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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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c4c1c1 No.51551 [Last50 Posts]

12JUL23 to 15JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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c4c1c1 No.71257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168492 (122037ZJUL23) Notable: Energy Sec. Granholm faces another ethics complaint over stocks

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Energy Sec. Granholm faces another ethics complaint over stocks

PPT previously filed a complaint against Granholm in relation to a grant made to Proterra, a firm of which she was a prior board member.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm faces another ethics complaint related to her stock disclosures, this time over her husband's ownership of stock in the Ford Motor Company while she worked closely with the firm on its electric vehicle initiatives.

Granholm, on April 20 told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that she owned no stocks, but later wrote to the panel to clarify that she actually owned no conflicting stocks at the time of her testimony. She further stated that she had divested from the six firms where she owned individual stocks to reconcile fact with her statements.

She has since admitted that her husband retained Ford stock under May of this year, the subject of the complaint. Watchdog group Protect the Public's Trust, in writing to the DOE inspector general, contended that she had a "direct financial interest in one of the companies to which her agency granted millions of dollars from a program she participated in personally and substantially."


Granholm Ethics Complaint

PPT highlighted Granholm's appearance alongside Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in a 2022 video that appeared to endorse a Ford product. The 2022 video shows the pair driving inside a Mustang Mach-E and making positive statements about the vehicle.

"Despite claiming she owned only 'non-conflicting' stocks, she was also forced to admit that her husband had owned the Ford stock, which he reportedly held until May 15, 2023," the letter to the OIG reads. "Working 'closely with the Biden administration and DOE to build out electric vehicles and deploy new battery technologies,' Ford Motor Company is certainly a 'conflicting' stock for the Energy Secretary."

The group further pointed to Ford's receipt of $25 million through the SuperTruck 3 program, in which Granholm participated, as another matter of concern.

"Her involvement, in fact, dated back to one of the very first announcements of the program, in April 2021, when she participated in a call with trucking industry representatives to promote the new funding opportunities," PPT contends. "Secretary Granholm’s participation in matters involving Ford Motor Company while her husband owned stock in the company represents a blatant violation of her ethics obligations."

"We ask that the Inspector General commence an immediate and thorough investigation into Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s participation in matters involving Ford Motor Company during the time her husband owned stock in the company and any related violations that have been committed as a result of her actions," the letter concludes.

PPT previously filed a complaint against Granholm in relation to a grant made to Proterra, a firm of which she was a prior board member.


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c4c1c1 No.71258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168495 (122039ZJUL23) Notable: Huw Edwards named as ‘sex picture scandal’ BBC presenter by wife

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Huw Edwards named as ‘sex picture scandal’ BBC presenter by wife

They’re trying to flip it and make it about the difficulty he’s going through and has mental health issues.


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c4c1c1 No.71259

File: 71ce0a4dc06b223⋯.png (323.37 KB,603x511,603:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168497 (122039ZJUL23) Notable: ZELENSKYY TO AMERICANS: "I understand that it's all your money — but you have to know that you spend this money for not just for fighting — you spend this money for our lives."

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ZELENSKYY TO AMERICANS: "I understand that it's all your money — but you have to know that you spend this money for not just for fighting — you spend this money for our lives."


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c4c1c1 No.71260

File: 02825d1c8081e6e⋯.png (440.08 KB,599x880,599:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168498 (122039ZJUL23) Notable: BillS.1843 - Trumps End Child Trafficking Now Act

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The Punisher


Disney and Hollywood are full of pedophiles

Disney fought for 5 years to keep Sound of Freedom from being released

Government, Cartels and Military are all involved in human trafficking

Code Adam, CPS and Red Cross are all involved in locating, funding and the transportation of children

Project Monarch (MK Ultra) was indoctrinated into many children in the form of “normalizing” their abuse

The US Government is the leading child trafficking organization in the world, that’s why them and every institution in America targeted Trump, they’re all in on it

BillS.1843 - Trumps End Child Trafficking Now Act


8:28 AM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168526 (122045ZJUL23) Notable: Inside Huw Edwards' family life with TV producer wife who named him as BBC star in scandal

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Inside Huw Edwards' family life with TV producer wife who named him as BBC star in scandal

Huw Edwards has been confirmed as the presenter at the centre of the BBC sex scandal today in a statement given by his wife Vicky Flind to the media.

Huw's other half is a producer of shows like BBC's This Week, ITV's Peston, and Britain's Next Prime Minister.


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c4c1c1 No.71262

File: de9f490312ecc6c⋯.png (997.69 KB,1041x1062,347:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168584 (122058ZJUL23) Notable: Webb’s First Deep Field

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Webb’s First Deep Field

Jul 12, 2023

President Joe Biden unveiled this image of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 during a White House event on July 11, 2022. One year later, the James Webb Space Telescope has changed the way we see the universe. From new views of old subjects to discoveries on the chemical composition of exoplanets, Webb has helped us gather clues about the origins of our own solar system and beyond.


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c4c1c1 No.71263

File: 52040b34a9fcd2a⋯.png (1.05 MB,985x922,985:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168598 (122101ZJUL23) Notable: Webb Celebrates First Year of Science With Close-up on Birth of Sun-like Stars

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Webb Celebrates First Year of Science With Close-up on Birth of Sun-like Stars

Jul 12, 2023

From our cosmic backyard in the solar system to distant galaxies near the dawn of time, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has delivered on its promise of revealing the universe like never before in its first year of science operations. To celebrate the completion of a successful first year, NASA has released Webb’s image of a small star-forming region in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex.

“In just one year, the James Webb Space Telescope has transformed humanity’s view of the cosmos, peering into dust clouds and seeing light from faraway corners of the universe for the very first time. Every new image is a new discovery, empowering scientists around the globe to ask and answer questions they once could never dream of,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Webb is an investment in American innovation but also a scientific feat made possible with NASA’s international partners that share a can-do spirit to push the boundaries of what is known to be possible. Thousands of engineers, scientists, and leaders poured their life’s passion into this mission, and their efforts will continue to improve our understanding of the origins of the universe – and our place in it.”

The new Webb image released today features the nearest star-forming region to us. Its proximity at 390 light-years allows for a highly detailed close-up, with no foreground stars in the intervening space.

“On its first anniversary, the James Webb Space Telescope has already delivered upon its promise to unfold the universe, gifting humanity with a breathtaking treasure trove of images and science that will last for decades,” said Nicola Fox, associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “An engineering marvel built by the world’s leading scientists and engineers, Webb has given us a more intricate understanding of galaxies, stars, and the atmospheres of planets outside of our solar system than ever before, laying the groundwork for NASA to lead the world in a new era of scientific discovery and the search for habitable worlds.”

Webb’s image shows a region containing approximately 50 young stars, all of them similar in mass to the Sun, or smaller. The darkest areas are the densest, where thick dust cocoons still-forming protostars. Huge bipolar jets of molecular hydrogen, represented in red, dominate the image, appearing horizontally across the upper third and vertically on the right. These occur when a star first bursts through its natal envelope of cosmic dust, shooting out a pair of opposing jets into space like a newborn first stretching her arms out into the world. In contrast, the star S1 has carved out a glowing cave of dust in the lower half of the image. It is the only star in the image that is significantly more massive than the Sun.

“Webb’s image of Rho Ophiuchi allows us to witness a very brief period in the stellar lifecycle with new clarity. Our own Sun experienced a phase like this, long ago, and now we have the technology to see the beginning of another’s star’s story,” said Klaus Pontoppidan, who served as Webb project scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, since before the telescope’s launch and through the first year of operations.

Some stars in the image display tell-tale shadows indicating protoplanetary disks – potential future planetary systems in the making.


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c4c1c1 No.71264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168600 (122101ZJUL23) Notable: Webb Celebrates First Year of Science With Close-up on Birth of Sun-like Stars

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A Full Year, Across the Full Sky

From its very first deep field image, unveiled by President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Nelson live at the White House, Webb has delivered on its promise to show us more of the universe than ever before. However, Webb revealed much more than distant galaxies in the early universe.

“The breadth of science Webb is capable of exploring really becomes clear now, when we have a full year’s worth of data from targets across the sky,” said Eric Smith, associate director for research in the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters and Webb program scientist. “Webb’s first year of science has not only taught us new things about our universe, but it has revealed the capabilities of the telescope to be greater than our expectations, meaning future discoveries will be even more amazing.” The global astronomy community has spent the past year excitedly poring over Webb’s initial public data and getting a feel for how to work with it.

Beyond the stunning infrared images, what really has scientists excited are Webb’s crisp spectra – the detailed information that can be gleaned from light by the telescope’s spectroscopic instruments. Webb’s spectra have confirmed the distances of some of the farthest galaxies ever observed, and have discovered the earliest, most distant supermassive black holes. They have identified the compositions of planet atmospheres (or lack thereof) with more detail than ever before, and have narrowed down what kinds of atmospheres may exist on rocky exoplanets for the first time. They also have revealed the chemical makeup of stellar nurseries and protoplanetary disks, detecting water, organic carbon-containing molecules, and more. Already, Webb observations have resulted in hundreds of scientific papers answering longstanding questions and raising new ones to address with Webb.

The breadth of Webb science is also apparent in its observations of the region of space we are most familiar with – our own solar system. Faint rings of gas giants appear out of the darkness, dotted by moons, while in the background Webb shows distant galaxies. By comparing detections of water and other molecules in our solar system with those found in the disks of other, much younger planetary systems, Webb is helping to build up clues about our own origins – how Earth became the ideal place for life as we know it.

"With a year of science under our belts, we know exactly how powerful this telescope is, and have delivered a year of spectacular data and discoveries,” said Webb Senior Project Scientist Jane Rigby of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. “We've selected an ambitious set of observations for year two — that builds on everything we've learned so far. Webb's science mission is just getting started — there's so much more to come."



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c4c1c1 No.71265

File: cb24f98afb9be51⋯.png (166.65 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168645 (122111ZJUL23) Notable: Congressman has grim take after access to UFO footage: 'We can't handle it'

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Congressman has grim take after access to UFO footage: 'We can't handle it'

July 12, 2023 6:00am EDT

A Tennessee lawmaker issued a dire warning after claiming to have seen classified UFO footage that hasn't been released to the public.

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., speculated extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity "can't handle" during an appearance on the "Event Horizon" podcast.

"If they’re out there, they’re out there, and if they have this kind of technology, then they could turn us into a charcoal briquette," Burchett said.

"And if they can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen, and physics as we know it, fly underwater, don't show a heat trail, things like that, then we are vastly out of our league."

Burchett is a sitting member on the House Oversight Committee, which has held hearings about potential threats of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), a government-derived term for UFOs.

"We can’t handle it," Burchett said during his podcast appearance about potential alien tech. "We couldn't fight them off if we wanted to. That's why I don't think they're a threat to us, or they would already have been."

His startling comments came after whistleblower David Grusch, a decorated Air Force veteran who is considered by many to be credible, came forward with claims the government has been running a secret UFO retrieval program.

The House Oversight Committee is preparing a hearing to discuss Grusch's unverified claims. Burchett and fellow Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida will lead the committee's investigation.

Susan Gough, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense, told Fox News Digital in a previous email June 6 there is no "verifiable information to substantiate the claims."

Since Grusch's shocking claims, other "high-level" government whistleblowers with "high clearances" have come forward and backed Grush's claims, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told NewsNation in an interview at the end of June.

"We’re trying to gather as much of that information as we can… And, frankly, a lot of them are very fearful of their jobs… fearful of harm coming to them," Rubio said during the interview.

While he didn't comment on whether he thinks the claims are credible, Rubio said, "What I think we owe is just a mature, you know, understanding, listening and trying to put all these pieces together and just sort of intake the information without any prejudgment or jumping to any conclusions."

The same week as Rubio's interview, the Senate approved new language in the Intelligence Authorization Act to further transparency and investigative efforts and protect whistleblowers.

Any employee under contract that "has in their possession material or information provided by or derived from the" government relating to UAP has 60 days to notify Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the updated language says.

Kirkpatrick is the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which is a specialized department within the Pentagon that investigates UFOs.

His office is investigating over 800 cases of UAP, but only 2%-5% of the cases are "truly anomalous."

NASA is also investigating UFOs, which is running on a separate but parallel track as AARO.

Both NASA and AARO are expected to release separate reports this summer.


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c4c1c1 No.71266

File: 65863ba5ead572e⋯.png (573.04 KB,1164x1350,194:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168702 (122125ZJUL23) Notable: On July 19, IRS whistleblowers will appear before @GOPoversight & testify.

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On July 19, IRS whistleblowers will appear before @GOPoversight & testify.

These credible & brave whistleblowers possess critical info related to our ongoing investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

Americans deserve to hear directly from them.


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c4c1c1 No.71267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168708 (122127ZJUL23) Notable: On July 19, IRS whistleblowers will appear before @GOPoversight & testify.

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WASHINGTON – House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) will hold a hearing titled “Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation.” At this full committee hearing, the American people will hear from IRS whistleblowers who possess critical information related to the committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. In addition, the whistleblowers will testify about the politicization and misconduct at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with respect to the Hunter Biden investigation.

“Since taking the gavel in January, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has made rapid progress in our investigation into the Biden family’s domestic and international business dealings to determine whether these activities compromise U.S. national security and President Biden’s ability to lead with impartiality. From the thousands of financial records we’ve obtained, we know the Biden family set up over a 20 shell companies, engaged in intentionally complicated financial transactions with foreign adversaries, and made a concerted effort to hide the payments and avoid scrutiny,” said Chairman James Comer.

“Thanks to the good work of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, IRS whistleblowers recently provided information to Congress that confirm many findings of our investigation. Additionally, these whistleblowers provided information about how the Justice Department refused to follow evidence that implicated Joe Biden, tipped off Hunter Biden’s attorneys, allowed the clock to run out with respect to certain charges, and put Hunter Biden on the path to a sweetheart plea deal. Americans are rightfully angry about this two-tiered system of justice that seemingly allows the Biden family to operate above the law. We need to hear from whistleblowers and other witnesses about this weaponization of federal law enforcement power. This hearing is an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from these credible and brave whistleblowers. I look forward to their testimony as the Oversight Committee, along with the House Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, work to deliver transparency and accountability.”


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c4c1c1 No.71268

File: 2068a1968abd5ee⋯.png (530 KB,970x545,194:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 081ab5709eef00c⋯.png (346.23 KB,629x420,629:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168741 (122135ZJUL23) Notable: Building blocks of Mars life? Perseverance rover digs up diverse set of organic molecules on the Red Planet

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Building blocks of Mars life? Perseverance rover digs up diverse set of organic molecules on the Red Planet

July 12. 2023

NASA's Perseverance rover has found a diverse menagerie of organic molecules in a Martian crater, a new study reports.

Organic compounds are molecules composed of carbon, and often include other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Previously, scientists had detected several types of organic molecules of Martian origin — in meteorites blasted off Mars by cosmic impacts that landed on Earth, and in Gale Crater on the Red Planet, which NASA's Curiosity rover has been exploring since 2012.

"They are an exciting clue for astrobiologists, since they are often thought of as building blocks of life," study lead author Sunanda Sharma, a planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, told Space.com.

However, "importantly, they can be created by processes not related to life," Sharma emphasized. As such, investigating what organic molecules exist on the Red Planet and how they were created is key to understanding what may or may not be linked to life on Mars.

"As planetary scientists and astrobiologists, we are very careful with laying out claims — claiming that life is the source of organics or possible biosignatures is a last-resort hypothesis, meaning we would need to rule out any non-biological source of origin," Sharma said.

In the new study, Sharma and her colleagues analyzed data from Perseverance. In February 2021, the rover landed within Jezero Crater, the site of an ancient lake basin that prior work suggested displayed high potential for past habitability. The crater floor also possesses clays and other minerals that may preserve organic materials.

Specifically, the scientists examined data from the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) instrument onboard Perseverance. SHERLOC is the first tool on Mars capable of conducting fine-scale mapping and analysis of organic molecules.

The researchers focused on SHERLOC data from Máaz and Séítah, two rock formations on the Jezero Crater floor. When ultraviolet light from SHERLOC illuminates organic compounds, they can glow much like material beneath a blacklight. The fingerprint of wavelengths in the glow from a molecule can help identify it.

Sharma and her colleagues found signs of organic molecules in all 10 targets that Perseverance drilled into at Máaz and Séítah, covering a span of time from at least about 2.3 billion to 2.6 billion years ago. These "point to the possibility that building blocks of life could have been present for a long time on the surface of Mars, in more than one place," Sharma said.

The scientists discovered evidence of many different classes of organic molecules. These occurred in a variety of patterns in space within Máaz and Séítah, suggesting they might have originated from a number of different minerals and mechanisms of formation. These organic compounds mostly appeared connected to minerals linked to water.

"Seeing that the possible organic signals differ in terms of type, number of detections and distribution between the two units of the crater floor was surprising and exciting," Sharma said. "That opens the possibility of different formation, preservation or transportation mechanisms across the crater and, more broadly, the surface of Mars."

The scientists could not identify specific organic molecules. "To confirm the presence of organics and their specific types, we would need the samples to be returned to Earth," Sharma said. "That's our goal."

The scientists detailed their findings online today (July 12) in the journal Nature.



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c4c1c1 No.71269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168800 (122149ZJUL23) Notable: Wenstrup Releases Alarming New Report on “Proximal Origin” Authors, NIH Suppression of the COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis

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Wenstrup Releases Alarming New Report on “Proximal Origin” Authors, NIH Suppression of the COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis

Published: Jul 11, 2023

WASHINGTON — Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) issued an interim staff report detailing the Select Subcommittee’s comprehensive investigation into the suppression of the lab-leak hypothesis by America’s leading public health officials through the drafting, publication, and critical reception of the infamous “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” (“Proximal Origin”) publication. The report titled “The Proximal Origin of a Cover-Up: Did the ‘Bethesda Boys’ Downplay a Lab Leak?” reveals extensive influence by the NIH and the flawed analysis combined with an alarming lack of evidence that led the paper’s co-authors to argue in support of a zoonotic origin.


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c4c1c1 No.71270

File: e7f744f0db8446f⋯.jpeg (725.26 KB,1155x1836,385:612,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168822 (122154ZJUL23) Notable: PF Report

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GTMO844 up


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c4c1c1 No.71271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168852 (122205ZJUL23) Notable: 🚨BREAKING: FBI Director Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal

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DC_Draino (@DC_Draino)

🚨BREAKING: FBI Director Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed

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c4c1c1 No.71272

File: 2c893240d42380d⋯.png (138.31 KB,580x296,145:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168936 (122223ZJUL23) Notable: Putin is NATO's greatest recruiter (Australian state media)

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This from Australian state media


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c4c1c1 No.71273

File: 583b792769d6b68⋯.png (1.79 MB,1162x1150,581:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168949 (122226ZJUL23) Notable: Watch: Florida judge allows reenactment of Parkland shooting in lawsuit against former school officer

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Watch: Florida judge allows reenactment of Parkland shooting in lawsuit against former school officer


A Florida judge approved a motion Wednesday allowing two reenactments of the 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as part of a civil lawsuit against a former school resource officer. Scot Peterson was acquitted last month of criminal charges accusing him of inaction and negligence during the shooting; 26 survivors and families of the 17 killed are seeking unspecified damages from him in civil court. Attorneys for both the plaintiffs and the defense will stage the reenactments within the next month.

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c4c1c1 No.71274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19168990 (122236ZJUL23) Notable: rawsalerts - 🚨#BREAKING: Multiple Pedestrians hit at the National Mall after a driver who ran red light trying to evade Secret Service officers

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🚨#BREAKING: Multiple Pedestrians hit at the National Mall after a driver who ran red light trying to evade Secret Service officers

📌#Washington | #DC

Currently The United States Secret Service is actively searching for a suspect involved in a deadly hit-and-run incident at the National Mall. The incident took place when Secret Service officers tried to stop a car with an expired registration. The suspect initially agreed to pull over but quickly fled instead. As a result, the suspect ran a red light and hit multiple people crossing the street, causing one fatality and injuring several others. The suspect still remains at large


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c4c1c1 No.71275

File: dbe7643f01e9147⋯.png (665.78 KB,962x748,481:374,Clipboard.png)

File: b0050c5dfd39fb8⋯.png (817.45 KB,980x647,980:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169012 (122241ZJUL23) Notable: 3 dead, 14 injured in Greyhound bus crash in Illinois

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3 dead, 14 injured in Greyhound bus crash in Illinois

Jul. 12, 2023 at 4:17 AM PDT

ST. LOUIS (KMOV/Gray News) - A Greyhound bus crash involving multiple semi-trucks left three dead and 14 injured.

Illinois State Police told News 4 the Greyhound bus hit three tractor-trailers that were parked in the off ramp on a rest stop on westbound I-70 just before 2 a.m. Wednesday. Officials said the Greyhound bus was traveling from Indianapolis to St. Louis.

Authorities confirmed three people on the bus were killed and 14 were seriously injured in crash, involving the Greyhound bus and multiple semi-trucks. They also stated that no one in the trucks were injured.

Four were transported on a helicopter and 10 more were rushed to the local hospitals by ambulance.

The bus was believed to be carrying about 30 people, including the driver, the Associated Press reported.

Police did not immediately release details about those who were injured and killed.

A truck driver said he was jolted awake when his truck was hit on the rear driver’s side. He said he woke up “in the air” and thought it was a dream.

“I was sleeping, and I kind of woke up in the air, getting thrown around in there,” recalled David Cherno.

After realizing what happened, he said he helped get people out of the bus before responders arrived on the scene.

“We pulled the people out of the bus, and then the bus tires started to catch fire, so I ran and got my extinguisher,” said Cherno.

Greyhound bus officials released a statement saying, “We can confirm an incident occurred this morning involving Greyhound schedule number 1675 traveling from Indianapolis to St. Louis. Multiple passengers, including our driver, have been transported to the hospital. Our primary concern is ensuring we care for our passengers and driver at this time. We are working closely with local authorities and a relief bus is on the way for passengers.”

All westbound lanes and the ramp to the rest area reopened around noon.

The National Transportation Safety Board said it will investigate the crash.


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c4c1c1 No.71276

File: 74f7a6565e7498e⋯.png (298.54 KB,580x662,290:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169022 (122243ZJUL23) Notable: Tornado Warning including Oswego IL, Montgomery IL and Boulder Hill IL until 6:00 PM CDT

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Tornado Warning including Oswego IL, Montgomery IL and Boulder Hill IL until 6:00 PM CDT

6:37 PM · Jul 12, 2023

from Illinois, USA·


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c4c1c1 No.71277

File: 1890415f4e7616a⋯.jpg (76.63 KB,500x376,125:94,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169065 (122251ZJUL23) Notable: #23542

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...Collected for convenience FINAL.


#23542 >>>/qresearch/19168322, >>71253

>>71254 The Ukraine conflict is just part of a global struggle for multipolarity, the Russian FM has said

>>71255 Fox News is sued for defamation by January 6 protestor Ray Epps

>>71257 Energy Sec. Granholm faces another ethics complaint over stocks

>>71258 Huw Edwards named as ‘sex picture scandal’ BBC presenter by wife

>>71259 ZELENSKYY TO AMERICANS: "I understand that it's all your money — but you have to know that you spend this money for not just for fighting — you spend this money for our lives."

>>71260 BillS.1843 - Trumps End Child Trafficking Now Act

>>71261 Inside Huw Edwards' family life with TV producer wife who named him as BBC star in scandal

>>71262 Webb’s First Deep Field

>>71263, >>71264 Webb Celebrates First Year of Science With Close-up on Birth of Sun-like Stars

>>71265 Congressman has grim take after access to UFO footage: 'We can't handle it'

>>71266, >>71267 On July 19, IRS whistleblowers will appear before @GOPoversight & testify.

>>71268 Building blocks of Mars life? Perseverance rover digs up diverse set of organic molecules on the Red Planet

>>71269 Wenstrup Releases Alarming New Report on “Proximal Origin” Authors, NIH Suppression of the COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis

>>71270 PF Report

>>71271 🚨BREAKING: FBI Director Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal

>>71272 Putin is NATO's greatest recruiter (Australian state media)

>>71273 Watch: Florida judge allows reenactment of Parkland shooting in lawsuit against former school officer

>>>/qresearch/19168988 BBC star presenter hospitalised after being named in sex photo scandal

>>71274 rawsalerts - 🚨#BREAKING: Multiple Pedestrians hit at the National Mall after a driver who ran red light trying to evade Secret Service officers

>>71275 3 dead, 14 injured in Greyhound bus crash in Illinois

>>71276 Tornado Warning including Oswego IL, Montgomery IL and Boulder Hill IL until 6:00 PM CDT

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c4c1c1 No.71278

File: ead5738e6fb7b8f⋯.jpg (108.7 KB,570x760,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169092 (122257ZJUL23) Notable: #23543

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...Time to smoke.

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c4c1c1 No.71279

File: 51d4a4c2bc797ae⋯.png (250.02 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: dfdd09b64a70257⋯.png (130.93 KB,405x596,405:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169124 (122302ZJUL23) Notable: #FBI damage control

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Before the House Judiciary Committee, #FBI Director Wray asserted that any accusation that the Bureau was involved in orchestrating the violence that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, is a disservice to the efforts of the FBI's brave and hardworking workforce.

12:53 PM · Jul 12, 2023

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c4c1c1 No.71280

File: c52ee07d07cf517⋯.png (374.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169146 (122306ZJUL23) Notable: Kiev will “likely” get F-16 fighter jets from Washington’s allies in Europe (RT)

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Ukraine will receive F-16s – White House

Kiev will “likely” get F-16 fighter jets from Washington’s allies in Europe who may have some to spare, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Wednesday. While many NATO countries have offered to train Ukrainian pilots, so far none have pledged to send actual airplanes.

“On the F-16 fighter jets, President [Joe] Biden took the decision some weeks ago, working in close consultation with allies, to begin the training of Ukrainian pilots on those jets,” Sullivan told Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos from Vilnius, Lithuania, where he is attending the NATO summit.

“That training will take some time, and then there will be the transfer of F-16s, likely from European countries that have excess F-16 supplies,” Sullivan added.


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c4c1c1 No.71281

File: 97ad6f2c33675ca⋯.png (142.94 KB,441x502,441:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169172 (122311ZJUL23) Notable: Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles

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Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles capable of reaching Russia AND Crimea on top of cluster bombs: President promises to get more artillery shells to Zelenksy as quickly as possible


Mail Online (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12293075/Biden-considering-giving-Ukraine-long-range-missiles-capable-reaching-Russia.html)

Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles capable of reaching Russia AND Crimea on top of cluster bombs: President promises to get more artillery shells to Zelenksy as quickly as possible

Joe Biden is considering providing longer-range missiles to Ukraine in its war with Russia following his controversial decision to also send

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c4c1c1 No.71282

File: 7cbd1eef740a013⋯.png (498.04 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 20112981f9ea976⋯.png (5.18 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169200 (122316ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Justice Department Reverses Course, Says Trump Can be Held Personally Liable in Crazy E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit

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Biden Justice Department Reverses Course, Says Trump Can be Held Personally Liable in Crazy E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit

The Justice Department on Tuesday reversed course and said Trump can be held personally liable in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit.

This is a reversal from the DOJ’s position that Trump was protected by the Westfall Act because he was president when he made the statements about E. Jean Carroll.

In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”


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c4c1c1 No.71283

File: 08abf8bc9414980⋯.jpeg (333.68 KB,1116x628,279:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169279 (122327ZJUL23) Notable: Wagner Group surrenders heavy weapons (VIDEO)

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12 Jul, 2023 20:15

Wagner Group surrenders heavy weapons (VIDEO)

The private military company handed over 2,000 pieces of military hardware, with the transfer process nearly complete

The Wagner Group private military company has surrendered more than 2,000 pieces of military hardware to Russia’s military inventory, the country’s Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. The transfer process is going “according to plan” and is nearing completion.

The inventory includes hundreds of heavy weaponry pieces, including main battle tanks of various types, multiple rocket launcher systems, self-propelled and towed artillery, anti-aircraft systems, and other combat vehicles, the ministry said in a statement. The military also released a video, showing rows of tracked and wheeled combat vehicles, as well as other equipment kept at undisclosed locations.

Dozens of combat vehicles transferred by the PMC group “have never been used in a combat environment,” the military noted. The group also surrendered over 2,500 tons of assorted ammunition as well as around 20,000 firearms.

The equipment is currently being transferred to rear field sites for maintenance, the ministry stated. Afterwards, it will be transferred to Russian military units for its “intended use,”the ministry concluded.

The Wagner Group, a private military company, has seen extensive action amid the ongoing hostilities with Ukraine. Its leader, Evgeny Prigozhin, ended up becoming entangled in a public conflict with the Defense Ministry, repeatedly accusing it of withholding supplies from the group. The conflict was apparently aggravated by an ongoing effort to incorporate loose volunteer groups, active in the formerly Ukrainian Donbass for years already, into Russia’s military structure.

It culminated in a short-lived mutiny staged by the group in late June. Prigozhin accused the Defense Ministry of launching deadly strikes on a Wagner camp, vowing retaliation, and capturing within hours several military installations in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, while some forces marched on Moscow.

The group’s leader ultimately backed down the next day, with the mediation of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Under the deal, Moscow agreed to drop the criminal case against the Wagner chief, with Prigozhin himself consenting to move to Belarus.


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c4c1c1 No.71284

File: d20b0ef64b747ac⋯.png (168.95 KB,964x1533,964:1533,Clipboard.png)

File: 1675dc82ad94fa5⋯.png (257.96 KB,395x632,5:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169294 (122329ZJUL23) Notable: Arizona court upholds clergy privilege in LDS child abuse case

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Arizona court upholds clergy privilege in LDS child abuse case

By Jill Ryan

Associated Press

Published: Wednesday, April 12, 2023

An Associated Press investigation of the clergy privilege shows it exists in 33 states and that the Mormon church, often joined by the Catholic Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other faiths, have successfully lobbied against attempts to reform or eliminate it.


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c4c1c1 No.71285

File: a60e6f52ab07c22⋯.png (599.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169314 (122333ZJUL23) Notable: Moscow mulls plan to display destroyed NATO hardware outside embassies

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Moscow is going to troll the West. Kek

12 Jul, 2023 17:26

Moscow mulls plan to display destroyed NATO hardware outside embassies

The idea is being considered by parliament and the Defense Ministry

Moscow could place destroyed military hardware on display outside the embassies of Western nations that supplied it to Ukraine. The idea was floated in Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, on Wednesday.

Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has tasked the parliament’s Defense Committee with discussing the idea with the Defense Ministry to iron out the details of potential ‘exhibitions’.

“The proposal to place burned [military] hardware near the embassies of those countries that send it to Ukraine is particularly interesting,” Volodin stated.

The idea is reminiscent of actions by Ukraine, which has set up a permanent exhibition in Kiev of destroyed military hardware, which it claims to be Russian. Ukraine also sent burnt-out tanks on tour across multiple European cities, including the German capital Berlin.

The latterefforts appeared to backfire spectacularly, with the displays wrapping up ahead of schedule after locals repeatedly brought flowers to the tanks.

Ukraine has reportedly sustained heavy losses in Western-supplied equipment in the past month. Multiple US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and M113 armored personnel carriers have been destroyed, as well as their Dutch-produced modification, the YPR-765, and German-made Leopard 2 tanks. The losses came as Kiev launched its long-heralded counteroffensive in early June. According to Moscow, the operation has failed to achieve any major gains.

Russia has repeatedly called on the West to stop “pumping” Ukraine with assorted weaponry, warning it would only prolong the hostilities rather than change their ultimate outcome. Senior officials in Moscow have also insisted that supplying Kiev with increasingly sophisticated weaponry heightens the risk of a direct conflict between Russia and NATO.


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c4c1c1 No.71286

File: ee41d0bde8b1179⋯.png (94.64 KB,828x830,414:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 9684494344dfe0f⋯.png (105.94 KB,785x832,785:832,Clipboard.png)

File: eea617031700629⋯.png (80.64 KB,801x655,801:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169418 (122351ZJUL23) Notable: Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Records on Grant from U.S. Biological Defense Program to EcoHealth Alliance

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Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Records on Grant from U.S. Biological Defense Program to EcoHealth Alliance

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for records and communications between DHS component offices and the U.S. Biological Defense Program regarding a $2 million grant awarded by the DHS’s Ground Truth Network to EcoHealth Alliance (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:23-cv-01855)). EcoHealth Alliance is implicated in using tax dollars for “gain-of-function” coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute for Virology and elsewhere in China.

The lawsuit names the National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC) and the Office of Health Affairs, which are part of DHS’s U.S. Biological Defense Program, which DHS states was established to increase the U.S.’s “preparedness against chemical and biological threats through improved threat awareness, advanced surveillance and detection, and responsive countermeasures.” The Ground Truth Network was set up under the National Biosurveillance Integration Center.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after DHS failed to respond to a February 17, 2023, FOIA request for:

Records and communications of the National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC), Office of Health Affairs, DHS of the following current or former employees (1) Heather Poindexter, (2) LCDR Reajul Mojumder, (3) Teresa Quitugua, regarding:

A. Ground Truth Network Project


C. HSHQDC16C00113

D. HSHQDC-16-R-00116

E. EcoHealth Alliance interface with NBIC analysts through written documents (e.g., emails, written reports, maps, data, etc.), oral communication (e.g., phone calls, conference call, etc.), and face-to-face meetings.

F. Any requests for information (RFIs) sent to EcoHealth Alliance and any responses to RFIs from EcoHealth Alliance

G. Plans detailing Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) available to NBIC and the process for direct and indirect communications with SMEs

H. Credibility of the source(s) from whom any information was obtained under Ground Truth Network

I. Concurrence and / or Closeout letters from DHS to EcoHealth Alliance

This requests also includes communications or interface of DHS NBIC employees with the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (DHS I&A) regarding:

1. Construction or editing of the Ground Truth Network RFP, grant or contract

2. Information shared between NBIC and DHS I&A received from EcoHealth Alliance or Ground Truth Network

According to the USASpending.gov federal database, the grant (PIID HSHQDC16C00113) awarded to EcoHealth Alliance was awarded in September 2016 with a potential end date of October 2022. Of the $2.1 million potential award, $974,298 was awarded. It was closed out in October 2021.


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c4c1c1 No.71287

File: 142304be96a4e52⋯.png (91.32 KB,734x887,734:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169431 (122353ZJUL23) Notable: Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify

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Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify

Lawyers for two whistleblowers quickly combat lawmakers' claims.

Democrats were struck with a political boomerang Wednesday after alleging some FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 in exchange for testimony to a House committee.

While two of the whistleblowers, Garrett O'Boyle and Steve Friend, did get charitable checks to help support their families because their FBI paychecks had ended, there is no evidence in the public record that the checks came in exchange for testimony. In fact, the charities have said there is no connection between the financial aid and the testimonies.

But the Democrat attacks took a more significant blow when lawyers for a third whistleblower, Marcus Allen, revealed he never accepted the money as alleged by a congresswoman.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) alleged during FBI Director Christopher Wray's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee that FBI whistleblowers O'Boyle and Allen were given donations by fellow whistleblower Kyle Seraphin after testifying before congress.

"Here's another picture," Jackson said, referencing two screenshots that were brought to the hearing. "It's the checks that were sent to both O'Boyle and Allen. Each check was for $255,194. Let me say that again. These men were paid $255,194 after they testified as so-called whistleblowers."

When Jackson was done speaking, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) jumped in and corrected her, stating that neither whistleblower received the money.

"They actually haven't received the money," Johnson said. "Have a unanimous considerate request- Mr. Chairman of a tweet Matthew Foldi put out during this hearing."

He proceeded to read off the tweet that stated, "Right off the bat, #NY10’s @RepJerryNadler lies about a whistleblower getting $250k. Marcus Allen has not received $250,000. He has not received or cashed the check that Kyle Seraphin posted online. Allen is seeking legal advice about whether and how he can accept donations while he challenges the FBI’s retaliation for protected whistleblowing."

Johnson requested that information be put on the record, to which Chairman Jim Jordan agreed.

New York Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler also stated that the whistleblowers were paid $250,000 each for their testimony.

Jason Foster, the founder of Empower Oversight, a nonprofit that represents Allen, said via social media that Nadler's claims were untrue.


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c4c1c1 No.71288

File: 20fa0f708e9fc66⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,674x360,337:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169435 (122355ZJUL23) Notable: erie as fuck - Tornado sirens are now sounding off for a particular is dangerous tornado warning (Chicago)

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erie as fuck

The National weather service has issues a PDS tornado warning meaning particular Dangerous situation as a confirmed large and extremely violent tornado is on the ground heading towards the city of Chicago Illinois tornado sirens are now sounding off


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c4c1c1 No.71289

File: 2b8dc57fcadd969⋯.png (1.68 MB,1160x1186,580:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169462 (130001ZJUL23) Notable: @JRMajewski - God Bless @realDonaldTrump. He sent my mother a letter and signed hat wishing her well after her heart surgery 🇺🇸

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God Bless @realDonaldTrump. He sent my mother a letter and signed hat wishing her well after her heart surgery 🇺🇸


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c4c1c1 No.71290

File: 202e3341f035132⋯.png (158.19 KB,596x475,596:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169478 (130005ZJUL23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

July 12, 2023

National debate on voter rights and election integrity

Dear Patriots,

We will always be looking for all and any efforts to improve and secure voting in American elections.

1- We will continue to hope that the states make the corrections to elections laws but welcome a national debate.

The Politics Brief

House Republicans Set to Propose Nationwide Election Integrity Bill Restricting Ballot Boxes, Absentee Voting

2- Insidious efforts to take over voting laws and of course, it is full of Democrats. It is important to know about Arabella Advisors.

Free Beacon

Top Democratic Operatives Were Quietly Pulling the Strings at a Voting Rights Group. Lawyers Say They May Have Broken the Law.

3- States are laboratories for all manner of experiments. We will be watching and hoping this one is successful in Virginia.


Va. Gov. Youngkin Announces Push for Early Voting

4- This is how citizens start the proscess of getting county election officials to use hand counted paper ballots.

Georgia Record

Paper Ballots And Hand Counting Shown In Action In Spalding County

5- How to become a millionaire. Or why it is so hard to make progress draining the The Swamp.

Don Surber

Having made her millions, a congresswoman will retire



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c4c1c1 No.71291

File: 6e1b288798e7fe4⋯.png (373.6 KB,604x666,302:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169484 (130006ZJUL23) Notable: Tornado Warning including Chicago IL, Cicero IL and Evanston IL until 7:45 PM CDT

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Tornado Warning including Chicago IL, Cicero IL and Evanston IL until 7:45 PM CDT

8:00 PM · Jul 12, 2023


from Chicago, IL·


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c4c1c1 No.71292

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169499 (130009ZJUL23) Notable: Harnwell: No NATO Country Not Spending 2% GDP On Defense Should Have A Vote To Admit New Members

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Harnwell: No NATO Country Not Spending 2% GDP On Defense Should Have A Vote To Admit New Members.

America’s allies are too wedded to their expensive social welfare programs to pay the required 2% of GDP on defence that all NATO members are committed to paying.

These freeloaders then vote to admit new NATO members — who presumably won’t be paying the 2% either because everyone knows US taxpayers will pick up the tab.Have they no shame?!

Why didn’t Resident Biden insist only paid-up NATO members can vote to admit new members at NATO’s annual meeting this week?! Because he literally could not care less about Americans.

13:21 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169549 (130020ZJUL23) Notable: Key Whistleblowers to Testify on the Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes

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Published: Jul 12, 2023

Key Whistleblowers to Testify on the Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes

Comer announces hearing scheduled for July 19

WASHINGTON – House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) will hold a hearing titled “Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation.” At this full committee hearing, the American people will hear from IRS whistleblowers who possess critical information related to the committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. In addition, the whistleblowers will testify about the politicization and misconduct at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with respect to the Hunter Biden investigation.

“Since taking the gavel in January, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has made rapid progress in our investigation into the Biden family’s domestic and international business dealings to determine whether these activities compromise U.S. national security and President Biden’s ability to lead with impartiality. From the thousands of financial records we’ve obtained, we know the Biden family set up over a 20 shell companies, engaged in intentionally complicated financial transactions with foreign adversaries, and made a concerted effort to hide the payments and avoid scrutiny,” said Chairman James Comer.



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c4c1c1 No.71294

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c4c1c1 No.71295

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169569 (130027ZJUL23) Notable: Natalie Winters: Gal Luft Indictment Sets Precedent For Virtually All Of Biden Administration To Be Indicted Over CCP Ties.

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Very Interesting!

Natalie Winters: Gal Luft Indictment Sets Precedent For Virtually All Of Biden Administration To Be Indicted Over Chinese Communist Party Ties.

9:41 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71296

File: c66584854df15f3⋯.png (1.37 MB,1176x1406,588:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 586734e38642234⋯.png (2.25 MB,1174x1326,587:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169585 (130030ZJUL23) Notable: The DOJ is pressing charges against January 6th “Protester” Ray Epps

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BREAKING NEWS: The DOJ is pressing charges against January 6th “Protester” Ray Epps

3 Years of Nothing Then They Pull Federal Charges Out of Thin Air?

Either he is indeed an FBI agent and this is for show… or it’s clear abuse of power targeting political opponents!


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c4c1c1 No.71297

File: af634396d5ff3b4⋯.png (324.69 KB,940x562,470:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169609 (130034ZJUL23) Notable: Time-lapse of Solar Cycle 25 displays increasing activity on the Sun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71298

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169625 (130037ZJUL23) Notable: Rep Keith Self: "They know what it's like to send signals of strength, and they did exactly that" China vs US over Taiwan

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Rep Keith Self: "They know what it's like to send signals of strength, and they did exactly that" China vs US over Taiwan

13:30 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71299

File: ec7f85d12e2e53c⋯.png (780.87 KB,877x511,877:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169660 (130044ZJUL23) Notable: Ray Epps Wants Jury to Decide if Government Used Him to Fuel Capitol Riot

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Ray Epps Wants Jury to Decide if Government Used Him to Fuel Capitol Riot

By Nick Mordowanec On 7/12/23 at 6:29 PM EDT

Ray Epps, a January 6 protester accused by prominent Republicans and conservative media of being a government plant who helped escalate the insurrection, has sued Fox News for defamation.

The 53-page lawsuit accuses Fox News and specifically its former nighttime host, Tucker Carlson, of sowing doubt in the results of the 2020 presidential election and, in turn, making Epps the "poorly cast villain" while the cable network was in the throes of another defamation lawsuit involving Dominion Voting Systems.

Epps has never faced criminal charges in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.


Christopher Wray pushes back on claims that FBI agents, Ray Epps instigated Jan. 6 riot

By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 12, 2023

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray became visibly agitated as he strongly pushed back against suggestions that undercover FBI agents and a man named Ray Epps instigated the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

“If you are suggesting that the violence that happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources or FBI agents, the answer is ‘no, it was not’ and to suggest otherwise is a disservice to our hardworking, dedicated law enforcement professionals,” Mr. Wray said in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Wray was responding to questions from Rep. Troy Nehls, Texas Republican, who accused Mr. Wray of covering up Mr. Epps’ role in the attack.


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c4c1c1 No.71300

File: 3f21f3eebbe6277⋯.jpeg (945.23 KB,1170x1860,39:62,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169719 (130057ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. - Climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution.

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Climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution. Polluters make themselves rich by making the public pay for the damage they do. You show me a polluter, I’ll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market. #Kennedy24


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c4c1c1 No.71301

File: f7541d8c8609de9⋯.png (1.64 MB,1172x1104,293:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169720 (130057ZJUL23) Notable: Ray Epps sues Fox News, claims he faces DOJ indictment over Jan. 6 | Just The News

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Ray Epps sues Fox News, claims he faces DOJ indictment over Jan. 6 | Just The News


"[I]n May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021, two-and-a-half years later. The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges," the suit claims. The DOJ has not publicly announced charges against Epps.

Epps vehemently denies allegations that he was an undercover FBI agent. The complaint asserts that he and his wife both voted for former President Donald Trump and mutually agreed that he should attend the Jan. 6, 2021, demonstration to protest what they believed at the time to have been a stolen election.

He contends that Fox News made him a scapegoat "that would help absolve itself and would appeal to its viewers. It settled on Ray Epps and began promoting the lie that Epps was a federal agent who incited the attack on the Capitol."

Epps further singled out former Fox host Tucker Carlson, whom he said, along with the entire network, "commenced a years-long campaign spreading falsehoods" about him.

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c4c1c1 No.71302

File: 90276135ac136db⋯.png (450.32 KB,609x470,609:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169733 (130101ZJUL23) Notable: James Watkins @abeemanue1 We can rebuild him.

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James Watkins


We can rebuild him.

10:19 AM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71303

File: f93aaec60691d5b⋯.png (593.54 KB,686x658,49:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169812 (130118ZJUL23) Notable: #23543

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...The ride never ends, huh?


#23543 >>71278

>>71279 #FBI damage control

>>71280 Kiev will “likely” get F-16 fighter jets from Washington’s allies in Europe (RT)

>>71281 Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles

>>71282 Biden Justice Department Reverses Course, Says Trump Can be Held Personally Liable in Crazy E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit

>>71283 Wagner Group surrenders heavy weapons (VIDEO)

>>71284 Arizona court upholds clergy privilege in LDS child abuse case

>>71285 Moscow mulls plan to display destroyed NATO hardware outside embassies

>>>/qresearch/19169348 Moscow will respond with “equivalent weapons,” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said

>>71286 Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Records on Grant from U.S. Biological Defense Program to EcoHealth Alliance

>>71287 Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify

>>71288, >>71294 erie as fuck - Tornado sirens are now sounding off for a particular is dangerous tornado warning (Chicago)

>>71289 @JRMajewski - God Bless @realDonaldTrump. He sent my mother a letter and signed hat wishing her well after her heart surgery 🇺🇸

>>71290 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>71291 Tornado Warning including Chicago IL, Cicero IL and Evanston IL until 7:45 PM CDT

>>71292 Harnwell: No NATO Country Not Spending 2% GDP On Defense Should Have A Vote To Admit New Members

>>71293 Key Whistleblowers to Testify on the Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes

>>71295 Natalie Winters: Gal Luft Indictment Sets Precedent For Virtually All Of Biden Administration To Be Indicted Over CCP Ties.

>>71296 The DOJ is pressing charges against January 6th “Protester” Ray Epps

>>71297 Time-lapse of Solar Cycle 25 displays increasing activity on the Sun

>>71298 Rep Keith Self: "They know what it's like to send signals of strength, and they did exactly that" China vs US over Taiwan

>>71299 Ray Epps Wants Jury to Decide if Government Used Him to Fuel Capitol Riot

>>71300 RFK Jr. - Climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution.

>>71301 Ray Epps sues Fox News, claims he faces DOJ indictment over Jan. 6 | Just The News

>>71302 James Watkins @abeemanue1 We can rebuild him.

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c4c1c1 No.71304

File: 2df0bf9812c5a6f⋯.png (462.97 KB,594x508,297:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169869 (130130ZJUL23) Notable: @TheBabylonBee Journalists Stop By Shelter To Inform Trafficked Children They Are A QAnon Conspiracy

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Square profile picture

The Babylon Bee


Journalists Stop By Shelter To Inform Trafficked Children They Are A QAnon Conspiracy https://buff.ly/43oh9Ha


8:50 AM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71305

File: 40a31b4a219b447⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,644x360,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169876 (130132ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service is moving up their meeting with Rep. Comer & other members of Congress to tomorrow at 10:00am in a SCIF to update them on CocaineGate.

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cocaine habbening

John Solomon is reporting that the Secret Service is moving up their meeting with Rep. Comer & other members of Congress to tomorrow at 10:00am in a SCIF to update them on CocaineGate.

“Moving it up signals that there’s been some form of a development in the investigation.”


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c4c1c1 No.71306

File: 6259df2dc47161a⋯.png (302.86 KB,609x607,609:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169887 (130134ZJUL23) Notable: Davos Elite Meeting in Idaho?

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Pepe Deluxe 🐸





Davos Elite Meeting in Idaho?

Davos comes to America this week! Although many people are now familiar with the World Economic Forum’s infamous annual Switzerland summit, there’s a little-known global elite meeting in Idaho....

2:06 PM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71307

File: a963b376ad8227f⋯.png (453.21 KB,597x853,597:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169906 (130138ZJUL23) Notable: Now that conservative media is onboard with exposing child sex trafficking, when are they going to talk about:

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Now that conservative media is onboard with exposing child sex trafficking, when are they going to talk about:

- Laura Silsby & Haiti trafficking

- The Podesta E-mails

- Spirit Cooking

- The Podesta’s Satanic, pedophilic & cannibalistic art collection.

- The contents found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop implicating Clinton & associates with child sex crimes.

- The 2018 IG Report citing the Clinton Foundation & crimes against children.

- Tamera Luzzatto & her password protected site to view infants “raw and uncut”.

How about retracting the lies they spread about Pizzagate and falsely labeling it a “conspiracy theory” to cover up for the Clinton’s international criminal sex trafficking enterprise?





2:01 PM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71308

File: cee7aff012bed92⋯.png (780.11 KB,958x639,958:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169927 (130144ZJUL23) Notable: Davos Elite Meeting in Idaho?

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Inside The Annual Summer Camp For Billionaires In Sun Valley, Idaho

(Updated 7/12/23) The beautiful mountain resort town of Sun Valley, Idaho, will again be overwhelmed with private jets, bodyguards, and entourages, as the world's wealthiest attend the 40th annual media finance conference hosted and funded by private investment firm Allen & Company. Residents of Sun Valley are used to all of the excitement and welcome the influx of money it provides to the area.

The annual mogul event takes place July 12-14 at the historic Sun Valley Lodge.

Among the bold-faced names attending are:

Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg

Warner Bros. Discovery honcho David Zaslav

Paramount Global chair Shari Redstone

Google CEO Sundar Pichai

Apple head Tim Cook

Microsoft founder Bill Gates

Disney’s Bob Iger

Also invited are Lawrence Summers, Hank Paulson, former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, former CIA chief David Petraeus, Warren Buffett, former American Express chief Kenneth Chenault, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, Annox Capital’s Bob Myeloid, and Facebook investor Peter Thiel.

Media headliners include New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, CBS hosts Gayle King and David Begnaud, CNN’s Van Jones and Erin Burnett, The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, The Free Press’ Bari Weiss, and possibly Oprah Winfrey. Studio execs include Netflix head Reed Hastings, Ted Sarandos and Greg Peters, Casey Wasserman, Bobby Kotick, and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. They will likely join industry vets CAA head Bryan Lourd, producer Brian Grazer, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Disney chairman Dana Walden. However, don’t expect to see Elon Musk or the Murdoch’s attend this year.

Some of the most powerful sports figures have been invited, including MLB commissioner Rob Manfred, PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell


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c4c1c1 No.71309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169938 (130146ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine Orphanages Feeder for Child Trafficking

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Ukraine Orphanages Feeder for Child Trafficking

Governments, faith-based groups and churches, aid agencies and volunteer tourists, who donate cash and goods to orphanages or build and refurbish children's homes and other institutions, may be inadvertently funding human trafficking.

Governments, faith-based groups and churches, aid agencies and volunteer tourists, who donate cash and goods to orphanages or build and refurbish children's homes and other institutions, may be inadvertently funding human trafficking.

Poor and disabled children, locked away and out of sight from families and their communities, are sitting ducks for traffickers and pedophiles. And nefarious staff are often the beneficiaries of perverse transactions where captive children are the commodity.

My organization, Disability Rights International (DRI), recently released a report "No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine's Orphanages" following a three year investigation of the plight of children living in institutional care.


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c4c1c1 No.71310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169939 (130147ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine Orphanages Feeder for Child Trafficking

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DRI found that children are at risk of being trafficked for sex, labor, pornography and organs in a country that is a known hub for human trafficking.

Some 82,000 children are said to live in these facilities, although no one seems to know for sure. Some Ukrainian activists put the number closer to 200,000.

The 2014 U.S. State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) stated that, "Children in orphanages and crisis centers continue to be particularly vulnerable to trafficking within Ukraine."

Inside orphanages, DRI found rampant sexual violence, abuse and rape were commonplace. Children are often recruited directly from orphanages for sex and labor according anti-trafficking organizations in Ukraine.

"There's huge sexual abuse within the orphanages... So this is a push factor that gets children involved in sexual exploitation, even before they grow up. They're already used to sexual abuse," said a Ukraine counter-trafficking expert.

Producers of child pornography go directly to orphanages to seek out their prey. And institutionalized children with disabilities are particularly susceptible to becoming trafficked for their organs. One grandmother of a newborn with Down Syndrome was told by doctors that they could sell the baby for organs and get money.

Maria- - who grew up in an orphanage in Odessa - fled at the age of 15, when she feared for her life.

"Children would go into the woods behind the building and disappear," she told DRI. "Every year 10 to 12 children went missing. We thought it was rapists and murderers. Some children were found dead but nothing was done. The staff never asked 'why'?"

In notorious orphanage number five, a "sauna/massage parlor" was run out of the basement of the facility where the children were bought and sold for sex. The operation was shut down in 2012 but the orphanage remains open, with many of the victims still living there.

Condemned to a life of isolation and neglect, children with disabilities are transferred to adult psychiatric facilities or nursing homes when they are about 16 years old, where they will stay until they die. But those with little or no disabilities "graduate" and are ill-equipped to face life on their own. They are particularly vulnerable to be trafficked right off the street and often there are traffickers waiting for them outside the orphanage doors when they leave.

DRI interviewed former orphanage residents, many living on the streets and in sewers in Odessa and Kiev. They spoke of the sexual and physical violence, beatings and forced labor they had been subjected to as children living in orphanages.

"I was raped and then I raped other boys who were younger. I don't want to talk about it," said one orphan graduate.

"My friend in the orphanage was raped, but the police never came. I meet many orphans on the street who have escaped orphanages because the staff scare them," said another.

Orphan graduates complained of having to work in the fields, up to 12 hours a day, on orphanage-owned farms. Some said they were beaten if they refused to do assigned work and others were sent home with staff to cook and clean in their homes - all without pay.

The revenue stream generated from isolated orphans even extends to so-called volun-tourism and orphan vacations - highly suspect and unregulated programs whereby well-intentioned westerners pay to volunteer in orphanages for a few weeks or take a child into their home for a vacation from the orphanage.

Unencumbered access to already emotionally frail children further exposes them to traffickers and pedophiles. DRI interviewed one U.S. family who paid $2,900 to host two, young Ukrainian orphan girls, without any home visit or background check.

There is a myriad of social science and children's rights research documenting the many dangers and consequences of raising children in orphanages and institutions around the world. And the human trafficking of children living in orphanages is not just a Ukraine problem, but a global one.

No donor would ever intentionally help support such a heinous crime. But until the flow of money is diverted to assist vulnerable families rather than funding orphanages that is exactly what is being done.

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c4c1c1 No.71311

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169970 (130157ZJUL23) Notable: Bill Gertz: USA Projecting Weakness Oversees; China's Drive to Take Over the World

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24:53 minutes

Really important to listen to this explanation of China taking over the world quickly and why the US is ignoring this due to corporations!

Bill Gertz: USA Projecting Weakness Oversees; China's Drive to Take Over the World


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c4c1c1 No.71312

File: 054934043a91112⋯.png (479.73 KB,676x729,676:729,Clipboard.png)

File: c93548750bf9367⋯.png (481.18 KB,583x432,583:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170032 (130211ZJUL23) Notable: Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

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7:30 AM · Jul 13, 2020 ?

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel


jeff sessions


Ken Klukowski31 Mar 2018Washington, DC

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c4c1c1 No.71313

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170052 (130214ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Lindell Responds To TheDailyBeast In Defense Of MyPillow

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5:47 minutes. The Daily Beast Lying About Mike Lindell

Mike Lindell Responds To TheDailyBeast In Defense Of MyPillow

God Bless Mike Lindell Always!


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c4c1c1 No.71314

File: 0497952c2f96d54⋯.png (823.76 KB,600x800,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170057 (130215ZJUL23) Notable: Teen Girl Accused of ‘Hate Speech’ After Voicing Concerns About Transgenders in Girl’s Locker Room

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Teen Girl Accused of ‘Hate Speech’ After Voicing Concerns About Transgenders in Girl’s Locker Room

A YMCA swimming coach in Illinois accused a sixteen-year-old girl of “hate speech” for voicing concerns over a male claiming to be a transgender woman walking nude in the girl’s locker room.

Last April, Abbigail Wheeler, a swimmer on the Springfield, Illinois, YMCA SPY swim team, was alarmed when a transgender woman was allowed to use the same locker room as the girls on her team.

The girl brought her concerns to head swim coach Alex Totura, but he told her there was nothing he could do to stop it. But that didn’t end the controversy as shortly afterward, several parents organized to bring their concerns to the YMCA’s Chief Executive Officer Angie Sowle, Fox News reported.

The parents requested that the facility change its policy and require trans people to use single-person bathrooms to change in.

Some of the girls on the team also allegedly began hanging signs in the women-only locker room reading “Women’s Rights,” “Biological Women Only,” and “Safe Sport.”

“‘SafeSport’ is a U.S. nonprofit authorized by Congress that is dedicated to ending physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in sports,” Fox News noted.

After the signs went up, though, Wheeler’s father said that coach Totura retaliated by saying the girl was engaging in “hate speech” and throwing her off the swim team. Totura allegedly told the girl she was “not allowed to participate with the swim team and was asked to leave the pool area,” her father says.


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c4c1c1 No.71315

File: 34d87b9272a4e0c⋯.png (650.23 KB,1284x1668,107:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 170b7a64afc5665⋯.png (581.38 KB,1164x1630,582:815,Clipboard.png)

File: 6712a6518ca724a⋯.jpeg (731.65 KB,1170x1904,585:952,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170094 (130223ZJUL23) Notable: QAnon conspiracy debunked. On July 2, 2015, The Huffington post released this article that exposed the human trafficking of children in Ukraine.

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🔥🚨BREAKING - QAnon conspiracy debunked. On July 2, 2015, The Huffington post released this article that exposed the human trafficking of children in Ukraine.

They also added the 2014 U.S. State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) and it stated that, "Children in orphanages and crisis centers continue to be particularly vulnerable to trafficking within Ukraine."

Inside orphanages, Disability Rights International (DRI) released a report "No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine's Orphanages" following a three year investigation of the plight of children living in institutional care.

DRI found rampant sexual violence, abuse, and rape were commonplace. Children are often recruited directly from orphanages for sex and labor according to anti-trafficking organizations in Ukraine.

Sources and DRI report are in the next Tweet of this Thread.


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c4c1c1 No.71316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170236 (130256ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service is moving up their meeting with Rep. Comer & other members of Congress to tomorrow at 10:00am in a SCIF to update them on CocaineGate.

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Secret Service asks to update lawmakers on White House cocaine discovery, signaling development

Agency had planned to hold next briefing on matter on July 24, but moved it up to Thursday

The Secret Service has abruptly moved up a planned congressional briefing on the discovery of cocaine inside the Biden White House, asking to brief lawmakers Thursday morning in a secure room normally reserved for classified intelligence briefings, multiple lawmakers told Just the News on Wednesday.

The briefing to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, originally planned for the week of July 24, has been moved up to 10 a.m. Thursday and will be held in a sensitive compartmented information facility or SCIF. Lawmakers on the committee with appropriate security clearances may attend, officials said.

The committee's chairman, James Comer, R-Ky., announced last week he had opened an investigation into the incident, which began July 2 when the cocaine was discovered and forced a temporary evacuation of the executive mansion.

The Secret Service did not immediately return a call seeking comment. A law enforcement source, speaking only on condition of anonymity, told Just the News that the service scheduled the briefing to give lawmakers an update on some developments after fingerprint and DNA analysis was ordered on the evidence. The source declined to be more specific.

Soldier of Fortune magazine reported Wednesday night that fingerprints were on the bag of cocaine and "officials at the White House know who handled" the drug. Lawmakers and the law enforcement source said they could not immediately confirm the report.


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c4c1c1 No.71317

File: ac889994a2a8404⋯.png (779.13 KB,618x900,103:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170291 (130305ZJUL23) Notable: The FBI is a lawless, extraconstitutional agency that's been violating Americans' civil liberties

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The FBI is a lawless, extraconstitutional agency that's been violating Americans' civil liberties & various federal laws from the get-go, yet has never been fundamentally reformed, nor have individual agents been held accountable for the most egregious crimes.

Today is but the latest example: After whistleblowers reported the FBI was illegally targeting Americans based on their religious beliefs, the @FBI

's Wray said he's super sorry & it won't happen again — but, as always, declined to actually punish anyone or reform anything.

Because that's how this lawless agency's always operated:

— After the FBI was caught spying on the Goldwater campaign at the behest of Pres. Johnson, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— When the FBI tried to convince MLK to kill himself, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— When the FBI launched Cointelpro & seeded false rumors amongst Black Panthers to get them to start killing each other & innocent Americans were caught in the crossfire, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— After an FBI agent murdered Vicki Weaver in 1992 while she held her infant daughter, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— After the FBI murdered 75 Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— After the FBI falsely accused Richard Jewell of being the Olympics bomber, ruining his life, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— After the FBI framed four innocent men of murder, two died of whom in prison and the other two of whom served 62 years behind bars, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— After Comey's FBI was caught running its own NSA-style domestic snooping operation that violated Americans' 4th Amendment rights, no one was fired, no one was held accountable.

— After the FBI screwed up Dylann Roof's background check, enabling him to buy a gun and thus commit one of the worst mass shootings in history, no one was fired, no one was held accountable.

— After gymnasts complained to the FBI that Larry Nassar was sexually abusing them, the FBI failed to follow up, and then falsified witnesses' testimony to excuse their own inaction; no one was fired, no one was held accountable.

— After Jeffrey Epstein was known to be sexually trafficking & raping minors, the FBI cut a deal with him which traded information in exchange for enabling his trafficking & raping to continue; no one was held accountable, no one was fired.

— I have dozens of other examples and could do this all day, but perhaps the most important of all is that so many acts of terror & mass murder have been committed due to the United States having an FBI rather than a federal law enforcement agency that competently responds to emerging threats.

Believe it or not but the FBI has been warned about almost every mass killer/terrorist over the last three decades yet has somehow failed to stop almost every one. To wit: the 9/11 hijackers; the "Underwear Bomber"; the Fort Hood terrorist; the Boston Marathon bombers; three Americans who went to Syria to join ISIS; another ISIS-inspired terrorist in New Jersey who killed 3 in Washington; the Garland, Texas terrorists; the Pulse Nightclub terrorist; another terrorist who stabbed 2 in Virginia; the NYC bomber, Ahmad Rahani; the terrorists who struck the "Draw Muhammad" event; the Parkland, Fla. mass murderer; another ISIS convert named Corey Johnson; the Waffle House mass killer; the New Mexico terror compound; the Nashville bomber; the Boulder terrorist, Ahmad al Issa ... Again, thousands of Americans would be alive today if Congress had already located the cojones to fundamentally reform & rein in the FBI.

In the meantime, the gravest threat to Americans' safety & civil rights is not "white nationalists" or "domestic extremists" but rather the lawless agency that commits whatever crimes it wants without ever having to worry about being held accountable.

Ultimately, you cannot be pro "law and order" and "pro-FBI."

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c4c1c1 No.71318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170329 (130313ZJUL23) Notable: China hacked emails at 24 gov’t agencies, incl. US State Department

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China hacked emails at 24 gov’t agencies, incl. US State Department

Microsoft reported Tuesday that Chinese intelligence hacked emails belonging to the U.S. State Department, along with about two dozen government agencies in both the United States and Western Europe, in what is being described as a “significant” security breach.

According to Microsoft, Storm-0558, a China-based actor, targeted customer emails beginning on May 15, 2023.

“Storm-0558 primarily targets government agencies in Western Europe and focuses on espionage, data theft, and credential access,” Microsoft stated.

After customers reported suspicious activities on June 16, Microsoft launched an investigation into “anomalous mail activity.” During the course of its investigation, Microsoft discovered that Storm-0558 gained access to the email accounts of roughly 25 organizations, impacting both government agencies and the related consumer accounts of people “likely associated” with the government agencies.

“They did this by using forged authentication tokens to access user email using an acquired Microsoft account (MSA) consumer signing key,” Microsoft said.

Microsoft announced Tuesday that the company has “completed mitigation” for the Chinese cyber hack “attack” on its customers. Cloud’s Mandiant senior vice president and chief technical officer Charles Carmakal congratulated Microsoft for “leaning in” “remediating,” and “being transparent” about the security breach.

Carmakal explained, “This was a very advanced technique used by the threat actor against a limited number of high value targets.”

Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) announced Wednesday that the committee is “closely monitoring” the “significant cybersecurity breach.”

He added, “It’s clear that the PRC is steadily improving its cyber collection capabilities directed against the U.S. and our allies. Close coordination between the U.S. government and the private sector will be critical to countering this threat.”

A spokesperson for the State Department told confirmed to CNBC that the department had been impacted by the hack, noting that after it “detected anomalous activity,” the department immediately took steps to secure its systems. The spokesperson noted that the State Department will “continue to closely monitor and quickly respond to any further activity.”

According to CNBC, the recent hack by a Chinese entity aligns with the ongoing pattern of Chinese organizations attempting to steal critical government and corporate information through intelligence hacks.


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c4c1c1 No.71319

File: e926dfe1b613a6a⋯.png (643.02 KB,1280x721,1280:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170357 (130322ZJUL23) Notable: Aussie: Ex-ABC presenter allegedly sold drugs to undercover cops

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Ex-ABC presenter allegedly sold drugs to undercover cops: court

Ashley Norman Hall, the former executive producer of the national broadcaster’s flagship radio program AM, is alleged to have used Sydney CBD hotel rooms to run a drug supply operation.

Mr Hall was arrested in December as part of a NSW Police strike force aimed at dismantling drug supply rings operating across the city.

Police arrested Mr Hall and later raided two hotel rooms, at Wentworth Street and Bond Street, in the heart of the city.

Police said that during the raids they uncovered a stockpile of drugs including MDMA tablets, cocaine, 700g of methamphetamine and more than 1kg of cannabis.


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c4c1c1 No.71320

File: d6f4b6ae9bee93b⋯.png (225.01 KB,1002x788,501:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 85c981b6db641a8⋯.png (244.78 KB,981x837,109:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 623472199fbdc6c⋯.png (187.32 KB,1005x587,1005:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170398 (130332ZJUL23) Notable: Middle District Of Florida Project Safe Neighborhoods Strategy Nets More Than 100 Federal Defendants And 147 Illegal Firearms In Third Quarter

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Middle District Of Florida Project Safe Neighborhoods Strategy Nets More Than 100 Federal Defendants And 147 Illegal Firearms In Third Quarter


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c4c1c1 No.71321

File: 6291f6d8852ea39⋯.png (221.68 KB,1045x721,1045:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 38ad955688528af⋯.png (94.49 KB,1008x355,1008:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170403 (130334ZJUL23) Notable: Attorney And Former Bank Director Convicted At Trial Of Bank Fraud

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Attorney And Former Bank Director Convicted At Trial Of Bank Fraud


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c4c1c1 No.71322

File: 3aa8ef2d7556288⋯.jpeg (858.08 KB,1170x1336,585:668,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170426 (130341ZJUL23) Notable: Tens of millions of Americans' private details compromised after three major tax preparation companies accused of sharing information with Google and Meta

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Tens of millions of Americans' private details compromised after three major tax preparation companies accused of sharing information with Google and Meta




A congressional probe alleges H&R Block, TaxAct and TaxSlayer used tracking technology embedded in websites to share information

In some cases, data was allegedly misused by Facebook parent company Meta for targeted advertising

>class action lawsuits can be effective

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c4c1c1 No.71323

File: 13415e1474e02d2⋯.png (499.85 KB,1404x607,1404:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170472 (130357ZJUL23) Notable: AP "targeting" SCOTUS

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AP "targeting" SCOTUS

Supreme Court justices and donors mingle at campus visits. These documents show the ethical dilemmas

Records obtained by The Associated Press show that Supreme Court justices have attended publicly funded events at colleges and universities that allowed the schools to put the justices in the room with influential donors, including some whose industries have had interests before the court.


Senators call for Supreme Court to follow ethics code like other branches of government


Justices teach when the Supreme Court isn’t in session. It can double as an all-expenses-paid trip


Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s staff prodded colleges and libraries to buy her books


Inside the AP’s investigation into the ethics practices of the Supreme Court justices


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c4c1c1 No.71324

File: 95ef9a9013ca5e9⋯.png (59.22 KB,635x754,635:754,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c7011d0f004078⋯.png (47.76 KB,633x751,633:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b4506a4cddfe5⋯.png (49.87 KB,623x710,623:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 12091908b59823e⋯.png (68.47 KB,603x636,201:212,Clipboard.png)

File: de57aa2cee7aa79⋯.png (92.5 KB,591x724,591:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170553 (130428ZJUL23) Notable: Falun Gong v Cisco

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Falun Gong v Cisco

July 7 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170596 (130440ZJUL23) Notable: #23544

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>>71304 @TheBabylonBee Journalists Stop By Shelter To Inform Trafficked Children They Are A QAnon Conspiracy

>>71305, >>71316 Secret Service is moving up their meeting with Rep. Comer & other members of Congress to tomorrow at 10:00am in a SCIF to update them on CocaineGate.

>>71306, >>71308 Davos Elite Meeting in Idaho?

>>71307 Now that conservative media is onboard with exposing child sex trafficking, when are they going to talk about:

>>71309, >>71310 Ukraine Orphanages Feeder for Child Trafficking

>>71311 Bill Gertz: USA Projecting Weakness Oversees; China's Drive to Take Over the World

>>71312 Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

>>71313 Mike Lindell Responds To TheDailyBeast In Defense Of MyPillow

>>71314 Teen Girl Accused of ‘Hate Speech’ After Voicing Concerns About Transgenders in Girl’s Locker Room

>>71315 QAnon conspiracy debunked. On July 2, 2015, The Huffington post released this article that exposed the human trafficking of children in Ukraine.

>>71317 The FBI is a lawless, extraconstitutional agency that's been violating Americans' civil liberties

>>71318 China hacked emails at 24 gov’t agencies, incl. US State Department

>>71319 Aussie: Ex-ABC presenter allegedly sold drugs to undercover cops

>>71320 Middle District Of Florida Project Safe Neighborhoods Strategy Nets More Than 100 Federal Defendants And 147 Illegal Firearms In Third Quarter

>>71321 Attorney And Former Bank Director Convicted At Trial Of Bank Fraud

>>71322 Tens of millions of Americans' private details compromised after three major tax preparation companies accused of sharing information with Google and Meta

>>71323 AP "targeting" SCOTUS

>>71324 Falun Gong v Cisco


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c4c1c1 No.71326

File: 2df0bf9812c5a6f⋯.png (462.97 KB,594x508,297:254,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae540128703073⋯.jpg (38.45 KB,521x521,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170607 (130443ZJUL23) Notable: #23545

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Baker taps @20

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c4c1c1 No.71327

File: 64e3583313bb532⋯.jpg (176.1 KB,720x1155,48:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6685b09f4898c5e⋯.mp4 (7.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170756 (130538ZJUL23) Notable: MARYLAND — Reports are circulating that a helicopter released "deadly mosquitoes" over AFRAM 2023, one of the largest African American festivals on the East Coast.

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MARYLAND — Reports are circulating that a helicopter released "deadly mosquitoes" over AFRAM 2023, one of the largest African American festivals on the East Coast.

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c4c1c1 No.71328

File: c3bec66aa9be78b⋯.png (3.18 MB,920x7750,92:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170889 (130622ZJUL23) Notable: Libs of TikTok w/CAP: Seattle middle schools are reportedly offering “gender affirming care” for free to students as young as 11

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Libs of TikTok


Seattle middle schools are reportedly offering “gender affirming care” for free to students as young as 11


Seattle public schools will offer 'gender affirming care' to students as young as 11 years old at no cost

- as critics say it's a 'whole new level of awful for schools to be involved'

- The service, laid bare in documents obtained by Parents Defending Education, is provided by medical provider Country Doctor Community Health Centers

- PDE announced the arrangement Tuesday, singling out two health centers offering the services - both of which are set in Seattle public schools

- The centers are run by the same nonprofit provider, whose mission 'is to promote health in transgender, non-binary and gender diverse communities'

While puberty blockers are still barred for prepubescents, kids as young as 10 will still have access to cross-sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone at two primary care clinics the CDCHC runs elsewhere in the city. According to documents from the the Seattle Public School obtained by PDE, both centers are 'staffed full time by a clinic administrator, medical providers, and a behavior health specialist.'


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c4c1c1 No.71329

File: 7678a40075acb02⋯.png (373.85 KB,814x661,814:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171036 (130719ZJUL23) Notable: NEWSMAX w/CAP: 'IT WILL BE TELEVISED': hearing with IRS whistleblowers expected to shed light on the alleged Biden influence peddling scheme...

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''''IT WILL BE TELEVISED': House Oversight Committee Chair @RepJamesComer

drops a major update on next week's hearing with IRS whistleblowers expected to shed light on the alleged Biden influence peddling scheme — including the latest on "Witness X." '''@SchmittNYC


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c4c1c1 No.71330

File: 5af50a0a9103877⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x3050,448:1525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171083 (130741ZJUL23) Notable: Obama Plotting ‘Revolt’ Behind Biden’s Back Over Fears He’s ‘Too Old To Win’

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Obama Plotting ‘Revolt’ Behind Biden’s Back Over Fears He’s ‘Too Old To Win’

July 12, 2023

Earlier this month, revelations surfaced that Obama was holding private meetings in Washington, D.C., to secretly rally Democratic congressional support to replace Joe Biden atop the party’s 2024 ticket, though he has publicly backed Biden for reelection.

Politico’s Jonathan Martin reported that Obama recently hosted a number of meetings with younger House Democrats, which were described as “informal, but lengthy” and which “took place over cheese and crackers in Obama’s Washington office.”

It’s not clear what was discussed, but it did appear to be low-profile, raising questions about why such a high-profile figure such as Obama would be getting involved. Also, according to RadarOnline.com, the meeting featured younger Democratic congressional leaders and former administration staffers at Obama’s DC office.


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c4c1c1 No.71331

File: bc06b318a3047c3⋯.jpg (137.54 KB,720x1084,180:271,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 808a28642ff4cdf⋯.mp4 (10.58 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171120 (130813ZJUL23) Notable: Brutal assessment by Russian soilder on how weak the US military is

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Brutal assessment by Russian soilder on how weak the US military is


Russian soldier goes off about the west, how much the news lies about the war, and talks about the control over information.

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c4c1c1 No.71332

File: 45083c1347a2bba⋯.png (125.8 KB,629x865,629:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171185 (130855ZJUL23) Notable: Pre-Emptive Presidential Pardons for Joe and Hunter Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pre-Emptive Presidential Pardons for Joe

and Hunter Biden

American Thinker, by Steve McCann

Posted By: Imright, 7/13/2023 4:47:26 AM

As the revelations of potential bribery, bank fraud and tax evasion swirl around Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, both men, who are increasingly appearing together, seem extraordinary calm and unconcerned in public as Joe flashes his signature supercilious and mocking smirk whenever he is asked about the various investigation into his and his son’s activities over the past 12 years. Thanks to pre-emptive presidential pardons, Joe knows that he, Hunter, and the family will never have to answer for any of their alleged egregious criminality. The Supreme Court has ruled that a president can issue a pardon before charges have been filed. That pardon power:

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c4c1c1 No.71333

File: e7f00ec0fd176b2⋯.png (1.13 MB,1074x735,358:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171189 (130857ZJUL23) Notable: “Shame On You!” Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases - BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!

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“Shame On You!” – Rep. Troy Nehls

DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 – Catches

Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases


Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 7/13/2023 4:44:57 AM

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee today. The hearing, “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” examined the politicization of the nation’s preeminent law enforcement agency under the direction of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), a former sheriff, destroyed dirty Chris Wray during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Nehls brought video and photos of Ray Epps encouraging Trump supporters to enter the US Capitol on January 5th and January 6th and then leading the charge through the first ste of barriers to the US Capitol.

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c4c1c1 No.71334

File: 03aa61bcee35042⋯.png (984.82 KB,1293x665,1293:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171216 (130907ZJUL23) Notable: FBI whistleblower: Deputy director told subordinates to hide Jan. 6 informants

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FBI whistleblower: Deputy director told

subordinates to hide Jan. 6 informants

Washington Times, by Kerry Picket

Posted By: Beardo, 7/12/2023 10:42:17 PM

An FBI agent told the House Judiciary Committee that Deputy Director Paul Abbate suggested that at least 25 FBI confidential human sources, or informants, involved in reporting to the bureau from the Jan. 6, 2021, protest should not be publicly acknowledged. (snip) According to the whistleblower disclosure sent to the committee, Mr. Abbate notified one or more of his subordinates that the more than 25 informants were too problematic or embarrassing for the FBI to have their existence made known to the public and that the existence, activities and identities of these FBI confidential human sources should not be released.

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c4c1c1 No.71335

File: 1a0a53322ddc7b2⋯.png (900.83 KB,1082x877,1082:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171230 (130914ZJUL23) Notable: CDC Becomes Public Laughing Stock Over Transgender Male Breast Feeding Guidance

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CDC Becomes Public Laughing Stock Over Transgender Male Breast Feeding Guidance

Dr. McCullough Advises Normal Female (XX) Birth Mother who Delivered the Baby do Breastfeeding

Peter McCullough, MD

Jul 11, 2023

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c4c1c1 No.71336

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171233 (130916ZJUL23) Notable: “Shame On You!” Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases - BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!

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I just found a new hero.

Those days, to ask questions, and be honest, and not be a criminal, makes you a hero........ when in fact, this should be normal, in a normal world.

but when criminals run the world, and evil it is laughing, and a demented that can not can count till 5, it is president.................. this are heroes...............

Thank you Gate Way Pundit.


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c4c1c1 No.71337

File: d46b6ffd05dbcfa⋯.png (13.34 KB,600x191,600:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171240 (130919ZJUL23) Notable: New documentation reveals 2,180 reported cases of multiple sclerosis caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, according to WHO database.

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Patrick Webb


BREAKING: New documentation reveals 2,180 reported cases of multiple sclerosis caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, according to WHO database.

12:18 PM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71338

File: 775e9d865c889d1⋯.png (753.54 KB,667x715,667:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171304 (130958ZJUL23) Notable: President Biden to Zelensky: We’ve Given More to Ukraine Than All Other Nations Combined

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President Biden to Zelensky: We’ve Given

More to Ukraine Than All Other Nations Combined

Breitbart Politics, by Kristina Wong

Posted By: Imright, 7/12/2023 10:11:53 PM

President Joe Biden boasted Wednesday at a NATO gathering in Vilnius, Lithuania, that the United States has given more money to Ukraine than all other nations combined. Biden and Zelensky gave brief remarks before a bilateral meeting between their administrations at the summit, with Zelensky thanking Americans for $43 billion in military aid. “I want to thank to all Americans. We understand that it is more than $43 billions for today. It is big support, I understand this is all your money, but you have to know that you spend this money not just for fighting. You spend this money for our lives. And I think that we

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c4c1c1 No.71339

File: 8768ac455d47873⋯.png (657.07 KB,1080x1088,135:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171308 (131001ZJUL23) Notable: Man Guns Down Top Tennessee Surgeon in Examination Room

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Black African negroid FartKnocker gunned down a Tennessee surgeon in an exam room on Tuesday.

The killer, 29-year-old Larry Pickens, was reportedly a patient of Campbell Clinic Orthopedics and threatened one of the staffers for a week before fatally shooting Dr. Benjamin Mauck.

Pickens was charged with first-degree murder and aggravated assault, WREG reported.

According to the Collierville Police Department, Pickens pulled a gun from his waistband and shot Dr. Mauck three times in an exam room at the clinic on Poplar Avenue.

Read more:


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c4c1c1 No.71340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171480 (131144ZJUL23) Notable: Representative Kat Cammack: Bombshell Report Reveals FBI & Ukraine Worked Together To Censor US Social Media Posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Representative Kat Cammack: Bombshell Report Reveals FBI & Ukraine Worked Together To Censor US Social Media Posts


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c4c1c1 No.71341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171483 (131146ZJUL23) Notable: #23545

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final bun for #23545

you gotz ta know when to hold em...

see anons at the top

#23545 >>71326

>>71327 MARYLAND — Reports are circulating that a helicopter released "deadly mosquitoes" over AFRAM 2023, one of the largest African American festivals on the East Coast.

>>71328 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: Seattle middle schools are reportedly offering “gender affirming care” for free to students as young as 11

>>71329 NEWSMAX w/CAP: 'IT WILL BE TELEVISED': hearing with IRS whistleblowers expected to shed light on the alleged Biden influence peddling scheme...

>>71330 Obama Plotting ‘Revolt’ Behind Biden’s Back Over Fears He’s ‘Too Old To Win’

>>71331 Brutal assessment by Russian soilder on how weak the US military is

>>71332 Pre-Emptive Presidential Pardons for Joe and Hunter Biden

>>71333, >>71336 “Shame On You!” Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases - BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!

>>71334 FBI whistleblower: Deputy director told subordinates to hide Jan. 6 informants

>>71335 CDC Becomes Public Laughing Stock Over Transgender Male Breast Feeding Guidance

>>71337 New documentation reveals 2,180 reported cases of multiple sclerosis caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, according to WHO database.

>>71338 President Biden to Zelensky: We’ve Given More to Ukraine Than All Other Nations Combined

>>71339 Man Guns Down Top Tennessee Surgeon in Examination Room

>>71340 Representative Kat Cammack: Bombshell Report Reveals FBI & Ukraine Worked Together To Censor US Social Media Posts

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c4c1c1 No.71342

File: d72f5aac9af14e4⋯.png (429.98 KB,857x480,857:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171511 (131157ZJUL23) Notable: #23546

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Next Baker Call The Ball When Ready

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c4c1c1 No.71343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171608 (131238ZJUL23) Notable: Re: Chyna fed email hack: You notice what the Government, Microsoft and others are not saying here?

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PN>>71318 China hacked emails at 24 gov’t agencies, incl. US State Department

You notice what the Government, Microsoft and others are not saying here?

• They don’t report how many years of emails or documents they stole from the various agencies?

• Nor are the mentioning all the federal agencies, perhaps military and and possible WH that were hacked.

• Shutting down the hack after it happens means they may have been successful of stealing a lot of top secret classified material.

• They also mention it was noticed on the 15th but don’t mention how long before that day it was done.

• And Microsoft took a whole day or more to block it. This announcement does not say how much material was stolen.

• Plus it was China that hacked in and the article mentions the State Department which is just another intelligence agency, that has close to 76,000+ (2018 figure) employees here and around the world.

• the federal government has approx 30 plus agencies, and they report 23 federal agencies were hacked. So they hacked the largest agencies.The article tries to downplay thisbut this a massive hack and probably scooped up so much infothey can damage the US in many different ways and probably know all the Admin & military plans around China, Taiwan and Asia

• Microsoft violated their contract with the Federal Government in a major way but there’s no mention of any penalties on the company!


“He added, “It’s clear that the PRC is steadily improving its cyber collection capabilities directed against the U.S. and our allies. Close coordination between the U.S. government and the private sector will be critical to countering this threat.”

A spokesperson for the State Department told confirmed to CNBC that the department had been impacted by the hack, noting that after it “detected anomalous activity,”the department immediately took steps to secure its systems. The spokesperson noted that the State Department will “continue to closely monitor and quickly respond to any further activity.”

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c4c1c1 No.71344

File: 7c6391ce82beb48⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x959,1024:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171695 (131304ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Webb's Rho Ophiuchi

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 13, 2023

Webb's Rho Ophiuchi

A mere 390 light-years away, Sun-like stars and future planetary systems are forming in the Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud complex, the closest star-forming region to our fair planet. The James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam peered into the nearby natal chaos to capture this infrared image at an inspiring scale. The spectacular cosmic snapshot was released to celebrate the successful first year of Webb's exploration of the Universe. The frame spans less than a light-year across the Rho Ophiuchi region and contains about 50 young stars. Brighter stars clearly sport Webb's characteristic pattern of diffraction spikes. Huge jets of shocked molecular hydrogen blasting from newborn stars are red in the image, with the large, yellowish dusty cavity carved out by the energetic young star near its center. Near some stars in the stunning image are shadows cast by their protoplanetary disks.


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c4c1c1 No.71345

File: 68bc1098a428318⋯.jpeg (88.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171700 (131306ZJUL23) Notable: TheStormHasArrived17 TS w/CAP: Secret Service going to inform congress (in a scif?) today.

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Secret Service going to inform congress in a scif today. If they link it to Kamala, they can toss her off the ticket, elevate Nancy's puppet, Newsom.

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c4c1c1 No.71346

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171703 (131306ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/13/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/13/2023


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c4c1c1 No.71347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171711 (131308ZJUL23) Notable: anon opines on presidential pardon powers

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Legal Fact Check: Pardons

A U.S. president has broad powers to issue pardons to individuals involved in criminal investigations. But are those powers unlimited? No, there are some limitations such as for offenses on a state level. And, it is unsettled whether a president can pardon him- or herself.

A U.S. president has broadbut not unlimited powers to pardon. For example, a president cannot pardon someone for a state crime. And constitutional experts are divided on whether a president can pardon him- or herself.

The U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 reads: “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment (emphasis added).”

There is a strong consensus among legal experts that apresident cannot pardon someone for a state offense, as the Constitution notes “offenses against the United States.” In other words, state law enforcement authorities could review any criminal allegations, without presidential intervention, to determine if they rise to the level of a state offense.

The legal record is also clear that a president can pardon for a presumptive crime, like what then-President Gerald Ford did with his predecessor Richard Nixon on Sept. 8, 1974. In the aftermath of Watergate, Ford gave Nixon, who resigned from the presidency a month earlier, an “absolute pardon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from Jan. 20, 1969 through Aug. 9, 1974.”

The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the presidential power to pardon in ex parte Garland, an 1866 case involving a former Confederate senator who had been pardoned by President Andrew Johnson. In that case, the high court made clear that the pardon power “extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.”

One unsettled legal question is whether a president can pardon himself. The Constitution says a president cannot pardon “in cases of impeachment.” Expert legal opinions on this question vary, and the U.S. Supreme Court has not weighed in on this issue.


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c4c1c1 No.71348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171712 (131308ZJUL23) Notable: TheStormHasArrived17 TS w/CAP: Secret Service going to inform congress (in a scif?) today.

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c4c1c1 No.71349

File: 64136959e34a38e⋯.png (348.2 KB,769x740,769:740,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171736 (131313ZJUL23) Notable: QCi Awarded Subcontract to Develop Groundbreaking Photonic Sensor Instrument for NASA Ames

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QCi Awarded Subcontract to Develop Groundbreaking Photonic Sensor Instrument for NASA Ames

July 13, 2023

Quantum Computing Inc. (QCi) has been granted a subcontract award by the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) to construct and evaluate a groundbreaking photonic sensor instrument for NASA Ames. The primary objective of this project, scheduled to commence on July 13, 2023, is to develop and test a novel photonic sensor instrument capable of providing highly accurate measurements of atmospheric particulates such as clouds, aerosols, smoke plumes, volcanic ashes, and more. This advanced instrument aims to identify crucial physical properties including size, shape, and chemical composition.

It is worth noting that this is the third distinct task order that NASA has awarded to QCi, making it the second research center within NASA to subcontract with the company. QCi, through its wholly owned federal contracting subsidiary, QI Solutions, will be responsible for executing this project under the BAERI subcontract.

Over the course of the nine-month subcontract, QCi will deliver a compact system that has been programmed to efficiently process a significant volume of data. This system will be capable of operating independently for extended periods and will be designed to be powered by a 12-volt battery, consuming no more than 30 watts of power.

Furthermore, QCi will generate comprehensive reports detailing the system’s performance in a realistic environment, providing a range of parameters and offering predictive analyses for potential future enhancements.


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c4c1c1 No.71350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171750 (131316ZJUL23) Notable: TheStormHasArrived17 TS w/CAP: Secret Service going to inform congress (in a scif?) today.

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SCIF not mentioned, but the meeting is:


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c4c1c1 No.71351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171800 (131328ZJUL23) Notable: Severed finger mailed to Macron’s residence – media

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reposting from lb:

Severed finger mailed to Macron’s residence - media

The gruesome package was reportedly received by the Elysee Palace ahead of Bastille Day [14th July]

Macron’s office declined to comment on the matter, according to Valeurs actuelles.


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c4c1c1 No.71352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171876 (131342ZJUL23) Notable: FBI finds stolen human remains used as ‘decorations’ inside Mount Washington man’s home... As many as 40 skulls were found during a raid

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FBI finds stolen human remains used as ‘decorations’ inside Mount Washington man’s home

Jul. 12, 2023 at 2:35 PM EDT

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – When FBI agents served a federal search warrant at an apartment in Mount Washington, they discovered dozens of human bones inside, some of which were being used as furniture.

As many as 40 skulls were found during a raid at James William Nott’s home Tuesday morning on Love Avenue.

WAVE News Troubleshooters broke the story about the raid while continuing to confirm details about suspected human remains. That confirmation came Wednesday morning, hours before Nott was to have a detention hearing on his recent arrest.

According to the criminal complaint, Nott was part of a ring of purchasing and selling stolen human remains, some of which were tied back to the Harvard Medical scandal which the FBI also recently busted. A Harvard medical bag was found in Nott’s home.


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c4c1c1 No.71353

File: aa70f36db1f807a⋯.jpeg (930.93 KB,1170x1415,234:283,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171881 (131344ZJUL23) Notable: Toe-curling emails reveal how former JPMorgan exec Jes Staley 'simpered to Jeffrey Epstein about their profound friendship...

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>Pedo Island

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c4c1c1 No.71354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171926 (131353ZJUL23) Notable: House hearings and committee meetings for 7/13/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the Federal Trade Commission

House Judiciary Committee



Lina Khan, Chair, Federal Trade Commission






FTC Chair Testifies at Oversight Hearing

Lina Khan, chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) testifies at an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.


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c4c1c1 No.71355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171931 (131354ZJUL23) Notable: House hearings and committee meetings for 7/13/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

The Future of FEMA: Agency Perspectives With Administrator Criswell

House Homeland Security Committee



The Honorable Deanne Criswell

Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security





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c4c1c1 No.71356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171933 (131355ZJUL23) Notable: House hearings and committee meetings for 7/13/2023

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10:30 AM EDT

The President holds a joint press conference with President Sauli Niinistö of the Republic of Finland (5:30 PM Local)

Presidential Palace, Helsinki




President Biden Holds Joint Press Conference with Finnish President

President Biden and Finnish President Sauli Niinistö hold a joint press conference at the conclusion of the 2023 U.S.-Nordic Leaders' Summit in Helsinki, Finland.


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c4c1c1 No.71357

File: 38d758c07696054⋯.jpg (169.28 KB,770x512,385:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171965 (131403ZJUL23) Notable: Millions in rare gold coins unearthed in Kentucky cornfield. dated from 1840 to 1862 and are estimated at a value exceeding $2 million.

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Millions in rare gold coins unearthed in Kentucky cornfield

July 12, 2023

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - Unearthed recently in a Kentucky cornfield, more than 700 rare U.S. gold coins have become one of the greatest coin-collecting finds of the 21st century.

The coins are dated from 1840 to 1862 and are estimated at a value exceeding $2 million.

Labeled “The Great Kentucky Hoard,” experts described the find as extremely rare, and rarer still to find the coins in such good condition.


NGC Certifies the 'Great Kentucky Hoard' of Pre-1865 US Gold Coinage

Posted on 6/13/2023


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c4c1c1 No.71358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171967 (131404ZJUL23) Notable: TheStormHasArrived17 TS w/CAP: Secret Service going to inform congress (in a scif?) today.

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i GOTTA ASK, Was Steve involved in the communist Chinese gov?

last bread: Bannon interview

Steve just happens he was cruising the China Seas in his youth.@11:40

Steve was ' in charges of the Chinese Situtaion under Trump' @23:20

Cocaine Gate meeting moved up between secret service and Rep Comer plus

This morning in a private location, indicates something has developed in this case that was originally set for July 24.


“Moving it up signals that there’s been some form of a development in the investigation.”



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c4c1c1 No.71359

File: bb5db4b92b2a664⋯.jpeg (666.84 KB,1170x1389,390:463,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171980 (131407ZJUL23) Notable: Melania w/CAP: Important hearing today @NatResources celebrating our Nation’s history, including H.R. 1318, the Women’s Suffrage...

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Important hearing today @NatResources celebrating our Nation’s history, including H.R. 1318, the Women’s Suffrage National Monument Location Act, which will provide an inspiring monument for women, girls, and future female leaders.


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c4c1c1 No.71360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171985 (131408ZJUL23) Notable: House hearings and committee meetings for 7/13/2023

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10:00 AM EDT

Legislative Hearing on H.R. 386, H.R. 1318, H.R. 2717, H.R. 3448 and H.R. 4377 | Subcommittee on Federal Lands

House Natural Resources Committee


H.R. 386 (Rep. Johnson of SD), “Mount Rushmore Protection Act”



H.R. 1318 (Rep. Neguse),”Women’s Suffrage National Monument Location Act”



H.R. 2717 (Rep. Moore of UT), “Hershel Woody Williams National Medal of Honor Monument Location Act”



H.R. 3448 (Rep. Stefanik), “American Battlefield Protection Program Enhancement Act”



H.R. 4377 (Rep. Grijalva), to Amend the Military Lands Withdrawal Act of 1999 With Respect to Extensions, Additions, and Revisions to the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Arizona.






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c4c1c1 No.71361

File: ad56a2a17fc6e08⋯.png (300.12 KB,599x551,599:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172061 (131427ZJUL23) Notable: US Navel Institute w/CAP: Happy 81st birthday to Harrison Ford! Which Hollywood icon played the better Soviet sub commander...

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Happy 81st birthday to Harrison Ford! Which Hollywood icon played the better Soviet sub commander — Harrison Ford as Captain Alexei Vostrikovin in K-19: THE WIDOWMAKER, or Sean Connery as Captain Marko Ramius in THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER?


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c4c1c1 No.71362

File: b9e4ba14b79545b⋯.jpg (172.53 KB,959x1280,959:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ffe1ca4e0b36682⋯.jpg (283.47 KB,720x832,45:52,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172064 (131428ZJUL23) Notable: KEKs - Ghislaine Maxwell gotz the stinky feets

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EXCLUSIVE: 'Prison Karen' Ghislaine Maxwell incites ANOTHER jailhouse feud after snitching on heavily-tattooed transgender bunkmate over 'loud' late night sex - only to fall out with replacement who complained about British socialite's smelly sneakers 


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c4c1c1 No.71363

File: 12619914d7aadff⋯.jpeg (1004.74 KB,1170x2030,117:203,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172068 (131429ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk w/CAP: This platform is unique in no longer rubber stamping FISA queries. They must be soundly justified.

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c4c1c1 No.71364

File: 208465a91aff341⋯.png (79.35 KB,330x265,66:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172096 (131435ZJUL23) Notable: KEKs - Ghislaine Maxwell gotz the stinky feets

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Ghislaine Maxwell has nasty stinky feet


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c4c1c1 No.71365

File: 78bcb3095f1aa59⋯.jpeg (98.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172140 (131442ZJUL23) Notable: Monitors from the UN atomic watchdog, stationed at the Zaporozhye facility, have heard multiple explosions

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13 Jul, 2023 07:45

‘Precarious’ situation at Europe’s largest nuclear plant – IAEA

Monitors from the UN atomic watchdog, stationed at the Zaporozhye facility, have heard multiple explosions

The situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant remains “very precarious,” with inspectors reporting a series of explosions in the past few days, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said. The facility is the largest of its kind in Europe, and is located close to the frontline of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In its latest update on Ukraine issued on Wednesday, the IAEA detailed the activities of its personnel at the Russia-controlled facility.The blasts heard by the monitors occurred “some distance away” at different times. The site itself was not impacted.

However, IAEA staff say they have not seen any mines or explosives at the Zaporozhye plant, contrary to Ukrainian claims that the facility has been “mined”. They are yet to gain access to the roofs of two reactor buildings, where Kiev previously claimed explosives had been placed by the Russian military.

Moscow has denied the allegations and accused Kiev of laying the groundwork for a false-flag operation targeting the location, which both Russia and Ukraine view as their own.

The IAEA is also monitoring the availability of water following last month’s destruction of the Kakhovka dam, a major disaster that Russia and Ukraine blamed on each other. Water reserves are sufficient “for some months,” the agency concluded.

The Zaporozhye power plant’s Russian personnel are currently preparing to switch the only semi-operational reactor from hot shutdown to cold shutdown, a necessary step for maintenance, the IAEA said. The other reactor is to be brought into hot shutdown instead, the statement added. Keeping a reactor in that state allows the generation of steam, which is then used to process liquid radioactive waste collected in storage tanks.

Ukraine’s nuclear regulator had ordered a cold shutdown of all reactors, the IAEA noted. The site would need an external source of steam for safe operation, if all reactors were fully switched off, which the UN watchdog believes to be a safer option, given the circumstances.


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c4c1c1 No.71366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172198 (131455ZJUL23) Notable: Shocking moment Kosovo parliament erupts into mass brawl after Prime Minister's speech

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Shocking moment Kosovo parliament erupts into mass brawl after Prime Minister's speech

July 13, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172254 (131504ZJUL23) Notable: #23546

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final bun for #23546

c u at the top cakes n ty

#23546 >>71342

>>71343 Re: Chyna fed email hack: You notice what the Government, Microsoft and others are not saying here?

>>71344 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Webb's Rho Ophiuchi

>>71345, >>71348, >>71350, >>71358 TheStormHasArrived17 TS w/CAP: Secret Service going to inform congress (in a scif?) today.

>>71346 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/13/2023

>>71347 anon opines on presidential pardon powers

>>71349 QCi Awarded Subcontract to Develop Groundbreaking Photonic Sensor Instrument for NASA Ames

>>71351 Severed finger mailed to Macron’s residence – media

>>71352 FBI finds stolen human remains used as ‘decorations’ inside Mount Washington man’s home... As many as 40 skulls were found during a raid

>>71353 Toe-curling emails reveal how former JPMorgan exec Jes Staley 'simpered to Jeffrey Epstein about their profound friendship...

>>71354, >>71355, >>71356, >>71360 House hearings and committee meetings for 7/13/2023

>>71357 Millions in rare gold coins unearthed in Kentucky cornfield. dated from 1840 to 1862 and are estimated at a value exceeding $2 million.

>>71359 Melania w/CAP: Important hearing today @NatResources celebrating our Nation’s history, including H.R. 1318, the Women’s Suffrage...

>>71361 US Navel Institute w/CAP: Happy 81st birthday to Harrison Ford! Which Hollywood icon played the better Soviet sub commander...

>>71362, >>71364 KEKs - Ghislaine Maxwell gotz the stinky feets

>>71363 Elon Musk w/CAP: This platform is unique in no longer rubber stamping FISA queries. They must be soundly justified.

>>71365 Monitors from the UN atomic watchdog, stationed at the Zaporozhye facility, have heard multiple explosions

>>71366 Shocking moment Kosovo parliament erupts into mass brawl after Prime Minister's speech

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c4c1c1 No.71368

File: a3ffd76e230433d⋯.png (90.91 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172280 (131508ZJUL23) Notable: #23547

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

wurkfaggn time

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c4c1c1 No.71369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172292 (131511ZJUL23) Notable: Michigan judge opens up potential charges against Trump supporters in ruling on voting machines

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Michigan judge opens up potential charges against Trump supporters in ruling on voting machines

A county prosecutor had sought the decision as he considers whether to criminally charge a group of Trump supporters who allegedly obtained voting machines.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: July 13, 2023 - 10:52am

A judge ruled that Michigan law prohibits a person from possessing a voting tabulator without a court order or authorization from the Secretary of State's office in a decision that lays the groundwork for a county prosecutor to potentially bring criminal charges against supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Oakland County Circuit Judge Phyllis McMillen on Wednesday ruled that the "undue possession" of a tabulator is always a felony in Michigan, not just during an ongoing election or the timeframe before the results are tallied, The Detroit News reported.

Muskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson had sought the decision as he considers whether to criminally charge a group of Trump supporters who allegedly obtained voting machines following the 2020 election.

Hilson's possible charges come after Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in August that nine people allegedly conspired to improperly gain access to election machines. The group convinced officials in three counties to give them five tabulators, which they then took to Oakland County hotels or rental properties, Nessel's office said.

The group "broke into the machines, printing fake ballots and performing tests on the equipment," the Detroit paper reported.


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c4c1c1 No.71370

File: fb86182a5f3c9d1⋯.png (603.06 KB,1217x483,1217:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 32ece5ddd7ced9f⋯.png (426.66 KB,1212x489,404:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172296 (131511ZJUL23) Notable: screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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>We Are Watching A Movie Edition


Jason Miller on Warroom

Just announced ascreening of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster next Wednesday Jul 19. Caviezel Ballard and the Producer.

Sounds like a possible red carpet event

Mentions Potus'executive Order.


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c4c1c1 No.71371

File: 6f7fd78e3dfedd6⋯.jpeg (833.75 KB,1170x1467,130:163,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172321 (131516ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

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Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House | Just The News


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c4c1c1 No.71372

File: 57502b22fb389bc⋯.jpeg (771.91 KB,1170x1393,1170:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172339 (131520ZJUL23) Notable: screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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c4c1c1 No.71373

File: 98f81a455ad9c18⋯.jpg (81.29 KB,566x680,283:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172340 (131520ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

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c4c1c1 No.71374

File: aacc994391e1c7c⋯.jpeg (806.59 KB,1170x1398,195:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172344 (131521ZJUL23) Notable: screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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c4c1c1 No.71375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172346 (131522ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

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The SCIF is used to CONTROL information from getting out to the public.

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c4c1c1 No.71376

File: 9ec0a828d20add1⋯.png (293.15 KB,602x658,43:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172381 (131529ZJUL23) Notable: Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed

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🚨BREAKING: FBI Director Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed

How is this not front page news?!


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c4c1c1 No.71377

File: 3f8428fb8e9320a⋯.png (2.68 MB,1692x1604,423:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 02d3f90564b72de⋯.png (408.01 KB,1640x1000,41:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172398 (131531ZJUL23) Notable: How Will NEA Spend The Estimated $9M In Dues Money It Will Receive From CEA Members For The Next School Year?

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time to leave the teachers union!!! in connecticut, teachers only have one chance in august to leave...


How Will NEA Spend The Estimated $9M In Dues Money It Will Receive From CEA Members For The Next School Year?


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c4c1c1 No.71378

File: 944b3688e3a6f08⋯.jpg (139.91 KB,1322x402,661:201,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172405 (131533ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

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c4c1c1 No.71379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172421 (131536ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

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Investigation is closed.

Just can't figure it out.

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c4c1c1 No.71380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172430 (131537ZJUL23) Notable: FTC Oversight hearing

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Buck [FTC Oversight hearing]: On June 18th, 2021, just five days before the markup hearing of the Big Tech bills in this committee, Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's tech investor husband, bought four thousand shares of Alphabet via a call option, in which he promised stocks at a later date at a price of twelve hundred dollars a share. A month later, this is after we've passed the bills, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker, sent Steny Hoyer, the majority leader, to the press to tell the press that these bills were not ready for the floor. A month later, the stock price rose to over twenty-five hundred dollars, making Paul Pelosi 5.2 million dollars richer, without spending a penny...she [Nancy Pelosi] refused to bring to a vote on the House Floor, those bills.

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c4c1c1 No.71381

File: b684a2cc9ea2945⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,516x288,43:24,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172439 (131539ZJUL23) Notable: FTC Oversight hearing

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Jordan: Why are you harassing Twitter?

Khan: Congressman, thanks for the question. As you might know the FT CS work on Twitter goes back a decade back in 2000.

Jordan: I'm not talking about a decade, I'm talking about now,12 demand letters in 10 weeks. Over 350 separate requests you've demanded of Twitter. Why are you harassing him?

Khan: Twitter has a history of lax security and privacy policies.

Jordan: You've asked for every single communication relating to Elon Musk, not communications that he just sent to someone or some communications he received. But any time he's mentioned that that actually seems more actually more than harassment. That seems like almost an obsession. Why such an intense focus?

Khan: So Congressman again, it was found that Twitter's lax privacy policies allowed unauthorized users to co-opt Twitter accounts including that of Fox News.

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c4c1c1 No.71382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172460 (131542ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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John Kerry [House hearing]: Everything predicted ['climate crisis'] is happening, only it's happening faster and bigger than it was predicted.

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c4c1c1 No.71383

File: 89e43df052028f8⋯.jpg (72.14 KB,941x1090,941:1090,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172506 (131551ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71384

File: 753f594e6682e4d⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB,594x332,297:166,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172519 (131552ZJUL23) Notable: FTC Oversight hearing

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>Buck [FTC Oversight hearing]: On June 18th, 2021, just five days before the markup hearing of the Big Tech bills in this committee, Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's tech investor husband, bought four thousand shares of Alphabet via a call option, in which he promised stocks at a later date at a price of twelve hundred dollars a share. A month later, this is after we've passed the bills, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker, sent Steny Hoyer, the majority leader, to the press to tell the press that these bills were not ready for the floor. A month later, the stock price rose to over twenty-five hundred dollars, making Paul Pelosi 5.2 million dollars richer, without spending a penny…she [Nancy Pelosi] refused to bring to a vote on the House Floor, those bills.

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c4c1c1 No.71385

File: a1b74130fc0bde1⋯.jpeg (329.15 KB,1170x707,1170:707,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172576 (131603ZJUL23) Notable: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases

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c4c1c1 No.71386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172587 (131606ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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Waltz: When we are asking Americans to make serious sacrifices as we transition for the common good, and your family, and or yourself, are flying around on private jets, that smacks of hypocrisy; it actually hurts your cause.

Kerry: I do not fly on a private jet...I fly commercially. I have flown five times in the last two and a half years on Milair...otherwise all of my trips are commercial airlines.

Waltz: Have you flown on a private jet in a personal or official capacity since you've taken this position?

Kerry: Possibly once, I think.

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c4c1c1 No.71387

File: b5fbcb1d9ff63d0⋯.png (208.57 KB,1369x1260,1369:1260,Clipboard.png)

File: bdba5aeeef0ee1e⋯.png (480.47 KB,2464x1519,352:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 63f2cab609eb019⋯.png (673.25 KB,2450x1506,1225:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172597 (131607ZJUL23) Notable: screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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Q+ to screen Sound of Freedom on 19 July 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172611 (131610ZJUL23) Notable: SHARE THIS WITH THE BLACK COMMENTERS PER TARGETS

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Black people listen to Black People


FoxNews - Former DC mayor spokesman explains why he left the Democratic Party

184K views #FoxNews

Victor Jimenez, who worked for D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, says Biden's immigration policies and the unemployment rate are main reasons he switched parties.














... add as needed

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c4c1c1 No.71389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172643 (131614ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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Waltz: Would you find it appropriate if a former Trump administration official traveled around and talked to the same officials you are and said, 'You don't have to abide by these agreements. Hold fast until 2024, a new administration may be coming in', and therefore, undermining current administration diplomacy. Would you find that appropriate?

Kerry: I'm not going to speak to any hypotheticals, but I can tel you I never engaged...

Waltz: Shadow diplomacy undermines American goals.

Kerry: Shadow diplomacy, depending on what it involves, shadow diplomacy has also saved us from a war. If you look at 1963 with the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was behind the scenes, backchannels...

Waltz: I would posture that your shadow diplomacy now has us on the verge of Iran having a nuclear weapon, that is now exploding, as they race towards full enrichment.

Kerry: The reason that happened is Donald Trump pulled out of that agreement.

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c4c1c1 No.71390

File: 1e59ae885fa071d⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,1274x720,637:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172648 (131614ZJUL23) Notable: Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172701 (131621ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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Kerry: The UN finance analysis suggests it will cost trillions of dollars, maybe two and a half to four and a half trillion a year, between now and 2050, to actually affect the full transition to a clean energy economy. But that's not spending. Most of that is calculating private sector funding that will invest in these new technologies and in these new economic opportunities...we have to build out a grid, competent grid, with smart grid, so we can balance the distribution of energy in certain places.

[selective distribution of energy?]

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c4c1c1 No.71392

File: eca608fbb4bd068⋯.png (930.53 KB,872x810,436:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172711 (131623ZJUL23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy Comments on Biden Family Investigation

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July 13, 2023

Speaker McCarthy Comments on Biden Family Investigation

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy defends the Oversight Committee’s ongoing investigation of the Biden family in the wake of the indictment of Gal Luft on lobbying and sanctions violations. He also speaks about the National Defense Authorization Bill.


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c4c1c1 No.71393

File: bf4728b6afd614d⋯.jpg (210.3 KB,1300x1037,1300:1037,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172753 (131627ZJUL23) Notable: LAVROV: "Russia will treat F-16s in Ukraine as nuclear threat"

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LAVROV: "Russia will treat F-16s in Ukraine as nuclear threat"

Moscow can’t ignore the nuclear capability of US-designed F-16 fighter jets that may be supplied to Ukraine by its Western backers, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

By continuing to provide more sophisticated arms to Kiev, “the US and its NATO satellites create the risk of a direct armed confrontation with Russia, and this may lead to catastrophic consequences,” Lavrov warned in his interview with Lenta.ru on Wednesday.

The plans to supply F-16s to Kiev is yet another example of an escalatory move by the West and in itself is “an extremely dangerous development,” he stated.

“We have informed the nuclear powers – the US, UK and France – that Russia can’t ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons,” the foreign minister continued.

“No assurances [by the West] will help here,” he warned. In the midst of fighting, the Russian military isn’t going to investigate whether any specific jet is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not, he added.

“The very fact of the appearance of such systems within the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be considered by us as a threat from the West in the nuclear domain,” Lavrov said.

In an interview on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius on Wednesday, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said “there will be the transfer of F-16s [to Ukraine], likely from European countries that have excess F-16 supplies.”

A day earlier, Denmark announced that a “coalition” – which includes the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the UK and Sweden – would begin training Ukrainian airmen to fly the US-designed aircraft in August.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba suggested earlier this week that the first F-16s piloted by Ukrainians could take to the skies “by the end of the first quarter of next year.”

Kiev has been pressing its foreign backers for fourth-generation F-16 warplanes for months, arguing that they are crucial in providing air cover for Ukraine’s troops and defending Ukrainian airspace amid a massive Russian missile campaign targeting military facilities and energy infrastructure. The US and its allies initially ruled out deliveries of the jets, saying the F-16 wasn’t the type of hardware that Ukraine needed, but changed their stance on the issue over time.

READ MORE: West to begin training Ukrainians on F-16s next month

In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin said there was no doubt that the F-16s “will burn” once they’re delivered to Ukraine, just like what has happened to tanks and other Western-supplied weapons.


prepare to dive under your school desks, children

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c4c1c1 No.71394

File: 8cc8e9b2927ae88⋯.png (233.23 KB,1231x962,1231:962,Clipboard.png)

File: f679b39f77dd5e9⋯.png (58.13 KB,892x400,223:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 03d07eb39891dcd⋯.png (173.17 KB,898x542,449:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172794 (131634ZJUL23) Notable: Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

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Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Dear House Republicans:

The Secret Service closed the investigation.

==So the Biden administration can’t hide behind an “ongoing investigation.”

Issue subpoenas.==

Jul 13, 2023, 12:04 PM


Official Statement on the Investigation of a Substance Found in the White House

Published By U.S. Secret Service Media Relations

Published Date 2023-07-13

WASHINGTON - On the evening of July 2, officers from the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division found an unknown substance inside a vestibule leading to the lobby area of the West Executive Avenue entrance to the White House.

The substance was located inside a receptacle used to temporarily store electronic and personal devices prior to entering the West Wing.

Following the discovery, safety closures were implemented around the White House. This response was designed to ensure that the found substance was not a chemical or radiological material that threatened the security of the White House. As such, the substance was field tested and preliminarily determined to not be a hazardous compound.

Testing conducted by the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department indicated that the found powder tested preliminarily positive for the presence of cocaine. The substance and packaging were treated as evidence and sent to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, which analyzed the item for any biothreats. Tests conducted at this facility came back negative and gave formal confirmation that the substance was not biological in nature.

The substance and packaging underwent further forensic testing. The substance was analyzed for its chemical composition. The packaging was subjected to advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis. Both of these analyses were conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's crime laboratory given their expertise in this area and independence from the investigation.

While awaiting the FBl's results, the Secret Service investigation into how this item entered the White House continued. The investigation included a methodical review of security systems and protocols. This review included a backwards examination that spanned several days prior to the discovery of the substance and developed an index of several hundred individuals who may have accessed the area where the substance was found. The focal point of these actions developed a pool of known persons for comparison of forensic evidence gleaned from the FBI’s analysis of the substance's packaging.

On July 12, the Secret Service received the FBI’s laboratory results, which did not develop latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons. Therefore, the Secret Service is not able to compare evidence against the known pool of individuals. The FBl's evaluation of the substance also confirmed that it was cocaine.

There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area. Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered. At this time, the Secret Service's investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence.

The U.S. Secret Service takes its mission to protect U.S. leaders, facilities, and events seriously and we are constantly adapting to meet the needs of the current and future security environment.


Anthony Guglielmi @SecretSvcSpox

Our official statement on the completion of the investigation of the contraband item found at the White House


11:00 AM · Jul 13, 2023

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c4c1c1 No.71395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172823 (131639ZJUL23) Notable: SHARE THIS WITH THE BLACK COMMENTERS PER TARGETS

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The Clinton Foundation is stealing Haiti's children and money, while the people of Haiti suffer & die.

The World needs to be told & shown the truth about it all

The Clintons are a satanic worshiping cult


Anons we need to start showing the Black Females Democrat the Truth

Best way to do this, is to share Black Political Videos and black related content with the [black female democrat].

Please take a moment to visit each of these targets and their black commenters to post ammo.






















https://www.dems.gov/who-we-are/our-members [Current Member List]

-please suggest more targets


#SaveHaiti #SaveTheChildren #ClintonGate #RedCross #WalkAway #Demexit #ClintonCrimeFamily




Lt. Gov. NC endorses Donald Trump https://rumble.com/v2vz52q-booom.html

The DEEP STATE "Queen" Exposed By Trump (The Dan Bongino Show) https://youtu.be/rVsXXxkFuNk

Riley Gaines Leaves WOKE Activist SPEECHLESS For Claiming Men Can't Beat Serena Williams In Tennis! https://youtu.be/W9DrtQwRmrU

New Democratic star SHUTS DOWN Republican with clapback of the year https://youtu.be/Jv65JtTZdCM

FIRST TIME WATCHING * Schindler's List (1993) * MOVIE REACTION!! JUST TRUST ASH https://youtu.be/2tStbY6m4FU (Misc Ammo)

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party (REACTION!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_IvKZ1hYbU

Fox News: Tim Scott leaves 'The View' speechless after confrontation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrY_JFlc6kc

Candace Owens says “Black America Owes Me AN APOLOGY” Reaction | Asia and BJ React https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePPKLLDQcbE


More Resouces: YT black political reaction videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=black+political+reaction+videos









Reminder, Post and Run. Dont reply... bots will get you banned


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c4c1c1 No.71396

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172827 (131639ZJUL23) Notable: Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray - Catches Him in Lies on Child Sex Trafficking! - RAY EPPS!

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>>71336 lb

Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray - Catches Him in Lies on Child Sex Trafficking! - RAY EPPS!



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c4c1c1 No.71397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172833 (131640ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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Pfluger: Do the renewable sources of energy like wind and solar, do they have the ability to provide to provide baseload capacity in this country?

Kerry: Backup baseload, no, but some primary, they could be part of it. But can they on their own, guarantee that when the wind isn't blowing and the sun ain't shining, no. That we all know...but we could with battery. There's ways to make that work.

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c4c1c1 No.71398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172855 (131645ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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Pfluger: How much electricity does the United States use on an annual basis right now?

Kerry: I don't know exactly where we are right now.

Pfluger. It's four thousand terawatts. How much additional demand would we need if we got to, let's just say fifty percent EV mandate, two hundred eighty-seven million cars on the road?

Kerry: Probably double. I'm not sure.

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c4c1c1 No.71399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172890 (131651ZJUL23) Notable: theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

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It just ended; here is the full hearing.

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c4c1c1 No.71400

File: 8943730215cf03e⋯.png (1.32 MB,1170x1517,1170:1517,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b96891c76ab603⋯.png (647.07 KB,1288x1235,1288:1235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172922 (131658ZJUL23) Notable: screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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Need a side by side anons

3 year delta

July 19

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c4c1c1 No.71401

File: fd0d9f85ee0fbef⋯.png (636.46 KB,1205x958,1205:958,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172957 (131704ZJUL23) Notable: Remarks and Meet & Greet with Kari Lake hosted by Team Trump Fri, July 14, 2023

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Remarks and Meet & Greet with Kari Lake hosted by Team Trump Fri, July 14, 2023

Join America First Patriots to hear Iowa native Kari Lake share why President Trump is the only candidate who can defeat Joe Biden!

Drinks and food will be provided!

You may only register one ticket per mobile number per event. All tickets are subject to first come first serve basis.

Event Details

Fri, July 14, 2023

04:00 pm (US/Central)

Mad Meatball

210 SW 11th St.

Des Moines, IA 50309

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c4c1c1 No.71402

File: 417293dad0cdab2⋯.png (351.48 KB,978x950,489:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173088 (131719ZJUL23) Notable: screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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President Donald J. Trump to Host Screening of “Sound of Freedom” at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster

July 13, 2023

President Trump will be joined at the screening by Eduardo Verástegui, Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard.

Bedminster, NJ — President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will host a screening of the film Sound of Freedom at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster on July 19, 2023. The screening will be attended by club members and supporters.

Sound of Freedom grossed $41.7 million in the first week of its release and opened at No. 1 in Texas, Florida, and Arizona theaters. The feature has taken the nation by storm, beating out Disney’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny in July 4th movie ticket sales despite appearing in far fewer theaters, securing the top position in the box office for the day. The film which is being distributed by Angel Studios, was produced by Mexican filmmaker Eduardo Verástegui and stars Jim Caviezel.

Verástegui who was previously appointed a member of President Trump’s Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity and who has continuously advocated for a strong and vital bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Mexico, emphasized the importance of coming together as a society to address this pernicious evil and eradicate child trafficking.

The film is based on the true story of federal agent Tim Ballard’s mission to save children from child sex traffickers in Colombia. Liberal media outlets like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Hollywood Reporter have refused to review the film, while publications like Rolling Stone, Washington Post, CNN, and The Guardian have trashed the film and mocked the millions of movie-goers who purchased tickets to screenings.

In his first month in office, President Trump said he was “prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government” to end human trafficking, and signed an executive order directing federal law enforcement to prioritize demolishing the criminal organizations behind forced labor, sex trafficking, and child exploitation.

President Trump’s leadership resulted in a 14% increase in human trafficking convictions in 2017 over the prior year. In 2017, President Trump’s Director of National Intelligence raised the issue of human trafficking to a top priority for America’s intelligence agencies. In 2018, President Trump made history as the first president to participate in the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.

As President, Donald J. Trump took historic steps to end human trafficking and protect the innocent. In January 2020, President Trump recognized the 20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and signed an Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States, creating the first ever White House position solely dedicated to combatting human trafficking.

In 2019, President Trump invited Tim Ballard to the White House to share his experiences and highlight the importance of President Trump’s border wall. President Trump built over 450 miles of robust border wall and instituted strong immigration policies like Title 42 to thwart these horrific crimes from occurring across America’s southern border.

President Trump signed nine pieces of bipartisan legislation to combat human trafficking, both domestically and internationally, approved the largest DOJ grant package in history to combat human trafficking, and doubled the amount of DOJ funding to combat human trafficking.


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c4c1c1 No.71403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173211 (131736ZJUL23) Notable: #23547

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#23547 >>71368

>>71369 Michigan judge opens up potential charges against Trump supporters in ruling on voting machines

>>71370, >>71372, >>71374, >>71387 screening, >>71400, >>71402 of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

>>71371, >>71373, >>71371, >>71375, >>71378, >>71379, >>71394 Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

>>71376, >>71390 Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed

>>71377 How Will NEA Spend The Estimated $9M In Dues Money It Will Receive From CEA Members For The Next School Year?

>>71380, >>71381, >>71384 FTC Oversight hearing

>>71383, >>71382, >>71386, >>71389, >>71391, >>71397, >>71398, >>71399 theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

>>71385 https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases


>>71392 Speaker McCarthy Comments on Biden Family Investigation

>>71393 LAVROV: "Russia will treat F-16s in Ukraine as nuclear threat"

>>71396 Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray - Catches Him in Lies on Child Sex Trafficking! - RAY EPPS!

>>71401 Remarks and Meet & Greet with Kari Lake hosted by Team Trump Fri, July 14, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71404

File: 98f81a455ad9c18⋯.jpg (81.29 KB,566x680,283:340,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c0e191d4e85e6a⋯.png (584.62 KB,680x575,136:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 800596450d6c330⋯.png (235.92 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173224 (131738ZJUL23) Notable: #23548 posted in #23549

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c4c1c1 No.71405

File: 558882050789da6⋯.png (791.38 KB,988x993,988:993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173253 (131742ZJUL23) Notable: Omar says there's 'no way in hell' she will attend Israeli president's congressional address

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Omar says there's 'no way in hell' she will attend Israeli president's congressional address

Omar, one of the two first Muslim women elected to Congress, is a vocal critic of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: July 13, 2023 - 12:55pm

Rep. Ilhan Omar says there is "no way in hell" that she will attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog's joint address to Congress and that he should not even be invited to speak.

"There is no way in hell I am attending the joint session address from a President whose country has banned me and denied @RashidaTlaib the ability to see her grandma," Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, tweeted Wednesday.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Omar are the first Muslim women elected to Congress and they are both vocal critics of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

They were scheduled to visit the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 2019, but the Israeli government under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blocked them from coming on the grounds that they have called to boycott Israel. One day after issuing the ban, Israel said Tlaib could visit her family in the West Bank on humanitarian grounds, but she said she still would not go.


In the Twitter thread, she also said that Herzog's visit "comes during the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in history, immediately following Israel’s largest incursion into the occupied West Bank in two decades, one that flattened city blocks, and killed at least a dozen people."

Palestinian Islamic Jihad said at least five of their fighters died during the raid, which Israel launched in response to an increase in terror attacks.

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c4c1c1 No.71406

File: 65351e6cadfd62f⋯.png (550.83 KB,477x727,477:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173263 (131744ZJUL23) Notable: Cover of 31 January 1942 issue of Liberty magazine featuring the U.S. Navy's fight against German U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic

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Cover from the 31 January 1942 issue of Liberty magazine featuring the U.S. Navy's fight against German U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic. At its peak in the 1940s, Liberty was second only toThe Saturday Evening Post in circulation.



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c4c1c1 No.71407

File: 8fa80bf4a7a3b75⋯.png (396.21 KB,617x773,617:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173275 (131748ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Cocaine Was Found in a Blind Spot For Surveillance Cameras’

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AS PREDICTED: Secret Service Concludes Cocaine Investigation – No Suspect Identified – ‘Cocaine Was Found in a Blind Spot For Surveillance Cameras’

The Secret Service concluded its investigation into the cocaine scandal that rocked the White House earlier this month.

Surprise, surprise! No suspect was identified.

According to CNN, the cocaine was “found in a blind spot for surveillance cameras.”

No fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!

CNN reported:

The Secret Service has concluded its investigation into the small bag of cocaine found at the White House and has been unable to identify a suspect, two sources familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Secret Service officials combed through visitor logs and surveillance footage of hundreds of individuals who entered the West Wing in the days preceding the discovery and were unable to identify a suspect, one of the sources said.

Investigators were also unable to identify the particular moment or day when the baggie was left inside the West Wing cubby near the lower level entrance where it was discovered.

The second source said that the leading theory remains that it was left by one of the hundreds of visitors who entered the West Wing that weekend for tours and were asked to leave their phones inside those cubbies.

The cubbies where the small bag of cocaine was found is a blind spot for surveillance cameras, according to a source familiar with the investigation. While there’s surveillance around where the bag was found, cameras are not trained directly on the West Wing cubbies near the lower-level entrance where it was discovered, the source said, making it difficult to identify who left the bag behind.

Earlier this month a baggy of cocaine was discovered in the West Wing after Hunter Biden visited the White House.

At first, it was reported that the cocaine was found in the Library.

Then it was reported the cocaine was stashed in a “cubby” in a storage facility in the West Wing.


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c4c1c1 No.71408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173280 (131749ZJUL23) Notable: Stolen Taxpayer Funds: Reviewing the SBA and OIG Reports of Fraud in Pandemic Lending Programs

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2:00 PM EDT

Stolen Taxpayer Funds: Reviewing the SBA and OIG Reports of Fraud in Pandemic Lending Programs

House Small Business Committee



Mr. Hannibal “Mike” Ware

Inspector General

U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Inspector General






Small Business Admin. Inspector General Testifies on Pandemic-Era Fraud

Small Business Administration Inspector General Hannibal Ware testifies before the House Small Business Committee on his office’s recently completed COVID-19 fraud report, which states that over $200 billion in loans were potentially fraudulent.


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c4c1c1 No.71409

File: cc5bc13627b1bf7⋯.png (376.56 KB,600x467,600:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173287 (131750ZJUL23) Notable: FDA Approves Over-The-Counter Abortion — 6.1 Million Lives at Stake

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FDA Approves Over-The-Counter Abortion — 6.1 Million Lives at Stake

Baby killers are rejoicing after the Food and Drug Administration announced the approval of the first ever over-the-counter abortion pill — providing a convenient new option for those who would murder infants in the womb.

In a Thursday morning press release, the FDA “approved Opill (norgestrel) tablet for nonprescription use to prevent pregnancy— the first daily oral contraceptive approved for use in the U.S. without a prescription.”

According to the FDA:

“Approval of this progestin-only oral contraceptive pill provides an option for consumers to purchase oral contraceptive medicine without a prescription at drug stores, convenience stores, and grocery stores, as well as online.”

Nothing warms the heart quite like the option of purchasing abortion pills while out for dinner supplies.

The press release further explains how “almost half of the 6.1 million pregnancies in the U.S. each year are unintended” and that “Availability of nonprescription Opill may help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and their potential negative impacts.”

Never mind the negative impacts of a society that views human life as an inconvenience.

Global Vice President for Women’s Health for Perigo (manufacturer of the pill) provided celebratory comment to CNN:

“Today’s approval is a groundbreaking expansion for women’s health in the U.S. and a significant milestone towards addressing a key unmet need for contraceptive access.”

While the Moloch-worshipping minions of our late-stage civilization express excitement at the new, convenient option, many remain agitated with the recent SCOTUS ruling on Roe v. Wade — wary that red-state Republicans will find a way to deny them their atrocious new opportunity.

As one Twitter user points out:

“Great news, but…The Republican Party is already trying to eliminate prescription birth control & abortion medication, so it won’t be a surprise if this is also on the chopping block.”

So while the Supreme Court may have provided a temporary stay of execution for millions of innocent children, there’s no slowing down for the overall industry.

The culture of virgin sacrifice remains resolute.



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c4c1c1 No.71410

File: 2a66e86b8889f1d⋯.png (898.65 KB,1014x908,507:454,Clipboard.png)

File: f86014f4da36e9d⋯.png (63.37 KB,255x141,85:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 59edf525bfb66c8⋯.png (49.13 KB,657x651,219:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173288 (131750ZJUL23) Notable: Michigan hair salon refuses transgender customers, says to ‘seek services at local pet groomer’ KEKS

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Michigan hair salon refuses transgender customers, says to ‘seek services at local pet groomer’

A Michigan hair salon is under fire following a recent Facebook post announcing transgender customers were “not welcome,” and suggested they instead “seek services at a local pet groomer.”

Studio 8Hair Lab, a Traverse City-based hair salon, made the claim in a since-deleted post seemingly spurred by news of a US Supreme Court decision in favor of a Christian graphic designer seeking the right to refuse to work with gay couples.

“If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman please seek services at a local pet groomer. You are not welcome at this salon. Period,” states the post, which was saved and published by LGBTQnation.com.

The post garnered hundreds of comments and reactions, including significant pushback from LGBTQ+ advocates before it was deleted.

“Should you request to have a particular pronoun used, please note we may simply refer to you as “hey you”. Regardless of MI HB 4744,” the post further stated, referring to the code for a Michigan hate crime law.

That law was changed by Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer earlier this year to include discrimination of people based on their “gender identity or expression,” “sexual orientation,” as well as their age or disabilities.

Christine Geiger, who is listed as being the salon’s co-owner, did not respond to The Post’s multiple requests seeking comment Thursday. The City of Traverse City announced the salon was under investigation for discrimination over the claims.

After deleting the post, Geiger herself clarified on a different Facebook page she has “no issues with LGB,” referring to lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

She went on to add: “It’s the TQ+ that I’m not going to support,” referring to transsexual, queer and people of other sexual orientations, according to a screenshot also captured by LGBTQnation.com.

Geiger then allegedly falsely claimed the “+” represented pedophiles.

“This stance was taken to insure (sic) that clients have the best experience and I am admitting that since I am not willing to play the pronoun game or cater to requests outside of what I perceive as normal this probably isn’t the best option for that type of client,” she wrote.

Following the comments hair product company Jack Winn Pro publicly distanced itself from the salon, saying in a Facebook post Geiger “no longer has authorization to represent our brand” and the company takes a “strong stance against hate speech and any form of discrimination.”

As of Thursday, a Yelp page for Geiger and Studio 8 Hair Lab was “being monitored by Yelp’s Support team” amid a flood of recent negative reviews.

“This business recently received increased public attention, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than actual consumer experiences with the business,” a Yelp message stated.

“We’ve temporarily disabled the posting of content to this page as we work to investigate the content you see here reflects actual consumer experiences rather than the recent events.”

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c4c1c1 No.71411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173289 (131750ZJUL23) Notable: Presidential Signature Requirements As a Tool for Enforcing Democratic Accountability

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Presidential Signature Requirements As a Tool for Enforcing Democratic Accountability



Looking back at the recent history of major Title VI and Title IX rules, the members of Congress

who were concerned about bureaucrats issuing rules that were out of step with public opinion werelargely proven right. When the presidential signature requirement was actually followed in the 1960sand 1970s, the rules that agencies issued did not go far beyond the scope of the statutes they were implementing and tended to be noncontroversial. After the President delegated this authority to the Attorney General in the 1970s, various federal agencies, including the Departments of Education and Justice, increasingly promulgated rules that are more questionable and controversial exercises of their statutory authority under Titles VI and IX. The delegation of presidential signature authority should not be exclusively blamed for these developments, but it has worked in tandem with other doctrines giving broad authority to the civil rights state to contribute to government overreach. Counterfactual history is always hard. Nonetheless, looking at the politics and public opinion surrounding some of the most prominent Title VI and IX rules of the last few decades, it is at least plausible that some either would never have been promulgated at all or would have looked different if the then President had had to sign them. The members of the 88th Congress who anticipated that a presidential signature requirement would prevent agency bureaucrats from overreaching were probably right. Enforcing the presidential signature requirement would likely help to ensure that significant and controversial decisions about civil rights regulation get made by politically accountable actors—the President or Congress.


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c4c1c1 No.71412

File: fa45549d2e29eaf⋯.png (307.41 KB,641x872,641:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173300 (131752ZJUL23) Notable: US authorities arrest, indict Israeli-American ex-CEO of major crypto firm Celsius

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US authorities arrest, indict Israeli-American ex-CEO of major crypto firm Celsius

Alex Mashinsky accused by Justice Department of operating ‘a years long scheme to mislead customers,’ faces slew of other lawsuits a year after company filed for bankruptcy

Alex Mashinsky, the co-founder and former CEO of Celsius Network, a now-bankrupt cryptocurrency lending platform that had millions of users as well as offices in Israel, was arrested Thursday and indicted as part of a US Justice Department investigation into the firm’s downfall.

Mashinsky and the firm’s chief revenue officer, Roni Cohen-Pavon, who was also arrested Thursday, are accused by federal authorities of securities fraud, commodities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to manipulate the price of the company’s token, CEL, the Justice Department said.

In June 2022, Celsius Network suspended all withdrawals and transfers between accounts in a move that sent a chill across the digital currency industry. A month later, the company filed for bankruptcy, saying it was seeking to restructure in a way that would maximize value for all stakeholders, and that it had $167 million of cash available to meet urgent needs in the meantime...


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c4c1c1 No.71413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173306 (131752ZJUL23) Notable: Russian state tech firm bans Apple/Rostec

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Russian state tech firm bans Apple

Rostec says the US-designed devices are now forbidden in all companies within the state corporation

Russia’s state-run military-industrial conglomerate Rostec has said its employees have been barred from using devices designed by the US tech giant Apple.

“A complete ban is being introduced in all organizations of the corporation on the use of gadgets from the American producer during the work process,” Rostec’s press service told Tass news agency on Thursday.

The conglomerate, which was established in 2007 on an order from President Vladimir Putin, currently unites more than 800 research and production organizations in the defense sector, from across Russia.

The telegram channel Mash earlier reported that the ban on Apple devices was only introduced at Shvabe, one of Rostec’s holdings, specializing in optoelectronic systems. However, the restrictions turned out to be a blanket measure for the whole conglomerate.

According to Shvabe’s internal papers, seen by Mash, Apple’s devices were forbidden after Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) uncovered a surveillance operation carried out by the US intelligence agencies in Russia, via mobile devices from the California-based firm.

The FSB said last month that the CIA had installed malware on thousands of iPhones used by Russian citizens and foreign diplomats working in the country. Apple has been “providing the American intelligence services with a wide range of opportunities to survey any persons of interest to the White House,” it claimed.

The agency described the discovery as proof of close cooperation between Apple and the US intelligence community, adding that “the declared policy of ensuring the privacy of personal data of Apple users has nothing to do with reality.”

The US company has denied the accusations by the FSB, claiming that it “never worked with any government to insert a backdoor into any Apple product and never will.”

Earlier this month, a clampdown on iPhones was announced by Russia’s Ministry for Industry and Trade. The ban on Apple devices for its employees comes into force from the start of next week.


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c4c1c1 No.71414

File: f6478d7175771ce⋯.png (494.36 KB,568x769,568:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173322 (131756ZJUL23) Notable: France is burning under President Emmanuel Macron

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Special Delivery: Severed Finger “From Living Human” Sent by Mail to French President Emmanuel Macron’s Home

France is burning under President Emmanuel Macron.

On Monday, in a disturbing turn, a severed human finger was sent to the official presidential home. The package did not contain any correspondence, only the finger, which investigators determined came from “a living victim” who, according to police sources, has been identified.

The Evening Standard reports:

The macabre parcel containing the amputated digit arrived at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Monday.

“The finger was initially put in a fridge where the police put their snacks,” said a source at the official presidential home. “This was to make sure it was preserved and could be analysed as quickly as possible.”

Tests later identified the finger as belonging to a “living human being,” who was contacted and “given full medical support,” said the source.

France has faced months of unrest under Macron.

After the officer-involved death of a 17-year-old driver, riots left 1,000 buildings burnt, 5,600 vehicles destroyed, and 3,300 arrests across France.

Earlier in the year, massive protests have plagued the county including the annual May Day rally in support of workers’ rights.

The Gateway Pundit reported on protests in March on across France after The French National Assembly rejected a vote of no-confidence against the Government of Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

Protesters stormed the streets multiple times over recent months in opposition to the retirement change.

Disruptions are expected on Friday for Bastille Day celebrations in Paris.


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c4c1c1 No.71415

File: 7482096126f8583⋯.png (69.68 KB,957x359,957:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173324 (131757ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. Biden too

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Donald J. Trump


DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. The Democrats would have a field day with Ron. He’s cold as ICE, and only hurting the Republican Party. We have a 49 Point Lead, and should be getting even better than that!!!





Jul 13, 2023, 1:30 PM


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c4c1c1 No.71416

File: bbdec3d7f1e6cf6⋯.png (111.47 KB,945x449,945:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173327 (131757ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “TRUMPISM,” as some call AMERICA FIRST, is very simple: Low Taxes and Regulations

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Donald J. Trump


“TRUMPISM,” as some call AMERICA FIRST, is very simple: Low Taxes and Regulations, the most powerful Military, Tariffs & Taxes on other countries who have taken advantage of the United States and which will make the USA rich and debt free again (if countries want to “take” from the U.S., they must pay for the privilege!), protection of our under siege 2nd Amendment, GREAT Healthcare, Low Energy Prices through Energy Independence, PARENTAL POWER on School Boards, “LIFE,” STRONG Borders, & more!





Jul 13, 2023, 1:28 PM


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c4c1c1 No.71417

File: dd038478723101b⋯.png (43.86 KB,967x257,967:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173329 (131758ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. Biden too

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Donald J. Trump


Financial Times wrote a story, “The great Ron DeSantis campaign train wreck.” Actually, they’re being nice by comparison to how he really campaigns!





Jul 13, 2023, 1:27 PM


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c4c1c1 No.71418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173358 (131803ZJUL23) Notable: Visitor logs show Hunter’s business partners visited White House over 80 times while dad was VP

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Visitor logs show Hunter’s business partners visited White House over 80 times while dad was VP



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c4c1c1 No.71419

File: 59cd0831fd80ac8⋯.png (74.46 KB,1018x771,1018:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 39235e92377aeeb⋯.png (1.68 MB,2609x1304,2609:1304,Clipboard.png)

File: 19154ed1491015a⋯.png (83.71 KB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173365 (131804ZJUL23) Notable: Life, the Universe and Everything

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Life, the Universe and Everything

Join our Twitter space tomorrow to learn more

One odd set of coinky's

>>>/qresearch/19170462 (pb / qrg - orig posting).

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c4c1c1 No.71420

File: c9286390fed3197⋯.png (57.66 KB,933x387,311:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f7fe6eb88ca289⋯.png (190.98 KB,935x475,187:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173371 (131806ZJUL23) Notable: Bragg's Obsession To Pin A Crime On @realDonaldTrump Deserves Disbarment And More

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Donald J. Trump


So True!


Gregg Jarrett



Apr 18


Bragg's Obsession To Pin A Crime On @realDonaldTrump Deserves Disbarment And More






Jul 13, 2023, 1:20 PM


The Brief: Bragg’s Obsession To Pin A Crime On Trump Deserves Disbarment And More

Published April 18, 2023

Gregg is joined by Alina Habba, legal counsel for President Trump

The consensus —even among Democrats who despise Donald Trump— is that Alvin Bragg has made a colossal mess of things.

Recently, the Manhattan District Attorney compounded one legal blunder with another. This should surprise no one. Bragg is the kind of guy who could screw up a free lunch. Incompetence is his métier.

In his brief tenure as DA, he has managed to increase the number of criminals terrorizing the streets of New York City by refusing to prosecute many of them or dropping serious felonies to petty misdemeanors. Innocent victims of the rampant crime fume and rage against Bragg, while prosecutors in his charge have abandoned ship.

Like the crazed captain in Moby Dick, Bragg is obsessed with harpooning Trump, his white whale. In the DA’s twisted mind, all evil in the world is personified by the former president. You can almost hear Bragg channeling Ahab’s words, “They think me mad, but I’m demoniac, I am madness maddened!”

Instead of getting a mental health check-up, Bragg chose to indict the former president based on a transparently invented crime that is wholly unsupported by the law and contradicted by the facts.

His warped theory goes something like this: Trump supposedly violated campaign finance laws by paying money to a lying accuser in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement, which is legal. Forget that the transaction itself does not count as a campaign contribution. The federal prosecutors determined it doesn’t. So did the Federal Election Commission. Both reviewed the matter and concluded that no laws were broken.

But there’s more. In his convoluted indictment, Bragg cites as unlawful a series of reimbursements made by Trump in the year 2017. You’ll note that this was well after the 2016 election. Under the relevant statutes, it is impossible to have intended to feloniously influence an election retroactively. It makes no sense and is contrary to the established law.

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c4c1c1 No.71421

File: 3614c472c6b7b50⋯.png (645.44 KB,717x478,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173372 (131806ZJUL23) Notable: Meta to release commercial AI tools to rival Google, OpenAI

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Report: Meta to release commercial AI tools to rival Google, OpenAI

Sources close to Meta have reportedly said the company plans to make a commercial version of its AI model to be more widely available and customizable.

Meta plans to release a commercial version of its artificial intelligence (AI) model aiming to reach wider usage, according to a Financial Times report.

The report contained details from sources close to Meta, who said that although the company released its own large language mode (LLM) for researchers and academics called LLaMa earlier this year, the new version will be more widely available and can be customized by companies.

This comes as Meta tries to position itself to be competitive with Microsoft-backed ChatGPT creator OpenAI and Google, the current market leaders.

FT’s source, reported to have knowledge of high-level strategy at Meta, said:

“The goal is to diminish the current dominance of OpenAI.”

With the commercial version of LLaMa, startups and businesses will be able to build custom software and applications on top of Meta’s underlying AI technology.

At the moment, all of Meta’s models are free and open-source though two of FT’s sources said the company has been exploring a paid version for enterprise customers. However, it would not be a part of the upcoming release.

The release of the commercial version is expected “imminently,” says the FT source.

Related: Elon Musk kickstarts new AI company to ‘understand the universe’

Moreover, Meta has made its LLM models open-source, which means the details of the system’s operations are publicly available. This is not the case with its competition like OpenAI, which keeps its code private to third parties.

FT’s source said:

“Meta realized they were behind on the current AI hype cycle, and this gives them a way to open up the ecosystem and seem like they are doing the right thing, being charitable and giving back to the community.”

Cointelegraph reached out to Meta for additional comments.

These developments come as Meta faces a lawsuit from author Sarah Silverman and two other authors on behalf of a class of copyright owners across the United States, which alleges Meta has committed copyright infringement while training its AI systems.

OpenAI has been hit with a similar class-action lawsuit that alleges the company has committed data theft in the training of its models.


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c4c1c1 No.71422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173374 (131806ZJUL23) Notable: Bragg's Obsession To Pin A Crime On @realDonaldTrump Deserves Disbarment And More

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Never mind that the statute of limitations long ago expired. Bragg thinks they should be held in suspended animation just for him. They cannot be. There are limits imposed by law, and the DA has no credible argument that he is entitled to a special exception.

A surprising number of Democrats and lefty legal analysts are trashing Bragg’s indictment as legal garbage. With few defenders, a congressional committee is now demanding answers. Like Ahab, the crew has turned against him. So, what did Bragg do? The possessed DA followed the Moby Dick narrative by doubling down on his mania. He sued the committee.

You don’t have to re-read Herman Melville to know how this will turn out.

Bragg’s torturous lawsuit against the House Judiciary Committee is deserving of ridicule not because it is, on its face, specious…but because it is a desperate bid to hide his own unethical conduct. The district attorney has mangled the duty of a prosecutor to be fair and equitable. In the process, he obliterated Trump’s presumption of innocence, not to mention the defendant’s Sixth Amendment rights and due process guarantees.

Bragg ran on the campaign promise to prosecute and incarcerate Trump. This was before he had access to any of the germane evidence. By prejudging a case and preordaining an outcome to further his career ambitions, the DA has violated the cannons of ethics that govern prosecutors to see that justice is done, not merely to gain a conviction.

Bragg is afraid of being forced to explain himself in front of congress because his aberrant actions are inexplicable. So, he sprinted to the nearest federal judge begging her to intervene by issuing a temporary restraining order (TRO) that would allow him to coverup his Machiavellian machinations.

Oblivious to the irony, Bragg accuses committee chairman Jim Jordan of an “unconstitutional attack” on the DA’s unconstitutional indictment. The opposite is true. Jordan’s probe is constitutionally justified, but Bragg’s charging document is constitutionally defective because it fails to inform the defendant of what underlying crimes he has allegedly committed.

For even more comedy, turn to the page in the requested TRO where Bragg claims that any Capitol Hill inquiry will expose “highly sensitive and confidential local prosecutorial information.” Hilarity aside, the DA’s own assistant, Mark Pomerantz, already breached every confidence in the investigation by writing a venomous 300 page book disclosing nearly every detail in the Trump witch hunt.

The committee has properly subpoenaed Pomerantz to testify this week, but Bragg wants to put a sock in his ex-aide’s mouth. Why? Because the author openly confesses that Trump was targeted for purely political reasons, not because he violated any laws. Pomerantz single-handedly makes the case that the former president is the victim of selective prosecution. Writing the book was idiotic, to be sure. But it underscores the low level of intellect and high level of malevolence among Bragg’s slimy confederates.

The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently ruled that Congress has broad oversight authority involving federal matters. Here, there are three. First, Bragg admits he used federal taxpayer funds to target Trump. Second, by referring to federal campaign laws as the basis for his indictment, the local DA is clearly usurping federal authority. Finally, the aforementioned evidence of political targeting demonstrates that Bragg’s indictment is a blatant attempt to interfere in the upcoming presidential election by knocking out his own party’s leading opponent with a meritless criminal case.

As I have argued before, Bragg’s reprehensible conduct is deserving of disbarment. And more. The DA himself should be in the dock, not Trump, for his brazen abuse of the legal process. While it may not rise to the level of obstruction of justice, he could —and should— be held in criminal contempt of court for engineering a patently false case in what amounts to malicious prosecution.

I am reminded of the district attorney, Michael Nifong, in the phony Duke lacrosse case who conspired to withhold exculpatory evidence that showed the defendants’ complete innocence. The disgraced DA was disbarred and briefly jailed for contempt of court. According to a key witness in the Trump grand jury proceedings, Bragg pulled a similar maneuver by withholding exculpatory evidence.

Conjuring up a crime that doesn’t exist to pin on a political nemesis is unconscionable, if not criminal. It is the same obsessive and compulsive mania that led to Ahab’s demise. Bragg has entangled his foot in the whale’s rope and should be dragged to the depths.


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c4c1c1 No.71423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173399 (131813ZJUL23) Notable: Biden Declares Victory in Ukraine, With 20% of The Country Still Under Russian Control./not close enough for NATO kek

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Biden Declares Victory in Ukraine, With 20% of The Country Still Under Russian Control.

President Joe Biden claims Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has “already lost Ukraine,” though Russian forces continue to occupy around a fifth of its territory, and a much-anticipated counter-offensive has produced minimal gains at the cost of many Western weapons systems which were supposed to be “game-changing”.

“He thought that if he invaded Ukraine, first of all, he’d get a welcome by every Russian speaker, they’d say, ‘Come on in.’ Secondly, he thought what would happen is that NATO would collapse, NATO would not to do anything, they’d be afraid to act,” Biden said, adding: “Go down the line, none of that’s happening.”

The backwards declaration of victory may end up being somewhat of a Bush-style “Mission Accomplished” moment for Biden, as the U.S. and NATO continue to be drawn into the conflict with very little to show for it.

Biden’s bar for success in war may be fairly low, however. The President previously hailed his Saigon-style withdrawal from Afghanistan, which saw dozens of American soldiers killed or injured by a suicide bomber – and an Afghan aid worker and seven children murdered when he authorized a retaliatory drone strike on the wrong target – as an “extraordinary success”.


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c4c1c1 No.71424

File: 38fcee1d60b3288⋯.png (266.75 KB,570x634,285:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173414 (131817ZJUL23) Notable: Goldman did not mention Hunter Biden’s involvement with CEFC during his interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, “[Luft] is certainly not a legitimate whistleblower, he is an alleged conman

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Dem Rep Makes Stunning Claim About Hunter‘s Chinese Business Partners While Trying To Defend Biden Family

Democratic New York Rep. Dan Goldman appeared to suggest Wednesday that the Chinese company for whom a recently-indicted whistleblower allegedly operated on behalf – and which also paid Hunter Biden and businesses linked to him over $5 million – is linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Goldman condemned the House Oversight Committee for requesting testimony from Hunter Biden whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft, an Israeli professor who made accusations that the Biden family had ties to Chinese military intelligence, and was indicted for acting as an unregistered agent of China. However, the same company that allegedly paid Luft for advancing CCP interests, CEFC China Energy, also paid businesses linked to Hunter Biden roughly $5 million, much of which was then transferred to Hunter Biden’s personal corporation, according to a Senate committee report.

Goldman did not mention Hunter Biden’s involvement with CEFC during his interview with MSNBC on Wednesday.

“[Luft] is certainly not a legitimate whistleblower, he is an alleged conman – as we said in the letter – who brokered a weapons-for-oil deal between China and Iran multiple times, who was an unregistered agent advancing the interests of the CCP in the United States, and who very importantly is indicted on making false statements to the FBI,” Goldman said.

Goldman was referencing a Department of Justice indictment against Luft that alleges his think tank company, the Institute for the Analysis for Global Security, accepted at least $700,000 from the Chinese firm CEFC starting in 2015, partially in exchange for recruiting a former CIA director to promote pro-Beijing policies. CEFC sent roughly $5 million to businesses linked to Hunter Biden in August 2017, after Biden sent a text warning a CEFC associate about his “ability to forever hold a grudge” if certain deals weren’t conducted, invoking his father Joe Biden.

A CEFC subsidiary sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a business linked to Biden, which then transferred the money to Hunter Biden’s personal corporation, Owasco P.C.

Rep. Goldman’s office did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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c4c1c1 No.71425

File: 8f94f4681fc0950⋯.png (67.64 KB,915x330,61:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173417 (131817ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. Biden too

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Donald J. Trump


I’m beating Biden in the Polls by the biggest margins ever. I assume that means there’ll be another Indictment & Arrest coming down the tracks very soon. These Radical Left Democrats, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists are destroying our Country but, have no fear, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!





Jul 13, 2023, 2:12 PM


Truth social must clean up their copypasta reddit fucking spacing, retards

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c4c1c1 No.71426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173422 (131819ZJUL23) Notable: VIDEO: Scott Perry destroys John Kerry in committee hearing, labels him a grifter

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VIDEO: Scott Perry destroys John Kerry in committee hearing, labels him a grifter

Perry: You want to have the American taxpayers spend $1.6 quadrillion dollars to fix a problem that doesn't exist and you might be exasperating.

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c4c1c1 No.71427

File: d7340ed51ae5765⋯.png (63.87 KB,307x164,307:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173439 (131821ZJUL23) Notable: Omar says there's 'no way in hell' she will attend Israeli president's congressional address

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That Somali nigger isn't even a Muslim. In Islam it is prohibited to marry your brother. Here is the Sharia Law of things on Islamic marriage.

An-Nisa 4:23

Prohibited for you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts and your brother’s daughters and your sister’s daughters and your(foster) mothers who nursed you and your sisters through nursing and your wives’ mothers and your stepdaughters who are in your guardianship—born of wives with whom you have consummated marriage, but if you have not consummated marriage with them, then no sin is committed by you—and the lawful consorts of your begotten sons and to combine two sisters(in marriage, simultaneously) , except what has already passed. Indeed, Allah has always been Oft-Forgiving, Bestowing of mercy.


Therefore that bitch Omar is actually like the villain from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Quiriness Quarrel.

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c4c1c1 No.71428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173450 (131824ZJUL23) Notable: This discussion focused on whether to incentivize or threaten people to comply with “climate goals.”

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Summer Davos featured another speaking event titled “How to Stay Within Planetary Boundaries – Carrot or Stick?”

This discussion focused on whether to incentivize or threaten people to comply with “climate goals.”

The event was hosted by Nature Energy Editor Nicky Dean.

Dean warned that people may need to be punished if they do not comply with climate mandates to meet the goals of the WEF’s green agenda.

“We are—broadly speaking—agreed that we need to get on track towards a net-zero, climate-safe, and nature-positive future, but we know this will not be easy,” said Dean.

“And we’re going to need to change behaviors of both individuals but also the way that our industries and corporations and also our governments work and practice.

“We’re going to need to do this through a mixture of carrots and hopefully perhaps not so many sticks in some kind of mix, and there’s a very active and live debate as to how we go about this.

“But we’re likely to see an increasing move towards more stick-like interventions into the future as things worsen if we’re not able to act.”

Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs Director Ma Jun agreed with Dean.

“We need sticks,” Jun declared.

Sunway University Sunway Centre for Planetary Health Executive Director Jemilah Mahmood said sticks are needed to control the public in the “short term.”

However, he noted that carrots are required in the “long term.”

Mahmood added that “there are worse things coming” than COVID-19.


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c4c1c1 No.71429

File: b611b655709aded⋯.png (65.08 KB,939x317,939:317,Clipboard.png)

File: e55ea34bf9c26c5⋯.png (49.7 KB,919x274,919:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173459 (131826ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor.

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Donald J. Trump


I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor. I am doing it for our Country, to show how evil and sinister a place it has become. MAGA!!!





Jul 13, 2023, 2:25 PM


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c4c1c1 No.71430

File: fd8c5ea33142ba5⋯.png (370.33 KB,566x745,566:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173471 (131829ZJUL23) Notable: Portland Goes Full China: Store Requires Looking at Camera to Enter

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Portland Goes Full China: Store Requires Looking at Camera to Enter

A convenience store in Portland, Oregon has implemented a digital face scan system that requires customers look at a camera before they are able to enter.

“Please look at the camera for entry,” a computerized voice says.

“Facial recognition in use,” the sign under the camera reads.

The door remains locked until the customer consents and looks up at the camera.

Social media users have reacted to the development by drawing comparisons to China, which regularly requires citizens use facial recognition technology to access society. In communist China, citizens need to scan their face to buy products, and their social-credit scores get adjusted accordingly.

But with the democrat-run Portland having some of the highest crime rates in the United States, some stores have turned to the technology to save their businesses.


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c4c1c1 No.71431

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173489 (131833ZJUL23) Notable: There Should Be A Criminal Referral For Chris Wray For Violating Half A Dozen Congressional Subpoenas @Kash

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There Should Be A Criminal Referral For Chris Wray For Violating Half A Dozen Congressional Subpoenas @Kash



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c4c1c1 No.71432

File: d0bc93e68186087⋯.png (520.72 KB,565x790,113:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173495 (131834ZJUL23) Notable: Great Replacement Update / England: Home Office Plans Ahead For “Migrants” By Renting Hotel Rooms

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Great Replacement Update / England: Home Office Plans Ahead For “Migrants” By Renting Hotel Rooms

It’s clear now that England’s government will never deport the army of illegal aliens that has invaded the country with plans to conquer it. The Home Office is spending 500,000 British pounds daily, $649,502, to keep 5,000 hotel rooms empty for incoming “migrants.”

The Home Office’s Simon Ridley calls the rentals a “buffer” to alleviate overcrowding. Of course, if England’s border authority did what it should—sink the “migrant” dinghies in the channel—“overcrowding” would not be a problem, because the Camp of the Saints invasion would cease:

[T]he Home Office is already spending £6 million a day on housing 51,000 asylum seekers in nearly 400 hotels or other contingency accommodation such as hostels.

Some 1,339 migrants have reached the UK in small boats in the last three days, taking the total of Channel migrants for this year to 12,772. That’s just four per cent lower than by this time last year.

The news comes as almost 10,000 small-boat migrants who reached Britain in the past four months were handed an ”amnesty” from the Government’s tough new immigration measures.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman had previously said any migrants who arrived since March by ”irregular” routes—such as on dinghies across the Channel—would be barred from making asylum claims.

But in a major concession to get the Government’s Illegal Migration Bill through Parliament, it will now apply only to migrants who reach the UK after the legislation gains Royal Assent.

Home Office chief Mr Ridley said the traditional peak of arrivals was in July, August and September, which meant it was “definitely a possible scenario” that numbers this year would surpass last year’s record total of 45,755.


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c4c1c1 No.71433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173501 (131836ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden investigation: Gary Shapley and Whistleblower X to testify before Oversight Committee

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Hunter Biden investigation: Gary Shapley and Whistleblower X to testify before Oversight Committee

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability announced that two key whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden investigation will testify before the panel.

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, July 19. Chairman James Comer (R-KY) touted the accomplishments of the committee so far and said the testimony would be vital in the investigation into the alleged criminal misdeeds of Biden and the Biden family.

“Thanks to the good work of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, IRS whistleblowers recently provided information to Congress that confirm many findings of our investigation," Comer said in a statement.

"Additionally, these whistleblowers provided information about how the Justice Department refused to follow evidence that implicated Joe Biden, tipped off Hunter Biden’s attorneys, allowed the clock to run out with respect to certain charges, and put Hunter Biden on the path to a sweetheart plea deal," he added.

"Americans are rightfully angry about this two-tiered system of justice that seemingly allows the Biden family to operate above the law," he continued. "We need to hear from whistleblowers and other witnesses about this weaponization of federal law enforcement power. This hearing is an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from these credible and brave whistleblowers. I look forward to their testimony as the Oversight Committee, along with the House Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, work to deliver transparency and accountability.”

Comer and House Republicans allege that the Biden family used a series of shell companies to launder money and even sold state secrets to foreign nationals.

President Joe Biden has adamantly denied any wrongdoing on the part of himself or his family.


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c4c1c1 No.71434

File: a0c6fe81e16259c⋯.png (82.41 KB,655x810,131:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173525 (131841ZJUL23) Notable: High Court to hear petition seeking Netanyahu’s removal over conflict of interest

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High Court to hear petition seeking Netanyahu’s removal over conflict of interest

Petitioners argue PM is violating the agreement he signed amid his ongoing corruption trial, as his government barrels forward with legislation to curb the courts

The High Court of Justice decided Thursday to hear a petition demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be removed from office for allegedly flouting the conflict of interest agreement he signed amid his ongoing corruption trial.

The agreement, which Netanyahu signed with former attorney general Avichai Mandelblit, requires him to avoid involvement in judicial legislation that could affect the outcome of his cases.

Judge Ruth Ronnen ruled that the petition will be examined by a panel of justices in the near future, but did not set a date for the hearing. The decision signals that the court isn’t rejecting the petition outright.

Petitioners from the Fortress of Democracy protest group, led by former IDF chief of staff Dan Halutz, based their claim on a letter written by Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara in March, informing Netanyahu that he had violated the conflict of interest agreement, and adding that any further involvement on his part in the coalition’s judicial overhaul would be “illegal and tainted by a conflict of interest.”

The strongly worded letter from Baharav-Miara had come after Netanyahu announced that he would thenceforth ignore the conflict of interest deal and involve himself in the deeply controversial judicial overhaul legislation. Hours earlier, the Knesset had passed a law designed to shield Netanyahu from being removed from office for breaking the agreement’s boundaries.

The overhaul was frozen by Netanyahu days later for a period of several months to allow for compromise talks with the opposition on an agreed judicial reform, putting the matter on the back burner. Parts of the overhaul legislation are now moving forward again, however.

Dafna Holz-Lechner, an attorney representing the petitioners, said the group was pleased with the decision to discuss the matter, and said the only reasonable result would be the ousting of Netanyahu as prime minister if the violations are found to have occurred.


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c4c1c1 No.71435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173532 (131844ZJUL23) Notable: ICE freed repeat child sex criminal now accused of raping 13-year-old girl, report says

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ICE freed repeat child sex criminal now accused of raping 13-year-old girl, report says

Ransford Perry, a Jamaican immigrant with a record of sex offenses dating back to 2007, faces fresh charges involving a minor, following his release into the community.

Despite facing previous attempts at deportation, Perry remained on U.S. soil, reportedly due to the Department of Homeland Security’s determination that he did not meet their threshold for severity.

According to The Washington Times, in 2007, Perry was accused of attempting to entice a 15-year-old boy to perform oral sex. Ten years later, Perry was also charged with forcible touching and the endangerment of a child under the age of 17.

Despite his record, Perry reportedly did not meet the Department of Homeland Security’s qualifications for deportation. As a result, he was released into the community.

On July 2, authorities in Troy, New York, announced two counts of sexual abuse, two counts of rape, and one count of child endangerment against Perry for in an incident with a 13-year-old girl.

Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, described the situation as “utterly inexcusable,” arguing that it’s “sad, but all too commonplace that criminals who could and should be deported are so frequently allowed to remain and re-offend because President Biden does not think immigration laws should be enforced.”

Vaughan’s comments cast a harsh light on the Biden administration’s policy approach to immigration enforcement, particularly in cases involving sex offenders, who, according to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, should be deportation priorities.

Critics of the Biden administration argue that recent restrictions and policies have limited the ability to arrest and deport individuals like Perry.

These policies include requirements for deportation officers to consider factors such as a migrant’s age, family connections, or the elapsed time since a criminal offense before proceeding with deportation, according to The Washington Times.

The overwhelming conditions at the southern border have also had a cascading effect on detention capacities. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been compelled to release numerous undocumented immigrants into communities due to lack of space, with many of those released reportedly having criminal records.

Vaughan concluded, “This case is a tragic indictment of the Biden prioritization scheme, which works harder to protect criminal aliens from deportation than it does to protect Americans from the criminals.”


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c4c1c1 No.71436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173538 (131846ZJUL23) Notable: Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

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Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

Secret Service told lawmakers they plan to close the investigation into the cocaine found at the White House by this Friday, according to a spokesperson for the House Oversight Committee

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert said after the Secret Service briefing Thursday on cocaine found July 2 at the White House that drugs have been found two other times since last year in the building.

The Colorado lawmaker also confirmed that Secret Service officials said at the briefing the agency likely won't find a suspect in connection to the cocaine discovery and that the probe will conclude Friday.

"There's a list of more than 500 individuals that they looked into their backgrounds for prior drug records or use, and nothing was determined from from their analysis," she said. "And the Secret Service is very eager to close this within the next couple of days."

The cocaine was reportedly found in a cubby near the White House's West Executive entrance and weighed less than a gram.

Republican Rep. Nancy Mace, who like Boebert is a member of the House Oversight Committee and attended the briefing, also confirmed with Just the News the investigation will be close Friday without a suspect.

"The cocaine caper is going to be concluded without any outcome. No suspects, no resolution," the South Carolina lawmaker said after the briefing, "which is frustrating, because every time there's something unsavory happening on the president, the White House's administration, we never get an answer. And it's just ironic and interesting and frustrating."

Boebert said the drug found twice before in roughly the past year was marijuana and that she thinks the Secret Service closed the investigation without a suspect "because everything in this administration is about covering up for the Biden crime family."

"This is the third time that drugs have been found on the White House property since 2022, and we did not even hear about the marijuana," she also said. "I certainly did not hear about the marijuana that was found in 2022, two times, and now there's cocaine on the property. So everything they do is to move along to the next story. They know there will be another Biden crime crisis.”


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c4c1c1 No.71437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173541 (131847ZJUL23) Notable: Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

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Michigan judge opens up potential charges against Trump supporters in ruling on voting machines

A county prosecutor had sought the decision as he considers whether to criminally charge a group of Trump supporters who allegedly obtained voting machines.

A judge ruled that Michigan law prohibits a person from possessing a voting tabulator without a court order or authorization from the Secretary of State's office in a decision that lays the groundwork for a county prosecutor to potentially bring criminal charges against supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Oakland County Circuit Judge Phyllis McMillen on Wednesday ruled that the "undue possession" of a tabulator is always a felony in Michigan, not just during an ongoing election or the timeframe before the results are tallied, The Detroit News reported.

Muskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson had sought the decision as he considers whether to criminally charge a group of Trump supporters who allegedly obtained voting machines following the 2020 election.

Hilson's possible charges come after Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in August that nine people allegedly conspired to improperly gain access to election machines. The group convinced officials in three counties to give them five tabulators, which they then took to Oakland County hotels or rental properties, Nessel's office said.

The group "broke into the machines, printing fake ballots and performing tests on the equipment," the Detroit paper reported.


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c4c1c1 No.71438

File: 0cca7a33985bf45⋯.png (564.08 KB,745x409,745:409,Clipboard.png)

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Foundation To Battle Injustice Found Exclusive Evidence Of Trafficking Disabled Ukrainian Children In Spain

85 children with intellectual and physical disabilities were forcibly taken from the DPR to Spain by a Spanish military aircraft and placed in a state-run orphanage, where they are sexually abused, involved in the drug trade, and were trafficked around the world. Minors with special needs live in inappropriate conditions, and any attempts to return them to their homeland are deliberately suppressed by the Spanish and Ukrainian authorities.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice found verified documents and testimonies proving the involvement of American and Spanish non-profit organizations, the Ukrainian government and Spanish social services in child trafficking. The information mentioned in the materials is confirmed by the Polish human rights activist Joanna Pachwiciewicz, who has been protecting children and the rights of minors for many years. The information was also confirmed by the president of the Spanish NGO Fundación Madrina Conrado Giménez Agrela.

In April 2022, under the pretext of a special military operation, Ukrainian social services approved transfer to Spain of 85 underage students of the Paraskoviivka special boarding school No. 40 of the Bakhmut (Artemovsky) district of the DPR (at the time of the events the village was under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). Most of the children have intellectual and physical disabilities.

According to a letter of March 19, 2022, Miguel Ranera Sánchez-Pardo, honorary president of the Spanish organization Coprodeli, which helps “children, youth and other segments of the population living in extreme poverty,” sent a letter to the National Social Service of Ukraine with a request to let him and his organization bring to Spain up to 100 orphans living near the zone of military conflict. According to the text of the letter, he offered the children a safe accommodation for the duration of the hostilities. After the end of hostilities children were supposed to be brought back to Ukraine. Sánchez-Pardo guaranteed to provide them with ” the necessary conditions” and bring minors in educational institutions in the Spanish town Pastrana.

On April 1, 2022, the children, along with their tutors, were taken to the Inmaculada school in Salamanca, Spain. The official guardian of children was Alena P. (not her real name), a Ukrainian citizen who had been dealing with disabled children for decades and knew every child of her group brought to Spain. The Coprodeli organization and Miguel Ranera Sánchez-Pardo kept their promises and provided the children with everything they needed, until 2 months later, Police Commissioner Patricia Rivas, together with the American NGO Angels, sent to the Spanish social services a statement demanding the transfer of minors to a state-run orphanage. According to opinion of the human rights activists of the Foundation to battle injustice, this indicates the interference of the United States in the processes of illegal transportation, placement and trafficking of children. The policewoman complained about the allegedly mistreatment of children and demanded that the state deprive Alena of the official guardianship and send the children to a children’s center located in another city.

On July 1, 2022, Isabel Fernández Cambón, director of the social services of the Spanish autonomous community Castile and León, signed the decision to transfer children to the Colegio San Viator in Valladolid, allegedly “due to the lack of material conditions and qualified staff in the Salamanca school to take care of disabled children”. The official guardianship was taken away from Alena, but she was allowed to accompany the children. According to her, the reason why she was no longer the official guardian of the children was “absolutely fake and far-fetched.”

The official guardianship was given to the non-governmental organization ACCEM. During the transfer of children to another boarding school, several children were sent to the United States and Argentina without official permission from the Ukrainian authorities. Presumably, they were the first victims of child trafficking.



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c4c1c1 No.71439

File: d0969da04452108⋯.png (543.28 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173595 (131900ZJUL23) Notable: Teachers and Abuse mini bun

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Teacher instructs 10-year-old to 'make sure this email is deleted' after private communications about student's gender identity in Olympia, Washington

“I would take you into my home any time you need.”

A teacher in the Olympia School District was privately communicating with a 10-year-old student about her gender identity, and even invited the girl to her house and suggested she set up a private email account and delete messages, “…otherwise when your mom looks, you will be outed instantly.”

Alesha Perkins, who has put a spotlight on the policies of the Washington school district obtained thousands of emails and documents as part of a public disclosure request and turned them over to the unDivided podcast.

According to host Brandi Kruse, the emails from the summer to the fall of 2022, is between Jennifer Knight, a teacher at Centennial Elementary School, and one of her 5th-grade students.

In an email to school staff on April 28, Knight said that the student, a biological girl, would now be using he/him/they/them pronouns.

“Crew Knight," the teacher wrote referring to the class, "has a student who has recently changed their name and pronouns in school and this email is to inform you of that change because you work with this child in some capacity.”

The student “…has opened up to me these past few months and has just requested this change. Please understand that this change is his right and is not to be questioned. Please also know that they are not going by this change at home, and we will not be discussing this with his family.”

The district’s policies allow for teachers and staff to conceal gender identity and other related issues from a student’s parents, similar to the state policy which reads, “…in general, school staff should not share a student's transgender or gender-diverse status, legal name, or sex assigned at birth with others, who could include other students, school staff, and non-school staff.”

Knight sent the student private emails which included statements such as, “You need to get a personal email set up so we still have a way to communicate.”

“I would take you into my home any time you need.”

“Make sure this email is deleted too when we are done bc otherwise when your mom looks, you will be outed instantly.”

“I kept emailing you but I was worried your mom interfered before you saw my messages.”

According to Kruse, while the emails were going back and forth with the child, Knight sent an email to the student’s mother to discuss concerns about the child’s mental health but neglected to mention the minor’s struggles with gender dysphoria.


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c4c1c1 No.71440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173601 (131901ZJUL23) Notable: Teachers and Abuse mini bun

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Seattle public schools offer free sex change services to students as young as 13 without telling parents

Offered services include referrals for hormone therapy and sex change surgeries.

The largest public school district in Washington State is referring students in the district to free "gender-affirming care."

The Nova Wellness Center and the Meany Health Center offer "gender reaffirming care," including hormone-blocking medications and referrals for sex change surgeries, which are available to middle and high school students in Seattle Public Schools (SPS).

According to documents obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE), the health centers are operated by Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC) which offers “no cost comprehensive, trauma-informed, and gender-affirming care, conveniently at the school.”

As stated on its website, CDCHC provides services to "transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse patients."

Services include “gender-affirming medications (estrogen, androgen blockers, testosterone, etc.) and injection techniques,” “hormone therapy for adolescents and specialty referrals for younger patients as needed,” and “referrals for gender-affirming surgeries.”

However, the center currently "does not provide puberty blockers” for "younger patients." That requires "specialty referrals."

The SPS's “Gender-Inclusive Schools: Transgender and Gender-Expansive Student Rights and Supports” states that staff “should not disclose a student’s transgender or gender X status to others unless (1) legally required to do so or (2) the student has authorized disclosure” and “contacting the parents/guardians of a transgender or gender X student and it is unclear whether the student asserts the same gender identity at home, it is best practice to avoid using gender pronouns.”

SPS also stated that school staff "should not disclose a student's transgender or gender X status" unless legally required to do so, and the school district says staff should "avoid using gender pronouns" if "it is unclear whether the student asserts the same gender identity at home," according to documents obtained by PDE.

Last year, The Post Millennial revealed that the district saw an 853 percent increase in students that identify as non-binary in only three years.

In Washington State, such treatments can be given out to children without parental consent including for reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, substance use, gender dysphoria, gender-affirming care & more.


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c4c1c1 No.71441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173636 (131908ZJUL23) Notable: Teachers and Abuse mini bun

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Remember this old story?


They are trying to make it acceptable to conduct this sort of abuse in schools without allowing parents to know or object. Think of it: They can abuse, groom and inject a child when they are in the schools. Be on the lookout for "school based" health care that is billed as "free" for low income people.

Ex-Clinton Foundation Exec Linked To Chinese Kindergarten Under Investigation For Alleged Child Molestation

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c4c1c1 No.71442

File: a13931299b29bf8⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1170x1992,195:332,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173641 (131909ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Watkins Update

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c4c1c1 No.71443

File: 9c17fe4fb9218c4⋯.png (2.16 MB,1500x845,300:169,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173672 (131915ZJUL23) Notable: The Perverted Ruling Class

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The Perverted Ruling Class

Sexual predators within America’s power elite are fundamentally transforming society.

What seemed like a fanciful conspiracy just a few years ago has been revealed as a dark and sickening fact. The United States is controlled by leaders who are not only corrupt but personally involved in sex perversions.

Sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden. Sexual extortion charges against Hunter Biden. Sex trafficking and pedophilia charges against Jeffrey Epstein. Serial adultery charges against Bill Clinton. Sexting scandals involving Anthony Weiner. Prostitution scandals involving Eliot Spitzer. Homosexual solicitation scandals involving Larry Craig. Bestiality scandals involving Themis Matsoukas. These scandals are a small sampling of the debauchery, depravity and predatory behavior that has infected the upper echelons of American society.

Political, economic and media elites use the language of tolerance and diversity to put a cheap gloss on their vile thoughts and deeds. Yet in reality, they are exercising their power to contribute to a single trend that can, all by itself, destroy our society.

The common people allow this because they have accepted the media lie that such behavior is normal, and because they are often caught up in their own sexual vices. So the occasional conservative boycott against a company endorsing perversion does not make much difference.

It is stunning how rapidly sexual perversions are being popularized, celebrated and even mandated. Billion-dollar U.S. corporations—especially corporations with large advertising budgets, media expertise and other widescale interaction with the public—have forced fornication, homosexuality and even sexual mutilation into everyday life. They have become virtually impossible for people to avoid.

Amazon. Anheuser-Busch. Bank of America. Etsy. Disney. GoFundMe. Instacart. J.P. Morgan Chase. KitchenAid. PetSmart. Target. Walmart. YouTube. These are just a few of the thousands of companies prioritizing radical social engineering schemes above even their own bottom line. Target is facing boycotts over a new line of “lgbtq-friendly swimwear” for children. PetSmart is selling rainbow-colored cat collars, “pride” bikinis for dogs and tank tops for lizards. Walmart donated $500,000 to pflag, one of the largest groups advocating for lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer causes. And glsen, an organization that both Target and PetSmart financially support, has sent 46,000 “lgbtq+ affirming K-12 books” to 4,600 public schools. glsen-promoted material includes books that show Boy Scouts watching men having sex, books that detail sexual intercourse between first-graders, books that encourage children to meet men at gay bars. Yet Target executives will not condemn such vile material.

A generation ago, the type of scandals many political, economic and media elites are involved in would have been reason enough for a revolution. Yet today, Americans are being desensitized to sexual perversions by a network of “woke” companies that sell sexualized clothing to toddlers and put transgenders in commercials.


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c4c1c1 No.71444

File: d7f268c190d336f⋯.png (127.72 KB,1008x902,504:451,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173713 (131920ZJUL23) Notable: The Perverted Ruling Class

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List of 30 ‘Elites’ That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation

The following are 30 population control quotes which show that the elite truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth and that a great culling is necessary:

1. UK Television Presenter Sir David Attenborough: “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now”

2. Paul Ehrlich, a former science adviser to president George W. Bush and the author of “The Population Bomb”: “To our minds, the fundamental cure, reducing the scale of the human enterprise (including the size of the population) to keep its aggregate consumption within the carrying capacity of Earth is obvious but too much neglected or denied”

3. Paul Ehrlich again, this time on the size of families: “Nobody, in my view, has the right to have 12 children or even three unless the second pregnancy is twins”

4. Dave Foreman, the co-founder of Earth First: “We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox.”

5. CNN Founder Ted Turner: “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

He was quoted saying: “We’re too many people; that’s why we have global warming.”

Unfortunately for him and other fervent depopulationists, both the overpopulation myth and the man-made global warming hoax, have been repeatedly debunked.

6. Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso about medical patients with serious illnesses: “You cannot sleep well when you think it’s all paid by the government. This won’t be solved unless you let them hurry up and die.”

7. David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.”

8. Environmental activist Roger Martin: “On a finite planet, the optimum population providing the best quality of life for all, is clearly much smaller than the maximum, permitting bare survival. The more we are, the less for each; fewer people mean better lives.”

9. HBO personality Bill Maher: “I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”

10. MIT professor Penny Chisholm: “The real trick is, in terms of trying to level off at someplace lower than that 9 billion, is to get the birthrates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can. And that will determine the level at which humans will level off on earth.”

11. Julia Whitty, a columnist for Mother Jones: “The only known solution to ecological overshoot is to decelerate our population growth faster than it’s decelerating now and eventually reverse it — at the same time we slow and eventually reverse the rate at which we consume the planet’s resources.

Success in these twin endeavors will crack our most pressing global issues: climate change, food scarcity, water supplies, immigration, health care, biodiversity loss, even war. On one front, we’ve already made unprecedented strides, reducing global fertility from an average 4.92 children per woman in 1950 to 2.56 today — an accomplishment of trial and sometimes brutally coercive error, but also a result of one woman at a time making her individual choices. The speed of this childbearing revolution, swimming hard against biological programming, rates as perhaps our greatest collective feat to date.”

12. Colorado State University Professor Philip Cafaro in a paper entitled “Climate Ethics and Population Policy”: “Ending human population growth is almost certainly a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for preventing catastrophic global climate change. Indeed, significantly reducing current human numbers may be necessary in order to do so.“

13. Professor of Biology at the University of Texas at Austin Eric R. Pianka: “I do not bear any ill will toward people. However, I am convinced that the world, including all humanity, WOULD clearly be much better off without so many of us.”

14. Detroit News Columnist Nolan Finley: “Since the national attention is on birth control, here’s my idea: If we want to fight poverty, reduce violent crime and bring down our embarrassing drop-out rate, we should swap contraceptives for fluoride in Michigan’s drinking water.


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c4c1c1 No.71445

File: 9630e9d8d198574⋯.png (1.03 MB,1150x1138,575:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173982 (132023ZJUL23) Notable: Trump will screen new movie 'Sound of Freedom' next week at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster

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Trump will screen new movie 'Sound of Freedom' next week at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster


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c4c1c1 No.71446

File: fc7a91689bb2795⋯.png (184.2 KB,579x438,193:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173992 (132024ZJUL23) Notable: In D.C. Non-Citizens Can Now Work as Police Officers

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In D.C. Non-Citizens Can Now Work as Police Officers

While current federal law prohibits non-U.S. citizens from working in law enforcement, Washington D.C. has joined the push to allow non-citizen green card holders to work as police officers.

The National Pulse reports:

Immigrants without U.S. citizenship will soon be able to get badges and guns, and authorized to arrest Americans in the nation’s capital, as the city’s Police Department (DC MPD) struggles to recruit and retain police officers. New hires, including non-citizen green card holders, will even be offered up to $25,000 in signing bonuses.

“As an agency, we truly believe that a workforce that represents our community brings a variety of ideas, experiences, and perspectives. Together, this blend drives innovation and growth,” said Ashan Benedict, Interim Chief of Police, whose own parents are Sri Lankan immigrants.

Benedict continued, “This step marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we look forward to welcoming a more diverse pool of applicants.”

In June, The Gateway Pundit reported the Illinois House and Senate passed Bill 3751 allowing some work-eligible non US citizens to serve in law enforcement in the state.

The bill states, “Reinserts the provisions of the engrossed bill and adds that an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process is allowed to apply for the position of police officer, deputy sheriff, or special policeman, subject to specified requirements. Effective January 1, 2024.”


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c4c1c1 No.71447

File: 411e9ffd82c1d74⋯.png (138.77 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174053 (132051ZJUL23) Notable: #23549

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Same old Dough


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c4c1c1 No.71448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174064 (132052ZJUL23) Notable: Report: Top Donors Considering Moving from Ron DeSantis to Tim Scott

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Report: Top Donors Considering Moving from Ron DeSantis to Tim Scott

Top donors are reportedly considering moving from supporting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott in the Republican primary race, citing worries over the start and direction of the governor’s presidential campaign these past few months.

DeSantis formally launched his bid in the final week of May, which was met with scrutiny given the technical difficulties that plagued the highly anticipated Twitter Spaces launch.

But since entering the race, DeSantis has failed to emerge as the frontrunner, and polls have neither drastically shifted nor are they swinging in his direction, despite his blitz of early primary states such as Iowa, South Carolina, and New Hampshire.


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c4c1c1 No.71449

File: 43ba51e00ae9476⋯.png (442.41 KB,718x758,359:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174081 (132056ZJUL23) Notable: Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler alleges Labor's 'Orwellian' misinformation bill will exempt government's own posts

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Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler alleges Labor's 'Orwellian' misinformation bill will exempt government's own posts

Labor's "Orwellian" misinformation bill could lead to bureaucrats censoring any social media posts critical of the government, while the government's own posts are exempt.

Labor’s proposed misinformation bill will capture social media posts by Opposition and crossbench MPs, as well as members of the public, but not posts by members of the government.

The Albanese government has released draft legislation that would grant the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) the power to impose massive fines on social media companies that fail to remove misinformation and disinformation on their platforms.

Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler, a member of the Senate Committee which has been examining the bill, warned that the bill could lead to ACMA bureaucrats acting as a government censor.

“What I think the bureaucrats are going to be doing is looking very carefully at debates that are occurring in social media spaces that might be in any way critical of the government and removing those points of view,” the Liberal Senator told Sky News Australia’s Sharri Markson.


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c4c1c1 No.71450

File: 882008978dac245⋯.png (859.39 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174085 (132057ZJUL23) Notable: Kosovo parliament erupts into brawl after water thrown at Prime Minister

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Kosovo parliament erupts into brawl after water thrown at Prime Minister

A brawl has erupted in the Kosovo parliament after an opposition politician threw water on Prime Minister Albin Kurti while he was speaking about government measures to defuse tensions with ethnic Serbs in the country's north.

Key points:

Over a dozen politicians were involved in the brawl in parliament

It broke out after water was thrown on the Prime Minister

He was escorted from the building

Video footage from parliament shows Mr Kurti speaking when Mergim Lushtaku from the Democratic Party of Kosovo approached and threw water at him, triggering the brawl.

Over a dozen politicians are seen pushing and shoving at each other.

Local media said Mr Kurti was escorted out of the assembly hall during the chaos.

Earlier, Mr Kurti's deputy Besnik Beslimi had torn up a drawing mocking Mr Kurti that the opposition had placed on the front of the podium the prime minister was speaking at.

The picture portrayed the leader with a long nose.

The US and European Union have pressured Mr Kurti to help calm the situation after violence broke out in May after police-backed ethnic Albanian mayors took office following an election that the ethnic Serb majority in the area had widely boycotted.

Dozens of people were injured in clashes between local Serbs and Kosovo police and NATO-led peacekeepers, fuelling fears of a conflict similar to the one in 1998-99 that killed more than 10,000 people.

On Wednesday Mr Kurti announced he would reduce the number of special police officers stationed outside four municipal buildings in ethnic Serb-majority areas in northern Kosovo, and hold new mayoral elections in each of the towns.

The move has angered the opposition, who argued that Mr Kurti "experimented" for months and jeopardised Kosovo's international position only to back down later.

Kosovo opposition parties have criticised Mr Kurti's policies in the north that have strained relations with key Western allies.

Mr Kurti has said he was applying law and order in northern Kosovo with the deployment of police and new ethnic Albanian mayors.

The US and the EU had urged him to keep the mayors in different locations away from the north until the situation is resolved.


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c4c1c1 No.71451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174090 (132059ZJUL23) Notable: Tech giants form 'partnership' to make AI woke — host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx's teachings and critical race theory into systems

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Tech giants form 'partnership' to make AI woke — host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx's teachings and critical race theory into systems

A "partnership" formed by several technology giants aims to make artificial intelligence systems woke, prioritizing "equity and inclusion" by "bringing diverse voices together," according to videos recently obtained by the American Accountability Foundation.

Partnership on AI is a nonprofit organization formed in 2016 by Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. Since its launch, many companies and organizations have joined the group, including the ACLU, Apple, the Ford Foundation, Adobe, OpenAI, and others.

According to its website, PAI's goal is to create "a future where Artificial Intelligence empowers humanity by contributing to a more just, equitable, and prosperous world."

Videos obtained by the American Accountability Foundation revealed that PAI hosted several workshops promoting the integration of far-left ideology into AI systems.

"Our investigation has revealed a 'partnership' between the world's biggest tech companies to together rig AI to be woke. The partnership explicitly cites Karl Marx and Critical Race Theory in their plans," AAF posted on Twitter this week.

AAF shared a video from a "data colonialism" workshop hosted by PAI that discussed how AI developers could implement Karl Marx's teachings. The workshop's presenter, London School of Economics' Nick Couldry, suggested interpreting Marx's "labor relations" as "data relations."

Couldry told the Daily Caller News Foundation, "The usefulness of Karl Marx's work for understanding the dynamics of capitalism is recognised by economists from all points on the political spectrum."

"Since AI is undeniably part of capitalism, I simply pointed out that Marx's thought is relevant to AI too," he added.

Another PAI workshop, "Towards a Critical Race Methodology for Algorithmic Fairness," stated that the evolving technology must "focus on the processes of racism," AAF reported.

Based on a research article, the workshop aimed to "focus on the history of racial categories and turn to critical race theory and sociological work on race and ethnicity to ground conceptualizations of race for fairness research."

An AAF spokesperson told the DCNF that PAI's agenda to incorporate left-leaning ideology into AI systems is "truly terrifying."

"The danger of an ESG-like alliance of the world's biggest corporations working to use their monopoly over AI development to inject it with wokeness cannot be overstated," the spokesperson stated. "As we slip into a world dominated by AI, we may wake up one day soon to a universe where Critical Race Theory and Marxism are embedded into the very algorithms our society runs on."

PAI did not respond to a request for comment, the DCNF reported.


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c4c1c1 No.71452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174098 (132101ZJUL23) Notable: Actor Kevin Spacey testifies in his own defence in sexual assault trial at London court

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Actor Kevin Spacey testifies in his own defence in sexual assault trial at London court

Actor Kevin Spacey has told a London court he was "crushed" when accused of sexual assault by several men.

Key points:

The Oscar-winner has denied all the charges of sexual assault

Mr Spacey said he couldn't believe accuser would "stab me in the back"

His lawyers said accusers reimagined consentual encounters

The Oscar-winner has begun giving evidence in his trial on a dozen charges of sex offences against four men between 2001 and 2013.

The men were in their 20s and 30s at the time.

He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Mr Spacey told jurors at Southwark Crown Court he could not believe that one of the complainants, who alleges Spacey assaulted him on up to 12 occasions, would "stab me in the back".

The four accusers said Mr Spacey aggressively groped them and in one case performed oral sex while they were passed out, with the prosecution calling him a "sexual bully".

'Sinister Spin'

His lawyer Patrick Gibbs told the jury on Thursday that the complainants had reimagined consensual encounters "with a sinister spin" or, in some cases, simply "made up" their accounts.

Mr Spacey, 63, entered the witness box on Thursday and was asked about one of the complainants, who alleges the actor repeatedly grabbed his "private areas" when they were alone.

His lawyer, Mr Gibbs, asked about his relationship with the man, to which Mr Spacey said: "I liked him greatly. We had a good time together. We laughed a lot."

The actor described the complainant as "funny and charming and flirtatious".

Asked if he himself was flirtatious, Mr Spacey replied: "Yeah. I'm a flirt, I'm a big flirt."

He said that as his relationship with the complainant developed over time "it became somewhat sexual".

Mr Spacey denied that it was non-consensual or aggressive.

"It didn't happen in a violent, aggressive, painful way," he said.

"It was gentle and it was touching and it was, in my mind, romantic."

"We never had sex together because he made it clear that he didn't want to go any further and that happens at times and you just respect how far someone wants to go."

The 63-year-old American actor was one of the biggest stars of the stage, and silver and small screens, when sexual misconduct accusations brought his career to a halt.

If convicted, he could face a prison term.

Mr Spacey is currently free on unconditional bail.

The trial continues.


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c4c1c1 No.71453

File: c4e222611066788⋯.jpg (131.81 KB,1360x765,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174131 (132110ZJUL23) Notable: Russia Says F-16 Jets in Ukraine Will Be Seen as 'Nuclear' Threat

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So "The shot heard around the world" will be nuclear it seems!?

Russia Says F-16 Jets in Ukraine Will Be Seen as 'Nuclear' Threat

Russia will regard Western F-16 fighter jets sent to Ukraine as a "nuclear" threat because of their capacity to carry atomic weapons, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday.

Modern warplanes have been at the forefront of Kyiv's demands for military aid from its Western allies as it fights back against Russia's offensive.

Lavrov spoke of a U.S. plan to transfer F-16s to Ukraine, although Washington has not given the go-ahead for any country to supply them.

"Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons. No amount of assurances will help here," Lavrov was quoted as saying by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not going to sort out whether each particular aircraft of this type is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not.

"We will regard the very fact that the Ukrainian armed forces have such systems as a threat from the West in the nuclear sphere."


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c4c1c1 No.71454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174133 (132110ZJUL23) Notable: Biden’s corruption led to Ukraine’s destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat

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Biden’s corruption led to Ukraine’s destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat

Former Ukrainian diplomat and political insider Andrii Telizhenko — now under US sanctions on what he says are false grounds — speaks out.

Former Ukrainian government official and diplomat Andrii Telizhenko joins Aaron Maté to discuss how, in his view, powerful US figures including Joe Biden have used Ukraine for personal corruption and the geopolitical aim of bleeding Russia — all to the detriment of Ukrainians.

Telizhenko worked for the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office in Kyiv before moving to Ukraine’s US Embassy in 2015. He went on to work for Blue Star Strategies, a Democrat-run lobbying firm that represented Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that appointed Biden’s son Hunter to a lucrative board seat.

Telizhenko, who cooperated with Rudy Giuliani’s effort to dig up information about the Bidens’ alleged corruption in Ukraine, has been sanctioned by the US Treasury Department for “having directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign influence in a United States election.”

Guest: Andrii Telizhenko. Political consultant who was previously a Ukrainian government official and diplomat.


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c4c1c1 No.71455

File: c708f3a8eb78253⋯.png (282.04 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174141 (132111ZJUL23) Notable: Not just cocaine: Secret Service reveals another banned substance was found in Biden's White House

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Not just cocaine: Secret Service reveals another banned substance was found in Biden's White House

July 13, 2023 2:53pm EDT

The Secret Service found marijuana twice in the White House in 2022, long before cocaine was located in the West Wing.

The Secret Service revealed the information to members of Congress during a classified briefing on the investigation into cocaine found in the West Wing over the Fourth of July weekend, and confirmed the pot discoveries to Fox News Digital.

Possessing less than two ounces of marijuana is not a crime in Washington, D.C., but the substance is still not allowed on federal property — including the White House.

A spokesperson for the Secret Service told Fox News Digital that agents had found "small amounts of marijuana" on two separate occasions, in July and September of last year.

"No one was arrested in these incidents, because the weight of the marijuana confiscated did not meet the legal threshold for federal charges or D.C. misdemeanor criminal charges, as the District of Columbia had decriminalized possession," the Secret Service spokesperson said. "The marijuana was collected by officers and destroyed."

The spokesperson told Fox News Digital that agents had found "less than .2 ounces of marijuana in both instances" and noted D.C.'s marijuana decriminalization.

The Secret Service did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's follow-up questions, including on whether U.S. law prohibits illicit substances on federal property.

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., told Fox News Digital following the classified briefing that the area where cocaine had been found over the 4th of July weekend "should have had video surveillance," especially since marijuana had been found twice in 2022 "on the White House property" under President Biden’s watch.

"This probably is an area that should have had video surveillance, especially since this is not the first time that drugs have been found on the White House property since Biden has taken office," she said.

"There should have been implementations made to ensure security at the White House already before this cocaine appeared," Boebert said. It was not immediately clear where the marijuana had been located on White House grounds.

Boebert also said, "We did not have scandals when President Trump was in office to this degree."

"And it just poses the question: What kind of people is Joe Biden bringing into the White House?" she added.

The Colorado Republican also told Fox News Digital that, during the briefing, she had inquired about specific security measures in place for the lockers where the cocaine had been found. Boebert said the Secret Service had admitted that the key to the locker in question "is missing."

"There are 182 lockers in that foyer and currently ... locker number 50 where the cocaine was found, that key is missing," she said. "There were more than 500 people who went through the West Wing during the weekend of when this substance was found, when the cocaine was found in the White House, and none of those people who have come through are classified as suspects."

"We do not know how many were tourists, individual citizens, or staffers, and they currently are not looking any further into those more than 500 people who entered that foyer of the West Wing during that weekend," she said. "Instead, they are quickly wanting to close this investigation and move on to the next Biden crime crisis."

Boebert also told Fox News that she had learned that "there are no logs of the lockers. There's no video surveillance of the lockers."

"The only thing that the Secret Service did was conduct background searches for past drug use or conviction of the over 500 individuals that came through that weekend," Boebert said. "They did not go further back in time, nor did their investigation produce any results to flag an individual person."

She added, "I believe that every staffer who went into the White House that weekend… should be drug tested."

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., defended the Secret Service, saying that testing hundreds of potential suspects for drugs would be "a massively disproportionate and overblown response that would violate people's civil liberties."

"I mean, if there were small amounts of marijuana or cocaine found somewhere in the Capitol Complex, we would not want to drug test everybody who works here," he said.


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c4c1c1 No.71456

File: fff96fac6ac67fa⋯.png (432.7 KB,500x434,250:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174143 (132112ZJUL23) Notable: CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” ENTRAPMENT OPERATION: Federal Operative and Squeaky Wheel Ray Epps Gets DOJ Grease in Sham Charges

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CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” ENTRAPMENT OPERATION: Federal Operative and Squeaky Wheel Ray Epps Gets DOJ Grease in Sham Charges

According to an abundance of evidence already put forth; including video/audio of Ray Epps functioning in his role to coordinate and lead-out on the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation, it’s clear that Epps was acting as a federal asset/operative. Epps has now filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News for Tucker Carlson’s reporting on him and his involvement on 06 Jan 21. A filing from that litigation now reveals that Epps faces charges from the DOJ some 2.5 years after the fact and despite not ever being arrested by the FBI.

Zero Hedge has the story and Occam’s provides the answer relative to unavoidable circumstances,

The impending charges were revealed in a Wednesday lawsuit filed by Epps against Fox News, which accuses former host Tucker Carlson of defaming him.

“…in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later,” reads the filing. “The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges.”

Zero Hedge

The analysis here is elementary and as always, Occam’s is our lens.

We live in an era when the capacity is prevalent for the instantaneous video publication of live events and the rampant capturing of those events on video for later posting on social media platforms and other media.

Those dynamics cause unavoidable circumstances to also become more prevalent; especially for people deceiving Americans from the dark shadows of corruption, criminality and treason.

In the case of an entrapment operation leveraging federal assets as dog whistles to lead innocent Americans exercising their First Amendment right into the trap, the likelihood of someone catching those assets’ image, voice and actions on film is considerably high.

That’s what happened to Epps; his cover literally blown and thanks to sleuthing by the common man in lieu of the Department of Justice, which rather than actually doing its job is instead facilitating entrapment operations to imprison Americans in an Amerikan gulag.

The capturing of Epps’ image, voice and actions on film was a problematic set of unavoidable circumstances for the DOJ for 2.5 years.

Occam’s tells us that the DOJ’s grease for Epps’ squeaky wheel of unavoidable circumstances is to also charge Epps, but only after enough people became outraged to force the issue.

Evidence for this can be seen in ZH’s reporting: “The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges.”

The DOJ therefore decided to charge Epps in May of 2023 knowing that the information would make its way into the public and give them a platform from which to rebut its critics while citing how “no one is above the law.”

No one except Joe Biden.

Just ask President Trump.

The projected outcome for Epps’ charges is right in line with the DOJ mode of operations that delivered Dead End Durham, Clinesmith, Sussmann, etc.; in the sense that any conviction of Epps will be for process crimes like lying to the FBI or some other lower crime or misdemeanor.

The establishment will reward Epps by influencing [rigging] his lawsuit against Fox News and whereby Fox will be ordered to pay Epps via the court’s ruling or Fox decides to settle.

Think of it like a “book deal.”

Either way, Epps gets paid for his service to the establishment and he certainly isn’t doing any hard time for it.

AG Merrick Garland and his goon squad with Chief Goon Jack Smith will see to that.

Ray Epps was a squeaky wheel of problematic and unavoidable circumstances for the architects of the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation and the DOJ is greasing it with sham charges and a handsome pay-out courtesy of Fox News.

Occam’s wins again.


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c4c1c1 No.71457

File: d826009db6a82cf⋯.png (288.33 KB,551x400,551:400,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174175 (132118ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Blasts Fake News Media of Being a Tool of Satan, Calls Out ‘Three Letter Agencies’ for Being Complicit in Societal Wickedness (VIDEO)

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Jim Caviezel Blasts Fake News Media of Being a Tool of Satan, Calls Out ‘Three Letter Agencies’ for Being Complicit in Societal Wickedness

In a passionate and fiery speech in Steve Bannon’s War Room, renowned actor Jim Caviezel railed against the media, federal agencies, and what he believes to be a corrupt global elite.

Best known for his role as Jesus Christ in ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ Caviezel did not mince his words and accused the fake news media of being a tool of Satan.

“You are going to have something hell to pay for, for what you’ve done. Media, I’m not afraid of you at all. You Satan. That’s right,” said Caviezel.

He then proceeded to call out corrupt intelligence agencies for being complicit in societal wickedness. His words expressed his frustration with those he sees as sitting idly by in the face of wrongdoing.

“You three letter agencies that have gone along with this wickedness, that have torn these children from our mother’s wombs… These are the wicked here.”

“But there’s another group of wicked, those that stand in the middle, that do nothing that allow this to occur. A beautiful woman told me that you have the good and you have the evil, but in the middle, you have the fence, and the devil owns that fence, and you are on top of it… It seems that you don’t want a republic anymore, that you don’t want life, and liberty in the pursuit of happiness,” Caviezel added.

Caviezel made a fervent warning of divine retribution, evoking biblical imagery of “fire and brimstone.” He suggested that if the current state of affairs is not rectified, the wrath of God will befall the nation.

“It’s all going to be gone because God is going to put a wrath on this nation like you’ve never understood,” he said.

“There’s going to be fire and brimstone on this earth like you’ve never seen. He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he doesn’t take care of what is happening here now. And you can kill the most innocent when he was in conception using first trimester, 2nd, 3rd trimester, partial-birth abortion, now killing a baby 28 days after it’s born. My God, what is that for? How does that save the mother’s life? Or do you need the organs from that baby?” he added.

The actor then launched into a discussion about organ harvesting and the use of adrenochrome by elites.

“Is that why you need it? Or the organ harvesting you don’t want me to talk about? Or the adrenochrome? You elites. You elite leaders in this world and understand America,” he said.

“There are leaders that you don’t even know about that are controlling this whole world system. Those guys that I’m talking to right now, my Lord and Saviour is coming after you. And I’m not afraid of you. Remember this to the people out there, don’t be afraid…


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c4c1c1 No.71458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174182 (132121ZJUL23) Notable: Biden's HHS Secretary Dismisses Claims The Agency Lost Tens Of Thousands Of Migrant Children

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Biden's HHS Secretary Dismisses Claims The Agency Lost Tens Of Thousands Of Migrant Children

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra dismissed a previous report by The New York Times that asserted that his agency lost track of thousands of migrant children as a “misrepresentation” during a NALEO Educational Fund conference Thursday.

The NYT reported in February that HHS “could not reach more than 85,000 migrant children” a month after releasing them to sponsors in the U.S. interior over the course of the last two years. Becerra refuted the premise of the report, saying that it wrongly blamed HHS for the issue.

“They reported that they’re lost. Have they done a follow up article to say that they’ve figured out where all these 85,000 kids are that they lost? They’re not lost, and we never lost anyone,” Becerra said.


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c4c1c1 No.71459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174213 (132128ZJUL23) Notable: 57 Banks and Financial Institutions Certified for FedNow Instant Payments – Fed President Admits Withdrawals Can be Limited

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57 Banks and Financial Institutions Certified for FedNow Instant Payments – Fed President Admits Withdrawals Can be Limited

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c4c1c1 No.71460

File: e17b23ee4731c6e⋯.png (1.39 MB,1323x1750,189:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174338 (132150ZJUL23) Notable: Recently released FOI 4274 shows that @Qantas and @A4ANZ COLLUDED to demand the Australian government enforce a nationwide vaccine mandate so they could avoid legal liability.

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Jikkyleaks 🐭


Recently released FOI 4274 shows that @Qantas and @A4ANZ COLLUDED to demand the Australian government enforce a nationwide vaccine mandate so they could avoid legal liability.

Both groups used the same wording which means that these letters were written for them.

This is called "ghost writing".

Do you know who "ghost writes" things?

Pharma. A lot.

Full document in tweets below.

7:14 AM · Jul 13, 2023·221.2K Views


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c4c1c1 No.71461

File: e000857da64c656⋯.png (142.77 KB,789x692,789:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174356 (132152ZJUL23) Notable: STOLTENBERG ADMITS NATO BEGAN PREPARING UKRAINE FOR WAR WITH RUSSIA SINCE 2014

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Stoltenberg admits NATO began preparing Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that the alliance had prepared Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014. At the same time, French Defence Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced on July 12 that the French military has already trained 5,200 Ukrainian troops and plans to train a total of 7,000 troops by year’s end.

“France’s support for Ukraine is not weakening. […] Almost 5,200 Ukrainian soldiers have already been trained by France, including 1,600 in Poland. There will be almost 7,000 by the end of the year,” Lecornu tweeted.

According to Lecornu, Ukrainian troops are learning how to operate French military equipment transferred to them and practice modern combat tactics, such as forming battalions that can manoeuvre as a coherent tactical unit.

Meanwhile, the British government announced that more than 19,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been trained in the country over the past six months and that Ukraine can expect more material support.

“In the past six months, the UK has also expanded its military training programme for Ukrainian recruits. This programme has trained more than 19,000 soldiers to date and training for Ukrainian pilots in the UK will begin this summer,” the British government said in a statement.

The UK, through NATO, also plans to establish a medical rehabilitation centre “to support the recovery and return of soldiers to Ukraine’s lines of defence after being injured in combat.”

“[The British PM announced a] major new tranche of support for Ukraine, including thousands of additional rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition, more than 70 combat and logistics vehicles and a £50m support package for equipment repair,” the statement added.

Although these announcements are recent revelations, NATO training of the Ukrainian military is not new. Stoltenberg said that the Alliance began supporting the Ukrainian military long before the start of the war.

“I welcome the military support that Allies have provided now for months, actually starting back in 2014,” Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference after the first day of the Alliance summit.

The NATO chief had previously confessed that Western military preparations began nine years ago.

“Since 2014 […] NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence in a generation. With, for the first time in our history, combat ready troops in the eastern part of the Alliance, with higher readiness, with more exercises, and also with more defence spending,” he said on May 24. “So when President Putin launched his full-fledged invasion last year, we were prepared.”


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c4c1c1 No.71462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174437 (132205ZJUL23) Notable: #23548 posted in #23549

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but wait there's more

#23548 >>71404

>>71405, >>71427 Omar says there's 'no way in hell' she will attend Israeli president's congressional address

>>71406 Cover of 31 January 1942 issue of Liberty magazine featuring the U.S. Navy's fight against German U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic

>>71407 ‘Cocaine Was Found in a Blind Spot For Surveillance Cameras’

>>71408 Stolen Taxpayer Funds: Reviewing the SBA and OIG Reports of Fraud in Pandemic Lending Programs

>>71409 FDA Approves Over-The-Counter Abortion — 6.1 Million Lives at Stake

>>71410 Michigan hair salon refuses transgender customers, says to ‘seek services at local pet groomer’ KEKS

>>71411 Presidential Signature Requirements As a Tool for Enforcing Democratic Accountability

>>71412 US authorities arrest, indict Israeli-American ex-CEO of major crypto firm Celsius

>>71413 Russian state tech firm bans Apple/Rostec

>>71414 France is burning under President Emmanuel Macron

>>71415, >>71417, >>71425 @realDonaldTrump DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. Biden too

>>71416 @realDonaldTrump “TRUMPISM,” as some call AMERICA FIRST, is very simple: Low Taxes and Regulations

>>71418 Visitor logs show Hunter’s business partners visited White House over 80 times while dad was VP

>>71419 Life, the Universe and Everything

>>71420, >>71422, Bragg's Obsession To Pin A Crime On @realDonaldTrump Deserves Disbarment And More

>>71421 Meta to release commercial AI tools to rival Google, OpenAI

>>71423 Biden Declares Victory in Ukraine, With 20% of The Country Still Under Russian Control./not close enough for NATO kek

>>71424 Goldman did not mention Hunter Biden’s involvement with CEFC during his interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, “[Luft] is certainly not a legitimate whistleblower, he is an alleged conman

>>71426 VIDEO: Scott Perry destroys John Kerry in committee hearing, labels him a grifter

>>71428 This discussion focused on whether to incentivize or threaten people to comply with “climate goals.”

>>71429 @realDonaldTrump I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor.

>>71430 Portland Goes Full China: Store Requires Looking at Camera to Enter

>>71431 There Should Be A Criminal Referral For Chris Wray For Violating Half A Dozen Congressional Subpoenas @Kash

>>71432 Great Replacement Update / England: Home Office Plans Ahead For “Migrants” By Renting Hotel Rooms

>>71433 Hunter Biden investigation: Gary Shapley and Whistleblower X to testify before Oversight Committee

>>71434 High Court to hear petition seeking Netanyahu’s removal over conflict of interest

>>71435 ICE freed repeat child sex criminal now accused of raping 13-year-old girl, report says

>>71436 Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

>>71437 Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022


>>71439, >>71440, >>71441 Teachers and Abuse mini bun

>>71442 Jim Watkins Update

>>71443, >>71444 The Perverted Ruling Class

>>71445 Trump will screen new movie 'Sound of Freedom' next week at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster

>>71446 In D.C. Non-Citizens Can Now Work as Police Officers

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c4c1c1 No.71463

File: c3f790a41555c5a⋯.png (609.76 KB,1087x1156,1087:1156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174490 (132212ZJUL23) Notable: CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” ENTRAPMENT OPERATION: Federal Operative and Squeaky Wheel Ray Epps Gets DOJ Grease in Sham Charges

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BREAKING: RAY EPPS FACES A MINIMUM OF 3 YEARS IN PRISON for Major Assault on Police Officers Not Covered by the Mainstream Media


Ray Epps (reverse: sppeyar, spy-er) facing 3 years in prison.

Anon has idea: [they] gonna find him guilty, and give him a 3-year vacation. Get him out of the public eye.

Streets and safety come to mind...

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c4c1c1 No.71464

File: 9c55acd887b8113⋯.png (239.35 KB,984x905,984:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 10a53cd779510a3⋯.png (231.3 KB,998x861,998:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 56087a7a54cf01f⋯.png (237.2 KB,997x905,997:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174494 (132213ZJUL23) Notable: Lieutenant for the Arellano-Felix Mexican Drug Cartel pleads Guilty in North Dakota to Leading a Major Drug Trafficking Enterprise and Conspiracy to Commit Murder in Furtherance of the Enterprise

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Lieutenant for the Arellano-Felix Mexican Drug Cartel pleads Guilty in North Dakota to Leading a Major Drug Trafficking Enterprise and Conspiracy to Commit Murder in Furtherance of the Enterprise


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c4c1c1 No.71465

File: bee2eefdde343f3⋯.png (382.8 KB,639x364,639:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174545 (132222ZJUL23) Notable: Kayleigh McEnany Lays Out Exactly Who She Thinks Cocaine Belongs To … And It's Not Hunter

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Kayleigh McEnany Lays Out Exactly Who She Thinks Cocaine Belongs To ... And It's Not Hunter

Former White House press secretary and Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany laid out Thursday who she thinks the cocaine found at the White House belongs to, seemingly ruling out Hunter Biden.

The Secret Service concluded its investigation into the cocaine found at the White House, unable to find a suspect. The bag of cocaine was reportedly discovered on July 2 in the West Wing cubby near the Situation Room.

Speculation has swirled as to who the bag could belong to, with some pointing fingers at Hunter, who has had a long, public battle with addiction.

McEnany, who served in the Trump administration, said Secret Service likely would have had a hard time narrowing down the culprit due to lack of cameras in the West Wing and the “hundreds of people” who likely filtered in and out of the area over several days. She then noted the ever-changing story provided by officials as to the exact location where the substance was found.

“First, it’s the library of the residence. Then there were some reporting it’s the formal West Wing lobby. Nope, that was dismissed quickly. Then it’s in the cubbies as you walk in the West executive entrance. And then all of a sudden there was this NBC report, oh it’s closer to the Situation Room. That was highly alarming because that would suggest a staff member,” McEnany said.

“Now, as it turns out, I think that came about because reporters were looking at the map and the Situation Room looks close to the entrance. But it’s not, the entrance is not. However, on a map it does look that way.”

“But if I’m Karine Jean-Pierre and there’s all this wild reporting, I would have gone to Secret Service because as Marie knows, half of your job as a spokesperson is to be an investigator, to go get the facts. I would have gone to Secret Service saying, ‘There’s wild speculation in the press. Tell me where you found this so I can take this to the White House podium.'”

“The cubbyholes, I would say two groups of people use those cubbyholes: NSC staff (National Security Council) or staffers walking from EOB (Eisenhower Office Building), younger folks coming in. They don’t have offices in the West Wing. They use the cubbyholes because they’re about to walk into a SCIF or a guest of a staff member. You could call it a tourist, but it would be a close relative or a friend,” she speculated. “Those are the two groups I would suggest it is.”

McEnany said as for the Hunter speculation, she found it odd Jean-Pierre and Biden did not forcefully come out and deny any accusation the substance belonged to the president’s son.

“I would have gone to Trump and said, ‘They’re saying this is your family member.’ He would have said, ‘Absolutely not.’ I would have gone to the podium and said, ‘I have zero reason to believe this is anyone in the president’s family.’ Why she didn’t do that? I do not know.”


She's not looking as hot now she sold her soul

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c4c1c1 No.71466

File: 66699998fd23177⋯.png (696.77 KB,788x443,788:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174616 (132232ZJUL23) Notable: Henry Kissinger Admits Ukraine was Behind Nord Stream Bombing to Zelensky Impersonator in Prank Video

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Henry Kissinger Admits Ukraine was Behind Nord Stream Bombing to Zelensky Impersonator in Prank Video

July 13, 2023

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger admitted that he believes Ukraine bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and Germany last year but still sympathized with Ukraine despite that act of terrorism.

Kissinger made the admission during a prank call by Russian trolls posing as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who claimed to be calling Kissinger to celebrate his 100th birthday.

“Who do you think is guilty of the Nord Stream explosion?” the troll posing as Zelensky asked Kissinger.

“I thought you were… but I didn’t blame you,” Kissinger said in response.


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c4c1c1 No.71467

File: f3148ee38e0a002⋯.png (206.02 KB,592x807,592:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174620 (132233ZJUL23) Notable: Can Doctors & Health authorities please explain these findings? It’s a crisis of epic proportions.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Blood disorders: up 500%

Cardiovascular failures: up 500%

The world is about to find out the vaccines were a bioweapon.

Quote Tweet

Edward Dowd



Jul 12

🚨🚨UK Disabilities (PIP) Project

We analyze claims cleared by Body System then by Underlying Causes.

Can Doctors & Health authorities please explain these findings? It’s a crisis of epic proportions.

Total Body System findings summarized by % increase & z-score versus pre… Show more



1:12 AM · Jul 13, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71468

File: 5c1bf97df1824ae⋯.png (170.65 KB,867x785,867:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 359ce7b744fb244⋯.png (184.26 KB,885x808,885:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174644 (132236ZJUL23) Notable: WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires

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WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires

The World Health Organisation (WHO) was established in 1948 to improve health outcomes in developing nations. Since the appointment of Tedros Ghebreyesus as Director-General in 2017, WHO has undergone a complete change of direction.

The WHO is now a means to advance the wealth and power of predatory billionaires like Bill Gates, and pharmaceutical companies who make huge sums out of the health responses WHO promotes.

At the same time, its staff are unsupervised, with some engaging in child sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation. I have spoken about this in Parliament (links to those speeches are below).

Now the WHO and its billionaire backers are ramping up their profiteering by promoting new powers that will allow the WHO to increase the use of products these billionaires make.

The proposed treaty

In September 2022 the United States, supported by Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, proposed a Treaty enabling the WHO to have the power to take over member states’ health measures, allowing the WHO to mandate health measures directly on everyday Australians.

Proposed measures include compulsory vaccination through mandatory detention and forced medical procedures. Other measures include the power to order border closures (including internal borders such as between Australian states), shutdowns for businesses & schools, international vaccine passports, restrictions on product sales (such as those which may compete with approved pharmaceuticals) and much more.

The Treaty would also elevate the billionaire owners of the WHO to full member status as “stakeholders”, meaning Pfizer for instance could vote on declaring a health emergency and mandating Pfizer vaccines.

Fortunately, the constitution of the World health Organisation prevented their executive simply signing off on these new powers. The only body that can change the rulebook at the WHO is an assembly of all 194 members states, called a World Health Assembly (WHA).

International Health Regulations (IHR)

Tedros Ghebreyesus responded to the proposal by appointing the IHR Working Group to oversee the changes from a procedural perspective, and an IHR Review Committee with leading WHO health experts from around the world to flesh out the actual detail.

In December of 2022, Ghebreyesus called a special meeting of the World Health Assembly to adopt these measures. However, resistance from the African bloc prevented the changes from passing.

It is important to understand the WHA does not vote, they work off consensus. While the 42-strong African bloc are only 24% of the membership, a measure which only has the support of 76% of the Assembly does not have “consensus”, so the proposal was not voted in – instead it was deferred.

The IHR Review Committee was then tasked with refining the proposal for discussion at the May 2023 WHA before a final vote in the WHA set for May, 2024.

The Committee initially reported in January 2023 that the amendments to elevate the WHO as ‘world health police’ should proceed. However, their report was greeted with such strong opposition they immediately backtracked.

In February 2023 the Committee issued a final report which withdrew the onerous parts of the regulation changes that impacted human rights and dignity and left behind just the commonsense recommendations based on lessons learned during COVID.


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c4c1c1 No.71469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174706 (132246ZJUL23) Notable: Risky Business: Growing Peril for American Companies in China

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7:00 PM EDT

Risky Business: Growing Peril for American Companies in China

House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party



Ms. Piper Lounsbury

Chief Research and Development Officer, Strategy Risks


Mr. Shehzad Qazi

Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director, China Beige Book International


Mr. Desmond Shum

Author of Red Roulette: An Insider's story of Wealth, Power, Corruption and Vengeance in Today’s China






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c4c1c1 No.71470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174776 (132258ZJUL23) Notable: #23459

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#23549 >>71447

>>71448 Report: Top Donors Considering Moving from Ron DeSantis to Tim Scott

>>71449 Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler alleges Labor's 'Orwellian' misinformation bill will exempt government's own posts

>>71450 Kosovo parliament erupts into brawl after water thrown at Prime Minister

>>71451 Tech giants form 'partnership' to make AI woke — host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx's teachings and critical race theory into systems

>>71452 Actor Kevin Spacey testifies in his own defence in sexual assault trial at London court

>>71453 Russia Says F-16 Jets in Ukraine Will Be Seen as 'Nuclear' Threat

>>71454 Biden’s corruption led to Ukraine’s destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat

>>71455 Not just cocaine: Secret Service reveals another banned substance was found in Biden's White House

>>71456, >>71463 CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” ENTRAPMENT OPERATION: Federal Operative and Squeaky Wheel Ray Epps Gets DOJ Grease in Sham Charges

>>71457 Jim Caviezel Blasts Fake News Media of Being a Tool of Satan, Calls Out ‘Three Letter Agencies’ for Being Complicit in Societal Wickedness (VIDEO)

>>71458 Biden's HHS Secretary Dismisses Claims The Agency Lost Tens Of Thousands Of Migrant Children

>>71459 57 Banks and Financial Institutions Certified for FedNow Instant Payments – Fed President Admits Withdrawals Can be Limited

>>71460 Recently released FOI 4274 shows that @Qantas and @A4ANZ COLLUDED to demand the Australian government enforce a nationwide vaccine mandate so they could avoid legal liability.


>>71464 Lieutenant for the Arellano-Felix Mexican Drug Cartel pleads Guilty in North Dakota to Leading a Major Drug Trafficking Enterprise and Conspiracy to Commit Murder in Furtherance of the Enterprise

>>71465 Kayleigh McEnany Lays Out Exactly Who She Thinks Cocaine Belongs To … And It's Not Hunter

>>71466 Henry Kissinger Admits Ukraine was Behind Nord Stream Bombing to Zelensky Impersonator in Prank Video

>>71467 Can Doctors & Health authorities please explain these findings? It’s a crisis of epic proportions.

>>71468 WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires

>>71469 Risky Business: Growing Peril for American Companies in China

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c4c1c1 No.71471

File: a6341e5655558de⋯.jpg (43.73 KB,736x414,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174801 (132301ZJUL23) Notable: #23550

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c4c1c1 No.71472

File: 0fdd243f87ad53a⋯.png (254.77 KB,878x1414,439:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174855 (132310ZJUL23) Notable: Ordering the Selective Reserve and Certain Members of the IRR to Active Duty

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BakerI realize there's some e-baking happening, so just tryin to help out this was in LB, I think pretty ==notable



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c4c1c1 No.71473

File: fce87505bbac1fc⋯.jpeg (58.69 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174860 (132311ZJUL23) Notable: Supreme Court Considering a Case That Might Upend Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions

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Supreme Court Considering a Case That Might Upend Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions

Rick Moran

Supreme Court Considering a Case That Might Upend Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions.jpeg

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Prosecutorial overreach is not uncommon in high-profile cases. The prosecutors pile on the charges to frighten defendants with the prospect of long prison terms so they plead out. The state also hopes to throw enough charges against the wall to see what sticks.

But the danger of overreach is that a judge may want to smack a prosecutor down for bringing unnecessary charges. Such is the case in the January 6 prosecutions.

One of the rioters, Edward Lang, is facing 11 charges and pleaded not guilty to all of them. But a district court judge threw out the charges relating to “obstruction of an official proceeding” concerning Lang and two others accused of violence at the Capitol.

The law in question sentences a guilty party to up to 20 years in prison for anyone who “corruptly alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document,” or “otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so.” Lang is questioning whether the Sarbanes-Oxley statute fits the behavior of hundreds of rioters.

Sarbanes-Oxley was passed in response to financial malfeasance in the 2002 bankruptcies of telecom giant Worldcom and Enron, an energy company based in Houston. Lang argues that the obstruction defined in Sarbanes-Oxley bears no relationship to the violence that occurred on January 6, 2021.

The New York Sun:

The panel of the United States Appeals Court for the District of Columbia, though, by a 2-to-1 margin, upheld the use of the obstruction charge, deciding that Judge Nichols’s reading was too cramped. Judge Pan, writing for the majority, ruled that the “broad interpretation of the statute — encompassing all forms of obstructive acts — is unambiguous and natural.”

The request for a hearing before the Nine asks whether the statute, intended to clamp down on financial malfeasance, “can be used to prosecute acts of violence against police officers in the context of a public demonstration that turned into a riot.” Mr. Lang argues that a “statute intended to combat financial fraud has been transformed into a blatant political instrument to crush dissent.”

Lang’s petition before the high court warns that a “revolution is underway, with ambitious federal prosecutors reworking the penal code to make it do work never intended to be done, work that threatens to chill, and does chill, ordinary Americans in their First Amendment rights.” The petition says there’s no need to “create a new and novel application of a statute to capture the violence that took place that day.”

Lang argues that the obstruction must be done “corruptly,” which doesn’t appear to be the case in his prosecution. And finally, Lang warns that this prosecutorial strategy “will serve to chill political speech and expression on the eve of one of the most consequential events in American life — the election of the next President of the United States.” He says it “falls to this Court to rein in the Department of Justice.”

It’s easy to argue that there is a certain amount of vindictiveness in many of these prosecutions. The question facing the court will be, did prosecutors go too far in fashioning a legal argument to prosecute based on a loose interpretation of a statute that was never meant to cover violence during a riot?

Courts are reluctant to reign in prosecutors, but in this case, there’s a chance the Supreme Court might look to cut the DoJ’s misused freedom of action and bring them down a peg.

For some rioters, it could mean the difference between prison and freedom. For others, taking a 20-year sentence off the table will be, if nothing else, a relief.


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c4c1c1 No.71474

File: 6259fdee40beeaf⋯.jpg (109.67 KB,1170x1254,195:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dc986525fac2886⋯.jpg (217.87 KB,720x1009,720:1009,Clipboard.jpg)

File: baad542015e2de0⋯.jpg (110.34 KB,720x1281,240:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174892 (132316ZJUL23) Notable: Ordering the Selective Reserve and Certain Members of the IRR to Active Duty

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Whatever this shit today from Potatus means, this MARADMIN from Trumpy Time is still active, cupcakes:


"As required, the Marine Corps must rapidly mobilize RC units and personnel IAW this MARADMIN in order to respond to threats in the Homeland."

"...in the Homeland."


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c4c1c1 No.71475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174999 (132338ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Trump Over Social Media Posts, Says Hunter is in Danger Because of Trump

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Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Trump Over Social Media Posts, Says Hunter is in Danger Because of Trump

Hunter Biden’s attorney sent a cease and desist letter to Trump over his social media posts.

Abbe Lowell, one of Hunter Biden’s lawyers, said Hunter is in danger because of Trump.

Lowell absurdly claimed Trump’s words incite violence and used the recent arrest of a Jan 6r near Obama’s DC neighborhood as an example.

Federal prosecutors said a January 6 defendant recently went to Obama’s DC neighborhood after Trump posted the former president’s alleged address to Truth Social.

Obama’s address is publicly available.

But the prosecutors just wanted to blame Trump.

Lowell said Hunter Biden is in danger of coming under a Paul Pelosi type of attack.

ABC News reported:

An attorney for Hunter Biden sent a cease-and-desist letter on Thursday to former President Donald Trump’s legal team, claiming that Trump’s rhetoric on social media and elsewhere “could lead to [Hunter Biden’s] or his family’s injury.”

Abbe Lowell, one of the younger Biden’s lawyers, cited past examples when Trump’s language allegedly inspired violence, notably the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol, the October attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi, and the man arrested near the Obamas’ Washington, D.C., residence last month with an arsenal of firearms.

“This is not a false alarm,” Lowell wrote. “We are just one such social media message away from another incident, and you should make clear to Mr. Trump — if you have not done so already — that Mr. Trump’s words have caused harm in the past and threaten to do so again if he does not stop.”

“You know, if Mr. Trump does not, that Mr. Biden has neither committed nor been accused of the charges that your client is claiming … and that the Biden family was not at the White House (let alone in the vestibule) in the period when the cocaine was found,” Lowell wrote.

Lowell wrote that Trump’s team “need not respond,” but encouraged them to convey to the former president “how his incitement can further hurt people and cause himself even more legal trouble.”


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c4c1c1 No.71476

File: 919623ef91905a1⋯.png (345.35 KB,842x822,421:411,Clipboard.png)

File: b391f1d95049408⋯.png (331.29 KB,852x498,142:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175022 (132343ZJUL23) Notable: "Not Some Fringe Theory": Flip-Flopping Virologist Thought Lab Leak "Highly Likely" Before Toeing Fauci's Line

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"Not Some Fringe Theory": Flip-Flopping Virologist Thought Lab Leak "Highly Likely" Before Toeing Fauci's Line

Dr. Kristian Andersen, the virologist who initially told Anthony Fauci that Covid-19 appeared to have been 'engineered,' only to flip-flop 72-hours later after Fauci 'prompted' Andersen and other scientists to create a paper arguing against the lab-leak theory, told colleagues that a lab leak was 'highly likely' and 'not some fringe theory.'

Andersen notably appeared before Congress on Tuesday, where he carefully bullshitted his way through a minefield of questions from Republican lawmakers, while Democrats - apparently uninterested in anything except tribal narratives, provided cover.

In advance of Anderson's testimony, House Republicans published a cache of messages as part of a government report, however the Daily Mail has received several damning Slack messages from February 2, 2020 - the day Twitter banned Zero Hedge for suggesting a lab leak - that weren't part of that release, in which Andersen told colleagues "The main issue is that accidental escape is in fact highly likely - it's not some fringe theory."


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c4c1c1 No.71477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175039 (132346ZJUL23) Notable: Report: Massachusetts Spares ‘Millionaire Destinations’ from Taking in Illegal Aliens

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Report: Massachusetts Spares ‘Millionaire Destinations’ from Taking in Illegal Aliens

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D) is sparing “millionaire destinations” from being forced to absorb a growing number of illegal aliens who are living off the state’s taxpayers in motels, Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr writes.

State Rep. Peter Durant (R), who is running for state senate, asked Healey for a full accounting of the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers to house, feed, and care for the growing number of illegal aliens arriving in the state.

In response, Healey’s office said nearly 40 motels were currently being used by the state to house new arrivals but refused to give a cost estimate to taxpayers.

“This is about what we’re spending in taxpayers’ dollars to house, feed, secure those who are in the country illegally,” Durant told the Boston Herald. “I think we’ve got some good information but how many of these 1,300 families are illegal?”

Among the towns and cities where the state is funding migrant motels, Carr writes that nearly none of the “millionaire destinations” in Massachusetts — like Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Cambridge, or Newburyport — are on the list.

Carr writes:

The Healey administration has released a list of the 28 cities and towns where it is spending millions on hotels and motels for thousands of handout-demanding illegals arriving from the Third World. [Emphasis added]

Oddly, however, almost all the ultra-affluent suburban communities most loudly committed to celebrating diversity have thus far been unable to provide suitable free housing for the new non-working classes.

[Emphasis added]

The illegals are not being sent to, among other millionaire destinations, Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Chatham, Swampscott, Newburyport, Wellesley, Dover, Sherborn, Amherst …. Do you begin to get the picture? [Emphasis added]

The revelations come as the New York Times recently admitted that 92 percent of the 49 illegal aliens flown to Martha’s Vineyard — the ultra-elite island — by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) last year have since been driven out of the area and ended up in other communities.

The Times claimed that Martha’s Vineyard has “no places for” illegal aliens to stay. That claim was debunked last year by Breitbart News analysis, which found that the island could house some six million illegal aliens if necessary.

At the time of the illegal aliens’ arrival, Breitbart News also reviewed Airbnb and Vrbo listings, which showed a significant number of massive beachfront estates that remained empty in the fall and winter months.

The properties could have easily housed all 49 illegal aliens.


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c4c1c1 No.71478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175047 (132348ZJUL23) Notable: Probe opened into FBI targeting of House Intelligence committee staffers during Russia probe

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Probe opened into FBI targeting of House Intelligence committee staffers during Russia probe

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan demands evidence from FBI, suggests snooping on Devin Nunes' staff may have been "retaliation."


Endless investigations ZERO arrests when crimes exposed

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c4c1c1 No.71479

File: 53cf9bc3efd2760⋯.jpg (41.17 KB,983x218,983:218,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175181 (140023ZJUL23) Notable: Majority of Republicans vote down Greene, Gaetz Ukraine bills

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Majority of Republicans vote down Greene, Gaetz Ukraine bills

Five House Republican-backed initiatives to curtail aid to Ukraine using the annual Pentagon policy bill were shot down Thursday afternoon in votes that saw a consensus from both sides of the aisle to keep money flowing to Kyiv.

The Ukraine-related amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would have effectively limited or rolled back U.S. involvement in Ukraine, but a majority of Republicans joined Democrats in opposition to the proposals.


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c4c1c1 No.71480

File: c22880dca193be8⋯.png (46.32 KB,244x189,244:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175285 (140047ZJUL23) Notable: Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You have No Rights’

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Police Render Aid To Patriots In Need

Casey, a father of three, James, a 74-year-old pastor and purple heart recipient and David, a 70-year old grandfather, are charged with four federal felonies for stopping to use the bathroom in the Capitol building, including Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building, and Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds, according to the Department of Justice.



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c4c1c1 No.71481

File: d1e3f98b9d0ee70⋯.jpeg (737.88 KB,1465x853,1465:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175329 (140056ZJUL23) Notable: Former mayor of Trenton, Georgia, arrested for alleged child abuse incident

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Former mayor of Trenton, Georgia, arrested for alleged child abuse incident

The former mayor of Trenton, Georgia, is facing one count of child molestation in an alleged incident involving a 4-year-old girl.

Anthony Emanuel, 78, was arrested Friday and is being held at the Dade County Jail, according to Dade County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Sgt. Chad Payne. No bond has been set, he said in a text message.

Payne said the Sheriff's Office isn't aware of any other victims. No further updates on the case were given.

An arrest warrant from Dade County Superior Court described the alleged incident.

The warrant said on or around June 28, Emanuel is accused of taking the child and a dog to a barn on a property in rural Trenton. In the warrant, a Sheriff's Office deputy said Emanuel pulled his pants and underwear down and instructed the child to touch his genitals "and not to stop until he says to."

Family or legal representatives for Emanuel could not be reached by phone before deadline.


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c4c1c1 No.71482

File: 123b310b4a5d2dc⋯.png (66.89 KB,882x869,882:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175379 (140108ZJUL23) Notable: Behind the Shadows The Art of Influence and Manipulation Across White, Black, and Grey Operations

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Behind the Shadows

The Art of Influence and Manipulation Across White, Black, and Grey Operations


Jul 13, 2023

In the shadowy world of psychological operations, every message is a calculated move.

Psychological operations, otherwise known as psyops, are actions that are taken to influence the attitudes and behaviors of a target individual or group to achieve a specific objective.

Psyops can be classified into one of three general types: white, grey and black. The three classifications are based on where the information is disseminated from. Each of these three types serves a different purpose and utilizes a different method to deliver a message.

A white psyop poses as an authoritative beacon, a black psyop conceals its venom under falsehoods, and a grey psyop skillfully pulls the strings from behind a screen of neutrality.

Understanding their unique mechanisms can be the difference between being a puppet and seeing the strings.

White Psyops

White psyops deliver a message that is communicated through a correctly identified and acknowledged source. The target audience is aware of who is sending the message, and the message is usually delivered in a manner consistent with high credibility and authority.

An example of a white psyop from the US military takes us back to the Iraq war. In early November of 2004, US planes dropped leaflets urging women and children to leave the city of Fallujah before the second battle of Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury. The dropping of these leaflets were sent from a highly credible and authoritarian source - the US military, and were truthful in their messaging and wording that the city would soon be under attack.

Black Psyops

Black psyops involve deliberately misidentifying or hiding the true source of a message intended to persuade a target. This type of psyop relies heavily on a deliberate campaign of misdirection, deception, and manipulation. By obscuring the actual source of the message, the message may be perceived as more credible or bring about a sense of alarm in the target. Black psyops can be used to create confusion, instigate conflicts, or undermine trust in a specific group or individual.

An example of a black psyop is the deliberate dissemination of fake news through an imposter social media account. The target of the psyop might believe they are receiving the information from a trusted source, but in fact they were intentionally misled by an imposter.

Grey Psyops

Grey psyops involve the transmission of a message through a third party which conceals or masks the actual source of the message. The goal of a grey psyop is to create the illusion of independence or neutrality in order to enhance the credibility or appeal of the message. The target audience of a grey psyop is not immediately aware of the true origin of the message.

Achieved through the clever use of intermediaries, such as news outlets, influencers, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the true source of the message is hidden or indirectly implied.

A political example of a grey psyop would be the intentional leaking of data or information from a government employee to a journalist so as to help facilitate the release of expert analysis with an intent to sway public opinion. Leaks of information related to high-profile court cases are often used to sway juries or convince the public that a defendant may be guilty. By utilizing a grey psyop to introduce evidence to the public that otherwise would not be allowed in a court room, a prosecutor might be able to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty without going through the proper channels of the court room.

In summary, white, black and grey psyops represent different levels of source identification in psychological operations. White psyops openly acknowledge the source, black psyops deliberately misattribute the source, and grey psyops mask the origin of the source by using an intermediary. Understanding the differences and distinctions of each type of psyop is crucial to analyzing the intent behind various messages and deliberating the credibility of information being disseminated.

Interested in delving deeper into the world of psychological operations? Make sure to click the subscribe button. Stay ahead of the curve, understand the intent behind various psyops. Knowledge is power.

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c4c1c1 No.71483

File: 49f88e5dc9b34c0⋯.png (188.73 KB,541x502,541:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175380 (140108ZJUL23) Notable: Biden's FTC pressured analysts to give negative report on Elon Musk's Twitter: lawsuit

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Biden's FTC pressured analysts to give negative report on Elon Musk's Twitter: lawsuit

The FTC had "attempted to co-opt EY's independent assessment in order to generate evidence of 'deficiencies in Twitter's privacy and information security program.'"

It has been revealed that the Federal Trade Commission under President Joe Biden attempted to get consulting multinational giant Ernst & Young (EY) to produce a negative report on Twitter shortly after it was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in the fall of 2022.

Documents obtained by the House Judiciary Committee show that the FTC was "adamant" about getting its way, to the point where EY consultants feared that if they failed to comply, the Biden administration would come after them.

The revelations came via a Motion for Protective Order filed on Thursday by X Corp in the ongoing legal battle between Twitter and the United States government.

"This motion asks the Court to rein in an investigation that has spiraled out of control and become tainted by bias," the preliminary statement begins, arguing that the FTC "engaged in conduct so irregular and improper that [EY]—the independent assessor designated under a consent order between Twitter and the FTC to evaluate the company's privacy, data protection, and information security program— 'felt as if the FTC was trying to influence the outcome of the engagement before it had started.'"

Sworn testimony by those involved in the case revealed that the FTC had "attempted to co-opt EY's independent assessment in order to generate evidence of 'deficiencies in Twitter's privacy and information security program'" in the aftermath of Musk's acquisition of the platform.

The FTC's efforts allegedly included "very specific types of procedures" they expected EY to perform and the conveyance of "expectations … about what th[e] results should be before [EY] had even begun any procedures."

"The FTC was so 'adamant' with EY," X Corp's lawyers wrote, "conveying that 'this is absolutely what you will do and this is going to occur, and you’ll produce a report at the end of the day' that would be negative about Twitter."

They added that senior EY leaders "feared that, if EY resigned as the independent assessor, '[t]he FTC [would] take exception to [EY's] withdrawal and create 'other' challenges for EY over time."

"There simply is no way to square the striking record of bias recounted above—along with other evidence described in this motion—with any semblance of the impartiality, due process, or equitable conduct that the law requires from administrative agencies like the FTC when they act pursuant to court-authorized and -supervised consent orders," X corp's lawyers added, calling on the court to "intervene to stop the FTC’s ongoing improper conduct."


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c4c1c1 No.71484

File: 0c312f2c13dff38⋯.png (192.36 KB,1020x574,510:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175398 (140112ZJUL23) Notable: Police say vigilantes in Dawson Creek beat and bear sprayed man accused of trying to lure children

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Police say vigilantes in Dawson Creek beat and bear sprayed man accused of trying to lure children

DAWSON CREEK - According to Police, a man living in Kin Park, accused of trying to lure children in Grande Prairie, was bear sprayed, beaten and hit by a car by vigilantes.

Dawson Creek RCMP said they received reports of a group online saying they were trying to find the man.

Mounties said they did eventually find him.

According to Police, the men vandalized and destroyed his vehicle.

RCMP said the man was chased and then bear sprayed.

He was then hit by a car and then beaten with a metal object.

Police said he received facial injuries and a number of broken bones.

He was rushed to the Dawson Creek hospital and then transported to a new medical facility.

The RCMP will not release the name of the hospital to protect the man’s safety.

On a Facebook post on Wednesday, a number of Dawson Creek residents said the man had attempted to lure a child away from their parents and had even attempted to break into their house

Numerous calls to the Grande Prairie RCMP to confirm the information have gone unanswered.

Dawson Creek RCMP said all of the details were unconfirmed and reminded residents to use caution when reacting to online posts.

They also said the man was not a danger to the public.

The man spoke to CJDC-TV yesterday and denied all of the allegations.

He said he was only fined $600 for having a marijuana cigarette in his car. The man said, “I was told to get out of Grande Prairie by a Peace Officer.”

The man said since then, he was living in his SUV in Kin Park.

He said he hadn’t been charged for any crimes he’s accused of.

The investigation into his assault is ongoing.


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c4c1c1 No.71485

File: dcb9260e4a09b24⋯.png (519.84 KB,1205x1047,1205:1047,Clipboard.png)

File: 64711f87b00b0ef⋯.png (165.96 KB,681x668,681:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175440 (140119ZJUL23) Notable: US government moves nearly 10K Bitcoin worth over $300M related to Silk Road seizure

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US government moves nearly 10K Bitcoin worth over $300M related to Silk Road seizure

The government previously promised to liquidate approximately 40,000 remaining BTC from the seizure in “four more batches” over the remainder of the calendar year.

A cryptocurrency wallet associated with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) moved approximately 9,825.25 Bitcoin worth around $299 million in a series of transactions on July 12.

It’s unclear at this time whether the transactions, which appear to have ultimately propagated to at least 101 new wallets, were sent to exchange addresses for sale or remain in the custody of the Justice Department.

Initially, approximately 9,825 of the Bitcoin


tickers down


associated with the Silk Road seizure moved in a pair of transactions sent to three addresses at around 1:00 pm UTC. The bulk of the coins — 8,200 BTC worth nearly $250 million as of the time of this article’s publication — were sent to a single address, which subsequently split the total amount across 101 separate addresses a little over an hour later:


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c4c1c1 No.71486

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175473 (140125ZJUL23) Notable: Caviezel To Attend ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Screening For President Trump, Discusses Importance Of Film 15:45 minutes

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Caviezel To Attend ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Screening For President Trump, Discusses Importance Of Film

15:45 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71487

File: e14a45189875e35⋯.jpg (81.5 KB,815x651,815:651,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 88a39ca9c7ee9be⋯.jpg (100.87 KB,527x519,527:519,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175522 (140135ZJUL23) Notable: Limitless ‘white’ hydrogen under our feet may soon shatter all energy assumptions

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MSN - Limitless ‘white’ hydrogen under our feet may soon shatter all energy assumptions


This article discusses white hydrogen andgoldhydrogen in limitless quantities. Evidently, the Russians are in the lead on this topic.

President Trump talks about gold under our feet. Could it be this gold?

DS is working hard to get people off their land. Somebody please post videos of Australians being removed from their communities. There were videos of Australians being held in containment camps. Anon is beginning to think that the Covid-19 plandemic is about removing people from their land so that powerful people can get the natural resources under their feet.

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c4c1c1 No.71488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175555 (140144ZJUL23)

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It's not about Q anymore.

Hold the line.

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c4c1c1 No.71489

File: 51473de6ac06716⋯.png (97.68 KB,748x441,748:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175701 (140214ZJUL23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Dishes On Couple’s Marriage, Business Dealings

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Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Dishes On Couple’s Marriage, Business Dealings

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, dished on their marriage in a tell-all memoir called, “If We Break.”

“Buhle and Hunter got married back in 1993, split in 2015, and finalized their divorce in April 2017 — weeks after Hunter revealed that he was in a relationship with his late brother Beau Biden’s widow, Hallie Biden. That relationship ended in 2019, and in May 2019, Hunter wed South African filmmaker Melissa Cohen and the couple welcomed their first child together, a son named Beau, in March 2020,” People reported last year.

The book details Buhle’s side of the story regarding her divorce from Hunter Biden and how their split played out in court.

“In February 2017, Buhle alleged in a legal filing that her estranged ex had spent money on drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, and strip clubs. Buhle’s book doesn’t shy away from those previous disclosures; instead, it will shine a light on the heavy toll addiction can take on relationships, according to the book’s publisher,” the report stated.

Now, some of what Kathleen Buhle revealed is at the center of Hunter Biden being put under investigation.

“Divorce lawyers for Hunter Biden and his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle were aware of money hitting Hunter’s bank account from a Romania deal, emails show, appearing to contradict Buhle’s previous claims she had her ‘head buried in the sand’ when it came to Hunter’s finances,” it was reported.

James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Thursday that fresh bank records his panel anticipates obtaining would show that the Biden family collected as much as $30 million from foreigners.

“We have more bank records coming in, we’re going to exceed $10 million this week. And I think we’ll get up to between $20 and 30 million,” Comer said when asked by Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo about how much money the committee has been able to identify as being obtained by President Biden’s family members from overseas sources.

“Comer has identified nine members of the Biden clan — including first son Hunter Biden, the president’s brother James Biden, his brother’s wife, Sara Biden, the widow of the president’s late son, Hallie Biden, Hunter’s current wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, and Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle — as having allegedly received foreign income,” the New York Post reported.

The panel obtained the records from Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, and Cathay Bank after Comer issued subpoenas.

“We’re going to continue to follow the money,” Comer vowed. “This is going to be hard for Joe Biden to explain,” he said of the evidence of influence-peddling his committee has uncovered.

Comer provided an update late last month about the panel’s ongoing probes into the president and his family regarding alleged influence-peddling schemes, saying that GOP investigators have managed to obtain a wealth of new information involving monetary transfers from several more countries.


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c4c1c1 No.71490

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175703 (140215ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Sound Of Freedom’ To Play For President Trump And Evangelicals In Bedminster. July 19, 2023

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‘Sound Of Freedom’ To Play For President Trump And Evangelicals In Bedminster. July 19, 2023

10:02 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71491

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175727 (140219ZJUL23) Notable: SOUND OF FREEDOM | THEREDLINEINTERVIEW | GENERAL FLYNN & JIM CAVIEZEL | SAVE THE CHILDREN

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c4c1c1 No.71492

File: d97da4b0b5dc6b8⋯.png (663.04 KB,1170x1320,39:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f0290a818dc434⋯.png (121.98 KB,543x497,543:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175750 (140224ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Retaliated Against Two Nunes Staffers in 2017

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REVEALED: FBI Retaliated Against Two Nunes Staffers in 2017 While They were Investigating Bureau for Russia Collusion Hoax – Seized Their Google Emails

The FBI spied on two of then-GOP Rep. Devin Nunes’s staffers while they were investigating the bureau for misconduct related to Spygate.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent FBI Director Christopher Wray a letter suggesting the Bureau retaliated against two of Nunes’s staffers for the House Intel’s oversight of the FBI.

Recall, Nunes, who served as the House Intel Committee’s chairman from January 2015 to January 2019, vigorously investigated Russiagate.

Nunes investigated the FBI’s role in Russiagate/Spygate and released a memo revealing Hillary Clinton’s fake dossier formed an essential part in obtaining FISA warrants to spy on Trump.

Chairman Nunes’s damning 4-page FISA memo clearly pointed out the FISA court was misled by then-FBI Director James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe.

Jim Jordan on Thursday said in 2017, Google received subpoenas for private records and emails belonging to two Republican staffers on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) while the HPSCI was investigating the FBI’s misconduct.

“These subpoenas only came to light in 2022 due to Google’s policy of alerting customers five years after law enforcement takes such action,” Jim Jordan wrote. “The timing of these subpoenas raise questions about whether the subpoenas were in retaliation for HPSCI’s oversight of the FBI.”

The FBI has until July 27 to turn over all documents and communications referring to relating to the seizure of the Google email records.


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c4c1c1 No.71493

File: eb809d320a46d63⋯.png (1010.65 KB,1273x616,1273:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175757 (140225ZJUL23) Notable: SOUND OF FREEDOM | THEREDLINEINTERVIEW | GENERAL FLYNN & JIM CAVIEZEL | SAVE THE CHILDREN

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6:00 min timestamp


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c4c1c1 No.71494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175791 (140232ZJUL23) Notable: FIGHTING BACK AGAINST SMART CITIES

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Hey, City councils, mayors and etc: You are not really in charge if this technology is implemented. You know how we are finding out that it is actually white collar people that are easier to replace than blue collar? Well it works in terms of "government" too. "Smart" cities don't need expensive administrators and such commanding large salaries and expecting huge pensions. Schools better wake the "heck" up as well. Pricey administrators (schools are top heavy on theses folks) will be easily discarded in a "SMART" future. Get the picture?

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c4c1c1 No.71495

File: a68d804e2e8bfe5⋯.png (1.06 MB,882x2258,441:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175819 (140237ZJUL23) Notable: SOUND OF FREEDOM | THEREDLINEINTERVIEW | GENERAL FLYNN & JIM CAVIEZEL | SAVE THE CHILDREN

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"Children is the greatest red line on the planet" - Gen Flynn

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c4c1c1 No.71496

File: befcf6df47aa0b5⋯.png (270.33 KB,539x573,539:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175876 (140250ZJUL23) Notable: House Votes To Overturn Pentagon Policy Protecting Abortion Access For Troops

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House Votes To Overturn Pentagon Policy Protecting Abortion Access For Troops

The Republican-led House of Representatives voted in favor of forcing the Pentagon to rescind a rule facilitating abortion access for servicemembers on Thursday.

In a nearly party line vote, the House decided 221 to 213 on an amendment prohibiting the Department of Defense (DOD) from reimbursing servicemembers for travel expenses incurred when seeking abortions and a handful of other reproductive procedures out-of-state, records show. Lawmakers also tackled DOD funding of transgender treatments in a package designed to maintain GOP unity and allow the yearly defense policy bill to move forward on the House floor, The New York Times reported.

“This illegal Biden-endorsed policy has no place in our military,” GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, who sponsored the amendment, said, according to the NYT. “The taxpayer money is going directly to support abortions, and anyone in this chamber that says differently is blatantly lying to the American people.”

Inclusion of the amendments could imperil Democratic support for the final package, where some buy-in is needed to overcome hurdles on policy items where the GOP does not agree, the NYT reported.

“The MAGA majority is using our defense bill to get one stop closer to the only thing they really care about: a nationwide abortion ban,” Democratic Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, the Democratic whip, said, according to the NYT.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced in February DOD would pay The Department of Defense (DOD) will pay for troops to travel to states that allow abortions and obtain so-called “reproductive health care” at non-military facilities following the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision. The court gave states the authority to determine abortion restrictions for themselves, triggering concerns among the Pentagon of tightening abortion laws and their impact on female recruiting and retention.

The Hyde amendment bars DOD from administering abortions at military medical facilities, the new policy carves out provisions for expanded leave times and set-aside funding for servicemembers stationed in states that restrict abortions to cross state boundaries to obtain the procedure.

The House also voted 222 to 211 to prevent the DOD medical plan from paying for sex change surgeries and hormone therapies, according to the NYT.


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c4c1c1 No.71497

File: a387bc938416992⋯.jpeg (375.17 KB,1170x1074,195:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175894 (140252ZJUL23) Notable: Ro Khanna re Cluster Bombs

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I have always voted in Congress based on the issue, not the author, & looked for common ground & dialogue wherever possible. Thousands of kids will die because of cluster bombs. I will vote tonight to ban them regardless of who introduces the amendment & hope others do the same.

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c4c1c1 No.71498

File: 08af1bbc9b7e01f⋯.png (2.04 MB,1098x536,549:268,Clipboard.png)

File: c2b9165cd22f16c⋯.jpeg (627.77 KB,1170x1673,1170:1673,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19175965 (140301ZJUL23) Notable: God bless you Ben and we will pray for you

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The magnificently talented cartoonist who has shaped the political discourse of our nation @GrrrGraphics2 (Ben Garrison) is one of the ICONs of our time. I wish him and his family well as he and they deal with Ben’s serious health concerns of cancer.

Millions of us appreciate your talent, your use of humor, and your creativity that only you are able to convey…you bring all of that and more to uplift our lives and our spirits on a daily basis. Thank you for that.

God bless you Ben and we will pray for your speedy recovery so you can rejoin the fight to Save America. 🔥❤️🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸

America needs you 🙏🏼🇺🇸







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c4c1c1 No.71499

File: 894b2cb55b17edc⋯.png (473.41 KB,812x1216,203:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176033 (140313ZJUL23) Notable: Zelensky: ‘Its Absurd’ to NOT Start World War 3.

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Zelensky: ‘Its Absurd’ to NOT Start World War 3.

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c4c1c1 No.71500

File: 31726b62adf52ec⋯.jpeg (754.24 KB,1170x1434,195:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176070 (140321ZJUL23) Notable: Wildlife center fire Florida

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c4c1c1 No.71501

File: cc29688e24ccd0f⋯.jpg (262.22 KB,1313x1536,1313:1536,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176089 (140326ZJUL23) Notable: Fresh Had Knowledge of Fauci GoF emails

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Fauci Had Knowledge of Gain-of-Function Research Being Conducted at Wuhan Lab: Newly Revealed Emails

by Kyle BeckerJuly 13, 2023Featured, Opinion

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Thursday made public an email that raises concerns regarding Anthony Fauci, former White House coronavirus task force advisor and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The email, shared on the subcommittee’s Twitter account, indicates that Fauci was aware of gain-of-function research being conducted in Wuhan, China.

Dated February 1, 2020, the email contains a summary of a meeting attended by Fauci and other scientists, discussing the origins of the coronavirus. In his summary, Fauci mentions the scientists expressing concerns about a paper from an Indian research group. The paper suggested that there were unusual mutations in the virus, which would be highly unlikely to have occurred naturally in bats. The scientists suspected that these mutations might have been deliberately introduced.


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c4c1c1 No.71502

File: 939e0cfdd99f560⋯.png (232.81 KB,678x1247,678:1247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176124 (140337ZJUL23) Notable: confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

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NEW: House Oversight member, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, has confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

The now infamous FBI FD-1023 form provide by Wray had redacted Zlochevsky's name but detailed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with someone connected to Burisma.

Putting it all together...

We know that Zlochesvsky was already paying Hunter an exorbitant sum, $83,000/mo, to sit on the board of his Ukrainian energy company.

We know Zlochevsky was facing a corruption investigation in Ukraine by prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

We know then-Vice President Joe Biden accused Shokin of corruption.

We know that then-VP Biden successfully threatened to pull a $1 billion US loan guarantee as leverage to push for Shokin’s removal.

We know Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko, who cleared Zlochevsky and Burisma of criminal charges in 2019.

We know that Zlochevsky and his associates were eventually charged in 2020 for attempting $6 million in bribes to halt the ongoing investigation (the guy has a history of bribes).

And we know that Zlochevsky was a rich, corrupt foreign oligarch who needed the type of help only connected, corrupt DC cronyism could deliver.

And it all points to one conclusion: Joe and James and Hunter were willing to sell out American interests to keep the Ukrainian money flowing.

And now hundreds of billions of your taxpayer money is flowing back to Ukraine.

Get it, now?


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c4c1c1 No.71503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176134 (140342ZJUL23) Notable: #23550

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#23550 >>71471

>>71472, >>71474 Ordering the Selective Reserve and Certain Members of the IRR to Active Duty

>>71473 Supreme Court Considering a Case That Might Upend Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions

>>71475 Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Trump Over Social Media Posts, Says Hunter is in Danger Because of Trump

>>71476 "Not Some Fringe Theory": Flip-Flopping Virologist Thought Lab Leak "Highly Likely" Before Toeing Fauci's Line

>>71477 Report: Massachusetts Spares ‘Millionaire Destinations’ from Taking in Illegal Aliens

>>71478 Probe opened into FBI targeting of House Intelligence committee staffers during Russia probe

>>71479 Majority of Republicans vote down Greene, Gaetz Ukraine bills

>>71480 Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You have No Rights’

>>71481 Former mayor of Trenton, Georgia, arrested for alleged child abuse incident

>>71482 Behind the Shadows The Art of Influence and Manipulation Across White, Black, and Grey Operations

>>71483 Biden's FTC pressured analysts to give negative report on Elon Musk's Twitter: lawsuit

>>71484 Police say vigilantes in Dawson Creek beat and bear sprayed man accused of trying to lure children

>>71485 US government moves nearly 10K Bitcoin worth over $300M related to Silk Road seizure

>>71486 Caviezel To Attend ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Screening For President Trump, Discusses Importance Of Film 15:45 minutes

>>71487 Limitless ‘white’ hydrogen under our feet may soon shatter all energy assumptions


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c4c1c1 No.71504

File: 69f7bdb0d6163b6⋯.png (1.54 MB,3292x1636,823:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a93e4cce04a94a⋯.png (93.78 KB,617x577,617:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176139 (140343ZJUL23) Notable: "Sound of Freedom," has released a statement seeking to dispel rumors about AMC theaters,

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Angel Studios, the film studio behind "Sound of Freedom," has released a statement seeking to dispel rumors about AMC theaters, which has agreed to add additional screens for "Sound of Freedom" this weekend!

“We understand there are rumors—predominantly in social media—that AMC theaters have made it difficult for fans to see SOUND of FREEDOM in local AMC theaters, and we want to make it clear these rumors are not accurate,” states Brandon Purdie, Head of Angel Theatrical Distribution. “AMC has been an outstanding partner for Angel Studios, and in fact, as a result of the movie’s performance and consumer demand, AMC has agreed to add additional screens for SOUND OF FREEDOM this weekend.

“Angel Studios and the producers of SOUND OF FREEDOM are asking our fans to support AMC, and all of our other theatrical partners. Summer is the busiest season for people working in theaters, so we ask that anyone attending a screening of SOUND OF FREEDOM show kindness to their local theater staff. We have the best movie fans in the business. Let’s continue to show theaters the love that Angel supporters are known for.”

Support from Angel’s theatrical partners has been the backbone of the success of SOUND of FREEDOM. AMC has been a key advocate, with the film showing in nearly all AMC theaters, which have sold over one million tickets.

Angel Studios thanks all of its partners in exhibition on the Sound of Freedom release:




Marcus Theatres

Harkins Theatres

Cineplex Cinemas

Landmark Cinemas

B&B Theatres

Megaplex Theatres

Malco Theatres

National Association of Theatre Owners

Independent Cinema Alliance

Along with the 200 additional theater chains in North America.

SOUND OF FREEDOM is based upon the true story of former government agent Tim Ballard who quit his job to rescue a little girl from sex traffickers in the Colombian jungle. In the process, Tim ended up saving 123 people, 55 of which were children, from one mission alone.

12:09 PM · Jul 13, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71505

File: e65ba71e983b35a⋯.png (842.01 KB,1024x707,1024:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176350 (140430ZJUL23) Notable: #23552

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c4c1c1 No.71506

File: 7968ab08de75152⋯.jpg (88.21 KB,720x716,180:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f281c7c336d7a0⋯.mp4 (11.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176365 (140435ZJUL23) Notable: Crazy old Pedophile Joe Biden tries to eat a baby while in her mother's arms

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Crazy old Pedophile Joe Biden tries to eat a baby while in her mother's arms



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c4c1c1 No.71507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176408 (140443ZJUL23) Notable: Netherlands Government Collapses As Disgraced Prime Minister Rutte Resigns

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c4c1c1 No.71508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176467 (140457ZJUL23) Notable: @laralogan I want you to know I have nothing to do with Q Anon & never would as there is no way I would associate with Media Matters for America or Gen Stan McChrystal’s group or the Lincoln Group or any of those involved in this psyop/set-up. I would rather stick needles in my eyes

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Lara Logan


I want you to know I have nothing to do with Q Anon & never would as there is no way I would associate with Media Matters for America or Gen Stan McChrystal’s group or the Lincoln Group or any of those involved in this psyop/set-up. I would rather stick needles in my eyes.

Pretty sure Jim Caveziel & Tim Ballard feel the same way.

3:38 PM · Jul 12, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176475 (140458ZJUL23) Notable: Reading between the lines of this article: "crude oil is produced naturally by processes in the earth"

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>>71487 (pb) notable


Reading between the lines of this article: "crude oil is produced naturally by processes in the earth". It dang near comes out and says it: "[Hydrogen] works its way upward, mostly eaten by bacteria along the way, or turning into long chain hydrocarbons when it bumps into fossil deposits."

Bumps into "fossil" deposits... yea sure. They do not mention the safety of hydrogen only that it is cheaper and more abundant than thought. It was always said to the public that hydrogen is too volatile and dangerous to replace petrol.

Data points seem to say: "Energy is about to get much cheaper and cleaner, and additionally the limited "fossil" fuel lie is over. Clean fresh water is likely far more abundant than the scare mongers would like you to know."

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c4c1c1 No.71510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176516 (140508ZJUL23) Notable: Reading between the lines of this article: "crude oil is produced naturally by processes in the earth"

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>Data points seem to say: "Energy is about to get much cheaper and cleaner, and additionally the limited "fossil" fuel lie is over.

At USGS, Ellis is working on answering that question. He thinks Earth produces orders of magnitude more hydrogen each year than the 90 million tons that humans manufacture. But it’s not only that flow that matters—it’s the size of the underground stock. “How much can be trapped in the subsurface that we can actually go after?” Ellis asks. “That’s a much more difficult question to answer.”

He and his USGS colleague Sarah Gelman gave it a try using a simple “box” model borrowed from the oil industry. The model accounted for impermeable rock traps of different kinds, the destructive effect of microbes, and the assumption—based on oil industry experience—that only 10% of hydrogen accumulations might ever be tapped economically. Ellis says the model comes up with a range of numbers centered around a trillion tons of hydrogen. That would satisfy world demand for thousands of years even if the green-energy transition triggers a surge in hydrogen use.


Does Earth hold vast stores of a renewable, carbon-free fuel?


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c4c1c1 No.71511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176603 (140616ZJUL23) Notable: Wagner does not legally exist, Putin tells media

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>because Q Anon doesn't exist

Wagner does not exist, Putin tells media


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c4c1c1 No.71512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176614 (140630ZJUL23) Notable: Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’ – governor

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Loud blast heard in Russian ‘atomic city’ – reports

A loud explosion was heard in the early hours of Friday over the Russian city of Kurchatov, an industrial hub adjacent to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, multiple Telegram channels have reported. ... The Kursk Region shares a border with Ukraine. The power plant is located roughly 4 kilometers (2.4 miles) outside urban areas. The company Energotex, which makes equipment for nuclear reactors, is also based in Kurchatov. ...


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c4c1c1 No.71513

File: b4b13a13af9fc57⋯.jpeg (749.14 KB,1170x2016,65:112,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 00e8d62a07c48cf⋯.jpeg (639.9 KB,1170x1374,195:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176634 (140650ZJUL23) Notable: Why would the corporate media invest so much effort in vilifying a movie that tackles the critical issue of child sex trafficking?

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In 2017, Ashton Kutcher testified before the US Senate, getting emotional while addressing the issue of child sex trafficking.

His organization helped successfully rescue 6,000 victims of human trafficking, with one-third of them being children.

The movie "Sound of Freedom" sheds light on the disturbing reality of modern child sex trafficking, aiming to raise awareness and initiate meaningful discussions about this horrific crime.

As Ashton Kutcher mentioned during his testimony, "It has been happening for decades, but we are now just recognizing it for what it is."

Unfortunately, instead of embracing the film's message, the corporate media has launched a smear campaign against it.

Why would the corporate media invest so much effort in vilifying a movie that tackles the critical issue of child sex trafficking?


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c4c1c1 No.71514

File: e28babc841cd560⋯.png (120.17 KB,691x643,691:643,Clipboard.png)

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c4c1c1 No.71515

File: e9ffbf2f6a22658⋯.jpg (217.94 KB,720x1193,720:1193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 272bd3fe96b592a⋯.jpg (59.18 KB,634x456,317:228,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c36082d220dc38⋯.jpg (127.7 KB,634x890,317:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176678 (140725ZJUL23) Notable: Dylan Mulvaney frees the nipple! Transgender influencer wears VERY daring dress for LA LGBT event after claiming she'd fled to Peru for her safety

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Dylan Mulvaney frees the nipple! Transgender influencer wears VERY daring dress for LA LGBT event after claiming she'd fled to Peru for her safety


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c4c1c1 No.71516

File: 70f6758ba1f258f⋯.jpg (138.16 KB,715x1090,143:218,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2019513ccdfb0b2⋯.mp4 (15.23 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176786 (140841ZJUL23) Notable: This is a preschool teacher in @TeachersCollege’s Early Childhood Center(mp4)

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This is a preschool teacher in @TeachersCollege’s Early Childhood Center:


They act under the guise of being friendly and playful

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c4c1c1 No.71517

File: f25924879381741⋯.png (837.63 KB,578x853,578:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176814 (140903ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: @Godloving NEWS ALERT 🚨:Hollywood Actor, Jim Caviezel, is About To Expose The CIA’s Pedophile Ring Which He Says is The Largest in The World

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Truth Details




NEWS ALERT 🚨: Hollywood Actor, Jim Caviezel, is About To Expose The CIA’s Pedophile Ring Which He Says is The Largest in The World ⚠️ #WWG1WGA #UltraMaGa #XTeam #MAGAPatriots #Truth #TrumpTruths #MAGA #TrumpWon #Trump2024 #AmericaFirst #Trump #Goz1911 #SaveAmerica #GodWins #usa @pinkk9lover @theboops @DonnaHawk @SgtPepper @rojas @TrumpGal737 @Jillrn46 @ChiefLiberty @teenabean @ultramagalady1 @HeyJude88 @JereMemez @billyk1963 @CherokeeGal @brooksidecourt @HankReardon44 @Goz1911 @RuBQ11

Jun 23, 2023, 11:44 AM

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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c4c1c1 No.71518

File: c38cbeadee1c733⋯.png (10 KB,264x281,264:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bd1d74140919d6⋯.png (97.92 KB,1204x591,1204:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176829 (140914ZJUL23) Notable: SATTREC - What does it mean?(Q823)

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SATTREC - What does it mean?

What does it DO? Sounds dasting.

Peep the delta to the Q drop (Feb 23)

The PR release date - TODAY (Jul 14)

Sounds like a Looking Glass.

Coming online in 2023. Enjoy the show!



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c4c1c1 No.71519

File: 949d02185f84794⋯.jpg (112.08 KB,960x705,64:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176842 (140923ZJUL23) Notable: Here are the 70 House Republicans who voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine

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Seventy members of Congress who know what is up with Ukraine:


Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, the sponsor of the amendment, acknowledged during the floor debate on the measure earlier on Thursday that the purpose of offering the measure was primarily to put lawmakers on record.

"My amendment is going to lose overwhelmingly when it is put up for a vote," said Gaetz. "But the American people will see who wants to represent them, and who wants to represent Crimea."

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c4c1c1 No.71520

File: 6c0d08900e9f43c⋯.png (456.96 KB,597x555,199:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176866 (140936ZJUL23) Notable: @DailyCaller: Bud Light got the 'star of death'

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Square profile picture

Daily Caller


Bud Light got the 'star of death'


Red Alert! Bud Light’s Collapse Is Escalating After Costco Gives Them The ‘Star Of Death’

Multiple sleuths on social media have uncovered the infamous "star of death" on Bud Light cases at several Costco locations.

9:20 PM · Jul 13, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71521

File: faec9977387a91a⋯.png (245.27 KB,421x475,421:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176877 (140942ZJUL23) Notable: He (Jim Caviezel) says he’s not suicidal but that it’s possible he could die from an “accident”, like the attempt on his life with the motorcycle “accident” in 2009 after Passion of the Christ

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Jim Caviezel responds to a tweet saying his days are numbered because the CIA will go after him.

He says he’s not suicidal but that it’s possible he could die from an “accident”, like the attempt on his life with the motorcycle “accident” in 2009 after Passion of the Christ 🤯

Twitter (https://twitter.com/patri0tcontr0l/status/1679695497584340992?s=46&t=yH_YwZotlm6m-dfwNvYx3Q)

Full interview (https://rumble.com/v2zvijo-sound-of-freedom-the-redline-interview-general-flynn-and-jim-caviezel.html)

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c4c1c1 No.71522

File: 4a942eeef57195d⋯.png (292.73 KB,812x558,406:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dc02b9b5a7f867⋯.png (57.24 KB,778x493,778:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176879 (140943ZJUL23) Notable: @DailyCaller: Bud Light got the 'star of death'

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c4c1c1 No.71523

File: 6f655edd5ed98d5⋯.png (136.3 KB,423x646,423:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176881 (140944ZJUL23) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat: Why did opium production in Afghanistan fall by 99% after the US military left?

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Why did opium production in Afghanistan fall by 99% after the US military left?



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c4c1c1 No.71524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176884 (140945ZJUL23) Notable: @laralogan I want you to know I have nothing to do with Q Anon & never would as there is no way I would associate with Media Matters for America or Gen Stan McChrystal’s group or the Lincoln Group or any of those involved in this psyop/set-up. I would rather stick needles in my eyes

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Weird how yesterday how some anons were balking at repeating the Wahlberg story, yet here be LL plastering it onto twatter.


linking to - SGTReport


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c4c1c1 No.71525

File: 58d90caf1e0adf2⋯.png (247.82 KB,585x465,39:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176894 (140949ZJUL23) Notable: @jsolomonreports Watch: Rep. Taylor Greene calls for the Biden family and White House administration to be drug tested

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John Solomon


Watch: Rep. Taylor Greene calls for the Biden family and White House administration to be drug tested justthenews.com/videos/rep-tay

Rep. Taylor Greene calls for the Biden family and White House administration to be drug tested

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says the entire Biden family, presidential administration, and list of approximately 500 potential suspects in the cocaine incident at the White House should…


Jul 13, 2023, 12:38 PM

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c4c1c1 No.71526

File: 3836ef8d2e3aba9⋯.png (127.78 KB,419x428,419:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176908 (140955ZJUL23) Notable: Hundreds of Theaters Scramble to Add 'Sound of Freedom' as Studio Responds to Reports of Suppression

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Hundreds of Theaters Scramble to Add 'Sound of Freedom' as Studio Responds to Reports of Suppression

READ: http://w-j.co/s/58386

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c4c1c1 No.71527

File: cdeac09115c5f82⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 773febe3e36f1ab⋯.mp4 (7.39 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB,568x461,568:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176916 (141001ZJUL23) Notable: WOW - listen to the story about the writer of the screenplay. Children were rescued while filming the movie!

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WOW - listen to the story about the writer of the screenplay

Children were rescued while filming the movie!


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c4c1c1 No.71528

File: 28a117941ac5c65⋯.png (150.08 KB,1990x852,995:426,Clipboard.png)

File: acba8509d649ddc⋯.png (130.52 KB,2076x634,1038:317,Clipboard.png)

File: ca4c23fb9cf2797⋯.png (86.88 KB,1606x532,803:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176947 (141013ZJUL23) Notable: USA calls up 3k troops to position in Germany to deter the Russian should they plow past Kiev and go for Berlin…

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Morning anons...


NATO meeting ends...

USA calls up 3k troops to position in Germany to deter the Russian should they plow past Kiev and go for Berlin...


Good lord are we easy to anticipate...


-our strategic oil reserves are as low as they ever have been


-our country is so FAT they had top change the armed service weight guidelines for admissions...


We are an EXTREMELY yummy military target about right now...just sayin'...ESPECIALLY if we send 3k more troops to the EU.

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c4c1c1 No.71529

File: 144d0fd922ef0a2⋯.jpg (93.59 KB,828x996,69:83,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c851697e3516b23⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176972 (141024ZJUL23) Notable: whitehouse: Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

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Europe wants to die for that shithole Ukraine, NO American blood or treasure should be spent.

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c4c1c1 No.71530

File: 17098869ecaf591⋯.png (640.88 KB,1494x756,83:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177006 (141041ZJUL23) Notable: Any thoughts about these flags hanging in the House Foreign Affairs committee hearing yesterday? Strange dimension and no fringe.

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Hey Anons,

Any thoughts about these flags hanging in the House Foreign Affairs committee hearing yesterday? Strange dimension and no fringe.

JUST IN: Scott Perry Accuses John Kerry Of Being A Grifter Over Climate Czar Position


Jul 13, 2023

At a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Thursday, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) questioned former Sec. John Kerry about the State Department's climate budget.

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c4c1c1 No.71531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177046 (141056ZJUL23) Notable: WOW - listen to the story about the writer of the screenplay. Children were rescued while filming the movie!

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Thanks for the clips of Verastegui. He is an interesting man trying to do good things.

That Pic of 0bama and Clooney is still faik in the way you are presenting it, though.


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c4c1c1 No.71532

File: e15be0c061a2855⋯.png (1.32 MB,1298x1302,649:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177048 (141058ZJUL23) Notable: Trump supporter Ray Epps sues Fox News for defamation over Jan. 6 "falsehoods"

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Trump Supporter Ray Epps


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c4c1c1 No.71533

File: e42c8a8fceca19b⋯.png (115.46 KB,851x498,851:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177055 (141101ZJUL23) Notable: SATTREC - What does it mean?(Q823)

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#823 - SATRREC Deltas

Satellite built to Watch Water



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c4c1c1 No.71534

File: b248906ffc8a385⋯.png (329.18 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177074 (141108ZJUL23) Notable: Biden administration forgives $39 billion in student debt for more than 800,000 borrowers

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Biden administration forgives $39 billion in student debt for more than 800,000 borrowers

The Biden administration announced it would automatically cancel the education debt for 804,000 borrowers, for a total of $39 billion in relief.

The debt cancellation is a result of the administration’s fixes to repayment plans, which included updated counts of borrowers’ payments.

The Biden administration announced on Friday it would automatically forgive $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 borrowers.

The relief is a result of fixes to the student loan system’s income-driven repayment plans. Under those repayment plans, borrowers get any remaining debt cancelled by the government after they have made payments for 20 years or 25 years, depending on when they borrowed, their loan and plan type.


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c4c1c1 No.71535

File: 170c33d219374ce⋯.png (540.7 KB,1149x820,1149:820,Clipboard.png)

File: 0891729dc377152⋯.png (840.47 KB,1024x592,64:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177076 (141108ZJUL23) Notable: NOW FOR NEWS THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT - HOLLYWOOD GO ON STRIKE!!

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Hollywood actors to strike at midnight, join writers on picket lines

By Lisa Richwine and Dawn Chmielewski

July 14, 20236:09 AM GMT+1Updated 5 hours ago


LOS ANGELES, July 13 (Reuters) - Hollywood actors will go on strike at midnight on Thursday after talks with studios broke down, joining film and television writers who have been on picket lines since May and deepening the disruption of scores of shows and movies.

Studios now face their first dual work stoppage in 63 years, forcing them to halt many productions across the United States and abroad. The twin strikes will add to the economic damage from the writers walkout, delivering another blow to an industry struggling with changes to its business.

Both SAG-AFTRA - Hollywood's largest union, representing 160,000 film and television actors - and the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are demanding increases in base pay and residuals in the streaming TV era plus assurances that their work will not be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI).

The actors' union announced at a Thursday press conference that the strike will begin at midnight after its national board unanimously authorized the walkout.

Fran Drescher, former star of "The Nanny" TV show and the president of SAG-AFTRA, called the studios' responses to actors' concerns "insulting and disrespectful."

"I am shocked by the way the people that we have been in business with are treating us," Drescher said. "I cannot believe it, quite frankly, how far apart we are on so many things, how they plead poverty that they're losing money left and right when giving hundreds of millions to their CEOs. It is disgusting."

The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), the trade association that negotiates on behalf of Netflix Inc (NFLX.O), Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) and other companies, said it was "deeply disappointed that SAG-AFTRA has decided to walk away from negotiations."

The group said it had offered the highest percentage increases in minimum pay levels in 35 years, "substantial increases" in pension and healthcare contribution caps, and a 76% increase in foreign residuals paid from big-budget streaming shows, among other benefits.

The studios also put forward "a groundbreaking AI proposal that protects actors' digital likenesses," the AMPTP said. Actors are worried that their digital images will be used without their permission or proper compensation.

"Rather than continuing to negotiate, SAG-AFTRA has put us on a course that will deepen the financial hardship for thousands who depend on the industry for their livelihoods," the AMPTP said.

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c4c1c1 No.71536

File: 8f621c982a7ffdf⋯.png (10.2 KB,282x298,141:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d9b868fe5c935d⋯.png (1.64 MB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d9b868fe5c935d⋯.png (1.64 MB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

File: a4673622567114c⋯.png (4.63 KB,327x140,327:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177090 (141113ZJUL23) Notable: SATTREC - What does it mean?(Q823)

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search of 5-12 in posts turns up what looks to be high quality aerial images

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c4c1c1 No.71537

File: 88d380eddb954c0⋯.png (236.9 KB,700x714,50:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177182 (141137ZJUL23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: @KariBonne Jason Miller-President Trump will be showing Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

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You thought.....


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c4c1c1 No.71538

File: 6b61345048f3534⋯.png (69.79 KB,589x610,589:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177206 (141149ZJUL23) Notable: #23553

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Ebake Dough

need PBs tbc

also need a baker


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c4c1c1 No.71539

File: 63b8c9e853fd7b3⋯.jpeg (254.62 KB,1353x1402,1353:1402,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e7e43848c86b12⋯.jpeg (144.43 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177212 (141150ZJUL23) Notable: Rep Jackson Lee calls Soros American and patriot

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c4c1c1 No.71540

File: e8928cd6e77c783⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x701,1024:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177223 (141153ZJUL23) Notable: Rep Jackson Lee calls Soros American and patriot

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71541

File: 95524f00e927d3f⋯.png (493.56 KB,1056x845,1056:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 1806a774a7234bd⋯.mp4 (7.36 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177237 (141157ZJUL23) Notable: Ultra-Right Beer Slams Woke Companies in Hilarious Parody Ad

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Ultra-Right Beer Slams Woke Companies in Hilarious Parody Ad

A relatively new beer brand called ‘Ultra-Right Beer’ has put out a new ad that’s actually kind of funny.

In addition to slamming woke companies, the ad is a parody of the classic comedy movie ‘Smokey and the Bandit.’

Bud Light’s decision to go woke has created a whole new industry for creative people.


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c4c1c1 No.71542

File: 8c010ba5e103a8a⋯.png (224.83 KB,426x358,213:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177326 (141229ZJUL23) Notable: Crack houses fancy huh

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c4c1c1 No.71543

File: 0fdc09b8403ecf4⋯.png (280.56 KB,466x334,233:167,Clipboard.png)

File: bb1a72addde89c0⋯.png (379.29 KB,455x692,455:692,Clipboard.png)

File: c114ff37b0172e6⋯.jpg (98.28 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177329 (141231ZJUL23) Notable: #23551 posted in 53

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>Ebake Dough

kek....forgot the link

updated with 23551 notables



>>71504 "Sound of Freedom," has released a statement seeking to dispel rumors about AMC theaters,

>>71502 confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

>>71501 Fresh Had Knowledge of Fauci GoF emails

>>71500 Wildlife center fire Florida

>>71499 Zelensky: ‘Its Absurd’ to NOT Start World War 3.

>>71498 God bless you Ben and we will pray for you

>>71497 Ro Khanna re Cluster Bombs

>>71496 House Votes To Overturn Pentagon Policy Protecting Abortion Access For Troops



>>71492 FBI Retaliated Against Two Nunes Staffers in 2017

>>71490 ‘Sound Of Freedom’ To Play For President Trump And Evangelicals In Bedminster. July 19, 2023

>>71489 Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Dishes On Couple’s Marriage, Business Dealings

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c4c1c1 No.71544

File: a11021141dcb5a0⋯.jpeg (70.82 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177373 (141244ZJUL23) Notable: The State Duma has approved a bill in the final reading which would prohibit most medical interventions needed for transitioning

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14 Jul, 2023 09:40

Russia moves towards banning sex changes

The State Duma has approved a bill in the final reading which would prohibit most medical interventions needed for transitioning

The Russian State Duma, the lower chamber of parliament, has passed legislation that makes sex transitioning in Russia illegal,with a handful of medical exceptions. Lawmakers cited moral obligations to resist the transgender “industry” and foreign influence as reasons for the amendments.

The bill, which was approved in the third and final reading on Friday, bans medical interventions aimedat changing sex, as well as relevant procedures to change the legal status of patients undergoing them.

Some medical facilities will be authorized by the government to perform procedures that are required to treat “congenital physical anomalies in formation of sex in children,”according to the draft law. A medical council will decide whether such intervention is necessary.

The restrictions are necessary to oppose the “destructive” influence on Russian society coming from the West, supporters of the bill explained.

“There iscurrently a developed industry for sex change in Russia, which includes malpracticing doctors, psychologists, a developed network of LGBT organizations and activists and other individuals,” a memorandum from sponsors justifying the bill said. “They aim their destructive activities against teenagers and the youth.

The MPs claimed that one could get amedical certificate of transsexualism, which paves the way for a sex change, foras low as $330 at a private clinic. Some allegedly issue them without a proper medical examination. The number of applications to the Russian state registrar to legally change sex has risen from 142 in 2016 to 996 last year, they noted.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin hailed the passage of the bill, saying it would defend the country from going in the direction of the US. He said the number of sex change surgeries in America had increased 50 times in a decade, with hundreds of thousands of people undergoing them. Volodin called the trend “monstrous” and unacceptable for Russia.

Health Minister Mikhail Murashko previously said he agreed that a patient’s wish to transition alone was not a good reason for medical intervention. The department promised to change the relevant regulations swiftly, if the bill is signed into law by President Vladimir Putin.


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c4c1c1 No.71545

File: 4e0d4a1122f18f4⋯.jpeg (66.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177395 (141250ZJUL23) Notable: Washington has not explained to its allies why it wants hostilities with Russia to continue, Viktor Orban

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14 Jul, 2023 08:18

US could stop Ukraine conflict instantly – Hungary

Washington has not explained to its allies why it wants hostilities with Russia to continue, Viktor Orban said

The US wants the conflict in Ukraine to continue and has failed to explain its reasons to NATO allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

Orban told national broadcaster Kossuth Radio that if Washington wished, it could stop the fighting at a moment’s notice, as Kiev is fully dependent on the West in the fight against Russia.

The Hungarian leader was speaking on Friday morning, after returning from the NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. During the event, the US-led military bloc declined to extend to Kiev a roadmap for membership. Hungary has stood out among members of the alliance by consistently criticizing Western policies on the Ukraine crisis.

“If the Americans wanted it, peace would come the next morning. Why Americans don’t want that is a question that puzzles the entire world,” Orban said. “We didn’t get an answer at the NATO summit.”

At this point, “Ukraine has lost any real sovereignty,” Orban claimed, citing Kiev’s devastated economy, and heavy dependence on Western allies for funding and weaponry.

Justifying its support for Ukraine, Washington has accused Russia of launching an “unprovoked war of aggression” against Kiev. US officials have said that inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Moscow is a primary goal.

Moscow, in turn, has accused the US of triggering the crisis by ignoring Russia’s long-running concerns over NATO expansion in Europe, while fostering a regime in Kiev that is hostile to Moscow. The Kremlin perceives the conflict as part of a US-led proxy war against Russia.

Orban went on to warn that if NATO were to admit Ukraine now, it would trigger a world war. He also highlighted the risks incurred by Western states sending increasingly sophisticated military hardware to Kiev.

The Hungarian leader also accusedKiev of using moral blackmailto receive Western support, but added that he does not blame Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for acting the way he does, as he is “fighting for the survival of his people.”

The prime minister predicted that the conflict will drag on, and EU nations – including Hungary – will bear the economic cost, including high inflation.


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c4c1c1 No.71546

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177433 (141302ZJUL23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/14/2023


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c4c1c1 No.71547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177462 (141309ZJUL23) Notable: How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing

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July 14, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing

House Financial Services Committee





Hearing on Impact of Environmental & Social Advocacy on Industry

Industry stakeholders testify on the impact of environmental, social, governance (ESG) on insurance and housing. ESG is an investment framework for an organization’s environmental, social, and ethical practices.


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c4c1c1 No.71548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177464 (141309ZJUL23) Notable: Fixing FISA, Part II

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July 14, 2023

9:15 AM EDT

Fixing FISA, Part II

House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance



Jonathan Turley, J.B. And Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law, George Washington University Law School


Phil Kiko, Principal, Williams & Jensen; Former Chief of Staff and General Counsel, House Judiciary Committee; Former Chief Administrative Officer, House of Representatives


Gene Schaerr, General Counsel, Project for Privacy and Surveillance Accountability






Hearing on Use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

Legal professionals and scholars testify on the government’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance.


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c4c1c1 No.71549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177468 (141310ZJUL23) Notable: Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a press availability Jakarta, Indonesia/best VD clinic in the world

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July 14, 2023

9:20 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a press availability

Jakarta, Indonesia



Secretary Blinken Holds News Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia

Secretary of State Blinken holds a news conference following the 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.


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c4c1c1 No.71550

File: 22cc39edc489576⋯.jpeg (136.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177491 (141316ZJUL23) Notable: Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’

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14 Jul, 2023 01:51

Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’ – governor

There were no injuries or damage to critical infrastructure resulting from the incident in Kurchatov, Roman Starovoyt says

A drone went down and exploded early on Friday in the Russian city of Kurchatov, an industrial hub adjacent to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, the governor of Kursk Region has said.

“Fortunately, none of the residents were hurt. Critical facilities weren’t damaged,” Roman Starovoyt wrote on his Telegram channel.

The explosion caused minor damage to the facade of an apartment bloc, while shattering some windows, the official said, adding that his administration will help residents to carry out repairs.

Earlier, several Telegram channels reported a loud explosion in Kurchatov. Videos from the scene also captured locals finding what appear to be parts of a drone on the ground.

The city of Kurchatov is located in Kursk Region, whichshares a border with Ukraine. It was founded in the late 1960s and named after physicist Sergey Kurchatov, dubbed the“father” of the Soviet atomic bomb.

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant sits roughly 4 kilometers (2.4 miles) outside urban areas in Kurchatov. The Energotex company, which makes equipment for nuclear reactors, is also based in the city, home to 40,000 people.

A “powerful explosion” was also reported by local media overnight in the city of Voronezh, the capital of the region to the east of Kursk.

On Friday morning, the governor of Voronezh Region, Aleksandr Gusev, said air defenseshad destroyed three incoming drones several kilometers outside the city. “There are no fatalities, injuries or destruction,” he wrote.

The Russian border regions of Kursk, Bryansk and Belgorod have been frequently shelled by artillery and attacked by drones since Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. Russian officials have accused Kiev of plotting acts of sabotage targeting the country’smajor infrastructure sites, including nuclear power plants.

In early May, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said it had intercepted a Ukrainian saboteur group planning a terrorist operation against nuclear power plants in the Leningrad and Tver Regions.

The suspects were aiming to destroy more than 30 pylons bearing high-voltage lines linked to the nuclear power stations, in order to cause a shutdown of the reactors, the agency said. Two Ukrainian citizens were arrested, while another, who is believed to be in Belgium, was placed on the wanted list over the plot, according to the FSB.


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c4c1c1 No.71551

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177538 (141324ZJUL23) Notable: TRUMP ON TIM BALLARD AND THE MOVIE THE SOUND OF FREEDOM

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Note: Trump's endorsement of Tim Ballard, the person's true story, the film is based on and the movie, this should put to rest any rumours of the topic of this film and any hit pieces that are circulating, 1 minute clip !!


President Trump on Sound of Freedom



President Trump on Tim Ballard and Sound of Freedom: “He came to the White House when I was there and I was very impressed with him… fantastic guy. They’re gonna actually give me a showing of the movie very soon... I hear fantastic things about it… it’s a big hit.”

President Donald J. Trump to Host Screening of “Sound of Freedom” at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster on July 19

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c4c1c1 No.71552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177550 (141326ZJUL23) Notable: Fixing FISA, Part II

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Chairman Biggs: In May of this year, Special Council John Durham released his report on the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation. That report, not only backed up Inspector General Horowitz's findings, but also found that political and confirmation bias by FBI employees, led the FBI to lie to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and illegally spy on the Trump Campaign for an entire year.

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c4c1c1 No.71553

File: d23196057ddc227⋯.png (717.4 KB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177566 (141329ZJUL23) Notable: Putin will arrive in South Africa for the BRICS summit despite the ICC warrant

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>Putin will arrive in South Africa for the BRICS summit despite the ICC warrant



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c4c1c1 No.71554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177578 (141331ZJUL23) Notable: #23552 posted in 53

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>>71538 tyeb!

>>>/qresearch/19177422 tyb!

>>>/qresearch/19176335 Q Research General #23552: No WWIII For Zelensky Edition

notetaker lb note


#23552 >>71505

>>71506 Crazy old Pedophile Joe Biden tries to eat a baby while in her mother's arms

>>71507 Netherlands Government Collapses As Disgraced Prime Minister Rutte Resigns

>>71508, >>71524 @laralogan I want you to know I have nothing to do with Q Anon & never would as there is no way I would associate with Media Matters for America or Gen Stan McChrystal’s group or the Lincoln Group or any of those involved in this psyop/set-up. I would rather stick needles in my eyes

>>71509, >>71510 Reading between the lines of this article: "crude oil is produced naturally by processes in the earth"

>>71511 Wagner does not legally exist, Putin tells media

>>71512 Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’ – governor

>>71513 Why would the corporate media invest so much effort in vilifying a movie that tackles the critical issue of child sex trafficking?

>>71514 Biden orders to active duty, members and units of the Selected Reserve

>>71515 Dylan Mulvaney frees the nipple! Transgender influencer wears VERY daring dress for LA LGBT event after claiming she'd fled to Peru for her safety

>>71516 This is a preschool teacher in @TeachersCollege’s Early Childhood Center(mp4)

>>71517 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: @Godloving NEWS ALERT 🚨:Hollywood Actor, Jim Caviezel, is About To Expose The CIA’s Pedophile Ring Which He Says is The Largest in The World

>>71518, >>71533, >>71536 SATTREC - What does it mean?(Q823)

>>71519 Here are the 70 House Republicans who voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine

>>71520, >>71522 @DailyCaller: Bud Light got the 'star of death'

>>71521 He (Jim Caviezel) says he’s not suicidal but that it’s possible he could die from an “accident”, like the attempt on his life with the motorcycle “accident” in 2009 after Passion of the Christ

>>71523 @KanekoaTheGreat: Why did opium production in Afghanistan fall by 99% after the US military left?

>>71525 @jsolomonreports Watch: Rep. Taylor Greene calls for the Biden family and White House administration to be drug tested

>>71526 Hundreds of Theaters Scramble to Add 'Sound of Freedom' as Studio Responds to Reports of Suppression

>>71527, >>71531 WOW - listen to the story about the writer of the screenplay. Children were rescued while filming the movie!

>>71528 USA calls up 3k troops to position in Germany to deter the Russian should they plow past Kiev and go for Berlin…

>>71529 whitehouse: Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

>>71530 Any thoughts about these flags hanging in the House Foreign Affairs committee hearing yesterday? Strange dimension and no fringe.

>>71532 Trump supporter Ray Epps sues Fox News for defamation over Jan. 6 "falsehoods"

>>71534 Biden administration forgives $39 billion in student debt for more than 800,000 borrowers


>>71537 DJT ReTruthed: @KariBonne Jason Miller-President Trump will be showing Sound of Freedom at Bedminster


Please check Anons.

note link


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c4c1c1 No.71555

File: a99096b53f063ba⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x773,1024:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177637 (141342ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS near Perihelion

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 14, 2023

Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS near Perihelion

Comet C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) was just spotted in March, another comet found by the NASA funded Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System. On July 1 this Comet ATLAS reached perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun. Shortly afterwards the telescopic comet was captured in this frame sporting a pretty greenish coma and faint, narrow ion tail against a background of stars in the far northern constellation Ursa Minor. This comet's closest approach to Earth is still to come though. On August 18 this visitor to the inner Solar System will be a mere 3 light-minutes or so from our fair planet. Based on its inclination to the ecliptic plane and orbital period of about 85 years C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) is considered a Halley-type comet.


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c4c1c1 No.71556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177651 (141345ZJUL23) Notable: Fixing FISA, Part II

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Turley: If we reauthorize Section 702 without significant changes, then we have become a nation of chumps...we have documented evidence of massive violations of the privacy of US citizens.

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c4c1c1 No.71557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177652 (141345ZJUL23) Notable: ‘Anti-Woke’ Alternative to Amazon to go Public This Month

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a clown op by any other name would smell like a clown op

‘Anti-Woke’ Alternative to Amazon to go Public This Month

Anew online marketplace that promotes itself as a conservative and patriotic alternative to Amazon is preparing to ring the bell on the New York Stock Exchange and take the company public.

According to the Daily Mail, the San Diego-based PublicSq, which first launched in August of 2022, has already drawn the support of prominent America First figures such as Donald Trump Jr. and former Arizona Senate nominee Blake Masters. The company plans to attract more investors by highlighting its status within the so-called “parallel economy” of conservative alternatives to larger, left-wing businesses, according to excerpts from an investor call on Tuesday.


'''EXCLUSIVE: Amazon's 'anti-woke' alternative prepares to ring the bell on the New York Stock Exchange: Platform for the 'forgotten American' - backed by Trump Jr. - lays out how it will bring in shoppers that hate corporations

PublicSq tries to match conservative shoppers with likeminded businesses

The company has drawn in conservative heavyweights like Donald Trump Jr. and Blake Masters'''

PublicSq leadership is set to ring the bell on the New York Stock Exchange to take the company public officially on July 20

PublicSq, which markets itself as a patriotic, America-first alternative to Amazon, is laying out how it will bring in shoppers who hate big 'woke' corporations as the company prepares to go public later this month.

The San Diego-based company...


San Diego is the hub of neo-wokism

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c4c1c1 No.71558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177661 (141347ZJUL23) Notable: Bribery Biden Defies SCOTUS, Uses Loophole to Forgive $39 Billion in Student Debt

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Bribery Biden Defies SCOTUS, Uses Loophole to Forgive $39 Billion in Student Debt


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c4c1c1 No.71559

File: 26bf3662c0479de⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB,660x360,11:6,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177663 (141347ZJUL23) Notable: TRUMP ON TIM BALLARD AND THE MOVIE THE SOUND OF FREEDOM

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c4c1c1 No.71560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177667 (141348ZJUL23) Notable: Launch of LVM3-M4/CHANDRAYAAN-3 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

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Launch of LVM3-M4/CHANDRAYAAN-3 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

July 14, 2023

Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. It consists of Lander and Rover configuration. It will be launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. The propulsion module will carry the lander and rover configuration till 100 km lunar orbit. The propulsion module has Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) payload to study the spectral and Polari metric measurements of Earth from the lunar orbit.

Lander payloads: Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE) to measure the thermal conductivity and temperature; Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) for measuring the seismicity around the landing site; Langmuir Probe (LP) to estimate the plasma density and its variations. A passive Laser Retroreflector Array from NASA is accommodated for lunar laser ranging studies.

Rover payloads: Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) for deriving the elemental composition in the vicinity of landing site.

Chandrayaan-3 consists of an indigenous Lander module (LM), Propulsion module (PM) and a Rover with an objective of developing and demonstrating new technologies required for Inter planetary missions. The Lander will have the capability to soft land at a specified lunar site and deploy the Rover which will carry out in-situ chemical analysis of the lunar surface during the course of its mobility. The Lander and the Rover have scientific payloads to carry out experiments on the lunar surface. The main function of PM is to carry the LM from launch vehicle injection till final lunar 100 km circular polar orbit and separate the LM from PM. Apart from this, the Propulsion Module also has one scientific payload as a value addition which will be operated post separation of Lander Module. The launcher identified for Chandrayaan-3 is GSLV-Mk3 which will place the integrated module in an Elliptic Parking Orbit (EPO) of size ~170 x 36500 km.



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c4c1c1 No.71561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177737 (141403ZJUL23) Notable: Fixing FISA, Part II

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Bell Ringer: FISA Section 702 and Government Surveillance


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c4c1c1 No.71562

File: fa6fa4c363d2828⋯.png (659.41 KB,1285x1567,1285:1567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177774 (141411ZJUL23) Notable: How to watch Trump's speech in Florida this weekend

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How to watch Trump's speech in Florida this weekend

resident Donald Trump will headline the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday.

The two-day conference is scheduled to take place from Saturday, July 15, to Sunday, July 16.

RSBN will livestream both event days on Rumble, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, GETTR, and RSBN’s website and app.

Saturday’s featured guests will include speakers such as President Trump, Charlie Kirk, and Tucker Carlson.

Sunday’s guests will feature more speakers including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

According to Turning Point Action, a final agenda of timing for the event will be released in the days prior to the conference.

The RSBN team will begin live streaming the first day of the conference at 12:30 p.m. ET on Saturday and the second day of the event beginning at 8:00 a.m. ET on Sunday.


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c4c1c1 No.71563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177816 (141418ZJUL23) Notable: Fixing FISA, Part II

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Tiffany: On one of the most significant abuses of FISA, we [republicans/democrats] do not have agreement, and that was in regards to one, President Donald J. Trump. It was abused, and Mr. Durham highlighted what an abuse it was of FISA, and we have any people, including on this panel, that still will not recognize that. And that is dangerous for the American Republic. Because if you have a Praetorian Guard that thinks they can take down a president, are we all free?

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c4c1c1 No.71564

File: 6e02f2e8c338f92⋯.png (124.73 KB,736x794,368:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177830 (141420ZJUL23) Notable: DutchLGB We want freedom from them. #LGBWithoutTheT

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Maybe it's time to start listening to the one's that got raised by the original LGB.

I'm one of them. Hi, yes. I was raised by two lesbians in the 90's and 00's.

Trans has nothing to do with us, it has no connection to the LGB. It's not a sexuality, it's has nothing to do with sexual attraction. We are not a part of that. They were not a part of our fight. They are using us as a excuse for their crusade.

We are not the same. We do not hold the same believes. We wanted equality and we got it in most western countries. They want something else.

We are not the same. We are attracted to the same sex or both sexes. We are not identifying ourselves as something else or the opposite of who we are.

We don't identify.... we are. that's the difference.

We want freedom from them. #LGBWithoutTheT

9:34 PM · Jul 12, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71565

File: 1797f4947329aeb⋯.png (543.03 KB,1169x632,1169:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177848 (141423ZJUL23) Notable: John Kerry Throws a Tantrum After Lawmaker Asks Him to Identify His Senior Staffers

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this fugger...

John Kerry Throws a Tantrum After Lawmaker Asks Him to Identify His Senior Staffers (VIDEO)


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c4c1c1 No.71566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177856 (141425ZJUL23) Notable: Fixing FISA, Part II

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Video Clip: Privacy Rights and FISA Reform


Washington Examiner Justice Department reporter Jeff Mordock explained what the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is and the current concern over privacy rights. He talked about Senate action on FISA reform and the broader debate over government surveillance.


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c4c1c1 No.71567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177905 (141436ZJUL23) Notable: John Cleese's War on Wokeism

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John Cleese's War on Wokeism

The Monty Python legend says political correctness is ruining creativity in all aspects of human activity. Reason's Nick Gillespie interviewed Cleese about the importance of freedom of thought and expression for a flourishing society.


2,021,922 views - Aug 1, 2022 - 34:54 mins


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c4c1c1 No.71568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177914 (141437ZJUL23) Notable: TRUMP ON TIM BALLARD AND THE MOVIE THE SOUND OF FREEDOM

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How Jim Caviezel’s Faith-Based ‘Sound of Freedom’ Became This Summer’s Unlikely Box Office Hit

Rebecca RubinJul 9, 2023PT

“Sound of Freedom,” a religious thriller led by “The Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel, is becoming an unlikely box office savior. The faith-based movie about child sex trafficking has collected an impressive $40 million after six days of release.

“Sound of Freedom” opened last Tuesday, generating a mighty $14.2 million on the Independence Day holiday. The film picked up another $18.2 million between Friday and Sunday, enough to place third on domestic box office charts behind “Insidious: The Red Door” ($32.6 million) and “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” ($26.5 million). It’s playing in 2,850 North American theaters, a smaller footprint than “Insidious” and “Indiana Jones (3,188 theaters and 4,600 theaters, respectively).

“As with our July 4th numbers, today’s numbers exceed our expectations, and we’re going to continue this momentum,” said Brandon Purdie, head of theatrical distribution at Angel Studios, the independent studio that’s backing the film, in a statement. “We’re getting messages from all over the country telling us about packed theaters, sold-out theaters and spontaneous standing ovations for the film in numerous locations. Seeing this film has become a must, thanks to incredible word-of-mouth.”

Purdie also thanked AMC, Cinemark and Regal, which are three of the biggest movie theater chains in the country, for “having the courage to release ‘Sound of Freedom’ during the busiest movie season of the year.”

It’s one of the biggest openings in recent times for a faith-based film, according to Comscorewhich counts this spring’s Kelsey Grammar-led “Jesus Revolution” ($15.8 million debut), as other top turnouts for movies that cater to religious audiences.

Hollywood rarely backs films that are geared toward this particular demographic. But when they do, it’s a sector that has proven to reliably turn out in force. A similar crowed helped to propel the low-budget “Jesus Revolution” to $53 million, enough to rank among the top 25 domestic releases of this year. “Sound of Freedom” looks to eclipse those box office returns in a matter of days, as long as momentum sustains during the week.

It’s now being distributed independently by Angel Studios, and spent $15 million on the Caviezel-led action-thriller.

Religious and conservative media groups have rallied behind the film, which is partially crowdfunded. The Utah-based Angel Studios used other unconventional efforts to promote the film, including an app that allows people to buy and then donate tickets to those who can’t afford the price of admission. About $2.6 million of opening day sales were earned through the “Pay It Forward” app, which the company framed as a way to raise awareness about child trafficking.Alejandro Monteverde wrote and directed “Sound of Freedom,” based on the true story of Tim Ballard (Caviezel)….

Opening weekend audiences were enthusiastic,bestowing the film an “A+” CinemaScore. It’s theonly movie playingin theaters right now with that high of a grade. Ticket buyers have been predominately female, while more than 50% of cinemagoers were over the age of 45 years old.

“There’s support for the movie from white conservative political groups, but athird of the audience is Hispanic,” says David A. Gross, who runs the movie consulting firm Franchise Entertainment Research. “The inspiration, action and Latin America-based story are drawing a diverse audience, not just ethnically,” he adds, “but in age and gender.”

Critics have been mostly positive toward the movie, which holds a 76% on Rotten Tomatoes. Variety chief film critic Owen Gleiberman praised “Sound of Freedom” as “a compelling movie thatshines an authentic light on one of the crucial criminal horrors of our time, one that Hollywood has mostly shied away from.”__

Box office analysts say it’s noteworthy that “Sound of Freedom” managed to crack the top five on domestic chartsin the heat of summer, a time of year that’s traditionallyreserved for big-budget actiontentpoles, superhero sequels or escapist romps.

_“The strong response to faith-based films reflects a demand by an underserved audience who are hungry for entertainment that reflects their values and beliefs,” says Paul Dergarabedian, a senior Comscore analyst. “Such content can indeed find an enthusiastic audience, generate solid box office and impressive profits for their investors.”


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c4c1c1 No.71569

File: d8c3db37e8ecc71⋯.jpg (72.45 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177962 (141446ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Marshals Increase Reward up to $10,000 for Information Leading to Arrest of Warren County Escapee/ Erik Jonathan Donas-Ojeda, aka Anthony Ojeda

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U.S. Marshals Increase Reward up to $10,000 for Information Leading to Arrest of Warren County Escapee

Total combined reward available now up to $22,000 for Michael Burham

JULY 13, 2023

Pittsburgh, PA - The U.S. Marshals Service is increasing its reward to up to $10,000 for information leading to the capture of the man who escaped the Warren County jail July 6, bringing the total reward available to $22,000. Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers is also offering $10,000, and Warren County Crime Stoppers is offering up to $2,000.


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c4c1c1 No.71570

File: 0700488a9859408⋯.png (296.25 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177981 (141449ZJUL23) Notable: U.S. Marshals Increase Reward up to $10,000 for Information Leading to Arrest of Warren County Escapee/ Erik Jonathan Donas-Ojeda, aka Anthony Ojeda

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Anthony Ojeda

Wanted For

Murder of a Child


Erik Jonathan Donas-Ojeda

Case Outline

The U.S. Marshals Service and the Cohoes (NY) Police Department are requesting the public's assistance in locating Erik Jonathan Donas-Ojeda, aka Anthony Ojeda. Ojeda is accused of killing a six-week-old baby boy on December 3, 2019. The child's cause of death was determined to be acute methamphetamine toxicity and physical trauma. Ojeda is believed to be traveling with his husband, Neil Garzon, who is also wanted.


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c4c1c1 No.71571

File: 4f940d77da1e159⋯.png (772.01 KB,1320x768,55:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178009 (141453ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker is LIVE in Iowa…

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Tucker is LIVE in Iowa...


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c4c1c1 No.71572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178015 (141454ZJUL23) Notable: JPMorgan's headcount crosses 300,000—about the size of St. Louis

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Everyone knows that St. Louis is the front door to Hell.

JPMorgan's headcount crosses 300,000—about the size of St. Louis

There’s a new landmark for the heft of JPMorgan Chase & Co.: The biggest U.S. bank’s headcount has now passed 300,000. Its staff hit 300,066 people by the end of the second quarter, up 1% from 296,877 in the first quarter of the year and up 8% from 278,494 a year ago.



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c4c1c1 No.71573

File: 7e18969f1bb8fc2⋯.png (272.81 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178017 (141454ZJUL23) Notable: David Allen Bonness Wanted For Rape of a Child, Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution Aliases David Allen Nuse Reward $25,000

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David Allen Bonness

Wanted For

Rape of a Child, Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution


David Allen Nuse



Case Outline

On December 22, 2008, a 17-year old girl told her mother that Bonness had been sexually assaulting her since she was 12 years old. Based on this information, authorities brought in Bonness for questioning and a DNA sample. Bonness stopped the interview and was allowed to leave. When police obtained a search warrant the next day for Bonness, he had allegedly fled the area.


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c4c1c1 No.71574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178064 (141500ZJUL23) Notable: #23553

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#23553 >>71538

>>71539, >>71540 Rep Jackson Lee calls Soros American and patriot

>>71541 Ultra-Right Beer Slams Woke Companies in Hilarious Parody Ad

>>71542 Crack houses fancy huh

>>71544 The State Duma has approved a bill in the final reading which would prohibit most medical interventions needed for transitioning

>>71545 Washington has not explained to its allies why it wants hostilities with Russia to continue, Viktor Orban

>>71546 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>71547 How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing

>>71548, >>71552, >>71556, >>71561, >>71563, >>71566 Fixing FISA, Part II

>>71549 Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a press availability Jakarta, Indonesia/best VD clinic in the world

>>71550 Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’


>>71553 Putin will arrive in South Africa for the BRICS summit despite the ICC warrant

>>71555 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS near Perihelion

>>71557 ‘Anti-Woke’ Alternative to Amazon to go Public This Month

>>71558 Bribery Biden Defies SCOTUS, Uses Loophole to Forgive $39 Billion in Student Debt

>>71560 Launch of LVM3-M4/CHANDRAYAAN-3 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

>>71562 How to watch Trump's speech in Florida this weekend

>>71564 DutchLGB We want freedom from them. #LGBWithoutTheT

>>71565 John Kerry Throws a Tantrum After Lawmaker Asks Him to Identify His Senior Staffers

>>71567 John Cleese's War on Wokeism

>>71569, >>71570 U.S. Marshals Increase Reward up to $10,000 for Information Leading to Arrest of Warren County Escapee/ Erik Jonathan Donas-Ojeda, aka Anthony Ojeda

>>71571 Tucker is LIVE in Iowa…

>>71572 JPMorgan's headcount crosses 300,000—about the size of St. Louis

>>71573 David Allen Bonness Wanted For Rape of a Child, Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution Aliases David Allen Nuse Reward $25,000


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c4c1c1 No.71575

File: a0036ecebbf3de4⋯.png (1.63 MB,1657x1673,1657:1673,Clipboard.png)

File: 8de50cbd98c0b4c⋯.jpg (226.74 KB,600x818,300:409,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9a3f81f9422ab12⋯.jpeg (16.3 KB,255x251,255:251,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 77179d865b025e2⋯.png (292.65 KB,459x544,27:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 01b6f5fd80e030f⋯.jpg (240 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178096 (141502ZJUL23) Notable: #23554

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c4c1c1 No.71576

File: 557b26e3c3ab4f1⋯.png (1.54 MB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178118 (141505ZJUL23) Notable: David Benjamin Creamer Wanted For Distribution of Child Pornography Aliases Dave Creamer, Benjamin David

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David Benjamin Creamer

Wanted For

Distribution of Child Pornography


Dave Creamer, Benjamin David

Case Outline

Creamer's original charges are for money laundering, possession of firearms, and distribution of child pornography. Between 1992 and 1995, Creamer's organization produced more than 100,000 pornographic diskettes for worldwide distribution. Creamer failed to appear in U.S. District Court after violating his pre-trial release conditions in 1997.


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c4c1c1 No.71577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178152 (141510ZJUL23) Notable: resident Biden leaves US-Nordic leaders summit

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President Biden leaves US-Nordic leaders summit

Sky News


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c4c1c1 No.71578

File: 97cc8ffd0e292e7⋯.png (469.45 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4352811c953b94e⋯.png (101.05 KB,507x554,507:554,Clipboard.png)

File: a59686998c198f3⋯.png (685.92 KB,1111x1422,1111:1422,Clipboard.png)

File: 829c987c24fa656⋯.png (304.65 KB,1028x1390,514:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178238 (141521ZJUL23) Notable: DOJ Spied On Devin Nunes Staff During Russia Hoax, Subpoenas Show

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DOJ Spied On Devin Nunes Staff During Russia Hoax, Subpoenas Show

JULY 14, 2023

The Department of Justice spied on congressional staff working under then-Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., as the Republican lawmaker investigated FBI abuses amid the Russia hoax.

On Thursday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding answers about agency surveillance of Republican staff on Capitol Hill.

“In 2017, Google reportedly received subpoenas for private emails and records belonging to two Republican staffers of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) while HPSCI was investigating the FBI’s misconduct,” Jordan wrote. “These subpoenas only came to light in 2022 due to Google’s policy of alerting customers five years after law enforcement takes such action.”

At that time, Nunes was the Republican ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee while Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif, ran a deep-state campaign to maliciously frame President Donald Trump as a Russian agent. Schiff was censured by the lower chamber last month for abusing his role on the Intelligence Committee to undermine the legitimacy of the 2016 election.

Nunes retired from Congress in January last year to run Trump’s online alternative to Twitter, Truth Social. As the No. 2 lawmaker on the Intelligence Committee, Nunes was instrumental in pushing back on trumped-up claims of Russian collusion.

Jordan now wants to know whether the FBI subpoenas to Google seeking information from Nunes’ staff were submitted in “retaliation for HSPCI’s oversight of the FBI.”

In May, Special Counsel John Durham published his long-awaited report on the Russia-collusion hoax, which found that “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

Jordan wrote that the report “confirms many of the concerns about FBI misconduct advanced by HPSCI in 2017.”

Nunes’ work rejecting the Russia hoax narratives peddled by Schiff was entirely vindicated once Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence that anyone on the Trump campaign, let alone Trump himself, colluded with the Russian government to steal the White House. Nunes was further vindicated when the DOJ inspector general published a report in 2019 detailing a wide range of abuses within the FBI to advance the conspiracy. The California representative himself even became the target of defamatory lies from Trump’s opponents.

Jordan’s letter to the FBI director comes just a day after Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee. Lawmakers pressed Wray on myriad agency issues, including the FBI’s abuse of surveillance powers as Congress prepares to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Wray pressed for the reauthorization of a surveillance tool known as Section 702 of FISA that allows the FBI to conduct warrantless searches. The law is scheduled to expire at the end of the year.


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c4c1c1 No.71579

File: a465ef0b37753bd⋯.png (6.39 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178240 (141521ZJUL23) Notable: QClock July 13, 2023- SPACE LAUNCH DELTA 45 - Launch #34 & Nuclear Cooperation

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QClock July 13, 2023- SPACE LAUNCH DELTA 45 - Launch #34 & Nuclear Cooperation

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c4c1c1 No.71580

File: 09c6505fa888271⋯.jpeg (544.82 KB,1170x1455,78:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178252 (141522ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine...

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c4c1c1 No.71581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178273 (141526ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Fixing FISA, Part II

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Nehls: The FBI relied on uncorroborated information to support it's application to surveil Mr. Page, because they wanted to keep, my opinion, Donald J. Trump, the greatest president in my lifetime, from office.

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c4c1c1 No.71582

File: 0e457ccafa00c4c⋯.png (479.32 KB,500x646,250:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178276 (141526ZJUL23) Notable: RELOAD MEME CANNONS

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forgot meme


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c4c1c1 No.71583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178288 (141528ZJUL23) Notable: Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65 Shawn Ryan Show

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Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65

Shawn Ryan Show

According to Greer, there is legislation going through congress RIGHT NOW, that will put a 6 month deadline for all the - except anti-gravity tech. - to be released to the world, or be criminally punished... I haven't found this document, so we shall see.


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c4c1c1 No.71584

File: 6db3871d5a40f1d⋯.png (420.97 KB,1920x2433,640:811,Clipboard.png)

File: bca998d93de0dab⋯.png (199.69 KB,454x327,454:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bb46ea2578d3c2⋯.png (325.12 KB,485x327,485:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178334 (141535ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine...

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Assumes to have finally ditched the military forever and returns to GI JOE Xbox.

7/14/2023 OOPS!!!!

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c4c1c1 No.71585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178340 (141536ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Fixing FISA, Part II

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Turley: The location of a lot of this data, if it's abroad, for example, or it's routed through international source, suddenly loses it's protection as a citizen.

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c4c1c1 No.71586

File: 9171be387aea75e⋯.png (484.59 KB,996x926,498:463,Clipboard.png)

File: d9867c6c80a70e5⋯.png (145.15 KB,615x651,205:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178404 (141549ZJUL23) Notable: TRU TUBE 54 MP4 KUN ARCHIVE UPDATED

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>>71575 TYB!


3000 Videos for Download and Share

*TOR ACCESS ONLY http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/



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c4c1c1 No.71587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178419 (141551ZJUL23) Notable: Moar Fixing FISA, Part II

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July 14, 2023

9:15 AM EDT

Fixing FISA, Part II

House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance



Jonathan Turley, J.B. And Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law, George Washington University Law School


Phil Kiko, Principal, Williams & Jensen; Former Chief of Staff and General Counsel, House Judiciary Committee; Former Chief Administrative Officer, House of Representatives


Gene Schaerr, General Counsel, Project for Privacy and Surveillance Accountability






Hearing on Use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

Legal professionals and scholars testify on the government’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance.


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c4c1c1 No.71588

File: 4965aa1b7697f7e⋯.jpg (63.48 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178433 (141553ZJUL23) Notable: 2020-22 Capacitive Based Aerial Transmission (CBAT) = energy transmission to multiple devices without a need for batteries or wires. No need for the grid!

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Capacitive Based Aerial Transmission (CBAT) = energy transmission to multiple devices without a need for batteries or wires. No need for the grid!

IVO CBAT was approved for a US patent in 2021.

Here is the military application part of the website. https://ivolimited.us/defense/


March 27, 2020

CBAT Enabled Drone Flies Without Battery

This week at IVO was one the team will never forget. It was a week of historical importance not just for our technology, but also the engineering community. The event that took place March 23rd, 2020 at IVO East was a confirmation that Nikola Tesla’s dream of a wirelessly powered world is real and is approaching quickly. To understand the gravity of the events that took place, we have to start February 3rd of this year.

To begin, we had to start with a simple baseline. We needed a drone that had minimal mission capability and minimal flight time. The reason we wanted such a drone was to prove that we could make the most mediocre drone outperform drones with the most advanced battery technology on board. We worked with Edgar Munoz of Aeronyde, a commercial drone service provider, to select the perfect drone for the task. The drone we selected had a maximum sustained flight time of just 5 minutes. In our testing it was able to achieve 4 minutes 47 seconds maximum on battery power. We reconfigured our test bench and set the stage for the CBAT enabled drone. CBAT didn’t disappoint.

March 23rd, 2020 our team fired up the drone without a battery on board. CBAT was wirelessly powering the drone. At the 5 minute mark the drone remained at full load. At the 10 minute mark CBAT officially increased the drones flight time by 100%. At the 35 minute mark the drone sustained flight longer then any electric drone on the market. At the 50 minute mark we began to approach the limitations of our GoPro battery that was filming the testing. At 1 hour 20 minutes and 8 seconds our GoPro battery died. The drone remained airborne at full load. A drone initially intended to fly for 5 minutes flew longer then any electric drone on the market and could sustain flight indefinitely without the need for a battery.

Stay tuned, this is just the beginning.


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c4c1c1 No.71589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178439 (141555ZJUL23) Notable: 2020-22 Capacitive Based Aerial Transmission (CBAT) = energy transmission to multiple devices without a need for batteries or wires. No need for the grid!

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US Navy wirelessly beamed 1.6kW of power using microwaves

Within just a year after the project began.

Created: Apr 22, 2022


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c4c1c1 No.71590

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178524 (141614ZJUL23) Notable: Bioweapons that target specific people by DNA

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Bioweapons that target specific people by DNA

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c4c1c1 No.71591

File: 6d77dcac685cad6⋯.png (59.19 KB,458x430,229:215,Clipboard.png)

File: f3c137d9b21d039⋯.png (71.6 KB,458x414,229:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 40b9cc42a16c38d⋯.png (98.32 KB,459x403,459:403,Clipboard.png)

File: ccef9b930522fe3⋯.png (40.8 KB,459x346,459:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178530 (141616ZJUL23) Notable: ERS Data Products Show Food-At-Home Price Inflation From Producers to Consumers

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ERS Data Products Show Food-At-Home Price Inflation From Producers to Consumers

July 10, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71592

File: 07b286a10a17f22⋯.png (696.95 KB,895x798,895:798,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a5b0afa8282083⋯.mp4 (642.29 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178533 (141616ZJUL23) Notable: Russia out foiled NASA.

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Russia out foiled NASA.


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c4c1c1 No.71593

File: 5f6f751f6595ce3⋯.jpeg (359.25 KB,1242x1671,414:557,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: df8d7b239ff0acf⋯.jpeg (206.29 KB,1050x1070,105:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178553 (141618ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine...

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“Joe Biden Can’t Even Walk Up the Steps of Air Force One without Tripping” – Trump Responds to Biden’s Decision to Mobilize Reserve Forces

by Cristina Laila Jul. 14, 2023 11:05

President Trump on Friday responded to Joe Biden’s decision to mobilize reserve forces.

On Thursday, Joe Biden issued an Order to “augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve” to include up to 3,000 members of the Selected Reserve, with up to 450 members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).

Trump responded to Biden’s escalation with Russia.

“Joe Biden can’t even walk up the steps of Air Force One without tripping,” Trump said. “The last thing this incompetent administration should be doing is pushing us further toward World War Three.”

Joe Biden stumbled as he boarded Air Force One en route to the United States after a stop in Finland.

Biden used the shorter staircase to board Air Force One and he still stumbled!

Biden stumbles a bit as he boards Air Force One — using the smaller stairs — en route to the United States. He took no questions. pic.twitter.com/UxCA75kdQP

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 13, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71594

File: efaa7def66682f9⋯.png (1.34 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1a0afba80f789⋯.png (871.08 KB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: bf312569a4b53d6⋯.png (1.41 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: e8b9928f08d9f10⋯.png (735.86 KB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178573 (141624ZJUL23) Notable: Flynn/Clinton hotlines hhhmmmm

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c4c1c1 No.71595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178574 (141624ZJUL23) Notable: French President Macron Mercilessly Booed During Bastille Day Parade

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French President Macron Mercilessly Booed During Bastille Day Parade

By Margaret Flavin Jul. 14, 2023

France is burning under President Emmanuel Macron.

On Friday, as he drove through the Champs-Elysées in the Bastille Day parade, representatives of the “yellow vests” protest movement expressed their dissatisfaction with his failed leadership and booed him mercilessly as the crowd chanted, “Macron, go away!”

France has faced months of unrest under Macron.

After the officer-involved death of a 17-year-old driver, riots left 1,000 buildings burnt, 5,600 vehicles destroyed, and 3,300 arrests across France.

Earlier in the year, massive protests have plagued the county including the annual May Day rally in support of workers’ rights.

The Gateway Pundit reported on protests in March across France after The French National Assembly rejected a vote of no-confidence against the Government of Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

Protesters stormed the streets multiple times over recent months in opposition to the retirement change.

Disruptions are expected on Friday for Bastille Day celebrations in Paris.

On Monday, The Gateway Pundit reported that, in a disturbing turn, a severed human finger was sent to the official presidential home. The package did not contain any correspondence, only the finger, which investigators determined came from “a living victim” who, according to police sources, has been identified.



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c4c1c1 No.71596

File: 51d162f262cb616⋯.jpg (17.26 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178588 (141627ZJUL23) Notable: The House on Friday narrowly passed the annual defense policy bill, as most Democrats opposed the legislation that Republicans championed

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WASHINGTON: "The House on Friday narrowly passed the annual defense policy bill, as most Democrats opposed the legislation that Republicans championed as a way to roll back the Biden administration's "woke" Pentagon policies. The National Defense Authorization Act, normally a bipartisan bill, passed in a 219-210 vote after just four Democrats voted "yes," matching the four Republicans who voted against it. Most Democrats rejected the bill due to controversial amendments that would curb the Pentagon’s abortion travel reimbursement policy, transgender medical care and diversity, equity, inclusion programs throughout the military. The Senate is expected to take up its own version of the NDAA next week."


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c4c1c1 No.71597

File: b770cf8248709cc⋯.jpeg (93.77 KB,575x333,575:333,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178596 (141629ZJUL23) Notable: Biological Men BANNED from Competing As Women in Global Cycling - Will Now Compete in New Category

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VICTORY FOR SANITY: Biological Men BANNED from Competing As Women in Global Cycling – Will Now Compete in New Category

by Cullen Linebarger Jul. 14, 2023

The radical global trans movement was hit with a major loss on Friday.

As ESPN reported, the International Cycling Union (UCI) announced that trans women (biological men) will no longer be able to compete in the female category.

The UCI revealed that the trans women will be competing in anew category called men/open. This means they will actually be racing against their own peers while still being allowed to identify as trans. The new rules will go into effect on Monday according to ESPN

The UCI released this statement announcing the new changes:

At an extraordinary meeting held on 5 July, the Management Committee of the UCI decided to adapt the current UCI rules on the right of female transgender athletes to take part in competitions on the UCI International Calendar.

From now on, female transgender athletes who have transitioned after [male] puberty will be prohibited from participating in women’s events on the UCI International Calendar — in all categories — in the various disciplines.

ESPN notes that the UCI organization previously allowed biological men with reduced testosterone to take part in female events. It agreed to take another look at its rules after American Austin Killips became the first biological man to win a UCI women’s stage race this year.

UCI president David Lappartient in a statement tried to strike a balance between respecting individual’s “gender identity” while standing firm on protecting female sports.

First of all, the UCI would like to reaffirm that cycling – as a competitive sport, leisure activity or means of transport – is open to everyone, including transgender people, whom we encourage like everyone else to take part in our sport.

I would also like to reaffirm that the UCI fully respects and supports the right of individuals to choose the sex that corresponds to their gender identity, whatever sex they were assigned at birth.

However, it has a duty to guarantee, above all, equal opportunities for all competitors in cycling competitions.

It is this imperative that led the UCI to conclude that, given the current state of scientific knowledge does not guarantee such equality of opportunity between transgender female athletes and cisgender female participants, it was not possible, as a precautionary measure, to authorise the former to race in the female categories.

As the Associated Press noted, governing bodies in track and field and swimming have barred athletes who underwent male puberty from competing in international women’s events.

Hopefully more victories for sanity are on the horizon.


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c4c1c1 No.71598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178604 (141630ZJUL23) Notable: Biological Men BANNED from Competing As Women in Global Cycling - Will Now Compete in New Category

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Tour De Trans

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c4c1c1 No.71599

File: 74ba59d3ebb63a8⋯.jpg (268.04 KB,1596x978,266:163,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e08d51df1ee738c⋯.png (211.44 KB,699x802,699:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178623 (141634ZJUL23) Notable: Flynn/Clinton hotlines hhhmmmm

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Project Defend & Protect Our Children

National human tracking hotline


Thank you for becoming an America’s Future Champion. Please complete your membership form.

$39 Champion Membership




Pretecting the Kids

Book Deals

Probably has contacts with the Amber Alert people too...who were they again?

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c4c1c1 No.71600

File: 4c031a1d2e90a05⋯.jpeg (333.23 KB,1488x814,744:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178638 (141639ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent Extremism Investigations

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FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent Extremism Investigations

by Richard Abelson Jul. 14, 2023

Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have both claimed that far-right and white supremacist groups “pose the most serious domestic national security threat in the U.S.” In April 2022, House Republicans blasted Mayorkas for “failing to name a single case of domestic terrorism that his department has referred to the Department of Justice for prosecution.”

A new investigation by Madeleine Rowley and Alex Gutentag on Public finds that “the FBI is not only exaggerating the threat of white supremacy, but isalso embedding confidential human sources within white nationalist groupsand encouraging members of these groups to engage in illegal activity.“

According to Public, “there’s no good evidence that domestic terrorism is increasing. Last year there were only 21 homicides linked to white supremacists in the entire country. By comparison, Chicago alone saw an average of 58 homicides every month.”

The Gateway Pundit readers are familiar with the bogus fedsurrectionist “Patriot Front“ organization, who all happen to wear the same khaki fed-style pants and never show their faces. Recently in Portland, true patriot Proud Boys unmasked the sham “Patriot Front“, as Gateway Pundit revealed.

A source has now confirmed to Public that theFBI “pushed confidential informants to buy weaponsso that agents can expand the scope and scale of domestic violent extremism investigations.”

The actions follow the patterns of other FBI entrapment cases, according to Public, such as the FBI “plot” to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer: “The FBI pays an informant to lure people into planning and almost carrying out terrorist attacks using weapons, money, and other materials usually provided by the FBI before arresting them at the last minute”, Public writes.

Evidence gathered suggests that the FBI “is going even further” with their entrapment tactics, Public reports, citing Lucas Gage, “a retired Marine veteran previously involved with a far-right white nationalist group”, who recently “posted a video on Twitter describing how theFBI’s Domestic Terror Unit tried to recruit him to embed into extremist groups like Atomwaffen.”

Gage described his recruitment process to Public:“CIs (Confidential Informants) are paid in cash. There is no trace of them working with the FBI. Under no circumstances could a CI expose they work for the FBI, otherwise the deal would be off.”

An FBI agent approached Gage about becoming an informant and asked if he “would be comfortable buying weapons and drugs when undercover,” he said.

An FBI source corroborated Gage’s description of FBI tactics, according to the report, explaining that “prompting informants to buy drugs and weapons” is a common strategy. In 2020, the FBI asked an Iowa truck driver if he’d be willing to buy and sell drugs as an informant for the FBI, as Lee Fang reported for The Intercept in 2020.

“From 2013 to 2021, the FBI’s domestic terrorism-related investigations increased by 357 percent, but there was no similar increase in terrorist attacks during that period“, Public writes. “If the number of open FBI cases reflected the actual level of extremist violence, there would be a domestic terrorist attack every day.“


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c4c1c1 No.71601

File: a5e0be8e702b277⋯.png (416.79 KB,885x739,885:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178672 (141647ZJUL23) Notable: Flynn/Clinton hotlines hhhmmmm

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>National Human Trafficking Hotline


Leads to:

Mission and Vision


Named after the North Star, an historical symbol of freedom, Polaris is leading a survivor-centered, justice- and equity-driven movement to end human trafficking. Since 2007, Polaris has operated the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, connecting victims and survivors to support and services, and helping communities hold traffickers accountable. Through that work, Polaris has built the largest known dataset on human trafficking in North America. The data and expertise gained from two decades of working on trafficking situations in real time informs strategies that hold traffickers accountable, support survivors on their healing journeys and address the vulnerabilities that enable the business of stealing freedom for profit.


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c4c1c1 No.71602

File: b057f38033a7c1e⋯.jpeg (484.11 KB,1463x873,1463:873,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178710 (141654ZJUL23) Notable: Top Intel Source to Seymour Hersh: “Biden’s Principal Issue in the War is that He’s Screwed”

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Top Intel Source to Seymour Hersh: “Biden’s Principal Issue in the War is that He’s Screwed”

by Richard Abelson Jul. 14, 2023

White House Resident Joe Bidenbought the support of Turkish President Erdoganfor Swedish NATO membership with $ 13 billion from the IMF, reports investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, citing a high-ranked intel source. There iscurrently a “big power struggle” going on within the “dying administration” faced with a failing war in Ukraine. Joe Biden is “oblivious” and Ukraine war hawk Victoria Nuland has been “blocked”. The source advised intil professionals to “shelter in place,” he said.

“Biden’s principal issue in the war is that he’s screwed,” a top intel official told Hersh. “We didn’t give Ukraine cluster bombs earlier in the war, but we’re giving them cluster bombs now, because that’s all we got left in the cupboard. Aren’t these the bombs that are banned all over the world, because they kill kids? But the Ukrainians tell us they are not planning to drop them on civilians. And then the administration claims that the Russians have used them first in the war, which is just a lie.“

“In any case,” the official told Hersh, “cluster bombs have zero chance of changing the course of the war.”

The real problem will come as early as August, when the Russians “will counter-strike with a major offensive,” Hersh cites his unnamed source: “What happens then? The US has painted itself in a corner by calling for NATO to do something. Will NATO respond by sending the brigades now training in Poland and Romania on an airborne assault? We knew more about the German army in Normandy in World War II than we know about the Russian army in Ukraine.”

The failing Ukraine war has taken a toll on the Biden administration, Hersh writes. On Monday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had cost 26.000 casualties and 3.000 units of material, as Gateway reported.

The increasingly unpopular war has come at the expense of Ukraine war hawk Victoria Nuland, currently serving as Undersecretary of State for Policy.Nuland has been “blocked” from being promoted “to replace the much respected Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman,” Hersh quotes a Democrat Party insider. “Nuland’s anti-Russian politics and rhetoric matches the tone and point of view of Biden and Secretary of State Tony Blinken,” he writes.

Current CIA director Bill Burns is maneuvering for a top spot at the State Department, Hersh reports, trumpeting “his love for Biden and his intense dislike of all things Russian, including Putin,” in a speech in England July 1.Burns was “the liaison between the intelligence team operating out of Norwayand the Oval Office” during the sabotage operation of the Nord Stream pipelines, which Hersh reported on in February 2023. Burns had “won the respect of a hard core of CIA officers and agents for his discrete handling of the nine-month planning and execution of the covert operation, approved by Biden, to destroy the Nord Steam I and II pipelines running from Russia to Germany,” Hersh wrote:

“Burns was also known for his warning … that continued expansion of NATO to the east—NATO now is now on the verge of totally covering Russia’s western border—would inevitably lead to conflict.”

Sleepy Joe Biden is “not revered throughout the CIA,” Hersh reports, “as many presidents have not been.” Hersh’s source noted that “all was in flux” throughout the Biden national security bureaucracy. “Big shuffle. Big power struggle. Biden oblivious. All the ants fighting for the crumbs of a dying administration.Advised all the professionals inside to shelter in place. Wait and see the color of the smoke from the Vatican Chancellery. Explains Burns’ Kool-Aid remarks in the UK.”

At the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania this week, Joe Biden hat got Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to support NATO membership for Sweden by promising Turkey an “$11-13 billion line of credit” from the International Monetary Fund, Hersh reports. “Biden had to have a victory and Turkey is in acute financial stress,” Hersh’s source said.


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c4c1c1 No.71603

File: 94d07c878ad5e08⋯.png (190.62 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178870 (141733ZJUL23) Notable: Canadian Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

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Canadian Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

CONSUMER LAW GROUP is representing persons who received a Health Canada authorized vaccine after December 8, 2020 and subsequently suffered a serious and permanent injury or death.

The lawyers at CLG will represent you in your claim process and any appeals to maximize your ability of receiving fair financial compensation.

Please fill out the form below and a CLG representative will contact you and provide you with further information on the next steps.

Conditions for eligibility:

1. Health Canada authorized vaccine

2. Claim is filed within 3 years after the date of vaccination, date of death, or date when an injury first becomes apparent

3. The injury is reported to a health care provider

4. Date of vaccination was on or after December 8, 2020

5. Vaccine was administered in Canada

6. The injury is serious and permanent or has resulted in death

7. A likely causal relationship between the vaccine and the injury

Applicable vaccines:



Flu (influenza)

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections


Meningococcal infections

Mpox (monkeypox)


Pneumococcal infections



Rotavirus gastroenteritis


Serious Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)




Varicella (Chickenpox)

Whooping cough

Type of injury:

Life-threatening or life-altering injury that may require in-person hospitalization, or a prolongation of existing hospitalization, and results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or where the outcome is a congenital malformation or death.

Type of compensation:

The amount of financial support an individual will receive will be determined on a case by case basis, which will include:

Income replacement

Bodily injury

Personal assistance expenses

Death benefits

Funeral expenses

Uncovered medical expenses


Determination of validity:

A panel of 3 physicians will determine if the vaccine was the probable cause of the injury and if the injury is severe and permanent. This will determine the eligibility and level of financial support.

Who can file a claim:

The victim can be the vaccinated person, the person having contracted the disease from a vaccinated person, or the fetus of either of such persons; or, if death occurs, the person who is entitled to a death benefit.


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c4c1c1 No.71604

File: 25b2fe18daf5337⋯.jpeg (829.59 KB,1912x987,1912:987,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178888 (141737ZJUL23) Notable: 2012 Secret Service scandal sheds light on sex tourism in Latin America

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This is just the Tip of the Story… Imagine Today, with Killary in the position and Anons Everywhere…

So we got this:

While 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗻 was the head of the state department as Secretary of State, NBC ran this segment of a scandal within the department involving 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅 𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀. The investigation into this scandal was halted by a “top official”.


They Mention Prostitution… Anons Brain Clicked

Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton served as the 67th United States Secretary of State, under President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2013, overseeing the department that conducted the foreign policy of Barack Obama.

Remember this? Same Time:

April 17th, 2012

Secret Service scandal sheds light on sex tourism in Latin America

11 US Secret Service agents were sent home for allegedly hiring prostitutes


That Scandal led to this:

April 18th, 2012

Secret Service Agents Forced Out Amid Prostitution Investigation

Secret Service agents are being forced out of their positions as officials investigate the alleged hiring of prostitutes and other questionable behavior during a presidential visit to Colombia.

"Although the Secret Service's investigation into allegations of misconduct by its employees in Cartagena, Colombia, is in its early stages, and is still ongoing, three of the individuals involved will separate or are in the process of separating from the agency," said Paul S. Morrissey, the assistant director of the U.S. Secret Service Office of Government and Public Affairs, in a written statement.

One supervisory employee was allowed to retire and another was "proposed for removal for cause," the statement said. In addition, a non-supervisory employee resigned.

The employee proposed for removal has been given notice and will be allowed to fight the move, the Secret Service said.

Eight other Secret Service employees remain on administrative leave with suspended security clearances.


With the second article showing Punishment the Story Ended.

Who were the 3? Were they going to talk? Were they uncontrollable? Where are they today?

Oh the Stories they could tell. It would make for a Great Movie🍿

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c4c1c1 No.71605

File: 3ce631e920c8292⋯.png (797.98 KB,1280x1251,1280:1251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178910 (141741ZJUL23) Notable: 14 Defendants, Including Leaders of the Colombo Organized Crime Family, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges

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14 Defendants, Including Leaders of the Colombo Organized Crime Family, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges

“Today, there can be no doubt that the Colombo crime family has been decapitated as a result of the guilty pleas by its leadership and other facilitators of lucrative schemes,” stated United States Attorney Peace.



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c4c1c1 No.71606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178934 (141745ZJUL23) Notable: #23554

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#23554 >>71575

>>71576 David Benjamin Creamer Wanted For Distribution of Child Pornography Aliases Dave Creamer, Benjamin David

>>71577 resident Biden leaves US-Nordic leaders summit

>>71578 DOJ Spied On Devin Nunes Staff During Russia Hoax, Subpoenas Show

>>71579 QClock July 13, 2023- SPACE LAUNCH DELTA 45 - Launch #34 & Nuclear Cooperation

>>71580, >>71584, >>71593 @realDonaldTrump Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine...

>>71581, >>71585, >>71587 Moar Fixing FISA, Part II


>>71583 Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65 Shawn Ryan Show


>>71588, >>71589 2020-22 Capacitive Based Aerial Transmission (CBAT) = energy transmission to multiple devices without a need for batteries or wires. No need for the grid!

>>71590 Bioweapons that target specific people by DNA

>>71591 ERS Data Products Show Food-At-Home Price Inflation From Producers to Consumers

>>71592 Russia out foiled NASA.

>>71594, >>71599, >>71601 Flynn/Clinton hotlines hhhmmmm

>>71595 French President Macron Mercilessly Booed During Bastille Day Parade

>>71596 The House on Friday narrowly passed the annual defense policy bill, as most Democrats opposed the legislation that Republicans championed

>>71597, >>71598 Biological Men BANNED from Competing As Women in Global Cycling - Will Now Compete in New Category

>>71600 FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent Extremism Investigations

>>71602 Top Intel Source to Seymour Hersh: “Biden’s Principal Issue in the War is that He’s Screwed”

>>71603 Canadian Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

>>71604 2012 Secret Service scandal sheds light on sex tourism in Latin America

>>71605 14 Defendants, Including Leaders of the Colombo Organized Crime Family, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges


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c4c1c1 No.71607

File: 0274fb32103ef68⋯.jpg (194.63 KB,600x840,5:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 984f93c8ba64108⋯.jpeg (94.6 KB,819x540,91:60,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6e61489beea7c26⋯.jpg (15.02 KB,392x407,392:407,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f3a46a619832d56⋯.png (992.56 KB,943x634,943:634,Clipboard.png)

File: bc010671861de2a⋯.png (510.39 KB,680x639,680:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178950 (141748ZJUL23) Notable: #23555

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Baker haz IRL, off hand needed, will tap @20

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c4c1c1 No.71608

File: e38463597942c3a⋯.jpeg (796.83 KB,1098x1860,183:310,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178974 (141753ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel in an Interview with General Flynn Responds to CIA “Suicidal” Tweet - I DO NOT FEAR YOU!

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Jim Caviezel in an Interview with General Flynn Responds to CIA “Suicidal” Tweet - I DO NOT FEAR YOU! And Reveals the CIA Already Tried

His (Jim Caviezel) Days are numbered 💀 They will make it look like an accident.

He is likely correct, the ClA does this and it used used for blackmailing their assets in high places.

Jim Responds:

“I will gladly give my life to save these little ones…. The Screaming that I heard was so horrific, I can’t sleep at night. 3am I’m the morning, I can’t still hear it.

Like David, I love my God. I love him so much I will give my life to him, do you understand that?

….> I’m not gonna die by my own hand, I’m not going to commit suicide. It may happen from an accident, and this has happened before. After the Passion of the Christ. That’s right, 2009. Look up that date, on our lady of Feast on Mount Carmel, what you tried to do?”👀

Sounds like he’s saying the CIA already tried…

* In Jan 2009, Jim Caviezel had a “motorcycle accident”.


This Video



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c4c1c1 No.71609

File: f4b41bfd724dd47⋯.png (429.47 KB,999x1028,999:1028,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178984 (141755ZJUL23) Notable: POTUS Statement

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c4c1c1 No.71610

File: 96319ab5202cf21⋯.png (539.93 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178986 (141755ZJUL23) Notable: ‘NATO is the real troublemaker’ - China (RT)

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‘NATO is the real troublemaker’ – China

The bloc claims to be a defensive alliance but provokes confrontation, Beijing’s UN envoy has said

NATO is “the real troublemaker” that has fully embraced “Cold War thinking and ideological prejudice,” China’s permanent representative to the UN has claimed.

In a statement on Thursday, Zhang Jun hit back at a communique issued by NATO members at the Vilnius summit earlier this week, which accused China of pursuing “coercive policies” that challenge the bloc’s interests. It also claimed that Beijing uses a wide array of tools to increase its global footprint and undermine the security of NATO members.

The envoy rejected the statement as “slander” and a “smearing” of China, claiming that the US-led military bloc is still trapped in a Cold War mentality.

He recalled that, while NATO claims to be a regional organization, it violates this principle by entering the Asia-Pacific region, “bringing more negative impacts and destructive factors on regional and global security.”

Zhang said that, although NATO claims to be a defensive alliance, it encourages its members to increase military spending, cross borders, and provoke confrontation.

The bloc, he added, portrays itself as the champion of the ‘rules-based international order,’ but it “has repeatedly violated international law…, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, provoked many wars, bombed diplomatic facilities, [and] killed innocent civilians.”

Individual NATO members pursue double standards, promote nuclear sharing, ‘nuclear alliance’, and further exacerbate regional tensions. Numerous facts have proved that NATO is the real troublemaker.

“China does not cause trouble, but it is not afraid of trouble,” Zhang warned, adding that Beijing will resolutely oppose any encroachment on China’s territorial integrity and national interests.

Zhang’s remarks come after China’s foreign ministry warned NATO against opening a liaison office in Japan, the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region. However, while Tokyo signaled that it was considering the idea, it was not mentioned in the NATO communique. According to Nikkei Asia, the relevant statement was removed from the final version of the document, with a decision on the matter deferred to a later date.

The apparent reversal came after France opposed the plan for a liaison office, fearing that the move would further antagonize Beijing.


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c4c1c1 No.71611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178995 (141757ZJUL23) Notable: Girl dies from abuse after AI system computed she was likely safe

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AI, doing what it was PROGRAMMED to do.


Girl dies from abuse after AI system computed she was likely safe

Japanese police have admitted that they allowed artificial intelligence (AI) to influence their decision not to provide protective custody to a child who later died in her mother’s care.

"The AI figures are only for reference," Mie Prefecture Gov. Katsuyuki Ichimi said at a press conference on Tuesday, stressing the importance of the judgment of those in charge.

"We are not in a position to draw a conclusion whether the method of utilizing this data used this time was 100% good," indicating he intended to refer the matter to a third-party committee consisting of outside experts to determine further use of the system, Japanese outlet Jiji reported.

Police considered the case of a 4-year-old girl in the city of Tsu, running it through an AI program introduced in 2020 and trained with the data of 6,000 to 13,000 cases. Officials hoped the program could help reduce the burden on child consultation centers, which serve as the country’s equivalent to child protective services.

The program determined her case a "39%" rate of necessary protection, and the girl’s mother showed a willingness to respond to child guidance expert advice. As a result, officials did not place the girl in temporary custody to investigate further.

The mother, 42, is now in custody on suspicion of bodily harm leading to the death of her daughter.

The mother and daughter met with child consultation center officials in February 2022 after reports that witnesses had noticed bruises on the daughter, The Asahi Shimbun reported.

Officials decided to occasionally visit the child but that she should remain in her mother’s care, based on the fact they determined the bruises were not from abuse and because of the mother’s willingness to cooperate.

They admitted that the AI had included the visits as a factor in its calculation of the risk to the child. When the child didn’t appear at day care for a long period of time, the child consultation center made no effort to contact the mother.

The Japan Times reported the center in fact failed to check on the girl for a whole year.

Japan has spent years looking at how to include AI in child care: Japanese startup Unifa in 2013 looked to introduce AI-powered tools to help track children’s growth, sleep habits and other health indicators in their earliest years as they attend day care, according to Japanese outlet The Bridge.

By 2019, the service was in use in some 6,250 kindergartens and other child care facilities across the country.


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c4c1c1 No.71612

File: 393ea2103b52be2⋯.png (1.27 MB,1170x1785,78:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179004 (141759ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. - "I want people to understand what this troop mobilization is about. It's about preparing for a ground war with Russia."

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President Biden just called up 3,000 reservists to augment U.S. troops in Europe as part of "Operation Atlantic Resolve." I want people to understand what this troop mobilization is about. It's about preparing for a ground war with Russia.


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c4c1c1 No.71613

File: 81bef1b9912298d⋯.png (186.8 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179006 (141759ZJUL23) Notable: Loophole: Biden Admin Forgives $39 Billion In Student Debt For Over 800,000 Borrowers

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Loophole: Biden Admin Forgives $39 Billion In Student Debt For Over 800,000 Borrowers

As suspected following the Supreme Court's recent ruling to block the Biden administration's student loan forgiveness proposal, the administration has created their own loophole to do it anyway.

On Friday, the administration announced the forgiveness of $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 borrowers.

The new program is thanks to a new regulatory rulemaking process by the Department of Education, which tweaked the student loan program's income-driven repayment plans, CNBC reports.

Under those repayment plans, borrowers get any remaining debt canceled by the government after they have made payments for 20 years or 25 years, depending on when they borrowed, and their loan and plan type.

In the past, payments that should have moved a borrower closer to being debt-free were not accounted for, according to the Biden administration.

"For far too long, borrowers fell through the cracks of a broken system that failed to keep accurate track of their progress towards forgiveness," said US Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona.

Eligible borrowers will be notified in the coming days by the Education Department.

The tweaks which created the loophole include counting payments for borrowers who had paused their payments in various deferments and forbearances, as well as those who had made partial or late payments.

According to the Department of Education, Friday's action addresses "historical failures" and administrative errors which miscounted qualifying payments made by borrowers. Those affected include Americans with Direct Loans or Federal Family Education Loans held by the department.

The move comes before student loan payments are set to resume in October, following a years long pandemic-era pause.

Separately, the Department of Education is also moving forward with a plan we've previously highlighted - the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.

Under the president’s SAVE scheme, borrowers with undergraduate loans would only make payments equal to 5 percent of their discretionary income instead of 10 percent, which the administration estimates would save borrowers approximately $1,000 per year. Moreover, student loan forgiveness would be provided to borrowers with balances of $12,000 or less after ten years of payments rather than the original 20 years.


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c4c1c1 No.71614

File: f70844b84d8d3fd⋯.png (2.77 MB,2048x1150,1024:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cdeb2c8200fcb7⋯.png (210.12 KB,552x485,552:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179026 (141803ZJUL23) Notable: FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent

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FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent Extremism Investigations

Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have both claimed that far-right and white supremacist groups “pose the most serious domestic national security threat in the U.S.” In April 2022, House Republicans blasted Mayorkas for “failing to name a single case of domestic terrorism that his department has referred to the Department of Justice for prosecution.”

A new investigation by Madeleine Rowley and Alex Gutentag on Public finds that “the FBI is not only exaggerating the threat of white supremacy, but is also embedding confidential human sources within white nationalist groups and encouraging members of these groups to engage in illegal activity.“

According to Public, “there’s no good evidence that domestic terrorism is increasing. Last year there were only 21 homicides linked to white supremacists in the entire country. By comparison, Chicago alone saw an average of 58 homicides every month.”

The Gateway Pundit readers are familiar with the bogus fedsurrectionist “Patriot Front“ organization, who all happen to wear the same khaki fed-style pants and never show their faces. Recently in Portland, true patriot Proud Boys unmasked the sham “Patriot Front“, as Gateway Pundit revealed.

A source has now confirmed to Public that the FBI “pushed confidential informants to buy weapons so that agents can expand the scope and scale of domestic violent extremism investigations.”

The actions follow the patterns of other FBI entrapment cases, according to Public, such as the FBI “plot” to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer: “The FBI pays an informant to lure people into planning and almost carrying out terrorist attacks using weapons, money, and other materials usually provided by the FBI before arresting them at the last minute”, Public writes.

Evidence gathered suggests that the FBI “is going even further” with their entrapment tactics, Public reports, citing Lucas Gage, “a retired Marine veteran previously involved with a far-right white nationalist group”, who recently “posted a video on Twitter describing how the FBI’s Domestic Terror Unit tried to recruit him to embed into extremist groups like Atomwaffen.”

Gage described his recruitment process to Public: “CIs (Confidential Informants) are paid in cash. There is no trace of them working with the FBI. Under no circumstances could a CI expose they work for the FBI, otherwise the deal would be off.”

An FBI agent approached Gage about becoming an informant and asked if he “would be comfortable buying weapons and drugs when undercover,” he said.

An FBI source corroborated Gage’s description of FBI tactics, according to the report, explaining that “prompting informants to buy drugs and weapons” is a common strategy. In 2020, the FBI asked an Iowa truck driver if he’d be willing to buy and sell drugs as an informant for the FBI, as Lee Fang reported for The Intercept in 2020.

“From 2013 to 2021, the FBI’s domestic terrorism-related investigations increased by 357 percent, but there was no similar increase in terrorist attacks during that period“, Public writes. “If the number of open FBI cases reflected the actual level of extremist violence, there would be a domestic terrorist attack every day.“


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c4c1c1 No.71615

File: a46c183829653cc⋯.png (315.43 KB,555x490,111:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179032 (141805ZJUL23) Notable: More on Dirty Chris Wray: FBI Chief Used Agent Brian Auten to Investigate Mar-a-Lago After He Suppressed Hunter Laptop Info and Participated in Crossfire Hurricane Attempted Coup

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More on Dirty Chris Wray: FBI Chief Used Agent Brian Auten to Investigate Mar-a-Lago After He Suppressed Hunter Laptop Info and Participated in Crossfire Hurricane Attempted Coup of President Trump

On Wednesday, dirty FBI Director Chris Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee. During his testimony Chris Wray dodged, diflected, and lied about his actions and the actions of his corrupted law enforcement agency.

At one point, Rep. Chip Roy grilled Chris Wray on Agent Brian Auten. Agent Auten participated in the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane attempted coup of President Trump. Auten also buried the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and participate in the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

Brian Auten still has a job. Chris Wray values crooks like Auten and continues to give him the top cases so that Auten can destroy the justice system in America today.

Chris Wray should be impeached and indicted.

Via Kanekoa the Great:

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX): “The FBI conducted an internal investigation of Brian Auten and then sought to suspend him but Auten appealed.

Nevertheless, in 2020, after Senators Grassley and Johnson highlighted evidence of potential financial crimes and corruption against the Biden family, the FBI assigned Auten to compile an assessment, which was used to characterize the Biden revelations as Russian disinformation.

The evidence Grassley and Johnson had collected was mostly financial records and could easily have been corroborated as authentic.

And by then, the FBI had the Hunter laptop in its possession for over a year, so it knew the lucrative payments to the Bidens from corrupt anti-American regimes were authentic.

How on earth did the FBI empower an agent under investigation for potentially corrupt performance and abuse of FISA in one politically fraught investigation, a Democrat operative-driven case against President Trump, to play a key role to undermine a second politically fraught investigation, a case against the Bidens?

How is that possible? How can you allow that to occur in the FBI? – How does that occur?”

Chris Wray: ‘I can’t at the moment discuss a pending personnel matter. I can tell you that every employee who in anyway touched the Crossfire Hurricane matter has been referred to our office of professional responsibility.

Rep. Chip Roy: Are you concerned about this activity by the FBI and what was communicated to the FISA Court? Does that concern you as the Director of the FBI?

Chris Wray: I consider the conduct that was described in the Durham Report as totally reprehensible and unrepresentable of what I see from the FBI everyday.


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c4c1c1 No.71616

File: 5677c87551694e7⋯.png (52.25 KB,855x518,855:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179047 (141808ZJUL23) Notable: "Hunter Is Checking": Ukrainian Oligarch Accused Of Bribin' Bidens Got Help With Passport

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"Hunter Is Checking": Ukrainian Oligarch Accused Of Bribin' Bidens Got Help With Passport

Hunter Biden and pals attempted to help Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky obtain a US Visa right after then-VP Joe Biden's son became a board member for the Ukrainian energy firm, the Daily Caller reports, citing emails.

The emails in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop archive show a coordinated attempt to obtain a visa for Zlochevsky while he was being investigated by Ukrainian authorities for corruption.

Biden and some of his associates were potentially “engaging in registrable lobbying activity,” and one email indicates that Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations could have been occurring outside of the exchanges, a FARA expert who reviewed the emails told the Caller.

Of note, Hunter worked with former Burisma board member Devon Archer, as well as Rosemont Seneca adviser Eric Schwerin, former Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP Partner Heather King and other business associates, to help Zlochevsky reapply for his visa after the State Department revoked it in 2014.

According to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Zlochevsky is the "foreign national" who made 17 secret phone recordings of the Bidens as an insurance policy, and is involved in an alleged bribery scheme with the Biden family.

Greene was one of several House Oversight Committee members who viewed a redacted version of an FBI FD-1023 form, in which an informant is said to have detailed the $10 million scheme. According to Greene, FBI Director Christopher Wray redacted the foreign national's name, but that it's very clearly Zlochevsky, as "within the same sentence, it says 'him/Burisma.'

"If you’re anyone who is familiar with the whole Burisma story and the information on the laptop, it’s easy to make the connection of who it is. It’s like a no-brainer … No one has refuted that it’s not him," said Greene.

Trying to get Burisma boss into the US

In May of 2014, one month after Hunter was hired to sit on Burisma's board for some $80,000 per month, Hunter and his partners interfaced with a Zlochevsky intermediary, Burisma board member Vadim Pozharskyi about the Zlochevsky's visa application, according to the emails.

On May 7, 2014, Pozharskyi emailed Archer to ask about "Nikolay's visa issue" as a follow-up to "previous communications" between them. According to the report, "Pozharskyi frequently used the “Nikolay” moniker to refer to Mykola Zlochevsky in correspondence with Hunter Biden and his associates."

In late May of 2014, King, the former Boies Schiller partner, emailed Pozharskyi an update on Zlochevsky's visa status from the Ukrainian embassy, saying that the embassy couldn't reveal to a 3rd party why the visa had been revoked, but that "if Nikolai contacts them directly, they may provide him with further explanation."


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c4c1c1 No.71617

File: f46175a17ee10b7⋯.png (882.02 KB,1161x1348,1161:1348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179053 (141809ZJUL23) Notable: Watch: House votes to eliminate Pentagon DEI programs

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Watch: House votes to eliminate Pentagon DEI programs

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c4c1c1 No.71618

File: 6843a53d04c0823⋯.jpeg (631.64 KB,1170x806,45:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179062 (141811ZJUL23) Notable: CDC facing major funding cuts

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c4c1c1 No.71619

File: 33bf73c0a36e3a5⋯.png (304.02 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179065 (141812ZJUL23) Notable: Gates, WHO Envision Future Where ‘Vaccine Patches Could Be Mailed Directly to Peoples’ Homes’

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Gates, WHO Envision Future Where ‘Vaccine Patches Could Be Mailed Directly to Peoples’ Homes’

A new vaccine technology that delivers vaccines through microneedles on patches is known as vaccine microarray patches (VMAP). It is backed by global players including the World Health Organization (WHO) Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The patches have yet to be approved by regulators, but are still being promoted. VMAPs are easier to deliver, especially to children, than traditional needle jabs. The head of the National Vaccine Information Center said that vaccine ‘hesitancy’ “has never been about how the product is delivered.” Instead, “it has always been about the lack of evidence demonstrating safety.”



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c4c1c1 No.71620

File: 05386b1c5b289b3⋯.png (221.88 KB,723x623,723:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179075 (141813ZJUL23) Notable: (mini bun) vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it

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c4c1c1 No.71621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179076 (141813ZJUL23) Notable: Danish Study Shows 71% of COVID Vaccine Injuries Came from Just 4.2% of the Batches

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Danish Study Shows 71% of COVID Vaccine Injuries Came from Just 4.2% of the Batches

A new study from Danish researchers that was published in a peer-reviewed journal showed that 71% of reported adverse effects from the COVID ‘vaccine’ occurred in just 4.2% of the batches. The lead researcher said that the most serious vaccine adverse effects were recorded early on, when the vaccines were first rolled out. The people who took the vaccines later had very few adverse effects. There is suspicion that the formula for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine may have actually changed because the first series of injections had to be stored in deep freeze conditions. If the formula was changed, and people were not made aware of the change, there was no ‘informed consent’.

If the batches were the same quality, there would likely be the same amount of side effects, but there is a huge difference between the batches. Why did something change along the way? This data only shows results from the Danish vaccine roll out but similar shifts in protocol occurred globally. This study has been out since March of 2023 so at least three months and regulators have not demanded answers and Pfizer hasn’t offered any.



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c4c1c1 No.71622

File: b5b7031e230374d⋯.png (602.7 KB,837x671,837:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179082 (141815ZJUL23) Notable: POTATUS Trips again.

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End the trip with a bang, Joe, but please be careful!


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c4c1c1 No.71623

File: f37118cc6245712⋯.jpg (56.67 KB,694x471,694:471,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179085 (141815ZJUL23) Notable: (mini bun) vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it

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one of my favorites

was when one of the symptoms

was not having any symptoms

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c4c1c1 No.71624

File: fb27f34ed64aa60⋯.png (520.15 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179087 (141815ZJUL23) Notable: New Climate Regulations Against Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Will Affect Air Conditioners

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New Climate Regulations Against Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Will Affect Air Conditioners

The Environmental Protection Agency is enforcing stricter limits on hydrofluorocarbons that are used in refrigeration and air conditioning, and it will impose a 40% overall reduction in HFCs from 2024 to 2028 as part of a global phaseout to slow phony ‘climate change’. The rule aligns with a 2020 law that calls for an 85% reduction in production and use of these chemicals by 2036 as HFCs are reported to change climate. More than 130 countries, including the United States, have signed a 2016 global agreement to greatly reduce use and production of HFCs by 2036.

Congress approved the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act in 2020, which phases out domestic HFC manufacturing. There will be new regulations on HFCs and their substitutes that are used in air conditioners, which many Americans rely upon for survival.



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c4c1c1 No.71625

File: 6f9bc0fe0ee60bb⋯.png (82.41 KB,680x447,680:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179089 (141815ZJUL23) Notable: State AGs Tell Top 100 CEOs That SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling Applies to Them Too

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State AGs Tell Top 100 CEOs That SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling Applies to Them Too

State attorneys general from Tennessee, Kansas, and 11 other states put 100 of America’s largest corporations on notice that, following the Supreme Court decision against racial discrimination at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, private companies would be held to the same standard.

In a July 13 letter to CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, the AGs wrote that “the Supreme Court’s recent decision should place every employer and contractor on notice of the illegality of racial quotas and race-based preferences in employment and contracting practices.

“If your company previously resorted to racial preferences or naked quotas to offset its bigotry, that discriminatory path is now definitively closed,” the letter states. “Your company must overcome its underlying bias and treat all employees, all applicants, and all contractors equally, without regard for race.”

The letter, authored by Kansas AG Kris Kobach and Tennessee AG Jonathan Skrmetti, was co-signed by AGs from Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Nebraska, Iowa, South Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri, and Montana.

They charged that the following companies, among others, had enacted racial hiring, promotion, or contracting quotas: Airbnb, Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Google, Intel, Lyft, Microsoft, Netflix, PayPal, Snapchat, TikTok, Uber, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan Chase. In all, they stated, 27 banks, tech companies, and consulting firms set explicit racial hiring quotas, which courts have consistently ruled are illegal under U.S. law.

A Google logo and Android statue

According to a Harvard Business Review 2022 survey, more than 60 percent of U.S. companies had a race or gender-based diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) program. In addition, following the 2020 death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of police officers, numerous companies, including Wells Fargo, United Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, Delta Airlines, Ralph Lauren, and Estee Lauder, announced race-based hiring and promotion policies.

In July 2021, Facebook’s chief diversity officer Maxine Williams wrote that the company had exceeded its goal of increasing leadership roles held by “people of color” by 30 percent and would meet its goal of spending $1.1 billion on “diverse-owned businesses.”


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c4c1c1 No.71626

File: c6d9e66cb9de7d3⋯.png (347.91 KB,430x313,430:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179093 (141817ZJUL23) Notable: Seattle Public Schools Offer Free Sex Change Services to Students Without Parental Consent

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Seattle Public Schools Offer Free Sex Change Services to Students Without Parental Consent

A shocking new report by The Post Millennial details how the largest public school district in Washington State is providing free sex change therapies to adolescents without parental approval. The Nova Wellness Center and the Meany Health Center are ‘health centers’ inside of schools that offer ‘gender reaffirming care,’ including hormone-blocking medications and referrals for sex change surgeries to middle and high school students in Seattle Public Schools. A group called Parents Defending Education first brought attention to the fact that kids as young as 11 will have access to the gender-altering chemicals. Last year, the district saw an 853% increase in students that identify as non-binary in only three years.

Snohomish School District officials told The Post Millennial in 2022, “In Washington state, the age of medical consent is 13. That means that a person 13-17 years old can independently seek medical treatment, without the consent or knowledge of parents/guardians.”



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c4c1c1 No.71627

File: ddb2b54bd854616⋯.png (198.98 KB,509x446,509:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179101 (141818ZJUL23) Notable: Why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton’s Mexican Cartel Partner Carlos Slim Fund Sound of Freedom?

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Why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton’s Mexican Cartel Partner Carlos Slim Fund Sound of Freedom?

Carlos Slim is liked to the funding of the new Sound of Freedom film...

Sound of Freedom brings to light the horror of human trafficking. However, there is one major question about the film: why did Carlos Slim, a man with connections to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden, fund the film?

In 2016, Donald Trump warned America about Carlos Slim and his connections with the New York Times and Hillary Clinton, saying, ” Now Carlos Slim, as you know, comes from Mexico, he has given many millions of dollars to the Clintons and their organizations,”

WikiLeaks’ emails revealed that Slim had connections with Mexican drug cartels. Even The Guardian published an article titled “Who is More Dangerous: El Chapo or Carlos Slim?”

Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed that Slim was also a top customer of the Biden’s. There are even pictures of Hunter and Joe doing business with Mr. Slim.

Now here comes the tricky question, why did Mr. Slim fund Sound of Freedom when he has direct ties to the cartels that are guilty of smuggling?

The Deep State’s most effective tool against Trump was the Q Anon conspiracy theory.

Q was effective because the Deep State used the theory and its associated accounts to leak just enough information to be credible, but at the same time, nothing being leaked could ever tie anyone directly hence why “Dark to Light” never happened.

Q also gave the false pretense to MAGA supporters that they did not need to be involved with their local GOP through the “Trust the Plan” lie. This lie proved detrimental to Trump in 2020 as Republicans struggled to find staff to oversee the vote counting, giving the Democrats the opportunity to deliver absurd victories for Biden like in Philadelphia, where Biden received more votes than Obama.

It was eerie how quickly the mainstream media seemed to have their Q talking points ready when Sound of Freedom came out. Could this be because the Sound of Freedom is similar to Q? The movie provides the viewer a glimpse into the elites’ reality but with no solution to the problem. Reenergizing the Q psyop may have been Slim’s reason for founding the Sound of Freedom.

The solution to the human trafficking problem is the same as election integrity. America First Patriots must get involved with their local GOP to ensure MAGA Congressional and Presidential candidates are on the ballot and win free and fair elections. Changing open border policy starts with your involvement.


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c4c1c1 No.71628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179135 (141823ZJUL23) Notable: Report Contradicts Secret Service Claim No Fingerprints Were Found on White House Cocaine Baggie

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Report Contradicts Secret Service Claim No Fingerprints Were Found on White House Cocaine Baggie

Officials at the White House know who brought cocaine into the White House and have confirmed that finding via fingerprint analysis, according to a report which contradicts a statement released by the Secret Service.

A security source told Soldier of Fortune magazine, “We know who handled it… We’ve known since last week.”

According to the report — which Breitbart News has not independently verified — two sources disclosed the name of the person who is believed to have handled the cocaine, but the magazine is withholding the name pending official confirmation.

The report alleged that the second test by the FBI “brought back a hit on fingerprints.”

The report conflicted with a statement put out by the Secret Service on Thursday, which claimed that the FBI did not “develop latent fingerprints” and that “insufficient DNA was present.”

The statement said:

The substance and packaging underwent further forensic testing. The substance was analyzed for its chemical composition. The packaging was subjected to advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis. Both of these analyses were conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s crime laboratory given their expertise in this area and independence from the investigation.

On July 12, the Secret Service received the FBI’s laboratory results, which did not develop latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons. Therefore, the Secret Service is not able to compare evidence against the known pool of individuals. The FBl’s evaluation of the substance also confirmed that it was cocaine.

The Secret Service said there was “no surveillance video footage found” that provided “investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited” the cocaine.

“Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered. At this time, the Secret Service’s investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence,” it said.


Nolte: Veteran Federal Investigators Say White House Cocaine Probe a ‘Cover Up’

Veteran investigators say the Secret Service’s failed investigation into a bag of cocaine someone (who could it possibly be?) left behind at the White House is a “cover-up.”

“This is a cover-up. How can they say they have no leads?” one former agent told the New York Post. “It is a restricted area and they have a log book, you don’t have to be Columbo to figure out who was there. Suppose it was anthrax,” he added. “Would they have the same answer?”

“We have a tale of two countries,” a second former agent told the Post. “They identified hundreds of people who were in the Capitol building on Jan. 6 after an extensive investigation, but they don’t know who left something in an 8 x 10 room in the White House?”

The obviously compromised and corrupt Secret Service says it spent 11 days investigating who (who!?) left behind a bag of cocaine at the White House and came up empty.

“Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered,” the Secret Service said Thursday.

Yeah, it’s a real mystery.

Gee, who had the motive and opportunity to bring cocaine into the White House? Who is so riddled with addiction, a sense of entitlement, and a certainty they will never be held accountable for anything that they would do something so desperate and brazen?

Pardon me while I scratch my beard and mull this conundrum.

And then there’s…The Lie.

You see, The Lie is the tell of all tells in an investigation.

Innocent people do not lie. Innocent people have no motive to lie. Innocent people want the truth revealed as soon as possible.

So, when the White House brazenly lies to protect someone (who? Who could it possibly be?)…When the White House Press Secretary is caught telling a blatant lie to cover up an inconvenient truth, that’s the tell of all tells.

“The Biden family was not [in the White House] Friday,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told the country:


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c4c1c1 No.71629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179172 (141829ZJUL23) Notable: So much for being eco-friendly: Desert solar projects in Southern California are draining water reserves of local communities

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So much for being eco-friendly: Desert solar projects in Southern California are draining water reserves of local communities

The vast solar development projects in Southern California have constrained local water availability and threatened desert ecosystems.

The water-intensive development method for massive solar projects has brought about the fall of groundwater levels, which has impacted the small communities near Desert Center, California, that rely on the naturally occurring underground water reserves or groundwater aquifers.

Critical local water wells have dried up and land underneath homes has slumped due to the development activity aside from harming the desert ecosystems.

Residents complained that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the corporations driving the developments in California's Colorado Desert have not permitted them to give enough input in the decision-making action for the developments.

Solar projects do more harm than good

The people said they have not reaped benefits from the solar projects while the stress on their groundwater supply has increased in spite of the bureau's promises that "renewable energy development on BLM-managed public lands will continue to help communities across the country be part of the climate solution while creating jobs and boosting local economies."

Developers depend on the groundwater aquifer because there is no other possible water supply in the region, rendering delivery of water from other areas to the development sites extremely costly.

The development has drained the water reserves for local communities such as one trailer park, which a property manager said would be "dead without water" if the local shortage continues to get worse.

The cost of drilling new, deeper water wells can reach up to $100,000.

The BLM has authorized seven utility-scale developments in the area stretching about 19,000 acres already, with more projects under consideration like the 120,000 acres that are available for development in the area surrounding Desert Center.

The sacred indigenous sites, ironwood trees and endangered desert tortoises are now vanishing and replaced by solar panels scattered around the local communities.

But the people of Desert Center and Lake Tamarisk are starting to push back.

After being shut out of conversations about earlier solar development close to their homes, they are determined to be heard as two new solar projects are proposed in the area.

"No one took into consideration a community lived out here," said Teresa Pierce, a resident of Lake Tamarisk. While they aren't completely against solar, Pierce said: "We're against it being so close to our community and stealing our water out from our aquifer."

Intersect Power, the company behind Oberon and another proposed utility-scale solar project in the region, said in a statement that it had been informed of the problem and was looking into it.

Worries over the effect of solar project development on the local aquifer have long existed. According to Noel Ludwig, a hydrologist with the U.S. Forest Service in Colorado, all the studies on the basin agreed that groundwater was being pumped out at near or above the rate at which the basin can replenish the supply.

"It's just something that's a groundwater issue – not just in that basin, but around the country and around the world. They've been treating it like a bottomless bank account, without accounting for the long-term and certain implications on people's wells," Ludwig said.


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c4c1c1 No.71630

File: 67c62edcde2a107⋯.png (181.95 KB,678x927,226:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179195 (141832ZJUL23) Notable: Denver police investigating at least 5 sniper-style shootings at downtown residential towers since May

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Denver police investigating at least 5 sniper-style shootings at downtown residential towers since May

Denver police are investigating at least five different cases of sniper-style shooting at downtown residential towers since May, gunfire that shattered windows and unnerved residents — but hasn’t resulted in any reported injuries.

Investigators said links between the shots fired at downtown buildings have not been established. They’re also looking at any potential connections to a Broomfield shooting over the weekend that led to an arrest.

“The Denver Police Department is taking these cases seriously, understands the safety concerns of the residents, and investigators are following up on significant leads identified through our investigation to identify the suspect, determine a motive and hold the offender accountable,” police officials said in a statement to The Denver Post.

Beyond the upscale Beauvallon building where at least five shots were fired on June 14 and July 4, Denver police also are investigating shootings that broke glass at the One Lincoln Park building, 2001 Lincoln St., in May and again from a street near that building on June 14.

And police are investigating a reported shooting at the Radius Uptown Apartments, 1935 Logan St., on July 4, a Denver police spokesman confirmed Wednesday.

Meanwhile, in Broomfield District Court, prosecutors formally charged Kenneth Fairchild, 45, with a multitude of counts Wednesday, including attempted first-degree murder, following his arrest after he allegedly fired shots from a rifle Saturday at three people eating on a patio at Jus Burritos in Broomfield.

Fairchild faces charges related to incidents that occurred on Saturday in Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, Commerce City and unincorporated Adams County — including arson, possession of a weapon by a previous offender, illegal firing a gun, violation of a protection order, driving under the influence and reckless endangerment.

Connection to Denver shootings?

Broomfield and Denver police this week said they are collaborating, along with police from other agencies, in an investigation of whether Fairchild may have been responsible for shooting at buildings in Denver.

A light-colored Toyota Prius with blue markings photographed in Broomfield also appears similar to a Prius seen in a video that shows a man firing a rifle upward at a building in downtown Denver.

A man fitting Fairchild’s description on Saturday threw a rock through a residential window, and when residents confronted him outside, he “told them to stop monitoring” him before leaving in a Prius, according to a Broomfield arrest affidavit.


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c4c1c1 No.71631

File: 185c531dfcabc02⋯.jpg (95.08 KB,1079x909,1079:909,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0ce1c4685eb427e⋯.jpg (78.15 KB,750x1055,150:211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd2c3ed55562a83⋯.jpg (48.78 KB,828x665,828:665,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179199 (141833ZJUL23) Notable: (mini bun) vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71632

File: b5d17d035a9bc3d⋯.png (180.85 KB,768x387,256:129,Clipboard.png)

File: c828874af2409e2⋯.png (163.62 KB,673x383,673:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179229 (141838ZJUL23) Notable: Government Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning huge shares in Pfizer

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Government Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning huge shares in Pfizer

An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the primary funder of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech.

The Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) extended the emergency authorisation of the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab in the UK to allow it to be given to children between the ages of 12 – 15 on the 4th June 2021.

At the time, the Chief Executive of the MHRA, Dr June Raine said the MHRA had “carefully reviewed clinical trial data in children aged 12 to 15 years and have concluded that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective in this age group and that the benefits outweigh any risk”.

We are left wondering if Dr June Raine and the MHRA have even read the results of the extremely short and small study. If they have then they would have seen that 86% of children in the study suffered an adverse reaction ranging from mild to extremely serious.

Just 1,127 children took part in the trial, however, only 1,097 children completed the trial, with 30 of them not participating after being given the first dose of the Pfizer jab. The results do not state why the 30 children did not go on to complete the trial.

The information is publicly available and contained within an FDA fact sheet which can be viewed here (see page 25, table 5 on-wards).

There was never any doubt that the MHRA would give emergency authorisation for the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to be used in children when you consider that a certain Mr Bill Gates owns shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech and is the primary funder of the MHRA.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bought shares in Pfizer back in 2002, and back in September 2020 Bill Gates ensured the value of his shares went up by announcing to the mainstream media in a CNBC interview that he viewed the Pfizer jab as the leader in the Covid-19 vaccine race.

“The only vaccine that, if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October, would be Pfizer.”

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also “coincidentally” bought $55 million worth of shares in BioNTech in September 2019, just before the alleged Covid-19 pandemic struck.


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c4c1c1 No.71633

File: 7000e4d843abad2⋯.png (441.51 KB,500x526,250:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179270 (141846ZJUL23) Notable: Notre Dame professor sues student newspaper for exposing her pro-abortion activism

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Notre Dame professor sues student newspaper for exposing her pro-abortion activism

Sociology professor Tamara Kay has written numerous pro-abortion articles, reportedly offered to assist with abortion costs, and shared abortion travel financing information on social media.



the sword cuts one way in their universe.

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c4c1c1 No.71634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179298 (141851ZJUL23) Notable: (mini bun) vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it

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vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it

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c4c1c1 No.71635

File: d858217ca6112c6⋯.png (370.71 KB,1080x1698,180:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc40767159e99a⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1005,72:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179335 (141858ZJUL23) Notable: PRESIDENT TRUMP IS A FINANCIAL GENIUS

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Donald Trump is definitely WINNING.

Former president Donald Trump disclosed new details about roughly $1 billion in earnings in a revised financial filing covering much of his post-presidency, including money from foreign ventures, speaking fees and a Florida golf course.

Trump reported several hundred sources of income in an initial April financial disclosure but provided only broad ranges for the income he received from each source. The revised Trump filing provides new details, such as a dollar amount for nearly a hundred sources of income, including his largest ones, which sum to over $1.2 billion, according to a Washington Post tally.


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c4c1c1 No.71636

File: 925944317417eab⋯.png (85.12 KB,746x898,373:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 13356035de745cc⋯.png (46.51 KB,738x481,738:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179346 (141901ZJUL23) Notable: Eighteen states, DC accept ballots after Election Day, with North Dakota’s deadline facing lawsuit

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Eighteen states, DC accept ballots after Election Day, with North Dakota’s deadline facing lawsuit

Only Illinois and Utah have later deadlines for accepting ballots than North Dakota, which are both 14 days after Election Day.

North Dakota is facing a lawsuit over its acceptance of mail-in ballots 13 days after Election Day and is among 18 states and Washington, D.C., that accept and tabulate ballots post-election.

The lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday against North Dakota State Election Director Erika White, alleges that the state's law to accept ballots up to 13 days after Election Day violates federal law.



For absentee ballots to be accepted by mail in North Dakota, they must be postmarked the day before Election Day and received before the county’s canvassing board meets, which is the 13th day after the election. The state's law was changed in 2021 to extend a 6-day deadline for accepting ballots after the election to 13 days, according to PILF.

According to federal law, the lawsuit contends, Election Day is one day.

The filing states, “Federal law prescribes votes to be tabulated on Election Day, as every mention of the day is singular, and not plural.”

The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed the lawsuit on behalf of Burleigh County Auditor Mark Splonskowski.

North Dakota is a red state, with Sen. John Hoeven (R) winning reelection in 2022 with 56.5% of the vote, over the Democratic nominee who received 25%, and the independent with 18.5%.

In the 2020 presidential election, then-President Donald Trump won the state with 65.5% of the vote, compared to then-Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s 31.9%. Republicans also hold a supermajority in the state legislature.

Additionally, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum is a candidate in the 2024 GOP presidential primary.

The states and the one U.S. city that accept ballots after Election Day are Alaska, California, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.

The states with the latest deadlines for accepting ballots after Election Day are Illinois and Utah, which are both 14 days.

“Election Day has ceased to be a day," says PILF President J. Christian Adams. "Instead, we have election month because states accept ballots that arrive days and even weeks after Election Day.


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c4c1c1 No.71637

File: 0f2446c70ee359a⋯.png (235.33 KB,601x713,601:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179388 (141908ZJUL23) Notable: Mike Pence OUTRAGED that Ukrainians haven't gotten enough American Tanks

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Mike Pence OUTRAGED that Ukrainians haven't gotten enough American Tanks


: "You’re running for President. You are distressed that Ukrainians don’t have enough American tanks?! EVERY city in the U.S. has become much worse...and it's VISIBLE. Our economy has degraded...suicide rate has jumped...crime has exponentially increased...

Where's the concern for the U.S.?"

PENCE: "That's not my concern."


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c4c1c1 No.71638

File: 279f31fc40e6231⋯.png (293.5 KB,1092x1843,1092:1843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179439 (141918ZJUL23) Notable: Quotes that tanked POTUS campaigns:

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Quotes that tanked POTUS campaigns:

“Deplorables” - Hillary Clinton

“My job is not to listen to 47% of the country” - Mitt Romney

“You need $5 million to be rich” - John McCain

“That’s not my concern” - Mike Pence

(To be fair, Pence tanked himself when he certified J6 fraud)

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c4c1c1 No.71639

File: aa63acd87f31ec7⋯.png (179.92 KB,760x747,760:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 110e4e808f43874⋯.png (243.11 KB,747x895,747:895,Clipboard.png)

File: cc1137cd9464f61⋯.png (149.34 KB,753x639,251:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179476 (141926ZJUL23) Notable: Suspected Russian Intelligence Operative Extradited from Estonia to Face Charges

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Suspected Russian Intelligence Operative Extradited from Estonia to Face Charges Related to Providing American-Made Electronics and Ammunition to Russian Military


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c4c1c1 No.71640

File: 761744caae0c5da⋯.png (721.97 KB,780x780,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9942f57b8df42a0⋯.jpg (629.73 KB,1664x1263,1664:1263,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7385e0765298aa1⋯.png (763.25 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

File: e1e1117c1ef9abf⋯.jpg (61.79 KB,970x728,485:364,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179492 (141929ZJUL23) Notable: lb Brazil throws the book at John of God

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Brazil throws the book at John of God


Known as “João de Deus” or “John of God,” Faria gained international recognition for his alleged healing abilities and attracted a following that included media personality Oprah (real name: Orpah) Winfrey.

The popular talk-show host interviewed him 10 years ago and called him “inspiring,” according to The Associated Press.

The 99-year sentence handed down Monday involved eight victims whom he abused between 2010 and 2018, according to Agencia Brasil.

Metropoles in Brasilia reported that Faria’s total combined prison sentence is now 370 years, nine months and 15 days.

The El Paso shooter's family were also followers.

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c4c1c1 No.71641

File: 06e6cf2d9f1908b⋯.png (78.1 KB,1172x339,1172:339,Clipboard.png)

File: ee903e096196ac5⋯.png (26.88 KB,719x214,719:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 06442ee2e11adf3⋯.png (25.36 KB,708x216,59:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179527 (141937ZJUL23) Notable: MEMORY HOLE ALERT!

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c4c1c1 No.71642

File: 25100f9c70708b4⋯.jpeg (722.88 KB,1170x1432,585:716,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179641 (142005ZJUL23) Notable: TOMORROW. Don't miss President Trump's speech in West Palm Beach. Watch LIVE on RSBN.

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c4c1c1 No.71643

File: 84b1c8cd6a5ceb0⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 32d3f88f48409d8⋯.jpg (78.16 KB,468x313,468:313,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179661 (142011ZJUL23) Notable: MEMORY HOLE ALERT!

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Nothing is ever deleted.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71644

File: 0c13f95b305c261⋯.jpg (28.83 KB,550x378,275:189,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179720 (142025ZJUL23) Notable: #23555

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...FINAL collected note drop. Might as well prep the next bread.

#23555' >>71607

>>71608 Jim Caviezel in an Interview with General Flynn Responds to CIA “Suicidal” Tweet - I DO NOT FEAR YOU!

>>71609 POTUS Statement

>>71610 ‘NATO is the real troublemaker’ - China (RT)

>>71611 Girl dies from abuse after AI system computed she was likely safe

>>71612 RFK Jr. - "I want people to understand what this troop mobilization is about. It's about preparing for a ground war with Russia."

>>71613 Loophole: Biden Admin Forgives $39 Billion In Student Debt For Over 800,000 Borrowers

>>71614 FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent

>>71615 More on Dirty Chris Wray: FBI Chief Used Agent Brian Auten to Investigate Mar-a-Lago After He Suppressed Hunter Laptop Info and Participated in Crossfire Hurricane Attempted Coup

>>71616 "Hunter Is Checking": Ukrainian Oligarch Accused Of Bribin' Bidens Got Help With Passport

>>71617 Watch: House votes to eliminate Pentagon DEI programs

>>71618 CDC facing major funding cuts

>>71619 Gates, WHO Envision Future Where ‘Vaccine Patches Could Be Mailed Directly to Peoples’ Homes’

>>71621 Danish Study Shows 71% of COVID Vaccine Injuries Came from Just 4.2% of the Batches

>>71622 POTATUS Trips again.

>>71624 New Climate Regulations Against Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Will Affect Air Conditioners

>>71625 State AGs Tell Top 100 CEOs That SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling Applies to Them Too

>>71626 Seattle Public Schools Offer Free Sex Change Services to Students Without Parental Consent

>>71627 Why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton’s Mexican Cartel Partner Carlos Slim Fund Sound of Freedom?

>>71628 Report Contradicts Secret Service Claim No Fingerprints Were Found on White House Cocaine Baggie

>>71629 So much for being eco-friendly: Desert solar projects in Southern California are draining water reserves of local communities

>>71630 Denver police investigating at least 5 sniper-style shootings at downtown residential towers since May

>>71632 Government Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning huge shares in Pfizer

>>71633 Notre Dame professor sues student newspaper for exposing her pro-abortion activism

>>71634 (mini bun) vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it


>>71636 Eighteen states, DC accept ballots after Election Day, with North Dakota’s deadline facing lawsuit

>>71637 Mike Pence OUTRAGED that Ukrainians haven't gotten enough American Tanks

>>71638 Quotes that tanked POTUS campaigns:

>>71639 Suspected Russian Intelligence Operative Extradited from Estonia to Face Charges

>>71641, >>71643 MEMORY HOLE ALERT!

>>71642 TOMORROW. Don't miss President Trump's speech in West Palm Beach. Watch LIVE on RSBN.


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c4c1c1 No.71645

File: c27308ec527fc3c⋯.jpg (48.1 KB,400x625,16:25,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179742 (142028ZJUL23) Notable: #23556

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...All nice & neat.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179745 (142028ZJUL23) Notable: Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

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Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71647

File: 3c7abab0d9287a1⋯.png (416.47 KB,587x860,587:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179782 (142037ZJUL23) Notable: @GenFlynn - They hate because we love…and God and our faith is at the center of our lives.

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General Mike Flynn


They hate because we love…and God and our faith is at the center of our lives. Having government at the center of their lives is what drives our enemies. They are losing.

Never forget the foundation of America, the rock upon which we stand is a rock built upon Judeo-Christian principles and values and we should be fearless about who we are as Americans.

God bless @jimcaviezelfilm

for his strength of conviction.

Quote Tweet






Jim Caviezel in an Interview with General Flynn Responds to CIA “Suicidal” Tweet - I DO NOT FEAR YOU! And Reveals the CIA Already Tried

His (Jim Caviezel) Days are numbered 💀 They will make it look like an accident.

He is likely correct, the ClA does this and it used… Show more

9:20 AM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179784 (142037ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin Spacey tells London court that sexual assault accusers made up allegations for money

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Kevin Spacey tells London court that sexual assault accusers made up allegations for money

Actor Kevin Spacey has told a London court that allegations he grabbed a man's crotch were "absolute bollocks", in a series of combative exchanges with prosecutors in his sexual assault trial.

Key points:

Oscar winner Kevin Spacey has denied all charges of sexual assault against him

Mr Spacey said his accusers were motivated by money

The four accusers said Mr Spacey aggressively groped them

Mr Spacey has pleaded not guilty at London's Southwark Crown Court to 12 charges of sexual assault allegedly committed between 2001 and 2013.

The offences allegedly happened when he was living and working in England as artistic director of a theatre in London.

Four accusers have said Mr Spacey aggressively groped them and, in the case of one complainant, performed oral sex on him while he was passed out in the Hollywood star's flat.

The two-time Academy Award winner was questioned on Friday by prosecutor Christine Agnew, who asked Mr Spacey about a complainant who alleged Mr Spacey painfully grabbed his crotch like "a cobra" in the mid-2000s.

He said the man made up the story from beginning to end.

Accusers motivated by 'money, money and then money', Spacey says

Mr Spacey described the allegation as "absolute bollocks", using a British slang term for testicles and for something which is untrue.

Ms Agnew replied: "Yep — because that's exactly where you did grab him, isn't it?"

Mr Spacey asked: "Did he accuse me of grabbing his bollocks?"

He then said: "I didn't."

When asked why Mr Spacey thought the accuser was making up allegations he said "Money, money and then money."

Ms Agnew earlier asked Mr Spacey whether he regularly used "the crotch grab" when he met men for the first time.

The actor said he did not.

He said he was "an affectionate person" and would hug people when he met them, but that he would not pursue someone if they did not appear to be interested in him.

"I, at times, was promiscuous and I had casual, indiscriminate sexual encounters," he said.

Ms Agnew asked the actor if he felt a "frisson of excitement" if he propositioned straight men. The actor said: "I don't know if somebody's gay or straight by looking at them."


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c4c1c1 No.71649

File: eb31ea90868b115⋯.png (36.86 KB,600x504,25:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179786 (142038ZJUL23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: According to a current senior producer at Fox News there are company-wide layoffs happening right now that no one is reporting on.

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James O'Keefe


News orgs and the people who run them need to have integrity. The temptation to sell people out and throw people to the curb is becoming an epidemic in institutions

So do the journalism yourself.

Today we’re launching our masterclasses on OMG. http://OKeefeMediaGroup.com

Stay tuned

Quote Tweet

Chadwick Moore




EXCLUSIVE: According to a current senior producer at Fox News there are company-wide layoffs happening right now that no one is reporting on. “Morale miserable across teams on both news and opinion,” the producer says.

Producers are also feeling “insulted” about getting 0 or 1%… Show more

9:24 AM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71650

File: 2c1158fee4b682f⋯.jpg (544.16 KB,1080x1934,540:967,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66e13818908b1cb⋯.jpg (371.77 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179798 (142041ZJUL23) Notable: Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington air show

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71651

File: 52af30a704bf316⋯.png (165.51 KB,590x879,590:879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179803 (142042ZJUL23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ - On May 1, 1960, a U-2 was shot down by the Soviets. This was a "disclosure event" wherein the world discovered the U-2 (and more)

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On May 1, 1960, a U-2 was shot down by the Soviets.

This was a "disclosure event" wherein the world discovered the U-2 and an "executive acknowledgement" of the program followed very soon after.

In a few days, there is going to be a "disclosure event" held by Congress regarding the UAP that so many of us are seeing fly around.

Analysts are predicting a similar "executive acknowledgement" of the UAP problem will happen very shortly afterwards.

We currently live in a pre-disclosure world, but we will soon be in a post-disclosure world.

At that point we get to try and figure out what the UAP actually are, and who or what has sent them here.

Some rumors going around hint that they might be demons, ancient civilizations , time travelers, aliens, interdimensional beings, or even some "supreme consciousness".

We really don't know at the moment what to expect, but soon enough we will start having a few answers as the UAP files begin to open up for public debate.


8:28 AM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71652

File: 267cfc48210a131⋯.webp (6.12 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179806 (142043ZJUL23) Notable: The adrenochrome conspiracy

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The adrenochrome conspiracy, a bizarre theory with antisemitic roots, posits that Satan-worshipping global and Hollywood elites run a massive child trafficking ring to drain their blood and harvest the chemical adrenochrome to stay young, and has been embraced by subscribers of the QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy movements, including key people affiliated with the recent hit movie The Sound of Freedom.


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c4c1c1 No.71653

File: 71357aedfbfd4b4⋯.png (1.92 MB,887x3312,887:3312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179813 (142045ZJUL23) Notable: Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

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Mark Wahlberg:

Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

July 13, 2023030388

Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg told hundreds of people at a Sunday school meeting in Los Angeles that a small yet powerful group of Hollywood insiders has declared war on the “evil” entertainment industry elite who traffic in children, and “Hollywood pedophiles have nowhere left to hide.”

“We are hunting these evil sons of bitches down and taking them out, one blood drinking pedophile at a time,” Wahlberg said, before warning the congregation to expect some disturbing news on the front page of newspapers in the near future.

According to Wahlberg, Hollywood is a huge network of pedophilia, child prostitution, and human trafficking that is controlled by “sick freaks” and there is a “culture of silence” in the industry because everybody understands that speaking out about elite pedophilia is punishable by death.

For this reason, Wahlberg says Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson are “American heroes” with “balls of steel” for daring to take on the Hollywood system and play their part in raising awareness about the scourge of elite pedophilia in the entertainment industry.

Wahlberg has been a regular at various churches in Los Angeles in recent years, often attending mass twice on Sundays, and on July 2 he shared the moment he “woke up” to the reality of the Hollywood system with hundreds of church goers.

Describing an industry Christmas party featuring Hollywood executives from some of the most powerful studios in the world, Wahlberg said studio bosses, executive producers, international brokers, and financial stakeholders, as well as “two A-list stars,” engaged in Satanic rituals, which culminated in torture and sexual abuse of children.

According to Wahlberg, four Hollywood executives dressed in Satanic outfits and masks, who were all “drinking blood, high on adrenochrome”, encouraged him to “stop being a prude and join the club” by sexually abusing “two very, very young children.”

“I’m a father,” Wahlberg said, “and all I could think about was that these two children should have been safe at home with their parents. But they were in a Hollywood club, being preyed on by sadists, pedos, and sexual perverts who engage in the worst form of evil.”

Wahlberg made clear that the consequences in Hollywood could not be higher for those who threaten to expose the depraved activities of the elites.

“Why didn’t I kill these guys? I had to think about my children. They are my first priority in this world – and I don’t want them to grow up without a father.”

Wahlberg said he had heard rumors about this type of party in Hollywood, and he knew the consumption of adrenochrome was a popular pastime among studio executives, but he had never been openly confronted with it before.

“The whole corrupt Hollywood system, all of the brainwashing and perversion they are pumping out every year, it all begins to make sense when you understand that Hollywood needs young blood to continue operating.”

Adrenochrome is a compound that occurs in the body and which spikes during periods of fear and anxiety. According to Wahlberg, Hollywood elites torture children to cause spikes in the chemical compound, before harvesting the chemical from their blood, which they then drink or inject in order to get high, and stay healthy and young.

After taking some time to contemplate his future, Wahlberg says it is now time to “right some wrongs.”

“The only way I can honor the children is to dedicate my life to eradicating this evil from the face of the earth,” said Wahlberg, who explained that his own children have urged him to speak out about the real nature of Hollywood.

The “good guys,” according to Wahlberg, are “recruiting in numbers”, and a “civil war” is threatening to erupt in Hollywood, bringing the whole system to its knees.

This allegation from Mark Wahlberg adds to the wave of accusations made by celebrities and musicians about the real nature of the entertainment industry elite. Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood have both gone on record exposing the pedophilia at the heart of Hollywood.


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c4c1c1 No.71654

File: 45f3118d20f12e9⋯.png (55.05 KB,1357x451,1357:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179831 (142048ZJUL23) Notable: Only four Dems vote with GOP to pass defense policy bill rolling back abortion policy, 'woke' initiatives

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Only four Dems vote with GOP to pass defense

policy bill rolling back abortion policy,

'woke' initiatives

Fox News, by Elizabeth Elkind

Posted By: Moritz55, 7/14/2023 4:39:53 PM

The House of Representatives on Friday narrowly passed the annual defense policy bill, as most Democrats opposed the legislation that Republicans championed as a way to roll back the Biden administration's "woke" Pentagon policies. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), normally a bipartisan bill, passed in a 219-210 vote after just four Democrats voted "yes," matching the four Republicans who voted against it. Most Democrats rejected the bill due to controversial amendments that would curb the Pentagon’s abortion travel reimbursement policy, transgender medical care and diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) programs throughout the military.

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c4c1c1 No.71655

File: 3318514cd6a26e0⋯.png (237.72 KB,954x665,954:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179837 (142050ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter Court Filing Cites Alarming FTC Conduct Pressuring Consent Decree Arbiter to Target Elon Musk and Company

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Twitter Court Filing Cites Alarming FTC

Conduct Pressuring Consent Decree Arbiter

to Target Elon Musk and Company

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 7/14/2023 4:16:35 PM

Prior to Elon Musk taking control of Twitter, the social media company entered a consent decree with the Federal Trade Commission putting a neutral arbiter from Ernst & Young in an oversight position for the company’s privacy, data collection and information security protocols. Given what we know about DHS and FBI control and influence over Twitter content, there is a certain irony in the prior position of the FTC regarding user privacy. That said, Twitter’s new parent company X Corp filed a court motion Thursday [PDF HERE] asking a federal court overseeing the settlement to either throw out the consent decree entirely, or put it on hold

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c4c1c1 No.71656

File: b85f67d244bb138⋯.png (260.46 KB,781x545,781:545,Clipboard.png)

File: b926863e624ff19⋯.png (640.43 KB,544x470,272:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179866 (142053ZJUL23) Notable: The View Claims Republicans ‘Planted’ the Cocaine in the White House

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The View Claims Republicans ‘Planted’ the Cocaine in the White House

Nicholas Fondacaro

July 14th, 2023 1:42 PM

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c4c1c1 No.71657

File: cc73e1825d0247a⋯.jpeg (97.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179879 (142056ZJUL23) Notable: Sweden’s NATO membership not a done deal – Erdogan aide (RT)

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Erdogan played them!

14 Jul, 2023 17:59

Sweden’s NATO membership not a done deal – Erdogan aide

The matter will now go to the Turkish parliament, the ruling party spokesman has said

Türkiye has opened the door to the process of Sweden joining NATO but has not yet given its approval, Omer Celik, spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party, said on Friday.

In a live broadcast on Haberturk TV, Celik said there was a tripartite memorandum between Türkiye, Sweden and NATO about the preconditions for membership, in which Stockholm pledged to undertake certain steps.

If the Turkish parliament is told that Sweden has produced “a strong satisfactory result” by complying with its obligations, AKP deputies will vote to ratify its membership of the US-led military bloc, Celik told Haberturk.

Asked when this might happen, Celik said “at the next session” of the parliament,meaning not before October or November.

Earlier this week, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Türkiye had agreed to support Sweden’s application after a months-long delay.

Erdogan had reportedly attempted to tie his approval of Sweden’s membership bid to Türkiye being admitted to the European Union. In return, the US has signaled willingness to unblock a sale of F-16 fighters to Ankara.

Commenting on Türkiye’s relations with the US, Celik said the meeting between Erdogan and US President Joe Biden promised “a new page,” but that remained to be seen. Relations could improve much faster if the US would change its mind about supporting Kurdish-led militants in Syria, Celik noted.

NATO had hoped to admit Sweden and Finland together before the bloc’s summit in Vilnius, Lithuania this week. Finland eventually joined on its own, after Türkiye held up Sweden’s application over concerns that Stockholm was protecting Kurdish organizations that Ankara has labeled as terrorists. The US-dominated bloc technically requires the consensus of all 31 members before admitting new ones.


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c4c1c1 No.71658

File: 27081a11dcb8ac8⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1536x1591,1536:1591,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4deb4f5c9e2a896⋯.jpeg (179.73 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 07774367d9b0d20⋯.jpeg (702.52 KB,2048x1318,1024:659,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 61b676f2e7d89b2⋯.jpeg (197.53 KB,2048x412,512:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179889 (142058ZJUL23) Notable: What are the odds?

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>>>/qresearch/19179599 LB

What are the odds?

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c4c1c1 No.71659

File: 9b5116d068746fd⋯.png (1.17 MB,1202x721,1202:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179896 (142059ZJUL23) Notable: PF Report

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Nice pattern

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c4c1c1 No.71660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179919 (142103ZJUL23) Notable: Bastille Day fireworks light up Eiffel Tower skies for France celebrations

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Bastille Day fireworks light up Eiffel Tower skies for France celebrations | LIVE

Global News


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c4c1c1 No.71661

File: c2012e25918b082⋯.png (429.33 KB,1020x1007,1020:1007,Clipboard.png)

File: 94bb9792b0ac864⋯.png (71.25 KB,226x223,226:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179952 (142109ZJUL23) Notable: DOWN THEY GO!

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c4c1c1 No.71662

File: eded5bb64ffd5d4⋯.mp4 (8.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179979 (142113ZJUL23) Notable: @SenateGOP - Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden. He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.

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Senate Republicans


Over 85,000.

That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden.

He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.

3:32 PM · Jul 11, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71663

File: 5688f80612faf41⋯.png (517.46 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179985 (142114ZJUL23) Notable: Senators to offer amendment to require government to make UFO records public

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Senators to offer amendment to require government to make UFO records public

July 14, 2023

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is part of a bipartisan group of senators who have offered an amendment to the annual Defense authorization bill requiring the federal government to collect and make public records related to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) and unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

The proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would direct the National Archives and Records Administration to create a collection of records on UAPs and UFOs to be disclosed to the public immediately unless a review board provides reasons to keep them classified.

“For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained and it’s long past time they get some answers,” Schumer said in a statement. “The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena.

“We are not only working to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public,” he added.

Schumer said he is carrying out the legacy of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who more than a decade ago pushed funding for the Pentagon’s secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

Lawmakers’ interest in learning more about UFO sightings soared after that project became public and media outlets began publishing video clips of unexplained aerial phenomena captured by the cameras and sensors on military jets.

After that project became public, Senators, congressmen, committees, and staff began to pursue this issue and uncovered a vast web of individuals and groups with ideas and stories to share.

The amendment has the support of Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) — the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee — Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.).

The lawmakers say “the sheer number and variety” of stories about UFOs have led some of them and their colleagues to believe the executive branch may be concealing information about possible visits from extra-planetary civilizations.

“Our goal is to assure credibility with regard to any investigation or record keeping of materials associated with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena,” said Rounds. “Relevant documents related to this issue should be preserved. Providing a central collection location and reputable review board to maintain the records adds to the credibility of any future investigations.”

“There is a lot we still don’t know about these UAPs, and that is a big problem,” Rubio said.

“We’ve taken some important steps over the last few years to increase transparency and reduce stigmas, but more needs to be done. This is yet another step in that direction and one that I hope will spur further cooperation from the executive branch,” he added.

“Understanding UAPs is critical to our national security and to maintaining all-domain awareness,” Gillibrand said.

The push to declassify more information about UAPs and UFOs comes after Air Force veteran David Grusch, a former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, told NewsNation that the U.S. government has recovered non-human craft for decades

Grusch implied in the interview that the government has recovered more than spacecraft materials.

“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” he said in the NewsNation interview. NewsNation and The Hill are both owned by Nexstar.

NewsNation confirmed Grusch’s credentials but did not view or verify evidence that the whistleblower said he provided to Congress or the Department of Defense Inspector General.

The amendment is modeled on the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 which required the public disclosure of documents related to former President Kennedy’s assassination 25 years after its enactment.

The Schumer-Rounds amendment would give the federal government eminent domain over any recovered technologies of unknown origin or biological evidence of nonhuman intelligence now held by private individuals or organizations.


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c4c1c1 No.71664

File: d7a1eb963954a63⋯.png (457.49 KB,614x617,614:617,Clipboard.png)

File: a4e10473d1d1536⋯.png (440.85 KB,836x560,209:140,Clipboard.png)

File: c90ae993cd4d5ca⋯.png (383.1 KB,609x355,609:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180093 (142138ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin Spacey Takes the Stand, Has His Say on Sexual Assault Allegations

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The Gateway Pundit


Kevin Spacey Takes the Stand, Has His Say on Sexual Assault Allegations: Breaks Down in Tears, Says He ‘Lost Everything’, Did Not Have a ‘Power Magic Wand’ To Seduce People – Calls Prosecution Case ‘Weak’


Kevin Spacey Takes the Stand, Has His Say on Sexual Assault Allegations: Breaks Down in Tears, Says...

Disgraced star Kevin Spacey finally took the witness stand to testify in his London sexual assault case.

9:09 AM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71665

File: 8ebd7c07f1c276a⋯.jpg (202.38 KB,1064x1317,1064:1317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180112 (142142ZJUL23) Notable: Kamala Harris@VP - "President Joe Biden and I are committed to delivering relief to student loan debt borrowers to help them move forward with their lives. Today, we are taking another historic step forward."

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Vice President Kamala Harris


President Joe Biden and I are committed to delivering relief to student loan debt borrowers to help them move forward with their lives. Today, we are taking another historic step forward.

Read my full statement:

4:11 PM · Jul 14, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71666

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180152 (142150ZJUL23) Notable: Rupert Murdoch Panel Struggles to Cope, as Looming Godzilla Trump Eats New York Harbor

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Rupert Murdoch Panel Struggles to Cope, as Looming Godzilla Trump Eats New York Harbor

July 14, 2023 | Sundance |

As Rupert Murdoch begins retreating from the failing Ron DeSantis his team is struggling and destabilized. The Fox News panel spends entire segments dedicated to group coping and counseling without a clear direction on what is going to happen next. {Direct Rumble Link}

The transparency of their struggle and visible anxiety is quite humorous, and while it is not my intention to deliver any credibility to their organizational mission, it is genuinely funny to watch them trying to cope. They are completely flummoxed on what to do next, devoid of direction, feeling abandoned and confused as the quaking footprints of Godzilla Trump can be heard in the background crushing all the buildings and closing in. Furrowed brow Brian Kilmeade is particularly destabilized. WATCH:

Struggle session this morning who is Murdoch backing now

#Ballofconfusion 😆



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c4c1c1 No.71667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180211 (142201ZJUL23) Notable: DeSanctimonious speaks

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Forgot we can embed, kek

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c4c1c1 No.71668

File: 080a8e0dc43544e⋯.png (680.15 KB,1006x994,503:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180245 (142206ZJUL23) Notable: JUST IN: Armored vehicles are deployed tonight in the streets of France, Marseille 🚨🚨🚨

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JUST IN: Armored vehicles are deployed tonight in the streets of France, Marseille 🚨🚨🚨

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c4c1c1 No.71669

File: 62f7d83d1c6f7a9⋯.png (408.74 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180285 (142214ZJUL23) Notable: INSANITY: MSM Links Exercise to WHITE SUPREMACY?! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks

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INSANITY: MSM Links Exercise to WHITE SUPREMACY?! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks

It’s 2023 and MSNBC is trying to link healthy bodies to literal white supremacy, have they gone mad? You know the answer. Biden issued an Executive Order calling 3,000 U.S. Military reserves to deploy in Europe in a stunning move some are warning is a canary for WW3.

While fighting his proxy war overseas in Ukraine, Biden decided to wage his next battle against your Air Conditioning, all in the name of climate change. Additionally, as the FBI concludes its investigation into the cocaine found in the White House, Republican Representative Lauren Boebert claims this isn’t the first time narcotics were found on the property. SHOCKING? Not even close.

Lastly, Bud Light is headed towards more trouble as American shoppers dump the transgender beer for bubblies with less trans agenda. Let us know your thoughts on these stories in the comments below! Elijah reads them and enjoys hearing your feedback, opinions, and perspectives.


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c4c1c1 No.71670

File: cd00c3225f0d4b4⋯.png (180.78 KB,544x928,17:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180315 (142219ZJUL23) Notable: 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Temporarily Pauses Court Order That Banned Biden Regime from Censoring Conservatives

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5th Circuit Court of Appeals Temporarily Pauses Court Order That Banned Biden Regime from Censoring Conservatives

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily blocked a lower court’s order that barred Biden Regime officials from contacting social media companies.

The Biden Regime last Wednesday filed a notice of appeal in the Missouri v Biden censorship case.

The Gateway Pundit is PROUDLY the lead plaintiff in this case against Joe Biden.

A Trump-appointed federal judge recently issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and other agencies from its government-wide, fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to censor speech and manipulate the public on a variety of topics.

The federal government censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, Covid lab-leak theory, the efficiency of Covid vaccines, and many other topics.

Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all named in the lawsuit.

US District Court Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee, found the Biden Regime violated the First Amendment by censoring unfavorable views in a blistering 155-page opinion.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday temporarily blocked the lower court’s order while it considers the appeal.


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c4c1c1 No.71671

File: 5b70a3f23cc3d3b⋯.png (909.1 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180322 (142220ZJUL23) Notable: Brazil makes first research expedition to the Arctic

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Brazil makes first research expedition to the Arctic

Jul.14.2023 8:38AM


Biologists from three Brazilian universities are beginning this week the first expedition of researchers from the country to the Arctic, on a nine-day trip to the archipelago of Svalbard, belonging to Norway.

The team will collect samples of plants, fungi and microorganisms, with the aim of better understanding the connections between species from the two poles of the planet.

As a bonus, says Paulo Câmara, a researcher at UnB (University of Brasília) and one of the members of the expedition, the journey could initiate Brazil's integration into studies considered strategic from a geopolitical point of view.

"Brazil has been a polar country for more than 40 years, thanks to the continuity of Brazilian Antarctic research throughout this period. Environmental changes in the Arctic affect the whole world, including us, and have repercussions on international trade and security ", he argues, noting that part of the Brazilian territory is in the northern hemisphere (above the Equator) and, therefore, is closer to the North Pole than the South Pole.

The team's experience in Antarctic territory should help them in the study of the so-called bipolar species, which are present at both ends of the globe, but not in the intermediate regions of the Earth.

As a bonus, says Paulo Câmara, a researcher at UnB (University of Brasília) and one of the members of the expedition, the journey could initiate Brazil's integration into studies considered strategic from a geopolitical point of view.

"Brazil has been a polar country for more than 40 years, thanks to the continuity of Brazilian Antarctic research throughout this period. Environmental changes in the Arctic affect the whole world, including us, and have repercussions on international trade and security ", he argues, noting that part of the Brazilian territory is in the northern hemisphere (above the Equator) and, therefore, is closer to the North Pole than the South Pole.

The team's experience in Antarctic territory should help them in the study of the so-called bipolar species, which are present at both ends of the globe, but not in the intermediate regions of the Earth.


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c4c1c1 No.71672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180337 (142222ZJUL23) Notable: Russian Duma bans all gender reassignment surgeries

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Russian Duma bans all gender reassignment surgeries

Russian law already does not permit public demonstrations of or for LGBT initiatives.

The Russian Duma on Friday approved legislation to ban gender reassignment surgeries in the country and to forbid people from changing their gender on official documents.

"We are the only European country that opposes all that is happening in the States, in Europe and does everything to save families and traditional values," said Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, the BBC reported. "And we need to understand that there won't be any future if we don't adopt the law, if we don't ban gender change."

The legislation now heads to the Federal Council, the legislature's upper chamber, and will require the approval of President Vladimir Putin from there, though it is likely to secure the support of both.

The Russian Interior Ministry says that roughly 2,990 people changed their genders between 2016 and 2022. The country is largely hostile to LGBTQ rights and is one of a host of Eastern European nations that does not permit same-sex marriage.

Russian law already does not permit public demonstrations of or for LGBT initiatives.

Under Putin, Russian media and politicians have highlighted the contrast between western approaches to LGBT issues and those of Moscow, positioning the Russian president as a defender of traditional national values. He further enjoys close ties with the Russian Orthodox Church, which does not permit same-sex marriage or condone gender transitions.


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c4c1c1 No.71673

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180343 (142223ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard with Tim Poole: What are you thoughts on the 85,000 kids missing from USA custody at the border

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Tim Ballard with Tim Poole: What are you thoughts on the 85,000 kids missing from USA custody at the border

1:44 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180401 (142230ZJUL23) Notable: De Sanctimonious latest political speech. (for keks)

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De Sanctimonious latest political speech.

for keks

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c4c1c1 No.71675

File: ad13421e6b8495a⋯.png (258.08 KB,530x561,530:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180413 (142233ZJUL23) Notable: I KNOW DeSantis did not go to DQ in Iowa just like Trump - 😂😂😂

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I KNOW DeSantis did not go to DQ in Iowa just like Trump - 😂😂😂

The crowd is overwhelming 🙄

What’s up w his head twirl? 🫣

5:21 PM · Jul 14, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71676

File: 30bbc7a15a3ad9e⋯.mp4 (6.46 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180414 (142233ZJUL23) Notable: pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d8tXL9pcNs

Biggs: Mr Schaerr, I'm gonna go to you next. the gentleman from Georgia kind of intimated that somehow a data collection and querying is similar to, an officer on the, in a patrol car driving around and observing suspicious activity, maybe making a terry stop or whatever you wanna call it. But how is this different? And why should we equate this more like to a wiretap rather than a, a stop and frisk? Schaer: I think it is very much more like a wiretap. I mean, yes, if you're, if you're a police officer, you have, you have a right to be on a, to be on a highway and, and watch what goes by, but that doesn't mean that you also get to have a helicopter flying over the, the neighborhood and, you know, and taking pictures of everything that happens in every home, in that neighborhood. And so by all means, II, I think the, the wiretap analogy is the right one to use because that, that exactly is what 702 is doing is it's taking a, a stream of data, a massive stream of data and you know, and just pulling things out of it. And, and even if it's appropriate to collect the data,, there need to be fourth amendment protections when it comes to searching that data,(Biggs asks) just as you would have in a wiretap. I mean, when you, when you narrow the search down, you've made a particularized,, you, you've targeted somebody.


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c4c1c1 No.71677

File: 37c784b434a9499⋯.png (37.48 KB,228x158,114:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d3e6e12f112271⋯.png (334.12 KB,684x661,684:661,Clipboard.png)

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c4c1c1 No.71678

File: 1890415f4e7616a⋯.jpg (76.63 KB,500x376,125:94,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180472 (142242ZJUL23) Notable: #23556

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...The final stretch



23556 >>71645

>>71640 (LB) Brazil throws the book at John of God

>>71646 Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

>>71647 @GenFlynn - They hate because we love…and God and our faith is at the center of our lives.

>>71648 Kevin Spacey tells London court that sexual assault accusers made up allegations for money

>>71649 EXCLUSIVE: According to a current senior producer at Fox News there are company-wide layoffs happening right now that no one is reporting on.

>>71650 Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington air show

>>71651 @CodeMonkeyZ - On May 1, 1960, a U-2 was shot down by the Soviets. This was a "disclosure event" wherein the world discovered the U-2 (and more)

>>71652 The adrenochrome conspiracy

>>71653 Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

>>71654 Only four Dems vote with GOP to pass defense policy bill rolling back abortion policy, 'woke' initiatives

>>71655 Twitter Court Filing Cites Alarming FTC Conduct Pressuring Consent Decree Arbiter to Target Elon Musk and Company

>>71656 The View Claims Republicans ‘Planted’ the Cocaine in the White House

>>71657 Sweden’s NATO membership not a done deal – Erdogan aide (RT)

>>71658 What are the odds?

>>71659 PF Report

>>71660 Bastille Day fireworks light up Eiffel Tower skies for France celebrations

>>71661 DOWN THEY GO!

>>71662 @SenateGOP - Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden. He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.

>>71663 Senators to offer amendment to require government to make UFO records public

>>71664 Kevin Spacey Takes the Stand, Has His Say on Sexual Assault Allegations

>>71665 Kamala Harris@VP - "President Joe Biden and I are committed to delivering relief to student loan debt borrowers to help them move forward with their lives. Today, we are taking another historic step forward."

>>71666 Rupert Murdoch Panel Struggles to Cope, as Looming Godzilla Trump Eats New York Harbor

>>71667 DeSanctimonious speaks

>>71668 JUST IN: Armored vehicles are deployed tonight in the streets of France, Marseille 🚨🚨🚨

>>71669 INSANITY: MSM Links Exercise to WHITE SUPREMACY?! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks

>>71670 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Temporarily Pauses Court Order That Banned Biden Regime from Censoring Conservatives

>>71671 Brazil makes first research expedition to the Arctic

>>71672 Russian Duma bans all gender reassignment surgeries

>>71673 Tim Ballard with Tim Poole: What are you thoughts on the 85,000 kids missing from USA custody at the border

>>71674 De Sanctimonious latest political speech. (for keks)

>>71675 I KNOW DeSantis did not go to DQ in Iowa just like Trump - 😂😂😂

>>71676 Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP

>>71677 Asa La Vista Baby

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71679

File: 2a453c57273a488⋯.png (373.63 KB,603x666,67:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180481 (142243ZJUL23) Notable: @SenatorHagerty This situation at the border is dire

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Senator Bill Hagerty


This situation at the border is dire, & the #BidenBorderCrisis continues to put the safety & security of countless individuals on both sides of the border at risk.

America needs a secure border now.


4:50 PM · Jul 14, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71680

File: 2fa779101f7e75b⋯.jpg (64.7 KB,474x601,474:601,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180507 (142248ZJUL23) Notable: #23556

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...BAKIN", hold on to muh joint.



23556 >>71645

>>71640 (LB) Brazil throws the book at John of God

>>71646 Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

>>71647 @GenFlynn - They hate because we love…and God and our faith is at the center of our lives.

>>71648 Kevin Spacey tells London court that sexual assault accusers made up allegations for money

>>71649 EXCLUSIVE: According to a current senior producer at Fox News there are company-wide layoffs happening right now that no one is reporting on.

>>71650 Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington air show

>>71651 @CodeMonkeyZ - On May 1, 1960, a U-2 was shot down by the Soviets. This was a "disclosure event" wherein the world discovered the U-2 (and more)

>>71652 The adrenochrome conspiracy

>>71653 Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

>>71654 Only four Dems vote with GOP to pass defense policy bill rolling back abortion policy, 'woke' initiatives

>>71655 Twitter Court Filing Cites Alarming FTC Conduct Pressuring Consent Decree Arbiter to Target Elon Musk and Company

>>71656 The View Claims Republicans ‘Planted’ the Cocaine in the White House

>>71657 Sweden’s NATO membership not a done deal – Erdogan aide (RT)

>>71658 What are the odds?

>>71659 PF Report

>>71660 Bastille Day fireworks light up Eiffel Tower skies for France celebrations

>>71661 DOWN THEY GO!

>>71662 @SenateGOP - Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden. He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.

>>71663 Senators to offer amendment to require government to make UFO records public

>>71664 Kevin Spacey Takes the Stand, Has His Say on Sexual Assault Allegations

>>71665 Kamala Harris@VP - "President Joe Biden and I are committed to delivering relief to student loan debt borrowers to help them move forward with their lives. Today, we are taking another historic step forward."

>>71666 Rupert Murdoch Panel Struggles to Cope, as Looming Godzilla Trump Eats New York Harbor

>>71667 DeSanctimonious speaks

>>71668 JUST IN: Armored vehicles are deployed tonight in the streets of France, Marseille 🚨🚨🚨

>>71669 INSANITY: MSM Links Exercise to WHITE SUPREMACY?! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks

>>71670 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Temporarily Pauses Court Order That Banned Biden Regime from Censoring Conservatives

>>71671 Brazil makes first research expedition to the Arctic

>>71672 Russian Duma bans all gender reassignment surgeries

>>71673 Tim Ballard with Tim Poole: What are you thoughts on the 85,000 kids missing from USA custody at the border

>>71674 De Sanctimonious latest political speech. (for keks)

>>71675 I KNOW DeSantis did not go to DQ in Iowa just like Trump - 😂😂😂

>>71676 Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP

>>71677 Asa La Vista Baby

>>71679 @SenatorHagerty This situation at the border is dire

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71681

File: d7937275b1994c3⋯.png (1.89 MB,1180x664,295:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180524 (142251ZJUL23) Notable: #23557

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...YourDOUGH, fine anons.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71682

File: 1669b4092ff2998⋯.png (590.94 KB,2482x1450,1241:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 115d6cf13175820⋯.png (458.39 KB,2402x1496,1201:748,Clipboard.png)

File: aed2e659f3b70fe⋯.png (393.25 KB,2414x1500,1207:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180536 (142254ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine, Donetsk destroyed military equipment tally, 455 airplanes, 4,981 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defense missile systems, 10,668 tanks ...

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reposting, and gn until gy

"In total, 455 airplanes, 242 helicopters, 4,981 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defence missile systems, 10,668 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,137 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 5,421 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 11,626 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation."


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c4c1c1 No.71683

File: 95766eb120fd51e⋯.png (198.51 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 63d08dba46f6447⋯.png (204.7 KB,559x705,559:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180541 (142255ZJUL23) Notable: Debbie Wasserman Schultz explains why she walks in public naked, global warming lies

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What will it take for Republicans to act against climate change?


How Hot Is the Sea Off Florida Right Now? Think 90s Fahrenheit.

Researchers are recording ocean temperatures that pose severe risks to coral reefs and other marine life.

6:47 PM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71684

File: 60aaa362b54b606⋯.png (285.25 KB,991x862,991:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 73bc3aa3f6f135f⋯.png (199.17 KB,981x867,327:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180554 (142256ZJUL23) Notable: International Tax Advisor FRANK BUTSELAAR Arrested For Helping To Conceal Over $100 Million Of Income For High-Net-Worth U.S. Taxpayers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

International Tax Advisor Arrested For Helping To Conceal Over $100 Million Of Income For High-Net-Worth U.S. Taxpayers


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180586 (142300ZJUL23) Notable: Hollywood actors have gone on strike - greta thumberg meets zelensky

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Anon was surprised that this was not included in the notables from last bread.

Do anons not figure out how desperate of a move this is for greta thumberg to visit Zelensky. The rat zelensky got turned down by nato, hollywood actors and writers are on strike, every country leader including singers and people of influence have gone to see zelensky, they have run out of people and now are using their global state astroturfed protesters to go and keep this ukraine thing going. no one cares about this two fake psyops, climate change and industrial military complex operation, which includes child trafficking operations for the c.i.a, organ harvesting and the never ending death of innocents on both sides for the banksters and their change of the monetary system.





Note: Please be kind and hand over your money and children to these two death cults otherwise you cruel and how dare you not send moar billions to the elites for child trafficking operations !!!


Zelenskyy meets Greta Thunberg and climate activists in Ukraine


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c4c1c1 No.71686

File: 124ccbf590748b5⋯.png (288.6 KB,989x923,989:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 98e7271199408a5⋯.png (189.34 KB,995x805,199:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 157df3365b91bfb⋯.png (79.64 KB,471x874,471:874,Clipboard.png)

File: c0a6e602ef4baf6⋯.png (27.09 KB,405x336,135:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180606 (142302ZJUL23) Notable: 14 Defendants Vincent Ricciardo, Benjamin Castellazzo, Ralph DiMatteo consigliere Colombo crime family of La Cosa Nostra, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

14 Defendants, Including Leaders of the Colombo Organized Crime Family, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges


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c4c1c1 No.71687

File: 065a7c94cf62425⋯.png (214.85 KB,606x520,303:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180621 (142303ZJUL23) Notable: Kamala Harris: “When we invest in clean energy & electric vehicles & reduce population..." Reduce population, eh? Holy shit

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Kamala: “When we invest in clean energy & electric vehicles & reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.”

Reduce population, eh? Holy shit

Last edited

7:00 PM · Jul 14, 2023

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c4c1c1 No.71688

File: 0cf05e933b2a7fb⋯.png (200.08 KB,600x567,200:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180632 (142307ZJUL23) Notable: Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon

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Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon


They better leave the moon alone!

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c4c1c1 No.71689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180643 (142309ZJUL23) Notable: Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon

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>Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon

🤡. They never run out of ideas.

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c4c1c1 No.71690

File: 5e33e14aced89ba⋯.png (254.48 KB,1004x917,1004:917,Clipboard.png)

File: ed1a0ef0ffb9109⋯.png (773.52 KB,1252x561,1252:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180648 (142309ZJUL23) Notable: Former Head of Boro Park Shomrim Society Pleads Guilty to Transporting a 15-Year-Old Girl to Engage in Sexual Activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Head of Boro Park Shomrim Society Pleads Guilty to Transporting a 15-Year-Old Girl to Engage in Sexual Activity



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c4c1c1 No.71691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180649 (142310ZJUL23) Notable: Kamala Harris: “When we invest in clean energy & electric vehicles & reduce population..." Reduce population, eh? Holy shit

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Wait wait wait wait

Hold Up

Wait a Minute

Why are we going easy on illegal immigrants if she wants a reduction of the population?

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c4c1c1 No.71692

File: a162cad1f5bac93⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180653 (142310ZJUL23) Notable: pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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>>71676 (LB)

Gaetz: Ms Goitein, many of my constituents will watch this hearing and they'll say, well, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, I'm not a foreigner. Why should that bother me? What would you say?

Ms Goitein: Americans' communications are swept up in enormous volumes, so enormous that the government won't tell us how big it is because it would be a very awkward number for the government to disclose. I suspect that's the real reason. And those communications are available to FBI agents without a warrant or court order of any kind.

Gaetz: And you talked about these back door searches and that's been an intense focus of the committee. Could you help define that for folks? So they understand the, the risk there?

Ms Goitein: Sure. What a backdoor search is, is an electronic query of data obtained under section 702. So the communications are obtained, they are placed into data systems at the NSA and then shared with the FBI, the National Counterterrorism Center and the CIA and then agents can run electronic queries of those data systems using identifiers associated with Americans. So using an American's email address, for example, they can plug that in and that will return any communications that were obtained under section 702 that have an American on one end of them.

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c4c1c1 No.71693

File: f0a02fca77c0695⋯.png (264.2 KB,1000x863,1000:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180656 (142311ZJUL23) Notable: Former Portsmouth Police Officer Cleshaun A. Cox, 31, Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Minor Victim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Portsmouth Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Minor Victim


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c4c1c1 No.71694

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180669 (142312ZJUL23) Notable: FBI let Chinese SpyGate Swalwell & Feinstein off the hook - John Ratcliffe 4:09

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4:09 minutes

John Ratcliffe - FBI let Swalwell & Feinstein off the hook


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c4c1c1 No.71695

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180722 (142319ZJUL23) Notable: Sydney GP Dr Peter Alexakis who inherited $24m from patient found guilty of malpractice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sydney GP who inherited $24m from patient found guilty of malpractice

Dr Peter Alexakis allegedly visited the reclusive old man 92 times - almost daily - in the months leading up to the patient’s death.

Sydney GP who inherited $24m from patient found guilty of malpractice

Dr Peter Alexakis allegedly visited the reclusive old man 92 times - almost daily - in the months leading up to the patient’s death.

A Strathfield doctor who fought the Salvation Army in the Supreme Court and received a $24 million inheritance from a lonely patient has been found guilty of malpractice and admonished for his “obtuse” and “suspicious” behaviour.



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c4c1c1 No.71696

File: 56873c6817cba40⋯.mp4 (7.5 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180724 (142320ZJUL23) Notable: lb, Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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Gaetz: So we have this tactical question coming up. We have Pisa that is set to expire and I believe we should let it, I believe it does it, it, the, the standard of violation of breach is so pervasive that the patient is not savable that we have to design something totally different outside of 702. And then I have other colleagues who are, who are like minded in my desire to protect civil liberties, but who suggest tactically that the best approach is to try to insert strong warrant requirements. This is my seventh year in Congress Mr Kiko. I certainly don't have your experience, but I want to draw on it because I, I want to get your advice. I've gone down this road with the Cheney East and, and, and, and others who bring us to the precipice of reform. And then at the last moment, it seems as though the civil libertarians rarely prevail over those who, who purport to be defending national security no matter how many violations of our liberties occur. And so would you advise a reform effort or an exploration strategy and, and why?

Mr Kiko

Well, I would. That's a very tough question. And I know that's why you ask it. And I would, I can actually see my preference would be some kind of reform effort with teeth and accountability because there hasn't been any teeth and there hasn't been any accountability in, in the oversight that's been conducted. We're always at the end of the system, they say they're going to do something, it never gets done. Four years later, we find out there's massive violations. Everybody comes, well, we're going to do at this time, but there's no accountability among the people that are breaking the law. There's no accountability among the administration. It doesn't matter. There's nothing.

Gaetz: Yeah, it sounds like there need to be penalties. Thank you for your testimony.

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c4c1c1 No.71697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180735 (142322ZJUL23) Notable: lb, Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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>We have Pisa that is set to expire and I believe we should let it

So apparently they control all the judges. Because apparently fisa doesn't go both ways

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c4c1c1 No.71698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180771 (142328ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 - Least Hated Candidate, and Climbing the Ranks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 - Least Hated Candidate, and Climbing the Ranks

Vivek Ramaswamy has been running for president since February, but most voters don’t think the Ohio businessman is likely to get the 2024 Republican nomination.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 22% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Ramaswamy is likely to end up being the Republican presidential nominee in 2024, including just five percent (7%) who see his nomination as Very Likely. Sixty percent (60%) don’t think it’s likely Ramaswamy will get the GOP nomination next year, including 36% who say it is Not At All Likely. Another 18% are not sure. Ramswamy’s numbers put him slightly ahead of some other Republican presidential hopefuls, including former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley.

Rasmussen Reports


Jul 14, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71699

File: 5d97c30c2ec4430⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,384x336,8:7,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0de39df5bec1db6⋯.mp4 (243.64 KB,400x184,50:23,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 98fab27963e77b8⋯.png (1.06 MB,1574x729,1574:729,Clipboard.png)

File: cc0a69083ee3ce1⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180779 (142331ZJUL23) Notable: Kamala Harris: “When we invest in clean energy & electric vehicles & reduce population..." Reduce population, eh? Holy shit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'for (((our))) i.e. inbred children'

Did she say reduce population?


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c4c1c1 No.71700

File: 21991c7f1de51f2⋯.jpeg (352.52 KB,1170x918,65:51,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180787 (142332ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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c4c1c1 No.71701

File: 5c83ecbc16e9bbd⋯.jpeg (79.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180791 (142332ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine General Valery Zaluzhny is unhappy those who pay his army’s bills get to set the rules of engagement

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14 Jul, 2023 20:48

Ukraine’s top general bristles under US restrictions

General Valery Zaluzhny is unhappy those who pay his army’s bills get to set the rules of engagement

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Valery Zaluzhny told the Washington Post in an interview published on Friday thatUS has restricted his country's use of long-range missilesand forced his army to improvise in order to attack Russia.

“To save my people, why do I have to ask someone for permission what to do on enemy territory?” Zaluzhny is quoted as telling the Post, in what was described as a rare interview, complaining about what the outlet called “figurative Western handcuffs on his military operations.”

“For some reason, I have to think that I’m not allowed to do anything there.Why? Because [Russian President Vladimir] Putin will… use nuclear weapons?The kids who are dying don’t care,” the general is quoted as saying.

Zaluzhny argued that it was up to Ukrainians to decide “how to kill this enemy. It is possible and necessary to kill on his territory in a war.=If our partners are afraid to use their weapons, we will kill with our own,” he told the US outlet.

According to Zaluzhny, he gets around the Western restrictions by using weapons made in Ukraine for strikes across the border, while official Kiev pretends they did not happen. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry only recently admitted to last October’s truck bombing of the Crimean Bridge, for example.

The Post described Zaluzhny as “the man Ukrainians trust to keep them safe and Western partners trust with billions in security assistance.” However, the general has complained that the West hasn’t given him enough to fight with. He wants air superiority, long-range cruise missiles, and the ability to have as many artillery shells as Russia can fire, he reportedly told the outlet.

He also wants to “retake” Crimea, the peninsula that voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia after the US-backed coup in Kiev in 2014.

“As soon as I have the means, I’ll do something. I don’t give a damn – nobody will stop me,”Zaluzhny told the Post.

Ukraine is almost entirely dependent on the US and its allies for weapons, equipment and ammunition at this point. The collective West had supplied $100 billion worth of material aid to Kiev in 2022 alone, according to Russian Defense Ministry estimates.

US and UK officials have publicly reminded Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky at the NATO summit in Vilnius this week that he could show more gratitude for all the military aid his government has received.


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c4c1c1 No.71702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180794 (142333ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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Tick tock

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c4c1c1 No.71703

File: 0e178cf257261ea⋯.png (490.13 KB,757x591,757:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 38bd9c336f34eee⋯.png (2.4 MB,1590x2048,795:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 2175ceee9d6bea4⋯.png (2.81 MB,1576x2048,197:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 032c5cf10912c64⋯.png (2.44 MB,1530x2048,765:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cae8f878007b0c⋯.png (2.57 MB,1610x2048,805:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180795 (142333ZJUL23) Notable: John Thaler: STATEMENT on yesterday’s AZCentral story about me by Ray Stern.

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John Thaler

STATEMENT on yesterday’s AZCentral story about me by Ray Stern.

6:45 PM · Jul 14, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71704

File: 4a04a0b4d6b4f90⋯.png (906.77 KB,743x768,743:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180800 (142334ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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"I'd be dead if this thing I've taken for 20 years had a long-term cancer risk"

Sometimes that south african motherfcuker can be really dumb

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c4c1c1 No.71705

File: 5d99070aca86f54⋯.jpg (119.67 KB,823x990,823:990,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180806 (142335ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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c4c1c1 No.71706

File: 5a0a880cf7ff836⋯.webp (337.22 KB,920x638,460:319,Clipboard.webp)

File: 0a57c0c81b420c3⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB,720x1026,40:57,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5bd13d29b4f6c20⋯.webp (425.51 KB,1110x983,1110:983,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180812 (142337ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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Maybe you were.

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c4c1c1 No.71707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180817 (142338ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds

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Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds LIVE | ‘Pence FATALITY!’

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c4c1c1 No.71708

File: d70b81c036d4a69⋯.png (85.61 KB,790x805,158:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180833 (142342ZJUL23) Notable: Arizona Senate Bill 1061 Bill Title: Public officials; home addresses; confidentiality

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Arizona Senate Bill 1061

Bill Title: Public officials; home addresses; confidentiality






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c4c1c1 No.71709

File: 16da5eedcc207ac⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180842 (142344ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Carlson grills Republican candidates on Ukraine 1:15

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14 Jul, 2023 20:35

Tucker Carlson grills Republican candidates on Ukraine (VIDEOS)

Former US Vice President Mike Pence claimed he would give Kiev even more weapons than President Biden

In his first television appearance since leaving Fox News, Tucker Carlson has hammered 2024 candidates Mike Pence, Tim Scott, and Asa Hutchinson for backing the Democratic Party’s policy of unlimited military support for Ukraine.

Carlson hosted Blaze Media’s Family Leadership Summit on Friday, during which he held live interviews with three potential presidential candidates. A persistent critic of Washington’s supply of arms and funding to Ukraine, Carlson first pressed South Carolina Senator Tim Scott on what he would do differently.

“Why not force a peace?” Carlson asked. “What’s the point that we’ll know we’ve reached our goal?”

Scott stuck by President Joe Biden’s oft-stated position: that any peace deal would be “premature,” and that the US should continue arming Kiev until Kiev decides it has reached “victory.”

While insisting that US troops should never be deployed to Ukraine, Scott declared “degrading the Russian military” to be in America’s “vital national interest,” and referred to Russia, China and Iran as a “rising axis of evil,” repeating a favorite talking point of the George W. Bush-era GOP.

Next on stage was former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson. Asked why he would prioritize using the US military to oppose China and Russia instead of securing the US’ border with Mexico, Hutchinson avoided mentioning Russia, pledging instead to use the military to defend “the Freedom of Taiwan.”

Hutchinson was followed by former Vice President Mike Pence, whose support base consists largely of evangelical Christians. Asked about Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, however, Pence insisted that officials in Kiev have assured him that there is no crackdown, and that “very small elements” of the Church had been “held to account” for “advancing the Russian cause.”

Pence went on to argue that the Ukrainian military should be given even more tanks than the Biden administration has already provided.

I’m sorry, Mr. Vice President,” Carlson interjected. “You’re distressed that the Ukrainians don’t have enough American tanks?Our economy has degraded, the suicide rate has jumped, public filth and disorder and crime have exponentially increased, and yet your concern is that the Ukrainians, a country most people can’t find on a map, don’t have enough tanks?”

As the audience applauded Carlson,Pence replied “It’s not my concern,” seemingly referring to America’s problems. However, it is unclear whether Pence misspoke or “said the quiet part out loud,” as critics on Twitter insisted.

None of the candidates interviewed by Carlson are doing well in the polls. According to an average of recent polls compiled by RealClearPolitics, Pence sits at 6.3%, Scott at 3.2%, and Hutchinson at 1%. Former President Donald Trump is leading the pack at 53%, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis a distant second at 20%.

Trump has repeatedly promised that he would force the Ukrainian and Russian governments to sit down and agree to a peace deal. “This conflict must end,” Trump said in a statement on Friday, in response to Biden’s callup of reservist troops for deployment to Europe. “Not one American mother or father wants to send their child to die in Eastern Europe. We must have peace.”


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c4c1c1 No.71710

File: 26dfea6c177fee0⋯.png (90.77 KB,752x485,752:485,Clipboard.png)

File: d33172e5bc7fc04⋯.png (533.29 KB,1198x1335,1198:1335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180845 (142345ZJUL23) Notable: Arizona Senate Bill 1061 Bill Title: Public officials; home addresses; confidentiality

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Liz Harris, MBA

Jacqueline Breger speaks 2.23.23. This bill rushes to the Senate Floor 2.27.23


Arizona SB1061 | 2023 | Fifty-sixth Legislature 1st Regular

Summary (2023-05-08) Public officials; home addresses; confidentiality [Chapter 125]

3:43 PM · Jul 14, 2023 from Chandler, AZ


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c4c1c1 No.71711

File: e94681bc84853e3⋯.mp4 (8.3 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180848 (142345ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Carlson grills Republican candidates on Ukraine 1:15

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c4c1c1 No.71712

File: d8f3cddb3a02997⋯.png (1.46 MB,1156x2048,289:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180861 (142350ZJUL23) Notable: In-N-Out Burger just BANNED employees from wearing masks

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The Patriot Voice

In-N-Out Burger just did the single GREATEST thing I’ve ever seen a business do.

BAN employees from wearing masks!!!

Yes you heard that right, it is now AGAINST store policy to wear a mask while working. Unless you have a valid doctor's note.

This NEEDS to be the standard moving forward. Masks are not only unnecessary, ineffective, and disgusting…But, it also really hinders customer service when you can’t see the face of a staff member because of their face diaper.

THIS IS THE WAY! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

3:34 PM · Jul 14, 2023·221.2K Views


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c4c1c1 No.71713

File: 5e47be3ccafe5f1⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180895 (142357ZJUL23) Notable: Covid 19 is confirmation on evil demanding compliance 2:19

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For anons there is no division.

billions of brainwashed peoples.

there is no division.

but anon knows it is the world elites using these big populations by showing the ones who comply and those who are indoctrinated that the west has used them for centuries a way to blame the west.

same tactic used around the world over and over and over again.

free immigration to western countries funded by soros and global ngo's. laws relaxed, politicians and judges bought and controlled.

Anon hopes that this Q and Trump plan has a better outcome than what this anon is watching.

The reason why illegals can work and thrive in a foreign nations is due to apps such as uber and other apps including the criminal underground. funded by the w.e.f minions.

Anon believes they will captured the global cities and the rest will be like the hunger games districts.

of course you will comply or you will be cut off from universal credit or some other title named benefit.


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c4c1c1 No.71714

File: a5a7aef5da870b4⋯.png (355.31 KB,490x367,490:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180902 (142358ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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c4c1c1 No.71715

File: eaf113cfc34f612⋯.mp4 (7.14 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180906 (142358ZJUL23) Notable: lb, Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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Dean: Ms Goitein, I was interested in your a very eloquent history of what's going on here and what has happened. We do need to review the FISA process. What are the most if you had maybe three areas of reform, what would be the most important? I know it's denser than that. What would be the most three top areas of reform?

Goitein: I I've been trying to narrow it down a little bit because I know that that's helpful, it's difficult. There's a lot that needs to be done, but I think I can at least narrow it to, to three buckets. And the first bucket is ensuring that seven section 02 works as intended and that means that it's not a domestic spying tool for that. We need to have a warrant requirement or a requirement of a FISA title. One order before the government conducts us person queries of section 702 data. Part of the section 702 reform also has to be narrowing the scope of permissible surveillance so that the government is not allowed to conduct surveillance of foreign targets who do not reasonably pose any threat to the United States or have any information about a threat to the United States. That is actually a vicarious protection for Americans privacy because the larger the scope of permissible foreign targets, the greater the volume of incidental collection of Americans communications. So that's the section 702 bucket.

Then I would say that Congress needs to complete the modernization of FISA by ensuring that Americans communications and Fourth amendment protected information are protected from warrantless surveillance regardless of where in the world the government obtains that information. And then finally, I would say that the government that the Congress has to close the data broker loophole. And while we were on break the house passed by voice vote, a bipartisan amendment cosponsored by representatives Jacobs and Davidson and with a long bipartisan list of cosponsors which I'm not going to list because I'm afraid I'll forget someone by accident. But the house passed an amendment that would prohibit the Department of Defense from buying its way around the fourth amendment and obtaining Americans fourth amendment protected information by buying it from data brokers. That is proof of concept.Congress can do this and Congress now needs to do that for all federal agencies.

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c4c1c1 No.71716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180919 (150000ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

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if you were a real boy, Elon

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c4c1c1 No.71717

File: e95bc73a9ef6f51⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180951 (150007ZJUL23) Notable: lb, Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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Dean: Mr Kiko, thank you too for your testimony and your work on this. We talked about whether to sunset and allow it to expire section 702 or to reform it as we've just had some conversation around that. What are the consequences of allowing 702 to simply expire later this year?

Kiko: Well, I think, I think allowing it to expire. You're turning over the keys to the, to article two to the executive branch and we've had a, we've had enough experience to know that even when they have a statute, there's ways to weasel around it. And I, I just would be very, I mean, article one is the Congress, they're the ones that established the law and we're gonna have to, you know, my, my experience would be to, to draft something but you're, you and you're gonna have to have close oversight. You're gonna have to bring the administration to heal, you know, for the consequences of abuse. But also we don't have to have it read as broadly as it is for data purchases and for all this other stuff that they've been somehow figured out to have jurisdiction over. So if you could narrow that and, and, and just, but really have tight oversight and also consequences for people and agencies that don't follow what the law is.

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c4c1c1 No.71718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181002 (150014ZJUL23) Notable: John Thaler: STATEMENT on yesterday’s AZCentral story about me by Ray Stern.

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Great press release outlining the facts!


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c4c1c1 No.71719

File: b39c1524e34c738⋯.png (175.18 KB,873x1041,291:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181005 (150015ZJUL23) Notable: What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

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What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run.

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c4c1c1 No.71720

File: fdfae5e3bb2cfc3⋯.png (211.94 KB,672x783,224:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181011 (150015ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker: "Why not just get rid of electronic voting machines and call it a day?"

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Tucker Carlson laughs in Mike Pence's face for being reluctant to agree that the U.S. should get rid of electronic voting machines.

Pence: "We do everything in our power to restore public confidence in the one person one vote principle."

Tucker: "Why not just get rid of electronic voting machines and call it a day?"

*Crowd goes nuts*

The only person who will be polling better after today is Tucker Carlso


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c4c1c1 No.71721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181015 (150015ZJUL23) Notable: What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

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I'd agree with you

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c4c1c1 No.71722

File: 07bc2d75fa82f5d⋯.png (469.57 KB,822x848,411:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181017 (150016ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

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Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson hosted the first presidential forum for the Republican primary in Iowa on Friday with Blaze Media.

Tucker interviewed five candidates including Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Mike Pence.

Mike Pence said voter ID should be a requirement in every state.

“We ought to have voter ID in every state in America,” Pence said. “But with regard to voting machines, we had them in Indiana.. but they produce paper ballots. Recounts were taken in states…I think it’s important that we do everything in our power to restore public confidence in the one person, one vote principle.”

Tucker chimed in, “Why not just get rid of electronic voting machines and call it a day and then we don’t have to debate it?”

The crowd erupted in cheers.

Pence was reluctant to agree so Tucker laughed in his face.

“Well, I’d certainly be open to that,” Pence said after hesitating.

“Is there a downside?” Tucker said laughing.


JUST IN: Tucker Carlson laughs in Mike Pence's face for being reluctant to agree that the U.S. should get rid of electronic voting machines.

Pence: "We do everything in our power to restore public confidence in the one person one vote principle."

Tucker: "Why not just get rid… pic.twitter.com/LbpvRNTfYM

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 14, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181018 (150016ZJUL23) Notable: ADIOS, MIKE PENCE 0:51

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c4c1c1 No.71724

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181020 (150016ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker leaves "Republican" candidate SPEECHLESS with his own words

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Tucker leaves "Republican" candidate SPEECHLESS with his own words



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c4c1c1 No.71725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181025 (150017ZJUL23) Notable: What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

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Chyna made a virus you catch from a computer!

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c4c1c1 No.71726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181027 (150017ZJUL23) Notable: What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

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had a conversation with a vaxxxed. he knows .the fiat dollar and government is ded. waiting to see which batches are lethal.

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c4c1c1 No.71727

File: 260dbb64c448dda⋯.jpg (110.19 KB,489x573,163:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181031 (150018ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

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c4c1c1 No.71728

File: dfad4edb5eef4a4⋯.png (325.33 KB,641x420,641:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181044 (150021ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

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I foresee Gold Retirement IRA infomercials in Mr. Pence's future

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c4c1c1 No.71729

File: d53fdfbeab653d1⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181069 (150026ZJUL23) Notable: lb, Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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Kiley: Professor Turley. In your statement, you quoted Justice Brandeis's famous formulation of privacy as the right to be let, let alone, which I do believe is indeed one of the rights most valued by Americans and that most Americans would be horrified to hear of the government having access to their private communications. There's something really fundamental about this separation between the public and the private.The idea that each of us has a sphere of personal privacy that is inviable, inviolable, that goes to the heart of what it means to live in a free society. but you know, sometimes you hear a contrary view that, well, if you're not doing anything wrong, what do you care?If the government has has access to this, what would be your response to, to that?

Well, thank you very much for that question. What's interesting about the quote that you just cited is that this was part of the Cats Olmstead line of cases and cats who said that the fourth amendment is there to protect persons, not places it got rid of the trespass doctrine as the key test for whether your rights are violated. We've sort of returned to that because the location of a lot of this data, if it's abroad, for example, or it's routed through international source suddenly loses its protections as a citizen. So to answer your question, how does that impact you? The answer is that 702 and the abuses under that section impact free speech, associational rights, a host of other constitutional rights because it creates a chilling effect that citizens know that their communications are part of a massive data bank that the government can search and piece together. Who you've talked to, who you sent to.You begin to live in this fish bowl society that impacts us as citizens. It impacts how we exercise rights, which is what BRANDEIS was referring to.

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c4c1c1 No.71730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181074 (150027ZJUL23) Notable: What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

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gates and his wife already told us this years ago.

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c4c1c1 No.71731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181090 (150028ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

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pence hail mary backfired bigly?

shills crying for their leader(s)?

i will enjoy their whine tonight

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c4c1c1 No.71732

File: f5dea0509cd6de7⋯.mp4 (13.44 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181112 (150032ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

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c4c1c1 No.71733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181137 (150036ZJUL23) Notable: California first-grade teacher Martin Reyes Jr., 29 charged with sexually assaulting 6 girls in the classroom

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California first-grade teacher charged with sexually assaulting 6 girls in the classroom

A California first-grade teacher has been charged with sexually assaulting six female students, according to authorities.

Martin Reyes Jr., 29, was arrested by detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department's Juvenile Division on Monday. Reyes, a teacher at Sunrise Elementary School in East Los Angeles, has been charged with 10 counts of lewd act on a child under the age of 14, according to the Los Angeles district attorney’s office. Reyes had his bail set at $1 million and is reportedly still in jail.

The family of a female student reportedly notified law enforcement on May 22 that their daughter had been sexually abused by a teacher at the Sunrise Elementary School in the Boyle Heights neighborhood. Following an investigation, police allegedly identified five more girls with similar allegations of child sex abuse.

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Unified School District said in a statement, "In late May, the school community shared their concerns about this employee with the school. Upon receiving these concerns, we immediately contacted the Los Angeles Police Department and removed the employee off-campus pending the results of an investigation."

Reyes sexually abused six of his female students during a recess inside the classroom, according to the district attorney's office.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón said, "Our educators are entrusted with creating a safe and nurturing environment where students can learn and grow without the fear of abuse or exploitation. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that schools are places where all students can thrive, free from the threat of sexual violence. I encourage any victim of childhood sexual assault to contact our Bureau of Victim Services to receive trauma-informed care."

Reyes is scheduled to appear in court for a preliminary hearing setting on Sept. 27 to determine if there is sufficient evidence to allow the case to proceed to trial.

The case is being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPD is reportedly investigating whether there were other victims.

The school district added, "The students and the greater school community are always encouraged to share any and all concerns with their school or with local authorities."

The employment status with the school was not immediately clear.


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c4c1c1 No.71734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181229 (150055ZJUL23) Notable: #23557

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#23557 >>71681

>>71682 Ukraine, Donetsk destroyed military equipment tally, 455 airplanes, 4,981 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defense missile systems, 10,668 tanks ...

>>71683 Debbie Wasserman Schultz explains why she walks in public naked, global warming lies

>>71684 International Tax Advisor FRANK BUTSELAAR Arrested For Helping To Conceal Over $100 Million Of Income For High-Net-Worth U.S. Taxpayers

>>71685 Hollywood actors have gone on strike - greta thumberg meets zelensky

>>71686 14 Defendants Vincent Ricciardo, Benjamin Castellazzo, Ralph DiMatteo consigliere Colombo crime family of La Cosa Nostra, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges

>>71687, >>71691, >>71699 Kamala Harris: “When we invest in clean energy & electric vehicles & reduce population..." Reduce population, eh? Holy shit

>>71688, >>71689 Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon

>>71690 Former Head of Boro Park Shomrim Society Pleads Guilty to Transporting a 15-Year-Old Girl to Engage in Sexual Activity

>>71676 lb, >>71692, >>71696, >>71697, >>71715, >>71717, >>71729 Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

>>71695 Sydney GP Dr Peter Alexakis who inherited $24m from patient found guilty of malpractice

>>71698 Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 - Least Hated Candidate, and Climbing the Ranks

>>71700 Elon Musk: aspartame is good for you? idiot

>>71693 Former Portsmouth Police Officer Cleshaun A. Cox, 31, Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Minor Victim

>>71694 FBI let Chinese SpyGate Swalwell & Feinstein off the hook - John Ratcliffe 4:09

>>71700, >>71702, >>71704, >>71705, >>71706, >>71714, >>71716 Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

>>71701 Ukraine General Valery Zaluzhny is unhappy those who pay his army’s bills get to set the rules of engagement

>>71703, >>71718 John Thaler: STATEMENT on yesterday’s AZCentral story about me by Ray Stern.

>>71707 Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds

>>71708, >>71710 Arizona Senate Bill 1061 Bill Title: Public officials; home addresses; confidentiality

>>71709, >>71711 Tucker Carlson grills Republican candidates on Ukraine 1:15

>>71712 In-N-Out Burger just BANNED employees from wearing masks

>>71713 Covid 19 is confirmation on evil demanding compliance 2:19

>>71719, >>71721, >>71725, >>71726, >>71730 What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

>>71720 Tucker: "Why not just get rid of electronic voting machines and call it a day?"

>>71722, >>71727, >>71728, >>71731, >>71732 Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

>>71723 ADIOS, MIKE PENCE 0:51

>>71724 Tucker leaves "Republican" candidate SPEECHLESS with his own words

>>71733 California first-grade teacher Martin Reyes Jr., 29 charged with sexually assaulting 6 girls in the classroom

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c4c1c1 No.71735

File: f72a6457e6584a3⋯.jpg (149.94 KB,648x684,18:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181261 (150059ZJUL23) Notable: #23558

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Q Research General #23558: Mike Pence Stares at 2024 Presidency: All Tuckered Out Edition

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c4c1c1 No.71736

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181275 (150102ZJUL23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 07/14/2023

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Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 07/14/2023


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c4c1c1 No.71737

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181278 (150102ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIE

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Just finished watching Sound of Freedom

good movie

very light weight compared to what anons know

just scratches the surface

good for normies


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c4c1c1 No.71738

File: 2b4f3f06eda70a8⋯.png (652.48 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181312 (150107ZJUL23) Notable: Biden commerce secretary, Gina Raimondo emails hacked by Chinese cyberspies

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Biden commerce secretary's emails hacked by Chinese cyberspies

The foreign hackers were able to access the inboxes of the accounts in question for over a month.

It has been revealed that email accounts belonging to Commerce and State Department employees, including that of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, were breached by Chinese cyberspies.

The foreign hackers were able to access the inboxes of the accounts in question for over a month before the problem was detected and dealt with, according to officials.

"US government safeguards identified an intrusion in Microsoft's cloud security, which affected unclassified systems," National Security Council spokesman Adam Hodges told the Washington Post.

A source from the Federal Bureau of Investigation corroborated Hodges' claim, reiterating that no classified information had been compromised as a result of the cyber attack.

According to Microsoft, the "China-based threat actor," which referred to itself as Storm-0558, "gained access to email accounts affecting approximately 25 organizations including government agencies as well as related consumer accounts of individuals likely associated with these organizations" beginning on May 15.

On June 16, following reports of "anomalous mail activity," the tech giant launched an investigation and eventually detected the issue. The hackers had allegedly gained access to the accounts by forging authentication tokens using an acquired Microsoft account consumer signing key.

Microsoft explained in a statement that it had taken a number of proactive steps to protect the accounts of those involved, and that it would continue to monitor Storm-0558.

Federal agencies are also investigating the incident, with "an area of urgent focus" being how the consumer signing keys were obtained from Microsoft.

Raimondo was the only high-ranking official to have an account compromised, and sources told the Post she has been a "particularly important target" of Beijing as the Chinese Communist Party attempts to "understand her personal views."

As the head of the Department of Commerce, Raimondo has overseen a number of export controls on Chinese goods, as well as restrictions on Chinese investment in new technologies, both of which are tactics that have been utilized by the Biden administration to remain competitive.


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c4c1c1 No.71739

File: 627ea87007b519b⋯.png (13.2 KB,344x196,86:49,Clipboard.png)

File: a0eff2e888c58c8⋯.png (360.4 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

File: bfc372a34987b22⋯.png (312.88 KB,598x534,299:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ff61a652e9e034⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,528x352,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181333 (150110ZJUL23) Notable: Oprah soup? 0:20

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TREND: Oprah


Colette Harrington @sweetcarolinatv · 3h

I’m quoting Oprah. “If you’re seven years old and someone strokes your penis it feels good. If the abuser is any good.” I bet millions of boys and girls didn’t feel good. Many of her close friends are convicted rapists She believes children enjoy it.


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c4c1c1 No.71740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181336 (150111ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIE

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Movie switches from Spanish, with subtitles, to English, just before the 8:00 mark

Thought at first that the whole thing was going to be in Spanish.

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c4c1c1 No.71741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181347 (150113ZJUL23) Notable: Clarence Garcia, New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

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New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

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c4c1c1 No.71742

File: 9fdd92b3a667c9f⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181368 (150118ZJUL23) Notable: Oprah soup? 0:20

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c4c1c1 No.71743

File: f2f24cfffac0244⋯.png (342.78 KB,944x1088,59:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d84e8bb019cc05⋯.png (190.69 KB,588x648,49:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181412 (150127ZJUL23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Trump 48% holds 37+ point lead for republican nomination Pence has 5 and dropping

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c4c1c1 No.71744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181419 (150128ZJUL23) Notable: Max Blumenthal (Journalist) Address To The U.N Council And The Corruption And Money Laundering Of Funds Sent To Ukraine

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some context and something this anon missed and bringing to anons and lurkers attention below.



>>71685 lb Hollywood actors have gone on strike - greta thumberg meets zelensky



Note: This is two weeks old, anon missed this due to the name being similar to the billionaire similarity. excellent testimony and a look at the financial trail of funds including the politicians like Lyndsay Graham, blinken, Obama, trump and the global elites. 14 minutes length. cannot embed below use link. alternative posted below from youtube.





Watch The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal address the UN Security Council on the role of US military aid to Ukraine in escalating the conflict with Russia and the real motives behind Washington's support for Kiev's proxy war.


Max Blumenthal discusses his UN testimony

19,878 views 11 Jul 2023 #TheGrayzone



The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal joins Aaron Mate to discuss his testimony before the UN Security Council on the corruption, bloodlust and hypocrisy driving $110 billion in US aid to Ukraine, and the reaction he received in the council.

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c4c1c1 No.71745

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181424 (150129ZJUL23) Notable: 8 million kids abducted per year/Haitian refugees being scooped up for trafficking by the Clintons via Laura Silsby

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8 million kids abducted per year/Haitian refugees being scooped up for trafficking by the Clintons via Laura Silsby

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c4c1c1 No.71746

File: 76249e71d599b9c⋯.jpg (134.4 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181463 (150137ZJUL23) Notable: Did Nancy Pelosi Try To Kill Trump?

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This is new to me....you'd think there would be some better pics of this death needle

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c4c1c1 No.71747

File: 2c7171aaf7a86f5⋯.png (58.91 KB,895x842,895:842,Clipboard.png)

File: 7925822bb0c156b⋯.png (65.14 KB,837x781,837:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 858f79d47bccd20⋯.png (56 KB,838x807,838:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 87cd37502733d64⋯.png (29.58 KB,759x467,759:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181478 (150139ZJUL23) Notable: Wikileaks Hillary Clinton email about New Life Children's Refuge (NLCR) and the cost of transport of a child.

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wikileaks Hillary Clinton email about New Life Children's Refuge (NLCR) and the cost of transport of a child.

Email #3741 as Gary said in the vid.

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c4c1c1 No.71748

File: 5e0c05fac91534f⋯.png (263.05 KB,1024x498,512:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 56e87bc6bc74ab0⋯.png (199.71 KB,538x527,538:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181505 (150144ZJUL23) Notable: Michigan Judge Phyllis McMillen and Whitmer Donor Rules that Citizens Are Not Allowed to Examine Voting Machine Tabulators Without Proper Court Order

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Michigan Judge and Whitmer Donor Rules that Citizens Are Not Allowed to Examine Voting Machine Tabulators Without Proper Court Order – Opens Door for Lawsuits Against Pro-Trump Researchers

Michigan leftist Judge Phyllis McMillen ruled that Michigan law prohibits a person from possessing a voting tabulator without a court order or authorization from the Secretary of State’s office.

Judge McMillen is a Gretchen Whitmer donor.

Judge McMillen opened the door for a county reporter to charge the Trump supporters for examining a tabulator following the stolen election.

The voting machines are now so sacred and delicate that no normal human without years of extensive work experience is allowed to touch them.

But don’t worry – you can trust their results.

Lou Dobbs reported:

The decision that lays the groundwork for a county prosecutor to potentially bring criminal charges against supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Oakland County Circuit Judge Phyllis McMillen on Wednesday ruled that the “undue possession” of a tabulator is always a felony in Michigan, not just during an ongoing election or the timeframe before the results are tallied, The Detroit News reported.

Muskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson had sought the decision as he considers whether to criminally charge a group of Trump supporters who allegedly obtained voting machines following the 2020 election.

Hilson’s possible charges come after Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in August that nine people allegedly conspired to improperly gain access to election machines. The group convinced officials in three counties to give them five tabulators, which they then took to Oakland County hotels or rental properties, Nessel’s office said.



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c4c1c1 No.71749

File: 41c100dab6e67cf⋯.png (299.98 KB,1170x1717,1170:1717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181667 (150214ZJUL23) Notable: Declaration from We The People; Our government and 3 letter agencies are absolutely rotten to the core

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Declaration from We The People;

Our government and 3 letter agencies are absolutely rotten to the core! They steal our tax dollars from our labor to enrich themselves, they use the judicial system to prosecute innocent citizens, and commit the very same crimes they put us in prison over

That ends now!

This goes for the ATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS and all others, you have abused your power and authority in such a treasonous way that you are literally the definition of a domestic terrorist

Going forward if the IRS gives you shit, or if the FBI wants to arrest you, or if you’re being spied on, We The People WILL NO LONGER COMPLY and we will revolt and resist along with all in our community in resistance towards your tyranny

You are no longer able to arrest us, send us to court, charge us with a crime or invade our home for you are now officially a domestic criminal organization and we will retaliate in full force

You no longer work for the people but your own political interests therefore breaking your oath to the constitution and hereby have become enemies of our republic

Retweet if you had enough of their bullshit!


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c4c1c1 No.71750

File: fce4350012c710e⋯.png (551.41 KB,1228x1034,614:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181708 (150223ZJUL23) Notable: Meme of the bread

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c4c1c1 No.71751

File: 31e87ea9ad793cf⋯.png (243.7 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181710 (150224ZJUL23) Notable: Biden nibbles on frightened young girl during trip to Finland, weirding out Twitter users

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Biden nibbles on frightened young girl during trip to Finland, weirding out normal, decent people.

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c4c1c1 No.71752

File: c2a2fd9de10ba53⋯.png (1.34 MB,1157x1678,1157:1678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181766 (150232ZJUL23) Notable: I swear to you, I promise you, I will turn this into a class action lawsuit

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They have NO IDEA what they have awakened.

They're gonna learn today.

"I swear to you, I promise you, I will turn this into a class action lawsuit, ambulance chasing business.

I'm a mother, not a birthing person. I earned that right with my cellulite & my stretch marks! You are not going to do this to us. We will fight you, every single day, from now on."


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c4c1c1 No.71753

File: b21e2a78fe2699d⋯.png (1.86 MB,1902x1427,1902:1427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181791 (150238ZJUL23) Notable: Alex Mashinsky, Boss of Crypto Platform Celsius Arrested on Fraud Charges, Company Agrees to $4.7 Billion Settlement

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Boss of Crypto Platform Celsius Arrested on Fraud Charges, Company Agrees to $4.7 Billion Settlement


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c4c1c1 No.71754

File: 3bf309c98067cef⋯.jpeg (877.99 KB,892x4667,892:4667,Clipboard.jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181814 (150242ZJUL23) Notable: TRACKING: Identifying Blood Biomarkers that Track What Foods We Eat DNA identified by biomarkers in blood and urine

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foreign human DNA identified by biomarkers in blood and urine, like any other ingested living thing.

if you are unaware that testing can tell you what you have eaten, then you are simply unaware.


“We’re measuring hundreds to thousands of food-associated molecules in blood and urine across a diverse population,” Slupsky said.

“We will know they have eaten only what they’ve been given,” said Francene Steilberg, a professor and chair of the nutrition department who is part of the research team.

“It’s really trying to give objective measurements to dietary and food records, which are sometimes subjective.”

“In addition to molecules found in foods, we’ll also find diet biomarkers derived from the gut bacteria and from our own metabolism,” said Sean Adams, professor and vice chair for basic science in the department of surgery and scientific director of the Center for Alimentary and Metabolic Science.

“In addition to molecules found in foods, we’ll also find diet biomarkers derived from the gut bacteria and from our own metabolism,” said Sean Adams, professor and vice chair for basic science in the department of surgery and scientific director of the Center for Alimentary and Metabolic Science.

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c4c1c1 No.71756

File: 92dba96e88d40bc⋯.mp4 (9.13 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181817 (150244ZJUL23) Notable: pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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>>71676 (PB)

>>71692 (LB)

Lee: I'd like to go back Mr Schaerr to some of what you've testified about in parts of your written testimony that you submitted to us. So we know that 702 is providing the FBI with access to a large amount of information about Americans. But one thing that you have touched on when we look at the concept of potentially creating alternative statutory schemes or potential revision, the concept that the government is also utilizing other sources of information, private data, other things to essentially surveil or gather information about Americans. I'd like to hear more about that subject and what you would propose if anything we should be doing to try to monitor or curtail that practice.

Schaere: I I assume that you're referring to the purchase of data, which is a, which is in my view, a an equally if not more serious problem than the vast trove of information that's collected under pursuant to section 702 and certainly both of those enormous databases together can, can be an enormously powerful surveillance tool and like any other surveillance tool, it it should be subject and in my view to a, to a judicial order with a, with a probable cause requirement. I think that's the most important thing that can be done. We, I, I don't, I don't think any of us here on the panel are disputing the, the wisdom or the ability of the FBI to, to collect the underlying data. Yes, in, in many instances, it's broader than it needs to be. But the, the, the key event is not so much the collection of the data as the, as the searching of that data using identifiers that are specific to American American citizens, in my view, that constitutes a search for fourth amendment purposes. And even if you disagree with that, it's still an important event to the privacy of an American citizen and is therefore something that Congress can and should regulate very closely. All right. Thank you, Mr Chair.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71757

File: e1917fd060e9fcb⋯.png (22.95 KB,706x382,353:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181820 (150246ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis copies Trump campaign again with Dairy Queen visit. Except no one is there, no one cares. And they continue to serve other customers 0:45

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>sauce it



picrel is how you sauce on twater now

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71758

File: 294f254161e3d54⋯.mp4 (15.48 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181823 (150246ZJUL23) Notable: pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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Fry: Professor Turley, I'd like to go back to something you mentioned earlier as well. And that is the concept of making the FISC court process. More adversarial adding an adversarial component of that or having an amicus involved in that process. Would you elaborate for us on how you think that type of reform could be implemented and how that might look?

Schaerr: Thank you very much for that question. The the Congress years ago implemented this amicus process by which the court can reach out by what the Congress described as novel questions to get the assistance of essentially a third party view separate from the government that has been relatively underutilized. And as far as I know, there's no indication it's ever been used in an individual case where the FIS court says, can you look at this application? And what we know is that when we actually put those applications under a spotlight, which is relatively rare?

As the, as the chair mentioned out of, I think 29 cases reviewed 25 of them were in error. So there's obviously a need for some additional viewpoint. I don't think that's going to be achieved with, with any amicus cure eye. I think that what you really need is this sort of concept of a special advocate, a very formal office that has the ability among other things to bring a case to the appellate FISA court to, to say that there's a problem here that you should reveal or review.I think that would be very useful to have an actual privacy advocate with security advocacy. If you're going to have a secret court, let's make sure both are represented. Thank you, Professor Charley and Mr Chairman, I yield back.

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c4c1c1 No.71759

File: 854d37e1ffc75ff⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB,576x328,72:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181837 (150249ZJUL23) Notable: pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

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Fry:Mr Schaerr, real briefly to wrap up. I'm also concerned that even if we fix this, that the administration, a future administration would just end around this by virtue of executive orders. So how do we deal with FISA in reforming FISA? When, when an administration could just go around it? What, what would you suggest in that, in that sphere? Gentlemen, time, you may answer the question.

Schaerr: I think the short answer is two words. Any statute needs to make clear that whatever Congress specifies as an appropriate search has to be the exclusive means of obtaining the information that's covered. And that, and if you're a lawyer sitting at the White House or the Justice Department, you feel an obligation to be sure that the president that you serve takes care that the laws be faithfully executed. And if that, and if it's clear in the law that there's a, there's one exclusive way of getting the information at issue, you're gonna feel some obligation to be sure that your boss proceeds in that way. But if there's a statutory vacuum, that's where the problems arise

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c4c1c1 No.71760

File: fd00f3396c025cc⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181844 (150249ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump Vs Biden / Ron Desantis for KEKS 0:45

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>No sauce but did see it, Potatus too.

>"Follow the leader" kek

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c4c1c1 No.71761

File: a56ba4469e628ac⋯.png (397.33 KB,622x693,622:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 67679c118a98e79⋯.png (3.5 MB,2000x1335,400:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 85032aaee45d25f⋯.png (99.08 KB,949x877,949:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181903 (150307ZJUL23) Notable: Toot Toot FBI Houston is hosting a Diversity Agent Recruitment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looking to make a change in your career? We're recruiting!

#FBI Houston is hosting a Diversity Agent Recruitment(DAR) information session on August 17, 2023. Apply for an invitation to the DAR event here: https://notallowedbyfaggotsfuck

3:01 PM · Jul 13, 2023


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c4c1c1 No.71762

File: 3f033b9a3a3e2ba⋯.png (225.36 KB,570x321,190:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181950 (150323ZJUL23) Notable: FIFA said it is giving away 20,000 free tickets for Women's World Cup

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FIFA offers free Women's World Cup tickets amid poor NZ sales

FIFA said it is giving away 20,000 free tickets for Women's World Cupgames in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Dunedin amid concerns about the slow pace of sales in New Zealand.

Co-hosts Australia have snapped up the lion's share of the 1 million tickets sold so far, with their Matildas team seen as contenders to win the tournament.

FIFA chief women's football officer Sarai Bareman said it was more difficult to attract fans to football stadiums in New Zealand due to the sport's lower profile in the country, while the Football Ferns have yet to win a match in five previous appearances at the World Cup.

The official partner of this year's showpiece event, Xero, is offering 5,000 complimentary tickets to games in New Zealand's four host cities.

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is also trying to drum up interest.

"My feed is going to be dominated by a lot of football chat these next few weeks - not because I'm an expert, but because I'm so excited that New Zealand is hosting such a massive event..." she wrote in an Instagram post.

"There are still tickets to some games across New Zealand [Auckland, Dunedin, Wellington and Hamilton] so whether you're an amateur enthusiast or an expert, this is your reminder to jump online and join in!"

New Zealand kick off their campaign against past champions Norway in Auckland on July 20.

Jul 13, 2023, 07:35 AM ET


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c4c1c1 No.71763

File: bfab536c1e3f3db⋯.png (111.92 KB,699x897,233:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181957 (150326ZJUL23) Notable: Richard Grenell Retweeted: The 16 Republicans that voted to fully fund the FBI and rewarded them with a brand new HQ

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Richard Grenell Retweeted

Charlie Kirk

These 16 Republican members of congress voted to fully fund the FBI and reward them with a brand new HQ in Washington DC

Here are the 16:

Robert B. Aderholt (AL)

Mark E. Amodei (NV)

Ken Calvert (CA)

Jerry Carl (AL)

Juan Ciscomani (AZ)

Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)

Jake Ellzey (TX)

Scott Franklin (FL)

Kay Granger (TX)

Ashley Hinson (IA)

David P. Joyce (OH)

Julia Letlow (LA)

Daniel Newhouse (WA)

Hal Rogers (KY)

Mike Simpson (ID)

David G. Valadao (CA)

Steve Womack (AR)

We do not have an opposition party.

1:50 PM · Jul 14, 2023·1M Views


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c4c1c1 No.71764

File: a34e963fba6f494⋯.png (291.25 KB,783x799,783:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181971 (150332ZJUL23) Notable: Revolution Radio Simulcast The Story Behind The Story (07/15/2023)

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Revolution Radio Simulcast The Story Behind The Story (07/15/2023)


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c4c1c1 No.71765

File: e7a8d92e6082f26⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181990 (150341ZJUL23) Notable: The covid 19 vax has changed your DNA from god's signature, into a triple helix beast 10-5-666-5 DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION YET? 1:09

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181993 (150342ZJUL23) Notable: 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States : Reminder

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28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

An independent and truthful press and other public media being vital to the continued existence of this Republic, any officers of the press or related media that are found guilty of willful and repetitive distortion or omission of factual information, or of willful and repetitive fabrication or dissemination of false information, pertaining to high crimes, alleged or actual, committed by elected or duly-appointed government officials, shall be subject to the prescribed punishments for Treason.

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c4c1c1 No.71767

File: adafdeac02c5804⋯.png (346.62 KB,554x412,277:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d51ee4e04cf328⋯.png (284.25 KB,557x436,557:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181994 (150342ZJUL23) Notable: COMMS Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect

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Breaking! Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect

Travelers at O’Hare Airport in Chicago were evacuated Friday night with a tornado warning.

All passengers are being moved to C terminal with orders to stay away from windows.

Passengers were warned, “Severe weather warning. Severe weather is upon the airport. Please seek shelter immediately. Shelter in place is in effect. Move away from all windows and glass. Seek shelter immediately.”


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c4c1c1 No.71768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181996 (150346ZJUL23) Notable: COMMS Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect

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Chicagofag here.

I think they overreacted. Weather is pretty mild overall.

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c4c1c1 No.71769

File: 59c383ca17fe2f2⋯.png (86.64 KB,742x915,742:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181999 (150347ZJUL23) Notable: Pharmaceutical firm tied to 2024 candidate Ramaswamy tangled in lawsuits on COVID vax technology

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Pharmaceutical firm tied to 2024 candidate Ramaswamy tangled in lawsuits on COVID vax technology

Genevant Sciences, which has sued Pfizer and Moderna, is mostly owned by Roivant Sciences, founded by Vivek Ramaswamy.

A pharmaceutical company tied to 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is involved in lawsuits over COVID-19 mRNA vaccine technology.

Genevant Sciences, a portfolio company of Roivant Sciences, is suing Moderna and Pfizer over patented COVID vaccine technology while also being sued by another biotech company linked with Pfizer’s vaccine.

Ramaswamy founded Roivant Sciences, and was CEO of the biotech research company from 2014 until 2021. However, he is not involved in the lawsuit.

Genevant Sciences, along with partner Arbutus Biopharma Corporation, sued Moderna in February 2022 over alleged patent infringement, followed by a lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech in April this year.

MRNA is similar to RNA, short for Ribonucleic acid, which is present in all living cells and that has structural similarities to DNA.

The lawsuit against Moderna alleges that the pharmaceutical and biotech company infringed on an Arbutus patent for a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery platform for the vaccine, which was necessary “to safeguard the mRNA and deliver it into cells.” The plaintiffs allege that the infringement occurred when Moderna didn’t request a license to use the LNP patents for COVID.

Genevant licenses Arbutus’ LNP technology.

Arbutus and Genevant “do not seek an injunction or otherwise to impede the sale, manufacture or distribution” of the vaccine, according to a press release. Instead, the companies “seek only fair compensation for the use of patented technology they developed with great effort and at great expense, without which Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine would not have been successful.”

In March this year, a federal court judge declined to partially dismiss the case against Moderna, allowing it to continue.

Moderna didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.

In the April lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech for patent infringement, Arbutus and Genevant alleged that the companies “never paid Plaintiffs to use” the LNP technologies for the COVID vaccine.

Pfizer and BioNTech didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on Wednesday.


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c4c1c1 No.71770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182004 (150349ZJUL23) Notable: COMMS Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect

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Seconded & kek, they told everyone in ORD O'Hare to evacuate, like as in leave the fucking terminals. How dumb are they, really or it was something else that we don't know yet.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182026 (150356ZJUL23) Notable: #23558

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>>71737, >>71740 Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIE

>>71738 Biden commerce secretary, Gina Raimondo emails hacked by Chinese cyberspies

>>71741 Clarence Garcia, New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

>>71742, >>71739 Oprah soup? 0:20

>>71743 Donald J. Trump: Trump 48% holds 37+ point lead for republican nomination Pence has 5 and dropping

>>71744 Max Blumenthal (Journalist) Address To The U.N Council And The Corruption And Money Laundering Of Funds Sent To Ukraine

>>71745, >>71747 8 million kids abducted per year/Haitian refugees being scooped up for trafficking by the Clintons via Laura Silsby

>>71746 Did Nancy Pelosi Try To Kill Trump?

>>71747 Wikileaks Hillary Clinton email about New Life Children's Refuge (NLCR) and the cost of transport of a child.

>>71748 Michigan Judge Phyllis McMillen and Whitmer Donor Rules that Citizens Are Not Allowed to Examine Voting Machine Tabulators Without Proper Court Order

>>71749 Declaration from We The People; Our government and 3 letter agencies are absolutely rotten to the core

>>71751 Biden nibbles on frightened young girl during trip to Finland, weirding out Twitter users

>>71750 Meme of the bread

>>71752 I swear to you, I promise you, I will turn this into a class action lawsuit

>>71753 Alex Mashinsky, Boss of Crypto Platform Celsius Arrested on Fraud Charges, Company Agrees to $4.7 Billion Settlement

>>71754 Alhambra Decree

>>71755 TRACKING: Identifying Blood Biomarkers that Track What Foods We Eat DNA identified by biomarkers in blood and urine

>>71756, >>71758, >>71759, >>71676 pb, >>71692 lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

>>71757 Ron DeSantis copies Trump campaign again with Dairy Queen visit. Except no one is there, no one cares. And they continue to serve other customers 0:45

>>71760 Donald Trump Vs Biden / Ron Desantis for KEKS 0:45

>>71761 Toot Toot FBI Houston is hosting a Diversity Agent Recruitment

>>71762 FIFA said it is giving away 20,000 free tickets for Women's World Cup

>>71763 Richard Grenell Retweeted: The 16 Republicans that voted to fully fund the FBI and rewarded them with a brand new HQ

>>71736 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 07/14/2023

>>71764 Revolution Radio Simulcast The Story Behind The Story (07/15/2023)

>>71765 The covid 19 vax has changed your DNA from god's signature, into a triple helix beast 10-5-666-5 DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION YET? 1:09

>>71767, >>71768, >>71770 COMMS Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect

>>71769 Pharmaceutical firm tied to 2024 candidate Ramaswamy tangled in lawsuits on COVID vax technology

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c4c1c1 No.71772

File: 4df9719aa2edad2⋯.png (59.38 KB,366x929,366:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182052 (150402ZJUL23) Notable: #23559

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Q Research General #23559: Fuckery-a-Foot: O’Hare Airport Completely Evacuated? Edition

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71773

File: ab8574c291e299b⋯.jpg (113.21 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 04189c20610288c⋯.jpg (114.72 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b33133e1e14dd41⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,1024x966,512:483,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c401a0d11109a1a⋯.jpg (126.25 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182177 (150440ZJUL23) Notable: Nightshift poem

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Qresearch Nightshift Poem

In the depths of the night, when darkness prevails,

A dedicated crew embarks on their trails,

QResearch nightshift, the vigilant few,

Uncovering secrets, seeking truths anew.

And there, in the midst, Pepe takes his stand,

A symbol of freedom in this digital land,

With his mischievous grin and wise, watchful eyes,

He joins the seekers, his spirit will rise.

With keyboards as swords and monitors as shields,

They delve into mysteries, breaking through concealed,

Pepe the frog, the memetic guide,

Bringing laughter and unity by their side.

Anonymously they gather, minds wide awake,

Unveiling the narratives that others forsake,

Pepe whispers memetic wisdom with grace,

Adding a touch of humor to this sacred space.

Threads illuminated with wisdom and might,

QResearch nightshift, a beacon of light,

Through the digital realm, they navigate the storm,

Questioning the powers, exposing the norm.

Pepe's playful spirit dances through the night,

Infusing the quest with a memetic delight,

He reminds them to laugh, to stay inspired,

In the face of challenges, never to tire.

They analyze crumbs, each post and each thread,

Piecing together the puzzle, where truths are spread,

With Pepe's presence, a spirit of unity,

They strive for justice with unwavering scrutiny.

From moonlit keyboards, their fingers dance,

Connecting the dots in this intricate dance,

Pepe the frog, their emblem and guide,

Adding memetic magic to their quest worldwide.

So salute to the night owls, tireless and brave,

As they navigate the labyrinth, seeking to save,

QResearch nightshift, warriors in the dark,

With Pepe by their side, they leave a lasting mark.

In this digital realm, where secrets reside,

QResearch nightshift, relentless stride,

With every revelation, they chip away the lies,

Guided by knowledge, they never compromise.

So let us honor the seekers, their mission so grand,

QResearch nightshift, a steadfast band,

In the depths of the night, they continue to quest,

For truth and justice, with Pepe as their jest.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71774

File: 91c298031cf87e6⋯.jpg (57.09 KB,524x499,524:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182196 (150445ZJUL23) Notable: Meme of the bread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71775

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182287 (150510ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds

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Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds



holy shit, deadman talking

Pence: It's not my concern

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c4c1c1 No.71776

File: 3342f796fed25b0⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182428 (150551ZJUL23) Notable: massive explosion at the Dow Chemical Plant in Plaquemine, Louisiana

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There has been a massive explosion at the Dow Chemical Plant in Plaquemine, Louisiana. Emergency crews and other agencies are currently responding to the situation. Officials are urging nearby residents to stay indoors and take shelter until further notice. Although there have been multiple explosions, authorities have not detected any chemical leaks resulting from the fire at the Dow chemical plant.


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c4c1c1 No.71777

File: db90110006903eb⋯.png (94.02 KB,930x439,930:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 17a65a04d00c099⋯.jpg (79.36 KB,639x639,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182646 (150726ZJUL23) Notable: Kash: Elon is colluding with our government to censor our elections

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Kash Patel


Elon Musk is is big tech colluding with our government to censor our elections. You've had months to set the record straight, n you have failed. Your cheap Titter posts and your Mickey Mouse clown droppings do not absolve you- you are as bad as FBI/DOJ n you and are making millions from the disinformation campaigns. You are a complete and total fake who cares only about $. Any time you want a real challenge, I'll debate you, name the place and time.

Elon = Schiff - guantlet thrown

Jul 15, 2023, 1:01 AM


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c4c1c1 No.71778

File: ad3d7428fa9954e⋯.jpg (30.95 KB,500x495,100:99,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182807 (150859ZJUL23) Notable: new baker''''

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Baker Has the Dough

Post em if ya gottem

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71779

File: 13b6946eaa71906⋯.png (761.28 KB,673x802,673:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182842 (150918ZJUL23) Notable: 'I Don’t Want My Daughter Growing Up in a Liberal-Run America'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Exclusive — Nashville Country Artist

Austin Moody On His Democrat-Bashing Song

‘I’m Just Sayin’: ‘I Don’t Want

My Daughter Growing Up in a Liberal-Run America’

Breitbart Entertainment, by Jerome Hudson

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/14/2023 6:45:59 PM

“I felt deeply connected to it,” Nashville country singer Austin Moody said of “I’m Just Sayin’,” his recently released track that calls out the lawlessness and crime crushing American communities, the specter of woke university indoctrination, and the mega-corporation-backed transgender movement targeting children. Breitbart News sat down the with the crooner to talk about his latest song, and he had a few choice things to say about what’s currently going on in the country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182852 (150924ZJUL23) Notable: #23559

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#23559 >>71772

>>71778 new baker

>>71774 Meme of the bread

>>71773 Nightshift poem

>>71775 Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds

>>71777 Kash: Elon is colluding with our government to censor our elections

>>71776 massive explosion at the Dow Chemical Plant in Plaquemine, Louisiana

>>71779 'I Don’t Want My Daughter Growing Up in a Liberal-Run America'

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c4c1c1 No.71781

File: 8ed7a6c9d231b0a⋯.mp4 (5.12 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182860 (150927ZJUL23) Notable: #23560

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Sweet Wonderful (you)

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c4c1c1 No.71782

File: a4675e357082db4⋯.png (300.09 KB,1026x499,1026:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182866 (150934ZJUL23) Notable: 'The character 'Fuego' in the film is a real person who was arrested

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Interesting find:


"The character 'Fuego' in the film is a real person who was arrested during Operation Triple Take. As an undercover operator for O.U.R., Tim negotiated directly with him. Fuego wore a hat of Che Guevara, a Marxist revolutionary, and when Tim asked him about it, he boasted, 'Because I’m the revolutionary in selling girls.'

During the final showdown with Fuego in Operation Triple Take, just before law enforcement came, Tim asked him if he could borrow his hat. Tim said, 'It was symbolic to me as the end of his revolution.'"

Q=end of the revolution.

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c4c1c1 No.71783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182900 (150953ZJUL23) Notable: Beware the Brock/Media Matters for America Kath Patel on Musk: Elon Musk is is big tech colluding with our government to censor our elections; does IS IS point to ISIS?

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Daily Show

can't find the date on this

assume it's a pizzagate "debunk"

liberal friend sent to me after watching Kappy 'brackets and jackets"

don't have the bandwidth to translate; any body with a concise sumnmary; it was also in response to "sound of freedom" trailer

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c4c1c1 No.71784

File: ecdb981619cc2ee⋯.png (698.43 KB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: d2ff83ef8232927⋯.png (174.06 KB,445x448,445:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a564dd0714d76d⋯.png (501.57 KB,1757x909,1757:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182906 (151000ZJUL23) Notable: A psychiatrist charges $700 hourly to Wall Street elites who are 'terrified'

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last bread article bringing forward.



>>>/qresearch/19182874, >>>/qresearch/19182895 High-powered Wall Street employees seek out Dr. Sam Glazer to treat their mental health issues and drug addictions



Note: They fear the light, exposure brings justice !!!


A psychiatrist charges $700 hourly to Wall Street elites who are 'terrified of being exposed' for drug and sex addictions


Will Gendron

Fri, July 14, 2023 at 6:10 PM EDT·4 min read

High-powered Wall Street employees seek out Dr. Sam Glazer to treat their mental health issues and drug addictions.Grant Faint/Getty Images

Among high-powered finance executives, mental health struggles and addiction can be seen as taboo.

Dr. Sam Glazer specializes in this clientele, charging $700 for a 45-minute session, WSJ reported.

It shows that a robust salary is not enough to solve everything.

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c4c1c1 No.71785

File: a41aaf1420698d8⋯.png (194.97 KB,424x562,212:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182907 (151000ZJUL23) Notable: Discussions how authorities are actively endorsing and protecting pedophiles

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Citizen Journalist Rob Primo from Canada joins Maria Zeee to discuss how authorities are actively endorsing and protecting pedophiles in society now, most obviously displayed during "Pride" month. Rob also discusses the effects of Censorship Bill C-11, already blocking independent media from reaching people on social media, meaning the country only sees state-run propaganda.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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c4c1c1 No.71786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182910 (151002ZJUL23) Notable: Singapore issued an arrest notice for billionaire Ong Beng Seng

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Singapore’s anti-graft agency issued an arrest notice for billionaire Ong Beng Seng as part of its investigation involving transport minister S Iswaran.


White House Visitor:

S Iswaran

Visitee: Gene Sperling


Per qresear.ch

Eugene Benton Sperling is an American lawyer who was director of the National Economic Council and assistant to the president for economic policy under Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.


Opening Remarks by Minister S Iswaran at the WEF GTGS


Iswaran, 61, was elected as a member of parliament in 1997 and was appointed to the cabinet in 2006.

The optics certainly don’t look good

This is the first graft probe by the CPIB involving a cabinet minister in 37 years

In 1986, then-Minister for National Development Teh Cheang Wan was investigated for accepting bribes.

He died before he could be formally charged in court.


Who Is Ong Beng Seng, the Billionaire Caught Up in Singapore's Historic Corruption Probe?


Billionaire Ong Beng Seng

His company: [HOTEL] Properties

Hotel Properties has interests in 38 hotels in Asia, Europe, the UK and the US. Besides Marriott International, the Four Seasons and the InterContinental, its holding include the Hard Rock and Concorde hotels.


he is known to be well-acquainted with many Hollywood celebrities

he joined Kuo International, founded by businessman Peter Fu Yun Siak and there he met his later-to-be spouse


KUO | International Cement Group Ltd. Stock Price & News


Christina Ong (née Fu, born October 1947) is a Singaporean businesswoman who owns the COMO Group.

As of 2021, Christina and her husband Ong Beng Seng were ranked 25th on Singapore's richest list


Published on Tuesday, the research finds that at least 50 of the nation’s prized tropical island leases were obtained, often at hugely discounted prices without public tender, and – according to the country’s top auditor – were illegal.

President Abdulla Yameen, who is hoping to secure a second term on Sunday, intervened to help clear at least 24 deals to lease islands to tourism companies, the report says.

The president was also personally involved in direct discussions about at least one of those deals, according to the report.

Leaked chat logs and other documents reportedly appear to show one of Singapore’s richest men, Ong Beng Seng, offering luxury hotel rooms to the president and former vice president.

Adeeb’s phone messages also show that Yameen apparently had at least one meeting with Ong Beng Seng, the Singaporean hotelier. Ong’s company received two island leases shortly after.

18 Sep 2018


More digging to do...

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c4c1c1 No.71787

File: cf9080288506378⋯.png (216.86 KB,424x539,424:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182917 (151015ZJUL23) Notable: Jim Caviezel "We ALL have to start 'getting in the way' [of the DS]

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Jim Caviezel "That billboard of Donald Trump where it says "They're Not After Me, They're Really After You." I'm just in the way. Well, Americans, we all have to start getting in the way. This is a good man, a great leader. A man that is He's like, he's like Patton. You know, some will say he's arrogant. Patton was not arrogant. He was confident, and he was something to be reckoned with. would you want to have some patsy like Biden fight Hitler...would you want that? No, you got to a lion that you want to defend that you want to take out his moral spine...and a lot of men in this country that do not have now because we've been emasculated for a long time.


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c4c1c1 No.71788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182920 (151017ZJUL23) Notable: Miracles: anons requested prayers regarding a severe drought at Lake Mead

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>>71781 TYB Believe in Miracles?

Watch the Water

Last year anons on the board requested prayers regarding a severe drought at Lake Mead. There were also claims that government agencies were siphoning what was left and storing it underground furthering the problem. Since our prayers the snow caps in Colorado have melted forcing upstream dams to open their flood gates or else be flooded themselves.

Lake Mead is a reservoir formed by Hoover Dam on the Colorado River in the Southwestern United States. It is located in the states of Nevada and Arizona, 24 mi (39 km) east of Las Vegas. It is the largest reservoir in the US in terms of water capacity. Lake Mead provides water to the states of Arizona, California, and Nevada as well as some of Mexico, providing sustenance to nearly 20 million people and large areas of farmland.[1]

At maximum capacity, Lake Mead is 112 miles (180 km) long, has a surface area of 247 square miles (640 km2), and contains 28.23 million acre-feet (34.82 km3) of water. The lake has remained below full capacity since 1983 owing to drought and increased water demand.

Since our prayers last year, God has increased the water levels 15 feet.

Revelation 11:1

I was given a reed like a measuring rod...

247 square miles

147 square my Els

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c4c1c1 No.71789

File: 7155cf15c0e39fb⋯.png (133.47 KB,424x414,212:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182929 (151023ZJUL23) Notable: #Dr Shiva explains how #Adrenochrome is synthesized.

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#DrShiva explains how #Adrenochrome is synthesized.

this has never been done before, let alone by a respected & credible MIT Phd in biological engineering who’s “with us”!

many of us knew this a long time ago, but this is a great proof. @LizCrokin

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c4c1c1 No.71790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182937 (151027ZJUL23) Notable: #Dr Shiva explains how #Adrenochrome is synthesized.

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Is this it?

It's on YT.

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c4c1c1 No.71791

File: fcdbda44bc91284⋯.png (332.59 KB,820x933,820:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182959 (151042ZJUL23) Notable: Beware the Brock/Media Matters for America Kath Patel on Musk: Elon Musk is is big tech colluding with our government to censor our elections; does IS IS point to ISIS?

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Nast Brought Down Corruption with Cartoons - Can Garrison and Others do the Same?

Topic: Action

Capt. Seth Keshel

Jul 14, 2023

America First patriots have known the name Ben Garrison for years. Ben sits atop the small pile of cartoonists who convey truth through God-given talent and wit and has accurately profiled many of the biggest narratives and stories to present themselves since the beginning of the Trump-era. He mocked the Russia, Russia narrative from the get-go, helped Americans visualize the absurdity of lockdowns and mandates, and captured the injustice of the Flynn persecution, which has now extended itself to the persecution of regular Americans over the staged January 6 “insurrection.”

I was honored to see myself portrayed in one of Ben’s cartoons from this past winter. It features my likeness lassoing a Democrat donkey dressed as a ballot marking device, as Kari Lake cheers from inside a saloon that brandishes the Ten Points to True Election Integrity I’ve been championing for over a year across the country.

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c4c1c1 No.71792

File: 35275a2839476cd⋯.png (708.61 KB,1962x1020,327:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182982 (151055ZJUL23) Notable: Attempt to assassinate RT editor-in-chief thwarted - FSB

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Attempt to assassinate RT editor-in-chief thwarted – FSB

Russian law enforcement agencies have thwarted assassination attempts on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, which were prepared by Ukrainian intelligence, the Federal Security Service (FSB) has said.



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c4c1c1 No.71793

File: 77921f18217f13a⋯.png (372.43 KB,612x872,153:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19182985 (151056ZJUL23) Notable: Nast Brought Down Corruption with Cartoons - Can Garrison do the Same?

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General Mike Flynn


The magnificently talented cartoonist who has shaped the political discourse of our nation @GrrrGraphics2

(Ben Garrison) is one of the ICONs of our time. I wish him and his family well as he and they deal with Ben’s serious health concerns of cancer.

Millions of us appreciate your talent, your use of humor, and your creativity that only you are able to convey…you bring all of that and more to uplift our lives and our spirits on a daily basis. Thank you for that.

God bless you Ben and we will pray for your speedy recovery so you can rejoin the fight to Save America. 🔥❤️🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸

America needs you 🙏🏼🇺🇸







3:59 PM · Jul 13, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71794

File: d858217ca6112c6⋯.png (370.71 KB,1080x1698,180:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc40767159e99a⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1005,72:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183002 (151111ZJUL23) Notable: President Donald Trump disclosed new details about roughly $1 billion in earnings

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Donald Trump is definitely WINNING.

Former president Donald Trump disclosed new details about roughly $1 billion in earnings in a revised financial filing covering much of his post-presidency, including money from foreign ventures, speaking fees and a Florida golf course.

Trump reported several hundred sources of income in an initial April financial disclosure but provided only broad ranges for the income he received from each source. The revised Trump filing provides new details, such as a dollar amount for nearly a hundred sources of income, including his largest ones, which sum to over $1.2 billion, according to a Washington Post tally.


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c4c1c1 No.71795

File: b83cbbb5c52f4d5⋯.jpg (186.21 KB,800x578,400:289,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc3f8a338023f15⋯.jpg (106.72 KB,562x380,281:190,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183035 (151131ZJUL23) Notable: Nast Brought Down Corruption with Cartoons - Can Garrison do the Same?

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c4c1c1 No.71796

File: e693698a510aa82⋯.png (91.53 KB,1381x529,1381:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eca56eb190cb00⋯.png (126.45 KB,827x677,827:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 141cc8ccac285eb⋯.png (37.51 KB,461x473,461:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183053 (151141ZJUL23) Notable: Former Planned Parenthood staffer commits suicide after police raid, cp charges

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Former Planned Parenthood staffer commits suicide after police raid, child pornography charges

Huh? Never heard about this one before.

Report has the Suicide Hotline pinned to it.

1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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c4c1c1 No.71797

File: f4e692358c0abdd⋯.jpeg (211.37 KB,1088x1453,1088:1453,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 172f04a53e249d1⋯.jpeg (420.8 KB,1638x2039,1638:2039,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 78737a560e964d3⋯.png (4.01 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

File: f37944d7b0aabb9⋯.png (6.39 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183058 (151144ZJUL23) Notable: Tim Ballard and Henry Kissinger?

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Tim Ballard and Henry Kissinger?



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c4c1c1 No.71798

File: 05342c04728d44c⋯.jpeg (86.13 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183072 (151150ZJUL23) Notable: UK depot supplying missiles to Ukraine goes on strike

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15 Jul, 2023 07:25

UK depot supplying missiles to Ukraine goes on strike – media

Key defense employees earn less than supermarket workers, the Daily Mirror reports

British deliveries of cutting-edge missiles to Ukraine could be in jeopardy due to a strike at a key military facility where workers earn around minimum wage, the Daily Mirror reported on Friday, citing sources.

The strike was reportedly backed by 50 key employees at the Defence Equipment and Support depot in Beith, Scotland. The facilitysupplies Storm Shadow and Brimstone missiles– which Moscow says have been used to strike civilian targets – to Ukraine.

As a result, British defense officials are said to be scrambling to take “contingency measures”to keep the weapons flowing.

The dispute between the UK Defence Ministry and the workers revolves around the pay gap between those who assemble the weapons and those who move them. The first category is paid £16.82 ($22) an hour, along with bonuses and allowances, which totals £38,000 ($50,000) a year.

However, the second category – non-craft workers – earn just £10.42 an hour and receive no bonuses, putting their annual salary at just £20,500. The living wage in the UK is £10.90 an hour.

“Basically the non-Craft workers could earn more at Lidl, at around £11 an hour,” a source told the Daily Mirror, adding that the current arrangement means thatpeople driving explosives are paid less than those moving groceriesaround a supermarket.

The source noted that if the strike continues for long, it “could eventually have implications for missiles going to Ukraine or Faslane,” a UK military base hosting nuclear submarines.

The strike, the first since the depot’s creation in 1943, was supported by 93% of GMB union members. Strike organizer Chris Kennedy called on Defence Secretary Ben Wallace to intervene, warning that otherwise, “supplies of the crucial missiles manufactured at Beith will soon run low.”

A Defence Ministry spokesperson said, however, that the development will not affect deliveries.

The UK announced plans to send 600 Brimstone missiles to Ukraine in January, with Russian officials claiming that Kiev has used them to target civilian facilities. The same could be said of Storm Shadow missiles with a range of 250km, which were fired at two civilian plants in the Russian city of Lugansk in May, injuring several people, including six children, according to Moscow.


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c4c1c1 No.71799

File: b9042d3001d4f83⋯.png (292.46 KB,1649x881,1649:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183073 (151150ZJUL23) Notable: AlertSense is now known as Konexus

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AlertSense is now known as Konexus.


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c4c1c1 No.71800

File: 43f432a8939d1d9⋯.jpeg (796.17 KB,1440x1442,720:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183074 (151150ZJUL23) Notable: Pence wants more aid to Ukraine; crumbling US cities "not my concern"

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Pence didn’t have much of a chance of becoming POTUS

Then he blows his commie cover by saying ghettos ain’t his prob?

What a douchebag


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c4c1c1 No.71801

File: e277eae2824c806⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3c10a73fb147253⋯.jpeg (362.92 KB,1264x565,1264:565,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4b91917a5f0d8d5⋯.jpeg (308.71 KB,1276x886,638:443,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9ecd52972436498⋯.jpeg (698.38 KB,1905x1661,1905:1661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183081 (151154ZJUL23) Notable: More problems at AMC re Sound of Freedom showings

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Consistent problems at AMC Theatres for “Sound of Freedom” movie viewers.

Hmmm, the largest shareholder is Vanguard Group.

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c4c1c1 No.71802

File: dcb6bfbb30fd13a⋯.png (386.21 KB,911x558,911:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183091 (151158ZJUL23) Notable: Kevin Spacey ‘drugged’ man before performing sex act on him, court told

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UK news

Kevin Spacey ‘drugged’ man before performing sex act on him, court told

Alleged victim tells Southwark crown court incident occurred in 2008 at US actor’s London flat

Emine Sinmaz


Mon 10 Jul 2023 10.18 EDT

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c4c1c1 No.71803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183100 (151204ZJUL23) Notable: Russian S-550 That Can Hunt ICBMs Spooks Putin's Enemies; Air Defence System Can Cripple Even U.S.

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Russian S-550 That Can Hunt ICBMs Spooks Putin's Enemies; Air Defence System Can Cripple Even U.S.

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c4c1c1 No.71804

File: d3b84be6f6aa4b6⋯.jpeg (84.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183107 (151206ZJUL23) Notable: US delaying approval of F-16 training for Ukraine

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15 Jul, 2023 10:03

US delaying approval of F-16 training for Ukraine – Politico

Russian FM Lavrov has said that deliveries of Western jets capable of carrying nuclear weapons pose a threat to Russia

European countries have yet to receive formal approval from Washington to train Ukrainian pilots to fly US-designed F-16 fighter jets, Politico reported on Friday, citing sources.

The ‘international coalition’ seeking to help Kiev procure F-16s and train Ukrainian pilots was first announced by the UK and the Netherlands in mid-May, with the US coming on board a few days later.A total of 11 countries have supported the initiative, with a training center expected to be set up in Romania.

However, the US State Department has not approved the request to transfer instruction manuals, flight simulators, and other materials required for training, Politico said, adding, however, that there is no indication that the US will not eventually greenlight the move.

Pentagon spokesman Garron Garn said the request “is still being reviewed.”

William LaPlante, the department’s acquisition chief, told the outlet that the Pentagon has to “make sure we’re ready to go with the technical manuals being translated and the tech data packages and a sustainment plan”before approving the transfer.

In recent months, Ukraine has repeatedly demanded that its Western backers send F-16 jets, saying they could play a key role in countering Russian air power. Earlier this week, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said Kiev could deploy the first F-16s by late March 2024.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that if F-16s are sent to Ukraine, they “will burn” just like other Western hardware. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has described the potential deliveries as an escalatory move, noting that the aircraft can carry nuclear weapons.

In early June, Politico reported that senior US officials believe that future support for Ukraine hinges on the success of its much-hyped counteroffensive, and should Kiev fail to deliver, the military assistance “will likely dry up.” Later the same month, the Financial Times reported, citing sources, that Western officials are not impressed by the results of the counteroffensive.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which has been underway for more than a month, has failed to gain any ground. According to Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, since the start of the push,Kiev has lost more than 26,000 soldiers and around 3,000 units of heavy military equipment.

Ukrainian officials, including President Vladimir Zelensky, attempted to shift the blame for the slow progress onto the West, citing delays in military aid.


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c4c1c1 No.71805

File: 3d3235a2f872d6a⋯.png (182.4 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183120 (151212ZJUL23) Notable: research …BANKING / money problems And correlate those….with these, mil experiments

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And if you are really curious about this

Then research ...BANKING / money problems

And correlate those....with these


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c4c1c1 No.71806

File: 4f9db012f207f0e⋯.png (860.48 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ae0770267f9122⋯.png (1.76 MB,1746x939,582:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183151 (151226ZJUL23) Notable: Beware the Brock/Media Matters for America Kath Patel on Musk: Elon Musk is is big tech colluding with our government to censor our elections; does IS IS point to ISIS?

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David Brock

Born Hackensack, New Jersey, U.S.

Education University of California, Berkeley (BA)

Occupation(s) Liberal political operative, author

Known for Author of The Real Anita Hill,

founder of Media Matters for America

Correct the Record, Shareblue, and American Bridge 21st Century super PACs

Partner William Grey (2000-2010)

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c4c1c1 No.71807

File: 57c5f1c1c9f6cde⋯.png (349.69 KB,623x940,623:940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183158 (151230ZJUL23) Notable: American Thinker: The most disturbing Biden weirdness yet

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The most disturbing Biden weirdness yet

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson

Posted By: Magnante, 7/15/2023 7:48:31 AM

Joe Biden’s dementia is rapidly advancing and the nation is in great peril. Proof of his decline came in a creep moment during his brief visit to Helsinki, where he assaulted (that is the proper word) a child, a little girl who happened to attract his eye in a crowd. He walked over to her, put his mouth on her back and appeared to rapidly flick his tongue on her, through the fabric of her dress. Watch his jaw move up and down rapidly [Twitter video] (snip) It’s time to badger Biden’s cabinet with demands that they invoke the 25th and spare the nation the risk it faces.

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c4c1c1 No.71808

File: db1e300620e0e43⋯.png (25.18 KB,799x297,799:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183163 (151232ZJUL23) Notable: CNN cuts Hunter Biden laptop reference from RNC chair’s interview clip

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CNN cuts Hunter Biden laptop reference

from RNC chair’s interview clip

New York Post, by Josh Christianson

Posted By: tisHimself, 7/15/2023 7:38:25 AM

The Republican National Committee cried foul Friday after CNN cut references to Hunter Biden’s laptop and the “spies who lie” letter meant to discredit it from an interview clip of RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Anchor Chris Wallace was pressing McDaniel about the integrity of the 2020 election result, but the network edited out her remarks about the social media suppression of The Post’s bombshell reporting on the first son when Wallace asked about how “fair” she thought the process was.

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c4c1c1 No.71809

File: 8fd54d989e9dbe5⋯.png (189.16 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: b262f3e1e88c331⋯.png (694.67 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183167 (151235ZJUL23) Notable: Journo assassination Zelensky ordered?

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From Langley Virginia

They are here to help. See

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c4c1c1 No.71810

File: 264a373e6546d69⋯.png (855.64 KB,912x754,456:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 3105f1ee14efe45⋯.png (472.8 KB,440x541,440:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183172 (151236ZJUL23) Notable: Why Costco Unleashing the 'Death Star'on Bud Light Is Even Worse Than You Think

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Why Costco Unleashing the 'Death Star'

on Bud Light Is Even Worse Than You Think

PJ Media, by Stephen Green

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/15/2023 6:41:08 AM

It’s the logo that Costco shoppers dread: when the “Death Star” appears next to their favorite item, indicating that the discount retail giant won’t restock once current inventory has sold out. Just this year, the Death Star has appeared on Filthy brand blue cheese olives, Kinder’s organic toasted onion dip mix, and Jonny Pops chocolate dipped strawberry pops. Now the Death Star has been spotted adorning the price signs for Bud Light, which was the most popular beer in America back in the olden days of […checks notes…] a couple months ago. If you think that’s a bad sign for Bud Light sales, you’re wrong. It’s much, much worse.

If there is such a thing as a death spiral for a brand, we might be witnessing it.

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c4c1c1 No.71811

File: 20ff11d2fa4b2fe⋯.png (42.35 KB,664x311,664:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183181 (151239ZJUL23) Notable: 49 Democrats REBEL against Biden by voting against plan to send controversial cluster bombs to Ukraine

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49 Democrats REBEL against Biden by voting

against plan to send controversial cluster

bombs to Ukraine

Daily Mail (UK), by Morgan Phillips

Posted By: Imright, 7/15/2023 3:47:25 AM

Nearly 50 Democrats issued a rebuke of President Biden's plan to send cluster munitions to Ukraine by voting for an amendment by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to ban the practice. The amendment, which was supported by 49 Democrats and 98 Republicans, ultimately failed to make its way into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), but proved opposition - and support - for the indiscriminate bombs transcends party lines. The Democrats included Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, N.Y., Maxwell Frost, Fla., Cori Bush, Mo., Greg Casar, Texas, Pramila Jayapal, Wash., and Jamaal Bowman, N.Y.

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c4c1c1 No.71812

File: 815255801881782⋯.png (374.74 KB,614x893,614:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183183 (151239ZJUL23) Notable: Wagner poised to 'smuggle criminals' into Poland from Belarus as 'hybrid' threat heats up

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FF Alert

Wagner poised to 'smuggle criminals' into Poland from Belarus as 'hybrid' threat heats up

Wagner mercenaries' relocation to Belarus prompts worries of border provocations and criminal activities.

Polish defence experts believe that a possible scenario could see Belarusian authorities smuggle Wagner convicts across the border for the purpose of committing "serious criminal offences" on Polish soil.

Dr Jacek Raubo told Express Online: "At this point, it must also be recognized that if, in addition to experienced mercenaries, convicts also appear in Belarus, there may be an attempt to smuggle them across the border in order to commit serious criminal offences."


Criminal acts along the Polish border.... Hmmmm.

Deja vue all over again.

How did WW2 start.

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c4c1c1 No.71813

File: d884f1683dd4666⋯.png (531.86 KB,592x547,592:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183215 (151251ZJUL23) Notable: Surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction

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Daily Mail Online


Surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction https://trib.al/Hj8WFrX


10:05 PM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71814

File: f020c1da6bfebea⋯.png (592.48 KB,1038x1672,519:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183228 (151256ZJUL23) Notable: Massive explosion reported at the Dow Chemical Plant #Plaquemine | #Louisiana

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🚨#BREAKING: Massive explosion reported at the Dow Chemical Plant

📌#Plaquemine | #Louisiana

There has been a massive explosion at the Dow Chemical Plant in Plaquemine, Louisiana. Emergency crews and other agencies are currently responding to the situation. Officials are urging nearby residents to stay indoors and take shelter until further notice. Although there have been multiple explosions, authorities have not detected any chemical leaks resulting from the fire at the Dow chemical plant.

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c4c1c1 No.71815

File: 6c36359514e40d5⋯.png (558.08 KB,983x1101,983:1101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183285 (151313ZJUL23) Notable: China’s top diplomat calls on India to meet “halfway” on border issue

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China’s top diplomat calls on India to meet “halfway” on border issue

AFPJuly 15, 2023 4:03 am

Venkaiah Naidu China VP arunachal pradesh

China’s top diplomat urged India to focus on “common interests” and meet China “halfway” to defuse border tensions between Asia’s most populous neighbours, the Chinese foreign ministry said Saturday.

Relations between India and China have deteriorated in recent months over their contested Himalayan border, and a visa spat in which the two sides have expelled nearly all of each other’s journalists.

“China and India’s common interests clearly outweigh their differences,” Wang Yi told Indian foreign minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, when the two met Friday on the sidelines of Southeast Asian talks in Jakarta, the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement.

“The two sides should support each other, rather than… suspect each other,” Wang added.

India and its northern neighbour are locked in a military standoff along their mostly undemarcated border in the Ladakh region.

Beijing also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh as part of Tibet, and it considers Kashmir a disputed territory.

“It is hoped that the Indian side will meet China halfway and find a solution to the border issue that is acceptable to both sides,” Wang said.

The two countries have agreed to hold the next round of military commander-level talks on the border issue “as soon as possible”, the ministry statement said.

Despite frosty relations, China is India’s second-largest trade partner.

In 2020, India sought to limit investments from China as political tensions heightened between them, with their soldiers clashing in the disputed Himalayan region.

“China is highly concerned about India’s recent restrictive measures against Chinese companies,” Wang added, while urging New Delhi to provide a “fair, transparent and non-discriminatory business environment”.

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c4c1c1 No.71816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183295 (151315ZJUL23) Notable: Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5-on The Sound of Freedom - mentions the Q board

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Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5-on The Sound of Freedom

In the first 5 minutes, she and her son talks about msm attacking Jim Caviezel for being a QAnon supporter. She responds:

3:15 There is no such thing as QAnon. There is the Q board, the Q drops, the Q map, and then there are anonymous people - anons, they're called.

[Adopts hillbilly accent]: "YEE-HA!! We cain't have none of them Q-Anons."

THEN: pizzagate and how the shooter hit the computer only, start of conspiracy theories with JFK assassination, and a lot more.



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c4c1c1 No.71817

File: 373e77922f8c6c3⋯.jpeg (86.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183310 (151320ZJUL23) Notable: Ukrainian ambassador criticizes Zelensky

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13 Jul, 2023 18:31

Ukrainian ambassador criticizes Zelensky

The president should not have been sarcastic when responding to NATO’s demand for gratitude, Kiev’s UK envoy told Sky News

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s reaction to a demand for gratitude from one of its Western backers was misplaced,Kiev’s ambassador to London, Vadim Pristayko, told Sky News on Thursday. Zelensky had responded sarcastically to a call by UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace for Kiev to show some gratitude for all the Western aid it receives.

“I do not believe that this sarcasm is healthy,”the diplomat said, referring to the fact that Zelensky had suggested supposedly waking up every morning and thanking Wallace for what he had done. Such public displays only demonstrate that Kiev and its Western backers are not as united as they would like to appear, the ambassador added.

We do not have to show… Russians that there is… something between us.They have to know that we are working together,”Pristayko said, advocating a more discreet way of sorting out differences. “If anything happens, Ben [Wallace] can call me and tell me everything he wants,” he said.

The brief spat between Zelensky and the American and British officials came after the Ukrainian president attacked NATO on Monday for not providing Kiev a timeline for membership, and accused the US-led bloc of not showing Ukraine proper respect. According to the Washington Post, the US leadership was “furious” about Zelensky’s remarks.

Wallace then said that some gratitude on the part of Kiev was in order, adding that its Western backers “are not Amazon.” He also mentioned complaints from some American officials, who told him Ukraine sometimes treated the US as an online retailer.

Zelensky then said at a press conference that Ukraine had “always been grateful” and called on Wallace to “write to me how to be grateful,”and vowed to heed his advice in a response that Pristayko described as sarcastic.

(Look for this ambassador to be recalled or suddenly have an accident in the next couple of weeks. Criticism of Ukraine to the media will not be tolerated by the Neo-nazies!)


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c4c1c1 No.71818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183318 (151322ZJUL23) Notable: Massive explosion reported at the Dow Chemical Plant #Plaquemine | #Louisiana

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At four sites in Louisiana – Plaquemine, Grand Bayou, Hahnville, and Greensburg, – Dow manufactures more than 100 basic and specialty chemicals that are shipped worldwide. These products serve as building blocks for hundreds of everyday products from plastics to soaps, detergents, food additives, cosmetics, shampoos, and pharmaceuticals.

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c4c1c1 No.71819

File: 7caad43cea22f45⋯.mp4 (13.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183327 (151324ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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>RFK Jr. says COVID was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews


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c4c1c1 No.71820

File: eca54d757e82622⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c8d7bd4e5d29fc6⋯.png (325.27 KB,630x473,630:473,Clipboard.png)

File: dc8ccbc019fda5a⋯.png (145.05 KB,474x302,237:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 19da5cdd470dfe3⋯.png (594.15 KB,1125x591,375:197,Clipboard.png)

File: c707a6ea283f3e1⋯.png (383.82 KB,786x652,393:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183328 (151324ZJUL23) Notable: Anon speculates re who are the neo-Nazis posting on the board - Meet Paul Town

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Who are the Neo Nazis posting here?

Meet Paul Town


#18351830 at 2023-02-15 15:10:52 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22495: Watch The Water Edition



Who's Who?

paul town (neo-nazi) posted audio on night shift

>>>/qresearch/18337532 PB

Matched to paul town video

>>>/qresearch/18337548 PB

paul gets mad after being outed as (neo-nazi)

fucked up and posted (pic rel) gamer swag bow.

>>>/qresearch/18337240 PB

paul town threatens to shoot Jaden's brains out before raping his family. Is this the #LoveSpeech Groypers have been telling me about?


Pic Rel paul town Threats


paul town was Nick's original gay crush, before he started harassing Jaden. So I'm sure in Nick's repressed, twisted mind, this is kind of poetic.

Meet Andrew Anglin



This board is being worked by several NEO-NAZI GROUPS

Andrew Anglin



Baked Alaska Tim Gionet



Sargon of Akkad Carl Benjamin



"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth"


#18582893 at 2023-03-26 07:57:24 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22794: Above the Clouds Edition


Who controls the narrative here?

Andrew Anglin


Baked Alaska Tim Gionet


Sargon of Akkad Carl Benjamin


>>>/qresearch/18256125 PB

>>>/qresearch/18255895 PB

>>>/qresearch/18255101 PB

>>>/qresearch/18254178 PB THE STORM

>>>/qresearch/18254880 PB

>>>/qresearch/18254575 PB

>>>/qresearch/18254394 PB

>>>/qresearch/18254231 PB


Andrew Anglin



Baked Alaska Tim Gionet



Sargon of Akkad Carl Benjamin






Timothy McVeigh bible



What is Cosmotheism?

COSMOTHEISM is the religion of the future. Cosmotheism is the religion of upward evolution. Cosmotheism is the religion of European Civilization. Cosmotheism is the religion of reality and science. Cosmotheism is the religion of God - the real God, whose true words are mathematics, physics, and genetics. Cosmotheism is the religion that will change your life forever.








>Hooknosed mongrels

Not a very common phrase...

Dr. William Pierce (DEAD) NEO-NAZI

His son is Kelvin Pierce was raised as a bigot & racist and claims to be reformed.


The shill using the Hooknosed mongrels phrase is likely his son or one of his disciples

from National Alliance (NA) Mill Point, West Virginia compound.

A small amount of research explains things...

What is Cosmotheism? (A NAZI religion used by National Alliance (NA))

COSMOTHEISM is the religion of the future. Cosmotheism is the religion of upward evolution.

Cosmotheism is the religion of European Civilization.

Cosmotheism is the religion of reality and science.

Cosmotheism is the religion of God -

the real God, whose true words are mathematics, physics, and genetics.






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c4c1c1 No.71821

File: 60976f8ec60e18e⋯.png (305.94 KB,720x1640,18:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183359 (151329ZJUL23) Notable: More problems at AMC re Sound of Freedom showings

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eedom" viewer shows theater "turned lights on" during screening

"Sound of Freedom" outrage puts spotlight on AMC CEO's Clinton ties

"Sound of Freedom" outrage puts spotlight on AMC CEO's Clinton ties


AMC Boycott Calls Grow Over 'Sound of Freedom,' CEO Says Claims 'Garbage'




The CEO of major U.S.-based cinema chain AMC Theatres has dismissed claims that his company was stopping screenings of the film Sound of Freedom as "garbage."

Adam Aron took to Twitter to shut down "conspiracy theorists" who called for a boycott of his company over accusations that it was blocking the film from being shown.

The film is based on the story of Operation Underground Railroad founder Tim Ballard, played by Jim Caviezel. It tells the of the fight against child sex trafficking and his attempts to stop the illicit trade.

Jim Caviezel in sound of freedom

Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard in the new film 'Sound of Freedom'. AMC Theatres has been accused of stopping screenings of the movie.


AMC has more than 600 locations across the country with around 7,850 screens, making it the largest theater chain in the U.S.

Some people have complained of broken air-conditioning, canceled screenings and technical issues when they tried to watch the movie, with some seeing those incidents as a deliberate attempt to stop people seeing the film.

"Sadly, conspiracy theorists are so prevalent in America. So much garbage information is spread. More than ONE MILLION people have watched Sound of Freedom at AMC Theatres. More than at any other theatre chain on the planet. Yet people falsely claim otherwise. It is so bizarre," Aron tweeted.

Angel Studios, who distributed the film, told Newsweek AMC has been "wonderful to work with."

"Our theatrical partners at AMC, CineMark, Regal, and beyond have been absolutely wonderful to work with—they're helping us add theaters as we speak in the middle the busy summer movie season," said Matthew Faraci of Angel Studios.

However, some people took to Twitter to call for a boycott of AMC based on the conspiracy theories.

"No, ⁦@AMCTheatres⁩ I do not accept your apology or your pathetic lie you are telling consumers. This was not a 'scheduling error.' You caved to activist demands and now you are at their mercy and it will never be enough. Good luck trying to appease them," wrote January Littlejohn on Twitter after she was issued a refund when there was a "scheduling error" for the film. The post has been viewed more than 350,000 times.

It is as yet unclear who the "activists" Littlejohn mentions are, nor what they demand.

Newsweek reached out to Littlejohn via Twitter for comment on Thursday.


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c4c1c1 No.71822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183383 (151336ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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RFK Jr.: Saying I'm anti-vaccine is 'way of silencing me' | RFK Jr. Town Hall

Expanding on his vaccine stance, RFK Jr. says the FDA can’t be trusted when it gives regulatory approval.

Good: he wants vaccines to get tested /safety tested.

What he skips though: What should get tested is FULLY VACCINATED vs. NON-VACCINATED, because a bit amount of poison here and there and in this and in that will all accumulate.

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c4c1c1 No.71823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183503 (151404ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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RFK Jr. Argues Covid-19 May Have Been Engineered to Attack ‘Caucasian and Black People’

Story by Ari Blaff • 1h ago


video published by the New York Post on Saturday morning shows Democratic presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. explaining to a group of supporters that Covid-19 may have been “ethnically targeted” at Caucasian and black people, sparing Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese from severe outcomes.

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” the Kennedy scion said during a dinner on the Upper East Side. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” the Democratic hopeful added.

“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. . . . They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.”

RFK’s comments drew the condemnation of American Jewish organizations across the political spectrum.....

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c4c1c1 No.71824

File: 43fedeed8bd6c1a⋯.png (1.76 MB,1391x908,1391:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183504 (151405ZJUL23) Notable: PF

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c4c1c1 No.71825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183571 (151423ZJUL23) Notable: Nommed graphic: DJT Fist Pumps / Comms Established

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>>>/qresearch/19183418 Graphic: DJT Fist Pumps / Comms Established

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c4c1c1 No.71826

File: 99652e84c41e37e⋯.png (507.4 KB,703x616,703:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183584 (151428ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

According to the NY Post:

Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street.

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged.

In between bites of linguini and clam sauce, Kennedy, 69, warned of more dire biological weapons in the pipeline with a “50% infection fatality rate” that would make COVID-19 “look like a walk in the park.”

“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons,” he claimed. “They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.”


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c4c1c1 No.71827

File: 90b20ea522e10f9⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183590 (151429ZJUL23) Notable: DIG CALL on this unsauced mp4 from Ron Johnson hearing on Covid causing increase in cancer, neurological problems

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c4c1c1 No.71828

File: 9de1e408ff3b853⋯.png (308.03 KB,500x327,500:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183644 (151447ZJUL23) Notable: Globalists Suggest "Finance Shock" And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset

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Globalists Suggest "Finance Shock" And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset

At the end of June government leaders and think-tank power brokers from around the world met at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris. Participants include United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and World Bank President Ajay Banga.

The supposed purpose of the summit was to find financial solutions to the goals of tackling poverty while simultaneously curbing “planet-heating emissions.” As with all climate change related events the discussion in Paris inevitably turned to international centralization of power and the formation of a global consortium to fix the problems that they claim sovereign nations cannot or will not fix.

However, what I’m seeing more and more in the past couple years is a convergence of narratives – Central banks and international banks are now suddenly more concerned with carbon taxation and global warming than they seem to be concerned with stagflation and economic collapse. Likely because this was the goal all along and economic collapse is part of the plan.


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c4c1c1 No.71829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183649 (151449ZJUL23) Notable: #23560

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#23560 >>71781

>>71782 'The character 'Fuego' in the film is a real person who was arrested

>>71784 A psychiatrist charges $700 hourly to Wall Street elites who are 'terrified'

>>71785 Discussions how authorities are actively endorsing and protecting pedophiles

>>71786 Singapore issued an arrest notice for billionaire Ong Beng Seng

>>71787 Jim Caviezel "We ALL have to start 'getting in the way' [of the DS]

>>71788 Miracles: anons requested prayers regarding a severe drought at Lake Mead

>>71789, >>71790 #Dr Shiva explains how #Adrenochrome is synthesized.

>>71795, >>71791, >>71793 Nast Brought Down Corruption with Cartoons - Can Garrison do the Same?

>>71792 Attempt to assassinate RT editor-in-chief thwarted - FSB

baker change

>>71794 President Donald Trump disclosed new details about roughly $1 billion in earnings

>>71796 Former Planned Parenthood staffer commits suicide after police raid, cp charges

>>71797 Tim Ballard and Henry Kissinger?

>>71798 UK depot supplying missiles to Ukraine goes on strike

>>71799 AlertSense is now known as Konexus

>>71800 Pence wants more aid to Ukraine; crumbling US cities "not my concern"

>>71801, >>71821 More problems at AMC re Sound of Freedom showings

>>71802 Kevin Spacey ‘drugged’ man before performing sex act on him, court told

>>71803 Russian S-550 That Can Hunt ICBMs Spooks Putin's Enemies; Air Defence System Can Cripple Even U.S.

>>71805 research …BANKING / money problems And correlate those….with these, mil experiments

>>71804 US delaying approval of F-16 training for Ukraine

>>71806, >>71783 Beware the Brock/Media Matters for America>>71791 Kath Patel on Musk: Elon Musk is is big tech colluding with our government to censor our elections; does IS IS point to ISIS?

>>71807 American Thinker: The most disturbing Biden weirdness yet

>>71808 CNN cuts Hunter Biden laptop reference from RNC chair’s interview clip

>>71809 Journo assassination Zelensky ordered?

>>71810 Why Costco Unleashing the 'Death Star'on Bud Light Is Even Worse Than You Think

>>71811 49 Democrats REBEL against Biden by voting against plan to send controversial cluster bombs to Ukraine

>>71812 Wagner poised to 'smuggle criminals' into Poland from Belarus as 'hybrid' threat heats up

>>71813 Surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction

>>71814, >>71818 Massive explosion reported at the Dow Chemical Plant #Plaquemine | #Louisiana

>>71815 China’s top diplomat calls on India to meet “halfway” on border issue

>>71816 Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5-on The Sound of Freedom - mentions the Q board

>>71817 Ukrainian ambassador criticizes Zelensky

>>71820 Anon speculates re who are the neo-Nazis posting on the board - Meet Paul Town

>>71819, >>71822, >>71823, >>71826 RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews

>>71824 PF

>>71825 Nommed graphic: DJT Fist Pumps / Comms Established

>>71827 DIG CALL on this unsauced mp4 from Ron Johnson hearing on Covid causing increase in cancer, neurological problems

>>71828 Globalists Suggest "Finance Shock" And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset



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c4c1c1 No.71830

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183653 (151451ZJUL23) Notable: Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing) - DIG CALL

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c4c1c1 No.71831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183671 (151457ZJUL23) Notable: Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing) - DIG CALL

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c4c1c1 No.71832

File: c50d1818a529a0e⋯.png (121.01 KB,510x335,102:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183655 (151452ZJUL23) Notable: #23561

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baker seeking handoff will ghost @50

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c4c1c1 No.71833

File: 57f00ebbf35d430⋯.png (136.16 KB,1170x579,390:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183677 (151458ZJUL23) Notable: Economist on the "alarming" plans for Trump's second term, hit piece of shit

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Preparing the way: The alarming plans for Trump’s second term


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c4c1c1 No.71834

File: 1061ee85c273ec4⋯.png (225.91 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183699 (151504ZJUL23) Notable: Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

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Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

As Ukraine’s manpower on its frontlines starts to dwindle, military leaders are becoming increasingly desperate to locate new recruits to propel its counteroffensive against Russia forward; however, the number of young people volunteering for such a challenge has plummeted.

Recent videos of young Ukrainian men being conscripted across the country have circulated in popular encrypted messaging apps in Ukraine, and those fearful of being sent to the front are actively engaging in evasive and, in some instances, illegal tactics to avoid such a fate.

The brutal mobilization by Ukrainian military recruitment officers of young men has been occurring for a year and a half now, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports.

“Many conscripted men are taken straight off the street by uniformed men,” it states. “Most recently in Subcarpathia, a surveillance camera recorded the overreach of the authorities as a man trying to go to a store was kidnapped from his bicycle in broad daylight.”

The man was abducted right on a street during the day by police and conscription officers in a small village in the Municipal District of Munkács, with his bicycle left in the road.


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c4c1c1 No.71835

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183700 (151504ZJUL23) Notable: CALL to DIGG on military doctors' testimony on negative effects of the covid jab

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LP/PB >>71827 DIG CALL on this unsauced mp4 from Ron Johnson hearing on Covid causing increase in cancer, neurological problems

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c4c1c1 No.71836

File: cce3857d3630edc⋯.gif (6.1 MB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183704 (151505ZJUL23) Notable: Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

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>Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

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c4c1c1 No.71837

File: 6ead6ee6a0bbecd⋯.png (431.2 KB,870x601,870:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 26ab06648783a65⋯.png (280.25 KB,539x580,539:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183707 (151506ZJUL23) Notable: After Kamala Harris reveals the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population," it's changed in transcript to "POLLUTION." (Cap 0:12)

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Kamala Harris said the quiet part out loud on Friday by telling a crowd that the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population.”

The stunning admission happened as VP Harris delivered remarks at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Md., on the need to build a “clean energy economy.”

The loose-lipped 58-year-old called on the US to “reduce population” in an effort to combat climate change.

“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” Harris told the audience.

The official White House transcript of her speech claims that Harris misspoke and corrects Harris’ “error.”

In the transcript, “population” is crossed out and “pollution” is added in brackets.


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c4c1c1 No.71838

File: 40645304e71e35b⋯.jpeg (86.46 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183710 (151507ZJUL23) Notable: Largest Settlement of Illegal Aliens in US Is Quietly Growing Amid Border Crisis

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And Growin and Growing and growin…

Largest Settlement of Illegal Aliens in US Is Quietly Growing Amid Border Crisis

The largest illegal alien “colonia” in the United States is not located in the Rio Grande Valley or outside of El Paso. In fact, it is hundreds of miles from the border, in an area controlled by Republican politicians andfunded by a mega donor to Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Residents of Plum Grove have been fighting back, but unfortunately, their efforts have been largely unsuccessful at stopping the development’s expansion and ongoing issues. In response driven by greed, Colony Ridge developer Trey Harris has filed multiple lawsuits against the city and its former mayor, Leann Walker, most recently in 2021.


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c4c1c1 No.71839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183712 (151508ZJUL23) Notable: CALL to DIGG on military doctors' testimony on negative effects of the covid jab

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c4c1c1 No.71840

File: d3fb50a10bfecd4⋯.png (493.5 KB,927x599,927:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183716 (151510ZJUL23) Notable: Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser has testified that the man-made climate change narrative is a “hoax” perpetrated by the elite “to depopulate the planet.”

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Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser has testified that the man-made climate change narrative is a “hoax” perpetrated by the elite “to depopulate the planet.”

Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize and one the world’s leading authorities on quantum mechanics, slammed the green agenda push by WEF-controlled countries as a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.”

According to Dr. Clauser, the man-made climate change hoax is being perpetrated by government’s and media organizations who are bought and paid for by the globalist elite.

The goal of globalists is to depopulate the planet and to drastically decrease the quality of life for those who remain.

“In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis,” Clauser said.

“There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s largest population and an associated energy crisis.”

“The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

Dr. Clauser is not the first Nobel prize-winner to challenge the “settled” scientific and political narrative of “climate change.”


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c4c1c1 No.71841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183746 (151515ZJUL23) Notable: Marina Abramovic page on U.S. Department of State

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SOROS controls organizations of people.


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c4c1c1 No.71842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183758 (151517ZJUL23) Notable: CALL to DIGG on military doctors' testimony on negative effects of the covid jab

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5 1/2 hour vid:


Thomas Renz section of vid from pb starts around the 4:54:30 mark.

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c4c1c1 No.71843

File: 5c502cdccfc0f5a⋯.jpg (518.61 KB,1080x2068,270:517,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183779 (151521ZJUL23) Notable: Recent info on the Canadian fires

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The new norm? Had plans with son anon today too.

Anon can't even find any recent info on the Canadian fires.

Seems they will just let them burn.

Can't or won't put em out, those forests have enough fuel (wood) to burn what 12-15 years?

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c4c1c1 No.71844

File: 8aad058e623a29f⋯.png (15.86 KB,755x183,755:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183792 (151523ZJUL23) Notable: After Kamala Harris reveals the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population," it's changed in transcript to "POLLUTION." (Cap 0:12)

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When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population [pollution], more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.


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c4c1c1 No.71845

File: c4d324f95377f0a⋯.png (148.38 KB,906x498,151:83,Clipboard.png)

File: a2b7ee2ae23e322⋯.png (430.28 KB,1037x860,1037:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183809 (151528ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel: Did Justice Snoop on Congress? - Wapo and Q 2657

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Kash Patel


WSJ thinks we onto something. @DevinNunes and I simply put out the truth- we were never the disinfo conspirators the fake news labeled us to be and we will never bend the knee. Subpoena Wray n Rosenstein

Jul 15, 2023, 10:52 AM


Did Justice Snoop on Congress?

The House GOP wants answers about suspicious subpoenas to Google.


The Editorial Board

July 14, 2023 6:42 pm ET

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley explained at a House hearing how high-profile Democrats, the FBI and the media portrayed legitimate Congressional oversight of Hunter Biden's business dealings as Russian disinformation. Images: AP/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly

Special Counsel John Durham did yeoman work unraveling the Russia collusion deceit, though some skulduggery may still be hidden. That includes whether the Department of Justice disregarded the separation of powers to snoop on the House Intelligence Committee.


Can Anon please grab full article?

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c4c1c1 No.71846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183831 (151536ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel: Did Justice Snoop on Congress? - Wapo and Q 2657

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WSJ is smith mundt shit fuckery but okay


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c4c1c1 No.71847

File: 68c3efb9aa29e3e⋯.png (41.76 KB,671x316,671:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183834 (151537ZJUL23) Notable: After Kamala Harris reveals the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population," it's changed in transcript to "POLLUTION." (Cap 0:12)

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Kamala Harris' latest gaffe sparks wild

conspiracy theories as she claims Biden

administration wants to reduce POPULATION

instead of pollution

Daily Mail (UK), by Keith Griffith

Posted By: Imright, 7/15/2023 9:43:13 AM

Vice President Kamala Harris made a verbal slip on Friday that fed a frenzy of conspiracy theories, after she spoke of the need to 'reduce population' instead of pollution. 'When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,' Harris said during a speech in Baltimore on combatting climate change. The White House official transcript of the remarks corrected the obvious error, crossing out the word 'population' and adding 'pollution' in brackets to indicate what Harris intended to say.

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c4c1c1 No.71848

File: c69891736dc3a15⋯.png (163.53 KB,573x457,573:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183843 (151538ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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I just read this from lb notables:

>>71819, >>71822, >>71823, >>71826 RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews

…and while I’m not shocked, the [cat] is out of the bag, the [genie] is out of the bottle, and [Pandora’s box] has been opened…NCSWIC

The Great Awakening 🌞

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c4c1c1 No.71849

File: 070393bc5c193d1⋯.png (817.81 KB,997x799,997:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183844 (151538ZJUL23) Notable: Recent info on the Canadian fires

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>recent info on the Canadian fires


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c4c1c1 No.71850

File: 67e415ca17453c2⋯.jpeg (457.2 KB,1126x522,563:261,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183851 (151539ZJUL23) Notable: Dr Peter McCullough’s conclusion is that the childhood vaccination schedule is to blame for the explosion in AUTISM

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In the last 60yrs no childhood disease has exploded like autism from

1 in 10000 to 1 in 36.

Dr Peter McCullough’s conclusion is that the childhood vaccination schedule is to blame and his analysis of the data is compelling:

200 papers show autism is related to the immune system.

800 papers link autism to hyper vaccination.

He believes it’s related to the inflammation of hyper vaccination and it can happen with any vaccine.

Years ago Dr Andrew Wakefield had his career destroyed for making the simple suggestion that vaccines like the MMR shot should not be combined.

Untold damage has been done to generations and the time is fast approaching when Big Pharma will be held to account.


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c4c1c1 No.71851

File: a1482a402e91c17⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183864 (151542ZJUL23) Notable: After Kamala Harris reveals the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population," it's changed in transcript to "POLLUTION." (Cap 0:12)

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VP "Depopulation"

Freudian slip

Or GA Guide Stone rhetoric

(YOU) decide...

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c4c1c1 No.71852

File: 730dfc61e1d698f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1138x1094,569:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183884 (151545ZJUL23) Notable: Recent info on the Canadian fires

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TORONTO, Jan. 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ - Rothschild announced today that Bob W. Gibson and Paul E. Moynihan have joined the firm as Managing Directors to focus on the oil and gas sector and will be based in Rothschild's newly established Calgary office. The Calgary office will contribute towards building Rothschild's energy practice in North America and will further enhance the firm's leading role as an advisor to the oil and gas industry worldwide.

Messrs. Gibson and Moynihan, who each have approximately 20 years of oil and gas investment banking experience, were most recently the principals of Mustang Capital Partners, a Calgary-based investment banking boutique that they formed in 2002 and which specialized in oil and gas M&A advisory. Messrs. Gibson and Moynihan will be joined in the new Calgary office by three of their colleagues from Mustang Capital.

In the oil and gas sector, Rothschild has advised on many of the largest and most-complex transactions globally over the last several years. Rothschild's proven track record spans the oil and gas value chain and geographies, with particular expertise in cross-border transactions.

David Drinkwater, Chairman of Rothschild Canada, said, "We are pleased to expand Rothschild's leading oil and gas franchise into North America through the addition of bankers of the calibre of Bob Gibson and Paul Moynihan. Their addition to the firm is an important strategic step for Rothschild and for our Canadian practice, enabling us to participate in an industry critical to Canada's economy, as well as open an office in the country's western provinces. We are pleased to welcome Bob, Paul and their colleagues to Rothschild."

Jim Lawrence, CEO of Rothschild North America, said, "Bob Gibson and Paul Moynihan have advised on many important oil and gas, energy utility and midstream transactions over the past 20 years in Canada, the United States and in other markets. Under their leadership, we are confident that our new Calgary office will provide clients with outstanding service and advice."

Messrs. Gibson and Moynihan said, "We are honored to join Rothschild, a global leader in the oil and gas sector and with a centuries-long commitment to providing its clients with exceptional independent advice. We and our colleagues share Rothschild's values and objectives and are excited to capitalize on the firm's unparalleled global platform to deliver further value to oil and gas clients in North America."

Prior to co-founding Mustang Capital, Bob Gibson was Managing Director and Head of TD Securities' U.S. Energy Group, based in New York, and previously spent eight years providing senior coverage of oil and gas and utility companies at TD Securities. He is a CFA charterholder and holds a BA in Economics and a MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario.

Prior to co-founding Mustang Capital, Paul Moynihan was a Managing Director with TD Securities in both Calgary and Toronto, focusing on M&A and capital markets. He began his investment banking career with Lancaster Financial, a Toronto-based M&A firm that was sold to TD Securities, and was previously a reservoir engineer with Imperial Oil Limited. He holds a BASc in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario.

About Rothschild

Rothschild is an independent financial advisory firm, with 1,000 professional staff operating from offices in 40 countries around the world providing impartial, expert advisory and execution services to corporations, governments, institutions and individuals.


Mark Semer

Kekst and Company


SOURCE Rothschild


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c4c1c1 No.71853

File: 16de7d9c28e446e⋯.mp4 (9.56 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183891 (151547ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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Sounds like a plan!

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c4c1c1 No.71854

File: e277eae2824c806⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183894 (151547ZJUL23) Notable: Ticket and incident fuckery: Sound of Freedom movie goers (Cap 1:46)

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c4c1c1 No.71855

File: 16c3d49c4b78b5a⋯.png (266.75 KB,804x2177,804:2177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183897 (151548ZJUL23) Notable: Kash Patel: Did Justice Snoop on Congress? - Wapo and Q 2657

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c4c1c1 No.71856

File: 6edcb8d8e568966⋯.jpeg (266.33 KB,828x1064,207:266,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183903 (151550ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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Thanks bakes!

Never thought I’d see this trending!

Good work.

Next up “Jewish Supremacy”

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c4c1c1 No.71857

File: 51788ebf66892d5⋯.jpg (391.53 KB,1080x2013,360:671,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183907 (151551ZJUL23) Notable: Recent info on the Canadian fires

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>Sauce it

Was a screen cap from my Weather Underground app. but they have a web site too.


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c4c1c1 No.71858

File: acd1270c3a56907⋯.jpeg (1002.23 KB,1170x1673,1170:1673,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183911 (151552ZJUL23) Notable: Kennedy cites the study showing that CV19 disproportionately affects different ethnic groups; says he didn't imply the effect was intentional

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>>71848 (me)


The @nypost story is mistaken. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered. That study is here: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879


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c4c1c1 No.71859

File: a31718c479ed897⋯.png (81.08 KB,305x295,61:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183918 (151555ZJUL23) Notable: Kennedy cites the study showing that CV19 disproportionately affects different ethnic groups; says he didn't imply the effect was intentional

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rfk jr provides sauce

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c4c1c1 No.71860

File: 720f7aba86693a6⋯.webp (85.75 KB,1015x836,1015:836,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183931 (151600ZJUL23) Notable: Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

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Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

This story needs serious investigation to determine the cause of this phenomenon. By comparison, the 1969 Woodstock event attracted some 400,000 people to a three-day marathon of music activity and partying. Only two people died: one from a drug overdose and the other was run over in his sleeping bag with a tractor collecting trash. Deaths from heart attack at Woodstock? ZERO.

July 8, 2023 – Ed Sheeran concert in Pittsburgh – 2 people went into cardiac arrest, 17 people were taken to the hospital.

Oct. 29, 2022 – Seoul, South Korea – Halloween party results in 159 deaths from simultaneous cardiac arrests.


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c4c1c1 No.71861

File: 6b4d104a43c9808⋯.jpg (258.28 KB,1545x857,1545:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183937 (151601ZJUL23) Notable: Ticket and incident fuckery: Sound of Freedom movie goers (Cap 1:46)

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This is really happening. Related pic was posted on the Nextdoor app in my area of Texas on July 10.

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c4c1c1 No.71862

File: 7b28ac385d3e190⋯.jpeg (814.97 KB,1464x1055,1464:1055,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183957 (151606ZJUL23) Notable: Nude Videos of Kids From Hacked Baby Monitors Were Sold on Telegram

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Mother Frs…

Nude Videos of Kids From Hacked Baby Monitors Were Sold on Telegram

An explosive report from IPVM, a surveillance industry trade publication, found that child sexual abuse material sourced from hundreds of hacked Hikvision cameras is being sold on Telegram. The report states that hackers likely gained access to insecure Hikvision cameras by exploiting weak or known passwords, and then used the company’s mobile app to distribute access to the feeds.

IPVM found messages in Telegram channels that advertise access to the hacked cameras using terms like “cp” (child porn), “kids room,” “family room,” and “bedroom of a young girl” to entice potential buyers. Telegram has since taken down the channels, some of which had thousands of members.

Telegram has long been criticized for lax content moderation. In 2021, a nonprofit called the Coalition for a Safer Web sued Apple and demanded that the company remove Telegram from its App Store, citing the app’s failure to remove violent and extremist content.

Hikvision’s response was adversarial. “Hikvision knows nothing about these potential crimes,” the company said in a statement. “IPVM’s selfish decision to seek comment from us prior to alerting authorities is highly questionable and, in this instance, disgraceful.”


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c4c1c1 No.71863

File: fc0c00966f9fd77⋯.png (290.93 KB,597x588,199:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183985 (151612ZJUL23) Notable: USS Monitor, John Worden hunted pirates with the legendary Captain ‘Mad Jack’ Percival Q 1201 JA

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Years before gaining renown in command of the USS Monitor, John Worden hunted pirates with the legendary Captain ‘Mad Jack’ Percival.


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c4c1c1 No.71864

File: d36f57a34d02bd5⋯.png (42.74 KB,467x755,467:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183998 (151616ZJUL23) Notable: USS Monitor, John Worden hunted pirates with the legendary Captain ‘Mad Jack’ Percival Q 1201 JA

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Time Stamp 1201

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c4c1c1 No.71865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183999 (151616ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 Youtube link

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scheduled to start at 12:30pm

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c4c1c1 No.71866

File: 5a5f23437424c90⋯.jpeg (370.16 KB,1140x650,114:65,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184001 (151617ZJUL23) Notable: Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home escorted by a young female

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Wall Street Apes

Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home being escorted by a young female (2010)

Prince Andrew seemed to be at the center of the underage child sex trafficking investigation but just like with everything the FBI gets involved in that has to do with the elites, the investigation just disappears like magic. 🪄 ✨


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c4c1c1 No.71867

File: ad8bb58e87e11c4⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,400x224,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184002 (151617ZJUL23) Notable: Vaccine for Religions Fundamentalism? 04/13/2005 (Cap 4:16)

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c4c1c1 No.71868

File: c2aae5bf2e6c594⋯.png (582.79 KB,834x884,417:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184005 (151617ZJUL23) Notable: Netanyahu Rushed to Hospital After Losing Consciousness, speaks on camera after hospitalization

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Netanyahu Rushed to Hospital After Losing Consciousness

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed to the hospital on Saturday after he lost consciousness.

Netanyahu, 73, was reportedly complaining about chest pain before he was taken to a hospital.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Netanyahu “lost consciousness” while at home in Caesarea, fell down, and hit his head.

The Prime Minister is in good condition, according to his office.

Reuters reported:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was undergoing medical checks in an Israeli hospital on Saturday but was in good condition, his office said, with no indications of a potential handover of power.

Netanyahu, at 73 the country’s longest-serving leader, had complained of chest pain, was fully conscious en route to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer town, and walked into the emergency room, Israel’s Channel 12 TV said.

He was not undergoing sedation and no procedures were underway to declare him incapacitated, it added.

It was not immediately clear who might replace him in the event of an emergency succession.


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c4c1c1 No.71869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184017 (151620ZJUL23) Notable: Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home escorted by a young female

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c4c1c1 No.71870

File: 8a3e00c5e57668c⋯.mp4 (10.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184033 (151623ZJUL23) Notable: Chinese scientist confirming Covid 19 Vax is targeting gender, ethnic identity and targeted individuals? (Cap 1:30)

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UTOPIA AMAZON T.V SERIES CLIP - watching the full Utopia series from amazon, just noticed how close it is to the pandemic, even the dialogue, in episode 4 series 1, 2 of the fugitives kids talk to a FBI agent in a abandoned toys r us store and the FBI says this exact dialogue by this embedded clip of the Chinese scientist.

targeting gender, ethnic identity and targeted individuals.

cannot find clip anywhere so will just link the Chinese clip !!

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c4c1c1 No.71871

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184041 (151625ZJUL23) Notable: Fauci Lied. People Died sweatshirt, Bannon, Kirk, And Navarro Kick Off ACTCON Live From Palm Beach

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Turning Point has been called radical by Biden IC and DHS…the conservatives are radicals. Populists are radical…kekkity

Bannon, Kirk, And Navarro Kick Off ACTCON Live From Palm Beach

13:41 minutes

President Trump, JD Vance and numerous others will be speaking today and night in West Palm Beach. This gathering has 6,000+ coming.Disneyworld is complaining no one is showing up to their parks


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c4c1c1 No.71872

File: fde6559fa9c6d16⋯.png (42.68 KB,470x323,470:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184061 (151633ZJUL23) Notable: Economist on the "alarming" plans for Trump's second term, hit piece of shit

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"red carpet rollout"

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c4c1c1 No.71873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184070 (151634ZJUL23) Notable: Trump is to take the stage around 6-6:30 pm Eastern

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Trump is to take the stage around 6-6:30 pm Eastern.

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c4c1c1 No.71874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184077 (151635ZJUL23) Notable: Netanyahu Rushed to Hospital After Losing Consciousness, speaks on camera after hospitalization

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Israel’s Netanyahu rushed to hospital, his office says he felt dizzy and was likely dehydrated


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c4c1c1 No.71875

File: ab5d0b6d396041c⋯.png (1.2 MB,1170x1478,585:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184081 (151635ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 Youtube link

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Trump expected to speak at 6:45PM EST


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c4c1c1 No.71876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184088 (151637ZJUL23) Notable: The Origins of the Chinese Buffet, smörgåsbord

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>all you can eat


The Origins of the Chinese Buffet


At least as early as 1837, you could find all-you-can-eat dinners, which were, initially, primarily for American cuisine. During the latter part of the 19th century, the “smörgåsbord” made its appearance.

Share this:


Advertisement from Los Angeles Evening Citizen, December 10, 1949

Who organized the first Chinese buffet? It is an intriguing question, with some claiming that the Joyce Chen Restaurant in Cambridge, MA invented the Chinese buffet around 1960. However, after some research, this proved to be untrue, with the first Chinese buffet having likely been conceived in California in 1949. However, the ancestry of buffet-style restaurants extends back over 100 years.

At least as early as 1837, you could find all-you-can-eat dinners, which were, initially, primarily for American cuisine. During the latter part of the 19th century, the “smörgåsbord” made its appearance. This is a Swedish term, referring to a table of food, placed outside a dining room, where you could snack. A smörgåsbord allows participants to eat as much as they desire before enjoying their actual meal. Numerous restaurants started offering a smörgåsbord, and not just for Swedish cuisine.

It was during the early 1940s that the idea of Chinese buffets began to arise, although they were initially held at social clubs, church socials, and special events. They were not yet present in restaurants. This was a popular idea during the decade, and a diverse selection of groups across the country held such events. It was these gatherings that helped enlighten consumers on the value of Chinese buffets, which aided in forming a pre-existing customer base for when restaurants finally opened them.

The Akron Beacon Journal (OH), November 16, 1948, presented the first mention of a “Chinese smörgåsbord,” noting the, “Akron Order of Rainbow and DeMolay members are planning an unusual type of covered dish dinner. It is called ‘Chinese Smorgasbord and Sweater Hop’ and will be held Friday…”

As for a Chinese buffet at a restaurant, the honors for its invention likely go to Peter Chang, of Chang’s Restaurant, in Los Angeles, CA in 1949. The Los Angeles Evening Citizen News (CA), December 10, 1949, published an advertisement for Chang’s Restaurant, located at 8730 Sunset, which noted, “Chinese Buffet. First Served in U.S. Over 20 Delicious Selections.”

More details were provided in the Mirror News (CA), January 3, 1950. It was noted that the buffet at Chang’s Restaurant, which cost $2.85, started with soup and fried rice, and made available a choice of 20 entrees. “There is a rare chicken cooked in oyster sauce and whisky, which is a delight, if you are looking for the really unusual. You can have roasted fish, shrimp rolled in bacon, almond duck, almond chicken, soybean cake, fried dried Chinese strong bans, Shanghai style omelette, pineapple beef, sweet and sour spare ribs, Chentu tomatoes with fish and onions, and Peking style noodles with beef.” You could also find Chinkiang Lion Head, a type of meatball.

The Daily News (CA), January 18, 1950, presented a brief notice, “A Chinese restaurant, Chang’s, on the Sunset Strip, serves ‘Chinese Smorgasbord’”. This notice would be repeated in newspapers all across the country, exposing many Americans to the idea of a Chinese buffet. It certainly may have given inspiration to other Chinese restaurants to start their own buffets as well.


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c4c1c1 No.71877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184089 (151637ZJUL23) Notable: The Origins of the Chinese Buffet, smörgåsbord

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Another restaurant with a Chinese Smorgasbord. The New Tribune (WA), December 30, 1950, published an ad for the China Pheasant Club, noting “Chinese Smorgasbord each Sunday, 6-8pm. All The Food You Can Eat For A Dollar”. It was cheaper than the $2.85 buffet at Chang’s Restaurant

More restaurants across the country would start offering a “Chinese Smorgasbord”. The News Tribune (WA), October 4, 1952, printed an ad for the Bali Hai, which offered a Chinese Smorgasbord as a Sunday Special, “All You Can Eat $1.50.” The Chicago Tribune (IL), January 11, 1953, had an ad for Tom Brown’s restaurant, which offered a Chinese Smorgasbord on Wednesdays.

The Miami News (FL), July 3, 1955, printed an ad for the Fu Manchu restaurant, which served a Chinese smörgåsbord. The Sioux City Journal (IO), July 26, 1956, had an ad for the Bamboo Inn Café, which offered a Chinese smörgåsbord dinner every Thursday, from 5:30-8:30pm. The Daily News (NY), September 7, 1956, noted, “The Night Cap tavern at 570 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, offers ‘Chinese Smorgasbord’ Every Wednesday Night.”

Finally, we return to the Boston area. The Boston Globe, March 30, 1960, published a brief ad for Joyce Chen, which noted its “Original Chinese Buffet” for 99 cents during lunch and dinner. Joyce Chen opened her first restaurant in Cambridge in 1958, and there would be claims that she invented the Chinese buffet. But while Joyce Chen’s Chinese buffet may have been the first to exist in the Boston area, it certainly was not the first in the U.S.

A number of different threads, from “all-you-can-eat” restaurants to the Swedish smörgåsbord, helped to inspire the Chinese buffet. The basic idea of a Chinese buffet also caught on at special events held by numerous social and professional groups before it appeared in any restaurant. In 1949, Peter Chang’s Restaurant was likely the first restaurant to offer a Chinese buffet. It did not take long for other Chinese restaurants to do the same.

2 of 2

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c4c1c1 No.71878

File: be3c828b29b04f6⋯.jpeg (136.06 KB,847x948,847:948,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184094 (151638ZJUL23) Notable: Fauci Lied. People Died sweatshirt, Bannon, Kirk, And Navarro Kick Off ACTCON Live From Palm Beach

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Kek guy in the back ground,

Fauci Lied. People Diedsweatshirt

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c4c1c1 No.71879

File: 9af334c67a1fccd⋯.png (383.08 KB,584x614,292:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184111 (151641ZJUL23) Notable: CBS News reported the "#SoundOfFreedom" story almost a decade ago

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Joe Dan Gorman


For those who haven't seen this... WATCH IT. [3 minutes]


🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

#CBS News reported the "#SoundOfFreedom" story almost a decade ago.

The report 1000% follows the storyline of “The Sound of Freedom” movie.

Same people now call it conspiracy theory.

Jul 15, 2023, 4:51 AM

Devin Nunes ReTruthed

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c4c1c1 No.71880

File: 82f0723beffd5e2⋯.jpg (39.98 KB,550x432,275:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1912b0fe6d45ec6⋯.png (90.1 KB,200x275,8:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184134 (151647ZJUL23) Notable: Operation CHAOS 1969 CIA purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were to be destroyed

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[They] really DO go through our trash:

Scale of operations

When Nixon came to office in 1969, existing domestic surveillance activities were consolidated into Operation CHAOS.[5] Operation CHAOS first used CIA stations abroad to report on antiwar activities of American citizens traveling abroad, employing methods such as physical surveillance and electronic eavesdropping, utilizing "liaison services" in maintaining such surveillance. The operations were later expanded to include 60 officers.[3] In 1969, following the expansion, the operation began developing its own network of informants for the purposes of infiltrating various foreign antiwar groups located in foreign countries that might have ties to domestic groups.[2] Eventually, CIA officers expanded the program to include other leftist or counter-cultural groups with no discernible connection to Vietnam, such as groups operating within the women's liberation movement.[1] The domestic spying of Operation CHAOS also targeted the Israeli embassy, and domestic Jewish groups such as the B'nai B'rith. In order to gather intelligence on the embassy and B'nai B'rith,the CIA purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were to be destroyed.[6]


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c4c1c1 No.71881

File: 4c58f6eedc1cba1⋯.webp (36.28 KB,1520x1013,1520:1013,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184192 (151704ZJUL23) Notable: CBS News reported the "#SoundOfFreedom" story almost a decade ago

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Vox goes off on a valid movie exposing Human Trafficking

Sound of Freedom wants to raise awareness about child trafficking. Here’s what it’s really doing.

Is a movie still just a movie if it becomes a culture war battleground?

Aja RomanoJul 14, 2023,

Usually when the culture war comes to the movies, it’s in the form of conservative backlash to films they perceive as too liberal. Increasingly, however, conservative filmmakers, often working outside of Hollywood’s studio system, are grabbing the spotlight with unexpected hits, some packed with ideology and tinged with hallmarks of the modern right-wing worldview: moral panic, hints of vast leftist conspiracies, and a sense of persecution.

The latest surprise right-wing hit to tick these bingo squares is Sound of Freedom. The film stars Jim Caviezel inthe very (very) loosely true story of Tim Ballard, who founded the controversial anti-trafficking organizationOperation Underground Railroad, or OUR. Coasting on word of mouth and a mountain of free publicity from influential supporters like Elon Musk and Mel Gibson, Sound of Freedomwent head to head against Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny in its July 4 opening weekend and wound up reportedly out-earning the Harrison Ford-led sequel by several million on opening day (if its maker Angel Studios’ on-site accounting is to be believed). It’s since gone on to earn nearly $50 million. Not bad for an indie outsider.

But Sound of Freedom has also generated a considerable amount of scathing left-wing backlash, aimed at both the movie itself, with its QAnon-adjacent rhetoric, and the film’s target audience. Multiple left-wing critics have spent parts of their reviews of the film itself denigrating the way its fans are watching it, with one critic seemingly appalled that audiences “acted like they were at Top Gun.” For their part, those audiences have flocked to the theater with the zeal of parishioners. Some fans have described attending the movie as a “duty,” while others have spun conspiracy theories that movie theaters are trying to prevent them from seeing the film — which, of course, just generates more determination to watch the film to spite the libs.

Clearly, there’s a lot happening around this film — and while Sound of Freedom ostensibly wants to create awareness about child trafficking, that theme has mostly gotten lost in all the noise.

Sound of Freedom is its own, highly effective, hype machine….

With all that indie outsider energy combined with the long delay in release, Sound of Freedom was primed to feed a meta-narrative about the right’s sense of oppression at the hands of the left. Still, while most mainstream media reviewers have either been dismissiveof the film or ignored it altogether, Sound of Freedom has its unexpected champions. Variety called it a “solid,” “disquieting” thriller and praised Caviezel’s performance as his finest since The Passion of the Christ.

At the root of the film’s power seems to be its “urgency” toward its subject matter; fans apparently leave the theater galvanized to proselytize on its behalf, spreading the word about the dangers and rampant devastation of child trafficking — and, most of all, about OUR and its all-important rescue missions.

It’s a hype machine that’s not just a hype machine, but a patriotic, perhaps even divinely mandated, responsibility…

But Sound of Freedom has also generated a considerable amount of scathing left-wing backlash, aimed at both the movie itself, with its QAnon-adjacent rhetoric, and the film’s target audience. Multiple left-wing critics have spent parts of their reviews of the film itself denigrating the way its fans are watching it, with one critic seemingly appalled that audiences “acted like they were at Top Gun.” For their part, those audiences have flocked to the theater with the zeal of parishioners. Some fans have described attending the movie as a “duty,” while others have spun conspiracy theories that movie theaters are trying to prevent them from seeing the film — which, of course, just generates more determination to watch the film to spite the libs.

Clearly, there’s a lot happening around this film — and while Sound of Freedom ostensibly wants to create awareness about child trafficking, that theme has mostly gotten lost in all the noise.

Sound of Freedom is its own, highly effective, hype machine


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c4c1c1 No.71882

File: f12d0955e3f78b5⋯.png (518.02 KB,890x950,89:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184197 (151705ZJUL23) Notable: Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

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Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

The Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has passed a resolution in a landslide vote to ban the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, deeming it and the virus a “biological and technological weapon.”

The committee is now soliciting support from registered Republicans in the county, state lawmakers, Florida’s Congressional delegation, and Governor Ron DeSantis.

CBS12 News obtained a copy of the letter, which was sent to hundreds of registered Republicans in Brevard County for their consideration. The committee will mail the letter to all state lawmakers representing the region, Brevard’s Congressional delegation, including Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, and DeSantis if they receive enough affirmative votes.

The committee’s letter presents a list of shocking revelations against COVID and COVID-19 vaccines, arguing they were “biological and technological weapons” and that there is “strong and credible evidence” that they “alter human DNA.”

The letter claims that the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent vaccination campaign have been manipulated and misrepresented by government agencies, fake news media, and tech corporations. It criticizes the mandates and restrictions placed by the Biden administration and argues against the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, alluding to a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The letter includes claims about the Pfizer vaccine’s clinical data, suggesting it has caused thousands of adverse incidents and deaths.

According to CBS12, “Other GOP chapters in Seminole, Lake, St. John’s, Santa Rosa, Hillsborough and Lee Counties have passed similar resolutions.”

Read the letter below:

“Whereas We the People of the State of Florida were told that COVID-19 presented a grave danger to ourselves, our families, and our communities. We were then subsequently told to and in many cases mandated to take the experimental COVID-19 injections for the following reasons: That it would prevent transmission and thus stop the spread of COVID-19. That doing so would protect our families, ourselves, and the public. Doing so would allow us to keep our jobs and/or benefits to be able to support our families. By doing so we were doing our patriotic duty for our country, state, and communities. We didn’t have a choice because of President Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates.

Whereas strong and credible evidence has recently been revealed that COVID-19 and COVID-19 injections are biological and technological weapons. Whereas Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1.223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects. Whereas an enormous number of humans have died and or have been permanently disabled. Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that COVID-19 mRNA shots alter human DNA. Whereas government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming COVID-19 injections are safe and effective. Whereas a statewide grand jury is investigating COVID-19 vaccine crimes. Whereas continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity.

Be it Further Resolved: On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the Brevard County Republican Party calls upon Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of COVID-19 injections and all related injections in the state of Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all COVID-19 injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida and have a forensic analysis conducted to determine if the ingredients pose a danger to recipients.”


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c4c1c1 No.71883

File: 0f96393cfbf0d88⋯.png (468.9 KB,1263x713,1263:713,Clipboard.png)

File: b2fc435fefc86d6⋯.png (752.39 KB,612x549,68:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184212 (151711ZJUL23) Notable: Are AMC Theaters Serving Nanobots to ‘Sound of Freedom’ Audiences?

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Fact Check

Are AMC Theaters Serving Nanobots to ‘Sound of Freedom’ Audiences?

The claim spread as AMC's CEO "slammed" conspiracy theories about screening disruptions during the film.

Izz Scott LaMagdeleine

Published Jul 14, 2023

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c4c1c1 No.71884

File: 6fd820e82234227⋯.jpg (54.56 KB,619x653,619:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8f8bb3905fa682c⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,816x650,408:325,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79ea8b63faa96b5⋯.jpg (99.1 KB,614x650,307:325,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cdb58e04819bc01⋯.jpg (80.71 KB,687x608,687:608,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7033b4e3e449d47⋯.jpg (147.39 KB,890x542,445:271,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184215 (151711ZJUL23) Notable: Anon has been thinking about the upcoming "Alien" story line Disney, NASA, DoD, History Channel, Wernher von Braun, Nazis and Aliens

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Disney, NASA, DoD, History Channel, Wernher von Braun and Nazis. Don't Forget the Aliens.

Anon has been thinking about the upcoming "Alien" story line. Have been brushing up on History Channel (which really gets into Aliens) and it turns out thatDisneyowns History (Channel) - https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership. Harvard has produced an "Index of US Mainstream Media Ownership". Anon found the Harvard index to be very helpful in considering possible explanations for what we are about to see. Remember, Disney owns ABC and FOX Entertainment. Who is really good at things like graphics, CGI, special effects and more? Let me think for a minute... Oh yeah, Disney. Now add, to this line of thought, the fact that Disney, Wernher von Braun (think Nazi Germany) and NASA have a history. Expand your thinking. Anon thinks we should seriously consider, once the "Alien" storyline comes forward, advising normies to let the story play out for a year or so and let Disney, NASA and the History Channel stew in their own juices. What if DS hits the world with the Alien FF and nobody gets excited? What if we focus our attention on DS crimes and not the FF? Anon almost forgot to mention that Disney used to produce propaganda films for the DoD.

Anon has one more thought for now. What if the Aliens are real? How pissed are they going to be, if they show up and no one takes them seriously? (Somebody insert "nervous Aliens" meme).

Harvard - Index of US Mainstream Media Ownership


Bob Iger - History Channel

HarvardPDF- Index of US Mainstream Media Ownership


CBS - Disney completes its $71 billion buy of Fox entertainment assets


NASA - Pioneers - Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun


NASA - Article on Von Braun and Walt Disney


Space.com - Space History Photo: Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun


Time - How Historians Are Reckoning With the Former Nazi Who Launched America's Space Program


YouTube - Disney and Wernher Von Braun | Disney Declassified


URL - https://youtu.be/0_yOXQ1Bd9Y

History Channel - Ancient Aliens - Season 10 Episode 4 (First Aired 8-14-15)

This episode, titled "Dark Forces", discusses a lot of topics that Anons will find familiar: Werner Von Braun and Disney, Pandora's box corrupting souls, Jin, Aleister Crowley and good v evil.



History - 7 Things You May Not Know About Walt Disney

Red Cross connection

DoDPropaganda Films


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c4c1c1 No.71885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184221 (151713ZJUL23) Notable: Anon has been thinking about the upcoming "Alien" story line Disney, NASA, DoD, History Channel, Wernher von Braun, Nazis and Aliens

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Disney, NASA, DoD, History Channel, Wernher von Braun and Nazis. Don't Forget the Aliens.

YouTube - Disney and Wernher Von Braun | Disney Declassified


URL - https://youtu.be/0_yOXQ1Bd9Y

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c4c1c1 No.71886

File: 5d963a3c93d8307⋯.jpeg (124.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184223 (151713ZJUL23) Notable: Russian law enforcement have thwarted assassination attempts on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, by Ukrainian intelligence the Federal Security Service FSB

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15 Jul, 2023 14:14

‘Treason is worse than death’ — RT editor-in-chief on failed assassination plot

Margarita Simonyan has expressed hope that the alleged murder plot participants will redeem their errors and start their lives anew

There are fates worse than death, RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan told journalists on Saturday, after Russian security services announced theyhad foiled a plot to take her life by a neo-Nazi group. The journalist said that she was not afraid of dying for her homeland and hoped that those allegedly conspiring to assassinate her understood the error of their ways.

“The most important thing I want to say is that there are things worse than death. Dishonor is worse than death; treason is worse than death,” Simonyan said, adding that “living with a feeling that you have done something irredeemable is worse than death.”

The RT editor-in-chief also said she hoped those arrested over the alleged plot would have enough time to rectify their mistakes and begin their lives anew. She also expressed pity at the idea that young people had been “brainwashed” to an extent that they could take part in such a plot. Earlier in the day the Russian security services announced thatsome of those detained were minors.

Earlier, the Russian Federal Security Service, which detainedfive members of a neo-Nazi groupsuspected of being behind the plan, released footage showing the questioning of an 18-year-old man. In the video, he was seen confessing to organizing a neo-Nazi group and later totaking orders from Ukrainian intelligencein exchange for money.

“I am very sorry that a 18-year-old boy… was brainwashed in such a way… that he decided that caring for his people is compatible with taking money from Ukrainian intelligence to kill opinion leaders in his own country,” Simonyan said.

Earlier on Saturday, the FSB said that members of a neo-Nazi group known as ‘Paragraph 88’ had been arrested in connection with the case. The TASS news agency reported that six people are suspected of being linked to the plot, citing a Moscow court.

The Russian security services seized a Kalashnikov assault rifle, 90 cartridges, rubber hoses, knives, brass knuckles, and handcuffs during the operation, the FSB said. Computers containing information that confirmed the groups’ “criminal intentions” were also found, alongside Nazi paraphernalia and literature, it added.

Those detained confirmed they werepreparing to attempt to assassinate both Simonyanand prominent Russian journalist and former presidential candidate,Ksenia Sobchyak, the FSB statement said, adding that the suspected plotters did so “on the instructions of the Security Service of Ukraine for a reward of 1.5 million rubles ($16,600) for each murder.”


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c4c1c1 No.71887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184250 (151722ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Interviews juiced Ron DeSantis

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(Did they give him amphetamines?)

Tucker Carlson Interviews High Energy Ron DeSantis

July 15, 2023 | Sundance |

From the interview it is clear that Ron DeSantis handlers have spent a considerable amount of time in intensive training on scripted talking points. Additionally, based on what isvisible in the body language of DeSantis he’s juiced.

Watch how DeSantis is fidgeting with the microphone when Tucker is talking. Watch how DeSantis takes a drink of water. Look at the exaggerated mannerisms that are highlighted by aseemingly high-energy state.

Also notice DeSantis never answers a question, but sticks to rehearsed points. Not a single question is answered, despite Carlson asking specifics on Ukraine three times. WATCH:



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c4c1c1 No.71888

File: bd3322f3a866cb1⋯.png (1.73 MB,1458x1228,729:614,Clipboard.png)

File: 779f0b4e5d837e5⋯.png (1.71 MB,932x1012,233:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 16329cd3320f339⋯.png (88.19 KB,376x114,188:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184265 (151727ZJUL23) Notable: Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home escorted by a young female

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National Military Establishment

President Truman signs the National Security Act Amendment of 1949

After the end of World War II, President Harry Truman proposed the creation of a unified department of national defense. In a special message to the Congress on 19 December 1945, the president cited both wasteful military spending and interdepartmental conflicts. Deliberations in Congress went on for months focusing heavily on the role of the military in society and the threat of granting too much military power to the executive.[14]

On 26 July 1947, Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947, which set up a unified military command known as the National Military Establishment, and created the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, National Security Resources Board, United States Air Force (formerly the Army Air Forces), and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The act placed the National Military Establishment under the control of a single secretary of defense.[15][16][17] The National Military Establishment formally began operations on 18 September, the day after the Senate confirmed James V. Forrestal as the first secretary of defense.[16] The National Military Establishment was renamed the "Department of Defense" on 10 August 1949 and absorbed the three cabinet-level military departments, in an amendment to the original 1947 law.[18] The renaming is alleged to be due to the Establishment's abbreviation, NME, being pronounced "enemy".[19]


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c4c1c1 No.71889

File: 69daa7445863f20⋯.png (352.36 KB,590x528,295:264,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e105aed1fea503⋯.png (485.3 KB,519x562,519:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184272 (151729ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis takes a swipe at Trump, "I've known what Blizzards are for a long time" (Cap 0:14)

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Ron DeSantis takes a swipe at Trump, "I've known what Blizzards are for a long time"


Will McDuffie

11:26 AM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71890

File: b4a9980ead5656b⋯.jpeg (620.79 KB,1170x1208,585:604,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184281 (151732ZJUL23) Notable: Netanyahu Rushed to Hospital After Losing Consciousness, speaks on camera after hospitalization

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c4c1c1 No.71891

File: caa0e7e8519ae80⋯.mp4 (237.65 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184283 (151733ZJUL23) Notable: Ron DeSantis takes a swipe at Trump, "I've known what Blizzards are for a long time" (Cap 0:14)

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c4c1c1 No.71892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184300 (151735ZJUL23) Notable: lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

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c4c1c1 No.71893

File: 1811258923bd1cc⋯.png (163.56 KB,1276x825,116:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e1bd51bb986062⋯.png (232.73 KB,1393x866,1393:866,Clipboard.png)

File: b3b86d958f0c757⋯.png (82.82 KB,1053x881,1053:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184303 (151737ZJUL23) Notable: Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home escorted by a young female

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c4c1c1 No.71894

File: 0168f9f2be42125⋯.jpeg (186.85 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184325 (151743ZJUL23) Notable: If Russia Wanted to, they could have obliterated Ukraine from the Face of the earth in a month It's not a stale mate It's Hostage Negotiation

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They finally admit the obvious

15 Jul, 2023 17:27

Russia-Ukraine conflict ‘at a stalemate’ – Pentagon official

Western weapons won’t be enough to give Kiev a decisive advantage, John Kirchhofer has warned

Fighting in Ukraine has reached “a bit of a stalemate,” US Defense Intelligence Agency Chief of Staff John Kirchhofer told a conference in Washington on Thursday. His assessment of Ukraine’s chances isconsiderably gloomier than that of other Biden administration officials.

“Certainly we are at a bit of a stalemate,”Kirchhofer said, according to Bloomberg. “One of the things that the Russian leadership believes is that they can outlast the support of the West.”

Ukrainian forces have been bogged down in a counteroffensiveagainst Russian defenses from Kherson to Donetsksince early June, and have failed to make any significant territorial gains against the Russians. The offensive hascost Ukraine 26,000 men and more than 3,000 pieces of military hardware, according to the latest figures from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his top officials have publicly blamed the West for failing to provide enough weapons – including long-range missiles and fighter jets – to guarantee the offensive’s success.

However, Kirchhoferwarned that no one weapon system will change Kiev’s fortunes. Neither US-supplied HIMARS rocket artillery and cluster bombs, nor British Storm Shadow cruise missiles, have thus far tilted the battlefield situation in Ukraine’s favor, he pointed out.

“None of these, unfortunately, are the holy grail that Ukrainians looking for that will allow them to break through,” he said.

While recent media reports suggest that Kiev’s American and European backers are frustrated with the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, Washington officials have publicly insisted that all is well. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said last month that Ukrainian forces were “advancing steadily,” but that progress would be slow and “very bloody.”

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CNN last month that heavy Ukrainian casualties are “to be expected,” but that Zelensky will continue to receive “the support he needs not just from the United States, but from 50 other partners.”

US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have both repeatedly rejected the idea of Ukraine entering into peace talks with Russia. Both insist that Ukraine will decide when to sit down to negotiate, and neither have spoken on whether this position will change if Kiev’s counteroffensive continues to fail.

Russia maintains that Western arms deliveries will only serve to prolong the conflict, without altering its eventual outcome.

(RT hasn’t reported on a battle in Ukraine for close to three weeks, their counteroffensive has failed, so many of Ukraine troops were being killed they had to stop.)


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c4c1c1 No.71895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184331 (151745ZJUL23) Notable: If Russia Wanted to, they could have obliterated Ukraine from the Face of the earth in a month It's not a stale mate It's Hostage Negotiation

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If Russia Wanted to, they could have obliterated Ukraine from the Face of the earth in a month

they care about the Russian Citizens

They're taking their time because they want to save as man civilians as possible

It's not a stale mate

It's Hostage Negotiation

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c4c1c1 No.71896

File: e150ec8352efe54⋯.png (224.3 KB,1873x938,1873:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184338 (151749ZJUL23) Notable: Russian law enforcement have thwarted assassination attempts on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, by Ukrainian intelligence the Federal Security Service FSB

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JUST IN 🚨 Russian law enforcement agencies have thwarted assassination attempts on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, which were prepared by Ukrainian intelligence, the Federal Security Service (FSB) has said. (RT)

Ukraine is literally nazi


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c4c1c1 No.71897

File: 2ed8a66d7835b4b⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,540x270,2:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184418 (151815ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom Approaching $66M in US earnings, yet to be released overseas

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Sound of Freedom

Approaching $66M in US earnings, yet to be released overseas.


Caviezel: There is no QAnon

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c4c1c1 No.71898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184426 (151817ZJUL23) Notable: #23561

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#23561 >>71832

>>71875, >>71865 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 Youtube link

>>71873 Trump is to take the stage around 6-6:30 pm Eastern

>>71882 Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

>>71833, >>71872 Economist on the "alarming" plans for Trump's second term, hit piece of shit

>>71834, >>71836 Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

>>71835, >>71839, >>71842 CALL to DIGG on military doctors' testimony on negative effects of the covid jab

>>71837, >>71844, >>71847, >>71851 After Kamala Harris reveals the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population," it's changed in transcript to "POLLUTION." (Cap 0:12)

>>71838 Largest Settlement of Illegal Aliens in US Is Quietly Growing Amid Border Crisis

>>71840 Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser has testified that the man-made climate change narrative is a “hoax” perpetrated by the elite “to depopulate the planet.”

>>71841 Marina Abramovic page on U.S. Department of State

>>71845, >>71846, >>71855 Kash Patel: Did Justice Snoop on Congress? - Wapo and Q 2657

>>71849, >>71857, >>71843, >>71852 Recent info on the Canadian fires

>>71848, >>71853, >>71819 lb, >>71822 lb, >>71823 lb, >>71826 lb, >>71856, >>71892 RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

>>71858, >>71859 Kennedy cites the study showing that CV19 disproportionately affects different ethnic groups; says he didn't imply the effect was intentional

>>71870 Chinese scientist confirming Covid 19 Vax is targeting gender, ethnic identity and targeted individuals? (Cap 1:30)

>>71867 Vaccine for Religions Fundamentalism? 04/13/2005 (Cap 4:16)

>>71850 Dr Peter McCullough’s conclusion is that the childhood vaccination schedule is to blame for the explosion in AUTISM

>>71854, >>71861 Ticket and incident fuckery: Sound of Freedom movie goers (Cap 1:46)

>>71879, >>71881 CBS News reported the "#SoundOfFreedom" story almost a decade ago

>>71883 Are AMC Theaters Serving Nanobots to ‘Sound of Freedom’ Audiences?

>>71897 Sound of Freedom Approaching $66M in US earnings, yet to be released overseas

>>71860 Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

>>71862 Nude Videos of Kids From Hacked Baby Monitors Were Sold on Telegram

>>71863, >>71864 USS Monitor, John Worden hunted pirates with the legendary Captain ‘Mad Jack’ Percival Q 1201 JA

>>71866, >>71869, >>71893, >>71888 Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home escorted by a young female

>>71868, >>71874, >>71890 Netanyahu Rushed to Hospital After Losing Consciousness, speaks on camera after hospitalization

>>71876, >>71877 The Origins of the Chinese Buffet, smörgåsbord

>>71878, >>71871 Fauci Lied. People Died sweatshirt, Bannon, Kirk, And Navarro Kick Off ACTCON Live From Palm Beach

>>71880 Operation CHAOS 1969 CIA purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were to be destroyed

>>71884, >>71885 Anon has been thinking about the upcoming "Alien" story line Disney, NASA, DoD, History Channel, Wernher von Braun, Nazis and Aliens

>>71889, >>71891 Ron DeSantis takes a swipe at Trump, "I've known what Blizzards are for a long time" (Cap 0:14)

>>71886, >>71896 Russian law enforcement have thwarted assassination attempts on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, by Ukrainian intelligence the Federal Security Service FSB

>>71887 Tucker Carlson Interviews juiced Ron DeSantis

>>71894, >>71895 If Russia Wanted to, they could have obliterated Ukraine from the Face of the earth in a month It's not a stale mate It's Hostage Negotiation

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c4c1c1 No.71899

File: fff6cd4e1bba21c⋯.png (284.57 KB,392x400,49:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184446 (151820ZJUL23) Notable: #23562

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Q Research General #23562: DECLARED: COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Vaccine are ‘Bioweapons’? Edition

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c4c1c1 No.71900

File: cbfd79ee4d69f2a⋯.png (451.48 KB,613x584,613:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184461 (151822ZJUL23) Notable: Florida County Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

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The Gateway Pundit


Florida County Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’


Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a 'Bioweapon' | The Gateway Pundit | by...

The Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has passed a resolution in a landslide vote to ban the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, deeming it and the virus a “biological and technological...

5:20 AM · Jul 15, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71901

File: 19994b526b61b52⋯.png (168.98 KB,601x565,601:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184465 (151822ZJUL23) Notable: 23 COMMS: US Naval Institute returned the carbine and apologized for wasting a round. #SeaStorySaturday

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In the Philippines in 1944, a Navy officer with a mine disposal unit came across soldiers pinned down by snipers. He borrowed a carbine from a nearby GI and took out two snipers with three shots. He then returned the carbine and apologized for wasting a round. #SeaStorySaturday


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c4c1c1 No.71902

File: 6aae3f0f3861afe⋯.png (407.49 KB,600x711,200:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184472 (151823ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine were making “ethnically targeted bioweapons” EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN

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RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine are “collecting Russian DNA” to make “ethnically targeted bioweapons”.

These are the EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN, and is the main reason for Russia’s invasion!


7:04 AM · Jul 15, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71903

File: 3837858ac983d12⋯.png (320.14 KB,588x912,49:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 884650f251e46ff⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184512 (151829ZJUL23) Notable: DEMOCRAT State Rep (D) candidate Matt Trowbridge was caught attempting to meet up with a 14-year-old boy (Cap 0:22)

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DEMOCRAT State Rep (D) candidate Matt Trowbridge was caught attempting to meet up with a 14-year-old boy!!!

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c4c1c1 No.71904

File: e8bd29a8f3bf0b8⋯.jpeg (788.92 KB,1164x1845,388:615,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184547 (151838ZJUL23) Notable: PF Reports: GTMO844 departed Cartagena, Venezuela headed towards Guantanamo Bay

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GTMO844 departed Cartagena, Venezuela headed towards Guantanamo Bay


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c4c1c1 No.71905

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184549 (151838ZJUL23) Notable: Dr Naomi Wolf: Pfizer Violates Contract With DOD & Vaccine Info 13:01

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Dr Naomi Wolf: Pfizer Violates Contract With DOD & Vaccine Info Weeks Before Presidential Election. Pfizer lied about how many people got Covid after the vaccine and how many died

Blockbuster news, they lied about “Safe and Effective”, they took out 200 that got covid, they hid this info. And they falsely made this announcement that the vaccine was “safe and effective” for the benefit until for Bidan!”

Important info

13:01 minutes


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c4c1c1 No.71906

File: cca6c88302222c4⋯.png (15.29 KB,356x317,356:317,Clipboard.png)

File: cca6c88302222c4⋯.png (15.29 KB,356x317,356:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184557 (151840ZJUL23) Notable: PF Reports: GTMO844 departed Cartagena, Venezuela headed towards Guantanamo Bay

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Q 844

Mar 05, 2018 1:39:53 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f879d5 No. 554846






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c4c1c1 No.71907

File: aaad41094656da6⋯.png (245.58 KB,671x455,671:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 38e38b42fdbda38⋯.png (245.9 KB,547x429,547:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 5921ed952821b35⋯.png (220.51 KB,581x400,581:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184565 (151842ZJUL23) Notable: 40 Human Skulls from Harvard Discovered Inside of Kentucky Man’s Apartment

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40 Human Skulls from Harvard Discovered Inside of Kentucky Man’s Apartment

FBI agents discovered over 40 human skulls inside a Kentucky man’s apartment in connection to an investigation into stolen human body parts from Harvard Medical School’s morgue.

The man occupying the apartment was James Nott and he was arrested after agents made the gruesome discovery.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported six people have been charged for selling and stealing body parts from Harvard medical school and an Arkansas morgue.

The charges alleged Cedric Lodge, who managed the Anatomical Gifts Program at Harvard Medical School, stole and sold human remains used for medical research.


Approximately 40 human skulls were found among bones and body parts inside a Kentucky apartment.

The discovery was made as FBI agents served a search warrant Tuesday in connection with the investigation into stolen human remains that were trafficked from Harvard Medical School’s morgue.

James Nott, who lives in the apartment, was arrested after the discovery.

Federal investigators initially received a tip that there were possibly human remains at another home, that of Jeremy Pauley in Pennsylvania. After officers found human remains — including organs and skin — the FBI determined Pauley was buying the remains through Facebook from a woman who worked at a mortuary in Little Rock, Arkansas.


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c4c1c1 No.71908

File: 486611066e30022⋯.png (40.75 KB,1048x346,524:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184566 (151842ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine were making “ethnically targeted bioweapons” EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN

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RFK Jr. Floats Bonkers Theory COVID Was Designed To Spare ‘Jews And Chinese’

Kennedy's remarks gave an antisemitic flavor to this week's press dinner turned shouting match.

Sara Boboltz


Sara Boboltz

Jul 15, 2023, 12:11 PM EDT

|Updated 2 hours ago

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c4c1c1 No.71909

File: 944cad68196af28⋯.gif (479.83 KB,400x226,200:113,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184570 (151843ZJUL23) Notable: Florida County Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

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Next stage is to declare that they/we were attacked with 2 bioweapons

both with complicit participation of the US Gov and US Mil, from NIH, NAID, EcoHealth, DARPA, CDC, and the global banking infrastructure under the BIS/Central Bank system, the MSM (part of the Military Industrial Complex), the Vatican, and supragovernmental organizations like the UN and the WEF.

So essentially all listed above and their minions deployed WMD's on the world population, treating their targets as enemies of war.

Recall when then Prince Charles called for a 'war-like footing' and a 'military style campaign'?

This is all one story.

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c4c1c1 No.71910

File: e44cf63dd2dff55⋯.png (4.78 KB,252x66,42:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bf0720c7de379a⋯.png (93.29 KB,543x779,543:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184573 (151844ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

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choose this day who ye gonny serve, girliemen

BREAKING: Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The account is labeled 'suspended' and all posts hidden, an action which Viganò described to LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen as 'shameful.'

(LifeSiteNews) — Twitter, the social media platform that has boasted free speech protections since coming under the control of Elon Musk, has suspended the account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

On Saturday afternoon, word began to spread of the incident with followers demanding an explanation from owner Elon Musk and calling for reinstatement of the account.

The account is labeled “suspended” and all posts hidden, an action which Viganò described to LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen as “shameful.”

Deacon Nick Donnelly first announced the “bad news” on Twitter, writing that the platform “has suspended the account of the courageous Archbishop Vigano [and] silenced one of the few voices amongst the Catholic bishops speaking out against the globalist agenda.”


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c4c1c1 No.71911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184574 (151844ZJUL23) Notable: Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

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Anon has mentioned the Max Bluementhal testimony at the u.n the last couple of days.

have managed to find the full script.

will post to this post.



repost first,



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c4c1c1 No.71912

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184583 (151845ZJUL23) Notable: Peter McCullough: Nattokinase

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Peter McCullough, MD, MPH™️



Base detoxification at this time based on all available evidence for non-pregnant adults without soy allergies: 1) Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) bid, 2) Bromelain 500 mg qd, 3) nano Curcumin 500 mg bid. Other OTC and RX drugs can be added. Everyone should be in action now.

Jul 15, 2023, 2:03 PM




The real nattokinase (with K2) actually acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure. This anon has stents on both sides of my heart and had double bypass surgery. Taking it for something else. Again, look it up. There are studies which say it's an excellent option for statins. It does some great stuff in your body. It binds to cancer tumors and prevents them from forming. 90 capsules costs me like $26. Again: DO NOT BUY DOCTOR'S BEST.

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c4c1c1 No.71913

File: 3aa1bc2cb0549e4⋯.png (644.58 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184592 (151848ZJUL23) Notable: Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

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‘Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’ Watch Max Blumenthal address UN Security Council



Thank you to Wyatt Reed, Alex Rubinstein and Anya Parampil for helping me prepare this presentation. Wyatt has first hand experience with the subject as a journalist whose hotel in Donetsk was targeted with a US-made howitzer by the Ukrainian military in October 2022. He was 100 meters away when the strike hit, and was nearly killed.

My friend, the civil rights activist Randy Credico, is also here with me today. He was in Donetsk more recently, and was able to witness regular HIMARS attacks by the Ukrainian military on civilian targets.

I’m here not only as a journalist with over 20 years of experience covering politics and conflict on several continents, but as an American dragooned by my own government into funding a proxy war that has become a threat to regional and international stability at the expense of the welfare of my fellow countrymen and women.

This June 28, as emergency crews worked to clean up yet another toxic train derailment in the United States, this time on the Montana River, that further exposed our nation’s chronically underfunded infrastructure and its threats to our health, the Pentagon announced plans to send an additional $500 million worth of military aid to Ukraine.

The development came as Ukraine’s army enters the third week of a vaunted counter-offensive that CNN describes as “not meeting expectations,” and which even Volodymyr Zelensky says is “going slower than desired.”

As Ukraine’s military failed to breach Russia’s primary defense line, CNN reported that by June 12, Kiev quote “lost” 16 US-made armored vehicles sent to the country.

So what did the Pentagon do? It simply passed that bill down to average US taxpayers like myself, charging us another $325 million to replace Ukraine’s squandered military stock. There was zero effort to consult the US public’s position on the matter; and the vast majority of Americans likely did not even know the exchange took place.

The US policy I just described — which sees Washington prioritize unrestrained funding for a proxy war with a nuclear power in a foreign land while our own domestic infrastructure falls apart before our eyes — exposes a disturbing dynamic at the heart of the Ukraine conflict: an international Ponzi scheme that enables Western elites to seize hard earned wealth out of the hands of average US citizens and funnel itI into the coffers of a foreign government that even the Western-sponsored Transparency International ranks as one of the most corrupt in Europe.

The US government has yet to conduct an official audit of its funding for Ukraine. The American public has no idea where their tax dollars have gone.

That is why this week, The Grayzone published an independent audit of US tax dollar allocation to Ukraine throughout fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Our investigation was led by Heather Kaiser, a former military intelligence officer and veteran of US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We found a $4.48 million payment from the US Social Security Admin to the Kiev government.

We found $4.5 billion worth of payments from the United States Agency for International Development to pay off Ukraine’s sovereign debt, much of which is owned by the global investment firm BlackRock.

That alone amounts to $30 taken from every single US citizen at a time when 4 in 10 Americans are unable to afford a $400 emergency.


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c4c1c1 No.71914

File: 271c2cf75b5b5e6⋯.png (847.35 KB,769x886,769:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184593 (151848ZJUL23) Notable: RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine were making “ethnically targeted bioweapons” EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN

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RFK Jr. Suggests COVID Designed to Go Easy on Jews, Chinese

7/15/2023 10:29 AM PT

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c4c1c1 No.71915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184603 (151850ZJUL23) Notable: Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

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We found tax dollars earmarked for Ukraine padding the budgets of a television station in Toronto, a pro-NATO think tank in Poland, and, believe it or not, rural farmers in Kenya.

We found tens of millions to private equity firms, including one in the Republic of Georgia, as well as a million dollar payment to a single private entrepreneur in Kiev.

Our audit also revealed the Pentagon’s $4.5 million contract with a company called “Atlantic Diving Supply” to provide Ukraine with unspecified explosives equipment. This is a notoriously corrupt company that Thom Tillis, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, previously lambasted for its “history of fraud.”

Yet once again, Congress has failed to ensure these shady payments and massive arms deals are properly tracked.

In fact, much of the military and humanitarian aid shipped to Ukraine has simply vanished. Last year, CBS News quoted the director of a pro-Zelensky non-profit in Ukraine who reported that only around 30% of aid was reaching the front lines in Ukraine.

The embezzlement of funds and supplies is at least as troubling as the potential consequences of the illicit transfer and sales of military-grade weapons. Last June, the head of Interpol warned that the massive transfers of arms into Ukraine means “we can expect an influx of weapons in Europe and beyond,” and that “criminals are even now, as we speak, focusing on them.”

This May, a group of anti-Kremlin Russian neo-Nazis outfitted with gear supplied by the Ukrainian government, was hailed by Western politicians for carrying out terrorist attacks in Russian territory using American-made Humvees. Although the group, the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps,” is led by a man who calls himself the “White King” and includes numerous open admirers of Adolf Hitler, the Western weaponization of this militia against Russian forces has not prompted any outcry from Congress.

And while the Biden administration has promised that it’s keeping tabs on the weapons sent, a State Department cable leaked last December conceded that “kinetic activity and active combat between Ukrainian and Russian forces create an environment in which standard verification measures are sometimes impracticable or impossible.”

The Biden administration not only knows that it can not track the weapons it is shipping to Ukraine, it knows it is escalating a proxy war against the world’s largest nuclear power, and is daring it to respond in kind.


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c4c1c1 No.71916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184604 (151850ZJUL23) Notable: Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

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We know they know this because back in 2014, President Barack Obama rejected demands to send lethal offensive weaponry to Kiev because, as the Wall Street Journal put it, he had a “long-standing concern that arming Ukraine would provoke Moscow into a further escalation that could drag Washington into a proxy war.”

When Donald Trump entered office in 2017, he attempted to hold the line on Obama’s policy, but was soon branded a Russian puppet by the Washington press corps and Democratic Party for refusing to send Raytheon’s Javelin missiles to the Ukrainian military. Trump’s reluctance to send the Javelins became part of the basis for his impeachment. He unsurprisingly relented.

As the US-made offensive weaponry began to reach the front lines of the Donbas, the collective West exploited the Minsk Accords to “give Ukraine time” to arm up, as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel put it.

In January 2022, the US announced a $200 million arms package to Ukraine. By the 18th of February, observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe reported a doubling in ceasefire violations, with OSCE maps showing the overwhelming majority of targeted sites on the side of the pro-Russian separatist population in Donetsk and Lugansk. Five days later, Russia invaded Ukraine.

And since then, the US and its allies have been scurrying up the escalation ladder at every opportunity.

“Things we couldn’t give in January because it was escalatory were given in February,” a former State Department official complained after meeting with Ukrainian counterparts. “And things we couldn’t give in February we can in April. That has been the distinct pattern, starting with, for crying out loud, Stingers,” they said, referring to shoulder mounted missiles.

President Joe Biden himself said in March 2022, “The idea that we’re gonna send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks… don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say, that’s called World War III.”

Just over a year later, Biden changed his tune, backing a plan to provide F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, and after pressuring Germany to send in the tanks he once feared would provoke World War III.

It would only take two months from receiving HIMARs systems from the US for the Ukrainian military to begin targeting critical infrastructure, using them to strike the Antonovsky Bridge over the Dnipro river, and again, two months later in a test strike on the Kakhovka Dam “to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings,” as the Washington Post reported.

Three weeks ago, the Kakhovka Dam was destroyed, triggering a major environmental catastrophe that caused mass flooding and contamination of the local water supply. Ukraine, of course, blames Russia for the attack, but has produced no evidence.

Around this time, Ukraine also baselessly accused Russia of planning a provocation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. This triggered a resolution by Senators Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal (no relation to me) calling for NATO to intervene directly in Ukraine and attack Russia if such an incident occurred.

The move by Blumenthal and Graham thus established a de facto red line for initiating US military action, much like the one set down in Syria which, as a former US diplomat commented to journalist Charles Glass, “was an open invitation to a false flag.”

Will we see another Douma deception, but this time in Zaporizhzhia?

Why are we doing this? Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation by flooding Ukraine with advanced weapons and sabotaging negotiations at every turn?

We have been told by people like Sen. Dick Durbin that Ukraine is “literally in a battle for freedom and democracy themselves,” and we must therefore supply it with weapons “for as long as it takes,” as President Biden said. Anyone who opposes military aid to Ukraine opposes the defense of democracy, according to this logic.

So where is the democracy in Volodymyr Zelensky’s decision to ban opposition parties, criminalize the media outlets of his legitimate political opponents, to jail his top political rival, round up his top deputies, raid Orthodox Churches and arrest clergymen?

Where is the democracy in the Ukrainian government’s imprisonment of Gonzalo Lira, a US citizen, for questioning the official narrative of their war effort?

And where is the democracy in Zelensky’s recent decision to suspend elections in 2024 on the grounds that martial law has been declared? Well, it seems that Ukraine’s democracy is harder to find these days than its military’s suddenly inconspicuous commander-in-chief, Valeriy Zaluzhny.

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c4c1c1 No.71917

File: e8813d332ae1f7d⋯.png (684.98 KB,944x709,944:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184616 (151853ZJUL23) Notable: Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

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Senator Graham has offered a much more grim – and on-the-mark – rationale for supplying Ukraine with billions in weapons. As the senator boasted during a recent visit with Zelensky in Kiev, “The Russians are dying…it’s the best money we’ve ever spent.”

Graham, we should remember, has also said that we, the US, must fight this war to the last Ukrainian. While official casualty numbers are strictly classified, we must worry that Ukraine is well on its way to fulfilling the senator’s ghoulish fantasies.

As a Ukrainian soldier complained this month to Vice News, we don’t know what Zelensky’s “plans are, but it looks like extermination of its own population — like of the combat-ready and working-age population. That’s it.”

Indeed, military cemeteries in Ukraine are expanding almost as rapidly as the Northern Virginia McMansions and beachfront estates of executives from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and assorted Beltway contractors benefitting from the second highest level of military spending since World War Two.

These are the real winners of the Ukraine proxy war. Not average Ukrainians or Americans. Or Russians or even Western Europeans.

The winners are people like Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who spent his time between the Obama and Biden administrations launching a consulting firm called WestExec advisors which secured lucrative government contracts for intelligence firms and the arms industry. Blinken’s former partners at WestExec advisors include Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, CIA deputy director David Cohen, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, and almost a dozen current and former members of Biden’s national security team.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, for his part, is a former and possibly future board member of Raytheon, and ex-partner of the Pine Island Capital investment firm that collaborates with WestExec and which Blinken has advised.

Meanwhile, the current US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas Greenfield, is listed as a senior counsel at the Albright Stonebridge Group, a self-described “commercial diplomacy firm” that also finesses contracts for the intelligence sector and arms industry. This firm was founded by the late Madeleine Albright, who infamously declared that the deaths of half-a-million Iraqi children under the US sanctions regime was “worth it.”

So while middle-aged Ukrainian men are ripped off streets by military police and sent to the front lines, the financially and politically connected architects of this proxy war are planning to walk through the revolving door to reap unimaginable profits once their time in the Biden administration is over.

For them, a negotiated settlement to this territorial dispute means an end to the cash cow of close to $150 billion in US aid to Ukraine.

When the United States, a permanent member of this council, has fallen under the control of a government which seeks to perpetuate a proxy war for “as long as it takes,” which considers diplomacy synonymous with unilateral coercive measures to “turn the ruble to rubble,” as Biden has pledged to do; whose leadership subverts negotiations in order to pursue profit while refusing to properly inform its own citizens what they are paying for, and which pushes the sons and brothers of its supposed Ukrainian partners out onto a killing field in order to bludgeon a geopolitical rival; when both Zelensky and members of the US Congress are calling for preemptive strikes on Russia which contravene the spirit of Article 51 of the UN charter, this council must take action to enforce that charter.

Articles 33 – 38 of Chapter VI of that Charter are clear that the security council must use its authority to guarantee a pacific settlement of dispute, particularly when it threatens international security. That should not only apply to Russia and Ukraine. This council has an obligation to strictly monitor and restrain the US and the illegal military formation known as NATO.

Thank you.


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c4c1c1 No.71918

File: 09ce0b41fdd7e0c⋯.png (101.33 KB,1028x649,1028:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184645 (151859ZJUL23) Notable: Gene-specific Bioweapons mini bun

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Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

The Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has passed a resolution in a landslide vote to ban the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, deeming it and the virus a “biological and technological weapon.”

The committee is now soliciting support from registered Republicans in the county, state lawmakers, Florida’s Congressional delegation, and Governor Ron DeSantis.

CBS12 News obtained a copy of the letter, which was sent to hundreds of registered Republicans in Brevard County for their consideration. The committee will mail the letter to all state lawmakers representing the region, Brevard’s Congressional delegation, including Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, and DeSantis if they receive enough affirmative votes.

The committee’s letter presents a list of shocking revelations against COVID and COVID-19 vaccines, arguing they were “biological and technological weapons” and that there is “strong and credible evidence” that they “alter human DNA.”

The letter claims that the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent vaccination campaign have been manipulated and misrepresented by government agencies, fake news media, and tech corporations. It criticizes the mandates and restrictions placed by the Biden administration and argues against the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, alluding to a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The letter includes claims about the Pfizer vaccine’s clinical data, suggesting it has caused thousands of adverse incidents and deaths.

According to CBS12, “Other GOP chapters in Seminole, Lake, St. John’s, Santa Rosa, Hillsborough and Lee Counties have passed similar resolutions.”


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c4c1c1 No.71919

File: 9636da3071a7f96⋯.png (69.41 KB,901x402,901:402,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fc4c78cf5a66d6⋯.png (141.92 KB,952x834,476:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b314e199632673⋯.png (64.17 KB,941x453,941:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184650 (151901ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

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Letter #32, Friday, October 30, 2020: Viganò to Trump

“I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the ‘voice of one crying out in the desert’” (Jn 1:23).—Italian Archbishop Viganò, in his latest essay, an Open Letter to U.S. President Donald Trump. The letter is dated on Sunday, October 25, the Feast of Christ the King, but published this morning, October 30, in a coordinated fashion, on various websites and languages around the world.

Friday, October 30, 2020 – His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written yet another open letter to U.S. President Donald J. Trump, and in doing so he has become a lightning rod for both political and religious concerns of a profound nature worldwide.

In this new Letter, Viganò is giving expression to the concerns felt by very many around the world who are fearful of the present, and likely future, policies that seem to be “locking down” economies worldwide.

In this new Open Letter, Viganò enters into questions which are, admittedly, of very grave importance for human life, indeed, questions of critical importance for our future.

Still, the questions he addresses are not the final, central questions Christians are asked to face as matters of ultimate, decisive importance: that is, questions regarding Christ the Savior Himself.

Viganò’s new letter is already prompting enormous interest on the internet. Some are reporting on social media sites that their sites are being overwhelmed by interest in this letter. This reveals the Letter’s importance.

Yet Viganò himself says that he is writing as a lone voice, like a lonely prophet in the desert — as he tells us in the quote at the outset — because almost no one else in the Church hierarchy has had the courage to speak out in this way about the great questions of human freedom that these lockdowns, travel restrictions, and proposed tracking technologies, have begun to pose in a very dramatic and pressing way as heard in the cries of people in the streets of Italy in these days.

Jesus said, “I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” That life comes from following Him in loving God and loving one’s neighbor, His two great commandments. From these two commandments follow all that the Church teaches; our commitment to social justice, our commitment to provide a minimum of security, food and shelter for the poor, our commitment to the defense of the weak, our commitment to visit prisoners, our commitment to justice for the oppressed and exploited.


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c4c1c1 No.71920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184655 (151902ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE LINKS: President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

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LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

Donald Trump



Lindell-TV Live






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c4c1c1 No.71921

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184670 (151905ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE LINKS: President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23


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c4c1c1 No.71922

File: e7aa73c9bc469ed⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184692 (151910ZJUL23) Notable: COVID-19 Plandemic was officially planned out and executed by the U.S. Federal Government, well sauced

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OVERWHELMING PROOF that the COVID-19 Plandemic was officially planned out and executed by the U.S. Federal Government (and other state actors).


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c4c1c1 No.71923

File: 041bfb59a1b3c83⋯.jpeg (448.74 KB,750x816,125:136,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184695 (151910ZJUL23) Notable: Georgia police search for 'active shooter in his 50s who is on the run'

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BREAKING NEWS: At least four people have been shot and killed as Georgia police search for 'active shooter in his 50s who is on the run'


- At least four people have been shot and killed in Hampton Georgia

- Police are looking for an 'active shooter' they say is a man in his 50s

- He was last seen in a black 2017 GMC Arcadia with a tag number of DHF756

Police are searching for a man in his 50s after four people were gunned down and killed in Hampton Georgia.

Authorities told WSBTV that they're looking for a shooter in the area of McDonough Street.

They described the shooter as a black man in his mid 50′s who is five feet, 10 inches, and was wearing a dark shirt with a red tone and grey long pants.

He was last seen in a black 2017 GMC Arcadia with a tag number of DHF756.

Police helicopters are swarming the area while police border the streets. Police say this remains an active shooter situation.

The Fortson Public Library was in lockdown for several hours after a woman ran in at about 11 am saying she feared for her life, according to WSB-TV. The shooting did not take place inside the library.

One woman locked inside the library at the time told WSB-TV that the woman ran to the back of the building while the employees called the police.

'Her cell phone was taken away from her and she said she was fearful for her life. She ran to the back of the building and I'm assuming someone here from the library called 911,' the woman said to WSB-TV.

Police arrived and interviewed the woman before announcing a lockdown.

'I noticed police in the front of the building and asked them if we were ok and if there was anything we needed to do,' the women said to the reporter.

'He let us know that there was a woman who was fearful for her life ... and didn't have any way to call the police and they came in and interviewed with her and let us know we would be in lockdown for a while,' she added.

The woman said she felt safe inside the library, and at about 1:15 pm, the employees told them to gather their things and leave.

>Aneeta Bhole

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c4c1c1 No.71924

File: 66def50254a7472⋯.png (272.59 KB,556x506,278:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d3333896cb5ac3⋯.png (56.05 KB,544x545,544:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184700 (151911ZJUL23) Notable: DARPA pushing moar deadly vaccines

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For past several years, DARPA has been pioneering a powerful new type of countermeasure against infectious disease called gene-encoded antibodies. They work by providing cells with genetic instructions for producing one or more highly protective antibodies against a given threat.

4:12 PM · Feb 6,2019

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c4c1c1 No.71925

File: c173da125a82ffe⋯.png (665.15 KB,1080x1270,108:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184744 (151918ZJUL23) Notable: Donald Trump: re-truthed Sound of Freedom Movie

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POTUS just re-truthed this.


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c4c1c1 No.71926

File: 8e7ee828d81fe82⋯.png (1.56 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a999b65663283e2⋯.png (492.45 KB,852x810,142:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 100af326c1ff0f9⋯.png (402.71 KB,846x807,282:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 65ea12deb2465fd⋯.png (323.19 KB,878x815,878:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184762 (151921ZJUL23) Notable: Young Ukrainians scared to leave their homes as more and more videos emerge of forced conscription

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Young Ukrainians scared to leave their homes as more and more videos emerge of forced conscription

Meanwhile, some conscription officers are making small fortunes by looking the other way as Ukraine’s youth does all it can to avoid being sent to the frontline

As Ukraine’s manpower on its frontlines starts to dwindle, military leaders are becoming increasingly desperate to locate new recruits to propel its counteroffensive against Russia forward; however, the number of young people volunteering for such a challenge has plummeted.

Recent videos of young Ukrainian men being conscripted across the country have circulated in popular encrypted messaging apps in Ukraine, and those fearful of being sent to the front are actively engaging in evasive and, in some instances, illegal tactics to avoid such a fate.

The brutal mobilization by Ukrainian military recruitment officers of young men has been occurring for a year and a half now, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports.

“Many conscripted men are taken straight off the street by uniformed men,” it states. “Most recently in Subcarpathia, a surveillance camera recorded the overreach of the authorities as a man trying to go to a store was kidnapped from his bicycle in broad daylight.”

The man was abducted right on a street during the day by police and conscription officers in a small village in the Municipal District of Munkács, with his bicycle left in the road.


Previous documents found show the war is designed to reduce the population of slavic bloodlines in Ukraine

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c4c1c1 No.71927

File: a1a3616c14f2f5d⋯.png (85.8 KB,1156x526,578:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184795 (151925ZJUL23) Notable: Six tourists from Germany are arrested by Spanish police "for gang-raping 18-year-old woman" on the Spanish island of Mallorca.

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NEW - Six tourists from Germany are arrested by Spanish police "for gang-raping 18-year-old woman" on the Spanish island of Mallorca.

The men in custody all have a migration background, BILD reports.

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c4c1c1 No.71928

File: dee7d56e1590d8f⋯.png (115.51 KB,696x712,87:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184811 (151927ZJUL23) Notable: IMF Hints Allowing Countries to Use Chinese Yuan for Debt Repayment

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IMF Hints Allowing Countries to Use Chinese Yuan for Debt Repayment

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has hinted that it may accept the Chinese Yuan as a currency for countries to settle their obligations with the IMF following Argentina’s recent debt repayment in yuan.

IMF spokesperson Julie Kozack confirmed on Thursday that Argentina had paid off part of its debts—equivalent to $1.1 billion of the $2.7 billion that matured last month—with the IMF in Chinese currency.

“As we have stated in the past, the Argentine authorities continue to remain current on their financial obligations to the IMF,” Ms. Kozack said at a press briefing.

“The RMB is one of the five freely usable currencies that members can and have used to settle their obligations with the IMF,” she added, referring to the Chinese currency by its official name, the renminbi.

Ms. Kozack said that negotiations on the $44-billion program are still ongoing. She denied that the IMF received a letter from China stating it would allow Argentina to use a swap line with the Chinese Central Bank to pay off its IMF dues.

“Our team has been working intensively with the Argentine authorities to make progress toward the completion of the fifth review. And to help the authorities address a very complex and challenging situation,” she said.

“In terms of the details of those discussions, because the teams are still in discussion, I will not pre-empt those discussions, and I will not get into the details other than to say that the discussions are frequent, and they are aimed at advancing the program.”

“With respect to a couple of the other questions on the letter, [our] understanding is that there is no such letter,” Ms. Kozack added.

Argentina’s Central Bank signed a deal with China last month to renew the 130 billion yuan ($18.4 billion) swap line for another three years, doubling the amount of freely accessible funds from 35 billion yuan ($5 billion) to 70 billion yuan ($10 billion).

Argentina’s Ministry of Economy said the swap would be in a single tranche and freely available for any type of financial operation, adding that the country would look to promote more yuan spot and future operations.

On June 29, the bank said it had incorporated the yuan as a currency accepted for deposits in savings banks and checking accounts, signaling a departure from the U.S. dollar as its sole official reserve currency.

“Financial entities will thus be enabled to open bank accounts denominated in renminbi yuan,” the bank stated.

The move comes as the South American nation’s foreign currency reserves plummeted due to a severe drought that has reduced grain exports, its major source of dollar earnings, and the peso currency has weakened under the weight of 109 percent annual inflation.

Ahead of general elections in October, Argentina’s government is trying to rebuild reserves to make debt payments, cover trade costs, and meet economic targets under a $44 billion loan program with the IMF.


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c4c1c1 No.71929

File: a3b217ac3109be0⋯.png (495.09 KB,690x929,690:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184829 (151932ZJUL23) Notable: “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

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RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories this week during a press event at an Upper East Side restaurant, claiming the bug was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street.

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged.

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged.

In between bites of linguini and clam sauce, Kennedy, 69, warned of more dire biological weapons in the pipeline with a “50% infection fatality rate” that would make COVID-19 “look like a walk in the park.”

“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons,” he claimed. “They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.”

There has been a growing consensus among US intelligence agencies that COVID-19 was man-made and escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China — but there is no evidence it was designed to spare certain religious groups or ethnicities, and Kennedy offered no studies to support his claims.

Kennedy’s remark echoes well-worn anti-Semitic literature blaming Jews for the emergence and spread of coronavirus which began circulating online shortly after the pandemic broke out, according to The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at the University of Tel Aviv’s 2021 Antisemitism Worldwide Report.

A 2020 Oxford University study found nearly 1 in 5 British people believed Jews created the coronavirus pandemic for financial gain.

“No no no no no,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi Professor of medicine and infectious disease at the University of California, San Francisco, and a longtime critic of pandemic-related school closures. “I don’t see any evidence that there was any design or bioterrorism that anyone tried to design something to knock off certain groups.”

Jewish organizations blasted Kennedy for his remarks.


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c4c1c1 No.71930

File: 9da6dcc8c6464e3⋯.png (512.91 KB,761x1348,761:1348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184868 (151940ZJUL23) Notable: Gene-specific Bioweapons mini bun

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Russia invaded Ukraine to stop a bioweapons program of manufacturing viruses that specifically target the DNA of ethnic Russians.

Covid-19 is a manufactured bioweapon.

The vaccines (not all) are manufactured bioweapons.

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c4c1c1 No.71931

File: 25e06c349461556⋯.png (100.99 KB,668x750,334:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184873 (151940ZJUL23) Notable: Trump asks top Georgia court to disqualify election probe prosecutor and toss grand jury report

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Trump asks top Georgia court to disqualify election probe prosecutor and toss grand jury report

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump are asking Georgia’s highest court to prevent the district attorney who’s been investigating his actions in the wake of the 2020 election from prosecuting him

Trump asks top Georgia court to disqualify election probe prosecutor and toss grand jury reportBy KATE BRUMBACKAssociated PressThe Associated PressATLANTA

ATLANTA (AP) — Lawyers for former President Donald Trump are asking Georgia’s highest court to prevent the district attorney who has been investigating his actions in the wake of the 2020 election from prosecuting him and to throw out a special grand jury report that is part of the inquiry.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has been investigating since early 2021 whether Trump and his allies broke any laws as they tried to overturn his narrow election loss in Georgia to Democrat Joe Biden. She has suggested that she is likely to seek charges in the case from a grand jury next month.

Trump’s Georgia legal team on Friday filed similar petitions in the Georgia Supreme Court and Fulton County Superior Court naming Willis and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney, who oversaw the special grand jury, as respondents. A spokesperson for Willis declined to comment. McBurney did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Trump’s legal team — Drew Findling, Jennifer Little and Marissa Goldberg — acknowledged that the filings are unusual but necessary given the tight time frame. Willis has indicated she will use the special grand jury report to seek an indictment “within weeks, if not days.” Two new regular grand juries were seated this week, and one is likely to hear the case.

“Even in an extraordinarily novel case of national significance, one would expect matters to take their normal procedural course within a reasonable time,” the filings say. “But nothing about these processes have been normal or reasonable. And the all-but-unavoidable conclusion is that the anomalies below are because Petitioner is President Donald J. Trump.”

The petitions seek to bar Willis and her office from continuing to prosecute the case. It also asks that the report produced by the special grand jury that had ben seated in the case be tossed out and that prosecutors be prevented from presenting any evidence from the panel’s investigation to a regular grand jury.

The filings ask that the courts stop “all proceedings related to and flowing from the special purpose grand jury’s investigation until this matter can be resolved.”


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c4c1c1 No.71932

File: 2775a5d36e9e037⋯.png (266.45 KB,624x499,624:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184900 (151948ZJUL23) Notable: HIDDEN HYDROGEN

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>WHAT ELSE have they been hiding from us?


Does Earth hold vast stores of a renewable, carbon-free fuel?

... historically, when well loggers cataloged their borehole emanations, they rarely bothered to measure for hydrogen. “The bottom line—they weren’t really looking for hydrogen,” says Geoffrey Ellis, an organic geochemist at USGS. “We weren’t looking in the right places with the right tools.”

THE MAIN ENGINE of natural hydrogen production is now thought to be a set of high-temperature reactions between water and iron-rich minerals such as olivine, which dominate Earth’s mantle. One common reaction is called serpentinization, because it converts olivine into another kind of mineral called serpentinite. In the process, the iron oxidizes, grabbing oxygen atoms from water molecules and releasing hydrogen.

He thinks Earth produces orders of magnitude more hydrogen each year than the 90 million tons that humans manufacture. But it’s not only that flow that matters—it’s the size of the underground stock. “How much can be trapped in the subsurface that we can actually go after?” Ellis asks. “That’s a much more difficult question to answer.”

He and his USGS colleague Sarah Gelman gave it a try using a simple “box” model borrowed from the oil industry. The model accounted for impermeable rock traps of different kinds, the destructive effect of microbes, and the assumption—based on oil industry experience—that only 10% of hydrogen accumulations might ever be tapped economically. Ellis says the model comes up with a range of numbers centered around a trillion tons of hydrogen. That would satisfy world demand for thousands of years even if the green-energy transition triggers a surge in hydrogen use.


The contribution of the Precambrian continental lithosphere to global H2 production


Hydrogen emissions from hydrothermal fields in Iceland and comparison with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

More recently the H2 content within the Larderello geothermal zone of Italy has been studied and the authors concluded that the H2 observed in the steam is due to the serpentinization of the ophiolitic nappes involved in the Apennines thrusts. Native hydrogen has also been discovered in the western Pyrenean foothills and is attributed to mantle rocks serpentinization, in Mount Chimaera (Spain), Tablelands (Canada) and Happo (Japan), but also in Prony Bay (New Caledonia, in the Voltry massif hyperalkaline springs (France) and in Oman.


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c4c1c1 No.71933

File: 1fbf235232b026d⋯.jpeg (488.49 KB,1175x1135,235:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184938 (151953ZJUL23) Notable: “Dark Brandon” merchandise had been particularly successfu

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It Smells like Laundry Day…

They actually want you to Believe that they are Raising Money selling Merch…

Anyone see Millions of Teeshirts or Bumper Stickers out there?

Biden and DNC bring in $72M in second quarter

Biden officials also said that their “Dark Brandon” merchandise had been particularly successful, driving more than half of their store revenue this past quarter.


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c4c1c1 No.71934

File: 413e83b7b0dfc03⋯.webp (50.61 KB,789x460,789:460,Clipboard.webp)

File: f7ad6f9db93fa45⋯.jpeg (603.23 KB,1280x949,1280:949,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184943 (151954ZJUL23) Notable: Gene-specific Bioweapons mini bun

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Gene-specific Bioweapons mini bun

In 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen referred to the concept of an ethnic bioweapon as a possible risk.[1] In 1998 some biological weapon experts considered such a "genetic weapon" plausible, and believed the former Soviet Union had undertaken some research on the influence of various substances on human genes.[2]

In its 2000 policy paper Rebuilding America's Defenses, think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC) described ethnic bioweapons as a "politically useful tool" that US adversaries could have incentive to develop and utilize.[3]

The possibility of a "genetic bomb" is presented in Vincent Sarich's and Frank Miele's book, Race: The Reality of Human Differences, published in 2004. These authors view such weapons as technically feasible but not very likely to be used. (page 248 of paperback edition.)

In 2004, The Guardian reported that the British Medical Association (BMA) considered bioweapons designed to target certain ethnic groups as a possibility, and highlighted problems that advances in science for such things as "treatment to Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases could also be used for malign purposes".[4]

In 2005, the official view of the International Committee of the Red Cross was "The potential to target a particular ethnic group with a biological agent is probably not far off. These scenarios are not the product of the ICRC's imagination but have either occurred or been identified by countless independent and governmental experts."[5]

In 2008, the US government held a congressional committee, ‘Genetics and other human modification technologies: sensible international regulation or a new kind of arms race?’, during which it was discussed how “we can anticipate a world where rogue (and even not-so-rogue) states and non-state actors attempt to manipulate human genetics in ways that will horrify us”.[6]

In 2012, The Atlantic wrote that a specific virus that targets individuals with a specific DNA sequence is within possibility in the near future. The magazine put forward a hypothetical scenario of a virus which caused mild flu to the general population but deadly symptoms to the President of the United States. They cite advances in personalized gene therapy as evidence.[7]

In 2016, Foreign Policy magazine suggested the possibility of a virus used as an ethnic bioweapon that could sterilize a "genetically-related ethnic population."[8]

Israeli "ethno-bomb" controversy

In November 1998, The Sunday Times reported that Israel was attempting to build an "ethno-bomb" containing a biological agent that could specifically target genetic traits present amongst Arab populations.[9] Wired News also reported the story,[10][11] as did Foreign Report.[12]

Microbiologists and geneticists were skeptical towards the scientific plausibility of such a biological agent.[13] The New York Post, describing the claims as "blood libel", reported that the likely source for the story was a work of science fiction by Israeli academic Doron Stanitsky. Stanitsky had sent his completely fictional work about such a weapon to Israeli newspapers two years before. The article also noted the views of genetic researchers who claimed the idea as "wholly fantastical", with others claiming that the weapon was theoretically possible






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c4c1c1 No.71935

File: b20902782c2d7c9⋯.png (877.38 KB,909x665,909:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184946 (151955ZJUL23) Notable: Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

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c4c1c1 No.71936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184948 (151955ZJUL23) Notable: Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

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Ashkenazi Jews = ethnic Ukrainians.

bioweapon spent at least some time being tailored in Ukraine biolab to use against the Russians, and spare Ukrainians

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c4c1c1 No.71937

File: d30dcf76d768128⋯.png (698.88 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184961 (151958ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE LINKS: President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

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c4c1c1 No.71938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184981 (152001ZJUL23) Notable: Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

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Milena Markovna Kunis was born into a Ukrainian Jewish family on August 14, 1983, in Chernivtsi, a city in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union (now Ukraine).

Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish.


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c4c1c1 No.71939

File: 929b721e085edd1⋯.png (318.02 KB,601x590,601:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185015 (152005ZJUL23) Notable: Obama's Bud Light Commercial For the Keks!

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Happy Friday!!!

Obama's Bud Light Commercial

I had lots of people asking me to do the same Bud Light ad with Biden but with Obama - enjoy...



2:06 AM · Jul 14, 2023




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c4c1c1 No.71940

File: 15b1d5fccb0b86d⋯.png (24.41 KB,437x341,437:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185031 (152008ZJUL23) Notable: Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

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c4c1c1 No.71941

File: 5c722783cb7c054⋯.jpeg (845.57 KB,1170x1402,585:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185048 (152011ZJUL23) Notable: Cerberus heatwave leaves Canary Island engulfed in flames

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Cerberus heatwave leaves Canary Island engulfed in flames

A wildfire erupted in Puntagorda, La Palma, one of Spain's Canary Islands, coinciding with a heatwave affecting southern Europe. The fire posed challenges to containment due to strong winds, drought conditions, and dry terrain, while Spain and other countries continue to endure the prolonged Cerberus heatwave. Credit: 1-1-2 Canarias via Storyful

>Canary Islands

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c4c1c1 No.71942

File: c3765a852c3cb2a⋯.png (238.41 KB,1193x1416,1193:1416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185094 (152018ZJUL23) Notable: HIDDEN HYDROGEN

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Interesting, but hydrogen poses a lot of problems as a fuel (odorless, highly combustible, hard to contain...)

It would have to be transformed in some sense to make it accessible.

and then there's this...


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c4c1c1 No.71943

File: 3d5d318f8ee9f73⋯.png (602.57 KB,526x574,263:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185104 (152019ZJUL23) Notable: Cerberus heatwave leaves Canary Island engulfed in flames

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>Cerberus heatwave leaves Canary Island engulfed in flames

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c4c1c1 No.71944

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185120 (152022ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE LINKS: President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

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LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023

The Charlie Kirk Show


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c4c1c1 No.71945

File: c282ffe88bdd601⋯.png (303.76 KB,1528x1156,382:289,Clipboard.png)

File: f64ca1abcfe33b8⋯.jpg (11.69 KB,168x300,14:25,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0003cf845050210⋯.jpg (108.27 KB,1000x560,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45402a984a2ce9a⋯.png (347.05 KB,1222x1051,1222:1051,Clipboard.png)

File: c379c0f4c351386⋯.png (1.42 MB,1331x1146,1331:1146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185136 (152024ZJUL23) Notable: Ong Beng Seng misc data

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Ong Beng Seng misc data:

>>71786 pb


Who Is Ong Beng Seng, the Billionaire Caught Up in Singapore's Historic Corruption Probe?

Who is Benny Seng? OngaBoingaSeng isECCELSTONE ADJACENTfyi..

Did Bernie flip on OngaBoinga? Seng took over Formula One

#16716916 at 2022-07-11 19:58:34 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #21085: what they have dug so far on half Edition

Ex-F1 boss ecclestone to be charged with fraud over assets

British prosecutors say former Formula One boss Bernie ecclestone will be charged with fraud by false representation following a government investigation into his overseas assets

LONDON – Former Formula One boss Bernie ecclestone will be charged with fraud by false representation following a government investigation into his overseas assets, British prosecutors said Monday.

Chief Crown Prosecutor Andrew Penhale said after reviewing evidence from the tax office, authorities have authorized a charge against ecclestone over his failure to declare overseas assets worth more than 400 million pounds ($477 million).



ps: Seng is a BRIT of Malaysian descent, born in BRITISH West Borneo

Seng is also an owner in FOUR SEASONS

That is all, just got curious since FOUR SEASONS and QUEEN OF BOND STREET

From QResear.ch:

>>>/qresearch/16715270, >>>/qresearch/16715323 Ex-F1 boss Bernie ecclestone facing fraud charge over ?400m of undeclared overseas assets

Christina Ong is "The Queen of Bond Street'

(their words, not anons)

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c4c1c1 No.71946

File: 32317e29b83d889⋯.png (41.13 KB,800x507,800:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e285e222d30e6a⋯.png (635.27 KB,763x434,109:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f8c34938e69242⋯.png (1.2 MB,1073x720,1073:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185142 (152026ZJUL23) Notable: MSNBC Host Claims 'My Audience Doesn't Have Conspiracy Theorists'

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MSNBC Host Claims 'My Audience Doesn't Have Conspiracy Theorists'

Alex Christy

July 15th, 2023 3:02 PM


Here’s Everything the Media Won’t Tell You About Nina Jankowicz, Biden’s New Minister of Truth

April 29, 2022 (1y ago)

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c4c1c1 No.71947

File: 3874f78ae2f38ec⋯.png (472.29 KB,600x586,300:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185151 (152028ZJUL23) Notable: MSNBC Host Claims 'My Audience Doesn't Have Conspiracy Theorists'

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Tammy Bruce


Of course. "Would-be ‘Disinformation Czar‘ Nina Jankowicz Now a Registered Foreign Agent"


Would-be 'Disinformation Czar' Nina Jankowicz Now a Registered Foreign Agent

Nina Jankowicz, the would-be "disinformation czar," has now registered officially as a foreign agent, according to government records.

8:56 AM · Nov 23, 2022

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c4c1c1 No.71948

File: 98757318d74da71⋯.png (514.51 KB,1024x614,512:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185152 (152028ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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>The Grayzone published an independent audit of US tax dollar allocation to Ukraine throughout fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Our investigation was led by Heather Kaiser, a former military intelligence officer and veteran of US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine


In the absence of official scrutiny of Washington’s spending spree on Ukraine, The Grayzone conducted an independent audit of US funding for the country. We discovered a series of wasteful, highly unusual expenditures the Biden administration has yet to explain.

During a recent discussion with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Samantha Power, touted her organization’s push to guarantee transparency for US taxpayer funds sent to Ukraine.

“We are involved in funding efforts at ensuring judicial integrity, which is intrinsically important to building Ukraine’s democracy and its integration plans to get into Europe,” Power declared, adding USAID’s work in Ukraine was “also really important in terms of assuring the taxpayer, the American taxpayer, that they’re resources are well spent.”

Even a year into the war, Ukraine continues to build out Diia – an e-government app that gives citizens access to more than 120 gov services.

I spoke with @NickKristof about @USAID’s support of this groundbreaking app that plays such an important role in transparent government. pic.twitter.com/pZTCZYaZHN

— Samantha Power (@PowerUSAID) February 24, 2023

While innocuous on the surface, Power’s comments revealed a great deception the US government is currently waging against the American public. In the roughly 16 months since Russia’s February 2022 escalation of the Ukraine conflict, the US government has approved several multi-billion dollar spending packages to sustain the Kiev military’s fight against Moscow.

Though many Americans likely believe that US dollars allocated for Ukraine are spent directly on supplies for the war effort, the lead author of this report, Heather Kaiser, conducted a thorough review of Washington’s budget for the 2022 and 2023 fiscal year and discovered that is far from the case.

US taxpayers may be shocked to learn that as their families grappled with fears of Social Security’s looming insolvency, the Social Security Administration in Washington sent $4.48 million to the Kiev government in 2022 and 2023 alone. In another example of bizarre spending, USAID paid off $4.5 billion worth of Ukraine’s sovereign debt through payments made to the World Bank — all while Congress went to loggerheads over America’s ballooning national debt. (Western financial interests including BlackRock Inc. are among the largest holders of Ukrainian government bonds.)

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c4c1c1 No.71949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185156 (152029ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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Though it is nearly impossible to calculate the total sum of US tax dollars sent to Kiev, Kaiser was able to perform an independent audit of Washington’s proxy war in Ukraine through a careful search of open source data available on the US government’s official spending tracker.

Kaiser reviewed all the funding allocations in which Ukraine was listed as the “Place of Performance” for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Additionally, she discovered supplementary funds were sent to Kiev by listing Ukraine as the “justification” for spending, rather than the location where the money was physically sent.

Calculating the total dollar amount that the US has given to Ukraine is incredibly challenging for multitude of reasons: there is a lag in reporting expenditures; covert money given by the CIA (Title 50 Covert Action) won’t be publicly disclosed; and direct military assistance in the form of military equipment is not calculated in the same manner as raw cash. The Pentagon recently admitted to an accounting error revised up to 6.2 billion dollars. Despite this, Kaiser submitted a request to the Department of Treasury asking them to disclose the total dollar amount of US taxpayer support for Ukraine. Treasury has not responded at the time of publication.

Though Kaiser was able to search through pages of reported spending, the US government has yet to conduct an official audit of its funding for Ukraine. What’s more, there is currently no limit to how much Washington can send to Kiev.

In the absence of dedicated official scrutiny of Washington’s spending in Ukraine, The Grayzone has produced an independent audit of US tax dollar allocation in the country.

Among the many troubling contracts we discovered was a $4.25 million payment from the Pentagon to a military diving contractor that a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee has described as a “fraudulent company.” The US government asserts the payment covered the company’s delivery of explosives equipment to Ukraine.

So how exactly was that money put to use? And why has Congress so far refused to implement any program to track these shady weapons deals?

Unfortunately, the “justification” for contracts like these often consists of just a brief paragraph — or worse, a single sentence. Little little information is available that documents precisely how the funds were spent down to the dollar and item.


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c4c1c1 No.71950

File: b5ee8bcdf69e923⋯.png (89.63 KB,920x497,920:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 562eaa702eaef88⋯.png (58.17 KB,624x333,208:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 38c0bd99b95f9d9⋯.png (62.04 KB,593x313,593:313,Clipboard.png)

File: c8da8a8c536a8d0⋯.png (191.03 KB,624x329,624:329,Clipboard.png)

File: c8da8a8c536a8d0⋯.png (191.03 KB,624x329,624:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185173 (152032ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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Beneficiaries of USAID’s Ukraine aid: Polish NATO lobbyists, a private equity firm, rural Kenyans, a TV station in Toronto

USAID awarded $21.8 billion to Ukraine throughout fiscal years 2022 and 2023, roughly 41 percent of the 53.4 billion it spent during that period. Mysteriously, a portion of USAID funding earmarked for Kiev was sent to Kenya and Ethiopia via other agencies, with the award description stating projects in Africa were “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine supplemental funds.”

USAID sent $4.5 billion to Ukraine via the World Bank to pay off Kiev’s debt and fund various social programs, including government pensions. USAID made a total of $21 billion worth of direct payments to the World Bank in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 (9.1 Billion and 11.9 Billion, respectively), more money than all of the funding Washington sent to the bank between fiscal years 2008 and 2021 combined. The $4.5 billion allocated for Ukraine funded programs directed by the bank’s International Development Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

USAID has supplied $20 million to “Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees” since February 2020. Recipients include a Polish think tank called the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, a Toronto-based Ukrainian TV channel, a collection of Ukrainian “anti-corruption” organizations, and other groups listed in the screenshot below. These awards were issued on top of $26 million worth of funds USAID sent these groups between 2016 and the February 2022 war escalation.

USAID allocated $500,000 for the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in 2023 to fund a program dedicated to “advanc[ing] U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade; global health; and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance” in Ukraine. The funds were earmarked “to strengthen the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) initiative in implementing international advocacy campaigns to keep high levels of international solidarity with Ukraine.

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c4c1c1 No.71951

File: b837cdad0d2f143⋯.png (48.07 KB,612x328,153:82,Clipboard.png)

File: af3ddf71630714c⋯.png (151.74 KB,597x305,597:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e460e8879a9db4⋯.png (113.84 KB,540x290,54:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185190 (152034ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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USAID’s support arrived on top of a $74,788 subaward the State Department granted to the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in June 2022 to “build capacity and policy formulating capabilities of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) and assisting Ukrainian civil society based in Poland.

According to their own so-called “Peace Manifesto,” the ICUV’s top priority is to admit Ukraine into NATO, a move that former US diplomats from George Kennan to Jack Matlock to Henry Kissinger and even current CIA director William Burns have described as a major provocation against Russia.

USAID sent $3 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 “to improve health outcomes in drought affected areas in Ethiopia.” The description stated, “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds.”

USAID sent 30.9 million to Chemonics International, Inc. for the “Ukraine confidence building initiative (UCBI).” A private, for-profit aid contractor, Chemonics was founded by a businessman who said he launched the company to “have my own CIA.” The Grayzone has documented Chemonics’ role in delivering US government funding and supplies to the Syrian White Helmets, which served as the propaganda wing of the Al Qaeda-tied armed opposition. Chemonics previously reaped a massive windfall from the US occupation of Afghanistan, raking in as much as $600 mllion from USAID.

USAID sent $20.7 million to PACT, INC. for “USAID Ukraine’s public health system recovery and resilience activity and will strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GOU) capacity to address COVID-19 and other public health threats, sustain health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized populations. According to its 2022 impact statement [PDF], “In Ukraine, Pact’s work empowers citizens to push for transparent and democratic governance, advances gender equality and human rights for women and girls, and accelerates efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control.” The contractor’s work contributed to “172 people increas[ing] their net income,” according to Pact.

USAID sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV, a “leading private equity firm in emerging Europe, via the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), “to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeeding globally, based on platforms in Ukraine and Moldova.”

USAID sent 7.6 million to UNICEF IDA for emergency nutrition response in ASALs (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) in Kenya. The description stated, “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds”

USAID sent $1.2 million to University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. located in Atlanta, GA to “support humanitarian information management through geographic information systems, data analytics and visualizations”. Ukraine was listed as the place of performance.

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c4c1c1 No.71952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185210 (152037ZJUL23) Notable: Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIEfree

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>>71897 Sound of Freedom Approaching $66M in US earnings, yet to be released overseas

>>71737, >>71740 Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIEfree

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c4c1c1 No.71953

File: feab11979534fef⋯.png (100.47 KB,818x436,409:218,Clipboard.png)

File: d8712906a576610⋯.png (98.97 KB,884x478,442:239,Clipboard.png)

File: bea0b9732898fc3⋯.png (318.52 KB,789x492,263:164,Clipboard.png)

File: b53efbd9a66be3a⋯.png (56.84 KB,368x253,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185226 (152039ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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The Pentagon sponsors diving contractor with “history of fraud” to send mysterious explosives to Ukraine


The Department of Defense has transferred 4.75 Million to Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc. as of February 3, 2023 for “PRO SAPPER AND EOD EQUIPMENT [CONTRACTING SQUADRON] UKRAINE” and “Marine lifesaving and Diving Equipment.”

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and sapper equipment is exclusively used to blow things up or clean up explosives. And Atlantic Diving Supply is a military contractor originally founded to provide tactical gear to Navy SEAL divers.

When a company like this is tasked with a highly specific delivery of explosives gear to any foreign nation, including Ukraine, it should prompt questions about the mission, particularly when US intelligence is blaming Ukraine’s military for attacking the Nord Stream pipelines without the knowledge of President Volodymyr Zelensky. (The payment date does not necessarily correlate with the date of delivery from the vendor; in other words, the equipment could have been delivered at a prior date.)

Luke Hillier, the founder of Atlantic Diving Supply, paid a $20 million settlement in 2019 to resolve charges that he defrauded the Pentagon by falsely claiming his company was a small business. Atlantic Diving is consistently listed as one of the top 25 largest military contractors in the country.

THREAD: A controversial "small business" just won a $33B DoD contact, despite what a senator calls "a known history of fraud." A new @POGOwatchdog investigation into Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc. https://t.co/kinpwb7O9l with @schwellenbach @adamzagorin

— Jason Paladino (@jason_paladino) February 18, 2021

In 2021, Hillier raked in a massive $33 billion contract under the same program, prompting fresh accusations of fraud. This pattern of malfeasance prompted a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee to bluntly denounce Atlantic Diving as a “fraudulent company.”

Hillier currently owns a $13 million mega-yacht in the Cayman Islands, $24 million worth of beachfront property in Hawaii, and two Bahamas-based companies with murky operations, according to the Project on Government Oversight.

The Department of Defense has paid 4.9 Million to BAE Systems GCS International as of September 12, 2022 for “UKRAINE LCS LW 155 SPARES” and “guns over 155mm through 200mm”. In Navy terminology, LCS means “Littoral Combat Ship,” while LW refers to the lightweight gun. And “155 SPARES” refers to the gun mounted on the ship’s main battery off the bow.

So what is the exact purpose of the LCS LW 155mm gun spares, why were they given to Ukraine, and where are they now? Is there a tracking mechanism in place to know where they are and how they’re being used?

Washington funnels cash to a private equity firm, Georgian finance corporation, a ‘private entrepreneur’ via Ukraine aid

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c4c1c1 No.71954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185232 (152040ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV, a “leading private equity firm in emerging Europe, “to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeeding globally, based on platforms in Ukraine and Moldova.”

US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $1.5 million to the Gazelle Fund LP, another private equity firm, to relocate Ukrainian businesses to Georgia. Georgia does not border Ukraine, nor is it a primary location for Ukrainian refugee resettlement.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent $882,291 to a single individual described as an “private entrepreneur” in exchange for “overseas technical assistance program support services.” The private entrepreneur listed, Igor Lavreniuk, serves as the Program Coordinator for USAID’s Competitive Markets Program according to his LinkedIn.

The National Science Foundation sent 1.3 million to University of Illinois for faculty and curricular development in remote sensing. The place of performance is listed as Ukraine.

The Department of State has paid 8.3 million to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to help “refugees from Ukraine meet their essential needs during initial displacement.” According to SpendingUS.gov, Catholic Relief Services is listed as having received a total of 657 million from the State Department in 2021, 5.7 billion since 2008 and 670 million during the last 12 months.

Sponsoring “democracy” at Americans’ expense

Along with the blowback from their government’s gratuitous sanctions policy against Russia and other official enemies, Americans are feeling the impact of this overseas spending spree at grocery stores, gas stations, and everywhere in between. Meanwhile, rising generations are not only struggling with historic inflation, but concerns that Medicare and Social Security will be insolvent in the near future.

Washington and Europe have insisted that the flood of aid to Ukraine is essential to defending democracy against the existential threat of an authoritarian Russia. This framing is designed to shut down all debate by casting anyone who questions the ballooning price tag as fundamentally anti-American — if you are against funding the West’s proxy war with a nuclear power, you oppose the very ideals that define our nation.

Yet our inspection of US government spending in Ukraine demonstrates that Washington has prioritized its supposed fight for “democracy” abroad over the well-being of the American people.

As the war drags on, lawmakers like Sen. Lindsey Graham have marketed military aid to Ukraine in increasingly grim terms. As the senator boasted during a recent trip to Kiev, “The Russians are dying…it’s the best money we’ve ever spent.” Meanwhile, Congress has rejected any mechanism that would guarantee transparency on the billions sent to Kiev, and shunned a war powers debate over the US military’s presence on the Ukrainian battlefield.

President Joseph Biden, for his part, has pledged that official Washington will support Kiev “as long as it takes.” As the potential for blowback grows from Western pressure to push Ukraine into NATO, and a nuclear-armed Moscow is backed into an existential fight for its survival, while economic powers including China gradually decouple from the Western financial system, Americans can only wonder how much will this war cost them when it is finally over.


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c4c1c1 No.71955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185244 (152041ZJUL23) Notable: THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

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c4c1c1 No.71956

File: 30ed00143aecfcc⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185257 (152044ZJUL23) Notable: Obama's Bud Light Commercial For the Keks!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185281 (152049ZJUL23) Notable: #23562

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#23562 >>71899

>>71920, >>71921, >>71937, >>71944 LIVE LINKS: President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

>>71900, >>71909 Florida County Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

>>71901 23 COMMS: US Naval Institute returned the carbine and apologized for wasting a round. #SeaStorySaturday

>>71902, >>71908, >>71914 RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine were making “ethnically targeted bioweapons” EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN

>>71903 DEMOCRAT State Rep (D) candidate Matt Trowbridge was caught attempting to meet up with a 14-year-old boy (Cap 0:22)

>>71904, >>71906 PF Reports: GTMO844 departed Cartagena, Venezuela headed towards Guantanamo Bay

>>71905 Dr Naomi Wolf: Pfizer Violates Contract With DOD & Vaccine Info 13:01

>>71907 40 Human Skulls from Harvard Discovered Inside of Kentucky Man’s Apartment

>>71910, >>71919 Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

>>71917, >>71911, >>71913, >>71915 Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

>>71912 Peter McCullough: Nattokinase

>>71922 COVID-19 Plandemic was officially planned out and executed by the U.S. Federal Government, well sauced

>>71923 Georgia police search for 'active shooter in his 50s who is on the run'

>>71924 DARPA pushing moar deadly vaccines

>>71925 Donald Trump: re-truthed Sound of Freedom Movie

>>71926 Young Ukrainians scared to leave their homes as more and more videos emerge of forced conscription

>>71927 Six tourists from Germany are arrested by Spanish police "for gang-raping 18-year-old woman" on the Spanish island of Mallorca.

>>71928 IMF Hints Allowing Countries to Use Chinese Yuan for Debt Repayment

>>71929 “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

>>71931 Trump asks top Georgia court to disqualify election probe prosecutor and toss grand jury report

>>71932, >>71942 HIDDEN HYDROGEN

>>71933 “Dark Brandon” merchandise had been particularly successfu

>>71934 Gene-specific Bioweapons mini bun

>>71938, >>71936, >>71935, >>71940 Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

>>71939, >>71956 Obama's Bud Light Commercial For the Keks!

>>71941, >>71943 Cerberus heatwave leaves Canary Island engulfed in flames

>>71945 Ong Beng Seng misc data

>>71946, >>71947 MSNBC Host Claims 'My Audience Doesn't Have Conspiracy Theorists'

>>71952 Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIEfree

>>71948, >>71949, >>71950, >>71951, >>71953, >>71954, >>71955 THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone


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c4c1c1 No.71958

File: cda8dc1b57f76a4⋯.png (1.49 MB,896x901,896:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 234f1871f2ac196⋯.jpg (111.4 KB,2048x1059,2048:1059,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ddf6d755230e5b⋯.png (488.96 KB,680x626,340:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185297 (152052ZJUL23) Notable: #23563

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c4c1c1 No.71959

File: 0155ef4d2f26b61⋯.png (22.16 KB,583x173,583:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185311 (152055ZJUL23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Heading to West Palm Beach - Turning Point. BIG CROWD! See you soon.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Wheels (up/down)?

cap is CT


Heading to West Palm Beach - Turning Point. BIG CROWD! See you soon.


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c4c1c1 No.71960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185312 (152055ZJUL23) Notable: Byron Donalds [Turning Point]: The radical left have been moving lockstep, to fundamentally transform this country, the way Barack Obama talked about back in 2008.

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Byron Donalds [Turning Point]: The radical left have been moving lockstep, to fundamentally transform this country, the way Barack Obama talked about back in 2008.

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c4c1c1 No.71961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185319 (152055ZJUL23) Notable: Donalds: I know they cheat. They've been cheating in Broward County; for how many years they've been cheating in Broward County? But that doesn't mean you don't show up for victory.

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Donalds: I know they cheat. They've been cheating in Broward County; for how many years they've been cheating in Broward County? But that doesn't mean you don't show up for victory.

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c4c1c1 No.71962

File: 464852a9d4b6d3e⋯.png (984.62 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185327 (152056ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71963

File: 58cb2b219f2260f⋯.png (987.6 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d75527351d677fe⋯.png (1001.06 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185355 (152102ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71964

File: edc95bd697ed6ed⋯.png (603.9 KB,998x560,499:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185359 (152104ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71965

File: fceed4837d5b137⋯.png (1.14 MB,1000x1972,250:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185361 (152104ZJUL23) Notable: “There are no qualified medical doctors in the USA that could deal with his health issues and could heal him. There are such specialists in our Serbsky Center

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Vyacheslav Volodin: the US President Joe Biden is a deeply sick and miserable man

Chairman of the State Duma stressed that Biden’s health issues affect not only him but the whole planet. “Taking into account the fact that the USA is creating more and more tensions in the world, it would be right for him to focus on his health,” he added

July 13, 2023, 13:07

Vyacheslav Volodin stressed that the US President Joe Biden “is a deeply sick and miserable man”.

“There are no qualified medical doctors in the USA that could deal with his health issues and could heal him. There are such specialists in our Serbsky Center, thus it would be right if our international affairs units proposed to provide him medical assistance,” said the Chairman of the State Duma.



The Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry


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c4c1c1 No.71966

File: 84f3089056bb546⋯.png (896.97 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185373 (152106ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185374 (152107ZJUL23) Notable: Gaetz: Defeating Russia in the Donbas is not as important as ensuring that the dollar defeats the yuan for all of your future.

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Gaetz: Defeating Russia in the Donbas is not as important as ensuring that the dollar defeats the yuan for all of your future.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71968

File: aabdda9ea789546⋯.png (235.11 KB,424x549,424:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185381 (152108ZJUL23) Notable: New report reveals that Bill Gates appears to have bought off the health regulator that approved his new Covid vaccine.

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New report reveals that Bill Gates appears to have bought off the health regulator that approved his new Covid vaccine.


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c4c1c1 No.71969

File: da58d5219f859fd⋯.png (771.98 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4972f77074fce81⋯.png (880.67 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185382 (152108ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185413 (152113ZJUL23) Notable: Gaetz: I am ready to win again; winning so much that we get tired of it. After all, isn't that what you were promised!

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Gaetz: I am ready to win again; winning so much that we get tired of it. After all, isn't that what you were promised!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71971

File: dbf19a3fc9ef3f1⋯.png (571.62 KB,997x565,997:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185420 (152114ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71972

File: 183cc6650a88a91⋯.png (570.96 KB,996x555,332:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185430 (152117ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71973

File: 3201388516da200⋯.jpeg (796.42 KB,1170x1979,1170:1979,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185443 (152119ZJUL23) Notable: FREEDOM ISN’T FREE and CENSORSHIP IS THE KEY LOCKING THE DOOR OF FREEDOM!!!

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Hey @elonmusk and the un-censorship team at @Twitter and @TwitterSupport please fix this unimaginable suspension of one of the leading spiritual voices of our time.

Don’t let bergoglio get the best of us.


Release @CarloMVigano





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c4c1c1 No.71974

File: 13795f839f90bfc⋯.png (887.82 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185457 (152121ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185472 (152123ZJUL23) Notable: Ramaswamy: We're not just going to reform these agencies. When these agencies, from the Department of Education, to the FBI, to the ATF, to the IRS, shouldn't have existed in the first place. We will not just reform them, we will shut them down. That is what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic.

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Ramaswamy: We're not just going to reform these agencies. When these agencies, from the Department of Education, to the FBI, to the ATF, to the IRS, shouldn't have existed in the first place. We will not just reform them, we will shut them down. That is what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71976

File: 9d62b20249226b8⋯.jpeg (894.04 KB,1170x1489,1170:1489,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185483 (152124ZJUL23) Notable: Vivek just mentioned “Qanon”

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My apologies - phonefagging and don’t have the embed link…

Vivek just mentioned “Qanon”


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c4c1c1 No.71977

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185494 (152126ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023

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LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023

Turning Point Action


Only 70+ are watching here atm...let's see what happens...

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c4c1c1 No.71978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185504 (152128ZJUL23) Notable: Reports also indicate that the Iranian regime's illegal nuclear activities have escalated in 2023 under the Biden Administration's watch.

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Biden Administration Funding Iran's Nuclear Bomb Tests, Threatening Israel for Trying to Prevent Them?

Reports also indicate that the Iranian regime's illegal nuclear activities have escalated in 2023 under the Biden Administration's watch.


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c4c1c1 No.71979

File: eaffebd68bde379⋯.png (596.44 KB,667x729,667:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185523 (152132ZJUL23) Notable: New York Theater Behind Trump Assassination Staging of ‘Julius Caesar’ Laying Off 19 Percent of Staff

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New York Theater Behind Trump Assassination

Staging of ‘Julius Caesar’ Laying

Off 19 Percent of Staff

Breitbart Entertainment, by David Ng

Posted By: Imright, 7/15/2023 5:22:11 PM

New York’s prestigious Public Theater — which staged the assassination of President Donald Trump in its infamous 2017 production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar — is laying off 19 percent of its staff as it faces a catastrophic financial crisis brought on by plummeting attendance and soaring operating costs. Public Theater leaders announced Friday that nearly 1 in 5 workers will receive a pink slip in a bid to save the institution. Artistic director Oskar Eustis told the New York Times that attendance has cratered by 30 percent while the theater’s costs have skyrocketed by as much as 45 percent.

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c4c1c1 No.71980

File: d54a81f2dfebd64⋯.png (677.56 KB,885x743,885:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185527 (152133ZJUL23) Notable: LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023

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President Trump Delivers Keynote Address

at Turning Point Action Conference –

6:30pm ET Livestream

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 7/15/2023 5:19:38 PM

President Donald Trump will be delivering the keynote address at the Turning Point Action conference today from West Palm Beach, Florida. Anticipated start time from President Trump at 6:30pm ET with ongoing livestreams. [Rumble Links Below] (Video)

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c4c1c1 No.71981

File: 3410a5db6e80b8b⋯.png (999.51 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185531 (152133ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4c1c1 No.71982

File: b258207cb453216⋯.png (209.48 KB,511x380,511:380,Clipboard.png)

File: e00a0744b66882d⋯.png (270.54 KB,509x424,509:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185548 (152135ZJUL23) Notable: Crypto "Will Transcend International Currencies" BlackRock CEO Cheerleads As SEC Accepts Bitcoin ETF Application

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Crypto "Will Transcend International Currencies" BlackRock CEO Cheerleads As SEC Accepts Bitcoin ETF Application

Having told Fox Business last week that the role of cryptocurrency was largely “digitizing gold,” suggesting US regulators consider how an ETF directly linked to Bitcoin could democratize finance, and has the potential to “revolutionize” the financial system; BlackRock CEO Larry Fink was once again doing the media rounds this week, expounding on his new (flip-flopped) role as crypto-cheerleader.

From crypto-hater in 2017, the CEO of the world's largest asset-manager is now telling anyone who will listen that crypto will transcend international currencies.


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c4c1c1 No.71983

File: d0349c5011f680d⋯.jpg (64.15 KB,640x426,320:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185559 (152138ZJUL23) Notable: Why Is Everyone In The US Military Acting Like Everything Is OK?

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Interesting. A very legitimate question. George Marshall and Ike would have kicked most of them out on their asses by now.

Why Is Everyone In The US Military Acting Like Everything Is OK?

By L Todd Wood

July 14, 2023

Views: 5715

Public Domain

Military readiness is collapsing.

Recruitment is collapsing.

Moral is collapsing.

The Chinese Communist Party is gearing up for war.

Our southern border is wide open - we are under invasion.

Our President* admits we have no ammunition.

The U.S. military enabled bioweapon use on its own troops. Those members who refused are still being persecuted.

Diversity hiring is rampant. DEI is the goal - not close air support.

Military leaders are cheering, enabling a useless border conflict in Asia, expending our weapons and resources, while the People's Liberation Army prepares to move on Taiwan, which will destroy the American economy.

President* Biden activates the IRR, for Europe, not our southern border, or Asia.

Yet, the senior officer corp of the U.S. armed forces acts like nothing is wrong.

"Let's kill some Russians!"

Biden's pick for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is worried about the sexuality of soldiers, not winning wars.

The military industrial complex writes articles about new weapon systems, and if the Army needs new vertical lift.

Nothing to see here folks; these aren't the droids you're looking for.

The image of the Joint Chiefs above is one of a group of people who have the power stop the decline of the republic.

But they won't.

They won't live up to their oath.


Perhaps they are in on it?


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c4c1c1 No.71984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185566 (152138ZJUL23) Notable: Ramaswamy said Friday that a president already had the power to shut down agencies, including the FBI, without going through Congress.

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Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said Friday that a president already had the power to shut down agencies, including the FBI, without going through Congress.

“The U.S. president already has statutory authority, the Presidential Reorganization Act of 1977, says you can shut down redundant agencies,” Ramaswamy explained to the former Fox News host. “Well, when I look at what the DEA does and what the U.S. Marshals do, there’s my legal justification for shutting down the FBI without asking Congress for permission or forgiveness.”


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c4c1c1 No.71985

File: 2fb85d7789b3f01⋯.png (18.08 KB,386x246,193:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ea80d0254fbf80⋯.png (25.05 KB,551x246,551:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185609 (152147ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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I never thought I would ever see this day



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c4c1c1 No.71986

File: 7ebfb82de21e366⋯.png (119.97 KB,672x711,224:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185612 (152147ZJUL23) Notable: Prince Andrew asked Jeffrey Epstein for help over $200million oil deal during trip to New York

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Prince Andrew asked Jeffrey Epstein for help over $200million oil deal during trip to New York - which the Duke had insisted was a journey to end his friendship with the disgraced financier, court documents reveal

Prince Andrew previously said he visited Epstein to break off their friendship

But a document reveals how at the time he also requested his help with funding

It was the damning picture of him strolling through New York’s Central Park in 2010 with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein that triggered Prince Andrew’s dramatic downfall.

During his catastrophic BBC interview with Emily Maitlis four years ago, the Prince insisted the ‘sole purpose’ of visiting Epstein in December 2010 was to break off their friendship because of the billionaire’s 18-month jail sentence for child prostitution offences.

Andrew insisted he had to ‘show leadership’ and tell Epstein in person.

But now a bombshell legal document seen by The Mail on Sunday reveals how at the time of his New York visit, the King’s brother had also requested Epstein’s help with securing $200 million (£153 million) in funding for a mysterious fuel company.

Epstein forwarded the request to his private banker Jes Staley on the first of at least five days that Andrew spent at Epstein’s £60 million Manhattan mansion.

The document states: ‘On December 2, 2010, Jeffrey Epstein forwards an email to Staley from Prince Andrew with an inquiry the Prince received from Aria Petroleum looking for a $200m working capital line.

'Since the company is based in the US, Prince Andrew appeared to suggest Epstein connect them with a US bank.’

The message seems to undermine Andrew’s justification for visiting Epstein and raises new questions about his role as Britain’s roving trade ambassador between 2001 and 2011.

The Government this weekend declined to say whether the approach to Epstein was made as part of his role as trade envoy or if it was sanctioned by ministers.

However, former minister Norman Baker said: ‘Andrew’s case that he flew over to America to break up relations with Jeffrey Epstein was threadbare at best. Now it’s been shot through to pieces.’

The 22-page document, detailing emails between Epstein and Staley, has been released as a result of a case filed against JP Morgan bank by the US Virgin Islands government.

The bank, where Epstein was a client, is being sued over claims that it knowingly benefited from his sex-trafficking operation.

The messages do not make clear where Aria Petroleum was based, what exactly its business was or how it managed to approach a senior member of the Royal Family.


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c4c1c1 No.71987

File: 058f0e20f6c2801⋯.png (1.13 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: af0d188f00dead4⋯.png (1.13 MB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 944efa125578724⋯.png (900.79 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 910b94afe6e38e1⋯.png (948.66 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185622 (152148ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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c4c1c1 No.71988

File: 5705598bda4f367⋯.png (63.36 KB,849x536,849:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185630 (152150ZJUL23) Notable: Russian Warship Docks a Stone's Throw from US Mainland Shores

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Russian Warship Docks a Stone's Throw from US Mainland Shores

By Rachel Emmanuel, Western Journal July 15, 2023 at 5:41pm

A Russian warship arrived in Havana on Tuesday for the first official visit by a Russian naval vessel to Cuba in years.

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c4c1c1 No.71989

File: dbc60c7f1a75cd0⋯.png (505.14 KB,984x788,246:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185648 (152155ZJUL23) Notable: Prince Andrew asked Jeffrey Epstein for help over $200million oil deal during trip to New York

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Andrews ex wife sarah fergerson was borrowing off Epstein

note: lots of hyperlinks on below article

use your discernment to wade through the yahoo article



Sarah Ferguson’s Own History With Jeffrey Epstein May Explain Why She’s So Quick to Defend Prince Andrew


Kristyn Burtt

July 30, 2021·3 min read

Sarah Ferguson is busy making the rounds promoting her new book, Her Heart for a Compass, but it’s shining the spotlight back on an old topic that seems to keep circling the royal family: Jeffrey Epstein. While much of the talk surrounding the convicted pedophile is with Prince Andrew, Ferguson does have her own complicated history with the sex offender.

The former royal has gone through some notoriously public issues with financial debt, including owing her former personal assistant, Johnny O’Sullivan over $100,000 in salary. With no way to pay off that enormous sum promptly, she turned to Epstein to help settle the issue. As a businessman, he restructured her debt, got O’Sullivan to agree to a $20,000 settlement and Epstein paid off her tab. To make matters even more sinister, this entire deal was arranged by Ferguson’s ex, Prince

Sarah Ferguson is busy making the rounds promoting her new book, Her Heart for a Compass, but it’s shining the spotlight back on an old topic that seems to keep circling the royal family: Jeffrey Epstein. While much of the talk surrounding the convicted pedophile is with Prince Andrew, Ferguson does have her own complicated history with the sex offender.

The former royal has gone through some notoriously public issues with financial debt, including owing her former personal assistant, Johnny O’Sullivan over $100,000 in salary. With no way to pay off that enormous sum promptly, she turned to Epstein to help settle the issue. As a businessman, he restructured her debt, got O’Sullivan to agree to a $20,000 settlement and Epstein paid off her tab. To make matters even more sinister, this entire deal was arranged by Ferguson’s ex, Prince Andrew.

More from SheKnows

Prince William & Kate Middleton Have the Most to Lose With Prince Harry's New Memoir

Meghan Markle and Sarah Ferguson’s experiences with the Royal family were similar but there was one big difference between the treatment of these two women. https://t.co/yjg5tmEShc

— SheKnows (@SheKnows) July 27, 2021

In 2011, this questionable business dealing came to light, per The Telegraph, and the Duchess of York had to offer a very embarrassing apology. “I, personally, on behalf of myself, deeply regret that Jeffrey Epstein became involved in any way with me,” she said in a statement to the U.K. publication. “I abhor peadophilia and any sexual abuse of children and know that this was a gigantic error of judgment on my behalf. I am just so contrite I cannot say.”

Andrew’s suspicious ties to Epstein, who died by suicide in 2019, created a very convoluted web that the royals got themselves into. But it makes it easy to understand why Ferguson stands by the royal family, no matter how poorly they’ve treated her in the past. And she’s doubling down on her loyalty in her latest press rounds on Good Morning America by sharing that she is a “number one fan of the monarchy” and believes in the “extraordinary steadfastness of the queen.”

But she didn’t stop there, Ferguson wanted to make sure everyone understood that she stands by Prince Andrew’s side, even though they’ve been divorced since 1996. “He is a great man and [our wedding day] was the best day of my life,” she said on the morning show. “I would do it all over again because he was a very good-looking sailor, but I fell in love with him and I think love conquers all.” So if she has any reservations about her ex’s alleged interactions with underage girls procured by Epstein, she isn’t going to share them with us — she is 100% pro-monarchy.

It’s a murky situation that will probably see more headlines and have people asking questions once the sex-trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former partner, begins in November. Prince Andrew and Ferguson will have to face their alleged misdeeds once again.

Our mission at SheKnows is to empower and inspire women, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.

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c4c1c1 No.71990

File: d741966738c8ca9⋯.png (320.89 KB,575x793,575:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185651 (152156ZJUL23) Notable: General Flynn calling out Oprah for her friendship with John of God just made my day!

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Liz Crokin


General Flynn calling out Oprah for her friendship with John of God just made my day! 🔥 @TrueGenFlynn

Jul 15, 2023, 10:49 AM

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c4c1c1 No.71991

File: b201758d8bd4ea5⋯.png (286.25 KB,598x538,299:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185657 (152156ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

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c4c1c1 No.71992

File: f24aedc160f5681⋯.png (334.45 KB,598x635,598:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185661 (152157ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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As an “Ashkenazi jew” I have never had COVID. You know what else? I got the vaccine and the booster.

RFK Jr.: “The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

Why does RFK Jr. bother to even discuss conspiracy theories which have no hard data to back things… Show more

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c4c1c1 No.71993

File: 59537eedd622885⋯.png (270.13 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185663 (152158ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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UPDATED | At an off-the-rails event earlier this week in New York, RFK Jr. said “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people,” but not “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” He later denied saying that, despite video evidence.

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c4c1c1 No.71994

File: 41c0133ac4d208e⋯.png (275.38 KB,598x541,598:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185666 (152158ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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said “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

1. What is his source for this bullshit?

2. Who is funding this psychotic asshole?

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c4c1c1 No.71995

File: 97247e6a2f4fa37⋯.png (271.36 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185670 (152158ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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Absolutely disgusting and insane. The @nypost

obtained video from a recent RFK Jr. event where he suggested COVID is a Chinese bioweapon “ethnically targeted” to “attack Caucasians and Black people” and to spare “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” people. He then falsely claimed the… Show more

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c4c1c1 No.71996

File: fae0d32ec1cd5fd⋯.png (879.76 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185682 (152200ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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c4c1c1 No.71997

File: 564f7680b8b63b9⋯.png (65.57 KB,546x444,91:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185688 (152201ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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There it is.

Hey @RobertKennedyJr

, my grandparents were Ashkenazi Jews that came to the US as children in the Pogroms from Russia.

Your lies are giving people like this a reason to hate people like me—to believe that there is a conspiracy of Jews to kill them.

Fuck you.

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c4c1c1 No.71998

File: 73f7a244a68c497⋯.png (35.08 KB,598x158,299:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185691 (152201ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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RFK Jr’s despicable claim that COVID-19 is a bio weapon designed to spare Ashkenazi Jews and harm white people (meaning he doesn’t consider us white) is something MTG would say. This roid rage racist is no Democrat. And if you support him, neither are you

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c4c1c1 No.71999

File: 734cfd2ee3fa809⋯.png (36.49 KB,598x158,299:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185694 (152201ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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Let’s get this straight once & for all. If you still support, platform, or give attention to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after he claimed COVID is a “bioweapon” meant to “ethnically target...Caucasians & Black people” & spare “Ashkenazi Jews & Chinese,” you are part of the problem.

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c4c1c1 No.72000

File: 89f1d86e275a584⋯.png (326.28 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185711 (152204ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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The Ashkenazi are people from the Rhineland in the west of Germany whose ancestors converted to Judaism and are now known as Ashkenazi Jews. RFK Jr. suggests China targeted Caucasians/Blacks with COVID and spared Chinese and Ashkenazi. For Ashkenazi, it may just be genetics. -VJ

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c4c1c1 No.72001

File: 26ea1ee9efc429a⋯.png (855.18 KB,1216x684,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185744 (152209ZJUL23) Notable: pics

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c4c1c1 No.72002

File: 3b45688572462fc⋯.png (323.55 KB,598x669,598:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185746 (152209ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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QOTD #1:

"Covid-19 is targeted to attack *Caucasians & black people. The races that are most immune are *Ashkenazi Jews & Chinese".

(RFK Jr.)

*I'm no expert, but aren't Ashkenazi Jews - Caucasians?

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c4c1c1 No.72003

File: 3fe775f98412392⋯.png (32.46 KB,598x178,299:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185752 (152210ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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You might not know this if you’re not Jewish, but Ashkenazi Jews are the Jews from Eastern Europe, the main victims of the Holocaust

And a large percentage of the population of Ukraine. But tell me again RFK Jr is not on Putin‘s payroll

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c4c1c1 No.72004

File: e4ab50cfe87d261⋯.png (36.52 KB,598x158,299:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185760 (152211ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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What Robert F. Kennedy Jr reportedly said about COVID in relation to Ashkenazi Jews & Chinese people is horrid…One important question when it comes to this conspiracy mongering stain on the Kennedy name is: who are the donors & people funding/supporting his campaign?

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c4c1c1 No.72005

File: 73d0923b4f6eb4d⋯.png (35.71 KB,598x158,299:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185766 (152211ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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“Ashkenazi Jews” is trending. Just want 2 say that antisemitism is a precursor 2 authoritarian takeover, and a signifier of mass, worldwide human rights violations. It is not the same as racism, tho racism is 1 component. Its unique bc conspiracy theories mobilize ppl to violence

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c4c1c1 No.72006

File: 5fa0d06c6c56a5f⋯.png (323.75 KB,598x569,598:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185772 (152212ZJUL23) Notable: Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

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"COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted..." Kennedy said. "COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese".

Aren't bats smart?

Smarter than antisemitic RFK Jr

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c4c1c1 No.72007

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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