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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

014e60 No.51552 [Last50 Posts]

15JUL23 to 18JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

014e60 No.72008

File: deacae7c9a0b5a6⋯.png (284.01 KB,598x663,46:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185781 (152213ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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Do NOT let crazed conspiracy theorist RFK Jr off the hook for anything! Attempting to get Caucasians & black people angry at Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese may not have been the goal, but could be the result. Is Kayne West running this failed campaign?

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014e60 No.72009

File: 91ff863145ed82e⋯.png (286.08 KB,598x592,299:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185803 (152216ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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The families of Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese who lost loved ones to Covid would like a word, Mr. Kennedy.

If this doesn't end the political career of Robert Efffffff Kennedy, Jr., we're in deep trouble.

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014e60 No.72010

File: df6a7f92c029aff⋯.png (348.75 KB,598x685,598:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185814 (152218ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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RFK Jr. implied that Ashkenazi Jews conspired with the Chinese government to murder millions of white people with COVID. His supporter, Mike Flynn, says the same about “globalists.”

Hitler created propaganda about Jews conspiring with communists to cause millions of deaths in… Show more

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014e60 No.72011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185868 (152225ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker: What is graffiti? That's not art, it's vandalism. And when it's allowed to stand what does it say? We've given up, we don't care. We're allowing people who create nothing, to destroy what we've built, and we're not fighting back. Graffiti is like one step from total society collapse. Period. What you're saying when you allow graffiti, is we have no self-respect at all. We don't care enough about our civilization to keep it clean.

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Tucker [Turning Point]: What is graffiti? That's not art, it's vandalism. And when it's allowed to stand what does it say? We've given up, we don't care. We're allowing people who create nothing, to destroy what we've built, and we're not fighting back. Graffiti is like one step from total society collapse. Period. What you're saying when you allow graffiti, is we have no self-respect at all. We don't care enough about our civilization to keep it clean.

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014e60 No.72012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185924 (152233ZJUL23) Notable: #23563

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Last Call

gonna baker for when Trump is up

#23563 >>71958

>>71959 @realDonaldTrump Heading to West Palm Beach - Turning Point. BIG CROWD! See you soon.

>>71965 “There are no qualified medical doctors in the USA that could deal with his health issues and could heal him. There are such specialists in our Serbsky Center

>>71968 New report reveals that Bill Gates appears to have bought off the health regulator that approved his new Covid vaccine.


>>71977, >>71980 LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023

>>71978 Reports also indicate that the Iranian regime's illegal nuclear activities have escalated in 2023 under the Biden Administration's watch.

>>71979 New York Theater Behind Trump Assassination Staging of ‘Julius Caesar’ Laying Off 19 Percent of Staff

>>71982 Crypto "Will Transcend International Currencies" BlackRock CEO Cheerleads As SEC Accepts Bitcoin ETF Application

>>71983 Why Is Everyone In The US Military Acting Like Everything Is OK?

>>71984 Ramaswamy said Friday that a president already had the power to shut down agencies, including the FBI, without going through Congress.

>>71985, >>71991, >>71992, >>71993, >>71994, >>71995, >>71997, >>71998, >>71999, >>72000, >>72002, >>72003, >>72004, >>72005, >>72006, >>72008, >>72009, >>72010 Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

>>71986, >>71989 Prince Andrew asked Jeffrey Epstein for help over $200million oil deal during trip to New York

>>71988 Russian Warship Docks a Stone's Throw from US Mainland Shores

>>71990 General Flynn calling out Oprah for her friendship with John of God just made my day!

Turning Point 2023

>>71962, >>71963, >>71964, >>71966, >>71969, >>71971, >>71972, >>71974, >>71981, >>71987, >>71996, >>71997, >>72001 pics

>>71960 Byron Donalds [Turning Point]: The radical left have been moving lockstep, to fundamentally transform this country, the way Barack Obama talked about back in 2008.

>>71961 Donalds: I know they cheat. They've been cheating in Broward County; for how many years they've been cheating in Broward County? But that doesn't mean you don't show up for victory.

>>71967 Gaetz: Defeating Russia in the Donbas is not as important as ensuring that the dollar defeats the yuan for all of your future.

>>71970 Gaetz: I am ready to win again; winning so much that we get tired of it. After all, isn't that what you were promised!

>>71975 Ramaswamy: We're not just going to reform these agencies. When these agencies, from the Department of Education, to the FBI, to the ATF, to the IRS, shouldn't have existed in the first place. We will not just reform them, we will shut them down. That is what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic.

>>71976 Vivek just mentioned “Qanon”

>>72011 Tucker: What is graffiti? That's not art, it's vandalism. And when it's allowed to stand what does it say? We've given up, we don't care. We're allowing people who create nothing, to destroy what we've built, and we're not fighting back. Graffiti is like one step from total society collapse. Period. What you're saying when you allow graffiti, is we have no self-respect at all. We don't care enough about our civilization to keep it clean.


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014e60 No.72013

File: 7f142b2ad1b77d5⋯.jpeg (19.89 KB,193x255,193:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cda8dc1b57f76a4⋯.png (1.49 MB,896x901,896:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 116661b3009de65⋯.png (542.14 KB,593x379,593:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185940 (152235ZJUL23) Notable: #23564

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014e60 No.72014

File: 396651edee000dc⋯.png (215.53 KB,1265x961,1265:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185965 (152239ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Cult is powerless. If they accuse Q+ they accuse Biden and former Presidents, Obama, Clinton, Bush and they all lose.

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Cult is powerless.

If they accuse Q+ they accuse Biden and former Presidents, Obama, Clinton, Bush and they all lose.

Of they don't accuse Q+, they lose once Q+ is reelected and the flood habbens, CIA child trafficking ops declassified, JFK murder docs declassified, with a single signature, then it's game over because 'they' will have lost THE 'CENTRAL' INTELLIGENCE infrastructure of the nation.

Then as domino, other countries where the CIA has operates will fall. One by one, the great awakening will take an informational form of a globalist cult of human traffickers, who traffic women and child for sex to the highest bidder, this Anon votes for fast trials, nuremberg 2.0, death penalties.

If they kill children, they have forfeited their right to live among God's children, all of us.

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014e60 No.72015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185982 (152242ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker going on about flat earth people.

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Tucker going on about flat earth people.

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014e60 No.72016

File: 2c1fb3c175e3e63⋯.png (390.21 KB,1246x681,1246:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185989 (152243ZJUL23) Notable: Bibi: Israeli PM rushed to hospital after fainting

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15 Jul, 2023 18:46

HomeWorld News

Israeli PM rushed to hospital after fainting – media

Benjamin Netanyahu is said to be in “good condition” but suffering from dehydration


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014e60 No.72017

File: 962263d1a04cf86⋯.png (193.61 KB,441x468,49:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186017 (152248ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker is calling out the Psyop Tactics

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Tucker is calling out the Psyop Tactics

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014e60 No.72018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186020 (152249ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

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LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

Donald Trump



Lindell-TV Live






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014e60 No.72019

File: e785e738977eef0⋯.png (109.34 KB,904x450,452:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186031 (152250ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have...

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Donald J. Trump


Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have, and I’m allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act, he’s not. What about the Classified Docs he had in Chinatown, and on his garage floor in Delaware. Is he being charged under the Espionage Act? What about Penn Center, which receives China money, or the 1850 boxes that he is not wanting to release? Was Obama, Clinton, Bush, or others so charged? No, only “TRUMP,” because I am illegally being targeted!

Jul 15, 2023, 5:34 PM


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014e60 No.72020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186041 (152251ZJUL23) Notable: standing ovation for tucker

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standing ovation for tucker

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014e60 No.72021

File: 8b6f1799ed5b6e0⋯.png (57.89 KB,871x297,871:297,Clipboard.png)

File: b3ce74745bae7cc⋯.jpg (56.37 KB,608x827,608:827,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186054 (152253ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The DeSanctimonious Polls are crashing because of his stance on Obliterating Social Security and Medicare

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Donald J. Trump


The DeSanctimonious Polls are crashing because of his stance on Obliterating Social Security and Medicare. Nothing he will ever do is going to change his votes against. Attracting small crowds that leave early, never a good sign!

Jul 15, 2023, 5:08 PM


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014e60 No.72022

File: b4991d7d77f2810⋯.jpeg (673.88 KB,1170x1398,195:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186065 (152254ZJUL23) Notable: The Bee: Authorities On Hunt For Arsonist Who Just Burned Down Three Presidential Campaigns

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Authorities On Hunt For Arsonist Who Just Burned Down Three Presidential Campaigns


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014e60 No.72023

File: bc48e78fba366ca⋯.png (385.48 KB,916x701,916:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186070 (152255ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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"Is that the FREEDOM that you recognize? No. That's insane!" Tucker Carlson speaks at Turning Point Action Conference



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014e60 No.72024

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186075 (152256ZJUL23) Notable: "Is that the FREEDOM that you recognize? No. That's insane!"

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"Is that the FREEDOM that you recognize? No. That's insane!" Tucker Carlson speaks at Turning Point Action Conference



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014e60 No.72025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186129 (152304ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

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014e60 No.72026

File: 57c3016bbb6720c⋯.png (371.58 KB,692x772,173:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186151 (152306ZJUL23) Notable: The Bee: Authorities On Hunt For Arsonist Who Just Burned Down Three Presidential Campaigns

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Authorities On Hunt For Arsonist Who Just Burned Down Three Presidential Campaigns

DES MOINES, IA — Federal authorities have begun a massive manhunt for an arsonist who on Friday completely torched three presidential campaigns.

"He left nothing but ashes," said Chief of Police Ron Miller. "All three campaigns were burned to the ground in a matter of hours. We're dealing with a professional."

According to police, the suspect lured unsuspecting presidential campaigns to Iowa, where they were each set ablaze in rapid succession. "The campaigns never saw it coming," said local firefighter Wes Bailey. "Witnesses say the arsonist had brown, slightly disheveled hair, and looked somewhat confused as he lit the match. He also reportedly had a staccato, high-pitched laugh that rang out as the flames grew higher. Monstrous!"

Rescue teams sifted through the burning wreckage of each presidential campaign, declaring all of them to be a total loss. "There's nothing left to salvage," said Chief Miller. "All we can do is sweep up the remains and toss them into the dustbin of history. This arsonist really went scorched-earth."

At publishing time, authorities warned that the arsonist was still at large and likely to strike again.



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014e60 No.72027

File: 048fabd949548aa⋯.png (691.77 KB,993x559,993:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186173 (152308ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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014e60 No.72028

File: 96a981592530645⋯.png (311.56 KB,567x485,567:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186202 (152311ZJUL23) Notable: he did say it, but snopes claims it was taken out of context For the keks!

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he did say it, but snopes claims it was taken out of context


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014e60 No.72029

File: ab2edb60a6fa233⋯.png (892.88 KB,1003x553,1003:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186297 (152321ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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014e60 No.72030

File: 3f6f2023e84fdeb⋯.png (310.77 KB,605x596,605:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186298 (152321ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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014e60 No.72031

File: 73028afc678fa25⋯.png (827.85 KB,998x561,998:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186302 (152321ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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014e60 No.72032

File: 095375067580e04⋯.png (1.06 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186303 (152321ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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014e60 No.72033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186368 (152329ZJUL23) Notable: We're going to evict crooked Joe Biden.

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We're going to evict crooked Joe Biden.


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014e60 No.72034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186384 (152330ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: The election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country, or a free country. Whether you will have a rule of tyrants, or the rule oof law. Whether marxists radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they are looking to do, or young Patriots like you, propel America to glorious new heights, greater than ever before.

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President Trump: The election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country, or a free country. Whether you will have a rule of tyrants, or the rule oof law. Whether marxists radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they are looking to do, or young Patriots like you, propel America to glorious new heights, greater than ever before.

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014e60 No.72035

File: 3d63565046a5b9b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x1360,15:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186389 (152330ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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Trump's channel has better color.

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014e60 No.72036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186425 (152333ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: In the Biden economy, one-third of Gen Z and Millennials have no savings accounts, and no saving whatsoever. They have nothing. Home ownership has been pushed out of reach for millions, with the rate of thirty year mortgages up one hundred and seventy-seven percent since I left office.

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President Trump: In the Biden economy, one-third of Gen Z and Millennials have no savings accounts, and no saving whatsoever. They have nothing. Home ownership has been pushed out of reach for millions, with the rate of thirty year mortgages up one hundred and seventy-seven percent since I left office.

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014e60 No.72037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186440 (152335ZJUL23) Notable: when we all together become the 47th President of the United States.

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when we all together become the 47th President of the United States.


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014e60 No.72038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186444 (152335ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Your task, your calling, your historic mission, is to liberate America from these communists, fascists, marxists, globalists, and warmongers, who want to plunder the future of our country.

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President Trump: Your task, your calling, your historic mission, is to liberate America from these communists, fascists, marxists, globalists, and warmongers, who want to plunder the future of our country.

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014e60 No.72039

File: e40d7189b9b5657⋯.png (1.11 MB,1699x969,1699:969,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186462 (152337ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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>Trump looks great.


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014e60 No.72040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186486 (152340ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: After fifty years of leftist domination of the universities, I will take bold action to reclaim our colleges from the communist left. Anti-American radicals will no longer be given a free hand to dominate our institution of higher education…Using my leverage over college accreditors, we are going to choke off the money to schools that aid the marxists assault on our American heritage, and on western civilization itself. The days of subsidizing communist indoctrination in our colleges will soon be over.

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President Trump: After fifty years of leftist domination of the universities, I will take bold action to reclaim our colleges from the communist left. Anti-American radicals will no longer be given a free hand to dominate our institution of higher education...Using my leverage over college accreditors, we are going to choke off the money to schools that aid the marxists assault on our American heritage, and on western civilization itself. The days of subsidizing communist indoctrination in our colleges will soon be over.

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014e60 No.72041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186528 (152343ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: If colleges persist in continuing to violate your civil rights, we will have their endowments severely taxed and fined, and a portion of the seized funds used as restitution for victims of these racist practices.

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President Trump: If colleges persist in continuing to violate your civil rights, we will have their endowments severely taxed and fined, and a portion of the seized funds used as restitution for victims of these racist practices.

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014e60 No.72042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186563 (152351ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Under the next Trump administration, the censorship industrial complex will be defunded, dismantled, and destroyed. We're going to destroy it one hundred percent.

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President Trump: Under the next Trump administration, the censorship industrial complex will be defunded, dismantled, and destroyed. We're going to destroy it one hundred percent.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186607 (152355ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: We've now seen how bad it is. How bad their policies are. In one way, that's the only way, but in one way, we're showing the world, we're showing the country how bad they are.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We've now seen how bad it is. How bad their policies are. In one way, that's the only way, but in one way, we're showing the world, we're showing the country how bad they are.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72044

File: 3d948f60299ea70⋯.jpeg (1005.6 KB,1170x1620,13:18,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186645 (160000ZJUL23) Notable: A large group of Muslims gathered in Mississauga, Ont. to protest against trans and LGBTQ2SI+ education in schools

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A large group of Muslims gathered in Mississauga, Ont. to protest against trans and LGBTQ2SI+ education in schools on July 15. Muslims in both Canada and the US have led similar protests, causing shock and silence among liberals. Video by @BethBaisch:

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014e60 No.72045

File: 213137e70add8ea⋯.png (1.95 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186646 (160000ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

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This feels very Presidential :)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72046

File: 9f2caa99e100f74⋯.png (753.88 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 400312f51ada7bb⋯.png (1.04 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186668 (160003ZJUL23) Notable: Pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186734 (160013ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: What's coming up is going to be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: What's coming up is going to be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186750 (160015ZJUL23) Notable: #23564

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23564' >>72013

>>72014 @realDonaldTrump Cult is powerless. If they accuse Q+ they accuse Biden and former Presidents, Obama, Clinton, Bush and they all lose.

>>72016 Bibi: Israeli PM rushed to hospital after fainting

>>72018, >>72025 LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

>>72019 @realDonaldTrump Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have...

>>72021 @realDonaldTrump The DeSanctimonious Polls are crashing because of his stance on Obliterating Social Security and Medicare

>>72022, >>72026 The Bee: Authorities On Hunt For Arsonist Who Just Burned Down Three Presidential Campaigns

>>72028 he did say it, but snopes claims it was taken out of context For the keks!

>>72044 A large group of Muslims gathered in Mississauga, Ont. to protest against trans and LGBTQ2SI+ education in schools

Turning Point 2023

>>72023, >>72027, >>72029, >>72030, >>72031, >>72032, >>72035, >>72039, >>72045, >>72046 Pics

>>72015 Tucker going on about flat earth people.

>>72017 Tucker is calling out the Psyop Tactics

>>72020 standing ovation for tucker

>>72024 "Is that the FREEDOM that you recognize? No. That's insane!"

>>72033 We're going to evict crooked Joe Biden.

>>72034 President Trump: The election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country, or a free country. Whether you will have a rule of tyrants, or the rule oof law. Whether marxists radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they are looking to do, or young Patriots like you, propel America to glorious new heights, greater than ever before.

>>72036 President Trump: In the Biden economy, one-third of Gen Z and Millennials have no savings accounts, and no saving whatsoever. They have nothing. Home ownership has been pushed out of reach for millions, with the rate of thirty year mortgages up one hundred and seventy-seven percent since I left office.

>>72037 when we all together become the 47th President of the United States.

>>72038 President Trump: Your task, your calling, your historic mission, is to liberate America from these communists, fascists, marxists, globalists, and warmongers, who want to plunder the future of our country.

>>72040 President Trump: After fifty years of leftist domination of the universities, I will take bold action to reclaim our colleges from the communist left. Anti-American radicals will no longer be given a free hand to dominate our institution of higher education…Using my leverage over college accreditors, we are going to choke off the money to schools that aid the marxists assault on our American heritage, and on western civilization itself. The days of subsidizing communist indoctrination in our colleges will soon be over.

President Trump: My administration will strictly enforce last month's landmark Supreme Court decision to move our country to move our country forward with a merit-based system of education.

>>72041 President Trump: If colleges persist in continuing to violate your civil rights, we will have their endowments severely taxed and fined, and a portion of the seized funds used as restitution for victims of these racist practices.

>>72042 President Trump: Under the next Trump administration, the censorship industrial complex will be defunded, dismantled, and destroyed. We're going to destroy it one hundred percent.

>>72043 President Trump: We've now seen how bad it is. How bad their policies are. In one way, that's the only way, but in one way, we're showing the world, we're showing the country how bad they are.

>>72047 President Trump: What's coming up is going to be greater than ever before, I promise you that.


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014e60 No.72049

File: 971fe12c62b1109⋯.jpeg (17.55 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 213137e70add8ea⋯.png (1.95 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e784778a759fc06⋯.jpeg (467.25 KB,953x790,953:790,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4967dd078e63b98⋯.jpg (113.4 KB,997x685,997:685,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186772 (160017ZJUL23) Notable: #23565

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Baker taps @20

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014e60 No.72050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186800 (160021ZJUL23) Notable: This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs


32 min


"A recent poll suggests over 70% of people have no idea what CBDCs are, despite the fact this programmable central bank controlled digital currency is about to be unleashed upon everyone and will fundamentally change our relationship with governments, central banks, and money forever. We need to talk. Everyone needs to talk about this. And keep talking about it. Now. Before its too late. Please share far and wide and especially with those who have no idea what this even is!!!"

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014e60 No.72051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186801 (160021ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: The country is laughing at our leader. They think he's a gross incompetent, that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he's totally corrupt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The country is laughing at our leader. They think he's a gross incompetent, that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he's totally corrupt.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72052

File: bdad0af9dd7a270⋯.png (1.32 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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014e60 No.72053

File: 192faa50228635f⋯.png (212.69 KB,516x492,43:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186857 (160027ZJUL23) Notable: Trump is high energy today :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump is high energy today :)

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014e60 No.72054

File: 5ba5492b56c42e8⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186916 (160032ZJUL23) Notable: "I WILL OBLITERATE THE DEEPSTATE"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72055

File: 41c2528ee70d6f1⋯.png (1.03 MB,1203x684,401:228,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ab67f5c799541f⋯.png (900.71 KB,1205x684,1205:684,Clipboard.png)

File: b6c614599832bd3⋯.png (905.22 KB,1203x684,401:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186977 (160037ZJUL23) Notable: Turning point pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186978 (160038ZJUL23) Notable: I had a lot of guns pionted at me, let me tell you-DJT on what happened when he crossed over into NK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" I had a lot of guns pionted at me, let me tell you"-DJT on what happened when he crossed over into NK

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014e60 No.72057

File: 8a76c25b4a56634⋯.jpg (12.91 KB,255x245,51:49,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19186992 (160039ZJUL23) Notable: "I WILL OBLITERATE THE DEEPSTATE"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"I will obliterate the deep state"


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014e60 No.72058

File: 4c9be0da04cd08e⋯.png (1.08 MB,763x2245,763:2245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187019 (160041ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

The Florida governor has struggled to break into Trump’s lead and his campaign has been burning through money.

Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign has fired roughly a dozen staffers — and more are expected in the coming weeks as he shakes up his big-money political operations after less than two months on the campaign trail.

Those who were let go were described to NBC News by a source familiar as mid-level staffers across several departments whose departures were related to cutting costs. The exits come after the departures of David Abrams and Tucker Obenshain, veterans of DeSantis’ political orbit, which were first reported by Politico.

Sources involved with the DeSantis campaign say there is an internal assessment among some that they hired too many staffers too early, and despite bringing in $20 million during its first six weeks, it was becoming clear their costs needed to be brought down. ...


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014e60 No.72059

File: 4909825e95dd189⋯.png (213.98 KB,743x757,743:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187030 (160043ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Richard Grenell Retweeted


>Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

8:23 PM · Jul 15, 2023


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014e60 No.72060

File: 09f18392fb2e121⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5ef8839c683f488⋯.png (376.27 KB,736x642,368:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187036 (160043ZJUL23) Notable: Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese is trending after video of @RobertKennedyJr discussing bioweapons was released

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese is trending after video of @RobertKennedyJr discussing bioweapons was released. #COVID19

11:28 AM · Jul 15, 2023 from Jefferson City, MO·10.3K Views


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014e60 No.72061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187038 (160043ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: Not a single American mother or father should have to be sent to die in

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Not a single American mother or father should have to be sent to die in Eastern Europe. I'll make a deal that's fair for Ukraine and fair for Russia. We gotta make a deal.

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014e60 No.72062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187046 (160045ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187052 (160045ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That son of a bitch is running against me- PDJT


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014e60 No.72064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187071 (160047ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187072 (160047ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The snake. Yay

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014e60 No.72066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187073 (160047ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: To stop the destruction of our national wealth, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. Everything coming into our country. They're ripping our country, and we're not going to let; we want our products made in American factories, by American workers, in Florida and other states.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: To stop the destruction of our national wealth, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. Everything coming into our country. They're ripping our country, and we're not going to let; we want our products made in American factories, by American workers, in Florida and other states.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72067

File: cb3060c6ac68e45⋯.png (185.54 KB,288x412,72:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187075 (160047ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72068

File: d3975d3d68483f9⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187079 (160048ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187084 (160048ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"her skin" snake is a fem

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014e60 No.72070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187090 (160049ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

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First time he's explained that it's about immigration l, anon thinks

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014e60 No.72071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187091 (160049ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

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014e60 No.72072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187102 (160050ZJUL23) Notable: THE SNAKE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The snake = reptilian

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72073

File: f916f44269251e3⋯.png (753.71 KB,1204x684,301:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 76df3c0aee4a86a⋯.png (832.83 KB,1204x684,301:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187105 (160050ZJUL23) Notable: Turning point pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187120 (160051ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72075

File: 53aec8b7e7e6782⋯.png (459.37 KB,955x529,955:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187124 (160052ZJUL23) Notable: Turning point pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXPAND that LAW!!!

Much Love..

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187130 (160052ZJUL23) Notable: Trump links: LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

Donald Trump



Lindell-TV Live






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014e60 No.72077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187140 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: It's about time for the federal government to take over Washington, DC, and run it properly. Run it with sense. Run it strongly, and end the crime.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: It's about time for the federal government to take over Washington, DC, and run it properly. Run it with sense. Run it strongly, and end the crime.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187147 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

tippy top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187148 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

tippy top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187149 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

tippy top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187150 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tippy Top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187151 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It has to be TIPPY TOP

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187152 (160054ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tippy Top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187154 (160055ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72085

File: 4c53e5c6ff5de2a⋯.png (41.88 KB,421x644,421:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187157 (160055ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72086

File: be55fb3d9ee2e1c⋯.gif (606.57 KB,800x792,100:99,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187159 (160055ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tippy top.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72087

File: aa716ca4aa37f63⋯.png (57.43 KB,505x744,505:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187162 (160055ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187169 (160056ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: [Washington, DC} has to be tippy-top. It has to be perfect. And bring it back, and make it better than it ever was, and we can do that pretty easily.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: [Washington, DC} has to be tippy-top. It has to be perfect. And bring it back, and make it better than it ever was, and we can do that pretty easily.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72089

File: 004be7ed06c1f45⋯.png (291.44 KB,553x907,553:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187182 (160056ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jul 31, 2018 10:34:42 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9a94e9 No. 2382387

Jul 31, 2018 10:28:00 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 5616c6 No. 2382201


I know it's a bit late, but thank you Q for the IRL (You).

Watching a rally on TV does not come anywhere near the atmosphere of a rally in person and up front. I had a blast and to TIPPY TOP it off, I found out i was a Q drop. Best day ever!


We saw you, Patriots.

God bless!



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014e60 No.72090

File: da9b06f0389a05e⋯.png (184.75 KB,928x994,464:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187186 (160057ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72091

File: b480360d2c5b0f1⋯.png (69.71 KB,872x579,872:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187187 (160057ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72092

File: f454da4834f86fc⋯.png (83.86 KB,692x642,346:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bd9813825815c6⋯.png (266.86 KB,414x1611,46:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187192 (160057ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be TIPPY TOP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187196 (160058ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: To combat the scourge of homelessness that's plaguing democrat-run cities, I will use every possible authority to get the homeless, drug-addicted, and dangerously deranged people off the streets, and will get them medical care. We can't have what's happening in San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and New York, and Chicago, and every other democrat-run city. In all cases, they're democrat-run.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: To combat the scourge of homelessness that's plaguing democrat-run cities, I will use every possible authority to get the homeless, drug-addicted, and dangerously deranged people off the streets, and will get them medical care. We can't have what's happening in San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and New York, and Chicago, and every other democrat-run city. In all cases, they're democrat-run.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187232 (160102ZJUL23) Notable: GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72095

File: ebb2bd193b54d9c⋯.png (10.69 MB,2102x2550,1051:1275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187234 (160103ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis’ spot is full of notes displaying support for Trump.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At Turning Point Action, signage of presidential candidates are hung up for people to put post-it notes for who they support. DeSantis’ spot is full of notes displaying support for Trump.

3:21 PM · Jul 15, 2023


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014e60 No.72096

File: 4230473b3824196⋯.png (1.05 MB,1190x873,1190:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187240 (160103ZJUL23) Notable: Turning point pics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187246 (160104ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump: The great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, your vote, we will put America First, We Will Make America Great Again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, your vote, we will put America First, We Will Make America Great Again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72098

File: 8761426b68ffaf5⋯.png (265.91 KB,644x528,161:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187248 (160104ZJUL23) Notable: GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72099

File: f9c4948e511c9f7⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,1140x955,228:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187270 (160106ZJUL23) Notable: Your favorite president: me - DJT in his speech just now. He was extra strong and inspired tonight, he never fails to make me proud and laugh a lot!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"your favorite president: me" DJT in his speech just now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72100

File: 76cf780a26bab2d⋯.png (447.84 KB,603x356,603:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187282 (160108ZJUL23) Notable: Your favorite president: me - DJT in his speech just now. He was extra strong and inspired tonight, he never fails to make me proud and laugh a lot!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


great and inspiring speech, Donald

thank you for the tippy top shout out to anons

very much enjoyed your reading of the snake story

God Bless You, Melania and your family, and God Bless America!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187350 (160118ZJUL23) Notable: The Heritage Foundation: The Hidden Report About the Afghanistan Withdrawal (Cap 0:56)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My Apple Holidays. The rally was dogshit disinformation propaganda and a rhetoric PsyOp by a bunch of non disclosing faggots with small dicks. Better?

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014e60 No.72102

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187362 (160119ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be tippy top - Donald Trump 0:23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It has to be tippy top - Donald Trump




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014e60 No.72103

File: 4a6473689ad9975⋯.png (132.26 KB,300x463,300:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187364 (160120ZJUL23) Notable: Nearly No Video's of Epstein's VH1 Billionaires Episode Exist Anymore

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nearly No Video's of Epstein's VH1 Billionaires Episode Exist Anymore. Here’s all his clips cut together. "What does he need a commercial sized airliner for?"

They just skim over the part where he goes from math teacher to multi billionaire. He just "made the switch."

Without help from any foreign government, of course.

VH1 & Newspapers back then helped advertise him back then.

Gotta make sure the word gets around so billionaires know to trust him with their 💰 All carefully orchestrated…

#Epstein #EpsteinClientList #EpsteinIsland #JefferyEpstein Epstein Island

2:18 PM · Jul 15, 2023





could someone loop this, it quite profound

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014e60 No.72104

File: e90256c0dd8de16⋯.jpg (80.58 KB,700x903,100:129,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187405 (160125ZJUL23) Notable: Meme of the bread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72105

File: 1eb009a45ffd2c6⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,888x496,111:62,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187414 (160126ZJUL23) Notable: It has to be tippy top - Donald Trump 0:23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187434 (160128ZJUL23) Notable: Your favorite president: me - DJT in his speech just now. He was extra strong and inspired tonight, he never fails to make me proud and laugh a lot!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He was extra strong and inspired tonight, he never fails to make me proud and laugh a lot!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72107

File: 01c94fa85669aeb⋯.png (42.25 KB,415x1092,415:1092,Clipboard.png)

File: 61cf80d40f808bf⋯.png (24.73 KB,984x736,123:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187437 (160128ZJUL23) Notable: TIPPY TOP: It was requested Q 991

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It was requested

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014e60 No.72108

File: af869de4648d7d1⋯.png (18.7 KB,710x434,355:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187440 (160129ZJUL23) Notable: TIPPY TOP: It was requested Q 991

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72109

File: 809f4236b925d5e⋯.png (86.01 KB,795x202,795:202,Clipboard.png)

File: 00a50d85c48baf3⋯.png (176.66 KB,520x537,520:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187444 (160130ZJUL23) Notable: Erwin Chemerinsky Berkeley law dean caught telling class he’d lie in deposition now says he was joking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Berkeley law dean caught telling class he’d lie in deposition now says he was joking

Video of prominent Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky telling his class during a lecture he’d lie in a deposition now says he was totally joking, and his class knows it.

In late June, a short video of Chemerinsky was posted on social media in which he said to students: “I’ll give you an example from our law school, but if ever I’m deposed, I’m going to deny I said this to you. When we do faculty hiring, we’re quite conscious that diversity is important to us, and we say diversity is important, it’s fine to say that.”

The video was posted by popular conservative scholar and activist Christopher Rufo under the wording: “Berkeley Law School dean Erwin Chemerinsky explains how he has secretly enacted a policy of racial discrimination in faculty hiring—which is illegal in California.”

The video quickly went viral and has been viewed more than 3 million times, prompting nationwide headlines and much criticism.

Chemerinsky, in a July 11 email to The College Fix, said he was not serious.

“My comment about being deposed was a light-hearted comment to my students about my expectation that it was a private conversation in the classroom. I, of course, would always tell the truth in a deposition and I am sure my students knew that,” he said.

Chemerinsky said the video excerpt is from a recording taken of a constitutional law class in the spring semester.

Part of the controversy surrounding the video centered on what Chemerinsky said regarding diversity hiring, as Proposition 209 eliminated affirmative action in California in 1996, and voters reiterated that position in 2020 when they rejected an attempt to repeal the law

In the video, the dean tells his students he is “very careful when we have a faculty appointments committee meeting.”

“Anytime somebody says, ‘We should really prefer this candidate or this candidate because this person would add diversity.’ Don’t say that. You can think it, you can vote it, but our discussions are not privileged, so don’t ever articulate that that’s what you’re doing.”

Chemerinsky addressed those comments as well in his email to The Fix.

“It was a recording of a part of a class discussion,” he said via email. “As per existing California law, the Berkeley Law School cannot and does not consider race in any of its hiring and admissions decisions. Those who were actually in the classroom and heard the entirety of my remarks—not one, isolated portion—fully understood that.”

He added that “Berkeley Law does not consider race in any of its hiring or admissions decisions.”


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014e60 No.72110

File: 53cde4c42291f18⋯.png (31.53 KB,415x672,415:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187461 (160131ZJUL23) Notable: TIPPY TOP: It was requested Q 991

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187475 (160133ZJUL23) Notable: #23565

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





>>72061 President Trump: Not a single American mother or father should have to be sent to die in

>>72050 This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs

>>72058, >>72059 Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

>>72060 Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese is trending after video of @RobertKennedyJr discussing bioweapons was released

>>72051 President Trump: The country is laughing at our leader. They think he's a gross incompetent, that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he's totally corrupt

>>72052, >>72076 Trump links: LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

>>72053 Trump is high energy today :)


>>72055, >>72073, >>72075, >>72096 Turning point pics

>>72056 I had a lot of guns pionted at me, let me tell you-DJT on what happened when he crossed over into NK

>>72062, >>72063 President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

>>72067 THE SNAKE

>>72064, >>72065, >>72067, >>72068, >>72069, >>72070, >>72071, >>>/qresearch/19187100, >>72072, >>>/qresearch/19187104, >>>/qresearch/19187107 THE SNAKE

>>72066 President Trump: To stop the destruction of our national wealth, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. Everything coming into our country. They're ripping our country, and we're not going to let; we want our products made in American factories, by American workers, in Florida and other states.

>>72074 President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately

>>72077 President Trump: It's about time for the federal government to take over Washington, DC, and run it properly. Run it with sense. Run it strongly, and end the crime.

>>72078, >>72079, >>72080, >>72081, >>72082, >>72083, >>72084, >>72085, >>72086, >>72087, >>72089, >>72090, >>72091, >>72092 It has to be TIPPY TOP

>>72102, >>72105 It has to be tippy top - Donald Trump 0:23

>>72107, >>72108, >>72110 TIPPY TOP: It was requested Q 991

>>72088 President Trump: [Washington, DC} has to be tippy-top. It has to be perfect. And bring it back, and make it better than it ever was, and we can do that pretty easily.

>>72093 President Trump: To combat the scourge of homelessness that's plaguing democrat-run cities, I will use every possible authority to get the homeless, drug-addicted, and dangerously deranged people off the streets, and will get them medical care. We can't have what's happening in San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and New York, and Chicago, and every other democrat-run city. In all cases, they're democrat-run.

>>72095 DeSantis’ spot is full of notes displaying support for Trump.

>>72097 President Trump: The great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, your vote, we will put America First, We Will Make America Great Again.

>>72094, >>72098 GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

>>72101 The Heritage Foundation: The Hidden Report About the Afghanistan Withdrawal (Cap 0:56)

>>72103 Nearly No Video's of Epstein's VH1 Billionaires Episode Exist Anymore

>>72104 Meme of the bread

>>72106, >>72099, >>72100 Your favorite president: me - DJT in his speech just now. He was extra strong and inspired tonight, he never fails to make me proud and laugh a lot!

>>72109 Erwin Chemerinsky Berkeley law dean caught telling class he’d lie in deposition now says he was joking

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014e60 No.72112

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187501 (160136ZJUL23) Notable: #23566

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #23566: IT HAS TOO BE TIPPY TOP - President Donald J Trump? Edition

It has to be tippy top - Donald Trump



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014e60 No.72113

File: f60f26b835d6122⋯.png (176.04 KB,812x769,812:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 981c2f6adf88da8⋯.png (187.14 KB,809x819,809:819,Clipboard.png)

File: b2727fb31e007dc⋯.png (219.87 KB,799x928,799:928,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187567 (160144ZJUL23) Notable: FERBRACHE: You May Have Missed A Startling Part Of Wray’s Testimony On Backdoor Gun Control

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FERBRACHE: You May Have Missed A Startling Part Of Wray’s Testimony On Backdoor Gun Control

FBI Director Chris Wray was again House Republicans‘ favorite punching bag. With daily revelations from House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Charles Grassley (R-IA) in the Senate virtually cementing Hunter Biden’s role as a major influence peddler to foreign countries, including China, Republicans want answers from the FBI as evidence on Hunter seems to implicate the President.

Wray’s interrogators went after him on a smorgasbord of allegations of the FBI violating its own policies and procedures, i.e., the Durham Report, and egregious Constitutional violations of citizens’ rights. Wray’s evasiveness enraged Republicans seeking answers to, among other concerns:

Whether the FBI used undercover agents or directed sources to, maybe enthusiastically, participate in the Jan. 6 riot, and what is the Bureau’s alleged relationship with the ubiquitous Ray Epps? In another curiously timed development, Epp’s attorney indicated the government now intends to charge his client relative to the Jan. 6 event.

What is the status of the suspected pipe bomber who left devices at both the RNC and DNC on Jan. 6? A whistleblower reported that investigators identified a car associated with a suspect but did not pursue the lead.

And don’t even get me started on the FBI and Justice Department’s handling (or not) of the infamous FD-1023, or Wray’s absurd claim that the Bureau did not engage in censorship with social media but simply offered suggestions, utterly belied by Judge Terry Doughty’s cogent opinion in Missouri v. Biden.

But to me, the most startling admission by the FBI Director were his responses to the FBI’s collection of transaction records from US financial institutions. During Wray’s appearance, Kentucky Republican Thomas Massie advised Wray,“George Hill, former FBI supervisory intelligence analyst in the Boston field office, told us that the Bank of America, with no legal process, gave to the FBI gun purchase records with no geographical boundaries for anybody that was a Bank of America customer. Is that true?”

“A number of business community partners all the time, including financial institutions, share information with us about possible criminal activity, and my understanding is that that’s fully lawful”, Wray responded. Wow.

So, yes, there is an established process for private financial institutions to provide the government, such as regulators and law enforcement, customer records under narrowly crafted provisions, one being indicia of criminal activity. The operative term here is “criminal activity.”

Pursuant to the Department of Treasury’s Bank Secrecy Act, financial institutions and banks are required to make formal referrals to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), when, after conducting due diligence, the bank believes that a crime such as fraud or money launder may have occurred at their institution. These routine referrals are called SARs or Suspicious Activity Reports.


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014e60 No.72114

File: 97384b31afc3039⋯.png (450.75 KB,732x465,244:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187593 (160148ZJUL23) Notable: Alabama woman disappears after calling 911 to report toddler walking along interstate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alabama woman disappears after calling 911 to report toddler walking along interstate

The Hoover Police Department said in a press release that 25-year-old Carlethia "Carlee" Nichole Russell called 911 on Thursday night at 9:34 p.m. to report a toddler she saw walking on the side of Interstate 459 South near Birmingham, Alabama. Following the 911 call, Russell went to check on the minor and called a relative.

While on the phone with the relative, Russell stopped talking but the line "remained open," according to police.

Once officers arrived at the scene shortly after, Russell's car and some of her belongings were found nearby, but police didn't find the female or the child who she called 911 about. The cell phone was also found at the scene, police said

Talitha Russell, the woman's mother, said that her daughter could be heard screaming on the phone before the line went silent.

"She got out of the car. My daughter-in-law could hear her ask if the child was OK, and she didn't hear anything," Talitha Russell said. "Then she heard our daughter Carlee scream."

pray for safe returns


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014e60 No.72115

File: 787d9a3a4a32756⋯.mp4 (7.03 MB,908x512,227:128,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 05a08b28104398c⋯.png (8.39 KB,272x208,17:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187603 (160149ZJUL23) Notable: DONALD J TRUMP boom × 4? :32 seconds in… (Cap 1:07)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons caught theTippy-Top

What about theboom × 4?

:32 seconds in...

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014e60 No.72116

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187623 (160153ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump notable quotes

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LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023



notes from rally below on pastebin link




>>>/qresearch/19186417, >>>/qresearch/19186430 Trump: 30 year mortgages are up 177% = Qpost 177

President Trump: The election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country, or a free country. Whether you will have a rule of tyrants, or the rule oof law. Whether marxists radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they are looking to do, or young Patriots like you, propel America to glorious new heights, greater than ever before.

President Trump: In the Biden economy, one-third of Gen Z and Millennials have no savings accounts, and no saving whatsoever. They have nothing. Home ownership has been pushed out of reach for millions, with the rate of thirty year mortgages up one hundred and seventy-seven percent since I left office.

President Trump: Your task, your calling, your historic mission, is to liberate America from these communists, fascists, marxists, globalists, and warmongers, who want to plunder the future of our country.

President Trump: After fifty years of leftist domination of the universities, I will take bold action to reclaim our colleges from the communist left. Anti-American radicals will no longer be given a free hand to dominate our institution of higher education…Using my leverage over college accreditors, we are going to choke off the money to schools that aid the marxists assault on our American heritage, and on western civilization itself. The days of subsidizing communist indoctrination in our colleges will soon be over.

>>>/qresearch/19186508 50 years Qpost 4957 a generation

President Trump: My administration will strictly enforce last month's landmark Supreme Court decision to move our country to move our country forward with a merit-based system of education.

President Trump: If colleges persist in continuing to violate your civil rights, we will have their endowments severely taxed and fined, and a portion of the seized funds used as restitution for victims of these racist practices.

President Trump: Under the next Trump administration, the censorship industrial complex will be defunded, dismantled, and destroyed. We're going to destroy it one hundred percent.

>>>/qresearch/19186593 trump alternative notes bun

President Trump: We've now seen how bad it is. How bad their policies are. In one way, that's the only way, but in one way, we're showing the world, we're showing the country how bad they are.


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014e60 No.72117

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187638 (160154ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump notable quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump: What's coming up is going to be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

President Trump: The country is laughing at our leader. They think he's a gross incompetent, that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he's totally corrupt.

DJT: " I had a lot of guns pionted at me, let me tell you"-DJT on what happened when he crossed over into NK

President Trump: Not a single American mother or father should have to be sent to die in Eastern Europe. I'll make a deal that's fair for Ukraine and fair for Russia. We gotta make a deal.

President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

President Trump: To stop the destruction of our national wealth, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. Everything coming into our country. They're ripping our country, and we're not going to let; we want our products made in American factories, by American workers, in Florida and other states.

>>>/qresearch/19187078 Trump: i care about loyalty

President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.

President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.

President Trump: It's about time for the federal government to take over Washington, DC, and run it properly. Run it with sense. Run it strongly, and end the crime.

President Trump: [Washington, DC} has to be tippy-top. It has to be perfect. And bring it back, and make it better than it ever was, and we can do that pretty easily.

>>72089, >>72090 DJT TIPPY TOP

President Trump: To combat the scourge of homelessness that's plaguing democrat-run cities, I will use every possible authority to get the homeless, drug-addicted, and dangerously deranged people off the streets, and will get them medical care. We can't have what's happening in San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and New York, and Chicago, and every other democrat-run city. In all cases, they're democrat-run.

President Trump: The great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, your vote, we will put America First, We Will Make America Great Again.


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014e60 No.72118

File: f5215759e1c37ca⋯.png (16.96 KB,416x294,208:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187646 (160155ZJUL23) Notable: POTUS: Wheels down, Think Mirror? Q 3414 [Wheels up]

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POTUS: Wheels down

Think Mirror?

[Wheels up]


Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity.



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014e60 No.72119

File: 219216e05507c6f⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,2048x1313,2048:1313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187665 (160158ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump notable quotes

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> President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.

How fitting it was named Title 42. A hat tip to the biggest child trafficker this country has ever seen.


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014e60 No.72120

File: e4c2bc38b82e838⋯.png (345.94 KB,703x723,703:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187695 (160203ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truth: "THE SNAKE"

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Holy shit.


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014e60 No.72121

File: fe1fd659b1d64dd⋯.png (144.61 KB,575x434,575:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187721 (160206ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truth: "THE SNAKE"

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Not his normal post style.

Actually very odd to use emoji's.

He was talking more like a reg 'anon' too.

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014e60 No.72122

File: 9bddda7f72d588b⋯.png (774.81 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d089b16d672de4⋯.png (4.5 MB,2048x1367,2048:1367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187731 (160209ZJUL23) Notable: It wasn't Pence that got hit with a water balloon but Bruce Blakeman

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Sure did look like pence, shame.


Who is the unfortunate soul getting clocked with a water balloon? It’s Nassau County executive Bruce Blakeman who was taking part in a Fourth of July parade in New York where people with thousands of water balloons lined the streets.

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014e60 No.72123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187733 (160210ZJUL23) Notable: American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

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American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.


Are this Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) and Anthony Watt of "Watts Up With That" of the same tribe? Both world class sources of information, analysis and thought.


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014e60 No.72124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187756 (160215ZJUL23) Notable: John Kerry Tries To BS His Use Of Private Jets, Promptly Gets Called Out On It

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John Kerry Tries To BS His Use Of Private Jets, Promptly Gets Called Out On It

“I just don’t agree with your facts, which began as a presentation of one of the most outrageously persistent lies that I hear, which is this private jet. We don’t own a private jet, I don’t own a private jet, I personally have never owned a private jet,” Kerry began.


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014e60 No.72125

File: e3c192f548152d3⋯.png (598.87 KB,720x749,720:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 6443d9708b74c46⋯.png (3.92 MB,2000x1231,2000:1231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187773 (160220ZJUL23) Notable: New series of military vehicles designed for survivability and tactical mobility rolls into Iowa Training Center.

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New series of military vehicles designed for survivability and tactical mobility rolls into Iowa Training Center.

📰 https://army.mil/article/268147/iowa_training_center_receives_new_tactical_vehicles



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014e60 No.72126

File: df94e55b5d36f9a⋯.png (346.68 KB,640x450,64:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fee72507d42963⋯.png (38.98 KB,555x257,555:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187816 (160232ZJUL23) Notable: Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

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Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

Boston’s Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu is facing criticism for compiling a list of her ctitics and handing it over to the police.

You know, for all of the Democrats’ talk about authoritarians and fascism, they sure seem to like using those concepts as political tactics.

It’s all projection, of course.

FOX News reports:

Boston mayor Michelle Wu under fire after sending list of critics and protesters to police

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, a Democrat, is facing criticism for “Nixonian tactics” after her administration admitted to creating a list of her most vocal critics and providing it to local authorities.

“The list was made in response to a request from the Boston Police Department after the Mayor had been harassed and physically intimidated by individuals for several months outside her home, at city functions such as the annual neighborhood parks coffee hours, and at other public events,” Wu spokesman Ricardo Patron said in a statement to the Boston Herald.

The acknowledgment by the administration that it had compiled the document came after the list was uncovered in an email obtained through a public records request by Wu’s opponents, the outlet noted.

The tactics used by the administration raise concern over whether Wu and her administration are attempting to silence or intimidate her critics, many of whom have protested outside of her home.

“The request (from police) came after many of the individuals on the list repeatedly impeded the Dorchester Day Parade to harass Mayor Wu and her family and staff, yelling through megaphones at her and her children for nearly ninety minutes as they marched in the parade despite being asked by parade organizers to leave the parade route,” Patron said, according to the Herald.

She should try walking a mile in Justice Brett Kavanugh’s shoes.


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014e60 No.72127

File: 88cc1f507f27f50⋯.jpg (171.7 KB,1080x855,24:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187833 (160238ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truth: My honor to be indicted & arrested by sick govt "Thugs"

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I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor. I am doing it for our Country, to show how evil and sinister a place it has become. MAGA!!!

>to show


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014e60 No.72128

File: d15f28e360d8baa⋯.png (222.26 KB,640x450,64:45,Clipboard.png)

File: ac621da5af83863⋯.png (291.81 KB,567x588,27:28,Clipboard.png)

File: caa7e9466016506⋯.png (260.74 KB,565x705,113:141,Clipboard.png)

File: caac6d381541792⋯.png (48.77 KB,566x415,566:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187835 (160238ZJUL23) Notable: Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

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Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

Boston’s Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu is facing criticism for compiling a list of her ctitics and handing it over to the police.

You know, for all of the Democrats’ talk about authoritarians and fascism, they sure seem to like using those concepts as political tactics.

It’s all projection, of course.

Jul. 15, 2023 9:20 pm


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014e60 No.72129

File: 1218dc63373e45e⋯.png (173.38 KB,718x888,359:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187863 (160243ZJUL23) Notable: Chinese investors, a Samoan high chief plot a cryptocurrency hub in paradise

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Chinese investors, a Samoan high chief plot a cryptocurrency hub in paradise

At a slickly choreographed event in Hong Kong on April 26, the island nation of Samoa was introduced to a vision of its future: cryptocurrency and stock trading epicenter of the South Pacific.

Chinese officials and businessmen made speeches – their resumes beamed onto a giant screen at the luxury St. Regis hotel – as they celebrated the official launch of the Samoa Digital Asset Exchange, Samoa Stock Exchange and Oceania Blockchain Special Economic Zone.

A sprinkling of Westerners with finance industry backgrounds were introduced as advisers. Also revealed were a chief technology officer, chairmen, a chief operating officer and bright, generically abstract logos for each of the companies.

Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo, Samoa’s finance minister, spoke and posed for photos. The Samoan coat of arms, representing state authority and meant only for official use, was plastered and projected throughout the venue.

But little more than a month later, after photographs from the Chinese event circulated online and caused disbelief in Samoa, Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa was on a damage-control footing.

The Samoan government had not given any endorsement or approval for the ventures, which were only proposals, said a statement from her office.

The cryptocurrency episode was not the only controversy over poor governance and lack of transparency that Fiame was battling.

Days later, she scuttled the first direct flights between China and Samoa after criticism of cabinet minister Laauli Leuatea Schmidt’s involvement in Samoa Royal Tours.

In conjunction with a Hong Kong travel company, it controlled tours in Samoa for the influx of Chinese visitors that began in late May. Samoa Royal Tours was registered as a company in Samoa in April and its shareholder was one of Laauli’s daughters, Rosary Leilua.

BenarNews has found that Laauli, one of Samoa’s most powerful politicians, is also linked to the effort to make Samoa a South Pacific crypto-finance center and that the cryptocurrency and Chinese tourism ventures overlap in other ways. Chinese businessmen involved in the effort to bring more Chinese tourists to Samoa also hold key positions in the stock exchange and cryptocurrency ventures.


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014e60 No.72130

File: e9d4130d7148e5a⋯.png (138.41 KB,659x800,659:800,Clipboard.png)

File: d99f25629fab9de⋯.png (136.86 KB,677x797,677:797,Clipboard.png)

File: dd57682c772813b⋯.png (84.88 KB,690x480,23:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187872 (160245ZJUL23) Notable: Alabama Lawmaker Blocks Pentagon Budget Moves to Force Decision on Space Command Basing

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Alabama Lawmaker Blocks Pentagon Budget Moves to Force Decision on Space Command Basing

An Alabama lawmaker is holding up the military's ability to move around budgeted funds and cover funding shortfalls because the Air Force hasn't announced whether U.S. Space Command will be permanently located in his state.

The move by Rep. Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the powerful House Armed Services Committee, has put the Air Force in a bind as it faces a personnel funding shortfall and looks to extend some deployments and pause some bonuses. Rogers said Friday he is holding up reprogramming requests that could relieve the money woes because the service hasn't confirmed the command's move to Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville.

A final basing decision for the command headquarters, now temporarily located at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado, has languished for the past two and half years despite an announcement in the waning days of the Trump administration that Alabama was the preferred location as lawmakers wrangle over having the prestige, funding and jobs of a military command in their states.

Despite telling some news outlets earlier in the week that accusations of him holding up reprogramming requests over the Space Command basing decision were a "misrepresentation of the HASC processes," asked Friday by Military.com if that's what he's doing, Rogers replied, "I am."

"All the Air Force has got to do is make an announcement," Rogers said. "I don't care what the announcement is. Make an announcement. They've had 13 months since the inspector general finished reviewing it and said there was no political interference. Make an announcement."

Rogers' decision to hold up reprogramming requests, a move where the Pentagon seeks congressional approval to shuffle around its appropriated funds, comes as the Air Force has announced it is pausing some duty assignments and reenlistment and retention bonuses, as well as extending some deployments due to fears of running out of money in the personnel budget.

By policy and tradition, the Pentagon seeks approval from the leaders of the House and Senate armed services and appropriations committees before moving any money between accounts. But there is no law that requires the department to get approval first, as famously demonstrated when the Trump administration raided Pentagon coffers to fund its border wall despite congressional opposition.

While the Air Force's announcement on personnel shortfalls is the first visible effect of Rogers' hold, hundreds of millions of dollars in reprogramming requests across the military branches are reportedly being delayed, including funding for weapons testing and shipyard maintenance, according to a memo obtained by CQ Roll Call.


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014e60 No.72131

File: 41c934a4d906e23⋯.png (1.28 MB,1890x922,945:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187881 (160250ZJUL23) Notable: How QAnon Became Obsessed With ‘Adrenochrome,’ an Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ from Kids

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How QAnon Became Obsessed With ‘Adrenochrome,’ an Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ from Kids


Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.

Tarpley Hitt


Updated Aug. 14, 2020 11:35AM EDT / Published Aug. 14, 2020 4:34AM EDT

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014e60 No.72132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187886 (160251ZJUL23) Notable: UK Defence Secretary to step down as MP

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UK Defence Secretary to step down as MP

33 minutes ago

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has announced he will step down as an MP at the next election.

He’s expected to leave cabinet at the next reshuffle – which is set to take place in the coming months.


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014e60 No.72133

File: 74c8ef84b10f49c⋯.png (393.42 KB,634x793,634:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187897 (160254ZJUL23) Notable: Leading gender dysphoria expert lauded for his work on sexual orientation says he has been censored after authoring report which found girls feel 'pressured' into declaring they are trans

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Leading gender dysphoria expert lauded for his work on sexual orientation says he has been censored after authoring report which found girls feel 'pressured' into declaring they are trans

J Michael Bailey, 66, has been lauded for his work on sexual orientation

One of the world's leading experts on gender dysphoria claims an academic journal has withdrawn an article he wrote for it due to pressure from trans activists.

J Michael Bailey, 66, professor of psychology at Northwestern University in the US state of Illinois, has published more than 100 academic articles during his 40-year career and has previously been lauded for his 'groundbreaking' work on sexual orientation.

On March 29, his article 'Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria' was published in the academic journal Archives Of Sexual Behavior. The professor co-authored the piece with a mother called 'Suzanne Diaz', whose daughter is transgender. She declined to give her real name for fear of reprisals.

In the report, Prof Bailey concluded that young girls reported feeling 'pressured' into receiving medical transition treatments, including drugs to block puberty, after suffering Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). ROGD is where children, mostly girls, with no history of gender dysphoria suddenly declare they want to transition to the opposite sex.

Prof Bailey has long argued ROGD is caused by peer pressure and says doctors encourage drastic medical interventions, including mastectomies, which the girls later regret.


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014e60 No.72134

File: b2b0dafd9bff88b⋯.png (1.15 MB,634x953,634:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187907 (160257ZJUL23) Notable: 'Prison Karen' Ghislaine Maxwell accuses a guard of sexual abuse after staffer confronted her over poor personal hygiene and used vulgar word

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'Prison Karen' Ghislaine Maxwell accuses a guard of sexual abuse after staffer confronted her over poor personal hygiene and used vulgar word - as it's claimed she's too scared to shower

Ghislaine Maxwell, 61, was confronted by a female guard after inmates complained that she wasn't showering after coming off the outdoor track

Maxwell, who has filed more than 400 complaints over her conditions in prison and has been branded 'Prison Karen', accused the guard of sexual abuse

'Prison Karen' Ghislaine Maxwell accused a female guard of sexual abuse for confronting the disgraced socialite over her lax personal hygiene, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

The officer pulled Maxwell, 61, aside after fellow inmates complained that she wasn't showering after coming off the outdoor running track at Florida's FCI Tallahassee.

The dressing down is said to have involved coarse language and the term 'hooha' – slang for an intimate female body part – leaving the Oxford-educated prisoner aghast.

'The officer never touched her. It was just a conversation about cleanliness and the need to shower more frequently. But the officer has a mouth like Cardi B and was completely tactless about it,' an insider told DailyMail.com.

'Max insists that it was a personal matter and the officer had no right to bring it up. She reported the encounter because she claims it left her feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed.

'She might seem a little easily shocked for a convicted sex trafficker – but that's Max. She doesn't see herself that way, she acts and talks as if she's innocent.'


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014e60 No.72135

File: adda6ba7466fa2f⋯.png (68.95 KB,1189x640,1189:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187924 (160301ZJUL23) Notable: Looks like a big radiation spike in Karpinsk, Russia - DIG CALL

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Um, guys, looks like a big radiation spike in Karpinsk, Russia.

Source: https://radmon.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30&station=rmka

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014e60 No.72136

File: 710125e25f541a6⋯.png (842.5 KB,1146x1022,573:511,Clipboard.png)

File: b9052d3e9f0b705⋯.png (68.84 KB,227x207,227:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187947 (160309ZJUL23) Notable: Joe looking at brain exercises for dementia in a bookstore - FOR KEKS

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Is this for real?

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014e60 No.72137

File: 10806200e2d516f⋯.mp4 (933.69 KB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187957 (160312ZJUL23) Notable: Joe looking at brain exercises for dementia in a bookstore - FOR KEKS

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>Is this for real?

seems so

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014e60 No.72138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187977 (160316ZJUL23) Notable: Joe looking at brain exercises for dementia in a bookstore - FOR KEKS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Original vid without manipulation from 10 years ago.

We've been here before.


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014e60 No.72139

File: 4265569120b1bf3⋯.png (695.91 KB,680x547,680:547,Clipboard.png)

File: bbb8a3c03da421d⋯.png (15.18 KB,468x782,234:391,Clipboard.png)

File: e7bcbbc0acba853⋯.png (115.06 KB,1191x547,1191:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188018 (160329ZJUL23) Notable: Anon: KILLBOX1AZB in Q 2013 point to a protein that looks like the Hydra found in the vax

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I found this the other day r.e. Q post 2013




search 1AZB found a protein from a bacteria

" ALCALIGENES DENITRIFICANS" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1AZB

just noticed they look like the Hydra supposed found in vax .

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014e60 No.72140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188020 (160330ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Carlson's Speech in West Palm Beach Florida July 15, 2023

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Tucker Carlson's Speech in West Palm Beach Florida July 15, 2023


July 15, 2023


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014e60 No.72141

File: 32fdf7c91999041⋯.png (78.18 KB,859x316,859:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188035 (160334ZJUL23) Notable: 84M did not vote in the 2020 election; if we swamp them, they dont have a chance.

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Around 239.2 million Americans were eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential

Trump: 74,224,319

Biden: 81,284,666

84M did not vote

If we swamp them, they dont have a chance.

But the people have to vote.

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014e60 No.72142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188062 (160342ZJUL23) Notable: Looks like a big radiation spike in Karpinsk, Russia - DIG CALL

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Bongino has been warningfor days that there’s something serious going on with Russia and China, everyone should get supplies, water, flashlights and things that work without electricity. He said a warning came out that they could release a bioweapon and EMP that could turn off all electricity, directed at the US

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014e60 No.72143

File: 045a6e5e3ca0a0a⋯.jpeg (105.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188111 (160353ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Massive’ drone raid on Russian naval base repelled

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16 Jul, 2023 03:39

‘Massive’ drone raid on Russian naval base repelled – governor

Ukraine’s attack on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Crimea has failed, the head of Sevastopol said

Ukrainian aerial and seaborne drones have unsuccessfully tried to attack Sevastopol, the home to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, the port city’s top official, Mikhail Razvozhayev, said in the early hours of Sunday.

According to Razvozhayev, one UAV was shot down over the water and five others were disabled with signal-jamming. He added that two seaborne drones were destroyed while approaching the port.

“The attack was massive and prolonged,” Razvozhayev wrote on his Telegram channel. He said no damage was done to the ships or sites on the shore.



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014e60 No.72144

File: 044adc73ccdc38f⋯.jpeg (449.11 KB,1170x1739,1170:1739,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188122 (160357ZJUL23) Notable: CMz: Vivek is a Soros Fellow…can he be trusted?

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Vivek is a Soros Fellow.

With this revelation, can he be trusted?

source: https://www.pdsoros.org/meet-the-fellows/vivek-ramaswamy


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014e60 No.72145

File: 961d17d96f23405⋯.jpeg (116.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188138 (160401ZJUL23) Notable: Crimea invasion would kill 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

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15 Jul, 2023 21:32

Crimea invasion would kill 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

Kiev is “totally dependent” on the West and cannot take back territory through military means, Aleksey Arestovich has said

The cost of invading Crimea would be too high for Kiev, a former adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Aleksey Arestovich, said this week. The operation would likely lead to hundreds of thousands of casualties, he said, speaking to Russian journalist Yulia Latynina.

There are “few prospects” of seizing the Crimean Peninsula through military means, Arestovich said, when discussing the options remaining to Kiev in its ongoing conflict with Moscow.“What will be the cost? Extermination of 200,000 of the adult male population?”he added, referring to the number of soldiers Ukraine would be likely to lose. Ukraine’s economy might also be “totally destroyed” in the process, he warned.

Kiev is already “totally dependent” on its Western backers, the former presidential adviser admitted. Should the US and its allies stop supplying Ukrainian troops with weapons, they would not only beunable to take back territoriesthat had joined Russia, but would also struggle to defend their current positions, he said.

Arestovich also openly charged that Washington and its allies were pursuing their own interests in the conflict. “Let’s be honest: our foreign policy goals in this war contrast sharply with the foreign policy goals of our sponsors and backers,” he said, adding that the West was willing to sacrifice Ukraine’s territory and lives of its people to achieve the desired outcome.

Ukraine can now only influence the Western leaders at an “emotional” level, the former presidential adviser said, adding thatKiev should have focused on building up its own sovereignty instead. “We need relations… based on real profits. That’s the only thing they [the West] understand,” he added. Arestovich also said that “immoral policies… and inability to take serious decisions” are the “major weakness of the West.”

Still, Ukraine cannot just abandon its Western backers and pursue its own goals “at any cost,” the former adviser insisted, adding that that would be a “dead end” for Kiev. The only consolation would be the prospect of joining NATO in exchange for peace with Russia.

“Stop the war and join NATO? Many people would say it is a historical chance,” the former presidential confidant said. He also described NATO guarantees in exchange for consenting to a peace with Russia along the current contact line as a “fairly good deal.” According to Arestovich, such an agreement would also likely require the West to lift some of its anti-Russian sanctions to convince Moscow to agree to such terms.

His remarks come amid the much-touted Ukrainian summer offensive, which has failed to bring about significant changes on the battlefield almost a month and a half after it was launched. Ukrainian troops have suffered heavy losses, including in Western-supplied heavy armor, during their largely unsuccessful attacks on the Russian defenses. According to Western media, Kiev’s backers have also been frustrated over the slow pace of the operation.

Moscow has repeatedly signaled it was ready for peace talks with Ukraine. It has also blamed Kiev for the lack of progress in the diplomatic field, citing a decree signed last year by Zelensky that prohibits talks for as long as Russian President Vladimir Putin remains in power.

Kiev put forth its own peace plan demanding Russia withdraw its troops from all the territories within Ukraine’s 1991 borders. Moscow has rejected the proposal, calling it detached from reality.


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014e60 No.72146

File: f867d28e71f10d2⋯.png (167.83 KB,786x830,393:415,Clipboard.png)

File: bcc7cdaebef2f0c⋯.mp4 (10.58 MB,640x350,64:35,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188157 (160406ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT Truth w/Storm imagery

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POTUS posted it here:


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014e60 No.72147

File: aa64fcf5832dbe4⋯.jpeg (136.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188169 (160408ZJUL23) Notable: 20% of Ukrainian weapons destroyed in just two weeks – New York Times

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15 Jul, 2023 15:31

20% of Ukrainian weapons destroyed in just two weeks – New York Times

Kiev’s Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles “all burned,” one soldier told the newspaper

The Ukrainian military lost 20% of the equipment it sent to the battlefield during the first two weeks of its counteroffensive, the New York Times reported on Saturday. This high attrition rate was reportedly akey factor in Kiev’s decision to pause the operation.

Beginning in early June, Ukrainian forces launched a series of attacks all along the front line from Kherson to Donetsk. Advancing through minefields and without air support, the Ukrainian military lost 26,000 men and more than 3,000 pieces of military hardware, according to the latest figures from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Ukrainian losses were at their highest during the initial two weeks of the offensive, the New York Times claimed, citing unnamed American and European officials. These officials said that up to 20% of Ukraine’s tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed in this period, including many Western-provided vehicles.

For some units, Western equipment was lost at an even higher rate, the Times continued, citing figures from a pro-Ukrainian organization. Ukraine’s 47th Mechanized Brigade – a NATO-trained unit – apparently lost 30% of its 99 Bradley Infantry Fighting vehicles in two weeks, while the 33rd Mechanized Brigade lost nearly a third of its 32 German-made Leopard tanks in a single week.

“They all burned,” said one Ukrainian soldier who witnessed at least six Western vehicles destroyedin a single Russian artillery barrage. Another Ukrainian fighter told the Times that his unit’s Bradleys run over anti-tank mines on a daily basis. While the troops inside often survive, the vehicles are left immobilized long before they reach Russian lines.

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian forces have destroyed a total of 311 Ukrainian tanks since June 4. “At least a third of them, I believe, were Western-made tanks, including Leopards,” Putin told Russia 24 TV on Thursday.

After the first two weeks, Ukrainian commanders decided to pause the counteroffensive, and losses subsequently dropped to 10%, the Times claimed. President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged the pause this week, but blamed the West for failing to supply him with enough weapons and equipment for a successful operation.

With little territorial gain to show for Kiev’s losses, Western officials have expressed disappointment at the pace of the offensive, according to a steady trickle of media reports since mid-June. Zelensky and some of his top officials still insist that the decisive phase of their counteroffensive has yet to begin.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Western backers are running low on ammunition, particularly155mm artillery shells. US President Joe Biden admitted this week that “we’re low” on these shells, explaining that the shortage compelled him to send controversial cluster munitions in their stead. The US has also stalled on approving the training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets, something that Kiev insists will help restart the faltering counteroffensive.


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014e60 No.72148

File: 804fd3b9e48eeec⋯.png (6.9 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188173 (160410ZJUL23) Notable: QClock July 14, 2023 - Boom On The Launch Pad

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QClock July 14, 2023 - Boom On The Launch Pad

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014e60 No.72149

File: 7b768f7d804440a⋯.jpeg (55.93 KB,505x408,505:408,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7436a9bf1ba84c4⋯.jpeg (241.18 KB,1122x764,561:382,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188238 (160429ZJUL23) Notable: Sundance: DeSantis Fires a Dozen Staffers As Campaign Payroll Burn Rate Nears 30%

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DeSantis Fires a Dozen Staffers As Campaign Payroll Burn Rate Nears 30%, Meanwhile Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds Come from Big Donors, 15% from Small Donors

July 15, 2023 | Sundance1/2

There is a lot of granular dissection of the DeSantis campaign taking place as the music stops and the staff clamor for a chair.

Keep in mind, Donald Trump released his campaign fundraising details showing over a million small donors helped raise $35 million with an average contribution of $34.20. Small donors, that’s millions of middle-class and working-class MAGA folks, are the fuel for President Trump’s campaign.

According to the latest FEC filing [DATA HERE] the DeSantis campaign team took in $20.1 million, butburned through $7.9 million in just six weeks. This presents a major problem for the campaign becauseover two-thirds of those contributions were from maxed-out donorswho cannot contribute again. Only 15% of DeSantis campaign fundraising came from small

As NBC notes, “the numbers suggest, for the first time, that solvency could be a threat to DeSantis’ campaign, which has touted its fundraising ability as a key measure of viability.” The big problem for Ron DeSantis is his reliance on big donors.

(NBC) – […] more than two-thirds of DeSantis’ money — nearly $14 million — came from donors who gave the legal maximum and cannot donate again, NBC’s analysis shows. Some of those donors gave the $3,300 limit for both the primary and general elections, boosting DeSantis’ totals with cash that can’t be used to try to defeat Trump.

DeSantis finished June with more than $12.2 million in the bank, but his filing indicates that $3 million of that can only be used in the general election. Trump’s campaign ended the quarter with $22.5 million on hand. At the same time, DeSantis spent about 40 percent of what he raised, in part bypaying salaries to 92 people(before the staff firings). (article here)

The issue of relying on billionaires, rich people, corporations and Wall Street was always an achilles heel for DeSantis. Once those donors have contributed the maximum amount, either individually or through bundling their friends to support him, that’s it.

Every campaign needs a wide and deep donor group from the voters in order to tap them intermittently for assistance as the campaign continues. DeSantis just doesn’t have that withonly 15% of his total raised coming from small donors. That makes the burn rate a major problem and with the scale of payroll assembled, he needs to cut expenses after less than two months of campaigning. Casey will not be happy.

(NBC) – Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign has fired roughly a dozen staffers — and more are expected in the coming weeks as he shakes up his big-money political operations after less than two months on the campaign trail.

Those who were let go were described to NBC News by a source familiar as mid-level staffers across several departments whose departures were related to cutting costs. The exits come after the departures of David Abrams and Tucker Obenshain, veterans of DeSantis’ political orbit, which were first reported by Politico.

Sources involved with the DeSantis campaign say there is an internal assessment among some that they hired too many staffers too early, and despite bringing in $20 million during its first six weeks, it was becoming clear their costs needed to be brought down.

[…] DeSantis’ campaign had 92 people listed as being on the payroll for at least some period of time during its first fundraising period, according to campaign finance reports filed Saturday with the Federal Election Commission.It is by far the most of any Republican presidential candidate, and it has left his campaign with huge payroll expenses and, the new filings show, fewer resources than originally thought. (read more)


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014e60 No.72150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188247 (160431ZJUL23) Notable: Sundance: DeSantis Fires a Dozen Staffers As Campaign Payroll Burn Rate Nears 30%

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Team DeSantis is having a crisis and coping party this weekend in Tallahassee where they will address the issues of greatest concern to the billionaires. However, absent a structural change in the candidate, the team, the outlook and the entire purpose of their assembly, nothing will work.

As noted by those connected to the campaign, “they think DeSantis’ inner circle underestimated just how hard — and expensive — it would be to break the grip on the Republican base held by Trump, who has a commanding lead and is seen as the overwhelming frontrunner. Even in Florida, a state that re-elected DeSantis by nearly 20 percentage-points just seven months ago, Trump now has his own 20-point lead on DeSantis, according to a Florida Atlantic University poll released last week.”

I said last year not to worry about DeSantis too much because the more people would be exposed to him the less likely his campaign would succeed. This was not snark on my part, this is just the reality that is Ron DeSantis. The reason why theinfluencers recruited by Christina Pushaware so abrasive, sanctimonious, condescending, annoying and detrimental to his campaign, is because his influencers are just like him Pushaw factually enlisted the help of people who have the samepersonality of Ron DeSantis; which is to say they are a miserable unlikeable bunch.

There are not enough uppity jerks in the base of the Republican Party, people who look down on others while taking selfies of their lunches, to overwhelm the ordinary base of regular folks who comprise the MAGA community.DeSantis polls well with a very narrow segment of rude, affluent people and there just are not enough of them.

The issues for the DeSantis campaign are structural and embedded in the DNA of the campaign participants. This is not a fixable flaw. I knew this last year when I was watching the team assemble; these are the same GOPe types that form the core of the never-trumpets. Just a miserable bunch of out-of-touch political types.

The Sea Island Super PAC (Never Back Down) has money, around $200 million, but the campaign itself is on life-support after only a few months. Even with the super pac buying off everyone they can, they don’t end up changing the dynamic of the voting base.

You might say I have been a little hard on DeSantis and if he just stayed as governor all would be ok. Unfortunately, that’s not accurate or possible. Ron DeSantis could not avoid running for 2024 because this 2024 race was the entire reason he was put into the 2018 Florida Governor’s contest to begin with. Once you realizeDeSantis is a long-planned operation going back to Trump’s 2018 mid-term, then you realize why he needs to be removed.


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014e60 No.72151

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188274 (160439ZJUL23) Notable: Dems looking for Biden replacement (like Newsom)

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A Pundit With a Point

July 15, 2023 | Sundance |

Generally speaking I skip most punditry stuff nowadays simply because it is fraught with too much pretending. Factually, when the baseline of the review is grounded on a false premise, the sequential review of potential outcomes is flawed and generally irrelevant.

That said, this is one of the rare punditry opinions that hits close to accurate {direct rumble link}. Everything in this brief segment is close to the mark, Ned Ryun is at least one of those pundits who actually hits the target. The flaw, part of the pretending that he misses, is in the outlook that if “republicans” -implying the RNC- can generate a ballot harvesting operation to compete, then Trump will defeat Newsom.

The issue Ryun misses is that professional republicans, the private corporations that are assembled under the unity banner of the professionalrepublican apparatus (RNC), when given the Trump vs Newsom scenario, do not want Trump to defeat Newsom. The win/win scenario for the multinationals is a Trump defeat, irrelevant of the victor, that’s the major flaw within the pretending issue inherent in almost all political analysis. WATCH:

1:24 minutes



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014e60 No.72152

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188313 (160449ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Don’t trust a man with numb gums’: Tucker Goes off on the White House Cocaine

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Excellent KEK!

Don’t trust a man with numb gums’: Tucker Goes off on the White House Cocaine

1:52 minutes


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014e60 No.72153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188358 (160502ZJUL23) Notable: #23566

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#23566 >>72112

>>72113 FERBRACHE: You May Have Missed A Startling Part Of Wray’s Testimony On Backdoor Gun Control

>>72114 Alabama woman disappears after calling 911 to report toddler walking along interstate

>>72115 DONALD J TRUMP boom × 4? :32 seconds in… (Cap 1:07)

>>72116, >>72117, >>72119 President Trump notable quotes

>>72118 POTUS: Wheels down, Think Mirror? Q 3414 [Wheels up]

>>72120, >>72121 PDJT Truth: "THE SNAKE"

>>72122 It wasn't Pence that got hit with a water balloon but Bruce Blakeman

>>72124 John Kerry Tries To BS His Use Of Private Jets, Promptly Gets Called Out On It

>>72123 American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

>>72125 New series of military vehicles designed for survivability and tactical mobility rolls into Iowa Training Center.

>>72126 Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

>>72127 PDJT Truth: My honor to be indicted & arrested by sick govt "Thugs"

>>72128 Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

>>72129 Chinese investors, a Samoan high chief plot a cryptocurrency hub in paradise

>>72130 Alabama Lawmaker Blocks Pentagon Budget Moves to Force Decision on Space Command Basing

>>72131 How QAnon Became Obsessed With ‘Adrenochrome,’ an Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ from Kids

>>72132 UK Defence Secretary to step down as MP

>>72133 Leading gender dysphoria expert lauded for his work on sexual orientation says he has been censored after authoring report which found girls feel 'pressured' into declaring they are trans

>>72134 'Prison Karen' Ghislaine Maxwell accuses a guard of sexual abuse after staffer confronted her over poor personal hygiene and used vulgar word

>>72135, >>72142 Looks like a big radiation spike in Karpinsk, Russia - DIG CALL

>>72136, >>72137, >>72138 Joe looking at brain exercises for dementia in a bookstore - FOR KEKS

>>72140 Tucker Carlson's Speech in West Palm Beach Florida July 15, 2023

>>72139 Anon: KILLBOX1AZB in Q 2013 point to a protein that looks like the Hydra found in the vax

>>72141 84M did not vote in the 2020 election; if we swamp them, they dont have a chance.

>>72143 ‘Massive’ drone raid on Russian naval base repelled

>>72144 CMz: Vivek is a Soros Fellow…can he be trusted?

>>72145 Crimea invasion would kill 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

>>72146 PDJT Truth w/Storm imagery

>>72147 20% of Ukrainian weapons destroyed in just two weeks – New York Times

>>72148 QClock July 14, 2023 - Boom On The Launch Pad

>>72149, >>72150 Sundance: DeSantis Fires a Dozen Staffers As Campaign Payroll Burn Rate Nears 30%

>>72151 Dems looking for Biden replacement (like Newsom)

>>72152 ‘Don’t trust a man with numb gums’: Tucker Goes off on the White House Cocaine



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014e60 No.72154

File: 1e9adeb96290182⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,712x392,89:49,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188365 (160505ZJUL23) Notable: #23567

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baking stepping OUT



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014e60 No.72155

File: 77f8017eb0379c5⋯.png (3.87 MB,1622x2185,1622:2185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188423 (160524ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump mocks White House's insistence no-one saw who left cocaine

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'Like hell they didn't have any cameras!'

Donald Trump mocks White House's insistence no-one saw who left cocaine in West Wing, after suggesting drugs were for Joe and Hunter Biden

▶ Donald Trump criticized the White House's decision to close the investigation into the discovery of cocaine in the West Wing due to a 'lack of evidence'

▶ During a speech to Florida Republicans, Trump expressed skepticism over claims there were no cameras in the area that might have captured the culprit

▶ Trump pointed out that the White House, with its vast security infrastructure, has more cameras than any other building globally, including facial recognition

Former President Donald Trump mocked the White House's revelation that the investigation into how cocaine came to be found in the West Wing was to be closed because of a 'lack of evidence'.

Speaking at Turning Point Action in Florida on Saturday evening, the 2024 Republican presidential candidate poured cold water on suggestions that there were no cameras that might have witnessed the culprit to whom the drugs belonged to.

'The White House just announced they dropped the investigation into the West Wing cocaine scandal of just a few days,' Trump began, recounting the news.

'Think of it, they have cocaine going into the White House. They have got more cameras than any building in the world. It is opposite the Situation Room. I know it well,' Trump went on.

'It's probably the most important room anywhere in the world. That is where war is decided, where nuclear is decided, where everything is decided. They said they did not have any cameras. Like hell they didn't!'

Trump shared his skepticism to loyal Republicans listening to his Saturday night speech that despite facial recognition cameras, guest-book logs and security all over the most protected building in the Western world, the investigation has now been dropped. ...


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014e60 No.72156

File: b6fe89efd5054fd⋯.png (3.24 MB,1886x2048,943:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188454 (160537ZJUL23) Notable: Kari Lake: oh, what a conversation we had… If the walls could talk

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oh, what a conversation we had… If the walls could talk 👀


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014e60 No.72157

File: 0fa21602a9a7c9c⋯.jpg (17.51 KB,181x218,181:218,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 34f57e1adca2200⋯.jpg (23.82 KB,293x205,293:205,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d8d13145400d148⋯.jpg (11.77 KB,230x121,230:121,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c88da3dc9826967⋯.jpg (24.25 KB,283x203,283:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188589 (160631ZJUL23) Notable: Cabalist Photos Reloaded

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72158

File: f8f77cfe01c7eaa⋯.jpg (179.96 KB,936x895,936:895,Clipboard.jpg)

File: af47844dc5715f7⋯.jpg (172.02 KB,884x575,884:575,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e27068f15090e71⋯.jpg (190.03 KB,869x844,869:844,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0fde92eadd38e1a⋯.jpg (129.76 KB,936x725,936:725,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76764a38aab76da⋯.jpg (116.03 KB,576x806,288:403,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188593 (160633ZJUL23) Notable: Cabalist Photos Reloaded

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72159

File: ba219da2e64ebd6⋯.jpg (38.52 KB,380x378,190:189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 52e88d3b7cc1d4a⋯.jpg (37.95 KB,390x386,195:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ac92ed501d16c0⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,378x373,378:373,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188604 (160638ZJUL23) Notable: Cabalist Photos Reloaded

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014e60 No.72160

File: e7462e27befb6cb⋯.jpg (138.28 KB,595x796,595:796,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 58ee2918804801f⋯.jpg (223.15 KB,979x747,979:747,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188614 (160642ZJUL23) Notable: Cabalist Photos Reloaded

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72161

File: 69a21e6728e9a9c⋯.png (1.71 MB,1078x809,1078:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188617 (160644ZJUL23) Notable: Cabalist Photos Reloaded

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eating the children that die and shitting it out into 5 gallon buckets to be dumped into the ocean.

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014e60 No.72162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188689 (160729ZJUL23) Notable: 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

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Earthquake Info

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Alaska Peninsula on 7/16/2023, 12:48 AM


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014e60 No.72163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188695 (160733ZJUL23) Notable: 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Confirmed https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?currentFeatureId=us7000kg30&extent=-15.36895,-170.68359&extent=71.07406,-112.67578 usgs

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014e60 No.72164

File: 097227b55cc1404⋯.png (145.47 KB,898x858,449:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188702 (160736ZJUL23) Notable: 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

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7.2 on USGS site

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014e60 No.72165

File: 6fcab6fde752da5⋯.jpg (50.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188712 (160748ZJUL23) Notable: 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

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Tsunami Sirens in Alaska




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014e60 No.72166

File: 57d8e8b4944fb37⋯.png (674.98 KB,1019x915,1019:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188729 (160759ZJUL23) Notable: 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

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Tsunami risk appears to be downgraded to "watch" status


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014e60 No.72167

File: a5bb8b14c3bbb18⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188936 (160944ZJUL23) Notable: Multiracial 'Snow White' Remake Inspire Widespread Mockery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Photos of Disney’s Multiracial ‘Snow White’ Remake Inspire Widespread Mockery, Only One Dwarf Among ‘Seven Dwarves’

Stephen L. Miller


My complaint with Snow White has always been that the story didn't resemble a Portland homeless encampment so this is refreshing.

8:34 AM · Jul 14, 2023

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014e60 No.72168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188946 (160946ZJUL23) Notable: Multiracial 'Snow White' Remake Inspire Widespread Mockery

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Here's the sauce


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014e60 No.72169

File: fe1f4a0e16aa78e⋯.png (730.44 KB,926x812,463:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19188952 (160947ZJUL23) Notable: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Twitter Suspended and Reinstated (?)

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Twitter suspends account of Archbishop

Carlo Maria Viganò

Life Site News, by Jean Mondoro

Original Article

Posted By: Harlowe, 7/15/2023 11:32:09 PM

Twitter, the social media platform that has boasted free speech protections since coming under the control of Elon Musk, has suspended the account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. On Saturday afternoon, word began to spread of the incident with followers demanding an explanation from owner Elon Musk and calling for reinstatement of the account. The account is labeled “suspended” and all posts hidden, an action which Viganò described to LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen as “shameful.”(Snip)Comments left under posts regarding the suspension express dismay at the incident and call on Musk to investigate the reason behind it and reinstate the account.

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014e60 No.72170

File: 0744c250e0ad12f⋯.png (470 KB,615x431,615:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f41429aa7f0a6⋯.png (173 KB,693x535,693:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189005 (161007ZJUL23) Notable: At what point ruling it a coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

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17Grasshopper17 (@TAFKAG)


Feb 22, 2021


At what point ruling it a coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility,..😎

H/T to:

[QDrops] [8Bakes] ]Crumbs] [Covfefe]

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014e60 No.72171

File: 1e801667b33aaba⋯.png (38.51 KB,1320x229,1320:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189029 (161024ZJUL23) Notable: USVI wants JPMorgan to pay $190M for Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking

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The US Virgin Islands said it wants JPMorgan Chase to pay at least $190 million to resolve a lawsuit accusing the largest US bank of ignoring the disgraced late financier Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking.

In a Friday filing in federal court in Manhattan, the territory said it wants JPMorgan to pay a $150 million civil fine, and give up at least $40 million from its 15-year relationship with Epstein.

It also wants JPMorgan to pay compensatory damages suffered by Epstein’s victims, as well as punitive damages.

A large payout is appropriate because JPMorgan “lacked the economic incentive and motivation to place compliance with the law and prevention of trafficking ahead of its own profits,” the territory’s lawyer said in the filing.

Friday’s letter marks the first time the US Virgin Islands has put a dollar figure on any sum it wants JPMorgan to pay for relationship with Epstein.

The territory wants JPMorgan held liable for providing banking services to Epstein from 1998 to 2013, enabling him to pay his victims, and ignoring internal warnings and other red flags because it valued him as a wealthy client.

Epstein, who died by suicide in August 2019, had owned two neighboring islands within the territory, including one that authorities said he bought to keep people from spying on him as he sexually abused young women and girls on the other.

A trial is scheduled for Oct. 23.


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014e60 No.72172

File: 6c0c66b04c54cb4⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,640x346,320:173,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189071 (161047ZJUL23) Notable: Tory Whip Tim Fortescue Could Cover Up 'Scandals Involving Small Boys'

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Sir Edward Heath's Tory Whip Tim Fortescue Told BBC He Could Cover Up 'Scandals Involving Small Boys'

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014e60 No.72173

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189140 (161123ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction Review

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I am watching POTUS speech, right now.

Just observed at the 33 min mark that he praised Horowitz with his fantastic work, Durham was mentioned positiv and then some journalists.

He started with John Solomon and the last he named was Sarah Carter.

My thoughts, that was a hint to the crumbs with Trust Horowitz and JS and SC were under surveillance.

LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023



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014e60 No.72174

File: 0b122ce22bafe32⋯.png (561.86 KB,745x762,745:762,Clipboard.png)

File: 93579101c0c27f8⋯.jpg (58.42 KB,634x502,317:251,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8616056400cf2c2⋯.jpg (49.25 KB,634x403,634:403,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2a27b0f53c0f89e⋯.jpg (168.29 KB,634x1144,317:572,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189151 (161132ZJUL23) Notable: Transgender runner, 49, wins women's 400m bronze medal

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Transgender runner, 49, wins women's 400m bronze medal at the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris

The runner was 18 years older than any other competitor within the race.

El-Edrissi who came fourth is 27, silver medalist Alejandra Perez Lopez from Venuzala is 25 and gold medalist Cuba's Omara Durand is 31.

Petrillo competed in men's national races before transitioning in 2019. The athelte was born with Stargardt disease - a degenerative eye condition that has no cure.

After transitioning, the runner won the 100, 200 and 400 metres women's races in Italy's Paralympic championship.

Petrillo hoped this would result in a place at the Tokyo Paralympics in 2021 - but the Italian Disabled Sports Association refused to grant a nomination.

It did not give its reasons for the decision publicly, but the Telegraph reported that it had been under intense pressure from the athlete's fellow competitors.


49 year old dude beats a bunch of 20 year old women

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014e60 No.72175

File: 3e820d91f4389ff⋯.png (140.96 KB,658x524,329:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189208 (161205ZJUL23) Notable: Rebel News: Insta blocked due to the Trudeau Liberals passing Bill C-18.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rebel News@RebelNewsOnline

Our Instagram pages have been blocked due to the Trudeau Liberals passing Bill C-18.

Sign our petition: http://StopTheCensorship.ca.


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014e60 No.72176

File: 212c62f798369ef⋯.png (703.03 KB,500x655,100:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189228 (161214ZJUL23) Notable: Meme of the bread

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014e60 No.72177

File: c19a8662bb6d781⋯.png (396.68 KB,700x952,25:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189230 (161215ZJUL23) Notable: Censorship/Gun Control Simplified

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reddit's draconian policy on trans talk


Best read in a German accent. I've never seen such censorship in my life. This is wrong. Even if you agree with gender ideology, you should be very troubled by this. THERE WILL BE NO DEBATE! EVER!


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014e60 No.72178

File: 7deee2ac97446f3⋯.jpg (258.68 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189234 (161216ZJUL23) Notable: Censorship/Gun Control Simplified

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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014e60 No.72179

File: e24189474af6fa5⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189244 (161221ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Clips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72180

File: 2ed8a66d7835b4b⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,540x270,2:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189255 (161225ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Clips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189275 (161231ZJUL23) Notable: #23567

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23567 >>72154

>>72155 Donald Trump mocks White House's insistence no-one saw who left cocaine

>>72156 Kari Lake: oh, what a conversation we had… If the walls could talk

>>72176 Meme of the bread

>>72157, >>72158, >>72159, >>72160, >>72161 Cabalist Photos Reloaded

>>72162, >>72163, >>72164, >>72165, >>72166 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

>>72167, >>72168 Multiracial 'Snow White' Remake Inspire Widespread Mockery

>>72169 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Twitter Suspended and Reinstated (?)

>>72170 At what point ruling it a coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

>>72171 USVI wants JPMorgan to pay $190M for Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking

>>72172 Tory Whip Tim Fortescue Could Cover Up 'Scandals Involving Small Boys'

>>72173 Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction Review

>>72174 Transgender runner, 49, wins women's 400m bronze medal

>>72175 Rebel News: Insta blocked due to the Trudeau Liberals passing Bill C-18.

>>72179, >>72180 Jim Caviezel Clips

>>72177, >>72178 Censorship/Gun Control Simplified

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014e60 No.72182

File: 2752c7c2f93198a⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189279 (161233ZJUL23) Notable: #23568

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'Cause we're the ship of fools

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014e60 No.72183

File: 84a570cbd79b375⋯.png (1.26 MB,991x1666,991:1666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189309 (161246ZJUL23) Notable: A Pandemic of the Vaccinated?

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Breaking News:A Pandemic of the Vaccinated?

'A top Virologist has made a video claiming to be his last and that he believes there will potentially be mass death and outbreaks of illness towards the end of summer this year. ''

It comes hot on the heels of reports that another pandemic may be heading to the UK which could cause another mass lockdown event and that it could be the big one killing 40% of victims.


Some have suggested that the next pandemic may be a cover for those already vaccinated and becoming ill due to injuries caused to their immune systems.

#mRNAvaccines #ExcessDeaths #vaccineinjuries #UK #USA #WEF2030Agenda

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014e60 No.72184

File: 07d7d7155079b4f⋯.png (57.9 KB,657x456,219:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189338 (161254ZJUL23) Notable: Biden took 'pills' under wife Jill's supervision before every public appearance

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Tucker Carlson claims that witness from 2020 campaign says Biden took 'pills' under wife Jill's supervision before every public appearance and was 'like a child' without the medication

Carlson made the allegation during a monologue on his show Friday night

Claimed a witness saw Biden take cognitive enhancer drugs during campaign

Biden, 79, has strenuously rejected similar allegations in the past

His White House medical report lists no cognitive medications or mental issues

Still, Biden's age and fitness are increasingly topics even among Democrats

By Keith Griffith For Dailymail.com

Published: 23:32 EDT, 15 July 2022 | Updated: 09:34 EDT, 18 July 2022


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014e60 No.72185

File: f7286a8f21760b3⋯.png (198.2 KB,418x520,209:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189355 (161257ZJUL23) Notable: Touted by Oprah and the Clintons And we are winning

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Touted by Oprah and the Clintons

Spirit Cooked teenagers that aged out of use for adrenochrome

Connected to the Allison Mack and Keith Reinier NXIVM cult

Connected to the psychologist that owned a hospital closed down for missing children

Who was the father of the El Paso Shooter

Nike and cloudflare took down the 4Chan to cover this up and blamed that on Qanons posting his manifesto there

It was posted on Telegram and we reposted it to educate

We have gone against the full force of the FBI and CIA to tell you these things

And we are winning 👀☕

Good morning Anons

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014e60 No.72186

File: 175986191552b11⋯.png (463.31 KB,1044x643,1044:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189367 (161300ZJUL23) Notable: Prince Andrew Has Lied About Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein

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New Messages Suggest Prince Andrew Has Lied About Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein After His Conviction – Wanted the Convicted Sex Offender’s Help To Secure Funding for ‘Mysterious’ Fuel Company

by Paul Serran Jul. 16, 2023 7:20 am

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014e60 No.72187

File: e0b4c20249704f0⋯.png (55.47 KB,827x404,827:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 27c36f310dd6fad⋯.png (59.04 KB,842x411,842:411,Clipboard.png)

File: ce8ae15d035a10a⋯.png (87.94 KB,812x579,812:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189375 (161303ZJUL23) Notable: "IRS AGENTS" AUTHORITY IS ALL BASED ON CITIZENS ARREST

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014e60 No.72188

File: f49c762f05407f0⋯.png (296.53 KB,601x554,601:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189376 (161304ZJUL23) Notable: Flynn: I absolutely love @KarliBonnita and @TuckerCarlson

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General Mike Flynn


I absolutely love @KarliBonnita

and I believe @TuckerCarlson

is the $h!t

Quote Tweet

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸




Someone in the audience yells- Coke in The White House 🤣

1:56 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72189

File: a8f7a48fbd3bdf4⋯.mp4 (843.82 KB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189397 (161310ZJUL23) Notable: At what point coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

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>>72170 At what point ruling it a coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

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014e60 No.72190

File: c633af8781df5dd⋯.png (4.36 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189420 (161318ZJUL23) Notable: At what point coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

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I have news for you all: You will find us at the edge of the spear, that is the tip of the top! Nothing can stop what is coming goes deeper, God is truly with us.

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014e60 No.72191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189447 (161325ZJUL23) Notable: ZH: The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

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The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

Before the COVID lockdowns, social media companies had started contracting with new third-parties organizations called fact-checkers to assist in “content creation.” Getting a pass meant the post or story was amplified but getting dinged for inaccuracy meant that the post would be throttled or deleted.

For a while we believed it but certain revelations changed that. We came to realize that the posts labeled false were typically contrary to regime narratives. And a close look at the supposed refutation revealed that many points were very much in dispute. The companies developed a talent for seeming to reveal something false that was actually still debatable and interesting to consider. In most cases, what was declared false was still under consideration.

As time went on, the attempts to censor became more brazen and obvious. Then the Twitter files and other FOIAs generated proof of what many suspected all along. These entities were funded either directly or indirectly by government or by other dark-money sources as quid pro quos for other relationships they had cultivated with interested parties.

In other words, they were not some independent, science-based entities at all but rather hit squads with a hard political agenda. What was actually happening here was a form of censorship laundering. Government wants to censor but cannot so it turns to the social-media company to do the dirty work. To make this hand-in-glove racket less obvious, the companies would outsource to a fact-checking organization, making the lines of control even more blurry.


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014e60 No.72192

File: ed47f6d4a4d57e2⋯.png (1.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189458 (161328ZJUL23) Notable: Touted by Oprah and the Clintons And we are winning

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014e60 No.72193

File: b1601530e645171⋯.png (7.12 MB,5015x5000,1003:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: dddd83ba29d8307⋯.png (241.78 KB,998x1658,499:829,Clipboard.png)

File: ae02cc98d562e4d⋯.png (1.82 MB,1711x1442,1711:1442,Clipboard.png)

File: 493900d8e621de4⋯.png (1.35 MB,1399x963,1399:963,Clipboard.png)

File: e7c495577cbc7b7⋯.png (2.64 MB,1271x1946,1271:1946,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189480 (161333ZJUL23) Notable: 10:07 on the clock and World SNAKE DAY

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10:07 on the clock and World SNAKE DAY

24/7/365 (24-year delta, 3+6+5=14 so 72=[27]=J+F+K)

Also 24/7 + 1 year could be called "34/7", today's overall clock time since "clock started"

248th Independence Day will (maybe) occur 7/4/24

7/365 is 7+3+6+5=21, think mirror=12, today is country's 247th birthday +12 days.

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014e60 No.72194

File: ca299d196e6edff⋯.png (25.28 KB,616x304,77:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189484 (161334ZJUL23) Notable: To all the truth seekers that are willing to speak out despite the consequences

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See new Tweets






To all the truth seekers that are willing to speak out despite the consequences. Thank you, I love you all!

You Retweeted

Elon Musk




1:30 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72195

File: a7840422781e09e⋯.png (562.32 KB,976x1033,976:1033,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189503 (161338ZJUL23) Notable: Multiple cops were ambushed this weekend by Mohamad Barakat in Fargo

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Multiple cops were ambushed this weekend by Mohamad Barakat in Fargo

Officer Jake Wallin was killed

2 others are in critical condition

>>>/qresearch/19184821 (pb)

>your post is irrelevant and divisive

I guess I'm still annoyed by you. Stop living in my head, where's my rent?

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014e60 No.72196

File: 885ec350f76ff75⋯.jpeg (62.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189530 (161345ZJUL23) Notable: US supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine is a crime – Putin

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16 Jul, 2023 07:55

US supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine is a crime – Putin

Washington itself has claimed that the use of the weaponry is a potential war crime

If Ukraine uses US-supplied cluster munitions on the battlefield, Moscow reserves the right to retaliate in kind, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned.

Speaking to journalist Pavel Zarubin, Putin offered his take on the decision by the administration of US President Joe Biden to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions – which are banned in more than 100 countries due to the risk they pose to civilians.

“The US administration itself gave an assessment of these munitions through the mouths of its employees some time ago… calling the use [of these munitions] a crime. This is how I think it should be regarded,” he said, according to an extract of the interview released on Sunday.

The Russian president was apparently referring to a statement made by former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki in late February 2022, days after the start of the Ukraine conflict, in which she said that the use of the controversial munitions could be regarded as a war crime.

The Russian leader suggested that the US approved the move due to a shortage of ammunition, noting thatUkraine’s shell consumption far exceeds the current stockpiles of the West.

“Russia has a sufficient stock of various typesof cluster munitions... So far, we have not used them. We have not needed to, despite the well-known [munitions] deficit for a certain period of time,” Putin said.

But of course, if [Ukraine] uses them [cluster munitions] against us, we reserve the right to reciprocal measures.

Washington announced the decision to send cluster munitions to Kiev earlier this month, and American officials recently confirmed that the controversial ammo has already arrived in Ukraine.

Cluster munitions are notorious for releasing large numbers of bomblets over a wide area when they explode. The submunitions often fail to detonate, posing a serious threat to civilians for many years after the fighting has ended.

Many of Washington’s allies have expressed concerns about the move, while Moscow has outright condemned it. Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to the US, called it a “gesture of desperation” and a tacit recognition of Kiev’s lackluster performance on the battlefield. He also accused US policymakers of “ignoring the arguments about the inhumanity” of the step, and of “turning a blind eye to civilian casualties.”


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014e60 No.72197

File: fbb95927e5520c7⋯.png (1.79 MB,960x1434,160:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189548 (161350ZJUL23) Notable: Meteor and Milky Way over the Alps

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 16, 2023

Meteor and Milky Way over the Alps

Now this was a view with a thrill. From Mount Tschirgant in the Alps, you can see not only nearby towns and distant Tyrolean peaks, but also, weather permitting, stars, nebulas, and the band of the Milky Way Galaxy. What made the arduous climb worthwhile this night, though, was another peak the peak of the 2018 Perseids Meteor Shower. As hoped, dispersing clouds allowed a picturesque sky-gazing session that included many faint meteors, all while a carefully positioned camera took a series of exposures. Suddenly, a thrilling meteor bright and colorful - slashed down right next to the nearly vertical band of the Milky Way. As luck would have it, the camera caught it too. Therefore, a new image in the series was quickly taken with one of the sky-gazers posing on the nearby peak. Later, all of the images were digitally combined.


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014e60 No.72198

File: 1ac865e96cd2f6a⋯.jpeg (62.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189568 (161355ZJUL23) Notable: Moscow’s forces thwarted Ukrainian drone raid on Sevastopol in Crimea

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16 Jul, 2023 09:30

Moscow shares details of failed Ukrainian ‘terrorist attack’ on Sevastopol

Seven aerial and two navy drones have been neutralized near the Crimean Peninsula, the Defense Ministry has said

Moscow’s forces thwarted a major Ukrainian drone raid on thekey Russian naval base of Sevastopol in Crimea, the Defense Ministry has said, adding that the attack did not cause any injuries or damage.

The statement from the ministry on Sunday followed an earlier report by Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev, who spoke about a “massive and prolonged” raid on the city. According to the ministry, “the Kiev regime [attempted] to carry out a terrorist attack” in Crimea, which involvedseven aerial and two naval semi-submersible drones.

Officials said that Moscow’s forces successfully repelled the attack, with two drones taken down by air defenses far from the coastline.

Another five unmanned vehicles were suppressed by electronic warfare measures and crashed, failing to hit their targets, according to the statement. In addition, Russian coast guard patrol boats detected anddestroyed two Ukrainian unmanned motorboatsin the northern part of the Black Sea, according to the ministry.

Later in the day, Razvozhayev said that another aerial drone had been jammed by electronic warfare, adding that the Russian fleet scrambled to destroy the fallen aircraft.

Several unverified videos posted on social media appear to show Russian naval forces firing from automatic weapons at a fast-moving target in the water.

Amid the conflict with Russia, in recent months, Ukraine has targeted various facilities in Crimea with drone and rocket strikes. Earlier this month, Ukraine launched a missile at the Crimean Bridge, which links the peninsula with mainland Russia, but failed to do any damage, according to the Defense Ministry.

Responding to the incident, Valery Gerasimov, the head of the Russian General Staff, ordered the military to “take additional measures to improve the protection of facilities from air strikes as soon as possible.”

(So Ukraine will not fight with soldiers in battle but with terrorist tactics using the 1,000s of drones from allies)


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014e60 No.72199

File: a1ec9954272fecb⋯.png (102.59 KB,1026x185,1026:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189576 (161357ZJUL23) Notable: A doctor known for assessing Covid risk fell ill with the virus

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A doctor known for assessing Covid risk fell ill with the virus. Here’s what he wants you to know

A doctor known for advising people on the risks of Covid-19 got a double surprise: He got Covid, and he wound up needing stitches because of it.

Dr. Robert Wachter, who chairs the Department of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco, said he had not tested positive for Covid until last week, according to posts from his Twitter account. He said he was fully vaccinated and had received his second bivalent booster in April.

He said his symptoms started with a dry cough on July 9, and by that night, he had a fever, chills and a sore throat. Wachter said he made a mistake the following day when he took a shower while feeling these flu-like symptoms.

“I work (sic) up in a bloody pool on my bathroom floor,” he wrote on Twitter. “There was a dent in the lid of a trashcan, likely where my head had hit. I remembered nothing. As I managed to get up, it was clear that my face was going to need stitches, and more than a couple.”

Wachter said he required stitches on the back of his head and on his forehead, which he shared in a photo of himself with a black eye. He declined an interview to go into more detail about his illness and recovery.

Wachter became a highly followed doctor on Twitter for sharing his own risk gauging and Covid advice during the pandemic, and he has urged people to get vaccinated. He said his Covid “case is a cautionary tale” and warned people to avoid the shower mistake he made.

“While the instinct to take a shower when you’re sweaty and gross is understandable, stepping into hot water when you’re dehydrated and flu-ish can cause your blood vessels to dilate, leading to a dangerous drop in blood pressure,” Wachter wrote, adding that was exactly what happened to him earlier this week.

He said he was lucky to have his future son-in-law available to drive him to the UCSF emergency room. He was admitted to the hospital.

Doctors sent him for two CT scans and later an MRI, due to the extent of his injuries on the front and back of his head, he said.

He said a head CT scan showed a subdural hematoma, which happens when blood collects between the brain and the skull. A neck fracture appeared in one of his vertebrae in another CT scan.

Wachter’s MRI didn’t show any additional damage, he said. He added a message of thanks for his colleagues who stitched him back together.

Luckily, at my age a few scars don’t bother me much, and I believe my wife likes me for reasons other than my previously seamless brow,” he said.

After 24 hours in the emergency department, Wachter tweeted that he is home and isolating. He said he’s taking the anti-viral medication Paxlovid to help lessen the severity and duration of the illness, as well as the chance of long Covid.

As far as future brushes with Covid, Wachter said he doesn’t think he will change his behavior, as long as cases remain low. “I’ll continue being relatively careful, but no more than I’ve been,” he said.

While he has not treated any Covid patients, Wachter said he wears a KN95 mask in clinical settings. Sometimes he’s removed his mask in non-crowded meetings, he added.

“I will, however, be more careful about showering or taking a hot bath or hot tub when dehydrated. That’s one important takeaway from this mess,” he said.


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014e60 No.72200

File: 1de0a98d22182e8⋯.jpeg (255.52 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2e5032338cd2eb⋯.jpeg (115.83 KB,1112x609,1112:609,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 20451502e2c6f36⋯.jpeg (265.01 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189599 (161402ZJUL23) Notable: Belarusian troops receive Wagner training

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16 Jul, 2023 12:44

Belarusian troops receive Wagner training

Fighters from the PMC are sharing their experience from the Ukraine conflict with local territorial defense units, according to Minsk

Less than a month after launching a short-lived mutiny in Russia, members of the Wagner private military company are training Belarusian troops and sharing the battlefield experience they gained from the Ukraine conflict, according to the Defense Ministry in Minsk.

In a statement on Friday, the ministry said that together with the Wagner leadershipit had developed a “road map” for military training and sharing experience.

It also noted that Wagner troops were instructing Belarusian territorial defense forces in exercises near the town of Osipovichi in the central part of the country. The drills focused mainly on tactical movements across the battlefield as well as firearms, engineering, and first aid training, according to the statement.

Voyen TV, an outlet affiliated with the Belarusian Defense Ministry, shared footage of the exercises involving territorial defense forces, which are typically tasked with protecting borders and strategic facilities. Several unnamed soldiers interviewed by the channel praised Wagner’s battlefield experience.

“Listening to them is very interesting, of course.They have seen live action, and this experience is very useful for the Belarusian army.We have not taken part in hostilities since the end of the Afghan War,” he said, referring to the Soviet-era conflict that lasted from 1979 to 1989.

In late June, Wagner chief Evgeny Prigozhin accused the Russian Defense Ministry of staging a fatal missile strike on one of the PMC’s camps, vowing retaliation and declaring a ‘march for justice’ on Moscow. Prigozhin later agreed to abort his advance on the Russian capital as part of a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Wagner troops were given the option of either to returning to civilian life, signing contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, or moving to Belarus. Earlier this month, Lukashenko suggested that fighters from the PMC could be used to defend the country, adding that he was “not worried” about Wagner’s presence.


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014e60 No.72201

File: 44030f79000ad19⋯.png (474.87 KB,602x889,86:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189610 (161405ZJUL23) Notable: Group of Disney ‘Princesses’ film themselves urinating in the urinals

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Oli London


Group of Disney ‘Princesses’ film themselves urinating in the urinals of a men’s restroom. 👸🏼👸🏽

At least they are using the right restroom and not the women’s!

But why would anyone film themselves urinating while wearing women’s clothing? 🤔


Dr. Jebra Faushay

2:56 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72202

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189706 (161440ZJUL23) Notable: America where do you find these moronic clowns?

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Ex-CIA Moscow Station Chief Challenged on Russia vs NATO in Ukraine, CIA Sabotage+Nuclear Escalation

My first and only contact with Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, who served as the CIA’s Chief of Station circa 2000, was at a conference hosted by my former CIA classmate, Valerie Plame, five years ago. Rolf is a very pleasant, soft-spoken man, but is blinded by an old Cold War view of the world and cannot see Russia straight.

In Rolf’s world, Putin is bad. Very, very bad. And the United States? Clean as the driven snow on the Artic Tundra. He perpetuates the myth that Putin is weak and in trouble. Rolf also makes the ridiculous claim that the U.S. deployment of cluster bombs is a reaction to Russia’s use of increasingly lethal weapons. He is not a stupid person. Yet he ignores the fact that the United States and its NATO partners are the one deploying more sophisticated, lethal weapons. Who sent the HIMARS? Who sent the M777s? Who sent the Storm Shadow?

I was shocked by Rolf’s cavalier dismissal of the West coming up short in its ability to supply 155 mm shells and effective air defense systems. The much ballyhooed Patriot system has been a complete bust. But that does not faze Rolf. He just rambles on about the West needing to show resolve and commitment. In fact he asserts that it is very possible that Russia will be defeated by Ukraine. We got to find out what mind altering substances he has been ingesting. That is the only explanation I can come up with to explain the nonsense spilling from his lips.



America where do you find these moronic clowns?

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014e60 No.72203

File: b10ce30997ce20d⋯.png (557.32 KB,997x1012,997:1012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189739 (161450ZJUL23) Notable: AI is transforming everyday life – and DIA’s ability to process data more quickly

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AI is transforming everyday life – and DIA’s ability to process data more quickly. If you’re ready to use your #tech skills to serve your country, apply to our Science & Technology virtual hiring event at https://diajobs.dia.mil and enter keyword “science.” #techjobs #science

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014e60 No.72204

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189756 (161454ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE! Day 2 of our first ever Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, FL

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LIVE! Day 2 of our first ever Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, FL! 🇺🇸🌴#ACTCON2023


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014e60 No.72205

File: fee4fe798a1209e⋯.png (697.36 KB,1014x931,1014:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189788 (161500ZJUL23) Notable: military is reviewing video of a large mystery object that has washed onto AU shore

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EXCLUSIVE: The military is reviewing video of a large mystery object that has washed onto shore at Green Head on the State’s mid-west coast. #7NEWS

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014e60 No.72206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189794 (161500ZJUL23) Notable: Out of Archives (Shadows)

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>Asking fer a faver

Next time just say this:

Hey, I am retarded dumb fuck, can you please help me w/ something?!

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014e60 No.72207

File: f0b9d9576f83c21⋯.gif (601.55 KB,581x390,581:390,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189796 (161501ZJUL23) Notable: Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

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this just happened

Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies


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014e60 No.72208

File: 20a8111740a67f1⋯.jpeg (27.28 KB,900x472,225:118,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189819 (161506ZJUL23) Notable: Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

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Breaking Newssomething big happening in Russia

16 Jul, 2023 14:

Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

The Russian president has signed a decree imposing temporary state control over foreign shares offood and beer manufacturing giants



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014e60 No.72209

File: 0f95121ca34a506⋯.png (174.19 KB,763x873,763:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189854 (161513ZJUL23) Notable: Dig Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter Etc

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Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter Etc.

Posted on July 15, 2023 by Constitutional Nobody

From the Moynihan Letters:

Letter #110, 2023, Saturday, July 15: Viganò

The Twitter account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 82, the former papal nuncio to the United States, has just been blocked.

See the report of this news here.

The apparent spark for this suspension decision is a powerful text Viganò has just published warning of what he sees as the very grave danger to the human prospect — mankind’s future freedom and happiness — by what Viganò argues is a very well-organized plan for a spiritual and financial “global reset” sponsored by globalist elites. (Full text published below)

So evidently conversation and condemnation of this plan is regarded as so improper as to require cancellation — even by a Twitter now owned by Elon Musk, who has taken a number of steps to roll back the heavy censorship practiced by the platform prior to his acquisition of the company for $44 billion.

So evidently, Viganò’s thought is being censored.

Nevertheless, because we are persuaded that Viganò is not only a man of prayer, but also a highly experienced man in the field of global diplomacy — once one of the highest-ranking diplomats of the legendary Vatican diplomatic corps — we think his ideas need to be heard, analyzed, evaluated, criticized, perhaps developed and improved, but in any case taken into account, as we attempt to navigate the coming important and dangerous years. ...


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014e60 No.72210

File: b4f593a6263ee34⋯.png (67.02 KB,768x508,192:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189865 (161514ZJUL23) Notable: Dig Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter Etc

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lisa Mei @TheNotoriousLMC·17h

Here's an article with the full text from @CarloMVigano's tweet that got him suspended.

FTA: The apparent spark for this suspension decision is a powerful text Viganò has just published warning of what he sees as the very grave danger to the human prospect — mankind’s future freedom and happiness — by what Viganò argues is a very well-organized plan for a spiritual and financial “global reset” sponsored by globalist elites.


>Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter Etc.

General Mike Flynn

Thanks for sharing this with everyone.They’ll try to delete this from history.

9:06 AM · Jul 16, 2023


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014e60 No.72211

File: 3d9e88b28ad5dd7⋯.png (434.48 KB,568x667,568:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189868 (161514ZJUL23) Notable: meme of the bread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72212

File: 20a8111740a67f1⋯.jpeg (27.28 KB,900x472,225:118,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190001 (161544ZJUL23) Notable: Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

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16 Jul, 2023 14:42

Update: Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

The Russian president has signed a decree imposing temporary state control over foreign shares of food and beer manufacturing giants

Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

Russia has temporarily nationalized the assets of two major food and beer manufacturers. All foreign shares ofDanone Russia, which is controlled by its French parent company, andBaltika Breweries, controlled by theDanish Carlsberg Group, have been handed over to theRussian Federal Property Management Agencyfollowing a presidential decree.

Both foreign giants recently announced plans to sell their businesses in Russia. Over 83 million Danone Russia shares owned by Produits Laitiers Frais Est Europe were transferred under state control, the decree published on the official government website on Sunday said. The decision also covered almost 100% of shares within Baltika Breweries’ registered capital.

French food company Danone recently faced pressure from clients and activists to exit the Russian market amid the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. The company initially defended its decision to stay by saying it had a responsibility to “the people we feed, the farmers who provide us with milk, and the tens of thousands of people who depend on us.”

The company’s business in Russia included 13 factories, 7,200 employees, and amounted to 5% of its annual global sales of around €24 billion ($27 billion). In October 2022, Danone announced it was seeking to sell its business in Russia in a transaction that could result in a write-off of up to €1 billion, Western media reported.


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014e60 No.72213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190042 (161551ZJUL23) Notable: #23568

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#23568 >>72182

>>72183 A Pandemic of the Vaccinated?

>>72184 Biden took 'pills' under wife Jill's supervision before every public appearance

>>72185, >>72192 Touted by Oprah and the Clintons And we are winning

>>72186 Prince Andrew Has Lied About Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein


>>72188 Flynn: I absolutely love @KarliBonnita and @TuckerCarlson

>>72189, >>72190 At what point coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

>>72191 ZH: The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

>>72194 To all the truth seekers that are willing to speak out despite the consequences

>>72195 Multiple cops were ambushed this weekend by Mohamad Barakat in Fargo

>>72193 10:07 on the clock and World SNAKE DAY

>>72196 US supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine is a crime – Putin

>>72197 Meteor and Milky Way over the Alps

>>72198 Moscow’s forces thwarted Ukrainian drone raid on Sevastopol in Crimea

>>72199 A doctor known for assessing Covid risk fell ill with the virus

>>72200 Belarusian troops receive Wagner training

>>72201 Group of Disney ‘Princesses’ film themselves urinating in the urinals

>>72202 America where do you find these moronic clowns?

>>72203 AI is transforming everyday life – and DIA’s ability to process data more quickly

>>72204 LIVE! Day 2 of our first ever Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, FL

>>72205 military is reviewing video of a large mystery object that has washed onto AU shore

>>72206 Out of Archives (Shadows)

>>72207, >>72208, >>72212 Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

>>72209, >>72210 Dig Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter Etc

>>72211 meme of the bread

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014e60 No.72214

File: aff12617ecad0af⋯.mp4 (10.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190058 (161553ZJUL23) Notable: #23569

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If the walls could talk

Baker Out Self Confirm

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014e60 No.72215

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190120 (161608ZJUL23) Notable: buckwheat vs honest versions

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TYB Do Over…

This will make you Laugh…

KJP Normal vs Honest Versions


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014e60 No.72216

File: dc53b78aac5cf71⋯.png (15.94 KB,597x269,597:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190216 (161631ZJUL23) Notable: CMZ: primary so far

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The primary so far:

DeSantis is spiraling.

Pence is not concerned.

Hutchinson has vaccine regret.

Vivek has Soros/CCP/BlackRock ties, but its "okay" because it was good business.


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014e60 No.72217

File: 7bf81ffb8ece5d0⋯.png (20.09 KB,650x537,650:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190225 (161632ZJUL23) Notable: Pence no goncerns

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Tucker: "I'm sorry mr. Vice President, have you?... I know you're running for President"

Pence: "Thank you, thanks for noticing"

Tucker: "You are distressed that the Ukrainians don't have enough American tanks, every city in the United states has become much worse over the past three years. Drive around, there's not one city that's gotten better in the United States. And it's visible, alright. Our economy has degraded, the suicide rate has jumped, public filth and disorder and crime have exponentially increased and yet YOUR CONCERN is that the Ukranians, a country most people can't find on a map, who've received tens of billions of US tax dollars, don't have enough tanks?"

Pence: "Right..."

Tucker: "I think it's a fair question to ask like, where's the concern for the United States in there?"

Pence "Oh it's not my concern... Tucker I've heard that routine from you before but that's not my concern. I'm running for President 'cause I think this country is in a lot of trouble..."

I like the Pence memes. They're funny.

This treasonous traitor deserves everything he gets.

BUT, I just want to point out (in the name of Truth) that he did not answer that American cities was not his concern, he answered that Ukrainian tanks were not. He was too pre-occupied with thinking of an answer to listen anything Tucker said after he said "Right...".

He's easy to destroy in so many other ways, that lying about him is just stooping to leftist tactics. Ffs, no one was going to vote for him anyways...

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014e60 No.72218

File: 79408633df19403⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190232 (161634ZJUL23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson Commends the Noncompliant Who Defied COVID Tyranny.

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Commends the Noncompliant Who Defied COVID Tyranny.

“If you are a good person, you will follow these rules. You will mask, you will separate, you will stay at home, you’ll take our shot. No, we have no idea what’s in it. We don’t know its long-term effects, but shut up. This is a moral test,” remarked


when he reflected on COVID.

“And if you want to pass, you will obey. And there will be people who decide to opt out, but they are, and everyone agreed on this, moral criminals. They’re outlaws,” he continued.

“They’re sitting over there. They’re standing right here. There are always some people there are always some people who are going to be or gifted with whatever that weird gene is. It’s like 8% of the population who are proud to stand apart and be like, no.”


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014e60 No.72219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190246 (161637ZJUL23) Notable: Vigano’s latest textSpeech for the Bornholm

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PN>>72209, >>72210 Dig Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter

Vigano’s latest textSpeech for the Bornholm ==1/2

By Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

DEAR FRIENDS, allow me to thank the organizers of this conference and to greet all the participants.

Your presence and sharing the alarm about the global coup – together with many other groups and movements around the world – must be a source of great consolation for all of us, because it means that the assault we are witnessing finds a firm and determined opposition that is not willing to let the criminal plan of the servants of the World Economic Forum be imposed.

You have had the opportunity to listen to other interventions, in which it was explained to you in a comprehensive way how this coup d’état was hatched over time, who its authors are and what are the goals they set for themselves.

Over the past three years, I myself have repeatedly denounced the instrumental use of the pandemic farce and of mass vaccination as an experiment in social engineering, through which not only to pathologize the world population after having exterminated a part of it, but also create the conditions for a capillary control of every human activity.

This control serves to make social credit possible, already in force in the Chinese communist dictatorship: through this system, citizens are subjected to an evaluation of their “virtuous” behavior, being rewarded or punished according to their obedience.

And this, as we know, can only happen where every person can be traced in all his actions, including payments and financial transactions.

It matters little that the rewards and punishments concern compliance with the lockdowns, having received the so-called “vaccine”, the expression of one’s thoughts on social media or the alleged carbon dioxide impact of our consumption: the controller wants to be able to force us with coercive means to obey his orders, regardless of whether what he asks of us is reasonable or justified.

The green pass that we recently experienced was the general test of the digital identity that the European Union wants to impose on all its citizens; a digital identity that will be linked to our current account, health record, our internet activity, the purchases we make.

We have to recognize that the architects of this coup have proved to be extremely organized, and on the other hand we must also admit that the reaction to this progressive encirclement has been slow and fragmented.

On the other hand, it is precisely by keeping us divided that our enemy — because he is such — succeeds in making us weak and in preventing the formation of an opposition movement.

He must prevent the coordination of the protest, the visibility of dissenting voices, the dissemination of arguments that disavow the mainstream narrative.

I address you as Catholic Bishop and former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America.

My main task, as a Pastor, is to defend the Truth, which is an attribute of God, against the lie of the one who has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

But in this case, dear friends, the attack of the elite affects not only the foundations of Religion, but the very essence of our being, our freedom, our free will and nature itself.

It is a war against God and against man.

A war in which a group of subversives want to restart the world — this is the great reset they are talking about — by resetting Creation and deleting everything in it that recalls the wise hand of the Creator and above all the total gratuitousness of his work.

Everything that the globalist elite accomplishes is in view of two goals, one ideological (I would say almost theological) and one material.

The ideological aim is to enslave us, depriving us of the freedom to do good and forcing us by blackmail or threat to do evil, or even just to tolerate that others do it.

The material aim is to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few financial groups, which thanks to these profits can actively cooperate in the realization of the first objective.

You can have confirmation of this by observing how in recent years everything has been transformed into a source of profit: birth, with surrogate motherhood and artificial insemination; death, with abortion and euthanasia; life, with vaccinations, gender transition, the commodification of sex.

All that the Lord has given us freely and with God-worthy magnificence has turned into money….Continued..


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014e60 No.72220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190268 (161640ZJUL23) Notable: Vigano’s latest textSpeech for the Bornholm

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They make us pay for good things, because they are expensive to be difficult to practice; and the bad ones, because we pay the price for our sins to those who offer them to us as a way of life.

They make us pay for what until yesterday was unthinkable could be traded: air, water, sunlight, nature, health, even friendships and love.

My appeal to all of you today is that you may understand that the only infallible way to get out of this infernal labyrinth is to strike at the root of the globalist evil on the very two fronts I mentioned earlier: the ideological and the economic; on the contrary, perhaps the first to hit is the economic one, because it is what guarantees the means of subsistence to this perverse system.

But to do so, it is necessary to unite in an anti-globalist alliance, contributing — each with its own means — to an action of resistance and denunciation of the coup.

From many parts of the world, the response to my appeal for the Anti-globalist Alliance is attracting great interest, because if we can unite and organize an opposition we can really achieve concrete results.

On the one hand, the refutation of the programmatic points of the 2030 Agenda, the formulation of credible alternative proposals that respect natural law and the denunciation of subversives.

On the other, the boycott of the multinationals engaged in the promotion of globalism and the support of all those realities that oppose it.

If each of us did not buy products from companies aligned with the World Economic Forum, it would be possible to give a strong signal that would hardly be ignored.

And if, at the same time, we concretely help the local shop, the artisan of our neighborhood, the farmer and breeder of our area, we would create a network of resistance that could stand together and oppose the implementation of the globalist agenda.

We are millions, indeed: billions of people.

And even though we have been disorganized up to now due to the media’s deliberate falsification of the comparison, we still have the opportunity to fight back.

Together: to rediscover those authentic human relationships that the dystopia of the New World Order wants to eliminate because it considers them dangerous.

I therefore urge you to continue on the path you have taken, joining forces with clear and concrete objectives.

If you give a Christian soul to this practical action, placing it under God’s protection, the chances of success will increase exponentially, because the omnipotence of the Lord will be added to our poor human strength, who loves us and does not abandon us in difficulty.

But to do so, dear friends, one must choose to take sides: either on the side of the Children of Light, or on the side of the children of darkness.

And being Children of the Light means being good Christians, obeying God’s Commandments, respecting the sacredness and intangibility of life, defending the natural family and the education of our children, preferring the gratuitousness and generosity of Good to profit and calculation of who does evil.

We cannot hope that Our Lord will help us if we are the first to offend Him with our way of life.

In the Our Father prayer, Jesus showed us the order of priorities: hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done are the main things, followed by the material ones: give us today our daily bread, forgive our debts to us, lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil.

Sanctify the name of God, let him reign in your hearts and in society, obey his holy law: the rest — free of charge, like all things of God — will be given to us far beyond our hope.

The Lord bless you all.

[End, Viganò’s censored text]


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014e60 No.72221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190276 (161642ZJUL23) Notable: The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5

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The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5

Jul 13, 2023


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014e60 No.72222

File: 755d0821be41b39⋯.png (387.23 KB,745x866,745:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190290 (161644ZJUL23) Notable: The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5

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Roseanne Barr

The direct link- some people are having problems finding it-

If you haven’t heard it yet it’s a good one. Sometimes I have guests and sometimes I shoot the shit crazy style. This one is crazy style.

The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5


12:30 PM · Jul 16, 2023


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014e60 No.72223

File: d32d9a3fa5b6334⋯.png (557.27 KB,1219x2048,1219:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190315 (161650ZJUL23) Notable: when racism meets a Christian

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Rep. Mesha Mainor·3h

Dear Democrat,

I’m sorry you feel this way. I pray everyone has a great Sunday! It’s another day the Lord has made.


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014e60 No.72224

File: a10db1d66ed4665⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190357 (161701ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Thought crimes

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Thought crimes

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014e60 No.72225

File: 867eacae91ffa48⋯.mp4 (10.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190365 (161702ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Weaponized News

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Weaponized News

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014e60 No.72226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190394 (161709ZJUL23) Notable: Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

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Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

Body Language Ghost

Jul 14, 2023



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014e60 No.72227

File: 56185ea84c207ac⋯.png (218.79 KB,1775x1092,1775:1092,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190405 (161711ZJUL23) Notable: Vaccine Safety Roulette: Can the Batch Determine Your Vaccine Safety?

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>targeted for death.

Vaccine Safety Roulette: Can the Batch Determine Your Vaccine Safety?


Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

In conclusion, the results suggest the existence of a batch-dependent safety signal for the BNT162b2 vaccine https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.13998

All vials are not the same: Potential role of vaccine quality in vaccine adverse reactions


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014e60 No.72228

File: 8aad1f5c88287da⋯.webp (10.18 KB,630x354,105:59,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190458 (161721ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Virgin Islands seeks at least $190 million from JPMorgan Chase in Jeffrey Epstein case

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U.S. Virgin Islands seeks at least $190 million from JPMorgan Chase in Jeffrey Epstein case

The Virgin Islands government alleges JPMorgan Chasefacilitated sex traffickingof young women by Jeffrey Epstein for years.

JPMorgan previously agreed to pay $290 million to settle a similar claim by Epstein survivors.

The bank, which is the largest in the United States has denied wrongdoing.

The government of the U.S. Virgin Islands in a court filing Friday estimated that it will seek damages of at least $190 million from JPMorgan Chase

in a lawsuit accusing the big bank of facilitating sex trafficking by its former long-time customer Jeffrey Epstein.

The Virgin Islands also said it wants an order requiring JPMorgan to take a series of steps to protect young women and girls from other predators in the future.


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014e60 No.72229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190482 (161725ZJUL23) Notable: Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (vidrel)

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Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (vidrel)

Switzerland's defenses don't stop with conscription and fortresses. Swiss Army rules mandate that bridges, hillsides and tunnels must be designed so that they can be remotely destroyed in order to deny highways and railroads to the enemy. Fuses and compartments for high explosives are designed and built into bridges, roads and tunnels when they are constructed. Supposedly the explosives themselves are not in place during times of peace. Hidden artillery prevents the enemy from repairing the damage. There are at least 3,000 such points, including entire hillsides, though, undoubtedly, the figure is higher than that.


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014e60 No.72230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190489 (161728ZJUL23) Notable: Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (vidrel)

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Mach 15 @ about 12000mph doesn't matter. Infrastructure will be destroyed in seconds. Switzerland would be another highly likely target

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014e60 No.72231

File: 6536d5078bc9e2a⋯.mp4 (7.5 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f288f7193930885⋯.png (434.43 KB,731x708,731:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190542 (161742ZJUL23) Notable: “Right now the numbers are so overwhelming, Republicans ought to start focusing on how to beat Biden because I think at a practical level they have a nominee, and his name is Donald Trump.” @NewtGingrich

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Donald J. Trump

“Right now the numbers are so overwhelming, Republicans ought to start focusing on how to beat Biden because I think at a practical level they have a nominee, and his name is Donald Trump.” @NewtGingrich


Jul 16, 2023, 1:31 PM


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014e60 No.72232

File: ad43f0286fdff8f⋯.png (98.36 KB,1006x472,503:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190548 (161744ZJUL23) Notable: The Russian president has signed a decree imposing temporary state control over foreign shares of food and beer manufacturing giants

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Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

The Russian president has signed a decree imposing temporary state control over foreign shares of food and beer manufacturing giants

Russia has temporarily nationalized the assets of two major food and beer manufacturers. All foreign shares of Danone Russia, which is controlled by its French parent company, and Baltika Breweries, controlled by the Danish Carlsberg Group, have been handed over to the Russian Federal Property Management Agency following a presidential decree.

Both foreign giants recently announced plans to sell their businesses in Russia. Over 83 million Danone Russia shares owned by Produits Laitiers Frais Est Europe were transferred under state control, the decree published on the official government website on Sunday said. The decision also covered almost 100% of shares within Baltika Breweries’ registered capital.

French food company Danone recently faced pressure from clients and activists to exit the Russian market amid the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. The company initially defended its decision to stay by saying it had a responsibility to “the people we feed, the farmers who provide us with milk, and the tens of thousands of people who depend on us.”

The company’s business in Russia included 13 factories, 7,200 employees, and amounted to 5% of its annual global sales of around €24 billion ($27 billion). In October 2022, Danone announced it was seeking to sell its business in Russia in a transaction that could result in a write-off of up to €1 billion, Western media reported.


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014e60 No.72233

File: 5c8980cec3735c3⋯.png (321.78 KB,601x492,601:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190561 (161746ZJUL23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Mentoring some student leaders about journalism on their campus and we reach a Eureka moment.

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James O'Keefe


Mentoring some student leaders about journalism on their campus and we reach a Eureka moment.

6:28 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72234

File: 90d771dad1b590d⋯.png (108.37 KB,1057x891,1057:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190562 (161746ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Administration Suspends Satellite Monitoring of Coca Crops in Colombia

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Biden Administration Suspends Satellite Monitoring of Coca Crops in Colombia Right as Production Surges – Move Comes as Nation Reels With White House Cocaine Scandal

The never-ending coke issues of the Joe Biden family and administration from hell have produced another infamous chapter.

A mere few days after the Secret Service wrapped up a hasty unsuccessful probe over cocaine found in the West Wing of the White House, it now surfaces that the US has suspended satellite monitoring of Colombia coca leaf fields – a move that comes amid a historical spike in production.

The move has horrible optics, and it’s fuelling an ongoing unrest over the deeply unsatisfactory results of the Secret Service probe: no suspect identified, case closed.

New York Post editorial reads:

“The White House is the most secure place on the planet, crawling with feds and fitted to the doorstops with video and other surveillance tech all aimed at keeping the world’s most powerful man safe.

Yet we’re somehow supposed to believe the men and women charged with protecting the president can’t find out who dropped an 8-ball in the West Wing?”

The rushed, 11-day investigation with no interviews, that unearthed zero clues, no DNA and no suspects, began after a series of shifting accounts about where exactly the drugs were found.

“No wonder the rumor mill is already spinning up to lay this whole mess in Hunter Biden’s lap. There’s no evidence the drugs are his.

Yet given that America’s already seen a massive federal effort so far to protect the ne’er-do-well First Son — everything from hindering investigations of his alleged crimes to setting him up to skate via his pending sweetheart plea deal — people can be forgiven for wondering.”

So, right on top of that, come the news of the suspension of the satellite monitoring of coca leaf plantations. What a PR move – NOT!

Associated Press reported:

“The Biden administration has quietly ditched a key gauge used for decades to measure success in the war on drugs, suspending satellite monitoring of coca crops in Colombia as cocaine production surges in South America.

A State Department spokesperson said the move was ‘temporary’ but gave no timeframe for data collection to resume or explain why it was suspended in the first place. It was also unclear whether satellite surveys would continue in Peru and Bolivia, which together account for about half of coca production in the Andean region.”


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014e60 No.72235

File: 68e7badf0e880f1⋯.png (332.55 KB,608x642,304:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190571 (161748ZJUL23) Notable: A group of foreigners who got accused of pedophilia and socially unacceptable behavior towards minors at the municipal swimming pool in Poland got “rescued” by the police

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Polish people don’t screw around if comes to protecting their children.

A group of foreigners who got accused of pedophilia and socially unacceptable behavior towards minors at the municipal swimming pool in Poland got “rescued” by the police before getting lynch by angry crowd.

Let this be a lesson for any pedophile who wants to visit Poland.

Last edited

5:10 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72236

File: 5005ce29963e0c3⋯.png (263.84 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 845e2776616f98e⋯.png (97.24 KB,857x698,857:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190584 (161751ZJUL23) Notable: Hersh Exposes The Real 'Quid Pro Quo' That Changed Erdogan's Mind About Sweden

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Hersh Exposes The Real 'Quid Pro Quo' That Changed Erdogan's Mind About Sweden

At this point Sweden's accession into NATO is looking certain, after Erdogan's dramatic about-face following months of prior complaints about Sweden being soft on 'terrorists' (or rather, Kurdish groups and individuals which the Turkish state doesn't like).

Despite Stockholm making concession after concession for much of the past year, even beginning extraditions for wanted dissidents accused of crimes back to Turkey, it was never enough. And then came Quran-burning incidents outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, which intensified Ankara's rejection of the Scandinavian country's membership bid further.

But then, only in the last weeks, something big changed. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed this past Wednesday that his country's parliament is set to approved Sweden's NATO bid. But this will take some time given it will not be back in session until October.

Erdogan suddenly being on board with the Brussels consensus immediately gave fellow holdout country Hungary the nudge it needed, with Hungary now saying it too is ready to approve Sweden's NATO bid. Hungary's parliament is expected to begin formally taking up the matter in mid-September.

Erdogan's 180-turn was announced just before NATO's summit in Vilnius which ran this past week, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ostensibly, Sweden's efforts at 'reform' under pressure by Turkey, which included passing new anti-terror laws, lifting an EU arms embargo on Turkey, and cooperating on extradition requests - are what changed Erdogan's mind. Many observers suspected something more to the story.

What was the real driving factor in the sudden Turkish "change of heart"? Legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh explains below based on his investigations [emphasis ZH]...


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014e60 No.72237

File: 98414538fd0d178⋯.png (58.03 KB,600x852,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190596 (161754ZJUL23) Notable: We are incrementally walking (causing really) toward WWIII. Russia doesn’t want Ukraine, Russia wants NATO and the west to live up to its promises

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General Mike Flynn



, @SenTomCotton

is (sadly) an endless-war promoting war hawk and you only need to understand the money trail instead of the moral trail.

We are incrementally walking (causing really) toward WWIII. Russia doesn’t want Ukraine, Russia wants NATO and the west to live up to its promises and commitments. That could be a starting point to cease the fighting and stop the dying.

Why did JFK get so upset when the Russians were placing missiles on our doorstep in Cuba? The very survival and our national sovereignty were threatened.

We need leaders seeking peace and not perpetuating war.

Also, given the state of our military, our nation needs a breather to refit and reorganize from decades of loser wars that have already cost us so much blood and treasure. We cannot afford to keep going down this endless-war road.






Quote Tweet





Tom Cotton is irredeemably swamp now

Been that way for a while now, but he constantly reminds us twitter.com/tomcottonar/st…

5:04 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72238

File: 2382dd51fe0078f⋯.jpg (82.35 KB,1170x1049,1170:1049,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190601 (161755ZJUL23) Notable: Reminder: Be Best..GOD does the rest

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Be Best..GOD does the rest

Sounds like you did all you could do and then it's out of your hands

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014e60 No.72239

File: abe77ed6eeef7c1⋯.png (998.11 KB,1280x880,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190603 (161755ZJUL23) Notable: burisma was the funnel machine so biden would get prosecutor fired

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For those that missed ted cruz on turning point. let me splain

cruz just sd, burisma was the funnel machine so biden would get prosecutor fired



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014e60 No.72240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190606 (161756ZJUL23) Notable: burisma was the funnel machine so biden would get prosecutor fired

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>let me splain

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014e60 No.72241

File: e83e1f091c1b128⋯.png (148.4 KB,695x842,695:842,Clipboard.png)

File: 07eec1f6330b6f8⋯.png (165.74 KB,695x930,139:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190609 (161756ZJUL23) Notable: Every Foreign Company in China Accepts CCP as Business Partner: Rep. Gallagher

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Every Foreign Company in China Accepts CCP as Business Partner: Rep. Gallagher

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a partner of every foreign company doing business in China, a congressional committee warned on Thursday, as lawmakers and experts went to great lengths to explain how corporate environments in China are vastly different.

“There is no such thing as a ‘private company’ in China,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), said during his opening statement at a hearing focused on the risks to American companies operating in China.

Mr. Gallagher said that different Chinese laws, including the CCP’s recently updated anti-espionage law and data security law, have “codified” what has always been true, which is that “Beijing reserves the right to swipe any data, seize any assets, and filch any IP it wishes.”

The Wisconsin lawmaker also made reference to Beijing’s longstanding practice of embedding communist party branches or cells in companies, institutions, schools, and other entities, which allow CCP officials to keep tabs on business operations and access confidential information.

“China’s Military-Civil Fusion policy means any private company can be effectively turned into an arm of the PLA or communist intelligence apparatus,” Mr. Gallagher added, referring to the Chinese military’s official name, the People’s Liberation Army. The CCP’s policy, which involves intellectual property theft, requires the private sector to support the PLA in its technological advancement.

In other words, Mr. Gallagher said that “every foreign business that enters China takes on a sometimes silent, sometimes not-so-silent business partner: the Chinese Communist Party.”

In recent months, Beijing began putting pressure on foreign auditing, consulting, and due diligence firms, including raids on three U.S. firms: Bain & Co., Capvision, and Mintz Group. The raids, according to Mr. Gallagher, clearly show that the CCP “considers sunlight and accurate business information in the hands of foreign companies operating in the PRC [People’s Republic of China] to be threats to its continued rule.”

“It’s time for American corporate executives to take off the golden blindfolds and stare with clear eyes at the growing peril of doing business in China,” Mr. Gallagher said.


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014e60 No.72242

File: 876965888a570de⋯.png (555.03 KB,597x723,199:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190610 (161756ZJUL23) Notable: Canuk: @Oilfield_Rando People think the eugenics movement, one of the most popular 20th century ideologies with support from all of the era’s elites, just went away all of a sudden

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Oilfield Rando


People think the eugenics movement, one of the most popular 20th century ideologies with support from all of the era’s elites, just went away all of a sudden.

They simply rebranded.

Quote Tweet

The Messenger




Canada will start allowing people with mental illness to choose medically assisted death https://trib.al/OE0munG


4:15 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72243

File: 6f3ac9d374397ce⋯.png (379.26 KB,976x539,976:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190612 (161758ZJUL23) Notable: “Everything That Is Hidden Will Be Revealed.”

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“Everything That Is Hidden Will Be Revealed.”

— Recently Acquitted J6er James Beeks

Sends a Message of Hope in Exclusive Interview

with TGP

Gateway Pundit, by Shawn Bradley Witzemann

Posted By: Imright, 7/16/2023 1:34:33 PM

James Delisco Beeks says he couldn’t feel better. After becoming just the second January 6th defendant acquitted of all charges, he has good reason. “I woke up the day after trial, and it was just a whole new sense of purpose in life, and it’s hard to explain,” Beeks explains at the beginning of a Saturday afternoon phone call. D.C. Judge Amit P. Mehta last Wednesday ruled that there was insufficient evidence to convict Beeks of knowingly working with OathKeepers to obstruct congressional proceedings on January 6th. Beeks was originally indicted on numerous felony counts but was eventually presented with the option

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014e60 No.72244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190614 (161759ZJUL23) Notable: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Transfer of Nuclear Submarines to Australia

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Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Transfer of Nuclear Submarines to Australia

The U.S. Foreign Relations Senate Committee has triggered the start of the process of attaining U.S. Congressional approval for the United States to temporarily give Australia two nuclear-powered submarines, alongside other measures to deepen further defense sharing with members of the pro-liberty AUKUS defence alliance.

In a bipartisan move on July 13, the committee authorized the transfer of two used Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines from the United States’ own fleet to Australia and training for Australians on developing “their own Australian submarine industrial base.” It also approves the sale of a third unspecified submarine to Australia. Currently, a new Virginia-class sub costs around $4.3 billion to build.

The bill—presented as an amendment in the State Authorization Act of 2023—effectively fast-tracks the transfer of secret U.S. military hardware to Australia and the UK over the next five years, which sees the AUKUS members prioritised in line just behind Taiwan and Ukraine.


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014e60 No.72245

File: b761ee4c68db15f⋯.png (185.06 KB,491x574,491:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190622 (161800ZJUL23) Notable: @YouTube 🇺🇸 has removed the American Flag 🇺🇸 from the list of emoji's In the live chat

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: @YouTube 🇺🇸 has removed the American Flag 🇺🇸 from the list of emoji's In the live chat. The only Flags you can use In a live stream are the Pride & Pedo Flags. If you do not think @YouTube

Is an enemy of the American people. You are still sleep. @gatewaypundit



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014e60 No.72246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190630 (161803ZJUL23) Notable: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Transfer of Nuclear Submarines to Australia

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XMLCommittee on Foreign Relations


Total Members: 21

Subcommittees (7)

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy

Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy

Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation

Subcommittee on Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions, and International Economic, Energy, and Environmental Policy

Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism

Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development

Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues

Majority Members (11) Minority Members (10)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Chairman

Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD)

Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)

Coons, Christopher A. (DE)

Murphy, Christopher (CT)

Kaine, Tim (VA)

Merkley, Jeff (OR)

Booker, Cory A. (NJ)

Schatz, Brian (HI)

Van Hollen, Chris (MD)

Duckworth, Tammy (IL)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ranking Member

Rubio, Marco (FL)

Romney, Mitt (UT)

Ricketts, Pete (NE)

Paul, Rand (KY)

Young, Todd (IN)

Barrasso, John (WY)

Cruz, Ted (TX)

Hagerty, Bill (TN)

Scott, Tim (SC)

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Booker, Cory A. (NJ), Chairman

Coons, Christopher A. (DE)

Merkley, Jeff (OR)

Schatz, Brian (HI)

Van Hollen, Chris (MD)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Scott, Tim (SC), Ranking Member

Young, Todd (IN)

Paul, Rand (KY)

Barrasso, John (WY)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Van Hollen, Chris (MD), Chairman

Merkley, Jeff (OR)

Schatz, Brian (HI)

Duckworth, Tammy (IL)

Coons, Christopher A. (DE)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Romney, Mitt (UT), Ranking Member

Scott, Tim (SC)

Hagerty, Bill (TN)

Ricketts, Pete (NE)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Shaheen, Jeanne (NH), Chairman

Murphy, Christopher (CT)

Van Hollen, Chris (MD)

Duckworth, Tammy (IL)

Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Ricketts, Pete (NE), Ranking Member

Paul, Rand (KY)

Barrasso, John (WY)

Rubio, Marco (FL)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Subcommittee on Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions, and International Economic, Energy, and Environmental Policy

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Duckworth, Tammy (IL), Chairman

Coons, Christopher A. (DE)

Schatz, Brian (HI)

Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)

Kaine, Tim (VA)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Barrasso, John (WY), Ranking Member

Romney, Mitt (UT)

Hagerty, Bill (TN)

Paul, Rand (KY)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Murphy, Christopher (CT), Chairman

Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD)

Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)

Kaine, Tim (VA)

Booker, Cory A. (NJ)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Young, Todd (IN), Ranking Member

Romney, Mitt (UT)

Cruz, Ted (TX)

Rubio, Marco (FL)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD), Chairman

Kaine, Tim (VA)

Booker, Cory A. (NJ)

Coons, Christopher A. (DE)

Murphy, Christopher (CT)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Hagerty, Bill (TN), Ranking Member

Ricketts, Pete (NE)

Cruz, Ted (TX)

Paul, Rand (KY)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues

Total Members: 11

Majority Members (6) Minority Members (5)

Kaine, Tim (VA), Chairman

Merkley, Jeff (OR)

Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD)

Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)

Murphy, Christopher (CT)

Menendez, Robert (NJ), Ex Officio

Rubio, Marco (FL), Ranking Member

Cruz, Ted (TX)

Young, Todd (IN)

Scott, Tim (SC)

Risch, James E. (ID), Ex Officio

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014e60 No.72247

File: 0cbaa06b3681216⋯.pdf (1.48 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 6ae9bdced0618f5⋯.png (72.1 KB,961x577,961:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190635 (161804ZJUL23) Notable: Durable contraception in the female domestic cat using viral-vectored delivery of a feline anti-Müllerian hormone transgene

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Durable contraception in the female domestic cat using viral-vectored delivery of a feline anti-Müllerian hormone transgene



Eighty percent of the estimated 600 million domestic cats in the world are free-roaming. These cats typically experience suboptimal welfare and inflict high levels of predation on wildlife. Additionally, euthanasia of healthy animals in overpopulated shelters raises ethical considerations. While surgical sterilization is the mainstay of pet population control, there is a need for efficient, safe, and cost-effective permanent contraception alternatives. Herein, we report evidence that a single intramuscular treatment with an adeno-associated viral vector delivering an anti-Müllerian hormone transgene produces long-term contraception in the domestic cat. Treated females are followed for over two years, during which transgene expression, anti-transgene antibodies, and reproductive hormones are monitored. Mating behavior and reproductive success are measured during two mating studies. Here we show that ectopic expression of anti-Müllerian hormone does not impair sex steroids nor estrous cycling, but prevents breeding-induced ovulation, resulting in safe and durable contraception in the female domestic cat.

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014e60 No.72248

File: f9f190b1bbf306d⋯.png (504.24 KB,676x861,676:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190646 (161806ZJUL23) Notable: Yellen Says Funding Ukraine’s War Effort Is the Best Boost for Global Economy/Out of the mouth of elite puppet, the true reason

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Yellen Says Funding Ukraine’s War Effort Is the Best Boost for Global Economy

Redoubling financial backing for Ukraine in its war with Russia is the “single best” way to aid the global economy, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday.

She added boosting emerging economies and tackling debt distress also have their role to play alongside sending billions in taxpayer dollars to Kyiv.

AFP reports Yellen used the sidelines of a G20 finance ministers’ summit in India to reveal she would “push back” on criticism there was a tradeoff between aid to Ukraine and developing nations.

“Ending this war is first and foremost a moral imperative,” she told reporters in Gandhinagar. “But it’s also the single best thing we can do for the global economy.”

Her comments on Ukraine aid came one week after former Vice President Mike Pence said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday that defending Ukraine is in the best interest of the U.S., even though it is not “our war.”


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014e60 No.72249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190651 (161807ZJUL23) Notable: Trump: First Term ‘Mistake’ Was Some of the People I Picked for My Cabinet/see who turns hhmmm

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Trump: First Term ‘Mistake’ Was Some of the People I Picked for My Cabinet

Former President Donald Trump said on this week’s broadcast of “Sunday Morning Futures” that the only mistake he made during his time in office was some of the people he picked to serve in his cabinet.

Anchor Maria Bartiromo asked, “Is there is anything you could look back on in 16 that you think maybe you want to do differently?”

Trump said, “The mistake would be people. I mean, I wouldn’t have put a guy like Bill Barr, and he was weak and pathetic. I wouldn’t have put Jeff Sessions. And there are some people that I wouldn’t have put in. You know, most people were good, but I had some people, we had Esper. I didn’t like him. He was incompetent. I thought we had other people I didn’t like.”

Bartiromo asked, “Why did you put them in the job then?”

Trump said, “You put somebody in, and you think they are good.”

He added, “All of a sudden, I’m the president of the United States, and it’s like a different society. I was New York, and, you know, it was a different thing. So I didn’t know people. I became president. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our first lady. I had 250 motorcycles. I had armies. I had everything. I said, do you believe it? We’re president. Take a look. This is wild, right? But I never was involved in that.”

Bartiromo said, “So you didn’t know what to expect.”

Trump said, “Well, I didn’t know the people. I know the people now better than anybody has ever known. The people I know, the good ones, the bad ones, the dumb ones, the smart ones.”

But Bartiromo said, “You didn’t drain the swamp like you said you would.”

Trump said, “I did,” he replied. “I fired Comey. I fired a lot of people. A lot of the people I had, I fired. I fired Comey very early. And, you know, there was a question as to whether or not you could. But I fired Comey. If I didn’t fire Comey, I don’t think I would have been able to serve out my term because that was a plot.”


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014e60 No.72250

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190679 (161815ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction!

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trump speech yesterday

LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

Donald J. Trump


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014e60 No.72251

File: 94c235760ad0d5c⋯.png (327.93 KB,589x760,31:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 31bf9e33d9572de⋯.png (67.25 KB,754x553,754:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190689 (161817ZJUL23) Notable: New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis

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New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis


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014e60 No.72252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190823 (161840ZJUL23) Notable: #23569

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Finally Final

#23569 >>72214

>>72215 buckwheat vs honest versions

>>72216 CMZ: primary so far

>>72217 Pence no goncerns

>>72218 @TuckerCarlson Commends the Noncompliant Who Defied COVID Tyranny.

>>72219, >>72220 Vigano’s latest textSpeech for the Bornholm

>>72222, >>72221 The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5

>>72223 when racism meets a Christian

>>72224 Tucker Thought crimes

>>72225 Tucker Weaponized News

>>72226 Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

>>72227 Vaccine Safety Roulette: Can the Batch Determine Your Vaccine Safety?

>>72228 U.S. Virgin Islands seeks at least $190 million from JPMorgan Chase in Jeffrey Epstein case

>>72229, >>72230 Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (vidrel)

>>72231 “Right now the numbers are so overwhelming, Republicans ought to start focusing on how to beat Biden because I think at a practical level they have a nominee, and his name is Donald Trump.” @NewtGingrich

>>72232 The Russian president has signed a decree imposing temporary state control over foreign shares of food and beer manufacturing giants

>>72233 @JamesOKeefeIII Mentoring some student leaders about journalism on their campus and we reach a Eureka moment.

>>72234 Biden Administration Suspends Satellite Monitoring of Coca Crops in Colombia

>>72235 A group of foreigners who got accused of pedophilia and socially unacceptable behavior towards minors at the municipal swimming pool in Poland got “rescued” by the police

>>72236 Hersh Exposes The Real 'Quid Pro Quo' That Changed Erdogan's Mind About Sweden

>>72237 We are incrementally walking (causing really) toward WWIII. Russia doesn’t want Ukraine, Russia wants NATO and the west to live up to its promises

>>72238 Reminder: Be Best..GOD does the rest

>>72239, >>72240 burisma was the funnel machine so biden would get prosecutor fired

>>72245 @YouTube 🇺🇸 has removed the American Flag 🇺🇸 from the list of emoji's In the live chat

>>72241 Every Foreign Company in China Accepts CCP as Business Partner: Rep. Gallagher

>>72242 Canuk: @Oilfield_Rando People think the eugenics movement, one of the most popular 20th century ideologies with support from all of the era’s elites, just went away all of a sudden

>>72243 “Everything That Is Hidden Will Be Revealed.”

>>72244, >>72246 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Transfer of Nuclear Submarines to Australia

>>72247 Durable contraception in the female domestic cat using viral-vectored delivery of a feline anti-Müllerian hormone transgene

>>72248 Yellen Says Funding Ukraine’s War Effort Is the Best Boost for Global Economy/Out of the mouth of elite puppet, the true reason

>>72249 Trump: First Term ‘Mistake’ Was Some of the People I Picked for My Cabinet/see who turns hhmmm

>>72250 LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction!

>>72251 New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis


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014e60 No.72253

File: 80ceeddf24c7483⋯.png (64.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e5c44373f2a48e⋯.png (502.26 KB,629x426,629:426,Clipboard.png)

File: fc2912d42d1c165⋯.png (89.87 KB,275x466,275:466,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e455d72c7b5011⋯.jpg (155.92 KB,1016x716,254:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190834 (161842ZJUL23) Notable: #23570

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014e60 No.72254

File: a702ead7fdc104f⋯.png (338.99 KB,543x476,543:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190878 (161848ZJUL23) Notable: ‘No Forensic Evidence to Prove It’ /smeone sneezed huh

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‘No Forensic Evidence to Prove It’ – Top Spox John Kirby Brushes Off Biden White House Cocaine Scandal

On Sunday, White House spox John Kirby brushed off the Biden White House cocaine scandal after the investigation concluded without identifying a suspect.

Secret Service closed its investigation into the Biden White House cocaine scandal without conducting any interviews.

The Secret Service on Thursday concluded its investigation into the cocaine scandal that rocked the White House earlier this month.

No suspect was identified.

No fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!

According to Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugliemi, the agency didn’t interview the 500 potential culprits because it would be a strain on resources.

Kirby brushed off the cocaine scandal

“I can’t really speak to the investigation that was done by the Secret Service, they did the best they could … they just were not able to come up with any forensic evidence that proves it,” Kirby said to Fox News anchor Shannon Bream.

No forensics. No skin cells. No fingerprints. No DNA. No cameras.

Got it?


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014e60 No.72255

File: 8bb7fa71e7f18e4⋯.png (51.05 KB,641x565,641:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190894 (161851ZJUL23) Notable: The army then went to WAR and spread disease around the world!!

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🚨🚨Did you know that, ‘the Spanish Flu’ was caused by a #Vaccine ??

Frederick Lamont Gates injected the USA army on behalf of ‘the Rockefeller Foundation’ at Fort Riley!! They were injected with an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis’ #Vaccine derived from horses!!😳😳

“The so called, ‘Spanish flu’ was a #Vaccine experiment that went HORRIBLY wrong!!”

The army then went to WAR and spread disease around the world!!


Does this sound familiar to anyone? Do they run this experimental #Vaccine play book, every 100 years? Is that why #Covid happened? Sounds like it to me!!

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014e60 No.72256

File: cb99cfad1d6b521⋯.jpeg (215.19 KB,1170x683,1170:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190914 (161855ZJUL23) Notable: 17 times (giggles), Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023

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014e60 No.72257

File: d17792662af9390⋯.png (533.88 KB,1258x942,629:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190932 (161856ZJUL23) Notable: The next GOP president must 'shut down' the Department of Education and champion 'freedom' in the classroom by stripping unions of power

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The next GOP president must 'shut down' the Department of Education

and champion 'freedom' in the classroom by stripping unions of power, says former Trump Education Sec. Betsy DeVos who has not yet committed to a 2024 endorsement

▶ 'I don't think the Federal Department of Education should exist,' DeVos tells DailyMail.com

▶ She says the department is unfortunately 'very union focused and union driven'

▶ DeVos' passion for education started 35 years ago when her oldest son, now 41, was starting kindergarten

Betsy DeVos says she hopes Americans elect a president in 2024 who will shut down the Education Department and strip powerful teachers' unions of their control in order to champion freedom and choice in American education.

'I don't think the Federal Department of Education should exist,' the former education secretary told DailyMail.com during an exclusive interview.

'I'm hopeful that we elect a president who is also committed to either scaling back dramatically or ultimately shutting down the Department of Education.'

2024 GOP presidential hopefuls including former President Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott have all vowed to shut down the Education Department if elected president. ...


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014e60 No.72258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190937 (161857ZJUL23) Notable: Aussie: Domestic violence-focused Operation Amarok III makes 592 arrests, lays more than 1,000 charges across NSW

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Domestic violence-focused Operation Amarok III makes 592 arrests, lays more than 1,000 charges across NSW

Almost 600 people have been arrested and more than 1,000 charges laid across New South Wales in a police operation targeting domestic and family violence.

Key points:

Operation Amarok was previously conducted in February, April and July

The NSW Police deputy commissioner called DV offences cowardly

An advocate says increasing police powers is a simplistic response

The four-day blitz under the latest Operation Amarok resulted in 592 arrests and 1,107 charges, along with 22 guns being seized.

It comes as police say more than half of the state’s murders are domestic violence related.

Tara Hunter, chief executive of women's counselling service Full Stop, called the results of the operation an indication of apprehended violence orders falling short.

"What it demonstrates is that there are a lot of people out there that are not complying with AVOS," she said.

"It's great to see such an active police response but we would like to see it as a consistent part of policing."

Ms Hunter said that in the past week, eight women have died due to alleged domestic violence in Australia.

For domestic and family violence charges, the state is on track to reach its highest offence rate in more than three years.


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014e60 No.72259

File: 8e59b069e0af38e⋯.png (881.2 KB,1690x816,845:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190962 (161901ZJUL23) Notable: Death by Ventilator – What can go wrong…..

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>>>/qresearch/19190653 - The Great COVID Ventilator Death Cover-up /PB

Death by Ventilator – What can go wrong….. (a lot)


Now they are intubated how can you kill them?

Special Cases Continued


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014e60 No.72260

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191064 (161919ZJUL23) Notable: G Edward Griffin: Unveiling the Dark Truth about the Pharmaceutical and Financial Cartels

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G Edward Griffin: Unveiling the Dark Truth about the Pharmaceutical and Financial Cartels

Flyover Conservatives

1-hour long posted 17 minutes ago


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014e60 No.72261

File: 578d65d759c6a1a⋯.png (736.06 KB,1006x734,503:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191066 (161919ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom expected to break $100 million in gross receipts in second box office weekend

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Sound of Freedom expected to break $100 million in gross receipts in second box office weekend

by Heather Hamilton, Trending News Editor

July 16, 2023 09:11 AM

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014e60 No.72262

File: 2adb39c968e47ff⋯.png (77.04 KB,707x593,707:593,Clipboard.png)

File: e2760c729ce1936⋯.png (380.67 KB,634x477,634:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191069 (161920ZJUL23) Notable: Walton yacht hit by eco mob/sow your seeds DS, it's working

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014e60 No.72263

File: ce2f8ef37e7eb5e⋯.png (60.81 KB,500x430,50:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191086 (161923ZJUL23) Notable: How The 'Great Society' Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

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How The 'Great Society' Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

Who destroyed the American family?

The argument can be made that the Great Society programs initiated the destruction of the nuclear family structure. The blame starts with President Lyndon B. Johnson's set of domestic programs in the mid-1960s that were used to fight 'poverty' but only discouraged work and destabilized families.

Six long decades of socialist welfare programs have aided in the break up of the nuclear family structure. In fact, a central tenet of Marxism is to dismantle this structure.

Remember, the Black Lives Matter organization and Marxism share similar goals. BLM stated in 2020 it wanted to abolish the family as we know it:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and "villages" that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

So clearly, there's been a half-century war on the nuclear family. The latest US Census data shows that a record number of Americans live alone.

Census data shows 27.6% of all US-occupied households were one-person households in 2020, up from just 7.7% in 1940. The largest share of people living alone occurred between 1970 and 1980, when the percentage increased from 17.6% to 22.7%, right after the welfare programs started.

So what's the result of progressives tearing down the nuclear family structure? Well, Just The News recently noted:

First, the US has the highest rate of single-parent households in the world. Second, the connection between single-parent households and crime is very strong. According to research carried out by Jerrod Brown, a behavioral specialist at Concordia St. Paul, the extant literature "suggests that children raised in single-parent households experience more physical and psychological problems compared to those raised in two-parent households." Moreover, he added, the "implications of homes in which fathers are absent may be important to explore for criminal justice and mental health professionals."

Maybe this whole Great Society experiment has gone terribly wrong. Let's try something different. Maybe bring back the family unit and dial back welfare programs.


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014e60 No.72264

File: 53f6ca25f038e28⋯.png (1.6 MB,758x1000,379:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191093 (161924ZJUL23) Notable: 8kun breakfast girls have arrived

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014e60 No.72265

File: e837ad5b30c13fa⋯.png (456.13 KB,737x763,737:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191100 (161925ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—

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Donald J. Trump

The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer! With your help, your love, and your vote, we will put AMERICA FIRST, and WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Jul 16, 2023, 3:20 PM


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014e60 No.72266

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191148 (161933ZJUL23) Notable: 17 times (giggles), Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023

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Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023



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014e60 No.72267

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191162 (161935ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard at Turning Point Action Conference

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Tim Ballard at Turning Point Action Conference




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014e60 No.72268

File: fc3853b8ffb52a9⋯.png (191.53 KB,591x398,591:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191315 (161959ZJUL23) Notable: 17 times (giggles), Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023

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014e60 No.72269

File: b5b77ef571e5684⋯.png (597.83 KB,467x903,467:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191319 (162000ZJUL23) Notable: August loading for the keks!

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Elon Musk (Parody)


Our White House this year


8:31 AM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191392 (162011ZJUL23) Notable: Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Event

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live now

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Event

The White House


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014e60 No.72271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191410 (162017ZJUL23) Notable: How The 'Great Society' Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

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>The blame starts with President Lyndon B. Johnson



horseshit... the curve starts the upward trend after FDR introduced welfare, and alimony/child support paying women to leave their husbands.

your own graph proves LBJ had no effect on the trend that began decades earlier.

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014e60 No.72272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191429 (162022ZJUL23) Notable: Bad Lipreading on the DeSantis Campaign Trail

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Bad Lipreading on the DeSantis Campaign Trail

July 16, 2023 | Sundance |

These guys make some funny videos. I’m not sure if this beats the “bogels on the glotch” one they did about Ted Cruz, but it’s funny all the same. Bad lip reading is why they created the internet. We need more laughter



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014e60 No.72273

File: 53c8cf943609cbb⋯.png (16.3 KB,596x206,298:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191441 (162025ZJUL23) Notable: New suicide & crisis lifeline is live U can call/text 988 anytime If u or loved one is struggling w thoughts of suicide a counselor will listen 2 u

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Chuck Grassley


New suicide & crisis lifeline is live U can call/text 988 anytime If u or loved one is struggling w thoughts of suicide a counselor will listen 2 u & share resources Don’t hesitate to ask for help

3:01 AM · Jul 16, 2022


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014e60 No.72274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191598 (162057ZJUL23) Notable: #23570

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Final Finally

#23570 >>72253

>>72254 ‘No Forensic Evidence to Prove It’ /smeone sneezed huh

>>72255 The army then went to WAR and spread disease around the world!!

>>72256, >>72266, >>72268 17 times (giggles), Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023

>>72257 The next GOP president must 'shut down' the Department of Education and champion 'freedom' in the classroom by stripping unions of power

>>72258 Aussie: Domestic violence-focused Operation Amarok III makes 592 arrests, lays more than 1,000 charges across NSW

>>72259 Death by Ventilator – What can go wrong…..

>>72260 G Edward Griffin: Unveiling the Dark Truth about the Pharmaceutical and Financial Cartels

>>72261 Sound of Freedom expected to break $100 million in gross receipts in second box office weekend

>>72262 Walton yacht hit by eco mob/sow your seeds DS, it's working

>>72263, >>72271 How The 'Great Society' Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

>>72264 8kun breakfast girls have arrived

>>72265 @realDonaldTrump The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—

>>72267 Tim Ballard at Turning Point Action Conference

>>72269 August loading for the keks!

>>72270 Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Event

>>72272 Bad Lipreading on the DeSantis Campaign Trail

>>72273 New suicide & crisis lifeline is live U can call/text 988 anytime If u or loved one is struggling w thoughts of suicide a counselor will listen 2 u


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014e60 No.72275

File: f7e05a2a15e627f⋯.png (191.43 KB,255x476,15:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d4b3e6fa75ea05⋯.png (2.69 MB,1170x1870,117:187,Clipboard.png)

File: ff2d6d5826393b0⋯.jpg (53.37 KB,612x386,306:193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 914870bdde57037⋯.jpg (358.17 KB,1547x2048,1547:2048,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf9bd7d2b1501ae⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB,1125x1799,1125:1799,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191621 (162059ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine RT Mini Bun

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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014e60 No.72276

File: 60e8f4e480faf0c⋯.jpeg (136.28 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191680 (162111ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine RT Mini Bun

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16 Jul, 2023 18:47

Russian forces have knocked out one-third of Ukraine’s Bradleys – media

At least 34 US-supplied armored fighting vehicles have reportedly been put of action during Kiev’s counteroffensive

The vaunted Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV), which was touted as a potential “game-changer” when Washington agreed to give dozens of the machines to Ukraine earlier this year, has reportedly had trouble staying in action amid fierce resistance from Russian forces during Kiev’s counteroffensive.

At least 34 Bradleys “have now been visually confirmed as having been abandoned, damaged or destroyed,” Business Insiderreported on Saturday, citing “open-source”data from military research firm Oryx. The US has supplied as many as109 BFVs to Ukraine, the outlet added, and they were first deployed on the battlefield in April.

Most of the losses occurred during the early days of the counteroffensive, which began last month, as Ukrainian forces tried to cross territory that was heavily mined by Russian troops, Business Insider said. The latest loss estimate was similar to that in a report on Saturday by the New York Times, which said Ukraine’s NATO-trained 47th Mechanized Brigade had lost 30% of its Bradleys in just two weeks.

The BFV is a tracked and lightly armored vehicle with the capability to transport about ten soldiers and mount weaponry such as a 25mm cannon and a TOW anti-tank missile launcher.

When the administration of President Joe Biden agreed in January to send BFVs to Kiev,the Pentagon touted the vehicles as “tank-killers”and claimed they would provide “a level of firepower and armor that will bring advantages on the battlefield.” US media outlets such as Newsweek cited military experts as saying the Bradleys “could become a game-changer,” potentially even enabling Ukraine to retake Crimea. Russian officials warned that the BFVs and other Western-supplied weaponry would “only prolong the suffering of the Ukrainian people.”

With dozens of Bradleys and other hardware being knocked out of action by Russian forces, Ukrainian units have been forced to abandon their armored vehicles and advance slowly on foot, the Washington Post reported on Saturday. “You can no longer do anything with just a tank with some armor because the minefield is too deep, and sooner or later, it will stop, and then it will be destroyed by concentrated fire,” Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, told the newspaper.

Nevertheless, a new $800 military aid package for Ukraineannounced by the Biden administration earlier this month includes an additional 32 BFVs. The US also agreed to send cluster bombs to Kiev, citing disappointment with the counteroffensive.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that US shipments of cluster munitions to Ukraine would constitute a war crime. As for captured Western weaponry, such as BFVs, Russian specialists will use “reverse engineering” to adopt any military technology that might be useful to Moscow, Putin said in an interview aired on Sunday.


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014e60 No.72277

File: aec83e065ee9db2⋯.jpeg (355.38 KB,1170x1076,585:538,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191691 (162114ZJUL23) Notable: Billionaires who went to Epstein Island are still free and donating huge amounts of money to democrats.

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Billionaires who went to Epstein Island are still free and donating huge amounts of money to democrats.


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014e60 No.72278

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191695 (162114ZJUL23) Notable: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Remarks at the Turning Point Action Conference

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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Remarks at the Turning Point Action Conference

Marjorie Taylor Greene

17-mins posted 5 hours ago


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014e60 No.72279

File: 6950b5436e5353b⋯.jpeg (119.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191703 (162115ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine RT Mini Bun

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16 Jul, 2023 15:15

Putin reveals fate of captured Western weaponry

Russia may try to reverse engineer some of the technology, the president has said

Russian specialists will inspect Western-made weaponry that has been captured by the military in the course of repelling Ukraine’s much-hyped counteroffensive, President Vladimir Putin has said.

In an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin, Putin was asked to comment on what Moscow plans to do with the seized Western armor. “There is an expression called ‘reverse engineering,’” he said, according to a clip released on Sunday.

While noting that both Russia and Western countries have modern equipment, he said that Moscow has no intention of passing up the chance to examine Western technology up close.“If there is an opportunity to look inside and see if there is something that we can apply, then why not?”

The president nevertheless praised Russian hardware, particularly the T-90 main battle tank. “[This] tank is the best in the world, without any exaggeration.”

Putin’s remarks come after several videos went viral earlier this week on social media featuring Russian soldiers standing in front of a captured US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, thanking Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for the gift.

Last week, Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, who now heads the Tsar’s Wolves military technical center, claimed that the military seized a UK-supplied long-rangeStorm Shadow missile. The rocket, he said, was only partially destroyed on impact,making it a potentially useful source of technical information.

Ukrainian forces went on a major offensive in the early days of June with the help of hundreds of Western-supplied armored vehicles. However, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, Kiev has so far failed to gain any ground. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu estimated Ukrainian losses at more than 26,000 service members and 3,000 units of heavy military equipment.

In late June, the New York Times reported that Ukraine had lost around 15% of the Bradleys it received from the US, with the vast Russian minefields cited as one of the main causes.

(This is why the US should never send F16s to Ukraine!)


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014e60 No.72280

File: 3d3b1727ec5585b⋯.jpeg (684.57 KB,1170x1373,1170:1373,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191720 (162118ZJUL23) Notable: Billionaires who went to Epstein Island are still free and donating huge amounts of money to democrats.

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>he only went to epstein island once - nyp


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014e60 No.72281

File: d01029d5540949d⋯.png (40 KB,551x223,551:223,Clipboard.png)

File: fe3cc92b87850e8⋯.png (62.05 KB,567x430,567:430,Clipboard.png)

File: cadba7701062129⋯.png (327.98 KB,567x548,567:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191726 (162120ZJUL23) Notable: House Committee Accuses Fauci and Other Health Officials of Unlawfully Granting $26 Billion of Taxpayer Money – Alleges Fauci was Never Reappointed as NIH Director (VIDEO)

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House Committee Accuses Fauci and Other Health Officials of Unlawfully Granting $26 Billion of Taxpayer Money – Alleges Fauci was Never Reappointed as NIH Director

An investigation led by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) uncovered a failure to properly reappoint 14 National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, as required by law.

The investigation, which began in March 2022, has brought to light a series of concerning issues surrounding the reappointment process and has raised questions about the validity of actions taken by these officials during their unauthorized tenure.

Rodgers (R-WA) revealed on Monday that 14 NIH employees, including former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, were not lawfully reappointed to their positions in December of 2021, as required by law.

“We have uncovered that Sec. Becerra failed to follow the Constitution and the law to reappoint top NIH officials when their terms expired in December 2021. As a result, 14 NIH officials held unlawful positions and exercised authority they didn’t have,” Rodgers wrote.

Under the 21st Century Cures Act, passed with bipartisan support in 2016, NIH Institute and Center (IC) Directors are considered inferior officers of the United States. The law stipulates that these directors must be appointed and reappointed according to specific guidelines outlined in Section 2033, titled “Increasing Accountability at the National Institutes of Health.” The HHS Secretary is responsible for these appointments, with the NIH Director having the authority to recommend candidates.

However, the investigation found that the NIH IC Directors, including Dr. Fauci, were not reappointed in December 2021 as required. Instead, the NIH handled the reappointments internally, with an NIH human resources director signing off on the process. Only after extensive discussions with the Committee did HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra attempt to reappoint the directors in June 2023 through signed appointment affidavits, nearly eighteen months after their terms had expired.

“The failure to reappoint the above NIH IC Directors jeopardizes the legal validity of more than $25 billion in federal biomedical research grants made in 2022 alone,” the committee wrote.

“HHS has produced no documentation showing that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Glass were reappointed as NIAID Director and Fogarty International Center Director, respectively. Both retired prior to the issuance of the June 2023 appointment affidavits. Given his central role in the COVID-19 response, the Committee is particularly concerned about the failure to reappoint Dr. Fauci. Without reappointment, Dr. Fauci continued to serve as NIAID Director until his retirement on December 31, 2022. If Dr. Fauci was never reappointed, every action he took is potentially invalid,” it added.

The investigation further revealed that Dr. Fauci made controversial decisions during his tenure, including awarding a new grant to EcoHealth Alliance, raising concerns about potential double-billing and the lack of transparency regarding research expenses. The fact that Dr. Fauci wielded considerable authority and influence without being duly reappointed highlights the need for better management and accountability within HHS and its component agencies.


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014e60 No.72282

File: 83f0b20caf19b1c⋯.jpeg (88.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191729 (162121ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine RT Mini Bun

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16 Jul, 2023 17:03

Poland ‘closely monitoring’ Wagner – spy official

Warsaw previously described the presence of the PMC’s fighters in Belarus as a “potential threat”

Poland will closely monitor the situation in Belarus after the arrival of the first Wagner troops in the country, special services official Stanislaw Zaryn has said. He claimed that Russia may have an agenda behind the private military company’s activities on the territory of its ally.

Wagner mercenaries “are now set to train the Belarusian army and settle in locations that have been prepared for them,” Zaryn said in a video on Twitter, citing the “latest intelligence.”The Defense Ministry in Minsk openly confirmed on Friday that Wagner members were training Belarusian troops and sharing the battlefield experience they had gained from the Ukraine conflict.

The Belarusian ministry also said it had developed a “road map” for military training together with the Wagner leadership. A news outlet affiliated with the ministry published a video featuring exercises with Belarusian territorial defense forces that involved Wagner instructors.

Zaryn, who serves as deputy minister coordinator of Poland’s special services, stated that “several hundred” mercenaries had arrived in Belarus but that the “extent of their involvement” in activities in the country “is still unknown.” Polish intelligence continues to monitor the situation, he added, insisting that Warsaw “remains vigilant.”

The deputy minister further claimed that “one thing is for sure: theWagner Group is being deployed to Belarus to accomplish a mission of some kind. The Kremlin has always used this and other [private military companies] to push its agenda.” He did not provide any evidence to substantiate those allegations.

The Wagner Group was given the option to move to Belarus as part of a deal with the Kremlin mediated by Minsk, ending a mutiny staged by the company’s founder, Evgeny Prigozhin.

In late June, Prigozhin vowed retaliation and declared a ‘march for justice’ on Moscow after accusing the Russian Defense Ministry of staging a fatal missile strike on a Wagner camp. He abandoned his plans in exchange for a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Wagner troops were given the option of either returning to civilian life, signing contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, or moving to Belarus. Lukashenko, who also offered to host Prigozhin himself in Belarus, said he was “not worried” about the presence of Wagner, adding that it could be used to defend his country.

The development sparked concern in Warsaw, and Polish President Andrzej Duda claimed in late June that “the Wagner Group’s presence in Belarus could be a potential threat to Poland.”


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014e60 No.72283

File: 372a4c44e0d7a4a⋯.png (1.02 MB,1314x821,1314:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191750 (162125ZJUL23) Notable: Cocainegate: Reporter Points Out Hunter Biden Has Relapsed 10 Times

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Cocainegate: Reporter Points Out Hunter

Biden Has Relapsed 10 Times

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 7/16/2023 5:04:43 PM

This week the Biden White House closed its short-lived investigation into finding the culprit who brought cocaine into the West Wing of the president’s corridors- despite the Secret Service declining to interview over 500 suspects. Speculation has swirled around who may be guilty, with many suggesting President Joe Biden’s drug and prostitute-addicted son Hunter Biden may be at fault. Investigative reporter Paul Sperry made several observations about Hunter’s booze-filled days— which apparently aren’t over. Sperry detailed Hunter’s failed rehab stints which reportedly started in 2003, relapsing at least ten times. “Hunter Biden, whose addiction to coke started @ 18

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014e60 No.72284

File: 263edf295664fb7⋯.png (1.28 MB,906x850,453:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191755 (162126ZJUL23) Notable: Imploding Cities Will Drag All of Us Down — Even if You Don't Live Anywhere Near One

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Imploding Cities Will Drag All of Us Down

— Even if You Don't Live Anywhere Near One

PJ Media, by Athena Thorne

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/16/2023 4:39:19 PM

There is so much wrong with America’s cities, it’s hard to see why any contributing member of society would live and/or work in one of them. Some of the issues arise from far-Left local governance while others are generated by more widespread Leftist policy. These are coupled with an organic workforce evolution, as the United States transitions from an industry-based to an information-based economy. The result is urban areas caught in a downward spiral — and, as with any sinking vessel, threatening to suck everyone nearby down with them. First, a quick refresher on the compounding problems of urban areas. Chief among them is that big cities

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014e60 No.72285

File: 75a31a2007b037d⋯.png (82.92 KB,500x529,500:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191756 (162126ZJUL23) Notable: Netanyahu fitted with heart monitor and discharged from hospital after dizzy spell

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Because everyone that passes out from dehydration get a heart monitor just incase.

Netanyahu fitted with heart monitor and discharged from hospital after dizzy spell

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014e60 No.72286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191758 (162127ZJUL23) Notable: Netanyahu fitted with heart monitor and discharged from hospital after dizzy spell

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sauce: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-netanyahu-hospital-dizzyness-heart-monitor-protests-judiciary-rcna94494

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014e60 No.72287

File: 5b2cfc53a654611⋯.jpeg (61.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191831 (162140ZJUL23) Notable: US treasury secretary ate magic mushrooms in China

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Not only do we have a demented President but we have Treasury Secretary Yellen with four helpings if magic mushrooms,we are doomed!

16 Jul, 2023 17:05

US treasury secretary ate magic mushrooms in China

The jian shou qing mushroom popular in Yunnanese cuisine notoriously has hallucinogenic effects when improperly prepared

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen ate multiple portions of a Yunnanese mushroom delicacy known for its hallucinogenic properties as her first meal in China last week,an aide confirmed to CNN on Saturday.

Yellen enjoyed four helpings of the wild – and potentially psychedelic – mushroom jian shou qing at Yunnanese restaurant chain Yi Zuo Yi Wang with her delegation immediately after landing in China, the restaurant confirmed on Weibo.“Our staff said she loved mushrooms very much,” the chain revealed, noting the extra portions she had ordered anddescribing the experience as “an extremely magical day.”

While the jian shou qing mushroom is not psychoactive when fully cooked, it is toxic enough when improperly prepared that it was listed in the Botanical Society of Yunnan’s index of poisonous mushrooms last year, triggering a discussion of whether the cherished regional delicacy should remain on the menu. However, its popularity guarantees its survival.

Unlike more familiar species of psychedelic mushrooms, the compounds responsible for the hallucinogenic properties of jian shou qing – whose scientific name is Lanmaoa asiatica – remain undiscovered, Dr. Peter Mortimer of Kunming Institute of Botany told CNN.

A local food blogger’s post about witnessingYellen wolfing down the magic mushroom in Beijing sparked a brief viral craze over the dish, with the chain reporting it had sold out in numerous locations. State news outlet Xinhua ran a segment on how to safely eat the fungi, which can be distinguished from more ordinary local species of porcini mushrooms by the striking blue color the insides turn when sliced or otherwise subjected to pressure.

The staff of the Yi Zuo Yi Wang chain restaurant where Yellen’s party dined insisted their jian shou qing dishes were all properly cooked. The Yunnan region of China is home to around 800 mushroom species, which feature prominently in regional festivals and even city planning and architecture, according to Mortimer.

Yellen described her four-day visit to China as a “step forward” after multiple setbacks between Washington and Beijing, including President Joe Biden’s description of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, as a “dictator”and the administration’s increasingly generous weapons sales to Taiwan in the face of protest from China.

Declaring “the world is big enough for both of our countries to thrive,” the treasury secretary insisted the US was not trying to “decouple” its economy from its Asian rival, while defending the Biden administration’s export restrictions as “motivated by straightforward national security concerns” rather than an effort to “gain economic advantage.”


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014e60 No.72288

File: 39adf5146677b55⋯.png (83.59 KB,724x376,181:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191873 (162147ZJUL23) Notable: Just heard that I(WE!) won the big Turning Point Straw Poll in a BLOWOUT DJT-Truth Social

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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Just heard that I(WE!) won the big Turning Point Straw Poll in a BLOWOUT,getting 85.7% of the Vote. Ron DeSanctimonious came in a solid 3rd with 4.3%, Vivek got 2%, and Sloppy Chris Christie, as usual, got a big, fat, ZERO! Turning Point put on a GREAT event in West Palm Beach, setting all kinds of records, including in attendance!

Jul 16, 2023, 5:19 PM


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014e60 No.72289

File: 401496f1ae513b1⋯.jpeg (205.57 KB,1170x981,130:109,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191891 (162151ZJUL23) Notable: What Was Reid Hoffman’s Role In Funding E. Jean Carroll’s Case?

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Reid Hoffman, Epstein Island visitor, funded E. Jean Carroll’s case against Trump.

>Carroll’s legal battle was funded by American Future Republic, a nonprofit group primarily backed by Hoffman, her lawyers disclosed last month.


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014e60 No.72290

File: 2d8584e52e80478⋯.jpeg (89.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191898 (162152ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden threatens Trump with ‘legal trouble’

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I can’t wait until Trump is president again

15 Jul, 2023 17:17

Hunter Biden threatens Trump with ‘legal trouble’

The presidential scion’s lawyers have claimed Trump’s comments could lead to injury to the Biden family

Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to former president Donald Trump on Thursday, warning that continuing to target the troubled 53-year-old on social media could result in “even more legal trouble” for the Republican presidential hopeful.

Trump’s online comments – including his suggestions that one or both Bidens was responsible for the cocaine recently discovered in the White House – “could lead to [Hunter’s] or his family’s injury,” Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for the younger Biden, told ABC News on Friday.

Lowell cited previous incidents, including the January 6 Capitol riot, the assault on then House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband in October, and the arrest of a heavily-armed man near the Obama’s home last month, as being inspired by past Trump comments and warned Trump's attorneys, "We are just one such social media message away from another incident.”

“You should make clear to Mr. Trump – if you have not done so already – that Mr. Trump’s words have caused harm in the past and threaten to do so again if he does not stop,”Lowell continued, urging the ex-president’s lawyers to impress upon their client “how his incitement can further hurt people and cause himself even more legal trouble.”

Trump recently skewered Hunter with a series of posts on his Truth Social platform, arguing the cocaine discovered in a cubby in the White House’s West Wing earlier this month belonged to the younger Biden, whose struggles with crack addiction are well-documented.

“THEY 100% KNOW WHO IT IS,” Trump wrote regarding the cocaine culprit on Monday, claiming, “If they don’t release information, it means they destroyed the tapes & the Cocaine was for use by Hunter, & probably Crooked Joe, in order to give this total disaster of a President a little life and energy!” In an earlier post, he asked if “anyone really believe[d] that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, [was] for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden.”

Trump renewed his attacks after the younger Biden pleaded guilty last month to two misdemeanor tax charges following a years-long investigation, in a plea deal that is expected to keep him out of prison. The Republican 2024 frontrunner lamented that the prosecutor “gave out a traffic ticket instead of a death sentence.”

The former president’s own legal troubles continue to pile up, as a Georgia grand jury considers charging him over alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. He has already been indicted both federally and by the state of New York and has pled not guilty to all charges.


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014e60 No.72291

File: e3889aaf8ee7592⋯.png (339.55 KB,629x714,37:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191954 (162202ZJUL23) Notable: Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter tells her audience that the "child sex trafficking epidemic simply does not exist"

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What the actual hell?

Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter tells her audience that the "child sex trafficking epidemic simply does not exist"


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014e60 No.72292

File: 419d02a9d410dd3⋯.png (108.17 KB,731x472,731:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191960 (162203ZJUL23) Notable: he Club for NO GROWTH is spending so much good Republican money fighting me DJT-Truth Social

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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The Club for NO GROWTH is spending so much good Republican money fighting me for candidates that don’t have even a little chance of winning. They also spend money against me. When I partnered with them two years ago, we had ALL VICTORIES, until I wanted to endorse certain candidates that they didn’t agree with (who ended up winning!). That’s when the “beautiful marriage” broke up, but THEY HURT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, A DEATH WISH, SPENDING MONEY AGAINST ME WHEN I WILL BE THE CANDIDATE!!!

Jul 16, 2023, 5:49 PM


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014e60 No.72293

File: 9851bbee776333c⋯.png (495.19 KB,665x874,35:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19191987 (162207ZJUL23) Notable: Nolte: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars to $83 Million as ‘Dead Reckoning’ Slips

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‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars to $83 Million as ‘Dead Reckoning’ Slips

Sound of Freedom is no flash in the pan. In its second weekend, the Angel Studios’ phenomenon grossed another $24.7 million, which is an astonishing 26 percent increase over its debut weekend. Currently, THE MOVIE DISNEY DUMPED sits at $83.2 million.

Never forget that the Disney Grooming Syndicate owned Sound of Freedom and then tried to disappear it. Because Jim Caviezel doesn’t age, it’s hard to tell, but Sound of Freedom wrapped in 2018, more than five years ago. When Disney acquired 20th Century Fox in 2019, Disney acquired Sound of Freedom, a movie that is about to become one of the most profitable independent movies of all time.

Obviously, a demonic company like Disney, a company dedicated to grooming kids by sexualizing children’s content with homosexuality, transsexuals, drag queens, and transvestites, does not want anything to do with a movie that depicts the sex trafficking of children as a bad thing. Disney is determined to normalize sex with children, not reinforce the idea that a child’s innocence must be protected. So Disney shelved Sound of Freedom and sat on it. It took five years for the producers to get it back.

Well, because the arc of history bends toward justice, the fetishists at Disney are about to lose a couple hundred million dollars on Indiana Jones and the Dial of Cucking Indiana Jones with a Sexless Co-Star No One Finds Appealing. At the same time, Sound of Freedom has become a money-printing machine.

Everything after about $35 million is pure profit for Sound of Money — er, I mean Sound of Freedom. Already, the people behind this blockbuster have split about $50 million with theaters. That’s $25 million clear and counting.

With its theatrical run far from over, Sound of Freedom’s domestic haul has already topped all but 24 of last year’s biggest-grossing films, including Scream (2022), Morbius, the Best Picture winner Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Woman King, Death on the Nile, etc.

Elsewhere at this weekend’s box office, Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One came in below its $90 to $100 million projection with an $80 million haul over an extended five-day opening. If you do not adjust for inflation, that’s a franchise record. Twenty-three years ago, Mission: Impossible II opened to $79 million. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $140 million today.

The good news for Dead Reckoning is the overseas box office. After just five days, by Monday, it should have a worldwide haul of around $240 million. For context, that $240 million nearly ties the worldwide gross of Dial of Kathleen Kennedy’s Latest Franchise-Killing Dud, after 16 days and two full weekends of release.


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014e60 No.72294

File: 16716a80c912225⋯.webp (56.35 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: f4e6c066d2966d1⋯.webp (38.96 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: b698494f7f091cf⋯.webp (98.2 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192008 (162212ZJUL23) Notable: Chris Christie skirts question on whether he will lie on RNC pledge in order to make GOP debate

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Chris Christie skirts question on whether he will lie on RNC pledge in order to make GOP debate

Ryan King

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Sunday skirted a question about whether he intends to say he’ll support the eventual 2024 Republican nominee for president — whether true or not — in order to make it to the GOP debate stage.

During an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” host Jake Tapper played a clip in which former Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tx.), a fellow 2024 contender, emphasized he “can’t lie” and pledge to back the eventual nominee, who may be former President Donald Trump.

Tapper then asked Christie if he plan on lying to make the debate stage, alluding to the ex-governor’s public assertion that he won’t vote for Trump, 77, again.

“Well I won’t see Will Hurd on the debate stage. That’s okay by me. The fact is, we’ve got to change our party and change our country,” Christie replied.

“We had these debate pledges eight years ago. And all of us signed them. Then we got on the debate stage and we were asked to reaffirm them. Donald Trump refuse to raise his hand,” he added, noting that Trump wasn’t penalized for the lie. (He didn’t lie, he said he wouldn’t sign it!)

Christie, has publicly vowed to “take the pledge in 2024 just as seriously as Donald Trump took the pledge in 2016.”

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been adamant about getting 2024 aspirants to sign the pledge, seeking to avert party disunity and a third-party split.

Christie’s campaign claims it already cleared the 40,000 unique donor threshold to make it to the debate, which is slated for Aug. 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

(Chris Christie has indicated he believes his debate skills can help him take down the former president.)

He appears poised to clear the polling hurdle as well, given his 2.6% standing in the latestRealClearPolitics aggregate.

The loyalty pledge is the one sticking point.

Christie has made taking down Trump his holy mission in the 2024 GOP primary, assailing his onetime friend for peddling lies about the election and more.

“He’s liar and a coward,” Christie said of Trump during the CNN interview, when asked about the former president’s claims that he considers the indictment against him a “great badge of honor and courage.”

Speaking at the Turning Point Action convention on Saturday, Trump told the crowd: “Every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, Communists and Fascists indict me, I consider it to be a great badge of honor and courage. I’m doing it for you. I’m being indicted for you. Better me than you, right?”

But Christie shot back: “He’s not getting indicted for anyone other than because of his own conduct.”

Christie has also previously cast himself as a truth-teller (and very, very delusional).

“I think the best things about my personality is that I’m honest, I’m direct, and I care,” he toldPiers Morgan during a recent interview.

Christie has long indicated he views the debates as his best opportunity to dispatch the frontrunner, given his iconic exchange with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in the 2016 debates.

But Trump and his team have actively dangled the prospect of skipping the first two GOP debates, rendering the likelihood of a showdown between the blunt-talkers uncertain.

Appearing on ABC News’ “This Week” on Sunday, Christie egged Trump on to debate, saying: “Come on Donald, get on the stage and defend your record.”

“If you want to be the nominee, you need to defend your record,” he added.

The Trump campaign scoffed at Christie’s taunts.

“Chris Christie lives in a perpetual fantasy land where he thinks he can be president,” Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign spokesman, told Fox News. “Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie wrapped in incoherent psychotic rage and he needs to get some professional help.”


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014e60 No.72295

File: 5f62629805e6370⋯.png (267.6 KB,695x865,139:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192088 (162229ZJUL23) Notable: How the big four accounting firms infiltrated governments, earning more than $10b over a decade while taxpayers are in the dark

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They've been described as an infestation. They sit in government departments on secondment, occupy hundreds of boards across Australia and earn billions of dollars consulting to the public and private sector. The big four accounting firms — EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PwC — are now under the spotlight like never before.

Even more alarming is the growing reliance on the big four by the Department of Defence, which splurged almost $4 billion of taxpayer money on thousands of contracts with EY, Deloitte, PwC and KPMG. But it could be more.

These high priests of capitalism have been carrying on the dual role of auditing and consulting for years and have largely been left to their own devices to manage the conflicts.

It allowed them to quietly infiltrate government departments and powerful organisations and burrow their way into more and more work that could have been done by public servants.

What we have now is a public service that has been hollowed out and become far too dependent on consultants, who are expensive and operate in the shadows.

Taxpayers in the dark

The magnitude of the money being spent by governments speaks volumes about the extent of their involvement. According to data collected from AusTender by data warehousing expert Greg Bean, who spent decades in data analytics, the Commonwealth spent more than $8 billion in the past ten years on the big four, increasing more than 600 per cent since 2013.

It's a similar story for the states. NSW spent $504 million in the past four years on EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PwC, while Victoria spent $844 million and Western Australia $582 million.

The figures for state and federal governments are large but they don't capture the total amount spent with the big four. There is no consolidated figure publicly available and Commonwealth Corporate entities are only required to disclose contracts worth more than $400,000, which means lots of contracts avoid disclosure on the AusTender site and some contracts are amended or extended. According to Bean's analysis, almost one third of contracts were amended.

Government departments in NSW, for instance, routinely fail their obligations to post contracts on the eTender site. Additionally the site only includes current contracts which means expired contracts disappear from the site, making it difficult to keep tabs on the size of the overall bill and contracts below $150,000 are not disclosed on the site.

It means taxpayers are kept in the dark about the true size of the bill or how the state and federal governments are spending their money. Lack of transparency is rarely, if ever, a good thing.

Independent think tank, the Centre For Public Integrity, has also been assessing the procurement data of the big four and noted a sharp spike in so-called management advisory services, which it describes as the most opaque contracts of all.

But the PwC scandal, which involved PwC partners using confidential government information to help clients such as Uber and Facebook sidestep tax laws, triggered some long-awaited scrutiny.


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014e60 No.72296

File: 9bb1e26da90cd51⋯.webp (55.66 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 7f3ff87440c0223⋯.webp (62.78 KB,1536x1110,256:185,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192093 (162230ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis rejects Chris Christie’s attack-dog approach to Trump: ‘I don’t do insults’

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DeSantis rejects Chris Christie’s attack-dog approach to Trump: ‘I don’t do insults’

(delusional propaganda)Ryan King

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Sunday pushed back against Gov. Chris Christie’s strategy of launching attacks at former President Donald Trump — anddiscussed plans to ratchet up his mainstream media exposure in the crowded 2024 GOP field. (A little too late dude.)

DeSantis, in an interview on Fox News’s “MediaBuzz,” was asked to respond to Christie’s claims that he is the only Republican presidential candidate to go toe-to-toe with Trump, 77, because the others are to afraid of offending the front-runner or his supporters.

“I don’t do insults so that is true,” DeSantis said.“I think just getting in this insult game turns voters off. That’s something I won’t do.”

DeSantis underscored that he and his campaign have been “very frank at our differences with respect to the former president.”

On the campaign trail, the Sunshine State governor has honed in on what he views as Trump’s failures to deliver conservative policy victories, such as the border wall. He’s also portrayed himself as a better manager.

Trump has directed a torrent of inflammatory insults his way, but DeSantis has refrained from responding in kind.

Some of his surrogates and allies have spared with Trump’s team on social media, in what occasionally devolves into vicious discourse. But DeSantis personally has stayed out of it. (Surrogates represent what the candidate wants to say!)

“I have no interest in attacking Donald Trump or any of these other candidates personally. I think we got to rise above that and focus on the issues,” DeSantis said Sunday.

Trump began firing his broadsides against DeSantis last year just before the midterm elections.

DeSantis also strenuously avoided getting ensnared in a tit-for-tat with the known brass-knuckle rhetorical brawler in the run-up to his campaign launch.

Asked if he had waited too long to respond to Trump, DeSantis said: “Not at all.”

“I think even some of these polls, if you’re going to take them for what they’re worth,they say I have the highest favorability amongst Republican voters. And so I think they made a big mistake by spending all that money against me,” he said. (Delusional propaganda)

The governor also teased plans to dabble in more mainstream media interviews. The Post reported Sunday that he will do an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper next week.

“I don’t know necessarily about some of the shows, but we want to be engaged. At the end of the day, I think that some of thebest moments, as a governor and as a candidate, arewhen we’re in hostile environments,” he said. “We’re going to do more of it.”

DeSantis has largely conducted interviews with conservative-friendly outlets and local media in early states, drawing criticism from some such as conservative host Megyn Kelly.

He underscored that he has fielded questions from mainstream media outlets all along.

“It is a misnomer to think we haven’t had these people covering us. They’re free to ask questions. I call on CNN specifically when we’re around town hallsand whatnot. And we will continue to do that,” he said.

His campaign has emphasized that it always planned to do interviews with a broader purview of media outlets as the campaign went on, but wanted to focus on fundraising efforts during its initial phase.

Earlier this month, the campaign touted a whopping $20 million haul in the first six weeks after DeSantis jumped in the race May 24.

DeSantis contended that the more exposure he receives, the more voters are receptive to him.

“What we found is the more I’m out there, the more support we get in these early states,” he said.(delusional propaganda)

Recently, DeSantis’s campaign shed roughly a dozen staffers in an endeavor a spokesperson described as being intended to make his operation more nimble.

He is currently polling at 20.6%, about 23.4 percentage points behind Trump in the latestRealClearPolitics aggregate of polls.


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014e60 No.72297

File: 919834b9294e14a⋯.webp (265.83 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 66ff4010d573be2⋯.webp (35.28 KB,1536x1025,1536:1025,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192175 (162257ZJUL23) Notable: Putin warns that Russia will drop its own cluster bombs if Ukraine uses the controversial US-provided munitions

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Putin warns that Russia will drop its own cluster bombs if Ukraine uses the controversial US-provided munitions

By Associated Press

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview published Sunday that Russia has a “sufficient stockpile” of cluster munitions, and warned that Russia “reserves the right to take reciprocal action” if Ukraine uses the controversial weapons.

In his first comments on the delivery of cluster munitions to Ukraine from the US,Putin said that Russia has not used cluster bombs in its war in Ukraine so far.

The use of cluster bombs by both Russia and Ukraine has been widely documented, including by The Associated Press and international humanitarian organizations, and cluster rounds have been found in the aftermath of Russian strikes.

“Until now, we have not done this, we have not used it, and we have not had such a need,” he said,

Rossiya TV reporter Pavel Zarubin published excerpts of the interview to his Telegram channel Sunday ahead of a scheduled broadcast Sunday night.

The Pentagon said Thursday that cluster munitions provided by the United States had arrived in Ukraine.

The munitions, which are bombs that open in the air and release scores of smaller bomblets, are seen by the US as a way to get Kyiv critically needed ammunition to help bolster its offensive and push through Russian front lines.

US leaders debated the thorny issue for months, before President Joe Biden made the final decision last week.

Cluster bombs have long been criticized by humanitarian groups, and some US allies, because those used in previous conflicts have had a high “dud rate,” meaning that they often leave behind unexploded bomblets that can harm civilians long after a battle has ended.

Proponents argue that Russia has already been using cluster munitions in Ukraine and that the weapons the US is providing have been improved to leave behind far fewer unexploded rounds.

Ukraine has promised to use them only away from densely populated areas.(they always lie)

The Ukrainian military said in a regular update Sunday morning that over the previous 24 hours Russia had launched two Iranian-made Shahed exploding drones, two cruise missiles and two anti-aircraft guided missiles, in addition to 40 airstrikes and 46 attacks from multiple rocket launchers.

The Ukrainian General Staff wrote that Russia continues to concentrate on offensive operations in Ukraine’s industrial east.

Donetsk regional Gov. Pavlo Kyrylenko said Sunday that two residents of the region were killed on Saturday, and one other person was wounded.

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said Sunday that fighting in eastern Ukraine had “somewhat intensified,” amid a slow counteroffensive in which Ukraine has made small territorial gains.

Writing on Telegram, she said that Russia had been “actively attacking” in the direction of Kupiansk in the northeastern Kharkiv region for two consecutive days, and that Ukrainian forces were “on the defensive” in the area.

“There are fierce battles, the positions of both sides change dynamically several times a day,” she wrote. (If there were fierce battles they would have been reported on by RT)

Maliar wrote that Ukrainian troops were trying to hold on to their positions on the northern flank around the destroyed city of Bakhmut, but reported that Ukrainian forces were “advancing daily” on the southern flank.Ukraine has been trying to encircle the city since losing control of it to Russia in May.

Putin claimed that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had been futile, in another excerpt published by Zarubin.

“All attempts by the enemy to break through our defenses (…) they were unsuccessful during the entire offensive. The enemy is having no success!” Putin said.

Elsewhere in the country, two boys, aged eight and 10, were wounded when an explosive device left by Russian forces detonated in the southern region of Kherson on Sunday, according to the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office.

Regional Gov. Oleksandr Prokudin said that Russia had launched 69 shelling attacks against Kherson region.

Yurii Malashko, governor of the neighboring, partly occupied, Zaporizhzhia region, saidRussia had attacked 13 populated areasin the region, wounding seven people in the town of Stepnohirsk.

Moscow-installed authorities in Russian-occupied Crimea on Sunday reported “a massive and prolonged” drone attack overnight targeting Sevastopol, the peninsula’s largest port, which hosts Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

According to Moscow-installed Sevastopol governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, air defense shot down all of the drones and there was no damage.

Vyacheslav Gladkov, the governor of Russia’s Belgorod region, said that a woman was killed Sunday by shelling in the town of Shebekino near the border with Ukraine.


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014e60 No.72298

File: 34a9a569e5c66c3⋯.webp (246.3 KB,639x419,639:419,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192208 (162305ZJUL23) Notable: BREAKING: Government Reports prove Pfizer & Moderna purposely manufactured Deadly Batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines

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BREAKING: Government Reports prove Pfizer & Moderna purposely manufactured Deadly Batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines

An investigation of official U.S. Government data, provided by the Centers for Disease Control, has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times.

This means the deadliest batches of Covid-19 vaccine have now been identified but Medicine Regulators have refused to withdraw them and they are still being administered to the public.

The figures reveal that every single death reported as an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 injections has been caused by just 4 to 5% of the batches of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines produced.

But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the small minority of “deadly” lots were distributed widely across the United States, while other “benign” lots were sent to just a few locations.

The data used in the investigation was pulled from the publicly accessible VAERS database which can be viewed here. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States programme for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The programme collects information via reports made by doctors, nurses, and patients about adverse events (possible harmful side effects) that occur after the administration of vaccines to ascertain whether the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to justify the continued use of any particular vaccine.

The reports pulled from the database were ones that had been submitted up to October 15th 2021 and they included all adverse reactions reported against the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections, as well as all adverse reactions reported against the influenza vaccines; which were used to generate a control dataset.


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014e60 No.72299

File: a103be7e3ba6cb6⋯.png (119.92 KB,840x982,420:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192226 (162310ZJUL23) Notable: How to Remote Control a Human Being

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Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

Remote-Controlled Humans (2006)

Electrically stimulating the vestibular nerve can influence human movement – and may create better virtual-reality devices and prosthetics.



How to Remote-Control a Human (2006)

Stimulation of the semicircular canals can artificially control human walking and balance

By applying electrical currents across the heads of people while they walk, researchers have found that they could steer by "remote control" a person who was walking straight ahead without her balance being affected. At the same time, the experiment allowed researchers to better understand how our vestibular system helps us maintain the upright posture.

The findings are reported by Richard Fitzpatrick and Jane E. Butler of the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute and the University of New South Wales, Australia, and Brian L. Day of University College London in the August 8th issue of Current Biology. https://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Remote-Control-a-Human-32294.shtml

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014e60 No.72300

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192273 (162324ZJUL23) Notable: Corrupt Biden gets Busted Again - Bongino Rumble

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Bongino warned and said that on the last two podcasts, he also said they would use a bioweapon and EMP to turn off all electricity so no news, no hospitals and no one would know what was happening

Listen and Go to 39:51 minutes and listen to the warning, Richard Muller wrote an oped on a Chinese dual attack on the US. Bongino has been saying the US knows something we don’t know a bioweapon and a weapon that can make our military disfunctional! He’s got the info to prove it. Go to the day before he reported it again.


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014e60 No.72301

File: d1c8fe60a81ff92⋯.jpeg (681.44 KB,1769x1378,1769:1378,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192309 (162333ZJUL23) Notable: Anthony Blinken on Bastille Day

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Antony Blinken Equates Liberty With Tyranny

Not only is Antony Blinken a gelatinous moonbat, he is either ignorant of the grade school basics of Western history or flat out evil. He proves it by equating the American Revolution — the apogee of civilization — with its polar opposite, the nightmarish French Revolution. The latter has served as the template for the seizure of power by malevolent lunatics in the name of “The People” ever since.

The Reign of Terror set the stage for the horrific large-scale atrocities that occurred when similar maniacs took control in places like Russia and China, leading to the death of millions of people and the collapse of whole societies into totalitarian repression.

The Secretary of State equating these two events is like a physicist announcing that heat is the same thing as cold.



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014e60 No.72302

File: aced97faa109de2⋯.png (366.48 KB,804x918,134:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192334 (162340ZJUL23) Notable: TRUMP: ‘THE GREAT SILENT MAJORITY IS RISING’

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President Donald Trump shared his vision for America at Saturday’s Turning Point Action Conference in Florida, vowing to end the war in Ukraine, secure the border, and stand up to the corruption of Big Pharma.

He declared, “The great silent majority is RISING like never before—and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer! With your help, your love, and your vote, we will put AMERICA FIRST – WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Saturday’s event was swamped by thousands of young American patriots whom Trump called on to “propel America to glorious new heights.” ...


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014e60 No.72303

File: 04ba13e61d50ee1⋯.png (372.36 KB,893x879,893:879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192340 (162341ZJUL23) Notable: AF1 Landing Iraq as Told by The Donald

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Trump the Storyteller:The Donald Delivers Riveting Tale About Landing in Iraq on Darkened Air Force One

Former President Donald Trump took to the stage Saturday night in West Palm Beach, Florida, to close out day one of the Turning Point Action Conference, and those who came hoping to see vintage DJT were not disappointed. He stepped up to the podium, greeted by enthusiastic applause and accompanied by his usual song, Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.”

In a free-wheeling speech, he discussed a myriad of topics, from the cocaine found in the White House, to President Joe Biden’s disastrous policies on just about everything, to the tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan, our porous border, and more.

But one thing showed what makes Trump so different than most politicians: his storytelling ability. Biden likes to spin yarns, but they’re usually creepily dubious tales of his confrontations with “Corn Pop” or reminiscences about how little children used to like playing with the hair on his legs or how he’s been shot at.

Of course, who could forget one of his greatest hits—stealing an English politician’s biographical tale as his own?

Trump went on at length about heading to the Al Asad Air Base in Western Iraq on Christmas Day in 2018. He has talked about the trip before, but he went into greater detail Saturday. This captures the gaping divide in opinion of the former president: some will find his storytelling captivating, riveting, and funny as hell—others (especially those on the left) will wince at his every word, finding him pompous, boastful and “full of hate.”

He takes on multiple voices like a skilled comedian, fires off a shot at Rosie O’Donnell, and in general just seems to be having a great time. ...


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014e60 No.72304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192410 (170003ZJUL23) Notable: #23572

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slightly modded

needs lb collectin


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014e60 No.72305

File: e52804cbd83741a⋯.png (280.02 KB,1170x1860,39:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192431 (170007ZJUL23) Notable: Know what I care about? That millions of people are being exposed to the very real epidemic of Child Trafficking and Pedophilia.

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I don’t care that Tim Ballard was in the CIA.

I have seen, and also do not care about the questions surrounding “funding” for Sound of Freedom.

Know what I care about? That millions of people are being exposed to the very real epidemic of Child Trafficking and Pedophilia.

I care that so many people cared about this movie, that it is the #1 movie in America because that shows a shift of consciousness taking place.

Plenty of people - including some I used to respect - are slinging arrows at Ballard, Caviezel, and the movie itself.

It’s a shit look - I assure you. It is no better than the leftist rag publications which are using Q as a way to attack the movie and obfuscate it’s message.

This movie is accomplishing en masse what so many of us have been striving towards for years, and that is to ignite public exposure and awareness of this topic.


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014e60 No.72306

File: 2cbcc89debad8d4⋯.jpg (113.45 KB,959x1024,959:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192492 (170022ZJUL23) Notable: Trump’s outbursts met with silence so far by prosecutor, judge

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Since his indictment last month on charges of withholding classified documents, former president Donald Trump has publicly called special counsel Jack Smith “deranged” and a “psycho” and said he “looks like a crackhead.”

In response, Smith and the federal judge overseeing his pending criminal trial have said … nothing.

The prosecution of Trump, who is the first former president to face federal criminal charges and is also under an unrelated state indictment in New York, presents a test for the criminal justice system: whether it can effectively handle such a high-profile defendant known for daily and sometimes hourly diatribes against his perceived enemies.

Trump’s broadsides on social media against the Justice Department, the FBI, and Smith in particular have not gone unnoticed. The government spent $1.9 million for U.S. Marshals to provide security to Smith and other officials between November 2022 and March, according to officials. Experts and government officials have said individual prosecutors are facing harassment and threats online from members of right-wing extremist groups.

The government doesn’t have to look far for examples in which Trump’s vitriol has led to security problems — the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol is one example, as is the recent arrest of an armed man near former president Barack Obama’s home after Trump posted an address he claimed was Obama’s on social media.

“In some ways, these comments are much more serious than if, say, a typical bank fraud defendant made them, because that person may have 500 followers and it won’t have much of an impact. But Jan. 6 shows his followers can see his posts as a call to action,” said Randall Eliason, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches law at George Washington University. “I think it’s complicated for free speech reasons, but this is getting pretty close to the line.”

Trump has unloaded on Smith repeatedly during speeches and on social media — including after his indictment, after his arraignment and even last week, riffing off an entirely unrelated incident involving a bag of cocaine found in a publicly accessible area of the White House.

But prosecutors have not made any complaints to U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon about Trump’s comments or sought a gag order ... con't @


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014e60 No.72307

File: 9b9df16f70799a5⋯.jpg (153.31 KB,720x1051,720:1051,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 84edb3eb7ecfdfa⋯.jpg (137.29 KB,1125x1157,1125:1157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192532 (170031ZJUL23) Notable: Funny how Pence knows his audience when it comes to Israel "G-d" but not America, "not his concern!" Who does he really work for?

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014e60 No.72308

File: 3aa2cd7fcbd957e⋯.png (159.95 KB,1050x927,350:309,Clipboard.png)

File: e93e2e38cf3d403⋯.jpeg (484.05 KB,1492x1519,1492:1519,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192537 (170032ZJUL23) Notable: Misstatements in Affidavits for Warrants - Franks and Its Progeny

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>>>/qresearch/19192520 me

Check the highlighted area.

In Franks v. Delaware (1978), the Court made it clear that only where the defense has proof that the affiant lied or acted with a reckless disregard for the truth with respect to some material statement in the affidavit will a hearing regarding such be required. A deliberate falsehood by a nonaffiant, fellow officer may fall within the Franks rule, but an informant's misrepresentation will have no effect on the validity of the warrant.

also read:

To be guilty of 'reckless disregard for the truth,' the officer must have entertained serious doubt as to the truth of the information inserted in the affidavit. The post-Franks decisions express due regard for the confidentiality of informants,but officers should note that courts may require an in camera hearing to ensure the existence of the informant and the fact that the officer has not misrepresented the informant's information.Endnotes and a chart are included.


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014e60 No.72309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192538 (170032ZJUL23) Notable: Misstatements in Affidavits for Warrants - Franks and Its Progeny

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>Franks hearing

Franks Hearing is Key to Attacking Search Warrant

Aggressive Maryland criminal defense attorneys know that the best way to attack a search warrant is by attacking the affidavit in support of the warrant. This is commonly referred to as a Franks Hearing.

In Franks v. Delaware, 438 U.S. 154, 98 S.Ct. 2674, 57 L.Ed.2d 667 (1978), the Supreme Court held that in certain defined circumstances a defendant can attack a facially sufficient affidavit. The Franks Court recognized a “presumption of validity with respect to the affidavit supporting the search warrant”, and thus created a rule of “limited scope”.

The rule created by the Franks decision requires that a dual showing be made before a court will hold an evidentiary hearing on the affidavit’s integrity. This showing incorporates both a subjective and an objective threshold component. In order to obtain an evidentiary hearing on the affidavit’s integrity, a defendant must first make “a substantial preliminary showing that a false statement knowingly and intentionally, or with reckless disregard for the truth, was included by the affiant in the warrant affidavit.” This showing “must be more than conclusory” and must be accompanied by a detailed offer of proof.

In addition to showing that the affidavit contains false information, a defendant must show that the false information is essential to the probable cause determination. That is, if a court finds that “when material that is the subject of the alleged falsity or reckless disregard is set to one side, there remains sufficient content in the warrant affidavit to support a finding of probable cause, no hearing is required.”

The Franks test not only applies to cases where false information is included in an affidavit, but also applies when affiants omit material facts “with the intent to make, or in reckless disregard of whether they thereby made, the affidavit misleading.” Upon making this two-part preliminary showing of false or omitted information, and the necessity of this information to a finding of probable cause, a defendant is entitled to a hearing. At this hearing, the defendant has the burden of proving the allegations by a preponderance of the evidence.


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014e60 No.72310

File: ebc990eb5198861⋯.jpg (817.45 KB,1915x1057,1915:1057,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192562 (170039ZJUL23) Notable: Brady rule

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New one on Mark Levin right now.

Leo Terrel: It's a constitutional right!

The Brady rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, requires prosecutors to disclose material, exculpatory information in the government's possession to the defense. Brady material, or the evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose under this rule, includes any information favorable to the accused which may reduce a defendant's potential sentence, go against the credibility of an unfavorable witness, or otherwise allow a jury to infer against the defendant’s guilt.

Initially, the Brady rule was only applicable if the defendant made a pretrial request for specific information which the prosecution denied. In United States v. Bagley, however, the Supreme Court eliminated this request requirementand stated that the prosecution has a constitutional duty to disclose all material, favorable information in their possession to defendants regardless of whether it is requested.This duty is breached regardless of whether that information is withheld intentionally or unintentionally.

If a Brady rule violation is discovered during trial, the court can either declare a mistrial or prohibit the prosecution from using unfavorable evidence which could be discredited by the withheld information.Because the Brady rule inherently involves a lack of information on the side of the defense, however, violations of the Brady rule are typically only discovered after the defendant is already convicted. As a result, the most common outcome of a Brady rule violation is overturning that conviction. ==Additionally, if the prosecution withheld Brady material intentionally or knowingly, they may be subject to sanctions.

The defendant bears the burden to prove that any withheld information was both material and favorable. A defendant meets this burden if they can show that there is a reasonable probability that the outcome of the trial would have been different had the information been disclosed. In Kyles v. Whitley, the Supreme Court clarified four aspects of this test: etc etc


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014e60 No.72311

File: 35bbc449959079a⋯.png (176.63 KB,908x936,227:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192566 (170039ZJUL23) Notable: Brady rule

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>>72310 me

FOrgot pic.

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014e60 No.72312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192599 (170049ZJUL23) Notable: #23571 posted #23572

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#23571 >>72275

>>72294, >>72276, >>72279, >>72282 Ukraine RT Mini Bun

>>72277, >>72280 Billionaires who went to Epstein Island are still free and donating huge amounts of money to democrats.

>>72278 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Remarks at the Turning Point Action Conference

>>72281 House Committee Accuses Fauci and Other Health Officials of Unlawfully Granting $26 Billion of Taxpayer Money – Alleges Fauci was Never Reappointed as NIH Director (VIDEO)

>>72283 Cocainegate: Reporter Points Out Hunter Biden Has Relapsed 10 Times

>>72284 Imploding Cities Will Drag All of Us Down — Even if You Don't Live Anywhere Near One

>>72285, >>72286 Netanyahu fitted with heart monitor and discharged from hospital after dizzy spell

>>72287 US treasury secretary ate magic mushrooms in China

>>72288 Just heard that I(WE!) won the big Turning Point Straw Poll in a BLOWOUT DJT-Truth Social

>>72289 What Was Reid Hoffman’s Role In Funding E. Jean Carroll’s Case?

>>72290 Hunter Biden threatens Trump with ‘legal trouble’

>>72291 Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter tells her audience that the "child sex trafficking epidemic simply does not exist"

>>72292 he Club for NO GROWTH is spending so much good Republican money fighting me DJT-Truth Social

>>72293 Nolte: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars to $83 Million as ‘Dead Reckoning’ Slips

>>72294 Chris Christie skirts question on whether he will lie on RNC pledge in order to make GOP debate

>>72295 How the big four accounting firms infiltrated governments, earning more than $10b over a decade while taxpayers are in the dark

>>72296 DeSantis rejects Chris Christie’s attack-dog approach to Trump: ‘I don’t do insults’

>>72297 Putin warns that Russia will drop its own cluster bombs if Ukraine uses the controversial US-provided munitions

>>72298 BREAKING: Government Reports prove Pfizer & Moderna purposely manufactured Deadly Batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines

>>72299 How to Remote Control a Human Being

>>72300 Corrupt Biden gets Busted Again - Bongino Rumble

>>72301 Anthony Blinken on Bastille Day


>>72303 AF1 Landing Iraq as Told by The Donald

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014e60 No.72313

File: 64a948655922676⋯.png (813.51 KB,1080x1119,360:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192654 (170100ZJUL23) Notable: Funny how Pence knows his audience when it comes to Israel "G-d" but not America, "not his concern!" Who does he really work for?

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Funny how Pence knows his audience when it comes to Israel "G-d" but not America, "not his concern!" Who does he really work for?

>>>/qresearch/19192612 karate chop, paper, thumbs up!

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014e60 No.72314

File: 035f5aed224691f⋯.jpg (57.04 KB,302x235,302:235,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e524f448dbc1bf2⋯.png (100.41 KB,768x284,192:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 12365178a9b27a0⋯.png (645.42 KB,1267x948,1267:948,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192662 (170102ZJUL23) Notable: Air Quality website US EPA

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Interactive map.


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014e60 No.72315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192718 (170112ZJUL23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Janet Yellen Had Four Orders of Potentially Hallucinogenic Dish - Her Strange Behavior?

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Janet Yellen Had Four Orders of Potentially Hallucinogenic Dish - Does This Explain Her Strange Behavior?

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014e60 No.72316

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192727 (170113ZJUL23) Notable: Children's Health Defence: Ed Dowd: Black Swan Event - They Can'T Run From This Data! Some People Are Going To Be, Unfortunately, Producing Spike Protein Their Whole Lives

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Note: A multifaceted attack from many vectors on the masses who took the vaccine including all the psychological propaganda used such as masks and state restrictions has contributed to this, those lucky enough to get benefits in countries that actually offer them due to disability payment (not easy to get btw) are the ones who are on this recorded state data. how many are not counted and have either had to sell everything or lost it all while they cannot even work to look after themselves. The hidden victims that no one will speak about, not forgetting the suicides.



First published at 18:45 UTC on July 16th, 2023.



Ed Dowd appears on http://CHD.TV:

"This is the greatest cover-up I've ever seen in my life." Disability claims are on the rise, and people are wondering why. "If it's not the vaccine, what is it?" asks Ed Dowd in this episode of 'Friday Roundtable.' He also states, "Some people are going to be, unfortunately, producing spike protein their whole lives."

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014e60 No.72317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192750 (170118ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Joins Gen. Flynn and Sends Warning Message to (((CIA)))

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Jim Caviezel Joins Gen. Flynn and Sends Warning Message to (((CIA)))

Meanwhile, jews and their Boomer minions do everything they can to discourage normal, decent, rational people from seeing "Sound of Freedom.

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014e60 No.72318

File: 4d8541eb3e8cf38⋯.png (362.57 KB,722x443,722:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192773 (170123ZJUL23) Notable: Detroit Police Commisoner Bryan Ferguson Resigns After Being CAUGHT With Prostitute In Car

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Detroit Police Commisoner Resigns After Being CAUGHT With Prostitute In Car



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014e60 No.72319

File: ef592301f2799b5⋯.jpeg (501.4 KB,1500x843,500:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192790 (170126ZJUL23) Notable: The Chronovisor - The Vatican’s Secret “Time-Seeing” Device? Pellegrino Ernetti

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The Chronovisor – The Vatican’s Secret “Time-Seeing” Device?

The Catholic Church, or more specifically, The Vatican, is no stranger to controversy or conspiracy. And while some of these are outlandish and to be treated with caution, others are dripping in the gritty reality of organized crime, intelligence agency connections, and ruthless people of global influence. Perhaps what makes the claims and conspiracies of the Chronovisor so intriguingly appealing then is that it features huge helpings of all of those explosive components. And like many things connected to the inner workings of Vatican City, it is enveloped in mystery.

The Chronovisor first appeared in mainstream conspiracy circles in the 2002 book ‘The Vatican’s New Mystery’ (‘Le Nouveau Mystere du Vatican’) by Father Francois Brune, who is an expert of sorts on the intertwining of paranormal incidents and religion. However, an Italian newspaper article under the headline “A Machine That Photographs The Past Has Finally Been Invented” shows there was at least some public awareness of the claim as far back as 1972. And when we look a little deeper, it appears connections go in many directions, all indicating at least some partial measure of truth in a seemingly ludicrous notion.


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014e60 No.72320

File: b1684dcd6443f51⋯.jpg (40.31 KB,1045x205,209:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192797 (170127ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85%

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BREAKING: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85%

A new 2024 GOP primary straw poll conducted at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida showed massive support for the re-election of former President Donald Trump.

The survey, conducted by the Trafalgar group, found that 85.7 percent of respondents at the event chose Trump as their top pick in the current GOP primary field.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trailed far behind, garnering only 4.3 percent support, taking third place. DeSantis was bested by Perry Johnson, a relatively unknown candidate who came second to Trump on the first-pick poll, at 7.8 percent.


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014e60 No.72321

File: a9b2940a8911265⋯.png (2.06 MB,1169x1785,167:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 024c0f0c30c8e99⋯.png (998.46 KB,1458x1078,729:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192805 (170128ZJUL23) Notable: Burisma Exec Discussed Expectations of ‘High-Ranking US Officials in Ukraine’ with Hunter Biden

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Burisma Exec Discussed Expectations of ‘High-Ranking US Officials in Ukraine’ with Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden’s associate in his business with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings discussed expectations of “high-ranking US officials in Ukraine” one month before then-Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to demand the firing of a prosecutor investigating the company.

Joe Biden, who bragged in 2018 about the firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin by Poroshenko, was on an official visit to Ukraine in 2015. During the visit, he met with Poroshenko in Kiev about Ukraine’s corruption. But four months after the meeting, Poroshenko fired Shokin, a prosecutor investigating Burisma, which paid Hunter Biden $83,000 a month to sit on its board.

On November 2, 2015, one month before Joe Biden visited Ukraine, Hunter Biden received an email from Vadym Pozharskyi, a Burisma executive, about his “ultimate purpose” of working with Hunter Biden and his associates, Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer, a fellow Burisma board member.

Pozharskyi wrote the email with the subject line: “Re: Revised Burisma Proposal, Contract and Invoice.” The email outlines the scope of work he expected from Hunter Biden and his associates regarding a new project. It detailed the “ultimate purpose” of an agreement with Blue Star Strategies to shut down “any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine,” referring to Mykola Zlochevsky, who also went by Nikolay.

Blue Star Strategies is a Washington, DC, PR firm that worked for Burisma. Hunter Biden connected the firm to Burisma through Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s wife, according to emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Dear colleagues, Hope you are well. Thank you for the docs provided. I have analyzed them most carefully and came up with a few of the following observations…” Pozharskyi wrote to Hunter and his associates:

My only concern is for us to be on the same page re our final goals. With this in mind, I would like us to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their ‘positive opinion’ and support of Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine: President of Ukraine, president Chief of staff, Prosecutor General, etc.


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014e60 No.72322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192813 (170130ZJUL23) Notable: Burisma Exec Discussed Expectations of ‘High-Ranking US Officials in Ukraine’ with Hunter Biden

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The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support on Nikolay’s issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine.

Schwerin forwarded Pozharskyi’s message to Hunter Biden and Archer the same day and suggested how Hunter Biden could placate Pozharskyi’s objections to the pitch as Hunter Biden’s initial pitch to Pozharskyi lacked specific names of officials who would visit the Ukrainian president:

I would tell Vadym that this is definitely done deliberately to the be on the safe and cautious side and that Sally and company understand the scope and deliverables. And that we will be having regular (daily, weekly, monthly) opportunities be in through conference calls or memos to be continually refining and updating the scope.

Hunter Biden replied to Pozharskyi’s email, assuring him he could deliver. “You should go ahead and sign,” he wrote on Nov. 5, 2015. “Looking forward to getting started on this,” Hunter Biden added.

One month later, Joe Biden arrived in Ukraine to speak with the president of Ukraine. Soon afterward in March 2016, the president of Ukraine fired the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma.

Joe Biden later bragged about the firing during a 2018 appearance at the Council of Foreign Relations: “I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ I said, ‘you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours,’” Biden told the audience. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

According to an FBI informant file reviewed by lawmakers, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden received $5 million each from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until President Poroshenko fired the prosecutor.

A source familiar with the FBI’s informant document confirmed to Breitbart News that Hunter and Joe Biden allegedly “coerced” the Burisma executive into paying them $10 million in bribes. The FBI informant also claims Zlochevsky kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with Hunter and Joe Biden as an “insurance policy,” according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).


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014e60 No.72323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192834 (170135ZJUL23) Notable: GIlgo Beach Murder Suspect Rex Heuermann Is A Spook

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GIlgo Beach Murder Suspect Rex Heuermann Is A Spook

How do you identify a spook? His net worth is $7 Million. Lives in a dump (on the surface)

List of homes includes Herndon, VA, Las Vegas, NV, & homes under his mother's name, near Charlottesville, VA and one in Mass.

What happens in Charlottesville, VA?

Recent arrest of a man linked to the body part smuggling ring.


Keywords "Burke" & lawsuit filed in "Suffolk" Massachussets.

Burke is the former Suffolk County NY Police Chief busted with beastiality tapes and S&M gear in his truck.

Parallel timelines/maps/events. Same crime ring?

The doll taken from Heuermann's home actually made from childrens bones?

As I said before, I believe he's the pimp of the dead hookers and his firm is a front.

This all connects to the Clinton's and Biden's. Loyalty through...Birds of a feather...

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014e60 No.72324

File: b3aff2431311b05⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 734e2090a76ef90⋯.png (1.39 MB,1436x966,718:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192840 (170135ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT has given the heads-up to watch Mawkie to-nite

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POTUS has given the heads-up to watch Mawkie tonite! Does Mawkie have another book in the works in the near future? Perhaps he'll write about his Defiant Hero's piano playing skillz someday! In 20 years if he tires of Politics, perhaps he'll dip his toes into writing Fiction, about stuff like, oh say, Treasonous Corruption or even BIOLABS? We can only hope.

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014e60 No.72325

File: 40b5e7802427df7⋯.png (666.53 KB,919x745,919:745,Clipboard.png)

File: c4e89bc0c60b83b⋯.png (313.4 KB,862x2476,431:1238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192869 (170142ZJUL23) Notable: GIlgo Beach Murder Suspect Rex Heuermann Is A Spook

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014e60 No.72326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192884 (170146ZJUL23) Notable: Trump to DeSantis: Come Home to Florida and Do Your Job

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Trump to DeSantis: Come Home to Florida and Do Your Job [you little bitch.]

DeSantis should drop out of the race, endorse Trump.

As of now, DeSantis' political career is over.

It is clear to me that he got into Yale as a legacy...

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014e60 No.72327

File: f932ecf0d638f63⋯.png (36.61 KB,992x311,992:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192886 (170146ZJUL23) Notable: Trump Embraces ‘Sound of Freedom,’ More Heads Set To Explode

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Trump Embraces ‘Sound of Freedom,’

More Heads Set To Explode

Outkick, by Christian Toto

Posted By: LadyHen, 7/16/2023 8:57:55 PM

It’s the little indie film that could, a sleeper hit that’s driving the press berserk. “Sound of Freedom,” with a budget akin to a Marvel movie’s catering tab, has made more than $53 million in under 10 days of release. The fact-based movie follows Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), a Homeland Security agent tasked with rounding up pedophiles.(snip) Former President Donald Trump will screen “Sound of Freedom” next week at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey.

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014e60 No.72328

File: 7cd56bb115134c0⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192895 (170147ZJUL23) Notable: Jack Poso: Working on a new documentary on the Ukraine child organ and trafficking movie (Cap 0:47)

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>the very real epidemic of Child Trafficking and Pedophilia.

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014e60 No.72329

File: b3d8cd9e069751c⋯.png (52.01 KB,691x387,691:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192900 (170149ZJUL23) Notable: Media mogul Barry Diller says Hollywood's 'overpaid' actors AND execs should take a 25% pay cut PERFECT STORM

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Media mogul Barry Diller says Hollywood's

'overpaid' actors AND execs should take

a 25% pay cut - as he warns industry faces

'absolute collapse' if strikes drag on

Daily Mail (UK), by Andrea Cavallier

Posted By: Imright, 7/16/2023 6:20:38 PM

Media mogul Barry Diller suggested that Hollywood's top-earning actors and executives take a 25 percent pay cut as he warns of a devastating collapse for the industry if the SAG-AFTRA and Writers Guild of America strikes are not settled soon. The former Paramount and 20th Century Fox CEO, who is now the head of the media conglomerate IAC, appeared on CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday, where he weighed in on the issues that he called a 'perfect storm.' 'Everybody's probably overpaid at the top end,' Diller said. 'The one idea I had is to say, as a good faith measure, both the executives and the most-paid actors should take

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014e60 No.72330

File: 0d8ba8056fa9b13⋯.png (28.14 KB,988x127,988:127,Clipboard.png)

File: dad45bc03722ae7⋯.png (38 KB,964x160,241:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192913 (170152ZJUL23) Notable: Media mogul Barry Diller says Hollywood's 'overpaid' actors AND execs should take a 25% pay cut PERFECT STORM

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014e60 No.72331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192956 (170159ZJUL23) Notable: Ethiopia Makes Digital IDs Mandatory For Banking Transactions

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Ethiopia Makes Digital IDs Mandatory For Banking Transactions

Ethiopia is filled to the brim with jews, so this makes sense.

It won't end well for them, or their Askenazi bretheren.

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014e60 No.72332

File: 568bef658e3a9c3⋯.png (124.65 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192965 (170200ZJUL23) Notable: Missing Alabama woman found alive, transported to hospital for evaluation Carlethia "Carlee" Nichole Russell

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Anon read this behind the paywall


A fix link. They all suck


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014e60 No.72333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192971 (170201ZJUL23) Notable: Trump outlines ‘24 hour’ Ukraine peace plan

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Trump outlines ‘24 hour’ Ukraine peace plan

The former US president has claimed that he would be able to steer Russian and Ukrainian leaders towards a negotiated solution

After repeatedly claiming that he could end the Russia-Ukraine conflict within 24 hours if elected as US president again in 2024, former commander-in-chief Donald Trump has outlined his plan for bringing about a negotiated peace agreement.

Trump, currently the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, argued that he has enough influence with Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Vladimir Zelensky of Ukraine to stop the bloodshed. With the right prodding from the White House, the two leaders would see no point in continuing the conflict, he said on Sunday in a Fox News interview.

“I know Zelensky very well, and I know Putin very well, even better,” Trump told Fox host Maria Bartiromo. “And I had a good relationship, very good with both of them. I would tell Zelensky, no more, you got to make a deal. I would tell Putin, if you don’t make a deal, we’re going to give him a lot. We’re going to give them more than they ever got if we have to. I will have the deal done in one day – one day.”

Trump argued that his successor, President Joe Biden, was being outsmarted and outmaneuvered by such world leaders as Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron. “These people are sharp, tough and generally vicious, they’re vicious, and they’re at the top of their game. We have a man who has no clue what’s happening. It’s the most dangerous time in the history of our country.”

The former president reiterated his claim that the Russia-Ukraine conflict wouldn’t have happened had he remained in office.

Meaningful negotiations between Moscow and Kiev broke down in the spring of 2022, with both sides blaming each other. No progress has been made since, apart from semi-regular prisoner swaps.

Kiev has repeatedly insisted that there was no point in negotiating with Moscow as long as it refuses to surrender Crimea and four other regions that voted to join Russia in 2014 and 2022, respectively. Moscow has said that such terms are absolutely unacceptable.


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014e60 No.72334

File: 57f90ce66b7eb40⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,767x217,767:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192977 (170201ZJUL23) Notable: Reid Hoffman, Onetime guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’ donates nearly $700K to Biden campaign fund

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Onetime guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’ donates nearly $700K to Biden campaign fund

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman dumped $699,600 into the Biden Victory Fund war chest, a joint fundraising committee authorized by the Biden campaign, in April, federal election records show.

The donation came one week before The Wall Street Journal reported Hoffman had visited the late serial sexual predator’s US Virgin Islands compound in 2014.


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014e60 No.72335

File: 397cb23e5b31d6b⋯.jpg (56.86 KB,757x218,757:218,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192988 (170203ZJUL23) Notable: Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood mogul with deep China ties, wife drop over $1.7M to Biden’s reelection bid

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Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood mogul with deep China ties, wife drop over $1.7M to Biden’s reelection bid

Biden’s campaign announced on April 25 that former Disney and DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg would serve as one of its national co-chairs.

Two days later, on April 27, the Biden Victory Fund, the campaign’s joint fundraising vehicle, received a donation totaling $889,600 from Katzenberg’s wife, Marilyn, according to Federal Election Commission records.

A day later, on April 28, the Biden Victory Fund received a $889,600 donation from Katzenberg himself.


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014e60 No.72336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19192996 (170204ZJUL23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At "Dangerously Low" Levels: Top Air Force General

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US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At "Dangerously Low" Levels: Top Air Force General

Gen. James Hecker, the commander of U.S. Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa, made the remarks at the Chief of the Air Staff’s Global Air & Space Chiefs’ Conference in London, reported Breaking Defense.

The air force general urged NATO allies to think seriously about their stockpiles.

“I think it’s very important that we kind of take stock of where we are in our weapons state across the 32 nations of NATO, and we’re getting way down compared to where we were,” Gen. Hecker said on a panel with the air chiefs of the United Kingdom and Sweden at the conference, reported the outlet.

“And it’s probably not going to get better—well, it’s not in the short term—but we’ve got to make sure in the long term we have the industrial base that can increase what we have,” he said at the July 12-13 event, urging all NATO nations to start making deeper investments.

The United States is at “roughly half the number of fighter squadrons” it had compared to when it engaged in Operation Desert Storm, a U.S.-led operation that started in January 1991 as part of a response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the general said. He added there’s been a similar decrease in fighter squadrons for the UK.

“So we don’t have nearly what we had at the heart of the Cold War,” he continued.

“Now you add that we’re giving a lot of munitions away to the Ukrainians, which I think is exactly what we need to do, but now we’re getting dangerously low and sometimes, in some cases even too low, that we don’t have enough. And we need to get industry on board to help us out so we can get this going.”

The United States has provided Ukraine over $41.3 billion in security assistance since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the U.S. State Department as of July 7. This encompasses more than $15 billion in weapons and equipment taken from U.S. military stocks to Ukraine since the Russian invasion.

It comes after the Biden administration last week announced it would send to Ukraine the controversial cluster munitions, which have since arrived in the country.

The cluster munitions, after they are fired, open in midair and release bomblets over a wide area to strike several targets simultaneously. They can be delivered by planes, artillery, and missiles. More than 100 countries, including two-thirds of NATO allies, have banned such weapons because they can cause many civilian casualties.

Cluster munitions can be fired using artillery that the United States has provided to Ukraine, and the Pentagon has a large stockpile of them that were facing decommissioning if it wasn’t for Ukraine’s voiced need for more ammunition.


Only Deep State clowns would announce this to the world

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014e60 No.72337

File: 82b109b3dd028ed⋯.png (555.78 KB,970x795,194:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193027 (170208ZJUL23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: Janet Yellen Had Four Orders of Potentially Hallucinogenic Dish - Her Strange Behavior?

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BRICS News of GOLD backed currency has Yellen hitting the shrooms

Jews and boomers hate gold and silver backed money because it is hard to manipulate.

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014e60 No.72338

File: 0d13feccab1516d⋯.png (106.52 KB,355x315,71:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193084 (170216ZJUL23) Notable: Funny how Pence knows his audience when it comes to Israel "G-d" but not America, "not his concern!" Who does he really work for?

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Who is trying to cover the coin from the camera?

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014e60 No.72339

File: 69877929005b4ad⋯.png (681.94 KB,594x895,594:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193086 (170216ZJUL23) Notable: What ever happened to the 15 hours of interview footage Steve Bannon shot with Jeffrey Epstein in 2019?

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The Rubber Duck ™


what ever happened to the 15 hours of interview footage #SteveBannon shot with #JeffreyEpstein in 2019, a few months before epstein didn't kill himself.

this was also a year after filming for #SoundOfFeeedom wrapped.

last I heard, bannon made into a [not released yet] multi-part documentary titled, The Monsters.

isn't #MelGibson producing a multi-part documentary for future release?

timing is everything.


Quote Tweet

The Master Plan



Dec 6, 2021

steve bannon interviews jeffrey epstein

Last edited

1:23 PM · Jul 16, 2023




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014e60 No.72340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193121 (170222ZJUL23) Notable: Missing Alabama woman found alive, transported to hospital for evaluation Carlethia "Carlee" Nichole Russell

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Missing Alabama woman returns home unharmed after telling police she saw unattended child

Francisco Guzman


A 25-year-old woman who sparked a police search and national media headlines when she disappeared from an Alabama highway Thursday has turned up unharmed at her nearby home, police said Sunday.

Carlee Russell was reported missing Thursday after she called police and her family to report a claim that she saw a toddler walking along the interstate in Hoover, about eight miles south of Birmingham. Shortly after making the calls, Russell's whereabouts were uncertain.

At 10:44 p.m. local time Saturday, the Hoover Police Department’s 911 center received a call sayingCarlethia “Carlee” Nichole Russell had returned home on foot,according to police.

Hoover Fire Department medics checked on Russell before taking her to UAB Hospital for evaluation, Hoover police said. She was later released.

Police have obtained traffic camera footage, which is being analyzed, Hoover police said.

"The footage is still being analyzed as part of the investigation in conjunction with the 911 call to accurately determine the timeframe," Hoover police said.

Witness says they saw a man standing outside of Russell’s vehicle

Police said Russell got off work at around 8:20 p.m. Thursday and stopped to pick up food before traveling toward Hoover on I-459 where she stopped after seeing the toddler, police said.

"A single witness reported possibly seeing a gray vehicle with a light complected male standing outside of (Russell's) vehicle. We have no further information about that individual or vehicle at this time," police said.


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014e60 No.72341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193132 (170223ZJUL23) Notable: #23572

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>>72333 Trump outlines ‘24 hour’ Ukraine peace plan

>>72305 Know what I care about? That millions of people are being exposed to the very real epidemic of Child Trafficking and Pedophilia.

>>72306 Trump’s outbursts met with silence so far by prosecutor, judge

>>72308, >>72309 Misstatements in Affidavits for Warrants - Franks and Its Progeny

>>72310, >>72311 Brady rule

>>72314 Air Quality website US EPA

>>72315, >>72337 FAKE NEWS: Janet Yellen Had Four Orders of Potentially Hallucinogenic Dish - Her Strange Behavior?

>>72316 Children's Health Defence: Ed Dowd: Black Swan Event - They Can'T Run From This Data! Some People Are Going To Be, Unfortunately, Producing Spike Protein Their Whole Lives

>>72317 Jim Caviezel Joins Gen. Flynn and Sends Warning Message to (((CIA)))

>>72318 Detroit Police Commisoner Bryan Ferguson Resigns After Being CAUGHT With Prostitute In Car

>>72319 The Chronovisor - The Vatican’s Secret “Time-Seeing” Device? Pellegrino Ernetti

>>72320 Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85%

>>72321, >>72322 Burisma Exec Discussed Expectations of ‘High-Ranking US Officials in Ukraine’ with Hunter Biden

>>72323, >>72325 GIlgo Beach Murder Suspect Rex Heuermann Is A Spook

>>72326 Trump to DeSantis: Come Home to Florida and Do Your Job

>>72327 Trump Embraces ‘Sound of Freedom,’ More Heads Set To Explode

>>72328 Jack Poso: Working on a new documentary on the Ukraine child organ and trafficking movie (Cap 0:47)

>>72329, >>72330 Media mogul Barry Diller says Hollywood's 'overpaid' actors AND execs should take a 25% pay cut PERFECT STORM

>>72324 PDJT has given the heads-up to watch Mawkie to-nite

>>72331 Ethiopia Makes Digital IDs Mandatory For Banking Transactions

>>72332, >>72340 Missing Alabama woman found alive, transported to hospital for evaluation Carlethia "Carlee" Nichole Russell

>>72336 FAKE NEWS: US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At "Dangerously Low" Levels: Top Air Force General

>>72334 Reid Hoffman, Onetime guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’ donates nearly $700K to Biden campaign fund

>>72335 Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood mogul with deep China ties, wife drop over $1.7M to Biden’s reelection bid

>>72307, >>72313, >>72338 Funny how Pence knows his audience when it comes to Israel "G-d" but not America, "not his concern!" Who does he really work for?

>>72339 What ever happened to the 15 hours of interview footage Steve Bannon shot with Jeffrey Epstein in 2019?

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014e60 No.72342

File: 7f142b2ad1b77d5⋯.jpeg (19.89 KB,193x255,193:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8099d98f02c2fe8⋯.png (360.43 KB,589x503,589:503,Clipboard.png)

File: f9c4948e511c9f7⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,1140x955,228:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193179 (170229ZJUL23) Notable: #23573

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Q Research General #23573: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85% Edition

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014e60 No.72343

File: 2eca84c19de9820⋯.png (266.92 KB,584x672,73:84,Clipboard.png)

File: f8e3e05db93cc47⋯.png (404.05 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193343 (170257ZJUL23) Notable: Ronan Keating's brother dies in car crash on way to watch son's football match

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Ronan Keating's brother dies in car crash on way to watch son's football match

Ciaran Keating, the brother of Irish pop star Ronan Keating, has died in a car crash, his former employer has confirmed.

Ciaran Keating, aged in his 50s, was killed in a two-car collision near Swinford, in Ireland's County Mayo on Saturday afternoon, local time.

The Mayo News, where he previously worked as an advertising executive, said he and his wife Ann Marie were travelling to watch their son Ruairí play a football match for Cork City in Sligo.

Ms Keating's injuries were not believed to be life-threatening, the newspaper reported

The other driver, unnamed in reports, was taken to hospital with "serious injuries".

Mayo News editor Michael Duffy, said the impact of Ciaran Keating's death would be "immense".

"Ciaran was a valued member of the staff of The Mayo News for a number of years after he moved west before leaving to explore a number of other business opportunities in both the hospitality and construction sector.

"He made a huge number of friends during his time with the newspaper and remained in close contact with a number of staff during the years since his departure.

"Everyone associated with the newspaper would like to extend our condolences to his wife Ann Marie, his sons and daughter and all his large circle of extended family and friends."

His son's football club also posted a tribute on social media.

"All at Cork City FC are deeply saddened at the passing of Ciaran Keating, father of our player Ruairí Keating," the club said.

"We extend our deepest sympathies to Ruairí and the entire Keating family at this exceptionally difficult time."


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014e60 No.72344

File: 5a6560a07d9a302⋯.png (234.14 KB,483x600,161:200,Clipboard.png)

File: 21aed4baae7d96d⋯.png (359.56 KB,502x651,502:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 99d7fd7000690e8⋯.png (106.53 KB,504x583,504:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193417 (170313ZJUL23) Notable: Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported

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Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported

It's deja vu all over again as various local news outlets report that traffic on the Russian-built Crimean Bridge - linking the Crimean peninsula to the Russian region of Krasnodar - was stopped due to an emergency.

The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksyonov made the statement on his Telegram channel, but did not specify the nature of the incident:

"Traffic was stopped on the Krymsky Bridge: an emergency occurred in the area of ​​the 145th support from the Krasnodar Territory. Law enforcement agencies and all responsible services are working. I spoke with the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, measures are being taken to restore the situation. We keep in touch with colleagues from Krasnodar Territory," Aksenov wrote.

It was early in the morning and so there are few images available due to the darkness, but there are some video clips that reportedly of the scene:


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014e60 No.72345

File: 4424abbfcbacb32⋯.png (176.7 KB,1010x799,1010:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193423 (170314ZJUL23) Notable: Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported

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014e60 No.72346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193449 (170319ZJUL23) Notable: Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported

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Traffic on Crimean bridge stopped due to emergency — head of Crimea

Sergey Aksenov did not specify the nature of the incident

Traffic on the Crimean bridge has been stopped due to an emergency in the area of the 145th support of the bridge, the head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksenov, said on his telegram channel. He did not specify the nature of the incident.

"Traffic has been stopped on the Crimea Bridge: an emergency occurred in the area of the 145th support from the Krasnodar region. Law enforcement agencies and all responsible services are working. I spoke with the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, measures are being taken to restore the situation. We keep in touch with colleagues from Krasnodar region," Aksyonov wrote.

He added that Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Igor Mikhailichenko had left for the scene. Aksyonov asked the residents of the republic to remain calm and trust only verified sources of information.

Aksyonov has called on urged residents of the region and tourists to use an alternative land route through new regions of Russia instead of the Crimean bridge.

"Given the current situation, I ask residents and guests of the peninsula to refrain from traveling through the Crimean bridge and, for security reasons, choose an alternative land route through new regions," the statement says.


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014e60 No.72347

File: 3c0dd3713066875⋯.png (375.1 KB,494x859,494:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 14bbd962c1a278d⋯.png (1 MB,1241x827,1241:827,Clipboard.png)

File: b88e5fbd337bf6b⋯.png (2.16 MB,1241x828,1241:828,Clipboard.png)

File: f58656af85807cd⋯.png (1.17 MB,1241x827,1241:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 9790c09fe713d50⋯.png (802.31 KB,1241x827,1241:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193657 (170401ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino Truths - @realDonaldTrump speaks at Turning Point USA, where he won the straw poll with 85.7%…

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


@realDonaldTrump speaks at Turning Point USA, where he won the straw poll with 85.7%…

Perry Johnson: 7.8%

Ron DeSantis: 4.3%

Vivek Ramaswamy: 2%

Tim Scott: 0%

Ryan Binkley: 0%

Nikki Haley: 0%

Chris Christie: 0%

Jul 16, 2023, 11:51 PM


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014e60 No.72348

File: b1739e0abbd1d22⋯.png (131.17 KB,620x540,31:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193659 (170402ZJUL23) Notable: 6.6 Magnitude EQ 25 km ESE of Loncopué, Argentina

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014e60 No.72349

File: ee2e17d60ba35ae⋯.png (234.16 KB,610x752,305:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193773 (170419ZJUL23) Notable: ⚡️Video from the Crimean bridge moments ago after explosions were heard

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014e60 No.72350

File: 3148952cd80160e⋯.png (208.86 KB,892x413,892:413,Clipboard.png)

File: b0d19a3c7512092⋯.png (846.32 KB,1150x936,575:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193908 (170450ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Scavino Truths - @realDonaldTrump speaks at Turning Point USA, where he won the straw poll with 85.7%…

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85%


Jul 16, 2023, 11:58 PM


Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85%

A new 2024 GOP primary straw poll conducted at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida showed massive support for the re-election of former President Donald Trump.

The survey, conducted by the Trafalgar group, found that 85.7 percent of respondents at the event chose Trump as their top pick in the current GOP primary field.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trailed far behind, garnering only 4.3 percent support, taking third place. DeSantis was bested by Perry Johnson, a relatively unknown candidate who came second to Trump on the first-pick poll, at 7.8 percent.

Upon being asked to pick a second preferred candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy came out on top, with 51.2 percent support.

The poll also asked for top US Vice President picks, with former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake being the number one choice at 30.8 percent, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) at 24 percent, and Vivek Ramaswamy at 22.7 percent.

DeSantis notably did not attend the event, which took place in his home state, despite having received an invitation to speak.

His campaign press secretary, Bryan Griffin, reportedly said in a statement, "Governor DeSantis spent the day with Iowans and spoke to a packed house at the Tennessee GOP Statesman Dinner later that night. This was a day after he delivered the strongest interview at the Family Leadership Summit, which Donald Trump notably skipped. Ron DeSantis is campaigning to win."

Turning Point Action founder Charlie Kirk commented that the survey reveals that "President Trump remains the single most dominant force among the conservative grassroots."

He added that the many attacks the former president has faced as of late "seemingly made him even stronger and more popular among the conservative faithful."


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014e60 No.72351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193925 (170453ZJUL23) Notable: Russian scientists warn of powerful solar flare activity on Monday

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Russian scientists warn of powerful solar flare activity on Monday


July 16, 20235:15 PM PDTUpdated 5 hours ago

July 17 (Reuters) - Powerful solar flare activity is forecast for Monday which may interfere with short-wave communications, Russian scientists said after three flares were observed on the sun on Sunday.

The Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics in Moscow said class X flares were possible, including proton flares, and short-wave radio conditions were expected to deteriorate.

X-class flares are the largest explosions in the solar systems and can create long-lasting radiation storms. Proton flares are a storm of solar energetic particles, composed chiefly of proton.


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014e60 No.72352

File: 9c00029aad3432f⋯.png (10.4 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193962 (170457ZJUL23) Notable: #23574

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014e60 No.72353

File: fe6fe25198cf183⋯.png (391.12 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: d612f6d7212c812⋯.png (1.21 MB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193991 (170506ZJUL23) Notable: Scavino: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action & Q #2358

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014e60 No.72354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193992 (170506ZJUL23) Notable: An Open Letter to Woke Youth - James Lindsay (video)

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An Open Letter to Woke Youth

New Discourses

Just a good video on the historical result of Woke ideology.

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014e60 No.72355

File: 37f2f5c8c3aa166⋯.png (389.92 KB,710x707,710:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19193996 (170508ZJUL23) Notable: County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon

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County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon

"Whereas strong and credible evidence has recently been revealed that COVID-19 and COVID-19 injections are biological and technological weapons."

Members of the Brevard County leadership committee adopted a resolution, calling on the governor to make the COVID-19 vaccines illegal. Other GOP chapters in Seminole, Lake, St. John's, Santa Rosa, Hillsborough and Lee Counties have passed similar resolutions.

There was heated discussion before the vote, and the majority believes the vaccine is very likely a biological weapon.


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014e60 No.72356

File: 961d5e038f0f174⋯.jpeg (288.15 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ed704d5a176a081⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1d95dcd21070b93⋯.png (2.02 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194004 (170511ZJUL23) Notable: Biden campaign out of money!

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Biden campaign out of money!



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014e60 No.72357

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194006 (170511ZJUL23) Notable: COMPILATION OF THE HATE ON THE UNVACCINATED - video

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014e60 No.72358

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194025 (170518ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne talking about Q-anon; no such thing, just Q and anons!

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Roseanne: Tippy Top explanation



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014e60 No.72359

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194038 (170525ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: De Santis career was saved by Donald Trump (1min video)

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Donald J. Trump


De Santis career was saved by Donald Trump

Jul 17, 2023, 1:03 AM



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014e60 No.72360

File: 5ae45ded7ddb9f5⋯.png (414.95 KB,894x678,149:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194061 (170539ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Thank you very much Perry!

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Donald J. Trump



Thank you very much Perry!

Jul 17, 2023, 12:51 AM


Perry Johnson: 7.8%



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014e60 No.72361

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194063 (170540ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Thank you very much Perry!

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Perry Johnson: 7.8%



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014e60 No.72362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194116 (170607ZJUL23) Notable: Message from a close friend of Tim Ballard and his family about Sound of Freedom addressing the psy-op accusations

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I Whole heartedly agree with this guy

Message from a close friend of Tim Ballard and his family about Sound of Freedom addressing the psy-op accusations. I recommend watching the entire video (22min).



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014e60 No.72363

File: 4f18ef57f2f0846⋯.png (927.33 KB,1111x874,1111:874,Clipboard.png)

File: ae69a08cf0f56cc⋯.png (538.37 KB,1124x785,1124:785,Clipboard.png)

File: a5c3ca05b7bd3fb⋯.png (61.51 KB,739x418,739:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194122 (170609ZJUL23) Notable: Bioweapons designed to kill only people of a particular race

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>>>/qresearch/19193319 (pb)



>With over 80 million health profiles, China has the largest DNA database in the world, and growing. In an interview with Fox News, Chang warned that China plans to use this information to create bioweapons designed to target specific ethnic groups.


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014e60 No.72364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194162 (170629ZJUL23) Notable: From 2018: The OBAMA and STRZOK Family Connection that Spans DECADES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19194128, >>>/qresearch/19194131, >>>/qresearch/19194135, >>>/qresearch/19194136, >>>/qresearch/19194150, >>>/qresearch/19194155, >>>/qresearch/19194111 The OBAMA and STRZOK Family Connection that Spans DECADES

For the Notables

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014e60 No.72365

File: 2672ba5ca20dc53⋯.png (546.08 KB,636x669,212:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 641795492a90a89⋯.png (214.96 KB,828x1087,828:1087,Clipboard.png)

File: feb9f4accd27c21⋯.png (908.24 KB,950x1080,95:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194173 (170642ZJUL23) Notable: TxAngelAng: She warned us about Vivek

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She warned us about Vivek




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014e60 No.72366

File: d3379a07c91bd7b⋯.jpg (277.51 KB,1100x933,1100:933,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194211 (170704ZJUL23) Notable: #23573 posted in #23574

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...Wasn't much for notes, last bread.


28573 >>72342

>>72343 Ronan Keating's brother dies in car crash on way to watch son's football match

>>72344, >>72345, >>72346 Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported

>>72347, >>72350 Dan Scavino Truths - @realDonaldTrump speaks at Turning Point USA, where he won the straw poll with 85.7%…

>>72348 6.6 Magnitude EQ 25 km ESE of Loncopué, Argentina

>>72349 ⚡️Video from the Crimean bridge moments ago after explosions were heard

>>72351 Russian scientists warn of powerful solar flare activity on Monday

>> #23573

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014e60 No.72367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194260 (170723ZJUL23) Notable: New Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

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Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack – Moscow

The raid killed two people and injured one child, damaging the structure’s road section, the National Antiterrorist Committee said


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014e60 No.72368

File: fced281809bd231⋯.png (49.75 KB,1244x611,1244:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194356 (170839ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom ranked No.1 by seeds in the movie category. Pirate Bay.

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Sound of Freedom ranked No.1 by seeds in the movie category. Pirate Bay.


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014e60 No.72369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194375 (170850ZJUL23) Notable: New Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

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Ukrainians Attacked The Crimean Bridge | End Of The Grain Deal


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014e60 No.72370

File: 37bb6b11b64b063⋯.png (359.09 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194474 (171012ZJUL23) Notable: cont' from lb: Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

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17 Jul, 2023 07:08

Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack – Moscow

The raid killed two people and injured one child, damaging the structure’s road section, the National Antiterrorist Committee said

The Crimean Bridge was targeted by a Ukrainian terrorist drone attack, Russia's National Antiterrorist Committee (NAK) said on Monday.

In a statement, the NAK said that the key link between the Crimean Peninsula and mainland Russia was attacked by two Ukrainian unmanned sea vehicles at around 3am local time.

“The terrorist act resulted in the road component of the Crimean Bridge sustaining damage. Two adults were killed and one child was injured,” it stated, adding that law enforcement agencies are investigating the matter.

The NAK statement comes after several Ukrainian media outlets described the attack as a “special operation” conducted by the country’s security services and naval forces. Publicly, however, Ukrainian officials stopped short of assuming direct responsibility, while cheering the incident.

The fatalities were first reported by Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov, who said that those who died were a married couple from his region, adding that their daughter had also been injured.

Following the raid, Russian authorities stopped traffic from crossing the bridge, although several hours later, train service on the undamaged section was resumed.

Ukraine has attempted to target the bridge in the past. Last week, Kiev’s forces launched a missile at the key link but failed to break through Russian air defenses, according to the Defense Ministry in Moscow.

In October 2022, the bridge was damaged in a deadly truck bombing that Russia said was orchestrated by Ukrainian intelligence services. At the time, Moscow responded by intensifying missile strikes on the neighboring country’s energy and military infrastructure.


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014e60 No.72371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194478 (171014ZJUL23) Notable: Justin Trudeau blames ‘American right-wing’ for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: ‘Leave our kids alone!’

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Justin Trudeau blames ‘American right-wing’ for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: ‘Leave our kids alone!’

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014e60 No.72372

File: 9ebc8862c5bd767⋯.jpeg (246.85 KB,1436x1306,718:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194479 (171014ZJUL23) Notable: Obama's sec of Defense Ash Carter died suddenly''''

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It was the Suddenly


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014e60 No.72373

File: 9aa4a22fe5337d2⋯.png (4.8 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 722f1951e0b9878⋯.jpeg (107.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194480 (171014ZJUL23) Notable: cont' from lb: Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

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17 Jul, 2023 05:21

Part of Crimean Bridge road section destroyed – media

The infrastructure’s supports have remained undamaged, Russia’s Ministry of Transport has said

One span of the Crimean Bridge has been destroyed, and another partly damaged during an “emergency” which claimed at least two lives, several media outlets reported on Monday.

Russia’s Ministry of Transport has confirmed that the bridge’s road surface on one of the tracks has been damaged. However, it did not corroborate reports about more extensive damage, saying that “the span constructions remain on their supports.”

Photos and videos from the scene shared by Telegram channels Baza and Mash show considerable damage to the key link between the Crimean Peninsula and mainland Russia, with one of the spans hanging lower than the others.

Traffic on the Crimean Bridge was stopped on Monday morning, with Crimean Governor Sergey Aksyonov citing an unspecified “emergency.” Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that a couple from his region had been killed in the incident, while their daughter was injured. According to RIA Novosti, the child has beenadmitted to hospital and is now in intensive care.

While the bridge has been targeted by Ukraine in the past, Kiev officials have not confirmed their involvement in the incident – but have welcomed it. Andrey Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence, claimed the Crimean Bridge is a “redundant construction,” refusing to elaborate further.


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014e60 No.72374

File: 03dded843608d7a⋯.jpeg (82.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194495 (171021ZJUL23) Notable: cont' from lb: Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

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17 Jul, 2023 06:36

Ukraine behind new Crimean Bridge attack – media

The incident claimed the lives of at least two civilians, with one child injured

The Crimean Bridge was damaged in a joint “special operation” conducted by Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) and naval forces, media outlets reported on Monday. The Russian authorities have yet to announce the details behind the incident.

According to a source for RBK Ukraina, the key infrastructure linking the peninsula with mainland Russiawas attacked by an unspecified number of sea surface drones. “It was difficult to reach the bridge, but finally the task was accomplished,” a source told the outlet.

Ukrainian officials have cheered the incident but have yet to confirm their direct involvement in the reported attack. Andrey Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence, described the Crimean Bridge as a “redundant construction,” but refused to elaborate.

Traffic on the bridge was stopped in the early hours of Monday, with Crimean Governor Sergey Aksyonov citing an unspecified “emergency.” Later, Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that a couple from his region had been killed in the incident and that their daughter, a child, had been injured.

Russia’s Ministry of Transport confirmed that the road surface of one of the car tracks was damaged, while the bridge’s supports remain intact.

Ukraine has attempted to target the strategic link in the past, according to Moscow. Last week, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Kiev attempted to strike the bridge with a missile, but failed to penetrate the air defenses.

In October last year, the bridge was damaged in a deadly truck bombing, which Moscow said was orchestrated by Ukrainian intelligence services. At the time,Russia responded by intensifying missile strikes on Ukraine’s military and energy infrastructure.

(That’s going to happen to Ukraine again, worse now, their energy infrastructure and planning centers will be attacked.)


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014e60 No.72375

File: 0ebbe1f30f55c32⋯.png (347.5 KB,506x498,253:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194498 (171023ZJUL23) Notable: meteorologist Elise Finch, who died suddenly over the weekend, just a day or two after appearing on air.

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Heartbroken colleagues and friends are mourning the loss of “gifted and consummate professional” CBS-New York meteorologist Elise Finch, who died suddenly over the weekend, just a day or two after appearing on air.

Finch, who delivered the weather forecast on channel 2 across the Big Apple starting in 2007, died at a local hospital, her employer, New York affiliate CBS station WCBS, announced Sunday evening.

She was 51. Her cause of death has not been determined.


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014e60 No.72376

File: d8962be73debf6f⋯.png (460.06 KB,914x823,914:823,Clipboard.png)

File: dcf9b54a1c46a09⋯.png (566.42 KB,884x495,884:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194518 (171035ZJUL23) Notable: cont' from lb: Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

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KYIV, July 17 (Reuters) - Three Ukrainian media outlets quoted unnamed sources as saying Ukraine's domestic security agency and navy were behind Monday's incident on the Crimean Bridge, and that they had used sea-borne drones to attack it.

Ukraine's government did not comment on the incident and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the navy declined to say whether they were involved, although some Ukrainian officials portrayed the bridge as a legitimate military target.



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014e60 No.72377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194695 (171214ZJUL23) Notable: #25374

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final bun for #23574

>>>/qresearch/19194655 o7

clos'n out gy breddy

c u at z top

#23574 >>72352

>>72353 Scavino: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action & Q #2358

>>72354 An Open Letter to Woke Youth - James Lindsay (video)

>>72355 County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon

>>72356 Biden campaign out of money!


>>72358 Roseanne talking about Q-anon; no such thing, just Q and anons!

>>72359 @realDonaldTrump: De Santis career was saved by Donald Trump (1min video)

>>72360, >>72361 @realDonaldTrump: Thank you very much Perry!

>>72362 Message from a close friend of Tim Ballard and his family about Sound of Freedom addressing the psy-op accusations

>>72363 Bioweapons designed to kill only people of a particular race

>>72364 From 2018: The OBAMA and STRZOK Family Connection that Spans DECADES

>>72365 TxAngelAng: She warned us about Vivek

>>72367, >>72369 New Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

>>72368 Sound of Freedom ranked No.1 by seeds in the movie category. Pirate Bay.

Baker Change

>>72370, >>72373, >>72374, >>72376 cont' from lb: Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

>>72371 Justin Trudeau blames ‘American right-wing’ for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: ‘Leave our kids alone!’

>>72372 Obama's sec of Defense Ash Carter died suddenly

>>72375 meteorologist Elise Finch, who died suddenly over the weekend, just a day or two after appearing on air.

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014e60 No.72378

File: b3e8da93242ea55⋯.png (819.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194721 (171223ZJUL23) Notable: #23575

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CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

“I hesitate to say that the CIA has failed.” But the official said sabotage attacks and cross border fighting created a whole new complication and continuing Ukrainian sabotage “could have disastrous consequences.”

Next Baker Call the Ball

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014e60 No.72379

File: d39b06dbcf53b7a⋯.png (185.96 KB,392x676,98:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194743 (171233ZJUL23) Notable: CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

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According to the Arkin fable, Russia was building up for an invasion of Ukraine for no good reason. In fact, Arkin makes no attempt to explain how U.S. and NATO actions, such as the deployment of two Aegis missile batteries in Poland and Romania, was viewed as a very serious threat by Moscow because those weapons can carry nuclear warheads. So the influential Mr. Burns warned Putin about what the U.S. would do if Russia invaded Ukraine and Russia ignored him. I don’t think Arkin understands the meaning of the word, “influential.”


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014e60 No.72380

File: ea5afb00c0b1269⋯.png (526.68 KB,870x892,435:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 678192038209fcf⋯.png (131.2 KB,1160x446,580:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b4d3fb8b5bada1⋯.png (294.2 KB,1172x786,586:393,Clipboard.png)

File: d3db7c115dfbd91⋯.png (262.36 KB,1180x632,295:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 39b43f41d98ac34⋯.png (193.27 KB,1176x744,49:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194779 (171250ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

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Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate


Jul 17, 2023

“Politicians are like flags: they look good but just wave in whatever direction the breeze is blowing.” -Vivek Ramaswamy (December 28, 2020) [archived]

Our democratic society relies on the thorough vetting process of presidential candidates to ensure their competency and fitness for office. When candidates appear suddenly with significant popularity, yet little vetting, it might suggest manipulation is happening behind the scenes. When there is a lack of transparency and accountability, voters need more comprehensive information about the presidential candidate to gauge whether they are suitable for office or not.

A lack of vetting might result in conflicts of interest, overshadow weaknesses, and potentially even threaten national security, economic and social stability.

Let’s take a glimpse into Vivek Ramaswamy's Twitter feed and gain insights into his political perspectives and statements prior to his emergence as a presidential candidate.

January 6

Regarding January 6, Vivek was quite vocal in his condemnation of Donald Trump.

What Trump did last week was wrong. Downright abhorrent. Plain and simple. I’ve said it before and did so in my piece.

It does not stop there. Rahul Joshi replies to an earlier tweet from Vivek about Xi Jinping allegedly detaining Jack Ma.

in China, the President makes big tech billionaire disappear. In America, big tech billionaires make the President disappear. I don't know which one is scarier but both are terrifying

Original Tweet since deleted, but it remains [archived]

To which Vivek responded by doubling down on his criticism of Trump.

Both are terrifying. Unfortunately Trump’s egregious behavior last week blinds us from seeing that Big Tech’s cure is worse. Makes for a winning game for China in the long run. @ElbridgeColby

A few days after January 6, Trump was banned from Twitter and a few other Big Tech platforms, which prompted Trump to later go on to create Truth Social.

Vivek, in response to Trump’s ban from social media, praised Snapchat for being brave when they tweeted that they were also planning to ban Trump.

While the tone of his tweet might be seen by some as sarcastic, within the context of Vivek’s other tweets about Trump in the wake of January 6, it is not a stretch to assume he was being truthful and masking the truth with a thin veil of sarcasm.

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014e60 No.72381

File: 4da118e5f35201e⋯.png (532.95 KB,1182x1268,591:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 620676d0732ffdd⋯.png (104.03 KB,1186x346,593:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 36e3043642d267f⋯.png (186.21 KB,1174x440,587:220,Clipboard.png)

File: b6c36778a1a5274⋯.png (160.77 KB,1182x510,197:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 6524d572510b4cf⋯.png (189.19 KB,1176x506,588:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194783 (171251ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

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While acknowledging that we now live in a [Big Tech] dictatorship, Vivek tweets, “Forget about Trump.”

He continued on by putting light on the fact that Ron Paul’s public Facebook page had been limited, seemingly inferring that Ron Paul losing partial access to his Facebook page was more egregious than Trump being banned on nearly every social media platform of the day.

Forget about Trump. This is the dictatorship we now live in. One of America’s advocates for liberty has been censored by Facebook without explanation.

When Biden took office on January 20, 2021, Vivek was quick to defend Biden:

Look, I’m not holding my breath. But let’s give the guy a chance on his first day.

In an outright condemnation of Trump, Vivek seems concerned that big tech may also lock Biden's account.

Downright frightening. The era of corporate monarchy in America begins. I condemn President Trump for what he did this week, but the rise of the Silicon Leviathan is separately a big problem. What’s next - will they lock Biden’s account if he calls for a breakup of Big Tech?

Regarding the events of January 6, Vivek claimed that every American shares some responsibility for what happened.

Every American, every one of us, shares some responsibility for what happened yesterday. Issuing indignant condemnations is easy. Looking in the mirror is hard.

Yet he said not every American was responsible for the BLM riots.

No - just as we aren’t yet doing now either. It won’t be easy but that’s the hard work ahead

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014e60 No.72382

File: 081fc124f94763b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1164x980,291:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eb9ef7bea6b509⋯.png (411.27 KB,1272x929,1272:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 27082a7285a12c9⋯.png (273.87 KB,1178x766,589:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194787 (171253ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

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World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum featured Vivek as a Young Global leader in 2021.

Vivek allegedly denied accepting the WEF YGL feature, and subsequentlysued the WEF for $2,500 dollars for putting his name on their page as a Young Global Leader.

As of July 16, 2023, Vivek is still featured on the Spanish version of the WEF website.

While it may be true that Vivek sued the WEF for featuring him as a Young Global Leader, allegedly without his permission, it remains a fact that Vivek was a Soros Fellow and was put through Yale’s law school by Soros.

Please note that Soros in this context refers to Paul Soros, the late older brother of George Soros.

The Soros Fellowship seems to have kept up with Vivek over the years, publishing some seemingly collaborative articles about Vivek on April 2017 [archived], March 2020 [archived], and April 2020 [archived].

Some might say it was simply a good business decision to accept a fellowship from Soros to put you through Yale’s law school.

Vivek, though, has seemingly maintained a good relationship with the Soros Fellowship as evidenced by one of his very first tweets being a direct reply to the Soros Fellowship:

Just joined earlier this year! Still slowly figuring out how it works 😀

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014e60 No.72383

File: 1eaa6f36937b8e6⋯.png (136.23 KB,1180x468,295:117,Clipboard.png)

File: dc63ae414394f1a⋯.png (1 MB,1164x1376,291:344,Clipboard.png)

File: b9f0483bbd1521e⋯.png (127.45 KB,1224x336,51:14,Clipboard.png)

File: bf03c0c7b950275⋯.png (217.82 KB,1168x544,73:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ffb8f36f57dceb⋯.png (218.03 KB,1174x554,587:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194792 (171255ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

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In regards to Covid-19, Vivek's company Roivant Sciences’ Genevant Sciences and Arbutus are suing Pfizer with a lawsuit [archived] alleging that Pfizer infringed on their lipid nanoparticle technology to create the covid-19 vaccine Comirnaty.

Perhaps a perceived stake in the covid-19 vaccine, caused him to claim "the vaccine is the holy grail" on an interview with Tucker Carlson. [Source]

Vivek was quick to give credit to Biden for allowing more adults to be vaccine-eligible.

Biden says all adults will be vaccine-eligible by May 1. That’s good news. Give credit where due.

Vivek was also quick to recommend "[giving] everyone their first shot now", while praising a single-dose vaccination strategy.

A single-dose vaccination strategy is sensible right now: it doubles the number of people we’re able to vaccinate soon. Give everyone their first shot now, and wait for 2nd shot later until we have ample supply. Smart move by the UK to do this.

From a video posted to Vivek's Twitter account [archived], Tucker Carlson introduces Vivek as a member of Ohio's Coronavirus Response Team.



Before Vivek announced his presidential campaign, he allegedly paid a Wikipedia editor [archived] to remove mention of his Ohio Coronavirus Response Team involvement.

Vivek praised Bernie Sander's Masks for All bill which was intended to provide every American with three N95 masks.

My policy views don’t often align with Bernie, but this strikes me as a sensible idea. The cost is a tiny fraction of other less compelling federal expenditures on COVID-19. They should have picked someone from the political right as a co-author to show consensus

According to Vivek, wearing a mask is a personal responsibility, and he felt it was puzzling when conservatives opposed mask wearing.

Vivek then goes on to talk about Conservatives as if he were a Liberal, while simultaneously noting the CDC and the WHO lied to the public in order to save masks for healthcare workers.

Wearing a mask = personal responsibility. It’s puzzling when conservatives oppose it. But before deriding them, remember this: CDC and WHO discouraged wearing masks in March - a “noble lie” to save masks for healthcare workers. Institutional lying erodes public trust in science

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014e60 No.72384

File: f84b5151de98625⋯.png (1.14 MB,1184x1264,74:79,Clipboard.png)

File: dce32397cc0db70⋯.png (917.57 KB,970x1042,485:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b9168852193434⋯.png (314.52 KB,1272x540,106:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194793 (171255ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

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Could it be he is not a Conservative?

If Vivek were not a conservative, what could he be?

He appears to have high praise for classical liberal values, which in the context of American politics, may be described as 'fiscally conservative' and 'socially liberal' [archived].

Classical liberal values are very similar to modern Libertarian values, while taking a more socially liberal stance.

The Learn Liberty Project praised classical liberalism for playing a crucial role in advancing LGBTQ+ rights.

Bowers & Turgut in the University of Dayton Law Review defended Classical Liberalism's stance on abortion:

[prohibiting] government from interfering with individuals' choices made in the private sphere of their lives unless this interference is necessary to reaffirm natural rights. We also contend that the abortion decision resides in this private sphere.

Source: Bowers, J. R., & Turgut, U. (1991). Classical Liberalism, The Constitution, and Abortion Policy: Can Government Be Both Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion? University of Dayton Law Review, 17(1), 2.

When Vivek said the Republican party had the opportunity to become the party of classical liberal values, did he intend to introduce both the advancement of LGBTQ+ rights and a relaxed stance on abortion into the GOP platform?

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014e60 No.72385

File: 1af1f3a5e01e0c2⋯.png (86.88 KB,1054x248,17:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194794 (171256ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

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In light of Vivek's portrayal as a conservative candidate for president, his tweet history raises important questions. Has he fundamentally changed his beliefs, or is he merely putting up a facade? Furthermore, it remains unknown whether he still holds the views he previously expressed on Trump, Biden, and Covid-19. Would he continue to advocate for the vaccine, and if so, would that involve mandates? Additionally, concerns regarding Vivek's associates raise questions about how their influence may impact his politics if he were to become president.


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014e60 No.72386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194815 (171301ZJUL23) Notable: Homes evacuated after train carrying hazardous materials derails in Montgomery County Pennsylvania

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aaand another one:

Homes evacuated after train carrying hazardous materials derails in Pennsylvania

A 40-car CSX Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, just before 5 a.m. Monday, prompting emergency crews to respond to a suburban area of Whitemarsh Township.

Between 15 and 20 of the derailed cars were carrying hazardous materials, prompting a Level 2 hazmat response, Fox 29 reported. ...


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014e60 No.72387

File: c843d7d45a8007e⋯.jpeg (558.83 KB,1161x1767,387:589,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194823 (171303ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Paramaribo, Suriname to Chile

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014e60 No.72388

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194825 (171304ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/17/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/17/2023


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014e60 No.72389

File: 79807d8e8c2790c⋯.png (344.53 KB,963x719,963:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194841 (171309ZJUL23) Notable: Attempted over throw, disinformation +++ - President Trump

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed



Sep 18, 2022

prayer emjoi222

Sep 18, 2022, 2:48 PM


Attempted over throw, disinformation +++ - President Trump



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014e60 No.72390

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194846 (171309ZJUL23) Notable: Attempted over throw, disinformation +++ - President Trump

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Attempted over throw, disinformation +++ - President Trump



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014e60 No.72391

File: dcdf139bfd40884⋯.mp4 (14.12 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194939 (171335ZJUL23) Notable: James O'Keefe Talks To High-Volume Dem Donors: They Don't Know Their Name Was Used For Donations…

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James O'Keefe Talks To High-Volume Dem Donors: They Don't Know Their Name Was Used For Donations...

Let’s recap: Through publicly available records, it was discovered that Maryland voters had excessive amounts of donations made in their names.

We confirmed that they did NOT make these high volume contributions...


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014e60 No.72392

File: c3af5f956bd9f5b⋯.png (37.03 KB,620x571,620:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194952 (171337ZJUL23) Notable: James O'Keefe Talks To High-Volume Dem Donors: They Don't Know Their Name Was Used For Donations…

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014e60 No.72393

File: 9710912042c1f3b⋯.jpg (71.77 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19194958 (171338ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist, Calls COVID Virus, Vaccine Campaign ‘Supranational Operation’ to ‘Injure, Maim, and Kill People’

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Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist, Calls COVID Virus, Vaccine Campaign ‘Supranational Operation’ to ‘Injure, Maim, and Kill People’

Linda Spina

May 11, 2023

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, sat for an interview with a reporter from Children’s Health Defense in London.

Yeadon was in London for the Truth Be Told Rally which is part of a campaign to “raise awareness about the damage” resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines.

The doctor, who spent most of his career working for Big Pharma, explained his position on COVID and the vaccine campaign that resulted. He called the whole thing a “supranational operation” designed “to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.”

More at link.

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014e60 No.72394

File: 507c9d98e2207f6⋯.jpeg (87.32 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195023 (171353ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Blustery Coward’: Tucker Carlson Rips Chris Christie For Refusing To Face Him One-On-One

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‘Blustery Coward’: Tucker Carlson Rips Chris Christie For Refusing To Face Him One-On-One

Nicole SilverioJuly 16, 2023 5:51 PM

Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson called out Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie for refusing to face him one-on-one.

Christie accused Carlson of “always [being] wrong” about the war in Ukraine during a Sunday interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. The Daily Caller co-founder said he reached out to Christie to give the candidate the chance to “explain his views,” but Christie declined the offer.

“Sounds like this could be a longer conversation,” Carlson wrote in a Sunday tweet. “We just asked @GovChristie to sit down and explain his views on Ukraine. He refused. You hate to think that Chris Christie is a blustery coward who plays the tough guy with sycophants at ABC but won’t answer real questions, but who knows? We hope he reconsiders.”


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014e60 No.72395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195025 (171353ZJUL23) Notable: Pennsylvania train derailment: Silicone pellets found leaking out of collapsed train cars

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Pennsylvania train derailment: Silicone pellets found leaking out of collapsed train cars, police say

WHITEMARSH TOWNSHIP, Pa. - Emergency crews are responding to the scene of a train derailment in Montgomery County.

According to authorities, cars on a CSX Norfolk Southern train derailed in the area of Stenton Avenue, Flourtown Road and Joshua Road in Whitemarsh Township just after 5 a.m. on Monday.

Sources told FOX 29 that 15 to 20 cars believed to be carrying hazardous materials derailed in the area, prompting a Level 2 hazmat response. Police later said the only material leaking out of the train cars was silicone pellets, which pose no threat to the public.

CSX says the cause of the crash was determined to be weather related.

More at: https://www.fox29.com/news/pennsylvania-train-derailment-silicone-pellets-detected-inside-collapsed-train-cars-police-say

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014e60 No.72396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195031 (171353ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: April 5, 2023, the stockholders of Sio Gene Therapies, Inc. voted to liquidate and dissolve the company

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>Vivek Ramaswamy

Education: St. Xavier High School, Harvard University, [Y]ale University

Organizations founded: Roivant Sciences, Sio Gene Therapies


why dissolved? Hum....

On April 5, 2023, the stockholders of Sio Gene Therapies, Inc. voted to liquidate and dissolve the company.

The activities necessity to complete the liquidation are being conducted by former employees of the company now engaged as consultants, working with various outside vendors, including attorneys and tax accountants.

The company expects to pay at least one liquidating dividend to its stockholders, however, the amount and timing of the dividend is still undetermined.



Reinventing the discovery, development, and commercialization of new medicines

We develop transformative medicines and technologies by building agile, focused companies called Vants.

Our model aligns incentives to drive fast, high-quality execution and rigorous capital allocation.

We employ technology across discovery, development, and commercialization.


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014e60 No.72397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195039 (171355ZJUL23) Notable: Pennsylvania train derailment: Silicone pellets found leaking out of collapsed train cars

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heavy fog derailed it

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014e60 No.72398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195049 (171357ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: April 5, 2023, the stockholders of Sio Gene Therapies, Inc. voted to liquidate and dissolve the company

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>>72396 Vivek Ramaswamy: April 5, 2023, the stockholders of Sio Gene Therapies, Inc. voted to liquidate and dissolve the company


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014e60 No.72399

File: 0eef037cfa54907⋯.png (690.51 KB,960x714,160:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195058 (171359ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shells and Arcs around Star CW Leonis

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 17, 2023

Shells and Arcs around Star CW Leonis

What's happening around this star? No one is sure. CW Leonis is the closest carbon star, a star that appears orange because of atmospheric carbon dispersed from interior nuclear fusion. But CW Leonis also appears engulfed in a gaseous carbon-rich nebula. What causes the nebula's complexity is unknown, but its geometry of shells and arcs are surely intriguing. The featured image by the Hubble Space Telescope details this complexity. The low surface gravity of carbon stars enhances their ability to expel carbon and carbon compounds into space. Some of this carbon ends up forming dark dust that is commonly seen in the nebulas of young star-forming regions and the disks of galaxies. Humans and all Earth-based life are carbon-based, and at least some of our carbon was likely once circulating in the atmospheres of near-death stars like carbon stars.


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014e60 No.72400

File: 3079ea0d37b3a40⋯.png (73.67 KB,986x481,986:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 993c90f015f7e57⋯.png (121.67 KB,429x342,143:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195068 (171401ZJUL23) Notable: NEW: Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali web operator through a “typo leak”

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NEW: Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali web operator through a “typo leak” that has exposed highly sensitive information, including diplomatic documents, tax returns, passwords and the travel details of top officers - FT

7:34 AM · Jul 17, 2023· 51.7K Views

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014e60 No.72401

File: bbd0323c4e1ab03⋯.jpeg (71.11 KB,972x486,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195078 (171404ZJUL23) Notable: Biden’s New Official Overseeing Workplace Discrimination Has A Long History Of Supporting Discrimination

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Biden’s New Official Overseeing Workplace Discrimination Has A Long History Of Supporting Discrimination

WILL KESSLER July 16, 2023


Kalpana Kotagal, lawyer and newly confirmed EEOC commissioner, is the creator of the now widely used “inclusion rider” and has played a leading role in many large discrimination lawsuits as a partner at the left-wing activist firm Cohen Milstein. The now Democrat-controlled EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal laws involving discrimination in the workplace based on a number of protected identities, giving the Biden administration the opportunity to insert diversity, equity and inclusion policies into the workplace.

The EEOC describes its purpose as investigating complaints of workplace discrimination based on “race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40 or older), or genetic information,” according to the EEOC website. The commission sues those who violate discrimination laws when the employer does not comply.

The Senate voted on Thursday 49-47 along party lines to confirm the Biden-nominated Kotagal, which gives Democrats a majority on the five-member panel, giving it the power to enforce left-wing workplace policies, according to Reuters.

Kotagal is the co-creator of the “inclusion rider,” which gained notoriety during the 2018 Oscars when actress Frances McDormand concluded her speech by mentioning the contract. An “inclusion rider” is an addendum in an actor or content creator’s contract that requires the larger project to follow diversity hiring practices, prioritizing certain minority groups.

“Kotagal’s confirmation gives Democrats a majority on the commission. Because under federal law the commissioners can file charges of discrimination and investigate and file or allow private lawsuits, they can affect the day-to-day practices in many businesses and organizations, affecting millions of Americans,” said Jack Park, lawyer and general counsel at the American Constitutional Rights Union, to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

One case in which Kotagal played a prominent role involved having insurance company Aetna expand coverage to include breast augmentations as a part of transgender sex-change surgeries, with the firm placing it under her “recent successes” on the law firm’s website.

Anita Hill, who accused then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991, co-wrote a 2017 op-ed with Kotagal in Variety that critiqued the number of women and minorities in the White House and Hollywood.

“It is a difficult time to be a woman in this country,” Hill and Kotagal said in the op-ed. “We just elected as president a man whose actions range from shocking disregard for women to brazen attacks on them. The number of women in Donald Trump’s cabinet is appallingly anemic. His repeated and nasty attacks on everyone from Alicia Machado to Elizabeth Warren, along with his and Congress’ regressive agenda, offer a preview of the coming threats to gender pay equity, reproductive rights, and protections from domestic violence and sexual assault, to name just a few.”

Dan Morenoff, lawyer and executive director at the American Civil Rights Project, told the DCNF he believes the most dangerous part of Kotagal’s confirmation is not her personal power but instead the resulting shift in the entire commission due to the new Democratic majority.

“To the extent her fellow Democratic appointees agree to pursue her apparent agenda, her confirmation threatens a sea-change in the Commission’s understanding and application of American non-discrimination laws,” Morenoff said about Kotagal. “Specifically, employers should beware that the new majority may well advance positions on Title VII’s meaning: (a) for race-balancing employment decisions, at odds with the implications of the Supreme Court’s recent SFFA decision; and (b) for the provision of single-sex facilities for employees.”


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014e60 No.72402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195093 (171407ZJUL23) Notable: Supreme Court Could End Up Deciding The Fate Of Child Sex Change Bans

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Supreme Court Could End Up Deciding The Fate Of Child Sex Change Bans

Katelynn RichardsonJuly 16, 2023

The Sixth Circuit’s decision to allow Tennessee’s ban on sex change procedures for minors to take effect last week signals the issue could soon be heading to the Supreme Court.

If another circuit court comes to a different conclusion than the Sixth Circuit in one of the many pending lawsuits against such bans, “it would go up to the Supreme Court on a petition for emergency appeal,” Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at Heritage’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuits over child sex change bans in multiple states, including Texas, Alabama, Idaho, Arkansas, Indiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kentucky.

A federal appeals court’s decision to allow Tennessee’s child sex change ban to take effect could mean the Supreme Court will soon be asked to weigh in on the issue.

After midnight on July 8th, the Sixth Circuit paused a lower court’s injunction on Tennessee’s ban on providing children with sex change surgeries, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and “any drug or device” intended for the same purposes. With lawsuits challenging similar bans popping up throughout the country and multiple cases now being appealed in the circuit courts, Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at Heritage’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the Daily Caller News Foundation “there’s no question” the issue will end up before the Supreme Court.

“These are emergency motions where these judges are having to determine whether a state’s interest in protecting the welfare of children outweighs a parents’ interest in getting experimental medical treatment,” Perry explained. (RELATED: Federal Court Allows Red State Ban On Child Sex Changes To Take Effect)

If another circuit court determines, contrary to what the Sixth Circuit just found, that a parent has a right to “experimental medical care” for their children, Perry said “it would go up to the Supreme Court on a petition for emergency appeal.”

The Supreme Court, she noted, has “never held that there is an unfettered right to get experimental medical treatment for one’s children.”

Gene Hamilton, general counsel and vice president at America First Legal (AFL), told the DCNF AFL is “optimistic that other courts will follow the Sixth Circuit’s lead in rejecting attempts by the radical left to accomplish through the courts what they cannot achieve legislatively.”

“[T]he [Sixth Circuit] Court rightly held that the plaintiffs were not likely to prevail on their due process and equal protection claims — which were novel and rooted in political activism rather than the Constitution,” Hamilton said. “The Supreme Court has not extended either area of law to cover procedures and treatments that amount to genital mutilation or chemical castration of children, and we suspect that it will not do so absent an unprecedented court-packing by the Biden regime.”

The ACLU has filed lawsuits over child sex change bans in Texas, Alabama, Idaho, Arkansas, Indiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kentucky. Florida’s ban was also challenged by four families backed by multiple LGBT activist groups.

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti issued this statement after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals granted Tennessee’s emergency motion for a stay of the preliminary injunction in L.W. v. Skrmetti. pic.twitter.com/MFNrGrQ9Zv

— TN Attorney General (@AGTennessee) July 8, 2023

Obama-appointed Eastern District of Arkansas Judge Jay Moody struck down Arkansas’ law in June. Northern District of Florida Judge Robert L. Hinkle, a Clinton-appointee, also granted a preliminary injunction in June preventing Florida’s ban from being enforced against the plaintiffs who sued, asserting in his opinion that “gender identity is real.”

The case against Florida’s law will soon be appealed in the 11th Circuit, Perry told the DCNF.

Plaintiffs in the lawsuits often argue “gender-affirming care” is “medically necessary” to prevent mental health problems like anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide.

Contrary to the opinions issued by the Florida and Tennessee trial courts, Perry said there is “no data to support the fact that this is life saving care.”

“In fact, suicidal idealation likely to remain after these particular hormone or surgical interventions,” Perry told the DCNF. “That is, behind all of this, one of the great tragedies in this push towards gender-altering treatments that we’re seeing in these federal trial courts across the country.”


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014e60 No.72403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195104 (171409ZJUL23) Notable: The Spectre of Michelle Obama — Roger Stone Lays Out Frightening Scenario While Speaking to Turning Point USA

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The Spectre of Michelle Obama — Roger Stone Lays Out Frightening Scenario While Speaking to Turning Point USA

By Shawn Bradley Witzemann Jul. 17, 2023 8:30 am91 Comments


Roger Stone says Michelle Obama will be the Democrat Presidential Nominee in 2024

A spectre is haunting the United States of America — the spectre of Michelle Obama.

Roger Stone broke the news on Sunday.

“As a veteran of many years in American politics, I’m going to tell you something somewhat shocking,” Stone told a full house at yesterday’s Turning Point USA event in Florida, “Joe Biden will not be the nominee of the Democratic Party in 2024.”

Stone said that while he expects Kamala Harris to serve a brief stint as President, her tenure wouldn’t be long lasting.

“The only way, in their (Democrat) party that they can replace a woman of color, is with another woman of color,” the genius of political strategy further explained.

“And yes, you heard it here first,” Stone prefaced while groans turned into a disgruntled roar from the Sunshine State crowd, “The democratic nominee for President will be Michelle Obama.”

Although some may find absurdity in the suggestion of another Obama presidency, it’s not like Barack hasn’t discussed the idea before, and Joe Biden’s dumpster fire administration makes even the most outlandish assessments seem realistic.

Much like the Marxist playbook we’ve seen time and again through history elsewhere in the world, the near entirety of our nation has been radicalized through an advanced progressive onslaught along with reactionary upheaval from adversarial forces in conservative America.

7 Reasons to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Premium Beef Right Away

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014e60 No.72404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195107 (171409ZJUL23) Notable: The Spectre of Michelle Obama — Roger Stone Lays Out Frightening Scenario While Speaking to Turning Point USA

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Kamala Harris encourages the mobs in summer 2020

Just as it was in Europe, during the twilight years of the 19th century, the political stage in our divided union is now perfectly framed by two pillars of revolutionary necessity.

I. As illustrated by multiple opinion pieces in major publications such as “The Hill” in the last few months, Michelle Obama is already acknowledged by the entirety of the political landscape. In recognition of that fact, Democrat Party operatives continue to quietly float the idea of nominating the former First Lady for President.

II. It is a matter of inevitability that the radicalized Democrat party should allow the Obamas to once again step openly to the forefront of their stated agenda of fundamental transformation, and meet this “nursery tale” of the Spectre of Michelle Obama with blatant reality made manifest.

The Obamas are optimally poised for re-emergence.

If Roger Stone is as accurate as he sounds, “Red Scare” may be putting things mildly.

“They have already rigged their primaries,” Stone explained while laying out his near-tragic vision, “The reason that they have cancelled the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampsire primary is to put South Carolina, a state where the majority of democrat primary voters are African Americans, and they will allow Gavin Newsom to purchase the Vice-Presidential nomination.”

California Governor Gavin Newsom has already shown what he’s willing to do for political gain

“But the Obamas will hold him up for six or eight hundred million dollars to do so,” Stone elaborated bluntly, “When Steve Bannon says it in three weeks remember I said it first.”

So, while certain compartments of the Republican Party continue to argue and ignore their constituents — looking for any reason to deny Donald J. Trump as his leadership position — the Marxist Democrat Spectre of a Michelle Obama Presidency becomes more possible with every passing day.

***WATCH Roger Stone’s remarks HERE*

I predict that Michelle Obama will be the Democrat Party Nominee for President in 2024.

You heard it here first.#ACTCON2023 @TPAction_ pic.twitter.com/AVqk36hmnh

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) July 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72405

File: 48e9a0277d023fa⋯.png (53.98 KB,917x290,917:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 48e9a0277d023fa⋯.png (53.98 KB,917x290,917:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 287678225639832⋯.png (1.56 MB,954x1077,318:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195110 (171411ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump IF I’M BEING PROSECUTED OVER DOCUMENTS, AND I SHOULDN’T BE...

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Donald J. Trump







Jul 17, 2023, 10:08 AM


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014e60 No.72406

File: dbf4d407940dedf⋯.png (895.63 KB,1170x1549,1170:1549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195127 (171416ZJUL23) Notable: If you don’t come forward by high noon on January 20th [2025], you’re GUILTY

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“For every person in there [administrative/deep state], you’ve got time enough to come forward as a whistleblower… If you don’t come forward by high noon on January 20th [2025], you’re GUILTY. Come forward NOW.”



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014e60 No.72407

File: e69a917cba31f9a⋯.png (1.92 MB,1108x1838,554:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195165 (171425ZJUL23) Notable: Canada officially launches website application for H-1B visa holders in the United States to migrate north

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Canada officially launches website application for H-1B visa holders in the United States to migrate north, taking away thousands of high skilled immigrants from the U.S. economy.


>taking away

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014e60 No.72408

File: 3b909b2b928b1cb⋯.png (187.48 KB,500x338,250:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195172 (171426ZJUL23) Notable: "We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governments

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she'll be suddenly died in 3 days

"We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governments


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014e60 No.72409

File: 729c22b2b5e2cd0⋯.png (511.45 KB,997x1245,997:1245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195206 (171437ZJUL23) Notable: #OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA.

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#OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA. Some believe the objects are just reflected light, while others believe they are something extraterrestrial.

11:29 PM · Jul 16, 2023·10.1K Views

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014e60 No.72410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195213 (171439ZJUL23) Notable: Spacey Trial: Elton John, Partner David Furnish Take Witness Stand for Defense

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Always thought Tiny Dancer was a child sacrifice song. Oh, well.. good bye to yellow brick road...

Kevin Spacey Trial: Elton John, Partner David Furnish Take Witness Stand for Defense

Elton John and David Furnish have testified as part of Kevin Spacey’s defense in the actor’s trial for sexual assault in the U.K.

Both John and Furnish, who were called as witnesses for the defense, gave evidence separately via videolink from an oak-panelled boardroom in Monaco. They were called to testify regarding Kevin Spacey’s presence at the couple’s annual White Tie and Tiara ball in the early 2000s and as to whether Spacey had ever visited their house in Windsor aside fromthe ball.

John, who played his last ever gig as a touring artist in Sweden last week, was wearing a black jacket and white shirt with orange tinted glasses.

He was asked whether he recognized one of the alleged victims who has accused Kevin Spacey of sexual assault and said he didn’t recognize the man or his name. (The man cannot be identified publicly for legal reasons.)

John also asked about Spacey’s presence at the White Tie and Tiara ball, which was held annually for a period of “maybe 15, 16 years” at John and Furnish’s home in Windsor. The event was hosted by the Elton John AIDS Foundation and sponsored by OK Magazine, who would provide photographers and publish the resulting images in their magazine.

John said he recalled Spacey’s arrival at the event in 2001 because “he arrived in white tie. He came on a private jet and he came straight to the ball,” John told the prosuection barrister, Christine AgnewKC.

When Agnew asked whether Spacey had come directly from the private jet, John replied with a smile: “I assume so, yes. I don’t think he was wearing white tie on a commercial flight.”

“One never knows, I suppose,” Agnew said drily.

The“Tiny Dancer”singer also testified that Spacey had stayed over at hishouse in Windsorafter the ball but had not visited on any other occasion.

Furnish, who was dressed in a black jacket, white shirt, tan pants and sockless deck shoes, was also quizzed about Spacey’s presence at the ball. Furnish testified that Spacey had only ever attended one of the balls, in 2001.

Pressed on whether the“House of Cards”actor had ever attended the ball in any other year, Furnish was adamant he hadn’t. Furnish said he had gone through OK’s photo archive and could not find any photographs of Spacey at the event in any year except 2001.

Asked whether it would have been possible for Spacey to have attended the ball and not been photographed, Furnish replied that if a “star of Kevin Spacey’s magnitude” had turned up and refused to be photographed, it would have resulted in an “impossible situation” for the foundation.

“It never happened,” Furnish said. “It was understood that we were promoting a charity that involves eradication of stigma around the disease and if a celebrity wanted to come they would be photographed and appear in OK.”

Furnish was also asked if he recognized one of Spacey’s alleged victims, to which he said he did. “He was a little bit cheeky, he always had a cheeky smile on his face,” Furnish said of the man. “You could always engage in playful banter with him.”

When asked if he thought the man was “good looking,” Furnish replied: “He was very handsome.”

Spacey has pleaded not guilty to 12 charges of sexual assault against four men at Southwark Crown Court in London, U.K. The case, which is in its fourth week, continues


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014e60 No.72411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195255 (171453ZJUL23) Notable: Aussie: Ukraine Front Line is “Horror. Genocide. Slaughter”, Says Irish “Rambo” Who Is Leaving after 17 Months

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Most people are illiterate & take everything literally. Quite a paradox.

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014e60 No.72412

File: b77fefcd467f4f0⋯.png (7.65 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195311 (171505ZJUL23) Notable: QClock July 16, 2023 -SEC_TEST_D3

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QClock July 16, 2023 -SEC_TEST_D3

I'm sure there is a shill here to argue about the clock.

So, let's examine for a minute.

1) USMC tweet at 3:00 pm on July 16, 2023. 3pm happens to be the :35/:05 mirror for the day. Inside the tweet, we find, "3d"

We also have #7 on a vest/scuba gear - "7" is where the day (7.16.23) lines up on the clock minutes.

We have, "99" on a buoy. We have two Qposts with "99"

2) Trump posts at 8:21 pm. Drop #821 has, "D3"

3) The time between the USMC Tweet & the DJT Truth is 5 hours 21 minutes. QDrop #521 contains the phrases:

a) Do you TRUST the US Military?

b) Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?

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014e60 No.72413

File: 6a12fc792702071⋯.jpeg (239.28 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195315 (171506ZJUL23) Notable: As the Ukraine Grain Deal Runs Out, a Water Drone Attack Damages Crimea Bridge Killing 2 Civilians and Wounding a Child – Russian Officials Call for Hard Retaliations

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A Bridge Too Far: As the Ukraine Grain Deal Runs Out, a Water Drone Attack Damages Crimea Bridge Killing 2 Civilians and Wounding a Child – Russian Officials Call for Hard Retaliations

By Paul Serran Jul. 17, 2023

At 3am Moscow time of this Monday, a suspected surface water drone filled with explosives hit the Crimea bridge. The ’emergency’ led to the closing of the passage.

Eyewitnesses report on the Russian Telegram channels that, at the time of the attack, the sounds of explosions were heard. Powerful explosions thundered at 3:04 and 3:20. At the same time, the movement of cars stopped. Footage shows the drivers leaving the vehicles.

The Ministry of Transport of Russia stated that from the side of the Republic of Crimea there is damage to the roadway on the spans of the Crimean bridge.

One span of roadbed is known to have been destroyed

The span structures themselves are on their supports . The survey of the condition of the bridge is ongoing.

The Ukrainian commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces,Oleksandr Syrsky, hinted in advance to the attack on the Crimean bridge.

A post appeared on his Telegram channel the day before,which said that a ‘lullaby’ was being prepared for the ‘occupiers’.

The strike hit a civilian infrastructure seems to be a diversion of the attention from the defeats at the front, both in the Kupyansky and Zaporozhye directions, where events for the Armed Forces of Ukraine are going badly.

The Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory confirmed that as a result of an emergency on the Crimean bridge, two people died and a minor girl was injured

A 14-year old girl is hospitalized in a critical condition and both her parents are dead. The father was a truck driver and the mother was a council worker from Belgorod.

Russians immediately started demanding retaliation online.

Ukrainian lawmaker Alexey Goncharuk called the attack a ‘victory for Ukraine’, and seeks to award everyone involved in the terror attack.

Russia’s NAC (National Anti-Terrorism Committee) qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, where two Ukrainian surface drones damaged the motorway part of the bridge.

The railway line was not affected by the attack.

This is the second attack on the Crimean bridge: last October, Ukrainian security services staged an explosion on the bridge, collapsing two spans and killing four civilians.

The deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, has reacted to the explosion on the Crimean bridge:

“The world and our own experience show that terrorists cannot be fought with international sanctions, intimidation or exhortation. They only understand the language of force. Only personal and totally inhuman methods.

That is why it is necessary to blow up their own homes and those of their relatives. To search for and liquidate their accomplices, to abandon the mundane idea of their trial. But the main thing is to destroy the top leadership of terrorist formations, wherever these insects hide.

It is difficult, but it is possible.”

Sputnik reported:

“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on the Crimean Bridge terror attack:

▪The Kremlin has no illusions about the West’s possible involvement in the terrorist attack on the bridge;

▪The attack on Crimean Bridge didn’t affect the grain deal’s extension;

▪The Kremlin knows who is behind the attack, and is aware of Kiev’s insidious nature;

▪President Putin handed down instructions to start repairs and restoration work on the Crimean Bridge;

▪The response to the Crimean Bridge terror attack will be the fulfillment of all the objectives of the special operation still in progress

▪Vladimir Putin will hold a video conference around 19:00 (Moscow time) to discuss the Crimean Bridge terror incident. The Crimean government will report on the situation from the scene;

▪Russia does not seek to develop relations with the West but maintains channels of dialogue because they are necessary;

▪As far as tourism security in Crimea goes, authorities must remain vigilant and take all necessary measures”

Russian lawmaker Volodin: the Crimean Bridge terrorist attack may have been carried out using the safe passage of the now defunct Black Sea grain corridor.


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014e60 No.72414

File: e306bd8e98c7f50⋯.pdf (100.14 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195325 (171507ZJUL23) Notable: I am told that by July 27th, the Military will invoke a National Emergency, and President Trump — who is still President for their purposes, will use Continuance of Government (COG)...?????

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First paragraph:

I am told that by July 27th, the Military will invoke a National Emergency, and President

Trump — who is still President for their purposes, will use Continuance of Government (COG)

provisions to arrest various criminals and return the police and judiciary officers to operating

under Common Law.

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014e60 No.72415

File: 30733ddbd8f218e⋯.pdf (470.9 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 913f16f69dc0c47⋯.pdf (116.21 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 7f93d82989f1c7c⋯.pdf (249.51 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 4ef4903ca666291⋯.pdf (456 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195338 (171511ZJUL23) Notable: I am told that by July 27th, the Military will invoke a National Emergency, and President Trump — who is still President for their purposes, will use Continuance of Government (COG)...?????

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72416

File: 9156432598059fc⋯.png (915.29 KB,709x1332,709:1332,Clipboard.png)

File: e57a3f8f9a16a12⋯.png (934.68 KB,787x1305,787:1305,Clipboard.png)

File: ce917645d353632⋯.png (643.75 KB,1084x1106,542:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 19413113ced92ca⋯.png (444.04 KB,1084x609,1084:609,Clipboard.png)

File: b09d59a3bd90417⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195365 (171517ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. Shiva for President 2024 explains how and what Adrenochrome synthesis is

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>will the Indian Americans follow?

Dr. Shiva for President 2024 explains how and what Adrenochrome synthesis is. #Adrenochromesynthesis



Adrenochrome is REAL!

Dr. Shiva proves it with science.




Dr. Shiva explains the science of Adrenochrome and why torture is part of the process.


https://rumble.com/embed/v2wko6a/?pub=4 /vidCAP

Dr Jane Ruby @RealDrJaneRuby

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 It would be a blast to have Dr. Shiva on The Dr. Jane Ruby Show!


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014e60 No.72417

File: 07e8786977d8b23⋯.png (1.54 MB,1170x1270,117:127,Clipboard.png)

File: c5afba87090d652⋯.png (405.82 KB,543x710,543:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 984b8ea5e87f2b7⋯.png (224.47 KB,543x730,543:730,Clipboard.png)

File: d1ef6bb58222779⋯.png (155.88 KB,543x718,543:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195398 (171522ZJUL23) Notable: Is Mark Zuckerberg’s “Threads” already working with the federal government to censor Americans?

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Is Mark Zuckerberg’s “Threads” already working with the federal government to censor Americans?

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014e60 No.72418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195463 (171537ZJUL23) Notable: NEW: Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali web operator through a “typo leak”

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Millions of US military emails have been misdirected

Full report in Financial Times


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014e60 No.72419

File: 395ebe7df521964⋯.png (123.38 KB,802x715,802:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195475 (171539ZJUL23) Notable: The Bidens are selling out America for profit./Burisma

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Explosive Email Unveils Hunter Biden’s ‘Ultimate Purpose’ at Burisma:

Republicans Demand Accountability

Story by Malik Graystone • 3h ago

Ashocking 2015 email chain has sent shockwaves through Republican ranks, revealing the “ultimate purpose” of Hunter Biden’s involvement with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. As the truth unravels, calls for President Biden’s resignation and condemnation echo loudly. Here’s what you need to know:

Burisma’s Covert Plan: Counter-Messaging and Concealed Motives

In the months leading up to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s 2015 trip to Ukraine, a Burisma Holdings executive spilled the beans on the true intention behind Hunter Biden’s role in the company. Discussions centered around executing a contract for counter-messaging against any federal investigations into Burisma’s founder, Mykola Zlochevsky. The sequence of events raises serious concerns about hidden machinations and public corruption at the highest levels.


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014e60 No.72420

File: c61209492a3e1eb⋯.png (94.72 KB,733x517,733:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195479 (171540ZJUL23) Notable: The Bidens are selling out America for profit./Burisma

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Bidens were trying to get a US Visa for Burisma Founder

Zlochevsky for a meeting in Washington, DC.

Zlochevsky was under investigation by Ukrainian authorities for corruption. This is why VP Biden threatened to withhold money to Ukraine. To get prosecutors off of Burisma's back. Because his son with zero experience was being paid $50k a month and a lump sum of $5Million to Hunter and the big guy. The Bidens are selling out America for profit.

This is what Trump was questioning and why they wanted to impeach him. >>72419

10:29 AM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72421

File: c85b9b09a23d1a3⋯.png (702.37 KB,599x974,599:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195501 (171545ZJUL23) Notable: Review: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

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Review: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

How the Radical Left Conquered Everything


JUL 17, 2023

Christopher Rufo may have been setting out the ambition of his new book, America’s Cultural Revolution, but there is no mistake that this work itself is ambitious, given the scale of material (the cultural revolution and pre-revolutionary ideas, and the creation and progression of that movement, for starters) and the connection from leftist thought leaders of the mid-20th century to the absurdities and very real cultural and political dangers we see today.

But his task is also necessary, as the proper answer to the question of “where we are” – one of disagreement even among conservatives, some of whom deny we are in a revolutionary age – requires an exploration of how we got here and the ideas that led us to this point. The revolutionary lineage from the 1960s (and before) carries on to this day – albeit in an arguably stronger form. What was radical is now the orthodoxy. Those calling for sexual liberation in 1955, for example, would no doubt be shocked – and proud – at the evolution and success of that idea. We add that political liberation and sexual liberation are indeed intertwined, as they both can lead to spiritual bondage.

Rufo, to his credit, achieves that ambitious goal. America’s Cultural Revolution is divided into four parts: Revolution, Race, Education, and Power, with each including a biography of the prophets of the cultural revolution. There is an exacting focus on the prophets’ writings (supported by hundreds of footnotes) concerning “liberation”, political violence, anti-racism, and the destruction of institutions – many of which we see regurgitated, exercised, and acted upon to this day.

Your humble author is especially thankful for Rufo’s deep dive into the history of the revolutionaries, which helps to give a biography of the movement. We often see the ridiculous (the shop teacher with z-cups) and the concerning (statues toppled) and the evil (public school teacher-led gender transitions), but we’re left without an understanding of where all this originated and how it came to be. ...


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014e60 No.72422

File: 17df7ec3be4c913⋯.png (57.15 KB,748x368,187:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195505 (171545ZJUL23) Notable: Review: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

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Techno Fog

Chris Rufo's America's Cultural Revolution doesn't just achieve its ambition of revealing the inner history of America’s cultural revolution.

It also provides a sobering warning of what is to come - and a path for hope. A review:


10:32 AM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195522 (171549ZJUL23) Notable: Review: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

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... The words of the left’s prophets, as Rufo demonstrates, became the blueprint for societal change, for violent upheavals, and leftist control of institutions that will take a revolution to undo. In the first few chapters, for example, he goes into great detail discussing the demands and views of Herbert Marcuse, a German-born philosopher dubbed “the father of the revolution” who argued:

“modern capitalist society had created the perfect means of repression, anesthetizing the working class with material comforts, manufactured desires, and welfare programs, which stabilized the system and allowed for the creation of external scapegoats.”

The solution to this problem was nothing short of unrest and dissolution, through violence if necessary. It would require “the revolt of the affluent white intelligentsia, the radicalization of the black ‘ghetto population,’ the capture of public institutions, and the cultural repression of the opposition.”

Rufo observes that “all of these objectives have been realized to some degree.” It’s hard to disagree with that assessment – especially considering how Rufo dedicates later chapters solidifying that point through discussions of the liberal domination of academia, the use of race as a means to target the American system as a whole, the far left’s long march (which can also be called a historically short march) through the institutions (including universities, local schools, business, and federal bureaucracies), and the increasingly accepted and forceful censorship and repression regimes, both public and private. In doing so, Rufo effectively makes the argument that for even those paying close attention, things might be worse than we thought, that the revolution we face is stronger than reported.

His exposition on the evolution of revolutionary ideas is particularly compelling. By the time Rufo gets to discussing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the later chapters, we have a better understanding of the originators, history, and vulnerabilities of basic elements to CRT. And Rufo provides necessary context, both in historical criticisms of CRT and his own accurate assessment of the movement:

The elements of critical race theory are, in fact, a near-perfect transposition of race onto the basic structures of Marxist theory. “White supremacy” replaces “capitalism” as the totalizing system. “White and black” replaces “bourgeoisie and proletariat” as the “oppressor and oppressed.” “Abolition” replaces “revolution” as the method of “liberation.” This is not a mere metaphor or post hoc comparison. The critical race theorists appeal directly to Marxist theoreticians and the Marxist-Leninist figures of the black liberation movement.

With this knowledge, Rufo is by all means qualified to discuss where the movement goes from here. He warns:

This movement seeks to establish itself in every layer of the public and private administration, which will be refitted to advance the substitute morality of critical race theory and replace governance by the Constitution with governance by the bureaucracy.

He makes that warning with the understanding of what the movement wants, the answer to which is “found in the original literature of critical race theory”: the abandonment of equal justice under the law, the redistribution of wealth along racial lines, and the prohibition of speech that is considered harmful or hateful. But we think he makes that warning not just based on their words, but because he understands and respects their zealotry, their dedication, their patience, their resentment (another word for hatred), and the lengths they will go to accomplish their desires.

As I read this book, I couldn’t help but ask whether this was always going to be the end result of liberalism or whether this is liberalism hijacked by its more radical elements. That’s not really a focus of the book (there are only so many pages), but it’s worthy to explore whether liberal democracy is authoritarian by its very nature and susceptible or predestined to adopting forms of fundamentalism to achieve its ends. Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed and Ryszard Legutko’s The Demon in Democracy are good places to start, if you’re interested in looking into those questions further. ...


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014e60 No.72424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195539 (171551ZJUL23) Notable: #23575

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#23575 >>72378

>>72387 PF

>>72379 CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

>>72380, >>72381, >>72382, >>72383, >>72384, >>72385 Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

>>72386 Homes evacuated after train carrying hazardous materials derails in Montgomery County Pennsylvania

>>72388 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/17/2023

>>72389, >>72390 Attempted over throw, disinformation +++ - President Trump

>>72391, >>72392 James O'Keefe Talks To High-Volume Dem Donors: They Don't Know Their Name Was Used For Donations…

>>72393 Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist, Calls COVID Virus, Vaccine Campaign ‘Supranational Operation’ to ‘Injure, Maim, and Kill People’

>>72394 ‘Blustery Coward’: Tucker Carlson Rips Chris Christie For Refusing To Face Him One-On-One

>>72395, >>72397 Pennsylvania train derailment: Silicone pellets found leaking out of collapsed train cars

>>72398, >>72396 Vivek Ramaswamy: April 5, 2023, the stockholders of Sio Gene Therapies, Inc. voted to liquidate and dissolve the company

>>72399 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shells and Arcs around Star CW Leonis

>>72400, >>72418 NEW: Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali web operator through a “typo leak”

>>72401 Biden’s New Official Overseeing Workplace Discrimination Has A Long History Of Supporting Discrimination

>>72402 Supreme Court Could End Up Deciding The Fate Of Child Sex Change Bans

>>72403, >>72404 The Spectre of Michelle Obama — Roger Stone Lays Out Frightening Scenario While Speaking to Turning Point USA


>>72406 If you don’t come forward by high noon on January 20th [2025], you’re GUILTY

>>72407 Canada officially launches website application for H-1B visa holders in the United States to migrate north

>>72408 "We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governments

>>72409 #OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA.

>>72410 Spacey Trial: Elton John, Partner David Furnish Take Witness Stand for Defense

>>72411 Aussie: Ukraine Front Line is “Horror. Genocide. Slaughter”, Says Irish “Rambo” Who Is Leaving after 17 Months

>>72412 QClock July 16, 2023 -SEC_TEST_D3

>>72413 As the Ukraine Grain Deal Runs Out, a Water Drone Attack Damages Crimea Bridge Killing 2 Civilians and Wounding a Child – Russian Officials Call for Hard Retaliations

>>72414, >>72415 I am told that by July 27th, the Military will invoke a National Emergency, and President Trump — who is still President for their purposes, will use Continuance of Government (COG)...?????

>>72416 Dr. Shiva for President 2024 explains how and what Adrenochrome synthesis is

>>72417 Is Mark Zuckerberg’s “Threads” already working with the federal government to censor Americans?

>>72419, >>72420 The Bidens are selling out America for profit./Burisma

>>72421, >>72422, >>72423 Review: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution


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014e60 No.72425

File: 228b146dea971c6⋯.png (357.15 KB,3761x2024,3761:2024,Clipboard.png)

File: d31205a72b02092⋯.png (480.16 KB,759x619,759:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 228b146dea971c6⋯.png (357.15 KB,3761x2024,3761:2024,Clipboard.png)

File: fb764ef2da7d942⋯.jpeg (258.42 KB,800x598,400:299,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5e641cdaada6766⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,500x556,125:139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195559 (171553ZJUL23) Notable: #23576

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014e60 No.72426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195604 (171600ZJUL23) Notable: Foreign Ministry statement on the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge

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Foreign Ministry statement on the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge

17 July 2023

In the early hours of July 17, the Crimean Bridge suffered yet another terrorist attack with the use of two Ukrainian water-surface drones. One of the deck sections was damaged.

Two civilians were killed: Alexey and Natalya Kulik, residents of the Novy Oskol municipality of the Belgorod Region, who were crossing the bridge in their car. Their 14-year-old daughter, Angelina, has become an orphan; she was admitted to a hospital in a moderately severe condition.

Kiev said that it was a joint operation by the Ukrainian Navy and Security Service. It confirms the involvement the country’s political leadership and security services in the terrorist attack. The reaction of some Ukrainian MPs to the Kulik family tragedy was even more cynical and unsettling. They sneered at people’s grief, which allows us to make conclusions about the moral and mental development of the Kiev politicians.

A criminal case was opened after the terrorist attack, and the necessary investigative actions are being taken. We are confident that those guilty will be found and will not escape justice. If the investigation finds that the surface drones that attacked the bridge are of Western origin, and that Western countries played a role in planning, sponsoring and conducting this operation, it will confirm their complicity in the Kiev regime’s terrorist activity.

The Foreign Ministry strongly condemns the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, which is a purely civilian facility. We hope that the international community and relevant multilateral agencies will put their foot down and give a proper assessment of yet another crime committed by the Ukrainian authorities.

The damage to the Crimean Bridge caused by the terrorist attack will be repaired shortly. All attempts to disrupt the transport link to the peninsula and tear Crimea from the rest of Russia are invariably futile.


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014e60 No.72427

File: 999a698708ef7d6⋯.png (702.22 KB,1208x594,604:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195614 (171602ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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USAF Spec Ops plane Albany NY


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014e60 No.72428

File: 2ae76a9466ad6d4⋯.webp (92.73 KB,1536x852,128:71,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195675 (171613ZJUL23) Notable: “Chances for Western Europeans to Become Extinct Greater than for White South Africans”

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“Chances for Western Europeans to Become Extinct Greater than for White South Africans”

by Richard Abelson Jul. 17, 2023


White South Africans may have a better chance at survival than their kin in Europe, according to Jaco Kleynhans of the Solidarity Movement: “What sets Afrikaners apart is that we have already lost the demographic and political battle without losing our language, identity, and faith. The chances for Western European peoples to become extinct in the long run are greater than the chances for Afrikaners to come to an end.”

Speaking to Maroela Media, Solidarity International Liaison Kleynhans and Dr. Heinrich Matthee, honorary chair in security studies at Akademia in Centurion, South Africa commented on the recent fall of the Dutch government in the face of renewed mass immigration, and the civil war-like unrest in France.

Dr. Heinrich Matthee called the European migrant crisis “a policy crisis or even a crisis of the current model of peaceful coexistence, which is struggling under the pressure of mass migration.”

European mass migration was reinforced by “a tremendous loss of support for the nation-state and secure borders, as well as a loss of common values such as faith and culture among Europeans,” Kleynhans noted. “The exaggerated belief in national identity and borders, which led to both world wars, began to diminish in the West—something that did not happen in other parts of the world such as Japan, South Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.”

“Tipping Points”

Unlike the West, these countries did not turn their backs on the nation-state and nationalism, which is why they do not experience problems with illegal immigration, Kleynhans said. “On the contrary, measures have been developed in the West to try to accommodate illegal migrants with the cultivation of a culture of excessive tolerance. This has created a perception that it is acceptable to immigrate illegally to Western countries.”

Declining tolerance for mass migration has led to stricter migration policies, Kleynhans and Matthee said. Demographic shifts may lead to “tipping points” where either side of the population, indigenous, and immigrant, begin to behave differently.

“As immigrants are no longer a minority, they increasingly make more claims and even occupy entire areas and institutions. On the other hand, ethnic Europeans like Germans or Dutch also feel alienated”, Kleynhans said. This is why there is “an emerging right-wing and populist politics—one that does not, however, amount to a return to the conservative roots of the West.”


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014e60 No.72429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195679 (171614ZJUL23) Notable: “Chances for Western Europeans to Become Extinct Greater than for White South Africans”

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“Clash of Civilizations”

According to a 2021 opinion poll by Harris Interactive, “two-thirds of all French people are concerned about a “replacement” of the indigenous population, Kleynhans noted. “Today, we are faced with a significant number of immigrants and their descendants who are establishing parallel societies in Europe where they are not integrated and assimilated with the local population,” Matthee said. “It is a clash between a civilization that is rapidly aging and even systematically dying out, versus a very young and energetic civilization ready to conquer new territories. One is first-world, and the other is third-world; one is culturally more advanced, and the other is much less advanced.”

“There is a clash in terms of values and faith—a secular West versus deeply conservative and religious newcomers,” Matthee said.

South Africans may project their situation too quickly onto the situation of indigenous Western Europeans, Matthee cautioned: “They travel to a few major European cities and think that the enclaves of migrant communities there are evenly distributed nationwide. In reality, there are many spaces and social events where indigenous Europeans visibly represent the dominant culture.”

While the future of Europe and its leadership “will look and function differently than in the 1970s,” Afrikaners should not write off Western Europe too quickly, according to Matthee. “Afrikaner organizations would miscalculate if they think that the greater political and economic influence of Western Europeans compared to Eastern European players will simply disappear in the next decade.”

Afrikaners should Establish Ties with Americans

This is why Afrikaners should “preferably establish strong ties and projects with their homeland and their distant American cousins to ensure their demographic, cultural, and territorial sustainability.”

Regarding the question of the survival and sustainability of Afrikaners, Kleynhans is optimistic. “What sets Afrikaners apart from what is currently happening in Europe is that we have already lost the demographic and political battle but without losing our language, identity, and faith.”

“The chances for Western European peoples to become extinct in the long run are greater than the chances for Afrikaners to come to an end,” he says.


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014e60 No.72430

File: 88d1904874d85b2⋯.png (260.29 KB,516x2198,258:1099,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195687 (171615ZJUL23) Notable: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF AUTOPSY FINDINGS IN DEATHS AFTER COVID-19 VACCINATION

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Background: The rapid development and widespread deployment of COVID-19

vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to

concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle

(LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage,

thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity. The aim of this

systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19

vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.

Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to

COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies

and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained

325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently

reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct

cause or contributed significantly to death.

Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated

death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system

(17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or

more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to

death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine

administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as

directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known

COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms, and related excess death,

coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests

there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death

in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying

our findings.

Keywords: Autopsy; necropsy; COVID-19; COVID-19 vaccines; mRNA; SARS-

CoV-2 vaccination; death; excess mortality; spike protein; organ system

This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed.

Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4496137

Preprint not peer reviewed

Nicolas Hulscher, BS 1*, Paul E. Alexander, PhD2, Richard Amerling, MD3,

Heather Gessling, MD3, Roger Hodkinson, MD3, William Makis, MD4, Harvey A.

Risch, MD, PhD5, Mark Trozzi, MD3, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH3 6

1University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

2Former Senior Pandemic Advisor to A Secretary, Health and Human Services

(HHS, Washington, DC, former Assistant Professor in evidence-based medicine

and epidemiology, former WHO-PAHO COVID consultant (evidence synthesis;

present, advisor to The Wellness Company USA and Canada, Boca Raton, FL

3 Wellness Company, Boca Raton, FL

4Cross Cancer Institute, Alberta Health Services, 11560 University Avenue,

Edmonton, AB T6G 1Z2, Canada.

5Professor Emeritus, Yale University School of Public Health, New Haven, CT

6Truth for Health Foundation, Tucson, AZ, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0997-6355

*Correspondence: nichulscher@gmail.com (Nicolas Hulscher)

Word Count: 2281

This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4496137

Preprint not peer reviewed


-pre-print last about one week before RETRACTED -

LANCET used to be top flight journal - but after publishing the completely bogus anti-HCQ study in May 2020, NO LONGER:


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014e60 No.72431

File: 91af935e7cfa5b1⋯.png (13.83 KB,326x228,163:114,Clipboard.png)

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File: da7709cf26a44a5⋯.png (345.56 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195690 (171616ZJUL23) Notable: Trend: Hollywood, Debase Dems

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Trend: Hollywood


Hash Also Trending: #SoundOfFreedom

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014e60 No.72432

File: 92dcc9f7a142bef⋯.png (771.02 KB,1836x3768,153:314,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195763 (171625ZJUL23) Notable: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF AUTOPSY FINDINGS IN DEATHS AFTER COVID-19 VACCINATION

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RESPONSE to RETRACTION of McCullough et al study on autopsy finding after CV19 vaccination

mainstream "science" and press trying hard to DOWNPLAY these results, but LOOK AT THE COMMENTS to the Yahoo HIT PIECE article.

Misinformation swirls around unpublished paper on Covid-19 vaccine risks

Fri, July 14, 2023 at 11:59 AM PDT·6 min read

Social media posts claim a paper attributing a high number of deaths to Covid-19 vaccines was suppressed from a major scientific journal. This is false; the preprint document was never accepted for publication by The Lancet, and the journal and independent experts said the research was flawed.

"74% OF COVID VACCINE AUTOPSY DEATHS WERE CAUSED BY THE VACCINE," claims text over a video shared on Instagram on July 9, 2023 by The Wellness Company, a "medical freedom" organization that sells supplements said to protect patients from "toxic spike proteins."

The same clip can be found on TikTok featuring one of the study's authors, Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist whom AFP has previously fact-checked for spreading misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines speaking to author Naomi Wolf, who has also shared inaccurate information about the shots.

Many posts claimed the research was published by The Lancet an established medical journal only to be removed after 24 hours, constituting "censorship."

"The Lancet is removing science that shows the COVID-19 'vaccines' are causing excess deaths," claims a July 10, 2023 tweet.

"They are erasing the truth from medical journals," a July 9 TikTok with more than 15,000 views claims.

The paper in question, "A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination" (archived here), was not published in The Lancet, but instead appeared on a preprint server associated with the journal where researchers can upload their work before it has received peer review.

According to its website, The Lancet collaborates with the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) to offer authors a dedicated preprint area called "Preprints with The Lancet" (archived here), but a study appearing on this server does not necessarily mean the journal is reviewing the paper.

The Lancet Group told AFP the paper was removed from the server because its conclusion was not supported by the methodology.

"Preprints with The Lancet on SSRN reserves the right to remove a paper that has been posted if it is determined that it has violated screening criteria," The Lancet Group said in a July 11 email.

The Lancet also says on its website that preprints are not meant to be used for clinical decision-making.

Sarah Everts, a professor of science journalism at Carleton University, said that while preprints are a common way of disseminating early scientific findings, the social media posts and articles claiming a paper proved Covid-19 vaccines have a high mortality rate are incorrectly describing the publication as thoroughly established science.

"They are conflating peer-reviewed research, which is about rigorously evaluated science, with a preprint server, which is something where scientists post their work while it is going through the peer review process," Everts said in an interview on July 11.

Everts said preprints are an important way for researchers to quickly release their work, but a paper needs to be evaluated by other experts to ensure the study's conclusions are well-founded and without error.

"Most science goes through peer review, which is getting people with very specific expertise to fine-pick through the paper or the study to make sure that everything parses," she said....


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014e60 No.72433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195777 (171627ZJUL23) Notable: Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

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Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee, but the documents the FBI seized from him years ago are still locked in storage

Today, Archer is weeks away from beginning a prison sentence on a 2018 federal conviction for fleecing investors in a bond deal involving a Native American tribe. He has told friends he hopes to get home confinement from the trial judge, instead of prison, maintaining he was unaware fraud had occurred with the deal.

He's also days away from becoming the most consequential witness to date in the GOP-led House hearings into alleged Biden family corruption. Archer knows how and why Hunter Biden landed on the Burisma board and was courted by oligarchs from Russia to China. He knows what, if any, business partners got access to then-Vice President Joe Biden and what, if any, favors the 46th president may have bestowed on Hunter Biden’s business suitors.

He also knows well the labyrinth of companies through which Hunter Biden moved and took money.

Archer is slated to tell the House Oversight and Accountability Committee what he knows during a transcribed interview the week of July 24.

But just days away from that crucial appearance, he lacks access to a critical cache of evidence: tens of thousands of pages of emails, memos, documents and text messages the FBI seized from him and his businesses around the time of his arrest in spring 2016.

Like most legal defense teams in major criminal cases, Archer’s lawyers had the vast tranche of documents the FBI returned to them during trial discovery and digitized memos so they could be quickly searched in trial preparation.

However, the New York firm that did that work still has the documents.

Efforts to secure the documents were continuing this week without an immediate resolution, the memos show, raising the possibility that Congress may need to subpoena the records for the evidence to be available in time for his transcribed interview.


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014e60 No.72434

File: 2f49c1e5b013aba⋯.png (86.06 KB,1260x655,252:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b17936e37043b3⋯.png (346.56 KB,1675x648,1675:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195783 (171628ZJUL23) Notable: 3 year deltas, 4 year deltas

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3 year deltas

4 year deltas

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014e60 No.72435

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195923 (171647ZJUL23) Notable: Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Growing Momentum. She won the straw poll at Actcon when she couldn’t show up

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Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Growing Momentum. She won the straw poll at Actcon when she couldn’t show up

2:17 minutes


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014e60 No.72436

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195937 (171650ZJUL23) Notable: Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Growing Momentum. She won the straw poll at Actcon when she couldn’t show up

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Caroline Wren: The Collapse Of The Donor Class

9:25 minutes

How can the Republicans running not know, no one likes them?


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014e60 No.72437

File: 3949fdb9b627737⋯.png (842.18 KB,999x1249,999:1249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195953 (171652ZJUL23) Notable: @USMC #MarineCorps CH-53E Super Stallions with @3rdmaw stage in support of Marine Aviation Support Activity (MASA) 23 events in the Philippines, July 10.

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#MarineCorps CH-53E Super Stallions with @3rdmaw stage in support of Marine Aviation Support Activity (MASA) 23 events in the Philippines, July 10.

MASA is a bilateral exercise between the @TeamAFP and the U.S. Marine Corps.


10:43 AM · Jul 17, 2023




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014e60 No.72438

File: 160b5c8a3fb5a7a⋯.png (1.21 MB,1134x1841,162:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195973 (171654ZJUL23) Notable: NSA personnel deliver intelligence and cybersecurity support to warfighters around the world.

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How does NSA support military operations?

NSA personnel deliver intelligence and cybersecurity support to warfighters around the world.

Learn more about NSA’s role in combat support in this video!


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014e60 No.72439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195984 (171657ZJUL23) Notable: NPC Headliner Luncheon: SEC Chair Gary Gensler

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1:00 PM EDT

NPC Headliner Luncheon: SEC Chair Gary Gensler

National Press Club




SEC Chair Discusses AI & Securities Regulation

Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler discusses artificial intelligence and financial regulation at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.


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014e60 No.72440

File: 3ec2dd4871fd52f⋯.png (1.93 MB,1440x1014,240:169,Clipboard.png)

File: f35ba25001def7a⋯.jpg (379.43 KB,1240x838,620:419,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: 6283240d1c076de⋯.jpg (209.58 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196006 (171701ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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E-4B Nightwatch 74-0787 up from JBA. Callsign ZEPEL22.

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014e60 No.72441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196118 (171717ZJUL23) Notable: Trend: Hollywood, Debase Dems

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The Clinton Foundation is stealing Haiti's children and money, while the people of Haiti suffer & die.

The World needs to be told & shown the truth about it all

The Clintons are a satanic worshiping cult


Anons we need to start showing the Black Females Democrat the Truth

Best way to do this, is to share Black Political Videos and black related content with the [black female democrat].

Please take a moment to visit each of these targets and their black commenters to post ammo.






















https://www.dems.gov/who-we-are/our-members [Current Member List]

-please suggest more targets


#SaveHaiti #SaveTheChildren #ClintonGate #RedCross #WalkAway #Demexit #ClintonCrimeFamily



*WTF!!! IS THIS A COVER UP? https://youtu.be/W13dyT-bWEI

Donald Trump Speaks LIVE NOW! CartierFamily https://youtu.be/ar2RHr0_V98

FoxNews - Former DC mayor spokesman explains why he left the Democratic Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvc16QhU-OE


Lt. Gov. NC endorses Donald Trump https://rumble.com/v2vz52q-booom.html

The DEEP STATE "Queen" Exposed By Trump (The Dan Bongino Show) https://youtu.be/rVsXXxkFuNk

Riley Gaines Leaves WOKE Activist SPEECHLESS For Claiming Men Can't Beat Serena Williams In Tennis! https://youtu.be/W9DrtQwRmrU

New Democratic star SHUTS DOWN Republican with clapback of the year https://youtu.be/Jv65JtTZdCM

FIRST TIME WATCHING * Schindler's List (1993) * MOVIE REACTION!! JUST TRUST ASH https://youtu.be/2tStbY6m4FU (Misc Ammo)

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party (REACTION!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_IvKZ1hYbU

Fox News: Tim Scott leaves 'The View' speechless after confrontation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrY_JFlc6kc

Candace Owens says “Black America Owes Me AN APOLOGY” Reaction | Asia and BJ React https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePPKLLDQcbE


More Resouces: YT black political reaction videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=black+political+reaction+videos










Reminder, Post and Run. Dont reply... bots will get you banned


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014e60 No.72442

File: e04f751e3325650⋯.jpg (202.13 KB,720x1194,120:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ffd2408c654cd39⋯.jpg (109 KB,598x1084,299:542,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196136 (171720ZJUL23) Notable: #Trans swimmer Lia Thomas, formerly William Thomas, has now embraced the #Trantifa branding in new photos posted on social media.

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#Trans swimmer Lia Thomas, formerly William Thomas, has now embraced the #Trantifa branding in new photos posted on social media.

Trans violent militancy is the current focus of #Antifa. They believe that critics of trans ideology should be silenced, maimed or murdered. Some call for sexual violence against females in particular, as revenge.

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014e60 No.72443

File: 3755e1943f1af48⋯.png (975.22 KB,1250x650,25:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196156 (171723ZJUL23) Notable: New Database Shows a Single Vote Has Altered Outcomes in Hundreds of Elections

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New Database Shows a Single Vote Has Altered Outcomes in Hundreds of Elections

Most people in the media don’t want you to believe that election crimes are committed. They say it is easier to find Bigfoot. But election crimes are not a myth, and The Heritage Foundation has been systematically documenting them for years. When those who deny the crimes occur are forced to confront the data, the response sometimes shifts to “It doesn’t matter anyway.”

After all, does it really matter if a single vote is improperly or criminally cast?

A new database created by the Public Interest Legal Foundation shows that one single vote has altered the outcome of hundreds of elections.

First, the fraud.


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014e60 No.72444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196206 (171731ZJUL23) Notable: OXFORD, N.C. (WTVD) – Four people were stabbed at different locations across Oxford on Monday morning.

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4 people stabbed in seemingly random attacks across Oxford; suspect in custody


OXFORD, N.C. (WTVD) - Four people were stabbed at different locations across Oxford on Monday morning.

It all began around 7:30 a.m. on Belle Street near Granville County Administration Offices. Investigators said the suspect, who is now in custody, stabbed a government employee before traveling several blocks down to Wall Street and stabbing another person near the Granville County Board of Elections.

Next, the suspect went to the Walmart Supercenter located off Lewis Street and the McDonald's located at the corner of MLK Jr Avenue and East Industry Drive; he stabbed one person at each location.

All of the stabbing victims were taken to area hospitals for treatment.

Oxford Police Department and Granville County Sheriff's Office received information about the suspect's vehicle. They quickly located the vehicle on Interstate 85 South and started chasing after it.

About 90 minutes after the first stabbing on Belle Street, the suspect was in custody.

The identities of the victims and the suspect in this case have not been released.

As for motive, it remains early in the investigation, but investigators said each stabbing appeared to be random.

"It was just somebody may have had a bad day, may have been a mental health crisis, but we're working diligently with the DA's office and local law enforcement to find out what occurred," Granville County Sheriff Robert Fountain Jr. said.

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014e60 No.72445

File: 39c221d1f2d5a1f⋯.png (36.25 KB,519x340,519:340,Clipboard.png)

File: b8c59695f592182⋯.png (338.64 KB,557x593,557:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196254 (171740ZJUL23) Notable: Moar on PA train derailment

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Train Derailment Prompts Evacuations in Pennsylvania

A 40 car CXS freight train derailed early Monday morning in Pennsylvania prompting a Level 2 hazmat response. As a precaution, homes and businesses in the area are being evacuated.

Fox News 29 reports:

Sources told FOX 29 that 15 to 20 cars believed to be carrying hazardous materials derailed in the area, prompting a Level 2 hazmat response. Police later said the only material leaking out of the train cars was silicone pellets, which pose no threat to the public.

Crews are on scene responding to the emergency situation.

Police say residents and businesses closest to the derailment site have been evacuated as a precaution.

Whitemarsh Township Police Department shared the following:


Whitemarsh Emergency Services is investigating the derailment of a Norfolk Southern train in the Plymouth Meeting section of Whitemarsh Township. The derailment is located in the area bounded by Flourtown Road, Joshua Road and Stenton Avenue.

Precautionary evacuations have occurred at the residents and businesses closest to the scene. It is not believed that further evacuations will be needed, but we will evaluate as we know more.

Representatives of Norfolk Southern and CSX are on location, as are members of Montgomery County’s Department of Public Safety Emergency Response Team.

There are no reported injuries and no known hazard to the public.

“At approximately 4:50 a.m. ET today, a CSX train carrying 40 cars derailed around 16 cars on Norfolk Southern tracks near the intersection of Joshua and Flourtown Road in Whitemarsh, PA. While preliminary reports indicate that one car transporting hazardous material was involved in the incident, there is no indication of any leaks or spills of hazardous materials and there are no injuries to the crew of the train. The local fire department responded and declared an evacuation of just over a dozen homes out of an abundance of caution.”


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014e60 No.72446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196269 (171742ZJUL23) Notable: Secretary Blinken Delivers Remarks to the Press Followed by the Daily Press Briefing

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2:00 PM EDT

Secretary Blinken Delivers Remarks to the Press Followed by the Daily Press Briefing

Department of State





Secretary of State Blinken Holds News Conference

Secretary of State Blinken speaks with reporters at the State Department ahead of the daily briefing with spokesman Matt Miller.


2:00 PM EDT

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon.




Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


2:30 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State






State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international and diplomatic issues.


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014e60 No.72447

File: 59b542e0a7ed491⋯.png (300.09 KB,737x369,737:369,Clipboard.png)

File: aff65f963b3ac00⋯.png (135.64 KB,1058x923,1058:923,Clipboard.png)

File: bc43395b9da89ba⋯.png (144.25 KB,1068x916,267:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cdc2a072d1ae2c⋯.png (613.58 KB,1049x809,1049:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196287 (171746ZJUL23) Notable: CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

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CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle


I want to thank one of my readers, Paul S., for flagging this remarkable and hilarious Newsweek article, written by Bill Arkin, that is a classic example of the CIA throwing Ukraine under the bus and eschewing blame for the military disaster looming on the horizon. I will start by quoting the conclusion of the piece:

In response, the senior U.S. defense intelligence official stressed the delicate balance the Agency must maintain in its many roles, saying: “I hesitate to say that the CIA has failed.” But the official said sabotage attacks and cross border fighting created a whole new complication and continuing Ukrainian sabotage “could have disastrous consequences.”


Ok. I will say it. The CIA has failed and it is blaming Ukraine. Arkin’s piece would not be possible without a flood of leaks about the broad range of CIA activities in and around Ukraine. The CIA officers ponying up the secrets are keen to get the word out that they are doing a really fantastic, swell, marvelous job. The problem is the damn Ukrainians and these CIA officers, while claiming to have robust means to collect intelligence, admit that Zelensky and his crowd are giving the United States the mushroom treatment — keeping them in the dark and covered with shit.

The article starts with the tired, false meme that Russia is in trouble:

“Putin’s back is really against the wall” a senior defense intelligence official tells Newsweek, warning that while the CIA fully grasps how much Russia is stuck in Ukraine, it is very much in the dark with regard to what Putin might do about it. With talk of Russian nuclear weapons possibly being deployed to Belarus, and in light of Prigozhin’s public exposure of the terrible costs of fighting, something that Moscow has suppressed, the official says that it is a particularly delicate moment. “What is happening off the battlefield is now most important,” says the official, who was granted anonymity in order to speak candidly. “Both sides pledge to limit their actions, but it falls to the United States to enforce those pledges. This all hinges on the quality of our intelligence.


Oh? The United States’ role in Ukraine is to function as a soccer referee? Really? How exactly is the CIA acting as the enforcer of pledges? By providing “quality” intelligence. Except, what you learn as you wade through Arkin’s piece, the CIA keeps being surprised by Ukrainian attacks in Russia. You can’t have it both ways Bill. Mr. Arkin wants you to believe that the CIA in Ukraine and the surrounding countries is the Leonard Bernstein of spies — masterfully conducting an orchestra of competing countries. I ask again, REALLY?

All of the credible experts and officials Newsweek spoke to agreed that the CIA has been successful in discreetly playing its part in dealing with Kyiv and Moscow, in moving mountains of information and materiel and in dealing with a diverse set of other countries, some of whom are quietly helping while also trying to stay out of Russia’s crosshairs. And they didn’t dispute that on the CIA’s main task—knowing what’s going on in the minds of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine—the Agency has had to struggle.


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014e60 No.72448

File: 5faa52a887c3906⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1452x752,363:188,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 00ecf3297609291⋯.jpg (209.41 KB,1215x747,135:83,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1362c394b02860a⋯.jpg (314.42 KB,1415x747,1415:747,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196306 (171749ZJUL23) Notable: Moar on PA train derailment

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014e60 No.72449

File: c92cf8cf4c3840c⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,1404x744,117:62,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 263808894f1a9b4⋯.jpg (182.37 KB,1442x741,1442:741,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196341 (171755ZJUL23) Notable: Moar on PA train derailment

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>>72448 (me)

correction: just a bit further north, joshua and stenton


A CSX train derailed in Whitemarsh Township on Monday morning near Joshua Road and Stenton Avenue. The derailment happened on tracks operated by Norfolk Southern.

There are no reported injuries or any known hazard to the general public. State, county, and local townships gave an update on the response during a Monday morning press conference at the township municipal building.

A spokesperson from CSX told WHYY News in a written statement that the entire length of the train was 40 railcars. CSX believes the cause of the incident “to be weather related” and that conditions created a “sinkhole in the rail bed.”

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014e60 No.72450

File: 6a273e4a4de63c0⋯.png (134.01 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196343 (171757ZJUL23) Notable: Copious documentation that yes, U.S. and China have both been developing bioweapons targeted at various genetic groups./How pesticides pervade the entire biosphere

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr


Copious documentation that yes, U.S. and China have both been developing bioweapons targeted at various genetic groups.




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014e60 No.72451

File: 43a0628844aa3cf⋯.png (374.29 KB,598x566,299:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196355 (171759ZJUL23) Notable: Copious documentation that yes, U.S. and China have both been developing bioweapons targeted at various genetic groups./How pesticides pervade the entire biosphere

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr


How pesticides pervade the entire biosphere. #CleanItUp #Kennedy24



You´re the news now.

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014e60 No.72452

File: d6749f6a56ac947⋯.png (627.69 KB,918x506,459:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196380 (171804ZJUL23) Notable: Foreign Ministry statement on the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge

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Here’s why Crimean Bridge was targeted twice during Russia-Ukraine war

Jul 17, 2023

There is a reason why the Kerch Bridge—the bridge connecting occupied Crimea to the Russian mainland—was attacked twice allegedly by Ukraine—the first time in October last year and then on Monday.

Ukraine’s much-touted counter-offensive that began in April hasn’t yielded the desired results so far. As it scrambles to land a decisive blow to the Russian forces, the bridge emerges as a key target for Kyiv.

Why is the bridge important for Russia and Ukraine?

The bridge is important for Russia from a strategic point of view, as it is the only way Kremlin can keep a hold on occupied Crimea and the southern Kherson region.

It is precisely for this reason that Ukraine wants the bridge to be destroyed and complicate Russia's logistical challenges, a key aspect of the early phase of Ukraine's counter-offensive, reports BBC.



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014e60 No.72453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196398 (171812ZJUL23) Notable: #23576

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#23576 >>72425

>>72427, >>72440 PF

>>72426, >>72452 Foreign Ministry statement on the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge

>>72428, >>72429 “Chances for Western Europeans to Become Extinct Greater than for White South Africans”


>>72431, >>72441 Trend: Hollywood, Debase Dems

>>72433 Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

>>72434 3 year deltas, 4 year deltas

>>72435, >>72436 Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Growing Momentum. She won the straw poll at Actcon when she couldn’t show up

>>72437 @USMC #MarineCorps CH-53E Super Stallions with @3rdmaw stage in support of Marine Aviation Support Activity (MASA) 23 events in the Philippines, July 10.

>>72438 NSA personnel deliver intelligence and cybersecurity support to warfighters around the world.

>>72439 NPC Headliner Luncheon: SEC Chair Gary Gensler

>>72442 #Trans swimmer Lia Thomas, formerly William Thomas, has now embraced the #Trantifa branding in new photos posted on social media.

>>72443 New Database Shows a Single Vote Has Altered Outcomes in Hundreds of Elections

>>72444 OXFORD, N.C. (WTVD) – Four people were stabbed at different locations across Oxford on Monday morning.

>>72445, >>72448, >>72449 Moar on PA train derailment

>>72446 Secretary Blinken Delivers Remarks to the Press Followed by the Daily Press Briefing

>>72447 CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

>>72450, >>72451 Copious documentation that yes, U.S. and China have both been developing bioweapons targeted at various genetic groups./How pesticides pervade the entire biosphere


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014e60 No.72454

File: f113bda3dda430b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1035x1026,115:114,Clipboard.png)

File: cdaa950fc47658f⋯.jpg (89.54 KB,500x713,500:713,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33832db3104ad46⋯.gif (1013.25 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: cf9b367c42464bd⋯.jpg (98.78 KB,749x500,749:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9247bdea42227d0⋯.png (548.21 KB,508x614,254:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196407 (171815ZJUL23) Notable: #23577

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Baker has IRL off hand needed, will tap @20

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014e60 No.72455

File: d077a62f10686c8⋯.png (657.71 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 427052870225d20⋯.png (38.39 KB,676x313,676:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196425 (171819ZJUL23) Notable: 26 Migrants Found Dead in One Texas County this Year

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26 Migrants Found Dead in One Texas County this Year

Texas sheriff’s deputies in a county located 80 miles north of the border with Mexico recovered the bodies or remains of at least 26 migrants so far this year. The migrants mostly died while crossing through ranches to circumvent a U.S. Border Patrol immigration checkpoint.

Brooks County Sheriff Benny Martinez told Breitbart Texas his deputies of 26 migrants between January 1 and July 1. Most of the recoveries involved the collection of skeletal remains scattered by animals and scavenger birds.

“Most of the time, that is all that is left,” Sheriff Martinez told Breitbart Texas. “It doesn’t take long with the animals and the heat for a human body to decay.”

Martinez said he is grateful the death rate is lower this year. In July 2022, Breitbart Texas reported Martinez’s deputies had recovered the bodies or remains of 55 migrants.

The circumstances surrounding body recoveries fall into several categories. Some die shortly before or just after law enforcement officials respond to emergency calls for help from the migrants or their families, the Texas sheriff said at the time. Others are either found days later by ranchers or Border Patrol agents or when they are reported by other migrants who are apprehended at a later time. Finally, he said, “Some have been consumed by animals and the elements and only bones remain to tell their stories.”

Martinez blamed the callous human smugglers for the deaths of the migrants. “These smugglers have no regard for the value of human life,” he explained. “Many migrants are not prepared for the strenuous conditions they face when trying to hike in this terrain. The soft sand on the ranches makes one mile feel like three.”


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014e60 No.72456

File: 93c3d30839dcf7d⋯.png (762.65 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196432 (171820ZJUL23) Notable: Disney heiress arrested at climate protest against private jets at Hamptons airport

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Sacrificial boobs ?


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014e60 No.72457

File: fedc966caf38973⋯.png (69.41 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 55bd21bb13f0fa7⋯.png (413.12 KB,859x920,859:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196436 (171820ZJUL23) Notable: BBC normalises a terrorist organisation to frame Syrian President

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BBC normalises a terrorist organisation to frame Syrian President

The BBC appears to work in lockstep with US and UK deep state to facilitate new raft of sanctions against Syria

Finally, could I get a comment from the BBC please about why a BBC documentary failed to inform their audience that the organisation interviewed in Idlib, Syria are, in reality. the intelligence arm of Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) a UK and US proscribed terrorist organisation formerly Jabhat Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) and that the individuals interviewed are responsible for war crimes in Syria including the murder of children in Idlib?

The above is taken from an email written by UK Column to Tim Davie, Director General of the BBC and Tim Awford, Executive Editor, BBC Arabic Service – Head of Programmes and Documentaries following publication of a BBC Arabic/World Service ‘documentary’ on the Captagon illicit drug trade in the Middle East with a focus on Syria.

When we aired our investigative report on Friday 14th July we had received no reply or comment from the BBC or from the partner organisation involved in the making of the documentary. I will provide details on the three collaborators on the project later in this article.

BBC expelled from Syria after platforming proscribed terrorist group in Idlib

On the 9th July the BBC published an article confirming that the Syrian government had canceled the BBC’s accreditation in Syria. The article made clear what I already knew that the final straw for the Syrian government had been the BBC Arabic Captagon report that claims to have found links between the Captagon drug trade and leading members of the ‘Syrian Armed forces and Mr Assad’s family’.

The Syrian government cited the BBC’s history of “biased and misleading reports” as the basis for the decision and stated that the BBC failed to adhere to professional standards.

It also said that the BBC was warned “more than once”, but “continued to broadcast its misleading reports based on statements… from terrorist entities and those hostile to Syria”.

The BBC said “it provided impartial, independent journalism” despite receiving funding from the UK regime. It also claimed that “we speak to people across the political spectrum to establish the facts”. This article will prove that this claim is not only false but that the BBC platformed a UK/US-proscribed terrorist organisation and individuals to criminalise the Syrian armed forces and Presidency.


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014e60 No.72458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196439 (171821ZJUL23) Notable: Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes Argentina

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Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes Argentina, felt in neighboring Chile

No damage was immediately reported following the South American earthquake

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck deep in the Earth under Argentina on Sunday and was felt in neighboring Chile, but authorities didn't report any damage.

The quake occurred at a depth of 106 miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The epicenter was in the province of Neuquen, in western Argentina, 15.5 miles east-southeast of the town of Loncopue.


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014e60 No.72459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196450 (171823ZJUL23) Notable: Pentagon typo leaked millions of sensitive items to Russia-ally nation in Africa

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Pentagon typo leaked millions of sensitive items to Russia-ally nation in Africa

President Joe Biden’s Defense Department accidentally sent millions of emails and messages with sensitive information to the Russian-ally nation of Mali, the Pentagon confirmed. Officials said the communications were misdirected due to a common typo.

“The Department of Defense is aware of this issue and takes all unauthorized disclosures of Controlled National Security Information or Controlled Unclassified Information seriously. DoD has implemented policy, training, and technical controls to ensure that emails from the ‘.mil’ domain are not delivered to incorrect domains. Such emails are blocked before they leave the .mil domain and the sender is notified that they must validate the email addresses of the intended recipients,” the Pentagon said in a statement, according to Fox News.

“While it is not possible to implement technical controls preventing the use of personal email accounts for government business, the Department continues to provide direction and training to DoD personnel. The office of the DoD CIO oversees this matter,” the statement continued.

The leak comes amid rising tensions between the United States and Russia as the latter nation’s war in Ukraine stretches into its 17th month.

Earlier this month, United States Air Forces Central released footage showing Russian fighter jets “harassing” U.S. military drones operating in the skies above Syria.

“Russian SU-35 fighter aircraft close in on U.S. MQ-9 aircraft on July 5, 2023 over on July 5, 2023 over Syria. The Russian SU-35 fighter aircraft employed parachute flares in the flight path of U.S. MQ-9 aircraft. Against established norms and protocols, this forced U.S. aircraft to conduct evasive maneuvers,” United States Air Forces Central said in a statement.

According to Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich, commander of the Ninth Air Force and the combined forces air component commander for U.S. Central Command, Russia’s “reckless behavior” forced American aircraft to take “evasive maneuvers.”


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014e60 No.72460

File: fb7af5fe77c57b4⋯.jpg (72.02 KB,849x519,283:173,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196460 (171824ZJUL23) Notable: Fire burns area bigger than most countries. Officials can't stop it

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MSN - CNN -Fire burns area bigger than most countries. Officials can't stop it


Anon always thought firefighters fight fires. Maybe "Officials" should send the fire a strongly worded letter telling the fire to stop burning. Or... maybe "Officials" should get out of the way and let fire fighters do their jobs.

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014e60 No.72461

File: 9cbc083e5f3c042⋯.png (78.45 KB,685x759,685:759,Clipboard.png)

File: e8f04ff80d32fac⋯.png (364.02 KB,678x910,339:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196465 (171825ZJUL23) Notable: AOC and Crenshaw sponsor bill to legalize study of Ecstasy - some Jews hope this will help curb anti-Semiticism

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Ecstasy Should Be Used to 'Cure' People of Their 'Hateful' And 'Anti-Semitic' Beliefs - Jewish Daily Forward

Drugging "hateful" people with "MDMA and other psychedelics" may be a powerful "tool for deradicalization"

MDMA, the drug known as Ecstasy or Molly, should be used to "cure" people of their "hateful" and "anti-Semitic" beliefs, according to the Jewish Daily Forward.

From The Jewish Daily Forward (Archive):

Can we cure antisemitism with Molly?

by Rob Eshman, Senior Contributing Editor | July 15, 2023

If you learned that a single pill had led a neo-Nazi to renounce his hateful beliefs, would you:

- Demand more research to find out if the pill really works

- Ignore existing evidence and continue to outlaw the pill?

If you picked the second option, congratulations: You've just described the folly of American drug policy for the past 40 years.

We've long known that MDMA, more popularly known as Molly or Ecstasy, is an effective treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Israel has used it for this purpose since 2019.

But there is also some preliminary evidence that the drug can turn haters into lovers, making it a powerful potential tool for deradicalization.

The FDA is expected to approve MDMA and psilocybin, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, for PTSD therapy within the next two years. But further progress on more experimental fronts has long been delayed by regulatory hurdles.

At a time when hate, extremism and intolerance threaten to tear America apart, it is mind-boggling that we are not pushing to better understand how MDMA and other psychedelics can bring people together, or aid efforts to deradicalize people lost to hate.

How MDMA changed one neo-Nazi

The most promising evidence of MDMA's effects on hate was discovered by accident. During the conclusion of a 2020 University of Chicago double blind study on the effect of MDMA on social touch, one participant known as "Brandon" revealed to researchers that he led the Midwest branch of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist group that played a key role in the 2017 "Unite the Right!" rally — and that taking MDMA had led him to a life-changing revelation.

"Love is the most important thing," he told a stunned researcher, who followed up. "Nothing matters without love."


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014e60 No.72462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196469 (171827ZJUL23) Notable: Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum

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Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: 'Leave our kids alone!'

'I ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, please protect our culture, our belief, the sin that you are doing to them,' a member of the muslim community told Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blamed the "American right-wing" for Canadian Muslims' opposition to gender ideology and LGBTQ curriculum in K-12 education.

The video was of Trudeau speaking with the Muslim community last week at a Calgary mosque – Baitun Nur Mosque – after hundreds of protesters rallied against gender ideology in schools, chanting "Leave our kids alone."

The frustration reached a boiling point after audio surfaced of an Edmonton Public Schools teacher berating Muslim students for skipping school in order to avoid pride events.

"It goes two ways. If you want to be respected for who you are, if you don’t want to suffer prejudice for your religion, your color of skin or whatever, then you better give it back to people who are different from you. That’s how it works," said the teacher.

A Muslim individual explained to Trudeau where the community was coming from, according to the video. "I ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, please protect our culture, our belief, the sin that you are doing to them."

He responded, "First of all, there is an awful lot of misinformation and disinformation out there [from] people on social media, particularly fueled by the American right-wing are spreading a lot of untruths about what is actually… in the curriculum."

Trudeau's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

On June 25, in Calgary, Alberta, hundreds of protesters screamed "Leave our kids alone!" and "Our kids, our choice!"

"My brothers and my sisters. We cannot stay hidden anymore for [the issue is]… getting closer to each and every one of us," said Mahmoud Mourra at the event. "If you're not a father today, tomorrow you will be. If you're not a mother today, tomorrow will be. You'll have a daughter. Or do you have a son who is of minor age? He's so vulnerable, and you have some hyenas and really powerful predators they are willing to go. They to do whatever they can take your... kids away from you."


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014e60 No.72463

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dcceff98147e64⋯.png (36.2 KB,1188x528,9:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 1055ac4c92d71a0⋯.png (447.66 KB,788x447,788:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196498 (171833ZJUL23) Notable: Largest human trafficking network in the US and the world exposed in front of all these NEW EYES

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Largest human trafficking network in the US and the world exposed in front of all these NEW EYES - Can you dig it?


Tim is now glowing

Q gave anons everything

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014e60 No.72464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196500 (171833ZJUL23) Notable: Largest human trafficking network in the US and the world exposed in front of all these NEW EYES

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can you dig it?





https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/catholic-charities-under-siegeCatholic Charities Under SiegeHouse Republicans and TX bearing down hard




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


'That's A Ridiculous And Silly Question!': Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At BorderPart I

Yesterday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) snapped at a reporter during a press briefing on the southern border.

Forbes Breaking News 1.78M subscribers 55,740 views May 12, 2023


TED CRUZ "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" "the situation is unsustainable"

REPORTER#1 "and how long have you been in Office?"

REPORTER#2 "Come on, man. This has been going on for 20 years."

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 📁 1881

Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of theircustomers are western humanitarian workerswho’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008.[15] India is estimated to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600 Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and health centers.[16][17]

The United States, by comparison, has approximately 1.5 million NGOs.[18]

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014e60 No.72465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196512 (171837ZJUL23) Notable: AOC and Crenshaw sponsor bill to legalize study of Ecstasy - some Jews hope this will help curb anti-Semiticism

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Original article:


The idea that MDMA can cure "anti-semiticism" is bizarre, in the articles, what's discussion is how this psychedelic may change one's perspective to be more "loving."

But only if you have the INTENTION to do so.

So AOC and Dan Crenshaw want to remove barriers to study it. And the writer of the article thinks Jews should support it - you know, to help cure the world of anti-semiticism.

Weird focus but the bill is real, so newsworthy.


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014e60 No.72466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196513 (171837ZJUL23) Notable: Must watch video that perfectly sums up the failing DeSantis campaign

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Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸

Must watch video that perfectly sums up the failing DeSantis campaign.

Share this far and wide! @ramble_rants


And now, the end is near...🎚️🔊


8:01 AM · Jul 17, 2023·68.7K Views


11:06 AM · Jul 17, 2023·26.6K Views


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014e60 No.72467

File: d11a2620db8ae3b⋯.png (84.63 KB,731x889,731:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe640cae384058⋯.png (43.74 KB,726x463,726:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196515 (171837ZJUL23) Notable: Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

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Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee, but the documents the FBI seized from him years ago are still locked in storage

In his hey-day as a Democratic trailblazer a decade ago, Devon Archer worked alongside Hunter Biden in the pursuit of global deals, including inside China and Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings energy firm.

He golfed with Joe Biden, rubbed elbows with John Kerry and stood at the intersection of Washington power brokers and foreign oligarchs seeking to curry favor with the future first family.

Today, Archer is weeks away from beginning a prison sentence on a 2018 federal conviction for fleecing investors in a bond deal involving a Native American tribe. He has told friends he hopes to get home confinement from the trial judge, instead of prison, maintaining he was unaware fraud had occurred with the deal.

He's also days away from becoming the most consequential witness to date in the GOP-led House hearings into alleged Biden family corruption. Archer knows how and why Hunter Biden landed on the Burisma board and was courted by oligarchs from Russia to China. He knows what, if any, business partners got access to then-Vice President Joe Biden and what, if any, favors the 46th president may have bestowed on Hunter Biden’s business suitors.

He also knows well the labyrinth of companies through which Hunter Biden moved and took money.

“I am looking forward to hearing from Devon Archer,” said Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a member of the House Oversight committee. “It takes a lot of courage for him to come forward. He is he was close to that family and to Hunter and Joe.”

Biggs said one of the questions lawmakers wanted to pursue is whether Archer faced any pressure during the years the Biden political machine tried to suppress the allegations.

“I'll tell you what else. I have no doubt that these these folks have tried to put pressure and threatened him as well,” Biggs said. “And I look forward to hearing what Devon Archer has to say.”

Archer is slated to tell the House Oversight and Accountability Committee what he knows during a transcribed interview the week of July 24.

But just days away from that crucial appearance, he lacks access to a critical cache of evidence: tens of thousands of pages of emails, memos, documents and text messages the FBI seized from him and his businesses around the time of his arrest in spring 2016.

Like most legal defense teams in major criminal cases, Archer’s lawyers had the vast tranche of documents the FBI returned to them during trial discovery and digitized memos so they could be quickly searched in trial preparation.


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014e60 No.72468

File: 1a51eb450ae2d80⋯.png (571.35 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bcb59bc97d211a⋯.png (357.7 KB,830x467,830:467,Clipboard.png)

File: c7ec0da538c4929⋯.png (316.94 KB,830x467,830:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c98c3895b57348⋯.png (477.8 KB,830x467,830:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 155973fc2d4beb4⋯.png (406.38 KB,694x557,694:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196520 (171839ZJUL23) Notable: Scotland: 55 whales dead after mass stranding on beach

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r.i.p 56 whales who washed up on a scottish beach and died.

Anon does not believe the official story.

very sad, this fatso is waiting for a fish supper.


Scotland: 55 whales dead after mass stranding on beach, with people told to avoid area




Sunday 16 July 2023 at 8:18pm

A pod of 55 pilot whales have died following a “mass stranding” on a Scottish beach.

Marine rescuers swarmed the coastline at Traigh Mhor in North Tolsta, on the Isle of Lewis, to reports that dozens of the mammals were struggling in the area on Sunday morning.

Marine medics armed with first aid kits desperately tried to save the whales but only one was successfully swam back in the sea.

It is estimated at least 55 pilot whales washed up on the beach.

One of the dead whales appeared to have had a vaginal prolapse – so it’s currently suspected the whole pod stranded due to one female giving birth.

Pilot whales are small whales characterised as part of the dolphin family.

A statement from the BDMLR on Sunday said: "This morning (Sunday 16th July 2023) around 7am, BDMLR were alerted to a mass stranding of around 55 pilot whales on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland.

"Unfortunately, none (apart from one that was refloated early on) survived the ordeal - the last animals were declared deceased at about 3:30pm.

"This was an incredibly complex rescue – the signal was extremely poor in such a remote area with our Medics often having to drive 1-5 miles to get service to communicate with Rescue Coordinators at Head Office.

"Medics from surrounding areas also prepared their kits and made their way to the island from the mainland.

"Rescue Coordinators even facilitated flying in more refloatation pontoons from various regions across England and Scotland via Civil Air Support."

The rescuers said earlier: “The reason for the whales stranding is currently unknown, but pilot whales are notorious for their strong social bonds, so often, when one whale gets into difficulty and strands, the rest follow, leading to more of them stranding."

Watch: Surf school captures giant humpback whale in Donegal Bay

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Officers are currently assisting partners with a number of stranded pilot whales on the beach at Tolsta, Stornoway.

“To allow the dolphins the best chance of survival, please avoid the area.”

A spokeswoman for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency said it was “responding to reports of mammals beached at Traigh Mhor on Isle of Lewis” on Sunday July 16.

Roads closed as diggers drag dead whale off beach


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014e60 No.72469

File: dd95ac5779ba58b⋯.png (51.11 KB,709x235,709:235,Clipboard.png)

File: c78047ea07e4d85⋯.png (227.44 KB,622x415,622:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196525 (171840ZJUL23) Notable: Giraffe-Sized Python Found in the U.S.—Why This Invasive Species Can't Be Stopped

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Giraffe-Sized Python Found in the U.S.—Why This Invasive Species Can't Be Stopped

Although they're not aggressive towards humans, there's no denying that happening upon a snake unexpectedly can be unsettling, even if you're not particularly afraid of them. However, it's an entirely different scenario if the reptile in question happens to be bigger than most people could possibly imagine. Now, a giraffe-sized python found in the U.S. is making headlines—and for more than its record-breaking length. Read on to find out why this invasive species can't be stopped.

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014e60 No.72470

File: a2f0f5b461218e3⋯.png (6.4 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196530 (171841ZJUL23) Notable: QClock July 17, 2023 - Welcome Back

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QClock July 17, 2023 - Welcome Back

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014e60 No.72471

File: 8614a27add47bd9⋯.jpeg (68.93 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196534 (171841ZJUL23) Notable: North Korea spurns offer of peace talks

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17 Jul, 2023 17:52

North Korea spurns offer of peace talks

Pyongyang has dismissed a US proposal for negotiations, saying the country’s nuclear program cannot be stopped

North Korea has dismissed a US proposal for peace talks as a ploy, accusing Washington of provoking conflict in the region while holding out false hope that it can persuade Pyongyang to halt its nuclear weapons program by temporarily easing sanctions or suspending military exercises.

Kim Yo-jong, North Korea’s foreign policy chief and sister of leader Kim Jong-un, said on Monday that the best way to ensure peace and stability on the Korean peninsula is forPyongyang to amply display its military might, “rather than solving the problem with the gangster-like Americans in a friendly manner.”She called Washington’s latest offer of peace negotiations a “trick” to buy time for trying to denuclearize the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

“It is a daydream for the US to think that it can stop the advance of the DPRK and, furthermore, achieve irreversible disarmament” by offering such reversible incentives as sanctions relief, suspension of the Pentagon’s joint military exercises with South Korea and a halt to deployment of strategic weapons in the region, Kim Yo-jong said in a statement carried by state-run news agency KCNA.

Kim made her comments one day after US President Joe Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, told reporters that Washington was willing to negotiate with North Korea “without preconditions” concerning its nuclear weapons program. He said the Biden administration is closely monitoring the threats posed by North Korea’s missile launches and is concerned that Pyongyang will conduct its seventh nuclear warhead test.

Kim said the US should stop its “foolish”provocations toward the DPRK, which have only imperiled Washington’s own security. “We are aware that lurking behind the present US administration’s proposal for dialogue without any preconditions is a trick to prevent the thing that it fears from happening again.”

Even if the US were to go as far as removing all of its troops from South Korea in exchange for permanent denuclearization by Pyongyang, it could redeploy strategic weapons to the peninsula within 10 hours and bring back enough soldiers to resume joint exercises within 20 days, Kim said. She added that any promises made by the current administrations in Washington and Seoul could be “instantly reversed” when their successors come to power,such as when Biden replaced Donald Trump in the White House.

Similarly, Kim said the US and its allies could easily renege on diplomatic concessions. “It is as easy as pie for the US political circles to exclude the DPRK from the list of ‘sponsors of terrorism’ today but re-list it tomorrow.”She claimed that tensions in the region have escalated on Biden’s watchto the point that “the possibility of an actual armed conflict and even the outbreak of a nuclear war is debated.”


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014e60 No.72472

File: 96761c7d0651259⋯.png (227.81 KB,555x893,555:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196594 (171853ZJUL23) Notable: pb, The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

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The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

JULY 17, 2023

Senate Democrats are advancing a doomed Supreme Court “ethics” bill that would withhold $10 million in funding from Chief Justice John Roberts until the Supreme Court has “put into effect a code” for all justices.

The Senate doesn’t have the power to dictate how the Supreme Court conducts its business — any more than SCOTUS has the power to prescribe rules for the Senate. They know it. Then again, the effort to intimidate and delegitimize the court is meant to corrode constitutional governance, so perhaps the bill makes a certain amount of perverse sense.

Of course, turning to the likes of Sheldon Whitehouse and Dick Durbin for ethical guidance is much like seeking truth from Adam Schiff. And much like the Russia-collusion hoax, the effort to destroy the Supreme Court is a highly coordinated partisan scheme.

First, anti-court left-wing activist groups cook up some ethics “scandals.” These accusations are then laundered by complicit or credulous leftist media outlets for public consumption. Then, the bogus scoops are held up by partisans as proof of alleged wrongdoing. Everyone, other than perhaps the most gullible partisan hysteric, understands what’s happening.

Each week another ethics “scandal” emerges, one dumber than the next. The stories are divvied out among numerous outlets to saturate the news and create a perception of widespread wrongdoing. Some, such as ProPublica, are paid by pack-the-court groups. Others, such as Politico, Slate, and The New York Times, do it for free.

A recent Guardian hit piece on Clarence Thomas, for example, offers a good example of how all this works. The justice, the paper excitedly reports, received “seven payments” through Venmo accounts in November and December 2019 from lawyers who had once clerked for the justice. Though the amounts were not disclosed — one strongly suspects the minuscule sums would make the story even more preposterous — The Guardian explains that “the purpose of each payment is listed as either ‘Christmas party’, ‘Thomas Christmas Party’, ‘CT Christmas Party’ or ‘CT Xmas party.’”

Now, I’m going to take a wild stab at cracking this whodunnit and speculate that a bunch of people chipped in for a Christmas party. The implication that Thomas threw cases or was paid off or felt an obligation to side with former clerks because they bought him a taco and a beer at a reunion is incomprehensibly stupid. No one believes it. ...


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014e60 No.72473

File: 7e972df45f52339⋯.jpg (279.97 KB,1403x732,23:12,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c6e85ee68c49381⋯.png (606.28 KB,1013x763,1013:763,Clipboard.png)

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File: 66439deb9ae31d3⋯.png (993.33 KB,921x791,921:791,Clipboard.png)

File: 510bf39634eb462⋯.png (1.17 MB,1081x829,1081:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196609 (171858ZJUL23) Notable: Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum

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Good God!

Has the Almighty ever sent winter in summer?




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014e60 No.72474

File: a75fa2218520292⋯.png (417.25 KB,1457x728,1457:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196616 (171859ZJUL23) Notable: Are Rothschilds Signaling the Return of Trump in 2024?

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Are Rothschilds Signalling the Return of Trump in 2024?


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014e60 No.72475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196635 (171905ZJUL23) Notable: Trudeau update on Canadian fires - 31mins

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Trudy gets a kick out of the Canada fires


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014e60 No.72476

File: e9824233faffad2⋯.png (62.25 KB,574x400,287:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196639 (171906ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy: Wearing a mask = personal responsibility (July 2020)

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Vivek Ramaswamy

Wearing a mask = personal responsibility. It’s puzzling when conservatives oppose it. But before deriding them, remember this: CDC and WHO discouraged wearing masks in March - a “noble lie” to save masks for healthcare workers. Institutional lying erodes public trust in science.

2:09 AM · Jul 9, 2020


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014e60 No.72477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196661 (171910ZJUL23) Notable: Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has blocked the consideration of dozens of diplomatic nominees by the Senate

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Blinken urges Senate to confirm stalled diplomatic nominees

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has blocked the consideration of dozens of diplomatic nominees by the Senate, citing his longstanding request for additional information on the origins of Covid


(press conference earlier was about this)

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014e60 No.72478

File: 815d69af1a381ee⋯.png (343.42 KB,606x532,303:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196698 (171918ZJUL23) Notable: BIDEN ADVISOR BERNSTEIN tries for upbeat economic report

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BIDEN ADVISOR BERNSTEIN: "We're very happy to see some breathing room for American households. 12 months in a row of year-over-year inflation decelerating [...] We have gas prices down from north of $5 to about $3.60 so far and this helping to contribute to some real wage gains..."


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014e60 No.72479

File: e8176c3a497f752⋯.png (320.77 KB,565x632,565:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196703 (171919ZJUL23) Notable: Scotland: “Non-binary” Man Found Guilty of “Indecent Assault” of a Minor - No Jail Time for Repeat Sex Offender

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Scotland: “Non-binary” Man Found Guilty of “Indecent Assault” of a Minor Given No Jail Time, Despite Being Repeat Sex Offender

A 32 year old “non-binary” man has been convicted of charges relating to the repeated sexual abuse of a 15 year old boy that began in 2010. The victim was just 15, a minor, at the time the crimes began, while Lucas Cole, or Oliver James Bond as he is now known, was 20. Bond sexually assaulted the minor three times over a six year period from 2010 through 2016.

During the first assault in 2010, Bond “sexually attacked the boy while he was sleeping. The youth woke up to Bond’s penis in his mouth.” During the second attack, Bond grabbed the victim’s genitals and overpowered him. He then pulled down his pants and performed a “sex act” on him. And during the third assault, Bond once again assaulted the victim while he was sleeping.

Bond was convicted on all charges, however, he will not face any time in prison despite being a repeat offender involving sex crimes. In 2018, Bond was convicted of sexually assaulting an intoxicated transgender man. After the incident, Bond changed his own gender-identity to “non-binary”.

According to Reduxx.info:

In 2018, Bond was found guilty of sexually abusing a trans-identified male in Perth while the victim was intoxicated and could not consent. The court heard that the victim has been sleeping and awoke to find Bond, then known as Lucas Cole, carrying out a sex act on him. Following his 2018 conviction, Bond was handed no jail time and instead was ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

The victim was called to provide a statement to the court during the most recent proceedings in order to establish Bond’s history of predatory sexual behavior.

But despite acknowledging that the matter was “serious,” and stating that Bond did not seem to fully grasp the consequences of his criminal behavior, Sheriff David Hall spared Bond any jail time.

“With some hesitation I am going to allow you to remain at liberty. You were convicted by the jury of all three charges,” Hall said, instead placing Bond on the sex offenders register for five years.

Much like his 2018 conviction, Bond will have to perform just 250 hours of unpaid work and complete 18 months of social work supervision. He will also have a curfew for six months. Bond will not serve any jail time, once again. A years-long sexual assault, resulting in a conviction, that began when the victim was a minor, a second occurrence of such a sex crime, and he will walk free.


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014e60 No.72480

File: 5b4d27445ddb96e⋯.png (443.15 KB,620x409,620:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196715 (171921ZJUL23) Notable: Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

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Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

You’re gonna love the new London!

Muslim billionaire Asif Aziz is moving full steam ahead to turn a famous London landmark into a giant, 3-story super mosque.

The new super mosque may be named ‘Piccadilly Prayer Space’ and could open by this autumn.

The London Trocadero first opened in 1865 as a restaurant and nearly 150 years later it is a mosque!

The Sun reported:

A MUSLIM billionaire has won permission to turn a major London landmark into a mosque.

Mega-rich Asif Aziz, 56, known as Mr West End will take over the Trocadero in the centre of the capital.

He had applied to build a 1,000-person capacity mosque but plans were withdrawn because of backlash from residents.

But now Westminster Council has approved a three-storey mosque for 390 worshippers, reports the Mail on Sunday.

Its thought it will be called ‘Piccadilly Prayer Space’ and could be open within months.

A council spokesperson said: “A planning application by the Aziz Foundation to convert a part of the London Trocadero was approved by the council’s planning committee in May 2023.”

The Trocadero, situated between Picadilly circus and Soho, first opened in 1896 as a restaurant – but it closed in 1965.


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014e60 No.72481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196735 (171924ZJUL23) Notable: Notetake bun

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notetaker @250

#23577 >>72454

>>72455 26 Migrants Found Dead in One Texas County this Year

>>72456 Disney heiress arrested at climate protest against private jets at Hamptons airport

>>72457 BBC normalises a terrorist organisation to frame Syrian President

>>72458 Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes Argentina

>>72459 Pentagon typo leaked millions of sensitive items to Russia-ally nation in Africa

>>72460 Fire burns area bigger than most countries. Officials can't stop it

>>72461, >>72465 AOC and Crenshaw sponsor bill to legalize study of Ecstasy - some Jews hope this will help curb anti-Semiticism

>>72462, >>72473 Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum

>>72463, >>72464 Largest human trafficking network in the US and the world exposed in front of all these NEW EYES

>>72466 Must watch video that perfectly sums up the failing DeSantis campaign

>>72467 Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

>>72468 Scotland: 55 whales dead after mass stranding on beach

>>72469 Giraffe-Sized Python Found in the U.S.—Why This Invasive Species Can't Be Stopped

>>72470 QClock July 17, 2023 - Welcome Back

>>72471 North Korea spurns offer of peace talks

>>72472 The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>72474 Are Rothschilds Signaling the Return of Trump in 2024?

>>72475 Trudeau update on Canadian fires - 31mins

>>72476 Vivek Ramaswamy: Wearing a mask = personal responsibility (July 2020)

>>72477 Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has blocked the consideration of dozens of diplomatic nominees by the Senate

>>72478 BIDEN ADVISOR BERNSTEIN tries for upbeat economic report

>>72479 Scotland: “Non-binary” Man Found Guilty of “Indecent Assault” of a Minor - No Jail Time for Repeat Sex Offender

>>72480 Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

notetaker is IRL


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014e60 No.72482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196812 (171943ZJUL23) Notable: Fox News hit with new defamation lawsuit after massive settlement by Nina Jankowicz (Miss Dis-Information)

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Fox News hit with new defamation lawsuit after massive settlement

Nina Jankowicz was former executive director of government division dealing with disinformation threats to national security

A counter-disinformation expert has sued Fox News for allegedly promoting lies about her, just weeks after the network settled with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5m.

Nina Jankowicz was the former executive director of a Department of Homeland Security division dealing with disinformation threats to national security.

The federal government’s Disinformation Governance Board was short-lived as it came under ferocious attack from right-wing politicians and pundits, including a string of Fox News hosts.

Ms Jankowicz, who is a specialist in Russian disinformation, was mentioned 300 times over the span of eight months on Rupert Murdoch’s right-wing channel, the lawsuit states.

Fox News hosts including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Maria Bartiromo were among those who talked about her, with Carlson warning his audience she would “get men with guns to tell you to shut up.”

The lawsuit states that after the 34-year-old resigned to escape the attention she was receiving, Fox News hosts falsely claimed she had ben fired,” according to The New York Times.

Ms Jankowicz filed her lawsuit in the same Delaware court that Dominion Voting Systems filed its $1.6bn defamation claim, which was settled last month as the last minute.

She is seeking unspecified damages in her own case.

“Even after achieving their stated goal of driving me out of government and ending the board, they kept using me as a punching bag,” Ms Jankowicz told the newspaper on Wednesday.

“It shouldn’t be something we just accept, that the most powerful cable network in the world can attack individuals willy-nilly and not face any consequences after they ruin their lives.”

Days after Fox News settled with Dominion Voting Systems it parted company with Carlson, who has said he will continue to do his show on Twitter, despite still being under contract to the channel.

Lachlan Murdoch has said that Fox News paid the settlement to avoid a divisive trial and lengthy appeals process.

Mr Murdoch, executive chairman and CEO of Fox Corp, also noted that a Delaware judge “severely limited” Fox’s defences against Dominion Voting Systems, which said the network defamed it by airing bogus charges of election fraud that it knew was untrue.

“We made the business decision to resolve this dispute and avoid the acrimony of a divisive trial and multi-year appeal process, a decision clearly in the best interests of the company and its shareholders,” he told financial analysts.

Graeme MassieThursday 11 May 2023 00:48


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014e60 No.72483

File: 450fb9f928e281e⋯.png (357.16 KB,603x565,603:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196823 (171945ZJUL23) Notable: The 11 Trillion Dollar Question Behind The "Magnificent Seven"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 11 Trillion Dollar Question Behind The "Magnificent Seven"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72484

File: 53aab635ae9d468⋯.png (353.45 KB,598x581,598:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 4007a754b1c91a7⋯.png (200.99 KB,465x262,465:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196847 (171950ZJUL23) Notable: At 17:00 MSK, not a single vessel was recorded off the coast of Ukraine and in the water areas nearby.

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At 17:00 MSK, not a single vessel was recorded off the coast of Ukraine and in the water areas nearby.

Russia closed the grain deal.

Ukraine has effectively lost access to the Black Sea.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72485

File: 30e9c1227156ed2⋯.png (211.83 KB,604x683,604:683,Clipboard.png)

File: a3d51b5121faf65⋯.jpg (70.13 KB,1234x979,1234:979,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196862 (171957ZJUL23) Notable: #OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA.

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U.S.Naval Institute


#OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA. Some believe the objects are just reflected light, while others believe they are something extraterrestrial.




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014e60 No.72486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196887 (172005ZJUL23) Notable: At 17:00 MSK, not a single vessel was recorded off the coast of Ukraine and in the water areas nearby.

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Russia Quits Black Sea Grain Deal

By Megan Durisin and Áine Quinn (Bloomberg) — July 17, 2023

Russia ended the Ukraine grain-export deal nearly a year into the agreement, heightening uncertainty over global food supplies and escalating tensions in the region.

The pact, previously extended in May, will cease to be effective as of Tuesday, the foreign ministry in Moscow said in a statement. Russia had repeatedly threatened to leave the deal, which had marked a rare example of cooperation during its war in Ukraine. The corridor’s shutdown will hit key buyers like China, Spain and Egypt.

“Unfortunately, the part concerning Russia in this Black Sea agreement has not been fulfilled so far,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, according to Russian news agency Tass. “Therefore, it is terminated.”

The move jeopardizes a key trade route from Ukraine, one of the world’s top grain and vegetable oil shippers, just as its next harvest kicks off. It also comes after Russia on Monday said Ukrainian drones damaged a key bridge to Crimea.

The pact — brokered by the United Nations and Turkey — has ensured the safe passage of almost 33 million tons of crop exports via the Black Sea since it was signed in July 2022, helping world food-commodity prices ease from the record levels reached after Russia invaded. However, it has been bogged down by issues including slow vessel inspections in recent months.

Benchmark Chicago wheat futures initially rose as much as 4.2% and corn advanced advanced as much as 2.5%. The two commodities are the top crops shipped under the deal.

Russia cited obstacles to its own shipments and a bias toward Western interests as reasons for discontinuing the pact, though the nation is the world’s top wheat shipper. It said it would be willing to reconsider the deal when its terms are met.

Moscow’s withdrawal from the deal will have multiple implications, according to its foreign ministry. Those include the end of guarantees for navigation safety, the collapse of the maritime humanitarian corridor, and the disbandment of the Joint Coordination Center in Istanbul.

“Even without the Russian Federation one needs to do everything to allow us to use this Black Sea corridor. We are not afraid,” Volodymyr Zelenskiy said during an interview on Monday, according to his spokesman Serhiy Nykyforov.

I strongly condemn Russia’s cynical move to terminate the Black Sea Grain Initiative, despite UN & Türkiye’s efforts.

EU is working to ensure food security for the world’s vulnerable. #EUSolidarityLanes will continue bringing agrifood products out of Ukraine & to global…

— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) July 17, 2023

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would discuss the export deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their planned meeting in August, or perhaps sooner by phone.

“I believe Russia’s head of state Putin wants this humanitarian bridge to continue,” Erdogan said in televised comments from Istanbul.

Long-Term Risk

Following repeated disruptions, the shipping corridor through the Black Sea is now nearly empty, tempering the immediate interruption to world crop flows. However, the bigger risk lies longer-term, as fractured and costly export logistics could spur Ukrainian farmers to further cut harvests already shrinking under the weight of the war.

When the deal was inked, the UN agreed in parallel to improve access to Russian food and fertilizer exports. Russia has demanded several obstacles be removed to bolster trade — including reconnecting an agricultural bank to the SWIFT international payments system.

No new vessels have been approved to join the Ukraine grain deal since late last month and Russia has blocked one of the three open ports. Ship inspection times have progressively grown longer, with fewer than one cleared per day in the first half of this month.

A lone vessel remains in the corridor Monday — the TQ Samsun — which departed over the weekend from the port of Odesa. Ship-tracking data show it nearing Istanbul.

Its closure will heighten reliance on alternate trade routes via the Danube River and Ukraine’s European Union neighbors, although those paths remain expensive and some countries have pushed back against the inflow.

The routes come “at a much higher cost of transport,” said Carlos Mera, head of agricultural commodities market research at Rabobank. “That poses questions about the future production out of Ukraine. Most of the exports will flow, but some stock build-up domestically is unavoidable.”

Some traders have previously signaled interest in continuing Black Sea shipments without the deal, although that would require military and government approval.


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014e60 No.72487

File: 7862cc1b83258c0⋯.png (64.99 KB,743x449,743:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196892 (172007ZJUL23) Notable: Stephen Miller Retweeted: The Kennedy family got the memo from The Party.

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Stephen Miller Retweeted

Joel Pollak

The Kennedy family got the memo from The Party. They are attacking RFK Jr. for something that he didn't actually say. It is the mark of totalitarian systems that they are able to exploit family and intimate relationships to persecute dissidents on the basis of false accusations.

Joe Kennedy III·28m

My uncle’s comments were hurtful and wrong. I unequivocally condemn what he said.

3:43 PM · Jul 17, 2023·11.1K Views


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014e60 No.72488

File: 7e65e6dbeccc26c⋯.png (181.22 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.png)

File: aba919f0db5c2b2⋯.png (94.84 KB,358x262,179:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196910 (172014ZJUL23) Notable: USSS: #OTD in 2018, Special Agent Nole E. Remagen died as a result of a severe stroke while on protective assignment.

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U.S. Secret Service


#OTD in 2018, Special Agent Nole E. Remagen died as a result of a severe stroke while on protective assignment. #WallofHonor


God bless this hero.


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014e60 No.72489

File: d356b4c0bfe76c0⋯.png (699.5 KB,1178x1208,589:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196946 (172027ZJUL23) Notable: Intel leaders, White House make the case to keep digital spy powers | Agencies have less than 6 months to convince Congress to reup warrantless surveillance authority before it expires.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Intel leaders, White House make the case to keep digital spy powers | Agencies have less than six months to convince a divided Congress to reup a warrantless surveillance authority before it expires.


The controversial law used to digitally spy on foreigners in other countries is widely misunderstood, according to lawmakers and others who want to re-up the expiring legislation. The problem, they say, is that the information that could convince skeptics is largely classified.

“We desperately need to get 702 reauthorized,” Sen. Mark Warner, who chairs the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said Wednesday during the confirmation hearing for the next head of the National Security Agency. “We have not done a very good job, the [intelligence community] and the FBI and the administration, in making clear that the 702 we're talking about today is very different than the 702 that was reauthorized back in 2018,” he said, referencing reforms the FBI made to how it uses the database after the FISA court uncovered abuses that including “broad, suspicionless” queries.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196990 (172039ZJUL23) Notable: Trump special counsel seeks protective order to prevent trial delay

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Trump special counsel seeks protective order to prevent trial delay

The request will be heard at a Tuesday hearing and will be a critical moment in advancing the case, as Trump's attorneys must obtain security clearance to review the materials in question.

Special counsel Jack Smith seeks a protective order related to classified materials to prevent former President Donald Trump's legal team from further delaying the proceedings.

The Department of Justice has sought to limit Trump's access to certain classified materials related to the case, but claims in a Monday filing that his legal team had not engaged with them for several days to negotiate a solution, the Washington Examiner reported.

Under the DOJ proposal "[t]he defense may not disclose classified information to the Defendants unless that same information has been previously disclosed to the defense by the Defendants or provided by the government with markings indicating it may be disclosed to the Defendants."

The request will be heard at a Tuesday hearing and will be a critical moment in advancing the case, as Trump's attorneys must obtain security clearance to review the materials in question.

The case pertains to the FBI's seizure of materials from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in August of last year. Smith has charged the former president with 37 counts related to his alleged mishandling of sensitive materials. He has pleaded not guilty.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon tentatively set the trial date for Aug. 14, 2023, though Smith has requested it be delayed until December.


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014e60 No.72491

File: 792bc262a6f4c0a⋯.png (302.41 KB,601x550,601:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197008 (172045ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

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Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72492

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197011 (172046ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

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Pedo-Adjacent Writes hit piece on Child Sex Trafficking

Pedo doesn't want normies to see the movie

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014e60 No.72493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197014 (172048ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72494

File: 8c6cc1766f276e5⋯.png (1.98 MB,1688x1344,211:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197026 (172051ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

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gives a shout out to Q Anon kek

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72495

File: e936bbae64e3553⋯.png (114.26 KB,879x756,293:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197041 (172054ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72496

File: 23b2ef61e851782⋯.png (505.74 KB,666x800,333:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bd080de324aa1a⋯.png (321.48 KB,500x891,500:891,Clipboard.png)

File: c1c1ce2a2f412dd⋯.png (115.88 KB,1083x693,361:231,Clipboard.png)

File: bf4f742e943a1a7⋯.png (168.94 KB,813x556,813:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 98d0827a21c1f35⋯.png (292.92 KB,817x795,817:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197045 (172056ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

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oy vey

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72497

File: c196bf46e2f4e7a⋯.jpeg (406.31 KB,828x995,828:995,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197092 (172112ZJUL23) Notable: White House / Kirby: UFOs: "Some of these phenomena have had an impact on our training ranges."

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197142 (172124ZJUL23) Notable: #23577

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23577 >>72454

>>72455 26 Migrants Found Dead in One Texas County this Year

>>72456 Disney heiress arrested at climate protest against private jets at Hamptons airport

>>72457 BBC normalises a terrorist organisation to frame Syrian President

>>72458 Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes Argentina

>>72459 Pentagon typo leaked millions of sensitive items to Russia-ally nation in Africa

>>72460 Fire burns area bigger than most countries. Officials can't stop it

>>72461, >>72465 AOC and Crenshaw sponsor bill to legalize study of Ecstasy - some Jews hope this will help curb anti-Semiticism

>>72462, >>72473 Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum

>>72463, >>72464 Largest human trafficking network in the US and the world exposed in front of all these NEW EYES

>>72466 Must watch video that perfectly sums up the failing DeSantis campaign

>>72467 Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

>>72468 Scotland: 55 whales dead after mass stranding on beach

>>72469 Giraffe-Sized Python Found in the U.S.—Why This Invasive Species Can't Be Stopped

>>72470 QClock July 17, 2023 - Welcome Back

>>72471 North Korea spurns offer of peace talks

>>72472 The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>72474 Are Rothschilds Signaling the Return of Trump in 2024?

>>72475 Trudeau update on Canadian fires - 31mins

>>72476 Vivek Ramaswamy: Wearing a mask = personal responsibility (July 2020)

>>72477 Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has blocked the consideration of dozens of diplomatic nominees by the Senate

>>72478 BIDEN ADVISOR BERNSTEIN tries for upbeat economic report

>>72479 Scotland: “Non-binary” Man Found Guilty of “Indecent Assault” of a Minor - No Jail Time for Repeat Sex Offender

>>72480 Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

>>72481 Notetake bun

Baker Change

>>72482 Fox News hit with new defamation lawsuit after massive settlement by Nina Jankowicz (Miss Dis-Information)

>>72483 The 11 Trillion Dollar Question Behind The "Magnificent Seven"

>>72484, >>72486 At 17:00 MSK, not a single vessel was recorded off the coast of Ukraine and in the water areas nearby.

>>72485 #OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA.

>>72487 Stephen Miller Retweeted: The Kennedy family got the memo from The Party.

>>72488 USSS: #OTD in 2018, Special Agent Nole E. Remagen died as a result of a severe stroke while on protective assignment.

>>72489 Intel leaders, White House make the case to keep digital spy powers | Agencies have less than 6 months to convince Congress to reup warrantless surveillance authority before it expires.

>>72490 Trump special counsel seeks protective order to prevent trial delay

>>72491, >>72492, >>72493, >>72494, >>72495, >>72496 Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

>>72497 White House / Kirby: UFOs: "Some of these phenomena have had an impact on our training ranges."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72499

File: 5b6fc27c26a264a⋯.png (548.62 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197178 (172128ZJUL23) Notable: #23578

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197191 (172131ZJUL23) Notable: Maryland player wins $50,000 in Pick 5 for the fifth time this year

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How scammy does this sound.


Maryland player wins $50,000 in Pick 5 for the fifth time this year

Jul 17, 2023, 3:36 pm

Maryland Lottery

Five-time winner bought all winning tickets at the same retailer

By Kate Northrop

ADELPHI, Md. — An anonymous Maryland player won a Pick 5 top prize of $50,000 for the fifth time this year, having bought every winning ticket at the same store.

The Maryland Lottery saw a familiar face return to headquarters in Baltimore after he completed his fifth Pick 5 prize claim worth $50,000 last week.

In May, a Silver Spring resident showed up at Lottery headquarters to claim a combined $200,000 Pick 5 prize from four top prize-winning tickets, each worth $50,000.

He had been playing the same Pick 5 combination every day since the game began, he told the Lottery. Not only that, but he would always buy multiple tickets with the same five-digit combination.

"I picked the numbers, but they are completely random," the 43-year-old explained. "2, 1, 6, 2, 4 just looked and sounded right to me, so I went with it."

When he saw that his method had finally paid off to the tune of four winning tickets in the May 6 midday drawing, he "immediately dropped to [his] knees to thank God for the blessing."

The Hyattsville Convenience Store on University Boulevard East in Adelphi also won out for selling four winning tickets and received a combined $2,000 bonus commission.

On July 10, his luck returned, but not with the same numbers. This time, he entered a different set of numbers in the evening draw — 9-8-5-5-7 — and won the top prize yet again.

The same store that sold him his first four winning tickets this year also sold him the fifth winning $50,000 Pick 5 ticket, and so they are receiving another bonus commission worth $500.

The winner, who works as an automobile repair specialist, said he has no specific plans for his fifth prize, but he does plan to continue playing his favorite lottery game.

The odds of matching all five numbers in exact order to win the $50,000 top prize in Pick 5 are 1 in 100,000. Drawings take place twice a day at 12:28 pm EST and at 7:56 pm EST.

All winning numbers, prizes, and odds are published on Lottery Post's Maryland Lottery Results page right after each drawing.

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014e60 No.72501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197212 (172133ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE 7/19/2023: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation

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Just gonna leave this here

LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023


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014e60 No.72502

File: 0fbc70320ad807d⋯.jpeg (79.35 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197264 (172139ZJUL23) Notable: US comments on Crimean Bridge attack

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Warning, the weirdos are back

17 Jul, 2023 20:12

US comments on Crimean Bridge attack

It is up to Ukraine to decide how to fight, Secretary of State Blinken has said

Washington is “monitoring” the situation with the Kerch Bridge to Crimea, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters on Monday. He did not directly answer whether the US supported Ukraine’s attack on the bridge that killed two civilians and orphaned a 14-year-old girl.

Asked about the strike on the bridge during the State Department press briefing, Blinken said he did not have “anything in particular to offer on that.”

“This is a situation that we’re monitoring,”Blinken told reporters. “I can say, as a general proposition, of course Ukraine has to decide how it conducts this war in defense of its territory, its people, its freedom.”

Russian authorities have said that the bridge was targeted early on Monday by two seaborne drones. The explosion did not damage any of the pillars, but took out one span of the road section as a family was passing by in a car.

Aleksey Kulik, 40, and his wife Natalya, 36 were killed on the spot. Their daughter Angelina, 14, was airlifted to Krasnodar with serious injuries.

“The incident is yet another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday afternoon. “This crime is pointless from the military point of view – since the Crimean Bridge has long not been used for military transport – and brutal, since only innocent civilians were killed and injured.” He vowed a swift and severe retaliation against Ukraine.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the reaction from Kiev “cynical and monstrous,” as some Ukrainian lawmakers and social media users celebrated the deaths of the Kuliks and the suffering of their daughter. According to Ukrainian media, the attack was a joint operation of the Navy and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

It is the second fatal attack by Kiev on the bridge, built in 2018 to connect Crimea to the Russian mainland. Earlier this month, Ukrainian authorities admitted they were behind the October 2022 truck bombing that killed three civilians and damaged both the road and rail spans. Moscow responded by launching missile strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure. The bridge was fully repaired by March 5.

(So the US is giving it’s ok to Ukraine terrorists to kill innocent civilians in Crimea. So are they ok with Isis in how it terrorizes civilians? We have insane leaders. Since Ukraine is losing a land war with Russia its ok to attack civilian infrastructure. The US just gave approval of Russia doing the same thing, or any other country, how about Syria do they have a right to protect its territory, people and freedom, so then they can attack US troops there?)


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014e60 No.72503

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197277 (172142ZJUL23) Notable: Covid-19: Ed Dowd: Black Swan Event - "They can't run from this data!

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highlighting last bread notable missed below



>>>/qresearch/19197132 lb

>>>/qresearch/19197161 lb

Notable - it will not be those who did not take the vax, it is those who took the vax will get violent when they realize they were poisoned

note: below is related


Note: A multifaceted attack from many vectors on the masses who took the vaccine including all the psychological propaganda used such as masks and state restrictions has contributed to this, those lucky enough to get benefits in countries that actually offer them due to disability payment (not easy to get btw) are the ones who are on this recorded state data. how many are not counted and have either had to sell everything or lost it all while they cannot even work to look after themselves. The hidden victims that no one will speak about, not forgetting the suicides.



First published at 18:45 UTC on July 16th, 2023.



Ed Dowd appears on http://CHD.TV:

"This is the greatest cover-up I've ever seen in my life." Disability claims are on the rise, and people are wondering why. "If it's not the vaccine, what is it?" asks Ed Dowd in this episode of 'Friday Roundtable.' He also states, "Some people are going to be, unfortunately, producing spike protein their whole lives."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72504

File: 4e1df2e095e77b4⋯.jpeg (52.44 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197285 (172144ZJUL23) Notable: Interest in Zuckerberg’s (DARPA’s) Twitter rival collapses

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17 Jul, 2023 18:28

Interest in Zuckerberg’s (DARPA’s) Twitter rival collapses

Threads benefited from the Instagram user base, which doesn’t seem to be sticking around

Threads reached 100 million sign-ups within just five days of launch, with Mark Zuckerberg celebrating every step of the way, but the actual usage of Meta’s Twitter clone appears to have fallen off the proverbial cliff, data analysis has shown.

Zuckerberg chose to launch Threads as an Instagram spinoff, prompting the photo platform’s user base to register for the text app when it launched on July 6. The cross-promotion helped the new platform reach ten million users in just seven hours, with Zuckerberg excitedly live-posting the growth.

Within a week, Threads made it to 150 million downloads globally, with India accounting for 33% of the new users and Brazil another 22%, according to Data.ai. Americans made up just 16% of downloads, with Mexico (8%) and Japan (5%) following suit.

In the same time frame, however, Threads saw its daily active users (DAU) collapse by 40% and the average daily time per user dropping fourfold, according to data from SensorTower.Only 16% of users came back on the seventh day after downloading, and time spent on Threads over the weekend was down 60% from its July 6 launch high.

Even at its peak, on July 6, Threads had 85% lower user engagement than Instagram, and underperformed Twitter by 60% in the same metric, SensorTower analysts Abraham Yousef and Seema Shah told The Atlantic last week.

Additional data showed Threads usage collapsing from neatly 20 minutes a day on launch to just five after a week. Meanwhile, Twitter and Instagram both held steady at 30 and 60 minutes, respectively.

“I think there should be a public conversation app with 1 billion+ people on it,” Zuckerberg boasted after the launch of Threads. He also said Meta would be “focusing on kindness and making this a friendly place.”

In practice, this has translated into the kind of censorship already practiced on Facebook and Instagram, with the added prospect of people losing their Instagram accounts if they get banned for Threads posts.

Online data analysts have speculated that an audience interested in photos may not cross over well to text posts, while the Instagram integration has discouraged the anonymous meme accounts that have traditionally been the lifeblood of Twitter.

Fleeting user interest is not the only teething problem affecting Threads. Zuckerberg has already received a cease-and-desist letterfrom Twitter accusing him of plagiarizing their platform. On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee notified Zuckerberg that all of its subpoenas pertaining to Meta colluding with the government to censor people should be considered applicable to Threads as well.

The Atlantic also poured cold water on Threads’ 100-million milestone, noting that the first social network to reach it was Google+, which launched in 2011 but was shuttered in 2019 due to lack of interest.

(It was propagated with bots)


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014e60 No.72505

File: 690431d1ff9d154⋯.png (446.12 KB,696x464,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197301 (172148ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine Grain Deal Expires After Russia Quits

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Ukraine Grain Deal Expires After Russia Quits

July 17, 2023

On Monday, Russia announced its decision to suspend its involvement in an agreement enabling the export of Ukrainian grain. The move has reignited concerns about global food supplies and undermined a rare diplomatic achievement arising from Moscow’s conflict in Ukraine.

The agreement, which was mediated by Turkey and the United Nations in July 2022, was scheduled to expire officially at 5 p.m. ET on Monday.

According to Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for the Kremlin, Russia has no plans to renew the pact.


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014e60 No.72506

File: 102458676aa3cf1⋯.jpeg (116.33 KB,998x628,499:314,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 41f8c4e099ac178⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB,1147x715,1147:715,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197316 (172151ZJUL23) Notable: Bongino: Secret Service Agents ‘Furious’ re Sham Cocaine Investigation “They Know Exactly Who It Was”(VIDEO)

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Dan Bongino: Secret Service Agents Are ‘Absolutely Furious’ Over Sham Cocaine Investigation… “They Know Exactly Who It Was” (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila Jul. 17, 2023

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino said he spoke to some of his former colleagues in the Secret Service and they are absolutely furious about the agency’s cocaine ‘investigation.’

The Secret Service closed its investigation into the Biden White House cocaine scandal without conducting any interviews.

The Secret Service last Thursday concluded its investigation into the cocaine scandal that rocked the White House earlier this month.

No suspect was identified.

According to CNN, the baggy of cocaine was “found in a blind spot for surveillance cameras.”

No fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!

According toSecret Service spokesman Anthony Gugliemi, the agency didn’t interview the 500 potential culprits because it would be a strain on resources.

Dan Bongino said he has received numerous texts and emails from former colleagues in the agency and they are furious over the sham investigation.

Bongino explained how the West Wing is a “limited access” area.

“So there’s probably less than 200 people who could have left this cocaine, by the way, in a bag which is plastic, which is non-porous, meaning it’s probably not that hard to pull a latent print. They’ve got to know who did it. The question is who’s pressuring them to not find out who did it? And it’s gotta be coming from this White House. This is terrible. Don’t destroy this agency like they did the FBI. It’s really unbecoming,” Bongino said.

“A lot of my former colleagues in the Secret Service who retired, they are absolutely furious about this. Oh yeah, yeah, I can tell you — I got 50 emails, communications, texts from people.‘This is embarrassing, humiliating.’These are good guys, man, guys who worked for Obama and Bush, non-partisan guys, most of them aren’t even political. This is embarrassing, they know exactly who it was,” he said.

“Wow! Do these people want it to come out that it was probably Hunter Biden?” Daily Signal reporter Mary Margaret Olohan asked Bongino.

“Well, you know, is it – the question is, is it Hunter or one of his friends? But like here’s the thing. So, I’m in the Secret Service for 12 years, a good amount of times. We never had this problem. So nobody, by Occam’s razor, right, the process of deduction, keep things simple, keep it simple stupid, Occam’s razor. You’ve got this guy, we never found coke in there before. You’ve got a dude who’s doing coke on tape, who’s got a reputation for being a coke addict. He’s living in the White House. He’s there on Friday. The coke’s found there on Sunday, and everybody is like, “Gosh, who could it be,” Bongino said.

Bongino reiterated his concern that the Biden White House was going to destroy faith in the Secret Service.


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014e60 No.72507

File: d5b91c9b624a964⋯.png (167.7 KB,617x651,617:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197367 (172202ZJUL23) Notable: @againstgrmrs: 'CODE CINDY' tag that @CHNNYC puts on minor's files so parents never find out seeking hormones

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Secretly recorded sting op phone call exposes Code Cindy practices to provide minors with trans drugs while hiding it from parents.

Telephone number is included in the video. I bet they end up getting Code Cindy phone calls KEK


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014e60 No.72508

File: 439ee8fcac65800⋯.webp (22.54 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197369 (172202ZJUL23) Notable: Jack Smith Seeks Protective Order to Avoid Trial Delay in Trump Classified Docs Case

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Jack Smith Seeks Protective Order to Avoid Trial Delay in Trump Classified Docs Case

by Cristina Laila Jul. 17, 2023

(So the US is hiding evidence now?)

Special Counsel Jack Smith on Monday sought a classified protective order ahead of a hearing this week in the classified documents case to ‘avoid further delay.’

Jack Smith’s prosecutors asked the court to limit Trump’s access to classified materials related to the case.

The DOJ’s request will be heard at Tuesday’s Classified Information Procedures Act hearing.

Federal prosecutors also said they haven’t received a response from Trump’s legal team since a July 14 request to have a call with Trump and Walt Nauta.

Government lawyers said they filed the motion to ‘avoid further delay.’

The Washington Examiner reported:

The special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case is seeking a protective order ahead of a key hearing this week, saying it’s necessary to “avoid further delay” by the former president’s defense.

In their Monday filing, attorneys for Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith included a proposed protective order for classified information ahead of a Classified Information Procedures Act hearing on Tuesday to decide how sensitive materials involved in the legal proceeding can be protected.

Government attorneys also said they had not heard from Trump’s counsel since a July 14 request to have a call with the defendants “in order to see if it was possible to address the Defendants’ concerns,” according to court records.

“Defense counsel informed the Government that they were not available that day but could find a time for a call the following week,” the government attorneys wrote, adding they were “filing this motion now to avoid further delay.”

In the proposed request, the language of the government’s filing indicated the DOJ wants some materials given to Trump’s lawyers to be off limits to the former president, a request that could prompt Trump to challenge and thereby cause further delay.

Special Counsel Jack Smith recently indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Walt Nauta, a Mar-a-Lago aide, was indicted along with President Trump as a co-conspirator.

Judge Cannon set the trial date for August 14 but Trump’s lawyers asked to indefinitely postpone the trial.

Justice Department lawyers on Thursday filed a motion pushing back on Trump’s legal team and asked the Judge to proceed with jury selection on December 11, 2023.

Joe Biden can’t win the 2024 election against Trump so he sent his Justice Department lawyers after Trump to shut him down and jail him.


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014e60 No.72509

File: 884619229586e68⋯.png (108.95 KB,587x465,587:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197400 (172210ZJUL23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

July 17, 2023

Finding sense in all the noise

Dear Patriots,

It was an interesting weekend on the Republican Primary front. With events hosted by the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa and Turning Point Action Conference in Florida, and attended, at one or the other, by all of the candidates, there was plenty of material to read and think about.

We offer this observation. We have been, since 2016, in the midst of what will be looked back on as a political earthquake. Politics is anything but usual.

Anyone who suggests they can predict what will happen in the next month, much less the next year, is blowing smoke.

There will be hundreds of occurrences between today and November 5, 2024 that will alter the political landscape. It is important that people with calm logic sort it all out and pass that on to others.

Defending The Republic, will strive to be here, offering you information and insight on all of the many ramification of the issues and the election.

1- Another state whose leaders have stepped up and another win for innocent lives.

The Daily Wire

Iowa Governor Signs Six-Week Abortion Ban

2- A small band of dogged people are challenging, one by one, voter registrations in Georgia. So far they have won the challenge, 11,100 times. That is more than enough votes to swing any election.

The National Pulse

Over 10% of Georgia Voter Challenges Are Successful.

3- One of our favorite reporters, Salena Zito, writes about one of our favorite groups, Moms For Liberty, and their impact on elections.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

What do the Moms for Liberty tell us about the women’s vote?

4- People are hungry for information on the Covid-CCP injections so that they can make good decisions in the future about their health.

But, the global cabal of elites are still unwilling to let studies and facts see the light of day.

The Epoch Times

Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by Medical Journal Within 24 Hours

5- We are still basking in the success of this important movie.

The Federalist

‘Sound of Freedom’ Pulls Off Another Miracle During Epic Run at the Box Office



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014e60 No.72510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197403 (172211ZJUL23) Notable: First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Youth Soccer Clinic with Major League Soccer at the White House

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6:30 PM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Youth Soccer Clinic with Major League Soccer at the White House

First Lady Jill Biden hosts a youth soccer clinic with Major League Soccer (MLS) for children and families on the South Lawn of the White House as part of her continued efforts to highlight how sports unites us, and supports and empowers young people.



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014e60 No.72511

File: f07175ada0964f2⋯.jpeg (291.95 KB,892x2121,892:2121,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197405 (172212ZJUL23) Notable: The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath

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The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath....

As a scientist with over 30 years of professional experience in virology, immunology, and vaccines, I prioritize truth and directness in my approach.

I would therefore like to express my concerns regarding the infection-prevention measures and mass vaccination program recommended by the WHO during this pandemic, which I believe lack scientific rationale and should be considered a significant blunder in the history of medicine, public health, and vaccine science.

The WHO ignored the limitations of their recommendations for preventing transmission of a virus that can easily spread in the absence of symptoms. While measures like lockdowns, social distancing, and mask-wearing may initially have saved lives, they have hindered the population from developing herd immunity, leading to the highly problematic propagation of more infectious variants. Instead, PH authorities should have focused on protecting vulnerable individuals from exposure to a high viral load, for instance by avoiding concentrations in nursing homes or improving hygienic conditions in areas with poor sanitation.

While the mass vaccination program initially did save lives, it did not prevent viral transmission as the antibodies (Abs) induced by the C-19 vaccines could not protect from viral infection and shedding. As the mass vaccination campaigns were conducted in the midst of a pandemic, they predictably led to the selection of more infectious immune escape variants that managed to overcome the suboptimal vaccine-induced immunity and therefore spectacularly increased in prevalence. These variants are now posing a global health threat.

In contrast to natural infection, the C-19 vaccines do not activate killing of virus-infected cells by innate immune cells. As a result, vaccinated subjects could solely rely on vaccine-induced anti-spike antibodies for protection. Although the C-19 vaccines largely protect from severe C- 19 disease, they do not prevent viral infection and transmission, allowing the virus to escape from the vaccine-induced antibodies and cause vaccine breakthrough infections (VBTIs). Since the advent of Omicron, these VBTIs have now triggered a self-fueling cascade of viral immune escape and turned a natural pandemic into an ever-evolving immune escape pandemic, instead of driving the virus into endemicity.

Nevertheless, influential scientific experts who even published that the virus could escape from the immune pressure exerted by vaccine-induced Abs relentlessly supported the concept of conducting mass vaccination campaigns during the pandemic.

Although molecular epidemiologists have unambiguously shown that the selected mutations converge to specific spike protein domains that are under population-level immune pressure, none of them is willing to attribute this immune pressure to the C-19 vaccines targeting the very spike protein.

Although the hospitalization and mortality rates are now much lower than those observed during the pre-Omicron era, more infectious variants continue to spread. This is prompting concerns about the emergence of immune escape variants with enhanced virulence that could compromise protection against severe C-19 disease. Are we witnessing a kind of silence before the storm? And why has the WHO been urging countries across the globe to prepare for new surges or for a new pandemic with an even deadlier potential?


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014e60 No.72512

File: c2f0b899f555c7c⋯.png (435.08 KB,578x790,289:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197406 (172212ZJUL23) Notable: Maryland Gains On Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters

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Maryland Gains On Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters

▶ New criteria marks big win for Maryland Governor Wes Moore

▶ FBI headquarters move has become a political football


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014e60 No.72513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197407 (172212ZJUL23) Notable: The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath

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Because the virus continuously escaped from the immune response induced in highly vaccinated populations, there was a need for WHO and national PH agencies to change definitions of vaccine, immunity, herd immunity and ‘being vaccinated’, all of this to make vaccinated people believe that the C-19 vaccines were still highly efficacious amid the presence of immune escape variants. For much too long, PH experts have willfully ignored that natural immunity in the unvaccinated can acquire sterilizing capacity and that the unvaccinated are therefore not a breeding ground for more infectious immune escape variants.

In conclusion, large-scale infection-prevention measures and mass vaccination campaigns, as recommended by the WHO, cannot effectively control pandemics caused by acute, self-limiting viral infections like corona or influenza virus. Instead, they prevent the population from developing herd immunity and perpetuate the pandemic. This situation should be considered a dangerous gain-of-function experiment, impacting humanity.

While it is not for me to decide whether the WHO's recommendations constitute a crime against humanity, I am deeply concerned about the scientific integrity of these recommendations. They are an insult to independent scientists, who have been advocating for an open and scientifically-driven dialogue but have instead been unduly silenced, ridiculed, or even censored. The reckless implementation of WHO’s recommendations by national health authorities and lawmakers and propagandized by the mainstream media and scientifically illiterate factcheckers has been a slap in the face of all citizens who’ve been coerced into taking the risky jab.

2 of 2

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014e60 No.72514

File: 07f69cd95eea98a⋯.png (498.22 KB,742x878,371:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197408 (172213ZJUL23) Notable: Maryland Gains On Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters

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Erik Wasson


Story : Maryland Gains Ground Over Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters


2:51 PM · Jul 14, 2023


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014e60 No.72515

File: ca571228d305c92⋯.jpeg (186.75 KB,892x1391,892:1391,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197412 (172214ZJUL23) Notable: FTC Digs Deeper into Pfizer’s $43B Buyout of Seagen

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FTC Digs Deeper into Pfizer’s $43B Buyout of Seagen


FTC Digs Deeper into Pfizer’s $43B Buyout of Seagen

Pictured: FTC sign above a doorway/iStock, Gromit702

Pictured: FTC sign above a doorway/iStock, Gromit702

The Federal Trade Commission has requested additional information on Pfizer’s proposed acquisition of Seagen, the cancer-focused biotech revealed in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing posted Friday.

In the SEC document, Seagen disclosed that the FTC’s request will further extend the waiting period, as mandated by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Acts of 1976, by 30 days after both Pfizer and Seagen have turned over the additional information.

The companies still expect to close the deal this year or in early 2024, subject to regulatory approvals. Pfizer and Seagen have also sought approval for the planned acquisition from the European Commission.

Rumors of a Seagen buyout first started circulating in June 2022, when the company reportedly entered into talks with Merck. The negotiation progressed to advanced stages a month later, with Merck proposing a payout of at least $200 per share, which would have made the acquisition worth $40 billion.

However, by August 2022, Seagen’s talks with Merck had reached a stalemate as both companies failed to agree on a deal price.

The deal with Merck eventually fizzled out and in February 2023 news that Pfizer was courting Seagen surfaced. The companies confirmed the rumors a month later, announcing that the Washington-based biotech agreed to a purchase price of $229 per share or $43 billion, making it one of the biggest deals ever in biotech.

In June 2023, Seagen announced in an SEC filing that Pfizer withdrew its initial application with the FTC, but refiled a similar document later the same day.

Regulators have recently increased scrutiny on high-value deals. In May 2023, the FTC filed a lawsuit that sought to block the planned $28 billion merger between Amgen and rare disease leader Horizon Therapeutics.

The regulator’s chief concern is that Amgen might offer “cross-market bundles or bundled rebates” and leverage its blockbuster assets to win better formulary placements for Horizon’s Tepezza (teprotumumab-trbw) and Krystexxa (pegloticase).

Holly Vedova, director of the FTC Bureau of Competition also said in a statement released alongside the lawsuit that “rampant consolidation” in the industry has emboldened pharmaceuticals companies to jack up drug prices and keep generic competitors out of the market, which in turn makes affordable medicines less accessible to patients.

Amgen has called the FTC’s bundling concerns “entirely speculative” and earlier this month the two companies filed a counter suit against the regulator, claiming that its blockage of the acquisition is unconstitutional.

Tristan Manalac is an independent science writer based in metro Manila, Philippines. He can be reached at tristan@tristanmanalac.com or tristan.manalac@biospace.com.

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014e60 No.72516

File: 95e8cff338e02a7⋯.png (34.08 KB,579x389,579:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197414 (172214ZJUL23) Notable: Maryland Gains On Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters

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Rep. Jim Jordan Retweeted

Coach Tommy Tuberville@SenTuberville


House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸·Jul 14

Huntsville, Alabama or nothing.


8:57 AM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197416 (172215ZJUL23) Notable: FTC Digs Deeper into Pfizer’s $43B Buyout of Seagen

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more sauce

Pfizer’s $43 Billion Seagen Takeover Faces EU Investigation


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014e60 No.72518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197425 (172216ZJUL23) Notable: 6/09/22 Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19 DIG

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Fact check: False claims about Pfizer vaccine stem from company's release of 80,000 pages of documents

The claim: 80,000 pages of Pfizer data show the vaccine has a 12% efficacy rate, harms fetuses

As the spring saw another surge of coronavirus cases across the country, healthcare officials are urging people to get vaccinated. But some social media posts are spreading false claims that the Pfizer vaccine is both ineffective and dangerous.

"Pfizer data released today. 80,000 pages. Pfizer knew vaccine harmed the fetus in pregnant women, and that the vaccine was not 95% effective," reads an Instagram post shared May 4. "Pfizer data shows it having a 12% efficacy rate."

These claims were made two days after more than 80,000 pages of Pfizer COVID data was made public. The data was released as part of an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, according to Abigail Capobianco, a spokesperson for the Food and Drug Administration

The post generated over 4,000 likes in less than a week – but has since apparently been deleted. Similar claims have amassed hundreds of interactions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

But the claim is wrong on multiple fronts.

USA TODAY could not verify whether the claimed 12% efficacy rate was in the 80,000 pages Pfizer released. None of the social media claims have provided documentation showing that figure. But multiple experts told USA TODAY the claims about the vaccine's low efficacy rate stem from misinterpretations of Pfizer's 2020 phase three clinical trial.

The trial actually showed an efficacy rate of 95%. Extensive Pfizer research studies on the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine do not validate the 12% figure in the claim either.

It is also unclear from which document the claim about the vaccine harming fetuses originates. But multiple studies and CDC reports show the Pfizer vaccine is safe for fetuses.


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014e60 No.72519

File: 39f7f6f7fa62ec2⋯.png (71.68 KB,1044x591,348:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197429 (172217ZJUL23) Notable: The Musk-Zuck App War: Threads Reaches 150 Million Users, Accused of Censoring Americans and Spying on Them

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The Musk-Zuck App War: Threads Reaches 150 Million Users, Accused of Censoring Americans and Spying on Them

While the actual physical combat between them seems to have been put away for the time being, the Elon Musk-Mark Zuckerberg rivalry has probably never been more acute, with new Meta app ‘Threads’ directly threatening Musk’s ‘Twitter 2.0’ with its new-found appreciation for free-speech.

Elon Musk, who took over Twitter last fall, as we know, has threatened to sue Meta for misappropriation of trade secrets in its development of Threads.

Piggybacking on a in-built connection to Instagram that automatically gives the platform potential access to two billion users, Threads has now reportedly reached 150 million users.

As it’s already been reported, to dump your Threads profile, which is embedded in Instagram, you must also delete your Instagram account. App or trap?

As you would expect from a Meta product, the ‘specificity and quantity of information’ Thread can access ‘poses a risk to most users, if it falls into the wrong hands or is used to target them’. ‘This is a hacker’s dream’, an expert says.

National Post reported:

“Threads falls under Meta’s wider privacy policy that covers its other social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram. That policy details how Meta captures everything from the information you give it when you sign up for accounts, to what you click on or like, who you befriend online and what kind of phone, computer or tablet you use to access its products.”

They are also keeping tabs on messages you send and receive, details on purchases you make that include credit card information.

“Threads also has its own supplemental privacy policy, which says ‘we collect information about your activity on Threads, including the content you create, the types of content you view or interact with and how you interact with it, metadata about your content, the Threads features you use and how you use them, the hashtags you use, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities on Threads’.

The privacy policy Threads has embedded in Apple’s app store shows it may collect, and link to your identity, data including your health and fitness, financial, browsing history, location and contact information, along with the broad category of ‘sensitive information’.”

This nightmarish amount of spying on costumers has become ‘standard practice’ for such companies.

“Asked about the app’s privacy concerns, Meta referred The Canadian Press to Threads posts from its chief privacy officer Rob Sherman, where he argued its privacy measures ‘are similar to the rest of our social apps, including Instagram, in that our apps receive whatever information you share in the app — including the categories of data listed in the App Store’.”

And the data collection is far from the only problem detected on Threads. Republican House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, expanding his committee’s investigation into Big Tech’s collusion with the federal government to censor American speech, wrote Zuck.

The Federalist reported:

“On Monday, the Ohio lawmaker sent a letter to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg demanding details surrounding the company’s communication with federal officials as the Facebook founder launches his new platform alternative to Twitter, ‘Threads’.

‘Given that Meta has censored First Amendment-protected speech as a result of government agencies’ requests and demands in the past’, Jordan wrote, ‘the Committee is concerned about potential First Amendment violations that have occurred or will occur on the Threads platform’.”


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014e60 No.72520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197433 (172217ZJUL23) Notable: 6/09/22 Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19 DIG

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USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the claim for comment.

12% calculation of efficacy rate based on misinterpretation of data

It's not clear where the 12% efficacy rate comes from, since both the FDA and Pfizer declined to comment on whether it was in the release. But experts told USA TODAY the incorrect figure is based on a misinterpretation of data in a 2020 Pfizer clinical trial.

The most recent version of this claim stems from an April 3 Substack article published by investigative reporter Sonia Elijah with the headline, "Was Pfizer's 95% vaccine efficacy fraudulent all along?," according to Jeffrey Morris, the director of the Division of Biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania.

In the article, Elijah references a 53-page December 2020 Pfizer FDA briefing, which was released to the public one week before the advisory committee meeting on December 10 of that year, Morris said. It is not part of the recent Pfizer document release.

The phase three trial in the briefing involved close to 38,000 participants who were separated into two groups: half who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and half who received a placebo.

Out of this group, 3,410 people, 1,594 in the vaccine group and 1,816 in the placebo group–were suspected of having COVID but were unconfirmed, meaning the participants had symptoms after they had received the injections, but did not have a positive PCR test, Morris said.

One hundred sixty-two participants in the placebo group and 8 participants from the vaccine group tested positive for COVID-19 after the injections.

The vaccine efficacy rate, calculated by dividing only the participants who tested positive for the virus in both groups, came out to be 95%. Elijah claimed that the real vaccine efficacy rate should have been 12%, basing her calculation off participants in the suspected but unconfirmed group.

The 12% claim later became a viral take, according to Morris.

But her interpretation of the data is wrong since she included people who had symptoms of COVID-19 but not the virus itself, Dr. Howard Forman, a professor of public health policy, management and economics at Yale University, told USA TODAY.

"She has shown that the vaccine seems to have very low efficacy for non-COVID illness, which is precisely what we would expect," Forman said. "The vaccine does not work against a non-COVID cough. Or a non-COVID headache."

The suspected but unconfirmed cases should not be figured into the vaccine efficacy data analysis, Forman said.

USA TODAY reached out to Elijah for comment.

Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19

Numerous peer review studies and real-world examples have shown the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine, according to Dr. Amesh Adalja, infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University.

In a 2021 study, researchers found that Pfizer vaccine efficacy against Covid-19 was 91.3% among trial participants 12 years and older "without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection" through a period of six months.

Another study published that same year found that the Pfizer vaccine was more than 90% effective at preventing COVID-19 in children ages 5-11.


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014e60 No.72521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197447 (172220ZJUL23) Notable: 6/09/22 Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19 DIG

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Research has also shown that the vaccine's protection against the virus wanes over time and should be complemented with a booster. A 2022 study found that patients who only received two shots of the Pfizer vaccine were limited in their protection against the Omicron variant compared to those who received three shots.

The risk arising from not getting the vaccine is much greater than being vaccinated, Scott Pauley, a spokesperson for the CDC, previously told USA TODAY. A 2021 CDC report found that people were five times more likely to have COVID-19 if they were unvaccinated and had prior infection.

Vaccines are safe for fetuses

It is unclear where the claim about the vaccine harming fetuses originates. But to date, the FDA and CDC have not identified any safety concerns about harm or harm to fetuses following administration of any of the COVID-19 vaccines, said Capobianco, the FDA spokesperson.

A 2021 CDC report found that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy was not associated with increased risk for preterm birth or small-for-gestational-age at birth.

Fact check: No evidence Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines cause miscarriage

A CDC report published in 2022 also found that patients who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and are pregnant may help "prevent COVID-19 hospitalization among infants" less than six months old.

There are pregnancy complications women can face if they are exposed to COVID-19, such as "delivering a preterm (earlier than 37 weeks) or stillborn infant," according to the CDC.

“COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now or might become pregnant in the future,” reads the agency's website.

Our rating: False

Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that 80,000 pages of Pfizer data show the vaccine has a 12% efficacy rate.

USA TODAY could not verify whether the 12% figure was in the 80,000 pages Pfizer released May 2. But experts said the 12% figure stems from an incorrect interpretation of a 2020 Pfizer clinical trial document.

The actual efficacy rate of the vaccine in the trial showed it was 95%. No research studies validate the 12% efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine. Multiple studies also show that the Pfizer vaccine is safe for fetuses.

Our fact-check sources:

Kit Longley, May 6, Email exchange with USA TODAY

Jeffrey Morris, May 6, Phone interview with USA TODAY

Amesh Adalja, May 6, Phone interview with USA TODAY

Howard Forman, May 6, Phone interview with USA TODAY

Abigail Capobianco, May 6, Email exchange with USA TODAY

COVID-19 Data Science, accessed May 6, Do the recent 80k pages of Pfizer documents released really show vaccine efficacy was only 12%?

ABC10, Nov. 19, 2021, FDA says 55 years to process request for extensive vaccine data under Freedom of Information Act

NBC5 Chicago, May 7, As New Omicron Subvariant Spreads, Here Are the Symptoms to Watch For

Food and Drug Administration, Dec. 10, 2020, Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting

USA TODAY, Nov. 10. 2021, Fact check: Fabricated story that Pfizer CEO was arrested for COVID-19 vaccine fraud

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, accessed May 9, Pfizer's documents

New England Journal Medicine, Dec. 10, 2020, Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine

New England Journal, Sept. 15, 2021, Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months

New England Journal, Nov. 9, 2021, Evaluation of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 5 to 11 Years of Age

USA TODAY, Dec. 2, 2021, Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines safe for children, not linked to deaths

Science, Jan. 18, Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron by BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine–elicited human sera

Yale Medicine, Feb. 24, 2021, Comparing the COVID-19 Vaccines: How Are They Different?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jan. 7, Receipt of COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy and Preterm or Small-for-Gestational-Age at Birth — Eight Integrated Health Care Organizations, United States, December 15, 2020–July 22, 2021

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Feb. 18, Effectiveness of Maternal Vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy Against COVID-19–Associated Hospitalization in Infants Aged

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 3, Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People

3 of 3

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014e60 No.72522

File: 95ffb9d0750b36e⋯.png (403.5 KB,1284x903,428:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197467 (172226ZJUL23) Notable: AZ Judge Lee Jantzen rules in @AbrahamHamadeh case and can’t even name the correct office for the ruling

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__Richard Grenell·3m

What incompetence!

Arizona Judge Lee Jantzen rules in the

@AbrahamHamadeh case and can’t even name the correct office for the ruling.

He says @krismayes is the current Secretary of State…

The Arizona legal community must demand competence from their courts. #embarrassing

6:15 PM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72523

File: 23bf5e154b0cc3f⋯.png (135.22 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197475 (172227ZJUL23) Notable: FDA Approves Opill Daily Oral Contraceptive Targeting Low-Income Women, Teens, & Minority Groups

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FDA Approves Opill Daily Oral Contraceptive Targeting Low-Income Women, Teens, & Minority Groups

July 17, 2023

On Thursday (July 13, 2023) the Food and Drug Administration, approved its first every over-the-counter birth control pill in a landmark decision aimed at allowing more women and girls in the U.S. an alternative to prevent unintended pregnancies without prescription.

The Opill, otherwise known as the mini pill, is reported to contain only one progestin hormone whereas other pills on the market contain both progestin and estrogen. FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research director, Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, said in a press release:

“Today’s approval marks the first time a nonprescription daily oral contraceptive will be an available option for millions of people in the United States. When used as directed, daily oral contraception is safe and is expected to be more effective than currently available nonprescription contraceptive methods in preventing unintended pregnancy.”

Expected to make it on store shelves between January and March 2024, the minipill is being hailed as ‘historic’ among advocacy and medical groups; namely Free the Pill and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which have been lobbying for years for an over-the-counter birth control pill.

Anit-abortion advocates such as Students for Life maintain the position: "Because our mission is to abolish abortion, Students for Life of America does not take a stance on the morality of non-abortifacient contraceptives' like hormonal birth control pills.” Adding, “While the intention of women who consume these types of birth control isn’t to end life but prevent the creation of new life, we believe in trusting the science and proceeding with caution.”

Yet the March for Life organization, organizers of an annual march on Washington D.C. event with thousands pro-life activists, argued for many years that hormonal birth control caused abortion. March for Life advocates believe that “the use of any birth control method that prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg in the womb is the equivalent of abortion.”

Raising concerns for alarm, the FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee are concerned about how obese women may be impacted by the Opill, since its initial study was conducted in 1960 when obesity statistics were closer to 13%. According to the research, “Obese women who take oral contraceptives have an increased risk of blood clots.”

Because the Opill will be an over-the-counter alternative, doctors will not have the opportunity to explain to patients the importance of taking the pill in proper daily dosages; presenting another reason for concern. Patrick Lockwood-Taylor, President and CEO of Opill said: “Opill has the potential to radically transform women's access to contraception.”

However, according to Dr. Sarah Hill, a psychologist specializing in women’s health, these altered hormones may re-wire brain circuits related to love and sex and serve as a gateway in transforming straight women into lesbians because of its ability to suppress the body’s natural production of sex hormones after replacing them with a synthetic version.


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014e60 No.72524

File: b852f441a6b0052⋯.png (292.18 KB,477x667,477:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197530 (172241ZJUL23) Notable: @AF_Rifle: 17th All-American in program history

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’s Peninah D’Souza earned All-American honors after a 6th place finish at NCAA Championships, making her the 1️7️th All-American in program history‼️


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014e60 No.72525

File: 88b379f8fa8b522⋯.png (1.17 MB,1497x2072,1497:2072,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197531 (172241ZJUL23) Notable: @GOPoversight: FBI testimony reveals lengths DOJ willing go cover up 4 Bidens

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Oversight Committee @GOPoversight


Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation.

The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview.

In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.

The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation.

The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens. The Oversight Committee, along with the @JudiciaryGOP and @WaysandMeansGOP, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.

6:08 PM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72526

File: 679d9e2c4688069⋯.jpeg (76.53 KB,601x393,601:393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197547 (172244ZJUL23) Notable: White House praises cocaine probe after case goes unsolved

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17 Jul, 2023 21:53

White House praises cocaine probe after case goes unsolved

Amid claims of a coverup, President Joe Biden’s press secretary has insisted the Secret Service did a “thorough” investigation

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has given the Secret Service a vote of confidence for its “thorough” probe of the cocaine found in the West Wing earlier this month, even as Republican lawmakers and other critics suggest that investigators avoided identifying a suspect before dropping the case last week.

Asked by a reporter on Monday how President Joe Biden reacted to the news that investigators failed to solve the case, Jean-Pierre said, “I’m just not going to opine on this, not going to get into specifics on this. We believe the Secret Service did a thorough investigation. We’ve been briefed on the outcome. They shared the details in a public statement, which I think is important for the American people to hear directly from the Secret Service, who did the investigation.”

The Secret Service announced on Thursday that it was ending the investigation because there was no physical evidence in the case and no surveillance footage that would provide any leads. A plastic bag of cocaine was found in the West Wing on July 2, while Biden and his family were visiting the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland.

"Can you just talk about [Biden's] reaction when he learned that the [cocaine] investigation did not end with a suspect?"KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "No"

US Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) said members of Congress have gotten “no answers” on the case from the Secret Service. He and other Republicans have questioned how the agency couldn’t determine who brought a dangerous substance into one of the most secure buildings in the world.

Cotton said the investigation was concluded without even interviewing Biden’s cocaine-addicted son, Hunter Biden. The younger Biden and other family members were reportedly seen at the White House – contrary to a previous claim by Jean-Pierre – two days before the drug was found. “This is like if Hamburglar lived in the White House, all the hamburgers disappeared, and they said they didn’t have any suspects or no one they could question,” Cotton said on Sunday in a Fox News interview.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) reacted to the Secret Service’s statement on Thursday by calling the probe a “farce.” He told Fox News: “You can’t tell me in the White House, with 24/7 surveillance in a cubby hole by a Situation Room that they don’t know who delivered it there. We should get an answer to the question.”

It just seems to me that in America today anything involving Biden Inc. gets treated differently than anything else, and that shouldn’t be the case.

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine pointed out on Sunday that the Biden administration had no hesitance in rounding up hundreds of people “for just being in the vicinity of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.” In contrast, the Secret Service declined to interview any of the potential suspects who were in the West Wing, citing concerns over civil liberties.

“They didn’t find anyone because they didn’t want to find anyone,” former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernie Kerik told Devine.

.@dbongino weighs in on the White House cocaine mystery: "A lot of my former colleagues in the Secret Service...they are absolutely furious about this....These are good guys, guys who worked for Obama and Bush...they know exactly who it was."

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, now a conservative podcast host, said the case was easily solvable, and he believes the White House pressured the agency “to not find out who did it.” He said other former Secret Service agents are “furious” about the failed probe. “You’re going to destroy faith in this elite agency.”

(Hunter looks high and Jill is trying to calm him down! Who dresses her?)


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014e60 No.72527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197556 (172246ZJUL23) Notable: The Constitution in Hard Times with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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The Constitution in Hard Times with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


Streamed live on Jul 15, 2023

RFK Jr starts at 4:00


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014e60 No.72528

File: 8d61e497e1f2e0f⋯.jpg (127.3 KB,594x766,297:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197563 (172247ZJUL23) Notable: @GOPoversight: FBI testimony reveals lengths DOJ willing go cover up 4 Bidens

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Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation.

The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview.

In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.

The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation.

The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens. The Oversight Committee, along with the




, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197570 (172248ZJUL23) Notable: Dems Pols Want to Pack the Court, But Dem Voters Support Affirmative Action Ruling

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Dems Pols Want to Pack the Court, But Dem Voters Support Affirmative Action Ruling

Barely one-in-five voters think affirmative action programs have been successful, and about two-thirds approve of the Supreme Court’s decision striking down racial favoritism in university admissions.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of the court’s ruling in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard case, including 49% who Strongly Approve. Twenty-eight percent (28%) disapprove of the Supreme Court’s decision, including 16% who Strongly Disapprove.

Rasmussen Reports

Jul 17, 2023 5:41


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014e60 No.72530

File: 28cc8519c412429⋯.png (257.15 KB,980x804,245:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a270e7be93b4c3⋯.png (284.56 KB,994x881,994:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197581 (172250ZJUL23) Notable: Jury Convicts Former San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Gen Mngr Felony Bribery & Bank Fraud Charges

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Jury Convicts Former San Francisco Public Utilities Commission General Manager of Felony Bribery and Bank Fraud Charges


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014e60 No.72531

File: 18539ff363616ac⋯.png (253.22 KB,996x827,996:827,Clipboard.png)

File: cf0a7d00c11082c⋯.png (138.39 KB,1020x476,15:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197587 (172251ZJUL23) Notable: Former San Francisco Senior Building Inspector Sentenced to Prison Term for Accepting Illegal Gratuities

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Former San Francisco Senior Building Inspector Sentenced to Prison Term for Accepting Illegal Gratuities


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014e60 No.72532

File: 67e0953be7eb889⋯.png (7.07 MB,3466x2262,1733:1131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197595 (172253ZJUL23) Notable: On International Drag Day on Sunday, West Hollywood introduced its first-ever drag laureate

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Blows the needle of the Queer meter across the dial and wraps it round the pin

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (KABC) - On International Drag Day on Sunday, West Hollywood introduced its first-ever drag laureate.

City officials presented Pickle as the laureate during a ceremony on Sunday.

She was unanimously picked to enhance the presence and appreciation of drag culture and arts in West Hollywood.

Pickle will serve in the role for two years.

"My goal is to empower more and more drag artists in the city of West Hollywood to spread their wings," she said at the ceremony. "This is the moment the world is watching drag free itself from the shadows. As drag artists, this is the moment to challenge ourselves. To test the limits of our creativity."

Pickle will also be an ambassador for the city, celebrating the qualities of West Hollywood and doing community outreach.


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014e60 No.72533

File: 8918c3d6ec6d952⋯.png (320.37 KB,850x706,425:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197597 (172253ZJUL23) Notable: BofA And Others Share Records With FBI Without A Warrant "All The Time", Director Wray Admits

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BofA And Others Share Records With FBI Without A Warrant "All The Time", Director Wray Admits

Among the doublespeak and other bombshells disclosed by FBI Director Christopher Wray during testimony to the House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, one particularly disturbing detail he released was that the FBI "regularly obtains innocent Americans’ personal data from companies with the intent of potentially charging them with crimes," the Federalist reported last week.

At a time when many Americans are wondering why they should stick with Elon Musk at Twitter instead of joining Mark Zuckerberg over at the newly minted Threads, here's one potential reason.

Wray told Congress that Bank of America provided them with a “huge list” of financial records for Americans who used B of A cards around the capitol on January 6th. That's right: no warrants, no court hearings, just blindly turning over records when the FBI asks.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie asked Wray at the hearing: “George Hill, former FBI supervisory intelligence analyst in the Boston field office, told us that the Bank of America, with no legal process, gave to the FBI gun purchase records with no geographical boundaries for anybody that was a Bank of America customer. Is that true?”

To which Wray replied: “A number of business community partners all the time, including financial institutions, share information with us about possible criminal activity, and my understanding is that that’s fully lawful.”

"Those who had ever purchased a firearm with a Bank of America card" were highlighted at the top of the list, the report says. Wray said the data was “shared with field offices for information only”.


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014e60 No.72534

File: bff1d4c5b2cd718⋯.png (105.65 KB,606x350,303:175,Clipboard.png)

File: bffeff145dc508c⋯.png (535.54 KB,1377x501,459:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197605 (172255ZJUL23) Notable: Lessons from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

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Lessons from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

French President Emmanuel Macron has hosted the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact on June 22-23 in Paris “to rethink the global financial architecture” and to mobilize financial support for developing and low income countries (DLICs) facing the challenges posed by excessive debt, climate change, and poverty. Despite the grand title of the gathering, it has just produced a road map—basically a list of events and meetings in the next year and a half—and a score of progress reports on previous pledges by countries and international organizations.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72535

File: bafd202c50ea01b⋯.jpg (67.45 KB,943x311,943:311,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197608 (172255ZJUL23) Notable: Dem megadonor drops six-figure donation in Tesla stock backing Biden's re-election bid

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Dem megadonor drops six-figure donation in Tesla stock backing Biden's re-election bid

A Democrat megadonor recently dropped over $100,000 worth of Tesla stock into a joint fundraising committee authorized by President Biden's campaign.

On June 30, the Biden Victory Fund reported an "In-Kind: gift of Tesla stock received" in the amount of $100,148.94 from Karla Jurvetson, a California-based physician, according to Federal Election Commission records released Saturday.

Jurvetson, who volunteered on campaigns for former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is a major Democratic donor who has already donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to progressive causes and candidates across the country this year.


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014e60 No.72536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197637 (172301ZJUL23) Notable: Lessons from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

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The WB also outlined a toolkit that had been in the works for some time and includes offering a pause in debt repayments during extreme climate events

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014e60 No.72537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197651 (172303ZJUL23) Notable: 6/09/22 Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19 DIG

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Canada #36

>>>/qresearch/17509769 Moderna CEO and AstraZeneca Official Reveal Shocking Secrets to COVID Vaccines After Romanian MEP Cristian Terheș Grills Them

>>>/qresearch/17544821 World Health Organization no longer cares about the health of Children & is endangering them by manipulating Scientific Studies

Canada #37

>>>/qresearch/17725110 Have you guys ever read the official Pfizer vaccine (COMIRNATY) explanation? Most of the basis of safety testing has been on a few RATS

>>>/qresearch/17885299 Health Canada admits Pfizer vaccine never tested for efficacy in preventing COVID infection

>>>/qresearch/17954522 SAFE and EFFECTIVE: New Scientific Study Finds Nearly 1 in 4 Women Have Problems with Menstrual Cycle after Taking mRNA Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/17981085 As The Gateway Pundit Reported for Over a Year Now – FDA Finally Admits Pfizer Covid Vaccine Causes Blood Clots

>>>/qresearch/17998703 Rebel News' reporter catches senior Pfizer executive spreading misinformation about COVID jabs (video)

>>>/qresearch/18008068 Safety data for novel COVID-19 injections still years away, FDA docs show

>>>/qresearch/18068213 Pathologist Proves COVID Shot Causes Blood Clots in Microscope

>>>/qresearch/17875795 Google, YouTube Invest $12 Million in Global Fact-Checking Media Network • ‘Misinformation’ means anything that runs counter to the regime’s narratives

Canada #40

>>42896 On Covid-19 and beyond, Western democracies are deploying military-grade propaganda to fight dissent

>>42922 Associated Press and U.S. Military Intelligence Join Forces To Try To Discredit Viral #DiedSuddenly Trend

>>42958 Novel pharmaceutical products are driving variants and infections, warns epidemiologist (video)

>>43119 Natural Immunity Better Than COVID Vaccination Against Omicron: CDC Study Admits

>>42934 German State-Sponsored Media Building Worldwide Project Against “Increasing Disinformation”

>>43168 Canadian MPs summon Google executives to Ottawa to explain reasons for blocking news content

>>43204 Russell Brand Destroys MSNBC Analyst, Big Pharma Over COVID Vaccines And MSNBC’s Bias

>>43210 United Nations calls for ‘global guidelines’ to combat ‘disinformation’ on social media

>>43213 New Report Ties Biden Regime Funding to the International Fund for Public Interest Media to Censor and Silence Alternative Media

>>42897 CONFIRMED!!! Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Found Guilty Of Misinformation By UK Regulator (video)

>>43028 Timeline to Death: Ultra MAGA Party Releases Damning Video on Pfizer COVID Vaccine Performance (video)

>>43174 Pfizer Confirms It Ended COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Trial Early

>>43117 Dr. James Thorp Discusses New Peer-Reviewed Study on COVID Vaccines Dangerous Effects on Reproductive Health (video)

>>43139 Medicare Data Shows The COVID Vaccines Increase Your Chance Of Dying

>>43167 Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents

>>43192 Pfizer kills Children for Profit: COVID Vaccine causes 17x increase in Child Deaths across Europe

>>43215 Dr Robert Malone + Darrell O. Ricke Published A Paper With The Conclusion = COVID-19 Vaccines Were Too Deadly To Be Given To Humans • In January 2020 (with .pdf)

>>43599 International Experts to Speak in EU Parliament on Covid Response and mRNA ‘Vaccines’ | ICS3 May 3

>>43654 Canada’s health officials knew COVID jabs would not prevent transmission before gov’t mandates

Canada #42

>>43525 CBC admits contacting social media companies to censor online user content

>>43684 Survey Shows Media’s Incredible Influence On People’s Opinions Which Are Based Upon Gross Ignorance!

>>43719 Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid “Disinformation” On Dec. 16, 2019 • Two Weeks Before WHO Supposedly Knew Covid "Existed"

>>43720, >>43723 Canada’s Liberals discuss proposal to censor news websites whose sources can’t be ‘traced’ (video)

>>43607 Pfizer funded a CDC “behavior change” project that targeted vaccine critics

>>43805 Is this the End of Press Freedom in Canada? • Ottawa requiring all information posted online to be government-approved should be concerning to all citizens

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014e60 No.72538

File: db98aa7b2ae3501⋯.jpg (67.63 KB,988x377,76:29,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197652 (172303ZJUL23) Notable: Biden - Harris Admin Announces $150M States to Train Residential Energy Efficiency Contractors

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(Speaking of)

Biden- Harris Administration Announces $150 Million for States to Train Residential Energy Efficiency Contractors Through Investing in America

Funded by the President’s Inflation Reduction Act, the State-Based Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Grants Program will provide $150 million in grants for states to reduce the cost of training, testing, and certifying residential energy efficiency and electrification contractors.


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014e60 No.72539

File: 46250969ef65eb3⋯.png (2.07 MB,1830x1125,122:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197684 (172309ZJUL23) Notable: Today is the 34th anniversary of the First Flight of the B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER

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Today is the 34th anniversary of the First Flight of the B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER ✈️ 💣


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014e60 No.72540

File: 7e6c3807cda7197⋯.png (134.7 KB,590x397,590:397,Clipboard.png)

File: b5a96e3055fa57b⋯.png (450.93 KB,676x521,676:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 5040c35835860e8⋯.png (1.1 MB,1689x1070,1689:1070,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197693 (172311ZJUL23) Notable: Kash's Criminal Referral of Representative Dan Goldman

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Kash's Criminal Referral of Representative Dan Goldman





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014e60 No.72541

File: fbacadceff42e13⋯.png (22.98 KB,543x264,181:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197694 (172311ZJUL23) Notable: @GOPoversight: FBI testimony reveals lengths DOJ willing go cover up 4 Bidens

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72542

File: 581db8a61643fb1⋯.jpg (128.04 KB,659x661,659:661,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197717 (172314ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump Rakes in Over $35 Million During Second Quarter Fundraising

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Donald Trump Rakes in Over $35 Million During Second Quarter Fundraising

The more than $35 million raised between April 1 and June 30 is nearly double the $18.8 million his campaign raised during the year’s first quarter. The fundraising was split between Trump’s campaign and his Save America PAC


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014e60 No.72543

File: 1d2d383d27bbc84⋯.png (114.99 KB,979x658,979:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197724 (172315ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis: he will tear up Biden's 'horrendous' treatment of Israel, slams the left

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014e60 No.72544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197737 (172317ZJUL23) Notable: Megyn Kelly on Her Private Conversations with Trump and Tucker

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Megyn Kelly on Her Private Conversations with Trump and Tucker

...begins the show by discussing her weekend at the Turning Point Action conference where she met privately with former President Trump and Tucker Carlson, and she announces the upcoming interview with Gov. Ron DeSantis happening next week.

Megyn Kelly

Jul 17, 2023 12:52


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014e60 No.72545

File: ebc0b8b8c757c9a⋯.png (444.56 KB,732x773,732:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197759 (172322ZJUL23) Notable: Megyn Kelly on Her Private Conversations with Trump and Tucker

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Megyn Kelly fawns over Donald Trump and says 'all that nonsense between us in under the bridge'

- after his very crude comment that she had 'blood coming out of her wherever' during 2015 presidential debate

▶ Podcast host Megyn Kelly praised Donald Trump on her online program Monday

▶ The pair famously sparred in 2015, after Kelly, 52, moderated one of his debates

▶ The feud between the pair began after a clash at the GOP presidential debate


Podcast host Megyn Kelly had some kind words for Donald Trump on Monday - years after engaging in a bitter feud with the Republican both online and on national TV.

The comments came during a Monday taping of the Megyn Kelly Show, and seemed to thrust the pair's long-held animosity in the rearview.

Kelly's praise came after she said she enjoyed a private, 'one-on-one' conversation with the 77-year-old firebrand, who only a few years ago slammed her as 'crazy' and a 'bimbo'.

The feud between the two personalities started in August 2015, when they clashed at the first Republican presidential debate in Charleston, South Carolina.

At the time, Kelly, now 52, was serving as the event's moderator, and found herself in Trump's crosshairs after airing a question about his past derogatory comments toward woman. Trump, in trademark fashion, fired back on Twitter days later, paving the way for a war of words that will not soon be forgotten. ...


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014e60 No.72546

File: b87773e539a6011⋯.png (432.79 KB,741x686,741:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197793 (172327ZJUL23) Notable: NASA's James Webb telescope catches glimpse of possible 'dark stars' for the first time

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NASA's James Webb telescope catches glimpse of possible 'dark stars' for the first time

- which could solve one of the universe's biggest mysteries

▶ JWST identified three stars that formed just 320 million years after the Big Bang

▶ Scientists say the only way this is possible is if they are powered by dark matter

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has detected what were believed to be fabled 'dark stars' that could solve one of the universe's biggest mysteries.

A team of astronomers led by The University of Texas (UT) at Austin identified three potential 'dark stars' that formed about 320 million years after the Big Bang, making them the earliest stars ever seen by human eyes.

The image shows three fuzzy dots glowing in the blackness of space, but astronomers believe the tiny specs could lead to uncovering the elusive dark matter.

Dark stars could only exist if dark matter creates heat at the core, preventing the stars from collapsing and causing them to puff up, which the team found in JWST's observations.

Although dark matter makes up about 85 percent of the universe, its nature has eluded scientists. The only evidence of its existence is the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. ...


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014e60 No.72547

File: b3ef18b24b7c7fe⋯.png (373.2 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bd39d7e7ad3ae01⋯.png (159.57 KB,775x690,155:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197845 (172338ZJUL23) Notable: Portland's suspected serial killer is a convicted felon released early by former Oregon governor: police

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Portland's suspected serial killer is a convicted felon released early by former Oregon governor: police

Calhoun was granted clemency by former Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D).

A man that was released early from an Oregon state prison is a suspected serial killer in the greater Portland metro area, authorities say.

Jesse Lee Calhoun, 38, of Portland, Oregon has allegedly been linked by detectives to four of six women found dead earlier this year in the Portland metro area, according to Willamette Week.

Calhoun was released from prison in 2021, twelve months early, after being granted clemency at the direction of former Democrat Gov. Kate Brown. Brown began to issue mass commutations during the Covid-19 pandemic, which included early release to prisoners that were either considered to be well-behaved, were nearing the end of their sentences, and were vulnerable to the virus, the outlet reports.

Calhoun, who has been described by law enforcement as a "prolific thief and career criminal," was one of the more than 1000 prisoners that had been granted early release under Brown's criminal justice reform policies. Calhoun's clemency has since been revoked and he has been placed back into custody.

On June 1, 2022, the Oregonian reported that the bodies of six young women had been found in the greater Portland area, prompting speculation of a potential serial killer. Those bodies included Kristin Smith, found in Southeast Portland on Feb. 19; Joanna Speaks, found in Ridgefield, Washington on April 11; Charity Perry, found at Ainsworth State Park on April 24; and an unidentified woman, also found on April 24, in Lents; Bridget Webster, found in Oregon's Polk County on April 30; and Ashley Real, found in Clackamas County on May 7.

While the Portland Police Bureau had released a statement on June 4 that indicated the department had "no reason to believe these 6 cases are connected," the tone changed on June 6 after three of the victims "shared similar circumstances and had frequented the same places in the months before their deaths, according to a source close to the investigations," according to the Oregonian.

Following the report that connected the deaths of three victims, authorities contacted Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek’s office about Calhoun, which prompted Kotek to end Calhoun's commutation, allowing for him to be placed back into custody.

"The governor's office received a request to revoke Jesse Lee Calhoun’s commutation status from the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office on July 3, 2023, and fulfilled the request the same day. We do not have further comment as this is a pending investigation," Elisabeth Shepard said, Gov. Kotek’s spokeswoman.


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014e60 No.72548

File: 6f83505257fd480⋯.png (32.5 KB,612x396,17:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197846 (172338ZJUL23) Notable: In this corner Ron/codemonkeyz fighting it out with the truth, vs Vivek's tribe who don't want it to come out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And in this corner we have Ron/codemonkeyz fighting it out with the truth, vs Vivek's tribe who don't want it to come out, even though it was Vivek texts and emails providing they are lying...


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014e60 No.72549

File: 13895e130b353ad⋯.jpg (131.44 KB,582x604,291:302,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197850 (172339ZJUL23) Notable: Millions of emails intended for Pentagon employees sent to email accounts in Mali over the last decade

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Millions of emails intended for Pentagon employees were inadvertently sent to email accounts in Mali over the last decade because of typos caused by the similarity of the US military’s email address and the domain for the West African country.


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014e60 No.72550

File: f390b977ea31859⋯.png (194.91 KB,600x391,600:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 37bbc5ad9f7986a⋯.png (294.1 KB,768x515,768:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c24a28b5b9c25b⋯.png (156.64 KB,768x356,192:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197860 (172342ZJUL23) Notable: Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intel Secretly Urged President LBJ Investigate JFK’s Assassination

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Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intelligence Secretly Urged President Lyndon B. Johnson To Investigate JFK’s Assassination, Johnson Later Emphatically REFUSED Independent Investigation

On June 27th, the Biden administration finally released over 1,000 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance with the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.

Despite releasing several previously hidden documents the Biden administration at the midnight hour ultimately decided to postpone releasing all of the classified documents.

Most of the documents released by the Biden administration were already well-known public knowledge however there are some gems hidden in some of the newly declassified files.

One document, which was a CIA memo of a meeting with President Johnson on December 6, 1963, reveals agents told the president that “The Soviet Intelligence Service, on orders from Moscow, was attempting to stimulate communications from India to him, Chief Justice Warren, and the Attorney General, urging a full probe into the assassination of the President.”

The CIA noted that the report stemmed from “very reliable penetration” and that they evaluated the messenger quite highly.

Although the CIA revealed the intel to President Johnson on December 6th, 2023, the message from the Soviets could have been sent even before Johnson launched the Warren Commission on November 29th.

The new message reveals, that even the Soviets had some doubts that Lee Henry Oswald was the only killer of President Kennedy.

In the same declassed document President Johnson also turned down a request from the Department of Justice suggesting Johnson to allow an independent panel of lawyers and jurists to investigate Kennedy’s assassination.

It was reported Johnson even had “contempt” of the plan for independent investigators to get to the bottom of Kennedy’s assassination.

The request by the Department of Justice was on November 26th just four days after Kennedy’s assassination.



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014e60 No.72551

File: c5cba98b639a157⋯.jpg (73.58 KB,996x314,498:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197948 (172356ZJUL23) Notable: Outspoken White House reporter threatens to take Washington Post to court over unflattering story

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Outspoken White House reporter threatens to take Washington Post to court over unflattering story

Today News Africa reporter Simon Ateba has threatened to take the Washington Post to court if the paper does not retract a recent profile on him.

"I will take the Washington Post to court if they fail to retract their character assassination against me," Ateba said in a statement to Fox News Digital on Friday. "It would be a lesson for them to be balanced and not just do the bidding of the State and the [White House Correspondents Association] to crush the little guy."

Ateba, an outspoken journalist who has repeatedly clashed with White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during briefings and irked his fellow reporters, unleashed on the Washington Post for recent articles on his conduct.


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014e60 No.72552

File: 3ba20de12da3f37⋯.gif (988.96 KB,498x398,249:199,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197967 (180001ZJUL23) Notable: #23578

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FINAL @715


#23578 >>72499

>>72500 Maryland player wins $50,000 in Pick 5 for the fifth time this year

>>72501 LIVE 7/19/2023: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation

>>72502 US comments on Crimean Bridge attack

>>72503 Covid-19: Ed Dowd: Black Swan Event - "They can't run from this data!

>>72504 Interest in Zuckerberg’s (DARPA’s) Twitter rival collapses

>>72505 Ukraine Grain Deal Expires After Russia Quits

>>72506 Bongino: Secret Service Agents ‘Furious’ re Sham Cocaine Investigation “They Know Exactly Who It Was”(VIDEO)

>>72507 @againstgrmrs: 'CODE CINDY' tag that @CHNNYC puts on minor's files so parents never find out seeking hormones

>>72508 Jack Smith Seeks Protective Order to Avoid Trial Delay in Trump Classified Docs Case

>>72509 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>72510 First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Youth Soccer Clinic with Major League Soccer at the White House

>>72511, >>72513 The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath

>>72512, >>72514, >>72516 Maryland Gains On Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters

>>72515, >>72517 FTC Digs Deeper into Pfizer’s $43B Buyout of Seagen

>>72518, >>72520, >>72521, >>72537 6/09/22 Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19 DIG

>>72519 The Musk-Zuck App War: Threads Reaches 150 Million Users, Accused of Censoring Americans and Spying on Them

>>72522 AZ Judge Lee Jantzen rules in @AbrahamHamadeh case and can’t even name the correct office for the ruling

>>72523 FDA Approves Opill Daily Oral Contraceptive Targeting Low-Income Women, Teens, & Minority Groups

>>72524 @AF_Rifle: 17th All-American in program history

>>72525, >>72541, >>72528 @GOPoversight: FBI testimony reveals lengths DOJ willing go cover up 4 Bidens

>>72526 White House praises cocaine probe after case goes unsolved

>>72527 The Constitution in Hard Times with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>72529 Dems Pols Want to Pack the Court, But Dem Voters Support Affirmative Action Ruling

>>72530 Jury Convicts Former San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Gen Mngr Felony Bribery & Bank Fraud Charges

>>72531 Former San Francisco Senior Building Inspector Sentenced to Prison Term for Accepting Illegal Gratuities

>>72532 On International Drag Day on Sunday, West Hollywood introduced its first-ever drag laureate

>>72533 BofA And Others Share Records With FBI Without A Warrant "All The Time", Director Wray Admits

>>72534, >>72536 Lessons from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

>>72535 Dem megadonor drops six-figure donation in Tesla stock backing Biden's re-election bid

>>72538 Biden - Harris Admin Announces $150M States to Train Residential Energy Efficiency Contractors

>>72539 Today is the 34th anniversary of the First Flight of the B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER

>>72540 Kash's Criminal Referral of Representative Dan Goldman

>>72542 Donald Trump Rakes in Over $35 Million During Second Quarter Fundraising

>>72543 Ron DeSantis: he will tear up Biden's 'horrendous' treatment of Israel, slams the left

>>72544, >>72545 Megyn Kelly on Her Private Conversations with Trump and Tucker

>>72546 NASA's James Webb telescope catches glimpse of possible 'dark stars' for the first time

>>72547 Portland's suspected serial killer is a convicted felon released early by former Oregon governor: police

>>72548 In this corner Ron/codemonkeyz fighting it out with the truth, vs Vivek's tribe who don't want it to come out

>>72549 Millions of emails intended for Pentagon employees sent to email accounts in Mali over the last decade

>>72550 Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intel Secretly Urged President LBJ Investigate JFK’s Assassination

>>72551 Outspoken White House reporter threatens to take Washington Post to court over unflattering story


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014e60 No.72553

File: 5ba5492b56c42e8⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b065fe2082a0199⋯.mp4 (520.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197992 (180004ZJUL23) Notable: #23579

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Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Thank you anons

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014e60 No.72554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198035 (180009ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis PAC Spending Big Bucks Promoting Ad Featuring AI-Deep Fake of Trump’s Voice

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DeSantis PAC Spending Big Bucks Promoting Ad Featuring AI-Deep Fake of Trump’s Voice


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014e60 No.72555

File: fb656a45552d212⋯.png (385.47 KB,852x837,284:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198056 (180016ZJUL23) Notable: Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor Noah Berlatsky

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MONDAY, JUL 17, 2023 - 04:40 PM

Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

Following the release of the "Sound of Freedom," Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, a chorus of mainstream hit-pieces came out denouncing it as a "QAnon" conspiracy flick.

But one author of a recent SoF hit-piece in Bloomberg isn't just against the movie, he's a pedo-defending freelancer who used to work for an organization working to normalize pedophilia.

Meet Noah Berlatsky: he's just your average liberal mainstream media news contributor. Ironically, Berlatsky's latest criticism of the drama focusing on the grave yet glossed over issue of child trafficking lambasted the movie with vitriolic scorn for perpetuating dangerous tropes, whilst he himself turned to the truly tired trope of accusing the movie of packaging together various QAnon conspiracy theories and being a movie made for alt-right boomers. There's just one problem...Berlatsky has a sordid history of advocating for the normalization of pedophilia.

In 2021, Berlatsky was named the communications director at Prostasia, a non-profit organization which has dedicates itself to a self-avowed mission of protecting children from sexual abuse. While that on its face sounds antithetical to advocating for the normalization of pedophilia, a deeper look into Prostasia's published content shows it merely masquerades under the guise of acting in the interest of protecting children from sexual abuse in order to promote a much more perverse ulterior motive.

In a 2018 piece addressing the FOSTA bill which was eventually signed into law as the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Trafficking Act, Prostasia laments the legislation's stigmatization of pedophiles. Prostasia's criticism of FOSTA is rife with the use of terms like "minor attracted persons" and the deluded idea of the virtuous pedophile, i.e., one who is sexually attracted to children but fights their urges to refrain from abuses them in a measure of self-restraint that the sex positive non-profit champions as some sort of moral paragon. If there's any doubt about Prostasia's pro-pedophilia stance, the organization literally facilitates a safe space for pedophiles, which it has dubbed its MAP Support Club Partnership.



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014e60 No.72556

File: c9e1ec07e8e839f⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,888x482,444:241,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198078 (180021ZJUL23) Notable: JOHN KERRY - Multimillionaire unelected Climate bully, absolutely denying he has ever owned a private plane, Then blames his wife … when he’s busted (Cap 1:03)

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"The Ted Baxter of American diplomacy"~ @Doranimated·38m

Bernie's Tweets

JOHN KERRY - Multimillionaire unelected Climate bully, absolutely denying he has ever owned a private plane.

Then blames his wife … when he’s busted.

And now expects you to trust his Climate bollocks 🤡


3:29 AM · Jul 16, 2023·1M Views



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014e60 No.72557

File: 2ddbc245d8acd67⋯.png (18.7 KB,599x212,599:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198085 (180024ZJUL23) Notable: FAKE ALIEN HOAX INCOMING: Rep. Tim Burchett: The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UAPs on Wednesday, 7/26

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Rep. Tim Burchett


The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UAPs on Wednesday, 7/26.

We're done with the cover-ups.

10:27 AM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72558

File: 9808af195c72824⋯.png (822.63 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198095 (180027ZJUL23) Notable: Idaho Freedom Caucus to cut ties with the American Library Association

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Idaho Freedom Caucus·3h

Marxist’s activists have burrowed their way into the ALA, it’s time to cut ties.

Full Press Release:

4:31 PM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72559

File: 569010d24eb0469⋯.png (698.85 KB,815x893,815:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198101 (180029ZJUL23) Notable: Dallas, Houston and San Antonio lead in human trafficking cases in Texas woman was discovered hiding in a Houston airport for 10 days

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>Shit Is Going Mainstream



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014e60 No.72560

File: e5e5db1d23936f3⋯.png (678.95 KB,940x788,235:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198104 (180030ZJUL23) Notable: Idaho Freedom Caucus to cut ties with the American Library Association

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shorter and with sauce:

It's time for Idaho to cut ties with the American Library Association.

Read more on our Substack.


12:56 PM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72561

File: 8d040947b43e46f⋯.jpg (166.15 KB,1484x1920,371:480,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 10c5b73e37ae998⋯.jpg (66.76 KB,1484x1920,371:480,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198109 (180031ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump Vs Jake Sullivan CASE NO. 2:22-cv-14102-DMM

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014e60 No.72562

File: 0ececc84251cf5a⋯.png (10.42 MB,2039x6300,2039:6300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198116 (180033ZJUL23) Notable: Anthony Fauci accused of perjury

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Anthony Fauci accused of perjury:

Former White House doctor 'LIED under oath about funding gain-of-function research in China - which is feared to have started COVID pandemic', GOP Senator claims

DailyMail.com can reveal Senator Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland last week calling for an investigation into whether Dr Fauci, 82, committed perjury when he testified in front of a Senate committee in 2021. In a showdown with Republicans , including Sen Paul, in July that year, Dr Fauci testified that his former 'has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.'


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014e60 No.72563

File: 03c72a006fb01b0⋯.jpeg (293.66 KB,1125x999,125:111,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198152 (180040ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Pompeo mocking Trump and Anons

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014e60 No.72564

File: 60bd654d60c6137⋯.png (657.02 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 21ef19d31908991⋯.png (764.6 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 25b9d3d66ece989⋯.png (570.35 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb95a52e473eda⋯.png (956.87 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198161 (180041ZJUL23) Notable: Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s Travel to the UK

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Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s Travel to the UK

July 17, 2023

Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman traveled to the United Kingdom Jul. 10-14 to reaffirm longstanding bilateral space security partnerships and continue strengthening U.S. Space Force relationships with allies and partners from around the world.

Saltzman first visited London, where he met with U.S. Ambassador Jane Hartley and other embassy officials, before attending the Global Air and Space Chiefs’ Conference. At GASCC, Saltzman delivered keynote remarks, outlining his working theory of success entitled “Competitive Endurance.” He also described how the U.S. Space Force and its allies and partners can collectively advance a future where space is safe, secure, stable and sustainable.

He also engaged senior military leaders from the UK and Australia, beginning with a trilateral meeting with Royal Air Force Air & Space Commander Air Marshal Harv Smyth, UK Space Command Commander Air Vice Marshal Paul Godfrey, Australian Defence Force Chief of Joint Capabilities Lt. Gen. John Frewen and Australian Defence Space Command Commander Air Vice Marshal Cath Roberts. The representatives of the three allied nations discussed ongoing cooperative efforts between the U.S. Space Force, RAF and Defence Space Command, as well as opportunities to expand collaboration.

Additionally, Saltzman held a bilateral engagement with RAF Air Chief Marshal Rich Knighton, offering congratulations to the new RAF chief on his appointment and discussing priority military space activities. He then met with Smyth and Godfrey to discuss NATO space initiatives and efforts by the U.S. Space Force and UK Space Command to deepen integration.

Saltzman’s international engagement at GASCC concluded with a bilateral discussion involving Frewen and Roberts. During their meeting, the leaders explored ways to increase cooperation and build a more resilient space architecture.

Following GASCC, Saltzman traveled to Fairford, England, to attend the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. On the margins of the annual event, which is the world’s largest military air show, Saltzman continued to engage allies and partners.

He first met with RAF Air and Space Warfare Centre Commandant Air Cdre Blythe Crawford to explore ways the Space Force and ASWC can partner to build resilient, ready, and combat-credible forces.

Saltzman also held a meeting with UK Ministry of Defense Second Permanent Secretary Paul Lincoln to discuss bilateral space cooperation, including strategic and doctrinal alignment.


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014e60 No.72565

File: 624c7383f132572⋯.png (376.66 KB,1330x3007,1330:3007,Clipboard.png)

File: 498b2140a3b348f⋯.png (38.98 KB,1330x411,1330:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198177 (180046ZJUL23) Notable: Georgia Supreme Court Dismisses Trump's Request for Fulton County Intervention

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Georgia Supreme Court Dismisses Trump's Request for Fulton County Intervention

Hyemin Han

Monday, July 17, 2023, 7:02 PM

In a unanimous decision, the Georgia Supreme Court dismissed Trump's petition for its intervention in the proceedings of the ongoing Fulton County investigation.


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014e60 No.72566

File: 3671ef386744661⋯.png (680.27 KB,1024x573,1024:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 63208de037e6a24⋯.png (465.2 KB,1024x573,1024:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe5c9234b02ee5⋯.png (819.08 KB,824x1024,103:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c8301dd58d3676⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198181 (180047ZJUL23) Notable: FAKE ALIEN HOAX INCOMING: Rep. Tim Burchett: The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UAPs on Wednesday, 7/26

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Experts warn public after ‘hazardous’ possible spacecraft washes up on beach

July 17, 2023

It was a UFO (unidentified floating object).

Australian authorities have issued a warning beach-goers to steer clear of a “hazardous” piece of cylindrical flotsam that could’ve been part of a foreign space craft. The bizarro object’s arrival was detailed in a series of tweets by the Australian Space Agency Monday.

“As the origin of the object is unknown, the community should avoid handling or attempting to move the object,” a spokesperson for the agency said of of the mysterious canister, which was discovered Sunday night in Jurien Bay in Western Australia.

A couple of area residents had found the object bobbing in the shallows and “dragged it out with their four-wheel drive,” local resident Garth Griffiths told abc.net.au.

Griffiths estimated that “semi-cylindrical object” measured over 8 feet across and nearly 10 feet long and was comprised of a “light carbon fibre material like lightweight resin.”

Accompanying photos show the giant cylinder, which is bronze-colored and covered with barnacles like a colossal beer can or remnant of some Alien civilization stuck out of time.

Locals have since reported the “Planet Of The Apes”-evoking jetsam to authorities, who launched an investigation in conjunction with the military and ASA to discover its origins.

While the object’s provenance remains unclear, the agency claims that it “could be from a foreign space launch vehicle.”

“We are liaising with global counterparts who may be able to provide more information,” they wrote.

Meanwhile, some space experts suspect that the canister could be the fuel tank of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket, which was last launched on April 22, 2023, the Independent reported.

During the investigation, Western Australian police reportedly guarded the mystery item for most of the day in an effort to keep both the object and beachcombers safe.

“WA Police will maintain security of the object until it is removed and members of the public are requested to stay away from the location,” they said in a statement.

Thankfully, by Monday night, authorities had determined the cylinder was safe and posed no threat to the public.

Social media had their own theories about the objects origins.

“That tank cap looks like north korea handy work,” posited one tinfoil hatter on Twitter.

Another wrote, “Aboriginal artifact from 20,000 years ago.”

“Looks like a giant bamboo steamer,” quipped a third.

“Aliens have landed in Australia,” joked one Twitter wit.

This isn’t the first flotsam that had Twitter’s tin foil hatters in a tizzy.

In February, a mysterious sphere that washed ashore in Japan was labelled a “Godzilla egg” by social media watchdogs — with some conspiracy theorists claiming that the so-called King of the Monsters‘ offspring is “multiplying.”



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014e60 No.72567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198237 (180059ZJUL23) Notable: Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee

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Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee, but the documents the FBI seized from him years ago are still locked in storage.

In his hey-day as a Democratic trailblazer a decade ago, Devon Archer worked alongside Hunter Biden in the pursuit of global deals, including inside China and Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings energy firm.

He golfed with Joe Biden, rubbed elbows with John Kerry and stood at the intersection of Washington power brokers and foreign oligarchs seeking to curry favor with the future first family.

Today, Archer is weeks away from beginning a prison sentence on a 2018 federal conviction for fleecing investors in a bond deal involving a Native American tribe. He has told friends he hopes to get home confinement from the trial judge, instead of prison, maintaining he was unaware fraud had occurred with the deal.

He's also days away from becoming the most consequential witness to date in the GOP-led House hearings into alleged Biden family corruption. Archer knows how and why Hunter Biden landed on the Burisma board and was courted by oligarchs from Russia to China. He knows what, if any, business partners got access to then-Vice President Joe Biden and what, if any, favors the 46th president may have bestowed on Hunter Biden’s business suitors.


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014e60 No.72568

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198241 (180100ZJUL23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 07/17/2023

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 07/17/2023


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014e60 No.72569

File: 00bf41464c9bdde⋯.png (355.7 KB,985x579,985:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198320 (180114ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Marshall Center Director Jody Singer, to Retire After 38 Years of Service

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NASA Marshall Center Director to Retire After 38 Years of Service

Jul 17, 2023

Jody Singer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center Director, announced Monday her retirement, effective Saturday, July 29, after more than 38 years of service. Among many firsts in her career, Singer was appointed as the first female center director at Marshall in 2018, after serving as deputy director from 2016 to 2018.

Marshall’s current deputy center director, Joseph Pelfrey, will serve as the interim acting director until Singer’s successor is identified through a nationwide search and open competition.

“I wish Jody well during her retirement. And I know individuals at the beginning of their career at NASA – and members of the Artemis Generation who dream of working here – will be inspired by Jody’s service, knowing their contributions can help return NASA astronauts to the Moon and prepare us for crewed missions to Mars,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “And Joseph Pelfrey is no stranger to Marshall, having joined the center two decades ago as an aerospace engineer. Today, he helps guide Marshall’s broad portfolio of human spaceflight, science, and technology development, which supports missions across NASA. We are confident Joseph is prepared to guide Marshall through this transition.”

As center director, Singer managed one of NASA's largest field installations, with nearly 7,000 on- and near-site civil service and contractor employees with an annual budget of approximately $5 billion.

Under Singer’s leadership, NASA Marshall, known for its prominence in large space transportation systems, has expanded its portfolio to include human lunar landing and cargo systems, space habitation and transit systems, advanced propulsion, additive manufacturing, science payload operations, Mars ascent spacecraft and cutting-edge science and technology missions through innovative partnerships with other NASA centers, industry, government agencies and academia. The Marshall team was critical to the successes of NASA’s Webb Space Telescope, the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer mission, the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, and SLS (Space Launch System), the agency’s powerful heavy-lift rocket.

Singer joined NASA in 1985 though the professional intern program. She joined the Space Shuttle Program Office in 1986 as an engineer in the Space Shuttle Main Engine Office and was involved with Return to Flight activities after the space shuttle Challenger accident. She was the first female project manager for the Reusable Solid Rocket Booster Project from 2002 to 2007 and led the team during the shuttle Columbia Return to Flight activities. Starting in 2008 until the shuttle’s successful retirement in 2011, she was deputy manager in the Space Shuttle Propulsion Office. Cumulatively, Jody was part of 110 space shuttle launches.

Serving in roles of increasing responsibility, Singer held deputy positions for three concurrent programs, the space shuttle, Ares, and the start-up of SLS. As deputy for the Space Shuttle Propulsion Office, she guided successful fly-out and retirement of the shuttle and the transition of workforce and assets to the Ares Project Office and SLS Program. As the deputy program manager of SLS at Marshall, she helped oversee almost 3,000 civil servants and contractors involved in the developing, testing, and certification of the rocket. From 2013 to 2016, Singer was manager of the Flight Programs and Partnerships Office at Marshall, where she held primary responsibility for the center's work with human advanced exploration projects, science flight mission programs, technology demonstration missions, commercial crew and International Space Station life support systems, research facilities, and payload mission operations.

Singer has twice been a NASA Fellow, at Pennsylvania State College and Simmons College Graduate School of Management. She is a recipient of numerous prestigious NASA awards, including the Space Flight Awareness Leadership Award, the NASA Exceptional Service Medal, the Silver Snoopy, and NASA Outstanding Leadership medals. She also is a recipient of two Senior Executive Service Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive Awards. Her external recognitions include Rotary Stellar National Award for Space Achievement; Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame; Distinguished Fellow by the University of Alabama College of Engineering; Gardner Award; AIAA Associate Fellow; 2022 Alabama Engineer of the Year; and the AIAA Herman Oberth Award.


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014e60 No.72570

File: f6a206a38ac23ee⋯.png (637.19 KB,1200x927,400:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b2d3434ceea7f4⋯.png (133.01 KB,1440x1080,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 9267b01245aaefc⋯.png (373.44 KB,1137x959,1137:959,Clipboard.png)

File: b21978b5a0cfd7f⋯.png (234.38 KB,1200x636,100:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198351 (180119ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Sinks to 14 Points.

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NEW LOW: DeSantis Sinks to 14 Points.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appears to have hit a new polling low, coming in at just 14 points in a TIPP Insights likely voter poll from early July. President Trump’s lead has increased to 39 points in the data, showing the 45th president with 53 percent, and 37-year-old Vivek Ramaswamy gaining to reach seven percent. The news comes as DeSantis announces major shake-ups in his campaign due to overspending and fractious donor relations. TIPP insights was described by the right-leaning Spectator magazine as “the pollster who doesn’t suck,” in 2020. The National Pulse’s editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam discussed many of the DeSantis camp’s pitfalls on the latest episode of ‘The Campaign Trail’ podcast and even predicted that DeSantis would be down to 10 percent by mid-summer, in an appearance on Human Events Daily show with Jack Posobiec:

@RaheemKassam makes a prediction about Ron Desantis' disappointing campaign. LIVE on Human Events with Jack Posobiec 2PM EST on Rumble and Real America's Voice. pic.twitter.com/QzgWmp79fV — Human Events with Jack Posobiec (@humaneventslive) June 22, 2023





I mean you really cannot say I didn’t tell you so.

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014e60 No.72571

File: 5fb449d421baa96⋯.png (729.48 KB,676x521,676:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 513a44e862b77ce⋯.png (765.5 KB,1171x958,1171:958,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c36b6eb60765c5⋯.png (372.54 KB,820x862,410:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 599d3fe77f9893b⋯.png (215.17 KB,759x955,759:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198370 (180123ZJUL23) Notable: Kash's Criminal Referral of US House Rep Dan Goldman

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Kash's Criminal Referral of Representative Dan Goldman

by: Team Kash 07/16/2023

Goldman by is licensed under wikimedia commons

2023.07.13 - Goldman Referral to DOJ by FightWithKash on Scribd



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014e60 No.72572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198380 (180125ZJUL23) Notable: Trump hit PIECE the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation

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I'll stick with the truth, thanks.

Trump hits the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation

Notably, Trump's criticism of Smith included the antisemitic "globalist" terminology, which alludes to a conspiracy theory that alleges Jewish elites are trying to run the affairs of the world behind the scenes. The anti-Jewish attacks against Smith, whose religious faith is not well-documented, isn't new territory for Trump, writer David Margolick, writing an op-ed for The Nation earlier this year, has noted.


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014e60 No.72573

File: 32db3f504bc8f5b⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,590x554,295:277,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198389 (180127ZJUL23) Notable: Chuck Grassley talking corn on the 17th COMMS

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For ppl who think food grows in grocery stores may think #cornwatch is about sweet corn u hv at dinner table but it’s not. Sweetcorn in Iowa this yr is limited bc of drought If not for drought end of ear wld b filled in w more kernels. pictured is Grimes Sweetcorn #sweetcornwatch


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014e60 No.72574

File: ea34a42529c3ec0⋯.jpeg (79.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198449 (180142ZJUL23) Notable: US ‘no longer our closest ally’ – former Israeli PM

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18 Jul, 2023 00:34

US ‘no longer our closest ally’ – former Israeli PM

Opposition leader Yair Lapid has commented on deteriorating relations with Washington

Former Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid has reportedly warned that his country’s relations with the US have deteriorated so much under the leadership of his successor, Benjamin Netanyahu, that Washington is “no longer our closest ally.”

Lapid made his comments on Monday at a faction meeting of his Yesh Atid opposition party, according to the Times of Israel. He has argued that Netanyahu’s government is destroying the alliance with the US by trying to pass controversial judicial reforms.

“The Israeli government is leading us into this crisis, making the biggest and most dramatic changes to the regime in our history, without holding a single discussion — not even one — about the economic, security, social and political consequences of the move,” Lapid said. In a Channel 12 news interview, he argued that the nation was being “torn in two.”

“The Americans say they have no shared values with this government. It affects every aspect of US-Israel relations –their attention and their willingness to leave their comfort zone for Israeli interests. They will not do it for the most extreme government in the country’s history,” Lapid said, describing relations with the US as being at a historic low.

US President Joe Biden said in March that he was “very concerned” about Israel’s democracy amid months of protests over the proposed judicial overhaul. “I’m concerned they get this straight,” he said at the time. “They cannot continue down this road.”

Netanyahu responded by saying Israel was a sovereign country and made decisions by the will of its people, “not based on pressures from abroad.” His national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, said Biden “needs to understand thatIsrael is no longer a star on the US flag. We are a democracy, and I expect the US president to understand that.”

More recently, the Biden administration criticized West Jerusalem’s approval for a Jewish-only settlement in the occupied West Bank. Earlier this month, Biden blasted the Israeli government’s cabinet as “extreme” and “part of the problem” in the Palestinian conflict.

On Monday, however, Biden issued a long-delayed invitation for Netanyahu to visit the White House later this year. Netanyahu spent 12 years as Israeli prime minister before a coalition led by Lapid ousted him from power in June 2021. He returned to office after winning the December 2022 election, the fifth parliamentary vote in four years.

(He blames it on Netanyahu but perhaps is that Bidan is not the rightful President.)


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014e60 No.72575

File: 4e63ca8e97156cc⋯.png (183.48 KB,598x578,299:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198488 (180150ZJUL23) Notable: HBO is now showing pedophilic scenes EVIL

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BREAKING: HBO is now showing pedophilia scenes.


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014e60 No.72576

File: 78414d44f270cd8⋯.png (1.01 MB,1919x932,1919:932,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198575 (180209ZJUL23) Notable: PF Reports: Been seeing more drones circling CONUS than typical, FAG38

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Been seeing more drones circling CONUS than typical.

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014e60 No.72577

File: e8b4fa832700327⋯.png (586.9 KB,954x788,477:394,Clipboard.png)

File: afbbff464d4742d⋯.png (179.46 KB,902x905,902:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198592 (180214ZJUL23) Notable: Make a movie about child trafficking and abuse in the Catholic Church win an Oscar, Make a movie about child trafficking or Jesus Christ get called an antisemitic by MSM

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Make a movie about child trafficking or Jesus Christ get called an antisemite by msm

Make a movie about child trafficking and abuse in the Catholic Church win an oscar.

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014e60 No.72578

File: 5316971daf8c53e⋯.png (2.42 MB,1554x1650,259:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198593 (180215ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne Barr Retweeted Hollywood is on life support. Let. It. Burn!

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Roseanne Barr Retweeted

The Disruptor💥 @IWashington

Can you feel it America? The paradigm has shifted and now traditionalHollywood is on life support. Let. It. Burn! 🔥

9:39 PM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198600 (180216ZJUL23) Notable: pb, The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

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>>72472 The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

>Senate Democrats are advancing a doomed Supreme Court “ethics” bill that would withhold $10 million in funding from Chief Justice John Roberts until the Supreme Court has “put into effect a code” for all justices.

Anon was under the impression that the Supreme Court and Congress already have a code by which they are supposed to operate. Anon has sauce for the code, if the dumb asses would like to look at it. It's called the Constitution and they can find a copy at the National Archives. Anon is certain the Dems know where the National Archives is located. If they have trouble finding it, they could ask the FBI where it's located. FBI and archives seem to have some kind of a thing going on.



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014e60 No.72580

File: 13958e90882f943⋯.png (2.05 MB,1554x2108,777:1054,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198641 (180224ZJUL23) Notable: United Nations @UN The world is woefully off track to achieve the #GlobalGoals by 2030: Thanks for the Fish?

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Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs @CoreyDigs

"Let us save the world."😂 They are failing.

They will be pushing hard to launder more money, and they are targeting local governments to accelerate agendas, so stay on top of your local legislators.




United Nations @UN

The world is woefully off track to achieve the #GlobalGoals by 2030, top UN officials warn, as world leaders come together to put forward solutions to help make the transformative development a reality.


7:04 PM · Jul 17, 2023


10:08 PM · Jul 17, 2023


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014e60 No.72581

File: cdea6557b3fb40a⋯.png (317.57 KB,558x515,558:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198646 (180225ZJUL23) Notable: Dan Bongino: Secret Service Agents Are ‘Absolutely Furious’ Over Sham Cocaine Investigation… “They Know Exactly Who It Was”

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Dan Bongino: Secret Service Agents Are ‘Absolutely Furious’ Over Sham Cocaine Investigation… “They Know Exactly Who It Was”

No fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!

According to Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugliemi, the agency didn’t interview the 500 potential culprits because it would be a strain on resources.

Dan Bongino said he has received numerous texts and emails from former colleagues in the agency and they are furious over the sham investigation.

Bongino explained how the West Wing is a “limited access” area.

“So there’s probably less than 200 people who could have left this cocaine, by the way, in a bag which is plastic, which is non-porous, meaning it’s probably not that hard to pull a latent print. They’ve got to know who did it. The question is who’s pressuring them to not find out who did it? And it’s gotta be coming from this White House. This is terrible. Don’t destroy this agency like they did the FBI. It’s really unbecoming,” Bongino said.

“A lot of my former colleagues in the Secret Service who retired, they are absolutely furious about this. Oh yeah, yeah, I can tell you — I got 50 emails, communications, texts from people. ‘This is embarrassing, humiliating.’ These are good guys, man, guys who worked for Obama and Bush, non-partisan guys, most of them aren’t even political. This is embarrassing, they know exactly who it was,” he said.

“Wow! Do these people want it to come out that it was probably Hunter Biden?” Daily Signal reporter Mary Margaret Olohan asked Bongino.

“Well, you know, is it – the question is, is it Hunter or one of his friends? But like here’s the thing. So, I’m in the Secret Service for 12 years, a good amount of times. We never had this problem. So nobody, by Occam’s razor, right, the process of deduction, keep things simple, keep it simple stupid, Occam’s razor. You’ve got this guy, we never found coke in there before. You’ve got a dude who’s doing coke on tape, who’s got a reputation for being a coke addict. He’s living in the White House. He’s there on Friday. The coke’s found there on Sunday, and everybody is like, “Gosh, who could it be,” Bongino said.

Bongino reiterated his concern that the Biden White House was going to destroy faith in the Secret Service.


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014e60 No.72582

File: 67fd3e751ced6d6⋯.png (674.98 KB,1661x865,1661:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198719 (180241ZJUL23) Notable: PF Reports: Been seeing more drones circling CONUS than typical, FAG38

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198784 (180254ZJUL23) Notable: #23579

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>>72580 United Nations @UN The world is woefully off track to achieve the #GlobalGoals by 2030: Thanks for the Fish?

>>72554 DeSantis PAC Spending Big Bucks Promoting Ad Featuring AI-Deep Fake of Trump’s Voice

>>72555 Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor Noah Berlatsky

>>72556 JOHN KERRY - Multimillionaire unelected Climate bully, absolutely denying he has ever owned a private plane, Then blames his wife … when he’s busted (Cap 1:03)

>>72557, >>72566 FAKE ALIEN HOAX INCOMING: Rep. Tim Burchett: The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UAPs on Wednesday, 7/26

>>72558, >>72560 Idaho Freedom Caucus to cut ties with the American Library Association

>>72559 Dallas, Houston and San Antonio lead in human trafficking cases in Texas woman was discovered hiding in a Houston airport for 10 days

>>72561 Donald Trump Vs Jake Sullivan CASE NO. 2:22-cv-14102-DMM

>>72562 Anthony Fauci accused of perjury

>>72563 Mike Pompeo mocking Trump and Anons

>>72564 Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s Travel to the UK

>>72565 Georgia Supreme Court Dismisses Trump's Request for Fulton County Intervention

>>72567 Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee

>>72568 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 07/17/2023

>>72569 NASA Marshall Center Director Jody Singer, to Retire After 38 Years of Service

>>72570 DeSantis Sinks to 14 Points.

>>72571 Kash's Criminal Referral of US House Rep Dan Goldman

>>72572 Trump hit PIECE the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation

>>72573 Chuck Grassley talking corn on the 17th COMMS

>>72574 US ‘no longer our closest ally’ – former Israeli PM

>>72575 HBO is now showing pedophilic scenes EVIL

>>72576, >>72582 PF Reports: Been seeing more drones circling CONUS than typical, FAG38

>>72577 Make a movie about child trafficking and abuse in the Catholic Church win an Oscar, Make a movie about child trafficking or Jesus Christ get called an antisemitic by MSM

>>72578 Roseanne Barr Retweeted Hollywood is on life support. Let. It. Burn!

>>72472 pb, >>72579 The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>72581 Dan Bongino: Secret Service Agents Are ‘Absolutely Furious’ Over Sham Cocaine Investigation… “They Know Exactly Who It Was”

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014e60 No.72584

File: 90560539ebb8342⋯.png (718.87 KB,1202x628,601:314,Clipboard.png)

File: c328eee8a38680e⋯.png (1.93 MB,1080x1390,108:139,Clipboard.png)

File: c328eee8a38680e⋯.png (1.93 MB,1080x1390,108:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 17a62c24986433e⋯.png (81.17 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198821 (180258ZJUL23) Notable: #23580

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Q Research General #23580: UN Claims: Woefully Off Track To Achieve 2030 Agenda, -14 LBW Edition

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014e60 No.72585

File: c3c49f92f53b1a8⋯.png (251.99 KB,1000x845,200:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198880 (180313ZJUL23) Notable: Springfield Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking a Minor He Solicited Over Facebook

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Springfield Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking a Minor He Solicited Over Facebook


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014e60 No.72586

File: b7af76df29f6630⋯.png (1.93 MB,1440x1012,360:253,Clipboard.png)

File: c6ab76aac0fb388⋯.png (800.06 KB,1024x505,1024:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198882 (180314ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Dunno if it is 69-6630 as callsign same indicates. Or if it is 69-6604 as ADS-B hex id data indicates. Either way it looks like this one. USAF on patrol over DC at average altitude around 1,000 feet.

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014e60 No.72587

File: ba03f7452ac42a5⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB,888x490,444:245,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198925 (180321ZJUL23) Notable: Higher CO2 = Superabundance

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Dane @UltraDane

Climate change cultists and WEF Overlords do not want you to see this.

Higher CO2 = Superabundance


2:05 AM · Jul 17, 2023·423.9K Views


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014e60 No.72588

File: 60dafaf8db30ef0⋯.png (292.14 KB,566x424,283:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198967 (180330ZJUL23) Notable: Kirby: "why abortion is necessary for military readiness"

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Joe Biden national security spokesman John Kirby spent several minutes at the podium on Monday explaining to members of the press, why abortion is necessary for military readiness.

He spoke extensively about how this is a way that the military tells enlisted members, especially women, that the military has their backs and is going to take care of them. Thousands of homeless American veterans might disagree with him on that.

If you watch the video that’s posted below to the end, he even says that one of the reasons the military is having trouble recruiting is because the economy is so great.

The Hill reports:

‘Just the right darn thing to do for people who raise their hand:’ Kirby defends Pentagon abortion policy

White House national security spokesman John Kirby on Monday passionately defended the Pentagon’s policy of paid leave and travel reimbursement for abortions, calling it the right thing to do for Americans who volunteer to serve in the U.S. military.

“You go where you’re told, that’s the way orders work,” Kirby told reporters. “What happens if you get assigned to a state like Alabama, which has a pretty restrictive abortion law in place? And you’re concerned about your reproductive care? What do you do? Do you say no and you get out? Well, some people may decide to do that, and what does that mean? That means we lose talent, important talent.”

“It can have an extremely, extremely significant impact on our recruiting and our retention,” he added. “It’s just the right darn thing to do for people who raise their hand and agree to serve in the military.”…

He said making sure female servicemembers and military families have reproductive care is “a foundational sacred obligation of military leaders.”


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014e60 No.72589

File: a11adf79f60a7eb⋯.png (508.32 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: f8978cf3024d011⋯.png (546.69 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: ea0a5fe8ab6ffdd⋯.png (612.36 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bb386d25944644⋯.png (489.82 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19198980 (180332ZJUL23) Notable: Boat F

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How about this?

USS Grasp is off Encinitas. There's two research/survey ships and a dive vessel nearby. CG cutter STEADFAST was in the area, but looks like she's headed back for San Diego

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014e60 No.72590

File: 158128ecbd52b8e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1439x1012,1439:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: a70bd9aa5cfba17⋯.png (2.16 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 697fde0f4c238b0⋯.png (1.65 MB,1280x872,160:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199008 (180337ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Got down as low as 200 feet over the Tidal Basin. Now have a second Bell 212 in the air over DC. Department of the Interior this time. N11PP

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014e60 No.72591

File: 49925f8104f08b3⋯.png (1.39 MB,1170x1852,585:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199013 (180338ZJUL23) Notable: Watters: Taxpayers are funding Fauci's security detail

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ONLY ON PRIMETIME: After months of rumors, Primetime has cracked the case. We filed a FOIA and we can now reveal that taxpayers are funding Fauci’s security detail.

The U.S. Marshals are taking him around in limousines and giving him around-the-clock security. @RandPaul says the government lied to him about it. He’s asking if Dr. Fauci still gets legal representation, because he might very well need it.


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014e60 No.72592

File: 67c4757cc8f2fce⋯.png (345.63 KB,567x628,567:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199043 (180346ZJUL23) Notable: James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

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James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

The Biden family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday.

After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at the Treasury and subpoenaing banks and individuals, Comer posted on Twitter that the Biden family created more than 20 entities to accept, forward, and collect payment from a wide range of business associates.

“We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense,” Comer told Fox News. “I don’t believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.”

In March, the committee revealed the Biden family business over the course of several years received over $10 million from business schemes in Romania and China in return for what appears to be influence peddling.

For instance, SARs obtained by the committee revealed a Biden associate, Rob Walker, received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC China Energy Co. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Breitbart News reported the Biden family business received a total of $5.1 million within days of Hunter Biden’s messages to CEFC through multiple accounts, including Owasco and Hudson West III LLC.

“How did they list this on their taxes?” Comer questioned. “Is it a service they provided?”

Moving forward, Comer’s committee is set to begin deposing Biden family business associates in the coming weeks and months. Comer said in early July that Devon Archer, one of Hunter Biden’s top associates, will be the first member deposed to unravel the family’s international business schemes.

Archer was Hunter Biden’s “best friend in business” and got in legal trouble in 2022 for defrauding a Native American tribal entity. The court ordered him to pay a $43,954,416.75 judgment to the victims. Prior to his arrest, Archer served in 2014 with Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma, a Ukraine-based energy company, whose executive, Mykola Zlochevsky, allegedly bribed Hunter and Joe Biden with $5 million each.

Comer said the future depositions will be bolstered by Wednesday’s public testimony of IRS whistleblowers, who revealed at least 13 serious allegations against Hunter Biden, the Justice Department, and President Joe Biden.

“We’re now at the phase of the investigation where we’ve accumulated enough bank records to where we can ask these IRS employees specific substantive questions,” Comer said.

Among the allegations, the IRS whistleblowers alleged Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “the big guy.” Wolf also allegedly blocked questions about “the big guy” to limit where the investigation could go despite evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement. They also claimed Rob Walker said Joe Biden showed up at a meeting with CEFC and family associates.

“This should be a good substantive committee hearing that will allow us to move forward in the deposition process when we bring these individuals that were helping the Bidens funnel and launder this money,” Comer explained. “We will be able to ask them specific questions about specific transactions.”


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014e60 No.72593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199055 (180348ZJUL23) Notable: Not just RFK: Big Tech bears down on news aggregator that challenges mainstream narratives

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Not just RFK: Big Tech bears down on news aggregator that challenges mainstream narratives

Citizens for Legitimate Government lost its web host and access to financial accounts with no warning for ideological disagreements, it says. New server, same delivery problems.

Days before anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is scheduled to testify in Congress about his alleged censorship at the direction of the U.S. government, Big Tech appears to be ramping up a yearlong ad hoc campaign to squelch a news aggregator that questions mainstream political narratives.

Citizens for Legitimate Government is the brainchild of former professor Michael Rectenwald, whose Twitter alter ego "Deplorable NYU Prof" so riled New York University it paid him generously to quit in 2019 rather than let a jury hear his defamation lawsuit.

Bestselling author and psychologist Jordan Peterson plugged Rectenwald's book "The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty" in January as the latter's original account remained permanently suspended by Twitter, even after appealing to new owner Elon Musk.

The Great Reset – a World Economic Forum COVID-19 pandemic rebuilding plan that critics have reappropriated as a broadside against global governance – is a recurring CLG subject along with the Ukraine-Russia conflict, election disputes and COVID vaccines. It often cites Just the News reporting.


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014e60 No.72594

File: 09e2716b7303060⋯.jpeg (958.9 KB,1170x2043,130:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8cae639216fab36⋯.png (765.13 KB,1098x1422,61:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bb021792daa430⋯.png (90.26 KB,1170x624,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199070 (180353ZJUL23) Notable: D'Souza rebuts Obama's charge that conservatives are censoring children's books on oral sex

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🚨 Rumors are spreading about Michelle and Barack Obama’s Pedophile Ring After Their Letter Advocating For Gay Sex Grooming Books To Remain in Children’s Classrooms ⚠️


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014e60 No.72595

File: e7814751bebd860⋯.png (489.63 KB,973x872,973:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199089 (180357ZJUL23) Notable: Corey's Digs: 17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda

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17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda


The Great Con

These “Global Goals” are said to be “agreed upon by all world leaders to build a greener, fairer, better world by 2030, and we all have a role in achieving them.” By “role” they mean that people will be required to be obedient digital citizens with no personal rights or freedoms, and will “own nothing and be happy.”

It’s important to note that these 17 goals are used primarily for marketing fluff to convince the masses that this is all for the greater good. Within these 17 goals they have 169 targets with 230 indicators that measure the progress of those targets. Many of these target points involve major data collecting, aggregating, and sharing, and much of what is described is akin to the marketing fluff used in the 17 goals. In other words, they either state what they plan to do but aren’t really doing it or carry out a goal but for the exact opposite reason as stated.

A perfect example is their push for everyone in the world to have access to a bank account under the guise of equality and to be able to provide direct assistance to those in poverty, yet if you review all of their other plans around the financial industry and digital IDs it becomes quite clear that it is for the purpose of creating a universal basic income that is monitored and spending is controlled based on a social score derived from ones obedience level.

17 Goals of Deception

1. No Poverty

2. Zero Hunger

3. Good Health and Well-Being

4. Quality Education

5. Gender Equality

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10. Reduce Inequalities

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

13. Climate Action

14. Life Below Water

15. Life on Land

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17. Partnerships for The Goals



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014e60 No.72596

File: 7b89e2dd067ec33⋯.png (130.77 KB,1170x718,585:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199138 (180407ZJUL23) Notable: D'Souza rebuts Obama's charge that conservatives are censoring children's books on oral sex

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014e60 No.72597

File: 1140a9337973bab⋯.png (1.12 MB,1170x1694,585:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199170 (180413ZJUL23) Notable: A violent convict granted clemency by former OR Gov. Kate Brown (D) is now the person of interest in the investigation into serial killings

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A violent convict granted clemency by former OR Gov. Kate Brown (D) is now the person of interest in the investigation into the serial killings of multiple women in the Portland area. Brown released more than 1,000 criminals in the name of social justice.


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014e60 No.72598

File: 236f1751b810cbf⋯.jpeg (206.27 KB,1241x1046,1241:1046,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199195 (180420ZJUL23) Notable: Biden’s Top Pick For Cyber Security Czar Champions Diversity Quotas And Unconscious Bias Training

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Biden’s Top Pick For Cyber Security Czar Champions Diversity Quotas And Unconscious Bias Training

Jason CohenJuly 17, 2023

President Joe Biden’s most likely nominee for a top cybersecurity position has championed policies such as diversity quotas and unconscious bias training, according to previous testimony.

Following reporting that acting National Cyber Director Kemba Walden will not be serving permanently due to personal debt issues, former National Security Agency (NSA) Executive Director Harry Coker is most likely to be nominated for the position, according to reports. Coker told lawmakers that the NSA had a goal to hire 33% minorities and 40% women for the year and that “diversity and inclusion directly correlates to positive mission outcomes,” during his testimony at a House Intelligence Committee hearing in 2019.

Further, he stated that minorities must occupy more leadership roles. “We need to have those underrepresented minorities exposed to the broader agency and the broader community, but also to the leadership team.”

“We noticed there was a gap between minority and non-minority [in promotion rate],” Coker added. “Our current senior profile, our senior officers, 32% female, which is quite good, and our minority representation at the senior ranks at NSA is 15%, and for our people with disabilities, it is 7% at the senior ranks.”

Coker told lawmakers that managers and supervisors are required to take “unconscious bias” training. “That is a required training segment for our managers, unconscious bias, to be aware, actually to be self-aware. So we do require that of our managers and supervisors,” Coker said.

Coker delivered a 2018 keynote speech at the Annual Billington International Cybersecurity Summit where he discussed what characteristics he felt were necessary in cybersecurity.

“Smart, diversified, caring professionals are an absolutely essential part of the cybersecurity collective,” Coker stated. “We are in a never-ending innovation race, a race that cannot be won by ideas alone. This race will be won by noble values.”

Coker is currently a senior fellow at the McRary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security.

The House Intelligence Committee passed the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) in October 2021, which mandated the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to publish reports containing “demographic data and information on the status of diversity and inclusion efforts of the intelligence community.”

After the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) posted a video depicting an employee discussing sexual and racial identity in 2021, the agency faced criticism and backlash on Twitter.

The McRary Institute, the NSA and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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014e60 No.72599

File: 092afe56810827c⋯.png (605.68 KB,998x959,998:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199258 (180443ZJUL23) Notable: FBI agent who investigated Hunter Biden confirms whistleblower's allegations

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FBI agent who investigated Hunter Biden confirms whistleblower's allegations

in 'sickening testimony' revealing 'the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens', GOP claims

James Comer (left), the Republican running the House Oversight Committee's investigation into Hunter Biden (middle with president Joe), claims an FBI agent has confirmed allegations that Hunter had been given favorable treatment. The Committee is looking into whether investigators delving into Hunter's tax affairs and his lying about drug use on a gun permit gave the 53-year-old preferential treatment. Two IRS whistleblowers - one anonymous, the other named Gary Shapley (right) - have publicly claimed that Hunter Biden was treated more leniently than ordinary Americans. The Committee said in a lengthy tweet (inset) that a FBI agent who worked on the case agreed with Shapley that the probe into Hunter was politically influenced.


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014e60 No.72600

File: dd5947fb7c053d2⋯.png (441.81 KB,676x707,676:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199269 (180446ZJUL23) Notable: Anthony Fauci accused of perjury

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Anthony Fauci accused of perjury:

Former White House doctor 'LIED under oath about funding gain-of-function research in China - which is feared to have started COVID pandemic'

DailyMail.com can reveal Senator Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland last week calling for an investigation into whether Dr Fauci, 82, committed perjury when he testified in front of a Senate committee in 2021. In a showdown with Republicans , including Sen Paul, in July that year, Dr Fauci testified that his former 'has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.'


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014e60 No.72601

File: cd223f3a213fcf2⋯.png (2.23 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199363 (180526ZJUL23) Notable: Russia pulls out of Ukraine grain deal, in potential blow to global food supplies

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Russia pulls out of Ukraine grain deal, in potential blow to global food supplies

By Rob Picheta, Mick Krever and Anna Chernova, CNN

Updated 7:57 PM EDT, —Mon July 17, 2023–

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014e60 No.72602

File: 13f1a03508fa9ef⋯.png (1.99 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199366 (180529ZJUL23) Notable: "There will be a response": Putin threatens to retaliate for Crimean Bridge attack - Ukrainska Pravda

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==There will be a response": Putin threatens to retaliate for Crimean Bridge attack

Ukrainska Pravda==

—Mon, July 17, 2023 at 12:32 PM CDT—·1 min read

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014e60 No.72603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199369 (180531ZJUL23) Notable: Russia pulls out of Ukraine grain deal, in potential blow to global food supplies

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Russia Quits Black Sea Grain Deal

By Megan Durisin and Áine Quinn (Bloomberg) — July 17, 2023

Russia ended the Ukraine grain-export deal nearly a year into the agreement, heightening uncertainty over global food supplies and escalating tensions in the region.

The pact, previously extended in May, will cease to be effective as of Tuesday, the foreign ministry in Moscow said in a statement. Russia had repeatedly threatened to leave the deal, which had marked a rare example of cooperation during its war in Ukraine. The corridor’s shutdown will hit key buyers like China, Spain and Egypt.

“Unfortunately, the part concerning Russia in this Black Sea agreement has not been fulfilled so far,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, according to Russian news agency Tass. “Therefore, it is terminated.”

The move jeopardizes a key trade route from Ukraine, one of the world’s top grain and vegetable oil shippers, just as its next harvest kicks off. It also comes after Russia on Monday said Ukrainian drones damaged a key bridge to Crimea.

The pact — brokered by the United Nations and Turkey — has ensured the safe passage of almost 33 million tons of crop exports via the Black Sea since it was signed in July 2022, helping world food-commodity prices ease from the record levels reached after Russia invaded. However, it has been bogged down by issues including slow vessel inspections in recent months.

Benchmark Chicago wheat futures initially rose as much as 4.2% and corn advanced advanced as much as 2.5%. The two commodities are the top crops shipped under the deal.

Russia cited obstacles to its own shipments and a bias toward Western interests as reasons for discontinuing the pact, though the nation is the world’s top wheat shipper. It said it would be willing to reconsider the deal when its terms are met.

Moscow’s withdrawal from the deal will have multiple implications, according to its foreign ministry. Those include the end of guarantees for navigation safety, the collapse of the maritime humanitarian corridor, and the disbandment of the Joint Coordination Center in Istanbul.

“Even without the Russian Federation one needs to do everything to allow us to use this Black Sea corridor. We are not afraid,” Volodymyr Zelenskiy said during an interview on Monday, according to his spokesman Serhiy Nykyforov.

I strongly condemn Russia’s cynical move to terminate the Black Sea Grain Initiative, despite UN & Türkiye’s efforts.

EU is working to ensure food security for the world’s vulnerable. #EUSolidarityLanes will continue bringing agrifood products out of Ukraine & to global…

— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) July 17, 2023

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would discuss the export deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their planned meeting in August, or perhaps sooner by phone.

“I believe Russia’s head of state Putin wants this humanitarian bridge to continue,” Erdogan said in televised comments from Istanbul.

Long-Term Risk

Following repeated disruptions, the shipping corridor through the Black Sea is now nearly empty, tempering the immediate interruption to world crop flows. However, the bigger risk lies longer-term, as fractured and costly export logistics could spur Ukrainian farmers to further cut harvests already shrinking under the weight of the war.

When the deal was inked, the UN agreed in parallel to improve access to Russian food and fertilizer exports. Russia has demanded several obstacles be removed to bolster trade — including reconnecting an agricultural bank to the SWIFT international payments system.

No new vessels have been approved to join the Ukraine grain deal since late last month and Russia has blocked one of the three open ports. Ship inspection times have progressively grown longer, with fewer than one cleared per day in the first half of this month.

A lone vessel remains in the corridor Monday — the TQ Samsun — which departed over the weekend from the port of Odesa. Ship-tracking data show it nearing Istanbul.

Its closure will heighten reliance on alternate trade routes via the Danube River and Ukraine’s European Union neighbors, although those paths remain expensive and some countries have pushed back against the inflow.

The routes come “at a much higher cost of transport,” said Carlos Mera, head of agricultural commodities market research at Rabobank. “That poses questions about the future production out of Ukraine. Most of the exports will flow, but some stock build-up domestically is unavoidable.”

Some traders have previously signaled interest in continuing Black Sea shipments without the deal, although that would require military and government approval.


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014e60 No.72604

File: 3ea240d29dc8c60⋯.png (55.73 KB,598x589,598:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199467 (180558ZJUL23) Notable: Live update: Protesters lower Israeli flag to half staff at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv

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Live update: Protesters lower Israeli flag to half staff at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv


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014e60 No.72605

File: fa49db0ad7b8a3b⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB,492x362,246:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199507 (180623ZJUL23) Notable: #VIDEO: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receives Türkiye's 1st "indigenous" electric car

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#VIDEO: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receives Türkiye's 1st indigenous electric car


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014e60 No.72606

File: e7e864f4b99a2cb⋯.png (144.62 KB,453x383,453:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 369bf1b3c62fcbb⋯.png (1.79 MB,815x3285,163:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199512 (180627ZJUL23) Notable: Zelensky-Aligned "Peacemaker" Site Orders Assassination Of Bulgarian Investigative Journalist

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July 14 2023

Zelensky-Aligned "Peacemaker" Site Orders Assassination Of Bulgarian Investigative Journalist

Having worked to uphold “democracy” in Ukraine by closing churches, jailing political opponents, oppressing ethnic minorities, and cancelling elections, a Ukrainian NGO widely known to be affiliated with the SBU and Volodomir Zelensky has taken the next step in the fight for “freedom” by ordering the assassination of Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, one of Bulgaria’s leading investigative journalists.

The Zelensky-Aligned Peacemaker Site, widely considered as an arm of secret police, the SBU, added Gaytandzhieva to their list of targets for liquidation that they publish on their Orwellian-named “Peacemaker” website on April 15. The announcement published the name of the journalist with her photos, year and place of birth, as well as her social media profiles and media publications, as well as a link to her personal blog.

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014e60 No.72607

File: ec14b9be8bca813⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,354x424,177:212,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199546 (180655ZJUL23) Notable: COMPILATION of STRANGE EVENTS Happening at ‘Sound of Freedom’ Theaters

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Matt Wallace



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014e60 No.72608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199547 (180656ZJUL23) Notable: COMPILATION of STRANGE EVENTS Happening at ‘Sound of Freedom’ Theaters

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014e60 No.72609

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199563 (180709ZJUL23) Notable: John Kirby HACKED statement - for KEKS

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014e60 No.72610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199745 (181032ZJUL23) Notable: #23580

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#23580 >>72584

>>72585 Springfield Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking a Minor He Solicited Over Facebook

>>72586, >>72590 PF

>>72587 Higher CO2 = Superabundance

>>72588 Kirby: "why abortion is necessary for military readiness"

>>72589 Boat F

>>72591 Watters: Taxpayers are funding Fauci's security detail

>>72592 James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

>>72593 Not just RFK: Big Tech bears down on news aggregator that challenges mainstream narratives

>>72595 Corey's Digs: 17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda

>>72594, >>72596 D'Souza rebuts Obama's charge that conservatives are censoring children's books on oral sex

>>72597 A violent convict granted clemency by former OR Gov. Kate Brown (D) is now the person of interest in the investigation into serial killings

>>72598 Biden’s Top Pick For Cyber Security Czar Champions Diversity Quotas And Unconscious Bias Training

>>72599 FBI agent who investigated Hunter Biden confirms whistleblower's allegations

>>72600 Anthony Fauci accused of perjury

>>72601, >>72603 Russia pulls out of Ukraine grain deal, in potential blow to global food supplies

>>72602 "There will be a response": Putin threatens to retaliate for Crimean Bridge attack - Ukrainska Pravda

>>72604 Live update: Protesters lower Israeli flag to half staff at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv

>>72605 #VIDEO: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receives Türkiye's 1st "indigenous" electric car

>>72606 Zelensky-Aligned "Peacemaker" Site Orders Assassination Of Bulgarian Investigative Journalist

>>72607, >>72608 COMPILATION of STRANGE EVENTS Happening at ‘Sound of Freedom’ Theaters

>>72609 John Kirby HACKED statement - for KEKS

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014e60 No.72611

File: 1332c74bbf72c32⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c2e44027b923ae⋯.png (364.09 KB,459x753,153:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199761 (181041ZJUL23) Notable: #23581

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Next Baker Call The Ball

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014e60 No.72612

File: 9ea412c3399a8df⋯.png (115.53 KB,433x476,433:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199775 (181048ZJUL23) Notable: US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.

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JUST IN - US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.



Disclose.tv (https://www.disclose.tv/id/5raoi84nga/)

North Korea detains US tourist for crossing border ‘without permission’

Breaking news from around the world.

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014e60 No.72613

File: 2eaf36ede045e60⋯.png (590.03 KB,674x730,337:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199802 (181100ZJUL23) Notable: James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

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James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell

Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 7/18/2023 2:01:31 AM

The Biden family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday. After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at the Treasury and subpoenaing banks and individuals, Comer posted on Twitter that the Biden family created more than 20 entities to accept, forward, and collect payment from a wide range of business associates.“We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense,” Comer told Fox News. “I don’t believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.”

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014e60 No.72614

File: 0ca803604d3f217⋯.png (496.8 KB,678x723,226:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199804 (181102ZJUL23) Notable: Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

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Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ

Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

Breitbart Politics, by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 7/18/2023 1:55:07 AM

Former President Barack Obama wrote a letter defending LGBTQ+ books in children’s schools and public libraries as Republican-led states move to restrict them amid growing concern from parents. “Today, some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others—are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives,” Obama tweeted along with a letter. “And librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone.”

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014e60 No.72615

File: eb300de26117021⋯.png (680.35 KB,758x583,758:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199809 (181106ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. Invites Further Media Ire, Praises Trump as 'Best Debater Since Lincoln'

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Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has praised former President Donald Trump, calling him “probably the most successful debater in this country since Lincoln-Douglas.” This statement, coming from a contender for the Democratic nomination, underscores the fact that neither RFK Jr. nor Trump are your regular politicians.

RFK Jr.’s comments were made during a Fox News interview, where he emphasized the importance of President Biden participating in debates during the primaries. He argued that this would be crucial preparation for the eventual face-off against the Republican candidate, who he believes is likely to be Trump.

Kennedy’s comparison of Trump to Abraham Lincoln, who is widely regarded as one of the greatest presidents in American history, is a testament to Trump’s debating prowess. The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 are considered a turning point in American political discourse, and to liken Trump’s debating skills to those of Lincoln is a significant compliment.


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014e60 No.72616

File: 06aca6b439709f8⋯.png (600.64 KB,822x765,274:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199811 (181108ZJUL23) Notable: Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

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Obama Condemns ‘Profoundly Misguided’

Book Bans in Letter to Nation’s Librarians

National Review, by Ari Blaff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/17/2023 5:17:25 PM

Barack Obama released a rare public letter denouncing the “profoundly misguided” attempts to ban books in libraries across the country. “Today, some of the books that shaped my life – and the lives of so many others – are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives. It’s no coincidence that these ‘banned books’ are often written by or feature people of color, indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community,” the former president wrote. Obama’s comments come amid a wave of parent concern over the addition of highly sexualized content to public-school libraries. Much of the concern has focused on the book Gender Queer

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014e60 No.72617

File: 367facc77d492d4⋯.png (605.75 KB,1119x640,1119:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c91b304d3224f0⋯.png (257.95 KB,900x534,150:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 2602edb5ad5983a⋯.jpg (20.47 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a39b1a4694b190c⋯.jpg (92.78 KB,728x534,364:267,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199824 (181115ZJUL23) Notable: US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.

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Spitballin': Did he defect?

Early reports, it was not Tweek.


The U.N. Command tweeted that the U.S. citizen was on a tour to the Korean border village of Panmunjom and crossed the border into the North without authorization.

It said he is currently in North Korean custody and that the U.N. Command is working with its North Korean counterparts to resolve the incident.

It gave no further details on who the person is or why he crossed the border.

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014e60 No.72618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199834 (181121ZJUL23) Notable: AMC Theatres CEO slams 'Sound of Freedom' conspiracy theories about screening disruptions as 'garbage'. Addtl SoF info

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This older article calls it an “action movie”

AMC Theatres CEO slams 'Sound of Freedom' conspiracy theories about screening disruptions as 'garbage'

Adam Aron and distributor Angel Studios have joined forces to quell a boycott against the exhibition chain over the Jim Caviezelaction movie

July 13, 2023, 5:11 PM EDT

AMC Theatres CEO Adam Aron and “Sound of Freedom” distributor Angel Studios have joined forces to quell a boycott against the exhibition chain over the release of the Jim Caviezel action movie.

Social media users have accused AMC of purposely disrupting “Sound of Freedom” screenings following accusations that the hit film stokes QAnon conspiracy theories. Rolling Stone, for instance, slammed “Sound of Freedom” as a “QAnon-tinged thriller.”

Claims include AMC canceling screenings and disrupting showtimes with technical difficulties and broken air conditioning.

“Sadly, conspiracy theorists are so prevalent in America. So much garbage information is spread,” Aron wrote on Twitter. “More than ONE MILLION people have watched ‘Sound of Freedom’ at AMC Theatres. More than at any other theatre chain on the planet. Yet people falsely claim otherwise. It is so bizarre.”

Written and directed by Alejandro Monteverde, “Sound of Freedom” is based on the true story of Tim Ballard. “The Passion of the Christ” star Caviezel plays a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. Mira Sorvino and Bill Camp co-star.

“Sound of Freedom” has proven to be an unexpected box office hit since its release on July 4. The movie had an opening day gross of $14.2 million, and it went on to earn another $18.2 million over its first weekend. “Sound of Freedom” held the second spot at the July 12 box office, trailing behind only Tom Cruise’s “Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One.” Its current gross stands at just over $53 million.

Angel Studios is behind the “Sound of Freedom” release and used a “Pay It Forward” app to encourage moviegoers to buy tickets for others to see the film. About $2.6 million of opening day sales were earned through this method. The studio released a statement stressing to fans that AMC is supporting “Sound of Freedom.”

“We understand there are rumors — predominantly in social media — that AMC theaters have made it difficult for fans to see ‘Sound of Freedom’ in local AMC theaters, and we want to make it clear these rumors are not accurate,” Angel Studios’ head of theatrical distribution Brandon Purdie said.

“AMC has been an outstanding partner for Angel Studios, and in fact, as a result of the movie’s performance and consumer demand, AMC has agreed to add additional screens for ‘Sound of Freedom’ this weekend,” he said.

Purdie added, “Angel Studios and the producers of ‘Sound of Freedom’ are asking our fans to support AMC, and all of our other theatrical partners. Summer is the busiest season for people working in theaters, so we ask that anyone attending a screening of ‘Sound of Freedom’ show kindness to their local theater staff. We have the best movie fans in the business. Let’s continue to show theaters the love that Angel supporters are known for.”

Angel Studios reports that more than 450 new theaters will screen “Sound of Freedom” starting July 14.


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014e60 No.72619

File: 2bbf040751cc9d3⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,720x420,12:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9c50306192797e⋯.jpg (159.85 KB,720x1076,180:269,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199859 (181133ZJUL23) Notable: Ilhan Omar is a braindead idiot , gets called out by community notes for retarded statement

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Ilhan Omar is a braindead idiot , gets called out by community notes for retarded statement


The earth just broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years. In fact, we broke in on three separate days.

National climate emergency now.

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014e60 No.72620

File: 8cbf13f350b5441⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x760,32:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199864 (181135ZJUL23) Notable: US DECLINES Zelensky's Request to Take Back Odessa's Waters from Russia. US will not send warships to escort commercial vessels from Ukraine

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💢 US DECLINES Zelensky's Request to Take Back Odessa's Waters from Russia

John Kirby: US will not send warships to escort commercial vessels from Ukraine

Following the recent decision to cancel the grain deal between Russia and Ukraine, U.S. has officially announced its decision not to use warships to escort commercial ships leaving Ukrainian ports.

"We have only one way left - land. This involves the transportation of goods by rail or by road, which is undoubtedly more difficult and less efficient" Kirby said.

This follows Turkey's position (https://t.me/NewResistance/21952) - their spox recently equated trying to remove Russia from Odessa to 'starting World War III'.

Subscribe @NewResistance


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014e60 No.72621

File: c312c42af594938⋯.jpeg (94.62 KB,566x680,283:340,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199877 (181143ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Burchett to Newsmax: Secret Service 'Destroyed' WH Cocaine Bag, DNA

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Literally Nothing to See

Rep. Burchett to Newsmax: Secret Service 'Destroyed' WH Cocaine Bag, DNA

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., told Newsmax on Monday the Secret Service "destroyed" the bag containing cocaine at the White House and does not have enough DNA evidence to identify who may have left it there.

"[The Secret Service] don't even have the key from the locker [where the cocaine was found] and they said originally 'we didn't find enough DNA, now, and they went back and said, 'we didn't find any DNA,'" Burchett said during "The Chris Salcedo Show" on Monday, discussing a briefing on the controversial drug find and resulting probe. "Apparently, they destroyed the bag and any chance of getting any DNA."


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014e60 No.72622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199898 (181152ZJUL23) Notable: House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

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July 18, 2023

8:00 AM EDT

Austin Provides Opening Remarks at Ukraine Defense Contact Group

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III provides the opening remarks virtually at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.





Secretary Austin Opening Remarks at Ukraine Defense Contact Group Meeting

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin delivers opening remarks at a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.


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014e60 No.72623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199902 (181154ZJUL23) Notable: House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

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July 18, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Man and Machine: Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield

House Armed Services Committee



Mr. Alexandr Wang

Chief Executive Officer

Scale AI


Mr. Klon Kitchen

Nonresident Senior Fellow

American Enterprise Institute


Dr. Haniyeh Mahmoudian

Global AI Ethicist







Hearing on the Use of AI in the Military and Combat

The House Armed Services Subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technology and Innovation holds a hearing to examine the application of artificial intelligence (AI) for use in military combat situations.


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014e60 No.72624

File: c00352a418a510c⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB,576x324,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199990 (181226ZJUL23) Notable: House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said "it's a marathon, not a sprint"

mp4 for clipping

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014e60 No.72625

File: 4d7b530e355606c⋯.webp (44.5 KB,760x507,760:507,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19199997 (181227ZJUL23) Notable: AMC Theatres CEO slams 'Sound of Freedom' conspiracy theories about screening disruptions as 'garbage'. Addtl SoF info

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(This article tells the truth about media coverup)

‘Sound of Freedom’ Review: 2023’s Most Powerful Film The Media Tried To Bury And Discredit

Jacob SmithJuly 17, 2023

The Walt Disney Company has thrown a lot of crap into movie theaters over the last several years but the one film that they didn’t want you to see was Sound of Freedom.

A movie that was shot in 2018 under the 20th Century Fox banner was shelved by Disney after the merger. In the years that followed, members of the media began to smear the credibility of Tim Ballard and his outfit Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), an anti-sex trafficking organization that has conducted multiple sting operations around the world.

Media outlets such as Vice News and Slate criticized the organization and questioned its legitimacy by trying to connect the organization to QAnon. The media sought to damage the credibility of Tim Ballard and his efforts to expose child sex trafficking around the world.

The media despised Operation Underground Railroad claiming that they were affecting “legitimate sex workers.” Child sex trafficking and child sex abuse is a global billion-dollar operation that is not just controlled by drug cartels, but an industry that is controlled by the most powerful people in the world.

A film that exposes the sexual abuse of children around the same time thatJeffrey Epstein, a mysterious billionaire withconnections to an alleged pedophilia ring involving the world’s elite, wasn’t a good look for big media.

It is clear why people in high positions of power did not want anyone to watch this movie. Sound of Freedom is a film about special agent Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel) who works for Homeland Security scoping out child predators and bringing them to justice.

Ballard has arrested hundreds of pedophiles but after realizing that he hadn’t saved any of the child victims, he decides to change his approach and go after the children themselves. Ballard’s investigation leads him to a human trafficking ring operating between Honduras and Mexico, but Homeland Security doesn’t have jurisdiction over those countries.

Tim decides to find the missing children and bring them back home to their parents. As a result, Tim becomes embroiled in a dark and sinister world of child human trafficking leading him down a path that will put his faith and his will on the brink.

_Sound of Freedom is one of the most important films to come out in the last couple of decades and it only scratches the surface of a much bigger problem. While the reality of these activities may be shocking and disturbing,the media doesn’t want anyone to know the people who funds and runs these types of endeavors.

This film forces the audience to accept the reality that they can no longer ignore. While it is not sexually explicit, much of the content of this movie is very hard to watch as it puts children in compromising positions.

It’s not the portrayals that make these scenes uncomfortable, it is the reality that this is happening to children every day in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the United States of America. Many call this a faith-based movie but the faith comes from coming to terms with the evil in the world and knowing the way that you can fight pure evil is with pure goodness. “God’s children are not for sale.”

The Verdict

Sound of Freedom is the most powerful movie that you will watch this year. The acting is well done, the cinematography is stellar, and the most important aspect is that the heart that went into making this film is undeniable.

More heart than you can see for your average $300 million big-budget Disney movie that got propped up because they don’t want anyone to pay attention to this film. Sound of Freedom is destined to make you sick, to make you angry, and to make you cry but this film is the tip of the iceberg of a much bigger glacier.

If every major media organization in the world wants you to not watch something, that is exactly what you need to be watching.


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014e60 No.72626

File: f3df5c9f15f0372⋯.png (969.35 KB,1170x1852,585:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200027 (181234ZJUL23) Notable: elon mush w/CAP: Great question! Let’s find out who is funding the destruction of free speech.

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Great question! Let’s find out who is funding the destruction of free speech.


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014e60 No.72627

File: 8eefd23bbe9ff47⋯.png (6.72 KB,330x124,165:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200058 (181241ZJUL23) Notable: elon mush w/CAP: Great question! Let’s find out who is funding the destruction of free speech.

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Smith Mundt Modernization Act says these characters are all actin like they don't know what the fuck is up when they are CENTER of it.

Musk don't own Twitter CONGRESS does.

otherwise he would't hav had to go in front of them to BUY it (sic)

Twitter ain't never SOLD. sure the profits are but the control isn't. And twitter isn't the only one.

Twitter is DARK TWITTER now.

And back to the nasty tricks.





But if you TOW the NARRATIVE ....

you're page will load


Yeah I wonder who it is...

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014e60 No.72628

File: cd06c66d789addf⋯.png (61.58 KB,581x488,581:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200067 (181243ZJUL23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!

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Donald J. Trump


The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!






Dem AG Merrick Garland is arresting political opponents - and still the Rep Party is too chicken shit to impeach him.

Christopher Wray is interfering in our elections and running the FBI as the secret police for the Dem party - and still the Rep Party is too chicken shit to impeach him.

Joe Biden has taken bribes and extorted money from enemy countries (treason) - and still the Rep Party is too chicken shit to impeach him.

The Republican Party = spineless, worthless, good-for-nothing cowards.

Jul 18, 2023, 1:38 AM

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014e60 No.72629

File: d1874419a7f1f34⋯.png (713.6 KB,895x744,895:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200087 (181247ZJUL23) Notable: The Global Constitution for the World

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The Global Constitution for the World

Canada Free Press, by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Original Article

Posted By: tisHimself, 7/18/2023 6:19:46 AM

call for a Constitutional Convention of States under Article V of the U.S. Constitution grows louder. The pretext used is the desire to reign in the out-of-control government spending and corruption in Congress. Governments across the globe are nudged by globalists to institute digital currency and, in the U.S., the Constitution stands in the way and it must be modified. Proponents of such a convention even found escapees from communist regimes like Cuba and Venezuela and are using them to make public statements that such a convention would prevent communism from taking hold in this country, a ludicrous idea.

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014e60 No.72630

File: dab0b91867f1fc6⋯.png (210.6 KB,451x518,451:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200133 (181258ZJUL23) Notable: John Solomon is reporting that an FBI agent has now come forward to corroborate the two IRS whistleblowers who will publicly testify...

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John Solomon is reporting that an FBI agent has now come forward to corroborate the two IRS whistleblowers who will publicly testify in front of the Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

“Big explosive revelations ahead in the next 48 hours or so…” 🍿

Tick tock!

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014e60 No.72631

File: d56866ec95edba8⋯.png (162.05 KB,427x373,427:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200147 (181304ZJUL23) Notable: The Global Constitution for the World

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They're not saying "Boooo"

They're saying "Truuuuu" for Trudeau

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014e60 No.72632

File: 41f0a7c56770fff⋯.jpeg (19.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200158 (181305ZJUL23) Notable: US DECLINES Zelensky's Request to Take Back Odessa's Waters from Russia. US will not send warships to escort commercial vessels from Ukraine

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18 Jul, 2023 09:15

Ukrainian naval terror drone bases destroyed – Moscow

The strikes came in retaliation to the Crimean Bridge attack, which claimed two civilian lives

The Russian military has conducted strikes on Ukrainian facilities used to prepare terrorist attacks, the Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday. The attacks were carried out in retaliation to Monday’s attack on the Crimean Bridge, which claimed two civilian lives and left one child injured.

In a statement, the ministry said that Russian forces overnight launched “a group retaliatory strike” usinghigh-precision sea-based weapons. The attack wasaimed at facilitiesthat were used to prepare “terrorist acts” against Russia involving unmanned drones, as well as theshipyard in the southern Ukrainiancity of Odessa that produced them, it added.

Apart from this, thebarrage targeted depotsin Odessa and Nikolaev thatcontained around 70,000 tons of fuelmeant for the Ukrainian military. “All designated targets have been hit. Fires and detonations have been registered at the destroyed facilities,” according to the statement.

On Tuesday, Sergey Bratchuk, the head of the Odessa administration, reported a rocket attack on the city which involvedsix Kalibr missiles, but claimed that all of them had been downed. However, he noted that “port infrastructure facilities” and several other buildings were damaged in the strike.

Vitaly Kim, the head of the Nikolaev administration, said the attack hit “an industrial facility,” causing a fire that was promptly extinguished.

Unverified footage circulating on social media shows Ukrainian air defenses firing at an unknown target in Odessa Region, with a powerful explosion occurring several seconds later. Local media suggested that the strike could have destroyed a German-suppliedGepard air defense system_.

Another unverified clip from Nikolaev Region appears to show a loud explosion and a fire.

On Monday, Russia accused Ukraine of staging a terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge involving two maritime drones which damaged one section of the roadway and killed a married couple, injuring their minor daughter.

In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised retaliation, noting at the time that the Defense Ministry was already preparing “necessary proposals.”


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014e60 No.72633

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200183 (181312ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/18/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/18/2023


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014e60 No.72634

File: bfa68bb0df6b3a9⋯.png (956.83 KB,991x792,991:792,Clipboard.png)

File: 43ece53c3b0beea⋯.png (598.49 KB,987x919,987:919,Clipboard.png)

File: e4d6b2104740772⋯.png (608.43 KB,990x782,495:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200225 (181319ZJUL23) Notable: US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.

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Part 1 of 2

North Korea arrests US soldier who crossed the border from demilitarized zone during tour

The last recorded person involved in a border crossing was shot and killed

Cases of Americans or South Koreans defecting to North Korea have been rare


PUBLISHED: 06:37 EDT, 18 July 2023 | UPDATED: 09:13 EDT, 18 July 2023

An American soldier has been detained in North Korea after crossing the border from South Korea during a tour in the region.

The soldier has been named as private second class Travis King. The UN Command says it is now trying to negotiate his release.

King was taking part in a Joint Security Area Tour which takes tourists through the area between North and South Korea.

It is beyond the heavily fortified border that permits entry from the Military Demarcation Line.

'A U.S. National on a JSA (Joint Security Area) orientation tour crossed, without authorization, the Military Demarcation Line into the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK),' the U.N. Command said on Twitter.

'We believe he is currently in DPRK custody and are working with our KPA counterparts to resolve this incident,' it added, referring to North Korea's People's Army.

The man is the first American since Bruce Byron Lowrance in 2018 to be detained by North Korean forces. Lowrance was held for a month after he illegally entered the country from China.

The Military Demarcation Line marks the border between North and South Korea and has been in place since the Armistice signed in July 1953. The Korean Demilitarized Zone sits either side of the border, stretching 2km each way.

Since 1950, the United Nations Command - a multinational security effort - has patrolled the area with the aim of maintaining the armistice and to facilitate diplomacy between the two countries.

Cases of Americans or South Koreans defecting to North Korea are rare, though more than 30,000 North Koreans have fled to South Korea to avoid political oppression and economic difficulties at home since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War.

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014e60 No.72635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200227 (181320ZJUL23) Notable: US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.

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>>72634 Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2z

Panmunjom, located inside the 248-kilometer (154-mile) -long Demilitarized Zone, was created at the close of the Korean War. Bloodshed and gunfire have occasionally occurred there, but it has also been a venue for numerous talks and a popular tourist spot.

The area is jointly overseen by the U.N. Command and North Korea. No civilians live at Panmunjom.

This is the last recorded border incident involving an individual since September 2020 when a South Korean official of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries disappeared from his patrol boat that was six miles north of the Northern Limit Line - a disputed maritime demarcation line in the Yellow Sea between the North and South.

Lee Dae-jun was found wearing a life jacket by the North's own patrol where he was shot and killed by Pyongyang troops and his body burned over fear of coronavirus, South Korean intelligence said.

South Korea’s Ministry of Defense called the killing an 'atrocious' act and called on the North to punish those involved.

North Korea's Kim Jong-un subsequently issued a rare personal apology following the incident. The despot told South Korea's then-President Moon Jae-in that the 'disgraceful affair' should have never happened.

In November 2017, North Korean soldiers fired 40 rounds as one of their colleagues raced toward freedom. The soldier was hit five times before he was found beneath a pile of leaves on the southern side of Panmunjom. He survived and is now in South Korea.

There have been a small number of U.S. soldiers who fled to North Korea during the Cold War, including Charles Jenkins, who deserted his army post in South Korea in 1965 and fled across the DMZ. He appeared in North Korean propaganda films and married a Japanese nursing student who had been abducted by North Korean agents. He died in Japan in 2017.

In recent years, some Americans have been arrested in North Korea after allegedly entering the country from China. They were later convicted of espionage and other anti-state acts, but were often released after the U.S. sent high-profile missions to secure their freedom.

In 2018, North Korea released the last three known American detainees as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was engaged in nuclear diplomacy with then-President Donald Trump. The high-stakes diplomacy collapsed in 2019 amid wrangling over U.S.-led sanctions on North Korea.

Tuesday's border crossing happened amid high tensions over North Korea's barrage of missile tests since the start of last year.

The United States earlier Tuesday sent a nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea for the first time in decades as deterrence against North Korea.

It comes as the allies warned North Korea that any use of the North's nuclear weapons in combat would result in the end of its regime.

Periodic visits by US nuclear ballistic missile-capable submarines to South Korea were one of several agreements reached by the two countries' presidents in April in response to North Korea's expanding nuclear threat.

They also agreed to establish a bilateral Nuclear Consultative Group and expand military exercises.

The USS Kentucky, an Ohio-class submarine, arrived at the South Korean port of Busan on Tuesday afternoon, South Korea's defence ministry said.

It is the first visit by a US nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea since the 1980s, it said.

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014e60 No.72636

File: e99365f0c92a705⋯.png (252.17 KB,437x771,437:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f2fad046910e32⋯.png (214.34 KB,408x614,204:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200246 (181325ZJUL23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: (paraphrasing) Jack Smith (Sunday night) sent letter stating that I am a TARGET of the Jan 6th Grand Jury and have 4 days to report...

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014e60 No.72637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200251 (181326ZJUL23) Notable: House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

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Compliance with Committee Oversight

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014e60 No.72638

File: 0817a8ada4204b9⋯.png (255 KB,420x514,210:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200262 (181328ZJUL23) Notable: Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic!

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Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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014e60 No.72639

File: ebf1a1f950a795e⋯.mp4 (14.42 MB,802x480,401:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200263 (181328ZJUL23) Notable: AMC Theatres CEO slams 'Sound of Freedom' conspiracy theories about screening disruptions as 'garbage'. Addtl SoF info

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Rothschild Pope.

After the pachamama thing (an earth goddess, not allowed in Catholic Theology), nothing surprises about this Pope anymore. Jesuits were not allowed to be Pope, not sure when that changed, Francis is the first Jesuit Pope.

Maybe the last Pope altogether.

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014e60 No.72640

File: 8589bfb2d9adb8b⋯.png (1.93 MB,1164x1154,582:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200298 (181338ZJUL23) Notable: Man charged in alleged threat against journalist seeking Nashville shooter manifesto. "I'm willing to go to prison to end you."

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Man charged in alleged threat against journalist seeking Nashville shooter manifesto | Just The News


A Tennessee man has been charged in connection with a threat against conservative journalist and talk radio show host Michael Patrick Leahy over Leahy's lawsuit to obtain the Nashville school shooter manifesto, allegedly telling Leahy, "I'm willing to go to prison to end you."

Leahy, CEO of The Star News Network, and the network’s parent company, Star News Digital Media Inc., are involved in a lawsuit to release the manifesto of transgender person Audrey Hale, who killed three students and three faculty members in March at a Nashville Christian school Hale had attended.

The person charged in connection with the death threat over the lawsuit, Michael Alonzo Rouse, 49, threatened Leahy July 9 via email, according to a source familiar with the matters.

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014e60 No.72641

File: a7a0e80c38534ad⋯.png (1.27 MB,960x1118,480:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200345 (181349ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Milky Way above La Palma Observatory

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 18, 2023

Milky Way above La Palma Observatory

What's happening in the night sky? To help find out, telescopes all over the globe will be pointing into deep space. Investigations will include trying to understand the early universe, finding and tracking Earth-menacing asteroids, searching for planets that might contain extra-terrestrial life, and monitoring stars to help better understand our Sun. The featured composite includes foreground and background images taken in April from a mountaintop on La Palma island in the Canary Islands of Spain. Pictured, several telescopes from the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory are shown in front of a dark night sky. Telescopes in the foreground include, left to right, Magic 1, Galileo, Magic 2, Gran Telescopio Canarias, and LST. Sky highlights in the background include the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, the constellations of Sagittarius, Ophiuchus and Scorpius, the red-glowing Eagle and Lagoon Nebulas, and the stars Alrami and Antares. Due to observatories like this, humanity has understood more about our night sky in the past 100 years than ever before in all of human history.


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014e60 No.72642

File: 4a42975cdf59427⋯.jpeg (378.46 KB,1170x1500,39:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200366 (181356ZJUL23) Notable: DC Draino w/CAP: America’s enemies according to the DC Uniparty: Actual enemies of America:

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America’s enemies according to the DC Uniparty:

1. Russia

2. White Conservatives

3. Weather

4. Free Speech

5. Crypto

Actual enemies of America:

1. DC Uniparty

2. Communist China

3. Election Fraud

4. Censorship

5. Big Pharma

6. WEF

7. BlackRock

8. CIA


10. Hollywood

0. Federal Reserve


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014e60 No.72643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200375 (181359ZJUL23) Notable: House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

House Republican Agenda

House Republican leaders speak to reporters following their weekly conference meeting at the U.S. Capitol.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House will consider five resolutions to end presidentially-declared national emergencies involving conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Congo, Libya and Yemen.


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014e60 No.72644

File: 8fb34d74682cd20⋯.png (211.36 KB,543x688,543:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200383 (181401ZJUL23) Notable: Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic!

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014e60 No.72645

File: d8d4c4d2c06aaca⋯.png (1.05 MB,1153x1666,1153:1666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200416 (181408ZJUL23) Notable: FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents...

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🚨FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

This is why they’re indicting President Trump - to cover up their J6 setup


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014e60 No.72646

File: 66ff4f74e9e5491⋯.png (517.5 KB,984x706,492:353,Clipboard.png)

File: df24c621e7f4cf0⋯.png (942.86 KB,982x1561,982:1561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200419 (181409ZJUL23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: (paraphrasing) Jack Smith (Sunday night) sent letter stating that I am a TARGET of the Jan 6th Grand Jury and have 4 days to report...

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Trump braces for an imminent INDICTMENT as he announces he is officially a target in the January 6 investigation: Ex-President says he is expecting to be arrested again and tears into 'deranged' Jack Smith

Trump revealed he has received a target letter from special counsel Jack Smith

Smith probing efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn election

Trump claims he has four days to respond and is facing 'arrest and indictment'


PUBLISHED: 09:38 EDT, 18 July 2023 | UPDATED: 09:58 EDT, 18 July 2023

Donald Trump revealed that he has received a target letter from special counsel Jack Smith regarding the Justice Department's January 6 investigation.

On his Truth Social account, Trump claimed he faces 'arrest and indictment' and was only given four days to respond to the letter, which he received Sunday night.

He said he was offered a chance to speak to the grand jury, which meets at the federal courthouse in Washington D.C., later this week.

'Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden's DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment,' the former president wrote.

Smith is leading the Justice Department's investigation of attempts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Smith, as part of his probe, has examined testimony and documents related to fundraising, Trump's rally that preceded the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol, and communications between Trump associates and election officials in battleground states.

In December, Smith subpoenaed local election officials in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania, asking for communications with or involving Trump, his 2020 campaign aides and a list of allies who were involved in his efforts to try to overturn the results of the election.

It's unclear what aspect of Smith's probe that Trump could be indicted in but the letter suggests charges are imminent.

Trump, in his statement, repeated his claim that he is a victim of a 'witch hunt' and a weaponized federal government.

He wrote that 'they have now effectively indicted me three times.... with a probably fourth coming from Atlanta' and added in capital letters, 'This witch hunt is all about election interference and a complete and total (political) weaponization of law enforcement!'

The former president is scheduled to travel to Iowa on Tuesday, where he is taping a town hall with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Trump was indicted last month on 37 felony counts alleging he illegally kept classified records at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and refused government demands to give them back. Trump and his valet, Walt Nauta, who was also charged, have both pleaded not guilty.

A hearing in Trump's classified documents criminal case is set for Tuesday in Florida federal court.

Trump's attorneys have asked this any trial in that case take place after the 2024 election. Trump is leading the polls for the Republican presidential nomination. Smith's prosecutors oppose that bid.

The former president also is under criminal investigation by a Georgia state prosecutor for his attempt to get election officials there to reverse his loss to Joe Biden in that state.

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014e60 No.72647

File: dda3864b7b4870f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1170x1764,65:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200434 (181413ZJUL23) Notable: Planefag GITMO update

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GTMO844 returning to base


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014e60 No.72648

File: 84f1f2cc381be0a⋯.png (195.22 KB,1170x827,1170:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200451 (181417ZJUL23) Notable: US to Announce $1.3 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine: Reuters

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US to Announce $1.3 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine: Reuters

/Would be nice for the public to have some clue how the money is spent!/

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014e60 No.72649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200464 (181422ZJUL23) Notable: Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe

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Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe

Aretired FBI supervisor’s account to Congress of how the bureau tipped off Joe Biden’s team in December 2020 about plans to conduct a surprise interview of his son Hunter not only corroborates a key allegation from two IRS whistleblowers, it further paints a portrait of unusual meddling into the investigation of the first family’s overseas business dealings and taxes.

From search warrants denied to critical evidence kept from the investigative team, three experienced federal law enforcement agents have now offered Congress significant testimony and proof that the Hunter Biden probe did not follow FBI or IRS norms and left veteran investigators as well as the powerful House chairman seeing political favoritism and undue interference.

“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people," House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said Monday night after releasing a summary of the FBI supervisory agent’s account.

Comer’s counterpart on the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, dropped a bombshell of his own Monday, saying the FBI has “materially” impacted Congress’ efforts to unmask the weaponization of law enforcement by refusing to turn over evidence and that Director Christopher Wray could be held in contempt as early as next week.

The retired FBI agent, a new witness for Congress, gave his account to Comer’s panel in a transcribed interview Monday, corroborating several aspects of the account IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley and a second agent gave Congress last month.

The agent, whose name wasn't immediately made public, said the bureau tipped off both Joe Biden's transition office and the Secret Service on Dec. 7, 2020, ultimately thwarting a planned interview of Hunter Biden and other witnesses the next day.

"The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview," Comer explained. "On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden – they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation."

More at: https://justthenews.com/accountability/whistleblowers/tueforbidden-questions-denied-warrants-witness-tipoffs-agents-detail

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014e60 No.72650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200531 (181437ZJUL23) Notable: "Vaccination Expert" Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42

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"Vaccination Expert" Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42

The world has been shocked by the sudden death of a renowned "vaccination expert," Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno. Known to many from his regular appearances on "Mexico Today," Dr. Alfredo was a passionate advocate of Covid mRNA vaccines. The 42-year-old public health specialist died in his sleep on Monday due to a myocardial infarction, according to reports. He was otherwise in excellent health, with no known pre-existing medical conditions.


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014e60 No.72651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200552 (181441ZJUL23) Notable: #23581

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final bun of fun for #23581

swalwell askn basic q's cuz he's blind. he's cut off from all intel

hold em n czech em

#23581 >>72611

>>72612, >>72617, >>72634, >>72635 US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.

>>72613 James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

>>72614, >>72616 Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

>>72615 RFK Jr. Invites Further Media Ire, Praises Trump as 'Best Debater Since Lincoln'

>>72618, >>72625, >>72639 AMC Theatres CEO slams 'Sound of Freedom' conspiracy theories about screening disruptions as 'garbage'. Addtl SoF info

>>72619 Ilhan Omar is a braindead idiot , gets called out by community notes for retarded statement

>>72620, >>72632 US DECLINES Zelensky's Request to Take Back Odessa's Waters from Russia. US will not send warships to escort commercial vessels from Ukraine

>>72621 Rep. Burchett to Newsmax: Secret Service 'Destroyed' WH Cocaine Bag, DNA

>>72622, >>72623, >>72624, >>72637, >>72643 House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

>>72626, >>72627 elon mush w/CAP: Great question! Let’s find out who is funding the destruction of free speech.

>>72628 DJT TS w/CAP: The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!

>>72629, >>72631 The Global Constitution for the World

>>72630 John Solomon is reporting that an FBI agent has now come forward to corroborate the two IRS whistleblowers who will publicly testify...

>>72633 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/18/2023

>>72636, >>72646 DJT TS w/CAP: (paraphrasing) Jack Smith (Sunday night) sent letter stating that I am a TARGET of the Jan 6th Grand Jury and have 4 days to report...

>>72638, >>72644 Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic!

>>72640 Man charged in alleged threat against journalist seeking Nashville shooter manifesto. "I'm willing to go to prison to end you."

>>72641 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Milky Way above La Palma Observatory

>>72642 DC Draino w/CAP: America’s enemies according to the DC Uniparty: Actual enemies of America:

>>72645 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents...

>>72647 Planefag GITMO update

>>72648 US to Announce $1.3 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine: Reuters

>>72649 Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe

>>72650 "Vaccination Expert" Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42

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014e60 No.72652

File: 847c056a049e6f1⋯.png (818.3 KB,914x486,457:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 72c94bc249225d2⋯.png (162.06 KB,577x345,577:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200581 (181448ZJUL23) Notable: #23582

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

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014e60 No.72653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200583 (181448ZJUL23) Notable: Standing by for LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

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LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023



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014e60 No.72654

File: a7458648a75ebae⋯.png (288.31 KB,408x614,204:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 51d60eae998ac4d⋯.png (121.79 KB,462x686,33:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 365ab7c0bc1cd4f⋯.png (249.9 KB,470x677,470:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200595 (181451ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump announces he has received a letter from the DOJ signaling he will be arrested and indicted for January 6th

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🚨BREAKING: President Trump announces he has received a letter from the DOJ signaling he will be arrested and indicted for January 6th

Yes, the same J6 where national guard troops were rejected by Democrats, where undercover FBI sources and DC PD officers were in the crowds, where Pelosi secretly worked to lower security measures, and where police launched flashbangs and tear gas into the peaceful crowds

The DOJ is now going indict the President who fought against fraudulent elections while they protect the crackhead, Ukrainian bribe family in the White House

The Deep State is the greatest threat to the American people and we are sadly reminded today why that is true

They must be abolished down to the root

10:00 AM · Jul 18, 2023

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014e60 No.72655

File: 113e60516e0842e⋯.png (297.84 KB,1794x774,299:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c9de080119909c⋯.png (250.27 KB,728x868,26:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200600 (181452ZJUL23) Notable: Kanekoa offering some pretty good info regarding racial targeting of the SARS COV virus

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ty bake!

Kanekoa offering some pretty good info regarding racial targeting of the SARS COV virus. This data heavily support RFKJr's claims so lets get it out there!


"ACE2-K26R; which is most frequent in Ashkenazi Jewish population decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction.

On the contrary, ACE2-I468V, R219C, K341R, D206G, G211R increased the electrostatic attraction; ordered by binding strength from weakest to strongest.

The aforementioned variants are most frequent in East Asian, South Asian, African and African American, European, European and South Asian populations, respectively."




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014e60 No.72656

File: 264134d4e540a8b⋯.jpg (263.52 KB,1080x2341,1080:2341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200615 (181456ZJUL23) Notable: Tropical Storm Don strengthensas it continues a slow spin through the north Atlantic

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Tropical Storm Don strengthensas it continues a slow spin through the north Atlantic

By Brian Shields, WFTV.com and James Tutten, WFTV.com

July 18, 2023 at 6:51 am EDT

ORLANDO, Fla. —Don strengtheneda little over the last 12 hours and is again classified as a tropical storm.

Tropical Storm Don is spinning in the north Atlantic, and it will continue to for several days.

The system will continue to drift around for about a week, but it has no threat to land.

Read: Hurricane season: Are you ready? Survey says many Floridians are not

Don remains only an issue for shipping routes.

It poses no threat to the United States.


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014e60 No.72657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200628 (181500ZJUL23) Notable: DeSantis Team Uses Fake AI Generated Voice of President Trump in Iowa Media Campaign?

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Desperate DeSantis Team Uses Fake AI Generated Voice of President Trump in Iowa Media Campaign

July 17, 2023 | Sundance |

Former Ted Cruz campaign manager Jeff Roe is guy who told the Iowa caucus team in 2016 to tell the voters that Dr. Ben Carson dropped out of the race. So it doesn’t come as a surprise to see Jeff Roe now working for Ron DeSantis and deploying his bag of dirty campaign tricks.

The DeSantis team is planning to spend at least $1 million on a TV ad blitz using a fake voice of Donald Trump intended to trick Iowa voters. The desperate effort will backfire, as all desperate false efforts always do. If this is the approach of Team DeSantis, they will likely lose more voters than they could hope to gain.

(POLITICO) – […] A person familiar with the ad confirmed Trump’s voice was AI generated. Its content appears to be based off of a post that Trump made on his social media site Truth Social last week. The person said it will run statewide in Iowa tomorrow and that the ad buy was at least $1 million — a massive sum though one doable for the well-heeled super PAC.

“The blatant use of AI to fabricate President Trump’s voice is a desperate attempt by Always Back Down and Jeff Roe to deceive the American public because they know DeSanctimonious’ campaign is on life support,” said Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita, referring to a top official with the pro-DeSantis super PAC. “After losing big donors and slashing their staff, they have now outsourced their work to AI just like they would like to outsource American jobs to China.” (link)

I have said from the outset, long before anyone wanted to accept that Ron DeSantis was being managed toward this 2024 effort, that everything created by the team around him is fake, astroturf and manipulated. This ad is just another example.

Ron DeSantis cannot win the GOP nomination without an external intervention to change the dynamic. If you start your review of sequence from that acceptance point, then you realize those who support Ron DeSantis will need to support the external intervention. In this instance, a corrupt and weaponized leftist U.S. Dept of Justice.

The DeSantis team, just like the Ted Cruz team that preceded him, are more anti-Trump and anti-nationalism than they are anti-corruption in government.

If it takes a corrupt and weaponized United States government to achieve their objective of a DeSantis nomination, then the corrupt and weaponized government is something they must accept. Hence, the baseline for my snarky prediction, “Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”

Again, this is not a grand exercise in political insight, it is simply following the sequence of necessary events to its most logical conclusion.

Ron DeSantis supporters will support Joe Biden in order to eliminate the problem of Donald Trump. However, the number of Republican voters who are willing to accept that conflicting outlook is far fewer than the number of ideologues within the GOPe willing to use it.

What I have just described, in that dynamic of diminished support, is exactly why Team DeSantis continues to shed supporters amid the ranks of voters.

Team DeSantis, the billionaires, the RGA, RNC and the entire coalition of ideological influencers, may be willing to eat the bugs – but the overwhelming majority of the voters will not; nor will they accept a transparently weaponized Dept of Justice as an external force against the will of We The People.

If you understand this dynamic, I mean really understand this dynamic, it becomes fun to combat the influence group being paid by the hundreds of millions in Sea Island funding.

In order to achieve their objective, the DeSantis supporters are forced to align with the corrupt system they pretend to despise. They are forced to deny that elections are manipulated; they are forced to deny the targeting of Trump is an inflection point that destroys our nation; they are forced to deny their association with the same corrupt and manipulated systems they depend on to achieve their objective. Pushing those supporters into the painful sunlight of their hypocrisy is not difficult.

Team meatball has to win in Iowa; even their own internal campaign team admit that without an Iowa victory the campaign just evaporates. Their desperation with the ad is pathetic, just like the campaign that sits behind it.


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014e60 No.72658

File: 3cb997744f22ac7⋯.png (556.24 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200631 (181501ZJUL23) Notable: Tropical Storm Don strengthensas it continues a slow spin through the north Atlantic

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The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Tropical

Storm Don, located over the central Atlantic.


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014e60 No.72659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200637 (181503ZJUL23) Notable: Adam Buckenham UK Labour party candidate jailed for 20 years at Salisbury Crown Court for grooming.

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Adam Buckenham UK Labour party candidate jailed for 20 years at Salisbury Crown Court for grooming.


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014e60 No.72660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200638 (181503ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Regime Wants to JAIL Trump Before Elections! Judicial Watch is live

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NEW: Biden Regime Wants to JAIL Trump Before Elections!

Judicial Watch is live

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014e60 No.72661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200654 (181507ZJUL23) Notable: Lisa Murkowski Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats #RINO

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Lisa Murkowski Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats, Several Republican Senators Including Thune, Romney, Cornyn and Young Agree

July 17, 2023 | Sundance

For those of us who have been trying to awaken people to the true nature of Republicans in the senate, aka “the Decepticons”, the latest self-admissions are very welcome.

According to interviews conducted by The Hill, several Republican senators are now saying they just cannot be members of the Republican Party if they are forced to represent the interests of the base voter. These very specifically named Republicans have always been members of the UniParty in DC; however,now they are saying “populism” amid the commonsense, America First voting base is not going to be acceptable.

The senators are openly warning that if putting American interests first is going to be demanded by the voters, these Republicans will just become Democrats. There is no reason for Americans to distrust the institutions the Republican senators support, and there will be no compromise or discussion.

What is making these Republican senators angrier is that who they consider to be intellectual and professional people are also demanding a more populist approach toward a government that represents the people. This is just not going to be allowed according to Lisa Murkowski, John Thune, John Cornyn and the other names outlined.

WASHINGTON DC – […] “We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I’m having more ‘rational Republicans’ coming up to me and saying, ‘I just don’t know how long I can stay in this party,’” said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). “Now our party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist, populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us seriously anymore.

“You have people who felt some allegiance to the party that are now really questioning, ‘Why am I [in the party?]” she added. “I think it’s going to get even more interesting as we move closer to the elections and we start going through some of these primary debates.

[…] “There are an astonishing number of people in my state who believe the election was stolen,” said one Republican senator who requested anonymity to talk about the growing popularity of conservative conspiracy theories at home.

[…] Republican senators say they are alarmed at how many Republicans, including those with higher levels of education and income, buy the unsubstantiated claims that the last presidential election was stolen.

A second Republican senator who spoke with The Hill said the growing strength of radical populism “makes it a lot more difficult to govern, it makes it difficult to talk to constituents.”

“There are people who surprise me — I’m surprised they have those views. It’s amazing to me the number of people, the kind of people who think the election was stolen,” the lawmaker said.“I don’t want to use this word but it’s not just a ‘red-neck’ thing. It’s people in business, the president of a bank, a doctor.”

[…] Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) pushed back on calls to defund the Justice Department, telling reporters: “Are we going to get rid of the Justice Department? No. I think defunding is a really bad idea.”

Thune later explained to The Hill: “There are seasons, swings back and forth in politics and we’re in one now where the dominant political thinking is more populist with respect to national security, foreign policy, some domestic issues.”

But he said “that stuff comes and goes and it’s built around personalities,” alluding to the broadly held view that Trump’s election to the presidency in 2016 and his lasting influence over the party has put his brand of populism at the forefront.

[…] Senate Republicans tried to wave off their House colleagues from advancing articles of impeachment authored by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) against President Biden and rolled their eyes at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) attempt to expunge Trump’s impeachment record.

Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) warned, “I fear that snap impeachments will become the norm, and they mustn’t.”

Asked about efforts to erase Trump’s impeachment record, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) quoted the popular show “Succession”: “Logan Roy made a good point. These are not serious people.” (read more)


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014e60 No.72662

File: cbe3a46cae06671⋯.png (253.97 KB,616x890,308:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 42772ae0483b110⋯.png (3.31 MB,4096x3096,512:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 39b1e30624e459f⋯.png (74.69 KB,608x585,608:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200663 (181509ZJUL23) Notable: Wilmington: A place to run for president in 2024. What to expect from Biden's headquarters

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5:58 AM · Jul 18, 2023

Today, we are releasing a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

President Biden has repeatedly denied knowing anything about his family’s business dealings despite evidence to the contrary.

Our timeline contains important dates as to when Joe Biden knew and lied to the American people about his family’s business schemes.



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014e60 No.72663

File: 7fb3b53f43e1985⋯.jpeg (683.04 KB,1170x1108,585:554,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ff9e55ec43bc4fb⋯.png (1.07 MB,1170x2302,585:1151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200667 (181509ZJUL23) Notable: Wilmington: A place to run for president in 2024. What to expect from Biden's headquarters

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Wilmington: A place to run for president in 2024. What to expect from Biden's headquarters


President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that his reelection campaign headquarters will be based in Wilmington, opting for the hometown that kickstarted his political career over the city of Philadelphia that helped him clinch the 2020 election.

With just over 70,000 people, Wilmington is the smallest city to host a presidential campaign in 30 years – if not longer. The campaign will have a physical presence in downtown Wilmington, with staffers expected to start working out of Delaware as early as next week.

“My family’s values, my eternal optimism and my unwavering belief in the American middle class as our nation's backbone comes from my home – from Delaware,” Biden said in a statement. “That’s why there is no better place for our reelection campaign to have its headquarters. This election will be about standing up for those values."

Four years ago, Biden’s presidential campaign was based in Philadelphia, a city that was key in delivering his presidential victory in 2020. Yet Wilmington became his informal headquarters with the onset of the pandemic, ultimately leading to Delaware hosting the announcement of Vice President Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate and later, the Democratic National Convention.

For Biden, it is Wilmington – a city he took the train home to every night when he represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate for decades. Wilmington carries a strong emotional weight for Biden: His political ideology was formed here, and his two children and first wife are buried here.

So far into his presidency, Biden regularly travels home to visit his grandchildren in Wilmington or to his oceanfront home in Rehoboth Beach.

There’s been speculation by national media for months that Wilmington will be the campaign headquarters, with some Democratic operatives grumbling privately about the prospect.

Kate Bedingfield, former White House communications director for the Biden Administration, said Wilmington was discussed as a possible location in 2020.

“It was a very spirited debate between Wilmington and Philadelphia four years ago,” she said, “so it feels very meaningful that he's now going to have the opportunity to headquarter the reelect in Wilmington.”

Yet Delaware’s largest city doesn’t carry the same electoral importance as Philadelphia. In 2024, Pennsylvania is once again seen as a key state to win in order for Biden to remain in the White House.

The president will visit Philadelphia on Thursday, the sixth time since 2021, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“Having the campaign headquartered in Wilmington,” Bedingfield said, “is reinforcing a really fundamental piece of what the president believes that public service is all about, which is … serving the families that he raised his kids alongside in Wilmington, Delaware.”

U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, a co-chair of the reelection campaign, said in a brief interview that Delaware “represents all of America.”

“We're urban, we’re suburban, we’re rural, coastal,” Blunt Rochester said. “We have demographics that mirror the country.”

“Pennsylvania is still important, it's his birthplace,” she added. “And it's right up the road.”


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014e60 No.72664

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200676 (181511ZJUL23) Notable: What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The scientific facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker

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I am fan of this one. CDS

What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The scientific facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker


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014e60 No.72665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200683 (181513ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE Is There a Right to Repair? House Judiciary GOP

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Is There a Right to Repair?

House Judiciary GOP

651 watching now Started streaming 86 minutes ago


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014e60 No.72666

File: b45b8a79e628fd1⋯.png (114.29 KB,729x603,81:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200691 (181515ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!

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Donald J. Trump

The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!


Dem AG Merrick Garland is arresting political opponents - and still the Rep Party is too chicken shit to impeach him.

Christopher Wray is interfering in our elections and running the FBI as the secret police for the Dem party - and still the Rep Party is too chicken shit to impeach him.

Joe Biden has taken bribes and extorted money from enemy countries (treason) - and still the Rep Party is too chicken shit to impeach him.

The Republican Party = spineless, worthless, good-for-nothing cowards.

Jul 18, 2023, 8:38 AM


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014e60 No.72667

File: 8ce0c1bf6a91ead⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200696 (181515ZJUL23) Notable: @SpeakerMcCarthy President Trump recently went up in the polls. So what does the Biden Administration do next? Weaponize government to go after Trump #J6

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President Trump recently went up in the polls. So what does the Biden Administration do next? Weaponize government to go after President Biden’s number one opponent. This is not equal justice. It’s wrong, and the American public is tired of it.



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014e60 No.72668

File: da583fcc0a936d4⋯.png (1.54 MB,1222x1644,611:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200711 (181519ZJUL23) Notable: PDJT - I have a right to protest and Election That I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen #VoterFraud

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Donald J. Trump

Jul 18, 2023, 9:21 AM


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014e60 No.72669

File: dfd3728917f4676⋯.png (522.83 KB,855x464,855:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200729 (181521ZJUL23) Notable: @RepMTG Jack Smith has weaponized the federal government against President @realDonaldTrump MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jack Smith has weaponized the federal government against President @realDonaldTrump in a complete lie about January 6 to cover up the crimes of Joe & Hunter Biden and their entire criminal family.

The Democrats want to arrest every one of their political opponents.

It’s hard to recognize our country anymore.

VIDEO: https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/Q/c/W/4/QcW4k.caa.mp4?u=0&b=0


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014e60 No.72670

File: 89dfbd74dc08999⋯.png (185.9 KB,444x735,148:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200739 (181523ZJUL23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you

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It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you & putting Americans first. This is a mockery of justice & our constitution. We are a Third World nation in rapid decline, with only one cure. RE-ELECT DONALD J TRUMP!


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014e60 No.72671

File: a608c7d02f8368e⋯.mp4 (10.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200750 (181524ZJUL23) Notable: JULY 18, 2023 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Fmr. Pres. Trump Being a Target in Jan. 6 Probe MP4

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JULY 18, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Fmr. Pres. Trump Being a Target in Jan. 6 Probe

Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Green reacts to news that former President Trump is a target in the January 6 investigation. She says she stands with President Trump and that Democrats cannot win on the issues.


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014e60 No.72672

File: 35e51de9b470119⋯.png (455.35 KB,594x626,297:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200759 (181527ZJUL23) Notable: #OTD 1943, K-74 became the only U.S. blimp lost to enemy action when it was shot down by the German submarine U-134

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#OTD 1943, K-74 became the only U.S. blimp lost to enemy action when it was shot down by the German submarine U-134 in the Straits of Florida. The crew was rescued except for one sailor who died after being attacked by a shark. U-134 was sunk a month later by the @RoyalAirForce



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014e60 No.72673

File: 5f33f8ddde10ff5⋯.png (36.64 KB,820x410,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 271381f6afcd9ce⋯.png (318.17 KB,598x600,299:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 5986516fc01176a⋯.png (258.81 KB,598x432,299:216,Clipboard.png)

File: 584a2b35996d2a8⋯.png (571.75 KB,598x644,13:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 7712770ab8b3a4f⋯.png (445.17 KB,598x453,598:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200768 (181529ZJUL23) Notable: CALL TO TWITTER COUNTER STRIKE: #TrumpIndictment

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Gonna need you twitter fags to drops some truths

Peacful Protest

J6 Prisoners

Trump Called for National Guard

Ray Epps Arrest

FBI/Antifa infiltration


!!! This means ALL OF (YOU) !!!




















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014e60 No.72674

File: 2c69872d39c1ee5⋯.mp4 (10.42 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 427161352f801a9⋯.png (271.49 KB,588x676,147:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200779 (181530ZJUL23) Notable: @RepMTG Jack Smith has weaponized the federal government against President @realDonaldTrump MP4

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Video MTG 18JUL23 4:26



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014e60 No.72675

File: 168aebba3ade778⋯.png (198.65 KB,500x285,100:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200786 (181531ZJUL23) Notable: GOP Uniparty Senators Threaten to Leave and Become Democrats

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GOP Uniparty Senators Threaten to Leave and Become Democrats


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014e60 No.72676

File: a0a533b9c8a7484⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200790 (181532ZJUL23) Notable: Hannity/Kash Pelosi Refused #J6 Protection MP4

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014e60 No.72677

File: 5e113a004180b78⋯.png (878.76 KB,1170x1513,1170:1513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200795 (181533ZJUL23) Notable: Undercover video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing J6

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I don’t know how to get the video uploaded here, sorry


June 6, 2023

BREAKING: Undercover video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing J6 where they discuss how:

-J6ers can’t get fair trial in DC

-Media overhyped it

-Need a new war to distract Americans

-J6 had “no guns, no plans…just people taking selfies”

-No actual insurrection

VC: @gatewaypundit

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014e60 No.72678

File: 78bd5fa6c2397b0⋯.png (155.74 KB,529x486,529:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200808 (181534ZJUL23) Notable: Oh look, another new VAX for kids!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh look, another new VAX for kids!


New drug to protect babies and toddlers from RSV gets FDA approval ahead of cold season

U.S. officials on Monday approved the first long-acting drug to protect babies and toddlers against a respiratory virus that sends tens of thousands of American children to the hospital each year.

RSV is a cold-like nuisance for most healthy people, but it can be life-threatening in the very young and the elderly.

The Food and Drug Administration approved the injection for infants and children up to 2 years old who face increased risk of severe RSV.

“Today’s approval addresses the great need for products to help reduce the impact of RSV disease on children, families and the health care system” said FDA's Dr. John Farley in a statement.

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014e60 No.72679

File: c108cb8173f09b2⋯.png (630.98 KB,1027x954,1027:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200844 (181541ZJUL23) Notable: Trump expects to be arrested imminently after receiving news that he's a 'target' in Special Counsel Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe

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Trump expects to be arrested imminently after receiving 'horrifying news' that he's a 'target' in Special Counsel Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe

▶ Trump revealed he had received a target letter from special counsel Jack Smith

▶ Smith probing efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn election

▶ Trump claims he has four days to respond and is facing 'arrest and indictment'

Donald Trump is bracing for a third indictment and imminent arrest after revealing he has received a target letter from special counsel Jack Smith regarding the Justice Department's January 6 investigation.

In a dramatic post on his Truth Social account, the former president said he was given the letter Sunday night while having dinner confirming he is the subject of a criminal investigation into his bid to overturn the 2020 election results.

He said he had been given four days to respond and has been offered a chance to speak to the grand jury, which meets at the federal courthouse in Washington D.C., later this week.

In the post, he ripped into Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, claimed the investigation is 'election interference' and accused President Joe Biden of 'going after his 'number one political opponent.'

Trump is still dominating the polls in the race to be on the 2024 Republican presidential ticket, but could now be facing three criminal trials during the campaign.

He could face charges of obstructing an official proceeding - related to Congress' electoral college count on January 6 - and defrauding the government over an alleged 'fake electors' scheme.

'Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden's DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment,' the former president wrote.

Smith is leading the Justice Department's investigation of attempts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

He's also leading the probe against Trump in regard to classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago.

A target letter means investigators have gathered substantial evidence linking the recipient to a crime, indicating that an indictment is near. Usually, such letters invite the recipient to appear before a grand jury to offer evidence.

Trump is expected to decline the invitation to appear before the grand jury, the New York Times reported.

Smith was appointed as special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland in November. As part of his probe, he has examined testimony and documents related to fundraising, Trump's rally that preceded the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol, and communications between Trump associates and election officials in battleground states.

In December, Smith subpoenaed local election officials in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania, asking for communications with or involving Trump, his 2020 campaign aides and a list of allies who were involved in his efforts to try to overturn the results of the election.

Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law who served as a White House adviser, and Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, have also spoken with prosecutors.

There have been at least two grand juries investigating the former president's attempts to remain in power.

One is related to Trump fundraising off his false claim of election fraud and that he needed money to fight it.

The other is related to the so-called 'fake' electors, which refers to a plot by Trump allies to create and submit fraudulent certificates in key battleground states that falsely asserted Trump had won the electoral college vote in those states instead of Joe Biden. The idea was to pressure then-Vice President Mike Pence to use those certificates in the electoral college certification intead of the genuine ones.



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014e60 No.72680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200848 (181541ZJUL23) Notable: Trump expects to be arrested imminently after receiving news that he's a 'target' in Special Counsel Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe

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It's unclear what aspect of Smith's probe that Trump could be indicted in but potential charges could include:

• Charges of obstructing an official proceeding, which would be Congress's January 6th session to count electoral college votes and certify Joe Biden's victory (many Jan. 6 rioters have been charged on this count)

• Charges of defrauding the government - that would be a broader look at attempts to subvert the election results, such as the 'fake electors' scheme

• Insurrection under Section 2383 of Title 18, which makes it a crime to incite, assist or 'aid and comfort' an insurrection against the federal government. This is rarely charged, however, and has not yet been used against any of the Jan. 6 rioters

Trump, in his statement, repeated his claim that he is a victim of a 'witch hunt' and a weaponized federal government.

He wrote that 'they have now effectively indicted me three times.... with a probably fourth coming from Atlanta' and added in capital letters, 'This witch hunt is all about election interference and a complete and total (political) weaponization of law enforcement!'

He also pointed out that he is 'Joe Biden's NUMBER ONE POLITICAL OPPONENT, who is largely dominating him in the race for the Presidency.'

The former president is scheduled to travel to Iowa on Tuesday, where he is taping a town hall with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Trump was indicted last month on 37 felony counts alleging he illegally kept classified records at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and refused government demands to give them back. Trump and his valet, Walt Nauta, who was also charged, have both pleaded not guilty.

A hearing in Trump's classified documents criminal case is set for Tuesday in Florida federal court.

Trump's attorneys have asked this any trial in that case take place after the 2024 election. Trump is leading the polls for the Republican presidential nomination. Smith's prosecutors oppose that request to delay.

At Tuesday's hearing, the judge will address the trial schedule but attorneys to discuss how they intend to handle the voluminous classified material expected to be evidence in the case.

Trump, as a presidential candidate, could be facing three - and possibly four -separate criminal trials as he campaigns to return to the White House.

The former president also is under criminal investigation by a Georgia state prosecutor for his attempt to get election officials there to reverse his loss to Joe Biden in that state.

The prosecutor in Georgia said she plans to present criminal charges in August.

And he was indicted in the state of New York in early April by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election.


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014e60 No.72681

File: 1be909fda478e3b⋯.jpg (138.6 KB,1080x751,1080:751,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200859 (181542ZJUL23) Notable: @RepMTG Jack Smith is a lousy attorney. weak little bitch

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Jack Smith is a lousy attorney.

His career is filled with mistrials, overturned cases, and judicial rebukes.

He only targets Republicans because he’s aweak little bitchfor the Democrats.


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014e60 No.72682

File: 3ce68ee287b69f4⋯.png (592.46 KB,1196x960,299:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 697dd0c56b8613a⋯.png (261.45 KB,2798x1251,2798:1251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200869 (181543ZJUL23) Notable: Call to dig on Wesley Hunt. He is co-sponsoring trafficking legislation with Sheila Jackson Lee and Nadler

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Anons we need to dig on Wesley Hunt. He is co-sponsoring trafficking legislation with Sheila Jackson Lee and Nadler. Damn it.



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014e60 No.72683

File: 0ea5e448dc30826⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,524x270,262:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200871 (181543ZJUL23) Notable: Undercover video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing J6

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014e60 No.72684

File: e5e8778823c1324⋯.png (96.52 KB,720x584,90:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f77e423f80f5d3⋯.png (68.33 KB,722x414,361:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200915 (181550ZJUL23) Notable: How is that we spent $877 billion in FY 2022 on defense and Russia spent only 1/10th of that

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Fair questions from B.Kates...

How is that we spent $877 billion in FY 2022 on defense and Russia spent only 1/10th of that — $86 billion — yet we’re the ones running out of ammunition?

Are American taxpayers are getting ripped off by the military-industrial complex?

REP. CLAY HIGGINS: The Pentagon has failed five audits and can't account for 61% of their assets.


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014e60 No.72685

File: fbb1835d298038f⋯.mp4 (11.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200971 (181559ZJUL23) Notable: 4KEKS - JUST NOW JACK SMITH MP4

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014e60 No.72686

File: 7a5015147b38e3d⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ae73df0d2d5a2d4⋯.jpeg (1006.02 KB,1871x1363,1871:1363,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200977 (181559ZJUL23) Notable: Florida declare mRNA Covid shots a ‘Bio-Weapon’

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This seems Too Good to be True?

Anyone Smell Test this post? Did they say this on the news and anyone research FL to see if it was voted on? It would save me some time…

🚨🇺🇸Florida declare mRNA Covid shots a ‘Bio-Weapon’

Legislation looking to be passed to make it ILLEGAL to administer any mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine to anybody in the state.

Bravo Florida 👏👏👏


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014e60 No.72687

File: 9c5e4d45dc0fa21⋯.jpeg (73.66 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201045 (181608ZJUL23) Notable: Democrats Are the Real Racists, and They're Proving It Yet Again

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Democrats Are the Real Racists, and They're Proving It Yet Again


Democrats love to push the narrative that they are the party of tolerance and acceptance. They’ll frequently boast about how diverse their coalition is, and accuse Republicans of being racist for — well, for pretty much any absurd reason they can conjure up.

Yet, time and time again, we see evidence of how the only minorities the left actually cares about are the ones who vote the right way. Conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and Winsome Sears are routinely attacked with racist rhetoric from the “tolerant” left.

And it doesn’t take much for Democrats to show their true colors.

Last week, Georgia State Rep. Mesha Mainor announced she was leaving the Democratic Party. Since then, she’s been the target of a flood of racist hate mail from the left. Mainor shared some of the emails she received on Twitter.

Here’s one letter (edited for graphic language).

I would like to help your retarded black a— by telling you. That saying you would support any candidate picked by the GOP during the primary is retarded. Not only is is retarded you live up to the word n—r by just following blindly. Remember you were a Democrat and “felt abandoned” to become a Republican, and now you’re going to follow blindly like you did with your party. You’re the stain on society that needs to be flushed. I wish you the absolute worst in your political history. You Uncle Tom b—h.

And another:

You dumb— aunt Jemima mother f—ing traitor! I will be sure to take a good chunk of my retirement savings, which is substantial, and will donate it to whoever it is that will be running against you, you self-hating black negress b—.

Oh, yo’ll see come 2024 how I will help to make sure you are defeated! Go run in a Republican confederate district that loves self-hating n—rs lie you!

And another, containing even more slurs and racist tropes:

You n—r bitch, you need to get back on the plantation before Massa Stacey whips yo a— back into shape — you need to stop eating your fried chicken and watermelon with Vernon Jones and back Ms. Nat Turner!

There are plenty more I could share, all incredibly nasty and racist, but you get the point. For all their posturing about tolerance, acceptance, and diversity, deep down, the Democratic Party is full of racists who only see black people as pawns in their neverending quest for power.


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014e60 No.72688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201109 (181622ZJUL23) Notable: Gov. Kemp rules out 2024 presidential run for now, calls on GOP to stop talking about 2020 election

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Gov. Kemp rules out 2024 presidential run for now, calls on GOP to stop talking about 2020 election

Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp says he does not currently plan on running for president in 2024 andhe warned Republican candidates to stop talking about 2020 election fraud. Fuck off Kemp!

Specifically targeting former President Donald Trump's comments about election fraud, Kemp said Monday on CNN: "I think if he continues to do that, he's going to lose Georgia, in November. I mean, people are not worried about the past, regardless about - of how you feel about the election, you know?"

He also said that he thinks moderate Republicans and independents "are not worried about the 2020 election right now."

Even though he disagrees with Trump on election fraud in Georgia, Kemp says he plans on ultimately "supporting a Republican nominee to beat Joe Biden" in the 2024 election and that any Republican running for the Oval Office would be better than the Biden-Harris administration.

Trump has repeatedly clashed with Kemp over his stance on 2020 election fraud in the vital battleground state and even endorsed former Georgia Sen. David Perdue in a bid to unseat the governor in 2022.

When CNN's Kaitlan Collins asked whether he had fully ruled out running for the White House in 2024, Kemp responded: "I got a great job right now. I personally feel like having more people in the race does not help us win and beat Joe Biden. So, I'm certainly not running for president. But there's always doors open, in politics, depending on how things play out. And we'll see what happens."


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014e60 No.72689

File: 1870aec28c52527⋯.png (412.13 KB,606x412,303:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201133 (181625ZJUL23) Notable: Meme of the Thread

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>Schumer proposes

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014e60 No.72690

File: 5f7d39ab5e768c6⋯.png (20.34 KB,557x246,557:246,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d5482160eccc4b⋯.mp4 (9.32 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201191 (181633ZJUL23) Notable: Trend: "Election Interference" @LauraLoomer on War Room w/ Steve Bannon,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trend: "Election Interference"


@LauraLoomer · 13m

WATCH: Today on War Room w/ Steve Bannon, I explained how @FoxNews owner Rupert Murdoch, who is a foreigner, is using his multi-billion dollar media empire to carry out election interference via the donor class in an effort to “unperson Donald Trump” by Murdoch’s own admission.


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014e60 No.72691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201198 (181634ZJUL23) Notable: Sorority members say they were told to change definition of woman to allow transgender to join

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Sorority members say they were told to change definition of woman to allow transgender to join

July 17, 2023

The sorority sisters said they filed the lawsuit to prevent other women from being placed in a similar situation.

Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters on Monday said that their national sorority headquarters told them to change their definition of a woman in order to allow a transgender woman to join their chapter at the University of Wyoming.

The sorority sisters are now involved in a lawsuit against Kappa's national leadership after it approved Artemis Langford, a biological male who identifies as a woman, as a member of the Wyoming chapter in fall 2022.

"When we brought up privacy and safety concerns, we were either ignored or told to be quiet and change our definition of a woman," eight Wyoming sorority sisters wrote in an op-ed for Fox News.

"We have a simple claim: we were promised an all-female experience, and we have the legal right to that. Kappa Kappa Gamma’s bylaws restrict membership to women," they said.

The sorority sisters said they filed the lawsuit to prevent other women from being placed in a similar situation.

Their op-ed comes after Kappa Kappa Gamma's national headquarters filed a motion last month to dismiss the lawsuit.


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014e60 No.72692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201209 (181636ZJUL23) Notable: 12:30 PM EDT Austin, Milley Hold Press Conference on Ukraine

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12:30 PM EDT

Austin, Milley Hold Press Conference on Ukraine

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark A. Milley brief the news media on a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.





Secretary Austin and General Milley News Conference on Ukraine

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley speak to reporters following a virtual meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.


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014e60 No.72693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201256 (181643ZJUL23) Notable: Ken Paxton attorney: Texas House won’t disclose information necessary for impeachment trial

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Updated: July 17, 2023 - 11:00pm

Ken Paxton attorney: Texas House won’t disclose information necessary for impeachment trial

House impeachment managers were given an order to provide the evidence. (so Republicans know their evidence will absolve Paxton so they are doing this)

Republican House Managers chosen by House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, aren’t complying with a discovery order issued by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attorneys claim.

The July 12 order requires the parties to “confer and accomplish the following as soon as practicable,” including requiring the House Managers to provide documentation to Paxton’s attorneys in preparation for the impeachment trial. The order was issued in response to a complaint Paxton’s attorneys filed on July 7.

The order requires House Managers to provide all reports, documents, business records, government records, papers, recorded witness statements, among others in possession of House officials relevant to any of the articles of impeachment. House Managers must also make available for inspection by Paxton’s attorneys all physical objects/evidence, all documents and photographs and all business records or government records expected to be introduced at trial. They are also ordered to disclose all known convictions of witnesses they expect to call, all “exculpatory, impeachment, or mitigating evidence, and the existence and substance of any payment, promise, possible immunity, lenience or preferential treatment made to any prospective witness listed,” according to the order.

Failure to comply with the order “may result in the exclusion of the evidence at issue and/or contempt of court,” it states.

The Senate also created a new website page that includes the order, motions and some documents related to impeachment proceedings. Already-published documents include some communication transmitted among counsel, a House General Investigating Committee denial to a public information request made by Paxton’s attorneys, and a motion filed by Paxton’s attorneys to preclude Paxton from being compelled to testify.

In response to the July 12 order, the House Managers provided six boxes of documents, which Paxton’s attorney, Tony Buzbee, argues is a ruse.

Buzbee issued a statement Monday saying in part that “House politicians refuse to follow Dan Patrick’s order unless Attorney General Paxton agrees to not make any of the documents provided by the House available to the public prior to the Senate trial. There is no reason to hide these documents or the truth from the public. This proceeding is too important to allow the House managers to try to hide the fact they have no incriminating evidence at all.

“While House managers, of course, tried to appear compliant with the Lt. Governor’s order by providing a mere six boxes of inconsequential documents which contained nothing new and absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, [House Speaker Dade] Phelan’s kangaroo court is now defying the Lt. Governor’s order for production by demanding that Attorney General Paxton agree to keep everything provided secret from the people of Texas. This ridiculous demand is an attempt by the House to delay the Senate trial. Phelan’s kangaroo court is mocking the Senate and demonstrating contempt for the Lt. Governor.”

Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction, who chairs the GIC and is leading the House Managers, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. All previous requests for comment to Murr and GIC members have gone unanswered.

This demand for secrecy is unacceptable but not surprising from members of the very kangaroo court that impeached Ken Paxton, a body that was guided by politics instead of the law,” Buzbee said. “It is clear that the House realizes there is no evidence to support impeachment, and the House doesn’t want the people of Texas to learn this fact.”

Buzbee also asked Patrick “to force Phelan and the liberal House behind this sham impeachment to immediately comply with his order to disclose documents. The people of Texas deserve transparency and the liberal politicians in the Texas House who are siding with Joe Biden should not be allowed to hide the fact that it was a kangaroo court behind this impeachment with no evidence. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”


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014e60 No.72694

File: e48078a74fbe3b9⋯.png (417.65 KB,491x810,491:810,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201305 (181652ZJUL23) Notable: @POTUS Americans are witnessing the impacts of our Investing in America agenda in their backyards.

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President Biden


Americans are witnessing the impacts of our Investing in America agenda in their backyards.

Text me at (302) 404-0880 and tell me what's new in your community.

12:40 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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014e60 No.72695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201435 (181710ZJUL23) Notable: #23582

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#23582 >>72652

>>72653 Standing by for LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

>>72654 President Trump announces he has received a letter from the DOJ signaling he will be arrested and indicted for January 6th

>>72655 Kanekoa offering some pretty good info regarding racial targeting of the SARS COV virus

>>72656, >>72658 Tropical Storm Don strengthensas it continues a slow spin through the north Atlantic

>>72657 DeSantis Team Uses Fake AI Generated Voice of President Trump in Iowa Media Campaign?

>>72659 Adam Buckenham UK Labour party candidate jailed for 20 years at Salisbury Crown Court for grooming.

>>72660 Biden Regime Wants to JAIL Trump Before Elections! Judicial Watch is live

>>72661 Lisa Murkowski Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats #RINO

>>72662 Today, we are releasing a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. @GOPoversight

>>72662, >>72663 Wilmington: A place to run for president in 2024. What to expect from Biden's headquarters

>>72665 LIVE Is There a Right to Repair? House Judiciary GOP

>>72666 Donald J. Trump The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!

>>72667 @SpeakerMcCarthy President Trump recently went up in the polls. So what does the Biden Administration do next? Weaponize government to go after Trump #J6

>>72668 PDJT - I have a right to protest and Election That I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen #VoterFraud

>>72669, >>72674 @RepMTG Jack Smith has weaponized the federal government against President @realDonaldTrump MP4

>>72670 @DonaldJTrumpJr It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you

>>72671 JULY 18, 2023 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Fmr. Pres. Trump Being a Target in Jan. 6 Probe MP4

>>72672 #OTD 1943, K-74 became the only U.S. blimp lost to enemy action when it was shot down by the German submarine U-134

>>72673 CALL TO TWITTER COUNTER STRIKE: #TrumpIndictment

>>72675 GOP Uniparty Senators Threaten to Leave and Become Democrats

>>72676 Hannity/Kash Pelosi Refused #J6 Protection MP4

>>72677, >>72683 Undercover video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing J6

>>72678 Oh look, another new VAX for kids!

>>72679, >>72680 Trump expects to be arrested imminently after receiving news that he's a 'target' in Special Counsel Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe

>>72681 @RepMTG Jack Smith is a lousy attorney. weak little bitch

>>72682 Call to dig on Wesley Hunt. He is co-sponsoring trafficking legislation with Sheila Jackson Lee and Nadler

>>72684 How is that we spent $877 billion in FY 2022 on defense and Russia spent only 1/10th of that

>>72686 Florida declare mRNA Covid shots a ‘Bio-Weapon’

>>72687 Democrats Are the Real Racists, and They're Proving It Yet Again

>>72688 Gov. Kemp rules out 2024 presidential run for now, calls on GOP to stop talking about 2020 election

>>72689 Meme of the Thread


>>72690 Trend: "Election Interference" @LauraLoomer on War Room w/ Steve Bannon,

>>72691 Sorority members say they were told to change definition of woman to allow transgender to join

>>72692 12:30 PM EDT Austin, Milley Hold Press Conference on Ukraine

>>72693 Ken Paxton attorney: Texas House won’t disclose information necessary for impeachment trial

>>72664 What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The scientific facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker

>>72694 @POTUS Americans are witnessing the impacts of our Investing in America agenda in their backyards.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

014e60 No.72696

File: a0a533b9c8a7484⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201467 (181713ZJUL23) Notable: #23583-A

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#23583 https://fullchan.net/?40ff3a4f6c7a553c#32jDre1KGNoG33Pi56mdWm3Yk7LiFRXExGvtfgs39Grs


Standby for LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023


Live in 23H

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014e60 No.72697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201521 (181722ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Reprehensible.' Congress skewers Biden education chief for email to students attacking SCOTUS

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Updated: July 18, 2023 - 9:21am

‘Reprehensible.' Congress skewers Biden education chief for email to students attacking SCOTUS

President Joe Biden's education chief sent a mass email to student loan borrowers claiming the Supreme Court erred in striking down the cancellation of their debt, a fresh attack on the integrity of the justices that generated an instant rebuke from Congress.

"We believe the Supreme Court got it wrong," Education Secretary Miguel Cardona wrote in the email, which was sent to Just the News by several borrowers who received it over the last few days.

The department is "taking action aimed at opening an alternative path to debt relief for working and middle-class borrowers," Cardona added in the email. "We started the process to provide relief to as many people as we can, as fast as we can, through the rule-making process."


Members of Congress told Just the News on Monday they found Cardona's email to be an inappropriate attack on the legitimacy of the nation's highest court.

"It's reprehensible number one. I mean, this flies in the face of the Supreme Court ruling," Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., a member of the House Education Committee, told the Just the News, No Noise television show Monday night.

"This is the Supreme Court, the law of the land, and you have Secretary =•Cardona who says 'Man, don't worry about the Supreme Court. Really the only voice of reason, the only voice that really matters is mine==. I mean, at the end of the day, who does this? Who does this guy think he is?" she said. "I mean, we have three co-equal branches of government for a reason. It's the Supreme Court's job to interpret the law, not Cardona's. So stay in your lane."

Georgia Republican Rep. Austin Scott condemned what he said was disrespect for the Supreme Court, saying Biden effectively reneged on the debt limit deal with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy by claiming he was resuming student loan payments then abruptly offering a new plan to forgive the debt.

Biden's actions, Scott told the John Solomon Reports podcast, "is just proof that there's an intent to mislead from the administration as much as there is a lack of respect for the Supreme Court."

Rep. Austin Scott: Biden public rebuke of SCOTUS on student debt program after deal with GOP is effort ‘to mislead’Rep. Austin Scott: Biden public rebuke of SCOTUS on student debt program after deal with GOP is effort ‘to mislead’

Biden’s student loan "relief" pledge dates to his 2020 campaign, when he called for "a minimum of $10,000/person" of federal student debt to be wiped out, and was likely a motivating factor for young voters, who showed up in droves for Biden in the 2020 election. The 6-3 ruling by the justices late last month negated the plan as unconstitutional.

After the court decision, Cardona emailed borrowers that hisagency was employing "every tool" possible to "provide debt relief to borrowers" in spite of the ruling.

The alternative path in question is a plan announced Friday to cancel $39 billion in student loans for 804,000 borrowers on the grounds that payments made under income-driven repayment (IDR) plans "should have moved borrowers closer to forgiveness" but "were not accounted for," according to the Education Department.

Biden, writing in a Friday press release, said the plan goes into effect immediately.

“Starting today, over 800,000 student loan borrowers who have been repaying their loans for 20 years or more will see $39 billion of their loans discharged," he stated. "When the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, I immediately announced a new plan to open an alternative path to relief for as many borrowers as possible, as soon as possible."

Defense of Freedom Institute President, Bib Eitel, also told Just The News Sec. Cardona is "attacking the Supreme Court and the rule of law."

"He doesn’t get to pick and choose which laws he wants to follow."


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014e60 No.72698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201563 (181730ZJUL23) Notable: ANONS on redpilling, where we're at

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Anon just sent this to a red-pilled fren who has been pestering anon nonstop “are we THERE yet??!”:

“Hi my fren!

The easiest way to describe my feeling/opinion/observation is by noting that there has been a near exponential breakthrough in awareness, here and Worldwide, in the last six months when compared to the last SIX YEARS.

During Trump’s historic “Turning Point” speech delivered last weekend, Trump paraphrased the most telling Q hint/drop about what has been really going on. (I have talked to you about that drop on a number of occasions). Here is what Trump said (I will text the Q drop also):

….”We’ve now seen how bad it is. How bad their policies are. In one way, that’s the only way, but in one way, WE’RE SHOWING THE WORLD, we’re showing the Country how bad they are.”….. [Emphasis added]…

“No. 4908


21-Oct-2020 2:41:31 PM

Sometimes you

can’t TELL the public the truth.



Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]? [Sound of Freedom Movie]

Difficult truths.


This nearly UNBEARABLE TIME for you, me and tens of millions +++ of others has been necessary to awaken humanity to the tipping or “turning” point.

We have had 3 years of a “Show”, a sham government, [The Military has ALWAYS been in control] and all legislation, laws, court rulings, executive orders, etc., were null and void from the onset. The Military here, and White Hat militaries Worldwide decided, together, that public action against the Cabal COULD NOT OCCUR without exposing the CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN [WHICH] WILL UNITE ALL HUMANITY!


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014e60 No.72699

File: 7403b9212976b45⋯.png (320.09 KB,470x713,470:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201575 (181733ZJUL23) Notable: President Trump Announces He Is Target of Garbage J6 Investigation, Given 4 Days to Testify Before Grand Jury - Braces for Imminent Indictment by Biden Regime and Jack Smith

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President Trump Announces He Is Target of Garbage Jan. 6 Investigation, Given 4 Days to Testify Before Grand Jury – Braces for Imminent Indictment by Biden Regime and Jack Smith

President Trump braces for eminent indictment by Biden Department of Justice.

In case you missed it. The Biden Department of Justice announced this week they want to add EVEN MORE YEARS onto the sentences of several top January 6 defendants including the leaders of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

The DOJ wants Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes kept incarcerated until he is 75 years old for standing outside the US Capitol on January 6 and telling his members to leave their weapons in their hotel rooms. The Biden regime claims they were plotting an insurrection without weapons and with only a handful of their members entering the Capitol to assist police.

The Attorney for Stewart Rhodes told The Gateway Pundit on Monday that it was as if the DOJ wants to keep the Oath Keepers story in the news. Politics comes first for these villains. They care nothing about the lives they ruin along the road to absolute power.

The Biden regime is out to destroy Trump and the people’s movement to save America from tyranny.

The Daily Mail reported:

Donald Trump revealed that he has received a target letter from special counsel Jack Smith regarding the Justice Department’s January 6 investigation.

On his Truth Social account, Trump claimed he faces ‘arrest and indictment’ and was only given four days to respond to the letter, which he received Sunday night.

He said he was offered a chance to speak to the grand jury, which meets at the federal courthouse in Washington D.C., later this week.

‘Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment,’ the former president wrote.

Smith is leading the Justice Department’s investigation of attempts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Smith, as part of his probe, has examined testimony and documents related to fundraising, Trump’s rally that preceded the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol, and communications between Trump associates and election officials in battleground states.


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014e60 No.72700

File: 41b135a607b4eff⋯.png (396.44 KB,598x573,598:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201581 (181734ZJUL23) Notable: Russia at the United Nations

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MFA Russia 🇷🇺 Retweeted

Russia at the United Nations


#Polyanskiy: The MH-17 disaster was a key element in the false and unsubstantiated anti-Russian campaign, which was later supplemented by the poisonings of the Skripals and Navalny, as well as the provocation in Bucha.


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014e60 No.72701

File: b02a52fc42bf5c7⋯.png (32.24 KB,497x252,71:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201588 (181735ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

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Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

The Biden administration will announce yet another $1.3 billion in military aid for Ukraine at a moment Zelensky's counteroffensive has stalled and was recently even put on "pause".

"The United States will announce a new pledge to buy $1.3 billion worth of military aid for Kyiv in its conflict with Russia in the coming days, two U.S. officials said," Reuters reports Tuesday. This fresh package will reportedly include new air defenses, counter-drone systems, exploding drones and ammunition, according to a US official speaking to Reuters.

Reflecting months of headlines of dwindling US weapons supplies, and severe arms shortages among the Western allies generally, the funds have been authorized under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) program - which means in this case the Biden administration will buy weapons from the arms industry (and not pull them from direct from Pentagon stocks).

The report continues to detail: "Also included are two different types of loitering munitions, the Phoenix Ghost drone made by AVEVEX, a private company in California, and the Switchblade, made by AeroVironment Inc." - the latter system being a 'suicide drone' which is small and less expensive than conventional UAVs.

Elon Musk commented Tuesday in response to the Reuters headline, "Would be nice for the public to have some clue how the money is spent!"

The remark is in reference to growing concerns of lack of oversight and accountability when it comes to the tens of billions in funds and arms being pumped into Ukraine.

Hawks in Congress have consistently blocked serious efforts at imposing serious oversight and accountability on Ukraine aid. Over the last year, there have been multiple reports alleging as well as documenting that foreign arms meant for Ukraine have shown up as far away as Scandinavia countries and even more recently the Middle East.

As 'Ukraine fatigue' has long set in among Western populations, Washington has been doubling down...


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014e60 No.72702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201605 (181739ZJUL23) Notable: American Soldier Captured By North Korean Forces - Crossed Border Without Authorization

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American Soldier Captured By North Korean Forces – Crossed Border Without Authorization and Has Reportedly Defected to North Korea

United States officials have confirmed that one of their soldiers was detained in North Korea this morning. He has also reportedly defected.

CBS News reported that the soldier in question is Private 2nd Class Travis King. Before his detainment, he was being escorted back to the United States from South Korea for disciplinary reasons.

The illegal crossing reportedly occurred at 3.27pm local time (2:37 AM ET) according to the Daily Mirror. King was visiting the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) at Panmunjom with a civilian tour group before leaving their sight.

The MDL marks the border between North and South Korea. The line is surrounded by a demilitarized zone and is one of the most heavily guarded areas in the entire world.

The United States maintains a presence of approximately 28,500 forces along the North Korea-South Korea border.

The United Nations command, which operates the Joint Security Area (JSA) within the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, released the following statement:

A U.S. National on a JSA orientation tour crossed, without authorization, the Military Demarcation Line into the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). We believe he is currently in DPRK custody and are working with our KPA (North Korean army) counterparts to resolve this incident.

Newsweek revealed that the Korean -language version of the message said that King “had defected to North Korea.” This news has not been confirmed by American authorities at this point.

A witness, who was part of the tour group with King, gives credibility to the report that King was trying to defect. He explained to CBS News that they had just visited one of the buildings at the site before King laughed and disappeared from the group.

This man gives out a loud “ha ha ha,” and just runs in between some buildings.

The witness said that he thought the whole episode was a joke at first. There was confusion amongst military personnel as well.

I thought it was a bad joke at first, but when he didn’t come back, I realized it wasn’t a joke, and then everybody reacted and things got crazy.



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014e60 No.72703

File: 2a1ccb3e41f95e4⋯.png (89.99 KB,787x435,787:435,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Jul 18, 2023, 11:43 AM


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014e60 No.72704

File: 54db76151cc2786⋯.png (272.51 KB,833x821,833:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201616 (181741ZJUL23) Notable: G20 Meeting In India Ends Without Communiqué, Division On Ukraine, Despite Yellen Pleading Redoubled Support

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G20 Meeting In India Ends Without Communiqué, Division On Ukraine, Despite Yellen Pleading Redoubled Support

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has urged the West and global allies to redouble support for war-ravaged Ukraine on the same weekend that The New York Times ran a headline which indicated, "After Suffering Heavy Losses, Ukrainians Paused To Rethink Strategy".

"Ending this war is first and foremost a moral imperative," she told reporters on sidelines of the G20 Finance Ministers' Summit in India. "But it's also the single best thing we can do for the global economy."

She began by listing her priorities for the G20 in a press conference given in Gandhinagar by saying, "Today, I want to speak about four priorities we will focus on this week: debt distress in emerging markets and developing countries, multilateral development bank evolution, support for Ukraine, and the global tax deal."

"As you know, I have pushed hard – both in public and in private – for timely debt treatments for countries in need of relief. Over the past few years, we have seen debt vulnerabilities mount for many countries as a result of the pandemic and Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine," Yellen continued. "Today, over half of all low-income countries are near or in debt distress."

Under the Biden administration, the US has pumped over $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, including massive and unprecedented amounts of military support.

And yet even top Pentagon officials have increasingly come out in public to lament the 'stalemated' nature of the conflict at this point, as well as highlighted the risks of stumbling into a nuclear-armed WW3 scenario with Russia.

"Certainly we are at a bit of a stalemate," DIA Chief of Staff John Kirchhofer said at a conference last Thursday, according to Bloomberg. "One of the things that the Russian leadership believes is that they can outlast the support of the West."

Treasury Secretary Yellen had elsewhere affirmed here position that it is "premature" to talk of lifting tariffs on China, among other notable talking points.


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014e60 No.72705

File: efb07129b3f6178⋯.jpeg (92.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201622 (181742ZJUL23) Notable: US pressuring Ukraine for ‘decisive breakthrough’ - WaPo

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18 Jul, 2023 16:45

US pressuring Ukraine for ‘decisive breakthrough’ – WaPo

Washington fears Kiev’s counteroffensive may not be able to deliver as powerful a blow as previously expected, the outlet claims

US officials are reportedly concerned that Ukraine is not making enough progress in its much-lauded counteroffensive, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday citing anonymous sources.

According to the outlet, Washington is urging Kiev to commit to a decisive breakthrough as Ukrainian commanders have yet to employ the large-scale offensive tactics they were taught by Western instructors.

An unnamed US official explained to the Washington Post that the West had trained Ukrainian forces in integrated offensive maneuvers, as well as provided mine-clearing equipment, andstressed that it was “paramount” that Kiev’s troops quickly apply those capabilities to breach Russia’s defenses.

Western officials have reportedly criticized Ukraine’s military for embracing an attrition-based approach aimed at firing artillery and missiles at command, transport and logistics sites at the rear of Russian positions instead of usingWestern-style “combined arms”operations that involve large-scale maneuvers featuring tanks, armored vehicles, infantry, artillery, and air power, the outlet said.

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War have pointed out that Ukrainian commanders have chosen to embrace more low-profile advances involving groups of 15 to 50 soldiers in order to preserve manpower. The Washington Post also noted that Kiev has so far only fielded “four of a dozen trained brigades in the current campaign.”

Kiev’s attemptsto breach Russiandefenses have so far been met with “overwhelming artillery, anti tank missiles, loitering munitions and helicopter fire” which have caused significant losses. Russia’s extensive use of drones has also presented a challenge that “not even American forces – for all their combat experience in recent decades – have faced on this scale,” the Post said.

Experts have said that while advances on foot would likely reduce the attrition sustained by the Ukrainian army, such tactics would be much slower and be much less likely to provide an opportunity for a rapid breakthrough.

Ukrainian officials, in turn, have rebuked demands from their Western counterparts to speed up the operation and have instead stressed the need to avoid unnecessary losses and complained about the lack of air support.

Kiev has repeatedly pleaded with its Western backers provide its forces with US-designed F-16 fighter jets, arguing that they would play a key role in countering Russian air power.

Western officials, however, have reportedlyinsisted that the jets would not be a “game changer,” while Russia has responded by saying the aircraft would be destroyed like any other foreign military equipment in Ukraine.


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014e60 No.72706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201632 (181743ZJUL23) Notable: Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark

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I'll just leave this here. Great interview with General Flynn. Vivek is in bed with Pfizer. The more you know.

not sure how to embed Rumble


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014e60 No.72707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201633 (181744ZJUL23) Notable: Massachusetts Governor Calls on Residents to House Illegal Aliens in Their Guest Rooms - definitely NOT the Bee

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Massachusetts Governor Calls on Residents to House Illegal Aliens in Their Guest Rooms

Democrat Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey is calling on residents to consider housing illegal aliens in their guest rooms.

The so-called “host family strategy” is being put in place to combat the growing homeless population in the state, many of whom are not citizens.

WBUR reports, “The state’s new Family Welcome Center in Allston is tasked with recruiting, vetting and onboarding host families, as well as pairing them with the families in need.”

“This has previously been a practice among Resettlement Agencies and other volunteers who work to support new arrivals,” Gov. Healey’s press secretary Karissa Hand said in a statement about the strategy.

The center opened in late June, and it remains unclear how many migrants have already been placed in people’s homes. The report explains that the state has also not explained the vetting process for hosts — or the illegal aliens that they are being asked to house.

“The addition of this layer — of adding in host homes — really seems to be because of the urgency and current unmet needs,” said Kelly Turley, associate director of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, according to the WBUR report. “This is something that they could get online very quickly if host families and hosts come forward.”


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014e60 No.72708

File: cf3eec06ac19eb0⋯.mp4 (271.24 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7816e3effb5f49b⋯.png (158.53 KB,598x486,299:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201635 (181744ZJUL23) Notable: Russian Forces used a lighting bolt to destroy electric transformers in Lviv

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What the media hides.


Russian Forces used a lighting bolt to destroy electric transformers in Lviv



Thor Putinson is with us.

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014e60 No.72709

File: 2a3ca262e4aaeed⋯.png (230.48 KB,460x350,46:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201643 (181746ZJUL23) Notable: ANONS on redpilling, where we're at

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Difficult truths

Nothing can stop what is coming!

It has taken time to show the world all the bad actors and their terrible actions, CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN, and by extension, HUMANITY.

The shills KNOWINGLY come out to DISTRACT the Truth.

ANONS needn't worry and are quite comfy.

Unhinged piss goblins are loud and dangerous, thus why the END WON'T BE FOR EVERYONE!

Don't suffer the fools

Do suffer the plan

Plants are watered, are you still watching the water?

Do you see the drip drip has become a steady flow accelerating towards flooding. When the ship floods, what jumps first.

Hollywood is being dismantled.

Rino's are being exposed.

Academia, especially Kto12, had been exposed.

No one said it would be easy, but Q told us, and deep down we all knew, it would be worth it.

I'll take all the 2 moar weeks it takes to see this through.

Thank you anons

carry on


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014e60 No.72710

File: b1e4248fe9a47d6⋯.jpeg (88.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201650 (181748ZJUL23) Notable: Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential - White House

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18 Jul, 2023 14:27

Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential – White House

NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby has pointed out that Moscow has many alternative routes to supply its troops

Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential – White House

John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council, speaks at the daily White House briefing at the White House on July 17, 2023 in Washington, DC. © Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images

The attack on the Crimean Bridge in the early hours of Monday does not appear to have disrupted Russian military supply routes in Ukraine, according to the White House. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Moscow had already stopped using the bridge to move military cargo.

During a press briefing on Monday, the US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, said that officials in Washington “haven’t seen any impact of the strike on the bridge to Russia’s defensive posture and their military capabilities in Crimea or in Southern Ukraine.”

He noted that Russian forces continued to actively engage the Ukrainian military, “trying to push back elements of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.”

According to Kirby, while it is still too early to predict if and how the attack will affect Moscow’s military capabilities in the long run, it still has “many, many, many other ways of providing logistics and sustainment to their troops in Ukraine.”

“So, my hunch would be that this won’t have a dramatic effect on – on them,” he said.

Kirby went on to mention that the US was not prepared to attribute the incident to any party. He added, however, that even if Ukraine was behind the blast, it had every right to attack the bridge as “Crimea is Ukraine.”

Speaking that same day, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated Washington’s position that the Ukrainian military has carte blanche in terms of choosing its targets.

Russian authorities say two seaborne drones were used in the attack which took out one span of the road section of the bridge.

President Putin denounced the incident as “yet another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime,” and stated that the “Crimean Bridge has long not been used for military transport.”

While Ukrainian officials have not claimed responsibility for the attack, they have welcomed it. Several Ukrainian media outlets have reported that thebridge was damaged as the result of a “special operation” by the country’s security services and naval forces.

The structure, which was built in 2018 to connect Crimea to the Russian mainland, was targeted by a truck bombing last October.

(Is Kirby telling Kiev to stop attacking useless targets that are civilian use only?)


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014e60 No.72711

File: bec63c22e66ee9d⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 394b0fe0a4641c8⋯.png (315.95 KB,733x777,733:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201654 (181748ZJUL23) Notable: FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

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🚨=FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

This is why they’re indicting President Trump - to cover up their J6 setup

10:06 AM · Jul 18, 2023·499.3K Views


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014e60 No.72712

File: d530cbf1e3ddc32⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,469x310,469:310,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201661 (181751ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

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The Race-Based Weapons Bonus Hole goes very deep.

Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons


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014e60 No.72713

File: 7d8661cffe26db5⋯.png (1.06 MB,1003x1236,1003:1236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201664 (181752ZJUL23) Notable: America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

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America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

July 18, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, AFL issued the following statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel, in response to former President Trump announcing he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith stating that he is the target of a January 6 grand jury investigation:

“Merrick Garland and Jack Smith appear hellbent on leveraging every ounce of governmental power they can to weaponize the Department of Justice and attack the Biden Administration’s political opponents while simultaneously using the Department as a shield for President Biden, his family, and his friends. With every additional action they take, the American people see the extent to which this regime is committed to destroying anyone and anything that stands in its way. That, alone, is enormously destructive to our constitutional republic, our institutions, and our society. It sets us down a road from which we will not return anytime soon.

And if the domestic consequences weren’t enough, the Department of Justice has unwittingly turned our federal government into an international laughingstock. Every banana republic across the world will laugh at strongly-worded statements by the Department of State and the Department of Justice’s own Resident Legal Advisors about the need to abide by international norms and not target political opponents of the regime for prosecution. ‘Mírate en el espejo, yanqui!’

An actual Department of Justice would not throw legally-ruinous spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks. But that’s what we see time and again from the Biden Administration. The true extent of the consequences of their actions will not be fully appreciated anytime soon–but the judgment of history will be harsh indeed,” said Gene Hamilton.


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014e60 No.72714

File: b09cf696087c993⋯.png (377.39 KB,746x803,746:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201669 (181753ZJUL23) Notable: America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

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America First Legal @America1stLegal

New statement from Gene Hamilton, AFL Vice-President and General Counsel, in response to former President Trump announcing he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith stating that he is the target of a January 6 grand jury investigation. ⤵️


1:36 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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014e60 No.72715

File: fb899bb3cc54e0d⋯.jpeg (48.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201673 (181754ZJUL23) Notable: US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine - WaPo

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18 Jul, 2023 14:41

US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine – WaPo

Kiev’s forces should instead focus on a “combined-arms approach,” American officials have told the newspaper

Even if Ukraine receives modern Western-made jets, they will be of little use because of Russia’s powerful air defenses, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed US officials.

Amid a Ukrainian counteroffensive that Moscow claims has failed to gain any ground, officials in Kiev have stepped up requests for advanced aircraft, particularly US-designed F-16s, arguing they could play a key role in countering Russian air power.

While Kiev’s Western backers have announced a training program for Ukrainian pilots to fly the jets, they have yet to greenlight their delivery.

According to the Washington Post, Ukrainian officials have rebuked their Western counterparts, claiming that ifthey were in the same situation as Kiev, they would never have pressed ahead with a large-scale offensive without air support.

“So, to say that it [the offensive] is slow or too fast is at least ridiculous to hear from those who have no idea what it is,” the commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, Valery Zaluzhny, told the paper.

However, according to unnamed US officials interviewed by the Post, “Western jets would have little utility” for Ukraine in the current circumstances because of Russia’s “extensive air defenses.” Instead, one source argued that Kiev’s best tactic would be to rely on a “combined-arms approach.”

Another US official told the paper that while Washington has trained Kiev’s troops how to conduct offensive maneuvers and has provided them with mine-sweeping equipment, they are still struggling to overcome strong Russian anti-tank defenses and drone strikes. “We don’t underestimate or under-appreciate that it’s a very tough situation,” the source added.

Citing F-16 pilots, Bloomberg reported in May that while the jets would definitely help Kiev,they would not be a “game changer” because their radars and missile systems are inferior to modern Russian equipment. That would mean using the warplanes either defensively or as part of high-risk operations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that if the West proceeds with F-16 shipments to Ukraine, the aircraft “will burn” just like other hardware. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that F-16 deliveries would be an escalatory move as they can carry nuclear weapons.


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014e60 No.72716

File: e626880a57f0844⋯.png (84.57 KB,1057x431,1057:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201677 (181756ZJUL23) Notable: Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

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Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

In late November 2022, Washington DC admitted that it was unable to account for approximately $20 billion in weapons sent to the Kiev regime. At the time, the newly elected Republican-dominated Congress vowed to conduct “impending audits” as soon as they took over in January. Officially, the GOP wanted audits to determine and then release information on the massive weapons shipments from the United States to the Kiev regime and how much of that “aid” was ending up “where it’s supposed to be”. Republicans promised to “hold the government accountable” for spending US taxpayers’ dollars for the sake of the deeply corrupt Kiev regime.

At the time, major news media, such as Fox News, claimed that the Biden administration inspected only 10% of approximately 22,000 weapons sent to the Kiev regime from late February to November. However, oversight issues also extended to other “theaters of operation”, such as Taiwan, where approximately $19 billion in weapons sales for China’s breakaway island province were “missing”. In late August, a Defense News report claimed there was a $14 billion backlog in weapons sales to Taiwan. However, the November data indicated that the actual number was nearly $19 billion in delayed deliveries, according to The Wall Street Journal.

“US government and congressional officials fear the conflict in Ukraine is exacerbating a nearly $19 billion backlog of weapons bound for Taiwan, further delaying efforts to arm the island as tensions with China escalate,” the WSJ report claimed. “The US has pumped billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February, taxing the capacity of the government and defense industry to keep up with a sudden demand to arm Kiev in a conflict that isn’t expected to end soon,” the authors added in an admission rarely seen in mainstream media.

And yet, close to eight months since promising to conduct the aforementioned “impending audits”, the Republican-dominated Congress never did anything of sorts, while the so-called “aid” has swelled to over $170 billion, according to the data released by the Neo-Nazi junta itself. Strangely, the troubled Biden administration has been successful in preventing Congress from creating an inspector general’s office that would finally provide the much-needed oversight for the massive weapons shipments to the Kiev regime. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would create the inspector general office modeled after the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR).

The issues US government experienced during the existence of SIGAR is what likely caused the GOP-dominated Congress to keep postponing its “impeding audits”, despite clear promises it would conduct them. It can even be argued that much of the electorate voted for Republicans precisely because of their promises to heavily scrutinize the so far “unquestionable commitment” to provide the massive amount of “aid” to the Kiev regime. And indeed, the regular reports issued by SIGAR were a source of great embarrassment for any administration in Washington DC during America’s decades-long invasion of Afghanistan. These issues later greatly contributed to the humiliating US defeat in August 2021.


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014e60 No.72717

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201682 (181757ZJUL23) Notable: AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations

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AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations 18 July 2023


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014e60 No.72718

File: 725164f45c35646⋯.png (824.63 KB,1440x1012,360:253,Clipboard.png)

File: a6002c2c27519b2⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x720,64:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201695 (181800ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Nose art "Midnight Train". USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0098. Flew from Dyess out to Barksdale then NE and circling back around. Looks to be on approach now for Barksdale. Probably practice approaches. Shooting landings as the old expression goes.

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014e60 No.72719

File: 98c5ab5ec31014b⋯.png (439.05 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201701 (181802ZJUL23) Notable: Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs

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sum ting wong

Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs


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014e60 No.72720

File: 9324f87597596f9⋯.png (403.15 KB,563x580,563:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a59ac932e41f1⋯.png (247.73 KB,572x655,572:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201710 (181803ZJUL23) Notable: Sex guide for kids sold at department stores — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

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Sex guide for kids sold at department store — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

A sex guide aimed at children ages 10-15 is being sold in department stores with instructions on how to perform sex acts, descriptions of gender identities, and graphic illustrations of penises.

The book "Welcome to Sex: Your No-Silly-Questions Guide to Sexuality, Pleasure and Figuring It Out" by Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes was released in May 2023 and is being sold in Big W department stores in Australia, according to News.com.au.

The book talks about penis size with a plethora of illustrations before getting into instructions on sex acts.

Instructions on "scissoring" are given, featuring a drawing of what appears to be an amputee engaging in the act. In addition, another heading read, "The low down on anal sex," while "How do you finger someone?", "Hand jobs," and "Oral sex on a penis" all have dedicated sections in the book.

While the book notes that it is appropriate for "apprehensive" 11-year-olds and "curious" 14-year-olds, author Stynes allegedly wrote on her Instagram page that she would be okay with a "mature" 8-year-old reading the book.

"Before you ask 'what age, exactly?' it depends where your kid is at in maturity. Roughly 10-15 years old but I'd be happy with a mature and smart 8-yo having a flick through," she reportedly wrote.


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014e60 No.72721

File: 04f8619254e592f⋯.png (326.86 KB,884x1807,68:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d0220d926b729f⋯.png (958.41 KB,2582x905,2582:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 14132a0d6535c2b⋯.png (267.41 KB,1288x476,46:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201715 (181804ZJUL23) Notable: #Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia

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#Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia, July 14.

UNITAS trains forces in joint maritime operations that enhance tactical proficiency and increase interoperability with unmanned air, surface, and submarine systems.


>>>/qresearch/19200777 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19200825 (me) (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19200805 (pb)

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014e60 No.72722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201718 (181805ZJUL23) Notable: Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing

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Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing

Ex-US secretary of state’s meeting with Li Shangfu comes amid hopes of improved ties between two countries

The veteran US diplomat Henry Kissinger has met China’s defence minister in Beijing.

According to a readout on Tuesday from the Chinese defence ministry, Li Shangfu said “friendly communication” between China and the US had been “destroyed” because “some people in the United States did not meet China halfway”. Kissinger said he was a “friend of China”, according to the readout.

“Neither the United States nor China can afford to treat the other as an adversary. If the two countries go to war, it will not lead to any meaningful results for the two peoples,” the Chinese statement reported Kissinger as saying.

The surprise visit of the 100-year-old former US secretary of state comes as John Kerry, the US climate envoy, is in Beijing to meet Chinese officials to discuss how the two countries can cooperate on confronting the climate crisis. Kerry is the latest in a string of senior US officials who have travelled to China this summer, after the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, completed a long-awaited trip in June.

Relations between the two superpowers have been spiralling downwards for months, but there is cautious optimism on both sides that the restarting of official dialogues can build a foundation for improved ties.

Kissinger’s visit, which had not been publicised, is outside the official roster of meetings. It is almost exactly 52 years since his secret visit to Beijing in July 1971, which paved the way for Richard Nixon, the US president at the time, to normalise relations between the US and China. More than half a century on, Kissinger is still seen by many in Beijing as a “friend of China”. In May, state tabloid the Global Times praised Kissinger’s “razor-sharp” mind.

Kissinger has repeatedly warned of “catastrophic” consequences of a conflict between the US and China.

Li has been the subject of US sanctions since 2018, relating to the purchase of combat aircraft from Russia’s main arms exporter, which Beijing cites as a reason for refusing to reopen military-to-military dialogues with Washington. Last month, Li refused to meet his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

China’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to request for comment.


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014e60 No.72723

File: 164414e9deaabc2⋯.png (45.06 KB,1190x564,595:282,Clipboard.png)

File: f52ac5d3252ddad⋯.png (204.94 KB,543x627,181:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201720 (181805ZJUL23) Notable: Large solar storm coming?

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...Noisy fuckers, this afternoon.

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014e60 No.72724

File: 2d7d89e14bddb1e⋯.png (326.45 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201722 (181805ZJUL23) Notable: Putin has issued an order for the Russian government to block websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTQ relationships, and gender reassignment.

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸


Putin has issued an order for the Russian government to block websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTQ relationships, and gender reassignment.



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014e60 No.72725

File: f591764ec02ab43⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f4c8344a4cc8ce⋯.png (1.49 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc7abf6734ef7e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1000x689,1000:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201729 (181806ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Two B-52s also up at this time. One out of Barksdale (60-0015 nose art "Long Rangers II") holding station over southern Louisiana. The other out of Edwards. Callsign TORCH34 That one, 60-0036, is nose art "Tagboard Flyer".

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014e60 No.72726

File: e684f6afecf5e57⋯.png (409.79 KB,517x892,517:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201734 (181807ZJUL23) Notable: Pennsylvania woman who used bullhorn to direct Capitol rioters is convicted of Jan. 6 charges

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Published 1:52 PM EDT, July 18, 2023

Pennsylvania woman who used bullhorn to direct Capitol rioters is convicted of Jan. 6 charges

A Pennsylvania woman who used a bullhorn to direct rioters attacking the U.S. Capitol was convicted on Tuesday of charges that she joined the mob in an attempt to keep President Joe Biden out of the White House.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth heard testimony without a jury before he convicted Rachel Marie Powell of felony charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, siege. Powell, who was convicted of all nine counts in her indictment, is scheduled to be sentenced on Oct. 17, according to court records.

Powell, wearing a distinctive pink hat and fur-lined jacket hoodie, joined a mob of rioters who confronted police officers at bike rack barriers on the west side of the Capitol. She used her back to push against the police line, prosecutors said.

A video captured Powell using a bullhorn to encourage other rioters to “coordinate together if you’re going to take this building.” She also gave them “very detailed instructions” about the layout of the Capitol, according to an FBI agent’s affidavit.

Powell told rioters they had “another window to break.” She herself used an ice-axe and a large pipe to break a window, according to prosecutors.

Powell waived her right to a jury trial. The judge convicted her of charges that she interfered with police and obstructed the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress for certifying Biden’s 2020 electoral victory over Donald Trump.

A lawyer for Powell had no comment on the verdict.

Powell played a “leading role” during the riot, a prosecutor said at a February 2021 hearing.

“She is front and center in the incursion.” Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi added, according to a transcript.

Powell was arrested nearly a month after the riot. FBI agents found several smashed cellular telephones, gun paraphernalia and other weapons when they searched her home. ...


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014e60 No.72727

File: 1ce6c884bd6d20b⋯.png (38.95 KB,712x348,178:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201738 (181807ZJUL23) Notable: Big Pharma ‘Bankrolled’ Biden’s NIH Director Nominee, Watchdog Group Says

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Big Pharma ‘Bankrolled’ Biden’s NIH Director Nominee, Watchdog Group Says

President Joe Biden‘s nominee to lead the National Institute of Health allegedly received millions of dollars in research-related funds from big pharmaceutical companies while opposing Trump-era drug costs, according to a watchdog group.

The American Accountability Foundation, a conservative opposition research group founded in 2020, published a new report observed by The New York Post that said NIH Biden-nominee Dr. Monica Bertagnolli has “problematic close ties with big pharma” with the nation’s primary agency responsible for biomedical and public health research

“Big Pharma bankrolled her career, and she has long been a friend and ally to them,” the group told The Post in a statement. “Especially after the corruption and lies that came from the government’s medical agencies during COVID, the American people need to know that NIH will be led by honest people who serve them, and are not owned by massive corporations.”

“Our government’s medical institutions must serve the interests of the American people, not Big Pharma,” the group said. “However, Dr. Bertagnolli’s extensive financial ties to pharmaceutical companies raise serious questions about her ability to lead NIH in a manner that is not beholden to special or secret interests.”

Bertagnolli, 64, received more than $350 million in research-related funds from pharmaceutical giants, including at least $56 million from Pfizer, Seagan Inc., and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in 2022, according to data.

Biden’s White House told the outlet that the $350 million included grants awarded to a non-profit Bertagnolli ran, which conducted nationwide clinical trials on cancer prevention.

“These studies ensured that rural communities were part of these trials,” an administration official said. “Funding for large clinical trials like these come from a number of sources, including companies participating in the trials. That’s standard.”

Although the grants reportedly did not go to Bertagnolli, the watchdog group argued the physician-scientist likely had secondary funds “flowed through to her salary at [Boston’s] Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute where she is a researcher.”

According to the 2022-2023 financial disclosure forms included in the report, Bertagnolli reported $1,609,198 in salary and bonuses from the cancer institute.

President Biden announced Bertagnolli’s nomination as NIH Director in May, calling her a “world-renowned surgical oncologist, cancer researcher, educator, and physician-leader who has the vision and leadership needed to deliver on NIH’s mission to seek fundamental knowledge and promote human health.”

During former President Donald Trump’s administration, Bertagnolli vocalized her opposition to the president’s “Most Favored Nation” proposal, which aimed to slash prices of prescription drugs like Insulin by roughly 50%.


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014e60 No.72728

File: 2453ffbf78f0f06⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,Clipboard.png)

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File: bd540748eea2110⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2820x1850,282:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201761 (181812ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Completing the picture we have a pair of E-6s up. Callsigns in image labels.



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014e60 No.72729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201768 (181814ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Biden's Broken Border

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LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Biden's Broken Border

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014e60 No.72730

File: 90c70512a177e12⋯.png (297.48 KB,606x669,202:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201780 (181816ZJUL23) Notable: Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy

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The Grayzone


Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy


exposes how Reuters served as a channel for the UK Foreign Office to covertly fund an outlet that clamored for the toppling of Egypt's first democratically elected leader




King´s death?

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014e60 No.72731

File: 4049e716e10d564⋯.png (1.73 MB,1582x1734,791:867,Clipboard.png)

File: ad763ae54a885cc⋯.png (1.53 MB,1386x778,693:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201785 (181817ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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From the 14th and Bioclandestine is the only patriot covering this...


"Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine and other regions of the world.

I would like to point out that the information we publish has been heard by the foreign media, despite strict Western censorship. Authoritative international publications such as The Times, The Guardian, The New York Post, Sky News published the information on the most high-profile topics: safety violations in American biolaboratories, the enhancement of the functions of pathogens at Boston University and the transfer of unfinished Ukrainian projects to the territory of other countries.

At the same time, the U.S. State Department launched an active outreach campaign to neutralise Russian accusations that US military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention. An important role of the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC), which is under U.S. control, plays an important role in this effort.

This organisation funds Internet activities to combat information about U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine and to promote a positive perception of Washington's projects in the post-Soviet space. The ISTC has signed a contract with Wooden Horse Strategies, a U.S. consulting firm.

The contractual documents provide for the posting of relevant material at least eight times a month, as well as the monitoring of 'pro-Russian' publications on this topic appearing online and promptly responding to them, including blocking access.

In addition, the operation of United States biolaboratories in Ukraine raises more and more questions among ordinary citizens and political figures in the United States itself.

For example, U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. harshly criticised the military biological activities of the U.S. Government.

According to his statement, former U.S. President Nixon unilaterally declared the termination of the biological weapons program in 1969, but the existing developments were not destroyed. In order to take the U.S. military out of the picture, all available information and materials were transferred to the National Institute of Health.

Kennedy emphasised the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in biological weapons operations, the first of which was Operation Paperclip. Thus, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II to 'transfer expertise' in military biological research. The purpose of the project was, '...to develop an experimental weapons programme and to bring in Japanese scientists who are the only ones who have ever used biological weapons...'."

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014e60 No.72732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201789 (181818ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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pt 2

" Let me remind you that the Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of biological formulations and the mechanisms of vector-borne disease transmission and spread.

In this regard, it is no coincidence that the research organisations of the U.S. Ministry of Defence are interested in studying the main species of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemically significant infections such as Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever and Dengue fever.

We have already noted that such research is being carried out in specialised organisations, both within the United States and in biolaboratories located overseas, where more than 100 species of mosquitoes and ticks are being studied together. Dual-use production facilities, such as Oxitec biotechnology company, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, could be used to mass-produce vectors.

U.S. military specialists have been successful in adapting and growing vectors collected from their natural habitat.

The methods they have developed make it possible to produce mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in the laboratory.

Please note that this research activity is accompanied by deterioration of the epidemic situation and expansion of vector habitats. In this case we are talking about the formation of artificial centres of natural focal infections. Given the uncontrolled nature of vector spread, entire countries and regions may be involved in the epidemic process.

For example, an increase in the number of non-endemic Asian tiger mosquitoes has already been recorded in southern and central Europe. In Germany, populations of this species have established in five federal districts. Another mosquito species (Culex modestus), a vector of West Nile fever, has been identified in Sweden and Finland.

At the same time, an increase in the incidence of uncharacteristic vector-borne infections was noted in the European Union countries. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, more people infected with Dengue fever were registered in Europe in 2022 than in the previous decade. West Nile fever also peaked with more than 1,000 cases, 92 of them fatal. The facts of Zika fever infection associated with mosquito bites were first recorded in France.

Thus, the work of U.S. military biologists is aimed at the formation of 'artificially managed epidemics' and is not controlled within the framework of the BWC and the UN Secretary-General's mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.

In the course of the special military operation documents, which prove the activity of the U.S. Department of Defence's research institutions in Ukraine, have been discovered.

Earlier we briefed you on Walter Reed Army Institute of Research activity. We have already pointed out, that due to an extensive network of branches the institute acts as a supplier of epidemically significant pathogens. The Russian Defence Ministry presented documents, which prove the Institute's employees involvement in gathering efforts of the Ukrainian citizens and AFU servicemen biomaterial in the course of warfare in Donbass region from 2014 to 2022."

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014e60 No.72733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201791 (181818ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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pt 3

"Today, I would like to focus on activities of the U.S. Navy laboratories (the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit or NAMRU). Three of seven U.S. Navy laboratories are located outside USA territories, namely in Italy, Сambodia and Peru. The NAMRU organises its work on establishment of interconnected branches and offices in regions with unfavourable epidemiological situation.

Only Asian branch of the NAMRU-2 in Phnom Penh analyses over 5,000 pathogens samples, the same number is gathered in South Africa.

Since April 2023 employees of the African branch (NAMRU-6) work undercover of a civilian organisation - Latin American branch of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. The NAMRU-6 plans to expand its activity on the Argentina territory, where one laboratory is to be modernised. to the maximum biosafety level BSL-4.

Non-profit organisation Heath security partners train new employees for research in the new laboratory.

Since 2019 the NAMRU-3 is stationed on Naval Air Station Sigonella in Italy.

The laboratory employees, including entomologists, microbiologists and infectious disease doctors, conduct research in natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases (Ebola, dengue, malaria) in Egypt, Ghana and Djibouti.

It should be noted that the Navy's biological warfare unit in Italy works under the three US strategic commands - Central, European, and Africa, and its primary purpose is ‘…to study, monitor and detect diseases of military significance...’

Thus, the efforts of the NAMRU foreign branches is fully in line with U.S. national interests and strategic planning documents in the field of biosecurity and is aimed at controlling the biological situation in the areas, where NATO military contingents are stationed.

The NAMRU foreign branches activity is not limited only to gathering and shipment of pathogens. Yet again, the Pentagon is trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical companies, which are the main sponsors of the Democratic Party's election campaigns.

Pay attention to the U.S. Department of Defence document containing the sign for service use only, acquired during operative actions in liberated Ukrainian territories. The document dated 2015 describes clinical trial systems for medicines against viral fevers. The document's authors, including members of the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, planned to establish a mobile rapid response unit designed to test new medicines at US military bases around the world. "

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014e60 No.72734

File: 17eb5817a8eb1ac⋯.png (1.47 MB,1370x768,685:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 19a649acc22387b⋯.png (1.44 MB,1378x766,689:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 2540655a3cce944⋯.png (1.59 MB,1372x766,686:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201805 (181819ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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pt 4

The project included the establishment of a mobile research infrastructure and the training of medical staff. Standardised protocols for human clinical trials and medical product registration applications have been developed.

The algorithms were to be practised in the U.S. Africa Command area of responsibility and then extended to all overseas NAMRU branches.

Thus, the Pentagon planned to use the United States military to test unregistered medical products on local populations and then have them approved by regulatory bodies in the interest of so-called Big pharma.

To that end, a network of subordinate biolaboratories and intermediary organisations such as Metabiota were planned to be used.

Pay attention to the commercial offer of the company Metabiota marked confidential, which was discovered among the documents in a Ukrainian biolaboratories. The proposal is addressed to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and relates to infectious diseases specialists training in Kenya and Uganda. The document proves that the Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and, to give an illusion of humanitarian engagement, U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as a number of European Union organisations, have been involved in pathogens research in countries of the African continent.

Metabiota's involvement in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed, as well as its leading role in the Predict project, which studied new strains of coronaviruses and captured bats that carry them in the natural environment.

At the same time, the representatives of Metabiota themselves admit that, in fact, they are engaged in networking to ensure the work of the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies abroad.

The Ukrainian Science and Technology Centre (USTC) and other U.S. Department of Defence contractors were actively involved in these activities.

We will look in more detail at their role in the implementation of the American military-biological programme, which has led to the deterioration of the epidemic situation in many regions of the world in the next briefing. "

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014e60 No.72735

File: 3e9ee46c3afac6d⋯.png (1.6 MB,1170x1757,1170:1757,Clipboard.png)

File: a965a1e2485c606⋯.png (347.67 KB,1144x1866,572:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201822 (181825ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard addresses critics

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Tim Ballard Addresses The Allegations of Chipping Kids, Is A Trafficker, & a Mason

“It will never cease to amaze me how far these Godless leftists media will go to run interference for human traffickers.

I saw a post that seems to be trending in certain places saying that ai am in favor of putting microchips in children so we can track them.

It’s complete bologna! I’ve never weighed in on that, I’ve never said anything, in fact, I’m very much against anything that would allow the government or others to control children.”

I found out yesterday that apparently I’m involved in trafficking, I run trafficking networks, or that I’m some mason involved in strange Masonic practices…

It’s not gonna stop. Expect every lie. At this point, I have been accused of everything but murder, so I want you to just expect more to come, including probably that I’ve killed people, who knows?

We’re going to force the light into the darkness & force the conversations, and in the end we’ll rescue children.”

My Thoughts:

First Off, there’s also an allegation that Tim Ray Ballard is a registered pedophile… but the only problem is, Tim’s middle name isn’t Ray & there’s a bit of an age difference. 😂

It says a lot that Tim himself saw these things being spread around & came on to say his piece..

Psyops are being run on everyone in an effort to make you forget the core message of this film.

Be careful of the energies you absorb & don’t allow others to take your eyes off what truly matters, the children.

Stay strong minded & don’t allow others to manipulate you.

Stay unshakable in your faith.



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014e60 No.72736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201824 (181825ZJUL23) Notable: Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S - Volunteers needed

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Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S. – Appeals for More Volunteers

I have written 2 articles on the blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, a movie that has already grossed over $85 million in less than two weeks since its release on the big screen, and these articles have received tens of thousands of readers in the past few days, even though the movie does not expose child sex trafficking in the U.S., does not name the names of those funding this child sex trafficking network, and has no call to action to stop it. See:

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking

By way of contrast, I have exposed where much of the child sex trafficking in the U.S. is happening, with a recently published story of a man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children through the foster care system, as well as an update on the ongoing lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking network, which DOES name names, and these two articles have received far fewer views than the Sound of Freedom film articles. See:

New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

By way of contrast, I have exposed where much of the child sex trafficking in the U.S. is happening, with a recently published story of a man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children through the foster care system, as well as an update on the ongoing lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking network, which DOES name names, and these two articles have received far fewer views than the Sound of Freedom film articles. See:

New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

Top Row: CIA Director William Burns, Thomas Pritzker, executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels, Sergy Brin, co-founder of Google, Larry Page, co-founder of Google, Mort Zuckerman, a real-estate billionaire who owns US News & World Report. Bottom Row: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Former President Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Democratic Presidential Candidate. Full article.

In this article I am publishing today, about a group who has actually done something about child sex trafficking in the U.S., I suspect that it too will receive far fewer readers than the articles about the movie Sound of Freedom, even though this is an article about a group that has actually rescued thousands of women and children from sex trafficking right here in the U.S. during the past 7 years, and could probably rescue many more if people would join their efforts to expose and chase out the child sex traffickers neighborhood by neighborhood all across the U.S., rather than sitting in a theater and watching a movie about child sex trafficking outside the U.S.

The name of this group is Veterans on Patrol (VOP), led by Lewis Arthur, and I first learned about Lewis Arthur and his work in Arizona back in 2018, and published a few articles about VOP back then.

VOP began by working with homeless veterans, a ministry that continues until this day, and then expanded to exposing and chasing out the child sex trafficking cartels near the Arizona-Mexican border in 2018.

Today, VOP also has a presence in California, and other places, exposing the sex traffickers and working with communities to shut down their operations. They have also recently begun exposing the military’s ongoing geoengineering programs that spray dangerous and toxic chemicals from our skies every day.

You can follow their work on their Telegram channel here.


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014e60 No.72737

File: 1d4a1dad02de8a8⋯.png (1.24 MB,990x678,165:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201837 (181828ZJUL23) Notable: Over two dozen arrested in regional child predator operation

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Over two dozen arrested in regional child predator operation

HANOVER TWP. — Over two dozen people were arrested, resulting in hundreds of felony child sex charges, following a months-long operation targeting online predators and pornographers, Pennsylvania State Police Troop P announced Tuesday.


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014e60 No.72738

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201843 (181830ZJUL23) Notable: Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark

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>>72706 Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark



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014e60 No.72739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201845 (181830ZJUL23) Notable: Jean-Pierre on CLIMATE CHANGE (for KEKS)

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Jean-Pierre: We saw the multiple reporting of extreme weather over the past couple days...flooding, wildfire smoke, extreme heat; so we know climate change has an effect.

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014e60 No.72740

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201872 (181835ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

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014e60 No.72741

File: 74113b88c41f849⋯.png (275.03 KB,831x295,831:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201892 (181840ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

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America’s commitment to Israel is ironclad, Biden tells Herzog at White House

The US president also emphasized America’s commitment to ensuring Iran does not attain a nuclear weapon.

The US commitment to Israel remains strong, US President Joe Biden told Israeli President Isaac Herzog in the Oval Office on Tuesday.

“Our friendship with Israel is unbreakable…America’s commitment to Israel is firm, is ironclad,” Biden said, adding that he said the same to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the phone on Monday.

The US president also emphasized America’s commitment to ensuring Iran does not attain a nuclear weapon.

Biden noted that his administration played a role in getting Saudi Arabia to open its airspace to Israeli flights, and said there is “a lot more work to do” in that vein.

Herzog expressed gratitude in the name of the Israeli people to Biden for his support for Israel for half a century.

“There are some enemies who think we have some differences shaking our ironclad bond,” Herzog said. “If they knew how our security cooperation has grown in recent years and reached new heights, they wouldn’t think that way.”

The Israeli president also remarked on the judicial reform debate, on a day of mass protests in Israel.

“The heated debate we are going through in our society.. is a tribute to the greatness of Israeli democracy,” he stated. “Israeli society is strong and resilient. I truly believe we should always seek to find an amicable consensus…I am pursuing it even in these very moments.”

A small group of demonstrators gathered by Lafayette Square, across from the White House, ahead of Herzog’s visit, with some, protesting the judicial reform, waving Israeli flags and others waving Palestinian flags.

Herzog’s visit to the White House came amid heightened tensions between Washington and Jerusalem. Biden called the current cabinet the “most extreme” he has ever seen in an interview with CNN last week, citing its ministers’ support for Israeli Jews living in Judea and Samaria. His administration has also commented on the government’s judicial reform plan, calling for any changes to the judiciary to be passed by consensus and for the rights of protesters to be respected. In addition, the sides are at loggerheads over their approaches to the Iranian nuclear threat.

After over publicly declining to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House twice in light of his government’s makeup and policies, Biden and Netanyahu spoke on the phone on Monday evening. The Prime Minister’s Office readout said that the president invited him to meet “in the United States,” which could mean a meeting at the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September. The White House readout did not mention a future meeting.


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014e60 No.72742

File: c2bd510a229ee23⋯.gif (1 MB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201904 (181842ZJUL23) Notable: Large solar storm coming?

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014e60 No.72743

File: 6fd11a2f52cc932⋯.png (482.22 KB,770x513,770:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201908 (181843ZJUL23) Notable: West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis

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West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis

Speaking to Christian Zionist group, Florida governor and Republican US presidential candidate pledges support for Israel.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, has reiterated claims that the West Bank is not occupied, suggesting that Israel should be able to continue to build settlements on the Palestinian territory without interference from the United States.

Speaking to Christians United for Israel (CUFI) on Monday, DeSantis underscored his pro-Israel bona fides, including his efforts to crack down on companies that boycott the US ally.

“Judea and Samaria are not occupied territory,” DeSantis said, referring to the West Bank by a Biblical name.

He added that, while the land is disputed, Israelis have “the strongest claim of right” to the West Bank. “They have every right to have very strong communities in those areas,” DeSantis said.

The Florida governor has expressed such sentiments before, even prior his entry into the US presidential race in May. In November, for example, he told the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference that the West Bank was “not occupied” but rather “disputed”.

“I don’t care what the State Department says,” he added.

But his comments on Monday signal that Republican presidential candidates will push forward with staunchly pro-Israel stances as they try to appeal to their right-wing base.

The West Bank is Palestinian territory. Israel captured the land in 1967, and it has been building settlements for its citizens in the area in violation of international law, while having de facto control over millions of Palestinians in the same territory.

Several human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have concluded that Israel is imposing apartheid on Palestinians. United Nations experts have said that the settlements amount to war crimes.

CUFI is one of the largest Christian Zionist organisations, representing a significant conservative constituency of US evangelicals who back Israel for religious reasons.


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014e60 No.72744

File: bbd9dade6633ae9⋯.png (833.84 KB,1150x2048,575:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201941 (181847ZJUL23) Notable: Watch President Trump’s Plan to Rebuild America’s Depleted Military Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military

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July 18, 2023

Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military

Bedminster, NJ – In a new Agenda47 video, President Donald J. Trump announced his plan to rebuild America’s depleted military, address the military recruitment crisis, and restore the proud culture and honor of America’s armed forces.

On Day One, President Trump will restore his successful America First foreign policy to bring peace and stability to Eastern Europe.

“In addition, I will ask Europe to reimburse us for the cost of rebuilding the stockpiles sent to Ukraine, which they should be doing now but Joe Biden is too weak and too disrespected to even ask,” President Trump said. “The fact is that we've spent almost $200 billion in helping Ukraine and Europe has spent just a tiny fraction of that amount.”

“Less than three years ago, I'd fully rebuilt the United States military and steered America into such a strong global position. That peace was breaking out all over the world, we had peace through strength,” President Trump said.

“Twenty-nine months later, the arsenals are empty, the stockpiles are bare, the Treasury is drained, the ranks are being hollowed out, our country has been totally humiliated, and we have a corrupt, compromised President crooked Joe Biden, who is dragging us into World War III.”



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014e60 No.72745

File: d7a0d37ae202706⋯.png (1.48 MB,1327x747,1327:747,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201949 (181849ZJUL23) Notable: US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

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US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

On July 18, the Russian Ministry of Defence revealed new details of the ongoing investigation of the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine and other states. Russia accused the United States of creating “artificial courts of natural focal infections” using transmission vectors that spread infections uncontrollably. The Russian Defense Ministry also named those who tried to hide information about the operations with pathogens of dangerous infections and testing drugs on the population of Ukraine within the framework of US biological programs. LINK

First, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence of the Russian Armed Forces, explained roots of US interest in spread of dangerous diseases using transmission vectors. He quoted US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who harshly criticised the military-biological activities of the US government:

According to his statement, former US President Nixon announced the termination of the biological weapons program in 1969, but the existing inventions were not destroyed. In order to save the reputation of the US military department, all available information and materials were transferred to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Kennedy emphasized the role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in operations related to biological weapons, the first of which was Operation Paperclip. Then, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II to “share their experience” in military biological research. The goal of the project was “… the development of an experimental weapons program and the involvement of Japanese scientists, who are the only ones who have ever used biological weapons …”.

The Russian Lieutenant General noted that Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of special biological formulations, as well as the mechanisms of transmission and spread of diseases using special vectors. In this regard, it is no coincidence that the US Department of Defense is interested in studying the main types of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemiologically dangerous infections, including Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever, Dengue fever.

The Russian military has previously revealed that such studies are carried out in specialized biological laboratories both in the United States and abroad. Dual-use production facilities, in particular, of the biotech company “Oxytech”, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, can be used for mass production of dangerous vectors. The US military specials obtain mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in such laboratoriues.

These researches result in deterioration of the epidemic situation in various regions and the expansion of the areas of spreading of contaminated carriers. Artificial courts of natural focal infections are created. Given the uncontrolled nature of the spread of such vectors, the epidemic process may threaten entire countries and large regions. Thus, the work of American military biologists is aimed at the creation of “artificially controlled epidemics” and is not controlled within the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention and the UN mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.



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014e60 No.72746

File: e1a6c95bf0508f8⋯.png (1.18 MB,1206x682,603:341,Clipboard.png)

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File: 092470af478b929⋯.png (424.24 KB,768x456,32:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201971 (181853ZJUL23) Notable: US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

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The tasks of NAMRU’s foreign branches are not limited to the collection and export of pathogens.The Pentagon is also trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical manufacturers, which are the main sponsors of the election campaign of representatives of the Democratic Party.

Pay attention to the document of the US Department of Defense marked “for official use” (image above), discovered during the military operations in the liberated Ukrainian territories. It is dated 2015 and concerns the system of clinical trials of medical means to counteract viral fevers. The authors of the document, including employees of the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army, planned to create a mobile rapid response unit designed to test new drugs in locations of the US armed forces around the world. The project provided for the creation of a mobile research infrastructure and the training of medical staff. Standardized protocols of human clinical trials and applications for registration of medicines have been developed.

The algorithms of actions were supposed to be worked out in the area of responsibility of the US African Command, and then spread to all foreign branches of NAMRU.

Thus, the Pentagon planned to use the armed forces of the United States to test unregistered medicines on the local population with their subsequent approval by supervisory authorities in the interests of the so-called “Big Pharma”. To achieve these goals, it was proposed to use a network of subordinate biological laboratories and intermediary organizations, such as Metabiota, connected with the son of the US President, Hunter Biden, and government agencies.

Pay attention to the commercial offer (image above) of the Metabiota company marked “confidential”, which was found among the documents in one of the Ukrainian biolabs. The proposal is addressed to the Research Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army and concerns the training of specialists in infectious diseases in Kenya and Uganda. The document reveals that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as well as the US Agency for International Development and a number of EU structures are involved in the study of pathogens in the countries of the African continent.

The involvement of Metabiota in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed earlier, as well as its leading role in the implementation of the Predicate project, in which new types of coronaviruses were studied, bats that are their carriers in the natural environment were captured.

The Russian military added that the the US State Department launched an information and propaganda campaign to confront Russia’s accusations of violations by American military biologists of the provisions of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons. An important role in this work is assigned to the International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC), which is under American control.

This organization finances Internet activities to combat information about US biological laboratories in Ukraine and to form a positive perception of Washington’s projects in the post-Soviet space. The corresponding contract was signed by ISTC with the American consulting firm Wooden Horse Strategies. In accordance with the documents, they were obliged to publish relevant materials at least eight times a month, as well as to monitor “pro-Russian” publications on this topic on the network and promptly response to them, including blocking access to the articles.

The Russian Ministry of Defense named those who tried to hide information about the inhumane researches with pathogens of dangerous infections and drug trials on the population of Ukraine within the framework of US biological programs. They included the CEO of Wooden Horse Strategies, Director of the Ukraine 3000 Foundation Marina Antonova.

“She participated in the implementation of the US military biological program on the territory of Ukraine. Within the framework of the contract with the UNTC (Ukrainian International Scientific and Technical Center), she directs the development of an information strategy aimed at concealing information about the financing of biological research of dangerous pathogens by the UNTC, including with enhanced functions, drug testing on the population of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Kirillov said at a briefing.


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014e60 No.72747

File: 9c80c36ddc150ec⋯.png (123.75 KB,972x463,972:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202007 (181859ZJUL23) Notable: UK Sanctions Russian Officials Involved in the "Forced" Deportation of Ukrainian Children - UK gov't

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UK Sanctions Russian Officials Involved in the Forced Deportation of Ukrainian Children

According to a U.K. government statement issued on Monday, Russian authorities have forcibly deported over 19,000 Ukrainian children to Russia or temporarily Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly stated that officials involved in this project, as well as in the propagation of hate-inciting propaganda, will have any assets they might have in the U.K. frozen and will not be allowed to enter the country.

Among the designated officials are Russian Minister of Education, Sergey Kravtsov, and Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova.

The list also includes propagandists responsible for spreading abhorrent propaganda designed to incite violence and hatred towards Ukraine and its people, such as Anton Krasovsky, a former Russia Today (RT) host who said live on air that "Ukrainian children who hate Russia should be drowned and burned."

Russian Culture Minister Olga Lyubimova has also been sanctioned for exploiting her position to assist the Russian state's harmful anti-Ukrainian policies.

"These individuals have played an insidious role in Russia's calculated program of deportation, designed to erase Ukrainian cultural and national identity," read the statement.

Less than a month ago, the U.K. administration sanctioned Russian Children's Rights Commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, one of the alleged masterminds of the forced transfer and adoption of Ukrainian children.

Earlier this year, in March, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, charging them with direct responsibility for the large-scale unlawful deportation of Ukrainian children to Russian-controlled territory, which constitutes a war crime under international law.

The case was unveiled early this year when the Yale School of Public Health's Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) warned in its report that Russia has "systematically relocated" children from Ukraine to several re-educating and adoption facilities in occupied Crimea and mainland Russia.

"In his chilling program of forced child deportation and the hate-filled propaganda spewed by his lackeys, we see Putin's true intention – to wipe Ukraine from the map," said Foreign Secretary Cleverly.


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014e60 No.72748

File: 23917efccd0e146⋯.png (280.84 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bb5c38531db41e⋯.png (66.97 KB,1036x506,518:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202084 (181915ZJUL23) Notable: Elton John Is Deposed in Spacey Trial

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Kevin Spacey Trial: Elton John Is Deposed via Video Link in the Defense of His Star Friend

The Kevin Spacey trial in London has experienced another star deposition. After two time Academy Award Spacey took the stage in his defense, on Monday a video link was set up for the deposition of musical icon Elton John and husband David Furnish.

There’s no disputing that Elton John’s version of the events from a decade ago ended up benefitting his friend, whether or not the jury was starstruck.

The New York Post reported:

“The newly retired singer and his husband, David Furnish, appeared in the London court by video link from Monaco and answered questions about Spacey’s attendance at their White Tie and Tiara Ball, an event the couple hosted for over a decade to raise money to fight AIDS.”

One of Spacey’s accusers – that can’t be named under UK law – claims that the star sexually assaulted him while driving to the White Tie and Tiara Ball in either 2004 or 2005.

These claims have been mortally wounded by Elton John’s deposition, as he told the court that Spacey arrived at the event by private jet.

“The complainant, who was not named, claimed the ‘House of Cards’ star grabbed his crotch with such strength that he almost crashed his car.

The alleged victim’s claims, however, were countered by John’s testimony. The singer recalled Spacey flying in to attend the event on a private jet.”

Spacey had already denied assaulting the man on the way to the ball, saying, ‘No, I was not on a suicide mission in any of those years’.

John’s husband David Furnish told the court that Spacey’s attendance was a big deal at the time, and supported the actor’s claims that he had only attended the party once, in 2001.

Photographs showed Spacey was only in attendance that year, John said, as each year they make sure to photograph each guest, and the actor only appears in images from 2001.

Elton John was questioned whether Spacey could have gone and not been pictured.

“It never happened,” he said. “It was understood we were promoting a charity involving the eradication of stigma surrounding disease. For celebrities wanting to come to our event, it was always understood they needed to be photographed.”

Spacey could face jail if convicted, but has expressed hope for a career comeback, if acquitted.


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014e60 No.72749

File: 8a242f90775d657⋯.png (557.03 KB,943x862,943:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202085 (181916ZJUL23) Notable: NEW: Trump and Sean Hannity will be live tonight at 9PM Eastern

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NEW: Trump and Sean Hannity will be live tonight at 9PM Eastern on Fox News for a Town Hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa - discussion include Inflation, Southern border and World War 3

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014e60 No.72750

File: b49cfaf74cae937⋯.png (917.58 KB,1796x963,1796:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202123 (181924ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Descending into Cedar Rapids will be landing soon.

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014e60 No.72751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202128 (181925ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

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one thing i could never reconcile is why is Epstein keeping flight logs at all? surely he and his cabal friends are powerful enough to avoid having to abide by FAA regulations or whatever.

Why would he keep a running list of everyone that if fell into the wrong hands (which it did) would be a fucking nightmare?

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014e60 No.72752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202151 (181930ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

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that's a good question. is it an FAA regulation or what?

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014e60 No.72753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202181 (181939ZJUL23) Notable: Scientists create new embryos to save southern white rhino

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Scientists create new embryos to save African mammal

The fertilized eggs are ready for transfer to wild southern white rhino surrogate mothers, the BioRescue research consortium says


read that carefully

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014e60 No.72754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202220 (181948ZJUL23) Notable: #23583-A

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#23583-A >>72696

>>72697 ‘Reprehensible.' Congress skewers Biden education chief for email to students attacking SCOTUS

>>72698, >>72709 ANONS on redpilling, where we're at

>>72699 President Trump Announces He Is Target of Garbage J6 Investigation, Given 4 Days to Testify Before Grand Jury - Braces for Imminent Indictment by Biden Regime and Jack Smith

>>72700 Russia at the United Nations

>>72701, >>72741 Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

>>72702 American Soldier Captured By North Korean Forces - Crossed Border Without Authorization


>>72704 G20 Meeting In India Ends Without Communiqué, Division On Ukraine, Despite Yellen Pleading Redoubled Support

>>72705 US pressuring Ukraine for ‘decisive breakthrough’ - WaPo

>>72738, >>72706 Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark

>>72707 Massachusetts Governor Calls on Residents to House Illegal Aliens in Their Guest Rooms - definitely NOT the Bee

>>72708 Russian Forces used a lighting bolt to destroy electric transformers in Lviv

>>72710 Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential - White House

>>72711 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

>>72712, >>72740 Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

>>72713, >>72714 America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

>>72715 US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine - WaPo

>>72716 Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

>>72717 AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations

>>72718, >>72725, >>72728, >>72750 PF

>>72719 Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs

>>72720 Sex guide for kids sold at department stores — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

>>72721 #Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia

>>72722 Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing



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014e60 No.72755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202233 (181952ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

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Private Aircraft Reporting Requirements for Arriving or Departing United States

On November 18, 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection published the Advance Information on Private Aircraft Arriving and Departing the United States final rule.

This rule requires private pilots or their designees to transmit electronically to CBP:

Traveler manifest information for each individual traveling onboard the aircraft

Notice of arrival information

Notice of departure information


The Electronic Advance Passenger Information System, or eAPIS, allows you to enter or upload passenger and crew manifests online.


19 CFR § 122.22 - Electronic manifest requirement for all individuals onboard private aircraft arriving in and departing from the United States; notice of arrival and departure information.

(3) Manifest data required. For private aircraft arriving in the United States the following identifying information for each individual onboard the aircraft must be submitted:

(i) Full name (last, first, and, if available, middle);


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014e60 No.72756

File: 07ab4e187d9e9f2⋯.png (872.98 KB,1174x1108,587:554,Clipboard.png)

File: bff8bc0f87be41a⋯.png (985.3 KB,988x1143,988:1143,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9c14576b4dddfee⋯.png (782.56 KB,1021x997,1021:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202249 (181957ZJUL23) Notable: Sen. Joe Manchin fuels rumors of a third-party 2024 presidential bid

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Sen. Joe Manchin fuels rumors of a third-party 2024 presidential bid

July 18, 2023

‘If I get in a race, I’m going to win,’ Manchin said

Sen. Joe Manchin is fueling speculation that he could join the 2024 presidential race by the end of the year after speaking at a New Hampshire town hall for the No Labels nonprofit on Monday.

The Democrat from West Virginia, known for conflicting with party leadership, likely would run a third-party campaign. Speaking to NBC News on Monday, Manchin did not dismiss the idea that he would challenge President Biden.

“We’re not taking anything off the table,” Manchin said when asked if he is considering running for president on a No Labels third-party ticket. He added that he will determine “next year” whether or not to run.

No Labels is a nonprofit working to put a “unity” ticket on the 2024 ballot, and hosted the town hall to promote its “common sense” policy platform.

Manchin addressed concerns that the No Labels idea was designed to play spoiler to a Biden re-election bid. “I’ve never been in any race I’ve ever spoiled,” Manchin said during the event. “I’ve been in races to win. And if I get in a race, I’m going to win.”

“We’re here to make sure the American people have an option, and the option is can you move the American political parties off their respective sides. They’ve gone too far right and too far left,” said the West Virginia Senator.

In a separate interview with CNN Monday night, Manchin hit his party’s leader, saying Biden has “been pushed too far left,” but “has the strength to fight back.”

His criticism of former President Donald Trump was over Trump’s response to the 2020 election loss. “One thing about the political process: when the race is over and the people have spoken, you move on,” Manchin said.

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, a Republican, also spoke at the town hall. “If we end up in 2024 with the same nominees that we did in 2020, is that the definition of insanity or what?” Huntsman, who also served as former Trump’s ambassador to Russia — and former President Barack Obama’s ambassador to China — remarked.

Sauce: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sen-joe-manchin-fuels-rumors-of-a-third-party-2024-presidential-bid-56a855ec?mod=home-page

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014e60 No.72757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202304 (182009ZJUL23) Notable: Large solar storm coming?

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Large Solar Eruption Likely to Impact Within 48 Hours | S0 News July.18.2023

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014e60 No.72758

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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