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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

302221 No.51555 [View All]

24JUL23 to 26JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 674 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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302221 No.74962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246402 (261950ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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See >>74955

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302221 No.74963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246404 (261951ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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This could be part of the reason so many anons are getting suspended from there.

To keep us from seeing.

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302221 No.74964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246405 (261951ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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Oh I just read the first line of your post and I came to the same conclusion as you.

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302221 No.74965

File: e457ad3783f4630⋯.jpg (195.35 KB,896x891,896:891,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246407 (261951ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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>X = 10

in roman numerals

or 24 if you calculate in the standard QR style

(as in Q=17)

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302221 No.74966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246413 (261953ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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So Twitter is gone, Trump is not returning and staying on Truth Social, we will not get anymore Q and Trump deltas, and end of a chapter...

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302221 No.74967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246419 (261954ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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Didnt Xelon post "the storm is upon us"

On 01/13?


Or did my timeline change again?

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302221 No.74968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246421 (261954ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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There was an explanation as how qpost 55 happened 2 months ago or so.

Look for the bread titled: Zero Hour

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302221 No.74969

File: d8b555dbb01968c⋯.jpg (7.96 KB,243x207,27:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246429 (261955ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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the Grove logo is similar

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302221 No.74970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246431 (261956ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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302221 No.74971

File: 4703b896a68df86⋯.mp4 (12.08 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246439 (261957ZJUL23) Notable: Largest Plane to Ever Land on an Aircraft Carrier #shorts

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Largest Plane to Ever Land on an Aircraft Carrier #shorts

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302221 No.74972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246449 (261958ZJUL23) Notable: Goldman [Homeland Security Committee] claims that not one of the ninety thousand illegals in New York City has been arrested for a violent crime.

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Goldman [Homeland Security Committee] claims that not one of the ninety thousand illegals in New York City has been arrested for a violent crime.

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302221 No.74973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246479 (262007ZJUL23) Notable: BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55

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Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55 Still Relevant?

















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302221 No.74974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246489 (262009ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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>>74931 #23637

>>74931 Oversight of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

>>74932 U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 0.25% to 5.50%

>>74933 2:30 PM EDT Federal Reserve Chair Holds News Conference

>>74934 #ICYMI Last month, B-1s joined an F-15C during Operation Noble Defender

>>74935 , >>74942 Mitch MKonnel Glitch during Presser (VID)

>>74936 White House Nominates Next Marine Assistant Commandant, Air Force Chief of Staff - USNI News

>>74937 COVID Vaccinated 18-39 Age Group at 91% Higher Death Risk than Unvaccinated Peers in UK

>>74938 Indian District Rolls Out Live Facial Recognition to Fight Crime Wave

>>74939 Brazil’s CBDC pilot program allows government to freeze funds, adjust balances at will

>>74940 Visualizing 40 Years of U.S. Interest Rates

>>74941 US stresses it will not cut aid to Israel due to judicial overhaul

>>74943 President Biden Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Orders

>>74944 Ontario officials to investigate suicide of Toronto principal bullied over false racism accusation

>>74945 One of 36 Q Delta’s for tomorrow boys and girls (Test X)

>>74946 Ted Lieu tries the twist the narrative (Cap)

>>74947 Sinéad O'Connor: Irish singer dies aged 56

>>74949 Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea 'Shaye' Moss win major millstone in case against Rudy Giulian

>>74950 Hunter Biden "Conditions of Release" #Fail

>>74948 Victoria Nuland rises to acting deputy secretary of state

>>74951 Oversight of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Gooden /Transcript & MP4

>>74952 PF GTMO844 up

>>74954 Anthony Weiner's Apathetic Response to Sound of Freedom

>>74960 Virtually everything discussed in the UFO hearing today was included in testimony back in 2013 from the "Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure" YT

>>74971 Largest Plane to Ever Land on an Aircraft Carrier #shorts

>>74972 Goldman [Homeland Security Committee] claims that not one of the ninety thousand illegals in New York City has been arrested for a violent crime.

>>74973 BUN Twitter Rebranding to X - Post #55



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302221 No.74975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246505 (262011ZJUL23) Notable: #23638

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#23638 https://fullchan.net/?07ec5fc2f89b57ea#3j6sNKX7o6xxm6SEPX2zmM3AJ8nPVynebCs3xyioMo46

Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security


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302221 No.74976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246585 (262027ZJUL23) Notable: Project Veritas Dumps 8gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Plans to Crush U.S.

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Project Veritas Dumps 8gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Plans to Crush U.S.

The Chinese government has recently been caught:

Bribing the Biden Crime Family

Setting up dirty battery plants on top of major US aquifers such as the Gotion plant in Michigan, using hundreds of millions in subsidies and tax breaks from Democrats

Developing the COVID virus at the Wuhan Lab while receiving some funding from Anthony Fauci, where Fauci funded ‘gain of function’ research to make the virus much more transmissible

Acquiring food plants. The Chinese own 25% of major pork plants in America

Engaging in “balloon espionage” earlier this year over sensitive US military sites

Setting up secret ‘police stations’ around America

Using purchases of real estate to advance its intelligence interests – causing some GOP lawmakers to try and prevent the sale of land to the Chinese government or its proxies

Announcing it would interfere in American elections, and then, apparently, interfering in American elections in at least the Konnech Data controversy where information on election workers was shared with Beijing.




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302221 No.74977

File: e1d9866e83f6976⋯.png (1.13 MB,574x744,287:372,Clipboard.png)

File: 8391a113864b78e⋯.png (95.66 KB,592x714,296:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246587 (262028ZJUL23) Notable: CSI Expert Says Tafari Campbell Death Is Most Likely A Case Of Homicide

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CSI Expert Says Tafari Campbell Death Is Most Likely A Case Of Homicide


"We don't know where she went or where she is right now," said an inside source on condition their name not be used. "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning."



According to an insurance industry insider, the property was upgraded with a $15 million liability rider earlier this month.



According To Unverified Sources Michelle Or Obama's Daughters May Have Been The Second Paddleboarder Who Failed To Help Tafari Campbell

All Of Them Are Avid Paddleboarders According To Insiders



"All the buzz is gone," said a prominent party pollster. "Before the Tafari Campbell drowning her name was actively being floated but now everything is dead in the water."



"We don't know where she went or where she is right now," said an inside source on condition their name not be used. "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning."



According to inside sources the decision was made on the advise of their lawyers and advisors.



According to well placed sources he wasn't in a wetsuit or swimming trunks.

"He was in a Tshirt and board shorts and looked more like a picnicker than a paddleboarder."


Massachusetts State Police Under Strict Orders Not To Comment On Tafari Campbell Case

"They made everyone there that night sign a scary sounding letter," said an inside source. "We're not allowed to even say you-know-whose name."




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302221 No.74978

File: a748de6f6e6d906⋯.png (281.13 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f2b0c4d173b40d⋯.png (160.93 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246592 (262029ZJUL23) Notable: The Trans Agenda and what it’s about:

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Throw this at the wall


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302221 No.74979

File: dda6fec8362c3f3⋯.png (105.19 KB,559x868,559:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fc5ba729b909dc⋯.png (94.23 KB,644x866,322:433,Clipboard.png)

File: e051fe731da606f⋯.png (35.74 KB,624x848,39:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246609 (262033ZJUL23) Notable: Court Filing: JPMorgan Chase actively participated in more than one sex-trafficking venture

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Court Filing: JPMorgan Chase “Actively Participated in Epstein’s Sex-Trafficking Venture”

The Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands, armed with highly effective legal talent from the law firm, MotleyRice – which stakes its reputation on its “boldness” – has filed new documents in its federal lawsuit against the largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase. The new documents are, indeed, breathtakingly bold.

The U.S. Virgin Islands’ attorneys have clarified to the court that they plan to show in a trial scheduled for October that JPMorgan Chase not only facilitated the sex trafficking of underage girls by Jeffrey Epstein but that the bank “actively participated in Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019.”

That is a very explosive assertion. For starters, it throws up a giant red flare as to why the American public has heard nothing from the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice about a criminal case against the bank for laundering money for Epstein. The case brought by the U.S. Virgin Islands is a civil case.

The U.S. Virgin Islands filed hundreds of pages of new court documents on Monday and Tuesday. Most of the exhibits have been filed under seal. A Memorandum of Law arguing for partial summary judgment in the case, however, is only lightly redacted and makes the following points:

“Even if participation requires active engagement…there is no genuine dispute that JPMorgan actively participated in Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019. The Court found allegations that the Bank allowed Epstein to use its accounts to send dozens of payments to then-known co-conspirators [redacted] provided excessive and unusual amounts of cash to Epstein; and structured cash withdrawals so that those withdrawals would not appear suspicious ‘went well beyond merely providing their usual [banking] services to Jeffrey Epstein and his affiliated entities’ and were sufficient to allege active engagement.”

The U.S. Virgin Islands has previously alerted the court to the unfathomable sums of hard cash that Epstein was able to take from the accounts he maintained at JPMorgan Chase without the bank filing the legally mandated Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to law enforcement. In the new filing, it has tallied up the giant pile of cash, writing as follows:

“Between September 2003 and November 2013, or approximately ten years, JPMorgan handled more than $5 million in outgoing cash transactions for Epstein — ignoring its own policy discouraging large cash withdrawals….”

The U.S. Virgin Islands’ attorneys cite to internal emails at JPMorgan Chase showing that employees at the bank were aware of Epstein’s “[c]ash withdrawals … made in amounts for $40,000 to $80,000 several times a month” while also being aware that Epstein paid his underage sexual assault victims in cash.


USVI v JPMorgan Chase


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302221 No.74980

File: 6cab9a4412eeb39⋯.png (1.4 MB,1170x1886,585:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246611 (262033ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine Whistleblower: Blue Star Strat. prepped 2 memos for Joe before Hunter joined Burisma:

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Joe Biden KNEW.

Ukraine Whistleblower silenced by sanctions shares bombshell:

@TelizhenkoAndy says Blue Star Strat. prepped 2 memos for Joe before Hunter joined Burisma:

- Memo #2 showed Burisma corruption… and how to PROFIT from it.

- State Dept’s Amos Hochstein delivered both memos to Joe before he flew to Ukraine.



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302221 No.74981

File: 19c96c3c66c2815⋯.png (1.02 MB,634x795,634:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246614 (262034ZJUL23) Notable: Devon Archer is 'in hiding'

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EXCLUSIVE: Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner, is 'in hiding' and 'fears for his family's safety' after receiving threats - but he WILL testify to Congress next week about his shady dealings with the First Son

Hunter Biden's former best friend and business partner who is set to give Congress bombshell evidence against the Biden family is now 'in hiding' after receiving 'threats', a source close to him told DailyMail.com.

Devon Archer, 49, has been forced to flee both his Long Island and Brooklyn homes, he told friends – but still plans to testify to the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

Archer partnered with Hunter on multiple shady overseas deals, and was subpoenaed by the committee in June to testify.

A source close to Archer confirmed reports that he is set to testify about meetings he attended with his and Hunter's foreign business partners, where the First Son allegedly had Joe Biden on speakerphone.

The source added that Hunter's former Rosemont Seneca consultancy partner has been concerned for his and his family's safety in the days after his planned testimony was announced.

'There were reports that he was canceling his appearance. They're not true, he's not canceling. But he has gotten threats, and he's concerned about the threats,' the source said.

'His family has received threats. He doesn't know who from. But you don't have to be Dick Tracy to figure that out.'

There is no evidence that Hunter, Joe or their associates have made any threats to Archer or his family.

Another source close to Archer denied he was 'in hiding' but confirmed that he had received 'threats'.

His wife Krista told DailyMail.com at their Brooklyn townhouse: 'He's not here. He's not at our other home. He's not in D.C.' but she wouldn't reveal where he is.

Archer was at the center of several shady deals being probed by House Republicans.

He was a fellow board member of allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma with Hunter and helped Hunter secure a multi-million-dollar real estate deal with the billionaire Moscow mayor's widow, Elena Baturina.

And he was a co-founder of Rosemont Seneca, through which Hunter earned millions consulting for criminals in Romania, China and other countries.

More at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12336855/Hunter-Bidens-business-partner-Devon-Archer-hiding-fears-familys-safety-receiving-threats-testify-Congress-week-shady-dealings-Son.html

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302221 No.74982

File: 821320952aa61c3⋯.png (117.32 KB,675x643,675:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 6acaf4e4733e341⋯.png (471.42 KB,634x510,317:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246630 (262038ZJUL23) Notable: Paedophile John Wayne Millwood gave away his assets in jail so he didn't have to pay his victim $5.3 million compensation

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Paedophile John Wayne Millwood gave away his assets in jail so he didn't have to pay his victim $5.3 million compensation

Wealth art collector John Millwood is a convicted paedophile

His victim was awarded more than $5m in compensation

Millwood is bankrupt after giving away all his assets

A wealthy paedophile who owes his victim more than $5million in compensation has not paid a cent after offloading all his assets while he was in jail.

John Wayne Millwood, an art collector who ran a pathology services firm in Tasmania, pleaded guilty to maintaining a sexual relationship with someone under 17 and was jailed for a maximum of four years in December 2016.

He had abused his victim, known as ZAB, under the guise of medical examinations in the 1980s when the boy was aged between ten and 15.

On the same day Millwood was sentenced he began selling or giving away assets worth millions of dollars, having been diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer.

He was released from prison in 2019.


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302221 No.74983

File: 18ac51a117774bd⋯.png (1.39 MB,1114x1783,1114:1783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246659 (262047ZJUL23) Notable: Flynn on Ukraine: “It’s a hub for human trafficking.

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Flynn on Ukraine:

“It’s a hub for human trafficking.

It’s a hub specifically for child trafficking.

It’s a hub for narcotics trafficking.

It’s a hub for weapons trafficking.

We know about our bio labs..

& there’s a lot of $$$ just flowing in…

It’s money laundering, u name it.”


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302221 No.74984

File: ab6a637f6b80685⋯.png (219.38 KB,1134x1491,54:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246670 (262049ZJUL23) Notable: The Trans Agenda and what it’s about:

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The Trans Agenda and what it’s about:



-Weakening men.

-Destroying families.

-Erasing women.

-Castrating/sterilizing/mutilating kids.

-Destroying women’s sports.

-Destroying women’s rights.

-Stealing women’s safe spaces.

-Lifelong Big Pharma customers.

-Grooming kids.

-Sexualizing kids.

Why are people supporting this?


>ladies, are you letting these tranny perverts in your public restrooms?

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302221 No.74985

File: 0e4451ad6a61ed6⋯.png (3.17 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: aa240fc958a553d⋯.png (187.84 KB,452x502,226:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246701 (262056ZJUL23) Notable: State of WA thinks minors can make their own medical decisions now.

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State of WA thinks minors can make their own medical decisions now.


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302221 No.74986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246758 (262106ZJUL23) Notable: Baby-killing trans death row inmate in California women's prison to get boob job funded by taxpayers

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Baby-killing trans death row inmate in California women's prison to get boob job funded by taxpayers

He stored the remains of his now-deceased daughter in a "blue Tupperware-type container."

A man who beat two of his own infants to death is now allegedly waiting on breast implants after his transfer to a California women's prison.

Jessica Marie Hann, who went by Jason Michael Mann previously, started identifying as a woman in 2019, as reported by Reduxx.

Hann's previous arrest came after he admitted to killing two of his children once they were born. Their bodies were found 1,500 miles apart from each other in separate storage units.

The remains of his 10-week-old daughter were placed in a "blue Tupperware-type container" inside a unit in Arkansas. Hann had hit his daughter over the head, breaking her skull in 2001.

Prior to the murder of his daughter, Hann had also killed his one-month-old son. He was facing 30 years on the charge in 1999. He was moved to death row after his conviction for the killings in 2013.

His girlfriend, Krissy Werntz, also took part in the killing of the daughter and was put into the Central California Women's Facility (CCWF).

In 2019, he started identifying as a woman while on death row and was transferred to the general women's population in 2020 after an observation period. However, with legislation from an executive order from Governor Gavin Newsom, the death penalty has been suspended.

Werntz, allegedly fearing for her life, was granted an emergency transfer before Hann made it into CCWF.

Hann is now awaiting a breast augmentation subsidized by taxpayers.

A women's advocate, Amie Ichikawa spoke to Reduxx in their report about the case. She is the founder of Women II Women, an organization that represents incarcerated women's rights.

Ichikawa explained her concerns, saying, "Incarcerated women have been overlooked and forcibly made to be the losers of every political game possible when legislators need to dump a problem or sweep something under the rug out of the public’s eye."

Ichikawa said that women in prison "are quietly watching themselves being erased while men, who have penises, get facial feminization surgeries, laser hair removal, Adams apple reductions… all paid for with your tax dollars."


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302221 No.74987

File: a4497172dfd2b1a⋯.png (223.4 KB,445x459,445:459,Clipboard.png)

File: cd7d3c6805b2ae1⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246781 (262111ZJUL23) Notable: Secretary Mayorkas is responsible for the invasion at our southern border. Impeachment articles filed.

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Citizen Free Press


Harriet Hageman knows exactly who Mayorkas is:

"You are the walking, talking, epitome of the very tyrant that our Founding Fathers recognized would gravitate toward government service. It's because of people like you that they drafted the First Amendment."


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302221 No.74988

File: ed3cfbdc33c7735⋯.png (129.71 KB,573x649,573:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246787 (262112ZJUL23) Notable: 14 days to clarify questions with the denied plea deal.

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Will Scharf


The Hunter Biden plea deal was apparently more outrageous and far reaching than had previously been publicly known.

In return for pleading to the two misdemeanor tax fraud charges, with a joint recommendation of no prison time, Hunter was getting not just pretrial diversion on his felony gun charge that would leave his record clear if he completed probation, but also broad guarantees against further prosecution on a wide range of other charges that haven’t been publicly aired as of yet.

Hunter refused to plead guilty without these guarantees, so the judge effectively blew up the plea.

Hunter wants to walk away from a decade of criminal activity, including potential FARA violations and other serious criminal charges, with a slap on the wrist.

It’s a scandal that Biden’s DOJ was willing to agree to this kind of a deal.

Fortunately, Judge Norieka isn’t playing ball.

12:22 PM · Jul 26, 2023


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302221 No.74989

File: 795f8fd30ced564⋯.png (1.3 MB,1170x1424,585:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246809 (262116ZJUL23) Notable: Secretary Mayorkas is responsible for the invasion at our southern border. Impeachment articles filed.

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Secretary Mayorkas is responsible for the invasion at our southern border.

The impeachment articles have been filed, and my colleagues need to get on board.


>deport Mayorkas

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302221 No.74990

File: fe6eeb2c8e60f30⋯.png (361.95 KB,652x446,326:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ca7bd76aaeff09⋯.png (389.53 KB,1022x301,146:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246820 (262119ZJUL23) Notable: Court Filing: JPMorgan Chase actively participated in more than one sex-trafficking venture

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JPMorgan Chase actively participated in more than one sex-trafficking venture

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302221 No.74991

File: 3b9c8031fe15aaf⋯.png (811.28 KB,1162x1334,581:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246822 (262119ZJUL23) Notable: Sinead O’Connor is dead at 56.

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i wasn't a fan of Sinead O'Connors music but i didn't realize she was freakin' based way back in the day. liz crokin tweet says this about her:


Sinead O’Connor is dead at 56.

In October 1992, she infamously tore up a photo of Pope John Paul II and said “fight the real enemy” while performing on Saturday Night Live in protest of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

In 2010 she wrote this open letter to Pope Benedict:

“Sir, Some burning questions arise from the following statement you made in your Christmas address to your cardinals on December 20 regarding how it came to pass that the house of the Holy Spirit became a haven for criminals of a sexual nature.

‘In the 1970s paedophilia was theorised [by the church] as something fully in conformity with man and even with children.’

Please deign to respond to this letter directly and personally and put aside all the pomp and titles and so-called ‘proper channels’ all of which belong not in the 21st century but the 12th and are unbecoming of Christ.

Exactly who held the theory that paedophilia was fully in conformity with man and with children? Please give us their names.

Exactly when did they hold this theory? Exactly when if ever did they cease holding the theory?

Why was this information not given to victims? Why was it never given to any commissions of enquiry or civil authorities? Why in all the years since these scandals broke out was yesterday the first mention of this information?

It is highly disrespectful of the victims that you would throw this out as an aside remark and not present yourself for questioning on such a very serious piece of information which would be key in the potential recovery of the church.

The Holy Spirit requires you to familiarise yourself with honesty and respect if you retain any desire to salvage the remains of the church which has been ruined by its being allowed to live by its own laws and not God’s.”

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302221 No.74992

File: 08f1a93ded423e0⋯.png (311.92 KB,1170x1860,39:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 63610687f45603c⋯.png (330.56 KB,1170x1952,585:976,Clipboard.png)

File: 402f3d5577a69db⋯.png (243.77 KB,1170x1751,1170:1751,Clipboard.png)

File: 2573f1f91d2ac86⋯.png (164.43 KB,1200x631,1200:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246836 (262122ZJUL23) Notable: United States Air Force officer David Grusch has set the stage for the alien card.

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Disclosure just happened. We are not alone. We have never been, alone.

United States Air Force officer David Grusch just stated under oath in a public hearing in front of distinguished Members of Congress that the U.S. is in possession of multiple (not one) non-human intelligence cadavers and multiple (not one) non-human technological flying craft.

Today's hearing was unprecedented and historic. Planet Earth learned today that we are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

Today the planet has learned officially that the U.S. has known about these "non-human intelligences" since the 1930s.

Sworn testimony included a flying "black cube inside a clear sphere." A "hovering red square, the size of a football field". Objects going from zero to Mach 2 in the snap of a finger. From 12,000 feet to 80,000 feet (which is SPACE) in the snap of a finger. All of this is documented and recorded. According to all three sworn witnesses today, there is not a single nation on Earth that could potentially own this type of technology because, according to today's testimony, our planet hasn't yet achieved the structural material to manufacture an object that can withstand an instantaneous acceleration from zero to Mach 2 in the snap of a finger. Today's materials would disintegrate.

Today's testimony of course reminds me of the ancient Vimana and Stupa and Ratha stories of the ancient Vedic texts of India which report of countless of these flying chariots having the capability of being in multiple places at once and disappearing in an instant.

Today's testimony also mentioned that no human pilot could survive such instant acceleration from zero to Mach 2. Maybe some Vimana-type antigravity technology could potentially solve this problem?

Unless we've all just been duped and deceived by a bunch of crazy people, Disclosure just happened in today's congressional hearing.

Today, Planet Earth learned that we are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

This is so ridiculously exciting.

AND! Such a pleasure to meet you!

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302221 No.74993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246845 (262125ZJUL23) Notable: United States Air Force officer David Grusch has set the stage for the alien card.

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Setting the stage for the alien card.

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302221 No.74994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246891 (262132ZJUL23) Notable: Sinead O’Connor is dead at 56.

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302221 No.74995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246917 (262137ZJUL23) Notable: MediaMatters baselessly alleges Obama was responsible for personal chef Tafari Campbell’s death

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from professional propaganda company MediaMatters

Far-right figures and conspiracy theorists baselessly allege Obama was responsible for personal chef Tafari Campbell’s death

Misinformation around Campbell’s death is another instance of right-wing conspiracy theorists' years-long track record of falsely claiming that prominent Democratic politicians kill people to maintain political power.

On July 23, Campbell was seen paddleboarding near the Obama’s summer home on Edgartown Great Pond at Martha’s Vineyardwhen another paddleboarder saw himsubmerge underwater. The Massachusetts Environmental Police recovered his body the next day, and state police reported that there was “no evidence” of anything “suspicious” regarding his drowning.Barack and Michelle Obama were not homewhen the tragedy occurred.

Despite a lack of evidence, far-right figures and conspiracy theorists have attacked the Obamas and baselessly claimed that they were responsible for Campbell’s death, and right-wing media figures have started to imply there was foul play involved.


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302221 No.74996

File: f6d803a547f1029⋯.png (112.54 KB,659x885,659:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246931 (262139ZJUL23) Notable: Court Filing: JPMorgan Chase actively participated in more than one sex-trafficking venture

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"Page, who with co-founder Sergey Brin still controls a majority of voting shares in Alphabet (né Google), is currently the eighth-richest man in the world — worth about $100 billion. But even that much money can’t make a federal case disappear. Prosecutors in the U.S. Virgin Islands, who are suing JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank for allegedly facilitating Jeffrey Epstein’s criminal activities, are trying to talk to Page about his relationship with the deceased sex trafficker. But they cannot find the guy. Maybe he’s on his superyacht? Or flying a fighter jet? Or hiding out in New Zealand? Or the Caribbean? Or Fiji?

There is no indication that Page was involved in sex trafficking. The Virgin Islands case is going after the banks for essentially turning a blind eye to red flags about Epstein’s crimes, and the extent of the inquiry is fairly narrow. According to the Justice Department, Page is “a high-net-worth individual who Epstein may have referred or attempted to refer to JPMorgan.” Still, efforts to contact him have captured the media’s attention. Surely, Page has someone sending him relevant CNBC links? He probably has well-compensated public-relations specialists working for him — but, even as a crisis-PR amateur, I can’t help wonder whether it isn’t just a very bad look to be seen running away from this kind of thing.

Then there’s Shaq. He is seven-foot-one. His likeness is probably being broadcast on a television commercial for Gold Bond or Frosted Flakes right now. But he cannot be found by the people who want to serve him in a case alleging that he fraudulently shilled for FTX before its collapse last year. The closest anyone got was when a process server tossed court papers at his car’s windshield as Shaq sped away from his gated compound."

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302221 No.74997

File: 26c4f6e5e942b6b⋯.jpg (108.87 KB,720x710,72:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c82658bd09047dd⋯.jpg (147.1 KB,720x834,120:139,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c3db94227d4393e⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,720x890,72:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247024 (262153ZJUL23) Notable: SUspicious timing of this satellite going missing

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The timing of this satellite going missing is troubling.

Be prepared Patriots.

Thought it might be a good time to bring it up again. On 2/11/17 NK launched a satellite into space called KMS-4 (Kwangmyongsong-4) meaning Bright Star-4. If there is a nuke on that satellite it can send an EMP and kill our electric grid. It passes over the US 2 times a day and can be tracked here:

Interesting timing. Shoigu Russian MoD visited NK earlier today/last night.


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302221 No.74998

File: 057f8939a73d0f5⋯.png (481.39 KB,1080x784,135:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247033 (262154ZJUL23) Notable: another "stollen" from POTUS

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I read way too fast. Missed another "stollen". POTUS is a crafty fellow...


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302221 No.74999

File: 01330f95f4dd408⋯.png (523.89 KB,604x577,604:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247047 (262157ZJUL23) Notable: NBA Freezes Out Ice Cube & His ‘BIG3’ League While Courting Qatar.

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Fascinating story developing here. Folks are saying the NBA is in for some anti-trust trouble, too...


NBA Freezes Out Ice Cube & His ‘BIG3’ League While Courting Qatar.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is getting in bed with Qatar while freezing out Ice Cube and his ‘BIG3’ basketball league, despite the efforts of league Commissioner Adam Silver to present...

9:33 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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302221 No.75000

File: bfef86c2bf067db⋯.png (20.19 KB,478x247,478:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247054 (262159ZJUL23) Notable: 14 days to clarify questions with the denied plea deal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A plea agreement between federal prosecutors and Hunter Biden has fallen apart and the judge has given the parties 14 days to clarify her questions with the deal.

"This was an extraordinary scene that unfolded in the federal courthouse,"


reports, the judge said elements of the deal on the gun charge may be unconstitutional. https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1684259867861581852/video/1


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302221 No.75001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247060 (262200ZJUL23) Notable: SUspicious timing of this satellite going missing

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KMS-4 is no longer on orbit

NORAD ID: 41332

Int'l Code: 2016-009A

Launch date: February 7, 2016

Source: North Korea (NKOR)

Launch site: Yunsong, DPRK (YUN)


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302221 No.75002

File: 9365fb420e83346⋯.png (95.75 KB,921x550,921:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247072 (262202ZJUL23) Notable: 14 days to clarify questions with the denied plea deal.

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A plea agreement between federal prosecutors and Hunter Biden has fallen apart and the judge has given the parties 14 days to clarify her questions with the deal.

"This was an extraordinary scene that unfolded in the federal courthouse,"

@CBS_Herridge reports, the judge said elements of the deal on the gun charge may be unconstitutional.

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302221 No.75003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247113 (262209ZJUL23) Notable: Mitch McConnell says he’s 'fine' after freezing during news conference

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Mitch McConnell says he’s 'fine' after freezing during news conference

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters that he’s “fine,” after freezing during a news conference on Wednesday.

McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, stopped speaking in the middle of remarks at his regularly scheduled weekly news conference on Capitol Hill. After a 30-second pause, his colleagues crowded around to see if he was OK and asked him how he felt. GOP Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming was seen gripping McConnell’s arm and whispered to him, “Hey Mitch, anything else you want to say? Or should we just go back to your office? Do you want to say anything else to the press?”

He said nothing and was led away from the press conference and toward his office by an aide. He returned to the news conference a few minutes later.

McConnell, asked by CNN what happened and if it is related to his fall earlier this year, said, “No, I’m fine,” and then moved on to other reporters.

A McConnell aide said that the senator “felt lightheaded and stepped away for a moment.”

“He came back to handle Q and A, which, as everyone observed, was sharp,” the aide said.

McConnell, 81, has faced questions over his health after suffering a concussion and broken ribs from a fall he endured earlier this year. He was hospitalized and forced to go to rehab for several weeks before returning to the Senate in the spring.

McConnell, who is up for reelection in 2026, has repeatedly declined to say if he will run for another term or try to run for GOP leader again in the next Congress, which begins in 2025. While he told CNN last fall he would definitely finish out his term, in an interview in May – after he suffered the concussion – he didn’t want to engage.

“I thought this was not an interview about my future,” he said when asked if he would serve out his term or run for leader again. “I thought it was an interview about the 2024 Senate elections.”


That didn't take long.

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302221 No.75004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247209 (262226ZJUL23) Notable: Northern hemisphere has been clobbered by solar storms the last few days. Yesterday had a predicted radio black out in the far north.

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>Can anyone find out what's going on with the cell service in North Eastern Ontario Canada?

Northern hemisphere has been clobbered by solar storms the last few days. Yesterday had a predicted radio black out in the far north.


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302221 No.75005

File: f1b3906323c6964⋯.png (14.91 KB,612x221,36:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247218 (262228ZJUL23) Notable: Today, DOJ revealed Hunter Biden is under investigation for being a foreign agent.

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Oversight Committee



Today, the Department of Justice revealed Hunter Biden is under investigation for being a foreign agent.

7:24 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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302221 No.75006

File: 4249ae9e693b51f⋯.png (844.77 KB,934x767,934:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247254 (262234ZJUL23) Notable: A new Arizona middle school for “queer” children opening this summer will be funded by taxpayers.

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‘Queer’ Middle School In Phoenix Will

Be Funded By Taxpayer Vouchers

Daily Wire, by Mairead Elordi

Posted By: Imright, 7/26/2023 6:26:24 PM

A new Arizona middle school for “queer” children opening this summer will be funded by taxpayers. The Queer Blended Learning Center, which will launch in downtown Phoenix in August, will be funded by Arizona’s education vouchers.The school is a project of One•n•ten, an LGBT youth activist nonprofit, which will house the school at its Phoenix headquarters. Students do not have to identify as LGBT to enroll. One•n•ten says its mission is “to serve LGBTQ youth and young adults ages 11-24” and “enhance their lives by providing empowering social and service programs that promote

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302221 No.75007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247267 (262236ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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notables are not endorsements

#23638 >>74975

>>74976 Project Veritas Dumps 8gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Plans to Crush U.S.

>>74977 CSI Expert Says Tafari Campbell Death Is Most Likely A Case Of Homicide

>>74982 Paedophile John Wayne Millwood gave away his assets in jail so he didn't have to pay his victim $5.3 million compensation

>>74983 Flynn on Ukraine: “It’s a hub for human trafficking.

>>74984, >>74978 The Trans Agenda and what it’s about:

>>74979, >>74990, >>74996 Court Filing: JPMorgan Chase actively participated in more than one sex-trafficking venture

>>74980 Ukraine Whistleblower: Blue Star Strat. prepped 2 memos for Joe before Hunter joined Burisma:

>>74981 Devon Archer is 'in hiding'

>>74985 State of WA thinks minors can make their own medical decisions now.

>>74986 Baby-killing trans death row inmate in California women's prison to get boob job funded by taxpayers

>>75005 Today, DOJ revealed Hunter Biden is under investigation for being a foreign agent.

>>74988, >>75000, >>75002 14 days to clarify questions with the denied plea deal.

>>74987, >>74989 Secretary Mayorkas is responsible for the invasion at our southern border. Impeachment articles filed.

>>74992, >>74993 United States Air Force officer David Grusch has set the stage for the alien card.

>>74991, >>74994 Sinead O’Connor is dead at 56.

>>74995 MediaMatters baselessly alleges Obama was responsible for personal chef Tafari Campbell’s death

>>74997, >>75001 SUspicious timing of this satellite going missing

>>74998 another "stollen" from POTUS

>>74999 NBA Freezes Out Ice Cube & His ‘BIG3’ League While Courting Qatar.

>>75003 Mitch McConnell says he’s 'fine' after freezing during news conference

>>75004 Northern hemisphere has been clobbered by solar storms the last few days. Yesterday had a predicted radio black out in the far north.

>>75006 A new Arizona middle school for “queer” children opening this summer will be funded by taxpayers.


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302221 No.75008

File: f03e8a2a799ad82⋯.png (336.7 KB,523x500,523:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247283 (262238ZJUL23) Notable: #23639

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302221 No.75009

File: 724fee25d5d01d5⋯.jpg (271.88 KB,720x1126,360:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247299 (262242ZJUL23) Notable: HOUSTON, TEXAS HISD to eliminate librarians and convert libraries into disciplinary centers at NES schools

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HISD to eliminate librarians and convert libraries into disciplinary centers at NES schools

New Superintendent Mike Miles announced earlier this summer that librarian and media specialist positions would be eliminated at the 28 original schools being overhauled under his reform program, New Education System (NES). Both the librarian and media specialist positions are similar, but librarians typically have an advanced degree in library science.


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302221 No.75010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247304 (262243ZJUL23) Notable: Myocardial Injury after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination One in 35

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One in 35

Myocardial Injury after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination


Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel

(ESC Heart Failure, open-access journal of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology)

Prospective active surveillance study

(Not a retrospective passive surveillance study)

Industry independent, instigated by the investigators


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302221 No.75011

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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