,

financial stability and innovation and encourages dialogue

among central banks on these topics.

Our mission is to support central banks’ pursuit of monetary and financial stability

through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.

In fulfilling this mission, we strive to help our member central banks navigate the

opportunities and challenges they face, and to provide insights and services to

support their work.

Our core values anchor and inform our mission. They allow us to support central

banks. These values, our purpose-driven culture and our associated business

goals are illustrated on the next page

Innovation BIS 2025 is the ambitious strategy we launched in financial year 2019/20.

The strategy helps us to meet the needs of our central bank stakeholders in these

times of rapid economic and technological change. It seeks to shape continuous

innovation on the analytical and business fronts.

We are now four years into Innovation BIS 2025, and substantial progress has been

made. In 2022/23, we marked the successful delivery of approximately 80% of the

strategy (see next page).

As we enter the final stretch of Innovation BIS 2025, we are sustaining our

momentum to complete the agenda and embedding the changes brought through

this ambitious development programme.

One of the most substantial projects in the programme is the Banking

transformation agenda. A key objective is to enhance product development and

related services. We have continued to expand the Bank’s asset management

services and have introduced a new series of instruments tied to the post-Libor

reference rates. This was supported by continuing upgrades of the Banking

Department’s trading and reporting systems, including this year’s implementation

of a new asset management system, which will allow faster product development

and an even more efficient delivery of Banking services in the future.

The BIS Innovation Hub entered a more mature phase, with six operational Hub

Centres, including the Eurosystem Centre, which opened in March 2023. During

the year, the Innovation Hub focused its work on six strategic themes: central bank

digital currency, green finance, regtech and suptech, next-generation financial

market infrastructures, open finance and cyber security. Its work programme

features growing interconnections between projects and cross-centre collaboration.

In addition to the development of our research, we made further progress on our

strategic goal of expanding the outreach of BIS statistics to a wider audience.

We developed a new data portal, leveraging new technologies to better guide data

discovery, enhance data access and enable analysis. We also established BIS Open

Tech to disseminate statistical and financial software as open source projects,

to foster collaboration and harmonisation within the global software communities.

Innovation BIS 2025 also aims to make the BIS more flexible and adaptable by

developing new ways of working. In 2022/23, we moved fully to hybrid working,

and are piloting new activity-based working spaces. We have also deepened

our listening strategy to foster and develop staff engagement and internal


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3e27f6 No.78700

File: 0d6dc640cfe61b1⋯.png (315.75 KB,826x941,826:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ac09d9a868f8fb⋯.png (102.96 KB,551x778,551:778,Clipboard.png)

File: 75864c958962ebc⋯.png (117.92 KB,550x767,550:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326149 (090635ZAUG23) Notable: INNOVATION 2023 - 2025 - THE B.I.S AGENDA

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Note: Anon decided to take a quick look at the b.i.s site and found this publicly available to download.

Look at this shit, it is a ngo which operates without borders, nothing and no one at the B.I.S can be bought to any laws around the world and no one can be arrested.

They are the standard makers for the whole banking system and write the rules and regulations



Foreword by the General Manager

It is my pleasure to present the BIS’s Annual Report for 2022/23. The report

highlights our commitment to global monetary and financial stability, and our

ongoing role as the global forum for central bank cooperation. It also documents

the progress made in advancing our Innovation BIS 2025 strategy.

The past year has challenged central banks. High inflation and financial stability

concerns emerged in tandem. At the same time, digital innovation, particularly in

payment systems, gathered pace.

The global inflation surge that began in 2021 has started to subside. But, in most

countries, inflation remains far too high. Much of the progress in lowering inflation

has come from easy wins, like falling commodity prices and normalising

supply chains. The “last mile” of returning inflation to target will be harder. Central

banks’ commitment to low inflation is clear. The past year saw the most rapid

and synchronised worldwide monetary policy tightening in decades.

Tighter monetary policy was necessary, but not painless. Business models that relied

on low-for-long interest rates felt the strain. Bank closures in early 2023 were the

most striking example, but far from the only ones. As the structural forces that held

down inflation in recent decades subside, interest rates may need to stay higher

for longer.

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3e27f6 No.78701

File: 08cebbbeaa030f3⋯.png (161.84 KB,785x919,785:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e9c5a9c014f4aa⋯.png (354.34 KB,342x468,19:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326152 (090636ZAUG23) Notable: INNOVATION 2023 - 2025 - THE B.I.S AGENDA

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In the coming years, economies must rely on supply side reforms, rather

than monetary and fiscal stimulus, to drive sustainable growth.

Annual Report


The BIS helped central banks to navigate this complex policy landscape. Our economic

analysis shed light on inflation dynamics and the causes of financial instability.

And it made further progress in charting a course to build financial systems and

infrastructures fit for the challenges of tomorrow. Regular meetings held in the

context of the Basel Process fostered the exchange of views and experiences, while

BIS-hosted committees made significant headway on evaluating the effects of the

post-financial crisis reforms, and on proposals for mitigating risks arising from

cryptoassets, financial market infrastructures and climate change.

Investment in our Innovation BIS 2025 strategy continued to pay dividends.

The expansion of our Innovation Hub is almost complete, with the opening of the

Eurosystem Centre taking place in March 2023. Leveraging our ambition to be

at the forefront of thought leadership on innovation, we have expanded our insights

and research and delivered a number of projects on the development of public

goods to support central banks and improve the functioning of money and the

financial system.

For banking services, 2022/23 was another successful year. Despite volatile market

conditions, net profit increased to SDR 679 million by end-March 2023, while total

comprehensive income was SDR 414 million. Strong demand for liquid BIS banking

products as well as the Bank’s foreign exchange and gold services bolstered

profitability. Upgraded technological capabilities in our trading and reporting

systems provided an enhanced customer experience to our clients.

Our Representative Offices strengthened relationships with central banks in their

respective regions and helped to shape policy debates in Asia and the Americas.

We were pleased to mark our 20th anniversary in the Americas in November 2022.

Meanwhile, our Financial Stability Institute undertook a number of projects to

support international cooperation and collaboration in the areas of financial

technology, climate-related financial risks, crisis management and other regulatory

and supervisory-related issues.

We have put additional effort into improving the way we work. Taking on board the

lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have explored new ways of working together

and sought to improve and expand our working space for the future. We have

also invested in our staff through expanded mentoring and leadership programmes

and taken further steps to promote a workforce that reflects the full diversity of

our membership. In December 2022, we announced the winning design from an

architecture competition to develop the BIS headquarters site in Basel. The new

building would create a campus-like environment and provide modern facilities to

accommodate the enlargement of global meetings and the growth in our activities.

It is the efforts of our staff and management that have laid the foundations

for this future expansion. Reviewing our progress over the past year, I am deeply

grateful to all our colleagues for their support, dedication and adaptability.

Agustín Carstens

General Manager

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326163 (090643ZAUG23) Notable: #23734

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>78659 23734

>>78660 Patty McMurray: Michigan Police Find TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Theorize Of Democratic "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020

>>78661, >>78665 Is This the Technocracy’s Hidden Ace in the Global Anti-Meat Agenda?

>>78662 Tera Dahl on Bannon re Slave Trade at the Southern Border

>>78663 Trump in NH

>>78664 Former African Union Ambassador to the U.S. Arikana Chihombori-Quao (@HEDrArikana) EXPLODES, wonders why France remains a member of the UN Security Council while committing atrocities in Africa,

>>78666 Macron Depression: Globalist Leader Survives Many Crises, While French Influence Collapses in Africa

>>78667 Trump is about to unleash his FULL subpoena power…


>>78669 A Very Specific Set of Traits – Melania Trump, The Steadfast Rock

>>78671, >>78673, >>78674 Next batch of Covid fear pron - variant ERIS or EG.5

>>78670, >>78672 Reminder: Uranium 1 rundown from 2018

>>78675 Aborted babies are used to develop vaxxes - video

>>78676 PDJT: J6 Unselect Committee got rid of EVERYTHING!

>>78677, >>78678 The Capitol Hill Tapes - Epoch Times was given access, "WE PUBLISH THIS FRIDAY"

>>78679, >>78682 PDJT: I was extremely respectful of Sloppy Chris Christie today in New Hampshire…

>>78680 “FEC Reports Just 22 DeSantis Donors in Iowa.”

>>78681 Western officials losing faith in Ukraine's military – CNN

>>78683, >>78688, >>78697 PDJT: A MUST WATCH! [Hitler parody with DeSantis as Hitler]

>>78684 PDJT: So now that I have full Subpoena Power…

>>78685, >>78686 Trump Is Right. Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Spent Decades Getting ‘Rich On China’

>>78687 Anon: Who financed J6?

>>78689 PDJT rt's Poso's Truth about Ray Epps

>>78690, >>78692, >>78693, >>78695 Texas woman was mowing the grass when a snake and hawk attacked her from above - comms or true or both?

>>78691 O'Reilly reveals new information involving the Biden family corruption, media coverage of Donald Trump

>>78694 Joe Biden adds two wonders to the seven wonders of the world

>>78696 LIVE police chase in LA

>>78698 Newsom administration muzzled Fresno Co. disclosure of Reedley COVID lab

>>78699, >>78700, >>78701 INNOVATION 2023 - 2025 - THE B.I.S AGENDA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78703

File: a3e04266742a208⋯.png (626.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326173 (090646ZAUG23) Notable: #23735

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Please Self Confirm

Godspeed Digital Soldiers

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78704

File: 3c1a3d2cff039b2⋯.jpg (73.27 KB,1080x1028,270:257,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326264 (090730ZAUG23) Notable: DJ CASPER, CREATOR OF "CHA CHA SLIDE" JUST DIED AT 58

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78705

File: 6ddd3e1a83358ea⋯.png (38.01 KB,807x232,807:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326334 (090824ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Asks Why Special Counsel Jack Smith Has Two Grand Juries Investigating Trump in Docs Case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morning, Froggies!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78706

File: 3fbd57420d0f648⋯.png (570.32 KB,826x1141,118:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326342 (090830ZAUG23) Notable: Burisma Was Told To Remove Picture Of Joe Biden And Devon Archer From Its Website, Emails Show

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Burisma Was Told To Remove Picture Of Joe Biden And Devon Archer From Its Website, Emails Show

House Oversight Committee Interviews Hunter Biden Business Associate

James Lynch

Investigative Reporter

August 08, 2023 3:29 PM ET

Hunter Biden and his business associates told Ukrainian energy firm Burisma to remove a picture of then-Vice President Joe Biden and Burisma board member Devon Archer from its website, emails from the Hunter Biden laptop archive show.

In May 2014, then-VP Biden’s counsel Demetra Lambros told Eric Schwerin, a business associate at Hunter Biden’s investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, to have Burisma remove an image of Joe Biden and Archer from its website, according to emails from Biden’s laptop archive.

“Hey, guys,” Schwerin said in a May 13, 2014 email to Hunter Biden and Archer. “There is apparently a photo of Devon and the VP on Burisma’s website (I can’t see it – the website isn’t working very well right now) but Demetra (VP Counsel) called and asked that we tell Burisma they need to take it down (legally they aren’t comfortable with the VP’s picture being up on the site as what seems like an endorsement).”

Schwerin was referencing then-VP Biden’s counsel Demetra Lambros, whom President Biden appointed in June 2021 to serve as Chair of the President’s Commission on White House fellowships. She previously worked with Biden in 1996 as General Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee under then-Democratic Delaware Sen. Joe Biden’s chairmanship.

“Thanks Eric,” Archer responded. “Hunter got the call and it’s down. Was put up without authorization. Just on a Board call now and will call you this afternoon.”

“Looks like it may have been taken down…finally got on the site,” Schwerin said.

“Cool,” Schwerin followed up. “Thanks – I’ll let them know in case they haven’t seen it.”

The image of Joe Biden and Devon Archer does not appear on a version of Burisma’s website archived the following day. The now-defunct Burisma website previously featured profiles of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer on its board of directors page.

Schwerin sent multiple emails to Hunter Biden on May 13, 2014, asking about Burisma’s apparent ownership by a company registered in Cyprus and how he could explain that to Lambros. She raised the Cyprus issue to Schwerin after a Politico article detailing Hunter Biden’s Burisma board seat was published the same day.

“FYI, the only other issue Demetra raised/asked about was that there was a Cypriot connection (ownership?) of the firm and your Dad is going next week. She just raised it – nothing more than that” Schwerin said.

“The company is simply registered in Cyprus,” Hunter Biden wrote back.

This is only half the article. Moar in link: https://dailycaller.com/2023/08/08/burisma-remove-picture-joe-biden-devon-archer-emails/

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3e27f6 No.78707

File: a4f241b996ab4c5⋯.png (542.63 KB,557x828,557:828,Clipboard.png)

File: 353ed7891fff30b⋯.png (1.42 MB,877x1170,877:1170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326396 (090926ZAUG23) Notable: Kash Patel w/CAP: #NightShift everytime… #MAGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel


#NightShift everytime… #MAGA

Aug 09, 2023, 2:37 AM


gezze I like kash


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3e27f6 No.78708

File: 29ea79f9fb92bc5⋯.png (359.63 KB,601x796,601:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326426 (090937ZAUG23) Notable: Lara Logan w/CAP: Welcome to the sunny state of tyranny.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


Welcome to the sunny state of tyranny.

Quote Tweet

Karlyn Borysenko




California is going to pass a bill that makes it a misdemeanor crime for parents to speak out at school board meetings.

It's punishable by a $1,000 fine and up to one year in jail.

Link to the bill is below.


5:35 PM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78709

File: ddffbcdf2e343c2⋯.png (313.22 KB,594x594,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326453 (090949ZAUG23) Notable: How the hell is it a “QAnon conspiracy theory” that these degenerate pedos are reducing the punishment of sodomy with minors...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸


How the hell is it a “QAnon conspiracy theory” that these degenerate pedos are reducing the punishment of sodomy with minors…in the same breath they’re admitting that’s exactly what they’re doing?!

They’re raping kids…draw a line in the sand people and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!




1:40 PM · Aug 8, 2023




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3e27f6 No.78710

File: a531a09f7c09b50⋯.png (62.25 KB,1444x521,1444:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326496 (091013ZAUG23) Notable: National Guard activiated to help with ravaging fires across Maui

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


National Guard activated


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3e27f6 No.78711

File: 87a46c2ea1d241a⋯.png (191.25 KB,1324x715,1324:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326512 (091023ZAUG23) Notable: National Guard activiated to help with ravaging fires across Maui

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Kamehameha not spared from the transnational antifa terrorists.


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3e27f6 No.78712

File: 09ea7307354eeea⋯.png (215.78 KB,1270x947,1270:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326556 (091039ZAUG23) Notable: HAPPENING VIVEK INVOLVED WITH SOROS

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78713

File: c75689078a6c786⋯.png (21.92 KB,598x241,598:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326648 (091118ZAUG23) Notable: GenFlynn w/CAP: We can not allow our voting process to be corrupted any longer—this is destroying our country and it’s being done on purpose...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We can not allow our voting process to be corrupted any longer—this is destroying our country and it’s being done on purpose. If we want it to be fixed, every American Citizen must now;



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3e27f6 No.78714

File: a6cd6972e3bb9e4⋯.png (63.72 KB,592x342,296:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326707 (091143ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Remember, these Indictments aren’t “Legit,” they were all thrown up at me, quickly an haphazardly, including the local ones...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Remember, these Indictments aren’t “Legit,” they were all thrown up at me, quickly an haphazardly, including the local ones, by my political opponent, Crooked Joe Biden. It’s not like the State or Country is coming down on me. It’s a dishonest politician and his gang of Thugs breaking the law in order to get re-elected. There should be OUTRAGE at this, a new LOW in American Politics. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! The good news is that the PEOPLE “get it,” and so does the Fake News!

Aug 09, 2023, 7:33 AM


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3e27f6 No.78715

File: 9c2e342b96fdf16⋯.jpeg (248.6 KB,1495x571,1495:571,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326711 (091145ZAUG23) Notable: Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cancer claims will bankrupt the military

AFFF, radiation exposure, burn pits

Should have been addressed decades ago


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3e27f6 No.78716

File: 61f9738f6ebfe30⋯.png (67 KB,733x318,733:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326717 (091146ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country is becoming a CESSPOOL of drugs, filth and crime. Our Border is being invaded and our grossly incompetent “Leader”...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Our Country is becoming a CESSPOOL of drugs, filth and crime. Our Border is being invaded and our grossly incompetent “Leader” doesn’t have a clue. Three years ago we had the strongest and safest Border in history. Today it is the WORST, and the entire World is laughing at us. MAGA!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78717

File: 45aea8ab8f591ff⋯.jpg (184.22 KB,720x1209,240:403,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2ff8f061aea00be⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326724 (091150ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. Extends Training and Support for Ghana Navy $6 million in equipment, projects, and training to help improve maritime security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

These fuckers are crazy


U.S. Extends Training and Support for Ghana Navy $6 million in equipment, projects, and training to help improve maritime security. 🇬🇭

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3e27f6 No.78718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326727 (091150ZAUG23) Notable: Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not to say that don't cause CANCER, it probably does.

They don't give a fuck about this shit. it's the WINDBER tissue sample lab putting down TURBO CANCER NARRATIVE

just like that CIA BIOLAB in CALIFORNIA being called CHINESE, it's CIA not CHINA. they want WAR with China to hide the Biden Shit.


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3e27f6 No.78719

File: 6a563a4fd128119⋯.png (2.39 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326830 (091219ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump Reveals the Dirty Jan. 6 Committee Illegally Destroyed their Records and Documents Now that He Has Full Subpoena Power

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

how do you introduce evidence.... subpoena power

BREAKING: President Trump Reveals the Dirty Jan. 6 Committee Illegally Destroyed their Records and Documents Now that He Has Full Subpoena Power


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3e27f6 No.78720

File: 96505d8d8d13792⋯.png (94.41 KB,725x510,145:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326900 (091236ZAUG23) Notable: IBM Government Cloud Gets FedRAMP Approval

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> ARIN 2010-02Formerly Joint Technical Command

IBM Government Cloud Gets FedRAMP Approval

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program guarantees IBM's infrastructure as a service platform meets federal network security standards.

November 08, 2013IBM Government Cloud Gets FedRAMP Approval

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program guarantees IBM's infrastructure as a service platform meets federal network security standards.


Wyatt Kash

former Editor, InformationWeek Government

November 08, 2013

A government IT board granted IBM's SmartCloud for Government operating approval, allowing federal agencies to use IBM's infrastructure as-a-service cloud platform with the guarantee that it meets federal network security standards.

IBM received the Provisional Authorization to Operate (P-ATO) from the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and its Joint Authorization Board. The board, made up of IT officials from the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. General Services Administration, assesses the security controls used by cloud service providers and approves those that fully conform with federally-mandated operating standards.

The authorized IBM cloud environment is part of IBM's dedicated federal data centers facilities located in Colorado and North Carolina.

The IBM SmartCloud for Government was originally launched in 2010, and offers agencies one of the most secure and comprehensive certified multi-tenant cloud computing environments available. Numerous U.S. federal agencies already use IBM's cloud offerings, using previously issued authorities to operate from individual defense and civilian agencies. The facility uses NetApp storage technology.

The FedRAMP certification effectively gives the IBM government cloud government-wide operating approval. Historically, IT service providers must obtain network security authorization on an agency-by-agency basis. "FedRAMP certification by the JAB provides an overarching validation of the robust security IBM's cloud offerings provide," said Anne Altman, general manager, IBM U.S. Federal. "IBM's efforts to make the cloud secure extend beyond the current requirements. Our research teams are exploring the next generation of cloud security and are committed to bringing further innovation to the government in this area."

IBM joins a small but growing roster of similarly-authorized cloud service providers, including Akamai, AT&T, Autonomic Resources, CGI Federal, HP Enterprise Cloud Services, and Microsoft. FedRAMP also grants security authorizations to cloud service providers, including Amazon Web Services, working with individual agencies.

The approval comes on the heels of a number of announcements in recent days by IBM, including a series of recently and soon-to-be-released big data analytics services and capabilities.

IBM has also announced updates to its SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center, which analyze usage patterns to determine the best storage choice for a given set of data, and automatically make the change without admin assistance or interruptions to data access, as InformationWeek reported earlier this week.

IBM also opened its new Federal Cloud Innovation Center in Washington, D.C. The center expects to draw on more than 500 IBM researchers and specialists in cloud computing, open standards and security protocols for cloud computing.

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3e27f6 No.78721

File: e82ef1e4a601b84⋯.png (61.97 KB,842x531,842:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19326912 (091240ZAUG23) Notable: IBM Government Cloud Gets FedRAMP Approval

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>IBM Government Cloud



Cloud & Hyperscale

IBM gets $18.8m contract modification for ongoing US Army IT modernization award,ITES-2S

Just over a week after a separate $25m win

May 01, 2020


Sebastian Moss

Have your say







IBM has been awarded an $18.8m modification to its US Army IT modernization contract.

The company won part of the ITES-2S contract vehicle back in 2005, with a contract ceiling of $20 billion - butGovTribe's contract tracker puts the current cumulative spend for IBM services at $1bn.

The Department of Defense Spending

IBM Watson as a soldier

– Gunnery Sgt. Robert B. Brown Jr./DCD

"IBM, Reston, Virginia, was awarded an $18,825,414 modification (2T0128) to contract W91QUZ-06-D-0010 for information technology services and support on behalf of the Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems," the Department of Defense said in its latest listing of contract awards.

"Work will be performed in Radford, Virginia, with an estimated completion date of April 13, 2021."

IBM's ITES-2S contract W91QUZ-06-D-0010 covers server consolidation, information systems security, systems operations and maintenance, network support services, data center assessment and selection, and more.

Earlier in April, IBM was awarded a separate modification to the contract - this time for $23,569,218 - to support a logistics data analysis center.

The Information Technology Enterprise Solution 2 Services contract was originally set to expire in 2015, but was repeatedly delayed until April 2020 while the Army finalized ITES-3S. The original RFP for ITES-3S, which focuses more on cloud computing and cybersecurity services, was issued in February 2016.

The Department of Defense is also looking to shift the majority of its computing needs to one cloud provider, under the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure initiative. But, after the oft-delayed JEDI contract was awarded to Microsoft Azure in October, the program has been stymied by legal challenges from competitor Amazon Web Services.

Amazon claims that the procurement process was unfairly influenced by President Trump, who appears to dislike Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos. The DoD Inspector General found no proof of such allegations, but was barred by the White House from interviewing White House staff members or discussing White House communications with DoD officials.

AWS' lawsuit over the contract is currently on hold as the DoD reviews its award.

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3e27f6 No.78722

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327022 (091305ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/09/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/09/2023





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3e27f6 No.78723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327075 (091314ZAUG23) Notable: #23735

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #23735

#23735 >>78703


>>78705 Judge Asks Why Special Counsel Jack Smith Has Two Grand Juries Investigating Trump in Docs Case

>>78706 Burisma Was Told To Remove Picture Of Joe Biden And Devon Archer From Its Website, Emails Show

>>78707 Kash Patel w/CAP: #NightShift everytime… #MAGA

>>78708 Lara Logan w/CAP: Welcome to the sunny state of tyranny.

>>78709 How the hell is it a “QAnon conspiracy theory” that these degenerate pedos are reducing the punishment of sodomy with minors...

>>78710, >>78711 National Guard activiated to help with ravaging fires across Maui


>>78713 GenFlynn w/CAP: We can not allow our voting process to be corrupted any longer—this is destroying our country and it’s being done on purpose...

>>78714 DJT TS w/CAP: Remember, these Indictments aren’t “Legit,” they were all thrown up at me, quickly an haphazardly, including the local ones...

>>78715, >>78718 Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface

>>78716 DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country is becoming a CESSPOOL of drugs, filth and crime. Our Border is being invaded and our grossly incompetent “Leader”...

>>78717 U.S. Extends Training and Support for Ghana Navy $6 million in equipment, projects, and training to help improve maritime security

>>78719 President Trump Reveals the Dirty Jan. 6 Committee Illegally Destroyed their Records and Documents Now that He Has Full Subpoena Power

>>78720, >>78721 IBM Government Cloud Gets FedRAMP Approval

>>78722 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/09/2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78724

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327120 (091321ZAUG23) Notable: #23736

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Full Subponea Power

morn'n baker requesting handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78725

File: 95ccb0a5a198db6⋯.png (1.07 MB,1290x723,430:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327142 (091323ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / In Case you missed it Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

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>>78724 TYB!

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Mr. Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.



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3e27f6 No.78726

File: 901c9a04a19e323⋯.pdf (11.99 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327149 (091324ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Michigan POLICE REPORT 1 & 2

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3e27f6 No.78727

File: 4183faa2f261c73⋯.pdf (15.58 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327150 (091325ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Michigan POLICE REPORT 1 & 2

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3e27f6 No.78728

File: afdcf2566f80b14⋯.png (499.41 KB,713x424,713:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327157 (091327ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations - The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH

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The master mind behind it all?

The master mind behind it all?

Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e27f6 No.78729

File: 4dc5a26d308534f⋯.jpg (178.27 KB,720x1029,240:343,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de471b3fc88a604⋯.jpg (236.64 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4a8655fdcd1bcc⋯.jpg (108.53 KB,720x642,120:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de171125bd68afc⋯.jpg (190.76 KB,720x1148,180:287,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6940c052f5e45c3⋯.jpg (162.59 KB,720x1016,90:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327175 (091333ZAUG23) Notable: Did you know @GregAbbott_TX is helping build a city for 200,000 illegal aliens outside Houston that has schools run by the Chinese?

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Did you know @GregAbbott_TX is helping build a city for 200,000 illegal aliens outside Houston that has schools run by the Chinese?

I’m celebrating the day in Texas in a helicopter with @Michael_Yon to document the construction of a new permanent city for illegal aliens going up outside Houston.

We overflew it by helicopter and plane yesterday. It’s huge and will be permanent. It takes six minutes to cross by plane. It’s said to be designed for 200,000 people. We’re finding out more.

Spent 4 hours today driving down every street in this colony and talking to the local people, all of whom were very nice. It looks like a very suspicious operation. If the marketing is any indicator, the place seems designed for ethnic/cultural segregation.

I saw only 4 completed & functioning public buildings in the entire (almost vacant) colonia. One is this charter school, which teaches Mandarin Chinese K-12. I went inside. It has ties to CCP Ministry of Education and Confucius Institutes.

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3e27f6 No.78730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327182 (091335ZAUG23) Notable: Comer releases new bank records…bad news for the The Biden Crime Family

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Comer releases new bank records…bad news for the The Biden Crime Family


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3e27f6 No.78731

File: f3c71aaa9a4c29c⋯.png (621.71 KB,1170x1486,585:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bbd68ebdef73b9⋯.png (557.31 KB,1170x2060,117:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327188 (091337ZAUG23) Notable: Trump War Room Retweeted On 4/22/14, Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev wired the exact price of Biden’s sportscar to a bank account used by Archer and Biden…

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Trump War Room Retweeted

On 4/22/14, Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev wired the exact price of Biden’s sportscar to a bank account used by Archer and Biden. The next day a payment was made to purchase the sportscar.


Read the full bank records memorandum released today: https://t.co/3CBkMp1nJv

Previous bank records memoranda can be found here:

First Bank Memo: https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Bank-Records-Memo-3.16.23.pdf

Second Bank Memo: https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Bank-Memorandum-5.10.23.pdf

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3e27f6 No.78732

File: 0c8cb42083fee61⋯.png (1011.31 KB,1428x1068,119:89,Clipboard.png)

File: f8dd714291666fd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: e0cbfe02a1aa238⋯.png (300.65 KB,1031x537,1031:537,Clipboard.png)

File: afdc4c83f3ab237⋯.png (300.53 KB,999x544,999:544,Clipboard.png)

File: edce2a90d5e91d5⋯.png (339.54 KB,1084x515,1084:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327206 (091342ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Everyone stop your engine and watch this excellent video. You may learn more about Michigan corruption in 8 minutes than you have in 2.5 years. and Bun

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The Persecution of Stephanie Lambert

The Professor's Record - David K. Clements


From @RealSKeshel

Everyone stop your engine and watch this excellent video.

You may learn more about Michigan corruption in 8 minutes than you have in 2.5 years.

*Nessel investigator admits on audio to fraudulent election in 2020

*Persecution of Attorney S. Lambert

*Detailed explanation of all that has been uncovered

*Prosecutorial misconduct



11:10 AM · Aug 8, 2023






all pb

GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig

>>78457, >>78458, >>78461, >>78462, >>78465, >>78469, >>78470 Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>78601, >>78600, >>78603, >>78606, >>78610, >>78612 NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>78632 Now We Have Proof! TGP Exclusive: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>78461 Massive Voter Fraud op discovered in Michigan

>>78516 GBI Strategies Open Secrets

>>78535 This is why the FBI did nothing. Biden for President - 450,000

>>78559 Key Principal: Gary Bell Gossett. Matching Fedboi **or pedo vans in driveway.

>>78560 Alexandria VA Connections. Grand Mother(?) obit

>>78580 Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

>>78602 If you dig around a little more (like look at the name on the house) you will find it's not Gary Gossett.

>>78572,>>78573 GBI Strategies same phone and address as Gbi Logistics LLC

>>78580 Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

>>78602 Gary Gossett. It's Gary BELL. greater D.C. area connections interesting

>>78660 Interview: "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020 and the State and Nessel did nothing. No one was arrested

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3e27f6 No.78733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327212 (091342ZAUG23) Notable: HABBENING - Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine

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Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine


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3e27f6 No.78734

File: 2c77c3ed9650c9f⋯.png (1006.61 KB,1170x1839,390:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327213 (091343ZAUG23) Notable: PF reporting: GTMO844 up

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GTMO844 up


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3e27f6 No.78735

File: 6cfc2dd1de0da90⋯.jpg (170.93 KB,720x881,720:881,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f035f9cbde0db30⋯.jpg (229.85 KB,720x1228,180:307,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b0b5dca894cd94⋯.jpg (245.19 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d1d7c72790bf923⋯.jpg (281.47 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6fa95835fa9ba9a⋯.jpg (39.85 KB,684x221,684:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327219 (091344ZAUG23) Notable: The Biden family business received over $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan while Joe Biden was vice president

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BREAKING:🚨The Biden family business received over $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan while Joe Biden was vice president, @JamesComer announces

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3e27f6 No.78736

File: bc5e826ec9a55a8⋯.png (58.47 KB,598x791,598:791,Clipboard.png)

File: b474f36d7bea51a⋯.png (59.4 KB,582x835,582:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327251 (091353ZAUG23) Notable: TWITTER TRENDS

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3e27f6 No.78737

File: cc64139490db8db⋯.png (46.92 KB,558x710,279:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 82bd8ca0f37d68f⋯.png (25.05 KB,599x407,599:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327255 (091354ZAUG23) Notable: TRUTH TRENDS

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3e27f6 No.78738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327281 (091400ZAUG23) Notable: Michigan Voter Fraud - frankspeech.com

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Michigan Voter Fraud


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3e27f6 No.78739

File: 195ec9190179a15⋯.png (1.34 MB,960x964,240:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327284 (091401ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 9, 2023

Meteor Shower: Perseids from Perseus

This is a good week to see meteors. Comet dust will rain down on planet Earth, streaking through dark skies during peak nights of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. The featured composite image was taken during the 2018 Perseids from the Poloniny Dark Sky Park in Slovakia. The dome of the observatory in the foreground is on the grounds of Kolonica Observatory. Although the comet dust particles travel parallel to each other, the resulting shower meteors clearly seem to radiate from a single point on the sky in the eponymous constellation Perseus. The radiant effect is due to perspective, as the parallel tracks appear to converge at a distance, like train tracks. The Perseid Meteor Shower is expected to reach its highest peak on Saturday after midnight. Since a crescent Moon will rise only very late that night, cloudless skies will be darker than usual, making a high number of faint meteors potentially visible this year.


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3e27f6 No.78740

File: 261a36c64679273⋯.png (117.46 KB,602x409,602:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327292 (091402ZAUG23) Notable: FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

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ICYMI: Last week @FEMA, in coordination with the @FCC announced a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts this fall. The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. #emergencyalerts

FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023


9:33 AM · Aug 9, 2023



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3e27f6 No.78741

File: 874c2ab5d77e2ab⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a167007f092c31⋯.jpeg (232.84 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 023bb77a57d0e1f⋯.jpeg (332.47 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e06688dc0f35411⋯.jpeg (321.22 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327298 (091402ZAUG23) Notable: Marines Cap - Hold the Line

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3e27f6 No.78742

File: 15eedd1c1044f90⋯.png (874 KB,1170x1839,390:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327319 (091405ZAUG23) Notable: PF reporting: GTMO844 up

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GTMO845 up and returning to US

GTMO844 up and heading to GITMO


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3e27f6 No.78743

File: 8e10b066608cdf8⋯.png (591.04 KB,864x2840,108:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327327 (091406ZAUG23) Notable: HABBENING - Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine

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Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a third bank records memorandum detailing new information obtained in the Committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. The memorandum outlines how the Bidens and their business associates received millions from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. After Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payments, then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son’s foreign associates in Washington, D.C. Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, recently testified that then-Vice President Joe Biden was “the brand” sold to enrich the Biden family and was used to send “signals” of access, power, and influence....

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3e27f6 No.78744

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327373 (091414ZAUG23) Notable: RMBLE - House Republicans Release Biden Family Bank Records Showing Foreign Payments - 3-min FoxNews clip

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3-min FoxNews clip:

House Republicans Release Biden Family Bank Records Showing Foreign Payments


18 minutes ago


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3e27f6 No.78745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327388 (091415ZAUG23) Notable: Huge Explosion at Military-Linked Factory Rocks Russian Capital

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Huge Explosion at Military-Linked Factory Rocks Russian Capital

An explosion at a factory linked to Russia's military complex has sent a mushroom cloud into the sky in the Moscow region.

The blast at the Zagorsk optical mechanical plant in the city of Sergiev Posad around 45 miles northeast of the Russian capital took place at around 10:45 a.m. local time (3:45 a.m. ET) Wednesday.

The plant, which was founded in 1935, is referred to as "ZOMZ," and produces night-vision devices and binoculars for the Russian military as part of the country's defense conglomerate Rostec.

Social media users shared dramatic footage of smoke billowing into the sky, filmed from different parts of the city.

The administration in the city ordered all plant buildings and workshops to be evacuated and said that a lot of windows in the area had been blown out.

Russian media reported that a warehouse had been destroyed and a fire was blazing at the site over an area of 500 square feet.

The governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, said that at least 49 people were injured. Russia's Health Ministry said that three people had been pulled from under rubble and were in a serious condition.


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3e27f6 No.78746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327399 (091417ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / @DC_Draino. I’ll be on the Warroom podcast this morning around 10AM EST to discuss this bombshell Michigan voter fraud story

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I’ll be on the Warroom podcast this morning around 10AM EST to discuss this bombshell Michigan voter fraud story discovered by @gatewaypundit

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3e27f6 No.78747

File: 6ab15cf7ee12461⋯.png (68.6 KB,1154x557,1154:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327404 (091417ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. Senator Feinstein hospitalized after tripping

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JUST IN - U.S. Senator Feinstein hospitalized after tripping — TMZ


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3e27f6 No.78748

File: d9cb023295fc045⋯.png (1.33 MB,1504x796,376:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327449 (091426ZAUG23) Notable: WORLD BANK suspends financing to Uganda following enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

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WORLD BANK suspends financing to Uganda following enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Act.


World Bank Group Statement on Uganda


WASHINGTON, August 8, 2023—The World Bank Group today released the following statement on Uganda:

“Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act fundamentally contradicts the World Bank Group’s values. We believe our vision to eradicate poverty on a livable planet can only succeed if it includes everyone irrespective of race, gender, or sexuality. This law undermines those efforts. Inclusion and non-discrimination sit at the heart of our work around the world.

Immediately after the law was enacted, the World Bank deployed a team to Uganda to review our portfolio in the context of the new legislation. That review determined additional measures are necessary to ensure projects are implemented in alignment with our environmental and social standards. Our goal is to protect sexual and gender minorities from discrimination and exclusion in the projects we finance. These measures are currently under discussion with the authorities.

No new public financing to Uganda will be presented to our Board of Executive Directors until the efficacy of the additional measures has been tested.

Third-party monitoring and grievance redress mechanisms will significantly increase, allowing us to take corrective action as necessary.

The World Bank Group has a longstanding and productive relationship with Uganda; and we remain committed to helping all Ugandans—without exception—escape poverty, access vital services, and improve their lives.


In Washington: David Theis, (202) 203-0601, dtheis@worldbankgroup.org

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3e27f6 No.78749

File: 77cea301f540170⋯.png (6.37 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327474 (091434ZAUG23) Notable: QClock August 8, 2023 - Intense Storms

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QClock August 8, 2023 - Intense Storms

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3e27f6 No.78750

File: 47247404eb5502f⋯.png (264.01 KB,619x592,619:592,Clipboard.png)

File: 03cf3f550adcd89⋯.png (933.96 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: da9a92008845fec⋯.png (587.22 KB,970x545,194:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327480 (091434ZAUG23) Notable: South Korea marks anniversary of 1st lunar probe with new moon photos

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South Korea marks anniversary of 1st lunar probe with new moon photos

Aug 9, 2023

South Korea's space agency has released new images of the moon to mark the anniversary of the launch of its first lunar probe.

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) launched on Aug. 4, 2022, atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and, after a four-month-long voyage, entered lunar orbit in December.

The spacecraft, also known as Danuri, has been carrying out its science mission ever since. The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) released new images from the moon mission via social media, linking back to the institute's pages.

Images include views of Reiner Gamma, a so-called swirl, which features a localized magnetic field and marks a bright spot within the Oceanus Procellarum region. Another shows shadows inside Amundsen Crater, close to the lunar south pole and a potential landing site for NASA's Artemis 3 mission, which is slated to put astronauts on the moon in late 2025.

Another southern feature captured by Danuri is Drygalski Crater, showing the central peak inside the impact crater.

Other images have been previously released from cameras aboard KPLO, including those showing the phases of Earth as seen from lunar orbit.

Also aboard Danuri is ShadowCam, a NASA-funded hypersensitive optical imager. The camera builds on optics from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and provides unprecedented views into shadowed craters by collecting sunlight reflected off nearby landforms and light reflected from our planet onto the moon, or "Earthshine." ShadowCam also snapped LRO in a test of the camera's abilities.

Danuri is planned to orbit the moon for around a year. Data collected from Danuri will help support the planning of NASA's Artemis program.



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3e27f6 No.78751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327521 (091439ZAUG23) Notable: August 10, 2023 10:00 AM EDT Field Hearing, Fort Myers, Florida: Weathering the Storm

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August 10, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Field Hearing, Fort Myers, Florida: Weathering the Storm: Oversight of the Federal Response and Recovery Efforts in Southwestern Florida following Hurricane Ian

House Oversight and Accountability Committee




Mr. Brett Howard

Federal Coordinating Officer for Hurricane Ian, Federal Emergency Management Agency


Mr. Thomas McCool

Federal Coordinating Officer for Hurricane Ian, Federal Emergency Management Agency


Mr. Francisco Sánchez

Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience, Small Business Administration


Ms. Marion McFadden

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development



Mr. Brian Hamman

Chairman and District 4 Commissioner, Lee County, Florida


Mr. Kevin Anderson

Mayor, Fort Myers, Florida


Mr. Chauncey Goss

Chairman, South Florida Water Management District Governing Board






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3e27f6 No.78752

File: cca7c80dc9bb41b⋯.png (20.76 KB,777x178,777:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327547 (091442ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Tobias Estes - Organizer - SEIU Philadelphia Regional Managing Director. GBI Strategies

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>The Persecution of Stephanie Lambert

Tobias Estes - Organizer - SEIU


https://www.linkedin.com › ...

Regional Managing Director. GBI Strategies. Sep 2020 - Nov 2020 3 months. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

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3e27f6 No.78753

File: 707db884c034e5b⋯.png (293.79 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327562 (091443ZAUG23) Notable: We Are Not Alone: UFOs & National Security

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We Are Not Alone: UFOs & National Security

08/07/23 10:14 AM ET

There is a push from U.S. lawmakers for more transparency in how the government handles reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) also known as unidentified flying objects.

The Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which Congress established to investigate the incidents, has investigated roughly 800 reports of UAPs as of May. While military officials have said most cases have innocuous origins, many others remain unexplained.

The Hill will convene lawmakers and experts to provide analysis and answer questions about possible national security risks.

Thursday, August 17

2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT


Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), Member, House Oversight & Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, & Government Innovation

Greg Eghigian, Former Director, Science, Technology, & Society Program, Pennsylvania State University; Professor of History & Bioethics, Pennsylvania State University

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), Member, House Oversight & Accountability Committee


Mychael Schnell, Congressional Reporter, The Hill


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3e27f6 No.78754

File: 273437312997f47⋯.png (351.25 KB,620x381,620:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327587 (091447ZAUG23) Notable: Democrat Massachusetts Governor Declares State of Emergency over Influx of Migrants

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Democrat Massachusetts Governor Declares State of Emergency over Influx of Migrants

Democratic Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency over “rapidly rising” numbers of migrants arriving in the state and overwhelming its shelters. She is asking Congress to pass legislation that would help migrants get work authorizations and “address our outdated and punitive immigration laws” instead of directly calling for an end to Biden’s open border policies. Other Democratic governors, including JB Pritzker of Illinois, Kathy Hochul of New York, and Gavin Newsom of California, have in recent months asked for additional money from the federal government or changes in policies to respond to the influx of foreigners. Newsom and Pritzker, along with New York City Mayor Adams, have denounced Republican governors who have flown or bused asylum seekers to major cities that claim to be sanctuary cities.



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3e27f6 No.78755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327593 (091448ZAUG23) Notable: @GOPoversight Today we're releasing a bank records memo detailing how the Bidens & their associates received millions from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan & Ukraine.

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Just follow @GOPoversight

Oversight Committee


Today we're releasing a bank records memo detailing how the Bidens & their associates received millions from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan & Ukraine.

As Hunter was sealing these deals, then-VP Biden dined with these oligarchs in DC.


9:00 AM · Aug 9, 2023·106.6K Views


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3e27f6 No.78756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327596 (091449ZAUG23) Notable: Pfizer Executives Falsely Claim that “Nobody Was Forced to Have a Vaccine”

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Pfizer Executives Falsely Claim that “Nobody Was Forced to Have a Vaccine”

Pfizer Executives Dr. Krishan Thiru and Dr. Brian Hewitt recently appeared in front of the Australian Senate and had the audacity to suggest that “nobody was forced to have a vaccine.” Jimmy Dore shows that Pfizer is lying in its denial that people were forced to take the COVID vaccine as he showed video evidence of people being coerced into taking COVID shots: their jobs and livelihoods were threatened; COVID shots were mandated by governments and companies; governments imposed vaccine passports that set up a two-tiered system; and some governments imposed financial penalties for refusing the injection. While people were not physically forced to take COVID vaccines, they were coerced, a type of force, and were denied informed consent before taking the experimental COVID gene therapy shots.



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3e27f6 No.78757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327603 (091450ZAUG23) Notable: @realLizUSA - “A MUST WATCH!” - President Donald J. Trump

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“A MUST WATCH!” - President Donald J. Trump

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3e27f6 No.78758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327607 (091450ZAUG23) Notable: Portland: Doctor Blames Leftist City Leaders for Lack of Police after Attack by a Homeless Man

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Portland: Doctor Blames Leftist City Leaders for Lack of Police after Attack by a Homeless Man

Portland, Oregon: Dr. Mary Constantino, a 50-year old radiologist, was the victim of an unprovoked attack by a homeless man who threw an aluminum sports water bottle that hit her face and knocked her out. Her male companion chased off the attacker. Portland has homeless and open air drug problem. Portland was also the site of Antifa riots every night for months during the Trump administration. In May 2023, local authorities in Oregon considered calling in the National Guard to help with the city’s homeless issue.

Dr. Constantino blamed the city’s ‘defund the police’ program for the poor response time by the police to the situation. Fox News reported that Portland police were already on 26 active calls and had 52 calls holding when Costantino was attacked. The doctor said, “We don’t have enough police force to protect our citizens, and we did this to ourselves.” She added, “If we don’t have police officers to come to the side of somebody who is under attack, then we’re all on our own.” The deterioration of public safety in Portland has now led her to change her voting habits from Democrat to Republican.



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3e27f6 No.78759

File: 84ed0d53edf8156⋯.png (398.3 KB,1284x2696,321:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327612 (091450ZAUG23) Notable: LARGE BUN - GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig / Estes Work History

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>The Persecution of Stephanie Lambert


>Tobias Estes - Organizer - SEIU

>Regional Managing Director. GBI Strategies. Sep 2020 - Nov 2020 3 months. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

Tobias Estes's Email & Phone Number

Deputy Campaign Manager at Thad Willamson for City Council

Tobias Estes's Work Experience

GBI Strategies

Regional Managing Director

September 2020 to November 2020

Tom Steyer 2020

State Organizer

December 2019 to March 2020

Thad Willamson for City Council

Deputy Campaign Manager

August 2019 to November 2019

Harris Teeter

Grocery Clerk

August 2018 to September 2019


Content Writer

July 2017 to October 2018

Image of Catapult Learning

Catapult Learning


March 2018 to June 2018

Image of Grassroots Campaigns

Grassroots Campaigns

Assistant Director

June 2016 to October 2016

Image of Integrity Staffing Solutions

Integrity Staffing Solutions


November 2014 to January 2016

Democratic Party of Virginia


August 2014 to November 2014

Image of Family Dollar

Family Dollar


June 2014 to October 2014

Virginia New Majority


July 2012 to August 2012

Show less

Tobias Estes's Education

Virginia State University

Bachelor's degree, History

August 2023 to August 2023


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3e27f6 No.78760

File: fa836964cb685dc⋯.jpeg (782.65 KB,1125x1615,225:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327618 (091451ZAUG23) Notable: #TrumpTruths ( 24 Q drops "legitimate or illegitimate" )

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3e27f6 No.78761

File: 50da7b3a461b165⋯.png (1.34 MB,1170x2142,65:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 07d55cdcf90370e⋯.png (1.56 MB,1170x2117,1170:2117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327621 (091452ZAUG23) Notable: The answers to combat child trafficking does not initiate or reside in large government. We believe the answer is a local call to action.

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August 17, 2023 6:30 PM To 8:30 PM Sarasota Fairgrounds, Sarasota, FL


This is NEXT WEEK! We are bringing this to every state. Our coalition believes that the answers to combat child trafficking does not initiate or reside in large government. We believe the answer is a local call to action.

What say you?


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3e27f6 No.78762

File: fed0ad2aa34e185⋯.jpeg (499.39 KB,1125x1063,1125:1063,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327628 (091452ZAUG23) Notable: #TrumpTruths ( 24 Q drops "legitimate or illegitimate" )

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3e27f6 No.78763

File: fea904ab7c65505⋯.jpeg (259.55 KB,1125x693,125:77,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327638 (091453ZAUG23) Notable: #TrumpTruths ( 24 Q drops "legitimate or illegitimate" )

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7:46=17 GM!


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3e27f6 No.78764

File: be184ab341169b4⋯.jpeg (163.64 KB,1125x471,375:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327647 (091454ZAUG23) Notable: #TrumpTruths ( 24 Q drops "legitimate or illegitimate" )

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3e27f6 No.78765

File: 8cb97ba90cec440⋯.png (348.46 KB,499x920,499:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327672 (091458ZAUG23) Notable: Why Did Biden Elevate CIA Director William Burns to His Cabinet?

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AUGUST 08, 2023

Why Did Biden Elevate CIA Director William Burns to His Cabinet?

It wasn’t a reward for the agency’s failures in Kyiv and Kabul

The recent elevation of CIA Director William Burns to President Biden’s cabinet arrived with two assurances from the White House, via the agency’s longtime press mouthpiece, The Washington Post: first, that the move is “a victory for the CIA, which was among the agencies in the U.S. intelligence community that accurately forecast the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022,” and second, that it is “largely symbolic” and “will not give Burns any new authorities.”

So is the CIA’s promotion to cabinet-level authority nothing more than an elevated attaboy? “Burns is not expected to assume any policymaking responsibilities,” the Post dutifully clarified. “Nevertheless, the CIA has played a critical role in shaping U.S. foreign policy.”

The cabinet has typically included at least one intelligence chief—either the CIA director, director of national intelligence, or both—since the Reagan administration. No norms were broken or taboos violated in the promotion of Burns from the president’s statutory intelligence adviser to a member of his cabinet. But the decision still deserves more scrutiny than it has so far received, as the Post’s championing of the agency’s “critical role in shaping U.S. foreign policy” implies.

How successful has the CIA been lately? Well, two of the Biden administration’s biggest foreign policy blunders to date—the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the initial phase of the war in Ukraine—were based on spectacularly mistaken CIA analyses. In the first instance, the CIA informed Biden that the Afghan government would stand for at least six months without U.S. assistance; in the second, it predicted that Kyiv would fall to Russian invasion forces within 48 hours. The effort to spin the costly mistakes that followed as a “victory” is unconvincing, especially so close to election season. The failure of Ukraine’s much-heralded summer offensive against Russia, in which the CIA has played a large and largely unreported role, seems likely to stand as a third major misstep by the agency.

Moreover, the obvious truth that the CIA “has played a critical role in shaping U.S. foreign policy” is not a cause for celebration; it suggests a steady erosion of the foundational principles of analytical independence on which the CIA was founded. Rather than restore its mandate to provide unbiased intelligence and analysis to help decision-makers make policy choices, the CIA’s restoration to the cabinet seat likely portends a continuing slippage by the agency into a policymaking role—meaning that the CIA is increasingly responsible for delivering and shilling for a political product as a member of the president’s team. ...


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3e27f6 No.78766

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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