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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

a7e61a No.51556 [Last50 Posts]

26JUL23 to 29JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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a7e61a No.75012

File: f4de06533e5cb90⋯.png (272.06 KB,606x559,606:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247314 (262243ZJUL23) Notable: freaking hilarious The German AFD party dropped an ad to show the Germans that Ukraine is ruining them financially

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Omg, this is freaking hilarious!

The German AFD party dropped an ad to show the Germans that Ukraine is ruining them financially.

Let’s put this way, Ukraine is not too happy with this video. 🤣🤣🤣

9:56 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75013

File: af60eed1f68d05c⋯.png (924.01 KB,866x844,433:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247321 (262244ZJUL23) Notable: Swiss study: heart injuries from COVID vaccine 3000x higher than thought

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Swiss study: heart injuries from COVID

vaccine 3000x higher than thought

Hot Air, by David Strom

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/26/2023 3:33:20 PM

It is a small study, but a very disturbing one. We keep being told that injury to the heart from the COVID vaccine is very rare, but a study done in Basel Switzerland indicates that the rate of subclinical myocarditis after the COVID vaccine is hardly rare at all. In fact, in a study with only 777 participants with a median age of 37-all medical professionals getting the COVID vaccine–the incidence of elevated cardiac enzymes 3 days after injection was pretty substantial, at almost 3%. The CDC did a study and from that, they claimed the rate was 0.001%, or one out of 100,000. 2.8% is a lot higher than 0.001%. Another 0.3%

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a7e61a No.75014

File: 07a8c0b04f9091c⋯.png (872.3 KB,896x700,32:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247330 (262245ZJUL23) Notable: Democrats May Want to Panic About Hunter

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Democrats May Want to Panic About Hunter

Biden Now

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/26/2023 3:26:32 PM

On Wednesday, Hunter Biden appeared in federal court in Delaware to plead guilty to two misdemeanors for failing to pay millions in federal taxes and to accept a pre-trial diversion agreement on a gun charge, all in exchange for two years probation with no jail time. The sweetheart plea deal that was widely panned by experts fell apart in court and was ultimately rejected by the judge, forcing Hunter Biden to plead “not guilty.” Suddenly, the president’s son’s “Get Out of Jail Free” card was gone, and the Democrats’ hopes of putting the Hunter Biden saga behind them were dashed. This is certainly going to be a huge problem for Democrats

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a7e61a No.75015

File: ca512ac0b400ee6⋯.png (98.68 KB,698x813,698:813,Clipboard.png)

File: f982da4acc3e7d3⋯.png (99.03 KB,592x816,37:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247348 (262250ZJUL23) Notable: Will Scharf: Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning explanation?

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PERFECTexplanation of what took place inside the Courtroom in Hunter case today.


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a7e61a No.75016

File: 8c0ff2e01ec1b45⋯.png (10.77 KB,594x168,99:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247369 (262253ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 0.25% to 5.50%, the highest level in 22 years.

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JUST IN - U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 0.25% to 5.50%, the highest level in 22 years.

7:03 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75017

File: c880f444c2d0032⋯.png (271.25 KB,633x823,633:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 16fa0d7d77d0bc2⋯.png (1.06 MB,1159x1591,1159:1591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247371 (262254ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter's terms of release are going to be hard for him to follow.

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Hunter's terms of release are going to be hard for him to follow.


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a7e61a No.75018

File: 0a7e341de9b412b⋯.png (228.91 KB,471x469,471:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247375 (262255ZJUL23) Notable: China Taking Hard Line on Military Flybys, Freedom of Navigation Operations

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China Taking Hard Line on Military Flybys, Freedom of Navigation Operations, Says Panel - USNI News



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a7e61a No.75019

File: 6ae248e6d78e709⋯.png (9.47 KB,309x111,103:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247378 (262255ZJUL23) Notable: Swiss study: heart injuries from COVID vaccine 3000x higher than thought

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3000, huh?

Looking to update the calendar

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a7e61a No.75020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247379 (262255ZJUL23) Notable: House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

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7:00 PM EDT

Commanding Heights: Ensuring U.S. Leadership in the Critical and Emerging Technologies of the 21st Century

House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party



Mr. Josh Wolfe

Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Lux Capital


Mr. William Evanina

Former Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center & CEO of the Evanina Group


Ms. Lindsay Gorman

Senior Fellow for Emerging Technologies, the German Marshall Fund





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a7e61a No.75021

File: d0a22963aff384b⋯.png (19.98 KB,603x291,201:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247380 (262255ZJUL23) Notable: @Techno_Fog the DOJ has intentionally hamstrung itself, reducing the potential for Hunter to plead to FARA charges or to cooperate in the broader investigation

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Techno Fog


The scandal of the Hunter Biden plea deal just isn't the favorability to the President's son.

Its that the DOJ has intentionally hamstrung itself, reducing the potential for Hunter to plead to FARA charges or to cooperate in the broader investigation.

All by plan. Remarkable.

7:10 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75022

File: da67220e933565e⋯.png (646 B,86x56,43:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 801f256563e79a4⋯.png (849 B,134x33,134:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 20be9bb26414ac2⋯.png (7.68 KB,374x251,374:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b9bac4c37d5b8⋯.png (845 B,145x40,29:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247381 (262256ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 0.25% to 5.50%, the highest level in 22 years.

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11-2 (22)

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a7e61a No.75023

File: d0979cd99054dac⋯.png (431.61 KB,594x667,594:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247386 (262256ZJUL23) Notable: 74% of COVID Vaccine Autopsy Deaths Caused by Vaccine, Censored by Lancet

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Bombshell Study Finds 74% of COVID Vaccine Autopsy Deaths Caused by Vaccine, Censored by Lancet

After analyzing 325 autopsy cases, “A total of 240 deaths, which is 73.9%, were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”

(Full video in the comment below)

6:35 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75024

File: 93fcd16f532df45⋯.png (545.71 KB,599x878,599:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247393 (262257ZJUL23) Notable: 74% of COVID Vaccine Autopsy Deaths Caused by Vaccine, Censored by Lancet

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


More than 232 million Moderna shots were taken just in the USA. Do the math.

Like I said: we've hit the iceberg.

Quote Tweet

The Vigilant Fox 🦊




🚨 Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 1 in 35 People Had Signs of Heart Damage After Receiving the Moderna Booster Shot

Think about that: a 1 in 35 risk of heart damage after 3 shots — for something as mild as the flu for most people. This is devastating.


6:29 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75025

File: 4d14c0fbc04ea63⋯.gif (1.42 MB,555x555,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247397 (262258ZJUL23) Notable: 74% of COVID Vaccine Autopsy Deaths Caused by Vaccine, Censored by Lancet

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NIH spent $950M for basic or applied research leading to patents providing market exclusivity for drugs approved 2010–19

new study from Bentley University's Center for Integration of Science and Industry demonstrates that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) spent $950 million on basic or applied research associated with patents that provided manufacturers with market exclusivity. This amount represents


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a7e61a No.75026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247398 (262258ZJUL23) Notable: Police allege man sexually assaulted child, 6, in St. Louis Hills neighborhood; suspect not in custody, red polo shirt, khaki pants and black shoes as seen on neighborhood surveillance video

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Police allege man sexually assaulted child, 6, in St. Louis Hills neighborhood; suspect not in custody

By Matt Woods | Jul. 26, 2023 at 3:50 PM CDT



The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is searching for a man wearing a red polo shirt, khaki pants and black shoes as seen on neighborhood surveillance video.

A 6-year-old boy, was riding his bicycle when the boy was grabbed and taken to a vacant residence and sexually assaulted.

Police are not releasing the exact location due to the victim’s age and the nature of the incident.


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a7e61a No.75027

File: 44994be61869d5a⋯.png (81.61 KB,614x897,614:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247401 (262259ZJUL23) Notable: Will Scharf: Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning explanation?

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Will Scharf


Based on conversations with people who were in the courtroom today, and my experience as a former federal prosecutor, I think I know the full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning.

Bear with me, because this is a little complicated:

Typically, if the Government is offering to a defendant that it will either drop charges or decline to bring new charges in return for the defendant's guilty plea, the plea is structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A). An agreement not to prosecute Hunter for FARA violations or other crimes in return for his pleading guilty to the tax misdemeanors, for example, would usually be a (c)(1)(A) plea. This is open, transparent, subject to judicial approval, etc.

In Hunter's case, according to what folks in the courtroom have told me, Hunter's plea was structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(B), which is usually just a plea in return for a joint sentencing recommendation only, and contained no information on its face about other potential charges, and contained no clear agreement by DOJ to forego prosecution of other charges.

Instead, DOJ and Hunter's lawyers effectively hid that part of the agreement in what was publicly described as a pretrial diversion agreement relating to a § 922(g)(3) gun charge against Hunter for being a drug user in possession of a firearm.

That pretrial diversion agreement as written was actually MUCH broader than just the gun charge. If Hunter were to complete probation, the pretrial diversion agreement prevented DOJ from ever bringing charges against Hunter for any crimes relating to the offense conduct discussed in the plea agreement, which was purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China and elsewhere.

So they put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the pretrial diversion agreement, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering and Hunter was obtaining through these proceedings. Hunter's upside from this deal was vast immunity from further prosecution if he finished a couple years of probation, and the public wouldn't be any the wiser because none of this was clearly stated on the face of the plea agreement, as would normally be the case.

Judge Noreika smelled a rat. She understood that the lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball. Instead, she backed DOJ and Hunter's lawyers into a corner by pulling all the details out into the open and then indicating that she wasn't going to approve a deal as broad as what she had discovered.

DOJ, attempting to save face and save its case, then stated on the record that the investigation into Hunter was ongoing and that Hunter remained susceptible to prosecution under FARA. Hunter's lawyers exploded. They clearly believed that FARA was covered under the deal, because as written, the pretrial diversion agreement language was broad enough to cover it. They blew up the deal, Hunter pled not guilty, and that's the current state of play.

And so here we are. Hunter's lawyers and DOJ are going to go off and try to pull together a new set of agreements, likely narrower, to satisfy Judge Noreika. Fortunately, I doubt if FARA or any charges related to Hunter's foreign influence peddling will be included, which leaves open the possibility of further investigations leading to further prosecutions.

11:35 AM · Jul 26, 2023





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a7e61a No.75028

File: 9a0e38f103c7b62⋯.jpg (281.45 KB,1440x1586,720:793,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247413 (262301ZJUL23) Notable: Police allege man sexually assaulted child, 6, in St. Louis Hills neighborhood; suspect not in custody, red polo shirt, khaki pants and black shoes as seen on neighborhood surveillance video

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the whole city should be out with ropes

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a7e61a No.75029

File: 9de79583b348396⋯.png (55.8 KB,644x425,644:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247423 (262303ZJUL23) Notable: Down syndrome girl, 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'handed off' to 'special friends' including Leon Black

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Ghislaine Maxwell groomed a 16-year-old autistic girl with mosaic Down syndrome, calling her 'beautiful darling' and comparing her to a 'doll' after receiving her from a trafficker, according to bombshell new court documents.

The girl, who is not named, is in her 30s now. She is suing Leon Black, a 71-year-old billionaire and Epstein associate, claiming he sodomized her with sex toys in 2002 when she was just 16 at Epstein's home. He denies the allegations through his attorney.

In court documents obtained by DailyMail.com, the girl's attorneys describe in detail how she allegedly came into Epstein and Maxwell's sordid orbit at a party on the outskirts of Washington DC in 2001.

She says she was introduced to them by a mystery trafficker named only as Elizabeth, who is said to have groomed her after getting close to her while allowing her to compete in a cheerleading competition she was too old for.

The girl has mosaic Down syndrome, which involves internal chromosomal differences that do not manifest in a physical way. She looked like any other teenager at the time, but had the developmental age of a 12-year-old, her lawyers said, and was therefore more trusting of adults.

'Elizabeth' brought the girl to live with her where she subjected her to violent sexual abuse and physical beatings, according to the court documents.

The girl's parents, who are not named, allowed her to go and live with her, seemingly unaware of the horrors that lay in store for her.

She was forced to watch 'Elizabeth' and her 'many male partners' have sex and was not even given a bed to sleep in in their home, the court documents claim.

Eventually, 'Elizabeth' and 'Charlie', one of the 'many male partners' took the girl to an 'adult party' in a suburb 'outside DC' where her attorneys say she was introduced to Epstein and Ghislaine.

'Elizabeth and Charlie drove Ms. Doe to a large home, with a circular drive, fountain and pillars. Plaintiff was told to go inside and she did. She was approached by a woman with dark hair and a British accent, who introduced herself to Plaintiff and sat with her, feigning interest in her safety and well-being.

'It was only later that Plaintiff learned that this woman was Ghislaine Maxwell (“Maxwell”), the convicted sex offender currently in prison serving a 20-year sentence,' the lawsuit reads.

The girl says Maxwell led her to a large, white couch where she 'took pains' to tell her how interested she was in her, but failed to notice her learning difficulties.

'Maxwell spent the conversation lavishing Plaintiff with compliments, referring to her as “a beautiful darling girl” and said that she was “a beautiful girl with the most beautiful bright blue eyes, blonde hair and perfect hair” that made her look like a living “doll."

'Maxwell treated her like a child, holding her hand, bringing her to the bathroom and making her stand right outside the door so Maxwell could keep talking to her the way mothers do with young children,' the complaint reads.

After the party, during which the girl claims Maxwell and Epstein 'exchanged looks frequently', she was allegedly returned to the car where 'Elizabeth and Charlie' were waiting.

'Maxwell told Elizabeth that Plaintiff was a “darling,” a “good girl,” and a “beautiful girl.” The very next week, Elizabeth put Plaintiff on a private plane from Virginia to Palm Beach.'

The girl's lawyers say she was then exposed to Maxwell and Epstein's 'sexual deviancy' within an hour of being driven to Epstein's house.

'They placed her in a swivel chair in a hallway outside of their bedroom and told her to “not move.” She did not move from the chair, but instead turned around and around in the swivel chair while she listened to them having sex in the next room with the door open. When they were done, they came out into the hallway, and acted happy and told [her] she was a “good girl” for staying seated.

'They then acted as if nothing had happened and took her downstairs.'

The girl's attorney claims Maxwell then taught her how to massage Epstein and perform oral sex on him and that the pair performed 'happy claps' when she succeeded in making him ejaculate.

She was allegedly forced to sleep with them at night, allowing Epstein to 'wrap his arms around her', and was then taught how to make him 'happy' through intercourse.

The lawsuit claims she was subjected to styles of sick grooming too.

'She was required to sit on Epstein’s lap with her feet draped over Maxwell’s legs as Epstein also complimented her about how beautiful she was and how much he was drawn to her mix of blonde hair and blue eyes and porcelain skin.

'Epstein often told Plaintiff that she was his “very special girl,” and commented on her “special innocence".'


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a7e61a No.75030

File: 7ae1dd58c3d7fb6⋯.png (338.6 KB,329x508,329:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247445 (262308ZJUL23) Notable: Down syndrome girl, 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'handed off' to 'special friends' including Leon Black

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part 2

The girl says she was sent to them most weekends, she says, regularly being 'shipped out' from Virginia to the Virgin Islands and Palm Beach, where Epstein had homes.

After meeting Epstein's sexual standards, she was then allegedly subjected to 'the handoff'.

'The “hand off” meant that [she] had to go with any other man (usually a white male that seemed very “old” to her) to give him a massage and have sexual intercourse. The first several times [she] had to do this took place in Palm Beach and on Epstein’s island in the USV.'

After every trip, Maxwell and Epstein would allegedly give 'Elizabeth' a 'report' of her performance and send her packing with an envelope filled with cash that she was not allowed to touch.

The girl says she was beaten and psychologically tortured if her 'report' was negative.

In the fall of 2001, she was taken to Epstein's townhouse for the first time, she says.

She claims she was made to sleep in a bed with Epstein and Maxwell, and was taken to the theater where she was introduced backstage to a ballet dancer. The girl says she did not watch any kind of show, but instead was held in theater 'offices'.

It wasn't until the spring of 2002 that she claims she was introduced to Leon Black at Epstein's house.

'Epstein introduced [her] to Leon Black, using his full name, and told her that Black was “important” and “special” to Epstein.

[She] was struck by Black’s immense size. Her initial impression of Black was that he looked like an “ogre,” and she felt frightened. She noticed Black’s bulbous nose and that his face and neck had a number of skin tags and moles.'

She recalls Epstein telling her that she had been specially selected to give Black - his 'special friend' - a massage.

'Black took [her] by her hand, squeezing it so hard that she thought he might have broken bones, and led her upstairs to a massage room on the third floor of the townhouse.

'In the room there were a variety of oils and adult sex toys next to the massage table.

'She assumed that Black would proceed to disrobe before laying down on the massage table, the way Epstein usually did.

'Instead, Black picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and then threw her violently down on the massage table on her back, so hard he knocked the wind out of her.'

She claims Black then 'placed his hand over her mouth' to stop her from screaming, and 'leaned over her while ripping off her shirt and under her skirt pulling her underwear off.'

'She was crying and terrified. Black asked her repeatedly what made her “Jeffrey’s special girl” and throughout the assault called her demeaning, shameful, disgusting names.

'She was in a complete state of shock because this was nothing like the massages she had been taught to give Epstein'.

When she tried to move off the table, she says Black laughed and pinned her back down.

She then heard him 'rummaging' for sex toys, before feeling her legs being 'snapped' open with such force that she worried her pelvic bone had been broken, according to the complaint.

'Using the adult toys, Black then penetrated her simultaneously in both her vagina and rectum, using such force that she felt tearing in her internal tissue.

'When Plaintiff screamed out in agony, Black again covered her mouth with one of his hands,' the lawsuit reads.

Black then allegedly placed his mouth 'on her vaginal area'. It's unclear from the lawsuit whether she claims that he bit her, but she says she felt a 'sharp pain' then saw Black 'lift his head from under her skirt' with blood coming from his mouth.

Panicked, she says she kicked him in the chest which sent him into such a rage that he cursed her - calling her a 'w***e' - then allegedly threw her on the ground.

She tried to scramble away, but says Black grabbed her by the legs, dragged her back onto the table and raped her, telling her to 'stay still' while he 'crushed' her with his 'weight and thrusts.'

'When Black appeared to be finished, he grabbed her up by her wrists and slammed her into the wall and watched as she slid down to a sitting position – still crying in fear and pain,' she says.

Eventually, Epstein is said to have come into the room where he saw her sitting on the floor, still bleeding.

She says she begged him to take her to a doctor but that he refused, instructing her instead that Ghislaine would 'look after' her.


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a7e61a No.75031

File: 732a15d557ab682⋯.png (373.42 KB,602x564,301:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247446 (262308ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel: They just canned the plea agreement…which to me tells me the DOJ tried to bury the FARA conviction

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Benny Johnson


BREAKING: Kash Patel breaks down the collapse of Hunter Biden's plea deal after Federal Judge strikes it down:

"They just canned the plea agreement...which to me tells me the DOJ tried to bury the FARA conviction."

5:47 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75032

File: 54dd77a4ce93204⋯.png (792.08 KB,1344x1025,1344:1025,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247474 (262312ZJUL23) Notable: Congress Must Stop T he Executive Branch’s Heinous Attempts To Censor Americans

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Congress Must Stop The Executive Branch’s Heinous Attempts To Censor Americans

July 25, 2023

The First Amendment’s mandate that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech” is a guarantee that, no matter how inconvenient to those temporarily holding high office, the people have an absolute right to express their thoughts and opinions. Despite this constitutional requirement, over 200 years ago, President John Adams and the Federalists in Congress used the threat of war with France as a pretext to enact into law the Sedition Act of 1798, which made it a crime for Americans to “print, utter, or publish . . . any false, scandalous, and malicious writing” about the government.

The debate surrounding the Sedition Act was about the nature of freedom of speech. One supporter of the law, Alexander Addison, believed that some opinions were so dangerous that it was in the public interest to suppress them, stating, “Truth has but one side: and listening to error and falsehood is indeed a strange way to discover truth.”

An opponent, Thomas Cooper, presciently argued that the purpose of the Sedition Act was to empower one party to “suppress the opinions of those who differ from them.” Unsurprisingly, all the defendants prosecuted under the Sedition Act would be Republicans.

Sound familiar?

On Independence Day this year, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction restricting the Biden Administration from collaborating with social media companies to censor and suppress constitutionally protected speech. In his opinion, Judge Terry Doughty stated that the Biden Administration’s efforts to suppress opinions it opposes “arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in the United States’ history.” It is difficult to disagree with Judge Doughty’s description.

For years, the Biden Administration demanded social media suppress and censor conservatives who dared question the origins of Covid, the effectiveness of masks and lockdowns, and election integrity, among other issues. The Biden Administration was so zealous in its enforcement of censorship, even parody content did not escape its anti-free speech campaign.

And the Biden administration didn’t ask nicely. When then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki publicly called on social media companies to censor speech relating to Covid, she mentioned Biden’s support for a “robust anti-trust program,” all but threatening to break up tech giants if they failed to adopt the administration’s censorship policies. Later, the White House announced that it was reviewing policies relating to whether social media should be held legally liable for spreading so-called misinformation. In other words, the Biden administration effectively told social media “Do our bidding, or else.”

The White House was so aggressive that a Twitter representative stated the site was “bombarded” with censorship requests from the executive branch. But that bombardment was not really directed at Twitter — it was a monstrous attack on the free speech rights guaranteed to every American by the First Amendment.

In addition to countless numbers of Americans, I was targeted by the censorship regime. When I posted a video on YouTube to educate the public on the potentially harmful consequences of relying on ineffective cloth masks to prevent transmission of Covid, YouTube took my video down and suspended me for a week.


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a7e61a No.75033

File: 34a63766a259254⋯.jpg (173.28 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247475 (262312ZJUL23) Notable: Down syndrome girl, 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'handed off' to 'special friends' including Leon Black

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>groomed a 16-year-old autistic girl with mosaic Down syndrome

Autism and mentally handicapped? May God show these bastards NO MERCY! That is fucking disgusting, beyond atrocious. Those fucking animals! Now I am angry.

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a7e61a No.75034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247476 (262312ZJUL23) Notable: Congress Must Stop T he Executive Branch’s Heinous Attempts To Censor Americans

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Americans are a free people and we do not take infringements upon our liberties lightly. The time has come for resistance and to reclaim our God-given right to free expression. Permit me, as a member of the resistance, to present a solution that that restores and protects the First Amendment.

I introduced legislation called the Free Speech Protection Act, which will prohibit federal employees and contractors from using their positions to censor and otherwise attack speech protected by the First Amendment. My legislation will impose penalties for those that violate this rule, as well as empower private citizens to sue the government and executive branch officials for violating their First Amendment rights. Additionally, the bill will mandate frequent publicly accessible reports detailing the communications between an executive branch agency and media organizations, ensure that federal grant money is not used to label media organizations as sources of misinformation or disinformation, and terminates authorities that threaten free speech.

Under my Free Speech Protection Act, the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of conservatives, libertarians, liberals, socialists, and all others who wish to exercise their right to free speech and engage in public discourse.

My legislation will make it difficult to hide efforts to censor constitutionally protected speech. Those officials who censor Americans are on notice: if you infringe upon First Amendment rights, under my bill, you will face severe penalties, such as potential debarment from employment by the United States, a civil penalty of no less than $10,000, and revocation of a security clearance. Any administration employee who prizes his livelihood would not dare threaten free speech after my bill becomes law.

Looking back upon his defeat of John Adams for the presidency, Thomas Jefferson wrote, the “revolution of 1800 . . . was a real revolution in the principles of our government as that of [17]76.” Jefferson’s victory was a vindication of the First Amendment as he allowed the Sedition Act to expire and pardoned those convicted for expressing their views.

Once again, the American people are called upon to defend the founding principles over which our forebears fought a revolution. To protect free speech, Congress must prohibit the government’s collusion with Big Tech and other media organizations. Congress must pass the Free Speech Protection Act.



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a7e61a No.75035

File: eeacd82965ea364⋯.png (691.53 KB,583x754,583:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247498 (262316ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed






Replying to @realDonaldTrump



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a7e61a No.75036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247500 (262317ZJUL23) Notable: Down syndrome girl, 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'handed off' to 'special friends' including Leon Black

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They rape to death and eat babies while the umbilical cord is still attached


Where have you been

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a7e61a No.75037

File: fd00d6485697825⋯.png (669.3 KB,708x752,177:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247513 (262319ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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a7e61a No.75038

File: df113286d29e6bc⋯.png (366.1 KB,789x899,789:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247519 (262320ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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a7e61a No.75039

File: 4821dda5bb43f1f⋯.png (332.69 KB,591x586,591:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247529 (262322ZJUL23) Notable: HOUSTON, TEXAS HISD to eliminate librarians and convert libraries into disciplinary centers at NES schools

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Frank McCormick | Chalkboard Heresy


Our children are functionally illiterate because English teachers are teaching about transgenderism and pronouns in place of Orwell and Shakespeare.

Using the taxpayer-funded classroom to molest young minds is educational malfeasance.





4:11 PM · Jul 25, 2023




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a7e61a No.75040

File: d45c2a3c4458b6a⋯.png (268.83 KB,592x487,592:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247544 (262325ZJUL23) Notable: Biden admin is funding drag shows in Equador but refused to pay to bring a dead Marine’s body hom

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Libs of TikTok


The Biden admin is funding drag shows in Equador but refused to pay to bring a dead Marine’s body home.



12:53 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75041

File: d35e4dcf17b2dbc⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,888x448,111:56,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247546 (262325ZJUL23) Notable: freaking hilarious The German AFD party dropped an ad to show the Germans that Ukraine is ruining them financially

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a7e61a No.75042

File: f77d33d78ca6df7⋯.png (228.73 KB,1956x452,489:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247552 (262326ZJUL23) Notable: Down syndrome girl, 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'handed off' to 'special friends' including Leon Black

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a7e61a No.75043

File: 97b8276b8e50ed1⋯.png (546.08 KB,881x591,881:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247560 (262328ZJUL23) Notable: Biden’s Gov’t Is ‘No.1 Consumer of Child Sex Material in The World,’ Says Sound of Freedom’s Ballard

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Joe Biden’s US government is staffed by pedophiles and perverts who have become the leading consumer of “child sex material” in the whole world, according to Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard.

According to Ballard, pedophiles are salivating over Biden’s policies, in particular the open border policy which is allowing an unprecedented flow of unaccompanied minors into the U.S., whereupon they “go missing” in the “belly of the beast.”

“Speak the whole truth about what this is leading to. If you’re making pedophiles happy and making them salivate over your policies, I think it’s time to push pause and reconsider your policies,” he added.

“It’s literally more difficult to adopt a cat out of the shelter than it is for a sponsor to show up and check one of these kids out and take them into the belly of the United States,” he said, describing that belly — the U.S. government — as the “number one consumer of child sex material in the world.”

“Tens of thousands of children — unaccompanied, young children — are disappearing into the belly of the beast, and they have to know that’s happening, but they care about their agenda more than that,” he said, explaining during the interview that “no background checks were done by the sponsors who came to get them.”

The pedophile-friendly establishment are using media outlets to downplay the scale of the child trafficking problem, Ballard said during an interview with Breitbart at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Ballard noted that establishment media outlets — Rolling Stone, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, and more — posted “glowing” stories about an operation that occurred on October 11, 2014.

“They applauded it. They said that we were good guys. They said, ‘Congratulations, you rescued children.’ Eight years later, those same outlets are pretending that didn’t happen. … They’re lying about it. They’re changing their story. They want to pretend it’s not happening,” he said.

According to Ballard, the establishment media do not want to have a wider conversation about what is happening to children and the “consequences to children that their agendas and their policies are having.”

When asked if this anti-children agenda is connected to what is being pushed in schools, Ballard said it “absolutely” is, adding that it is a slippery slope.

If children can consent to completely “altering” their sex, Ballard worries it could open the door to even more egregious attempts to normalize abominable acts, such as pedophilia.

“They know that this is going to shine a light on all of their agenda that they’ve been working on. … So they’d rather just pretend none of it’s happening. And it’s easier just to say, ‘Well, maybe sex with kids isn’t even that big a deal after all.’ I mean, that’s where they’re going now,” he said, pointing to a United Nations-backed report issued months ago, “saying, ‘it’s time to consider decriminalizing sex with children.’”

“Thank God that many in the LGBT community are fighting back and saying, ‘No, no, no…you’re not part of this community,’” he said, pointing to groups such as Gays Against Groomers.

“But this is this is the wider battle that we’re fighting,” he added.

When asked what needs to be done to fight these issues, Ballard said it is crucial to “enforce the border,” deeming it the “only compassionate policy.” That, he said, would suck the wind out of the sails of traffickers.


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a7e61a No.75044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247567 (262330ZJUL23) Notable: Legal Group Sues Biden Admin For Allegedly Concealing FBI Background Investigation Into Mayorkas

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Legal Group Sues Biden Admin For Allegedly Concealing FBI Background Investigation Into Mayorkas

America First Legal Foundation sued the Biden administration Wednesday for allegedly concealing information regarding an FBI investigation into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to a copy of the complaint first obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The lawsuit against both the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) asks that the agencies release the documents related to the Mayorkas probe, according to the complaint. The conservative group was previously denied a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the records regarding the FBI’s investigation into Mayorkas’ background.

“The American people deserve to have access to the files we requested to understand the extent to which Secretary Mayorkas disclosed his foreign ties and contacts, among other things. Disclosing these records is consistent with what the FBI did during the Trump Administration when it released portions of the SF-86 for then Attorney General Jeff Sessions, so there is simply no reason why they should not provide the same information for Secretary Mayorkas,” Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice President and General Counsel, said in a statement to the DCNF.

The lawsuit’s timing coincides with increasing calls from Republicans in Congress to impeach Mayorkas, mainly for his handling of the security of the southern border.

One of the issues the group cites is an inspector general’s report from 2015 that found that Mayorkas, while serving as the director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), had personally intervened “outside the normal adjudicatory process” to help foreign investors in the EB-5 visa program who were connected to top Democrats.

“Secretary Mayorkas’s abysmal performance has led to the introduction of several impeachment resolutions in Congress,” America First Legal said in a statement shared with the DCNF. The Secretary’s dereliction of duty regarding our immigration system has turned America into a borderless nation, and every state is feeling the consequences of allowing millions of illegal immigrants to flood into the United States. While Americans are dying at the hands of illegal aliens that should never have been allowed to enter America, the Biden Administration and Secretary Mayorkas have turned a blind eye.”

America First Legal submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the FBI on January 6 for “the FBI background investigation, Form SF-86, and any supporting security clearance documentation, including waiver forms [completed] by Alejandro Mayorkas or his designees for the purpose of allowing the FBI to conduct a background investigation as part of his nomination[s].”

The FBI responded on January 13, denying it the request. America First Legal appealed the denial for the reason that the records were submitted to Congress, but the FBI reiterated its denial.


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a7e61a No.75045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247576 (262332ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis suggests he may tap RFK Jr. to run CDC or FDA

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DeSantis suggests he may tap RFK Jr. to run CDC or FDA

During a discussion with Clay Travis, DeSantis rejected the prospect of picking RFK Jr. as his running mate, saying that he would likely be out of step with about 70% of issues.

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday suggested that he may appoint Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration if elected president.

During a discussion with Clay Travis, DeSantis rejected the prospect of picking RFK Jr. as his running mate, saying that he would likely be out of step with about 70% of issues. He did, however, acknowledge that the Democrat was in line with him on COVID-19 related issues.

"Yes, the medical stuff, I'm very good on that. So that does appeal to me," DeSantis said. "If you're president, sic him on the FDA if he'd be willing to serve. Or sic him on CDC."

Ron Desantis told me he wouldn’t consider @RobertKennedyJr as his VP, but would consider him as head of the FDA or CDC because he was right on covid. Democrats are now losing their minds over this. Watch: pic.twitter.com/dSwY61mFK3

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) July 26, 2023

Kennedy and DeSantis have both heavily criticized COVID-19 lockdown policies and vaccine mandates. The governor cruised to reelection in formerly purple Florida last November, due in part, to his swift reopening of the Sunshine State.

Kennedy, meanwhile, emerged during lockdowns as a prominent vaccine skeptic, a position that has helped him gain traction with Republicans even as he seeks the Democratic presidential nomination.


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a7e61a No.75046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247596 (262337ZJUL23) Notable: HOUSTON, TEXAS HISD to eliminate librarians and convert libraries into disciplinary centers at NES schools

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Really weird.

Just read the article. It doesn't really say WHY the libraries are being closed in these schools. Books are not obsolete.

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a7e61a No.75047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247598 (262338ZJUL23) Notable: Sinead O'Connor dead at 56

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>>>/qresearch/19247058 (PB)

One of the most beautiful of voices


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a7e61a No.75048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247629 (262344ZJUL23) Notable: Employers and government agencies that enforced discriminatory vaccine policies may be forced to pay out hefty settlements.

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Employers and government agencies that enforced discriminatory vaccine policies may be forced to pay out hefty settlements.

Rocco Galati Law Firm has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Regional Municipality of York for “discriminatory” vaccine mandates.

The lawsuit demands $550,000 per plaintiff, for a total of $126 million. While the lawsuit was filed in March of this year, it received little attention from the mainstream media.

The class-action argues that the vaccine mandates violated people’s Charter rights. The claims have yet to be tested in court.

A similar lawsuit was filed in Australia over vaccines, as was reported by the Daily Mail. However, that action focuses on injuries from the vaccines, as opposed to the mandates.

While most people that take the Covid-19 vaccine are safe from serious side effects or injuries, the jab has caused injuries in a small group of people. Further, there are credible reports of death from the vaccine.

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a7e61a No.75049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247634 (262346ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 0.25% to 5.50%, the highest level in 22 years.

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>0.25% to 5.50%,

Federal Reserve Is about to be gutted.

Point 25 is Christmas

5:5 Loud and Clear, Eyes on.

>the highest level in 22 years.

This is the highest level is Q Clearance

22 Years since 911

V = 22

V is for Vengeance

V is for Vendetta

VV = 23 = Bring on the Pain PDJT WRWY

For God and Country...At all costs

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a7e61a No.75050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247635 (262346ZJUL23) Notable: Sinead O'Connor dead at 56

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a7e61a No.75051

File: b9dc086338827df⋯.png (123.67 KB,587x343,587:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247664 (262352ZJUL23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

July 26, 2023

Let’s Talk about the Media

Dear Patriots,

We have talked many times about the current state media. It goes by many names: Fake News, Drive By News, Corporate Media, Mainstream Media.

Almost no one refers to it as The Fourth Estate. The entire enterprise has dramatically shifted away from the concept of an independent press, whose main charge was to hold government accountable to the people.

These days, the fake media all has one thing in common, it is enthusiastically and uniformly pushing a far left, insane, pro-Democrat Party agenda.

For this reason we have urged you to avoid it. We have suggested alternatives. Many of you now get your news from many of these alternative sources.

Of course, one great alternative is THIS three-days-a-week newsletter, which we hope you will subscribe. As a Donor you receive these newsletter complimentary. Thank you for your support.

Today we give you more reasons to turn to independent news gathering.

1- If you have any doubt that Fox News has gone off the cliff, this should remove all doubt.

People working at Fox News have come to The Blaze to show them the company website that lists the organizations Fox News is encouraging their employees to support. Fox offers to match the donations.

These companies are antithetical to our Christian and American values, as is Fox News.



EXCLUSIVE: Fox News whistleblowers expose company’s support for far-left charities

2- The difference between the coverage of Biden vs. Trump is stark. The fact of the matter is, the coverage shoud be the same. Both Presidents should be treated the same way and questioned on policies and decisions with equal zeal.

It is heartening that despite the never ending positive, glowing and glossed over coverage of Joe Biden, the overall public is not buying it!

Issues & Insights

Media Can’t Understand Why Biden Is So Unpopular (After Everything They’ve Done For Him)

3- Newt Gingrich said: “At some point, the dam is going to break and even The New York Times and The Washington Post are going to recognize that we have a huge problem on our hands.”

Is that dam going to break? Will the WaPo and NYTimes objectively cover this massive story of government corruption? We are not holding our breath. We are counting on all the alternative media to fill the role of The Fourth Estate.

NY Post

‘We may have a criminal family sitting in the White House’: Gingrich on Biden bribery doc

4- What are the alternatives?

We are big fans of podcasts. You can listen any time, any where. You can pause them and share them.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. We offer you a few to check out. Our advice is to listen to several episodes to get into the style and see if you like it. (Rush always said you had to give him a couple of weeks of listening to get comfortable with him.)

You will not agree with everyone and everything said. We don’t! But we appreciate a full array of ideas in order to come to our own conclusions.

All of these can be found on Apple Podcast app that comes on your phone with a quick look up by the name of the podcast, or by searching on YouTube.

-The Charlie Kirk Show

-The Monica Crowley Podcast

-The Rubin Report


-The Dan Bongino Show

-The Victor Davis Hanson Show

-Red Pilled America

Although not a pure podcast, we suggest that you listen and watch The War Room daily.

You can get the episodes on Apple podcasts later in the day. Or you can listen live at WarRoom.org

Of course, what more do you need than the Defending The Republic newsletter three time a week from Substack?



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a7e61a No.75052

File: 38a6d0f41175517⋯.png (1.65 MB,1160x1060,58:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247669 (262353ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin Spacey Acquitted Of All Offenses

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assuming this picture is from today, why the fuck are so much press interested in this shit? to deflect from hunter maybe? weird.


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a7e61a No.75053

File: 1a0feddc3a881b7⋯.png (815.86 KB,1375x785,275:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247673 (262353ZJUL23) Notable: Preliminary launches of X-101/555 missiles from Tu-95 from the Caspian direction.

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Preliminary launches of X-101/555 missiles from Tu-95 from the Caspian direction.

CONFIRMED! Initial Detection by the Ukrainian Air Force of Cruise Missile launches by at least 12 Russian Tu-95MS Strategic Bombers over the Caspian Sea; the Missiles should be entering Ukrainian Airspace within the next hour.

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a7e61a No.75054

File: e0673d06ef7f91b⋯.png (570.02 KB,876x492,73:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247743 (270005ZJUL23) Notable: Nearly 140 arrested in massive SoCal child sex abuse crackdown

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Nearly 140 arrested in massive SoCal child sex abuse crackdown

139 people were arrested in a sweeping multi-agency crackdown on child sex abuse and child pornography this month, the Los Angeles Police Department announced Wednesday.

The crackdown, dubbed Operation Online Guardian, involved over 100 agencies that comprise LAPD’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.

“Child exploitation is one of the most horrendous crimes affecting our most vulnerable members of the community,” Joe McNally, Assistant U.S. Attorney General, said at a news conference Wednesday morning. “Through these crimes, predators target those who can’t protect themselves.”

The operation unfolded in two phases.

In the first, officers went undercover on social media to identify individuals who were trafficking child porn, LAPD said. The second phase involved executing search warrants in five Southern California counties.

“Vulnerable children were rescued from further abuse, and victims who had been silenced by the atrocious crimes of child sexual abuse found their voices restored,” LAPD said in a statement.

Police did not reveal how many children were rescued and did not release the names of any suspects.

Charges include sodomy of a child, sexual abuse of a child, lewd acts, possession of child pornography and failure to register as a sex offender.

“Although Operation Online Guardian has concluded, the LA ICAC Task Force will remain vigilant and continue their mission to protect our children. Despite the numerous resources that assist the LA ICAC Task Force in the battle against the sexual exploitation of children, there are victims who are unnoticed,” LAPD said.

The department is asking the community to help combat child sex abuse by monitoring their child’s online activity. It also encouraged parents to visit missingkids.org/NetSmartz for internet safety tips and resources.

Law enforcement has acknowledged that resources are stretched thin when it comes to investigating the shocking number of crimes involving internet child predators.

This void has led to the creation of underground groups, including Southern California’s CC Unit, which takes matters into its own hands by arranging sting operations and providing evidence to police.


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a7e61a No.75055

File: 9b60bd15b445bdf⋯.png (1.62 MB,1200x863,1200:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247765 (270009ZJUL23) Notable: Montgomery County yearlong sex abuse sting nets 28 arrests, rescues 19 children

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Montgomery County yearlong sex abuse sting nets 28 arrests, rescues 19 children

A yearlong investigation by several Montgomery County law enforcement agencies into the distribution of child sexual abuse material resulted in the arrest of 28 people and the rescue of 19 children.

According to information from the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, during the investigation dubbed “Operation Hydra,” detectives rescued the children who had been sexually abused or exploited by people from 17 states who made sex abuse material available in Montgomery County.

“Over the last 12 months, detectives with the Montgomery County division of the Houston Metro Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force monitored chat groups on a popular social media application,” said Mike Holley, first assistant with the district attorney’s office. “The defendants were identified as participants in various group chats dedicated to distributing child sexual abuse material. Most of the defendants posted illicit images to the groups.”

Holley said some defendants were administrators of the groups and controlled who could access the groups.

“These cases underscore the fact that such crimes often cross jurisdictional boundaries, spanning counties, states and even countries,” Holley said.

Detectives used advanced investigative techniques to identify and located the individuals involved and worked with authorities in those jurisdictions to arrest the defendants, Holley said.

Holley called the operation a “stark reminder” of the realities of child sexual exploitation and the availability of child sexual abuse material on the internet.

Operation Hydra was spearheaded by the Montgomery County Precinct 1 Constable’s Office along with the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office and included officials with the Montgomery County Constables’ offices, the Conroe Police Department, the Texas Department of Public Safety, Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Marshal Service and the Houston Metro Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.


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a7e61a No.75056

File: 3e82b7a5ca482b1⋯.png (253.43 KB,1028x851,1028:851,Clipboard.png)

File: b2867a9d685000f⋯.png (225.34 KB,1025x741,1025:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247799 (270013ZJUL23) Notable: Former Chairman of 1 Global Indicted for Running $250 Million Securities Fraud Scheme

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Former Chairman of 1 Global Indicted for Running $250 Million Securities Fraud Scheme


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a7e61a No.75057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247805 (270015ZJUL23) Notable: If Garland wants to avoid impeachment he should ask Lisa Monaco for her resignation by COB Friday.

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That is a way to play "hide the ball" from the public, but Judges see so many plea agreements in the course of just a single year they realize immediately when something isn't right, and then they ask questions.

That's what happened here. She realized something wasn't kosher and she may issue a "Show Cause" Order asking for an explanation of why the two linked issues were placed in separate documents and then did not call attention to one another.

This was a "hidden" global plea agreement - and the fact that they tried to pull that off is all the GOP House needs to impeach Merrick Garland.

This is clear misconduct and it would not have happened without the approval of the upper levels of DOJ. This is not something an AUSA and the US Attorney in Delaware are going to try to slip thru on their own.

If Garland wants to avoid impeachment he should ask Lisa Monaco for her resignation by COB Friday.


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a7e61a No.75058

File: b52474507a3829f⋯.png (189.66 KB,1022x713,1022:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247809 (270015ZJUL23) Notable: Several convicted in $16 million cartel drug conspiracy

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Several convicted in $16 million cartel drug conspiracy

A total of 22 people in South Texas and Mexico


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a7e61a No.75059

File: 3bd86b3bc7d8d0c⋯.jpeg (65.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248014 (270047ZJUL23) Notable: British bank chief resigns over Farage scanda

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26 Jul, 2023 16:16

British bank chief resigns over Farage scandalKEK

NatWest’s Alison Rose leaked the Brexit politician’s financial affairs to a BBC journalist

Alison Rose announced on Tuesday that she will step down as CEO of one of Britain’s largest banks, NatWest, after she told a BBC journalist that Brexit leader and UK Independence Party (UKIP) founder Nigel Farage was dropped by one of her bank’s subsidiaries for having insufficient cash. In reality, Farage’s accounts were canceled over his political views.

The politician, now a TV pundit for GB News, revealed last month that he had been refused service by Coutts, a subsidiary of NatWest tailored to wealthy clients. Farage said that hewas dropped as a customer over his political opinions, but the BBC reported that Coutts had let him go for “commercial” reasons – meaning he couldn’t reach the £1 million ($1.3 million) wealth requirement set by the bank.

However, Farage obtained an internal document showing that the bank had pored over his political positions – including his opposition to immigration and criticisms of ‘Black Lives Matter’ – and deemed him incompatible with Coutts’ “values.”

Neither NatWest nor Coutts have disputed the authenticity of the document.

Rose was revealed as the BBC’s source in a report by The Telegraph last week, and resigned late on Tuesday night. In a statement,she confirmed that she falsely told BBCBusiness Editor Simon Jack “that the decision to close Mr Farage’s accounts was solely a commercial one.”

Rose also apologized to Farage for “the deeply inappropriate language” in the paper describing his political outlook. However, she stressed that she was not involved in the decision to close the former UKIP chief’s accounts.

The document described Farage as someone who “is seen as xenophobic and racist” and a “disingenuous grifter.” It stated that his views are “distasteful and appear increasingly out of touch with wider society,” and cited his friendship with former US President Donald Trump as a potential “reputational risk” to the bank.

Farage described the paper as a “Stasi-style surveillance report” that “reads rather like a pre-trial brief drawn up by the prosecution in a case against a career criminal.” Speaking on GB News on Wednesday, Farage described Rose’s resignation as “a start,” and called on the entire NatWest board to resign, as it had approved an earlier statement by Rose in which she claimed not to have revealed any of his “personal financial information.”

“It is right that the NatWest CEO has resigned,” Treasury Minister Andrew Griffith said in a statement on Wednesday. “This would never have happened if NatWest had not taken it upon itself to withdraw a bank account due to someone’s lawful political views. That was and is always unacceptable.”


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a7e61a No.75060

File: 012eb679f3c08aa⋯.png (1.77 MB,1170x1330,117:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248025 (270048ZJUL23) Notable: Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis

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EXCLUSIVE: Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis

- Michelle Obama left her Martha's Vineyard home Tuesday for the first time since the death of their beloved sous chef Tafari Campbell on Sunday

- She traveled from their island home in Edgartown to the Farm Neck Golf Club in nearby Oak Bluffs for a short game

- Campbell, 45 – who was married with twins – went missing Sunday while paddle boarding near the Obamas' estate. His body was recovered the following day

Former First Lady Michelle Obama were seen stepping out in public for the first time since the death of her family's chef who drowned yards from her $12million Martha's Vineyard property.

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a7e61a No.75061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248063 (270055ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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>>75021 @Techno_Fog the DOJ has intentionally hamstrung itself, reducing the potential for Hunter to plead to FARA charges or to cooperate in the broader investigation

>>75031 Kash Patel: They just canned the plea agreement…which to me tells me the DOJ tried to bury the FARA conviction

>>75009, >>75046, >>75039 HOUSTON, TEXAS HISD to eliminate librarians and convert libraries into disciplinary centers at NES schools

>>75010 Myocardial Injury after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination One in 35

>>75012, >>75041 freaking hilarious The German AFD party dropped an ad to show the Germans that Ukraine is ruining them financially

>>75013, >>75019 Swiss study: heart injuries from COVID vaccine 3000x higher than thought

>>75014 Democrats May Want to Panic About Hunter

>>75016, >>75022, >>75049 U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 0.25% to 5.50%, the highest level in 22 years.

>>75017 Hunter's terms of release are going to be hard for him to follow.

>>75018 China Taking Hard Line on Military Flybys, Freedom of Navigation Operations

>>75020 House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

>>75023, >>75024, >>75025 74% of COVID Vaccine Autopsy Deaths Caused by Vaccine, Censored by Lancet

>>75026, >>75028 Police allege man sexually assaulted child, 6, in St. Louis Hills neighborhood; suspect not in custody, red polo shirt, khaki pants and black shoes as seen on neighborhood surveillance video

>>75015, >>75027 Will Scharf: Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning explanation?

>>75029, >>75030, >>75042, >>75033, >>75036 Down syndrome girl, 16, was trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'handed off' to 'special friends' including Leon Black

>>75032, >>75034 Congress Must Stop T he Executive Branch’s Heinous Attempts To Censor Americans

>>75035, >>75037, >>75038 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

>>75040 Biden admin is funding drag shows in Equador but refused to pay to bring a dead Marine’s body hom

>>75043 Biden’s Gov’t Is ‘No.1 Consumer of Child Sex Material in The World,’ Says Sound of Freedom’s Ballard

>>75044 Legal Group Sues Biden Admin For Allegedly Concealing FBI Background Investigation Into Mayorkas

>>75045 DeSantis suggests he may tap RFK Jr. to run CDC or FDA

>>75048 Employers and government agencies that enforced discriminatory vaccine policies may be forced to pay out hefty settlements.

>>75050, >>75047 Sinead O'Connor dead at 56

>>75051 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>75052 Kevin Spacey Acquitted Of All Offenses

>>75053 Preliminary launches of X-101/555 missiles from Tu-95 from the Caspian direction.

>>75054 Nearly 140 arrested in massive SoCal child sex abuse crackdown

>>75055 Montgomery County yearlong sex abuse sting nets 28 arrests, rescues 19 children

>>75056 Former Chairman of 1 Global Indicted for Running $250 Million Securities Fraud Scheme

>>75057 If Garland wants to avoid impeachment he should ask Lisa Monaco for her resignation by COB Friday.

>>75058 Several convicted in $16 million cartel drug conspiracy

>>75059 British bank chief resigns over Farage scanda

>>75060 Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis

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a7e61a No.75062

File: 13ad8643b8534fd⋯.png (756.52 KB,1364x754,682:377,Clipboard.png)

File: e8f07f5e47ad892⋯.jpg (165.8 KB,767x791,767:791,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2d73e2726de3243⋯.jpg (29.78 KB,493x503,493:503,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248103 (270100ZJUL23) Notable: #23640

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Q Research General #23640: [THEY] BOUNCED? Black Balls Edition

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a7e61a No.75063

File: f02a0781b651e18⋯.png (208.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 96dfba65cc87591⋯.png (542.33 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248111 (270102ZJUL23) Notable: Bank close all accounts on renowned vaccine skeptic Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Tanks bakes

Banks takes


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a7e61a No.75064

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248114 (270103ZJUL23) Notable: Harnwell: The MSM Is Lying To You About Bibi Netanyahu’s Judicial Reforms In Israel. He also talks about Ukraine 26:22 minutes

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Harnwell: The MSM Is Lying To You About Bibi Netanyahu’s Judicial Reforms In Israel. He also talks about Ukraine

26:22 minutes

Excellent Analysis

The job of the Mainstream Media is to keep you uninformed about what you don’t know and misinformed about what you do know.

Consider MSNBC’s coverage of Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reforms in Israel. Until Monday, the Supreme Court could strike down government acts simply because the Court thought them “unreasonable”.

The Court had given itself that power years ago. Bibi simply returned it to its rightful place — the political calculation of elected representatives.


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a7e61a No.75065

File: defd0a0b2ddf2f8⋯.png (19.55 KB,488x268,122:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248140 (270107ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

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7:55 =17

President Biden


Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, wages are growing faster than inflation, job satisfaction is at a 36-year high, and the share of working-age Americans in the workforce is the highest it’s been in 20 years.

It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

7:55 PM · Jul 26, 2023


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a7e61a No.75066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248143 (270108ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

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fuck you

you lying ass cocksucker


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a7e61a No.75067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248147 (270108ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

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WHO really wrote that?

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a7e61a No.75068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248149 (270109ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

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and Monday Yellow files for bankruptcy.

30,000 poof

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a7e61a No.75069

File: cc0ded65b103d98⋯.png (383.49 KB,488x507,488:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248152 (270109ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

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18:35 = 17

President Biden


By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

6:35 PM · Jul 26, 2023


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a7e61a No.75070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248157 (270110ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

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That should be his brand tag MIA - Made In America or Missing in Action

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a7e61a No.75071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248160 (270111ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Liar is Already shutting down US Steel granite city.

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a7e61a No.75072

File: 443d3ea46be6776⋯.jpg (198.98 KB,500x1255,100:251,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 81030524f9a3155⋯.jpg (163.93 KB,720x951,240:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248161 (270111ZJUL23) Notable: No pic of Michelle leaving anywhere But the girls were there and left after the Scooby mystery started

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No pic of Michelle leaving anywhere

But the girls were there and left after the Scooby mystery started

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a7e61a No.75073

File: a11eeb81d543c7c⋯.png (45.39 KB,676x288,169:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248169 (270113ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

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Child fucking LIAR.

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a7e61a No.75074

File: 6057ebc0692b2e4⋯.png (1.28 MB,1089x726,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248174 (270113ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75075

File: 76fe97f51219228⋯.png (348.07 KB,634x420,317:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248209 (270118ZJUL23) Notable: No pic of Michelle leaving anywhere But the girls were there and left after the Scooby mystery started

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


EXCLUSIVE: Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis | Daily Mail OnlineEXCLUSIVE:

she is that blob on the court they are saying?

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a7e61a No.75076

File: 6803894d66eba49⋯.png (200.2 KB,519x617,519:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 91d8c88b8d30c0c⋯.png (197.87 KB,560x591,560:591,Clipboard.png)

File: cd4568bee3adfeb⋯.png (164.75 KB,551x746,551:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 446b244a423e2bf⋯.png (17.95 KB,434x232,217:116,Clipboard.png)

File: c844f7721c34482⋯.png (130.81 KB,530x537,530:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248237 (270123ZJUL23) Notable: Tomorrows Delta's

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Tomorrows Delta's.

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a7e61a No.75077

File: fd362f9bb15a3ab⋯.png (129.17 KB,1170x742,585:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248300 (270137ZJUL23) Notable: DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

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“The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list”



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a7e61a No.75078

File: 3879b35a653b0f3⋯.png (168.21 KB,323x408,19:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248304 (270138ZJUL23) Notable: DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248305 (270138ZJUL23) Notable: DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



fully explains everything

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a7e61a No.75080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248310 (270139ZJUL23) Notable: Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

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7,800,426 views Mar 18, 2019

This video is a bit of a departure from our normal fare here on Real World Police, but I'm obviously letting this one slide. We will be back to our normal programming shortly, but this unparalleled footage is not to be missed.

On December 11, 2013, about 1522 Hawaiian standard time, a Cessna 208B, N687MA, was destroyed following a loss of engine power and ditching into the Pacific Ocean near Kalaupapa, Hawaii. One passenger was fatally injured, the airline transport pilot and two passengers were seriously injured, and five passengers received minor injuries.

The airplane was operated by Makani Kai Air. The flight departed from the Kalaupapa Airport on the island of Molokai, about 2 minutes prior to the accident, with an intended destination of the Honolulu International Airport on the island of Oahu.

In a written statement, the pilot reported that shortly after takeoff from runway 05, at an altitude of about 400 feet above ground level, he began a left turn for a downwind departure. Shortly after passing 500 feet AGL, the pilot motioned toward the power lever to reduce power for the climb when he heard a loud bang followed by an immediate loss of engine power. The pilot continued the turn toward land, verified the fuel valves were on, and observed all engine gauges displaying "zero." The pilot realized the airplane was not going to make it to land, and rolled the wings level while broadcasting a mayday distress call. Shortly after, the airplane landed within open ocean water in a flat or slightly nose up attitude.

All the passengers and the pilot exited the airplane through the rear right door, and the airplane remained on the water surface for approximately 25 minutes before it sank. One passenger swam to shore, and United States Coast Guard and Maui Fire and Rescue helicopters recovered the pilot and 7 passengers from the water about 80 minutes after the ditching.

A couple of minutes of standard-definition footage from this video were disseminated immediately following the event, however this - right here, right now - is the first time that the full-length, full-HD video is being made publicly available.



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a7e61a No.75081

File: 81586c85603b1fd⋯.jpg (48.94 KB,417x377,417:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248315 (270140ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. John Waterman best and easiest explanation of HIV insertion into Covid Vax, Skip the first hour

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. John Waterman was on CTM last night and he gave one of the best, and easiest to understand, explanations of the whole Covid/Vax/HIV insertion topic that anon has heard yet. Anon is not medifag and it was easy to understand as he explained the mechanics of how these can be weaponized and how it attacks your body. Highly recommended for anons who are still kinda murky in their understanding, the way I was. His videos get deleted off yt but it is still up on Rumble. Skip the first hour or so to get to the interview.


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a7e61a No.75082

File: 92d71186da222b4⋯.png (324.77 KB,736x500,184:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248318 (270140ZJUL23) Notable: DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


they also won't show the images of Abu Grahb nor the evidence that Adolf fled to S. America with the help of the Nazi Roman Catholics. You can bet whatever "they" mainstream are pushing is false.

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a7e61a No.75083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248322 (270141ZJUL23) Notable: DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We all know what THEY 're hiding.

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a7e61a No.75084

File: ad6101341f0e8e6⋯.png (311.76 KB,568x278,284:139,Clipboard.png)

File: f5ded0efbe53125⋯.png (308.79 KB,568x277,568:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248327 (270141ZJUL23) Notable: Canada has to be burning chemical fires disguised as forest fires to purposely usher in Climate Change Slavery Gov. stealing property,farms,killing off live stock and their commie 15 min cities

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do any anons have more info on this?

PM Cas-Turd-eau in Canada has to be burning chemical fires disguised as forest fires to purposely usher in Climate Change Slavery

Gov. stealing property,farms,killing off live stock and their commie 15 min cities.

H'mmm.....Remember the mysterious disappearance of 30 tons (6100 pounds) of ammonium nitrate fertilizer from a train car traveling from the Midwest to California-May. 21, 2023???

Fox Business News

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a7e61a No.75085

File: 50c4074a1d7e5bd⋯.jpeg (169.86 KB,1125x588,375:196,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248329 (270142ZJUL23) Notable: Poso tweets on current events

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248336 (270143ZJUL23) Notable: Canada has to be burning chemical fires disguised as forest fires to purposely usher in Climate Change Slavery Gov. stealing property,farms,killing off live stock and their commie 15 min cities

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wife anon just went up to Canada to visit her mother.

Says she hasn't stopped coughing since she got there.

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a7e61a No.75087

File: e5c657247614581⋯.png (603.69 KB,634x797,634:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248339 (270143ZJUL23) Notable: COMMS: Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis

Michelle Obama left her Martha's Vineyard home Tuesday for the first time since the death of their beloved sous chef Tafari Campbell on Sunday

She traveled from their island home in Edgartown to the Farm Neck Golf Club in nearby Oak Bluffs for a short game

Campbell, 45 – who was married with twins – went missing Sunday while paddle boarding near the Obamas' estate. His body was recovered the following day

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a7e61a No.75088

File: 7f104ce69d2cd27⋯.jpeg (218.8 KB,1125x680,225:136,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248349 (270145ZJUL23) Notable: Poso tweets on current events

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75089

File: ee6cda72eeccbe6⋯.jpg (121.91 KB,473x571,473:571,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248352 (270145ZJUL23) Notable: DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248359 (270146ZJUL23) Notable: Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


seen bits of this but this is 32 minute long and very complete footage of Fuddy being removed entire engine failure landing escape and result

notable drip

Real World Police release?


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a7e61a No.75091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248361 (270146ZJUL23) Notable: Canada has to be burning chemical fires disguised as forest fires to purposely usher in Climate Change Slavery Gov. stealing property,farms,killing off live stock and their commie 15 min cities

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Thank Q, It's man made, and no one trusts these global destroyers on steroids

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a7e61a No.75092

File: 5dc920a013e2847⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248376 (270148ZJUL23) Notable: Mitch McConnell seemed to suffer some kind of medical episode during a press conference (Cap 0:46)

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props to anon who dubbed this. Kek

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a7e61a No.75093

File: 4d93ab613525318⋯.png (19.29 KB,571x175,571:175,Clipboard.png)

File: d7cda1f35d0bce4⋯.png (403.29 KB,598x547,598:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248382 (270150ZJUL23) Notable: Poso tweets on current events

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Jason Aldean edits video to remove Antifa-BLM scenes

Jul 26, 2023, 2:41 PM

Is it just me but didn't this whole thing just not feel grass Rooty

seemed like a dare to me but what do I know....

my hope was it might start a Vegas rabbit chase

Tracy Beans points 2 TMZ blames Fox ?


Tracy Beanz


Jason Aldean didn’t cave. Fox did. SURPRISE!


Jason Aldean's 'Try That In a Small Town' Didn't Get Permission to Use BLM Protest Video

We now know why Jason Aldean's "Try That In a Small Town" music video was edited ... because the production company skirted the rules and used FOX footage without permission.

1:34 PM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75094

File: 74f943ca01133ea⋯.png (139.2 KB,322x318,161:159,Clipboard.png)

File: e3584c99bd5cdda⋯.png (206.21 KB,483x336,23:16,Clipboard.png)

File: f8cf57dffe89937⋯.png (164.55 KB,291x412,291:412,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fd22bfa1031825⋯.png (102.4 KB,211x329,211:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248400 (270151ZJUL23) Notable: Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

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a7e61a No.75095

File: 3aca9af47153598⋯.png (775.39 KB,866x767,866:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248408 (270152ZJUL23) Notable: Judge Demands Explanation From Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Over Alleged Lie to Court Clerk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Judge Demands Explanation From Hunter

Biden’s Lawyers Over Alleged Lie to

Court Clerk

Epoch Times, by Caden Pearson

Posted By: earlybird, 7/26/2023 7:41:51 PM

Lawyers for Hunter Biden may face legal sanctions for allegedly misrepresenting themselves to the court clerk in order to have information related to IRS whistleblowers removed from the case record. A member of Mr. Biden’s legal team is accused of falsely identifying herself while requesting the removal of amicus materials. According to the court clerk, Jessica Bengels, a New York-based Latham and Watkins litigation services director, contacted the clerk and asked to have the information kept confidential. In a July 25 letter, Theodore Kittila informed Delaware Judge Maryellen Noreika of the alleged trick, and that the clerk’s office had “advised that someone contacted the court representing that they worked with my office

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a7e61a No.75096

File: 02552396609d589⋯.png (508 KB,587x730,587:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248424 (270155ZJUL23) Notable: Green parrot comms

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Clown World ™ 🤡


Based 🦜 🤣


2:34 PM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75097

File: 07cf60ccdd2362d⋯.png (68.99 KB,261x117,29:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 50b3c35674c6f85⋯.png (884.44 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 42a561bc86dc8da⋯.png (738.86 KB,545x960,109:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248446 (270159ZJUL23) Notable: Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75098

File: 7a4e28e9a450e42⋯.png (219.91 KB,423x487,423:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248464 (270201ZJUL23) Notable: Ron Paul on COVID and Climate Change: They're Identical in Manipulating Public Opinion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ron Paul on COVID and Climate Change: They're Identical in Manipulating Public Opinion

“They're exactly the same thing! It's manipulation of public opinion, to try to convince people that you better be scared because you need us.”



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a7e61a No.75099

File: cc8a8fdaa2ce4d8⋯.jpg (72.69 KB,800x570,80:57,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9fee2f5fc4b4d7⋯.png (136.11 KB,1023x821,1023:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248480 (270204ZJUL23) Notable: BEWARE NOTE: Who Funds The Lancet…..WHO (World Health Organization), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Previous Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions" Theory" Paper Officially Withdrawn! Disappeared off of the internet within days after it appeared on the internet early Feb.2020 and replaced with the Bill Gates/WHO/CDC funded Lancet's New Non-Bioweapon/Non-Weaponized Virus (Bat-Soup) Theory

Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions", Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon~~February 1, 2020




Previous Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions" Theory" Paper Officially Withdrawn! Disappeared off of the internet in early Feb.2020 and replaced with the Bill Gates/WHO/CDC funded Lancet's New Non-Bioweapon/Non-Weaponized Virus (Bat-Soup) Theory

And Now the CDC's and/or Lancets New Non-Bioweapon/Non-Weaponized Virus (Bat-Soup) version...



And Who funds the Lancet...., WHO, UK's CDC!

BEWARE NOTE: Who Funds The Lancet.....WHO (World Health Organization), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Funding: The Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems in the SDG Era is supported by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


There are several articles written prior to covid 19 stating that Communist China's aging population would bankrupt the entire country. The 241 Million Elderly people above 60 yrs old are considered a "TICKING TIME BOMB" , soon to be an economic crisis.

Both SARS Coronaviruses targeted the elderly, both came from Communist China & US .

How do you silence massive # of protesters?

And Euthanasia of it's elderly population?

It has happened before in communist china

Communist China: 45 million died in Mao's Great Leap Forward


Was HIV a lab created bio-weapon?

, bioweapon man made releasedy annual flu virus for flu vaccine profits on a yearly basis?

Some of us already knew it (4 inserts of HIV/AIDS).....Jan/Feb 2020


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a7e61a No.75100

File: 6715e330a861a56⋯.png (269.2 KB,425x647,425:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248486 (270204ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. Malone Drops a Bomb: Population Control Is ‘Official Policy Of US Government’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨 Dr. Malone Drops a Bomb: Population Control Is ‘Official Policy Of US Government’

“Documents reveal that capping population growth at 8 billion is official US policy,” reported Dr. Robert Malone.

“So we now have a series of documents and receipts that lay out the real political logic that the US should act through a variety of different means, including birth control, advancing abortion, and advancing technologies for reduction in population.”

Original Clip: https://rumble.com/v32hru8-dr.-robert-malone-population-control-is-official-policy-of-us-government..html

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v32jtbg-dr.-malone-drops-a-bomb-population-control-is-official-policy-of-us-govern.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)

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a7e61a No.75101

File: 3a4ca75677147a1⋯.png (715.08 KB,812x818,406:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248503 (270206ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Employee Armen Hovanesian Used COVID Small Business Relief to Fund Illegal Pot Operation

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NASA Employee Used COVID Small Business Relief to Fund Illegal Pot Operation

JULY 26, 2023

An employee of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) pleaded guilty to using COVID relief designed for small businesses to fund an illegal cannabis operation.

A NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) employee agreed to plead guilty to defrauding a government loan program developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. He admitted that he used part of the proceeds to fund an illegal cannabis grow operation, the Justice Department announced on July 24.

“Armen Hovanesian, 32, of Glendale, a cost-control and budget-planning resource analyst for the JPL, a federally funded research and development center operated by the California Institute of Technology for NASA, agreed to plead guilty to a single-count information charging him with wire fraud,” the Justice department wrote. “Both the information and a plea agreement were filed Thursday in United States District Court. Hovanesian is expected to make his initial court appearance on August 11.”

Per the plea agreement, between June 2020 to October 2020, Hovanesian applied for three loans, using the names of business entities under his control to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL), a program administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA) that provided low-interest financing to small businesses, renters, and homeowners, in this case, for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Hovanesian admitted to making false and fraudulent statements in the loan applications concerning the gross revenues each of the businesses had generated in the preceding year as well as false and fraudulent statements concerning his intended use of loan proceeds.”

The SBA requires—under penalty of perjury—that grantees “use all the proceeds” of the loans for which he applied and caused others to apply for “solely as working capital to alleviate economic injury caused by disaster” consistent with the terms and limitations of the EIDL program.

But instead of using it for COVID relief, Hovanesian used the proceeds for his own benefit, repaying a personal real-estate debt and funding his illegal cannabis cultivation operation.

The Justice Department says Hovanesian fraudulently used the SBA to transfer via interstate wire EIDL proceeds amounting to $151,900.

The punishment is serious: After Hovanesian pleads guilty, he will face a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.


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a7e61a No.75102

File: 812c3a256bd2c5b⋯.png (815.1 KB,1200x804,100:67,Clipboard.png)

File: e065fdb993605c3⋯.png (28.35 KB,662x436,331:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 570ecf7b37f4ef4⋯.png (1.28 MB,1152x768,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248528 (270208ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Liar Sperg's: Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

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>Liar is Already shutting down US Steel granite city.

I didn't see anything recent. Still looking.

Steel Plant Trump ‘Saved’ Slated to End Steelmaking Forever

U.S. Steel in talks to close century-old furnaces in Illinois

About 1,000 jobs will be lost after two-year transition.

U.S. Steel Corp., the nation’s third-largest steelmaker, announced it’s in talks to end production at its century-old furnaces in Illinois.

Article for subscribers only:

Updated onJune 29, 2022



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a7e61a No.75103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248533 (270210ZJUL23) Notable: Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

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Same woman you fucktard, go look at the pictures and get up to speed

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a7e61a No.75104

File: ee62782a658aa03⋯.png (116.17 KB,294x338,147:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248555 (270214ZJUL23) Notable: Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

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Stanley Ann Dunham is not Loretta Fuddy.

She's John Kerry.

You get YOUR own self up to speed.

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a7e61a No.75105

File: eabf3e210749b1f⋯.png (210.84 KB,542x571,542:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248574 (270216ZJUL23) Notable: Serial Liar Adam Schiff Lashes Out at McCarthy, Republicans For Floating Biden Impeachment Inquiry

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Serial Liar Adam Schiff Lashes Out at McCarthy, Republicans For Floating Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Serial liar Adam Schiff lashed out at McCarthy and House Republicans for floating an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden.

McCarthy this week said the House of Representatives is readying for the impeachment of Joe Biden.

“This is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry…something we haven’t seen since Richard Nixon, [Joe Biden] used the weaponization of government to benefit his family and deny Congressional oversight,” McCarthy said.

Adam Schiff said Republicans just want to impeach someone – anyone – without evidence.

“The Republican desire to impeach someone — anyone, no matter if there’s any evidence — just shows how they have descended into chaos,” Adam Schiff said.


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a7e61a No.75106

File: 78e9426540af3fd⋯.png (249.72 KB,567x559,567:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248594 (270218ZJUL23) Notable: Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin, Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking

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Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin with Sean Hannity – Here Are the Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking

On Tuesday night Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joined Sean Hannity on FOX News for a town hall event.

During the hour-long show, Kennedy continued to gain the approval of the FOX News audience. The crowd repeatedly broke out in applause in support of his positions and ideas for America’s future.

At one point the topic of COVID policy and treatment alternatives came up.

Robert Kennedy Jr. argued with Sean Hannity on the effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

The mainstream media continues to lie about the effectiveness of these treatments. And Sean Hannity, who once was a vocal supporter of using hydroxychloroquine for treating the COVID virus, pushed back against RFK Jr.

Robert Kennedy Jr. pointed out, “You don’t know about those studies because the press is not reporting them.”

The audience applauded Kennedy’s response.


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a7e61a No.75107

File: c7109d4ca720ddf⋯.png (95.4 KB,547x193,547:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248603 (270220ZJUL23) Notable: Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin, Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking

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a7e61a No.75108

File: e23a28bb195779e⋯.png (1.6 MB,1272x946,636:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248640 (270225ZJUL23) Notable: Canada has to be burning chemical fires disguised as forest fires to purposely usher in Climate Change Slavery Gov. stealing property,farms,killing off live stock and their commie 15 min cities

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>Do any anons have more info on this?

Go here for recent updates:


Fire Information for Resource Management System US/Canada


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a7e61a No.75109

File: 6f8c9f70f4343bc⋯.png (217.92 KB,421x568,421:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248661 (270227ZJUL23) Notable: Rudy W. Giuliani: We are simply moving to a point in the case where we can file a motion to dismiss If you see a headline claiming I made an admission, just know it is #FakeNews.

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The Fake News says I admitted to lying in an overnight court filing. I didn't.

We are simply moving to a point in the case where we can file a motion to dismiss.

If you see a headline claiming I made an admission, just know it is #FakeNews.

🔗 Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) (https://twitter.com/i/status/1684307957419241474)

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a7e61a No.75110

File: 7aabf9d9583879c⋯.png (66.76 KB,673x513,673:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248693 (270232ZJUL23) Notable: Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin, Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking

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Minnesota medical worker has both of her legs AMPUTATED after contracting COVID-19 just days after receiving her second vaccine dose

Jummai Nache, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, received the second dose of her COVID-19 vaccine on February 1

Days later, she felt chest pains and was rushed to the hospital, where she tested positive for the virus

Doctors diagnosed her with arterial blood clots multiple inflammatory syndrome (MIS), a condition where multiple organs in the body become inflamed.

Jummai's health rapidly deteriorated and she had to have of her legs amputated

Medical experts are unsure whether the vaccine caused her complications, while her husband searches for answers

Jummai will soon need her hands amputated as well, though her heart has fully recovered

By Mansur Shaheen For Dailymail.Com

Updated: 13:21 EDT, 22 November 2021


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a7e61a No.75111

File: 850ad01bb4a837d⋯.png (314.81 KB,923x1112,923:1112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248695 (270232ZJUL23) Notable: Q 1739 Jul 27, 2018 Device Test X. Q

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a7e61a No.75112

File: b39e4c2c5215f25⋯.png (567.92 KB,601x622,601:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248709 (270233ZJUL23) Notable: @HillaryClinton I've had a strong sense of connection to elephants But James A. Baker III and I believe this summer could be a turning point COMMS

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Hillary Clinton


I've had a strong sense of connection to elephants ever since I had the chance to see them in the wild on trips as first lady.

They're sadly being killed at a staggering rate.

But James A. Baker III and I believe this summer could be a turning point. https://washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/07/26/elephant-ivory-japan-hillary-clinton-james-baker/



4:19 AM · Jul 27, 2021


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a7e61a No.75113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248736 (270237ZJUL23) Notable: @HillaryClinton I've had a strong sense of connection to elephants But James A. Baker III and I believe this summer could be a turning point COMMS

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Japan must finally end the sale and trade of elephant ivory

By James A. Baker III and Hillary Rodham Clinton

July 26, 2021

James A. Baker III was secretary of state under President George H.W. Bush. Hillary Rodham Clinton was secretary of state under President Barack Obama.

As the world watches the Tokyo Olympics, our thoughts turn to the international peace and cooperation that the Games have come to symbolize. Each of us, in the administrations we served, wedded these traditional concerns of state to the conservation of nature — and of wildlife species in particular. The growth of wildlife trafficking by sophisticated criminal syndicates has heightened our conviction that the world must speak with one voice.

With that in mind, we believe Tokyo has now a singular opportunity to finally eliminate the sale and trade of elephant ivory in Japan while improving its reputation as a global leader and financial capital.

Market demand for ivory products is the main driver for elephant poaching. Now that the United States, Britain, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore have closed their domestic markets for elephant ivory, Japan has become the world’s largest remaining legal domestic ivory market.

Significant loopholes in Japan’s federal regulatory system continue to allow illegal ivory to enter the country. For example, reliable proof of legal origin and acquisition has never been a requirement, even though it is an obligation under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Likewise, cut pieces of tusks used to make small items of worked ivory are exempt from Japanese registration requirements, making it impossible to identify and track individual pieces, because marking them is not required.

Substantial evidence indicates that these loopholes, combined with weak monitoring and enforcement, have made Japan a key destination for and source of transnational ivory trafficking. As a result, other countries’ bans on domestic ivory trade are undermined — particularly valiant efforts by African countries to protect elephants in their territories.

Between January 2018 and December 2020, at least 76 seizures of ivory routed through Japan were made in other countries, including 72 occurring in China. A recent study of Chinese travelers to Japan found that 19 percent planned to purchase ivory and an estimated 12 percent actually did make an ivory purchase, with the majority bringing that ivory home to China by plane or through the mail, which constitutes smuggling under Chinese law.

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a7e61a No.75114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248738 (270237ZJUL23) Notable: @HillaryClinton I've had a strong sense of connection to elephants But James A. Baker III and I believe this summer could be a turning point COMMS

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The preference of Japanese dealers for the hard ivory of forest elephant tusks is particularly worrisome. Africa’s forest elephants — a critically endangered species native to the humid forests of West Africa — have been devastated by trade. Almost 2 of every 3 African forest elephants were eliminated between 2002 and 2011 according to a census led by the Wildlife Conservation Society.

This is a matter of personal interest to us both. James Baker carried on a decades-long commitment to conservation by Republican administrations as secretary of state under President George H.W. Bush. Responding to rampant elephant poaching, the Bush administration joined the diplomatic and conservation communities in 1989 to call for a total ban on ivory trade. The United States paved the way for this historic agreement through a unilateral ban on ivory imports, as well as its strong support for including the species on Appendix I of CITES.

Hillary Clinton has vivid memories of seeing African elephants in the wild during her travels with President Bill Clinton and their daughter, Chelsea, only a few years later. As secretary of state, she assisted President Barack Obama on the issuance of a National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking and the establishment of the U.S. Task Force and Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking. Out of government, she launched a partnership to save elephants through the Clinton Global Initiative.

As Tokyo vies to attract foreign investment and position itself as a regional financial hub, the city’s leaders must take seriously the risks that the domestic ivory trade creates for these firms and banks. The Financial Task Force of the Royal Foundation, led by Britain’s Prince William, has received pledges from leading global financial institutions to uncover the laundering of profits derived from the illegal wildlife trade. They are seeking partnership from governments to impede these activities, which in many cases are used to finance drug trafficking, terrorism, and other domestic and international transnational crimes and security threats.

We applaud Tokyo’s governor, Yuriko Koike, for establishing an Advisory Committee on the Regulation of Ivory Trade in January 2020. That was an important first step. With international focus on the Olympics, this is a moment when decisive action can have a significant and positive impact on the conservation and protection of elephants as well as on national and international security. Japan must act now to preserve its reputation as a global leader.

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a7e61a No.75115

File: 3c3a319bf24a3d4⋯.png (459.89 KB,787x706,787:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248749 (270239ZJUL23) Notable: Jesse Watters Interviews Eric Trump About Twitter Censorship, Praises QAnon: ‘They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff’

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WATCH: Jesse Watters Interviews Eric Trump About Twitter Censorship, Praises QAnon: ‘They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff’

By Zachary PetrizzoJul 25th, 2020, 10:15 pm


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a7e61a No.75116

File: 5b81d142606ca3e⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248761 (270240ZJUL23) Notable: Jesse Watters Interviews Eric Trump About Twitter Censorship, Praises QAnon: ‘They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff’

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a7e61a No.75117

File: f66e82552fde5a9⋯.png (781.46 KB,907x884,907:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248765 (270241ZJUL23) Notable: Jesse Watters Interviews Eric Trump About Twitter Censorship, Praises QAnon: ‘They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff’

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On MSNBC, Joy Reid calls out Fox host Jesse Watters for “legitimizing QAnon on national television”

Written by Media Matters Staff

Published 07/27/20 8:45 PM EDT


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a7e61a No.75118

File: 515d631938c7748⋯.png (311.4 KB,439x844,439:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248771 (270242ZJUL23) Notable: Jesse Watters Interviews Eric Trump About Twitter Censorship, Praises QAnon: ‘They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff’

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a7e61a No.75119

File: 3866e4c8ecd465d⋯.png (339.59 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e2b84a51b3a235⋯.png (379.05 KB,650x488,325:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248778 (270243ZJUL23) Notable: Australian Politician: Tim Mathieson, former partner of Julia Gillard, to plead guilty to sexual assault charge

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Tim Mathieson, former partner of Julia Gillard, to plead guilty to sexual assault charge

Lawyers for Tim Mathieson, the ex-partner of former prime minister Julia Gillard, say he will plead guilty to a charge of sexual assault.

Mr Mathieson, whose name was listed as Raymond Timothy Mathieson, appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court this morning for a mention hearing.

Mr Mathieson is being prosecuted by Victoria Police's sexual offences and child abuse investigation team (SOCIT).

Magistrate Roslyn Porter confirmed Mr Mathieson is facing a charge of sexual assault. Details of two other charges — which will be dropped by prosecutors — are yet to be released.

"I do confirm that only the one charge of sexual assault is proceeding, and the two other charges have been struck out today by the court," Magistrate Porter said.

Further details of the charges were not aired in court.

Mr Mathieson's lawyer Brad Penno said he would be applying to have two of the charges withdrawn, in exchange for Mr Mathieson pleading guilty to one sexual assault charge.

He made a further request for Mr Mathieson to be granted a diversion order, which would enable him to avoid a criminal record.

Police will now consider that request after speaking with the victim, but a magistrate will have the final say.

The case was adjourned until August 31.

Mr Mathieson did not attend the hearing in-person, instead viewing proceedings from his lawyer's office 200 metres away from the Melbourne Magistrates' Court.

Dressed in a suit and tie, he sat at the back of the room and was not required to speak during the hearing.

The professional hairdresser was previously in a long-term relationship with Ms Gillard, Australia's first female prime minister.

It was reported the couple split in recent years.


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a7e61a No.75120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248814 (270248ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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>>75077, >>75078, >>75079, >>75082, >>75083, >>75089 DC_DRAINO: The government will literally show us proof of aliens before showing us Epstein and Ghislaine’s client list

>>75064 Harnwell: The MSM Is Lying To You About Bibi Netanyahu’s Judicial Reforms In Israel. He also talks about Ukraine 26:22 minutes

>>75065, >>75066, >>75067, >>75068, >>75102 Biden Liar Sperg's: Right now, we have the lowest inflation rate among the G7, It’s no accident. It’s my economic plan.

>>75069, >>75070, >>75071, >>75073, >>75074 Biden Liar Sperg's: By investing in American manufacturing, we’re seeing the rebirth of pride that comes from stamping products “Made in America.”

>>75072, >>75075 No pic of Michelle leaving anywhere But the girls were there and left after the Scooby mystery started

>>75087 COMMS: Michelle Obama leaves her Martha's Vineyard home for the first time since chef Tafari Campbell's death so former First Lady could play tennis

>>75076 Tomorrows Delta's

>>75063 Bank close all accounts on renowned vaccine skeptic Dr. Joseph Mercola

>>75080, >>75090, >>75094, >>75097, >>75103, >>75104 Loretta Fuddy is Barack Obamas mother

>>75081 Dr. John Waterman best and easiest explanation of HIV insertion into Covid Vax, Skip the first hour

>>75084, >>75086, >>75091, >>75108 Canada has to be burning chemical fires disguised as forest fires to purposely usher in Climate Change Slavery Gov. stealing property,farms,killing off live stock and their commie 15 min cities

>>75085, >>75088, >>75093 Poso tweets on current events

>>75095 Judge Demands Explanation From Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Over Alleged Lie to Court Clerk

>>75096 Green parrot comms

>>75098 Ron Paul on COVID and Climate Change: They're Identical in Manipulating Public Opinion

>>75099 Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions" Theory" Paper Disappeared off of the internet early Feb.2020: Replaced with the Bill Gates/WHO/CDC funded Lancet's New Non-Bioweapon/Non-Weaponized Virus (Bat-Soup) Theory

>>75099 BEWARE NOTE: Who Funds The Lancet…..WHO (World Health Organization), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

>>75100 Dr. Malone Drops a Bomb: Population Control Is ‘Official Policy Of US Government’

>>75101 NASA Employee Armen Hovanesian Used COVID Small Business Relief to Fund Illegal Pot Operation

>>75105 Serial Liar Adam Schiff Lashes Out at McCarthy, Republicans For Floating Biden Impeachment Inquiry

>>75106, >>75107, >>75110 Audience Cheers as Robert Kennedy Jr. Argues on the Effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin, Scientific Studies RFK Jr. Was Talking

>>75109 Rudy W. Giuliani: We are simply moving to a point in the case where we can file a motion to dismiss If you see a headline claiming I made an admission, just know it is #FakeNews.

>>75092 Mitch McConnell seemed to suffer some kind of medical episode during a press conference (Cap 0:46)

>>75111 Q 1739 Jul 27, 2018 Device Test X. Q

>>75112, >>75113, >>75114 @HillaryClinton I've had a strong sense of connection to elephants But James A. Baker III and I believe this summer could be a turning point COMMS

>>75115, >>75116, >>75117, >>75118 Jesse Watters Interviews Eric Trump About Twitter Censorship, Praises QAnon: ‘They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff’

>>75119 Australian Politician: Tim Mathieson, former partner of Julia Gillard, to plead guilty to sexual assault charge

Baker seeking handoff at the top

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a7e61a No.75121

File: 67f6626d21ae74f⋯.png (223.5 KB,480x288,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248838 (270252ZJUL23) Notable: #23641

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Q Research General #23641: Eric Trump: They Uncovered A Lot of Great Stuff? Edition

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a7e61a No.75122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248868 (270256ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. trucking downturn foreshadows possible economic gloom

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>>>/qresearch/19248807 p

Analysis: U.S. trucking downturn foreshadows possible economic gloom



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a7e61a No.75123

File: 58aded89cbbb757⋯.png (2.47 MB,1102x2291,38:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248878 (270258ZJUL23) Notable: Jul 28 Delta House of Cards Plea Deal

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Jul 28 Delta

House of Cards

Plea Deal

It is a movie 🎥 playing out! 🍿


>Hunter plea deal today

>Kevin Spacey acquitted today - House of Cards

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a7e61a No.75124

File: 5ec6ac1d42d098d⋯.png (227.99 KB,570x596,285:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248902 (270302ZJUL23) Notable: The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up/Judge Maryellen Noreika

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The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up

If you are trying to pull off a corrupt deal — one that is actually political theater, but that you are trying to masquerade as law — you’d better make sure the judge is in on it.

When it came to that little detail, the Biden administration dropped the ball.

Judge Maryellen Noreika instead did her job.

That is why Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea bargain blew up in Delaware federal court today.

Understand what was happening here.

In every normal criminal case, in every legitimate investigation, you have adversarial parties — the defense looking out for the accused’s interest and, critically, the Justice Department looking out for the public interest.

That means government attorneys being appropriately aggressive in prosecuting lawbreakers. ...


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a7e61a No.75125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248907 (270303ZJUL23) Notable: Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission

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Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission

SpaceX is targeting Wednesday, July 26 for Falcon Heavy’s launch of the Hughes JUPITER 3 mission to a geosynchronous transfer orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The 99-minute launch window opens at 11:04 p.m. ET (03:04 UTC on July 27. If needed, a backup launch opportunity is available on Thursday, July 27 with the same window.

Both of the side boosters on this mission previously supported USSF-44 and USSF-67. Following stage separation, Falcon Heavy’s two side boosters will land on SpaceX’s Landing Zones 1 and 2 (LZ-1 and LZ-2) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.



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a7e61a No.75126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248937 (270311ZJUL23) Notable: Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art

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looks like fine art need regular joes

to spend some cash?



Masterworks Review 2023

Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art. Masterworks makes it relatively easy for investors invest in contemporary artwork by famous artists like Banksy and Jean-Michel Basquiat. The platform offers good research and support resources, and features a well-designed, easy-to-use interface. If you’re looking to diversify your portfolio by investing in artwork without spending a fortune, Masterworks offers a compelling platform.


Platform provides good investment research on artworks and the contemporary art market

Masterworks handles the entire process of finding, purchasing and storing artwork

Platform is well designed and easy to use

Offers early liquidity through a secondary market


Fine art is a relatively high-risk investment, with no recurring income stream

It could take three to ten years for the company to sell an individual artwork and generate returns for investors

Relatively high fees compared to other types of managed investments

Limited liquidity, users may only sell shares early if they can find a willing buyer on the secondary market

Must have a short interview with the company to join

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a7e61a No.75127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248943 (270312ZJUL23) Notable: Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art

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Who Should Choose Masterworks?

Masterworks could be a good option for people who want to add alternative investments in fine art to their portfolio, but would prefer to avoid the costs, risk and hassles of buying entire works of art themselves. With a minimum required investment of $10,000, regular investors won’t need millions to buy valuable contemporary art on Masterworks.

Investing in art involves unusual risks, however. It can take three to ten years before Masterworks sells a work of art from its portfolio, and there’s no guarantee that art works will earn a profit when they are sold. According to Masterworks, the contemporary art market delivered an average annual return of 14.1% over the past 26 years.

That makes Masterworks best for customers who are willing to take on some extra risk for the chance of higher gains. In addition, potential investors should ideally have a passion for contemporary art and some basic knowledge of the art world, as you need to choose which art works you’d like to invest in.

For investors looking to generate ongoing income or who want simpler, safer alternative investments, Masterworks may not be a good fit. It’s also not ideal for investors who need liquidity. While it may be possible to cash out your shares early through the Masterworks secondary market, that’s not guaranteed.

To stay safe, it’s best to only invest money with Masterworks that you could afford to keep locked up for years until the platform eventually sells the artwork in which you’ve invested.

How the Masterworks Platform Works

The company’s research team evaluates promising contemporary artists, and purchases artworks that they deem have a good likelihood of gaining in value over time.

After purchasing a work of contemporary art, Masterworks files with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to sell fractional shares in the work to investors via their platform. Registering each work of art with the SEC makes them qualified investments, allowing Masterworks to accept retail investors and accredited investors.

Once the SEC approves a filing for an individual work of art, Masterworks sells shares for 90 days to their members as a primary offering. You can decide how many shares you want to buy at the listed price. The company tends to price fractional shares at $20 each.

Masterworks holds works of art for three to ten years, until they find a good opportunity to sell them to collectors on the contemporary art market. To date, the company has sold seven works of art, with an average realized net return of 17.8%.

Rhubab by Joan Mitchell; annualized net return of 17.8%

Staring Into Space by George Condo; annualized net return of 21.5%

Lady Day II by Sam Gillman; annualized net return of 33.1%

Mona Lisa by Banksy; annualized net return of 32%

Lured by Cecily Brown; annualized net return of 27.3%

Coup de Vent by Claude Monet; annualized net return of 9.2%

Doppelbild by Albert Oehlen; annualized net return of 36.2%

Once the sale of an art work is complete, Masterworks distributes all proceeds to investors who own shares in the work, prorated by the number of shares owned, minus its own cut of the profits (more on that below).

If you want to cash out your fractional shares before Masterworks sells a work of art, the platform offers a secondary market. Users can buy and sell shares to and from other Masterworks users, although there is no guarantee that there will be buyers your shares at the moment you want to sell. Secondary market prices entirely depend on demand from other Masterworks customers.

Note that the Masterworks secondary market is only open to U.S. citizens who have a bank account with a U.S.-based bank.

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a7e61a No.75128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248948 (270312ZJUL23) Notable: Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art

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Masterworks Fees and Costs

Masterworks charges two fees. First, they charge a 1.5% annual management fee based on the total value of your account. They deduct this charge in equity each year, gradually reducing the number of shares you own. You do not have the option to pay the fee in cash.

Second, if Masterworks sells a work of art on the open market after three to ten years for a gain, they keep 20% of the profits. Masterworks uses these fees to offset the extra costs that come with managing artwork, such as storage, appraisals and insurance, along with SEC regulatory fees.

Masterworks does not charge any transaction fees. You won’t owe anything for buying the shares initially or for selling them to another investor on the secondary market.

Masterworks Advantages

Excellent Art Investment Research

Masterworks provides users with very good research resources on comporary art and the fine art market. Best of all, they offer a contemporary art price database to track thousands of pieces of art. You can search for specific artists and research going prices for their work.

The database provides financial information about each piece of art, like its most recent sale, its gross appreciation, and its annual investment return. Masterworks also provides articles and videos teaching people about art investing

A Well-Designed Platform

The Masterworks platform is clean, simple and well-designed. It’s easy to find the information you need about the different pieces of artwork and to make investments. You may also access your account via a mobile app.

High Potential Returns

Historically, artwork has a higher return compared to other investments like stocks, bonds, and real estate. Art investments averaged a 14.1% annual return over the past 26 years. During this same period, the S&P 500 earned 9.9% per year.

Artwork can offer extra diversification for your portfolio. The ups and dows of the fine art market are relatively uncorrelated with the stock market, which can hedge your returns against a market downturn.

Accessible for Regular Investors

Investing in fine art has conventionally been the special preserve of the very wealthy. Not only would you need to pay the entire price of a work of art upfront, you would also need the ability to pay for ongoing costs of storage and insurance. There are no fine art exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or mutual funds available.

With Masterworks, small investors can buy shares directly in pieces of art they like. In addition, it’s open to any type of investor. You don’t have to be an accredited investor or high net worth individual to use their services.

Reliable Customer Support

Masterworks offers customer service by phone and by email. You can easily connect with one of the platform’s art specialists during the initial interview. This gives you the opportunity to talk about your goals and risk tolerance, after which the specialists help you pick appropriate pieces of art for your investment.

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a7e61a No.75129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248950 (270313ZJUL23) Notable: Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art

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Masterworks Disadvantages

Users Must Design their Own Art Investment Portfolios

While Masterworks charges a high annual management fee, you are ultimately the one who picks the fractional shares that make up your portfolio. Contrast this approach with a robo-advisor or a mutual fund, where experienced, professional money managers select the investment assets that make up your portfolio.

For investors who have a strong interest in contemporary art, this might not be a major disadvantage. But if you’re not well informed about current trends in the market for fine art, you could be at a disadvantage when it comes to making the best choices.

That said, Masterworks experts vet the quality of each piece and they only list those that they think have good investment potential. But at the end of the day, you need to decide which works are the best fit for you.

Fine Art Investments Carry Big Risks

Masterworks itself warns that investing in fine art carries big risks. Artwork does not generate any ongoing cash flows, like interest payments or dividends. The only way to make a good return on your investment is if someone ends up buying the piece for a higher price years down the road, something that is not guaranteed by Masterworks.

The platform’s secondary market provides users with a way to cash out early, but that also carries risks. While you can try selling your shares, there must be another Masterworks user looking to buy, and that’s not guaranteed either.

Higher Taxes on Fine Art

Fine art is taxed as a collectible, subject to a long-term capital gains tax rate of 28%. That’s higher than the long-term capital gains tax rate on conventional investment assets, which tops out at 20% for the wealthiest Americans.

Requires a Phone Interview

Before you can join Masterworks, you need to have a phone interview with one of the company’s specialists. The interview is not a way to reject some applications; on the contrary, it provides a way for Masterworks to get to know you better, answer your questions and recommend investments.

For some potential users who prefer an online-only investment experience and want to get started right away, the interview process might be annoying.

Secondary Market Only Available to U.S. Citizens

To buy and sell shares on the Masterworks secondary market, you must be a U.S. citizen with a U.S. bank account. This could block international investors from one of the platform’s key features.

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a7e61a No.75130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248951 (270313ZJUL23) Notable: Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art

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About Masterworks

Masterworks is a privately held startup company based in New York City that was founded in 2017 by Scott Lynn. The company’s first acquisition was Andy Warhol’s 1979 painting 1 Colored Marilyn (Reversal Series), for a purchase price of $1.82 million. In October 2021, Masterworks raised $110 million in series A venture capital funding, at a total valuation just above $1 billion.

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a7e61a No.75131

File: 01770471c61f2f7⋯.png (323.63 KB,1002x888,167:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248962 (270314ZJUL23) Notable: "Putin's chef"

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>… dead chef was a message to putin…

>how so?

Yevgeny Prigozhin


Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin is a Russian oligarch, mercenary leader, and former close confidant of Russian president Vladimir Putin until he launched a rebellion in June 2023. Prigozhin is sometimes called"Putin's chef", as he owns restaurants and catering companies that provide services for the Kremlin.


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a7e61a No.75132

File: e1ea0e6b1bdd487⋯.png (1.09 MB,2094x1476,349:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249022 (270332ZJUL23) Notable: He's a raving homo…. it was probs against a guy. Hopefully Gillard goes down next…pleading guilty to a single charge of sexual

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He's a raving homo.... it was probs against a guy. Hopefully Gillard goes down next...

"Mr Penno told the court the case against his client had been resolved and he would be pleading guilty to a single charge of sexual assault.

A police prosecutor then withdrew two other unnamed charges against Mr Mathieson."


Sauce: https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/courts-law/julia-gillards-ex-tim-mathieson-to-plead-guilty-to-sexual-assault-court/news-story/f97caf61ad6fc3f7aefbc61bce62fb55

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a7e61a No.75133

File: 6cfcba3c3c614a1⋯.png (224.71 KB,719x547,719:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249025 (270333ZJUL23) Notable: Trump wants to see Biden impeached, and other Republicans are quick to pile on

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Trump wants to see Biden impeached, and other Republicans are quick to pile on

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump wants to see President Joe Biden impeached, and the former president’s allies in Congress and his 2024 GOP presidential rivals are eager to join that fight as his own legal challenges mount.

Trump’s chief opponent, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, this week said the House Republicans “are absolutely within their rights” to consider an impeachment inquiry against Biden. Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, also running for president, said Republicans would be “justified to do it.” And House GOP leaders aligned with Trump are foreshadowing what’s ahead.

“House Republicans will leave no stone unturned,” said Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, the fourth-ranking House GOP leader and a top Trump ally, who is sometimes mentioned as a potential vice presidential pick.

This week, the prospect of impeaching Biden over the business dealings of his son, Hunter Biden, emerged from the far corners of the GOP’s right flank to the mainstream in the Republican Party. ...


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a7e61a No.75134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249049 (270339ZJUL23) Notable: Turtle freezes at presser

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a7e61a No.75135

File: 6102bcd42a2dc55⋯.png (188.74 KB,602x793,602:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249063 (270343ZJUL23) Notable: Jul 28 Delta House of Cards Plea Deal

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Another Delta coming up.

This is fun.

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a7e61a No.75136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249080 (270346ZJUL23) Notable: full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning, pdf's of briefs

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Will Scharf

Based on conversations with people who were in the courtroom today, and my experience as a former federal prosecutor, I think I know the full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning.

Bear with me, because this is a little complicated:

Typically, if the Government is offering to a defendant that it will either drop charges or decline to bring new charges in return for the defendant's guilty plea, the plea is structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A). An agreement not to prosecute Hunter for FARA violations or other crimes in return for his pleading guilty to the tax misdemeanors, for example, would usually be a (c)(1)(A) plea. This is open, transparent, subject to judicial approval, etc.

In Hunter's case, according to what folks in the courtroom have told me, Hunter's plea was structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(B), which is usually just a plea in return for a joint sentencing recommendation only, and contained no information on its face about other potential charges, and contained no clear agreement by DOJ to forego prosecution of other charges.

Instead, DOJ and Hunter's lawyers effectively hid that part of the agreement in what was publicly described as a pretrial diversion agreement relating to a § 922(g)(3) gun charge against Hunter for being a drug user in possession of a firearm.

That pretrial diversion agreement as written was actually MUCH broader than just the gun charge. If Hunter were to complete probation, the pretrial diversion agreement prevented DOJ from ever bringing charges against Hunter for any crimes relating to the offense conduct discussed in the plea agreement, which was purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China and elsewhere.

So they put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the pretrial diversion agreement, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering and Hunter was obtaining through these proceedings. Hunter's upside from this deal was vast immunity from further prosecution if he finished a couple years of probation, and the public wouldn't be any the wiser because none of this was clearly stated on the face of the plea agreement, as would normally be the case.

Judge Noreika smelled a rat. She understood that the lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball. Instead, she backed DOJ and Hunter's lawyers into a corner by pulling all the details out into the open and then indicating that she wasn't going to approve a deal as broad as what she had discovered.

DOJ, attempting to save face and save its case, then stated on the record that the investigation into Hunter was ongoing and that Hunter remained susceptible to prosecution under FARA. Hunter's lawyers exploded. They clearly believed that FARA was covered under the deal, because as written, the pretrial diversion agreement language was broad enough to cover it. They blew up the deal, Hunter pled not guilty, and that's the current state of play.

And so here we are. Hunter's lawyers and DOJ are going to go off and try to pull together a new set of agreements, likely narrower, to satisfy Judge Noreika. Fortunately, I doubt if FARA or any charges related to Hunter's foreign influence peddling will be included, which leaves open the possibility of further investigations leading to further prosecutions.

6:35 PM · Jul 26, 2023·1.3M Views


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a7e61a No.75137

File: 5c1cfcbfada1165⋯.png (74.2 KB,747x485,747:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249113 (270355ZJUL23) Notable: full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning, pdf's of briefs

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hat tip goes to:

Paul Sperry

They put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the PRETRIAL DIVERSION AGREEMENT, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering Hunter. His upside from this deal was vast immunity from further prosecution


11:42 PM · Jul 26, 2023


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a7e61a No.75138

File: 11b5b378ae932ec⋯.png (161.37 KB,904x552,113:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 6efcb34b503d459⋯.png (393.78 KB,967x953,967:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249141 (270402ZJUL23) Notable: full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning, pdf's of briefs

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The Hunter Biden plea deal has leaked -

Here it is:


Under the proposed plea agreement and diversion agreement, Biden would plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and would be able to avoid punishment on a felony gun charge if he stayed out of trouble for two years. But at a tense court hearing, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned the constitutionality of the diversion agreement and refused to sign off on the deal, at least for now. Lawyers are due back in court in several weeks to revisit the issue.


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a7e61a No.75139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249155 (270407ZJUL23) Notable: full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning, pdf's of briefs

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Hunter Biden's plea agreement PDF


Hunter Biden's diversion agreement PDF


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a7e61a No.75140

File: 066fc4b3ccb4e96⋯.png (564.72 KB,904x765,904:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249160 (270408ZJUL23) Notable: Everyone wants to be a Lion, until it’s time to do Lion shit…

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Everyone wants to be a Lion, until it’s time to do Lion shit...

Jul 26, 2023, 11:40 PM


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a7e61a No.75141

File: d17d9352a0277e7⋯.png (1.09 MB,966x1063,966:1063,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249164 (270409ZJUL23) Notable: The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up/Judge Maryellen Noreika

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Wall Street Apes




Kinda crazy how we basically know anyone who stands for justice and gets in the way of the Deep State that there’s a strong chance they will be killed…

Did you ever think this would be America?


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a7e61a No.75142

File: b1ed5f958aa3f86⋯.png (3.08 KB,54x226,27:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249177 (270414ZJUL23) Notable: The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up/Judge Maryellen Noreika

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The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up

July 26, 2023

If you are trying to pull off a corrupt deal — one that is actually political theater, but that you are trying to masquerade as law — you’d better make sure the judge is in on it.

When it came to that little detail, the Biden administration dropped the ball.

Judge Maryellen Noreika instead did her job.

That is why Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea bargain blew up in Delaware federal court today.

Understand what was happening here.

In every normal criminal case, in every legitimate investigation, you have adversarial parties — the defense looking out for the accused’s interest and, critically, the Justice Department looking out for the public interest.

That means government attorneys being appropriately aggressive in prosecuting lawbreakers.

In fact, Justice Department plea-bargain standards generally call for requiring the defendant to plead guilty to, at a minimum, the most serious, readily provable charge.

The Biden investigation is continuing — even expanding — but we already know the Justice Department could have readily proved serious tax felonies (involving more than $10 million in income) and a gun offense carrying a potential 10-year sentence.

Alas, there’s nothing standard about the Hunter Biden case. That’s because the parties are not adversaries. They are in cahoots.

Thus did the president’s son and the president’s Justice Department conspire to orchestrate a plea deal that would (a) allow Hunter Biden to escape prison and be given immunity from future prosecution over the Biden family business of cashing in on President Biden’s political influence, and (b) allow the Biden administration to pretend that, with independence and integrity, the president had allowed his Justice Department to prosecute his own son.

On the egregious facts already known about Hunter’s conduct and the Biden family business, there would have been no way to consummate such a deal unless the judge was in on the scheme.

Judge Noreika was not in on it. She is the one who acted with independence and integrity, declining to let the Biden family and the Biden Justice Department turn her into a rubber stamp for their corruption.

Part of what can make a plea bargain a sweetheart plea bargain is how it’s framed. That’s especially true in political cases.

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a7e61a No.75143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249180 (270414ZJUL23) Notable: The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up/Judge Maryellen Noreika

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The point of plea agreements, by which the vast majority of criminal cases are settled, is to spell out in exacting detail the complete understanding of the parties. It’s a contract.

If something goes wrong down the road, if one of the parties breaches the terms, the clarity of the agreement puts everyone on notice of the consequences.

Here though, because the defendant and the prosecution were not adversaries as in normal criminal cases, they could not spell out their one-sided agreement. Doing so would have been too politically damaging — and this was all about politics.

Both Hunter Biden and the Biden Justice Department wanted an arrangement that would give Hunter the maximum amount of immunity from prosecution for the minimum amount of criminal admissions they thought they could get away with.

But there would have been scandal if prosecutors had written an agreement that said: Hunter pleads guilty to two trivial misdemeanor counts for years 2018 and 2019 with the expectation of no jail time, and the government further makes a firearms felony disappear; in exchange, the Justice Department will not prosecute him for any other tax crimes, money laundering, felony failure to register as a foreign agent, bribery conspiracy, or any other criminal offenses arising out of his business dealings from 2014 to 2019.

So instead, with a nod and a wink, the Justice Department wrote a plea agreement saying merely that Hunter would plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges in satisfaction of the conduct covering all tax years from 2014 through 2019.

This would allow Hunter to walk away saying the case was over and claiming immunity for not only tax crimes but for any criminal offense arising out of his years of lucrative business dealings. For its part, the Justice Department would say, “The agreement settling the tax offenses speaks for itself. Beyond that, we, of course, cannot comment because that could compromise an ongoing investigation.”

Get it? Hunter quietly walks away with a complete pass, the Justice Department clams up, the “ongoing investigation” slips into the great black hole that it has been all along, never again to be heard of, and Joe Biden goes on the campaign trail bragging about how he fearlessly let his Justice Department prosecute his own son with — all together now — independence and integrity.

It didn’t happen that way because, thankfully, one federal judge did her duty

Judge Noreika didn’t have to do much: just ask Hunter Biden’s defense lawyers and the Biden Justice Department prosecutors what, exactly, they had agreed to.

The Biden Justice Department didn’t dare say that publicly, so the sweetheart deal went up in smoke.

Andrew C. McCarthy is a former federal prosecutor.


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a7e61a No.75144

File: 346acd698dca6c1⋯.png (296.69 KB,905x768,905:768,Clipboard.png)

File: af378ec97fa35da⋯.png (162.49 KB,629x737,629:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249205 (270421ZJUL23) Notable: @marklevinshow THE SOUND OF FREEDOM

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Jul 26, 2023, 10:37 PM


Mark R. Levin



In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. Last night, my wife urged me to join her and special viewing of THE SOUND OF FREEDOM on Capitol Hill. Speaker McCarthy invited members of both parties to the special event. Not a single Democrat congressman attended. Not one. We watched this movie, and it will shake you up. It will open your eyes. It will expose the extent of child sex-trafficking not just throughout the globe, but especially in our country. And the open-borders policies of the regime have handed the borders over to the drug cartels, mobster kingpins, kidnappers, and sex-traffickers. Indeed, the level of children sex-trafficking has skyrocketed in the last few years. The Democrats and their media have dismissed the movie as Q-Non (sp?) inspired (whatever the hell that is or means). Why would they not want this horror known to the public and help eliminate it? Because their politics and policies are dead wrong, and they're destroying and killing people. The sex-trafficking even involves infants.

I strongly encourage you to watch the movie, as soon as possible. It is the story of a DHS investigator who rejected the government's red-tape and obstacles to tracking down a brother and sister who were kidnapped and sold into sex

5:59 PM · Jul 26, 2023



Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023)


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a7e61a No.75145

File: 0543441cc35c274⋯.png (422.1 KB,919x805,919:805,Clipboard.png)

File: 433d845232b6b64⋯.png (414.78 KB,902x789,902:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249210 (270423ZJUL23) Notable: @DanScavino Caught this pic of @realDonaldTrump yesterday, before getting on Trump Force One

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Caught this pic of @realDonaldTrump yesterday, before getting on Trump Force One, and departing Louisiana for Bedminster…

Jul 27, 2023, 12:04 AM


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a7e61a No.75146

File: e3547c252919775⋯.png (193.47 KB,911x425,911:425,Clipboard.png)

File: e3547c252919775⋯.png (193.47 KB,911x425,911:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249218 (270425ZJUL23) Notable: @DanScavino I’m told this @realDonaldTrump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Saturday is going to be YUGGGGGE!

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


I’m told this @realDonaldTrump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Saturday is going to be YUGGGGGE! #TRUMP2024

Come join, tickets here:


45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania

Sign up for a ticket TODAY!


Jul 27, 2023, 12:06 AM


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a7e61a No.75147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249358 (270513ZJUL23) Notable: Sean Hannity Unmasks as Full-Throated Neocon During RFK Jr Townhall

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Sean Hannity Unmasks as Full-Throated Neocon During RFK Jr Townhall

These types of revelations are always good, and perhaps now the Trump family will quit entertaining Hannity as something other than the control officer for the financial group behind the corporate media intents. However, I won’t hold my breath on that outlook – at least not any longer than it will take the Trump orbit to realize Jason Miller is the Bill Barr of the Trump 2024 campaign.


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a7e61a No.75148

File: 72de535a2cf0a74⋯.png (811.43 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.png)

File: db96aed41c3dc5d⋯.png (607.5 KB,903x1138,903:1138,Clipboard.png)

File: ec8476a757d95bd⋯.jpg (218.75 KB,900x700,9:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249382 (270519ZJUL23) Notable: "Hearing transcripts obtained by @MarcoPolo501c3 show Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, admitting to the judge his client made money ($664K) from China (CEFC China Energy) — DIRECTLY contracting Joe Biden

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@therealtoriabrooke · 45m

"Hearing transcripts obtained by @MarcoPolo501c3 show Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, admitting to the judge his client made money ($664K) from China (CEFC China Energy) — DIRECTLY contracting Joe Biden

"That’s not true," the big guy said in March when asked about China cash." @WendellHusebo


Toria prolly meant to say, "DIRECTLYcontradictingJoe Biden".

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a7e61a No.75149

File: 62b285c3f1a5766⋯.jpg (19.45 KB,630x420,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249416 (270529ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Family Scandals Are So Much Bigger Than Hunter’s Hookers And Burisma Bribery

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Biden Family Scandals Are So Much Bigger Than Hunter’s Hookers And Burisma Bribery

The scandal, however, was never about Hunter’s sordid sex life and history of drug abuse. Rather, it concerned Joe Biden’s abuse of power as vice president for financial gain. But now it reaches much further — including 10 distinct scandals.

Saturated in Scandal

1. The Many (Uncharged) Crimes of Hunter Biden

While the current scandals swirling around the laptop are unrelated to Hunter Biden’s sex life or drug abuse, the president’s son features in the first scandal: Evidence indicates Hunter Biden committed numerous crimes, including felonies.

2. Joe Biden’s Business Lie

Hunter Biden’s laptop also exposed the reality that Joe Biden lied to the American public, dating back to September 2019. During a campaign stop, the then-Democrat presidential candidate snapped at Fox News’ Peter Doocy, claiming: “I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

3. Joe Biden’s Corruption

The much more serious scandal, however, concerns extensive evidence of Joe Biden’s widespread corruption. Bank and corporate records, suspicious activity reports, emails and text messages recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop, travel records, reporting from a “highly credible” CHS, and testimony and expected testimony from Hunter Biden’s business partners indicate that Joe Biden, while vice president, exchanged political favors for payments to his family members — with a cut of the cash coming to the “Big Guy.”[Pedo Pete]


While the first three scandals involve misconduct and likely criminality by Hunter and Joe Biden, there are at least twice as many distinct scandals that flow from cover-up efforts to protect the Bidens.

4. FBI’s Interference in the 2020 Election

By December 2019, the FBI had authenticated the laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. Yet, knowing the laptop was real and contained spectacularly damaging details implicating Joe Biden in corruption, the FBI spent the months leading up to the November 2020 election grooming tech giants to believe a “hack-and-leak operation” was imminent. The FBI also pushed social media companies to change their terms of service to prohibit the posting of so-called hacked materials.

5. Intelligence Agencies’ Interference in the 2020 Election

Former and current members of intelligence agencies soon joined the FBI in interfering in the 2020 election. The House Intelligence and Weaponization Committees previously detailed evidence of that interference in their report titled, “How Senior Intelligence Community Officials and the Biden Campaign Worked to Mislead American Voters.”

6. Intel Agencies’ Failure to Protect America Against Foreign Influence

7. DOJ and FBI’s Handling of Biden Investigations

Cover-Ups of the Cover-Ups

8. DOJ and FBI’s Cover-Up of Failure to Investigate Bidens

9. Democrats Lying to Protect Joe Biden

10. Press Acting as Biden-Run Media

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a7e61a No.75150

File: cd85a89949caa29⋯.png (362.83 KB,809x765,809:765,Clipboard.png)

File: 0078f8f19829efe⋯.png (508.8 KB,843x1756,843:1756,Clipboard.png)

File: 57e5211bbe26767⋯.png (352.86 KB,792x1670,396:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249441 (270536ZJUL23) Notable: Mercola has Chase accounts suddenly terminated, owner critical of COVID vaccines, FDA

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Mercola has Chase accounts suddenly terminated, owner critical of COVID vaccines, FDA

Jul. 25, 2023

Editor’s note: This story was updated to include a response from Chase.

CAPE CORAL, Fla. (FLV) – Employees of a Florida-based retail health company said JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly terminated their personal and company bank accounts without an explanation.

One of the employees believes the account shutdowns were politically motivated and due to their employer’s controversial stance on COVID-19.

Another Mercola Market employee said the sudden decision to close her account is creating additional hurdles to help send money to her husband who is bedridden with dementia in the Philippines.

The owner of Mercola Market, Dr. Joseph Mercola, has criticized of COVID-19 vaccines and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Responding to the report, Chase told Florida’s Voice Wednesday that the accounts weren’t closed for political “affiliations.”

“For privacy reasons, we can’t discuss customer relationships, but we don’t close accounts because of political affiliations, and we didn’t do so in this case,” they said.


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a7e61a No.75151

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249457 (270538ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Davis: "It was a wink-wink agreement between the Biden Justice Department and Hunter Biden"

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Mike Davis basically explains the same thing as Will Scharf, there was a secret deal that covered immunity for everything. Wasn’t this the judge that Hunter Attys tried to cheat to pull the Amicus disclosures out?No wonder she went digging

Mike Davis: "It was a wink-wink agreement between the Biden Justice Department and Hunter Biden"

PN>>75015, >>75027 Will Scharf: Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning explanation?


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a7e61a No.75152

File: 337ce19bf4e7c10⋯.png (524.97 KB,682x1700,341:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249492 (270550ZJUL23) Notable: Reports increase in need for multi-port access points for embalming from 15% prior to vaccine to 70% now

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Mary Talley Bowden MD


3rd patient today is a funeral home director. Reports increase in need for multi-port access points for embalming from 15% prior to vaccine to 70% now. Also seeing significant increase in middle-aged patients. Records could be requested from funeral homes to verify these findings.

July 26, 2023


Safety policy hasn’t rebranded. Germans reported me for this tweet.



What does multiport access points mean?

Mary Talley Bowden MD


Refers to number of sites on the body used to drain and embalm.. typically use just one… but if vessels are obstructed, need to use more.

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a7e61a No.75153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249499 (270552ZJUL23) Notable: Jesse Watters on Hunter's plea deal

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The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.

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a7e61a No.75154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249520 (270601ZJUL23) Notable: A Courtroom Perspective: GOP Hero Julianne Murray Weighs in On the Hunter Biden Court Fiasco from Inside the Delaware Courtroom

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See GP

A Courtroom Perspective: GOP Hero Julianne Murray Weighs in On the Hunter Biden Court Fiasco from Inside the Delaware Courtroom (AUDIO)


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a7e61a No.75155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249536 (270609ZJUL23) Notable: Jesse Watters on Hunter's plea deal

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a7e61a No.75156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249616 (270640ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23641 >>75121

note collector

>>75122 U.S. trucking downturn foreshadows possible economic gloom

>>75123, >>75135 Jul 28 Delta House of Cards Plea Deal

>>75124, >>75141, >>75142, >>75143 The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up/Judge Maryellen Noreika

>>75125 Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission

>>75126, >>75127, >>75128, >>75129, >>75130 Masterworks is an alternative investing platform that sells shares in works of fine art

>>75131 "Putin's chef"

>>75132 He's a raving homo…. it was probs against a guy. Hopefully Gillard goes down next…pleading guilty to a single charge of sexual

>>75133 Trump wants to see Biden impeached, and other Republicans are quick to pile on

>>75134 Turtle freezes at presser

>>75136, >>75137, >>75138, >>75139 full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning, pdf's of briefs

>>75140 Everyone wants to be a Lion, until it’s time to do Lion shit…

>>75144 @marklevinshow THE SOUND OF FREEDOM

>>75145 @DanScavino Caught this pic of @realDonaldTrump yesterday, before getting on Trump Force One

>>75146 @DanScavino I’m told this @realDonaldTrump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Saturday is going to be YUGGGGGE!

baker change

>>75147 Sean Hannity Unmasks as Full-Throated Neocon During RFK Jr Townhall

>>75148 "Hearing transcripts obtained by @MarcoPolo501c3 show Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, admitting to the judge his client made money ($664K) from China (CEFC China Energy) — DIRECTLY contracting Joe Biden

>>75149 Biden Family Scandals Are So Much Bigger Than Hunter’s Hookers And Burisma Bribery

>>75150 Mercola has Chase accounts suddenly terminated, owner critical of COVID vaccines, FDA

>>75151 Mike Davis: "It was a wink-wink agreement between the Biden Justice Department and Hunter Biden"

>>75152 Reports increase in need for multi-port access points for embalming from 15% prior to vaccine to 70% now

>>75153, >>75155 Jesse Watters on Hunter's plea deal

>>75154 A Courtroom Perspective: GOP Hero Julianne Murray Weighs in On the Hunter Biden Court Fiasco from Inside the Delaware Courtroom



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75157

File: b7b7519ac61d9aa⋯.png (304.43 KB,508x392,127:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249627 (270645ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker OUT, bread is ghosted

God bless this site, this board, this bread

Good night, anons.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249822 (270823ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin – Pyongyang

The message was reportedly relayed by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu during his visit to North Korea


While hosting a meeting with Sergey Shoigu, Kim asked him to thank Putin for his “warm and good letter,” the state-run KCNA said.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75159

File: ca48eeab6141ee3⋯.png (189.36 KB,500x285,100:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249855 (270848ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday

Yellow is the third-largest LTL company and employs some 30,000 workers, including around 22,000 Teamsters members. The trucking company had an operating revenue of $5.245 billion in 2022.

Yellow’s senior vice president of sales informed her staff on Wednesday that their last day would be Friday and the less-than-truckload carrier will file bankruptcy on Monday, according to three employees who attended the video call.

WEDNESDAY, JUL 26, 2023 - 06:40 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75160

File: d9700573c157bb5⋯.png (309.82 KB,866x761,866:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249869 (270903ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”

(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and ordering through the links below, which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

Dr. Peter McCullough is not only America’s leading cardiologist, but he is also our foremost COVID-19 expert. Now that we have several years of COVID data under our belt, Dr. McCullough is exposing the truths about the disease and the experimental vaccines that were forced on so many Americans.

Dr. McCullough, reviewing recent studies on the prevalence of serious heart-related issues after the vaccine, writes,

“the COVID-19 vaccine campaign has generated a tidal wave of new patients with a variety of problems. Fortunately, many issues we are able to handle in the office. Adverse events warranting hospitalization including “heart attacks” is another matter.”

Dr. McCullough makes it clear that the mountains of scientific evidence, including a review of over 100 studies, show the dangers of the vaccine,

“One can see from this analysis, that cardiovascular complications including various forms of “heart attacks” do indeed occur after COVID-19 vaccination and the medical academic community and the WHO is widely recognizing the association. So the next time a doctor tries to gaslight you or your loved on a heart attack after the vaccine, please share this….”

But it’s not just the vaccinated who need to be concerned, Dr. McCullough also recently reported that the persistent presence of spike protein, the protein present in both COVID and the mRNA COVID vaccines, can be transmitted or “shed” onto others.

“In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size.”

Fortunately, Dr. McCullough has identified a solution: the best-known way to remove and protect against mRNA-carrying spike proteins is a daily dose of over-the-counter nattokinase:.

“Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”

If you or someone you love would like to try nattokinase, The Wellness Company’s “Spike Support Formula” contains nattokinase plus other extracts and is designed by Dr. Peter McCullough and his team.

In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula you will find:

Nattokinase (enzyme shown to dissolve spike protein)

Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)

Dandelion root (may prevent spike protein from binding to cells)

Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)

Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)

Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)

Here is Dr. Jen VanDeWater talking about all the elements of The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:

People are saying about The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:

“I saw Dr. McCullough talk about the product and decided to give it a try. A month and a half later, I feel sooo much better. I also have recommended the product to family members to help them detox from the painful side effects of the vaccine.”

“I feel like I have had brain fog for the past 18 months and after taking this supplement noticed the fog lifting finally. I plan to buy more for myself and now a friend suffering from heart issues.”

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75161

File: 30ba5796ee5a909⋯.png (190.9 KB,916x414,458:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 30ba5796ee5a909⋯.png (190.9 KB,916x414,458:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249892 (270922ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY at the Erie Insurance Arena. See you soon!

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania

Sign up for a ticket TODAY!


Jul 27, 2023, 12:31 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75162

File: 4dd88cacc033fe4⋯.png (9.68 KB,494x182,19:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249922 (270934ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17 words....

Elon Musk


It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people

3:32 AM · Jul 27, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75163

File: 085e691ecd7d863⋯.png (27.11 KB,911x212,911:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249959 (270947ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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JUST IN:Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform.

Jul 27, 2023, 5:13 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75164

File: 406742603c3174c⋯.png (361.24 KB,553x761,553:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fa54344843a740⋯.png (779.78 KB,992x1035,992:1035,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19249962 (270948ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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@WallStreetApes · 3h

All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page.

Yes this is real

You would NEVER see this in the United States of lobbying paid off politicians and the fake news mafia

Jul 27, 2023, 1:16 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75165

File: bdb1ce225bdd87f⋯.png (745.82 KB,762x587,762:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250000 (271007ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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The military in Niger has seized President Mohamed Bazoum, declared his government at an end, and closed the country’s borders, angering the Biden administration in the United States. “[W]e, the defense and security forces, under the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), have decided to put an end to the regime you know,” declared an officer identified as Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane in a televised address. “This follows the continuing deterioration of the security situation, and poor economic and social governance,” he added. Niger, which has long been struggling with jihadist insurgents from al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Islamic State, was an important partner for the West, taking in many French troops from neighboring Mali after that country realigned with Russia and the Wagner Group. Western governments have therefore condemned the coup, with Joe Biden’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, saying the United States “strongly condemns any effort to seize power by force and disrupt the constitutional order” and demanding Bazoum’s “immediate release”. “Niger is a critical partner for the United States,” she added.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75166

File: 58dc6177720c493⋯.png (55.81 KB,1670x372,835:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250049 (271026ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Ambient temperature / pressure superconductor.

1. 100 billion kWh of electricity are wasted on transmission losses each year in the US alone. That's equivalent to 3 of our largest nuclear reactors running 24/7. Superconductivity enables lossless electricity transmission at high voltages and currents.

2. According to the authors, the LK-99 material can be prepared in about 34 hrs with extremely basic lab equipment (a mortar & pestle, basic vacuum, and furnace). These results could replicate within days-weeks.

3. Nuclear fusion reactors rely on superconductors for plasma confinement. Modern designs use RBCO/YBCO superconductors cooled with LN2 or Liquid He, creating a huge temperature gradient and challenging operation. Ambient superconductors enable a whole host of new reactor designs

4. Quantum computers use superconductors to preserve coherence in qubits. Small changes in temperature and pressure can cause the entire QC to fail during operation. Imagine a room temperature quantum computer on your desktop - now possible.

5. Superconductors might be the best batteries out there. Simply inject a current and keep it in the coil until you need it. Previously, too costly to maintain. Now, totally feasible.

6. Your iPhone won't overheat when playing subway surfer with a youtube video in the corner anymore! Ultra-efficient computer chips will have 0 resistive losses during operation with superconductors. No need for cooling fans!!

7. And, the common ones: super-cheap MRI machines, MagLev trains everywhere, and a super efficient electric grid.


The team publishing the discovery is fighting and divided on the credit for the discovery so it's not a larp.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75167

File: c53cb41112e9c08⋯.png (473.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250075 (271035ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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US drone locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow

The Su-34 and Su-35 planes were forced to fire flares during a dangerous encounter over Syria, a senior military official said

A US MQ-9 Reaper surveillance and attack drone flew “dangerously close” to a pair of Russian Su-34 and Su-35 fighter jets in Syria on Wednesday, Moscow said. It was the second such incident in less than a week.

According to Rear Admiral Oleg Gurinov, the deputy head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, the incident occurred shortly after 7:30 am local time over the northwestern Aleppo Province. He said the Russian planes automatically fired decoy flares after their radars showed that the Reaper had locked its weapons on them.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre offered a different account of the event, stating that the Russian aircraft were “flying dangerously close to our drone,” which was part of a mission against Islamic extremists.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75168

File: 88ff2842183ab2d⋯.png (381.16 KB,410x826,205:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250163 (271119ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First Obama's chef dies mysteriously... now MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING





"We don't know where she went or where she is right now," said an inside source on condition their name not be used. "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning."


Follow @CBKNEWS121


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250165 (271119ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Forgot the link


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75170

File: 7f262441c591d1f⋯.png (104.45 KB,613x607,613:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 06911fd607d3031⋯.png (466.43 KB,1440x1321,1440:1321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250175 (271128ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@PepeDeluxe · 17m

Frens look 👀... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots

Jul 27, 2023, 6:08 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75171

File: 7e32510359fdfbd⋯.mp4 (435.66 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 48713f55baf92a6⋯.png (529.8 KB,937x518,937:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 40b38c8aa61443a⋯.png (169.37 KB,897x605,897:605,Clipboard.png)

File: ab03db2b635bc7b⋯.png (3.88 MB,3232x1509,3232:1509,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fcd45379205de3⋯.png (760.42 KB,751x1061,751:1061,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250201 (271142ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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🇨🇳 #China 🇨🇳

China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles


Oceanalpha (http://www.oceanalpha.com/), the company behind the craft, said in a statement drills were carried out to demonstrate the boats’ ability to work in formation, as well as their potential use in naval warfare.

Video footage released of tests shows drones sailing in a flotilla, avoiding each other as they change direction rapidly.


The fleet then arranges to form the two Chinese characters “junmin”, a reference to cooperation between the civil and defence sectors, before joining in the shape of an aircraft carrier.

Oceanalpha confirmed the drones are designed to overwhelm enemies during sea battles.

“Once equipped with weapons, unmanned small combat vessels can attack the enemy in large numbers, similar to drones,” Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert, told the Global Times.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75172

File: 46b7f6de5f81fef⋯.png (1.45 MB,1600x857,1600:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250227 (271157ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75173

File: 85ec79dc9be43ca⋯.jpeg (181.22 KB,1241x670,1241:670,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c96b751321040c⋯.jpeg (322.06 KB,1147x1512,1147:1512,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1c729219ac2ba89⋯.jpeg (415.5 KB,1022x1959,1022:1959,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 417d8d7c570bbc9⋯.jpeg (364.09 KB,1110x1458,185:243,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250228 (271157ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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MUST WATCH:Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles

The Post MillennialJul 27, 2023

“Is he [Swalwell] going to endorse bank robbers next, or is he just going to stick to the pedophiles?"

Libs of Tiktok's Chaya Raichik went to California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell’s office to confront him over campaigning with Stacie Laughton, the first openly transgender lawmaker in the US, who is facing federal charges in connection with sexual exploitation at a daycare center.

Swalwell (D-CA) attended campaign events with the former New Hampshire state representative.

Swalwell was not in the office but Raichik was able to speak with Yardena Wolf, his chief of staff, and videoed the encounter.

Raichik asked Wolf to ask the embattled congressman if he intends to endorse more pedophiles for office. Then followed up and asked “Is Stacie Laughton the only pedophile that he has endorsed for office? Is he going to endorse other types of criminals, or is he going to, you know, stick with just endorsing the pedophiles?”

After giving Wolf her email, Raichik inquired, “Is he [Swalwell] going to endorse bank robbers next, or is he just going to stick to the pedophiles? I'd love to know. I'm sure his constituents would love to know as well.”

After Raichik left the office she said to the camera, “Eric Swalwell has a very impressive resume. He banged a Chinese spy, he fartedon live TV, and now a new edition: campaigning for pedophiles for office, so great stuff, and hopefully we'll get some answers from Eric.”

Laughton, 39 was also photographed with former Texas representative Beto O'Rourke in 2019, who was getting ready to launch his campaign for the 2020 US presidential election at the time.

Laughton was federally charged with one count of sexual exploitation of children and aiding and abetting by the US Attorney's Office District of Massachusetts. According to Libs of TikTok, Laughton has a criminal history dating back to 2008.

A teacher at the daycare, Lindsay Groves, Laughton's former girlfriend, allegedly assisted the lawmaker in obtaining sexual pictures of the children and has also been arrested and charged with child exploitation.

Groves allegedly used bathroom breaks for the children to take pictures of the children and send the photos to Laughton. Phones obtained by the prosecution contained over 2,500 text messages between Laughton and Groves and included at least four sexually explicit pictures of children between three and five years of age.

According to the Boston Herald, in one of the texts allegedly from Groves, she said to Laughton, "I want to do this with you with one of my kids" and sent a picture of the genitals of a prepubescent boy.

Laughton allegedly responded, "I also need to be honest I mean yes that picture was hot of that little boy but you probably have gotten the picture by now that I prefer little girls (sic), but he is cute."

According to the outlet, in other texts, the couple allegedly discussed hooking up with each other and with children.

Groves was employed by the daycare from 2017 up until June of this year, according to the Boston Herald.

A mother of one of the boys at the daycare filed a lawsuit against the daycare where Groves was employed since 2017 until June of this year, alleging that the business had been told, as early as 2018, that Groves "was inappropriately touching children under their care" and "did nothing to protect the children."

Charges of sexual exploitation of children can result in a sentence of at least 15 years and up to 30 years in prison and include, at least five years and up to a lifetime of supervised release as well as a fine of up to $250,000.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75174

File: 179d1d0024e2ff3⋯.png (71.09 KB,720x904,90:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250254 (271214ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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this is a big one

closing the loop and presenting the real targets of this investigation

its time to hunt

baker self-noming for no tables


Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up


Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up

Date July 11, 2023

Time 10:00 am

Place 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75175

File: aa42204c852ffe5⋯.png (164.15 KB,618x431,618:431,Clipboard.png)

File: e3da18e47de82e0⋯.png (228.92 KB,828x420,69:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250256 (271215ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer”

8:47 AM · Jul 26, 2023 · 2.1M Views


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75176

File: b1bb04be6393038⋯.png (197.14 KB,469x604,469:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dd2acc4bc0e2ac⋯.mp4 (9.09 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 91e02e24bd1856d⋯.pdf (3.4 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250280 (271230ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked


1) https://www.copan.com

2) https://www.darpa.mil/work-with-us/covid-19














Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75177

File: 649241ce58a179e⋯.png (1.4 MB,1892x1041,1892:1041,Clipboard.png)

File: e6783549fe2a65b⋯.png (45.18 KB,538x579,538:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250300 (271239ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked

Here's more ...

These crystal formations look remarkably like the crystalline networks forming in saliva after vaccination,as reported in the Slovakia reportvisually analyzing what is on the nasal swabs used in the invasive PCR tests, and showing hydrogel effects in saliva.

The hydrogel surmised to be on the masks and swabs display on microscopy or magnification mobile nanotubes or filaments laced with Graphene Oxide, it would appear, accounting for the formation of patterned antenna-like networks.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75178

File: 2d68d3ca352f1a1⋯.png (338.73 KB,913x1456,913:1456,Clipboard.png)

File: f3660cbc799f31a⋯.png (241.87 KB,807x936,269:312,Clipboard.png)

File: cdaa7e8ccbf7c39⋯.png (16.88 KB,144x99,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250323 (271247ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Readout: CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July




8:02 AM · Jul 27, 2023 ·3,296 Views

Press Release


7115 South Boundary Boulevard

MacDill AFB, Fla. 33621-5101

Phone: (813) 529-0220

July 27, 2023

Release Number 2023 07 27-01


CENTCOM Commander Visits Israel

TAMPA, Fla. — On Jul. 25-27, Gen. Michael "Erik" Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command,

traveled to Israel to visit the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, Israel Defense Forces (IDE),

the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, the IDF Intelligence Directorate, and other

specialized units.

General Kurilla met with the Israel Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, and the Israel Chief of

General Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi to discuss shared commitment to address regional

security concerns and the progress being made in cooperation between the IDF and CENTCOM.

The CENTCOM Directors of Intelligence, Operations, and Plans and Policy attended the


General Kurilla also visited several other specialized units while in Israel.

"Significant progress has been made in interoperability between the IDF and U.S. Central

Command in the short time Israel has been part of the CENTCOM area of responsibility," said

Kurilla. "The ability for our forces to work together are a key aspect of our combined efforts to

support regional stability."

Follow CENTCOM on Facebook and Twitter.

** ............................................................................................................................

*Why would they not use "add to dictionary" or something to remove the redline?

**Is there a redline we are being told about?

***Is this a warning to General Herzi Halevi?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75179

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250361 (271306ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250414 (271324ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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final bun for #23642

guud bread, but now its time to put it to bed

hold em till the top

czech em

#23642 >>75157

>>75158 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin - Pyongyang

>>75159 Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday

>>75160 The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients

>>75161 DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY...

>>75162 elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people

>>75163 Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform.

>>75164 All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page.

>>75165 Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious

>>75166 The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor

>>75167 US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow

>>75168, >>75169 MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning."

>>75170 pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots

>>75171 China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles

>>75172 Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update

>>75173 Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles

>>75174 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up

>>75175 The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer”

>>75176, >>75177 These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing)

>>75178 CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July

>>75179 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023

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a7e61a No.75181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250441 (271329ZJUL23) Notable: #23643-B

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

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a7e61a No.75182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250500 (271347ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

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Hearing: Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration 10:00 AM | 2237 Rayburn HOB

Host: Committee on the Judiciary | Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance


Hearing: The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children 10:00 AM | 2141 Rayburn HOB

Host: Committee on the Judiciary | Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government


Hearing: A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administrations Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal 10:00 AM | 210 CAPITOL

Host: Committee on Foreign Affairs | Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability


Hearing: Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates 2:00 PM | 2154 Rayburn HOB

Host: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic


Markup: Report Recommending that the House of Representatives Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress

2:00 PM | 2141 Rayburn HOB

Host: Committee on the Judiciary



Chose your Committee wisely.

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a7e61a No.75183

File: 1d049cc4042d750⋯.jpg (20.1 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250505 (271348ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal

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Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal

Terms weren't disclosed, but Z.com sold for $6.8 million in 2014.

Julie Anderson Ankenbrandt

Julie Anderson Ankenbrandt

Steve Dent

Steve Dent|@stevetdent

July 11, 2017 9:21 AM

Elon Musk is without a doubt the most famous single-letter domain owner ever, as his company X.com eventually became PayPal. Unfortunately, when Musk was pushed out, the domain (with its aught-tastic logo, above) stayed behind with PayPal. However, the SpaceX and Tesla CEO has bought it back for an unknown sum, according to Domain Investing and a tweet by Musk. Nobody's saying how much he paid, but as a term of reference, Z.com sold for around $6.8 million three years ago.

Whatever the price, the transaction seems to have been done on friendly terms. Musk's tweet says "Thanks PayPal for allowing me to buy back X.com! No plans right now, but it has great sentimental value to me." It's easy to see why -- the $165 million he earned from PayPal, though small potatoes nowadays, helped him launch SpaceX and Tesla. Those companies are currently valued at around $15 billion and $50 billion, respectively.

Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal

Terms weren't disclosed, but Z.com sold for $6.8 million in 2014.

Julie Anderson Ankenbrandt

Julie Anderson Ankenbrandt

Steve Dent

Steve Dent|@stevetdent

July 11, 2017 9:21 AM

Elon Musk is without a doubt the most famous single-letter domain owner ever, as his company X.com eventually became PayPal. Unfortunately, when Musk was pushed out, the domain (with its aught-tastic logo, above) stayed behind with PayPal. However, the SpaceX and Tesla CEO has bought it back for an unknown sum, according to Domain Investing and a tweet by Musk. Nobody's saying how much he paid, but as a term of reference, Z.com sold for around $6.8 million three years ago.

Whatever the price, the transaction seems to have been done on friendly terms. Musk's tweet says "Thanks PayPal for allowing me to buy back X.com! No plans right now, but it has great sentimental value to me." It's easy to see why -- the $165 million he earned from PayPal, though small potatoes nowadays, helped him launch SpaceX and Tesla. Those companies are currently valued at around $15 billion and $50 billion, respectively.


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X.com has been inactive, but Domain Investing noticed that the Whois had switched from PayPal to "private," and the domain moved from MarkMonitor to GoDaddy. After the site reached out to PayPal, it eventually replied that "we are delighted to sell the domain X.com back to its previous owner, Elon Musk."

The purchase price could come up in a PayPal Securities and Exchange Commission filing if it's in the high seven or even eight figures. As for what Musk will do with it, he's not saying, but this is a guy who dreams up things like Hyperloop in his spare time, so expect something from beyond left field.


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a7e61a No.75184

File: 45f09eeab911db8⋯.png (818.53 KB,798x652,399:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250513 (271350ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

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btw baker that meeting is from the 11th july 2023.

not saying it is not important.

just highlighting

total length is 3.31:39 in length


Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Hearing

22,157 views Streamed live on 11 Jul 2023



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a7e61a No.75185

File: 35aca2daf23d5d4⋯.png (267.07 KB,759x938,759:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250520 (271352ZJUL23) Notable: Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal

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a7e61a No.75186

File: 574ac9819dbe3b7⋯.png (496.42 KB,918x869,918:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 051afea2031535b⋯.png (537.96 KB,600x546,100:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250522 (271353ZJUL23) Notable: UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’

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UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’

AFPJuly 27, 2023 9:41 am

UN chief Antonio Guterres on Thursday pleaded for immediate radical action on climate change, saying record-shattering July temperatures show Earth has passed from a warming phase into an “era of global boiling.”

Speaking in New York, the secretary-general described the intense heat across the Northern Hemisphere as “terrifying,” adding that “the era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

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a7e61a No.75187

File: 5921fab4f16127c⋯.png (256.12 KB,448x590,224:295,Clipboard.png)

File: ff625b914a16411⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250529 (271354ZJUL23) Notable: WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?!

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One Nation Under Posh



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a7e61a No.75188

File: 014d522e84b277c⋯.png (472.63 KB,1189x1346,1189:1346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250557 (271359ZJUL23) Notable: X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar

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"To revenge the misdeeds of the ruling class, there existed in the middle ages, in Germany, a secret tribunal, called the “Vehmgericht.” If a red cross was seen marked on a house, people knew that its owner was doomed by the “Vehm.” All the houses of Europe are now marked with the mysterious red cross." - Karl Marx

History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony

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a7e61a No.75189

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250560 (271359ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

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10:00 AM EDT

Oversight and Reauthorization of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

House Oversight and Accountability Committee





LIVE: Oversight and Reauthorization of the Office of National Drug Control Policy - 7/27/2023

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)


I'll bun this for baker if you want

busy day today

no committee meetings until after labor day after today I think


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a7e61a No.75190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250563 (271400ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration DEA

House Judiciary Committee



Anne Milgram, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration





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a7e61a No.75191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250567 (271400ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

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10:00 AM EDT

The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children

House Judiciary Committee



Paula Scanlan, former University of Pennsylvania swimmer


Chloe Cole, detransitioner, advocate


Jennifer Bauwens, Ph.D., Director, Center for Family Studies, Family Research Council


May Mailman, senior legal fellow, Independent Woman's Law Center






Hearing on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors

Advocates for and against gender-affirming care for minors testify at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing.


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a7e61a No.75192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250571 (271401ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

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10:00 AM EDT

A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration's Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal

House Foreign Affairs Committee



Colonel (Ret.) Seth Krummrich

Vice President

Global Guardian

(Former Chief of Staff, Special Operations Command Central)


Command Sergeant Major Jacob Smith

4-31 Infantry, 2nd BCT

10th Mountain Division







Current & Retired Military Officials Testify on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Current and retired military officials testify on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan during a House subcommittee hearing.


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a7e61a No.75193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250580 (271403ZJUL23) Notable: WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?!

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watch the vid.

real time tolls for daily distanced traveled, entering and exiting certain 'points' etc...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75194

File: 578d241f73e43fa⋯.png (23.51 KB,820x265,164:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250583 (271405ZJUL23) Notable: UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE

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some notes and caps archiving collected.



Note: The witness name is Mr Graves, Mr Grush and CD. Fravour (ret.) (kek) will write notes later and follow up timeline of this witness statement and timeline of his statements including any info dropped to research. (look here not there)...

Symmary: Watching the 3 witness's mr grave seems geniune, Mr Grush sounds and looks like a clown

commander Fravar seems geniune, said he was treated well by the military.

(sounds like someone who was fed info and entertained.


Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs Hearing

26th July 2023..



Mr Graves: Testimony Ryan Bob Graves.

thousands of pilots including commerical pilots have reported

uap or ufo.

Noticed that once the detecting upgrades a lot moar uap become

visible, many moar people who updated their tech witnessed the same thing.

reports of a clear sphere with a black or grey cube inside.

Mr Grush: Testimony David Charles Grush

i am speaking to the facts as i have been told them.

multi vehicle recover and reverse engineering witnessed.

Mr Commander Fravour: testimony from David Fravour.

eye witnessed in to the tick tack craft 2004 that was moving over the

water. speed was nothing like any human can build or has known to

be built.(anons summary)

There is no central point of reporting and collecting the reports of uap's

MS Foxx: The debacle of the chinese air balloons.

to be continued.

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a7e61a No.75195

File: 28bd832b1eb762f⋯.png (255 KB,652x645,652:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250584 (271405ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal


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a7e61a No.75196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250590 (271408ZJUL23) Notable: X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Signal flag

X - stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250608 (271411ZJUL23) Notable: X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250618 (271415ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law...this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75199

File: 9bad4e713d1f11a⋯.png (2.09 MB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250621 (271416ZJUL23) Notable: The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried.

Get close with the Washington Uniparty and they will protect you every time.

Shortly after the collapse of FTX last December, Bankman-Fried was charged with campaign finance violations as well as fraud.

Now, SBF is getting away with it.

Our ‘justice’ system is a fraud.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250622 (271416ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75201

File: 2f81bb04fe280ec⋯.jpeg (325.06 KB,1170x866,585:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f0325679513fb4e⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,1169x1304,1169:1304,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250652 (271421ZJUL23) Notable: The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250656 (271421ZJUL23) Notable: Swamp meets

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Oversight and are authorization of the Office of National Drug Control Policy 7-27-23

>fentanyl and opioids

>rampant overdoses

>open borders

>China, Mexico


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250671 (271425ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority...I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion...I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.

[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said]

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a7e61a No.75204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250677 (271427ZJUL23) Notable: Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay

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Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) holds a news conference with Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske to announce pay improvements for the TSA workforce.


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a7e61a No.75205

File: e63346ea951ae42⋯.png (626.92 KB,1080x1169,1080:1169,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d4953c9f4fb651⋯.png (688.84 KB,1080x1722,180:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250679 (271427ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

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Replying to @KarliBonne

Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

This document specifically talked about Mykola Zlochevsky and Burisma.


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a7e61a No.75206

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250682 (271428ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

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Senator Grassley : Why was the 1023 redacted




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a7e61a No.75207

File: 7da573154d09fbc⋯.png (364.05 KB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

File: d9e6523ff2ce734⋯.png (196.28 KB,1170x1193,1170:1193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250687 (271429ZJUL23) Notable: Levin: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie.

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In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. Last night, my wife urged me to join her and special viewing of THE SOUND OF FREEDOM on Capitol Hill. Speaker McCarthy invited members of both parties to the special event. Not a single Democrat congressman attended. Not one. We watched this movie, and it will shake you up. It will open your eyes. It will expose the extent of child sex-trafficking not just throughout the globe, but especially in our country. And the open-borders policies of the regime have handed the borders over to the drug cartels, mobster kingpins, kidnappers, and sex-traffickers. Indeed, the level of children sex-trafficking has skyrocketed in the last few years. The Democrats and their media have dismissed the movie as Q-Non (sp?) inspired (whatever the hell that is or means). Why would they not want this horror known to the public and help eliminate it? Because their politics and policies are dead wrong, and they're destroying and killing people. The sex-trafficking even involves infants.

I strongly encourage you to watch the movie, as soon as possible. It is the story of a DHS investigator who rejected the government's red-tape and obstacles to tracking down a brother and sister who were kidnapped and sold into sex.


>Not a single Democrat congressman attended. Not one.

>over 1 million views


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a7e61a No.75208

File: cc84ce86bb876a5⋯.png (214.15 KB,1066x877,1066:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250694 (271431ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

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FBI Possesses Significant, Impactful, Voluminous Evidence of Potential Criminality in Biden Family Business Arrangements

Grassley seeks specific records from FBI related to Biden deals with foreign nationals and companies connected to the communist Chinese regime

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley is calling on the FBI to produce specific records in its possession indicating potential criminal activity in the Biden family’s foreign business deals. It remains unclear whether those FBI records, which have been reviewed by Grassley’s investigative staff, have been shared with the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office as part of its ongoing criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.

Since first raising concern about bias by senior leadership and a double standard by the FBI in politically sensitive investigations, numerous whistleblowers have made legally protected disclosures substantiating these concerns.

“Notably, the Justice Department and FBI have not disputed the accuracy of the allegations that I have made public since May 31, 2022. The Justice Department’s and FBI’s continued silence on these matters is deafening and further erodes their credibility. Simply put, enough is enough – the Justice Department and FBI must come clean to Congress and the American people with respect to the steps they have taken, or failed to take, relating to the Hunter Biden investigation,” Grassley wrote in a letter to FBI and Justice Department leadership as well as the Delaware U.S. attorney.

In the letter, Grassley attached a contract, signed by Hunter and James Biden and three other business associates. The contract was part of an arrangement designed to funnel $5 million from the Chinese communist government-connected CEFC to Hunter and James Biden to compensate them for work done while Joe Biden was vice president, according to an FBI interview summary of Tony Bobulinski. But other records held by the FBI reveal frustration by the Bidens about CEFC’s payment being delayed. Records previously released by Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) show James and Hunter Biden ultimately profited from a $5 million payment from a company connected to CEFC via a separate arrangement.

Other records held by the FBI shed light on Hunter Biden’s business and financial relationship with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky. These documents include specific details about conversations by non-government individuals relevant to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden. These documents also indicate that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business arrangements and may have been involved in some of them. It remains unclear whether the FBI took appropriate steps to follow up on this information or passed it to the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office.


Grassley frequently hears from current and former government employees who come forward to shine a light on fraud, waste, abuse and gross mismanagement in government agencies or by government contractors. He protects the identities of these sources and frequently promotes policies that shield whistleblowers from retaliation. Individuals wishing to call attention to mismanagement or misconduct within the Justice Department and its component agencies, such as the FBI, about the aforementioned allegations or other misconduct should contact Sen. Grassley’s investigations unit at (202) 224-3738 or email wb_reports@judiciary-rep.senate.gov.

Director Wray has personally committed to Senator Grassley that whistleblowers who have come forward will not face retaliation.

Grassley’s letter follows.

October 13, 2022

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a7e61a No.75209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250696 (271431ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

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The Honorable Merrick Garland

Attorney General

Department of Justice

The Honorable Christopher Wray


Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Honorable David Weiss

U.S. Attorney

District of Delaware

Dear Attorney General Garland, Director Wray and U.S. Attorney Weiss:

Since May 31, 2022, I’ve written three letters to the Justice Department and FBI based on protected whistleblower disclosures that indicate a pattern and practice of political decisions being made at the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) and FBI Headquarters.[1] In those letters, I’ve noted that Congress has a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the Executive Branch executes the law and uses taxpayer money appropriated to it in accordance with congressional intent. In furtherance of that constitutional responsibility, Congress has an obligation to investigate the Executive Branch for fraud, waste, abuse and gross mismanagement – acts which undermine faith in the American people’s governmental institutions. Those constitutional and legislative responsibilities apply to this letter to you. My previous letters also invited individuals, including current and former government employees, to contact me and my office to confidentially report allegations of fraud, waste, abuse and gross mismanagement by FBI and Justice Department officials. In response, my office has received a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers which have increased since my initial outreach to your offices.

Based on recent protected disclosures to my office, the FBI has within its possession significant, impactful and voluminous evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden and James Biden.[2]

The evidence within the FBI’s possession that I am referencing is included, in part, in a summary of Tony Bobulinski’s October 23, 2020, interview with FBI agents. In that interview, Mr. Bobulinski stated that the arrangement Hunter Biden and James Biden created with foreign nationals connected to the communist Chinese government included assisting them with potential business deals and investments while Joe Biden was Vice President; however, that work remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President. After Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, the summary makes clear that Hunter Biden and James Biden worked with CEFC and affiliated individuals to compensate them for that past work and the benefits they procured for CEFC. According to the summary, Hunter Biden, James Biden and their business associates created a joint venture that would serve as a vehicle to accomplish that financial compensation, and that arrangement was made sometime after a meeting in Miami between Hunter Biden and CEFC officials in February 2017. According to the summary, that vehicle was called SinoHawk, which was owned 50 percent by Oneida Holdings LLC (Oneida) and 50 percent by Hudson West IV. According to the summary, Oneida was made of five evenly divided LLCs, one for each business associate – including Hunter Biden and James Biden. However, according to the summary, 10 percent of Hunter Biden’s interest was to be held for Joe Biden. Attached to this letter is the Oneida Operating Agreement which lists Hunter Biden, James Biden and their business associates and the percentage of interest for each individual.[3] Included below is a copy of the signature block for the Oneida Operating Agreement which was signed on May 22, 2017.

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a7e61a No.75210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250701 (271432ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

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According to the interview summary, the money transferred to Oneida as part of the venture to compensate the Bidens was supposed to consist of an unsecured $5 million loan, intended to be forgivable, from CEFC in 2017. Similarly, the FBI has within its possession a different document, dated in October 2020, but referencing events that occurred years before. That document indicates that in May 2017 – approximately three months after the joint venture was hatched in Miami and the same month it was officially formed – Hunter Biden yelled at CEFC officials at a meeting for failing to fund the joint venture. That same document notes that as of July 2017 the money still had not been transferred and James Biden considered calling CEFC officials and threatening to withdraw Biden family support from future deals. Notably, my September 2020 report with Senator Johnson and our floor speeches from this year made public bank records and financial data that showed that Hunter Biden and James Biden profited from a $5 million wire from a company connected to CEFC in August of 2017, indicating that it could have been the money originally intended for SinoHawk. However, based on records, that money was not transmitted to the SinoHawk joint venture, rather it was transmitted to Hudson West III which could partially explain SinoHawk’s eventual failure.[4] As noted in our report and our floor speeches, the money from the wire was transferred from Hudson West III to Hunter Biden’s firm, Owasco, and James Biden’s firm, Lion Hall Group, apparently circumventing SinoHawk.[5]

Based on allegations provided to my office, the information provided by Mr. Bobulinski formed a sufficient basis to open a full field investigation on pay-to-play grounds; however, it is unclear whether the FBI did so and whether the information is part of the ongoing criminal investigation by U.S. Attorney Weiss.

The FBI also has a document within its possession that notes that then former Vice President Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden and his business associates at a conference in Los Angeles on May 2, 2017, and May 3, 2017. The meetings have been publicly disclosed; however, the fact that the FBI maintains documents referencing these data points has not been made public before.

Lastly, the FBI has within its possession a series of documents relating to information on Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and his business and financial associations with Hunter Biden. The documents in the FBI’s possession include specific details with respect to conversations by non-government individuals relevant to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden. These documents also indicate that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business arrangements and may have been involved in some of them. Based on allegations, it is unclear whether the FBI followed normal investigative procedure to determine the truth and accuracy of the information or shut down investigative activity based on improper disinformation claims in advance of the 2020 election, just as it did with Hunter Biden information that I wrote to you about on July 25, 2022.[6] It is also unclear whether U.S. Attorney Weiss has performed his own due diligence on these and related allegations.

These new whistleblower disclosures beg the question: in light of the allegations that I have brought to your attention, what have the FBI and Justice Department, to include U.S. Attorney Weiss, done to investigate?

Notably, the Justice Department and FBI have not disputed the accuracy of the allegations that I have made public since May 31, 2022. The Justice Department’s and FBI’s continued silence on these matters is deafening and further erodes their credibility. Simply put, enough is enough – the Justice Department and FBI must come clean to Congress and the American people with respect to the steps they have taken, or failed to take, relating to the Hunter Biden investigation. With respect to the new – and numerous – legally protected disclosures that have been made to my office, please provide the following no later than October 27, 2022, so that Congress can perform an independent and objective review:

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a7e61a No.75211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250703 (271432ZJUL23) Notable: Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

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1. The full and unredacted FBI summary of Tony Bobulinski’s October 23, 2020, interview.

2. Was Tony Bobulinski’s interview summary placed within Guardian? Was it placed within an investigative case file?

3. The full and unredacted October 2020 document that lists a timeline of events associated with Hunter Biden’s business associates, foreign and domestic.

4. All records relating to the May 2, 2017, and May 3, 2017, meetings between Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden.

5. All records,[7] including FD-71, FD-209a, FD-302, FD-794b, FD-1023, FD-1040a, FD-1057 and Guardian leads, from January 1, 2014 to the date of this letter that reference Mykola Zlochevsky, Hunter Biden, James Biden and Joe Biden.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Charles E. Grassley

Ranking Member

Committee on the Judiciary


The Honorable Richard Durbin


Committee on the Judiciary

The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz

Inspector General

Department of Justice


[1] Letter from Senator Grassley to Attorney General Garland and Director Wray (May 31, 2022) https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/CEG%20to%20DOJ%20FBI%20(WFO).pdf; Press Release, Senator Grassley, Whistleblowers’ Report Reveal Double Standard in Pursuit of Politically Charged Investigations by Senior FBI, DOJ Officials (July 25, 2022) https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/whistleblowers-reports-reveal-double-standard-in-pursuit-of-politically-charged-investigations-by-senior-fbi-doj-officials

[2] At my direction, my staff have reviewed the unclassified records.

[3] Attachment at p. 8.

[4] Chairman Charles Grassley, S. Comm. on Fin., and Chairman Ron Johnson, S. Comm. on Homeland Sec. and Governmental Aff. Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns 78 (Sept. 23, 2020) https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC%20-%20Finance%20Joint%20Report%202020.09.23.pdf; Floor Speech, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Sen. Ron Johnson Discuss Investigation into Biden Family Foreign Financial Entanglements - Part 1 (Mar. 28, 2022) https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/remarks/grassley-johnson-discuss-investigation-into-biden-family-foreign-financial-entanglements_-part-1; see also Floor Speech, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Sen. Ron Johnson Release Bank Records Tying Biden Family to CCP-Linked Individuals & Companies (Mar. 29, 2022), https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/remarks/grassley-johnson-release-bank-records-tying-biden-family-to-ccp-linked-individuals-and-companies; Floor Speech, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Sen. Ron Johnson, The Biden Family Investigation – Part III: James Biden (Apr. 5, 2022) https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/remarks/the-biden-family-investigation_part-iii-james-biden.

[5] Id.

[6] Press Release, Ranking Member Grassley, Whistleblowers’ Reports Reveal Double Standard in Pursuit of Politically Charged Investigations by Senior FBI, DOJ Officials (July 25, 2022) https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/whistleblowers-reports-reveal-double-standard-in-pursuit-of-politically-charged-investigations-by-senior-fbi-doj-officials

[7] “Records” include any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, including letters, memoranda, reports,

notes, electronic data (e-mails, email attachments, and any other electronically-created or stored information),

calendar entries, inter-office communications, meeting minutes, phone/voice mail or recordings/records of verbal

communications, and drafts (whether or not they resulted in final documents). This definition applies to all requests for records in the questions for the record.


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a7e61a No.75212

File: 38a428d9798685e⋯.png (1.43 MB,1024x902,512:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250710 (271434ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 27, 2023

Galaxies in the River

Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy engages in a sort of galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that are too close and are captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice is common in the universe and illustrated by this striking pair of interacting galaxies from the banks of the southern constellation Eridanus, The River. Located over 50 million light years away, the large, distorted spiral NGC 1532 is seen locked in a gravitational struggle with dwarf galaxy NGC 1531, a struggle the smaller galaxy will eventually lose. Seen nearly edge-on, spiral NGC 1532 spans about 100,000 light-years. The merging galaxies are captured in this sharp image from the Dark Energy Camera mounted on the National Science Foundation’s Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The NGC 1532/1531 pair is thought to be similar to the well-studied system of face-on spiral and small companion known as M51.


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a7e61a No.75213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250713 (271435ZJUL23) Notable: Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister

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Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister

Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) and Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) meet with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.


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a7e61a No.75214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250717 (271435ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male.

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a7e61a No.75215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250719 (271436ZJUL23) Notable: The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer

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For the American diplomat, see David Dale Reimer.

David Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer; 22 August 1965 – 4 May 2004) was a Canadian man born male but raised as a girl following medical advice and intervention after his penis was severely injured during a botched circumcision in infancy.[1]

David Reimer


Bruce Peter Reimer

22 August 1965

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


4 May 2004 (aged 38)

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Cause of death

Suicide by shotgun

Resting place

St. Vital Cemetery, Winnipeg

Other names

Brenda Reimer


Jane Fontane ​(m. 1990)​

The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization that he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11 years[2] and that he was living as a male by age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. At age 38, he committed suicide after suffering severe depression.

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a7e61a No.75216

File: 57862cdcb3c6faa⋯.png (198.31 KB,1170x1330,117:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b12927d2f5fc60⋯.png (181.28 KB,1170x1011,390:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250729 (271437ZJUL23) Notable: Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead?

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Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead?


Well…it seems she’s digging into that case again and has some disturbing findings and now some concerning questions


💥If my father is lying in his polygraph test for Adam, then what does that say about him? His credibility?

But moreso the validity and accuracy of the tests that cleared them...

Who administered them

Hypnosis on mom?


We are just observing & asking questions...



💥I just went through my mom's lover's 2 polygraph tests & my dad's from Adam again

So there was a love triangle going on & a child went missing & murdered yet all three are cleared by polygraph within a week? When polygraphs aren't even admissible in court....Joe Matthews?


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a7e61a No.75217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250751 (271441ZJUL23) Notable: FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS

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🚨 BREAKING: Coutts CEO Resigns


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a7e61a No.75218

File: b3b2928fa247fe6⋯.png (4.4 MB,2193x945,731:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 017a0e0ceaf68ff⋯.png (690.56 KB,873x807,291:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 7939db2d0d28193⋯.png (624.91 KB,1080x1408,135:176,Clipboard.png)

File: 423d79b5b299104⋯.png (2.38 MB,1080x1509,360:503,Clipboard.png)

File: d036ef85b305839⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x1300,54:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250759 (271443ZJUL23) Notable: Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges.

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Jul 4

Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Weiss needs to answer why he subpoenaed JPMORGAN about 150+ SARs in 2019. Weiss was looking into the biggest crimes by the Biden crime family years ago. These ridiculous charges goes directly to Garland. He is now caught and will be exposed. The trap was to under charge Hunter to expose the whole corrupt system. You get them all this way.



Jul 5

Replying to @demscanthandlethetruth

Garland, Wray, Blinken, 51 former intelligence officials that said the laptop was Russian disinformation and the whole Biden crime family is fried chicken now. The main reason is the laptop is verified. That blew Hunter's whole case. Don't expect anything to happen to Hunter with Wray and Garland. That is the point of Weiss's under charging Hunter. The real prosecutions will come but not now. This is still about exposure and showing a two tiered justice system. Weiss is part of the set up.



Replying to @Duckvision and @demscanthandlethetruth

I think the Impeachment Inquiry has the prosecution and defense, nervous. This inquiry will certainly look into Obstruction, which would easily implicate both sides, of scamming the system..




Replying to @landzngrooves and @demscanthandlethetruth

I was against impeachment because the senate will never get 2/3 votes. However I have changed my opinion because if congress goes with impeachment they can call more witnesses and collect more evidence. Like you said it keeps the pressure on amd makes them nervous. Ultimately the democrats need to make a decision on Biden not the Republicans. Clock is ticking and the heat is getting hotter on this fake administration. I think they pull the plug on Biden within the next 100 days.




On second thought, “bribery” is specifically mentioned in the Constitution. We still have testimony from Archer and Bobulinksi coming. Who knows who else might come forward? The high-level CCP defector?

If bribery can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt and it is untenable for Senate Dems to cast a vote to acquit, there might be a chance at Senate removal.

Yes, all that is speculative and hope.

I’m not betting the rent on it but it is a possibility.



Replying to @GrayandWhiteCat, @demscanthandlethetruth, and 1 more

Devon Archer

Eric Schwerin

Tony Bobulinski

These guys will make Joe Biden use the 25th amendment soon.

Jul 27, 2023, 10:14 AM


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a7e61a No.75219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250770 (271447ZJUL23) Notable: Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal

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Kevin Spacey - House of Cards

Hunter Biden - Plea deal

Both in news same day corrupt courts.

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a7e61a No.75220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250782 (271450ZJUL23) Notable: Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress

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Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress

July 27 at 1:00 PM

>Live in 3 hours


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a7e61a No.75221

File: bac48fb27494cd3⋯.png (291.92 KB,1080x618,180:103,Clipboard.png)

File: f9c0be9b5eea17a⋯.png (422.89 KB,931x714,133:102,Clipboard.png)

File: c8d2c6000a68a85⋯.png (227.08 KB,921x794,921:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250794 (271453ZJUL23) Notable: How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter

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Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸



John Ratcliffe - Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter: Biden laptop, Russian disinformation- unfortunately for all of them, the last chapter hasn’t been written- there was a fraud on the American people




Replying to @KarliBonne

Anthony Blinken has a major problem.

He was part of the letter that 51 former intelligence officials said that the laptop was Russian disinformation.

Anthony Blinken might be the dumbest person ever.

Jul 27, 2023, 9:28 AM


Anthony Blinkin has a problem explaining this.

How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75222

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250812 (271456ZJUL23) Notable: How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter

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John Ratcliffe - Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter: Biden laptop, Russian disinformation- unfortunately for all of them, the last chapter hasn’t been written- there was a fraud on the American people


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a7e61a No.75223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250816 (271457ZJUL23) Notable: How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared

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How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared

Three and a half weeks ago, at the opening of Kevin Spacey’s trial, jurors were warned not to become starstruck by the glittering celebrity world they were about to enter.

On Wednesday, on the actor’s 64th birthday and after just over 11 hours of deliberation, the 12 men and women cleared him of nine sexual offences against four accusers.

Placing his hand on his chest, the Academy Award winning actor looked at the jurors with tears in his eyes and mouthed “thank you” twice before they walked out of the courtroom.

Afterwards, in the foyer of Southwark Crown Court, reporters watched as five of the jurors greeted Spacey. He shook their hands and tearfully thanked them.

Speaking on the steps outside, shortly after the verdict, Spacey said he was “humbled” by their judgment.

“I would like to say that I’m enormously grateful to the jury for having taken the time to examine all of the evidence and all of the facts carefully before they reached the decision,” he said.

Over the course of the trial, jurors, and a packed public gallery, were given an insight into the daily life of one of the world’s most recognised actors.

The accusations centred around Spacey’s time in the UK after he was appointed as artistic director of the Old Vic theatre in 2003.

Prosecutors alleged that Spacey’s “preferred method of assault” was to aggressively grab other men by the crotch.

He was also accused of performing a sex act on an aspiring actor who had passed out in his Waterloo apartment.

The highlight of the trial, for many watching at least, came in the form of a bespectacled 76-year-old witness for the defence who appeared via videolink from a lawyer’s office in Monaco.

Dressed in a black suit, with a white shirt and tinted orange glasses, he gave his name as “Elton Hercules John”.

One of Spacey’s main accusers had claimed he had been groped by the actor while driving to Sir Elton’s Windsor home for one of his “White Tie and Tiara” balls in 2004 or 2005.

Sir Elton, however, told jurors that Spacey only came to the gala once, in 2001, and arrived at the last minute after flying in on a private jet.

When asked how he knew Spacey did not travel on a commercial flight, Sir Elton laughed: “I don’t think he was wearing white tie on a commercial flight.”

The House of Cards actor, sitting in the dock, chuckled at that.

At the ball, Spacey said he bought a red Mini in a charity auction. He told jurors it ended up being the “most expensive Mini Cooper ever”.

After the event, Spacey stayed the night at the home of Sir Elton and his husband David Furnish.

David Furnish gives evidence

Mr Furnish also gave evidence during the trial, and explained to jurors that he had taken the time to review all the pictures taken at the party, which was held annually throughout the 2000s.

Spacey only appeared in images from 2001, he said.

The 60-year-old specifically remembered the year when Spacey agreed to come to the party, adding: “He was an Oscar-winning actor, there was a lot of buzz and excitement that he was at the ball.”

When the time came for him to give evidence, Spacey, who cut an isolated figure in the dock, took the opportunity to name-drop friends and explain to jurors how farcical the charges against him were.

Spacey spoke fondly of teaching Dame Judi Dench to play “ping pong” during the making of the movie The Shipping News in Nova Scotia and subsequently gifting her a tennis table.

“We developed a lovely friendship,” he said.

One of Spacey’s accusers claimed he grabbed his crotch “like a cobra” at a gala at a theatre in central London in 2005.

The event had been organised by Dame Judi. “I love her,” Spacey told the jury, “I would do nothing to ever embarrass her or embarrass myself in such a way.”

At another fundraiser for the Boxing Day tsunami, he moved his rehearsal slot as Joan Collins, who had “an issue with her hair”, had “insisted on being able to rehearse first”. That gave her time to get her hair fixed, the court was told.

Dead Poets Society actor Robert Sean Leonard submitted a character reference to the court, describing Spacey as “positive, supportive and respectful”.

Alongside this supporting cast of celebrity anecdotes and endorsements, Spacey went to great lengths to show the time he had taken to disprove the accusations against him.

He told the court how he had made efforts to check his whereabouts for each of the alleged offences, rooting through “boxes and boxes and boxes” of archive material stored in Baltimore and in London, which contained contracts and other documents that he used for his defence.



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a7e61a No.75224

File: 78afa2446bb4257⋯.png (509.48 KB,985x551,985:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250821 (271457ZJUL23) Notable: NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine

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NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine

Jul 26, 2023

NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced Wednesday Lockheed Martin of Littleton, Colorado, as the prime contractor for the design, build, and testing of NASA and DARPA’s nuclear-powered rocket demonstration, in collaboration with other industry partners.

The Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) program will test a nuclear-powered rocket in space as soon as 2027.

"Working with DARPA and companies across the commercial space industry will enable us to accelerate the technology development we need to send humans to Mars," said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy. "This demonstration will be a crucial step in meeting our Moon to Mars objectives for crew transportation into deep space."

NASA and DARPA partnered on the DRACO program to advance development of nuclear thermal rocket technology, supporting both agencies' goals. For NASA, nuclear propulsion is one of the primary capabilities on the roadmap for crewed missions to Mars.

A nuclear-powered rocket would allow for a shorter, faster trip to the Red Planet, reducing the mission's complexity and risk for the crew. This type of rocket can be more than twice as efficient as conventional chemical rockets, meaning it requires significantly less propellant and could carry more equipment for scientific goals. A nuclear-powered rocket also could provide more power for instruments and communications systems.

Under the terms of its agreement with DARPA, Lockheed Martin is responsible for spacecraft design, integration, and testing.

BWX Technologies, based in Lynchburg, Virginia, is responsible for the design and build of the nuclear fission reactor that will power the engine. NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) is responsible for the overall management and execution of the nuclear-powered DRACO engine.

“Through NASA’s prior investments – in collaboration with the Department of Energy – we’ve supported the commercial sector to grow their capabilities in nuclear propulsion technology,” said Dr. Prasun Desai, acting associate administrator for STMD at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Now, those investments are coming full circle as we work with these same companies to build the first nuclear-powered rocket to fly in space."

In addition to the DRACO program, NASA also works with the Department of Energy and industry on other space nuclear technology initiatives, including Fission Surface Power and a separate effort to explore possible designs for future nuclear thermal spacecraft.

NASA is committing up to $300 million toward the DRACO partnership. This includes up to $250 million in costs for the design and development agreement for the nuclear-powered engine, as well as technical oversight and expertise from agency personnel.

The U.S. Space Force will provide the DRACO launch and launch site support.


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a7e61a No.75225

File: 72f16687ea42459⋯.png (28.07 KB,656x163,656:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 962ef9ba8352c83⋯.png (577.49 KB,1277x2001,1277:2001,Clipboard.png)

File: 774ff0d92066d85⋯.png (950.77 KB,791x1200,791:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250835 (271459ZJUL23) Notable: X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar

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Forgot about this:

"X" in old manuscripts from the "Middle Ages" represents the savior the 'Christ'

The transhumanists are trying to start another "new age" so the crimes of the old age will flow away - be washed away in time.

(How Musk took twitter to avoid repercussions of the TREASON they did against the American people and the world, in collusion with the "American" intel administration) You drop the "Name" and take a new Name - "hey that wasn't us who did that before")

They need to refresh their hold over the "sheep."



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a7e61a No.75226

File: d27520c12899c3b⋯.png (1.64 MB,1080x1573,1080:1573,Clipboard.png)

File: c5495b82335b3d9⋯.png (225.41 KB,1080x457,1080:457,Clipboard.png)

File: ce629eba2c84c20⋯.png (341.9 KB,904x694,452:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250843 (271501ZJUL23) Notable: Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges.

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Did David Weiss have "ultimate authority" or did Merritt Garland handcuff Weiss with his investigation?

I think Weiss under charged Hunter on purpose. This put Garland in the cross hairs and shows a two tier justice system. If Weiss charges Hunter with money laundering, FARA, espionage, Rico, human trafficking and prostitution this let's the DOJ, FBI and Garland off the hook.

Weiss was put in charge of Hunter's case during the Trump administration.

This move was done to target Garland.

Jul 05, 2023, 10:48 AM




Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Weiss needs to answer why he subpoenaed JPMORGAN about 150+ SARs in 2019. Weiss was looking into the biggest crimes by the Biden crime family years ago. These ridiculous charges goes directly to Garland. He is now caught and will be exposed. The trap was to under charge Hunter to expose the whole corrupt system. You get them all this way.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250844 (271501ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders...gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice...eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone...it is actually unethical to intervene.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75228

File: e5b9f83343ee645⋯.png (326.67 KB,714x622,357:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250855 (271503ZJUL23) Notable: Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Devon Archer

>Eric Schwerin

>Tony Bobulinski

>These guys will make Joe Biden use the 25th amendment soon.

After Joe Biden stands trial for Treason?

No Deals

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250859 (271504ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse.

[that number seems low]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75230

File: 0ad72787a51da99⋯.png (59.22 KB,871x365,871:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250861 (271504ZJUL23) Notable: Where the hell are the articles of impeachment?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Why has Garland politicized and weaponized the Biden Justice Department to protect his boss and indict his boss's top political enemy?

Because congressional Republicans haven't stopped him.

Where the hell are the articles of impeachment?

Jul 27, 2023, 10:45 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75231

File: 578d93015913753⋯.png (261.23 KB,488x571,488:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250863 (271504ZJUL23) Notable: THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Can sm1 help me and bring this video over here...my downloader is not working....

cynthia hilliard



Jul 18

WAKEUP AMERICANS!.. THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES …basically Pfizer +Moderna were paid to put their names on the poisons!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75232

File: 43bb39a35e3f834⋯.mp4 (756.59 KB,256x480,8:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250874 (271506ZJUL23) Notable: THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Got it to work now...here it is

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250881 (271507ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals.

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a7e61a No.75234

File: e7c916352128633⋯.png (603.02 KB,853x599,853:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250886 (271507ZJUL23) Notable: James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

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An ABC News reporter who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes, according to reports.

James Gordon Meek, 53, who served as a national security journalist at ABC, is scheduled to appear in a Virginia federal court on Friday following his January 2023 indictment on child rape charges. He faces up to 20 years behind bars.

The disturbing crimes were exposed after the FBI conducted a raid on the journalist’s Arlington home in April 2022. FBI officials were alerted by Dropbox in March 2021 of ‘sickening child rape’ materials of minors stored on Meek’s account.

According to the Post, an FBI agent claimed in an arrest affidavit that upon analyzing Meek’s devices, three phone calls were discovered in which the former ABC News journalist was actively making plans to rape various young children.

In a disturbing message that Meek sent, he asked an unnamed user, “Have you ever raped a toddler girl? It’s amazing.”

Before his arrest, Meek regularly wrote hit pieces against Trump supporters, QAnon and ‘conspiracy theories’ such as Pizzagate.

Radaronline.com reports: Other disturbing accusations on exchanges the agency said they found on his devices included Meek sharing his fantasy of “abducting, drugging, and raping” a user as a 12-year-old girl.

The agency claimed Meek had additional pornographic materials on other devices and engaged in online chats with minors.

Meek resigned from his former network immediately following the search conducted at his home.


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a7e61a No.75235

File: dd381cee9ddb8fa⋯.png (53.23 KB,657x420,219:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ae1dd58c3d7fb6⋯.png (338.6 KB,329x508,329:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250916 (271512ZJUL23) Notable: Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men'

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Billionaire Epstein associate Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men', DailyMail.com can reveal.

In a subpoena issued by the US Virgin Islands government on January 27 2021, Black was asked for all emails, letters, transactions and other forms of communication that he and his office had with Epstein and his associates since 1998.

The Caribbean investigators also wanted to know about Black's own trips to Little St James, Epstein's private island where the late financier is said to have abused countless girls and allegedly handed them off to his friends too.

Black ended up settling, agreeing to pay $62million in January of this year to make it go away. That settlement was reported for the first time this week.

His representatives have insisted that it does not indicate complicity in Epstein's crimes or even knowledge of it.

Once a titan of the finance industry, Black stepped down in shame from his firm, Apollo, in 2021 after his deep ties to Epstein were revealed.

He paid Epstein $158million over the course of five years between 2012 and 2017 - after Epstein had been convicted of soliciting prostitution from children in Palm Beach.

Black insists the payments were for estate planning and tax advice, and that he was given poor advice by Epstein, whose professional credentials barely touched his own.

The Senate Finance Committee is now investigating whether Black, worth a reported $11billion, owes tax on those payments.

Black was a pillar of New York high society as the chairman of the Museum of Modern Art and husband to theater producer Debra Black. The pair remain married and have four children.

Earlier this week, he was sued in Manhattan federal court by a Jane Doe who claims he raped her in 2002 when she was 16 at Epstein's house.

Now in her 30s, she is too old to file a claim against him with the New York Police Department, even in light of New York State's stretched historic child abuse statute of limitations.

The woman is autistic and has mosaic Down syndrome - a condition that is only manifested internally and has no physical symptoms.

She described in graphic detail how Black allegedly raped her on a massage table at Epstein's mansion after sodomizing her with sex toys and making her bleed.

She claims he threw her to the ground after the assault, calling her a 'w***re'.

The woman's attorney Jeanne Christensen described in the filing how she had been allegedly trafficked to Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell - now in prison for her part in the sex trafficking operation - by a mystery couple named only as 'Elizabeth and Charlie'.

She says the girl had been given to them by her unsuspecting parents, then was subjected to horrific sexual and physical abuse.


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a7e61a No.75236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250920 (271513ZJUL23) Notable: Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence.

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Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence, Claims Judge Should Have Let Jury Hear About ‘Alternative Perpetrator’

Disgraced reality TV star Josh Duggar asked a federal appeals court to give him a new trial for downloading and possessing child sexual abuse material. The federal convict claims that he was inappropriately denied the opportunity during his first trial to tell the jury about an “alternative perpetrator.”

Prosecutors say that the onetime 19 Kids and Counting star was barred from doing so because the trial judge rightly found his theory wasn’t plausible.

A little more than one year ago in December, a federal jury in Arkansas found Duggar guilty of both of the charges against him. Months later, U.S. District Judge Timothy Brooks sentenced Duggar to more than 12 years behind bars, a term he is currently serving at a low-security prison in Seagoville, Texas.

Prosecutors found a tough sentence more than justified by the “depraved” material found on his work computer, behind multiple layers of encryption. Authorities said that the photographs and videos depicted the sexual abuse of children “as young as toddlers.”

One infamous video, titled “Daisy’s Destruction,” depicted the sexual assault of an 18-month-old. Australian human trafficker Peter Scully, who created it, is currently serving a life sentence in the Philippines for his crimes. The government estimated that they found more than 600 illicit images on Duggar’s computer. His attorneys dispute that number.

Before trial, Duggar wanted to cast Caleb Williams — a former employee at his car lot — as an alternative suspect, but Brooks found that Duggar did not have any basis to do so. Williams was only at Duggar’s car lot “from May 8 to May 11, 2019, several days before any child pornography downloads took place,” the judge noted.

Duggar’s attorney Justin K. Gelfand argued that he should have been permitted to question the chronology.

“If permitted to inquire, Duggar would have established Williams: worked at the business; had familiarity with the computer and its software; engaged in eBay sales and utilized the computer to print labels; sent a text message on May 7, 2019 offering to watch the business that week; spent the night one mile from the business on May 9, 2019; and concealed all metadata on documents provided to the Government in an attempt to establish he was not present,” Gelfand wrote in the defense brief filed Tuesday.

Prosecutors say that the multiple layers of encryption and firewall point only to one person: Duggar.

In 2015, the hack of Ashley Madison revealed that Duggar had a profile on the extramarital affairs website, and he released a statement calling himself the “biggest hypocrite ever.” After the data dump, Duggar — then known as a conservative Christian activist — installed software on his computer called “Covenant Eyes,” designed to alert his wife if he accessed pornography. Prosecutors say, and the jury found, that Duggar bypassed that software by creating a Linux partition on the work computer. On that partition, Duggar used the Tor browser for encrypted surfing and BitTorrent to download the illicit files, authorities found.

The Justice Department’s appellate attorney Joshua Handell told the Eighth Circuit that all of this evidence points to Duggar, and none of it to Williams.

“This Court need not even consider the overwhelming evidence implicating Duggar as the culprit, including: the testimony that he had discussed setting up a Linux partition to avoid the Covenant Eyes software; the fact that the partition was created with an unusual password that Duggar had used across numerous accounts for years; and the text messages placing Duggar at his car lot on the same dates and times that CSAM was downloaded on his computer in his office,” Handell wrote. “The critical point is that no evidence inculpates Williams.” (Italics in original)

Duggar leveled other arguments on appeal, which failed before the trial court. His defense team tried to suppress evidence discovered by Homeland Security Agent Gerald Faulkner on Duggar’s cell phone when authorities went to his car dealership on Nov. 8, 2019.

Though Duggar claimed that he asked to call his lawyer, it is undisputed that he signed Miranda warnings before his interview with authorities.

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a7e61a No.75237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250927 (271514ZJUL23) Notable: Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence.

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Read the appellate briefs of Duggar and the government.



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a7e61a No.75238

File: 42593fefc0abf99⋯.png (706.21 KB,634x758,317:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250935 (271515ZJUL23) Notable: James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

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Ex-ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek facing minimum 5 years in child porn case following guilty plea

Disgraced former ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek is facing at least five years in prison after pleading guilty to child pornography in a Virginia federal court Friday.

Meek, 53, admitted to transporting and possessing child sexual abuse material, which carries jail time ranging from 5-20 years.

Under federal sentencing guidelines that come with his guilty plea, Meek is likely to face far less than the max at his Sept. 29 sentencing.

Meek, a once-acclaimed national security journalist, was hit with the federal charges in February roughly 10 months after the FBI raided his Arlington, Va., home April 27, 2022, seizing his electronics.

Meek resigned from ABC News and went off the grid immediately after the raid.

On his phone, the feds say they found three conversations in which Meek allegedly expressed a desire to sexually abuse children — and they found he had both received and sent photos and videos of child pornography.

In one troubling message, Meek allegedly asked someone on a chat app, “Have you ever raped a toddler girl? It’s amazing.” And in another message he shared a perverted fantasy of “abducting, drugging, and raping” a 12-year-old girl.

The shamed journalist also kept child porn images and videos on his other devices that showed he’d chatted with minors on the internet, prosecutors allege.

The probe was launched after Dropbox alerted officials that Meek had child porn on his account.

Meek was hired by the network in 2013 after working for the New York Daily News — where he broke a story in 2006 that Al-Qaeda was foiled in its plan to bomb the New York City tunnels.

Meek investigated and produced Hulu’s acclaimed 2021 documentary “3212 Un-redacted” about a US Special Forces mission in Niger that left four soldiers dead in 2017. He also won an Emmy in 2017 for breaking news coverage of the Pulse nightclub shooting.

Meek served as a senior counterterrorism advisor and investigator for the US House Committee on Homeland Security starting in 2011.

His lawyer didn’t immediately return a request for comment Friday.

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a7e61a No.75239

File: 406efca5ffcfb34⋯.png (231.72 KB,895x524,895:524,Clipboard.png)

File: b32aa067595cb65⋯.png (529.49 KB,1182x959,1182:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250941 (271516ZJUL23) Notable: @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets

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Kash Patel


READ…Wray n Garland are the targets


Jul 27, 2023,9:08AM


KASH PATEL: Forget Joe Biden, It's Time For Congress To Hold Merrick Garland And Christopher Wray To Account

President Joe Biden and his administration appear to have lied at least four times about the president’s ‘relationship’ with Hunter and business deals in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Although many are rightfully calling for his impeachment, blaming Biden alone misses the bigger problem.

While many want to understandably target Joe Biden, I want Congress to stay on mission – focus solely on the DOJ and FBI role in running cover for the administration and interfering in our elections. Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray have been called to task by their own documentation. Just like we have been demanding for so many months, Senator Chuck Grassley’s most recent release by – the now-famous FD-1023 – is at least partially verified. No politically funded operators, no bogus confidential human sources, and no Hillary Clinton media disinformation campaigns – so definitely not like the infamous Steele Dossier.

As the former chief investigator for Russiagate under then-Chairman Devin Nunes, we partnered with the Iowa senator to unveil the source of funding for the dossier’s debunked litany of disinformation. It’s good to see some in Congress returning to the simplicity of investigations, following the money, getting the documents and putting them out for the world to see. And now, whistleblowers have testified that millions of dollars were sent to the Biden crime family syndicate from the likes of Ukraine and the Chinese Communist Party’s henchmen.

The problem is that this is just one document. How many more FBI and DOJ documents, internal emails and memorandums exist on all things Hunter Biden? Congress cannot simply end with Joe Biden. It has to impeach the roots of the problem: Garland and Wray. Congress must immediately demand they produce alloutstanding documents currently under congressional subpoena. Failure to comply is itself grounds for impeachment, not to mention against the law.

Forcing a trial of these two government gangsters in the House of Representatives will put on display all relevant documentation that Garland and Wray have likely been withholding using the farcical D.C. government cheese excuse of an “ongoing investigation.” The FD-1023 in question was issued three years ago in June 2020. This one document shows the depths of the investigation, and sources like the IRS whistleblowers don’t show up overnight and provide that level of specificity. If what they say is true, Garland and Wray would have already lied repeatedly. Make them testify in person, under oath. Wouldn’t it be poetic justice to show the world and afford the next Trump administration and his DOJ to prosecute them if warranted?

The Democrats want the Republican majority to focus on the child-sniffing commander-in-chief, but that’s a political distraction. America must complete the Hunter Biden investigation and then expose the pair that seems to be covering for him – Garland and Wray. Stay on target. There is a reason you are hearing a growing chorus to put Joe Biden in the crosshairs. The more we look there, the less we expose what Garland and Wray might have buried.


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a7e61a No.75240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250942 (271516ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth.

[because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75241

File: 619652e38c14bb7⋯.png (426.31 KB,787x1375,787:1375,Clipboard.png)

File: 69aa99d9f030632⋯.png (235.11 KB,697x1432,697:1432,Clipboard.png)

File: 215b39818acab0d⋯.png (506.97 KB,780x1534,30:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250947 (271517ZJUL23) Notable: UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’

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technically the headline is not wrong. They don't want you to know it is from our own tech(not automobiles)

NASA knew this a while ago.

Stratospheric water vapor affecting atmospheric circulation


Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75242

File: a14d7a147bec7fa⋯.gif (1.84 MB,640x478,320:239,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250952 (271518ZJUL23) Notable: THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES

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>heard RFK Jr mention where he thinks the Virus came from?


since he or his people like to source info from here, they can use this...

DARPA Denies Funding Wuhan Institute of Virology Amid Alleged Document Leak


The Wuhan scientists were listed as partners on a funding proposal the environmental health nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance made to the U.S. government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Leaked Grant Proposal Confirms Chinese and American Scientists Planned to Create Novel Coronavirus


The grant proposal, obtained by the analysis group DRASTIC last month, was submitted to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2018 by the EcoHealth Alliance, an American research non-profit that planned to collaborate with Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to create a new virus using the funding.

“We will compile sequence/RNAseq data from a panel of closely related strains and compare full length genomes, scanning for unique SNPs representing sequencing errors,” the application states. “Consensus candidate genomes will be synthesised commercially using established techniques and genome-length RNA and electroporation to recover recombinant viruses.”

The Lab-Leak Debate Just Got Even Messier


The latest piece of evidence came out this week in the form of a set of murkily sourced PDFs, with their images a bit askew. The main one purports to be an unfunded research grant proposal from Peter Daszak, the president of the EcoHealth Alliance, a global nonprofit focused on emerging infectious diseases, that was allegedly submitted to DARPA in early 2018

Wuhan Lab Wanted to Genetically Enhance Bat Viruses to Study Human Risks, Documents Show


In a Monday post on DRASTIC Research's website, the group said documents shared by an unnamed whistleblower showed the EcoHealth Alliance "collaborated" with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to "carry out advanced and dangerous human pathogenicity Bat Coronavirus research" through a grant proposal EcoHealth Alliance filed with DARPA.

DARPA is a research agency within the U.S. Department of Defense which aims to "preserve military readiness by protecting against the infectious disease threat" through its PREEMPT program.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75243

File: 7b39a27030d9208⋯.png (766.42 KB,941x1482,941:1482,Clipboard.png)

File: e27b10dc23e4f18⋯.png (681.53 KB,1095x1818,365:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250966 (271520ZJUL23) Notable: The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania

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The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75244

File: 13f2bc4a5b4e5a5⋯.png (408.41 KB,944x1087,944:1087,Clipboard.png)

File: c9c99b56231e2ed⋯.png (79.13 KB,891x596,891:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250969 (271521ZJUL23) Notable: Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

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Hunter Biden simple recap:

Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

Judge said “wtf is this?”

DOJ & Defense: “well, uhh..umm”

Judge: Never seen that before. No deal. How do you plead now?

Hunter: Not guilty

Hunter’s now going to trial for his crimes

Jul 26, 2023, 1:58 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250975 (271522ZJUL23) Notable: James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

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At a minute before 5 a.m. on April 27, ABC News’ James Gordon Meek fired off a tweet with a single word: “FACTS.”

The network’s national-security investigative producer was responding to former CIA agent Marc Polymeropoulos’ take that the Ukrainian military — with assistance from the U.S. — was thriving against Russian forces. Polymeropoulos’ tweet — filled with acronyms indecipherable to the layperson, like “TTPs,” “UW,” and “EW” — was itself a reply to a missive from Washington Post Pentagon reporter Dan Lamothe, who noted the wealth of information the U.S. military had gathered about Russian ops by observing their combat strategy in real time. The interchange illustrated the interplay between the national-security community and those who cover it. And no one straddled both worlds quite like Meek, an Emmy-winning deep-dive journalist who also was a former senior counterterrorism adviser and investigator for the House Homeland Security Committee. To his detractors within ABC, Meek was something of a “military fanboy.” But his track record of exclusives was undeniable, breaking the news of foiled terrorist plots in New York City and the Army’s coverup of the fratricidal death of Pfc. Dave Sharrett II in Iraq, a bombshell that earned Meek a face-to-face meeting with President Obama. With nine years at ABC under his belt, a buzzy Hulu documentary poised for Emmy attention, and an upcoming book on the military’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the 52-year-old bear of a man seemed to be at the height of his powers and the pinnacle of his profession.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250978 (271523ZJUL23) Notable: THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES

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Either moderna and pfizer failed to deliver on their contractual product delivery obligations, or they built exactly to spec, on contract and on schedule.

Operation Warp Speed was a DoD/DARPA OP

Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold (2017)

DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less

Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology, a medical countermeasure against infectious diseases that uses coded genetic constructs to stimulate production of viral proteins in the body, which in turn can trigger a protective antibody response.As a follow-on effort, DARPA funded research into genetic constructs that can directly stimulate production of antibodies in the body.1,2 DARPA is now launching the Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program, aimed at developing that foundational work into an entire system capable of halting the spread of any viral disease outbreak before it can escalate to pandemic status. Such a capability would offer a stark contrast to the state of the art for developing and deploying traditional vaccines—a process that does not deliver treatments to patients until months, years, or even decades after a viral threat emerges.

“DARPA’s goal is to create a technology platform that can place a protective treatment into health providers’ hands within 60 days of a pathogen being identified, and have that treatment induce protection in patients within three days of administration. We need to be able to move at this speed considering how quickly outbreaks can get out of control,” said Matt Hepburn, the P3 Program Manager. “The technology needs to work on any viral disease, whether it’s one humans have faced before or not.”

Recent outbreaks of viral infectious diseases such as Zika, H1N1 influenza, and Ebola have cast into sharp relief the inability of the global health system to rapidly contain the spread of a disease using existing tools and procedures. State-of-the-art medical countermeasures typically take many months or even years to develop, produce, distribute, and administer. These solutions often arrive too late—if at all—and in quantities too small to respond to emerging threats. In contrast, the envisioned P3 platform would cut response time to weeks and stay within the window of relevance for containing an outbreak.

Key to this undertaking are nucleic-acid-based technologies—those that are centered on DNA and RNA—including some developed under DARPA’s Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT) program. Using these tools, scientists can identify protective antibodies from recovering patients and then, through a biological version of reverse engineering, manufacture genetic constructs that, when delivered, can instruct an individual’s body to produce similar protective antibodies. Significant quantities of these nucleic acid “blueprints” can be rapidly manufactured compared to state-of-the-art antibody production methods.


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a7e61a No.75247

File: f3f7ee64a328209⋯.png (58.46 KB,448x443,448:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250980 (271523ZJUL23) Notable: James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75248

File: c5a4992baffeca1⋯.jpg (14.84 KB,234x216,13:12,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250992 (271526ZJUL23) Notable: THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES

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Army General to Co-Lead 'Operation Warp Speed' for COVID-19 Vaccine


Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted in 2013 to craft mrna technology

DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics A Grant For Up To $25 Million To Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™

Research to focus on antibody production for immune defense

Oct 02, 2013


Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body's natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested.

Pfizer Awarded DARPA Biodefense Contract– DoD Daily Contracts

Dec 4, 2013


Pfizer, Inc., has been awarded a $7,670,632 technology investment agreement. Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual.

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a7e61a No.75249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250997 (271527ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation...what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have?

[shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251003 (271529ZJUL23) Notable: Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown

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Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown

July 26, 2023

After a remarkable life in orbit, Aeolus is out of fuel and out of time – it’s returning to Earth this week. Planned and built before any regulations were put in place on ‘end-of-life’ disposal, the Earth Explorer was designed to naturally return through our atmosphere.

After months of detailed planning and analysis, ESA together with industrial partners has designed a complex and never-before-performed set of manoeuvres to control, as much as possible, Aeolus’ fall.

The assisted reentry attempt is built on four main phases, now begun at ESA’s mission control:

Phase I: once Aeolus has fallen naturally to 280 km, the first manoeuvre is performed – the largest in the mission’s five years in orbit. The main objectives are to lower the satellite down to 250 km and to check how the satellite behaves when executing a large manoeuvre at such low altitudes – more than three times the size of any performed during routine operations.

Phase II: after three to five days, a series of four manoeuvres will lower Aeolus’s ‘perigee altitude’ – the point in orbit closest to Earth – down to an altitude of about 150 km.

Phase III: a final manoeuvre will lower Aeolus to a perigee altitude of 120 km.

Phase IV: in the final, shortest phase, Aeolus the spacecraft becomes space debris, completing its final descent in just a few Earth revolutions.

In this animation, round regions temporarily lit up in bright green show the moments that Aeolus is in contact with antennas on Earth. It is in these periods that mission control is in touch with the satellite and can send up commands and get its data down.

Aeolus is repeatedly turned, or ‘slewed’ by 180° in order to switch from the routine orientation (or ‘attitude’), in which the satellite’s ‘X-band’ antenna points toward Earth and the GPS can function to track the mission – crucial to maintaining knowledge of its position – and the ‘retrograde’ attitude.

This second, ‘upside down’ position is necessary for the thrusters to fire in the opposite direction to Aeolus’s flight direction, causing it to lose energy and lower in orbit.

While the ultimate goal is for the spacecraft to burn up as it reenters through the atmosphere, teams need to keep it functioning long enough that they can continue to send up commands and control it on its path.

After the final commands are sent, Aeolus will be ‘passivated’. Passivation is when any energy onboard a spacecraft is removed, for example, its propellant or batteries. Doing this prevents explosions and fragmentation events, that could cause the release of lots of pieces of unwanted space debris.

For Aeolus, already out of fuel, it will simply be turned off. After this point, teams at mission control will continue to monitor the situation until Aeolus’s ultimate reentry location is confirmed.

For rolling updates on Aeolus's reentry, follow ‘Aeolus reentry: live’ on the Rocket Science blog.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251007 (271529ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251107 (271546ZJUL23) Notable: Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops.

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Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops.

3 Divices. Reading Backwards they sapell EXC

Now, loonking all kinds of SPOOPY is the Company linked to EXC which is short for EXELON

Elon with the recent X change, X also as in an Ex.

IDK but spoopy none the less.


Exelon is a Fortune 250 company and the nation’s largest energy delivery company,serving more than 10 million customers through six fully regulated transmission and distribution utilities​


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251128 (271549ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase.

Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria?

Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75254

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251129 (271549ZJUL23) Notable: Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

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4 hours ago

James Comer: Hunter Biden's plea deal collapse a 'victory for justice in America'

the walls are caving in on the Biden crime family




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251146 (271552ZJUL23) Notable: The Other Pandemic 2hrs

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The Other Pandemic 2hrs (open new tab)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251162 (271555ZJUL23) Notable: Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸

BREAKING: Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots

You know what to do

9:33 AM · Jul 27, 2023·258.4K Views


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251176 (271556ZJUL23) Notable: Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia

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Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia

Facebook’s parent company disclosed user data through a supposedly privacy-protecting app

Australia has fined social media giant Meta A$20 million ($14 million) for slurping up users’ data without their knowledge using an app called Onavo that was supposed to protect their privacy, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) revealed on Wednesday.

The Federal Court ordered Meta subsidiaries Facebook Israel and Onavo to pay A$10 million ($7 million) each for “engaging in conduct liable to mislead in breach of the Australian Consumer Law,” plus A$400,000 to cover the ACCC’s legal costs.

Facebook marketed Onavo, a free virtual private networking app, on the App Store and Google Play as an app that “helps keep you and your data safe” between 2016 and 2017. VPNs hide the user’s IP address, allowing them to access content that might not be reachable from their area or country and confounding location-specific targeting.

However, it was actually using the app to record users’ location, time, and use of other apps, as well as which websites they visited, in order to use this information for advertising, according to Judge Wendy Abraham.

“The failure to make sufficient disclosures… may have deprived tens of thousands of Australian consumers of the opportunity to make an informed choice about the collection of their data before downloading and/or using Onavo Protect,” Abraham said in the judgment.

She could have fined Meta hundreds of billions of dollars, she pointed out, since Australians downloaded the VPN at least 271,229 times and the country’s consumer protection law carries a fine of $1.1 million per incident, but instead treated it as “a single course of conduct,” observing that the fine “carries with it a sufficient sting to ensure that the penalty amount is not such as to be regarded... as simply an acceptable cost of doing business.” Meta made $116 billion last year.

Meta released a statement emphasizing the ACCC’s own admission that the tech behemoth had never meant to mislead customers, claiming Onavo had “functioned properly as an online security tool” and that the company had “built tools to give people more transparency and control over how their data is used” in recent years.

“We design every new product and feature with privacy in mind,” Meta told Australia’s ABC.

The Federal Court last month ordered Australia’s Information Commissioner and Meta to settle the government’s Cambridge Analytica lawsuit, filed in 2020 after American and British regulators successfully fined the company $5 billion and £500,000 ($647,300) respectively, for deceiving users about how their private data was being handled. Cambridge Analytica infamously harvested the data of millions of Facebook users without their knowledge through a seemingly innocuous quiz app, then used that information to target political ads.


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a7e61a No.75258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251180 (271557ZJUL23) Notable: Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms

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Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms: Sources

Two Trump attorneys are expected to meet with the special counsel's team.

ByKatherine Faulders, John Santucci, Laura Romero, and Soo Rin Kim

July 27, 2023, 9:57 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75259

File: 02038cbca7cc122⋯.png (522.98 KB,990x924,15:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 8697fdfb112373a⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251209 (271601ZJUL23) Notable: Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

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How A Federal Judge Turned The Tables On Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal

By: Will Scharf

July 27, 2023

6 Min Read

Judge Noreika knew lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball while forcing her to rubber-stamp their absurd bargain.

Hunter Biden arrived in a Delaware federal court on Wednesday morning expecting that, in a few short hours, he would walk out a free man with full immunity from prosecution for an exceedingly wide range of alleged criminal conduct, ranging from gun and drug charges to foreign influence peddling. His expectation was that his deal would be insulated from challenges from the presiding judge, or from a prosecutorial change of heart under a future administration. His expectation was that his legal ordeals were coming to a close.

Instead, U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika picked apart his plea deal with surgical precision, exposing its legal contradictions, and upbraiding both defense counsel and the Department of Justice for structuring an unprecedented deal that in her view — and mine — was illegal and unconstitutional.

I have reviewed the hearing transcript from Wednesday’s aborted change of plea hearing, as well as the agreed-to plea agreement and pretrial diversion agreement that Hunter thought were his salvation. I have spoken to individuals who were in the courtroom and witnessed Judge Noreika’s upturning of the apple cart. Based on my experience as a federal prosecutor, and based on everything that I have seen and heard, here is what I believe to be the story of Hunter’s blown plea.

An Attempt to Avoid Judicial Oversight

Typically, if the government is offering a defendant to either drop charges or decline to bring new charges in return for the defendant’s guilty plea, the plea is structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A). Pleas under this subsection are subject to judicial approval. So if a judge believes the government’s decision to decline prosecution or dismiss charges in return for a plea to other charges is unjust, the judge can reject the plea agreement.

The deal reached between the DOJ and Hunter seems to have been that, in return for his pleading guilty to the two tax misdemeanor charges that were the subject of his plea, the government would agree not to prosecute Hunter for unlawful possession of a firearm, Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) violations, and other crimes related to his international business schemes in China and Ukraine with Bohai and Burisma, among others. In any normal case, this would have been structured as a Rule 11(c)(1)(A) plea, which would have made it subject to judicial approval.

In Hunter’s case, though, the parties were apparently worried that Judge Norieka might reject such a broad grant of immunity from prosecution in return for such minor guilty pleas. As a result, Hunter’s plea was structured under a different provision, Rule 11(c)(1)(B), which is usually just a plea agreement in return for a nonbinding sentencing recommendation, and which does not provide any ability of a court to intervene or reject the plea.

To insulate Hunter’s plea from judicial oversight — and the possibility of judicial rejection — Hunter’s lawyers and the Department of Justice included no mention of the agreement not to prosecute Hunter for further crimes in the plea agreement. Instead, they buried it in a separate pretrial diversion agreement, which they argued the judge was not a party to and therefore lacked the power to reject.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251213 (271601ZJUL23) Notable: Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

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Publicly, this pretrial diversion agreement was described as applying just to the unlawful possession of a firearm charge. This was a wild mischaracterization of the agreement. Included in the agreement was a provision that bound the United States to not prosecute Biden “for any federal crimes encompassed by . . . the Statement of Facts” attached to the Plea Agreement.

The referred-to Statement of Facts includes: Hunter’s role with and compensation from Burisma; Hunter’s role with and compensation from Chinese private equity firm Bohai, Harvest, and Rosemont; Hunter’s holding company Owasco; Hunter’s consulting firm Rosemont Seneca; and many other aspects of Hunter’s controversial web of business relationships.

In other words, if Hunter were to complete probation, this pretrial diversion agreement would prevent DOJ from ever bringing charges against Hunter for any crimes relating to the offense conduct discussed in the plea agreement, which was purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Hunter and DOJ put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the pretrial diversion agreement, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering and Hunter was obtaining through these proceedings. Because this allowed them to, in their view, structure the plea agreement as a Rule 11(c)(1)(B) plea, it insulated the agreement from judicial oversight.

They went even further, though. In an apparent effort to shield Hunter from a new administration, which might try to throw out the pretrial diversion agreement by claiming that Hunter had violated his probation terms, they included a provision — which they admitted was entirely novel, with no precedent — stating that the government could not deem Hunter to have violated the agreement without first proving up violations in front of the judge. So the agreement they stated the judge had no role in and therefore no ability to reject, also placed the judge in a position of having to sign off on any future prosecution.

An Unconstitutional Agreement

Judge Noreika smelled a rat. She understood that the lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball while forcing her to rubber-stamp their absurd bargain. Instead of being that rubberstamp though, she backed DOJ and Hunter’s lawyers into a corner by pulling all the details out into the open, explaining the very serious legal and constitutional issues with this unprecedented method of structuring what should have been a simple plea agreement, and demanding that the lawyers explain themselves, which they simply couldn’t to her satisfaction.

DOJ, attempting to save face and save its case, stated on the record that the investigation into Hunter was ongoing and that Hunter remained susceptible to prosecution under FARA. Hunter’s lawyers exploded. They clearly believed that FARA was covered under the deal because as written, the pretrial diversion agreement language was broad enough to cover it. When the parties attempted to paper over the many issues raised, Judge Noreika was not satisfied. She demanded extensive briefing on the constitutional and legal issues raised during the hearing, leaving no chance that Hunter will be able to wrap up this case with any degree of rapidity.

And so here we are. Hunter’s lawyers and DOJ are going to go off and try to pull together a new set of agreements, likely narrower and less novel in its arrangement to satisfy Judge Noreika and move the case. They will have to explain their conduct in a public briefing which may shed some light on the obviously tortured negotiations that led us to this place. And, fortunately, the chances of any agreement proceeding with the kind of blanket immunity the parties had in mind as they walked into court yesterday are essentially nil at this point.

Hunter may in fact have to face up to his crimes one day.


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a7e61a No.75261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251277 (271609ZJUL23) Notable: James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

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Meek and his partner Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75262

File: c5292fb08cca931⋯.png (81.47 KB,752x711,752:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251284 (271610ZJUL23) Notable: UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’

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He strangely fails to mention that the WHO is one of 17 sub-agencies of the UN (in the text shown)?


The UN is over all of these:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

International Atomic Energy Agency

International Criminal Court

International Fund for Agricultural Development

International Labour Organization

International Monetary Fund

International Organization for Migration

International Seabed Authority

International Telecommunication Union

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

World Bank

World Health Organization

World Intellectual Property Organization

World Meteorological Organization

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251333 (271615ZJUL23) Notable: -International Q Research Threads——–——– Australia #31 ——–——– Canada #45 ——–——– France #7 ——–——– Germany #105 ——–——– Japan #16 ——–——– Nederland #10 ——–——– QAJF #1 ——–——– Scotland #8 ——–——– South Africa #11 ——–——– UK #50GLOBALSAnons Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download Updated PROTO Instructions What counts as CP? Why admins try to keep spam down Bakers Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ How to bake/e-bake Formatting Q posts No muh joos in notes, will be removedNOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS#23644 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) joetato Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” Vangelis is sublime Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason. @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware Hampstead Kids CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce Moar Hunter Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years Says He Wants to Protect Trump House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill. THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong Buckwheat up FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill. Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions. Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields 4 year delta Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’ IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women. Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove #23644 #23643-B Swamp meets Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ WHY ARE THEY PUTTING TOLLS IN MANHATTAN?!?! X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar UFO WHISTLE - BLOWER TESTIFIES BEFORE SUB COMMITTEE The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022. Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead? FARAGE TAKING HEADS OF THE BANKSTERS AT COUTTS Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges. Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine Where the hell are the articles of impeachment? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/MILITARY CONTRACTORS MADE THE VACCINES James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men' Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence. @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops. The Other Pandemic 2hrs Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms #23643-B #23643-A The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own. Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children. Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster] Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said] Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene. Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low] Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed] Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want] Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind. Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely. #23643-A #23642 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin Pyongyang Exec At Trucking Giant Yellow Tells Staff Company Will File Bankruptcy On Monday The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients DJT TS w/CAP: Join me this Saturday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern — in beautiful Erie, Pennsylvania for a TRUMP RALLY... elon musk w/CAP: It is such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people Elon Musk says Twitter/X will soon remove “light mode” option from the platform. All Israeli newspapers decided to publish the agreement with Pfizer in their front page. Niger Coup: Military Seizes President and Shuts Borders, Biden Admin Furious The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor US drone over syria locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow MICHELLE GOES INTO HIDING: "We haven't seen her since the night of the drowning." pepe deluxe w/CAP: Frens look... they're having to use more holes to drain the blood for embalming because of blood clots China tests army of tiny drone ships that can ‘shark swarm’ enemies during sea battles Widow Of Drowned Obama Chef Breaks Silence After Police Update Libs of TikTok crashes Eric Swalwell’s office after Stacie Laughton scandal, asks if congressman intends to endorse anymore pedophiles 10:00 am Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer” These ppl are evil: Everyone that took a PCR test is fucked. darpahydragel and lithium nano goo (baker paraphrasing) CENTCOM Commander visits Israel from 25-27 July Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/27/2023 #23642Previously Collected#23640, #23641 #23637, #23638, #23639 #23634, #23635, #23636 #23633, #23631, #23632 TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/ Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop

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#23643-A >>75181

The Dangers and Due Process Violations of 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children

>>75198 Chairman Johnson: [the 'queer surgeon'] Is a sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children, and it should be prohibited by law…this is adults deciding to permanently alter the bodies of children who do not have the capacity to make life-altering decisions on their own.

>>75200 Chairman Johnson: No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children.

Scanlon: Gender affirming care is safe and effective…it's just not up for debate…access to gender affirming care is essential to the mental health and well being of transyouth. [Scanlon is a sick, deranged monster]

>>75203 Nadler: Today's hearing [gender affirming care] is an all-time low for the republican majority…I am absolutely disgusted by the republican majorities bullying, bigoted framing of an issue that would otherwise be worthy of serious discussion…I trust parents and medical professionals, not politicians, to make decisions about their children's heath when it comes to gender affirming care, and so does the Constitution.[possibly the most idiotic statement that monster has ever said]

>>75214 Scanlan [witness testifying]: When we tried to voice our concerns to the athletic department, we were told that Leah's swimming and being in our locker room was non-negotiable, and we were offered psychological services to attempt to re-educate us to become comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of a male

>>75227 Dr. Bauwens: Compared to other psychological disorders…gender dysphoria is currently being treated with the most invasive interventions connected to a psychological issue, with the lowest quality of evidence to support that practice…eighty-five percent or more of those experiencing gender dysphoria will desist if left alone…it is actually unethical to intervene.

>>75229 Dr. Bauwens: A report from the UCLA Williams Institute found that forty-five percent of transgender identifying people reported childhood sexual abuse. [that number seems low]

>>75233 Hageman: Especially when it comes to children, it seems to me that gender affirming care is better described as sexual lobotomy. It is treatment that fundamentally and permanently alters the sexuality, and medical and psychological well-being of these patients. It causes irreversible sterilization, and serious long-term medical complications, and long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals

>>75240 McClintock: This is an attack on the integrity of women's sports [allowing men to put on a dress and compete against women]. I wonder why my democratic colleagues who often posture as feminists, can't see this plain truth. [because they are literally sick; mentally disturbed]

>>75249 Hunt: Once a child expresses a feeling of gender dysphoria, instead of questioning the root cause of that feeling, that child will more likely than not, be on a fast track to gender reassignment surgery, otherwise known as gender mutilation…what would happen if we affirmed every thought that our children have? [shows graphic of food pyramid made up of ice cream, as a child would want]

>>75251 Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind.

>>75251 Hunt: I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous. I don't care what party you are a part of; if you think that we are all equal and the same biologically, you've literally lost your mind.

>>75253 Dr. Bauwens: We've also had a proliferation of gender clinics. Ten years ago, there was maybe just a few, and now all of a sudden, there are tons of gender clinics, with a really steep curve of surgical markets expected to increase. Chairman Johnson: Do you think social media has any role in this increase in gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens: Absolutely.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251337 (271616ZJUL23) Notable: #23643-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23643-B >>75181

>>75182, >>75184, >>75189, >>75190, >>75191, >>75192, >>75195, >>75202 Swamp meets

>>75183 Elon Musk buys his old X.com domain from PayPal

>>75186, >>75241, >>75262 UN chief says Earth in ‘era of global boiling’


>>75188, >>75196, >>75197, >>75225 X History, it seems, has a tremendous sense of Irony Plus moar


>>75199, >>75201 The Department of ‘Justice’ has dropped the campaign finance charge against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried.

>>75204 Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on TSA Workforce Pay

>>75205, >>75206, >>75208, >>75209, >>75210, >>75211 Grassley knew about the FD-1023 document since 10/17/2022.

>>75207 Levine: In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie.

>>75212 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Galaxies in the River

>>75213 Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell Meet With Italian Prime Minister

>>75215 The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned./Bruce Peter Reimer

>>75216 Meghan Walsh is John Walsh’s daughter - remember when her brother Adam went missing and was found dead?


>>75218, >>75226, >>75228 Under charging Hunter opened up so many more doors. Now Weiss can be questioned why he charged Hunter for just tax invasion and gun charges.

>>75219, >>75185 Refresher: Kevin Spacey - House of Cards/Hunter Biden - Plea deal

>>75220 Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress

>>75221, >>75222 How can Blinkin think Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when his WIFE IS EMAILING HUNTER ON THE LAPTOP!/Panetta doesn’t regret signing letter

>>75223 How Elton John and David Furnish's testimony was key to Kevin Spacey being cleared

>>75224 NASA, DARPA Partner with Industry on Mars Rocket Engine

>>75230 Where the hell are the articles of impeachment?


>>75234, >>75238, >>75245, >>75247, >>75261 James Gordon Meek who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes/Meek, Mike Rosenberg formed the "irreverent" Gridlock webzine

>>75235 Leon Black paid the US Virgin Islands $62million in 2021 after being asked for all of his communications with the late pedophile and his 'right hand men'

>>75236, >>75237 Josh Duggar Tries to Overturn 12-Year Child Porn Sentence.

>>75239 @Kash READ…Wray n Garland are the targets

>>75243 The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Announces Special Guest Speakers for Erie, Pennsylvania

>>75244, >>75254, >>75259, >>75260 Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

>>75250 Aeolus satellite reentry: the breakdown

>>75252 Today's Deltas contain Device ___ Drops.

>>75255 The Other Pandemic 2hrs

>>75256 Here is the full UNEDITED version of the Jason Aldean video about the BLM-Antifa riots

>>75257 Meta fined over privacy violations in Australia

>>75258 Trump attorneys expected to meet with special counsel's office as potential indictment looms


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75265

File: d3ea71cbbcd0667⋯.png (310.93 KB,370x365,74:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251356 (271618ZJUL23) Notable: #23644

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75266

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251370 (271621ZJUL23) Notable: Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994)

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“Conspiracy of Silence”


Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994)

Conspiracy of Silence is a 56-minute is a powerful and disturbing documentary film produced by Yorkshire Television in 1994.


According to John DeCamp’s book, in Part 2, the paedophile/ SRA/ snuff movie/ child hunting network was run out of Omaha, Nebraska using private jets to fly children all over the states and the world, including Bohemian Grove, Dallas, California, Los Vegas, NY, Washington, the Netherlands and Germany and was part of an MK Ultra programme and drug running operation set up at the Offutt Air Force base outside Omaha, run by Col. Michael Aquino, the military and CIA.

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a7e61a No.75267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251387 (271625ZJUL23) Notable: joetato

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a7e61a No.75268

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251414 (271629ZJUL23) Notable: Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset”

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Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset” 😢

Poor Hunter! 🤣

Jul 27, 2023, 12:02 PM


Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset”



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a7e61a No.75269

File: c48e8723509f036⋯.png (55.83 KB,490x601,490:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251431 (271631ZJUL23) Notable: Vangelis is sublime

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17 letters.

Elon Musk


Vangelis is sublime

5:24 AM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251435 (271631ZJUL23) Notable: Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration

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Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance will hold a hearing on Thursday, July 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. ET. The hearing, "Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration," will examine the administration's operations, including its handling of America's unprecedented fentanyl and opioid crisis.


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a7e61a No.75271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251441 (271632ZJUL23) Notable: joetato

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Mr. Biden: I don't know anybody who honestly believes climate change is not a serious problem. Just take a look at the historic floods in Vermont and California earlier this year. Droughts and hurricanes that are growing more frequent and intense. Wildfires spreading a smoky haze, for thousands of miles, worsening air quality.

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a7e61a No.75272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251457 (271633ZJUL23) Notable: Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman

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Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman: report

By Emily Crane

July 27, 2023 12:22pm

Self-proclaimed misogynist influencer Andrew Tate copped to sounding “almost evil” as he detailed the tactics he supposedly used to exploit and manipulate an alleged sex-trafficking victim, newly leaked messages show.

The alleged tactics were laid bare in a string of messages from 2021 that Tate had posted in his War Room network — an all-male social platform and Telegram channel made up of his associates, Rolling Stone reported.

The 36-year-old, who is currently under house arrest in Bucharest, Romania after being arrested with his brother Tristan last December on suspicion of sex trafficking, appeared to gloat to his fellow War Room members about how he’d allegedly coaxed a woman into doing sex work for him.

Tate detailed in the messages how he recruited the woman, who had moved from her native country to be with him in Bucharest, to start producing sexualized online content for him — despite her initially objecting to sending him photos or doing OnlyFans.

“Since she moved [to Bucharest] she’s been fed. But nothing else,” he allegedly wrote in the messages.

“She’s broke. And she can’t go home. And she can’t leave the house. Man, I sound almost evil. But I’m not. I’m a Shephard. Leading the sheep. She doesn’t realize that following me makes life better for her.”

In other messages, Tate allegedly described how he made the woman even more dependent on him by falsely telling her he was angry after learning through her own friends that she had supposedly worked at a sex club.

Tate, who said he’d threatened to kick her out, went on to suggest that the lie had put the woman on the defensive and made her more reliant on him.

“The real goal is for her to agree to never go anywhere without me. Not even her home town,” he writes. “I need her working,” he allegedly wrote.

In a screenshot of an apparent text exchange between Tate and the woman, he allegedly told her: “You are never going back to [her hometown] even to visit” and “you don’t need to leave the house in Bucharest….We are together. Always.”

She responded: “Yes. I understand.”

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a7e61a No.75273

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251465 (271634ZJUL23) Notable: J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque

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45 minutes ago

J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque.

4:48 minutes

Stayed #1 on the charts for two week, so that makes it a #1 on the charts forever


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a7e61a No.75274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251468 (271634ZJUL23) Notable: A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal

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A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal


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a7e61a No.75275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251487 (271635ZJUL23) Notable: Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

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Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates


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a7e61a No.75276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251497 (271636ZJUL23) Notable: Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz

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Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress


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a7e61a No.75277

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251507 (271637ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason.

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2 hours ago

Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason.


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a7e61a No.75278

File: 9237c7c5d5f602e⋯.png (254.59 KB,568x684,142:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251525 (271640ZJUL23) Notable: @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware

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a7e61a No.75279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251528 (271640ZJUL23) Notable: joetato

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Mr. Biden: We should, and the international effort; we've got a commitment to plant a billion trees over the next several years, worldwide.

[sounds like an attempt to steal credit for President Trump's 'One Trillion Trees Initiative']

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a7e61a No.75280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251546 (271644ZJUL23) Notable: Hampstead Kids

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Hampstead Kids


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a7e61a No.75281

File: 598012a3da8b3d9⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,1080x1094,540:547,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aa5e6b574c2b896⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,332x320,83:80,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251563 (271646ZJUL23) Notable: Hampstead Kids

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PDJT Retweet

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a7e61a No.75282

File: 8a92d3b07aa6083⋯.jpeg (593.28 KB,1284x1837,1284:1837,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fac8d4c5e71ff89⋯.jpeg (229.43 KB,887x903,887:903,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251581 (271652ZJUL23) Notable: CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce

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CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce

What are the odds that the “alien avatar”, psychochic, Christina Maria Calce, that looked demon possessed in that censorship hearing was acknowledged in this book on Space Law?!? Her behavior & background sure lends to interesting speculation.

The Cold War, the Space Race, and the Law of Outer Space


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a7e61a No.75283

File: c81e24c718df14c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1578x901,1578:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c732d4cd29070e⋯.png (169.44 KB,1304x901,1304:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251584 (271653ZJUL23) Notable: @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware

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> Qortal.org.

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Qortal’s Mission Statement

The Qortal Network will bring back individual sovereignty to a worldwide economy. Qortal will:

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2) provide a viable alternative for trading to avoid the devastation caused by exchange hacks and thefts,

3) build a new worldwide economic system based on honesty, openness, transparency, and democracy in a trustless fashion,

4) implement a true honest democratic system with voting where the individual's influence is weighted based on their individual contribution, and

5) establish a fair system with room for everyone to earn their place in the Qortal Network!



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a7e61a No.75284

File: 362dbd900cd97c7⋯.png (178.5 KB,389x260,389:260,Clipboard.png)

File: d221ce56f0c7e75⋯.pdf (762.96 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251602 (271656ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Hunter

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Hunter Biden plea deal shows feds agreed to not charge past crimes — but changed course in court

By Josh Christenson July 27, 2023 10:18am1/2

Tucker Plea Agreement attached-dig in anons

First son Hunter Biden was set to receive sweeping immunity protection under the terms of a plea deal negotiated with federal prosecutors — only for the Justice Department to backtrack under questioning from a Delaware judge during a Wednesday hearing.

Special Assistant US Attorney Leo Wise and Hunter’s lawyer Christopher Clark both signed a probation-only agreement to allow the 53-year-old first son to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors and enter a diversion program for a felony charge of possessing a firearm while addicted to crack cocaine, according to a copy of the document obtained by Politico.

The memo stated that prosecutors would also not seek to charge Hunter Biden for any federal crimes attached to his case, which included millions of dollars in missed tax payments between 2016 and 2019.

The deal only left open the possibility of “prosecution for any future conduct” by the president’s son— ensuring that possible violations of foreign lobbying laws and money laundering would be forever uncharged.

Under its terms, Hunter would serve two years on probation for the tax crimes. Justice Department prosecutors agreed with attorneys for Hunter Biden to not prosecute the first son for past crimes.

He would also have to seek active employment, remain sober, submit to drug tests, be fingerprinted by the FBI, and not commit other crimes.

His record would also be expunged thirty days after his probation period ends.

But in Wilmington, federal court, Wise diverged from the plan and told US District Judge Maryellen Noreika that the unprecedented agreement did not preclude prosecutors from the ongoing investigation into the first son’s alleged crimes — prompting gasps from those in the room.

When Norieka asked whether those crimes could include violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), Wise responded, “Yes.”

“As far as I’m concerned, the plea agreement is null and void,” defense attorney Chris Clark said in response. The agreement had made no mention of FARA violations.

Noreika repeatedly expressed skepticism about the scope of the agreement, accusing both sides of wanting her to “rubber-stamp” an improperly broad deal and asking Wise at one point: “Have you ever seen a diversion agreement that is so broad that it encompasses crimes in another case?

“No, your honor,” Wise admitted when Noreika asked if he could think of any precedent.

The federal charges stemmed from what DOJ prosecutors called Hunter’s “lucrative domestic and international business interests” at his private equity firm Rosemont Seneca between 2017 and 2019 as an attorney and businessman, as well as his position on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings and the Chinese private equity fund BHR Partners. In 2018 alone, Hunter raked in $2.6 million in business and consulting work for Burisma and BHR. Additionally, the first son took in $2.3 million in 2017 and $2.1 million in 2018 as legal counsel at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP....


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a7e61a No.75285

File: 87dfb6aff53283f⋯.png (530.27 KB,605x495,11:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 15a20ebe7fe99d6⋯.png (391.83 KB,643x428,643:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fe338e9a7da334⋯.png (327.26 KB,518x346,259:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251614 (271700ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Hunter

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I bet that hearing yesterday took that sickening smirk off of Hunter's ugly face


The memo also shows Hunter Biden 2017 earned $1 million “from a company he formed with the CEO of a Chinese business conglomerate, $666,666 from his domestic business; approximately $664,000 from a Chinese infrastructure investment company; $500,000 in director’s fees from a Ukrainian energy company; $70,000 relating to a Romanian business; and $48,000 from the multi-national law firm.”

Prosecutors noted that Hunter never paid income tax for that year, despite having one of his former business partners finalize the details and receiving further assistance from an accountant. For tax year 2017, he owed $600,000 individually and his law firm, Owasco PC, owed $204,000, the memo states. Hunter told his accountant in April 2018he would make a $25,000 paymentfor his 2017 earnings —but never followed through.

This happened despite the first son’s law firm having received $1 million from CEFC China Energy executive Patrick Ho, of which $939,000 was left over on tax day.

“Over the next six months, Biden would spend almost the entirety of his balance on personal expenses, including large cash withdrawals, transfers to his personal account, travel, and entertainment,” prosecutors said while noting he “continued to earn handsomely.”

His attorneys and prosecutors both acknowledged that his descent into drug addiction after the death of his brother, former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, contributed to the missed tax payments.

On April 15, 2019, Hunter also sought an extension for his 2018 taxes and under threat of prosecution later that year enlisted the help of a California accountant to file his missing returns.

Chris Clark also secured Hunter’s entry to a diversion program for a felony charge of possessing a firearm while addicted to crack cocaine, according to a copy of the document obtained by Politico.Lathan and Watkins

However, he inflated his personal income and “miscategorized certain personal expenses as legitimate business expenses,” which included payments to prostitutes and a sex club membership, according to the lead IRS investigator on the case, Gary Shapley.

The first son eventually filed his final tax returns for 2017 and 2018 on Feb. 18, 2020.

• His 2017 Form 1040 reported $2,376,436 in total income and payment due of $710,598, of which $581,713 was still owed.

• His law firm Owasco PC reported $2,698,041 for its 2017 total income, of which $13,630 was still owed.

• Hunter Biden was seen leaving a court appearance on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, in Wilmington, Del. AP

• His 2018 Form 1040 reported $2,187,286 in total income and payment due of $659,366, of which $620,901 was still owed.

• Owasco reported $2,659,014 in income, of which a $4,247 payment was still owed.

• Hunter on June 12, 2020, paid off $447,234 of his 2016 taxes due for income of $1,580,283.

• On Oct. 15, 2020, the day after The

Post’s bombshell report on his father’s involvement in his Ukraine business, Hunter filed his 2019 tax returns but made no payments.

• He earned $1,045,850 for that tax year and owed $197,372.

• On Oct. 18, 2021, Hunter’s “sugar brother” Kevin Morris paid off all his tax liabilities, which amounted to $45,661 in 2016, $955,800 in 2017, $956,632 in 2018, and $197,372 in 2019.


(pictures of the DOJ attorney that negotiated the plea agreement and his two arrogant attorneys who represent him)

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a7e61a No.75286

File: d3d8cdee78d3b72⋯.png (359.57 KB,887x754,887:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251615 (271701ZJUL23) Notable: Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years - Says He Wants to Protect Trump

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Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years – Says He Wants to Protect Trump

The Biden Crime Family literally operates like an old-school Italian mafia according to Jill Biden’s ex-husband.

As the New York Post reported, Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill from 1970-1975, explained how the Bidens have bullied him for years in an interview with Newsmax’s Greg Kelly.

After Stevenson and Jill parted ways, Joe’s brother Frank started demanding that Jill have the house she and Stevenson were sharing. Stevenson got a nasty surprise after he brushed Frank off.

Frankie Biden of the Biden Crime Family comes up to me and he goes give her the house or you’re going to have serious problems.

I looked at Frankie and I said, “Are you threatening me?” and needless to say, about two months later, my brother and I were indicted for that tax charge for $8,200.

Guess who ordered Frank to screw over Stevenson? None other than then-senator Joe Biden himself according to Stevenson.

Stevenson went on to say the Biden Crime Family did not just stop with bogus tax indictment. They have continued to harass him for decades.

I was on the wrong side of them and they have literally come after me for 35 years in a row. One little thing after another.

Stevenson went on to reveal the reason why he is coming forward now: he wants to protect Trump, who he is a big fan of.

I can’t let them do this to a president that I love and respect. I can’t let them do this to our country. This is why I’ve come forward. This is the only reason I’ve come forward.

It’s like I said, nothing about the divorce, no bitterness, but Jimmy, Frankie, and President Biden are very dangerous, and it’s tragic. I can’t let them do what they did to me to President Trump. I can’t do it.

As the Post notes, Stevenson has previously spoken out against the Bidens. Back in 2020, he claimed that Jill cheated on him with Joe while they were still together.

This allegation contradicted the official line which is that Jill and Joe met on a blind date in 1974 when she and Stevenson were already separated.


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a7e61a No.75287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251618 (271701ZJUL23) Notable: Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years - Says He Wants to Protect Trump

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Jill Biden's ex-husband: Biden sent government after me



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a7e61a No.75288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251624 (271701ZJUL23) Notable: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill.

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1:00 PM EDT

House Democratic Leader Holds Weekly Briefing

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill.


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a7e61a No.75289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251629 (271703ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Hunter

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> >>75244 (pb), >>75254 (pb), >>75259 (pb), >>75260 (pb) Plea deal contained secret provision to provide Hunter w/legal immunity for all future federal charges currently under investigation

Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A)

Anon sees two things here, "clues" perhaps?

1. c=3, so it begins with11.3.

2. Using "1337-sp33k", the characters in the parentheses spell "CIA".

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a7e61a No.75290

File: a4364e36937624b⋯.png (3.6 MB,797x7365,797:7365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251640 (271706ZJUL23) Notable: THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS

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Rep. Jim Jordan


🧵 Thread:

Never-before-released internal documents subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee PROVE that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.

During the first half of 2021, social media companies like Facebook faced tremendous pressure from the Biden White House—both publicly and privately—to crack down on alleged “misinformation."

In April 2021, a Facebook employee circulated an email for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, writing: “We are facing continued pressure from external stakeholders, including the [Biden] White House” to remove posts.

In another April 2021 email, Nick Clegg, Facebook’s president for global affairs, informed his team at Facebook that Andy Slavitt, a Senior Advisor to President Biden, was “outraged . . . that [Facebook] did not remove” a particular post.

What did the Biden White House want removed?

A meme.

That’s right, even memes weren’t spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.

When Clegg “countered that removing content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the US,”

Slavitt disregarded the warning and the First Amendment.

What happened next? Facebook panicked.

In another April 2021 email, Brian Rice, Facebook’s VP of public policy, raised the concern that Slavitt's challenge felt “very much like a crossroads for us with the [Biden] White House in these early days.”

But Facebook wanted to repair its relationship with the White House to avoid adverse action:

“Given what is at stake here, it would also be a good idea if we could regroup and take stock of where we are in our relations with the [White House], and our internal methods too.”

Public pressure mounted as well.

In July 2021, President Biden publicly denounced Facebook and other social media platforms, claiming they were “killing people” by not censoring alleged “misinformation.”


On August 2, 2021, Facebook admitted it was going to change its policies because of pressure from the Biden White House.

August 2, 2021:

“[Facebook’s] Leadership asked Misinfo Policy . . . to brainstorm some additional policy levers we can pull to be more aggressive against . . . misinformation. This is stemming from the continued criticism of our approach from the [Biden] administration.”

But it wasn't just the White House.

Facebook also changed its policies in direct response to pressure from Biden's Surgeon General, censoring members of the “disinformation dozen.”

These documents, AND OTHERS that were just produced to the Committee, prove that the Biden Admin abused its powers to coerce Facebook into censoring Americans, preventing free and open discourse on issues of critical public importance.

Only after the Committee announced its intention to hold Mark Zuckerberg in contempt did Facebook produce ANY internal documents to the Committee, including these documents, which PROVE that government pressure was directly responsible for censorship on Facebook.

Based on Facebook’s newfound commitment to fully cooperate with the Committee’s investigation, the Committee has decided to hold contempt in abeyance. For now.

To be clear, contempt is still on the table and WILL be used if Facebook fails to cooperate in FULL.

To be continued…

12:03 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251648 (271708ZJUL23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues.


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a7e61a No.75292

File: 991b0e0390f485d⋯.png (70.88 KB,888x411,296:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251651 (271708ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong

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Donald J. Trump


My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong, was advised by many lawyers, and that an Indictment of me would only further destroy our Country. No indication of notice was given during the meeting — Do not trust the Fake News on anything!

Jul 27, 2023,1:07PM


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a7e61a No.75293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251697 (271715ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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1:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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a7e61a No.75294

File: a74bf73942508e5⋯.gif (1004.98 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: b104cae7de8fbf7⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,520x216,65:27,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251716 (271718ZJUL23) Notable: FARSIDE CME COULD HAVE BEEN A "CARRINGTON EVENT" IF IT HAD BEEN FACING THE EARTH

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A STRONG FARSIDE CME JUST HIT SOLAR ORBITER: Europe's Solar Orbiter just got hit by the kind of CME that may have once caused a major power blackout on Earth. This time, Earth was not in the line of fire. It was a farside eruption that flew away from our planet. Maybe next time?

BIG FARSIDE SUNSPOT: There's a spot on the farside of the sun so large it is affecting the way the whole sun vibrates. Helioseismic echoes pinpoint the active region in the sun's southern hemisphere not far behind the sun's southeastern limb. It should rotate into view this weekend. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text

A FARSIDE CME JUST HIT SOLAR ORBITER: Two days ago, a bright CME rocketed away from the farside of the sun. Its plane-of-sky speed in SOHO coronagraph images exceeded 1,500 km/s (3.4 million mph):

If this CME had hit Earth, a strong (possibly severe) geomagnetic storm would have surely resulted. Instead, it flew in the opposite direction and hit Europe's Solar Orbiter (SolO) spacecraft.

The CME reached SolO on July 26th (0200 UT), barely 32 hours after it left the sun. Considering that a typical CME would take two or three days to reach the spacecraft at its current location, a transit of only 32 hours confirms this CME was a fast-mover.

"This was definitely a big event," says George Ho of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, co-principal investigator for the Energetic Particle Detector suite onboard Solar Orbiter. Ho checked the data right after the initial explosion on July 24th and saw a 10,000-fold increase of 50 MeV ions reaching the spacecraft. "This indicates a strong incoming interplanetary shock."

This plot shows two waves of energetic particles washing over Solar Orbiter:

Above: Data from Solar Orbiter's EPD/Electron-Proton Telescope (Principal Investigator Javier Pacheco from University of Alcala, Spain).

The first wave (yellow) was accelerated by whatever unseen explosion launched the CME. Traveling close to the speed of light, these particles reached the spacecraft soon after the blast. A second wave (blue) traveled with the CME itself and hit the spacecraft 30+ hours later.

"During the 1989 Quebec blackout, it was this type of shock-driven particle increase during the CME arrival that knocked off the power," notes Ho.

Launched in Feb. 2020, Solar Orbiter is on a mission to study solar storms at point blank range. Mission accomplished. This storm actually swallowed the spacecraft. Mission scientists will analyze the data from this storm and others to improve future forecasts of space weather. Stay tuned.


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a7e61a No.75295

File: d45e5687375cb2a⋯.png (658.43 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: e18f2132897a228⋯.png (388.85 KB,576x384,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f007dd1d264120⋯.png (695.14 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251766 (271726ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Hunter

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‘Private citizen’ Hunter Biden gets motorcade entourage to and from court, triggering uproar(He had a motorcade of three SS when he went to the sleepy place in ARK for he child support matter)

By Ryan King July 26, 2023 3:57pm

That’s some perk for a “private citizen.”

First son Hunter Biden was driven to and from the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Del., in amotorcade comprising about half a dozen SUVsWednesday, drawing outrage from conservatives.

The first son’s appearance was intended to cement a controversial plea arrangement for misdemeanor tax violations and a felony firearm charge.

That went awry following a dispute between prosecutors and defense attorneys over the possibility of future charges for Hunter — including potential unregistered foreign lobbying.

But the elaborate security detail accompanying the 53-year-old triggered Twitter grousing over taxpayers footing the bill for the convoy.

Other detractors also questioned whether the security detail was necessary.

“Hunter Biden seriously has a motorcade? Is that normal or do they just help transport his coke?” self-described TikTok influencer Sarah Sizzle tweeted.

“Tax payers just funded Hunter Biden’s motorcade arrival to his court appearance where he’s expected to admitted he didn’t pay his taxes. The DOJ just spit in your face and told you it was raining,” Breanna Morello, a producer at “The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson,” alleged on Twitter.

“Why Hunter Biden’s taxpayer paid for secret service motorcade only proves a father’s love for his son,” conservative commentator and contributing editor for the Spectator Stephen L. Miller tweeted, riffing off fawning headlines about the relationship between President Biden and his offspring.

Tax payers just funded Hunter Biden’s motorcade arrival to his court appearance where he’s expected to admitted he didn’t pay his taxes.

“Remember, Hunter Biden is a ‘private citizen’ … who keeps appointments in a six-car, taxpayer-funded motorcade, and his criminal enterprise has nothing to do with his corrupt fatherwhose name he used to extort shakedown payments from foreign oligarchs,” a user named Cruadin tweeted.

“‘I’m just not gonna get into anything that’s related to Hunter Biden. He’s a private citizen’ – Karine Jean-Pierre[.] A ‘private citizen’ with a motorcade and a security detail and lives at the WH and..,” wrote commentator Sean Agnew, quoting the White House press secretary.

“Why does Hunter Biden have a motorcade?” user Karli Bonne simply pondered.

“Let’s do this what is Hunter Biden’s secret service code name?” user Dr. Richard Harambe tweeted.

“Where’s Hunter? In one heck of a motorcade paid for by taxpayers,” Sen. Ted Cruz’s former communications adviser Steve Guest tweeted.At the top of her briefing Wednesday, Jean-Pierre declined to speak on the first son’s chaotic court appearance.

“Hunter Biden is a private citizen and this was a personal matter for him. As we have said, the president, the first lady, they love their son, and they support him as he continues to rebuild his life,” she said. “This case was handled independently — as all of you know — by the Justice Department under the leadership of a prosecutor appointed by the former president, President Trump.”

Shortly after Hunter Biden entered the courtroom, the hearing descended into chaos as both sides attempted to salvage the plea deal.

By Wednesday afternoon, the first son pleaded not guilty as a pro forma step while US District Judge Maryellen Noreika put the deal on hold.

Republican critics such House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) panned the initial agreement as a “slap on the wrist” deal.


Hunter Biden was guided to court by a motorcade of black SUVs. Saquan Stimpson – CNP The first son entered the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, Wednesday. AP There was a robust security presence in the area.Getty Images

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a7e61a No.75296

File: 3dd80dc09423554⋯.jpg (150.75 KB,720x1105,144:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e85d50705060f17⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,642x360,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251798 (271733ZJUL23) Notable: 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill.

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90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill.

Someone help her.

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a7e61a No.75297

File: 1b02ca332943898⋯.png (461.14 KB,1157x1844,1157:1844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251833 (271738ZJUL23) Notable: THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART 1: SMOKING-GUN DOCS PROVE FACEBOOK CENSORED AMERICANS

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🧵 Thread:

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a7e61a No.75298

File: 43a120e2fa2b8d4⋯.png (717.96 KB,1170x1580,117:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251880 (271744ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions.

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NEW - Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions.



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a7e61a No.75299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251886 (271745ZJUL23) Notable: Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields

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Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields – MOD

Moscow’s military has set off a major barrage of cruise missiles at Ukraine, targeting its military infrastructure

Moscow has launched fresh long-range strikes against Ukraine’s military infrastructure, targeting weaponry stockpiles, ammo and fuel depots, as well as several airfields, the Russian Defense Ministry said in its daily briefing on Thursday.

The strikes, conducted over the past 24-hour period, involved “long-range, air- and sea-based high-precision weapons,” the military said, without elaborating. The strikes targeted “command and control” centers of the Ukrainian military, as well as multiple rear repair bases, storage sites and airfields, it added. The targeted storage facilities were used to stash “water drones, as well as missiles, weaponry and military equipment received from European countries and the US,” according to the ministry. All the designated targets were successfully hit, the military stated.

Unverified footage circulating online showed multiple cruise missiles flying over Ukraine’s west. While Kiev routinely claims destruction of most incoming projectiles, President Vladimir Zelensky in this instance has made a rare admission, stating that “several hits” had been registered. He didn’t specify exactly what installations have been affected by the attack.

The strikes also affected multiple fuel depots, including an aviation-fuel storage facility in Ukraine’s western region of Khmelnitsky, as well as a major fuel and ammo stockpile in Zaporozhye Region, which has seen a sharp uptick in fighting over the past day.

Russian troops have repelled a major attack in the area, inflicting heavy losses on Ukrainian forces. According to the country’s military, Kiev’s troops lost more than 280 personnel, at least 25 tanks and ten infantry fighting vehicles during the battle.

Over the past week, the Russian military has ramped up long-range missile and suicide drone strikes against Ukraine, repeatedly targeting port infrastructure in the country’s south, as well as military installations in its west. The strikes come in the aftermath of a recent Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge.

The facility was targeted by two sea drones, which inflicted considerable damage to the road section of the bridge and killed two Russian civilians, a couple whose now-orphaned 14-year-old daughter was seriously wounded in the attack.


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a7e61a No.75300

File: 5c5c082c9f6e05c⋯.png (267.97 KB,652x677,652:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251902 (271746ZJUL23) Notable: 4 year delta

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4 year delta

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a7e61a No.75301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251910 (271747ZJUL23) Notable: Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz

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The Bias News





U.S. News




The Bias News





U.S. News

House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan says internal documents subpoenaed by the committee prove that Facebook and Instagram “censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.”


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a7e61a No.75302

File: e75abd7deb255e9⋯.png (482.39 KB,549x627,183:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251933 (271751ZJUL23) Notable: Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’

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Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’

Sam Bankman-Fried is Biden’s second biggest donor and he was funneling money through Ukraine – and that money sent to Ukraine was in turn used to fund the Democrats.

This is our ‘justice system’ at work.

Prosecutors told the judge they were dropping the campaign finance charge because they “failed to obtain permission from the government of the Bahamas for that charge when Bankman-Fried was extradited from the island nation in December.” – CNBC reported.

CNBC reported:

Federal prosecutors dropped a campaign finance charge against Sam Bankman-Fried, the second time that they have narrowed the indictment against the founder of crypto exchange FTX

Prosecutors told Judge Lewis Kaplan on Wednesday that they were dropping the charge of conspiracy to make unlawful campaign contributions because they had failed to obtain permission from the government of the Bahamas for that charge when Bankman-Fried was extradited from the island nation in December.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Manhattan previously dropped another charge against him, for violating anti-bribery statutes, on the same grounds.

The moves narrow the criminal exposure of the former billionaire, who prosecutors allege conspired to defraud investors and customers out of billions. The alleged scheme precipitated the collapse of Bankman-Fried’s FTX and sent shockwaves throughout the crypto industry.

Sam Bankman-Fried was spotted walking out of a Manhattan courthouse after the campaign finance charge was dropped.

SBF didn’t say a word to the press as he was whisked away.


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a7e61a No.75303

File: f59aa98f6d0235b⋯.png (78.65 KB,792x550,36:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251957 (271754ZJUL23) Notable: IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation

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IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation

Republicans on two major congressional panels responsible for oversight are demanding answers from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about its decision to destroy more than 30 million taxpayer documents.

In a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.) and Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) reiterated a past request for a memorandum detailing the reasoning behind the 2021 decision (pdf).

That year, the agency destroyed more than 30 million unprocessed paper-filed tax returns. Despite repeated attempts by the Ways and Means Committee—the top panel on oversight for the IRS—to learn more about the decision, the Republican chairmen said, the IRS has been uncooperative.

“We write to reiterate and renew the Committee’s multiple requests that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provide to the Committee on Ways and Means a copy of the decision memorandum detailing the recommendation to destroy 30 million unprocessed, paper-filed informational returns in March 2021,” they wrote, citing how they “repeatedly sought” to obtain the same information from Doug O’Donnell, Mr. Werfel’s predecessor, but faced stonewalling from the agency and Mr. O’Donnell.


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a7e61a No.75304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251978 (271756ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORT SAYS CHINA HELPING RUSSIA EVADE SANCTIONS

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The Bias News





Global News




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a7e61a No.75305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251979 (271757ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: This morning, [Biden] marked a significant milestone in the fight to end cancer as we know it, by launching the first program dedicated to driving breakthroughs in the way we treat cancer through the Advance Project's Agency for Health.

[Biden already announced he has 'ended cancer as we know it']

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a7e61a No.75306

File: 4e84f737665736d⋯.png (740.4 KB,1170x1860,39:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 71f36a4754b3e42⋯.png (1.52 MB,1151x1174,1151:1174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251994 (271759ZJUL23) Notable: "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women.

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MIC DROP: @PaulaYScanlan DESTROYS @RepCohen on biological men using women’s facilities 🔥👇

"By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women.

And by acknowledging that we need to have private spaces that are separate from each other, why can't we just use the locker rooms that we've always used - the men's and the women's?

If you're acknowledging that we need protection and privacy from these men, then you're acknowledging that the locker rooms we've always used are the correct ones."


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a7e61a No.75307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252005 (271801ZJUL23) Notable: Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action

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2:00 PM EDT

Hemp in the Modern World: The Yearslong Wait for FDA Action

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Jonathan S. Miller

General Counsel

U.S. Hemp Roundtable


Rayetta G. Henderson, Ph.D.

Senior Managing Scientist

ToxStrategies, LLC


Richard A. Badaracco

President-Elect, Kentucky Narcotic Officers Association

(Retired) Assistant Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration






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a7e61a No.75308

File: 6387e1bfe98bd96⋯.png (664.47 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c93b26d91a82f1⋯.png (81.59 KB,683x621,683:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a58362b2f0e914⋯.png (510.6 KB,680x608,85:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252025 (271804ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove

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Report: Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove

Speaker's Office Does Not Deny The Report That McCarthy Danced With Darkness

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reportedly attended Bohemian Grove in California this year. Wealthy and powerful politicians, tycoons, and media propagandists attend the secretive Bohemian Grove estate, run by the Bohemian Club. The Grove has long been accused of occult practices and has even been accused of hosting child sex slavery and child snuff porn. Paul Bonacci, who said that he witnessed child snuff porn at Bohemian Grove during his time as a child trafficking victim, won a $1 million judgment in court from the politically-connected alleged ringleader of the “Franklin Coverup.” Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi is a high-ranking figure at Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones famously infiltrated the Grove and found the globalist elites performing a “Cremation of Care” burning-effigy ceremony, apparently to worship Moloch.

POLITICO Playbook reported that a tipster identified McCarthy’s presence at the Grove, reporting: “House Speaker KEVIN McCARTHY. McCarthy’s office didn’t return a message about the event last night, but we understand that the speaker was heard making remarks that were bullish on DONALD TRUMP winning the GOP nomination. Not exactly Oppenheimer-level discourse, but given the pair’s recent troubles, the Trump campaign was happy to hear the readout. “President Trump and Speaker McCarthy have historically had a very good relationship,” said a Trump aide.” (Politico passage ends)


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a7e61a No.75309

File: 27c305ae9d263b7⋯.png (599.11 KB,841x1199,841:1199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252052 (271808ZJUL23) Notable: Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’

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List of politicians SBF gave money too was released



BREAKING: Campaign finance charges on Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX have been dropped.

This is unusual.

He gave millions to politicians.

And there wasn't a list of who which politicians and groups he gave money to.

Until now.

See it here: https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/senate_ftx

1:27 PM · Jul 27, 2023·234.6K Views


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a7e61a No.75310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252078 (271811ZJUL23) Notable: 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill.

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Hot Mics Catch Dianne Feinstein Repeatedly Being Told 'Just Say Aye' During Key Defense Vote

A hot microphone caught California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein being told to “just say aye” multiple times during a key defense vote Thursday.

“For me to say I would like to support a yes vote on this. It provides 823 billion. That’s an increase of 26 billion for the Department of Defense. And it funds priorities submitted,” Feinstein says before you can hear others trying to get her to just say aye on the vote. An aide can be seen coming up to her and whispering in her ear.

Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray can then be heard saying, “Just say aye.”

Feinstein responds by saying, “Ok, just… aye!”


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a7e61a No.75311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252086 (271813ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: There needs to be accountability for the perpetrators and enablers of war crimes, and other atrocities in Ukraine.

[that would include NATO, rogue intelligence agency assets, and state criminals such as Biden, Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland, etc]

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a7e61a No.75312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252092 (271813ZJUL23) Notable: Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz

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Zuckerberg Removed!!!

And Just like that Zuckerberg has been taken off the Board

Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress



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a7e61a No.75313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252158 (271825ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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From what Jean-Pierre is saying, it sounds like they are going to, once again, misuse OSHA for some kind of ''national standard for heat'.

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a7e61a No.75314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252187 (271831ZJUL23) Notable: #23644

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#23644 >>75265

>>75266 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994)

>>75267, >>75271, >>75279 joetato

>>75268 Catherine Herridge was sitting about 20 feet behind Hunter Biden in court yesterday and she says as his plea deal was falling apart, Hunter appeared “increasingly upset”

>>75269 Vangelis is sublime

>>75270 Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration

>>75272 Leaked texts show Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking tactics to exploit woman

>>75273 J6 Prison Choir’s Song Featuring Trump Receives Billboard’s Chart-Topping Plaque

>>75274 A Failure to Plan: Examining the Biden Administration’s Preparation for the Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>75275 Because I Said So: Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

>>75276, >>75301, >>75312 Markup of Report Recommending U.S. House Cite Mark Zuckerberg for Contempt of Congress/They backed off/no ballz

>>75277 Rep. Dan Bishop: American People Are ‘Convinced’ Biden Family Committed Treason.

>>75278, >>75283 @NeonRevolt Google has already started forcing Web Integrity into Chrome/WEI users can be denied access for using non-approved browsers or hardware

>>75280, >>75281 Hampstead Kids

>>75282 CALL to DIGG on Christina Maria Calce

>>75284, >>75285, >>75289, >>75295 Moar Hunter

>>75286, >>75287 Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Reveals How the Vicious Biden Crime Family Has Bullied Him for Years - Says He Wants to Protect Trump

>>75288 House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) discusses the Democratic Party’s policy agenda with reporters on Capitol Hill.


>>75291 Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Pate

>>75292 @realDonaldTrump My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong

>>75293, >>75305, >>75311, >>75313 Buckwheat up


>>75296, >>75310 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein is told to "just say aye" at vote on the defense appropriations bill.

>>75298 Rep. James Comer suspects President Joe Biden has offshore bank accounts, and he reveals that the IRS whistleblowers are turning over documents related to foreign bank accounts that may confirm his suspicions.

>>75299 Russia launches massive strikes on Ukrainian airfields

>>75300 4 year delta

>>75302, >>75309 Feds Drop Campaign Finance Charge Against Crypto Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Due to ‘Procedural Failing’

>>75303 IRS Destroyed 30 Million Taxpayer Docs; Republicans Demand Explanation


>>75306 "By Rep. Cohen admitting that we need barriers [in women's facilities] acknowledges there are biological differences between men and women.

>>75307 Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action

>>75308 Kevin McCarthy Goes To Bohemian Grove


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a7e61a No.75315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252221 (271836ZJUL23) Notable: House Republican Leadership News Conference on End of Legislative Session

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2:30 PM

House Republican Leadership News Conference on End of Legislative Session

House Republican leaders speak to reporters on Capitol Hill as they wrap up legislative work ahead of the annual August summer recess.


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a7e61a No.75316

File: ef0e51b5f5ce0e3⋯.png (317.19 KB,991x614,991:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252238 (271841ZJUL23) Notable: Former ABC journalist pleads guilty to child pornography charges

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a7e61a No.75317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252247 (271843ZJUL23) Notable: FARAGE DECLARES WAR ON THE BANKSTERS !!!

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something for the anons in the u.k and globally.

farage live now, declaring war on the banksters in the u.k, anons know this is going around the world, share your stories so it can be a global movement.





Farage | Thursday 27th July


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a7e61a No.75318

File: 00ff51a93839cbc⋯.png (75.45 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252252 (271844ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Colossal difference’ between Ukrainian and Russian losses – Putin

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27 Jul, 2023 14:04

‘Colossal difference’ between Ukrainian and Russian losses – Putin

Kiev lost ten times more troops than Moscow’s military in a recent major battle, Vladimir Putin has claimed

The Ukrainian military has ramped up its counteroffensive, but sustained heavy losses in the process, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Thursday.

During the past 24 hours, Kiev's forces launched a major attack on Russian positions in Zaporozhye Region, Putin revealed when talking to reporters on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg.

Russian troops demonstrated “mass heroism” while repelling the assault, the president said, adding that he has already instructed the military to give the most distinguished soldiers state awards, and to consider giving honorary names to their units.

“The adversary used a large amount of heavy hardware, around 50 pieces. Some 39 of them, namely 26 tanks and 13 armored vehicles were destroyed,” Putin claimed.

Around 60% of the armor was taken out by ground forces in direct contact, while the rest was hit by Russian frontline aviation, the president noted.

The Ukrainian military sustained heavy personnel losses during the engagement, with more than 200 soldiers lost, Putin revealed. He acknowledged that the Russian military suffered casualties while repelling the advance, describing the difference between the losses of the two sides as “colossal.” Ukraine lost ten times more soldiers than Russia during the battle, he claimed.

The Ukrainian military launched its long-heralded counteroffensive against Russian forces in early June, deploying strategic reserves onto the battlefield, including soldiers trained abroad, with Western-supplied military hardware.

So far, however, Kiev has failed to achieve any tangible gains on the battlefield, while sustaining heavy losses, with dozens of Western-provided armor pieces, such as German-made Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, damaged or destroyed in combat.


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a7e61a No.75319

File: f039f02b230aa30⋯.png (155.42 KB,885x590,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: b208cddf29efeba⋯.jpg (96.39 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252267 (271849ZJUL23) Notable: Saudi fighter jet crashes near Yemeni border

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Saudi fighter jet crashes near Yemeni border

The US-made F-15SA went down during a training exercise, killing its crew

Saudi fighter jet crashes near Yemeni border

© Twitter / Royal Saudi Air Force

A Saudi Arabian F-15SA fighter jet has crashed during a training mission near the country’s King Khalid Air Base, killing its two-man crew.

The crash occurred on Wednesday afternoon in Khamis Mushait, in the southwest of the desert kingdom, Saudi Defense Ministry spokesman Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki said in a statement carried by the state-run Saudi Press Agency. The cause of the incident is under investigation.



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a7e61a No.75320

File: 7b4812e231ea537⋯.mp4 (11.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252273 (271851ZJUL23) Notable: Senator Mitch McConnell Health Issue - CSPAN 26JUL23

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Senator Mitch McConnell Health Issue - CSPAN 26JUL23



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a7e61a No.75321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252280 (271852ZJUL23) Notable: Top U.S. military leader must step down as Sen. Tuberville continues blocking replacement

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Top U.S. military leader must step down as Sen. Tuberville continues blocking replacement

Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s hold on military nominations means the Biden Administration won’t be able to permanently replace a top leader in the Marine Corps who is required by law to leave his post on Monday.

Commandant Gen. David Berger must step down Monday from his four-year tour, a term of service that cannot be extended unless the U.S. is at war or in the event of a national emergency.

President Joe Biden nominated Gen. Eric Smith to replace Berger. But for now Smith’s appointment will be on a temporary basis, as Tuberville, Alabama’s senior Senator, has placed a hold on all Defense Department appointments.

Spokespeople for Sen. Tuberville did not respond to a request for comment Sunday.

The senator placed the hold on nominations in mid-February in response to the Department announcing policies to give assistance for service members seeking abortions. The policies allow them to request administrative absence for “non-covered reproductive health services,” including elective abortions and IVF, for themselves of their partners. The policies also offer transportation allowances for travel to states that offer abortions.

Other top military positions are slated to become vacant soon and could be impacted if Tuberville’s continues his blockade of appointments.

Speaking about his hold on the appointments in February, Sen. Tuberville said he would hold all officer nominations unless Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin seeks Congressional permission for abortion services for service members.


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a7e61a No.75322

File: 039f41948f1af10⋯.png (241.3 KB,490x274,245:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252287 (271855ZJUL23) Notable: The Western establishment just gave itself a ‘World Peace and Liberty’ award

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27 Jul, 2023 14:39

The Western establishment just gave itself a ‘World Peace and Liberty’ award

Ursula von der Leyen received the ‘judicial equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize’ from Justin Trudeau in a perfect self-congratulatory orgy

Get a load of who won – and presented – a new honor that’s modestly being compared to the Nobel Peace Prize.

If you haven’t heard of the World Law Foundation non-profit organization, you could be forgiven. But despite only existing since 2019, it has already created an award described by the Western press as nothing less than the “judicial equivalent” of the world’s top award for promoting peace.

Wonder where they got that idea, if not from the organization itself. Can anyone just create a think tank and put it in charge of anaward branded as the latest version of the Nobel Peace Prize?Good luck with that – unless, of course, your board is loaded up with establishment heavyweights – in which case, people just tell themselves that it must be legit since all these VIPs wouldn’t otherwise be involved.

So a few days ago, the humble folks of the World Law Foundation gathered at the United Nations in New York for the World Law Congress. One of the big items on the agenda was to hand out this year’s World Peace and Liberty Award to none other than European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, unelected de facto Queen of Europe, who accepted it on behalf of the commission.

Wow, didn’t see that one coming. Particularly with a former EU commissioner being the vice president of the group’s board, which also includes former Polish and French prime ministers, former Slovenian and Latvian presidents, a former EU vice president, and various Western establishment corporate figures, academics, and jurists.

You’d think that the same Von der Leyen-led EU Commission would have been a controversial candidate for a peace award given that it’s constantly sided with Washington’s military interventionism or at least have done little to nothing to stop it, and even led the way in the case of Libyan regime change. Most recently, the EU had a chance to stop the conflict in Ukraine before it even started by demanding Kiev’s adherence to the Minsk agreements and rejecting the West’s arming and training of anti-Russian fighters on the border with Russia.

“For the first time ever, the European Union will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and other equipment to a country that is under attack,” von der Leyen said last year, calling it “a watershed moment.” Know what else is a watershed moment? Giving a peace award to someone whose knee-jerk reaction to armed conflict was to flood the zone with even more weapons. Then again, maybe the Nobel Peace Prize is indeed the right comparison, given that it was prematurely awarded to former US President Barack Obama even before he could order more bombing in Africa and the Middle East.

Von der Leyen also embodies the epitome of freedom, apparently. Or at least the best that this group could find. Who was she even up against? Did Genghis Khan’s estate turn down the award or something?

“We’ll present this month a legislative proposal for a Digital Green Pass,” she tweeted in March 2021. “The Digital Green Pass should facilitate Europeans’ lives. The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad – for work or tourism.” She conveniently left out the part about Europeans being denied the basic right to access everyday venues, travel, work, and assemble – all because you chose not to take a jab that prevented neither transmission nor acquisition of an overwhelmingly survivable virus.

We’re talking about the same Big Pharma jab about which von der Leyen has yet to hand over, even to an investigative committee of the EU itself, personal communications with the CEO of Pfizer around the time the EU was making a deal with the company…..

(They absolutely have no shame, and they hate all the people. Typical royalty of satanism)


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a7e61a No.75323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252290 (271856ZJUL23) Notable: Christian school teachers fired after going to drag queen show, posting videos about it on FB

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'I'll do it again': Christian school teachers fired after going to drag queen show, posting videos about it on Facebook

Two teachers were fired from a Christian school in Baytown, Texas, after going to a drag queen performance and posting images and videos on Facebook about the event.

ABC 13 reported that two teachers were both fired from First Baptist Academy because they violated the school's operating policies manual.

Kristi Maris reportedly went to an establishment in Houston, Texas, called Hamburger Mary's, which frequently hosts events featuring men dressed as women. Their website boasts events such as the "SaturGay Brunch Hosted by Lady Shamu" and "Party with the Divaz."

Maris posted photos and videos from her time at the show on Facebook, captioned "This was a blast!!!!" before being contacted by her school.

The senior pastor at the school pointed to the operating policies manual, which Maris had previously agreed to, which stated, "I will act in a godly and moral fashion at work, on Facebook and in my community."

Despite agreeing to the clause, Maris couldn't comprehend why attending a drag show was not seen as "godly" or "moral" and said that she felt she and her coworker "were treated like criminals" when they were contacted by the school over the phone about their jobs.

Both were fired via phone call and complained that they were not able to say goodbye to coworkers or students, according to Q1077 radio.

"They're entertainers. I would've never thought in a million years that this would happen. Never. We were in disbelief. We still are. We were heartbroken. We had relationships with parents and the kids, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to a lot of the kids," Maris said.

"For almost 20 years, I've taught children to love each other. I've talked to them and told them, 'You have to get along. God loves us all equally.' And that's the way we should be," Maris went on. "We should love everybody, and that's what we've been teaching, but they're expecting us not to do that."

The woman told the local ABC affiliate that while she won't be teaching for the time being, she will continue to attend shows predominantly featuring men performing as caricatures of women.

"Oh yeah, I'll do it again," she said. "It was too much fun, and it was good music!"


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a7e61a No.75324

File: d0c8caa97ceb7ee⋯.png (286.05 KB,1781x1324,1781:1324,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c35e2cdc8fc60d⋯.png (38.08 KB,922x308,461:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252309 (271902ZJUL23) Notable: Elon: "I’m not saying there are aliens, but …"

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I’m not saying there are aliens, but …

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a7e61a No.75325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252316 (271903ZJUL23) Notable: Ex-Mossad chief: 'Israeli gov't has let in KKK mentality'

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Ex-Mossad chief: 'Israeli gov't has let in KKK mentality'

Pardo said that Netanyahu has, "aligned himself with racist and horrible parties and that his political positions are not far from them."

Former Mossad director Tamir Pardo on Thursday framed the government's ongoing judicial overhaul along with actions by some of the more extreme ministers as a process with parallels to the Ku Klux Klan, in an interview with KAN radio.

He said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had “taken the Ku Klux Klan and brought them into the government,” equating ministers Itamar Ben Gvir, Betzalel Smotrich and others with the KKK.

Pardo noted that Smotrich had called for “burning down [the Palestinian village of] Huwara. How would this come about?” he asked rhetorically.

Pardo said that Netanyahu has, "aligned himself with racist and horrible parties and that his political positions are not far from them."

The former Mossad chief stated that if another country was passing some of the laws which the government is passing or working on, Israel would be attacking such countries as antisemitic.

"The leader has lost the northern direction [his moral compass]. None of what has happened would have happened if the prime minister had not led these processes forward," he said.

He dismissed theories that Netanyahu was dragged into the judicial overhaul by other coalition members like Justice Minister Yariv Levin, saying that such persons were merely carrying out Netanyahu's will.

Next, he stated, "the country is being torn into two pieces and the prime minister is not blinking" and that coalition members are expressing happiness," over the defeat of the side that is losing.

Breaking apart the IDF and the Mossad

In addition, he added that Netanyahu was in the process of breaking apart both the IDF and the Mossad.

The former Mossad chief said that through all of his years working for the Mossad and the IDF, he was able to sleep in the midst of dangerous operations situations, but that now he is having trouble sleeping at night out of dread at what will be in store for the country's future.

Moreover, the former Mossad chief said that Netanyahu has promoted a myth that he represents a downtrodden portion of the population which is getting to take back the country from some other ruling party, whereas Netanyahu has been prime minister since 2009 with only an 18-month break.

Pardo had some conflicts with Netanyahu over Iran and Palestinian policy when he was director of the Mossad, but mostly kept his disagreements under wraps and carried out the prime minister's orders.

However, since the prime minister's criminal probe got serious and Netanyahu refused to resign, Pardo has been a persistent critic accusing Netanyahu of corruption and of pushing forward the judicial overhaul to allegedly free himself from the criminal trial.


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a7e61a No.75326

File: 2e56f9f960e2469⋯.png (75.45 KB,664x515,664:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252326 (271905ZJUL23) Notable: Israel expands law that allows villages and towns to 'reject Palestinians'

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Israel expands law that allows villages and towns to 'reject Palestinians'

Israeli parliament has quietly passed a law that could see Palestinian citizens of Israel screened from living in almost half the country's small villages and towns

The Israeli parliament has been accused of passing a "racist" piece of legislation that would see Palestinian citizens of Israel screened from living in almost half of the country's small villages and towns.

The so-called "admissions committees" law passed on Tuesday would strengthen a controversial 2011 piece of legislation that allows those same panels - made up of members of the local community - to screen applicants for housing units and plots of land in hundreds of Jewish Israeli "community towns" built on state land.

Human rights campaigners have stressed that this is aimed at giving small Jewish communities the power to prevent Palestinians from buying or renting homes. There are almost two million Palestinian citizens of Israel, who are estimated to make up 20 percent of the country's population.

The law does not officially allow the committees to reject residential candidates for reasons of race, religion, gender, nationality, disability, class, age, parentage, sexual orientation, country of origin, views or party political affiliation.

However, the wording of the 2011 law allows committees to reject candidates who they deem to be "inappropriate for the social and cultural fabric" of the community.


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a7e61a No.75327

File: 175e2f752531f0f⋯.jpg (233.43 KB,1284x1307,1284:1307,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252337 (271907ZJUL23) Notable: NBC is slammed for report about black people needing 'safe spaces' to camp to avoid 'trauma' from white people who might have Trump flags

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NBC is slammed for report about black people needing 'safe spaces' to camp to avoid 'trauma' from white people who might have Trump flags

NBC BLK reporter Char Adams penned an essay describing several black-led outdoor groups working to 'provide safe spaces for black people'The report focused on creating 'safe spaces' so that black people can avoid 'harassment' and 'trauma' from white people at campsites Conservatives on Twitter criticized the report, accusing NBC of race-baiting 

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a7e61a No.75328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252351 (271910ZJUL23) Notable: NZ gov't funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines

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New Zealand government funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines

It’s not only the UK government that’s refusing to acknowledge excess deaths since the mass covid injection campaign began, the New Zealand government is doing the same. Is it because they are afraid to admit that those who are raising awareness about the unsafety of the vaccines might be right?

Silence is one thing but the New Zealand Prime Minister’s office is taking things further. It is actively funding a disinformation project dedicated to discrediting anyone who asks questions about vaccine safety.

Something is Happening, But What? RNZ Wants Us to Fantasise About It

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

On Saturday, the UK Daily Express headlined a story, ‘Experts call for urgent investigation as excess deaths spark ‘dangerous’ theories‘. UK excess deaths in 2023 have risen to levels commensurate with 2020 alpha variant deaths during the height of the pandemic, but the article admits that the 2023 excess is not due to Covid. Most concerning is the death toll in the 15-44 age group, which exceeds 2020 and prior years. An age group which was mostly just mildly affected by Covid.

As they are here in New Zealand, where our rates of excess death are measurably higher than in the UK, the Government is keeping quiet and looking the other way. Dr. Charles Levinson, Medical Director of private GP service Doctorcall, said the “silence” from the Government was allowing conspiracy theories to flourish, including from anti-vaxxers, and added:

“A refusal to openly discuss these statistics is an abdication of responsibility from parts of the scientific community [and the government], leading to an irreversible erosion of trust by parts of society.”

We agree.

Why Aren’t Governments Investigating?

So, we are not conspiracy theorists when we warn that excess deaths are up, mainstream scientists agree with us, but understandably they don’t want the jabs they administered and pushed on people to be revealed as the cause or even openly discussed. That could be very embarrassing.

Why aren’t governments investigating? It might be a fair guess at this point to suggest that governments are actually aware of excess deaths and very afraid to investigate because what limited data they have released suggests very clearly that those asking questions about vaccine safety might very well be right about the cause.

Excess deaths appear to be clustered around a range of cardiac events scientifically proven and acknowledged to be related to mRNA injections and cancers suspected to be. The Boston Globe, for example, headlines, ‘Rise in cancer among younger people worries and puzzles doctors’. Indian doctor Feruzi Mehta from Mumbai tweets that heart attack deaths among younger people now make up 15-20% of the total, when it was just 1-2% ten years ago.

Doctors like Mehta speaking up are risking de-registration. Therefore most others, faced by the rising incidence of illness and death, especially among the young, are remaining silent. However, some diehards are doubling down or even succumbing to the irrational.

Silence is one thing, but our Prime Minister’s office is actively funding a disinformation project dedicated to discrediting anyone who asks questions about vaccine safety, labelling them violent extremists, paedophiles, Satanists, anti-Semites, animal torturers, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and anti-transgender. Saying that “all these interests ultimately merge into one,” beginning with a concern about vaccine mandates (???).

Time to Press the Pause Button

All the wild and incredible accusations listed in the preceding paragraph are explicitly made during the first 12 minutes of the first episode of a seven-part podcast series produced by RNZ Radio called Undercurrent, in which they interview government-funded disinformation experts (???). 12 minutes of this half-baked smear campaign was enough exposure for me to press the pause button.

The problem with the RNZ podcast so far (aside from its lengthy episodes and unrelenting madness) is that it doesn’t actually discuss vaccine injuries or unprecedented rates of excess deaths – or even mention that there are such things. RNZ began putting the podcast series together more than 10 months ago. Since that time, it has become apparent that worrying excess death rates have persisted, but RNZ has apparently decided to avoid mentioning the problem. There is a possible reason for this. Once you get into inventing causes of excess deaths, you really do begin to sound very mad indeed.


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a7e61a No.75329

File: c763f11997b5bae⋯.png (342.81 KB,647x650,647:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252364 (271912ZJUL23) Notable: RUSSIAN STRIKES WIPE OUT UKRAINIAN AIRFIELDS, DESTROY MORE NATO EQUIPMENT (VIDEOS)

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The Russian military had launched strikes against several airfields and ammunition depots of Kiev forces, the Ministry of Defense announced on July 27.

“The Russian Armed Forces delivered concentrated strikes by airborne and seaborne long-range precision weapons against the Ukrainian army’s airfields, command posts and deployment sites, assembly workshops and depots storing seaborne drones, and also missiles, armament and military hardware supplied from European countries and the United States” the ministry’s spokesman, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, said.

The spokesman added that the goal of the pinpoint strikes was achieved and all designated targets were completely destroyed.

The Russian MoD also announced that the Russian military had repelled more Ukrainian attacks in the directions of Donetsk, Krasny Liman and South Donetsk.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Yug Group of Forces repelled nine attacks close to Avdeevka, Maryinka and north of Kirovo. The group also targeted Ukrainian units near Vesyoloye, Bogdanovka, Predtechino, Dyleevka and Novgorodskoye. Moreover, an ammunition depot of Ukraine’s 79th Airborne Assault Brigade was destroyed by the group close to Konstantinovka.

Ukrainian losses in this direction amounted to 210 troops, a tank, seven infantry fighting vehicles, three armored fighting vehicles, two pickup trucks, D-20 and Msta-B towed howitzers as well as an American-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar, according to Lt. Gen. Konashenkov.

The spokesman added that Russian forces in this direction also foiled four attacks by Kiev forces near Kleshcheevka in the last two days. More than 120 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, two armored personnel carriers and a Kozak armored vehicle were destroyed there.

Meanwhile in the Krasny Liman direction, the Russian Tsentr Group of Forces repelled a Ukrainina attack close to Chervonaya Dibrova. During the battle, more than 15 Ukrainian troops, an infantry fighting vehicle and a motor vehicle were eliminated.

The group also carried out air and artillery strikes against gatherings of Kiev forces close to Nevskoye, Torskoye and Serebryanka.

Kiev forces lost 185 troops, three armored fighting vehicles, three pickup trucks, two D-30 towed howitzers and a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer in this direction, Lt. Gen. Konashenkov said, adding that an ammunition depot of Ukraine’s 100th Territorial Defence Brigade near Yampol was also destroyed.

The spokesman also revealed that the Tsentr Group of Forces have advanced near Sergeevka up to 12 kilometers along the front and 3 kilometers deep since July 23.

In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Vostok Group of Forces repelled an attack by Ukraine’s 35th Marine Brigade close to Urozhainoye. 16 Ukrainian troops were killed and two armored fighting vehicles were destroyed.

The group also targeted gatherings of manpower and equipment of Kiev forces close to Ugledar and Makarovka, and suppressed a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group near Staromayorskoye.

The situation in other directions, according to the statement of the Russian MoD:

In the Zaporozhye direction, after the failure of the AFU offensive north of Rabotino (Zaporozhye region), in which up to three battalion tactical groups from the strategic reserve brigades have been involved, the enemy, having suffered heavy losses, restored its combat capability overnight and did not take any active actions.

As a result of actions by Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, and artillery, Ukrainian units have been hit close to Belogorye, Omelnik, Novodanilovka, Orekhov and Pyatikhatki (Zaporozhye region).

In addition, the actions of 1 Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group have been disrupted close to Stepanovka (Zaporozhye region).

6 vids


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a7e61a No.75330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252373 (271914ZJUL23) Notable: Israeli police dismantle international sex trafficking ring

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April 19, 2023

Israeli police dismantle international sex trafficking ring

The suspects were the subject of an undercover investigation by Israeli police forces over the past few months

Israeli police searched the homes of 15 people suspected of being involved in trafficking women in Israel and abroad for prostitution on Wednesday morning.

The suspects were the subject of an undercover investigation by Israeli police forces over the past few months, after they were suspected of being involved in a human trafficking ring aimed at bringing women from abroad to Israel for prostitution.

Seven of the victims, young women in their 20s and 30s mainly from Belarus and Ukraine, were located and transferred intto the care of social services after their testimony was taken.

According to the investigation documents, the suspects who made up the network earned almost 3 million dollars over the past five years. The women in question were sometimes forced into prostitution shortly after arriving in Israel, each with an alias with a price tag.

The investigation also indicated that the women were forced to use drugs provided to them by the suspects, so that they could "work" for longer hours to increase profits.

The police investigation began in recent months in the Lachish area as an undercover investigation, after information on the ring reached the regional prosecutor's office.

"The investigation revealed that through contacts in Israel and abroad, the members of the network were able to locate the young women and arrange to bring them to Israel, some of them in a VIP setting where they are first treated in hotels and then sent to clients for prostitution," added a source.

The source further stated that in the course of the investigation, the suspects boasted online about bringing in new "goods" and acting as if the women were their personal property.

Fifteen suspects were arrested and seven of the victims were located. Almost 100,000 US dollars worth of cash and five vehicles, some of which were luxury models, were seized.

The police charged the suspects with a wide range of offenses, including human trafficking (prostitution), enticement to leave a country for the purpose of prostitution, pimping, advertising a prostitution service, advertising an offer to engage in prostitution, and related offenses.


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a7e61a No.75331

File: 1722d4435827c56⋯.png (383.79 KB,996x734,498:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252400 (271918ZJUL23) Notable: ABC news reporter who "debunked" Pizzagate plead guilty to CHILD RAPE

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a7e61a No.75332

File: ce22798552f7e07⋯.png (202.53 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a2e94effbc1787⋯.png (47.89 KB,654x411,218:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252402 (271919ZJUL23) Notable: Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin

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Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin – Pyongyang

The message was reportedly relayed by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu during his visit to North Korea

Russia’s defense minister presented North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with a “warm letter” from President Vladimir Putin during a meeting in Pyongyang, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said on Thursday.

While hosting a meeting with Sergey Shoigu, Kim asked him to thank Putin for his “warm and good letter,” the state-run KCNA said.

The Russian defense chief has made a surprise trip to North Korea to participate in the 70th anniversary of the end of the 1950-1953 Korean War. Kim and Shoigu discussed the “further developing [of] strategic and traditional DPRK-Russia relations,” according to the agency.

Shoigu toured a military exhibition held by North Korea’s Defense Ministry, where he saw “new-type weapons and equipment” produced by the country’s arms industry, according to KCNA.

During a meeting with his North Korean counterpart, Kang Sun-nam, Shoigu hailed the “rich history of cooperation” between Moscow and Pyongyang, adding that regular military exchanges had helped to “maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.”

The two states have enjoyed close ties since the Soviet era. Last year, Pyongyang’s foreign ministry declared that bilateral relations had reached “new strategic heights,” despite what it called “hegemonic actions of the United States and its satellites.”

North Korea has also refused to follow a US-led sanctions campaign targeting Moscow in retaliation for the conflict in Ukraine, voicing strong support for Russia’s ongoing military operation. However, the DPRK has also rejected American claims that it has supplied weapons to Russian troops as “groundless” rumors intended to “tarnish the image of the DPRK.”

Shoigu’s rare visit to North Korea coincided with a trip by a Chinese delegation led by senior diplomat Li Hongzhong, who also traveled to Pyongyang for high-level contacts. Commenting on the meetings, the US State Department voiced hopes the Russian and Chinese officials would encourage the DPRK to “refrain from threatening unlawful behavior” and help to diffuse tensions on the Korean Peninsula.


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a7e61a No.75333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252417 (271921ZJUL23) Notable: Coast Guard needs stockpiles of food, water for emergencies, report finds

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Coast Guard needs stockpiles of food, water for emergencies, report finds

Coast Guard officials are taking steps to address the issue.

(The Center Square) — Some Coast Guard field units called on to respond to natural disasters and other emergencies don't have stockpiles of food and water in case of emergencies, according to a new report.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office report found that while Coast Guard field personnel serve as first responders for natural and human-made disasters, "agency policies about maintaining emergency food and water for field personnel are unclear."

"Without emergency food and water on hand, these units may become disaster victims themselves – making it harder to help others," according to the report.

For example, Coast Guard disaster preparedness policies do not identify a clear requirement for field units to maintain emergency food and water for their personnel, the report found. The U.S. Government Accountability Office surveyed 32 Coast Guard field units. Twenty reported they did not maintain emergency food and water supplies.

"Field personnel we met with or surveyed said they did not believe agency policy required their unit to maintain these supplies, or they were unsure about the policy," according to the report. "In addition, agency policies and procedures about procuring emergency food and water are unclear and incomplete. This has resulted in confusion among personnel at several levels of Coast Guard field operations."

One of the problems is that another Coast Guard policy prohibits buying bottled water under many circumstances, according to the report. Funding, staffing and storage also were identified as potential challenges to building and keeping emergency food and water supplies.

U.S. Government Accountability Office recommended the Coast Guard adopt clearer "policies and procedures about obtaining and maintaining emergency food and water could enhance field unit disaster preparedness."

Coast Guard officials are taking steps to address the issue.

"Officials from the Coast Guard's Financial Management Policy Division, who are responsible for managing the Financial Resource Management Manual, acknowledged that the manual did not fully reflect what field units are allowed to purchase and how to obtain approval," according to the report. "They also agreed that Coast Guard policies and procedures should be clarified and cross-referenced across manuals, where appropriate."

The report noted that "collectively, taking these steps would help to enhance field unit preparedness and better equip the Coast Guard's frontline personnel to survive a major disaster."


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a7e61a No.75334

File: e19d96ada780615⋯.png (308.33 KB,557x425,557:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f41d78c46a465e⋯.png (768.27 KB,1466x945,1466:945,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252438 (271926ZJUL23) Notable: UN Chief: 'The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived'

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UN Chief: 'The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived'

The "climate change" cult has shifted back to whining about "global warming" now that it's summer and the weather is hot again.

"Weather is not climate" - unless it's hot outside.

"The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived," UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said during a speech on Thursday.

"The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable," Guterres said, leaning-in on the hysterics. "Leaders must lead. No more hesitancy, no more excuses, no more waiting for others to move first. There is simply no more time for that."

It's very important that large political decisions be made purely out of hysteria.

Are people's attention spans so short that they don't even remember how the climate cult shifted to "climate change" years ago because global cooling returned and all their whining about global warming just made them look like clowns?

The UN said in 1989 that the world would end and "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth" if global warming was not reversed by the year 2000.



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a7e61a No.75335

File: 6ac89f7ed9182e1⋯.png (27.85 KB,600x306,100:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252456 (271931ZJUL23) Notable: Raheem: DeSantis surrogates now say, “There was no steal” aka “Biden won”

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DeSantis surrogates now say, “There was no steal” aka “Biden won” aka “Biden got the most votes of any president ever, fair & square.”

Ok. Thanks for showing us who you are.

But how does that square with “we’ll deliver election integrity!” if you think the integrity of the 2020 election was sound?

Cognitive and campaign dissonance.


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a7e61a No.75336

File: 6910ab5665da817⋯.png (91.42 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252474 (271934ZJUL23) Notable: Dark money funding reverse-engineering of alien craft in US – whistleblower

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27 Jul, 2023 14:04

Dark money funding reverse-engineering of alien craft in US – whistleblower

Under oath, David Grusch has repeated many of his previous claims about alien technology research

The US government is in possession of debris from non-human craft as well as “biologicals,” potentially from the pilots of the alien craft, according to the testimony of a former intelligence analyst who has turned whistleblower.

Research into the technology is paid-for through the misappropriation of public funds, David Grusch told the House oversight subcommittee for national security on Wednesday. People reporting such claims also face reprisals and personal harm, he added.

Grusch is a veteran intelligence officer who served in the US Air Force and later became a civilian employee at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. During questioning he repeated under oath some of the explosive claims he had previously made publicly, including to media outlets NewsNation and The Debrief. The hearing focused on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), which was Grusch’s line of work at the agency.

He confirmed that according to his knowledge, the US government had collected debris from crash sites of “non-human” craft over the course of decades. He was denied access to the relevant data, which led him to formally complain to the intelligence community Inspector General.

“I know the exact locations,” Grusch said during the hearing, when asked about where the technology was kept.

On several occasions, the witness told the committee he could not answer their questions in a public hearing. The committee was also denied the use of a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF), through which top-secret information could be divulged.

Grusch confirmed that, to avoid congressional scrutiny, private companies were involved in the research. The defense contractors allegedly overcharge the Pentagon for their products and then use the excess funds for the state’s clandestine programs.

He testified that he and others face reprisals for speaking out and referred to “administrative terror,” meaning negative career consequences for any whistleblowers. There is also a risk of more direct personal harm, he claimed.

“It was very brutal, and very unfortunate – some of the tactics they used to hurt me both professionally and personally,” Grusch recalled of his own experience.

He said he had concerns for his life over the disclosures, but declined to say whether he could substantiate claims of murder, adding that he had “directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.

Grusch was called to the House alongside two former pilots, who had encounters with UAPs. They said what they witnessed appeared far more advanced than any current human technology.


Anons, why are these agencies preventing the public to know? Is it so they can use it as a weapon of fear on us in the future? What would be the reason? It seems like the Nazi technology might be revealed? What is the reason?

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a7e61a No.75337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252486 (271937ZJUL23) Notable: 2022 Interview with Alisha Owen, only Franklin witness to never recant

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Watched this video from LB:

>>75266 Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994)

Wondered what ever happened toAlisha Owen, who REFUSED TO REPENT of her testimony re the child trafficking ring in Omaha.

Read about her 10 years ago. This woman tried to give her testimony about what Larry King did to her and other teens, when still a teen. Incredibly brave.

Convicted for PERJURY: was looking initially at a sentence of200 years.

Eventually got 9-15 years for 8 counts. Ridiculous.

Spent two years in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT (although she says 3-4 years in the interview below).

Got out after 4+ years.

Found the interview below posted in 2022.

~90 minutes.

Alisha Owen on The Nick Bryant Podcast



- Re heroic investigator Gary Caridori, they guy they offed in his small plane, along with his 8-year-old son: She was already in jail. Says he was incredibly kind. She was willing to cooperate with him before his death.

- Re FBI interviews in prison: "They were HORRIBLE." Same for Nebraska State Patrol. Told her they'd keep her in jail forever if she didn't recant. She never did.

- Her attorney also tried to get her to recant. Wouldn't do it.

"Recantation was never on the table for me. NEVER."

there's more, well worth a listen.

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a7e61a No.75338

File: af99a907eeef675⋯.png (280 KB,499x464,499:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252489 (271937ZJUL23) Notable: WATCH: Pres. Biden announces initiative to “allow people to have the ability to get help to literally paint their roofs white.”

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a7e61a No.75339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252511 (271941ZJUL23) Notable: Virginia high school sports league rejects GOP Gov Youngkin's transgender athlete policy

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Virginia high school sports league rejects GOP Gov Youngkin's transgender athlete policy

The league allows transgender high school students to compete against students with the same gender identity, if they meet certain criteria.

Updated: July 27, 2023 - 3:31pm

The Virginia High School League, which oversees most of the state’s high school sports, says it has no immediate plans to change policies governing transgender athletes, despite Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new guidelines that call for competition to be among those of the same biological sex.

Youngkin’s model policies state student-athletes be grouped as such, as opposed to by gender identity, with “reasonable modifications” granted only to the extent required by law.

The league’s executive director, John “Billy” Haun recommend Monday to school leaders keeping in place the policies, which allow transgender athletes to participate on teams that match their gender identity, under certain conditions.

He said, however, the league "certainly will respect the decision of any school division as they address their policies and will continue to review this matter as we move forward and the new school year begins.”

The current policy allows certain considerations for trans athletes to compete against athletes with the same gender identity.

Athletes who have undergone sex reassignment before puberty or who are undergoing hormone therapy “in a verifiable manner and for a sufficient length of time to minimize gender-related advantages,” will be given these considerations.

Thirty-eight transgender athletes filed appeals to participate under the policy from 2014 through the 2022-2023 school year, with 34 granted, according to the league.

The difference between the league’s stance and the Youngkin administration’s policies will likely lead to confusion for school staff and parents, says Breanna Diaz, policy and legislative counsel for the ACLU of Virginia.

School boards and superintendents across the state were beginning to process and respond to Youngkin’s policies, which encompass more than just athletics and were finalized last week.

The administration’s guidelines also address the use of bathrooms and other sex-segregated facilities.

It will take time for the school boards and superintendents to process the policies, especially since some school boards have a summer break, said Scott Brabrand, executive director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents.

School leaders in some Democrat-leaning parts of the state have said they will not adhere to the Youngkin administration’s guidance. Republican-leaning areas similarly declined to adopt the model polices of preceding GOP. Ralph Northam, a Democrat.

“I don’t think it’s going to be the same exact reaction from every school district,” said Scott Brabrand, executive director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, whose organization has not taken a formal position on the matter.

“The Virginia Department of Education has fulfilled its responsibility to develop the model policies, school boards are expected to follow the law,” Youngkin spokeswoman Macaulay Porter said Wednesday.

Porter said that under the 2020 law directing the Department of Education to create model policies, the VHSL “does not have a role.”


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a7e61a No.75340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252580 (271953ZJUL23) Notable: Operation Rolling Fire targets child predators, human traffickers; rescues 5 victims

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Operation Rolling Fire targets child predators, human traffickers; rescues 5 victims

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A three-day Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Fayetteville operation led to five child exploitation arrests and the recovery of one firearm, helped three human trafficking victims, and rescued two endangered children in Northwest Arkansas.

The HSI-led effort, dubbed Operation Rolling Fire, partnered more than 20 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and nongovernmental organizations during a child exploitation and human trafficking recovery initiative.

“Using a victim-centered approach, HSI Fayetteville, along with our law enforcement partners and community advocates, identified and apprehended five child predators, rescued two minor children from unstable situations, and provided assistance empowering three adult females to exit the cycle of sex work and trafficking,” said HSI Little Rock Assistant Special Agent in Charge Jeremy Shein, who oversees HSI offices throughout Arkansas. “This operation demonstrates the life-changing impact to at-risk members of our community when law enforcement personnel and community advocates collaborate toward a common goal.”

Operation Rolling Fire’s first goal was to identify, locate and successfully prosecute individuals seeking to engage in criminal sexual acts with minors, and the second was to identify sex workers being exploited, provide immediate support services, and apprehend and prosecute those exploiting them for financial gain.

“Helping to identify and support the victims of human trafficking is an important part of Arkansas State Police’s mission” said Arkansas Public Safety Secretary Col. Mike Hagar. “It’s critical that we remove these women and children from a standard of life that many of us can’t even comprehend. Our goal is to provide victims of human trafficking with an avenue to find a different path.”

The operation was supported by the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office; the Arkansas State Police; the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Arkansas; the HSI Southeast Region Special Response Team; the FBI; the Benton County Sheriff’s Office; the Washington County Sheriff’s Office; the Bentonville Police Department; the Rogers Police Department; the Eureka Springs Police Department; the Berryville Police Department; the Fayetteville Police Department; the Springdale Police Department; the Harrison Police Department; the Benton County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office; and the Washington County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Advocates from the Genesis Project, Hub of Hope, RISE and Into the Light provided immediate care and support to rescued sex workers.

“I was honored to partner with HSI in Operation Rolling Fire. To successfully combat the scourge of human trafficking we must work with partners at the federal, state and local levels, and this is a perfect example of that. We were able to take the fight to the criminals and provide much-needed services to the victims’ human traffickers prey upon,” said Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin.

HSI is a leader in the global fight against human trafficking and child exploitation.

“HSI special agents utilize their broad range of authority and international footprint to identify, investigate and disrupt domestic and transnational criminal organizations engaged in human trafficking,” said HSI New Orleans acting Special Agent in Charge Edward V. Owens. “Special agents work closely with the HSI’s Victim Assistance Program to ensure that human trafficking and child exploitation victims are afforded their rights and have access to the services to which they are entitled by law. HSI provides expertise and leadership to other federal, state, local and international law enforcement partners by organizing training on strategies and best practices that can be utilized to counter this heinous crime of exploitation.”


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a7e61a No.75341

File: 0b8d3f957a041f7⋯.png (625.8 KB,1279x1335,1279:1335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252583 (271954ZJUL23) Notable: NO HEARINGS UNTIL AUGUST 8th

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And only 1... 4 Times?!

Business Meeting: Joint Subcommittee field hearing titled Bidens Border Crisis and its Effect on American Communities2:00 PM | Cochise College, Student Union Community Room, Sierra Vista, AZ

Host: Committee on the Judiciary | Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance


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a7e61a No.75342

File: 3b9a2ff120f1c19⋯.jpeg (683.02 KB,1125x1353,375:451,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252610 (271958ZJUL23) Notable: POTUS Truth

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a7e61a No.75343

File: 218e4ee0d0c3a29⋯.png (922 KB,990x558,55:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252657 (272006ZJUL23) Notable: De-transgender Albertan's request for MAID, due to transitioning, DENIED

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Transgender Albertan's request for MAID, due to transitioning,denied

An Alberta male-to-female transsexual with regret over sex change surgery is now applying for medical assistance in dying (MAiD) because their condition can’t be changed.

“Dutchess Lois” made the announcement in a January 17 tweet already viewed more than 45,000 times.

“I'm accessing M.A.I.D as a sterilized first nations person of treaty 6, who is also a post-op transsexual woman of 14 years. I qualify for it as someone who is sterilized and who has undergone vaginoplasty. Two things that cannot be reversed or relieved," she wrote in the tweet.

Lois posted a screenshot of the eligible conditions for MAiD.

““I am applying. I have the application, but I need one witness, but there is also a process if there is no witness, so I might just inquire about that option."

"As soon as I submit then the official process begins of assessments.”

In her profile, Lois of Alberta said she knew sexual reassignment surgery was a mistake.

“In 2009 I was rushed into having SRS before I was read[y]. Resulting in immediate regret and sterilization.”

Lois’ thread announcing her decision to pursue MAiD explained more of her story.

“The last couple of years were very intense medically for me. When I experienced depth loss in June 2021, I had to add a second dilation to my weekly routine to help myself. The doctor wasn't concerned as she put it, ‘we as females experience vaginal atrophy.’"

Lois was experiencing pain, but her request to see a specialist was unheeded by the doctor, who instead referred her to a gender clinic in Edmonton. In December 2021, she had a phone appointment.

“We spoke about my hormones, that's another issue, then the pain and dilating. A referral was made to a specialist, finally!!” she recalled.

“2022 came! I was referred to the Lois Hole Hospital for Women (about my hole). It was a phone consultation, nothing more!! I was relabelled from homosexual to asexual by that doctor?!”

Lois’ problems continued.

“Then came June 2022. I experienced a rare event of a confusional migraine that lasted 22 days and during that time I had forgot which genitalia I had and it caused so much stress and I was in and out of the hospital and I tried to raise this concern with several doctors...” Lois recalled.

“It was brushed off! I was so confused as to why I didn't have a penis anymore!!

“That was the tipping point for me. It's what changed my life and mind that I can no longer trust this medical system that is captured by gender identity ideologies.


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a7e61a No.75344

File: 86e92e30653bcb6⋯.png (81.43 KB,1170x438,195:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252692 (272012ZJUL23) Notable: Blood clots discovered near heart of American singer-songwriter Tori Kelly (30) after passing out in a restaurant

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NEW - Blood clots discovered near heart of American singer-songwriter Tori Kelly (30) after passing out in a restaurant TMZ


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a7e61a No.75345

File: ae9936f85263b43⋯.png (346.55 KB,611x492,611:492,Clipboard.png)

File: 351fdb427f9bb56⋯.png (101.92 KB,678x601,678:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252698 (272014ZJUL23) Notable: “BIDENOMICS” IS A FRAUD BASED ON DELIBERATELY MISREPRESENTED STATS

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Economic issues are some of the most politically abused issues often because the data politicians exploit is easy to present out of context. The vast majority of the public doesn’t spend their time immersed in the intricacies of monetary policy, unemployment stats and the processes of inflation vs deflation. They hear a soundbite on the news or social media once in a while, assume it must be true and then go on with their day.

This is how economic crisis events always seem to take the population by surprise – The establishment tells people all is well and no one questions the narrative in the face of numerous warning signs. Sometimes, the populace continues to believe that everything is fine despite the financial framework burning down around them, all because the “experts” continue to convince them that recovery is “right around the corner.”

There are numerous incentives for government officials and mainstream economists to mislead the citizenry with tales of imminent prosperity in the midst of instability. Primarily, the goal is to keep the middle-class population as docile as possible so that they don’t revolt until it’s too late (the middle class being predominantly conservative, and the greatest threat to any corrupt regime). Understand that economics is the root of power, and economic perception is the key to influencing the masses.

Hidden Indicators And Rampant Money Printing

The reality is that the US was hurtling towards stagflationary disaster ever since the crash of 2008, when Barack Obama and Joe Biden (with the help of the Federal Reserve) oversaw the near doubling of the national debt from $10 trillion to almost $20 trillion – The most egregious abuse of monetary policy that the US had ever seen.

And, keep in mind this was only the officially reported cash. Because of pressure brought by people like Ron Paul in 2011, the government was forced to pursue a limited audit of the Federal Reserve bailouts at that time. This revealed at least $16 trillion created from nothing by the Fed to prop up the failing system.

In 2006, right before the derivatives collapse, the Federal Reserve conveniently and abruptly ended their M3 money supply report. They now only report the M2 money supply, which does not include the vast assets held in corporate coffers, large time deposits in banks, institutional money market funds, short-term repurchase agreements (repo), and larger liquid assets. It was as if they knew an inflationary event was about to take place and they needed to obscure the evidence.

In other words, in economics there is the “official government data” and then there is the REAL data, which is sometimes so hidden it is impossible to quantify.

Even if we only go by the M2 report, the money supply skyrocketed starting in 2020, and rose exponentially through 2021 and 2022 – It jumped by 40% in only two years. This is why the cost of most necessities has risen 25% or more.


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a7e61a No.75346

File: 028d79d32f501f0⋯.png (674.23 KB,1196x960,299:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252702 (272015ZJUL23) Notable: Six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family

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a7e61a No.75347

File: cfd7a2bcb1ee839⋯.png (303.25 KB,560x649,560:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 59d4aa7c6987850⋯.png (44.37 KB,742x272,371:136,Clipboard.png)

File: b079ed45395270d⋯.png (264.67 KB,964x607,964:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 57686bc081157ee⋯.png (133.86 KB,571x515,571:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252723 (272018ZJUL23) Notable: FACEBOOK FILES Part 1: Rep. Jim Jordan Releases Smoking-Gun Documents Proving Facebook Censored Americans at the Request of Biden Regime

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FACEBOOK FILES Part 1: Rep. Jim Jordan Releases Smoking-Gun Documents Proving Facebook Censored Americans at the Request of Biden Regime

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) has released a batch of documents, referred to as “The Facebook Files, Part 1,” proving Facebook’s compliance with the Biden regime’s request to censor specific content on its platform.

Through a series of tweets on Thursday, Rep. Jordan said that these never-before-released internal documents, obtained via Judiciary Committee subpoena, proved that Facebook and Instagram altered their content moderation policies and censored posts under pressure from the White House.

“During the first half of 2021, social media companies like Facebook faced tremendous pressure from the Biden White House—both publicly and privately—to crack down on alleged “misinformation,” Jordan wrote.

According to an internal email in April 2021 for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, an employee stated Facebook was continually pressed by “external stakeholders,” including the Biden White House, to remove certain posts.


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a7e61a No.75348

File: 44f568e09901673⋯.mp4 (11.51 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252741 (272022ZJUL23) Notable: Six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family

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a7e61a No.75349

File: 7491b759ce3a766⋯.png (649.98 KB,736x414,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: aff0056c9c5c053⋯.png (648.43 KB,707x566,707:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252750 (272023ZJUL23) Notable: Body of tech entrepreneur found in Sydney Harbour a week after fishing boat crash

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Body of tech entrepreneur found in Sydney Harbour a week after fishing boat crash

The body of tech entrepreneur Andrew Findlay has been found in Sydney Harbour after a fishing boat crash last week which also killed a prominent art dealer.

Key points:

The body of Andrew Findlay was found near where the boat crashed

The body of art dealer Tim Klingender was found last week

Police said the pair's boat got caught in huge swells which caused them to capsize

Last Thursday Mr Findlay and Tim Klingender were fishing when their boat was hit by large waves and collided with rocks at The Gap in Watsons Bay.

Police said the two men, who were not wearing life jackets, were thrown overboard.

The body of 59-year-old Mr Klingender, who specialised in dealing Indigenous art, was found by police the same day.

An extensive three-day water and air search failed to find Mr Findlay, 51, and the search scaled down over the weekend.

On Wednesday a fisherman spotted a body close to where the men got into trouble and water police soon recovered the body, confirming it was Mr Findlay.

A brief is now being prepared for the NSW Coroner.

The pair's boat was rammed in the rock face under what is known as Jacob's Ladder at South Head.

Marine Area Command Superintendent Joe McNulty last week called the accident "horrendous".

"So some large swells probably five metres in height have pushed the vessel, probably weighing four tonne, up a rock platform and secreted it inside a crevice.

"It was a violent sea condition, it was a violent accident."


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a7e61a No.75350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252769 (272026ZJUL23) Notable: #23545

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note collector, bread remains ghosted

#23645 >>75315 @500

>>75315 House Republican Leadership News Conference on End of Legislative Session


>>75318 ‘Colossal difference’ between Ukrainian and Russian losses - Putin

>>75319 Saudi fighter jet crashes near Yemeni border

>>75320 Senator Mitch McConnell Health Issue - CSPAN 26JUL23

>>75321 Top U.S. military leader must step down as Sen. Tuberville continues blocking replacement

>>75322 The Western establishment just gave itself a ‘World Peace and Liberty’ award

>>75323 Christian school teachers fired after going to drag queen show, posting videos about it on FB

>>75325 Ex-Mossad chief: 'Israeli gov't has let in KKK mentality'

>>75326 Israel expands law that allows villages and towns to 'reject Palestinians'

>>75327 NBC is slammed for report about black people needing 'safe spaces' to camp to avoid 'trauma' from white people who might have Trump flags

>>75328 NZ gov't funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines


>>75330 Israeli police dismantle international sex trafficking ring

>>75331 ABC news reporter who "debunked" Pizzagate plead guilty to CHILD RAPE

>>75332 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin

>>75334 UN Chief: 'The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived'

>>75335 Raheem: DeSantis surrogates now say, “There was no steal” aka “Biden won”

>>75336 Dark money funding reverse-engineering of alien craft in US - whistleblower

>>75337 2022 Interview with Alisha Owen, only Franklin witness to never recant

>>75339 Virginia high school sports league rejects GOP Gov Youngkin's transgender athlete policy

>>75340 Operation Rolling Fire targets child predators, human traffickers; rescues 5 victims

>>75343 De-transgender Albertan's request for MAID, due to transitioning, DENIED

>>75344 NEW - Blood clots discovered near heart of American singer-songwriter Tori Kelly (30) after passing out in a restaurant


>>75347 FB FILES Part 1: Rep. Jim Jordan Releases Smoking-Gun Documents Proving FB Censored Americans at the Request of Biden Regime

Note collector OUT

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a7e61a No.75351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252790 (272028ZJUL23) Notable: Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume

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Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume

The deicision vacates the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals' previous stay on the pipeline.

Updated: July 27, 2023 - 2:00pm

The United States Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Mountain Valley Pipeline may resume construction.

The ruling vacates a 4th Circuit Court of Appeals decision earlier this month that halted the completion of the pipeline and called for a review of authorizations by the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service for the pipeline to be finished.

On July 14th, SCOTUS was presented with the Mountain Valley case, wherein justices were asked to overrule "extraordinary" orders by the 4th Circuit to prevent the project from moving forward, according to SCOTUSblog.

According to Reuters, the $6.6 billion fossil fuel project was supposed to be finished the same year construction began in 2018, but is one of the many like it toface delays and calls to be shut down altogether.

The natural gas pipeline, when completed, would extend 300 miles from southern Virginia to northwest West Virginia.


If you are wondering why the 4th Circuit would block this pipeline, 11 Judges out of 18 were appointed by Democrats, and Biden appointed two.

Judges of the Fourth Circuit


Chief Judge Albert Diaz OBAMA

Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson REAGAN

Judge Paul V. Niemeyer BUSH GHW

Judge Robert B. King CLINTON

Judge Roger L. Gregory BUSH GW

Judge G. Steven Agee BUSH GW

Judge James A. Wynn, Jr. OBAMA

Judge Stephanie D. Thacker OBAMA

Judge Pamela A. Harris OBAMA

Judge Julius N. Richardson TRUMP

Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr. TRUMP

Judge Allison Jones Rushing TRUMP

Judge Toby J. Heytens BIDEN

Judge DeAndrea Gist Benjamin BIDEN

Senior Judge Diana Gribbon Motz CLINTON

Senior Judge William B. Traxler CLINTON

Senior Judge Barbara Milano Keenan OBAMA

Senior Judge Henry F. Floyd OBAMA

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a7e61a No.75352

File: 5e7ba59c2c8c39b⋯.png (376.58 KB,1280x880,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252793 (272029ZJUL23) Notable: HAITI: NEXT STEPS ON THE INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE

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Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues

Date: Thursday, July 27th, 2023

Time: 10:00am

Location: SD-419


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a7e61a No.75353

File: 878c067dc6f4cfc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1536x1013,1536:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252808 (272031ZJUL23) Notable: Federal Authorities Express ‘High Skepticism’ Over a Firm’s Nearly $1 Billion Land Acquisition Near Travis Air Force Base

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Federal Authorities Express ‘High Skepticism’ Over a Firm’s Nearly $1 Billion Land Acquisition Near Travis Air Force Base


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a7e61a No.75354

File: a26def76f64e146⋯.png (174.39 KB,1183x585,91:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252869 (272042ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden admits to earning $664,000 from China, contradicting father's claims: court transcript

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Hunter Biden admits to earning $664,000 from China, contradicting father's claims: court transcript

The revelations contradict President Joe Biden's previous statements defending his son.

Hunter Biden admitted in federal court that a Chinese Communist Party-backed company gave him $664,000, contradicting his father's claims that his son "has not made money" in China, according to the official court transcript.

Hunter Biden received $664,000 from the Chinese energy company CEFC, the transcript, obtained by Politico, from Wednesday's hearing shows. Additionally, he admitted to earning more than $2.6 million for business and consulting from a company he formed with Yi Jianming, the CEO of the Chinese energy company.


Hunter Biden hearing transcript 7.26.23

The revelations contradict President Joe Biden's previous statements defending his son.

During a 2020 presidential debate, Biden said: "My son has not made money in terms of this thing about – what are you talking about – China."

In March, a reporter asked Biden about allegations that his son's business associate sent more than a million dollars to three of his family members.

"That's not true," Biden responded.

The hearing Wednesday ended with Hunter Biden pleading not guilty to the charges after the judge rejected his plea deal with the Justice Department.



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a7e61a No.75355

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252932 (272056ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel explains how Government Gangsters abuse the classified document process.

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Kash Patel explains how Government Gangsters abuse the classified document process.

KASH: [They] find the cover-up they need to execute, then they classify it and it's never released.

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a7e61a No.75356

File: da08bc383107fff⋯.png (47.4 KB,679x414,679:414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252933 (272056ZJUL23) Notable: NBC Reporter stalking the DC grand jury today.

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NBC Reporter stalking the DC grand jury today.

Posts content about comings and goings inside the courthouse.

Ddn't these fools learn their lesson with the RIttenhouse trial?


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a7e61a No.75357

File: 1c6c314401f8523⋯.png (597.94 KB,848x711,848:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252974 (272107ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis has supercharged his campaign with the Power of Jeb!

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DeSantis has supercharged his campaign with the Power of Jeb!

AUDIO: Top DeSantis Fundraiser Gushes Over ‘Mentor’ Jeb Bush.


Please Clap

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a7e61a No.75358

File: d2c1ea7872b8854⋯.png (1.06 MB,1536x819,512:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252986 (272110ZJUL23) Notable: Arizona Supreme Court Delivers Ruling on Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit

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Arizona Supreme Court Delivers Ruling on Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit

“Upon consideration of the Court en banc, no good cause appears to transfer the matter to this Court. Therefore, IT IS ORDERED denying the Petition for Transfer,” the Arizona Supreme Court said in a filing.


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a7e61a No.75359

File: b95edb58306cda8⋯.png (353.63 KB,591x536,591:536,Clipboard.png)

File: 703ae95cb97e6ff⋯.jpg (364.37 KB,2048x910,1024:455,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253003 (272113ZJUL23) Notable: Nuland@UnderSecStateP - Honored to meet representatives of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winners, human rights defenders from Ukraine, Russia, & Belarus.

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Under Secretary Victoria Nuland


Honored to meet representatives of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winners, human rights defenders from Ukraine, Russia, & Belarus. Inspired by their resilience and shared commitment to resist authoritarianism, advance human rights, and make space for a more democratic future.

3:36 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75360

File: 350dae537798244⋯.png (2.4 MB,1736x873,1736:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253022 (272117ZJUL23) Notable: #23646

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a7e61a No.75361

File: 9d1e3e3c547ed7e⋯.png (55.43 KB,791x290,791:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253055 (272125ZJUL23) Notable: White House claims @HunterBiden a private citizen. Really? Then why does he have Secret Service protection etc?

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Victoria Toensing

White House claims @HunterBiden a private citizen. Really? Then why does he have Secret Service protection, attend White House State dinners, travel on Air Force One, and live at White House, all at taxpayer expense? #AmericaFirst

1:33 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75362

File: 8a49e2c0e1be9e4⋯.png (232.47 KB,667x830,667:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253105 (272135ZJUL23) Notable: Head of Moroccan Government welcomed by Putin.

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Zineb Riboua·31m

Head of Moroccan Government welcomed by Putin.

Washington thinks that Wagner is finished, Putin lost his appeal, guess what?

Moscow managed to be such a big player in the Sahel, a direct threat in the region, that Morocco, as US ally, cannot ignore.

This means one thing:

EU and US are underestimating the geostrategic game Putin is playing. He’s not in Africa for nothing.

5:00 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75363

File: 4c25b36d3ff6cc9⋯.png (357.61 KB,643x564,643:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253124 (272138ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Pompeo: It was an honor to be named Kansan of the Yearlast night.

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for what it's worth:

Mike Pompeo

It was an honor to be named Kansan of the Yearlast night. So wonderful to see so many dear friends and former colleagues. Kansas truly is a special place where hard work is respected and honesty is expected.

4:15 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253140 (272140ZJUL23) Notable: RE: BAP's recent article on Russia

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" What is your take on BAP's recent article on Russia?


I am not sure the concepts of "right" and "left" have any meaning at this point; however, there seems to be a disconnect between the established "right" in much of the west and their constituencies, as well as Russia's perception of the west's internal factions.

As a followup to the below, this piece from RWA's Substack echos the other article.

I’d say that article is pretty spot on. It actually adheres pretty closely to Guillaume Faye’s theories. He’s the founder of the ‘archeofuturism’ movement, which was the precursor to a lot of the modern nRX, BAP, and other ‘rightwing’ movements of that sort. He was a French theorist who basically saw that Europe was vassaled to the U.S. and therefore promoted the idea of Europe splitting with the U.S. and instead uniting with Russia, even literally so into one unified state he called ‘EuroSiberia’ or something like that. But the underlying idea is that the West is heading to a decadent collapse.

The BAP article correctly points out that Western citizens are much better served by aligning with Russia than anything their own governments support. The problem is, many decades of Cold War indoctrination has ingrained in Westerners the idea that anything that comes out of Russia is some type of subversive poison with the stench of the “evil Bolsheviks” and the big bad dreaded C word which has haunted Western civilization for over a hundred years now.

This is exacerbated by the fact that the last group of people in the West which remains free of the mind control is typically the ‘salt of the earth’ rural types, which haven’t succumbed to the cosmopolitan Democrat city influence, at least using America specifically as an example. But the problem is, these very people—as I think the BAP article implies—are the ones most likely to be naturally averse to the type of image that Russia is presented with by the propagandizing MSM.

In the U.S., the rural and conservative types are the ones most likely to descend from the spirit of the wild west, frontiersmanship, independence and self-reliance—the complete opposite of the dirigisme-style governance represented by the bogeyman specter of Russia with its ‘Soviet legacy’, at least as presented by Western politicians and media.

So my point is that, a certain image of Russia is so ingrained in the people of America’s heartland, that it would seem to me to be very difficult to disabuse them of it and make them see the actual truth of the situation. Sure, the enlightened ones who did the extra legwork like BAP himself have broken through the programming, but I’m not sure how many others of the ‘heartland’ can do so without severe effort. Most Americans of all stripes are so programmed by those decades of the Cold War that all you have to do is utter a few key words like ‘Gulag’, ‘Oligarch’, or the big scary ‘C word’ and they’re ready to take up arms for Ukraine.

'It’s a classic case of emotional and psychic manipulation. The media is very good at it. They know which emotional chords to strike, and know how self-righteous but also selfless Americans can be, and thus how easy it is to manipulate them into supporting a perceived David vs. Goliath cause. Ukrainians are portrayed as ‘freedom loving’ people just at the brink of nearly being Americans themselves. While Russians are dehumanized as non-human ‘Orcs’ from a cold and unforgiving place full of gulags, oligarchs, and that dreaded unspeakable C word. Ukraine is about progress while Russia is about barbarism and ‘might means right’. And Americans love a good black and white moralizing story with a clear-cut good guy and easy to hate villain. Just look at Zelensky, young and hale, likable with his Hollywood smile while Putin is depicted as a stone-cold mafia boss intent on taking people’s freedums by force.'"


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a7e61a No.75365

File: 35c5f647298d08b⋯.png (425.88 KB,834x918,139:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253160 (272144ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne Barr back on Twitter Podcast | #007

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Roseanne Barr

Another one for the Smithsonian! Like I said- we win the culture war simply by showing them be themselves. We don’t need to defame and lie and censor like they do- we just press play and the side to join in the battle of good and evil becomes clear.

RNC Research ·23h

ADAM SCHIFF: “The Republican desire to impeach someone — anyone, no matter if there’s any evidence — just shows how they have descended into chaos.” 🤡

3:51 PM · Jul 27, 2023·78.5K Views


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a7e61a No.75366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253182 (272147ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne Barr back on Twitter Podcast | #007

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The Roseanne Barr Podcast | #007 The Queen is back on Twitter


>>>/qresearch/19250933 pb

1:10:13 Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75367

File: 0c7dcfa98f23c0a⋯.png (74.28 KB,687x539,687:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253188 (272149ZJUL23) Notable: MAGA Republican Matt Gaetz reveals he's seen footage of four UFOs that are 'not human'

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MAGA Republican Matt Gaetz reveals he's seen footage of four UFOs that are 'not human' and moved into a 'diamond formation' when US jets approached them

Matt Gaetz said he had interviewed several pilots who observed UFOs

The pilots saw four in a diamond formation, with an orb floating in the center

READ MORE: UFO Congress hearing: Whistleblower David Grusch suggests people have been murdered as part of conspiracy to keep alien craft a secret

By Stacy Liberatore For Dailymail.com

Updated: 17:03 BST, 27 July 2023


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a7e61a No.75368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253189 (272150ZJUL23) Notable: James O'Keefe full interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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James O'Keefe

Myfull interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Lawsuits, Anthony Fauci, Fear, FBI, Becoming Commander-in-Chief and more!


3:34 PM · Jul 27, 2023·95.3K Views


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a7e61a No.75369

File: bbd893cd9d175b4⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,634x360,317:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253229 (272158ZJUL23) Notable: @RNCResearch Biden starts rambling to the Italian prime minister: "I want you to know I'm the only non-Italian named man of the year by the Italian society"

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RNC Research


Biden starts rambling to the Italian prime minister: "I want you to know I'm the only non-Italian named man of the year by the Italian society"

3:45 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75370

File: a5518c112b91467⋯.png (19.24 KB,455x145,91:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 2eda97d401a86e5⋯.png (1.8 MB,963x4317,321:1439,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c2e512425866b3⋯.png (246.54 KB,366x500,183:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253242 (272159ZJUL23) Notable: Is this tied to Jack Smith? [Lozano Smith]

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>>75320 pb

wow she , the lady in green, touched him and he went silent.

good job analysis, anons.


>>>/qresearch/19251776 pb

"Knowledge is Power"


>>>/qresearch/19251776 pb

>>>/qresearch/19251754 pb


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a7e61a No.75371

File: b014b9ab7688da3⋯.png (136.54 KB,830x684,415:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253264 (272205ZJUL23) Notable: New Zealand government funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines

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New Zealand government funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253286 (272209ZJUL23) Notable: McCarthy Backtracks on Impeachment of Joe Biden During Thursday’s Press Briefing Surprising No One – Congress Will Take Month-Long Vacation Starting Friday Night

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCarthy Backtracks on Impeachment of Joe Biden During Thurssday’s Press Briefing Surprising No One – Congress Will Take Month-Long Vacation Starting Friday Night

The spineless Republicans strike again.

We all knew this was going to happen.

On Monday night House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appeared on the Sean Hannity show to discuss the latest revelations on Joe Biden’s corruption.

McCarthy has been slow to invoke the idea of impeachment for Biden, but he finally mentioned it during the interview and signaled that he is coming around to it.

This comment made national headlines and sent Democrats into a panic.

But three days later and Kevin McCarthy is backtracking already. McCarthy on Thursday downplayed any impeachment of Joe Biden. According to McCarthy there must first be several more hours of investigations and hearings.

Kevin McCarthy: Okay, so you’re claiming that I said we’re going to impeach the President. I floated the idea of impeachment. Okay, so you’re wrong. So if you record, go back and watch. I said impeachment inquiry. There is a big difference. And let me explain it, because maybe not everybody understands it what impeachment inquiry does. When you vote on the floor, it gives you the apex of power of Congress… I was concerned when asked a question that I haven’t seen an administration act this way at the same time as Nixon did by withholding information. If they do not provide the information we need, then we would go to an impeachment inquiry. Impeachment inquiry which simply is an investigation and providing Congress the power to do that investigation.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75373

File: 03b506296061d92⋯.png (101.42 KB,822x875,822:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 02fc52f23a6bcb6⋯.png (43.48 KB,160x160,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 528b3e43539709b⋯.png (121.14 KB,1165x709,1165:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253321 (272216ZJUL23) Notable: Is this tied to Jack Smith? [Lozano Smith]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is this Jack Smith?

Lozano Smith


About Lozano Smith

Lozano Smith is a full-service education and public agency law firm serving hundreds of California's K-12 and community college districts, universities, and numerous cities, counties, and special districts. Established in 1988, the firm prides itself on fostering longstanding relationships with administrators and public officials, while advising and counseling on complex and ever-changing laws. Ultimately, this allows clients to stay focused on what matters most - the success of their district, students and communities they serve.Lozano Smith


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a7e61a No.75374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253339 (272218ZJUL23) Notable: #23645 posted in #23646

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





>>75315 House Republican Leadership News Conference on End of Legislative Session

>>75316, >>75331 Former ABC journalist pleads guilty to child pornography charges


>>75318 ‘Colossal difference’ between Ukrainian and Russian losses – Putin

>>75319 Saudi fighter jet crashes near Yemeni border

>>75320 Senator Mitch McConnell Health Issue - CSPAN 26JUL23

>>75321 Top U.S. military leader must step down as Sen. Tuberville continues blocking replacement

>>75322 The Western establishment just gave itself a ‘World Peace and Liberty’ award

>>75323 Christian school teachers fired after going to drag queen show, posting videos about it on FB

>>75324 Elon: "I’m not saying there are aliens, but …"

>>75325 Ex-Mossad chief: 'Israeli gov't has let in KKK mentality'

>>75326 Israel expands law that allows villages and towns to 'reject Palestinians'

>>75327 NBC is slammed for report about black people needing 'safe spaces' to camp to avoid 'trauma' from white people who might have Trump flags

>>75328 NZ gov't funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines


>>75330 Israeli police dismantle international sex trafficking ring

>>75331 ABC news reporter who "debunked" Pizzagate plead guilty to CHILD RAPE

>>75332 Kim Jong-un receives ‘warm letter’ from Putin

>>75333 Coast Guard needs stockpiles of food, water for emergencies, report finds

>>75334 UN Chief: 'The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived'

>>75335 Raheem: DeSantis surrogates now say, “There was no steal” aka “Biden won”

>>75336 Dark money funding reverse-engineering of alien craft in US – whistleblower

>>75337 2022 Interview with Alisha Owen, only Franklin witness to never recant

>>75338 WATCH: Pres. Biden announces initiative to “allow people to have the ability to get help to literally paint their roofs white.”

>>75339 Virginia high school sports league rejects GOP Gov Youngkin's transgender athlete policy

>>75340 Operation Rolling Fire targets child predators, human traffickers; rescues 5 victims


>>75342 POTUS Truth

>>75343 De-transgender Albertan's request for MAID, due to transitioning, DENIED

>>75344 Blood clots discovered near heart of American singer-songwriter Tori Kelly (30) after passing out in a restaurant


>>75346, >>75348 Rep. James Comer says six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family

>>75347 FACEBOOK FILES Part 1: Rep. Jim Jordan Releases Smoking-Gun Documents Proving Facebook Censored Americans at the Request of Biden Regime

>>75349 Body of tech entrepreneur found in Sydney Harbour a week after fishing boat crash

>>75351 Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume


>>75353 Federal Authorities Express ‘High Skepticism’ Over a Firm’s Nearly $1 Billion Land Acquisition Near Travis Air Force Base

>>75354 Hunter Biden admits to earning $664,000 from China, contradicting father's claims: court transcript

>>75355 Kash Patel explains how Government Gangsters abuse the classified document process.

>>75356 NBC Reporter stalking the DC grand jury today.

>>75357 DeSantis has supercharged his campaign with the Power of Jeb!

>>75358 Arizona Supreme Court Delivers Ruling on Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit

>>75359 Nuland@UnderSecStateP - Honored to meet representatives of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winners, human rights defenders from Ukraine, Russia, & Belarus.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75375

File: 7312552a65a7ff1⋯.jpg (30.5 KB,450x550,9:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253380 (272222ZJUL23) Notable: Dem Raul Ruiz, pusher of masks and vaccines, defender of state criminals like Fauci, and frequent attacker of President Trump, happens to have his hands in Haiti

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat Raul Ruiz, a big pusher of masks and vaccines, defender of state criminals like Fauci, and frequent attacker of President Trump, happened to go to Haiti, "immediately following the 2010 earthquake, and served as the Medical Director for the J/P Haitian Relief Organization." The J/P Organization stands for Jenkins-Penn, which was founded by Sean Penn.



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a7e61a No.75376

File: 0fa617785aff3ff⋯.png (113.83 KB,598x855,598:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253485 (272241ZJUL23) Notable: reports ~1000 same day C19 vax injection American deaths.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™



reports ~1000 same day C19 vax injection American deaths. Some collapse in the vaccine center or pharmacy. Probably anaphylactic/reactogenic deaths. Risk starts as soon as the mandated syringe plunger goes down as needle in arm. #courageousdiscourse


Quote Tweet

Hello Dave




James Hallinan Is Dead

Well-Known Political Spokesman

40 years old. No Cause Of Death.

He was Injected with the Flu Jab & Covid-19 Booster on the same day.

A prominent political consultant who worked for some of New Mexico's leading Democrats #Moderna


5:03 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253486 (272241ZJUL23) Notable: RE: "stollen" >Klaus Schwab ???

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Klaus Schwab ???


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75378

File: 739bd2cfe4050f8⋯.png (1.45 MB,2015x665,403:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253497 (272243ZJUL23) Notable: Trump charged with additional counts in special counsel's classified records probe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253521 (272246ZJUL23) Notable: Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



got some wet work going on

1st the chef

now the crypto millionaire

Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death


Investigators noted that Algaba’s body was “cleanly amputated” which indicates he was possible killed by a professional contract killer.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75380

File: c57e12ed7b093e3⋯.png (171.05 KB,413x432,413:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253540 (272249ZJUL23) Notable: Third person charged in Trump documents case by special counsel foxnews.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fox News


BREAKING: Third person charged in Trump documents case by special counsel


Third person charged in Trump documents case by special counsel

Mar-a-Lago’s head of maintenance Carlos De Oliveira was indicted out of Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation related to former President Trump's alleged improper retention of classified records.

6:01 PM · Jul 27, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75381

File: 8ae4a70c5e526e6⋯.png (563.85 KB,925x793,925:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253596 (272258ZJUL23) Notable: A nearly 20-year ban on human spaceflight regulations is set to expire

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A nearly 20-year ban on human spaceflight regulations is set to expire

July 27, 2023

In 2004, Congress passed a law that established a moratorium on federal safety regulations for commercial astronauts and space tourists riding to space on new privately owned rockets and spacecraft. The idea was to allow time for new space companies to establish themselves before falling under the burden of regulations, an eventuality that spaceflight startups argued could impede the industry's development.

The moratorium is also known as a "learning period," a term that describes the purpose of the provision. It's supposed to give companies and the Federal Aviation Administration—the agency tasked with overseeing commercial human spaceflight, launch, and re-entry operations—time to learn how to safely fly in space and develop smart regulations, those that make spaceflight safer but don't restrict innovation.

Without action from Congress, by the end of September, the moratorium on human spaceflight regulations will expire. That has many in the commercial space industry concerned.

The House Science Committee is considering a commercial space bill that might extend the learning period, but the content of the bill hasn't been released yet. Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), chair of the House Science Committee, said one of his priorities in developing the space bill is ensuring a "thoughtful regulatory environment that supports innovation."

Given the hotly partisan tenor of Capitol Hill and a range of other priorities, it's not clear if the bill—whatever it says—can be passed before October 1.

"Things are sort of moving, but... how do you deal with the moratorium? Can you get that by October 1 and get something passed? Is that something everyone can agree to, or is that going to get bogged down? You just don’t know right now, and that’s just a bad place to be," said Allen Cutler, president of the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration, in a panel discussion at the John Glenn Memorial Symposium earlier this month.

Sign a waiver, go to space

The ban on human spaceflight regulations applies only to occupant safety. For every commercial launch, including crew missions, the FAA already has oversight over issues that affect the safety of the general public.

Lawmakers have extended the moratorium twice, most recently in 2015. The commercial space industry is pushing for another extension, arguing that the three companies that have flown commercial human space missions—SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic—haven't matured to the point where passenger safety regulations are needed.

“Allowing the learning period to end this year would lead to regulations that inadvertently freeze development before industry has had time to mature, harming safety and our nation’s competitiveness in the long term," said Karina Drees, president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation, an industry advocacy group that counts top commercial space companies among its members.

“We want to enable an industry that allows entrepreneurs to flourish [and] that allows new companies to come online with new capabilities, and it’s very difficult to do that if the regulation is already in place," Drees said in a recent House Science Committee hearing.

The industry currently operates under a framework of "informed consent." Commercial astronauts and passengers riding to space with SpaceX, Blue Origin, or Virgin Galactic must sign waivers stating they understand the risks involved in the endeavor. Language in the 2004 law that set up the regulatory moratorium described space transportation as "inherently risky."

“There is a pretty extensive process in place to ensure that the folks that are signing those informed consent waivers know exactly what they’re signing," Drees said.

There have been 10 fully commercial human spaceflight missions to date, three orbital flights with SpaceX, six suborbital launches with Blue Origin, and one flight by Virgin Galactic. These companies' other crew missions that reached space were considered test flights, or in the case of SpaceX, carried professional NASA astronauts.

In this period of regulatory uncertainty, representatives from the major commercial human spaceflight companies are working on non-binding industry standards for passenger safety. Drees suggested that approach was the best way to balance safety considerations with the industry's desire for light-touch regulations.


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a7e61a No.75382

File: 39dd75f40ce59b6⋯.png (684.68 KB,600x1596,50:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253661 (272308ZJUL23) Notable: CISA Cyber + NSA Cyber tweeting about the same thing minutes apart from each other.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CISA Cyber + NSA Cyber tweeting about the same thing minutes apart from each other.


Where the autists at with finding comms?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75383

File: f3d10b7ec8c0487⋯.png (255.16 KB,1170x1373,1170:1373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253681 (272310ZJUL23) Notable: Trump charged with additional counts in special counsel's classified records probe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Superseding Indictment for Trump


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75384

File: eaf33ac721c150d⋯.png (421.08 KB,590x568,295:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253720 (272316ZJUL23) Notable: Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death


Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death |...

A missing crypto influencer’s body was found chopped up in a suitcase in Argentina.

10:04 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253731 (272318ZJUL23) Notable: WIll wef members start committing suicide w/in 60 days?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I say wef members start committing suicide w/in 60 days

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75386

File: 057ba9b1e07d27d⋯.png (687.23 KB,1136x627,1136:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253749 (272320ZJUL23) Notable: Forget Barbenheimer – Sound of Freedom is the biggest box office triumph of 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Forget Barbenheimer – Sound of Freedom is the biggest box office triumph of 2023

The Trump-backed thriller about a Mormon battling child abductors is an improbable smash in the US. Will the UK embrace it too?

By Robbie Collin, Film Critic 27 July 2023 • 3:00pm

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a7e61a No.75387

File: 8c7c1f3816b325b⋯.png (420.27 KB,585x566,585:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253777 (272325ZJUL23) Notable: Top DeSantis Fundraiser Gushes Over 'Mentor' Jeb Bush.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




NEW ON ⁦@TheNatPulse

⁩: Top DeSantis Fundraiser Gushes Over 'Mentor' Jeb Bush.


AUDIO: Top DeSantis Fundraiser Gushes Over ‘Mentor’ Jeb Bush.

Unearthed audio reveals Slater Bayliss, a top financial bundler for Ron DeSantis for President, calling former Florida Governor Jeb Bush “a wonderful mentor,” while boasting of his deep connections...

9:29 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75388

File: b52af9ac7af7c1a⋯.png (529.57 KB,597x554,597:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253804 (272328ZJUL23) Notable: 1,000+ Human Traffickers, Smugglers Arrested.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




1,000+ Human Traffickers, Smugglers Arrested.


1,000+ Human Traffickers, Smugglers Arrested.

More than 1,000 human traffickers and migrant smugglers have been arrested across 54 countries as a result of an unprecedented joint operation launched by the International Criminal Police Organiza...

9:21 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75389

File: abdbd826418029a⋯.png (308.24 KB,1080x1673,1080:1673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253814 (272330ZJUL23) Notable: California lost more than $300 million in tax revenue from wealthy residents moving

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75390

File: 0b9dfb0632cdd8f⋯.png (417.7 KB,586x741,586:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253817 (272330ZJUL23) Notable: Anti-fungal medications used to eliminate and reverse autism? Case Study

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Anti-fungal medications used to eliminate and reverse autism. 🔥🔥🔥

Case Study: Rapid Complete Recovery From An Autism Spectrum Disorder After Treatment of Aspergillus With The Antifungal Drugs Itraconazole And Sporanox


h/t: @vdcornes


Case Study: Rapid Complete Recovery From An Autism Spectrum Disorder After Treatment of Aspergillus...

A child with symptoms placing him within the autism spectrum and with urine biochemical markers consistent with fungal (Aspergillus) colonization of the gastrointestinal tract was first treated with...

7:56 AM · Jul 27, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75391

File: 4a0792d7cdbda4c⋯.png (174.42 KB,597x875,597:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253822 (272332ZJUL23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried donated $93 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Sam Bankman-Fried donated $93 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

Today, the US Government dropped a political campaign finance criminal charge against SBF.


4:54 AM · Jul 27, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75392

File: 2187e9258de3a78⋯.png (327.4 KB,601x493,601:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253830 (272333ZJUL23) Notable: @RepHageman There's a 100% failure rate for sex change operations, isn't there? Because it's not possible to change your sex!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Square profile picture




: "There's a 100% failure rate for sex change operations, isn't there? Because it's not possible to change your sex!"

4:08 AM · Jul 27, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75393

File: 9371501d2556c89⋯.png (27.84 KB,591x274,591:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253855 (272339ZJUL23) Notable: Taxes are funding the boob job of a male TRANNY in female prison, on death row for killing two kids.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nicole Solas, Sued by the Teachers Union


Taxes are funding the boob job of a man on death row for killing two kids.

Quote Tweet

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈



Jul 26

A #trans child killer imprisoned in a CA women's facility is reportedly waiting for breast augmentation as part of taxpayer-funded gender affirmation. Jessica Marie Hann, formerly Jason Hann, was convicted for killing 2 children & desecrating their bodies.https://thepostmillennial.com/baby-killing-trans-inmate-in-california-womens-prison-to-get-boob-job-funded-by-taxpayers?utm_campaign=64470

3:57 AM · Jul 27, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253882 (272344ZJUL23) Notable: #23646

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables are not endorsements

#23646 >>75360

>>75361 White House claims @HunterBiden a private citizen. Really? Then why does he have Secret Service protection etc?

>>75362 Head of Moroccan Government welcomed by Putin.

>>75363 Mike Pompeo: It was an honor to be named Kansan of the Yearlast night.

>>75364 RE: BAP's recent article on Russia

>>75365, >>75366 Roseanne Barr back on Twitter Podcast | #007

>>75367 MAGA Republican Matt Gaetz reveals he's seen footage of four UFOs that are 'not human'

>>75368 James O'Keefe full interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>75369 @RNCResearch Biden starts rambling to the Italian prime minister: "I want you to know I'm the only non-Italian named man of the year by the Italian society"

>>75370, >>75373 Is this tied to Jack Smith? [Lozano Smith]

>>75371 New Zealand government funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines

>>75372 McCarthy Backtracks on Impeachment of Joe Biden During Thursday’s Press Briefing Surprising No One – Congress Will Take Month-Long Vacation Starting Friday Night

>>75375 Dem Raul Ruiz, pusher of masks and vaccines, defender of state criminals like Fauci, and frequent attacker of President Trump, happens to have his hands in Haiti

>>75376 reports ~1000 same day C19 vax injection American deaths.

>>75377 RE: "stollen" >Klaus Schwab ???

>>75378, >>75383 Trump charged with additional counts in special counsel's classified records probe

>>75380 Third person charged in Trump documents case by special counsel foxnews.com

>>75381 A nearly 20-year ban on human spaceflight regulations is set to expire

>>75382 CISA Cyber + NSA Cyber tweeting about the same thing minutes apart from each other.

>>75384, >>75379 Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death

>>75385 WIll wef members start committing suicide w/in 60 days?

>>75386 Forget Barbenheimer – Sound of Freedom is the biggest box office triumph of 2023

>>75387 Top DeSantis Fundraiser Gushes Over 'Mentor' Jeb Bush.

>>75388 1,000+ Human Traffickers, Smugglers Arrested.

>>75389 California lost more than $300 million in tax revenue from wealthy residents moving

>>75390 Anti-fungal medications used to eliminate and reverse autism? Case Study

>>75391 Sam Bankman-Fried donated $93 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

>>75392 @RepHageman There's a 100% failure rate for sex change operations, isn't there? Because it's not possible to change your sex!

>>75393 Taxes are funding the boob job of a male TRANNY in female prison, on death row for killing two kids.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75395

File: 5a263e9da0ebe65⋯.png (258.4 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253901 (272348ZJUL23) Notable: #23647

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253932 (272354ZJUL23) Notable: California court bans seizure of cars for unpaid tickets.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California court bans seizure of cars for unpaid tickets.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253949 (272357ZJUL23) Notable: Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters) live discussion RE: Disclosure - Baker Nom

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Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters) speaking live

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a7e61a No.75398

File: cd0da8f0fb77c8b⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253969 (280000ZJUL23) Notable: RE: dead influencer crypto guy

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I think dead influencer crypto guy is comms.

to sam brinkman-fried perhaps

Red suitcase

Rose tattoo

articles different

some say limbs found, but no mention of torso

but say shot three times?

other articles mention torso.

some articles say kids found the body

other articles say they found limbs

some say playing at park

others say playing near stream


dood has a coat with patches in articles

curious what they are.



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a7e61a No.75399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253971 (280000ZJUL23) Notable: Jack Smith Hits Trump with Additional Charges as Third Defendant Added in Classified Documents Case

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Jack Smith Hits Trump with Additional Charges as Third Defendant Added in Classified Documents Case

Special Counsel Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

“Trump has been charged with three new counts, including one additional count of willful retention of national defense information and two additional obstruction counts, related to alleged attempts to delete surveillance video footage at the Mar-a-Lago resort in summer 2022.” CNN reported.

Smith also charged a third defendant in Trump’s classified documents case on Thursday.

Jack Smith charged Carlos De Oliveira, a maintenance worker who helped Trump aide Walt Nauta move boxes of documents around at Mar-a-Lago.

Carlos De Oliveira, 56, has been added to the obstruction conspiracy charges filed in the original charges.

Surveillance video turned over to the DOJ showed Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira moving the boxes of classified documents around after the DOJ issued a subpoena.

No documents were destroyed!

CNN reported:

Special counsel Jack Smith has charged a third defendant, Carlos De Oliveira, in the Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, according to court files.

Former President Donald Trump and his aide, Walt Nauta, were charged last month. Both have pleaded not guilty to all charges.

De Oliveira was the maintenance worker who helped Nauta move boxes of classified documents around Mar-a-Lago after the Justice Department first subpoenaed Trump for classified documents last May.

CNN has previously reported that surveillance footage turned over to the Justice Department showed Nauta and De Oliveira, moving document boxes around the resort, including into a storage room just before Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran searched it for classified documents.

Justice Department officials came to Mar-a-Lago the day after Corcoran’s search, and Corcoran handed over 38 classified documents he had found. Yet the FBI retrieved more than 100 more classified documents when it searched Mar-a-Lago in August, both in the storage room and Trump’s office.

Special Counsel Jack Smith recently indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Walt Nauta, a Mar-a-Lago aide, was indicted along with President Trump as a co-conspirator.

Trump and Nauta both pleaded not guilty to all charges.


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a7e61a No.75400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254031 (280011ZJUL23) Notable: Louisiana Rep. Johnson says drugs used to transition minors likely violate medical malpractice laws

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Louisiana Rep. Johnson says drugs used to transition minors likely violate medical malpractice laws

"The FDA has not approved the off label use of any of these drugs," Rep. Johnson said.

"There's a financial interest from some of these big pharmaceutical companies and these providers to push these drugs – experimental as they are and as dangerous as they are – on kids," Johnson said on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.

"By the way, the FDA has not approved the off label use of any of these drugs," he continued. "It's a very dangerous thing. And in some of the states, it very likely violates medical malpractice laws and standards."

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution and Limited Government held a hearing Thursday on gender affirming care for minors where advocates for and against it testified.

"One of our witnesses today is de-transitioning," Johnson said. "Today was her 19th birthday – Chloe Cole. She tearfully shared her story about how she was forced and coerced into this and really had no idea what she was doing at the time."


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a7e61a No.75401

File: 569a1f70fa4bb8f⋯.png (1013.71 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.png)

File: ea8940bbed70865⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 08a31843ef8dde5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 40beea0f3545ee2⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d12f7190f65ee5⋯.png (951.72 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254081 (280020ZJUL23) Notable: Moar on Mitch Glitch: CSPAN version previously posted has Lady in Green interaction. Others edit it out.

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Moar on Mitch Glitch:

CSPAN version previously posted has Lady in Green interaction. Others edit it out.

Attached pics (may not be in order):

1. Maybe photog has close pics of her hands. See pic on his camera screen with green blur (her? her hands?)

2. As Lady in Green makes her way to front of group, switches clipboard from right to left hand and touches Senator with empty right hand (left may have made more sense?) - who makes room for her.

3. Senator standing in TV shot with Mitch, leans over (presumably out of tight TV shot) and says something in her left ear as she is maneuvering forward.* Both smile. He returns to his position next to Mitch and stares at her hands as she switches clipboard w/post it back to her right hand, moves toward Mitch (as he's speaking on a live TV shot) and touches his right hand with her now empty again left hand. He immediately freezes/glitches.

*Senator whom she put right hand likely heard it.

4. After he has been "awoken" from the freeze by the MD Senator and moved away from the podium, later to return to the podium, Lady in Green is still there, left side of photo (his right). Clipboard and post it still in right hand.


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a7e61a No.75402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254158 (280034ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne Barr says she's "an Anon", (you) just broke rule 1 and 2!

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Roseanne Barr says she's "an Anon" :)


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a7e61a No.75403

File: e5df66390fcb843⋯.png (148.36 KB,1072x328,134:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254175 (280037ZJUL23) Notable: "He's Jewish" is trending after this hilarious failed attempt to absolve Sam Bankman Fried by scapegoating him as "white"

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>"He's Jewish" is trending after this hillarious failed attempt to absolve Sam Bankman Fried by scapegoating him as "white"

>Need I remind everyone, Jews literally invented scapegoating (Leviticus 16:8-26)

now wtf is up with @liz_churchill10


>White Privilege Alert…Sam Bankman Fried…who helped the Democrats launder $100M’s of dollars has had the charges against him dropped.

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a7e61a No.75404

File: dee9b6b05992214⋯.jpg (92.01 KB,720x734,360:367,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c2f8143839d150d⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,1304x720,163:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254189 (280039ZJUL23) Notable: Ilhan Abdullahi Omar literally is a Terrorist, Digits confirm

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They want a race war


What would happen if a white politician said this about blacks?

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a7e61a No.75405

File: 27ed9257c259966⋯.png (1.23 MB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254264 (280051ZJUL23) Notable: Have you tried the Horse Paste yet?

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Anyone here that has taken the Paste?

Just out of Curiosity

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a7e61a No.75406

File: d54696401cf3054⋯.png (2.04 MB,2040x2040,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254271 (280051ZJUL23) Notable: Have you tried the Horse Paste yet?

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a7e61a No.75407

File: d6783623442ad8b⋯.png (215.2 KB,592x668,148:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f598524a46b263⋯.png (373.53 KB,660x449,660:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254302 (280055ZJUL23) Notable: Saudi Arabian company has just hired the business partner of Katie Hobbs’ TOP campaign adviser to lobby for them exporting Arizona water overseas despite historic drought.

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@KariLake · 47m

A Saudi Arabian company has been exporting Arizona water overseas despite our historic drought.

They just hired the business partner of Katie Hobbs’ TOP campaign adviser to lobby for them.

This is corruption in broad daylight.

Hobbs is selling Arizona out to the highest bidder.

And I will fight like hell to stop her.



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a7e61a No.75408

File: 3c6d19925b11a83⋯.png (85.2 KB,642x500,321:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254332 (280059ZJUL23) Notable: Billionaire investor Leon Black is accused of raping teen in Jeffrey Epstein’s NY townhouse

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Billionaire investor Leon Black is accused of raping teen in Jeffrey Epstein’s NY townhouse


One wonders how a guy like this becomes a billionaire. Dad was a crook, committed suicide while under investigatiion. Supposedly devout Jew.

Apparently rape is OK in the talmud, as long as it's a goyim.

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a7e61a No.75409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254360 (280103ZJUL23) Notable: Too bad we have such old, ill and nearly dead running our country!

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Mitch McConnell / Birthday

Feb 20, 1942


Too bad we have such old people, ill and or nearly dead running our country. Are we seeing the reluctance of younger people to take their place and keep voting for the oligarch's projects?

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a7e61a No.75410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254367 (280104ZJUL23) Notable: Have you tried the Horse Paste yet?

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Well, I tried it out, just the 'paste' straight from tractor supply, as per body weight spread out a few days.

And I might have noticed feeling better generally?

Main takeaways were that it needs to be combined with zinc and vitamin C, and sunlight for it to really work.

And the liquid solution dosed appropriately over a longer duration would be more ideal than buying paste.

TLDR; 10/10 would recommend as a health supplement/detox ingredient, but not simple as buying horse paste

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a7e61a No.75411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254395 (280107ZJUL23) Notable: Have you tried the Horse Paste yet?

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fasinating & Duly noted D+C+Zn+Paste

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a7e61a No.75412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254408 (280109ZJUL23) Notable: Have you tried the Horse Paste yet?

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Lurker here:

Just wanted to say that this is what we did as well.

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a7e61a No.75413

File: 1f285ab38ad3d7c⋯.png (188.57 KB,474x414,79:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254429 (280113ZJUL23) Notable: Ilhan Abdullahi Omar literally is a Terrorist, Digits confirm

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Something tells me she's not a real Muslim

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a7e61a No.75414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254444 (280116ZJUL23) Notable: Ilhan Abdullahi Omar literally is a Terrorist, Digits confirm

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She married her brother, it's against Islam / Qur'an to do so. She slithers like a Snake when she talks. No way she would not know that, it's within the first 100 pages.

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a7e61a No.75415

File: 43f04c46d3a3dcc⋯.png (309.37 KB,660x440,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254450 (280117ZJUL23) Notable: President Biden won't pardon son Hunter, White House says... That mean's He's gonna Pardon Him!

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President Biden won't pardon son Hunter, White House says

The White House ruled out President Joe Biden using his presidential authority to pardon his son Hunter, who is set to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax and gun charges.

"No," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday when asked whether there is any possibility Biden would pardon Hunter Biden, putting to rest a theory pushed by conservative critics.

July 27, 2023 4:22pm


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a7e61a No.75416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254454 (280118ZJUL23) Notable: President Biden won't pardon son Hunter, White House says... That mean's He's gonna Pardon Him!

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That mean's He's gonna Pardon Him!

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a7e61a No.75417

File: 36635836a954e81⋯.png (344.09 KB,1255x940,251:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b0ce3a45ef7b5e⋯.png (248.39 KB,1183x921,1183:921,Clipboard.png)

File: f5ebc632a5dbb88⋯.png (544.29 KB,632x394,316:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254512 (280129ZJUL23) Notable: CONTEXT OF FARAGE VICTORY OVER COUTTS BANK

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Note: Coutts bank (1692) is older than the Bank of England, (1694). Farage managed to get apologies from their top staff and due to their behaviour and committing the cardinal sin of banksters, exposing someones personal banking information to a journalist at the BBC at a dinner (gossip). who also apologised (unheard of from the BBC) all in writing for the public to see. Tomorrow Friday should see Sir Howard Davies Natwest Chairman will either step down or get fired at the meeting with 19 other banks who have been summoned by cabinet minister Griffen.

p.s just made meme of scalps so far.



Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom. Its headquarters are in the central financial district of the City of London.

The Bank of England was incorporated by act of Parliament in 1694 with the immediate purpose of raising funds to allow the English government to wage war against France in the Low Countries (see Grand Alliance, War of the). A royal charter allowed the bank to operate as a joint-stock bank with limited liability. No other joint-stock banks were permitted in England and Wales until 1826. This special status and its position as the government’s banker gave the bank considerable competitive advantages.



Coutts & Co. /ˈkuːts/ is a British private bank and wealth manager headquartered in London.

Founded in 1692, it is the eighth oldest bank in the world. Today, Coutts forms part of NatWest Group's wealth management division.[3] In the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, Coutts Crown Dependencies operates as a trading name of The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited.[4] In 2021, Coutts achieved B-Corp Status, becoming only the third UK bank to achieve the certification.[5]

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a7e61a No.75418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254519 (280132ZJUL23) Notable: 15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE

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15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

346 watching now Started streaming 32 minutes ago UNITED STATES

#CTM Tonight

Topic: 15 Minute Smart Cities

Start: 8:30pm CDT

• Geoff Snicer

Website: https://www.savecanada.com

Twitter: @GeoffInCanada

Listen Links:

AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)



Speak Free Radio













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a7e61a No.75419

File: ac1b2cc4ffd850d⋯.png (10.24 KB,452x161,452:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254603 (280154ZJUL23) Notable: Update for light mode anons from earlier…..

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Update for light mode anons from earlier.....


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a7e61a No.75420

File: 2058a5251ae0bc6⋯.png (429.34 KB,600x358,300:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254612 (280158ZJUL23) Notable: Barriers Spotted Outside Fulton County Georgia Courthouse as DA Fani Willis Prepares to Charge Trump

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Barriers Spotted Outside Fulton County Georgia Courthouse as DA Fani Willis Prepares to Charge Trump

Fulton County prosecutors are preparing sprawling racketeering charges against Trump over his effort to challenge the 2020 election in Georgia.

According to a leak to The Guardian, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will likely indict Trump in the first two weeks of August.

Fani Willis based her investigation on President Trump’s call with Georgia officials that was later doctored and leaked to the fake news outlet Washington Post. The WaPo published a completely fraudulent text of the call. These phony charges have already been debunked by The Gateway Pundit and others.

The infamous phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was recorded by Raffensperger and his office. Raffensperger’s team then leaked and lied about it to the far-left Washington Post.

Fani Willis is now considering racketeering charges against Trump because there is so-called ‘evidence’ that Trump’s effort to challenge the election in Georgia did not originate in the state as a grassroots movement.

Orange barriers were set up on Thursday evening and have led to speculation that Trump may be indicted over his 2020 phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger over his concerns over the 2020 election.

Progressive DA Fani Willis previously asked Fulton County judges to not schedule any trials in the first two weeks of August which indicates that if there are any big indictments coming then it will be in the next few weeks.

Per Atlanta News First:

Security barriers were spotted going up Thursday outside the Fulton County courthouse, fueling more online speculation that former President Donald Trump will face legal challenges in connection to his alleged attempts to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election.

Last year, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis opened a criminal investigation “into attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 Georgia General Election.”

Months later, a special grand jury with subpoena power was seated in May 2022.


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a7e61a No.75421

File: fe369a09fcdbbe9⋯.jpg (99.97 KB,720x911,720:911,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7c53756cf01829a⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,842x720,421:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254620 (280200ZJUL23) Notable: Africans being deported from Germany decide they don’t want to leave

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Africans being deported from Germany decide they don’t want to leave

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a7e61a No.75422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254626 (280200ZJUL23) Notable: Lawfag discussion

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Congress must pass "rogue prosecutor laws" so that a prosecutor who prosecutes a political opponent, if that prosecution is primarily for political motives, can be prosecuted himself.

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a7e61a No.75423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254637 (280202ZJUL23) Notable: Paramedics rush to 'significant incident' involving two planes at Caboolture Airfield

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Paramedics rush to 'significant incident' involving two planes at Caboolture Airfield

Paramedics are responding to a "significant incident" at Caboolture Airfield involving two aircraft.

Debris is strewn across part of the runway with multiple emergency services on the scene.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) confirmed it was investigating a "collision", but did not specify whether the aircraft collided in the air or on the ground.

One of the aircraft being examined for damage was registered to the Caboolture Gliding Club.


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a7e61a No.75424

File: ed94174cea5c4b7⋯.jpg (64.09 KB,591x422,591:422,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254645 (280203ZJUL23) Notable: Lawfag discussion

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>can be prosecuted himself.

ALL LAWS need specific actions and actions against those who do not carry out the actions

There are constitutional requirements that carry no penalty for the not doing - and so it means nothing

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a7e61a No.75425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254649 (280204ZJUL23) Notable: Lawfag discussion

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The issue is the prosecutor's motivation. All these prosecutions against Trump take aim at his speech, which, unlike robbery, murder, assault, and child prostitution — or whatever the Democrats were doing on Epstein Island — is constitutionally protected.

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a7e61a No.75426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254650 (280204ZJUL23) Notable: Lawfag discussion

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or simply bar them from law in perpetuity

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a7e61a No.75427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254655 (280206ZJUL23) Notable: Lawfag discussion

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If everyone was sworn their OLD OATH+ to protect against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud (new threats the Founders Missed)

this would be moot point.

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a7e61a No.75428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254717 (280223ZJUL23) Notable: #23647

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notables are not endorsements

#23647 >>75395

>>75396 California court bans seizure of cars for unpaid tickets.

>>75397 Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters) live discussion RE: Disclosure - Baker Nom

>>75398 RE: dead influencer crypto guy

>>75399 Jack Smith Hits Trump with Additional Charges as Third Defendant Added in Classified Documents Case

>>75400 Louisiana Rep. Johnson says drugs used to transition minors likely violate medical malpractice laws

>>75401 Moar on Mitch Glitch: CSPAN version previously posted has Lady in Green interaction. Others edit it out.

>>75402 Roseanne Barr says she's "an Anon", (you) just broke rule 1 and 2!

>>75403 "He's Jewish" is trending after this hilarious failed attempt to absolve Sam Bankman Fried by scapegoating him as "white"

>>75404, >>75413, >>75414 Ilhan Abdullahi Omar literally is a Terrorist, Digits confirm

>>75405, >>75406, >>75410, >>75411, >>75412 Have you tried the Horse Paste yet?

>>75407 Saudi Arabian company has just hired the business partner of Katie Hobbs’ TOP campaign adviser to lobby for them exporting Arizona water overseas despite historic drought.

>>75408 Billionaire investor Leon Black is accused of raping teen in Jeffrey Epstein’s NY townhouse

>>75409 Too bad we have such old, ill and nearly dead running our country!

>>75415, >>75416 President Biden won't pardon son Hunter, White House says... That mean's He's gonna Pardon Him!


>>75418 15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE

>>75419 Update for light mode anons from earlier…..

>>75420 Barriers Spotted Outside Fulton County Georgia Courthouse as DA Fani Willis Prepares to Charge Trump

>>75421 Africans being deported from Germany decide they don’t want to leave

>>75422, >>75424, >>75425, >>75426, >>75427 Lawfag discussion

>>75423 Paramedics rush to 'significant incident' involving two planes at Caboolture Airfield


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a7e61a No.75429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254758 (280230ZJUL23) Notable: #23648

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>baker has to jet

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a7e61a No.75430

File: 48b4702f44912ed⋯.png (424.32 KB,590x467,590:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254768 (280234ZJUL23) Notable: The plot thickens over Obamas chef death- I’m sure it’s nothing

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Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


The plot thickens over Obamas chef death- I’m sure it’s nothing

Jul 27, 2023, 2:11 PM

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a7e61a No.75431

File: 5fa5010858bad01⋯.png (408.81 KB,1117x1808,1117:1808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254776 (280236ZJUL23) Notable: ECW retweets and tweets on education/security

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ECW retweets and tweets:


This was one of the most surprising battles we fought together — our University System works hard to educate the students sponsored by countries whose leaders aggressively and publicly call for the downfall of America.

Responding reference:


The American people would be shocked if they knew how many Chinese, Iranian, and Russian citizens work in or in close proximity to our national nuclear labs. When we tried to put an end to it 6 years ago, DOE’s university partners strongly protested. Why?

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a7e61a No.75432

File: 7e43433c973809c⋯.png (32.85 KB,586x373,586:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254779 (280236ZJUL23) Notable: ECW retweets and tweets on education/security

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Ezra A. Cohen


The American people would be shocked if they knew how many Chinese, Iranian, and Russian citizens work in or in close proximity to our national nuclear labs. When we tried to put an end to it 6 years ago, DOE’s university partners strongly protested. Why?

Quote Tweet

William Evanina




One of many unfortunately. DOE has to get serious about security, counterintelligence, and intelligence. Emerging technologies, hypersonic capabilities, energy critical infrastructure, national labs, and nuclear programs all demand enhanced security and intelligence programs. twitter.com/committeeonccp…

2:17 PM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75433

File: 951a638c179bc94⋯.png (443.37 KB,601x884,601:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254785 (280237ZJUL23) Notable: SomeBitchIKnow: I'm not into Q and I don't know anything about Pizzagate...do know that James Gordon Meek has made a career out of claiming that accusations of pedophilia in higher officers were completely unfounded

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I'm not into Q and I don't know anything about Pizzagate to be honest. However, I do know that James Gordon Meek has made a career out of claiming that accusations of pedophilia in higher officers were completely unfounded.

James is facing time for child porn charges now. So...


Quote Tweet

James Gordon Meek



Feb 23, 2021

Trump shrugged it off and said late last year that he didn’t really know what QAnon was, even though he had retweeted Q lore something like 300 times. Or as McCarthy said, “Q on?” twitter.com/wsteaks/status…

3:18 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75434

File: 5851f7280ecad46⋯.png (176.75 KB,1170x963,130:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254794 (280239ZJUL23) Notable: Levin advice to Trump's lawyers: sink Smith's pirate ship ASAP

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I am publicly encouraging President Trump's lawyers to file at least one of the most devastating motions they have, and they have several (I went through them on my Fox show a few weeks ago), in the documents case; it is time launch a torpedo into the side of Jack Smith's pirate ship and sink it as quickly as possible, perhaps even this year.

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a7e61a No.75435

File: b002adc6d4529a2⋯.png (447.09 KB,597x822,199:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254796 (280240ZJUL23) Notable: Current Laws and Orders in the chronological order of the Blueprint of the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government

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Derek Johnson


Current Laws and Orders in the chronological order of the Blueprint of the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government.

Lead, follow, or get the hell outta the way. You’ve been challenged 💯🔥🇺🇸

12:35 PM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254801 (280241ZJUL23) Notable: Tafari Campbell: who was he with on the water?

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EXCLUSIVE: Tafari Campbell paddle boarding death riddle: Cops left call log reporting Obama private chef's drowning BLANK and said it came from 2 miles away - as they refuse to reveal who he was with on the water

they refuse to reveal who he was with on the water

they refuse to reveal who he was with on the water

Martha's Vineyard police left the reason for the 911 call reporting Obama private chef Tafari Campbell's drowning blank in official logs from the night of the accident, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Tafari, 45, fell into the water on Sunday night while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond. He was not on the water alone, but police refuse to name the person he was with.

At 7.46pm, a 911 call was made to report that he had fallen in and could not make it back to the surface.


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a7e61a No.75437

File: d31cd266b4be01d⋯.png (18.21 KB,457x204,457:204,Clipboard.png)

File: e1ce88b7dabdade⋯.png (552.83 KB,1349x2574,1349:2574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254808 (280242ZJUL23) Notable: State Dept issues issue Travel Warning Level 4 for Haiti.

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State Dept issues issue Travel Warning Level 4 for Haiti.

Last Update: Updated to reflect the Ordered Departure of non-emergency U.S. government personnel and eligible family members for Embassy Port-au-Prince.

Jennifer Hansler




has ordered the departure of non-emergency personnel from Haiti as security situation deteriorates

"US citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible by commercial or other privately available transportation options," State says


Country Summary: Kidnapping is widespread, and victims regularly include U.S. citizens. Kidnappers may use sophisticated planning or take advantage of unplanned opportunities, and even convoys have been attacked. Kidnapping cases often involve ransom negotiations and U.S. citizen victims have been physically harmed during kidnappings. Victim’s families have paid thousands of dollars to rescue their family members.

The Haitian Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP) has confirmed an outbreak of cholera in the country.

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a7e61a No.75438

File: fa8d5de458d0252⋯.png (326.5 KB,591x668,591:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254810 (280243ZJUL23) Notable: Riley Gaines: my daughters will not change in front of biological men

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Riley Gaines


Now this is the kind of strong men and leaders we need. Thanks Rep Hunt @WesleyHuntTX



Quote Tweet





Rep. Wesley Hunt:

"I can assure you that my four year old and my two year old daughters will not change in front of biological men. This is ridiculous."

5:51 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75439

File: c42422699204a1d⋯.png (431.15 KB,592x599,592:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254822 (280245ZJUL23) Notable: @drsimonegold: Physicians gather at the Supreme Court w/over 100,000 petition signatures to call for an investigation into Fauci's misdealings

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Dr. Simone Gold


BREAKING: Physicians gather at the Supreme Court of the United States with over 100,000 petition signatures to call for an investigation into Fauci's misdealings & corruption.

"Never before have we seen such a blatantly corrupt government official not be prosecuted."



Robert W Malone, MD and 2 others

5:51 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75440

File: 4b1b2c7e87d6abf⋯.png (14.41 KB,596x159,596:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254830 (280247ZJUL23) Notable: European data shows 63,060% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine.

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Leading Report


BREAKING: European data shows 63,060% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine.

3:24 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75441

File: f7ddaf3097f37f3⋯.png (110.67 KB,593x743,593:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254836 (280248ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on campaign contribution limits: Anyone who has read the FEC rules knows how to get around them too

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Anyone who has read the FEC rules knows how to get around them too.

Anonymous donations under $50 dollars in cash are allowed.

"Don't know why a bunch of anonymous people decided to donate $49 to my campaign. 🤷‍♂️"




Quote Tweet

Tony McDonald




Can we go ahead and get rid of campaign contribution limits? They are just traps for the unwary and anyone with enough money for good lawyers can work around them. twitter.com/collinrugg/sta…

5:20 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75442

File: 835a19cbafaec4e⋯.mp4 (10.36 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ed3ac94c00c9b11⋯.png (261.61 KB,499x332,499:332,Clipboard.png)

File: fd40ae0a9e8cec4⋯.png (548.21 KB,793x540,793:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254837 (280248ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Hunter's Lawyer. Patrick Kevin Morris. Plato LLC.



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a7e61a No.75443

File: 3f09551b847b915⋯.png (33.35 KB,556x301,556:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254847 (280250ZJUL23) Notable: Witness Tried To Save Obama Chef Before Drowning Accident

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Report: Witness Tried To Save Obama Chef Before Drowning Accident

The unnamed witness said Tafari Campbell lost his balance on a paddleboard, fell into the water and was unable to find his bearing.

Tafari Campbell, the Obamas’ personal chef who drowned near their Martha’s Vineyard estate,was paddleboarding with another person who tried to rescue him,MassLive.com reports.

According to the unnamed witness, Campbell was standing on his paddle board before losing his balance and falling into the water. After swimming to shore, the witness explained what happened to another bystander and 911 was called, the report read.

In his last moments, Campbell struggled to stay above water. He was not wearing a life jacket and was not leashed to the paddleboard at the time of his death.




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a7e61a No.75444

File: e28f92b0d636f7f⋯.png (347.62 KB,592x884,148:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a9a72c5c94bb34⋯.png (910.74 KB,777x611,777:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254848 (280250ZJUL23) Notable: FB Files show Biden regime putting constant pressure on FB and IG to censor MEMES

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Facebook Files have dropped and they show the Biden regime putting constant pressure on FB and IG to censor MEMES

This future class action lawsuit will be delightful and I will be front and center in it

Quote Tweet

Rep. Jim Jordan




Replying to @Jim_Jordan

What did the Biden White House want removed?

A meme.

That’s right, even memes weren’t spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.


6:19 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75445

File: bd9710aab0b19b7⋯.png (433.47 KB,591x597,197:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254855 (280252ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel Names the Only Two People at the DOJ Who Could Have Signed Off on Hunter’s Sweetheart Plea Deal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Where’s the GOP on This?… Kash Patel Names the Only Two People at the DOJ Who Could Have Signed Off on Hunter’s Sweetheart Plea Deal (VIDEO)


Where's the GOP on This?... Kash Patel Names the Only Two People at the DOJ Who Could Have Signed...

Kash Patel, chief of staff to the acting United States secretary of defense under President Donald Trump, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Thursday morning following the Hunter Biden plea deal...

5:04 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75446

File: fb2cf9d406d27be⋯.png (422.67 KB,1080x1313,1080:1313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254868 (280254ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT: Whatever happened to the Crooked Joe Biden Document's case?

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POTUS Actual.


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a7e61a No.75447

File: 36e7058ac58c871⋯.png (358.62 KB,592x623,592:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254877 (280256ZJUL23) Notable: The president of Niger has just been overthrown by soldiers

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Wall Street Silver


BREAKING: The president of Niger has just been overthrown by soldiers. All institutions have been suspended, borders closed and a curfew introduced.

Protesters gathered to defend democracy were dispersed by warning shots

Niger sits on some of the world's largest uranium deposits 🚨🚨🚨

4:09 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75448

File: 13ed94987f15b43⋯.png (1.17 MB,1194x1480,597:740,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254883 (280257ZJUL23) Notable: Patrick Byrne tells his story

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Patrick Byrne tells his story.In issue 1 of Capital Times Magazine.

"Now in case you are wondering: You may think you’ve lived, I thought I had lived… but you’ve never lived until you’ve had the personal liaison between FBI and CIA Director John Brennan sit in a room telling you that you just took part in a soft-coup, Obama versus Hillary, Obama is going to be president for 24 years, and if you open your mouth you are going to be killed. All while two other FBI agents who know you well sit on either side of him looking at their shoes either in horror, or because (unlike Brennan) they new me well enough to suspect it was going to be a mistake. Or both."

The full story in .pdf format


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a7e61a No.75449

File: 1a77115874cfb38⋯.png (727.55 KB,863x687,863:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254885 (280258ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter: Was He A Foreign Agent And For What Purpose?

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Turley: Hunter Biden's

Judge Raised The Question The White House

Most Fears, Was He A Foreign Agent And

For What Purpose?

Real Clear Politics, by Ian Schwartz

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 7/27/2023 2:12:26 PM

GWU law professor FOX News contributor Jonathan Turley on Wednesday analyzed what a derailed Hunter Biden plea bargain means for the case against him. (snip) TURLEY: I think part of the problem is they really did want to cap out the case. The Department of Justice wanted to cap this investigation. But they didn't want to say that it was now over. (snip) It was all supposed to be easy. And now it is off script and it is anything but easy. Because the judge just raised the one charge that the White House most fears which is the chance that Hunter was a foreign agent.

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a7e61a No.75450

File: 2e0e1cb1d93a64b⋯.png (6.46 MB,3443x3776,3443:3776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254890 (280259ZJUL23) Notable: The president of Niger has just been overthrown by soldiers

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75451

File: 6fe9eb47e2754a8⋯.png (508.3 KB,669x716,669:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254892 (280259ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Admits in Court He Made $664K from CEFC China Energy, Contradicting Joe’s Claims

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Hunter Biden Admits in Court He Made $664K

from CEFC China Energy, Contradicting

Joe Biden’s Claims

Breitbart, by Wendell Husebø

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 7/27/2023 1:08:29 PM

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, admitted in court Wednesday the president’s son received $664,000 from CEFC China Energy Co. in 2017, contradicting President Joe Biden’s claim Hunter Biden never received money from a Chinese entity. (snip) In the 2020 election cycle, the president told voters on the debate stage he nor his son ever made money from a Chinese entity. (snip) “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Biden said. “The only guy who made money from China is this guy [Donald Trump]."

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a7e61a No.75452

File: 7f61c88dee74b63⋯.png (619.6 KB,845x896,845:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254904 (280302ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Jim Banks Slams Biden Admin For Pulling Free School Lunches From Christian Kids

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Downright Evil’: Rep. Jim Banks Slams

Biden Admin For Pulling Free School Lunches

From Christian Kids In Need

Daily Caller, by Henry Rodgers

Posted By: Beardo, 7/27/2023 9:27:03 PM

Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks sent a letter Wednesday to Department of Agriculture Sec. Tom Vilsack demanding answers over a department rule change Banks said would block religious schools from participating in the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service programs. The rule change falls under the department’s Title IX sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) provision. (snip) Banks mentions the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) blocking preschoolers enrolled at the Church of Compassion Dayspring Learning Center from qualifying for free lunches provided by the USDA’s Child and Adult Food Care Program in December 2022, because the preschool objected to the USDA’s SOGI rule.

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a7e61a No.75453

File: 424e038d149bd6f⋯.png (448.61 KB,593x743,593:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254913 (280304ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on Biden student loan cancellation

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Biden canceled $130 million in student loans, how do you feel about that?




4:04 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75454

File: 9bef6412cd52e00⋯.png (209.38 KB,1170x1493,1170:1493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254926 (280306ZJUL23) Notable: Saudi Arabian company has been exporting AZ water overseas despite historic drought

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A Saudi Arabian company has been exporting Arizona water overseas despite our historic drought.

They just hired the business partner of @katiehobbs’ TOP campaign adviser to lobby for them.

This is corruption in broad daylight.

Hobbs is selling Arizona out to the highest bidder.

And I will fight like hell to stop her.



>watch the water

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a7e61a No.75455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254927 (280306ZJUL23) Notable: China offers to hold joint military drills with Philippines

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China offers to hold joint military drills with Philippines

July 27, 2023

MANILA, July 27 (Reuters) - China has offered to hold joint military exercises with the Philippines, local media reported on Thursday, quoting Manila's military chief.

Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief Romeo Brawner will study the offer which was presented to him by China's ambassador to Manila, CNN Philippines and state-run PTV reported.

"They said they submitted some white papers, we have to study," Brawner said in a video posted by CNN Philippines on messaging platform X, formerly known as Twitter.


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a7e61a No.75456

File: 71871dfb8185175⋯.png (408.86 KB,424x733,424:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254944 (280311ZJUL23) Notable: JPMorgan Chase filed this suspicious activity report on Hunter Biden

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[ Album ]

🚨 JPMorgan Chase filed this suspicious activity report on Hunter Biden, suggesting his potential involvement in "human trafficking."

Six banks, including Bank of America, US Bank, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family, alleging their involvement in money laundering, human trafficking, and tax fraud, according to congressional investigators.

(SAR released by @MarcoPolo501c3)



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a7e61a No.75457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254961 (280317ZJUL23) Notable: Dr Stella on IVM; anons' comments

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Don't eat horse paste. Medicine processed as safe for animals may have things in them that are not safe for humans. Get the pills for humans.

Get Ivermectin for humans at VA, at Frontline Doctors, lots of places online. The Ivermectin pills (dosed by body weight) have been used by humans for dozens of years - for malaria prevention and other things.

https://drstellamd.com is easy (and super fast - if you're symptomatic) - from personal experience.

Don't eat horse paste.

Get the pills.

I'm not sure those advocating the paste on this board are not nefarious shills trying to take out Anons by giving bad advice as an "Anon."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75458

File: 11ea0749c65e685⋯.png (627.43 KB,920x978,460:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254965 (280317ZJUL23) Notable: France charging four people with selling high-tech industrial secrets to China & Russia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



France charges 4 for handing China, Russia secret tech

AFPJuly 27, 2023 6:49 am

France has charged four people with selling high-tech industrial secrets to China and Russia, a judiciary source said Thursday.

The four, two French and two Chinese nationals who were charged on March 24, include two top managers at high-tech firm Ommic, the source said.

Ommic is a semi-conductor company based near Paris, employing just over 100 people.

US chip maker Macom Technology agreed earlier this year to acquire Ommic, and said it would make the French site its European semi-conductor centre.

The Le Parisien newspaper said that Ommic had progressively come under the control of Ruoadan Z., a 63-year-old Chinese national, who became the company’s president in 2018 after buying 94 percent of its capital via an investment fund created in France.

Its managing director, Marc R., and a Chinese manager at the company are suspected of delivering to a foreign power information on systems, documents or files contrary to France’s national interest, the source said.

If convicted, they face a maximum sentence of 15 years in jail.

Le Parisien said that Marc R. is accused of knowingly circumventing rules to deliver powerful chips and information on sensitive technology to China and Russia.

This included Gallium Nitride know-how used to boost semi-conductor capabilities.

In a complex dispatch system, the sensitive technology was also delivered via China to Russia, despite a western embargo in place since its invasion of the Crimea, the paper said.

Marc R. was arrested but then released and placed under judicial supervision, it said, as were the three others.

The group first came under suspicion during a border police check in early 2021 which sparked a preliminary probe.

Investigators seized a number of incriminating assets, the judicial source said.

The four charged are also suspected of organised smuggling, fraud and abuse of company assets, the source said.

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a7e61a No.75459

File: 68f09923887f91a⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9b50908a9f416d1⋯.png (2.72 MB,1920x1299,640:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 5aa703d8411c891⋯.png (532.97 KB,640x506,320:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254971 (280320ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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There they are flying that same arc around Texarkana again. There must be a reason, picrel. Seen this so many times.

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a7e61a No.75460

File: dd60b3f3ef4b037⋯.png (285.2 KB,603x575,603:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254972 (280320ZJUL23) Notable: Study: 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs of Heart Damage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


KILL SHOT: Recent Peer-Reviewed Report Finds 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs of Heart Damage


KILL SHOT: Recent Peer-Reviewed Report Finds 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs...

A new study from the European Journal of Heart Failure found that 1 in 35 people showed signs of heart damage after taking the Moderna COVID19 vaccine.

1:54 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75461

File: 4475c2222a57d2e⋯.png (165.48 KB,587x890,587:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254976 (280321ZJUL23) Notable: The Feds ran the UFO hearing in Congress ON THE SAME DAY they dropped charges against Democrat super donor Sam Bankman-Fried.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


The Feds ran the UFO hearing in Congress ON THE SAME DAY they dropped charges against Democrat super donor Sam Bankman-Fried.

This is what total corruption looks like.

Quote Tweet

Teddy Schleifer




🚨🚨Huge money-in-politics news.

The Southern District of New York is dropping its federal prosecution of Sam Bankman-Fried on campaign-finance charges, per new letter from prosecutors.

“The Government does not intend to proceed to trial on the campaign contributions count.”… Show more


1:45 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254984 (280323ZJUL23) Notable: People Trying to Stop Child Trafficking are Often Murdered

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


People Actually Trying to Stop Child Trafficking are Often Murdered – The CENSORED Linda Collins-Smith Story

Anon has followed "medical kidnapping" for some time, especially since the phenomenon has hit close to home. Have not seen "Sound of Freedom" and the movie prolly reminds people to think about trafficking. However, until people realize that children are not state property and that removing a child from a home is both unconstitutional and literally state sponsored kidnapping we will not keep children out of the hands of the "legal" predators.

Quotes from article:But NOBODY, including most in the Alternative Media, wants to touch this topic, because the only way we are going to stop child trafficking in this country is to STOP TAKING OTHER PEOPLE’S CHILDREN through foster care and buying them from foreign countries through adoption.

And anyone who dares to expose this corrupt child trafficking business, such as Linda Collins-Smith and the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer, will pay a high price for doing so, including possibly losing their life.

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a7e61a No.75463

File: c197b25b3af8d09⋯.jpg (158.36 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255003 (280328ZJUL23) Notable: Dr Stella on IVM; anons' comments

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Edenbridge 3mg prescription REAL OG version

THIS version is supreme

all other India sourced capped, compounded (capped), OTC, non-Edenbridge prescription versions areIMOnot as effective as the paste

tho they are good and worth taking for any ailment almost

THE PASTE IS CHEAP! just make sure it is plain Ivermectin Paste

the paste is awesome

anon has been using the Mectin for almost 5 years, well before covid

for a very chronic lime disease

mectin has saved my life for real (out of 7 or 8 diff meds)

you must use Ivermectin for months or years for proper remedy

a couple days a week every week

nighttime is intestinal acting

daytime is expectorant acting

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a7e61a No.75464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255010 (280331ZJUL23) Notable: Pedo Running for Office in VA: Foster Care System is Pipeline to Adopt Children as “Sex Toys”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not really okay at all. People who think state sponsored child abductions are okay are pretty powerless to resist when "pedos" use the foster care and adoption system to obtain "sex toys". Sorry for the brutal phrasing but the individual advocating for that pretty much admitted what they were doing.


Publicly Open Pedophile Running for Office in Virginia Reveals How Foster Care is a Pipeline to Adopt Children as “Sex Toys”

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a7e61a No.75465

File: fcf76224886688d⋯.png (109.38 KB,320x275,64:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 863c1cde2f181ea⋯.png (4.33 MB,2272x1704,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255016 (280334ZJUL23) Notable: Dr Stella on IVM; anons' comments

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paste form for many different animals not just horses

and "pour over" versions for larger livestock

pour onto skin let that sink in

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a7e61a No.75466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255115 (280353ZJUL23) Notable: AZ Dep of Child Safety fired 8 staffers for posing in T-shirts that read "professional kidnapper." '

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'In one day, the Arizona Department of Child Safety lost a combined 22 years of experience from its Prescott office after eight staffers were fired for posing in T-shirts that read "professional kidnapper." '

Old story, but the point is they weren't fired for being professional kidnappers they were fired for admitting it!

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a7e61a No.75467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255119 (280355ZJUL23) Notable: 15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE

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15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE


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a7e61a No.75468

File: 2681b24c757043e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1170x1312,585:656,Clipboard.png)

File: 165677aaf3d6143⋯.png (1.29 MB,1170x1531,1170:1531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255139 (280401ZJUL23) Notable: America's mass shooting hotspots revealed: DC, Illinois, Louisiana

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

America's mass shooting hotspots revealed: First of its kind study breaks down thousands of massacres by state trib.al/mYkVIpr


America's mass shooting hotspots have been revealed in a first-of-its-kind map — and they aren't necessarily where most people own guns.

INTERACTIVE MAP: https://www.datawrapper.de/_/Eyc8n

Researchers at the University of Colorado looked at 4,011 mass shootings — defined as four or more gun deaths, not including the shooter — between 2014 and 2022.

They broke down the massacres in each state by population size to calculate a rate — to allow for a more fair comparison.

Even though it is a city not a state, Washington D.C. was revealed to have the highest rate of mass shootings per capita - 10.4 shootings for every 100,000 people - even though it has some of the strongest gun violence prevention legislation in the nation.

Louisiana had the highest rate of mass shootings per capita of any state, the study found at around 4.3 shootings for every 100,000 people.


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a7e61a No.75469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255147 (280402ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Breuer with Rosanne Barr

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19254209lb recent

Rosanne and her new show with her son.


>Jim Breuer

Interview with Rosanne Barr

Nov 21, 2020

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a7e61a No.75470

File: c7723152e85555d⋯.jpg (169.36 KB,830x873,830:873,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf44b16e94c077a⋯.jpg (224.76 KB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ee5f25503fe95fa⋯.jpg (157.1 KB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1580bd3456fd4e⋯.mp4 (934.24 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255163 (280407ZJUL23) Notable: Fetterman dressed in his usual non suit using text app held by an aid to talk to others in the hallway

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat Senator Fetterman dressed in his usual non suit using text app held by an aid to talk to others in the hallway. This is who Pennsylvania thought was most qualified


Oh ShiT

Another scene of a sitting senator acting like a retarded baby who can't speak or read. Quite the showcase lately

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a7e61a No.75471

File: 1cda5ef00c3f123⋯.png (902.07 KB,763x738,763:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255167 (280408ZJUL23) Notable: Reason For 911 Call Reporting Obama’s Private Chef’s Drowning Left BLANK

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UPDATE: Reason For 911 Call Reporting Obama’s Private Chef’s Drowning Left BLANK

Police reportedly refused to identify the individual Campbell was with during the emergency.

The call log of the 911 call about Obama’s chef drowning was left blank. Every other call that night has a reason listed.


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a7e61a No.75472

File: 9ba7d2bd294668c⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255173 (280411ZJUL23) Notable: Biden: “I Don’t Know Anybody Who Honestly Believes Climate Change is Not a Serious Problem” (doesn't get out much)

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Joe Biden: “I Don’t Know Anybody Who Honestly Believes Climate Change is Not a Serious Problem”


-I present you Greta, you might know her for saying: "How dare you?".

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a7e61a No.75473

File: 7f09e77b7c4d168⋯.jpeg (104.66 KB,390x390,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255206 (280422ZJUL23) Notable: Dr Stella on IVM; anons' comments

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Also antiviral combined with zinc, and as such treats infectious US DOD pathogens related to SARS CoV2.

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a7e61a No.75474

File: ba28bbc57e80386⋯.png (452.1 KB,906x752,453:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255234 (280432ZJUL23) Notable: Singapore to turn off 3G and reassign spectrum for 5G

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Singapore to turn off 3G and reassign spectrum for 5G

3G networks will be retired in Singapore by July next year, freeing up spectrum for 5G services.


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a7e61a No.75475

File: 9a5d5b21e2d60e2⋯.png (2.31 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255289 (280448ZJUL23) Notable: Federal Authorities Express ‘High Skepticism’ Over a Firm’s Nearly $1 Billion Land Acquisition Near Travis Air Force Base

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Federal Authorities Express ‘High Skepticism’ Over a Firm’s Nearly $1 Billion Land Acquisition Near Travis Air Force Base

By Jim Hᴏft Jul. 27, 2023

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a7e61a No.75476

File: 489d201bdb480fa⋯.png (1.47 MB,1170x1386,65:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255407 (280527ZJUL23) Notable: World Cup star, 18, grabs her chest and collapses at training in Sydney

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The rising star was later released from hospital but is unlikely to feature in her country's match against Germany on Sunday.

Footage shows the star jogging with teammates before she suddenly stops, clutches her chest and falls to the ground.

Concerned players gather around her before a woman who appears to be a member of the training staff sprints to the scene, closely followed by other team staffers, one of whom was carrying a kit bag.


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a7e61a No.75477

File: 776aedc58039f34⋯.jpg (192.63 KB,720x1057,720:1057,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255449 (280546ZJUL23) Notable: Obamas' property boasts a private beach from which a paddle board can be easily launched

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The property boasts a private beach from which a paddle board can be easily launched. At the time of the drowning, Barack and Michelle were out of the house. 

It's unclear if Sasha and Malia - who were also in town - were at home, or out with friends or their parents. 

The Obamas' office did not respond to requests to clarify who was in the house when Campbell's accident occurred. 

Dispatch calls between the emergency services on Martha's Vineyard confirm there was a second paddle boarder on the water with him. 

They also confirm that the original 911 call to report what had happened came from a female who, by 8.18pm, was out on the water on a boat going 'back and forth' - presumably looking for him. 

'We met with the reporting party, she is on a boat with two individuals and they're going back and forth as well,' said one of the rescuers at 8.23pm. 

The property boasts a private beach from which a paddle board can be easily launched. At the time of the drowning, Barack and Michelle were out of the house. 

It's unclear if Sasha and Malia - who were also in town - were at home, or out with friends or their parents. 

The Obamas' office did not respond to requests to clarify who was in the house when Campbell's accident occurred. 

Dispatch calls between the emergency services on Martha's Vineyard confirm there was a second paddle boarder on the water with him. 

They also confirm that the original 911 call to report what had happened came from a female who, by 8.18pm, was out on the water on a boat going 'back and forth' - presumably looking for him. 

'We met with the reporting party, she is on a boat with two individuals and they're going back and forth as well,' said one of the rescuers at 8.23pm. 

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255506 (280617ZJUL23) Notable: #23648

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>>75430 The plot thickens over Obamas chef death- I’m sure it’s nothing

>>75431, >>75432 ECW retweets and tweets on education/security

>>75433 SomeBitchIKnow: I'm not into Q and I don't know anything about Pizzagate...do know that James Gordon Meek has made a career out of claiming that accusations of pedophilia in higher officers were completely unfounded

>>75434 Levin advice to Trump's lawyers: sink Smith's pirate ship ASAP

>>75435 Current Laws and Orders in the chronological order of the Blueprint of the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government

>>75436 Tafari Campbell: who was he with on the water?

>>75437 State Dept issues issue Travel Warning Level 4 for Haiti.

>>75438 Riley Gaines: my daughters will not change in front of biological men

>>75439 @drsimonegold: Physicians gather at the Supreme Court w/over 100,000 petition signatures to call for an investigation into Fauci's misdealings

>>75440 European data shows 63,060% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine.

>>75441 CMz on campaign contribution limits: Anyone who has read the FEC rules knows how to get around them too

>>75442, >>75459 PF

>>75460 Study: 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs of Heart Damage

>>75461 The Feds ran the UFO hearing in Congress ON THE SAME DAY they dropped charges against Democrat super donor Sam Bankman-Fried.

>>75443 Witness Tried To Save Obama Chef Before Drowning Accident

>>75444 FB Files show Biden regime putting constant pressure on FB and IG to censor MEMES

>>75445 Kash Patel Names the Only Two People at the DOJ Who Could Have Signed Off on Hunter’s Sweetheart Plea Deal

>>75446 PDJT: Whatever happened to the Crooked Joe Biden Document's case?

>>75447, >>75450 The president of Niger has just been overthrown by soldiers

>>75448 Patrick Byrne tells his story

>>75449 Hunter: Was He A Foreign Agent And For What Purpose?

>>75451 Hunter Admits in Court He Made $664K from CEFC China Energy, Contradicting Joe’s Claims

>>75452 Rep. Jim Banks Slams Biden Admin For Pulling Free School Lunches From Christian Kids

>>75453 CMz on Biden student loan cancellation

>>75454 Saudi Arabian company has been exporting AZ water overseas despite historic drought

>>75455 China offers to hold joint military drills with Philippines

>>75456 JPMorgan Chase filed this suspicious activity report on Hunter Biden

>>75458 France charging four people with selling high-tech industrial secrets to China & Russia

>>75462 People Trying to Stop Child Trafficking are Often Murdered

>>75457, >>75463, >>75473, >>75465 Dr Stella on IVM; anons' comments

>>75464 Pedo Running for Office in VA: Foster Care System is Pipeline to Adopt Children as “Sex Toys”

>>75466 AZ Dep of Child Safety fired 8 staffers for posing in T-shirts that read "professional kidnapper." '

>>75467 15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE

>>75468 America's mass shooting hotspots revealed: DC, Illinois, Louisiana

>>75469 Roseanne and Jim Breuer

>>75470 Fetterman dressed in his usual non suit using text app held by an aid to talk to others in the hallway

>>75471 Reason For 911 Call Reporting Obama’s Private Chef’s Drowning Left BLANK

>>75472 Biden: “I Don’t Know Anybody Who Honestly Believes Climate Change is Not a Serious Problem” (doesn't get out much)

>>75474 Singapore to turn off 3G and reassign spectrum for 5G

>>75475 Federal Authorities Express ‘High Skepticism’ Over a Firm’s Nearly $1 Billion Land Acquisition Near Travis Air Force Base

>>75476 World Cup star, 18, grabs her chest and collapses at training in Sydney

>>75469 Jim Breuer with Rosanne Barr

>>75477 Obamas' property boasts a private beach from which a paddle board can be easily launched



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a7e61a No.75479

File: ca4364f32a429dc⋯.png (994.43 KB,1248x905,1248:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255523 (280622ZJUL23) Notable: #23649

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baker stepping down



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a7e61a No.75480

File: 405f1d493a9cb34⋯.jpg (172.19 KB,720x1171,720:1171,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 918d30e9679ba8b⋯.jpg (116.96 KB,1213x1527,1213:1527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255581 (280651ZJUL23) Notable: How are surgeons allowed to get away with this butchery?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I thought the last picture was the worst phalloplasty result I’d ever seen.

I was wrong. At least that woman had a vague approximation of a penis. This isn’t even close. If not for the location, I would have no clue what it was meant to be.

How are surgeons allowed to get away with this butchery? Because that’s what this is.


This woman made a huge mistake, Anons prepare to laugh....or cry

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a7e61a No.75481

File: 37d558d55eaec44⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,1158x636,193:106,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9bdd1c25283b4e1⋯.png (207.08 KB,984x351,328:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255596 (280659ZJUL23) Notable: Incumbent for Seattle Schoolboard attempts to block Moms For Liberty statewide because of alleged "threat of infiltration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Incumbent for Seattle Schoolboard attempts to block Moms For Liberty statewide because of alleged "threat of infiltration of these kinds of groups under the guise of protecting parents rights"

Seattle, Washington

46th District Democrats

Democrats seek endorsement for school board position

[46:44] incumbent Liza Rankin

How will you fight misinformation and the agenda of groups like Moms For Liberty. How and what extent will you help defend against attempts to ban books in school libraries and classrooms?

Liza Rankin: Thanks for that question. That's actually one of the reasons I wanted to run again was because there's, more so in Seattle...I mean, I know it's happening in Seattle, but around the state there's much more threat of infiltration of these kinds of groups under the guise of protecting parents rights and things like that. I've been our boards liason to WASSA, which is the Washington State School Directors Association, and I found the opportunity to advocate for positions and vote on positions to be supported by the whole body to protect us against just such those things.



[pic] https://wssda.org/

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a7e61a No.75482

File: ded0e7a548f680f⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,952x534,476:267,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5e6f343d2163ffb⋯.png (182.13 KB,321x883,321:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255602 (280702ZJUL23) Notable: Incumbent for Seattle Schoolboard attempts to block Moms For Liberty statewide because of alleged "threat of infiltration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Seattle Schoolboard candidate states parents opting out for their children learning gender identity and LGBTQ issues is "part of banning and misinformation"

Seattle, Washington

46th District Democrats

Democrats seek endorsement for school board position

[50:05] Debbie Carlsen

Along with my fellow candidates, I do not support banning books. I do think we need to go deeper in our understanding about how this information does impact schools like I had mentioned before. There are parents opting out for their children to learn about gender identity and LGBTQ issues. That is part of banning and misinformation, and it does happen in Seattle, and we need a strong leader that understands this and can fight effectively against it and that includes in Olympia as well.


Representation Matters

I am running because representation matters. We represent each other from our lived experience and are connected to those communities we share common identities with. I am a non-binary working class white queer person (she/they) who was born in Seattle, brought up in Auburn and Kent and moved back to Seattle over 25 years ago. I have lived in North Seattle since 2013. My family is neurodivergent, mixed race and LGBTQ+. My partner is mixed blood Alaskan Native, and my kiddo is South Asian. We are a foster to adopt family. My child entered Seattle Public Schools in preschool with an IEP and she is about to graduate from kindergarten. My identity and my family's diversity shape where I come from, and how I show up as a leader.

We live in a climate where multiple states like Florida and Texas are passing laws against trans and LGBTQ+ kids as well as adults. Schools have become the battle ground for this hate. As an out LGBTQ+ person I want to champion a LGBTQ+ and racial equity lens on the school board. I want children and youth to know that they deserve to be safe and treated fairly. Representation matters in policy development and budget decisions, and it is imperative we have LGBTQ+ representation at the highest level of decision making in our school district.



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a7e61a No.75483

File: b30eb07cc486003⋯.png (35.88 KB,816x271,816:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255617 (280711ZJUL23) Notable: Musk might lose the psy war go 8th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon: I think we should have a psy op of the year contest

8th PSYOP Group: I'll win


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a7e61a No.75484

File: af32c0de1d47b75⋯.png (69.93 KB,752x604,188:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bb12315ca93512⋯.png (1.24 MB,1361x461,1361:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255621 (280713ZJUL23) Notable: Incumbent for Seattle Schoolboard attempts to block Moms For Liberty statewide because of alleged "threat of infiltration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Seattle, WA Schoolboard Candidate received contributions from San Francisco Transgender Woman who Runs The Liberal Gun Club

Political Disclosure Data Candidates

Candidate:Debbie Carlsen




Marlene Hoeber is a board president of The Center for Sex and Culture, a long-time member of various leather communities, and a queer history nerd. She co-founded a college campus-based student leather organization in 1991 and has a lifelong love for making information about sexuality available to people who need it. For Marlene, sexual liberation is integral to her notions of revolutionary politics, coming close to the need to keep people fed, clothed, and housed. She is also the president of the Northern California chapter of the Liberal Gun Club, highlighting that lefty politics and a love for guns and gun rights are not mutually exclusive.2 Additionally, Marlene Hoeber is a Senior Engineer at Bolt Threads in California, United States.

Powered by Brave AI, summarizer



Transgender Woman Runs the Liberal Gun Club


They call themselves “the NPR of gun clubs,” and their founder, Marlene Hoeber, says one advantage of their own club is that “We make ourselves a special place where we don’t have to hear about the ‘Kenyan Muslim socialist’ in the White House.” Described as a “feisty, tattooed, transgender, a self-described feminist, a queer activist,” I’m not exactly certain whether the article is admiring her, being neutral, or holding her up for a little bit of ridicule. When the reporter chose quotes like the following:

“I grow my own vegetables; I bake my own bread,” Hoeber said. She makes her own ammunition “for the same reason … cost savings, more control and higher quality.”

There’s a bit of nagging suspicion.

This entry was posted in Activism, Legal, Politics, Testimonial and tagged California, guns, second amendment, self-defense on January 11, 2014 by Nightshade.


Gun Club for Liberals: The Un-NRA

Move over NRA: Now there's a gun club just for liberals.


February 18, 2014, 9:09 AM



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a7e61a No.75485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255629 (280717ZJUL23) Notable: Incumbent for Seattle Schoolboard attempts to block Moms For Liberty statewide because of alleged "threat of infiltration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>75482, >>75484


About Twelve Benefit

Twelve, formerly known as Opus 12, was born from breakthrough discoveries by Dr. Etosha Cave and Dr. Kendra Kuhl at the world-renowned Jaramillo Group at Stanford University, a recognized world leader in CO2 electrocatalysis. There, they developed our carbon transformation technology. In 2015, Dr. Cave and Dr. Kuhl were ready to take their fundamental discoveries from the lab and translate them into a commercial solution to revolutionize the way we reduce emissions by making the world's most critical chemicals from CO2 instead of fossil fuels. They co-founded Twelve with fellow Stanford graduate and clean tech entrepreneur, Nicholas Flanders.

Today, we are a growing team of electrochemists, material scientists, and engineers with cutting-edge expertise in the field of CO2 electrocatalysis and electrochemical reactor design, scouted from the best programs in the world. We partner with industry leaders to implement our carbon transformation technology at scale. With our own purpose-built R&D facilities and access to the world-class resources of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, we have the tools and partnerships to scale our solution.




Fresh Meat in the Gallery is a groundbreaking, rule-breaking annual exhibition of transgender and gender variant artists.


Girl Talk 2011 - Marlene Hoeber

YouTube·HandbasketMedia·May 14, 2011


Queer Cultural CenterFollow

Dorian Katz & Marlene Hoeber



Gun Clubs - They're Not Just For Conservatives

The Young Turks

5.49M subscribers

67,263 views Jan 3, 2014

"Marlene Hoeber is feisty, tattooed, transgender, a self-described feminist, a queer activist - and a crack shot with her favorite "toys," guns of just about every kind.

One thing she's not - and proud of it - is a member of the National Rifle Association.

"We make ourselves a special place where we don't have to hear about the 'Kenyan Muslim socialist' in the White House," said Hoeber, a biotech equipment mechanic who says she's politically "somewhere around Emma Goldman," the turn-of-the-20th century anarchist.

Instead, Hoeber - whose array of firearms includes an M1 carbine rifle from World War II and a custom-made .44-caliber pistol - and other left-leaning gun lovers have their own organization: the Liberal Gun Club."* Ana Kasparian, Jimmy Dore (TYTComedy), Ben Mankiewicz and John Iadarola (TYT University) break it down on The Young Turks.


What's a Gun-Loving Liberal to Do?

Caught between the Democrats and the NRA.


Females and firearms: Women changing the face of gun ownership


Leather Dykes In Space

Reimagining women’s visibility at Folsom, America’s largest BDSM festival.



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a7e61a No.75486

File: 2d7de8089f49847⋯.png (226.19 KB,474x322,237:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255675 (280754ZJUL23) Notable: Refresher: Scytl Innovating Democracy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75487

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255681 (280758ZJUL23) Notable: Trumps New Ad Aimed At The Deep State

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Fall Of The Cabal Series

Trumps New Ad Aimed At The Deep State

Restored Republic

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a7e61a No.75488

File: 91d43d77739b83b⋯.jpg (156.22 KB,720x919,720:919,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26e3fb4cbdbc906⋯.mp4 (757.02 KB,1086x720,181:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255762 (280915ZJUL23) Notable: Kim Jong-Un has seemingly adorned his residence with an abundance of oversized photos of Putin in preparation for Shoigu's visit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WATCH: Kim Jong-Un has seemingly adorned his residence with an abundance of oversized photos of Putin in preparation for Shoigu's visit.

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a7e61a No.75489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255801 (280932ZJUL23) Notable: Treason and genocide: ex-LKA president files criminal charges against German government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Treason and genocide: ex-LKA president files criminal charges against German government

Uwe G. Kranz, the former president of the Thuringia Regional Criminal Police Office, has filed criminal charges against Germany's political leadership, together with citizen activist Marianne Grimmenstein. The charges are serious: they involve suspicions of attempted treason, crimes against humanity and genocide. The background is the so-called WHO pandemic treaty and the planned reform of the IHR, which, according to many critical experts, represent an attack on basic democratic and constitutional principles and the civil liberties of citizens.


translated with deepl.com




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a7e61a No.75490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255812 (280936ZJUL23) Notable: Treason and genocide: ex-LKA president files criminal charges against German government

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I hope they don't have the equivalent of Smith Mundt/NDAA/PatriotAct Judges or shitty agreement with ours

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a7e61a No.75491

File: 15af812da4dcca9⋯.png (39.36 KB,452x307,452:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255843 (280949ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Whatever happened to the Crooked Joe Biden Document’s case? He had 20 times more Boxes than I did

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Whatever happened to the Crooked Joe Biden Document’s case? He had 20 times more Boxes than I did, and he wasn’t covered by the Presidential Records Act. I was! When it first came out that Biden had all of these Docs, many Classified, almost everyone, including those on the Left, said, “there goes the case against Trump.” But they waited and waited, got failed prosecutor Deranged Jack Smith, and STRUCK - but did almost nothing on the REALLY BAD Biden Documents case, many stored in Chinatown!

Jul 27, 2023, 10:33 PM


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a7e61a No.75492

File: bcba151c746558d⋯.png (19.48 KB,457x179,457:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255857 (280954ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Just revealed that, according to the Whistleblowers, Joe Biden and the Bidens have OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS. WOW!!! Jesse Watters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17 words.

Donald J. Trump


Just revealed that, according to the Whistleblowers, Joe Biden and the Bidens have OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS. WOW!!! Jesse Watters

Jul 27, 2023, 11:18 PM


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a7e61a No.75493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255886 (281004ZJUL23) Notable: UK: The de-banking scandal is even moving financial markets

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The de-banking scandal is even moving financial markets



3,109 views 28 Jul 2023

Another week with Nigel Farage’s de-banking story topping the UK’s news feed. But this time, events have taken to a new arena – the stock market.

£850m has been wiped off NatWest’s value as it faces the potential for a fine that could run into the hundreds of millions of pounds. Who would’ve thought that political discrimination pays so badly?

But what if this symptom belies a bigger cause – that of corporate powerbrokers enforcing woke ideology at the expense of their shareholders? Then investors have got a bigger problem that extends well beyond banking to worry about. It’s a topic Nigel and I cover in our latest monthly issue of The Fleet Street Letter.

The UK government has taken Nigel’s side on the drama. But what does he think of their world leading interest expense on the government’s debt? That’s right, our Treasury spends a greater share of its revenue on interest than any other developed country’s government. It’s enough to get a prime minister fired, you might say…

But are interest rate hikes finally finished after the latest hike from the US’ Federal Reserve?

Find out in this week’s news in review, with Nigel Farage…

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a7e61a No.75494

File: 004876aa15b5151⋯.png (18.61 KB,456x233,456:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255896 (281011ZJUL23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley For 40 yrs all US organ transplants have been distributed by 1 corrupt org - UNOS. I started investigating UNOS 20 yrs ago

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Chuck Grassley


For 40 yrs all US organ transplants have been distributed by 1 corrupt org - UNOS. I started investigating UNOS 20 yrs ago as Finance Chair & uncovered abuse 2nite Senate passed bipartisan bill 2 open up transplant system + improve access to organ donations + save lives

10:26 PM · Jul 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75495

File: b905c51319f85a3⋯.png (115.59 KB,626x791,626:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255942 (281054ZJUL23) Notable: 'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move

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'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry

FDA's Shocking New Move

American Thinker, by Stella Paul

Posted By: Judy W., 7/28/2023 5:12:30 AM

Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID. Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs. Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients. Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us? I've been joining online support groups for people who lost loved ones to the Remdesivir Protocol — a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital,

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a7e61a No.75496

File: 4ad1f53fd8d5073⋯.png (562.98 KB,601x724,601:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255951 (281059ZJUL23) Notable: Hearings that Deep State leaders like James Clapper showed up for yesterday: UFOs!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Hearings that Deep State leaders like James Clapper showed up for yesterday: UFOs!

Hearings that Deep State leaders like James Clapper avoided yesterday: Hunter Biden's plea deal!

My fellow Americans, your intelligence community at work!

Quote Tweet





Replying to @EmeraldRobinson


12:58 AM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75497

File: 4b72cd43a8f2316⋯.png (358.35 KB,595x846,595:846,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255959 (281108ZJUL23) Notable: @8thPSYOPgroup #psywar #ghostinthemachine #græy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


8th PSYOP Group (Airborne)


#psywar #ghostinthemachine #græy


10:35 AM · Jul 26, 2023




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a7e61a No.75498

File: 5610347a74332ca⋯.png (23.66 KB,603x290,603:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255975 (281117ZJUL23) Notable: Here’s Peter Bright’s — convicted of pedophilia crimes in 2020 — original tweet mocking Pizzagate. It’s still up for the world to see — wake up!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Here’s Peter Bright’s — convicted of pedophilia crimes in 2020 — original tweet mocking Pizzagate. It’s still up for the world to see — wake up!

Quote Tweet

Pumpkin Fright👨‍⚕️🍕



Aug 6, 2018

Yes, apparently pizza is now the international symbol of pedophilia (?) because pedos like to advertise that they're pedos (?)

6:51 PM · Jul 27, 2023




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a7e61a No.75499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256023 (281136ZJUL23) Notable: Niger general Tchiani named head of transitional government after coup

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Niger general Tchiani named head of transitional government after coup


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75500

File: 0f983c21b2bd62c⋯.png (42.18 KB,826x496,413:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 73b7ba8c9fedc06⋯.png (77.29 KB,817x751,817:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e219c0c012b38b⋯.png (130.59 KB,725x435,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256121 (281211ZJUL23) Notable: “Conspiracy of Silence” Pedophiles in the White House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Conspiracy of Silence” Pedophiles in the White House



Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994)

Conspiracy of Silence is a 56-minute is a powerful and disturbing documentary film produced by Yorkshire Television in 1994.-

According to John DeCamp’s book, in Part 2, the paedophile/ SRA/ snuff movie/ child hunting network was run out of Omaha, Nebraska using private jets to fly children all over the states and the world, including Bohemian Grove, Dallas, California, Los Vegas, NY, Washington, the Netherlands and Germany and was part of an MK Ultra programme and drug running operation set up at the Offutt Air Force base outside Omaha, run by Col. Michael Aquino, the military and CIA.



The Franklin Coverup Scandal

The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan White House


The Franklin Cover-Up: Washington’s Pedo Cabal


Bohemian Grove child murder/ snuff film?

In the Franklin Coverup book it talks about the possible killing of a child at the Bohemian Grove.

Described on page 2-3


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a7e61a No.75501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256163 (281221ZJUL23) Notable: “Conspiracy of Silence” Pedophiles in the White House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Bohemian Grove, Pedo Hunting Parties and Rent Boy Ranch…

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a7e61a No.75502

File: de4335f61de7039⋯.png (1.06 MB,1920x984,80:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256184 (281226ZJUL23) Notable: PF ATOM01 WC-135R Constant Phoenix nuke sniffer plane up out of Offutt AFB heading NW.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ATOM01 WC-135R Constant Phoenix nuke sniffer plane up out of Offutt AFB heading NW.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75503

File: c8e92af2cfffba0⋯.png (726.44 KB,980x980,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256275 (281247ZJUL23) Notable: Supreme Court Ruling Reinstates 303-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline Construction, Dealing Blow to Climate Change Activists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Supreme Court Ruling Reinstates 303-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline Construction, Dealing Blow to Climate Change Activists


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256283 (281249ZJUL23) Notable: #23649

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final final bun for #23649

czech em

#23649 >>75479

>>75480 How are surgeons allowed to get away with this butchery?

>>75481, >>75482, >>75484, >>75485 Incumbent for Seattle Schoolboard attempts to block Moms For Liberty statewide because of alleged "threat of infiltration

>>75483 Musk might lose the psy war go 8th

>>75486 Refresher: Scytl Innovating Democracy

>>75487 Trumps New Ad Aimed At The Deep State

>>75488 Kim Jong-Un has seemingly adorned his residence with an abundance of oversized photos of Putin in preparation for Shoigu's visit

>>75489, >>75490 Treason and genocide: ex-LKA president files criminal charges against German government

>>75491 @realDonaldTrump Whatever happened to the Crooked Joe Biden Document’s case? He had 20 times more Boxes than I did

>>75492 @realDonaldTrump Just revealed that, according to the Whistleblowers, Joe Biden and the Bidens have OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS. WOW!!! Jesse Watters

>>75493 UK: The de-banking scandal is even moving financial markets

>>75494 @ChuckGrassley For 40 yrs all US organ transplants have been distributed by 1 corrupt org - UNOS. I started investigating UNOS 20 yrs ago

>>75495 'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move

>>75496 Hearings that Deep State leaders like James Clapper showed up for yesterday: UFOs!

>>75497 @8thPSYOPgroup #psywar #ghostinthemachine #græy

>>75498 Here’s Peter Bright’s — convicted of pedophilia crimes in 2020 — original tweet mocking Pizzagate. It’s still up for the world to see — wake up!

>>75499 Niger general Tchiani named head of transitional government after coup

>>75500, >>75501 “Conspiracy of Silence” Pedophiles in the White House

>>75502 PF ATOM01 WC-135R Constant Phoenix nuke sniffer plane up out of Offutt AFB heading NW.

>>75503 Supreme Court Ruling Reinstates 303-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline Construction, Dealing Blow to Climate Change Activists

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75505

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256313 (281253ZJUL23) Notable: #23650

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Be on the lookout for FF wknd

Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75506

File: 2b519c8e8e0fdc2⋯.png (313.41 KB,1170x1636,585:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256319 (281254ZJUL23) Notable: RFKjr w/CAP: Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection.  But not me.


Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days.  After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.  Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time."

 Our campaign's request included a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats.


>[They] are trying to kill another Kennedy

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a7e61a No.75507

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256375 (281305ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/28/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/28/2023





tora3 embed


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a7e61a No.75508

File: ecc53ec218212de⋯.jpg (63.43 KB,653x559,653:559,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256427 (281313ZJUL23) Notable: New court filings from the U.S. Virgin Islands AG's office show that JPMorgan Chase actively participating in Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: New court filings from the U.S. Virgin Islands AG's office show that JPMorgan Chase not only helped facilitate the sex-trafficking of underage girls by Jeffrey Epstein, but that the bank actively participated in Epstein's sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019.

The Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands has filed new documents in its federal lawsuit against the largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase.

The U.S. Virgin Islands’ attorneys have told the court they plan to show documents in a trial scheduled for October that proves JPMorgan Chase was “actively participating in Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019.”

The U.S. Virgin Islands filed hundreds of pages of new court documents on Monday and Tuesday, most of which have been filed under seal. A Memorandum of Law arguing for partial summary judgment in the case, however, is only lightly redacted and makes the following points:



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a7e61a No.75509

File: 8833a0d9a919d45⋯.png (982.35 KB,1164x1214,582:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256487 (281327ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump was just asked how we are going to stop them from stealing the election in 2024: “Well, we’re prepared for it…

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President Trump was just asked how we are going to stop them from stealing the election in 2024:

“Well, we’re prepared for it…

They had people in there that were bad people - and we’re gonna do it and I’m gonna be involved this time…“ 💥


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a7e61a No.75510

File: 4e21089843e3d55⋯.png (277.18 KB,421x537,421:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256567 (281343ZJUL23) Notable: Police call log for Tafari Campbell's drowning at Obama's home was left blank as the police refuse to reveal who the second paddleboarder was

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JUST IN - Police call log for Tafari Campbell's drowning at Obama's home was left blank as the police refuse to reveal who the second paddleboarder was.



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a7e61a No.75511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256621 (281352ZJUL23) Notable: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

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LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

The final lineup of confirmed candidates who will be in attendance at the Lincoln Dinner are: President Donald J. Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, Vice President Mike Pence, Ambassador Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Governor Asa Hutchinson, Larry Elder, Perry Johnson, Governor Doug Burgum, Mayor Francis Suarez, Ryan Binkley, and Representative Will Hurd. Candidates will have the opportunity to mingle with and address attendees during the event.


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a7e61a No.75512

File: b4110e90be35bf9⋯.png (1.33 MB,1030x600,103:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256632 (281353ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Young Stars, Stellar Je

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 28, 2023

Young Stars, Stellar Jets

High-speed outflows of molecular gas from a pair of actively forming young stars shine in infrared light, revealing themselves in this NIRcam image from the James Webb Space Telescope. Cataloged as HH (Herbig-Haro) 46/47, the young stars are lodged within a dark nebula that is largely opaque when viewed in visible light. The pair lie at the center of the prominent reddish diffraction spikes in the NIRcam image. Their energetic stellar jets extend for nearly a light-year, burrowing into the dark interstellar material. A tantalizing object to explore with Webb's infrared capabilities, this young star system is relatively nearby, located only some 1,140 light-years distant in the nautical constellation Vela.


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a7e61a No.75513

File: 0dc5e9a7ed98288⋯.jpeg (65.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256641 (281355ZJUL23) Notable: Military foils drone attack on Moscow

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28 Jul, 2023 02:17

Military foils drone attack on Moscow – mayor

A Ukrainian UAV was destroyed without causing any collateral damage, Sergey Sobyanin announced

Russian forces have destroyed a Ukrainian drone that was heading towards Moscow, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said in the early hours of Friday.

“There was an attempted attack by an enemy drone, which has been shot down,” Sobyanin wrote on his Telegram channel, adding that there were “no damage or casualties” from the overnight incursion.

The Russian Defense Ministry later released a statement saying the drone was aiming for “sites on the territory of Moscow Region” before it was neutralized by air defenses.

The incident represents the second UAV attack this week, after drones crashed into two non-residential buildings in the Russian capital on Monday.

Several UAVs were shot down or disabled earlier this month in the city’s southwestern suburbs.

Russian officials have condemned the raids as “acts of terrorism.”

Russia recently began striking port infrastructure of the Ukrainian city of Odessa in response to a naval drone attack on the bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia, which killed two people and injured a 14-year-old girl. Kiev accused Russia’s military of hitting civilian sites. The Russian Defense Ministry rejected this claim, stating that its troops were only striking military-linked targets.


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a7e61a No.75514

File: 976f1298c7647a9⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,2000x1645,400:329,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256677 (281403ZJUL23) Notable: Secretary of the Air Force unveils historic first CSO portrait, retired Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, the first Chief of Space Operations

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Secretary of the Air Force unveils historic first CSO portrait

Published July 27, 2023


The Secretary of the Air Force unveiled the portrait of retired Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, the first Chief of Space Operations, during an historic event at the Pentagon July 24.

Raymond is the first U.S. Space Force leader to be immortalized in a portrait that will be on permanent display in the Pentagon.

This unveiling of this portrait signifies the historic beginnings of the newest branch of the armed services. The Space Force was established Dec. 20, 2019, when the National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law. Raymond became the first Guardian in the service and served as the first CSO from 2019 to 2022.

“He is going to forever be known as the Father of the Space Force,” said Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall. “There will be portraits added to the line in the hallway, but they will forever line up behind Jay.”


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a7e61a No.75515

File: ed78b2a882072fe⋯.png (57.7 KB,908x586,454:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 80841c7d1b50574⋯.jpeg (474.2 KB,892x2395,892:2395,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c79d137102f4eb1⋯.jpeg (399.26 KB,892x1904,223:476,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3b3c8aa96f9aa2f⋯.png (956.38 KB,900x592,225:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256678 (281403ZJUL23) Notable: The Twitter X is the Taw. T the last letter in the Hebrew, Phoneician, and Proto-Hebrew AlefBet

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The Twitter X is the Taw. T the last letter in the Hebrew, Phoneician, and Proto-Hebrew AlefBet

"representing a tally mark", the end, finality.

Taw, tav, or taf is the twenty-second and last letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician tāw , Hebrew tav ת‎, Aramaic taw , Syriac taw ܬ, and Arabic tāʾ (22nd in abjadi order, 3rd in modern order).



X.com was an early online bank, and deposits were insured by the FDIC.


Musk expressed interest in creating an app similar to WeChat—a Chinese instant messaging, social media, and mobile payment app—on a podcast in May 2022.[8] In June, Musk told Twitter employees that Twitter is a "digital town square" that should beall-encompassing, like WeChat.[9] In a Morgan Stanley conference in March 2023, Musk touted X once again as the potentially "biggest financial institution in the world".

Tally mark

buying and selling

the end

dots connect


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a7e61a No.75516

File: 1746f7f9761eeaf⋯.png (1.49 MB,985x684,985:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256690 (281406ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Welcomes Argentina as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory/Artemis Accords establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation

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NASA Welcomes Argentina as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory

Jul 27, 2023

During a ceremony at the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires on Thursday, July 27, Argentina became the 28th country to sign the Artemis Accords. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson participated in the signing ceremony for the agency, and Daniel Filmus, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, signed on behalf of Argentina.

Argentine President Alberto Fernández and Marc Stanley, the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, also were in attendance.

The Artemis Accords establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation among nations, including those participating in NASA’s Artemis program.

“As the United States and Argentina mark two centuries of diplomatic relations this year, we know our partnership over the next century will be deepened by discoveries made together in space,” said Administrator Bill Nelson. “Along with our fellow Artemis Accords signatories, the United States and Argentina are setting a standard for 21st century exploration and use of space. As we explore together, we will explore peacefully, safely, and transparently.”

NASA, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, established the Artemis Accords in 2020 together with seven other founding member nations.

“We are convinced that the Artemis Accords constitute a contribution to the development of space activities with peaceful purposes at a global level and that they will increase international cooperation with Argentina,” said Filmus.

The Artemis Accords reinforce and implement key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. They also reinforce the commitment by the United States and signatory nations to the Registration Convention, the Rescue and Return Agreement, as well as best practices and norms of responsible behavior that NASA and its partners have supported, including the public release of scientific data.

“It is very important we take this step as it is key that we move forward in the field of space development. We are convinced that it must be a state policy,” said Fernández. “We have done a lot to retain our scientists, we have always been interested in science and technology, we believe that this is the way to go.”

Additional countries will sign the Artemis Accords in the months and years ahead, as NASA continues to work with its international partners to establish a safe, peaceful, and prosperous future in space. Working with both new and existing partners will add new energy and capabilities to ensure the entire world can benefit from our journey of exploration and discovery.


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a7e61a No.75517

File: 2cbc734cf78aa0d⋯.png (48.37 KB,1261x454,1261:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256697 (281407ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges

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Hunter Biden

Published July 27, 2023 9:43pm EDT

Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges

Hunter Biden faces two counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax

Brandon Gillespie

By Brandon Gillespie | Fox News







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a7e61a No.75518

File: d5141c1a2a48dd1⋯.png (484.95 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256704 (281409ZJUL23) Notable: Missouri US Rep. Eric Burlison Fires Letter Off to Merrick Garland Demanding Release of Documents Related to Jack Smith’s Conflicts of Interests Review

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Missouri US Rep. Eric Burlison Fires Letter Off to Merrick Garland Demanding Release of Documents Related to Jack Smith’s Conflicts of Interests Review

Rep. Burlison is no wall flower. While serving in the Missouri legislature he is credited with sponsoring and passing Constitutional Carry and Stand Your Ground Laws, for which he had to overcome a Governor’s veto.

On Wednesday, Rep. Burlison and seven fellow Republican lawmakers sent a letter to Joe Biden’s corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding documents related to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s conflicts of interests review.


“The American people should be able to see the unredacted conflicts of interest review for Special Counsel Jack Smith. Smith not only has a history of political prosecutions, but his wife also donated to the Biden Campaign and produced a documentary about Michelle Obama. Given Smith’s publicly known history, one would assume these issues would have ruled him out as an ‘impartial’ Special Counsel.”

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a7e61a No.75519

File: 2b049554cd2a7c2⋯.png (184.79 KB,588x381,196:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256722 (281412ZJUL23) Notable: Secret biological lab uncovered in Reedley containing bioengineered COVID-19 mice

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Devin Nunes


sjvsun.com/news/fresno/secret- 🚨Meanwhile in CA… 😳

Secret biological lab uncovered in Reedley containing bioengineered COVID-19 mice

The lab, operating in virtual secrecy in a sleepy Fresno County farm town, featured a variety of viral and bacterial agents including COVID-19.

The San Joaquin Valley Sun

Jul 28, 2023, 2:35 AM

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a7e61a No.75520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256810 (281432ZJUL23) Notable: Brazil refuses to hand over alleged Russian spy to US/Victor Ferreira

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This is kek for sure!

28 Jul, 2023 10:09

Brazil refuses to hand over alleged Russian spy to US

Sergey Cherkasov is serving a jail term in Brasilia for using a fake ID

A request from the US to Brazil, for the extradition to Washington of a suspected Russian foreign-intelligence agent currently serving a prison term there, has been denied, the Latin American nation’s Ministry of Justice and Public Security has announced.

The ministry called the US petition “unfounded” because Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court has already granted an equivalent request from Russia, according to its statement issued on Thursday.

Sergey Cherkasov was convicted of using a fake identity and is currently serving a 15-year sentence in a prison in Brasilia.Between 2012 and 2022, he had posed as a Victor Muller Ferreira. (Kek thats a long time to not have blown his cover)

In April last year, he was arrested in The Netherlands, where he had flown to take part in aninternship at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The country had reportedly been tipped off about his real identity.

Dutch authorities handed the suspect over to Brazil, where a court sentenced him in July 2022 on three separate counts of identity fraud during international travel.

The punishment was later reviewed, on the grounds that all three charges were related to the same crime committed over a decade. This week, a court in Sao Paulo handed down a final sentence of five years, two months and 15 days, newspaper O Globo has reported.

Brazilian authorities believe that 36-year-old Cherkasov is a Russian agent who spent a decade developing his cover story. Moscow, which has denied that he is a spy, sought his extradition on drug-related allegations, with Brazil granting that extradition request in March. The US applied for his extradition in April, citing espionage charges.

Cherkasov’s defense has proposed he should be allowed to serve the rest of his term in a semi-restricted environment. The Russian consulate in Sao Paulo could offer him accommodation, the lawyers have indicated.

Brazilian Justice Minister Flavio Dino stressed that the Russian national is to remain imprisoned in South America for the time being.

The Wall Street Journal had singled out Cherkasov as a likely candidate for a prisoner swap, after the arrest in march by Russian authorities of the Journal’s correspondent Evan Gershkovich, for alleged espionage.

Gershkovich was accused of using his journalistic credentials as a cover for collecting classified information about the Russian defense industry. Both the newspaper and the suspect have denied the claims.


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a7e61a No.75521

File: 1b58ebbef9afa99⋯.png (928.43 KB,864x617,864:617,Clipboard.png)

File: cd42ca4108e0491⋯.png (694.59 KB,561x580,561:580,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256821 (281434ZJUL23) Notable: Astronomers Find a Rare “Einstein Cross”

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Astronomers Find a Rare “Einstein Cross”

July 28, 2023

Gravitational lensing is one of astronomy’s great wonders: a natural lens that magnifies the distant universe. Sometimes a lensing system takes the shape of a so-called “Einstein Cross”. Those are rare and amazingly useful ways to study objects far away in space and time.

A team of astronomers recently found a new one using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument mounted on a telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. This instrument is surveying the sky and has found many instances of gravitational lensing. Followup observations show the new one to be both beautiful and a scientific treasure trove of information about the early universe.

The lens system, called DESI-253.2534+26.8843, is actually a massive foreground elliptical galaxy surrounded by four blue images of a background galaxy. Team leader Aleksandar Cikota of NOIRLab, pointed out what those images that form a perfect Einstein Cross pattern reveal. “The four images that display consistent spectral features tell the astronomers that the source is a single galaxy, which allowed them to confirm the lens system,” he said. “The cross pattern tells them about the mass distribution of the lens galaxy. Elongated mass distributions result in Einstein crosses, and a spherical mass distribution would result in an Einstein ring.”

Exploring DESI-253.2534+26.8843

This latest Einstein Cross has some interesting statistics. The main galaxy doing the lensing lies about 5.998 billion light-years away. The distant galaxy that it’s lensing is more than 11.179 billion light-years away. Thus, the foreground lensing galaxy is giving an amazing look at a galaxy in the early Universe.

The astronomy team determined the distance to the more distant galaxy by doing a spectral analysis of the light in each image. Based on color information contained in the DESI Legacy Survey, the team thinks that the lensing galaxy is in a galaxy group. They found at least seven other members of the same group. They describe those galaxies as “passive”, which could mean they are all older or elliptical. However, there’s not enough information to completely describe the galaxy group. And, they don’t seem to be participating in the lensing.

As the team analyzed the system using data from the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the Very Large Telescope in Chile, it turned out the background object is very typical of a starburst galaxy. They also found traces of a faint galaxy lying in front of one of the lensed images. It’s about 4.2 billion light-years away.

Using Spectroscopy to Study the Einstein Cross

This study of DESI-253.2534+26.8843 benefits from advances in computer modeling and hardware. Cikota pointed out that it’s a good example of the capabilities of the MUSE instrument coupled with computer modeling. “It is part of a bigger project – to confirm and parametrize many gravitational lens candidates discovered in the DESI legacy survey data using neural networks,” he said in an email. “We got over 100 hours for our observing program with MUSE for the characterization of gravitational lenses (data acquisition is still ongoing), and over 30 gravitational lens systems were successfully observed.”


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a7e61a No.75522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256822 (281434ZJUL23) Notable: Astronomers Find a Rare “Einstein Cross”

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MUSE is a powerful spectroscopic instrument that can cover wide areas of the sky in visible light wavelengths. It dissects the light into its component wavelengths (creating spectra) and each pixel in the image from the integral field unit contains a spectrum. The team used the data from its observations in a software package called GIGA-Lens. It models gravitational lensing systems and allows astronomers a quick way to model these complex objects. It can run a model through in about a minute and a half using Nvidia GPUs.

In their paper, the astronomers point out this is the first time data from a real gravitational lensing system got modeled in this way using GIGA-Lens. They write, “This concretely demonstrates a very promising future of modeling of strong lensing systems that are expected to be discovered in the next decade (e.g., Euclid, LSST, and the Roman Space Telescope), in a fast, robust, and scalable way.”

What Makes an Einstein Cross?

When a massive galaxy sits directly “in front of” a more distant background object (such as a galaxy or a quasar) the distribution of matter around that galaxy and its gravitational effect can “bend” the light from the object as it passes by. That results in lensed images (or a ring).

The first “Einstein Cross” was a surprise. Astronomer John Huchra and his team actually discovered it in 1985. It’s called “Huchra’s Lens”. It really looked baffling to the observers, as if there were four identical quasars around the center (where there was a faint image of the quasar). To figure out exactly why this would happen, the astronomers took studied the light from each “image”. Eventually, the redshift of the light from the quasar revealed that it lay 8 billion light-years away. The lensing galaxy is only about 400 million light-years distant.

Einstein Crosses and Beyond

Why are these so rare? It turns out that gravitational lensing happens everywhere in the universe, mostly in the form of so-called “weak lensing”. Creating an Einstein Cross requires a precise alignment of the lensing body and light source and astronomers refer to this as “strong gravitational lensing”. After the discovery of Huchra’s Lens, astronomers found a few more using Hubble Space Telescope and other instruments. Then, in 2021, the Gaia satellite found a dozen more. And, astronomers predict that more will be found as more powerful instruments and techniques perform surveys like Gaia’s.

More lenses like these will extend astronomy’s view to earlier epochs. They could perform as excellent probes of the dark matter distribution in the different epochs of cosmic time. And, there are other applications to be developed.

His team’s goal, said Cikota, is to study and characterize gravitational lens systems as a cosmological tool. “We are preparing for the time domain era (after Vera Rubin Observatory starts operation),” he wrote. “One of our goals is to do a targeted search for supernovae in hundreds of gravitational lens systems, which will allow us to directly measure Hubble’s constant by observing the time delay of supernova light curves between the lensed images of a supernova.”




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a7e61a No.75523

File: b934b2de338f881⋯.png (237.79 KB,602x584,301:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256843 (281439ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protection Despite His Standing in Race and Family History

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The Gateway Pundit


Breaking: Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protection Despite His Standing in Race and Family History


Breaking: Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protect...

Robert Kennedy, Jr.

2:53 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75524

File: d006b61abb691b0⋯.jpeg (137.46 KB,1416x720,59:30,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256866 (281446ZJUL23) Notable: Brazil refuses to hand over alleged Russian spy to US/Victor Ferreira

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This guy was embedded in the US for 10 years but domestic radicals are “our biggest problem!”

He came to D.C. as a Brazilian student. The U.S. says he was a Russian spy.

Johns Hopkins graduate Victor Ferreira was unmasked as GRU operative Sergey Cherkasov, according to a federal indictment and Western security officials

By Greg Miller

March 29, 2023 at 2:00 a.m. EDT

THE HAGUE — Like anyone who gets into his dream college, Victor Muller Ferreira was ecstatic when hewas admitted to Johns Hopkins University’s graduate school in Washington in 2018.

“Today we made the future — we managed to get in one of the top schools in the world,” he wrote in an email to those who had helped him gain entry to the elite master’s program in international relations. “This is the victory that belongs to all of us man — to the entire team. Today we f—ing drink!!!”

The achievement was even sweeter for Ferreira because he was not the striving student from Brazil he had portrayed on his Johns Hopkins application, but a Russian intelligence operative originally from Kaliningrad, according to a series of international investigations as well as an indictment the Justice Department filed in federal court Friday.

His real name is Sergey Cherkasov and he had spent nearly a decade building the fictitious Ferreira persona, according to officials and court records. His “team” was a tight circle of Russian handlers suddenly poised to have a deep-cover spy in the U.S. capital,positioned to forge connections in every corner of the American security establishment, from the State Department to the CIA.

Using the access he gained during his two years in Washington, Cherkasov filed reports to his bosses in Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, on how senior officials in the Biden administration were responding to the Russian military buildup before the war in Ukraine, according to an FBI affidavit.

After he graduated, he came close to achieving a more consequential penetration when he wasoffered a position at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He was due to start a six-month internship there last year —just as the court began investigating Russian war crimes in Ukraine — only to be turned away by Dutch authorities acting on information relayed by the FBI, according to Western security officials. Officials in the Netherlands put him on a plane back to Brazil, where he was arrested upon landing and is now serving a 15-year prison sentence for document fraud related to his fake identity.

The details that have since emerged provide extraordinary visibility into highly cloaked aspects of Russian intelligence, including the Kremlin’s almost obsessive effort to infiltrate Western targets with “illegals” — spies who operate as lone agents with no discernible link to their home service — rather than diplomats with the legal protections that come with working out of an embassy.

The case has revealed lingering vulnerabilities in Western defenses more than a decade after the FBI arrested 10 Russian illegals in a sweep that made global headlines and spawned a popular television series, “The Americans.” U.S. officials acknowledge that the bureau discovered Cherkasov’s identity and GRU affiliation only after his arrival in Washington. The FBI declined to comment on the case.

The revelations have also exposed serious lapses in Russian tradecraft. Authorities have mined Cherkasov’s computer and other devices and found a trove of evidence, according to court records and security officials, including emails to his Russian handlers, details about “dead drops” where messages could be left, records of illicit money transfers, and an error-strewn personal history that he appears to have composed while trying to memorize details of his fictitious life.

His arrest last April came at the outset of an ongoing roll-up of Russian intelligence networks across Europe, a crackdown launched after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that officials say has inflicted greater damage on Kremlin spy agencies than any other effort since the end of the Cold War.

The FBI and CIA have played extensive behind-the-scenes roles in this wave of arrests and expulsions, according to Western officials. The charges filed Friday followed a multiyear investigation in which FBI agents gained access to devices seized by authorities in Brazil, according to the indictment, and were permitted to meet with the accused spy face-to-face in São Paulo.


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a7e61a No.75525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256875 (281448ZJUL23) Notable: Press Secretary Buckwheat Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Brunswick, Maine

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July 28, 2023

11:00 AM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Brunswick, Maine

Air Force One



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a7e61a No.75526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256905 (281455ZJUL23) Notable: Peter Schweizer at the National Conservative Student Conference

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Peter Schweizer at the National Conservative Student Conference

Streamed live 58 minutes ago



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a7e61a No.75527

File: b2d56d085b0b64d⋯.png (570.05 KB,778x828,389:414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256936 (281503ZJUL23) Notable: MD: Fallen crane blocks lanes of I-70 near Hagerstown in Washington County

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Fallen crane blocks lanes of I-70 near Hagerstown in Washington County

10:29 AM EDT July 28, 2023

HAGERSTOWN, Md. — Drivers in Washington County should avoid Interstate 70 near Crystal Falls Drive. A construction crane rollover has closed all eastbound lanes, according to Maryland State Police.

Maryland State Police and the Maryland State Highway Administration are working to clear the scene for drivers, and investigate exactly what happened. Police have not yet said whether there were any injuries as a result of the incident.

It is not yet clear how long the lanes will be closed. Drivers are asked to use alternate routes and avoid the area if possible.


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a7e61a No.75528

File: 01ac2faff6d9169⋯.jpg (164.92 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256940 (281504ZJUL23) Notable: Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) Meeting/Treasury

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July 28, 2023

11:10 AM EDT

Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) Meeting

Department of the Treasury




Secretary Yellen Holds Financial Stability Oversight Council Meeting

Treasury Secretary Yellen holds a meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) at the Treasury Department. They are expected to give an update on the Climate-related Financial Risk Committee and the transition away from LIBOR.


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a7e61a No.75529

File: 51d9b10cd0b9503⋯.png (177.27 KB,595x878,595:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256956 (281507ZJUL23) Notable: @realLizUSA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Arrive on Trump Force One in Columbia, South Carolina 8/5/23 7p EST

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Liz Harrington


45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Arrive on Trump Force One in Columbia, South Carolina


3:59 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19256987 (281516ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Stepping Up Black Sea Surveillance

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Planefags, expect increased air traffic

NATO Stepping Up Black Sea Surveillance

Reuters July 26, 2023

BRUSSELS, July 26 (Reuters) – NATO said on Wednesday it was stepping up surveillance of the Black Sea region as it condemned Russia’s exit from a deal assuring the safe passage of ships carrying Ukrainian grain.

The announcement came after a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, a body established earlier this month to coordinate cooperation between the Western military alliance and Kyiv.

“Allies and Ukraine strongly condemned Russia’s decision to withdraw from the Black Sea grain deal and its deliberate attempts to stop Ukraine’s agricultural exports on which hundreds of millions of people worldwide depend,” NATO said in a statement.

“NATO and Allies are stepping up surveillance and reconnaissance in the Black Sea region, including with maritime patrol aircraft and drones,” the statement said.

The deal that has allowed the safe Black Sea export of Ukraine’s grain for the past year expired on July 17 after Russia quit in a move the United Nations said would “strike a blow to people in need everywhere.”

Moscow suggested it would consider reviving the deal if demands to improve exports of its own grain and fertilizer were met.


The NATO statement criticized a Russian warning that parts of the Black Sea’s international waters were temporarily unsafe for navigation.

Russia also said that ships traveling to Ukraine’s Black Sea ports would be seen as possibly carrying military cargoes.

“Allies noted that Russia’s new warning area in the Black Sea, within Bulgaria’s exclusive economic zone, has created new risks for miscalculation and escalation, as well as serious impediments to freedom of navigation,” the NATO statement said.

Bulgaria is a member of NATO.

NATO also said it condemned recent Russian attacks on Odesa, Mykolaiv and other port cities, including a drone strike on a Ukrainian grain storage facility in the Danube port city of Reni, near the border with NATO-member Romania.

“We remain ready to defend every inch of Allied territory from any aggression,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy welcomed the Council’s “clear and unequivocal condemnation” of Russia’s pullout from the grain deal.

“Established only two weeks ago in Vilnius, the Council has already proved to be an effective mechanism for crisis consultations,” Zelenskiy posted, in English, on messaging platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

Ukraine, he wrote, would “continue to fulfill its obligations in providing global food security… We stay united with the Alliance as we are moving along the path towards our NATO membership.”

The Council was set up at the Alliance’s summit this month in Lithuania, where members offered Kyiv ammunition and weapons but could not consider membership while Ukraine is at war.


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a7e61a No.75531

File: a5cd8b8dd16e121⋯.png (2.44 MB,1920x984,80:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c60558ee0eafd2⋯.png (874.31 KB,1920x984,80:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257069 (281540ZJUL23) Notable: NATO Stepping Up Black Sea Surveillance

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>Planefags expect increased traffic

Black Sea is pretty much a black hole for tracking.

Civilian planes giving the area and Ukraine a wide berth.

Military flights not showing on ADSb for obvious reasons.

ATOM01 Returning to Offutt AFB

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a7e61a No.75532

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257100 (281544ZJUL23) Notable: #23650

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#23650 >>75505

>>75506 RFKjr w/CAP: Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.

>>75507 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/28/2023

>>75508 New court filings from the U.S. Virgin Islands AG's office show that JPMorgan Chase actively participating in Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019

>>75509 President Trump was just asked how we are going to stop them from stealing the election in 2024: “Well, we’re prepared for it…

>>75510 Police call log for Tafari Campbell's drowning at Obama's home was left blank as the police refuse to reveal who the second paddleboarder was

>>75511 The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

>>75512 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Young Stars, Stellar Je

>>75513 Military foils drone attack on Moscow

>>75514 Secretary of the Air Force unveils historic first CSO portrait, retired Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, the first Chief of Space Operations

>>75515 The Twitter X is the Taw. T the last letter in the Hebrew, Phoneician, and Proto-Hebrew AlefBet

>>75516 NASA Welcomes Argentina as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory/Artemis Accords establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation

>>75517 Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges

>>75518 Missouri US Rep. Eric Burlison Fires Letter Off to Merrick Garland Demanding Release of Documents Related to Jack Smith’s Conflicts of Interests Review

>>75519 Secret biological lab uncovered in Reedley containing bioengineered COVID-19 mice

>>75520, >>75524 Brazil refuses to hand over alleged Russian spy to US/Victor Ferreira

>>75521, >>75522 Astronomers Find a Rare “Einstein Cross”

>>75523 Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protection Despite His Standing in Race and Family History

>>75525 Press Secretary Buckwheat Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Brunswick, Maine

>>75526 Peter Schweizer at the National Conservative Student Conference

>>75527 MD: Fallen crane blocks lanes of I-70 near Hagerstown in Washington County

>>75528 Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) Meeting/Treasury

>>75529 @realLizUSA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Arrive on Trump Force One in Columbia, South Carolina 8/5/23 7p EST

>>75530, >>75531 NATO Stepping Up Black Sea Surveillance


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a7e61a No.75533

File: d3d335952f6b3f1⋯.jpg (259.02 KB,693x924,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f8e49cd6f6a73c⋯.png (59.7 KB,255x118,255:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 102ec7d6aa61cc5⋯.png (96.71 KB,331x188,331:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 47b543a261151a8⋯.jpeg (63.56 KB,500x657,500:657,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a2c0e8bc3912fde⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,540x400,27:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257116 (281545ZJUL23) Notable: #23651

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a7e61a No.75534

File: 819fb082c82ea0d⋯.png (425.12 KB,486x486,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257150 (281552ZJUL23) Notable: If the houses burn but the trees do not, is it really a forest fire?

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If the houses burn but the trees do not, is it really a forest fire?

And if it's not a forest fire, what is it? Robert Brame, a forensic arborist, will answer those questions at The Red Pill Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, August 12-13, 2023. In this short video, Robert explains the content of his presentation.



rumble vid won't embed for me

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a7e61a No.75535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257152 (281553ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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KJP live


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a7e61a No.75536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257153 (281554ZJUL23) Notable: Full interview with President Trump this morning:

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Full interview with President Trump this morning:


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a7e61a No.75537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257160 (281556ZJUL23) Notable: Executive Order on 2023 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

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Executive Order on 2023 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

JULY 28, 2023

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 801-946a), and in order to prescribe additions and amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, prescribed by Executive Order 12473 of April 13, 1984, as amended, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, are amended as described in Annex 1, which is attached to and made a part of this order. The amendments in Annex 1 shall take effect on the date of this order, subject to the following:

(a) Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to make punishable any act committed or omitted prior to the date of this order that was not punishable when committed or omitted.

(b) Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, preliminary hearing, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to the date of this order, and any such nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, preliminary hearing, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action may proceed in the same manner and with the same effect as if the Annex 1 amendments had not been prescribed.

Sec. 2. Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Appendix 12A of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, are amended as described in Annex 2, which is attached to and made a part of this order. The amendments in Annex 2 shall apply in accordance with the effective date established by section 539C of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (NDAA FY 2022), Public Law 117-81, subject to the following:

(a) Nothing in Annex 2 shall be construed to make punishable any act committed or omitted prior to the effective date established by section 539C of the NDAA FY 2022.

(b) Nothing in Annex 2 shall be construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, preliminary hearing, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to the effective date established by section 539C of the NDAA FY 2022, and any such nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, preliminary hearing, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action may proceed in the same manner and with the same effect as if the Annex 2 amendments had not been prescribed.

Sec. 3. Appendix 12B, Appendix 12C, and Appendix 12D are added to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, and Part II of the Manual is amended as described in Annex 3, which is attached to and made a part of this order. The additions and amendments in Annex 3 shall take effect on December 27, 2023, and shall apply in accordance with section 539E(f) of the NDAA FY 2022 (10 U.S.C. 853 note), subject to the following:

(a) Nothing in Annex 3 shall be construed to make punishable any act committed or omitted prior to the effective date established by section 539E(f) of the NDAA FY 2022.

(b) Nothing in Annex 3 shall be construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, preliminary hearing, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to the effective date established by section 539E(f) of the NDAA FY 2022, and any such nonjudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, preliminary hearing, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action may proceed in the same manner and with the same effect as if the Annex 3 amendments had not been prescribed.



July 28, 2023.


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a7e61a No.75538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257171 (281558ZJUL23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: [this evening, Biden] will depart Maine, in route to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he will remain over the next week.

[yet another vacation]

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a7e61a No.75539

File: 16fc3dc36f7b301⋯.png (888.75 KB,662x3994,331:1997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257177 (281559ZJUL23) Notable: Executive Order on 2023 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

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FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order Implementing Bipartisan Military Justice Reforms

JULY 28, 2023

Today, President Biden will sign an Executive Order to implement historic, bipartisan military justice reforms that significantly strengthen how the military handles sexual assault cases. The Executive Order transfers key decision-making authorities from commanders to specialized, independent military prosecutors in cases of sexual assault, domestic violence, murder, and other serious offenses by amending the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).


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a7e61a No.75540

File: 57cc17b2a27fa65⋯.png (1.82 MB,1161x1490,1161:1490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257227 (281611ZJUL23) Notable: Have YOU forgotten about an old 401(K) account?

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Have YOU forgotten about an old 401(K) account? Experts say $1.65 TRILLION is lying in lost retirement plans - here's how to track yours down


➡️ The average balance in a forgotten 401(K) has increased to $56,616, experts have warned

➡️ A period of increased job switching during 'The Great Resignation' has led to a surge in lost accounts

➡️ Savers are at risk of potentially missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in later life

Americans are missing out on $1.65 trillion which is lying in forgotten and lost retirement accounts, experts have warned.

—anons, I found over $130 of money by searching my state; I submitted my claims, I only now have to print the forms, sign them with proof of ID, and mail them to my state’s Treasurer—


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a7e61a No.75541

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257235 (281614ZJUL23) Notable: James O'Keefe Full Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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James O'Keefe Full Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

July 27, 2023


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a7e61a No.75542

File: d0b0891d841a569⋯.png (311.99 KB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 69df4d823baad90⋯.png (295.98 KB,1170x1717,1170:1717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257241 (281615ZJUL23) Notable: Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more

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Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more.

10. Suspicious circumstances surround tight-lipped Obama Chef drowning case.

9. Rep. James Comer says President Biden uses offshore bank accounts to hide bribe money.

8. Early reports reveal Pfizer was aware of Myocarditis side effects, yet rushed distribution of their COVID vaccine anyway.

7. Biden's DOJ drops campaign finance charges connecting their second largest donor, Sam Bankman-Fried, to the Democratic party.

6. Mark Zuckerberg's 𝕏 rival, Threads, has seen a massive decline in users; Elon Musk suggests bots were used to inflate initial sign-up numbers.

5. Office for National Statistics report reveals that COVID vaccinated have 91% higher death risk than the unvaccinated.

4. Senators Mitch McConnell (81) and Dianne Feinstein (90) suffer senile episodes on public display, raising concerns on term limits.

3. LeBron James' son Bronny James (18) suffers cardiac arrest and grammy winner Tori Kelly (30) hospitalized with blood clots around heart.

2. Biden White House, FBI, pressured Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to censor Americans.

1. Trump to impose Death Penalty on Human Traffickers when elected.

Bonus: The Biden administration has sent more than $100 billion in U.S. weaponry and financial aid to Ukraine in less than a year.

If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Retweet and Follow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎


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a7e61a No.75543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257271 (281622ZJUL23) Notable: What do you know about W.E.F. and not the COUNCIL FOR INCLUSIVE CAPITALISM?

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Here is a Huge Redpill > Why do you know about W.E.F. and not the COUNCIL FOR INCLUSIVE CAPITALISM?








https://www.youtube.com/c/InclusiveCapitalism The Council for Inclusive Capitalism has a YT

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJoXwh0Vu9M The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican. Dec 11, 2020 by: Inclusive Capitalism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJLuqCDRfyk Lynn Forester de Rothschild in conversation with Brian Moynihan and Roger Ferguson Jan 28, 2021 by: Inclusive Capitalism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf9A6blti1U President Clinton’s Closing Keynote at 2015 Conference – What’s it all about: actions for the future Jul 22, 2015 by: Inclusive Capitalism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO56RZE6SEQ His Holiness the Pope’s Statement at the 2015 Conference delivered by Cardinal Nichols Jul 22, 2015 by: Inclusive Capitalism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa9FnoZeOF4 Inclusive Capitalism Conference - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Jun 12, 2014 by: Inclusive Capitalism

https://youtu.be/VlW_PVhSfjM Pope Francis Joins Bank of America, Salesforce CEOs to Push for Economic Equality Dec 8, 2020

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a7e61a No.75544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257287 (281625ZJUL23) Notable: Jack Smith has brought three new felony charges against former President Donald Trump

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JULY 27, 2023

From a story on politico.com byKyle Cheneyand Josh Gerstein headlined

“Trump charged with new crimes in classified documents cases”:

Special counsel Jack Smith has brought three new felony charges against former President Donald Trump, including explosive claims that he asked an employee of his Mar-a-Lago club to delete security camera footage sought by investigators probing his handling of classified documents.

In a 60-page superseding indictment unveiled Thursday, prosecutors also accused Trump of possessing a highly classified war plan that he shared with people lacking security clearances months after his presidency ended. And prosecutors added a third defendant: Carlos De Oliveira, a worker at Mar-a-Lago who is accused of joining Trump and aide Walt Nauta to seek the destruction of the security footage. The additional charges are another stunning chapter in prosecutors’ case against the formerpresident, who has repeatedly professed that he “quickly” shared all security camera footage from his estate with the government.

Trump now faces two new obstruction-of-justice charges related to the alleged attempt to erase the security camera video. In addition, the new indictment adds a felony count under the Espionage Act stemming from his alleged possession of the war plan. He now faces 32 counts of willfully retaining national defense information under the Espionage Act and eight counts related to alleged efforts to obstruct the investigation.

The new indictment alleges that on June 27, 2022, De Oliveira met with a Trump Organization employee in an audio closet at Mar-a-Lago and asked that person — unnamed in the indictment — to delete the security camera video sought by prosecutors in a grand jury subpoena days earlier.

“De Oliveira told [the employee] ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted,” the new indictment alleges..

The indictment indicates that De Oliveira spoke by phone and texted with Nauta, a longtime Trump aide who is also a defendant in the case, shortly after the exchange with the unnamed employee. De Oliveira and Nauta met in person just off the Mar-a-Lago grounds, and Trump called De Oliveira later that day, the indictment alleges.There is no indication of what was said in the phone calls.De Oliveira, 56, of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., is scheduled to be arraigned Monday in Miami federal court, according to a court docket. Trump and Nauta will also need to be re-arraigned on the new indictment, but it’s unclear when that will take place

The updated indictment does not merely add new criminal charges and a new defendant;it also shows prosecutors making a concerted effort to undercut some of Trump’s recent public denialsof the case they’ve brought against him. And it adds significant new elements to the legal peril he faces and underscores prosecutors’ deep penetration into his cloistered inner circle..

The new indictment in the Florida case adds new details about Trump’s alleged handling of the classified war plan, believed to be a plan of attack on Iran. It alleges that, on July 21, 2021, Trump shared the plan at his club in Bedminster, New Jersey, with two people working on a book being written by his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows. In the original indictment, prosecutors had revealed they had a recording of that conversation, but they hadn’t yet charged Trump with possessing the document.

The new indictment charges that Trump also had that classified war plan at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.It does not specify how the document reached either location. Trump has publicly denied showing the actual document to the researchers, instead claiming he had shown them news clippings.“I didn’t have a document, per se,” Trump said in a Fox News appearance last month. “There was nothing to declassify. These were newspaper stories, magazine stories, and articles.”

Each of the new obstruction-of-justice charges carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. The charge of willfully retaining national defense secrets is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Due to the operation of federal sentencing guidelines and the sheer volume of charges Trump already faced,=the new charges may not significantly affect Trump’s bottom-line sentence if he is convicted and given prison time. But they are likely to bolster the narrative prosecutors can present to a jury — and the public.

In a statement Thursday night, the Trump campaign called the new charges “desperate and flailing” and said Smith is “casting about for any way to salvage” the case against him.

Politico is the mouthpiece of the DS


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a7e61a No.75545

File: 4c747368f4a5530⋯.png (1.22 MB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257303 (281628ZJUL23) Notable: ECW rt: Finally, the United States is going to start taking care of its own and producing the enriched uranium we need

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>ECW retweeted


Finally, the United States is going to start taking care of its own and producing the enriched uranium we need. I thank my colleagues for their overwhelming support for this amendment which will bolster our national security.


WATCH: Chairman @Sen_JoeManchin spoke on the Senate floor after the Senate agreed 96-3 to his NDAA amendment to establish a nuclear fuel program with the purpose of onshoring nuclear fuel production and reducing dependence on Russia for enriched uranium.


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a7e61a No.75546

File: 55daade2fc9252f⋯.png (938.4 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b203b85cf066b7⋯.png (934.26 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: ab8eac9fe35de26⋯.png (831.46 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a30264360a1ea0⋯.png (641.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257339 (281638ZJUL23) Notable: PF stuffs

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Free Friday airshow

The boys from Chef Barlows group

Just got joined by some fast ones

Wheels up just for fun.

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a7e61a No.75547

File: 676b1675e3d9fb0⋯.jpeg (59.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257351 (281640ZJUL23) Notable: Biden is drifting from reality – Zakharova/25th comin?

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28 Jul, 2023 12:45

Biden is drifting from reality – Zakharova

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman accuses the US media of failing to acknowledge their president’s mental decline

The US media is ignoring the reality of President Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental capacity, instead of being honest about it, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.

In his public appearances, Biden “does not properly react to some questions, or does not react at all to what he is told or asked. He gets confused about the people in front of him.Apparently, his consciousness does not reflect reality,” the diplomat told RT in an exclusive interview on Friday.

The issue was brought up by the interviewer, Rory Suchet, who suggested that Biden is “having some issues,” possibly related to the president’s advanced age, a notion that Zakharova dismissed.

“A man in his old age can be wise and a young physically fit man can be stupid,” she argued.

Zakharova acknowledged Biden’s vast political experience, at the age of 80, but noted that people around him have to carefully manage his actions when in public – and that the situation may be even more serious in a private setting.

“I am sorry, things happen to people.But it is frightening when the leader of the US… sees a dead person in the audience,” Zakharova remarked. The diplomat was apparently referring to an incident last September, when Biden asked during a speech where late the Congresswoman Jackie Walorski was. The lawmaker had died in a car crash the previous month.

The White House downplayed the gaffe, with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claiming that Walorski was “on top of mind” of the president, ahead of him hosting the family later the same week. Biden’s supporters have brushed aside doubts over his mental readiness to run for reelection next year, and serve a second term, which would see him reach the age of 86 before leaving office.

Zakharova suggested that people “should be honest with themselves” about the situation, andat least “not to be afraid to talk about it.”



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a7e61a No.75548

File: 3c929b38f249214⋯.jpg (853.15 KB,1200x944,75:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257368 (281644ZJUL23) Notable: PF stuffs

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12:50 PM EDT

KC-46A Arrival Ceremony

Celebrate the transition to the KC-46A refueling aircraft.


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a7e61a No.75549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257383 (281648ZJUL23) Notable: Executive Order on 2023 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

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>the new Offices of Special Trial Counsel (OSTC), the independent military prosecutors who will now decide, in the place of commanders, whether to prosecute covered offenses such as sexual assault and domestic violence, child abuse, and murder;

US Army Office of Special Trial Counsel

Veritas Fiducia Justitia (Truth, Trust, Justice)


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a7e61a No.75550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257396 (281651ZJUL23) Notable: What Comes Next for Israel's Democracy? Unpacking the Judicial Overhaul

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July 28, 2023

1:00 PM EDT

What Comes Next for Israel's Democracy? Unpacking the Judicial Overhaul

Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA)




Discussion on Israel Judicial Reform

Policy analysts and journalists discuss judicial reform, large protests, and democracy in Israel at an event hosted by Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA).


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a7e61a No.75551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257436 (281657ZJUL23) Notable: Ukrainian parliament vote scraps planned election

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They used to hide the corruption that they really are a totalitarian state, but because they banned or imprisoned all their opposition, they are coming out and saying loudly, Hitler is reincarnated and running the country now! What Western leader or organization will denounce this?

27 Jul, 2023 20:45

Ukrainian parliament vote scraps planned election

The Ukrainian parliament has extended emergency measures in the country, effectively canceling October elections

The Ukrainian legislature, the Verkhovna Rada, approved on Thursday a new request from President Vladimir Zelensky to extend the state of martial law and the total mobilization in the country.

The emergency measures, first introduced on February 24, 2022, after a years-long conflict with Russia led to military action, have been extended repeatedly for 90-day periods amid ongoing hostilities. This latest extension was unanimously backed by all MPs present at the session of the Rada, with the request supported by 347 parliamentarians.

The country’s state of martial law was originally slated to expire August 18, is now set to stay in effect until November 15. The move has effectively canceled the country’s parliamentary elections scheduled for October, as martial law forbids holding polls and even campaigning, according to Ukraine’s legislation.

President Vladimir Zelensky has repeatedly signaled that he is against holding any elections in the country while Ukraine remains locked in conflict with Russia. “If we have martial law, we cannot have elections. The constitution prohibits any elections during martial law,” Zelensky said back in May. Later this year, he said the polls “need to happen in a time of peace, when there is no fighting.”

The fate of presidential elections in the country, which are scheduled for March 2024, remains unclear as well. Should the emergency measures be prolonged for at least one more time past November 15, the 90-day extension would cut into the campaigning period, which is mandatory before the polls, according to Ukraine’s laws.

Over the course of the ongoing hostilities, Zelensky and his ruling party have gradually tightened their grip on power. Early into the conflict, Zelensky enabled himself to outlaw any political parties deemed to be somehow “pro-Russian,” and without any right to appeal. A dozen parties ended up banned, including the largest parliamentary opposition bloc.

(I think many are missing the point that Zelensky was incompetent and appointed like Bidan is, so he is only parroting what they tell him, because his life is at risk at all times. He’d be better off defecting to Russia and spilling the beans. The Nazis run everything there along with Victoria Nuland. I think at some point he would be able to lead the people, but he is a prisoner and he will end up dead. Don’t get me wrong he’s a big as a criminal as the rest of them, and deservers everything coming to him, but when they arrested and charged Kolomoiskiy, he lost all his protection from the Ukraine Oligarchs. And the Oligarchs do what the Nazis want now if they want to live.)


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a7e61a No.75552

File: b94917e5db6cd6d⋯.jpeg (102.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257440 (281657ZJUL23) Notable: Ukrainian parliament vote scraps planned election

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The pic with the article

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a7e61a No.75553

File: ca929a1c3c10567⋯.png (8.7 KB,378x293,378:293,Clipboard.png)

File: f2e3ffc9966bcd4⋯.png (12.67 KB,408x353,408:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257448 (281659ZJUL23) Notable: August is so hot right now…

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August is so hot right now...

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a7e61a No.75554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257473 (281703ZJUL23) Notable: Vice President Harris Participated in a Moderated Conversation on Reproductive Rights

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July 28, 2023

1:10 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Participated in a Moderated Conversation on Reproductive Rights

Des Moines, Iowa




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a7e61a No.75555

File: ac06768ae0e9c26⋯.png (286.91 KB,1170x1817,1170:1817,Clipboard.png)

File: d057703a96a806b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1170x1214,585:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257484 (281704ZJUL23) Notable: Trump is speaking at an Iowa Dinner tonight

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Trump is speaking at an Iowa Dinner tonight

The confirmed candidates attending the Lincoln Dinner:

President Donald J. Trump

Governor Ron DeSantis

Vice President Mike Pence

Ambassador Nikki Haley

Senator Tim Scott

Vivek Ramaswamy

Governor Asa Hutchinson

Larry Elder

Perry Johnson

Governor Doug Burgum

Mayor Francis Suarez

Ryan Binkley

Representative Will Hurd

Candidates will have the opportunity to mingle with and address attendees during the event.

Coverage is expected to begin at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Link to Watch




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a7e61a No.75556

File: 6f2baecb6ff5a43⋯.png (1.27 MB,1170x1553,1170:1553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257499 (281708ZJUL23) Notable: Billionaire investor Leon Black accused of raping autistic teen at Jeffrey Epstein’s NYC home

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Billionaire investor Leon Black accused of raping autistic teen at Jeffrey Epstein’s NYC home

An anonymous woman filed a lawsuit in New York federal court Tuesday accusing billionaire financier Leon Black of raping her at Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan townhome when she was 16 years old. The lawsuit says Jane Doe has autism and a rare form of down syndrome that has left her developmentally functioning at about 12-years-old. The Senate Finance Committee found that Black paid $158 million to convicted sex trafficker Epstein from 2012 to 2017.




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a7e61a No.75557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257515 (281712ZJUL23) Notable: Tater n taternomics

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July 28, 2023

1:15 PM EDT

The President discusses how Bidenomics is driving a manufacturing boom and helping workers and innovators invent and make more in America

Auburn, Maine




President Biden Remarks in Maine

President Biden gives remarks in Auburn, Maine, on his administration’s economic agenda.


c-span says 1:30

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a7e61a No.75558

File: e8996f45b63f26a⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257551 (281720ZJUL23) Notable: Solar flare behind the west limb still registered M4.1 xray flux and launched a spectacular CME

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Solar flare behind the west limb still registered M4.1 xray flux and launched a spectacular CME, likely headed away from Earth.

Many Earths worth of material ejected a high speed from what was easily a large X flare the visible prominence of which still registered M4.1 despite being mostly behind the the west limb of the Sun and technically out of view.

For your viewing pleasure. If you go to https://www.solarham.net/index.htm be sure and watch the SUVI 304 angstrom movies. When you really want power, the Sun delivers.

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a7e61a No.75559

File: 31c0826aad703e3⋯.png (498.88 KB,1170x1684,585:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257556 (281720ZJUL23) Notable: Biden is drifting from reality – Zakharova/25th comin?

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A basic cognitive test should be required for passing legislation that affects 330M people or making world-changing executive decisions


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a7e61a No.75560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257615 (281729ZJUL23) Notable: tater pay to play

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Evidence in public shows the sitting president of the United States took payments from foreign business interests in a scheme to use the power of the U.S. government to influence foreign government policy and protect/enhance the business interests of the people who paid him.

To wit…. The Republicans in the House of Representatives have thousands of Joe and Hunter Biden bank records, hundreds of trace records for wire transfer statements and payments, hundreds of reported U.S. Treasury suspicious activity reports, thousands of emails and subpoenaed text messages, audio and video recordings, thousands of photographs, access to the laptop of Hunter Biden and all the content therein, documented witnesses to the activity, testimony under oath corroborating how the Bidens collected tens of millions from foreign nations as unregistered foreign agents which was subsequently laundered through 20 shell companies.

The House committee also has FBI witness reports (FD-1023) from verified and reliable Confidential Human Sources who documented the intent and purpose of the transactions, along with US government attorneys in Philadelphia who investigated and confirmed the substance of the confidential human source allegations therein. Additionally, the Republicans in Congress have sworn affidavits and testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who testified the US attorney in Delaware was working with the U.S. Dept of Justice in Washington DC to bury the results of the investigation.

Lastly, and most recently, the Republicans have a transparently corrupt federal plea agreement rejected as presented by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, because the intent of the construct was to protect the son of the President of the United States from legal exposure within the business that provided the material wealth for himself and the family of the President, providing immunity for their Foreign Agent Registration Act violations…

….And the Republican Speaker of the House is letting the Republican controlled Congress go on vacation for the next two months.

All of this,…. ALL OF THIS…. while the former Republican president and current 2024 election front-runner is being railroaded by the same Dept of Justice the Speaker refuses to confront.


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a7e61a No.75561

File: 608eb2237002104⋯.png (347.41 KB,1153x1727,1153:1727,Clipboard.png)

File: 78367212d9ecdd2⋯.png (1.19 MB,1170x1738,585:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257619 (281730ZJUL23) Notable: tater pay to play

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EXPOSED: During the 2020 presidential debate between candidate @JoeBiden and President @realDonaldTrump, Biden claimed he and his family never received a penny from China. But, Hunter Biden admitted in court this week that he received over $600,000 from a Chinese company with ties to the CCP, contradicting President Biden's previous statements.

He pleaded not guilty after the judge rejected a criticized plea deal. Prosecutors revealed he got $664,000 from a "Chinese infrastructure investment company."

More broadly, Rep. James Comer has revealed that at least six major banks, including JP Morgan (@jpmorgan)

, Bank of America (@BankofAmerica), and Wells Fargo (@WellsFargo), flagged 170+ suspicious activity reports to Treasury Dept. about the Biden family.

What they did, Comer explained, was that they set up 20 shell companies. A shell company is a business entity that exists on paper but has no significant operations, assets, or active business activities.

The money would come from China, Romania, or Ukraine and go to the first company, then moved to the second, third, and finally the last before hitting Hunter Biden's account. They did that to hide the source of the money.

One transaction that was flagged was over $3 million from China. It went to a fake account in the name of Robinson Walker. About 24 hours and 2 minutes after, just the time for the money to be cleared by the bank, they started wiring it to different shell/fake companies. The Bidens got $1.3 million of that money, while someone else got a third of the money. The $1.3 million went to four different Biden family members. It went on and on......



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a7e61a No.75562

File: 85f57dd307bc85e⋯.png (230.79 KB,2501x1408,2501:1408,Clipboard.png)

File: 682d6a1c359d6ca⋯.jpg (115.33 KB,2501x1407,2501:1407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257626 (281731ZJUL23) Notable: @NatCryptoMuseum Try Richard Atkinson’s #CryptoScramble from the Dragon Seeds June 1972 issue

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National Cryptologic Museum


Try Richard Atkinson’s #CryptoScramble from the Dragon Seeds June 1972 issue. Unscramble each of the five CryptoScrambles to form a word or name that fits the corresponding definition. Then arrange the circled letters to form the word suggested by the cartoon. Answers tomorrow.


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a7e61a No.75563

File: 33e2d90f3385053⋯.png (187.93 KB,1205x765,241:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257662 (281740ZJUL23) Notable: Have YOU forgotten about an old 401(K) account?

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There are people walking around right now who are owed hundreds, thousands, or in some cases even millions of dollars in unclaimed property. In fact you might be one of them. Let us explain…


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a7e61a No.75564

File: d404bfc3da889b0⋯.jpg (145.44 KB,1080x917,1080:917,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 97bc57a69f32ce9⋯.mp4 (15.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257705 (281747ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 5 point lead over Tater vid

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13:31 EST


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a7e61a No.75565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257719 (281749ZJUL23) Notable: Congress obligated to launch Biden impeachment inquiry after he 'clearly lied': Jonathan Turley

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Congress obligated to launch Biden impeachment inquiry after he 'clearly lied': Jonathan Turley

JONATHAN TURLEY: We often talk about the powers of Congress and not its obligations. What is the House supposed to do? You know, you have a president who has clearly lied, lied for years, lied to the American people, lied through his representatives at the White House during his presidency. He obviously did know about these deals. He had involvement with some of these meetings. There was money that went to China. And then you've got IRS agents saying that the fix was in, that this case was actively managed to avoid serious charges for the president's son. You have millions of dollars moving through a labyrinth of accounts. You have a trusted source saying that there was a bribery allegation. The crime that is the second one mentioned in the impeachment clause. So what are you supposed to do about that? And the answer is you have to investigate. And an impeachment inquiry gives the House that ability. It doesn't mean they're going to impeach. It means they're taking the responsibility seriously no matter what the administration may want out of this. The one thing the House cannot allow is for these questions to go unanswered.


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a7e61a No.75566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257729 (281751ZJUL23) Notable: Tater n taternomics

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Mr. Biden: We've created more than thirteen million new jobs, more than before the pandemic.


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a7e61a No.75567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257748 (281754ZJUL23) Notable: Tater n taternomics

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Mr. Biden: The Washington Post suggested republicans may have to find something else to criticize me for, now that inflation is coming down. Maybe they'll decide to impeach me because it's coming down.

[how about accepting bribes, committing espionage and treason]

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a7e61a No.75568

File: 53fceea82def587⋯.png (1.04 MB,839x786,839:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257760 (281758ZJUL23) Notable: AZ: Body Found at State Capitol a Day After Another Was Found in the Same Vicinity

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Body Found at State Capitol a Day After Another Was Found in the Same Vicinity

By Jack Davis July 27, 2023 at 8:06am

An individual was found dead Wednesday on the grounds of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix

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a7e61a No.75569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257767 (281800ZJUL23) Notable: Tater n taternomics

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Mr. Biden: Mark my words, next twenty years, farmers are going to providing ninety-five percent of all the sustainable airline fuel.

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a7e61a No.75570

File: da7436fb34da534⋯.png (15.21 MB,2400x3000,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257783 (281805ZJUL23) Notable: Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. … It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights

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„Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. … It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliationand their ideas from suppressionat the hand of an intolerant society. The right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But political speech by its nature will sometimes have unpalatable consequences, and, in general, our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse.“ — John Paul Stevens McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission (Majority opinion, 514 U.S. 334 (1995)

Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1903039-john-paul-stevens-anonymity-is-a-shield-from-the-tyranny-of-the-majo/

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a7e61a No.75571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257787 (281805ZJUL23) Notable: Tater n taternomics

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Mr. Biden: We're removing every single lead pipe in America.

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a7e61a No.75572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257807 (281810ZJUL23) Notable: Tater n taternomics

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Mr. Biden: The majority of all this money [infrastructure] is going into red states, because they've been so badly hurt.

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a7e61a No.75573

File: 48afaa19337534c⋯.png (216.79 KB,425x491,425:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257814 (281811ZJUL23) Notable: Starting next week, Americans will only be able to purchase LED lights from retailers across the nation as an official ban on incandescent lightbulbs will go into effect.

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NEW - Starting next week, Americans will only be able to purchase LED lights from retailers across the nation as an official ban on incandescent lightbulbs will go into effect.



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a7e61a No.75574

File: 9f5e69e46bd4a47⋯.png (756.24 KB,595x509,595:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ae4abd8132ab38⋯.png (498.61 KB,593x486,593:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257825 (281813ZJUL23) Notable: @RobertKennedyJr I had a great time yesterday at Bay Parade 2018. Thanks @SFBaykeeper

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr


I had a great time yesterday at Bay Parade 2018. Thanks @SFBaykeeper





6:01 AM · Jul 16, 2018

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a7e61a No.75575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257908 (281829ZJUL23) Notable: #23651

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#23651 >>75533

>>75546, >>75548 PF stuffs

>>75534 If the houses burn but the trees do not, is it really a forest fire?

>>75535, >>75538 Buckwheat up

>>75536 Full interview with President Trump this morning:

>>75537, >>75539, >>75549 Executive Order on 2023 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

>>75540, >>75563 Have YOU forgotten about an old 401(K) account?

>>75541 James O'Keefe Full Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>75542 Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more

>>75543 What do you know about W.E.F. and not the COUNCIL FOR INCLUSIVE CAPITALISM?

>>75544 Jack Smith has brought three new felony charges against former President Donald Trump

>>75545 ECW rt: Finally, the United States is going to start taking care of its own and producing the enriched uranium we need

>>75547, >>75559 Biden is drifting from reality – Zakharova/25th comin?

>>75550 What Comes Next for Israel's Democracy? Unpacking the Judicial Overhaul

>>75551, >>75552 Ukrainian parliament vote scraps planned election

>>75553 August is so hot right now…

>>75554 Vice President Harris Participated in a Moderated Conversation on Reproductive Rights

>>75555 Trump is speaking at an Iowa Dinner tonight

>>75556 Billionaire investor Leon Black accused of raping autistic teen at Jeffrey Epstein’s NYC home

>>75557, >>75566, >>75567, >>75569, >>75571, >>75572 Tater n taternomics

>>75558 Solar flare behind the west limb still registered M4.1 xray flux and launched a spectacular CME

>>75560, >>75561 tater pay to play

>>75562 @NatCryptoMuseum Try Richard Atkinson’s #CryptoScramble from the Dragon Seeds June 1972 issue

>>75564 @realDonaldTrump 5 point lead over Tater vid

>>75565 Congress obligated to launch Biden impeachment inquiry after he 'clearly lied': Jonathan Turley

>>75568 AZ: Body Found at State Capitol a Day After Another Was Found in the Same Vicinity

>>75570 Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. … It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights

>>75573 Starting next week, Americans will only be able to purchase LED lights from retailers across the nation as an official ban on incandescent lightbulbs will go into effect.

>>75574 @RobertKennedyJr I had a great time yesterday at Bay Parade 2018. Thanks @SFBaykeeper


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a7e61a No.75576

File: 87518d230fc7e60⋯.png (618.79 KB,1020x952,15:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258069 (281908ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Lindell is seemingly paying and partnering with QAnon figures to promote an election denial summit

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Mike Lindell is seemingly paying and partnering with QAnon figures to promote an election denial summit

Written by Alex Kaplan

Published 07/28/23 9:42 AM EDT

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a7e61a No.75577

File: 6499a221c66a5a7⋯.png (1.34 MB,1168x863,1168:863,Clipboard.png)

File: e6ed4e2b160976e⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,888x524,222:131,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258088 (281912ZJUL23) Notable: #23652 Med kit nuclear football - Handcuffed

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Tony Wonsaven




Replying to @StoppedAgo

Looks like a 🏈 to me!


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a7e61a No.75578

File: e36f6686bc866da⋯.png (226.12 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258125 (281918ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine targeted Russian city with missile – Moscow

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Ukraine targeted Russian city with missile – Moscow

The Russian military condemns the incident in Taganrog as a “terrorist attack” on civilians

The Russian Defense Ministry has acknowledged that a missile struck the southwest port city of Taganrog on Friday, calling the incident a “terrorist attack” by Ukraine.

The city center was hit by a major blast on Friday, with at least 15 people injured, according to local authorities.

Ukrainian forces used a re-purposed missile from a Soviet-era S-200 anti-aircraft system to target the city, the military said. The missile was “intercepted” by Russian forces, but fragments ended up falling on the city, it added.

“As a result of the terrorist act committed by the Kiev regime, several buildings were damaged, and there are also casualties among civilians,” the statement said.

Footage from the scene, circulating online, shows that the missile left a large crater in the ground, with several buildings and vehicles damaged by the blast. The missile contained spherical pieces of shrapnel, a trademark of S-200 anti-aircraft munitions, and one video shows several of the steel balls being found by witnesses at the site.


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a7e61a No.75579

File: dfc78f9c4097070⋯.png (387.91 KB,576x548,144:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258292 (282004ZJUL23) Notable: A U.S. general died in a plane crash near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland on July 25, Defense News reported Friday.

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A U.S. general died in a plane crash near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland on July 25, Defense News reported Friday.

Maj. Gen. Anthony Potts, 59, a longtime Army acquisitions officer and aviator, was the only person on board the single-engine Piper PA-28 when it went down in a field and died at the scene, Defense News reported, citing the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and local media reports. Potts, who boasted nearly four decades of service and most recently led the Army’s Program Executive Office Command, Control and Communications-Tactical, or PEO C3T, had planned to retire soon, according to the outlet.

“It is with deep regret that we inform you of the death of Maj. Gen. Anthony W. Potts who passed away on July 25, 2023,” U.S. Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Ruth Castro confirmed in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The entire U.S. Army is grateful for his service, and we extend our deepest and most sincere condolences to the entire Potts family,” she added.

The National Transportation Security Bureau said it is investigating the matter in a statement on July 25.

Dozens of first responders rushed to the field just off 3600 Old Level Road in Havre de Grace, Maryland, the Level Volunteer Fire Company said, according to Defense News. No one else was hurt.


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a7e61a No.75580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258413 (282035ZJUL23) Notable: Justice Department Helping Train Ukrainians in Gathering Evidence of Environmental Harm from Russian Invasion

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Justice Department Helping Train Ukrainians in Gathering Evidence of Environmental Harm from Russian Invasion

Earlier this month in Krakow, Poland, representatives from the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division’s (ENRD) Environmental Crimes Section and the EPA’s Office of Criminal Enforcement, Forensics, and Training (OCEFT) – in partnership with the Justice Department’s War Crimes Accountability Team – conducted a week-long training for 24 Ukrainian prosecutors and environmental enforcement investigators.

The program’s objective was to provide participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and techniques to gather evidence of environmental harm that will allow Ukraine to prosecute potential war crimes and related law violations committed during the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine. The training was a combination of classroom lectures and practical field exercises focused on sample gathering techniques, sample plan development and use of field monitoring equipment.


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a7e61a No.75581

File: 18107b2f597e009⋯.jpg (255.57 KB,720x1228,180:307,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b40d0fdbe5e9aa⋯.jpg (142.69 KB,705x1254,235:418,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa40b7d50c104d3⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258506 (282056ZJUL23) Notable: A secret Chinese lab operating in CA was uncovered. Inside they were making Covid test, pregnancy test, had vials of blood and the CDC found traces of multiple viruses including Malaria, E. coli, and hepatitis.

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Just In: A secret Chinese lab operating in California was uncovered after inspectors found a hose going to the “abandoned” building. Inside they were making Covid test, pregnancy test, had vials of blood and the CDC found traces of multiple viruses including Malaria, E. coli, and hepatitis.

The lab was shut down immediately but investigators still have no idea where the test were being used. The question now is why was a Chinese lab running in California without regulation, and did Newsom and his administration know anything about it?


Mysterious Chinese COVID Lab Uncovered in City of Reedly CA

Code enforcement check uncovers illegal lab making COVID-19 and pregnancy test kits, bacterial and viral agents and 900 white mice

By Katy Grimes, July 28, 2023 7:38 am

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a7e61a No.75582

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258529 (282101ZJUL23) Notable: July 28, 2023 5:00 PM EDT LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

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July 28, 2023

5:00 PM EDT

LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network




7:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Republican Presidential Candidates Campaign at Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner

Thirteen 2024 GOP presidential candidates speak at the 2023 Lincoln Dinner hosted by the Republican Party of Iowa in the state capital of Des Moines.


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a7e61a No.75583

File: 4c84041af332666⋯.png (862.91 KB,1440x1011,480:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a27d3c174a1bf9⋯.png (341.71 KB,634x422,317:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 26b8fa81cb66a68⋯.png (376.88 KB,1440x560,18:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f5cfe70dbb4d97⋯.png (497.2 KB,1477x710,1477:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258586 (282114ZJUL23) Notable: Trump is wheels up out of NY. Go get 'em POTUS!

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Trump is wheels up out of NY. Go get 'em POTUS!

Follow along: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aa3410

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a7e61a No.75584

File: 51b85472baf67b8⋯.png (1.61 MB,1439x1012,1439:1012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258690 (282136ZJUL23) Notable: Trump was permitted to leave court without conditions or travel restrictions and no cash bond was required.

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Trump was permitted to leave court without conditions or travel restrictions and no cash bond was required.

That's a good thing because he looks to be ready to cross into Canadian airspace. The left must be seething about now, kek.

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a7e61a No.75585

File: 8e7c199ff0ed845⋯.png (2.29 MB,1193x1738,1193:1738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258721 (282140ZJUL23) Notable: #23652

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#23652 >>75577 Med kit nuclear football - Handcuffed

>>75576 Mike Lindell is seemingly paying and partnering with QAnon figures to promote an election denial summit

>>75578 Ukraine targeted Russian city with missile – Moscow

>>75579 A U.S. general died in a plane crash near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland on July 25, Defense News reported Friday.

>>75580 Justice Department Helping Train Ukrainians in Gathering Evidence of Environmental Harm from Russian Invasion

>>75583 Trump is wheels up out of NY. Go get 'em POTUS!

>>75582 July 28, 2023 5:00 PM EDT LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

>>75581 A secret Chinese lab operating in CA was uncovered. Inside they were making Covid test, pregnancy test, had vials of blood and the CDC found traces of multiple viruses including Malaria, E. coli, and hepatitis.

>>75584 Trump was permitted to leave court without conditions or travel restrictions and no cash bond was required.

@705 Final

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a7e61a No.75586

File: b2238bc17d2f682⋯.png (2.21 MB,1207x1595,1207:1595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258782 (282157ZJUL23) Notable: #23653

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bu baker GHOSTING

don't know what happened to the baker, tech problems?

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a7e61a No.75587

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258823 (282207ZJUL23) Notable: Mary McCord will get her just delights.

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Which one will it be?

Mary McCord will get her just delights. Defund Jack Smith: Rep. Matt Rosendale: "The only thing we've seen come out of the DOJ is additional surveillance"

14:01 minutes

One of the obvious things of this asshole, he keeps on charging the same crimes (that he has no proof for) on every indictment he brings. AI is not appropriate in legal cases! Kek


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a7e61a No.75588

File: 7e4196dfdcc5bf1⋯.jpeg (827.09 KB,1170x1532,585:766,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258831 (282208ZJUL23) Notable: Biden ACKNOWLEDGES his seventh grandchild. Kek.

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Biden ACKNOWLEDGES his seventh grandchild: President releases first statement on Hunter's four-year-old daughter - and 'wants what's best for her'


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a7e61a No.75589

File: fd13edcebd20483⋯.jpeg (451.05 KB,1170x1709,1170:1709,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258836 (282209ZJUL23) Notable: Biden ACKNOWLEDGES his seventh grandchild. Kek.

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“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward," President Biden said in a statement provided exclusively to PEOPLE.


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a7e61a No.75590

File: e837fc61d698d37⋯.jpg (177.28 KB,720x1009,720:1009,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 11cc0656b6d61f4⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9888af92afda0f2⋯.png (997.12 KB,789x663,263:221,Clipboard.png)

File: c0f70f1777dee37⋯.png (1.73 MB,1327x740,1327:740,Clipboard.png)

File: ed7f79a832c25fb⋯.png (1.66 MB,1832x889,1832:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258850 (282212ZJUL23) Notable: #BREAKING: Reports of a large explosion in St George, Utah

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>>>/qresearch/19258597 lb


#BREAKING: Reports of a large explosion a long with a massive fire coming out from a Building complex

📌#StGeorge | #Utah

Currently, In St. George, Utah, there are reports of a large explosion and fire from a building complex. Numerous Emergency crews are currently on the scene to the situation. Nearby areas are have been evacuated by emergency officials. The cause of the possible explosion and whether there are any injuries remain unknown at this time. Thick black smoke can be seen from several miles away. This story is still developing

>>>/qresearch/19258680 lb

>>>/qresearch/19258691 lb

Looks like the fire is coming from this building:

Bullfrog Spas

1333 E Red Hills Pkwy

St. George, Utah

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a7e61a No.75591

File: d628073ad4e6264⋯.mp4 (510.5 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258874 (282217ZJUL23) Notable: Bomb thrown into living room of MI trump supporter's house

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stop protecting commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity frauds.


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a7e61a No.75592

File: 83d9938f71ef047⋯.png (28.71 KB,456x233,456:233,Clipboard.png)

File: e06e4de5ec2ded6⋯.png (37.07 KB,456x275,456:275,Clipboard.png)

File: f94a97893ccfc96⋯.png (98.43 KB,456x488,57:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 33b349ed98fbed9⋯.png (39.64 KB,456x291,152:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f0ddfd9feaec09⋯.png (106.16 KB,456x350,228:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258875 (282217ZJUL23) Notable: Trump recap today

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Trump Truth Recap so far today.....

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a7e61a No.75593

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258880 (282218ZJUL23) Notable: Liz Wheeler Explains How Public Schools Were Set Up To Indoctrinate

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‘Take It Back Or Destroy It’: Liz Wheeler Explains How Public Schools Were Set Up To Indoctrinate


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a7e61a No.75594

File: 9c99500253ffa4a⋯.png (29.63 KB,456x233,456:233,Clipboard.png)

File: f9d33b8a3e2d878⋯.png (23.25 KB,456x193,456:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 294e2147a9ae66b⋯.png (30.86 KB,456x231,152:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e723ef669ade50⋯.png (19.82 KB,456x170,228:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258891 (282220ZJUL23) Notable: Trump recap today

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a7e61a No.75595

File: daa5b7fd3c42f5a⋯.png (1.66 MB,1440x1013,1440:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 11b0b63c044d04a⋯.png (539.03 KB,1182x918,197:153,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f4bc4c6878e719⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258892 (282220ZJUL23) Notable: PF/Congresswoman Stephanie Bice

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N740QS left NYC right after Trump. Bice LLC


Congresswoman Stephanie Bice is a fourth generation Oklahoman. She graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1995 with a degree in Marketing and a minor in International Business.

Before serving in the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Bice served in the Oklahoma State Senate for six years. During her tenure, she was Assistant Majority Floor Leader and Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

Before her public service, Bice worked in the private sector for eight years in financial oversight, business strategy and marketing for her family's technology company. In addition, she ran her own marketing company, and later helped lead a boutique digital marketing agency as vice president of business development.

In the 117th Congress, Bice was elected by her peers to serve as Freshman Class President and serves as a member of the Republican Whip Team. She served on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.

She currently serves as the Sophomore Class Representative to the Elected Leadership Committee for the 118th Congress. She serves on the House Appropriations Committee, the Committee on House Administration, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, and the House Budget Committee.

Stephanie and her husband Geoffrey have two daughters.

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a7e61a No.75596

File: 3d1878328c173df⋯.jpeg (331.02 KB,1170x1018,585:509,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258922 (282223ZJUL23) Notable: Trump vows to run for president from prison if convicted

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God please don’t let the plan include Trump going to prison.


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a7e61a No.75597

File: d1a08d365f2fc25⋯.png (403.45 KB,1064x920,133:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258945 (282228ZJUL23) Notable: The West no longer has charismatic leaders - Moscow

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The charismatic Maria calling Western leaders "Clowns" made me kek.

>“One man from the Global South changed the course of the history of the entire world. His name was Jesus Christ,” Zakharova said, calling Jesus “the example one should follow, a man who was ready to totally change the world for the sake of creation, not destruction.”

>The Foreign Ministry spokewoman went on to predict that the ideology dominating the West will crumble, as selfish individuals can only enjoy temporary success.


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a7e61a No.75598

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258951 (282229ZJUL23) Notable: CLIPS: Alex Jones, Dr. Robt Malone, on UFOs (now "UAPs" kek)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CIA running ALL UAPs or UFO research. The most powerful agency in the world that create companies outside of government for the research. I bet the president that created them in turning over in his grave. Alex Jones On Motivations Behind UFO HearingDr. Malone

6:30 minutes


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a7e61a No.75599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258988 (282236ZJUL23) Notable: Akron: Not One Student at Lebron James I Promise School’s 8th Grade Class Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

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Not One Student at Lebron James I Promise School’s 8th Grade Class Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

Lebron James’ I Promise School in Akron, Ohio is facing major backlash from Akron Public School Board members after it was reported that the school hasn’t had one student from its 8th grade class pass a state math test in over three years.

Akron Public School board member Valerie McKitrick was shocked by the new revelation and stated “Not one? In three years?” after she was presented with data that showed not one single student in the school’s fall 8th-grade class couldnpass a Ohio stated math proficiency test.

Keith Liechty-Clifford who serves as Akron’s district director of school improvement went on record saying the new finding “Is discouraging.”

Despite receiving massive funding from the James Foundation along with local, state, and federal funding, the I Promise school’s “Black students and those with disabilities, are now testing in the bottom 5% in the state.”

The low test scores will now cause the Ohio Department of Education to intervene at the school in a last effort attempt to reverse the downtrend in test scores.

Per Yahoo:

This fall’s class of eighth graders at the I Promise School hasn’t had a single student pass the state’s math test since the group was in the third grade.

“Not one? In three years?” Akron Public Schools board member Valerie McKitrick asked after that data point was presented to the board earlier this week.

“It is discouraging,” responded Keith Liechty-Clifford, the district’s director of school improvement.

Five years into the I Promise School, a public school that operates in partnership with the LeBron James Family Foundation, Akron school board members are starting to ask questions about whether I Promise is living up to its academic promise.

In recent years the I Promise school has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in June of 2022, that a murder took place right outside of James’s I Promise school.


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a7e61a No.75600

File: 2c68a3cb97f6b8a⋯.png (866.18 KB,787x536,787:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259008 (282240ZJUL23) Notable: Anon saw Sound of Freedom: lights on and AC off, the rumors are true!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Saw Sound of Freedom

Lights were until we flipped the breakers off & AC was -off-, The rumors are true

Take away Note, We need an Organized

[W]orldwide [R]esponce [A]gainst [T]rafficking [H]umans

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a7e61a No.75601

File: 9a69f4d14af99f2⋯.png (1.68 MB,1440x1008,10:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259022 (282242ZJUL23) Notable: Trump on the way to Des Moines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Force One approaching top of drop. (descent into Des Moines)

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a7e61a No.75602

File: 867726094e152be⋯.png (99.8 KB,748x484,17:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 96041a10f575217⋯.png (125.98 KB,754x534,377:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259028 (282243ZJUL23) Notable: Four Indicted for Money Laundering in Prolific Human Smuggling Network Takedown

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Four Indicted for Money Laundering in Prolific Human Smuggling Network Takedown


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a7e61a No.75603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259037 (282244ZJUL23) Notable: Biden admin. announces $345M military package for Taiwan

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Biden admin. announces $345M military package for Taiwan


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a7e61a No.75604

File: 36b8b5b68071696⋯.png (66.84 KB,655x747,655:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259050 (282246ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on how he responded to FBI inquiries when managing 8kun

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I exchanged lots of emails with the FBI while running 8chan.

Their field-level staffers were mostly good people interested in stopping crime.

Helped them in most cases, and only told them to pound sand on a few occasions when they tried to overstep constitutional boundaries.

FBI: "Give us the information about this particular person who is committing a crime, or has indicated that they are about to commit a crime."

Me: "Ok"

FBI: "Give us the information of everybody who looked at 8chan in the past 24 hours."

Me: "No."



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a7e61a No.75605

File: f58d0d7818496db⋯.png (49.56 KB,893x334,893:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259053 (282247ZJUL23) Notable: Police are investigating a possible 'bomb connected with wires' at Miami International Airport’s cargo area - reports

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BREAKING: Police are investigating a possible 'bomb connected with wires' at Miami International Airport’s cargo area - reports

6:37 PM · Jul 28, 2023 ·6,747 Views

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a7e61a No.75606

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259072 (282250ZJUL23) Notable: CLIPS: Alex Jones, Dr. Robt Malone, on UFOs (now "UAPs" kek)

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Bannon & Alex Jones Explain That We’re In An ‘Oppenheimer Moment’ With AI & Bioweapons

19:21 minutes


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a7e61a No.75607

File: b4c072295797396⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x736,40:23,Clipboard.png)

File: fde11538d02d523⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB,351x303,117:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259083 (282251ZJUL23) Notable: Trump on the way to Des Moines

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24 June 2023 with some sort of satellite equipment on top


March 22, 2021 no satellite dome on top


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a7e61a No.75608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259116 (282256ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on how he responded to FBI inquiries when managing 8kun

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Of course 8kun/8chan admins have contact with the FBI at times. At the level of field agents, there have always been agents trying to do their job. Problem is not with ordinary agents.

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a7e61a No.75609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259121 (282256ZJUL23) Notable: Vyacheslav Volodin: any new weapon …will not affect the outcome of the special military operation - Russian Duma

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Vyacheslav Volodin: any new weapon that Washington and Brussels will send to Zelensky will not affect the outcome of the special military operation

Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin posted that on his Telegram channel

July 27, 2023, 08:22

Vyacheslav Volodin recalled that during the Great Patriotic War, Hitler and Goebbels introduced the concept of Wunderwaffe (“wonder-weapon”) as part of propaganda. “They used its concept to convince the army and, most importantly, themselves that new types of weapons would help them to win. Everyone knows the result: it did not help the Nazis,” he stressed.

“There is a similar situation today. The criminal Kyiv regime and its leader Zelensky are begging Washington and Brussels for “a wonder-weapon”, which would solve all their problems,” emphasized the Chairman of the State Duma.

According to Vyacheslav Volodin, at first there were the American howitzers “three axes” then there were HIMARSes and later Leopards and Bradleys.

“None of these things helped Ukronazis in their counteroffensive. Our soldiers and officers are burning the Western arms one by one,” he added.


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a7e61a No.75610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259141 (282259ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on how he responded to FBI inquiries when managing 8kun

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The top-level FBI agents have full knowledge of what the low-level agents are doing retards. The lower level agents are pure pawns. Even the idea of working for a 3 letter agency is retarded.

You start your own fucking rogue Intel agency - duh.

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a7e61a No.75611

File: 254847a992de334⋯.png (443.52 KB,929x855,929:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259149 (282301ZJUL23) Notable: Not One Student at Lebron James I Promise School’s 8th Grade Class Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

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Not One Student at Lebron James I Promise School’s 8th Grade Class Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

Lebron James’ I Promise School in Akron, Ohio is facing major backlash from Akron Public School Board members after it was reported that the school hasn’t had one student from its 8th grade class pass a state math test in over three years.

Akron Public School board member Valerie McKitrick was shocked by the new revelation and stated “Not one? In three years?” after she was presented with data that showed not one single student in the school’s fall 8th-grade class couldnpass a Ohio stated math proficiency test.

Keith Liechty-Clifford who serves as Akron’s district director of school improvement went on record saying the new finding “Is discouraging.”

Despite receiving massive funding from the James Foundation along with local, state, and federal funding, the I Promise school’s “Black students and those with disabilities, are now testing in the bottom 5% in the state.”

The low test scores will now cause the Ohio Department of Education to intervene at the school in a last effort attempt to reverse the downtrend in test scores.

Promises kept? Akron school board questions I Promise School’s poor test scores https://t.co/RMO1UMkh2r via @JenPignolet

— Jessie Balmert (@jbalmert) July 27, 2023

Per Yahoo:

This fall’s class of eighth graders at the I Promise School hasn’t had a single student pass the state’s math test since the group was in the third grade.

“Not one? In three years?” Akron Public Schools board member Valerie McKitrick asked after that data point was presented to the board earlier this week.

“It is discouraging,” responded Keith Liechty-Clifford, the district’s director of school improvement.

Five years into the I Promise School, a public school that operates in partnership with the LeBron James Family Foundation, Akron school board members are starting to ask questions about whether I Promise is living up to its academic promise.

In recent years the I Promise school has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in June of 2022, that a murder took place right outside of James’s I Promise school.

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a7e61a No.75612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259171 (282303ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on how he responded to FBI inquiries when managing 8kun

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It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to work with the FBI if there is a massive attack (which is ILLEGAL) or there is other serious criminal activity on the board.

It's not optional but mandatory.

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a7e61a No.75613

File: 91ec70682fb3f46⋯.png (852.78 KB,948x2801,948:2801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259183 (282304ZJUL23) Notable: CMz on how he responded to FBI inquiries when managing 8kun

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As long as you are not breaking any laws here, CM isn't going to divulge identifiable info to the feds.

The ones whinning about CM's tweet are GLOWING HARD right now. KEK!

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a7e61a No.75614

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259184 (282304ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

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Event kicking off now

LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23


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a7e61a No.75615

File: d75486dd01a5a27⋯.png (148.42 KB,586x470,293:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259196 (282306ZJUL23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

July 28, 2023

Good News Friday

Dear Patriots,

The global elite left has many goals. One of their draconian objectives, for certain, we can defeat!

The left in America, also known as the Democrats, want us to be sad, defeated, and lonely.

Every Friday we seek out uplifting and positive news. This is not an easy task as they and their media allies work hard to hide good news.

At DTR we are not going to allow them to steal our joy of life, even during grim historic times.

1- We have been following with interest the fall out from debanking in England. This was fun to read!

National Pulse

Farage Against the Machine: Top CEO RESIGNS After ‘Debank’ Scandal.

2- County by county people are working to move to hand counted ballots.

Georgia Record

Spalding County Board of Elections Votes To Ensure Election Integrity

3- More precious babies being born in Texas.

National Pulse

Pro-Life Law Increased Texas Births by 10,000.

4- This is a big victory against Covid-CCP mandates that forced churches to be closed. When some churches met out of doors, they arrested them for not wearing masks.

Daily Wire

Christians Arrested For Maskless Outdoor Church Service To Get $300,000 From Liberal College Town

5- It is no longer the practice of the IRS to knock on your door. (Why was it ever the practice?)

Regardless, we will take this as good news.

American Greatness

IRS to End Practice of Unannounced Home Visits

6- A win for the possibility of being energy independent again. Not to mention warm in the winter.

The Epoch Times

Supreme Court Issues Order Allowing Work to Resume on West Virginia Gas Pipe

7- Well, we guess it was good news that at last a judge woke up to her constitutional duties and said no to the 53 year-old son of the current boarder in the White House.

Don Suber on Substack

Someone finally told Hunter no

8- John Droz spends some time in his Substack thinking about happiness and how important but often elusive it is. It may take some practice.

John Droz at Critically Thinking on Substack

Critically Thinking about Happiness



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a7e61a No.75616

File: f122c7f361a0853⋯.png (455.58 KB,932x956,233:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259220 (282309ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next TEN DAYS While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

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Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next TEN DAYS While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

Joe Biden will retreat to his Rehoboth Beach compound in Delaware for the next 10 days while his corrupt DOJ works to jail Trump.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters about feeble Joe’s plans to hide in Rehoboth Beach during a gaggle aboard Air Force One on Friday.

“This evening the president will depart Maine en route to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware where he will remain over the next week,” Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters.

Biden is en route to Auburn, Maine to discuss how ‘Bidenomics’ is driving a manufacturing boom (try not to laugh).

Feeble Joe took the shorter staircase again.


Biden on his way to Maine earlier today used the short stairs to board Air Force One, as he has been doing frequently over the last few months. pic.twitter.com/PDu3fgZ18N

— The Maine Wire (@TheMaineWire) July 28, 2023

Joe Biden has spent more than 40% of his presidency on vacation without visitor logs.

Biden will be hiding out at his beach compound while Jack Smith works to jail Trump.

On Thursday Special Counsel Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

A DC grand jury investigating January 6 will likely indict Trump next week while Joe Biden is hiding out at his Rehoboth compound.

President Trump’s lawyers arrived at special counsel Jack Smith’s offices as the DC grand jury reconvened on Thursday.

Trump’s lawyers were told to expect charges soon.

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a7e61a No.75617

File: d5ad552ee8f89f8⋯.png (1.73 MB,1439x1011,1439:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259273 (282317ZJUL23) Notable: Trump on the way to Des Moines

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Trump Force One on final. KDSM.

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a7e61a No.75618

File: d221ce96a9cd80c⋯.png (279.15 KB,2508x358,1254:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259383 (282334ZJUL23) Notable: Boss in Iowa now for 10 minute talk + BIG rally tomorrow night in erie pa

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he's in Iowa now for 10 minute talk + BIG rally tomorrow night in erie pa

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a7e61a No.75619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259387 (282336ZJUL23) Notable: Boss in Iowa now for 10 minute talk + BIG rally tomorrow night in erie pa

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a7e61a No.75620

File: fcc99aa9981fd9b⋯.png (106.15 KB,595x478,595:478,Clipboard.png)

File: a7a75559fd1004b⋯.png (60.15 KB,512x250,256:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259494 (282357ZJUL23) Notable: Heartland Tri-State Bank in Kansas has been closed by regulators, making them the 5th US bank failure this year.

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@disclosetv · 33m

JUST IN - Heartland Tri-State Bank in Kansas has been closed by regulators, making them the 5th US bank failure this year.

Jul 28, 2023, 6:22 PM


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a7e61a No.75621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259524 (290003ZJUL23) Notable: #23653

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#23653 >>75586

>>75587 Mary McCord will get her just delights.

>>75588, >>75589 Biden ACKNOWLEDGES his seventh grandchild. Kek.

>>75590 #BREAKING: Reports of a large explosion in St George, Utah

>>75591 Bomb thrown into living room of MI trump supporter's house

>>75593 Liz Wheeler Explains How Public Schools Were Set Up To Indoctrinate

>>75592, >>75594 Trump recap today

>>75599 Akron: Not One Student at Lebron James I Promise School’s 8th Grade Class Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

>>75595 PF/Congresswoman Stephanie Bice

>>75596 Trump vows to run for president from prison if convicted

>>75597 The West no longer has charismatic leaders - Moscow

>>75598, >>75606 CLIPS: Alex Jones, Dr. Robt Malone, on UFOs (now "UAPs" kek)

>>75600 Anon saw Sound of Freedom: lights on and AC off, the rumors are true!

>>75601, >>75607, >>75617 Trump on the way to Des Moines

>>75602 Four Indicted for Money Laundering in Prolific Human Smuggling Network Takedown

>>75603 Biden admin. announces $345M military package for Taiwan

>>75604, >>75608, >>75610, >>75612, >>75613 CMz on how he responded to FBI inquiries when managing 8kun

>>75605 Police are investigating a possible 'bomb connected with wires' at Miami International Airport’s cargo area - reports

>>75609 Vyacheslav Volodin: any new weapon …will not affect the outcome of the special military operation - Russian Duma

>>75611 Not One Student at Lebron James I Promise School’s 8th Grade Class Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

>>75614 LIVE: The Iowa GOP Dinner featuring President Donald J Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and More - 7/28/23

>>75615 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>75616 Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next TEN DAYS While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

>>75618, >>75619 Boss in Iowa now for 10 minute talk + BIG rally tomorrow night in erie pa

>>75620 Heartland Tri-State Bank in Kansas has been closed by regulators, making them the 5th US bank failure this year.


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a7e61a No.75622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259568 (290012ZJUL23) Notable: #23654

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Baker Seeks Handoff


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a7e61a No.75623

File: 585e9484b9050d8⋯.png (206.95 KB,1170x1390,117:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259583 (290015ZJUL23) Notable: ECW: Thank you Senators @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner for taking the lead on classification reform.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you Senators @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner for taking the lead on classification reform.

Reforming the classification system is a national security imperative.

This bill has now passed the Senate and hopefully will receive similar bipartisan support from @HouseIntel @MikeTurnerOH.




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a7e61a No.75624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259589 (290015ZJUL23) Notable: Live Trump @ Iowa GOP dinner

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a7e61a No.75625

File: 4fcee03bd8594b1⋯.png (150.27 KB,1170x806,45:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259591 (290015ZJUL23) Notable: ECW: Thank you Senators @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner for taking the lead on classification reform.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Also thank you to the other co-sponsors of the classification reform legislation including @RonWyden @JerryMoran @SenatorCollins @SenAngusKing @SenatorRounds @SenatorHeinrich @SenBobCasey @SenatorLankford


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a7e61a No.75626

File: fcb8da62cc2e07e⋯.png (191.13 KB,1170x1263,390:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259610 (290019ZJUL23) Notable: ECW: Thank you Senators @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner for taking the lead on classification reform.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ECW retweeted:

Our federal retirement system is investing millions in Chinese companies that make weapons designed to kill Americans serving in the military

I tried to end that today but 42 senators blocked it because we still have too many people who like to talk tough on China but never do anything about it



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a7e61a No.75627

File: 08b5d9cdc31f007⋯.png (358.87 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259631 (290022ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259633 (290023ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump stops by the Team Trump Iowa Office before heading to Des Moines

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.@realDonaldTrump stops by the Team Trump Iowa Office before heading to Des Moines for the Republican Party of Iowa — 2023 Lincoln Dinner…

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a7e61a No.75629

File: 01b7b0f16838749⋯.png (940.22 KB,1920x811,1920:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259634 (290023ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75630

File: ceb31894da557a0⋯.png (679.44 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259638 (290023ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259648 (290024ZJUL23) Notable: Live Trump @ Iowa GOP dinner

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KEK. Mike Pence is being ignored by the good people of Iowa. He shouts: HELLO IOWA. Not a peep from the audience.

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a7e61a No.75632

File: 43e3764a2ab866d⋯.png (253.97 KB,1157x1526,1157:1526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259657 (290025ZJUL23) Notable: ECW: Thank you Senators @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner for taking the lead on classification reform.

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Cornyn, Warner Bill to Reform Security Classification System Passes Senate | Senator Cornyn


Reference site: https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/news/cornyn-warner-bill-to-reform-security-classification-system-passes-senate

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) released the following statements after their Sensible Classification Act of 2023, which would increase accountability and oversight of the classification system, limit overclassification, and direct federal agencies to justify security clearance requirements, passed the Senate as part of theIntelligence Authorization Act included in the National Defense Authorization Act:

“Sensitive information helps the U.S. stay one step ahead of our adversaries, but it’s also important for the federal government to be transparent with the American people and our allies,” said Sen. Cornyn. “By streamlining and modernizing the declassification process, this bill would help strike the delicate balance between transparency and secrecy, and it is critical it be included in the final defense authorization legislation.”

“The government systematically overclassifies too much information, at a dangerous cost to both the nation’s security and the public trust. At the same time, we too often fail to protect the nation’s most important secrets. As chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I think it is clear that our security classification system is badly in need of change,” said Sen. Warner. “Given the explosion in digital records, the status quo is no longer tenable. We’ve got too many people with access to a system that is devoid of accountability and has grown increasingly byzantine, bureaucratic, and outmoded. We need to protect our national security secrets, and then declassify those secrets when protections are no longer necessary. I’m glad that Congress is taking some action to establish accountability.”

The legislation is also cosponsored by Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Susan Collins (R-ME), Angus King (I-ME), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), James Lankford (R-OK), and Bob Casey (D-PA).


The classification system is in urgent need of reform. Technology has made it easier to classify files, but greater accountability and oversight is needed to ensure appropriate and timely declassification to rebuild trust between the government and the American people. Too many people have access to classified information, which contributes to rampant overclassification and lack of accountability.

The Sensible Classification Act of 2023 will codify classification authority, streamline the processes for declassification, direct training focused on sensible classification, invest in new technology to modernize the classification system, and direct a review regarding the necessity of existing security clearances to identify potential areas for additional reforms. This legislation:

Codifies classification authority as the President, Vice President, head of an agency, or the individual to whom such authority has been delegated in line with current practice pursuant to Executive Order 13526 and specifies how the authority is delegated and the training required to receive it;

Promotes efficient declassification for records under the Freedom of Information Act or Mandatory Declassification Review;

Requires training to promote sensible classification;

Improves the Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) by allowing for additional staff to be hired and allowing members to serve until a successor is appointed;

Directs the federal government to develop a federated and integrated technology solution to the issue of classification and declassification;

And directs federal agencies to conduct a study on the necessity of number and types of security clearances with sufficient justification.

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a7e61a No.75633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259675 (290029ZJUL23) Notable: Pence is a great actor Anons.

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Pence is a great actor Anons.

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a7e61a No.75634

File: abfc03b29a03138⋯.png (704.52 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259698 (290032ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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a7e61a No.75635

File: 03a22cd8122c71f⋯.mp4 (13.12 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259703 (290033ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump stops by the Team Trump Iowa Office before heading to Des Moines

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a7e61a No.75636

File: edfe4962a658e32⋯.png (881.14 KB,1450x811,1450:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259745 (290038ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Speakin' truth, that AI is going to take over the job market...

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a7e61a No.75637

File: d996ae4e7feb5c2⋯.png (368.44 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: fe97d23e12249ab⋯.png (370.43 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 52f82f8ee4679d1⋯.png (314.79 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259750 (290039ZJUL23) Notable: I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6

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I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI. They don't generally do anything for us, but it is my duty to report them.

Several agents also questioned me after January 6. Some of the agents were nice people.

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a7e61a No.75638

File: 2b0636640806f07⋯.png (502.81 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: de22f754a4a2957⋯.png (1006.99 KB,1080x810,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e30c21dda0eb99⋯.png (726.6 KB,535x662,535:662,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d62e236b465d6⋯.png (1.78 MB,1400x1400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a33a0e6061b98⋯.png (47.13 KB,475x367,475:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259756 (290040ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Manchin Parties with Billionaires at Mansion of Washington Post Heiress Lally Weymouth

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Joe Manchin Parties with Billionaires at Mansion of Washington Post Heiress Lally Weymouth

Jonathan Capehart, an associate editor at the Washington Post, also attended Weymouth’s party:

The party featured some of the wealthiest and most powerful members of the elite, including Julia Koch, the world’s second wealthiest woman according to Forbes, with an estimated net worth of $58.2 billion, as well as Apollo Global Management CEO Leon Black, Martha Stewart, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), former New York Police Department (NYPD) boss Ray Kelly, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and several foreign dignitaries.

28 Jul 2023


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a7e61a No.75639

File: 935f0fd223ccf88⋯.png (370.92 KB,906x510,151:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259763 (290041ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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a7e61a No.75640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259783 (290045ZJUL23) Notable: Live Trump @ Iowa GOP dinner

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sauce on Chris, the political road block enabler, not being at this event.


Beginning at 6 p.m., each candidate will get 10 minutes to speak to the crowd of 1,200 in the Iowa Events Center. The speaking order is as follows:

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

South Carolina U.S. Sen. Tim Scott

Michigan businessman Perry Johnson

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum

Former Vice President Mike Pence

Former Texas U.S. Rep. Will Hurd

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez

Texas pastor and businessman Ryan Binkley

California talk show host Larry Elder

Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

Former President Donald Trump


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a7e61a No.75641

File: 16f9dc423d110e0⋯.jpeg (67.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259790 (290047ZJUL23) Notable: Neutral status for Ukraine ‘fundamental’ to Russia – Putin

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28 Jul, 2023 23:49

Neutral status for Ukraine ‘fundamental’ to Russia – Putin

Moscow can’t accept having a hostile military bloc on its doorstep, the Russian president said

Kiev becoming a member of NATO is an existential threat to Russian national security and will not be tolerated, Russian President Vladimir Putin told representatives of several African countries on Friday.

In the documentthat ushered in Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union, “it is written in black and white that Ukraine is a neutral state,” Putin reminded the visiting African leaders, during the public part of their meeting in St. Petersburg. The president was referring to the 1990 declaration proclaiming ==Soviet Ukraine a sovereign state that would strive to become “a permanently neutral country.”

“This is of fundamental importance. Why the West began to drag Ukraine into NATO is not very clear to us. But this created, in our opinion, a fundamental threat to our security,” Putin added.

We cannot accept the advance towards our borders of military infrastructure of a bloc that is de facto hostile to us.

Putin and several members of the African Union peace mission met to discuss the Ukraine conflict, after the two-day Russia-Africa summit attended by representatives of 49 states from the continent.

While Russia has always said it is ready to negotiate an end to hostilities, Kiev has passed a law prohibiting talks with Moscow and reneged on the agreement negotiated in March 2022 in Istanbul, Putin stated.

According to Putin, during last year’s meeting in Türkiye, the Ukrainian delegation initially agreed to sign a neutrality pact that would also cap Ukraine’s heavy weapons and hardware. However, the preliminary deal had been “thrown out” shortly afterward, the Russian leader said earlier this year.

Ukrainian officials walked away from negotiations after accusing the Russian military of atrocities in Bucha and other areas around the country’s capital. Moscow had denied that its troops were killing civilians.

Kiev later argued that meaningful negotiations cannot commence until Moscow surrenders Crimea and four other territories that voted to leave Ukraine and become parts of Russia. Moscow repeatedly stressed that it was impossible.

Speaking on Friday, the Russian president repeated his long-standing position that thecurrent crisis was caused by the 2014 “anti-constitutional, armed, bloody coup” in Kiev, carried out with “active support” of the US and other Western governments.

Following the coup, Crimea organized a referendum to join Russia. Kiev sent the military and nationalist militias to crush dissent in Odessa and Kharkov regions, but ran into resistance in Donetsk and Lugansk, which would declare independence later that year. The 2015 Minsk Agreements envisioned a process by which the two regions could return to Ukraine with guarantees of autonomy, but Kiev never implemented it.

Former German leader Angela Merkel claimed last December that the Minsk process was only a play for time by the West to arm Ukraine for a war against Russia. Former president of France, Francois Hollande, seconded Merkel’s interpretation.

As part of the African Peace Initiative, leaders of seven countries from the continent visited Ukraine and Russia in mid-June. Though Moscow expressed interest in exploring the African proposal further, Kiev has insisted that only its “peace formula” – a ten-point plan amounting to Russia’s unconditional surrender – would be acceptable to Ukraine.


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a7e61a No.75642

File: 174ae80788500dc⋯.png (242.07 KB,533x472,533:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259798 (290048ZJUL23) Notable: I'm old enough to remember when both sides agreed that president's children AND grandchildren were off limits.

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Does he really want an answer?

Chris D. Jackson


I'm old enough to remember when both sides agreed that president's children AND grandchildren were off limits.

Begs the question, why is @JoeBiden's family held to a different standard?

@ChrisDJackson Tennessee Election Commissioner, 16 Years Elective Office, Fmr. Democratic Party Chair, OG #TeamJoe, Strategist


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a7e61a No.75643

File: c9983616eb23774⋯.png (792.77 KB,1443x811,1443:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259805 (290049ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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This guy doesn't have a clue about what China is really doing...but, brings up Sound of Freedom, like he's plugged in...

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a7e61a No.75644

File: f8baa50f055f143⋯.png (384.73 KB,907x507,907:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259813 (290051ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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a7e61a No.75645

File: bea65d0078c4c0a⋯.jpeg (84.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259821 (290053ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Certain forces’ in the West spent years plotting against Russia - Putin

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28 Jul, 2023 22:13

‘Certain forces’ in the West spent years plotting against Russia – Putin

Foreign powers had used Ukraine to target Russian statehood, the president said

Western countries have spent years steering Ukraine towards a conflict with Russia, as they planned to use Kiev as a tool to undermine Russian national security, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. He argued that Russia’s retaliation, including its ongoing military operation in the neighboring state, was justified.

“This problem was not created yesterday. It was instigated by certain forces in the West, which for a long time were preparing a hybrid war against our country, and did everything to transform Ukraine into an instrument of undermining the foundations of the security of the Russian Federation,” Putin said during a meeting with the members of the African peace mission in St. Petersburg, following the two-day Russia-Africa Summit. (This is true!)

The president added that the West had planned to use Kiev to “damage Russia’s positions on the world stage, and to undermine our statehood.”

The US and its allies in the EU backed the 2014 coup in Kiev that ousted democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovich. Putin reiterated Russia’s longstanding position that it was the turning point of the crisis.

“It was indeed a bloody, armed anti-constitutional coup, actively supported by the Western countries, which discarded all norms of international law,” the Russian president said.

After Yanukovich fled the country, Washington immediately recognized the new authorities in Kiev. Crimea, which opposed the coup, voted to join Russia the same year, while the two Donbass regions declared independence from Kiev as the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR). Kiev responded by declaring an “anti-terrorism operation” against them.

Moscow launched its military operation in February 2022, citing the need to protect the people of Donbass and Kiev’s failure to implement the 2014-2015 Minsk peace accords.Russia argued that its actions were in full accordance with international law, while Ukraine accused it of unprovoked aggression. NATO members, meanwhile, imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia and have supplied Ukraine with heavy weapons.

The two Donbass republics, together with two other former Ukrainian territories – the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions – became parts of Russia after holding a vote on the matter in September 2022.


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a7e61a No.75646

File: 0b761966693204b⋯.png (653.04 KB,1223x674,1223:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259845 (290057ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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ah yes, Pastor Binkly, the comments are hilarious. I haven't heard a thing he has said, cause the chat is more entertaining.

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a7e61a No.75647

File: 281e7c9a2e13f9c⋯.png (112.23 KB,416x607,416:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f4088f04a4dc35⋯.png (568.84 KB,655x760,131:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 67f4fc9c7d448be⋯.png (43.26 KB,416x936,4:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259854 (290059ZJUL23) Notable: THE FACEBOOK FILES PART 2.

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Newly subpoenaed documents reveal Facebook bowed to the Biden White House’s pressure to remove posts.

🧵 Thread: https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebook-bowed-to-white-house-pressure-removed-covid-posts-2df436b7


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a7e61a No.75648

File: bac25be3114bf44⋯.jpeg (91.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259860 (290101ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Certain forces’ in the West spent years plotting against Russia - Putin

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>Speaking on Friday, the Russian president repeated his long-standing position that the current crisis was caused by the 2014 “anti-constitutional, armed, bloody coup” in Kiev, carried out with “active support” of the US and other Western governments.

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a7e61a No.75649

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259865 (290102ZJUL23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'-

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Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 07/28/2023






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a7e61a No.75650

File: 69d43591fa9ae66⋯.jpeg (96.21 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259873 (290103ZJUL23) Notable: US and UK media spin Russia-Africa summit as failure

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28 Jul, 2023 21:55

US and UK media spin Russia-Africa summit as failure

Coverage of the St. Petersburg meeting appeared to follow cherry-picked talking points

British and American outlets have embraced a set of similar talking points in their coverage of the Russia-Africa summit taking place this week in St. Petersburg, focusing on the number of presidents in attendance, blaming Moscow for the demise of the Black Sea “grain deal,” and bringing up the presence of Wagner on the continent.

A total of 49 African countries sent officials to the two-day summit, which ended with a 74-point joint declarationpledging cooperation in developing a multipolar world order. Western outlets, however, chose to focus on the number of presidents in attendance and a quote by Kenyan diplomat Korir Sing’Oei, who tweeted last week that calling off the grain deal was “a stab on the back at global food security prices.”

Russia decided not to extend the year-long arrangement that allowed Ukraine to export 33 million tons of grain – mainly to the EU, Türkiye, and China, with only a tiny amount reaching Africa – because the UN never enabled the export of Russian grain and fertilizer, which were blocked by Western shipping sanctions.

CBS News claimed that the “small crowd” at the summit reflected “Africa's changing mood on Moscow,”basing this on the remarks of one South African professor.

“Just 17 African heads of state, according to Russia's own tally, showed up for the summit. That’s less than half of the 43 leaders who participated in the first Russia-Africa summit in 2019,” noted the American broadcaster, without once mentioning that a total of 49 African countries were represented at the conference at some level.

“Kremlin seethes over poor summit turnout,”CNN declared in a headline, echoing the “just 17” talking point. There was nothing to corroborate the claim of “seething,” however – only another assertion, further down, that the Kremlin “fumed” over the “poor turnout” when referring to Western pressure on the continent’s leaders.

“Any idea that Africa as a whole leans toward Russia is clearly mistaken,” argued Washington Post columnist Adam Taylor, using votes in the UN General Assembly as his metric. Taylor also brought up “less than half of 43,” the grain deal, and Sing’Oei.

Newsweek also echoed the 17/43 difference, though it noted that 32 more countries were represented by officials or ambassadors. Their headline, however, focused on mockery of President Vladimir Putin’s handshake with the Ethiopian prime minister by the Polish-based Telegram channel Nexta, which promotes Ukrainian narratives and regime change in Belarus.

Time had a more ambitious headline, ‘Why African Leaders Are Staying Away From Putin's Russia-Africa Summit’, but never actually explained it. Instead, there were the talking points – grain deal, Sing’Oei, Wagner – and a lot of quotes from Western think-tanks.

‘Putin Left Red-Faced As Few African Leaders Turn Up To His Russia Summit’, claimed HuffPo, a surviving subsidiary of BuzzFeed. They too went with 17/43, the grain deal, the quote by Sing’Oei and Wagner, but also chose to highlight that 49 African leaders showed up at US President Joe Biden’s ‘summit’ last December.

HuffPo also attributed the phrase “it seems the novelty has worn off” to the Russian outlet Kommersant, though it was in fact a bit of editorializing from a tweet by BBC correspondent Steve Rosenberg.

The British press also checked off the talking points: only 17 leaders, grain deal, “stab in the back” quote, Wagner. ‘Kremlin blames west for small number of leaders due at Russia-Africa summit’, proclaimed the Guardian, also bringing up Biden’s December summit as a comparison.

‘Fresh humiliation for Putin as he faces poor turnout by African leaders’, was the Daily Mail’s headline of choice, even as they admitted 32 more countries were represented at some level.

(KEK Putin is getting the same treatment as Trump when something they do is a success!)


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a7e61a No.75651

File: 74886f9a6f510f1⋯.png (598.67 KB,1236x704,309:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259886 (290104ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Larry Elder couldn't win California because he is stuck on smug 24/7. No one claps as he takes the stage, and begins to repeat the prager university video speech he did four years ago.

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a7e61a No.75652

File: 4408343550f2fc0⋯.png (64.65 KB,1172x393,1172:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fcb0283bc9e28a⋯.png (317.34 KB,1169x804,1169:804,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259909 (290108ZJUL23) Notable: Laurence Allen Elder

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Laurence Allen Elder (born April 27, 1952) is an American right-wing political commentator[2] and conservative talk radio host.[3] Elder hosts The Larry Elder Show, based in California. The show began as a local program on Los Angeles radio station KABC in 1993 and ran until 2008, followed by a second run on KABC from 2010 to 2014. The show is nationally syndicated, first through ABC Radio Networks from 2002 to 2007 and then Salem Media Group from 2015 to 2022. He maintains ties to The Epoch Times, a far-right newspaper published by the Falun Gong movement.[4]

Elder, a former attorney, has written nonfiction books and a nationally syndicated column through Creators Syndicate. He is the author of As Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation.[5][6]

In 2021, Elder made his first run for elected office, as a Republican candidate in the recall election of California's Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom. The recall was defeated by a wide margin, with Elder placing first among the replacement candidates.[7] On April 20, 2023, Elder announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.[8]

Towards the end:

Allegations of abuse and sexual harassment

In 2011 episodes of his radio program, Elder disclosed that he had twice been accused of sexual harassment and denied both allegations. In one case, Elder defended himself by implying that the woman was too unattractive for him to sexually harass, saying, "If you had seen her, you would know that the picture would be a complete defense. I'm just saying."[102]

In 2021, Elder's former fiancée Alexandra Datig accused him of abuse. Datig said that Elder had demanded she show devotion by having "Larry's Girl" tattooed on herself and, during an argument, brandished a gun threateningly at her while "high" on cannabis.[103][104] After Datig's allegations became public, The Sacramento Bee editorial board and fellow candidates Kevin Faulconer and Caitlyn Jenner called for Elder to withdraw from the race.[105] Elder denied Datig's accusations and called them "salacious allegations".[49][106]

For moar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Elder

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a7e61a No.75653

File: f281fa57d7421b6⋯.jpeg (86.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259917 (290109ZJUL23) Notable: Niger coup leader declares himself president

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28 Jul, 2023 16:50

Niger coup leader declares himself president

Abdourahamane Tchiani, the head of the presidential guard, has been designated president of the newly formed military council

Niger’s presidential guard chief, General Abdourahamane Tiani, who masterminded the overthrow of President Mohamed Bazoum this week, has declared himself the new national leader.

Abdourahamane, also known as Omar Tchiani, appeared on the state TV channel Tele Sahel on Friday, calling himself president of the newly formed military council, the National Council for Safeguarding the Homeland, and claiming that Wednesday's coup was to protect national security.

President Bazoum was detained early on Wednesday by members of his security detail, with top military officials later announcing he had been removed from power and all state institutions suspended.

Niamey is considered an ally of the West in tackling jihadist insurgencies in the Sahel region, with troops from France and the US based there.

The unrest has sparked international condemnation, with French President Emmanuel Macron joining the West African regional bloc (ECOWAS) in demanding that the coup leaders release Bazoum.

Macron described Bazoum as a “courageous leader who is making the reforms and investments that his country needs,” adding that Paris will support regional powers in imposing sanctions on the coup plotters.

Tchiani, who had led the presidential guard since 2011, justified his actions on Thursday as a reaction to the “deteriorating security situation.” He argued that the government had failed to give the people of Niger “a glimpse of a real way out of the crisis.”

“The harsh reality of insecurity in Niger, experienced by our defense forces and hardworking populations, with its toll of deaths, displacement, humiliation, and frustration, reminds us on a daily basis of this stark reality,” Tchiani said.

He also criticized the lack of collaboration with the Mali and Burkina Faso juntas in fighting insurgencies in the region.

Bazoum was elected in Niger’s first democratic transition of power in 2021, after years of political turmoil. The former French colony has undergone five power grabs since gaining independence in 1960.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticized the coup on Thursday as an “anti-constitutional act,” joining US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in condemning the “unacceptable” change of power.

(note to self: Change out your military guard frequently)


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a7e61a No.75654

File: 8d3b53651ec1d3a⋯.png (239.71 KB,1163x1478,1163:1478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259926 (290111ZJUL23) Notable: Air Farce One touched down at Dover AFB at 6:53 p.m. ET. resident Biden disembarked from the plane at 7:07 p.m. ET.

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From the WH:

Air Force One touched down at Dover AFB at 6:53 p.m. ET. pResident Biden disembarked from the plane at 7:07 p.m. ET.

Due to a bad weather call, he will be taking a motorcade to his residence in Rehoboth Beach, Del., where he will be staying over the next week.

Q: The WHOLE week?! I can guess why.. 😁

A: ➡️@MarcoPolo501c3


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a7e61a No.75655

File: f24c0778a4b2b02⋯.png (419.21 KB,655x585,131:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259941 (290112ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump stops by the Team Trump Iowa Office before heading to Des Moines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


.@realDonaldTrump stops by the Team Trump Iowa Office before heading to Des Moines for the Republican Party of Iowa — 2023 Lincoln Dinner…


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a7e61a No.75656

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259960 (290115ZJUL23) Notable: DARREN BEATTIE INTERVIEW WITH IMRAN KHAN FOR REVOLVER !!

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Note: U.K anons who are sports fans have always known imran as a honest man of principle, he was married to a royal and gave up a lavish lifestyle in the u.k to try and save his country pakistan. Imran has been indicted and hounded moar than trump in the usa aided by victoria nuland who also did a soros colour revolution in ukraine.


The Revolver News Imran Khan Interview with Dr. Darren J. Beattie-INTERVIEW STARTS AT 53 MINUTE MARK




Political Scientist and former White House Speechwriter Darren Beattie speaks with Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Topics discussed: Pakistan US relations, Trump, the plot to remove Khan from power, geopolitics

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a7e61a No.75657

File: 0ff24f37158349e⋯.png (263.93 KB,670x505,134:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19259962 (290116ZJUL23) Notable: Alvin Bragg Suffers Major Court Loss in Bogus Trump Case - Judge Quashes Subpoena Seeking Melania Trump’s Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alvin Bragg Suffers Major Court Loss in Bogus Trump Case – Judge Quashes Subpoena Seeking Melania Trump’s Emails

New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg suffered a major setback in his garbage lawsuit against President Trump on Friday.

Bragg was hoping to drag former First Lady Melania Trump into his lawfare suit against the president. But New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan surprisingly quashed a pair of subpoenas by Bragg seeking Melania Trump’s emails.

Judge Merchan said the subpoenas were too broad in scope.

Bragg was hoping to drag Melania Trump into the case to harass and embarrass her.

Marxists play smash mouth.

Bragg was also requesting President Trump’s testimony in the completely fraudulent E. Jean Carroll case. Carroll, a woman Trump has never met, accused President Trump of raping her in a department store he never enters to shop at sometime in the 1990s, but she’s not sure of the date. Of course, New York Democrats allowed this junk lawsuit to proceed.

This is another reason to stay away from sh*thole New York.


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a7e61a No.75658

File: 23881892de4a5bf⋯.png (505.56 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260004 (290122ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75659

File: 5533f798098f7c5⋯.png (555.83 KB,922x499,922:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260023 (290124ZJUL23) Notable: Trump is talking fast to fit it all in 10 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump is talking fast to fit it all in 10 minutes.

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a7e61a No.75660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260027 (290125ZJUL23) Notable: Trump is talking fast to fit it all in 10 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump is rushed

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a7e61a No.75661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260045 (290127ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: The democrats are the radicals on this issue [abortion], because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth month. And they're willing to kill babies even after birth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The democrats are the radicals on this issue [abortion], because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth month. And they're willing to kill babies even after birth.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75662

File: 3fa6ecdb731628d⋯.png (879.44 KB,1450x811,1450:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260052 (290127ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260068 (290129ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: The 2024 election is our last shot to save America, and there's only one candidate, and you know who that candidate is, who's gonna get that job done.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The 2024 election is our last shot to save America, and there's only one candidate, and you know who that candidate is, who's gonna get that job done.

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a7e61a No.75664

File: abda611019db0fb⋯.jpeg (165.69 KB,754x742,377:371,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1458c23422afa39⋯.jpeg (78.72 KB,600x393,200:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b18f9697c21d800⋯.jpeg (29.55 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 66be4b9b0c8ed52⋯.jpeg (23.11 KB,220x147,220:147,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d009a5747e33016⋯.jpeg (69.36 KB,1175x458,1175:458,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260086 (290131ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Drops to Single Digits in Ohio, Trump Crushes Field with 64%, Ramaswamy Gains Second with 12%

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Ron DeSantis Drops to Single Digits in Ohio, Trump Crushes Field with 64%, Ramaswamy Gains Second with 12%

July 28, 2023 | Sundance |

I have calloused hands and never hide my pride in my blue-collar, non-pretending, life. I can say with certainty, the rustbelt is forever lost to the professional Republican Party. The GOP club, like the DNC club, is dead in the wake of the great MAGA insurgency. Politicians representing the high-minded and pontificating professional Republican class will never again win an election in the rustbelt.

The collapse of the Republican Party in the rustbelt is entirely due to the professionally Republican politicians aligning with economic policies that destroyed the middle class within the region. This is MAGA country now; a place where pragmatic views and deliberate perspectives drive the outcomes of the voting electorate. The era of hope and polite requests is over, and the voters are no longer going to put up with bullsh*t. A recent Ohio poll is a strong indication of this:

The approved and professional Republican Party candidate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, has dropped into single digits in Ohio with less than 9% support. Vivek Ramaswamy has jumped over DeSantis into first loser status with 12%, far behind the originator of the America First agenda, President Donald Trump with 64%.

♦ SEMI RELATED – Recently, after noting theCEO of Public Square bragging about the appointment of former Senator Kelly Loeffler (GA) to the Board of Directors, I asked the founder Michael Seifert if he knew what appointing the wife of NYSE owner Jeffrey Sprecher to the board indicates when contrast against the Wall Street corporate sellout of the working class PublicSq was promising to support. Public Square founder Michael Seifert said, he “was not familiar” with the rustbelt. Absorb that as you will.

With the elite financial class being increasingly exposed, and with the collusion between Big Tech and Wall Street in the public spotlight, and knowing the elite Washington DC establishment is a part of that entire corrupt system, and with millions of Americans more able to accept the scale of the issues, perhaps this is a moment to remind ourselveshow the BIG CLUB works to deceive under false pretense.

Washington DC is part of the corrupt Wall Street, K-Street, Big Bank, and BIG TECH system. Everything within that system is self-serving and done deliberately with the intent to maintain a particular status for the people within it. This is the moment of opportunity to expose just how the DeceptiCons trick us… this is information and dot-connecting that created The Last Refuge. This is the bitter pill that needs to be swallowed.

Everything from within the DC system is designed to lie to us. Accept that, and we begin to realize how events are NEVER what they appear on the surface.

The owner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is Jeffrey Sprecher. Remember the position of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in regard to Senator Loeffler? Well, Mr. Sprecher is the husband of former Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Kelly Loeffler’s seat was purchased by their elite status and position. Loeffler was appointed by Brian Kemp.

Why would a billionaire run for an elected office paying a few hundred thousand?

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell positioned Loeffler with committee assignments based on that status of influence and affluence.

Jeffrey Sprecher and Kelly Loeffler entered politics for their elite interests.

The ruse of the DecptiCons is always that a motive to the benefit of the republic lies behind their candidacy. This is the same ruse that lay behind Mitt Romney, another DeceptiCon. There are no purely altruistic motives behind these politicians, particularly in the Senate.

Their motives are all about status, power and greed. They are not representatives of the people; they are representative of their own elite fellowship and interests, and this crosses both parties. Everything else is chaff and countermeasures to ensure their position.

That is the brutal and uncomfortable reality to accept. The entire system is corrupt.

The swamp is deep and filled with DeceptiCons who will strike at any given moment once they attain a useful position. You might remember, President Trump went to Georgia to campaign for Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Simultaneous to President Trump’s visible support, Loeffler’s husband Jeffrey Sprecher, owner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), announced the NYSE will not blacklist Chinese telecommunications firms outlined in Trump’s executive order. Continued….


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a7e61a No.75665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260092 (290131ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We will say no on eighty-seven thousand IRS agents, who want to take your money, and much worse than that, they want to weaponize the IRS just like they've weaponized the Justice Department and the FBI.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We will say no on eighty-seven thousand IRS agents, who want to take your money, and much worse than that, they want to weaponize the IRS just like they've weaponized the Justice Department and the FBI.

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a7e61a No.75666

File: 18b426cf4d56b49⋯.png (699.53 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260096 (290132ZJUL23) Notable: GOP dinner pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260109 (290134ZJUL23) Notable: Four people believed to be dead after military helicopter crashes into ocean off Hamilton Island overnight

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Four people believed to be dead after military helicopter crashes into ocean off Hamilton Island overnight

A military helicopter has crashed into the ocean off Hamilton Island overnight, with the four people on board believed to be dead.

Four people are feared dead after a military helicopter crashed off Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays just after 10.30pm on Friday.

The helicopter was involved in Operation Talisman Sabre exercises and was engaging in a two-helicopter mission when it "ditched in waters close to Hamilton Island", Defence Minister Richard Marles told reporters on Saturday morning.

A search and rescue immediately commenced since another helicopter was already present, however weather conditions put it on hold before it continued on Saturday morning.

Mr Marles said the families of the four aircrew have been notified of the incidents.

"Our thoughts and our hopes are very much with the aircrew and their families. Our hopes are very much with the efforts of the search and rescue crews as they go about their work right now," he said.

"Defence exercises which are so necessary for the readiness of our defence force are serious. They carry risk. And as we desperately hope for better news during the course of this day, we are reminded about the gravity of the act which comes with wearing our nation's uniform."


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a7e61a No.75668

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260134 (290137ZJUL23) Notable: DARREN BEATTIE INTERVIEW WITH IMRAN KHAN FOR REVOLVER !!

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Mirage Men is a 2013 documentary film directed by John Lundberg, written by Mark Pilkington and co-directed by Roland Denning and Kypros Kyprianou. The film had its world premiere at the 2013 Sheffield Doc/Fest in the UK on 13 June 2013, its North American premiere at the 2013 Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas on 22 September 2013, its Australian premiere at the Canberra International Film Festival on 31 October 2013 and its Nordic premiere at the Stockholm Film Festival in Sweden on 10 November 2013.

Mirage Men is about how the US government used mythology to cover up their advanced technology. It prominently features Richard Doty, a retired Special Agent who worked for AFOSI, the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigation. Mark Pilkington's book about the project, also called Mirage Men, was published in 2010 by Constable & Robinson.

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a7e61a No.75669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260290 (290206ZJUL23) Notable: #23654

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#23654 >>75622

>>75623, >>75625, >>75626, >>75632 ECW: Thank you Senators @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner for taking the lead on classification reform.

>>75628, >>75635, >>75655 @realDonaldTrump stops by the Team Trump Iowa Office before heading to Des Moines

>>75633 Pence is a great actor Anons.

>>75638 Joe Manchin Parties with Billionaires at Mansion of Washington Post Heiress Lally Weymouth

>>75641 Neutral status for Ukraine ‘fundamental’ to Russia – Putin

>>75642 I'm old enough to remember when both sides agreed that president's children AND grandchildren were off limits.

>>75645, >>75648 ‘Certain forces’ in the West spent years plotting against Russia - Putin


>>75649 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'-

>>75650 US and UK media spin Russia-Africa summit as failure

>>75652 Laurence Allen Elder

>>75653 Niger coup leader declares himself president

>>75654 Air Farce One touched down at Dover AFB at 6:53 p.m. ET. resident Biden disembarked from the plane at 7:07 p.m. ET.


>>75657 Alvin Bragg Suffers Major Court Loss in Bogus Trump Case - Judge Quashes Subpoena Seeking Melania Trump’s Emails

>>75664 DeSantis Drops to Single Digits in Ohio, Trump Crushes Field with 64%, Ramaswamy Gains Second with 12%

>>75667 Four people believed to be dead after military helicopter crashes into ocean off Hamilton Island overnight

Live Trump

>>75624, >>75631, >>75640 Live Trump @ Iowa GOP dinner

>>75627, >>75629, >>75630, >>75634, >>75636, >>75639, >>75643, >>75644, >>75646, >>75651, >>75658, >>75662, >>75666 GOP dinner pics

>>75659, >>75660 Trump is talking fast to fit it all in 10 minutes.

>>75661 President Trump: The democrats are the radicals on this issue [abortion], because they're willing to kill babies in their fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth month. And they're willing to kill babies even after birth.

>>75663 President Trump: The 2024 election is our last shot to save America, and there's only one candidate, and you know who that candidate is, who's gonna get that job done.

>>75665 President Trump: We will say no on eighty-seven thousand IRS agents, who want to take your money, and much worse than that, they want to weaponize the IRS just like they've weaponized the Justice Department and the FBI.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7e61a No.75670

File: 23881892de4a5bf⋯.png (505.56 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 18b426cf4d56b49⋯.png (699.53 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b3850f2fac2c68⋯.jpg (2.07 MB,3186x1786,1593:893,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0cb042589676b5b⋯.png (475.14 KB,500x806,250:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260304 (290209ZJUL23) Notable: #23655-A

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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a7e61a No.75671

File: c32ad1dd77490d9⋯.png (336.79 KB,837x566,837:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260338 (290215ZJUL23) Notable: Residents of Woodlawn, Chicago Vent Anger at Leaders Over Illegal Immigrants: ‘They Rob us, They Harass us’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Schadenfreude goes to 11

Residents of Woodlawn, Chicago Vent Anger at Leaders Over Illegal Immigrants: ‘They Rob us, They Harass us’


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a7e61a No.75672

File: 922896ec73e7bdf⋯.png (379.34 KB,592x864,37:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260339 (290216ZJUL23) Notable: @8thPSYOPgroup: What is the “PSYWAR Center” called today?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new Tweets


8th PSYOP Group (Airborne)




Pop quiz!

What is the “PSYWAR Center” called today?

Cheating allowed!


You Retweeted

DC Lidstone




11:55 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260347 (290217ZJUL23) Notable: @bennyjohnson: Chills watching this. Just watch. Prophecy:(mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chills watching this.

Just watch.



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a7e61a No.75674

File: bd3615e9d8368a7⋯.png (427.1 KB,599x882,599:882,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260350 (290218ZJUL23) Notable: @GenFlynn: The more we learn about how the Chinese are freely operating here inside of America, the more every single American should be pissed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn



This begs a hundred more questions. These are not small things that were discovered.

The more we learn about how the Chinese are freely operating here inside of America, the more every single American should be pissed.

Our government is so over the top broken and the infiltration of China from the White House to some of California’s “drug” houses is out of control. This is simply another example of the things we now know that we should have known!

China is an enemy and not a competitor. They seek to overtake the United States as the sole superpower and when they do, the CCP will not be kind to America.

Mark my words.

Quote Tweet





Just In: A secret Chinese lab operating in California was uncovered after inspectors found a hose going to the “abandoned” building. Inside they were making Covid test, pregnancy test, had vials of blood and the CDC found traces of multiple viruses including Malaria, E. coli,… Show more


2:11 PM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75675

File: 57b0418e7f39767⋯.png (9.02 KB,587x145,587:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260363 (290221ZJUL23) Notable: @disclosetv: US sends $345 million in weapons to Taiwan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




JUST IN - US sends $345 million in weapons to Taiwan.

11:17 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75676

File: 9cea6217f3ed40a⋯.png (73.89 KB,590x882,295:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260366 (290222ZJUL23) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat: In 2018, Hunter Biden paid a Russian pimp $25,000 from Joe Biden's bank account, causing the Secret Service to frantically rush to his hotel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




🚨 In 2018, Hunter Biden paid a Russian pimp $25,000 from Joe Biden's bank account, causing the Secret Service to frantically rush to his hotel.

Hunter paid his father's phone bills, house repairs, and monthly expenses and told his daughter that he "paid for everything for this entire family for 30 years... But don't worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary."

The entire Biden family business model was selling access to the highest levels of the US government to foreign nationals without registering under the Foreign Agent Registration Act in violation of federal law.

The Bidens funneled the money through business partners and shell companies because they obtained it illegally as unregistered foreign agents representing interests in Russia, China, and Ukraine.

Evidence supporting these claims includes bank records, wire transfer statements, suspicious activity reports, witness testimony, and data from Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI verified as authentic in 2019.

The laptop contains the last decade of Hunter Biden's life, including hundreds of thousands of emails, text messages, audio recordings, and photographs.

Six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family, alleging their involvement in money laundering, human trafficking, and tax fraud.

Any average American family would face life in prison.

However, the Bidens live in the White House, where they weaponize the same Justice Department that just got caught offering Hunter Biden a sweetheart deal against their chief political rival.



0:30 / 11:22

2:09 PM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75677

File: 2cc67fc5a28f3eb⋯.png (22.01 KB,589x419,589:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260374 (290223ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next Ten Days While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




From the WH:

Air Force One touched down at Dover AFB at 6:53 p.m. ET. pResident Biden disembarked from the plane at 7:07 p.m. ET.

Due to a bad weather call, he will be taking a motorcade to his residence in Rehoboth Beach, Del., where he will be staying over the next week.

Q: The WHOLE week?! I can guess why.. 😁

A: ➡️@MarcoPolo501c3


12:19 PM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75678

File: 191a7abd0eaf5ce⋯.png (157.72 KB,601x587,601:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260383 (290225ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next Ten Days While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Stephen L. Miller


He went on four day beach vacation two weeks ago. Then three days after that, spent four days in Delaware.

Quote Tweet

RNC Research




Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is retreating to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, for the next ten days

5:15 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75679

File: 8cba24193075f19⋯.png (420.81 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260385 (290225ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden Remains a ‘Good Standing’ D.C. Bar Member despite evidence of illicit activities and court proceedings

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Hunter Biden Remains a ‘Good Standing’ D.C. Bar Member despite evidence of illicit activities and court proceedings

In February, the D.C. Bar told Breitbart News that Hunter is “not a member of the D.C. Bar.”

The bar’s statement was consistent with the Associated Press’s reporting from 2014 in which it claimed the “Current District of Columbia bar records do not show Biden as member.” However, Hunter’s D.C. Bar license says he was admitted in 2007.

Breitbart News followed up by sending a screenshot of the search query of the D.C. Bar’s website that listed Hunter as a member. The D.C. Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel replied they had searched their records in error and that Hunter was indeed a member of the D.C. Bar.

“I confirmed,” Disciplinary Counsel Phil Fox of the D.C. Bar replied. “He is admitted in D.C.;we just didn’t know his [Hunter Biden] first name was Robertwhen we looked him up.”

28 Jul 2023


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a7e61a No.75680

File: aa956020ef92a71⋯.png (40.94 KB,671x343,671:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260386 (290226ZJUL23) Notable: The scandal engulfing Hunter Biden is now so grave even America's Left-wing media can't ignore it any longer as claims of $5million bribes, drugs and prostitutes surround the President's wayward son

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The scandal engulfing Hunter Biden is

now so grave even America's Left-wing

media can't ignore it any longer as claims

of $5million bribes, drugs and prostitutes

surround the President's wayward son,

writes Richard Littlejohn

Daily Mail (UK), by Richard Littlejohn

Posted By: Imright, 7/28/2023 9:19:32 PM

This was the week Joe Biden's rotten House Of Cards began teetering on the brink of collapse. While Netflix's fictional U.S. President Kevin Spacey was found not guilty of sex charges by a jury in London, in another courtroom 3,500 miles away the web of lies and secrecy around alleged corruption in the Biden family was unravelling spectacularly. A judge in Delaware threw out a disgraceful sweetheart deal which would have seen Biden's degenerate son Hunter walking free after pleading guilty to tax evasion, gun and drug charges, which would normally have led to serious jail time. Judge Maryellen Noreika refused to rubber-stamp an incredibly lenient plea bargain agreement

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a7e61a No.75681

File: 2007b894d76093f⋯.png (458.4 KB,1356x697,1356:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260391 (290227ZJUL23) Notable: Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports on the Bidens

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Hmm: Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 Suspicious

Activity Reports on the Bidens

Townhall, by Rebecca Downs

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/28/2023 8:34:52 PM

As the evidence for at least an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden keeps pouring in, our friends at Twitchy highlighted another example: the suspicious activity reports (SARs) from six banks, to the tune of 170, in fact. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and co-host Ben Ferguson discussed these reports on their podcast with House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) as their guest. Not only has Comer been looking into the Biden family as part of fulfilling promises to the American people, he already is familiar with SARs, since, as he told Cruz, he was the director of a bank.

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a7e61a No.75682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260394 (290228ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Carlson's BRUTALLY Honest Interview With Ice Cube (2023)(YouTube vid)

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Tucker Carlson's BRUTALLY Honest Interview With Ice Cube (2023)


Ice Cube represents the struggle well.

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a7e61a No.75683

File: 070b04c2aa602c3⋯.png (1.06 MB,1101x747,367:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260402 (290230ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next Ten Days While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

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Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach

Compound for the Next Ten Days While His

DOJ Works to Jail Trump

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 7/28/2023 3:37:19 PM

Joe Biden will retreat to his Rehoboth Beach compound in Delaware for the next 10 days while his corrupt DOJ works to jail Trump. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters about feeble Joe’s plans to hide in Rehoboth Beach during a gaggle aboard Air Force One on Friday. “This evening the president will depart Maine en route to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware where he will remain over the next week,” Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters. Biden is en route to Auburn, Maine to discuss how ‘Bidenomics’ is driving a manufacturing boom (try not to laugh).

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a7e61a No.75684

File: dd125bd92dd659f⋯.png (359.22 KB,599x753,599:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260409 (290232ZJUL23) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat: In January 2022, a Rasmussen poll revealed that about 40% of Democrats supported imprisoning the unvaccinated, implementing quarantine camps, and separating children from them. How do you explain this cognitive dissonance?

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In January 2022, a Rasmussen poll revealed that about 40% of Democrats supported imprisoning the unvaccinated, implementing quarantine camps, and separating children from them. How do you explain this cognitive dissonance?


8:14 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75685

File: db902579eab2736⋯.png (12.91 KB,456x118,228:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260423 (290236ZJUL23) Notable: Mar-A-Lago - PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS case Judge set Pre-Trial Hearing for May 14, 2024(4 yr delta QPOST 4243)

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Judge set Pre-Trial Hearing for May 14, 2024

Some Deltas off the dates.

May 14

4 yr delta QPOST 4243


Excerpt: "President Obama has consistently supported the nonpartisan administration of presidential records and the commitment to transparency core to NARA's mission.1"

Footnote 1: "Since 2017, the Office of President Obama has produced 12, 880 pages of presidential records in response to special access requests from the White House and Congress."

Trial could beginMay 20

QPOST 4296


QPOST 4294



Q POST 1431

Those who are loudest…

Suicide weekend?


Q POST 1425

Be prepared.

TRUST the plan.

Conspiracy NO MORE.

We are in full control.



Q POST 1424

Think timing.


The attacks will only get worse.

They are losing [all] control.


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a7e61a No.75686

File: 9a5bc50cfb2dbd1⋯.png (145.8 KB,424x686,212:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260427 (290236ZJUL23) Notable: In Tune With Freedom: Independent Musicians Amplify Voices of the Vaccine Injured, Echoing Eric Clapton's Brave Testimony

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In Tune With Freedom: Independent Musicians Amplify Voices of the Vaccine Injured, Echoing Eric Clapton's Brave Testimony


"In the world of music, powerful voices have always been a force for change and advocacy. Some artists and musicians have taken it upon themselves to raise awareness about vaccine injuries and advocate for medical freedom. One notable example is the talented singer-songwriter Eric Clapton, who bravely shared his own disastrous experience after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. As his story resonates with many, and most mainstream artists cower in fear due to the backlash threat of the woke mob, we have great independent artists like Buddy Brown, Blind Joe, Natasha Owens, Gary Kyle, Ivory Hecker, Susan Hickman, Tyler Tillman and Five Times August who are stepping up to fight for the cause and raise funds to support vaccine-injured individuals and preach the gospel of medical freedom and bodily autonomy."


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a7e61a No.75687

File: 827de8fc5c09e34⋯.png (172.61 KB,445x485,89:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260445 (290239ZJUL23) Notable: On Russell Brand's podcast, Oliver Stone admits that he voted for Joe Biden but now regrets it

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On Russell Brand's podcast, Oliver Stone admits that he voted for Joe Biden but now regrets it

Foolish of Stone to vote for Joe Biden in the first place

Sounds like he's suffering a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

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a7e61a No.75688

File: ef1628d046fbae6⋯.jpeg (151.26 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260462 (290243ZJUL23) Notable: Polish Army responds to Wagner deployment

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28 Jul, 2023 16:26

Polish Army responds to Wagner deployment

Warsaw is planning to double the size of its military after the Russian PMC decamped to neighbor Belarus

Poland intends to double the size of its army from three to six divisions in response to the deployment of Wagner troops in Belarus, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced on Friday. His statement was also backed by Deputy Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczynski.

Blaszczak said he had already signed a document increasing the number of active service members in the Polish Army from 172,000 to 300,000, and noted that the government was “consistently implementing this goal.”

He added that Warsaw also had plans to increase its defense spending to 4% of GDP.

In addition to the new divisions, Kaczynski said a reserve division was likely to be created at some point, and noted that the government was working on restoring military units that were disbanded under former Polish president Donald Tusk.

He also said Warsaw was working on strengthening the country’s border with Belarus by building a fence and deploying “various types of electronic devices to facilitate the protection of the border,” and to prevent an attack he claimed was being prepared by Minsk with the support of Moscow.

The decision to strengthen Poland’s army comes after Warsaw announced that it would redeploy troops to its eastern border in response to the arrival of the Wagner PMC and its leader Evgeny Prigozhin in Belarus.

The group came to Belarus as part of a deal with the Kremlin mediated by Minsk, which ended a mutiny staged by Prigozhin in late June. Since arriving in the country, Wagner members have begun training Belarusian forces and sharing the battlefield experience they gained from the Ukraine conflict.

Wagner’s presence in Belarus has become a point of major concern for Warsaw, which claims that it now expects “provocations” from Russia, and has said it is “closely monitoring”the group’s activities. Washington has also officially stated that it would play a role in the defense of Polish territory in the event of an attack from abroad.

That was after Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on Sunday that the Wagner fighters were keen to “go on tour to Warsaw”to settle a score with those they believe have been providing Ukrainian troops with military hardware.

(Poland acts like the bully until it gets scared.)


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a7e61a No.75689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260468 (290245ZJUL23) Notable: Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next Ten Days While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

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Who was filming the potato when he was at the beach last time? The secret service? None of them seemed to be around while Mr. and Mrs. Brandon drug their own beach chairs over to their spot and plopped down amongst all the other beach goers.

Super kekky that no one else apparently noticed them or cared that they were there.


This movie is so fucking weird.

Bonus: Another weird movie.


A homicidal car tire, discovering it has destructive psionic power, sets its sights on a desert town once a mysterious woman becomes its obsession. A homicidal car tire, discovering it has destructive psionic power, sets its sights on a desert town once a mysterious woman becomes its obsession.

For real. Check out the trailer.


Sorry I can't remember how to clean up a youtube url to embed it.

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a7e61a No.75690

File: 7168f589bcf9421⋯.png (1.25 MB,846x657,94:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260471 (290245ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel ReTruthed: @poldersoldworldmarket: Thank you so much to everyone that voted in the #KashPolderArtChallenge this past week! The winning piece of art is Ride Through the Storm by @maryelizabethpolder_art!

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Kash Patel ReTruthed


Polder's Old World Market




Thank you so much to everyone that voted in the #KashPolderArtChallenge this past week!

The winning piece of art is Ride Through the Storm by @maryelizabethpolder_art!

Mary is a talented artist & has a small business. If you'd like to support her beautiful work, you can give her a follow & visit her website here: maryelizabethpolderart.bigcart

We can't wait to see this gorgeous painting in @Kash's home!

#polders #FineArtFriday @DevinNunes @DanScavino @justuseapen @believemedia

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a7e61a No.75691

File: b125debd2b1174f⋯.png (237.02 KB,479x409,479:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260475 (290246ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: GREAT visit this evening in IOWA with TEAM TRUMP. Thank you for everything you’re all doing! MAGA!!!(17 words)

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17 words! GE!!!

Vid at link!

Donald J. Trump


GREAT visit this evening in IOWA with TEAM TRUMP. Thank you for everything you’re all doing! MAGA!!! donaldjtrump.com/

Jul 28, 2023, 10:38 PM


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a7e61a No.75692

File: febf5911d156cf7⋯.png (298.6 KB,601x570,601:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260478 (290247ZJUL23) Notable: @gatewaypundit: Transgender Seeks Euthanasia in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication

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The Gateway Pundit


Transgender Seeks Euthanasia in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication


Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide in Canada, Claiming It's the Only Way to End Suffering from...

Lois Cardinal, a 35-year-old indigenous transgender woman, is currently engaged in a bitter confrontation with Canada’s healthcare system after it denied his request for euthanasia, Daily Mail...

2:25 PM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75693

File: 9e696eee3f23744⋯.png (297.33 KB,595x554,595:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260485 (290249ZJUL23) Notable: @RaheemKassam: WATCH: CIA Candidate Will Hurd Booed Off Stage After Trump Jab

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WATCH: CIA Candidate Will Hurd Booed Off Stage After Trump Jab.


WATCH: CIA Candidate Will Hurd Booed Off Stage After Trump Jab.

“Former” CIA man and ex-“Republican” Congressman Will Hurd was booed off stage at the Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner on Friday night, after telling the audience he believed Donald Trump is running for...

3:07 PM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75694

File: c187e81721fe773⋯.png (450.82 KB,601x639,601:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260497 (290252ZJUL23) Notable: @amuse: SHOCK: Hunter Biden's lawyers are no longer allowed to contact the federal court clerk in Delaware after they were caught pretending to represent the House of Representatives

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SHOCK: Hunter Biden's lawyers are no longer allowed to contact the federal court clerk in Delaware after they were caught pretending to represent the House of Representatives.


Hunter Biden walks along the South Lawn before the pardoning ceremony for the national Thanksgiving turkeys at the White House in Washington, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022.


Judge in Hunter Biden case bans attorneys from calling clerk after bizarre accusations

The federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s federal criminal case on Friday ordered attorneys to raise issues with her chambers, not the court clerk, after bizarre accusations of impersonation. U.S…

10:29 AM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75695

File: 1a991e9b4d46d6b⋯.png (191.42 KB,422x423,422:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260499 (290253ZJUL23) Notable: BannonWarRoom: ‘Take It Back Or Destroy It’: Liz Wheeler Explains How Public Schools Were Set Up To Indoctrinate

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‘Take It Back Or Destroy It’: Liz Wheeler Explains How Public Schools Were Set Up To Indoctrinate


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a7e61a No.75696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260501 (290254ZJUL23) Notable: Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission(YouTube vid)

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Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission

SpaceX is targeting Friday, July 28 for Falcon Heavy’s launch of the Hughes JUPITER 3 mission to a geosynchronous transfer orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The 99-minute launch window opens at 11:04 p.m. ET (03:04 UTC on July 29). A backup opportunity is available on Saturday, July 29 with the same window.

Both of the side boosters on this mission previously supported USSF-44 and USSF-67. Following stage separation, Falcon Heavy’s two side boosters will land on SpaceX’s Landing Zones 1 and 2 (LZ-1 and LZ-2) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.



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a7e61a No.75697

File: 54e79adde628cbc⋯.png (157.13 KB,426x447,142:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260508 (290255ZJUL23) Notable: BannonWarRoom: “We’ve got dead aliens, but no Epstein client list?”: Americans unimpressed with UFO hearings…

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“We’ve got dead aliens, but no Epstein client list?”: Americans unimpressed with UFO hearings…


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a7e61a No.75698

File: e28ae7383a8163a⋯.png (530.48 KB,1163x681,1163:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260526 (290302ZJUL23) Notable: Five Florida public school employees arrested for failing to report alleged sexual assault of 15-year-old girl Each of the faculty members has been "arrested" and "reassigned to positions that do not involve student contact.

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American News Jul 28, 2023

Five Florida public school employees arrested for failing to report alleged sexual assault of 15-year-old girl

Each of the faculty members has been "arrested" and "reassigned to positions that do not involve student contact."

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a7e61a No.75699

File: 12f97271de7f92b⋯.png (196.68 KB,420x567,20:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260543 (290306ZJUL23) Notable: Watch: Detransitioner's Desperate Plea to Congress: 'Enough Children Already Victimized by This Barbaric Pseudoscience'

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The ability of the transgender craze to destroy a life was laid before Congress Thursday as 19-year-old Chloe Cole told the story of her transitioning nightmare. “I used to believe that I was born in the wrong body and the adults in my life, whom I trusted, affirmed my belief...

via READ MORE https://ijr.com/watch-detransitioners-desperate-plea-congress-enough-children-already-victimized-barbaric-pseudoscience/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=IJR&utm_campaign=ifttt&utm_content=2023-07-28

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a7e61a No.75700

File: 2887c8ad3849db0⋯.jpeg (186.09 KB,1192x723,1192:723,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260565 (290311ZJUL23) Notable: Mr. Speaker!…

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Mr. Speaker!…

July 27, 2023 | Sundance

I tap my glass loudly with a spoon from the back of the room….

The House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee has a team of lawyers and staff.

Evidence in public shows the sitting president of the United States took payments from foreign business interests in a scheme to use the power of the U.S. government to influence foreign government policy and protect/enhance the business interests of the people who paid him.

To wit…. The Republicans in the House of Representatives have thousands of Joe and Hunter Biden bank records, hundreds of trace records for wire transfer statements and payments, hundreds of reported U.S. Treasury suspicious activity reports, thousands of emails and subpoenaed text messages, audio and video recordings, thousands of photographs, access to the laptop of Hunter Biden and all the content therein, documented witnesses to the activity, testimony under oath corroborating how the Bidens collected tens of millions from foreign nations as unregistered foreign agents which was subsequently laundered through 20 shell companies.

The House committee also has FBI witness reports (FD-1023) from verified and reliable Confidential Human Sources who documented the intent and purpose of the transactions, along with US government attorneys in Philadelphia who investigated and confirmed the substance of the confidential human source allegations therein. Additionally, the Republicans in Congress have sworn affidavits and testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who testified the US attorney in Delaware was working with the U.S. Dept of Justice in Washington DC to bury the results of the investigation.

Lastly, and most recently, the Republicans have a transparently corrupt federal plea agreement rejected as presented by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, because the intent of the construct was to protect the son of the President of the United States from legal exposure within the business that provided the material wealth for himself and the family of the President, providing immunity for their Foreign Agent Registration Act violations…

….And the Republican Speaker of the House is letting the Republican controlled Congress go on vacation for the next two months.

All of this,…. ALL OF THIS…. while the former Republican president and current 2024 election front-runner is being railroaded by the same Dept of Justice the Speaker refuses to confront.

(I guess the Manchurian Candidate always remained in office.)


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a7e61a No.75701

File: d697cb7b5169bbc⋯.png (263.73 KB,421x667,421:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260566 (290311ZJUL23) Notable: Passive heat therapy improves endothelial function, arterial stiffness and blood pressure in sedentary humans

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They’re really trying to cover their crimes by using climate change as the excuse.

It couldn’t seem more ridiculous if they tried. Does anyone out there actually believe this dribble?


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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a7e61a No.75702

File: 3f986d3deab3d0b⋯.jpg (118.22 KB,720x894,120:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5f00b8cc2d06862⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 948c8616c2bcc97⋯.jpg (53.33 KB,720x293,720:293,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260577 (290314ZJUL23) Notable: The Iowa affiliate of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the organizers of the RNC Lincoln Day Dinner in Des Moines, thought they would be cute by using a snarky song for the entrance music of President Donald John Trump(YouTube vid)

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This is fucked ,The Iowa GOP is crooked and corrupt


🌽Below are the music intros to each Candidate in IOWA tonight. Please listen close & see if you notice something different with President Trump's intro.

The IOWA GOP did this intentionally. #Trump2024

Wow! So there was no "Please welcome Donald Trump" and the music was a song about going to prison?

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a7e61a No.75703

File: 90ada9ba89b6ab4⋯.png (167.49 KB,490x438,245:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260603 (290322ZJUL23) Notable: Republicans Finally Going After Joe Biden’s Unconfirmed ‘Acting’ Labor Secretary

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a7e61a No.75704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260613 (290323ZJUL23) Notable: WAS GENERAL MILLEY RIGHT ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR?

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JULY 27, 2023

From a Washington Post column by Jason Willick headlined “Was Gen. Mark Milley right last year about the war in Ukraine?”:

As Ukraine’s counteroffensive struggles to make headway against fortified Russian lines, I found myself going back to remarks late last year by Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Milley spoke at the Economic Club of New York in November 2022 just as Ukrainian troops were completing the expulsion of Russian forces from the southern city of Kherson. Kyiv had stunned the world by repelling Moscow’s initial invasion — forcing Russia back to roughly the lines of control in place today — and the top U.S. general made news by floating a negotiated settlement to the war.

He compared the situation in Ukraine to World War I. Around Christmas of 1914, Milley said, “you’ve got a war that is not winnable anymore, militarily.” Yet European leaders decided they had no choice but to push for total victory. One million deaths became 20 million by the war’s end.

“Things can get worse,” Milley said, adding: “When there’s an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved, seize it. Seize the moment.”

The next week, Milley again suggested that time was ripe for negotiations. In a news conference, he said that despite Ukraine’s heroic success in driving the Russians from Kharkiv and Kherson, it would be “very difficult” to evict Russia’s army from the entire country by force. There might be an opening for political solutions, however: “You want to negotiate from a position of strength,” Milley said, and “Russia right now is on its back.”

Milley’s trial balloon fell to the ground. The Biden administration promptly distanced itself from his remarks. We don’t know whether Russia could have been open to negotiations. But even the idea of exploring a political settlement was cast in Washington policy circles as undercutting Ukraine’s goal of a total victory. Expectations for Ukraine’s prospects of pulling off a decisive counteroffensive against the remaining Russian positions in the East swelled through the winter and spring.

Powered by infusions of American arms, the offensive finally began early last month. But the hoped-for breakthrough hasn’t materialized. The military analysts Michael Kofman and Rob Lee, who recently returned from the front, describe a grinding war of attrition with entrenched Russian forces holding their ground while relatively inexperienced Ukrainian soldiers are struggling to synchronize their offensive operations.

In public, Western leaders are urging patience. Ukraine’s counteroffensive is far from over. Yet Milley’s skepticism about Ukraine’s ability to achieve total victory appears to have been widespread within the Biden administration before the counteroffensive began.

The Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Michaels reported this week that “Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons — from shells to warplanes — that it needed to dislodge Russian forces.” That tracks: In April, The Post reported on a leaked U.S. intelligence document forecasting only “modest” territorial gains for Ukraine. “Enduring Ukrainian deficiencies in training and munitions supplies probably will strain progress and exacerbate casualties during the offensive,” the document said.

If this is representative of intelligence and military assessments in government, why has the Biden administration not been quicker in providing advanced arms to Ukraine?

One answer is that there is no magical “wonder weapon” that could make a decisive difference. Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum last week, national security adviser Jake Sullivan pointed out that the high quality of air defenses on both sides have made air superiority unachievable. He said American military commanders doubt “the notion that F-16s would play a decisive role in this counteroffensive.”

Another answer is that the West is straining to meet Ukraine’s existing needs, as its military industrial base is not on a war footing. The shortage of 155mm artillery shells is apparently so bad that the Biden administration was forced to send cluster munitions to fill the gap. Sending Ukraine the Army’s ATACMS missile system — one of the last major weapons the administration is holding back — could hurt U.S. readiness elsewhere in the world.

Ukraine is still in the fight, and a Russian collapse could still happen….

But if the prospects for Ukrainian military victory are in fact remote — and if American leaders know it — then let’s hope they can show more wisdom and flexibility than the World War I leaders of whom Milley spoke last November.


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a7e61a No.75705

File: 85b1cf80a172b23⋯.png (248.2 KB,592x864,37:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260717 (290347ZJUL23) Notable: @8thPSYOPgroup: What is the “PSYWAR Center” called today?

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U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School: Seventy Years and Counting


In April 1952, with war raging on the Korean Peninsula and Cold War divides deepening globally, the U.S. Army formally established the Psychological Warfare (Psywar) Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Assigned to the Third U.S. Army, the Psywar Center absorbed all psywar-related functions and personnel previously located at Fort Riley, Kansas.

In 1986, the Center was redesignated once more, taking its current name of U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

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a7e61a No.75706

File: 8e30842e3dfec63⋯.png (1.37 MB,1600x843,1600:843,Clipboard.png)

File: dd4dccf9c9b22a4⋯.png (213.83 KB,1024x1254,512:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 256f0c351cd2c94⋯.png (159.97 KB,1040x963,1040:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260791 (290404ZJUL23) Notable: In his concurrence with the court’s majority, Thomas wrote: “Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.”

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In his concurrence with the court’s majority, Thomas wrote: “Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.”

Marxist logic holds that to defeat evil, MORE EVIL MUST BE PUT INTO PRAXIS.

Source: "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx" - Robert Tucker.


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a7e61a No.75707

File: 00942eb3bb06c6d⋯.jpg (115.41 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5733d46d9c8a52⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260809 (290407ZJUL23) Notable: Mitch got sand bagged Comms?(mp4)

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Mitch got sand bagged



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a7e61a No.75708

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260816 (290409ZJUL23) Notable: In his concurrence with the court’s majority, Thomas wrote: “Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.”

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The senior justice then turned to his junior colleague’s unsubstantiated claim that the United States is a “fundamentally racist society.”

“Rather than focusing on individuals as individuals, her dissent focuses on the historical subjugation of black Americans, invoking statistical racial gaps to argue in favor of defining and categorizing individuals by their race,” he wrote. “As she sees things, we are all inexorably trapped in a fundamentally racist society, with the original sin of slavery and the historical subjugation of black Americans still determining our lives today.


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a7e61a No.75709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260821 (290412ZJUL23) Notable: In his concurrence with the court’s majority, Thomas wrote: “Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.”

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"Thomas then noted that Jackson “builds from her faulty premise to call for action, arguing that courts should defer to ‘experts’ and allow institutions to discriminate on the basis of race. Make no mistake: Her dissent is not a vanguard of the innocent and helpless. It is instead a call to empower privileged elites, who will ‘tell us [what] is required to level the playing field’ among castes and classifications that they alone can divine.

“Then, after siloing us all into racial castes and pitting those castes against each other, the dissent somehow believes that we will be able—at some undefined point—to ‘march forward together’ into some utopian vision. Social movements that invoke these sorts of rallying cries, historically, have ended disastrously,” he noted further."


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a7e61a No.75710

File: 13af4392257543d⋯.png (251.52 KB,478x538,239:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260872 (290431ZJUL23) Notable: @8thPSYOPgroup: “We must recognize that the information warfare, the battle for the hearts and minds of the global audience, is just as heavy a priority as the military operation itself and the tactical events on the battlefield must feed the narrative.” - General James Mattis #legend #GOAT𓃵

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8th PSYOP Group (Airborne)



Jul 25

“We must recognize that the information warfare, the battle for the hearts and minds of the global audience, is just as heavy a priority as the military operation itself and the tactical events on the battlefield must feed the narrative.” - General James Mattis #legend #GOAT𓃵


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a7e61a No.75711

File: 8f31ad0c948bc21⋯.png (439 KB,885x587,885:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260884 (290436ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Loses Contact With ISS for 20 Minutes as Houston HQ Suffers Power Outage

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a7e61a No.75712

File: 2707bc3dc02907f⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,540x528,45:44,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 54ce24f990957c2⋯.png (218.49 KB,505x509,505:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 84ef0f48f01945c⋯.png (441.36 KB,591x775,591:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260941 (290458ZJUL23) Notable: Incumbent and candidates for Seattle Schoolboard identifyMoms For Libertyas "misinformation group"

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>>75481, >>75482, >>75484, >>75485 pb


Incumbent and candidates for Seattle Schoolboard identifyMoms For Libertyas "misinformation group"

Moms for Liberty Kitsap Co. WA

Uniting, educating, and empowering parents to fight for their rights in public education and all levels of government.


[video] https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty/status/1673840524640305152?s=20


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a7e61a No.75713

File: ef27ba0a1492578⋯.png (285.44 KB,598x482,299:241,Clipboard.png)

File: b3d82e0b002e992⋯.png (260.88 KB,591x672,197:224,Clipboard.png)

File: c8a624a74c53f14⋯.png (214.68 KB,514x614,257:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 66143b9ab5d17c2⋯.png (271.99 KB,523x701,523:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260950 (290502ZJUL23) Notable: Incumbent and candidates for Seattle Schoolboard identifyMoms For Libertyas "misinformation group"

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Incumbent and candidates for Seattle Schoolboard identify Moms For Liberty as "misinformation group"

Moms for Liberty Kitsap Co. WA Retweeted

"Parents are "unsafe & abusive" is currently being used as a pretext to remove children from parental custody." - @CourageHabit


"Their goal is to reach the kids. One delivery mechanism is the use of schools implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education, which often has to enter schools by a state law to force its implementation...because the reality is that many who see the actual content reject it." - @kellyske


"Learn about existing laws in WA and how they impact parental rights & your family. Learn how you can protect your children and help in the fight for parental rights." - @CLof Washington


Moms for Liberty Kitsap Co. WA Retweeted

Rogue Teacher


Jul 27

This law is what started me on the path to becoming a #homeschool advocate. This combined with the "community schools" program means #schools can involve your kid in medical treatment without your knowledge. #GetYourKidsOUT

Libs of TikTok


Jul 26

Received this from a follower in Washington. This pediatric clinic revokes parents’ access to their kid’s medical records when the kid turns 13, and says kids can make their own medical decisions.


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a7e61a No.75714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260954 (290504ZJUL23) Notable: Brain Hacking, Mind Reading & Neural Interfaces(YouTube)

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turn down volume

Brain Hacking, Mind Reading & Neural Interfaces

At one point he says they put a chip in a rat and taught it how to have to do all these complex things in order to get to eat (gawd, I hate these people.. a monkey accidentally broke its back too but thankfully, they were there to help it n put in a brain chip) anyway, after the rat took weeks to learn how to get the food, the hooked it up to the internet n had another rat far away with a brain chip and the info was downloaded and the 2nd rat knew what to do to get the food right away. I stopped listening bc I hate these pos and it blows my mind to think about how people can do shit to animals. My gawd. I'm tripping tfo on this God and devil shit. Like it feels like only God can fix it for real. And people plan on keeping on going along with this shit.


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a7e61a No.75715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260958 (290505ZJUL23) Notable: The Iowa affiliate of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the organizers of the RNC Lincoln Day Dinner in Des Moines, thought they would be cute by using a snarky song for the entrance music of President Donald John Trump(YouTube vid)

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The Iowa affiliate of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the organizers of the RNC Lincoln Day Dinner in Des Moines, thought they would be cute by using a snarky song for the entrance music of President Donald John Trump.

Relax, we got this. There are more of us than them, and they hate us for it. Their efforts are laughable and will backfire as base voters are wide-eyed and awake to the Machiavellian constructs the RNC is famous for in their quest to control the illusion of choice. The RNC is as fake and phony as the astroturf under the feet of their manufactured candidates. Here’s President Trump’s speech.



Seems like a great time for everyone to stop giving any money to the RNC. They have no interest in Making American Great Again.

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a7e61a No.75716

File: dddf9d3c8eb2169⋯.jpg (149.36 KB,720x1021,720:1021,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d81f40742a4be2a⋯.mp4 (6.81 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19260965 (290507ZJUL23) Notable: Team Trump Iowa office visit in Des Moines!(mp4)

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Flickering /changing light at beginning is odd


Team Trump Iowa office visit in Des Moines!

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a7e61a No.75717

File: 1781e79131faadb⋯.png (280.65 KB,515x505,103:101,Clipboard.png)

File: fb7051c2c056932⋯.png (30.4 KB,994x186,497:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261075 (290600ZJUL23) Notable: Anon's Opinion: we are all energy, part of the greater whole, and nothing is real except our consciousness

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Q says we "were chosen for a reason"

God chose us to be here in this time and place because each of us is truly special, uniquely and as part of the whole; we each bring something to this battle in order for Good to triumph over Evil.

some meme, some cheerlead, some shitpost to keep spirits up, some are diggers, some are graphic designers, some are twat/social anons, some are archivers, some are devs who have created websites for our archives and records, oldfags help newfags, and the list goes on...and on... and on.

But it's relevant because each of us contributes in our own way to this war. We learned / comprehended the gravity of what was happening with confirmation from Q, and each of us figured out how we can contribute to stop [them] from winning.

there's that 144,000 thing, too, if we want to take the Bible's prophesy..

Q said "you and your families are safe", talking to us

I've said for a while now, I think we are in the middle/end of Revelation, got laughed at by a Baptist preacher.. took it as a badge of honor.

but who knows!

mebbe the simulation is about to get another reboot kek

honestly, I think this controlled "world" we live in is absolutely NOTHING like we think it is, we live in a fishbowl that is controlled by our own minds..

yes, they have molded and influenced our minds, so in many ways they control us, but in the end, we ARE free beings, and we always have a choice whether to let them affect us or not

all it takes is to reject it and start searching for the truth..

then they have zero power over you

the "world" we are born into is a fake world created as a controlled prison, by them, just for us

from the moment you're born, you're told how this world works, how to behave, etc. - the "rules" of literally everything, what's possible and what's not

if you woke up 6 thousand years ago, your "world" would be completely different than today and your "rules" completely different

it's all relative

the quest for the TRUTH about the NATURE and MEANING of this WORLD and where WE fit into it, is ultimately at the heart of the Great Awakening

somehow our thoughts form this world and shape our experience...

how sad if we're literally plugged into the matrix, in a single player game with all NPC interactions generated our own electrical brain signals!

ultimately, though...

we are all energy, part of the greater whole, and nothing is real except our consciousness

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a7e61a No.75718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261088 (290610ZJUL23) Notable: LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number. For those of you who don't know but at the very bottom of this article the attorney who authored this article is John Wayne's daughter, Aissa Wayne, also a USC graduate.

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Very interesting indeed! Check this out!!

LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number

For those of you who don't know but at the very bottom of this article the attorney who authored this article is John Wayne's daughter, Aissa Wayne, also a USC graduate.

Well, Well, Well, it looks like someone thoroughly checked this out! I was wondering who was going to do research into President Obama's Social Security number.

Jean Paul Ludwig or Barack Hussein Obama? S . S . N#042-68-4425

WOW, read this, it's short - very interesting.

An intensive 6-year investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security Number (SSN) is being used by President Obama.

Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in France in 1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (President Obama's current SSN) rec'd on or about March 1977.

Mr. Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut. Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits 042, which are among only a select few reserved for Connecticut residents.

Barack H. Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!

Now comes the best part! J. P. Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii, where he died.

Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.

The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig's death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and therefore, no questions were ever raised.

The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a U.S. Citizen, either because he was born in Kenya, or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro, simply scoured the probate records, until she found someone, who died who was not receiving Social Security benefits, and selected Mr. Ludwig’ s Connecticut SSN for her grandson, Barry Obama.

Just wait until the head Birther himself, Donald Trump, gets past the birth certificate and onto the issue of Barry O's use of a stolen SSN. You will see leftist heads exploding, because they will have no way of Defending Obama.


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a7e61a No.75719

File: b0ec016b02ecd7a⋯.jpg (99.2 KB,900x439,900:439,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261101 (290632ZJUL23) Notable: #23656

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Old Dough


e-baker out

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a7e61a No.75720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261116 (290641ZJUL23) Notable: Burning Ship’s Operator Says Almost 500 EVs Are on Board

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don't know if anons have heard about the ship near the coast of Netherlands that is still burning with 1 crew member dead. First they said it was 5 electric cars, then 25 and now ...

Burning Ship’s Operator Says Almost 500 EVs Are on Board

-Number of electric cars is much higher than previously known

-Battery fires burn hot and can be difficult to extinguish


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a7e61a No.75721

File: 573eb3317a107d0⋯.png (343.49 KB,942x589,942:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261119 (290643ZJUL23) Notable: Burning Ship’s Operator Says Almost 500 EVs Are on Board

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a7e61a No.75722

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261138 (290649ZJUL23) Notable: Canada is run by the Monarchy it is not a democracy never was!

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Canada is run by the Monarchy it is not a democracy never was!

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a7e61a No.75723

File: 1cf3eeb24e96174⋯.png (197.41 KB,920x1268,230:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261151 (290654ZJUL23) Notable: Passive heat therapy improves endothelial function, arterial stiffness and blood pressure in sedentary humans

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A rebuttal

Passive heat therapy improves endothelial function, arterial stiffness and blood pressure in sedentary humans


The majority of cardiovascular diseases are characterized by disorders of the arteries, predominantly caused by endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffening. Intermittent hot water immersion (‘heat therapy’) results in elevations in core temperature and changes in cardiovascular haemodynamics, such as cardiac output and vascular shear stress, that are similar to exercise, and thus may provide an alternative means of improving health which could be utilized by patients with low exercise tolerance and/or capabilities. We sought to comprehensively assess the effects of 8 weeks of heat therapy on biomarkers of vascular function in young, sedentary subjects. Twenty young, sedentary subjects were assigned to participate in 8 weeks (4–5 times per week) of heat therapy (n = 10; immersion in a 40.5°C bath sufficient to maintain rectal temperature ≥ 38.5°C for 60 min per session) or thermoneutral water immersion (n = 10; sham). Eight weeks of heat therapy increased flow‐mediated dilatation from 5.6 ± 0.3 to 10.9 ± 1.0% (P

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a7e61a No.75724

File: d7f7b62adfa4797⋯.jpg (95.85 KB,863x575,863:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261153 (290655ZJUL23) Notable: Los Angeles County beat expectations when it managed to move 274 youth to the newly renovated Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in Downey

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July 24: "Los Angeles County beat expectations when it managed to move 274 youth to the newly renovated Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in Downey on a narrow two-month schedule, but now the county has an even more momentous task before it: keeping Los Padrinos from getting shut down, too. The recent discovery of a gun on site just days after youth moved in and the poor conditions witnessed by visitors over the weekend suggest the move hasn’t resolved many of the deficiencies that forced the state to shutter Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall in Sylmar and Central Juvenile Hall in Lincoln Heights. The Probation Department declined to answer questions about the firearm found on Friday, July 21, or its origins, and would only provide a statement indicating that the gun was found in “an area accessible only to staff.”


July 28: "Over a dozen inmates may have allegedly escaped from a Los Angeles County juvenile facility, a source tells FOX 11. The Downey Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a call from the Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in Downey late Friday night. A source told FOX 11 that a group of inmates tried to leave the juvenile facility, with some of the juveniles trying to scale the facility's walls. At least one of the inmates trying to escape was brought back to custody, the source told FOX 11."


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a7e61a No.75725

File: ad5c0ea34abb449⋯.png (718.63 KB,907x858,907:858,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261159 (290658ZJUL23) Notable: Burning Ship’s Operator Says Almost 500 EVs Are on Board

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Bloomberg article is behind paywall, here's another.



K Line, the company that chartered the ship, said Friday that it was carrying far more electric vehicles than initially reported by the coast guard.

Company spokesman Pat Adamson said the ship was carrying a total of 3,783 new vehicles,including 498 electric vehicles. The coast guard, citing an early freight list, had said it was carrying 2,857 cars, including 25 electric cars.

Adamson said K Line didn't know the source of the initial lower number.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board has warned about the possible dangers of electric vehicle battery fires, a hazard that stems from thermal runaway, a chemical reaction that causes uncontrolled battery temperature and pressure increases.....

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a7e61a No.75726

File: b94ebda0090c384⋯.png (1.27 MB,1490x1112,745:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261177 (290714ZJUL23) Notable: Maj. Gen. Anthony Potts, 59, piloted the Piper PA-28 Cherokee airplane when he crashed in Havre de Grace, Maryland

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Army general killed in single-engine plane crash in Maryland

...Maj. Gen. Anthony Potts, 59, piloted the Piper PA-28 Cherokee airplane when he crashed in Havre de Grace, Maryland — less than 75 miles outside of Washington, DC, Military.com reported.


Potts’ death comes days after three US Marines were found dead in a car at a North Carolina gas station on Sunday morning. ...



Maj. Gen. Anthony Potts, who recently oversaw the Army's Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical, or PEO C3T, died when the single-engine Piper PA-28 Cherokee airplane he was piloting crashed in Havre de Grace, Maryland. He was the only person in the craft.


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a7e61a No.75727

File: 13940ef2bcb1a12⋯.jpeg (873.08 KB,1300x1433,1300:1433,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261179 (290714ZJUL23) Notable: most of 100M people who signed up for "Theads" quite using it

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a7e61a No.75728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261189 (290721ZJUL23) Notable: Suspected arsonist caught starting wildfire in Italy by police drone

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Suspected arsonist caught starting wildfire in Italy by police drone

Authorities in Italy have released drone footage said to show a suspected arsonist in action in the Calabria region, as firefighters continue to battle wildfires across the south.

Searing temperatures have scorched Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria, where dozens of fires have broken out and multiple evacuations have been ordered.

The president of the Calabria region, Roberto Occhiuto, vowed to take action against such arsonists, adding that 22 suspected arsonists had been caught via drone surveillance last year.

In the footage he released, the suspect can be seen in a woodland area, before throwing rocks at the drone.



read somewhere else that 6 / 10 wildfires are started by started by arson

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a7e61a No.75729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261193 (290726ZJUL23) Notable: The Next Frontier for Warfighters Might Be Implants in Their Brains. Is the Pentagon Ready for the Consequences?

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The Next Frontier for Warfighters Might Be Implants in Their Brains. Is the Pentagon Ready for the Consequences?

A year later, in 2019, a report from the Army's Combat Capabilities Development Command predicted that brain enhancement technology, particularly in the form of implants, could be common by 2030.

"As this technology matures, it is anticipated that specialized operators will be using neural implants for enhanced operation of assets by the year 2030," the report details. "These operators will include teams from the Special Forces, military pilots, operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) such as drones, and intelligence personnel."

That means that in less than a decade, if the technology experts are right, the Pentagon could be using brain implants for troops, special operators and pilots to be connected to technology.

But while the technology is advancing, neuroethicists, futurists and medical researchers are asking whether the military is ready for the responsibilities entailed with messing around in people's heads. These experts have told Military.com in more than a dozen interviews that the brain is so incredibly complicated and the technology is so new that we don't fully understand the implications.

"The brain is, arguably and ironically, the most complex, least understood technology that there is, and that is the fundamental problem and opportunity that we're wrestling with here," Peter Singer, a scholar on 21st century military technology and an author who focuses on the future of warfare, told Military.com in an interview.

If DARPA's technology ever becomes a device that is implanted in the brain of a warfighter, what responsibility would the government have for maintaining that technology? Will the Department of Veterans Affairs be servicing degrading brain implants for decades after young Americans take off the uniform? Will mental health or cognitive disorders emerge decades from now, and will those who suffer them receive care?

"I would say the government has a huge responsibility," Dr. Paul Appelbaum, one of the country's leading scholars in legal and ethical issues in the medical field, told Military.com. "They have introduced into this person's head whether they've done it invasively or noninvasively a technology that was designed to change their brain function. And by intervening in that way, I think they have created a responsibility to follow these people down the road and try to ensure that adverse consequences don't result from their participation."


So much moar a link

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a7e61a No.75730

File: a5ad147f0a5cbef⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1574x2100,787:1050,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261210 (290747ZJUL23) Notable: OPTIC — RFK probably will be Trump’s VP for 2024, it makes perfect sense… anon opines

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OPTIC — RFK probably will be Trump’s VP for 2024, it makes perfect sense…

REALITY — RFK has spent years bashing Donald Trump and seeks to defeat him.

1. RFK has stated “UNDER NO

CIRCUMSTANCES will I join Donald Trump on an electoral ticket.”

2. “Let the children suffocate. That is the vicious message from President Trump.”

3. “6 Ways Trump Continues His Assault on the Planet”

4. “@realDonaldTrump is destroying the planet.”

5. “My latest in @Newsweek: "#Trump himself is the latest trauma and his presidency has not just discredited our nation, but the entire American experiment in self government."

6. “Trumps war on children continues.”

7. “President Donald #Trump has tarnished the reputation of the U.S. around the world. He is a bully and it's destroying so much about the things about #America that I admire.”

I just destroyed the narrative you all are peddling.

On to the next psyop.

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a7e61a No.75731

File: 41392275d4a5148⋯.png (381.42 KB,1178x723,1178:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261226 (290801ZJUL23) Notable: Governor Noem revs up South Dakota’s economic engine through NASCAR

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Governor Noem revs up South Dakota’s economic engine through NASCAR

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Governor Kristi Noem is putting South Dakota in the fast lane when it comes to filling jobs.

Thursday she announced her “Freedom Works Here” advertising campaign is partnering with Live Fast Motorsports to sponsor a NASCAR race car.

Noem is revving up South Dakota’s economic engine through NASCAR.

Her ‘Freedom Works Here’ campaign will be one of the sponsors wrapped on BJ McLeod’s Chevy Camaro when he races this Sunday during the 2023 NASCAR Cup Series at Richmond, Virginia.

“We looked at sponsoring NASCAR races before and partnering with teams in the past, because a lot of that demographic is who we are talking to,” Noem said.

It’s the latest effort in a $5 million dollar advertising campaign to reach people from other states and convince them to move here to work.

“For the last two years what I heard every single day from people in our state is we can’t get workers,” Noem said.

Noem says more than 3,500 people from every state have applied to move to South Dakota.

675 of those are in the final stages of moving here.

“Staff from across the state are helping folks from across the country explore the opportunities that are available right here in South Dakota,” South Dakota Labor Secretary Marcia Hultman said.

The Labor Secretary says the campaign is working.

“I’ve been involved with the Department of Labor for 26 years and I’ve been a part of a lot of marketing and recruitment efforts and the numbers we’ve seen are surpassing anything we’ve ever seen before,” Hultman said.

Governor Noem says during the pandemic, other states shutdown, but South Dakota remained open and that’s when the state began running the ‘Freedom Works Here’ ads.

“It was such a dark time in our country and people said to me over and over again, when I saw those South Dakota ads come on tv it was so refreshing and different I just wanted to come I wanted to bring my kids and I wanted to come visit and many of those people who came to visit in 2020, they went home and packed up their families and moved here, yup, that’s you? Alright I love it, we’re glad you’re here,” Noem said.

BJ McLeod’s car is number 78 that you can see Sunday and later when NASCAR goes to Bristol.

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a7e61a No.75732

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261263 (290842ZJUL23) Notable: FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump in Des Moines, IA -

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FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump in Des Moines, IA - 7/28/23

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a7e61a No.75733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261275 (290856ZJUL23) Notable: #23655-A posted in #23656

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For incoming baker

notetaker lb note


#23655-A >>75670

>>75671 Residents of Woodlawn, Chicago Vent Anger at Leaders Over Illegal Immigrants: ‘They Rob us, They Harass us’

>>75672, >>75705 @8thPSYOPgroup: What is the “PSYWAR Center” called today?

>>75673 @bennyjohnson: Chills watching this. Just watch. Prophecy:(mp4)

>>75674 @GenFlynn: The more we learn about how the Chinese are freely operating here inside of America, the more every single American should be pissed.

>>75675 @disclosetv: US sends $345 million in weapons to Taiwan

>>75676 @KanekoaTheGreat: In 2018, Hunter Biden paid a Russian pimp $25,000 from Joe Biden's bank account, causing the Secret Service to frantically rush to his hotel

>>75677, >>75678, >>75683, >>75689 Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next Ten Days While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump

>>75679 Hunter Biden Remains a ‘Good Standing’ D.C. Bar Member despite evidence of illicit activities and court proceedings

>>75680 The scandal engulfing Hunter Biden is now so grave even America's Left-wing media can't ignore it any longer as claims of $5million bribes, drugs and prostitutes surround the President's wayward son

>>75681 Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports on the Bidens

>>75682 Tucker Carlson's BRUTALLY Honest Interview With Ice Cube (2023)(YouTube vid)

>>75684 @KanekoaTheGreat: In January 2022, a Rasmussen poll revealed that about 40% of Democrats supported imprisoning the unvaccinated, implementing quarantine camps, and separating children from them. How do you explain this cognitive dissonance?

>>75685 Mar-A-Lago - PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS case Judge set Pre-Trial Hearing for May 14, 2024(4 yr delta QPOST 4243)

>>75686 In Tune With Freedom: Independent Musicians Amplify Voices of the Vaccine Injured, Echoing Eric Clapton's Brave Testimony

>>75687 On Russell Brand's podcast, Oliver Stone admits that he voted for Joe Biden but now regrets it

>>75688 Polish Army responds to Wagner deployment

>>75690 Kash Patel ReTruthed: @poldersoldworldmarket: Thank you so much to everyone that voted in the #KashPolderArtChallenge this past week! The winning piece of art is Ride Through the Storm by @maryelizabethpolder_art!

>>75691 @realDonaldTrump: GREAT visit this evening in IOWA with TEAM TRUMP. Thank you for everything you’re all doing! MAGA!!!(17 words)

>>75692 @gatewaypundit: Transgender Seeks Euthanasia in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication


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a7e61a No.75734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261276 (290857ZJUL23) Notable: #23655-A posted in #23656

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#23655-B' >>75670

>>75693 @RaheemKassam: WATCH: CIA Candidate Will Hurd Booed Off Stage After Trump Jab

>>75694 @amuse: SHOCK: Hunter Biden's lawyers are no longer allowed to contact the federal court clerk in Delaware after they were caught pretending to represent the House of Representatives

>>75695 BannonWarRoom: ‘Take It Back Or Destroy It’: Liz Wheeler Explains How Public Schools Were Set Up To Indoctrinate

>>75696 Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission(YouTube vid)

>>75697 BannonWarRoom: “We’ve got dead aliens, but no Epstein client list?”: Americans unimpressed with UFO hearings…

>>75698 Five Florida public school employees arrested for failing to report alleged sexual assault of 15-year-old girl Each of the faculty members has been "arrested" and "reassigned to positions that do not involve student contact.

>>75699 Watch: Detransitioner's Desperate Plea to Congress: 'Enough Children Already Victimized by This Barbaric Pseudoscience'

>>75700 Mr. Speaker!…

>>75701 They’re really trying to cover their crimes by using climate change as the excuse

>>75702, >>75715 The Iowa affiliate of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the organizers of the RNC Lincoln Day Dinner in Des Moines, thought they would be cute by using a snarky song for the entrance music of President Donald John Trump(YouTube vid)

>>75703 Republicans Finally Going After Joe Biden’s Unconfirmed ‘Acting’ Labor Secretary


>>75706, >>75708, >>75709 In his concurrence with the court’s majority, Thomas wrote: “Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.”

>>75707 Mitch got sand bagged Comms?(mp4)

>>75710 @8thPSYOPgroup: “We must recognize that the information warfare, the battle for the hearts and minds of the global audience, is just as heavy a priority as the military operation itself and the tactical events on the battlefield must feed the narrative.” - General James Mattis #legend #GOAT𓃵

>>75711 NASA Loses Contact With ISS for 20 Minutes as Houston HQ Suffers Power Outage

>>75712, >>75713 Incumbent and candidates for Seattle Schoolboard identifyMoms For Libertyas "misinformation group"

>>75714 Brain Hacking, Mind Reading & Neural Interfaces(YouTube)

>>75716 Team Trump Iowa office visit in Des Moines!(mp4)

>>75717 Anon's Opinion: we are all energy, part of the greater whole, and nothing is real except our consciousness

>>75718 LAW OFFICES OF AISSA WAYNE (John Wayne's Daughter) Obama's SS Number. For those of you who don't know but at the very bottom of this article the attorney who authored this article is John Wayne's daughter, Aissa Wayne, also a USC graduate.


Anons, please check it out.

Let me know if I'm missing something.

If anything is unnecessary, I will correct it.

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a7e61a No.75735

File: c58a26891ddb216⋯.jpg (76.95 KB,592x333,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261296 (290914ZJUL23) Notable: Burning Ship’s Operator Says Almost 500 EVs Are on Board

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Here in England, many millions of people use either a passenger/car ferry, or the channel tunnel train link to take their cars to and from Europe. Many millions of heavy goods vehicles also use them to cross the English and Irish channels while transporting freight.

Lots of people, myself included, are wanting these EV's banned from being transported by either of these methods!

When one of these catches fire on a ship with 1000+ passengers, or in the middle of a 21 mile undersea tunnel, then there are going to be potentially hundreds of deaths.

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a7e61a No.75736

File: 429d575c97170f1⋯.png (215.12 KB,600x508,150:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261430 (291024ZJUL23) Notable: Trump in Iowa: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states."

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Insider Paper


WATCH 🚨 Trump in Iowa: "I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states."


Nicholas Franklin

10:50 PM · Jul 28, 2023




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a7e61a No.75737

File: e711bd0449be16b⋯.png (131.27 KB,852x948,71:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261440 (291030ZJUL23) Notable: Climate BS substack

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Substack, by Jeff Childers

Posted By: Judy W., 7/29/2023 6:24:30 AM

This morning I take a crack at debunking the climate narrative and you won’t believe what they haven’t been telling us (Snip) Surely you’ve seen all the climate hysteria lately, and probably seen lots of counter argument. But there are some things they haven’t been telling us, that are in themselves complete explanations for any increased world temperatures we might be living through this summer. It’s not carbon dioxide, as crypto-marxist, faux protest group “Extinction Rebellion” wants you to think: Let’s meet the historic, record-shattering Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption of 2022, which I bet you never heard of.

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a7e61a No.75738

File: 976dc2983a28b3f⋯.png (109.71 KB,626x783,626:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261442 (291031ZJUL23) Notable: So what happened to Obama’s chef?

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So what happened to Obama’s chef?

A, by Susan Daniels

Posted By: Magnante, 7/29/2023 5:14:33 AM

Barack Obama was “heartbroken” over the drowning of his chef Tafari Campbell, but has said nary a word about him since he drowned on Sunday. Sasha and Malia Obama flew off to California on Tuesday and Michelle, appropriately dressed in black, played tennis on Wednesday “but only for an hour.” (snip) There has been no obituary for Tafari in any paper, no notification of a funeral - not even in his hometown paper of Dumfries, VA. (snip) Edgartown, MA police still have not identified the 911 caller, but one story revealed that it was a female.

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a7e61a No.75739

File: ea1927b66d025da⋯.png (948.99 KB,1123x867,1123:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261450 (291033ZJUL23) Notable: Senate Democrats Kill Republican Amendment to Only Fly the American Flag Over Government Buildings

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Senate Democrats Kill Republican Amendment

to Only Fly the American Flag Over Government Buildings

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 7/29/2023 2:42:38 AM

Senate Republicans recently introduced a measure which would forbid the flying of any flag except the American flag over government buildings. Only ONE Democrat voted for it and it missed passage by just one vote. The Democrats voted against this for obvious reasons. The LGBT lobby wields a massive amount of power in the Democrat party, and Senate Democrats know who their masters are. Congratulations to Senator Joe Manchin for being the sole Dem vote.(Snip) On Thursday, Senate Democrats voted against a Republican-introduced measure that would have forbidden the federal government from flying any flag other than the American flag over government buildings. As Fox News reports, the measure in question

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a7e61a No.75740

File: b98c26b26e7cee8⋯.png (199.04 KB,1113x647,1113:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261461 (291037ZJUL23) Notable: Whistleblower: Biden Crime Family Possibly Joe Biden Himself Are Hiding Money in Offshore Bank Accounts

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Whistleblower: Biden Crime Family –

Possibly Joe Biden Himself – Are Hiding

Money in Offshore Bank Accounts

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 7/29/2023 2:14:32 AM

The Biden Crime Family – and possibly Joe Biden himself – are hiding money in offshore bank accounts. Fox News host Jesse Watters reported IRS whistleblowers have documents suggesting the Biden Crime Family has offshore bank accounts. “With Joe [Biden], I suspect there are offshore accounts,” House Oversight Chairman James Comer said on Thursday. James Comer also revealed that six major banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, had submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports (SARs) to the Treasury Department, all concerning alleged criminal behavior by the Biden crime family.

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a7e61a No.75741

File: ffb5c10367503d8⋯.png (519.54 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261463 (291039ZJUL23) Notable: Russia announces ‘temporary’ ban on rice exports

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Russia announces ‘temporary’ ban on rice exports

The measure is aimed at stabilising the domestic market, the government says

Russia has suspended exports of rice until the end of the year to support the internal market, the government announced on Wednesday.

“The government has imposed a temporary ban on the export of raw and processed rice. The restriction will be in effect until December 31, 2023,” the statement posted Telegram said. “The decision was made to maintain stability on the domestic market.”

The ban does not apply other members of the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) or South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Moreover, rice can still be shipped abroad for humanitarian aid, or transited through Russian territory.

Earlier this week India, the world’s biggest rice exporter, adopted a similar measure, banning overseas sales of non-basmati white rice. New Delhi said the move would “ensure adequate availability” and “allay the rise in prices in the domestic market.”


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a7e61a No.75742

File: 9a7f4cd23d8f3ca⋯.png (349.78 KB,694x617,694:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 7468517c610505f⋯.png (248.31 KB,448x305,448:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261464 (291040ZJUL23) Notable: Watch: Biden Forgets to Sign Executive Order After Delivering Remarks

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Watch: Biden Forgets to Sign Executive

Order After Delivering Remarks

Breitbart, by Nick Gilbertson

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/29/2023 12:18:45 AM

President Joe Biden forgot to sign an executive order as “The Washington Post March” was playing him out after he delivered remarks on “Bidenomics” in Auburn, Maine, on Friday. “God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Thank you very much,” Biden concluded before going to shake hands. After a few moments, Biden made his way away from the crowd and said, “I’m coming back to shake your hands, but I forgot to sign the order. All that talk and no action.” The executive order is on “federal research and support of domestic manufacturing in the United States,” he said.

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a7e61a No.75743

File: b97aa442cecc5e3⋯.png (185.41 KB,443x445,443:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d7cada5e499933⋯.png (93.13 KB,600x372,50:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261475 (291043ZJUL23) Notable: Musk's rebrand of Twitter is in full swing as a giant X sign appeared on the roof of the former Twitter HQ in San Francisco

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NEW - Elon Musk's rebrand of Twitter is in full swing as a giant X sign appeared on the roof of the former Twitter HQ in San Francisco on Friday night.

San Francisco authorities have filed a complaint and initiated an investigation over the giant X symbol installed on the roof of the X headquarters.


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a7e61a No.75744

File: 82e47ebe68fda17⋯.png (27.2 KB,797x273,797:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261493 (291054ZJUL23) Notable: A Secret Chinese Medical Lab That Ran Covid-19 Experiments is Discovered in California???

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A Secret Chinese Medical Lab That Ran Covid-19 Experiments is Discovered in California

by Kyle BeckerJuly 29, 2023

The array of pathogens discovered at the illegal facility is unsettling. As the MidValley Times reported, “From May 2 through May 4, the CDC’s Division of Select Agents and Toxins inspected 850 I Street. Court documents confirm the CDC found potentially infectious agents at the location. These included both bacterial and viral agents, including: chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5 and rubella. The CDC also found samples of malaria.”

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a7e61a No.75745

File: 9707629d89b301e⋯.png (192.12 KB,419x571,419:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261501 (291058ZJUL23) Notable: Steve Bannon: Political Commissars Now for the Military—This is Exactly How They Take Control

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Steve Bannon: Political Commissars Now for the Military—This is Exactly How They Take Control

Biden signs historic order moving prosecution of military sexual assault outside chain of command - CNN Politics



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a7e61a No.75746

File: 1c7d13a97e447f2⋯.png (109.48 KB,473x382,473:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261526 (291112ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “TRUMP LAYS OUT THE KEY POLICIES OF HIS 2024 CAMPAIGN IN TEN AMAZING MINUTES”

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Donald J. Trump



Trump lays out the key policies of his 2024 campaign in TEN amazing minutes

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump took a rapid-fire approach to his anticipated speech that was delivered at the Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines on Friday evening. He highlighted his successful…

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

Jul 29, 2023, 12:42 AM


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a7e61a No.75747

File: da6ef3aaca7b3cf⋯.png (15.27 KB,473x154,43:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261530 (291113ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Just got back from Iowa. It was a great evening. Big Poll numbers, amazing people!

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Donald J. Trump


Just got back from Iowa. It was a great evening. Big Poll numbers, amazing people!

Jul 29, 2023, 2:23 AM


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a7e61a No.75748

File: 623c73d1b93aa6f⋯.png (2.54 MB,1436x790,718:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261554 (291125ZJUL23) Notable: Beattie: While Russia and China ban all transvestite activity, bloodthirsty US trans generals are leading us into war

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Beattie: While Russia and China ban all transvestite activity, bloodthirsty US trans generals are leading us into war

As our country descends into a wasteland of twisted sexual perversion, mental illness, and child mutilation, countries like China and Russia are taking a completely different approach. Rather than embracing mental illness and child abuse, Putin and Xi are swiftly and decisively halting the rise of the trans movement. As pointed out Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, while China and Russia are taking bold steps to stop the dangerous gender psyop, bloodthirsty cross-dressing generals in the U.S. military, along with their trusty defense contractors, are gleefully leading us straight into war.

President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a controversial law that bans legal and surgical sex changes, a move that deprives transgender Russians of the right to access gender-affirming services.

The law, which makes “medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person” and “the state registration of a change of gender without an operation” illegal, was swiftly passed by both houses of the Russian parliament earlier this month.

The law also bans individuals who have undergone gender reassignment from adopting children and annuls marriages in which one of the partners is transgender.

It enters into force immediately.


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a7e61a No.75749

File: 266a98631cbab57⋯.png (1.41 MB,1140x1834,570:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261559 (291127ZJUL23) Notable: PF ADVIC21 over Delaware

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ADVIC21 over Delaware


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a7e61a No.75750

File: 450cc8dc67130f2⋯.png (268.97 KB,614x563,614:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261563 (291128ZJUL23) Notable: New water deluge system to protect against the immense heat & force of Starship launch

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New water deluge system to protect against the immense heat & force of Starship launch

Watch the water.

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a7e61a No.75751

File: 13c8a9d9b420b8e⋯.png (548.29 KB,1068x845,1068:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261579 (291133ZJUL23) Notable: Early Access Helen Joyce on transgenderism, ideology and reality

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Early Access

Helen Joyce on transgenderism, ideology and reality

JermBy Jerm29 Jul 2023Updated:29 Jul 2023

Delving into the postmodernist mindset, words are seen as creating reality.

This perspective is dangerous, discourages debate and promotes a culture of ‘no debate’ in which reality is dismissed outright without consideration. This approach stifles the pursuit of truth and prevents meaningful dialogue.

Furthermore, the concept of ‘sex assigned at birth’ is not only misleading, it’s nonsensical.

Sex is determined at conception and is not something that can be assigned or changed.

As an example, the societal implications of the ‘trans’ movement, particularly in relation to sports, are concerning. The fairness of allowing men, who ‘identify’ as women, to compete in women’s sports is a slippery slope. It is obviously not fair to allow a man, pretending to be a woman, to enter a boxing ring to fight against a woman.

It is based on a moral stance that prioritises the inclusion of ‘trans’ individuals over the integrity of women’s sports.

And it ultimately harms women.

In fact, it harms everything.

Helen Joyce is a journalist and author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality.

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a7e61a No.75752

File: 21b14b2947b867f⋯.jpeg (707.14 KB,1170x1336,585:668,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261591 (291138ZJUL23) Notable: Nuff Said?!?!

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MEGHAN MCCAIN: The chilling UFO encounter when I was just 12 that made me a believer - and why I'm so relieved Congress is finally searching for the truth


No one living in or around Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997, could possibly forget the night we all witnessed something in the skies we couldn't explain.

She told my mom, Cindy, that strange objects had been spotted hovering over the city.

After they hung up, the phone kept ringing off the hook.

Friends and neighbors were trying to get a hold of my mother. They wanted to know if she was seeing what they were seeing.

At first, mom wasn't sure how to react. My dad was away in Washington D.C., and she didn't want to terrify a house full of kids, especially, right before bedtime.

Eventually, she allowed me and my brothers to go out to the yard to take a look for ourselves.

And there it was. Giant, bright objects floating in a straight line in the distance.

Even today, it is hard to explain, and there are varying descriptions of what happened over Phoenix between approximately 7:30 PM and 10:30 PM.

But there are hundreds of videos and news reports documenting the incident.

See it for yourself.

The first sighting was of an impossibly huge V-shaped object with five spherical lights flying from north to south.


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a7e61a No.75753

File: e803b5f3f6a3581⋯.png (873.82 KB,1170x1574,585:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261633 (291152ZJUL23) Notable: X

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𝕏 removed bot and spam accounts

𝕏 removed child sex trafficking accounts

𝕏 revealed government unconstitutional interference

𝕏 decreased hate speech

𝕏 restored freedom of speech

𝕏 added a ton of cool new features

𝕏 is flourishing

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a7e61a No.75754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261651 (291205ZJUL23) Notable: Walter Cronkite-"I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan"/NWO/killery too

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Walter Cronkite-"I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan"

Walter Cronkite speech @ World Federalist Association upon receiving the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award, on October 19, 1999, at the UN Delegates Dining Room

1min 30 sec

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a7e61a No.75755

File: 945368c95816225⋯.jpeg (425.61 KB,892x2578,446:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 945368c95816225⋯.jpeg (425.61 KB,892x2578,446:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 47e1d0d666a553d⋯.jpg (29.16 KB,611x640,611:640,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0521f106d45ff7e⋯.jpg (77.52 KB,600x391,600:391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261665 (291216ZJUL23) Notable: Walter Cronkite-"I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan"/NWO/killery too

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AND, Hillary Clinton spoke there as well.


October 19, 1999 – Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite call for a global government

(…) In October 1999, former CBS anchor Walter Cronkite and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton addressed the society at the United Nations building in New York, where Cronkite received the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award.

Below are links that are worth exploring–and re-examining–about the involvement of Cronkite and Hillary in the growing movement to establish a “global democracy,” a plan that would make all nations subordinate to a world court, a world legislative body, and a world executive.

The global federation would include a global standing army and global taxation.

In his speech, Cronkite stressed that the creation of a world federation of this kind will require the United States to give up some of its sovereignty–much as America’s individual states did at the time of the founding of our country.

The following are excerpts from Cronkite’s remarks (with emphasis added):

“Those of us who are living today can influence the future of civilization. We can influence whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether through a monumental educational and political effort we will achieve a world of peace under a system of law where individual violators of that law are brought to justice. . . . “

“While we spend much of our time and a great deal of our treasure in preparing for war, we see no comparable effort to establish a lasting peace. Meanwhile, . . . those advocates who work for world peace by urging a system of world government are called impractical dreamers. Those impractical dreamers are entitled to ask their critics what is so practical about war.”

“It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict, we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace.”

“To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.”

“But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect [federal] unions the world has ever seen.”

First Lady Hillary Clinton introduced Cronkite to the group, hailing him for “inspiring all of us to build a more peaceful and just world.”

(Renew America, 5/24/2005) (Archive)

20 years later:

“The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic “national interests”U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Thursday, as he lamented existing U.N. instruments such as the Security Council have teeth but “show little or no appetite to bite.


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a7e61a No.75756

File: ac16d1fddb8a0f8⋯.png (399.66 KB,586x818,293:409,Clipboard.png)

File: d14677c024fb323⋯.png (896.56 KB,898x660,449:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261671 (291220ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump returns to Bedminster, after a great afternoon in IOWA….next stop, Erie, Pennsylvania — for a YUGE Trump Rally, this evening….

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


@realDonaldTrump returns to Bedminster, after a great afternoon in IOWA….next stop, Erie, Pennsylvania — for a YUGE Trump Rally, this evening….

Jul 28, 2023, 9:37 PM

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a7e61a No.75757

File: 8364caf0fe49aff⋯.png (78.22 KB,419x440,419:440,Clipboard.png)

File: e68aed9617f945f⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261673 (291221ZJUL23) Notable: 2009: Dr. Rima Laibow predicts “The Great Culling”

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2009: Dr. Rima Laibow predicts “The Great Culling”

Seemingly made and cast to seem dismissible and fake, yet this did air in 2009 on the Gov. Jesse Ventura Show on TruTV, and does nearly exactly foretell the last 3 years of world affairs...

https://t.co/cBv7U9Shqh" / X

4min 50 sec

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a7e61a No.75758

File: 323af15ac52bebc⋯.png (402.88 KB,605x652,605:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261691 (291230ZJUL23) Notable: Welcome to Florida, America's Inflation Hotspot.

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Welcome to Florida, America's Inflation Hotspot.

Soaring costs.

A housing crisis.

An absent governor.

Is this the American Dream?

Don't Florida my state.

12:30 AM · Jul 29, 2023




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a7e61a No.75759

File: 2ab47d1d3a9a191⋯.png (405.43 KB,596x537,596:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261696 (291231ZJUL23) Notable: Holy crap! With overflowed hotels NYC sidewalks are completely taken over by homeless illegals.

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Holy crap! With overflowed hotels NYC sidewalks are completely taken over by homeless illegals.


Viral News NYC

12:28 AM · Jul 29, 2023




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a7e61a No.75760

File: d55cd48f839acfe⋯.png (296.34 KB,636x357,212:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261737 (291245ZJUL23) Notable: Biden ACKNOWLEDGES his seventh grandchild

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Biden ACKNOWLEDGES his seventh grandchild: President releases first statement on Hunter's four-year-old daughter - and 'wants what's best for her'


Anon has seen other videos of groups of people 'filming' Biden with black screens on their phones, are all these people hired actors to make him look popular?

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a7e61a No.75761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261755 (291252ZJUL23) Notable: Brain is the Battlefield of the Future presentation at West Point Institute of Modern Warfare

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Dr. James Giordano

Brain is the Battlefield of the Future presentation at West Point Institute of Modern Warfare

watch it. Used be prerequisite for anon attendance/posting IIRC.

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a7e61a No.75762

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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