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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

014e60 No.51552 [View All]

15JUL23 to 18JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 725 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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014e60 No.72709

File: 2a3ca262e4aaeed⋯.png (230.48 KB,460x350,46:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201643 (181746ZJUL23) Notable: ANONS on redpilling, where we're at

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Difficult truths

Nothing can stop what is coming!

It has taken time to show the world all the bad actors and their terrible actions, CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN, and by extension, HUMANITY.

The shills KNOWINGLY come out to DISTRACT the Truth.

ANONS needn't worry and are quite comfy.

Unhinged piss goblins are loud and dangerous, thus why the END WON'T BE FOR EVERYONE!

Don't suffer the fools

Do suffer the plan

Plants are watered, are you still watching the water?

Do you see the drip drip has become a steady flow accelerating towards flooding. When the ship floods, what jumps first.

Hollywood is being dismantled.

Rino's are being exposed.

Academia, especially Kto12, had been exposed.

No one said it would be easy, but Q told us, and deep down we all knew, it would be worth it.

I'll take all the 2 moar weeks it takes to see this through.

Thank you anons

carry on


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014e60 No.72710

File: b1e4248fe9a47d6⋯.jpeg (88.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201650 (181748ZJUL23) Notable: Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential - White House

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18 Jul, 2023 14:27

Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential – White House

NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby has pointed out that Moscow has many alternative routes to supply its troops

Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential – White House

John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council, speaks at the daily White House briefing at the White House on July 17, 2023 in Washington, DC. © Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images

The attack on the Crimean Bridge in the early hours of Monday does not appear to have disrupted Russian military supply routes in Ukraine, according to the White House. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Moscow had already stopped using the bridge to move military cargo.

During a press briefing on Monday, the US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, said that officials in Washington “haven’t seen any impact of the strike on the bridge to Russia’s defensive posture and their military capabilities in Crimea or in Southern Ukraine.”

He noted that Russian forces continued to actively engage the Ukrainian military, “trying to push back elements of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.”

According to Kirby, while it is still too early to predict if and how the attack will affect Moscow’s military capabilities in the long run, it still has “many, many, many other ways of providing logistics and sustainment to their troops in Ukraine.”

“So, my hunch would be that this won’t have a dramatic effect on – on them,” he said.

Kirby went on to mention that the US was not prepared to attribute the incident to any party. He added, however, that even if Ukraine was behind the blast, it had every right to attack the bridge as “Crimea is Ukraine.”

Speaking that same day, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated Washington’s position that the Ukrainian military has carte blanche in terms of choosing its targets.

Russian authorities say two seaborne drones were used in the attack which took out one span of the road section of the bridge.

President Putin denounced the incident as “yet another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime,” and stated that the “Crimean Bridge has long not been used for military transport.”

While Ukrainian officials have not claimed responsibility for the attack, they have welcomed it. Several Ukrainian media outlets have reported that thebridge was damaged as the result of a “special operation” by the country’s security services and naval forces.

The structure, which was built in 2018 to connect Crimea to the Russian mainland, was targeted by a truck bombing last October.

(Is Kirby telling Kiev to stop attacking useless targets that are civilian use only?)


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014e60 No.72711

File: bec63c22e66ee9d⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 394b0fe0a4641c8⋯.png (315.95 KB,733x777,733:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201654 (181748ZJUL23) Notable: FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

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🚨=FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

This is why they’re indicting President Trump - to cover up their J6 setup

10:06 AM · Jul 18, 2023·499.3K Views


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014e60 No.72712

File: d530cbf1e3ddc32⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,469x310,469:310,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201661 (181751ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

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The Race-Based Weapons Bonus Hole goes very deep.

Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons


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014e60 No.72713

File: 7d8661cffe26db5⋯.png (1.06 MB,1003x1236,1003:1236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201664 (181752ZJUL23) Notable: America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

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America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

July 18, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, AFL issued the following statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel, in response to former President Trump announcing he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith stating that he is the target of a January 6 grand jury investigation:

“Merrick Garland and Jack Smith appear hellbent on leveraging every ounce of governmental power they can to weaponize the Department of Justice and attack the Biden Administration’s political opponents while simultaneously using the Department as a shield for President Biden, his family, and his friends. With every additional action they take, the American people see the extent to which this regime is committed to destroying anyone and anything that stands in its way. That, alone, is enormously destructive to our constitutional republic, our institutions, and our society. It sets us down a road from which we will not return anytime soon.

And if the domestic consequences weren’t enough, the Department of Justice has unwittingly turned our federal government into an international laughingstock. Every banana republic across the world will laugh at strongly-worded statements by the Department of State and the Department of Justice’s own Resident Legal Advisors about the need to abide by international norms and not target political opponents of the regime for prosecution. ‘Mírate en el espejo, yanqui!’

An actual Department of Justice would not throw legally-ruinous spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks. But that’s what we see time and again from the Biden Administration. The true extent of the consequences of their actions will not be fully appreciated anytime soon–but the judgment of history will be harsh indeed,” said Gene Hamilton.


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014e60 No.72714

File: b09cf696087c993⋯.png (377.39 KB,746x803,746:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201669 (181753ZJUL23) Notable: America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

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America First Legal @America1stLegal

New statement from Gene Hamilton, AFL Vice-President and General Counsel, in response to former President Trump announcing he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith stating that he is the target of a January 6 grand jury investigation. ⤵️


1:36 PM · Jul 18, 2023


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014e60 No.72715

File: fb899bb3cc54e0d⋯.jpeg (48.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201673 (181754ZJUL23) Notable: US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine - WaPo

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18 Jul, 2023 14:41

US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine – WaPo

Kiev’s forces should instead focus on a “combined-arms approach,” American officials have told the newspaper

Even if Ukraine receives modern Western-made jets, they will be of little use because of Russia’s powerful air defenses, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed US officials.

Amid a Ukrainian counteroffensive that Moscow claims has failed to gain any ground, officials in Kiev have stepped up requests for advanced aircraft, particularly US-designed F-16s, arguing they could play a key role in countering Russian air power.

While Kiev’s Western backers have announced a training program for Ukrainian pilots to fly the jets, they have yet to greenlight their delivery.

According to the Washington Post, Ukrainian officials have rebuked their Western counterparts, claiming that ifthey were in the same situation as Kiev, they would never have pressed ahead with a large-scale offensive without air support.

“So, to say that it [the offensive] is slow or too fast is at least ridiculous to hear from those who have no idea what it is,” the commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, Valery Zaluzhny, told the paper.

However, according to unnamed US officials interviewed by the Post, “Western jets would have little utility” for Ukraine in the current circumstances because of Russia’s “extensive air defenses.” Instead, one source argued that Kiev’s best tactic would be to rely on a “combined-arms approach.”

Another US official told the paper that while Washington has trained Kiev’s troops how to conduct offensive maneuvers and has provided them with mine-sweeping equipment, they are still struggling to overcome strong Russian anti-tank defenses and drone strikes. “We don’t underestimate or under-appreciate that it’s a very tough situation,” the source added.

Citing F-16 pilots, Bloomberg reported in May that while the jets would definitely help Kiev,they would not be a “game changer” because their radars and missile systems are inferior to modern Russian equipment. That would mean using the warplanes either defensively or as part of high-risk operations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that if the West proceeds with F-16 shipments to Ukraine, the aircraft “will burn” just like other hardware. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that F-16 deliveries would be an escalatory move as they can carry nuclear weapons.


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014e60 No.72716

File: e626880a57f0844⋯.png (84.57 KB,1057x431,1057:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201677 (181756ZJUL23) Notable: Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

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Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

In late November 2022, Washington DC admitted that it was unable to account for approximately $20 billion in weapons sent to the Kiev regime. At the time, the newly elected Republican-dominated Congress vowed to conduct “impending audits” as soon as they took over in January. Officially, the GOP wanted audits to determine and then release information on the massive weapons shipments from the United States to the Kiev regime and how much of that “aid” was ending up “where it’s supposed to be”. Republicans promised to “hold the government accountable” for spending US taxpayers’ dollars for the sake of the deeply corrupt Kiev regime.

At the time, major news media, such as Fox News, claimed that the Biden administration inspected only 10% of approximately 22,000 weapons sent to the Kiev regime from late February to November. However, oversight issues also extended to other “theaters of operation”, such as Taiwan, where approximately $19 billion in weapons sales for China’s breakaway island province were “missing”. In late August, a Defense News report claimed there was a $14 billion backlog in weapons sales to Taiwan. However, the November data indicated that the actual number was nearly $19 billion in delayed deliveries, according to The Wall Street Journal.

“US government and congressional officials fear the conflict in Ukraine is exacerbating a nearly $19 billion backlog of weapons bound for Taiwan, further delaying efforts to arm the island as tensions with China escalate,” the WSJ report claimed. “The US has pumped billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February, taxing the capacity of the government and defense industry to keep up with a sudden demand to arm Kiev in a conflict that isn’t expected to end soon,” the authors added in an admission rarely seen in mainstream media.

And yet, close to eight months since promising to conduct the aforementioned “impending audits”, the Republican-dominated Congress never did anything of sorts, while the so-called “aid” has swelled to over $170 billion, according to the data released by the Neo-Nazi junta itself. Strangely, the troubled Biden administration has been successful in preventing Congress from creating an inspector general’s office that would finally provide the much-needed oversight for the massive weapons shipments to the Kiev regime. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would create the inspector general office modeled after the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR).

The issues US government experienced during the existence of SIGAR is what likely caused the GOP-dominated Congress to keep postponing its “impeding audits”, despite clear promises it would conduct them. It can even be argued that much of the electorate voted for Republicans precisely because of their promises to heavily scrutinize the so far “unquestionable commitment” to provide the massive amount of “aid” to the Kiev regime. And indeed, the regular reports issued by SIGAR were a source of great embarrassment for any administration in Washington DC during America’s decades-long invasion of Afghanistan. These issues later greatly contributed to the humiliating US defeat in August 2021.


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014e60 No.72717

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201682 (181757ZJUL23) Notable: AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations

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AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations 18 July 2023


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014e60 No.72718

File: 725164f45c35646⋯.png (824.63 KB,1440x1012,360:253,Clipboard.png)

File: a6002c2c27519b2⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x720,64:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201695 (181800ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Nose art "Midnight Train". USAF B-1B Lancer 86-0098. Flew from Dyess out to Barksdale then NE and circling back around. Looks to be on approach now for Barksdale. Probably practice approaches. Shooting landings as the old expression goes.

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014e60 No.72719

File: 98c5ab5ec31014b⋯.png (439.05 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201701 (181802ZJUL23) Notable: Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs

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sum ting wong

Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs


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014e60 No.72720

File: 9324f87597596f9⋯.png (403.15 KB,563x580,563:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a59ac932e41f1⋯.png (247.73 KB,572x655,572:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201710 (181803ZJUL23) Notable: Sex guide for kids sold at department stores — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

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Sex guide for kids sold at department store — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

A sex guide aimed at children ages 10-15 is being sold in department stores with instructions on how to perform sex acts, descriptions of gender identities, and graphic illustrations of penises.

The book "Welcome to Sex: Your No-Silly-Questions Guide to Sexuality, Pleasure and Figuring It Out" by Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes was released in May 2023 and is being sold in Big W department stores in Australia, according to News.com.au.

The book talks about penis size with a plethora of illustrations before getting into instructions on sex acts.

Instructions on "scissoring" are given, featuring a drawing of what appears to be an amputee engaging in the act. In addition, another heading read, "The low down on anal sex," while "How do you finger someone?", "Hand jobs," and "Oral sex on a penis" all have dedicated sections in the book.

While the book notes that it is appropriate for "apprehensive" 11-year-olds and "curious" 14-year-olds, author Stynes allegedly wrote on her Instagram page that she would be okay with a "mature" 8-year-old reading the book.

"Before you ask 'what age, exactly?' it depends where your kid is at in maturity. Roughly 10-15 years old but I'd be happy with a mature and smart 8-yo having a flick through," she reportedly wrote.


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014e60 No.72721

File: 04f8619254e592f⋯.png (326.86 KB,884x1807,68:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d0220d926b729f⋯.png (958.41 KB,2582x905,2582:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 14132a0d6535c2b⋯.png (267.41 KB,1288x476,46:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201715 (181804ZJUL23) Notable: #Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia

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#Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia, July 14.

UNITAS trains forces in joint maritime operations that enhance tactical proficiency and increase interoperability with unmanned air, surface, and submarine systems.


>>>/qresearch/19200777 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19200825 (me) (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19200805 (pb)

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014e60 No.72722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201718 (181805ZJUL23) Notable: Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing

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Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing

Ex-US secretary of state’s meeting with Li Shangfu comes amid hopes of improved ties between two countries

The veteran US diplomat Henry Kissinger has met China’s defence minister in Beijing.

According to a readout on Tuesday from the Chinese defence ministry, Li Shangfu said “friendly communication” between China and the US had been “destroyed” because “some people in the United States did not meet China halfway”. Kissinger said he was a “friend of China”, according to the readout.

“Neither the United States nor China can afford to treat the other as an adversary. If the two countries go to war, it will not lead to any meaningful results for the two peoples,” the Chinese statement reported Kissinger as saying.

The surprise visit of the 100-year-old former US secretary of state comes as John Kerry, the US climate envoy, is in Beijing to meet Chinese officials to discuss how the two countries can cooperate on confronting the climate crisis. Kerry is the latest in a string of senior US officials who have travelled to China this summer, after the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, completed a long-awaited trip in June.

Relations between the two superpowers have been spiralling downwards for months, but there is cautious optimism on both sides that the restarting of official dialogues can build a foundation for improved ties.

Kissinger’s visit, which had not been publicised, is outside the official roster of meetings. It is almost exactly 52 years since his secret visit to Beijing in July 1971, which paved the way for Richard Nixon, the US president at the time, to normalise relations between the US and China. More than half a century on, Kissinger is still seen by many in Beijing as a “friend of China”. In May, state tabloid the Global Times praised Kissinger’s “razor-sharp” mind.

Kissinger has repeatedly warned of “catastrophic” consequences of a conflict between the US and China.

Li has been the subject of US sanctions since 2018, relating to the purchase of combat aircraft from Russia’s main arms exporter, which Beijing cites as a reason for refusing to reopen military-to-military dialogues with Washington. Last month, Li refused to meet his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

China’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to request for comment.


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014e60 No.72723

File: 164414e9deaabc2⋯.png (45.06 KB,1190x564,595:282,Clipboard.png)

File: f52ac5d3252ddad⋯.png (204.94 KB,543x627,181:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201720 (181805ZJUL23) Notable: Large solar storm coming?

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...Noisy fuckers, this afternoon.

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014e60 No.72724

File: 2d7d89e14bddb1e⋯.png (326.45 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201722 (181805ZJUL23) Notable: Putin has issued an order for the Russian government to block websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTQ relationships, and gender reassignment.

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸


Putin has issued an order for the Russian government to block websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTQ relationships, and gender reassignment.



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014e60 No.72725

File: f591764ec02ab43⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f4c8344a4cc8ce⋯.png (1.49 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc7abf6734ef7e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1000x689,1000:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201729 (181806ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Two B-52s also up at this time. One out of Barksdale (60-0015 nose art "Long Rangers II") holding station over southern Louisiana. The other out of Edwards. Callsign TORCH34 That one, 60-0036, is nose art "Tagboard Flyer".

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014e60 No.72726

File: e684f6afecf5e57⋯.png (409.79 KB,517x892,517:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201734 (181807ZJUL23) Notable: Pennsylvania woman who used bullhorn to direct Capitol rioters is convicted of Jan. 6 charges

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Published 1:52 PM EDT, July 18, 2023

Pennsylvania woman who used bullhorn to direct Capitol rioters is convicted of Jan. 6 charges

A Pennsylvania woman who used a bullhorn to direct rioters attacking the U.S. Capitol was convicted on Tuesday of charges that she joined the mob in an attempt to keep President Joe Biden out of the White House.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth heard testimony without a jury before he convicted Rachel Marie Powell of felony charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, siege. Powell, who was convicted of all nine counts in her indictment, is scheduled to be sentenced on Oct. 17, according to court records.

Powell, wearing a distinctive pink hat and fur-lined jacket hoodie, joined a mob of rioters who confronted police officers at bike rack barriers on the west side of the Capitol. She used her back to push against the police line, prosecutors said.

A video captured Powell using a bullhorn to encourage other rioters to “coordinate together if you’re going to take this building.” She also gave them “very detailed instructions” about the layout of the Capitol, according to an FBI agent’s affidavit.

Powell told rioters they had “another window to break.” She herself used an ice-axe and a large pipe to break a window, according to prosecutors.

Powell waived her right to a jury trial. The judge convicted her of charges that she interfered with police and obstructed the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress for certifying Biden’s 2020 electoral victory over Donald Trump.

A lawyer for Powell had no comment on the verdict.

Powell played a “leading role” during the riot, a prosecutor said at a February 2021 hearing.

“She is front and center in the incursion.” Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi added, according to a transcript.

Powell was arrested nearly a month after the riot. FBI agents found several smashed cellular telephones, gun paraphernalia and other weapons when they searched her home. ...


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014e60 No.72727

File: 1ce6c884bd6d20b⋯.png (38.95 KB,712x348,178:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201738 (181807ZJUL23) Notable: Big Pharma ‘Bankrolled’ Biden’s NIH Director Nominee, Watchdog Group Says

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Big Pharma ‘Bankrolled’ Biden’s NIH Director Nominee, Watchdog Group Says

President Joe Biden‘s nominee to lead the National Institute of Health allegedly received millions of dollars in research-related funds from big pharmaceutical companies while opposing Trump-era drug costs, according to a watchdog group.

The American Accountability Foundation, a conservative opposition research group founded in 2020, published a new report observed by The New York Post that said NIH Biden-nominee Dr. Monica Bertagnolli has “problematic close ties with big pharma” with the nation’s primary agency responsible for biomedical and public health research

“Big Pharma bankrolled her career, and she has long been a friend and ally to them,” the group told The Post in a statement. “Especially after the corruption and lies that came from the government’s medical agencies during COVID, the American people need to know that NIH will be led by honest people who serve them, and are not owned by massive corporations.”

“Our government’s medical institutions must serve the interests of the American people, not Big Pharma,” the group said. “However, Dr. Bertagnolli’s extensive financial ties to pharmaceutical companies raise serious questions about her ability to lead NIH in a manner that is not beholden to special or secret interests.”

Bertagnolli, 64, received more than $350 million in research-related funds from pharmaceutical giants, including at least $56 million from Pfizer, Seagan Inc., and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in 2022, according to data.

Biden’s White House told the outlet that the $350 million included grants awarded to a non-profit Bertagnolli ran, which conducted nationwide clinical trials on cancer prevention.

“These studies ensured that rural communities were part of these trials,” an administration official said. “Funding for large clinical trials like these come from a number of sources, including companies participating in the trials. That’s standard.”

Although the grants reportedly did not go to Bertagnolli, the watchdog group argued the physician-scientist likely had secondary funds “flowed through to her salary at [Boston’s] Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute where she is a researcher.”

According to the 2022-2023 financial disclosure forms included in the report, Bertagnolli reported $1,609,198 in salary and bonuses from the cancer institute.

President Biden announced Bertagnolli’s nomination as NIH Director in May, calling her a “world-renowned surgical oncologist, cancer researcher, educator, and physician-leader who has the vision and leadership needed to deliver on NIH’s mission to seek fundamental knowledge and promote human health.”

During former President Donald Trump’s administration, Bertagnolli vocalized her opposition to the president’s “Most Favored Nation” proposal, which aimed to slash prices of prescription drugs like Insulin by roughly 50%.


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014e60 No.72728

File: 2453ffbf78f0f06⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

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File: bd540748eea2110⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2820x1850,282:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201761 (181812ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Completing the picture we have a pair of E-6s up. Callsigns in image labels.



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014e60 No.72729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201768 (181814ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Biden's Broken Border

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LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Biden's Broken Border

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014e60 No.72730

File: 90c70512a177e12⋯.png (297.48 KB,606x669,202:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201780 (181816ZJUL23) Notable: Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy

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The Grayzone


Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy


exposes how Reuters served as a channel for the UK Foreign Office to covertly fund an outlet that clamored for the toppling of Egypt's first democratically elected leader




King´s death?

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014e60 No.72731

File: 4049e716e10d564⋯.png (1.73 MB,1582x1734,791:867,Clipboard.png)

File: ad763ae54a885cc⋯.png (1.53 MB,1386x778,693:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201785 (181817ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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From the 14th and Bioclandestine is the only patriot covering this...


"Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine and other regions of the world.

I would like to point out that the information we publish has been heard by the foreign media, despite strict Western censorship. Authoritative international publications such as The Times, The Guardian, The New York Post, Sky News published the information on the most high-profile topics: safety violations in American biolaboratories, the enhancement of the functions of pathogens at Boston University and the transfer of unfinished Ukrainian projects to the territory of other countries.

At the same time, the U.S. State Department launched an active outreach campaign to neutralise Russian accusations that US military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention. An important role of the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC), which is under U.S. control, plays an important role in this effort.

This organisation funds Internet activities to combat information about U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine and to promote a positive perception of Washington's projects in the post-Soviet space. The ISTC has signed a contract with Wooden Horse Strategies, a U.S. consulting firm.

The contractual documents provide for the posting of relevant material at least eight times a month, as well as the monitoring of 'pro-Russian' publications on this topic appearing online and promptly responding to them, including blocking access.

In addition, the operation of United States biolaboratories in Ukraine raises more and more questions among ordinary citizens and political figures in the United States itself.

For example, U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. harshly criticised the military biological activities of the U.S. Government.

According to his statement, former U.S. President Nixon unilaterally declared the termination of the biological weapons program in 1969, but the existing developments were not destroyed. In order to take the U.S. military out of the picture, all available information and materials were transferred to the National Institute of Health.

Kennedy emphasised the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in biological weapons operations, the first of which was Operation Paperclip. Thus, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II to 'transfer expertise' in military biological research. The purpose of the project was, '...to develop an experimental weapons programme and to bring in Japanese scientists who are the only ones who have ever used biological weapons...'."

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014e60 No.72732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201789 (181818ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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pt 2

" Let me remind you that the Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of biological formulations and the mechanisms of vector-borne disease transmission and spread.

In this regard, it is no coincidence that the research organisations of the U.S. Ministry of Defence are interested in studying the main species of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemically significant infections such as Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever and Dengue fever.

We have already noted that such research is being carried out in specialised organisations, both within the United States and in biolaboratories located overseas, where more than 100 species of mosquitoes and ticks are being studied together. Dual-use production facilities, such as Oxitec biotechnology company, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, could be used to mass-produce vectors.

U.S. military specialists have been successful in adapting and growing vectors collected from their natural habitat.

The methods they have developed make it possible to produce mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in the laboratory.

Please note that this research activity is accompanied by deterioration of the epidemic situation and expansion of vector habitats. In this case we are talking about the formation of artificial centres of natural focal infections. Given the uncontrolled nature of vector spread, entire countries and regions may be involved in the epidemic process.

For example, an increase in the number of non-endemic Asian tiger mosquitoes has already been recorded in southern and central Europe. In Germany, populations of this species have established in five federal districts. Another mosquito species (Culex modestus), a vector of West Nile fever, has been identified in Sweden and Finland.

At the same time, an increase in the incidence of uncharacteristic vector-borne infections was noted in the European Union countries. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, more people infected with Dengue fever were registered in Europe in 2022 than in the previous decade. West Nile fever also peaked with more than 1,000 cases, 92 of them fatal. The facts of Zika fever infection associated with mosquito bites were first recorded in France.

Thus, the work of U.S. military biologists is aimed at the formation of 'artificially managed epidemics' and is not controlled within the framework of the BWC and the UN Secretary-General's mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.

In the course of the special military operation documents, which prove the activity of the U.S. Department of Defence's research institutions in Ukraine, have been discovered.

Earlier we briefed you on Walter Reed Army Institute of Research activity. We have already pointed out, that due to an extensive network of branches the institute acts as a supplier of epidemically significant pathogens. The Russian Defence Ministry presented documents, which prove the Institute's employees involvement in gathering efforts of the Ukrainian citizens and AFU servicemen biomaterial in the course of warfare in Donbass region from 2014 to 2022."

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014e60 No.72733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201791 (181818ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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pt 3

"Today, I would like to focus on activities of the U.S. Navy laboratories (the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit or NAMRU). Three of seven U.S. Navy laboratories are located outside USA territories, namely in Italy, Сambodia and Peru. The NAMRU organises its work on establishment of interconnected branches and offices in regions with unfavourable epidemiological situation.

Only Asian branch of the NAMRU-2 in Phnom Penh analyses over 5,000 pathogens samples, the same number is gathered in South Africa.

Since April 2023 employees of the African branch (NAMRU-6) work undercover of a civilian organisation - Latin American branch of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. The NAMRU-6 plans to expand its activity on the Argentina territory, where one laboratory is to be modernised. to the maximum biosafety level BSL-4.

Non-profit organisation Heath security partners train new employees for research in the new laboratory.

Since 2019 the NAMRU-3 is stationed on Naval Air Station Sigonella in Italy.

The laboratory employees, including entomologists, microbiologists and infectious disease doctors, conduct research in natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases (Ebola, dengue, malaria) in Egypt, Ghana and Djibouti.

It should be noted that the Navy's biological warfare unit in Italy works under the three US strategic commands - Central, European, and Africa, and its primary purpose is ‘…to study, monitor and detect diseases of military significance...’

Thus, the efforts of the NAMRU foreign branches is fully in line with U.S. national interests and strategic planning documents in the field of biosecurity and is aimed at controlling the biological situation in the areas, where NATO military contingents are stationed.

The NAMRU foreign branches activity is not limited only to gathering and shipment of pathogens. Yet again, the Pentagon is trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical companies, which are the main sponsors of the Democratic Party's election campaigns.

Pay attention to the U.S. Department of Defence document containing the sign for service use only, acquired during operative actions in liberated Ukrainian territories. The document dated 2015 describes clinical trial systems for medicines against viral fevers. The document's authors, including members of the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, planned to establish a mobile rapid response unit designed to test new medicines at US military bases around the world. "

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014e60 No.72734

File: 17eb5817a8eb1ac⋯.png (1.47 MB,1370x768,685:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 19a649acc22387b⋯.png (1.44 MB,1378x766,689:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 2540655a3cce944⋯.png (1.59 MB,1372x766,686:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201805 (181819ZJUL23) Notable: "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

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pt 4

The project included the establishment of a mobile research infrastructure and the training of medical staff. Standardised protocols for human clinical trials and medical product registration applications have been developed.

The algorithms were to be practised in the U.S. Africa Command area of responsibility and then extended to all overseas NAMRU branches.

Thus, the Pentagon planned to use the United States military to test unregistered medical products on local populations and then have them approved by regulatory bodies in the interest of so-called Big pharma.

To that end, a network of subordinate biolaboratories and intermediary organisations such as Metabiota were planned to be used.

Pay attention to the commercial offer of the company Metabiota marked confidential, which was discovered among the documents in a Ukrainian biolaboratories. The proposal is addressed to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and relates to infectious diseases specialists training in Kenya and Uganda. The document proves that the Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and, to give an illusion of humanitarian engagement, U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as a number of European Union organisations, have been involved in pathogens research in countries of the African continent.

Metabiota's involvement in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed, as well as its leading role in the Predict project, which studied new strains of coronaviruses and captured bats that carry them in the natural environment.

At the same time, the representatives of Metabiota themselves admit that, in fact, they are engaged in networking to ensure the work of the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies abroad.

The Ukrainian Science and Technology Centre (USTC) and other U.S. Department of Defence contractors were actively involved in these activities.

We will look in more detail at their role in the implementation of the American military-biological programme, which has led to the deterioration of the epidemic situation in many regions of the world in the next briefing. "

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014e60 No.72735

File: 3e9ee46c3afac6d⋯.png (1.6 MB,1170x1757,1170:1757,Clipboard.png)

File: a965a1e2485c606⋯.png (347.67 KB,1144x1866,572:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201822 (181825ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard addresses critics

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Tim Ballard Addresses The Allegations of Chipping Kids, Is A Trafficker, & a Mason

“It will never cease to amaze me how far these Godless leftists media will go to run interference for human traffickers.

I saw a post that seems to be trending in certain places saying that ai am in favor of putting microchips in children so we can track them.

It’s complete bologna! I’ve never weighed in on that, I’ve never said anything, in fact, I’m very much against anything that would allow the government or others to control children.”

I found out yesterday that apparently I’m involved in trafficking, I run trafficking networks, or that I’m some mason involved in strange Masonic practices…

It’s not gonna stop. Expect every lie. At this point, I have been accused of everything but murder, so I want you to just expect more to come, including probably that I’ve killed people, who knows?

We’re going to force the light into the darkness & force the conversations, and in the end we’ll rescue children.”

My Thoughts:

First Off, there’s also an allegation that Tim Ray Ballard is a registered pedophile… but the only problem is, Tim’s middle name isn’t Ray & there’s a bit of an age difference. 😂

It says a lot that Tim himself saw these things being spread around & came on to say his piece..

Psyops are being run on everyone in an effort to make you forget the core message of this film.

Be careful of the energies you absorb & don’t allow others to take your eyes off what truly matters, the children.

Stay strong minded & don’t allow others to manipulate you.

Stay unshakable in your faith.



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014e60 No.72736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201824 (181825ZJUL23) Notable: Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S - Volunteers needed

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Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S. – Appeals for More Volunteers

I have written 2 articles on the blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, a movie that has already grossed over $85 million in less than two weeks since its release on the big screen, and these articles have received tens of thousands of readers in the past few days, even though the movie does not expose child sex trafficking in the U.S., does not name the names of those funding this child sex trafficking network, and has no call to action to stop it. See:

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking

By way of contrast, I have exposed where much of the child sex trafficking in the U.S. is happening, with a recently published story of a man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children through the foster care system, as well as an update on the ongoing lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking network, which DOES name names, and these two articles have received far fewer views than the Sound of Freedom film articles. See:

New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

By way of contrast, I have exposed where much of the child sex trafficking in the U.S. is happening, with a recently published story of a man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children through the foster care system, as well as an update on the ongoing lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking network, which DOES name names, and these two articles have received far fewer views than the Sound of Freedom film articles. See:

New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

Top Row: CIA Director William Burns, Thomas Pritzker, executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels, Sergy Brin, co-founder of Google, Larry Page, co-founder of Google, Mort Zuckerman, a real-estate billionaire who owns US News & World Report. Bottom Row: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Former President Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Democratic Presidential Candidate. Full article.

In this article I am publishing today, about a group who has actually done something about child sex trafficking in the U.S., I suspect that it too will receive far fewer readers than the articles about the movie Sound of Freedom, even though this is an article about a group that has actually rescued thousands of women and children from sex trafficking right here in the U.S. during the past 7 years, and could probably rescue many more if people would join their efforts to expose and chase out the child sex traffickers neighborhood by neighborhood all across the U.S., rather than sitting in a theater and watching a movie about child sex trafficking outside the U.S.

The name of this group is Veterans on Patrol (VOP), led by Lewis Arthur, and I first learned about Lewis Arthur and his work in Arizona back in 2018, and published a few articles about VOP back then.

VOP began by working with homeless veterans, a ministry that continues until this day, and then expanded to exposing and chasing out the child sex trafficking cartels near the Arizona-Mexican border in 2018.

Today, VOP also has a presence in California, and other places, exposing the sex traffickers and working with communities to shut down their operations. They have also recently begun exposing the military’s ongoing geoengineering programs that spray dangerous and toxic chemicals from our skies every day.

You can follow their work on their Telegram channel here.


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014e60 No.72737

File: 1d4a1dad02de8a8⋯.png (1.24 MB,990x678,165:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201837 (181828ZJUL23) Notable: Over two dozen arrested in regional child predator operation

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Over two dozen arrested in regional child predator operation

HANOVER TWP. — Over two dozen people were arrested, resulting in hundreds of felony child sex charges, following a months-long operation targeting online predators and pornographers, Pennsylvania State Police Troop P announced Tuesday.


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014e60 No.72738

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201843 (181830ZJUL23) Notable: Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark

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>>72706 Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark



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014e60 No.72739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201845 (181830ZJUL23) Notable: Jean-Pierre on CLIMATE CHANGE (for KEKS)

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Jean-Pierre: We saw the multiple reporting of extreme weather over the past couple days...flooding, wildfire smoke, extreme heat; so we know climate change has an effect.

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014e60 No.72740

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201872 (181835ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

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014e60 No.72741

File: 74113b88c41f849⋯.png (275.03 KB,831x295,831:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201892 (181840ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

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America’s commitment to Israel is ironclad, Biden tells Herzog at White House

The US president also emphasized America’s commitment to ensuring Iran does not attain a nuclear weapon.

The US commitment to Israel remains strong, US President Joe Biden told Israeli President Isaac Herzog in the Oval Office on Tuesday.

“Our friendship with Israel is unbreakable…America’s commitment to Israel is firm, is ironclad,” Biden said, adding that he said the same to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the phone on Monday.

The US president also emphasized America’s commitment to ensuring Iran does not attain a nuclear weapon.

Biden noted that his administration played a role in getting Saudi Arabia to open its airspace to Israeli flights, and said there is “a lot more work to do” in that vein.

Herzog expressed gratitude in the name of the Israeli people to Biden for his support for Israel for half a century.

“There are some enemies who think we have some differences shaking our ironclad bond,” Herzog said. “If they knew how our security cooperation has grown in recent years and reached new heights, they wouldn’t think that way.”

The Israeli president also remarked on the judicial reform debate, on a day of mass protests in Israel.

“The heated debate we are going through in our society.. is a tribute to the greatness of Israeli democracy,” he stated. “Israeli society is strong and resilient. I truly believe we should always seek to find an amicable consensus…I am pursuing it even in these very moments.”

A small group of demonstrators gathered by Lafayette Square, across from the White House, ahead of Herzog’s visit, with some, protesting the judicial reform, waving Israeli flags and others waving Palestinian flags.

Herzog’s visit to the White House came amid heightened tensions between Washington and Jerusalem. Biden called the current cabinet the “most extreme” he has ever seen in an interview with CNN last week, citing its ministers’ support for Israeli Jews living in Judea and Samaria. His administration has also commented on the government’s judicial reform plan, calling for any changes to the judiciary to be passed by consensus and for the rights of protesters to be respected. In addition, the sides are at loggerheads over their approaches to the Iranian nuclear threat.

After over publicly declining to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House twice in light of his government’s makeup and policies, Biden and Netanyahu spoke on the phone on Monday evening. The Prime Minister’s Office readout said that the president invited him to meet “in the United States,” which could mean a meeting at the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September. The White House readout did not mention a future meeting.


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014e60 No.72742

File: c2bd510a229ee23⋯.gif (1 MB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201904 (181842ZJUL23) Notable: Large solar storm coming?

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014e60 No.72743

File: 6fd11a2f52cc932⋯.png (482.22 KB,770x513,770:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201908 (181843ZJUL23) Notable: West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis

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West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis

Speaking to Christian Zionist group, Florida governor and Republican US presidential candidate pledges support for Israel.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, has reiterated claims that the West Bank is not occupied, suggesting that Israel should be able to continue to build settlements on the Palestinian territory without interference from the United States.

Speaking to Christians United for Israel (CUFI) on Monday, DeSantis underscored his pro-Israel bona fides, including his efforts to crack down on companies that boycott the US ally.

“Judea and Samaria are not occupied territory,” DeSantis said, referring to the West Bank by a Biblical name.

He added that, while the land is disputed, Israelis have “the strongest claim of right” to the West Bank. “They have every right to have very strong communities in those areas,” DeSantis said.

The Florida governor has expressed such sentiments before, even prior his entry into the US presidential race in May. In November, for example, he told the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference that the West Bank was “not occupied” but rather “disputed”.

“I don’t care what the State Department says,” he added.

But his comments on Monday signal that Republican presidential candidates will push forward with staunchly pro-Israel stances as they try to appeal to their right-wing base.

The West Bank is Palestinian territory. Israel captured the land in 1967, and it has been building settlements for its citizens in the area in violation of international law, while having de facto control over millions of Palestinians in the same territory.

Several human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have concluded that Israel is imposing apartheid on Palestinians. United Nations experts have said that the settlements amount to war crimes.

CUFI is one of the largest Christian Zionist organisations, representing a significant conservative constituency of US evangelicals who back Israel for religious reasons.


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014e60 No.72744

File: bbd9dade6633ae9⋯.png (833.84 KB,1150x2048,575:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201941 (181847ZJUL23) Notable: Watch President Trump’s Plan to Rebuild America’s Depleted Military Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military

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July 18, 2023

Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military

Bedminster, NJ – In a new Agenda47 video, President Donald J. Trump announced his plan to rebuild America’s depleted military, address the military recruitment crisis, and restore the proud culture and honor of America’s armed forces.

On Day One, President Trump will restore his successful America First foreign policy to bring peace and stability to Eastern Europe.

“In addition, I will ask Europe to reimburse us for the cost of rebuilding the stockpiles sent to Ukraine, which they should be doing now but Joe Biden is too weak and too disrespected to even ask,” President Trump said. “The fact is that we've spent almost $200 billion in helping Ukraine and Europe has spent just a tiny fraction of that amount.”

“Less than three years ago, I'd fully rebuilt the United States military and steered America into such a strong global position. That peace was breaking out all over the world, we had peace through strength,” President Trump said.

“Twenty-nine months later, the arsenals are empty, the stockpiles are bare, the Treasury is drained, the ranks are being hollowed out, our country has been totally humiliated, and we have a corrupt, compromised President crooked Joe Biden, who is dragging us into World War III.”



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014e60 No.72745

File: d7a0d37ae202706⋯.png (1.48 MB,1327x747,1327:747,Clipboard.png)

File: d69b8cc61eab568⋯.png (101.19 KB,807x549,269:183,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201949 (181849ZJUL23) Notable: US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

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US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

On July 18, the Russian Ministry of Defence revealed new details of the ongoing investigation of the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine and other states. Russia accused the United States of creating “artificial courts of natural focal infections” using transmission vectors that spread infections uncontrollably. The Russian Defense Ministry also named those who tried to hide information about the operations with pathogens of dangerous infections and testing drugs on the population of Ukraine within the framework of US biological programs. LINK

First, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence of the Russian Armed Forces, explained roots of US interest in spread of dangerous diseases using transmission vectors. He quoted US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who harshly criticised the military-biological activities of the US government:

According to his statement, former US President Nixon announced the termination of the biological weapons program in 1969, but the existing inventions were not destroyed. In order to save the reputation of the US military department, all available information and materials were transferred to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Kennedy emphasized the role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in operations related to biological weapons, the first of which was Operation Paperclip. Then, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II to “share their experience” in military biological research. The goal of the project was “… the development of an experimental weapons program and the involvement of Japanese scientists, who are the only ones who have ever used biological weapons …”.

The Russian Lieutenant General noted that Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of special biological formulations, as well as the mechanisms of transmission and spread of diseases using special vectors. In this regard, it is no coincidence that the US Department of Defense is interested in studying the main types of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemiologically dangerous infections, including Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever, Dengue fever.

The Russian military has previously revealed that such studies are carried out in specialized biological laboratories both in the United States and abroad. Dual-use production facilities, in particular, of the biotech company “Oxytech”, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, can be used for mass production of dangerous vectors. The US military specials obtain mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in such laboratoriues.

These researches result in deterioration of the epidemic situation in various regions and the expansion of the areas of spreading of contaminated carriers. Artificial courts of natural focal infections are created. Given the uncontrolled nature of the spread of such vectors, the epidemic process may threaten entire countries and large regions. Thus, the work of American military biologists is aimed at the creation of “artificially controlled epidemics” and is not controlled within the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention and the UN mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.



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014e60 No.72746

File: e1a6c95bf0508f8⋯.png (1.18 MB,1206x682,603:341,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201971 (181853ZJUL23) Notable: US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

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The tasks of NAMRU’s foreign branches are not limited to the collection and export of pathogens.The Pentagon is also trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical manufacturers, which are the main sponsors of the election campaign of representatives of the Democratic Party.

Pay attention to the document of the US Department of Defense marked “for official use” (image above), discovered during the military operations in the liberated Ukrainian territories. It is dated 2015 and concerns the system of clinical trials of medical means to counteract viral fevers. The authors of the document, including employees of the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army, planned to create a mobile rapid response unit designed to test new drugs in locations of the US armed forces around the world. The project provided for the creation of a mobile research infrastructure and the training of medical staff. Standardized protocols of human clinical trials and applications for registration of medicines have been developed.

The algorithms of actions were supposed to be worked out in the area of responsibility of the US African Command, and then spread to all foreign branches of NAMRU.

Thus, the Pentagon planned to use the armed forces of the United States to test unregistered medicines on the local population with their subsequent approval by supervisory authorities in the interests of the so-called “Big Pharma”. To achieve these goals, it was proposed to use a network of subordinate biological laboratories and intermediary organizations, such as Metabiota, connected with the son of the US President, Hunter Biden, and government agencies.

Pay attention to the commercial offer (image above) of the Metabiota company marked “confidential”, which was found among the documents in one of the Ukrainian biolabs. The proposal is addressed to the Research Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army and concerns the training of specialists in infectious diseases in Kenya and Uganda. The document reveals that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as well as the US Agency for International Development and a number of EU structures are involved in the study of pathogens in the countries of the African continent.

The involvement of Metabiota in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed earlier, as well as its leading role in the implementation of the Predicate project, in which new types of coronaviruses were studied, bats that are their carriers in the natural environment were captured.

The Russian military added that the the US State Department launched an information and propaganda campaign to confront Russia’s accusations of violations by American military biologists of the provisions of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons. An important role in this work is assigned to the International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC), which is under American control.

This organization finances Internet activities to combat information about US biological laboratories in Ukraine and to form a positive perception of Washington’s projects in the post-Soviet space. The corresponding contract was signed by ISTC with the American consulting firm Wooden Horse Strategies. In accordance with the documents, they were obliged to publish relevant materials at least eight times a month, as well as to monitor “pro-Russian” publications on this topic on the network and promptly response to them, including blocking access to the articles.

The Russian Ministry of Defense named those who tried to hide information about the inhumane researches with pathogens of dangerous infections and drug trials on the population of Ukraine within the framework of US biological programs. They included the CEO of Wooden Horse Strategies, Director of the Ukraine 3000 Foundation Marina Antonova.

“She participated in the implementation of the US military biological program on the territory of Ukraine. Within the framework of the contract with the UNTC (Ukrainian International Scientific and Technical Center), she directs the development of an information strategy aimed at concealing information about the financing of biological research of dangerous pathogens by the UNTC, including with enhanced functions, drug testing on the population of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Kirillov said at a briefing.


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014e60 No.72747

File: 9c80c36ddc150ec⋯.png (123.75 KB,972x463,972:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202007 (181859ZJUL23) Notable: UK Sanctions Russian Officials Involved in the "Forced" Deportation of Ukrainian Children - UK gov't

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UK Sanctions Russian Officials Involved in the Forced Deportation of Ukrainian Children

According to a U.K. government statement issued on Monday, Russian authorities have forcibly deported over 19,000 Ukrainian children to Russia or temporarily Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly stated that officials involved in this project, as well as in the propagation of hate-inciting propaganda, will have any assets they might have in the U.K. frozen and will not be allowed to enter the country.

Among the designated officials are Russian Minister of Education, Sergey Kravtsov, and Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova.

The list also includes propagandists responsible for spreading abhorrent propaganda designed to incite violence and hatred towards Ukraine and its people, such as Anton Krasovsky, a former Russia Today (RT) host who said live on air that "Ukrainian children who hate Russia should be drowned and burned."

Russian Culture Minister Olga Lyubimova has also been sanctioned for exploiting her position to assist the Russian state's harmful anti-Ukrainian policies.

"These individuals have played an insidious role in Russia's calculated program of deportation, designed to erase Ukrainian cultural and national identity," read the statement.

Less than a month ago, the U.K. administration sanctioned Russian Children's Rights Commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, one of the alleged masterminds of the forced transfer and adoption of Ukrainian children.

Earlier this year, in March, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, charging them with direct responsibility for the large-scale unlawful deportation of Ukrainian children to Russian-controlled territory, which constitutes a war crime under international law.

The case was unveiled early this year when the Yale School of Public Health's Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) warned in its report that Russia has "systematically relocated" children from Ukraine to several re-educating and adoption facilities in occupied Crimea and mainland Russia.

"In his chilling program of forced child deportation and the hate-filled propaganda spewed by his lackeys, we see Putin's true intention – to wipe Ukraine from the map," said Foreign Secretary Cleverly.


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014e60 No.72748

File: 23917efccd0e146⋯.png (280.84 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bb5c38531db41e⋯.png (66.97 KB,1036x506,518:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202084 (181915ZJUL23) Notable: Elton John Is Deposed in Spacey Trial

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Kevin Spacey Trial: Elton John Is Deposed via Video Link in the Defense of His Star Friend

The Kevin Spacey trial in London has experienced another star deposition. After two time Academy Award Spacey took the stage in his defense, on Monday a video link was set up for the deposition of musical icon Elton John and husband David Furnish.

There’s no disputing that Elton John’s version of the events from a decade ago ended up benefitting his friend, whether or not the jury was starstruck.

The New York Post reported:

“The newly retired singer and his husband, David Furnish, appeared in the London court by video link from Monaco and answered questions about Spacey’s attendance at their White Tie and Tiara Ball, an event the couple hosted for over a decade to raise money to fight AIDS.”

One of Spacey’s accusers – that can’t be named under UK law – claims that the star sexually assaulted him while driving to the White Tie and Tiara Ball in either 2004 or 2005.

These claims have been mortally wounded by Elton John’s deposition, as he told the court that Spacey arrived at the event by private jet.

“The complainant, who was not named, claimed the ‘House of Cards’ star grabbed his crotch with such strength that he almost crashed his car.

The alleged victim’s claims, however, were countered by John’s testimony. The singer recalled Spacey flying in to attend the event on a private jet.”

Spacey had already denied assaulting the man on the way to the ball, saying, ‘No, I was not on a suicide mission in any of those years’.

John’s husband David Furnish told the court that Spacey’s attendance was a big deal at the time, and supported the actor’s claims that he had only attended the party once, in 2001.

Photographs showed Spacey was only in attendance that year, John said, as each year they make sure to photograph each guest, and the actor only appears in images from 2001.

Elton John was questioned whether Spacey could have gone and not been pictured.

“It never happened,” he said. “It was understood we were promoting a charity involving the eradication of stigma surrounding disease. For celebrities wanting to come to our event, it was always understood they needed to be photographed.”

Spacey could face jail if convicted, but has expressed hope for a career comeback, if acquitted.


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014e60 No.72749

File: 8a242f90775d657⋯.png (557.03 KB,943x862,943:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202085 (181916ZJUL23) Notable: NEW: Trump and Sean Hannity will be live tonight at 9PM Eastern

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NEW: Trump and Sean Hannity will be live tonight at 9PM Eastern on Fox News for a Town Hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa - discussion include Inflation, Southern border and World War 3

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014e60 No.72750

File: b49cfaf74cae937⋯.png (917.58 KB,1796x963,1796:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202123 (181924ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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Descending into Cedar Rapids will be landing soon.

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014e60 No.72751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202128 (181925ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

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one thing i could never reconcile is why is Epstein keeping flight logs at all? surely he and his cabal friends are powerful enough to avoid having to abide by FAA regulations or whatever.

Why would he keep a running list of everyone that if fell into the wrong hands (which it did) would be a fucking nightmare?

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014e60 No.72752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202151 (181930ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

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that's a good question. is it an FAA regulation or what?

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014e60 No.72753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202181 (181939ZJUL23) Notable: Scientists create new embryos to save southern white rhino

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Scientists create new embryos to save African mammal

The fertilized eggs are ready for transfer to wild southern white rhino surrogate mothers, the BioRescue research consortium says


read that carefully

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014e60 No.72754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202220 (181948ZJUL23) Notable: #23583-A

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#23583-A >>72696

>>72697 ‘Reprehensible.' Congress skewers Biden education chief for email to students attacking SCOTUS

>>72698, >>72709 ANONS on redpilling, where we're at

>>72699 President Trump Announces He Is Target of Garbage J6 Investigation, Given 4 Days to Testify Before Grand Jury - Braces for Imminent Indictment by Biden Regime and Jack Smith

>>72700 Russia at the United Nations

>>72701, >>72741 Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

>>72702 American Soldier Captured By North Korean Forces - Crossed Border Without Authorization


>>72704 G20 Meeting In India Ends Without Communiqué, Division On Ukraine, Despite Yellen Pleading Redoubled Support

>>72705 US pressuring Ukraine for ‘decisive breakthrough’ - WaPo

>>72738, >>72706 Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark

>>72707 Massachusetts Governor Calls on Residents to House Illegal Aliens in Their Guest Rooms - definitely NOT the Bee

>>72708 Russian Forces used a lighting bolt to destroy electric transformers in Lviv

>>72710 Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential - White House

>>72711 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

>>72712, >>72740 Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

>>72713, >>72714 America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

>>72715 US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine - WaPo

>>72716 Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

>>72717 AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations

>>72718, >>72725, >>72728, >>72750 PF

>>72719 Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs

>>72720 Sex guide for kids sold at department stores — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

>>72721 #Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia

>>72722 Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing



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014e60 No.72755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202233 (181952ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

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Private Aircraft Reporting Requirements for Arriving or Departing United States

On November 18, 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection published the Advance Information on Private Aircraft Arriving and Departing the United States final rule.

This rule requires private pilots or their designees to transmit electronically to CBP:

Traveler manifest information for each individual traveling onboard the aircraft

Notice of arrival information

Notice of departure information


The Electronic Advance Passenger Information System, or eAPIS, allows you to enter or upload passenger and crew manifests online.


19 CFR § 122.22 - Electronic manifest requirement for all individuals onboard private aircraft arriving in and departing from the United States; notice of arrival and departure information.

(3) Manifest data required. For private aircraft arriving in the United States the following identifying information for each individual onboard the aircraft must be submitted:

(i) Full name (last, first, and, if available, middle);


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014e60 No.72756

File: 07ab4e187d9e9f2⋯.png (872.98 KB,1174x1108,587:554,Clipboard.png)

File: bff8bc0f87be41a⋯.png (985.3 KB,988x1143,988:1143,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9c14576b4dddfee⋯.png (782.56 KB,1021x997,1021:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202249 (181957ZJUL23) Notable: Sen. Joe Manchin fuels rumors of a third-party 2024 presidential bid

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Sen. Joe Manchin fuels rumors of a third-party 2024 presidential bid

July 18, 2023

‘If I get in a race, I’m going to win,’ Manchin said

Sen. Joe Manchin is fueling speculation that he could join the 2024 presidential race by the end of the year after speaking at a New Hampshire town hall for the No Labels nonprofit on Monday.

The Democrat from West Virginia, known for conflicting with party leadership, likely would run a third-party campaign. Speaking to NBC News on Monday, Manchin did not dismiss the idea that he would challenge President Biden.

“We’re not taking anything off the table,” Manchin said when asked if he is considering running for president on a No Labels third-party ticket. He added that he will determine “next year” whether or not to run.

No Labels is a nonprofit working to put a “unity” ticket on the 2024 ballot, and hosted the town hall to promote its “common sense” policy platform.

Manchin addressed concerns that the No Labels idea was designed to play spoiler to a Biden re-election bid. “I’ve never been in any race I’ve ever spoiled,” Manchin said during the event. “I’ve been in races to win. And if I get in a race, I’m going to win.”

“We’re here to make sure the American people have an option, and the option is can you move the American political parties off their respective sides. They’ve gone too far right and too far left,” said the West Virginia Senator.

In a separate interview with CNN Monday night, Manchin hit his party’s leader, saying Biden has “been pushed too far left,” but “has the strength to fight back.”

His criticism of former President Donald Trump was over Trump’s response to the 2020 election loss. “One thing about the political process: when the race is over and the people have spoken, you move on,” Manchin said.

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, a Republican, also spoke at the town hall. “If we end up in 2024 with the same nominees that we did in 2020, is that the definition of insanity or what?” Huntsman, who also served as former Trump’s ambassador to Russia — and former President Barack Obama’s ambassador to China — remarked.

Sauce: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sen-joe-manchin-fuels-rumors-of-a-third-party-2024-presidential-bid-56a855ec?mod=home-page

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014e60 No.72757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202304 (182009ZJUL23) Notable: Large solar storm coming?

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Large Solar Eruption Likely to Impact Within 48 Hours | S0 News July.18.2023

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014e60 No.72758

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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